#but like. to just. have everyone vanish? with no real reason why? ESPECIALLY in such a big office???
robo-bozo7125 · 3 months
props to stanley for navigating a completely empty office, because i work in an office and it creeps me tf out every time i'm left alone for whatever reason and it's just. silent. i would be shitting bricks if everyone disappeared for no reason jesus
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b3achysurfer · 7 months
I really wanna talk about this scene where “Logan saves Ashlyn” because I really believe it’s more than just that
I’m gonna be referencing mostly episodes 34, 35, 43, and 44 just in case you want to do your own digging 😋!
for starters I kinda bugs me when people brush this whole scene off as ‘Logan saving ash’ because 3 things:
1.) Logan saving Ashlyn didn’t really feel natural! mans was allllll the way in the graveyard, he was scared, it was dark, and he didn’t have any prior experience with using guns. but he still somehow did it in 1 shot. I honestly feel like that bit was so that he can’t be excluded from the later celebration and so that him being left behind had a purpose.
2.) ASHLYN WOULDVE SURVIVED WHETHER OR NOT HE MADE THE SHOT!!!!! if anything we’d probably learn a lot more about the phantoms if Logan had never shot his gun.
3.) I feel like Logan making the shot was suppose to distract us from the important lore aspect we see during the scene. we already know red loves throwing in foreshadowing and small hints for us. Especially when these hints get covered by other scenes so that we only notice them after we get the new information and we re-read old chapters. We can see an example of this in the same episode when Taylor offers to go see why Aiden was screaming and Tyler quickly takes action instead and sends her upstairs. it’s obvious that going back outside was the more dangerous option which is why Tyler told her she shouldn’t do it. But at the time many people brushed this off as Tyler caring about his sister as much as any brother would, and a part of his ‘jock/I’m bigger and better than everyone’ attuide seeping through. then later on in chapter 49, we learn about Tyler’s promise to always take care of Taylor and their mom, and we see how their safety is always his priority even if it’s to much for him. Taylor’s frown makes a lot more sense after we get this context.
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Anyways what I’m trying to say is that I think Logan saving ash was suppose to draw away our attention to the whole reason he was even able to get the shot in the first place.
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Ashlyn is convinced she’s gonna die here and this is her last effort to live. So very strong emotion. But pay attention to her voice box thing. It’s black and has the red streaks around it.
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The phantom immediately pauses, as if it understands her. Also, it’s aggression vanished as soon as she spoke. This being LITERALLY TRYING TO KILL HER pauses and starts to question her!! In some twisted way Ashlyn can communicate with phantoms, or at the very least they can tell there is also a connection between her and them. This is literally so important and it’s not talking about enough. Even though no one has ever tried speaking directly to the phantoms before this, I do think this trait only belongs to ashlyn. For starters we already know that she has the strongest connection to the phantom world, and she’s the only one who can actually hear them. Her parents also said that they saw the phantoms after ashlyn was born. This is important for later on.
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The only other time we ever see the black text bubble is here when Logan is mad (chapter 42) his shadow has also changed to his phantom world-self. Notice that even though his actions are connected to the phantom there is no red streaks next to his text box?
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The fight obviously shows again that they affect the real world because their emotions and phantom and blah blah. This is all stuff we know. But hear me out! View their actions as if they are part phantom.
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Ashlyn’s commanding them to do something while feeling strong emotions. Her text box is black with the red streaks again. Just like it was during the scene that ‘Logan saves her’.
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And just like the phantom, all of them freeze and their violent behavior disappears. The fact that it’s all in sync and they all stop immediately shows that they didn’t just stop because their friend told them to. They stopped because Ashlyn’s commands have some strength to them. And remember earlier when I said think of them as part phantom? It makes sense why her commands would work, because it’s frozen a phantom before.
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AND LOOK!!!! THEY SOUND JUST LIKE THE PHANTOMS! The fact that this guy doesn’t react to that statement means that his organization already knows this. They already know that the kids are partly related to the phantoms. Ashlyn’s especially.
I guess this can split into two ideas:
1.) Ashlyn’s becoming part phantom the fastest. And I don’t mean that she’ll eventually become a full phantom but idk how else to phrase it. Her words can already be understood by phantoms and they have enough impact to confuse and stop phantoms in place. The phantom tilting their head at Ashlyn was kinda like ‘how did you do that?’ .
2.) Ashlyn’s connection gives her semi-control over phantoms. This could be a skill she has to develop over time but the fact that her words were able to break that main cast out of their anger and brought them back into reality shows that they CAN listen to her commands. Either she’s not strong enough yet to control real phantoms or she can only stun them, ash was still able to communicate with the phantom.
That scene is such an important building block that people just brush over. I just don’t see a lot of people talking about the fact that Ashlyn can talk/control phantoms in a way. Or maybe she can’t and all of this means smth else but it’s still so important.
Also before ppl jump on me for saying Ash would’ve lived w/ or w/o logan:
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Aiden was literally two seconds away from getting to ash. Plus the phantom was stunned. We don’t know if this hesitation would’ve lasted long or not, but it would’ve been enough time for Aiden to crawl to the top of the roof or for Ashlyn to kick it away. Ashyln was also in shock though so I’m not sure she would’ve been able to do much. But if Aiden saw the phantom on her he would’ve went crazy bro. Do not touch his girl ❌🙅‍♀️❌ All jokes aside though, we definitely would’ve learn more about the connection between Ashlyn and phantoms if Logan didn’t shoot. Not blaming him or anything but I’m just saying.
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1104-am · 1 year
karina | through the night
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genre ; fluff , angst
pairing ; idol!karina x idol!gnreader
note ; a lot of angst! also sorry if there are any typos!
word count ; 7k+
the cold night breeze slaps your face the second you step out of your apartment building, sending your hair flying back as you made sure no one was around to see you out. the weather was nice, maybe a little bit too windy to your liking but you didn’t mind.
you’ve always hated winter, the coldness had been nothing but a torture to you and your electric bills with the heater running on 24/7 trying to keep you warm in your house. you especially hate it when it snows and your shoes keeps on getting wet, and being hit by snowballs thrown by kids that were playing around also became one of the main reason you hated winter.
your phone vibrated in your pocket, and you didn’t have to check to know who sent you a message at this ungodly hour. a smile immediately plastered on your face as you grow eager to reach the promised destination earlier.
there were no one else at the park except for you, and a couple of cars passing by every ten minutes. the town was asleep, but you weren’t. yet, you felt like your day was only about to begin.
love <3
almost there!
3 am might be the only time you can meet karina without having to hide your face with mask, sunglasses and cap. though you guys could do much more fun things during daytime, it’d be such a risk for the both of you guys’ career. both you and karina’s group are thriving right now, the faces of your members and you being on every advertisement on the street speaks a lot.
aespa was just as popular, receiving awards here and there on every award show. making appearance on multiple tv shows, and at this point if you go to anyone on the streets of korea and ask to name all of the aespa members, they could easily nail it and name everyone in a heartbeat.
at first, you liked the attention. but now, you wish people wouldn’t know about your existence and you hope that you could just vanish from their memory. but that’s impossible.
your desire for that grew bigger and deeper after you met karina. the both of you have been together for not longer than a year, but the amount of proper dates you guys have been on can be counted with only one of your hands. both of you were scared to go out during daytime, being completely aware that some crazy fans might follow either one of you around.
so the only time you have the time to meet the love of your life is when everyone is fast asleep, leaving only streetlights to accompany the both of you.
“what got you zoning out like that?” a familiar fairy-like voice breaks the cold silence. you look up from the swing to see the popular idol standing in front of you with honey dripping from her eyes.
“you.” you replied making karina push your shoulder lightly at the cheesiness of your answer.
“come?” she gently grab your hand, making you stand up. you follow where she’s bringing you, the both of you exiting the park. karina didn’t mutter a word, and kept on pulling you towards a direction which was very familiar to you.
“jimin” you chuckled, karina loved the way her real name comes rolling out of your mouth so naturally.
“why not?” she chuckled as she turn to enter the apartment building of your house before pressing the elevator button. the elevator dings before the door opened, you and karina immediately entered the elevator.
and before you could press your apartment level, karina had already crashed her lips onto yours, discarding her cap while at it. shocking you a little but before you finally melt into her kiss. you could tell by the way she was kissing you that she had been waiting for this exact moment since forever and you blushed at that thought. her lips felt like silk against yours, you missed the taste of her cherry flavoured lip gloss.
“wow, slow down” you pant, breaking the kiss as the both of you gasp for air. karina had this dumb smile on her face as she bit her bottom lips before breaking into a giggle.
“my lipgloss is all over your lips oh my god” she said before wiping them off of your mouth. her dimples showing as she smiled cheekily while wiping her lipgloss off your face.
“oops, maybe i wiped off a little bit too much” karina said before planting a soft long kiss on your lips.
“that’ll do!” she said pulling away, as she pulled your hand exiting the elevator.
“someone’s in a good mood tonight” you chuckled as you sunk your hands in your pocket, fishing for your house key.
“it’s because i have something to show you! quick, i’ll show you once we’re in” she said in excitement. her hands naturally snake around your arms side hugging it.
“this better be something special, i don’t want to see another street cat videos” you teased.
karina LOVES showing you videos of the street cats she met on the street, it had become a routine to watch at least one or three of her cat videos for the both of you everytime you meet. most of the time, you wouldn’t even watch the videos she’s showing you and focus on how her eyes turns into a shape of the crescent moon instead. the way her smile would turn wide as she watches the cat videos together with you melts your heart.
it’s her dream to adopt a cat and take care of it together with you, she had decided what the cats name are gonna be but she had told you that she will never let you know beforehand what the names are gonna be.
“okay, i swear this time it won’t be related to cats in any way!” she said taking her muffler off before placing it on top of the table near the television, though she’s been to your house only a couple of times and she knew you hated it when she goes around placing her things messily. you took your muffler that karina had knitted for you and placed it next to hers.
karina pushed you down on the sofa, making you lay down before she crawls on top of you taking her phone out.
“i heard this and i thought of you” she said as she lays her head on your chest, getting comfy. karina smiled, as a familiar melody played . it took you a couple of seconds before realizing what song was playing.
“i like this song” you smiled, and so did karina. the melody echoes through the living room.
it was iu’s through the night.
“listen to the lyrics,” she said. you hummed and closed your eyes. enjoying the moment to the fullest, having her so close to you makes you happy yet so emotional as you long to do the things normal couple could do.
karina’s honey like voice followed iu’s, singing through the melody as she drew circles on your chest. the duration of the song felt so short, the song is coming to an end as karina raised her head up looking at you in the eyes before kissing you so sweetly.
“i love you” she muttered in between the kiss. you smiled and pulled away, tilting your head to plant a kiss on both her cheeks and forehead.
“i love you more”
karina blushed before kissing away the stupid grin you had on your face. she paused the next song that came on shuffle before sitting up.
“so are you not curious to why im suddenly making you listen to songs?” she asks as a smirk crept on her pretty face
“because you love me?” karina frowned at your stupid answer, sometimes she hopes for you to not be so cheesy though she secretly likes it
“ok let’s not talk about the obvious” she playfully rolls her eyes
karina then repositions herself, as she pulls you up making you sit up. there’s a cheeky grin on her face as she waits for you to sit up, and after a couple of seconds the both of you are sitting up facing each other.
“it’s like months away from now but—” karina paused as her hands snaked onto yours.
“i got offered to have a collaboration stage for the end year award and they let me choose my partner—“
“and?” your eyes starts sparkling as you look into her eyes, full of expectation as a stupid grin plastered on your face.
“and who do you think i would like to collab with?” she smiled, giving a gentle squeeze on your hand.
“me?” you asked, reciving a nod from the latter. you smiled and gently cup her face, leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips as she melts into it.
“but i can’t sing” you spoke, wearing a worried expression which made karina burst into a laughter. being the rapper and the main dancer in your group, you only got rap parts and you rarely sing in your songs. well maybe, in your b-sides there are a couple of songs that had you singing in it but it was never more than 3 lines or so.
