#but like thats written in lgbt law???
alex-just-vibing · 5 months
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i need him in a way that is concerning to feminism
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Ray, sorry for dropping in, but you gotta hear this bullshit I got to "enjoy" on my first day off.
A while ago, I made a post about asexuality and how it impacts people like me (aroace) in the real world and in online spaces (general stuff, no we are not fancy straight and no we are not straight spies sent into queer spaces to infiltrate and no we are not molested or traumatized and no, fucking us does not turn us "normal"). Just, you know, phrased better.
And this whole ass CHILD went up in my DM's to argue with me. Normally, I don't care, but the real kicker? They have "bisexual" (and their age, thats how I knew they are a child) written right there in their blog yet they PROUDLY regurgitated biphobic rhetoric to my face by simply changing the "bi" into "ace" and thought they did something! As if I don't know biphobic talking points when I see them with my own damn eyes! The "basically straight" and "you can pass as straight" was a very "nice" touch to the whole shitshow. Then they proudly finished up the whole tirade with "and I know you're not lgbt because you called yourself queer, no gay does that 🙄"
I though shit like this only happened in like homophobic facebook groups, not to my own damn face and unprovoked on TUMBLR DOT COM. Some children should NOT be on the internet and it fucking shows. I swear if they came here from that damn bird app, I will fucking lose it.
Nevermind that, had to vent and I trust you, you are a very cool and kind person. How has your day been?
Oh trust me darling I completely understand the need to vent after something like that.
At the risk of sounding like an internet old, it has been buck ass wild to watch so much of the younger generations just willfully ignore not only long established internet/fandom decorum but to just willfully ignore the realities of social issues like queer history because it doesn't fit into whatever social media sanitized version of queerness they think is reality.
And, to be honest, it's not even the ignorance itself that bothers me. Because we were all young and misinformed and raw in some way or another once upon a time. We had the passion but not the nuance, the drive but not the vocabulary, etc etc.
What bothers me is this deep trend I've been seeing where there's just this absolute unwillingness to learn.
I'm seeing it in queer spaces and I'm seeing it in fandom spaces and in the numerous ways those things cross over.
Kids who think they get to define what queerness is for everyone including their elders, who think they can come into clearly marked adult-only spaces and expect to be catered to, etc etc.
It's honestly sad and frustrating because I'm having to watch these kids dig up arguments that were already settled, argue things that were just considered unwritten law, and spout so many conservative/TERF/purity culture/homo-bi-ace-etc-phobic talking points while not even realizing that they are only arguing for their own oppression.
It's frightening in a lot of ways and it's one of the reasons why I push so hard to police my own corner of the internet and not put up with any of it in my spaces.
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cheifcornerstone · 3 years
hey! so i read what you said on my post and watched some of the videos in your pinned post, and i have a couple related questions i was hoping you could clear up for me. in my post i was talking specifically being lgbt people being a sin, and you said that just being gay wasnt in of itself sinful. my understanding of sin is this:
god is good, and therefore doing good things is doing things god would do, or what god would want you to do. and doing things that god wouldnt do, or wouldnt want you to do, is a sin.
and the only way us humans know what is and isnt a sin, is from the bible. even if the bible is completely correct and whatnot, im still seeing a couple problems here. christians have always followed the bible as best as they could, but christians and christianity have changed a lot. christians from a couple hundred years ago had completely different morals from christians today.
for example, people 300 years ago were saying that being gay was sinful. with the same bible. if being gay is not a sin according to the bible, why did so many people think it was? did they read or interpret the bible wrong? if thats the case, how do we know we arent misinperpreting it now?
and because so many christians before our time, thought it was a sin to be gay, where is the objectivity of the bible, and therefore god? if what is good or bad under god is up to interpretation, you can justify whatever you want as being good with the same bible you can justify it as bad. there is a general consensus among christians today of what is and isnt sinful, but its completely different than it was 300 years ago, and will be completely different in another 300 years. how would anyone know what is and isnt sinful then?
just to clarify here i'm using the example of being gay as sinful or not, but i mean it more broadly. aside from just that, there have been a lot of things that christians in the past have believed in that they dont know, like slavery, rape, torture, and murder being good and justifiable under the bible.
sorry that that was super long lol and if i said something wrong and/or i'm misunderstanding something, please correct me
Hey thanks for getting back to me on it and I always find learning more about theology interesting.
Your right the Bible is still a book written by men hundreds of years ago and you have to understand the context of every verse. Just because people use scripture to try and justify terrible things like murder and whatnot doesn’t invalidate the wisdom the knowledge teaches. There are theologians and Bible scholars who practice and memories the Bible line by line and can more or less give you solid indisputable answers.
On the gay thing I believe in history gays were persecuted and taboo in most cultures and the Bible was a tool used to justify doing terrible acts. I believe Leviticus is used when they say homosexual acts is punishable by death but if you look at the context first of all it’s Old Testament second it’s the law given to Moses and the Israelites so they may be set apart as an example of Gods Chosen. It was kind of a deal, if you obey these rules Your children will inherit these lands. Jesus new law overwrites this. We aren’t Israelites in that sense anymore. New covenant and all
Then you have Romans 1:18-32 which details men sleeping with men as shameful but the context is talking about what Paul saw in Rome at the time. People were falling in love with their sexual lifestyles more than God. Paul is describing the love of sin and lack of God.
You can pretty much understand that these were for specific time but you can extract simple knowledge that the whole point in the Bible is to love God first and foremost. Then love your neighbor. Loving yourself or your sexuality is pride and is idolatry in the eyes of the lord.
Churches and religious people treat homosexuality as a sin because it’s leads to homosexual acts. They are wrong. it’s not sinful to be gay! Nothing in the Bible says that. In fact just looking at another women with lust is sinful. Just thinking about killing someone is sinful. Impossible task for sure but good thing Christianity gives us a chance to redeem ourselves with Christ
Of course you can say to hell with all that but even if you are non-believer learning more about the Bible is a great way to defend yourself against people who try to use it against you. Sorry for the long winded post
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Okay this is not mbti related but you are an intelligent person so I wanted to ask you whether its really not possible to know everything about a religion?? It was actually my plan to learn everything about four of the five main religions christianity, islam, judaism, hinduism and buddhism (i decided to not study the 5th main religion, hinduism, because i read somewhere that you cannot convert into hinduism, you have to be born as a hindu) and then decide whether i follow one of them or...
....or dont follow any of them and become an atheist or something. its important for me to somehow have something that explains the meaning of life and everything. but i really want to be sure that im believing in the right thing, thats why i wanted to know everything about each religion im considering to convert into. but thats actually not doable? 
Hi anon,
No it is not. To illustrate this: I am Jewish both ethnically and religiously; I attended a Jewish day school from ages 5-14 (I’m in the U.S., so this corresponded from K-8) and enrichment programs in high school geared towards Jewish high school students in secondary school. I have been the lay leader of an independent Jewish congregation. I would not under any circumstances say I knew everything about Judaism. If I asked any rabbi I’ve known whether they knew everything about Judaism they would probably not laugh in my face but only because they’ve generally been respectful people.
We are talking about a religion with a history of 4,000 years and with much of that in diaspora, including isolated sects all over the world. Jews who migrated to the Iberian peninsula and North Africa (Sephardim) have different traditions (within the same larger tradition) than Jews who migrated to more northern and eastern parts of Europe (Ashkenazim) and both differ from Jews who remained in the middle east (Mizrahim) or some of those more isolated areas (eg: the Bene Israel from Ethiopia, Kaifeng Jews in China). There are two entirely different sub-branches of Judaism depending on whether you only follow the laws as written in the Torah (5 books of Moses), which is called Karaite Judaism, or Judaism as most people think of it and which I practice, Rabbinic Judaism, where the vast oral tradition (eventually written down) is also taken into consideration. Please do note that both the oral tradition and the commentary from writing down the oral tradition were both recorded and are both taken into consideration in rabbinic laws, and that new rulings are being made in the modern day depending on sect (eg: reform, reconstructionist, conservative, orthodox) and the changing times; within my lifetime there have been many changes within certain sects of Judaism regarding their positions on LGBT issues, for example.
I can’t speak with nearly as much knowledge about other religions, but I can say that there is similarly a lot of disagreement and multiple sects (I mean, Christianity encompasses everything from Catholicism to Unitarianism which have fundamentally opposing ideas of the trinity vs. a single deity). Seminaries exist. The mere act of learning a whole lot about a single religion is widely considered a several-year endeavor.
I also can’t speak for all religious beliefs, but at least from the perspective in which I was raised the point of religion isn’t to get answers or find the meaning of life. Nor is the idea that one religion is “correct” even true in most non-extremist interpretations of religion. Judaism has the Noahide laws, is compatible to an extent with outright agnosticism due to its status as an ethnoreligion, and no real interest in proselytizing; I believe Islam mentions within the Quran a respect for other “people of the book” (ie, the Abrahamic religions of Judaism and Christianity); most mainline protestants and liberal Catholics tend to leave people to do their own thing. There’s a reason the phrase “the lord works in mysterious ways” is a common phrase. It’s like you’re asking for the answer to philosophy - there wasn’t even a single question, let alone a definitive answer.
So to put this somewhere between bluntly and gently, this question sounds like it’s coming from someone with very little experience with religion at all and some fundamental misunderstandings, which is why I said you sound either very young or very sheltered or both. With that being said, I suspect what you actually want to start is a fairly basic overview of these religions (which I think would be good if only to help you better get a handle on the concept of religion and the vast diversity within it), and you could start on that pretty easily, through reaching out to local houses of worship or taking a world religions course. You may end up finding that one of those religions holds meaning for you, or you may find that you’re interested in religion intellectually but not in practice, or something else entirely, but it is not a finite piece of knowledge to which you can come to the end.
