#but luckily i still had the gif saved and just stitched it together
lordsooga · 2 years
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Ayy let’s go! I managed to finish this in time for the last day of Linktober: Free Day!
Koh and Sooga are spending some time together playing switch. I ran a poll on twitter to decide which game they should be playing but then ended up making them all anyway (ID under the cut)
[ID: The first image shows Master Kohga and Sooga lounging on their bed in the Yiga hideout. Yiga banners, bananas, pillows, and Sooga’s sword are scattered throughout the room. Kohga’s lying on his stomach, frowning in concentration at his switch, kicking his legs behind him. Sooga lounged on his elbow next to him, holding up a corner of his sheet mask to watch Kohga play.
The rest of the images show four pairs of two gifs. It shows various games being play on the switch. The first of each pair shows Kohga’s chibi head in the corner, providing commentary and the second shows an identical gif without.
The first of the gifs shows a chibi version of Master Kohga on the screen of the switch. He jumps up and spins around, saying “Master Koga!!! Now prepare yourself!” Kohga in the corner comments “Now that’s a man.
The next pair of gifs shows a redraw of a cutscene from Super Monkey Ball 2 as bananas are being sucked into the air and into Dr. Badboon’s blimp. Kohga commentates that “Maybe I should try that.”
The next pair show a redrawn screen shot from Age of Calamity. Sooga’s back faces the screen and Kohga stands behind him with a flicked wrist. Sparkles twinkle around Sooga’s nice ass. Kohga commentates “Lookin’ good, Soogz~” looking smugly down at Sooga’s chibi head in the corner who blushes through his sheet mask and replies “Mast Kohga, please...”
The last pair of gifs show Master Kohga playing Animal Crossing New Horizons. In the foreground is Elvis, a lion villager that is king themed. He looks nervous, sweating. The focus of the shot changed to focus on Kohga’s character standing right behind him. He’s holding an axe, laughing evilly. Kohga in the corner commentates “No monarchy allowed,” looking angry. \endID]
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mendessi · 2 years
the moon and the stars
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pairing: joel miller x fem!oc
summary: you're with the millers on the day of the outbreak and it tears you apart that you couldn't help save sarah
word count: 5.2k
warnings: canon typical violence, death, no smut in this one sorry, soft joel, dad joel, literal heartbreak, mentions of sex, she’s a nurse
author's note: i held off as long as i could but now im writing something ab joel miller what can i say? also i dont ever really write y/n, im more of an oc kind of gal but feel free to replace the oc name with your own if it makes you happy (:
minors DNI
"Is he awake?" Celeste asked as she peaked her head into the Miller residence.
"He's still sleeping. His alarm has been going off for like five minutes." Sarah replied. Celeste made her way to Sarah and kissed her cheek. "I'm gonna start breakfast. We're having pancakes."
"He doesn't like pancakes." She said pouring the coffee grounds into the coffee maker so it would be fresh when Joel came downstairs. She wasn't a coffee drinker but her boyfriend was.
"We do, though." Sarah smiled cheekily and she returned one back to her.
"I'll go get him up." Celeste said making her way up the stairs towards Joel's bedroom. She sighed at the fact that his alarm was indeed still going off. The man would sleep through an earthquake if he had the opportunity. Luckily for him they weren't much a threat in Austin, Texas.
Celeste had been seeing Joel for almost a year now since he came into the ER, needing stitches from an accident he had on a job sight. Joel couldn't stop flirting and the fact that Celeste refused to give in to him made him want her more. He only flirted because the thought of a needle going in and out of his skin made him want to squirm and the pretty face in front of him was a nice distraction. Her soft voice helped ease his nerves, Joel didn't typically go out and look for relationships prior to Celeste, more so for the sake of Sarah, but he couldn't help it. Celeste was stunning, "the most stunning to ever step foot in Austin" Joel would tell her. By the time she brought him his release forms, she couldn't help but agree to a date.
She moved to Austin to obtain her RN at the University of Texas from Seattle and ended up falling in love with the city so she decided to stay and get a job at the local hospital as a trauma nurse in the emergency room. Luckily she did or she would've never met Joel in the ER that day.
"Baby, wake up." She shut off the alarm and crawled into bed next to a shirtless Joel who lazily wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his chest. They lay like that for a moment, enjoying each other's presence before they had to get up for the day. He appreciated this as their morning routine, she’d stop by in the morning and they’d have breakfast together before work. His eyes slowly fluttered open and a sleepy smile perched on his lips as he looked at her.
"Mornin, beautiful." He said to her, brushing her hair from her face.
"Happy birthday." She leaned forward placing a soft kiss on his lips to which he moved closer to her, his hand trailing up and down her thigh. She ran her fingers through his hair once she pulled away.
"Gotta get up." He huffed, throwing the blankets off of himself. He pecked her lips three times and on the fourth one he didn't pull away, grateful that her kiss was how he was woken up on his birthday.
She crawled out of bed and leaned against the door while he grabbed his clothes for the day. Celeste watched him change with her arms crossed over her body, a small smile on her lips. Once he finished, she pulled the door open and the two of them made their way downstairs. Joel couldn't help giving her a love tap on her butt as she rounded the corner to which she glared at him.
"Scrubs." He shrugged, a playful smile tugging at his lips. It was no secret that Joel loved when Celeste was dressed for work, normally in blue or black scrubs that hugged her body just right.
They entered the kitchen to discover that Sarah was standing at the stove making scrambled eggs. Joel must've forgotten to grab a box at the most previous grocery trip.
"Where's the pancake mix?" Sarah asked.
"Oh, was I... I was. Sorry." Joel sighed walking towards the cabinet to get a mug.
"I was gonna make you birthday pancakes." She sighed adding under her breath, "I swear."
"You know, I don't really like pancakes." He said reaching for the coffee pot.
"I know you don't like them. It was for our benefit." Sarah said grabbing the orange juice from the fridge and pouring a glass for Joel. Celeste couldn't help but smile at Joel's reaction to Sarah holding the glass out to him. "Vitamin C."
Joel nodded and took a big sip from the glass and she did her best to not snicker at the face he made while drinking it.
"Give it." She said quietly, and he gladly slid the glass across the counter towards her. She picked it up and took a sip, shooting him a wink. He reached up and cupped her face, brushing his thumb across her cheek.
"Love you." He mouthed and even after hearing it a million times over the last six months since he first said it, it still made her blush.
She stood on her tippy toes and kissed him quickly before Sarah turned around and he reached for her hand once she pulled away. Celeste always tried to keep the PDA minimal around Sarah, despite Sarah exclaiming she didn't care if they kissed in front of her. Celeste was grateful that Sarah liked her, it was the one thing she was most afraid of when she found out that Joel had a daughter. Sarah loved Celeste and always begged the question when she'd move in or when they'd get married to which the couple never had a direct answer.
The trio sat around the table eating the eggs that Sarah had spent the morning cooking. She wasn't bad at cooking to say the least, but you could only make scrambled eggs so many different ways.
"So how old are you again?" Sarah asked.
"Thirty six." "Old." Joel and Celeste replied at the same time. Sarah giggled as Joel glared at Celeste.
"We can't all be hot, young nurses." Joel said.
"I'm twenty-six, I'm not that young." Celeste rolled her eyes.
"I'm twenty-six, I'm not that young." Joel mocked her very much not southern accent, something he loved to tease her about. Being from the Pacific Northwest was about as far from southern you could get.
"Gonna have to wear diapers soon." Sarah said to her dad, earning a burst of laughter from Celeste.
"Who says I don't already?" Joel fired back and then pulled something from his mouth, "Shell."
"Calcium." Sarah replied and then shoved the eggs in her mouth through her teeth.
"Lovely." Joel sighed while Celeste continued laughing.
"I gotta run." Celeste stood up from her chair and brought her dishes to the sink where she quickly rinsed them off.
"Is there enough for Uncle Tommy?" Joel asked.
"Well, there would've been."
"Bye, baby." Celeste leaned down and stole one last birthday kiss from Joel despite Sarah sitting in front of them.
"Be safe." Joel replied. He grabbed her hand as she was walking away and pulled her back towards him, wrapping his arm around her waist from where he sat in the chair. "Love you."
"Love you." She smiled and waved goodbye to Sarah as she passed Tommy on her way out. "Have a good day everyone."
"What?" Joel asked when he noticed Sarah staring at him with a smug smile after Celeste disappeared behind the garage door.
"It's just nice seeing you two." Sarah replied, standing to grab their plates off of the table. "She takes care of you and I like that."
"Takes care of me?" Joel asked.
"The coffee, the orange juice. I'm happy you have her." She said. "I'm just saying, when I'm off to college it's nice to know she'll be here taking care of you."
"College is a long ways away." Joel stood up and looked at his phone. "C'mon."
The day went by normally, as normally as it could in the ER. Austin was full of people who never knew when to quit drinking, especially this close to the city. Celeste's day was busy but was normal. The later in the day it got, the more hectic it got. Multiple people started coming in with symptoms like she had never seen before. It wasn't just a few, it was at least a dozen and by the time another hour had passed the number had tripled. She felt bad leaving but she had a co-worker coming in to cover the last half of her shift so she could spend the evening with Joel and Sarah.
"I'm just going to insert your IV, you'll feel a little prick but it'll be done fairly quickly." Celeste sat on a rolly stool next to a patient's bed, prepping his arm for the IV.
As soon as she inserted the needle into his arm, the man yelled and shot up from where he was laying in bed, his fist connecting with her jaw. The sudden outburst shocked her and caused her to fall backwards off of her chair. The man, in a matter of seconds, was on top of Celeste. The other nurses heard the commotion and quickly came to her aide, sedating the man who had attacked her out of nowhere.
"This has to be connected with what's going on in Indonesia." Belle said to her as they stood at the nurse's station. They both were flipping through patient charts, trying to connect dots.
"What's going on in Indonesia?" Celeste asked, holding the ice pack to her jaw.
"Some virus. Making people insane. Eating each other or something crazy. I don't know, it's probably all just fake news anyways." Belle sighed.
"Hey, sorry I'm late. I think my boyfriend is coming down with some type of cold or something." Jenny rushed behind the desk and put her things in her drawer. "You look like you had a rough day so I'm officially relieving you of your duty."
"Yeah, I should head out before I'm asked to stay longer anyways with all this chaos going on." Celeste pushed the stack of charts towards Jenny and grabbed her belongings from behind the desk.
"What do you got going on tonight, anyways?" Belle asked.
"Boyfriend's birthday." She replied.
"Oh, the scandal that will be. Have fun." Jenny winked and shoved Celeste towards the door.
By the time she reached the Miller residence the sun had already set. She used her spare key to open the door and let herself in. Sarah was sitting in the living room watching Lilo and Stitch: The Series on Disney Channel.
"Hey," Celeste sighed collapsing on the couch next to Sarah. "How was school?"
"What happened to your face?" She asked.
"A patient attacked me today. It's fine."
"Dad's gonna flip out when he sees. He made me go to the Adler's after school." She sighed. "But look." Sarah grabbed the box and showed Celeste the watch she had fixed for Joel.
"He's gonna love it." Celeste smiled, looking down at the ticking arms.
"You think so?" She asked.
"Duh. It's from you, that's an automatic win to anything I could've got him." She replied.
"What did you get him?" Sarah asked her.
"Nothing. He made me swear to no gifts 'or else'." Celeste said making Sarah laugh at her use of air quotes. Joel did make Celeste swear to no gifts but her gift was just going to be extremely hot and steamy birthday sex, but Sarah didn't need to know that.
"I really like you, Celeste. I think you're really good for my dad." Sarah said after a few minutes of silence.
"I really like you too, Sarah. And I really do love your dad." She replied, looking down at the girl next to her.
"I think I wouldn't mind you being my step-mom." She said.
"Well, maybe one day I will be." Celeste couldn't stop the smile that crept onto her face. She slung her arm around Sarah and the two bundled up under a blanket to finish watching Lilo and Stitch.
The clock was approaching ten when they heard Joel's keys jingle into the lock. He had swore to be home by nine at the latest but obviously that wasn't the case.
"You locked the door for once." Joel said as he joined them in the living room.
"Yeah." Sarah said. "It's ten."
Celeste stood up to greet Joel with a kiss and then sat back down on the other side of the couch.
"They gave us the wrong size for the headers- that doesn't mean anything to you, I'm sorry. What the hell happened to your face?" Joel tilted her face so he could see it better in the dim light.
"A patient hit me today, it's fine. Just a bruise." She moved his hand from her face and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"Where's the cake?"
"Shit." He muttered under his breath.
"C'mon man."
Celeste's phone buzzed and she stood up to take the call in the kitchen.
"Celeste, you have to get down here, it's fucking chaos-"
"What? It's Friday, everyone is heading into the city at this time to drink, it'd take me like an hour." She said. She could barely hear what Belle was saying over the noises in the background. She swore she heard screams at some point.
"No, no, no. We need all the hands we can get, the patients are- fuck- sir, back up please! Shit!"
"Belle? Belle? Hello? Fuck." The line went dead and she went back to the living room. "I gotta head back into work."
"What? No." Sarah pouted. "Stay please. We're gonna watch a movie."
"Yeah baby, stay. I don't want you on the roads at this time, people already been drinkin." Joel held his hand out and she couldn't help but take it and sit down next to him.
"Fine, but if they call again I'll have to go in."
Barely an hour into the movie, Joel found himself with the two girls he loved most in his life passed out asleep on him. An urge of protectiveness flooded him and he knew in that moment that Sarah and Celeste were his to love and protect no matter what. It was almost in that moment he decided he'd propose to Celeste before the year ended. The thought almost completed itself until his phone rang with Tommy's number flashing across the tiny screen. After a brief conversation with Tommy, Joel was extremely annoyed with the fact that once again he'd be bailing his little brother out of jail.
He tapped Celeste's leg gently until she woke up and kissed her head when she opened her eyes, "I gotta go bail Tommy out, can you stay with Sarah?"
"Of course." She knew not to ask questions when it came to Tommy in jail.
"I'm gonna bring her to her room, you head to bed, yeah?" He lifted Sarah into his arms and together they walked up the stairs. She crawled into bed, still wearing her scrubs from her shift and very easily fell back asleep. She wasn't even aware of the kiss that Joel had placed on her temple or the way that he quietly whispered he loved her before he left to go get Tommy.
She couldn't tell if she was woken up by the transformers blowing outside, the sound of helicopters and gunfire, or her phone buzzing incessantly. She crawled from bed and peeked into Sarah's room to find that she was still sleeping; with all of this noise it was hard to tell how. She rushed downstairs and searched the house for Joel who was nowhere to be found. She finally had the conscious to look at her phone, a breath of relief falling off her lips once she saw Joel's name.
"Joel? What's going on, is everything okay?" She asked, her hands starting to shake slightly. The noises around her were slowly starting to blur into white.
"Get Sarah, hide and lock all the fuckin doors. Now. We're comin to you. Grab my gun and sit still til we get you." Joel said.
"Just fuckin do it, Celeste!"
Ringing picked up in her ears and she felt like she couldn't move until she heard barking outside. She walked towards the living room and her heart dropped when she saw the front door wide open.
"Sarah?" Celeste felt like throwing up, nothing in her gut felt right and she knew that something was off. She stepped outside and looked around, a helicopter flying overhead.
"Mrs. Adler?" Her head snapped at the sound of Sarah's voice coming from next door. She made her way next door and quietly went inside, walking on her tiptoes. She couldn't explain it, but nothing was right.
