#but like this page's vibes are really just Not Good™️
kayatoastkkat · 11 months
alright I'm awake
aw man that ain't good…
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help i think this means the transformation potion is actually gonna stop working as usual and Jekyll dumping all of it down the drain PLUS Hyde's breakdown is coming together to make this all go haywire
(yeah i know he's not exactly happy rn but he's still cute)
Guys i think the cliffhanger for this chapter would be everyone finding out their secret and more people start to notice them changing eye colours like a traffic light
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also the fuck are these purple crystal thingies??
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I totally love ur interpretation of alphas smelling kinda nasty it's not my thing but it's very cool and fun!!! (Pls share where you disagree with me I love hearing other opinions)
For some reason to me, omega! Price is fresh baked bread. Like it just seems correct to me idk why
Beta! Price is herbal. Maybe w some very slight powdery notes. But mostly like tea and old books. The smell is on the warmer side even tho I tend to see beta scents as more... cold? If that makes any sense
Alpha! Price is either a sharp, pine scent. Like a Christmas tree farm. OOOOOR this really yummy perfume I have called Jazz Club by replica. It's such a good scent and I feel like either price or ghost fit the vibe of it.
Interesting!!! Also Pine Price? Yes yes??!??! 🫵🫵🫵
(I will be highjacking this to post my own hcs!)
(UPDATED) The 141's Scents in an A/B/O AU: Depending on Presentation
Follow-up on these two posts:
As a reminder, these two posts follow a theory of mine that:
Alphas smell so strong and overpowering, bordering on just smelling Bad™️;
Betas smell natural and comforting (average, no major complaints);
Omegas smell sickly sweet and so overwhelming it could make someone ill.
Omega Johnny smells like the syrup that surrounds and preserves canned fruit. Canned peaches especially.
Beta Johnny smells like the sea. Salt water, seaweed… that kind of thing.
Alpha Johnny smells like shoe shiner, or another product like that. Maybe wet paint or varnish?
Omega Kyle smells like something warm and cosy and gooey that melts in your mouth. My brain is saying honey or honeycomb, caramel or toffee maybe?.
Beta Kyle smells like freshly cut grass, and ivy. Especially when the freshly cut grass is damp too.
Alpha Kyle smells like nearly vinegary and acidic. The best way I can say it is... strong wine that has just started fermenting.
Omega Simon smells like talc/baby powder. Makes you wanna bury your face in him and sniff like you do to a newborn baby.
Beta Simon smells like old books with yellowed pages. Not necessarily musty or bad.
Alpha Simon smells of black pepper.
Omega Ghost wears scent blockers. You'd never know what he smells like because he doesn't let you. (It's vanilla sugar)
Beta Ghost smells of freshly carved wood furniture, unfinished and unvarnished, still full of splinters and rough edges.
Alpha Ghost smells strongly of burning. Like a campfire, a forest fire, maybe gasoline or sulphur.
Omega John smells like lemon merengue. Sickly sweet and tangy at once, with a softness that melts in your mouth.
Beta John smells like a forest, maybe a rain forest, but I could also see him smell of pine and very obviously so. But the kind of pine that people sometimes mistake for mint?
Alpha John smells like rusted iron and dirt... Which a lot of people confuse with fresh blood. Especially when he's angry and his scent mutates.
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buccellato · 1 year
We're far enough along in the week that I think this won't disrupt the rest of the book club discussion, but just to be safe I'm putting it under a cut since it deals with the themes of sexual assault
I've seen some people touch about the themes of body autonomy and SA undertones from the fifth moon incident, and as someone who is on my like, 3rd reread over the years I definitely concur with it
and I wanted to add some more support to the conversation (if, uh, there is one here), because I notice people tend to focus on Vash's reaction and the immediate incident (which is fair, because he's one of the characters the audience will be empathizing with most at this point), and I wanted to go over the other things surrounding the incident that made this event go from "villain hurts the protagonist event" to something worse™️
(screencaps courtesy of the Overhaul project btw)
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First up we have Vash's freeze-up event, which is very common in traumatic events but not for Vash, who has learned to be reactive for survival. Some deeply traumatic memory is freezing his body, one that he can't even fully remember, and he just stands there and dissociates in his memories for a solid minute as his naked-ass brother closes the good distance between them on foot after declaring he was gonna show him how to use his angel arm (which is just bad vibes city after the following pages, because Knives is just so casual with how he treats Vash's body, like it's something that belongs to him). I truly believe this wouldn't happen if he wasn't under extreme duress, because we know Vash is inhumanly fast and we know that he definitely wants to get back at his brother. This isn't a Dominique situation where he's trapped by other means, this is one where he's trapped by his trauma imo.
