#but now im back in the sludge
krenia · 1 year
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some demon possessed me at 2am and forced me to draw them hhh can't believe that's how I get ripped out from artblock
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flickeringflame216 · 1 year
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hivepixels · 16 days
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notthatgoodofaperson · 8 months
i am, sick and dimply not having a good time.
throat? scratchy. noead? stuffy. head? hurts. hotel? truvago
okay but seriously why do people send their kids into public places so ovv sick?? youre shild gave me a cold for the second time in as many months. i used to get sick like,,, twince a years. once in October and another one or two times in the sumer
i also didn t have kids coughing on ny desk while i help them make paoer rockets tho which might be it
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simpee9000 · 21 days
I love your “not just friends” series🥹 im obsessed! Im hoping to see more I love it soooooooooooo muchhhh!!!!!!! Even telling my friends to read it
But I saw a bakugo headcanon by another anon about him having a crush which I wanna add a spin on, what if he rejected this said crush back in middle school but developed feelings after xD I find it funny
Thank you !!! I'm glad you enjoy it so much!
And that is literally Katsuki Bakugo, can't see him not doing it tbh. (This was also a lot longer then I planned for it to be- I just started typing and here we are- 1k)
He isn't confused about a lot of things in life but his feelings definitely stump him. He tries to analyze other people and how they react to people, but the dots just don't connect. He hears people rave on and on about how cute their crush is, but he just doesn't get it.
It's not that he hasn't been introduced to it either. I mean, it's middle school. Everyone is crazy about dating someone even if it's just to hold their stupid hand. Bakugo didn't get it, he honestly didn't want to get it. Sure he wanted to understand it, but only so he could know a weakness or some shit. He didn't want the gushy feelings or anything such.
Rejecting girl after girl was normal for him, people just loved how great he was. But after the first year of middle school that stopped. Mainly because of how rudely he rejected every girl in the past, but also because of you.
You got extremely close with him rather quickly, working your way into his life and friend groups. It was rare to see you away from each other.
Yet when you confessed to him in your last year of middle school, he stood still. It was the only confession he hesitated on. And while you swayed on your feet, anxious for a reply, he tried to cough up any words possible.
But the only ones that came out were. "You're not special."
In the most blunt way possible, he crushed your dreams. With the way he was looking at you, it was like he couldn't fathom the thought that you thought you were good enough for him, different than all the other girls. So you choked up any spiteful things you wanted to say and nodded before walking off.
He didn't necessarily like you then, but the thought didn't seems gross. So when he watched you walk away, he shrugged it off. You'd talk to him tomorrow definitely.
When tomorrow came and went, he was waiting for you to show up by his side at any second. But of course, you never did. You waited a day before showing up to class, but when you did you stuck near your other friends.
It stayed that way too. You only nodded at him after you finished middle school, a small final goodbye.
So it was rather unfortunate that one of your friends happened to be Izuku. It was a hard-built friendship, but he's very forgiving.
You came and visited the dorms often, encouraged by his mother to help him get by easier.
Bakugo hated it, you never even looked his way.
When he googled his feelings he didn't want to believe the words typed on his screen. It was all saying he was jealous. He'd never been jealous of anything, especially nothing Deku had.
Eventually, Kirishima pointed it out, commenting on the glare he was giving Midoriya. He also called him out the next day, when he kept glaring despite you not being there.
The day he cracked was after he fought Deku, after being yelled out by Aizawa he and Deku were told to wait.
Bakugo mentioned your name in a mumble at first before Deku questioned it. "She like you or some shit?"
"You fuckin' heard me," he spat back.
"No!" Deku scrambled for a reason. He knew you had a crush on Bakugo before, but you haven't mentioned it in a while, "Do you?"
"Do I like you?!"
"NO! HER!"
Bakugo's aggression faded as he thought. Everyone was saying that. Kirishima, his dad, and now Deku. He gave a small shrug because he was unsure.
"She still asks about you," Deku decided to say, rather than poke the bear.
"Wanting to know if you're okay. After the sludge, and after.. well you know," Deku mumbled.
The door opened before anything else could be said, but even if it didn't, they both knew the conversation was over.
Feeling the commonly named butterflies in his stomach, at just the thought of you thinking of him still, was odd. It was an entirely new feeling. After googling, once again, he came to terms with the fact that he finally felt all the gushy feelings that everyone else got in middle school. The ones you used to have for him, hopefully still do.
He still waited a year to act on his conclusion first. But he still slowly tried to weave his way back into your life. Choosing to sit next to you when you visited, to othering you the remote.
Everything was without words for a while. Almost a year in he was forced to talk to you often. All conversations being awkward and strained.
Confessing was a different story, it was the last day you could visit before it was officially summer break before the second year. Everyone was all sat around watching TV, people leaving before they got too tired. Surprisingly, Bakugo and you were the last people in the living room. He didn't want to miss a second of your presence because he knew he couldn't see you during summer. He was so glad Aizawa let you stay late.
His head snapped away from the TV when you stretched to stand, silently grabbing your stuff.
"What are you doing?" he spoke before thinking.
You looked stunned, he never talked to you without you talking first, "It's late, I should go. Plus is it not past your bedtime?"
He glared at your joke before looking at the clock. It was 2:54a.m, you asked him out at 2:54 p.m in middle school.
"Do you still?"
"What?" you switched your weight onto one foot, crossing your arms confused.
"In middle school," he sighed, "do you still?"
"You're gonna have to be more specific."
"Have feelings and shit."
He still wasn't looking at you, but out of the corner of his eyes, he could see how you froze.
"I don't know how that's relevant," you huffed, embarrassed and annoyed that he'd be so cruel to bring up the rejection again.
"I do."
"Do what? Know how it's relevent? Of course you do, it's your brain-"
"Have feelings and shit," he mumbled, crossing his arms at how irated you sounded. He was finally making his move and you seemed pissed as hell.
You barked out a laugh, muffling it with your own hand, "You can't think I'm that stupid, right?"
"I'm being serious," he looked at you straight on for the first time. He was always easiest to read when you could see his eyes, and he looked nervous. Out of all the emotions you've seen on him, this wasn't one.
He sighed and looked down, "Don't gotta say anything, you can spend the night in the common room. No one will care," he pushed himself off the couch, turning to leave.
"Bakugo," you called out softly.
"I might," your voice was shaky, "but I need to think about it. Know that you're not fucking with me or something."
"Okay. Take your time. You have my number."
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
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"eyes. lungs. pancreas. so many snacks, so little time."
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♱ — katsuki bakugou + monsterfucking.
♱ — synopsis; katsuki’s been a bad fiancé recently, he tries to tell himself that it’s all in his head ( literally ) and when his neglectful behaviour nearly ruins your engagement dinner — he has no choice but to make it up to you, with the help of a little symbiotic friend.
♱ — length; 5K
♱ — warnings; please read for your own safety! mdni, smut 18+, heavy smut, characters aged up to 20s, mentions of eating people, monsterfucking, dry humping, tentacles, overstimulation, pussy jobs, public sex, clothed sex, oral sex ( f!receiving ), pegging ( m!receiving ), fem!reader, venom!bakugou. not beta read !
♱ — notes; waaa!! hello everyone, welcome back to kinktober!! im so happy to be participating again, i hope you all enjoy whats in store for this year. starting with this baddie !! - m.list ₊ kinktober m.list ₊ taglist 𓆩♡𓆪
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“just eat her…katsuki…” 
“no, you can fuck right off.” 
“why not? she is unpleasant…katsuki…its not like we like her anyways…” 
for the first time that night, katsuki indulges the mangled voice in his head— listening to the symbiotic alien that sludges through his voice and his body. venom is right. he hates his mother in law, soon to be mother in law, but the practicalities of it all aren’t what matter. red eyes drift to the devil’s incarnation of a woman, traditional yet rude and deserving of a beat down— katsuki thinks. if he could just take a bite, crunch down on the woman’s skull and swallow her whole, all of his problems would be solved.
“goodness, bakugou,” the woman leers with a nasty curl of her sweaty upper lip. “i’m paying for the wedding not for you to be dressed like a complete slob— you look awful, and at my only daughter’s engagement party!” she drones on and if venom were to murder this woman right now, she really would deserve it. 
“see? you are a loser, bakugou.”
he wasn’t dressed that bad, sure, it wasn’t the burgundy blazer and pressed white shirt you’d told him to pick up from the dry cleaners on the way home from work but— it was smart casual, a nice pair of jeans and a smart jacket. you liked that. that’s all that mattered.
bowing his head slightly, bakugou wordlessly apologises before fishing himself out another glass of mercilessly alcohol free fruit punch. “‘m sorry ma’am—“ 
he cuts himself off when your name flitters from between your mother’s lips— the syllables that usually sound so pretty when strung together now ugly tainted by the evil woman. “she deserves so much better than you,” she doesn’t ease up on reminding bakugou of how lucky he is to have bagged you. to love you. “better than a wannabe journalist on a motor cycle.” 
“die… pewny crazy woman—“
bakugou feels the familiar crawl of the venom symbiote across his skin— sharp-edges, dangerous claws reaching out for the wicked woman to snag her head off when he controls himself, controls his little friend and forces his stare back to the catered pile of desserts. 
“venom,” katsuki is barely hanging onto his sanity, voice tainted with exhaustion. it’s like having a child constantly on your back, begging for things that aren’t acceptable for adults. he wonders how he’s been able to put up with this, how you’re able to put up with him. since becoming one with the alien life form— katsuki bakugou has been nothing but neglectful of you…turning his back on you during nights full of romance because he’s scared venom will hurt you, he’s missed cake and wine and menu tasting for the wedding because venom craved a little something meatier and sometimes even more human than whatever you’d been excited to try for your big day. katsuki forgets calls, doesn’t reply to texts— cycles into the night to take care of his little problem when he should be looking after you.
katsuki’s been insufferable; meaner than usual, flakier than he should be and he knows that he’s hurting you— not loving you properly like he should. blaming venom alone  would be the easy way out. yet you stayed, you kept that ring on your finger and put on your best smile, because for some reason you still found it in your too big of a heart to love katsuki even when he didn’t deserve it.
still away with his thoughts, blonde is absent to notice venom popping out— a creepy, sticky black head, to greet a curious child after some of the sweets at this swanky engagement party. “want to play hide and seek? the mouth is a good place to start.” venom’s attempt at a coo is far from comforting, rows of razor sharp teeth covered in alien slobber only frightening the little one more.
