#but like god damn. reading them is like :0 oh woah
annieisyourfavourite · 10 months
the poems in my notes app are so good oh my god. who wrote these cuz it surely couldn't have been this foggy brained bitch
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otakween · 7 months
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Zero Men - Volume 1
Now that I've finished 0-Sen Hayato, this manga was next on the list, another oldie. At least this time it's by the Godfather of all manga, Osamu Tezuka. I think this is his first work I've ever read??? Apparently no one cares about it because there's very little English material on it. Oh well, the main character is cute!
Ch. 1
Omg I'm loving this so far! The art is so dynamic and cute and the dialogue is really colorful too. The protagonist Ricky is adorable ;w; I love his tail.
That was a pretty badass and hilarious opening with the two soldiers fighting a pointless war while also low key bonding over a baby they saved.
Ricky crying when his dad told him his tail was something to be ashamed of broke my damn heart! Glad the dad isn't fully evil though. Just misguided...
Kind of weird that the dad is like "I swear I'll find you a doctor!" Like dude...you've had many years to do that and it probably would have been easier when the kid was an infant.
Ch. 2
Obvious parental death is obvious. Ricky sure got over it quick lol.
So, so far we know that 0 men can survive extreme temperatures, are really fast learners, and have great agility. I think this is an Elfen Lied scenario where they're supposed to be "evolved humans." Making them squirrel like was kind of a weird choice but oh well.
The professor's design where he basically just has a cloud for a head reminds me of Dr. Uranus from Cyborg 009. Peak old dude character design lol.
Losing one dad and then instantly meeting your real dad is pretty wild. The emotional whiplash made it all feel kind of rushed and silly. It's nice that Ricky doesn't feel like a freak anymore tho. Kind of an ugly duckling story.
Ch. 3
Woah, suddenly the story gets very different. Forget the evil scientists, it's time for robot demons apparently! New bad guys are Enma (Buddhist God of Hell) and Satan. Fun for the whole family!
Enma kinda looks like one of the guards from Squid Game lol, simple but menacing
The scene where Enma and Satan make an entire lighthouse disappear and the keep jumps out to save his life was effectively frightening. I wonder if that guy will come back as a witness?
All of Tokyo is ripped apart and put back together in like an hour and everyone just shrugs it off!? I know Japanese people can be complacent, but not THAT complacent!
This chapter felt like an anti-communist message with every house being exactly the same but "something's missing." I googled it and apparently Tezuka was a communist, but only for a short time before he changed his tune, so it's still possible that's what he was going for.
Ch. 4
So apparently the professor is a good guy now (despite first impressions) as he teams up with Ricky to investigate Enma.
We learn that 0-men are closer biologically to squirrels than they are to humans...riiight. The adults definitely looked more squirrel-like at least.
Pretty savage of the professor to shoot up his friend with a gun to "check if he's human" (including a shot to the head!?) Reminds me of the original Stepford Wives when the MC stabs her friend in the crotch.
The way Tezuka draws the prime minister feels very Looney Tunes. He's very rubbery.
Ch. 5
This manga is very text heavy so the average chapter takes me a bit to get through. Luckily, the Japanese has been very easy so far! (Rare for an older manga...)
Ricky and the Professor escape the clutches of King Enma who was planning to kill them if they didn't reveal the whereabouts of the 0 men. They end up in the forest where Ricky finds his mom and dad again. They ask Ricky to return to their country with them but he turns them down because he's vowed to be an "ally of humanity."
I can see why King Enma wears a mask...he's pretty dweeby looking under there. I like his mad scientist hair though. The fact that his face is a little disfigured gives Darth Vader vibes.
Ch. 6
Ricky and the professor try to alert the public about King Enma's take over. People start to be swayed, but then Enma just kills anyone who tries to join the resistance, so they don't get very far. By the end of the chapter Ricky is captured again by another power hungry person after the 0 men. Gdi Ricky...
I know it's for plot convenience but Ricky's tail pops out so easily that you'd think they'd come up with a better strategy for hiding it than stuffing it into his pants by now.
Ch. 7
Ricky splits up from the professor and finds himself captive on a boat. His 0 men parents come to save the day (apparently this was like a 0 men slave ship) and they knock out their captors.
Ricky just did a dramatic goodbye to his parents in chapter 6 and now he's back with them again? Make up your mind, story!
I was proud that I was able to read the kanji 船長. The videos I've watched of Marine-Senchou (vtuber) helped me out with that one.
We end the chapter in the jungle of the Himalayas. Maybe we'll learn more about 0 man culture?
Ch. 8
Uhhh wtf!? Ricky's dad just dies in an avalanche and they're like "meh, whatever!" Seriously Ricky and his mom recovered from that way too quickly. He might not really be dead, but they believe he is!!
It was cool seeing how the 0 men have been evading humans by living in a place that's only reachable by their species. That felt believable. I bet their land is nicer than the weird place Ricky was living before anyways. No dictators (I hope lol)
Ch. 9
Lol my previous statement was immediately proven wrong in this chapter. Ricky basically went from living in 1984 to Brave New World. I quickly went from enjoying learning about 0 men culture to being like...oh...that's not good.
Kind of confusing that Ricky's mom would intentionally bring her son into this world if she knew how messed up it was? She even is like "here's our apartment where we'll live as a big happy family" but then Ricky learns that kids are separated from their parents super early in this world and sent to live in a children's village. Like...did she not think of that??
Why was chapter 9 like 3 times longer than chapter 8? Well, I've been enjoying the kanji reading challenge. This manga has no furigana...
Ch. 10
Man this story is cyclical. They escape, they get captured, they escape, they get captured. Tezuka also seems to have ditched who I thought was the main villain for now. Will this whole thing be episodic or will we get a real plot?
They come across some yeti in their travels who say "yeti yeti" like Pokémon lol. I wouldn't mind seeing them make friends with all the cryptids, but the visit was very short.
Ricky's mom asking him to shoot her tail off with a gun was pretty dark. It does seem like it would make their lives a lot easier to remove their tails (in hopefully a less painful way), but I guess it's the principle of it.
Dude at they end looked like a Cyborg 009 character with his giant buttons and fancy hair haha.
Ch. 11
And just like that we gain another random party member (and Ricky's mom gains her 2nd adopted son in like 2 chapters). Ricky and Pete bond over their daddy issues.
I was wrong, they did bring Enma back. He reveals that his new, Communist version of Tokyo was inspired by the 0 man way of living, so I guess that explains that.
Like I said, we're going in circles here. Now we're back to looking for the professor Ricky befriended in earlier chapters. After the gang finds a safe place to live, then what? Are they going to save the world from oppressive regimes? Is the goal to just be a normal, happy family?
Ch. 12
So apparently the professor they eventually find is some kind of fake (even though he passed Ricky's needle test). Can Tezuka decide if this dude is a good guy or a bad guy already!?
Kinda funny how when they found a safe place to hide out they're like "now let's confront the evil people!" Like...weren't you running to hide from the evil people? Well I guess heroes gotta hero.
Ch. 13
So now it's doomsday via Mt. Fuji erupting. Although the gang succeeded in destroying Satan's clone factory, they now need to worry about the fate of humanity.
The version of this that I got from Bookwalker is 4 volumes but MAL has it at 7 volumes, so this must be an omnibus. I wonder where the original volume 1 cut off?
That first volume was kind of all over the place. The plot progression didn't feel all that natural, but I think this was one of those stories that was supposed to be a one-off and then got expanded, so whatever. Let's see where things go in volume 2...
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s4kasaki · 3 years
WELCOME NEW BLOG!!! Might I get some Rei/Kaoru/Kuro(separate) headcanons with a tall s/o?? many thanks in advance!! d=(´▽`)=b
omgawd thank you for the welcome c: :0 this idea is so cute actually— as a tall female myself this is excellency as ibara would say. ( ꈍᴗꈍ), three tall boys with a tall s/o! hope I did it justice! (≧▽≦)
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♡︎ — rei, kaoru and kuro | with a tall s/o .
‣ tws / cws: none
‣ reader: gender neutral - they/them so everyone can read :)
‣ author's note: I am proud of this one :0
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Believe it or not, he takes a liking to you being tall, not that he has an issue with the small ones— he just likes how he doesn’t have to break his entire back to look you in the face!!! Or to kiss you. even if he doesn’t say it that way...
Just... If you can fit in his coffin still, to take naps with him? everything is a-okay! He relies on you to keep him nice and warm in there ya know? After all, he's a cold-blooded vampire. If he has to order a bigger size coffin for your comfort, he will— and you get to help him decide on how it looks!!
He’ll throw a couple of compliments your way, around your height like; “You are as beautiful as a supermodel, my dear. Perhaps you are one. Are sure you aren't an actual supermodel?” or “You’re like Aphrodite. Tall, Graceful, and Beautiful.”
If you feel insecure about your height, Rei is always there in his old person-ish way to make you feel like you’re special and unique, unlike any other. Because you are! And especially— when dating him, you should feel far more special.
“Don’t feel that way about yourself, love. I can assure you that you’re surely a work of God's art, just the way you are. Tall or not, won't you agree?”
He would say, purposely to make you admit your worth, and you always end up admitting it. He just had a way with words like that. you’d damn near explode with the words he said circling through your head! (;ŏ////ŏ)
But if you feel uncomfortable with his words towards your height, he will always notice and apologize but he means no harm! He just wants you to know how special and unique you are, no matter the shape or form. ♡(ò v ó。)
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☆ — KAORU.
Woah? A tall woman, drools.. (・o・;)
I like to think it's the thing that made him attracted to you far more than he alreadly was, it was the unique feature that stood out on you. And he loved it. He thinks all women are special and cool >:p
He talks about your height, ALL the time. But in a good way! Throwing compliments about pretty you look, and how it is such a pleasant feeling to have somebody to feel the air above the clouds with.
He literally... calls you the most cringyest names— things like; “Oh shush, my tall Lil' Angel.” and sometimes normal sweet ones; “I can’t help but notice your frowning, is there something wrong, sweetheart?”
Yes, he does tease you a lot— and that’s one form of it. But he can sense when you're uncomfortable. he’ll apologize of course, and kiss your loving hand.
Kaoru is fond of affection and relationships, he can sense when you feel like something is bothering you– whether it be him, you two’s relationship, or... your height.
Like Rei— all he really wants is for you to feel special and adored. And for you to adore yourself just as much as he does and even more.
“Sweetheart!! I have something special for you, please come here for me.” he’d have gifts such as heels or very... expensive jewelry. If he's gonna spend his money? He’d rather spend it on you, especially matching jewelry designed by him. Anything to make you feel more confident with yourself, your appearance anything!
You always appreciated his gifts. As if it was something that you received from God himself. Kaoru seeing you smile when he gifts you something new, and the confidence boost it gives you is the only thing he needs in his life! ✧\(>o<)ノ✧
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✩ — KURO.
... He loves you. HE LOVES YOUR HEIGHT SO MUCH. That I can proudly say, its one of his favorite things about you. He thinks it's cool that you’re tall.
Him being tall himself, he’s kinda shocked that there is someone just as tall as him in the world— especially his s/o.
But he won’t complain. Theres some tall women in the world too and he won’t comment on it or disrespect it either, he understands being tall and its unfortunates and good fortunes
He dislikes when people rudely mention things about your height, Kaoru and Rei feels the same way. He will always step in if someone makes you feel bad about yourself and tell them off with not even the slightest bit of hesitation.
“Hey? Back off my S/O will you?”
After all, he motivates himself to protect his peers! And of course, you are no different. Maybe a little bit different... he protects you a bit more than his peers. But of course, he'd protect his lover!
Disliking your height? No way! Not with Kuro, he’s grabbing your shoulders and shaking your head around and rambling about how he loves your height and how incredible he thinks it is.
He loves sewing, so you can bet he makes you clothes to wear, he knows it can be painful to find pants that properly fit your height— So he will gladly! Get his sewing machine to make you some proper clothing, he will even let you wear his clothes sometimes!
HE’S THE ONE WHO CALLS YOU THE NORMAL NAMESSS. no offense to rei .. (╥﹏╥); “Babe, I made you something. It’s not much but it's better than wearing all my clothes right?”
He has no problem with you wearing his clothes tho.. don't worry ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
He likes to talk about you a lot in his interviews! How cool you are , how lucky he is to be with you. Souma and Keito can’t even complain about it anymore— usually Keito would say there's no time for admiring your beloved since the interview is about to end.. But now they just smile when he talks about you.
With how much Kuro talks about you, even AKATSUKI admires you! That’s got to be an achievement, right? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: hawaii five-0 season 1
steve has a much deeper voice than i thought he would lmao not at all important but felt like sharing
ooh his dad is hiding something
he's dead :(
I don't completely trust what the mayor is saying
danny hid the stuffed animal he got for grace :(
i'm already loving steve and danny's dynamic
“pineapple infested hellhole.” 😭
danny's ringtone for his ex wife sends
damn punched him straight in the face 😭 this partnership is off to a great start
they look so done in that scene of them wearing the shirts 😭
“where are you trying to go? go ahead. want me to shoot you? stop.” fjgkfkdks
two eps in, and steve and danno are fighting like an old married couple
“to my cousin, who always brings light to darkness.” I’M CRYING
sid being their cousin was actually unexpected for me
“you weren’t held when you were a baby, were you?” "i was held, okay? i have photos, if you want proof.” “photoshopped.” pls 😭😭
lmao danny is so passionate about ham and pineapple not belonging on pizza
rachel hasn’t even been introduced onscreen, and i already hate her
that entire scene with the sharks sends so hard
“how long have you guys been married?” dkfjfjs
I knew there was more to craig than just being a kidnapped victim
“old house, thin walls.” “oh! God!” “yeah! you said that a lot last night!” HELP 😭
the medical examiner is hilarious
“ever make it to double pretzel level?” “triple banana, bitch.” too damn funny
oh crap, mary found the box
the looks on chin and steve’s faces when kono took that woman’s dog 😭
lmfao “it’s not like it’s the dogs fault”
it should be illegal to make kono cry
woah a wild josh dallas appears
losing it over ian being ben’s father
steve absolutely lit up like a damn christmas tree when danny told him he likes when he says “book em, danno.” if you’re in love, just say that <3
the scene with them spreading ian’s ashes was beautiful
danny looking around and lowering his voice before he says to steve “you miss me, don’t you?” dkgjfjs that’s so gay
“you talking to your wife?” HELLO????
“if i wanted him dead, he’d be dead.” sir, that does not help your case in any way
oh crap, she lost lily
poor lily, she lost her mom and her dad
they just?? unknowingly cooked a man?
chim and danny are the ultimate brotp
erica getting hit by that bus was…so regina george
fuck that was funny
i knew that guy was dirty
“why do you think i brought my family here?” “i don’t know, you’re a murderer. who cares?” pls this is why i love danny
“i told you, i hated that guy.” danny, read the room for me, baby
the last few minutes of this episode are freaking intense
laughing my ass off at the fact that i was only going to liveblog my reaction to the first episode, and now i’m on episode ten 😭
“he’s 25.” “this kid looks like he’s 12.” aww, danny. i know he’s dying, but you don’t have to lie
no thoughts, just danny calling steve “babe”
so that’s rachel
if they develop both rachel as a character, and also her relationship with danny, i think i could actually like her
that’s it for the first ten eps!
when i started this show, i did not expect to love it so much, nor did i expect to be shipping steve and danny lmao
you’re a real one if you actually read this entire post
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srirachvbi · 4 years
Kageyama and Bokuto taking their kids to practice headcanons !
request: hihi i was wondering if you can do a continuation of the bringing their kids to practice with some of the other haikyuu characters? i’d love to see it with kageyama especially but honestly you can pick anyone! thank you :)
a/n: i AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG... I have no excuses, i was too sad about haikyuu e wording but i have read threads on how to write characters on twitter and i am thriving... so n e ways i was looking for a reason to write more of these because i just... love the idea of this so tsym for requesting!! if i write more parts, i might do hoshiumi, hinata, atsumu, and... maybe oikawa? i’m a huge bokuto stan so his might be longer than kageyamas im sorry <3 and and ik that kageyama goes to italy but for the sake of i want to write other characters, i will be using the adlers oops. i will also be only doing probably two characters per post for these because i write so much for it. LMAO ALSO these are super unrealistic this would NOT be allowed during pro sports practices but for the sake of entertainment, let’s just... do it warnings: manga spoilers
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Bokuto Koutarou
He had been wanting to bring Kaori to practice for a while but each time he tried to, you would be like no bitch </3 
heart been broke so many times
When you told him that you had to go into work and couldn’t schedule the nanny in time, he was like “I’LL TAKE CARE OF HER!!!”
Honestly you were only against him taking her because you were still mad at him for leaving her in the high chair for a while and you came home to her crying and him just knocked out 
Like... Kou, pls <3 
He had brought Kaori into post game interviews before but you were always there so this would really be the first time he’d take care of her by himself for a period of time longer than an hour
He’s a good parent dw !! he had just spent the whole night thinking about the most random shit and he ended up sleeping like three hours 
He was thinking about horses cause Ushijima brought them up in an interview >:0
You were still mad tho 
It had been a while and he had actually shown to you that he could take care of her by himself so you were fine with him taking her to practice
He was super pumped and was practically shaking in excitement (he was texting Akaashi the whole morning asdlfjskdf)
Bokuto-san AGHASHEE!!!!! Y/N IS LETTING ME TAKE KAORI  TO PRACTICE!!!!!!!!! AGHASHEE Congrats, Bokuto-san. 
That conversation but every two minutes
I’m sorry Akaashi <3 
He also texts the whole group chat and Hinata’s equally as excited
Kaori and Hinata were best friends !!!! She literally loved him
Like he would put her on his shoulders and they’d run around for hours
How he has so much energy goes beyond everyone but it’s fun to watch 
You lectured him for half an hour about what he should do in certain situations and unlike most times, he listened really well because :(( the baby cares about Kaori
Both Kaori and him actually walked with you to the train station and saw you off before heading to practice !! 
He normally drives to practice because he has a super nice car and it’s easier to drive with Kaori instead of public transportation
When they get to the gym, he goes running in with Kaori on his shoulders 
cue Hinata cheering super loudly
Kaori’s giggling and being all cute omg i love her
She was being carried in on her dad’s shoulders so Bo lets her down and she immediately runs (read: waddles quickly) to Hinata
Hinata starts crying-- jk, no
He goes “Kaori-chan!” and scoops her up in his beefy arms 
She’s giggling and she like kisses his cheek and everyone’s like “so cute...” ohmyogd babies
Similar to her dad, she’s super friendly!! and a bit simple minded
It’s literally in her blood to not actually hate anyone so she gets along with EVERYONE at practice
She even makes the coach super soft omg
Atsumu’s just watching her and being like “child. want. child-- oh god, i need a kid.” cause she’s just so god damn cute
Lol atsumu having twins cause it’s a gene or smth idk biology
I barely passed bio please spare me <3
I actually got an 80 smth on my final last year don’t listen to me
Sakusa being hesitant at first to be near her but she’s actually super sweet to him!!
like she saw Sakusa’s face and was like “oh!! I remember what dad said!!” 
Kou talks about his teammates a lot and somehow Kaori remembered him telling her about how Sakusa’s a germaphobe so she’s like
“Sir!! I washed my hands!! I’m not dirty!!” and he
He just 👁👄👁 
He thinks she’s cute and treasures her now
Suddenly Kaori has a whole team of dads
it’s okay
Bokuto itching to let her play volleyball but at the same time worrying about her if she does
It’s like the angel and the devil on his shoulders
One sides like
let her pLAY!!!!! LET HER PLAY (read it as if it’s the LEt ME INNN meme)
While the other sides like
👁👄👁 (y/n) will kill me if she gets hurt and i’ll kill myself if she gets hurt and hinata will kill me if she gets hurt-
In the end he gives her a volleyball after she asks once and he’s like ‘PFFT KAORI-CHAN IF YOU INSIST’ while she’s like
dude i asked to play once and normally someone disagrees with me tf are you on, sir? 
she tries to pick the ball up but it ends up being half her size and it’s just... such a cute image
Bo takes a picture of it and sends it to you!!
You reply back in seconds lol
Kou-kun ❤💖 [image.jpeg] LOOK AT HER!! FUTURE PRO (Y/N)-CHAN!! (Y/N) MY LOVE ❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕 be careful letting her hold that it’s too big!! but so cute!!! have fun taro <3
He ends up taking the ball away after a bit because she can’t walk while holding it
Eventually practice has to start tho so he asks her to sit on the bench and she’s an obedient angel and does so !!
The whole time she’s like swinging her legs and watching her dad practice
It’s fun for her to see him play 
Okay but like I’ve said, she’s similar to her dad
At one point at practice during a break, she stole Atsumu’s water and was running around the gym with him chasing her
He was ofc not actually chasing her cause he found it cute that she was trying to steal his stuff
Lol Sakusa being like “oh, you can’t catch up to a child? are your knees getting bad, old man?”
Atsumu’s like “bro, we’re the same age”
Sakusa ignores him
She ends up TRIPPInG AND ATSUMU’s LIke “Oh fuck” 
omg Bokuto’s like “tsum tsum-- do you want to die 👁👄👁🗡” because she just got hurt because of him
Atsumu picks her up and is apologizing so god damn much
This is the first time anyone’s seen Bokuto remotely irritated
Atsumu: please, child... i don’t want to die today... please... shhhhhhh
He lets her down and she walks (read: waddles) over to her dad and is giving him puppy eyes omg
Bokuto stops being mad and scoops her up and he’s like “did Kao-chan get a boo boo” and she nods, sniffling
Ohmygod dad bokuto dad bokuto dad bokuto stop
suddenly I actually want kids
Shion ends up getting a first aid kit since Meian asked (woah more black jackals players except I don’t really know how to write for them??? woahhh)
Shion roasts Atsumu with Sakusa for letting her fall and suddenly Atsumu’s the bad guy
By the end of practice tho Kaori’s fine !!!
She’s back to her regular happy self so cute :(
She asks Bo to call you and when you pick up she shows you her bandaid on her knee and is like “Miya-san was chasing me and I fell!!”
Suddenly Atsumu feels a cold chill and knows you found out lol
Hi this is (y/n), and you’re watching disney channel-
good luck, atsumu *stops camera*
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Kageyama Tobio
He would be equally as confused as a father as Ushijima
It’s okay, he’s trying his best
You normally work from home so you guys haven’t really hired a nanny! 
And if you needed someone to watch your guys’ son, Sho (which can mean to fly oho see what I did there I’m so smart), you just drop him off at your parents’ house or Miwa’s!
However, today was the only time you had to go in for like the next few months and both your parents and Miwa are busy
So, you enlist in your husbands help
“Tobio... I need you to watch Sho...” 
He spits out his milk “wHAT” cause like,, he’s hardly taken care of Sho by himself and normally had either his sister or you around
He doesn’t actually spit out his milk-- you’d kill him if he did because it would be a pain in the ass to clean up <3
It takes a bit of convincing being he’s really nervous about taking care of Sho!!
Okay but he’s a great dad dw it’s just he’s nervous about having another human being literally rely on him completely
You also just remind him that Romero’s a father so he won’t be completely on his own while taking care of Sho
So he somehow gets to the gym with Sho in one piece but he’s literally so stiff like bro, i need you to relax
Hoshiumi yelling “KAGEYAMA SHO!!!!!!!” and Sho (who has actually met the team like two times) goes like “HOFIUMI-SAN!!!!!” 
Sho’s a bit of an energetic bby-- he’s less emotionally constipated than his dad <3
He’s... he reminded you guys of Shoyo and well, you thought it would be nice to name him after his god father
No this isn’t a kagehina post i swear i love them but this is me saying that i love their friendship sm omg stop im gonna cry 402 really just popped into my head again
Hoshiumi getting mad when he sees that Sho has actually grown even though he’s a grown ass man and the little toddler would not, in fact, be catching up that soon
Sir, pls... sit down
The Adlers all love Sho since they’ve come into contact with him like twice at games before 
Ushijima just... doesn’t know how to interact with Sho
He just stares down at him and honestly Sho stares back up without fear
Kageyama Sho: no (0) fears 
I think it’s cause his father gives a similar stare sometimes and he just... got used to it
Ushijima gives him that stare and Sho just goes SIGH this again
Jk he’s a baby
He literally looks up at Ushiwaka and gives him this cute ass grin and Ushijima’s like “oh, children are very cute.”
Thank you, Wakatoshi-kun
Romero does, in fact, give Kags some tips about fathering and ends up showing pictures of Rubens to the team (love that) 
Sho being such a big fan of Hinata and being like “woAHHH!!! I’M NAMED AFTER HIM!!!” 
Hinata rubs it in Kags face because Sho practically idolizes him
Practice starts and Sho’s just sitting on the gym floor with a volleyball in his hands cause he
Kags just giving newborn Sho a volleyball and expecting him to become acquainted
It worked
Sho’s used to holding onto volleyballs and even tries to hit it but everytime he did, he’d fall backwards onto his lil bum and would be like :(
Kageyama watching from the other side of the gym and his heart just goes AHHHHHHHHHH
He’s about to cry that is the cutest thing he’s ever seen
Sho making sure he doesn’t interrupt practice!!! and like chasing after the ball to make sure it doesn’t go onto the courts!!!
