#but my mom said if I don’t do it myself she won’t pay for it and I do not have the money right now so a sacrifice must be made
toadplatypus · 2 years
I tried calling my salon to set up a hair appointment but they didn’t answer right away and the phone kept ringing so I just hung up 0(-(
I’ll try again in half an hour
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samaraannhan20 · 7 months
Austin Butler Imagine: College AU! Yes to the Dress
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Warnings: College! reader, Agegap! (About 10 years)
“What time are your friends arriving tomorrow?” Austin asks me as we lay down in bed for the night. I curl myself up into his side before I respond. 
“Well Kyra is driving in and will get here around 6 pm. I have a girls day with the whole group on Saturday. Tara and Alice are flying in and we need to go pick them up at noon. Oh and my mom and sister will be here by 6 as well.”
“What are you doing for your girls day on Saturday?” he asks as he reaches over and turns off our lamp which in turns places us in the dark, with only the glow of the background movie still giving us light. 
“We’re going to brunch, and then going dress shopping. I’m going to ask everyone to be my bridesmaid after they all get here tomorrow night, so we’ll also look for bridesmaid dresses while we’re dress shopping probably,” I say as I turn the tv off. 
“Are you excited?” he asks me as we turn and face each other in the bed. 
“I am. I am so excited to have a wedding and end the day married to you. Although, as much as I love weddings I could probably just go to the courthouse and marry you right now.”
“I would do the same. But there is no reason to rush it. It won’t be a huge wedding anyway. Family and friends,” he says with a small smile. 
“Yes. Family and friends. I hope Baz and Catherine can come. I miss getting to see them,” I say as I close my eyes. “And Miss Priscilla. I’m already trying to figure out a way to wear the bracelet she gave me at the premiere on our wedding day.”
“No one will even notice if it doesn’t match. If you want to wear it and it's important to you, wear it,” he says, placing a kiss on my forehead. “Now turn around so we can cuddle and go to sleep. We can keep wedding planning tomorrow,” he says, and moves away so I have room to turn over. 
“Hey Aus?”
“Yeah darlin?” he asks as he rounds the corner to the living room where I am seated. 
“Mom said she should be here in like an hour and a half. Is that guest room ready?”
“You mean the one on the exact opposite side of the house than our room? Also known as the room we only use when your family is in town?” he says with a small laugh, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he comes up behind me. “Yeah, it’s ready.”
“And what about Ella’s room? Right next to it?” 
“Yep. Both rooms that are the farthest away from us are ready, in order to stop family members from being scarred by the fact that we have sex,” he says with a laugh and then starts massaging my shoulders. “Baby you need to loosen up. It’s not the wedding weekend yet. We’re ten months away from that.”
“Yeah I know, but I’m asking the girls to be my bridesmaids this weekend, and asking Kyra to be my maid of honor, and not all of the parts of the gifts are here yet and I need them to be here before Kyra, Tara, and Alice get here because I don’t want them to see it before I give it to them later tonight.”
“You could always give it to them tomorrow night,” he says as he continues massaging my shoulders. 
“No, because I want to look at a few bridesmaid dresses while we’re dress shopping tomorrow,” I tell him, bending my head back to look at him. 
“Oh right,” he says, and lets go of my shoulders, choosing instead to walk around the couch and sit down, grabbing my arm and pulling me into him. “Speaking of dress shopping, there’s a credit card on the counter for you.”
“What? Why?” I ask him, pulling a little away so I can look into his eyes. 
“Because you’re still paying student loans, you shouldn’t be worrying about how you’re going to pay for a wedding dress. It's as much for me as it is for you, so I want to pay for it. And for the bridesmaid dresses so that no one has to worry about how they’re going to pay for it.” 
“Austin, no. If the tabloids learn about that they’ll call me a gold digger. Again,” I say, enunciating the ‘again’ because I have been accused of that at least three times in the past.
“So what if they do? You and I both know that is not why you’re with me. Along with our entire group of family and friends. I want to take care of it, please let me,” he says, whispering on the last part. I launch myself into his lap, and pepper kisses all over his face and neck.
“Hey everyone! Dinner is ready!” I holler from the kitchen where I stand with Austin. He drops a kiss on my forehead as he walks out of the room, heading to the living room to avoid the chaos that is about to ensue. I wait silently as my closest friends and mom and sister walk into the kitchen. They all start to reach for plates, but I stop them. 
“Actually, there is one thing I would like to do before eating. If you would follow me,” I say with a smirk and then walk into the dining room. I walk to stand next to Austin as they all walk in the room, and notice the different boxes with each of their names on it. “Please find your name and then sit down at that spot. Do not open your box until I say to open it,” I tell them, and they all follow and sit down in their seats. When they are all sitting and settled down I speak up again. 
“You all already know what this is,” I start with a small laugh, and they all laugh and cheer in agreement. “However, there is an order I would like to do this in. Starting with Kyra, you can go ahead and open yours,” I say, and she immediately opens her box. She tears up when she realizes what it is. 
“You want me to be your maid of honor?” she says with tears in her eyes, looking at me. I nod, also tearing up. She stands up and walks over to me, giving me a hug. When she pulls away she looks from me to Ella and then back again. “What about Ella? She’s your sister,” she says, concern washing over her face. 
“We talked. We both agreed it was more of a job for someone who was old enough to drink legally when I turn into bridezilla,” I say with a laugh, wiping my eyes. Everyone in the room laughs, and I give Kyra one last hug before shooing her back to her seat. “Okay, everyone else you can open your boxes now,” I say to them, and they all rip open their boxes. “Mom there is also one for you, but just a gift. Not asking you to be a bridesmaid,” I say with a laugh, and watch as she rips into her box as well. 
As they get into their boxes they jump up and down and start crying, before swarming me into a group hug. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Austin standing in the corner taking a picture of us, and I start to cry even more. 
“Okay wait though, do you guys wanna see what I got Ashley’s daughter to ask her to be my flower girl?” I say after a few minutes when we all pull away and are wiping our eyes. They all cheer yes, so I go over to the hall closet and pull out the box that I got her. I bring it over to the table and open the box, causing a loud chorus of ‘aww’.
“That is the cutest thing I have ever seen,” Tara says, and we all just laugh. As I close the box up and go put it back in the closet I shout over my shoulder “there’s pizza in the kitchen!” I laugh as I hear everyone stampede into the kitchen. While they’re all distracted I walk to Austin and wrap my arms around him. 
“I love you,” he says as I lay my head on his chest. 
“I love you. And I can’t wait to be Mrs. Austin Butler,” I say, pulling my head back to look up at him. He leans down and kisses me, and as he does we hear another chorus of awws and pull away with a laugh, turning to look at the doorway to the kitchen where all of the bridesmaids stand. I feel him press a kiss to the top of my head as he pulls out of my arms, and takes my hand to lead me into the kitchen for food. 
“You know, you never told me how you and Austin met,” Alice says in the middle of brunch on Saturday. 
“Really?” I say around the mouthful of food I just shoved in my mouth. Kyra laughs with my little sister as little bits of food fly out of my mouth. 
“Graceful,” my mother mutters with a small smile coming across her face. 
“Yes, really. You just called one day and told me that I would never believe who you were dating before blurting out that you were dating Austin. And then you said you had to go call some other important family members because an article would probably drop before you had the chance to tell them if you didn’t tell them right then. And we never discussed it again,” Alice says, looking at me expectantly. 
“I know the story,” Kyra and Tara say at the same time, before looking at each other and laughing. 
“So do we,” my sister says, pointing at herself and my mother. 
“Oh. Well I guess you only got to know the full story if I lived with you,” I say, looking at Tara with a laugh. “Well mom, Ella, and Kira also knew because they have known everything since the start. Kira knows more than anyone else, because I had many anxious discussions with her leading up to us officially getting together three years ago,” I say, taking one last bite of food and then pushing my plate away, before diving into the story. 
Flashback to May 2021
“Okay. You guys have two hours of studio time to get this take today,” the executive says to the choir as we all stand in the recording studio. Our director nods and then gets our attention to start the singing. 
It takes probably an hour and a half before we have a couple of solid takes, and then the executive walks back in. 
“I think we got it guys! Now, can the soloist stick around? Everyone else can head home, and I’ll let you know if we need to find another day to try again, but I’m pretty sure we got a good take today” he says, and my choir director looks at me, before turning to everyone else and telling them it was time to go home. I shuffle forward as everyone else leaves the room, and then shoot a shy smile towards the executive. “If you will follow me I have a couple of people who want to meet you,” the executive says, and I nod with a smile, and clasp my hands together to hide the shaking. I follow him down a different hallway where no one is around, and then enter a room. I look up from my feet when I hear people stand up and see people who I never expected standing in front of me. 
“Hi, Y/N?” Baz says as he steps up to me and holds out his hand to shake. I reach out and shake his hand, hoping that my shaking isn’t too obvious, and mutter a small hello. “I’m Baz,” he says, and I shoot him a small smile. “Of course, you probably already knew that,” he says with a laugh, and I laugh along with him. “And this is Austin,” he says, motioning towards the person standing next to him. I mutter hello to him, blushing as he takes my hands in his and clasps them together. 
“You sounded amazing,” he tells me, and I blush even more. 
“Oh I’m not even the best singer in the choir. This just happened to be the solo I was assigned for the semester. I don’t even think I should have been the one it was given to,” I say, looking away. 
“Oh nonsense,” Priscilla Presley says as she steps forward, immediately pulling me into a hug. “You were amazing. I am so glad that you were chosen for it,” she says, and then presses a kiss on my cheek. 
“I had a question I wanted to ask you,” Baz says, and then motions towards a chair and asks me to take a seat. I sit down and Priscilla sits next to me, with Austin and Baz sitting across from me. “There is one song that we were wanting to put on the soundtrack that we hadn’t quite found the right voice for,” Baz starts, and I get a questioning look across my face. “After listening to you sing the solo with your choir we wanted to ask you if you could do it,” he says with a small smile. “Of course, you can say no. I know that not everyone would be comfortable with something like that, especially if they didn’t want to be thrust into the fame spotlight,” he says, and I shrink down in my chair. 
“I’m really sorry,” I start. “I am so thankful for the opportunity, but I have to say no. I really didn’t even want the small solo on the song we just recorded, but since I’m a music major my director told me I couldn’t say no. I don’t want to be famous, I just want to teach music to little kids,” I say, and everyone around smiles. 
“That is completely okay,” Priscilla says, and takes my hands in hers. “I think you should do what you want to do, and if this isn't it that is okay. The world needs good teachers. And I can tell that you are going to be one,” she says, and I flush. Austin mutters something in agreement, and I flush even more. 
“I do know someone that could do it,” I say, and when Baz asks me who it is, I give them the name of someone else in my choir whose voice is like mine. They tell me thank you, and that they will get in contact with her. We all talk for a little bit longer and then Baz stands up as his phone rings. 
“I need to get this, but it was so nice to meet you, Y/N,” he says and holds out his hand for me to take. I take it, thinking that this would just be a hand shake, but he pulls me up from my seat and into a hug. I hear small chuckles come from the others in the room and laugh myself as I hug Baz. “You will make an amazing teacher,” he says as he pulls back, and then answers the phone waving goodbye as he steps out of the room. The executive that had been sitting in the room with us the entire time stands up saying he will lead me out, and I nod, and turn to Priscilla and Austin. 
“Thank you for asking me. It means a lot,” I say, and Priscilla stands up and pulls me into a hug. 
“While I wish you had said yes, I fully understand why you did not. I hope you succeed in everything that you want to. And I hope we see you at the premiere,” she says, and I nod.
“If I get an invite I will be there,” I say as I pull away, and then turn and hold out my hand for Austin. “It was nice to meet you,” I say quietly, and he takes my hand in his.
“It was nice to meet you. I can walk you out,” he says, turning to the executive looking for a nod of approval, and then dropping my hand and walking towards the door. I follow behind him, not sure what to say or what exactly is happening. We walk down the hallway making a bit of small talk as we walk down the hall. When we get to the door that leads out to the parking lot. 
“Well this is my stop,”  I say with a small laugh, and he laughs as well. 
“I guess it is. Can I get your number?” he asks, and I freeze. “I mean, just to make sure you do get an invite to the premiere,” he says quickly, trying to calm me down in some way. 
“Oh yeah, that makes sense,” I say as he pulls out his phone and hands it to me after opening the contact app and starting a new number. I place my number in his phone and then hand it back.
“It was nice to meet you,” I say and then wave goodbye before pushing the door open. I walk out into the parking lot to my car, and get in and start it. I pull my phone out to start music and notice I have a text from an unknown number. 
Unknown number
I hope you gave me your real number because I would love to get to know you more.
I drop my phone in the seat next to me, and then quickly grab it, shooting a text back. 
I never give out fake numbers, there’s no telling who’s phone number they are. I would also love to get to know you more.
“And the rest is history,” I say as I finish my story, smiling absently as I reminisce on how Austin and I met.
“I totally forgot that your choir sang for the Elvis movie,” Alice says. 
“Yeah. I think if I wasn’t with Austin because of it I probably would have forgotten too. Other than meeting him and Miss Pricilla it was almost just a normal recording experience, and we do that every year,” I say with a shrug.  
“You guys literally had a real-life meet-cute,” Ella says, and we all laugh. 
