#but nooo it's hey i can control the while line on the road
lookotherway · 2 years
Only heroes have the license to use their quirks in public like that’s a big reason why the MLA were still kicking.
not sure you mean it good or bad, but like there is a reason for the prohibition of public using quirk. how do i even start to explain this without making a mess 😵
in mha, there is no limitation for 'quirk', for what and how quirk can be and will be. there's no barrier, no system, no textbook power. you can imagine something, stupid or magnificent, and there definitely will be someone in the world has or had that. and even your imagination will be limited of how quirks could turn out. that's the first thing, because there's no solid scale to reckon how great a quirk will be, there is no way to reckon how terrible a quirk will be.
the second thing is, mha world isn't a world that started with superpowers. it is a world that started out as a normal world and evolved into phenomenon world. it means the base of civilization was built up for a normal civilization, not for a paranormal civilization. i will take example so it could be easier to understand:
take it as the gigantic quirk. the roads and map of buildings were set since the quirkless era for normal people, even though it has been improving again and again for the existence of mutant, it still kept the main design for average human size. do you think it should be rebuild to fit someone as big as the gigantic in PLA, or someone like mt. lady, just because they are free to use their quirks aka become too big for the city? how will they hold the responsibility? if they destroyed some buildings is it their fault for using their quirks wrong or is it the society's fault for not building some bigger roads?
what about quirk like overhaul's? when he disassembles then reassembles a person, are we going to count it as a killing action or a treating action? is he going to hold the responsibility of assaulting people, or is the government going to hold the responsibility because they let him use it freely? are the people who voted for free use of quirk going to hold the responsibility, or they will just push it to the government?
or toga. her quirk requires drinking blood to active. so if she attacks people and drinks their blood, how are we gonna handle this case? yeah sure, there is law that prohibit you to attack people with your quirk. but her quirk requires drinking blood to active. if we prohibit her to drink people's blood isn't that just we taking away her human right? her free quirk using right?
it will be a horrible legal nightmare to regulate quirks if everyone's free to do whatever fuck they want. it will be a century pain if you want to... pull the entire based civilization down and rebuild it so everyone can be free.
and another thing is, leading a whole nation isn't a game. stabilizing a nation and society isn't a game that one can simply put on a bet that sure people will behave and comply with the law if we allow them to use quirks freely. no. human's heart is ugly no matter what kind of evolution they've gone through. the government simply cannot bet the entire peace and order of the society on... the society itself.
it's not about 'they prohibit me from using my own quirk freely'. it is about you have yet to prove them that they can have faith on you. that's literally how heroes start out. the society isn't just you. it is everyone, so it can't be 'everyone can be whatever fuck they want', it has to be 'everyone are equal therefore everyone are treated the same unless they prove their ability'. a clock can't work if each of its cog wants to wheel its own direction.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for the Avengers teaching you how to drive
Avengers x reader
prompt: anonymous: “hey! if it's not too much to ask... can i request an MCU Avengers headcanon of the team teaching teen!reader how to drive? i'm finally learning how to and it's absolutely terrifying (i really hope this sends properly because firefox crashed while i was trying to write it lol)”
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firstly no one was very thrilled to be your teacher because getting in the car with an inexperienced driver just felt like a trap
and although they’d put themselves in much more dangerous situations than this
they all had the same thing to say:
“this is not how i want to go down���
but theyd FORBID anyone else from stepping in
“it’s okay, i’ll do it” -cap
“no, no, no. i dont think the one hundred year old man knows today’s road rules. i should teach y/n” -nat
“natasha, you’ve let me drive you before. was i that bad?” -cap
“im not having this discussion” -nat
“you should let vis do it, he might stay calm while y/n drives” -wanda
“what about sam—” -bucky
“no.” -sam
you were actually quietly watching them bicker about who’d have the honor of teaching you
“i dont let anyone else drive me, y/n. you’re not special. but i’ll give you a cool car when you get your license, deal?” -tony
“i’m not special?” -you
“sure you are kid, i just never want to get in a car that you’re driving is all” -tony, patting your head
“oh, okay” -you
the avengers actually decided that wanda was right and vision was probably the best equipped to teach you
they just had to see if you’d enjoy having him as a teacher
the team set up a little course at HQ with a LOT of cones
“how am i supposed to get around all of those?” -you
“you can use your powers!” -thor
“that’s against the rules!” -you
they had to take some of the cones away :(
all the avengers watched from the side of the course
“now, y/n, you need to shift into drive. press your foot on the brake and move this knob to the ‘D’ position” -vision
“which one is the brake?” -you
“...the left one” -vis
sam was recording on his phone
and had redwing do a bird’s eye view for “special footage”
“this should be good” -sam
as soon as you stepped on the gas, the car went speeding straight forward
sam was laughing his ass off but the rest of the avengers were terrified for you
you hit 6 cones before the brakes
“have some faith in them, guys” -wanda
“i just don’t think that’s possible. you guys okay in there?” -rhodey
“spectacular, thank you for your concern” -vis
you needed to try a different teacher
nat was next in line
“okay, so we probably should have mentioned how sensitive you have to be with the pedals. i know we dont do that on missions, but when you’re on the road, you have to watch all of your surroundings” -nat
she totally brought you straight into traffic because the only way you learn in through intense pressure and real world experience (according to her)
“hands at ten and two, right?” -you
“if that’s what you think” -nat
“that’s not helping” -you
screaming every time you turned
ESPECIALLY left hand turns (or right turns if you are not in the US but this takes place in the US i guess idk it’s whatever you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
redwing was still following you
everyone was watching the surveillance footage at HQ
“tony, you’re paying for any damages y/n makes, right?” -cap
“is that all im good for? my money?” -tony... “duh, of course i’m paying”
blowing past a red light
“you were supposed to stop” -nat
“what, now?” -you, braking in the middle of the intersection
*honking from all sides*
“what do you think, y/n?” -nat
cap was covering his eyes
“this is a disaster” -wanda
“takes one to know one” -tony, without thinking “oh my god, i’m sorry”
“lets just focus on y/n, maybe we can give them some feedback” -cap
nat made you drive into a parking lot
to park
“okay, just pull in straight. you have to be even in between the lines” -nat
“is that good?” -you
“y/n...you parked directly on top of the line” -nat
“...fuck” -you
next person to teach you was......
