#but mike can't die tho...
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Me trying to explain that it's okay if Mike gets his head bit off bc Will has time powers and he'll be able to reverse it from ever happening:
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isa-ghost · 6 months
*places down some money*
Phil headcannons please
*eats the coins whole*
Other qPhil headcanons
He means it 1000% when he says he'd burn the entire island to the ground for the kids. No building would be safe. Not even his own. All bets would be off. And if one of the other parents would do the same for their kid? He'd be right there with them.
He loves every egg, dead and alive alike. He has no clue what any of them think of him, and tbh he'd probably be overly humble or vaguely negative abt it bc he's just so shitty to himself when it comes to image related things, thinking they probably find him weird or smth. But he loves them all, and even if any of the eggs DO have a negative opinion of him, he'd still shed blood sweat and tears for them.
GUYS PLEASE THIS IS CANON BUT he is SO BAD at picking up on certain things if not explicitly told. If you have an issue with bird man you have to TELL HIM. He has a million other things on his mind and he has survival brain on by default which means several other things are taking up brainspace, he doesn't have the means to be looking for subtle signs someone isn't happy with him. FUCKING COMMUNICATE WITH HIM!!
Idk I just think Fit, Pac & Mike should convince him to get high with them. But I can't tell if I want to say he'd actually chill out for once & get a lil goofy or if he'd be the type that gets super anxious & hates every second he's stoned
Has a manga collection. It's not that big series-wise, he's a completionist so his collection is big bc he collects every volume of a series he's interested in. He has all of Bleach ofc, most of Chainsaw Man, probably 1-3 other series. He's preoccupied with other things usually so he hasn't read any of them in ages, but Chayanne has been going WILD reading them when he's not out and about
He gets sluttier when he's drunk. That confidence boost he gets when he's drunk enough goes places. Particularly when he's around Fit (Fit's a bad influence /pos)
Tbh? If his usual civil disobedience and the like don't work, I would not put it past him to follow Cellbit's example and just start killing Feds. I don't know how canon Phil's past is but if this is the man who helped create the Antarctic Empire or the man that leveled an entire country? Quesadilla Island's days are numbered and it will be Specifically to spite Cucurucho and any other Fed that's responsible for whatever Phil has an issue with. All it takes is taking his kids away again or hurting his friends :)
Fr tho if/when he finds out what they did to Jaiden or Baghera or anyone of the other islanders? He WILL be unleashing hell for them.
He's ready at all times to die for someone. The goal is to Not die, but if it comes to it, better him than them. And in classic hypocritical Phil fashion, he vehemently refuses to allow anyone to do the same for him. The survivor's guilt would be too much for him.
Outwardly, he processes grief and stress with humor. Because if he doesn't, he'll shut down emotionally and mentally. But don't think for a second that internally, he's a wreck. He's angry, he's in pain, he's stressed, he's conflicted, he's grieving. He just won't let anyone know he is. He doesn't like admitting it.
That said, GOD do hugs and random acts of kindness during tough/dark times get him. It's a hit straight to the heart. He'll get emotional before he can stop it or mask it. They mean more than anything, and they're the quickest way to make him realize just how much shit he's shouldering and bottling up.
Currently his greatest fear is the Federation finding out about or asking him questions related to Ender King. Normally he'd at least prepare how to answer such questions. In this case he has no clue what to say, which really stresses him out. And he knows fleeing the conversation wouldn't go well.
He doesn't typically do anything special with his hair but goddamn it looks good in a short braid. He only ever does smth with his hair for certain events, like Festa Junina. And that was mostly because Lullah insisted.
If the Federation one day declared every islander needed some kinda career for whatever weird reason, Phil's would be photography.
Don't listen to his complaining. He REALLY likes that there's so many birds around the house. Prefers them outside but he likes them around regardless.
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timetobeaghost · 7 months
Breaking my silence
I guess fandom doesn't take leaker maire3xx on X too seriously. But I do, I buy it - like 72% buy it, who would want to be sure. People brought the counter argument that they said Lucas would die in S4, but they claim they just hinted hints about shit getting real in the Creel house, that was taken as Lucas dying. Which from the way they talk I can believe? Are there better counter arguments?
Here a summery go what they said for S5:
Byler endgame, it happens in E5
Before that there is a scene that WILL make us cry best described by the saddest Adele lyrics ever "Please, stay where you are, don't come any closer, don't try to change my mind, I'm being cruel to be kind. (O MY GAWD) I can not love you in the dark, it seems like we're oceans apart" And it's Mike -> Will, so get ready
Emotionality of the Byler arc is 10 out of 10
Emotionality of the Elmike arc, which they described as 💔 is 8/10, Scene on the rooftop is "very emotional!
Will gets so possessed, like they won't shut up about it. completely super constantly possessed. No powers but when possessed. Dangerous and veiny when possessed, which he so is. Like fr.
Vecna gets involved in the love triangle in that he wants to break it up. To isolate them.
Will in the bts pic is a spoiler because plot and time jump, we'll get it when we watch the show.
The Sinclairs move away and Lucas is not in Hawkins High to be bullied alongside Dustin and Mike. The Sinclair siblings insert themselves into the plot somehow using Erica's friend Tina. Lucas is then hyper focused on Max. Caleb has not filmed yet (or when they said this not so long ago)
Max is playing a large part in not the real world. Which might be for the best... Sadie has filmed one scene.
Eddie is back. Just is.
No conflict between Mike and either Dustin or Lucas, they're tight. And also have scenes with the 3 of them.
Stonathan BFF, Rockie is happening, duh. Lots of new interaction, half the cast at the barn and also radio station. (not Lucas tho) Everyone is closer to everyone.
El gets a happy ending.
Jonathan dies. No, he doesn't! Or does he? (I'm telling you they are sometimes playing, but dear god I hope Jonatan doesn't die.
Mike is in danger, his plot in 4 emojis: 🔻⚠️❤️🗡️
Wills arc in 4 emojis (he possessed) 👦🏻 👁️*hand I can't find*❤️ ( hand might say stop or be laid on someone's chest?)
Idk I can work with all that. Unless Jonathan dies, then I hate this show!
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and-stir-the-stars · 10 months
Au where michael represses most of his memories of evan and later on evan’s spirit discovers it and thinks that he was never important enough to be remembered… he still tries to make mike remember by appearing before him at freddys, not to antagonize him, but to make him Know. Specially after seeing the rest of the animatronics attacking him (evan doesnt want the last family member he had alive to die without remembering him)( he probably doesn’t want him to die, period, but oh well) it doesnt really work except for keeping mike awake during his shifts, but that eventually becomes enough, to Evan
Until mike stars to recover part of those memories, and starts to understand why golden freddy kept telling him ‘its me’
And mike gets to see evan again in after setting him on happiest day, reassuring him. He is and was loved, and he will treasure those memories he managed to recover
awwww. I don't normally like takes where Mike repressed away the Bite/Evan, but this. I like this. This is nice.
Allow me to make it sadder, though. Because Evan's memories are probably shaky and wobbly as a ghost; he has a hard time remembering details about himself and his own life. I'm sure that upon seeing Michael at fnaf 1, he hoped that Michael could help him piece together his memories (what was my favorite toy? Did I have any friends? What did I do to calm down? I'm so scared, how do I calm down?), only to slowly realize Mike doesn't know anything either. Evan struggling to help Mike remember him when evan himself barely knows who he himself is. Evan screaming "it's me" to make Mike remember when Evan himself can't remember his own name, can't scream "it's Evan, your brother" but is only able to say "it's me, i know you somehow and i know you know me so please, please recognize me before it's too late."