“we can take turn, and i want you play the guitar. it’s going to be amazing! two rappers doing ballad? we’re going to end every other vocalist’s career!” karina joked which made you whip her hand lightly.
“well maybe not ningning” you said.
karina had gotten so excited over the thought of the performance, in which the supposed home date suddenly turns into a little practoce session. she handed you your acoustic guitar, finding the right key and chords that would make the both of you sound amazing together.
but, you didn’t really want to sing. in fact, you felt like only karina could sing the song, while you play.
“let’s change the plan, what about i don’t sing at all and just play the guitar” you suggested, making karina whip her head up in confusion.
“that’d make it more special, it’s either only you sing, and i play. or nothing at all”
“what, why—“
“nothing honey,”
karina’s heart fluttered at how naturally the pet name sounded coming from you, it wasn’t the first time she’s heard you call her that but she gets butterflies everytime she does.
“i feel like that would make the whole stage more special. i can only play when you sing. we complement each other, right?” you asked, as you eyes shifted from the fret board to her eyes to see that she was already looking at you.
“god- can i kiss you?” honey dripping from her eyes, making you blush. she pouted her lips before crashing it onto yours. you will never get tired of seeing her cheeky grin everytime the both of you pull away from a kiss, and how her dimples appearing as she backs away from you will never get old.
“stay the night,” karina turned to look at you, with a forced smile on her face. “you know i can’t” she replied. this is one of the consequences of a home date, which is no matter what time it is and how dangerous it is, you must leave when it’s dark as it is too risky to leave when the sun is out. dispatch could be camping outside of the house waiting for one of you to exit the other’s house.
“when can i see you again?” you asked. karina’s eyes gloomed, knowing that she won’t have the chance to meet you anytime soon due to her group’s schedule. “we can call, anytime” she smiled before snaking her hands up to your waist, tip toeing as she gently plant a kiss on your lips.
“you’re going to be busy, i don’t want to disturb you” you let out a defeated sigh, cursing the universe once again as you wish you and karina could just live a normal life as a couple.
“i will but— i’ll try for you” she crashed her body into yours, melting in your embrace, dreading to walk out of your apartment.
“you better get going before it gets too late, text me when you arrive home okay?” you broke the hug as you pull karina’s hoodie, making it cover her head while you tidy up a couple strands of hair that was sticking out.
“i’ll text you, goodnight my love” her brown orbs held sadness, not wanting to end the night yet. if it wasn’t for her morning practice she’s 100% sure she’d spend the whole night or maybe a couple of days lazing around with you.
and with a kiss, the both of you bid goodbye. you shut the door close, as you turn around to switch the lights of your apartment off you could feel the usual wave of sadness you feel everytime karina leaves your house.
you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing incessantly on your nightstand. groaning at how the sound woke you up from your sleep, you reached over to grab it, hoping to silence the notifications so you could get a few more minutes of sleep. but as you opened your phone, you were bombarded with messages from your friends, family, and some message requests on your instagram that came from yourfans.
confused, you scrolled through your notifications, trying to figure out what was going on. and then you saw it: news articles with the headline
"y/n and aespa’s karina spotted holding hands at a park. the two was seen hugging each other and laughing as they enter y/n’s apartment at 3am"
your heart raced as you read the articles. you and karina had been dating in secret for months, knowing that if your relationship was made public, it could cause issues with your fans and management company. but somehow, the news had gotten out, and now the world knew about your secret relationship with karina.
you felt a mix of emotions as you tried to process what was happening. on the one hand, you were thrilled that your relationship with Karina was finally out in the open. You had been so in love with her for months, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders now that you didn't have to hide your feelings for her anymore.
but on the other hand, you were nervous about how your fans and management company would react. as an idol of a popular group, your public image was everything, and you knew that your relationship with karina could cause a lot of controversy and backlash from fans all around the world.
taking a deep breath, you sat up in bed and grabbed your phone, trying to figure out what to do next. you knew that you had to address the news somehow, but you weren't sure how to do it without making things worse.
as you scrolled through your social media accounts, you saw that your fans had already started to react to the news. some were supportive, saying that they were happy for you and karina and that they would continue to support you no matter what. but others were angry and upset, saying that you had betrayed them by keeping your relationship a secret.
you knew this wasn’t the right time to be reading comments, but as you scrolled through the comments on social media, your heart sank when you saw a particularly harsh comment. it was from a fan who is a bug fansite of your who had been following you since your debut.
‘i can't believe y/n would be so selfish and put their own desires ahead of their fans. betraying us all. to be honest, i don't know if i can support you anymore’
the tweet read. you felt a pang of hurt as you read the comment. you had always tried to be honest and authentic with your fans, and you didn't want to let them down.
you felt a knot forming in your stomach as you read the comments. you didn't want to disappoint your fans, but you also knew that you couldn't deny your feelings for Karina. you had to find a way to make things right and address the situation head-on.
as you scroll down twitter, many fan spectulated proofs were being posted. your lovestagram with karina is all over your timeline, some cursing the both of you for posting it online and fooling the fans. it broke your heart to see harsh words being thrown not only at you, but also at your girlfriend.
you knew you couldn’t let the situation go on longer, so you decided to talk to her. panicked, you reached out to karina, hoping to get to talk to her, and also SM entertainment regarding this issue. dialled her number and within a second, you could hear her voice on the other line. her voice was painfully beautiful, especially today.
“jimin, babe have you seen the news? what’s going on?" the panick in your voice was as clear as the sky.
there was a painfully long pause, "yeah, i saw it.” karina closed her eyes shut, tears rolling down her face as she leaned against her bedframe.
“it’s going to be fine, honey. don’t worry, i— i will be at your company soon and we can talk—“
“there’s no use in coming. it’s better for us to break up y/n i’m sorry, but i don’t think we should see each other anymore." her voice sounded cold and distant, far different from how she sounded like just a couple of hours ago when she was melting in your embrace.
your mouth fell agape, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. you had been in a loving relationship with karina, and you had never even talked about the possibility of breaking up. "what do you mean? why didn't you talk to me about this?" you asked, voice gradually growing louder in frustration.
"i didn't have a choice.. y/n. my company has a lot of influence over my career, and they made it clear that if we didn't break up, i would have to go on hiatus," she responded, as she let’s out a sigh.
"i’m sorry— but I have to put my career first. you understand how important this whole idol thing means to us right?" she spoke, trying to get you to understand what she was trying to say. but you were just so- dumbfounded. how can she make the decision all by herself?
"i can't believe this," you said, your voice trembling. "you’re just going to give up on us because of your company? without even talking to me about it first?" you could hear your heart breaking into millions of pieces.
"i'm sorry," karina said, her voice cracking. "i didn't know what else to do. i didn't want to hurt you, but i didn't want to lose my career, either."
you felt tears welling up in your eyes as you listened to her. you knew that this situation was complicated, and that there were no easy answers. but the fact that karina was willing to break up with you without even talking to you about it hurt more than anything else.
"no. we need to talk about this more," you said, your voice shaking. "we can't just end things like this without even trying to fight for our relationship. please, karina. don’t give up on us yet."
there was a long pause on the other end of the phone, and you held your breath, waiting for karina’s response.
“they are releasing the statement soon, i’m sorry y/n. i am very sorry..”
and just like that you were met with the flatline, signaling that the other party had hang up on the call. as soon as karina hung up the call, tears welled up in your eyes and you crumbled onto your bed. you couldn't stop the flood of emotions that overtook you, and you felt utterly helpless and defeated. it felt like everything you had worked for, everything you had dreamed of, was slipping away from you and you couldn't do anything to stop it.
the sobs wracked your body, and you curled up into a ball, feeling like the weight of the world was on your shoulders. you felt weak and powerless, and you couldn't understand why karina would even consider breaking up with you without even discussing it properly. you felt like you had no control over the situation, and it was overwhelming.
you didn't know how long you stayed like that, crying and feeling utterly lost and alone. you felt like you were drowning in your own sadness and there was no way out. you couldn't see any light at the end of the tunnel and you felt hopeless.
eventually, you managed to pull yourself together enough to wipe away your tears and take a deep breath, but you still felt hollow and empty inside. you knew that there would be tough times ahead, but you didn't feel like you had the strength to face them. it felt like everything you had worked for was slipping away and you couldn't do anything to stop it.
you cried until you were too exhausted to cry anymore. your eyes were swollen and puffy, your throat was sore from the sobs, and your head was pounding. you lay there on your bed, feeling completely empty inside, muttering sad sentences that included karina's name.
"why did you have to do this to me.." you whispered, your voice trembling. "i thought you loved me. why didn't you talk to me about this first?"
you shut your eyes, yet the memories of the both of you being all lovey dovey just last night haunts you.
you couldn't stop the tears from falling, and you didn't even try to. you just let them flow freely down your face, mingling with the endless stream of sad and hopeless words that escaped your lips.
"how could you— how could you break up with me like this?" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
you felt like you were drowning in your own sorrow, and you didn't know how to swim to the surface. you were trapped in a sea of sadness, and it seemed like there was no way out.
as the night wore on, you cried until you couldn't cry anymore. your sobs eventually turned into quiet sniffles, and your muttering became incoherent murmurs. and finally, you drifted off to sleep, still muttering sad sentences that included karina's name under your breath.
as the award show approached, you threw yourself into preparations, trying to distract yourself from thoughts of karina. you spent countless hours rehearsing your performance and perfecting your appearance, determined to make a statement on stage.
but no matter how hard you tried, traces of karina were everywhere. you couldn't go anywhere without being reminded of her, and the pain of the breakup still lingered in your heart.
despite the emotional turmoil, you knew that you had to put on a brave face and show the world that you were strong and independent. so you pushed aside your feelings and focused on the task at hand, determined to give the performance of a lifetime.
as you practiced the song that you and karina had promised to perform together, the memories of your past with her flooded back. you couldn't help but let out a sob as you sang the lyrics, the emotions behind the words hitting you harder than ever before.
the tears streamed down your face as you tried to continue singing, but your voice broke and you stumbled over the words. your head playing games with you when you keep on hearing her honey like voice singing along with you. you felt a sense of hopelessness wash over you as you realized that the song would never be the same without karina by your side.
the pain of the breakup was still too fresh, and the thought of having to perform the song alone was too much to bear.
but as you wiped away your tears and stood back up, you knew that you couldn't let your emotions get in the way of your performance. you took a deep breath and tried to push aside the memories, focusing on the task at hand.
even though your heart was breaking, you knew that you had to be strong for your fans and show them that you were capable of moving on. so you picked yourself up, determined to give it your all and make the performance one that karina would be proud of, even if she wasn't there with you.
weeks passed and the day had come where your group and you were invited to Seoul Music Award. you were excited at the thought of meeting your fans and performing your new released song for the first time in front of them.
from inside of the van, you could see flashes from fansites going crazy as the van approached the red carpet. you stepped out of the car and onto the red carpet, the flash of cameras and the sound of reporters calling out your name making your heart race. it was the biggest award show of the year, and you were thrilled to be there. but, as you looked around the crowded venue, your excitement quickly turned to dread. aespa was there, too. karina, was there.
she looks stunning, as always. she was dressed in a glittering gown that hugs her curves in all the right places. and for a moment, you're struck by how beautiful she looks, and you feel a pang of regret and longing.
but then the memories flood back, and you remember why you broke up in such bad terms. youu remember the coldness of her voice, the betrayal, the pain. you remember the countless times you tried to make it work, only to be met with indifference or outright hostility. and you feel a surge of anger and bitterness, along with a deep sadness that still lingers inside you.
you shook off your feelings, focusing on the fansites that are in shouting your name asking you to make certain poses. as you entertain your fan, you glanced over to karina as she looks up and catches your eye. your can see the regret in her expression, the pain that she's still carrying around with her. but you don't want to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging her, so you broke the eye contact, your head held high.
the procedure went on faster than you had expected, and now every group are moving to the venue, seating at their designated seats.
you arrive at the award show and take your seat at a table, bothered to see that karina, and aespa is seated a table away from yours. and despite the distance between you and aespa’s, you can't help but notice her glancing over at you every once in a while. the whole night you felt very uncomfortable, not only because you were a few meters away from karina but also because you were seperated from your group due to the lack of chairs provided by the floor manager, now sitting with the lesserafim members.
so there you were, sitting at the award show table, trying to enjoy the staged despite the awkwardness. break time came before the second part of the award show starts you were about to go to you group’s table to avoid the awkwardness but suddenly, you feel a tap on your shoulder, and you turn around to see the american member, huh yunjin flashunv you a sweet smile. a member from the band that's up for the same award as you.
she smiles at you, shifting her gaze from your eyes to your lips time to time and you can't help but feel a little flustered by her subtle flirts. "hey relax a little," yunjin said, in english. it shocked you because not many people that you were quite fluent in english and seeing yunjin knew, it’s obvious that she had been having her eyes on you for quite a while.