She could see the blood on the floor before Sarah slipped in it. She tried to keep the sound of her breathing minimal as she approached Sarah from behind and grabbed her wrist. Sarah jumped but luckily didn't vocalize that she had been startled. Celeste brought her finger to her lips signalling to be quiet, but they had already made too much noise.
They froze and turned to face the sight in the kitchen which was straight out of a horror movie. Nana looked up at them and slowly rose to her feet. If it came down to it, Celeste would knock the old lady out to protect Sarah, but neither were aware it'd take more than that to take her down. She was just an old lady, right? The poor thing couldn't even eat on her own, what's the worst she could do. Well, they were looking at the worst she could do. Mr. Adler and Mrs. Adler both sprawled out on the ground surrounded in blood seemed good enough to be categorized in "worst", but again... she was an old lady, no way she did all of this on her own. Nana let out an inhuman screech and started charging at the pair. Celeste yanked Sarah back and shoved her towards the door.
"Go, now!" The two ran out of the house, refusing to look back. Both of them stopped at the sight of headlights and Tommy's truck pulling up directly in front of them, the tires screeching to a stop.
"Get in the truck! Right now! Move." Joel got out as soon as the truck had stopped moving a heavy wrench in his hand. He pushed Sarah and Celeste towards the truck but everybody froze at the sound of Nana coming. She fell off the steps and right onto the ground and everyone thought for a moment that it was done and over with until she shot back up like nothing happened and began sprinting full speed at Joel and his family. He had no choice but to swing the wrench at the old lady. Celeste wrapped her arms around Sarah's shoulders, surely that must've been hard to watch for a girl her age.
Joel rushed to Sarah who was seemingly in shock, "You killed her."
"Baby, I'm sorry." He cupped her cheeks and then pulled her into a hug. "Baby, listen to me. It's not just the Adler's, but we're gonna be brave-"
Another transformer blue, cascading green light across their faces. Sarah and Celeste climbed into the backseat, Celeste wrapping her arm around Sarah. She did her best to shield her eyes as Tommy hit the Adlers who she was sure were dead. They were running at the truck as if nothing had happened.
Transformers were blowing left and right and Celeste couldn't focus on one thing in front of her. Joel was probably yelling at her for letting Sarah out of the house and she couldn't even process it. She hated herself for letting Sarah get into that position at the Adlers, she should've paid more attention.
"Baby," she heard Joel's voice and she snapped her head at him.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She attempted to say but it came out as a whisper.
"We're gonna be fine." She noticed then that his hand was reaching into the backseat to hold hers. She didn't remember him doing that or how long he'd been doing it, but it brought her comfort to know he was there for them.
"How do you know?" Sarah asked, her voice wavering. "How do you know we're not sick?"
"Tommy, let me out." Celeste said suddenly. "I-I-I work in the ER, I've probably been exposed to whatever this is, let me out. I can't get you sick, I won't."
"No, fuck no." Joel snapped. "You're not gettin out of this truck, damnit."
Celeste put her hand over her face, taking a deep breath to prevent herself from bursting into tears. Her anxiety hadn't been a problem in years, and it felt like all of it was rushing in on her at once. She didn't want to show signs of panic for Sarah.
"The Adlers would take Nana into the city. To the hospital for stuff." Sarah said.
"You're right. They would. That's probably why. But Celeste isn't sick. If she was going to get sick she would be by now. And she's not."
"Fuck." Celeste said under her breath. She couldn't help but think of Belle and Jenny, who both called her earlier begging her to come back into work. They were probably suffering there right now, overrun with this sickness, or they were probably dead. The ER staff was already a small team, who knew how they were holding up under the magnitude of this. Would it even have helped if Celeste went back in? Or would she just be another dead body? If it was like this on the outskirts she couldn't imagine what it was like in the city.
Celeste was ripped from her thoughts by Tommy and Joel arguing in the front street about where to go. Her vision focused on her surroundings which was a town street full of people running around with no sense of direction. She felt sick seeing some of them covered in blood, screaming and crying with no clue on what to do.
Tommy put the truck in reverse as they continued discussing different ways off of this street. They didn't care how, they just needed off. Sarah clutched her hand so tight it might've cut off the circulation.
"Celeste." Sarah said and she turned her head to what Sarah was looking at. "Dad?"
"Tommy, forward. Now." Celeste could feel her heart beating in her ears at the sight of the plane falling out of the sky. She held onto Sarah as the plane collided with ground sending a large explosion into the sky and down the street. Everything was black after that.
There was ringing in Celeste's ears as she came to. She could easily tell the truck had flipped by the way that she was sprawled across the ceiling of it. She jumped at the feeling of Joel's hands on her cheeks.
"You're okay. You're okay." He said pulling you by your arms to sit up to which she resisted the urge to scream in pain. She looked around noticing Sarah was standing outside the truck, barely holding her balance on one foot. With one glance she could tell she had either severely sprained it, or fractured it.
"My shoulder. It's dislocated, I can tell." She said as Joel pulled her from the truck. Eventually when all was settled she'd have to coach Joel into popping it back into place to which she'd have to fight him to agree on.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry." Joel pulled her into his body, hugging her tightly. This nightmare never seemed to end.
"Sarah, are you okay?" Celeste asked, putting her hands on her shoulders.
"It's my ankle."
"I'll take a look when we get somewhere safe, okay?" Celeste asked and pulled Sarah in for a hug as a sheriff car slammed into the truck they had all just been in.
"Head to the river! I'll find another way." Tommy yelled from the other side.
"You'll have to carry her." Celeste told Joel and he scooped her up into her arms.
"You keep your eyes on me, alright? Don't look anywhere else." Joel said and then turned to her. "Baby?"
"Yeah?" She replied.
"We're making it out of this." He told her and she nodded. "Say it. We're making it out of this."
"We're making it out of this." She repeated, though she wasn't sure how much she actually had meant it.
They took of running down the alley, the heat of the flames coming from everywhere making their skin wet with sweat. Celeste stayed close to Joel, following right behind him. They stopped when they came across multiple bodies down one alleyway being gnawed on by multiple infected people. This wasn't real. This couldn't be real. This was out of horror movies she watched as a kid, this shouldn't be real life.
Joel looked around and searched for another way when one of the infected realized they were there and shot up from the ground. He took off running and Celeste could see it was toward the door of a building. She ran in front of him to open it so he could get through with Sarah and then followed behind him, the footsteps of the infected growing closer.
They ran through an empty diner, the sounds of what was following them hot on their tails. Celeste could tell by Sarah's face that it was getting closer and closer but she refused to look back. That was the first rule in every horror movie. They ran through the kitchen and out the back door, ignoring the sounds of everything crashing behind them.
"Celeste!" Sarah screamed and she had the instinct to brace for impact, to prepare herself to fight this thing off of her but it never came. A gunshot rang through the air and they stopped dead in their tracks and turned to see the infected laying on the ground.
"It's okay, baby. We're safe." He said to Sarah.
Celeste wrapped her arm around Joel when a light was shined in their faces.
"Don't move." The soldier said.
"Our daughter's hurt. Her ankle." Joel said moving towards him. She almost didn't have time to process that he said "our".
"Stop right there!" He yelled.
"Easy now. We're not sick." Joel pleaded. Celeste stepped in front of him to which he wanted to object.
"I got two civilians by the river, one of em injured... Ankle."
Joel took another step towards him to which he pointed his gun at them. Celeste held her hands up in surrender.
"She's a kid, sir, please." She said.
"Hey! No one told you to move." The soldier said.
"Yes sir." Joel replied.
He lowered his gun for a moment and relief washed over Celeste. After this chaotic night, the military would take them somewhere safe until this all blew over. Sarah's ankle would be fine, her shoulder would be taken care of, and everything would be back to normal in a month or two.
Then the light hit their eyes again.
'We're not sick." Joel said shaking his head.
"Hey, put it down." Celeste said, taking a step back.
"Sir." Joel pleaded. "We are not sick!"
Joel dove for safety, Sarah rolling out of his arms and Celeste tumbled down the hill right next to them. With the adrenaline, Celeste couldn't even tell there was a bullet lodged in her arm, it took the feeling of blood trickling down her forearm for her to realize anything was wrong.
"Joel," She pushed herself off the ground and looked to Joel who had a gun pointed in his face. She thought for sure that this was it. This was how they die. All three of them, this far surviving everything the universe threw at them, just to die at the hands of the people who were supposed to protect them.
"Please don't." Joel whispered. Before he could pull the trigger, Tommy was behind him and put a bullet through his skull. For once, Celeste was thankful for murder.
She turned her head and noticed Sarah on the ground. "No," She said quietly. She crawled to her, immediately feeling like she was going to throw up at the sight. "I can fix this."
Celeste had seen plenty of gunshot wounds in the ER, this was Texas for Christ's sake. She knew how to remove bullets, and stitch them clean enough to leave minimal scarring. She had never lost a patient to a gunshot wound.
"Sarah?" Celeste looked down at her, doing her best to examine the wound in the low lighting. Celeste couldn't help but feel like throwing up because after getting a good look she knew there was no way she could fix this. She looked up at Tommy who had been a combat veteran. He knew as well as she did that Sarah was not going to survive this.
Joel was next to his daughter in a matter of seconds as her breathing picked up uncontrollably. "Move your hand, baby. Move your hand. Help me, Cel, help me."
She almost felt like she couldn't move, and she shook away all of the negative thoughts from her head. "I can fix it. Tommy, give me your flannel, I can stop-"
"Celeste-" Tommy said softly.
"Just fucking give it to me, Tommy!" Celeste yelled. He obliged and pulled his flannel off and tossed it to her.
"Sarah, you're gonna be fine, okay. I'm gonna fix this. I can- I can fix it." Celeste pressed the flannel into her wound to which she winced and let out a cry. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry."
"I know it hurts, I know. I know. I know. I'm sorry." Joel went on as Sarah grabbed at him, panic coursing through her eyes.
"I can-" Celeste stopped when she finally saw the life fleeing Sarah's eyes. "Joel."
Joel held her body to his chest, rocking her back and forth until her final breath.
Celeste stood up and walked away from them, bending over to throw up whatever was left in her stomach. Sarah was gone. The world was gone. How were they to go on after this? The people they thought they could trust put a bullet in her arm and ended Sarah's life.
A kid.
She was just a kid.
She had a life ahead of her.
And Celeste couldn't save her.
It probably would eat at her for the rest of whatever life she'd live after this.
"You're hit." Tommy said to her. He handed her the flannel she had used to try and stop Sarah's bleeding. "Here."
He tied it around her arm and she winced in pain, the adrenaline quickly wearing off. Of course it had to be the arm with the dislocated shoulder.
"Cel," She turned at the sound of Joel's voice.
"I'm sorry, Joel." Celeste said to him, immediately breaking down into tears. Joel pulled her into a tight hug, tears streaming down his face. He held her as she sobbed uncontrollably. "I'm sorry."
"We need to move. Find somewhere safe for the night." Tommy said after the sound of an infected echoed around them.
Celeste felt empty as she watched Joel scoop up Sarah's body. She had one job in this world and it was to save those injured or sick. Everyone around them was sick and the one person who depended on her most died in her father's arms.
It was unlikely Celeste or Joel would recover from the trauma of Outbreak Day. Celeste would never forgive herself for failing to fix what was already unfixable. The power of the moon and the stars couldn't heal the hurt from either of them.
a/n: this was gonna have an alternate ending where joel basically is filled with rage at the fact that sarah died (as he should be) and then told celeste to leave them and then they'd be split up until 20 years later but i didnt and idk if ill even write another one but we'll see. good night
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fakefanofmarvel · 1 year
Novacane 2// Matt Murdock X Dark! Reader
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CW: THIS IS A DARK FIC. This is part 2. Reminder READER is bat shit crazy and does some really bad things including but not limited to stalking, kidnapping, manipulation, drugging, and blackmail. If that isn't something you are into please keep scrolling. Minors DO NOT INTERACT. Part 1 3
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It has been about 2 months since you and Matt officially started dating. You had stopped with your shrine to Matt and was finally seeing him as a person instead of a prize. He wasn't the person you had thought he'd be. He was way more than what you could find in any article about the Devil of Hell's Kitchen or his Linkin page. You didn't plan on telling him that you knew he was Daredevil or how you made it so that you two would meet. It was difficult not mentioning anything about Daredevil when he showed up for date night with a new scar every time. You fully planned on not telling him you knew, until; he crawled into your apartment covered in blood and bruises last night in his daredevil costume before passing out. Luckily the one thing you didn't lie about was wanting to be a doctor. That was before you got kicked out of school for showing signs of being "mentally unstable"
You got his suit off before patching up his wounds and cleaning him up. You made sure his heart rate and everything was fine before basically dragging his large frame into your bed. You stayed up all night watching him making sure he was okay. When he finally came to it was morning. You were tired and so worried you couldn't even be mad at him.
"(Y/N)?" He rolled over with his eyes still closed
"I'm right here, Matty" You reached out your hand to him which he took.
He looked at you with tears in his eyes. You could tell he was about to say something.
"Save it. We'll talk after we get back from the hospital,"
You grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt for him to put on. He set up slowly.
"I can't go to the hospital. They'll start asking questions," he protested
"You're a blind guy in Hell's Kitchen. You were mugged, and you tried to fight back but he had a knife. Those cuts are pretty deep and I can't do stitches. You need to go to the ER and make sure you aren't bleeding internally. You're not fighting me on this, Matthew. Get dressed, we're leaving now." You gave him no time to argue with you.
You ordered a cab and waited downstairs until Matt came down. He was walking with a limp but he was walking and that's more than you can say he was doing last night. You weren't upset that he was hurt because you knew his secret but you were upset at how badly he was hurt. You never expected it to be that bad. You stood on the sidewalk with your arms crossed and tears forming in your eyes. Matt tried to put his arm around you to comfort you but you moved away from him.
"Don't. Just don't Matt,"
"Y/N please don't do this." He pleaded "I should have told you but involving you would only put you in danger and I can't live with that,"
"And what would I have done if you died in my doorway last night, Matt? I just got used to you being here I can't lose you now," The tears that were building up in your eyes were now falling down your cheeks
Matt pulled you into a hug but just held onto you while you let your emotions out.
"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, sweetheart. Don't worry. Okay? Look at me," He lifted your face and whipped your tears. " You're not getting rid of me that easily," he kissed your forehead
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"I can't believe it's been 6 months. It feels like we just met yesterday," Karen lifted her glass toast " Happy 6 months guys. I hope you guys are together forever." The 4 of you tapped their glasses together before taking a sip of their drink.
The gang was out celebrating another successful case on the night of you and Matt's 6 month-versary which Karen and Foggy were making a big deal out of for some reason.
"Thank you guys but I'm going to call it a night. I have a flight in the morning." Matt got up to pay his tab.
"Yeah, I have a hot 'date' tonight I should be heading out too," Foggy followed close behind.
"When is he going to realize that we know that a hot date means his hooking up with someone he barely knows," Karen said causing the two of you to laugh.
"At least he won't be alone this weekend," You joked back.
"Aw, this is the first weekend the two of you have been apart in months isn't it?"
You nodded in response
"How about we have a girl's weekend just the 2 of us at your fancy new apartment,"
Karen had slowly become your best friend. Over the last few months the two of you would talk on the phone for hours, and she'd come to watch movies with you and send each random videos on TikTok.
"That sounds fun! I think we should do it. Bring the snacks and ill bring the drinks,"
"Great! Tomorrow at 5 sound good?" Karen asked excitedly
"Yeah. This is my first girl's night ever. I can't wait," The smile on your face is way bigger than before. You didn't have many friends growing up and you finally felt like you had someone.
