#but man <333
navysealt4t · 1 year
pspspsps if you want you can tell me your thoughts on riptide: the musical :3
!!!!! very good because i love musicals >:))) i’ve seen like.
i think for the fey wild and noctis would be VERY heavy on lighting effects n stuff :) the fey wild would be sooooo cool. the place is very whimsical so i imagine there’s be like a harp and violin and very light instruments that can do rlly good high notes :) creating an out of this world feelings that’s just sooo off of the tone from previous locations
AND THE MONSTERS!!! like dugon and that plant in desire island !!! like. idk if you’ve ever seen the plant from little shop of horrors but that’s how i imagine the plant with “kind eyes” in desire island :)
and PUPPETS man . i love the lion king musical and their use of puppets and the OUTFITS OHH MAN <333 that’s how i imagine all the monsters. biggg puppets operated by lots of people n stuff .
ALSO THE BLOCK !!!! fucking . i think to symbolize all the turning and changing of the rooms they would be the ensemble carrying HUGE curtains/fabric that would be swishing around and stuff. idk they’d be running around and covering the stage and albatrio as the rooms change.
godddd the block…. during the fight between jay’s dad and everyone there would be a HUGE musical number. mainly instrumental and jayson would do a big monologue over the music and and. when jay “joins” her dad, it all goes silent expect for a few violins (idk how music works btw km just a choir kid) and she draws her bow it all goes silent. then she lets the arrow go and BOOM HUGE MUSIC!!!!!
god fucking <3333 musicals man. i love the sets and music and all the work that goes on behind the scenes and DANCES!! god there’d be so many cool dances in riptide: the musical….
hehe am big theater nerd thanks for letting me scream abt this :3 id talk more but i’m in class so maybe later lol
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ladykeyleth · 2 months
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See if I can send a message to Keyleth. We're back. We're at the surface of the Malleus Key. Just trying to find a way to get back to you.
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totheecore · 2 months
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911 7x04 | Buck, Bothered and Bewildered
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woozi · 2 months
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first date
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whaliiwatching · 3 months
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gay people judging you
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sacreblugh · 2 months
idk what miss Lucy was complaining about because if it was me getting a rope tied around my neck by mister smartass brooding cowboy ghoul and being led around by him?????
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sarcasticmudkip · 1 year
Listen it might already have been said but the thing that makes Knives Out and Glass Onion distinct and great compared to mysteries with Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot is that they are both very importantly not focused on the detective.
Benoit Blanc is an great character to be sure, but the journey is focused on the injustice towards the victim. The thing that drives the movie with the thirst and want for an answer is NOT in the pursuit of showing off how smart and intellectual our main detective is, but instead is driven with the pursuit of showing off the compassion and humanity of the main character WHICH is NOT just the detective, but also the victim.
The inherent cold, factual apathy that is present not only in many typical fictional detectives, but in the very nature of our obsession with crimes and mysteries--whether it be a TV show highlighting a detectives’ intellect by showing how little they care for emotions, or a documentary on the “insane brilliant psyche” of a real life serial killer. The FOCUS is always on the crime, on the murderer, on the unfeeling facts and sciences that “must always lead” to an eventual answer.
And that is why it is so refreshing when these movies subvert these tropes, not just on the surface level of telling you who the killer is midway through, or making a perfect crime look idiotic. No, it’s also that they change the very object of desire and that it is not just looking to see who the killer is, but to see who the victims are, and where the justice is. It’s about the victims and their pursuit of closure when the justice system fails them! It’s about the detective being a caring human being instead of a knowledge machine! It is about how there is more to the crime than just solving the crime! but also yeah the movies are good because benoit is gay with hugh grant that too
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hansoeii · 2 years
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calm of the night
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malignedaffairs · 12 days
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
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making fun of arthur is a hobby
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ironically i came down with a fever while working on this so like don’t worry phoenix i get you
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buckttommy · 1 month
do you know how deep you'd have to be in this fandom to know about the couch theory. do you know how many fucking layers you have to sift through to get to the theories, the fic. like. i keep saying oliver is here among us but he is LITERALLY HERE. AMONG US.
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cutter-kirby · 2 years
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he’s a babygirl he’s a failwife he’s a losercore dumbass and he’s the most love-filled man to ever exist
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potato-lord-but-not · 10 months
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shootingstarrfish · 7 months
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doctor bi juice my beloved <3
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dolletecoquett · 2 months
posting him on my coquettedolletebimbo lizzygrant blog>>>>
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