Cute babs is so good :(
He ends up tripping tho and starts to tear up and Kags is watching during practice and goes “OH GOD”
He’s literally whipping his head from Sho to his coach and has this desperate look on his face 
he’s saying “JUST ONE BREAK!! JUST ONE, SIR!!” with his eyes and his coach just gives in
Kageyama going from one side of the gym to the next at insane speed
Sho: dad :((( i hwurt my knee :(((
Kags just picks him up and cradles him to his chest (he does this after making sure there’s no blood or anything-- it’s literally just a little bit red) 
Kags being a good dad just... WEAK
Only like two minutes later, Sho stops sniffling and is like “!!! go back to practice daddy!!” 
Kags does and he can’t focus on Sho anymore cause his coach would yell at him asldfjlsf
At the end of practice, Sho is like “dad i wanna play voweyball!!!!!!” and Kags heart just CLENCHES
He grabs his heart like that meme or smth 
You call them cause you know when practice normally ends and Sho’s just talking a lot and it’s so cute
He’s super excited and you’re like !!! My CUTE CHILD !!!!
Lol you tease Kags cause he was worrying about nothing
“Maybe I’ll let you take care of him by yourself more often Tobio” “Pls, I lost ten years of my life when I saw him fall pls not yet <3″ 
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
what are your thoughts on thruples? cause I keep thinking about Paige/Henry/Coop, especially with Henry and Coop's epic bromance in the comics
ooh that could be very interesting. personally, i'm game for throuples (tho i will say i Hate the word throuple i think it sounds gross just like you know moist or something so i usually just say "poly relationship") but i do kind have beef when it's like. like you know the meme "it doesn't have to be like this [blank] has two hands"? funny meme i do like it but i hate when a poly relationship is just kinda an excuse to merge two couples rather than something that like emerges as distinct relationships between all three parties. like bella edward and jacob as a couple like. shure because bella loves edward and bella loves jacob but jacob and edward really don't like have anything there it's more like roommates who share a girlfriend rather than a poly relationship. one piece of media that i think really did it well was siren on freeform which i highly recommend the first two seasons it kinda goes off the rails s3 and then was cancelled but the first two season it really spends time fleshing out all aspects of the relationships between ben, ryn, & maddie and it also actually goes canon which is lit 🤙🤙
but basically. if i were to do a paige/henry/coop, i think i would start with specifically a paige/coop bromance introduce henry into the mix & let it blossom from there so like. as previously stated. i think each leg of the triangle here needs to be strong n steady on its own so um underneath the cut is i believe a record breaking 6.6k
rip richard but we'll say richard also died in this au rip. and then, of course, kyle also died. idk if he's a whitelighter or not but the point is paige has this weight on her chest like god i can't save these people i can't save the people i love ouch everything hurts
& that's when coop shows up!
and we'll have his introduction plot be a fusion of heartbreak city and the magic hour where coop's got this relationship and it's perfect they're so in love but there's this demonic interference and it's gonna kill one or both of them so he busts down the charmed ones' door like hi you guys are protectors of the innocent right well i have some innocents in dire need of protection
to which this duty gets turfed to paige because piper idk has work and phoebe has a date and phoebe's like i can cancel it to help! and coop's like what no the whole reason i'm here is love go go find love paige can totally handle this
and paige is like :| because she really doesn't want this gig and coop's explaining it all to her how this love is going to be broken up by a magical death unless they stop it and paige is like okay look here coop let's not get our expectations up to high because in my experience almost all relationships end in a magical death and coop’s like !!!
and immediately does like a cupid reading on her and paige is trying to bat him away like ew no i do not need any love guru-ing right now okay let’s just fix your thing and then you can leave okay
and coop’s like no don’t you see? this is fate, the fact that it’s you and me on this, it means i’m meant to be here, i’m meant to help you find love
and paige is like uh no it means piper’s a mother of two and phoebe’s on a date while i am the tragic spinstress of magic school (which is still under her charge just bc it is we didn’t abandon it)
and coop’s like nope. it’s fate. and paige rolls her eyes and coop’s like come on, like you don’t believe in fate and paige is like actually i don’t! and coop just smiles at her bc he knows she’s lying and paige knows she knows he’s lying and she tries to sneer at him but it’s just insanely half hearted bc to be honest her heart kinda skipped a beat with that smile but no
absolutely not
dude, all she gets is cursed love, and now a cupid?
she can’t go through all that she can’t fight for love only to watch him die no she’s gonna ignore it he’s not that cute anyways oh fuck he totally is but whatever!!! doesn’t matter
so blah blah blah paige and coop save the day including one moment where idk there’s an explosion or something they have to dodge something hide for attackers something where they get thrown up against a wall faces inches apart from each other breathing heavy undeniably a moment which they both Immediately break because wooooah that is a little too much chemistry!! better act like that never happened
and you know next episode or whatever coop’s like okay let’s find you love!! and paige is like not now i’m at work and coop’s like in an alleyway and paige is like i need to look after my charge and then after that i need to grade papers and after that i need to order cauldrons and after that-
and coop’s like find love?
and paige is like no. i need to.... but um she forgot the rest of her list
and coop’s like find love excellent sounds great!
and paige is like anyone ever tell you you’re really annoying and coop’s like nope i’m a cupid :0)
and blah blah blah they’re arguing and something something w paige’s charge and paige is like i gotta go talk to him but coop holds her back because wait who’s that approaching him and paige is like fuck that must be his parole officer bc idk he’s doing something that is obviously breaking parole and paige is like aaaaaaa what do we do and then it’s a henry face reveal and both paige and coop are like woah.
but then paige is storming off trying to like try to fight henry and henry’s like what the fuck is this?? and coop’s running up like hi i’m also here and speed’s like i-cannot stress this enough-do not know any of these people and coop’s like you don’t know us yet and paige is like you can’t do this speed’s a good kid and speed’s like yeah!!
and henry’s like he was so very obviously breaking parole and paige is like he’s a kid and henry’s like a kid who’s been to juvie!! twice!!! and who should know the damn rules by now
and paige is like look something something clever talk bargaining whatever puts something of her own at stake and henry’s like you’re really gonna risk it all on this kid and paige is like yes. he’s destined for greatness. and speed is like yeah!! and henry’s like fine. whatever. but when the other shoe drops, you know like i’m gonna cash in whatever wager paige made here
& he leaves
and speed’s like thanks also who are you and idk we get a paige monologue something full of love and spirit and coop’s also there still and speed’s listening to this monologue kinda like um okay bc honestly? just met her five minutes ago this is kind of a lot but coop’s listening to this monologue like wow😍
so idk speed leaves and coop’s like hey so do you pick a fight with all the guy’s you find attractive and paige is like what
and coop’s like well i’m just saying you know with richard with kyle with me and now with henry i’m kinda sensing a pattern there
and paige is like did you just include yourself on that list and coop’s like i mean yeah duh
and paige kinda wants to argue back but her blush is giving her away so it’s best just to change the subject so what you think i should be going for the parole officer?
and coop’s like yes! didn’t you feel it there was a spark there passion energy something that with the help of yours truly can easily turn into love and paige is like yeah no. absolutely not.
and coop’s like come on why not he was hot and paige is like yeah well if he’s so hot why don’t you date him and coop pauses like hmm like genuinely consider and paige is like don’t do that
and coop’s like why not and paige is torn between don’t date him because i actually did feel that spark and i do kinda like him and also don’t date him because if you’re gonna date anyone it should be me but both those are too embarrassing to say out loud to her cupid so instead she just says conflict of interest
and we flash forward to later idk when the point is speed is doing graffiti on public property but not just like stupid pointing a spray can at something la la la like proper graffiti like an artform but as it is unfortunately public property that is Illegal so it breaks parole
so idk henry’s there and busts him and paige senses speed’s in trouble so she shows up and henry’s like good you’re here. i’m not actually gonna cash in the thing that you wagered because that’d be unfair, because i know the kid, i know that he always let’s you down and speed’s like hey man
but paige is looking up at the wall and she’s like don’t you get it and henry’s like ...no and paige is like it’s art. it’s a release, it’s a coping mechanism and speed’s like idk that’s all sounding a little bit pretentious for a bit of graffiti and paige is like you can’t arrest him for this and henry’s like it’s literally illegal. & i already let him walk once what part of this aren’t you getting
and then there’s like a. idk cop radio thing i don’t know how police work that’s talking about how whatever gang speed used to run with just robbed some place but they’re hot on their tail bc their getaway driver sucks and henry’s looking at speed bc speed Is the getaway driver hence the name and henry’s like how come you aren’t driving that car huh
and speed just shrugs and henry’s like no how come you’re not driving that car what you swap out one crime for another you’re getting busted either way and speed like shrugs 
and paige is like he’s creating art instead and henry’s like did they approach you to drive the getaway car and speed shrugs and henry’s did they approach you to drive the getaway car and speeds like yes man they did i said no and henry looks up at the art
and it’s some super nail on the head craving freedom thing a bird breaking free from a cage type shit and it’s gorgeous
and henry looks at paige like what are you, huh
and paige is like freelance guardian angel
and henry just uncuffs speed and speed’s like what are you doing and henry’s like go. next time you do this find a wall that isn’t public property
and speed can’t help it he kinda smiles n runs off and henry just looks at paige bc what the hell has this girl gotten into him bc normally he’s just got such a concrete shell but she’s smiling at him like he just made the right choice and he’s really gotta fight the urge to smile back. what the fuck
so he says something stupid and leaves
and later paige is doing something when boom coop is here invading her personal bubble bc that’s become their new mode of communication is there are one thousand empty chairs and coop is seated in one paige will walk over and sit on that same chair that’s how they operate bc again there’s this sense of longing for one another and they both know they can’t go for it so instead they just opt for this intense intimacy passed off as friendship
and paige is like met the parole officer again and coop’s like oh henry mitchell? and paige is like how do u know his full name and coop’s like did my research<3 and they’re talking blah blah blah idk and it’s both how to land a date with this guy and also heavy flirting at the same time. and then like phoebe walks into the room and they snap apart like magnets with the same polarity i think?? been a while since the fifth grade and their language just becomes so much more stifled
to which phoebe is vaguely aware and this is a change but we as the audience are super aware it’s a change meaning that their constant flirty banter is a choice on both parts they are both very consciously doing this
and then i don’t know there’s something bigger going on in the main plot which has been building and the main villain needs something magical from each type of being so a cupid’s next on the grocery list so idk coop is either out minding his own business getting coffee or he’s out on reconnaissance on henry when all of a sudden he’s attacked!! by idk an arrow seems convenient honestly we should do a bow and arrow an homage to in original cupid iconography
and henry’s in proximity and sees this and idk maybe they’re somewhere where there aren’t that many people just so you know u can be attacked by a bow and arrow and henry’s like what the fuck!??!?! running over to help him and he vague recognizes him as the angel’s friend but is mainly like holy shit did you just get shot with a bow and arrow and henry’s like i’ll call an ambulance i’ll drive u to the hospital
and coop’s like no no uhh can’t go with the whole i am actually a magical being i exist in no databases and also have no money so instead goes with the i have no health insurance and henry’s like hmm. fuck.
so the next thing you know coop’s on henry’s couch and henry’s doing rudimentary first aid and coop’s really trying to hobble away because if he can just get to paige she can heal this because she unlocked that power in like s5 or s6 in a more natural progression but henry’s not letting him leave because dude you have an arrow in your chest
and now we’re doing the hurt comfort schtick with the meaningful glances and also coop is shirtless bc well you know Arrow In Chest and he’s also in henry’s apartment which is offering a very weird sense of intimacy
and there’s also this kind of banter going because coop’s like no i’m fine i can leave this is fine and henry’s like dude. please let me at least try to help you and after that you can walk right out of here and go repuncture your lung. but just. while you’re. let me do what i can
and coop’s like okay because like. well i mean a) gotta keep up appearances like he’s mortal and b) henry’s kinda fine so sure he can play doctor what’s the worse that can happen
and henry’s like okay we gotta get this arrow out of you so um. any ideas on how to do that? and coops like yeah break off the feathered part and then pull the rest through
and henry’s just like yeah? you have experience with this? and coop’s like once or twice and henry’s like what do you do?
and coop’s like ... relationship therapist
and henry’s like are relationship therapists frequently attacked by archers and coop’s like yeah more often than you’d think 
and henry removed the arrow and the actual point stabby bit of the arrow is shaped like a heart just for funsies bc it’s for cupids but henry’s looking at this like relationship therapist hunting arrow??
anyways. henry is pressing some bandages against coop’s chest to staunch the bleeding and there’s a Moment there to which henry kinda falters because woah gay thoughts?? and the pressure lightens but then o shit i’m lightening the pressure don’t do that!! so he pushes hard and coop’s like aa!! and henry’s like fuck jesus and coop just kinda laughs like i guess you don’t patch up arrow wounds that frequently and henry’s like yeah actually you’re my first!!
something something something coop’s patched up and henry gives him once of his shirts because coop’s shirt had to be cut off him bc of the arrow and we get one of the classic how to i look / starstruck moments because hell yeah we do
and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah coop makes it home and paige is like where in god’s name did u get that shirt bc it looks nothing like what coop would wear in fact in kinda reminds her of
believe it or not, henry
hot parole officer henry?
the one and only
and paige is like you slept with him??? and coop’s like close. i was shot with an arrow and he patched me up
and paige is like !!! because you know main plot evil all this that coop takes off henry’s shirt so paige can see the wound and heal it and she’s looking at henry’s handiwork and it really is the old college try but that man is not a medic so now paige is laying her hand on coop’s bare chest and phoebe walks in and immediately turns on a heel like i’ll give you guys some space!!
and paige is like no it’s fine i’m healing him he was shot main plot and phoebe’s like oh
and then later phoebe’s talking with paige like okay you and coop tho. bc like. ik ik healing or whatever. but like. 👀👀.
and tbh paige has been waiting for this because she really needs to unpack bc like i know!! because coop and i have this thing and it’s a great thing but it like can’t be a thing it’s a forbidden thing but i want it to be a thing but at the same time there’s this other guy and i can’t get him off my mind and i’m worried i’m just viewing him as a safer alternative instead of coop but like. idk he was just my backup i feel like i would be more lukewarm about it. but i’m not. like. i’m really not i kind wish i was because i don’t know if i can do a relationship again especially because he’s mortal like i can’t have someone i care for die again so maybe it’s safer just to keep what i have with coop or maybe even to explore that further? and keep henry safe? but like this and that and this and that
and phoebe’s like buzzing because it’s been a while since she’s had such an interesting love mess to tinker with so the first thing she does is go to coop just to see what she can sus out there Meanwhile paige is with speed where you ask? p3. well, outside of it
speed is painting the side of the club with this amazing artwork and clearly there’s this vein of magic running through it with certain symbols all that and he’s using paintcans and paige has her paintbrush and is adding smaller pieces as well
and she’s like hey where’d you get like that idea or thing idea because they’re all like. runes or magical somethings or others and speeds like idk. saw it in a dream maybe.
and henry rolls up because he stopped at the manor looking for paige and piper directed him here and he’s just like. like he sees this amazing work and it’s a big heart full moment and paige and speed finish up and speed adds his little signature at the bottom and leaves and henry says he’s proud of him and speed acts like he doesn’t care but he does
so henry’s like hey how’s your friend and paige is like coop? yeah, no he’s totally fine and henry’s like really???
and paige is like yeah no um. my brother in law! is an army medic. so um. he was able to. yeah : ) which isn’t technically a lie because leo was he’s just also kinda frozen in a block of ice now so whoops
and henry’s like that’s good but the real reason he’s her it to like thank paige for you know like. seeing the light like maybe henry has become too bitter and jaded so it’s good to know that there are freelance guardian angels out there keeping the balance and you know watching out for these kids so thank you for just like. being a good person.
and he also looks at her art and he’s like this your coping mechanism and paige is like yeah [tragic backstory swap time!!] and both paige and henry kinda realize how they’re like almost mirrors to each other and henry kisses her and paige kisses him back but then stops because she likes him too much which means he’s gonna die
so she’s like sry i gotta go and henry’s like oh :\ because um. well. whoops. because like. god he so rarely goes out on a limb like that and for one moment there it felt like it was all gonna align like he wasn’t gonna get ditched but paige’s green punchbuggy is already peeling out of the lot so guess not
so phoebe’s determined that coop is indeed in love with paige so all that needs is a little nudging okay she’s on mission time to go
and then next thing you know paige is storming in all in a tizzy because she kissed henry and coop’s like this is great news and paige is like no this is bad news! and coop’s like ???
and paige is like no you don’t understand it’s like i’m cursed because whenever i love someone whenever i truly love someone they die and that kiss....... it was..... i can’t have henry die
and coop is like on full cupid mode idk a cupid monologue blah blah blah love <3 and it kind of heals paige both in a sense that it quells her worries but also in a sense that being around coop always seems to make her feel better like she just feels warmer feels safer when he’s around so um. she should probably. figure something out about that. esp in regards to henry. right?
anyways. coop for some reason or another runs into henry again (call it fate) and henry’s like hey r u okay? and coop’s like yeah : ) ! and thank you, by the way, for um patching me up and stuff and henry’s like yeah no problem but um look can i ask you a favor and coop’s like sure
and henry’s like you’re a relationship therapist right and coop’s like yeah 99% sure he knows where this is going and henry’s like like family and relationship counselling and coop’s now only like 40% sure he knows where this is going and he’s like sure and henry’s like great okay so um i’ve got this parolee who [plot background story idk there needs to be some familial healing something or other] is there like. anyway you can help out with that
and coop’s like totally!! and henry’s like oh thank god because like. therapy expensive.
and now we get another one of those moments like seeing someone in their element henry sees coop as he goes basically full cupid but rather than romantic love it’s familial and henry’s like in awe and he’s also kind like wow okay i’d totally make out with that guy like right now but like. like he just kissed paige. and he knows coop and paige are friends. so like. like he can’t do that right? is that too weird?
so family therapy a success and like as established forging bonds of love strengthens cupids so coop’s like word you know if you ever need this on a more regular basis and henry’s like i promise you’re gonna regret offering that and coop’s like not a chance and henry’s like i really have like nothing to pay you with and coop’s like you make these kids lives better. i don’t need payment and henry looks over and gets is Own aha moment of oh i do have a purpose and also i love my job type thing
but. there is another task at hand. because like. are you and paige?? like??
and coop’s like me and paige??? and he’s about to say no because no they’re not but now he’s thinking about it and they are kinda more than they are not but henry’s not asking about the minutiae of it so now henry’s just watching him go on this face journey before going why do you ask : ) and henry’s like no nothing i just thought like well i don’t know what i thought
and coop’s like haha yeah well you know it’s um. haha yeah! you know how it is. i mean. paige is amazing and henry’s like yeah she really is and coop’s like yeah and like she’s just got all this love in her heart and henry’s like i know!! and she’s so smart like you should see what she’s done with speed she got him this place where he can put up his own art and like blah blah blah and at this point it is just coop and henry praising paige to each other for about five minutes before they kinda realize what’s going on and they’re like hmm. well this is kinda weird. cuz now we both kinda sound in love with her.
and coop’s like listen. i know paige really likes you. like a lot
and henry’s like woah i’m gonna stop you there because um. like. i mean i don’t wanna sound weird but like. like we did kiss and then she kinda just ran off and i mean literally ran hopped into her car drove away type thing so. i don’t really think so. so :\
and coop’s like no i mean like okay yeah that did happen but dude you’ve gotta understand she’s had so much loss and henry’s like no i know she told be about her parents and coop’s voice gets real low leans in because this is Top Secret information and he’s like it goes beyond that and henry’s like what and coop’s like her past two boyfriends both died. one from a heart attack, the other was hit by a car (well, no richard was not hit by a car but when all the magic inside you fucks you up that bad evidently the wreck that’s left kinda looks like you were hit by a semi. ouch) and coop’s like so paige kinda just. thinks she’s cursed.
and henry’s like oh. because my god. that’s a lot to process. and that like. like makes so much sense because like if that happened to him he really wouldn’t be able to date again hell that did not happen to him and he’s already barely able to date bc of how afraid he is of getting hurt
but coop’s out here like henry it’s not you like i promise she really likes you i mean you’re a good man and you’re brave and you’re passionate and like you’re hot, obviously and coop theoretically starts complimenting henry from paige’s point of view but then it very clearly starts to dissolve into coop’s pov and we’re still riding that chemical high of the In Your Element passion henry has for coop added onto the good person bonus of yes i’ll continue to help you with this endeavor for literally no benefit and now he’s just rattling off compliments to henry and henry’s just like oh jeez 😳😳🥰
and there’s just like. the briefest moment of henry’s eyes darting down to coop’s lips and coop’s daze is kinda broken and he realizes that he’s just been telling henry how foioine he is to his face and there’s a moment spellbound lookin into each others eyes like damn this is kinda gay & then they’re making out
and then henry’s like ohhh my god what am i doing what have i done oh know because you’re paige’s friend you like paige and i kissed her earlier today and now i’m oh my god this is a bad idea right? this is a bad idea?
and coop’s thinking on it because like okay he has been trying to pair paige and henry together a) because they’d be cute together and she clearly likes him but also b) because he really likes her and he can’t be with her bc he’s a cupid so at least if she’s with someone else who she loves he can be happy knowing she’s happy. but now he’s here with henry and he shouldn’t be because Again he’s trying to pair paige with henry and he can’t be with henry bc as previously stated cupids can’t actually have relationships but he shouldn’t even be thinking that because henry isn’t for him but even if he was which he isn’t it wouldn’t work because he’s a cupid so um. yeah. this is a bad idea
no they’re makin out again.
anyways. l8r at p3 someone else who owns a local business sees the art on the wall outside and is like yo who did that because i would totally pay them to do idk my food truck or something and piper’s like i’ll tell u exactly who did that
so idk i think legally since speed’s a minor and a parolee henry has to be involved in the job getting process actually wait speed just turned 18. idk what any of this means but we’ll say henry needs to be there so piper gave paige the food truck guys digits and paige passes on the news to speed and henry and like. paige shows up at henry’s office to be like good news!!
and to level with you henry thought that like. after making out with coop maybe his feeling for paige would dissipate like maybe he was secretly gay this whole time and paige was just a safe route to project those feeling but paige comes in with this smile that puts the goddamn stars to shame and henry’s like nope!! still in love with her!!
and paige is like okay because like this is all set you know like this could even lead to a career in art for speed like and henry’s like yes absolutely but now that the initial glow of that has worn off they’re both kinda remembering that the last time they saw each other they kissed and then paige bolted so yeah they should probably address that
and paige is like look i want to apologize for just kind of. running out the other day. that really wasn’t. it wasn’t right and i know this sounds dumb but it really wasn’t about you i’m just i’ve been in this weird place and i do like you henry like i really do so i don’t want you to think 
and henry’s like i feel like i kind of apologize too because i kinda made out with your friend and paige pauses because like she really has no friends well i guess besides coop but like there’s and henry tacks on coop to clarify and paige just snorts laughing
like she has no idea why that’s so funny but it just kinda is like. what!!
and henry’s like yeah but it was like. it’s. he really likes you paige he really does care for you i mean i really care for you too and henry’s kind of playing both sides here because he does like. really like paige. and that’s why he wants her to be happy and it’s her choice who she feels who she’d be most happy with whether that’s hm or coop because honestly coop is p amazing henry wouldn’t be burnt losing to him because coop is a great guy and paige is just watching him ramble smiling and henry realizes he doesn’t know what he’s saying anymore so he just kind of trails off and gets kind of lost in paige’s smile because like. wow : )
and paige is just kind of there processing that information because um wow who could have seen this coming and honestly she’s still not over coop kissing henry that’s just so unbelievable entertaining to her she’s so gonna hafta prod coop about it later because dude what?? what? bro. bro. bro. like. like the two guys she’s in love with kissed like bro what!!!! lmao she would pay money to see that how tf did that happen. she would have loved to have been there. that’s insane. she really wished she was there. like. really wished she was there. hmm. should she stew on that a little more?
and henry’s like. this is awkward. i’m sorry. i don’t want things to be weird between us. and paige is like henry i think things have been weird between us since i first picked an argument with you in an alleyway. and henry’s like true!! and they’re laughing and there’s a beat and henry’s like i think i fell in love with you in that moment. and paige is like yeah?
and henry’s just. i mean like. look at her <3 but like. she deserves. like she deserves the best there is and he’s just some guy like some jaded hardass who lives in a crappy apartment and who always forgets how to do the right thing it seems not to mention all his fucking baggage like. she deserves better. 
and paige sees him kinda retreat and like she kind of pulls out of the moment too because she loves henry she does but like that fear that he’s gonna die is still there and she wants to fight it she just doesn’t know if she can but like. she really really does like him.
and now they’re both standing there again another moment turned to dust in the wind now they’re just two people standing there incredibly normal about it yep just two people nope paige is kissing henry ope okay yep they’re making out and boom someone’s knocking on henry’s office door o quick act natural because hi henry heard you needed like the legal paperwork because speed’s getting a job here you go and henry’s like 👍 thank you very obviously flushed and his coworker is like. what the fuck is going on in that office. but like. doesn’t really care enough to find the answer to that question.
so paige is like you should come to p3 l8r tonight to like celebrate speed getting a job blah blah blah blah and henry’s like i will be there
so later paige is getting dolled up in a fire outfit just adding the final touches when coop shows up bc phoebe said you needed to see me? (with phoebe’s strategy fully being in mind that paige looks hella fly right now but also is still in the manor an area paige and coop have kind of curated as their space also like once she goes to p3 it’s simply too loud too crowded to have a heart to heart like what is about to happen here which she would listen all unfold but piper unfortunately dragged her away to help with the boys but i’m sure it’s all going well)
and paige is like ....nope. and coop’s like ah. well. you look great. going to see henry? which he asks that question like he’s walking on very thin ice and paige is like yeah and i gotta say i can’t believe you kissed henry before you ever kissed me and coop just laughs like well!!
