kayatoastkkat · 1 year
alright I'm awake
aw man that ain't good…
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help i think this means the transformation potion is actually gonna stop working as usual and Jekyll dumping all of it down the drain PLUS Hyde's breakdown is coming together to make this all go haywire
(yeah i know he's not exactly happy rn but he's still cute)
Guys i think the cliffhanger for this chapter would be everyone finding out their secret and more people start to notice them changing eye colours like a traffic light
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also the fuck are these purple crystal thingies??
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ludoka · 6 months
They have given me information that there is a Bar called "Dr. Jekyll" in my city. Now I feel obliged to go 😂😂
I read the menu and there are drinks with the names of the chapters of the novel or part of the name of the novel:
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(Why does "Un Extraño Caso" (A Strange Case) have gummy bears??? I don't know but I love it and I'm going to try it.)
There is food with the names of the characters:
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(The Lanyon burger looks interesting. And yes, the "Utterson" burger is the standard burger.😂)
They also told me that it has an outdoor area where there is a stage. That area of ​​the bar is called "Mr. Hyde" and is usually only available at happy hour in my city.
Loved the dedication they put into the place. I also read very good comments about the menu in general and the location. So I know where to drag my friends next time we go out 🤣
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leonenjoyer69 · 6 months
Welcome to my big list of Will Wood songs I relate with Jekyll and Hyde/TGS!! Including what character it's associated with (ie, Jekyll, Hyde, or Lanyon lmao)
I also have art ideas for like, half of these songs so that's fun too (I'm so normal about these things)
Front Street- Hyde
Venetian Blind man- Jekyll, with big chapter 8 vibes, BUT SPECIFICALLY the line:
"Feet, don't fail me now the ways my eyes did
Mind, don't snap and heart, don't break, not now
No, not like this, any but this breakdown"
2econd 2ight 2eer- Hyde
Cotards solution- Jekyll and Hyde
6up 5oh cop-out- Hyde, but also big Chapter 14 vibes
Mr Capgras encounters a secondhand vanity- Jekyll and Hyde (and a little Lanyon, being the one to question what you feel and what you do, is that really you? And things of the like, At least in my silly mind)
BlackBoxWarrior- OKULTRA - Jekyll and Hyde
¡Aikido!-Neurotic/erotic- Jekyll and Lanyon
A little bit mine (cover this song)- Lanyon
Red Moon- Hyde
Chemical overreaction/ Compound fracture- Jekyll
Dr Sunshine is Dead- Jekyll (and a little Hyde)
The song with five names- Jekyll and Lanyon
.. And if I did, you deserved it.- Jekyll
Suburbia overture- Jekyll and Hyde
Marsha, thankk you for the dialectics- Jekyll, and I like to think some of the song is Lanyon talkin to him
Hand me my shovel, I'm going in! - Jekyll, making the potion mayhaps, or his little mind escapade where he figures out what Hyde actually is of him
Against the kitchen floor- Lanyon and Jekyll
Outliars and Hyppocrates - Hyde, talking to Jekyll
The first step- Hyde
2012- Jekyll
When somebody needs you- Lanyon and Jekyll
Misanthrapologist- Lanyon
Sex, drugs, rock 'n roll- Jekyll
Laplaces angel- Hyde
The main character- Hyde
Conclusion: the Will Wood/TGS fan relationship makes sense bc this man could NOT stop popping out songs that people can relate a repressed Victorian man with a despicable Alter ego to.
Also, while on the topic of Will Wood songs, a bonus for my fellow Picture of Dorian Gray fans:
Yes, to err is human, so don't be one is SUCH a Dorian Gray song, specifically him towards Basil, and if I could get my brain to write rn I'd totally write a fanfic of that.
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ashmouthbooks · 1 year
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Medvezhonok by lanyon & fanart by feanorinleatherpants
A6, selfended with the fanart placed on the “endpapers”. Bookcloth is silver & red, with winter soldier arm lines and the title printed on -the silver didn’t take the printing well but I think it looks ok! And I like the faded-looking title, it fits with the fic. the star on the cover is a cutout.
this is one of my all-time favourite winter soldier fics, wherein Bucky finds himself liberating and looking after a child created as an experiment with his DNA. the child is brainwashed (and beloved Bucky to be his dad) but through well-meaning but perhaps inadequate caretaking & affection they become a family unit. highly recommended!
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shadow-yato · 9 months
TGS x MH: The Premise! (Jackson and Holt Centric)
Things to establish!
-My version of MH is used, so some things may be different than canon
-MH and TGS take place in the same universe, just different points at time
-Jackson and Holt’s trigger changed to night and day once again (because otherwise, Holt would not be able to appear at all! Not without modern outlets)
-The AU takes place shortly after Jasper’s recruitment.
Due to a lodger’s shenanigans, Jackson (and Holt) end up in 1885 London, from 2012 New Salem. Said lodger promptly dumps Jackson on Jekyll.
Jekyll, with enough scrutiny on the society, decides to keep this whole ordeal a secret. (The lodger swore to secrecy after some coaxing and bribery)
Jekyll talks one on one with Jackson and learns of their connection. That Jackson is his great grandchild and that he inherited more than just his name. Jackson had a Hyde. Just like him.
He (and Hyde) internally deals with the implications of Jackson and Holt. The fact he has a great grandchild means he’ll marry at some point (did he move on from Lanyon?). The fact HJ-7 became so potent in their blood, it was genetically passed down. What will happen to them?
Pushing that aside, a cover story was established. Jackson (and Holt) are there under the guise of being new lodgers, hiding their relation to Jekyll (and Hyde) With Jackson’s love for Mad science, he fit right in.
