#but now that I’ve watched this scene in the anime i relived this video and wow 🥺🥺🥺🥺
decembermoonskz · 1 year
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rens-room · 4 years
final fantasy vii crisis core (not spoiler free):
NOTE: I don’t play video games so my opinion is inherently skewed.
ALSO: I’ve been in the fandom for about 4 years now...all without playing any of the games so fanon and canon are a little blurry for me.
so I watched a cut scene/game play compilation and my initial thoughts are: WTF IS THIS GAME??!!
for some reason I never imagine the shinra logo in characters, I always picture it in english letters.  
why is half of the dialogue lines of poetry from a fictional play? I feel like I have loveless memorized at this point. 
the beach fight. why is zack in a swim suit fighting with an umbrella?? is there a plot purpose for this or??
half the scenes end in weird ways?
more questions than answers. 
why does hollander look like a washed up frat boy with a beer gut? 
hojo and hollander are scary but give off different kinds of scary vibes. 
the best way to save money in game development is to make the enemy clones of a character you already have to animate. 
young tseng/tseng with his hair up is...very nice.
seeing cloud is cool, he’s so young and cute!
I do like seeing the parallels/callbacks to the og game: the train entrance and meeting aerith by falling through a roof. 
multiple bahamut summons lol. 
wow, seeing sane sephiroth is strange. 
I do like seeing my favorite turks (reno and tseng), but man is the plot line crazy. 
zack’s hair change? strange but not bad. because, it’s longer it kinda looks like angeal’s...
why do I feel like the aerith romance sub plot has actual game tasks like find a child and build a wagon?
why must we relive nibelheim (and probably zacks death) again?
ah nibelheim but with genesis this time! 
what kinda cowboy fashion phase was tifa going through...
this sword went from angeal to zack to cloud.
sephiroth logic: if all your friends are having mental breaks and going crazy, you should too.
haha sephiroth gets yeeted by the guy impaled on his sword. 
cissnei, the real hero.
how am I just noticing the giant-ass flip-phones everyone’s got.
genesis flies down and kicks zack in the back and starts reciting loveless. this is treated as completely normal. and then genesis flies away?? 
zacks hair is...magic and can make monsters? 
“no way, he just ate my hair”
do the genesis copies also degrade? or are versions with wings being made now? 
^follow up- they also degrade. 
wait what are hollanders attacks? funny worm? dimension missile??
I like how clouds unconscious body is carted all over the world in the side car. 
genesis reminds me of oikawa from haikyuu. he’s got a flair for the dramatic and feels overshadowed by someone more gifted... 
minerva’s really cool, I wish I knew more about the lore. 
deadman completes literary classic from beyond the grave.
cissnei wtf is your real name?
awwww tseng kept all of aeriths letters! hurt me more why don’t you. 
fuck fuck fuck I was right I’m gonna have to watch him die again. 
I think...reno grew out his hair/got the ponytail in the four years zack and cloud where with hojo because he didnt have it earlier...
why did I not know tseng and the turks wanted to save zack?! ahhhhhhh that makes it hurt more!
why is it the one time you show blood in the game its ZACK’S DEATH!? WHYYYYYYY?! IT HURTS ENOUGH ALREADY!!
aerith knows.
head canon: so solider hearing means that even if zack was on the way out...he probably heard all the gunshots...and cloud’s crying as he died.
hey, hey, hey, cloud, living legacy does not equal borrowing an entire personality, fighting style, or memories.
awww angeal brings zack into the lifestream. 
I wonder if zack had anything to do with cloud falling into the church, like in some kinda magic, divine intervention way? 
did this segue into a remake preview?? or is it just the version I watched?
the full circle ending with cloud on the train hurts but looks so cool!
so was anyone gonna tell me that reno and axel/lea share an english voice actor?? 
also I always forget that it is theoretically canon compliant for sephiroth’s last name to be crescent because his mom (lucrecia)’s, last name was crescent and not just fanon. 
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thefreakishmuffin · 4 years
Hetalia is coming back, and I have some thoughts...
Alrighty everyone, here we go! As if 2020 couldn’t get more insane...
(This is a longer post, so I’ll add fun gifs to separate the walls of text so it isn’t so exhausting to read).
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So, if you’ve been on the internet since the early 2010′s, you’ve most likely seen, or at least heard, of an odd show called Hetalia. This anime, with the manga originally created by Hidekaz Himaruya, was later adapted into an anime. For those who are either new to the internet or have been living under a rock for the last decade, Hetalia, first going under the name Hetalia: Axis Powers, is a show about different events in world history and world politics, all being portrayed by people who represent different countries. Each country - or character, you could say - is essentially the embodiment of all their respective country’s stereotypes. 
For example, Germany is extremely strict, loud, militaristic, and often angry or stubborn. Italy is an absolute coward who is obsessed with pasta and beautiful women. And America is an over-the-top, loud, bombastic, arrogant dork who is constantly downing fast food and calling himself a “hero.” The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. 
Hetalia was, and still is, an extremely weird show. And with season seven on the horizon, coming to us in Spring 2021, I feel like I ought to talk about it. And why am I taking the time to talk about it?
Because I am a veteran Hetalian. 
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(Me laughing but slowly dying inside)
You read that right. Throughout all of middle school and the first few months of high school (almost four years), I was an absolute obsessive Hetalia fangirl. Outside of the internet, I was the biggest fan I knew, along with the guy who was my best friend at the time. We’d binge watch the show, read and write fanfiction, bring others into the cult fandom, talk about it almost constantly, draw fanart, watch the funny mmd video compilations on YouTube, delve really deep into world history, quote and reenact all of our favorite scenes - we even cosplayed England and Prussia one year for Halloween! This was the show that made me the HUGE history nerd I am today! I even got a book on the complete history of Prussia one year for Christmas.
Yep. We were those kind of fans. (Not gonna lie, as a now twenty-year-old woman, I still kinda cringe looking back at my middle school years. But I was having fun, so who cares?)
So when I heard we were getting another season after a five year hiatus, you’d think I’d be super stoked that a show I was once madly in love with was coming back from the dead, right? 
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(The part of me that is thrilled about Hetalia returning)
Well... It’s a little complicated. I won’t lie that I am really excited for this new season, and I’m of course gonna watch the entire series over again in preparation for it. But I have some hopes, worries, and mixed emotions about everything happening, and everything that may or may not go down when the season eventually airs, including the time leading up to it. I even have a particular topic I want to get to, but you’ll see that later in the post.
To address my worries, we first have to go way back to the early days of the fandom. For the most part, the Hetalia fandom was just really weird, fun, nerdy, and quirky. Nothing wrong with that. I feel like the fandom already had an odd reputation, but at least it wasn’t a bad one. That is until we had some... How should I say... Toxic behaviors and incidents start to take place. 
Allow me to explain. How I see it, every fandom has some kind of toxicity level. The toxicity level is from the fans who are, well, toxic. We all know who they are, and you’ve likely met at least a few here and there. And the toxicity levels vary from fandom to fandom. In some it’s very low, and in others it’s very high. I wouldn’t say the Hetalia fandom’s toxicity level was super high, but it wasn’t incredibly low either. We had the usual problems, like some intense shipping wars and people debating on different ideas and headcanons, but the Hetalia fandom had something a bit different going on.
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(My two personalities trying to coexist in peace)
You see, a lot of people didn’t like - or even hated - Hetalia, because they saw it as racist and offensive. If you admitted you liked Hetalia outside of the fandom, you ran a definite risk of getting either shunned or degraded for it. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you had a group of fans - a rather small group of fans, mind you - who did some pretty insensitive things that ended up landing the fandom in some serious hot water.
