#but my grandmother eats it up?? finally they come by to see her <3
fagrights · 2 years
people suck so bad these people who basically leave my mom to do all the work when it comes to my grandfather and now my grandmother have to suck it up and take charge for one week when she’s been in this nursing home ans they can’t. then they act like my mom not showing up is the worst slight they’ve ever seen in their life. they only show up when shit goes down and they can’t ignore their guilt anymore so they finally do something about it (poorly)
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
ours (eddie’s version)
warnings: none. just tooth-rotting fluff &lt;3
wc: 1.4k+
a/n: i got a little carried away. but i wish i had an eddie munson to go home to each night and just kiss and cuddle goddamn it
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“Oh, is that your boyfriend?”
“He’s… interesting.”
“I guess when you said you had a boyfriend, I never envisioned someone like him.”
“You two are such… opposites! I mean- no! No, not a… bad thing, I suppose. Just… interesting.”
You were growing tired of it. You know people didn’t mean for their incessant questions or comments to get under your skin so badly, but they did. Any time someone at your new job caught sight of your phone’s lock screen – a joyous selfie of you and a sunburnt Eddie at the lake – or your work computer’s screen saver – a photo taken at dusk of Eddie on your couch, strumming on his guitar completely unaware – they had something to say. Something to point out. Whether it be the way you two didn’t seem to fit in their minds, or how rough around the edges he seemed to be. Some coworkers even pressed on how long you two had been together, pulling out the marriage card at a completely inappropriate time. One coworker had even made a snide remark on his long hair, saying “oh, I thought that was a girl! What a relief!”. It just…. It dug beneath your skin every time without fail, making you uncomfortable and irritated all in the same breath. 
You don’t understand why they cared so much. It wasn’t their relationship – they didn’t know you. You’d only started the job a few months prior. They could eat shit, for all you care.
Today had been a bad day. Maurice, one of the elderly women who worked at the front reception desk, had just been awful. She was always talking of you going on a date with her grandson, each time conveniently forgetting that you were already happily in a relationship, but today she’d crossed a line. She’d had her grandson physically come into the office at lunch time, and caught you just as you were on your way out the door to try and pick up something to hold you over until five o’clock would finally arrive. 
The one day you didn’t pack your own lunch. Go figure. 
“Oh! Dear! Over here!” she called  to you as you tried to scurry past her desk. You had held out the hope that the young man standing beside her would have occupied her, but no. No such luck for you on this wicked Thursday.
You took a deep breath before you turned slowly, forcing a polite smile as you faced the elderly woman, “What can I do for you, Maurice?”
“This is my grandson!” she animatedly motioned to the blonde boy at her side, and as he looked up, your stomach dropped, “Jason! The one I was telling you about!” 
Jason fucking Carver.
“Oh,” you tried to keep kind in your tone, but you were already feeling hatred prickle at the back of your neck. You knew all about Jason — he’d made Eddie’s life living Hell too many times to count. He was nothing like the angel Maurice had tried to paint, “I… It’s nice to meet you, Jason, but I really should get going. I’m on my lunch.” 
Jason didn’t take the social cue, stepping forward and stretching out his hand towards you, “Pleasure to finally meet the beautiful coworker my grandmother has been going on and on about. Words really didn’t do you justice.”
Gag. “You’re too kind. I do hope she also mentioned I’m already spoken for.”
Jason’s eyebrows shot up, glancing at Maurice for a second. “You’re taken?” 
You opened your mouth to say, yes, I am happily taken, but Maurice was already waving her hands about as if that fact of the matter was nothing more than trivial smoke. “Technicalities. She has a fling with that Munson boy-“
“It’s not a fling,” you stressed, your patience meeting its end, “We’ve been together for years. We live together. I’m really sorry, Jacob,” you purposefully say the wrong name as you turn to Jason, exasperated and not sorry in the slightest, “But I’m not interested. I’ll see you after lunch, Maurice.” 
You think you heard Jason call out a correction of his name from behind you, but you paid him no mind. Fuck him.
You ended up taking a longer lunch, not even caring for the consequences just so you could sit in your car and call Eddie. You described each person who walked into the building that you caught sight of, completely forgetting to scavenge a snack, too wrapped up in giggling at every ridiculous joke or story he makes up for the strangers.
He made it feel better. Maurice and Jason and everyone’s incessant comments forgotten. Their judgments never took this into consideration — this tranquility and Eddie’s ability to make you laugh until your ribs ached. They never considered the love that carried you home each night.
Five o’clock couldn’t come soon enough.
You practically speed the entire way home, forgetting to watch for any police cars half the time. Your poor front door cries out on its hinges as you barrel through it with only one thing on your mind: Eddie.
“Hey baby-“ Eddie tries to greet you, but he hardly has the time to set his guitar to the side before you’re falling into his lap where he sits on the couch. “Oof, bad day?” 
Your thighs bracket his hips and your nose is already nuzzling into his neck, his soft laughter shaking his shoulders slightly as your arms wind themselves around him to the best of your abilities. He returns the favor without hesitation; arms hold you close to his chest and you can feel his nose dip to graze along your temple.
“The absolute worst,” your voice is muffled by his neck, but he doesn’t seem to mind, so you continue, “I swear to God, if I had know this office was full of such judgmental assholes I would have never-“
“Woah, woah, woah,” he pulls you back slightly, bringing his hands up to hold both cheeks between his palms as his thumb trails softly against your cheek bone, “Are they being mean to you? Because if they are, just say the word – I’m not afraid to kick a couple of grandmas’ asses.” 
You laugh, sniffling a bit, still on the verge of tears out of relief of being home with him finally, “No, no. You don’t need to go and kick any elderly ass – today.” 
“What about tomorrow?” 
You pretend to think about it as you finally slide off his lap, sitting to his side as your legs remain draped on his lap. He’s quick to reach down and let his calloused fingertips graze a trail down your thigh, ending at your ankle before he wraps them around it and squeezes softly, “Hmm, I’ll have to think about it.”
“Yeah?” he questions, leaning his face down to your shoulder, peppering kisses there, eyes still attempting to glance up at you in adoration through thick lashes, “So not a no. Got it. I’ll have my boxing gloves at the ready.” 
You both laugh as Eddie continues his short assault of kisses. 
Your coworkers can say whatever they want. They can judge the two of you based on short snapshots all they please – they can’t take this from you. Not as his lips brush your collarbones, not as his palms massage your calves, and certainly not as he murmurs soft declarations of how much he missed you all day against your skin. 
“Say, you wanna play a song for me on that guitar, rockstar?” you say as you thread your fingers through his curls, noting the way they’re extra soft, as if he’d done a hair mask like you always pestered him to. 
He lifts his head and leans back casually against the back of the couch, eyes half-lidded as he smiles at you like you hold his entire world in the palm of your hand, “Maybe later. Right now, I just wanna spend some time with my baby.” 
“Oh, I see,” you snort, “You’re gonna break out sweetheart instead? No more dragon-slaying for today?” you joke, referencing his nicknames for his two guitars. 
He only shakes his head and rolls his eyes at you, surging forward and capturing your lips against his, teeth clashing a bit due to both of your wild grins. He has you falling backwards into the couch cushions in an instant and lets his weight settle between your thighs, enveloping you in smells of home. Just him, just you, just the love that you two have gardened here. No opinions of others ever needed.
“Shut up. I love you.” 
“and it’s not theirs to speculate if it’s wrong. and your hand’s a tough but they are where mine belong.”
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zerokurokawa · 19 days
rindou meeting reader’s family at a get together. (she’s hispanic, so you know it’s a big party with lots of food and music). maybe the tias and abuela’s all love him. pllllsssss.
Sharing Cultures And Meeting The Family | Rindou x Hispanic!Reader <3
Rindou has always been fond of meeting your family. He often begged to meet them, as he would suggest going to a nice restaurant and him even footing the bill for everyone. Little did he know, you were going to take him to a real get together. 
You were studying abroad in Japan when you met the delinquent, and of course, you two hit it off instantly. So when you booked plane tickets to go visit your family, you were more than excited to tell him that he was coming along. Hell, you believed that he was more excited than you were; he had started packing almost a week early. 
Once you both arrived at your family's house, the party already kicking off with your aunts dancings and your grandparents cooking. It was like a scene out of a movie for Rindou as a bright smile spread across his face at the sight. One of your aunts invited him to dance along to the music that was blaring. Rindou had never heard this type of music before, but he loved it!
As he was trying to copy your aunts moves, you stared at him and laughed. He was excited to meet everyone and even went around introducing himself. With him being Japanese, they were all intrigued at his own heritage. That's the beauty of coming from a different background, you thought, cultures and heritages are meant to be shared and loved by others. 
Your grandparents were teaching him how to make traditional hispanic food while asking him about the traditions he had growing up in Japan. The conversation went on for hours it seemed before the food was finally ready and everybody was eating. 
"Rindou, is it?" Your paternal grandmother asked, introducing herself to him as she was the last to show up at the gathering. 
"Yes ma'am." He stuck out his hand for her to take and she gladly accepted it with both hands. 
"Rin, this is my abuela on my father's side!" You said, excitedly. 
Rindou nodded his head and smiled while taking a bite of his meal. You could tell by the way your family was welcoming and accepting that they all adored him. It was beautiful, seeing the way they all interacted with each other; asking questions and learning new words in different languages. Rindou even learned how to say "how are you" in Spanish. Needless to say, he wouldn't stop repeating it. 
Your aunt learned how to say "good morning" in Japanese. The whole scene was wonderful as you all ate, danced, and sang along to the music that was playing. You could tell that Rindou was having the time of his life as he danced along with your aunt once more, learning the steps to each and every song. 
After the party was over and it was time to go home, Rindou didn't want to leave without telling each and everyone goodbye in Spanish. You thought this was adorable as you blushed, seeing your family smile and wave at him and how cute he was learning about your culture and even your language. 
"I had a lot of fun, we should do that again really soon!" He said as you both got in the car, driving to the hotel nearby due to you having to catch a flight back to Japan the next morning. 
"We will, I promise. I love visiting my family and I could tell they loved and adored you." You smiled. 
The evening was perfect and Rindou wouldn't stop saying phrases in Spanish. 
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dellalyra · 1 year
i get to shy to ask bUTT idk if this is weird but maybe for family formation series reader is in danger OR the fam welcoming baby gojo and reader into the family ?? idk either would be a fun idea
A/N: PLEASE don't be shy to ask getting requests makes me so unbelievably happy you've no idea and I know you said or but... I'm gonna do both of these requests bc I love them both sm :):) i hope u enjoy this one and I’ll post the other one later in the week!!! Thank u sm for these <3 I like doing this series bc it feels like a nice escape from the trauma the manga provides :):)
Summary: The newest addition to the patchwork family arrives, and is welcomed with open arms.
CW: childbirth, pregnancy, fluff, just adorable found family stuff, mild swearing, mentions of Tsumiki being cursed, lots and lots of love.
Recommended Listening:
Can’t Take My Eyes off You - Frankie Valli (Everyone meets Akio/general vibe)
I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry (Megumi meets Akio, from Satoru’s POV)
A Kiss to Build A Dream On - Louis Armstrong (the ending)
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Family Formation Part Seven
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13 hours of labour later, a 56cm, 8lb 5oz, white-haired, sparkling blue-eyed bundle of love was laid in your arms. Exhausted, sore, and sweaty but so full of endorphins it all seems trivial. Satoru had been by your side for the full 13 hours, refusing to eat because you couldn’t, laying behind you supporting your back and giving endless encouragement and finally catching your long-awaited baby boy. You had made a list of names throughout your pregnancy and the second you both laid eyes on your son, there was no other name needing consideration, Akio was perfect.
Satoru had cried (a lot) when his baby boy was put into his arms for the first time as Shoko stitched him up and cleaned him. You had point-blank refused to have anyone except Shoko deliver your baby, which was a smart choice given that this child was the amalgamation of the strongest sorcerer and a sorceress wielding one of the most powerful innate cursed techniques- plus, she was your best friend.
After his first bath and being wrapped in the blanket your great-grandmother had made, Akio was settled into your arms as Satoru went to announce the arrival of his darling boy to the people in the waiting room.
He came in and asked if you were ready for visitors and as tired as you were, you couldn’t wait another moment for Akio to meet his family. Your mom was out of the country and rushing home as you were in labour, dropping all sorcery diplomacy and running to her daughters’ side.
‘Let them in one at a time ‘toru.’ You say as he opens the door and calls in the person who you wanted him to meet first.
