#but maxs was awful too and i was able to do it LOL
inchidentally · 8 months
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more of my completely pointless self-indulgent f1 royalty AU with a Charles focus (as always, pls ignore all historical/monarchy mistakes bc it's an AU) (this is a charlos au but I had to throw in a very tiny lestappen moment bc so many moots love them)
after seeing these of Charles playing football I decided they were from a moment when the prince was playing around with his attendants in the palace because he loved terrorizing them about the many breakables and his not-very-precise footwork with the ball. he's permitted to remove his head and hand coverings within the palace walls but only if he won't risk being seen. I imagined this to be after jousting practice - he's not allowed to properly joust ofc but he can do a pretend version with blunted lances and on soft earth covered in hay. he has a special set of beautifully made leather armor so that there aren't any ridged or sharp places to hurt himself.
it's too hot to keep on once they've returned to the palace and underneath he wears this long red and white suit (replace the sponsors with royal insignias lol)
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in my tags I had Charles accidentally run out into the courtyard chasing the ball after a particularly wild header and not realize what he's done until he hears his attendants frantic footsteps behind him. he stays frozen in place, eyes wide and sun beating down onto his face. the courtyard is only on the side of the private apartments and he hasn't ventured far but it's still absolutely forbidden.
the only other person there is a young man about the same size and age as the prince with tightly cropped reddish-brown hair, tugging at the stiff collar of his formal suit in the summer sunshine. in the seconds that their eyes meet, Charles feels himself smile wide and open and radiant. the stranger's grumpy pink face turns awed and his eyes widen when the attendants crowd Charles and carry him back inside. Prince Max Emilian is too young and unlearned about the royal customs of Monaco to understand why his mother turns grey and his father looks cunning when Max runs to their chamber and bursts out the story of the beautiful young man in the courtyard whom he'd just seen 'abducted'.
but from then on, Max Emilian would wisely adopt a look of innocence when the sole rumor of the Monaco's second son's exceptional beauty made it's way through the royal courts again, source unknown.
immediately after the incident, the National Council are expecting heads to roll. the royal visitors from the Netherlands have of course been hushed up (or so they thought) but surely someone must pay with their life and the prince's movements restricted even more. they argue that without the prince's virtue and purity, his value to the royal courts hoping to wed one of their own to him will be as nothing. the very protection of the larger countries of Europe could be in jeopardy. they regularly cast acidic glares up where Charles stands in the gallery, fully covered once more and shaking with anger and fear, unable to even speak for himself. they say all kinds of things about how it couldn't have been worse timing for the prince to show such callousness because the palace is meant to still be in mourning.
Sovereign Prince Lorenzo is weary, having only been on the throne for a year and still deep in his grief for his father. he beckons the head of Charles' retinue forward to stand in front of the throne. Joris bravely pleads the case that he and his staff were just happy to see the young prince having fun again as they'd been worried that his grief combined with the particular seclusion he already lived in would sink him. he offers to take the blame entirely on himself as he shouldn't have allowed the game to venture so close to the courtyard at all.
Lorenzo smiles grimly at him and looks up to meet his brother's pleading, tear-filled eyes. almost twenty years of growing up together and Charles frequently only able to communicate with his eyes have made Lorenzo an expert at reading them. he decrees that the lives and positions of the prince's retinue will be safe but that in concession to the Council, the prince will be confined within the private apartments for three months and afterward he must remain covered even in the private courtyard. it's possibly the final blow to Lorenzo's spirit as sovereign to see his brother's eyes smiling down at him, even as his freedoms being stripped back even further.
little did any of the court know that in just over a year, Prince Lorenzo would abdicate. and that in just under two years, the powerful Sainz family would see their son ascend to the throne and free Charles from his bondage forever.
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Prologue? Pilot? IDK Man I Just Work Here
part 1.1
{hello and welcome to the very first chapter of the full house au. i know @moreover-clover and @redley-of-many-noodles offered to beta this fic for me; i appreciate that and i may very well take you up on it for later chapters, but tbh i have homework that really needs to get done and i will not be able to focus on anything else until i get this out of the way, so... hopefully its not terrible i guess. that said, i did initially start writing this in past tense and then decided to do it in present instead, so if anyone notices a typo/tense error, feel free to point it out so i can fix it lol
trigger warning for mentions of injuries and death
now without further ado...}
Stumbling past the automatic glass doors, covered in blood- but is it his own? Or does it belong to the barely conscious man he’s dragging along beside him?
Probably both.
The bright white lights overhead burn his eyes and the sharp sterile scent of chemicals does the same to his nose- this is not a pleasant place to be, but it’s the only place to be right now. It’s their only hope of not losing yet another person to this alternate dimension shit that’s been plaguing their lives for three years.
Seeing Eddie’s crumpled, torn-apart body in the Upside Down, watching Dustin sob over him- that had been bad enough. They may have had almost matching wounds, but Eddie’s were deeper, and there were twice as many of them, and, god, that could have been him, it should have been him.
Dustin’s devastated and the world is ending and we’ve lost someone else and dammit didn’t I tell him not to be a hero?
But then he’d found a pulse. The faintest flutter, but it was there, and it spurred him right back into action, adrenaline pumping overtime through his veins even as he was ready to collapse. Both of them might well be on death’s door, but they had hope.
And then, just as they made it back through the gate, they had gotten the call over the walkie about Max.
The panic and despair threatened to settle back over him, driving him into the ground with its weight. He had been trying so hard to keep her safe since they realized she was Vecna’s next target, and now…
They were supposed to meet up at the hospital, so that’s where he went. He has to see the kids and he has to keep Eddie breathing and maybe just maybe he’ll get a chance to get his own wounds looked at, if there’s time. Robin will never forgive him if he lets rabies take him out.
So he and Dustin have Eddie slung between them, barreling clumsily through the Hawkins ER like a lopsided bull in a proverbial china shop while everyone else stares on in confusion and horror at the state they’re in. If anyone recognizes the fallen king or the target of the ongoing manhunt, they don’t say anything, and for that one tiny thing in the long and awful list of what’s happened today, he’s grateful.
There are, however, voices aimed in his direction, lilted up at the end in interrogation, but he can’t afford to think right now; he can only keep moving forward, giving weakly shouted answers to questions that go in one ear and out the other. His mind is clouded with fear and the desperation to get all his important people back together in one room so he can see that they’re all still alive. If they aren’t, if someone is missing, if Max doesn’t make it, if no one will treat Eddie-
He’s vaguely aware that he’s begging at this point, but he doesn’t care. His brain is too busy listing.
Robin, Nancy, Erica, Lucas- they’re together, they’re with Max. The Byers are all the way in California; Mike is probably on his way back right now- what a mess to come home to. Dustin- he’s with me. Safe. Eddie- also with me, not safe, probably dying.
They may not have known each other long, but he does feel tears prick his eyes at the thought- they had literally marched into hell together, after all. A nurse offers him a tissue- when did they get here? When did he sit down? And why is the room spinning like the Starcourt ceiling last July?
He doesn’t get an answer to any of his questions, doesn’t even get to voice them, before the room is going dark and Dustin’s frantic voice at his side is sounding further and further away, until everything goes quiet.
The silence is broken by a harsh ringing noise, followed by muffled voices, the latter growing clearer as the former slowly fades out. He knows those voices.
He jolts upright, sending a sharp trail of pain through his lacerated torso, but is momentarily distracted by the fact that he had somehow wound up in a hospital bed between blacking out and waking up. As soon as his mind catches up to speed on his new whereabouts, he looks wildly around the room- not exactly a typical hospital room, but that hasn’t registered yet- taking stock of every face he can see, every voice he can hear.
To his immense relief- and also confusion- he sees Max in a bed just like his right across from him, Lucas and El at her side. She’s in bad shape, but she appears to be alive, at least.
Thank god. Wait- El? What is she doing here?
The next thing he sees is the entire Byers family- plus two extra guys, one of whom looks familiar but way paler and thinner and more beaten up than Steve remembers- squeezed onto a couch at the far end of the room.
