#but legit I’m terrified
edenfenixblogs · 4 months
Preface: Death is always a personal tragedy.
Even evil people who die are tragedies because they’ve wasted their lives toiling in hatred rather than loving others.
Which is why I will never celebrate a death. Even if someone is terrible. However, I will not make myself mourn for such people either. Please nobody comment here with either “oh? Are you sympathetic to a dictator?!” Or “I bet you’re sooooo pleased he’s dead.” Please do not read intent into my words that is not there.
I will only say as I have said of other men who have cause great harm to many: I mourn the loss of life and the waste of potential to do good in this world. But I do not mourn the man, nor do I rejoice at any death.
Is it confirmed that the president of Iran is dead? If he is dead, what does that mean internationally? Will his death create a power vacuum? And, if it does, is it likely to be filled by whichever extremist is most aggressive and violent? Or do experts think this will sufficiently destabilize the regime enough for the populace to take control?
Terrorist cells are known for being resilient and being able to rapidly reconstitute from within. But The Islamic Republic of Iran has been funding and supporting Hamas and trying to undermine the PLO for quite sometime. I think people are prone to think that the destabilization could be good for limiting Hamas’ attacks and funding.
But I’m really worried that the people who rise to power after this will instead make their names by being even more ruthless and channeling rage to the levant. I mean, TIR is really closely allied with ISIL, which, for those unaware, stands for rhetoric Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
I’m really concerned for what this means for the safety of everyone in the Levant. Anyone have insight into this?
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whereismyhat5678 · 8 months
I haven’t drawn Fake Peppino in AGES
For any Fake Peppino lovers out there that I’ve disappointed I’m so sorry- 💀🙇‍♀️
And for anyone WHO HASN’T EVER SEEN me actually draw him I’M EVEN MORE SORRY 🙏🙇‍♀️🙏🙇‍♀️🙏🙇‍♀️
Now I personally don’t want newer viewers seeing my cringe ass Fake pep art but if anyone who does wanna see it- (HEADS UP FOR INTENSE BODY HORROR-) take these few links (I’m sorry I can’t scroll through my entire blog again just take some examples- 🥲):
Here, here, here, here and here.
The first one is my first ever drawing of him, I did not draw him normal- 💀
Anyways….this means have I changed how I draw him? Yes!
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Look at the silly goober!! I may draw him just like this for now however…It was fun drawing him like the slimy disaster he was but it’s fine-…It always took a bit of time to draw those 🤷‍♀️
But just for the fun of it, and for old times sake, take a body horror Fake Peppino: (Warning, it looks kinda bad- 💀)
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baeglbites · 1 year
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Someone said this week is Gojover both in the anime and manga 😔😭
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shiningsagittarius · 4 months
I’ve had a lot of weird dreams in my life, but this nightmare I just had is quite possibly the weirdest one.
So basically, I was at my college, and I had free time in between classes, so I snuck into my friend’s ancient history class to see what they’re up to. They were about to go on a field trip to a museum, and I was like “Fuck it, I don’t have anything better to do”, so I decided to go with them. Before we went, the professor was telling us about the special exhibit there. The exhibit was like this black goop? That’s trapped in a picture frame. And the legend is if this goop consumes you, you’ll be trapped in it for 1,000 years, but nobody knows if you survive or not. The upside is you meet a mysterious figure and you can ask it three questions about the universe, and then you spend the rest of the thousand years in a dreamlike paradise filled with your heart’s desire.
And the name of this mysterious entity is, I shit you not… The Gunkler. This terrifying eldritch void is called the fucking GUNKLER. That’s the best thing my subconscious could come up with???
Anyways, I got on the bus to go to the museum, and we arrive at the exhibit. Everyone, including the professor, is kind of subconsciously freaked out by this black void in the picture frame, so we don’t spend too long looking at it. My friend and I, along with another classmate, end up going back to the frame by ourselves. Naturally, the random classmate does something that chips the picture frame and allows a little bit of the black goop to escape. We’re all like “Oh shit” and run away, hoping that a small drop escaping won’t be dangerous. We’re all leaving the museum and getting back on the bus when we see this tidal wave of black goop consuming the museum and heading straight for us. Cue the epic chase scene where the bus is going at top speeds to try and outpace the tidal wave. We get back to town and the bus crashes. Here’s where the dream turned very bittersweet: I ran off the bus and I saw my sister. We hugged each other as the tidal wave caught us both.
I woke up in a black void. I start walking around until I see… The Gunkler, apparently. The Gunkler is a tall, broad humanoid figure with horns in a robe, and is made entirely of the void. It looks at me (it doesn’t have any facial features, but I can tell it’s looking at me), and it welcomes me to the void and says I can ask my three questions now (there’s no guarantee any of the answers are truthful, though). I ask:
1. What happens at the end of all of this?
“Don’t worry, you’ll all wake up back on Earth”
2. Why are you doing this?
“I like making people happy” (I’m immediately suspicious of this, but I don’t say anything)
3. What is my sister dreaming about?
“She’s on an island full of cats and dogs. She has a locket with a picture of you. I have one for you, too”
And the creature (I cannot call this fucking thing The Gunkler without laughing) hands me a locket with a picture of my sister inside. It starts ushering me towards this white void, where I’m about to see my heart’s desire…
And then I woke up.