“come on, y/n. just go through the drive thru. i’ll pay for your chicken nuggets” -rhodey
“i dont really want chicken nuggets” -you
“fine, okay, you can get whatever you want. just go through the drive thru” -rhodey
you hit the curb
you actually rode the curb
“this is fine” -you
“well...you’re getting better” -rhodey
“dont sugarcoat it, man” -you
“come on! eyes on the road!” -rhodey
steve decided to step in and let you handle the driving on an actual mission
“at least here you’ll have some sort of free reign, that way you can get a better feeling of control when driving” -cap
“we dont like this plan” -all the avengers in the back of this big ass truck
redwing was following ofc
honestly,,,,, that plan wasn’t too bad
you did hit a few trees but this was a heavy duty vehicle
you’d have to do a lot more than that to hurt anything
“hey, this is actually pretty cool! i think ive got the hang of it!” -you
they scheduled you drivers test when you got back, but assured you that it wasnt the end of the world if you failed. you could retake it after some more practice
but you did end up passing it!!!! even tho there were a few mishaps
“mx. l/n, your turn signal” -instructor
“my what?” -you “oh crap”
but you got your license and the team took turns passing it around to take a look at it
“oh man, you look high as a kite. what’s going on with your face???” -tony
“shut up! no i dont!” -you
celebratory dinner!!!!
and sam put together a compilation of all your worst/best moments behind the wheel
“heres the one where they put it in reverse instead of park and started rolling backwards......and thats when they jumped out to try to stop it with their bare hands....oh no!!! they’re going down!!!!” -sam
“oh my god, nooo!” -you, burying your face in your hands
and to top it all off......tony bought you your own car (and got any modifications you wanted)
“i swear to god if you ask for flames on the sides, im donating it” -tony
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie //
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 8x23: “Sacrifice”
THE ROAD SO FAR: Kicking ass, taking names. Dean got out of Purgatory. Sam hit a dog. Kevin discovered the way to close the Gates of Hell forever. Abaddon is in the wind. Naomi mind-controlled Cas. The trials are “purifying” Sam. Metatron. Crowley is putting the Winchesters in a difficult place. What will they do now?
(Set to the show’s official/unofficial theme song.)
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Aww Jody!
Roderick. Crowley used his human middle name as an alias.
Why must I always be reminded of what Jody went through?
Man, Jody was just trying to get back on the dating scene. She didn’t deserve to almost die.
“You have less than one minute before a very dear, attractive, and slightly tipsy friend of yours snuffs it.”
“Call it off, Crowley.”
“Because it's over, you son of a bitch. We want to deal.”
Did the Winchesters already have their plan?
“First, I need to hear two little words -- I surrender.”
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The show never let us hear Dean say “I surrender”. Good.
Nice location.
“You hid the Demon Tablet underneath the devil? Seriously?”
Sam looking like a real supermodel.
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“All right, listen, this is a secret lair. You understand me? No keggers.” Kevin’s our next guest in the Bunker.
Houston, Texas. (Aaayyyy, my hometown!)
“What was he like?”
“Who? Oh. God? Mm, pretty much like you'd expect. Larger-than-life, gruff, bit of a sexist. But fair -- eminently fair.”
Hmm. I’d say that’s a good description.
The second “angel trial”: retrieve Cupid’s bow.
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:Cas didn’t want to kill again.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 
At Bobby’s old scrapyard. (I bet it was Crowley’s idea to meet up here.)
There’s Bobby’s car. :( (Isn’t there any way they can take it with them and have it at the Bunker?)
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“You know why I always defeat you? It's your humanity. It's a built-in handicap.“ Huh, didn’t Soulless Sam say something similar?
Who’s plan was this?
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“Sooner or later, you're gonna have to face it -- you're ours. Which means that your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick.”
“What's he mouthing on about?”
“You're the third trial, Crowley.”
“Would you say that you're looking for, uh, a partner in crime... ...or, uh, someone who's into nurse role-play and light domination?”
“Brother, it's 10:00 a.m. on a Tuesday.”
I love Cas.
(Okay, but tell me that doesn’t describe Destiel. Partners in crime, where one is into nurse role-play, Cas, and light domination, Dean.)
“Stop. Please, Castiel, don't make this any worse. Please.”
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“How you feeling?”
“Honestly, for the first time in a long time, it feels like we're gonna win. I'm good.”
“You ever, uh -- you ever done the ‘forgive me, father’ before?”
“Well, once, when we were kids.”
What did Sam say back then?
“I have no clue what to say now.”
“Well, I mean, I could give you suggestions if you want.”
“O-okay. Yeah, sure.”
“All right. Well, I'm just spit-balling here, but if I were you, uh... Ruby, killing Lilith, letting Lucifer out, losing your soul, not looking for me when I went to Purgatory--”
Yeah Sam, you got a list.
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“Well, that was you.”
“...Carry on.”
We won’t get to see Dean’s confessional until S10, I think.
“Okay, um...if anybody's listening, here goes.” I would’ve liked to have seen Sam’s confession.
Cas has come to Dean for help.
