#but lbr I have PRIORITIES
I am once again getting emotional about Eliot Spencer and the ways he both gives and receives love.
#leverage#mine#eliot spencer my beloved#watching the first season of redemption is just an exercise in finding OT3 Easter eggs I s2g#and honestly just general soft family moments for everyone#but lbr I have PRIORITIES#anyway today it was just like a couple throwaway lines and details that are making me emotional#for example: when breanna is trying to get Parker to let her get out of the van??#her big argument is that hardison left the van#and rather than saying the team made him practice and train too (or something along those lines)#instead​ what Parker actually says is#‘yeah and it was a long time before ELIOT would let him open those van doors’#and I’m very emo about the universal understanding that Eliot is the only one with that authority#cuz I get that keeping everyone alive is Eliot’s whole job#but Breannas readiness is clearly up for discussion by the whole team#Sophie and Parker and Eliot and Hardison all give input on how ready she is#but Parker specifying that it was Eliot ALONE that made the decision about Alec’s safety/readiness#really implies an extra level of protectiveness that goes significantly beyond practicality/professional concern#and not only that-it also says that every other member of the team completely acknowledges and respects Eliot’s over-protectiveness#and just accepts accepts it as a matter of course#because it is a truth universally acknowledged that Parker and hardison are the exception to EVERY Eliot Spencer rule#because they’re in LOVE#The other tiny detail that I guess I noticed but hadn’t done the math on was the boxing bag in the new headquarters#Alex hardison is a very caring and loving person and one of his favorite live languages is NESTING#that man creates homes for his loved ones wherever he goes#and you can literally measure his level of intimacy with his partners by how specialized he makes a space for them#and like. This was very obvious by season 5 with the brewpub#but I love the ways they snuck it into redemption too#for Parker it was the whole conversation about the vents he made for Parker at home#and for Eliot it was putting a punching bag in the middle of the very beautiful work/bar space he created
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Yayoi Dojima should've stayed Chairman. Sure there'd be no further games w/Tojo drama b/c they'd have gotten they're shit together but she deserves to kick their asses.
no but actually let that woman stay in charge !!!!!! LET HER COOK
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ssaalexblake · 6 months
and whenever i see shobna gulati in anything i get really upset that the plague most likely stole a great deal of Yaz story from us :/
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ambreiiigns · 1 year
i'm tired of drawing generic ghouls. we are moving on to designing the specific band ghouls. who's shitting their pants in excitement abt it (me)
#obviously i have ALREADY designed omega. long ago. obviously#i am feeling a calling to the current ghouls rn. ghoulettes especially#like obviously the dream is to draw all the meliora-to-current-era ghouls eventually buuuuut. ya know. ya girl's got exams#and limited energy#speaking of energy guess who got her energu drinks fill today at the store. so maybe#not TODAY but in the near future. between studying. yea#like i'm just. i just wanna draw dewdrop#it is tumblr user coreyvoss's fault and maybe like marginally blix#priorities are ghoulettes INCLUDING MIST!!!! dewdrop aether swiss alpha#i have in mind like. they got their fully creecher lookin forms the very goat type. a fully human Disguise that is not going to look like#the human musicians that play as the ghouls tho. maybe just barely if what they look like Speaks to me but the idea is to have 5% max yk#like. i'm taking per's and mad gallica's hair and that's it type of deal#and THEN i have assigned them a bonus form that is some sort of mix of the human and demon forms simply bc i thought it would be#fun to design. there is no good reason like. in universe for a form like this to exist#i just KNOW it's gonna be a blast to design tho :) i still have to work out what it lools like but it'll be probably like.#just human w weird skintone&eyecolor + horns or smth. you know the type#that half assed demon bullshit you know the type. i will have a blast#obviously i'm designing the specific band ghouls in This <- form i just mentioned ofc obv ofc tbh ofc lbr irl#cool. i'm excited#oh nay
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
I was wondering if you have any recommendations for shows that have a similar feel to early riverdale and all the goodness that bughead used to be? I need to cleanse my palate after this awful season!! Thank you very much!
tbh, i can't really think of anything at the moment.
the feel of early riverdale with some bughead vibes seems like a teen show with a side of mystery hitting the jackpot, you know? i don't actually watch any teen shows outside of nancy drew (which i do recommend if that's your vibe because mysteries and actual friendships with an added dash of shippy vibes).
so i guess nancy drew?
i honestly don't even know what tv is out there for the most part, i don't watch a lot of it. i have a whole bunch of shows on a list i am promising myself to watch/catch up on tho. i must be so helpful, i know.
maybe someone will comment in the replies with some good recs.💜
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im-no-jedi · 3 months
and I'm ready to simp for my man again 🥴
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002yb · 9 months
I love Tim in your dickjay content😭😭 its lovely. Especially with Dick being a possesive ass. So i was wondering what if Tim has a little way too obvious crush on Jay (only Jay doesn't know) and Dick is very:)) because Jason is *his*
Thank you so much!! Something about Tim being infinitely exhausted by his smitten in love/lust brothers is so funny. He's perpetually brought in to the dickjay shenanigans and he can't find the unsubscribe button lol (though lbr he likes to watch 👀)
Anyway, a bit of a spin on the usual with Tim genuinely crushing on Jason; thank you for the prompts!
Said crush is entirely based on physical attraction though
Tim gets a face full of toddies one day and it changes him as a man
There's no going back after experiencing the majesty that are Jason's pecs - so plush, so ample, so lewd
He's never fallen so hard for someone in such a shallow, superficial way but he isn't even mad about it
Jason's breasts? Hot damn.
This attraction leads to a lot of subconscious staring
Jason doesn't notice, but Dick most definitely does
A lot of Dick's time goes to admiring Jason's chest; it's his choice wonder to marvel - of course he notices when someone else is awed by them, too
There's nothing respectful in the way Tim watches their heft or bounce though. The punk is perving; Dick would know the look anywhere.