The machine that transported Jackson( and Holt) had broken. The only thing way to get the replacement parts is at the Black Fog Bazaar (which said Lodger has been promptly banned from)
Well that’s no problem, Hyde can just get it for them! The machine can be fixed up, Jackson (and Holt) can be sent on their way and everything can go back to normal!
Then Frankenstein and the fire happened.
It complicates things to say the least.
I plan to flesh out this concept further, but I just wanted to get it out there! Please send me asks if you have any questions or fun ideas for this AU! 😊
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sunset-mp4 · 10 months
Fun Facts about the TAOAE characters;
(mostly design wise)
Lanyon has poliosis, which is why he has patches of grey in his hair . its a reference to how in the original book his hair was white.
Utterson's freckles on his left cheek (our right) are meant to look like the big dipper. It's hard to tell with his glasses covering some up most of the time though.
I wanted to give someone the bisexual color pallet... it turned out to be Jekyll.
Poole's multicolored eyes were just on a whim but I enjoy them so much.
Poole and Utterson are the only ones who's color palettes I stuck too. I have a ton of prepared color pallets laying around for typically clothing usage. and I only used them with those two. the other three I just made as I went.
Uttersons clothes that are not his usual clothes tend to look similar too lanyon or jekyll's. this is because they remind him of his friends and its a form of showing his friendship- I can't really put it into words but I hope you know what I mean.
Hyde would absolutely wear more feminine clothes if most of them weren't so "big and frilly". He likes to be able to run around and do things in his clothes and dresses don't really allow for that much. and also Jekyll protesting this idea very strongly.
Hyde was going to have lighter hair with dark at the bottom, but I changed it out.
every day I remember that "Poole" was suppose to be Pooles last name. and not his first name. and I messed up terribly. but its sort of too late. I want to eat glass.
i made the playlist for the story as I was making it up. this helped me create certain character dynamics and lore- my friends have heard it all the moment it happened TTwTT
With layon's hair, its like "okay so exactly four hair things with the fringe, and then the stripes go like this" and I'm very precise.. but then on the left side I'm like "it does this thing." and that's all- whatever isn't the hair covering side I just let it do what it wants.
Utterson and Jekyll are both hand talkers whereas lanyon doesn't tend to use his hands much for gesturing. or gestures that much at all, its all in his face.
just like in the book, Hyde just feels naturally uncanny. the sharp teeth and white pupils don't help this lmao.
thats all for now ::]
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quimble · 2 years
Childhood AU - Happy Birthday!
The first time they try to make a cake, it doesn't really work. Henry misread the measurements and accidentally added too much sugar and it ended up a gooey mess.
Not a bad tasting gooey mess, but a gooey mess nonetheless.
They had to bin that one and try again.
Both boys had gone out, trying to figure out at what time exactly Papa Lanyon would be out of the house for work. Then Robert and Henry would dart away from school as soon as it was over, with the little coins they had in there pockets.
Buying up eggs, flour, sugar and butter, along with some icing sugar, then tugging them home in their schoolbags, luckily avoiding Simon and his roving group of bullies.
Papa Lanyon still isn't home yet, fantastic.
The second time they try and make the cake, it turns out brilliantly.
And then the butter accidentally melted because they left it too near the warm oven. So they can't make buttercream.
They leave the cake though, the cake is fine. Both boys scamper away once more to the shops for some more butter and some good jam, making it back just in time to see Papa Lanyon at the door.
Exchanging a worried glance, they dart around the back, Henry holding up branches to let Robert through and tumbling into the kitchen via a window. Henry looks to Robert and they instantly form a plan. Robert starts making up the buttercream, layering it on the cake, but if Papa Lanyon comes to check the kitchen their surprise is all over!
Robert hears, from dangerously close to the door, "Mr Lanyon, can I tell you a science fact?"
Papa Lanyon stopped, looking down at Henry. He had been going to make a cup of tea now that he'd got home, but that can wait for a moment. Crouching down to Henry's level, he nods. "Of course. What's this brilliant science fact?"
Henry looks stunned, rustling through his memory to try and figure out what to say. "Did you know.. that.. people with blue and green eyes can see better in the dark?"
"Oh? Why's that?"
"Well, people with brown eyes have more melanin, like what makes my and your skin different colours! The melanin blocks all of the eye space to let light through, so they can't see as well in the dark! People with blue and green eyes though have less melanin, so they see better in the dark! It also means that sunlight can be super bright for them sometimes though."
Lanyon SR reached up and ruffled Henry's hair with a warm smile, "What a wonderful science fact! What about red eyes?"
That stumps Henry. He has no idea. Red is not a common colour at all.
"Well, what would you hypothesise?"
Henry shuffles on his feet, deep in thought, "Well, they're dark, so I would say the same as people with brown eyes, but they're also really sensitive to light? Only sometimes though. But it can be okay?"
"Maybe that's your next thing to experiment on?"
"Mm.." Henry muses.
Lanyon SR moves to stand and open the door before Henry quickly catches his hand, staring at him with an almost panicked expression. "Uh! Now you've got to tell me a boat fact!"
Lanyon SR watches him with an ounce of concern. He wonders where Robert is, he wonders why Henry is desperately trying to keep his attention. And trying to keep him out of the kitchen.
"A boat fact?" Henry prompts weakly, seeing Lanyon SR's eyes on the door still.