Metatron, meet Naomi.
Who would’ve known that between these two evils, Naomi was the lesser one?
"Of the blessings set before you, make your choice and be content." I do like that.
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“Metatron, the guy who was full-on crazy, cat-lady-hoarder angel yesterday -- now he wants to save Heaven?”
“Yes, he wants to. But I'm the only one in who can. I can't fail, Dean, not on this one. I need your help.”
NOOO. What did I say about being the “only one” being shady??
“Now, if anybody needs a chaperone while doing the heavy lifting, it's Sam.” Of course that’s when Sam had to walk in.  
“Start the injections now. If I'm not back in eight hours, finish it, no questions, no hesitation.”
The third trial has officially begun.
“According to your own words this morning...this is not what I do. It's what I did. You told me I was out, Dean.”
“There is no out. Only duty.” Damn, Cas.
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“...until the day you cease to exist, and then another Prophet takes your place.”
I love that Cas has to add that technicality.
Owww, Crowley! That hurt me.
He got a good amount of blood too.
Oh, we ‘bout to get it!!
“Your, uh, buddy over there thinks you saved his life.” AWW. Cas probably went over and healed him after the angels had left.
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This could’ve been one of the last times Dean and Cas have a conversation...and it’s about whether Cas might die soon.
“So this is it? E.T. goes home.” You know damn well Cas doesn’t understand pop culture.
Gail, our Cupid.
“Damn, that's sweet.” “ Damn, that's sweet.”
There it was.
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"Nice to Be with You” by Gallery.
Dean’s just in total awe.
I’m so proud my hometown is canonically the location of that scene.
Crowley would be singing that song. “Changes” by David Bowie.
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“Hello, boys.”
Ouch. There went Sam.
“Give us your bow.” Slow your roll, Cas.
“Talk first, stab later.”
“Do you know what I find the most shocking about time-traveling through a closet and landing in the year 2013? Somebody thought it was a good idea to make you the King of Hell.”
“Right now, you and I are gonna talk about regime change.”
Burned Abaddon to a crisp. Good job, Sam.
Cas acquires cupid’s bow.
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“...to sit at God's feet, to be asked to write down his word? The ache I felt when he was gone, telling myself, "Father's left, but look what he's left us -- paradise." But you and your Archangels couldn't leave well enough alone. You ran me from my home. Did you really think you could do all of that to me and there'd be no payback?”
Naomi ain’t buying it...but she seems to have figured out what he’s really up to.
Oh, is this the scene with Crowley?
It is!
“We just shared a foxhole, you and I. We beat back the Tet Offensive, outrun the --the Rape of Nanking together! And still you're gonna do me like this?! Aah! Aah! ‘Band of Brothers’? ‘The Pacific’? None of this means anything to you? All those motels, you never once watched HBO, not once? ‘Girls’? You're my Marnie, Moose. A-and Hannah -- she just --she needs to be loved. She deserves it.”
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Wow. Fine acting form Mark Sheppard there.
“Would it be possible, Moose...I'd like...to ask you a-a favor, Sam. Earlier, when you were confessing back there...what did you say? I only ask because, given my history...it raises the question... Where do I start...to even look for forgiveness?” Mark Sheppard is truly doing a great job.
Human!Crowley was wonderful.
“Come on, Kev! We're on the one-yard line here.”
“Okay, a-and I should have mentioned this six months ago, but the sports metaphors -- y-you want to motivate me, "Magic" cards, "Skyrim," Aziz Ansari.”
“What? Yeah, I don't know what those words mean.”
“Metatron isn't trying to fix anything. He's trying to break it -- an act of revenge for driving him away.”
“Break it how?”
“Expel all Angels from Heaven, just as God cast out Lucifer.”
“Cast you out? To where? Hell?”
“Here. Thousands of us, walking the Earth.”
Naomi’s telling the truth.
Dean can stop a powerful warrior with one touch.
“If Sam completes those trials, he is going to die.” Oh dear.
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“I will listen.”
“Dean, I'm not wrong. I'm going to fix my home.” I’m not sure which I consider more painful: that Cas was wrong, or that Cas still considered heaven his home.
Now knowing that Naomi’s still alive, it’s kinda obvious that a drill to the head wouldn’t have killed her and she was just catatonic here.
“She told you I lied, didn't she? You should've listened to the bitch.” Metatron, you asshole.
“What's going on? Where's Cas?!”
“Metatron lied. You finish this trial, you're dead, Sam.”
That one little word shattered my heart.
“These were never trials, Castiel. This is a spell. And what I'm taking from you now -- your essence, your Grace -- is the last piece.”
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The moment that changed Cas forever.
“Think about it. Think about what we know, huh? Pulling souls from Hell, curing demons, hell, ganking a Hellhound! We have enough knowledge on our side to turn the tide here.” 2 of these 3 things will come back. They’ll work a case that involves killing a hellhound in S12, and even sooner than that, they’ll cure demon!Dean.
“You want to know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down. I can't do that again. What happens when you've decided I can't be trusted again?”
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(So Sam was jealous of Cas?)
“Hold on, hold on! You seriously think that? Because none of it -- none of it -- is true. Listen, man, I know we've had our disagreements, okay? Hell, I know I've said some junk that set you back on your heels. But, Sammy...come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you.”
Dean loves his little kid brother very much, and it is the backbone of this show.
“Hey, listen,we will figure it out, okay, just like we always do. Come on.”
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“Castiel?! Where the hell are you?” Cas can’t come to the phone right now.
And where the hell was Kevin gonna go??
What a tragic and beautiful shot.
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“Angels. They’re falling.”
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12x16 and hunting Claire here we come!
Dean really doesn’t like working for BMoL... oh no... its Mick...