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psrb1509-58 · 4 years
Hunters has been a good show so far I love the squad BUT WHAT ABOUT THE COP!?!?!?? It really sounds like a joke the authors made for a laugh like: hey wouldnt It be funny if the cop that works on the case about jewish people was a black lesbian woman and her girlfriend was latina and she works for the FBI and all was happening in 1977?
LIKE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDI G ME?????? THIS IS SO DISRESPECTFUL y'all talk about the lgbt poc cop propaganda in b99 and don't get me wrong that is awful and unrealistic too but at least b99 is set up in this day and age THIS ONE TAKES PLACE IN '77 HOW COULD IT BE EVEN REMOTELY POSSIBILE i cant even describe how disrespectful it Is because yes minorities esp black and latinx ppl still have issues with the cops today but iIN THE 70S!?!??!??
how fucking dare you making a show about jewish people and other minorities that unionize to kill nazis because since law enforcement failed to punish them they have to go against the law to bring justice and THEN YOU ADD A BLACK LESBIAN COP that is like all compassionate and really determined to solve this case and even when, after she had talked to jonah telling him ummm just tell me the truth because thats what good people doooo and al pachino tells him that he shouldnt listen to her and keep killing nazis, the script is written like you shouldnt be sure if you want to root for the hunters or for the cop!?!??
Yes the show is from Amazon Prime Video why do you ask
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iamalivenow · 6 years
What Is Friends at the Table?
Friends at the Table is an actual play podcast focused around critical world building, smart characterization and fun interaction between good friends i am your host austin walker and
good bit am i right guys
friends at the table is all of those things but its also So Much More. (thats how episodes start) ((thats a lie episodes start with a 5 minute monologue about the nature of humanity from the perspective of an npc but im getting ahead of myself)
do you want more actual play Right Now because it’s not thursday and the wait is killing you? friends at the table.
on its face f@tt is an actual play podcast (not using dnd) with three point five games (unless you count bluff city i dont know what bluff city Is) which are seasons of heiron, marielda (the .5), counter/weight and twilight mirage. the first two are fantasy the second two are sci/fi.
as mentioned it focuses a lot on collaborative storytelling. the stories are often about the individual player and the world around them, filled with themes such as:
killing gods
 killing capitalism
 killing a whole bunch of npcs, like a whole Bunch of npcs, so many fucking npcs. Austin Turn Your Location On I Just Want To Talk
do you want stories where nothing and everything is sacred? do you want stories about people finding who they are through the people that are around them? do you want to be completely lost over what bluff city is turning into? do you want stories with moral ambiguity, fantastic lgbt+ characters, and worlds that will make your jaw drop (im talking 3-4 hour long episodes on literally only worldbuilding its fucking Wild)?
listen to friends at the table.
do you want to watch people play out a law trial in a game? do you want to watch underwater cycle repair men steal weird birds? do you want to watch a love story between a girl and a satellite? do you want to watch a town get pelted by fish rocks? do you want to watch a very long conversation about what zoos are?
listen to friends at the table.
do you want subversive fantasy that doesn’t relay on the tried and true and boring rules of generic dnd fantasy where characters can be queer and not white and it’s not the biggest deal in the world or a post apocalypse story that isn’t mired down in the usual trappings of grimdark agony all the time? do you want smart and intelligent scifi where everyone has their own agendas and motives and is a space opera and when i say space opera I Mean space opera no following one family to the ends of the earth But Also for there to be mechs and idols and body swapping assassins and angry goths?
listen to friends at the table.
it’s a unique and singular extraordinary podcast- story in general- played and created by talented individuals who are hilarious and caring and gentle and brutal all at the same time.
my personal recommendation is to start marielda. it’s ten episodes long which is their shortest game (again not counting bluff city) but it does! so much! and i promise the second you hear jack de quit’s soundtrack you will fall in love. that’s right one of the players is a composer who creates music for the entire show and i Personally believe that it’s an instrumental part of the show but marielda’s soundtrack, marielda’s theme is honestly Honestly one of the best peices of music ever written.
tl;dr: its one of the most creative actual plays out there and if you want stories that make you think and laugh and cry created by a group of storytellers who care about you in worlds that are vibrant and real and populated with people who feel like actual people you should listen to friends at the table.
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convervative-blog · 6 years
essay preparation, Conservative Judaism: Our Ancestors To Our Descendants by Elliot M. Dorff
alright buds gonna go thru this book, theres chapters and then like essay questions, so im here reading the chapters then answering the essay questions. im fucken ignorant as shit so this is all my stupid opinions that im still developing and it might change as i learn more idk. enjoy, lots of surprise-zionism in here skip if thats not ur thing
I. yes services start early morning we do prelims then shacharit torah & musaf then kiddush congregants range in ages from young to elderly (predominantly older tho) and in observance from super frum (ok like 5 of us lol) to basically secular & very pluralistic no one cares, very close-knit, "maritime personality disorder" very evident, love it
II. never studied at yeshiva or went to hebrew school, looking into doing so (u know when), actually the reason i picked up this book, im inherently drawn to like childrens resources (this is a highschool level book but u get it) bc as an adult i missed out on jewish child education, so im drawn to childrens resources to "learn from the start" so to speak
III. parents are gentiles, no jewish identity really, grandma resolutely denied being a jew though got 'mistaken' for one almost daily due to last name and appearance, 'corrected' people constantly, got bullied for it (i say grandma but its still patrilineal dont @ me), she didnt know anything about judaism and was frequently antisemitic and firmly catholic
IV. conservative judaism means that halachic rules are binding but that they should and must be interpreted via the lens of the society in which we live, in order to reduce suffering and increase overall observance (e.g. women, lgbt+, accessibility), conservative judaism also means an affordance of leniency in individualistic expressions of obligatory mitzvot
V. emancipation occurred from 1776-1880, within western europe (france holland england) during the rise of nationalism jews were considered naturalized citizens of their respective countries & not foreign outliers, allowed to serve in army etc  but had negative impact bc jews at the time began to lose their jewish identity whilst adopting goyische practices (ref. assimilation)
VI. absolutely and i fully intend on making aliyah, learning and speaking hebrew is nourishing for my soul, its an internal secret of mine that “magneto was right” u know, “does mainstreaming work?” and like, i say this not bc i believe jews should be separate (or even that jews should immigrate to israel) but in the interest of jewish protection and continuation, is mainstreaming going to contribute to jewish protection and continuation? mainstreaming needs to include existence. u cant mainstream two groups if one group is only accepted when they dont exist as themselves. “jews and gentiles can exist together! but u better show up to work on yom kippur.” jews deserve self-determination and to have the opportunity to live in their homeland which is the only safe place on earth for jews to publicly and fully express their judaism, to go to a school where they can safely and publicly express their judaism, to go to a synagogue where they can safely and publicly express their judaism, to go to a job where they can safely and publicly express their judaism. u tell me where that is, is it where u live? thats the downfall of mainstreaming, bc sure jews can assimilate but what u see is that ppl who arent jews will only interact with them if they renounce their judaism. sure u want to say jews and goyim living side by side respecting one anothers practices is the ideal, absolutely im "pro mainstreaming" for those ideals, but be practical! that shit aint never gonna happen, dont sacrifice yourself and ur family and ur friends for an academic concept that has never manifested itself in reality
VII. the advent of secularism! secularism is super appealing. movies! tv! books! music. mixed dancing as it were. all the things considered heretical bc they could curse g-d, but appealing on a neurological level. who doesnt wanna sit down and binge drop dead diva for 9 hours, its not me buds. so ofc many orthodox peeps would be drawn to it, but in the interest of maintaining their practices and beliefs, new movements would necessarily sprout up in response
VIII. assimilation occurred bc the advent of secularism drew alot of observant jews away from their practices and subsequently their identities, it was more appealing to be a citizen (a "german" not a "jew") bc it afforded them rights and privileges and goys would interact w them on an equal level, as long as they didnt express being jewish too much, or used their jewishness in a self-deprecating kind of way (alot of jewish comics got famous like this, ppl love listening to jews self-deprecate and in a downward shifting economy u gotta get it where u can get it)
IX. the differences between halacha in orthodox judaism and reform judaism? oh boy well today, because reform judaism looked totally different in the 1800s guys (most american jews were reform, which is why american jewish culture was so radically separate from european jewish culture and far more secular), but at the core orthodoxy believes halacha as it was written and interpreted (and as it continues to be interpreted and debated) is binding, no ifs ands or buts. u can find reasons why things can and cant be done but its always within the established halacha. reform judaism doesnt consider halacha binding but essentially “refers” to it as they develop their individual practices (”im a woman but im not gonna cover my hair if i get married bc blah blah blah” might be a reform opinion, its deciding not to follow the law, but its still referencing the law) and is exponentially more concerned with the idea of jewish peoplehood, identity, nationality, history, outside the world of torah. (yes? no? this is all shit i was spoonfed by 1 guy so like?) 
X. im writing a fucken essay on this man. need to chill out and condense. get my opinions in order. orthodoxy is appealing bc most ppl will believe the same shit u do and put the same weight on it, conservatism is more pluralistic/individualistic, definitely more secular, even tho i wholeheartedly agree with this & practice it in my life, the art of letting people do their own shit without judging them, the art of welcoming ppl into ur space despite their diverging belief systems, just: sometimes u can feel kind of silly when u know ppl probably dont take as literal interpretations as u do. strengths of reform individualism, pluralism, activism, diversity, influx of new opinions/thoughts, ppl talk to me about this i know very little about reform judaism dont get mad at me pls. weaknesses uhhhhhh lol am i gonna go there on tumblr.com 2day... weaknesses i guess would be that its not taken as seriously by outsiders? is that acceptable/right?
endin here for now!