You’d have people in that small group of fans who’d openly do the Nazi salute while cosplaying Germany at conventions, and there was even the incident where you had fans cosplaying as Nazi Germany to the holocaust museum, where they decided to pose doing the Nazi salute. I even saw a cosplay of Germany and Prussia pointing guns at the Star of David, which is a well known symbol of the Jewish faith. Not to mention the fans who seemed to fetishize Nazi Germany and Prussia. Now, I may not know about everything these people did, as I was pretty good at staying on the light side of the fandom, but these were some pretty well known and disgraceful problems that everyone would find out about sooner or later.
Sadly enough, it was that small, tiny percentile of the fandom that did things that were so offensive, so wrong, that it was greatly magnified by others, thus giving the fandom its toxic, even cringey reputation. And I really hope we don’t have to relive that all over again.
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(Me singing songs about punching Nazis and eating pasta)
So what I hope is that we are able to leave all of that behind us. Though I’ve already seen some Twitter users try to start drama all over again by reposting the offensive cosplays, and Tumblr users getting their panties in a wad because they apparently have nothing else better to do. But because a vast majority of the Hetalia fans are like me in that we’ve grown older and matured, I’m hoping we can help guide the younger, newer fans in the right direction.
And I won’t deny that I am very worried about the newer fans getting harassed and bullied on social media. I don’t have a lot of advice when it comes to the haters, other than the usual ‘ignore them and don’t respond’, tactic. But just know that if they don’t leave you alone, you can always block them.
And here’s another bit I want to touch upon. While I can completely understand why people see this show as racist and offensive, I honestly don’t think it is. If anything, I think it actually teaches us something. And no, I’m not talking about history right here. I’m talking about the stereotypes, and how they are portrayed. I think this show helps us to understand that all of these different stereotypes we have about different people and countries are all stupid and silly.
Do we actually know a German who is exactly like Hetalia’s Germany? No. Do any of us know an Englishman who is identical to Hetalia’s England in every way? Of course not. This series helps us to understand that the stereotypes so many of us hold onto today are nothing more than just stupid, silly old ideas that have been blown far out of proportion over the years. 
Many people try to claim that this show is overtly racist and tries to divide, but in my opinion, I think it ties us together.
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(My last two braincells writing up this post at around midnight)
At the end of the day, I’m incredibly excited and eager to see the new season of Hetalia, and everything that it will have in store for us. And it’s fun too look back on all the nostalgic memories I have of this show. This is all I have to say for now, but I may or may not be coming back to this topic in the future. Might even make another blog for Hetalia while I’m coming back to the fandom. After all, this is known as the fandom you can’t escape from.
Now if you excuse me, I’m gonna go press play on Hetalia: Axis Powers episode one, and let myself spiral into insanity once again!
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princesssarisa · 4 years
22 questions
Thanks, @cinefantastiquemitho!
01. The book that transformed your life. Freak the Mighty. It traumatized me so much in middle school, I think it singlehandedly changed me from a mostly happy (if quiet and overemotional) child into a moody, anxious teenager. The same goes for it’s ‘90s movie adaptation, The Mighty, starring a young Elden Henson and Kieran Culkin. It’s about the unlikely friendship between two misfit middle school boys: Max, the big, hulking, “stupid,” somewhat mentally disabled protagonist with a traumatic past, and “Freak,” an intelligent yet small, severely crippled, and (spoiler alert) terminally ill boy who rides on Max’s shoulders and serves as his “brain,” leading him in modeling their lives after the knights in the Arthurian legends he reads. Basically, it’s like Bridge to Terabithia meets a PG-rated Midnight Cowboy with Arthurian themes. I was forced to read it and watch the movie in school and it shook me to the core because I identified too much with Max. Not that I ever thought I was stupid, but since I was also a physically heavy, intellectually disabled, socially awkward, often teased, withdrawn misfit, I saw myself in him, very, very much. So to watch his struggles, and then in the end to see him devastated by his only friend’s death, hit hard. If that spirit medium I recently talked to was telling the truth about my past life as Emily Brontë’s best and possibly only friend, then maybe subconsciously I saw her in Freak (since she was also a “freakish” misfit who nonetheless was highly intelligent, witty and imaginative) and relived her illness and death in his. At any rate, it plunged me into a long depression that must have seemed inexplicable to the adults around me.
02. The movie that changed your way of seeing the world. The 1983 telecast of Madama Butterfly from the Arena di Verona, starring Raina Kabaivanska as Cio-Cio-San. In hindsight, it was a flawed production. Kabaivanska was a 49-year-old Bulgarian grand dame, not the least bit convincing as a 15-year-old Japanese girl. The tenor, who was supposed to be her worldly seducer, was young enough to be her son. There wasn’t a single Japanese person in either the cast or the creative team – it was all a European fantasy of Japan. For that matter, Madama Butterfly is inherently problematic with its racial and gender issues (in other news, water is wet). But watching this old telecast on VHS, out of curiosity about Miss Saigon’s source material, was the real beginning of my passion for opera. I was already familiar with The Magic Flute, but this was the start of my love for opera beyond that one. The tragic romance of the story, the visual beauty of the sets and costumes, and Puccini’s sumptuous musical score captivated my fourteen-year-old self. It led me to VHSs of La Traviata, Carmen, La Bohéme, Tosca, Rigoletto, Les Contes d’Hoffmann, L’Orfeo and Turandot, as well as other videos of Butterfly, and then to opera performances onstage. It gave me a new passion and gave me something beautiful to share with other people through “Opera Quest,” the program I’ve created to introduce opera to elementary school students. I’m so, so grateful to it!
03. The music that makes part of the soundtrack of your life. Opera, Broadway/West End show tunes, and Disney songs.
04. Define longing. It’s wanting, but deeper and stronger. It’s constant wanting, painful wanting, wanting that almost becomes obsession.
05. If you got back in time, which scene would you visit of your life? Any of my Thanksgiving visits to my grandma in Mesa, Arizona. Of course I’d love to see her again – she died 12 years ago – but I also loved wandering around the pretty retirement community where she lived, listening to Les Misérables or to Andrew Lloyd Webber on my headphones, and then sometimes swimming in the outdoor pool. I also loved the restaurant we always went to for Thanksgiving dinner, and if possible, going to see the lavish Christmas lights at the Mormon Temple a day or two later.
06. The place where your heart is. Los Angeles. Even though I wasn’t born there, it’s the earliest place I remember. I grew up there and it’s only been four years since I moved away. Every time I’ve gone back to visit since, I I’ve had the overwhelming feeling of “I’m home!” Even though I’m glad not to be living in a big city right now, I wish I lived closer and could visit more often.
07. The travel of your life. I haven’t travelled very much outside the US, though I have been to Canada, London and Ireland. Within the US, I was born in Connecticut, I’ve lived most of my life in California, and I’ve spent a lot of time in New York (relatives live there), Washington State (more relatives live there), Arizona (my grandma lived there), Florida (other grandparents, plus Walt Disney World), Montana (still more relatives), North Carolina (still more), and Minnesota (family friends). Once each I’ve been to Chicago, Boston, Cape Cod, and small towns in Vermont and New Hampshire, and I’d love to go back to each of them one day. I’ve also been to North Dakota, but don’t remember it very well, and I’ve spent at least a few hours each in Las Vegas and Salt Lake City, but not long enough to do much of anything.
08. An author that you have met recently, and whose works you want to continue to read. Not too long ago I took a writing class taught by April Halprin Wayland, who wrote the beautiful Jewish children’s book New Year at the Pier about the tradition of Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah. I’d definitely like to read more of her books, especially her Passover children’s book, More Than Enough. I’d love buy them for my little cousins on the Jewish side of my family.