and paige is laughing too but there’s this undercurrent of you still haven’t kissed me :/ and coop’s like i take it henry told you and paige is like yep. and then made a very convincing campaign in your favor on how you’re evidently in love with me and you’re probably my better option, he loves me, too, but just can’t seem to hold a candle to you
and coop’s laughing and he’s like that sounds like something henry’d say, he’s really. he’s got a lot of love he just doesn’t seem to think he’s worth it.
and paige is like you think he’s worth it though
and coop’s like i do. you think he’s worth it too. and paige is like i do.
and there’s a moment of stillness because what the fuck are any of them doing and paige is like we can’t keep doing this. and coop’s like gonna hafta be a bit more specific there because i think i’ve broken more rules than i can count in the past 24 hours. and paige is wanna make that one more and coop’s like !? and then paige kisses him and coop’s like okay now’s the time where i would really love some clarification
and paige is like. well. i had to kiss you, right? and coop’s like sure? and paige is like because i’ve wanted to for the longest time because i keep pretending like i’m not in love with you because well you know you know me better than almost anyone else but like. i also love henry. and so i had to kiss you. as a test.
and coop’s like ...did i pass?
and paige is like that wasn’t the test and coop’s like what was and paige is like i don’t know. to see where my love is. to see if i love you or if i love henry or if it’s all just infatuation and relfections distorting how i feel and coop’s like okay. so... what’s the answer?
and paige is like i love henry. but then she kisses coop again and is like but i think i love you, too. and they’re doing that thing where they lack bubble space when they talk i mean paige’s head is basically on his chest and coop’s hands are on her waist and coop’s like okay. so where do you want to go from here.
because he’s a cupid you know his top priority is love in its purest form so if like paige’s love for henry like outweighs her love for him he will pretend not to be crushed and move on like he will. he’s saying he’ll do anything in the name of love but really he’ll just do anything for paige.
and paige is like i think you should kiss henry again and coop laughs and he’s like don’t joke about that because complete candor i totally would he is... amazing
and paige is like yeah, i know, and i’m not joking and it kind of clicks for coop like !! polyromanticism!!
anyways. paige And coop go to p3 and henry’s there and sees paige And coop and he’s like uh oh oh no because if paige chose coop like he’s happy for them he really is except he’s also kind of not because then he kind of loses paige And coop and um. that’s kind of a two hit KO. but wait!! that is not the case! what’s this??
anyways. quirky hijinks of sorts when phoebe sees that paige came home with henry and she’s like damn. my plan failed. and the next morning piper’s like i see ur plan worked and phoebe’s like yeah no need to rub it in and piper’s like ??? dude paige totally hooked up with coop last night and phoebe’s like no?? that was the other guy that was henry
and piper’s like that was definitely coop?? and phoebe’s like piper not every tall man with dark hair looks the same and piper’s like no shit do you think i don’t know what coop looks like he practically lives here and phoebe’s like yeah that’s how i know the guy paige brought home w her was Not Coop and piper’s like do you need new glasses and phoebe’s like shut up i’m right and piper’s like no ur not!!
and later that day they’re like. all brewing a potion in the attic and like while we have you here...... did you hook up with henry or coop last night and phoebe’s like because piper thought it was coop when i very clearly saw henry and piper’s like yeah phoebe hasn’t been sleeping well lately i think she’s started seeing things so go ahead prove me right and paige is just laughing like okay so i guess i gotta introduce u guys to my 2 boyfriends
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celosiaa · 4 years
From a wonderful prompt I received! “A cold going around the season 1 archival staff and them just actively avoiding Jon because they don't want him to get sick because they know it'll be worst for him with his asthma. What they don't know is Jon's already caught it and is getting the wrong idea and just thinks he's being avoided because they don't want to catch it from him.”
Hope you enjoy this short little sickfic! Featuring hard of hearing Tim, especially for @haunted-by-catholic-guilt :)
“Oh, there he comes, Sash.”
“How does he look?” she replies, being sure to speak louder while Tim has his face turned away.
“Can’t tell yet.”
Tim cranes his neck and squints to better catch a glimpse of Martin, who walks toward their office from the lift, bundled up against the unseasonably cold weather in a knit scarf and hat.
“God, I need to get new prescriptions,” he says, rubbing his eyes against the blurriness.  “He’s got a hat and scarf on, though.”
“Ooh, things are looking promising!”
Turning back to her, jaw hanging open in mock-indigence, Tim places a shocked hand against his chest.
“Miss James, I’m horrified!  You would wish illness on our poor poet, Martin Blackwood, Esquire?”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” she says, sniffling a bit as she punches lightly at his arm.
“Morning, everyone,” Martin croaks as he steps in—though it must sound rather congested, judging by Sasha’s satisfied smirk, and she holds out her outstretched palm to him.
“Morning, Martin,” Tim replies at once, not willing to hand over his fiver just yet.  “How are you today?  Just peachy, I’ll bet?”
Throwing him a glare from where he’s sat down at his desk, Martin’s face suddenly goes hazy, his eyes unfocused as he pulls his scarf quickly over his nose—before sneezing thrice, harsh and miserable, breaking off into painful coughs to finish.
“Aw, Martin, I’m sorry,” Sasha coos in sympathy, patting his back with one hand while reaching out to accept Tim’s begrudging fiver with the other.
“Don’t you apologize, Sasha,” Martin croaks after he recovers himself, rubbing a tissue against his dreadfully pink nose.  “We all know this is Tim’s fault.”
“Excuse me???” Tim bursts, throwing his arms wide in a gesture of disbelief.
“Shut it, you know it’s true,” Sasha concurs, unwrapping a spare tissue box to donate to Martin’s desk.  “You’re the one who fraternized with Research, knowing they’ve had this bug going around for weeks.”
“Why are you both attacking me?” Tim shouts, breaking off to cough for a moment, his own illness not yet entirely abated.  “This is homophobic.”
“Not if we’re all queer, you arse!”
He returns to clutching at his chest, taking a dramatic inhale.
“Martin, she’s slinging me with the cruelest of insults!  Are you really going to sit there and do nothing?”
“Basically, yeah,” Martin replies, voice whittled down to a hoarse whisper—he makes sure to speak slowly, such that Tim can read his lips.  “Because she’s right, and you deserve it.”
“I’ll have you know, sir—“
Tim’s scolding is interrupted by the opening of the heavy door to document storage, from which Jon emerges—looking unkempt as ever, carrying a stack of files tucked beneath his left arm.  Nodding briefly at them in greeting, he hastens across the room to his office, and Tim just barely manages a glimpse of him pulling his inhaler out of his pocket before the door shuts. 
“Is he coughing?” Tim asks, turning to gauge their reactions.
“Yeah.  God, he sounds absolutely horrendous,” Martin croaks, wincing at the dreadful wheezing coughs, ineffectively muffled behind the door.
“It’s his own fault,” Tim mutters, earning him looks from both Martin and Sasha.  “What?  He could ask one of us to root through the dusty shelves for him,  you know, like a normal boss.  But he won’t, because he’s too damn stubborn.”
Knowing he’s at least a little bit right, Sasha and Martin say nothing, only continuing to listen with concern as Jon pulls twice from his inhaler, before finally seeming to get his breath back.
“We should all try to keep our distance from him,” Martin says at last, giving them both a significant look.  “I don’t want him to get this—not when he’s coughing like that.  Don’t want to put him at risk.”
Grin dropping from his face, Tim nods solemnly back at Martin, and Sasha follows suit.
“You’re right, mate.  We’ll do our best.”
“Yeah, it’s a deal, Martin.”
“Thanks,” Martin replies, flashing them a sunny, if not stuffed-up, smile.  “Right then, anything specific to work on today?”
For what feels like the hundredth time that day, Jon slams the pause button on the tape recorder, snatching up a tissue as fast as he can—near-silently stifling two into it.  It makes his head pound every time, tears at his already-battered throat, but he’d rather not spread whatever miserable illness he’s managed to catch all around the office.
Though it seems that they’d all been avoiding him well enough as it is.
He’s not a fool—he knows he’s got a fever, knows that he’s contagious and really ought to be avoided—but when Martin had neglected to bring him his afternoon tea that day, well…he was more than happy to blame the lump in his throat on the fever.  For all he tells himself that it doesn’t matter, that he ought to take care of himself, it does nothing to settle the ache in his chest.  The one that his inhaler can no longer take the edge off.
Sighing in frustration, Jon does his best to turn his focus back to his work—rising unsteadily to his feet to search for the next file.
What was the number again?
God, I’m dizzy.
He stretches out a hand to brace himself against the filing cabinet, blinking away the stars sparkling across his vision as he adjusts to standing.
Right.  01319…0…8?  9?
Wait, did I—did I finish the last statement?
He muffles a cough into his elbow, bracing even heavier on the cabinet.
Doesn’t matter, I’ll just get this one anyway.
Won’t need to get up again, at least.
“Looking for something, boss?”
Tim calls from his office door, which he’s propped open—perhaps in the subconscious effort to tempt Martin into bringing him tea. 
“Jon?  You alright?”
“Oh—err, of course,” he says at once, lifting his head toward him.  “Can I help you?”
“I was the one asking,” Tim chuckles, stepping forward into his office—before immediately retreating again.
“Sorry, I would help you, it’s just—you know, with this cold going around, better not.”
Jon buries his hurt as quickly as possible, refusing to let it show on his face.
“Right, of course.  Then, err, just—carry on then, I suppose, Tim.”
Turning back to the cabinets, Jon tries to leave the conversation there, feeling his chest beginning to tighten with every passing moment.  He doesn’t want to get Tim ill, not when they’re all so clearly worried about catching it—
“Jon?  You’re—you look shaky, are you alright?”
Don’t cough don’t cough don’t cough
“Fine,” he croaks, even as he brings a hand up to press against his fluttering chest.
“What was that?” Tim asks, stepping just a bit closer, tilting his head to better read Jon’s lips.
Don’t don’t don’t
He can’t hold it back anymore.
At once, Jon doubles over with coughing, shallow wheezing accented by the rumbling of congestion deep within his lungs—all of it nearly sending him to the ground with the force of it.
“Jesus, Jon—just sit down, alright?  Christ,” Tim urges, at last entering the room to grab him by the shoulders, lowering him to sitting with his back against the filing cabinet.
Every thought of hiding or sparing Tim from contagion flies from his head, replaced only with the gasping need for air, his body screaming at him to breathe—
“What’s going on?” Martin asks from the door, scanning across the scene quickly, alarm rising at once.
“Get his inhaler,” Tim orders, tipping Jon’s head forward between his knees.
“Oh god.  Right—right, h-here, I’ve got it—Jon?”
He taps gently on Jon’s upper arm as he crouches.
“I’ve got it here, can you look up?”
It takes every shred of focus he has left to his power, but he does—reaching out to cover Martin’s hands with his own as he guides the inhaler to his lips, pressing down on the button and drawing as deeply as he can from it.
“Good, good, that’s—that’s good, Jon,” Martin stammers, still holding the inhaler within his reach.
“Take another,” Tim demands, voice leaving no room for argument.  “When you can.”
After a few more labored breaths, Jon complies—chest expanding a little more now, though he can still feel the crackling wetness at the edges of it.
“Here, Jon, I’ve got you some water,” Sasha says as she enters the room, undoubtedly having heard the commotion from outside.  “You alright?”
“Shouldn’t be here,” Jon rasps, seeing Martin’s hands in his periphery, reaching up to sign for Tim’s understanding.
“I know—we didn’t want to get you ill, Jon, but—“ Tim cuts off momentarily, running a hand through his hair in frustration.  “I mean, it sort of seemed like you needed help, right?”
“You didn’t…you didn’t want…to get me ill?” Jon asks through panting breaths, finally feeling steady enough to lift his head.
“Well, no, we—“ Martin suddenly breaks off, scooting a little ways back from Jon as he realizes their proximity.  “Of course we didn’t want you to get ill, your asthma’s been so terrible the past few days.”
Jon shakes his head in confusion, brows furrowing as he glances between the three of them.
“I...I don’t—“
“You didn’t…know I was ill?” he asks, and Tim’s eyebrows shoot into his hair, turning back to share a glance with both Sasha and Martin.
“Oh no, Jon, I’m so sorry,” Martin laments at last, sniffling a bit into his sleeve.  “We didn’t—we thought that, well…we thought we were protecting you from getting it.”
The relief Jon feels at this is astonishing—certainly inordinate for the situation, but…he finds he does not care much altogether.  Even if just a bit, the knot in his chest seems to loosen—his breathing made easier just for a moment.
“Woah—you alright?” Tim asks with renewed concern, the cause uncertain to him, before—
He feels a tear beginning to slip down his face.
“Oh,” he says, hurriedly scrubbing it away.  “Oh, I—I’m sorry, I—I-I’m fine, it’s alright, I don’t know why—“
“It’s alright, Jon,” Sasha says from above him, leaning down to press a warm hand on his shoulder.  “Look, if you feel like you can stand, I’ll drive you home, okay?  You need to rest.  I’m serious.”
The look she gives him now, that they all give him—it’s nearly enough to bring a smile to his face, his mouth barely quirking up at one corner. 
“Y-yes, I—thank you, Sasha,” he says, allowing Tim and Martin to lift him slowly to his feet, leaning against them momentarily as he sways just a bit.
“You’re calling your doctor on the way,” Sasha continues, leading them out of his office and toward the lift.  “I’m not leaving you alone until you do.”
“R-right,” he pants against the exertion of their slow-paced walking.  “I—thank you.  I suppose.”
“Don’t mention it Jon,” Martin says softly as they bundle him into the lift.  “Just get well, okay?”
Something warm and lovely floods through Jon’s chest at this, and he cannot help but nod—a half-smile flickering across his face as the lift doors close.
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peak-dumbass · 4 years
Thoughts on Sons of Garmadon cuz redesigns :]
Also instead of watching all of the season and then adding my thoughts later I instead took notes while watch the season so that’s why this post is incredibly long, sorry about that :/
Anyway enjoy :>
Sorry for the accidental posting and I don’t want to rewrite everything so here’s from the original post
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Lloyd reading the title of the episode also caught me off guard the first time I watched this
Basically Lloyd caught me off guard entirely the first time I watched this
Also his eyebrows are now THICC
“Still thirsty?”
I can see why people like Nya a lot (._.’)
Nya’s badass and f—king love her
Also the water bubbles she makes look really nice
Jay mimicking Cole is adorable
The first time we see them after a year and the first thing we see them do is argue and disturb a group of people that took a vow of silence 
I love them
“Did I call you at a bad time?” They’re in the middle of a fight with the mechanic, what do think?
Also Pixal calling Lloyd “Master Lloyd” :’/
“Whoever said fight fire with fire clearly didn’t know what they were talking about.” “Hey, you’re stealing my lines!” I love you Kai
“Who likes ice cream? I do! How was that line Kai?” I love you Zane
Them teasing Lloyd for his deeper voice and them just genuinely having family fun bonding time just fills me with such happiness that I can’t describe with words :’’’’’’’’>
Misako abandons Lloyd yet again, and she was just starting to act like a good mother in Hands of Time >:/
Jay is not understanding a single thing being said to him, but at least he’s trying 👌
Their excuse for not mentioning the royal family throughout the series is “they like their privacy”? Really? Like really? Are they expecting us to believe this bullish-t? 
Lloyd seeing Harumi for the first time: Can You Feel The Love Tonight🎶
Now Cole’s the only one who hasn’t had a crush in the series he is so gay and the writers can’t convince me otherwise
Can I just say the lighting for the inside of the place is beautiful? Cuz it is.
Also I just realized Cole’s the only ninja that isn’t wearing sleeves on his ninja suit, that’s cool👌
Since Harumi’s natural hair color is white, does that mean she’s albino?
“The maskes must never be reunited” Says the person who reunited the mask >:/ I know she’s acting good here but still
“No thank you, I actually gave up sweets. My body is a temple.” The moment I heard that for the first time I was like “WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO MY BOI?! WHO HAS HURT HIM?!”
Lloyd, stop stalking the princess, that’s illegal >:|
“Don’t worry, we’re ninja, we’re experts at this kind of thing” They proceed to loose the mask, let their main villain onto their ship, and Lloyd gets a crush on her :/
Grade A ninja-ing right there 👌👌👌
I’m on episode 2 and seeing Harumi acting nice and sweet and connecting with Lloyd and knowing that she’s faking all of it, I just feel so so so so bad for Lloyd :’<
Cole, don’t try to give Lloyd advice about girls when you aren’t even attracted to them
Ok so I procrastinated a bunch on doing this for some reason so Yee, let’s continue
I’ve only seen Mystake for 1 scene and if anything ever happens to her I’ll kill everyone in this room and myself
Oof I’m now sad and realize why everyone likes her
Ok so we all agree the tea Mystake gave Jay and Lloyd to see the drawings move is weed right? Or had weed in it?
Why is Cole hiding in a garbage bin when Zane is using a perfectly good newspaper? Also oh boy can’t wait to see Rocky DangerBuff and Snake Jaguar in action :3
The way Snake walked into the bar Jesus
and I’m trying to watch this without skipping it cuz to me the whole thing is very awkward and I can’t stand awkward stuff like this but I also heard there was glacier so I’m gonna try to watch this without yeeting my phone and burying my face in my pillow
Chloe: Snake is gorgeous and we stan
Me: I know he’s beautiful look at him, he’s amazing
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He’s bad boi and baby boi at the same time and I love him
Just added Cole into a scene with the ninja when he’s actually still kidnapped by UV so noice job Ninjago HQ 👏👏👏
Zane looks so weird in the flash of Wu finding him dear god
Stop bothering him Cole, let Zane Rp as Snake for a little bit longer
Cad is what Cole would have named the baby if it didn’t turn out to be Wu cuz Cole + Dad
Ali: "Why cad?" "Its cooler than Chad cause you take out the h for hoe"
Ali/clumsy you’re a genius
”you didn’t think it would that easy, did you?”
Guys is weird to think that UV is 100 times hotter after saying that line?
Mommy UV vs Dad Cole, Mommy UV is fighting Dad Cole for the baby
Oof I remember what’s gonna happen to Zane y’all and I’m not happy plz Mr.E stahp plz
Mr.E to the SOG after he kicks Zane’s ass: Guess who just got murdered!
“Not all men-“
Me: You’re right, Zane Ninjago would never do this
Mr.E: I’m on my way, I’m on my way, I’m on my way to kick Zane’s ass :D!
Cole is Pearl from SU confirmed, he was staring at baby Wu sleeping
Harumi: Maybe we can use this blanket at a Parachute?
Lloyd: What do this is a cartoon?!
Lloyd proceeds to do the exact thing he said wouldn’t work
Also Harumi is the best actor I’ve ever seen like seriously 10/10 👌 actor, playing with Lloyd’s heart strings like she’s been doing it for years
“How to be a heartbreaker” is Harumi’s jam and theme song
Also Lloyd falls onto a few branches and gets a hurt arm that requires a blanket while Nya was at the front of the ship with 0 protecction and was basically yeeted to the main deck while it crashed into the jungle and she doesn’t even get a break?!
I know Nya is stronger than Lloyd but GOSH DIDDLY DARN I didn’t know she was that STRONK!
Baby Wu: “Ninja never quit hehehehehe”
The ninja:
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Lloyd: Confused Green Bean Noises
Harumi: kisses him on the cheek
Lloyd: •////• completely forgets what he was confused about
Harumi saved by lovestruck Lloyd and boners
Cole to Baby Wu: You took care of us, it’s only fair that we take care of you.
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Harumi and Lloyd during that one waterfall scene in Episode 6:
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Also Harumi’s backstory for why she likes Garmadon and hates the ninja including Lloyd, it completely makes sense cuz she was a child that over heard that the ninja didn’t do sh-t and Garmadon saved the city so it makes sense why she hates the ninja and believes Garmadon should be Ninjago’s leader, and since it happened when she was young she didn’t think things through, she didn’t think about it from the ninja perspective and especially didn’t think about it from Lloyd’s perspective cuz she was a child, kids don’t tend to think about the other person’s perspective on things, so I think it makes sense and it’s really good 👌 also this is Ninjago’s first main female villain, all the other ones were either second in command or were in a crew that worked for a bigger villain so yeah that’s cool
“Don’t you guys have any idea what she’s doing? She’s resurrecting Garmadon! Lord Garmadon!” Yeah no sh-t Kai, the name of their gang is “Sons of Garmadon”, of course they know and of course they’re ok with it why do think they’re helping her?
“Then it’s a good thing the Quiet One isn’t a bad guy but a bad girl” It doesn’t matter that Pythor, Chen, Morro, and Garmadon had dicc, what matters is that the greater evil didn’t listen to them dipsh-t.
Harumi screams a lot, like Princess Peach/Damsel-in-distress amount of high pitch screaming and I’m surprised Lloyd or the other ninja haven’t told her to shut up at one point.
a slightly dark room suddenly turns a little bit darker
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Lloyd: Jesus even when I was a kid I had tougher skin then you, I know this is a little hypocritical for my to say, but grow the f—k up god
Ok woah woah woah, how did Lloyd go from “I didn’t tell you about the fact that I’m part Oni, Mystake only told me and Jay” to “You’re the Quiet One” like he isn’t wrong but how did he put it together in such little amount of time?
Ok this is how the Lloyd vs Harumi fight should have gone down:
Lloyd: Give me a good reason not do destroy it right now.
Harumi: I’ll give you 2. You want to see your father again and you love me.
Lloyd: HAH! While you busy being a heterosexual b-tch I studied the blade!
Lloyd kicks Harumi’s ass and the day is saved
Am I wrong? Lloyd only met Harumi a couple of days ago, it’s like Anna from Frozen but LEGOs
“Love is an open door” is Llorumi shippers theme song
“Or we’ll have to get all ninja on you!” “What does that even mean?” “I don’t know I was improvising” Tbh that’s a mood Kai, at least to me
Lloyd: Guys, Rumi is the Quiet One!
The ninja who are currently surrounded by the SOG including Harumi: Oh really, ya don’t say?
Lloyd just got yeeted out of a waterfall so it sorta makes sense why he didn’t notice
Lloyd said I won’t let you get away with this and Harumi said YEET
They have Lloyd they have the masks and we have trouble
Baby Wu: Puppy!
that ain’t a puppy Sensei it’s a giant underwater scorpion monster
I forgot they tamed the giant underwater scorpion monster and named it Crabby, and Jay hugged one of Crabby’s claws, Jay’s favorite pet the ninja have ever had is Crabby confirmed
“So this is your true face without the mask, no wonder you covered it” Damn Lloyd is salty, LET LLOYD SAY F—K 2020
Chloe: Lloyd said "bitch u ugly" poetically
Me: Yeah, he got the saltiness from Kai and the poetic speech from Zane
“There was never anything between us”
One episode earlier
“You want your father back, and you love me”
One episode earlier
Harumi kisses Lloyd on cheek and proteccs him from the corrupted Samurai X suit
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Harumi gets close to Lloyd
Yay the most useful and totally not child abandoning character, Misako, is here and giving Lloyd information that he already knew and is being incredibly useful buy not only abandoning Lloyd for a second time in his life but also finding Baby Wu for the SOG Hooray
“Stop Rumi, this isn’t you!” B-tch you’ve only known her for a couple of days, and she has played with your heart, in dangered your friends, and tried to kill you and your friends on multiple occasions, and she nearly succeeded on killing Zane (though tbh Zane gets nearly killed every season so that isn’t a surprise)
“Stop. Save it for someone who cares” Yesssssss I love youuuuuuu by baby boiiiiii
Sees the arm coming out of the anvil-thing
Me: Terminator Garmadon? Also this is what happens when we complain too much, we also gotta be more specific people! We can’t ask for just Garmadon, we need to ask for Good/Sensei Garmadon or else we’ll get bullsh-t like this!
Also there’s no way harumi gets the resurrection spell right on the first try, like no way, impossible, like she even gets interrupted by Lloyd and the ninja at the end and then Garmadon appears after that? Like I’m not a witch/wizard myself but I’m pretty sure that’s not how spells work? You don’t just start a spell, stop before the spell is finished, and the spell still works :/
Also how the hecc did Garmadon know where to find Harumi? It was never explained, he just like punched his way into the police station and was like “Yo b-tch what’s up?”