Weren’t they in California? And- hold on- is that Hopper? Isn’t he dead?
Am I dead?
Before he can have an existential crisis, though, something snaps him out of it. A hand on his shoulder, rougher than he would have liked, to be honest, but grounding. Dustin- who he realizes must have been sleeping in the chair between him and the next bed over- has just woken up in time to catch him doing the same, and the kid looks thrilled. Exhausted, emotionally drained, but thrilled.
“Steve! Guys, he’s awake!”
All eyes turn his way, just about everyone accounted for, it seems, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders how Robin and all the kids got here with their usual chauffer currently out of action. But then he notices something else. Something that honestly shouldn’t be as startling as it is, considering everything else going on.
All the parents are here too. And they look… well, about how they can be expected to look, given the circumstances.
“Good, I’m glad you’re alright,” says Karen Wheeler, arms crossed over her chest, menacing gaze sweeping the room. “Because my son came home in the back of a pizza van, begging us to take him to the hospital, where apparently you and two of his other friends have been half-dead all night in the middle of these so-called ‘earthquakes,’ and I’d really like an explanation. From all of you.”
The room was dead silent, the parents staring in wide-eyed shock as the long-winded, traumatic narrative drew to a close.
“So… I guess you guys need some time to process all that, huh?”
Dustin’s question was met with a sudden cacophony of returning inquiries, sharp and frantic and tinged with bewilderment, overlapping one another in their haste. It was hard to tell who said what through the haze of whatever painkillers they put in his IV.
“How the hell did we not know about any of this?”
“Hawkins is cursed?”
“Why didn’t any of you say anything?”
“All this has been going on under our noses for years?”
He had been expecting disbelief, accusations of letting their imaginations run away from them, but… their tale connects a few too many dots, makes a little too much sense, considering how strange and malevolent life has become in their formerly sleepy little town.
“Are- are you guys- mad?” Will asks, even though he, out of all of them, has the least to worry about.
Before any of them could answer, Mike jumps in, “Because, if you are, that’s really not fair, we’ve sorta been through a lot as it is-”
“And that’s exactly why we’re mad- no- furious. Our kids have been going through hell right in front of us and we had no idea! Of course we’re going to be upset about it! You guys could have died, and we would have had no idea what happened!”
“Well, yeah, I guess, but- we didn’t. We’re fine, mom…”
“You are absolutely not fine. After everything you just told us about? There’s no way you could possibly be fine. This whole thing is so far outside the realm of fine.”
There’s a heavy pause after that; it’s not like anyone can disagree with her. When no response comes, she turns her fierce, teary eyes on the older teens.
“What about you guys? You- Steve, Jonathan, Nancy- you’ve known about all this the whole time! Why didn’t you tell us? Why didn’t you come to us for help?” It sounds like an accusation, and yet… there’s more pain in her voice than anything. Her targets wince, crumple, while Robin and Argyle- whoever that is- just sort of awkwardly shuffle about off to the side, none of them meeting Mrs. Wheeler’s gaze.
It's Joyce who ends up breaking the tense silence.
“In their defense, Karen, Hop and I knew about all this too. The thing is- we weren’t allowed to tell anyone.”
Having become one of her anger’s new targets, Hopper quickly explains, “The Hawkins lab freaks made us sign a bunch of NDAs, take a vow of silence on the whole matter, basically. It was the only way to get them to cooperate. If we had gone around telling people, we could’ve put everyone in even more danger. And besides, before now, would you have even believed us? If we had told you there were monsters like something out of a sci-fi movie hunting folks down, taking over minds, opening portals to another dimension- right in the middle of Hawkins?”
“Would you have believed your kids?” Joyce adds softly, addressing all her fellow moms in the room.
At that, Karen deflates. She exchanges a look with Sue and Claudia, and speaks for all of them when she says, “I… I guess not. I want to say I would have, but… it’s all too crazy. If we hadn’t seen what we saw today, and if you all didn’t have each other backing up your story, well… honestly, I would have thought you were making it up.” Apparently the Wheelers had almost driven right into one of the rifts- one of the very obviously otherworldly rifts- on their way here. Well, they had to find out somehow.
“And that’s another reason we couldn’t tell you. We didn’t want you to think we were crazy,” Nancy explains.
Lucas tacks on, “We also didn’t want you to send El back to the lab, or to any other messed up place that would lock her up and hurt her.”
El nods seriously, a fearful expression flashing across her face as she takes a step back, bumping into Max's bed. Lucas places a reassuring hand- the one not occupied with holding Max's- on her shoulder.
“Oh- honey, no, we would never do that. Don’t worry. We actually owe you a lot, it sounds like; I can’t thank you enough for saving my children’s lives. You’ll always be safe with us, as far as I’m concerned.”
“But that’s the thing,” Susan interjects, not taking her watery eyes off her comatose daughter. “They’re not safe, none of them are, not here. And they haven’t been for a long time, it seems. I don’t know when they will be safe. I hate to say it, but I don’t think our kids should stay in Hawkins.”
This triggers a rush of protests from the kids, voices once again blending in a way that’s difficult for Steve to keep up with.
“But- but Hawkins needs us! Now more than ever!”
“Yeah! We have to stay and fight!”
“We can’t just let Vecna have our town!”
Hopper motions for everyone to settle down. “Listen, kids. I know you want to help, but you’ve been fighting this battle for too long as it is. You all never should have been involved in something so dangerous in the first place.”
“Right, what he said. I mean, you’re just kids, for god’s sake!” Claudia adds in, although she still looks mostly stunned by everything she’s just found out about.
“This is not your responsibility. We’ll stay here and fight, and you all will get somewhere safe, somewhere far away from all this.”
This does indeed sound like a direct order from their returned-from-the-dead resident chief of police. What comes next, though, is much gentler, fatherly, and he’s definitely looking right at El when he says it.
“Let us take it from here, okay?”
{i decided to break this up into 2 parts; idk when ill post the second half but it should be fairly soon. also dont know when ill put it up on ao3 as i dont currently have an account there, but im definitely planning to bc with as much as i have planned for this au so far its going to be a pain in the ass to read it all here lmao
edit: its going to be 3 parts instead of 2
Link to part 1.2 here}
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A Fic Recommendation Extravaganza
as promised, (or more like voted) I'm going to share some of my favorite fics and authors in this post.
I joined Tumblr in 2012, but only started posting my writing in 2018, never thinking people would actually read it. Now here we are, 5 years 6K people later and I couldn't be more thankful!
These will be heavily Pedro centred (what a surprise lol), but there's some other people who I have been following for years before too.
Let's go!
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@radiowallet whole Masterlist but especially her Oberyn series. I love to hate to love stubborn soulmates who get heir happily ever after. And I can not wait to hold PWC in my hands.
@something-tofightfor currently very in love with undercover future king of Mandalore Din Djarin falling in love in a christmas town. But honestly check out the whole masterlist. So many good stories, and I haven't even read everything yet
@wheresarizona Arizona makes me yearn for fictional Javier Peña in Learning to live like no other. Not only is this the fluffiest love story ever, no it's fucking filthy
@jazzelsaur Frankie and Ellie will have my heart FOREVER and ever ever.
@tilltheendwilliwrite was probably one of the first authors I followed on here. Her Blessings of Magic series is one of my most favourite stories ever and it still keeps growing.
@lavendertales oh where to start? Frankie Angst? Or Enemys to lovers with Javi P? Honestly, the whole Masterlist ist just chefs kiss.
@whiskeynwriting Dave fucking York and his daughters best friend. If I could drop real life whenever an update is posted I would (okay I mostly do)
@oonajaeadira PATS my beloved. I'm in love how you build this tiny universe with a character we haven't even seen just listened to.
@absurdthirst ooookay. I don't know what's my favorite. Just like... everything. And Werewolf Pero.
@wardenparker every single Soulmate series had me in a chokehold. Just... read it all here.