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captainshyguy · 6 years
god so....me nd jester finished gravity falls and....GOD 
i have sos oso much to say about it, (under the cut tho ofc) 
but like....tl;dr.....that was easily the best show i’ve ever watched, and one of the best narrative’s i’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing 
oof ok so i’ll start small
the animation in general, ESPECIALLY the scenery was rly nice
god the theme like not the theme SONG (though that will get its own bullet point)but like??the theme of the show??? the mystery feel mixed with modern stuff, and still being REALLY DARK AND HAVING GENUINE HORROR whilst still managing to be a kids show is wild 
like!!! they didnt pull any punches!!! they didnt treat kids like dumbasses that would get the show!! it complex and intelligent and engaging!!!! 
ok so the THEME SONG ok GOD I LOVED IT BUT....turns out bc me and jester were using dailymotion well.....uhhh 90% of the gravity falls eps on there are sped up?? (like 1:25x speed) i NEVER NOTICED i jsut thought all the eps were around 18-19 mins??? turns out thery’re actually 22, so we’ve been watching at a slightly faster pace??? we watched ONE at a slower pace and i was like ‘WHAT’ but like!! that slower pace wasthe reAL SPEED NKHDFHNJHJF its...v strange tbh bc i’ll probably rewatch them on kimcarttons bc thats’ more reliable and all in the right palce but....idk i kinda prefer the slightly sped up version??? its enough that al lthe characters still seem rly natural they didnt...seem liek they were sped up but they WERE but it means the natural ones now seem slower to me nkjkdhjfkd, either way watch the theme song on 1.25x on youtube and you’ll see my experience its....rly good 
god the FORESHADOWING ABT STUFF like!!!!! the 6 fingers ALL THE BILL IMAGERY LIKE god i kNEW abt bill cipher so everytime i saw a triangle i lost my mind, just went absolutely hogwild on the keyboard 
GOD OKAY SO FAVE CHARACTERS UHHH bills my bastard fave and i’ll get to him later SO 
dIPPER ok just!!! a kid who was rly into mysteries nd nerding things and reading BIG FUCKNIG MOOD alos befire he showed like..any interest in girls nd was eye rolling at mabel talking at boys i was like ‘oh!!! aro ace!!!’ then the wendy stuff happened and i went ‘welp, i made my bed, time to lie in it’ and i SMASHED the compulsory heterosexuality button KHDFHNDFJ oh yeah he’s trans bc hell yea 
STAN I LOVE HIM SO SO MUCH LIKE he’s super fucking funny and like!!!! he cares SO SO MCUH abt mabel and dipper nd his bro!!!! he cares nd loves for them wholst still being that cool, chaotic, not exactly law abiding grunkle and!!! he literally learned how to work his bros machine nd tried to 30 years just to get him back AAAAAAAAAA and GOD BEING WILLING TO SACRIFICE HIS OWN MEMORIES TO SAVE EVERYONE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA o he’s also trans bc ye!!!
bill cipher...bastard fave like...god i’ve said this before but!!!!! idc abt villains most of the time but HE FITS INTO MY DIMENTIO NICHE (slightly uncanny, theatrical/charismatic, MAJOR FUCKING THREATS) there’s defo!!! differences between them tho, like bill cipher actually has friends lmao, they wanted to...remake the universe/multiverse in different ways (dimentio by erasing everyone from existence and rebuilding it himself, bill by just fucking up everything that’s already there) plus dimentio played the long game on screen more ig????? like we always knew bill was bad, it’s made obvious, maybe not main antagonist, but bad, but spm makes u think dimentio MIGHT be on ur side, or at least wont betray the count to be the true villain??? either way tho i was talking to jester abt this, but when i blackmail nintendo into letting me make an aniamted spm series in 20 years im gonna have some fun doing similar foreshadowing stuff with dimentio that gravity falls did with bill GDFHJHDJF (nd just!! letting him be animated in general bc dimentios already cool, can you IMAGINE HIM with animated with lotsa life nd fluidity like bill?? wild) 
but yeah tldr bill bastard but...COOL BASTARD 
the canon gay police guys were rly sweet!! hel yea!!!
i just!! god i rly loved it it was such a good story and it was the perfect length, you could TELL the creator went ‘this is going to be as long at the story needs it to be, im not stretching it out and making it stale/having the quality dip like’ it was  pefect nd we all want more bc we loved it but!!! it also ended in such a satisfying way that i couldnt imagine it coming back without being worried the quality would dip so im satisfied but OOF
uhhhh lgbt hcs with the main 6 bc im gay and i do what i want (remember i’ve already smashed the comphet button so dont come at me like ‘uhh but she dated a guy’ bullshit):
wendy: trans nd gay 
mabel: bi 
dipper:trans and aro ace 
stan: trans and bi 
ford: gay 
soos: hmmm......not...sure....he gave me ace vibes....het/bi ace???
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fandomiseverything · 6 years
Pros and Con of Countries - Written by two Americans (Who both live in Minnesota)
Marriage equality (the gays can get married!) (SINCE 2005!!!!) (YEAH!!!!!)
Free healthcare :0
People are truly friendly
Politics are lighthearted and easily run
Higher wages
They have a town called Regina
Money has little windows that when a laser pointer is shined through it, it shows the value on the wall
They hate Justin Bieber
I’m pretty sure Justin Bieber can’t go into Canada? So that’s good (that is good)
Avril Lavigne
AVRIL LAVIGNE (yeah shes great but why is she a pro 2 times) (cuz she’s a clone) (ohyea)
Its a themepark (what) (their money projects the amount on the wall, its monopoly money, its waterproof, and its a scratch and sniff….. Its a themepark)
Rei & Shane (and Rei’s cats)
Canada is one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world
Change of legal sex available in all provinces and territories
under varying rules without sexual reassignment surgery
Tim Horton’s (YEEEEE, now i want tim hortons, ive heard of it never had it, and now i want it) (it’s gooooood. One day we could drive down to Brainerd and get some) (THEY HAVE TIM HORTONS IN BRAINERD????/!111/1/1?1/1?!?!?!?) (ye) (WEEEENEEEEEDDDTTOOOOOGGOOOGOGOOO!!!!11!!!1!11!!!!!, LEAVE IT TO MINNESOTA OR AS WE KNOW IT, SOUTH CANADA, TO HAVE A TIM HORTONS)
Higher cost of living
Snow. lots of fucking snow.
Their money??? Is weird???
Consumer choice is low (especially with Netflix. The Canadian library is half the size of America’s)
Environmental impact (they’re one of the top oil producers in the world)
They spell Canadien with an “e” (its Canadian you matherfeker)
Its kinda hard to get into Canada
*Chloe voice* they are not French they just PRETEND to be for ATTENTION. (wow)
A lot of people only speak French (thats pretty much the same for any country, they speak a different language)
How do you speak French (very difficultly, lots of vowels, slightly similar to italian and spanish)
Its a themepark
It doesn’t exist (vtru)
It’s very clean. Like, seriously.
Most attractive people in the world
The locals are anti-social
The Gay has been legal since 1944
Right to change legal gender since 1972,
No sterilization required since 2013
Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression protections
Gays can adopt
Gay marriage legal since 2009
the first country in the world to allow transgender people to legally correct their gender
HomO, was the Swedish office of the ombudsman against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation (i think its a funny name)
after one year of abstaining from sex, gay and bi men can donate blood
Sweden is Europe's most gay-friendly country
Very high taxes
Can’t ask for directions no one will talk to you :(
The locals are anti-social (so am i)
Central hub makes it easy to travel to other european countries
Good healthcare
Very active, with fairs and parties
Oktoberfest is pretty lit i guess (you guess?) (I’ve never been to Oktoberfest but my friend from Germnay - fuck you - says it’s great)
Legal drinking age is 16
Furries (i’m not a furry i sWEAR) (are you sure about that??) (i dOnT kNoW)
Legal to be gay  since 1968 East Germany and 1969 West Germany
Gay marriage legal since 2017
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender without required sterilisation and surgery
Sexual orientation and gender identity protection nationwide; some protections vary by region
Full adoption rights since 2017
gay and bisexual men have been allowed to donate blood, provided they haven't had sex for twelve months
83% of Germans support same-sex marriage
Nearly everything is closed on sunday
Legal drinking age is 16
Germans dont get sarcasm
They, unlike the Germans LOVE sarcasm
Very clean air
walk anywhere in nature at anytime
SEALS they have a special breed of seal native to finland
Very clear northern lights
They’re modest?
Good heavy metal music apparently
People say they’re kind
Some of the most progressive lgbt laws in the world
Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sterilization
Sexual orientation and gender identity protections
Gay marriage is legal
Legal to be gay since 1971
one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in the world and public acceptance of LGBT people and same-sex relationships is high (lots of gays!!)
Norway (Richie’s fave country besides Canada)
Snow is wet so you can actually do stuff with it (unlike MINNESOTA) (you CAN do stuff with minnesota snow!) (NO YOU CAN’T IT’S POWDERY AND WEIRD) (swhy you wait for wet snow or wait till it melts slightly, cause then its warm and thereswet snow) (NO) (yEEE) >:(
Norwegian elkhounds :0
People seem friendly?