“I can turn him once, I can turn him again” ends up getting his ass handed to him and nearly dieing for the millionth time in his life
“That sounds like a really bad idea” “And Kai knows bad ideas, he’s full of them” Oof Kai just got roasted
“Lloyd, what are you doing?” “I’m sorry, Nya. I have to confront him” OOF HE REALLY DID JUST PULL A KAI DIDN’T HE
I’m not gonna quote everything Lloyd says here cuz there’s too much but DAMN HE’S REALLY PISSED OFF AND IS REALLY DOING A KAI JESUS
I know we all wanted Sensei Garmadon back but I’m ngl this Garmadon looks really cool and gives really good evil speeches to unmotivate his opponent
Y’all I don’t think I can make it through the next episode f—k man
Holy f—k I forgot Emperor Garmadon reads the title card in episode 10 oof
“Not so fast!” “‘No so fast”?! You used that ages ago!” True, it sucked then and it sucks now
“My brother is coming” “How do you know?” “I know” Dang even baby Wu doesn’t tell people sh-t
“You sure you’re up for this?” “I was married to him once, I’m up for anything” Ok so you’re saying that as if you were the one that was treated badly in that relationship and not the other way around like it should be but whatever floats your boat pal
“Careful!” “Are you actually doubting my ability to closely approximate the true value of our surroundings? I’m a nindroid.” Damn Zane is pissed
Ok so Lloyd you are excellent at fabulous/eat-a-dicc-b-tch exits like wow 👏👏👏👏👏
Also the scene with the 4 OG ninja and Baby Wu traveling to the first realm looks really really nice ngl
All in all I really really like this season, it’s great 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
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lovely-bangtan7 · 4 years
MYG | Backstage
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Pairing: UndergroundRapper!Yoogni x Fangirll!Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sex, unprotected sex, giving oral, fingering, pet names
Words: 1840 
Sentences: I’ve been thinking about you all day; We’re in public, you know; Don’t smile at me like that, you know it drives me crazy; You’re so much fun to touch; Can I at least take my shoes off before you pounce at me; No, I am supposed to make you feel good; Oh my god, do that again
A/N: Hello, hello. I am sorry that you had to wait a little longer but I was incredible slow today. I hope you can forgive me? I really hope I could meet your expectations with this one, so I wish you a lot of fun reading it!
Drabble list | Masterlist 
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“You’re so much fun to touch” Whispered the rapper seductively in your ear as shudders went down your body. He touched you in many inoperative ways which has aroused you to the extremest. The heat between your legs growing hotter witch each more stroke of his rough hands over your soft skin. You tried to hold in your moans but failed miserably, making him mischievously smirk at you. 
When you woke up for this day, excited for the concert of your favourite underground rapper, you would have never imagined that you could end up being invited backstage, let alone being right under him with his hands all over you. As cliche as it sounds, like a scene from the queerish written fanfictions about an artist seeing a fan in the crowd of millions and then falling in love with her or him, this has actually happened to you. Yoongi saw you, in the crowd of around 50 people and found you very interesting aside from that he thought you were smoking hot and his thoughts started to fill his mind. After his last song “Give it to me” has ended a guard of the place he performed in approached you and brought you backstage. 
Now, 30 minutes later, his lips were nibbling at your erected nipples whilst your hands pushed his face more into you for more friction. “Fuck, you taste so good babygirl.” He breathed out and licked your skin. His hard member was poking you from his tight pants and god, you needed to feel him inside you or else you’d explode from the heat. “God please” You pleaded for Yoongi to finally fucking you but the man wanted to play just a little more with you. He was enjoying your whines and moans coming from you. To him they sounded like music that put him in a state of trance and he wanted to hear this as long as possible, for him it would be the whole night but how long would you last his teasing? 
His lips travelled from your breasts up to your neck, starting to suck there on your skin making you whine once again, because 1. you were enjoying his touch a lot and 2. you were just so desperate be finally satisfied. Whilst being focused on his rough and hot lips you didn’t notice his hand getting inside your pants. With a yelp of yours he started running his finger over your clit without showing mercy. He was fast and rough and used pressure. “You are damn wet, kitten.” He chuckled. “Desperate, huh?” It must have been the pleasure that you felt that your that your hips started to move with his fingers. You needed to cum so badly, the knot inside your belly growing rapidly and threatening to burst anytime soon. 
“Mmh, yes! More!” You moaned out, your nails sinked into his firm biceps. Just as your orgasm was about to hit you he suddenly stopped. “Oh my god..” You panted, “Do that again! Don’t stop.” Your pleas and whines only aroused him more. 
“Repeat the rules, kitten.” Right. No cumming unless he allowed you to. “I don’t think I allowed you to cum.” He told you with that sly smirk. Fuck, please fuck me senseless; you screamed in your mind. 
Suddenly, your mind finally snapped and a power has taken over you, you pushed Yoongi back, straddled his lap with your legs on each side of his body and started to undress the man. He was beyond surprised by your actions, never has a girl tried to overpower him and was surprised. You didn’t seem like you’d be on the dominant side, but god- he loved that. He watched you in excitement how you opened his belt and pulled his pants down alongside his underwear in one swift motion. “Woah, kitten calm down there. We’re in public, you know.” His tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. You were so hot. 
Obviously he was just teasing you with that, given how his hard member sprang out and laid against the lower of his stomach. Precum was already running down his shaft, his tip burning red that made your mouth water by the mere sight of him. You really did turn him on that much. “Don’t smile at me like that, you know it drives me crazy, daddy.” you fired back. It was now time to tease him back and Yoongi was definitely in for this little game of yours. 
“Can I atleast take my shoes off, before you pounce at me.” He cheekily told you and  stared into your eyes as you shuffled between his legs. Now it was his turn to moan out loud. Your soft lips, still hot from your previous make out session, engulfed the tip of his cock softly sucking on it. Yoongi hissed as you sucked harder and harder on his tip, slowly moving down the shaft. “Fuck, yes like that, kitten.” Yoongi was about to push your head down but before he had the chance you grabbed his hands mid air and held them down. Now it really was your turn to start the teasing. The man’s breathing increased with each bop of your head, filling his body with euphoria. The moans coming out of his mouth, deep, raspy and hot filled the room which aroused you more and more. It was when you felt his member twitch in your mouth that made you pull away from him. Strings of saliva were connecting your lips with his tip and Yoongi swore he could cum just by the sight of this. He would love to coat your face with his cum. 
But you had other plans. Climbing back up you sat down on his cock, your panties were completely damp and soaked with your arousal. Your hips started to slowly rub against his erection, feeling it pulsing against your folds made you moan load for him. Biting his lips Yoongi looked up at you, eyes blown out with lust and a fire lingering inside him. He just wanted to enjoy this sight a little more but then he took you by his hips and lifted you up from the couch, pressing you against the wall. His lips attached back to your neck marking your skin with purple marks that will linger there for many days - a little memory from him for you. “No, no, I am supposed to make you feel good now.” He said in between kisses. Finally you’d get now what you had craved for the past minutes. One arm held your body up, whilst your legs slung around his torso pulling his body incredible close to yours. His other hand somehow yanked your panties apart, the soft fabric being torn apart with his bare fingers. 
His fierce eyes pierced yours, just his stare made your cheeks erupt in an uncontrollably heat. 
A gasp has escaped your mouth, you saw how big he was, you saw it and felt it in your mouth but the actual feeling of his girth made your eyes flatter. He stretched you out so good that your moans slipped out like running water. He was slow and careful, saving every moment of entering your tight cunt. He himself was a moaning mess. “Shit, babe.” His eyes were closed now. “You are so damn tight. Fuck!” He cursed. However he couldn’t wait until you’d adjust to his length inside you, he had- he needed to fuck you senseless. His speed went rapidly from 0 to 100. Hips smacking against yours creating the sound of skin slapping against skin. “Mmh, daddy! You screamed out and there it was again. The familiar knot forming inside your belly again. You’d cum in seconds by the way he was drilling inside you. The pants and curses coming from him told you that he was enjoying this just as much as you were. 
“Fuck, Yoongi!” Your high was dangerous close. The way he fucked you made you scream louder than anyone has ever made in your life. You were sure that everyone in this damn building could hear you clearly but you couldn’t care any less now. Yoongi has shifted his position a little making his tips graze your sweet spot inside you that made your toes curl and eyes rolling back into your skull . “I am gonna cum- I- oh fuck.” You breathed out feeling high. With your words Yoongi’s hips sped up more just for you to cum around his cock. “Cum, kitten. Let daddy know how good his little kitten feels.” His words brought you over the edge and your high has reached to the fullest. For seconds everything turned black and stars started to dance in front of you as your orgasm made you feel felt like you were flying. The tight feeling around him didn’t ade Yoongi stop, instead he fucked you further until overstimulation hit you. “You are so good to daddy.” He panted, hissing at the feeling of your nails digging into his shoulders. You couldn’t get hotter he thought, but yet he was proven wrong. Your eyes, half closed, cheeks red and mouth gaped slightly open - at this point you couldn’t get any sound out anymore - he loved this fucked out state of yours. 
His lips captured yours in a hot and passionate kiss, rough and sloppy as his tongue tangled together with yours. His own orgasm was nearing as well. 
His hips continued to snap against yours until they got more sloppy. He was so close and you decided to help him a little bit. You clenched around him on purpose and purred into his ear. “Daddy feels so good inside me.” He let little curse fall from his tongue. “Mmh, your little slut feels good, right daddy?” You looked at him seductively and moaned more for him. Your dirty words are definitely driving him over the edge and with a few more thrusts he came inside you, coating your insides with his hot cum. You could feel it slowly running down and dripping down your thighs. Both you and him were out of breath but he still managed to kiss you softly and lay you down on the couch.
You haven’t expected it but he was really sweet during aftercare, helping you clean up and giving you something cold to drink.
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The next evening, you were already cuddled up in your bed still thinking about what has happened the day before. Your head was filled with images of him and thoughts how he has felt. By now it felt surreal that you had sex with the artist that you have been a fan of for so long. 
The pling sound coming from your phone has snapped you out of your deep thoughts. 
“I’ve been thinking about you all day - x” It was a text from Yoongi attached with a picture of his erection, just as hard as you remembered it from yesterday. God, he was so hot, you couldn’t believe it.
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[Request here another!]
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kohanayaki · 5 years
Caught in the Middle (Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy Hargrove) Ch 1
Just before the school year begins, a new girl drives into town in a black 84' Jaguar with a New York license plate. But you weren't new to Hawkins at all. As a matter of fact, you were returning. While reunited with your old friends you soon find yourself making some unexpected new ones as well; namely the hair of Hawkins high himself and a certain hot-blooded Californian bad boy. Little did you know, dark forces were at work just beneath your feet. How the hell did you get caught in the middle of this?
Links: Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6   Ch 7
Ch 1 .:Something Old, Something New:.
Nothing really changed much in Hawkins, Indiana. It was always the same people working the same jobs or going to the same high school. However one thing that was definitely different was the fact that a giant, glass-topped complex decked out in neon signs and flashing lights stood tall in the middle of town square- a stark contrast to everything else around it. Starcourt Mall looked severely out of place in your small town, but then again it had been almost six years since you've been here.
Your gaze swept over the impressive building, swarms of teenagers weaving in and out of the stores. Your eyes suddenly settled on a cute blue and white striped sign that read 'Scoops Ahoy!'
“You up for ice cream?” you asked.
“I'm down,” your brother said from the passenger seat.
“Good, because I was going to pull over anyways,” you grinned. 
You backed into a nearby parking spot, getting out of your car and stretching out your arms. The ten hour road trip from Rochester to Hawkins did not do great things for your body or your sleep schedule, especially when you had to live off of nothing but McDonalds and 7-11 food for a few days. As ready as you were to flop face first onto your old bed, some ice cream sounded really good in the sweltering heat.
You headed into the ice cream shop as you took out your wallet, a cute little bell ringing out as you opened the door. 
“Ahoy,” a pretty girl with shoulder length blonde hair greeted you as you walked in. She wore a sailors uniform and hat and looked like she couldn't wait to go home. However, she seemed to regain a bit of energy as she saw you. She stared at you curiously for a moment, looking you up and down before smiling. 
“Hold on just a second,” she said. 
“Uh, sure?” you said, a bit confused by the girl as she quickly disappeared into the back room,
“You're gonna want to take this one, Harrington,” Robin said. 
“I'm on break,” Steve said, his feet up on the table.
“You've been 'on break' for over an hour, dingus,” Robin rolled her eyes, “Besides, you'll thank me later if you play your cards right.”
She reached behind the table he sat at, pulling up a white board with two columns reading 'You Rule' and 'You Suck'. 
“You're 0 for 6, Popeye,” Robin said, “Let's see if you can flip the odds.” 
She gestured over to the window where you stood in front of the display case, looking around for another employee. Steve seemed to perk up at the sight of you. It was a rare occurrence in Hawkins for Steve to run into someone he's never seen before, and hell if you weren't beautiful. 
Robin chuckled as he shot up out of his seat, straightening out his uniform with new enthusiasm.
“Alright, I'm going in,” he said, pausing for a moment before he opened the door, “And you know what? Screw the company policy.” He took off his hat and threw it over his shoulder with a flourish, “Totally hiding my best feature.”
“Yeah,” Robin said under her breath, “That's what's holding you back.”
“Ahoy there!”
You nearly jumped at the overly-loud greeting you received as the door to the back room swung open, revealing a guy about your age in an equally ridiculous sailor uniform as his coworker.
“Sorry for the wait, I hope you're still available to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me. I'm your captain for today, Steve-”
“Harrington,” you finished, surprising the boy behind the counter. He blinked a few times, letting his brain catch up with itself.
“Do. . . do I know you?” he asked.
“Probably not,” you chuckled dryly, “We went to middle school together. I moved a few weeks before freshman year.”
“Oh,” he said, feeling kind of bad. A lot had changed in the last year- mainly that he almost got killed by flesh eating beings from another dimension on no less than two accounts. But he'd also changed a lot as a person. He was one to acknowledge that he wasn't the greatest person in the past; Maybe it was better that you didn't know him in high school.   
“Well, I'm sorry we didn't get to know each other back then,” Steve said honestly. 
That took you by surprise. This wasn't the Steve Harrington you knew. He was the King as far back as elementary school and, as far as you knew, a grade-A asshole. He seemed a lot different than when he was smacking down lunch trays at the sixth grade table in the cafeteria, but he was still just as stupidly attractive.
“Let's start over, then,” you said, “I'm (Y/n), and this is my brother Kyle.”
Steve looked over to the (h/c)-headed boy who looked only a year or two younger than you and gave him a little salute-wave. 
“Nice to meet you,” Steve said, “What can I get you two?”
After taking your orders Steve started scooping up the ice cream, piling them into waffle cones. As he handed you yours he seemed to hesitate before talking. 
“So, are you just back in Hawkins to visit, or. . .” he trailed off.
“I'm back here as long as my dad's business is,” you said, “He moved us out to New York for work, but he's setting up base back here.”
“Oh, New York!” Steve said, trying to come up with something to say, “That's, uh, the- where the Statue of Liberty is and. . . hot dogs, and. . . taxis?”
“Yeah, that pretty much sums it up,” you laughed, the sound making Steve smile.
You looked over to the wall clock and bit your lip as you saw how late in the afternoon it was.
“Hey, we have to get going,” you said reluctantly, “I still need to finish moving in. You know, unpacking everything I own and all.”
“Uh, yeah, no, I totally get it,” Steve said, mentally kicking himself as you turned around to leave. 
Just before you closed the door you turned to look at him over your shoulder. 
“You know, I start my senior year in a few weeks at a little place called Hawkins High,” you said. 
Steve rose an eyebrow, his expression a little more hopeful, and you grinned.
“Who knows? I might see you around,” you said, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
Robin smirked as Steve watched you walk away, a little in awe.
“I like her,” she said, “Although, I'm not really sure if this one counts as a win or a loss.”
Steve was fine with that, so long as he got to see you again. 
~2 weeks later~
Hawkins High was always bustling with activity, even in the early morning. Chatter from groups of students walking to school together along with the hum of car motors filled the air. Everyone was either sitting on the steps of the school or leaning against their cars to show them off, trying to avoid going to first period as long as they could. 
Suddenly, a low rumble sounded out in the air as an unfamiliar vehicle rounded the corner. It seemed like everyone in the school was watching as the sleek, black car pulled into the parking lot with the windows down, music blasting. 
You enjoyed the feeling of the wind on your face as First Blood from AC/DC's new album sounded out through your car's stereo. You turned it down slightly only to talk to your brother.
“Got everything you need?” you asked Kyle.
“Everything but a doctor's note to get me out of here,” your brother joked.
You chuckled as you grabbed your jean jacket from the trunk; You slung it over your Black Sabbath t shirt before killing the engine and locking the door. 
You were about to start walking in until you were tackled into a hug from multiple children.
“(Y/n)!!” Dustin yelled, running towards you from the middle school next door.
“You're here!” Mike said, grinning wildly as he joined the group hug that Will and Lucas piled onto. 
“Hey, guys,” you smiled, “Good to know you avoided setting fire to this town without me.”
“Hey what am I, chopped liver?” Kyle said. 
The group quickly shifted their attention from you to your brother, each of them doing the secret handshakes they'd come up with together when they were little.
“I didn't know you guys were coming back,” Will said, “Why hasn't anyone said anything?”
“Your mom wanted it to be a surprise,” you admitted, “I already talked to her.”
“Are you kidding me?!” Will exclaimed.
You noticed two girls you didn't recognize were standing somewhat awkwardly to the side, not really sure what was happening.
“New party members?” you asked, smiling at them.
“This is El and Max,” Mike said, introducing you, “El, Max, this is (Y/n) and Kyle. They used to live across the street from us.”
“Nice to meet you,” you said to them before turning back to the boys, “Damn, I'm gone for a couple years and you all go and get girlfriends?” you teased. 
Mike and Lucas blushed and your smile widened.
“How do you know them again?” the redhead girl named Max questioned, “It's just. . . I don't know, you actually seem cool.”
You laughed at that, much to the boy's chagrin. 
“I used to baby sit them when we were kids,” you explained. 
“God knows why,” Lucas said, “It's not like you were any less trouble than us. You were only, like, thirteen.”
“Ok, but you were, like, seven and completely out of control,” you countered, mimicking his tone of voice.
“Woah, hold up, hold up,” Dustin said, circling around your Jaguar, “You have a fucking car?!”
“Hey, language, you little shit,” you said playfully, ruffling his hair, “And yes, I got it last year.”
“Sweet,” Dustin said, wide eyed as he continued to stare at your new ride. 
“If you guys want I can drive you to the mall this weekend,” you offered. 
Excited shouts followed, effectively giving you your answer. 
“Ok, but there's no way you'll all fit back there, so someone's riding in the trunk or I'm going to have to strap one of you to the roof,” you said, only half joking as you tossed your keys up, catching them with your other hand and pocketing them.
“I'll see you guys later. Hell awaits,” you said, gesturing to the school building. Kyle fell into step next to you as you walked up the stairs. 
As you entered the halls of Hawkins High you couldn't help the sigh that escaped you. Sure, it was good to be back in some ways, but school was not one of them. You liked your school back in New York. It was so different from here. The people were more diverse, more open minded, and just less dickish overall. 
One of the biggest downsides of a small town like Hawkins was that you were pretty much stuck with the same kids from kindergarten until high school, and you knew you'd have to see the same people that made your life hell in middle school for another year.
“Well shit, look who's back!”
Speak of the devil.
Your expression immediately hardened as Tommy and Carol walked up to you, looking just as pleased to see you as you were to see them. Among their posse were a couple of brainless football players and a guy you didn't recognize.
He had long, curly, dirty blond hair and blue eyes that took no shame in raking over your body. He had his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket as he chewed absentmindedly on a piece of gum.
“You just had to come and infect this school again, huh?” Tommy sneered.
“Nice to see you too,” you said sarcastically. Carol said nothing, just glaring at you behind her protective shield of a boyfriend. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes; you both knew she wouldn't do shit.
“You know, I don’t think New York changed her at all, guys,” Tommy said, leaning into your face, “You still a bitch?” 
You shot back without skipping a beat.
“I don’t know, Tommy. You still finger banging cheerleaders in the bathroom behind Carol's back?”
The new guy let out a small chuckle at that while the rest of the group looked stunned.
“You what?!” Carol said, eyes wide as she shoved Tommy away from her. 
“Carol, she's lying!” Tommy panicked as she started walking away, “Babe, it's not true, I swear!”
You sighed as you finally got them out of your hair, turning to your brother. 
“You better get to your first class,” you said, “I'll meet you at lunch, okay? And let me know if any assholes give you a hard time.”
“Will do,” he smiled, “See you.” 
And with that he bounded up the stairs.
You started to make your way across the hall to get to your locker when you found your path blocked by a muscular chest, barely covered by a half-unbuttoned shirt.
You looked up to see the guy who was with Tommy just now and your breath caught in your throat as you tried to put some distance between you two. Everything about this guy screamed red flags, from the scent of his cologne to the slit in his eyebrow, but wow he was handsome. Then again he was friends with Tommy, so that placed him in the category of 'shittiest humans ever' by default.
“You've got a smart mouth on you, I like that,” he drawled, his voice smooth and deep. He hooked his thumb through one of his belt loops, pulling his tight-fitting jeans down even lower. “I don't think I've seen you around here. The name's Billy Hargrove.”
“Cool,” you said before walking away. You were going to be late at this rate, and you knew he was nothing but trouble no matter how hot he was.
Billy was slightly taken aback at your disregard towards him, but he was persistent. He caught up with you easily, sliding into your view again as he walked backwards in your peripheral vision.
“No thanks,” you said, shutting him down fast.
Billy's face fell slightly as he kept up with your quickening pace.
“No thanks what?” 
You stopped at your locker and started putting in your combination. He leaned against the wall as you did.
“I’ve heard about you, Hargrove, and I know your type. You’re good looking, you know it, and everyone in this place seems to follow you around like a herd of sheep. You’re gonna make some kind of lame pass, ask if I wanna take a ride in your mediocre car which is definitely a euphemism for something else, expect me to jump into your pants, and then never talk to me again afterwards. So to that I say: no thanks.” 
Under ordinary circumstances Billy would have been in uproar about you reading him or calling his car mediocre, but instead his lips twisted upwards into a shit-eating grin.
“So you think I’m good looking?” 
You sighed as you slammed your locker shut. Of course that’s all he got out of that. 
“If I say yes will you go away?” 
Billy laughed at that, still insistent on following you.
“Quite the opposite, sweetheart.”
“I’m not your sweetheart,” you glared.
“Would you like to be?” 
You rolled your eyes. This guy just doesn't know when to quit.
“Do you pull these cheesy one liners out of your ass with every girl you see?” you asked, a wry smile tugging at your lips.
“Not every girl,” he said suggestively.   
“Oh, really? Because I’ve only been here for half an hour and your hand’s slipped into the back pockets of at least five different willing participants,” you said.
“Jealous?” he smirked.
It was at this moment that you realized when you stopped walking he basically had you trapped between his body and the rows of lockers lining the walls. His gaze was hot and heavy as he loomed over you, purposefully giving you a full view down his shirt. A sudden spark of confidence made you smirk right back at him as you replied:
“You'd like that, wouldn't you?”
As the bell rang out into the hall you used it to get past Billy and continue on your way to your first period. He turned around, staring at your retreating figure. 
“I never caught your name,” he said.
You stopped in your tracks to look at him over your shoulder. 
“I never threw it,” you said, a playful tone to your voice, “(Y/n) (L/n). Don’t rack your brain too hard trying to remember it. If you’re a friend of Tommy’s we won’t be talking much.” 
Your words were harsh, but the way you said them and the grin on your face made it sound like a challenge, and Billy Hargrove has never backed out of one of those.
Read Ch 2 Here!
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saiilorstars · 5 years
Dare To Forget Me
Ch. 11: Rivalries
/ Story Masterlist /
Fandom: Law & Order SVU
Pairing:  Rafael Barba x Original female character
Warnings: Due to the nature of the series’ plots, I do have to rate this as ‘mature’ for constant mentions of rape.
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Chapter Summary: Montserrat's and Rafael's childhoods come for them both in different ways.
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'With only 12 days left until New York's mayoral election, the latest polls show state senator Alejandro Munoz still holding on to his lead. The time has come to fix our broken schools. The time has come to provide affordable housing for the hard-working people of the city. The time has come!'
"Ouch - Kara that hurt!" Montserrat scrunched her face after one particular strong hair pull from Kara's hands. "Are you even paying attention to what you're doing to my hair or are you watching TV?"
Kara pulled her hands from Montserrat's fiery orange hair and cheekily smiled behind Montserrat's chair. The two were in Kara's salon, before opening, and while Kara was attempting to try a new hair style using Montserrat, a lot of her attention seemed to be going towards the television up on the wall.
"I swear to God," Montserrat muttered as she decided to end this impromptu hair modeling gig by pulling out the bobby pins in her hair.
"Sorry, it's just elections are coming up and I wanna stay informed," the blonde hair stylist replied with, not even bothering to help Montserrat undo a knot on her hair. "My vote's going to Muñoz for sure. What about you?"
"Don't know, don't - OW!" Montserrat angrily glared at her reflection after feeling like she'd pulled skin off during the unknotting process.
Kara remained unfazed. "You don't know who you want for mayor?"
"Hasn't been on my radar yet but I've heard things about all parties. Can I go now?" Montserrat dropped the last bobby pin onto the salon table and turned to find Kara engulfed in her cellphone. "Nice to see the attention you give me."
Kara sarcastically rolled her eyes. "It's Damian. We were gonna get lunch but he's at your cousin's right now."
"What? Casey?"
"With Gael too," Kara put her phone in her back pocket. "Something about a client gone wrong? Issue? Not sure."
"Hm, I guess they're still having trouble. Maybe I can stop by," Montserrat said as she got up from her chair.
"What are you going to do? You're a cop not a lawyer!"
"Thanks, really. I haven't talked to Gael in weeks and I was meant to babysit his girls last week but he cancelled in a very short text," Montserrat turned to the mirror to fix her hair as best as possible. "I'll say hi to Damian for you."
"And while you're at it, remind him that he owes his little sister $20," Kara pointed in a serious, mocking, manner.
Montserrat playfully rolled her eyes. "Hair model is gone!" she announced as she swiped her purse off the table.
