#but no juwon's just dramatic like that
themthistles · 2 years
i'm working out be timeline and juwon just threw me off by doing an unnecessary costume change in the middle of a day
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dramallamas · 9 months
Rewatching Beyond Evil and I’m taking (somewhat) unserious notes! Enjoy my brain worms.
Episode 1 || Next Episode
Ooooo dead body
Mad to think that when I first saw Jihoon’s actor he was playing a bully. This is a complete 180 and he does both roles well.
Intense middle aged running with intense music
(Spongebob style) Flashback~
Ah a church. You will never catch me there
The song they’re singing is oddly fitting to the theme of the show sans the whole God thing
We don’t stan Dongsik slander in this household.
Lee Dohyun <3
The signs in this flashback. The shot of the guitar pick, Kang Jinmuk being seen a lot but in the background, Bang Juseon being rude to Dongsik, Dongsik telling Yuyeon to leave at night (aka he had “motive”) etc
Lee twins crumbs I love it.
The cold filter when Dongsiks mum finds yuyeons fingertips nice touch
The title being “(to) Appear" mwah nice
Love the shots of how everything is “worse”when we transition to Dongsik now
Oct 11 2020 remember that me
Dongsik saying stop in english <3
Pls the dramatic slow mo 🤣
Dongsik is a true justice/law upholder. Never letting things slide if its wrong. He and juwon are alike in that sense.
“Many a mickle makes a muckle” netflix what does that mean???? Like i get it but ive never heard that saying in my life
Everyone turns to see Juwon par Dongsik… that is until he speaks.
Juwon judging people and things right off the bat. Bro is not amused.
Technically Juwon is higher rank than Dongsik because Dongsik is assistant inspector and Juwon is flat out inspector
Dongsik immediately knew something was up as soon as he heard who Juwon’s dad is.
Juwon’s first impression of Dongsik is that he is intelligent and follows the law like rulebook when dealing with people (ofc he also thinks he is a murderer and should avoid someone like him and has already decided he hates his guts)
The tension starts as soon as Juwon drives past Dongsik. They immediately are making notes on each other
YOO JAEYI MY GIRLBOSS BELOVED. She is so much more clever than people give her credit for.
Jeongje and Dongsik being best friends…
I love the manyang crew interactions.
“He’s not my type” not now… but he will be. you have no idea whats coming for you, Dongsik
Ew Hna Kihwan
I love these dinner scenes with Juwon. They so clearly reflect him and his attitude at the time as well as his relationship with his dad as well as how they change over the show.
아버지 and not 아빠 really emphasises the father-son relationship they have (or lack thereof)
Their first interaction and they already dont like each other.
Everyone sucking up to Juwon and trying to work with him and hes like yeah… no. Y’all are weird.
so hes like… two can play at this game bitch and calls Dongsik a nutjob.
Their reaction when Sangbae pairs them up is top tier
Juwons inner thoughts: “Day one… fuck my life”
Dongsik started teasing Juwon off the bat
They both have a super impressive memory wtf
“There are no secrets in this town. You are always being watched by someone.”
Dongsik nags Juwon about his aggressive driving and immediately drives aggressively because he can
Ah the reed field…
Juwon traipsing through the mud was me last week when I had to walk home (our area flooded)
We dont give the score for this show enough credit its so good like
“Why did you just stand there when a gust of wind was coming? You’ll learn once it slaps you in the face.” Metaphorrrrrrr
Juwon is already accusing Dongsik like 40mins into the ep like damn
Fresh out the shower dongsik is so yes.
Juwon in that white jumped is also a yes.
Mate respectfully I don’t think you got how relationships work. “People at my school or in my hometown want to be my friends by showing me unwanted kindness or attention. But at get-togethers they all talk about what I have or my connections. They gossip and laugh about it. In the end they all come to me for favours.” Dongsik is right in asking “Is it that simple?” Because it isn’t. (I will make a full post about this omg)
“What could you possibly have that makes you think you are the most important person in the universe?” THE MEANINGS OMG
Man gets so offended when people are like you have mysophobia then ends up roped into a get together.
Juwon trying to text a fake excuse to get out of the get together is so me because I have done that (its the anxiety for me)
Juwon is so awkward bless him.
“You’re supposed to stay glued to your partner all day, and know the colour of his underpants.” Dw Jihoon Juwon will learn ;)
Everyone clapping for Jinmuk and calling him the most important guy in manyang…
Juwon not liking his dad being brought up and Dongsik joking about it to diffuse the situation and also poke at Juwon
All important scenes happen when it rains.
Juwon quickly learns to not believe what dongsik says half the time XD
“I don’t want you to like me.” “It’s up to me to like someone or not.”
“Leave before you get caught.” What interesting phrasing Dongsik
Ah yes the Juwon and Hyeok brother dynamic. I find it interesting and think its an underrated Juwon relationship.
Hyeok trying be Han Kihwans son and Juwon is like “dont. Trust me.”
We mention Dongsiks wall of notes and stuff on the Yuyeon etc case but we dont talk about Juwons enough. Mf has two. Two fricken boards. One he makes in his closet (?) above his computer and the other next to his bed.
The! Score! Ugh im a lover
It takes a whole day to get to the reed field this time??? Cause he arrived in the morning (i assume) at the police station and then the sun is set by the time he gets there. I think he may have procrastinated bc of the mud or he actually arrived in the afternoon and the sun sets ridiculously early in late october?
Juwon getting jumpscared by Dongsik again XD
I love how this episode brings us full loop to the start of the episode but includes Juwon the second time to add fresh perspective and the aftermath.