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Next page is the one I like to call the "you need to back the fuck up dude" page because of how creepy Knives is here. He leans on Vash's arm in a weirdly casual and tender way, but Vash is pulling away in shock and fear. And then to follow it up, Knives slams his hand into Vash's face to take control of him. Throughout it all Vash is visibly spooked, but Knives looks so goddamn pleased with himself. After this there's a few pages of Vash's body be changed against his will to activate the angel arm, followed up by this
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Where the gung-ho guns are all watching on, stunned, while Conrad yells at them to evacuate (you know, the usual things to say when you accidentally slip the screwdriver from the demon core). Knives, meanwhile, has slithered up behind Vash and is getting more handsy with him for better control. Throughout it all he is completely at ease, asking Vash "how it feels," to activate his arm while forcing him to remember the events of Lost July. All of his language here kind of implies that he doesn't have much respect for Vash's individuality, going on about how "this is our true power" while forcing him to remember one of the worst events of his life. Knives here is drawn extra menacing with wide-eyed glee while Vash is just straight-up bawling.
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The following page is Knives trying to force his brother to fire, which others have touched on, but I just actually really wanted focus on these 2 panels because Vash is just in complete anguish. Tears are literally pouring down his face, he is miserable and possibly in pain as his body gets changed in ways he cannot fully control anymore, but his brother is telling him to "let his power flow," as the core in the angel arm reaches criticality.
Vash eventually rips his arm out of the frame of the angel arm to shoot himself (and his brother) in the legs so that he can change his angle to at least aim up into space (and into the moon), because he can't stop the gun from firing. Vash and Knives are injured, Vash wishes he didn't exist, and almost everyone else who witnessed the event from a distance blames him for his participation. The SA vibes are very easy to read imo (to the point where I picked them up when I first read it years ago), and there's certain events from later in the manga that just sort of pile on to it (but we're not there yet so 🙃).
Now, I'm not entirely certain Nightow intended it to be read as SA at this point, but the way it sort of builds up later (and the way it gets reused more explicitly in tristamp) kinda gives me the vibe that he eventually picked up on it himself later on. Granted, we were already introduced to organ farming, slavery, and rape by this point in the narrative (and almost directly before this, too), so maybe it was intended 🤔🤔?
Anyways, in conclusion
Me, the reader, to Knives:
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blazing-dynamo · 3 months
How does one format epubs? I have a lot of free time and love formatting, I'd love contributing to the effort of fixing all the doctor who epubs!
It’s complicated, but doable.
First, it depends on the style of PDF. There are some that are crisp scans of every page, scanned by the Camels, (btw the camels if you’re still around you’re a real one.) and for those, I open them in Microsoft Word, because word is like 80% good at converting it, where other PDF eaters suck.
From there, I check out some common problems:
1. Footers: just remove them all. They don’t help in ePub land
2. Headings: for consistency, I change all the Headings to Agency FB, because it’s included in windows and matches the vibe of the headings in the book
3. Chapter Breaks: I turn on the “View Whitespace” mode, and delete everywhere that says section break, and then make sure there’s a page break at the end of every chapter, after the title page, foreword, etc. I also add “Chapter X” on the line before the title of the chapter. The EDAs are not consistent in how they handle chapter titles and I crave consistency so I add it.
4. Table of Contents. Word is Too Powerful™️ and recognizes the table of contents and imports it as a smart, clickable ToC, which, again, we don’t need. You can’t really edit it or anything so I just delete it, and type up a new one, leaving off the page numbers because we won’t need them in epic land.
5. Formatting. This is the bulk of the issue. I use word WildCards, which are similar to RegEx, to find all cases of a lowercase letter or comma followed by a paragraph mark, and replace it with the same character followed by a space. Then I also look for instances of a paragraph mark followed by a lower case letter, and replace it with space plus the letter. Then I replace all Tab characters with a space. Then I look for paragraph marks followed by a space and replace them with just a paragraph mark. This gets like 94% of the bad formatting that the Calibre/kindle/etc auto ePub conversion makes reading insufferable. I try to catch as many of the rest while doing the remaining steps.