09. Coffee or tea? Herbal tea. Rooibos chai is my favorite.
10. Who's your Doctor (if you don't watch Doctor Who, who's your favorite character from a TV series)? I couldn’t say. I don’t watch Doctor Who or much TV at all anymore. Let’s just say I love the main characters from all the TV shows I watched when I was little.
11. If you could just throw everything away and live your dream, what would you do? I’d buy a safe and luxurious self-driving RV (this is a fantasy, after all) and travel all over the US, living in a different place for a week, two weeks, or a month at a time. In this fantasy, there’s no pandemic going on, so I have the freedom to go anywhere. I’d visit every big city, every cozy small town, and every notable place of natural beauty, I’d go to the opera and see local productions of Les Misérables wherever I could. I’d visit my relatives whenever I liked. I’d present “Opera Quest” at a local school in each place I visited. But I’d also spend plenty of alone time in my RV, or in whatever hotel or inn I chose to stay in for a little while, and work on the books I’m writing, listen to music and meditate. There would be no pressure on me from anyone to do anything. That would be amazing.
12. If you could choose to be a character from a book, TV series or movie, who you would be? None. Some of them have nice lives, but they all have their problems too, and I’d rather keep my own problems than take on theirs.
13. What makes you not like a story? Characters we’re supposed to like being cruel and spiteful to each other and neither regretting it nor being properly called out for it. If their behavior is clearly supposed to be bad and treated as such within the story, it’s one thing. Even if they never regret their own behavior, that’s fine as long as the other characters call it out as bad. But when they don’t, I feel like the author is saying that anyone would be just as cruel and spiteful in that situation. That it’s no big deal, it’s just human nature and anything better would be unrealistic. I hate that.
14. Do you like romance in stories? Why? Yes, I do like it. Not if it’s badly written, but when it’s well written, I love it. I love watching two characters come to care so deeply for each other, fill each other’s deepest needs and bring each other happiness. Of course that happens with platonic love too, but romance is the way it most often happens in stories.
15. Which book did you hate having read? Well, I didn’t like having to read Candide as a college freshman, because despite all its humor, it’s cynicism depressed me. I was going through a stage where I was feeling overwhelmed by the world’s problems and had turned to idealistic spiritual beliefs to comfort myself, so I hated having to read a book that essentially said “Optimism is stupid, the world is a terrible place, there is no God and no good reason for anything, and all we can do is try to make the best of our individual lives.” (Yes, I know that’s a vast oversimplification of Voltaire’s philosophy – it just came across that way to me at the time.)
16. Which movie did you hate having watched? I’ve already mentioned The Mighty, above, so... another one... When I was seven or eight, I saw Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory for the first time, and I was very disturbed at the end by Wonka’s angry outburst about Charlie and Grandpa Joe stealing the Fizzy Lifting Drinks. Of course everyone can agree about how scary and mean Gene Wilder acts in that scene. But imagine how much worse it would be to an ultra-sensitive little kid on the autism spectrum, especially since I wasn’t expecting it. I had read the original book already, so the fates of the four bratty kids and the infamous boat scene didn’t phase me because I knew to expect them. But movie-Wonka’s final test is a movie-only addition, so I had no idea he was going to start screaming at poor Charlie, and to me at that age, an adult suddenly screaming in rage at a child was scarier than a child turning into a blueberry any day. Yes, it’s only a test, Charlie passes it and all ends happily, but it still upset me.
17. Do you like anime/manga? Any favorite? It all looks very nice, but apart from seeing Kiki’s Delivery Service and a few episodes of Pokemon as a kid, I haven’t experienced much of it. Maybe I should explore it more.
18. Who is the best villain you saw in a story? I don’t think I can choose just one from all the stories I know. For the best villain from Shakespeare and opera, I’d probably have to say Iago, because of how thoroughly effective his scheming and manipulation are. For the best Disney villain, I’d have to say Frollo, because of how horribly realistic he is: as an abuser of power, a racist, a religious bigot, a sexual predator, a psychologically abusive foster parent, and in the way he believes everything he does is holy and right. But there are so many good villains in all genres of fiction, choosing just one favorite is impossible.
19. If you could do an interview with any person, alive or dead, from our world, who would you choose and why? William Shakespeare. I have so many questions about his plays. They’ve all been interpreted in hundreds of different ways and I’d like to hear what his real intentions were when he wrote them. And for that matter, if he really did write all of them or if there’s any truth in the anti-Stratfordian theories.
20. If you could meet and and befriend a writer, who would it be? I just said Shakespeare, but I don’t want to repeat the same answer twice... Well, if that spirit medium was right, then I’ve already met and befriended three famous writers in a past life: Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë. Supposedly I spent “many hours” with all three of them, but was especially close to Emily. If that’s true, then I’d love to meet them again, do some catching up, and talk with them about the modern controversies surrounding their books... especially Wuthering Heights, which seems to defy easy interpretations of its characters and themes.
21. Cats or dogs? Dogs. I just adore them!
22. If you could choose any time period or society to live, which it would be? A year ago, I would have said “right here, right now.” But with this global pandemic taking place and the future of the world and of America in particular feeling so uncertain, I’ve changed my mind. I’d rather live in one of the fantasy worlds I’ve created: either the Sisterhood of Nira’s valley (the setting of my completed but unpublished novel An Eternal Crown) or Zalina Island (the setting of the Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid retellings I’m working on). Those places might have flaws of their own, but at least they’ve made social progress that this country hasn’t made, and they have magic too. If I could I’d move to one of them, at least until the pandemic is over and we have a new president.
I tag @simone-boccanegra, @astrangechoiceoffavourites, @nitrateglow, @thatvermilionflycatcher, @sunlit-music, @theheightsthatwuthered, @fairychamber, @wuthering-valleys
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professorsaber · 4 years
@knickynoo’s Back to the Future Challenge!
So, a few weeks ago @knickynoo posted these questions here.  It’s taken me a while, but here are answers to all of them!
1. Which film is your favorite in the trilogy and why?
Well, when I first saw the movies when I was a little kid (in 1997, I think), my favorite was Part II, because of the future portion. I would sometimes just watch until they left to return to 1985, rewind the tape, and watch that part again.
By the time I was in college, Part III was definitely my favorite. I think the romance aspect resonated with me at that age.
By the time the real 2015 came around, it became Part I. I’m not entirely sure why, though?  Maybe because of how well it stands on its own.
2. A favorite memory attached to the films
In 2000, my parents and I took a vacation to Los Angeles, and we stopped at Universal Studios. I got my picture taken with “Doc,” and I rode the ride at least three times. But I was kinda more interested in the props and memorabilia in the waiting rooms for the ride than the ride itself, as well as the names on the doors of the “offices” in the Institute of Future Technology. (Like Benjamin Franklin.)
Also, after having moved to Los Angeles late in 2014, I was actually in Courthouse Square on October 21, 2015. It was quite something. Though the buildings were different (The Courthouse facade is different, for one), it was still like actually being in Hill Valley.
Finally, I saw the 25th anniversary rerelease in 2010. It was amazing! I saw and heard things I never had before, like all the past due bills in Doc's garage, and the leaves rustling at the clocktower.
3. A scene that makes you smile/laugh/cheer and why
I always want to cheer at the scene in Part II when Marty burns the almanac and sees that his dad is alive again. Also works as an answer to the next question.
4. A scene that makes you emotional (sad, edge of your seat, etc.)
I get so emotional at the scene where Doc tells Clara he’s leaving her that I usually have to mute it because I can’t take it!