“You’re not wrong. Some days I wake up having a hard time believing that this is my real life,” I quietly say. “I mean, I love Austin with everything that I am, sometimes it’s hard with his fame though.”
“Yeah I don’t think I could ever get used to that,” Alice says, Tara and Ella nod in agreement. 
“I wouldn’t change it for the world though. This is how it was meant to be. And I’m so excited to spend the rest of my life with him,” I tell them, a blush coming across my face.
“Going to the chapel and I’m gonna get married,” the three of us sing off key as we walk to the bridal shop, my arms interlinked with Kyra and Tara’s arms. We all laugh as we hear the laughs of the rest of our group behind us. 
I remove my arms from Kyra and Tara and open the door of the shop, holding it open for everyone. My mom is the last person to walk in, and she holds her hand out for me to take as we enter the shop. 
“Hello, welcome!” the owner exclaims as she walks up to our group. “Do you guys have an appointment?” 
“Yes,” I say. “It’s under Y/N,” I tell her, and she unlocks the ipad she had been holding and looks at her calendar.
“Oh, yes! It’s so good to see you! I’m Sarah and I’ll be helping you today! Do you know what you were wanting to start with today?” she asks, and I look at the girls. They all shrug in response, so I turn back to Sarah.
“The main goal for today is to hopefully find my wedding dress, but I was also wanting to look at a few bridesmaid dresses, just to get an idea,” I say to her, and she nods in understanding. 
“Okay! Do you want to start with the bridesmaid dresses?” 
“Yes please!” I say, and she guides us over to a section of the store that has bridesmaid dresses. 
“Do you know what your colors for the wedding are?” she asks as the girls split up to thumb through dresses. 
“Darker pastel colors, kind of dusty colors. Leaning towards dusty purple and colors like that. The wedding is October 28th, and I thought that dusty colors went best with that.”
“Is the wedding indoors or outdoors?” she asks. “So I know if we should be looking for things with sleeves or the option to add sleeves.”
“Indoors. I didn’t want to have to worry about weather conditions or the paparazzi’s ability to hide in a bush and take pictures.”
“Paparazzi?” she questions, and I can see in her eyes that she is trying to figure out if she knows who I am, or if she has seen me somewhere before. 
“Um, yeah. My fiance is Austin Butler,” I say quietly, and I see the recognition in her eyes the moment she connects the dots. 
“Oh! Well we run a shop that focuses on the privacy of our customers, so you won’t have to worry about anyone finding out. We were actually the shop that Ashley Tisdale found her wedding dress in,” she tells me and I quietly laugh.
“Yeah, she recommended it to me. She would have been here today, but she had some meetings happening,” I tell her. She nods and then turns to a section of the shop. 
“Okay, well, we are so glad that you chose our shop. These dresses over here come in whatever color you want, and you should be able to get sleeves added onto most of them if you want. Were you wanting your bridesmaids to all wear one color?”
“No. They can all wear whatever color they want as long as they all look good together. I think I just want them to try on one each while we’re here, just to start getting some ideas,” I explain and she nods. 
“While they look at these, why don’t you and your mother go and start choosing some dresses you might want to try on today,” she says, and motions to where the wedding gowns are. I nod and take my mom’s hand and walk over to that side of the store. My mom and I shop side by side, pulling things that I would like to try on for about twenty minutes.
After that time, Sarah comes over to us. 
“Your bridesmaids are ready to show you what they found, and then we can start trying on the dresses you chose. I also pulled some that I thought you might like based on what you had told me when you scheduled your appointment and what you had been pulling today,” she tells us, as she points us in the direction of where the girls are trying on dresses. 
“We all originally had different ones,” Kyra calls out from the dressing room. 
“But then we saw this one and thought it looked better than all the others,” Alice shouts from her dressing room. “Let's go girls!” she continues, and they all three step out of their dressing rooms in the same dress. My eyes well up as I take them in. 
“Guys. This is perfect. How did you find it?” I ask them as I wipe tears off my face. 
“Kyra found it,” Tara says, and I turn to Kyra. 
“Yeah. We’ve been discussing your wedding for years, and when I saw this I knew it was what you would want. And it looks good on all of us,” she says, and I run to her and pull her into a hug. 
“Already going above and beyond in your maid of honor duties,” I whisper, and she laughs. 
“What can I say? I’m good at my job,” she says, and I laugh before pulling away. 
“Well,” I start, turning to Sarah. “We found our bridesmaid dresses.” 
“Amazing. I will get Rosie,” she says, and then motions to another worker standing a few feet away. “To write down the style and everyone’s sizes while you and I head into that dressing room and get into your first gown,” she says, and then turns towards everyone else. “I will make sure you are all back out here and comfortable before I bring her out in her first dress.” They all smile and nod, before the four girls head back into their own dressing rooms. My mom sits down on the big couch as I head into my huge dressing room with Sarah. 
“How do you feel?” she asks as we slip the eighth dress onto my body. 
“Honestly, starting to feel a little discouraged. I really wanted to find my dress today and be able to go home and tell Austin that I found it,” I tell her as she clamps the back up. 
“Well, don’t get too discouraged because this one looks amazing,” she says, and then taps my shoulder, which I have discovered throughout the last hour  means to turn around and look in the mirror that is taking up the entirety of the wall behind me. 
“Oh…” I gasp as I turn around. Tears well up in my eyes as I look at myself in the mirror. “Sarah, did I grab this?” I ask her as I stare at myself in the gown that was meant to be mine. 
“No, I think your mother did, or maybe one of your bridesmaids,” she tells me, resting a hand on my shoulder and handing me a tissue with the other one. 
“I think… I think this might be the one,” I tell her as I continue to stare at myself, taking the tissue from her hand in order to wipe the tears off my face and running my other hand across the fabric. 
“Hurry up!” we hear come from the waiting area, and I chuckle, wiping a spare tear that is falling down my face.
“Are you ready to go show them?” Sarah asks me, and I nod, allowing her to walk out of the room before me. “Ladies, I think this might be the one,” she says as she walks out before me, and I hear them all gasp as I turn the corner and walk into the room, looking at my feet as I walk. 
“Oh, Y/N,” I hear my mother mutter as I stop in front of the mirror that surrounds almost the entire area. I look up from my feet and out at my family and friends, and tear up when I see tears in their eyes as well. 
“Y/N, please tell me that’s the one,” Kyra says, and I smile. “Please say that’s the one, because you look amazing in it. And you look so so happy.”
“It’s the one,” I say, with another tear falling down my face. “This is the one. Mom,” I say, looking at her, “did you pull this one from the rack?”
“I did. You brushed past it, but I saw it and knew you should at least try it on. It looks so much better than I could have ever imagined. You look radiant in it,” she says, trying to hold her sobs in as she takes me in. 
“Thank you Mama,” I respond, tears streaming down my face, as well as all my friends' faces and my sister's face. Everyone jumps up and gives me a hug, resulting in a huge group hug. “I love all of you. I can’t wait to be able to celebrate this big day with you,” I say and then squeeze my arms a little tighter around everyone. “Okay, you’re all suffocating me now. And we’re going to mess up the dress,” I say after another minute or two, with a slight laugh. They all laugh and pull away and I turn and look at myself again. 
“Were you wanting to try a veil on with it?” Sarah asks as I stare at myself in the mirror. 
“Oh! I hadn’t even thought about that. Yes I would love to,” I respond, and everyone chuckles as she heads off to grab one that will look good with it. She comes back with a few, and I try a few on before deciding on one. I stare at myself in the mirror a little longer, and notice my friends taking pictures of me in the background. 
“Okay. I think it’s time to get out of this dress until the next time,” I say, turning to Sarah. She nods and we go back into the dressing room.
“Okay, before we get you out of this dress I need to take some measurements so we can make sure to get it altered correctly,” she says, and I nod in understanding. For the next fifteen minutes she takes some measurements and then pulls back after the last one. “Okay, now we can get you out of it,” she says, and I laugh. She helps me out by unclamping the dress and helping slip it down over my hips. I step out of it and over to my clothes, slipping the dress I had worn back on quickly. 
“Is there a certain place for me to pay for everything?” I ask, and she laughs. 
“Actually, your fiance called about an hour ago and gave us his information to have us charge your dress, anything else you may want, and the bridesmaid dresses to his credit card. He asked me to tell you he found the conveniently forgotten credit card you had left behind.”
“Dang it. I was hoping he wouldn’t find that until after I got back,” I say with a small laugh. She also laughs in response, and then we are back in front of my friends and family. 
“Do you want to take an ‘I said Yes to the Dress’ picture?” Sarah asks as we all gather our things. Everyone cheers yes, and she ushers us together before grabbing the sign from somewhere nearby. I hand her my phone, and she takes multiple pictures of us before handing it back. “Okay, Y/N, I will see you back here in about a month to try on the dress after alterations.”
“Awesome! Thank you so much for all of your help Sarah,” I tell her, and then pull her in for a hug. 
“You’re welcome! I’m so glad you were able to find your dress today,” she says as I pull away from the hug. We all say our goodbyes and head out the door. We laugh and talk as we make our way down the sidewalk to my car. 
“I’m so excited!” Alice says, and I laugh. 
“Believe me, no one is more excited than I am.” 
“Honey I’m home,” I call out as I walk in the door. Everyone had taken my car and gone out to see a movie in order to give me some time alone with Austin after finding the dress.
“I’m in here,” he calls from the office, and I toe my shoes off by the door before walking over to it. 
“Hey sweet boy,” I say as I walk in the door and see him looking over a script at his desk. 
“Hi darlin’,” he says, pushing back from the desk and opening up his arms for me to walk into. I sit down on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a small kiss. “Where is everyone?”
“They wanted to give us some time alone so they went out to see a movie. They’ll be back for dinner later. I think their movie started like five minutes ago,” I tell him, laying my head on his chest. “You’re sneaky, you know that?” 
“Hey you’re sneaky too, trying to hide that credit card so I wouldn’t find it,” he responds, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 
“Yeah I guess so. And I mean, how would anyone even know that you paid for it, not me?” I say, and he smiles.
“Exactly my point. Now, how was dress shopping?” he asks. A huge smile breaks out on my face and I lift up and kiss him again. “That good huh?” he says as I pull away again, and I laugh.
“Not only did we find bridesmaid dresses, but I also found my wedding dress!” I exclaim, and he squeezes my sides where his arms are wrapped around me. 
“That’s amazing darlin’,” he says, and then pulls me in for a kiss. When he pulls away he asks, “I know I don’t get to see the winning wedding dress, but can I see some of the other ones you tried on and the bridesmaid dresses?” I laugh and nod, pulling out my phone and plugging it into his computer so he can see the pictures I had been sent. No one had sent me pictures of the winning dress, because they knew Austin could get onto my phone at any minute and they didn’t want him to find the picture. 
“Okay, so these are the bridesmaid dresses,” I say as I pull up a picture of all of them in their dresses. 
“Those look great!” 
“That’s what I said! And they perfectly fit the theme I was going for,” I tell him, placing a kiss on his cheek before turning back to the computer. “Okay, so this is the first dress I tried on. Everyone cried simply because it was my first time in a wedding dress, but we all agreed it wasn’t the one,” I tell him, and he laughs. “This one we thought looked good, but there wasn’t an immediate connection. If I hadn’t found another one I would have tried that one on again, but probably would have left empty handed. This next one I hated but I tried it on to appease my mother,” I tell him, and he laughs. We sit like that going through all the dresses until I get to the last one. “This is the one where I was starting to lose hope, because I felt like I wasn’t going to find one today. If you look at my eyes you can see how tired I am and how much I was hoping we could just call it quits soon. But then, they convinced me to try on one more dress, and sure enough the next dress was the one that was it.”
“Do you have any pictures anywhere of that one?” he asks with a sly smile on his face. 
“They do. I don’t. They wouldn’t send me any because they knew you would know the password to my phone and would try to find it. I think I’ll have someone post it early on the wedding day as a throwback of sorts, to show when I got the dress,” I tell him, and he nods. 
“And that will work because neither of us will be on our phones that day. We'll be so busy,” he says, and I laugh. 
“Yep. With a 2 o’clock wedding we’ll be busy all morning. And then all evening. Honestly I probably won’t be on my phone or checking social media until we’re on the plane on Sunday morning. And even then I might not. I will have to be texting my parents though when we leave here and arrive in Paris.” 
“Speaking of, I finalized those flights earlier. And booked the hotel rooms.”
“Yay! I go back in a month for a fitting to make sure the dress fits correctly, and if it does I can bring it home that day. Except I might take it over to Ashley’s because I love you, but you are a snoop. And I don’t want you to see it before the day of,” I say with a small smile, and he laughs. 
“You know me too well. Oh! Ashley called earlier and asked what night you were wanting to have dinner this week?”
“Oh right! Gotta ask Jupiter to be my flower girl,” I say, laying my head on his shoulder. “Whatever day works best for you honey. I’m taking Mom and Ella to the airport really early in the morning, and when I leave to take them Kyra, Tara, and Alice are going home. So even tomorrow night would work, but only if I get a nap. If I don’t get a nap I will be going to bed at like eight.” 
“I know. I know how you function sweets,” he says. 
“Speaking of, can we go lay on the couch for a bit? I want to change first, but then I want to cuddle with you before my family comes back. I’m exhausted,” I say, sitting up and looking at him. 