Dick looking between Tim and the toddies before scowling something fierce as he comes to the conclusion: he needs to assert his dominance over Jason's bountiful bosom. Tim is out of line--
Meanwhile Tim honestly doesn't care. He recognizes that this 'crush' is just his hormones running wild. Jason has an allure about him that attracts attention. He's unintentionally obscene and like -- it's a sight. Tim likes pretty pictures. So he doesn't have any real intention to act; Tim just wants to watch.
And watch he does because Dick comes out with so much aggression in showing Tim who Jason belongs with:
Post-training cool down. Dick, Jason and Tim running through stretches on the mat. Tim very clearly staring off into space as he catches a glimpse of pec through the low side slit of Jason's top and Dick bristles.
It leads to Dick pulling Jason into the space between his legs with Jason's back pressed to Dick's front before Dick wraps bodily around him, hands raised to hold Jason's pecs steady and keep him modest.
And like, joke is on Dick because Tim isn't even bothered. Still hot.
And so it goes. Again and again because Dick recognizes that Tim isn't the sort to scare easy. Of course not - Tim is Robin, Dick's protege. He shouldn't expect any different.
Jason and Tim reading in the manor library. Or Jason reading, Tim does research for a case. A lower priority consideration given how Tim looks over his laptop to stare at the stretch of Jason's shirt over his pecs.
Dick, a looming night terror over Tim's shoulders. Tim might jump a bit when Dick asks about the case - so absorbed by Jason that he hadn't been aware of his surroundings and oh, that's a problem.
Dick laying over top of Jason to obscure the view and Tim pouts a bit - both because Dick is blocking the view and also because Tim might be a bit jealous. Jason's chest looks comfortable to nap on.
And more:
Where Tim coughs to get Jason's attention as they're getting dressed for patrol.
When Jason turns to look at Tim -- the kid holds bandaids out to him and at first Jason is ??? but then Tim casts a quick glance down to his chest and then he flusters because omfg
The toddy nips are being lewd through Jason's shirt
Embarrassed as Jason is, he takes the bandages. Grateful because they're actually really sensitive. Stupid Dick and the recent escalation in his tit fetish.
Jason taping them on and Tim watching with wide eyes and flushed cheeks because oh. Tim can't blame Dick's fetish at all - this is...wow.
And to wrap it up:
When Jason and Tim are dressing down post patrol, Tim is legit taken out at the knees. They straight up give out on him at the sight of Jason's chest being marked up - ravaged
It doesn't help matters that Jason gives Tim a side eye and pouts about it.
Tim wants a picture so bad. Jason is so damn pretty
Basically Dick really just exacerbates the problem of Tim having a crush on Jason and it's amazing. Jason is none the wiser.
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quidfree · 7 months
do you have a favorite character from TSH? if so, who and why? what about between papenathy?
i can’t believe this isn’t immediately apparent from my writing but my deathly serious tsh character ranking list goes like this
judy poovey
everyone else
bunny & julian
also re papenathy as a rule of thumb whatever my #1 ship is usually includes my top 2 characters from a medium. i would never pair a flop with one of my faves*
*in tartt universe all characters are on the flop-menace spectrum but that’s why the pairings work internally
i was about to hit post when i realised you also asked why. ive already made multiple posts analysing the tsh charas or their relationships which i feel gets into the meat of it anyway so please peruse those tags for longer explanations but as a quick breakdown of my takes:
judy: i just find her so funny and refreshing throughout the whole book; she serves a great meta purpose in breaking the illusion of richard’s trustworthiness as a narrator; she’s actually one of the nicer people we meet relative to all the other assholes in richard’s life; her scenes speak to both her commonalities and differences with richard and i enjoy them a lot. also i love that she’s based on a real person who then did costuming for succession.
francis: do i even need to explain this… hes an icon. i love all the layers to francis (which we only even get to see bc him & richard are so #real worsties)- how he’s so dramatic and emotive but can compose himself at will, how hes both confrontational and cowardly, his random kindnesses and mean quips, his completely fucked sense of priorities at all times…. also his insane childhood & his self-made tragedy in the epilogues. enfant terrible!
i do also love richard for all that he’s a nightmare. hes suuuuuch a mess wrapped within an I Am Normal package #tarttcore. love the way he teeters between reckless self-destruction and “umm you guys are weird” judgment. his self-censorship and revisionist tendencies as a narrator. his outsider role and his actual desperate liking of his murderous rich friends who do not particularly care about him. hes literally 19…. he should have been in the club….
henry & camilla are both interesting but henry is like The Statue and camilla is The Shadow in the sense that theyre both not fully realised ppl bc of richard’s pov/pedestal. henry is kind of the mvp of tsh of course, greattttt lines, compelling character, drives the action, but ultimately hard to crack as a complete person and full of hubris that annoys me. i respect that he gave us hot takes and drama the whole way through. camilla i enjoy the pieces of- beef with judy, french post murder fever, mysterious phone calls, entanglements- but lbr she is the least characterised individual in the book and thus hard to connect to outside of fanon. i still like her tho i esp enjoy how unbothered she is living her own side stories. and i just know she suffered incalculable martyrdom running amongst those men.
charles is more of a real person to richard than the above and he compels me also. such a jarring (if telegraphed) shift from part i to part ii. in a way his descent into darkness humanises him the most bc at least hes torn up about the whole murder business in the first place! but by god his relationships are fucked.
bunny is at best funny. but hes just like. a conservative asshole whos not even smart enough for the course he nepo-babied his way into. and then julian has fun literature class bits and is admittedly also funny (he is so not willing to get dragged into the drama it’s comical) but is just a nefarious elitist weirdo. they get nothing from me.