5. Who is your favorite secondary character?
I have to go with Jennifer Parker. I feel like there’s much more to her than we get to see. (Enough that in a fanfic that I’ve been working on [for like seven years now, so don’t get your hopes up] she sorta took over as the main character from Marty!) Also, what little we see of her and Marty in the first movie—like, it’s obvious that they’d still be together thirty years later, IMO.
6. A favorite quote/bit of dialogue
I have to go with “EAT LEAD, SLACKERS!” I crack up just thinking about it. Marty’s little “Augh!” as he runs away adds to it.
7. Things you would have liked explored or explained
This one was holding me up for a while, but I think that, after seeing so much of the McFlys and the Tannens, we need more of the Browns, Baineses, and Claytons. Especially the Baines family--even the extensions (see below) have no information on their background, AFAIK.
8. Any thoughts or opinions on the extensions of the film? (TellTale game/comics, etc.)
I’m not a video game player—the most recent system I have is an N64 I was given when it was new, in 1996—but I tried the Telltale game. I didn’t finish it, but I read the articles about it on the BTTF wiki and fell in love with the story anyway! I actually started incorporating bits into my fanfics.
The comics I liked enough, though I should note I never got around to Hard Time, Tales From The Time Train, or Biff to the Future. 3.5 of 5 stars, perhaps—though mostly because they conflict with my post-Part III headcanons and such! Still, I wish they were making new ones. (Also, I did a fic in 2009 called “The Other Time Traveler” about someone else who comes up with the flux capacitor, and it was interesting to see the same idea in the comics with Professor Irving.)
The animated series—I’ve never seen it. I’ve heard bad things, but all I’m going to say is that, from seeing screen grabs, I don’t like the art style. But, when I learned about the series as a kid, it had already gone off the air, so I scoured every video rental store in town to find a copy of any episode (there were some VHS releases). I couldn’t find them anywhere, and writing this almost makes me relive the disappointment!
Finally, though I’ve never read the whole thing, a copy of the Part III novelization is in my possession. I got it at a thrift store/antique store the first day I transferred to my university, and the lady there said she hoped it would be good luck, since it was my favorite of the three at the time.
I’m going to tag anyone who’s interested, assuming everyone hasn’t done this already!
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advluv4life · 4 years
This is me live-blogging to the original Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back comparing it to the Netflix Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution that I watch two days ago. It was kind of fun to type this up. Maybe I'll live blog another movie sometime, lol 😅
Enjoy, or not... 😘
(I'm not going to put a spoiler warning because literally nothing has changed from the original overall. They added a few things and they took away some lines, but it's the same movie at the end of the day)
First, I was wrong the prologue is roughly the same length. It just is even more boring in the new one than it was in the old one so it felt even longer because I typically skip the prologue whenever I watch it. ((I don't want to go on blast, but the only Pokemon movie prologue that I watch is the Pokemon 3 prologue, that's it. Pokemon 3 underrated. It's the best movie. But they remade this one so this is where I'm at.))
One thing I've noticed 10 minutes into the original is that there is no second where there's no music and that's what really frustrated me during the remake. There's so much time when there's absolutely no music or the music is really quiet that it's barely there. It was really depressing and I could not get invested in almost any of the typical scenes you get invested in because I was so disconnected from the film. And it's not even the official Pokemon the First Movie soundtrack songs that I was missing. It was just the score. This movie's score is so amazing and we couldn't even relive that again. So, that kind of killed the entire Evolution remake for me. And now I'm very happy to hear this music.
I press play and then I hadn't even gotten to the song yet, but I do want to point out that during the remake the movie made me feel kind of stupid when they were introducing us to Brock and Misty in the scene of them before lunch, because obviously when the original movie came out they just assumed everybody knew all the characters, so I understand for new kids who don't know who Misty and Brock are they probably need to introduce them, but I did not appreciate it. But also I feel like the original scene, when they're sitting at the table already and Ash is just bored and starving is good enough to introduce the characters. I didn't need a whole extra scene before lunch.
On a sidenote: I hated Misty's voice in the new film. Hated it. Sorry. Especially the lines that were the same to the original I disliked it even more. Which really isn't abnormal with remakes, I just didn't like how her lines were spoken. Or the pitch of her voice.
The joke they had about Ash battling before breakfast or lunch, or whatever falls flat in comparison to Brock's joke about Ashes mouth still working before the battle as well.
And I don't know why they had Pikachu noticing the camera in the remake, because Pikachu doesn't figure out what's going on before hand.. So there's no point in him noticing something above them, you know?
I'm so nit-picky.. I'm sure they just had to change a certain amount of things to feel like it was its own movie, but it's wasn't necessary. Obviously, it was a cash grab, but still- not necessary.
And you're telling me after 20+ years they couldn't use the same remake of the song!? They were working 'with' The Pokemon Company and they couldn't use that song? Or did they not want to? Bad decision. 😔
I'm one of those people who likes the opening, but I love it when they remake it and turn it into something 'else', up the bass, give me more background singers, lol. I really accept different versions of the song though I prefer this movie's version a lot of the time. I like it when they remake all the openings for the first 10 films they redo most of the openings and I love it. I like all the openings up until Black and White and I like all the film remakes of them, so I wasn't against them redoing the song a different way...but I feel like this battle this scene is iconic why would you change that? Plus, it just felt like a cheap knockoff of this version...
Ash's voice overs (in the video) are part of the song to me 😂 "Great job Bulbasaur, you did it!" 🥰
While we're still at the scene I thought in the remake James has 'look at that spread' joke fell flat because they didn't show us close-up of them eating so I was kind of confused, maybe that's just me. Overall, Team Rocket puns throughout the remake are questionable to me. They don't really flow as well as they do in the original.. Man, I'm so mean to this remake, but it's true.
Back on that music thing. When Nurse Joy invites them to Mewtwo's party the music that plays behind her invitation speech is perfect and then when they get off it's silent, but you can hear the birds chirping you can hear noise behind them and that makes their world seem so much bigger. And that was lacking in the new version of the film.
On another note, I know that technically in both films we are completely aware that it is Mewtwo who was behind everything, but it feels much more ominous when we don't see him until he appears coming 'down the stairs'. So, in the remake when they showed him responding to Nurse Joy.. I didn't care for that.
I want to say though, out of context the art of the Pokemon in the remake is amazing. If it was just that someone made 3DCG animation pictures based on the original: 10 out of 10. I'm thinking about the screenshot of Mew in the bubble. It is beautiful in 3D CG, absolutely beautiful, but I still am old school and I prefer the original animation overall.
The scene with the harbor manager was not one that I paid much attention to, because it's not one that I usually pay much attention too (and I was bored out of my mind by that point). So, I don't have much to say in comparison.
The Viking jokes are indeed outdated, but I still like them, lol
Regardless, there is still background music, even at this point in the film. I say this, not only because they are having a comedic scene with lots of puns and jokes, but there is also a rainstorm going on in the background. So it'd be easy to just not have any music, because you already have background noise, but no there is also a score.
Brock calling out Nurse Joy when they arrive to New Island in the remake rubbed me the wrong way, like it was out of nowhere, but I think it was the lack of background music. I feel like that whole movie's issue is the lack of background music. There's nothing to set the tone, so everything's just kind of 'meh'.
They had some fancy doors in the new one, lol
But the original has creaky, scary doors 😉
Mew theme makes me smile 🥰
Prosser props ardeal ready there's a whole list; one it's Pidgeot, two Brock hits on the girl when they arrive, and three (kind of early but) Team Rocket gets Sycther correct during their impromptu game of 'Whose That Pokemon??' 😂
Intimidating background music, I love you.
I like how in this scene Mewtwo explains that he removed the memories of Nurse Joy. Whereas, in the remake, he implies that 'of course she would forget everything that happened', as if he wouldn't want her to, that was weird.