“Of course,” he says, and then pats my leg to get me to stand up, before heading to the couch as I head to our room to change. 
“One last thing,” I say when I get into the living room after changing. “Was that script you were reading any good?” 
“Maybe. I need to finish it in the morning while you nap, but it seemed promising.”
“Jupiter,” I call out as I sit down in the living room at Ashley’s house. I laugh as I hear her little feet come running from the room she was in. 
“Aunty Y/N!” she exclaims as she jumps into my lap. 
“I have a present for you Jup,” I say as I give her a hug, smiling over her head at Ashley, Christopher, and then next to me at Austin. She wiggles out of my arms and slides down to the floor to stand in front of me. 
“Give it,” she states in her little toddler voice, and I laugh. 
“Jupiter! Ask nicely!” Ashley exclaims with a small laugh. I wave her off and grab the box from the table behind where Jupiter is standing. 
“Jupiter Iris, will you be my flower girl in Uncle Austin and I’s wedding?” I ask her as I open the box for her. She immediately takes the sunglasses out of the box and puts them on her face. 
“Can I wear these sunglasses?” she asks and I laugh. 
“Yes Jupes, you can. But you have to take a picture with me tonight before you run off again.” 
“Yes Aunty Y/N,” she says with a small nod. I laugh and gather her into my arms holding the box as best I can as Ashley grabs her phone and takes a picture of the two of us. I place a big wet kiss on her cheek as everyone laughs, including her. “Gross Auntie,” she says as she giggles and tries to wiggle out of my arms. I loosen and let her go, and she bolts out of the room. 
“Well,” I say as I slide over on the couch into Austin’s arms. “I guess we have a flower girl.”
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I was sneaking my way through the hallways, making sure to not be seen by security but also make it seem like I was suppose to be here.
I saw a sign that said field, bingo. That is where the team must be or going to be.
I quickly made my way to the tunnel and looked out on the field.
I saw the team by the benches and I felt my heart pick up at what I was about to do, who I was about to meet.
I slowly made my way over the bench, which it surprisingly took a long time for anyone to notice me.
"Who are you?" Ash asked once she saw you
"I'm (y/n)" I said as I continued my way over to them
"And what are you doing here?" Ash asked confused as the team was now all staring at me. I however was looking for one particular person. When I saw her, she looked shocked and fearful.
"I came to talk to Alex" I said still looking at Alex.
"I don't know you" Alex said finally saying something
"I just want to talk" i said keeping myself calm at all the looks I was getting.
"I think you need to leave kid, before we call security" Ash said moving closer to Alex in a protective manner while Alex just continue to stare at me
"I think you would much rather come and talk to me, then have me share what I know about you" I said with a smirk as I watched Alex panic since she knew who I was
"Are you blackmailing her?" Kelley asked angrily as I just nodded
"She is just a kid. There is no way she could actually know something about Alex that we already don't know" Allie said looking at me skeptically which only made my smirk grow. People always underestimate kids.
"Are you sure about that? I mean I may be only 13 years, but I would say this is a pretty juicy story" I said look right at Alex who was moving towards me. She looked pale and nervous which alone made me happier.
"I thought you would change your mind" I said as I turned to walk away as I heard "Alex, are you okay" but I new she was following me.
I made my way across the stadium and took a seat and watched as she followed me and took a seat next to me.
"So I'm guessing you realized who I am. I mean your parents still ask for a picture every year. I assumed you have seen at least one" I said continuing
"What do you want?" Alex asked with an a confused face
"Just to meet you in person" I said speaking honestly
"I don't believe you. You won't come here and sneak into a stadium. Then blackmail me to just meet me" Alex said not with an irrated look causing me to smile.
I mean she isn't completely wrong but most of it had been to meet her. To see what she is like in real life.
"No, it's pretty much just that"
"I still don't believe you" she said
"What? afraid I'm going to tell the world that the Alex Morgan had a baby as a teenager and gave her up for adoption to peruse soccer. Dont you think if I was going to that, I would have by now? Plus I would never actually tell anyone that your my birth mom. That would put to much attention and be a burden on me" I said causing her to glare but I honestly didn't mind. She seems way nicer on tv and social media
"In that case. SECURITY!" She yelled causing my eyes to widen in shock. I was not expecting that.
I looked over and saw two security guards running my way so I took off running towards the exit. However due to my condition and not being able to work out, I was slower than normal and the were able to catch me.
The tackled me to the ground. They forced me the ground held me there.
I started to panic as i new I shouldn't be flat on the ground. I felt my chest start to tighten and the lightheadness and dizziness start to kick in after a minute.
"Sit me up" I managed to get out but I was ignored. Paying attention to what was around me was getting more difficult as the discomfort grew in my chest.
That's when I heard it though, my mom
"Get off her, your hurting her" my mom yelled
"Get of the kid, now" I heard a male say and instantly the security guards were off me
The next thing I knew I was pulled up into the sitting position and met the worried eyes of my mom as she looked me over. The discomfort and dizziness was going away quickly now that I was sitting up
"I'm okay, I promise" I said looking at my mom as she started to calm down
That's when I noticed the team was surround us and looking at me with curiosity
"Do you want her to check out by our trainer?" Vlakto asked looking at me mom, he must know. Of course he knows, how else would mom manage to get in without telling him
"No" I answered while my mom said "yes" causing me to glare at her which she returned
"I just want to leave, it wasn't what I thought it would be" I said moving my eyes to Alex so she could get the message. I watched her her eyes soften as she saw Alex
"Once I know your are okay for tomorrow" she said giving me a sad smile and I gave up. Knowing it would make her feel better.
I stood up with my moms help and we followed Vlakto to the training room were we watched him talk to the trainer before he called me over.
"I'm guessing you've done this before?" The trainer asked point to the heart monitor machine and I just nodded and took off my shirt, leaving me in a sports bra for him to attach everything.
"If it's okay with you, I would like to talk to you privately" Vlakto said to my mom who then looked at me hesitantly.
"Go, I'll be fine" I said giving her a smile and with that they left.
Just as the trainer finished attaching everything, a group of the team walked in causing me to roll my eyes
"Well for sneaking in to meet us, you don't look so happy to see us" Emily said taking a seat in front of me
"I didn't come to see all of you, I came to see one person. I met her and now I'm good" I said glaring at her and I felt a glare back and saw Kelley standing behind her glaring at me
"Why are you attached to these? We don't usually do this when a fan gets tackled by security or anything?" Mal said looking at me confused.
"Nothing for you to be concern with" I said and pulled out my phone and did my best to ignored them.
They didn't leave which made me uncomfortable.
When the trainer was happy with results and took my blood pressure he told me I was good. I quickly threw on my sweatshirt and looked at that team who was blocking my path.
"Are you sure your okay?" Lindsey say looking at me with concern once the trainer left
"Yes, I'm fine"
"No, like your overall health" Lindsey said causing me to look at her shock. That is not a question most people would ask
"And you call me rude" Emily said before turning back to me
"But are you?" She continued as i then turned my shocked express to her
I went to move towards the door, ignoring them and just wanting to leave.
That's when I saw Kelley blocking the door.
"Can you move? I would like to leave now" I said giving an annoyed look.
"I just want to talk" Kelley said as she looked to the other to leave, which they did to my surprise
"What do you want?" I asked
"I know who you are" Kelley said
"Good for you. Now I want to go to my mom and leave" I said
"I'll let you go in a second. Just answer this questions. What is wrong with your health?" She said and I saw her expression change of the angry to concern which confused me
I gave in "No, I have a heart tumor. I'm having surgery on it tomorrow and found out you guys where here. That's why I came. I wanted to met Alex once, just incase" I said looking away from her as she just looked at me with shock and sadness
"Can I go now?" I asked still not looking at her
I saw her move and I headed out the door
"Just so you know, she isn't normally like that. You just surprised her and it scared her. Also, she may not know you, but she has always loved you and wanted you to have the best in life" Kelley said causing me to stop for a second.
I felt tears come to my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away before continuing on my way out to find my my mom. The person I wanted to spent the rest of my time with before surgery.
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mightiermarvel · 4 months
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Shawn Michael’s Playgirl interview ft a pretty good shot ;)
Transcript under the read more:
…on the road–and I enjoy every minute of it. Being the World Wrestling Federation Champion, traveling around the world and performing for lots and lots of people is everything I ever wanted. But someday, I would like to be married, have kids, and have somewhat of a normal life. I dont know how normal I can be, but maybe I can get pretty close. 
PG: How far down the road is this normal life?
SM: Realistically, four or five years. I’ve always said that as far as wrestling was concerned, I was going to get out of the ring full time by the age of 35. 
PG: Were you the proverbial “98-pound weakling” in high school? How did you end up doing this?
SM: No, I wasn’t. I certainly wasn’t the biggest guy, but I was the biggest on our football team. I saw wrestling for the first time when I was 12 years old–the first time I got to stay up late–and it hit me just like that. I knew right away. From that point on, wrestling never drifted away from my thoughts. I continued to play football until I graduated, but it was always in the back of my mind that I was going to be the WWF Champion–champion of the entire world. 
PG: Does the idea of somebody biting at your heels, the next WWF Champion wanna-be, ever worry you?
SM: You know what? I don’t think so. I’m just confident in my ability. I don’t sweat anybody. Nobody can wrestle longer than I can, nobody can make people yell louder than me for more. And if they can, I just work harder….
PG: Does that translate into the bedroom as well?
SM: Yeah! (laughs) I’m an athlete, for God’s sake. 
PG: Many of your fans are female. What’s the most outrageous thing one has ever done to catch your eye?
SM: That would be lifting up her shirt and exposing herself to myself–and the rest of the people in the building. It was a long time ago. 
PG: Where were you?
SM: I can’t remember the location. I just remember those two very “subtle” things.
PG: How subtle were they?
SM: (Laughs) Not very. 
PG: Were they gifts from Mother Nature or did they have gravitational help?
SM: No, these were from Mother Nature, actually. But either/or–Mother Nature or with help–is fine with me. I’m pretty liberal. 
PG: Do women approach you more these days?
SM: Yes, and I like that. I like someone else breaking the ice. If I mess up from there, it’s my fault. (laughs)
PG: Tell me the last pick-up line that worked on you.
SM: I won’t repeat it, but it was very direct. She just out and out asked me. 
PG: Did she ask you out or ask you for something else?
SM: She asked for the whole kit and caboodle. 
PG: A basic “I want you.”
SM: More direct.
PG: “I want to ‘bleep’ you?”
SM: That’s the one. 
PG: Was it a kind of fill-in-the-blank?
SM: That’s what made it even funnier. It was multiple choice. Which was nice, but….
PG: It sort of took the mystery out of it?
SM: Yeah, not a whole lot of adventure or wondering there. I prefer as [continued on next page]
Text over large Shawn in a towel picture: “At the last pay-per-view event, I pulled everything down and draped the belt across me….My mom didn’t appreciate that too much”
SM:...much mystery as possible. Slow is fine with me. I’m in no hurry. My life’s in too much of a hurry as it is, and I’m way past the romping-in-the-sack-just-for-the-fun-of-it stage. Though I was fairly wild from the time I was 19 to maybe 25, 26. 
PG: Did you sow a lot of wild oats?
SM: Not a lot.
PG: One acre, two acres?
SM: Let’s just say I put enough to put a dent in it. I was never under the impression that it was a contest: that one guy was supposed to score more than the next. I’ve just never been into that. It’s not me, it’s not my family, not the way I was raised.
PG: So what’s the first thing that attracts you to a woman?
SM: There’s a bunch of first things. Hair, eyes, brains. And for some reason, I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but I always go for smart girls. Which of course gets me in more trouble.
PG: If you’re so attracted to it, maybe you like being in trouble.
SM: No, I don’t think so….I think women are just smarter than men in general–especially up here on the East Coast. But women seem to be different all around the world. It’s hard to figure it out. You get to a point where you say to yourself, I think I’ve got a handle on this and then you go somewhere else, and you realize, I don’t have a handle at all. I had one back there, anyway. 
PG: Back to the physical. What kind of hair and eyes?
SM: Brunettes first and foremost. That seems to be the pattern. Eyes…not really a color–it’s just something about them, that there’s something behind them. It’s just one of those things that has to hit me immediately. That’s how everything important has been in my life. If I don’t get swept off my feet right away, I figure it isn’t all that real. 
PG: Being the WWF Champion makes you the best-known and most popular wrestler in the world, doesn’t it?
SM: (Modestly) Well, I’d like to think so. 
PG: How do you keep that from messing with your ego?
SM: I’ve been doing this for over 11 years now, so my ego was effected more than enough in the past. (laughs) I think that I’m old enough now that I can handle it without it consuming too much of my life…I hope. 
PG: But the persona of the Heartbreak Kid, from the costumes to the sexy stage moves, seems to be an attempt to turn women on. Is this conscious on your part?
SM: It really isn’t, and it certainly didn’t start out that way. I’m more conscious of it now because more people have made me aware of it. It began as just Shawn going out in front of the crowd and playing around, having fun, showing off–and having the nerve to do something on-camera, in front of lots of people, that he certainly couldn’t do in a more private setting. 
PG: You don’t often see some regular guy walking down the street wearing Spandex pants with a heart on the crotch and one on the butt. We might think that was a bit strange. 