@chaoticgeminate Don't make me decide between Dragon Pero and sub Dave. Or Javi and Solecita. Or...
@whatsnewalycat you don't know that, but I read your Javi series almost completely when I was on vacation last year without knowing that you were on Tumblr too. I literally stopped breathing during the last chapters. And now I am loving to hate Frankie in Designated Person.
@guess-my-next-obsession Dr. Javier Peña my beloved.
@fuckyeahdindjarin If Palomino was a person, I would be on my knees. Cowboy Jack is like.. the perfect man and it's kinda rude of him but I love him.
@whataperfectwasteoftime is where I go to to get my Marcus Pike fix. And I can not wait to read your book either!!
@keanureevesisbae the mental picture of John Wick hanging up those paintings in one cappuccino and a chocolate brownie please has been burned into my brain. The amount of fluff you are able to put into words is unbeatable and I love it.
@supernaturalgirl20 whole Masterlist is to die for. The one story that stayed with my was Ezra in Bookshop by the coast. I think I read that three times.
@psychedelic-ink The amount of Joel fics that seem to show up daily from you have me in awe. Masterlist here.
@coastielaceispunk I fell in love with all Max Lord fics, and stayed for the rest. Check Masterlist here
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divergent-paths · 11 days
So 2 things I want to say:
As a vegetarian themselves, this is my first time hearing about flexitarian! This is actually a interesting dietary concept and I really like Max’s reasoning behind it
Secondly, I love how you’re portraying Oleana so far! More intimidating than the game version 🤌🏻 (though I do find her charming since she’s a neat combination of hyper competent assistant yet does underhanded tricks for Rose)
Oh~! It's wonderful to hear my writing was able to introduce you to something new and interesting! For as universal as the experience of food is, I don't feel like it's talked about nearly as much as it should be. Things like intolerances, allergies, restrictions, and lifestyle choices are so common yet go ignored in media so I wanted to try and touch on it where it wouldn't be too out of place in the story (the last thing I want is to be obnoxious and preachy :'D). I myself am lactose intolerant, and it has certainly been a journey learning where and how milk is incorporated into so much food lmao As much as I find food history fascinating, food in the Pkmn-world is such a weird topic, because the company always seems a little iffy about acknowledging where it comes from, even though they've more or less confirmed that meat comes from Pokémon. :'D As utopian as this world presents itself to be on the surface, cruelty still exists just below the surface (almost every pkmn movie is about poachers messing everything up in pursuit of selfish gains, and the Rockets are an actively functioning mafia/cartel), which to me, implies that there are most definitely inhumane farming and food production practises out there because who cares about the comfort of food when there's a quick buck to be made. It's this train of thought that directed the decision for Max to be mindful of food ethics, coupled with the flexibility to accept what is given. He discovered on his own that there's some awful foods out there *coughfoiegrascough* and decided he didn't want to be part of it. Of course, he won't force anyone else to change, but he can certainly make the ethically good food more enticing to convince the likes of gluttons such as Alex lol.
As for Oleana, I'm totally gonna' keep making her scary as well as competent because goddaaaaamn pkmn company needs to just let women be villains too! X'D Let them be bad! Being evil's not male exclusive!!!!!!
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playertwotails · 2 years
Okay so I just read the new Sonic IDW issue #56 and there's so much about this issue I love but there are some particular panels I wanna talk about.
Putting it under the cut for spoilers. Also cause it's a long post cause I have thoughts.
SO first off Sonic is just having a bad time this whole arc, dude cannot catch a break lately I swear.
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Like poor guy is having the worst week. Stating the obvious, but like he's in so much pain here and idk how many volts Surge just pumped into him but I'm gonna assume it was probably enough to kill anyone who's not Sonic. (Yay for plot armor lol). But seriously he should probably be dead but he's also got like basically over maxed stats in constitution so he can take hits that'd kill others but that doesn't mean it's not gonna hurt like hell.
Also look at Tails he's so worried and tries to dive after him but just wasn't quite fast enough. Plus look how Sonic landed...facing Tails when he first started falling he was face down. Meaning he had turned around mid fall and tried to reach out to grab hold of Tails' hand. The last thing he saw then before getting hit with fuck you levels of volts was Tails' terrified face just above him.
Which also means that Tails just saw all that up close. He was probably hovering just over Sonic based on the panel where he tried to catch him but couldn't do anything to help without also getting hit with Surges electricity too. So Tails more than likely just had to hover there and watch all that happen.
Side note: I also find it very interesting that it was a combination of his biggest fear and Tails' that resulted in this. Like yeah that was the whole point of Surge and Kit, they were made to prey on each of their biggest fears. But the fact that it was only Sonic that took the worst of the hits from the both I feel like says something. And the fact that Tails kept being able to talk down Kit (water) from attacking while Sonic couldn't do the same with Surge (lightning). Idk what but there's something there to look into and think about.
Moving back to the panels though:
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When Tails can finally reach Sonic after the bath from hell he is freaking out and concerned. He's scared for Sonic to the point he can't even form a complete sentence just pure panic mode is on. And Sonic, who's in all kinds of pain right now, sees Tails freaking out and being worried about him and immediately makes a joke to try and calm Tails down.
Sonic just ignores how awful he feels to try and reassure his little brother. Cause he knows what Tails just saw and wants/needs him to calm down and Sonic does that the only way he knows how, joking around with Tails.
Now these next panels make me go absolutely feral
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Sonic sees Tails get hit on the head from a huge rock and knocked out and his panic protective big brother mode instincts get kicked into overdrive. Sonic is clearly freaking out I mean he's even stuttering with the stress and panic of it all. Aka he is in 'no thoughts just panic and run' mode.
(I'm guessing too that the wisps are way too drained to do anything at all after all that, heck some of them aren't even floating)
Also he's repeating to himself over and over "I've got this". He's just trying so hard to get them all out of there and with Tails, seemingly down for the count, Sonic only has himself to save his little brother, the wisps, and himself. He has to "got this" or they're all done for. So he has to keep reassuring himself that he can save them cause there is no other option and no one else there to help.
To top it all off he's not at 100%, he just had a fight with Metal, then Surge, then some spicy bath water, then about to be Metal again and now he's fighting a collapsing building cause of Kit. He hasn't had a breather in like days now in this arc.
But then the next panels happen:
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Look at Sonic's grip in that first panel, he's only got two fingers still griping when he's first grabbed it, barely, with his whole hand. He's about to slip but he's trying to hard to hold on with just those two fingers he's shaking cause he refuses to let anything bad happen to Tails on his watch. (Plus you know also his own life and the wisps, but he would 100% sacrifice himself in a heartbeat if that would do anything to save the rest of them)
Which makes me love Tails' iron grip shooting up and grabbing hold right next to his shaking hand so much. Just like the symbolism of it all just to begin with, Sonic can do a lot of things but when he literally, and figuratively, is losing his grip of the situation Tails has got them. Tails just once again swooping in last second to save Sonic is such a little badass moment, these last few issues have just been feeding Tails fans with good content I swear. They really let Tails keep being the one to save Sonic and show off how much Sonic needs him just as much as Tails need Sonic.
Just that quote from Ian Flynn again "sonic needs tails and that’s a cosmic truth"
Tails reassuring Sonic that "we've got this" is such a sweet moment. After all that panic Sonic just went through trying to save them he gets the reassurance that Tails has his back just as much as he has Tails'.
Also look at Sonic's face when he's looking at Tails he loves his little brother so much.
That little "yeah" he says too really just feels like a loaded statement other than just agreeing with Tails. I think he has that split moment of "what ifs" going through his head when he says that. Like yeah they're safe thanks to the fact Tails woke up. But what if he didn't, Sonic knows he wasn't gonna be able to save them on his own in this situation.
Now Sonic trusts and relies on Tails but in moments of panic when Tails in danger and protective older brother instincts kick in I think Sonic does also forget just how capable Tails is. Not that Sonic thinks less of Tails in any way, that's not what I mean at all, just that he gets to focused on keeping Tails safe he forgets Tails is very capable in pretty much every situation.