Juwon’s step back and shaky hand is a give away that he knows her and Dongsik immediately picks up on it. Yet Dongsik tells Jihoon to leave knowing this must be a secret.
And Juwon doesn’t miss a beat when Dongsik says its a woman. They’re both one upping each other all the time
We give Juwon shit for constantly grabbing juwons collar/shirt but Dongsik did it first! (And it was hot because he smooths out Juwons shirt after) Juwon just copied and repeated.
And Dongsik quickly realises why Juwon is in Manyang and decides to just play with him and be a little shit.
Mate you guys are at the first ep and already in each other’s faces
Ok fin see you next episode ^^
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katierosefun · 2 years
heyo! Love all the beyond evil content you put out 😌👉👉 truly enabling my brain rot lmao
I have just finished it w my best friend and as much as I love the final arrest for its angst I don't rlly get where dongsik is coming from?? Like is he just choosing the most dramatic way to atone or confess his mutual respect for juwons sense of justice or he doesn't wanna be handled by any other cop bc of what he's gone thru?? Like. Bro you gotta know at this point that juwon doesn't want this and it'll destroy him like he is actively breaking down into little pieces as you force him to do this lmao
thanks for the kind words!
i think dong sik probably did it partially because a) he did promise joo won that he’ll turn himself in eventually, and b) he felt some amount of guilt regarding min jeong. there’s that one scene where joo won tells dong sik that if he’d just taken some other course of action, then min jeong could still be here—and i think even though joo won said that mostly as a way to get under his skin, i think dong sik. actually feels that way too, deep down. i think dong sik just. as both an uncle but also as a part father, part mother figure to min jeong, took the loss so hard, especially since he’d already lost yu yeon and then his parents. min jeong was, in a lot of ways, probably a second chance for dong sik to treat his family right.
and, of course, i think dong sik did trust joo won to handle him—he probably thought it was only fair because joo won had been hounding after him all this time, but also, joo won is his partner. han joo won has already seen dong sik at some of his lowest moments now—i think there’s got to be some trust there, even though it probably broke joo won to put those handcuffs on.
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kang-yo-han · 10 months
Beyond Evil Rewatch Anon here: Just started Episode 8 and I can't believe Juwon just cuffed himself to Dongsik like that, What a way to start an episode, this show is so insane
I’m OBSESSED with that moment!! It was so dramatic on Juwon’s part and I fucking love it. (And Dongsik’s reaction is, of course, valid and perfect.) Hope you’re enjoying the rewatch so far!!
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dreamingsushi · 1 year
See You in my 19th Life - Episode 9
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Last episode ended on a major revelation, which is Ji-eum telling Seoha that she used to be Juwon in her past life, in hopes that she can comfort him after he’s in disarray from learning that the person trying to kill him was no one but his favourite uncle. Madam Jang is also starting to become a problem and I sense a lot of drama to come in the last four episodes. Wish us good luck!
So obviously, Seoha doesn’t believe it. So Ji-eum tells him about Juwon’s favourite book as a 12 years old. She tells him that the key to the box she gifted him for his birthday is in that book. And once he finds the key and opened the box, to read the note she just gave him before leaving. Do it in the right order. He almost opens the note right away, but refrain from it. Good boy Seoha.
Mrs Jang is planning something bad. She met with the chairman. She didn’t reveal much. But I know she’s up to no good.
When Ji-eum goes back to her room, the shaman bells are hanging in there. She doesn’t want to touch it anymore, because she has more important stuff to do. Also, her first life isn’t that important anymore to her. She gives the bells back to Mingki. He doesn’t seem to be happy about her decision. But it’s not for you to decide sir.
When Seoha goes to his house to find the key to the box (which he does), he bumps into his uncle. He can’t be warm towards him, knowing he tried to kill him, obviously. His father impedes any revelations to be made. Because it seems Seoha’s uncle feels bad. Anyways.
I don’t like those heels for Ji-eum. It makes her feet look like horse’s hoofs. It’s really unflattering. But that’s my opinion. That’s irrelevant to the story, but I had to say it.
Doyun’s brother is throwing a fit about ice cream since he’s drunk. Chowon sees him grabbing Doyun and she rushes to rescue him. Then she apologizes when she understands she was mistaken. She tells Doyun she thinks they can overcome what he’s afraid of. Together. But he once again rejects her and apologizes for giving mixed signals. Those two make my heart break, seriously. It’s so sad.
Seoha finally opens the box. Inside, there’s a storybook about Juwon’s life. JI-eum’s note is the last page to that story, where she gives a rendez-vous to the amusement park to Seoha. He finds her at the merry go round and he believes her when she says she was Juwon. Mingki and Hanna are worried about Seoha and Ji-eum getting closer. To avoid him hurting, the pain will only stop when they become normal. Ugh... That’s so unnecessary. That wasn’t in the original story. Why adding all this drama? Wasn’t it enough that Seoha’s uncle is his attempted murderer? I mean... that’s plenty dramatic. His first love died violently in a car accident for being with him at the wrong moment. She comes back reincarnated? Isn’t that dramatic enough? His mom died when he was kid. The sister can’t be with the one she loves even though he loves her back. THERE WAS ENOUGH DRAMA AND PAIN AS IS, WHY ADD MORE??
Hanna asks Ji-eum to play a prank on miss Jang. She pretends to have talked to Seoha’s mom ghost and being relaying her message. She seems really scared. Hanna tells something that sounds a little mysterious to Ji-eum, that she should make new connections when she’s reborn. She won’t be able to pick up her calls anymore.