“fuck off venom, cut yer crap out or i’ll—“ bakugou waves a hand, pinching the bridge of his nose only to be pulled from his revere by a whimpering child ( now identified as your five year old nephew who still hates his guts ). “oh shit—“
“would you mind not cursing in front of my kid?” your brother hastily appears from absolutely fucking nowhere. shindou is far from impressed, hates bakugou’s guts as does the rest of your family and if he had his way, the blonde wouldn’t have a leg to stand on at the alter with you. “yanno, you might wanna behave yourself tonight? it’s important to my ma, to my sister so if you could—“ 
there’s a burning rage that flickers through bakugou’s veins only heightened by the alien that makes a host out of his body, and it only makes it harder to fight off the urge for manslaughter. “we should eat him too…katsuki…he is getting on my nerves. i am sure he will taste like chicken.” the alien growls from the deep corners of his mind. 
“they do not taste like chicken you stupid fuckin’ lug.” bakugou grunts back. 
and to the outside world, the shitty excuse for a man is talking to himself— getting shindou’s back right up. “what did you just call me?”
“stay outta this, man. s’between me and the dumb fuckin’ alien voice in my head.” 
insane. katsuki bakugou’s little alien friend makes him look absolutely insane. 
and before he can get his ass beat by your brother— you swoop in, slightly flushed from flickering between guests of friends and family all night, there’s smile lines in your makeup, you’re tired in the eyes and you’re still the most beautiful person in the room to bakugou. his heart races when you’re close enough for him to smell your perfume, putting a safe distance between your fiancé and your brother.
you’re angry with him, bakugou can tell by the heat in your gaze when you get shindou far enough from the dessert table— he can feel it in the way it burns against his skin in broad  waves, see it in how you twist on your heel so fast your dress, pretty and off-white like a bride on her wedding day, rides up enough to catch a glimpse of your thighs. it’s shameful to admit, but seeing you so full of rage turns him ( and venom ) on.
“what the hell is going on with you, katsuki?” you bark at him, hands on his chest enough to make the blood rush to his cock, swelling in the pants he’d just managed to throw on for tonight’s event. 
“n-nothin’ sweetheart, ‘m just—“ fuck her katsuki. she’s angry, venom goads. she is pretty when she’s angry. we should fuck her. the blonde shakes his head, trying to rid himself of vulgar thoughts— clearing his mind, focusing on you and how your chest heaves, with annoyance, tucked away in that tight fitting dress that hugs you in all the right places,  as you look up at your fiancé expectantly. fuck. “the only one that’ll be fuckin’er is me, you dumb fuck alien.” 
it’s embarrassing, whatever’s gotten into your fiancé— because tonight was supposed to be special, the one night before your wedding that you could trust him to behave and not make that familiar prickling warmth coil in your core at his vulgar words. your eyes widen in shock and you push again at katsuki’s chest with furrowed brows. 
“kats, please—“ 
shindou squeezes down on your nephew’s ears, hoping it’ll block out whatever filth spills from your lover’s mouth. “that’s my sister! you dipshit, get a grip—“ 
“fuck him too, katsuki…” 
“yo—“ you turn around again, spitting venom ( no pun intended ) at your brother too as you grasp at bakugou’s wrist to pull him from the banquet room you’d booked for tonight’s celebrations. “go check on ma, please? i’ll deal with him.” 
and you exactly that, nagging the man’s ear off as you tug him to the bathroom— tears glittering as pretty as your engagement ring in your eyes under the artificial light. you’re nearly broken at this point, months of being treated so differently, akin to trash possibly, by the man you love most being unleashed on him and the symbiote that sits comfortably in his frame unbeknownst to you. 
“i’m sick of this kats,” you might as well be screaming at this point, your whiny and emotional voice is loud and noisy to the alien. it echoes through the cubical you’ve locked yourselves in and it cranks up the annoyance within venom— and you barely notice katsuki trying to keep him down. “i’ve been good to you all these years, haven’t i? i’ve loved you well enough for you to know that i deserve better than you but i just can’t—!” 
the final straw is when you bang your fist against the cubical wall, the noise rattling the symbiote inside your lover, forcing ink black tendrils to take over his host body and a scream to tear in the base of your throat as katsuki transforms into something you don’t even recognise.
the man towering over you now is built in a suit of sticky, obsidian black— white, and cloudy slits peer into yours in a way that sends shivers down your spine and has your thumping heart leaping into your throat. this isn’t your man, this isn’t your katsuki. horror seeps through your body, takes residence in your veins as the monster grasps at you with claws and tentacles instead of your fiancé’s slightly calloused hands. it dwarfs you more in comparison to bakugou, it makes you scared looking at what it’s made of him as thick slime slides up and down your pretty, blemished skin in ripples. 
“don’t scream.” the rasp you’d come so accustomed to, the one that makes your breath hitch every time he speaks, the one that fills you with butterflies despite the roots of fear wrapping around your heart. it’s him, your katsuki. the tendrils of black have peels back from his pretty face, his ruby gem
eyes send a flicker of comfort through your soul. 
but then he’s gone again and the dark mask takes over— screaming at you at a pitch close to making your ears bleed, and you’re scared again, close to screaming too. it, pools like an oil slick over your mouth, suffocating you like a bird on the surface of oil laden water…but you like it, even as if claws ironically gently at the insides of your mouth. 
“but we like it when she is screaming. katsuki. we are dirty minded.” the creature addresses you, some kind of twisted affection reflecting in the white of its eye.
“venom, i swear to fuck—“
it’s… katsuki’s… venom’s tongue, long and pink darts out to smooth over your face though you quiver, body toppling over with liquid dread. it’s warm, wet and shouldn’t send a spark of lust down your spine making you let out a muffled whimper of confused arousal. 
“mouth…breasts…cunt…so many snacks…so little time.” venom pins you against the wall, pouring over you and invading every inch of your shaky frame— smothering you as it slips under your dainty little dress while you squirm about in it’s hold.
eventually, the ink black peels away from your mouth, only when your muted screams die down. “t-this? katsuki? this is what’s gotten into you?” he’s relieved to see that you’re still filled with anger as you gulp in fresh air between ripping him a new one, he’s completely aware of your growing arousal too. “a parasite! you’ve let a fucking parasite take over your body and ruin our engagement night and now—“ 
venom, is offended, however. “—i  am not a parasite!” he growls. “i am venom, and you are mine.” 
“ours…fuck, i mean mine.” katsuki comments, but he doubts you can hear him through the layers of teeth venom wears while arguing with the symbiote itself. it’s a back and forth, but even during that your fiancé can practically smell how your cunt drools into your barely-there panties— from fear or desire, he can’t care to tell. you’re so wet, and between dealing with venom and not seeing you during wedding prep, the blonde can’t remember the last time he fucked you good and proper. 
it’s been ages, and you look too fucking good tonight.
“we should just take her…katsuki. flood her insides with seed. she is asking for it, like a hunk of meat waiting to be devoured….” 
you squirm against venom’s web like hold, “don’t talk about me like i’m not here you piece of shit! give me back katsuki—!” 
“her pulse has quickened. she is hungry for us.” the voice of venom roars from inside his head, equally as desperate for you as katsuki is. katsuki, in combination with the symbiote, surges forward to kiss you with greedy lips and to press his saliva covered and syrupy  tongue into the heat of your mouth so he can  silence you. it’s big, hefty as it fills you up until there’s drool pooling out and sitting on the corner of your pretty lips. “i like her. more.” 
and then you moan, it sounds like a symphony as your mouth swells with the thickness of the slimy tongue exploring your throat and rolling over your tongue. “we’ve been neglecting’ you, hah, sweetheart?” bakugou, your fiancé, groans against your spit slicked lips— smiling at the way you choke from his tongue retreating from choking you down your oesophagus. “wanna take care of ya, been letting you work yer ass off f’this weddin’,” venom’s strawberry tongue slithers out again like a snake seeking out its pray, leaving a sloppy trace over your neck as if to taste the salt that shimmers like crystals on your skin. 
“i’m getting hungry as well, katsuki.” 
they’re both starving for you, depraved of a meal that is your cunt with your panties tucked between swollen folds. “i-if you think…that you can make it up to me.” your speak hoarsely, throat still raw as you pant and catch your breath, “k-katsuki if you think i can forgive you…”
“let us fuck you, baby. i just— we just wanna feel you. c’mon sweetheart, you trust me yeah? y’missed me so much i know,” all three of you feel it, the way your pussy throbs against venom’s beefy and wet thigh from where he’d shoved it snug between the pair of your own. 