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender
Sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, intersex status protections
Gay marriage legal since 2009, Gender-neutral marriage has been legally recognized since 1 January 2009
Married and committed same-sex couples allowed to adopt
Gay is legal since 1972
1 year deferral period was implemented, gay and bisexual men can donate blood
generally gay-friendly
Furry coats are nice
Furry hats called ushanka
Babushka means grandma but buska means bitch
The GayTM, Decriminalised in 1917; Re-criminalised in 1933; Legal since 1993
Legal gender change since 1997
But only after what they call ‘medical procedures’ (idk what they mean by that but i suspect surgERY)
No gays allowed
Religion is bAD
Religion is GOOD
Too much snow
They like to destroy things? I saw two Russian guys put a stick of dynamite in the sewer and explode the road? Why? (BAD but thins going boom is fun, but not important things)
Vladimir Putin (yee, but we have sarah palin to watch him) (o shid u right)
Government is weird? You can get killed if you say you don’t like the tsar?
If you gay and live in ‘Murica you can’t adopt from Russia (fuck russia)
Communism I guess (thought you liked communism?) (to a degree. I like the idea of it but it’s also bad? Like you can’t/don’t own anything? Your dog is not your dog it is everyone’s dog? I do not like that my dog is mINE)
No discrimination protections
No recognition of gay relationships
tends to be among the most hostile toward homosexuality
Sakura trees :0
Pretty colors
Gay is legal, it was legalized in 1880
Very strict gun laws
Never had a school shooting EVER
2015 opinion poll found that a majority of Japanese support the legalisation of same-sex marriage
sex among consenting adults, in private, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender, is legal under Japanese law
Killer bees (we dont like killer beeeees, NOT THEEEE BEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!) (the killer bees will kill you in a heartbeat)(bad bees…. , NONONONONONNOTJAPAN) (they only live in the forests tho. I think)(ILIKEFORESTS!!) (me too)
No nationwide recognition of same-sex relationships
No gay marriage
Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
All the gay is allowed
They have their own website you know it’s legit when they have their own website
Government is gay (everything there is gay) (shhhhhhhhhggSTOPITgggg)(NO)
Im pretty sure you cant permanently live there
It was technically at war with Australia for a while
Dingos (I want,,, to pet them,,, but they will bite me,,,)(i was gonna put them in the cons too if you didnt)
Kangaroos (vdangerous) (they scare me) (THEY SHOULD)
Greece (i like greece)
Anti-lgbt discrimination explicitly banned (ooo nice)
Ocean!!!!!!! Ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean!!!!!!!!! (SaME)
Goats :0
Male homosexuality has been legal since 1951, female homosexuality has always been legal (nICE)
Hate crimes laws covering all areas incl. sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics
school  sex ed classes include segments on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, homophobia and transphobia (NICE!!!!!)
Pride has been held since 2005, and has been held in most other moderate sized cities since 2010
Trans people's can legally change their gender without having to undergo sex reassignment surgery (NICE!!!!!!)
a 1982 law that legalized civil marriage between "persons", without specifying gender, acted as a test-case for same sex marriage
Since 2005, discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace is prohibited.
A lot of boat traveling
Quality of life is kind of falling apart
A lot of animals roam freely, which means LOTS of poop
Goat farmers (whats wrong with goat farmers) (they won’t let me pet their goats :( ) (really…. Thats why this is a con?) (yes. I’m a petty bich) (......) (i like goats. And i want to pet them. If you do not let me pet your goats I will be sad [and kinda mad because I want to love them])
Lots of fucking goat cheese
Too close to Italy (whats wrong with italy???) (too friendly. It’s suspicious) (OMFG SERIOUSLY???) (YOU PUT THE FACT THAT CANADA SPELLS CANADIAN WITH AN “E” IN THE CONS) (thats because it iS A CON!!!!! CANADIAN IS SPEELED WITH AN “A”) (NOT IN CANADA)
The Netherlands
quite strict gun laws, not seen as a right, but a privilege (????) (you wanted strict gun laws, they have really strict gun laws, its a privilege to have guns, and only for hunting and target shooting, not for self defence, or for other things at all) (nice!)
Homosexuality legalized in 1811 (holy shid)(yeeee)
Gay marriage legal since 2001 (i was born in 2001, they knew i was coming) (I was born in 2000)
The first country to legalize gay marriage (I approve)
banned discrimination on sexual orientation on the grounds of employment, housing, public accommodations, and more.
Lesbians can get IFV (???)(in vitro fertilization, they implant a fertilized egg so they can carry their own child, instead of just adopting)
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender, only after a diagnosis but without surgery or hormone therapy
. Amsterdam has frequently been named one of the most LGBT friendly cities in the world
Homomonument, was the first monument in the world to commemorate homosexuals who were persecuted and killed during World War II (this is so cool)
85% of the Dutch population supported same-sex marriage and adoption as of 2013
Cold? I think?
Republic of Ireland
Ireland (nice pro) (thanks)
first country to legalise same-sex marriage on a national level by popular vote
Affordable for any budget
Entitled to 20 days of leave
Yes, transgender people can change legal gender by self-declaration since 2015
Safe, with few guns
Less police
Lots of pubs
Speak English (this was a pro on a website) (IT IS A PRO I ONLY SPEAK SPANGLISH) (Spanglish) (YES SPANGLISH , DONT BE A DIC) (I can’t be what I don’t have)
Fear nothing and no one
Gay marriage legal since 2015
Low crime rate
In a fight with Northern Ireland because they don’t want to be ruled by England but Northern Ireland does. Now Northern Ireland is a separate country.
The potato famine (I like potatos) (exactly)
Bad weather
Less police
Not much of a non-alcohol social scene
Fear nothing and no one
The Philippines
Have to be at least 21, and pass a background check to be issued a Possession License for guns
If you’re a foreigner and you have a gun, you’re going to go to prison.
They are poised to make stricter gun laws
LGB allowed in the military
Low cost of living
The Family Code of the Philippines says that marriage is “a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman,” but The Constitution does not prohibit same-sex marriage
One of the most gay-friendly countries in the world
Is the most gay-friendly country in Asia
Can’t donate blood if you gay. You will give them The GayTM. (don’t drink the tap water)
Drug problems
Healthcare problems in some areas
Tagalog is very complicated to learn
Transgender people can change gender with or without surgery
Homosexuality legal since 1973
Gay marriage legal since 2017
ban on anti-gay discrimination in employment
sexual orientation and gender identity protections
the first country in the European Union to prohibit the use of conversion therapy
Gay and bi men in Malta are not allowed to donate blood
Though there’s talk to change that law
In Warsaw they have a Hatsune Miku statue
Never illegal to be gay
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender.
one of few countries where sexually active gay and bisexual men are not legally restricted from donating blood. (give them The GayTM, drink that dam tap water)
Apply to high schools
School is weird
Gay marriage is banned (wHAT) (I KNOW! Im sad too) (what if you’re gay married BEFORE moving to Poland) (idk are you planning to get gay married?, also … i dont remember waht i was gonna say) (no i’m just thinking about all the other gays who might move to Poland)
United Kingdom
The Queen (YEEEE!!!)
Always legal for women to be gay; decriminalised for men in: 1967 England and Wales, 1981 Scotland, 1982 Northern Ireland
Right to change legal gender since 2005
Gay marriage since 2014, not in northern ireland
All discrimination protections since 2010; some existed since 2003 for sexual orientation and 1999 for gender identity
Under the Gender Recognition Act 2004, transgender people who are married have been required to divorce or annul their marriage in order for them to be issued with a GRC. (??????? wtf????) (ikr, its kind of very mean)
The legislation of gay marriage also does not restore any of the marriages of transgender people that were forcibly annulled as a precondition for them securing a GRC
What time is it? ...ITS SEVEN BONG!! (you know they don’t actually tell time like this, right?) (IDONTCARE)
Still #salty about the Revolution (VERY)
BISCUITS (NO!!) (aka cookies in America) (FUCK BISCUITS)
Rains a lot
Baguette (noice)
Legal to be gay since 1791 (no wonder Lafayette was like how he was)
Transgender people allowed to change legal gender without surgery
Sexual orientation and gender identity protections
Gay marriage legal since 2013
amendment to existing anti-discrimination legislation, making homophobic, sexist, racist, xenophobic etc. comments illegal.
gay and bisexual men in France can donate blood after 1 year of abstinence
Transsexuality declassified as an illness
Lots of crime? (from what I’ve heard)
Gay is legal since 1933
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender without a diagnosis, hormone therapy, surgery or sterilization
Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression protections
Full adoption since 2010
Gay marriage legal since 2012
Gays in military since 1978
Lesbians can get IFV
Laws against hate speech for seual orientation
Lgbt sex ed and relationships taught in schools
Legal to be gay since 1940
Transgender people allowed to change gender without surgery
Gay marriage since 2010
No standing army
Sexual orientation protections
Both full joint and stepchild adoption allowed
2016, Icelandic President participated in the Reykjavik Pride Parade
the first Icelandic President to attend a gay pride parade
No standing army
currently unable to donate blood in Iceland
Though they are wanting to remove the ban
The GayTM has been legal since 1933
Sexual orientation protection laws
outlawed hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation
Gay marriage and full adoption rights since 2016
Cant donate blood
trans people cant legally change gender (fACK YA GENDA RULES)
This is all we got for now, but if anyone has any input or tidbits about these countries that wasn’t listed, that you think is important (especially if you live in said countries, send one of us a message, we’ll add it asap! (most likely me, because im on more often and as such am more likely to check my messages) Sorry for the extremely long post!