6. Formatting cont’d: then, I change the Normal style to be 12pt Garamond. This isn’t important because this is ultimately up to the reader’s chosen font in their eReader, and I don’t embed Garamond, but putting it in Garamond makes it easier for me to notice when something is wrong because I’m used to seeing Garamond while making these.
Then, I use Find/Replace to add a highlight to everything that has the same indent as the Normal style, so I can then see everything weird because it won’t be highlighted. I then scrub through the book and set the problem paragraphs to the Normal style, which then Corrects the indents. I make sure when I do this to watch for italics and make sure that the style didn’t revert them to normal. This happens on short paragraphs with one or two words, and one of which is italicized, as well as paragraphs where the entire thing is italicized.
I also in this step scrub through to find mid-chapter breaks, the favorite storytelling device of the EDAs, and make them uniform. Word will make it into various levels of after-paragraph spacing, but I set the paragraph to normal, and then just leave two empty paragraphs between the sections. This tends to import the best across devices and fonts.
Finally, I make sure that after each chapter and chapter break, the first paragraph isn’t indented, to match the style of the print EDAs.
7. Still formatting, but different. I then do a scrub through and make sure I didn’t screw anything up or forget something. The problem with RegEx is that it will do exactly what you tell it to, even if that’s not what you wanted to happen. So oftentimes my table of contents or copyright page is borked, and I have to go fix it. Once I have it in a decent shape, I
8. Import into Calibre. Just drag and drop the DocX into Calibre and it’ll get added as a book. I then use the metadata editor to download the metadata from the web, so it’ll have good info on it. None of the online sources regocnize this as a series, though, so I add it myself.
9. Convert to ePub: in the Calibre library list I right click the book and convert it to ePub, default settings. DocX->ePub conversion is really simple because they are both just HTML pages under the hood, so it imports perfectly.
10. (Bonus steps) once an ePub, I press T to edit the book, and import Agency FB and Agency FB Bold, and then press the Table of Contents button, to select where the in-reader chapter list points to. And then I use just hyperlinks to make the in-book ToC clickable to take it to the same place.
The uglier, hand-typed PDFs are basically the same, but then I also have to do a bunch of spell check to catch all the typos. And then those don’t have italics at all, so depending on the book, and if I have a copy of it physically, I scan the physical book with my eyeballs to catch italics and add them back to the DocX. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than the baffling choice to just remove them completely.
I know from importing the PDFs a long time ago there’s another person who scanned/typed the books, but I haven’t seen the state of them to know if they’ll need extra TLC.
It’s kind of a whole lot! But also if I get a The Camels PDF I can knock it out in about an hour.
If you wanted to take a crack at it, by all means! Though I really need a proofer, so if you wanted to just start reading and use the form links I have in the folders to report the issues you find, that would be wonderful. Bonus points, you get to read the EDAs lol.
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acacia-may · 1 year
(Spoilers for ASOUE Netflix ahead and some book spoilers as well)
So I am absolutely loving these asks about [Netflix] Jacques and Olivia (Thank you so much, friends! 💖), but I feel bad for my anon-friends because I am sensing a sort of hesitant, nervous, making-sure-we-all-know-this-is-for-NETFLIX-Jacques x Olivia-so-this-ask-is-justified kind of energy which I can completely understand given the circumstances, however, I am the absolute last person who would ever, ever, a whole page of 'ever's judge anybody about this ship in particular. 😅 (Or maybe I'm off base here, and my anon-friends just really, really don't like the idea of Book Jacques x Book Olivia and want to be sure to differentiate? Which is a fair point too!)
Regardless, I feel it is time to come to come clean with you all about me, Jacques Snicket, and Olivia Caliban...
Jacques x Olivia was my ASOUE crackship before the Netflix series was released!