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"I'm fine. Karen will be here in a few minutes. I'm still setting everything up," You talked to Matt on the phone as you set up the living room for your girl's night.
"That's great, babe. I'm happy for you. I'll call later to check on you. I just checked in. Love you," He hung up the phone.
On cue, Karen knocked on the door before walking in. She had been over so often she wasn't considered company anymore.
"Wow, it looks really nice in here," Karen handed you the bag before hugging you.
You had gone a little overboard with decorating and made it look like every sleepover scene you had seen on tv growing up.
"Thanks I wanted it to be memorable. I'll pour us some drinks and pop us some popcorn you can pick a movie," You left Karen in the living room while you walked to the kitchen.
Karen chose a random romcom before getting antsy and started looking around at the pictures you had on the wall and your different decoctions. She smiled at the pictures of you and Matt hanging up. She always thought the two of you were perfect for each other and was happy she had a part in the two of you meeting.
"Hey, can you get the blankets and pillows out of the closet by the door," You shouted from the kitchen?
Karen walked towards the closet before responding to you. After removing the blankets from the top of the grey chest she got curious. She sat everything down on the sofa and walked back to the closet. She unlocked the gold lock before lifting the lid. The hundreds of pictures of Matt sleeping, eating, and out with foggy and so many different articles about Daredevil. She looked over the different details of the pictures and the random coffee mug that was in a bag labeled 'Matt's mug'. She started thinking it was a little weird how obsessed you were with your boyfriend but she didn't think too much about it until she found your diary. It was full of entries about how you had been stalking Matt for months and how you tricked Karen into helping you two meet.
"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, oh my gosh," Karen kept repeating over and over to herself as she took her phone out to text Matt.
'Matt, call me it's an emergency.' she sent the message before putting her phone back in her pocket.
She put the diary back and tried to put everything back in the chest before you came back. She closed the chest and tried to get out of the closet. She turned around to be faced with you holding a bottle of wine.
"I was just-" She started nervously
"It's a shame I really liked you, Karen Page," You said before hitting her over the head with the wine bottle knocking her out cold.
Her body went limp on the floor. You checked her pulse to make sure she was still breathing. Luckily she was.
"Damn it!" You shouted angry that you had to get rid of the only friend you ever had.
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Parties Aren't Your Thing
Long time, I know but here's something.. unsure if it's finished or not.
. . . .
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You hated parties. Specifically you hated parties where you hardly knew anyone. You questioned if anyone in their sane mind actually liked parties where all you knew was the birthday person or host. Surely that was a thing.
But your friend was hosting her birthday party. Well she wasn't just your friend, you tried telling yourself this for the past year but really she was your crush. To everyone else she was just your friend, although you had a feeling your other friends knew because you wouldn't shut up about her to them.
So here you were, in a onesie about to head into her house, a place you were usually comfortable in but tonight it was filled with a lot of unknowns. Not to mention you were an hour late because this onesie just wouldn't sit right and after the sixth shuffle around you'd given up and just dealt with it. The music could be heard from the driveway and you smiled seeing her through the window.
In that moment you locked eyes and she hurried out the door.
"About time! I thought you weren't going to make it!" She was almost running in her adorable stitch onesie, you met half way at the bottom of her porch stairs.
"It was a close call. This onesie is giving me a hard time." She pinched the sides and tugged, it wasn't getting any better but when you looked up at her warm smile, you decided it was worth it.
She ran her hand down your arm and laced your fingers together. "You look adorable, Eeyore, I assume?"
You wipped the tail around with your free hand and she laughed. Definitely worth it. "Correct." You grinned. "Here. It's not much-"
She took the card you pulled out of your pocket. "I thought I said no gifts."
You shrugged " Wait. Don't open it yet."
She was about to rip it open and your stomach flipped. You knew it was childish but you'd confessed a lot in that card. The words that could never come to your tongue, flew out in writing and you almost got a new card.
"Why not?"
There wasn't any good answer luckily someone else saved you from exiting right then and there.
"Jack! Brad has gotten into your-" A woman you recognised from last year's party stood on the porch, just on the welcome mat.
"Thanks Iz." She sighed, pocketing the card and returning her attention to you. "Come on, I only share the good stuff with you. Can't have Brad taking it all." She squeezed your hand and before dropping it.
You followed her inside, the music was just above the being able to speak normally but below having to yell. There were some familiar faces, like Izzy, but no one you'd even cared to add as a friend on Facebook. Jack ran off to the kitchen to rain hell on Brad for getting into her special stash while you hung back in the living area where everyone seemed to be.
"Y/n, right?" Another woman you barely recognised came up and you nodded politely. " Thought so, Jack was biting at the bit to call you earlier to find out where you were." She glanced over to her friend. "Come join, we were just reminiscing about when we all met Jack."
You followed her a few steps to a small circle of people, they all smiled at you but you were still caught up with the face Jack was so hung up on you not arriving sooner. She knew plenty of people, clearly by the thirty or so stuffed into her small house and yet she was waiting on you. You tried to shake the giddy feeling in your belly and concentrate on the stories around you.
It didn't help that your sixth Jack sense picked up her coming towards you and her hand on your lower back as she parted the circle and stood beside you. Her hand remaining there.
"What's all the laughter about? What are you telling them Chrissy?!" She tried her best glare but her friend didn't budge.
"Oh nothing. Just a little trip we took back in our early 20s."
Jack almost paled and you burst out laughing.
"Funny huh?" She smirked, bumping your shoulder.
"Such a rebel, young Jack was."
"Oh god. Not the Baltimore trip?!" She went to slap Chrissy but you caught her hand as it came out from behind your back.
You noticed the others smiles and dropped it immediately.
"What happened in Baltimore?"
"I was talking about our first experience in Vegas."
Jack shook her head. " Why do I ever let you all come together is beyond me."
The party wasn't as strenuous as you thought. The small group you got introduced to seem to have known Jack for various amounts of years and the stories never stopped. Jack hung close by but interacted with everyone as a good hostess does but seemed to stand next to you the most. Not that.you were watching her closely.
As the night carried on, the cake was cut and drinks kept coming. It got to a point where you knew you'd have to uber home but Jack didn't seem to mind and kept refilling your cup. The small circle moved out to the backyard by the firepit.
"Should've moved out here sooner." You huddled closer to the fire.
Chrissy, who you'd spoken most with the last few hours, stood next to you. "Think if Jack came out here sooner, you might have."
You ignored her jab because she wasn't wrong. "Think I'll go find another log to put on." There were only small pieces stacked near so you went around the back of the house where you knew she kept the larger ones. " Shit." You tripped on the hose, stumbling before hands gripped your waist pulling you back and catching you. "Thanks you-"
"You're welcome." Jack smiled, clearly holding in a laugh. "Lucky I saw you escaping." She whispered behind your ear, still holding you close.
You couldn't help it, you leaned back.
Her arms slipping around your front, hugging you close. "I read the card." She felt you tense so she let you go, mainly to see your facial reactions. "Want to tell me why-"
"Sorry, I shouldn't have said those things in your birthday card. I wasn't escaping either. Just getting more wood, you never put enough around the fire." You stood back, careful of your footing and looked her in the eyes. "Jack -"
"Don't apologise again. You have nothing to apologize for." She took a step towards you, taking your hand in hers. "Unless you didn't mean what you said..."
The air tensed around you, her eyes searching yours, soft and caring.
"What you wrote, what you meant... I... I didn't think you cared so much that you..." She was struggling to find the right words. Her hands tightening around yours, a tear falling down her cheek.
You could see her now, there was no doubt, her emotions were right there. The walls she'd held up were gone. You took the final step forward, placing your hand on her cheek, your thumb wiping away the tear. She brushed her nose over yours, your lips barely touching, ghosting over each other. "I meant every word." You whispered and closed the nonexistent gap. She kissed like you were the last sip of whiskey, her spare hand latching onto a fistful of your onesie, not letting you go.
You moaned and she grinned. "Very Eeyore of you."
You rolled your eyes. "Don't ruin my childhood."
She laughed and pulled you back in for a searing kiss.
. . . . .
Should I add more?
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Coming Down From A Fight
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (she/her)
AO3: link
Word Count: 1,131
Warnings: mentions of injuries
Summary: a witch had attacked them and injured Y/N so that Dean had to carry her out of there, unconscious and bleeding from a deep cut. She wakes up several hours later to a shaken up Dean.
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The last thing she remembered was hot, blinding pain in her bicep and her name screamed in the distance before passing out. Or, well, Y/N presumed that she must have passed out.
Anyway. Right now, she was in that awesome state of not really awake but not asleep either. Nothing hurt, and they weren't in danger either, Dean probably had made sure of that. Otherwise Y/N wouldn't be able to rest, feel a scratchy blanket over herself, on the exposed skin of her arms.
Until something next to her rustled the sheets and made her wake up completely. And let the pain come in. Y/N's eyes snapped open involuntarily to a dim motel room. As far as she could see, there were two beds, one occupied by Sam, the other the one she was in. "Ouch, shit!"
"You're awake," Dean kept his voice just above a whisper to not wake his brother as well. There was undeniable relief in his tone too.
Y/N turned her head towards the sound and noticed that she wasn't alone in the bed. Dean was lying next to her, careful not to touch her anywhere near the injured arm. His face was creased up in worry, his eyes flying over her body, searching for hidden wounds even though Y/N was pretty sure that they did that already. For his sake, she forced a smile on her face before answering. "I am. Are you okay?"
"'course I am, babe. Are you?" He asked, one hand coming up to touch her cheek gingerly and keeping it there to be able to look into her eyes. There was something in his eyes that begged her to be okay, to be strong, to be still his girl even after he couldn't save her from the witch.
That just about did it for her. Dean was rarely this openly affectionate, rather a guy for quick hand squeezes and a kiss right before they went into the thick of it. Head always high and never showing weakness.
She must have been hurt pretty badly if Dean reacted like that, Y/N realised. So she nodded, ignoring the throbbing pain that pumped from her right bicep through her body. She could be strong for Dean. He needed to sleep. And if that meant that Y/N had to live through that bit of pain, then so be it. "I'm peachy. You stitched me back together?"
"Sammy did," Dean's eyes drifted to her arm for just a second, a flash of something clouding his face, "I couldn't do it. I'm sorry baby."
Oh Dean. Her heart clenched at the guilt and the pain in his voice. Now, Y/N raised her uninjured arm and put her hand on his chest, drawing his attention back on her. Dean's heartbeat was faster than usually, the adrenaline not entirely out of his system yet. "It's okay, babe. I'm not in danger anymore, thanks to you."
"There was so much blood, Y/N," Dean said after a moment of silence. The words sounded like bloodied shards of glass, like he had to spit them out before they hurt him even more.
Another clench to her heart. Y/N couldn't even imagine how a simple cut to her arm was such a close call. But these monsters were getting craftier by the day. Maybe she had been poisoned too? That at least would explain why she passed out in the first place and why her head felt still so heavy.
"I'm okay," Y/N stressed and pressed down on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat yet again.
And finally, Dean seemed to get it. All of his muscles went loose under her hand, even the ones in his hand on her cheek. He exhaled a stuttering breath and rolled fully on his side to really look at his girlfriend for the first time during their conversation. Y/N had almost died in his arms today and there had been nothing that Dean could have done to prevent it.
Luckily, Y/N herself didn't remember that particular part. All that was left of the attack was the slice to her arm after the witch had cornered her and then Dean's strong arms under her knees and neck. Carrying her out of the collapsing house like a fucking superhero in the movies. Then, darkness.
Slowly, she raised her hand and put it on Dean's head, scrubbing over the short hair. "You're not getting rid of me so fast, Sugar. C'mere."
Dean complied without protest for once, putting his head on her breastbone, just above the hem of the shirt. It was still the one Y/N had been wearing on the hunt and it smelled the part too. Underneath it though, was the more familiar scent of her body wash and warm skin that Dean had learned to associate with safety. He put a soft kiss right there.
Y/N smiled softly at the gesture and pulled her uninjured arm up to brush her fingers through his hair and hold him. At the same time, Dean's arms came up to wrap them around her waist. To make sure that she was alive and with him. To shield her from any more dangers.
Dean huffed a laugh against her skin. "Isn't that my line?"
Her chuckle vibrated through her chest under Dean's head. He threaded his leg between Y/N's, effectively pulling her even closer to him.
"Well, now it's mine," she stated and awkwardly adjusted the blanket with her free hand that was wrapped up in a bandage from her shoulder down to her wrist. It stung but she'd rather have that pain than freezing to death.
Dean reached down and helped until they were comfortable again. "You should catch some sleep, baby."
"You too, asshole," Y/N shot back, a smile on her face and even though Dean couldn't see it, she was sure that he could hear it in her voice.
"I would tickle you now if you weren't all hurt, y'know?"
"I'm taking advantage of that fact, dumbass."
Dean stuffed his laughter in her boob that was conveniently right there. She knew that he was thoroughly enjoying this. "Stop the name calling and sleep."
"As if-" a pair of lips stopped her from another remark.
Y/N sputtered for just a second before she kissed him back, surrendering to the attack. A part of her had waited for this since they started their banter so she opened her mouth just the slightest bit for Dean to decide whether he wanted to keep this going.
Unfortunately he didn't. With a last little nib at her lower lip, he drew back, a smug smile on his face. "Sleep, babe."
"Love you too," Y/N pushed his head back down to her chest with teasing force.
Dean let her and sighed contently. His girl was okay.
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rubysunnday · 3 years
loving hand
request by anon: wait i just saw you don't mind if we send more in than 1 so... 👀 i couldn't really choose between the prompts so here i am again requesting jesper fahey x reader with prompt 4 and romantically if thats alright :)
Summary: Y/N is the worst when it comes to being injured and needing bed rest. Luckily, Jesper just finds her adorable.
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"Lock the door, I dare you, I'll just climb out the window and pull an Inej."
"I'll tie you down to the bed."
"Jesper, please, let's keep what we do at night out of this."
"Yes, sorry. Look, Y/N, please just lie down."
Y/N groaned but reluctantly slumped down in her bed, sulking like a child. "I hate this. I feel so..."
"Stupid!" Y/N exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "I just want to do something - don't even think about," Y/N cut in, pointing her finger at Jesper as she noticed the glint in his eyes.
"I wasn't going to say it," Jesper said, ever so slightly sheepishly. "I only thought it."
Y/N rolled her eyes at him. "Oh, please, we both know that you would have said it."
"Yeah, alright, I would have," Jesper admitted, nodding.
It'd been three days since Y/N had heroically saved Kaz from having his brains shot out by a sharpshooter. She'd taken a bullet to her right side and had given herself a concussion from the force at which she'd tackled Kaz to the ground, but she was still alive.
Inej had worked her magic and stitched the wound shut promising that there would be nothing but a small scar to add to Y/N's already fairly extensive collection.
Her injury wasn't fatal. But an injured Y/N didn't make for a happy Y/N. She hated being confined to one room, unable to do anything for herself. Luckily, Jesper was used to it.
He was the only one in their group who Y/N would listen to. He was also the only one who found Y/N's grumpiness and constant complaining adorable (Jesper really liked the way her nose scrunched when she got mad).
Jesper moved away from the door he was guarding and perched himself on the edge of the bed Y/N was lying in. He reached up and brushed back her hair, his fingers softly tracing her hairline as he tucked it behind her ear.
"No one is expecting you to magically heal in three days, love," Jesper said quietly, dropping his hand back to his side.
"I just wish I could do more than just lie here," Y/N muttered, rubbing her forehead. "Like, if I was on the third floor I could limp down to Kaz's office and help him with something."