These last panels though are so good too:
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I think that a combination of everything with this whole situation is why Sonic looks beyond pissed in this panel.
Eggman's old ally tortured, experimented on, and brainwashed a bunch of kids. The same guy that tried to kidnap Tails.
Surge had a mental breakdown and might be dead for all Sonic knows thanks in part to Eggman's machine which gave her a power high and basically overloaded her.
Eggman attacked them the second she was no longer a threat even with a truce that was supposed to last till they were out of there.
Because of that Kit destroys the building with all of them inside and Tails gets knocked out and almost killed right along side Sonic all cause Eggman couldn't keep his end of the bargain.
I think next time Sonic see's Eggman he's not gonna play so nice and quipy like he normally does. This may have been the straw that breaks the camels back with his attitude towards Eggman. Sonic won't kill him but he's not gonna pull punches either from now on.
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And Tails looks so concerned after that glare Sonic gave. He knows Sonic better than anyone else and knows how mad he actually is. Even though Sonic is down playing his anger with is words afterwards a bit, seemingly letting it go, Tails knows him well enough to pick up on the fact that Sonic's still angry. And yeah Sonic backs off and leaves but even walking away he looks pissed off. (Tails just looks tired walking away and the wisps look traumatized, bless them they need a nap after being trapped and used like that)
Any way that's just my thoughts on the new issue. Let me know what ya'll think.
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simpforlh44 · 2 years
Yours Or Mine
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x eng!Reader x Max Verstappen
Summary: Switching Teams seemed like a bad idea until it wasn't? Or was it?
Genere: Angst, little fluff here and there, I feel like there will be some drama along the way lol
Warnings: strong language I'll add more along the way if there's any
Word count: 520
Chapter one: The Begging of the end
Mercedes was the dream. the one you worked all your life for, so why they are letting you go now?
"listen to me, I hate to see you go but look at the good side it'll be for one season only"
' no cause what the hell are you talking about lew? I feel like I'm getting thrown away and to who? To red bull? To max? really?'
"it's not like that, we're not throwing you away, you're the best aerodynamics engineer we have"
'then why letting me go lewis? Why?' at this point, you've lost it, you're eyes are getting teary and it's hard to see already
"because that was the deal, you know if it was up to me I would never do that to you. now stop crying please let's not make this harder" he said while hugging you.
When you first came to Mercedes you were in an awe, achieving your dreams and all inspired you to work hard to prove yourself, you kept your interactions with everyone friendly at first until one time...
The whole team went out to celebrate after lewis won a race. It was a fun night where you all danced and had drinks.
You and lewis shared a deep conversation that night and since then the people who were once your coworkers became your family, your new home.
So that's why it hurts, having to wear a red bull t-shirt for the season hurts.
You've never liked max as a person, it's just something about his aura that felt off to you. So even if you accepted the term of changing teams, you'll never accept working directly with max it doesn't matter which team he's in. Working with him was definitely out of your list of wishes.
When you went home, the thoughts of starting the season with a new team filled your mind. You knew you had to keep it professional, you have to accept it, but in the same time you didn't know if you are capable of doing that.
The sound of your phone ringing disturbed your thoughts...
"how are you doing now?"
'still terrible lew' you heard him sigh once you answered him
"I'm sorry.."
'don't.. It's not your fault there's nothing we can do but to accept this'
"but you know it doesn't change anything between us right? You will always be ours"
'I know...but not for this season'
he sighed again, the way he said your name gave you goosebumps. You and lewis always had this thing between you two. The affect he has on you, it's like electricity every time he says your name specially when he says it like that.
'I'm just saying the truth lew'
"I know.."
You both stayed silent for a few moments, just listening to each other breath until lewis decided to speak again
"I'll miss you" you felt your heart bounding fast like the race cars you see almost every day
'I'll miss you too lew'
Working with max sucks but not being able to see or talk with lewis again definitely sucks more.
A/N: for the first time writing here that wasn't too bad hehe, the reader literally hates max for no reason but she'll come around soon 🤫 please be patient with me I promise it's full of surprises and I would really like to hear your thoughts on this chapter 💕
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yesloulou · 1 year
I mean if the rumours are true and he actually cut Michael off, I dont think Daniel would not do the same for Dax if he truly was unconfortable with his podcast or how much Dax talks about him. So maybe as with his relationship to Michael we don't really know if Dax is taking advantage of Daniel being a people pleaser.
Like I am all for babygirlyfing Daniel but he's been in the spotlight for a long time so I assume he knows where to draw a line when someone is taking advantage of him/his popularity.
anon i see where you're coming from! i also wouldn't say daniel is in a 'wanting to stand up for himself and say no to being taken advantage of but can't' situation, at all. for me their dynamics is more nuanced. (for mixing personal life with business). they're friends. on top of that dax obvi monetarily benefits from befriending daniel (views/publicity), and i think daniel has his reason to be there too (for starters the shepards are both well connected people). soo i too wouldn't say daniel is being taken advantage of, at least not like that
what i would say tho, (and this is my personal opinion although i do feel very strongly about it lol) is that daniel is the type of person who, when feeling uncomfortable/offended, he'd laugh even louder, appear even friendlier, as a disguise.
exhibit a: him on that god awful misogynistic podcast blake somehow okay'd exhibit b: on dax's podcast when he realized it was an erotic novel about himself exhibit c: that time crofty asked him a stupid question during press conference. max could be seen getting more and more annoyed by the second. meanwhile daniel smiled bigger and bigger. and when max interrupted to defend him daniel was NOT SURPRISED AT ALL even though he had appeared totally ok with the question up until that point. he just made a face like welp i tried to be civil but i do have a boyfriend max that will bite your face off
it might feel counter intuitive that someone would try to seem even friendlier when they're uncomfortable but imo it's the same as when he wasn't sure if dax was joking about the existence of that erotica book, he said 'im very gullible' instead of something more direct and inquisitive. to me daniel's way of conflict resolution is to show friendliness and harmlessness in hopes of the other party returning his good faith. (which is also why mclaren was able to take advantage of him like that imo)
anyways, this is why i rlly don't like seeing daniel interact with this particular kind of people (people who take other people's sincerity as a sign that they can push for more. for example apparently dax now thinks it's okay to read that daniel erotica book to daniel on his podcast). ik daniel has been in the spotlight for a long time and im not trying to babygirlify him when it comes to serious topics, but i do think he's vulnerable in this particular aspect
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
I loved that ask about Nico having a terrible pregnancy and Seb being really reluctant about Nico and Toto's relationship. That family in all its iterations is so sweet and I just love them. If I remember correctly, didn't we have Mick as the Toto/Nico baby? What about Mick, a few weeks old, having really bad colic and Nico and Toto being so stressed because he just. will. not. stop. crying.
They're so tired, and feel like such awful parents for being unable to help their baby who sounds like he's in so much pain. Seb is still pretty iffy about the whole Nico of it all, even if they did bond a bit during Nico's pregnancy, and feels really weird about having a little brother who is younger than his own kids, but Max and Charles are very excited about there being a new baby in the family, so Seb takes pity on his dad and Nico, and comes over to help.
And by some miracle, Mick quiets down when Seb holds him. Mick absolutely adores Seb, and Seb can always get him to calm down, even after he's been screaming the house down for hours and hours. It's a huge relief for Nico and Toto, who finally get some sleep, and are able to do a few things around the house, like cook and do laundry, but at the same time (because I love torturing Nico) Nico feels incredibly insecure about it. He's trying so hard to be a good mother, he already feels like he messed up the pregnancy phase, even though it wasn't his fault, and now his sort of stepson is able to soothe his baby when Nico can't. It would really upset him and he'd try to keep it from Toto, but of course, it would only make things worse
Oh plss Nico struggling so much during tbe pregnancy and Seb,is apprehensive and a little shit but steps in to help and makes sure Toto is home more because Nico needs him no matter how much he tries to downplay his struggles
Then little mick is born and even seb has to admit its one cute pup lol! But yeah he is still weirded out thst it's his half brother and younger than the pups he had with Kimi. Charles and Max are super curious about the pup tho and miss grandpa so Kimi makes Seb come when they visit even though Seb is #sulking.