It must be very scary for evan, knowing that if mike dies, then there will be no one to remember evan. It'll feel like he never even existed, never mattered, and if no one remembers him, how is he meant to remember himself? How is he meant to move on and find peace?
And then Mkke starts getting his memory back, but every memory he gets back HURTS. Partly bc Mike has to relearn the awful truth of what happened between them, but also bc every happy memory of the little brother he no longer has just smothers him in grief. So Evan watches Mike getting his memories back, but he also watches Mike being HURT by his memory. But even tho the memories hurt, Mike still fights to get them back, reassuring evan that he's worth remembering. A happy ending after all.
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lackablazeical · 1 year
Alright, I was up all night figuring this AU out because I’m new to it and it seems interesting. But, I do have some questions.
- What if Usagi was broken enough to actually take his own life? Would Leo attempt to stop him before it actually works? Or what would happen if Leo was too late to save Usagi?
- If it was possible, how would Raph react if he lost Mrs. Cuddles one day?
- Did Mikey get hurt enough one day to the point he was unconscious for more than a few days? How did his brothers react to it?
Glad you love it!!!! Hopefully you didn't use too much mental power, lol! Sleep is important!
Okay, now questions (good questions, at that):
- Leo absolutely would attempt to stop him. In the Canon of later years, Usagi is actually on a sort of 'watch' system incase he does try to hurt himself. Typically this involves Leo being around him, but if Leo isn't avaliable, it is usually Shelldon who will make sure Usagi doesn't SH or something similar. Leo would absolutely restrain Usagi or keep Usagi alive/conscious, he wants Usagi to last as long as possible.
If Leo was too late, and Usagi died, Leo would just become a husk of himself. He would become depressed, withdrawn, etc. He'd lash out as well, likely to Usagi's brothers specifically. If Usagi dies, Leo isn't keeping Ken and Ishi around. I can imagine that when Usagi dies, Leo refuses to let go of the body for just. Days/weeks, and only let's go bc he's so dehydrated and hungry that he can't fight Donnie pulling the, ya know, Rotting Corpse out of his arms.
- Lose his complete and utter shit. The entire Lair is getting torn apart looking for her until she's found or they can make/find a new one.
- I could see that happening 100%, though it hasn't happened in anything canon. Probably just a nice mini-coma after a week long bender or something, or a pretty hard fight in the nexus.
Leo would absolutely not want to leave Mikey alone. He'd be attached to Mikey's side and waiting like a pathetic soggy cat for him to wake up. Leo would be just so sad bc he misses his little brother :( Donnie wouldn't really LIKE the fact Leo would always be jostling/moving Mikey, but he also can't really STOP him sooooo. He picks his battles.
Donnie would just be in medical mode first, angry protective big brother second. Taking care and making sure he's stable, any injuries he has stay clean and wrapped, etc etc. The second Mikey wakes back up he's getting beaten with a belt tho, for making Donnie WORRY and also wasting his IV DRIPS
Raph would just wanna lurk and be around Mikey when possible, may leave one of his lesser stuffies with him. Probably also the one having to peel Leo off of Mikey if Donnie needs to do something that requires Leo keeps his personal space, lmao. Raph just stays close and spends time with Mike, even after he wakes up, just to make sure he feels better.
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dinosaursatemymom · 1 year
I just saw your post about Nancy kinda not having relevance to the plot, and I never saw it that way, but it's kinda true.
She never grows as a character, and her plots are not really that important when it comes to the overall storyline. (At least in s1-3, in s4 her getting the info out of Wayne Munson helped the group move forward, but Robin is the one who found the rest and figured out the music theory).
Anyway, like you said in s1, Barb didn't have to die in order for her to be involved? She could have helped Jonathan because Will is Mike's friend, however the writers made her such a bitch about Wills disappearance they had to kill her best friend in order for her to care. And even then Jonathan could have figured out that there was a monster based on the photos he took he could have go straight to his mom who already told him about it. He didn't necessarily need Nancy.
In s2, her plot was so stupid, and it did nothing in the end. It was an interesting concept, dealing with grief, but omg. First of all the lab doesn't play around they would have found the recorder and second seeing the fucking gate should have put the entire thing down. She endangered the whole town of Hawkins in the name of revenge. Both, her and Jonathan didn't know El was alive getting the lab shut down was stupid because they were the only people who seemingly knew how to deal with the vines. It would have been much more interesting if Jonathan and Nancy were captured and there were consequences (like Steve, who was scared of getting murdered if they broke the NDAs). Getting revenge on Barb did nothing for her character as well, and the show never explores it further, or they rehash it. Shutting the lab down did more harm than good because it meant for s3 that the Russians could just do whatever thanks to Nancy. (I hate that storyline so much in general, but if you think about it, it only happened because the lab shut down)
S3 again, Nancy's rat story could have been cut out because the party figured it out themselves they didn't need her. El was the one doing all the work here (getting into Billy's mind and fighting the Mindflayer since Nancy can't aim for shit)
In s4 like I mentioned, Nancy was useful for once by getting them to Victor Creel, but Robin really was the one getting it together.
Overall, her plans always kinda fail or endanger people (s2, s4), and her using a gun also does nothing because the monsters are immune to it. Fire is the thing that works and I hate how Stobin were cut short in s4 for essentially doing the part just so Nancy gets her shot (metaphorically and literally) even tho it does fucking nothing. Give her a flamethrower like Murray.
Anyway, idk people always shit on Steve being considered a main character, but he had literally more important moments than Nancy.
Without him in s1, Jancy would be dead. Nancy's gun did not work, and Jonathan couldn't use the bat in the right way. If Steve didn't come back, the Demogorgon would have killed them. Dustin meeting Steve in s2 is such an important moment because without him there, Billy could have gotten to Lucas and Max, even tho he lost the fight. He was also important in the tunnles because he helped them getting out there fast. Even tho he was concussed, he did everything to ensure they were save. Lucas would have been seriously hurt. S3 Steve drove his car into Billy's (after Nancy couldn't stop it with her useless gun), saved Jancy and the party there. In s4, he was the one who found the gate because of his experiences as a life guard, he also was the one along with Robin who did the most damage to Vecna. Steve literally has more moments that are important to the plot because without him there, other characters would be hurt or killed. He's important to the plot because of his athletic skills and survival instincts. He was also one or one of the few (if not the only one idk I only watched s4 vol once bc I hated it sm) characters that protested Nancy's insane plan because he has common sense lol. I wish the show would use his leader abilities (being the captain of the basketball team and a lifeguard) more instead of dumbing him down for the sake of it. He should be actively involved in planning bc he knows how to play as a team, and idk the party is book smart, but they have no regard for any danger they need someone like him more.
The only thing I have to disagree with is that Nancy was helpful in s4, literally anyone else could've been told about Victor Creel, they didn't even need Wayne munson for that tbf, Eddie could've been living on his own(he's old enough) or just not a character at all tbh. Steve or Robin could've been talking to a customer at the video store who lived in the trailer Park and got a glimpse of Chrissy's body and Robin and Steve could've gone to the library while the Dustin and Max went to the counselor.
I definitely agree about Steve, he is honestly being underutilized, he clearly has team building, athletic, and problem solving skills but he's constantly being reduced to dumb hot himbo and it's really frustrating.
I didn't love the s2 storyline but I didn't hate it, but wow you're right, she really just made everything worse and endangered everyone for her own selfish reasons. I understand she was working through trauma but so was Steve and he didn't decide to put people lives in danger.
Her entire s3 plot just pissed me off so much, what was the reason? Feminism? Because honestly it just made her look like a classist dick to jon.
Nancy really doesn't do shit but nearly always ends up getting credit for things other people have done, both from the writers and the fandom.