"But coming back!" Kara reminded because she certainly had more styles to try out and as it turned out, Montserrat had very smooth hair.
On her way towards the D.A's office, Montserrat heard the distinct voice of her partner calling her name. Montserrat paused and looked back to see Sonny speeding to catch up with her, with, due to his long legs, was done in a quick stride.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Montserrat asked him.
"Warrant," Sonny said the magic word that could answer almost everything.
"Case of Jamil?"
"We got him this time," Sonny promised then motioned Montserrat to walk ahead.
"I sure hope so cos I'd love to see the smirk get wiped off his face already," Montserrat thanked him for opening the door for her but as she was about to step in, she bumped into a man. "Sorry," she apologized dutifully.
"Oh don't worry about it, bonita," a familiar man responded with.
Montserrat stepped back, accidentally bumping into Sonny at the same time. "I know you," the redhead said within the second. "My roommate was talking about you earlier. Alex Muñoz, you want to be our mayor."
The man in question smiled the same charming smile Montserrat saw on the television. "Sounds like I got her vote. What about you?"
"I... don't know yet," Montserrat shrugged then looked up at Sonny behind her.
"Don't know either," he admitted.
"Psh, you'll vote for whoever Kara will," Montserrat waved him off, missing Sonny's face of offence when she looked back to Alex. "But I have to say I'm surprised a candidate for mayor is here…?"
"Just visiting an old friend," Alex left it brief.
"K, well, promise I'll do my research," Montserrat politely reached for the door again.
"If you need any help deciding, you can always call me," and the man surprised her with a small card. "Always happy to help a citizen, especially cuando toca ser una linda mujer."
Montserrat slowly took the card from him, eyes glued to Alex's returning smile. It was cocky no doubt even when he walked off.
"Okay, I skipped Spanish class a lot in highschool but I'm not that bad to miss the fact he just made a pass at me," Montserrat turned to face Sonny with a wide grin, close to laughing.
"You're so not voting for him," Sonny ushered her inside, instigating her full laughter.
"What? Why not? You're not actually thinking that being overprotective of your crush's roommate will score you some good grade points?" Montserrat leveled an amused glance his way, one that made him roll his eyes.
"I'm gonna go get that warrant," Sonny decided to avoid another teasing round which, thanks to Montserrat, the squad now partook in.
"Sure, sure," Montserrat waved him off and headed for Casey's office. She was only a couple feet away when the office door opened. Damian was the first to emerge, letting Montserrat notice his face expression. Whatever problem they were having didn't seem to be getting any better.
"Hey," Montserrat walked towards them, but the closer she got the better she could see Gael's grim face. "Woah, what problem have you two got?"
"None of your business," Gael snapped at the same time Damian had answered "It's just business".
Montserrat raised her eyebrows in confusion. "What the hell's your problem, Gael?"
"Seriously?" the older brother snapped again which only confused Montserrat even more. "You're asking me what's my problem after what you said about Dad?"
"Wait, you're actually mad about that?" Montserrat didn't know whether to laugh or not. It was plainly absurd. Though now she supposed it made sense why Gael cancelled her babysitting day.
"You said Dad was a bad parent-"
"-I did not say that!" Montserrat couldn't believe they were actually going to have this argument.
"Yes, you did!"
"No, I didn't!"
Damian looked back and forth between the siblings as their argument got louder and louder. He tried to cut in but it didn't work. It rarely did. And it just seemed to attract more people out from the offices.
"How could you be so insensitive towards Dad!?"
"How could you be so stupid!?" Montserrat mimicked her brother's tone without a care in the world. "This is why you didn't let me babysit the girls last week?"
"I was afraid you'd call me a bad father too," Gael promptly said, and it honestly became hard for Montserrat not to smack him right there.
"Would you quit being such a baby!? I didn't say anything about our father that wasn't true! But that doesn't mean I said he was a bad father!"
Casey flung open her office door and fixated an incredulous glare on her two cousins. "Would you two quiet it down?" her input only seemed to make things worse.
"No, I will not 'quiet it down'-" Gael mimicking Casey as well earned himself another glare from the woman, "-when my sister is being so ungrateful to our father!"
"I'M NOT!" Montserrat outright shouted, which then called forth her partner.
"Montse, what's going on?" Sonny emerged from Rafael's office, along with the ADA himself.
"The entire building can hear you," Rafael added.
Montserrat, frustrated, motioned them all to be quiet. "I'm not doing anything except defending myself from ridiculous accusations by my dear big brother!"
"You got a lot of nerve, Montserrat," Gael got face to face with his younger sister. "You want to call our father a bad parent when he worked his ass off to get both of us through? While Regina was out probably partying, he was there reading you stories and helping me with my homework-"
"-but I never said anything! And you know damn well that I know what Regina did."
"Well it doesn't seem like it-"
"-Gael-" Casey once again stepped in but the man went over her words anyways.
"-but of course you'd never understand. You're still thinking Mommy is coming back. You always thought that-"
"-screw you, Gael," Montserrat felt there was nothing left to say.
"Montserrat!" Casey hissed.
"Montse, why don't we head back to the station together?" Sonny made his own attempt as well.
"Yeah, go back to work and act like you didn't insult our father," Gael spat and finally moved around Montserrat to head for the exit.
"I'm so sorry," Damian felt like he needed to apologize to Casey at least for the siblings' brawl but it wasn't like Casey was new to it.
"We're good, go," Casey gave him the nod that it was alright for him to leave.
"No, we are not good!" Montserrat turned with the intention of catching up with her brother. "If he wants to talk about Regina then let's have it!" But of course she was stopped by both Sonny and Rafael. She fought the two for a bit before she finally backed off. "Taking his side?" she snapped at both of them.
"Easy there, Novak," Rafael pointed a finger at her to keep her from trying again. "You've got the whole building watching you."
"I don't care," she snapped. "If he wants to talk about Regina then I can do it."
"At another time," he snapped this time. "I'll find her myself if that'll shut both of you up."
That seemed to trigger her. "You know what, if you think you can find Regina Ramos then be my frikin guest because I haven't been able to find her in 25 years!" This particular spat startled Rafael due to the ferocity lacing her words. Even her expression had gone ballistic and he'd seen quite a lot of things in his line of work.
"Montserrat," Casey once again attempted to calm her cousin but Montserrat waved Casey off and took off in a storm.
"What the hell was that?" Sonny jerked a thumb over his shoulder, completely lost on the show they'd seen.
"What do you think? Another sister-brother brawl," Casey sighed. "How many siblings do you have again?"
Sonny playfully rolled his eyes. "My sisters and I have never argued like that."
"Who the hell is this Regina and why is she making such trouble?" asked Rafael. He'd certainly like to know why he'd garnered such a snap from Montserrat.
Casey knew what he was thinking and decided to answer only to clarify what Montserrat was dealing with. "Regina is Montserrat's and Gael's mother. She...sort of walked out on them when they were just kids." Casey sighed when she saw the sorrowful expressions on the men's faces. "And that's why Montse doesn't talk about that because she hated the pity faces she would get afterwards. She doesn't like talking about it, period. I mean, you guys got a firsthand look at what happens, and you-" she gestured at Rafael, "-got a firsthand taste."
"Wouldn't be the first time I accidentally probed where I shouldn't have," the ADA shrugged, though inside he was feeling a tad remorseful (which he didn't like one bit).
"I would just tread lightly," Casey parted with that warning and returned to her office.
"How the hell do we 'tread lightly' after that?" Rafael was left with an unanswered question.
"We take slow steps," Sonny decided it was as close to a proper answer as they could get to.
Montserrat practically stalked into her apartment that evening with a white paper bag in one hand, and a half eaten brownie in the other. Kara looked up from her dinner plate with a mouth full of spaghetti, one noodle in particular dangling below her chin.
"What's...wrong with...you?" Kara said while she swallowed the whole food in her mouth.
"My brother's an idiot," Montserrat spat and trudged into the living room to take her coat and shoes off. She stuffed her mouth with the remainder of her brownie. Kara watched her ginger roommate chuck the paper bag (aggressively one should add) to the couch before plonking down to take off her boots.
"Uh, my brother's an idiot too. All big brothers are. Didn't you get the memo?" Kara's light joke was met with a cold deadpanning look. "Okay. Um, I know I'm going to regret asking but shouldn't you be at work?"
"I asked Liv for a personal day. She's very understanding," Montserrat threw her boot across the living room, missing how Kara winced when the hell of one boot hit the television furniture piece. She then pulled her phone out of her back pocket and let it drop (not so gently) against the glass coffee table.
Kara feared for her furniture's safety. "Um, okay, so...would you like dinner…? I made spaghetti," she motioned to her plate which was half empty already.
"Since when?" Montserrat unceremoniously snorted. "You always complain how you never got that one."
"Sonny gave me a recipe," the blonde shrugged.
Montserrat shot her roommate a look. "You're trading recipes now?" but she decided in that second that she didn't even want to get into that potential romance that was sure to make her gag. "Never mind. No, I don't want dinner."
"Right, cos stuffing your face with brownies is the better way to go," Kara's sarcasm was once again responded with a cold glare. "What's going on, Montse?"
"You mean Damian didn't call? Not even Sonny?" Montserrat grabbed her paper bag and reached for another brownie.
"No...should I call one of them…?"
"Oh, right, like you need another reason to call Sonny - stop with that!" Montserrat pretended to shiver, making Kara roll her eyes, and took a bit of her new brownie. "Gael's still mad at me for what I said about our Dad leaving us alone sometimes. He thinks I actually called my father a bad parent."
"But I'm sure you didn't mean it like that-"
"-yeah, I know," Montserrat's sudden cut in sounded rude but Kara knew Montserrat needed to vent right now and this was how she did it. "He even went ahead and brought in Regina, like I don't know what she did to us."
Kara wouldn't even try to say anything about Regina Ramos. That topic had always been a delicate one that usually resulted in arguments between Gael and Montserrat. Their mother abandoning them as kids had left raw pain that hadn't really see any healing.
"Gael is an idiot. And more than that, he's…" Montserrat couldn't even finish without getting furious all over again. "We argued outside Casey's office and...we got loud."
"...how loud?" Kara raised an eyebrow, knowing well where this was headed.
"Pretty loud."
"Were there people?"
"...when we were finished…"
"Oh, Montse. How mad was Casey?"
"I don't know. I didn't ask her when I stormed out of there after threatening Sonny and Rafael."
"Oh Montse," Kara shook her head disapprovingly.
"Gael made me so mad!"
"That's not an excuse, that's just a sister-brother relationship," Kara dug her fork into her spaghetti. "Only now you're actually held responsible for your actions."
Montserrat hated when Kara was right. She just hated it. Thankfully, someone knocked on their door, preventing Kara from continuing with her lecture.
"It's probably the Andersons downstairs complaining about your stomping," Kara warned as Montserrat went up to answer the door.
"I've still got some colorful words left if you're interested," Montserrat said before opening the door. "Great, what are you doing here?" her initial whine made Kara lean to the side to try and see who was at the door. If it was Gael, she'd take cover for sure.
"Seriously, I don't get paid enough to be your partner," Sonny said with a straight face.
Montserrat deadpanned him but took his sarcasm to heart. He probably came around trying to see if she was okay, not for Kara nor for the sake of their work... but to be a friend. Those thoughts softened her expression and made her remember some politeness. "Come on in, Sonny."
"Careful, she bites when she's angry," Kara said while Montserrat shut the door.
"I come bearing gifts," Sonny raised his hand that held a white plastic bag.
"You didn't have to," Montserrat was now feeling exceptionally guilty for her behavior earlier in the day.
"After that kind of fight, yeah, I had to," Sonny held the bag for her to take.
"I heard plural which just makes me feel awful," Montserrat admitted as she rummaged through the bag. A smile came to her face when she caught whiff of the familiar peanut butter cannolis inside one box. "And I guess Kara gets to enjoy my guilty moment."
"Why?" asked the blonde in question. She scarfed down her spaghetti and looked in their direction.
"Peanut butter cannolis," was all Montserrat had to say for Kara to jump out of her seat.
"Sonny, you didn't!?" she zipped towards them and practically yanked the bag out of Montserrat's hands to see for herself. She squeaked when she confirmed the cannolis and suddenly planted a kiss on Sonny's cheek.
Montserrat nearly laughed when she saw how red Sonny had become in less than a minute. She honestly didn't think Kara even realized what she'd done.
"You better apologize to him right now," Kara wagged a finger at Montserrat.
Montserrat rolled her eyes but did know when it was time to give in. "I am sorry, Sonny. I got carried away and I...it was not the place."
"Look, I get it, siblings can be…" Sonny wouldn't even finish that sentence because they all knew what he meant. "I just hope you're feeling better about things. Casey told us about...your mom? She said few things-" he said quickly before Montserrat assumed the worst, "-and I want you to know that Barba and I understand you were in a...special type of moment."
"Very special moment…" Kara muttered under her breath.
"Shut up," Montserrat warned her. "Go eat your spaghetti already."
"You made spaghetti?" Sonny's attention was momentarily driven towards Kara. "Did you use the recipe I left you?"
"Of course," Kara smiled. "And it really was better than that frozen crap Montse buys."
"Hey," went the ginger with offence. Now it was Kara who motioned for silence. "I'm going to my room," Montserrat announced and snatched the cannolis from Kara's hands. "Thanks Sonny. And just so we're clear, Kara's not getting any."
"Rude," Kara frowned and watched her roommate go off into the hallway.
Sonny chuckled and offered to buy more another day. That perked Kara right up. Montserrat's phone started buzzing against the glass coffee table, cutting short Kara's beam.
"I really hope it's not Gael trying to continue the fight," Kara mumbled as she went to get the phone.
"Maybe he's calling to apologize?" Sonny offered another alternative but Kara shook her head.
"Looks like we're both wrong," she grabbed the phone off the table and waved the phone at Sonny, letting him see the caller ID on the screen. "Your friend's calling to check up on Montse, maybe?"
Sonny made a face that Kara found difficult not to laugh at. "Barba would never call to 'check up' on anyone."
"You came to check up on Montse, why can't Rafael do the same?"
"Because he just doesn't."
Kara's face clearly said that wasn't an answer.
"He doesn't do that sort of stuff, trust me," and that left Sonny wondering why Rafael would choose to do start doing it now.
"Hm, then Montse must be special enough to catch his attention," Kara made way for the hallway but the phone stopped buzzing. "But apparently I'm slow to help." She turned back with a disappointed expression.
"You might be right about the first thing," Sonny conceded as he thought back to the various moments of strange behaviors between Montserrat and Rafael. "But that could also be because she nearly had a kid in his courtroom."
Kara laughed. "One of Montse's finest moments. Whatever, if he meant to check up, he'll call again and this time I'll be ready." She bit her lip and looked back to the kitchen where her lonesome plate remained on the table. "I've made enough for two but it looks like Montserrat's already got dinner so...you want to stick around? Give me some feedback on the spaghetti."
"Okay," Sonny nodded. "But I doubt you got anything wrong. You're a good cook."
Kara chuckled. "I like to think that I am. C'mon, I'll get you a plate." She walked past Sonny and tucked Montserrat's phone in her back pocket to be on red alert in case Rafael were to call again. She probably should have given the phone to Montserrat but, truth be told, she was curious herself about her roommate and the ADA.
To her surprise (and Sonny's), Rafael did call again that night.
~ 0 ~
Montserrat gripped her coffee cup all the way to her desk. She saw Olivia and Nick heading out, probably to continue questioning their latest victim. She plonked down at her desk and went back to her paperwork which seemed to get bigger every time she paused to look.
"You sure you don't want to take a break?" Amanda stopped by her desk with Fin beside her. "Our comfy Chinese place is always open for a third guest."
Montserrat smiled at the two. "No, I'm good. I'll get lunch later."
"And I'll make sure she actually does," Sonny reassured since they learned fast that Montserrat tended to skip meals when she felt swamped by work.
"Your call," Fin nodded to Amanda towards the hallway.
"You are getting lunch, right?" Sonny asked after the other two were gone.
"Yes, at some point," Montserrat dug her nose into a particular file.
Sonny rolled his eyes and went back to work at his end. He paused, though, when he noticed Montserrat picking at her hair every minute or so. "What are you doing?"
Montserrat put her pen down and groaned. "Kara keeps using me as her hair model and today was apparently a big ole crown braid." Her ginger hair was picked up with a large-sized crown braid adorning her her head from ear to ear.
"It looks nice," Sonny's compliment was met with a loud scoff.
"You're only saying that because Kara made it."
"You know, not everything I do is dependent on Kara."
Sonny decided to just keep quiet from now on.
Fifteen minutes passed and Montserrat finished her coffee - or drowned it - so she got up for a refill.
"Sonny, you want one?"
"Nah, let's head out for lunch already," his suggestion flew over Montserrat's head as the ginger went to get more coffee.
Montserrat returned two minutes later, surprised that Sonny hadn't continued calling her name out. Of course when she saw him talking to Rafael she understood why.
"They went to go talk to her, I promise," Sonny insisted yet Rafael still looked rather doubtful. "We're doing what you asked, alright? You can call Liv right now to confirm if you want."
Montserrat awkwardly cleared her throat as she neared her desk, gaining both men's attention. "Are we finished…?"
"You're one to talk," Rafael scoffed, but Montserrat took that with a nod. She deserved it.
"C'mon councilor," Sonny gave a disapproving tilt of his head towards Rafael.
"No, it's totally fine, Sonny," Montserrat shrugged her shoulders, though her casualness seemed to end at her fingertips since she was once again gripping her coffee cup. "I was rude, so...you two get a free pass."
"It shouldn't be like that," Rafael was the one to say as he considered once more the circumstances of her outburst.
"I wasn't professional and I accept that," Montserrat nodded. "You were the one to tell me, after all. Leave my problems at home and any other thing related to my personal life. Work is a place for work only."
And as she said all that, Rafael felt that twinge of guilt knowing he was virtually doing the exact opposite of his words right now. Because of that, he felt obligated to let her episode go. More than that, it was the right thing to do.
"Montserrat it's fine." The usage of her first name made Montserrat smile - it was a sure sign he forgave her completely.
"Thanks," she whispered.
Rafael nodded at her in return. His eyes gazed at the pretty empty bullpen and figured no one would be returning anytime soon despite the cases going on. He watched as Montserrat pull her desk chair to sit back down. Even as she tried to get back to work, it was easy to tell the problems with her brother weren't letting her focus.
He honestly felt that.
And maybe it was because he felt they were in a similar place at the moment, or...maybe for another reason he didn't know of, but he spoke up with a request. "Montserrat do you want to get something to eat?"
Montserrat paused and looked up, momentarily surprised since they hadn't had a meal together in a while now. The fact Sonny's eyes were flickering from her to Rafael - not so discreetly - made it all a little more on the spot.
Was her face warm?
"I would…" Montserrat was in the middle of making her answer when she recalled Sonny's insistence to get lunch together already. She quickly looked at the lanky detective with wide eyes. "But I told you I'd get lunch with y-"
Sonny raised his hands to show it was fine. "No, no, I've still got work to do." A lie. He was starving. "You go ahead."
"O-okay," Montserrat reached for her bag tucked in one of her drawers then looked to Rafael with a growing smile. "My turn to pay?"
"No, it's on me," he smiled right back at her. He felt awkward with the staring eyes of Sonny so he hoped Montserrat would get a move on already.
"I'll see you later," Montserrat told Sonny as she got up to leave.
"Hey, when is Kara's lunch hour?" Sonny's question earned him a deadpanning look from the ginger woman. "Hey, if you get to go on a date, then I get to go on a date."
"It's not a date," went Montserrat and Rafael simultaneously, quickly exchanging glances with each other to make sure the other knew they didn't think it was a date.
"Fine," Sonny picked his battles carefully and decided Kara would probably have a much better idea on how to go about this. "But seriously, when is her lunch hour?"
"Carisi, leave her alone," Rafael motioned Montserrat to walk ahead, and the look he gave Sonny just made things even more suspicious for Sonny.
Oh, Kara was definitely going to have something to say about this.
~ 0 ~
Steak. Steak was unofficially declared as the favorite meal.
"How could you get barbecue on that?" Rafael crinkled his nose when Montserrat practically savored her barbecued drenched steak.
"The real question is how could you not put barbecue on it," Montserrat smiled widely after swallowing.
"Some of us have taste," Rafael's straight answer made her laugh.
"And some of us are just plain rude. Guess who's who?"
Rafael took that as a tie between them and took more of his plate. It was refreshing to have someone who could keep up with his 'sharp mouth' as Olivia often said he had. As he ate, he watched her cautiously like he was waiting for something. And it seemed like Montserrat knew just what he was waiting for.
"I'm not gonna shout at you again. Gael's not here," she reminded him and reached for her glass.
"But are you...are you doing better now?" he asked slowly, now fully taking Casey's warning to tread lightly on the subject.
Montserrat appreciated his concern. "I'm...better in that I don't feel like shouting at anyone. But Gael's still not speaking to me." And even as she tried to smile a little, it was easy to see how big of a struggle it was.
There were probably plenty ways to start, but for some reason Rafael couldn't think of the right way. "About...about your...your…"
"This is the first time I've seen you speechless, councilor," Montserrat's smile widened, becoming a genuine smile in the process. "Have to say, I like it. But don't do that in court."
Rafael rolled his eyes at her, though her small-time humor did make things easier sometimes for them. "I meant about...Regina?" he watched the sarcasm fade from her face all too fast.
"I have nothing to say about that woman," Montserrat grabbed her glass again, drinking as a form of retreat. It pretty much said the opposite of her words.
"Except it looks like you do." And that was the thing about Rafael, he was trained to be observant. "And the things Gael said…"
"Look," Montserrat tinkered with her glass on the table, "Gael hates our mother. He despises her because she walked out on us when we were kids. Now, h remembers more since he was older, so naturally he has more reason to hate her. He remembers the love and warmth Regina deprived him of...I don't." Her attempt at a careless shrug failed. "I was four. I can't remember her that well except she knitted me this little pink sweater that I used to wear everywhere. And I mean, mothers don't make things like that if they didn't love you, right?"
She knew it was an unfair question to make, putting Rafael on the spot like that (not that he wasn't used to it) but it was something that always nagged at her mind. If her mother went through the trouble of knitting that sweater then it had to mean she did it because she wanted to, because she loved her daughter. It was right... right?
"I shouldn't have asked that," she said once she'd gone through her thoughts twice and realized how out of line it was.
"Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have," Rafael's agreement elicited quite a look from Montserrat. "I mean, it's not like my answer is going to make a difference." He smirked when Montserrat understood his point. "Is it?"
"Sometimes I actually hate you," she muttered though he laughed it off.
"And yet you're still here. How's your lunch by the way?" His not-so-subtle reminder that he was paying for their lunch wasn't made for bad intentions but if not to remind her in general of their little agreements.
You didn't go out for meals with someone you actually hated.
"It's actually very good, thanks…" Montserrat debated whether or not to be very specific about what she was thanking him for since it borderlined a different line of their friendship. "Thank you," she ended up saying anyways, nervously fidgeting in her chair afterwards.
Rafael completely understood her and nodded. "Anytime."
Montserrat found herself smiling more than she should have and quickly looked to her half-eaten food on her plate. "Okay, we're done with the unprofessionalism for now I promise."
"Novak, you don't have to keep worrying about that. Trust me, I finally understand it's not that easy being so detached."
Now that pulled Montserrat's gaze off her food in a millisecond. "I'm sorry, are you saying you were wrong?"
Rafael deadpanned her but even that didn't stop her from looking so wide-eyed. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about," he warned.
"But I'm not acting…"
Rafael searched her face for any indication that she knew of their recent case's problem, but there was nothing. "H-how...you do know about our case at the moment, right?"
"With the shoe model? Yeah, I've been following it like everyone else. Why?"
"Novak you're not kidding me, are you?"
"No, I am not. What did I miss?"
Rafael wondered how out of it Montserrat had to have been for her not to know what their case was doing to him and the squad. So, he began to tell her just how close he was to the suspect in their custody at the moment.
"Wait a minute, so you're friends with our mayor-to-be Alex Muñoz?" Montserrat chuckled at the irony. "Kara loves him. She has me and Sonny already lining up to vote for him."
"Well, Alex is a pretty good candidate," Rafael said as impartially as possible.
"Yeah, and a flirt," Montserrat's statement did not pass well with him.
"Excuse me?"
"I met him outside the DAs building just before meeting with Gael. I only talked to him for like two minutes and it was enough to confirm he is a flirt." Montserrat reached for her glass on the table. "He gave me his number and everything."
"He's married," Rafael said with a deep frown on his face, though the fact Montserrat nearly choked on her drink made him believe she didn't know that detail.
"What?" the poor woman reached for a napkin to dry her mouth. Her big wide eyes looked at him for some explanation.
"He's married and has three daughters. How did you not know that?"
"Because I work a ten hour shift?" Montserrat snapped and cleared her throat. "Hey, I did not flirt with him. You can ask Sonny - he was there. I didn't do anything."
"Maybe you misunderstood Alex's intentions," Rafael said alternatively, though there was something in the pit of his stomach that told him something else that was wrong was already brewing.
Montserrat would have argued that she most certainly did not misread his intentions but he already looked so...conflicted about the case. She didn't want to make things worse. "So, you grew up with these guys?"
Rafael slowly nodded his head. "Yeah…" but even then he still wasn't shifting away from the other topic.
Montserrat tried again and hoped for some luck. "Were you really close? Or was it like a hello-bye basis thing?"