The original's colors and music make this movie feel so much more high stakes than the Remake does. And the voice work is just so natural. It's not overplayed, it's not underplayed, it's just perfect and that's because it's the original, but it's how I feel. For example (I'm going to jump ahead because I still remember watching the remake and being so disappointed) when Ash jumped down the tunnel after the ball that captures Pikachu and he's yelling in the original, but he doesn't do that in the remake and that broke my heart. The yell in the original was so desperate and determined, and in the remake it's so weak.
I can't remember if in the remake they use the same line when Brock says that Mewtwo is going to destroy humans and save Pokemon and Mewtwo corrects him. I honestly can't remember, but that plays a big part in who Mewtwo is as a character and villain. He's not saving Pokemon, he is destroying the entire world to remake it in his image... but I can't remember how they do it in the remake so I can't say, lol
Why do they never tell the other three side characters names in the movie? They don't do it in the original or in the remake, but I'm pretty sure they're listed in the credits, 😓
Charizard's a buttface and I love him (but he's even better in Pokemon 3)
I did notice in the Evolution version that they didn't use the Brock's line of 'carrying the Pokemon away' after Ash's suggestion of putting them in the pokeballs failed. I kind of thought they should have had that line.
And, again, I don't know if maybe it's the music- but the version of the chase in the original feels a lot more hectic and crazy and fast, versus the new version where it kind of feels like it takes more time and it's not as urgent, but maybe that's just me.
"You're not gonna' get Pikachuuuuuu!!!" 🥰🥰🥰
Not going to lie, I don't remember the remake version of when he gets Pikachu out of the Pokeball and the Machine breaks. I don't remember it. I do remember that the release of his Pokemon is relatively the same- if not the same, but I can't remember him in the machine pulling on the ball and chewing on the arms. I don't know if that happened 😅 I don't know why it wouldn't, but this is the moment in the remake where I realized the lack of music. It took me this long to understand why I just didn't care and this was the moment. He didn't yell in the tunnel like he does in the original and then he got in the lab and he was telling Team Rocket that he did not have time for them at that moment and I just thought something was missing and it was the music.
In this scene, if he did not say anything to Team Rocket I would have thought he didn't even see them. He was so focused on getting Pikachu back.
Team Rocket has great puns, they hit right in this movie. In Evolution it feels like they tried, but they didn't stand a chance.
I don't think the remake does this either, but Charizard never reappeared and Ash was like "You're all alright!", but where is Charizard??
So, when Mewtwo's clones appear there's a big explosion, but it's quiet--but when Ash and the originals return it brings up that loud, marching, hero entrance music. There was music in the remake, but it wasn't like a Hero's Return kind of music. It was really quiet it was pretty, but it didn't give that same powerful feeling 😓
On that note, I also don't remember the scene right after yet before Mew appears in the remake. Does Evolution!Ash try to punch Mewtwo and get thrown back into a wall? He must because I saw him climbing down, but I did not notice. I all I was completely spaced off 😅
I like Meowth's commentary in this version better. It's worded so well and the overview is just perfect.
Brother, My Brother. 😭 They had instrumental music during this scene in the remake even though there are plenty of songs out there that you could use in this scene (that are not this specific song, but they didn't even try). And the instrumental music they had was quiet even in the midst of the big fighting versus when it gets to the slow motion scenes of the fight where you get like really really sad because it's just terrible what's going on. I don't think the remake had any music, whereas the original does have really strong long notes and they they stretch on and you see it it emphasizes what's going on in this scene and how painful the fighting is and I felt like there was no feeling in the remake.
The side characters commentary in the remake is different from the original and I feel like (I don't want to sit here and say the original is better but it is) in the commentary in the remake they mainly kept repeating that the pokemon were clones and we already knew that, versus in the original they're explaining that they're all living creatures and that forcing them to fight because of how they came into the world is wrong.
Meowth's commentary with Meowth is spot-on and it hits me hard. I wish they kept that too they changed that and I don't know why they changed that.
Weird observation, but I feel like Ash's climbing in the original.. the wall is so big and makes him look so small and in the remake he did not look nearly as tiny. Which isn't like a criticism it's just a thing that I thought of just now.
I don't think they had a Ash watching Pikachu in the remake like they do in the original..and that builds to the point in which Ash will run out there. I do not remember this much focus on Pikachu's battle when Ash was climbing down, but I could have not been paying attention too so..
"Someone's got to say 'no' and refuse to fight, just like Pikachu." 😭😭
Okay, before I go on to bawl my eyes out (because I can't stand it when Pikachu cries and this scene has torn me apart since the first time I saw it and it will continue to tear me apart because I'm weak). I did really like that in the remake you can hear Pikachu sobbing the entire time they go through all the other Pokemon crying. You can hear Pikachu crying the entire time and I did cry because that was sad. 💔😭😭😭
Just thinking about Pikachu's sobs hurts! 😭😭
"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it's what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." A perfect quote is indeed perfect and was not touched- wise decision Evolution 😘
This is actually the last scene where I paid any specific attention, so it's really the last thing I can comment on... so I'll probably just stop this commentary here.
If you read this: props to you, it was a nice ramble.
I don't know if I can rate Evolution, because the only thing that it really had going for it specifically is it's animation and I didn't even really like the animation that much.
I'll be nice, 6/10. If anyone thinks it deserves higher let me know. 3/5 stars. I'd probably have rated it higher if it had a better score. And if the new jokes actually made sense.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
INTERVIEW: Persona 5 Royal Dub Actors Laura Post & Billy Kametz Steal Our Hearts
  Ahead of Persona 5 Royal’s release in the West, SEGA/Atlus threw an impressive event to hype up the release of the game. While I was there, I had a chance to sit down with Laura Post, who plays Kasumi, and Billy Kametz, who plays Maruki. Fans of THE PROMISED NEVERLAND’s dub will likely recognize Laura Post as Mama, and The Rising of the Shield Hero fans likely recognize Billy as the voice of Naofumi! No need to worry about the game's spoilers; we focused on the start of their voice acting journey and which RPGs are their faves. Read on to get the details, and then afterwards, check out our brief interview with Ari Advincula from SEGA/Atlus!
    Hello, and thank you for taking the time to talk with me today! Could you introduce yourselves for our readers?
Laura: I am Laura post, and I am the voice of Kasumi in Persona 5 Royal.
Billy: And I’m Billy Kametz, and I’m voicing Maruki in Persona 5 Royal.
So, Persona 5 Royal is almost here!
(Everyone cheers and rejoices!)
Could you tell us a bit about the characters you both play in Persona 5 Royal?
Laura: Kasumi is a transfer student to Shujin Academy, just like the protagonist, and she comes in right around the same time as the protagonist. She aspires to be a world-class gymnast. She’s really kind, very polite and passionate, and driven!
Billy: Maruki is the new school counselor brought in after the events that took place in Chapter 1 of the game. He’s a big ‘ol lovable goofball! He’s trying to fit in, he doesn’t do the best job all the time, but he just wants to talk about your feelings! (laughs)
Were either of you fans of Persona, or RPGs before working on this game? Do you have any particular favorites?
Laura: I like RPGs in general; Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite RPG of all time! But Persona 5 is a game I started playing before I played the role of Kasumi;  it was the first Persona game I’ve played, so it’s by default my favorite. Though I do know a lot about Persona 4, I’ve never actually played it.
Bill: It’s the same for me; I was actually introduced to the Persona series when 5 came out, and I grew to be a fan of that, so it’s also my favorite Persona game. I was a big fan of JRPGs growing up; Final Fantasy X is probably my favorite, and also, I’m a HUGE fan of the Tales games, so Tales of Symphonia is up there for me. Really good stuff! Love me some JPRGs!