"i saw your rehearsal earlier, and I have to say, you were amazing. i can see why your fans are going crazy over you." you blush at her compliment. "thank you," you say.
"you guys were pretty incredible too. been listening to all of your b-sides! bangers." you chuckled which made yunjin laugh, covering her mouth as her hand lightly hits your chest. thank god the venue were not open for fans during break time, due to some circumstances. if not, all of the fansites in here would’ve gone crazy and an issue would be caused.
yunjin grins at you. "well, now that we're both here, maybe we can get to know each other a little better. what do you say?"
as you continue chatting with yunjin, karina can't help but overhear your conversation. her heart sinks as she listens to the sound of your laughter and the way you seem to be hitting it off with yunjin.
she watches as you lean in closer to her, your eyes shining with excitement. she can see the way yunjin is looking at you, with a mix of admiration and desire.
karina's heart breaks as she realizes that she might have lost you for good. she remembers all the times you shared together, the moments of happiness and love that you both experienced. but she also remembers the particular day, the day she pushed you away.
as she listens to your conversation with yunjin, karina can't help but feel a deep sense of regret. she knows that she was the one who ended things between you, but seeing you with someone else makes her realize just how much she still loves you.
she remembers the way you used to hold her, the sound of your voice, and the way you looked at her with love in your eyes. but now, seeing you with someone else, she realizes that she might have missed her chance at true love.
karina tries to hold back her tears as she watches you and yunjin, but the pain in her heart is too much to bear. she knows that she needs to leave the award show and be alone with her thoughts.
"i can’t do this," she says, her voice barely above a whisper catching the attention fo her japanese friend, giselle looks at her with concern. "hm? what do you mean?"
"siitting here, seeing y/n with someone else. it’s— too much," karina replies, tears welling up in her eyes.
as she stands up to leave, she catches your eye for a brief moment but you were wuick to turn your attention back to yunjin who was in front of you. truthfully, you weren’t really enjoying the conversation you and yunjin were sharing but you didn’t want to appear rude, especially when she had approached you first. you see karina turning away as she walks out of the venue, feeling a deep sense of sadness and longing.
the conversation between you and yunjin was interrupted by your manager calling you to move, backstage. you checked the list and realized that you’re set to perform your special stage in 20 minutes. you got ready and prepared for your stage, warming up your vocal chords as you get you makeup touched up.
you stand backstage, your heart racing with excitement and nerves. the sound of the crowd's cheers and applause echoes through the walls, sending chills down your spine.
you take a deep breath and run your hands over your guitar, feeling the smooth wood beneath your fingers. you've practiced this song a hundred times, but performing it live on an awards show is a different kind of pressure.
the stage manager calls your name, and you feel your stomach drop. it's time.
“you can do this, y/n” you whisper to yourself.
as the lights dimmed, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause as you stepped onto the stage, guitar in hand. you were dressed in an outfit your fans had been begging your stylist to style you, your hair styled perfectly as always. this was a big moment for you, your first solo performance on an awards show, and you were ready to give it your all.
taking your place on the center of the stage, you looked out at the sea of faces before you. you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as your eyes landed on karina who was seated in the front row. she looked beautiful, as always, but there was a sadness in her eyes that you couldn't ignore.
you took a deep breath and began to strum the opening chords of the song you had promised to perform with karina.
iu’s through the night
it was a beautiful ballad, full of emotion and heartbreak, and you knew it would be a hit if you sing this with karina. at the sound of the instrumental playing, the memories if you and karina from the night dispatch had caught you played in your head.
as the music swelled, you closed your eyes and let yourself get lost in the moment. you felt the guitar beneath your fingers, the rhythm pulsing through your body. you were in your element, and nothing could stop you now.
but as the first verse came to an end, you felt a sudden jolt of pain. this was the part where karina was supposed to start singing. but she wasn't there. it was just you and your guitar, playing the instrumental part alone.
you opened your eyes and looked out at the audience. they were still cheering, still clapping, still singing along. but you could see the confusion on their faces, the disappointment in their eyes as they were eager to hear your singing voice.
and then you saw karina. she was crying now, her hands covering her mouth as tears streamed down her face.
"why?" she whispered, as you finished the song. "i’m so sorry" she whispered, as you read her lips.
you took a deep breath and continued singing, your voice soft and gentle, yet full of emotion. the crowd fell silent, captivated by your performance. every note was like a brushstroke, painting a picture of heartbreak and longing.
the chorus came, and you let your voice soar, the raw emotion pouring out of you. you could feel the pain in your lyrics, and the audience felt it too.
as the song came to an end, the last notes fading into the air, the crowd erupted into applause, cheering for you and your beautiful, haunting performance. you felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that you had touched their hearts with your performance.
you bowed to the audience before leaving the stage. applauses from the staffs could be heard aling with some compliments which you responded with nods and smiles. you bit your lips, holding back the wave of emotions you’ve been suppressing while performing.
“good job, y/n” one of you makeup stylist praised you, making you feel proud. all those sleepless night of practice paid off, and you were beyond proud of yourself for being able to go through the hard timesof moving on while also preparing for a performance.
you then moved back to the venue, and sat at your assigned seat. it made you smile how other groups gave you a small applause and compliments as you walk you way through your seat. without noticing, your eyes trailed towards aespa’s table, and noticed that karina wasn’t there leaving an empty seat.
as the award show comes to an end, the crowds begin to disperse, and the excitement in the air starts to die down. you're ready to leave and head back to your hotel, but as you make your way towards the exit, you notice karina following closely behind you.
despite her attempts to catch your attention, you continue to ignore her, making her feel increasingly frustrated and hurt. as she tries to keep up with you, her emotions boil over, and she can't help but let out a frustrated exclamation.
"why are you being so cold to me?" she blurts out, her voice strained with emotion. "do you even care about how i'm feeling right now?"
her words catch you off guard, and you turn to face her, surprised by the sudden outburst. as you look into her eyes, you can see the pain and hurt that she's been trying to hide all night.
"i don't know what you want me to say," you respond, your voice tinged with annoyance. "we broke up, karina. i don't owe you anything."
karina flinches at your words, her heart sinking even further. she knows that she's been wrong to expect anything from you, but she can't help the way she feels.
"i know that we broke up," she says, her voice trembling slightly. "but that doesn't mean that we can't at least be civil to each other. i just don't understand why you're being so cold to me!"
you pause for a moment, taking in her words. despite the pain that you feel towards karina, you know that she's right - there's no need to be so harsh towards her. but if you don’t do so, you don’t know how to move on
as karina confronts you about your cold behavior towards her, you feel a mix of frustration and sadness welling up inside you. you know that you should try to be civil with her, but the pain of your past relationship is still too fresh.
"what do you want me to do, karina?" you ask, your voice tinged with annoyance. "we've broken up, and i need to move on. you can't just expect me to act like nothing happened!" your voice raised in frustration, luckily the hallways was empty.
karina's eyes widen with hurt and disbelief, and she takes a step back as if you've just struck her.
"i'm not asking you to forget about our relationship," she says, her voice trembling. "but i just want us to be able to be in the same room without it being so awkward and tense. is that too much to ask?"
you clench your jaw, feeling a sense of anger bubbling up inside you.
"you're the one who wanted to end things, karina," you say, your tone harsher than you intended. "you can't just expect me to be okay with it and move on like you didn’t break me." you frowned.
karina's face falls, and she takes another step back, looking as if she's been struck by a blow.
"that's not fair," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "i know that i hurt you, and i'm sorry for that. but that doesn't mean that we have to be enemies now."
“enough,jimin” you shake your head, feeling as if you're at your breaking point. the hurt and frustration of the past few months are too much to bear, and you feel as if you're about to explode.
"i don't know if i can do that, karina," you say, your voice trembling. tge switch between her real name to her stage name broke her heart. "every time i see you, all i can think about is how much i loved you and how much you hurt me. i can't just pretend like that never happened."
karina's eyes fill with tears, and she turns away from you, unable to bear the weight of your words. you can see the pain etched on her face, and a part of you feels guilty for causing her so much hurt.
her eyes fill with tears and she blinks them away furiously, but they keep falling down her cheeks, leaving a glistening trail in their wake.
her voice wavers and breaks as she tries to speak, and her breath hitches with every word. despite her efforts to stay composed, her face contorts with pain and her shoulders shake with the force of her sobs. you can see the hurt etched on her face as she apologizes, her sobs choked with tears, realizing that you will never be able to go back to how you were. it’s clear that she's trying her best to hold herself together, but the weight of her emotions is just too much to bear.
“enough, karina. just— leave me alone” your voice trembled. you hated that you wanted her to be out of your sight as your heart still longs for her, but it’s the best.
"i know that i hurt you, and i’m sorry," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "i never meant to cause you so much pain.”her voice trembles as she speaks, tears streaming down her face.
“but i understand now that you need space, and I will respect that— i.. i won't bother you or try to appear in your life anymore." she takes a deep breath, trying to steady her voice.
"but please— just know that i will always love you, and i will never forget the time that we spent together.” your heart shattered at her words.
“but i also understand that we can't go back to the way things were, and that breaks my heart. so, so much y/n.. it hurts so much.." she looks up at you, her eyes red and puffy from crying.
"i hope that someday, you can find it in your heart to forgive me and that if you ever need anything— anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask."
"i still love you," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "but i know that i can't force you to feel the same way. so i'll leave you alone, and i won't bother you anymore."
you remain silent, unsure of what to say or do. as karina turns to walk away, you feel a sense of sadness wash over you. you know that you'll miss her, but you also know that it's time to let go.
as you watch her walk away, you realize that this is the end of an era. as you stand there, watching karina walk away, tears streaming down her face, you can feel your heart breaking into a million pieces. the weight of all the memories and promises that you both shared is suddenly too much to bear, and you can't help but feel a sense of overwhelming sadness and loss.
karina's sobs echo in your ears, and you can see her shoulders shaking with each cry. you want to reach out to her, to tell her that everything will be okay, but you know deep down that it won't. you've both made your choices, and now you have to live with the consequences.
as karina disappears from your view, you feel a sense of emptiness settling in your chest. it's as if a part of you has been ripped away, leaving you feeling hollow and alone. but even as you mourn the loss of your relationship, you know that it's time to let go.
you take a deep breath and turn away from where karina stood, feeling the weight of the past few months slowly lifting off your shoulders. it's time to start over, to let go of the pain and hurt, and to move forward with your life.
with one last look back at the spot where karina disappeared, you take a step forward, ready to face whatever the future holds. it won't be easy, and the memories of your past relationship will always be there, but you know that you can make it through.
"goodbye, jimin" you whisper, your voice choked with emotion. tears stream down your face as you turn and walk away, knowing that the memories of your relationship will always be bittersweet.
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blablaganov · 3 months
Non is the one behind the mask and Jin is our living for now proof of that
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So our homeboy just found out that no, Non didn’t ride off into the sunset with teacher Keng, but based on what we learned in episode 10 was handed over to Uncle Joe and vanished. And Jin’s initial reaction to this reveal isn’t horror at the thought that Non might already be dead, but anger at how the story of Non’s supposed escape with a teacher has affected his family?? Which is sweet, to care about them, but you just learned that your friend has really disappeared, so maybe focus on that first? But at least this reaction is consistent with what we’ve seen from him so far: Jin's response is emotional and explosive. It checks.