A spiky head of raven hair appears in the doorway. You smile and tilt the bundle in your arms to face him. “Gumi, I’d like you to meet your baby brother, Akio Ryu Tadashi Gojo.”
Somehow despite the 9 months’ notice, Megumi seems completely shocked.
“Holy shit, he’s real.” He looks between you and Gojo, who laughs a little at the reaction.
“Yeah kiddo, he’s very real. The bruises on my hand from your mom’s squeezing are the painful proof!” He says, waving his slightly blue wrist.
“Shut up, mom did all the real work. Are you okay? Is he okay? Do you need anything?”
“We’re both fine sweet boy, I’m sore but I did just push out a human so I’m sore. Come closer, honey. He wants to see you.”
Megumi grimaces at the thought of your pain, and also with the awkward teenage boy reaction to childbirth. He slowly moves closer, as if him moving to fast will cause the baby to shatter like glass.
“He looks like you, mom.” He says.
“You think? He’s got your dad’s colourings.”
“Nah, he’s too pretty to look anything like dad.”
You let out a huff of laughter as your husband acts out a wound in his chest on your other side.
“Do you want to hold him?”
“Uh… okay.”
The nerves have spiked in him so you scoot over to make room for him to sit on the bed beside you.
“Okay so put your arms like this, and make sure you hold his pretty little head.” Satoru says as he lifts Akio from you and places him into Megumi’s stiff arms. You smile at how cautious your husband is, you’ve been raised surrounded by children and babies so this all feels like second nature to you.
“Hey ‘lil man. I’m Megumi. I’m your brother I guess. I’m gonna show you some really cool stuff when you grow up, and make sure your dad doesn’t turn you into a clone of himself.” Megumi says to the blinking eyes of the baby he holds. You can tell he doesn’t know what to say, so you wrap you arm around your two sons.
“Megumi is gonna be the best big brother, he can show you his shikigami and show you all the cool music and read you the best books. He’s gonna keep you real safe too.” You say.
There’s silence for a minute as Megumi just looks at the baby.
“Tsumiki would have been so excited about you. She was – is, my big sister. So I guess yours too. I hope she meets you someday.” The slight hitch in his voice shows that holding his baby brother is making him realise how Tsumiki must have felt.
“You will meet her, Akio, and she’s gonna love you so much. Just how she loves Megumi.” You kiss the side of his head, and Gojo squeezes his arm around the boys broad shoulders, for once Megumi leans into him and doesn’t push him away.
“Eh, Nobara told me that you give gifts to the baby when they’re born. So I made something. It’s in my bag on the ground if you wanna grab it.”
Satoru leans down and opens it and freezes. He turns to you and pulls out a book. He sits on your other side and lays the book on your lap for you both to see.
In Megumi’s beautiful tidy cursive, on the cover, is written ‘Your Family’ and ask you open it you see photos he must have taken of you, Satoru, himself, Tsumiki, your parents, Yuuji and Nobara, Shoko and Nanami, Yaga and in one photo, in the corner you notice Geto, smiling with his arm around Gojoy, you had both discussed that you would raise your kid to know about his Uncle Geto as the man he was in high school, before the world became too much for him. Yaga makes an appearance too, along with Utahime and the second years. There’s wedding photos from you and Satoru’s big day, ones you remember Shoko taking in high school, photo’s you’ve never seen before from your pregnancy, ones of you and Satoru on missions. You realise that there’s an ‘introduction’ to each family member on each page and you begin to sob reading them.
“Oh shit, I didn’t know you’d cry.” Megumi says, panicking he’d upset you.
“Oh no sweetheart, it’s happy tears. I love it so much, it’s so beautiful. I can’t believe you did this, he can keep it forever now. Thank you, darling boy.” There’s tears in Gojo’s eyes too, behind his small sunglasses as he sweeps you 3 into a hug in his long arms.
“Um, it’s okay, I’m glad you like it. Figured he’d need a roadmap to navigate this mess.” He smirks. “Are you gonna let the others in?”
“Should we FaceTime Yuuta?” Satoru asks.
“No it will be 3am for him, we’ll ring him later. Akio’s not going anywhere.” You say, making sure your newest stray child gets his sleep is important.
“Satoru, godfather next.” You say and Satoru opens the door and waves his hand.
In walks Nanami, suit jacket draped over his arm and glasses tucked into his pocket.
“Akio! This is your Uncle Nanamin!” Satoru joyful waves between the two of them, and the tick in Kento’s jaw makes you laugh, he walks over to you on the bed, Akio now back in your arms and Megumi on the armchair beside you, Satoru standing just staring at his son.
“Congratulations, Y/N, Satoru. You did wonderfully. Was he a healthy size?” Nanami asks, practical as ever.
“8lbs 5oz and 56cm, he got his father’s height.” You say, looking at your towering man.
“And his hair and eyes, but he definitely looks like you, Y/N. He’s too cute to look like Gojo.” He says.
“Is everyone going to say that? I – am offended.” Satoru says pointing at Nanami. You laugh and you hear Megumi snort.
“Kento, we were hoping to ask you a question now you’re here.” You say, looking to Satoru, wanting him to ask.
“We were hoping that you wouldn’t just be Uncle Nanamin, but maybe you would be godfather Nanamin?” He says making a theatrical gesture towards the baby.
For once, the smile on Nanami’s face isn’t hidden.
“I would be honoured, Akio. But please, call me Uncle Kento. I presume Shoko is the godmother.”
“Godmother and doctor who delivered him.” You nod.
Nanami lifts a box from behind him.
“A gift for my godson.” He hands it to Satoru who wastes no time in opening the gift and goes “Wow! That’s so cool!” before he shows it to you, it’s a beautiful wooden box with ‘keepsakes’ engraved on the front.
“Oh Nanami, it’s wonderful, thank you so much! I love it.”
“Of course, shall I let the next guests in?”
He turns and calls in Yuuji and Nobara, who push past each other to get through the door first and you can hear the bickering.
The both gasp when they enter the room.
“Sensei! Y/N! That’s a baby!” Yuuji exclaims and Nobara’s mouth hangs open.
“Great observation Itadori.” Megumi smirks.
“No it’s just like – wow, you made a whole person! Well like a small one but still a person! It’s crazy!” He almost jumps toward you and stares through big brown eyes as Nobara skips toward you.
“Oh my god Sensei he’s so cute!!! His tiny hands!! And feet!! And nose!! What’s his name?? You’re so amazing Y/N!” She says. These two are definitely a different speed from the other two visitors in the room.
“His name is Akio.” You smile.
“Are you okay Y/N? Did it hurt really bad? Is there a way we can help?”
“I’m okay, Yuuji, and the pain was worth it.”
A mouth appears on Yuuji’s face.
“Hmph, the Gojo spawn has arrived I see. You’re stronger than I expected, woman.”
A chorus of ‘shut up Sukuna’ echoes across the room. But you look directly at his cheek and say,
“Thank you, Ryomen.” He sneered and retreated.
“I got you these Y/N!” Yuuji’s smile takes over his whole face as he hands you a huge bouquet of peony roses.
“I remember Gojo was talking about how they’re your favourites but the flower lady laughed when I asked for penises, and Nobara really died laughing so she told me they’re called Peonies.” You and Satoru burst into hysterical laughter at the thought of Itadori asking a florist for penises.
“They are my favourite, thank you honey, they’re so beautiful. Nanami, would you mind putting them in some water for me?” You say and he takes the flowers from Yuuji and you give him a kiss on the cheek.
Nobara whisks out a huge gift bag and says,
“I went shopping and bought some cute baby clothes! Look at these dungarees, they have tiny lions on them!” She shoves the bag at Satoru who nearly tumbles at its size, proving she went way overboard.
“You two are both so sweet, thank you guys. You’re both gonna make great babysitters.”
They both squeal and move to sit on the arms of the chair beside Megumi.
The next people to come in were the second years, Inumaki saying ‘Tsuna!’ As soon as he saw the baby and giving you a thumbs up and pat on the head. Panda began crying because the baby was so cute and small, and Maki immediately asked how you were, telling you she is amazed by your strength and how great you are for delivering a whole child. Toge and Panda had pitched together to buy Akio a stuffed panda and a jellycat riceball. And Maki, in very Maki fashion, brought diapers and wipes. Shoko came to the door next, returning from a rest after delivering your son.
“Mei Mei’s crows just dropped these off, they’re from Utahime and her.” You smiled taking the bags from her. Utahime was on a mission at the moment and couldn’t make it down to see you, but had sent you a beautiful card congratulations you and saying she was happy Satoru could do something right, and a beautiful box of postpartum beauty supplies, stretch mark cream and cooling eye patches included. Mei Mei also sent a card, with a set of the most expensive looking matching satin pyjamas for you and Akio.
Yaga also dropped by, clapping Satoru on the shoulder and whispering, “Well done, my boy.” To him, you knew this meant a lot to Satoru.
Your family had already given you your gift for your son, a cutting from a tree from your family home that your great great great great grandmother planted when her first child was born, using your families innate inherited technique. The tree bloomed soft blue flowers year round, no matter the weather and always seemed to faintly glow at night.
The Gojo clan, they had sent the Gojo heirloom silver rattle which Satoru had once owned as a child. Your mother was due to arrive the following day, and you knew she would be spoiling her 3rd grandchild rotten and you too when she arrived. She loved Satoru, and he loved her, so she was going to stay with you both for a week to help you both ease into the life of new parents, and Satoru couldn’t have squeezed and hugged her tighter when she offered.
After another half an hour, Satoru notices you yawning, with Akio asleep in his arms.
“Okay momma is tired everyone it is time to leave now! You can all come back and fawn over how cute my mini me is some other time.”
After everyone wishes you goodbye and a final kiss on the head for Megumi, who you send back to his dorm with a quiet thank you again for the book, you, Satoru and Akio are left in the peaceful room surrounded by keepsakes and your peonies now on the table beside the bed.
You scoot over to let Satoru into the bed beside you, and he places Akio in the crib beside you both. He squirms under the blanket, careful to be very gentle with you, knowing you’re still tender and aching. He wraps an arm gingerly across your stomach and presses soft kisses into your hairline, you tilt your head up and kiss his soft perfect lips.
“He’s really here, our little boy.”
“Thank you, Y/N. You’re so incredible, I’m in awe of you, I never thought I could love anything as much as I love you and the kids.. Thank you for giving me a family.” He says, pointing to the handmade book beside you both.
“Thank you for making it possible, you deserve the world, ‘Toru.”
And with that, you both curl up, drifting off in each others arms listening to the soft breaths of the baby beside you.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
Comment to be added!
Requests open! <3
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cowboybarzy · 11 months
aaah hey could i request for a blurb with barzy in singapore? im from there and i cant wait to see what you’ll come up with hehe i love your writing so much :-) have a great summer!!
tysm for your request! always love seeing you in my notifications <3 hope I did well!!
this is the end of the world trip! thank you to everyone who requested and everyone who followed along! here is the masterlist of the world trip for your convenience :)
disclaimer: I don't know much about the country so I've looked a few things up on google and obviously used google translate (lang. used: malay). please please lmk if anything is wrong (translations or anything relating to the culture). I'm always open to learn and already did a bunch from my quick google search haha I've been on a few websites that shared traditional foods and now I need to go asap and taste everything!! EDIT: one very kind anon reached out and gave me a little history lesson/clarification so here is what they had to say!! ty anon!!
📍singapore with mat barzal
"Oh my god, it smells amazing in here," your boyfriend Mat exclaimed when you entered the small restaurant.
"I know," you answered, your face lighting up at the familiar scent. "It's my favorite place ever."
The hostess, a close friend of your grandmother, light up when she saw you walk in. "(Y/n)! ia telah begitu lama. Tengok awak. Awak sangat cantik." (It's been so long. Look at you. You're so beautiful.)
You smiled, catching up with her quickly and finally introducing your boyfriend to her.
"Selamat berkenalan," (It’s nice to meet you.) he said, his pronunciation a lot better then when you practiced with him on the plane ride.
When you were finally seated, your favorite table of course, and immediately started looking through the menu. Almost two days ago you and Mat had made it to your home country, Singapore. After a year of dating, you were ready for him to meet your family back home and show him where you spend most of your childhood. Mat was very excited for you to show him everything and was a very good sport when eating all of the cultural foods he was not used to. He loved exploring and expanding his food palate.
