filmnoirsbian · 8 months
If homophobic weirdos don't stop ruining the absolute beauty and solidarity of love and friendship between gay men and lesbians by pushing for us to fuck each other as if that isn't what cishet homophobes have been pushing for since the dawn of time I'm gonna start car bombing
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natjennie · 1 year
like seriously whatever you do dont think about the captain and that story about someone calling into gay bars and not saying anything, just listening to queer people living and laughing and having fun. definitely don't think about the captain doing that. haha.
#both during his life and in death#i just looked it up and the 1930s british queer scene was beautiful like jazz age stuff#the idea of the captain just discretely privately calling into places he's heard rumored to be queer#just to listen to the saxophone over the static of the telephone and know that there were gay people living and loving somewhere#and then to think about him missing that EVEN MORE in death because now he cant LEAVE#he cant hear rumors from people he cant call in#imagine the favors he'd have to owe julian to dial a number and let cap listen to the receiver without knowing what it is#like of course julian wants to know and he pesters him. but when cap is Deadly Serious and scared and sad.#a face julian's never seen. he winds his jokes down and agrees to do it#making cap think it was his idea- 'a bit of charity for the old walrus then'- instead of a deep understanding and love#and since its been decades of course the number he calls isnt a gay club anymore. maybe it doesnt even connect#and it breaks his heart and it takes him another decade to gather intel and the nerve to ask julian again#but when he does he finally gets a place and the phone quality is INCREDIBLE he can hear so much#he can hear people and their upbeat music and their laughter and their love#and he cries#and if julian sees it and pretends not to then its so that he can have the blackmail later thank you for asking#anyway im making myself emotional#bbc ghosts#EDIT Becuase then when julian overhears he tries subtly to make the captain feel more comfortable#bc julian is an asshole but he's not homophobic i mean he fucks everyone#so he tries to pepper in more stories about men but that just makes cap uncomfortable#and hes frustrated bc he cant think of anything else to do other than flirt with him but thats a bad idea#but then he remembers that he went to bars and places and maybe he'll like that#so he 'accidentally' dials some clubs he knows were cool and leaves the phone off the receiver for cap to find#and cap just gives him a curt nod and a clearing of his throat and they Dont Talk about it but they Know
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anarcho-smarmyism · 19 days
husband just said "my street name is EZ Cracker" 🤣☠️
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convo i had with my brother who’s GA and kinda homophobic talking abt will after he just started watching ST
bro: isnt will like, gay?
me trying not to out my own closeted ass acting clueless: yeah, well, its implied.
bro: its not implied, its so obvious.
me: yeah?
bro: yeah; if anything i feel like the way they approached will being gay is really well done. like hes not gay for the sake of being gay. i actually feel sorry for him for all he’s been through
not the best way to find out how people are talking about it, but hey if the GA is waking up about will, then theres no reason why any other person should deny his sexuality. its blatant. its there. deal with it
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kiyooriu · 7 months
NPMD headcanons based on nothing but what my 100% Real Psychic Powers tell me
- richie hates eating peanuts. not because he’s allergic, not because he dislikes the taste but a Secret Third Thing
- after exactly 2 hrs, 35 mins, and 16 secs pete will always ALWAYS stretch back and let out the loudest scream known to man to get his extra energy out
- ruth wrote an entire 1 hr 30 min musical based on star wars one night and it’s on soundcloud somewhere but she won’t tell anyone how to find it (pete found it on accident but won’t tell her because he knows she’d probably freak out about it, he still listens to it occasionally)
- steph can play the bass nd her go-to song is hey barbara (IV of Spades)
- in line with this ^^ pete has rudimentary guitar skills and wanted to write a few songs with ruth’s help but she refused
- grace wanted to learn how to play the flute but was never allowed to bc her parents thought it would “give her ideas”
- richie’s trans awakening was in elementary when he and two other friends wanted to dress as the kids from dinosaur king nd the other girl was really insistent on being zoe so he dressed up as rex and it Felt Nice
- richie’s BI awakening was the sasunaru kiss and he thought he was homophobic bc he “felt weird after seeing it”
- RUTH’S bi awakening was watching lotr fellowship of the ring when arwen said “if you want him, come and claim him” (she rewatched it multiple times and didn’t sleep)
- one time in elementary grace really wanted candy but her parents were Very against it so she paid a friend to get her one (1) gumball and dhe felt so bad she cried about it and wanted to lock herself up in church
- richie is Mildly into kpop (bc a lot of anime enjoyers i know also like kpop) and he tried to get ruth into it too (mostly the choreography bc he wants ruth to get into dancing again)
- everyone in grace’s elementary was reading harry potter nd she wanted to know what the hype was about but didn’t want the Devil Magic to get her so she borrowed a copy from the library under another student’s name and then burned it after reading to “show god she condemned the devil worshipping” (i think she’s unhinged enough for that)
- pete’s favorite scooby-doo character is shaggy ahaha
- steph used to roleplay teen titans with some childhood friends and would always ask the boy she liked at the time to be beast boy so she could be raven and pretend they were a couple
brain juice wore off pls enjoy the hcs 👾
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koris-crumbs · 7 months
gimme td character headcanons. literally any.