And then Tee drops the bomb - Non is dead. This should have been a huge shock for Jin, who was the only one to still hold on to the belief that Non was still out there, alive. Reactions of Tan and Phee is understandable; they have had years to accept that Non is most likely no longer alive, but Jin BELIEVED. So, I fully expected him to lash out, to start yelling at Tee, to start a fight. And what Jin gives me? Nothing.
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Except for a murderous look, he does not react at all to the news about the death of someone he claims to care about and feel guilty towards.  The character who shown to be impulsive, to react without thinking, whose emotions can be explosive DOESN’T SHOW US ANY REACTION. Which, of cource, is a reaction on itself, so my question is: Jin, sweetie, do you maybe have something to share with class?
Speaking of murderous looks. We’ve already seen them twice:
in the first episode, when Phee puts the tape on
And everyone from the original group looks various degrees of uncomfortable, especially after asked about Non, but not Jin. He is too busy trying to murder everyone with the glare until the mention of the camera snaps him out of it.
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in the second episode, when the gang discusses what to do next
And again, while everyone’s anxiety is almost palpable, Jin is just standing there, looking disgusted by everyone but not in the slightest bothered by the fact that someone got Por impaled?? Someone left marks on his arms! The conversation isn’t merely about the possibility of Non’s ghost; it’s about the real, tangible danger lurking in the woods. And yet, Jin doesn’t look scared or concerned in any way, too busy trying to once again commit murder with the glare.
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The marks on Por’s arms are the main reason I’m convinced that Non is the one hiding behind the mask. It's possible that Tan somehow slipped out of the living room and lured Por into the trap, but what about the marks? We’ve seen several times that Tan is one to outsource his murder, not too eager to harm with his own hands. Even after Tee’s confession about Non’s death, Tan doesn’t attempt to snatch the gun and kill Tee himself. So why get personal with Por? To convince everyone that it wasn’t an accident? But cuts don’t look ghosty; if anything, it’s a proof that a real, leaving person is behind it. And who has all the reasons to get personal with Por? NON And it with the same knife he used three years ago – a knife that someone present at the scene after Non got dragged away had to pick up and keep until now.
I am also mildly convinced that the knife attack is the main reason why Jin lied to the police in the first place. If he had admitted that Non was with them that day, everyone else would have probably said, 'Oh yes, he was with us, and he attacked us with the knife. He was screaming about killing us all, poor Top even got a scar. Here are the security camera recordings as proof.' We've already established that Jin is not the best decision-maker, so I can see how, from his perspective, lying to the police seemed like a better option.
And isn’t it interesting how Jin was the one who first noticed the cuts and also the one who took the knife in his hand to compare it with the cuts?
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Jin, dear, no one said anything about someone hiding in the house...
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Uncle Dang
I'm unsure which one of the brothers is responsible for this death, but it is interesting how closely it mirrors one of the scenes in episode 7.
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In the past, Por sends Non to get food on Uncle Dang's bike, while he himself starts shooting. In the present, Uncle Dang dies delivering food for the boys on the same bike, simultaneously extinguishing their last chance of escape.
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In the past, everyone was so eager to exclude Non and shoot the movie he wrote without him. In the present, they are willing to do anything just to get out of this place, and Por, bleeding out on the couch, needs it more than anyone. Sorry, but it's too late; this time around, you'll have to play your part the way Non wants you to.
Episode 7 is also where this dialogue between Jin and Por happens.
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I know that logically Phee and Tan were the ones who slipped in the cassette, but were they also the ones who created it? Or did they just find it when they came to the house for the first time to scout it out? Because the last scene with Jin running out of the house was shot after Non's disappearance. It wasn't merely an old version; Someone intentionally added Non's scene post-credits. And who was the one doing all the cutting? Right.
Jin’s hallucinations were what sold me on the "Non is alive" theory. Everyone who thinks Non is already dead also sees some version of Non/masked murderer. Not Jin, of course; he convinced Non to be alive and well, somewhere far away with teacher Keng. Oh wait… How is it possible that he believes something terrible happened to teacher Keng, but not to Non? That the video he took is the cause of teacher Keng’s death, but not Non’s? Haven’t they supposedly run off together? Unless Jin knows that Non is alive. Unless Non told Jin that Mr. Keng was killed by the mafia.
It also would explain Jin’s reaction after Phee confession.
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The person you have a lot of complicated feelings about
so many that you decide the best time to bring up your past situationship is while you both are trapped in a creepy temple. One also doesn’t try to bite off the dick of someone they are indifferent towards
just confessed to being Non's ex-boyfriend and getting close to you to get information about him, and your first reaction is not a "Was Everything Between Us a Lie?" rage but a sad puppy "So You Never Saw Us As Friends?" Once again, Jin, sweetie, we need to talk about your priorities; also about the fact that you not once looked surprised about the whole thing.
Fun fact: One of Jin's listed hobbies is camping, so hypothetically he should know his way around the woods, yet he doesn’t even attempt to help Phee while they are looking for the way out of the forest. The only thing he does is complain and cling to Phee in a very damsel-in-distress fashion. And still manages to be the one who points in the right direction in the end. I'm not even sure if Jin’s shoulder dislocation is genuine because if horror movies have taught me anything, it's to never trust a character who injures themselves while escaping a murderer, especially when they then very conveniently trip over the air at just the right moment for another character to drop their weapon.
To sum it up:
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Did he now?
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Hello can give yandere actor x fem reader please 🙏 😊
hello! i hope i havent been gone for- wait what do you mean its 2024?! i’m so sorry anon, and everyone for vanishing for months!
i hope i can write more this year! requests are open but i can’t promise how long it’ll take for me to get to them!
looking back now, wow i made this maybe too long-
i hope you like bratty yanderes lmao, anyways, here we go!
🌻 yandere actor x fem! reader
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- yandere actor who’s been in the industry since they were but a young child. an accomplished actor known for their emotional scenes and many tear-jerker appearances..
- so imagine your surprise when their real personality is cockier and confident than you’d ever expect from behind the scenes.. but imagine their surprise when a new actor shows up and threatens their newest film! how annoyingly cute and naive you were..
- it made them wanna crush you. what? this industry is brutal and it’d be kinder to break you in a little now! well, thats what they thought, but you only responded to their condescending comments and childish teasing with your increasingly dwindling patience and maturity.. maybe you could survive here after all.
- their teasing went from malicious to just trying to banter with you.. wait- why did you tell on them?! they got pulled aside and told to be nicer to the new actress.. you snitch! how could you? they came running towards you and started crying out an apology, in a familiarly childish and bratty way.
- unfortunately for you, their acting managed to sway your heart into forgiving them.. what a gentle girl.. they wanted to see more of your acting! they began asking you if you’d ever been in any other films or projects.. come on, y/n! tell them! tell them! they’ve daydreamed of so many possible scenes together and their imagination isn’t enough anymore!
- y/n, this cafe is super yummy, why cant you go get a nice bite to eat after filming? y/n, do you like your set outfit today? they can’t believe you’re wearing matching outfits this scene! y/n, why don’t we do behind the scene videos together? y/n, can they come hang out at your house? y/n! y/n!
Y/N! pay attention to them!
- you were exhausted after every shooting since they always asked to spend time with you, and even on free days when they blew up your phone with sending cute selfies of them.. how did they get your number? isn’t it obvious? they asked the film crew! besides, you’re lucky they even have your number on their phone!
- you weren’t free from them even after production ended.. because for some reason, all the films and shows you were casted to come on, they were casted as well.. its especially odd with how many times you’ve been offered to play the female lead of a romance movie, with them as your main love interest.
- but this was hardly a coincidence, their connections sure came in handy here. they made sure you either took all the roles they gave you, or none at all. you were just so unprofessional during that important first movie that nobody else would cast you! so just take these and act with them again! they didn’t wanna act without you as the female lead!
- they would lie, sabotage and cry.. whatever it took for you to hang out with them again. they even stalked all your social medias and wanted more of you. so they decided to make more content about you! they took as many photos as they could, during makeup and dressing, during filming.. during your daily life.. wherever and whenever there was a chance for a photo to be taken without you knowing. how could they not? you’re just so precious!
- they constantly nagged you to go out with them and they acted all cute to keep you from getting too angry at them.. and if it doesn’t work, they can always cry.. you had such a soft spot for their tears.. you’re too good for this industry, doll face. you should just move in with them so you can hang out all the time! they’ll bring in all money!
- they tried to be nice and ask politely but if you refused.. they’d use their last resort. they starting crying and insisted the two of you go get drinks again at the cafe they liked. because you made them cry! its your fault! dummy y/n!
- once they were calm again, they went through with their last resort because it just wasn’t worth letting others see your acting.. it wasn’t worth letting others see you at all! thankfully, they lovingly took you in after you passed out after you finishing drinking your favorite tea/coffee.
- they brought you to your home, your new forever home! isn’t that so kind of them? they have top security since they’re such a top-grade actor! theres no way you’ll escape now.. and its really your fault, doll face. they gave you the nice way but you chose the hard way!
- if you even suggest leaving, they’ll start crying and throwing a fit about you not loving them.. and if you actually try to escape.. well, they’re not above breaking your legs, only to tend to you like the sweetheart they are.. it was your fault, doll face.
its always your fault they have to go to such extremes. but why don’t you forget about this for now and cuddle while watching your fateful first film together again? you know they won’t take a “no” doll face.
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
Gwen doesn't talk to Percy so much about why she's curious about medicine. Everyone assumes she's just as much of a nerd as her dad and she IS to be fair, and her mum has healing magic, and auntie Pike and auntie Keyleth so like. Obviously. And doing it the hard way is cool and more prestigious and can also deal with things magic can't (*points at Blorb's wisdom teeth fic*) so yeah, of course.
The real reason is that all of the kids know about Percy's scars. Vex wore him down on pyjamas in bed and while he wears pyjama bottoms he doesn't wear shirts so much anymore - he's a furnace, he hardly needs it - and all of the kids have very distinct early memories of the day they realised just how different their dad's skin is to their mum's. Not in colour, they vary in colour too, Gwen especially, but- texture. The feeling of scars, some shiny and some twisted and some ridged and all old, and the abrupt edge of Percy's shoulder where the scars suddenly all vanish into smooth skin.
None of the kids get told the story early, but Gwen hears hints from her older siblings: she's button cute and really good at convincing them to make bad decisions, after all, of course she does.
And so she does as any daddy's girl does: she decides she's going to make him better. Scars come from injuries, bad injuries, and CLEARLY his were REALLY bad and so she is Going To Make Them Better, Damnit. (Language, Gwen!)
But she is. She just isn't going to tell him that yet, because he'll make the Face. But you see. She's gonna find a way to fix scars, all because she loves her dad.
FUCKFUCKFUCK????? FUCK ? ?>!?!? ?! !? ?! ? >
oh my god, ,oh my fucking god,., , she's gonna fix her dad............... she's gonna make him better................................... oh my GODDD
kid logic fuckin. kicks me in the heart sometimes. because so often it is so simple and yet the intentions are so purely GOOD. and gwen puts together injury + medicine = better, and she loves her dad so much that she wants to make him better,,,,,,, and i can imagine vex sewing up her owlbear stuffie time and time again (because we know it was passed down velora), and she wants to do the same, but she's gotta research it!!! and she !!!! and she!!!!!!
i love parent-child bonds but there's so little about how the devotion can flow back the other way, when that breaks my heart just as much, if not more. seeing kids who love their parents and just want to help them just makes me so fucking emotional cause they see the world so plainly, and it's plain and simple that they love their parents and want to help!! and i'm barely making sense i think but i just. i love this HELP
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parachutingkitten · 2 months
Not an ask per se, just a similar feeling. You’re someone whose Ninjago stuff, here and on YT, I’ve really enjoyed for at least a few years. And I’ve been similarly obsessed with the show for some time. But… it’s as you say — DR is objectively fine, objectively nice, but I don’t feel the same obsession about it and its characters, plot, etc that I used to feel all the time with Ninjago. And I *cannot* figure out why, and it’s also been driving me slightly up the wall. It’s maybe because I genuinely try to give media the best chance when I interact with it, but despite multiple DR rewatches I don’t see what everyone else sees. And the disconnect is a sad, like you mention — I joined the community here because I was so glad to have people who loved this show in the same ways I did, and now it’s like they’re all on a different wavelength and I want to be there but I’m not. It’s definitely strange for sure, made worse I think by the fact that DR isn’t like horrifically bad or anything, I just feel… okay, when watching it, and can’t even explain why.