"You've already had the chili crab, but this place does it better than anywhere else, so you can have that again if you want." You translated the menu for him, but he wanted something with rice or noodles. "Then I'd do the char kway teow. It's pretty traditional stir fry based dish. I think you'd like it."
"Ok, I might take that then." He looked around more, still deciding on what he's in the mood for.
A server, also someone you knew, then came over to take your orders. You gave her yours, then looked at Mat, unsure if he had made his final decision. "You ready?"
He nodded, then looked at the server. "Saya tolong minta char kway teow." (I will have the char kway teow, please.) Your mouth dropped in shock. How did he just say this sentence, pronouncing the words almost perfectly? The server nodded, then left towards the kitchen.
"What?" He grinned.
"How did you know how to say that?" You were still shocked, but a smile crept over your lips. You had taught him a few words here and there, but not how to say whole sentences.
"Oh, I didn't tell you?," he asked innocently. "I've been taking duolingo lessons since we've planned this trip." That was almost three months ago. Tears coated your eyes when you realized what that meant.
"Mat." He smiled, taking your hand in his.
"I just thought I could impress your family a bit. And you, by the looks of it." You broke out in a small, emotional laugh.
"I want to squeeze the crap out of you right now. And kiss." He laughed and kissed the palm of your hand.
"We can do that later. How about you let me have my last meal first?"
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sargebutton · 4 months
lesbian sargebonhe drabble for me and my three fans
girls under the cut (it’s about 900 words)
i wrote this just about all day after seeing a tt at about 3 am also thank you to my bestie kay for being an enabler(/j)
including: drunk logan, phone sex, sex toys
Logan drops her purse on the ground after getting home from the club. She’ll pick it up tomorrow. She turns quickly to lock the deadbolt, head still a little dizzy. Her tall boots fall into the shoe rack easily, along with her keys on accident.
“Oof,” Logan whispers to herself. Usually, she loves drinking with Jack, Oscar and Liam but… They were all super horny for their partners tonight and alcohol only made their tongues that much looser. Logan shimmies her miniskirt down her legs and throws her mesh shirt over her head and jumps into bed.
Sadly, both of her girlfriends are out of town. Dalton had to have his wedding the same time as Alex’s grandmother’s birthday meaning she had to pick. And she would have loved to have Alex and Lily on her arms but a grandmother only turns 100 once.
Not wanting to upstage Dalton by having two hot girlfriends is also there.
Speaking of… Logan is feeling that usual heat in her stomach. Alcohol does make her horny, it’s one of Lily’s favorite things to tease her for.
Laying on their bed in a bralette and panties and waiting to be fucked is usually one of her favorite hobbies.
Usually…but she’s all alone now.
Logan sighs and throws herself out of bed to grab another beer from the fridge. She absentmindedly rubs her stomach with the door open, eyes flicking through their selection.
A can of margarita ends up in her hand, along with a bottle of water. Alex would be proud of her for being responsible. She cracks open the can, taking a big swig of lime and tequila. Laying back in bed she opens up instagram and nearly instantly regrets it.
So much tan skin on display. Alex, wearing the swim shorts and matching sports bra Logan got her for her birthday. Her long willowy limbs are somehow even more bronzed. Lily is also wearing something Logan bought her which warms her heart.
And between her legs again.
Fuck it.
Logan leans over the side of the bed dizzily. Her nails hook into the box of toys under the bed and she pries the lid open with her last long fingernail. She grabs the first thing she can wrap her hand around and pulls up a small light blue vibe.
Logan gets even hotter thinking about the time Lily held it down on her clit until she squirted everywhere and Alex licked both of them clean.
Fuck it. She slides the vibe into her panties and swipes open the group chat she has with her girlfriends.
Lily and Alex are out at the street vendors when the voice memos start coming through.
Usually Logan will send little voice messages during the day but it’s 2 am in London now.
They’re splitting a mango sticky rice when Alex finally looks down at her phone.
“You wanna listen?” Alex asks, pulling her airpods out of the pocket of her shorts. She looks great, totally in her element. Lily can’t wait to pounce on her when they get back to the hotel. She nods.
“I miss y’all.”
Logan’s voice always takes on this syrupy Southern drawl when she’s drunk. Lily thinks it’s adorable.
“Went out with everybody tonight and of course the conversation in the Uber was about sex. I was squeezin’ my thighs together listenin’ to Liam talk about Yuki eatin’ her ass. God I want that to be me. Eat me when you get home, yeah?”
Lily’s breath hitches. Holy shit.
“I got home, so drunk ‘n so horny. And there was no strap at home. Wish y’all were here so bad. I need Alex to brush away my tears while Lily rails me. And I want y’all to switch. I wanna be so ruined just sink down into the mattress all wet and used.”
Alex gasps a little and Lily squeezes her hand.
“I want you so bad. Please come home soon.” Lily can hear her kicking her legs against the bed. She’s clearly a bit distraught. She’s whining like she usually does when she’s close. “Fuck me. We aren’t getting out of bed for at least six hours when you get back.”
“I really wanna tell her she’s being bossy but it’s really hot hearing her be needy like this,” Alex whispers.
“Don’t tease Lex.” Lily slaps her on the arm.
“She would want me to,” Alex says cheekily. “I’m sure she wants a lot of things right now.”
“Someone needs to sit on my face real soon. I’ll be so good I need it so bad darlin’. Fuck I miss your hands. Fuck.”
“You hear that?” Alex smiles, she always knows something Lily doesn’t. Lily shakes her head. “The faint hum of a vibrator.” Alex whispers in her ear and Lily feels it in her clit. She can hear it; slightly buzzing.
“We need to go back to the hotel now,” Lily says, fisting a hand into Alex’s linen shirt.
By the time they stumble into bed, sweaty and naked, Logan is long asleep. It’s okay, they can still do something for her while they wait for her to wake up.
Logan wakes with a throbbing in her head and cum dried on her inner thighs.
She also wakes up to two videos and a text reminding her to take some painkillers.
Logan takes the pills with some water, grabs the vibe again, rolls over and presses play on the first video.
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thief-of-eggs · 5 months
‘Thoughts of You Consume’ writing update for you all (plus a sneak peek of a later chapter)
First off, I want to say thank you to all of you who have been reading and invested in my works. Truly, I cannot tell you how much your support means to me, and it never fails to make me giggle and kick my feet when I think of how many people are enjoying my silly stories.
For everyone asking- yes, I am still writing my snowjanus longfic ‘Thoughts of You Consume’. I’ve gotten a lot of comments and asks, and it felt easier to post this then answer them all (although I still might try to)
There has been a lot that’s arisen in my personal life this past month (unexpected move, loss of a pet, relapse with my auto-immune disorder) that has caused me to put my fics on hold while I focused on getting my life back on track. (Aka- i’ve been reading a shit ton of books. Sometimes the writer just needs to be the reader for a moment)
I have not forgotten about the fic, or about all of you lovely readers! I have the next chapter half written, and I try to visit it every day to add even just a little <3
I’m hoping to have a new update for you soon, but in the meantime, as a treat- enjoy this little excerpt from a future chapter:
(Spoiler Warning)
Coriolanus is quiet as he sneaks back in to the Snow’s apartment, though he’s not entirely sure why. Surely their grandmother has already gone to bed, and it’s not like he has anything to hide. So he’d been out with a friend- that’s not too absurd is it?
Yet he still feels as though he’s done something wrong.
He begins to head straight to his room, but pauses as he passes their kitchen, seeing a candle lit on the table. His cousin is bent over her latest bit of embroidery- some tablecloth for Fabricia. He doesn’t know what leads him to it, but he finds himself walking closer, crossing in to their little kitchen.
His foot steps on a creaky floorboard, causing Tigris to startle, before laying her eyes on him.
“Oh! You’re home- I hadn’t heard you come in.”
Coriolanus hums, walking silently to their worn kitchen table, and takes a seat across from his cousin.
“Did you have a nice night?”
Again he hums, watching as she returns to her embroidery. Her needle slides delicately through the fabric, weaving an intricate floral design with mere thread alone.
“Did you eat while at the Plinths?”
A spike of fear grips his heart- how did she know where he’d been? He certainly hadn’t told her, that’s for sure. But then… where else is he known to go? He doesn’t maintain friendships outside of the Academy, hasn’t gone over to anyone’s place besides Sejnaus’s. Yes, that’s right. It was a mere logical deduction on her part, nothing more. She hasn’t picked up on anything, other than his mundane habits.
The thought eases a bit of his chest, though really, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if she knew. Tigris has come to be his one and only confidant, and the fact that he’s kept this from her so long eats away at his insides, a muddled up secret begging to be set free.
The two of them sit in relative silence for a while after. Coriolanus watches the candle sink lower and lower, his mind playing over the events of the day, playing over Sejanus’s face, Sejanus’s words, Sejanus’s everything.
Eventually, it becomes too much to bear. He opens his mouth and pauses, weighing his words in his throat before finally speaking.
“Can I- can I ask you something Tigris?”
His cousin looks up from her embroidery, her needle in hand as she peers at him in the dim light. She cocks her head, care and concern laced in her expression.
“Of course Coryo. What is it?”
Coriolanus takes in a breath, holding it carefully in his chest before releasing. He tries and fails to formulate just how to go about asking what he means. Eventually, he settles for something more cryptic than he’d have liked.
“Would it be so wrong if I were… different?” Coriolanus asks, desperately hoping Tigris will somehow pick out his deeper thoughts and meaning.
“Different how?” She replies, and Coriolanus feels his chest deflate like a balloon. Of course she couldn’t know- and he isn’t likely to tell her just now.
“Never mind,” he mumbles, standing from the table. He’s suddenly quite exhausted, and finds he’d like nothing more than to curl up and let the day be washed away in the grips of sleep.
“Coryo, wait-“
Tigris stands as well, reaching out to grab onto his arm. He allows himself to be stopped, turning to face his cousin as she steps closer, standing directly in front of him as she places her hands on his shoulders.
“Different is never bad, Coryo.” Her eyes bore intently into his, so full of tenderness, full of love and care. “You could be all sorts of different, and it wouldn’t matter one bit to me.”
Coriolanus can’t tell if she’s grasped at anything, or if her statement is truly a blanket one. But still, it makes the ache in his chest loosen, makes his eyes flood with tears that he can’t fully understand, besides knowing that they’re partly forming out of relief that his cousin wouldn’t abandon him should she find out he were disgrace to their family name.
“Thank you Tigris,” he murmurs. She reaches up to cup his cheek, gently wiping away a stray tear that falls.
“Oh Coryo,” she whipsers, before pulling him close in her arms. He buries his face in her neck, holding his breath as though he could hold in his tears, his eyes screwed shut as her hand passes gently through his hair.
He pulls back a moment later, his vision blurred by his unshed tears. “I’m off to bed,” he says with a sniff, stepping back with his gaze trained at the floor. He doesn’t wish to see Tigris’s pity in her eyes just now, doesn’t wish to see all the ways she might suspect him different.
“Alright,” she murmurs. “Sleep well Coryo.”
He nods, turning on his heel to trudge back into his bedroom. Once past the threshold, he closes his door, leaning back on the thick mahogany wood with his eyes squeezed shut, his breath held tight in his chest.
It’s no use now that he’s alone. The sobs come quietly, because Coriolanus had learned early on in life how to manage his grief in silence. Slowly, he slides down the door until he’s sitting on the barren floor. He tugs his knees up to his chest, buries his face in his hands, and weeps.
He can’t fully work out just what he’s weeping for.
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nct-charlee · 11 months
Jeno + Chaewon (NoWon)
“Nobody won…NOWON!”
// masterlist // NCT DREAM
(korean, english)
warnings: nothing (pls tell me if i missed something)
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First Meeting
"The first time I met Chae it was with my parents. Her grandparents happen to be my next door neighbor and invited us over!" (all members gasp or say "wow")
The summer of 2008 Charlotte's parents thought that it was only fair she would spend her summers with her grandparents
Charlotte had never been to Korea since she was born, but her father made sure she was able to understand and speak it, and she finally went by herself in July
When she had gotten there the schools around her grandparents house had gone on their break
So they decided it was best to invite their neighbors over for lunch!
"Back then she was so quiet. I thought she couldn't speak or understand korean." (Charlee laughs in the background) "All I said was 'hi' ."
When her grandfather had opened the door she had stood right behind his legs and peeked behind them to see a little boy around her age
"Come in! Come in! This is my granddaughter, she's visiting from the US," Her grandfather had begun to put his hand on her shoulder moving her from around his legs.