Jesper smiled, fully understanding her urge to do something, anything, instead of just lying there like an invalid. Whenever he'd gotten injured, the waiting to heal had driven him mad. He needed to move, he needed to do something and being stuck in a bed was not conducive to that.
"Well... we could, maybe, try and get up there," Jesper said slowly, an idea forming.
"You are not carrying me, Jesper, I'm humiliated enough," Y/N said, wincing as shooting pains began coming from her injured side.
"No, no, I was thinking more along the lines of you trying the stairs and me hovering behind you in case you fall," Jesper replied, not wanting to make Y/N feel more useless than she already did. "It's two flights."
"It'll take us ages," Y/N replied, but Jesper could see the excitement at the prospect of leaving her room appear in her eyes.
"Well, I've not got anything to do tonight," Jesper said, winking. "And then I can carry you back down like your hero."
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Alright, wannabe Saint, calm down."
Y/N pulled aside the blankets covering her and slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed, wincing with every movement as the stitches in her side pulled against her skin.
"Take your time," Jesper said softly, holding a hand out to her.
Y/N inhaled sharply as she reached up and took Jesper's hand, using him as her crutch as she stood up. She swayed for a moment and Jesper's hand snaked around her waist, pulling her close to him.
"Alright?" Jesper asked, tilting his head to look at Y/N.
Y/N nodded, breathing in shakily as she tried to get a grip on her pain. "Yeah."
Jesper let go, taking a small step back to give Y/N the space to move. She took a shuffling step forward and then another. As she climbed up the stairs, she grimaced with pain and was breathing heavily but she kept going, determination on her face.
Jesper opened the door and slowly, they began walking down the corridor and to the stairs.
Y/N paused at the foot of the stairs and Jesper could see the conflict on her face.
"Here, lean on me."
"I am perfectly -"
"I know, but, please, just humour me."
Y/N took Jesper's arm and he tried not to worry at how much she was leaning on him.
"One step at a time, darling," Jesper said, waiting for her.
Y/N nodded and inhaled deeply, pressing her lips together tightly as she put a foot on the stairs and pushed herself up. She stood on the first step for a moment and then climbed up onto the second step.
Jesper took each and every step with Y/N, letting her use his arm for support every time she wobbled. He didn't rush her and he didn't tell her to give up - he just stood by her side.
By the time they got up to the third floor, Y/N's legs were shaking and she was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, breathing heavily.
"Want to sit down for a moment?" Jesper offered, gesturing to the broken chairs leaning against the wall.
Y/N replied by sitting down in one of the lesser broken chairs and wincing in pain as she leaned to the left, easing the strain on her right side.
"Thank you," Y/N said quietly, taking a deep breath at the end of her sentence.
"For what?" Jesper asked, frowning.
"For not flapping around me like a mother hen," Y/N replied, "and for letting me do things my way."
Jesper smiled, perching himself on the bannister, crossing his ankles. "It's fine," he said with a shrug.
Y/N looked up at him and returned his smile. She laughed suddenly. "I just remembered the time you shot yourself in the foot," she explained when Jesper gave her a questioning gaze. "And Kaz had to drag you back to the Slat."
"Ok, I didn't shoot myself in the foot," Jesper argued.
"Yes, you did, Jesper and it was hilarious," Y/N replied, still laughing. "At least I got injured being heroic."
"We're not comparing injuries."
"Yes, we are."
Jesper sighed and closed his eyes. "I do one embarrassing thing and I never live it down."
"It was hilarious."
"It hurt!"
"Hence why it was hilarious."
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andvys · 3 years
New friend
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Warnings: mentions of death and injuries, clickers, some fluff?
Pairing: Ellie Williams x Reader
You were exhausted. You don’t even remember the last time you had something to eat and you just drank the last bit of your water that you had left. You were walking forever it seemed and you still haven’t found anything, no food, nowhere to camp, no people, nothing. You were tired. You got separated from your group a couple of months ago when your camp got overrun by a horde and you’ve been alone ever since.
You missed them, you tried finding the few people who survived that day, you’ve seen most people die, torn to shreds by clickers. Your group tried fighting them at first but there were too many of them, you had no choice but to flee.
A few days after your camp got overrun you went back and tried to find any trace of the people who survived that day, you searched for them for weeks but you just couldn’t find them. So you just started walking in hopes to come across someone from your group. But that has been months ago and you haven’t seen any of them. Maybe they just went the other way, at least you hoped they did. Not wanting to think that your friends may have died while you were still here.
You were getting tired and it was starting to get dark, you’d have to find somewhere to set up camp fast, walking around the woods in the dark was never a good idea.
Suddenly feeling like you were getting lightheaded, the lack of food and water was starting to get to you. You tried pulling yourself together but that was impossible. Your vision getting blurry, tripping over branch that was lying on the floor, you tried catching yourself but didn’t see you were stepping in mud close to where it was going downhill, you started slipping, trying to hold on to a tree, but it was too late you started falling down the hill. Landing on your back you hit your head in the process, grunting you were annoyed at yourself, looking down at your clothes you realized you were covered in mud now. You looked ridiculous.
Sitting up, you were exhausted, you desperately needed sleep, a shower and some food. Deep in thought you didn’t acknowledge the sound of clicking until you heard a branch snap somewhere behind you. Quickly you turned around seeing three clickers coming your way from afar. Jumping into action, you got up, wanting to grab your gun from your holster only to find it empty “shit, you gotta be kidding me.” This day couldn’t get any worse. Your gun must’ve fallen out when you were falling down the hill.
You grabbed your machete out of your backpack and started running, no way you could’ve fight all three of them at once without being bitten by one of them. You’d have to do it strategically. You ran as fast as you could, the clickers getting closer to you. “Damn it.” Your whole body ached, from days of walking, falling down the stupid hill and now running from those ugly things.
Suddenly you saw a gated cabin a little further away, “finally.” You sighed, running faster. That would have to do. You could jump over the gate and kill the clickers through the bars of the gate.
You got to the gate, quickly trying to climb over it, just when you were halfway over it, a clicker latched onto your foot, you tried pushing it away but it wouldn’t let go, “fucking let go, you ugly piece of shit.” You yelled while trying to kick it away, you were getting angry now. Suddenly two shots went off and your foot was free, you lost balance and fell down backwards over the gate just when the other two clickers got to the gate. Landing on your back once again, you grunted, being so over this day. “Fuck me, I hate this.” You sighed laying on your back, trying to catch your breath, totally forgetting that someone just shot the clicker that tried to eat you for dinner. You heard two more shots and the other two clickers fell. Realizing you were just laying there defenseless, you quickly got up and turned around holding your machete in front of you. Just because they shot the clickers, saving you from a gruesome death, didn’t mean that they wouldn’t harm you later on.
There stood a girl with a gun in her hand, she was around your age. Half of her auburn hair was up in a bun, while some strands fell in front of her face. She was beautiful and she was clean unlike you. You must’ve looked like a mad women right now, covered in mud from top to bottom, your hair in a ponytail with half of it already out of the hair tie from falling and running.
Not to mention the machete and you yelling at the clickers as if they could understand what you were saying.
“You good?” The girl asked you. Looking you up and down trying to analyze if you were a threat. Great with the way you looked right now she probably regretted saving your life.
You stared at her, she was the first person you have seen in months. Your people skills probably didn’t even exist anymore at this point, not to mention how beautiful she looked, as if you weren’t nervous enough already. Snapping out of your thoughts.
“Umm yeah.. I.. thanks for that.” You put your machete back into your backpack. Showing her that you weren’t a threat. You brushed your hair out of your face not realizing you just got blood on your forehead until you felt it drop on your cheek. Looking down on your hand you saw a deep cut wound, you didn’t even realize you hurt yourself when you were climbing the gate because of all the adrenaline.
“You look like shit, and the cut looks pretty deep, I can help you with that.” She said.
You look like shit? Man, that’s not nice to hear from a pretty girl but looking down on yourself you really did look like shit.
“Thanks for saving my life but I can take care of myself.” Could you really trust a stranger? You wanted to but there’s just too many bad people in this world, you never know who you can trust.
She smiled at you “you’re scared, I get that but let’s be honest by the way you look right now, I should be the one scared. You look like one of the crazy people that live in the woods and attack people just for fun.”
“That’s...rude? But yeah I guess you’re right, I’m not crazy though, I slipped and fell in mud.” You were embarrassed but gave her a shy smile.
She laughed, “how about you come inside and you get cleaned up and I’ll look at your wound, it’s just me right now, you don’t have to be scared.” She assured you.
You sighed, contemplating if you should trust her. She looked nice enough and she didn’t look like a threat. She looked badass but she didn’t seem like she would hurt you.
She motioned for you to follow her into the cabin. Holding the door open for you she gave you a small smile, you looked at her one more time before going inside, immediately hit by the warmth, you sighed, you don’t remember the last time you have had that. A warm place. Safety.
“You can clean up a little, there’s a bathroom at the end of the hallway. The water is cold but it’s better than nothing, you can take a hot shower back in Jackson, I mean if you want to.” She shyly added.
“Jackson?” You questioned.
“Yeah, it’s a gated community where I live. It’s basically a small town, you can become a part of if you want to, we always take people in.” She explained, playing with her hands, she seemed a little nervous.
A gated community? You’d love to become a part of something like that but could you? After what happened to your previous group? Could you go through something like that again? You weren’t sure but keep on being alone and just wandering around the woods wasn’t a life you wanted to live.
“Sounds good.” You looked at her, she smiled at you. “I’m gonna go clean up now.” You told her. “Of course, I think I’ve seen some clothes laying around here somewhere, I’ll get them for you.”
After you cleaned yourself up and got dressed with the clothes the girl gave you, you remembered she didn’t even introduce herself to you and you didn’t either.
Walking out of the bathroom, finally clean. You saw her sitting on the sofa reading a comic. The only thing you could here was the crackle of the fire from the fireplace. She looked up and started smiling “look at you, all cleaned up. I knew there was a beautiful face under all that mud.” Looking you up and down you noticed, she started blushing.
Cute. You smiled at her “thanks, you’re not too bad yourself” trying to play it cool you introduced yourself to her.
“Oh right, I’m Ellie, umm should we stitch up your wound now?” You noticed she had a small kit laying on the table in front of her, having prepared it already for when you were done in the bathroom.
“Oh yeah, sure. I can do it myself though, you don’t have to.”
“Nonsense come here.” She motioned you to sit down on the couch next to her.
You went over sitting down, noticing how soft the cushion beneath you was, you could just fall asleep right then and there.
Ellie took your hand in hers and started disinfecting first. You focused on her face while she was stitching you up. Noticing how pretty she actually was, her face covered in freckles, the slit in her eyebrow, a strand of her hair kept falling in front of her face but it didn’t even seem to bother her. You catched yourself staring. Luckily she was too focused on stitching you up she didn’t notice it.
Her hand was soft on yours it almost felt too nice on your skin. This moment was almost too intimate, she was a stranger you just met and now you were sitting so close to each other, sure it was only because she was helping you but it felt nice you haven’t had that in so long not to mention how beautiful this girl was.
“Alright, all done. You hungry?” She asked. Looking at you.
“Umm I don’t want to be more of a bother than I already am by eating all of your food.” You suddenly felt shy under her gaze, avoiding her eyes.
“Come on, there’s a bunch of food in Jackson and I have some snacks with me. You can have them, you can get some actual food back at home.”
She gave you some jerky and some nuts to snack on while she was telling you about Jackson, trying to convince you to come back with her. She explained to you how everyone had a job there and how the kids go to school there. It almost sounded to good to be true but Ellie already convinced you to come back with her.
“So it’s almost dark, do you want to come back with me? If not you can stay here but Jackson is safe and you’d actually have your own place?” She looked at you with hopeful eyes. She wanted you to come back with her. Something about you pulled her in right away and she wanted to get to know you.
“Alright, I’ll go with you.” You smiled at her noticing how she started smiling back at you.
“That’s nice, then we should head back before it gets too dark, let’s go shimmer is outside.” She got up putting her jacket and backpack back on.
“Shimmer?” You asked.
“My horse.” She answered noticing how your eyes widened at the mention of a horse.
“No way a horse!? I love horses, I always wanted one, ever since I was kid!” You were excited about a horse. Ellie almost started laughing. It was almost too funny, the way you were covered in mud earlier with a scowl on your face, machete in hand looking like you were ready to kill anything that would come your way and now you looked like a kid excited about riding a horse for the first time.
“We got a lot more horses back in Jackson, come on, you’re even allowed to get on it.” Ellie smiled at you opening the door.
She guided you towards the back of the house where Shimmer was. You immediately went over to it.
“Wow, hello you beautiful creature.” You stared at the horse, touching her.
Ellie watched the interaction, thinking how cute this moment was. “Alright we should get going”.
She got on the horse and helped you up. You sat behind her suddenly feeling shy about being this close, not knowing what to do with your hands.
“You should hold on to me, don’t want you falling off now.” She looked back at you and gave you small smile. You put your arms around her waist holding on to her.
“Alright shimmer, let’s bring our new friend home.”
Part 2?
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shutupanddance · 3 years
Bones / Reader — Remember Me
Hey my fellow fan fiction people, I have MAJOR writer’s block, and I really want to get these requests done, so I’m hoping that this will snap me out of it.
Warning: this is angst!!
How would Bones react to your death?
Normal text is present time, and blocks of italic text are memories!
Enjoy ;)
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Dr. Leonard McCoy is experiencing a “slow day” in medbay. Not that there isn’t the occasional ensign coming in with a scrape or broken bone, but it’s nothing like when the away missions come back.
Speaking of away missions, you were on one now. You weren’t scheduled to come back for a week, though. You were a microbiologist, so your missions were usually much longer, and consisted of more time going back and forth between your lab on the Enterprise and the planet you were stationed on. 
The personnel staff realized pretty quickly that very little got done when you and McCoy were on a mission together. The doctor was so worried for his fiancé that he spent more time making sure you were safe than doing his job. So, it was a rare thing nowadays that you’d be put on a mission together.
Spock is suddenly in medbay.
“What are you doing here?” Leonard grumbles, glancing over his shoulder.
When Spock doesn’t respond immediately, he turns. Something is wrong, Leonard can tell. But whether Spock has a common cold or the ship is about to explode, he can’t tell.
“Captain Kirk requires your assistance on the bridge.” Spock states coolly. Odd.
“Are you sure? Can’t he just ask me through a holopad like everyone else-”
“Please come with me, doctor.”
Doctor McCoy follows, but he grumbles the whole way.
As soon as he’s in the elevator, another team rushes into medbay. They’re surrounding a gurney. And attached to that gurney is a heart monitor, which is beeping slow. Dangerously slow.
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You’re not really sure why you got picked for the Enterprise. I mean, it’s Starfleet’s flagship, for crying out loud! But here you are, working away in one of the most advanced labs you’ve ever seen, floating many many miles from home.
You’re still processing all this when a beaker slips out of your hands, and shatters violently on the floor.
Luckily, no one else is in your lab right now. You stay calm, walking on careful feet, and retrieve a broom. As you’re sweeping, though, you realize blood is running down your fingers.
One of the shards of glass must have flown up and cut me, you realize.
You carefully wrap the small wound and apply pressure, then begin walking to medbay. 
The nurses don’t immediately notice you, probably because you’re just standing there looking like you’re out for an evening stroll, but soon enough one happens to glance directly at the gauze you have wrapped around your forearm.
“Oh, dear!” She says, guiding you to a bed. “Dr! Dr. McCoy!”
Out from a nearby office walks Dr. Leonard McCoy. He’s got dark hair, the most alert eyes you’ve ever seen, and damn he’s hot.