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 5 months
Okay, it's time.. for ACE ANGST HEADCANONS!!! Aka the moment you've been waiting for!!
Bad topics warning in undercut:
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Ace had....suffered some mental disorders he had during childhood nor post-missing, specifically Depression, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Verbal and Emotional and Mental Abuse. Few of them is him getting over it.. not some tho. He's still trying to get over it tho for everyone he knew.
He felt, so much yet too much guilt for leaving his only family members behind. His siblings, Ace knew that some will change because he left and got kidnapped. And he hate it, he wishes that he'll escape from the Marionette.. but what changes?
His full entire body had blue cracks on everywhere, like a fragile broken puppet. Obviously the fans thinks they are tattoos, but it's actually real cracks and yet it hurts.. so much.
Spoiler alert? Yes, Ace is a fragile puppet. So yeah.. he is once forced to kill everyone he knew. And The Marionette thinks of making him forced to kill Jasmine, who went from nice to abusive. Ace didn't want to, but since he found out what she is now... He had no choice right now, he is disappointed to her but also guilty for what he is forced to. It sadly happened on August 4,1 year ago before Sleep snatched the fragile puppet in order to save him. Ace cried a lot after killing his almost-abusive sister who is about to change!.. damn. ( Fanfic coming perhaps? 👀 )
Luckily, Ace did have a 11th ability to enter people's dreams.. so he went from Vessel first, then.. Jake. His younger brother, who had a lot of nightmares.. but, Ace was sadly once told by Marion that he is not allowed to see his own siblings. So, with no choice.. he either leaves him or, scare him off. (MIKE AFTON REF??)
Ace was about to do a sayori when he is 16, but his dad and Nora stopped him tho. And yes, he almost did a sayori like- literally 10 times. Poor him tho.. bro wants to die but cant at the same time.. :((
His blood was now dark blue and neon blue instead of red, why? When he was about to do an $H before the wembley tour.. he noticed that his blood turned blue for a long time now. He stopped doing $H after that because of how shocked he is..
At first, Ace thinks that Sleep is a very mean one because of what he researched as a journalist. But actually, Sleep was sometimes a kind, polite entity. It made him so emotional to the fact that they are the one who saved him from Marion.. he knew that Marion is still controlling him. But he cannot let him take the strings..
Ace can't remember some of his memories now during his human life, because Marion erased them all.. but he needs it back, really. Why did you do this? I need them back, I NEED THEM BACK PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Ace and Vessel are indeed, trauma buddies. They empathetizes each other yet comfort each other a lot.. Vess is the second one who knew tho. Sleep is first to know.
For some reason, everyone didn't know this, yet... But Ace felt like he doesn't deserve love, while he gives everyone he knew and didn't knew some love. But he also didn't deserve one at all.
Ace is soooooo unstable yet unemotionally unwell because of the trauma he felt. He cried very much a lot when he had nightmares, he didn't want anyone to get worried.. so he instead cried on his pillow and closet.
That is all.
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freckledjoes · 2 months
how do u think st5 will end? i think eleven will sacrifice herself for will, before he dies, probably mike dies?? her powers would be strong enough to sacrifice and save hawkins. nancy stays single and travels away for a job/collage or something, steve gets himself a girlfriend, finally. please. he wants to be the stay at home mom with his kids. nancy clearly didn’t look like she wants that life cause she doesn’t, i really don’t understand why he’s still stuck on her even after so many years after their breakup, it’s silly. max wakes up. jopper will get married!! pls i need that to come true.. dustin survives vecna’s curse, idk will nancy get possessed too? and who’s the new lady that’s been introduced as a new character?? steve’s mom maybe?? or the mayoress of hawkins?? i want all the town to help the main group but still i don’t want it to be the second avengers endgame pls… omg could vecna possibly use his victims against our main characters? alsoo, i don’t want the ending scene where nancy and steve are in the car saying we’ve seen stranger things, it’s too corny for my liking pls no… and i like the time travel thing idea.. (going back in time so vecna would turned on his dark side.. this would be really easy way out, tho i hope it won’t happen lol?).. i’d really want eddie returning as a vampire, not really like coming from the dead, that would ruin everything probably (even tho i’d wanted it in heartbeat) buuut yk what i mean right? something like billy came back in max’s visions so eddie would come like this to dustin’s visions. the worst possible ending, is blood bath, there’s been a lot demand for a body count. i feel like modern audiences are more into stuff like game of thrones, walking dead.. stuff like that… killing characters casually. i’m not saying i don’t want a character or three dying tho! i’d be happy if they’d killed off two or three of the main characters finally, they always kill a new character that the audience like and then the audience is always mad. why is that?? we’ve already lost bob and eddie. should it be that way?? i’m really scared steve is going to die bc he was supposed to die in s1, if he does die i’m gonna riot against their stupid writing (that brings me getting stancy back together again). pls get him a girlfriend, a happy life he dreams about and don’t let him hang up on nancy anymore, he deserves better.. he’s changed.. also it needs to stay to the 80s show vibes and has the happy ending as well.. what do you think?? what are your thoughts? :D
I had to write down all your thoughts as bullet points so I could acknowledge them in my reply lmao. Loving this elaborate thought blurb! Alright, so I do think there will be some sacrificing going on, I'd see either Will or El doing it for Mike. Part of me thinks one of those two might die, but on the other hand I don't see them doing it. Why? 'Cause it would fuck up Jopper. And they spent a lot of time on Jopper. Hopper can't lose another kid and we've seen how Joyce handled Will's missing. Not saying this is logical, but it's what I think anyway. Maybe an almost death. Like one of them going in knowing they will probably die and saying goodbye- maybe, and then surviving. I feel like Max might get a more important role than we anticipate. Something about her showing up for El at the moment she needs her the most. Like in the mind thing. I'm worried for Lucas, that poor boy is suffering. :( Assuming Jopper survives - which I do think they will - I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Jopper wedding as a way of a corny happy ending. I don't expect anything mindblowing if I'm very honest, the fan theories have been so good that I fear disappointment for most of us lol. And well, considering many things - I also don't really care if it flops. I'll just enjoy seeing some of my sweet characters one last time before their actors go off into bigger and better projects. <3 Anyway, back to it. If they bring back Eddie, it's definitely gonna give us more pain than gain. He'll hurt Dustin, bet. As wonderful as the Kas ideas are, I don't see it happening considering what I mentioned in the previous paragraph. It's too good. I either see him show up in a Vecna vision or some kind of undead army thing. Both will suck. Imagine Dustin, who is literally embodying Eddie right now, is face to face with his dead friend. Yikers. Idk about the new lady, I'm honestly bored out of my ass that they added a new character for the last season. "Here's a new character to care about - or not - but they're gonna die once you get attached!" - so yeah, not many thoughts there. It'll be too brief. I don't see the town doing anything other than vandalize Eddie's grave and somehow find a way to blame the goddamn earthquake on him honestly. Steve and Nancy... fingers crossed it doesn't happen. For me anyway! For those that ship them, good luck getting it your way~ But yeah, I don't see the appeal, but I do feel how they're pushing it onto us hard. It wouldn't surprise me if Steve dies trying to protect Nancy and that we'll get a stupid nugget speech similar to Eddie's sheep speech. I really need that all to not happen. But don't wanna get too deep into ships, I just don't think that outcome would be sensible for either character. That said, Steve getting a partner (an unknown character) would be nice, but if I'm really honest I'd much rather they all leave it open to our interpretation. If we're getting a cliche ending of some future thing, just throw me the Jopper wedding or Steve and Robin (platonically) moving out of Hawkins together, away from that hellhole. This has become a mix of what I think might happen vs what I want to happen I guess, but these are my thoughts! And anyway, no matter what happens, we will always have a 1000+ fixit fics :)
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zannolin · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @beautyofsorrow, tagging @lordgrimwing @faebriel and anyone else who wants to do it!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
publicly associated with my account, 45. in total, including a couple i orphaned before i knew you could put them on anon, 84 i believe. 85 if you count the two chapters of that leakira zine i wrote that are up there somewhere. i could be off. but i forgot how to get to where it shows me the total number and i can't be bothered lol.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