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clockworkcheetah · 10 months
not me coming here with an analysis on the 2x07 brotzly arguement that nobody wants. this kinda fell into me going and aNOTHER THING, but i'll try and keep it vaguely coherent
also these are just interpretations/theorising- they're just ideas to chew on. obviously i'm coming to todds defense a little bit here (lbr he gets the most flack for a scene where i dont think anyones to blame) and at the end of the day its just a bit of fun innit
firstly and the main take here:
dirk did not want to be comforted right then and there. sounds a little odd, right? when you're upset you expect someone to hug you and tell you everything's fine. well... not always. especially when you're angry. especially when you're someone who needs time to process everything. he didn't want to be touched- throughout s2 he flinches away from todd (2x03) and he often uses something to shield himself- a cushion/the filing cabinet (2x03 and 2x04). he also distances himself from everyone when obviously upset. aka he wants space. the point is, todd picked up on that. he isnt gonna try and give dirk a comfort hug because how well would that go down, really? also i will point out in that scene todd never does try and touch dirk- when he notices dirk's upset, he kneels down close and speaks softly, but doesn't go further. it's similar to other times- close, but doesn't touch- dirk actually puts the distance between them. compared to how beast is with dirk, how BW treats dirk too, and how miserable he is the entire time with unwanted touching.
what todd normally does- and what seems to have worked before, is words of encouragement- they inspire him! except... he didnt want todd's words of encouragement or pep talks this time. at that point they would be just empty words, completely meaningless. he very clearly wasn't in the state of mind where any of that would've helped to me, i think dirk just really needed to vent and rage and eventually cool off and be in a better enough mental state to actually talk it through. but it's entirely possible even then he wouldn't wanna talk to todd- he clearly has a lot of self-blame to what has happened to him, even if todd doesnt blame him for that. and thats not todd's fault for not knowing that (todd not knowing will come up alot). hes not a mind reader, he has other priorities, and todd's own mental state isn't exactly great in s2, either. (another reason that occured to me why dirk might not talk to todd even afer he had time to process is the simple fact that todd was there. he spoke to francis and beast about the events of either the spring or cardenas case. hell! he even unloaded onto hobbs within knowing him a few hours. yet with todd, he doesn't... he could've told todd about the timeloop, the spring case, ect, but he knew todd was going to be there. maybe i'm reaching but its interesting- and falls back onto dirk keeps todd at arm's length (this will also come up alot). might make another post on that specifically)
so lets talk about todd now. a lot of flack he gets is that he shouldn't have left dirk, his words were harsh and his frustration came out of nowhere
i've already dived into the leaving thing (although he didn't abandon dirk. i kind of hate that narrative- he didn't tie dirk to a tree in the middle of the woods and drive off) dirk didn't want to go, wasn't in the state of mind to go and todd had a motivation to go. todd didnt force dirk to come with- even though he very much wanted him to- and dirk didn't force todd to stay. (and amanda at this point was still his main priority- was this a good priority? no! his arc was learning to let her go. dirk wasn't todd's main focus throughout s2 and this isn't a revelation. dirk still mattered- todd didn't stop caring for dirk just because he went off on his own.) and yes maybe he should've indicated he was coming back more clearly, because like todd, dirk isn't a mind reader either (but i'll come back to the communication thing)
todd's words were harsh. they were, i'm not pretending they weren't and they're supposed to be, because the brotzmans tend to be harsh when angry. i'm not justifying, but i can think of reasons: 1. self-projection. pretty much all of todd's really angry moments (directed at patrick and dirk in 1x07 and also suzie in 2x10) you can tell he's talking about himself at the core of it. with 2x07, i'll admit this falls into fanon speculation, but this line: 'Friendship isn't just about someone being there for you. It about you being there for them too.' there's weight there. there's no way this was just said on a whim, imo. todd is friendless at the start of the show, and yeah his selfish choices fucked them all up- but i think people tried to be there for him, and he pushed them all away (and probably hates himself for that.) I don't think dirk's being selfish, but todd had a point in indicating people have been trying to help and dirk wasn't accepting it. from the audience's pov yeah, we know why. todd's pov? he's given speeches, coaxed dirk into talking to him, or to engage with the case (dirk's indicated plenty of times he's a detective and wants to do cases). he is trying in the friendship, but dirk keeps him at arms length. for todd this would eventually become frustrating. (once again, i'll come back to this) 2. the blackwing line. hoo boy. 'I'm sorry they didn't teach you that at Blackwing' like i said, i doubt this was suppose to be favourable to todd here. but, a thing to consider: he doesn't know how bad blackwing is. '"Blackwing," it's a defunct CIA program that's after Dirk.' (1x06) 'Well, they don't exactly let us just wander around the halls' (2x02) 'I was in a government prison for psychics.' (2x02) todd was def given a watered down version of BW. todd wouldn't have known dirk was small in there- he says he hasnt seen mona in 15 years, we dont know dirk's exact age, probably early-mid 30s, though. todd is likely imagining dirk to be late teens-early 20s- and no context to how long he was in there the first time. another thing is, dirk talks about BW in a particular way- with humour, he downplays the trauma, and plays up that ~he was in a psychic prison~ to impress people. so in todd's pov, BW almost sounds like a very strict school (like how teens describe school as a prison). of course dirk doesn't- and shouldn't- have to traumadump anything, but todd has a specific idea of BW that he's been holding to for two months with no corrections to it and no real context provided. to add to that, todd is woefully optimistic. all throughout s2 he was desperately holding onto hope for things to be what they were. at the end of s1 he seemed ok(ish) with letting amanda go, then he got her phonecall and he spiralled- to a near delusional degree, basically in denial with the idea things can never go back to what he wants- until amanda tells him that is reality. self-improvement isn't smooth and linear, so him reverting isn't too shocking nor is it ooc of him. he needed to be called out and he was.