She bows and says a small 'hi' before running into the kitchen to help her grandmother cook
Charlotte had always been a picky eater and then it was even worse. She wouldn't eat tteokbokki, she struggled to try bulgoggi and never wanted to try any soup
The whole lunch Jeno watches as she just eats rice
After Charlotte pulls on her grandmas clothes and points to her toy box, her grandmother tells her to take Jeno with her
They both walk in silence and sit down on the floor as she opens the box and hands him a Pokemon poke ball. She herself grabs the tiny pokemon figurines and her trading cards
"Hi..." Jeno points to himself before saying "Jeno." He smiles, it even reaches his eye.
He struggles to find the next words to express that he too like Pokemon so he just settles with, "Pokemon," and putting a thumbs up
Charlotte laughs to herself more than at him, and Jeno joins in on it, both of them giggling
"Hi Jeno, I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Chaewon." Charlotte smiles and giggles again, "I speak korean too, you don't have to speak in english."
Fan Favorite Moment
During a live when she starts talking about pre-debut stories, Charlee talks about how close they were even before they became trainees
"My grandparents loved when I came over during the summers, they always thought it was nice to see me being around a kid my age during break," Charlee expresses while looking at comments.
"hmmm, yeah. Jeno and I were really close to the point whenever it was the weekend and during my school year he would call from my grandma's phone!" She even says it again in english
Comments start to go crazy ranging from 'woa, he really liked you', 'that's so cute!!' and even 'my NoWon heart <3’
On Screen
"Nobody won. It's fine because we're NoWon"
Popularity: 7/10
Nicknames: Chae, Won, Wonnie, Corgi
The "best friends to bestest friends"
The “puppy” duo (the name given by Mark and Jaemin), Charlee hates it and Jeno embraces it passionately
Jeno is somehow always hanging off of Charlee, he is one of the few members that openly show affection
If it’s not Jaemin clinging onto Jeno and Charlee SOMETHING is wrong
During the “CharTea” episode that featured all of 8dream (ep. 2: Mister Mister 7), Jeno talks about why she’s so cold and quiet on camera
He talked about how often staff are likely shut her down and that she came to him so he could voice her opinion for her
Even during interviews this is seen, but now it’s everyone of the boys doing it
He was also the one to say she should do her own content to show everyone that she can in fact do without the boys (in fact she prefers to do that!)
Off Screen
She's pretty much a part of his family and him to her
Their parents jokingly say Jeno might be the first to take the name “Meyers” (they also joke that all of dream might take the name Meyers)
They’re opposites on camera! Charlotte isn’t very shy and Jeno is very shy
Even the way they talk to each other, Charlotte is more likely to baby him !!
One of the first tattoos she had gotten was dedicated to 8dream, each member had a little doodle she drew that reminded her of them
His was a little poke ball
“stop looking at me weirdo”
“no. Chae.”
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vhygoxo · 2 years
Pale Moonlight
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After your grandfather Atera passes you decide to move in with your grandmother. Since this is your gap year after graduating, you get to decide what you want next, assuming this is a great opportunity. Moving to one of your home reserves you're ready to start your new life. When you finally come back after being distanced for so long secrets and mysteries of the reserve start to unravel.
Paul Lahote x Reader
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Chapter 2: Emissary's
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2. Emissary's
3. Connection
4. Prey
5. Awakening
6. Discovery
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After getting ready I start the morning off with my grandmother. Making my way downstairs I greet her before I start helping her with breakfast and coffee to start our day. She’s standing in the kitchen doing a few dishes as I set the table.
“So my girl do you have any plans today? Just settling in?”
“Yeah a bit of unpacking and then Kim is gonna pick me up later to visit “
“Oh Kim! Glenda's granddaughter! Oh I see that's good she's gonna come by” My grandmother exclaimed as she set her dish rag down on the counter to face me. I stood facing her by the table. Just as I remembered her she’s awake as the sun comes up.
“What are you up to today?” I kindly asked her as she moved about the kitchen. Tending to the stove and food easily as she puttered around. All my life she’s been a busy body.
I worry not that she’s not capable of taking care of herself. That I know she can do all by herself just well. It’s just I knew she was grieving hard. But it was a comfort to see a familiar side of her.
“I gotta head into town for a few errands and then attend a meeting quickly”
“Oh I see with the council I’m assuming?” My grandfather was apart of the Chief and council here in La Push. A council member who was heavily involved in the community and politics. When he passed my grandmother was chosen to take his place as she also has extensive knowledge and education. She’s very dedicated since the job can get pretty demanding.
“Yes that’s right I shouldn’t be too long. I made you a set of keys which I’ll give to you later before you leave. I plan on locking the door when I leave. Remind yourself to lock the doors each time you leave”
“Of course I understand I'll remember” She picked up her kitchen towel wiping her hands with it before shuffling down the hallway. Turning into her room I could hear her looking for something. I peeked my head around the corner curious.
Quick as she left the room she came back with something in her hands. As she made her way to me she dropped a set of keys into my hand. I grabbed them as she passed them to me.
“Here you go since I just remembered, there are two keys I’m giving you, the dead bolt and door knob keys” She placed into my hands before showing me which keys were. The door knob key was pink which made it easier to understand which one was. I giggled at the fact she made it for me.
“I love the pink key grandma it’s cute”
“Isn’t it cute? I forgot you can buy customized keys I figured you’d like it. You can tell which is which so you don’t get confused”
“Thank you truly” We laugh about it together for a short moment. My grandmother comes back to the kitchen then back to the dining table to serve hot breakfast before sitting down. I quickly help her set and serve the dishes down before joining in with her to eat.
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“Infamous huh?”
Startled by the car horn honking twice I jumped up before heading down stairs to the window. There sat a black truck running in the driveway inside were two people. It’s Kim and Jared, she’s hanging out the rolled down window, waving at me with a huge contagious smile.
“Come on!” She yells as I smile and wave back before I get my things ready. Quickly grabbing my keys and bag then heading out the door firmly locking it shut. It was slightly cloudy but the sun was warm. I could already hear and feel Kim’s excitement making me feel the same way.
The two got out of their cars to come greet me. As we were in each other’s sight inching closer we squealed in excitement together. Kim rushed in to pull me into a hug which I gladly welcomed with arms raised towards her. Pulling each other into a tight embrace.
“Oh my god I’ve missed you so much” I say into her neck making her laugh and squeeze me harder.
“It’s good to have you back Y\N” She replies as we let go of each other. As we did Jared moved forward towards us. His hand reaching for a handshake, I quickly notice, and shake hands with him. His grip on my hand was firm as he grinned at me welcoming.
“Hey! I’m Jared” He was tall although thin his arms were toned. Tanned with dark eyes that gleamed back at me. Already I could see and feel how confident he was. In a way it reminded me of Kim’s similar demenour.
“Yeah sorry but yes this is him! My boyfriend, Jared, this is my good Cousin\Bestfriend Y\N”
“It’s good to finally meet you Jared”
“Nice to finally meet the infamous Y\N” Jared teased as the two of them giggled. I raised my eyebrows in concern over what made me infamous. Kim noticed and turned to me nervously.
“Infamous huh?”
“Sorry Quill got me started. When he told me about you moving here I got excited. All of our friends were curious so I talked about you a little bit” Since it was Kim I wasn’t upset. I trusted her to know she wouldn’t say anything bad about me. Kim was sweet and expressive but not a heavy gossiper.
“We can get excited over new people around is all. Especially around here but I apologize if it was out of line” Jared explained to me. Which I understood as I came from a small town. Anything new or dramatic automatically becomes public knowledge. Unless you’re really covert and smart about what you do.
“No no it's alright I figured as much coming from Quill and you together” I said as Kim and Jared tried reassuring me. I just kind of laughed it off in which they joined in. I didn't mind it all honestly knowing Kim she wouldn't say much.
“You'll have to show me your art sometime Kim mentioned it” Originally I came here to the res to get a start on my art career. Taking commissions from local colleges, businesses, and for individuals. I’d been making a living so far which why I felt it was ok to move back here. At least I can work from home.
“Oh did she?”
“Of course I did! It's amazing and I couldn't help but brag about your talent”
“Thanks Kim. But yeah of course I’ll have to show you guys sometime” I glanced over to Kim as we made our way to the car. She winked at me which made me shake my head as I smiled. I tried to sit in the back seat thinking Jared was gonna drive. Kim grabbed my arm suddenly stopping me in my tracks.
“Y/N is shot gun today so Jared you're riding in the back” She motioned to him to pass the keys. He just kinda smiled and scoffed before digging in his pocket for them. Placing them in her hands once found without question. She giggled and headed into the driver's seat. I sat in the passenger surprised.
“Don't worry I have my license” Although she tried reassuring me it only made me nervous. I hadn’t been in a car with Kim in a long time. Not since we both were first learning how to drive as preteens. From what I remembered she had a pretty heavy foot.
“Just remember the roads can be wet and to keep a steady pace. We don't want something like last time to happen” Jared sat back and relaxed in his seat meanwhile I was on the edge of mine. Kim plugged her phone into the radio system and turned it up loud. What happened last time?
Before I could question Kim pulled into reverse quickly before heading down the driveway at a fast pace. Making me and Jared hitch our breath. Startled by her driving skills I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Kim looked at me before grinning and stepping on the gas even more. I could hear Jared exclaim before sitting straight in his seat. Heading down the highway while the speakers played loud music on Kim's Aux. A rush of excitement and joy came over me as we rushed down the road.
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“You girls stay safe I'll see you later Kim”
“OK I'll see you later” Kim said to Jared as he sat in his truck in the driver's seat finally. He smiled as she waved walking away from the truck. I stood by the steps waiting for her and waving to him as he pulled out the driveway. Kim quickly lead me into her house. No one was home besides us. She lives with her Older sister who was currently at work. The space was just for us two today.
“Since it's so nice out would you want to sit on the patio? Or inside?”
“I wouldn't mind the patio”
“Go ahead and have a seat anywhere I'll grab us some drinks” I made my way into the living room walking towards the back door. Her home was tidy and spacious. It smelt like lavender somehow which made me even more relaxed. It felt different compared to when we were kids. Kim's home was decorated carefully and nicely.
Obvious thought went into making her home which was easy to tell. I sighed taking it all in. Me and her were truly adult's living our lives now.
“Here you go” She set down the drinks once we were outside. Finding chairs to sit and enjoy the weather.
“So Y/N how have you been? We haven't hung in person for so long”
“Oh I've been doing good just busy with moving and such. Trying to settle in. How about you? How have you been?” I asked her before taking a sip of my drink. Relaxing in the presence of Kim.
“Great! Things have been busy now that I'm involved with Jared. But it's been nice as you can see I finally have my own place. I've been Job searching since we've graduated”
“I see that's nice that you're doing well. So you've been busy huh?” I teased her which made her flush her cheeks pink. Amusing me with her bashfulness. She smiled as I nudged her arm playfully.
“Uh let's just say Jared's job… his role… is very demanding but I've been trying to support him like has been with me” It was a comfort to hear that she’s happy with Jared. From what I’ve seen so far I could tell already. I barely know Jared but I know for a fact he loves Kim enough to let her drive his truck like that.
“This Jared he seems like an alright guy. Is he nice to you?”
“Oh he's more than nice. He's attentive and protective. I've had a crush on him like all of high-school. Now we're here” She grinned and I couldn't help but feel joy. Reassured she's in good hands. I sunk into my seat relaxing a bit more.
“And what about you?” She asked me as I became confused on what she meant. I made funny face and raised my eyebrow at her question. Kim nudged my arm this time as she giggled.
“Have you been busy? Maybe a certain special someone in your life?” I snapped my neck at her accusation. The tables suddenly turning to me. A wide grin spread on her face and I couldn't help but want to wipe off. She eyed me curiously as I sat in my seat awkward.
“Me? Ha no not yet I've been busy making other moves” I nervously laughed as I corrected her. She faced me and stared at me. This time she was raising her eyebrow at me.
“Oh really huh? So you don't have a special friend to keep you company?”
“Again the answer's no”
“Then what moves have you been making then?” She questioned me as I happily replied. Trying to switch the conversation topic. I didn’t want to focus on my love life in the slightest.
“I've been gaining a lot of opportunities as an artist. I sold quite a few paintings and recently a book cover. I've been busy trying to widen my brand and network as an artist”
“Yeah? Well I'm glad you're gaining success with your art. It's about time, I remember hearing of you selling your first painting, I was so proud. Wait I mean I'm still proud of you” Kim says as she giggles as she corrected herself. Her reassurance and validating words brought me comfort. It slowly felt like old times between us.