438,464 baby. maybe 500k in 2024? who knows.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
ones 90% of you have never heard of, at this point. it fluctuates depending on whatever i'm getting ideas for, but actively at the moment, the mullverse (mostly beyonders), resident evil, and lockwood & co, national treasure (might be done with that tho, i've exhausted my must-writes). i have other stuff knocking around, like life is strange, mona lisa smile, mlp, some more shazam, bendy and the ink machine, a tlou fic...but who knows.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
ugh. 1. in this fearful fallen place (i will be your home) 2. welcome home, theseus 3. sanctuary 4. i'll carry the weight of you, i swear 5. eat you alive. it says a lot that only one of those is still publicly listed on my profile. even then i'm tempted to put it on anon. they're only my top kudos'd by virtue of being from a big fandom. definitely not my best. at all. even within that fandom. free me and my stats page.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
not all of them, but i make an effort when comments are thoughtful or especially brighten my day. it's easier now because writing for smaller very niche fandoms you don't tend to get a lot so i don't feel overwhelmed or anything, but man responding is hard sometimes. i want people to know they made me happy, though, when they do. so i try.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i mean there's that tododeku one where they both die brutally and were supposed to get married next week. there's also the batcat fic that i wrote solely for the purpose of killing bruce wayne (sorry). there's um. also the klance titanic (historical not titanic the movie) au i wrote ages ago. haha. yeah. anyway.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them. hfdsjkhfs no i honestly couldn't tell you. i have a mike flanagan-ass idea of a happy ending these days. maybe three's a crowd? hell if i know.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've had a couple instances of people harassing me over them but never like. "your fic is so bad i hate it die". so maybe?? i'm too obscure to be getting hate at this point lol. who out here is gonna read beyonders fic just to comment mean things.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do not. i did try years ago. that notebook has since been put through the shredder and dumped into the recycling bin for good measure. (yes, it was that bad.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
technically no but i've thought about it sometimes. they've all promptly fled my head though so just trust me on this one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
gee i hope not. there's been a lot of suspicious similarities in some old cases but like. that literally does not matter to me anymore idc. it's not straight up theft in any case so not to my knowledge ig?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again not to my knowledge but i do have blanket permissions for that if anyone ever wanted to. it's cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back in the 2010s my friend and i were writing a warriors fic together. she did one chapter, i did one, etc. i've had collaborative aus as well (cat's cradle and whatnot) but not a collaboratively written fic for any of them. me and tam were writing the coma au together but we're no longer in the fandom for that anymore, rest in peace coma au you were genuinely wonderful. i'm not opposed to the idea of collab fics but they always feel like a lot of work and i'm way way way too anxious to approach anyone about them.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
ah hell. i dunno. do i have to pick one?? like right in this moment i'd say locklyle and they've been here a hot minute (like. ten years almost) but i don't really have A Favorite I'd Choose Over Anyone Else.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
mm. penumbra anastasia au haunts me. i want it out of my wips folder. also wild geese is probably never getting finished ever. i do think i'll get split ends done eventually but that one's taking forever. as for ones not posted, well, rip the gospel tent au. i might try to convert it to a short story but lord. i don't know. and don't get me started on the final girl au or the empty grave possession au. throwing myself out a window. they'll never be done i'll never be free.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uh. i honestly don't know anymore. knowing exceedingly tedious canon details to the point where i can make all sorts of metaphors and allusions relevant to said canon? i really couldn't say. introspection i guess.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
yes. next question
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have an overbearing anxiety that i will fuck it up somehow since i am a monolingual american loser. if i ever did need to i would definitely see if there's any native speakers willing to help translate or whatever bc i am not relying on google translate for that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
like liv, lord of the rings. i still have my first fanfic btw. it's written on tinkerbell notebook paper.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
it changes. if i were to be completely objective (or as close as i can get), completely removing my emotions on fandom from the equation, prob without anesthetic. because i think i constructed it just right. being a dirty little subjective, right now i think it's three's a crowd or swallowing jupiter or the swing of things. they're all wonderfully unhinged.
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melonpalooza · 5 months
If tldr character's play horror game. Who will die first and who will be the survivor. And which one of them will get posessed/Stuck/left behind. And most importantly which idiot will be playing the game unsurious, for example :
leading the monster towards their friends probably secrifice their own teammates for fun. Forgeting their mission and died by their own stupid action
(we always have that one teammates that Will do anything just for fun even if it meant losing the game)
(The game : phasmaphobia,dead by daylight, in silent, identity V, pacify etc anything horror multiplayer survival-escape game )
the fic has a lot of characters lmao... god. this is gonna be a doozy of an answer, anon. i'm going to start rambling and might not even get all the characters. also altho you say horror games, phasmo and dbd/identity v are very different genres in terms of gameplay lmao so forgive me if i jump around the games bc im just typing the first things that come to my head
i feel like how they handle the games depends on who they team up with, bc i know depending on who i play with, the objective of my gameplay changes.
if it's mostly donnies, they will take the game most seriously i feel like. they're prepared, have game plans and divide up the responsibilities. will do research before hand rather than jump into a game. like they have to know all the game's mechanics before they start playing. if they're the hunter, i feel like they're really meticulous, but they won't spawn camp the hooks in dbd for example. except ig reugrat donnie he has the trolling energy to me.
mil/cope/rugrat raph prefers playing the hunter. they're aggressive and will sometimes target specific players if they were screwed over in a previous game by them xD most of them will go for leo lol. all of them will always try to stun or attack the attacker/aggro the hunter as a survivor.
cope mikey would fool around most of the game (like yell at the ghost in phasmo, calling it names and stuff) unless it's like less than half of the survivors are left and if he's still alive. all the mikeys get jumpscared easily. neon mikey might get distracted looking at assets or smth. all of them are relatively good at juking in dbd, so they'll be the ones that take ppl off hooks. 03 mike has insanely good luck in hiding where the hunter doesn't find him. rugrat mikey definitely leads the hunter to teammates on purpose.
all the leos would put the team before them, so they're often the ones that becomes bait and self sacrifice—if most of the team makes it out it's a net positive game for them.
if neon leon and neon don are both survivors tho, it's 50/50 they try to sabotage or help each other. if one of them is the hunter, they try to take out the other and it's a W for them if they take out their twin no matter the ending result of the match
and just as i write this i realized that they can't play interdimensionally lol (they could play games like scrabble and uno, bc those would be relatively easy to code into the server's bot i feel like. they can play games like chess bc it's part of discord. so that means they can play gartic lmao. but ig how they play holds true to their own brothers anyway)
anyway my brain is tired now there's probably more somewhere in the think tank
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sexyleon · 2 years
I HAVE SO MANY THERE ARE SO MANY!!!!! I'm going to use this ask to talk about what I think happened in the immediate aftermath of Resi 4 tho!!
Okay, first, I don't think Ashley's rescue was covert at all! Leon doesn't just get to jetski to a designated landing spot and fly off into the sunset without the Spanish government getting involved and causing an international incident BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE TOO EASY. It's a very public affair, and while Leon is protected and never really reaches the limelight, Ashley has to publicly defend herself and her father in a media shit show (my zine piece in @relentlesszine is about Ashley coping with this!)