I don’t know how much sense this makes, but I thought it might be something for you to think about if you’d like. I’ve been tossing around the idea that I don’t love DR because it is… good. It’s good, but too neat — if that makes sense? The new characters — I love them all, but their personalities and backstories and situations they’re put in all remind me of several other stories. The subplots of the episodes always have an end goal in mind, often an emotional realisation, and whilst that’s a neat way to tell stories, it doesn’t feel like, to me, the way Ninjago used to tell stories. Like, the first thing that comes to mind is Sora feeling hopeless and that episode with the djin where she realises that it’s important to hope. And maybe this isn’t a great comparison (as I’m typing it out, I realise that it isn’t the best example oof), but I immediately thought of Zane after Seabound, when he’d turned off his emotions. Sora’s bad feelings, whilst not as ‘significant’ as Zane’s in that context, began just before and were wrapped up neatly in that episode and not brought up again. Zane acts detached from the start of S16 if I remember, and it’s only near the end of the season (I think! I know that it’s a few eps at least) when he meets Sally, talks to her, learns a little about her life, and is able to come to the realisation that he shouldn’t be repressing everything. I think DR, because of the amount of characters it has, especially those that are new, and the amount of new worldbuilding, plot stuff, etc that they have to add in, it being a reboot/sequel type of thing, leaves less time for the nuance and time devoted to the character arcs in the original show. Or maybe I’m just crazy, honestly idk.
Something else that stands out to me is the fact that DR has to establish so much about these new characters and their world that they… they do something that old Ninjago didn’t do, and whilst it’s maybe objectivity a better storytelling choice, I think it’s part of the reason I’m not really feeling it. What they do is that they have the characters act kind of realistic. Arin worries about his parents, often. Sora did too. Wyldfyre and Kai definitely have a few moments where it’s implied that they’re confused about what’s up with their powers. In Ninjago up to s16, because they wrote a lot of it without intending much or anything to come after it, I feel like they thought less about this than the DR writers, who know that they’ve got a few seasons lined up, do. For example — hands of time is when we find out about Ray and Maya, but it was never often addressed by Nya and Kai. It’s brought up in s4, of course, but if they were real kids whose parents had vanished one day they’d probably bring it up more often, like Arin did. But it’s often not done in the narrative because the writers gave them other things to focus on, because they’re storytelling devices and not real kids. There was no real buildup to Nya being the water ninja, for example, but Sora’s said to be good with tech a few moments after we meet her. This ain’t a critique of either show — just a different choice I sort of picked up on, if it even makes any sense. And as crazy as it may sound, I liked that about the old Ninjago — it saw the characters more as storytelling devices, I think, than relatable to the audience (Kai was the hothead, Jay the humour, etc — ofc they were more than that, but they retained that sort of vibe from S1 a little all throughout the show I think). DR, on the other hand, seems to want their characters to be more relatable, more multifaceted, make more sense — which, when coupled with the fact that they’re new characters and that the ninjago fandom has historically thrived on gaps in the show to enjoy it (we’re a very AU, OC, heavy fandom, etc), I think DR attempting to flesh out their characters in the way that we’re often used to doing with the old characters in fic, art, etc means that I like DR a little less because there’s less to ‘work with’, and less that inspires thinking of the characters in different situations — bc whilst relating is nice, it is also enjoyable when the characters are written with some core characteristics in mind and you explore other parts of them or those characteristics in different contexts. I don’t think makes much sense, but I hope that it maybe gives you something to think about — as you can probably see, I’ve been going a little crazy over not liking it and not knowing why, so I know that the feeling isn’t great.
I'm picking up what you're putting down here. My next video has a bit about getting disillusioned with a fandom, and it sucks. It always does. It's heartbreaking when you feel like that special bond between you and your show was somehow broken. I empathies, and it's important to feel it out.
Now, I don't think ninjago was better at character arcs, i don't think having a character arc be longer is better, or even really a characteristic of classic ninjago, but I do think the DR character arcs feel very by the book. They're following the screenwriting 101 guide perfectly, but it ends up feeling a bit lacking because of it? If that makes sense? Now, ninjago was historically very bad at character arcs, but when they got it right, they always had a bit of a spin on things, and interesting visual payoff, whatever. I think the zane's emotions arc isn't particularly great (and the sally piece is sort of at the end of the first half of the season ;) I would argue sora's arc in season 1 about finding confidence is better, but that doesn't mean I find it much more enjoyable.
I will agree that that the characters in ninjago definitely feel more like characters, while the DR cast (old cast included) feel more like people. Neither are a bad thing, but I think it definitely has an effect on the tone. Characters allow for a more lighthearted goofy vibe, because the show is operating on a higher suspension of disbelief most of the time. DR on the other hand, does want a little more vulnerability from its audience on a regular basis.
Lastly, I do think you're onto something with DR being fully planned. The two seasons we have so far feel very indistinct. There is less of a defining singular "adventure" in each season. And again, that's not a good thing or a bad thing, but it ends up making things feel different. Ninjago is an episodic series of adventures. DR is a continual evolving set of circumstances. Those are just going to feel different.
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Ace Attorney 4-3, Investigation 1. In keeping with Gavin being surprisingly friendly for a prosecutor, I love the way 4-3 spins directly out of our developing relationship with him specifically.
Klavier Gavin is the only prosecutor ever to voluntarily hang out with the protagonist prior to the big conclusion of their arc. Some prosecutors have showed up to hang out in future titles; In fact, Gavin does too. But this is the first time we've actually been able to get to know them before the showdown.
And you can see why, too. Gavin's not only the friendliest prosecutor. He's also the only one who. Like. Has a life outside the courtroom. Other than Edgeworth being a sentai fanboy, I guess.
This one's going to have to be in two parts.
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Rockstar prosecutor Klavier Gavin is a rockstar. So we're going to set a chapter of the story at a rock concert. His rock concert. What a great idea.
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The least believable thing in the entire Ace Attorney universe is that the Gavinners somehow have a successful rock career. Rock is a counterculture movement, giving voice to the unheard.
It is physically impossible to get any farther from counterculture than literally cops. This is it. The extreme distant end from counterculture. Who the hell would buy cop-themed rock?
The Daily Wire wishes conservative media was as well-received as the Gavinners.
It's especially bizarre when you consider that we're in the Dark Age of the Law, a period of time when the criminal justice system is so widely known to be corrupt and brutal that pop culture came up with a name for it while it was still happening. Everyone knows that the justice system is broken and exists solely to persecute the innocent but we're all gonna buy tickets to watch a bunch of cops play guitars and cheer for how cool prosecutors are.
Nonetheless, this is such an unassuming setup for a murder. Why would there be a murder? We're here to make music. We're here to make cop music. Can we have one nice evening? But no. Gavin and his guest star Lamiroir take the stage and....
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It does not go well. In fact,
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It goes aggressively not well. Fortunately, the victim lives long enough to tell us that Lamiroir saw him get shot.
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Romein here speaking in code to give us a riddle to solve. I usually hate cryptic moments like this when characters use a short window of opportunity to speak in cryptic tongues rather than deliver useful information. But with Romein, it makes sense. The man has been shot and ours is not his first language. He's wracking his brain right now to find correct enough words to use.
In any case, this sets up our crime for chapter 4-3. A classic Whodunit in an enclosed space - complete with a vanishing killer who somehow teleported out of the room despite us breaking in through the only exit moments after the gunshots were heard.
A limited number of people have access to this backstage area and half of them are cops. One of them shot Romein LeTouse. Which means now would be a good time to talk about the cast of characters involved in this case.
We have two sets of characters here. First is the guest singer Lamiroir and her entourage.
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The mysterious and lovely Lamiroir, a famous international singer who is probably the real reason all those people are here. Come for the legendary international celebrity but also cheer for the fucking cops so they don't get mad and shoot tear gas into the crowd.
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Siren of the Ballad Lamiroir is easily our most interesting character in this case. Not originally from her "home country" of Borginia, her entire persona is a manufactured illusion.
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As well as her manager and translator Romein LeTouse whose name makes me sad that our local salad buffet place shut down during COVID. He's one of only two people involved with this case who can interpret for Lamiroir, who speaks only a foreign language. That's a problem, seeing as he's our vic--
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Oh, never mind, she can speak Japanese "English" just fine. They were doing that for publicity. Convenient!
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And her blind child pianist Machi Tobaye. He and Lamiroir seem like they make for quite a pair. These two, I can believe having a famous musical career. Machi, incidentally, can "also" only speak his native language just like Lamiroir but I'm sure that won't be important.
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These two characters form an inseparable performance duo from a foreign land, whose relationship with each other and their late manager will carry much of the intrigue for this case.
The other key set of characters would be our cops.
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Of course we have Ema Skye, our embittered forensic scientist whose talents are wasted as a field detective. Of course, she's definitely off the suspect list on account of the fact that she was with us when the gunshots were heard.
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There's Prosecutor Gavin who is having the worst day. He probably didn't dunit but then again it wouldn't be the first time, would it?
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And Detective Dickhead. His hair truly must be seen to be believed. He is attempting to pull off the Japanese Thug Pompadour in a way that can only be described as, "Hello, Officer."
Just like Ema, Gavin and Daryan both have airtight alibis as well.
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It's hard to get a stronger alibi than "Thousands of people saw me onstage while the murder was taking place."
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That's it. That's all we get. Glimpses of the Golden Fucko as he bazingas around dodging attention. Okay, dude. Way to not look suspicious, I guess.
That's it. That is our small cast of characters aside. It's not a lot of people to look into. In fact, Mysterious Golden Fucko aside, nobody seems capable of fitting everything we know about this mystery.
Continued in part 2.
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omi-papus · 1 year
Fuck I wish I had it in me to write properly because Im constantly exhausted. But like ok imagine.
AU, where Robin and Al-An actually want to get hit up with Alterra, a little too much.
Renata Goodall is an official Alterra employee, who is totally very qualified to be here and got in through recommendation alone based on her impeccable portfolio and titles that are very real and totally all belong to this inexplicably distracted and danger-prone lady, don't question why her resume claims thirty years of experience, when she looks about twenty-five, that's just a good skincare routine.
Only two days after she's come in, one of the employees of a high-ranking position has had an inexplicable change in behavior. The upper manager of the division, who has a reputation for being lazy, impulsive, extremely unprofessional, known for getting extremely friendly with all employees, especially the female staff, among many other faults, whether he has stolen directly from employee wages is "a theory" if you ask the higher-ups, kept in that position exclusively due to being a long-distance relative of one of the corporate heads. After privately conducting a... personal inspection of foreign cargo that was theorized to be of alien origin, outside of work hours, he's... different.
The hostile human subject was inadvertently killed when attempting to dislodge components from the emergency storage medium, that had incited an electric discharge that resulted in fatal brain damage. This also caused the storage medium's energy to deplete rapidly, initiating emergency procedure of implanting the housed consciousness into the safest nearby receptacle. The functionally uninhabited human body left behind is considered the best option.
It has been noted that the general manager has developed an almost extreme difficulty to walk, concerning low appetite, and an almost manic desperation to avoid the bathroom at all costs, only ever doing it when the threat of contamination of the space becomes imminent. He has also been far less talkative; his previous friendliness had completely vanished, replaced with remarkable rudeness and even worse cluelessness. One thing is decidedly stranger. He reorganized the entire seven-year company plan to be optimized in under an hour, had all salaries updated based on market value as well as counted tax and medical costs, improved a multitude of policies in days, and somehow made the budget dedicated to technical repair of vents, computers, water, and light drop to zero since he has easily fixed every single one of those problems himself.
Alan Whelihan
Is never seen out of the office building.
Does not engage in conversation that is not related to work.
Does not answer personal questions, ever.