“d-did… i did. m-miss you, oh fuck!” you stutter out as thick digits belonging to your fiancé— thickened even more by venom, brush against your hip, dip beneath your skirt and panties to glide up and down your pussy. bakugou teases your entrance, scissoring two fingers inside of your warmth while you ooze into the seat of his palm and grind against him with wanton. “fuck me. both of you, p-please kats,” you beg, riding his fingers until they’re pulled out of you, coated in juices.
your body admits it before your brain does— that you’ve missed him, he can tell from how your chest naturally arches into the eager hunting path of katsuki’s mouth. your flavour reads sweetness, like salted caramel due to the sweat on your skin— his, venom’s tongue runs a course down your body, the sweetheart neckline of your dress rough on his taste buds before he drools between the swell of your pretty tits. he leaves trails of saliva every inch of you possible.
a patch is licked down the front of your dress— katsuki barely fighting off sharp teeth desperate to tear through the front of it so he can kiss the softness of your tummy. instead, hands large enough to crush a skull stick to the dips and fat at your waist, the doughy-ness of your darling thighs he’s missed so much. 
the black veil of venom peels back as katsuki’s head dips under your flimsy skirt— and he practically moans, huskily at that, upon seeing the crotch of your underwear darker by your ever growing wetness. “must’a really missed me, sweetheart,” a wildfire of lust sweeps over katsuki’s ruby red eyes and he coos deviently, nose nudging against your pulsing clit before venom’s tongue happily comes into play this game of sinful chess. he moves just a touch, mouth pulling wide to split at the sides much like a snake unhinging it’s jaw, and latches onto the entire length of your silken slit. his tongue greedily pokes at your hole from over the soaked material— sucking until your juices stream against his taste buds. you’re like a drug, ecstasy— sending waves of dopamine over katsuki’s brain.
burning desire trickles into bakugou’s bloodstream at an alarming rate, bursting through his veins and shaking about in his lungs at every little whimper that bubbles wetly on your messy lips— these soon turn to gasps, straining for air as if you’re drowning when your fiancé peels back your wet layer of clothing, nearly tearing completely through it with a life threatening talon belonging to venom, so he can expose your hot cunt to the cool air of the bathroom. he laughs, breathless and giddy against your mound before dragging his tongue along it— kitten licking your addictive little core just to see you twitch and writhe against the wall venom has you pinned to. 
you’re heaven on earth for a greedy, predatory creature like venom.
but you’re the universe to a regular man like katsuki bakugou. 
your cute little clit is his next stop, pointed teeth only just latching onto the pleasure bud before your fiancé rolls it between the two sets until your nose scrunches adorably and your eyes shoot back into your skull. “i think the little human likes this.” venom’s deep voice inches down your spine, hits deep in your core just with its vibrations— and even he is amused with how wet, you’ve become. gushing like a fruitful stream, pouring liquid gold straight into katsuki’s awaiting mouth, down his chin and painting his cheeks until they shine like treasure. 
there’s an uneven rise and fall to your chest as you’re fucked by two entities— you can barely breathe between them both, the shapes on your clit and the stickiness of venom catching your juices before they have a chance to run down your thighs. bakugou is lovesick, and so are you— big bambi eyes staring down into his own so earnestly, imploringly. the blonde pushes his tongue past the entrance to your fluttering hole, watching as your stare trembles before flickering to between your legs where you stretch over the fat pink appendage. it’s so big, that it might as well be a fucking cock. 
“h-ho’fuck…h’my god…ka’suki…s’too much. too fucking much!” the words feel like cotton in your mouth, slurred over venom’s tentacles and while the world spins on it’s axis around you, you cream around the base of the scorching, spit dripping limb in venom’s mouth as it wriggles inside you— tip writing sinful praises against your gooey walls, languidly stroking your insides and pressing up against pleasure spots that are new to both you and katsuki. big hands grasp at the meat of your ass— the tips of piercing nails marring your skin and spreading you nice and wide, pulling you onto your lover’s face so that you’re practically suffocating him with have no escape for you either, making your hips canter down to meet the thrust of his tongue in and out of you, barely parting from your honeyed sex.
a scream rumbles in the base of your throat as venom’s lengthy, girthy tongue twists against your lush inner-walls, churning up your guts. the symbiote using your partner as a host is quick to think— shoving his slime deep into your mouth again to tame your sacchariferous griping and grousing, the inestimable melody laying flat against the saliva pooling on your own tongue. “quiet sweetheart, can’t make you cum if yer too loud,” bakugou breathes, his voice laden with lust and amusement from watching you ride his tongue like it’s a plump, pretty and veiny dick. “y’gunna cum baby, fuck yes…gush f’me just like that, oh yeah…” 
“for us, katsuki.” the beast inside his head reminds your fiancé, his mask coating bakugou’s face once more— easing you into fright once again, one that makes you quiver just right on him, nearly pushing yourself over the edge.
it’s disgustingly delightful how the pink appendage has a mind of its own, acting like your own personal dildo, fucking you good like one and it’s not long before your body succumbs to the mounting pleasure— the taste of an orgasm like honey oozing across your tongue while happy chemicals dance across your brain, accompanied by white noise as you finally get to cum. you’re spiralling, the tip of venom’s…katsuki’s… fuck it. you don’t even care anymore, the tongue brushes against your g-spot hard causing you to clamp down, suffocating your fiancé,  and your jaw to goes slack. 
you gush as much as water falls, humping pathetically at your fiancé’s face until your entire body is limp and strands of the symbiote have to keep you up and away from katsuki’s eager mouth ( he’s still hungry, happy to clean you up ) where your legs can’t. 
venom slowly retreats from your throat too, but your brain doesn’t have time to catch up when he does, for bakugou’s lips replace the heat that your own mouth has lost— pulling you into a frenzied, spit swapping kiss. “‘m not done with ya yet sweetheart,” he laments, lips grazing yours, licking into your open mouth so you get a taste of yourself too. your body bows into katsuki’s, you feel it before you see it, hear it too— the clink of a metal belt, the sticky tap against your stimulated mound from underneath your panties…fiancé’s iron hot cockhead twitching forward and poised to push through your awaiting salacious folds. “venom wants ya so badly, wants me t’make it up to ya…paint yer pretty cunt with my cum.”
the alien matter has crawled back from surrounding your lover’s hips, sitting just beneath his weighty balls, heavy with seed all for you. it’s obvious how painfully hard he is, standing at full mast and the sight makes your mouth water, pupils dilate and a hunger settle in your chest for katsuki, one you haven’t felt for a while. he’d been neglectful, dealing with this venom shit alone when you could’ve been beside him—guiding him through, though you supposed that didn’t matter anymore…seeing as they were both willing to make it up to you now.  “our cum. we are going to ruin her…katsuki.” the symbiote growls, making his presence known to you both in the heated, sex scented bathroom stall. “i am going to ruin you.” 
underneath his hair, matted to his forehead by perspiration, katsuki’s brows furrow in confusion. “what the fuck are you on about—?” his question falls away into an airy exhale, twisted with a sharp clap against his ass, like skin on skin. “f-fuck…oh fuck….d-damn parasite’s f-fuckin’ m-my ass…” your fiancé’s head drops to the junction between your neck and shoulder, pointed teeth latching onto your saltine skin as venom twists his ink black tendrils into a shape made to ruin katsuki from behind— thrusting sharp into his puckered hole. 
“i am not a parasite!” the symbiote snarls, pulling back to pump into your lover again, this time with no mercy on bakugou’s ill prepped and fluttering hole—pressing right up against the blonde’s prostate. the force only has his own hips cantering forward, his cock, wrapped in pretty blue veins bullying it’s way through your swollen pussy lips— dragging back and forth against your overstimulated clit.
the whole ordeal is slimy, hot and steamy— katsuki pressed against you with no room for anything else aside from lust and the doubled down sound of skin clapping against each other. him grinding his shaft into your sweet cunt while venom pounds away at his warm, tight ass. when the symbiote pulls back, bakugou peels his seedy dick from between your selfish folds— clinging onto him by viscid ropes of evidence from your last orgasm while his cockhead smears fat globs of white against your mound. 
“my fuckin’ god,” you can feel every twitch of his length between your messy thighs, every throb as venom pushes deeper into katsuki— subsequently pushing his tip against abused and sensitive entrance. “m’baby’s got the prettiest pussy… can’t believe ‘m marryin this fuckin’ pussy… oh god.” he whines, drooling over your shoulder because he can’t keep quiet without pacifying himself on you, bakugou’s venom covered hand descends between your bodies to tap his mushroomed milky tip against your pleasure button a few times, smirking as your body jolts and the oil slick arms of venom spread your pussy lips further apart to watch more of the action ( your throbbing cunt and the pearls of arousal that leak from it ). “can’t believe she’s all fuckin’ ours, hah parasite?”
“no one can have her. only you and i.” he says in response, and your tummy flutters when bakugou repeats it back to you— the possession both he and the alien have over you doing nothing to stop the ticking time bomb of your orgasm building up in your lower tummy again.
to see your future husband with flushed cheeks and vacant eyes as he’s being fucked raw ( by an alien or not ) only serves to turn you on further, pussy drooling and juices slinging between both of your thighs with the back and forth of your humping, sticky noises accompanying your in tune breathless moans that follow one another’s with ‘O’ shaped mouths and end in sloppy kisses. 
with your gasped pleas and katsuki’s gruff mewls echoing throughout the bathroom— venom picks up the pace— rocking his dick shaped appendage harder and faster into your fiancé’s ribbed insides, forcing your bodies against each other in a passionate miry dance of nasty, filthy sex. the walls of the bathroom stall creak on their hinges from the force behind venom’s thrusts, jamming hard against katsuki’s prostate which in turn has your rubbing down on his fat dick, faster and faster until all you can hear is the pap, pap, pap of your sexes working with one another. 
“want it inside, need you inside! f-fuck yes!” you garble, almost pornogroahically, katsuki’s convulsing creamy cock driving you up the wall insane. “please.” 
bakugou presses his forehead to your own , body bouncing forward against yours from the power behind venom’s aggressive pace inside of him while your pebbled nipples brush against each other. “can’t,” he whines with nearly teary ruby eyes, the crystalline droplets already gathered in his lash line like yours. “been gone from the party too long, g’nna cum soon anyways. s-shit!” though you whimper with faux disappointment, you’re not far from release either— the feverishness to either of your movements dragging you by the ankles to another high after all the abuse to your sensitive sex. you find yourself throwing hips down to meet katsuki’s rapid thrusts. his hands fumble for one of your meaty thighs to hook it over his slender, slime covered waist while you grasp at his taut ass to spread him wider, allowing venom to reach deeper spots inside of him. 
katsuki shifts, changing the angle of his venom controlled thrusts so that his glistening cockhead breaches your entrance only just— making your eyes roll back for the millionth time that night, your nails sinking into his peachy ass. “‘m right there kats, oh—! right there…” you warn him through gritted teeth. 
he tilts head up, tongue licking over the sweat on your Cupid’s bow. “yer cummin’… g’nna cum f’us baby?” you nod rapidly in response, barely standing on the crumbling edge of your orgasm. between that and the alien parasite tearing his ass in two, jammed up on his prostate— dancing in the back of his mind and commanding him to cum… katsuki can’t seem to hold of either. “let go f’me baby, lemme feel it. give it all fuckin’ to me. to us.” 