“What happened to you?” He grunts.
“Beaker broke. Shard of glass flew up and cut me. No other injuries, and there’s no glass in the wound. I was able to stop most of the bleeding, but I think I’ll need stitches.”
An eyebrow goes up.
“Alright, why don’t you sit down and I’ll take a look.”
You didn’t know it, but in that moment, Leonard McCoy nearly fell head over heels for you. And all he showed for it was a raised eyebrow.
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The Captain will not stop insisting that he needs a plan for contagious diseases on the Enterprise.
“We already have one,” Leonard reminds him.
“But will it work? Do we have one for different situations? For instance, if we’re docked on a hostile planet-”
“Are you trying to keep me from my job!?” Leonard asks, more as a pointed jab, but when the room grows uncomfortably silent, he realizes he’s right on the money.
What else does he realize? That every face in the room looks forlorn. And a bit defeated.
“What’s got everyone so depressed?” He asks, swiveling to see the entire bridge crew. No one answers.
Finally, Spock clears his throat.
“We wanted to keep you away from medbay while the doctor’s worked on Y/N.”
There’s a moment, a brief moment, where Leonard’s brain stops working. And he’s paralyzed with fear. But, it doesn’t last for long.
Jim steps in.
“She was injured on the away mission. Some animal we’ve never seen before came out of nowhere and attacked.”
Bones is trying to get away.
“She saved everyone else’s lives by luring the beast away, doc,” one of the crew is saying, but he doesn’t care. He needs to get to you-
The door to the bridge rolls open. M’Benga is standing there.
And Leonard has never seen the man look so guilty, so distressed, so sad.
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“Watch the Coreolis Anjankus!” You say, pulling a red shirt away from a very poisonous plant. You pass him to Dr. McCoy, who pushes him even farther away.
“I thought you were a microbiologist?” He chuckles.
“With a minor in botany!” You smile.
You were one of the few scientists Leonard found to be cool under pressure, and the only one with real common sense. Still, despite all you knew about the dangers of every planet, you were always completely relaxed. If he was being honest, the doctor envied you (just a little bit).
“Tell, me, how did you get stuck with this motley crew?” He asks, eyes trained on the Captain, watching for any dangers.
“I’m not really sure,” you admit. “They just sent me a message one day asking if I wanted to join.”
“And you said yes.”
“Of course I did! Have you seen the labs on the ship?!”
Leonard laughs.
“I’m a nerd, I know, but this assignment is everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”
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Dr. McCoy finds himself staring at you, suddenly. He doesn’t really remember how he got here. All he can think of is the fact that your heart’s not beating. That your body is mangled and bloody and despite M’Benga attempting to close the wounds, you look horrible.
It seems ironic, almost, in that instant. The woman who never worried about anything is lying mauled in a biobed. Dead.
The medical idea of death has settled in Leonard’s mind. No beating heart, no brain activity. But what he can’t wrap his head around is you being gone. You’ve  always been there. And, for a moment, he’s convinced that if he sniffles too loud, you’ll hand him a tissue. If he mentions he’s hungry, you’ll wake back up, dig through your duffel bag, and pull some food out.
But you’re not moving.
“Where’s her duffel bag?” He asks, voice as loud and cranky as ever.
Kirk hands your bag over.
Bones reaches in, and digs around until he feels something soft. A teddy bear. He places it on your chest, and lifts your arms to hug it. The soft fur stains with blood.
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It’s a horrific scene, the one in front of them.
A village destroyed by a massive storm system. Houses leveled, fields of crops uprooted, and hundreds of people injured or dying or dead.
But you’re standing there, cool and calm as ever, handing out blankets. You smile gently at each villager who steps up, and ask them in one of their native languages what else they need. You direct them to different crew members who can help.
One kid walks up, so young you have to crouch to be eye-level with them. He’s alone. And he looks so terrified, so empty, that you immediately wrap him in a hug. He clings on for dear life.
When he finally let’s go, you begin to explain to him that he needs to see the doctor. He shakes his head so hard you’re afraid his neck will snap. You say some more words in his language, and reach into your duffel bag.
You pull out a teddy bear. The boy smiles, ever so slightly, and immediately gives it a tight hug.
You speak encouragement at him, something about bravery, and the little boy makes his way over to the medical tent with his head held high.
All this Leonard watches. You look at him. He looks at you. And for a while, an unspoken respect passes between the two of you.
He asks you later why you had the teddy bear.
“I always have one on me,” you smile sadly. “You never know when you might need one.”
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The ship docks at Command, and the usual celebratory revelries aren’t being heard. The crew is somber.
Your body, encased in a beautiful casket, is loaded onto a small carrier vehicle. Jim, Leonard, and Spock follow it as it weaves its way through the halls.
Your parents are there, and the funeral is quick. No one can really find the strength to say what they want to. No one can choke through their tears long enough to tell your story.
Bones is the last to leave. He watches your casket for hours, almost as if he’s waiting for you to spring out and laugh and kiss him, promising it’ll never happen again, promising you’ll never leave him…
He smiles. A memory-
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The town of traders on this new small planet offered the Enterprise crew a place to stay overnight, and Kirk had agreed.
Their houses stood on stilts overlooking an ocean, and there were beautiful torches that burnt blue everywhere to light the paths. Bird-like creatures swooped through the town, twittering and squeaking.
You’re watching them silently through a window, a soft smile on your face. Leonard is sitting next to you on the bed, kissing your shoulder.
Two of the bird things get into a fight, and screeching is heard. Feathers fly.
You laugh, loud and unapologetic, as they tussle. Leonard laughs too. He’s smiling at you as you watch them, so completely wrapped up in how beautiful you are.
You fall back onto the bed, hair flying everywhere. You’re still giggling.
You look at your fiancé, enjoying watching him watch you. You feel comfortable. The house is warm and the blue firelight traces his face. The face of your love.
Leonard is wondering how on earth he landed you. How he convinced you to love him. But he truly has no idea. You’re lying there, eyes locked with his, gazing with so much love he feels he’s going to burst.
You lying there like that, hair spread out on the bed, a lazy smile on your face, eyes sparkling with the reflection of torches… he locks that picture in his mind.
And Leonard thinks that he’ll always remember you this way.
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reidswritings · 4 years
the three times that it was obvious
word count; 1.9k
warnings; nothing i think-- just fluff (and a lame ending and also probably some spelling errors haha)
authors note; this is like part 2.5 of times they were just too cute so read those is you want, but you dont have to cause it’ll make sense on its own,, anyways, as always, i hope you enjoy! [ part one and part two ]
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bonus— times Spencer was just a little too in love with his girl
There was no one he loved more. That was a fact. Another fact was that everyone knew that. No one questioned his love for the Pretty Girl— well, no one except aforementioned Pretty Girl. That was usually on her bad days though, but on all of the other days, she knew it better than he did. There was many times that he proved it to himself— though, not that it was a competition or anything. 
It had just been so long since he was able to openly love someone as much as he loved His Girl. Growing up in the closet, he was never able to be open about who he loved— in fear of getting beat up, not that that saved him from any beatings. Then, when he was older, he fell in love with the beauty that was JJ. But she got pregnant and then fell in love with his best friend— Emily Prentiss. Not that he was questioning her taste in women— because Emily was probably the hottest one of the whole BAU Team. There was no competition on that one. 
And once he finally got over her, it was on to the beautiful Doctor Maeve Donavan— but that was over before it even began. Damn stalkers, damn unsubs, damn everything that came with the horrible situation. 
That one crushed him. Took away his spirit along with his belief in love. Took away his belief in anything that wasn’t himself. Well, maybe even took himself with it too. That was the one that left him with more trauma than he cared to admit. 
That was the one that he was afraid that he’d never heal from.
But then there was her. Then, he met the love of his life. Then was the moment he felt his heart begin to stitch itself back together. 
The moment the beauty walked through the huge glass doors was the moment he felt like he could breathe again. He was beyond grateful for the Pretty Girl. And he’d spend the rest of his life making it up to her, even if she was never actually his. 
Luckily though, the universe owed him one and she was head over heals for the scrawny agent. It didn’t take long for them to find each other, actually it only took a week of knowing each other (and Spencer following her around like a lost puppy), until he asked her out to coffee. He had learned from his mistakes before. He had learned not to wait— he had learned that nothing was guaranteed. Not even the next breath. 
He learned to go for what he wanted— even with his fear of rejection, it was better to know. 
Spencer Reid was not the best with words— ironic, considering he knew all of the words, even ones in different languages. The one thing he was good at, though, was showing her (and everyone) just how much he loved his Pretty Girl. He wasn’t aware of it at first— he just did the things. It was second nature to him. It was as easy as breathing for him.
The only reason he was fully aware now was because of his lovely friend, Derek Morgan. It was a normal day at the work place— bad guys doing bad things and innocent people dying because of it. 
His girl was being sent out to get said bad guys while he was forced to stay back and work on the geological profile (not that he was complaining, he loved doing it). The only down side of loving someone on The Team was watching them run into danger rather than from it. 
He never underestimated his girl— he knew she was a badass who could handle her own, but it was still nerve-racking, not knowing if he’d see her again (he was as dramatic as he was genius).  
So, with his heart thumping with anxiety, he had kissed her, like it would be their last time, just before she ran from the police station, and said, “We kiss before and we kiss again after, okay?”
She had agreed to this like it was nothing— because it made sense to her. She wanted that last kiss, just in case. 
Just in case. 
The dark-skinned hunk had witnessed the whole thing. The older man had snorted and muttered under his breath, “Smooth, Reid. Didn’t know you had it in ya.”
Derek never let him live it down. And Spencer let his friend poke fun, because that meant that he got another day with his Pretty Girl— he knew the day that Derek stopped teasing was the day that he no longer got to love Y/N. And that was a day he wasn’t willing to have. 
Another time he noticed it was again because of a BAU Team Member. It was yet another long night at the office— paperwork calling their names and sleep calling them even harder, stress headaches creeping into their skulls and necks aching from leaning over desks for so long. 
The Genius had watched his Pretty Girl yawn for the umpteenth time and he sighed, leaning back in his uncomfortable chair. It was routine, she’d groan in frustration, yawn, flex her shoulders and then get back to burning the midnight oil. He assumed that she was growing frustrated with the seemingly growing pile of folders on her desk— Spencer had made his way through his stack and was now finishing up his last. Not everyone had his special power of memorization and speed reading.
The young agent stood, cracking a few bones as he did so. Grabbing his now empty coffee mug, he stalked over to his girl’s desk. Upon reaching, he leaned against the large table, cup balancing on his folded leg. Y/N looked up at him, eyes tired and longing to be taken home. Though, she smiled at him and it warmed the boy’s heart. 
“Hey,” it was soft, only meant for her. He was smiling too, he was smiling the smile reserved only for Y/N. Emily, who still sat at her desk, looked over and welcomed the break from the gruesome paperwork on top her cluttered desk. 
��Hi,” it was no louder than Spencer’s words, but loud enough for Emily to hear. 
“You doin’ alright?” Spencer’s head was ducked down towards his girl. One of his large hands was still wrapped around his mug while the other one had found its way to the shoulder of one very tired Y/N. Her head was leaning on his hand, leaving a small kiss. She smiled at him like he was the only person in the world that mattered— and in her small world, he was. “You want me to take some off your plate?”
She sighed, leaning back in her chair now. Emily watched still, smiling. She was happy that the two had finally found happiness away from the horrible world they all had created for themselves. “No, it’s okay. Thank you though, Spence.”
He smiled. She continued, hands holding another empty mug. “You know what you could do, though?”
“Hmm?” The boy raised his eyebrows, mouth shrinking into the smirk that make Y/N weak in the knees. 
“Get me more?” She smiled, lips parting to show her teeth. Spencer blushed, ducking his head again. His hand moved to take the mug from her, standing. They had been dating for awhile now, but she still managed to make him breathless. Their fingers brushed and he felt his stomach erupt in excitement— he hoped that feeling never went away. He would give up forever with her just to keep feeling the way he did in that moment. 
“Anything for you, my love.” He bent down to her level, a kiss leaving itself behind on her forehead. Their eyes closed, savoring the moment— that is until the loud voice of Emily Prentiss rang out. 
“I could use some more, too!” The lovebirds looked over at their mutual friend. She was cheekily smiling, arm hanging in the air, fingers closed around her own empty mug. The Genius Boy straightened up, frown present on his once smiling lips. 
“What?” She laughed, red lips still stretched into her characteristic smile that she more often than not wore, “You’re going that way anyways!”
Spencer’s mouth opened to protest—probably— but Emily spoke again. “You’ll get Y/N some, but not me? After all I’ve done for you? My heart hurts.”
The boy snorted, “Yeah? Well, I’m in love with her, not you, Em.” 
The last time that proved that Spencer loved his girl more than anything was something that everyone in the office knew of. The lovebirds liked to pretend that it was their little secret, but in reality they both knew it was one shared with most everyone. 
It wasn’t a secret that Spencer and Y/N were hopelessly in love with each other— in fact it was very clear to anyone who walked through the BAU doors. Though in love, they were not the biggest fans of PDA. However, Spencer and his Pretty Girl were still very, very, lovey with one another at the workplace. 
Of course, that doesn’t mean they were making out against Spencer’s desk or having secret sex in the BAU bathroom— no, it means that they often shared glances from across the bullpen and small touches when the other is getting just a bit too frustrated and knowing smiles every other hour. 
It was the little things they did that kept them on their toes— kept them head over heals. It was special to them that they kept up the romance, no matter what was going on in their very hectic lives. 
For example, the two very often left small little notes for each other around the BAU. Nothing inappropriate or out of line, it was usually just something that would be sure to make the other smile. And it wasn’t anywhere that was obvious either, it was almost always in a spot that would only be discovered by Y/N or Spencer. 
And sometimes, just sometimes, another member of The Team would stumble across the colorful sticky notes stuck to the back of a chair or to the side of one of Spencer’s many, many, books or to the tip of a pen or even on a coffee mug in the cabinet— unfound by The Lovebirds yet. The Aforementioned Team Member would just smile like they were in on some little secret—because they were—and place the note back so it could be found by a Lovesick Agent later. 
They were sentimental people, keeping each and every note— which The Team so desperately wanted to poke fun at, but they let them have this. They let them stay in their little bubble just for a little while longer— as long as it made The lovebirds happy, it made The Team happy too. 
In fact, once JJ and Emily had stumbled across the small box that held each and every sticky note. They didn’t pry— well, they tried not to, but curiosity got the best of the two girls. They ended up reading each one, and they were so goddamn adorable, they just about cried. 
If there was one thing The Team could agree on, it would be that Spencer and Y/N were perfect for each other and that they all would rather die than let anything happen to the two. 
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obeywho-meduh · 4 years
February 2 - Werewolf
February Monster Boyfriend Challenge
Non-Obey Me content
Based off @cosmic-whorror Character: Claudio
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Warnings: Mentions of blood, animal cruelty (bear trap mentioning), Clastrophobia (avalanche), Near-Death Experience
Everyone around here has heard about the Legend of The Great White Wolf. You’d only lived in the area for a couple of months now but the stories of it now feel like a daily ritual when you went into town to get breakfast at the diner. 
“I’m tellin’ ya! It’s at least 15 feet tall! With claws as big as a bear! I don’ know why it would attack me but it did!”
You drank your coffee as you heard some of the hunters complaining about the clearly fake animal. Or probably just a really big wolf, they aren’t as small as most people think, you would know. You’d nursed some when you were younger with your family, probably why you became a vet. But this wasn’t your concern, clearly, they haven’t been able to catch it. And no one seems to really like having these hunters here. Especially him.