RAHHH okay anything for you pookie. These are mainly for my favorite four but i probably have some more somewhere in this brain of mine
Fem lesbian obvious
Her and Noah are best friends bc they both clocked each other IMMEDIATELY when total drama island first happened
By best friends I mean both of them only admit it internally and never to each other
Shitty, homophobic parents meant she ran away/got kicked out 😋
MAJOR mommy issues. her dad just was kinda there and didn’t do anything
despises her siblings but LOVES noah and his own family
Ended up moving in with Noah trust she’s basically his sister
LOVES babies despite what people may think
Immediately falls asleep after eating (yeah she’s one of those people)
Pretends she only eats gourmet food when in reality her fave is honestly just a good, greasy burger from some shitty diner Noah took her too
Since she got cut off she makes Noah, and eventually Alejandro and Court buy everything for her 😍
LOVES her weird off brand total dramaverse jigsaw movies but that’s about the only type of scary movie she’ll watch bc it has no jumpscares it’s just gore basically.
thinks noah’s crush on alejandro is genuinely the funniest thing in the world she never lets him live it down
was stunned into silence one time bc noah flashed a photo of her bald on facetime one night
Immediately clocked Alejandro as being a closet bisexual she genuinely probably knew he was a boy kisser before he did
Courtney followed her private account after the events of World Tour transpired and heather screamed when she got the notification
has a key to Noah’s house bc she lives there (this will come back later trust)
passenger princess every time
Gay gay homosexual gay
after World Tour and swearing off of reality shows (for now) he gets a job as a barista at some shitty cafe near his house
he gives Heather free coffee bc girl can’t live without it
drove like four hours to pick heather up after she got kicked out
is the designated driver of the group
also usually pays for everything despite being friends with mainly rich (or previously rich in heathers case) kids
knew he had a crush on alejandro from the start and just kinda let it simmer bc he figured nothing would ever come out of it
he has a mom car. a beat up subaru. he is truly the mom friend fr
carries that photo of bald heather around as a way to get her to shut up if she says anything too mean (usually to owen or izzy)
had to be the one to ask alejandro out and literally rehearsed it for hours
is a surprisingly good cook despite being the youngest of nine children. him and owen cook together all the time as a sort of bonding thing
hes a mommas boy trust. both of his parents are great though
never really went all out for halloween until he was roped into a group costume with owen and team e-scope one year. after world tour alejandro convinced him to do couples costumes with him
the most ATROCIOUS fashion sense known to man
the definition of bisexual
he has the absolute shittiest gaydar in the world though. I know it
didn’t even know he himself was bi until world tour
ALSO meant he couldn’t tell noah was gay (stupid) and it devastated him on that plane even though he had no idea why yet
being the youngest and always second best to josé definitely contributed to that
the daddy issues to match heathers mommy issues
always wanted a sister
after courtney and him make up after the events of world tour he basically gets her as one
they shit talk people in spanish together trust
has one sided beef with one of noah’s coworkers bc they have a crush on noah
him and heather stayed close after world tour but he did NOT know she lived with noah. he didn’t even know they were friends.