They arrive and its chaos, Toto looks exhausted and Nico has clearly been crying and little Mick is sobbing his little heart out no matter how Nico gently rocks him. Seb is more experienced than nico and Toto who never dealt with a newborn and the tummy pains they get and he gently takes Mick, shushing him and massaging him just right to help the pain and Mick quiets down, conks out against Seb's chest because the baby is exhausted too.
Seb telling Nico and Toto to get done what needs to be done and Kimi quietly helps them eith cooking and the laundry to make aure they get some sleep, all whilr Seb rocks little Mick and shows Max and Charles their tiny uncle
Poor Nico feeling awful! He feels tired and ugly, all crusty and still fat which is not true ofc but he hates being imperfect for Toto, and then what is even worse is.thst he clearly sucks at being a momma...
Nico not talking to Toto about it cos he frankly doesn't know what to say but Toto notices Nico doesn't really fuss over Mick as much anymore, keeping his distance and seeming awkward but whenever he asks Nico claims to be fine.
Seb is getting a little sick of solving their problems but he can see Nico is dealing with some post partum issues and knows how hard it can be, still hurting and suddenly having to deal with a tiny little human. Seb teaching Nico all th3 little tricks thst worked foe Max and Charles and being sure to compliment him (a tiny bit reluctantly) and telling Toto he better give nico compliments too!
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macfrog · 9 months
Hi Max! I just wanted to say thank you for helping get me back into reading this year. I’ve never been a good reader, I’m so slow and always feel like that means I lag behind or I can be easily put off if books are too long because I just defeat myself with ‘you’ll never get through that’ before I even try!
But I’ve been preaching and preaching to my pupils to read and i thought i should practise what I was preaching. I found rack ‘em and CLM during the summer and I was hooked (as i think you know lol). From there I fell down the rabbit hole of your masterlist, and then I found other stories and writers that I enjoyed too.
I’m always telling kids that it doesn’t matter WHAT you read, and I feel proud enough now to say that I don’t feel like a scam artist when I’m telling them that reading is wonderful and you just need to find what you like 😂
Anyway, that was a lot of nonsense really, but I wanted to let you know that you were one of the first writers in this fandom that I found, and your writing is incredible. I wish I could teach writing and reading lessons based on your stories because they are SENSATIONAL.
I tell you all the time and I feel like the words I have won’t ever be enough to explain just how phenomenal I think your writing style is. The way you’re able to immerse your readers in the stories, and the way you can take a character and write so many different versions of him (that are all still so quintessentially Joel) leaves me in complete and utter awe every time. The language you use, your adjectives, style of writing, it’s almost like poetry. It’s so beautiful that I’m stunned after every single thing you post, no matter what story it has come from.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate, and that you are well-rested and spend lots of time with loved ones, friends and family 💕
Sorry for the long, rambly ask!
With lots of love from Glasgow! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
meghan 🥺 wtf!!!!!
thank you so, so much for this. i don't even know how to begin telling you how much it means.
first off you are RIGHT - it doesn't matter what you're reading, where you're reading it, how you're reading it. as long as you're reading and enjoying it, you're doing it right. love that you're teaching your kids that! i just know they're in good hands with you.
thank you for reading my stuff, for commenting, for screaming with me over these guys. it means more than i could ever put into words. the writing part is super fun - the sharing it with you guys and seeing your reactions and discussing with you is all a wonderful bonus. your words are always so encouraging and mean so much to read.
i'm so glad you're here!!! so glad i get to share this with you. it holds such a special place in my heart. i hope you have a magical christmas and a happy, healthy new year. hope you're getting some well-deserved rest from the mania of teaching, too!
sending so much love. WAH you're the sweetest i'm going to cry into my pillow now
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amberjazmyn · 2 months
married life🫶
pairing : esteban ocon x fem!reader
summary : your insta feed but you're newly married to esteban ocon. insta posts between users estebanocon and ynocon
warnings : none, it's just pure fluff!
a/n : i love this idea so much so let's do it! and this is also my first ever estie bestie post! so now i have officially written for each of the drivers that i have said i'll write for in my masterlist!
f/c: flavy barla + other girls on pinterest
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liked by ynocon, landonorris, maxverstappen1, pierregasly, lancestroll, mickschumacher and 11k others
estebanocon returning to the race track, honeymooning and new family member added to the family!
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ynocon baby is the cutest! love you estie <3
estebanocon ynocon isn't she just though? and i love you too bebe <3
landonorris still not posting any of your wedding pics? come on esteban! but, i can't lie, the puppy is adorable!
estebanocon landonorris we still haven't recieved them back yet! sorry lando, we're wanting the photos as well, it's not just you! and yes, the puppy is the sweetest, we absolutely love her!
maxverstappen1 i'm glad you and y.n had a lovely honeymoon and were able to get a puppy!
estebanocon maxverstappen1 thank you max, we truly did have an amazing honeymoon! the puppy was actually our wedding present from y.n's sisters!
pierregasly omg that puppy! please tell me you named it after me!
estebanocon pierregasly i know right! and i'm sorry to break your heart but, no pierre, we didn't name our dog after you! considering she's a girl lol
lancestroll now that is the cutest puppy ever among another set of sweet photos
estebanocon lancestroll thank you lance! she's our little baby! and of course we had to mix her in with the other two photos
mickschumacher oh that's a cute dog! bro, please tell me it's named after me!
estebanocon mickschumacher i'm sorry to do this to you mick but, just like i told pierre, the dog is a girl so she has not been named after either of you! but you can for sure be her uncle though!
estiebestie what breed of dog is that? it looks like the dog i used to have!
estebanocon estiebestie she's a maltipoo and, i love your username by the way ;)
danielricciardo glad to see you and the wife had an amazing honeymoon, esteban!
estebanocon danielricciardo thank you danny! it really was an amazing two weeks away. it was definitely needed after going back to racing after the wedding!
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liked by estebanocon, ginaschumacher, kellypiquet, alexandrasaintmleux, lilyzneimer, lilymhe, maxverstappen, charlesleclerc and 12k others
ynocon meet husband and i's newest baby girl, baby! she's a little multipoo puppy and we're so excited to welcome her into the ocon family!
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estebanocon mama and papa love you so much, baby!
ynocon estebanocon and i love you too, papa ;)
ginaschumacher aw baby is such a cutie! i have to meet her!
ynocon ginaschumacher isn't she just and yes, baby needs to meet her aunty gina!
kellypiquet oh what a little darling she is!
ynocon kellypiquet she is such a darling! i'm literally in love with her and so is estie!
alexandrasaintmleux definitely need a leo and baby play date soon!
ynocon alexandrasaintmleux omg that would be the cutest thing in the world, i need this immediately!
lilyzneimer oh baby is just a sweetheart! my heart!
ynocon lilyzneimer literally me! i feel like i am experiencing the same love a parent has for their human child with baby!
lilymhe i'm in love with baby! i need baby hugs immediately!
ynocon lilymhe yes, yes and yes! this is happening right now! the front door is open and baby is awaiting to see her aunty lily m
maxverstappen1 sorry to mr ocon, your husband but you definitely take better photos of baby then he does! and baby is such a sweet little name for her as well!
ynocon maxverstappen1 haha thank you max! and i know right, both me and estie looked at baby and went, she just looks like her name would be baby
charlesleclerc oh i think i'm in love with baby!
ynocon charlesleclerc those were the exact words that came out of my mouth when the girls at the shelter brought her out to us!
estiebestie saw estie's post and straight underneath his is his wife's and baby is such a sweet little name!
ynocon estiebestie thank you hun! and i know estie's said this to you as well but we really love your username, it's very funny and creative!