"N-no, um…" Rafael shook his head and got back into the topic at hand. "We grew up together. The three of us. Los tres mosqueteros de Jerome Avenue. The three musketeers of Jerome Avenue."
Montserrat laughed. "Like the three musketeers, that's adorable. And I will be sure to remind you of that whenever you need it. Or when I feel like it."
A smile came to Rafael's face whether he had wanted it or not. "The joy."
"So you guys were like a close a team, then?"
"Mhm. Alex had the heart. I had the mouth, of course-"
"Of course," Montserrat smiled so widely it might have cracked her face in two.
"Eddie had the muscle to protect us when we got into trouble."
"And what kind of trouble did our young ADA get into?"
"Stop it."
"Impossible." Montserrat leveled his look until her lips curled into a smile, which was done in a pretty impressive time. Anyone else would have looked away out of sheer uncomfortableness. Eventually, she gave in but only because she wanted to get to something really important. "I hate to bring it up but please tell me you're not actually wanting us to...look the other way in this case because you happen to know the perp?"
The sheer 'perp' mention made Rafael uncomfortable. He never wanted to believe any of his friends could be capable of some atrocity. "I would never do that. I am only asking that you all get the facts before taking any action."
"...fair enough," Montserrat conceded with a small nod of her head. "But can I ask you something now?"
"Of course."
"How did you know the perp was a friend of yours? My understanding is you don't get involved until we call you and...I distinctly remember you being there when we first brought Eddie in."
"Alex came to talk to me," Rafael said, shrugging his shoulders and missing Montserrat's moment of pause.
"So...our mayor-to-be had time to do all this when he's near the elections?"
Rafael was about to take a drink but paused midway to give Montserrat a look. "What do you mean by that?"
"I'm sorry to say but people in Alex's situation don't really have time to look for anyone's back but their own," Montserrat expected some type of reprimand for her words judging by the look on Rafael's face.
"Eddie's been volunteering for him. He's been driving him around during the campaign and since - like I said before - we are all childhood friends, it's natural we try to help each other out."
"Right," Montserrat was smart enough to know it was time to keep her mouth shut. She didn't know who these men were so she should probably leave that up to Rafael for when the case gets further made. Still, now that she knew more details about the case there were some conflicts she could see coming into play very soon.
Just as they were finishing up their lunch, Rafael heard his phone go off. Soon as he fished it out of his pocket, he saw Olivia's name on the screen. "It's Liv." His tone of voice radiated anxiety so Montserrat assured him she was all done with lunch.
The two returned to the precinct quickly and listened - just like the others - as Olivia and Nick relayed their latest visit to Lindsey. Apparently, she was taking everything back and even adding new details...ones that didn't fit really well.
"Lindsay told you Eddie came into the store with his wife?" Rafael raised an eyebrow at Nick. "No chance. He hasn't seen her in three years. She's partying in Miami…"
"Are you sure?" Nick had still decent suspicion towards their perp and wasn't going to be letting it go just because said perp happened to know their ADA. "Cause he still wears his ring."
"I'm sure. Eddie's... eh, he's just catolico, loyal."
"So Lindsay saw the ring, tried to make up a story," Olivia was on the boat of keeping peace amongst them. "Yeah, then she says that she'd be more comfortable just talking to Nick."
"Because she thinks she has a better chance of working the male partner," Amanda made a face of disapproval, shared by the rest.
"So she's lied to you, tried to manipulate you…" Rafael almost started listing off with his fingers when Nick cut in.
"So did Eddie."
"I know Eddie's story," Rafael said all too quick, warning a mini-glare from Nick. "What's hers? Find out. Now." He gave all of them a sharp look before heading out.
"Great going, I had him relaxed twenty minutes ago," Montserrat made it as a joke but some of them took it to heart.
"Yeah, we heard about your impromptu date from Sonny," Fin said with a tiny of a smirk on his lips.
"It was not a - wait, where's Sonny?" Montserrat looked around for the lanky detective.
"He's with that roommate of yours," Amanda answered her and almost laughed at the wide-eyed look Montserrat did.
"I'll kill him." She huffed and went for her desk to get started on their work.
"Not until after 10 you won't," Olivia said a she passed Montserrat. "I need everyone working on this right now."
Montserrat huffed but obeyed. Of course it didn't help one bit when Sonny returned fifteen minutes later wearing a big smile on his face. Clearly he had a good time. And when she got home that night, Kara would be up and ready to tell Montserrat how much of a good time she had too.
"He just, like... surprised me! He finally brought me to that place he goes to when he brings cannolis! Let me just tell you that they are better fresh at the store - Montse?" Kara paused when she saw the ginger rubbing her temples. Montserrat had a laptop set in front of her but it appeared whatever she'd been looking at was no longer her interest.
"Kara, this is not a good idea," Montserrat dropped her hands to the kitchen table.
"What isn't?"
"You, Sonny...whatever that even is - it's not a good idea."
Kara's eyebrows knitted together. "Why not?"
"Because of it doesn't work out, guess who's gonna be the one that'll be stuck in the middle?" Montserrat swirled her index finger before pointing at herself with it. "Me."
"That's kind of selfish, don't you think?" Kara plopped down at chair next to her.
"No, just being mindful of a potential future."
Kara playfully rolled her eyes. "Well, thank you for your concern but as far as I'm concerned, things are going just fine. It is, after all, my life." Montserrat sighed not so quietly but did concede with Kara on that point. "Besides, if anyone should be mindful of who they go out with, it should be you."
It was Montserrat's turn to be thoroughly confused. "Me? What for?"
A smirk tugged at Kara's lips as she answered the question. "Sonny mentioned that you basically dumped him at lunch today for the ADA."
"I'm seriously going to kill him," Montserrat shook her head. "We won't have to worry about things not working out because he'll be found dead tomorrow morning."
Kara laughed at her roommate's dramatics. "Oh c'mon, he did you a solid. Anyone else would've been on your ass for leaving them right before lunch."
Knowing exactly where Kara was headed at, Montserrat decided to beat her to it and explain the famous lunch she has today. "I still needed to apologize and Rafael suggested we go to lunch-"
"-suggested or asked because Sonny mentioned it was more of an ask-"
"-stop! I'll kill him!"
Kara laughed again. Montserrat slammed her laptop lid shut and moved to get up, prompting Kara to sober quickly. "Okay, okay, I'll stop!" she put one hand over Montserrat's arm. "I honestly thought it was kind of sweet he asked you, even when you've been avoiding him for days. Anyone else would've...well...avoided you too."
Montserrat sighed realizing Kara was right. She let herself fall back into her chair. "Yeah, it was. Rafael has his moments."
"A lot with you," Kara muttered not so quietly. Montserrat practically growled and got up from her chair. She made a beeline for her room. "I'm sorry!" Kara laughing didn't exactly help Montserrat believe her.
"You're a child!" Montserrat shouted before slamming her bedroom door shut.
40 notes · View notes
solcheeky · 5 years
break a leg arm
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summary: mark breaks his arm and a cast is all he needs as an excuse to get you to do everything for him
warnings: mature content insinuated, strong language
a/n: I literally went thru a heck load of his tweets to see what he was like through text lmfao also this is a remake! insp from sheep
[1 Missed Call] broccoli johnny 8:56PM
[New Message] from broccoli johnny 9:00PM, hey
[broccoli johnny] 9:00PM, I know its kind of late but
[broccoli johnny] 9:01PM, mark’s in the ER right now, you busy?
[you] 9:05PM, wtf
[you] 9:05PM, where
[you] 9:05PM, why
[broccoli johnny] 9:06PM, nothing serious dw
[broccoli johnny] 9:06PM, we’re in seoul national
[you] 9:07PM, okay im coming
[broccoli johnny] 9:07PM, mind coming over?
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, oh
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, lol cool cool
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, just text me when you get here :-)
[you] 9:34PM, I’m here where are you?
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, hold on
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, jae cant get his drink out of the vending machine
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, we’ll meet u in the lobby in a sec
[you] 9:36PM, jaehyun you are a grown man
[broccoli johnny] 9:36PM, jae said hes not going to share his drink with you now
[New Message] from lioncub 11:45PM, Sorry for making you worry haha and thank you for coming over so fast
[lioncub] 11:45PM, You home ssfe yet?
[lioncub] 11:45PM, *Safe
[lioncub] 11:46PM, Damn this whole cast on my arm thing is really getting in the way haha
[you] 11:46PM, always<3 and yea I am :) you?
[lioncub] 11:46PM, Yeah, everyone’s in bed. Johnjae’s about to leave
[you] 11:46PM, nice
[you] 11:47PM, tell jaehyun that I hope he falls over
[lioncub] 11:48PM, Woah hahahaha
[lioncub] 11:48PM, Is this because he didn’t share his drink with you?
[you] 11:48PM, it was the last one left >:( and the traitor drank it all >:((
[lioncub] 11:50PM, Haha
[you] 11:50PM, >:(
[lioncub] 11:51PM, You’re so cute 
[you] 11:51PM, wow you type so slow
[lioncub] 11:51PM, I brokr my ar, !!!
[you] 11:51PM, yikes
[lioncub] 11:52PM, Dude dp you want me to type fast or not?
[you] 11:52PM, you’ll make mistakes either way👀
[lioncub] 11:52PM, *Do
[lioncub] 11:53PM, Hahaha very funny lool
[lioncub] 11:54PM, Come on babr
[lioncub] 11:54PM, *Basbr 
[lioncub] 11:54PM, *Babve
[lioncub] 11:54PM, Damn. *babe
[you] 11:54PM, just. don’t text me anymore . 
[lioncub] 11:55PM, Wait what !!!!!
[lioncub] 11:55PM, But my cast wont br off for weeks!!
[lioncub] 11:56PM, Babe !
[lioncub] 11:56PM, D: !!
[you] 11:56PM, I meant that like..... ‘call me’ you dummy
[lioncub] 11:57PM, Oh
[lioncub] 11:57PM, Oops 
[Incoming Call] lioncub 11:58PM
[New Message] from marks arm 1:12PM, They left me at home :/
[marks arm] 1:12PM, All alone
[marks arm] 1:13PM, And I’m bored :/
[marks arm] 1:13PM, Bee
[marks arm] 1:13PM, Oh
[marks arm] 1:14PM, Are
[marks arm] 1:14PM, D
[marks arm] 1:14PM, b o r e d
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Babe
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Babe?
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Ba b e
[Missed Video Call] marks arm 1:17PM
[you] 1:21PM, oh shit sory just came out yhe shower
[marks arm] 1:22PM, Oh lool sorry
[marks arm] 1:22PM, You going out somewhere?
[marks arm] 1:23PM, OH are you coming over? :0
[you] 1:23PM, huh? no
[you] 1:23PM, lmfao gotta go to the supermarket
[marks arm] 1:24PM, Is that code for my dorm?
[you] 1:24PM, uh
[you] 1:24PM, what
[marks arm] 1:25PM, Super-MARK-et
[marks arm] 1:25PM, 😏😏😏 
[you] 1:25PM, …………
[marks arm] 1:26PM, Dude. You can’t tell me that wanst funny
[you] 1:26PM, …………………… 
[marks arm] 1:26PM, Comn on man. That was pretty funny!!!
[marks arm] 1:27PM, *Wasn’t *Come
[marks arm] 1:27PM, 😏😏😏 ???
[you] 1:27PM, I’m not coming over just because you made a ‘good’ joke
[marks arm] 1:28PM, Hahahahaha! babe please!!
[marks arm] 1:28PM, I’m so fucking bored~
[marks arm] 1:28PM, I have thid dumbass cast on now and the boys wont be back till waaayy later
[marks arm] 1:29PM, *This
[marks arm] 1:30PM, It’s not like I can take the cast off. But you can keep me company!!
[marks arm] 1:30PM, Pretty please🥺
[you] 1:30PM, but I gotta go shop D:
[marks arm] 1:31PM, Oh right. yeah lol
[marks arm] 1:31PM, but you can come over after?😏
[you] 1:31PM, hmmmmmm
[marks arm] 1:32PM, No one’s home😏 and
[marks arm]1:32PM, and Iwanttohugyou
[marks arm] 1:33PM, Plus I promise I won’t hug you with my casr haha
[marks arm] 1:33PM, *Cast
[you] 1:33PM, cute
[marks arm] 1:34PM, Did.. Did you not just hear what I said?
[marks arm] 1:34PM, No one’s home !!!
[you] 1:35PM, fine :[
[you] 1:35PM, but after I shop :>
[marks arm] 1:36PM, Alright nice haha. After you shop. Got it !
[New Message] from marks arm 1:45PM, Can you get me snacks??
[marks arm] 1:49PM, You can’t just leave me on read !!!!
[you] 8:03PM, can’t believe I bought you snacks for that
[marks arm] 8:04PM, It was the cast!! I swear !!
[marks arm] 8:04PM, You weren’t the only one uncomfortable >:( I can’t hold myself up over you when my arm is broken lool
[you] 8:05PM, I’m taking your lap next time🙄
[marks arm] 8:05PM, Oh woah
[you] 8:06PM, ‘woah’ what?
[marks arm] 8:06PM, :0
[marks arm] 8:06PM, Woah nothing. Hahahaha
[you] 8:06PM, okay well,,, save your lap for me next time
[marks arm] 8:07PM, lol okay
[marks arm] 8:07PM, Next time.
[marks arm] 8:07PM, I like that
[New Message] from marker 2:20AM, You awake?
[you] 2:21AM, no
[marker] 2:21AM, Oh okay nevermind then
[you] 2:22AM, …
[you] 2:22AM, uh mark
[marker] 2:23AM, Wait a minute
[you] 2:23AM, there we go😂😂
[marker] 2:23AM, ;/
[you] 2:23AM, LOL whats up? its 2am🤔dont you have to go studio in the morning🤔
[marker] 2:24AM, Yeah :/ but my arm hurts ;/
[you] 2:24AM, badly?
[marker] 2:25AM, Mhm :(
[marker] 2:25AM, I cant sleep :(( it hurts :/ like actually really hurts
[you] 2:25AM, lemme get back to you in 7 years after I get my doctors licence
[marker] 2:26AM, Hahahahahahaha
[marker] 2:26AM, Can you get back to me in 3secs as my bestfriend instead?
[you] 2:26AM, touché
[marker] 2:26AM, Haha
[marker] 2:27AM, Let me video call you?
[you] 2:27AM, doyoung is asleep though
[marker] 2:27AM, Yeaahh
[marker] 2:28AM, But I wantf to see you :(
[you] 2:28AM, you saw me today ?
[marker] 2:28AM, It wasnt enough :(
[you] 2:29AM, are you okay??
[marker] 2:29AM, Yeah! I am! I just
[marker] 2:29AM, idk
[marker] 2:29AM, Seeing you makesd me feel better
[you] 2:29AM, cute
[marker] 2:29AM, Shutup man
[marker] 2:30AM, Just let me call youuu
[you] 2:30AM, hm
[you] 2:31AM, fine
[you] 2:31AM, this is my way of making up for my lack of a doctors licence
[marker] 2:31AM, hahahahahahahaha
[marker] 2:31AM, I’m gonna wake up doyoung laughing like this
[you] 2:32AM, lmao pls dont blame me when he whoops your ass in the morning
[marker] 2:32AM, I wont :)
[Incoming Call] marks arm 2:33AM
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]]
[doyoung]: Mark looks like a sardine that was left to dry out in the sun for 12 days
[marker]: Hey man
[marker]: Thats just mean
[fullsun]: not mean, just the truth💅🏼
[doyoung]: It’s because he was up all night talking to you know who👀
[mr peach]: exposed
[you]: mark you said doyoung was a heavy sleeper
[doyoung]: He lied.
[marker]: We werent that loud man
[nakamoto]: I could hear mark from my bedroom
[let’s winwin!]: *our bedroom
[let’s winwin!]: and no we couldn’t
[nakamoto]: I did👀
[broccolli johnny]: all yuta does is lie lmfao
[marker]: How??!!?
[marker]: Your bedroom is upstairs!!!
[junguwu]: ? I couldnt hear them ??? and I’m next door
[nakamoto]: if I was upstairs then explain to me how I heard y/n complaining about how mark farts too much🤔🤔🤔
[marker]: Oh my god
[broccoli johnny]: LMFAAAOO
[mr peach]: this again LOL
[you]: I still can’t believe they let you talk about marks farts in your tmi vids
[oldman]: 😂😂😂😂😂oh no
[fullsun]: the dried sardine has got some explaining to do👀
[marker]: Dude its not true!!! I swear !!!!!!
[you]: a little bit true
[doyoung]: ✋also a witness
[marker]: >:0
[marker]: Fucking betrayers!!!!!!!
[marker]: Johnny tell them its not true !!!
[broccoli johnny]: my hands are tied bro🤗
[marker]: whAT
[marker]: Jaehyun?!
[mr peach]: its not true.
[doyoung]: Way to sound believable🙄
[nakamoto]: word on the street y/n is tired of mark never saying sorry or excusing himself from farting🤧
[marker]: You guys are just big bullies man
[marker]: Sicheng man you’re the only one I have left😭
[let’s winwin!]: lol no
[fullsun]: yuta may be lying about hearing yall last night but👀
[fullsun]: the fart thing is true👀
[nakamoto]: i rest my case
[broccoli johnny]: one day mark is gonna fart and it’ll poison you all
[nakamoto]: I heard hes poisoned a couple of people already🧐
[marker]: DUDE
[New Message] from mark LEE 10:11AM, Hey can I ask you something?
[you] 10:12AM, sure whats up?
[you] 10:12AM, you okay?
[mark LEE] 10:13AM, So um ;//
[mark LEE] 10:13AM, My farts dont annoy you do they?
[you] 10:14AM, LOL mARK
[mark LEE] 10:14AM, What ?! what!!!!
[mark LEE] 10:14AM, I’m serious!!!
[you] 10:15AM, its been like 3 days since that conversation
[mark LEE] 10:15AM, And I havent been able to fart in front of you since!!
[mark LEE] 10:16AM, Babe I’m deadass!!!
[you] 10:16AM, yuta was just joking stupid
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, :/
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, I know
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, But
[you] 10:18AM, but?
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, I fart
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, like
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, a lot
[you] 10:19AM, omg mark
[you] 10:19AM, it doesnt matter!! I think its cute
[mark LEE] 10:19AM, What?!
[you] 10:19AM, when you fart youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, when you sneeze youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, when you talk youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, even when you just breathe youre fucking cute
[you] 10:20AM, I dont care about your farts
[mark LEE] 10:21AM, You’re weird
[you] 10:21AM, ask the groupchat if you dont believe me
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]]
[marker]: Anyways guys
[junguwu]: ya
[marker]: Am I cute?
[fullsun]: no
[New Message] from cute idiot 9:37PM, Where are you?
[cute idiot] 9:37PM, Babe
[cute idiot] 9:37PM, The bath is gonna get cold man
[you] 9:40PM, we got a problem
[cute idiot] 9:40PM, What? No lighter? Not even matchsticks?
[you] 9:40PM, johnjae are here
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, !???!?!?!?!!!
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, whAT
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, Like in the dorm here?!?!??
[you] 9:41PM, yea you dummy
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, Shit whAT
[you] 9:42PM, wtf happened to ‘no one is coming home till late today’ !???!!
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, I
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, I DIDNT KNOW I SWEAR OMG
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, wHAT DID U SAY TO THEM
[you] 9:43PM, I look like a psycho mark
[cute idiot] 9:43PM, tHATS WHAT YOU SAID?
[you] 9:43PM, nO
[you] 9:44PM, they caught me… in the kitchen…. going through the drawers
[you] 9:44PM, with just your tshirt on…
[you] 9:44PM, my hair is wet af mark
[cute idiot] 9:45PM, oh god
[you] 9:45PM, how was i supposed to explain myself ?!
[you] 9:45PM, tell them my hair is wet because I just climbed out of the bath i was sharing with their roommate ?!!?
[you] 9:45PM, tell them i needed something to light the candles beside the fucking bubble bath ?!??
[cute idiot] 9:45PM, Shit shit shit
[you] 9:46PM, and all because you couldnt get out of the tub without injuring your broken-arm ??!
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Oh my gof
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Please tell me that is not what you said
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Oh my god
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, This is so embarrassing
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, Dude
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, Why arnet you answering?!?!
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, What the fuc do I do
[you] 9:48PM, hold on theyre talking to me
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, I’m freakinghout
[you] 9:48PM, apparently theyre back early because they need to go prerecord nct nightnight
[you] 9:48PM, johnny needed to pick something up on the way
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Oh god
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Whdt do I do?!
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Do I getr out!?
[you] 9:49PM, told them you were showering
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Shit
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Okay I’m turning on the shower
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, You know
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, For soubnd effects
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Shit man shitr
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, wait
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, wb you?!
[cute idiot] 9:50PM, You didn’t dry yourself. Dude you didn’t even bring a towel
[cute idiot] 9:50PM, Hwo you gonna explain
[you] 9:51PM, told them your dumbass slipped
[you] 9:51PM, and I had to help you because of your arm
[you] 9:51PM, wait brb
[cute idiot] 9:51PM, Nooo dont brb me
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, I feel exposed now
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, Oh my god
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, This is the worst
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, This is the WORST 
[cute idiot] 9:53PM, Babe?
[you] 9:57PM, okay theyre gone😪😪
[cute idiot] 9:57PM, Thank god
[cute idiot] 9:57PM, Did they believe you?
[you] 9:58PM, I fucking hope so
[you] 9:58PM, I’m coming back
[cute idiot] 9:58PM, Be quick ;/ I kinda made a mess
[[foreign swaggers💯💯💯]]
[sexy boi ten]: just out of curiosity🧐
[sexy boi ten]: who here loves bubble baths?
[johns banana]: hmmmmmm idk man🤔 good question🤔
[jeffrey]: 😂😂😂
[kark]: Oh my god
[sexy boi ten]: I think one of us is a bubble bath enthusiast
[sexy boi ten]: but I just cant put my finger on it🧐
[kark]: Can’t believe you told ten
[johns banana]: told him what🤔🤔
[kark]: Don’t lie to me bro
[sexy boi ten]: i think youre the only one lying here
[kark]: 😨😨😨
[kark]: Jaehyun please help me
[jeffrey]: I heard there were candles
[kark]: 😧
[johns banana]: candles ?! 🤔 oh gasp🤧
[sexy boi ten]: so this is what you get up to when no ones around
[kark]: hahahaha noooo
[kark]: youre making it sound super weird man !!
[jeffrey]: lmfaaooo
[sexy boi ten]: this whole broken limb thing doesnt seem so bad now
[kark]: we didnt /do/ anything
[sexy boi ten]: why?😏 were you supposed have done something? 😏😏
[kark]: hahaha oh my god
[johns banana]: what are you tryna say mark🤗
[kark]: dude !!!!!!!
[kark]: youre all making this way weirder than it already is man
[jeffrey]: arent you the one making it weird?
[sexy boi ten]: johnny break my arm so i can get a bubble bath
[johns banana]: you dont have a girlfriend
[sexy boi ten]: i know
[sexy boi ten]: but i could have a boyfriend
[jeffrey]: you dont have a boyfriend either
[sexy boi ten]: then can you run me a bubble bath instead😘😘😘😘
[kark]: what
[johns banana]: depends… do I get to join
[kark]: wHAT
[johns banana]: I’ll be the mark to your y/n
[jeffrey]: this is going in my TMI
[New Message] from marks arm 4:15PM, They keep teasing me about the bath thing
[you] 4:15PM, so no more baths together?
[marks arm] 4:16PM, I didn’t say that........
[New Message] from bunny doyoung 6:47PM, Change of plans
[bunny doyoung] 6:47PM, He’s already on the way to yours
[you] 6:48PM, what?!
[you] 6:48PM, I was about to leave
[bunny doyoung] 6:49PM, Sorry I couldnt stop him
[bunny doyoung] 6:49PM, Said there’s too many of us in the dorm at the moment lmao
[bunny doyoung] 6:50PM, He’s such a kid
[you] 6:50PM, ffs mark
[you] 6:51PM, thanks do
[bunny doyoung] 6:51PM, Of course
[you] 6:53PM, mark wth
[you] 6:53PM, doyoung said youre coming here
[marks eggs] 6:55PM, Sorry baby
[marks eggs] 6:55PM, It’s way too hectic back there
[you] 6:56PM, you know I dont mind
[marks eggs] 6:56PM, I do this time
[marks eggs] 6:57PM, I want alone time with you
[you] 6:57PM, but I made food for the boys
[marks eggs] 6:57PM, I’ll eat it all :)
[you] 6:58PM, marrrrrkk
[marks eggs] 6:58PM, Too late I’m outside
[marks eggs] 6:58PM, Open up
[New Message] ty track 1:00AM, He’s not coming back tonight is he?
[you] 1:01AM, defo not
[you] 1:01AM, hes asleep on my lap atm
[ty track] 1:02AM, Sigh
[ty track] 1:02AM, Fine, make sure he wakes up early
[ty track] 1:03AM, He has to be back by 7am, we have a shoot in the morning
[you] 1:03AM, okay sure thing
[ty track] 1:03AM, Get some rest too
[you] 1:04AM, thanks tae you too💚
[ty track] 1:04AM, Goodnight💚
[you] 1:05AM, night :)
[[dreamies but not rlly]]
[pudu]: what time did you say you were going to come over again?
[you]: before 10 why?
[pudu]: because marks trying to break up renjun and jaemin from wrestling
[pudu]: with one arm
[jenojam]: is that what all that yelling is?