Seoha confronts his uncle about the accident. Apparently is intent wasn’t to injure Seoha, but his dad. He was mad about him not taking care of his wife and that Mrs Jang would still stick to his side. I’m starting to wonder if that lady even existed in the Webtoon. I don’t remember this... Anyways. Seoha forces him to turn himself in before he reveals everything. So the uncle does.
Ji-eum takes Seoha to a place related to her first life. Doyun sees a picture of that place and seems troubled. Mingki is looking even more creepy than before. He’s shaking those bells. Ji-eum remembers a memory of her past life. In which she stabbed the man that looks like Seoha. And she gets shot by an arrow. And obviously, we need to wait for the next episode to get to know more about the meaning of this.
I’m actually pretty upset at the modifications about her first life. They changed something great, for something cliché. I mean, I still don’t know everything, but it looks like something very cliché, maybe star crossed lovers or something like that. It bothers me so so so so so much. Why change something that was already great and close to perfection. Unique. For something we’ve seen over and over and over and over again. Please writers, surprise me properly with the last three episodes. I was so hyped for this series.
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ichigokeks · 3 years
not to be dramatic but when Lee Dongsik took Han Juwon's hand and they held onto each other the entire time although Juwon doesn't like being touched and how he didn't want to let go of Dongsik and cried and could barely even talk and Dongsik just smiled.
I will never be the same again
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fanyeline · 2 years
I’ve been watching Beyond Evil again with a friends and I’m so surprised at how like bought in she is by LDS being the killer!!! She’s like “what a fuckin’ psycho” every five seconds and is so completely bought in by juwon and his logic. Beyond Evil becomes a LOT funnier to watch when you realize that hjw is just genuinely fucking up left and right. I wonder what her reaction is going to be when she finds out she was wrong....
I will also say that when I watched this show I think I was always v doubtful that it was dongsik... the show was showing us evidence that it was but I didn’t want to believe it was true and was constantly doubting my own judgement. That’s one of the things I think is great about the show! Despite constructing a narrative around dongsik’s guilt, his behavior and his actions leave something to be desired if he’s supposed to be a serial murderer. It does such a great job taking hjw’s side and perspective that whole first bit while still showing us who LDS really is.
I’ve also noticed she thinks the show is a lot hokier than I think it is, and I wonder if it’s because of my background in comics and in this more like... theatrically styled type of show. like maybe she expects more realism than the show sometimes provides? It’s surprising to hear her point out the like “dramaticness” of the different moments tho, things that I don’t even notice. 
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chocolate-teapots · 2 years
The Office: Jeon Jungkook
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                 Your annual office party swiftly approaches and it’s yet
            another excuse for you and Jungkook to get piss drunk. 
                     Everyone’s laughing until the tequila comes out.
Warnings: excessive drinking, hot best friend jungkook, light smut, huge sexual tension, swearing as always, flirtation, mentions and overconsumption of alcohol, procrastination, jealousy,  finger sucking, tit kissing, hair pulling, one helluva makeout. 
Jungkook and I were the bitchiest assholes in the office.
We had a daily schedule.
9:47 am struck and our boss swayed hungover into the room, a pillow, a small bottle of whiskey and a large coffee visible on his desk behind him. He looked like shit but I couldn't complain, it was great having a young sociable boss that doesn't really give a crap as long as you meet your deadlines.
"Right uh, do the financial- algorithm business...yeah."
That office door closed and suddenly it was a different world. Tabs were changed to YouTube, heels were taken off and slippers put on, chocolate bars and travel bottles of vodka came out of desk drawers and my darling partner in crime Jungkook rolled next to me in his chair until he crashed into mine.
"So, what do we think? Good or bad?"
Jungkook uses the tip of his pen to gesture to Lindsay and Juwon eyeing each other up awkwardly on opposite sides of the room. Juwon had teary eyes full of shame while Lindsay looked around for the escape routes just in case. Ouch.
We liked to play the game of who in the office has slept with each other and it seemed that last night we had some new contenders. You'd be surprised how often we got to play it.
"Tragic, he just couldn't get it up," I shake my head at the sight, not envying Lindsay for the longing looks being sent her way but also the embarrassment of Juwon's existence.
"Poor bastard. I was rooting for them too."
I reach for my coffee, toasting to the failed love affair with my boob mug.
"That'll teach them to never dip your nib in the office ink."
"Amen sister," Jungkook grabs his penis mug and we clink to the two before taking a rather large gulp of coffee.
"New subject. Annual Office party. Are we in or are we out?" I ask hesitantly, Jungkook swivels around to me.
The annual office party was a little event in a fancy hotel with an open bar to celebrate whatever it was we did here. It had lots of gossiping and many drunk depressed middle-aged coworkers that do stupid shit and try to fuck anyone and everything. The nicknames were priceless though. We still haven't forgotten poor Plant pot Ken or Doorbell Deb. She flashed the pizza gu-
"Of course," he scoffed as if we were invited to the most prestigious event in the world "But this time we're doing pre's cause last year I was way too sober when Kwan got his ass out."
He shudders at the memory. But, I wasn't sure why it was the singular memory. Kwan gets his ass out every year. Nothing else. Just the ass.
"Like a reoccurring nightmare."
I laugh at his dramatics drifting off to wonder what I did in a previous life to have a friend like Jungkook. Cringe. We did a lot of binge drinking on the weekends but we managed to master the art form of doing absolutely nothing, making it look like something and getting paid for it. We also had irresponsible spending in common hence the twenty million themed mugs we had for each other in the kitchen. The boob and penis mugs were my favourite though.