“Awe thank you Kim it means a lot. Especially coming from you”
“Oh of course you know I'm one of your biggest supporters” She smiled at me and grabbed my hand. Holding it with a firm but comforting grip.
“Ah Y/N I'm so happy you're here to stay. I've missed this too much. There's so much I need to show you”
“Aw I've missed this too Kim” We both glanced at each other. Smiling with joy as our hands were intertwined with each others. The day slowly turned to evening as we spent the afternoon chatting and enjoying each other.
Late into the evening we moved the conversation inside. As we were heading in to escape the mosquitoes and other bugs of the night we could see down the driveway. Headlights of car coming down to pull in to Kim's drive way.
We could see the car lights peering through between the trees. We stood waiting on the porch instead of heading back inside. Kim leaned against the railing closely inspecting who it could be.
“I don't know who this is pulling up. I only expected Jared to come this way to drop you off. Maybe it's my Quill? Unless it's Leah because they have the same truck”
“Who's Leah?” Before Kim could answer me we watched the truck pull in. Shifting its gears and setting into park the headlights shut off. Revealing two women one with short hair and the other had a significant scar on her face. Both were tall and skinny not to mention drop dead gorgeous.
“Hey girls”
“Hey Kim just stopping by in Jared's place. He's busy with Sam and the boys right now so we're driving you guys” The short haired one said as she stared almost straight through us. Her demeanor and eyes were intense. I couldn't help but be amazed and intrigued on who she could be.
“And we wanted to meet the new girl! Hi I'm Emily I'm one of Kim's friends and this is Leah” The women with a scar revealed to be Emily came up to me and shook my hand. Her hand was soft and warm just as her aura. She was comforting as if she was someone I already knew well.
“Hey yeah I'm the new girl y/n I'm guessing you guys heard about me from my cousins here Quill and Kim”
“Hey I'm Leah” Leah finally introduced herself and shook my hand as well. As intense as she walked over to me her grip on me was also but her hands were soft. Her touch, reassured me on what type of person she can be, kind.
“I'm glad we could all meet up before the beach! This is such good timing!” Kim exclaimed loudly and abruptly interrupting the moment which made us turn towards her suddenly.
“Beach?” Leah questioned as we all stared at Kim. From their reaction I knew it was just Kim and Quill scheming something so far. And without notifying anyone about it. Sounded about right knowing how they were together.
“In two weeks me and Quill were thinking of having another bonfire at the beach if you guys are willing. We want to welcome in Y/N and sort of introduce her. Literally was gonna text you guys tonite about it”
“That sounds great! We're all excited that you're here y/n we have someone new to welcome in. I'll help bring food and drinks as long as you bring yourself” Emily replied as she volunteered her help almost immediately. A sincere smile was spread on her face. She felt so familiar and comforting I knew in my gut I could trust her.
“Do you play soccer y/n? Or any type of sport?” Leah asked me as she stared down at me. Making me hitch my breath nervously at the intensity of her. She was beautiful but really tall, enough to loom over me, the right people would mistake her for a tanned model.
“I don't mind soccer” I quickly replied to which she smiled at. Her smile was bright and sincere. It made the guard I had against her relax more.
“Great. Me and the boys usually play down at the beach. You're welcome to join. I just asked cause I know some people can prefer other stuff to do than just sports”
“I wouldn't mind. It sounds like fun” Leah and I smiled at each other in agreement. She looked even more gorgeous when she smiled.
“In the mean time would guys want to go for a drive? Before I drop you guys off home?” Emily asked as she twirled the car keys in her hand. Me and Kim happily obliged and walked down the stairs to the truck. Leah taking the passenger and Emily in the driver whilst us two were in the back.
Emily pulled out and continued down the road. Kim and I rolling our windows down to enjoy the evening breeze. I took a deep breath in smelling the fresh pine and cedar.
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“So Y/N have you been to the beach yet?” Emily asked me as she continued to face the road. Focusing on driving while talking to me
The sun was just starting to set painting pink and orange hues in the sky. As the sun drew closer beyond the horizon purple tones joined the clouds making the sky look breath taking.
“So y/n have you been to the beach yet?” Emily asked me as she continued to face the road. Focusing on driving while talking to me.
“When I was younger yeah I used to go all the time. But I haven't been down there lately since I've come back” I answered her honestly. A bonfire seemed great and I was happy we’d be able to do one soon together.
“Would you guys want to go check it out right now? Me and Emily can show you where we usually go” Leah asked me as she turned to face me. Again she was beautiful but intense as she looked at me. The corners of her mouth lifting into a gentle smile.
“Yeah that sounds great I'd like that. You guys can give me a lil tour since it's been awhile. Plus Quill was supposed to but he never did” Albeit it’s been only a day since I’ve seen him last. But still he did promise me.
“Of course he wouldn't it's Quill” I scoffed and laughed agreeing with Leah. We chuckled about it for a moment before sitting back in our seats again. Tall hills and low valleys surrounded us with a nice fog settling over the highest points. Covered in trees and shrub it always took my breath away at the sight of it.
Something about this area made my mind and soul at ease. As I sat relaxed in my seat as the music played loud I took a deep breath in. Taking in this moment for myself. Watching the road I could see the ocean. The way the sun shown down on the waves in hues of orange made it look even more ethereal.
“There she is, we usually stick around this area here to swim also to surf, but we head down to this area towards the edge, to cook and eat” Emily slowed the car down as we drove as close as we could near the water. Leah explained the area and pointed to where she was talking about.
“When we want a more fun we jump from there and dive into the water” Leah pointed to a high cliff just along the edge. I felt intimidated by the length of the drop down. I sat in my seat, staring in disbelief, was this what they considered fun? “Woah that's crazy. I can't believe you guys jump from there”
“Not all of us just Leah and the boys really. That's too crazy for me too” Kim answered me making me feel a bit better knowing I don't have to jump. It looked even farther the more I looked at the distance. How did they not get hurt from jumping that far?
“I almost made Emily one time but Sam talked her out of it” Leah said making Emily smile brightly. Which surprised me since Emily seemed to be modest and tame. From my impression of her I’d never expect someone like her to jump.
“Hey I would've went if you and Paul weren't threatening to push me” The two of them laughed at the memory. I sat back and looked at them. Curious on their relationship.
“Hey so I've been meaning to ask are you girls sisters? You guys seem very similar” I asked since when they smiled it was the same. Even their laugh sounded the same which made me think.
“Actually we're cousins through Leah's dad. Her dad is my mom's brother. We grew up like sisters though” Emily replied as she kept driving. As I tried thinking of their family tree. Connecting the dots with what I knew so far.
“Emily's fiance, Sam, is also my cousin. But he isn't related to Emily. I'm related to him through my mom's side. Confusing I know but just letting you know incase. They aren’t—y’know relatives dating relatives ” Leah explained or at least tried to explain. I giggled as she did but I did understand.
“I get it” I laughed nervously making everybody else laugh. As we kept driving the conversation went on. Slowly getting to know each other as the evening faded into night. It was pitch black outside by the time we made our way to my house.
As I was the first to be dropped off. Guiding the way to my place the closer we got there the feeling in my stomach started to shift. It felt similar to when I first arrived. The hairs on my neck stood up as did my guard. I try to shake it off knowing I'm perfectly safe. We pull into the drive way as Emily shifts into park. Before I exit the car Emily and Leah insist on exchanging phone numbers.
“Yeah no problem here's my phone” I passed them my phone as they input their contacts on to it. Also taking my number as they did.
“On beach day I'll text you and Kim. I'll pick you guys up and take you there in my car” Leah said as she gave me my phone back. Me and Kim smiled in unison at the offer.
“Really? That'd be great, sounds like a lot of fun so I can't wait, anyway I'll talk you girls later. Good night!”
“Good night!”
The girls said in unison as I exited the car and headed inside. As I reached the steps safely they pulled out of the drive way and headed down the road. As I reached for the door I couldn't help but notice tracks on the porch. Big mud tracks that trailed down the steps towards the side of the house.
I put on the flashlight on my phone to find huge paw prints. They were huge and from what I could tell it looked like a wolf print. But way too huge, It looked like it was on the porch, and came from the side of the house. Freaked out I rush inside and lock the door behind me. Not wanting to find which wolf made the tracks. Wolf tracks so close to the house? The closest neighbor is about a mile away. So it makes sense to be exposed to wild life. But wolves so close to the house? If one came then surely there's more around.
Once I'm inside I shrug it off and remind my self to tell my grandmother about it in the morning. It's late and she's already asleep. Making my way up the stairs into my room. I prepare for bed and finally rest in my room. My room is pitch black with only the moonlight shining in.
As the night goes on I toss and turn in my bed struggling to rest. I find my mind wondering about everything. Why I've been feeling on edge, my new life here with new people, the wolf. Suddenly a sharp loud howl erupted through the hills outside. Making me jump up to sit in my bed shocked. It sounded so close, maybe it's the wolves from before, I quickly rushed to my window to check.
As I rush to the window my guesses were right. There in my direct view stood a wolf alone. Just below my window only a few feet away. I gasped at the sight of the beast. It was abnormally huge for a wolf. As big as a horse or maybe even bigger. The wolf was a dark gray silver color. It looked magnificent in the moonlight, if it weren't for the brightness of the moon, I wouldn't have been able to see it. It stood alone and fierce as it continued howling into the sky. With it's sharp instincts it sensed me.
As quick as it stopped howling it turned to in my direction. Making me freeze in place. My breath hitched as I stared at it. The wolf's gaze was intense and almost magnetic. The same feeling of being on edge washed over me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood attention. Instead of an anxious feeling I felt electric almost. I felt no fear or danger, all I felt was alive, almost like it was excitement or just straight up adrenaline. It lowered it's head before turning away trotting into direction of the treeline. I sat in the windowsill watching it as it took off. More howls came from the hills almost in unison. I stood and watched as it ran through the field before disappearing to the night.
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End of chapter 2! Just wanted to clarify in my version Sam and Leah never dated and instead are relatives. I can’t stand that Leah goes through so much so I took that pain away from her character. Don’t worry she still has angst it just doesn’t involve Sam and Emily’s love fest. And instead focuses on Leah and Emily’s relationship since in the original twilight story they were pretty close anyway. But in twilight we never got to see it since Sam came between them. And yes Sam and Emily aren’t related either. Onto chapter 3 in which we finally get to the long awaited beach bonfire! So stay tuned and don’t be afraid to give feedback.
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sallyteeheesblog · 1 month
The Shocking Case of a 15-Year-Old Girl Who Murdered Her Grandparents: What Led to This Tragic Event?
"My eyes were closed the whole time." - Holly Harvey
In the year 2004, 15- and 16-year-olds Holly Harvey and Sandra (Sandy) Ketchum murdered Carl Collier, 74, and his wife, Sarah, 73, who were Holly Harvey's grandparents. This blog post aims to take a look into the crimes of Holly and Sandra and provide background information on the killer lovers lives before.
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Harvey and Ketchum
Let's start with the background information. Holly Harvey, who grew up on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia, had always grown up in a bad setting. She was subjected to her mom being a sex worker and forcing her into sex trafficking at a much younger age. She was always a child with too much "freedom" and very little discipline. However, everything changed in the spring of 2004 when her mother was taken to prison. Holly had to relocate to live with her strict Baptist grandparents, Carl and Sarah Collier, who immediately had rules set in place for her. She eventually turned to sneaking out and such later on.
Sandy Ketchum grew up in a dysfunctional household where her birth mother never cared for her. She was severely neglected and never taken care of, even being left in her dirty diapers and having nothing to eat. Her father, Tim Ketchum, had later divorced his wife, and remarried 3 more time. Sandy's first stepmom was wonderful, yet she had suffered multiple brain aneurisms and brain damage from surgery. Her second was the worst, subjecting her to physical and emotional abuse, though Sandy's father never believed her until he finally saw it. His last was who Sandy considered her real mom, she loved her. But as time went on, Sandy hung around the wrong crowd, and started sneaking out and skipping school. Between kindergarten and 8th grade, Sandy has to be transferred more than 10 times. Finally, they transferred her to Flat Rock Middle School, Where she met Holly Harvey.