“cum katsuki.” 
your body follow’s bakugou’s lead, and he, venoms. “ohh fuck, uhhh shit! ‘m fucking cumming— yeah, yeah. oh yeah…” your fiancé beefs needy and loud, his first spirts of thick white seed barely hitting your cunt before you let out a large wave and gush so hard your release makes a crude slap when ir hits the ground. your panties are soaked through and blood rushes through your ears— all your senses numb to the world except for katsuki using your shaking body to ride out the rest of his high, pouring his release into your soiled panties and against your slit. 
you see new colours, new galaxies and universes— everything hitting you so hard you barley have time to comprehend that you’ve just fucked an alien that’s using your fiancé as a host. it still doesn’t register within you as katsuki puts venom away, pulling out from underneath your skirt before he fixes your panties warm with cum snug against you again.
“‘m gonna take ya back to the party sweetheart, we’ll have to talk about this later.” bakugou coos, though you’re both wobbly on your feet as you come down. 
it’s so cute that all you can do is nod, seemingly appeased with your fiancé compared to how furious you had been before venom helped fuck you good. 
if katsuki had known using the alien as a sex toy would get him out of trouble with you and back into your good books— he would have done it much earlier. 
“i will not eat any of the humans here tonight… as long as we are able to ravage your tiny human again…katsuki.” the symbiote promises when bakugou hangs back a few seconds as you slip back into the party— hoping that your sins go unnoticed. 
and even if you squint while watching you join your family and friends for the rest of the night, you would notice all of them— the way you stagger on your legs and the shiny marks from venom’s slime decorating them too, leaving a sweet smile on bakugou’s face. 
“oh buddy, as long as yer a fuckin’ parasite in my body, we can ravage her like that any day, for the rest of my life.” katsuki boasts proudly.
“for the last time. i am not a parasite!”
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catboygretzky · 6 months
Exyblr Dashboard Simulator based on what I personally see on sportsblr:
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📜 realexyblog
haiku because exy is back:
GOD, why are my teams
SO fucking bad at exy?
FUCK this FUCKING sport.
#and i watch sports for why? entertainment? no way
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♛ queen-of-exy
💃fox-me-up follow
queen on the court, pillow princess on the mattress amiright
♛ queen-of-exy
ive never felt more understood, I am kissing you w tongue
#marry me tumblr user fox me up
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🌞 blonde-jeremy-knox
i'm just gonna say it. i know we're all thinking it. jeremy knox eats ass like it's his JOB.
👁 jean-mor-uhoh
babe literally no one was thinking that but i'm proud of you for speaking your truth
#we're friends but what cost. when all u talk about is jeremy knox eating ass.
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🧚 goalie-stan
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#dan wilds #psu
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🌄 softkevinday follow
He lived. He served cunt. He died. He was Resurrected. Served more cunt.
#kevin day
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👸🏻 kevindazed follow
absolutely busted a fucking nut watching kevin day switch hands like that oh my god my nut was so forceful it created a new dimension.
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
hey can i join you in that dimension
👸🏻 kevindazed follow
Sure, just bring some snacks or something
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
hell yeah!!!!!!
#thanks youre the best do you like doritos?
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😎 foxyknoxy
the best exy team in the nation is a LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE how many of those students even go to the games when your school is full of artists and theater kids. your student section must be wACK
😎 foxyknoxy
*sorry, 2nd best exy team in the nation
#fuck you theater kids!!!!!!!! can't even appreciate a good sport !!!!! anyway go trojans
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🙈 ittybittyminny follow
Andrew Minyard should get a little bite and chew. As a reward. Maybe a small gnaw. nomnomnom Maaaaaybe as a treat he can rip a throat out, but only if he's really really good
#only if he's REALLY GOOD and maybe tests negative for rabies but whatever you can't win em all
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🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
favourite exy rarepair????
☀️ usctrojanny
ACTUALLY !!!!! was thinking about this earlier and while ive never seen anyone talk about it.......aaron minyard and neil josten would be 👀 kinda cute???
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
omg wait why have I never thought about guys before!!!!!!!! noooo why did you say this, i can totally see it!!!!!! Neil would probably have to lean down to kiss aaron 🥺 do u think he has ever had to lean down to kiss someone 😭
☀️ usctrojanny
And obviously, u know me, im always here for a striker/backliner matchup
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
this is all i'm going to think about for the rest of my life now, thanks, fuck you
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👅 nastyneiljosten
I want to put neil josten in a jar and shake the jar so violently he turns into sludge and then pour a drop of that sludge on to a petri dish so I can see what kind of bacteria he produces.
🦩 exyonmymind follow
what happens to the rest of the sludge?
👅 nastyneiljosten
*sluuuuuuurp* *swallowing sounds* *sluuuurp* *gargle gargle* *more swallowing sounds* yummy yummy in my tummy
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🐋 sexyexy
headcannon that neil josten is so feral bc andrew bit him and gave him rabies so now he's a literal rabid dog
👢exyinaphonebooth follow
You can't make headcannons about real people don't be freaks
🐋 sexyexy
exy players aren't real they're my little dolls that I can put into any situations I want and you can't stop me
#thanks anyway did u know andrew minyard gave neil josten rabies
143 notes
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🧸 mreow-bearcats-mreow
#exy lb
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
Kiss cams are only acceptable during sporting events if they zoom in on two players
🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
ok but what if they're wearing a face mask
👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
smash your cages together obviously, don't be a pussy #love wins
🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
fair enough
890 notes
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🌸 softexy
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Andrew and Aaron Minyard
#exy #andrew minyard #aaron minyard #palmetto foxes #psu #web weave #poetry
2,040 notes
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envy-of-the-apple · 2 months
i saw your list for things you enjoy writing for and omfgg languge barriers<33 those are absolutely top tier i love reading about those!! could i request a language barrier + monster au w beel? tysm and have a great day!!
ohhhhhhh thats so interesting????im gonna write an orc fit cuz i feel like that fits him so well-
(Dark content, kidnapping, noncon touching, shitty japanese cuz google translate, etcetc)
(Yandere! Orc! Beezebub x reader)
(translated sentences in the tags)
You saw the fires before you even heard the warning bells.
You'd heard the stories. Back when you were a child, crowded inside the elders cottage as you and the other children eagerly listened to the stories about the orcs. Only one of the adults had seen the warriors. Back when she was a child. Monstrous beasts, filled with nothing but anger and the taste of war.
"Will they ever come here?" One child had asked. A hushed murmur fell amongst the youth.
The elder smiled.
"No young one," she said, "they all reside in the north. No beast would travel so far."
She spoke lies, the proof only revealing itself years later.
You can hear the screams through your thin walls. Still, you continue to huddle in the corner of your home like a coward. It's too late to run. Far too late to call for help. All you can do is sit and pray to the Gods for mercy.
They'd come suddenly. Unlike anything you heard from the stories. There wasn't smoke in the distance warning their presence. It was just the distant clatter of hooves. And then chaos.
You'd been one of the lucky ones. Still in your home, bustling away when the screaming started. You'd locked your doors, bolted the windows. Even now, as you lay huddled in a ball, you knew it wouldn't be enough. You were just waiting for the inevitable.
Eventually, it came.
You were expecting something more violent. Windows being smashed. The wall torn apart. There was just a click and a squeak of your door. Heavy footsteps. Something was inside your home.
To your benefit, you don't whimper. Your breath hitches, but the beast's loud lumberings drown the noise. You can already tell that it's big. Each movement it makes causes your tiny home to rumble and shake.
You don't think. You just shove yourself under your tiny cot, trying to make as little noise as you can. You can hear your heartbeat thumping away in your chest, as you pray for it to slow down. You don't want to know if the thing in your home can hear it too.
It starts in your kitchen. You can hear it clamber away with pots and pans. The crushing of metal makes your head hurt as you imagine that being your skull. Then your furniture, a chair, thrown across the room, you can hear the wood shatter. That could be your limbs.
When it enters your bedroom. You stop breathing.
You can only see its boots. Big, nearly the size of your forearm, maybe even bigger. It muddles around your room, clumsily swiping away at the various knick-knacks and trinkets you have scattered across your room. The real horror begins when it starts to sniff the air, and you wonder if it can smell you.
You hear it's voice. Masculine, deep. He's saying words in a language you can't understand, it's foreign to your ears.
And then you're pulled from your sanctuary.
It doesn't matter how many times you've heard the story of the beasts ripping apart boulders with their bare hands, you kick and scream and collapse into sobs. The arms around your midriff don't budge. If anything they tighten, keeping you trapped with the thing you most feared.
You think you stay like that for hours. Or maybe time was slipping by, turning into sludge because your heart was going too fast and you surely thought that would kill you before the beast ever does. You squeeze your eyes shut, sobbing as you just wait for it to be over already.
Except, nothing happens. There's just this soft tapping against your cheek. He's speaking, again, that same deep tone that's strangely so soft.
You want to keep your eyes shut, but perhaps, it's morbid curiosity that causes you to see who your murderer will be.
He's big, the largest man you've ever seen. He'd look human if it weren't for the textured skin, the fangs protruding from either side of his lips, the bright orange hair, the purple eyes that seemed to glow.