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mangotrees · 7 years
Why aces wouldn't be part of the lgbt+ fam? Like until I know (which is just a lil) they are part of the history of the community for fighting for our rights both as gay and trans and gnc and also c!shet allys. I'm sorry for bringing this to your blog, even knowing u r questioning your own Id but I really feel like I should hear all the points of view before deciding if I should unfollow u or not
im putting my reply under a read more bc it got sort of long !!
tbh, to my understanding, it only very recently became “lgbt+” (and whatever other variations ppl use). like it used to Just be lgbt, bc its a term that binds ppl that face similar, if not all exactly the same, type(s) of harrassment and abuse simply for being who they are, so even just personally thinking of that i dont feel like the lgbt community is where aces belong (while trans can be viewed as an inclusive term for all non-cis gender identities, afaik, and bi doesnt mean ‘attracted to men and women’ but rather ‘attracted to same and others’ (and this is what ive heard from lots of ppl tht id as bi, so im just…… quoting), so that functions as an all-inclusive term for non-het and non-gay attraction too)furthermore, i dont believe aces even Marginally face the same troubles as people in the lgbt community. i would never face the same harrassment for being ace as i would for being lesbian; youre not going to get verbally harrassed or worse for walking down the street single and aro, whereas a gay couple walking down the street holding hands is genuinely at risk. i cannot tell you the amount of times if had to read news articles or facebook posts about gay couples holding hands on the street, just to get physically assaulted or spat on or had people yell nasty things at them.you might argue that ace people are oppressed bc their family will tell them stuff like ‘you just havent met the right man/woman yet’, and that constitutes them being part of the community, because hey, lesbians often hear the same thing! but thats not oppression; thats your family being willfully ignorant of anything thats considered out of the norm, aka you would hear just as ignorant comments bc of mental illness - and even physical handicaps! you might also want to argue that an ace woman could get murdered for refusing to have sex with a man, but hey, so could a lesbian woman or an unintered cis heterosexual and -romantic woman, and thats because of men feeling like women owe them their body and time and not bc of a specific sexuality! like im sorry, but non-gay/bi/trans aspec people just genuinely dont face any sort of oppression and harrassment that constitutes them being a part of a group that exists exactly because it brings together ppl that share common experiences w tht specific type of oppression/harrassment, allowing them all to help each other through it, bond with people that Know exactly how it feels and combat the wrong-doings they face together in a safe, mutually understanding and supportive environment. people might make fun of ace and aro people, claim that theyre just a late bloomer or whatever, but they will Never be physically harrassed or oppressed for being aspec in the same way you are for being gay, bi and/or trans, they will never face the same genuine fear of actual murder just for existing as lgbt people do!! there will never be laws and constitutions written detailing that aro/aces are mentally ill or handicapped, they will never be denied the right to marry, governments wont issue for the military to murder them in cold blood. i dont care if cishet aces/aros and cis aroaces are allies - im happy if they are, of course - and have helped elevate our voices, it still doesnt mean theyre lgbt.
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baek--honey · 7 years
1-50 bitch
well since u asked nicely how could i resist
1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? paint/draw or the like, or knit maybe,
2. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned? MY HOT MOMS SHIRT THAT I LOST ;n; also the big grey hoodie i have & a pierce the veil shirt i borrowed from my gf that im never giving back :)
4. How often do you play sports? never
5. What fictional place would you most like to go to? The Digital World
6. What job would you be terrible at? probably anything involving extensive memorizing and maintaining information for long periods of time. so basically a lot of things…… or maybe like. working at starbucks cos i cant make coffee OR remember lots of drink recipes omg
7. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for? playing kingdom hearts 2 on easy mode. i would have a good chance at winning because all the people that are good at playing kingdom hearts are gaming elitists that think playing on easy is for losers and if you dont play on critical mode you arent a real gamer :)
8. What skill would you like to master? making an omelet OR knitting
10. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on? some out of town adventure with my girlfriend where money and time dont matter 
11. If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would you change and why? uh i’d like to be less haunted by my traumatic past maybe! or be a few inches taller that would be cool i feel like both of these are pretty self explanatory 
12. What’s your favorite drink? W A T E R or milk tea 
13. What do you consider to be your best find? my girlfriend 
14. Are you usually early or late? way too early. too mcuh time i dont know what to do with it
15. What pets did you have while growing up? hm lets see i had a couple turtles, some fish, i had a gerbil that i got from a friend, an african grey named solomon, boston terrier named Tiny, two white boxers named Floyd & Lloyd, a mix named Macy, 4 chihuhuas named Dude, Pooty, Flout & Chief, and now we have a cat named Schrödinger :~), oh and an amstaff/dalmation mix named EL
16. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? anything and everything but never really asking for advice i guess? its more of them talking about a problem cos im easy to talk to and then me trying to help them come up to a solution if they need it
17. What takes up too much of your time? S L E E P I N G 
18. What do you wish you knew more about? cats!!!! also dogs cos i know a lot but i want to know more
19. What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years? why am i still alive?
21. Who’s your go-to band or artist when you can’t decide on something to listen to? seventeen or monsta x, exo’s LMR repackaged album
22. What shows are you into? the office, lost, honestly nothing thats still running on tv, i havent watched a show in forever, oh god wait does anime count cos i could write the longest list of anime i love: haikyuu, nge, digimon, noragami ,,,,,,
23. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished? Seventeen (Hangul: 세븐틴), also stylized as SEVENTEEN or SVT, is a South Korean boy group formed by Pledis Entertainment in 2015. The group consists of thirteen members divided into three sub-units, 
24. What age do you wish you could permanently be? a dog mom & i hope i can make that wish come true
25. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend? napping on and off in bed with my girlfriend and then going to town for sushi & milk tea and then uhhhhhhhhhhh coming back home to nap some more and then go out for noodles for another date :} oh and a dog would be involved if possible because cuddling dogs is best
26. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way? physically writing and sending cards/letters in the mail i guess? i dont know if that really counts as doing something the old fashioned way but i definitely dont get as many cards or anything in the mail anymore. i also like to keep physical hand written to-do lists & schedules and stuff
27. What have you only recently formed an opinion on? how bad exo are at dancing  turtlenecks and scarves. they are good 
28. What’s the single best day on the calendar? october 10th my dogs birthday and also narutos birthday
29. What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of? asmr??? 
30. What is the most annoying question that people ask you? “did u have a little lamb?” OR when my grandpa asks me anything about his iphone 
31. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on without absolutely no preparation? my dogs or seventeen. OR a half ass presentation about kingdom hearts, trying to explain it while getting around all the plot holes and not nailing down my arguments cos i dont really get it either and theres a lot i dont pay attention to but i could come up with 40 mins of info im sure
32. If you were a dictator of a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do? no waking until 10am. no crime or anything will be allowed ill figure out some way to make everything perfect so women can go out alone at night and not be afraid. no discrimination !! all the poc, lgbt, disabled, any minority  will be welcome and have safe spaces and any hate will be punished by law. also everyones allowed to have pets in their homes and no home goes without food or power. am i doing this right
33. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? travel out of your comfort zone. like physically travel somewhere and make the most of it but do it with someone cos the buddy system is important
34. What’s worth spending more on to get the best? jackets. i will pay up to 100$ for a good jacket and wear it forever cos itll be confirmed long-lasting and also most likely very comfortable!!!
35. What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of? i just want to point out that its not that i dont get the point of it because everyone has their likes and i have my own that other people dont i like that people are into whatever they want to be its just that i am Not into it. and that thing is yuri on ice
36. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? being able to wake up every morning next to my girlfriend and out pets :~)
37. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? corning museum of glass was super neat……. , dollywood, gatlinburg, chicago chinatown, idk i havent been to many interesting places 
38. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to? i wana get a tattoo !!!!!!!!
39. What’s the best thing that happened to you last week? getting a job interview at barnes & noble because now i have a job there!!!
40. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind so that you could experience it for the first time again? diamond edge chicago
41. If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have? all i really want is that job where im paid to sleep 
42. How different was your life one year ago? tbh not that much different?? other than i was in school and now im not. i didnt have a job and now i do. i was a year further away from moving 
43. What’s the best way to start the day? talking to my girlfriend and also let me just say that first pee in the morning. perfect
44. What quirks do you have? what are quirks exactly i looked up examples to help me think of some but all im thinking of is…i cant have the volume on my tv or radio on an even number it has to be on an odd number??? i have to sleep with a fan on. idk dude
45. What would you rate 10/10? [MV] 몬스타엑스 (MONSTA X) _ 걸어 (ALL IN)
46. What kind of art do you enjoy most? abstract w lots of colors and shapes. geometric stuff 
47. What do you hope never changes? my ability to collect myself (unless it gets better which then i hope it does), my passion for art of any sort
48. What city would you most like to live in? anywhere except charleston and somewhere thats not extremely highly populated
49. What movie title best describes your life? Scooby Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed
50. What’s the best way a person can spend their time? sleeping or hanging out with their pet
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suzahmoon · 5 years
Reviewing Sean Baker’s Critically-Acclaimed“Tangerine”
If you want to know the future of film, first look at the direction of technology. That’s what filmmaker Sean Baker did when writing his feature Tangerine. Though his intention wasn’t to experiment with shooting styles or really “push the tech envelope,” Tangerine was shot entirely on 3 iPhone 5s’s with just the help of a steadicam and a few lenses, a choice made for budgetary reasons.