his frustration came out of nowhere. no it didn't. won't lie i'm not entirely sure how to word this one without being really blunt, but it very much was building up, dirk wasn't making it easy. ultimately i think there was some compassion fatigue- he had been trying to motivate and encourage dirk throughout s2- this wasn't a one-off time, at some point it was going to wear thin. todd has finite patience- but he did try. not to mention, todd never got openly angry with dirk in that scene, he stays relatively calm. the only time the frustration really came out was at the end, when he realised dirk wasn't coming with. also the whole yet again, dirk keeping todd at a distance thing. eventually that distrust is also going to wear todd out.
next thing, priest. todd's not stupid i mean he is but sometimes he's smart he would've picked up that priest did something to dirk- nobody knows what specifically, but there's obviously something. the only info we get (from todd's pov) is:
'-that man, Mr. Priest, I've met him before, Todd. He kills people.'
couple things to take from this: - 'i've met him before' suggests they didn't interact all that often- it sounds like they met once and a lot can happen in one meeting, of course. could be dirk downplaying his trauma again, pretending priest wasn't his childhood monster, or that he's in denial that priest did something really bad to him. but we don't know! todd isn't going to know that either - the 'he kills people' line doesn't really hold much weight for todd. how many people does he know who kill people? quite a lot at this point. priest is just another guy on the long list of guys who kill people- he doesn't know much more than that.
something else i picked up on is this scene parallels quite well with 1x01. aka dirk givig a motivational speech and todd responds with: 'No. You know what, no, I don't want to hear all that from you right now.' whilst dirk never directly says he doesn't want to hear what todd had to say in 2x07, it certainly read like he didn't want to. maybe todd recognised that (the whole self-projection thing) and decided to back-off. yeah, he was bitchy about it, but giving breathing room isn't bad and honestly? seemed like the smartest move in the heat of the moment- the whole dirk wants space when upset. not too mention, todd 100% knew what dirk was doing- pushing people away, trying to make todd hate him- see him as a bad person who hurts people, because todd does the same thing. tbh that's probably why todd got bitchy with his response- he likely saw through it and the brotzmans when they sense shit aren't gonna be that soft in their replies
i think that's all the main things i noticed about that scene. but i have a few smaller ones that link back to previous points:
dirk is dismissive, keeping todd at arm's length- he is in s1 (brushing away todd's questions) and moreso in s2 (the wet circles, not wanting todd to be in the house within a house with him,ect). the constant dismissal is going to start becoming discouraging. how is todd supposed to help someone who wants help but also doesn't want help? plus todd wants to help dirk! finding amanda is his main priority, yes. but he is down to be his assistant
todd knows dirk cares for him- doesn't know just how much- but being told that to dirk 'he's just a guy whose life he ruined' we can 1. add a big old dose of guilt on todd's end, and 2. that probably feels like a slap to the face, even if todd likely knows dirk did that on purpose. (also a smaller detail, that admittedly might be reaching a bit, during dirk's rant he mentions that '-And then I end up alone!' despite the fact todd hadn't actually left yet, hadn't given any indication that he has given up on dirk. but it reads as dirk rejecting todd already)
they don't actually know eachother that well. one week, then a two month gap, then s2 was around a week long. they absolutely haven't worked their footing out yet.
to add to that- their communication sucks. especially dirk tbh. he probably was keeping todd at arm's length in a misguided way of protecting him. and tbh i don't think dirk was ready to let todd in yet. this is nobody's fault- todd wanting to be let in, and dirk shutting him out. this could be a sperate post but i think the 2x08 rescue, and the 'don't spin out' in 2x09 was dirk finally letting todd in.
self-recognition through the other. or todd seeing himself in dirk (but not in the sexy way) the way dirk was talking, even the words he was saying, his attitude, his anger... todd's been there. and who does todd hate most of all?
todd put all his faith in dirk. granted, this is todd's own undoing and nothing dirk could've done. but dirk quitting being a detective maybe have been a reason why todd got mean. at this point todd's got no money, no job, no home, no purpose. dirk gave him a purpose that he threw away right in front of him. however, to consider- todd didn't lose faith in dirk. despite the anger and the words said, todd had total faith dirk will work it out. and he did. (this comes back to my thoughts on 2x08/2x09, so i won't delve into them here)
that's all i got for now. it's very easy to fall down a rabbit hole with this scene and these characters. and i can easily do a follow-up on this because i've def missed things. but this is getting so long. ultimately, i don't think either was in the right headspace in that scene- they had differing motivations. and neither was the villain for that.
tldr: messy situation between two messy people is messy on both ends
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Kim Dokja Propaganda
he canonically dies seven times <3 he's tried and avoided dying even more than that. multiple characters in text have asked him to stop dying.
He literally plans his own death out and then gets surprised when it happens and people react to him dying he's so stupid I love him
he does it 12 times i'm not joking
i lost count but he's died and come back at least 4 times. mf won't stay dead (affectionate) but he's also so damn smug everytime like he didn't just give all his friends lasting trauma for the 3rd time that week
He is like, the perfect person for this tournament. He dies, and dies, and dies like every 5 seconds. And the majority of them are emotional. I think. Like, we know he's not actually dead but his friends don't (in most of them).
So here's some of my hightlights (Contains spoilers):
-His first death was by being incinerated by a dragon's breath (not really interesting, but it's his first death).
-There was an scenario(missions? kinda?) where they had to kill the strongest in the dome and nobody knew who it was so there were two really strong guys having a duel and while everyone else was busy watching it he killed himself behind a building and just waited for everyone to notice (he was the strongest in there).
    +People called him ugly at his funeral
-Idk if it counts as a death but he sacrificed himself and got expelled from the system and I don't remember if his body was destroyed but I think yes. So this would normally mean you will die for real so everyone thought he was dead but he kept his soul alive by talking to himself and eating garbage and went to a doctor and leaded a coup d'etat and gave birth(? kinda?) all while pretending to be someone else.