was always confused on why heather made him drop her off like a block from where she said she lived
was scandalized when he found out heather did in fact not strictly eat gourmet food
hates Owen with a seething passion. this one isn’t even a hc honestly. the hatred after world tour mainly stems from jealousy bc owens so close with noah
“why is he here??” “he’s my best friend, alejandro” “i thought I was your best friend ☹️”
yeah he sticks to that “best friend” story a lot.
noah only starts getting suspicious when alejandro says it’s okay for best friends to kiss just for funsies
him, heather, and courtney have to take noah shopping bc of how atrocious noah’s taste is
doesn’t watch movies in general but he loathes horror movies with a passion bc he’s just like heather and hates jumpscares
noah and court put a horror movie on during movie night one time and alejandro literally almost cut off noah’s circulation from how hard he was gripping
for their first halloween as a couple he made noah dress up as a vampire while he was a werewolf (a better love story than twilight 🤯)
does not. know what to do around babies and toddlers. they make him uncomfortable tbh. what if one crawls over to him? he will kindly pass on that, thank you
one time one of noah’s little cousins waddled up to him and he went 😟 bc he thought noah was testing how good he was with kids
has a key to noah’s house bc he’s down bad and already spends 90% of his time there anyway
neither his nor heathers keys were given to them by noah himself
noah’s momma strikes again
whenever he sits behind her he kicks heathers seat in the subaru
lesbian in denial for a while (lmaoooo i’m dr seuss)
honestly wasn’t even that sad about duncan tbh she was DEVASTATED about gwen though
musical theater kid. probably music kid in general.
despite popular belief i actually imagine her parents being very proud and genuinely good parents. they adore their baby girl
definitely has a big photo of her as a baby hung up in like the main area in her huge house
after heather comforted her she honestly regretted not getting her contact info so she had to resort to finding her on instagram after like a month of searching
her and alejandro had kept in touch so she was surprised when she found out he was best friends with heather and noah as well
100% said the infamous heartbreaking quote to heather during world tour at some point
“why not?” “i wish you were a boy” (sorry)
is a beast and super fan for horror movies and noah’s the first friend she actually gets to enjoy them with bc he doesn’t get scared (unlike a specific two people)
ALWAYS dresses up as a princess or fairy or smth for halloween every year without a doubt. heather nearly had an aneurysm the first halloween they spent together
is scary when she drives solely bc of her road rage which is why noah’s the designated driver not her (heather and alejandro don’t know how to lmaooo losers)
that’s it for them for the moment. maybe i’ll do more for other characters if i think of anything ^^
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aita for not seeing my gf over the summer?
me (20f) and my gf (20f) started dating last year near the end of our spring college semester. during the school year we both live on campus so it was easy to see each other often. we live like 1hr away from each other so we aren't that far apart. but my parents are really strict and they don't really allow me to go out with my friends often or do many things with them. also i don't have a car and cant drive so i need to rely on them for rides. so before our semester ended last year i tried to explain that i would not be able to see her that often. at that time we were not really official and i also gave her an easy out but she wanted to try and make it work anyways.
we ended up going on a date once last summer. my parents let her pick me up which was surprising to me. but my mom instantly didnt like her bc she is very conservative Christian and my gf had dyed hair and tattoos. my mom also picked up gay vibes from her as well and shes very homophobic and said some deeply upsetting things abt her. i ended up crying and being miserable after the date bc of her reaction. for months after my parents would "warn" me abt her, call her "demonic" and say i should keep my distance from her.
now its been a year and we have been dating longer obviously. i didn't tell her abt my parents reaction to her bc i didn't want to upset her. she also told me her parents (who arent homophobic and know we are dating) want to meet me. i still cant drive. the best idea i have thought of is asking my brother to drive me and then we lie to our parents and say we are doing something together. or i could pretend i have work and take the public transit to see her. which is riskier. im really scared of what my parents will do to me if they find out about that though. my gf seems okay with things like this, she hasnt complained or anything. but if i was in her position idk if i would feel the same. i feel like im using strict parents as an excuse and i should just find a way, otherwise im too immature / not at a point in life to be in a romantic relationship.
sorry this was so long.
What are these acronyms?