Maybe it was the drama™️ of it all? (A/N: Gotta love that sweet, sweet angst) Or this feeling I got while reading The Carnivorous Carnival that they had history maybe as good friends, maybe as something more, who knows? (A/N: It's the vibes) Maybe I took one (1) specific line from Olivia's whole 'confession' sequence in TCC, ran with it to the hinterlands of my mind and created an angsty betrayal subplot that had no business existing in the first place? (A/N: I did. I did do this. Pretty sure it was L.S.'s intention, right? Just kidding…) Whatever the reason (A/N: those are all the reasons, literally in the preceding sentences), I crack-shipped this for years prior to Netflix, and I will present the following texts from an exchange with my sister "Jackalope" (A/N: her nickname is a meme-y reference to ASOUE actually) as evidence that I was on board for this ship all the way back in the dark ages of February of 2018 when the trailer for Season 2 dropped...
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(A/N: My sisters and I took these screenshots at the time & saved them as proof of this phenomenon so I was able to find them more easily that you might think 😅)
And well, my friends, (as I'm sure we all know), I am happy to say he did so much more than just sit in that car with her...
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(Image from Shipping Wiki which I didn't know was a thing until just now! Glad that Jacques x Olivia is included there 💕 Image brightened up/edited by me)
After both of my sisters teased me mercilessly about even entertaining the possibility of Jacques and Olivia as a crackship, I cannot express to you my utter joy and delight in watching their Netflix counterparts fall deeply in love and be given this incredible romance storyline! I was so blessed and so vindicated, and I literally screamed when the kiss happened. Meanwhile, my sisters were watching in total shock like "I can't believe you actually predicted this!" 😂 We literally had to pause the episode after the kiss because everyone in the room just needed a moment to collect themselves (myself included).
All of this said, I promise I really do see Netflix Jacques x Netflix Olivia as a completely separate relationship (which I do actually ship to the highest, OTP levels). I am happy to report, however, that though Book Jacques and Book Olivia will always be a total crackship, my sisters did eventually concede it to me and never teased me about it again. And that is just how the story goes, folks. 😁
[A/N: Other fun facts about me, my ASOUE Book Series OTP is Dewey/Kit so as you can imagine, the Netflix series was a very, very good time for me overall, but that is, perhaps, a story for another time...]
TL;DR: I am the real Madame Lulu, and my inbox is always open to discuss any and all iterations of the Jacques Snicket x Olivia Caliban ship no explanation or specifications needed. (A/N: Of course, if you'd like to specify, that is welcomed and up to you. Just letting you all know this ship will never need to be defended or justified to me. We're all friends here 💖). Cheers, associates! 😁
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Dandadan Volume 4: Have You Ever Seen A Cattle Mutiliation?
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It's really so easy to lose sight of the vibe of a series when you've got 3 or more months between volumes. Despite that, Dandadan volume 4 hardly misses a beat as it caps off the Nessie/Serpoian fight of volume 3 and begins to set up for our next close encounter of the 3rd kind. Thanks to that, there's not a huge world of things to talk about specific to this volume, but I feel like that break gives us the perfect opportunity to dive further into Yukinobu Tatsu as a mangaka.
I'll just say it to get it over and done with: Tatsu, with the right story, would make for a great slice of life/comedy mangaka. The humor, the posing, the interactions, the sheer oddity of their appeal. It's the perfect recipe for a story you can't put down that doesn't need action or drama or anything like that to keep it going.
This doesn't mean they shouldn't create action stories like Dandadan, but it does mean I think Tatsu has room to grow in regards to action series, so I'll start there.
The combat itself is interesting and innovative, but hinges on large movements and actions that are preceded by careful planning and struggling against a far superior enemy. This in itself isn't a bad thing, but requires effort and ability to pull off the pieces in between planning/struggling, and execution. And I feel like Tatsu is just on the cusp of grasping it. The big moments are big and impactful, but the in between can feel lacking, and out of sync with those bigger moments.
Take this page as the prime example. The two action shots of Aira are very good. The top is a very unique angle on the situation, while the bottom plays into a more typical style in aggressive fashion. The middle that separates them though, I'd say it's very far from being needed or contributing to the flow of the moment.
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I think even further, a piece that Tatsu is so close to grabbing, is the level of detail for events. Not so much how much work is put into the art for it, but how much is shown for the respective moments. Pieces that you'd want to see more of you get very little for, and then other pieces that seem somewhat inconsequential you get plenty for.
Of course, this isn't the case for everything, as Tatsu provides an incredible sequence for Momo to finish off our Serpoian Nessie here.