Renata feels some type of off around him. Something about the way his veins show from under the pale skin of his wrists, in the milliseconds they show from under his long sleeves looks eerie. It reminds her of something said in a research log she has saved on a pen drive that her sister, who died in an expedition to study the remains of a civilization that was thought extinct, sent her right before she was never heard from again. Declared dead only hours later. She is going to get information about what happened to her at all costs, even if she has to infiltrate this disgusting company, and if she has to beat it out of the superiors themselves, as strange as he was, he was probably her fastest way to the truth. She was sure she only kept a copy of all the information on physical hardware and wiped it all from her PDA. She was absolutely sure she got it all.
Her real name is Robin Ayou. The alien knows this; he had easily hacked the personal devices of everyone in the building; he has learned a lot from it. Her story crumbled under his scrutiny in mere seconds, and he had little difficulty having her pinned in every available facet of her known identity. Now, he has let this slide, for one reason: he needs her close. He needs to extract everything he can from her. Because he's seen something peculiar and terfifying.
On her device theres inexplicably, blurry, low quality, partially corrupted, but unmistakable images of a Sea emperor leviathan.
And while it would be most convenient to just corner the other and get what they want by reason or by force, neither is in a position where they can act out. Both of them are trying to hide their secrets, and they have enough suspicion on them already. So they will have to be more careful about this.
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ziracona · 5 months
So with my second read-through of my favorite chapters I think I finally figured out that Julie was essentially just dissassociating the whole time, or did I read that wrong? Also for the legion im curious if things will go differently than ILM did, speaking of which- Would Julie and Frank have caved and joined the survivors eventually? What do you think really would have convinced them?
More or less, although not like in a way where she doesn’t know what is going on. I think she just lightly dissociates constantly. She’s got a personality disorder, but she lies if I try to figure out which one. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So. I know how she behaves but not why. She’s very aware, she just…’unplugs’ as it were, from feeling it, so it’s easier to do, and has for years. Even the fun parts. That’s why she harps so much on things Frank says being nice because he talks about her like she’s a ‘real person’ or a ‘whole person.’ She’s very self aware. She knows she is not normal. She just chooses mostly not to think about that. Girl represses everything, always. Her brain is plugged in, her feelings are off, and so is any reasoning she doesn’t want to do.
Yes. Every timeline ends differently, especially for the realm killers and the Entity. NDF, ILM, FtEoNR, and HL (even ODE) would have some very significant changes. Some things always stay, the strongest ties as it were, like Nea and Min finding each other, but the ones more up to chance remain…butterfly effected.
But on to the exciting answer! (For me). A chance to talk about the chapter that never was for ILM! The answer is yes, they would have joined not long after the events of Oak, if the Entity hadn’t pushed a confrontation with Philip. I considered letting the story run longer to include the newest two releases (Yui and ST, I believe?). If I had, there would have been a chapter called Pheidippides that I was deeply fond of, and don’t think I’ve ever gotten to talk about before. Essentially, the short summary was the Clown ended up in an area beside Legion, and lured one of them (Julie) in with audio recorded bait. She got caught and tortured, with Joey swapping with her to protect her. The Clown tried to force him to switch back, because he prefers doing what he does to girls, and Joey refused. Using drugs on them to try and force him fucked them up, and made them temporarily lose the ability to switch back and forth, trapping Joey in the body. Jeff heard things going on, and attempted to help, and ended up trapped too, then got severely injured trying to draw fire off Joey. Eventually, drugs wear off enough Frank and Susie are able to swap and she (thin wrists) tag teams to get an arm free, and he stabs the Clown through the ear with a scalpel and kills him (outside a trial).
Frank immediately flips out and calls the Entity to be like “control your fucking killers what the hell?!? Two of us are in critical condition, and this survivor is one missed ER from dead!” But the Entity’s concern is immediately recovering its favorite killer, Kenneth, who was not insured at the moment, so it ejects them from Kenneth’s realm and makes it closed off while it tries to fix it. Frank keeps shouting about it needing to fix them them, which he can’t do because they’re in one body and thus can’t treat each other, so it just rips them back into four and basically tells him to fix it himself, and vanishes to rescue the Clown.
Frank and Susie are left mostly unharmed, with a traumatized and injured Julie, and a more severely injured and traumatized Joey, and an almost dead Jeff who has been getting tortured for them for the last hour. They have no medical supplies or experience, the Entity won’t come, everyone is going completely breakdown. The survivors have meds and expertise, and since Jeff entered Kenneth’s realm, while that’s impassible, it means the survivors /must/ be one away from them, with the ST Lab and Demogorgons, in the way.
Frank realizes Jeff’s only hope of survival is getting through the lab, to the survivors, and bringing them back. It’s the only way to help Joey and Julie either, who while not actively dying, are sincerely fucked. But they despise and won’t listen to him, so he can’t be the one to do it. He might get killed on sight. They’ll think it’s a trap. They won’t beleive. Which means Susie /has/ to. She’s the only one they’ll not hurt, and might believe. She’s terrified to do it, but going to, alone, but he tells her he’s not going to make her do it alone. He’ll go to protect her, and they’ll do it together.
They leave Julie and Joey to recuperate and try to care for Jeff best and long as they can, and then, knowing death outside a game is death for them (and this is a hell of a risk—they’re tough, but in the end they’re young adults with small knives, vs well, the destructive power of a demogorgon, and ILM verse while there’s only one demogorgon per trial, there are many in the Lab, so the lab is a death zone), and their odds are bad but there is just no other way, they together make a mad dash through the lab to the other side to get help.
And yeah I loved that idea it didn’t end up working for the over-arching narrative flow but maybe someday I’ll find a way to reuse it.
They would have become solid and continuing allies after the event, given the length of the Entity fucking them over, and survivors risking themselves to help. They’re flawed people, but they love their own deeply and sincerely. (Which is the exact situation the Entity is working to avoid during the events of NDF)
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southerndragontamer · 8 months
Egotober Day 29: Fright
Virgil was in his room as he rocked with his hands over his ears, his heart raced in his chest and the shadows in the room were darker as they pulled in towards him and he tried to breathe right. He hated panic attacks, hated hated hated-he mentally shook himself a second to try to remember what had happened. Why he was like this, why Thomas was so panicked.
It had been a normal day so far, he’d poked at Thomas to turn the stove off after he’d finished cooking, to turn the water off in the bathroom after he’d done his teeth and to double check his pockets for his phone and keys. You know the normal small anxiety stuff that they both knew had to happen to get him to function right.
Even the game night with Thomas’ friends had been fine, Virgil hadn’t even been that bad about checking the math more than once in his head at Logan’s insistence on it but it had actually been…fun to watch them all geek out over the board game. But…oh…the anxious side felt his breath hitch in his metaphysical chest.
After the game night, when Roman and Remus had vanished into Imagination to work on their respective creativity, Patton had went to the kitchen and Logan to decompress from social interaction in the library with Janus at his heels for the same reason, Thomas had gone to do the same with some tv. And there had been a brief flip to a religious channel.
Virgil didn’t have anything against religion by concept, or thought that everyone was a nut job who forced their views down everyone’s throat and were closed minded to change because it didn’t fit ‘their version’ of their gods ideals that was actually so far from the original text due to how humans had played it like a game of telephone over the years no one remembered the real thing-Focus Virgil! He took a shaking breath and got back on track.
It had just been one line, something stupid about ‘gay marriage being unholy’ or similar but it had sent Thomas right back into the mindset he’d had as a teen before he’d come out and that was why Virgil was having a panic attack. He needed to get to Thomas, now. Before the others felt it, especially Remus. He shut his eyes tight, ignored the feeling of wrong, wrong, wrong that crawled up his spine and popped up next to a slightly hyperventilating Thomas, eyes locked on a blank tv. Virgil used his deeper tone to get his attention,
“Thomas. Thomas, look at me.”
Frightened hazel, pupils blown wide in panic and anxiety and fear- Virgil slowly reached out and took Thomas’ tense shoulders in shaking hands and looked him in the eye with glowing purple. He spoke slowly so that he could focus on the tone first, then the words.
“Thomas, you’re having a panic attack. I know why and it’s ok, I understand why it triggered this. But the old man is wrong, ah-ah no…deep breath in for me….hold it….yes he’s wrong Thomas. He doesn’t know what holy really is, he wouldn’t understand love is love if it bit him in the pope hat…let it out.”
Virgil smirked as his crude tinged joke got a huffed out sheepish laugh and he nodded in reassurance as he leaned in just a little closer, pulled him into a hug as he kept talking, like Patton did when he was in his own anxious spiral and brought him through his breathing exercises.
“Yeah there you go Thomas, deep breath in….seven seconds, hold it…it’s all ok. You aren’t wrong for loving someone, you were made this way when you were born. Nothing about you was ‘corrupted’ or ‘twisted’ or ‘just happened out of the blue’ or ‘a phase’ or whatever the hot pockets you’ve been told. Let it out….good. Now, since we’re calmed down wanna watch some Disney? There’s a Halloween inspired marathon on that has Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus in it.”
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eclipsebyler · 2 years
Mike Wheeler and his love for D&D (ST Comics Thoughts + Long Analysis)
Note: The comics aren't written by the Duffer Bros themselves so we can't say they're fully canon. However, the D&D Issue comic is very canon to me. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it especially bcs it gave us a Mike POV and it's interesting that it makes so much sense for how he acts in the show. So, I made an unnecessarily dramatic analysis about it. Take it with a grain of salt.
Contrary to popular belief, Will Byers isn't the biggest nerd and lover of Dungeons & Dragons among the party. Mike Wheeler is.
In the comics, it's Mike (along with Lucas) who first discovered this fantasy board game in an isolated library. They excitedly talked about this with Will, who then shared their enthusiasm about the game and the three of them made it their goal to save up and trade books in exchange for the complete set of D&D. They met Dustin along the way because of it too, and the core four party was born.
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(Look how cute they are. The party even helped in the final touches of Castle Byers in the comics.)
Among the four of them, it becomes clear that Mike is the most invested. He enjoyed being the Dungeon Master — learning about the game's mechanics and creating imaginative adventures for the party's campaigns (and we can see that in the show, too. It's the very first scene we get with the party being established as the dorky nerds: a game of D&D, and Mike as their enthusiastic DM. Mike even gets frustrated when Karen calls him up because their game got cut off.)
And considering how Mike's career goal is being a writer — it's easy to connect it with his love for world building in this game. A lot of his childhood traces back to his memories with the party and D&D. It's a comfort game to him.
However, that changes after the tragic night happened. After S1's Upside Down fiasco, he started harbouring negative feelings about it; worrying if it's still worth playing at all for numerous reasons.
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For the party, especially for Mike — D&D isn't just a game. It became a way to navigate and decode the world around them.
Teamwork, bravery, and empathy are some of the values in-game that bled through the party's real life dynamics. It brought them closer together.
D&D empowered Mike to be a brave, courageous hero not just in game, but also in real life too. He became less scared and slowly learned to stand up to the bullies. To protect his friends in his own ways. To be the leader— someone who comes up with a plan and inspires the party into action. Just like he does as the Dungeon Master.
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So for this same game that only held good memories to suddenly be replaced by the worst ones — ones that involve real supernatural monsters, his friends being put real danger, and an interdimensional world that turned their lives into a nightmare — it's easy to see why Mike starts despising it.
Most especially because the two week planned campaign of his, the one they played before Will bid him goodbye — it had all turned to reality.
The Demogorgon got Will. He vanished. He almost died. He lost his best friend.
And while they got Will back in their lives, a part of him died in the Upside Down. Mike knows and sees it, and it upsets him.
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To some extent — Mike might have blamed himself for what happened. As the Dungeon Master who came up with the failed campaign that became a little too real; what if the next stories he writes lead to a traumatic real life experience again? What if he loses Will again? What if he wasn't really a good DM at all? What if they didn't play that night? What if he asked Will to stay? If only...
As much as Mike loves playing again, he feels like everyone doesn't want to anymore. This game isn't worth it, after everything that happened.
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Because what is the point of playing adventures that spoke of bravery and heroes saving the day — when he couldn't do that in reality? It's stupid. Mike feels stupid.