"Ah, yes, well." He tries to think of what could be of any interest. "Did you know that one of the most successful pirates was actually a woman? She was-"
There's a thud from inside the kitchen and Lanyon SR can't stop himself from going in now. He stands quickly, stepping past Henry, who's trying to grab at his trousers to hold him back, and opens the door.
He's immediately waving away a small cloud of white, looking to Robert who's stood in the middle of it, absolutely covered in the stuff. He watches as Robert shakes his head, a flurry of sugar falling from his curls.
Robert sneezes, then blinks his eyes open, looking at him sheepishly.
"Are you okay?" Lanyon SR asks, holding back a chuckle. Robert looks really embarrassed though, staring away at the floor with a stiff nod. Lanyon SR swallows away the chuckle, not wanting to upset his son.
Henry's looking up at the side though and Lanyon SR's gaze follows.
On the side is a simple Victoria Sponge and he realises that these two have made a cake. A cake for him. He didn't even realise the two of them knew when his birthday was.
He hears Henry whispering behind him to Robert, "It looks so good!"
Robert doesn't answer for a moment, rubbing at his eyes with one fist and hand trailing down to Henry's with the other.
"I'm sorry I messed it up at the end." Robert whispers back sadly.
Henry immediately looks over to him, shaking his head. "It still looks perfect."
When Lanyon SR turns back, he sees Robert being hugged gently by Henry, kneeling down to hug them too.
"Thank you, both of you. It looks beautiful."
He feels Robert pressing into his shoulder, resting his head down on his sons still slightly white hair. Then he hears a soft voice, "Happy birthday Papa.."
"Yeah." Henry joins in, just as softly, "Happy birthday Mr Lanyon."
He hugs his boys closer, smoothing the icing sugar from Robert's hair. On Robert's face, he can see the edges of a small smile, making his own smile widen.
"Now, do either of you want a slice?"
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mademoiselle-red · 1 year
TC chapter 6 reread thoughts, part 1
Laurie re-living the scene in the study over and over again for months after Ralph had gone is simply adorable. He may have recently lived on Andrew’s words for two days, but he’s been living on Ralph’s kiss for YEARS
“Lanyon’s survival belonged only between […] the covers of The Phaedrus.” So when Laurie finally gives the book away, it means he has finally let go of this idealized version of Ralph that probably never really existed, since he didn’t really know Ralph in school. In a way, his abandonment of his idealized version of Ralph was necessary so that he can truly see and accept Ralph in all his human vulnerability.
“There were no stairs at the hospital and he hadn’t expected it to be so bad.” Laurie didn’t have to deal with any stairs since his injury until he climbs the stairs to Sandy’s flat in chapter 6. In order to see Ralph, Laurie needs to make efforts he hasn’t had to make before. He has to climb the stairs with his bad leg, over and over, every time he wants to see Ralph. In contrast, until the trip to London, Laurie has never had to climb a set of stairs to see Andrew. And the first and only time, in London, where he does need to climb some stairs to see Andrew, he doesn’t make the effort. Readers and reviewers have written at length about how much effort Ralph makes to fight for their relationship, but Laurie is also making an effort in his own way, to make their relationship work. He isn’t passively letting Ralph “maneuver” him into a relationship: he climbs the stairs, he overstays his pass, he overcomes his fears and hesitations to comfort Ralph when Ralph is in pain, he tries to get along with Alec and Bunny, the important people in Ralph’s life, he makes an effort to integrate himself into Ralph’s life, to draw out Ralph’s confidences and root himself into Ralph past as deeply as Ralph does in return. Whenever his doubts tempt him to give up on Ralph, he pushes through: he goes on a second date with Ralph after the disaster first date, he goes to Ralph’s apartment instead of writing a letter, and he goes to Ralph to apologize even though he thinks he won’t be forgiven.
“Several introductions went through his ears unheard.” I love how other people simply fade away when Laurie is preoccupied with Ralph. And Ralph hasn’t even shown up yet 😂
Laurie “suddenly imagined Lanyon frisking in and speaking like” the openly queer people at the party and decides he needs to leave. At this stage, his crush on Ralph is not different from his crush on Andrew. Laurie wants to avoid and ignore everything that challenges his idealized image of his beloved.
Laurie telling to Alec “I rather feel, really, that I’ve come here under false pretenses” is Laurie saying “I’m totally not gay” to the man whose birthday party he crashed so he can blatantly thirst after and fight over the man’s ex-boyfriend 😂😂😂
Out of a sense of inferiority to Ralph, Laurie can’t imagine Ralph would even remember him or care about him. He keeps saying stuff like “Ralph makes everyone feel he took a personal interest” and later stuff like “Ralph knows what one likes” because he can’t imagine this idealized “higher being” needing a normal person like himself. To accept Ralph’s love for him is to acknowledge Ralph as a normal person. On one hand, Laurie wants to be an equal partner, to be relied upon, to take responsibility for Ralph’s well-being, but he is also afraid of this responsibility, afraid of admitting that he is simply in love with a normal person, and not some embodiment of heroism or virtue (which would have lent his love some “higher purpose”)
Laurie overhears a guy gossiping about his cheating boyfriend and thinks “oh god where has it got to?” But if you stop and really think about it, this is no different from Reg telling Laurie about his cheating wife in earlier chapters. It’s Laurie’s internalized double standard at work: like Ralph, he feels that jealousy over a man should be beneath him, but he is sympathetic when it’s over a woman. Queer love is supposed to be “more noble” than hetero love and all that bullshit.