-He was asleep while using a skill to watch his friends have a serious discussion about his kinks and dies.
this man. keeps. dying. everytime he dies it traumatises his kids and friends and then he does it again! eventually they just straight up locked him up in gay baby jail in an attempt to get him to stop dying. it didnt work. hes a disaster and i love him
That man CANNOT stop dying istg (via sacrificing his life) i don't even know how many times he's died,,, (it's the suicidal tendencies and the feeling he doesn't deserve a happy ending lbr)
(warning for spoilers in the next paragraph)
he has 1)died by throwing himself at a giant dragon 2)died by throwing himself in front of his blorbo/reason for living (who has threatened to kill him multiple times) at the hand of the woman who later on become his daughter    (he came back from those 2 in a few minutes with a power that allowed him to resurrect if he saves 100 people) (he then lost this power and gained another that allowed him 7 resurrections but with a longer delay)
3)died by asking his internet bully/best friend to kill him to save the city  4)there was a prophecy he was going to be killed by the person he loves most. his mum killed him knowing about his resurrection power and hoping it would complete the prophecy. it did not. (fun fact he was passed out when that happened and his previously mentioned best friend was defending him, and she allowed the shot to hit his heart to avoid it hitting his crotch #priorities)  5)sacrificed himself by turning into the villain and making all his friends kill him to stop his blorbo from doing the same. fun fact he was the one to deliver the final blow and it did satisfy the prophecy. also for reasons his resurrection power didn't work here (he still found a way to come back though! but it was much more difficult and complicated
also, it's irrelevant to all this but he literally gets adopted by hades and persephone at some point and becomes the heir to the underworld
anyway this is very long and does not include all his deaths i don't think but you get the idea! orv is very good i promise don't get fooled by my shitty description lmao
This ridiculous man has an addiction to dying istg. He makes a point of obtaining every ability he can that allows him to return from death and chooses to throw himself in harms way constantly. His companions has to sedate him just to get him to take a break because he just will not stop dying on them. Hes a hamster of a man. Hes also just so pathetically average and abnormal at the same time and its great. Throughout the whole story, people try to convince him to stop sacrificing himself for them, but he just keeps doing it because he doesnt really know how else to show how much he cares because he is incredibly emotionally stunted (its the trauma!). Orv is legitimately such a good webnovel, it changed my brain chemistry permanently. Its a really great read because it contains a little bit of everything, so you get to enjoy a bunch of different genres. Its also pretty fast paced but not rushed, so the plot is always moving forward but not feeling forced. There arent really any plotholes either, because it accomplishes what it set out to do as a story. Only issue some people have getting into it is that the first chunk of chapters are kinda slow, but it really starts to pick up after the disasters and keeps getting better from there. Also that it has 551 chapters, but these chapters are all necessary, trust me. The ending is so good. Just try to avoid spoilers some if you do check it out; they dont necessarily ruin the experience but some major plot moments are revealed. Also, I really reccommend reading the actual webnovel instead of the manhwa(which is the webtoon) because the manhwa edits a lot of things out and is much plainer than the actual story. Anyway, sorry that this turned into me telling you to read the novel instead of campaigning for kdj. But! Its what he would have wanted, seeing as he once read a webnovel as the sole reader of it for over 10 years.
Okay so. This man has died over 10 times (I'm not counting the exact number I'm sorry). He got burned to death fighting a super dangerous dragon, he died IN FRONT OF HIS FOUND FAMILY. then he pushed another member of his found family away from a fatal attack and took it on himself, causing him to get a huge hole right through his stomach and said member of his found family to go beserk over his death cause he didn't know he'd come back to life. He then asked a different member of his found family to KILL HIM. because he needed to die for everyone else to survive or whatever so he convinced her to kill him even though she didn't want to. And then HE GOT KILLED BY HIS FOUND FAMILY AGAIN. because once again he had to 'die' for everyone to survive but specifically he had to be killed by his found family, so he got stabbed through the heart by one of his found family members and then crumbled to dust in said family member's arms. He 'died' and disappeared for 3+ YEARS , and came back just as his ff were finally moving on from him. (Also he came back in a giant squid form that couldn't communicate with the FF at all and almost got killed my the ff AGAIN...) there's... A lot. More but it's been a while since I've read the novel so I don't remember every single death unfortunately but yeah 👍
He died like 12 times and traumatized all his companions with that
Over the course of 100 chapters, this man managed to die and get revived FIVE GODDAMN TIMES. And he keeps doing it. Nobody's doing it like him fr fr
i’m still read orv but as far as i’ve heard that’s his whole thing other than being gay for the protagonist of his favourite web comic who is real now
hoooo boy. i think he dies around 8 times in total? and somehow each time is worse than the last..... the first 3-4 times he has a skill that lets him regenerate, so its mostly fine (there is some good angst about his companions worrying he died for real, though, and at least one funeral scene).
then theres a prophecy about how he will be killed by "the person he loves most" and, without spoiling it too much, hes killed by the person he loves most. sword through the heart and touching last words and everything. its fucking DEVASTATING. he survives with a bunch of cheat code bullshit and then next time they see him is weeks or months later in the fucking demon realm with a body thats falling apart.
then a while later he almost dies AGAIN but when they go to save him he gets kidnapped and sent to another world and they dont see him for FOUR YEARS. hes obviously presumed dead while hes off in another worldline trying to get back
uh. there might be more than that. this novel is VERY long. anyway it gets to a point where any problem thats too big gets solved by him sacrificing himself while his companions scream and cry and beg him not to. and then he shows up later like "see! i survived :)" and they get so upset because why does he keep DOING this??? and he doesnt see the issue because he did it to save them! its a happy ending as long as no one dies (but not me though. its fine if i die as long as no one else does)
anyway, all this to say. basically his defining trait is that he dies and comes back. hes infamous for it and his companions start to hate it about him. one of them literally tries to pay a HEAVY price to ensure that he cant die anymore. hes GOTTA be on this bracket
Self-sacrifice is the only way he knows how to express love because it's the only form of love he was shown as a child. He keeps dying for his companions even while knowing that he is traumatizing them and thinking that they will hate him for it eventually (just like he hated his mom) because he thinks he deserves to be hated. The entire novel is about saving him. My god.