“Some girl even came by saying she was from the Fish and Wildlife Service. Barely as old as Hayden, I mean, like I’m going to buy that.” pffft
I love the look between Dean and Sam at that line.
Sam: You remember what she looked like?
MOTHER: Yeah, blonde. Bad attitude.
DEAN: Young, blonde, pissed off. Sound like anybody we know?
And there she is! Lying to Jody but clearly feeling bad about it. And then the phone rings. gee i wonder who that could be :D
Answers phone and then:
DEAN (in a terrible accent): Oh thank god. There’s a bear. It’s the size of a tank. I think it wants my picnic basket!
Her face when she realises it’s Dean is gold. Pure gold!
And then Mick brings out the beers and Claire’s like ‘yes finally’ until Dean ruins it by going into Dad Mode. I really want him to give Claire her first beer. Or at least give her one at some point cause Claire has probably drank by now
And now we get some more protective Dean:
CLAIRE: The guy I talked to was a scumbag. Tribal tat, motorcycle, grabby.
DEAN: Grabby?
CLAIRE: I’m a big girl. I handled it.
And now they’re worried about what she’s been eating (at least Sam was) and Dean hands her the menu and says go nuts. They’ve really grown attached to Claire and I think that what Sam said in 10x20 - about Claire being as good as family- really has gone beyond that. She IS family and they would both do anything for her.
She’s all dressed up to be a Hunter with them and is pointing out things and making connections - she’s learning so quickly :’)
Sam and Claire have gone off to work and when Sam sees the state of Claire’s car he becomes really worried and keeps asking if she’s good and if things are good which prompts Sam to call Jody.
Dean and Mick go to the bar. And then Connor walks in and Dean immediately notices the tattoo on his neck. Uh oh
They wrap up the interview and then Dean turns back:
DEAN: Oh, one more thing. Did you happen to meet a, ah, blonde girl the other night? About yea high. Feisty?
CONNOR: Yeah, said she was Hayden’s cousin. Crazy bitch threw a beer at me
DEAN: Ha, well from what I heard, you earned it
CONNOR: What, are you her dad? Dude, c’mon. Girls like that (laughs).
DEAN: Yeah. You ever touch her again I’ll break your face.
I love Dean
CLAIRE: I was kidding before but you really do look like a stalker.
I love how comfortable she is with them.
And now Sam brings up Jody but Sam didn’t tell Jody that Claire was lying. Claire vents a little about how she feels that Jody wants her to be more like Alex and Claire needs her space.
CLAIRE: I’m so sick of you guys dive-bombing my life, pretending that you care.
While Claire snaps and then walks off, I do think this does reveal some of her fears. She wants to be a good hunter so Sam and Dean and Jody don’t have to worry and because she’s kind of scared the boys only see her if she needs help - that they only care if she screwed stuff up and needs help on a case. This obviously isn’t true and I think its something she realises this episode.
I love the transition with the music here so f-ing much
Okay, can things stop biting Claire, I mean seriously?
And then Sam’s there and immediately pulls her into a hug. His face when he realises she’s been bitten... nooo
And then we cut to Dean mothering Claire and they both tell Mick to stay away from her.
CLAIRE: Maybe some people can control this but I can barely hold it together on a good day. So if there’s any chance that I could hurts Jody... or Alex. Or anyone. I’d rather die.
Claire breaks my heart.
CLAIRE: It’s my life. I get all the votes.
You tell him Claire. I get Dean just wants to protect Claire because he loves her so much but it scares him so much that there’s a chance he could lose her but she’s right. It’s her life. 
Claire may not like herself much and not really trust that others truly care about her but they do love her so so much.
And even when she’s turning into a monster Claire is terrified of disappointing Jody
WEREWOLF: You’ll see. I’m a nice guy.
CLAIRE: Yeah? You know who says they’re a nice guy? Clingy, insecure bitches with mummy issues.
I love her so much. Even in her condition she refuses to back down.
WEREWOLF: As soon as I saw you I knew you were just like me. Alone.
CLAIRE (spits heart out in his face): Wrong. I have a family. And they love me.
I’m so proud of her - she’s come so far.
I also love how Dean double checks that this was what she wanted and despite his own feelings on the matter he still does it because it’s Claire’s life at the end of the day.
Not that that means he can sit there and watch her in pain.
This links Claire to Alex even more- they both have been cured from being monsters.
Oh God no their faces when they think she’s dead.
But she wakes up!
MICK: That girl is a walking miracle.
Damn right she is!
CLAIRE: Look. What I said before - you guys are here when I need you. That’s all that matters.
DEAN: Whatever you decide, we’ve got your back
And she knows that this is true and can trust in this. Claire still has her boatload of trauma and trust issues but she’s learning, slowly, that there are people she can lean on. People she can trust and believe that they want her exactly how she is. And trust that she can reveal just how strongly she feels about them without it backfiring.
CLAIRE: Hey, it’s me, Claire. Okay, um. Here it goes. I’ve been hunting. Alone. And I know its not what you want to hear and i know it sounds scary. It scares me too, sometimes but... it’s something that I have to do on my own. Just for a little while. But I’m ready. And i never would’ve been ready if it wasn’t for you being my mother. Well, I better go. Tell Alex she better not touch my stuff... I love you guys.
... cue my heart breaking...
*wild child plays*
Fitting song to end the night. Claire has come such a long way and I can’t wait to see where Wayward Sisters takes her. I really hope we see her building stronger bonds with Jody and Alex, and clearly she gets along well with Donna (how could you not after all) and I want to see how she’s going to balance hunting with her family because as a lead of a show set in Sioux Falls, something tells me her time hunting alone and on the road may be coming to an end.