Awww Laurie is so eager to stand up and greet Ralph that “in his haste”, he hurt his leg 😭
“His mouth straightened; Laurie knew the expression well.” Laurie, just how big of a stalker were you in school? Like, he could just as easily have said to Ralph in the study, “I’ve been watching you too, Lanyon. I know all your facial expressions, and I know how you like your toast” 👀 (Ralph: ok but why did you have to make it sound so creepy…)
“I’d have known you anywhere” says Laurie to Ralph, after telling Andrew in the last chapter that he wouldn’t have recognized Ralph if they met again 🤣 It’s part of Laurie’s tendency to underestimate his own attachment to Ralph when Ralph isn’t around only to be proven wrong once he is actually in Ralph’s presence. As he spends more time with Ralph and gets to know him better, he falls deeply in love with Ralph-the-person, while slowly realizing that Ralph-the-idea isn’t real…
“It was then that Laurie remembered, for the first time in some minutes, the presence of other people.” Again, love how other people become air to Laurie when Ralph is in the room.
“The hairpin had been dropped.” I love how Laurie stubbornly keeps up his pretense of not being gay but the second Ralph shows up, he becomes unable to hide it
“Except for two people in a far corner who seemed to be holding hands in dead silence, they were probably the quietest couple in the room.” I love how they literally just met for the first time in seven years like 5 minutes ago but are already behaving like a couple ❤️
Also, it’s hilarious and sweet how Ralph is like “let’s get out of here”, and Laurie is like “we should be polite to Alec”, and then Ralph gets jealous and Laurie’s like “sure, let’s get out of here if you’d rather.” It just occurred to me that this exchange really only works under the tacit understanding that they are romantically interested in each other and are each other’s “date” at this party. (I know Ralph is Laurie’s ride home but this convo is way too overly charged if he were just the designated driver.) This also means that not only did Laurie crash Alec’s party to see Ralph, upon seeing Ralph, he unconsciously made himself Ralph’s “plus-one” and acted like it too when Bim came along. I love how this is then flipped when Ralph crashes the wedding as Laurie’s “plus-one.” 😅
“Laurie took the tablets. On a sudden impulse he said, “Thank you, Ralph.” And from the moment forward, Lanyon becomes Ralph in Laurie’s mind 🥰🥰🥰 another milestone in their relationship 🎉🎉🎉
Laurie sees the vulnerability behind Ralph’s “practiced” smile and feels an “inexplicable urgency to be kind, for which he could find no expression.” This is such an insightful way of describing love! It focuses not on the idea of love but the emotional experience of it. Love is the inexplicable urge to be kind to someone again and again, and finding all the available expressions of kindness at one’s disposal utterly inadequate and disproportional to the depth of one’s sentiments. For Laurie, the problem was never whether he loves Ralph, but whether he can act on that love. Ralph doesn’t seem to need anything from him. How do you express your love for someone who doesn’t seem to need anything from you? And how can you express your love when all the ways of acting on it are considered immoral?
Laurie becoming “sore” upon hearing about Bunny and trying so hard to rationalize away his jealousy 😂
“Don’t go away” […] Laurie still felt a sadness pressing on him from he did not know where.” They haven’t even gone on a date much less slept with each other yet but Laurie is already so attuned to Ralph’s emotions 😭😭😭
Laurie sees an 18 year old young sailor among the group of “rent boys” that Harry tries to lead into the party and compares his face to “a blank sheet waiting helplessly to be scribbled on.” It’s really interesting how Laurie assumes 18/19 year olds like that sailor and Andrew are helpless blank slates in need of good influence while both he and Ralph were not really like that as teenagers. Ralph at 19 already knows what he wants and who he is as a person, even though he was terribly vulnerable and in a helpless situation at the time. Laurie at 16 was also had an intuitive sense of his own sexuality and was insistent about getting something from Ralph, even if he wasn’t sure what exactly he wanted.
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carrotcakecrumble · 11 months
Loved the little snippets you’ve shared so far – religious Ralph, that is a deep, deep seam…..Dark Sandy?  Yes please!!
And you had to remind me of the Laurie letter fic, I know already I am going to love it and if you are going to tackle the *other* letter, OMG, I need that letter deconstructed, I’m too scared to do it myself.
So, let me see what I'd like more of.....for some reason Ralph rent boy is jumping out at me, can’t think why!
And I’ll have all your young Alec please, for purely selfish reasons.
I take it the rest of your Ralph diaries are not in your WIP folder because they are already in the ‘Ready to publish but going to tease RP a bit longer’ folder 😉
Hssjsg THANK YOU!!!
Ok So a little of the rent boy fic💅:
A black Austin. The letter instructed that if he didn’t know what an Austin was, he was to look out for the smartest motorcar to drive by. A few lines later, there was the more helpful advice to watch out for a motorcar that had ‘Austin’ welded in silver onto the grill. After a long and fretful wait, a car matching the description drew up beside him. With it‘s wheels kicking up a cobbled grey cloud, it gave a rather ghostly impression of emerging from a winter’s fog. A hearse, Dickensian almost, Ralph thought. The smartest hearse to drive by.
It parked, the breaks squawking and shivering away the blanket of smog it had created. Ralph approached stiffly and gave three soft knocks to the driver’s window. A fuzzy silhouette inside jumped, and then collecting itself, staggered the window open. Like an eye refocusing, the colours of the interior emboldened and focussed into what was recognisably the very neat and clean interior of a car. The silhouette, now revealed, became a smart, middle-aged man wrapped up in navy wools, leathers and velvets. He had a rather white face, wrinkled and placid, that looked like it had been knitted together with a few dropped stitches. His hands, whose fingers were creating soft, wave-like taps against the steering wheel, were covered in black driving gloves, the knuckles cut out to reveal the red, scabbed skin underneath.