Anyways, after the initial confusion/chaos of American/Spanish officials struggling to find a solution on what to do, Leon and Ashley are rushed to a Spanish hospital once it has been confirmed they were infected by an unknown parasite. They're both in shock, but Leon takes it upon himself to endure the brunt of it: the interrogations, the questionnaires, the stressful explain what happened parts. He's still in fight-or-flight mode, and his only goal is to protect Ashley in any way he can. Eventually, they're to be separated and put into isolation chambers where they will have no contact with the outside world until they've been completely assessed by a team of doctors. Leon doesn't take this well. It's too familiar, it reminds him of when they took Sherry, and he'll be damned if he lets the same thing happen to Ashley. He adamantly refuses until they allow him into the same ward as Ashley (he's not violent about it because he's very aware of the situation they're both in, but he's not exactly nice about it either-- he's not going to let Ashley from his sight until she's in her father's arms). They wind up in separate rooms next to each other.
The ward is the hardest part for Leon. The doctors won't just let Leon stay by Ashley's side since he needs to be evaluated too. They make him lie down, force needles into his arms, take care of him-- which he thinks is a waste of time. They need to focus on Ashley.
He can't sleep. He wants to go home. He wants to take Ashley home. He wants to be anywhere but in this hellhole of a hospital. Every time he closes his eyes it's a different flashback. The villagers, innocent people turned monsters-- people he had to kill, people he lost count of killing. Luis and Mike, watching good people, his friends, die. Ada...God, he doesn't understand why he keeps going back to her. He doesn't understand why he trusted her. Dying is better than dealing with this. He wishes he could ask for morphine, but it'll just be another chance for someone or something to hurt Ashley.
This is how Ashley finds him, sneaking away from her room one night after being repetitively told they can't visit each other. He sits up from his cot when he realises she's there, all the worry in his face turning to relief. He wants nothing more than her safety and happiness.
“Sorry Leon, I couldn’t sleep.”
“Me neither.”
He gestures for her to come closer, offering space at the end of his cot for her to sit. They stay like that for a little while, the silence washing over them with the unspoken knowledge of what they'd been through. Leon does not mind the companionship, but can't help to feel guilty about everything that had happened. If he was better, maybe they'd already be home.
“I.... I want to thank you.”
Leon knows he should acknowledge it, he knows he should respond with grace, but the sinking feeling in his heart deepens. He doesn't deserve her thanks. He could've, he should've done better.
He settles on a “don’t mention it” with a wave of his hand, no big deal. He hopes it is enough, he doesn't want to think anymore. He can't look her in the eyes.
“Leon, I—"
“I said don’t.”
It comes out firmer than he means it, and when he looks up at Ashley to apologise it's too late. She’s already crying, ugly sobs filling the room as she gets up to leave.
“I’m sorry I’m such a burden! You should have left me to DIE!" are the only words he gets before she leaves.
Leon feels awful, and he's so so angry. It's not her fault for being kidnapped. It's her fault for being used to control her father. It's not her fault only one man with no info and little help was sent to save her. It's not her fault a sick man destroyed the lives of hundreds of people. None of it was her fault, but he knows nothing he can say right now will change her mind. So he lets her be and lies back down with his nightmares.
Later, after the doctors have done their rounds, he sneaks out to find her. She’s curled up on her cot, the vision of a young girl who has gone through hell. He knows the feeling, he remembers it well.
“Go away.” 
“Ashley, I just want to talk,” his voice is soft, resigned.
She hesitates before stretching out a little and sitting up, patting the cot next to her with a tiny "okay."
Leon sits down, the silence once again enveloping them as he works up the courage to speak. The words feel thick in his throat. He never expected to be here again, having this conversation again. It's all a little too much, but he knows it's his responsibility.
“Well?!” Ashley snaps at him. He flinches and looks down at his lap. She's angry too, he figures. Angry, sad, and scared.
“I guess I deserved that,” he frowns, nodding to himself. She's about to say something else when he cuts her off, “Look. I’m sorry for how I spoke to you earlier." Good. An apology is a good start. "We went through a lot. It's a lot," he pauses, the full weight of what has happened on his shoulders, "But we’re here now...Together, and I wouldn’t have it any other way."
It's then that he looks up at her, all the earnestness in his eyes. “You’re not a burden. Without you, we wouldn’t have made it-- I wouldn't have made it." He reaches for her hand, pulling her up so that she can look into his eyes. "None of this is your fault. Krauser and Salazar and Saddler did this, not you," he pauses for a moment, all the emotion welling up in him..
"I am happy you're alive.”
LSDJLKSDJFLKSDJLFJS anyways this ended up turning a little fic-ish?????? SORRY lksfjlsjfdslf this is how i think it happened tho and it lives in my mind rent free lsdfjlskdfjlsdfj
Leon loves Ashley the way he loves Sherry and they are trauma bonded for LYFE. He's been through what she's going through and he wants nothing more than to take all the pain away and give her a normal life, the only things he wishes for himself
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Hercules in the Underworld
The great HTLJ/XWP/YH (re)watch continues!
I actually watched this AGES ago and took notes but am only now formatting this blog post.
First scene, I got overly excited, and my notes literally read "Iolaus!? But not, sadly." because our boy Michael Hurst shows up with black hair, and idec what's going on at this point because I just want to stare at him for the rest of the movie.
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But the ground opens up and it's this whole thing and these two die. Boo.
The next thing I freaked out about was Timothy Balme in the credits!! I hadn't thought about it at all going into it, so I didn't know he was in the movie. (I know him mostly from Almighty Johnsons, as Mike Johnson, and for writing things I liked.)
Those credits were over a scene where a young woman was being bathed and groomed etc. It's kinda sus but we don't know what's up yet.
Then we get what is actually kind of an upsetting scene? This wrestler comes to town and the hype man is taking bet money from anyone who wants to challenge the wrestler... who then just immediately kills the first man. And his friend realllly flatly complains about it because that was his friend. Yeah, you sound heart-broken... but for some reason friend dude challenges the 'wrestler' who just literally killed someone, and he has no shot.
Then we get a really adorable reveal of Hercules with his kids and it made me happy to see him after that awful scene. He's asked to come deal with the killer in town, and so he arrives to challenge him. There's a long fight, bla bla, Hercules wins. Then it's revealed that this whole thing was Hera just causing problems to annoy Hercules and WOW is that awful.
Several men are dead because Hera blames Hercules for Zeus's infidelity... what else is new?
Hercules quite reasonably destroys the shrine to Hera outside the town.
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Then Zeus comes and complaings to Herc about how he should complain less about Hera's bs? And be more grateful for how great his life is, because he has a wife and kids/happy home life and that's "more than [Zeus] ever had" which is like... confusing?? He's the king of the gods? Surely he could have had a nice wife if he'd wanted one? IDK. I don't get Zeus. And I get him less the more I see.
Herc rightfully points out that he's worked very hard to get this nice life, and I feel much more annoyed at Zeus on Herc's behalf than he is. Hercules has grown on me so much haha.
My notes: "I kept waiting for Hercules to come home to his wife and kids dead. XD" "How do we still have a wife and kids and no Iolaus???"
Luckily Herc goes home and there's a cute scene of him and his wife that shows their chemistry quite well. I liked Dei a lot here. Herc then goes and does chores but gets distracted by how much he loves his family and my FUCKING HEART. I love Hercules so much in this scene.
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And he's hanging out with this centaur guy who, initially, excited me!
"A centaur! Not as well done visuals as they end up having for Cheiron in YH but fair enough."