The most beautiful man you've ever seen. The most monstrous creature to ever exist.
He tilts his head. For a creature who is known to crush skulls and eat bones, he doesn't look very harmful. If anything, he's vulnerable. His chest is bare, only covered by shiny metal bracelets, while his bottom is covered by an animal pelt.
Yet, you stare back in terror. Looks don't mean anything. Not for beings like him.
Eventually, the orc nods, done examining you. Was he deciding you're a good enough kill? Before you can think anything further, he picks you up in his arms, effortlessly carrying you.
You've been crying and fighting and struggling for hours. All of it had tired you out. All what you can do is watch helplessly from his arms when he exits your home.
Your entire village is in shambles. Fire is everywhere. Blood is as common as water. It's horrifying. The scene haunts you even after the orc deposits your limp body on top of a horse.
Earlier he seemed rather unbothered with your struggles. Now, he gives an irritated sigh when you start to scream again. The orc wrestles your arms together, bundling them up with rope. Your mouth is muffled by a thick cloth. When you peer up at him helplessly, he gives you a stern look as if to say 'you brought this onto yourself'.
A sound of another horse's hooves is enough to remind you this orc didn't do this pillaging all by himself. Another orc saddles up to him. He's a bit smaller compared to the first one. Indigo hair with ivory tips. Despite their stark differences, their purple eyes look oddly similar to one another.
He gives your pathetic state a lookover, and then he scoffs.
Behind you, the orc that kidnapped you shrugs and says a few things. They go back and forth a bit and it sounded like they were arguing.
Eventually, there seems to be a clear victor. The orc rides off, as the first one gives a satisfied huff. When you fearfully look behind you, he just a condescending pat on your shoulder.
You think you pass out after that, because the next time you open your eyes, you're no longer on a horse.
The pelts under your skin are soft to the touch. You rise from the makeshift bed, looking at your surroundings. A large tent filled with soft furs and various trinkets.
You don't need to know who's it is.
He comes in hours later. Just as tall and terrifying when you first met him. He isn't adorned in weapons anymore. You cower nonetheless.
You curl inwards when he kneels in front of you. Even sitting down, he's humongous. His clawed hands unfurl, and he presents something to you.
You don't know what it is, but you know it's food.
You don't take it, suspicious. He seems to realize this as he takes a bite, before extending it back to you. Still, you refuse.
You can't figure out his endgame, yet. He hasn't kill you, does that mean he's waiting for the right moment? Is he planning on fattening you up before he eats you? You wished you could speak his language. Any answer is better than his silent torment.
After a while, he shrugs, muttering something, before gently placing it back on the plate. He still isn't done with you.
He points to himself.
"Beelzebub," he says. He repeats the motion a few more times before you understand that he's saying his name.
When he points to you, you shy away, refusing to answer. He doesn't seem angry at that, giving a thoughtful hum. You watch warily as Beelzebub pulls away, his interest falling to other things within the tent. Sharper things. He picks up a long knife, studying the blade.
You swallow, and then you decide to leave.
You'd barely begun to take a step before Beelzebub turns to look at you. He huffs, before pointing at the piles of furs. You don't need to know what he said. You stay put.
He puts the knife down, thankfully. He picks some other things, moving them around the tent mindlessly. At least he isn't looking at you. You think you'd go into hysterics if he just sat there, staring and staring and staring.
He's waiting for something. Someone.
Pretty soon, that person walks through the tent.
Not as large as Beelzebub, but big enough to terrify you. This orc had black hair. His red eyes racked over your figure, scrutinizing you with mild disgust.
Beelzebub greets him with a grunt. The newcomer sighs before going off in a foreign language. Beelzebub answers with a stagnant face. Another argument. You have a feeling both were about you.
Clearly, the orcs did not want you here. Then why did he bring you here? At that, relatively unharmed? What was the point of all of this?
Or perhaps the other orcs didn't understand their member's thought process either.
Eventually, Beelzebub shakes his head. He points at you.
"彼女は私の妻になります," he says.
The other orc frowns, but he doesn't respond. Beelzebub must have won. He just gives you another glance, before making his way back out the tent.
Beelzebub gives a satisfied grunt. You stiffen when he drops down to sit right in front of you.
He doesn't do anything. He just sits. He stares right at you. In response you press yourself against the tent walls, but there's no where to hide.
He reaches out to touch your cheek. You shudder.
"私の妻." When he smiles, his dangerous fangs poke out. "私のものだけ."
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acrylic-anxiety · 4 months
things I thought were canon in mha but are probably just things the fandom made up that are so deeply ingrained in fanmedia, coming from someone who only joined the fandom a few months ago (correct me if im wrong)
(also not caught up on s7)
- literally any ships (rip, i know, but guys, no student relationships are canon as of rn)
- eijirou and mina went to middle school together
- denki probably has (absence) seizures due to overusing his quirk/bc storms
- red shoe theory (the quirkless have an extra toe joint and bc of that they need different shoes. unfortunately there's only one type, so doesn't matter if you're 5 or 80, you're stuck wearing bright red sneakers ://)
- erasermic. just the entirety of them being together. also includes erasermic fam. still rioting from when i found out erasermic is not canon >:((
- denki has adhd + dyslexia + dyscalculia (and probably a seizure disorder)
- hitoshi is in the foster system (and was probablg ab*sed bc of his quirk. includes mentions of muzzles and quirk suppressants)
- present mic was born with his quirk, deafening everyone in the room when he was born (includes mentions of muzzles)
- the bakugous (mitsuki and masaru) are either the best parents in the world (super attentive and caring) or suck and are probably ab*sive (quirk suppressants on katsuki any time he comes home, neglectful masaru, aggressive mitsuki)
- izuku is autistic (while not canon, i wouldnt be surprised, this is coming from someone with auDHD)
- denki's parents are both pro heroes (theres two pro's with electricity quirks. maybe?? maybe not?? we'll never know)
- endeavor is homophobic (i mean... im not saying he's not-)
- present mic was adopted by two moms
- eijirou has two moms (this one tho, so cute oml im screaming)
- the bakugous run a fashion empire (katsuki modeled for them before UA
- rooftop trio's full friend group included nemuri (a year ahead of them) and tensei (iida's brother)
- iida is autistic (ngl, if this aint the case im rioting)
- tsu never had a childhood, too busy parenting her siblings while her parents were at work or traveling
- back to the bakugous, they were too busy traveling to do photoshoots (mitsuki was the model and masaru designed clothes) to watch over katsuki, so he taught himself how to do everything (chores, keeping tbe house, cooking, etc)
- eijirou has depression/was su*c*dal in middleschool, the only thing keeping him from toppling was mina
- some mutation quirks are there at birth, others come in later. ex: toru (hagakure) was not born invisible, she turned invisible when out shopping with her mom (just imagine thinking "oh shit i just lost my kid at the store" and feeling something grab your leg with the voice of your kid but nothjngs there. wild, absolutely wild) just imagine this shit with the rest of our resideng mutation kids (whom i adore) koji, fumikage, mina, mezo, mashirao (would you consider hanta, kyoka, rikido, and mineta mutation quirk kids? bc i do)
- some kids come from all over the world (i like the idea of it, just how do they all know japanese then??) one i can remember rn were like denki is a 2nd gen japanese american, yuga we know is from france, hanta is latino (i adore this)
- mineta is great!! or mineta is a r*p*st (now, hes gotten better, i'll give you that, but hes still not great and i choose to hate him so im moving on-)
- the sports festival ceremony triggered a flashback for katsuki, making him feel like he was back with the sludge villian again
- izuku and katsuki co-wrote all might fanfiction and individually at one point had all might stan pages.
- fumikage, hitoshi, and kyoka rotate between the bakusquad and dekusquad
- the emosquad consists of fumikage, hitoshi, kyoka, mezo, katsuki, and shouto
- ochako has dad sneezes (loud asf and probably back to back) and katsuki has kitten sneezes (cute and singular) (no i will not explain further)
- while katsuki is loud and "angry" all of the time, you only really got to worry when he becomes deadly silent
- if you want tea on anyone, go to either mezo or kyoka. they know all
- shouto had many firsts after the dorms were implemented: first time trying ice cream, watching a movie, listening to music, trying certain foods, etc. bc endeavor either hated it, or didnt allow him access to it bc he thought it was a waste of time
- momo probably has an eating disorder, regardless of her quirk, due to her parents pressure as a high society family
- quirk related symptoms/damage. ex: katsuki's explosions causing low blood pressure and hearing loss. present mics causing hearing loss and chronic sore throats (maybe even repeat tonsilitis??). hitoshi getting migraines, insomnia, and nose bleeds from excessive quirk use.
- aizawa transfered to the hero course after winning the sports festival his first year at UA (i think it makes sense, what with him training hitoshi later)
(this is what i could think of rn, theres probably more, add on if you think of any)
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captainn-hook · 6 months
Character analysis on Prince Sidon (BOTW vs TOTK)
One thing I love about totk is how the game addresses Sidon’s trauma.
In botw you see how desperate he is for his father’s approval, it’s like Mipha set an impossible standard for dying not only for her domain and her people but for the whole kingdom of Hyrule. In their father’s eyes, she’s the perfect child, not only in personality but also in the way she’s honoured her family. Sidon sees how his father thinks of her, and although the king doesn’t do it consciously, he always put her on an impossibly high pedestal, and Sidon grew up believing that he HAD to meet that expectation, and that he would never, no matter how hard he tried.
When Link tames Vah Ruta and they both go to see the king, he tells his son:
“As your father, I am proud of you for fighting the Divine Beast alongside Link. You have grown much recently. I know you will be a worthy heir when your time comes.”