Tomorrows the last day of rewatches before the big one! We’re getting so close! I still can’t quite believe this is real!
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the-kings-tail-fin · 7 years
They came as soon as possible to the hospital after that message from Tex saying Cal's parents got in a horrible accident. The young 10 years old Cal was parking next to his uncle, with bloodshed eyes that filled with tears. He was a mess. ANGST TIME YES
I’ve actually thought about this quite a bit since the idea came up a while back. I’m gonna change a couple aspects of the prompt, if that’s okay? Just like, by making Cal a little younger (I imagine this happening like a year after the Christmas story I did yesterday, so maybe 5 or so?), and by changing how they received the news, if that’s cool.
It was early December, time for Cal’s parents to go vacation down south. Since Cal had had quite possibly the greatest holiday season of his life last year, they decided to vacation early this year so they could be back in time to celebrate together as a family. 
They were due back in town that day. Cal was excited, running around all hyper and talking nonstop. As much as he enjoyed staying with his aunt and uncle, he loved his parents more than anything. He couldn’t wait to tell them all about the fun things he’d done in the last week.
Strip looked out the window at the dreary sky. It had been spitting ice pellets all morning. He expected to get a call at any moment from his brother asking if they could keep Cal one more day so the roads would have time to clear.
“Cal, I’m gonna put you in time out if you don’t calm down.” Lynda threatened him. “You gotta stop running around like this.”
Strip turned around to see Cal darting back and forth between the kitchen and the living area. He was purposely trying to avoid being caught by Lynda, who just couldn’t keep up with him.
“I’m gonna siphon your gas, and then you’ll be stuck, buddy.” Strip assisted his wife, moving forward to cut Cal off from rocketing off towards the front door. 
“Nooo!” Cal yelled, turning abruptly to avoid running into Strip’s side. He turned too hard on the carpet and managed to flip up on his side. He tried to push himself back over with his tires laying against the floor, but was unable to.
“I say we leave him like that.” Lynda said, herself unsure if she was joking or not. She’d done nothing but chase him around all day, and it was exhausting.
Strip smiled as Cal grunted and flailed around, refusing to admit defeat. The kid finally sighed and said “I’m stuck.”
Just then, Strip heard the popping of gravel under tires and went to look out the window again, expecting his brother and sister-in-law to be coming up the drive.
“Is that them?” Lynda asked from across the room.
Strip saw flashes of black and white. Neither his brother nor his brother’s wife had black or white paint.
“No.” Strip said, watching the figure through the tree line at the far end of the yard. “It’s someone else.”
The car finally emerged into the open. It was a cop. Strip felt uneasy. The police had no reason to come this far out of the way for no reason. He turned from looking out the window, gently pushed Cal back on his wheels, and looked at Lynda.
“Can you keep him occupied in here while I go see what this is about?” he asked her.
She looked a little confused at the request, but nodded. Cal, suddenly better behaved, followed her into the living room and settled for playing a game of tic-tac-toe. He liked to play with her because she always let him win.
The officer pulled onto the porch and knocked on the door. Strip immediately opened the door and greeted him.
“Afternoon, officer. Something I can do for you?” he asked.
The officer shook himself. “No, not at all. Mr. Weathers, my name’s Officer Grilles. I regret to say this, but I’m here to inform you about an accident that happened this morning.”
Strip felt the dread creep through him, as cold as the hardened rain outside. The officer paused and took a breath. Relaying news like this was never easy, no matter how much experience he had.
“At about ten o’oclock this morning, the mountain passage iced over. The county did not have time to issue a travel warning before the accident reports came in. We went and investigated the accident to find that an oil tanker took a turn too fast in the ice, lost control, and flipped over into the opposing lane. Maurice and Sadie Weathers were making their way up the mountain in the opposing lane when it happened. I’m - I’m sorry to report that Maurice was declared dead on site. Sadie was rushed to the nearest hospital, but passed soon after she was admitted.”
Strip couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Gone? Was his little brother really gone? Sadie too? He stared off into the middle distance in a dissociated state. The officer looked genuinely distraught, but after a moment of hesitation, continued.
“Before she passed, Sadie did manage to say something that she wanted passed on to you. ‘Make sure they take good care of Cal.’ That’s their son, I presume?”
Strip backed up a little and looked into the living room, where Cal was intently focused on making his next move. That small, sweet little boy… an orphan now? Strip had to blink back a few tears as he tried to find his voice.
“Yeah.” Strip said in no more than a whisper. “Yeah, that’s him.”
Officer Grilles followed Strip’s stare and saw the kid sitting in the next room, oblivious to the tragedy. It was heartbreaking.
“Would you like me tell him?” Grilles asked, fulfilling his obligation to help. “I’m qualified to break news like this to youngsters like him.”
Strip took a deep breath and shook himself. “No. I’ll tell him.”
Grilles respected his choice, and turned his attention back to the racer. “Their bodies are being held at Memorial Hospital. The morticians there have made them suitable to be viewed if you want to go say goodbye.”
“Thank you.” Strip said unevenly. He wanted to say more but couldn’t find the words.
Officer Grilles slid him a business card. “Here’s my contact information. Please call me if you need anything. I’ll do what I can. Best of luck to you.”
“Thank you.” Strip repeated, taking the card and placing it on the counter to his left.
The officer bowed out of respect and turned to leave. Strip closed the door and sat in silence for a couple moments, fighting his own emotions. He had to stay strong for Cal. If Cal saw him break down, it would make everything so much worse than it already was.
“What was that about, dear?” Lynda asked from the next room. 
Strip closed his eyes for a moment, not responding. Lynda sensed something wasn’t right and turned to look through the doorway. She saw her husband sitting before the closed door, not moving.
“Strip?” she asked more hesitantly.