And yet, he couldn't let go of it completely. If anything, these feelings pushed him to write a perfect next campaign for the party.
Maybe he just needed to fix their last failed session, to make things better. Maybe he could bring back the party together in their favorite game and lead them to victory. Somehow, he feels like the party's dynamics is at stake in this next game so he puts his all to it.
He hated how things were changing. He longed for things to be normal again.
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He beat himself up over writing the best campaign story to the point Nancy had to check on him in the basement and tried to help him out despite not knowing about D&D. 
(One of my favorite moments in this issue. Nancy indulging Mike on his interests and comforting him? I need more of the Wheeler siblings in S5.)
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What struck me the most was how much Mike cares about Will and how considerate he was in everything (even with his character in the game). He wanted Will the Wise to be the one to kill the monster and bring them victory. He needs him to win, unlike last time.
"He needs to be a hero, not a victim."
He wanted to create a special and perfect campaign for the party, but most especially for Will. This campaign is for Will.
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Mike is scared of repeating the last failed campaign. He's scared of having to worry about their fantasy game turning into reality. He's scared of how everything changed after that night.
He wants to go back to the old times, before Will had gone missing. He wants the old, carefree and happy party back. He wants to have Will back.
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“Dungeons & Dragons kept you guys together, Mike. Isn’t that worth celebrating?”
This game brought the party close together. But it’s also the same game that reminds Mike of bad memories: like his campaign that caused them to be separated to Will. He has mixed feelings about it.
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Eventually, he finishes writing the campaign and plays it with the party. As a desired outcome, Will was able to kill the monster— the Thessalhydra, and wins this time.
It's the same campaign we saw the party playing at the end of S1. (And the last campaign we saw them playing as a party. The last we see of Mike as the Dungeon Master).
Their last D&D session was a special campaign he wrote especially for Will.
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Considering all of Mike’s POV in the comics into the canon universe, it makes so much sense as to why he started drifting away and repressing his want to play it. Because just when things are getting back to normal again -- he loses Will again to the Upside Down in S2. To a creature that is reminiscent to one of D&D’s monsters again. The Mind Flayer.
He watched Will get haunted by the Upside Down and being stuck in two worlds. He watched him get possessed, slowly lose his memories and turn into a different person. He watched him thrash in pain and suffer to an almost death.  And add to that - El coming back, he finds out she’s still alive and he’d been lied to, only for her to leave again and Mike could only watch. 
He could only watch and hope that they are both still alive. And at the end of the day, Mike is still just a kid. It’s easy to feel hopeless, powerless, and for trauma and fear to consume him. It’s easy to see why his insecurity grows and for him to feel like he isn’t doing anything worthwhile for anyone.
And seeing as how Mike spent Season 3 focusing on his relationship with El instead, to impress the girl that has taken interest in him and doing the traditional heteronormative couple behaviors - it makes so much sense. This is Mike trying to grow up. Trying to do things differently rather than reverting back to the old habits like playing games -- especially a game that surrounds him with complicated feelings, no matter how much he loves it. Repressing his interests. 
“What did you think, really? We’re just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?” 
This is definitely him projecting. This is what he wants but he’s trying to let it go. Him dismissing Will’s campaign because it’s scary to play D&D with the party again, especially with Will. He’d lost Will two times already.
But clearly, he hasn’t let go of his love for D&D just yet. He reacts when Will donates his book. He worries that Will wants to join another party. And when the Byers-Hopper moved to Lenora, he joined a D&D club in S4: The Hellfire. He enjoys playing again - in a larger party, and with another skilled Dungeon Master. This is the first time we see him as one of the players, and not a DM. He’s slowly going back to his old habits, but not quite fully. He’s still trying to be normal. He still wants to seem like he’s growing up. 
And weirdly, he only shows this repressed side of him to El and Will. The two people he keeps losing and gaining back. But evidently we see him doing this with Will the most.
He has no problem being a nerd with Lucas and Dustin and Max. He has never really shown El this side of him.
But why Will? Who has known him since he was a kid, who knows and accepts this side of him and yet he refuses to play with him again. Because of his trauma, probably. Or there's something more to it.
“We could just play D&D and Nintendo for the rest of our lives.”
“Yeah. Totally.”
The way Mike responds to this is as if he’s dismissing it. As if it’s an idea he didn’t want to do. And yet the next moment, we see his face lighting up with a huge smile when Will gives him a painting - a D&D painting - an imagery of his character in the game and Will telling him that he’s exactly just that in real life too. Everyone needs him. He’s their leader. He’s the heart. It’s Mike being reminded of who he truly is - of who he’s trying to repress within himself, and Will is telling him -- he is loved and worth it for just exactly who he is. And that means the world to Mike.
It's clear how much this speech meant to him because it's what pushes him to say I love you to El. (That godforsaken monologue which there's so much to unpack from. That's for another conversation.)
In conclusion to this long analysis of Mike Wheeler from both comics and the show — D&D is a big part of the party's lives but most especially Mike Wheeler's. And his mixed feelings about it mostly centers on one person: Will. The night Will vanished was the night everything went to hell, the night of Mike's campaign that turned to a hellish reality.
D&D reminds him of what he gained and what he lost time and time again. D&D reminds him of what he hates and what he loves. D&D reminds him of who he is and who he wants to be.
Mike Wheeler is a huge nerd. He badly wants to repress it for several reasons but he'll always fall back to where he's always meant to be. One day, he would be able to play games for the rest of his life without having to worry about losing someone again.
One day, he's going to truly have Will back in his life and he would stay with him, and then home will be the same again.
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
Love always comes back
Character: Theo Raeken x male reader
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: Sadness, Happy ending
Some days were just horrible. Especially if you are alone. To your dismay, it was one of „those“ days. Not having the energy to even stand up from the bed. Trying to fall asleep over and over again. And at some point, finally understand, that this will not be the case and still keep stay in bed. Just because.
Your sadness had a reason, one that is trivial more or less. But still hard for you every time it happens. The feeling of not being good enough, would haunt you in these instances. Dark clouds, all over your head, hanging threatening to eat you alive.
Not even the bright sun, that tried to get you out of your bed and maybe even happily jump in your garden. Which as everything and everyone around you, could feel this immense sadness, that would be around you, before one of „those“, days started.
The flowers, you cared for, letting their heads hang, which let it look like, as if it was about to die. But as always, the moment, you would come out of your dark place and tend to it again, they would rise. But the problem was, you didn’t. This time was different from all the others. Even days later, you haven’t left your home, barely could get out of bed. Your feelings eating you alive. The plants outside showed the world, what was going on. Lifeless and almost at the verge of dying, they paint a gruesome picture.
Without any knowledge of that, you kept to yourself. Doing only what was absolutely necessary, just to go back to bed.
You heard it too late. As the sounds came nearer and a sudden rush of adrenalin pushed itself trough your body, you were only able to sit up. But something suddenly brought you back down. A clothed warm body, smashed you on your own bed, where you half naked laid. Which was just more comfortable considering, that you wouldn’t go out anyways.
With a loud belly laughter, you finally got the sound of a voice you haven’t heard in a while. „Liam?“, you asked slightly annoyed at his breaking in. But still could just not laugh at him, jumping on me.
„Cannon ball!“, you heard another voice scream. Panic filled your body, until another body slammed onto you. The moment it hit you the body was finally visible. Coreys hazel brown eyes, looked directly into yours. Holding himself up with his arms on your chest, „Morning,“ he mumbled.
You put one of your hands on his stupidly smiling face, which he returned with a soft chuckle. „You know, we were concerned about you.“ A third person, who carefully sat himself on the edge of your bed, directly besides you.
Not able to turn your head, you couldn’t see him at first, until he laid himself besides you, „Mason, you too?“, you asked as annoyed as you looked. Just wanting to bath in your loneliness, since your other half vanished in the middle of the night, five years ago. Once in the while, you had these phases, waiting for him to come back. „How did you even come in here?“
Without any hesitation, Mason hold up the keys, your fiancé had. „He gave them to me, for the case you would isolate yourself too much. He loves you and when the time is right, he will come back, you know this,“ he told you again, with squeezing your arm, as if this would make anything really better.
„I don’t really believe this anymore. Five years, Mason. Five years! Do you know what I did in these five years, except for going to school and work? Nothing!“ As your anger grew, the two guys laying on you, were thrown to the other side of the room. Groaning and moaning in pain, brought you back.
„Shit,“ you cursed under your breath. Finally standing up again, helping both of them back on their feet. „Sorry, I’m not really stable at the moment.“
Shortly after, the strong breeze became what it was before, just a little breeze, blowing trough your know open windows.
„This is the exact reason, why I am alone in these moments! You can only be happy, that I didn’t used my real powers, instead of asking the earth to push you away from me.“
All three boys, could hear the anger and disappointment in your voice, for their disregard for your feelings and solitude in your home. You just wanted some time for yourself.
„Your garden is dying, as well as the forest surrounding us!“ Mason finally lost his cool himself. He could understand your pained hurt, but could not accept, that you would risk the entire planet because of it.
You could only shake with your head, „I would let the entire planet die, if its necessary.“ Slowly your eyes begin to tear up, „I can’t anymore. The pain is eating me alive. It is too long. I swore to give him the time he needs, but this is too much! How long should I wait, another fifty years? When he is old and grey? Maybe even with children?“
Finally the walls you had build up, since he left you, broke down, letting the waters fall. Not even a second later, rain began to fall down. At first softly, until you cried like a baby, something you hadn’t done in sometime.
Outside began a storm, so wild, that it would entirely be possible, to destroy the entire forest around your home.
Before you knew it, three pairs of arms, were around you. As a tall, build man they hadn’t had any problem to do so. They almost needed all three of them. „I just want him back,“ you finally cried out.
They kept you company for a few hours, until you felt better again and let you sleep again, with the threat that, tomorrow they would get you out of the house.
And as the next day came, this exact thing happened. You even were clothe, even when it was sloppy, just in grey sweatpants and a shirt. The day was gloomy, just like your mood, but still semi nice.
„And what are we doing, when you guys already forced me out?“, you asked them grumpy. Still pissed, that they invaded your home, without your consent.
„Can you once in your life, shut the hell up and just wait?“ This time it was on Mason to get annoyed at you. You mumbled something incoherent but looked away from the smaller guy, as he daggered you with his eyes.
You went silent with them, walking the right side from your home, the paved street you had paid for, because the city did not want to deal with it, brought you guys further into the forest, until there wasn’t any street anymore. Shortly before the end, the rest of your friends came to a halt. At first you did not really realized, that was until you couldn’t see their feet anymore. Confused you looked up again, turning around. Before you could asked them what the meaning of this was, you could hear steps, coming out of the forest.
Not once in your life, you turned around faster. For a moment fearing, that something would attack you. But there under the protection of the tree crowns, that blocked most of the gloomy light, was a sight for sore eyes.
The moment you saw the man, the clouds broke away, letting sunshine trough, as if nothing ever had happened. „The… Theo?“, you asked with a breaking voice, not able to breath at all.
„It’s me bonsy.“ The moment you heard this stupid ass nickname, he had given you, as he came to know what powers you had, you began to walk in his direction. The sun directly shining onto him, as if he was the only thing deserving of it.
But your walking quickly became a run. Theo did not move a single muscle, at first, just looking at you with a smile, that was warming enough to bring even summer to the coldest places. As you came nearer, he began to run too. Finally letting his feelings out for himself.
Just moments later, you two collided like stars. The smaller Theo jumping up into your arms, holding him into places. His legs around your hips and your hand slightly on his behind to hold him up against you, where he belonged.
A smell of oak and fresh water was on him. The feeling of the forest itself hang onto him, „There was no-one else, right?“, you asked almost ready to cry again.
Theo pressed himself even harder against you, „Never. You are the only one for me,“ he whispered softly into your ear. Feeling as if the world was crumbling around you full with hope and happiness.
You could hear whispering around you. While you spun Theo in your arms. Never have voices matter as less as they did in this moment. Finally as you accepted that he was back. With the hand on the back on his head, you forced it a bit away from you, „Never leave me again! Do you understand me! Never!“ Tears were streaming down your cheeks at this point. But the weather kept being sunny and warm.