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After being approached by Duplass Brothers productions (owned by Mark and Jay Duplass; you may know Mark from Safety Not Guaranteed or Skeleton Twins, and Jay from the beautifully written Transparent Amazon original series), Baker started on his script. As Baker’s fifth film, this is one thats truly pushed his career into the public eye. He’s known for making labor films, such as his 2004 film Take Out which told the story of an illegal Chinese immigrant late on payments for smuggling debt or his 2008 Prince of Broadway about a New York street hustler who sells knock-off brands and finds out he has a son. Like Baker’s previous work, Tangerine centers itself around underground labor but has a slightly different take. It was at an LA LGBT center that Baker met Mya Taylor and Kitana Kiki Rodriguez, both of whom were once sex workers in Hollywood and are the transgender actresses of Tangerine. What does that mean for the film? Well for starters, it’s closer to home for its actors than we might think and all the more authentic because of it. But it also means that it’s more than “a film about prostitutes” to our culture; instead it’s a statement on the American sex working industry, the film industry’s use of actors, and what American audiences actually want to see on their TV screens (not what producers think they want).
Tangerine starts out with two trans sex workers, Sin-Dee Rella and Alexandra, sitting at a Hollywood donut shop on Christmas Eve. Sin-Dee Rella, an orangey brunette with a feisty know-it-all attitude, has just gotten out of jail. Alexandra, her dark-haired, level-headed friend joins her to celebrate with donuts and juice. Unfortunately, Alexandra accidentally breaks the party mood with the news that Sin-Dee’s boyfriend and pimp Chester has been cheating on her with a straight female worker of his. “He cheated on me with a fish?!”she yells out. Furious and appalled, Sin-Dee storms out on a mission to get revenge: find her, do something to her, find Chester, do something to Chester (and not necessarily in that order). Alexandra, of course, always the dutiful friend, joins for the ride and her story gets interweaved in between. She passes out flyers for her performance coming up that night, gets into a small public dispute with a cheap customer, and spends some time with an Armenian cab driver named Razmik, a likeable but mixed morals character, as he runs his taxi through a car wash.
Eventually, Sin-Dee finds who she’s looking for, a scrawny young blonde Dinah, in the back of a brothel at a motel. “You didn’t have to Chris Brown the bitch!” Alexandra says at the beaten sight of her. Meanwhile, we see more of Razmik’s story as we follow him home where his family members are watching an Armenian program and chatting around in worn pleather chairs. Here, we meet his stereotypical bossy mother-in-law and young pretty wife and daughter. Back to Sin-Dee, we see her drag poor Dinah out by the head and abuse her through the streets of Hollywood. The two trudge onto a bus before arriving at a bar to watch Alexandra perform a song: a scene done exceptionally well visually between the velvet curtain surrounding Alexandra (clad in pearls and an off-shoulder dress) and the sparse casual bar audience sitting in their twinkly lit wooden booths.
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As the film continues, we watch the unlikely threesome (the cheated, the cheatee, the supportive friend) head back to the donut shop [we saw in the first scene] to find Chester. There he is in all his glory: hat, weird font tattoos, navy bandana around the forehead, baggy Faded Glory jeans with the black wifebeater tucked in. The public dispute that occurs eventually ties hilariously with Razmik, his mother-in-law who followed him, and Razmik’s wife and young daughter. Call it a more realistic take on Keeping Up With the Kardashians.
Razmik leaves with his family and is left to question what he’s doing and what now, given what trouble he’s caused for his family. Chester breaks some surprise news of his own to Sin-Dee, leaving her more shocked and speechless than we’ve ever seen her. That said, the film closes sweetly with a quiet scene of Sin-Dee and Alexandra, the two best friends, sitting together peeling off urine-soaked clothes in a laundromat.
The film does well in maintaining its story structure. Given that it already attracts a lot of attention for its use of iPhones as an “experimental” or “indie” film, sticking to the movie mold can get people to not pinpoint every unusual moment in the story to its technology. Despite people’s turnoffs when it comes to the three-act structure, it’s worked for a reason and it’s what people are used to seeing, so using a traditionalist method makes it easier to be pulled into this movie and forget about the hype.
Likewise, Baker didn’t play around too much with his cinematography, keeping it simple with over the shoulder shots, wides, close-ups, and whatever served the scene. This is also important in that it lets viewers see what’s going on instead of think about the film’s mechanics and therefore be outside of and not pulled into the film. While some iPhone filmed films could work well with more artistic and creative shots, that isn’t Baker’s style: he wants people to pay attention to the concepts and subject matter more than he wants to be known as a cinematic storyteller. Because of that, we’re able to leave the movie talking about normalizing trans and other orientations on our screens and the all too real American sex industry we seem to be so hushed up about. “Out here, it’s all about our hustle, and that’s it,” Alexandra says, and rightly so. In addition, the film’s authenticity with art direction and on-location shooting makes it feel so real and pure that you can practically feel the stained carpets of the brothel, smell the smoke in the sports bar, and feel the grime of Sin-Dee’s favorite donut shop/Chester’s “office.” It’s a hard reality that makes you pinch your nose but you don’t even consider looking away.
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Tangerine is more than a statement of where we’re headed in today’s film and culture. The story serves to entertain with its smart comedic timing, punchy synth-pop music, fast-paced events, and authentic style, but it also leaves me with a feeling of just pure, unfiltered excitement. Using an iPhone is cool and transgender actresses are interesting, but that’s not why you’ll like it. You’ll like it because it’s smart, fresh, and real life, and it just makes you laugh. At the end of the day, it’ll be because of how it made you feel that you’ll remember why you went in the first place.
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nb-jesus · 6 years
this post is in regards to this post. it isnt letting me reblog the post from OP so im either blocked or my computer is funky. so, ive made my own post. @nondysphoric-enby here is my response :D
1) what does my age have to do with anything?
2) youre making me out to be condescending when i never was.
3) *cracks knuckles* here we go
this is what i presume to be an editorial on the credibility of the DSM 5 and the ICD-10. it features both pros and cons. its own sources are listed on the bottom of the page.
this is an opinion piece on the credibility of the DSM 5. its written by a man with a doctorate. if you look at the right side of this page, you can see he was the chair of the DSM 4 task force and is a professor at Duke.
this is a scientific study on the credibility of ICD-10 diagnoses. as mentioned in the editorial i linked, the ICD-10 is not a mental health diagnostic manual in itself, but features a chapter for mental health disorders instead. its used by more professionals than just psychiatrists and therapists, so it has to be general with its wording so that other professionals can understand it and are able to use it to diagnose mental disorders, which the editorial also brings up is a thing that happens.
it is true that Lamba legal says not all transgender people experience gender dysphoria, but the rest of the questions on the FAQ concern gender dysphoria and transitioning. Lambda legal, as far as i can tell, is a nonprofit organization that provides legal counsel for LGBT individuals. this being so, they can only really provide legal counsel to dysphoric individuals seeking healthcare (such as HRT and surgeries) because nondysphoric transgender people probably wont transition. to be gender nondysphoric means to not experience distress because of ones sex, right? is a nondysphoric trans person transitions, what is the point? if them transitioning “makes them more comfortable” then i would think they probably had dysphoria, but just didnt know so. transitioning exists to make ones body reflect ones gender, right? but if a nondysphoric trans person transitions while still comfortable with their natal sex, does that not mean they would develop dysphoria over this? there are a lot of cases of detransitioners who thought they were trans, and tried to transition, but ended up having to stop because they ultimately developed gender dysphoria. if you look at some radfem blogs on here, you can see they do indeed exist. my point is, why is a legal firm credible if they only provide services (which i would assume means only legal counseling a.k.a lawyers) to dysphoric trans people? correct me if im wrong, but legal counseling means “ A counsel or a counsellor at law is a person who gives advice and deals with various issues, particularly in legal matters. It is a title often used interchangeably with the title of lawyer.” according to google. let me reiterate the point of the definition, “a person who gives advice and deals with various issues, particularly in legal matters.” if theyre a credible source, would they not provide services to all transgender people? that question leads back to the question of why would nondysphoric transgender people transition if they are not distressed by their sex. do you see my point?
this is a report on the APA’s involvement in CIA torture after 9/11. this is an article about five (5) APA psychologists and their involvement in forced feeding tube feedings on prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. this is the APA’s code of ethics. it says in the general principles that “ Psychologists strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm.” there were revisions to this code in 2010 and 2016 as stated on the page itself. however, does this mean they did not believe this statement--and the others in the rest of the sections--before? to me, it appears not, because of the aforementioned links in this paragraph.
it is true transequality.org says that “ Not all transgender people have gender dysphoria. On its own, being transgender is not considered a medical condition. Many transgender people do not experience serious anxiety or stress associated with the difference between their gender identity and their gender of birth, and so may not have gender dysphoria.” i agree with the fact that transgenderism in itself isnt a medical condition. its gender dysphoria that is; more specifically, its a neurological condition. transgenderism is the symptom of gender dysphoria. that being said, my points in the paragraph about Lambda legal stand even more starkly.