Then this girl shows up and says she needs Herc's help in her town. We find out that the centaur doesn't like Hercules and worships Hera (even tho he works for Hercules?). He goes back to the house and gets into a confrontation with Dei where he implies that Hercules won't be faithful to her and then - (and this part makes my skin crawl) says that he can think of something else he can do better than Hercules, coming on to her. I thought this scene was unfortunately believable, both on how creepy he was and how Dei reacted.
"Die-a-nah-rah"? "Day-a-nee-rah"? Well the characters can't agree on how to say her name, so...
Dei encounters a lady who says the girl who came looking for help is trying to trick Hercules, so she goes to try to warn him. She leaves her kids with their aunt.
I got really excited, because the aunt's name is Althea (which is the name of my Young Hercules OC hahahahaha).
On the subject of names, the woman Herc is helping is named "Iole" but I definitely thought her name was "ailoli" at some point. But also why is Iole's name so similar to their daughter's name (Ilea)? WHAT IS WITH NAMES IN THESE MOVIES?? Just pick names that are more different PLEASE. Iole, Ilea, Iolaus, whyyyyy.
Anyway, off Dei goes to warn Herc but SURPRISE, Herc already knew all about it and he's convinced he'll never get seduced by anyone because the only person he loves enough to die for is Dei (sorry kids), so he sends her home with the centaur (Nessus) that tried it on the night before.
Disappointingly, Nessus tries to assault Dei, who yells for help, and Herc... Shoots a single arrow. From a huge distance. To kill Nessus without visual. She didn't say "Hercules, help, Nessus is attacking me" she just yelled for help and... I can suspend my disbelief for a lot in these movies but this was just ridiculous. He could have easily killed his wife here. JFC.
Anyway Nessus is dying and whines to Hera about it, but then tells Dei his blood is magic and if she puts her cloak (which absorbed his blood) on Herc, he'll always be loyal to her. Even in the scene this doesn't make a lot of sense, but he claims it's because he loves Dei.
Herc (to his credit) does come to Dei. He blames himself for what's happened and offers to go home, but Dei... tells him not to? Urges him to help Iole? It's a bit odd. But she says she has to help those people and she gives him the cloak and tells him to use it at night when he's cold and think only of her.
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Herc and Iole get to some town where a man is just going apeshit destroying a pub or whatever, and Iole uses her special virgin powers to calm him down and figure out that he burned his tongue on soup and would have explained but couldn't talk because he was in too much pain, and he just needs a drink of water... and the guy is immediately calm. Like a toddler or animal. Except that he's a grown man, so this whole scene makes no sense whatsoever. I assumed this was some sort of like "oh, see, Iole argued with Herc that they should try talking" callback to Dei previously or something, but it's actually a set up for something else.
WE SEE TIM. He's clearly watching Iole.
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But I just got so excited because I love familiar faces.
There's a scene where Iole and Herc are camping out and she tells him a story about two lovers in the stars who are destined never to reach each other... And I was like WHY AREN'T YOU USING YOUR WIFE'S CLOAK? Guess it was a balmy night.
A Tim Balme-y night.
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Creeper character that he is, he's stalking Iole and we get a scene which is basically just more fanservice where Iole swims around naked (save for all her jewelry) and Lycastus (we don't know his name yet, but I feel bad calling him Tim here) watches her the whole time making wanton faces. It drags on a bit, and Iole thinks it's Herc watching her so she's playing it up... Yikes.
Lycastus attacks Hercules, and Herc is like "I'm not gonna dirty my hands on you" or something but then when Lycastus attacks again he's like "the next thing to break is your neck" which is sort of the opposite of what he just said, but okay.
Anyway Herc knocks him out instead of killing him, Iole explains that she and Lycastus are in love, but that it doesn't matter because the only thing that does matter is saving her village. And off they go, leaving poor Lycastus alone and knocked out in the wilds.
They get to town and everyone's happy cuz Herc is there to save them. At this point I was still very confused why anyone thought Herc could help, because, I mean... it's a big hole with green shit coming out of it. Hercules can't exactly beat it into submission, you know?
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Zeus shows up and tells Herc not to go down there because the only thing down there is death.
From my notes: "Hercules doesnt know if he’s mortal or not… and apparently neither does Zeus…??? Even though in the last movie they were like ZOMG IF YOU GO IN THE CIRCLE YOULL BE MORTAL. Guess that doesnt matter now?"
Seriously what is or isn't canon in this universe? XD
Anyway, Lycastus tries to tell Iole not to seduce Hercules, she's like "no, I love you, but I have to do this" but then these two start making out!! She's like "no, I can't (bone you right here right now)" but he argues that she wants to, and she's just like "yeah, but I can't" and Herc shows up right then to tell her that he just can't bring himself to go in that hole (in the ground).
Iole then strips and tries to convince Herc to do it for her, but he's like "nah, this is really uncomfortable, sorry" and isn't interested at all and honestly... his face when she starts dropping her dress? He seems so like "what is she doing?".
This is not a man who was ever going to cheat on his wife.
I'm still wondering if maybe he's kinda demisexual? Like he needs to form a certain kind of bond with someone before he considers them sexually attractive? Not important, just a thought.
HILARIOUSLY, on his way out of the tent he's like "Hey Lycastus, take care of her" which makes me wonder if he knew Lycastus was there the whole time, and chose to cockblock him when he entered, or...? XD
And it's only now, when Herc is deciding to go home, that he puts on Dei's cloak for the first time. It starts beating him up (really, just, watch the scene, there's no other way to describe it?) and when he finally gets it off, it turns into a peacock (for Hera) before disappearing entirely.
This drives him to throw himself into the hole because... he's mad at the gods?
Unfortunately someone runs and tells Dei that Herc is dead because there was a cloak that drove him mad. She believes he's dead and that it's her fault.
Then we get treated to more Michael Hurst (as Charon the Boatman, so a little less photogenic than usual), who informs Hercules that he's still alive. I thought it was kinda rude Herc stole his lantern (especially after getting a free boat ride) but I suppose even heroes can have flaws. (I say, knowing full well I will never blame Iolaus for stealing anything ever.)
Dei then, uh... walks to a cliff, thinking about Hercules, I think with the intention of killing herself already, but then it's implied that Hera gives her a vision of Herc reaching out to her, and she walks off trying to reach back to him? I'm not sure if Hera's involvement was needed, but maybe they wanted to soften the suicide angle a bit. But like, why would she have even been there otherwise, dressed like that and having flashbacks of him... ANYWAY.
There's a really weird scene where these three "women" come to Hercules in the underworld and start like, seducing him, I guess? And he keeps picturing sexy times with his wife (clips from earlier) and repeating her name... until he snaps out of it and kills(?) them.
Basically the dead are all after Hercules. Especially the villains he killed. Herc pits the villains against each other to get away. Honestly the fighting gets boring.
Nessus reveals himself to Herc and explains how he betrayed him. He reveals that Dei killed herself because she blamed herself for his death. Herc tricks Nessus into opening the portal to where Dei is (to "show" her to Herc) and Herc jumps through it. (Suck it, Nessus.)
Herc finds Dei, but she doesn't remember him. Hades shows up and (I actually thought quite reasonably) explained that he had erased the pain that brought her there, and that she was dead but basically happy. It's a reward for her good life. Herc says he's gonna take her home and Hades tries to explain that that's just, not really how death works.
He also claims that her memory can't be restored. But the moment Herc kisses her, she gets her memories back, so... that was incorrect.
Fortunately for Herc, Hades is dealing with a problem right now. Hercules offers to catch Cerberus for Hades in exchange for Dei leaving with Herc. They make the deal, even tho Hades is doubtful it will happen. And for some reason tries to raise the stakes on the bet by saying if Herc fails then she's Hades's forever?