SM: (Laughs) Probably, yes. The World Wrestling Federation provides a wonderful vehicle for me to do something like that, but it’s amazing it’s the only place I can really do it. I don’t go out and dance in nightclubs. I can’t be that way unless I’m in front of 20,000 people. 
PG: OK, so now we know about your public performances, we’ll get to your private ones in a minute…. Do you truly understand the effect you’re having on the women in the audience?
SM: I thought I did, but it seems to be getting bigger and bigger…more overwhelming. Not just with women, but with our fans in general. It’s getting bigger and bigger every day–which is wonderful. You just don’t realize how many people who you appeal to, or who notice you.
PG: It’s a given that women everywhere love you, but since you’re so much “larger than life” how do they react when they meet you in person?
SM: A couple of years ago I didn’t seem to be as intimidating to people as I am now…that is, without trying. But I think that’s just because of where my career has gone. It just sort of comes along with the territory. I was easier to approach before when I was just Shawn out there having fun. I’d hope that would still be the case, but it seems to happen less and less. 
PG: Are they afraid of the title?
SM: I don’t know if it’s that. I mean, I welcome everything that’s going along with this, but it does seem like it’s one or the other: Either they don’t care–which is also fine–or they’re a little nervous or apprehensive about coming up because they’re worried that I might be too busy to speak with them.
PG: Or maybe that you’ll put them in a headlock….
SM: I’d like to make it clear it’s not a fear of me physically. It’s where I’ve been placed in the media, this business and everywhere else. It’s wonderful, but there is the other side to it.
PG: Are you ever worried that people are going to start liking you for what you are rather than who you are?
SM: I figure a certain amount of that happens in this or any other line of work. You have to just be careful. 
PG: Do you have a good radar?
SM: I like to think that I’m pretty intelligent, or at least when it’s happening I know when it’s happening, and if I let it, it’s [continued on next page]
Mid Bottom page block: GET IN ON THE ACTION! PLAYGIRL Magazine and the World Wrestling Federation are giving one lucky reader four free ringside seats to an upcoming WWF event! 
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luvyeni · 1 year
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— 𖦹 warnings? mentions of family issues , mc cries
previous - next - masterlist
“congratulations man.” sunghoon slung his arm over the boys shoulder. “you’re now gonna be a girl dad , and i am 1000 dollars richer.” jake glared at the boy.
“the next time you bet money on my baby , i’m gonna kill you.” he said , pushing the tipsy boy off of him. “noted , i just won’t tell you next time.” he walked away smirking , jake just shook his head , making his way over to you.
you sat on the couch , yunjin wiping your tears. “your makeup is so fucked up.” you laughed , she was right , you looked foolish , teary eyed and mascara running down your cheeks. “i know , i don’t care though , i’m just so happy.” you said , you didn’t even plan to cry , it just happened. “you should be , i just know you’ll be a good mom.” she hugged you. “thank you yunjin.” she hummed , before standing up. “i’m gonna go make sure those boys aren’t tearing our home apart.”
she walked away , leaving you alone – but it wasn’t for too long , jake making his way over to you. “can i sit?” you nodded , patting the seat next to you. “my parents send their apologies for not being able to come , they said congratulations , and they can’t wait to meet you.” your eyes widened. “i forgot meeting your parents.” he quickly calmed you down. “don’t worry about that , we still have time for all that.”
“you okay?” he asked , you had cried a lot and it kind of worried him. “i’m fine , it’s just that getting the gender really set everything , i’m really having a baby , a baby girl at that.”
“are you happy?” you smiled. “of course i am , i would’ve been happy if it was a boy.” you said. “but i can’t help but think about my mom.” he nodded , listening – he had been waiting for you to finally tell him about your relationship with your parents. “you want to talk about it?”
he moved closer , so no one could hear what you were saying. “there’s nothing to really say , i mean all my life my parents never really cared about me.” you started. “they cared more about my younger sister , i did everything on my on – i put myself through college , they had the money , but my sisters travels were more important , jungwon’s family basically raised me , they even helped buy the cafe , my parents don’t even acknowledge me as their daughter at this point.”
“when i went home , that was the first time in four years , and it went horrible.” you were crying again , jake frowned , reaching over to wipe your face. “i didn’t mean to make you upset.” he said , you flagged him off. “it’s okay , i told you i’d tell you when i was ready.” he hesitantly put his hands around you , pulling you in a hug. “i’m glad you did.”
you finally calmed down , jake getting up to get wipes to help you fix your ruined makeup. “i haven’t cried this much before in my life.” he chuckled. “it’s okay , cry all you want.” he said. “i’m fine now.”
you both sat there , jake listened to you talk , taking in all your features , smiling , not even fully paying attention to the words you were say , just taking in your beauty. “why are you staring at me?” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “i don’t know , maybe because you’re pretty.” you rolled your eyes , playfully shoving him. “stop it.”
“i’m serious.” you look down at your lap smiling, thank you.” he smiled back , looking around the room , his eyes landing on jungwon how had been watching the whole thing. ‘ask her , stop being a pussy’ he mouthed , turning back to whatever he’d been doing with jay and ni-ki. “uh (y/n)?” he said nervously.
“yes?” you looked up , he rubbed the back of his neck. “you okay jake?” he sighed , it was now or never. “i know i said i didn’t want to like date or anything.” he started. “but these past couple months , getting to know you and all , i really grown to like you , like a lot and i was wondering if you’d maybe want to go out with me.”
you were taken aback by the sudden confession. “i didn’t expect that.” you said. “it’s okay if you don’t want to.” you shook your head no. “no no , that’s not it , i do i was just shocked.” his eyes widened with glee. “you do?” you smiled nodding. “of course i do.” he wanted to jump for joy , but he opted out , not wanted to embarrass himself. “cool , i’ll handle everything else , don’t worry.” he said , sunoo suddenly drops sunghoons drunk body on the couch next to you , jake moved his arm in front of you.
“fucking finally , we were tired of listen to you two flirt on the couch , and i’m tired of dragging his drunk ass around the apartment , how do you get drunk at a baby shower?” he rolled his eyes walking away. “congratulations on having a boy (y/n).” the boy slurred , you laughed. “i’m having a girl sunghoon.” he opened his eyes. “oh well that’s cool to , it doesn’t matter.” you shook your head , getting up. “i’m gonna go help clean up some , help your friend jake.” you walked away.
“you just had to go ruin everything.” he wanted to smother his friend with a pillow. “you alcoholic.” his friends shrugged. “you already got the date , it’s good someone intervened before you made a fool of yourself.” jake glared at his friend.
if he wasn’t in such a good mood , he would’ve strangled the boy.
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— ( taglist. CLOSED ) @j-wyoung @whoslai @cha0thicpisces @sunsunl0ver @wonyoungsvirus @omgtintarr @en-dazed @kwiwin @httpsrinrin @igotkpoops @enhaz1 @ahnneyong @electrobutterfly @nes-caf @beomgyusonlywife @jup1t3r-y30n @gyulune @mixtape-racha @ddazed-lhs @shuichi-sama @chaelinhhwang @stariszn @rikisly @ilikekpop-c @jenjnk @ilovehimyourhonour @peachyun02 @primroselover @sxurgrapes
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masonmiamor · 2 years
always you - mason mount x reader.
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Summary: Nothing can go as expected. But you honestly weren't expecting to see him after he broke things off. But now he's willing to earn you back, whatever it takes.
requests are open!
“Does this look okay?” your voice coming off low and unsure. Here you were again asking your best friend if the silky long-black dress fitted you okay. She looked up and gasped, covering her mouth, and stood up squealing. “This! This is the one Y/n! You look amazing, gorgeous!” she hyped you up, and walked around you in a circle.
For the past couple of weeks, you’ve let off the dress shopping for her your cousin's wedding. You just weren't feeling as confident enough to actually go out and buy something you looked “pretty and sexy” with. The constant overwhelming feeling of being insecure about how you look always wore upon you. But here she was, your best friend cheering and hyping you up.
“Okay, I'm getting it…” you smiled and looked in the mirror that was hanging on the wall. You take a couple of selfies to show later to your mom and sister. Your bank account hurt after paying, but it was definitely worth the price as it was a gorgeous gown. You went to a jewelry store to go buy some accessories, and then later went to buy a pair of heels.
You parted ways with your friend and decided to pick up some takeout. You go for your usual order for dinner and patiently wait in your car. After receiving a text with confirmation you go inside and pick up the food. You fidget nervously with your hands, as soon as you saw the line of people waiting to be sat down.
When you got closer, your heart drops at the sound of your name being slightly yelled at. You close your eyes and sigh, turning around and greeting the person with a small smile. You face Ben along with Reece. “Hi, guys! How are you?” you ask, hugging them and kissing them on the cheek. “Great! Great! How are you?” asks Reece as he pulls away.
How do you tell his two best friends how you deeply feel inside? Alone, sad, no hope left in you. That you want to see him one last time and get the closure you've desired. But you act against that, understanding where your loyalty lies. “Im doing well. Just came back from dress shopping. Wanted to pick up some takeout and go home to watch some movies,” you smile.
“Ah that's right! Your cousin's wedding is coming up, very soon. Who are you going with?” asked Ben, with a friendly smile. “The plan was to go with my best friend, but she has to leave out of town this weekend. So for the moment, it's just me, myself, and I,” you joked, earning a chuckle from both of them. “Did you guys order takeout, or are the two of you dining in?” you asked, not wanting the air to feel awkward or uncomfortable. They shared a look, taking mental notes of how quickly their body language changed. Ben clenches his jaw and clears his throat, “We're dining in… Just waiting on Mason, he shouldn't be long.”
Your cheeks burned red. The room closes down on you and you find it hard to breathe all of the sudden. You gulped and attempted to pull yourself together. “Well please, I won’t intervene any longer! I have to get going either way. I got groceries before coming here, wouldn't want them to go to waste,” you quickly lied, not wanting to be around them especially if he was coming.
They sighed and nodded. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. We're here for you, always,” Reece touched your shoulder and offered you a smile. You thanked him and said goodbye. You quickly got your order and walked out to your car. Quickly turning on the engine and driving away.
Ben and Reece couldn't help but feel for you. Especially Ben as he knew how you dealt emotionally. “She’s not doing okay, I can tell…” whispered Reece. Ben sighed deeply, “I was nosy and decided to go through her comments and Jesus Christ. Mason’s fans never take a break. They’re so harsh and mean, blaming her for his latest performances.”
Reece just stared at him not knowing what to say or even think. He didn't know what went down, but it was obvious you had it harder than him. “Jesus fucking christ,” Reece yelped loudly, making Ben turn around and look him up and down. “Mason is going to that wedding… his family and he were invited remember?”
“Who were you talking to?” Mason suddenly appeared, scaring the duos. “An old friend from Leicester, she’s here visiting.” Now it was Ben’s turn to lie, not wanting to reveal who it truly was. “Hmm right. Let’s sit down, I’ve had a damn day,” groaned Mason, pinching the bridge of his nose.
You rolled your eyes in annoyance when you heard your alarm ring at the crack of dawn. You rolled over and shut it off, stretching out of bed and rubbing your eyes. You showered and washed your hair, doing your morning skincare prep before getting ready for the wedding.
You quickly packed your dress, shoes, and accessories, along with your hair and makeup stuff. “I'm on my way! Shall I pick up some breakfast for the girls?” you offered, “Please do! I’d appreciate it so much. I’ll have your coffee ready for when you come!”
After picking up some quick McDonald's, you pull into your cousin's house which is rented out for the weekend. A white Georgian looking home, with lots of green scenery. You greet and acknowledge everyone there, and then set out the breakfast for everyone to eat. “Here you go!” your cousin passed your coffee, you quickly thanked her a took a seat near the windows that had the best lighting.
The whole morning was filled with pure chaos, and it was all like that till the afternoon when the church reception would take place. You did a heavier makeup look than usual, as you wanted your eyes to pop out with the dress you were wearing. With the help of one of the bridesmaids, your dress was on and in place.
You took pictures with everyone and soon headed out to the church. You posted a mirror pic and a selfie, not thinking any of it until you saw his name in the views.
masonmount like your story!
You paid no attention to it and focused on assisting the bride with her special day. The church reception was absolutely breathtaking and gorgeous. You took more photos on your phone and sent them to your best friend, who replied almost instantly.
While your cousin and now husband went to take wedding photos you headed for the event reception. You made sure everything was in place and that any food, musicians, and booths were coming in on time. You guided people into the hall, saying hello to the family you had not seen in a while. They complimented your attire and gushed over how beautiful you were.
“Y/n is that really you?” you turned around confused and stared wide-eyed at one of your university friends. He was dressed in a grey suit, a white button-up, with a black tie. “Oh my god! It's been so long Elijah! How have you been?” you hugged him tightly, his hands gently wrapping around your sides. He took both your hands and smiled big at you.
“It indeed has been so long! Not much, finishing up my minor, and beginning my job soon!” The way he spoke to you was so kind and genuine, feeling overbust with joy of seeing him again. It's been so long since you felt happy with no complaints. Elijah was there throughout your first year of Uni. Helped with assignments and introduced you to different school clubs.
“That’s amazing Eli! I can't wait to see the firm after its remodeled and-”
“Am I interrupting something?” you gulp and turn pale at his voice. Why was he here? Your cousin would've mentioned it, right? Elijah stared at the man behind you confused, his eyebrow raised and mouth slightly opened. “I'm sorry but who are you?”