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biracy · 8 months
Saw a Post bc of Tumblr's horrible "you made a popular text post? Let's put other popular textposts that are saying literally the direct opposite of your point in the 'more like this' section" feature that like, literally explicitly claimed that "we need to see a butch fucking a twink on live television" jokes are Violently Homophobic And Literally Forcing REAL Lesbians To Like Dick or whatever. Besides the obvious (which is that the behavior of other people who share a label with you does not reflect on you at all, the reality that there are self-identified lesbians who date and/or have sex with self-identified gay men is not forcing you, as a self-identified lesbian or gay man to do that, stop caring what other people do), it is so extremely telling that people hear the words "butch" and "twink" and think 100% Monosexual Gold Star Womb Lesbian and 100% Monosexual Gold Star idk. Cock Gay respectively. I've ALWAYS said that my girlfriend and I are "a butch fucking a twink" and we're both bisexual, no threat of Literally Destroying Homosexuality or whatever there. Overall there is SUCH a consistent distaste for and vitriol towards both the most vaguely bisexual tendencies and any sort of actually "challenging" or "uncomfortable" gender variance (yknow, anything other than "women and afabs"-tier "trans inclusion") that permeates through soooo much of this sort of "discourse" that I, as a gender-variant bisexual Thing myself, cannot ignore or pretend I'm fine with. Anyway they should air a butch fucking a twink on live television and more butches and twinks should make out in bars because the fluidity of other people's sexualities are not literally threatening your own. Also it's hot
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pumpumdemsugah · 10 months
about transphobia and black women—is this about forharriets tweets? bc i’ve seen them too and felt a lil weird about it. like, i agree that cis black women can be bigots, just like everyone else, but i don’t like the framing that we experience transphobia, bc that’s not what it is…idk
Actually no, I don't pay attention to what she says on twitter ( nor do I go on there ) because sometimes it leans disingenuous, especially when the people pushing back against her are homophobic Femininity journey Black women, sometimes I think she takes stances that are less about being coherent and more signalling allyship. And I think she means gender slightly differently than online people but buries it under academic speak which a lot of people do.
What I was on about was a white person on here saying you can't free Black women without centring transphobia or it's a part of Black womanhood, which is intellectually disingenuous. Black people ( so Black women ) are seen as tough because white people needed us to be animals to justify slavery and now police brutality and Black maternal deaths and so on. They spent their time trying to prove we weren't human beings so we aren't civilised men or women so aren't " proper" " christianised" " civilised" men or women. That's a much different claim than pretending it's transphobia and I think lots of white queer trans people like to project their issues onto Black women and act like X issue is interchangeable to what our experiences ( like what I just mentioned) because let's face it, Black people are really fucking good at getting people to pay attention to our causes even if nothing changes and there's a lot of lazy stupid white people that absolutely want to be linked with that instead of developing their political strategy or learning a single thing that wasn't from a sassy clapback.
Black people are seen as beastly and tough because of the legacy of slavery not transphobia and I want to leave it to Black trans people to talk about how those things intersect. Centring transphobia means we do not talk about white supremacy being the cause and perpetuator of the animalisation of Black people. Wild animals aren't men or women and that's what we are seen as. You don't call a donkey Sir so 50yro Black MEN were literally called BOYS. They weren't confused about gender, we were their property and couldn't have gentle qualities. This is getting purposely missed because people think culture wars means all issues are the same thing.
The way people talk about Black women online has become a master class in disinformation and points drifting away from it's intent and being transformed into something else. When Black women were talking about this the language was " we get treated like men" not mistaken for them and so many people are being intentionally stupid and dishonest about this. That's not what we fucking said. It was always a conversation about Black women talking about being beaten, targeted and expected to act like a beast of burdens. It was about gender roles and expectations and the subjugation of Black women meaning people ( including Black people) would justify treating Black women like we didn't have feelings. The fact this isn't the centre of the conversation anymore shows this isn't about us or for us. We're tools and shields.
I don't give a fuck about solidarity that asks me to put white supremacy in the back seat and be dishonest because it makes for an easier more simple point.