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When Holly and Sandy met, it was like they were immediately drawn together. Sandy had gotten along instantly, and soon they were smoking weed, staying out late, and doing everything with each other when they could. Sandy's father had also approved of Holly, saying she was one of the nicest kids he had ever met. Soon, Holly and Sandy began to fall in love with one another, with Sandy being the one to ask Holly out. And the fact that they had lived in an extremely conservative area didn't clash very well with them entering a lesbian relationship, being call "scandalous" and even being called homophobic slurs by their peers just for their sexuality. Soon, they began skipping class even more than what they had been, mostly hanging out in the woods where they would hangout and get high. Holly's grandparents later restricted her from being able to see Sandy because of their relationship, as they also had the conservative mindset.
The Planning and the Crime
The girls had gotten the idea of killing Harvey's grandparents after staying out all night and listening to music in the basement Harvey had stayed in. Ketchum had suggested for them to take the truck "to get something to calm us down," as Holly stated. "We'll have to kill them to do that," Harvey said she responded. That's when they first got the idea.
They prepared for this by taking the biggest knives they could find from the upstairs kitchen, and practiced by stabbing the mattress that Holly had slept on. Once Holly's grandparents had come down to get a suitcase, she stabbed her she stabbed her grandmother, Sarah Collier. Her grandpa, Carl Collier, had tried to intervene, pinning Holly to the ground, but she ended up stabbing him in the chest. He then ran up the stairs, chased by Holly, as he tried to pull the landline phone out of the wall to call for help. There was a blood trail left on the walls from where he tried to keep himself up with the wound.
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Their Charges
The teenagers were charged with two counts of felony murder, two counts of malice murder, and one count of armed robbery. The maximum sentence the girls could have faced was of life in prison without the possibility of parole.
While Holly Harvey stabbed her grandma, she had her eyes closed the entire time.
When asked why she did it, Holly simply replied with "for Sandy, so that we could be together."
Police say they found a to-do list of sorts scrawled in ink on Harvey's arm: "kill, keys, money, jewelry."
There were books written on the case, such as All I Want To Do Is Kill by Dale Hudson and If You Really Loved Me by Kevin F. McMurray.
Below are the sites used for this project
please mrs.denns ive been listening to crack baby by mitski for over an hour please give me and alaina a 100 please and thank you good night gosh
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woman-loving · 2 years
Stories of Jamaican WLW in the 20th Century
Selection from "Man Royals and Sodomites: Some Thoughts on the Invisibility of Afro-Caribbean Lesbians," by Makeda Silvera, Feminist Studies, Vol 18, No 3, The Lesbian Issue (Autumn, 1992).
In this passage, the author shares conversations with her grandmother, mother, and mother’s friend about women who loved women who were known in their communities, going back to the 1920s.
It was finally through my conversations with my grandmother, my mother, and my mother’s friend five years later that I began to realize the scope of this denial which was intended to dissuade and protect me. She knew too well that any woman who took a woman lover was attempting to walk on fire--entering a “no man’s land.” I began to see how commonplace the act of loving women really was, particularly in working-class communities. I realized, too, just how heavily shame and silence weighed down this act.
A conversation with a friend of my mother: Well, when I was growing up we didn’t hear much ‘bout woman and woman. They weren’t “suspect.” There was much more talk about “batty man business” when I was a teenager in the 1950s.
I remember one story about a man who was “suspect” and that every night when he was coming home, a group of guys use to lay wait for him and stone him so viciously that he had to run for his life. Dem time, he was safe only in the day.
Now with women, nobody really suspected. I grew up in the country and I grew up seeing women holding hands, hugging-up, sleeping together in one bed and there was no question. Some of this was based purely on emotional friendship, but I also knew of cases where the women were dealing, but no one really suspected. Close people around knew, but not everyone. It wasn’t a thing that you would go out and broadcast. It would be something just between the two people.
Also one important thing is that the women who were involved carried on with life just the same; no big political statements were made. These women still went to church, still got baptized, still went on pilgrimage, and I am thinking about one particular woman name Aunt Vie, a very strong woman, strong-willed and everything: they use to call her “man royal” behind her back, but no one ever dare to meddle with her.
Things are different now in Jamaica. Now all you have to do is not respond to a man’s call to you and dem call you sodomite or lesbian. I guess it was different back then forty years ago because it was harder for anybody to really conceive of two women sleeping together and being sexual. But I do remember when you were “suspect,” people would talk about you. You were definitely classed as “different,” “not normal,” a bit of a “crazy.” But women never really got stoned like the men.
What I remember is that if you were a single woman alone or two single women living together and a few people suspected this ... and when I say a few people I mean like a few guys, sometimes other crimes were committed against the women. Some very violent; some very subtle. Battery was common, especially in Kingston. A group of men would suspect a woman or have it out for her because she was a “sodomite” or because she act “man royal” and so the men would organize and gang rape whichever woman was “suspect.” Sometimes it was reported in the newspapers; other times it wasn’t--but when you live in a little community, you don’t need a newspaper to tell what’s going on. You know by word of mouth and those stories were frequent. Sometimes you also knew the men who did the battery.
Other subtle forms of this was “scorning” the women. Meaning that you didn’t eat anything from them, especially a cooked meal. It was almost as if those accused of being “man royal” or “sodomite” could contaminate.
A conversation with my grandmother: I am only telling you this so that you can understand that this is not a profession to be proud of and to get involved in. Everybody should be curious and I know you born with that, ever since you growing up as a child and I can’t fight against that, because that is how everybody get to know what’s in the world. I am only telling you this because when you were a teenager, you always say you want to experience everything and make up your mind on your own. You didn’t like people telling you what was wrong and right. That always used to scare me.
Experience is good, yes. But it have to be balanced; you have to know when you have too much experience in one area. I am telling you this because I think you have enough experience in this to decide now to go back to the normal way. You have two children. Do you want them to grow up knowing this is the life you taken? But this is for you to decide. ...
Yes, there was a lot of women involved with women in Jamaica. I knew a lot of them when I was growing up in the country in the 1920s. I didn’t really associated with them. Mind you, I was not rude to them. My mother wouldn’t stand for any rudeness from any of her children to adults.
I remember a woman we used to call Miss Bibi. She lived next to us--her husband was a fisherman, I think he drowned before I was born. She had a little wooden house that back onto the sea, the same as our house. She was quiet, always reading. That I remember about her because she use to go to the little public library at least four days out of the week. And she could talk. Anything you wanted to know, just ask Miss Bibi and she could tell you. She was mulatto woman, but poor. Anytime I had any school work that I didn’t understand, I use to ask her. The one thing I remember though, we wasn’t allowed in her house by my mother, so I use to talk to her outside, but she didn’t seem to mind that. Some people use to think she was mad because she spent so much time alone. But I didn’t think that because anything she help me with, I got a good mark on it in school.
She was colorful in her own way, but quiet, always alone, except when her friend come and visit her once a year for two weeks. Them times I didn’t see Miss Bibi much because my mother told me I couldn’t go and visit her. Sometimes I would see her in the market exchanging and bartering fresh fish for vegetables and fruits. I use to see her friend, too. She was a jet Black woman, always her hair tied in bright colored cloth, and she always had on big gold earrings. People use to say she lived on the other side of the Island with her husband and children and she came to Port Maria once a year to visit Miss Bibi.
My mother and father were great storytellers and I learnt that from them, but is from Miss Bibi that I think I learnt to love reading so much as a child. It wasn’t until I move to Kingston that I notice other women like Miss Bibi. ...
Let me tell you about Jones. Do you remember her? Well she was the woman who lived the next yard over from us. She is the one who really turn me against people like that and why I fear so much for you to be involved in this ting. She was very loud. Very show-off. Always dressed in pants and man-shirt that she borrowed from her husband. Sometimes she use to invite me over to her house, but I didn’t go. She always had her hair in a bob haircut, always barefoot and tending to her garden and her fruit trees. She tried to get me involved in that kind of life, but I said no. At the time I remember I needed some money to borrow and she lent me, later she told me I didn’t have to pay her back, but to come over to her house and see the thing she had that was sweeter than what any man could offer me. I told her no and eventually paid her back the money.
We still continued to talk. It was hard not to like Jonesie--that’s what everybody called her. She was open and easy to talk to. But still there was a fear in me about her. To me it seem like she was in a dead end with nowhere to go. I don’t want that for you.
I left my grandmother’s house that day feeling anger and sadness for Miss Jones--maybe for myself, who knows? I was feeling boxed in. I had said nothing. I’d only listened quietly.
In bed that night, I thought about Miss Jones. I cried for her (for me) silently. I remembered her, a mannish-looking Indian woman, with flashy gold teeth, a Craven A cigarette always between them. She was always nice to me as a child. She had the sweetest, juiciest Julie, Bombay, and East Indian mangoes on the street. She always gave me mangoes over the fence. I remember the dogs in her yard and the sign on her gate. “Beware of bad dogs.” I never went into her house, although I was always curious.
I vaguely remember her pants and shirts, although I never thought anything of them until my grandmother pointed them out. Neither did I recall that dreaded word being used to describe her, although everyone on the street knew about her.
A conversation with my mother: Yes, I remember Miss Jones. She smoke a lot, drank a lot. In fact, she was an alcoholic. When I was in my teens she use to come over to our house--always on the veranda. I can’t remember her sitting down--seems she was always standing up, smoking, drinking, and reminiscing. She constantly talked about the past, about her life. And it was always women: young women she knew when she was a young woman, the fun they had together and how good she could make love to a woman. She would say to whoever was listening on the veranda, “dem girls I use to have sex with was shapely. You shoulda know me when I was younger, pretty, and shapely just like the ‘oman dem I use to have as my ‘oman.”
People use to tease her on the street, but not about being a lesbian or calling her sodomite. People use to tease her when she was drunk, because she would leave the rumshop and stagger down the avenue to her house.
I remember the women she use to carry home, usually in the daytime. A lot of women from downtown, higglers and fish-women. She use to boast about knowing all kinds of women from Coronation market and her familiarity with them. She had a husband who lived with her and that served her as her greatest protection against other men taking steps with her. Not that anybody could easily take advantage of Miss Jones; she could stand up for herself. But having a husband did help. He was a very quiet, insular man. He didn’t talk to anyone on the street. He had no friends so it wasn’t easy for anyone to come up to him and gossip about his wife.
No one could go to her house without being invited, but I wouldn't say she was a private person. She was a loner. She went to the rumshops alone, she drank alone, she staggered home alone. The only time I ever saw her with somebody were the times when she went off to the Coronation market or some other place downtown to find a woman and bring her home. The only times I remember her engaging in conversation with anybody was when she came over on the veranda to talk about her women and what they did in bed. That was all she let out about herself. There was nothing about how she was feeling, whether she was sad or depressed, lonely, happy. Nothing. She seemed to cover up all of that with her loudness and her vulgarness and her constant threat--which was all it was--to beat up anybody who troubled her or teased her when she was coming home from the rumshop.
Now Cherry Rose--do you remember her? She was a good friend of Aunt Marie and of Mom’s. She was also a sodomite. She was loud too, but different from Miss Jones. She was much more outgoing. She was a barmaid and had lots of friends--both men and women. She also had the kind of personality that attracted people--very vivacious, always laughing, talking, and touching. She didn’t have any children, but Gem did.
Do you remember Miss Gem? Well, she had children and she was also a barmaid. She also had lots of friends. She also had a man friend name Mickey, but that didn’t matter because some women had their men and still had women they carried on with. The men usually didn’t know what was going on, and seeing as these men just come and go and usually on their own time, they weren’t around every day and night.
Miss Pearl was another one that was in that kind of thing. She was a dressmaker; she use to sew really good. Where Gem was light complexion, she was a very black Black woman with deep dimples. Where Gem was a bit plump, Pearl was slim, but with big breasts and a big bottom. They were both pretty women.
I don’t remember hearing that word sodomite a lot about them. It was whispered sometimes behind their backs but never in front of them. And they were so alive and talkative that people were always around them.
The one woman I almost forgot was Miss Opal, a very quiet woman. She use to be friends with Miss Olive and was always out of her bar sitting down. I can’t remember much about her except she didn’t drink like Miss Jones and she wasn’t vulgar. She was soft-spoken, a half-Chinese woman. Her mother was born in Hong Kong and her father was a Black man. She could really bake. She use to supply shops with cakes and other pastries.
So there were many of those kind of women around. But it wasn’t broadcast.
I remembered them. Not as lesbians or sodomites or man royals, but as women that I liked. Women whom I admired. Strong women, some colorful, some quiet.