“Ralph, is it?” A refined and tight voice asked, vaguely northern in vowels but otherwised well-docked into proper, gentleman’s English. It pronounced the ‘L’ in Ralph’s name like it was a hill to be gotten over.
“Yes. You’re—“
“I already know who I am. Get in then, Ralph.”
One of the pre-canon Alec ones👁️👁️:
“What is-s-s your name? If you’ll excuse my unmannerly persis-sis-sistance?”
The sailor glanced over, hard blue eyes framed inside water smoothed cheekbones. Someone like this would usually cost a few bob, easily. He could hardly believe his luck having come across it for free, and so willing, too. Alec pinched the braces onto his trousers, glided them up over bare shoulders and then dropped neatly, hands folded in his lap, onto the edge of the bed.
“Lanyon.” The sailor replied, almost shyly, very much different from how he had been the night before. “You’re a doctor,” he said, as though that was a name enough. Then he leant back against the bed frame, arms folded and spiked upwards like the teeth of a tiara, sliding behind his head, fair hair hinting at colour within the dark like a crown jewel.
“Sometimes. Sometimes I’m-m-m an Alec.”
“Sometimes I’m a Ralph.”
“Ralph. Wuh-well. Ralph, how long are you back on shore?”
Ralph turned his head towards the closed curtains, face split in half from the single streak of morning sunlight, “indefinitely.”
“Ah.” Alec pushed closer to him, “So does-s… that mean you’ll be fr-fr…free later today? For a m-m…meal, perhaps?”
A smile spread on Ralph’s face, slowly and jaggedly, “it might.” They sat for a minute, looking and smiling and looking and smiling. Then just as silently, Ralph bit his grin away, and stared down at the fidgeting hands in Alec’s in his lap.
“I’m not free.” He said, abruptly.
“Doesn’t have to be today—“
“No, I mean. I’ve got someone. A girl.”
“Oh.” Alec shrugged, “with her to-today?”
“Then you’re free.”
And then a little alternative one:
“Who is that?”
“That’s— but no— Charlotte he’s with— you know her. Gill. You know her.”
“Would keep a—“
“—gosh. a ten foot poll.”
“Well, exactly.”
“A shame.”
“Though, between us—“
“Oh, you are terrible!”
“—I’ve heard they’re not exactly Mr and Mrs enamoured.”
“He’s a temper and she’s a button pusher. Both miserable and— of course, That’s just between us.”
Alec dropped the cigarette butt into his empty gin glass. If the hiccuped conversation over his shoulder hadn’t been enough, he knew when he was getting the look. Quietly, concealed by clammy pools of dancers, he approached the watching eyes. Whilst drawing near, he snatched a (as far as he could tell) untouched whisky off of a coffee table and gave it a little, revitalising swirl.
“Hullo.” He said, voice loud so as to be heard over the vibrant chatter and steady music, “I thought you looked like you needed—“ he offered out the whisky, watched it as he waited for the response.
“Oh. Thank you.” The drink exchanged hands, warm fingers brushing together.
“You’re with— Gill?”
“Don’t remind me.” The unnamed man threw back his head and downed the drink, at first slowly and with conscious grace, and then without warning, tipped it away with a whippy but firm movement that emptied the entire glass. He held it by his waist afterwards, obscuring a golden pocket watch draped over his waistcoat button. They’d met at half past ten, Alec noted.
“I always come alone to these things.” Alec said, looking up from the clock face into an equally obscured, equally as gilded human one.
“Gill dragged me along…” his face moved as though chewing, as though his thoughts were hard bits of gristle. “I’d like to bloody-well leave alone.”
This made Alec laugh, and on sudden impulse he offered his hand into the narrow gap left between their fronts.
“I’m Alexander. Alec. Just to mention.”
“Ralph.” Ralph smiled, “just to mention.”
(AND YES DW THE OTHER CHAPTERS WERENT INCLUDED because then the post would have genuinely taken 10 minutes to scroll through🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ they do exist secretly maybe)
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prittypony1 · 2 years
At this point in the story I’m getting very bored. Is anyone else? I mean it dosent feel like anything’s happening. In fact, it feels like we’re getting to the end because everything is getting resolved very quickly.
Another thing is that at this point there is no antagonist. All of the antagonists have quickly been done away with. At this point, it feels more like ‘a day in the life of ‘ story. Where is all the adventure and excitement that was there in the beginning? All the relationships are getting wrapped up in a neat little bow with no action happening. Perhaps my boredom is only because it’s a week by week update and I’m just ready for the story to be over after 8 years. I’m getting readers fatigue. I know that this story will have a happy ending and I know that these two hopefully will get together there just doesn’t seem to be any stakes in the story anymore to keep me interested. It’s not that I’ll stop reading, it’s just boring now.
Problems I have with this story :
Every singe antagonist has quickly been dealt with. There is nothing for our protagonist to fight against.
There are no stakes. (Every single hint of stakes has been quickly resolved. But perhaps we are in the lull before the storm)
There is plot armor (even though things can bleed and die, apparently this rule does not apply to the main characters) ( Hyde only bled once but that’s all that happened. Nether character can be physically hurt in real life which is unrealistic.
Lanyon talking about his feeling after Jekyll’s wakes up from uncontioustess doesn’t really feel like it belongs here. You’d think he’d wait to do that. But I suppose since we are nearing the end, we have to put these moments somewhere in the plot.
Jekyll talking about how he hopes the society will fail seems weird because we’ve been told over and over again that his is important to him.