He took a deep, ragged breath and opened his eyes. How was he going to do this?
“Cal, go to your room for a bit.” Strip said in the sternest voice he could muster. “Don’t come out until I tell you to.”
Cal could feel the tension in the air, and knew that this wasn’t a time to argue. He quietly drove up the ramp to the second level and went into his room. As soon as Strip heard the door shut, he turned to look at Lynda. She drove up to him, and saw a wet streak down his fender. She suddenly realized she’d never seen him cry before.
“Oh, no.” she whispered, having put two and two together. “Please, don’t tell me what I think you’re goin’ to.”
“They’re gone, Lyn.” he whispered without making eye contact. “Moe and Sadie both. Gone.”
There was silence. Neither one of them wanted to believe it.
“What?” she was in tears. “How? Both of them?”
Strip closed his eyes again and tried to control his breathing. It wasn’t helping. Lynda had started to quietly sob, and hearing her cry made him feel even worse.
“The officer said there was a semi haulin’ a tanker trailer. He went around a corner too fast and lost it on the ice. They were comin’ the other direction.” he explained briefly.
He drove forward towards her, and pressed his front right fender against hers in an attempt to comfort her. She tried to comfort him back, but she was shaking. They spent several long moments like that, trying to wrap their minds around the tragedy. Strip felt like he was suspended in a nightmare, it hurt, but it wasn’t quite real. His brother was like a best friend to him, and even Sadie for that matter. They were all so tightly knit. How could they be gone, just like that?
The implications of the situation finally found their way through the emotions clouding Lynda’s judgement. She gasped through her tears and managed to form a coherent sentence.
“What about Cal?” she asked. “He’s so young and innocent - he doesn’t deserve this. He’s such a - “
Her sentence trailed off into more broken sobs and soft whimpers. The thought of this sweet child not having a family anymore tore her up inside.
“Are you ready to try our hand at parenting?” Strip asked, knowing it’s what his late relatives wanted. “We’ve got to do what we can. We can’t lose him to the foster system.”
Lynda nodded and thought about it a little. “Yeah, yeah I am. This ain’t how I pictured it, but yes.”
A few more moments passed, and Strip sighed. “Their bodies are at the hospital in town. They’ve fixed them up enough for a viewing. I need to go tell Cal what happened, and we need to go over there. He needs to know what to expect before a funeral.”
“Yeah, okay.” Lynda tried to collect herself. She stopped shaking so much, but the tears were still rolling. “Do you want me to come with you? To tell him?”
“Do you think you can keep it together?” he asked her, not wanting Cal to be worried right from the start. He needed to break it to him slowly and in a way he could understand.
Lynda considered it and shook herself. “No. I’ll wait out in the hallway.”
They went up the ramp to the second floor. Lynda hid outside the room, parked against the hallway wall so she could listen. Strip knocked on Cal’s closed door.
“Hey, Cal.” he said in as straight a voice as he could. “Can I come in?”
Cal opened the door and looked up at his uncle, confused as to why he was sent to his room. He hadn’t done anything wrong, had he?
“Cal, come park over here next to me.” Strip said as he drove over to the window overlooking the front yard.
Cal slowly crossed the room to look out the window. He was still trying to figure out everyone’s odd behaviors.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked shyly.
“No, no you’re not in trouble.” Strip managed to briefly smile at him. “Not at all. Cal, listen. I have some bad news for you, but I want you to be strong. You think you can be strong for a little bit?”
Cal frowned, but nodded, raising himself on his little struts and making a determined face.
Strip gestured out the window. “Cal, do you know what ice is like on roads?”
“Slick and dang’rous. Daddy always said to never drive on ice!” Cal answered.
“Right. Do you know what can happen if you drive on ice?”
“You can crash and really hurt yourself.” Cal answered.
“You’re a smart kid.” Strip complimented him. “But do you know what the worst thing that can happen is? What’s the worst thing that can happen in a crash?”
Cal thought about it for a moment. Hurting yourself seemed pretty bad. But was there something worse than that? Cal remembered something, it was fuzzy in his mind, but it was there.
“Dying?” he asked, unsure if that was the word he was looking for.
“Yes. Cal, do you know what death is?” 
This was a harder question for Cal. He tried to explain it the best he could.
“That’s when something can’t move or think or speak, and it gets all cold and has to be buried, right?” Cal remembered seeing a dead tractor in a field once, and his parents had to explain to him what happened.
“Well, yeah, that’s right.” it wasn’t the answer Strip was looking for, but it would do. “When someone dies, their body stays behind but they can’t feel or think anymore. It’s like their mind is gone, and that’s the end of their life. We can’t do anything to bring them back, so we bury them. Does that make sense?”
Cal frowned but nodded. It was a tough concept to wrap his mind around, but he thought he got it. "They get buried and we don’t see them again.”
Strip felt the emotions coming back, but managed to push them away long enough to get to the point of the conversation. 
“Cal, I’m telling you this because something bad happened this morning.” Strip looked down at his nephew to find him staring back up at him with a worried face. “Your mom and dad were driving home on the icy roads. A big semi truck lost control because of the slick roads and crashed into them. They both died because of the crash, Cal. They’re gone now. They’re not coming home.”
Strip watched in pain as Cal’s stare drifted from him to the window. Lynda quietly entered the room and drove up on the other side of Cal to give him a little affectionate nudge. Tears welled up in Cal’s eyes and he started to cry. He didn’t wail or scream, but quietly shuddered and leaned against Lynda as he let the tears flow.
“You’re going to live with us, okay Cal? We’re going to take care of you now.” Lynda told him. “We won’t let anything else bad happen to you.”