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The storyboarding, the degree of detail in it, and just the sheer quality. It's an incredible moment that shows Tatsu at their very sharpest in this volume, at the peak of their ability to deliver action and energy through this story.
But anyways, the next piece. Tatsu's Always Timely Humor ™️. Tatsu just gets humor. They get the kind of humor that they enjoy, and they get the kind of humor that works perfectly with their absurdist approach. And whaddya know? They're one in the same.
So, what's the secret to conveying this humor that Tatsu's so good at? Sincere characters paired with an absurdist reality and posing. The comedy is such a genuine piece of the characters that the ridiculous poses and insanely odd setups meld perfectly with the overall story.
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And just one last bit of good humor that brings us perfectly into the next topic. The Mantis Shrimp alien became an outlaw for the sake of his son who has an illness that causes him to lose blood daily. As our group of misfits finds out, the blood that runs in that Mantis Shrimp-like alien's blood is nothing else than milk. Thanks to that we get a classic cow abduction scene with some added flavor.
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Yeah, that second image? That's 100% an homage to the Millenium Falcon (with a few tweaks to avoid copyright). And that's where the next piece of praise comes from for Tatsu (and why they'd be great with a slice of life/comedy story). The references are on point and creative, and stay true to where the material comes from. Disparate to his one-time senpai Fujimoto, Tatsu's references are very forthcoming, and play a core role in the comedy and reception of the story. They don't carry the story or its humor, like parody series tend to lean on, but it adds a very nice complement that provides variety and breadth.
And truthfully, I think that summarizes a lot of my thoughts on the volume. An old "friend" of Momo's returns with promises of a haunted houses and further teasing of the Serpoians being involved, and this time a reverse triangle appears as Okarun and Momo's "friend" Jiji vie for attention from her. It's well done, and it provides a nice break that allows for the house to be explored in full with the next volume.
I don't think it's a surprise to any that Yukinobu Tatsu and Dandadan are good, but I think it's pretty clear the improvements that appear the longer that Tatsu gets with this story, and the further they grow as a well rounded mangaka similar to their tutor(s), such as Fujimoto. So yeah, Dandadan good. You should read.
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mr-morbidd · 2 years
One anime I've really been enjoying recently is Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. There's a lot of fanservice in there that really ramps up in season 2 but that's not the entire show like a good chunk of the fandom would have you believe. Stylistically it really reminds me of Hetalia in a way. The best parts of the show are the slow parts to me. Kanna saying she loves the rain, Takiya teaching Fafnir the joy of the dark souls grind, they really feel wholesome and a found family type thing starts to develop.
Nichijou has a bright and over the top aesthetic that reminds me of hetalia too. It's like if a slice of life anime were framed as one punch man.
I've also started watching Death Parade which isn't technically slice of life but I like the commentary it has on things like death and tragedy. It gets extremely somber a lot of time and offers you glimpses of people's lives before they die as they get judged.
Yuri on Ice is pretty good too I like that victor falls in love with yuri when he's at rock bottom and inspires yuri to pick up the pieces and try again.
Barakamon is an actual slice of life that's similar to yuri on ice in a picking up the pieces aspect. An upcoming calligrapher has a meltdown when his work is criticized by a director in Tokyo as being uninspired and bland. He's forced to go out to the country and live there for a while to get his shit together. It's nice seeing him have to adapt and how kind the people there are to him even when he doesn't reciprocate at first because he's just not used to the it takes a village mindset.
I remember watching The Garden of Words and really liking the visuals and how you could just see people going about their days kind of. I've been looking for a show with that kind of aesthetic and a lull in plot that isn't boring but is kinda soothing. That sounds pretentious but I'm mostly just looking for the same vibes as my pinterest board lmao
Like, calm green room with some plants in it and a wooken desk thats kinda cluttered and a radiator humming in the back and some cozy white knit blanket on the bed and fairy lights. Also green tea and lofi hiphop. I don't know the aesthetic name but this is my Vision™️ I could probably fill 50 pages with random nonsense that fits the vibe and go YES YES THIS IS THE VISION THIS IS THE THING when its not anything it's just vibes
What's your Vision? - 🌻
Seems asking what animes youve been enjoying was a loaded question! haha, not that i mind, i enjoy long responses; i seem to do them alot aswell! 