“Im Mason Mount. You are?” he walked over and stood beside you, you close your eyes and take deep breaths. His stare burned into you, you felt it. “I’m Elijah, Y/n’s date. It's nice to meet you… Mason,” poor Elijah did not know what he was getting himself into. “Oh. How lovely,” Mason spoke fakely. You hadn't dared look his way, knowing with one look of his brown eyes you would fall immediately all over again.
“If you’d excuse me, I need to check in with the maid of honor,” you walked away, picking up your dress so it wouldn’t drag on the floor. Elijah followed behind you, wanting to make sure you were okay.
“I'm sorry for asking but, I'm pretty sure that is your ex right?” you nodded and grabbed a cup, pouring yourself a cup of water. “I don’t want to sound rude, I’d never make you feel that way but, why did you tell Mason you were my date?” your voice coming off shaky and breathless.
“I don’t know how things ended but look at you. He needs to take the hint that he has nothing to do with you, he needs to move on and stop chasing you. He doesn't understand or know how much he hurt you Y/n.”
Elijah was right. Mason didn't know anything about you anymore and didn't even bother to check in on you. “Thank you but you didn't have to-”
“If he's here it is because he wants to convince and confess to you of his love once again. And I’m sorry but you know damn well you’d take him back with no hesitation after believing him.”
“It wouldn't be that easy. I'm not-”
“Don’t fool yourself Y/n. You and I know you still love him, and all I want to do is help you.”
“Change your face and attitude. You brought this upon yourself. It isn't the time or place for your jealousy to be shown, Mason,” Lewis said, trying to calm down his younger brother who was seconds away from walking over to you and claiming you as his.
“I told you it would take a while to accept she might move on…” Lewis began to say but was cut off by Mason.
“I just don't understand Lewis. Why is she hanging out with him if she still loves me?” Mason raised his hand and pointed it towards you. Lewis rolled his eyes, “What makes you so sure she's still in love with you?” Mason chuckled and rubbed his chin, facing an impatient Lewis. “The fact she hasn't noticed or taken off the necklace with my initial and the date of our anniversary.”
Mason stared at you. In his eyes, you were the most beautiful woman in the room. He thought back to when he first laid eyes on you when you walked into the Cobham Interviewing room. The shy girl in you made him fall for you more. It was a “she fell but he fell harder.”
Mason shook his head and took a seat at his designated table. “She is happier now Mase. If you're convinced that Y/n is still in love with you, prove it to her. Show her what she means to you. Don’t let her go again.”
Before the groom and bride arrived you went into the backroom to touch up your hair and makeup. Your heels clicked against the floor as you attempted to find the bag filled with items. “Found you!” you bent down and grabbed the black zip-up bag that was a gift from Mason.
When you stood up, you yelped loudly as you felt hands around your waist. But it's like your body knew who it was before your mind had the process to think of whose hands were around you. Your chest and stomach burst with butterflies, and you closed your eyes as you felt his hands grip you, never wanting to let go.
You find yourself placing your hands over his, and despite wearing heels he still stood taller than you. You felt his nose trace from the back of your ear to your jawline, making you tighten your hold against him. “When did you become his girlfriend?... Hmm?”
“I do not have to explain myself to you,” you bite back. He chuckles against your neck, feeling his hot breath. “Seems like you do if you're still wearing my necklace around here? Remember the one I gave you for your birthday? With my initial and-”
“I can remember clearly.” You attempt to pull away but he holds you back. “Let me go… Please” he sighs and pulls away, you turn around and face him, finally finding the courage to stare back at Mason.
His hair is perfectly styled, and he wears an all-black suit, paired with a silver watch. You look him up and down, feeling shy and intimidated. He licks his lips and stares at your figure, watching how you wrap your arms around your stomach. He frowns and takes a step toward you. “Why are you here?” you question him.
“To make things right.”
“It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think?” He shakes his head and maintains eye contact with you. “No… I don’t think it’s too late. I'm just asking you to think things through with him before making a decision you might regret later on,” Mason says smoothly almost nonchalantly, clearly unaware of how he sounds.
You scoff and laugh, “Mason I told you, no promised you I would respect your decision but look at you. What are you doing here and asking me for an explanation I can't offer you back or that I have to give to you? It’s not fair.” He sees the pleading look in your eyes, observing how your eyes begin to water.
“What I most what is for you to be happy y/n, and I would like it to be with me like how we planned. Not Elijah. Me, only me. Call me selfish, but I don’t care. How did you fall in love with him so fast, huh?” His body was almost touching yours, Mason resisted so hard to grab you. His love language always being touch.
“Who said I was in love with him? Maybe I am, maybe I am not,” you mock and walk around him. “Not,” Mason says sternly, his voice strained with jealousy, your eyes scanning at his clenched jaw.
“Maybe?” you tease.
“Oh fuck it!” You exclaim and reach over, grabbing his face and locking your lips together. Mason groans and quickly wraps his arms around your waist, his tattooed arm reaching dangerously lower to your ass. Your lips mold together along his, finding then how your tongues fight for dominance. You pull away suddenly, remembering that things weren't okay. Mason pinches his eyebrows together, scanning your face, noticing how your lipstick was slightly smudged.
This was Mason's last chance to earn you back into his life for good. No more mistakes or insecurities cross along inside his head. This was you and he would do whatever it took to have you back to him. To wake up next to, make breakfast with, argue over how milk chocolate is better than dark, and take those long walks to watch the sunset you love so much.
“I'm sorry I shouldn't have-” you start to apologize but Mason shook his head. “Don't apologize baby. I missed you so much… you have no idea,” Mason let out a puff of air, knowing time might be running out. “I love you Y/n. I’ve never stopped loving you. You mean so much to me, and I want to value you for who you are, always.
“Mason, look, please don’t make me think…”
“Y/n, please. I want to leave certain stuff in the past, the mistrust, jealousy, everything. Whatever it takes to be with you again. Are you willing to forgive me at some point? Not now, I know it’s too soon,” Mason grabs your hands, and runs his thumb over your knuckles, kissing them gently.
“Yes…” you find yourself saying. It’s always been him, that missing piece in your life you desperately looked for. How could you deny the way you felt around him, knowing he felt exactly the same? How could you let him go all over again and risk him not coming back after he’s here, practically begging to make things right?
“I’ve loved you always for every second, every moment we spent together Mase. It's always been there for you, only you,” you finally admit. You let out a few tears, the overwhelming feeling of having him back into your life. Maybe forever now. He kisses you feverly, not caring if someone walks in or if your lipstick is now smudged over his lips. “Oh Y/n. My Y/n.”
“We need time though. I know right now it seems surreal but, we still have so much to talk about. If we want our relationship to work we have to know where our loyalty lies and communicate,” Mason agreed with you, still holding you close, afraid if he lets go you won't be there anymore. He kisses you once more, making you smile and giggle along his lips. He places his forehead along yours, relishing the feeling.
“Like I said, my love. Whatever it takes to be with you.”
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rrenzwrld · 10 months
secreto de amor VII
chapter 7! read chapter 6 here
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“y/n~i need to talk to you.”
“you always need to talk to me. talk to your other friends.”
“don’t get smart with me. i just wanted to remind you about the business trip i’m going on. i leave next wednesday.” jean worked with a company that providing them with relaxing trips out of the country twice a year because they know how taxing the job can be.
“where you going this time?”
“it’s actually a cruise, going to the bahamas. i’ll be gone for two weeks tho, much longer than last time.”
“two weeks??” that caught your attention. you were used to jean and his trips but you’ve never been left alone for two weeks.
“i figured you don’t need a babysitter because you’re 18 but some people will swing by to check on you.”
“you tell—“
“yes i told mom and dad. they’ll come check on you and if you get scared just stay over there.”
“anything else i need to know?”
“nope, think that’s all. love you!” jean closed the door behind him. although it was only tuesday and he had about a week to prepare, it shouldn’t worry him about leaving you. he knew that you were a good kid, you don’t cause trouble , and you’re practically already independent apart from you living with him. so he didn’t know why he was feeling weird about all of this.
later on that day, you called tia to have your daily conversation and some interesting things were brought up.
“you said he said what now?”
“just reposting tweets n shit and relationships, talkin bout some ‘i’ll take my old bitch over a new bitch any day’” the dude in question was your ex you dated for two years until he cheated. he was your first and last boyfriend and luckily you hadn’t lost your virginity to him or else you’d be going mad even now.
“a weirdo for real. remind me why you follow him again?”
she shrugged. “to be nosy. give us something to talk about.”
“your brother still going on the trip thingy?”
“yeah, why?”
“just asking. don’t he always go around the same time?”
“yeah but i didn’t think you were paying attention. he’s gonna be gone for two weeks this time.”
“two weeks?? oh you’ll be dead before he gets back.”
“don’t say that! i can handle myself fine for two weeks.”
“you don’t even sound like you believe yourself. but look at the bright side,” you rolled your eyes as you already knew what would come next. “connie can come over without any interruptions and he’ll stay and keep you company, and then~” tia started clapping her hands and moaning.
you laughed. “i fucking hate you. i don’t even think about him like that, he 22.”
“so? older dick be the best dick.”
“i’m gonna hang up on you.”
“it’s okay if you wanna hang up on me to call your man.”
“i don’t have a man.”
next wednesday rolled around quicker than you thought and it didn’t seem real to you up until you saw your brother all packed up in suit and tie.
“why you dressed up? i thought you were going on the trip to relax.”
“there’s a meeting right before we board the plane.” you nodded as you watched your brother put on his dress shoes. “are you sure you’ll be okay? you’ll call or text if you need anything right?”
“yes, i’ll be okay. just have fun.”
“i already called everyone to let them know so some one would be there everyday to check on you. and don’t throw any parties or anything while i’m gone.”
“i’ll try not to.” you joked. but he knew you weren’t like that. the most you’d probably do is have tia sleep over or something and just the two of you do stupid shit in the comfort of your own home.
“well,” he started as you helped him load the last of his things in his car. “i love you, i’ll be back in two weeks. i’ll call and text everyday, just don’t die on me.” he laughed while he pulled you into a tight embrace
“i won’t die, promise.”
after the both of you struggled to let go, you bid him a formal farewell as you watched him back out the parking lot, “love you too, be safe!”
after all that, it was weird having the place to yourself but you’d just operate how you would normally do. the only difference was that jean wasn’t present and you had to get used to that. but as he said, over the two weeks, people came to check on you every day.
you had visits from your older stepbrother elliot snd his girlfriend, your mom, your stepdad, and even your biological dad who really just started speaking to you after your mom remarried. but family wasn’t the only people who were there for you. you had visits from sasha who you’d hang out with from time to time, and sleepovers with your friend tia. but one person you really should’ve saw coming was connie. but you didn’t know how you felt just yet.
“y/n~” you heard connie call out to you from your room but he stopped in the doorway when he made it. “your brother told me to—“
“check up on me?”
“yeah, but.. a little more than that.”
“he gave me a key, see?” he held it up proudly but you were shocked and maybe a bit upset.
“when did he give you a key? and why?” connie walked into your room and sat at the chair by your desk.
“he wants me to check on you
“people do that already.”
“yeah but he wants me to check on you everyday.. for multiple times a day.”
“so i don’t have a choice.. but to see you everyday?”
“multiple times a day, yes.” he smiles. “but that makes it easier for us to get to know each other.”
“don’t you have things to do? like work or..?”
“yeah but i’ll just come here after.” you rolled your eyes. although jean suspected that connie was trying something with you, he still trusted connie to keep you safe if anything else.
“whatever.” you went back to whatever you were doing.
“right,” connie stood up to walk out the room. “and imma need your number or something.”
“to track me?”
“no, just to keep in contact with you. weirdo.” he laughed. you were the weirdo? you ended up putting your number in his phone and he put his number in yours. “i turned locations on by the way. i’ll be back, bye!” he left before you could even get on him about it.
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zabala0z · 8 days
Welcome back to “listening to S4 of TMA and sobbing!” I’m your host, you know me, unfortunately. I swear to god-
MAG 125: Civilian Casualties
Am I going insane or was Callum McKenzie mentioned before??? The name is so familiar and I searched through all the transcripts and my notes. Closest thing I could find was in A Sturdy Lock, the old man’s last name was McKenzie but I don’t think that’s related. Anyways, I think this is the slaughter
Also the bullet. And Melanie’s screaming. Is that also related to the slaughter, her increase in violence??
MAG 126: Sculptors Tools
The whole time I was like “is this Michael??” But no this guys name was Gabriel but then he mentioned Sannikov and I was so confused until Jon mentioned the worker in clay and I immediately shrieked. And Gertrude stopped him. What a badass.
Martin talking to Tim makes me wanna scream. And Peter said some interesting stuff. Isolation. Elias’s ritual. I think Peter is trying to make a ritual for The Lonely before Elias because competition or something. And then the “when it’s over, you won’t want to tell him” like wtf does that mean. This is why I equally hate him with Elias.
MAG 127: Remains to be seen
Very The Eye. I actually never thought much on Jonah Magnus but I should’ve because yeah, that guy is suspicious. I need to pay more attention to old timey statements.Also, “I was trying to see if the statements called to me” like Jon, you know that makes you look more unhinged, right??? And Martins mom is dead now which makes me wanna like strangle myself.