Cal just leaned against her harder and kept crying. They let him air his emotions for as long as he needed. Lynda looked up at Strip through her own tears. He was staring absentmindedly out the window again. He felt hollow.
They made sure the main road was cleared of ice, and after Cal seemed to run out of tears they took him to the hospital, telling him he’d have a chance to say goodbye. One of the doctors met them in the waiting room and drove with them down to the morgue. Cal stayed situated in between his aunt and uncle, scared of the big white rooms that smelled funny.
“They’re there, behind that curtain.” the mortician pointed to a sectioned off area of the room. “Take all the time you need.”
He exited the room and left the three of them to themselves. Strip took initiative to drive up to the curtain first, but found himself unable to pull it back. Lynda pulled up beside him with Cal next to her.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked him, unsure if this was something they should let a child see.
Strip didn’t have an answer. He didn’t know. He had no clue what was behind that white sheet.
“I want to.” Cal said in a small voice. “I want to say goodbye.”
Lynda tried not to cry, but she couldn’t hold the tears back. Resistance was futile. 
“You’re brave, Cal.” Strip told him, getting choked up himself. “Remember what I told you about stayin’ strong.”
Cal nodded. Strip reached out and pulled the curtain back.
They looked like they were sleeping. Strip’s younger brother sat there, gleaming Hemi-orange paint job shining in the light, with his eyes closed. His wife was right next to him, sleeping, emotionless. Strip and Lynda could both tell they’d just straightened their bodies out a little and put replacement sheet metal over the damage, but it was convincing enough for Cal.
His eyes widened and he drove up to them. Lynda reached out to stop him, but Strip caught her.
“Let him do what he needs to do.” he whispered, staying back.
Cal drove up in front of his parent’s bodies and looked at them. He kept a serious face, but he couldn’t stop the tears.
“Mama.” he whimpered, going up to his mother first and touching her. When she didn’t respond, he nudged her again and said “Mama, it’s me, Cal!”
Of course he got no response. He started to realize what death really was. This was her body. This was the car that would tuck him in and night and sing him lullabies. But she, her mind and her spirit, was gone. There would be no more of that. She couldn’t feel him or hear him. And she was very cold.
Cal started to panic. He turned to his father and nudged him with his nose like he had with his mother. He began crying so hard he could barely speak.
“Daddy, please wake up.” Cal begged, breathing raggedly. “It’s me, Cal. I love you.”
Strip and Lynda stood by, brokenhearted. Lynda was back to sobbing again. She couldn’t bear to see Cal in such a mess. He was so small, so pure and innocent. No one should ever have to experience something like this, let alone him. He didn’t deserve to feel this kind of pain, especially at this age.
“Please.” Cal turned back to his mother’s body, but backed up a little. “I love you, too, Mama.”
“Cal.” Strip called to him, seeing him start to panic. “You need to say goodbye.”
Cal heard his uncle’s voice waver and break. He looked over at him, and suddenly felt like the world was caving in on his tiny body. His parents were gone. His aunt and uncle were upset. and he’d never seen them upset. He remembered Strip telling him he needed to be strong. Cal choked back his tears and looked at his parents again.
“Mama, Daddy, this goodbye is hard.” Cal told them in a whimper. “I know you can’t hear me, but I love you - very, very much. I always will.”
Strip quickly drove over to close the curtain as Cal went back to cry all over Lynda. Before pushing the sheet completely closed, Strip took one last look at his brother.
I promise you I’ll take care of him. Strip swore to him. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll make sure he’s given the best life we can give.
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Hiya! Can you do a scenario where UT Sans and US Papyrus are arguing with their crush (who likes them back) and they (the skeletons) end up confessing their feelings? Thanks! I love your writing btw! It's super good omf
Okay so first off, sorry about being a damn slacker on my inbox. Secondly, these arguments are going to be less than serious because I’m awful at angst XD
And can I just say how mush fun I had with this one? I got a little too carried away with Stretch’s scenario though.
You and Sans were probably arguing about something completely dumb and obscure.
“You’re wrong and I’m right, loser. Just admit it.”
Sans quickly chides you with a wag of his finger. “that’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.”
You crossed your arms and leaned on the couch. “You really think that the first Shrek was better than the second one? Ha!,” With a soft knock to his skull, you giggle at the hollow sound it makes. “Such a bonehead.”
Sans rolls his eyelights and pushes you away. “ha ha ha, very funny, but seriously though. you prefer shrek 2 over the original? that’s just sacrilege.”
You put your jazz hands up and wiggled them a bit. “Ohohoh! So the magic skeleton wants to talk religion, huh?”
Sans punched your shoulder playfully and laughed. “oh stars, that’s not what i meant and you know that.”
“Oh but of course,” You cooed incredulously. “But back to the subject! There’s no doubt in my mind that Shrek 2 was the best Shrek movie.” You were dead set on proving this bonebag wrong.
“alrighty then, shoot ‘em.”
You blinked. “Shoot what?”
Sans snickered, “your reasons, kiddo. show me the carfax.”
You beamed, propping a victorious leg next to Sans. “Gladly,” You cleared your throat and began your spiel. “Well first off, the soundtrack was undeniably genius; Holding Out For A Hero, Funkytown, I Need Some Sleep. Freaking Livin’ La Vida Loca! Secondly, the plot is much more dynamic and eventful than the first one! But most importantly, h u m a n S h r e k.”
Sans rubbed his face and chuckled. “oh stars, one of your reasons is human shrek?”
“Oh come on!,” You threw your hands up. “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t bang human Shrek! You’re a liar if you say otherwise!”
“oh yeah, cause that’s what i think about every night: doin’ the nasty with a humanized version of an ogre, right?”
“Uh yeah? At least, you should be.”