Then Sidon bows his head, as if he’s overcome with emotions because his dad tells him he’s proud of what he’s accomplished. King Dorephan isn’t a bad guy, don’t get me wrong, but the grief of losing his daughter (in this case, he thought she went missing and had been in the DB for 100 years, he didn’t know she died) made him sort of lose sight of Sidon’s achievements in those 100 years because he was so racked with worry and guilt. So although the king isn’t a bad father, he fails to reassure his son that he doesn’t need to do anything to make him proud (even though Sidon had definitely done stuff to make his dad proud over the years).
(Btw im pretty sure tripple digits in age is considered teens or early adulthood for Zora, so he’s still pretty young, I imagine around Link’s age if he were Hylian)
But that’s about all we get in botw.
So now we move on to totk. And oh boy do we get a load of Sidon angst. Some people might disagree with me but having read between the lines of what Lady Yona talked about (and just WHAT she actually said) in the first half of the water temple quest (before we find it, when we’re up in Mipha court), it really is angsty.
She’s aware of the fact that his sister’s death affected him a lot and still does despite knowing that her spirit moved on, and it (at this point) has started to affect their relationship.
Yona and Sidon have a disagreement before/after the battle with the Sludge Like, where they argue about him going with Link to this pillar of light that has suddenly appeared. It starts with Sidon saying: “Lady Yona! It is far too dangerous for you to be here” in reference to the sludge, but she has none of that.
She tells him that she wants him to go to the pillar with Link, and that: “For a long time, I have been concerned that you are holding yourself back and not acting as freely as I would have expected.” This has some credit because it’s mentioned somewhere how they were both childhood friends, and the Zora live long lives so it’s safe to assume their childhood is prolonged, which means that they’ve known each other for a very long time. Yona knows how he acts and behaves, his mannerisms and his fears, and that’s why she wants to push him to face them.
She tells him that if he goes with Link they’ll be able to overcome this problem, but he hesitates. She notices, asking him what is troubling him, and he hesitates again to speak what’s on his mind. This is when the Sludge Like comes in, and after the battle, the conversation continues.
Sidon hurries back to Yona and says: “Thank goodness. Lady Yona, if something had happened to you... I...” and there’s where it becomes clear just how terrified he is of losing her. He doesn’t finish the sentence, though, he changes the subject and tells her that she should go back to the domain in case more monsters show up. She tells him that he should focus on what Link said and that he can leave the court to them (Yona and the others that came with her). Sidon replies with: “W-well... Of course it would be best for me to accompany him. However, I cannot leave you alone in this dangerous place!” He’s ignoring what’s best and instead focusing on the safety of his betrothed, because of course he would! A monster just showed up and it took both Link and Sidon to take it down, imagine if neither of them were with her, what would happen? What would he do if she got hurt? And then the following dialogue happens (you dont need to read the whole thing, you can just skip to the bold parts):
Yona: “Did you not entrust this task to us already? We will not be on our own for long. We shall be just fine.”
Sidon: “But…”
Yona: “Sidon, my darling... I truly appreciate that you worry so for my safety. It speaks to the kindness in your heart.
But you are the prince of the Zora. One day, you will lead the people of your beloved domain.
I can see right through you, whether you want me to or not. You are yielding to the fear of losing someone you love again.
You must overcome your past and face whatever the future holds with courage.”
Sidon: “But... I...”
Yona: “Enough is enough! You are not acting like yourself! You must leave this place to me!
Sweet Sidon... Do not get lost in the past. You must keep moving ever onward. Just follow your heart, as you always do!”
Sidon: “Like my old self... Like I always do...”
Yona: “It is all right. I swear it. I am not going anywhere.”
Sidon: “I see... And there it is, clear as day... I was giving in to my fear of once more losing someone I love... I… I…
You are right, Yona! I will not give in to this fear! Nor forsake my trust in you! I leave this place to you, my love.”
Yona: “All this time he was clinging to regret over being unable to save his precious sister, Mipha... My poor, tormented Sidon.
And to think he was unknowingly paralyzed from taking action because he feared losing me as well...
Yet he has overcome this trial and placed his faith in me. At last, the Sidon I know and love has come back to me.”
During this conversation, Sidon hesitates more than once and you can see it starting to irritate Yona because she knows the potential he doesn’t see in himself, because it’s not just fear of losing a loved one, but it’s his own insecurity from not being able to save Mipha.
He doesn’t care that he was very young and wouldn’t have been able to anyway, he just cares that he couldn’t. In his eyes, he failed to save his sister. And I’m not going to go too deep into this point but it’s clear that she was playing both older sister and mother, because we can assume their mother died a while back (she’s never mentioned and it’s just the two of them and their father even as far back as age of calamity if you want to include that).
What I’m saying is that with technically both the loss of his mother and his sister, it’s safe to assume that he feels some sort of responsibility for not being able to help, even if he was too young to do so, his disregard for the age he was at the time shows how much weight was left on his shoulders after Mipha died.
He never expected to be the heir to the throne, the sole survivor of his family (along with his dad), sure he’s a prince and princes have responsibility, but Mipha was always going to be in the spotlight (not that I’d imagine him jealous of this, it’s simply just a fact, and I think he might have actually even been comfortable with that), she was always going to be the Zora Champion and then Queen one day, so to have all of that suddenly dumped on him after the calamity as a literal kid would’ve undoubtedly had its effect on him.
Yona understands this, she tells Link, knowing he’s probably caught on, how he was “clinging to regret over being unable to save his precious sister, Mipha...”.
She has to reassure her love that she’s okay. “It is all right. I swear it. I am not going anywhere.”, she comforts him because she knows he needs it, he needs her to say it to him because that’s the only way he will believe she is in fact okay.
But his character develops. Sidon realises that in fearing for Yona, he has made her feel as if she isn’t trusted. He recognises the position he’s put them both in, him worrying relentlessly and stressing out about his loved ones because of his trauma, and her having to watch him fall down this never ending rabbit hole and being unable to do much about it because all he tries to do is shelter and protect her, even when it’s unnecessary.
But she does what she can anyway, and it pays off, because he comes back to reality and understands that although there will always be the risk of losing her, he knows that she is more than capable of taking care of herself. He knows of her strength, it was just hard for him to see the situation from her point of view. But she pushes him to do so, and he betters himself for her.
I think he’ll always have some small hint of this trauma response hidden away, but after this discussion, he’s got a firm hold on it, and is willing to control his fears for the love of his life so that they can start to build a life together without the sense of utter doom and despair over his past looming over them both.
I’m glad the writers did this, and didn’t just make them seem like this perfect couple with no issues, it shows a real and healthy relationship, and it shows that Sidon isn’t this perfect person and that he indeed has faults of his own.
That’s my take on it, anyway.
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krenia · 1 year
oc jumpscare Again wah
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Trying to explain anything about either of the idiots ended up in MASSIVE infodumps so I just gave up I made too much lore for my own good lmao
All you need to know :
1. he's Very Normal And Not Violent
2. used to be normal amounts of Mary Sue but then I projected all my social anxiety onto him and now he's just miserable
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hi hi!! im in love w ur writing, and ur ‘alright’ fic was so good omg.. after reading it i just had to request something
i was thinking abt hobie with a gf that has a symbiote (like venom). like like maybe her hiding it from him?? either bc she’s scared of his reaction or scared of herself.. if that makes sense. probably an angst to fluff, but im down for anything tbh!!
Warnings- Angsty, fluffy, fem! Reader, this is long I got carried away, not too angsty but I tried ):
If you’ve watched fantastic mr fox, that is what I based some of this off of. If you haven’t go watch it omg it’s so good
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“What the hell are you?” You asked, panicked as you looked at whatever it was. The purple and dark pink sludge looking back at you, razor sharp teeth and small narrow eyes pointed at you.
“I am agony.”
“Oh great. What a great name. No, I mean what the hell are you? Like some sort of sludge toxic thingie?” You tried to get away from it, but you didn’t realize it was connected to you.
“I’m from another planet. You are my host. We are bonded.” Her voice was raspy, and sharp. She spat every word laced with venom:
“The fuck I am-“
The purple and pink sludge started to overtake your body, you helped in shock, trying to get it off. But soon, you were confused as your limbs weren’t yours, and you started to jump around. You were inside of the alien, or was the alien now you? You had no clue.
“What the hell..! Let me out!” You shouted.
“I’m hungry.” The alien snarled, and continued its adventure. It turned to a corner, jumping quickly and fast to an alley.
“What the hell is that!” One man shouted, and you heard the cries of multiple others. One man whimpered as the alien neared closer to him, he was backed up on a wall. Agony picked the man up, and bit his head clean off. You gasped and panicked inside.
Police sirens blared, the alien snapped its head back as it feasted on the brains of the man. Agony quickly realized what was happening, and started to run up a wall, and running far far away.
That’s how it had started. You and agony since then have established rules, no coming out near Hobie or anyone else, but especially Hobie. And no more biting peoples heads off, she liked chocolate now, along with some other meats.
Hobie and you have been dating for a year now, and you’ve only been with Agony for about a month. You didn’t wanna ruin the relationship because of it.
You had been on the down low for a little bit now, trying to find out what it all meant, and trying to figure out if there was others like you.
“So, we still up for that date tonight? (:” Hobie texted you, you picked up your phone and texted back. “Yeah, of course. Love you see you then (;”
“𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕...?“ Agony asked from beside you as she read your text message.
“What? That?” You pointed to the (; that you sent Hobie.
“It’s a winking face. Y’Know…” you winked.
She gave you a weird look.
“𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓.. 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝒊 𝒈𝒐 𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒘? 𝑰𝒎 𝒕𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆.“
“No. I’ve already told you, Hobies a superhero, and if you get caught eating people I’m gonna get in trouble for it. And he’s still out looking for you. So no.”
You were scared to tell Hobie. Terrified. Especially since he was a superhero. Hobie seriously loved you, and you loved him, and you didn’t wanna ruin it.
You knocked on Hobies door, He opened it quickly with a smile.
“Hi.” You walked in.