The exhibition ends up not actually being important and everything goes well. Like foreshadowing it as oh something gonna go down but then nothing happens.
Minor nit picks:
I still don’t know how someone can make a curved dagger that is sharp. How does that work? This boggles me and continues to keep me up at night.
Hyde’s fireworks that he picked up at the black-frog bazar diapered and have been completely forgotten. As well as Hyde’s dagger that also was introduced and disappeared. There was also a death potion. Are all of these things going to be important to the plot going forward? Because if you have a gun you have to fire it somewhere. If not useful to the plot, why we’re they introduced in the first place?
Why are Hyde’s pants drawn like there tights? This bothers me.
The prostatues clothes don’t seem historically accurate to me. It looks like a costume you’d find in an adult Halloween store.
It seems like we’re checking all the boxes on LGBTQ but have we covered a straight relationship yet? No. But we’ve covered everything else. I see no straight representation. It doesn’t matter, because this comic isn’t made for straight people. That’s fine I can deal with it. (There is some but it’s way in the background and not talked about much.)
The author said she wished that she made Jekyll trans. You already have two trans people in this comic, why do you need more? I get that your trans but does every character you make need to be that way? If you did that it would make this comic super boring.
(The author coming out as trans in 2020 did not surprise me. What did surprise me was it took them this long to realize it based on how much they talked about all there trans characters.)
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quilna · 2 years
Oh my gosh to add onto this, imagine the vise versa, what do you get a man who has everything or can get anything is something Hyde and Jekyll ask when anniversaries or big events come around for Lanyon…
Jasper: maybe he just likes your company? I don’t think he likes things as much as he likes you. Maybe just a nice date, that’s what me and Rachel do.
Jekyll: we go on dates all the time, he’s always been generous and dashing (we) want to give him something
Jasper: If you say so sir :/
Jekyll and Hyde hurriedly commissioning lodgers to try to make something that Lanyon would love. Jekyll has no idea what to commission but Hyde commissions a robot hand that walks around and flips people off.
Jekyll is not nearly ready enough to be so crass, especially when it comes to a gift for Lanyon. Against all Jasper's explaining that Lanyon loves him for who he is, not what he can give him, Jekyll is still fussing over it.
In the end, whatever he gets isn't anything like Jekyll hoped, chosen in too much of a rush. Maybe it's a simple bouquet of flowers he buys too early in his panic and all the flowers wilt by the time the event comes around.
Lanyon loves the gift that Hyde got him. He finds it hilarious. Lodgers spend the next several weeks having a robot hand sneaking up behind them to flip them off. Nobody's safe from it. Every time anyone does anything to tick off Lanyon, they have to watch their back because that robot hand is coming for them.
Then it comes around with Jekyll's turn and he finally chooses to take Jasper's advice to take Lanyon on a date instead.
He takes Lanyon to some quiet last-minute place like a park since all the bigger, fancier places are fully booked (he spent too long fussing on what sort of place to book and, by the time he had decided, it was too late.)
Feebly, he tries to explain what happened and that he still loves Lanyon and he didn't mean for this to turn out so badly.
Lanyon just gives him a curious look.
"What do you mean badly? Henry, this is wonderful! I love it!"
Jekyll, now equally confused, tries to protest that he hasn't managed to give Lanyon some big, amazing date. They're eating alone in a park because he didn't even book tables in advance.
But Lanyon loves it. He has to deal with big, fancy gestures all the time, usually ones that never have any thought or love behind them. The park is beautiful, it's quiet, and he's there with Henry and Edward.
He doesn't have fancy flowers but the ground is covered in all the weeds like daisies and dandelions that his father would never allow in the garden and it's lovely in its own wilder way. Lanyon especially enjoys blowing dandelion seeds across the park. Hyde keeps taking control of Jekyll to pick grass and drop it in Lanyon's lap.
They sit there alone, eating sandwiches, and feeding ducks for the entire date and Lanyon loves every second of it.
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
The disturbing part of this and the reason why it seems like Jekyll’s face is like that in the panel is because what does it sound like when you’re willing to die?
Suicide, yes that’s right it seems The Lodgers doing this is bringing up some very bad memories
Well it has not been confirmed that the character has attempted suicide the glaring looks that he gets in the one panel and the words “why won’t you help me” do seem to lend themselves towards this interpretation
Because he could’ve very well felt look down upon by other people for his depression when he wanted/needed help from them but they didn’t give it when he needed it and therefore that is what created Hyde Because that is the only out he felt he had other than that… Other one
This could also be an issue in the second page as he accidentally reveals his depression ,and possible attempted suicide, he rips into the lodgers telling them that they should not try to die as he managed to not do so, they do not have his issues, so they should not even be trying to take such drastic actions,especially not to try to impress somebody else
It will be very upsetting if the lodgers choose to take Frankenstein’s side or a Frankenstein catches onto Jekyll’s depression, and tries to use that against him
As we have seen time and time again that this woman is very morally bankrupt and will be willing to use any means to get back at the one she feels went to far with her despite the fact that she has continuously hurt him, and may in fact try and physically hurt him very much like how she did so meeting him for the first time punching Henry in the face.
And should Henry strike her back in self-defense the lodgers will immediately turn against him even more even when he struck back in defense of his own well-being, or even if he chooses to simply shove her away and somehow manages to knock her down either because she loses her footing or intentionally lets herself fall to make him look worse
Or this could actually be the chapter where Jekyll transforms into Hyde for the very first time without his iconic potion, And his secret is let out at last, but this is a very Unlikely outcome because we still have More of the comic to go though.