All of those games are excellent! Tales of Symphonia? My favorite one; that’s my jam!
Billy: I knew I liked you for a reason!
(laughs) Why, thank you!
Alright, so how did you two get your start in voice acting? What drew you to that profession?
Laura: I have been interested in voice over since I was a kid. I realized that the same actor played Raphael from the Ninja Turtles and Mighty Max! I was sold on that profession for life, but I was so little, so I didn’t pursue voice overs until I was a teenager and I went to my first anime convention; there were a bunch of panels on voice overs and I was like, “That’s what I wanted to do when I was a little kid! I’m gonna go to all the panels, I’m gonna take notes, and I’m gonna try this out!” And right now I’m still trying it out!
Billy: You’re doing a great job!
Laura: Thanks! I’m glad you think so!
Billy: We actually have very similar stories! I’ve been wanting to be a voice actor ever since I was a kid, too. When I was watching Invader Zim, that’s when I realized “OhmyGOD, that’s Daggett Beaver! This is a job?! People are doing this and I wanna do that!” But also, I was a kid living in Pennsylvania, so I was like “okay, I guess I’ll just do theatre, that’s acting; this is doable.” So I did theatre for years, but it wasn’t until I got a job that brought me up to California, and I was like “ohmygosh, I can try to do voice overs now!”, so I started inhaling classes as soon as I got out here. And I’ve gotten to do some pretty cool stuff after all of that!
Both of you have done anime and game roles. Do you find one to be easier than the other?
Billy: Yes!
Laura: Yes, although I think our answers are going to be different here! (laugh) I actually find video games to be easier than anime, because you don’t have to worry about matching lip flaps most of the time. But it’s not a matter of “easier," it’s just a matter of “different.” I can’t say, “Oh, I prefer doing games over anime because it’s easier,” because I also really love doing anime, it’s just about the different experiences. I mean, doing original animation for broadcast is a totally different experience than either games or anime, so all of it is fun!
Billy: Yeah, I find that anime is easier for me; again, neither of them are easier, but with anime, you can hear the music, you can see the picture, you can hear what the Japanese voice actor is doing, and it immediately puts you in character of “okay, this is what I’m gonna do!” You get to practice the line one time through it so you’re right on track. But with video games, it’s a lot more work on your end; you need to make up exactly what’s going on in the scene, and again, you’ll have the director and the clients are there to kinda help you along, but you gotta really do more work of getting pictures in your head of “This is how far away I am from the person,” and “This is the tone that’s going on right now.” So it’s a little bit harder, I think, but it’s super rewarding when you’re done, and you’re like, “Man, I really accomplished something today!”
To wrap this up, I gotta ask: do either of you have a dream character you’d love to lend your voice to?
Billy and Laura: Oooohhhh…!
Laura: I do!
Let’s hear it!
Laura: I would love to play Barbara Gordon, whether she’s Batgirl, Oracle, or just the commissioner’s daughter, I don’t care, I just really want to play her just once! I know Kasumi’s a redhead, but Barbara Gordon is also my favorite redhead. I love her! I wanna play her just once!
What about you, Billy?
Billy: ...Anyone who ends up in Super Smash Bros.! (laughs) I just want to be a playable Smash character! (laughs)
An admirable goal! Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today! Do you have a message for our readers before we wrap up?
Billy: I’m super excited for everyone to check out Persona 5 Royal on March 31st, and I hope you all like the new characters. Really proud of this, and we hope you enjoy it.
Laura: Yes, I agree, I hope Kasumi is everybody’s new best girl! (laughs)
After finishing my chat with Laura and Billy, I got a chance to sit down with Ari Advincula, the communications manager for SEGA/Atlus. We were both pretty excited from trying out the playable demo of the game and all of the other activities going on at the event, so we focused on all the new goodies to come from Persona 5 Royal, and I even got to ask her the most challenging question ever right at the end!
  Could you detail a bit about what players can expect from Persona 5 Royal?
So Persona 5 Royal is a whole new Persona experience. It’s a whole new “heist”, as the Phantom Thieves would say! And I think what’s been really fun about working on this game and everyone else who’s been working on the game is how much everyone's like, “I love the original Persona 5, but I love Persona 5 Royal even MORE!” And for me, personally, when I went through Persona 5, Akechi was definitely one of my favorites, and to see that character be fleshed out to the point that I wanted to see as a fan in Persona 5 Royal. I mean, besides that, there’s so many situations that you’re gonna see all the original cast be in that gives you even more about their story and their journey as Phantom Thieves. I know there was one criticism that was like “there wasn’t enough screen time for some of the characters,” but now there’s even more content, and there’s even more time to spend with this awesome cast of characters. I mean, who doesn’t want to go back to the metaverse and conquer all those palaces again?! I just think it’s such a great window for people who are new to Persona 5 and for people who have already loved and played Persona 5 before, like the Sega team working on it!
Definitely! I’ve always found it interesting that ever since Persona 3, there’s been a Persona 3 FES, and then Persona 4 to Persona 4 Golden; I really like this concept of going back and revisiting the game’s world, but with way more added into it. 
Right! And Persona 3 also had P3P! What it is, especially for Hashino-san, the director behind Persona 5, this is the extended vision, the truly “golden vision” for Persona 5, as we like to say. It’s the perfect time to become a Phantom Thief and relive that world, and also get the full extent of that world, and there’s even MORE to come! I mean, there’s a GRAPPLING HOOK, that allows you to be more Phantom Thieve-y! If you’ve ever played any of the Sly Cooper games, you’ll be all “This is my jam! This is so awesome!” It really gives it that “thief” feeling to it. Along with that, there’s a new palace, there are new characters, Kasumi and Maruki, who fit right into the Persona world, almost like they were there to begin with, because they were introduced right from the start, it’s a very fluid character development that we got.
It sounds like everything a Persona 5 fan would love wrapped in a nice package for them to open! 
Yeah, for sure! It’s incredible for Persona fans all over.
SEGA/Atlus have really been knocking it out the park lately with Persona, Yakuza, the SEGA AGES releases, and several others. Many of these have strong fan support; do you think that plays into why they’ve been received so well lately?
I 150% think so! It’s all thanks to the fans all the time. That’s even the reason why we’re doing this event; for this media event we have fan sites and community members! The way I look at it, the small little Ari who was playing Persona 3 on a PS2, that same person is the person that is here today. I can say the same for people here today who have played Persona since the first game! So it’s always because of the community, and the developers and everyone who’s worked on the games feel that way. I can’t thank everyone enough; it’s been such a joy to work on this game just because of that, too, and compared to any other community that I’ve worked with, the Persona fans are the best!
They’re one of the most passionate fans, for sure! 
  Let’s finish up with a fun question: If you had a Persona, which one would it be?
Oh my gosh... (laughs) It’s really tough for me, because with each Persona game, I start to stick with one main Persona and use that one as I go on throughout the game. I have to be really corny and say Jack Frost, just because he’s super cute.
YES!! He’s adorable!!
He’s SO adorable! I remember at AX 2017 being the first one to line up at Atlus’ booth to buy the Jack Frost plushie because he’s so cute and that’s my jam! He’s Hee-Ho man! And only because it’s so iconic, I always make sure to fuse him in every Persona game, even in the Shin Megami Tensei games, if I can come across him.
The SEGA/Atlus team were a total blast to talk to; I really appreciated the time that Ari, Laura, and Billy gave me to talk about Persona 5 Royal and lots of other topics. If you’re curious about whether you should pick up Persona 5 Royal, check out Carlos’ review here, and prepare your heart to get stolen once again when the game releases later this month! 