Considering how much Black feminism is very sex based and body based because of the nature of oppression against Black women, people are making shit up about what Black feminism is and many online Black feminism are being very particular with their words because they know the core ideas of Black feminism doesn't say that but alot of people don't want to read through the lines. I know when academics are using fancy speak to signal solidarity without getting into the nitty gritty of what they think. I don't have a career that hinges on my thoughts so I'm not doing that song and dance.
Black women are seen as unladylike, hypersexual, desexualised and hard, which is very different from not women in a very literal way and the people making that claim are white American 'leftists' that are really enjoying this and Black people on social media that need white people to pay their rent. The problem with the full context is it won't do numbers on twitter because white people are at fault for this dehumanisation instead of this transphobia which they can be victims of. It's more comfortable and someone else gets to be lower down than them. It's less solidarity and more, making someone else the target so you don't get beat up first. Solidarity wouldn't erase those nuances.
Many people engage in, OHHH I'll say X because it will piss off these people I don't like instead of having opinions that require reading and not being a shock jock. The fact philosophytube randomly brought up Black women in that coming out post on here ???? Nigga what does that have to do with us ?? Like Huhh??? That's a whole personal ass experience. At this point I do not want white people to link themselves to me because they can't behave or make it about themselves
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
can I hear about the mia and ollie similarities whenever you have time...
theyre blonde :( thats it :( okay but ACTUALLY LETS GET INTO IT
They're loud assholes to people who need to be yelled at, but theyre actually hella introverted.
Mia "i think fast i talk fast" Dearden will mouth off at villains and batman, and take the piss out of people she loves. BUT she wasn't exactly shown to have like a friend group at her school (she was shown to be popular. but we only see her specifically interact with one person), and was extremely nervous to join the titans, not because they intimidated her, but because she didnt really...want to be there. She'd rather be with people she knows. She spends most of her time practicing archery, even before she was speedy. The only time we ever saw her go out anywhere was on a date with Dodger. And I will be pretending for the sake of this post that all of this is bc of character stuff and not just bad writing!
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Similarly, Ollie "goateed loudmouth" Queen thrives when he's alone, he prefers it, he rarely spends time with people outside of his family or close close friends. He'll rant and rave at leaguers and cops and capitalists and villains all day long, but he's at his happiest and most content when he's alone, and often when on the move too, this man cannot sit still he is like a fucking shark he will die if he is in the same place too long but thats unrelated to this post.
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As is pretty much a requirement to be in the arrowfam. Neither of them are here to fight the big alien threats you take on while being in the league/titans. They're here to save the little guy and fuck up capitalists. They have both seen the worst of society on the very opposite ends of the spectrum, Ollie with the rich, Mia with those the rich forget or ignore. I don't think I really need to add an example of Ollie here considering thats like his main this if u know anything about him. But look heres mia thinking abt it in her first titans issue.
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Now with coping mechanisms they're a lil different, Mia tends to isolate and stay in one place. Ollie will isolate but fuck off somewhere. Accidentally walk to canada. That sorta thing.
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(pls ignore how terrifying bald ollie is)
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They also both mask their emotions and deflect with humour when around other people, they don't want others to have to deal with their shit, they don't want to burden them (hence the isolation, this also often leads to them imploding in on themselves). Heres my most favourite example of their similarities ever (yes I will continue to post and talk about this specific thing every 3 weeks and no one can stop me) I do owe Hester my life for this
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Now heres the best part. They both did this a lot right. And yknow what that led to? Learning and growing and being there for each other :] Now im going to be honest we dont really see this growth in vol 3 bc judd winick is incapable of writing character development but! Phil Hester is here for us once again with his story in the 80th special and this part specifically <3
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Also once again a whole arrowfam thing- neither of them give two shits about their secret id lmao. I choose to believe Mia is so flippant about hers bc she so easily realised Ollie was GA that she just went like. Yeah sure I won't give a fuck either, it's clearly working for him.
oh and they both like musical theatre, hate batman and are homophobic**. sad. **not actually thats just an in joke in fandom
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fish-ofishial123 · 4 months
so. hi.
js popping in bc my notifications have been exploding. a couple things that happened when i was offline for a week:
my brother's gone. no pity, please, im sick of it. if i hear another "im sorry for your loss", i will scream. so let's just pretend that this point doesn't exist.