“Hi, love.” He kissed you. “Been a while, sorry that I couldn’t see you or nothin’. Been busy.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Being spider man is probably busy.”
“Yeah.” He laughed as you sat down on the couch.
“So, how’s work and stuff..?” He asked you.
“Pretty good.”
“That’s nice.”
“How’s being spiderman?”
“It’s… a lot. Still got no luck with that weird alien creature.” He chuckled, sitting down next to you, putting his guitar down. He put his arm around your shoulder as you both caught up. He then put on a movie.
You heard agony say “𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒔.“ in your head but you ignored her.
Hobie got up and made some popcorn, and fetched you both beers.
He then sat back down, you both made yourselves comfortable against each other, and watched the movie with the bowl of popcorn in between.
You suddenly felt lightheaded. You went into the bathroom for a second.
“What is it Agony?” You said annoyed, shutting the door.
“𝑰’𝒎 𝒉𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒚.“
“I’m literally eating right now-“
“𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒎 𝒉𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓.“
“For the last fucking time, no.”
“𝑰𝒇 𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒉 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘, 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉.“
Hobie listened in on the conversation, who were you talking to? He didn’t mean to be creepy but he heard you and got curious.
When he heard that sentence, it sounded like a threat he opened the door. And was met with something he didn’t expect.
The alien and you looked at him.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“The hell?”
“Look, I can explain. She’s like a.. a parasite or something-“
The alien scoffed and looked at her “𝑰𝒎 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆, 𝒃𝒖𝒈!“
“Okay, sorry, she’s basically… an alien.. and you know, we’re kinda like bonded together, I can’t get rid of her or we both die.”
“Did you kill that guy?” He questioned in disbelief.
“She did, I had no part in it I swear. Hobie.. I love you, you gotta believe me-“
He stayed silent for a moment.
“Why didn’t you jus’.. tell me..?”
“Because.. I was scared you would see my different, I mean I am different but.. I’m still the same me, I didn’t want you to hate me..” you said truthfully, voice breaking at the end of the sentence.
“Well, I could never hate you. I love you, alright? Nothing, not even this… alien can change that. You may be different, but I’ll still love you.” He shrugged.
“And honestly, if anything this just makes you more hot. I looked into the guy that… what’s ya name?” He looked to agony.
“Right, well then Agony, I looked into the guys who’s head you ate off, turns out the bloke was a pedo.” He said.
“Really?” You asked.
“He gave me that vibe.” Agony said, looking at you.
“Yeah, but the systems fucked so they let him out. Think we could make a great team.” He smirked, and leaned against the doorway.
“Seriously?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Yeah. I mean, Agony can eat peoples heads off, and that’s real Justice, I mean.. the system ain’t helpin’ no one.”
“𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎.“ Agony said.
“I know you do, I can literally hear your thoughts.”
“So, you’re not mad?” You asked when you and Hobie sat back down on the couch.
“Nah, I could never be mad at you.” He kissed your cheek and smirked.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“I get it. I didn’t tell you I was spiderman, you-“
“I found you making a web hammock in your room wearing nothing but your mask and spider man boxers.” You laughed at the memory.
“Yeah, yeah, alright.” He threw popcorn at you and laughed with you.
could you guys tell I actually tried on this one? 😭 LMFAOO I love this tho
Tag list: @enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn @techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @ @l-pandamatic-l
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burquillos · 4 months
Thats cool that you prefer dkbk! I always thought bkdk matched their personality's better. Ive always wondered why some think dkbk fits better, which is again cool that you like that more! My point of view is katsuki always wanting to be number one, his dominant personality, his soft side he shows to izuku, and izuku being more submissive to katsuki specifically. Sure in battle he can be scary but he goes all soft when they are safe. What do you like about dkbk?
IM SCRAPPING THE ESSAY (for now cause I feel like it will remain unfinished until MHA ends and I have every single info)
But seeing Katsuki cry in the latest chapter unlocked a (relatively) shorter, dkbk specific answer for me: I just like seeing Katsuki being vulnerable and I like seeing Izuku feeling like he's worthy of seeing that vulnerability.
Katsuki's dominance is in part because he's a perfectionist and strives to be the best. People have expectations for him but he has even higher expectations for himself and he usually breaks beneath its weight. Has been since the sludge incident, Deku getting into UA, getting kidnapped, ending All Might etc. etc. Point is that, for me, his dominance feels more like a hindrance for him than anything else. I mean his whole arc IS about learning to Save to Win and throughout the 2nd war arc we see him shining in that supportive role he has learned to accept and he finally feels like he's free.
So when I saw him genuinely cry his heart out in front of Izuku in that hospital bed, my brain goes "Finally, Katsuki crying without hiding behind aggression and dominance like he did back in the Bakugo's Starting Line chapter and Deku vs Kacchan 2"
For Izuku's part, he's always dealt with being not enough from the very beginning, mostly cause he compared himself to Katsuki and why "envy" was one of All Might's description of him during the practical exam. First he wasn't enough to be a hero because he was quirkless. Then he got his quirk and he wasn't even decent at using it. Then he got the whole weight of a legacy thrust upon him and some of the users didn't even deem him worthy. Only up until recently did he stop thinking of himself as just a vessel of OFA but as a full pledged hero.
Izuku has envied Kacchan's dominance and his strength to win. His whole arc was about learning to Win to Save but he's so internally messed up about it cause he doesn't feel like it fits people's perception of him. That's why he goes "it's stupid and gross and I literally can't say this to your face but you're my image of victory even if those bad habits of yours are supposed to be something I am expected to dislike" and I want him so badly to reconcile with that part of himself.
So again, when Katsuki falls apart in his hands, when his image of victory comes crying to him and bearing his heart out, I think "Maybe he will finally feel reliable enough, strong enough, for this amazing person to unravel himself before him and trust him to hold him tight"
And that's about it for my MHA 424 revelation 😅I hope you have a good read 😅😅
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lawtiee · 9 days
I’m new here so I got no idea what to say besides….
Antler queen Nat giving her s/o special treatment. She’s clearly favoriting them but nobody really says much about it.
Also can I be 🪼 anon?
haiii welcome. :3 im glad youre here! and yes you can!
none of the girls are blind, infact tai noticed first how you’d always accompany her on her lil antler queen duties and how she has a more gentle and soft tone when she’s talking to you, compared to her gruff and low tone when speaking to anyone else. before becoming the antler queen, she felt like she was helpless, but now she would’ve never admitted it but she gained some sort of confidence boost. albeit it small, but there was something there. she definitely acts like hot shit, just showing off and whatnot. when spring rolls back around, she asks you to come hunting with her (even though you didnt have a single clue how to use the gun cause you sucked at it) and she’s seems to have some extra precision that she never had with travis. it was like, in her blood to be an extra show off when she’s doing anything.
and sometimes if she isn’t ’very hungry’, she’ll give you some of her food, and watching you gobble up the mysterious bear meat sludge makes her feel like it was the right choice even if she was a little hungry afterwards.
she kind of thinks she’s a real queen and youre her royal spouse or something. she think she could be a queen, she tells you one night when you’re laying in bed with her. “maybe a really shitty one, but if being a queen means that im taken care of, it sounds really fun.” she rambled on and on, then noticing you’d fallen asleep on her chest, she sighed contently. she kissed your forehead before she drifts off. she definitely dreams about being a real monarch and going off with their heads! if anyone slightly pissed her off. or pissed you off. she didnt know what she was dreaming about, but she wished sometimes that if they got ‘saved’, she’d keep her role as the antler queen.
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scrubbinn · 22 days
Mimic HRT: 20 months “Broken patients”
“Ah Ms.Mulberry… I, er, didn’t expect to see you. This early I mean. Making use of that outside privilege we worked so hard to get you. Of course you would. We managed to set the standard that all of your kind will keep their citizenship status until their crossroads, rather than at the start of their treatment. But, we’ll need to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Why don’t you- Ah, already taking a seat I see. So then… How are we feeling today? You seem… yourself.”
“Well, let’s see, what we can expect now is a few more days in court just to settle things, make sure the government is satisfied with the arrangements we all agreed upon. We’ll also need a few weeks to determine if this therian support group is actually reputable enough that this will count towards your psychological evaluation. Recently there have been some rumors about the manager being a bit unsavory, so that will cause a delay, if not entirely set you back some time. Really now, you must have realized finding a professional therapist would have been a much safer move… Excuse me, Ms.Mulberry, can I inquire why-
“You will not. Now keep talking.”
“Ms.Mulberry you seem rather upset, perhaps-
“You’re wondering why I decided to not use my mimicry to disguise a face for myself today. Oh believe me, I would have loved to walk in here a mass of sludge with eyes and teeth all over but it turns out human society doesn’t really like that too much. Having a head with no eyes to look at is a courtesy I am giving you. It’s more than you deserve. What the fuck is all this talk of we? You weren’t even at the last fucking meeting. Our lawyer wasn’t even at the last fucking meeting!”
“You’re clearly distressed, you should leave the premises immed-
“SHUT UP! YOU DON’T GET TO TALK!... Just shut up and listen. There is no we. As far as I am aware, this bullshit lawsuit against your clinic is the most roundabout way to specifically get me into a criminal court considering this incident didn’t even take place in hyper city. The lawyer I was given is somehow less competent than you are! Do you know how much time I’ve spent these past two months learning, specifically, Hyper city legal jargon? How overly complex a nexus point’s laws have to be to account for literally anything! And you left us to sink or swim! I could pass the fucking bar exam here if I wanted to at this point! And the worst part, oh my god the worst part. It cost me everything. I can’t so much as afford a hot dog on the way back home now. Because you’re some blinding asshole who thinks I should have to pay for everything! Well you know what? Perhaps you should be the one paying now! I am going to drag you down into the mud with me. Do you really think I don’t know why you never showed up, why I had to do everything? Because what's one experiment to you? Scape-goat, lab-rat, guinea pig, a mimicry of something human no longer. The second your clinic was in the clear, you left me to fend for myself. I can't believe I had an ounce of pity for you. When you comforted my decision to stop at my crossroad I actually thought you cared about me. That there was someone that could understand my fears!”