He’s a pretty tall guy with pale blue eyes and blonde hair, always has a snowboard with him and is actually pretty well liked around here. “Shut the fuck up already. If you got attacked by the wolf you were doing something you shouldn’t have been doing. Let me eat my damn breakfast in peace.”
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[image made by @cosmic-whorror link to image]
He seemed like a hard ass but he’d never been rude to anyone unless they deserved it.
“You gonna make me shut up? Huh? Claw??”
Getting up, you leave before anything gets worse or you get caught in the crossfire. Because you yourself had a pretty strong opinion of animals.
You love animals, maybe that’s why you found yourself living out in the woods, the trek up to your remote cabin seemed like you were entering another world. And as you were about to head inside you heard howling in the distance. Wolves are after all very common in the area but no one has ever been attacked by one. Even the supposed ‘white wolf’ has never attacked anyone. You brushed off the howl until it was followed by a whimpering wail that hit your heart as if you could feel its pain.
Quickly you set down your stuff inside and then grabbed a bigger jacket as well as your personal medical kit. Rushing out of the cabin you wrap your scarf tightly around you and head in the direction of the noise.
You knew the sound, but looking at an actual wolf is always intimidating, but when one growls at you as you approach its even more daunting. 
You get down on your knees and present yourself to the wolf as you slowly move closer. You could finally see why it had been whining. It’s caught in a bear trap, its back paw was coloring the snow red around it.
“I’m not going to hurt you…” It wasn’t like it could understand but it still seemed to calm down as you inspected the trap. “I’m going to get you out.” Bear traps are terrible things, and they are even harder to get open if you didn’t have the strength to or if they were rusted. While you pushed it open you could feel the metal piercing your gloves and puncturing your hands, it stung but you needed to save this wolf. 
Once it was open enough, it took its foot out and you let it go. You had assumed it would run away but it limped beside you and laid down on its side, and you could hear it panting from the pain. 
Taking a deep breath, you then get your kit out and begin to stitch up what you could. To your surprise the wolf let you help it. And when you finished, it then quickly got up and while still limping ran into the woods.
“TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!” You exhale heavily and look at your breath in the air before looking down at your bloody gloves. Luckily the cold made your hands numb and you didn’t feel the pain as much. And you can take care of your hands when you get home. Which you needed to do soon, wouldn’t be good to get frostbite.
The sunlight was waning as you finished putting together your medical kit, you didn’t bring a flashlight so you needed to head back. You could feel the temperature dropping rapidly and it looked like it was beginning to snow. The woods seemed so quiet. You didn’t hear any owls, no chickadees, the only thing that echoed were the sounds of you crushing snow under your feet. Then your nose started to tickle and you sneezed.
That became the loudest echo as it bounced around the wood of the trees and the sheets of snow. You shivered, you knew you’d walked far but it still seems like you should’ve been home by now. 
What was... No. There’s no way… The sounds of trees breaking made you turn your head. NO! You started to run in the opposite direction, this wasn’t the time for an avalanche to be descending on you. You knew you weren’t going to outrun it. There was no way. 
Snow surrounded you, it hurt as it pressed you down, it’s cold and you couldn’t move. You couldn’t breathe, there wouldn’t be a point in even trying to open your eyes. Plus... You were getting sleepy. No one would show up to save you. You at least helped that wolf today, that… that was enough… right?
You could feel the pressure of the snow against your chest, everything started to sting. It wasn’t going to help to cry from the pain. If you let go and you won’t have to worry about the pain anymore.
How long have you been under here? Waiting was pointless. Letting go would be easiest. Fine. You exhaled one more time before you just let your body succumb.
Not feeling how light the snow felt on you, but you did know that your body loved that soft warmth that held you. Were you dead now? Is the warmth you feel from the supposed light you see when you die? 
You still didn’t want to open your eyes, but when you did the feel of the fire only made you want to go back to sleep. Yeah, it would be better especially… Wait. Fire!?
Your body tried to shoot up but you were wrapped in a big mound of fur.
Wait… This fur. IS MOVING?!
Again you tried to shift, as you did you were met with bright beautiful blue eyes as a thick tongue licking your cheek.
As your mind processed, you noticed the immeasurable size difference between you and this.. Wolf?! How’d you get here? Where was here? You look around frantically and you realize it’s actually your cabin. Your heart pounded, what was happening?!
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[image made by @cosmic-whorror link to image]
Once again, the wolf licked you, only this time starting from your neck and finishing at your ear.
Your body shivered as you reflexively  bonk its nose.
“Owowowow! Geez! What the hell did I do!?”
Eyes wide, jaw on the floor and it felt like you couldn’t breathe. Did… Did it just speak!?
The shock made you pass out. There would be no way an animal that size existed and on top of that! BE ABLE TO SPEAK!
When you opened your eyes again, you were on your couch but the warm feeling you got from the fur was gone. It was all probably a dream... Thank goodness…
“I just want to say that fucking hurt, can you not hit my nose anymore?”
You froze, your hand was touching something warm and as you look down you see a thigh and leg. Well… that’s not a furry body, but… You turn your head around to see that guy from the diner!
With you in his lap! You shoot straight up, headbutting him in the process. Oh great, now you have a splitting headache. 
You could hear him growl a bit, “Why… in the fuck…” You were both holding your heads while you grabbed the blanket and put it over him. 
“Uuuggghh… I think that was hard enough for a concussion…” Then your mind shot back to the avalanche and you breathing started to hasten.
“Hey!” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him, “You have to calm down, your body took on a couple pounds of snow.”
So it did happen. Wait…
“Did you… did you say earlier… that I hit your nose?”
“Ah…” He sighed heavily before scratching the back of his head, “Shit. Well, guess there’s no point hiding it.” His whole body morphed and about tripled in size as his blonde hair turned while but once you saw his blue eyes you knew it was the same wolf as before.
So it really wasn’t a dream.
“And now that you know, if you tell anyone.” He lowered his head, his breath was hot against your ear. “Then I’ll have to eat you and them.”
After a few minutes of hearing multiple threats he turned back and put on some spare clothes I had. Good thing I always buy miscellaneously large shirts and keep plenty of different sized pants. Easier to stay bundled with layers if the layers can actually go on top of one another. 
“I’m Claudio by the way. Claw, preferably. And you don’t have to thank me for saving you, it was actually Nuka who told me about you being out in that area. So it’s a thanks for saving him and bandaging that wound.”
“The wolf.”
“Is he your pet?”
“No, why would he be? He’s a good friend.”
“Well he has a name so I thought..” “No, that’s what he said they call younger siblings where he comes from. So I guess he sees me as an older brother?” He shrugs while he puts on a spare jacket. “I think I’ll keep these clothes, they’re pretty nice.”
“By the way… What's your name?”
You didn’t think saving a wolf would end up with a werewolf saving you and now… we'll have to see what happens next.
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remember me ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2174
request?: yes
@xxkellsvixen19xx “A request for Colson Baker x Reader fic where shortly after they are married (few months) she’s in a car accident with amnesia and he helps her remember that plus that she’s pregnant (which is shortly before that happens but she had forgotten) please and thank you”
description: in which colson must help his wife remember who he is
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, some sadness
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Colson raced down the hallway of the hospital. His shoes weren’t even properly tied, his coat was half off, and he realized upon getting out of the car he realized he hadn’t even taken his wallet. When he received the call, he raced out of the house in a flash and got to the hospital so fast that the car ride was all a blur.
He walked up to the first desk he could find, trying to find his voice.
“I-I need to-to know where (Y/N) Baker is,” he stuttered.
“What’s your relation to Mrs. Baker?” the woman at the desk asked.
“I’m her husband,” Colson responded, flashing his ring as if that were the evidence the woman needed. “I’m Colson Baker, I was talking to someone like 20 minutes ago. He said my wife was brought in after a bad car accident, but he wouldn’t give me any more details over the phone. Please, I need to see her.”
The woman pointed Colson to where (Y/N)’s room was. He mumbled a quick thank you and raced down the hallway. As he approached the door, a doctor was walking out. The doctor put his hands out to stop Colson.
“Are you Mr. Baker?” he asked.
“Yes, I’m fucking Mr. Baker. Can I see my goddamn wife?” Colson snapped.
“Mr. Baker, I understand that this is a very emotional time, but I need to give tell you what happened to your wife before you go in there,” the doctor explained. Tears were pricking Colson’s eyes. He wiped them away and nodded, not trusting his own voice to speak. “Your wife was in a serious car accident, Mr. Baker. A driver blew a stop sign as she was driving through and t-boned her on the driver’s side. The impact was pretty severe, she hit her head off the window and was rendered unconscious at the scene. Luckily, the paramedics got to the scene very quickly and managed to get to her before any permanent damage could be done...however...”
“However?” Colson prompted.
“She may have some brain damage,” the doctor finished. “Her brain has some swelling, however that should go down by the time she wakes up but we can’t promise that there won’t be any side effects to that.”
“Side effects like what?” Colson asked.
“She may have some speech problems, she may have to learn basic motor functions again, and she may have some memory loss. We cannot tell you how far back the memory loss could effect, but I wanted to warn you in case it’s as far back as your wedding. I’ve seen many a brain damage victims wake up and not remember their loved ones and how hard that is for the loved ones. I try to give a warning in case.”
Colson nodded, although the thought of his loving wife waking up and forgetting him tore his heart out.
“We just found out she was pregnant,” Colson said. “Like just found out maybe a week ago. Do you guys know if the baby is okay?”
“We can do some testing to make sure,” the doctor said. “We’ll let you know as soon as the results came back.” The doctor stepped aside. “You may go see her, but please try to keep as calm as you can. Even unconscious she’ll be able to sense your presence and it’s best for her recovering to remain as calm as you can.”
Colson nodded again. He tried to take a deep breath and pull himself together, but he found it incredibly hard. He wasn’t sure what to expect when he walked through the door, but he knew he wanted to see her. He knew he had to.
When he opened the door he couldn’t help but suck in a breath. Laying there on the hospital bed was his beautiful wife, so pale he was afraid she was lifeless, with a large scar on the side of her head, where she had hit the window and needed to be stitched back up. Colson crossed the room to sit at the chair next to her bed. He reached out and took one of her cold hands in his and squeezed it slightly.
“I’m right here, baby,” he whispered. “I’m gonna stay here till you wake up.”
One painful week later, things were starting to look up. (Y/N)’s injuries were starting to heal and she was beginning to look like herself again. But she was still asleep. The doctor assured Colson that that was a good thing as it gave her body time to rest and recuperate.
Colson kept true to his word and stayed right in the chair next to her bed, waiting patiently for her to wake up. He cancelled any interviews and shows he had and had to tell Cassie, who was in a frenzy of her own, that he would come to get her as soon as (Y/N) woke up. The only times he moved from the chair were to get a shower, and even then he only went as far as the bathroom attached to (Y/N)’s hospital room.
He stepped out of the bathroom one day, fresh from a shower wearing clean clothes that Rook had brought for him, his hair still dripping wet, to find his wife lying in the hospital bed with her eyes open.
He wasn’t entirely sure what to do. He wanted to rush to her and hug her tightly, to kiss her and tell her how happy he was that she was awake, but he knew that he still couldn’t overwhelm her too much. He wasn’t sure how much her brain still needed to heal, plus he didn’t want to overwhelm her too much when she was just awake.
“(Y/N),” he finally said, as calmly as he could. “You’re awake.”
“Where am I?” she asked.
“You’re in a hospital,” Colson explained, sitting himself down next to her again. “You were in a serious accident about a week ago. You had a bit of brain damage and you were bleeding a lot, you’ve been recovering very quickly though, and the doctors say that’s great.”
She nodded, although she still looks lost. “And...and who are you?”
The words he had been dreading all week. Hearing them felt like a knife through his heart. He tried to keep back the tears that were threatening to fall down his face. “I’m - uh - I’m your husband, Colson.”
Her eyes widened and she looked down at the ring on her left ring finger. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I...I don’t remember...oh God I feel awful.”
“No, don't apologize,” Colson said, taking her hand in his. “I was warned that a bit of memory loss was a possibility. It’s okay, I’m willing to try and help you remember.”
(Y/N) nodded. She opened her mouth to say something else when a knock came at the door and the doctor came in. He smiled at (Y/N). “Well, look who’s awake. How do you feel, Mrs. Baker?”
“Confused,” she responded, causing Colson to chuckle.
“That was a possibility,” the doctor said with a nod. “Listen, we can do this in your own time, but we did tell your husband that once you were awake and ready that we needed to do another test on you to check on the health of your baby.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as she looked back at Colson. “I’m pregnant? I’ve always wanted to be a mom.”
Colson smiled. “We only found out a week ago. You found out then you planned out this elaborate way to tell me, you even set up a camera to film it, but you were so excited that you just blurted it out the minute I walked through the door. I have the video still if you want to see it.”
Tears were starting to form in (Y/N)’s eyes and Colson could see the sadness and frustration starting to grow in her face. “Yeah, yeah I’d love to see it. But I um...I think I should do this testing first. Even if I don’t remember it, I want this baby to be okay.”
Another week later, (Y/N) was discharged to go home on the condition that she continued to get a lot of bed rest. After a few tests at the hospital, the doctors confirmed that the baby was okay and was still very healthy, but advised her to get regular monthly check ups in order to make sure the baby remained healthy.
On the drive home, she watched the video on Colson’s phone of her telling him that she was pregnant. She kept replaying the video, as if hoping that re-watching it would jog her memories of the event. But Colson could tell that the video was just making her more sad that she forgot it.
“Who’s Cassie?” she asked as she listened to the old her on the video announce, “Cassie’s gonna be a big sister!”
“That’s my daughter,” Colson responded. “Your step-daughter. She adores you, and you her. You guys are basically inseparable. She’s been worried sick about you.”
(Y/N) finally locked the phone and passed it back to Colson. “I don’t even remember who she is.”
“I know,” Colson sighed. “But I’ll help you to remember. The doctor said pictures and videos should help jog your memory, and we have plenty of those.”
Upon stepping into the house, (Y/N) was met with dozens of memories of herself and Colson and Cassie. There were pictures on the wall of Colson and (Y/N) on their wedding day, pictures lining the tables of different memories; their first date, their first award show red carpet, pictures of the three of them at Disney together. (Y/N) walked through the house, taking in every piece of it in hopes it would jog her memory of something.
“What are these awards?” she questioned, pointing some of Colson’s music awards that he had on display. “You’re famous?”
“Don’t tell me you forget that far back,” Colson said with a teasing smile. “I’m a rapper and an actor. That’s how we met, you got tickets to an award show and we got to talking on the red carpet. You gave me your number.”
(Y/N)’s eyes lit up. “Wait, yes! Okay, that sounds familiar. I saved up for months to try and get to this award show that was being held in my hometown. I went with my best friend, she freaked out when you walked down the red carpet because she was such a fan. She was so jealous when you flirted with me, even more so when I gave you my number and you actually responded.”
Colson chuckled. “Yeah, she won’t let either of us live that down. She even made it a whole story in her Maid of Honor speech.”
“That makes sense,” (Y/N) said, nodding. “I...I kind of remember some of these things. I have some blurs of the scenery around the picture, but I can’t see any faces or remember exactly where or what happened.”
“That’s okay,” Colson told her. “The doctors said it’ll take some time, but don’t strain yourself or you could really hurt your head more.”
(Y/N) nodded. Tears started to form in her eyes again as she sat down on her and Colson’s shared bed, another place she couldn’t even remember. Colson was quick to sit by her side as she began to sob into her hands. He rubbed her back soothingly, assuring her everything would be okay.