From my notes: "I kind of loved Hades? He was actually being pretty kind to Deianeira etc. and it was reasonable for him to make a deal with Hercules. Eventually Dei will die though so like… IDK that was kind of a weird like IF YOU FAIL SHE IS MINE FOREVER like yeah I guess if you die, you're dead forever? IDK."
How does death normally work in this world??
The underworld guards were actually so funny. Some really interesting/fun costume stuff and fake limbs, etc. But clearly they were limited with the budget/technology of the time.
To quote my notes: "Speaking of visuals, Cerberus is… rough…" (Not even so much the practical props, but the CGI.. yikes)
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But Hercules manages to not only find, but corner Cerberus, and, remembering the TONGUE BURNING SCENE FROM EARLIER, is able to calm him down and get him back to his post instead of killing him. That's great and all, but I think the whole thing would have been better if that first scene had been about a child or animal and not a grown man.
To their credit, the guards seemed quite satisfied with the whole thing. I liked these guys haha.
Getting Hades back to normal saves the village, as the hole closes up. Iole apologizes to Herc and Dei, then announces that she's gonna start a family with Lycastus. Herc and Dei have some PDA in the town which makes me wanna gag just a little bit.
Zeus then comes to visit his family and he and Herc chat about whether or not Hercules is immortal, and apparently Herc doesn't care either way.
The movie ends on Herc being asked to help someone again (almost played for laughs? But not by the characters, at least).
Final thoughts:
Overall, a pretty solid plot.
I can't get over how stupid the soup scene is. Literally just needed it to be a kid or an animal in a similar scenario to solve that issue. It was great that it came back when dealing with Cerberus, but the initial scene itself was a mess.
I wanted to see more of Lycastus, not because his plot felt unfinished, but just because I actually really liked the character and it was Tim haha.
Once again I ask: How do we still have a wife and kids and no Iolaus???
I was not surprised that Dei died. But BOY was I surprised that Dei didn't stay dead. WTF.
On that note, I really like Dei. I liked how certain she was initially of her bond with Herc and that it was only after she was convinced that there was treachery afoot that she went to warn him (and I love that she was trying to WARN him, not be all jealous - she was told he would die, so of course she'd want to warn him)!
I also really liked Hercules's loyalty and the love he showed throughout the movie for his wife and kids. It's very endearing.
WHERE IS THIS GOING? How does this become the TV show?? XD
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dual-fantasy · 8 months
you're so real. vito leaves him in the far corner with absolutely nothing near it except an ipad because theres no physical way for him to get hurt. the ipad explodes in his hands. i think just sitting in a car as it moves is too much for him. theyre desperately trying to find ways he can be included but everything is dangerous to him. the bubble was for his own good. he was born this way the doctors probably dropped him. the bubble was the only way to keep him alive. i think if he went anywhere near any kind of american food he'd drop dead on the spot. he can't physically handle seeing corn syrup. they took him to a firework show and he had a heart attack like a hamster. they cant take him anywhere cause he'll probably die on the way. chesters just The Guy to me. brick gets sick and hes like back in my day if we fell ill we'd be taken out back and shot. He looks at cameron and starts seething. steam pouring out of his ears. his worst enemy in the whole wide world. cameron watches manitoba eat a handful of dirt and he almost dies. he cannot comprehend anything that guy does. manitoba drinks water straight out of the sea and cameron collapses. family guy death pose. i think the Bike Household has a dog. something like a german shepherd. its named stinky. worst dog ever. its trained to bite gingers in case scott ever comes near their house
the iPad exploding made me fucking hysterical. Vito looks away for one second and he looks back and there's a cameron-shaped hole in the wall and a bunch of gunpowder and smoke in the air. he got put into the bubble after he was dropped off a table. noone understands how he's alive. he looks at those water-tok drink of the days and his spine dissolves like a bath bomb. they celebrated new year's eve together and he literally cannot do anything but crumple and die. what is his problem
chester is literally just A Guy. like the pinnacle of A Guy. being taken out back and being shot made me cackle. back in his day you didn't "read books" you are the papers and had to perfectly recite it. brick is making the bed and he's like back in my day we didn't have this fancy bedding we slept on haystacks and horse shit. Cameron isn't allowed to be near him because he fucking lights on fire out of rage. exploding Cameron with his mind. despises him genuinely.
Manitoba is so fucked up but in the exact opposite way of Cameron. he can do whatever he wants and not get hurt. gets bitten by the most dangerous snake literally ever and hes totally fine. he bites a shark back because it tried to bite him ankle. Cameron cannot comprehend it
bike.... what a name.... bike household so real though. it's a bad dog. it's so annoying they've gotten like seven noise complaints in the past three days. mike trained it to attack gingers and also anyone who smells like dirt. this is detrimental to Manitoba but he literally feels nothing so it's fine. literally the worst dog ever but they love it. legally it's not considered a dog tho
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bugsbenefit · 2 years
okay okay i'm still thinking about s2
i love that season but but when i say i love the vibe i don't just mean the autumn, cold, gloomy, hospital, possession, UD leaking into Hawkins parts, even tho i do love them all, it's the deeper reaching theme of that season
Mike's and Will's crazy together scene is obviously important for their characters (it was literally so big it was Noah's audition dialogue for s1 lmao) but it's also a good summary of the overall mood for s2 too. because that season is the fallout of s1. they survived all of the horrors and yet they're Still haunted by them. s2 is really the season where everyone is going crazy while thinking they're alone with it
Will is getting haunted (and later possessed) by the UD while his doctors thinks he is suffering from PTSD and the anniversary effect and there is nothing to worry about
Mike is not over seeing El die, tries to contact her relentlessly and somehow picks up on her presence when she says his name in the void which he then thinks was in his head. he subsequently stops contacting her and never tells anyone he ?heard? her speak, because that wasn't real
Dustin hides keeping Dart because he thinks his friends don't understand him or his reason for caring which leads him to hide around his friends
Nancy sees Barb everywhere, and despite knowing Barb is dead she still approaches strangers who look like her, leading to her even break down in a bathroom in Barb's house, which she also never talks about (sibling moment fr)
Joyce is unable to move, on still too haunted and paranoid after losing Will, and is frustrated when she can't let go or verbalize her problem, even with a positive force like Bob actively reaching out to her and offering to walk her through it which should make it easy right?
El is sitting locked away in Hoppers cabin, being forbidden to leave and slowly going stir crazy with the addition of Hopper not keeping promises and "lying" to her. which leads her to her running off and finding out she's Actually been lied to about her birth family her whole life. then she also meets Kali who also doesn't get her which doesn't help
Hopper being confronted with the UD spreading over the town while being the only adult around who knows about it's existence. which means no one is realizing the actual danger of the spread and causes him to work alone and secretively until he eventually falls into the tunnels stretching out under the town where he becomes trapped
the motive of feeling crazy is everywhere. i could go on with the list. every character feels alone and crazy this season. Mike and Will are just the only one's actually verbalizing it to each other and finding comfort in the knowledge of not being alone
and i love the horror on the show. the Demogorgon from s1 is terrifying, the MF looks so good and eerie, etc. but i think the seasons that hit the best for me are the one's that incorporate the psychological into them. s2 felt so good because every character felt alone with their grief and experiences, everyone tries to move on as normal when in reality no one is feeling normal. but because everyone is pretending to have returned back to business as usual they're all left feeling like they are the only one left behind who can't keep up
and yeah i love the sweaters and the giant eldritch horror monster, and the fall vibes. but when i say i love s2 this is such a big part of what i'm talking about. the psychological isolation of the characters was just so 🤌✨ (the sweater weather and cold eerie fall vibes just make the isolation hit harder yk, they're like the spices on top)
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hazmatazz · 1 year
Fandom meme ask (it was hard to narrow down so u can pick the ones ur most interested in fjsjd)
A, B, T, X
djabskeheo hello!!! <3
A: Current OTP?
byler </3 like no competition. i love a whoooole lot of things but my obsessions are usually one at a time like rn (why most of this is stranger things. i also want to talk about things most of mutuals will understand)
B: A pairing you originally didn't think about but someone changed your mind on
wheelclair. i def got byclair immediately but i only really understood when user wibble-wobbledog started posting about them
ronance too. came around to it although it's not my top ships for nancy or robin. very good tho
T: any headcanons you're dead on defending?
i unfortunately don't have any headcanons like that rlly but i'd die defending the theory that mike understood what will was saying in the van scene so does that count?