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liked by ynocon, maxverstappen1, pierregasly, danielricciardo, mickschumacher, landonorris, charlesleclerc and 13k others
estebanocon did you really believe us when i said we hadn't been sent our wedding pictures yet?
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ynocon this was so targeted at landonorris
estebanocon ynocon i said i was sorry, bebe!
maxverstappen1 these are gorgeous photos esteban!
estebanocon maxverstappen1 aren't they just max!
pierregasly still the best wedding me and kika have been too for ages!
estebanocon pierregasly thank you pierre! me and y.n were so glad that you and kika could make it
danielricciardo husband of the year! knowing to post his wife's photos before his own!
estebanocon danielricciardo i do try my best mate! thank you for the acknowledgement
mickschumacher honestly, i'm glad you took this long to post the photos esteban! these photos came back beautifully
estebanocon mickschumacher thank you mick! the entire gallery of photos are just divine and y.n can't wait to post her favourites either!
landonorris i cannot believe you gatekept these not just from me but from everyone else as well! i feel personally attacked and victimized!
estebanocon landonorris does sorry make it up to you?
charlesleclerc beautiful wedding and i'm glad to say i was apart of it
estebanocon charlesleclerc glad you loved it mate! it was fantastic having you be apart of it!
bestieestie was this post all too much for little lando norris?
landonorris bestieestie yes it was :(
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liked by estebanocon, landonorris, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, kellypiquet, alexandrasaintmleux and 13k others
ynocon three of my fave pics from the night of mr and mrs ocon!
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estebanocon i love you my beautiful wife!
ynocon estebanocon i love you more my dashing husband!
landonorris it's still all too much for little lando norris
ynocon landonorris here's a tissue
landonorris ynocon thanks, i appreciate you so much y.n <3
lilymhe my faves
ynocon lilymhe ur my fave <3
francisca.cgomes can we do this every weekend?
ynocon francisca.cgomes omg we so totally should!
kellypiquet love these photos and can't wait to see the rest!
ynocon kellypiquet thank you bebe and dw, i can't wait to show them! but i do promise they'll be coming shortly
alexandrasaintmleux absolutely heavenly!
ynocon alexandrasaintmleux you're heavenly alex!
bestieestie these are gorgeous photos y.n!
ynocon bestieestie thank you love!
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liked by ynocon, lancestroll, oscarpiastri, bestieestie, landonorris and 14k others
estebanocon one year wedding anniversary date night, baby girl and flowers
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ynocon i love you my love. happy one year of our wedding!
estebanocon ynocon i love you too baby
lancestroll omg i just wanna hug baby so tightly! and also congrats on year one of marriage
estebanocon lancestroll literally y.n and i all the time and thank you lance
oscarpiastri do i have permission to meet baby? p.s. congrats on one year of marriage
estebanocon oscarpiastri of course you do oscar! baby is waiting patiently for uncle oscar! and thank you, it's been the best year for sure!
bestieestie where did you guys go for the date night for ur anniversary and who looked after baby?
estebanocon bestieestie we went to a little bar near the seine and lando did actually since we were all visiting france so he was happy to just take her with him to his hotel room whilst me and y.n went out for dinner
landonorris baby is the sweetest little puppy in the world! thank you for letting me babysit whilst you went on your one year wedding anniversry <3
estebanocon landonorris thank you again for babysitting her, lando! and no problems, she absolutely loves her uncle lando!
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liked by estebanocon, landonorris, danielricciardo, francisca.cgomes, lilymhe, kellypiquet, maxverstappen1 and 14k others
ynocon a year of being mrs ocon. being your wife, esteban, is the greatest honour of my life and i never knew i could have the space in my heart and soul to ever love someone as much as i love you. and i hope our love continues to grow whether that involves having another fur baby sibling for baby or a human baby but no matter what life throws at us, i know we'll get through it together as a team and as a family. i love you so much esteban and getting to love you is the best thing i'll ever do <3
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estebanocon way to make me cry on our one year anniversary babe! but i love you too princess and getting to love you is the best thing i'll ever do!
ynocon estebanocon i love you too my love! and dw, i made myself cry making this post!
landonorris still can't believe its been a full year since you guys got married! but, what was that cheeky little cryptic message at the end about either giving baby a new fur sibling or human sibling?
ynocon landonorris estie and i can't either, lando, it still doesn't feel like it's been a year and, honestly, we don't know just yet but we're just keeping our options open since we know that baby is getting a little lonely so...
danielricciardo happy one year anniversary my dear! heidi and i send you and esteban our love
ynocon danielricciardo thank you so much danny! estie and i send love to you and heidi
francisca.cgomes and one year later we get an additional four wedding pics yay! congrats my darlings on one year!
ynocon francisca.cgomes yes you do baby girl! and thank you my love!
lilymhe alex and i send our love and congrats for you and estie's one year wedding anniversary!
ynocon lilymhe thank you lils! estie and i send you and alex love as well
kellypiquet one year on and still the wedding i talk about the most to people around me! happy one year to you and esteban, y.n <3
ynocon kellypiquet oh stop it kelly! and thank you so much
maxverstappen1 happy one year, y.n! these wedding photos still hold up after an entire year! love you guys
ynocon maxverstappen1 thank you max! and i know right, we totally made the right decision with getting two photographers and a videographer
heidiberger happy one year my love!
ynocon heidiberger thank you sweetheart!
estiebestie can't believe it's already been one year of you and estie being married! and these new photos are beautiful!
ynocon estiebestie thank you so much lovely!
this was so much fun to write and i love that it was just so short, sweet and fluffy! but i do promise i'll start writing more for estie and the others that only have like one or two one-shots. i just like writing the sad ones for lando, max and charles and sometimes carlos for some reason!
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ohh how about 🌧️, 🐹, 🥪 and 🌌 for Kala, Liam and June :D
[ask game]
Thank you for the ask Max!! :]
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Kala: ..not stand outside in it in full armour, that's for sure lol. Otherwise she loves being outside during rain! Preferably walking barefoot someplace muddy.
Liam: He's had really nice walks with Skip in the rain now and then but generally he prefers being inside. Hanging out with whoever is there, maybe doing chores.
June: Really depends tbh. Is it a thunderstorm or summer rain kinda day? Then chances are she'll love being outside doing nothing in particular, just enjoying the rain. Galloping through the rain is cool in theory, she tried it one (1) time to realise yeah, it really is only cool in theory lol.
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
Kala: Not sure if it means the types of trainers that you encounter? So imma just say what type gym leader they'd be x'd Anyways, ground or bug type for Kala! Her fave would be a Heracross maybe? She'd like beetle looking ones.
Liam: Flying or normal type leader; i assigned him a Talonflame for that but his fave would be like. a Herdier or something because of course it would be a dog one lol.
June: Fire type leader (big surprise). Gave her a Volcarona and she'd still like that a lot i think! Wouldn't be able to pick a fave 'mon but would like fire and dragon and ghost types, ones that look like horses, and ones that have funky type combos the most.
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
Kala: She can cook okay! Knows enough to get by pre-Blight, but learns some tips n tricks from Zevran and Sten
Liam: Decent! He doesn't know anything too fancy but is very good at making something simple n tasty from whatever he has lying around.
June: Awful. Do Not let her into a kitchen. Pretty much relies on rations and/or food she can buy/trade/steal/whatever out on the field
🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
Kala: Darkspawn. Still doesn't dream much post Joining if it isn't The Usual (so, Darkspawn Nightmares). She counts Broodmother nightmares to that too, those are the same thing and not something different, nope.
Liam: Carver. Bethany. Leandra. Take your pick <3 When his back acts up then sometimes Arishok ones, but those are much more of a blur and more Sensation based.
June: Nightmares tend to become a jumble of whatever she's been experiencing more recently. Red lyrium. Burnt bodies. Being trapped. Red lyrium. Pain in her hand.