This man has died (and revived) about thirteen different times (I think? Very easy to lose count), and that’s only including successful attempts, he tries to sacrifice himself many more times. His companions are literally begging him to stop killing himself to save the world. They come very close to just tying him up so he can’t go running off again.
In terms of his general character he is just a guy who hyperfixates on a bad webnovel for 13 years straight, I’m talking about 3000+ chapters that he was the sole reader of because no one else made it past ch100. Then when the webnovel gets its final update the events of the novel start happening in the real world, as the only person who has read to the end he has vital information to save the world. He pisses off the protagonist within a minute of meeting and then proceeds to have a high-key homoerotic relationship with him, with both of them becoming so intertwined that neither would exist without the other and creating a timeloop that sets the entire plot into motion (I can’t go into more details without spoilers). If you’d like more details then I highly recommend the YouTube video “badly explaining all of omniscient reader in 6 minutes” by ferd because it’s hilarious and leaves out just enough context that you don’t even feel like you’re getting spoiled because it’s so batshit
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glompcat · 9 months
Honestly one of the funniest parts of Fionna and Cake having Marcy as the Star wear a magaan david necklace (which I'll be honest I truly do not know how to feel about and am kinda doing my best to just not think about even as I obsess over that AU - it helps that lbr Bonnie is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more interesting to rotate about my brain than the Star is) is how many fanartists can not draw a magaan david. Every single time I see someone who clearly tried (as opposed to the people defaulting to a five pointed star) and wasn't able to do it I get a weird flashback to how perfecting how I drew a magaan david was a super high priority for my nursery school self.
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an-organism · 6 months
narcissa notes app meta ramble thing
so writing narcissa can be tricky because you can kinda read all sorts of things into her character and have it not strictly violate canon- in part because she only appears like 6 times and in part because she’s so understood as this super guarded, private person who rarely lets on how she really feels (excepting, of course, for when she’s bullying teenagers in clothes shops) (the spinner’s end scene could be interpreted a couple ways). i usually take some bits at face value and read in the rest based on the context of her canon life.
i think to some extent - probably more so than she’s sometimes characterized - she is a true believer. that said beliefs are different from priorities or actions, are grounded in different things for different people, and her actions obviously let on about her priorities. it’s Her People over everything, cut and dry. even if she is committed to blood purity as a quasi-political project (again, i don’t know that she’s not), it’s not something she tends to put a lot on the line for. she does things for the cause when it’s in the interest of Her People, when she might be expected to, but not necessarily for the sake of furthering the cause itself. she certainly doesn’t seem to like voldemort himself all that much. (plain spite is, btw, a very underrated reason for her turn in the forbidden forest! she was sick of the dude living in her house, feeding schoolteachers to snakes at the dinner table!) anyway none of that i think contradicts her actions in the series, so i’ll say so far so good.
as for the context, it’s significant that she’s the youngest sibling of the three. as a teenager and young adult, she watched bellatrix throw everything she had into the cause and end up in azkaban; she watched andromeda run off, get married to some muggleborn dude, and be disowned for it (arguably just as bad a fate in her eyes, lbr); while not younger than her cousins, watched sirius run off, also get disowned, and somehow also end up in azkaban; regulus dies in a cave somewhere, you get the picture. her whole generation of the family, by my count, some combination of dead, disowned, or in prison for life. it’s very easy to see how she opts for the middle path, never stepping out of line when it comes to blood purity, but also not risking her life and freedom going too hard for it. it’s an interesting line to navigate! of course, she’s an adult by the end of the first war, is capable of changing her views, and something like disownment wouldn’t necessarily carry the same weight (particularly when most of the family is uh. dead), but i think it’s pretty hard coded by that point. there’s nothing for her at the end of that road, as far as she’s concerned.
so, personality! this is where things get vague. we see some of it, in very specific scenarios that tell us… something. (maybe.) she can be petty; her self-control is somewhat situational, as is her pridefulness. a certain sense of superiority, for sure, moderated by a lack of interest in getting her hands dirty, not much in the way of natural leadership tendencies, an aversion to scrutiny, to risk, to conflict. a lot of what she shows really depends on what she thinks she can get away with revealing in that moment. (that madam malkin’s scene is, i think, pretty much just a low-risk venting opportunity for her.)
she lies! oh, does narcissa lie. truth as a concept is a very interesting subject with her. everything is just people, is how they act, is results.
i think she’s someone very grounded in material reality - not at all an idealist, but concerned with cause and effect, with consequences. it’s an interesting modality of black and white thinking, where it’s not about moral rights or wrongs, but rather this sense of inevitability. things are the way they are, and there’s no sense trying to change them. ideals like fairness, justice, and so on are much too wishy washy. useless, really.
back to her middle path- she wants to seem threatening to those below her, and unthreatening to those with power over her. there’s some puffer fish-ness in how she carries herself, which interestingly, i actually think she’s never really perfected? she screws up her face to appear more intimidating (imo, based on pure hc, probably trying to emulate a family member or two), but harry more or less describes her as a pretty woman who looks like she smelled something bad. his is historically maybe not the most reliable perspective when it comes to identifying danger, but there’s certainly nothing suggesting she inspires fear in others the way, say, bellatrix does. even andromeda is able to get that much out of harry for a moment (entirely unintentionally, too!)