And then there’s the infamous bastard; love Elias’s prison arc, it suits him more.
(EDIT 9/19: forgot to mention, Albrecht said at one point “I don’t read the books, the books read me” which reminds me of MAG 91 when Mike said he couldn’t read that one book but it read him. Think those are related. Okay that’s it)
MAG 128: Heavy Goods
I know they (or he now) are evil but Breekon was low key sympathetic during this. Also, DAISYS ALIVE. Oh so Daisy can be alive but Tim can’t, someone rip out my throat. ☹️ but I am happy. And sad. She sounds like she’s going through it according to Breekon. Or at least Breekon words extracted by Jon, which, by the way, what the hell. He can do that??? Starting to realize the true horror of his powers cause damn.
MAG 129: Submerged
Oh yay, gentrification. The true horrors of the world.
“I miss you” so what if I screamed! I need to like punch a pillow after every Martin/Jon conversation.
Anyways, I think this entity is like the buried? Can the buried count with water? Drowning? You know? Anyways “The Sunken Sky” is like the coolest name ever for The Buried. How do they all have such cool names?? Apparently Gertrude sacrificed Jan Kilbride because he was marked by The Vast and throwing him diwn a pit was enough. That’s the guy from MAG 106. There always seems to be at least one sacrifice to stop a ritual, y’know. Hate it
I have a bad feeling about Jon trying to find Daisy. Because duh. And basira is off on a secret errand which I believe is whatever Elias told her about. The new way to defend themselves. I don’t know who it’ll be. Maybe a new character?? If not, I can’t think of a strong character who could help them, especially associated with Elias
Okay!! I think that’s everything. I’ve been filling my sketchbook with TMA art, I love it. Final thoughts, uh, hate Peter, worried for Martin, worried about Melanie, overly analyzing everything, etc, etc. I hate my brain can’t ever stop when listening to this.
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lani-heart · 2 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
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parings -> sim jaeyun x reader genre -> non-idol au, school au, hyrbid au warnings -> neglected, running away, arrange marriage word count -> 1.4k
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abstract -> She was forbidden… freedom was forbidden… at least for me. 
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jake’s perspective
Where could I even go? Paparazzi followed me to the building and I couldn’t even enter it to hide in an apartment that wasn’t even mine. 
I heard the whispers of me being a hybrid and how she was a criminal now for kidnapping a hybrid… I wandered away from the building and area in general when I found myself at the convenience store again, where I met her…. To meet her again but this time as a hybrid. 
“Well well well,” she said while glaring at me. She had a basket of snacks and honestly I thought fate was cruel to put me here. 
“You’re a hybrid huh?” she asked and I smiled. “You have features of one but I never would’ve guessed,” she said and I unclipped on the bobby pins from my ear and hair to show her. “You’re a dog?” she asked and I nodded. 
“You’re a hybrid… who pretended to be a human. And also robbed my friend as well” she said and I felt my eyes widen. “I… I'm sorry! He dropped his wallet and I had the good intention of giving it back but… I took his keycard and credit card "I confessed and I felt myself being close to tears. 
“Hey, Jake?” she said in a soft voice giving me a smile. “You need to go back,” she said and I lost it. I let my tears flow down my face and I couldn’t stop the sobs coming from my mouth. “Shhh… I don’t want you to be in trouble. I called Junghwan and he won’t press charges… but, you need to go back. You can still get–” “I won’t ever get adopted. It's what they told me I'm getting older and they think I'm better off at a hybrid farm” I confessed and I couldn’t even look at her. 
“Jake, we’ll figure something out”
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y/n’s perspective 
I don’t know why I offered to help but I did. “How didn’t he notice that his card was being used?” Asahi muttered and I chuckled. When I told Junghwan he was shocked and thought we were joking… he was upset but also looked into the purchases… it was just food and it wasn’t even a lot of food. Not to mention a purchase at the arcade… 
I offered to pay him back but he said it was fine. 
“I’m sorry” Jake apologized and I could see Jaehyuk glaring at the dog hybrid. He was cute… with his ears and tail now on display he was a really pretty hybrid. Surely someone was missing him?
I already thought he was a cute guy… but he definitely had a charm to him. “Jaehyuk, why didn’t you tell us?” I asked and he sighed. “He… seemed desperate. I didn’t think he’d actually do this long let alone rob someone. Besides… it wasn’t any of my business why he ran away” he explained. 
I could see he pities Jake. At the end of the day, he was a hybrid like him… there are stories of hybrids running away all the time some but very few lived amongst humans. 
“So… y/n don’t check your phone,” Hyungsuk said and I sighed. “Too late… mom and dad already called the tabloids and they said they’d take it down if I agreed to go home,” I said and I was upset about it… but I had to cry to find my way out of this. 
“I’m sorry for all the trouble–” “This isn’t your fault, funny we’re both runaways' ' I joked and he sighed. “Why would a hybrid run away anyway?” Asahi asked “I was going to be placed in a breeding farm” he explained… that means he wouldn’t be eligible for adoption anymore. Why?
“I… I’m too old for the system now and no one wants an older and hyperactive hybrid” he said with a sad tone. I always wanted a hybrid my age…
“y/n… mom is calling again,” Hyunsuk said and I had an idea… but this idea could either save both me and Jake… or none of us. “I’ll talk to her”
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jake’s perspective
She left the room to talk on the phone. My mind was spiraling wishing that she’d adopt me… she did say she’d want a dog hybrid. But would she even want me… especially since she also ran away and I was now a problem for her to solve. 
“Jake… you can’t just run away forever you know that?” Jaehyuk said and I nodded. While her brother and his owner seemed to be busy talking amongst themselves… I guess we were having a hybrid-to-hybrid moment. 
“I know… it was a stupid decision anyway. I just feel bad I caused her so much trouble…” I said and he sighed. “She’s not in a lot of trouble like you’d think… it's an internal conflict she’d have to face eventually you just made it sooner” he explained and I sighed. “Doesn’t make me feel any better” I said and he chuckled. 
“You know… I heard farms weren’t that bad” he said and I scoffed. “Honest… it's better than getting adopted and neglected or abused. I know some hybrids who… aren’t lucky and would take being at a farm any day than where they are” he explained. 
“Really?” I asked and he nodded. “Have you ever met… Jay or Sunoo?” he asked and I remembered the eagle hybrid. “Jay… he’s not too friendly with me. He actually doesn’t like that I'm a stray” I explained and he sighed. 
“I bet he’d prefer being on a farm where he was free then in the hands of a new owner every month” he explained… I heard rumors that he was a free-trial hybrid. “And if you ever meet Sunoo… tell him to keep strong. The fox needs it…” he said and I wondered why… 
“Jake… we’re gonna have to take you back to Seoul,” her brother said and I knew this was coming. “I don’t think I’ll be able to tell him…” I told the lion and he gave a soft smile. “For a hybrid… you really don’t use those ears of yours huh?” he asked and I was confused. “Hyunsuk, you should wait for your sister” 
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I was now in front of the biggest hybrid center in all of Korea… back to where I ran away from. 
“Jake… just a little longer alright?” she asked me and I gave her a sad smile. I really did like her… she was the nicest human I've met. 
“Thank you so much miss! He ran away when we took him to hybrid classes, im so sorry the media is causing you trouble because of him!” the employee glared at me but bowed at her. “He’s always been a troublemaker,” they said as I was now given a tight and itchy collar while being inspected for weapons… or outside objects. 
“No worries… could I speak to you about something real quickly?” she asked and the employee led her away which left me with her brother. 
“My sister seems to really like you,” her brother said as we walked to where I used to be caged up… “She’s really nice” I muttered and he laughed. “You know she’s always wanted a dog hybrid. She’s never been an outgoing kid but wanted to be” he sighed. “She wanted someone to distract her from her studies… I think she still does” he trailed off deep in thought. He quickly snapped out of it though and gave me a grin. 
“You don’t have to worry. Trust me… you’ll see her again” he explained as he waved goodbye I was taken to the back where trouble hybrids often were…
I was now in my kennel…
The outside world was… fun. At least with her… and while it lasted everything was forbidden. 
She was forbidden… freedom was forbidden… at least for me. 
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AITA for making my mom cry (in the hopes of continuing a years (?) long lie)
starting off: BIG SHINY ED TW
• I’ve had an ED (OSFED) since I was 14
• I went to treatment (forced) as a teen. I hold zero anger over this by now and understand why my parents did it. I would have done the same.
• Both times I coasted until discharge, at which point I went back to ED behaviors, just more secretively.
• I’m now 22(F), living w my parents
The Lead Up to The Predicament:
• Relapsed age 21, and kept it secret
• My mother eventually noticed, and recommended treatment; I agreed, & got taken into IOP
• I’m still on my parents’ very good insurance, so treatment was covered pretty much entirely
• I did treatment with the same strategy I’ve used before: coasting until discharge, then keeping it secret. I have no intention of ever pursuing actual recovery, and do not believe it is possible. I don’t want to get rid of this problem, but I want it to be my problem only.
• Unfortunately, this means I essentially have to lie to everyone, because they won’t discharge you if you say “I’m doing this purely so I won’t run myself into the ground, and so my mom will leave me alone”. So I lied my ass off.
• I’m continuing to lie to my nutritionist, who recently approved me for “as-needed” appointments, and I kept putting off finding a therapist until my mom forgot and stopped asking about it, because I just don’t have the energy to continually lie to a therapist, and conversely, I don’t want to actually, honestly talk to a therapist.
The Predicament:
• Bill for $600 (part not covered by insurance) came from the treatment center
• Mom offered to pay it; I said no, I’ll pay for it
• Did this because I could not live with the guilt of my mom paying for treatment that she thinks actually put me on a path towards health, that I secretly used to lull her into a false sense of security
• She insists, and I insist back
• I pay it that night
• She finds out I paid it and breaks down crying because she thinks I did it because I assumed she couldn’t afford it and now she thinks she has failed me because I don’t think I can rely on my mother
• I try to explain that I’m an adult and it was my issue and my treatment and that I work full time and should be expected to pay my own medical copays
• This makes her feel worse and she expresses that my trying to pay my own way has been a pattern since I first got a job at 14, and that she should’ve asserted herself as a financial caregiver when she had the chance
• I freeze, because I don’t know how to explain what I really mean without admitting that I lied for months in an attempt to get people to stop worrying about an admittedly possibly-fatal illness
• I let her continue to cry
AITA FOR: Not explaining and just… letting her believe that?
What are these acronyms?
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wosoimagines · 2 years
So That’s The Secret - Tierna Davidson/Reader
prompt: R and Tierna visit family in a different state. R has to cop up a tree cuz winter is coming and her family live in like a cabin or something. And Tierna is ✨gay✨ and loves watch her chop wood
warnings: none
words: 1182
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“I can’t believe you grew up here,” Tierna said.
I grinned at that as Tierna climbed under the blanket with me. We were laying on the couch watch some of the soccer matches that were on the TV.
“Wait until you find out that we built it ourselves.”
“You built this?” Tierna asked. 
She was glancing around at the walls.
“Don’t worry, it won’t fall down,” I assured her. Tierna turned to glare at that. “Yeah, we built the house together as a family. We had always lived out here, but when I was a kid we built the house. It’s kind of like a tradition. I mean, Mom and Dad built their first house together when they got married.”
“You guys really do go all out and live off the land, huh?” 
“Yeah, sometimes. I mean, we don’t really grow our own crops or raise our own animals, but we do go hunting and we often use what’s around us,” I said. Tierna only stared up at me. “I mean, Dad has been building houses since he was a teenager with Grandpa. I used to work with him was I could.”
“Is that the secret as to why you’re in such good shape?”
“Are you guys still trying to figure that out?”
“Babe, there is no way that you are that ripped.”
“I’m not that ripped.”
“You really are,” Tierna said. I shook my head at that as I settled back into the couch again. “Ali wants to know the secret so she can make Ash do it.”
“Of course she does,” I said as I rolled my eyes at that. “It gets pretty cold here, so maybe I’ll show you.”
“I don’t understand how it feels so much colder here than in Chicago,” Tierna said before she looked up at me. “Are you not cold?”
“I come back usually during the off season and I lived here growing up, so I’m kind of used to it,” I shrugged. It really didn’t bother me which was why I often was found training in shorts and t-shirts even during winter. “You get used to it eventually.”
“Not really sure I want to get used to it.”
“So the Colorado cold is getting to you?” I asked as Tierna pulled herself closer to me. “We can always build a fire, you know? My parents won’t mind.”
“If you don’t need it, then neither do I,” Tierna said. 
I shook my head at her. I really didn’t mind building a fire for her since I knew how cold it could feel. 
“Darling, I really don’t mind make a fire for you. I don’t want you to get sick,” I said softly. This trip really meant a lot for both of us. “I would hate for you to have to spend most of your time while we’re here feeling bad.”
“But you’ll have to chop wood. I heard your dad talking about how he needed to do that today,” Tierna grumbled as she buried her head into the crook of my neck. “It’s freezing outside.”
I gave a small chuckle at that. I had been chopping wood for years now. It was honestly part of my secret of how I had built so much of my muscle.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve been chopping wood since I was a teenager. I’ll go chop some wood and I’ll be right back,” I said. I gave Tierna a small nudge so I could get up. “Why don’t you have a cup of hot cocoa while I chop the wood?”