brookie (the great lesbian one (who ghosted tumblr)) decided to come out to her family. shes going through hell right now, since her grandparents dont approve of the lgbtq community. lets applaud her for her bravery.
i realized that i dont think i really like cranberry. i mean, i like him as a best friend, but not more than that. i think what i did like, however, was the thought of someone liking me. but im just going to keep my feelings a secret until he moves away. (that was a mouthful)
i... am questioning my sexuality. i think im not straight, but bi. im confused and worried, since my parents (and many others in my community) are homophobic. im just lost in general, im still trying to pull my shit together.
here's some (somewhat) happier information: i read the cursed carnival and other calamities. can we talk about how aru's clue about her true love was the words "happy birthday", being said by a boy? obvious cog reference.
what did i miss?
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bonefall · 1 year
quick question. Rn fire alone feels like the obvious "good" choice ("I want people to be able to choose who they love and I want to be kind. We maybe shouldnt kill kits while we're at it?") and thistle feels like the "bad" choice ("I want apprentices to die bc theyre half clan and and screw moms having rights. Oh those rlly important kits that got killed? Yeah they deserved it lol.")
So what reasons would a cat want to support Thistle's law, and what reasons would a cat not want to support Fire alone?
By our standards they're the obvious good and bad choices... but really, I've met a lot of people who support the 'obvious bad choice' irl too.
Like, this line here you wrote,
"I want people to be able to choose who they love and I want to be kind. We maybe shouldnt kill kits while we're at it?" = Say this verbatim at Thanksgiving to your homophobic, anti-healthcare uncle and you unlock the Bonus Slurs.
Remember that there's not always two 'equal sides' to an argument. That's a trap; not every position is logical. Spite, fear, and anger are GREAT political motivators. Thistle Law is ur-Fascism adapted for Clan society, kept simple so I could tell a story with it.
So lemmie run through everything you wrote, I'm going to write dialogue here as if a Thistle Law supporter is responding (so obvious CW for sexism and control and general garbage!!);
"I want people to be able to choose who they love and I want to be kind. We maybe shouldnt kill kits while we're at it?"
"So you want to destroy our Clans and culture?? This isn't kindness, it's pathetic. You want to let [ThemClan] invade us and kick [UsClan] out of our own home. And don't pretend like I want to kill kits, YOU'RE the one who wants our kits not have four Clans to be part of."
"I want apprentices to die bc theyre half clan and and screw moms having rights. Oh those rlly important kits that got killed? Yeah they deserved it lol."
"What?! The Warrior Code has bound our loyalty for generations and kept us together longer than you've been alive. Wayward warriors need to be punished for disloyalty, and there would be plenty of toms in their own Clans if we hadn't ended kit stealing. If those kits really were so important, StarClan shouldn't have been entrusted to some lying, delusional wench of a mother!"
They deflect a lot. Everything goes back to anger and accusations. Even a character like Hawkfrost, who would be more capable of making 'rational' arguments than this person, is harboring a lot of disgust or fear in them.
The emotions are important. Their arguments aren't convincing, they're charged. You're supposed to get angry and start yelling back at them, it triggers their feelings of persecution, and only makes them dig in even further as they feel like the whole world is delusional and only THEY have the truth.
So it's important to stress; You cannot 'fix' these people. There is no successfully 'won argument'. Do not engage with them. Their minds are only changed when they start seeking different viewpoints, and when there's resources for them to get away on their own.
(It is why a lot of real antifascist work has to do with stabilizing communities in poverty and combating loneliness. Economic anxiety and having no other support system are GREAT ways to prevent radicalized people from leaving the 'cult'.)
So... if Thistle Law doesn't make sense to you? Good. It's not supposed to. I hope that I can help people to understand that, y'know?