The cover art with the cabin does loan itself to the fact that he may be forced to run away for some reason, either because he manages to hurt Frankenstein severely and runs off or because he is kicked out by the lodgers for arguing with her and trying to “control everything” And the lodgers being under the naïve assumption that they can take care of the society on their own without his assistance, And Jekyll Goes to the cabin in some attempt to un-create Hyde out of misplaced anger and blame or just a spot to hide out because he feels too embarrassed to go ask to stay with Lanyon especially after their last official meeting involved violence
And Lanyon will find him at the cabin and this will end up heading into the situation similar to the book where they have a falling out though unlike the book it won’t last as the situation is different and the aforementioned love they have for each other, This could also be an interesting twist on the original ending where Jekyll flees with Frankenstein from the city after being chased out but instead he ends up leaving with Lanyon and they end up running off together to do other adventures, As Frankenstein would need to Undergo severe character rehab in order for that ending to be a possibility
And this will lead to another book reference when Lanyon’s father ends up dying because he hears the news that his son ran off with another man or he witnesses a transformation when confronting the two.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
In complete honesty, I'm not sure I 100% hate Lanyon... I know that probably sounds bad, but I mean, as long as we're defending Jekyll from everyone then I think we should defend Lanyon too. He should be held accountable, I don't disagree with that, but I don't think all the hate he's about to get is justified.
Taking Lanyon's past and upbringing into account, he's probably had it pounded into his head since day one that indulgence is wrong and expressing emotions is just as, if not more horrible. Probably the only reason he even HAS these affairs is because he knows he can cover it up and cut it off any moment, which is cruel but also a bit depressing... I think he needs just as much help and therapy as Jekyll does, but it seems like people don't talk about it as much.
He's in just as bad of a situation as Jekyll, and I feel bad for him. He clearly cares for Henry, far too much than he's used to, and he can't cope with it and thinks it's wrong so he pushes Jekyll away at any chance he can get, but also accidentally shows he cares, he does this push and pull and it's damaging Jekyll as well as himself
As I said, I don't necessarily hate Lanyon, but I certainly think both of them need therapy and there is no denying that their relationship was incredibly toxic. I tried to... Not justify necessarily, but I tried to bring up both viewpoints when writing the analysis. Although I do have to admit that I am biased bc Lanyon is nowhere near one of my top fave characters in TGS and Jekyll is someone I can relate to... A lot. I honestly have my doubts that Lanyon will get much hate (at least, unless Jekyll reveals some other horrible shit Lanyon did to him) but! you do bring up good points. As I said, he is scared of the emotional intimacy and he wants to be respectable, as much as he tries to seem like he doesn't care, he is still a people-pleaser and that's why he married his wife in the first place. Still, I do think Lanyon (and Jekyll, for that matter) should be held accountable for their wrongs. What Lanyon did was traumatising to Jekyll and regardless of his intent and his own problems, it's still horribly toxic and not something that should be swept under the rug.
Anyways Give Lanyon & Jekyll Therapy 1885 they really need it.
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thisissirius · 3 years
17 questions. 17 people. 
 clearly a LOT of you wanted to me to do this because y’all are tagging me :D
nicknames; siri is my nickname (but also jellybean (family)
zodiac; technically that sign that everyone forgets exists (snake man?) but i’m a sag. i have no idea what signs are supposed to mean.
height; 5′4″
hogwarts house; hufflepuff main, ravenclaw secondary (i subscribe to the @sortinghatchats method of sorting :))
last thing i googled; lyrics for hold on by chord overstreet for fic purposes
followers; 4k plus. multifandom mood.
song stuck in my head; at the moment, boyce avenue’s cover of breaking the habit
how much sleep; i get consistently six; the cat likes to wake me up by sitting on my head :)))
lucky number; don’t have one
dream job; writer where i don’t have to have another job ;_;
wearing; bambi pyjamas because when i work from home, that’s how i roll
favourite song; paralyzed by nf but only for the moment; it shifts a lot
favourite instrument; cello. i love playing it, i love listening to it, i love doing the fingering motions (why does that NEVER sound good) even when i’m listening.
aesthetic; i don’t…. naturesque i guess? i love being surrounded by everythng forest, browns and greens and yellows. i love space, animals, and djsghafjds i guess i’m just describing favourite things, but honestly, my aesthetic is things i love.
favourite author; richard adams has been my fave author since i was seven. but josh lanyon lately, thanks @madroxed
favourite animal noise; that whickering noise horses make when they see you and they love you
something random; my birthmark is super pale and on my face and only comes out when i’m really angry (red in the face)
tagging; not sure who else wants to do this but if you do, I AM TAGGING YOU 
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usukimpala67 · 5 years
So I want to talk wbout how truely terrfying Jekyll can be
And by comparison how... non threatening Hyde is.
Specfically I wanna use the scene from the Bandits Cavern, chapter 5, to highlight my point.
Both Jekyll and Hyde have build up and explosive moments in the private scene. Lets start with Hyde. He starts with tempting Jekyll before:
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The scene is almost comical because of the facial expressions, and because well... we expect this from Hyde. We expect Hyde to throw a tempurtantrum, its not shocking or frighting at all because well, it's typical.
Now compare Jekyll's
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Its honestly much more dramatic because even Hyde's terrified by his outburst.
Again compare Hyde insulting and going on about Jekyll's worst fears
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To Hyde as Jekyll going on about Frankenstein's fears
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Its what makes greeneyed!Jekyll so scary, not only because of plot implications, but also because... it's Jekyll saying and doing these things. It's also what makes Jekyll and Hyde such a compelling story overall, Hyde is Jekyll meaning that Jekyll is fully capable of any of the stuff Hyde does. And thats whats so surprising. You don't expect someone as
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Respectable and kind as Doctor Henry Jekyll to be capable of such anger and to be able to cause such terror.