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sxslave4all · 6 months
owner making me share another day of life replay age 18 and over only. Sexual. Consensual (and all of it enjoyed to the max) sex play. 🩵❤️‍🔥
So horny wet and suddenly sex is 24/7 on my mind. Or punishments as those are mmmmm. I’ve got a clip on my clit for as I clean I’ll still be able to keep wet, horny, not cum, hurt my clit with every step. ❤️‍🔥
🤤🤤 hurts so good bad lol. Been hours with it on and constant yanks, having to grind everything with a corner then clean that room before the next etc. grinding the way I’m ordered to ???? With a clip??? On top of the sheer ouch just stepping or breathing at this point sends pain waves everywhere—deliciously awful. These shorts he gave me 🤦🏼‍♀️. So tight the whole clip had to yank and twist my poor clit just to get them on-it’s half in me while gripping my clit extremely tightly so double fun to grind. 😔😔. And he comes room to room to make sure I am grinding everything that I can in every room 🤤😩🤯. Then if he doesn’t like think I’m being harsh enough he comes and pushes me into the item with all his strength and woah. I had to grind the kitchen counter corner that is sharp and hard just to bump into. Imagine that, a workout freak who’s mad so his might on my shoulders pushing me down on it, on top of too tight shorts and a clip. Ouchhhh. But I’m only useful if he’s enjoying it and it’s his body - or everyone’s but mine as he says 🤷🏼‍♀️. Plus I’m not allowed shirts in the house period. So he keeps making them bounce the weighted clamps on my nips via a nice swift hard no warning smack of his belt. I’m surprised he gave this 15 min break-but he had to go fuck some woman so he let me be until he calls for me to lick her clean after swallowing his cum for my breakfast. Eating her out with this on is going to ravage especially since he said he’d flog it while I clean her cunt 😅😅😫😫. At least it’s Friday. Lol.
Phew house cleaning done today unless he orders me to do more later. But, He removed that clip after 40 whacks of the flogger with it on (breakfast was delicious as always mmm still wet over being degraded how crazy. Lol)and I wanted it back it hurt less 🤣🤣🤣 thrn the pain became bliss until the wand found my clit. Edged me 7 damn times on my beaten cunt. 😔. AND I was sooooo close the last one. Ahh fond memories of cumming 😔.
To be continued since he wants me to type lunch details 🤤🤤🤤🩵. He loves sharing my degradation with everyone 🩵🩵🖤🖤
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deathsbestgirl · 1 year
Saw your tags-- agree w/ your thoughts! :DDD
I put my fleshed out ideas... somewhere? in an additional post; but I meant (and didn't say very eloquently) was that Mulder's trauma is psychological while Scully's was physical. We see him on more mental collapses over the series than Scully, whereas her arc revolves around her bodily autonomy being violated. Both are tragic; but Scully was given something back for everything CC took away from her (abduction = coma to have a goodbye from her dead father/peace, Melissa died = led her to Emily to give Scully autonomy over her daughter's peace, infertility = IVF = failure = confronting her own scientific reluctance in Amor Fati arc = alien ship healing = journey's end in all things = miracle pregnancy, etc.) Whereas Mulder's tragedies has no good thing to come from them EXCEPT closure for Samantha (his mom's suicide will always weigh on him, and his dad's "hi son" in Anasazi was butchered by Mulder learning about his Nazi dealings in Paper Clip, etc.)
Scully is able to seek help, stability, and normality regardless of her sufferings (even going to therapy when her mental health in untenable); Mulder, however, collapses far too easily without his dilapidated quest (until The Unnatural-Closure.) His trauma is psychological: being too late or too frozen or too incompetent to help others (Max in Fallen Angel, Samantha pre-show, his parents' deaths, Scully's abduction, her cancer and chip control, missing his son's birth, etc.) And his torture in S8 was never addressed, he was competently replaced by Doggett (who had a great solve rate), Scully would have been a good parent without him, Skinner/TLG advocate for his replacement (silently), etc. He had to suffer another loss-- his job, his files, to get a modicum of peace... and even that was robbed by his fear of his child's paternity. And he missed his son's birth (while Scully suffered another physical trauma with Reyes, so both had an awful time of it.)
Their tragedies are incomparable; but Mulder isn't hit hardest by physical violence while Scully is, hence her abduction/infertility being a pillar of trauma for her. For Mulder, it's psychological failure that haunts him the most.
Went on a long-winded spiel there, but I tried to consolidate it all down! :DDDDDD
thank you for this message !! so i tried to start it last night, but honestly was too tired to continue trying lol my issue isn't that i disagree with you at all, but the whole discussion ended up bringing out my anger toward the show 🤣
so i'm finding it hard to talk about their characters in the context of the show when i'm mad about the writing choices.
because. in oubilette (i love this episode), they give a minor the space to have such intense emotions after she'd been kidnapped, raped & abused. and it's SO frustrating that they make scully just bury it. i guess we can assume that because we see her go to therapy, she may go more than we see. and i think you're right to credit her more stable family background for how she's able to heal. but i just don't think being abducted for three months & having no memory and later learning you were medically raped when she was terrified to do any kind of therapy that could help her remember.
so i just don't think she ever dealt with it well, she internalized and tried to bury it and just move forward. or rather, she dealt with it by working on the x files with mulder. cuz maybe she'd eventually get some answers when she was more ready. and she'd already dedicated herself to him.
which i think is another part of the "problem" for me. because they did this with scully, and the way the show is continually about mulder's trauma, i think it just pisses me off. and like. i just can't be sure these were decisions the writers made intentionally, to be part of her character (which when i rationalize it, scully doesn't want to be weak in front of mulder, become another reason for him to feel guilty, another reason for his quest. she's strong & rational and he needs her to be okay. she wants his trust & his pride, to feel worthy. not necessarily because of anything mulder says/does but because of her own psychology & issues...) or if they were lazy & GA worked with what she had as they focused her on mulder.
ANYWAY. all this to say both of their traumas are so so bad. his lead to so much pain, abuse, estrangement and his beautiful beautiful empathy. i think i just care more about scully's because we actually ~see much more of mulder's. half the cases are about his trauma. the whole show is about his trauma. and scully's, i have a harder time talking about because medical rape is too real & scary. losing children is heart wrenching & tragic. the assaults she suffered from obsessive, crazy men are a very present fear for women. we lose people to cancer all the time and it's worse than i could ever put into words (which that aspect of cancer is more about mulder) and i just don't think a lot of that can get better exactly? it's things that stay with you even if you had a loving, stable family, even if you've "worked through it" & "healed" & manage to move forward. there isn't really a choice when a child involved. and there isn't really a choice when you're the one left behind. (not good choices anyway)
(and gods it's so frustrating the way they suck at communicating directly. they really do know each other so well that they can understand so much with looks & touches because they've learned how the other's mind works, though, clearly only to a degree because neither of them can truly fathom how the other struggles when they're abducted & there's nothing they can do except waiting & looking & praying & just doing what they have to as life keeps going because that's how the world works. BUT COMMUNICATING MATTERS. they can't rely on the other just ~getting it, because clearly they can't always get it lol)
(and oh god there's something here about the way mulder is so self sacrificial that any bodily harm that comes to him doesn't matter. and there's also something about the loss of autonomy scully faces repeatedly...)
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httpiastri · 10 months
Hiii love!
How are you doing? It's been ages again 🫣
I went ice skating again today for the first time in years, and even though I am exhausted now and my legs hurt I had so much fun and I was actually still able to skate pretty well! Very proud of myself for that haha
Also, the Vegas Race... I'll probably be able to watch it, even though it's so goddamn early in the morning and I am so excited because its gonna be such a shitshow!
Pitlane Exit onto the hairpin, cold tyres, almost no corners, that weird sphere thing in the background... It's Gonna be interesting! I just hope noone gets hurt or anything, because I actually do expect half the grid to dnf. Hopefully not any favs though!!