“I’m sorry,” she said through tears. “I’m really sorry for all of this. I feel awful, we have all these memories and we’re married and we’re having a fucking baby! And I can’t remember any of it! I feel so awful.”
“Hey, stop that,” Colson told her. “None of this is your fault, it’s the fault of the asshole who decided they wanted to run a stop sign. We’re going to get your memories back, I promise. No matter how long it takes, I’ll be here through every step of the process, as long as you want me here.”
(Y/N) looked at Colson. He took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, taking him by surprise. Despite not remembering any of their past kisses, (Y/N) kissed him so naturally. He expected it to be a while before she felt comfortable enough to even want to stay in the same bed as him.
When she pulled away, she smiled at Colson. “I may not remember much of our relationship, but I do know that I love you. I know that you’re the father of my child, and you’re the love of my life. If there’s anyone I want to be by my side while I regain my memories, it’s definitely you.”
Colson smiled back at her. “Well then I promise to stay forever.”
I hope you enjoyed your imagine! For anyone who is also reading my “Not So Bad” series (not the official title just yet, I don’t really have one right now) and you want to be tagged in it, just let me know in the notes of that imagine and I’ll tag you in part two! (Which hopefully will be up by Saturday at the latest)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers XII (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: We get some growth over here, we also get awkward interaction between crushes but overall I really like this chapter :’)
Words: 4,661
Warnings: Cursing and tons of stupid. 
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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To say I was busy the next day was an understatement. Apparently, the word had spread that I was the one who knew how to treat injuries and kids would bring me their friends so I could cure them.
Yeah, I know. Do I look like a fucking doctor? Exactly. Yet, if I was fair with them we didn’t have plenty of choices, so I decided to do my best.
I was not alone in my duties, Alex had joined (probably to compensate all of our awkward moments and maybe cause he’d seen the deathly stare Maya sent my way) and whenever I needed something I could just ask him to bring me things and he would. To be honest, it was sort of fun.
I just had to treat a few scratches and infections (nothing as wild as Josh’s though) and made sure to give everyone a toothbrush (I had my own and always made sure to brush my teeth after every meal. What? I won’t lose my teeth before I turn twenty!)  I had also listened to Josh’s advice and started writing easy D-I-Y treatments on the notebook he got for me in case I was gone... you know, just in case.
My hand was still unable to move but for most things, I only had to say “Rub this on the cut” or, “Here, take this cough syrup” so it wasn’t like I actually needed my hands.
Then at some point in the afternoon, the weird shit started to show up. You know how kids get bored and do stupid things? Well, in the apocalypse it’s the same, only by a thousand.
“You tried to do, WHAT?”
“He’d always wanted to try to stick his hand up the vending machine to see if he could reach the snack for free,” Says his friend, blushing in embarrassment, “I tried to warn him...”
“For free?” I ask in exasperation, “Everything is free now, idiot! You could’ve, I don’t know, break the glass and take the food”
His friend is sitting on the chair in front of me, holding his hand up, He has a huge cut that goes from his pinky to his wrist, it could need stitches.
“Alex,” I turn to look at the boy, who seems to be struggling to not laugh, “could you get me antiseptic and bandaids?”
“Uh, sure,” He nods, starting to walk away, “I’m on it”
“And you... sorry, what was your name?”
“Tyler. Be a sweetheart and put your hand here,” I point to the sink on my left and Tyler does as I ask, I push the button with my left hand and he winces, “I know it burns but we have to clean it before we cure it. Maybe you’ll think twice before doing something stupid again. C’mon, wash it well”
Alex comes back moments after and I take the stuff, he watches me carefully as I work together with Tyler’s friend to disinfect the cut and put one of those squared bandaids on it.
“There it is,” I smile politely, “good as new. If the cut has troubles to heal you’re gonna need stitches, so pray for this thing to work. You, Tyler’s friend, keep an eye on him and if it doesn’t heal you tell me okay? Tyler, If I see you even remotely close to a vending machine again, I’ll kick your ass”
The boy yelps but nods, his friend gets him out of the restroom.
We wait a minute or two to see if anyone else appears, it seems like the accidents and wounds have stopped for the day.
“Let’s go get something to eat,” I grab the spare material we didn’t use and put it all inside the backpack I have with me at all times, “if I stay here for the rest of the day I’ll be dreaming about toilets tonight”
Alex chuckles, following me out.
“You know, you really look different,” He walks beside me, “in a good way, like you’re comfortable on your own skin. The last time I saw you this way was probably that time when you did the presentation on Da Vinci”
“I was fourteen back then,” I grimace, “that doesn’t sound good”
“What thing?”
“That it’s been so long since I looked happy”
“I never said ‘happy’ I said comfortable in your own skin,” He states, “you always looked happy. Not always looked so careless, though. I don’t know if you get it.”
“I don’t know. Maybe,” I shrug, “I’m just okay with how my life is going right now, I could’ve died back with Triumph but Josh saved us. I’m just enjoying that I didn’t.”
“Josh seems to be a good guy,” He says, looking intently at me, “and he seems to be good friends with you”
“Well, he’s a friendly guy,” I agree, not understanding what he’s trying to say, “and he always tries his best, it’s hard to not like him”
“So, you like him a lot?”
I look at him from the corner of my eye. So that’s where this is heading.
“Yes, I like him.”
I don’t try to be more specific or care about calming his suspicions. If he wants to know, he’ll have to ask directly.
Unfortunately (luckily for me) he doesn’t get the chance cause Wesley intercepts us.
“Hey sis, heard you’ve been working all morning,” He extends one long package of cookies, “I think you deserve some recognition”
“Yes!” I grab the package and give a quick hug to Wesley, “Are you a guardian angel?”
“You’re welcome,” He crosses his arms. Wesley notices Alex standing awkwardly beside me and speaks up, “I know you, from where do I know you?”
“He used to go to our school,” I reply, stuffing my mouth with two cookies, “he’s an old friend... Alex”
“Murphy,” Alex shakes Wesley’s hand, “I think you know me from history class?”
“Murphy!” He claps, “you’re the bi dude that dated my girl Amy back in junior high, right?”
“That’s also me.”
“Sweet, she used to talk wonders about you,” Wes nods, “I think she got eaten by Ghoulies like a week after all of this started, though”
“Oh, sorry dude...”
“No worries, we stopped being friends when we started Highschool”
I watch their interaction as I keep eating, it’s weird how my two worlds, the old and the new could collapse and mix people together, not caring whether or not I want it. Yet, the world never actually collapsed, just mutated, and I was still standing in the middle of this chaos in one piece.
One absolute, badass piece.
“I asked if you didn’t mind if I go and take a nap,” Says Alex, pointing towards the mattress store, “I think I’m still not fully recovered from my time with Triumph”
“Oh, yeah go ahead”
I smile politely as I watch him go, not noticing Wesley until he speaks again.
“So, that’s your guy”
I jump, cursing under my breath.
“Jesus, Wesley. Don’t do that...” I scowl, “What do you mean with ‘my guy’?”
“The one you told me about?” He continues, “you said you had a friend named Alex and that you two were a team but then he left?”
“Right,” I had totally forgotten about our conversation, “this Alex is the same Alex from that story”
“You must be happy right now,” He raises a brow, “you got your buddy back”
“Not so much,” I squint, “he’s back but... I kind of wish he wasn’t”
“Why?” He grins, “What, you like someone else now?”
“I never said I liked him,” I reply a little too fast.
“You don’t have to.”
“Whatever,” I roll my eyes.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” He grabs my shoulders, “Who is it? Is it one of the new kids? Is it one of us?”
“If it’s me I have to warn you I’m gay,” He gives me a pointed look, “you’re cute and all, but I just don’t play for that team. Sorry.”
“Is not you cause I don’t like anybody, Wesley!” I hiss, pushing his hands away, “Let it go!”
“Y/N,” He pleads, following me as I walk fast to the main hall, “I swear I will keep it a secret!”
“No, you won’t,” I groan, "it would only be a matter of time before Angelica finds out as well and then I wouldn’t hear the end of it”
“Is it Eli?” He continues without bugging, “it’s that why you think Angelia and I would tease you? I mean, kid’s kinda weird but I’d rather see you dating him than him kissing that ‘Mavis’ doll.”
“Please, stop,” I sit on a bench, the same place where few hours before, Wesley and Josh had trained, “I don’t like Eli”
“Then it’s Josh,” He states, sitting beside me.
When I give him one exasperated look but don’t speak against him, Wesley covers his mouth in shock and starts kicking the air in excitement.
“Yes, girl! Go get it!” He laughs, “Shit, you have to make a move. You and Josh desperately need to get laid”
“Wesley!” I exclaim, putting the cookies away since my appetite has been brutally murdered, “I don’t want to sleep with Josh!”
“Why not?” Wesley shrugs, “you two are good together, always hyping each other up and being the dorky duo that led us to success”
“You’re hallucinating,” I shake my head, “and forgetting an important issue”
“Which is?”
“Sam’s been dead for like, four days tops?” I cross my arms, “Now that’s some insensitive shit”
“Oh,” His smile disappears abruptly, “That. Right.”
“Okay, but what if...” Before he ends the phrase, he shakes his head, “no nevermind”
“What?” I frown.
“Nothing,” He shrugs, “is not important.”
“What are you thinking?” The boy stays silent for a second, then his eyes light up and smiles like something just came up to him.
“I was thinking, what if this whole apocalypse shit hadn’t happened,” He leans against the bench, “and we were still normal kids, you know homecoming dance was close?”
“Yes,” I tilt my head, “what about it?”
“If he and Sam would’ve broken up before the dance... I mean, you already knew him, right? If that would’ve been the case, you would have tried?”
“To what?” I grin, “Ask him out?”
“Don’t think so,” I reply with honesty, “I think I would’ve asked Alex, but only as friends you know? Cause it was better. Or I would’ve gone to the dance alone.”
“Yes, Josh wasn’t on my radar during those days. I knew him and all, he just was in a whole different world. Out of reach and far from being on my list”
“I see,” He squints his eyes, “You know what? I think we should have that dance”
“What?” I laugh louder this time, looking around for my cookies, “there’s no way we can do that here...”
“Why not?”
“It’s a mall”
“So what? We have enough kids, we have plenty of drinks and food, a wide space where we can show our best moves?” He stretches his arms as to prove his point, “I think I can make it work”
“I think it’ll be a total failure,” I reply, finally finding the package and eating a whole cookie.
“Sure,” I mumble, “what do you wanna bet?”
“If I win, you’ll ask Josh for a date, or you know, you’ll give it a try,” He comments, “if it turns out you don’t like him then I’ll stop”
“And If I win you won’t force me to try shit,” I reach out to hold his hand and he takes it.
To be honest, I think maybe Katie was right. I can be a little overdramatic sometimes, people can get tired of that. When I first came to this mall I was desperate to live, afraid that my calm and easy routine would be affected by the wishes of these losers. Which it did, but it was for the best, I think.
I also thought that if I ever saw Alex again my heart would stop instantly and I would die cause it was too much to handle, or that we would have this huge fight where both of us ended killing the other or something. It isn’t like that at all.  Sure it is awkward and a bit weird, but we’re making it work. I think.
That noon we’re in the pharmacy, making the inventory in a small notebook that I carry around (the one that I had before I met Josh, not the one that he gave me) and we’re not talking much, only saying the names of the medicines we have and where we should put them. I don’t know what exactly do most of these medicines do, but I trust that Angelica might know, so I’ll ask her before we go to bed.
“What?” I look over my shoulder to see Alex holding a box of pills, we move to the next shelf and we start putting them in line.
“So,” He starts, “we haven’t seen each other in three months, I’m sure something must have happened while I was gone”
“Meh, not really. The majority of those three months I spent it alone, in my old house,” I shrug, “collecting food and things, then this pug attacked my place (I’m sure you’ve seen it, it’s huge) so I had to move again. In the middle of that Josh crashed into me and sort of dragged me to this mall.”
Alex smiles lightly.
“You’re still taking care of your people?”
“I think that’s clear,” I shake one of the bottles and smile tiredly, “I didn’t choose to do this, though. I was just the one with weird knowledge about severed fingers and they just assumed my knowledge is enough to cure all kinds of sufferings”
“I think it kind of is,” He shrugs, “who’s the heroic one now, huh?”
“Shut up,” I whine, though I’m smiling, “I’m just being helpful, that’s all”
“You always are”
Alex and I stop to look at each other. I can feel a sensation in my stomach but is not butterflies, it’s comfort. I’m glad to have him and I’m happy that he exists, but that’s all. The euphoria of the ‘What if’ is long gone since I discovered that the ‘what if’ wasn’t for us. 
Holy shit. Did I stop crushing on him because of all that happened?
Or did it stop because I met Josh?
“We need to talk about it,” He says, catching me off guard.
I accidentally kick a box behind me trying to step back. I knew this was coming, and I knew he was waiting for us to be mostly alone so we could talk about it in peace, I just wasn’t expecting it to be so soon.
“Do we?” I squint.
“Last time we didn’t talk about it and it ended on us fighting and going our separate ways,” He replies, “and I missed you, Y/N. I won’t let it happen again.”
“Listen,” I sigh, taking the box and setting it on the floor, signaling towards the counter so we go sit, “ I know I said awful things to you I shouldn’t have, you were the only person I had left and I pushed you away. I was scared, I thought you were going to leave me. So I figured that if I was the one leaving first then you’d forget me and things would be okay.”
“I asked you to come with me so we could start again,” He frowns, “how did that make you think I was leaving you? How could you even think you’d be that easy to forget?”
It’s funny that he says that, cause Josh kinda told me the same thing. How I’m not easy to forget.
I don’t want that, I want to be easy. I want to be able to have my freedom and know I can go at any time as soon as I feel like it, without feeling guilty about leaving people behind. If I’m wrong and people will still miss me no matter how fast I leave... well, let’s just say it doesn’t help my goal.
“I thought that if I decided to go with you, there was fifty percent of chances that we would stop being friends, and I’m a dumbass so there’s no way I would’ve survived on my own outside Glendale”
I thought he would get upset, instead, Alex laughs.
“That makes me feel so optimistic about our future, then. We’ll never leave Glendale but hey, at least we’ll grow old.”
“That’s the dream,” I nudge his arm playfully.
We stay silent for a couple of seconds, then he speaks up again.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you that one time,” His voice is full of regret.
I stop my movements altogether and look at him.
“I’m sorry about that too. I was hurt for a while, but then I kinda realized... it was for the best. I mean, maybe you kind of had a crush on me but it was better this way, right?”
He gives me an apologetic look. I’ve seen that expression thousands of times before, I know that he’s about to get deadly honest.
“No,” Alex grimaces, “I didn’t have a crush on you.”
“Oh,” I reply, genuinely speechless, “I-uh... I”
“Listen,” He jumps off from the counter and stands in front of me, “here’s the thing... Maya told me one day when we started Highschool that you, uh, had a crush on me. And at first, I didn’t believe her cause well, you’re my best friend”
“Then why did you kiss me?” I ask, maybe a little too loud.
“Cause then she started to implant all these ideas in my head, and she kept saying to ‘watch how you acted around me’ and how ‘you were super nice to me and dull with every other boy’”
“Rude,” I frown.
“...The point is that I believed her. I was all paranoid cause I thought I was giving the wrong vibes, and I didn’t want to hurt you-”
“Then why, did you KISS ME?” I ask again.
“Shhhh!” His eyes widen, stepping closer and putting a hand on my mouth, “I’m getting there!”
“Hmph-” I slap his hand away from my mouth, “then get there already!”