Sure the comments and whispers about us at work got a little annoying but most of the time we acted up to them. Every time a rumour about us fucking in secret got around we'd fake orgasms until the person walked away humiliated and red or even if people imagined us living together we'd act out our transatlantic 1950s married couple fantasy.
"Pass me a pringle dear," he holds out his hand and I grab a stack of Pringles and put them in his hand.
It's not something we spoke about often but we both had this mutual acknowledgement that we just didn't think about each other that way.
I wouldn't be strongly opposed because listen Jungkook is crazy attractive. He's the kind of guy you immediately hate for no reason because he's just too perfect. He's good looking, stupidly funny, confident, sweet when he wants to be, shy when he wants to be, competitive and good at everything. But he's a bit of a non-committal. I tried to set him up with some friends from my college days but it just didn't work out.
"Yes, honey. Next, you'll be asking me to make you a sandwich," I roll my eyes shoving a pringle into my mouth within seconds.
I liked everything just as it was.
Alone and only slightly afraid.
"Ooh, in triangles please!"
────── 〔✿〕──────
It was approximately 19:56 on that Winter Friday evening when I walked into the grand hotel, the fresh crisp air of the night hitting my exposed back with an icy chill. It took me too long to get ready but the words 'open bar' kept me motivated until the very end.
"Your coat miss?"
A very young man took my long winter coat which I was sure to lose by the end of the night despite it being my favourite. I flushed at the treatment and his lingering gaze before scanning the lobby for the man, our annual rendezvous.
"You are so sexy," a husky voice and soft lips tickle the base of my neck as a warm hand rests on the bare skin of my exposed lower back.
I snort nudging him away playfully with slightly reddened cheeks.
"But there's something missing," he mumbles and places a fine gold beaded chain around my neck.
He was right and I didn't even know it, in the mirror the green of the dress and the dainty gold match perfectly. I look down at the low neckline of my dress and the elegant pendant draws attention to it successfully. Tonight would be fun.
"Jungkook. I don't know what to say," I stuttered flushing, he always got me things but this was easily the most expensive, most meaningful, most beautiful.
"Then don't say anything and instead tell me how hot I look."
Damn. Of course, he looked amazing. An all-black suit clung to his body as if it was made for him with a black patterned tie and a silver chain. Fuck even his hair was perfect, windswept and relaxed across his forehead.
Damn him.
"Work it baby work it. Give me a twirl," I whistle mouth-drying at the muscle bulging under his tight suit everywhere I looked.
He twirled suavely, biting his lip before holding out his arm for me. What a gentleman.
"Come on let's get this shit show over with."
────── 〔✿〕──────
Two hours, 6 cocktails, 2 beers and 3 shots later Jungkook and I were just drunk enough to make everyone uncomfortable.
Kwan had got his ass out twice and Plant Pot Ken had found two fancy plant pots to ruin in the time it took us to start slurring and swaying. Doorbell Deb was clearly miserable at the lack of doorbells to run to and pizza guys to harass.
We sat at the bar, legs crossed into each other, slipping off the barstools every now and then, laughing obnoxiously at everyone without shame and glaring at anyone who tried to approach us until they left. My heels were laying on the ground somewhere, his jacket on someone's chair, tie undone and sleeves rolled up exposing his usually hidden tattoos and thick forearms.
But it wasn't as if I was looking.
"Hey! Hey! Look!" I slapped his arm frantically as he tried to sip his beer, heavy eyes searching for the thing I was lazily pointing out in the distance.
"Oh shit!" he laughed straightening up as we watched Lindsay and Juwon the sequel unfold in front of us, particularly on top of the buffet table.
On top of the food.
"Now that's hot," I scrunched my nose at the sloppy kiss, his tongue helicopter propelling into her mouth at an abnormal speed. What on earth was he thinking? What on earth was she thinking?
Why on top of the sausage rolls?
I could practically see the marks his desperate hands were leaving on her tits from here.
Jungkook was pretty tipsy and so was I, used to sipping alcohol like it was water several times a week with each other. But, apparently not drunk enough as his smooth order of two tequila shots almost threw me off my stool.
"Are you suicidal?" I laughed in slow motion watching him sway already and the night was still young. "We need to slow down if we wanna make it to the karaoke bar later."
"No no no," he places the drinks, lime and salt in front of us while shaking his head excessively "there is no making it tonight baby I'll carry you if I have to. The night is young and so are we!"
Why was that hot?
He yells the last part out to no one in particular, raising his arms making a few heads turn to cheer drunkenly with him like a frat despite having no idea what's going on. I shake my head at him, smirking at his influence over me. Tequila shots with Jungkook only meant one thing; body shots.
"You horny bastard."
He winks "You know it. Now, come here."
He pulls my stool forward until my legs slot inside of his. Jungkook's deep hum against my skin makes my legs feel a little number than the alcohol would allow. He scans the skin from my neck down to the deep neckline of my dress. He smirks devilishly as he licks his lips and before I knew it, lime was dripping cold in between my tits, running down my skin like the trace of his finger and sticking down some salt.
There's time to talk him out of this.
I could just move-
Before you could say 'mistake' his tongue licked a long trail deep between my tits, lips lingering on my cleavage rudely and moving around with more intention than just a shot. He kissed over to the skin of my breasts, looking up at me daringly as if he even needed to ask for permission.
I hold back a gasp, forming a lump in my dried throat and I can feel myself redden as he licks the salt from my skin. Pulling back, Jungkook's tongue continues to tease me without even touching me as he gathers the remaining traces of salt and lime from his lips and knocks back the shot.
I couldn't stop gawking.
When he's done he chuckles boyishly as if he hadn't just licked and kissed my tits in public and nods impatiently to my drink, still full and waiting on the sticky bar.