I loved Cherry Rose’s style. I loved her loudness, the way she challenged men in arguments, the bold way she laughed in their faces, the jingle of her gold bracelets. Her colorful and stylish way of dressing. She was full of wit; words came alive in her mouth.
Miss Gem: I remember her big double iron bed. That was where Paula and Lorraine (her daughters, my own age) and I spent a whole week together when we had chicken pox. My grandmother took me there to stay for the company. It was fun. Miss Gem lived right above her bar and so at any time we could look through the window and on to the piazza and street which was bursting with energy and life. She was a very warm woman, patient and caring. Every day she would make soup for us and tell us stories. Later on in the evening she would bring us Kola champagne.
Miss Pearl sewed dresses for me. She hardly ever used her tape measure--she could just take on look at you and make you a dress fit for a queen. What is she doing now, I asked myself? And Miss Opal, with her calm and quiet, where is she--still baking?
What stories could these lesbians have told us? I, an Afro-Caribbean woman living in Canada, come with this baggage--their silenced stories. My grandmother and mother know the truth, but silence still surrounds us. The truth remains a secret to the rest of the family and friends, and I must decide whether to continue to sew this cloth of denial or break free, creating and becoming the artist that I am, bringing alive the voices and images of Cherry Rose, Miss Gem, Miss Jones, Opal, Pearl, and others. ...
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porchlightfairy · 2 years
You Put A Spell On Me (Ch. 3)(Discontinued)
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a/n: A little shorter than the others. still hope you enjoy
Chapters: 1 2 3 4
Chapter 3
The rest of the week was strange for Ophelia. Her locker was clean of any marks; no one seemed to bother her either, and nobody mocked her clothes or hair. Everyone seemed to avoid her altogether. Not that she didn’t mind it, it was still strange. Another weird thing she noticed was Steve Harrington seemed to act strangely towards her.
He would say hello to her with a smile and wave. He left notes in her locker and waited outside their classrooms so they could walk in together. He would stare shamelessly, compliment her handwriting, and would compliment how she looked.
Friday, during lunch, Ophelia sits on the stairs behind the school eating her lunch she packed from home. “That looks good.” A voice makes her jump out of her skin. She turns around to see Steve behind her with a smile on her face. He leans against the railing of the stairs. “What are you doing here?” She mumbles as she finishes the food in her mouth.
“I wanted to see you.” He smiles, “You look good today.”
Ophelia lets out an awkward laugh as she gets bashful. She tucks her knees into her chest, “Thank you.” She wasn’t even wearing anything special. A shapeless dress her mother left behind. Most of her clothes were once her mothers from the 60s after she was born. And her hair wasn’t even done today, she just put water in it before she left.
“Doing anything fun this weekend?” He asks. Ophelia furrows her brows, taken aback by what he said. He couldn’t be for real. No way was he serious. This must be some kind of practical joke. She tilts her head and lets out a dry laugh, “You’re joking, right?”
Steve’s smile fades, “No. If you’re busy that’s fine.” Ophelia tilts her head, “It was just last week you and Tommy were calling me witch bitch. Remember? Or how about on Sunday when you stuff my drink?”
“Right.” He shuffles his feet, “I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have done that. I can get you a new one .”
“You can’t. It was a gift from outta state. Probably one of a kind.” She packs up her lunch, “I don’t know why you are acting like this now, it’s not doing you any favors. If you’re going to try to get close to me for some prank it’s not going to work.” She jabs a finger into his chest, “You’re the biggest asshole I’ve ever met.” She brushes past him and back into the building.
Ophelia comes home after school and looks into the kitchen for a snack. She finds a note on the fridge that reads, “Going to Chicago for a work thing be back on Monday, -Dad.” She sighs and sets down the note before opening up the fridge and grabbing the pitcher of strawberry lemonade. She made it from scratch. Ophelia and her mom used to cook together in the kitchen and make drinks. Her mom always said a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Ophelia didn’t care about boys when she said that, all she cared about was how good the food and drinks tasted.
When she gets her drink she looks through her school bag and feels the glass bottle the love potion was in. She flips around her hand a few times feeling sad about how empty it was. She flips it one last time, her thumb moves across the words and smears them. “What the hell?” She whispers. She rubs over it again. One by one, word by word, the final warning disappears. It was put on by somebody else. Ophelia grumbles in frustration then goes to the phone in the kitchen and dials her grandmother’s number.
 After a few rings, her grandmother answers, “Hello?” Ophelia takes a breath, “Hi grandma.”
“Well, hello Ophelia, how are you?”
“I’m good. I got your letter last week.”
“That’s good. Did you enjoy the gift?”
She sighs, “Unfortunately not. Some boy drank it before I had the chance to put it away. But I shouldn’t be so concerned right? The label said it wasn’t real.” She waited for a response.
There was a pause before another response, “He didn’t look at you did he?”
“Why would that matter? It’s not real, right?” She stares at the bottle, “He was staring right at me.”
“Ophelia…the potion was real.”
Ophelia closes her eyes, starting to seethe with anger, “Are you kidding me? You told me it wasn’t. You put a fake label on it! I thought you were supposed to keep this stuff away from me!”
“I know darling, I’m sorry I lied. I thought it would be good for you to have in your room. I made it myself. Your mom would never let me put things around the house. I thought it would be nice for you to have a little something. Like a good omen.” Her grandmother explains.
Ophelia grumbles before taking another breath, “I really didn’t need a good omen like a love potion, grandma.”
“Ophelia, I know you’ve been having a hard time since your mother passed. I just thought you needed a little loving.” 
Ophelia couldn’t stay mad at her grandmother, even if she wanted to. Her intentions were true and thoughtful and Ophelia was happy about that. “Thank you grandma but now I have a boy in love with me, which I didn’t want.”
“There is a potion to reverse it but you have to make it.” Her grandmother explains, “Get a pen and paper and I will tell you the ingredients and how to make it.”
Ophelia grabs a pen and a recipe card from the junk drawer and begins to write down the ingredients her grandmother listed off to her:
Lemon juice
Cranberry juice
Wild gooseberries
Fresh cut oranges and limes
Crushed butterfly wings
Frog mucus
Wild yellow carnations
Genuine tears from the lovesick
And the words, “I don’t love you.”
The ingredients are supposed to simulate heartbreak. Ophelia looks over the ingredients, “Are you sure all this stuff is going to work?”
“It should.” She says, “Some of the ingredients will be harder to get than others but if you want to do this sweetheart you have to get them all for the antidote to work.”
After the phone call, Ophelia continues to stare at the ingredient list, “genuine tears of the lovesick.” She purses her lip. Exhausted by the thoughts in her head she heads to bed for the night.
Saturday, Ophelia goes out to collect some of the ingredients from the grocery store. She turns down one aisle and another cart collides with hers. “Sorry about that.” She hears a voice. Steve’s head peeks from behind the shelves with an apologetic smile. “Oh hey, Ophelia.”
“Hi Steve,” She smiles and moves her cart past his cart. She looks inside and sees all the things in his cart, there was nothing but junk food in his cart. “Whatcha making?” Steve asks, she snaps her head up. Steve was looking into her cart as well. There were all the fruits and juices, “Um, a fruit punch. Grandma’s recipe.” Not the truth yet not a lie. “Having a party? Or just restocking the pantry?”
“Uh, actually my parents are out of town and left me some cash and an empty kitchen.” He laughs awkwardly, “Guess you can tell I’m not good at grocery shopping on my own.”
Ophelia laughs and nods, “I can’t imagine surviving off of twinkies and ho-hos.” She picks up the boxes of snacks and puts them back on the shelves, “I’ll tell you what, I show you the way around a canned food aisle and where the milk and eggs are and you pay for my fruit punch.”
Steve’s face brightens up, “Deal.” Ophelia then moves her items to his cart and pushes Steve out of the way so she controls the cart. She goes through the aisles grabbing items for Steve and explaining how to cook them and what things could be paired together. He listens to every word grabbing items she points to. His eyes never left Ophelia as she spoke. Multiple times, she caught them moving from her eyes to her lips. She could barely contain her embarrassment. She felt a smile pull at the corners of her mouth.  “I hope you don’t need me to show you how to cook too.”
“I would really appreciate that.” Steve stops in front of the cart. “Only if you want to of course.” Ophelia bites her lip. Just a day ago she would have declined. She would have blown up in his face, pretended to curse him, and spit on his shoe. But at this moment, staring at the lovesick boy in front of her, who had unknowingly drunk a love potion, she opens her mouth and says, “Yes.”
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austen-woolf · 8 months
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I don't know what I'd do without T. T is my dog, or really, my partner's dog, whom I have been with for 3 years now. This dog has helped me pull myself out of some very dark places. He's there in the morning when you wake up, he knows when I put my trainers on that he's coming along for the ride. He will just sit with you silently wherever you are at any time and just be there and he will never know how much he means to me. I had to work to win over T's love, he is so bonded with my partner that it took a long time for him to be comfortable with me. I know what he likes and doesn't like, I know what he's afraid of or when he's nervous.
When I was young I was attacked by a Great Dane in a park with my grandmother, and for the next 10 years I was terrified of all dogs. My Mum decided to adopt one from a friend of hers who couldn't keep her any longer. She knew I was afraid of her, and she stayed away from me. Skip to 13 years later and this beautiful dog, M, was really the love of my life. She's passed now and I still have a hole in my heart for her.
The lily was given to me by my boss and it's finally looking like it might bloom. I have a lot of plants, pretty ones, weird ones, spiky ones, needy ones and ones that thrive on neglect. I love the idea that we look after them and spend money on them, care for them and don't get too much back, they just sit there. (I'm aware they also produce the air we breathe and the food we eat etc. just getting a bit philosophical).
The last quote I posted is from this book which I'm reading now. I've been writing to a penpal in Canada for over 10 years. We've never met, but we write long letters, send pictures and tea, books and stickers... I've had a few penpels over the years, some I've even met, but I'm still waiting for the day to meet this one, let's call her M. We are so different, she's very articulate and intelligent, she lover her home and has stayed there as an adult, she's religious and has this beautiful relationship with her family. I am none of these things, but it doesn't stop us writing pages and pages to each other every few months.
The book is about the story of a deaf girl in Canada in the early 20th century, I don't really want to say more as I myself hate spoilers, but it's really just the story of someone's life, nobody particularly special, and I like observing how Grania, the main character, sees the world and interprets it. Highly recommended.
Today is Sunday, I did a little run and now, again, I find myself smoking in the garden and putting off doing all the things I should be doing today. Lesson planning, emails, responding to a speeding ticket... This is my daily challenge, why do something productive when I can do absolutely nothing. I WANT to be productive, I WANT to get these things done, how do I get off this seat? Anybody else found a way yet?
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bookcalanthedaily · 2 years
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                       Bring Back What Was Lost 3/???
"I'll get you new clothes soon. And a bath. You need a bath, don't you?" The girl who previously was pale and quiet, seemed to liven up now. The burden of her grandmother being in pain and so close to death now finally gone from her chest. "Oh... Yes...  A bath is certainly due." The Queen answered, still slightly dumbfounded, touching the scar where the wound had been just seconds earlier. Not entirely sure she wasn't dead still as she tried stand back up, but the gravity seemed stronger than her, and she fell right back down to the bed. "Oh, don't stand up yet. You've lost a lot of blood. Guess I should bring you some food first. We... don't have any pheasants here, but I should find a roast venison and some bread." "Pheasant?" The Queen started to shake her head, a soft laughter escaping her. "I would eat the thinnest of oatmeal. But venison and bread would be much better." She closed her eyes, breathing shallow breaths as she started to calm herself, regain the balance. "I'll bring you some. Just... sit still. Okay?" "Hmm." The woman nodded her head. Gods the weight of three days suddenly crushed her, commanding a siege from death's door had taken her for nearly all she had. It was death that she expected to cut the cord of tension and save her, but now she could close her eyes and almost fall asleep. The pain numbed by sheer overwhelming exhaustion. When Ciri returned, the Queen had fallen into a shallow slumber. She sat down at the feet of the bed and finally, she allowed the tears to fall. She sniffled quietly, hoping the sound would not wake the Queen, but it sounded so much like Ciri, sniffling at night when she had a nightmare... “Come here my little princess..." Calanthe whsipered, sitting up... And only then did she realise, that she was no longer back home, with her gradndaughter. The memory of sending Ciri away with the knights coming back, overwhelming her with guilt. "Oh... Sorry, you look so much like her." Ciri's chin trembled when she looked up at her. She remembered wishing to hear her grandmother call her a little princess one more time... She quickly wiped the tears away from her cheeks. "Oh, oh no. I woke you up... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to disturb you." "No... No you did nothing wrong. I must have been dreaming about my granddaughter..." She looked out the window as tears started to form in the emerald green eyes of the lioness... Such a rare sight. She sent Ciri away to save her, but she had been saved instead. It tore at her heart, the same way sending Ciri away did. "Gods... Gods I hope she is alright." She started to also wipe the tears from her eyes, Ciri’s throat squeezing as if someone grabbed it with an invisible hand. To be cared for so much... She stood up and walked over to Calanthe to hold her hand. "She... she will make it." "I sent her away. I sent her away to save her and then you saved me..." She broke, life playing another cruel trick on her it felt. "I-I wouldn't have had them drag her away if I knew you were coming... Gods she must hate me." The pain and anguish of fighting a lost battle for three days finally broke the Queen. Everything and everyone she had ever cared for gone... She truly had nothing left... And Ciri could not stand seeing her like this. She had only ever seen her grandmother cry once and now, seeing it happen again, it hurt her even more.So she wrapped her arms around her neck. Wanting to hold her for at least just a moment. "You couldn't have known. But know that she doesn't hate you. She loves you. More than anything..." The Queen sobbed, as if she wanted to let all the pain out until it felt like she had no tears left to give. "C-can you find her? I would pay... I don't have much to offer, but I would work like a peasant in the fields for my granddaughter, just to know she is safe. Please..." Ciri looked away and shook her head. "I... can't bring her here." She said, looking down. Should she tell her? Should she make herself known? She inhaled deeply.