The moral of the story is: don’t mess around with museum exhibits, or you might just start the stupidest sounding apocalypse. I guess.
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brightlydim · 2 years
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[A mimic has been spotted in your area. Please refrain from leaving your home at this time.]
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just quit my job lol, hope this whole getting an education thing is worth it
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ghostzzy · 1 month
i talked to my dad’s paralegal colleague and she’s very willing to help me navigate the field and network and even potentially mentor me.
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Oh my god… oh my God!!!!!
So, y’all know how I had my final exam last month and was POSITIVE I had failed it based on my raw score?
Well. Turns out I didn’t. Instead, I got exactly the score I needed to pass.
Oh my god. And I wasn’t entirely incorrect last month, either, though. My raw score was roughly the same as I had assumed (I accidentally subtracted 8 points but it would still have been a failing grade regardless), but apparently the test was scored out of 94 points, not 120. I have no idea WHY this is, and a part of me is still expecting to have someone jump out and say “AHA! Gotcha! This isn’t your score, turns out you did fail! Nyeh!” But as of now, I’m fairly certain I DID pass. So, if this is indeed the case…
I’m a graduate school graduate!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!
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traggalicious · 6 months
Y’all I am STRUGGLING. Idk why my ass decided to go for smth more realistic here but. I did. Anyway which one looks better I feel like the right is kind of lacking SOMETHING and idk what. My solution honestly might be to draw it out traditionally and see what happens there.
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(Also the mouths are straight up KILLING ME)
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theinkbunny · 9 months
Hi. I have an overwhelming anxiety with answering my asks due to how much gore and horrible messages I’ve seen in the past week or so, so I have a simple request
can you guys send me some silly asks??? I’m gonna turn media on so you guys can attach photos of characters you like so you can bring gifs too
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oddlittlestories · 5 months
No no it’s simple, the Tritter arc gives me anxiety the cancer arc gives me soul-crushing angst
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mixmangosmangoverse · 11 months
(Vague post)
Popular analog horror has gone down the antisemetism rabbit hole so I no longer feel bad about using a vaguely similar idea. I think we need a Jewish analog horror ARG in fact
#Nah they’re not just supporting Palestine if they talk about Israel spreading propaganda and ‘getting what they deserve’#And ‘facing consequences by powers less cowardly ‘#Oh yeah I’m sure you’re not antisemetic when you’re threatening that more powerful countries will nuke Israel off the planet uh huh mhm#Anyways if anyone wants to join me in creating a completely jewish analog horror arg hit me up it’s our time#mango rambles#personal fruits#jumblr#ישראבלר#Not naming names but the fact is you can probably think of like. Five examples#Cool cool this doesn’t make me scared about content in the future at all.#I sound joking and all but I’m actually legit terrified#No space is safe for me#Not the magical girl fandom. Not the animation fandom. Not music or art. And now not even online horror#I legit have no place left. The only ones accepting me are either run by Jews or VERY small communities that don’t care about politics#When we say we are alienated now- think of what I just said#Every group has run me out of it. I can’t talk about anything I like without fearing for my online safety.#And people think this is an appropriate price for me to pay despite being a disabled queer mentally ill person. Someone who they’re suppose#To protect. WHO they still claim to protect. But when you add Jew#Or heaven forbid Israeli#To the mix. Suddenly you don’t get inclusivity anymore#WHO CARES if your hopes for the future rest on you creating art because you’re never gonna be able to support your family or get a real job#Should’ve thought about that before you parents were born in Israel if you wanted to be treated as a human being#Fuck everyone. My hopes for the future are legitimately so gone I’m always looking forward to dying so these people can be happy.#All I want is for everyone to be happy even at my expense. Sure my family will grieve#But millions of people will cheer for my death. That outweighs it. It’ll bring so much more happiness if I die.#This is my state now#I hope all you fucking Americans are happy. The country is going through a mental health crisis caused by you and you’re laughing#And tearing down posters of our cousins and siblings and friends. Laughing about it#And then go on to pretend to punch fictional nazis when in fact you are supporting real ones right now#I’m so done with everyone. Sorry about how series these tags are
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dathen · 2 years
Me: Please don’t be assholes about the poll!
Frankenstein fandom: Ha funny joke!! Anyway I’ll kill you and everyone you love if my fave doesn’t win—
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westerberg · 1 year
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@ Alex (work guy) if this is about me figuring out a third guy at work is probably into me and sort of encouraging it well Sorry but a girl has to have some fun
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i-hear-a-sound · 7 months
I should’ve never slept on greylock bro..
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
I’m having surgery on my leg on Monday and I am terrified. 24 years old and I’ve never had surgery in my life and now I broke my leg so bad they’re having to put pins and screws in it and I’m just terrified. I’m not looking forward to it, I have really bad fears of not being in control of my body and they’re all hitting like crazy today. I’m terrified of taking any medicine higher than Tylenol but now I’m taking narcotics to help with the pain and it has me freaked out because I’m scared I’m going to get addicted.
Im scared of the actual surgery because 1. What if they don’t give me enough anesthesia and I wake up in the middle of the surgery. Or 2. What if they give me too much and I never wake up and I die? Both are so utterly terrifying and I know it’s not a high likelihood but I’m terrified.
Not only that but I’m just scared of the healing process and what that’s going to look like. I’m scared about the operation and recovery is 6 weeks and I’m just scared of it all.
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