I was hesitant because something was happening- something hasn't really happened before. Even my drunk ass knew this was probably a mistake but the rest of me was pounding with desire.
Almost twice a week I was getting blackout drunk with Jungkook to the point where we wake up in an abandoned shopping trolley, have to carry each other home, literally piss ourselves laughing in the streets or spend so much we'd have 17 missed calls from our banks by morning. And, in all these times never have I ever wanted to jump Jungkook like this.
Not this bad. Not so bad my thighs were glistening with anticipation and my eyes couldn't pull away from the tiny traces of skin his outfit was showing.
I chew on my red-stained lip. Looking between the shot and the tall drink of water locking me in with his thighs. Another gulp.
I can't think. Don't think just do. Jungkook and I could do anything and laugh it off it wasn't a big deal right? I've shared a bathroom stall with this guy. I saw his nudes. He knows what brand of tampons I really use.
So, how could he know everything I had inside me was rushing down to my underwear if I didn't tell him? How would he ever find out this was the single most suggestive moment of my life? That I would sell my soul for just one kiss.
Fuck it.
I took his hand away from his thigh his eyes following my every move eagerly and seemingly enjoying how our coworkers had no idea and were too lost in the thumping bass on the dark dancefloor to gossip. Now he was the prey.
It was my turn.
I grabbed my first slice of lime, basically jacking off his index finger with it until it was coated nicely and dipped it in the plate of salt. His hand was completely limp, spaghetti-like in the way it submitted so easily to my movements.
I could even just slip it under my dre-
I wrapped my lips fully around his finger sucking all the way down and dragging my tongue with them.
Oh, this was the ticket.
"Woah now..."
His chest was harder and responsive, pupils fucked out, lips twitching and bulge swelling as I slowly licked my way back up it. The way he stuttered whatever he was thinking about saying before I enveloped his muscled fingers again despite nothing left on it made my thighs press together and my heart want to leap out of my chest and onto the bar.
If only he knew how hard I was throbbing.
I drank the tequila, wincing at the alcohol fumes that stung my nose and placed the second lime wedge in between his lips. Fuck he looked so good submissive. His brows jumped and his chest hardened as I leaned forward grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, never once breaking eye contact.
Silent groans as my knees rubbed against his inner thighs as I leaned in. I thought I had the upper hand, I thought the hard nipples stabbing through his shirt and the flushes meant I won. But, there was a smirk dancing around in his eyes and I caught it just before I closed mine.
As I reached out to suck the lime, I didn't see him open his mouth making the wedge drop to the marble floor beneath us. I realised too late, jumping and moaning in surprise when I felt silky lips waiting impatiently for me and not a sharp lime.
He tasted faintly of lime and it was bittersweet. My liquid courage arched my back as he gripped my waist and preserved no energy by easing into the kiss. We fought against each other, tongues entangling in a smoother sexier way than the make-outs of our tragic coworkers. The kiss screamed the sexual tension that had been unknowingly building this entire time and his forceful hand sliding me from my stool onto his lap screamed fuck me.
I pulled his hair wanting to hear the noises he would make. I didn't care where we were I just needed him. I needed something. But, I couldn't possibly hold him any closer.
Would his barstool hold the weight of both of us if I pounced?
Would anyone really notice if he pinned me onto the bar and fucked me here?
Jungkook's fist finds the root of my ruined hair and pulls until I'm whimpering to the chandelier above us and his dirty thoughts moan out against my neck.
"Fuck, are we really doing this?" I breathed in the recovery time but his touch was still killing me off.
He kisses my jaw, giving my swollen lips a rest and mumbles against it.
"Get your jacket. You're coming with me."
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loisroo · 3 years
RANDOM: If y’all think Han Juwon is not a closeted “soft boi” then you are wrong. Lol
He’s got way too many emotions and feels them so strongly. And that exterior armor he’s got is so tough and biting to protect that soft gooey inside he’s pretending doesn’t exist. You don’t stare down people that passionately (even if at first you just wanted to catch him as a murderer) if you don’t feel strongly and you don’t forsake your own family and well-being for others if you don’t feel.
Han Juwon would be a broken little softie around the others if given a chance- wanting hugs but not knowing how to ask, would take in strays, would leave anonymous care packages for people, would get clingy when pretty drunk and shameless when he was very drunk. Han Juwon would wear more of those soft fuzzy sweaters and love wearing a sweatshirt on Sunday as he watches whatever cartoon or dramatic show Lee Dongsik has slowly coerced him into allowing himself to like.
He would read poetry and Jane Austen, he would watch movies that make him feel strong emotions (shit like Seven Pounds and Brokeback Mountain) when Lee Dongsik was gone just so he could text him sad messages and tell him to hurry back. He would have cactuses and bamboo and lovingly complain about taking care of them everyday.
He would do all the cleaning so they met his standards but also because he wants things to be easier for Lee Dongsik. He would find small ways to add their personalities into Lee Dongsik’s family house, starting to make it look less and less like a bleeding wound and more like a home.
Han Juwon would visit Yoo Jaeyi every morning before work and they would have frequent gatherings at the butcher shop. He would pretend to hate talking with Kwon Hyuk but text or call the prosecutor daily and would become super over protective when the prosecutor starts to date.
He’s just a sweet, soft boy and he never had people in his life that allowed him to be. If he allowed more safe people in and allowed his walls to come down then I think this would happen.