“Mayday that was what I was doing! I saw someone in pain and I did my best! I-
“Your best?! Oh my. Ha. Hahahaha. You don't even get it yourself do you? No you idiot! You comforted us because you saw the last shred of our humanity and told us to never let go of it. You're not clever Theodore. Inside that mind of yours whether you admit it or not, the second we start this treatment, you see all of us as inferior and beneath you. You self-righteous bastard. You know what, how about I let you talk. Won't cut you off this time. I want you to explain to me what your goal is. Why do you help us when you could simply refuse? Why put yourself through this? 
“And if I don’t feel the need to justify my actions to someone threatening me? What if I were to call security to drag out a crazed patient? What would you do then?”
“What would I do? I'll know the second you push that panic button, and we both know what we can do to a human body. Don’t make me go through that again.”
“Right then, I suppose I'll have to give you a truth that will satisfy you in this clear state of psychosis brought about by a clear lack of sleep and several stressors.” 
“We both know you're nowhere near trained to be a psychiatrist. Stick to working with hormone levels Mr. endocrinologist.”
“You want the truth? Fine, How's about this? Some witch had weird friends and made a promise of a lot of money if I sold her magic as a medicine. Happy? No? Of course not! That's not what you're asking you frea- No. I won't let you get the better of me. You want to know why I stuck around. Why after all these years I haven't retired… I really could, couldn't I. There are other doctors, for over a year I haven't been the only one supplying this stuff. I've had my fair share of attacks both verbally and physically from both sides of this city. I'm not sticking around because I have to, I've made enough breakthroughs and connections to create my own hormonal formulas without the need of the witch who dragged me in this business in the first place. There are so many reasons to retire and let my legacy live on in the scientific textbooks of all worlds. But no. The truest reason I fight for this clinic is to see people who walk through these doors happy! I see dozens of brilliant and kind souls walk through this door, ones who had the unfortunate fate of being born in the wrong body! I am giving my time, life, reputation, and money to help people because that is its own rewar- Stop growling! You said no interruptions!”
“Well you're clearly lying to yourself if you actually think seeing us happy is your end goal. Or were you not paying attention when I had to remind you that you abandoned me in a court case that shouldn't have even legally happened. They spent half their time trying to get the victim, my god damn girlfriend, to indict me as a crazed lunatic. If their goal was to crush me mentally and physically then they succeeded. Otherwise it was just a waste of time. I can’t even fathom how much time they must have if spending it going after an otherkin that slightly bothered them is possible! There is one thing that I got out of it though. There is one glimmer of light in this forsaken tunnel. Because that useless lawyer let me get a look at all the documentation of this clinic. Maybe the reason for this case was just for them to get a look at it. Find something to pin you with. Either way I guess everything you do is legal since they never went after you about it. But still, getting to read everything you’ve ever done has been quite the eye opener. Every experiment and procedure you’ve ever done.”
“And? As you already said, everything I’ve done is above the board and… Wait, you couldn’t possibly think of leaking those to the general public? You shouldn't even have them anymore. Making copies like that is illegal! If you leak those documents then you’ll go down with me. This is all a bluff to you.”
“Erian, you should know better than anyone how well we can disappear. Or how well we could make you disappear. Besides, for the record, I never said I made copies, but perhaps I might have. I just want you to know exactly where we stand. You hurt me, but I’m not so petty as to hurt you back. Instead you’re going to give me a job here. As an assistant.”
“This might be the worst job interview I’ve ever held. You do realize blackmail makes an awful resume don’t you? But I can’t exactly decline now can I. Tell me Mayday. What happened to the young woman who came here scared yet excited for a better life? You once said you wanted to work here before, but resort to this kind of behavior. Why even take a job here? It would make your bargaining chip even worse for you than for me?”
“Look, despite everything. What you’ve done to us, what you’ve done to others. Everything I learned. I, don't hate you. It’s not in my nature. I am quite literally doing this because it is my only option to not starve. And despite my attempts to hate you this whole confrontation I can't hold onto it for long. I get that what you think you're doing is some greater good for therians. But you're not the misunderstood hero you think you are. You're just seeking attention. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad you just end up making awful problems for everyone in the name of research that at best, will only ever appear in a science textbook, and you know that. Look, it's ok, I get what it’s like to seek that sort of validation. I could help you. Please, just give me the job.”
“You are wrong about me Mayday, you consider me obsessed with my image of a hero but perhaps your delusions about me are simply your obsession. I don't have a choice in giving you a job. I suppose I'll find something for you that's out of the way. I can’t say I'm excited to work with you. But perhaps you'll make a good legal advisor for now if you're as well versed in law as you say you are. No, trusting you with that would be a mistake, we’ll start you off as a janitor perhaps, I’m sure your body’s makeup should help you in that field. Besides, janitors are already basically invisible to everyone else, I’m sure your mimic mind would prefer that.”
“Oh no, we are not ending this conversation like that. Legal advisor? Janitor? Are you trying to make us angry again? No, I'm staying as far away from those kinds of positions as possible! You'll be paying for my degree and I'm working directly as an assistant. This isn't something you can negotiate!”
“I think you’ll find that it is! Because as far as I’m concerned, you’ll settle for any job. You don’t have the power to demand what position I find for you. The second you have this job, it becomes too valuable to destroy. You will accept this role or you will sink us both. Do I make myself clear?”
“I- I could attack you. You know a bite from me could kill you! I’ll do it!”
“You’ve already played your hand Mayday, I know most of this conversation was just a bluff from you anyways. Be thankful that, if I feel generous enough, I’ll forget this little incident when the time comes that I can secure this clinic’s future without fear of your threats. I do see many brilliant souls walk through this door. It’s a shame you weren’t one of them. But, I’m someone who cares about my patients despite your attacks on my character. I’ll give you one last chance to convince me why I shouldn’t give you the worst possible job I could find.”
“I- You’re right. This is just a bluff. I can’t even call it a roar, this is just my last whimper before I lose everything. I don’t. There’s nothing left after today. Abi can’t afford to take care of me. Going back home is what caused this mess in the first place. Theo, I’m here because you are my last lifeline. You can decline my employment if you want. I never actually copied the evidence I saw. I’m just a mimic of empty threats. My last echo before I disappear. I’m just scared. We lost.”
“Mayday… You are certainly good at trying my patience as well as heartstrings. Fine then, I’ll overlook these threats of yours as brought about by desperation. You will never state to the public what rumors they might have claimed as evidence, and you will be worked down to the bone- er, tooth, as an assistant. Do I make myself clear?”
“Oh my stars thank you!”
“Please do not mention it.”
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Mention list: @a-shramp, @calliecwrites, @be702, @respectfulevil, @hyacinthdoll1315
@aster-is-confused, @bloodandbrandywyne, @glitchgloop, @nyxthewary, @lunadook
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mew-ya · 4 months
i love maren, he's so cool!!! has he met luffy???
YES, there's a short filler arc between Zou and Whole Cake Island where Maren and Luffy meet briefly!!! it's called Dinner Island!! they also may have met during marineford but considering how huge it was, I haven't really written Maren to be at the center of it, as he's part of the WBP 8th Division.
I also have this cute (definitely canon) art of Luffy stealing off Kata and Maren's plates
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click thru for an overview of Maren's filler arc!
while on their way to Totto Land, the Sanji Retrieval Team nearly starves. they come across a curious sign floating in the water that says "Free Dinner!* This Way!" with a very small footnote that says "*within reason". Luffy immediately turns the ship in the direction of the sign, while Nami explains it's obviously a trap, but they dont have many other options as luffy cooked all of their rations into inedible sludge...
they arrive at a small but very delicuous looking island, and are immediately greeted by its residents. no one seems to mind that they are pirates and everyone seems quite happy. they're quickly brought to a large feast where the crew is brought plates upon plates of free food, until Luffy exhausts their food sources and frustrates the local leadership. they pull out a document that has the words "Free Dinner Within Reason" highlighted over and over, and explain that Luffy was NOT being reasonable. He laughs about it then is dragged off to do dishes in prison with a comically full stomach. Nami lets him figure that one out on his own.
underneath the island is a large prison with tons of unwashed forks and knives and plates stacked up by the sides. Luffy makes a stink face and knocks over a bunch of plates on accident, then notices a large prison cell in the corner with a sitting dark figure.
"hey." it calls out.
Luffy responds with an "oyy?? you eat a lot too?" and Maren steps into the light, a huge porcupinefish fishman with a Whitebeard Pirates tattoo showing through a rip on his pant leg.
"sure. but can't really compare to that stuff over in totto land. you can even eat the chairs there. won't catch me goin back there again though--" Maren continues to talk, revealing all sorts of insider details and information about Totto Land and its resident pirate crew, but Luffy stops listening and starts thinking about buildings and objects and vehicles made of food.
Maren notices Luffy spacing out and drooling over unreal food and laughs. "youre just like Ace said!" but Luffy doesn't notice.
"Oy kid," Luffy snaps out of it and looks at Maren. "I'll get you outta here. they just throw people in here to scare em. im maren by the way."
Maren shrinks down to normal human size and his spines disappear from his back, allowing him to step easily through the large prison bars. he opens Luffy's prison door and points towards the exit, "That'll get you back to your ship." then Maren walks back into his cell and inhales deeply, getting huge again. He then lays down on the big jail bed and turns away "now be quiet, I'm sleepin."
and Luffy yells "Thanks balloon guy!!!" as he runs off, but Maren is already passed tf out.
luffy gets back on the sunny and recounts his adventure, completely unable to repeat any of the details about Totto Land or the Charlotte family Maren passed onto him about their coming adventure.
and that's my quick story of Luffy and Maren actually meeting ❣️
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