i tend to want to explore her adaptability, how she figures out how to fake her way through things, see where her feelings, her wants, her goals, her abilities, etc butt up against her learned need to first and foremost Not Fuck Herself Over. (post-war settings are great for this.) also, to see what she does when she and her family aren’t in this extended period of survival mode, and the world is sort of open to her for the first time. i think she freezes up in the face of that, at least for a while.
i do not have a concluding thought? uhhh idk she’s a bottom. that works
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erithel · 1 year
This is no way meant to be a hate ask and look i want to like the idea of canon klance and i want to like canon Keith but lbr if the writers had made klance or any keith ship canon they would have done it in worst way possible with the ship being only meant to benefit Keith while simultaneously being detrimental to the love interest. Cause fact is that Keith was writers pet, the top priority, the self insert, they destroyed all the characterization and agency and roles of other characters for the plot and story and then destroyed said plot and story to make Keith super cool hero character.
I keep seeing posts like how canon wouldnt suck if (insert Keith ship) had been canon and i am like, canon sucked because they priortized a lbr white coded able bodied character over canonical characters of colour who were reduced to torture porn, hate sinks, and comic relief. Canon sucked because the characters who were established as important parts of the story were reduced to side characters and plot devices so that Keith could shine brighter. And a canon Keith ship would not have helped any character other than Keith, and if anything would have reduced the other character as an eye candy comforter.
Again this is not meant to be a hate ask. It is just been frustrating to be in this fandom especially as a darker skinned woc to watch this show and fandom still treat characters of colour as woke points while using them to prop up Keith
I have debated over responding to this message, mainly because there are some things in here that could potentially cause drama on my page if I even respond to them in any way.
However, there are some points in here worth addressing, so...
First and foremost, I am going to say that I can see your intention is not to make this a hate ask. However, it does come across that way to some degree. The main reason being that you are making valid points about the other characters, but you are doing it by pushing Keith's character down - and that is the stuff I don't really like to see, here.
I'm not trying to invalidate your view on things, because I realize your point was literally this, just the other way around. I'm just saying for the sake of my own page, I've had a lot of asks in a similar vein and it's not really something I'm interested in discussing in asks.
Of course everyone can like and dislike whichever characters they choose, but I do like to keep things as fair and equal as possible across the board. So, I am always open to discussions and opinions on why a character or another deserved more and better, but only if they do not come at the expense of another character.
And with this, specifically - I just don't see this version of Keith you are referring to, so there's not even much I can add to that part of your ask.
To the other parts, however, this very much illustrates the need to having diversity in the creation process of shows and movies.
Unfortunately, a lot of studios and execs and whoever greenlights these things still rely on the "token" aspect when it comes to diversity.
As your ask proves, it doesn't do any good just to simply have characters of color, for example, if they are reduced to stereotypes or insignificant parts.
This is where the actual diversity should come in - because it needs to happen behind the scenes for there to be a change that will actually mean something.
In my opinion, experience is so much more important than any title or rank or connection. It is important to actually include and receive input from creators who understand a situation on its basest level.
I consider myself to be a very empathetic person who tries my best to understand human nature and emotions. But I, as a white person, will never have the same experience as you, a person of color. It's literally and physically impossible.
But that's the whole point.
Because if a book were to be written about the actual experiences of growing up as a poc, there are insights and stories you, anon, could offer than I could only take a wild guess at. And vice versa.
I'm not saying that creators should only create based on their own personal life and experiences. But it is important for larger projects such as shows that want to include a diverse cast to actually employ people who understand what it is like.
Because it's not enough to just throw a darker skinned character in a show and say "Hey look at us we did it. Diversity! Woohoo!"
And it is just bad storytelling all around if any character in any given situation is only there for the purpose of the "main character" (or any other character).
Because what really makes a story interesting is the diversity that can come from the different experiences and opinions of the various characters - how they can clash and converge and change and grow.
The final thing I will add is that in my mind, Keith is Asian and Galran, so...mixed. I understand a lot of trouble could have been avoided if the showrunners had just confirmed this was the case while the show was airing, but, well...we can't change the past.
It was, in the most technical sense, confirmed here, but I do understand that most people will view that as too little too late, and that's understandable.
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impishsensei · 7 months
some sunday-themed (+ a little on romance/relationships) headcanons that are mostly just a repost from my old blog, though i'm adding quite a bit more so :3c remember these are just my personal headcanons based on my iteration of gojo ❤️ also it's written in a very rambly/stream of thoughts way so i hope it's easy to follow. under the cut for length!
- irt his sexuality, satoru is best described as bi with a preference for women and fem-aligned people. he loves girls! he's literally that one silly "i don't date ugly girls? why? cuz they don't exist" meme bc he just... idk he adores women. soaks in the attention he gets for being a pretty boy like a fucking sponge he thrives on it (yeah he posts thirst traps). he's a lil bit disrespectful tho bc *ldr voice* you're just a man but he does try <3 basically in his eyes women are everything and men are just ken (not including himself). but he does like guys ofc esp pretty boys. ultimately tho, he rly doesn't care that deeply about someone else's gender... if he wants them he wants them
- more on that... satoru's type is generally someone that's cute + shorter than him he loves the shawtys idk. he tends to like people with more pretty/delicate facial features. he's more of an ass/thighs guy but lbr he's not like... so picky about that he will just go a lil crazy in giving them a lot of attention when yk. in terms of looks tho, his type isn't super rigid... he's just more likely to be super initially attracted to the above traits. outside of the more superficial stuff, they have to accept that they're not his first priority and it'll be extremely hard for him to truly let them in. he might never, actually, and it's extremely unfair and he realizes that, which again, is part of why he doesn't see romance in the cards for himself.