Anddddd that’s the end of my random post of the thoughts in my heads about this show that ruined my life. 😂😂
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evil-moonlight · 2 years
For the WIP tag - what if Han Kiwhan shot Dongsik please!!! (I would love to read that, and your english does not suck at all btw)
Also thanks for tagging me! I'll be doing it tonight when I get home from work 💖
Omg, honestly, I had no idea about where this fic is going. I wrote this like I didn't even create an outline or whatever, what was on my mind was just the ending should be different, regardless of the consequence. This fic idea focuses on that particular scene in episode 16:
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what if... what if... Han gi hwan really did pull the trigger? So in this fic, he did and dongsik was shot right at his shoulder. And by that, it also focuses on how han juwon would've handled that scene. And everyone knows, the whole world knows, that he's all willing to go to hell for dongsik. He'd been to hell so many times but seeing the person you've been protecting get hurt, as it might eventually result in an inevitable demise, is a different case. So, juwon had to pull the trigger as well, become an untamed monster, to kill the other monster.
So like, this fic is just a description of what had happened next in that scene if that were the case, and that the little details are changed. Like, juwon is unhinged, wants to make sure his father won't get away from this, gi hwan must suffer... and must...die, and dongsik has to tell the young man that it does not have to be like this. This time, it is dongsik saying, "you can't ruin yourself anymore." Dongshik is still able to arrest gi hwan, although gi hwan is already in severe pain until jiwha and her team has arrived, the paramedics are quick to assist the dying man.
And also, I was laughing at myself when I wrote this 'cause I wanted this whole scene to be dramatic and sadder than it already had been but I had no idea how I should do that. So, dongsik is injured, right? But he begs jihwa to leave him and juwon for a while, saying that his gunshot wound is not a big deal, the pain is not even tantamount to the pain he had to endure for the past twenty years. Of course, it is stupid for jihwa to allow that, but since damn, I had no other idea how to give them the moment they needed, I allowed that to happen. XD jiwha takes herself out of the picture when truly dongsik is also at his death's door, considering the greater amount of dongsik's blood loss.
Then, the dialogues in dongsik's arrest scene are also changed. And the gestures when juwon is enunciating his rights are remade. Rather, they are... kissing... that when jiwha comes back and sees the moment, she thinks of it as the most beautiful portrait her eyes have ever witnessed. I wanted it to be both romantic and tragic - so, the scene where they did reunite for nam sang bae's death anniversary does not transpire. jihwa sends texts to juwon, inviting him to have lunch with them together, but he does not answer, nor plans to arrive at jaeyi's butcher shop. Juwon remembers it so well - the last time he and dongsik were together. Juwon had to arrest dongsik, otherwise, the man would rather choose to die right there. But after everything, dongsik died after all.... and gi hwan didn't. So, this fic is trash.
The rest of it apparently is just han juwon dealing with the stages of grief - how he handles his life while experiencing denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and why it takes him a very long time to arrive at the acceptance stage - how he slowly vanishes from the world, away from gi hwan, from hyuk, and the manyang people, and how the manyang people learns the fact that juwon is lost, and he's in deep sorrow, who still clings to the memories of dongsik - 'cause like every year, there are flowers in dongsik's tombstone, and immediately they know who those came from.
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newssplashy · 6 years
The week was exciting and full of intriguing stories, so guys let's take you through how they all happened.
This week has been full of interesting stories and gist as usual from your favourite celebrities.
From the beginning of the week we got to see sibling rivalry continue, a celebrity graduating from university, even some celebrity claimed to have been attacked by SARS again! As usual, the dragging and calling out game happened during the week.
Ok guys, here are some major stories we brought to you during the week which got a lot of people talking.
1. Paul Okoye responds to brother's insult accusation
 Well, the week began with Paul Okoye responded to the accusations earlier made by his twin brother, Peter Okoye of insulting his family. Paul Okoye while granting an interview with a radio station was asked about his twin brother's latest accusation and he gave a very diplomatic answer to the question.
"These are sensitive questions and the fact that it is sensitive there are ways you will say it and the way you people will just create news out of it. The way you people are lost about this issue is the same way I am seeing the issue too.
"Just understand this, it Is not good for me, it is not good for anybody yes people will tell you that they have been hearing one side of the story and they want to hear my own side of the story, I am not giving anybody any story. I always say this I didn't work hard for twenty years to destroy stuff like that, ok, I don't know, to be honest with you, I don't know," he said.
2. Nina graduates from Imo State University
 Away from sibling rivalry and drama, former Big Brother Naija housemate, Nina during the week, graduated from Imo State University. A very excited Nina took to her Instagram page where she posted photos from school.
"4 years, 62 courses, 8 semesters. Finally, it’s over...I remember 4 years ago when I got admission Always running for lectures chai. No more lectures. No more assignments. No more impromptu Saturday test. Mama, I made it. To you Lord who made this possible. I will praise you forever. You are merciful. You are my Jehova overdo. You are my unchangable changer. I can’t stop loving you. To my parents, thanks for always standing by me. I love you forever. Finally a BA holder...osheyyyyyy," she wrote.
3. Yeni Kuti lays curse on band member who absconded in US
 Another drama that happened during the week was the allegation that a member of Femi Kuti's band, absconded in the US. Just like any caring sibling, Femi's sister, Yeni Kuti, took it upon herself as she cursed the band member, Andrew Aghedo on her Instagram page.
"The face of betrayal. I hope @realdonaldtrump catches you and deports you!!! Deserted band 20mins before concert because he wants to stay in America. BETRAYER Absconded bassist 20 mins before concert! ANDREW AGHEDO! Those who defend you are just like you. You try to destroy other people to get on in life. It doesn’t work like that," she wrote.