X: top 5-10 characters that are your babies and you'd die defending them
ok for this one i think i'm just going to focus on the "die defending them" part because i can't rank them overwise. so mostly characters that i've seen ppl have issues with that i get so annoyed w/
1. mike wheeler obv. he is just like me fr (partially)
2. nancy wheeler. i'm not the most intrested in her but i'm...glaring at particular people
3. lucas sinclair. sorry he was being reasonable s1 even if he was wrong. also...racist people exist...gross...
4. will byers. 1. some ppl are weird about him. 2. homophobia :(
5. jonathan byers. not obsessed w him but some people are so annoying about him...
there are others like in st and out of st (harry osborn...) but y'know. in gym class </3
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caps-clever-girl · 2 years
i found this post by @jamiewintons and wanted to give it a go for Artemis!!
Artemis Woods
What era does your character originate from? Uk Interwar (between WW1&2)
How old was your character at their time of death? 42 :) he does not look it. Julian HATES it.
How did your character die? Is there any visual indication of their cause of death? There is no visual indication, as such, but when he gets too excited/exerts too much he wheezes and can start coughing from pneumonia. He can also wheeze in his sleep a bit in the wrong position.
Which of their fellow ghosts is your character closest to? R O B I N. They are best friends. (After)Life Partners. Cap, but we'll get to him in a bit. He becomes very good friends with both Pat and Mary, and good friends with Humph. He and Julian automatically have to be friends by proxy because of Robin, but while it takes a bit, they do become genuine good friends.
Are there any ghosts that your character doesn’t get along with? If so, who, and why do they not get along? Artemis and Fanny do not get along. She did not treat him well prior to her death, and cast out his mentor. Although she has been wierdly nice to him since he died.... Other than that, I'd say Tom is the one he gets along with least. They get along fine most of the time but Art doesn't approve of his behaviour towards Alison, and lets fave it Thomas can be uh... quite the tool sometimes and that gets on his nerves. It doesn't help things that Tom is a bit jealous of his relationship with Alison -
What is your character’s relationship with Alison like? They r besties. Honestly the more I write them the more I think Art will come to be like a brother to Alison perhaps? Something like that. He is very involved in the housework, despite being A) a ghost, and B) having no clue about diy or housework. He's just a nice mix of logical and creative. Because Alison and he interract so well, and Alison has made jokes about Art being her 'favourite ghost' (bc he wins her some money) Thomas is Very Jealous and a bit snippy. I think Art is gonna tell him whats what at some point tho. He is gay. Nothing is happening with Alison lmao.
Does your character have a romantic interest in anyone? If so, who? Is there any chance that a relationship will blossom between them? ohhhhhh yeah baby!!!! Mr Captain man. This is a Cap/OC story I won't disguise it. But there are other pairings too... <3
If it was your character’s turn to pick for Film Club, what film would they choose and why? Depends if he manages to resist Robin trying to convince him to watch what he wants lol. He loves a comedy more than anything, and stuff with sexy men in. Pretty much any Colin Firth/Hugh Grant film to be honest. He, Pat and Humphrey LOVE Monty Python, and Julian is also a v big fan. He also enjoys an older film.
What kind of television shows does your character enjoy? Would any of the other ghosts want to watch with them? Art loves a britcom. 100%. Stuff like Vicar of Dibley, Blackadder, Dads Army, Allo Allo, Keeping Up Appearances, Fawlty Towers, Miranda, and Derry Girls (this is a group hit tbh), as is Gavin and Stacey. He is particularly fond of green wing, which is probably the show that has the least interest from the others, though Julian quite likes it. Pat and Cap I feel are both fans of these so he usually has company in one of them (And Robin, tho thats more the company than whatever Art is watching.) Julian loves certain ones as well, he might turn up.
Does your character try to interact with Mike, despite knowing that he cannot see or hear them? Art treats Mike pretty much the same as he does Alison, even though Mike can't see or hear him. Technically he could find a way of communicating similar to Julian... as long as theres some taxidermy about.
What kind of books would Alison buy for your character? Honestly Art isn't a big reader. Not for fiction anyway. Alison would get him books on animals, plants and nature. And probably some on pre-history, tho Robin has dibs on those.
Does your character have a special power? If yes, is there any meaning to why your character has this particular power? (for example, is it related to how they died, or indicative of their personality?): Artemis can touch animals! If you were to look, you could see their fur move like they're being touched. Or just see a fuckin mouse float through the air hdjsjsjkdk. It's probs the most Mary Sue aspect of him but I couldnt give a shit lol, it's pretty useless anyway. I'd say it's mainly because of his personality and love of animals, but... also because in certain times, the animals were really his main source of comfort and he felt the only times he was seen was by the wildlife on the grounds.
How do they act on their death day? Do they become withdrawn, upset, or does it simply not bother them anymore? It still very much bothers him. He tries to keep it out of his mind. It's far from a pleasant menory. If anything, he'll celebrate the day after - the day he met Robin. Tbf, he sleeps through it most years anyway.
How did they react to realising that they were dead and had become a ghost?: I've touched on that here. But that day before he met Robin was... not plesant at all, to say the least.
What was your character’s relationship with their family/friends like when they were alive? Art has no family (as far as I've worked out so far lmao) He was friends with some of the staff in the early years, but once Fanny and George had died and their son inherited the estate, things went downhill and Artemis was quite isolated. A lot of the staff quit. Some days he thinks he should have quit too and gotten out of there alive. But... he wouldn't have Robin if he did that.
If your character saw Humphrey’s head left stranded on the floor, what would they do? Pick him up!!!!!!!!! (After checking he wants to be picked up first.) Either way they'll probs have a chat :)
What kind of music would your character enjoy? Would they be willing to get up and perform for Music Club? Absolutely not Arty cannot sing for shit. not with any volume anyway. however, he would duet with robin if there was a party. I haven't quite pinned down his music taste yet, but... I'd say a very eclectic mix. He's just happy to hear most things really. He likes stuff from his era of course (which I need to do more research on). Loves ABBA and was indoctrinated to Mamma Mia by Pat and Kitty ASAP.
What kind of activities does your character wish they could participate in, but cannot due to being dead? (Especially things that weren’t around when they were still alive): He'd love to go to the cinema again. Honestly its less the activity and more the place. He'd love to go to a museum with Cap or Robin, and an observatory with Robin. Mostly he just wants to go... somewhere. If he was allowed to go to a national trust park he'd probably nut.
What would your character wear if they could today? His outfit was ok to die in. Bit grubby in places, but pretty comfy. He'd just like some more normal clothes tbh. Maybe a nice jumper. I tell you what he does want, he's seen Alison's elasticated hair bobbles. He'd kill for one of those. (This is a man who would love a fluffy onesie.)
Did your character witness the deaths of any of the ghosts that died after them? Nope! Not one. He was asleep every time.
How does your character feel about the plague ghosts? He likes the plague ghosts! Even Jemima doesn't spook him that much. He pops down every now and then to say hi :)
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