if you enjoy somber and soft slice of life, you might enjoy this anime called, March comes in like an lion; stealing from google, 
“A 17 year old socially awkward orphaned shogi player, dealing with adult problems like financial difficulties, loneliness, and depression. A 17 year old socially awkward orphaned shogi player, dealing with adult problems like financial difficulties, loneliness, and depression” 
I belive i got about 5? 6? episodes in before getting caught up in something else to finish it, i should finish it, its very much a feeling provoking anime for me. 
there was a scene in it that really struck me, (actually just looked it up, heres a HD video of it!) I remember exactually what i was doing when i was watching it. i was sitting in my bed, eyes glued to the screen because what i was seeing was just so capturing, that my only reaction afterwards was just, “whoah..” 
i  do have to admit tho, it did take me a hot minute to get use to the visuals; more specifially how much the show focus on the mouths, everything else is just gorgous, it might be something right up your ally infact; but i could be complelty wrong haha.
i think i have alot of visions! alot of sides of me to take in consideration; lately ive been into dark acadmia, it fits very well for me overall aswell as an splash of victorian of course; can’t just leave that in the 1800s, lord no id never forgive myself if i did! 
i think in general, my vision is a nice comfy room, a place i can call home, somewhere i can be myself without fear; a place i could heal, if you think about it.
actually i belivveee... 
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I actually explored these things via drawing! these are pretty old now, which im thankful about, for two reasons. 
They repesent some dark times in my life, and instead of drawing dark things to cope through it, i went a more,, softer aproach to it. 
They show alot of inprovment since then! 
i love soft things, like drinking tea infront of a window, baking something warm on a cold day, watching a comfort show,.. soft things.
and also! it seems we’ve both gotten in the rythem of late night talking haha, i just looked at my clock and its alittle over 3:30 in the morning, i got busy drawing, and when a drawing gets started you dont stop till its done lol; i actually enjoy late talking, it feels more raw and unpolished then regular talking during the day; more personal. 
which do you perfer, late night talking where its a free-for-all of emotions and reactions, or daytime talking where its more thoughtout and prepared? 
-Signed, OEK 
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onedirecton · 2 years
hi!! do you have got7 song recs? I really like not by the moon and you calling my name so I'd appreciate if you can share your favorites with me
hiiiiiiiiii sidhsijdhsjs im going to try not to ramble, but here are all my personal favourites that I’ve categorized by vibes/energy (I’ve also included their solo work!):
For when you have to astral project:
PAGE (Spinning Top)
Switch It Up (Jay B’s solo, SOMO:FUME)
If You Do (MAD)
No One Else (Present: YOU)
I Want U Around (Yugyeom’s solo, Point Of View: U)
DIVE (Jinyoung’s solo song)
Look (Eyes On You)
Pretty Please (Jackson’s solo)
For when you have to stare dramatically out of a window:
Tomorrow, Today (Jinyoung & Jaebeom subunit, Verse 2) - I love Verse 2 with all my heart, the entire album is SO good!
Slow Mo (Bambam’s solo, B)
WAVE (Breath of Love: Last Piece)
Falling In Love (Yugyeom’s solo, Point Of View: U)
Moonlight (Youngjae’s solo, COLORS)
my life (Mark’s solo song)
Nostalgia (Jay B is featured in this song & it’s sooo good)
For fun and silliness and good vibes:
FAME ft Junny (Jay B’s solo, SOMO:Fume)
Thursday (Call My Name)
Teenager (7 for 7)
Just Right (Just Right)
Vibin (Youngjae’s solo album, COLORS)
Risk It All™️:
DRUNK ON YOU (Jaebeom & Yugyeom subunit, FOCUS)
DRUNK (Love Loop)
Honourable mentions: You Are, Never Ever, Breath okay I’ll stop now <333
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luulapants · 2 years
Happy birthday dear. Feel free to give me a rant/deep dive about sth you’re passionate about atm. Last good book you read/show you watched? Or teach me sth. Or tell me about all of these things
Thank youuuu! Hmm, I guess one thing I've been getting into lately (this is gonna sound so lame lmao) is day planning.
So my best friend is the sort of person that can't just buy something. She has to do hours of research to buy The Perfect Thing. The Best Thing. And she's ADHD as fuck so I knew she would already have made herself an expert on day planners, and asked her to get me one for Christmas to help me un-shamble my life.