it is also true the NHS gender clinics say “not all gender diverse people experience gender dysphoria”, but in the next paragraph, they list “androgynous” as a diverse identity they experience in their clinics. androgynous is a presentation descriptor label. cisgender people can be androgynous. they also list “gender neutral” as a diverse identity people experience in their clinics. gender neutral is very vague in meaning. do they mean agender people? androgynous people? cisgender people who just dont care what people call them? and so on and so forth. they use the Interim Gender Dysphoria Protocol and Service Guideline 2013/14 and the The Royal College of Psychiatry Good Practice Guidelines for the Assessment and Treatment of Adults with Gender Dysphoria 201 to help care for their patients. the Interim Gender Dysphoria protocol has a graphic early in the many pages that shows if someone does not get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, they are discharged or sent elsewhere for other treatment. it also shows that if a diagnosis couldnt be made, then more observation is done, and if no diagnosis is made, they are again discharged or sent elsewhere for other treatment (the graphic is on page 7). the Royal College of Psychiatry does indeed say not all “gender variant” people or gender-non-conforming people experience gender dysphoria (they say this on page 14). they never explicitly say transgender or transsexual in that paragraph, only stuff about diversity. “gender variant” doesnt make sense to me, personally, because transgender/transsexual are not dirty words. that is my personal opinion, so i dont know how others feel about it. in terms of counting gender-non-conforming people, that doesnt make sense either. cisgender people can be gender-non-conforming, and they dont need services from a gender identity clinic.
the WHO revised their definition of gender dysphoria and moved it from a mental health condition to a sexual health condition back in 2018, if i can recall correctly. i cant find the exact page where ive seen them say gender dysphoria isnt needed to be transgender, but i did find this. on that page, they say gender is the socially constructed characteristics of men and women. if gender is a social construct, which is what theyre saying but in simpler terms, then why is it so important for people to transition and alleviate gender dysphoria? if its to make them more comfortable in their bodies, why do the terms transgender/transsexual and gender dysphoria even exist, if gender is a social construct? would treatments for the discomfort transgender people experience with their bodies just be something else? or would there even be treatments at all? i know some of the questions ive asked in this whole thing can seem like reaches, but i really just want to stress the ideas that some people may think of if they hear of these things. to my knowledge, the WHO also listed gender-non-conforming people in their definition of transgender. though ive also heard they later say on that page that not all gender-non-conforming people are transgender, its weird they would even include it in the first place.
side note: terfs say gender is a social construct, too.
taking sources at face value (”why medical professionals shouldnt be trusted and how they dont actually mean what they said”) isnt really... the greatest thing to do. a common point yall tucutes make is that only you know your gender. if thats true, then why do yall take what medical professionals say about being transgender as 100% fact?
calling transmeds the “anti-vaxxers and flat earthers of the trans community” is gross. transmeds havent killed people because we havent gotten vaccinated.
if you respond, id appreciate it if you could be civil <3 thank you! i look forward to getting your response :D
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ddonggeun · 7 years
So I was reading an article about kpop and this caught my attention, "Although there is still a heavy social stigma around homosexuality and transgender topics, cross-dressing idols aren’t seen as strange and are enjoyed by many." I just want to see your opinion on the certain topic because I really didn't think about it until I saw the article. lol thank you.
i have been thinking about this the past two days (hence the late reply sorry about that) first thanks for letting me know about this, i too have never really think about it until now… i look it up and i dont see many people Talking™️ about it but the first thing that popped up in my mind is that there is this hong kong entertainer/artist (wong cho lam, you can look him up) who is known for crossdressing and “more feminine that an actual woman” and he said in an interview that god hates the gay community…. while hong kong is still super queerphobic (we are yet to have words for a lot of gay things let alone everything transgender) many people point out how fuck up his statement is (he is also friends with many openly gay individuals) and how he literally made his career out of the lgbt+ community and yet is still disgustingly hostile towards them i can try digging related articles up but i read them years ago and they are probably written in cantonese with a lot of slangs throw into it……
on one hand i dont think i can talk for this i guess you can say culture phenomena as i am not from the culture - i think i am cis so i really cannot say speak for the trans community for what is appropriate or offensive you know what im trying to say i am not the best with words), and also i am chinese? so i cant speak for the korean culture with that being said this is how i feel on this matter:
homosexuality and transgender “do not exist in korea” - they are being criminalized and many fucked up stuff  
entertainer crossdressing is fairly common - it has become a troop and staple, people expect idols to crossdress at some point but 
viewers response from them are usually borderline problematic / toxic - misgendering people, fetishlizing, the series of “omg they are so gay are they gay” responses you know the drill 
reinforce gender stereotypes while breaking gender stereotypes - you know how female should dress (pink everything), speaks and act (soft/bitchy tone, passive, send mixed signals etc)
often use for hetero narration - like it cant be two boys on a date situation it has to be a boy and a GIRL 
no one makes a big deal with girl groups do it, everyone is frantic when boys do it (just like literally anything else in life but lets stay on topic) 
also while transgender people and people who arent of the two gender are literally voiceless, suffer abuse and mistreatment, being denied basically any rights they are entitled to, law offers no protection - cis and often heterosexual entertainer make big money from crossdressing and play the clown character in drag? i am looking at you super junior shindong (among many other problematic shitheads)
also the whole “gay is okay as long as they arent actually gay” thing? messy 
and yea thats my two cents on this… we can have a respectful discussion on this if anyone is interested
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morganbelarus · 7 years
Trump Administration Protects Your Right to Discriminate Against Women and LGBT People
Suppose my baby daughter gets sick one evening. We bring her to the nearest ER, but the doctors there say they wont treat the child of a same-sex couple because they have moral objections. Thats perfectly legal.
Or suppose a friends teenage daughter is three months pregnant, and suddenly begins bleeding. My friend calls the ambulance, but the ambulance driver says he wont take her, because it looks like she might require an abortion, and the driver doesnt want to assist in an abortion. Also perfectly legal.
Or suppose my friend is transgender. Shes been seeing her doctors for years, but when shes traveling for business and needs emergency care, shes denied treatment because the hospital chain, as a matter of faith, moral conviction, or professional medical judgment, believes that maleness and femaleness are biological realities to be respected and affirmed, not altered or treated as diseases. Thats rightalso perfectly legal.
That quotation comes from a 2016 paper co-written by Roger Severino, then the director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity at the Heritage Foundation. These days, Severino is the director of the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services.
And today, he announced a new office within his departmentthe Conscience and Religious Freedom Divisionto prosecute precisely these kinds of claims, not on behalf of people denied medical attention, but on behalf of doctors, nurses, drivers, and hospital administrators who seek to deny them.
Like Attorney General Jeff Sessions civil rights division, which has focused on claims of discrimination against white people, Severinos office of civil rights is focused on taking away civil rights. This is the Christian Rights presidency, and their alternative facts prevail.
Of course, thats not how Severinoa long-time conservative activist who has sought to take away my right to marry, my right to adopt children, and my right to be free from employment discriminationputs it. To him, the real victims of discrimination are those ambulance drivers and nurses, who might otherwise be forcedbecause they receive taxpayer moneyto provide medical care they object to on religious or moral grounds.
No one should be forced to choose between helping sick people and living by ones deepest moral or religious convictions, Severino said today, and the new division will help guarantee that victims of unlawful discrimination find justice. For too long, governments big and small have treated conscience claims with hostility instead of protection, but change is coming and it begins here and now.
To reiterate, these religious exemptions are already on the books. They began as far back as 1970, but gained steam particularly after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide. Immediately, Christian Right organizations sought religious exemptions to the new laws, just as they had sought them to the civil rights laws of the 1960s.
Except that in the case of abortion, they won. At first, these conscience clauses only exempted doctors and nurses from having to perform abortions. But quickly, they spread to exempt entire hospitals and hospital chains, and covered not just abortion but contraception and family planning counseling as well. Within a decade, almost anyone was exempted from almost anything related to womens health.
Immediately, Christian Right organizations sought religious exemptions to the new laws, just as they had sought them to the civil rights laws of the 1960s.
That same playbook has been used against LGBT people in the last ten years. With every advance in LGBT equality, the Christian Right has sought religious exemptions to the new legal protections. Now, not only can churches and religious leaders refuse to perform a same-sex marriage (which has always been the case), but any religiously affiliated organization can refuse to have anything to do with one, private corporations can refuse to respect them, and, depending on what the Supreme Court says this year, private individuals can turn same-sex couples away from their businesses.
Moreover, the Sessions Justice Department has said that they will not enforce any civil rights laws at all when the offender has a religious justification for breaking it.
That is also why todays announcement is so significant. State and federal governments all have limited resources, and are always performing triage, allocating time and money to some priorities over others. A new office devoted exclusively to these conscience claimsnot, for example, unequal access to vital healthcare services, anti-trans discrimination, or any number of other issuesmeans more conscience claims will be processed and prosecuted.
According to Severino, this shift has already taken place. From 2008 until the 2016 election, he said at the ceremony celebrating the opening of the new division, there were 10 complaints of conscience violations. Since then, we have received 34.
Those are tiny numbers, of course, but they reflect what Severino called a culture change at HHS and throughout the government. We are not going to allow people of faith to be bullied and targeted anymore, he said.
Of course, one could argue that its the people of faith bullying and targeting women and LGBT people, not the other way around.
But that inversion of victim and oppressor is typical of the religious exemptions movement, which has had unprecedented success in 2017 and 2018. At the ceremony, Severino cited religious exemptions for Quakers from having to serve in the militarybut the Quakers werent singling out others for discrimination. Severino also cited Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,s Letter from a Birmingham Jailbut Dr. King wasnt asking that African Americans be allowed to discriminate against other people and deny them services.
Most egregiously, Severino cited an alleged Nazi practice of forcing Jews to write sacred Hebrew texts in the soles of their shoes, thus forcing them to transgress Jewish law with every step they took. But the parallel to a doctor wishing not to counsel a transgender person in hormone therapy is inapt. The Jewish victim is not harming anyone else; the doctor is.