Which means when he shows it, its that much more shocking. That brings me to the lastest page and how beautifully showing it is.
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Lanyons never seen Jekyll like this, no one has. Which is why he's so shocked. However Jekyll feels guilty because he knows hes capable of lashing out like this on his own, and the only thing stopping him is his reputation and the layers of emotional repression hes covered himself in.
Even other characters note this, Frankenstein is obvious, but even Jasper and Sargent Brokenshire have stated that Jekyll is down right terrifying when he wants to be.
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And the dichotomy between him and Hyde is what makes Jekyll so scary. You expect someone like Hyde to be a little shit and to lash out, you don't expect it of Jeykll but Hyde is proof he can be like that when he wants to.
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jeks-tgs · 4 years
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(I'm sorry this took so long)
TW: angst, blood, implied self-harm in the form of self-experimention, poor mental health, downward spiral, hallucinations, mentioned verbal abuse
It was sudden and without warning. One minute Dr. Jekyll was fine, his usual upbeat self, and the next he just... snapped. Maybe it was Frankenstein calling him a whore, maybe it was the Lodgers cackling, but it broke him. He spun around and glared wildly at the old woman on the bed, teeth bared in an animalistic grin and eyes holding a mad sort of anger to them. The Lodgers quickly fell silent, eyes wide, but Frankenstein merely lifted a brow. He stormed towards her, shoved the medication into her hands, and left.
From there it just got worse. He would talk to himself, react to things that weren't there, and from what Jasper had finally told them, he smelled of blood, whiskey, and brimstone almost constantly. It eventually got to the point where the others could smell it too, which led to their current situation.
"Dr. Jekyll?" Ito asked hesitantly, surveying the chaos of his office with worry. "Dr. Jekyll? Are you in here?" She crept further into the room, careful not to step on any of the paperwork strewn about the floor, a lot of it covered in worrying stamps of 'past due' or even more worrying splashes of dark brownish red, flaking off the paper. She nearly screamed when a hand grasped her shoulder, turning to stare into Jekyll's wild stare. He grinned like a cheshire cat, his green eyes catching the light- wait, no. That wasn't right. The doctor's eyes had always been red. "What... happened to you?" Her voice trembled as she noticed the glowing green hidden amongst the blood steadily flowing from his nose and lips.
"Freedom, and yourself?" He crooned with an odd tilt of his head. Ito took a cautious step back.
"We're worried for you," She said slowly, lifting her hands in the same manner one would use with a frightened animal. "We haven't seen you in a while." Here the man grinned, so wide and unhinged that for a second Ito's heart leapt into her throat, thudding painfully with fear.
"I've been working, perfecting my experiment," He said with a little titter, slender fingers easily plucking a book from a nearby pile. How he could find anything in this mess was almost more intriguing than what the contents of the journal were. A sudden growl had the junior neo-alchemist looking up, heart shuttering to a halt at the dark anger on the man's face. Thankfully he was glaring at the mirror, not her, as he spat out, "It's my research, you bastard, I'll show whoever I damn well please!!" He made a gesture with his arm as if brushing something aside, but Ito couldn't see anything there. "And call off your damn nightmares!! It's impossible to focus with them here!!" Just then, Bird poked his head in, mouthing over Jekyll's shoulder 'Dr. Lanyon is here'. Ito mouthed back 'Take him ro Frankenstein', not wanting to risk the man seeing his co-founder like this. She didn't know Lanyon all that well, and she was worried he might send Jekyll off to Bedlam if he saw him like this. Bird nodded, ducking out of sight.
"Alright, Jekyll, let's see this research of yours.."
"I don't understand why I can't just go and see Henry!"
Helsby and Mosley shared a look, uncertain. Dr. Lanyon tapped his foot impatiently, looking rather cross as the two stood in front of him.
"W-Well, y' see sir.." Helsby began, only to let out a breath of relief as Bird called out to the man, claiming he was needed up in the attic. With a huff, Lanyon headed up the stairs, grumbling with irritation. When he reached the old woman's room, he was prepared to have to console a distressed Henry, only to furrow his brow when he was instead met with a triumphant grin.
"Ah, so my new doctor has finally arrived," She sneered. "Honestly, they should just send Jekyll, seeing how I can tolerate him now." Lanyon narrowed his eyes in frustrated confusion. "Oh, have they not told you? They want you to mix up that fancy medicine on that paper there because they don't trust Jekyll not to do something rash. I personally don't see the reason in it; proper mad science never follows textbooks or recipes!"
"What are you talking about 'Henry can't be trusted'? He's one of the most trustworthy men I know!" He argued. "And what do you mean 'mad science', Henry isn't mad!" He immediately regretted saying that when he saw the way Frankenstein's victorious smirk only grew. "..what did you do?"
"I didn't do anything," The old woman raspt with a cruel smile. "He must have finally seen the error of his ways and discarded all that pompous nonsense, and he's been much more enjoyable ever since. Of course, it is admittedly a tad unnerving when he starta yelling at his reflection, but one does need to be mad to be a mad scien- where are you going? Wait, you're supposed to make my medicine!" Lanyom didn't listen, already rushing towards Henry's office.
As he ran, he couldn't help but feel grateful Henry never took him up on his offers to teach him how to box; if he needes to subdue his friend for his safety, he'd prefer it not to be more difficult than necessary.
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