[you]: hyuck
[you]: why are you texting me when you can help him out
[pudu]: y/n thats a dumb question and you know it
[dolphinle]: such a dumb question
[you]: why arent any of you doing anything????????
[pudu]: why dont you just come over sooner ^^
[you]: hyuck I cant I’m running errands atm
[dolphinle]: see y/n is running errands hyung
[you]: thanks chenle
[pudu]: shutup chenle
[you]: wheres jisung
[jisung park]: staying out of the mess
[you]: good.
[you]: one less dreamie to worry about
[jisung park]: youre welcome
[pudu]: okay they stopped play fighting :/
[jenojam]: because mark says his arm hurts
[you]: you guys are the worst
[pudu]: *best
[moomin]: you guys are snitches
[dolphinle]: and snitches get stitches
[jaemin<3]: renjun broke my neck
[moomin]: did not
[moomin]: your stupid neck happened to fall into my hands
[pudu]: LMAOO
[jaemin<3]: :0 can u believe this
[you]: is mark okay?
[jenojam]: no
[mark sucks]: Yes
[mark sucks]: hahahaha just carry on with your errands and come at 10 I have this unser contrl
[mark sucks]: *Under
[mark sucks]: *Control
[pudu]: HAHA what lies
[jisung park]: hyung doesnt have anything under control
[jaemin<3]: youre not going to ask if I’m okay? :(
[moomin]:  jaemin ur still breathing right?
[moomin]: yea thats what I thought
[dolphinle]: ye thats what he thought
[jaemin<3]: I didnt even say anything yet!!
[pudu]: LMFAAOO
[you]: jeno help
[jenojam]: je-no thank you
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[tytrack]: well then who was it?
[nakamoto]: I think johnny was the last one to use the vacuum
[marker]: Babe can you pick up a box on the way ;/ we ranm out lastr night
[nakamoto]: .................
[fullsun]: well okay. this was fun. g2g. forever. ✌️✌️✌️
[doyoung]: Only mark would do this.
[nakamoto]: 🤡🤡🤡🤡
[doyoung]: Seriously only mark.
[marker]: Shit!!!
[marker]: Fucvbk man
[you]: wrong chat you fat loser
[canada mark] 7:00PM, Shit baby I’m so soryr
[you] 7:00PM, you’re the biggest dummy😂😂😂
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[junguwu]: a box of what?
[tytrack]: what the fuck mark
[junguwu]: oh
[marker]: Dude I didn’t mean to!!! 
[broccoli johnny]: this is why he left the dorm so quick lmfao
[marker]: Baby I’m so so so sorry I’ll make it up for you tonight
[junguwu]: :0
[canada mark] 7:05PM, FCUK
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[nakamoto]: jc mark🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
[fullsun]: can we push the gc name into full gear now?
[fullsun]: it’s no longer a joke. 
[you] 7:07PM, you’re lucky you have a broken arm or else 
[canada mark] 7:08PM, Dude I’m so sorry. Like really.
[canada mark] 7:08PM, I was rushing in case you left the store already ;/ sorry :(
[canada mark] 7:08PM, I’ll do whatever you want ! promise.
[you] 7:09PM, you can barely do anything with that broken arm stupid
[you] 7:09PM, its okay😂 
[canada mark] 7:09PM, Really?
[you] 7:10PM, lets just say you owe me one 
‘you changed [canada mark] to [stupid mark]’
[stupid mark] 7:11PM, Yeah okay. I deserve that one.
[New Message] from stupid mark 7:24AM, Can I call you?
[stupid mark] 7:24AM, I seriously hate texting ;/
[you] 7:25AM, is it because of the wrong groupchat thing or your cast?
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, ......both lol
[you] 7:25AM, okay but I’m in bed bby its so early
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Perfect!! then you don’t have to move ! 
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Just close your eyes and talk to me :^)
[you] 7:26AM, you can talk to everyone else whos awake :^)
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Everyones getting their hair done and stuff
[stupid mark] 7:26AM, And I’m handicapped let me call you.
[you] 7:26AM, wooooow ‘handicapped’ you can’t text me
[Incoming Video Call] stupid mark 7:26PM
[stupid mark] 7:2APM, Pick up!! please!!
[New Message] from sore loser 11:20PM, :((((
[you] 11:21PM, mark? 
[you] 11:21PM, whats wrong?
[sore loser] 11:22PM, Do you want to come with me to the doctors get my cast off tomorrow? 
[you] 11:22PM, huh????
[you] 11:22PM, I mean yeah sure but
[you] 11:22PM, whats with the sad face?
[sore loser] 11:23PM, No! I’m happy! but sad ;/
[sore loser] 11:23PM, I get to be on stage again but ;( I can’t play damsel in distress anymore haha
[sore loser] 11:23PM, If I call you over, you’ll still come right?
[you] 11:24PM, depends.........
[sore loser] 11:24PM, See!! 
[you] 11:24PM, I’m just kidding lmao
[sore loser] 11:24PM, Oh
[sore loser] 11:24PM, So... You’ll still shampoo my hair sometimes? ;/ or like sit on my lap,,and stuff ;/// ??
[you] 11:25PM, you know I’ll do all those things regardless whether your arm is broken or not
[sore loser] 11:25PM, You’re the best 
[you] 11:25PM, plus you still owe me one :^)
[sore loser] 11:25PM, Oh yeah! I do !!
‘you changed [sore loser] to [<3]’
[<3] 11:26PM, Hahaha cute
[<3] 11:26PM, Okay :))))
[<3] 11:26PM, I’ll give you what I owe you tomorrow after we go doctors ;) <3
[you] 11:27PM, perfect
[<3] 11:27PM, Yeah, perfect :))
[New Message] from <3 9:34AM, Yeah, oops. Not so perfect..... omg I’m sorry
[you] 9:34AM, yeah your arm is like jelly its weird
[<3] 9:34AM, Hahahahaha
[<3] 9:34AM, In three weeks then?
[New Message] from <3 9:36AM, You can’t just leave me on read !!!!!!!!!
[You are Video Calling <3 ...] 9:36AM
447 notes · View notes
caitlinsnow-yayyy · 5 years
Why Him? (a kwami swap story)
Very overdue story for my friend @nerdasaurus1200 - a King Monkey and Ryuko kwami swap story! You can probably imagine chaos will ensue from these two swapping... and maybe, a new friendship? 
We shall see! I hope anyone reading this enjoys it :) And Nerd, my friend, I hope this was worth the wait! :D Sorry this took so long lol.
(story under the cut)
Oh, of all the people, why Kim?
Today, Adrien and Marinette had decided that the team wasn't working well enough together, and they decided to have a set apart Saturday for a mandatory team bonding exercise - kwami swapping. Chloe got Alix, Max got Nathaniel, Marc switched with Juleka, Ivan swapped with Rose, who then swapped with Mylene; Alya swapped with Nino, and her own boyfriend, Luka, got to swap with Sabrina. Marinette and Adrien swapped (of course).
Their only instructions were to not leave their partner for the day; they didn't even need to seek out an akuma. They could literally go shopping if they wanted to, so long as they stood together.
And she... had gotten Kim.
"You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?" Kim asked, pointing to his circlet.
Kagami gave him a dead stare. "I should ask you the same for my choker."
"Oh, it'll be fine!" Kim smirked. "This is Le Chien Kim ya got here! Not a klutz."
Kagami, again, deadpanned him. Were these words seriously coming out of his mouth right now? Honestly, of all the people she could've gotten, why KIM?! Kim with the Dragon Miraculous just sounded like an accident waiting to happen.
She just didn't feel like throwing a rubber banana today either.
As if examples of how the others days were going couldn't get shoved in her face any more than what her mind was already doing, Nathaniel, equipped with Voyage, Naruto-ran through two portals about two rooftops away from them. Max, equipped with the Fire Flame power, was chasing him with a crossbow that had a flaming arrow. Somehow they were laughing.
"Let's just get this over with," Kagami sighed. "You go first."
"Sweet!" Kim said. "Alright, LONGG - BRING THE STORM!"
She would be lying if she said the Dragon costume didn't fit well on Kim - his suit was a darker red than hers, and his hair that normally stuck up was now covered with a horn-like design for a mask. Honestly, it kinda looked like Dark Cupid. He had wings imprinted into the spandex on his back, and his sword fell into his hands.
Why was she so scared of this?
"Oh, this is so cool!" he exclaimed. "I shall be known as... Doragon Kaosu!"
"Chaos Dragon - fitting," Kagami nodded. "Alright... guess its my turn. XUPPU, SHOWTIME!"
Kagami had already decided her name was going to be Queen Monkey; she saw no need to be original with her name. After all, it wasn't like she was gonna be the Monkey wielder for long. She was just eager for 6 o'clock to roll around so this could be over with.
"Holy crap," Doragon said once her transformation was up, "you look badass!"
Kagami had to smile at that one - despite the fact that Kim was an idiot, he still had his moments, and was really just a fun-loving soul at heart. No one could deny that. "Thank you, Doragon. Now, wanna take your Miraculous for a test run?"
Suddenly, an akuma flew past - he was some sort of hang-gliding akuma, yelling at the top of his lungs about how hang-gliding school was real and not a joke.
"Oh, oh this is perfect!" Doragon laughed. "I've always wanted to do this..."
"Wait, what are you-"
Doragon suddenly turned into a lightning bolt, and struck the hang-gliding akuma man out of the sky. Queen Monkey screamed out bloody murder in horror, fearing for her sake and for her life that Kim hadn't even been Doragon Kaosu for two minutes and he had already killed someone!
"KIM!" yelled Queen Monkey. "WHAT THE HELL?!"
"Chill, he's fine!" said Doragon, manifesting back in front of her. "I made sure to check his pulse before I got back. He'll live."
"YEAH, FOR LIKE ANOTHER MINUTE!" Queen Monkey screamed. "OH MY GOD!"
"Chill out, Queenie!" Doragon said, genuinely becoming concerned for her. "Its gonna be fine!"
"Woah, what's going on here?"
Kagami and Kim looked up, and there was another kwami swap duo: Luka, now Blue Heeler, and Sabrina, now Hydra. "Gami? Kim? You two okay?" asked Heeler.
"I just struck somebody with lightning, and Queenie over here thinks it'll kill him," Doragon said, somehow completely nonchalant that he had just struck down someone with lightning.
"O..Oh... y-yeah, that'll do it," Heeler muttered, taking a deep breath.
"Should I use Second Chance?" asked Hydra.
"N-No... I think its probably best we leave you two to work this out," Heeler said.
"Wait!" Queen Monkey whispered to him. "P-Please... I-I don't know if I can handle this..."
"Hey, you're gonna do just fine," Heeler reassured her. "It'll probably take some getting used to, but-"
"I-Its not that," Queen Monkey said softly. "I-Its...w-well... he's an idiot."
"You don't know that," Heeler said gently. "Reckless? Probably. Chaotic? You bet! But give him a chance, okay? Please?"
Kagami looked up at Luka... damn those soft eyes. It always made her crack and she hated it! Well, okay, no, she didn't hate it. But she just wished... oh, never mind.
"Fine," she crumbled.
"Thank you so much, Gami," smiled Heeler. "Seriously. Thank you."
"M-hmm," Queen Monkey nodded, trying to appear as sincere as possible. Truth be told, she was still dreading the rest of the day. Hydra and Doragon then wrapped up whatever they were chatting about, and then Sabrina ran off with Luka to go continue their own kwami-swap adventure.
And thank the Lord, the paramedics arrived to take the hang-glider akuma guy away for proper treatment...
Oh, just one more hour... one more!
And then, she would have Longg back, and Kim would be back with Xuppu. Like it should be. She was excited to finally get back to normal...
"Hey, Kagami?"
The two were currently resting on a rooftop, having just caught another akuma in the trusty akuma-catching portable butterfly nets that they had been supplied with. How they worked was beyond them, but hey, they worked; hopefully Mister Bug didn't mind a surplus of akumas to purify.
"Do you... do you hate me?" Doragon asked.
"What? No no, no!" Queen Monkey said, sitting upright. "Of course not!"
"Are you sure?" he asked, seeming... genuinely troubled. "You sure do act like it."
"No no, God no! I don't hate you, Kim!" Queen Monkey said. "Its just... its..."
"Hmm?" Doragon asked, looking down.
"I'M JEALOUS! I'm jealous, okay?! That's it!" she blurted out. "Its just... you're able to be so reckless and chaotic all the time! And yet, somehow, you can... I don't know, control the chaos? I wish I could do that, for crying out loud! I've always had to be perfect, nothing could be off! Being Queen Monkey has given me a sweet release, and I've really enjoyed it, and you make an excellent Dragon wielder but my pride wouldn't let me admit it! There! Are you happy?"
Queen Monkey then took in deep breaths of air, never having vented like that before... it was new.
And honestly, it felt good to get that off of her chest.
Suddenly, Doragon put a hand on her shoulder, and smiled sadly.
"Wanna know something?" Doragon said. "I'm... I'm kinda jealous of you too."
"Huh?" Queen Monkey said in shock.
"You're able to create a plan on the fly, and you never have to just wing it," Doragon said. "Not only that, but you can be picture perfect when needed. I'm always this big mess of chaos, never really able to control anything but. Though I do wish, at times, that I could be a straight shooter; like you! So yeah, I'm kinda jealous of you too..."
Queen Monkey chuckled. "Well then... uhm..."
"Don't know what to say?" asked Doragon.
"Read my mind," nodded Queen Monkey. "Uh... so... I guess, uh, we're even? Of sorts?"
Doragon shrugged. "Guess so... but really, I'm glad you don't hate me."
"God, how could I hate you?" asked Queen Monkey. "Honestly, though at times, you are a moron - its hilarious. You're hilarious. I'm not only jealous of your ability to control chaos, but your sense of humor is so natural flowing and witty - I could never do that! That's a gift!"
"You kidding me? Of course you could!" Doragon laughed. "And your stoicism... the ability to keep a stone cold glare going for more than five seconds. I'm envious of that, because I know I couldn't do that for shite!"
"Oh come on, you could!" Queen Monkey exclaimed. "See, the trick is to..."
The two wouldn't count on it, but they'd spend the next hour chatting and talking like they were best friends. They'd talk similarities, their differences, what was going on in their romantic lives, how they thought of their powers on the norm, etc.
After the conversation, honestly, the two honestly weren't even ready to swap back when Mister Bug sent out the signal for them to come back.
"So, how was that day, guys?" asked Mister Bug to the currently present heroes. Lady Noire still had her arm hooked around his; those two were madly in love. It was almost sickeningly cute.
"SO MUCH FUN!" Tourterelle (turtle!Alya) exclaimed.
"Yeah, this was a sick day!" Red Vix (fox!Nino) added.
"AWESOME!" Sun Screamer (rooster!Max) yelled.
"I had so much fun!" Trotter (horse!Nath) exclaimed. "This may actually be the best team bonding exercise idea ever! Thanks you two!"
"Honestly, we didn't get much action," Mr. Stripes (tiger!Marc) chuckled.
"I mean, I guess I learned how to tap dance," Madame Hoofer (goat!Juleka) shrugged with a smile (she failed to notice Rose's sudden blush). "Just what happens when ya get bored, y'know?"
"Its difficult to be intimidating like this," Pink Boar (pig!Ivan) said sadly.
"Oh, you're always a sweetheart to me!" Bluebell (ox!Mylene) smiled up at her boyfriend.
"So cute!" Mouselia (mouse!Rose) said, holding her hands together.
"We had a lot of fun," Blue Heeler (dog!Luka) smiled.
"Yeah, it was actually pretty fun using Repetition as a power!" Hydra (snake!Sabrina) said, equally as happy.
"Psh... It was okay, I guess," Madame Cottontail (bunny!Chloe) shrugged.
"Oh come on, you loved it!" Hornet (bee!Alix) said, smirking smugly.
"Well, we're glad you all had fun!" Lady Noire smiled. "Uh... Kim? Kagami? How'd you all fare?"
There was tension - everyone could feel it. A commonly shared feeling of dread was shared at the start of the day when it was announced that Kim and Kagami would be swapping Miraculouses... but everyone was caught off guard by the two nodding and smirking at one another.
"When can we do it again?" the two asked.
"O-Oh!" Lady Noire gasped, not expecting that answer. "W-Well... uhm, we hadn't thought of doing this again!"
"But, m'lady, you do have to agree - this has been a very successful day," Mister Bug said.
"You're very right, my bug," smiled Lady Noire, nodding. "Well... how about not next Saturday, but the Saturday after? Same swaps? Everyone cool with that?"
A simultaneous nod went around the group, and Lady Noire and Mister Bug settled it - every other Saturday would henceforth be known as "Kwami Swap Day".
"Pound it?" asked Doragon, sticking out his fist.
Queen Monkey nodded, returning the bump. "Pound it."
It hadn't been expected, no, but it wasn't any less welcome because of that.
This friendship would be one for the ages, for sure...
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solange-lol · 6 years
Crazier Than You - Ch. 1/?
Chapter Title: Overture 
Words: 1385
[chapter 1 | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four (coming soon)]
Read on Ao3
Audition day for the spring musical. Meaning, about twenty high school kids were running laps around the auditorium
“Brunner is ruthless,” Lou Ellen snorted from her spot next to Will Solace. “As if the warm-up dance isn’t already enough, he has a warm-up for the warm-up.”
Will laughed, and a few of the kids passing glared at them, which only made Will happier. This was one of his favorite things to do: watch the poor theatre kids suffer while he sits in the back row with a container of Pringles to share with Lou.
(Not saying that tech crew isn’t hard. It’s actually kind of hell, especially this year for Will. Say what you want, but being the stage manager isn’t as fun as it looks. Honestly, he’d rather be going through whatever these kids are doing. The grass is always greener or whatever.)
“I think Apollo is to blame actually. And this is only the beginning. Just wait until he makes them do push-ups.”
Lou Ellen rolled her eyes, but the hint of a smile was still on her face. “The poor freshman. Serves them right though, they’re going to be breaking all my props in a month or so. Did you know they’re asking for light up hula hoops? Those things are over $100 at least, which means I’m definitely going to be paying for batteries again.”
Will nodded solemnly. “At least they’re doing a good show this year. The Addams Family is a personal favorite of mine, plus it’s just pushing school limits. What do you think, Heathers next?”
“As if!” Lou Ellen cackled in her seat, causing more students to turn their heads and give her the stink eye. Before she could say anything else, something (more specifically, someone) caught Will’s eye.
“Lou, who is that?” Will asked almost softly, pointing towards the person in question. He was short, around a usual freshman height, but he looked like he might be a junior or a senior. Or maybe not, since Will doesn’t think he’s seen him around before.
“Oh him?” Will nodded. “Will, that’s Nico di Angelo. He was here for his freshman year when we were sophomores, remember? He transferred schools for a year, I guess he’s back now though because he’s in my studio class.”
Will did remember very vaguely. The first year of high school is rough for everyone, but nobody had it as bad as he did. Nico’s sister had gotten into an accident and died a month into school, and apparently, he learned he had a stepsister that was born a year or so after his mom had died who was going to their local prep school. It surprised him to hear that that’s where Nico was transferring considering his history, but he seemed to be doing well now. It also explained how he seemed to know all the kids from the private school. (The school was too small to have their own theatre program, so they have to send all their kids over to the public school in their district instead.)
Will took another chip. His eyes were still fixed on Nico. “Huh.”
Lou Ellen studied his face. “You think he’s cute.” She concluded after a second.
“I do not!” Will nearly screeched, already about to jump from his chair if needed. (He was also slightly mad at himself for being so readable. Can you blame him? Nico was wearing an oversized crew neck with a cartoon ghost, and it looked adorable.)
She just laughed. “Woah, calm down. I never said you had to marry the guy, it was just an observation.”
Will sat back down, pouting. Before he could go full you don’t know me and cross his arms at her, the two of them were shushed as auditions began. They went as they always did, no different from the fall show except for the added music and way too many freshman girls that could not hit that high note so please stop trying. He wasn’t surprised to see Nico grouped together with the other kids auditioning for Pugsley. No doubt he could land that role, he was the perfect size for it (and most likely act the part as well)
However, when Will watched Nico’s actual audition, he couldn’t believe he was trying out for such a smaller role. Okay, sure it’s s a lead, but damn, that boy could sing well enough to land something bigger.
“He’s really good,” Lou Ellen said, somehow reading his thoughts. Or maybe just because it wasn’t hard to see that this kid had talent. “Do you think they’d give him Gomez?”
“I’ll bet you five bucks they give him Lucas.”
Lou Ellen raised her eyebrows. “Alright, if you’re confident,” she said, holding up her hands in surrender. “It’s a deal.”
They went back to watching the auditions until a few seconds later when Lou Ellen leaned over again. “Oh, and one more thing,” she started with an innocent style on her face. As innocent as Lou gets, that is.
Will side-squinted at her. “What do you want?”
Her smile widened but she looked more Cheshire Cat than Disney princess. “I’m expecting my name to be next to Assistant Stage Manager on that playbill, Mr. Solace.”
That $5 was handed to Will begrudgingly by Lou Ellen once the cast list came out two days later. However, the conversation was almost entirely forgotten when Will reminded her that she was going to be spending a lot of time with him as assistant stage manager. (Really there was no doubt he was going to choose her. But hey, he doesn't have much control over his own life. It’s the little things, really.)
After that, anything about Nico or anything else about the show slips Will’s mind. Tech crew was on the same day as vocal rehearsal for the show, so unless they went into the lobby at the same time, Will really didn’t see them at all. It wasn’t until a month and a half or so leading up to the show that Will realized he needed to figure out lightning cues for Thalia before they started running with sets.
He went to their rehearsal that Monday just to know what to expect. As it turned out, lighting cues didn’t take nearly as long as he was expecting, and rehearsal wasn’t going wrap up for another hour. Which, it wouldn’t be a problem if Will hadn’t gotten a ride from Lou Ellen to the school and was now getting a ride home from Annabeth, who was in the show.
Logically, because he had an hour to kill, Will should start on his homework. Which is exactly why he didn’t do that. Instead, he made himself busy backstage constructing the idea that’s been brewing in the back of his head since the beginning of the year. As he screwed another screw in place, he was surprised to see Nico walking up to him.
“What are you doing?” he asked, squinting at the Italian. (Curse him for leaving his glasses in his backpack. He wouldn’t be surprised if he accidentally screwed his finger to the piece of wood along with the nail.)
Nico snorted. “I should be asking you that, I think,” he said, glancing at Will, who realized in that moment how insane he must look. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground in the dark, a half-made box in his hand. He was most defiantly covered in sawdust, and oh God, his hair was probably a mess too.
“I’m making a snack box.”
“A snack box?”
“Yeah,” Will laughed pathetically, knowing how dumb he probably looked. “It was partly Lou Ellen’s idea, but she said if I got a box she would bring snacks and we could keep all of them back here.”
To Will’s surprise, Nico laughed, though not in a mean way. More of an actual, genuine laugh. “That’s amazing,” he said once he calmed down enough to speak. “You have to let me in on it.”
Will couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. “Deal, as long as you help us paint it.”
A small smile found its way onto Nico’s face as well. “A small price to pay for a good reward,” he said, shaking Will’s outstretched hand.
And hey, maybe this year’s musical wouldn’t be so bad.
tag list under cut (message me to be added/removed)
@internallyexplodingrainbows @aleclight-ofmylife-wood @unicornsgomooo @anxiouswinter @soulangelou @number-of-fucks-i-give-0 @underworldystuff @theeloquentsnake @solangelover@thefandomsaretakingover @internallyexplodingrainbows​ @hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon​ @motivatedcryptidtamer @emilyfairchild @wherethewildthingsare-nt @my-face-is-a-potato
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autumn-in-phandom · 7 years
(That’s clickbait if I’ve ever seen it)
Dan and Phil play: Dream Daddy #2
0:01 I love Phil in his burgundy hearts shirt. 0:02 Dan’s shirt is a bit distracting but he looks really cute in it. 0:05 The dog *was* the most important thing last time. 0:08 The animated corgi added in and the effect that Phil bops it down with his fist while saying “sadly the owner was quite sassy” was quite satisfying. 0:25 Love the slow pan in intro with the logo and hearts. 0:29 Hearing Phil say “our old husband” is a bit surreal. 0:30 “died!” in sync 0:58 Reaffirming their dad choices are each other. 1:05 Is Dan chewing on something? 1:28 Dan sings “Dream Daddy” 1:39 “We apologize so much.”- Dan
1:52 “Bouncy baby Craig”- Phil (how Phil remembers names) 2:02 “That’s how to instantly be like ‘wrong number, bye.’”- Dan miming texting 2:10 “6 am, no. On the no pile straight away”-Dan “That is criminal.”- Phil 2:22 (I had to look up “swole”) 2:24 Two messages is a little bit desperate according to Phil 2:27 Dan feels sorry that he maybe doesn’t have anyone to do bro brunches with. 2:36 “Sure you wann ‘catch up’” innuendo according to Dan 2:50 “What year is it?”- in sync “3,300”- Phil 2:58 “That’s more Dan and Phil, being late for everything.”- Phil
3:06 Flash back to parents evening, so awkward, judging you to your face 3:23 Bright orange visitors sticker “right on the forehead”- Phil “Bonk”- Dan 3:28 “Haggard” has a wizard association with Phil 3:40 “A youth”- Dan 3:50 Lucien is what Phil wanted to look like in college. 3:55 Probably Dan’s best voice of this game. 4:22 Low rent Gerard Way burn reaction. 4:37 Phil thinks Hugo has “swanky clothes” 4:51 Phil singing “we’re not okay”
5:01 Phil’s “He’s gonna get the cane out” Dan’s reaction and Phil’s giggling while reading 5:25 “Good one” to Dan’s elbow blowing 5:38 I like that Dan just immediately goes for that bell sound effect 5:45 Phil describes their parent teacher conferences, teachers “sass us to our faces” 5:55 Dan’s half mouth teacher imitation we’ve seen in skits. I’m not sure why, but it bothers me a bit. 6:25 “First name basis” Dan dance “Watch out”- Phil 7:47 “I turn around and go damn, he really fills out those trousers.”- Daniel Howell 8:00 Hugo is “too stuffy”- Phil “I’m not into that”- Dan 8:13 “A wet book.” Okay Phil. (Books smell great I’m unstanning) 8:23 Phil clarifies the husband wasn’t killed by kangaroos.