“That day at the mall,” Alex continues anxiously, “you were all sweet and kind to me, and gave me compliments and bought me Icecream... like, shit Y/N you were being so cute and I thought ‘Hey, what if I’m in love with her too but I’m in denial?”
“Dude,” I frown, “that’s... I mean, I was just being a good friend that one time, honest.”
“So you never had a crush on me?”
“I mean... I did? Sort of...I had one but then you kissed me and...”
“And nothing, right?” He asks with hope, “you’re with me on this, there wasn’t, like, that kind of feelings involved?”
“I-yeah,” I nod, “after we kissed I just feel tainted and guilty cause you were dating Stuart”
“Ugh, don’t even get me started on Stuart,” He covers his face with one hand, “when I told him about what had happened I broke his heart, we broke up soon after”
“You told him?!”
“Of course I did, I loved him!” He exclaims, “I cared about him, so I had to be honest. I told him I got all confused and mixed things up, that I kissed you but you seemed not into it and of course neither was I and that I was sorry... He was just too upset and felt like I didn’t respect him, so he dumped me.”
“I am so, so sorry, Al,” I stand up, we have always been the same height, so we’re now face to face, “I mean, it was you who kissed me but... I should’ve talked to you sooner.”
“For what?” He huffs, “is not like we both knew what was going on”
“But we’re best friends, we’re supposed to trust each other, right? Then why we didn’t?”
“I guess... we just lost control.”
“We listened to the wrong person,” I correct, “I’m sure Maya got all entertained with our misunderstanding. Jesus, I bet she must have figured it out before us but she never said anything to stop us.”
“Be honest, would you have listened to her?”
“No?” I scoff, “but this just proves that she’s evil.”
“I saw the way she was looking at you today,” He crosses his arms, “I’m guessing you finally snapped.”
“Not entirely,” I defend, “I just rejected her offer. The one about starting a tribe.”
“You still want to be on your own?”
“No, I don’t want to be with Maya,” I reply, “we’re good here, don’t you think?”
“Yeah...” He looks around, “I wanted to see the world and all but... is not the same thing, and is not the same thing alone either”
“Sorry that your dream got busted” I pat his shoulder.
“It’s alright,” He shrugs, “sorry your loner life got ruined.”
“It wasn’t that cool”
“So...” He grabs the hand that’s on his shoulder without moving it from the place, “we’re cool now? Can we go back to being friends?”
“Yes, please,” My hold gets a bit tighter, “if I’m gonna keep treating the wounds that kids cause on themselves stupidly, I’m gonna need my best friend beside me...”
We shake hands and grin, it feels like all the weight just disappeared from our shoulders.
“Hey, Y/N do you-” Josh stops at the entrance and stays really quiet, watching the scene in front of him.
I’m still holding onto Alex’s hand, Alex casually smiles at him.
“Oh, hey Josh what’s up?”
“Hi,” I try to look just as casual as my friend when I let go of him, “uh-Josh.”
“Sorry, you’re busy”
Josh mumbles and tries to walk away from the store. I quickly walk around the counter and call his name.
“Wait!” He stops and looks at me, “we were just finishing up here, tell us what you need”
“I, uh... my bandages,” When he speaks his voice is lower, it reminds me of the drowsy way he talked when he woke up from cutting his finger. Disoriented, drained out of energy, “I need a new set. This one’s got ruined from going outside and fighting with Triumph.”
“Okay,” I look over at Alex, “first shelf on your right”
The boy looks over and soon enough he throws me a package, I catch it mid-air and then I ask Josh:
“You need help?”
“I... uhm,” His eyes go from me to Alex and for some reason, I can tell he feels uncomfortable with us. Maybe he thinks Alex and I are still fighting, I should tell him I’m not upset anymore, otherwise he’ll keep acting like this, “is not a big deal, I can do it on my own...”
I look over at my best friend with an expression that I hope it reads like ‘can you leave us alone for a moment?’
“I think I’ll look around for food,” He picks up the message immediately, giving me a pointed look, “I’ll leave you to it”
“Thanks,” I smile politely. When he’s gone I make Josh sit on the counter and unwrap his old bandages.
He’s deadly quiet. Again, a bad sign that something is going on inside his head. I try to make some light conversation so he feels better.
“Have you heard Wesley’s new bright idea-?”
“Did you talk to Alex?”
Okay then, pretty straightforward.
“Yes,” I smile, trying to look as happy and relaxed as possible, “it’s all good between us now, like the old times”
“Good,” For some reason, my answer only seems to make things worse, I try to add more.
“I know you think I’m upset. But I think this was exactly what I was waiting for, I’m finally okay with Alex, I owe it all to you so you can add that to the list of things you’ve done for me.”
“...Great!” He tries to smile for a moment, but it dies as soon as it appears.
My mind tries to figure it out, What’s happening? What’s upsetting him? We succeded! Even better, he reunited old friends, gave them a...
That’s it, the reunion. He’s upset that I got Alex back and he doesn’t have Sam.
“I’m sorry, Josh,” I say as soon as I realize, “oh my god, I thought...”
“It’s fine,” He replies, avoiding to look at me, “I mean, I knew you had feelings for someone-”
“Sam,” I say, not really listening to what he was saying, “Jeez I’m so stupid...”
“What?” He stops.
“You’re upset because I got to see Alex again and apologize, but you and Sam...”
I’m too embarrassed to continue, so I just give him an apologetic look that he doesn’t seem to fully understand. I watch as he stares at me startled, mouth open and a deep frown. Only then I consider that I might have fucked it up again.
“Or if that wasn’t what had you upset then I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“No! Uh, yes. Sure, I-uh...” He scratches the back of his head, “yeah I guess all this had me a bit sensitive. What was that about you and Alex?”
“I...” I’m a bit surprised by his sudden change of subject, but I don’t take it personal since I guess he feels like he gave too much information about him and Sam the last time we talked about it, “I talked to him and said I was sorry. Then he said he was sorry and now we’re friends again.”
“Friends?” He’s got his full attention on me, now seemingly interested in my story.
“Friends,” I smile.
“Didn’t you liked him?”
“I told you it was a long story,” I shake my head, finishing his bandages “tp make it short, he used to be my crush, then after he left things just got different and...”
Then I met you.
“Well I don’t feel that way anymore, so we’re cool now”
“Really?” He asks, “That’s great!”
He gets up and hugs me tightly, even lifting me up a few inches in the air. I let out a short squeal, caught off guard.
“You’re the type of friend that gets excited with their friends’ success, right?” I laugh once he puts me down.
“Totally,” Josh smirks, “this is a win for all, right? He gets a safe place to stay, you get your friend back and I...” He clears his throat, “I can get that notebook filled with medical tips”
“You sure need them,” I chuckle, “you klutz”
“Don’t be rude,” He kicks my foot lightly, “by the way, what was that thing you were saying about Wesley at first?”
“Wes,” I say excitedly, “he said he’ll plan a homecoming dance for us”
“What?”Josh laughs, “No way!”
“I know, right?” I grin, “that’s cra-”
“That’s so cool!” He interrupts me, “How long has he been planning this? Do you think he needs help?”
“I-I don’t know,” I stutter taken by surprise, “he just thought of that today, so I guess he does? but-”
“Let’s go see if he needs help!” Josh takes my healthy hand and drags us out from the pharmacy, looking for Wesley.
I know that if I help Wesley there’s a big chance I will lose the bet but what did you expect me to do? I can’t tell Josh I’m not going to help cause I made a bet about asking him out. That’s embarrassing.
Instead, I follow him to where Wesley is and while Josh tells him he thinks his idea of making a dance is great, I have to stand there and watch the shit-eating grin on Wesley’s face while he nods along to Josh’s ideas.
@letsbloodmagic @slythermyg​
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distrackles · 5 years
Resistance: Part 2
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Dean Winchester x OFC
Loathe /verb/ : feel intense dislike or disgust for.
- B o -
My wrists were raw, and my arms finally stopped buzzing with pins and needles and have gone to no feeling at all. Except for the fact that the dead weight of them felt even heavier. Any blood on my skin was now dry and crusted into patches. The room was silent, but it made me feel less alone than I would with sound. I guess it turned out that Sam and I were slightly underestimating how many vampires were in the nest. I can briefly remember sneaking into the old home with Riley slightly behind me. I can still hear her yelling out for me when I had my back turned. I still feel the scrapes around my waist and the grip marks up and down my torso from where I struggled against the son of a bitch. Despite all of that, I am unable to shake the anxiety of not knowing if Riley is okay. Without being able to resist the pain surrounding me, my brain decides to end its thought process, and it's lights out.
- D e a n -
I didn't know what time it was when Sam was repeatedly pushing me to wake up. At first, his voice sounded muffled and far away, but as the words started to comprehend in my mind, I was wide awake.
"What did you just say?" I bark out at him with the gruff voice sleep tends to give me. Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes, he must have figured I hadn't been totally aware the whole time he was speaking.
"Bobby called," He gives a pause to see if I'm really listening this time, he continues when I give a nod. "The girls, Bo and Riley, haven't called him back since before going into the vamp nest." I make a hand gesture to give off a "what is your point here?" message.
"Jesus Dean, he's worried about them, it's been a few days and he wants us to check everything out since we're closer." After that, it takes us about fifteen minutes to get on the road and back towards that small, dreadful town. Sam rattles off directions here and there to get us where we are supposed to be, and we are at our destination by the evening.
By the time we get ourselves quietly into the house we both know that there has to be multiple vampires in there just by sound. I gesture for Sam to go one way down the hall and I point towards the downstairs doorway that I am going down.
- B o -
I don't know how many hours or days I was out for, but when I wake up it is to the sound of clashing and a familiar voice yelling something along the lines of  "suck on this, you son of a bitch!". It was the first time I felt relieved to hear that voice. And it was also the first time I cracked a bit of a smile in however long we've been here.
I give several attempts at screaming, but it takes me a minute of swallowing a bunch before my throat is wet enough to speak. As soon as I get the chance, I yell out Dean's name. There is more crashing after I hear him call back to me. While I could only wait, I hoped that Sam had come along too, and that he was taking care of Riley because that would give me a second chance to get out of here. Not that I didn't believe Dean could handle this at all, but you never know. When the door finally creaked open, it happened so slow that I thought it was gonna be a vampire instead of Dean. But then I saw his face as he came closer, and it didn't look like the same cocky Dean that was content with himself that I had met days ago. His features were taut, eyebrows frowning at me, and his jaw protruding with how tight his teeth were clenched. In addition to that, he had the glistening crimson blood down the side of his face in contrast to his fair skin.
His hands go up to the ropes around my wrists, with a machete in one, and he cuts my arms down. I almost fall to my knees as soon as my feet hit the ground, but he was ready to catch me before that could happen. Wrapping one arm around the bottom of my back, he holds me up against him so he can untie the remaining rope attaching my hands together. Once they are separated and I have gained my footing back, he looks me over the same way Riley would do. His angry eyes search for any evident injuries that are in need of attention, but luckily none are visible, which saves me the extra embarrassment. He moves himself partially behind me, and rests a rather gentle hand on my back, nudging me to walk out of the room and up the stairs. His hand doesn't leave my back until we are outside and in sight of Riley and Sam.
Riley immediately leaves Sam's side and pulls me into an embrace that speaks louder than any words can describe. We both can tell each other that we're okay just by a single pat of the back or a squeeze of a shoulder.
"You're alright." Her statement comes out with a questioning undertone.
"We can talk about it when we get home." I say quietly to her. Riley nods and turns back to Sam and Dean. As she proceeds to thank them both, Dean is looking at me over her head, and I can't bring myself to look away. The only reason I do is because I hear Riley utter something about inviting them to stay at our house for the weekend.
"Yeah, that sounds easier than going all the way back to Kansas right away, Dean?" Sam asks, and the pressure of Dean's gaze is removed from my head. His reply is a simple shrug and nod. Our house was about an hour and a half away from the town that the nest was in, that's why Bobby called us about it. I figured the boys just heard about it from news articles. Riley parks her car in the single garage of our home and lets Dean park in the driveway. We head in through the door connected to the garage and I let Riley take on assigning Sam and Dean a place to crash, as I head upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. After ten minutes of me standing in the mirror with a sports bra and my dirty jeans on, someone knocks on the door. I straighten out from my twisted position that I was in from trying to see all of the scratches, and open the door.
Dean scratches the back of his neck and gestures behind him towards the stairs. "Sam offered to help Riley patch herself up and she let him, so I was wondering if you needed uh- help?" He shifts his weight from one leg to the other as I blink at him.
"I think I'm okay, thanks." I turn back towards the inside of the bathroom, and he sucks in a breath at the sight of my back. And I know he didn't do that because he was particularly attracted to my back, but because I could feel the dry feeling of old blood somewhere on there and he got the first view of the wound.
"How do you plan on patching that up on your own?" He questions amusedly and I shoot him a dark look.
"I'll figure it out." I say defensively and he laughs, taking a seat on the lidded toilet.
"I'd love to see that." He smirks, and I'm temporarily back to loathing him. I twist back around to try and position my back into view of the mirror, but also not too far to where I won't be able to turn my head to see it. With a quick glance in the glass, I can see Dean looking back at me, face still smeared with blood, but a goofy smile forming his lips.
"It's not funny." My voice is stern and offended at the same time. Dean stands up, goes to the counter-top, and picks up some rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad.
"Didn't say it was." He defends himself, lifting the contents in his hand questioningly. I sigh and straddle the toilet seat, so he now has access to my back. First, he presses a wet washcloth to the wound to wipe away the blood, but when he starts applying the alcohol soaked cotton to it, I wince and hiss. Dean mutters an empty apology, and his arm comes over my head to the open cupboard above the toilet where the stitching material is.
"Need something to bite on?" He teases and I shake my head, and he starts stitching the wound together. It took a good ten minutes of whimpers held back in my throat until he finally finishes. I sense his lingering pause before he gets off his knees, and puts all of the medical supplies away.
"Thank you." I say quietly, only slightly hoping he didn't hear me, but he did. And when I move to leave the bathroom, he blocks me. Our bodies are very close to touching, they might as well be since I can feel his breath and body heat radiating off of him. I look up at him with a questioning look.
"That could have been an even closer call than it was, you know?" His amused face has changed back to the serious one he had hours ago. My head nods in agreement before he continues.
"I know that I already said we have some things in common, and not asking for help is probably the worst thing we got."
"Then I guess it's a good thing we have Bobby in common too, yeah?" I give a small smile, before slipping past him and into the hallway. When I get close to my bedroom, I glance back to see him still standing by the bathroom. After taking a quick second to make my next decision, I nudge my head in a welcoming gesture. Dean makes his way towards me, as I disappear into my bedroom he follows behind.
"Instead of making you sleep on the couch, we can share the bed, I trust that you're not gonna kill me in my sleep." As I rotate a pillow so that it is vertical on the mattress, to create a small barrier between one side of the bed to the other, I think what sleep? Dean had chuckled lightly at my comment and shook his head. He strips off a couple layers of clothes until he's in a black t-shirt. When he goes to get onto one side of the bed, I clear my throat loudly.
"What?" Dean asks, pausing his actions.
"You are not getting into my bed with those nasty ass pants on." He puts his hands up defensively and has no issue pulling his pants off, before getting in bed. I won't lie, it wasn't a bad sight to see.
Going to the bathroom, I take clothes to change into for bed and brush my teeth, wrapping my hair up in a knot on top of my head. When I get back to my room, Dean is already out cold. I leave the bedside lamp on as I get in bed beside him.  For the first time in what feels like my whole life, I fall into a deep, and comfortable sleep.
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