4. Jude Okoye says he used to be a bus conductor
 While Peter and Paul Okoye continued to wash their dirty linens in public, their elder brother, Jude Okoye was serving us some motivational goals on Instagram. According to Jude Engees, he used to be a bus conductor in Lagos before things turned around for him.
"DID YOU KNOW....? My first 4 nights in Lagos in 1995 was spent under ijora bridge stranded cos of music hustle. Had to do conductor work route ijora - jibowu every day to survive. #mondaymotivation," he said.
5. iLLBLISS says a gun was held to his head by SARS officers
 The list of celebrities who have been harassed by SARS officers increased during the week, with iLLBLISS as their latest victim. The rapper and music executive made this known on Tuesday, July 31, 2018, on his Twitter page.
"Last night SARS had guns to my head! Lying on the coal tar next to my manager/ what the fk is going on? Searching us for tramadol and....." he tweeted.
6. D'banj continues to mourn his son
 The death of D'banj's son came as a rude shock to everyone both in and outside the entertainment industry. Even though the music star has stayed away from social media since the demise of his son, he came out during the week to write about how he and his family have been doing since the sad incident.
"The past few weeks have been incredibly trying and difficult, but God’s love has kept me and my family going. I can't thank my team enough and the incredible love from you all. May God keep us all. #StrongerTogether'...      " he captioned the photo.
7. Waje has a message for her former personal assistants
 Waje appears to be one of those celebrities who hardly get dramatic on social media but this week, the singer wasn't having any of it as she called out her former personal assistants on Instagram. According to her, you have to work hard to be able to achieve anything in life.
" Dear young people, you have to work! You think cause of the clothes and lifestyle, we hang with our legs and sit with makeup and a smile? It's disheartening. You send me dm's of how you want a job etc. In the last 3 months, I have worked with four personal assistants with everyone complaining that the job is stressful. So you think the job was taking pictures?" she wrote.
8. Mercy Aigbe's estranged husband says he owns her and their son
 The strained relationship between Mercy Aigbe and her estranged husband, Lanre Gentry has continued to be the topic of discussion among tabloids. In a recent interview with PUNCH, Lanre Gentry revealed his relationship status with the actress.
"Mercy and Juwon are my property," he said when asked about Mercy Aigbe's Instagram post during the Father's day celebration. When queried about reuniting with Aigbe after the actress moved out of their matrimonial home, Gentry said he's waiting to hear from the actress as regards dissolving their marriage legally because they are still married according to the Nigerian marital laws.
Ok guys, thanks for reading and staying online to our platform, we hope you continue to do so while having an exciting week ahead.
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News,Ghana News ,News,Entertainment,Hot Posts,sports In a Splash.
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katierosefun · 2 years
I'm still stuck on that scene from the end of episode 8 (beyond evil), where dongsik breaks his promise to juwon. Like I'm really not sure what to make out of juwon's incredibly emotional reaction, homeboy was bout to cry his eyes out on the spot and I'm like?? Is this Really just about arresting him? Like his sense of justice is That strong that would get him to react like that? Or it's also more heavily about how he let himself trust dongsik and believed his promise and now he's being let down.
If it's the second one then he's way more emotional than anyone ever gave him credit for. And this also makes me think about what he said to dongsik about trust being fragile cause it's based on emotions, maybe he was talking about his own experience with dongsik.
Promises mean a lot to juwon it seems and maybe dongsik's promise meant more to him than him getting to arrest him.
(pain cause at the end dongsik did keep his promise to him)
anon, you're getting at my own personal curiosity with joo won's reaction in that moment, because if i'm being honest, i still don't really know what to make of it except joo won is a) dramatic, b) DRAMATIC, and c) not normal, he doesn't know how to be normal about anything, what a silly prince--
but also, i do think that a lot of it does also stem from joo won's intense sense of what's right vs what's wrong (and then watching it all kind of. crumble to pieces as he gets personally closer and closer to the truth of just what happened to the lee family all those years ago). and i think that also coexists with the fact that han joo won is very emotional. i hate han ki hwan with my whole heart, but i think if he's right about one thing, it's that joo won is very much so an emotional person, even if he doesn't necessarily want to think of himself that way.
but here's the thing: i think something that's lovely about beyond evil and joo won's character as a whole is that yeah, i might laugh at how joo won's one dramatic bastard, but his emotions are also what really make him a good person. he's actually a pretty intelligent guy--we only make fun of him because we're mostly seeing him from dong sik's perspective, i think, and also because dong sik's tricking joo won into believing what he literally set up for him. but outside of that? joo won's a smart dude, and he's also insanely emotional. he cries when he's upset! he gets scared and backs away a few steps and he cries when he's being yelled at! and like, even though joo won himself is a "no touchy, no need for relationships" kind of guy, i think he was always very weirdly attached to dong sik, even before he knew the whole truth about him.
anyways, to actually answer your question: i think it was genuinely a mix of all of those things. han joo won's a bit of a mess. we love him for it.
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katierosefun · 2 years
thank you so much for the translation ask! i see now this makes so much sense, i could actually see juwon saying it in a more straightforward way (and a bit dramatic too cause well gays are simply like that askjdh) It's so him, his character, the same also happened at the lake when dongsik was fishing, he told him "i would make a move" and this time around he'll take a decision too, he will take his responsibility for his actions and be better (ಡ‸ಡ)
of course! glad to clear things up!! and also, yes, joo won's just so . . . he's dramatic and also something i love about joo won is how as soon as he makes his mind up to something, he really speaks it as well as does it. he's so blunt about everything, and he almost always means what he says too, which is so . . . oddly refreshing? because on the surface, joo won seems your pretty typical kdrama male protagonist in the whole "cold, aloof" type beat, but then you get to know joo won and while he's def. cold at first, there's something so fierce and bright about the way he's so unapologetic about doing the thing that he believes is right. i bully him a lot, but i do love joo won a lot + do stand in a teensy bit of awe of him because whoo boy, now that's a guy who means his every word!