Tierna whined as I stood up but she stood up as well. I wasn’t surprised when she took my suggestion and headed toward the kitchen. I grabbed a jacket before heading outside. I picked up quite a few of the logs before laying them close to the chopping block that we had. I peeled my jacket off before I grabbed the axe.
“You’re really going to chop wood in this weather without a jacket on?” I looked up to see Tierna standing on the porch wrapped up in a thick jacket with a mug of hot cocoa in her hands. “And you were worried about me getting sick?”
“I find it too restricting for me personally,” I shrugged.
With that I got to chopping the wood. I didn’t pay too much attention to Tierna as I kept my focus on making sure I was splitting the wood and not myself.
But I did want to give Tierna a show as I picked up one of the pieces that I had partially split to pull it apart with my hands. I sent her a grin and a wink when I realized that she had her phone out and she was recording me.
“Now that’s the secret.”
Tierna, however, probably wasn’t paying as much attention to what I was saying and her jaw was opened slightly at the display. I smirked to myself before turning back to chop the wood.
It hadn’t taken me much longer to finish chopping up the wood. I noticed that Tierna was headed back inside as I was placing all of the wood I had chopped into the log tote I brought out with me. Once I had the wood situated, I pulled my jacket back on before carrying the log tote in with me.
I placed the wood near the fireplace before I worked on building the fire. Once I had the fire built, I pulled my jacket off again as I turned around. Tierna was already sitting on the couch under the blanket again. This time she held two mugs of hot cocoa. I grinned as I settled back down into the couch and Tierna laid back onto my chest.
I was a little surprised when my phone lit up next to the couch. I reached out to pick it up before opening up snapchat as I had very obviously been tagged in something by Tierna.
I wasn’t too surprised by the videos and pictures Tierna had posted of me from being outside. It was the comments though that had me blushing though. A lot from our fans whether it was fans of the national team or the Chicago Red Stars. But there were also comments from our teammates too. One caught my eye.
alikrieger: So that’s the secret?
I chuckled at that and I had to admit that I felt a little bad for Ash as I was sure that Ali would probably try to get her to chop some wood.
“You know, one day I would love to build a house like this with you,” Tierna said. I looked down at her with a smile. I couldn’t lie and say that I hadn’t thought about building my own house with Tierna one day. “I wouldn’t even complain about living out here in Colorado if we did.”
“Let me guess, you would want me to chop all the wood.”
Tierna only sent me a grin as she shrugged before she turned back to the soccer match that was currently on the TV.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Platonic Miguel x Teen reader
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(An au where he didn’t become Spider-Man)
Miguel had been dating a woman recently, he decided it was time to get out there again. After all it had been five years since his wife and daughter had died.
So far this girl seemed nice, he knew she had a daughter who was sixteen years old, but he hadn’t met her just yet.
Letty, did mention he might see her when he came to pick her up for their date.
Miguel was about to knock on the door of her apartment before he paused for a second.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to be your fucking mother! You ruined my fucking life!” He heard Letty screamed as his eyes widened in shock.
“Shut up! I fucking hate you!” He heard who he assumed was Y/N scream back.
“Do you have any idea how much I’ve given up for you! And you’re fucking useless!” Letty screamed as Miguel paused for a second.
The door opened and Miguel looked down to see a young girl.
“Um, maybe this is a bad time.” He muttered as you glared at him.
“Mom! Your fuck toy is here!” You screamed before storming away.
Letty came to the door and smiled at Miguel.
“Miguel! I’m so sorry about all of this, I’m ready to go.” She said as Miguel looked at her in confusion.
“Will Y/N be okay on her own?” He asked as Letty shut the door behind her.
“Yeah, she takes care of herself.”
Miguel had really enjoyed his date with Letty and had forgotten about how the evening started.
He walked her back to her apartment and smiled.
“Do you want to come in?” She asked, making Miguel a little confused.
“Y/N won’t mind?” He asked as Letty rolled her eyes.
“Don’t worry about her she texted me she’s running away so she’ll be god knows where by now. She always comes back.” Letty muttered as Miguel stopped himself from going inside.
“Letty, does she have somewhere safe to go?” Miguel asked as Letty groaned.
“Miguel, please. She isn’t your kid, you have no idea what I’ve gone through with her.” Letty replied making Miguel even more concerned.
“No, Letty. I do know what you’ve gone through, because I had a mother like you. I would run away, hurt myself or do anything I could so she would pay attention to me… Letty, I know I haven’t fully met Y/N, but I know what kids are like. She needs you.” Miguel said as Letty looked at him and rolled her eyes.
“Thanks for the fucking parenting lesson.” She growled before slamming the door closed.
Miguel wasn’t proud of it but he had a talent for pick pocketing, he never really used it but it came in handy sometimes.
Like now when he had grabbed Letty’s phone. He unlocked it and texted your number asking where you were, when he got an answer back immediately he deleted the message and left Letty’s phone at the door.
He ran out and went to where you’d said you were. To his shock it was just outside of a strip club, he found you outside sitting next to the security guard.
“Y/N.” He called out as you looked up at him, he could see the disappointment in your eyes knowing your mother hadn’t come to collect you.
“What the full are you doing here?” You grumbled as he walked up to you.
“Letty told me you ran away and she didn’t seem to care…she actually got pretty angry at me. But, I couldn’t leave knowing you were out here alone somewhere. Look, I had a mother like Letty. I know how shitty it feels when they don’t care and how badly you want them to care. Is there somewhere I can drive you? Maybe another family member or a friend?” He asked as you looked away from him.
“No, this is the only friend I have.” You muttered as the large security guard nodded at Miguel.
“I can’t just leave you out here… and I know you won’t go home. Do you want to stay with me? I know that sounds sketchy, I’ll leave my name, number or even a photo of myself with your friend here and if he doesn’t see you around he can call the cops on me, okay? I can’t leave you out here.” Miguel said as you looked up at him in shock, no one had cared about you like that before.
You nodded a little and Miguel wrote all of his information down, even showing the security guard on maps exactly where his apartment was. It made you chuckle softly but also feel safe, he wanted to make sure you knew you were safe with him.
You walked along the streets with Miguel.
“You’re different to the guys my mom usually dates.” You muttered as Miguel looked at you while you walked.
“How so?” He asked making you chuckle a little.
“You don’t have tattoos or sell crack.” You replied making Miguel chuckle too, though it was worrying.
"You wanna get some take out on the way home? You can choose whatever you want."
After picking up 'dinner' you got to Miguel's apparent.
"Ive got to say, I've never had breakfast for dinner. I didn't even know you could get breakfast at this time." Miguel said placing all the food down at the dining table.
"What! It's the best thing! I fucking love breakfast!" You shouted making Miguel laugh, if he was being honest it can been a long time since this apartment had heard any laughter.
"So, why do you have this giant apartment if it's just you?" You asked as you sat down and began eating.
"Well, I had a family. But they passed away." He muttered sitting across from you.
"I'm sorry... Did you have kids?" You asked as Miguel smiled a little.
"Yeah, I had a daughter. Her name was Gabriella." He muttered in response, sadness evident in his voice.
"I'm sorry that you lost her." You replied making him smile softly.
"Thank you, Y/N. Now let's have breakfast at 11pm at night."
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shallyne · 5 months
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch 6
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CHAPTER 6!!!! EXCITING! This is now the time jump. Reminder: new names because new identities. Enjoy! Whole fic is on AO3
Words: 1.5k
TW: nightmares, mentions of death, mentions of guns
8 years later
November 20th
Dear Diary,
I am back! It's been a long time and a lot has happened but at the same time, not that much. There have been some rocky moments the past years but altogether life was pretty damn normal. Mara, Daisy and I all went to community college. Mara graduated with a degree in journalism and is now working at the Velaris Times while Daisy decided to work at a bakery that just opened in town after graduating with a psychology degree. I, myself, have started a zoology degree but I dropped out in the first year because it just wasn't possible time and money wise. Mara had just started working at the Velaris Times and Elain was in the midst of college so I decided to work instead of studying. Financially it was pretty tight during that time but we managed. We would manage again now that Mara and Daisy are working, I could go back to college but I am not sure if I should go back to zoology. It’s been amazing and incredibly interesting but it just wasn’t for me. There’s still the possibility of art school but I haven’t drawn anything since that day. I can’t paint anymore but the prospect of it is still lingering, hovering over me like the ghost of my old self. I’ll have to think about it but for now I am okay with my perfectly mid job.
Although our jobs haven’t been the only things in our lives that changed, Mara has met two girls who are now her friends, Emerie and Gwyn, with whom she now has a book club and Daisy met twins who she hangs out with all the time, doing her favorite things like gardening and baking. Their names are Nuala and Cerridwen and they work for some rich guy who just moved here.
I also made a friend, his name is Lucien. We met through my boyfriend, Tamlin. Lucien and I couldn’t really stand each other at first, he was such an asshole. Well, he still is but I grew to like it about him.
Tamlin and I met under different circumstances, he hit me with his car. It was just an accident because he was looking on his phone and when he helped me hobble out of the hospital, because he broke my foot, he asked me on a date and I agreed. He’s a perfectly nice gentleman. Of course he has his flaws but don’t we all? Rhysand didn’t. Especially my old friend who lied to me throughout our whole friendship.
Oh! I also tried to get Eras Tour tickets but they were quite expensive, unfortunately. Maybe someone will sell theirs or I’ll get some for a future tour.
Alright, time for dinner.
November 21st
N Mara brought a vacancy flyer home today for me. It’s for some fancy Lounge in downtown Velaris who’s looking for a waitress. I am absolutely underqualified for this position but she says I should try anyway because it pays well. We wrote an application together that sounded a little more professional than my previous ones, it is necessary if I want to work there.
Getting the job would help us tremendously, we could get a new couch AND afford the good toilet paper, wouldn’t that just be amazing? I can’t let myself daydream too far because chances are high I won’t get the job. Daisy said she’s sure I’ll get the job if they meet me but I’d need a job interview first so that is a big IF.I am trying to hope for the best but expect the worst.
We will drop the application off tomorrow and get a look at the Lounge. Pray that I won't freeze to death, it's COLD.
November 22nd
I haven't had nightmares for two years. I had a nightmare again. I just woke up, I have to write it down.
I was back at home and mom just died, we just got the news. Everyone was in shock, no one moved. It was so quiet.
The doorbell rang, I went to the door just like I did when they got dad. I opened it, I opened the door.
I shouldn't have opened the door.
But I did.
They stormed in, they held us at gunpoint.
I just told Rhys that he's dead to me
I wish he was here
Because I'm going to die. I was going to die, I knew it.
But he was there, I don't know how. I don't know how he did it but he was there suddenly. He would protect me, always. I knew that, I always knew that. I've just been angry. I know it wasn't his fault. He just wanted to protect me. I wished I could tell him, right then. But they killed him, right in front of my eyes. Because he wanted to protect me. He died because of me. It was my fault.
I tried to move, to protect my sisters. I needed to protect them, it was my fault that Rhys was dead. I have to protect them from the same fate but it's too late. I can still hear the gunshots ringing in my ears. One. Two. Elain, dead. Three. Four. Nesta, dead. I want to scream, I want to rush forward but I can't. I can't.
Then I was looking down the barrel of a gun.
Then I woke up.
I can barely breathe.
November 23rd
I was on a lunch date with Tamlin today, it was fine until a waiter spilled some water on the table and he went through the roof. It was only a little bit of spilled water, it hadn't even spilled on his clothes. It took me forever to calm him down. I hope the waitress is alright, I left her a bigger tip.
When we sat in the car and Tamlin finally calmed down he apologized. Then, which is very exciting, Nesta called me because a letter from the Lounge I applied to arrived just then and I told her to open it and tell me. The seconds she took to open the envelope and read felt like an eternity BUT they invited me to a job interview!!! Isn't that just so exciting? Never in a million years I would have thought they would even think about inviting me but they did! For TOMORROW. The reply and the job interview both went so fast, I can't wrap my mind around it. Tamlin seemed semi-interested in the news but I'm sure he will think differently tomorrow, he had somewhat of a bad day today.
I went home and instantly threw my good pants in the washer, they are drying now. I'm as excited as I am nervous, this job could change quite a lot for us.
I should really go to sleep, I don't want to seem tired during my interview.
I'm thanking the stars that they listened and answered!! Maybe fate DOES exist! (Okay, Feyre, calm down. You don't even have the job yet.)
November 24th
I've got the job.
Tamlin said I shouldn't take it and move in with him, that he could take care of me and my sisters. Nesta said she would rather stab out her eyes.
Although Tamlin and his proposal isn't what's worrying me right now, it's how I got the job.
Why I got the job.
Let's start from this morning.
I woke up at six AM because I've been so nervous. I prepared questions that could be asked and the answers, took a shower, ate breakfast, cleaned my room, put on some makeup and then got dressed and made my way downtown. My whole thoughts were about this interview, because it's important, for me, for Mara, for Daisy.
I was half an hour too early so I went and got a coffee. Unfortunately my nerves didn't let me sit still for more than two minutes so I walked up and down the street until it was finally time.
There was a nice lady, I don't remember her name, who led me to an office in the back because my interview was with the boss himself. The whole Lounge was so luxurious, even though I was wearing my best outfit it felt incredibly cheap in comparison but it was so tasteful, I kind of felt comfortable?