She presented me with: The Hobonichi Cousin™️, the Cadillac of day planners, plus a case for my planner and a bunch of stickers.
And it's worked out really well so far! Here's some things that work really well for my routine-craving autism brain that could probably be replicated even without The Hobonichi Cousin™️:
reasonable goals & to-do lists aren't promises - this I had kind of worked out before I started, but a friend once gave me this advice: the person we break promises to the most is ourselves. Every time we set a goal that we can't reach, we force ourselves to break a promise. Over time, this leads us to stop trusting ourselves (why would we) and we don't even try to do things because we already think we'll fail. You can build trust with yourself by setting reasonable goals that you can attain and by verbalizing to yourself when something is a wish rather than a promise.
daily tasks - a running checklist of items I want to do (or try to do) every day this month. Some things are just on this list to build consistency into my days (like crossword puzzles and reading the Tao Te Ching) but other daily maintenance-type tasks I kept intentionally vague so I can do whatever is vibing with me, to the extent I'm able. Am I up to lifting weights today? No? How about just walking around the block? Do I want to do a deep clean or can we settle for wiping down the counters?
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5 items per day - at the top of each day page is a 5 item to-do list. If you're completely overwhelmed with tasks for the day, it forces you to pare them down to 5 priority items that absolutely MUST be done. If it's a weekend and the day is your oyster and normally that would mean that you would become one with the couch and waste the whole day, it forces you to pick some things you'd like to get done.
Also, it can function as a bit of a journal if you need to rant:
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larentsaloud · 3 years
God you have no idea how happy I am to find someone who loves Larry and Jikook. It kills me every day trying to explain to people how Harry looks at Louis is exactly how JK looks at Jimin. Like this video of Larry and This video of Jikook. I see no difference. Larry: youtu. be/40VKBQif_J8 Jikook: youtu. be/w-FMTidcIdI Being a Larry & jumping into the BTS fandom, I was hit the with the TK videos, because they seem to be pushed the most and all I got was Zarry & Zarries Documentary lies/vibes.
Anon, I’ve been waiting for you. I’m sort of thrilled to present to you the bellow, while equally scared that I might get shouted at. My people pleasing traits are really getting tested by both fandoms!
When I got into one direction I was in a really bad place <insert apocalypse + dose of depression + gender crisis> and having become part of 1D fandom has literally saved my life. I made friends and *sobs* I’ll be seeing Louis live next year with a fellow bestie I made friends with on the internet. Woohoo.
My interest in Harry & Louis started off quietly over at YouTube LOL, where I watched thousands of compilations and then decided to join StanTwitter. A year ago now! Bizarre really. Anygays, I found tumblr and decided to give it a go. I am a huge technophobe, not sure if it’s a millennial thing? Or just a me thing.
Lots of people will disagree with me…but…jungkook and Harry be looking thirsty 💦💦💦
Exhibit 1.
When your platonic bro crush is seated next to you and what even are words
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Exhibit 2.
Millions of people watching you / listening to you but all you can see is that special person that you’re definitely not in love with
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Exhibit 3.
Lips 👄 did anyone say breathe ™️
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Exhibit 4.
When your bro pal looks like a whole damn meal
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Exhibit 5.
Lips be moving and I am sure something was being said but doubt our boys will NOT remember that because heart eyes mode activated. That interview of 1D still sends me feral when Harry looks for a picture of Louis in the book lmao, even asks in anxious tone <what page> and searches dead ass during the interview. Then Liam eats Louis picture and Harry just… it’s pure chaos.
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If anyone thinks Harry and Louis stopped talking because of Larry? 🤣🤣🤣
Do you think two people would fall out over gay rumour? They would have to be fucking homophobic twats and I wouldn’t be their fan.
In conclusion:
The way Jungkook looks at Jimin is—
With appreciation
Stunned that such perfection exists
Utterly astounded to be in presence of Jimin
Adoring and with devotion
Mesmerised and grateful
Joyful and ecstatic
Thirsty AF
In total absolute love
I agree that the whole TKK resonated with me as Zarry. *giggles* Good luck to everyone though, if it makes them happy…
Anon let’s be friends. 💜💜💜
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