- ik i mentioned this a few times before in other posts but i'll say again he's kind of um... for the streets? not to be a dick tho but just... he wants intimacy, but he can't have true intimacy bc of his job/loneliness/priorities etc so he gets it ya know that way. despite this tho, i think he can actually be very sweet and will get crushes and stuff like that. even when he has fwb i think he'll act a bit too familiar/boyfriend-ish that'll have the other person feeling like "uhm... what are we...?" only for him to get cold feet rip. basically, it's not impossible for him to be in a relationship but i think it'd be hard/very heavy slowburn in a rather unconventional way. i don't think it's particularly hard for him to catch feelings if he's fooling around with someone a lot and genuinely likes them, but he'd be in total denial of that, and when it really dawns on him he'd try to ghost. same if someone he's fooling around with tells him they're falling for him... it's difficult to become his romantic partner and not for the weak of will. (is he even worth the struggle? ksadsa idk)
- if one does manage to bag this disaster of a man and he enters a serious relationship i think he's the type to fall very deeply in love! he's super clingy and possessive and he loves attention. he wants his partner to be obsessed with him like he wants to be certain they are never leaving. he's passionate and loves to spoil them rotten. very much into pda and loves to have a hand on them ALWAYS, be it through hand-holding or a hand around the waist. and yes this means he also can't keep his hands off them irt fucking too . the other day i came up with this hilarious idea that satoru can use rct to fill his balls back up so his stamina is endless. enjoy luvs (and yes he absolutely uses his abilities for stupid shit like this)
- in the bedroom... he's a versatile switch on paper but definitely prefers being a dom and a top. subby satoru is an absolute treat tho, he gets real whiney and bratty and then as a dom he's rly a sadistic tease. also he's got an 8 inch pecker bc ofc he does. bastard.
dirty talk - pls he loves the sound of his own voice he will NOT stfu LMAO also he just... idk.. has an absolutely foul mouth and will describe shit in detail and ask nasty ass questions like um someone put this man back in his enclosure. basically he loves to see his partner blush and squirm from the lewd shit that comes out of his mouth. one of his fave things to do is say smth absolutely disgusting in their ear when they're out and about just to see how it gets his partner flustered
notable kinks:
exhibitionism - he likes to fuck in public and also kinda likes to lowkey let it be known that he's fucking his partner. maybe not full-on getting caught but he loves being risky. he'll place a hand on their ass and grope them when talking to someone or have them walk around with a toy inside and ramp it up to the highest setting when they're ordering at a restaurant. yeahhh
voyeurism - he LOVES sending pics and receiving pics and also he loves to watch his partner touch themselves for him. drives him crazy.
breeding - i mean is anyone surprised. i got nothing else to say just he wants to pump someone full of his honored one seed
praise - this one is more directed at himself. he loves to get his ego inflated but he will also praise his partner lots too bc he wants them to feel good
sado-masochist - it's not super extreme but this does play into how much he loves to tease. he wont hurt them too bad but he does y'know like to overstimulate and maybe slap someone around a bit (esp spanking). choking's on the table too, he loves that shit. as for the masochism... subtoru wants his dick to get stepped on and prob wants to get stabbed idk i feel like he's not used to it and he'd go crazy for it a lil bit.
teasing/edging - kinda prob conveyed heavily already by everything above, but he rly will torment someone with slight touches and act like he's innocent and they're the dirty one bc he wants them to beg for it.. yep loves feeding his ego that way and would def be like "nope you gotta say it!" and he rly will not give them what they want until they spell it out for him. i mentioned above the use of toys, but also sending dirty texts/pics, cockwarming, edging, thighfucking so they can feel it but not where they want it... stuff like that.
idk how to really define this but he would love sexy roleplays like. his partner dressing as a maid or a nurse stuff like that lol also related-ish but he v much enjoys seeing his partner dress in sexy clothes to entice him (like lingerie or rly revealing stuff)
not rly a kink but he loves eating pussy/sucking dick/eating ass he will do it all day it will double as rct to his brain anyway this is all i can think of for now, there's way more trust me this man is a total pervert we are fr just scratching the surface here <3 i hope this makes sense and helps u all see more into this little gremlin freak's mind. to anyone who read this thank u and also i am sorry for subjecting u to this
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sageofmagic-squeaks · 3 months
Happy 10 am, today I am thinking about how much I hate gaming culture.
Like...there comes a point where I wonder if these people even like games or why they want to force a game series to fit only their narrow enjoyment.
I don't think they could handle games taking longer and having worse graphics in exchange for well rested employees and non buggy gameplay.
They couldn't even handle a reduced pokemon dex (which lbr, was a long time coming. Making so many pokemon is a game scope nightmare).
It's fine to have game critique and not like certain games but good lord, how many zelda hate posts will the algorithms throw me because Tears of the Kingdom didn't have a jrpg level plot which automatically makes it trash garbage e_e and with Baldur's Gate, I now see 'hot takes' about how every game should try harder to be like that narratively and...no???
There's just such a lack of understanding of why some games are made a certain way, that each game is designed to scratch a specific itch and will have their own gameplay priorities that dont match up with other company's games, what is lazy, what is rushed, and what is suits meddling where they shouldn't be meddling.
It's exhausting.
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mestos · 3 months
can i say i really hate the twit rp model. the idea that there is a gigantic priority in artistic ability pisses me off. esp from the idea that you have to excel in both art and writing to go through a slim acceptance process where your chances are skewed because lbr mods will choose their friends over randoms. no matter how much you put your ass out for your character development, if you arent an exceptional artist AND a writer (with a huge priority over the former than the latter, lets be real here) you have no chance getting into a group. And god help you if you fucked up in one group, everyone will spread your name across to others in bad faith.
like whats even the point? this was a hobby, yet it feels like applying for a job every fucking time
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