8:35 James Corden singing with Harry Styles in the car reference. (Actually worth watching imo.) 9:22 Dan being disturbed by the father daughter talk in the car sounding like a sex talk. “That sounds like something else.” “Oh god, where’s this going?” 9:48 If I was Dan’s grandma following him on Twitter and watching his videos, I would be concerned by a lot more than just his language. (But they seem to be very close and he probably explained his humor to her long ago.) 10:40 “Is it a meme?”- Phil “Probably, a super ironic meme.”- Dan
11:25 “We know what a mall is.”- Phil 11:30 Dan remembers being shouted at for loitering 11:40 “Heck.”- a quiet and amused Dan 11:44 “Always go for Chinese.”- Dan 11:46 “Oh my god mall Chinese food is the best.”- Phil 12:00 “They have a great bond! Talk about your problems Amanda!”- Dan reacting to Dilddy and Amanda’s food humor 12:33 Their reaction to Phil having predicted the memes convo. 12:57 Dan’s Memeing of Life video reference. 13:06 Phil “lets” Dan say the swear word. Transitions into “dat boy” reference. 13:26 Dan’s over reaction to anti-establishment/capitalism rant, Phil practically rolling his eyes 13:43 “Okay, this is like, stop trying so hard to prove how cool and critical your opinions are, Brah. God. Jesus.”- Dan
14:30 Blue raspberry slushies are dangerous 14:40 Dan would have cried about MCR merch being ruined 14:48 And would still wear it 15:05 Yeah, Dan we all know what it’s trying to parody. 15:10 Both of them would rather go to Bed, Bath & Beyond (domestic <3) 15:23 “Don’t think that way Dilddy, you’re valid.”- Dan
15:35 “Guess the name. Vincent.”- Dan “Dracula.”- Phil “Just straight up Dracula.”- Dan cracking up 16:05 Dan is highly amused by “Edwardian dressage” 16:10 Phil looks done, admits “I’m not sure I’m going to date this one.” 16:28 “Not carrier pigeon? Wow, this guy is not carrying it through.”- Dan 16:30 Phil is liking his nail varnish 16:40 “All I know is that he’s way too high maintenance for me and I’m noping out of there.”- Dan (I like how in this case both Dan and Phil seem to be speaking as themselves not wanting to date Damien, not speaking about what’s right for Dilddy) 17:30 They are both “intrigued, but not at all interested.”
17:44 D&P would watch “Long Haul Paranormal Ice Road Ghost Truckers” 18:26 “Hop on the Reddits and down vote some comments.”- Dan 18:38 “Wow, productive day for Dilddy there, not.”- wow Dan 18:46 When did Dan start with the snorting? I feel like this is a somewhat recent development. 19:09 Furniture assembling is all about interpretation 19:16 “Dilddy continues to be the most relatable character ever.”- Seriously Dan, hush, you have no room to talk. 19:22 A few seconds later: “Yeah, its honest”
20:07 “They’ve got some punch going on, wieners, chairs, plants and lots of cakes. This is a damn good cookout if you ask me.”- Dan 20:25 Dan thinks Joesph sounds like Viktor from Yuri on Ice. 20:52 “Ohh, okay, can’t be a home wrecker then.”- Dan 21:19 “Wow Mary.”- Phil, dragging her 20:20 “I *love* her, literal goals.”- Dan 21:33 “All the guys!”- Dan doing a weird arm flap thing “Ohhh, there’s more guys”- Phil
21:40 Dan loosing total composure over Robert. 21:45 Rugged (edgy) vs rustic (like Amish, ok Dan) 21:50 “Why does he need the whisky, what does he want to do with the eyes? Fuck!“- Dan 22:00 Phil predicts that Dilddy and Robert are not going to get along 22:15 “He’s a bundle of laughs.”- Phil no likee, Dan likee very much
22:40 Phil’s whiny dad voice is a marvel 22:46 “Pleasantries!”- both 22:58 “Wow Amanda.”- Phil 23:06 “It’s Mat! He’s my fave!”- Phil 23:10 “What a cool guy and mysterious.”- Dan about Robert 23:14 “Boo.”- Dan at Brian, mumbles something about dog 23:18 “Edwardian!”- Dan about Damien 23:21 “Hella awkward.”- Dan about Hugo 23:28 “What a coincidence!” (that all the dads live on their cul-de-sac) 23:40 “Mysterious stranger and guy that was too boastful, that doesn’t seem like a good combination, I do want to get to know the mysterious guy more, but I kinda want to avoid Brian.”- Gee Dan, we can tell. 23:51 “Teacher- awkward, Mat- nice, Craig”- Dan, “We like Craig”- Phil
24:02 Look at that diverse group of hot dads! 24:08 “He needs help. Let’s go rescue Craig, that’s definitely what this is.”- Dan 24:16 “Oh my god, Hugo. Stop.”- Phil looking pained 24:36 “Like a Labrador.”- Dan (second Labrador mention this week) 24:44 Craig calls River “little bro” so Dan uses male pronoun only to find out seconds later River is a girl. “Poor baby.” 25:02 Hand quotes abound 25:11 Dan whispers “What the fuck does that mean?” He really wants to know the details of their college relationship 25:20 Daniel James Howell burnt pasta because he didn’t know he had to put water in it. Shame him.
25:50 Dan tells Phil to make Mat’s daughter sound a bit more cool 25:55 “Coot!” “Coot!” 26:00 “Mat is just too cute”- Dan (I thought for sure he was going to say too cool) 26:02 “Dreamboat”- Phil (Dan seems a bit surprised by Phil’s sudden statement) 26:06 “Delet”- Dan who is being slowly won over 26:20 Carmensita is such “an amazingly cool name” 26:23 “Fuck off Daisy. No one likes you Daisy.”- I swear to god, pausing during Dan’s outbursts reveal the best Phil faces 27:03 “Smoooking”- Dan lip shake thing 27:18 Can anyone make out what Dan says about Craig and Mat here? “There’s a… those two.”?
27:40 “Wow. Incredible.”- D “What a delinquent.”- P “Seriously.”- D 27:48 “I mean if you give him a name like Ernest he’s gonna rebel.”- Dan 27:53 “Shout out to any Ernests watching.”- Phil 28:10 Props to Phil for his moody teenage boy voice 28:20 “Woah, edge detected!”- Dan 28:28 What the heck was that Dan? 28:55 Dan thinks Dilddy is cool for not being pretentious 28:56 Dan would be friends with someone who says they’re “cool as a cucumber” 29:58 “From my experience, the moment you stop living with your parents you suddenly are like ‘I love my family!’ but maybe that’s just because you’re used to there being food in the house, and not having to do your own laundry.”- okay Dan, don’t ruin a nice thing. 30:40 “Diddly P!”
30:45 Phil asks Dan if he’s liking Damien’s aesthetic, Dan: “no”. 32:00 Damien Bloodmarch “too much” 32:20 “Wow. Smooth. He’s definitely a vampire.”- Phil 32:30 “Hello Amanda.”- in unison “We should do it at the same time.”- you just did Dan 32:53 “Can we all be Mary?”- Dan (with her wine goals) 33:37 Dan bangs the desk “Everything’s connected!” (Lucien and Damien) 33:45 “Fight! Fight! Fight!”- Dan 34:18 “Joesph is so wholesome, when he isn’t passively aggressively correcting his wife. It’s a facade”- Dan 34:30 “Edge detected!”- Dan 35:03 “The Satan number.”- Phil
35:47 “The Game of Thrones.”- Phil “Yeah sure, it better be”- Dan 35:55 Just going to call him Diddly 37:30 “Wow. I kind of like this. It’s like me, just constant, like joking, then double joking, then triple joking and then everyone’s like ‘wow, do you have a personality or are you just hiding it until layers of humor as a defense mechanism?’”- Dan (wow that went deep) 37:45 “It’s okay Dan.”- Phil, “I’m just kidding.”- Dan 39:39 “Ginger representation.”- Dan (not sure what that has to do with anything but they’re warming up to Brian 40:40 Phil loves the puns, Dan wants them to stop. Clearly Phil was meant to be the dad.
43:03 Dan is into the cauliflower, he will eat the cauliflower, he’s just putting that out there (he also put out a negative opinion on cucumbers not long ago I believe. What does it mean?) 44:00 Wine and Dine Mastermind sounds like something they’d watch 44:33 “Kiddo” reminds Dan of Sans 44:50 “Definitely” earned that ice cream sandwich 45:07 Dan helping Phil with assuaging and exacerbating 45:45 Phil’s dad performance kills me from here on 46:16 “Don’t complain about the attitude. If you want to be protective stick to the issue. So you could say I have a right to be concerned but is that a bit entitled?”- Dan, “I think just like I was scared.”- Phil “It shows vulnerability. That’s how to do it.”- Dan (very wise, what good dads, now good luck keeping a level head when you are actually upset) 46:46 “Say sorry Amanda.”- Phil 46:56 Paused here, D&P’s facial and body language accurately reflect how I feel about what Phil just said about his bedroom. Both their eyes move away from each other and they look tired.
47:22 Phil’s least favorite is Hugo, “He’s so stuffy. I mean intelligence can be attractive but I think when he’s just uhbuhburhburhbuhbahbah”- how’d that go again Phil?
47:30 “He’s got that walrus mustache.”- Dan
47:36 Phil is liking Mat: made banana bread, funny, sensitive and Craig: friend from college, quite funny, and doesn’t really fit in with the snarffle snarffle something
47:47 Dan likes the tall dark mysterious stranger (“Really?” asks Phil surprised, like it wasn’t obvious) cracking inappropriate jokes is literally himself, thinks the darkness might be a pretense and that he could be really soft and vulnerable on the inside “WHO KNOWS?!” Hmmm.
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familiafandom14 · 7 years
Words: 3,448
Warning: Gang, Cursing, Depression (Throughout chapter or parts)
A/N: I have had this as a draft for Wattpad and Tumblr for so long. So I’m posting it. YAY. This might be horrible so I’m truly sorry if it sucks.
Besos x
Vocab: English to Greek
Grandma/Granny: γιαγιά (giagiá)
Chapter One
               Walking the hallway with a slow pace just tired out from yesterday being dragged to the hospital. Having to have pity from people that say they understand my situation when they don't know what I have to go through. Taking pills day by day turning into week by week then month by month, year by year. And for what so I can fucking die at the end? I hate it. I'm tired of it.
This damn hallway just gets longer and longer each time I look at my locker. Walking faster. I'm unnoticed in this school sometimes. Sometimes. Just sometimes. I don't talk to people because I have no interest in doing so. I'm not a rebel or some goody two shoes, I’m just average but I don't fight, drink, smoke. Nothing.
Getting closer to my locker and my breathing is heavy from walking to fast causing chest pains but I'll live. Slowly turning my combination. Right.14.Left 27. Right 0.
Putting a finger to open it. But it wouldn't budge so I hit it and… Boom.... I had fucking paint and glitter over me. I'm done. I'm not taking this shit anymore. I'm done. The patient fucking person that doesn't stand up for herself is so gone.
I had people laugh at me but I didn't care. Yeah laugh all you want, see y'all in hell.
I wiped my eyes to get a better view. I smiled slowly.
"Who did this?" I laughed gently. It took a couple of seconds for someone to raise their hand.
Gracey Barkin. She claims she loves god. How god will always be by her side. She'll always be forgiven. So sinning is her main job. She giggles like someone said to her the cutest pick line. She thinks I won't do nothing to her this time because I had never stood up to her.
I walk slowly to her a couple feet away from me. Everyone got quiet once I took my first step. I giggled mimicking her. My face was just a couple inches away from her.
"You know what? I’m tired of your shit Gracey."
"Oh my, the mute talks now."
"Ha ha. Good one. But yes the mute talks now because I'm done. And for fuck sakes I'm going to pull the I have cancer card. I'm done being humiliated by you and waiting to die from this fucking cancer. So while I still fucking breathe now, I’m going to live my life to the fullest. Until I fucking die."
I swing my fist at the locker to scare her. And I walk away to the entrance.
"I don’t need this shit anyways." I shout while rising my hands and flicking everyone off.
I got outside feeling overwhelmed with my actions. I was smiling like I was free but it was only the beginning. Until I hear jogging from behind me as the steps grew louder..
"Y-you really got c-cancer?" Someone said.
"Damn" Others joined in.
"Don't need pity right now. Gotta Cigarette? “I say plainly finally turning around.
Calum Hood.
Luke Hemmings.
Ashton Irwin.
Michael Clifford.
The school's bad boys, rumor has it that these guys are in a gang and the most feared and strongest gang in Australia. So basically you're typical bad boy rumor but I don't know it might not be true. But one thing is true that these guys are so gorgeous with their tattoos that lay perfectly around there big biceps and holy cow I feel like a dwarf around them. They would need to bend down to my level to talk to me or even get on their knees.
Calum pulled one out right from his flannel pocket.
"You smoke?"  He questioned me as I put the cigarette in my mouth. He got closer to me pulling a lighter out rising one hand to my cigarette to block the wind and lights it. I looked at him and he already had his eyes on me but I looked away to see the fellas behind him staring me down.
I inhaled a bit and tilted my head back and blew the smoke out my lips.
I just received funny looks from these guys like I was crazy. Like I was asking for a death wish. Which I was.
"Let’s buy you a new style?" Ash offered.
"Yeah because I'm to plain and dull." As I look down at my covered painted self.  
I inhale again and slowly blew out as the smoke rolled off my lips. This feeling is great.
"Come on. I'll drive." I said. Walking towards the school's parking lot and further behind it like a block away.
"Why so far?" Luke asked.
"Good exercise in the morning. And I don't trust my car with the other high schoolers."
I started to see my baby. I named my car baby. 1967 Chevy Impala in a nice black coat, yep I started to watch Supernatural when I was like 11 and I been obsessed with that car ever since. I convinced my dad to make it one of my wishes and I still have two more and TADA my baby.
"Hi Baby." I smile to him rubbing the door. Unlocking the door and opening it. I took off my shirt leaving me in a black sports bra. And I grabbed my bag from the back and grabbed my sweatpants. Taking my shorts off. It didn't faze me because I was already used to doctors and nurses seeing me semi-naked.
The guys still with their eyes not looking away.  
I adjusted the seat so it could go forward and three of them could sit back there.
"You getting in or stand there like a lamp?"  
"Uhm Yeah.... Shot gun!" Michael blurted out loud as the others groaned.
One by one.
Ashton right behind me, Luke in the middle and with his legs over the seat because his long legs wouldn't be able to fit in the small space that was given to the three tall and broad boys in the back.
Calum looking the most comfy out of all of them. With his head resting on Luke's shoulder. And then there is Michael and me with no leg problems. Michael with a smug look because he called "shot gun." I kept inhaling the cancer stick that I'm starting to love.
I looked back at the boys to see them playing thumb war like five year olds bored on the longest road trip ever. Looking forward focusing on the road ahead of me.
I was going the back way to my house which is bumpy and dusty but still the prettiest view and sometimes after school when it’s over I would pull over on the dirt road and cross the field with the sign that says No Trespassing. With my book, and I even have a tent, blankets, a pillow, and snacks in the back of my trunk and sometimes I would camp in the fields.
I looked to my right to see out the window but also looked at Michael but still saw a pretty view. It doesn't even have a sunset but the field made the day beautiful. I tapped Michael's left shoulder and he immediately looked at me with a curious face as to why I tapped him but instead of telling him I just pointed out to his window. He turned to his right and then did a noise that he knows why I told him to look which caught the poles in the back to look.
His face resembled a kitten which was equally as adorable. A kitten that was in awe. Just looking through the window with his green emerald eyes.
I don't understand why I'm admiring him like this. Get your shit together Marina you're going to die, I have no time for that love shit but it would be so hard because I'm with these four Aussie guys that are so attractive and so kind to me right now.
They had never been a problem for me, yeah of course I have never talked to them but I get the occasional smiles when I used to past them in the halls. They are your punk rock kids that were too sweet to kill a fly. For example I had accidently bumped into Michael one time in the library.
Aw Eleanor and Park is so cute. Maybe I should read Fangirl next. I thought while I was towards the library.
"Whatcha reading mute?" Gracey said as she pasted by me going to the cafeteria and me in the opposite direction while she bumped into my shoulder on purpose really hard. But I don’t focus in that bitch I bet if I had told her I have cancer she would be begging on her knees for forgiveness.
I walked in quietly in the library to see the librarian already looking at me with a smile while I had returned the gesture with a smile and a wave.
I kept on reading my book while looking down because I know how to get around the library probably blind folded and wouldn't have to worry about people because no one comes here during lunch. But I was so wrong until my book was knocked out of my hands and on to the ground.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking." The green hair boy with the pale skin hand picking up my book. I couldn't see his face. He finally stood up tall that I saw his face clearly now and him still not looking up to the victim that he almost knock over. He was looking at my book and spoke up again.
"This is a good book. I read it maybe like 4 times." He giggled and finally made eye contact. I smiled at him thinking he was a cute kid. Then he looked at me strangely as to why I'm not speaking back. See I'm called mute because I don't talk very much and if I do talk in school it comes out like whisper. I'll talk when it’s really needed.
"Are you the girl that Gracey torments?" He rolled his eyes at the name Gracey. I nod my head slowly and looking down.
"Hey don't look down, its okay you don't have to talk I'll live but I would love to hear your voice one day." He sent a smile to me and I tried to give him a decent smile back. I start to walk away and wave at him signaling that I was leaving early. He followed me shortly leaving early as well probably for lunch.
Leaving the doors of the library I looked up and saw three boys waiting and talking until of course I exit those damn doors. They looked at me as I walked away causing me to lower my head down. I heard the library doors open behind me knowing the cute kid with green hair exit too.
"Woah Mikey, what the hell took so long?" Someone said now knowing the cute kid's name is Michael or Mike. Either one.
"Shhhh, lower your voice. Also for your damn info Luke I was talking to her. Gracey's victim. She’s really cute and nice." I heard Mikey's whisper in a hush tone but failed horribly.
"The mute? She talked to you? And yeah she is cute." Again someone I don't know said. But they were causing me to blush so hard as I walked. I brought my hand to my lips as I was controlling my breathing from walking a little too fast. Finally Mikey spoke up.
"She didn’t speak to me but I know she is nice. But yeah she's cute, wait no she's not cute." He paused and took a breather in. I was now frowning because of what he said but I started to walk faster to never talk to him.
"She's Beautiful." He said in such a hush tone. I was now smiling like an idiot probably but I quickly walked away headed somewhere far so I can do a little happy dance. I walked to the nearest girl's bathroom. Finally I walked to a stall, and did a little happy dance because a boy said I was beautiful. You just have to understand I never get called beautiful, pretty, and cute and whatever goddamn adjective that makes a girl feel nice about her by a male species. Probably the only male is my father but that didn't count of course.
"Hey! Are you having a damn seizure?!" Someone shouted next to the stall next to me. I froze and stopped dancing just waiting for her to say something else.
"I-I'm fine, s-sorrry." I said nervous. This whole school thought I was a mute which I wasn’t. It’s only half true. I don't speak in school just when needed and outside of school is the total opposite.
~Flashback Ended ~
I would never forget that day at all it was one of my best days ever. After meeting Michael, really him just talking and me shaking my head yes and no, the boys would always smile at me when I would pass by them in the hallways. But I didn't understand why they smiled at me, like we don't know each other and really they barely smile at other people unless it's between them only. I wondered if Michael remembered that day like I did, probably not.
My train of thoughts was ended when Luke spoke up.
"Wow that’s beautiful. I got to admit uhh-" Luke said just waiting to see if I took the hint to tell him my name.
"Marina." I smiled in the rearview mirror, seeing his toothy pearl grin back at me. I got to admit these boys are panty droppers I think. I bet they have girls throwing themselves at them all the time. So yup they're panty droppers. Smirking at myself just thinking about this makes me laugh but I'm still smirking.
We were getting close to my house, which is basically in the woods and then we have a bit more property. Like it’s my house then the woods in the back, the woods is an acre and then we have our farm behind the woods. The family has four-wheelers and dirt bikes so it makes our lives easier.
I hit the gas catching about 90mph and the boys gripping to the seats and I even think they grabbed each other’s hands. I laugh to myself throwing my head back which caused the guys to yell because they were scared but the thing is that the road doesn't even curve. I finally pulled in the driveway.
"What the hell is your problem Marina you could have kill us!" Luke said raising his tone at me, more then he needed to. I just got out the car. I walked to my door while the others followed behind me.
"Luke I been drivng those roads since like I was 11.Also I didn't kill you did I? No jackass because you're right there. And your mom needs to teach you manners to not yell because if you are going to yell at me then go sit in the car and throw your tantrum in there. Okay. Don't raise your voice or I'll punch you." I said turning around to face him and once I looked at him, he stiffened. Nodding at me.
"Sorry." He scratched the back of his neck.
"Come on." once I opened the door and started to head to my bedroom I was stopped by my γιαγιά which is grandma in Greek.
"Do you skip Mar an the paint?" she asked in her Greek accent and the ignorant grammar/English. I answered with "Mhmmm and this bit- girl."  Γιαγιά raised her eyebrow and finally noticed the tall boys behind.
Γιαγιά got closer to my ear which I had to bend a bit for her.
"An the hunks behind you? Orgy?"
“γιαγιά! Oh my lord no I made friends today. Finally. And the hell do you know what an orgy is?" Finally, raising my eyebrow at her.
"Your brother’s robot device thingy!" She said strongly in my ear talking about the laptop.
"Omg, no γιαγιά. Stop I'm going to my room. And don't tell my dad I came early." I said and she walked away nodding. The boys snickered while walking to my room which is the basement and big.
"You know an orgy doesn't sound that bad now." Ashton said laughing and me snorting. They all looked at me smirking with Calum and Michael winking. I'm still dying of laughter.
"Yeah, sure with my virgin self." I snorted as I stood up to grab a towel. I walked towards my bathroom and closing the door behind me. I started to undress and looked at the mirror to see the lines where the paint stopped like a bad tan line. I felt weak and pathetic but I'm finally taking my stand.
A tear slipped but I knew good would come if I got to break free today. I stepped in the shower and turned the water on to just get hit with cold water turning warm to burning my back but I enjoy the feeling on my back that’s the only part I like it, scolding hot. Scrubbing the paint off, so hard off my body, like I was a reptile shedding its old skin.
Now thinking about random things that I do a lot in the shower like singing but I wouldn't dare to sing since I know I have company over. I wondered if they got bothered if I called them my friends. They would have told me right? Anyways I turned off the water letting the last bits of water fall on me. Taking my hand out to find the towel drying myself off and wrapping it around me and it barely wrapped around my right thigh. I stepped out to find the mirror fogged up. As I walked out to find the boys sleeping two on the floor and the other two on my bed. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my undergarments. Walking over to my closet and grabbed an outfit. And turned to see the guys awake and sitting up facing me.
"You took long." Calum said rubbing his eyes.  
"Uh yeah I'm sorry the paint was hard to get off." I said and a blush started to creep up.
"You could have asked for help." Ashton giggles. And then Luke stood up and ran to the bathroom and I heard the door click. I walked over and jiggle the door and it wouldn't budge.
"I'm taking one for the team." Luke yelled from the other side of the door.
"You jackass I have to change. Get out!" I yell at him. The guys laughing to this scene.
"Don't look, I swear to god." I faced the wall. I let the towel hand around my hips as I put my bra on. Now, my underwear which was hard, not wanting the towel to drop ,because I was putting on a pair of cheekys. My shirt was the easiest but the pants was the worst part because I struggled to put them on, the towel had loosen up and fell to the ground I blushed so hard hoping they didn't see and pulled my pants as fast I could. I looked back at them to see them all on my bed looking on their phones.
None looking at me. Good.
"Lego." As I walked upstairs carefully looking to my left and right making sure my father wasn't home. I nodded my head towards the front door to the boys and quickly.
"Marina! Stop. Where were you?!"
"γιαγιά told me you were here."
"γιαγιά!" I scolded at her. She raised her hands and arm ups and walked away saying "I didn't do it. Lies."  
"The school called me earlier and told me to come. Told me what happened and even showed me from the school cameras. So Mar you're not in trouble. Wait why do you have boys over?"
"Okay dad nice talking to you. Thanks for being reasonable. Love ya. Bye." I ran to my car and the boys jumping in like kangaroos. Starting the engine and looking at my mirrors seeing my father running towards the car but I stepped on the gas and got out so fast and letting the window down to let it blow my hair.
"Oh, by the way nice underwear." Luke said beside me with his hand out the window and a smirk playing at his lips. The boys agreeing. These idiots.
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