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kittiewales · 1 year
lost characters and their sexualities bc i say so:
jack: straight. this man is not attracted to other men. he’s vanilla as fuck but in a kind way. strong ally. has a hard time keeping up with all the labels but he tries his best.
kate: i have never been more sure of a character being a lesbian. she has stronger chemistry with women she barely knows than with any men she’s paired with. she was ready to die for claire and sun. let kate kiss a girl.
sawyer: identifies as straight but has definitely done some stuff while drunk. has been to a drag show. low key homophobic without trying to be.
claire: pansexual. she is a lover of the human spirit. don’t know how she got pregnant tbh. she’s so innocent really. bless claire. get her a girlfriend though.
charlie: bisexual with a strong preference for women. has had some experiences with men so he doesn’t rule them out but has never actually pursued a man bc he’s shy.
sun: bisexual but doesn’t know it. her first kiss was a girl best friend but probably assumed that’s what all girls do. she’s wrong. she likes women but grew up with traditional parents so never saw it as an option. but she’s happy now with jin :)
jin: straight. doesn’t have many thoughts on his own sexuality. just loves his wife really. he’s a simple man. chill with gays cause he knows they won’t flirt with sun. cautious of kate (lesbian who has a crush on sun).
locke: this man doesn’t believe in labels. believes sexuality is a natural part of the human expression and shouldn’t be put into a box. goes to pride. makes a sign.
juliet: bisexual with a strong preference for women. should probably team up with kate and educate sun. has been very aware of her love for women from a young age. good for her.
sayid: straight. low key such a ladies man. a flirt if you will. has an excellent talent for spotting the lgbtq community. prefers gay clubs.
shannon: sapphic. she’s never been with a woman but she’s definitely had crushes on them. unlike with men she’s incredibly shy when it comes to her attraction to women.
boone: gay. this is a gay man. he wanted jack. jealous of shannon and sayid bc he also wanted sayid. it’s so obvious.
desmond: bisexual. a top. open to try anything once. goes to gay bars with sayid.
ben: asexual. this man has never had a sexual thought in his life. would like someone to grow old with.
hurley: probably gay. that’s why he’s never had a girlfriend. bc he doesn’t like girls. he likes boys. he’s gay. good for him.
micheal: a straight man yet again. unfortunately this show is full of straight men. strong ally though. he’d prefer a gay son over a thot daughter :/
ana lucia: lesbian. a top. hates men actually. is offended by their presence. pretends to be tough around girls but actually just wants to be loved by them.
libby: cottage core lesbian. wants to go on picnics with her girlfriend. poor libby.
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canonizzyhours · 6 months
idk if this is appropriate since it isn't about canon izzy directly but i need somewhere anonymous to complain about 'the canyon.' i'm not in a lot of fandoms so i don't know if this is normal fandom behavior or what. I hope it isn't. this has been a uniquely upsetting experience for me. I have, like, next level autism for this show so of course i had to find Every single scrap of information about it and in the course of my obsessive 'research' i encountered these guys a lot, almost from the very beginning.
at first i thought it was funny and cute, like when people are hot for hannibal lector or some fucked up little guy. they wrote the worst ever fanfiction. that was fine, I could forgive that. but then they started saying things like 'if you watch it from izzy's perspective you'll see that he's the real hero and ed is the villain.' like girl no I've watched it 96 times and never once found this authoritarian incel karen good or relatable. the one that really got me was 'in any other show he'd be the protagonist.' yeah bro that's why i like this one? go watch one of those?
by like the fourth month they already had a bizarre victim complex. I just avoided talking about him completely because they would get really rude and start in with the guilt trips if you mentioned izzy even in a neutral way, let alone if you said anything about homophobia or psychological abuse. they called people abusive and homophobic and racist (?) if they said anything negative about fictional white man izzy hands. they threatened to sue someone. remember when there was an essay about him in a zine that was actually pretty positive? and most of the comments online were about how the actors and writers would definitely read this and be heartbroken. probably cry. maybe not even want to make the show anymore. it was a fan zine.
i didn't even like izzy except as an antagonist, but somehow they almost convinced me that i was watching it wrong. i started to seriously think, like, what if the writers were on his side all along? what if they really were making the main (queer, indigenous) love interest abusive and my very favorite thing was not as good as i thought it was? why not, when i've always had to twist a story to pretend it's for me? maybe i'd done it without realizing this time. i would have been so disappointed. and the way season two was done, there was like a week where i think i really believed it. it made me feel like i couldn't trust my own judgement. probably I was depending too much on this one tv show for serotonin because I cried a lot during that time, but you know how it is. the point is, it should have been a fun time for me but it was not.