And even when theres another doctor or nurse or ambulance or hospital or pharmacist available, the dignitary harm of being told no trans folk allowed or contraception is morally evil remains. Thats the point of the Masterpiece Cakeshop case currently before the Supreme Court: its not about one wedding cake, its about bakeries being able to hang a no gays allowed sign on the door.
With the opening of the new office, HHS has taken a standthe same one Severino has been pushing for many yearson the side of the religious pharmacist, against the woman seeking birth control; on the side of the pediatrician who wont see my daughter.
Everyone is entitled to an equal seat in American civic life, Severino said at the ceremony today. But some seats are more equal than others.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
The Fight for LGBT Equality in 2018 Will Be Fierce
Jay Michaelson: So, here we are at the end of a strange year for LGBTQ Americans. On the one hand, mainstream acceptance of gay people continues to spread; gays are now officially boring. On the other hand, trans people are being singled out for government persecution on the one hand and continued street violence on the other.
Meanwhile, as all three of us have written, the Trump-Pence administration is inflicting the "death of a thousand blows" against LGBTQ civil rights, severely limiting employment rights, marital rights, access to healthcare, access to safe facilities in schools, and so onwhile literally erasing LGBTQ people from government forms, proclamations, and observances.
For that reason, it's even harder than usual to look toward 2018 with any sense of certainty. What are we most hoping for in the year to come? And what do we fear?
Samantha Allen: I have written the word bathroom hundreds of times over the past two years of covering the various state-level attempts to restrict transgender peoples restroom use. I wish I never had to type it again; I didnt sign up to be a reporter to write about the human excretory system every week.
But in 2018, I am hoping to talk about bathrooms a lot less frequentlyand I have reason to believe that will be the case.
One of the most important victories for transgender people this year came in the form of something we avoided: a bathroom bill in Texas that would have effectively made birth certificates into tickets of entry for restrooms in public schools and government buildings. But that was scuttled at the last second by the business community, local law enforcement, and a sympathetic speaker of the House who said he [didnt] want the suicide of a single Texan on [his] hands.
Im confident that well see somebut fewerred-state legislatures really push for bathroom bills. Theyre political losers and money drainersand everyone in elected office knows that by now
I was in the state this summer when this thing almost got passed and I witnessed firsthand the gloriously outsized Texas rage against a bill that could have cost them billions (Tim wrote about the Texas bathroom battle at the time for the Daily Beast).
Between that and North Carolina being forced to repeal the most controversial aspects of HB 2 under pressure from the NCAA, Im confident that well see somebut fewerred-state legislatures really push for bathroom bills. Theyre political losers and money drainersand everyone in elected office knows that by now.
Tim Teeman: Id like to share your optimism, but Roy Moore supplies a harsh correctivefor me anyway. In the celebrations that followed his defeat at the hands of Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate race, some difficult questions were left hanging.
Moore was a candidate whose rampant homophobiahis actual desire to see discrimination enacted against millions of LGBT Americans, his desire to see prejudice and discrimination enshrined in lawwent mostly unchallenged and unquestioned. Only on the last day of the race did Jake Tapper of CNN ask his spokesman whether Moore believed homosexuality should be illegal (the answer: Probably).
This was a shameful and telling omission by the media. The depressing footnote to Moores loss is that extreme homophobia itself is not a disqualification for a political candidate in 2017. Active homophobia was seen as a valid mandate to hold by the modern Republican Party.
Moore was only too happy to hold it close even in defeat, as he showed by posting (on Facebook) Carson Jones, Doug Jones gay sons, post-election interview with The Advocate. It was a sly attempt to stir up anti-gay poison. Politicians like Moore are thankfully fewer and fewer in number, but homophobia and transphobia are still a major currency in this White Houseand that Trump and other of Moores high-profile Republican supporters dont see it as a disqualifying characteristic tells us something very sad and alarming indeed.
Since ordinary gays are now not so novel, Hollywood's search for novelty is causing them to explore stories of people of color, rural folks, genderqueer folks, and other people who aren't Will or Grace
Jay Michaelson: I am putting most of my hopes outside the machinery of the state. Hollywood told some beautiful queer stories in 2017; I hope this expands and continues in 2018. A decade ago, when I was a professional activist, we had it drilled into us that the number one factor in someone "evolving" on any particular LGBTQ issue was knowing someone who was L, G, B, T, or Q. And if they didn't have firsthand knowledge, media figures counted too.
So, while the Republican party caters to its Christian Right base, I hope that continued media visibility makes them pay for doing so. There's a nice irony too: since ordinary gays are now not so novel, Hollywood's search for novelty is causing them to explore stories of people of color, rural folks, genderqueer folks, and other people who aren't Will or Grace. That might not be for the best motive, but the consequences could be profound.
Tim Teeman: Then we have the 'wedding cake' case at SCOTUS, which you have written about Jay. That seems currently going in favor of the baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. This isn't just about a wedding cake, of course, but providing a signal that discrimination based on "beliefs" is OK, which can be used against LGBT people in so many contexts.
Samantha Allen: Im afraid the Trump administrations attacks on the LGBT community will continue to be so persistent and so piecemeal that they will continue to get shuffled to the side. This past month, we were stunned when the Washington Post reported that the CDC had been discouraged from using the term transgender in preparing their annual budget, but if people had been paying closer attention to Trumps appointments in the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies, this wouldnt have been a surprise.
We cant afford to pretend anymore like these are stunningly cruel attacks that come out of nowhere: leaders of anti-LGBT groups regularly walk the White House halls, they wield tremendous influence right now, and the administration is quietly giving them what they want.
Im worried that, with so many other scandals dominating the headlines, the systematic erosion of LGBT rights will continue to fly under the radar
Trumps tweets on transgender military service created a media shockwave, but that moment aside, the administrations attacks on LGBT people in 2017 have been considerably less flashy: amicus briefs filed to the Supreme Court, tinkering with executive orders, adjusting the Department of Justices approach to transgender students. All of these perniciously subtle attacks have taken place against a cultural backdrop of continuing bigotry and violence: In the last year, for example, at least 28 trans people have been killed, most of them transgender women of color.
Tim Teeman: I think one of the things the U.S. would do well to figure out (he said vainly) is the separation of Church and State. The Religious Right has such a grip on the levers of power here, in certain states and in certain administrations like President Trumps which is greatly relying on the bedrock of its support. LGBT people, activists and groups are facing a traumatic 2018, as the far right of the Republican support seeks to shore up support around Trump, and trans people especially are especially vulnerable in such an atmosphere.
Jay makes a good point: at a time when the Right seeks a ratcheting up of the LGBT culture war, LGBT people and their straight allies working in the culture at large should work to put a wide diversity of LGBT lives and characters into that culture, whether it be TV, film, literature, art, or whatever. Actual LGBT presence will be vital in 2018.
If this global backlash isn't stopped, queer people will be murdered, arrested, targeted, stigmatized, and forced to leave their countries (and then denied refugee status) in numbers we have never seen before
Samantha Allen: The death of a thousand blows of LGBT rights under Trump is only going to continue in 2018, and Im worried that, with so many other scandals dominating the headlines, the systematic erosion of LGBT rightsa phenomenon thats directly affecting at least 4 percent of the U.S. population and 7 percent of millennialswill continue to fly under the radar.
Thatd be like the Trump administration deciding one day that everyone in the state of Pennsylvania didnt deserve human rightsand it somehow not being front-page news every single day until it got fixed.
Jay Michaelson: My greatest fear for 2018 is on a somewhat macro-scale. The rise of nationalism, nativism, and right-wing populism around the world is terrifying. On one level, it's an understandable backlash against globalization, multiculturalism, and technology: people unable or unwilling to change are clinging to old identities and myths. But it's also profoundly dangerous, and queers are just one population endangered by it. It's not to be taken lightly.
Already we've seen the United States retreat from the whole concept of human rights, giving carte blanche to murderous anti-LGBTQ elements in Russia, Egypt, Chechnya, Indonesia, and elsewhere.
In 2018, the US will practically zero out its aid to vulnerable LGBT populations around the world. At the UN as elsewhere, America is now allied with Putin's Russia, in this case withdrawing protection from LGBT people and instead defending the oppression of us.
But this is just the beginning. If this global backlash isn't stopped, queer people will be murdered, arrested, targeted, stigmatized, and forced to leave their countries (and then denied refugee status) in numbers we have never seen before.
Figure out some way to help those who dont have as much, or who are especially politically and culturally vulnerable, and who could do with support. Give money, volunteer, whateverdo what you can
Tim Teeman: On that basis, LGBT people and their allies with any time, money, commitment and energy might think about involving themselves with activism and campaigning for organizations like The Trevor Project, HRC, Anti-Violence Project, National Center For Transgender Equality, GLSEN, PFLAG, OutRight Action International, and groups in their local area. If they don't want to do something overtly political, then maybe figure out a way to help those who dont have as much, or who are especially vulnerable, and who could do with supportwhether that be financial and pastoral.
If you need inspiration, look to Nathan Mathis who wasn't going to let Roy Moore winor lose at it turned outin Alabama without shaming him over his homophobia; and without remembering, in the most moving way possible, his dead lesbian daughter, Patti Sue.
Listen to, and be inspired by, the stirring stories of those from times when things were not just bleak but political progress and cultural evolution seemed alien and utterly distant. Eric Marcus has distilled, and continues to distill, amazing interviews with the likes of Sylvia Rivera and Frank Kameny, conducted for his landmark book Making Gay History: The Half-Century Fight For Lesbian and Gay Equal Rights, into a must-listen podcast.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-fight-for-lgbt-equality-in-2018-will-be-fierce
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2Eudf8o via Viral News HQ
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