(what if max dnfs then Lando win in Las Vegas babyyyy) (definetly Not happening but a girl can dream)
Life has been good to me, I can't believe it's almost December already! I will fly home for Christmas to see my family and I am really excited for it, got almost all the Christmas present already even though usually I am awfull at this (expect my mom, because I always wanna get her something extra special because she does so much and I never find anything good enough 😭)
Are you good with presents? I am always terrified they will hate what I chose... Meh.
Anyways, I hope you have a fun time watching the race if you can and had a good week!
(also, the Lando/Oscar aftercare?? As always, chefs kiss! I will never get tired of your storys...)
love!!! hello!!!!!
it sure has been ages, i've missed you! happy to hear that you've been good <3 ice skating! that's so much fun!! i had practically never ice skated before 2020 but i tried it once with a friend and i was hooked. haven't done it in a while tho 💔 maybe this winter!
did u end up getting up in the morning to watch? lowkey hope u didn't considering what happened to lando 😭 but then again, it's not much better to wake up to the news that he's in the hospital... i woke up at 8 to just watch macau and then that was just as much of a shitshow lol! sad that i didn't wake up to watch osc all the way since he had such a good run. im actually surprised at how good las vegas was compared to the expectations... i didn't look too hard but i didn't see the sphere thing too much 🤣 it should've played the inchident video to celebrate lestappen podium 🙏
so happy it's almost december and christmas! the best time of the year 🤭 i'm glad you'll have time to go home and spend the holidays with your family, you deserve a good break <3<3 i think i'm quite alright with presents if i know the person well, but otherwise it's so hard.... not only do we barely even celebrate christmas in my family (it breaks my heart since it's my favorite holiday......), but we're especially bad at gift giving lol! we usually just don't make a big deal out of it. suits me kinda well tho because receiving presents can make me kinda uncomfy 😶
awe love i hope you have a good week too!! come back soon again 💓
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
I've talked about sleep habits and eating habits for The Trio derps, have i talked about fears yet tho in detail?
No?? WELL IT'S TIME TO FIX THAT DON'T YOU THINK??? ESPECIALLY SINCE IT'S SPOOKOWEEN SEASON HAHAHAH!!!! Aitey so ima just list their fears and kinda talk about em lol --- Max's fears ------ CLAUSTROPHOBIA: Max is very very known for being incredibly claustrophobic...He will literally faint to avoid being stuck in tight small places or will avoid them by any means possible. If you get stuck in an elevator with him, you best get away from Max because he is going to go absolutely feral trying to get the hell out, he will. It's obvious too that Max has some sort of trauma of being stuck in small places while dangerous shit is going on, thus why he will lose his shit ENTIRELY if he's stuck in a spot like that... CAVES: Nothing sums it up better then this dialog bit here; - Max: Fuck caves, i fucking hate caves. I just…Everytime i fucking think about em, all i think about is trying to go through a narrow narrow area and getting stuck and being stuck there for days and not being able to move and starving and getting dehydrated as your chest just compresses with fear and with the walls around you, that feeling of being crushed, that feeling that you're going to die in there and never see the sunlight again, that you're going to be just stuck in that damp, stuck, narrow, tiny area for the last few days of your life, you get to sit there and have those fears constantly play. Your friends and family trying with everything they have to get your ass out, breaking down walls, getting entire rescue teams, having to actually break your bones to try and get you out and the fear with all of these things as none of it works and they can't get you out. THEY. CAN'T. GET. YOU. OUT. And then you have the joy of as you die slowly, you have the thoughts that even when you DIE that they still won't be able to get your fucking corpse out, they won't even be able to drag you out when your dead because you are THAT STUCK and you just are forced to stay there and rot, your skeleton still there as you decompose, stuck in that fucking awful ass dark place for the rest of time, people fucking forgetting what the fuck happened, becoming another cave accident statistic and--- Kristy: Max, I uhhhhh, don't you think that's…I dunno like…A bit far fetched or-
Max: How many fucking stories of this happening to people do i have to pull up? Don't even GET ME STARTED on the fear of that with water being involved, i cannot FUCKING SWIM so thinking about adding in rain or adding in that happening in the ocean is just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, THE FEAR OF BEING STUCK AND DROWNING AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME KRISTY I--- --- DROWNING: Max cannot swim...He just sinks like a rock, he has some...Weirdass inability to swim but because of that, the times he is just...Sinking in water, he's having to feel all that pain in his lungs and his chest, no oxygen to spare, he's having to see the light fading away, everything he knows and cares about fading away and he cannot even scream as it's all happening...All he can do is fruitlessly try to swim upwards only to get nowhere, especially fast enough to save his own skin...Max is absolutely TERRIFIED of dying by drowning, he's petrified of it... --- BEING LEFT ALONE: Max does not want to be abandoned, he doesn't want to lose the people closest to him, he doesn't want to be on his own again...The thoughts of it scare the hell out of him... --- THALASSAPHOBIA: Max has been hearing fucked up things about the ocean from Sharky and...All the seafolk around him for years...Mix that with his fear of drowning and uhhhhh yeahhhhh, Max defs has some thalassaphobia in his mind that torments him from time to time... ------ Kristy's fears: ------ ABANDONMENT: Kristy is a very very anxiety ridden person and because of that and because she's been alone so much in life, she very much fears fucking up and being abandoned… TORNADOS AND SEVERE WEATHER: Kristy is absolutely PETRIFIED of extreme and bad weather. Whenever bad weather is starting to stir up, she'll usually be glued to her phone or the radio or the tv or what have you for info (despite this scaring her more...Her logic is that she has to be aware and while...Yes, it's good to be aware, she's basically torturing herself with the shit by proxy of doing this stuff...) To Kristy, nothing is more terrifying then like...A tornado barreling through your home/town and ripping everything to shreds in seconds, the sounds, the thoughts of dying that way, it absolute scares the piss out of her and even like...Big thunderstorms, she doesn't like much...Max and Sharky have to try and comfort/distract her from herself whenever the weather does go sour typically... FAILURE: Before being kidnapped, Kristy's fears of faliure were moreso not being good enough to please other people, letting them down, ect. (Thus why she tried so fucking hard at school...) NOWADAYS though, Kristy has literally the entire world on her shoulders, billions and billions of lives if she fails...It's alottttttt higher stakes now vs then...And Kristy honestly wishes she could go back, she thinks about how much less those fears were back then compared to now... ------ Going to have to do a part 2 so hold tight lol, will be up in a sec and will link to it here. Hold ye ponies
Link to part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/sharksa-shivers/730847776569720832/part-2-of-trio-derp-fear-shit
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honnojis · 2 years
I'm really sorry but something evil came over me- Kreiss/Martin reacting to the death/mortal wound of the other. Alternatively, favourite meals they like to cook for each other! Feel free to just answer this instead. I can't even send the ask without introducing a caveat I'd feel too awful!
THE THOUGHT OF IT MAKES ME REALLY SAD but I'll answer both! Do note that some of these asks are just what I personally think would happen but I can't guarantee any of this will be canon about how they behave LOL
If it was death through sudden mortal wounding, I think the other one would get REALLY upset and angry. In Kreiss' case it's kind of to be expected because he already has a short fuse to begin with and this'd absolutely set him off to the MAX. If it was Kreiss kicking the bucket out of the blue though, I'd imagine Martin would get genuinely enraged, which is a very rare sight as he's generally known to be calm and down to earth. In his line of work he hasn't always been able to save everyone, but he'd always been able to handle these kind of situations with grace and composure. And Kreiss getting into trouble isn't anything new, so he doesn't usually get overly worried about it when it happens until it genuinely is something life threatening. However, in the case of Kreiss' actual death he'd just absolutely lose it, and you'd probably be better off staying out of his way in that case. Neither of them would settle until they've had their revenge.
Favourite meals... this is arguably harder than the other question LMAOO
I think Kreiss would be a pasta and/or seafood guy. Not really sure why, but he feels like the kind of person for it. On the other hand, Martin enjoys spicy foods a lot like curry and chicken peri-peri. So they'd probably cook something like that for each other! Kreiss' spice tolerance is a bit lower than Martin's though, but he still enjoys it for the most part.
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