Instead of saying anything, he did the only thing that truly could tell you, that he was there to stay. He kissed you. Not a kiss, but a promise. You could feel it and finally became yourself again. The sadness began to vanish out of your system, where it never belonged to. 
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nyxqueenofshadows · 7 months
so officially finished kiwami 2, majima saga aside which won't take long. ignore how this isn't a screenshot, this was easier
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i'm just gonna dump the thousand words or so of thoughts i put in my fic doc here for posterity and anyone who might get a kick out of reading them. lots and lots of messiness, vague spoilers for rgg online plus one itsy bitsy reference to the stage play
hot take that there were maybe some redeemable elements in the last bit (mainly all the times kaoru and ryuji talk to each other) but so much of it is so fucking stupid and full of HE WOULD NOT DO THAT (mainly kiryu). idk. i don’t hate it but it needed some work
interesting things learned tho, ryuji didn’t expect to live long, he says he made it further than he was expecting. as we now know from rggo, he already knew about his jingweonha connection and was actively ignoring it (which is why terada marks him for death in the first place. slot han in here?) and remembered the night where his father died (despite being like 2 at the time, at most). kiryu also reiterates that he sees nishiki in ryuji, which i think is fair (and the stage play people clearly agreed). ‘the least i can do is honour a man like that’ is an interesting attitude to have. also ryuji is like ‘i see why my sister fell fer ya’ which is not quite the japanese line (ish) but it’s also not the straightest thing he’s ever said. ryuji also very clearly would have doted on kaoru quite a lot, if they’d lived together as children or otherwise, and i really think we missed out on seeing more of them. maybe i’m just soft for that kind of thing.
i feel like a more interesting conundrum would have been both ryuji and kiryu being wounded from their fight, delaying it again (cos they’d done it once no reason not to do it again) but neither are moving the way they should and (believing the bomb is real) kaoru has to pick one to carry and one to leave behind. (maybe halfway down the stairs or smth?) it wouldn’t be especially original but it would make more sense imo. her going down the lift does nothing but slow her down (ig she has access to the controls and doesn’t use them for hashtag drama reasons) which i don’t think fundamentally changes her position that much from before the second ryuji fight. it also gives her smth to fucking do that isn’t just crying and grabbing fences and doing that dumbfuck charge that i don’t think she would have done (her gun hadn’t gone far! then again i have hindsight and am thinking clearer than she is). anyway kiryu pushes her to take ryuji (guilt over nishiki?) and locks them in the lift thingy and sends them down, fully ready to die now. his and ryuji’s wounds mirror each other but i feel like kiryu got the shorter end of the stick? plus he was shot slightly earlier so has been bleeding for longer.
i cannot say this enough, kiryu would not leave ryuji. like, he just wouldn’t. if there was even a chance he was still alive, he would make sure he got to someone or he would at least try. he’s at his most inactive in cutscenes in kiwami 2 (i think) and it’s frustrating as a player asdfghjkl
ALSO if sudo and date and haruka went to the effort of preparing and going up in that helicopter, why didn’t they also prepare a rope?? or smth to rescue people who were on top of the tower???? they clearly knew there was a bomb up there (beforehand or not is unclear but we don’t see them have a conversation about it) and want kiryu and co. to leave. (and not MAKE OUT ON A ROOFTOP they were really going at it huh, ryuji’s ?corpse? is right fucking there guys oh and goda jin’s? he sort of vanishes from that last bit)
also it would have been kind of funny if, while there was still that ten minutes, everyone sprinted for the stairs and made it down and they’re waiting for the building to blow and when it inevitably doesn’t they’re all just standing there checking their watches like is it late? did smth break? who wants to be the sucker and go check? can we call an ambulance for the two idiots? majima is down in the construction yard i think so he’d probably send nishida, maybe?
idk kiryu has no interest in kaoru to me. he treats her no differently to anyone else aside from the two times they kiss, both of which feel very out of character for him, and that romance subplot takes away any and all girlboss power kaoru had. she went from beating men up and threatening them with bokuto and shit to like, i love man, so sad. (they knew each other like a week!!!!!! and they’re dying for each other!!!! give me a break!!!!!) that’s not to detract from the awful fucking week she has of learning who her family are (some racism in there??? i’m not qualified to speak on that, maybe it’s just the gang thing, ) and then watching literally all of them die one after another. except mama, she’s fine and never appears again. it’s very much aiming for a ‘she can be a ‘woman’ (i.e. be emotional and like cute things and not try and match the locker room attitude of the men) and also take names’ but it doesn’t succeed at that at all. from kiryu’s conversation with her on their little date thing (which is cute, i’ll give it that) he was telling her to be true to herself, right? it's his go to line. which suggests that her kicking dudes in the face a lot and working incredibly hard (she’s a prodigy, in multiple fields! this doesn’t get explored enough) is NOT her true self, the one who plays with teddy bears and falls in love is. which, again, not that those two things can’t co-exist, but the game doesn’t allow them to either. just, ah. more wasted woman potential in a yakuza game. yayoi gets the same treatment :((( you gave me two step on me yakuza ladies and dropped the ball on both of them, come on guys. hopefully she gets to live a little in 8.
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In infinity war when stephen vanished for 5 years did you think he was dead for real? How did you deal with that?
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(I’m just gonna answer all of these in one post. Buckle up cause y’all bout to get a whole story…)
When the blip occurred, I first checked throughout the Sanctums and Kamar-Taj to see who remained and if anyone was harmed. It took a while to settle everyone from panicking. The moment I could though, I performed a tracking spell to find Stephen. It fizzled out immediately, meaning he was dead gone.
He was gone. He was up in space and he… he was there alone. I didn’t know why, how, when, where… I didn’t know anything because I decided to stay on Earth. Would it have been different if I was there? What happened to him? Had the Maw pushed Stephen’s limits too far? Had Thanos taken his life in order to take the Time Stone? If Thanos succeeded in his plan, then that surely had to be the reason my spell sizzled out.
For months I had assumed Thanos murdered my friend. I was forced to take the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme in the time of mass confusion and panic. I managed like I was expected to do, but it was hard. I had gotten used to the unimpressive jokes to try and make me smile. I’d gotten used to walking into the library to find the Cloak of Levitation sprawled out like a blanket over a sleeping man slumped in a way that would surely leave him with cricks in the morning. I couldn’t grieve for those moments I’d never have again. I had to be a leader, I had to be the Sorcerer Supreme.
I turned to fighting as a way to deal with the grief and stress. It worked, for a while. I’d gained a reputation for myself and made some pretty good earnings from my matches. I made alliances with other heroes. Thor and Valkyrie had shown me New Asgard and promised assistance should I ever need it. Rocket had once mentioned where I could find the Ravengers. Shuri had taken an interest in the Astral Plane. I had to be a leader. I had to pick up the scraps of our decimated world and make it something better. I had to pretend like the silence wasn’t a little too loud most days. I had to move on.
Since I was promoted to Sorcerer Supreme, we needed a new librarian. Enter Sara Wolfe, who would eventually end up becoming the person to ground me. Around her, I wasn’t Sorcerer Supreme, I was just someone who loved books. She listened to me talk about how guilty I felt over Stephen’s death... over everyone’s deaths, really. He had only been with us for two years. He wasn’t meant to go out that soon, especially not like that. She was a comfort I didn’t know I needed that finally allowed me to start genuinely moving on.
At the Stark’s wedding, Tony revealed to me that Stephen in fact wasn’t killed by Thanos, rather, he was blipped alongside the others with the final words, “there was no other way.” Tony informed me of everything Stephen had done while on Titan, including viewing the possible outcomes. That knowledge brought me the last piece of comfort I needed. Stephen had a plan.
I’m sure you know the rest. Bruce Banner snapped his fingers, bringing back half the population, including all of the blipped sorcerers, even Stephen. It took less than a minute for a portal to form in the Courtyard and for a mostly unharmed Stephen to step through. Admittedly, it hurt a bit how quickly Stephen got to business, telling me to get together as many alliances as we had. He missed me though, I could tell.
@doctorstrangeaskblog, I’m glad you’re back.
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For the interested, an explanation about the gameplay behind Velma and Devon is below the cut.
As I think I've hinted previously, these two don't seem to be autonomously inclined towards one another, at all.
They never have been. Velma gets the little floaty hearts with, I would estimate, 4 out of 5 male Sims she meets (including, to my great disgust, Violet's asshole husband). Moreover, most male Sims get the little floaty hearts with her--that percentage is even higher, like around 90%.
When she first met Devon, I was a little disappointed to find that he was both in that 20% of guys Velma doesn't find attractive, and in that 10% who don't get excited by Velma.
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But hey--they're both writers and bookworms, right? And they have compatible signs! And Velma's track record with guys is--well, we've all seen it. She bagged three guys on Love Day, only one of whom with she had any significant prior relationship.
So, yeah. I had faith that my highly sex-positive legacy heir was up to this challenge!
After a month of gameplay, though, I think the verdict is in: That faith was misplaced. In trying to get these two together, I keep running into the same problems over and over again:
Devon runs a little on the glitchy side. That's one of the reasons I moved everyone to Aurora Skies: I was hoping that might sort out whatever's wrong with him, but it didn't. The last time he was over to visit Velma in Aurora Skies, he kept vanishing. The game would show him on the lot, but I combed literally every tile of that lot and, nope! I don't know whether this is that thing where they glitch into the underground or what, but I kept having to reset him, then invite him over again (or summon him via Master Controller).
It would be one thing if I thought he were gay or male-preferencing bi, but in fact Devon is very, very enthusiastic about other, non-Velma ladies. Here we see him engaged in conversation at Velma's, fresh from breakfast at the bistro with some other gal (one of the Vinters, I think) and thus still in his tux:
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But he isn't talking to Velma.
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(Velma fired her at once.)
3. One of those non-Velma ladies Devon is very, very into is her sister, Vivienne. I'm not worried about that busting up Vivienne and David--those two have clearly mated for life, and who knows, maybe they're polyamorous--but it obviously has the potential to be a huge problem between Devon and Velma. I've posted a couple of examples of this previously, but the problem is, those aren't all the examples. Basically, if Devon is on a lot where Vivienne is, especially (but not necessarily!) if David isn't there, he's going for it--every time. They are both Hopeless Romantics, so maybe that's it. Or maybe it's that country-western singer hairdo Vivienne's got. Who knows?
4. As I've mentioned previously, based on her autonomous interactions with him, Velma seems to see Devon as a friend and only a friend. If I don't drive her social choices, it's all "Complain About Status Quo" (she picked up the Rebellious trait in Elmira City, which 🥴 I'm a mite tired of after Yuri), "Describe Radical Idea," "Condescend the Mainstream," and all her other Avant Garde bullshit. (That trait is definitely a mixed bag for me. It's a hoot when she's critiquing the houseplants, but it's not the greatest for starting conversations, nor for romancing Sims she plainly doesn't want to romance. Oh, and if I don't keep a close watch on her, it inclines her to accuse Sims of being sellouts. That's what happened here.)
5. Yuri and Tahiya.
--wait, what?! Let me explain:
I dropped in on these two recently to grab the pics of Yuri on the phone with Velma that were used in this post. On switching households to theirs, this is how I found them, down in their basement gymnasium:
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Just a-flirtin' and a-complimentin' and at some point flowers were exchanged--a real pair of elder lovebirds.
Now, I know not everyone was pleased with my breaking up him and Enya, but do you see why I did it? This, Yuri and Tahiya's whole dynamic, was a large part of why. (Okay, yes, Enya's Smustle obsession also played a role, but mainly it was this.) His jackass dating profile notwithstanding, Yuri adores Tahiya, and I couldn't say no to that.
THAT is what I want for Velma. I want to load up her house two generations from now, and find that she and whichever decrepit guy she is with are still making shmoopy faces at each other.
And she just isn't going to get that with Devon.
Oh! she'll have Devon's baby. That's what I promised, and in fact that's already underway... but Devon isn't who I'm ultimately pairing her up with, if in fact I ever pair her up with anyone.
She has commitment issues, remember? 😉
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