Then the lady knocked on the door and left, leaving me alone as I entered the office.
I knew instantly, right as I stepped into the office. It's been 8 years, we became adults, we grew up, but I knew before he looked up from his paperwork. I knew that a pair of almost-violet eyes would stare at me, a pair that was scribbled all over my old notebooks.
He did look at me, his eyes almost the same, but they seemed more dark and haunted now. But when he recognized me, he lit up.
But I was stuck there because-
What the fuck is Rhysand doing in Velaris????
Excerpt from a chat between Rhysand and Morrigan
Rhysand: I'm sending a car over, you need to come ASAP
Morrigan: What??? What happened?
Rhysand: I can't tell you over text, get in the car and come over here
Morrigan: Jeez, this better be good
Morrigan: I'm delaying my nail appointment for you
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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tellingfnaf · 15 days
Her Perspective
“The One You Should Not Have Killed, telling the story by her perspective.”
Introduction: I don’t really recall what came before. I remember mom being upset all the time. I remember dad being loud and angry. And I remember me hating school. Teachers would often call me “an agressive kid”. All i wanted was to be memorable, I guess. So how the hell did I end up in that pizzaria?
Chapter 1:
March, 1983.
I was sitting in front of my house tying my shoes. Although it was a sunny afternoon, the cold air was cutting through my skin. I heard footsteps coming from my front, thinking it was another weird neighbor. That was the first time she talked to me.
-Hi! I’m Charlie! What’s your name?
I looked up and saw a tall and gentle looking girl observing me.
-Do you need help with those?- She continued, pointing her finger to my failed attempt at tying shoelaces.
-I’m fine, actually- I didn’t even finish when she bent down and tied them perfectly. Then she just looked at me again, waiting for a reaction. I felt like I owned her a response.
-Cassidy. My name is Cassidy.
-Oh, hello Cassidy! Are you from around here?
Around here? She asked like I was fresh news to the neighborhood. I wasn’t.
-No. I lived here my whole life.
The girl was ready for another question when a bearded man showed up.
-There you are, Charlotte. I’ve told you a hundred times to not leave the diner while I work.
-Sorry dad! It won’t happen again.
He looked at the green bracelet Charlie had in her wrist before turning his attention to me.
-Oh, hey little one. Sorry to take your friend away, but she gotta stay close to her dad!
The man chuckled and left, taking his daughter. I just stared at them while they walked back to a new place that had opened a few weeks ago. A restaurant called “Fredbear’s Family Diner”. Charlie seemed to be friendly towards me and that was rare. She was a happy child and I wanted to know what caused this. So after that day, every afternoon I would walk in front of Fredbear’s to watch all the families happily eat their food. I never had the courage to enter. My reason was different from the other kids, though. It wasn't the animalistic robots that scared me, but the eery guy who worked there. If only I knew.
May, 1983.
-Hi Cassidy! How are you today?
-Hi Charlie. You shouldn’t be here.- I answered, looking at her bracelet. I never really understood what was that for, but I knew it had something to do with her father.
-Why you say that?- She asked, slightly tilting her head.
-Your dad doesn’t allow you to walk away from diner, remember?
-Well actually, I’m allowed this time. You know why?
-No. Why?
-Because dad said that I should invite you to eat with us at Fredbear’s! How’s that sound?
She said that in such a happy tone, genuinely excited to have someone to invite to her dad’s work. I knew she was friends with the owner’s kids. At that time, I didn’t know Henry was one of the founders of that place, so it was quite impressive for me that she befriended the “cool kids”. I would regret that for the rest of my existence, but I accepted it. I had that habit of searching for things by myself, later I would learn that curiosity killed the cat. The restaurant had a warm environment and cool animatronics, like that huge silly yellow bear. I loved him at first sight but the others kids had a very opposite opinion. Everything was nice inside Fredbear’s Family Diner.
-Oh, Henry! Looks like Charlie came back with a friend!
I’ll never forget the moment when my stomach squirmed just by looking at him. That man had the worst face in the whole world, I could almost smell his wickedness.
-Cassidy, this is uncle William! He works with my dad here at the diner!- Charlie exclaimed, but I could barely hear. My mouth tasted metal and I wanted to run away from that thing. Luckily for me at that moment, he had better things to do so the conversation lasted short. I then sit at a table and had dinner with Henry and his daughter. He payed for me and I felt a little safer close to them. It was the last day of happiness for that place.
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/tellingfnaf/761351305946185728/her-perspective
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pastelpousay · 25 days
Hi so uhh..my mom said she may take my phone again 💀 if I start failing and I’m already failing three classes so…..(Rant/vent I may delete later)
I’m literally so done with this school and everyone here why am I missing assignments I didn’t even know about. I literally have to pay my art teacher next week for something. I have things to do over the weekend. I’m literally so ready to kill myself progress reports come out tomorrow or today I don’t even care to know
I literally have a zero in English I wanna die like I’m so ready to kill myself. My friends hate me. Everyone hates me I literally don’t know what I did wrong. I’m doing everything I can I hate this school. I don’t need advice, I don’t want help. I’m just sick of doing the work. It’s not even hard it’s just too much to keep up at once. It’s like my only responsibility but like I can’t do this right now I feel like the world is against me.
I can’t do digital art. If I fail this year I might as well die I can’t fail again. I’m so sick of everything 😭 I literally wanna die bro or go to bed and not wake up. I don’t understand I literally am trying my best and it doesn’t even matter like. I don’t understand like I’m doing all I can’t and no one gets it.
And my friends keep giving me advice like I haven’t done it already I try dude I do. I just can’t I want to have free time but I literally won’t if I’m doing this. I actually cannot I wanna spend time with my family but I feel like my mom is fed up with me. 😕
I’m so ready to die I literally can’t do this anymore. No one wants to talk to me about the things I enjoy. I have no one. I feel like I have no friends and they keep saying they’re there for me but are you?? Like dude.
I literally messed up my clean streak so bad I couldn’t even go two full months and here we are. I already knew I wouldn’t be able to last but still 😕
I give up. I literally just give up.
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jiliansky-blog · 1 year
The Labyrinth of Dreams. Chapter 1. King of goblins
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 1480
Summary: The idea of crossover came to me after a few arts and rewatching Labyrinth (1986). Jareth is a nightmare and while Morpheus was captured, he escaped to reality. And he wants to take down Morpheus. Elisabeth is a daughter of Sarah and want to find Labyrinth. And Jareth wants to use her against Morpheus. But something went wrong...
I was looking into a crystal with irritation. Morpheus was back. And now my time as a real thing was gone. While he was away, I could live whatever I liked. Outside the labyrinth. Not exist only in girls' dreams of escape. Now he will lock me up in the labyrinth again. But this time I won’t make it easy for him. I have my own little nightmare kingdom to rule. And maybe, I can make Morpheus pay for everything. I just need to find someone who helps me.
And I knew who could. The daughter of my precious Sarah. She was eighteen years old already. And she looks like just her mother. Maybe, she will be more agreeable than her mother. And I also can send “hello” to Sarah as well. Elisabeth, her name, is such a dreamer. Just like her mother again. She wants to have a fantasy dream and I will give it to her. And I know that Morpheus will be charmed by her. And do everything, especially if he thinks that she is my prisoner.
Elisabeth “Mom, when I can get into this world of yours?” I asked, looking through the books. My mother actually wrote her own story about the Labyrinth and illustrated it herself. She wanted once to be an actress just like her mother, my grandmother, who I’ve never known. But her wish disappeared after the Labyrinth and the school play. And she wanted to be the children's writer and illustrator. I couldn’t blame her for this. I’ve grown up on her books and stories. “How I can get here?” I asked.
“I think, you already forgot about it”, she said. “I didn’t tell you the story for a long time. And you are grown up already”. “Anyway”, I said. “I'm still interested in this”, I said. “You shouldn’t wish for this”, she said firmly. “I said foolishly once about taking my stepbrother. And he took him. He can listen to you too”. “Well, you can make him go away, so can I”, I smiled. “Oh, Beth”, she sighed. “There is nothing for you there. He is not a charming prince. He is cruel and can steal you away”. “I don’t want to be with him”, I assured her. “I just want to see his world myself”.
“Why?” she asked. “It’s not beautiful. You can’t even find the way out”. “If you can find the way, I can find the way too”, I denied. “Perhaps, I can even meet your old friends. It would be…” “No!” This time her voice was sharp. “You need to know, I made this all up. Because I was lonely after my mother’s death and felt like Cinderella”. “What?” I asked surprised. “I didn’t want to upset you”, she sighed again. “It was just a story. And I want you to move on and live an ordinary life”.
“Then why do you make me believe in this story all this time?” I asked, not quite believing her this time. It was too sudden. “You need to understand, Elisabeth”, mother said. “Your belief in magic is charming, but you need…you don’t need to prevent it from living your real life”. “I can’t believe”, I said and stepped back. “And I don’t know what is worse. The you could lie to me, or you to break everything I believe in”.
“Beth…”, she said softly. “Because of course all the conversations that grandpa made with you help you grow up, don’t?” I asked and went to the door. “Beth, come back!” she called. “I’m not Beth!” I replied. “I’m Elisa”. And I angrily leave my parent’s house.
Morpheus “We have a problem, my lord”, said Lucienne, when I was trying to create a new dream.
“What else, Lucienne?” I looked at her. “It's Jareth, my lord”, she said. “He returned to the Labyrinth”. “And why this is a problem?” I asked. “He supposed to stay there”. “Yes, I know, but while you were away he escaped and had affairs with the human woman”, she said. “And now some of the nightmares gathered there”. “They gathered in the Labyrinth?” I asked. “Why?” “I think he is up to something”, the librarian said. “He may not be as obvious as Corinthian and may more be subtle”. “Corinthian tried to communicate to Vortex”, I said. “It wasn’t subtle”. “Anyway”, she answered. “I would suggest looking after him”. “I will, Lucienne”, I nodded. “Thank you for telling me”.
She nodded also and left. And I sighed. Another rebellion Nightmare. He should provide a sweet escape for lost girls. And now what does he want? I dissolved a new dream because I couldn’t concentrate on my work anymore. I need to check him and see myself. Jareth wasn’t surprised to see me in his castle when I appeared. He was sitting on his improvised throne and smirking. “What’s so funny?” I asked. “I was just thinking, when you will pay me the visit”, he replied. “Don’t you try to go through the labyrinth? It would be so much fun”. “I know all your tricks, king of goblins”, I said. “And I don’t need to go through your labyrinth for this is my kingdom. And you are still my subject”.
“And you come all this way to remind me of this, my lord?” he asked sarcastically. “I almost forgot, while you were…gone”. “I’m here now”, I admitted. “And I heard that in your castle some nightmares found the shelter. Why?” “You told it yourself, lord Morpheus”, he smirked. “They want a shelter. They want a leader. At least, while you were gone”. “I hope, you won’t be foolish enough to make a stupid decision”, I said coldly. “Like make a rebellion. I’m still king of dreams and nightmares”. “Of course, you are”, he said. “I don’t want to repeat the fate of Corinthian”. “Good”, I nodded and went back to the castle.
Jareth Morpheus getting suspicious, but it doesn’t change anything. He won’t see what’s coming. And as far as I can see, little Elisabeth has a fight with Sarah. Just like her mother did before she went to the Labyrinth. Perfect time to interfere.
Elisabeth I can’t believe she told me that. She made me believe that everything in Labyrinth happened in real. And now she told me it was a lie. It just doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t matter. I will find a way to prove that everything is real. I will bring something from that place. Mother not only gifted me her book, but her copy of the original book. It was another story of the princess Sarah, who got into the Labyrinth. And she also faced Jareth, the Goblin king. So if my mother could get there, then another girl was there too. And she probably left too and took the child that Jareth had stolen. I didn’t know what I would do in their place. Perhaps, I would stay and can turn this unwelcome and hostile labyrinth into something else. Something far more beautiful. And with these thoughts, I fell asleep. Some noise wakes me up. And when I opened my eyes and turned on the light I saw that the window was open. It was strange. When I closed it, I sensed someone’s presence in the room. And turned around slowly.
“Hello, Elisabeth”, the stranger said. It was a man tall man in dark sparkly clothes. His hair was messy and white. Eyes were grey and cold. He wasn’t handsome but was charming. “It is you”, I said. “You're the Goblin king, aren’t you?”
“Yes”, he smirked. “My name is Jareth”. “I didn’t call you to steal some of my family”, I admitted. “But you were thinking about me”, he smiled. “Sarah…Your mother told you about me. She told a story about it”. “Yes”, I nodded. “What do you want then? An act of revenge?” “I want to make you my queen”, he smiled. “I know what you dream about. Adventures, love, to have an interesting life in another world”. “Is that some sort of trick?” I asked. “No, I can give you all of that”, Jareth said. “And in return, you will help me with something. To defeat someone who can threaten our life”.
«Our life?” I asked, confused. “Yes”, he nodded. “You will be the queen of my kingdom. You can rearrange it however you want. What do you say?” It was a temptation. But my mother’s voice echoed through my head. She said don’t call for Jareth. And here he is. Anyway. And I always want to find the Labyrinth. And that’s it. My chance. “I agree”, I said. “Good”, he smiled. “You look like your mother. But you are not like her at the same time. Then come with me, future queen of mine”. He gave me a hand and I took it. That was the adventure I was waiting for.
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza
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