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iviarellereads · 10 months
The Neverending Story, Chapter 24 - Dame Eyola
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Neverending Story, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which we flash sideways a minute into another part of the untold story.
Xayide's(1) end is soo(2) told, but hard to understand and full of contradictions like many things in Fantastica.
Many scholars and historians have tried to explain Xayide's end, but some deny or try to erase it from memory. The book purports to offer only the facts as they stood.
As Bastian was reaching Yskal, Xayide's giants reached the place where Bastian's horse caught fire. Her suspicions were confirmed when she tracked his footprints to the City of Old Emperors, and she decided he was lost to her plans whether he stayed and lost his memory or he escaped with a newly rekindled desire to go home instead of seek power.
Xayide commanded her giants to halt, but they did not. In the end they trampled her over and over until she died and her will stopped animating them.
The H-friends and the rest of the group arrived much later, and were puzzled at how her will could have allowed her giants to trample her. They leave the problem to the scholars, and think on what to do about their mission.(3) They decide to disband the army, but to stay committed to finding Bastian, just the three of them. They have many adventures on their futile quest, which are a story for another time.
Bastian himself follows the path through the rose garden until he finds the wooden sign from my illustration, reading "To the House of Change." He ambles his way to the silliest house he ever saw, which is ever changing in its features. Soon he hears a woman's voice singing about how the listener must have traveled far and hard, and should take comfort here. Bastian thinks it would be grand if the song were for him, and then the song returns, indicating it very much is for him, if he will be a child again.
Bastian thinks, then knocks at the door, and is invited in by a non-singing voice. He finds a woman who looks nothing like his mother did, but who he nevertheless wants to run to and call mama. She invites him to eat, and after some coaxing, he finds that the fruit on the table is the best he's ever tasted.
The woman tells him a story that mimics the beats of his story in this book so far, how he gave Moon Child her name, and then came to this world and started losing his memories for wishes. The boy in her story came to the House of Change not only because the house changes, but because the house changes any who reside in it for a time. She finally says that the boy's name was Bastian Balthazar Bux, and Bastian is startled. She adds that her family has waited for him for generations. He remembers Grograman's words, and wonders if it has been a hundred years since he arrived.
The woman finally introduces herself as Dame Eyola, and gives Bastian a fruit fresh from her head where it grows. Bastian is worried about eating food that comes from people, but Eyola says babies drink milk from their mothers, and perhaps if it worries Bastian, he can be that small for a time with her.
She suggests they move into the next room because she thinks the house has arranged something for him. They go, and Bastian finds that there's a dining room he hadn't seen before, with chairs so large he can't even climb up into one. Eyola says cheerfully that the house is awake and heard their conversation about Bastian being small, and accommodated. In the conversation about the house that follows, Bastian remarks that the room is too big to fit in the house he saw, and Eyola says the house "is bigger inside than out."(4)
It turns out that Bastian is the first person besides Eyola who's ever been in the house. She waited so long because she wanted a child to spoil and care for, her mother and grandmother did too but she's the first to get one. Bastian finds a flaw in her explanation: surely her grandmother had her mother, and her mother had her? No, Dame Eyola is a plant-thing, she grows old, and then isn't quite Dame Eyola anymore, until she is again.
Bastian starts to fall asleep while she's talking, and she carries him up to a bedroom, and kisses his forehead, and puts him to bed.
The next morning, Bastian awakes in a crib, feeling better than he ever did before. He thinks he should find it foolish, to be treated as a baby again, but he knows that everything is just as it should be with Dame Eyola, so he is unashamed.(5) So much so, he spends weeks letting himself be a child again with her. Being her child for a little while soothes something he was missing for a very long time.
In the evenings, they talk, and eventually Bastian comes to the end of what he remembers of his story. He thinks he did it all wrong, but Eyola says he took a roundabout path, but he can still set it right. Some humans can't go back until they find the Water of Life, the most secret place in Fantastica. The only way to it is the right one, and it's a way to prove that Bastian hasn't done all wrong. At this a weight lifts from Bastian and he cries in Eyola's lap for a long while.
The next day, he asks Eyola how he might find the Waters of Life. She says they're on the borders of Fantastica, which lie not outside but inside, where the CLE gets her powers but where she cannot go herself. Bastian asks how he can find the way, and Eyola says, only your last wish can take you there.
Bastian worries about losing the last of his memories, about what he's already lost that he doesn't know. Eyola knows something he's forgotten, but won't tell him. Bastian asks if he must lose everything, but Eyola says, nothing is lost, only transformed.(6) Bastian wonders if he should be going, but Eyola says when his last wish wakes, they'll both know it.
From that day on something began indeed to change, though Bastian himself noticed nothing at first. The transforming power of the House of Change was taking effect. But like all true transformations, it was as slow and gentle as the growth of a plant.
More time passes, though it's still summer at the House of Change. Bastian comes to crave Eyola's fruit less, though it's still tasty. He needs less the comfort of her mothering, though it's never overbearing. And a new desire takes root. Bastian realizes that he is incapable of loving,(7) and the wish to become so grows stronger and stronger.
One evening Bastian tells Eyola this, and she says this is his last wish, and he won't be able to go home until he drinks of the Water of Life and brings some back for his world. Bastian asks if Eyola has ever drunk of it, but she has never needed to. He asks if what she was giving him was love, if Fantasticans are capable of love. Eyola says there are some Fantasticans who may drink of the Water of Life, and there is a prophecy that someday two humans will bring love to Fantastica, and the two worlds will be as one, though she doesn't know what it means.
Bastian asks if Eyola can tell him, now, what he had to forget to make his last wishes. She tells him, he forgot his father and mother. Bastian says the words, but they're meaningless to him. Bastian asks if he should leave now, but Eyola says he has one more night in the House of Change, and he should sleep it out. Bastian notices that Eyola's flowers have faded. She tells him not to worry about her.
The next day, Bastian finds Eyola standing in the same place he left her, but her eyes closed, and her body withered like a tree in winter. He thanks her and the House for everything, and leaves. The rose garden has been reduced to bare thornbushes, with snow on everything, in just one night. Bastian shivers and wants to go back for his mantle, but the House has closed to him, so the last leg of his journey begins.
(1) Dame Eyola's house below. To the left and right of the X, the summer and winter figures. Above, the pointing hand sign reading "Zum Änderhaus", which I think translates to something like "to the other house", or presumably, the House of Change. This seems to indicate all these images have been German originals, which I didn't realize until this moment! How charming. The images aren't attributed on the copyright page that I can find, only on the title page does it say "Illustrated by Roswitha Quadflieg". (2) I assume this is a typo in my edition. (3) How, pray tell, did they know the mission was ended? Why did they assume Xayide's death was the end of their whole army following Bastian? I feel like there's a leap here that's lost in the cultural and language divide of the translation/localization process. (4) Yeah okay Doctor Who fan. (Oh I'm confident Doctor Who was neither the first nor the only story to use that concept but the timeline is right for it to be a potential reference.) (5) The trust of childhood and the magic of a child's story, truly. Reading as an adult it's tempting to read further into some of this treatment as troublesome, but the narrative is treating it as totally harmless. (6) There's so much power in a transformation. The changes the House of Change works on Bastian, the changes his journey have wrought on him, the changes as he loses his memory and as he seeks a redemption. What might wishes become? (7) You know… this takes on a weird connotation for me. Bastian is a child, and one who was described openly as sensitive and caring at the outset, who displayed much care for his father, even for the little girl he shared his stories with sometimes. I can't tell if we're supposed to think that Bastian was never capable of love, since all his other wishes were for things he never got to do (even belonging to a community, even in a way the sensation of being loved had eluded him in his pre-TNS life since his mother had died at the bare minimum), or if we're to believe that his other wishes and his loss of memory stripped him of his capacity. Or, there's some nuance lost to translation, and "love" in this sense doesn't carry the same context that we assign to it, a whole language and nearly fifty years away from its intended meaning.
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I have my psych appointment tomorrow. Still not sure if I want to ask for anti depressants.
I haven’t felt this low in a while. Its def a mix between not having taken my anxiety meds and situational depression. The loneliness is really getting to me.
I haven’t matched with anyone on bumble in a while and the ones I was talking to all ghosted. I have little positive to say to my friends anymore so we also haven’t been talking much.
I have little positive to say here either. Or in this post.
Since M’s grandmother came to the states, i see less of him. The entire family unit relies on him. We were supposed to go shopping for apartment stuff tonight after he dropped her off midway to the aunts house. I was gonna go along on the ride because I didn’t wanna be home alone again for the umpteenth time in a row but she apparently got a flat tire and can’t meet him halfway.
So he’s now expected to drive her the full almost 2 hour (one way) drive because no one can watch her this week. And If he puts his foot down and says no, then I’ll REALLY be alone cause the responsibility of watching her will fall back on him.
I asked why couldn’t any of the cousins get her? They don’t drive and one is married. She’s married and her husband has a car, but they don’t dare disrupt them. So it’ll be M’s responsibility like always.
And not be a selfish bitch, but like, do they just forget he has a life too, that he’s almost married as well? That I get to see him maybe two hours a day? But by all means, don’t disrupt anyone else’s life.
I know he’s sick of it too. He’s worn out and gets zero time to himself. His days off are taken over by his family.
And I’m the opposite. Too much time by myself. I can’t find enough things to fill the space. So I just cry all the time now. I’m not eating much anymore. Still not losing weight despite not eating. It’s too damn hot to go outside and at least walk. He has my car when he’s helping out with his grandmom so I can’t go anywhere. Friends are busy and can’t do phone calls. My mom and I have nothing to say to each other even when I try to call. I don’t know what happened to my friend who lives in Florida and would actually make the drive here. And the other won’t make the drive and I haven’t been up to making the drive either lately.
I don’t know how to find a solution for this. Any boundary that could possibly be set literally just backfires onto him. No one wants to step up to help out. His mom watches her in the evenings (she was finally able to book a trip away because his aunt was taking her this week). The cousins helped for like 2 weeks and then stopped helping. The aunt leaves midway through her “shift” when M is off and then she’s alone for hours until either M comes over or his mom gets off work.
There’s been too many scares with his grandmom to leave her alone at this point. So I can’t even tell him to just leave her because what if she got hurt?
This apartment feels a little better at least in the sense that there’s separation from my office. I don’t feel like I am always in my office anymore. The downstairs is huge, the bedroom is huge, and my office door is closed when I’m not working.
I’m just bummed because M and I were going out after we dropped his grandmom off and now I will just be here by myself instead. He should be home around 930/10. My friend said she’ll try to FaceTime me around 9.
Also adding that my car cannot fit three people. So even the times I’m off and would like to be with him and his grandmother, I cannot fit in my tiny “backseat”. Like I’d do the drive with them today but that’s over 3 hours. And I’m not trading my car In because they can’t get their ish together. He already traded his car in for a motorcycle to help out for other reasons and that was already a ridiculous thing to do. 🙄
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