Sans gave you a weary smile. “riiiight… welp, i can’t judge you. ‘sides, when i first saw the movie, i thought fiona was pretty hot.”
You let out a whooping laugh. “What?! No way!!” You were sure if you had water, you would’ve done a spit take.
“yeah, but she’s not as hot as you.”
You laughed. “Pfft yeah… wait what?”
Did…did he just…
Sans quirked a bone brow at your odd expression. “what? all i said was-” Sans replayed what he had previously said and in an instant, he smacked his mouth shut.
“Y-You,” You began with a titter. “You just c-called me hot.” You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Had your long-term crush finally admit to you his true feelings, or was this some sort of sick fever dream?
Sans gulped as he sank in his hoodie. Oh how he wished he could just fall off the face of the earth right now. He didn’t give you an answer, but his skull was a luminescent blue right now. He feels like absolute crap right now. And from that gaping look on your face, he could tell he was being rejected.
“S-Sans I-”
“you don’t need to say anything.”
“Just give me a second to-”
“there’s no need to explain yourself, y/n. i get it.” He sounded so bitter, yet there was also hurt… disappointment?
You furrowed your brows. You’ve had enough of his negative nancy attitude. “Damn it, Sans! Just listen for once!,” With a tug of his hoodie, you plant a kiss on his teeth, lingering just a bit before pulling away. “I like you too, damn it! And I don’t like it when you close up on me like that! I’m not a mind reader, ya know?” Your face was hot with frustrated love.
Sans just nodded at you, a far out look now resonated in his sockets. “whoa…holy mackerel,” He was unable to wipe that stupid grin off his face. “you like me back, huh? so cool~”
You had to stifle a laugh. This reminded you of those wisdom teeth removal videos where the loopy people said all sorts of weird stuff while they were all hopped up on anesthetics. “Oh Sans. What am I going to do with you?”
Sans shrugged. “i dunno. perhaps we could talk about it over dinner? my treat.”
“O-Oh,” Damn this smooth criminal! “Sure boneboy, though we have to agree on something.”
“and that is..?”
“The third Shrek was the absolute worst,” You reached out your hand to Sans for a handshake. “Agreed?”
He took your hand quickly. “agreed. now about that dinner date…”
“Stretch, you tall asshole, don’t do it.”
“i’m gonna do it.”
“Stretch I swear to Toriel, you better not!”
He grinned at you, his cursor hovering over the forbidden course. “nobody can stop me. not even you.”
“If you press that button, I will personally delete your Mii, along with all of your precious work!”
“oh? is that a challenge i hear?” He asked coyly. You gasp as his finger pushes the ‘A’ button twice. “well then. rainbow road, it is.”
“Oh fuck!,” You fumble with your controller, hastily slipping the arm band on and clutching the remote tightly. “You asshole! You really did it this time!”
“aw come on, honey. rainbow road ain’t that bad.”
You shot him an annoyed glance. “That’s because you play this game 24/7!”
Stretch laughed, biting down tightly on the sucker in his mouth. “now that’s just stretchin’ the truth, honeybun.”
“You!” You wanted nothing more but to throttle him, but the countdown had already began.
“hey y/n?”
“What.” You said flatly, getting in the zone. Autozone.
“see you in second place.” And with that, the buzzer sounded.
After plenty of launched koopa shells and banana peels, you were about to conclude your third lap in first place. That is, until you peeked at your skelefriend’s screen. Oh no.
Your eyes widened. “Fuck, don’t do it, Stretch,” Your voice came out as a desperate plea. “Just let me have this one race.”
Stretch jerked his controller to the side and laughed. “sorry hun, but all is fair in love ‘n war.”
“Stretch wait-” You drew in a sharp breath as you heard the blue shell launch. “fuckfuckfuckFUCKFUCKFUCK NOOO!” You cried as the blue shell knocked you up in the air.
“that first place is mine~” Stretch hummed, contently watching the screen as his toadstool passed by you, crossing the finish line with ease.
You sunk your head in defeat, reluctantly crossing the finish line for second place. “Damn it, Stretch. I was almost there…” You whined. Never had you been so close to beating the skillful skeleton in your life.
He ruffled your hair endearingly. “better luck next time, honey. now give me a congratulatory hug.”
You jerked away from him with a huff. “No!”
“no? aw come on. i didn’t mean to put you through shell.”
“That’s it,” You set your remote aside and stand up. “I’m out.”
Stretch can’t stop himself from laughing. “no don’t leave! i’m toadally i love with you!”
“Damn it Stretch- wait…wait a minute…”
Did this dude just whip your behind at Mario Kart, and THEN confess his love to you with a Mario pun?
Holy shit…
Stretch hadn’t realized what he had said. “what’s with that look, honey?”
“You just said you… ‘toadally’ loved me… HOW DID YOU EXPECT ME TO REACT?!” Your face burned with the passion of a thousand fighting Alphyses. Oh stars, you couldn’t stop blushing!
And from the looks of it, Mr. Suaveandtoocoolforautomaticmode was in the same boat, his skull glowing a vibrant orange. “s-shit. i said that outloud, didn’t i?”
Stretch tittered nervously as he scratched the back of his skull. “m-my bad. so uh…what are your thoughts, h-honeybun?”
You looked down to Stretch’s sitting and blushing form. A smile tugged at your lips as you sat down next to him. He really liked you, didn’t he? Grabbing the remote, you prepare as if you’re about to play another round. “If I win, you take me out to dinner. But if you win, I’ll treat you to Muffets.”
Stretch was at a loss for words, his phalanges fiddling with his remote. “h-heh, i um..,” He cleared his nonexistent throat and smiled. “y-you’ve got yourself a deal, love. just know that i usually order quite a bit from muffets.” 
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