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newssplashy · 6 years
Weekly Recap: A recap of what happened this week in the lives of your favourite celebrities
The week was exciting and full of intriguing stories, so guys let's take you through how they all happened.
This week has been full of interesting stories and gist as usual from your favourite celebrities.
From the beginning of the week we got to see sibling rivalry continue, a celebrity graduating from university, even some celebrity claimed to have been attacked by SARS again! As usual, the dragging and calling out game happened during the week.
Ok guys, here are some major stories we brought to you during the week which got a lot of people talking.
1. Paul Okoye responds to brother's insult accusation
 Well, the week began with Paul Okoye responded to the accusations earlier made by his twin brother, Peter Okoye of insulting his family. Paul Okoye while granting an interview with a radio station was asked about his twin brother's latest accusation and he gave a very diplomatic answer to the question.
"These are sensitive questions and the fact that it is sensitive there are ways you will say it and the way you people will just create news out of it. The way you people are lost about this issue is the same way I am seeing the issue too.
"Just understand this, it Is not good for me, it is not good for anybody yes people will tell you that they have been hearing one side of the story and they want to hear my own side of the story, I am not giving anybody any story. I always say this I didn't work hard for twenty years to destroy stuff like that, ok, I don't know, to be honest with you, I don't know," he said.
2. Nina graduates from Imo State University
 Away from sibling rivalry and drama, former Big Brother Naija housemate, Nina during the week, graduated from Imo State University. A very excited Nina took to her Instagram page where she posted photos from school.
"4 years, 62 courses, 8 semesters. Finally, it’s over...I remember 4 years ago when I got admission Always running for lectures chai. No more lectures. No more assignments. No more impromptu Saturday test. Mama, I made it. To you Lord who made this possible. I will praise you forever. You are merciful. You are my Jehova overdo. You are my unchangable changer. I can’t stop loving you. To my parents, thanks for always standing by me. I love you forever. Finally a BA holder...osheyyyyyy," she wrote.
3. Yeni Kuti lays curse on band member who absconded in US
 Another drama that happened during the week was the allegation that a member of Femi Kuti's band, absconded in the US. Just like any caring sibling, Femi's sister, Yeni Kuti, took it upon herself as she cursed the band member, Andrew Aghedo on her Instagram page.
"The face of betrayal. I hope @realdonaldtrump catches you and deports you!!! Deserted band 20mins before concert because he wants to stay in America. BETRAYER Absconded bassist 20 mins before concert! ANDREW AGHEDO! Those who defend you are just like you. You try to destroy other people to get on in life. It doesn’t work like that," she wrote.
4. Jude Okoye says he used to be a bus conductor
 While Peter and Paul Okoye continued to wash their dirty linens in public, their elder brother, Jude Okoye was serving us some motivational goals on Instagram. According to Jude Engees, he used to be a bus conductor in Lagos before things turned around for him.
"DID YOU KNOW....? My first 4 nights in Lagos in 1995 was spent under ijora bridge stranded cos of music hustle. Had to do conductor work route ijora - jibowu every day to survive. #mondaymotivation," he said.
5. iLLBLISS says a gun was held to his head by SARS officers
 The list of celebrities who have been harassed by SARS officers increased during the week, with iLLBLISS as their latest victim. The rapper and music executive made this known on Tuesday, July 31, 2018, on his Twitter page.
"Last night SARS had guns to my head! Lying on the coal tar next to my manager/ what the fk is going on? Searching us for tramadol and....." he tweeted.
6. D'banj continues to mourn his son
 The death of D'banj's son came as a rude shock to everyone both in and outside the entertainment industry. Even though the music star has stayed away from social media since the demise of his son, he came out during the week to write about how he and his family have been doing since the sad incident.
"The past few weeks have been incredibly trying and difficult, but God’s love has kept me and my family going. I can't thank my team enough and the incredible love from you all. May God keep us all. #StrongerTogether'...      " he captioned the photo.
7. Waje has a message for her former personal assistants
 Waje appears to be one of those celebrities who hardly get dramatic on social media but this week, the singer wasn't having any of it as she called out her former personal assistants on Instagram. According to her, you have to work hard to be able to achieve anything in life.
" Dear young people, you have to work! You think cause of the clothes and lifestyle, we hang with our legs and sit with makeup and a smile? It's disheartening. You send me dm's of how you want a job etc. In the last 3 months, I have worked with four personal assistants with everyone complaining that the job is stressful. So you think the job was taking pictures?" she wrote.
8. Mercy Aigbe's estranged husband says he owns her and their son
 The strained relationship between Mercy Aigbe and her estranged husband, Lanre Gentry has continued to be the topic of discussion among tabloids. In a recent interview with PUNCH, Lanre Gentry revealed his relationship status with the actress.
"Mercy and Juwon are my property," he said when asked about Mercy Aigbe's Instagram post during the Father's day celebration. When queried about reuniting with Aigbe after the actress moved out of their matrimonial home, Gentry said he's waiting to hear from the actress as regards dissolving their marriage legally because they are still married according to the Nigerian marital laws.
Ok guys, thanks for reading and staying online to our platform, we hope you continue to do so while having an exciting week ahead.
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/08/weekly-recap-recap-of-what-happened.html
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