i was so happy when he died, though. that cheered me right up and i'm fine now. i know I'm being dramatic and none of my complaints are very important in the grand scheme of things (i didn't even get into the racism) but they almost fucked up my Autism Favorite Thing for me and i want it to be documented somewhere that i will never forgive them for that <3 <3 <3
related posts: #29
(so i'd have posted this anyway bc of recent posts talking about questioning their views of izzy bc of the prevalence of canyon takes insisting he's a protagonist etc. but even without that, this blog was literally created because of a need for a space to talk about canon izzy and a need for acknowledgement that fanon izzy has become very widespread, mostly due to the canyon actions you mention. so it's difficult to separate the two when the blog was partially born from people thinking they were the only one to feel this way!)
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fadeintolight · 7 months
Here’s the hard cold truth for some anons. I find it disingenuous how ppl pretend constantly aligning urself with the community without being out would be a good or most importantly smart move. In reality if he did that but wasn’t out as queer it would look like queer-baiting to most. As a Gen z lesbian who just minds her own and is private about her sexuality, I can see why it would come off that way, bc western media gives a lot of attention to the marketing of LGBT… but they only do it to profit from it. So that’s the reason why ppl who don’t think Harry’s queer call him a queerbaiter and why they do it with Taylor too (bc she used it as an album aesthetic but then publicly identifies as straight). Like do u get what I’m trying to say? Louis isn’t gonna do any of what Harry does bc for him it would be career suicide, he doesn’t have the fandom to defend him from the type of allegations Harry has. If he truly is queer (i still don’t get y we care about wether he is or isn’t) and he is ever out(or god forbid outed), then I still think if anything changes it would be his talking points. Like being open with certain things he’s clearly not comfortable being open about since he’s private. I could never see Louis dancing around with pride flags or writing graphic songs about g@y sex bc like I’ve said that’s just not him. It never has been. He was just flamboyant when he was 18-20 when he barely understood the fame and now he’s not at all that publicly. And if he is the straightest man in the planet like harries and in the last two days lots of the larries have claimed, that doesn’t make him homophobic, Sharon. Using a very serious allegation bc he didn’t confirm a theory is peak immaturity bc ppls lives end from homophobia, so let’s think about our words for a second.
Sorry this is so long lol
^ nothing to add - partially bc im tired of this conversation and because i agree yes
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midnightrings · 7 months
i hope this episode shows to people who think otherwise that hawk isn't a soulless manipulator driven mostly by ambition and lust and that self preservation and freedom is a big motivator for him. bc i think the two scenes, with senator smith and later the doctor at the conversion facility, where each character openly directly says horrible homophobic stuff to hawk, unknowingly disparaging him to his face, and he has to sit there and pretend he's not gay. i think that even if playing a character essentially doesn't affect him at the moment, doesn't upset him immediately to hear those kind of things said about men like himself, longterm it's undoubtedly impacting him mentally to have to put on a facade and just shrug off those kind of words. i think especially coming from smith, who was a mentor to him, and after his own father rejected him, that has to hurt, subconsciously at least if he's repressing everything and not letting himself feel.
Perfectly said!
Honestly, my heart was breaking for Hawk during those scenes with Smith. It’s clear that Hawk loved and admired him – and still does after that. And the reason he still loves him is probably because he has never experienced anything else. His mother accepted him, but most people in his life did not.
Of course, Hawk isn’t the only person who had to deal with this – if anything, it’s a shared experience. Tim believes that his family only loves him as long as they don't know the truth about him. But essentially, they are two different characters with different experiences and beliefs.
And while I understand people not liking Hawk’s character, trying to make him the villain of the story just completely ignores the complexity of his character and the show. He is supposed to be an ass that screws over other people, but the show has done an excellent job portraying his perspective. We can understand where he’s coming from, even if his actions are awful. I honestly think that sometimes people have trouble differentiating between justifying someone’s actions and explaining/understanding them. He is not innocent by any means, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t be a victim as well. And Hawk is not an evil man either – just clearly messed up.
He’s a complicated character, and that is what makes his character and his relationship with Tim so intriguing. And ignoring the complexity of the story by trying to paint him as the villain is just insulting to the writing and acting.
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