What would YOUR Persona be? Have you ever considered becoming a voice actor? Let us know what you think in the comments! 
Nicole is a frequent wordsmith for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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The Movie Post
Greetings and salutations, true believers. I haven’t posted anything in a while other than shameless book promotion stuff for #FourthAndWrong, and for that I apologize. I always say I’d let you know if anything good happened immediately, but nothing good has happened. The new book is out. A few people who have read it told me they liked it. It’s not selling well. Lack of sales means a lack of reviews, which only helps it not sell faster. It’s all a vicious cycle. At a certain point, you have to remember that you’re only writing books because some tiny voice in your head won’t let you stop, and you just throw your hands up and let everything else fall as it may. For the first time, I’ve actually bothered to try real advertising. I’m giving advertising on the Kindle lock screens a go. I’ll let you know if actually works.
 In the meantime, I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts while puttering around the house, going for walks, and ignoring the gym. (I gotta stop ignoring the gym…) If you haven’t watched “Ted Lasso” on AppleTV yet, I HIGHLY recommend it. It’s one of the best shows I’ve watched in a long time. Great writing. Great characters. Great story. Very uplifting and wonderful. One of the show’s writers, creators, and stars, the wonderful Brett Goldstein (who plays the gruff Roy Kent on the show), has a podcast called “Films to Buried With.”
 I started listening to his podcast because I enjoy him on the show so much, and I’ve found out that I enjoy his podcast as much as the show. He’s a genuinely sweet man, and he gets comedian and actor friends to guest on his podcast. The show’s conceit is that Brett invites guests on, tells them they have died, and then gets them to relive their life through the films that meant something to them. It’s a fun little chat show, and a solid way to waste an hour while you’re getting through doing the dishes or mowing the lawn.
 It’s precisely the sort of podcast I would love to be on. I’ve always said you can judge your level of success by what people invite you to do. I always said I’d know if I “made it” if I could ever get invited to be on one of the podcasts I enjoy, rather than trying to wrangle my way into someone else’s podcast or blog. So far— this has not happened. That should tell you what level of success I’m stuck at. I don’t get invited to the movies by my imaginary friends. But Brett encourages people to share their ideas and opinions on social media, anyhow. It’s a fun way to play along at home, tell other people about the podcast, and start conversations around your favorite movies. Stories bind us together. They give us common ground and build bridges toward strengthening relationships. If you meet someone new, you can tell if you’ll get along with them by what films they enjoy. So in that spirit, I’d like to answer the questions Brett asks his guests by discussing a few of my favorite films. If you’d like to play along in the comments, please do. I always love reading about what other people think about movies, books, or music. I won’t bother going through the death/afterlife conceit he uses, but I recommend listening to a few of his podcasts if you enjoy this sort of thing. It’s a fun little premise he uses to generate the episodes.
 --What’s the first film you remember seeing?
         I remember bits and pieces of several films from my childhood. I remember the Muppet Movie in the theater. I remember seeing The Black Hole. I remember a lot of little chunks of a lot of Disney animated films. But the movie that sticks out in my head is “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” It was 1981. I was six. I remember going to see it on a Sunday matinee with my family. I remember it was packed. People were literally sitting on the floor in the aisles. We got three seats someplace, but I remember my dad having to sit in the row in front of us. I don’t remember a ton about the movie the first time I saw it other than being scared of the pit of snakes and the melting Nazi faces. However, I remember the iconic moment when Harrison Ford pulled the gun on the swordsman and shot him. I remember the audience reaction and thinking, “That’s a hero.” I’ve long been a Harrison Ford fan. Between Han Solo and Indiana Jones, he played two of the most iconic heroes of my childhood. When I wrote the TeslaCon novels, I made no secret that my protagonist, Nicodemus Clarke, was just a shallow rip-off of Indiana Jones. It’s funny, but to this day, in my head, if you ask me what a hero looks like, it’s always going to be Harrison Ford.
  --What’s the scariest film you’ve ever seen?
          The scariest film I’ve ever seen is Kevin Smith’s “Red State.” It’s a movie about a religious cult that’s very reminiscent of the Westboro Baptist Church, David Koresh/Waco compound, or any of the other extremely far-right Christian separatist movements. It’s scary because there are many, many of these gun-hoarding compounds, and the movie, while extreme, is not too far off from possibility. Michael Parks plays the leader of the family at the heart of the film, and his performance was award worthy. He was truly terrifying.     As an aside, prior to Red State, I always told people the movie that scared me the most was the original “The Amityville Horror.” Basically, I saw the scene where the poltergeist made the drop-sash window fall on the kid’s fingers and nearly sever them, and that was it. I had the same drop-sash windows in my bedroom, and I was scared of them from then on. I’d like to say that I outgrew my fear of drop-sash windows, but I’m 46 and they still skeeze me out when I see them. A movie I saw 40 years ago warped me forever.
  --What’s the movie that made you cry the most?
         I used to not be someone who cried at movies. However, years of thyroid issues and depression have messed with my response to emotional moments, so I do get teary nowadays at movies. Emotionally speaking, it’s not sad movies that get to me. It’s movies where someone overcomes something difficult. Especially sports movies. The ones that get me the most teary-eyed now are movies like the first “Rocky,” “Hoosiers,” “Miracle,” and “Rudy.” I also get teary-eyed at points of bravery to the point of stupidity. The best example of that is the climax and denouement of “How to Train Your Dragon.” Strangely enough, when a movie does something that is supposed to be a tear-jerker moment to the point that it panders to the audience, I don’t cry— I actually get angry. Anything Nicolas Sparks has ever had his name attached to, for instance. It’s maudlin, and it doesn’t deserve our respect.
  --What the film that made you laugh the most?
       This is not going to be a popular answer. If I was a little more erudite, I’d say something like “Airplane” or “Blazing Saddles” or “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” However, I didn’t see any of those in the theater originally. I was home, watching them on video. While they were funny and some of my favorite movies, I did not really do a ton of laughing while I saw them. I went to see “BASEketball” with my sister, and the theater was packed. Something about seeing a movie in a crowded theater heightens the emotional impact of jokes, and for whatever reason, that movie put me on the floor a couple of times. It’s a silly movie full of cheap laughs, but I remember hurting as I was leaving the theater. My sides and cheeks were sore. Second on that list was the movie “Bridesmaids.” I don’t think I’ve laughed harder at any movie than the scene where they all get diarrhea in the bridal shop. Especially Melissa McCarthy: “LOOK AWAY!”
  --What is the sexist film you’ve seen?
         For me, I will never forget seeing “Bachelor Party” on HBO at a friend’s house. Monique Gabrielle’s scene is probably the first time I saw full-frontal female nudity in a film. It burned itself into my brain. I probably have a thing for redheads to this day because of that scene. The rest of the movie is very wild and funny. It was one of the launching blocks for Tom Hanks’s ridiculously amazing career. But that one moment stands out as one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.
  --What film did you used to love, but now it’s not that great?
         Pretty much anything with “Rocky” in the title and a number following it. I still enjoy them, but Rocky III and IV, especially— not that good. I used to love them. I used to watch them whenever they hit TV, but now I only need to watch the first “Rocky,” and maybe the final fight in “Rocky II.” Anything else, I can leave out. They just feel a little overclocked at this point in my life.
  --What’s a film that people and critics panned, but you enjoyed?
        “Goon.” It’s a hockey film written by Jay Baruchel and starring Seann William Scott. It didn’t get wide release—almost straight-to-video. It didn’t get great reviews. I think Metacritic has it around 60%. But something about that movie hit me, and I love it. I suggest it to people all the time. It’s got great performances. It’s a solid flick. It’s not going to overwhelm you. It’s now one of my comfort films. When I’m bored and need something on in the background, I will often choose “Goon” or its sequel, “Goon: Last of the Enforcers.” The sequel was not as good as the original, but it’s still worth a watch. Kurt Russell’s son Wyatt is the villain in the sequel. He’s extremely good.
  --What’s a film that people love, but you hate?
        Hands down: “Avatar” or “Titanic.” Something about a lot of James Cameron films just don’t work with me. I think it’s because they’re too grandiose. They try too hard. Also, the scripts are just there to get him to the big, visual set-pieces. They’re thin on both character and plot. I can’t stand either of them.
  --What’s a film that means a lot to you, but it’s not because of the quality of the movie (i.e. you saw it with someone and it’s special, or it has importance to people around you, etc…)?
       Easily, “The Man From Snowy River.” This is a family favorite. I grew up watching this flick, and I made my daughter watch it when she was younger. I will never get tired of it. I probably watch it maybe three or four times a year. There’s just something about the cinematography of the climax when Jim goes down the mountainside on Denny’s back. It’s always breath-taking. Also, if you watch “The Man From Snowy River,” you see what my dad always wanted his life to be. Most boys’ fathers want their sons to be doctor or lawyers. My dad wanted me to be a cowboy.
  --What film do you relate to the most?
        “Clerks.” I saw “Clerks” when I was a senior in high school. Rented it from a local video store. I saw two dudes who were outliers in their social group working crappy jobs and dealing with the mundane nothingness of life. It hit me right in the gut. I resolved to do something better than that. So far, I’ve failed to do so, but I keep trying.
  --Empirically speaking, what is the best film? (Not necessarily favorite film— but what film do you think is the best film ever made?)
         I have to say it was “Lawrence of Arabia.” The casting was amazing. The cinematography was incredible, unrivaled, really. The story was excellent. And the ordeal of the entire filming process was without peer. What they went through to make that movie, hands down, makes it the best film ever made. The scope of the film alone is mind-boggling.  The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a close second, but that’s technically three films, so I went with Lawrence of Arabia.
  --What film have you seen the most?
         I have watched “The Muppet Movie” a ton. I still love the movie “Roxanne.” I have also seen “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” and “The Quiet Man” more than any single person probably should. If I had to think about it and pick one film I’ve seen more than other…it’s probably “Meatballs.” Growing up, my sister and I watched that flick a thousand times. I can probably recite it from memory. It’s also one of the films that cemented an undying loyalty to Bill Murray.
   --And finally: You die and go to heaven. And in heaven, they ask you to pick one film that summarizes your life, one film that makes people understand you, or a film you want people to watch to help them know you better. What is that film?
         Nothing has had more influence on my life than the movie “Ghostbusters.” It defined me in several ways: my love for comedy, my love for the paranormal, and my love for snark and snappy comebacks. I loved Ghostbusters so much that I watched it on a weekly basis. I ran the audio cables from our VCR to a tape deck and recorded an audio copy of the film to play on my Walkman while I road the bus to school every day. I still have the film memorized word-for-word. I will often let my eyes go a little weird and turn to my daughter and say, “Then, during the Third Reconciliation of the Last of the Meketrex Supplicants, they chose a new form for him, that of a giant Sloar! Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!” To know me is to understand Ghostbusters on a molecular level. I owe that movie a lot.
  Anyhow, this was a fun way to waste my night. I encourage you to play along. Answer some or all of the questions Brett asks his guests. I highly recommend listening to a few episodes of “Films to Be Buried With” on your favorite podcatcher app. And if anyone out there knows Brett Goldstein, please let him know I’m available to guest on his podcast. Until next time—Thanks for reading.
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sonisis · 7 years
Bring on the speculations!
Anon you made my night! I went back to my computer for this! So I guess there’s a limit to how many videos can be in one post so the ones I couldn’t post the video to I will include the link.
For context: Anon wants to know hints that Sonic likes Amy through the main story game also the fandom’s speculations, I’ve been collecting a lot of these for years.
Also this will contain many spoilers to past Sonic games. I also tried my best to keep it in Chronological order.
Classic games: 
So the ending animation to Sonic CD Sonic rescues Amy and for a brief moment he makes sure she can stand and that she’s ok before he leaves. Even with his first encounter with Amy he never pushed her away.
Onto the Modern games:
Sonic Adventures had a couple I couldn’t find specific scenes so I linked the part to the video.
First one is how Sonic got nervous when he saw Amy, she didn’t even hug him at that point. The first couple Modern Sonic games has Sonic studder a lot when he’s around her. Later in that clip he gets ready to protect Amy when ZERO approaches them, then Amy runs off and he chases after her but once he looses her he gets worried that ZERO might have gotten her, he’s really worried in this scene. Clip ends at 40:00
After Sonic goes looking for her he sees her in ZERO’s grasp so he chases them immediately. Once he catches up he’s ready to fight but the ZERO gets beamed up to the eggcarrier with Amy and Sonic yells “stop” and gets upset when he looses her. clip ends at 5:00
When Sonic was facing of Gamma he was ready to deal the final blow, Amy asks him not to hurt him and he just accepts it.Then a little after when the Eggcarrier he tells Tails to take Amy to safety prioritizing her safety over his. Clip ends at 9:50
The last cutscene Amy calls out to Sonic first. He was about to go to her but not until Tails and Knuckles show up, he doesn’t move for them. clip ends at 11:00
Sonic adventures 2 same thing with adventures 1 i couldn’t find specific clips
When Sonic finds out the island was going to blow up Amy is the first name he mentions. clip ends at 8:57
When Sonic’s eyes follow Amy as she jumps up in the air.
When Sonic’s walkie-talkie gets intercepted by Eggman Tails yells “Sonic, Amy was.” and Sonic got really worried (He sounds a lot angrier in the Japanese verison) clip ends at 20:35
The hostage negotiation turned out to be a trap and Sonic’s last words were “I’m counting on you Tails, and Amy take care of yourself” It’s speculated that he asked Tails to him and Amy out safe, also when Sonic was talking to Amy he used  a caring voice. Then if you keep watching the clip Sonic survives and his first concern was Tails and Amy and asks Knuckles to save them. Clip ends at 26:47
The last scene has Amy Approach Sonic, he didn’t want her to worry so he told her “let’s go home” Clip ends 17:47
Sonic Battle:
When Sonic leaves Emerl with Amy he starts to call her Mom, Amy starts to think this is a test from Sonic to prove her worth as a future wife and he never corrected her. A lot of the times Sonic studders around Amy in this game
Sonic Heroes:
So It’s never explained what exactly happened after the Fight between Team sonic and Team rose.But Knuckles remarks “Are you still playing with that Girl’s heart again Sonic?” Later Cream says “I can’t believe Sonic did that just so he could get away, Mr. sonic must be really-” So Sonic did something but it was never shown or mentioned Clip 1 ends at 0:12
Sonic Riders:
Although Sonic was a little annoyed by Amy at the beginning, when Amy said she’d cheer him on he silently nodded.
Sonic was about to kick Eggmans butt but then he saw that Eggman had Amy hostage and thought the safest way to save her was to wave dive. clip ends at 23:22 if you watch a little longer though you see Sonic letting Amy chase him to her heart’s content as an apology.
Sonic Rivals:
Eggman traps Amy and Tails into cards and Sonic is ticked.clip ends at 0:43
Sonic remembers about Amy’s card and hurries to save her since her life energy was going to be used at that point.
Sonic Riders: Zero gravity:
Son gets embarrassed when Amy talks about Fated lover being able to find each other. clip ends at 8:00
Sonic pushes Amy ways when the enemy goes after them then shields her from a blast then proceeds to stand up for her when Jet is being rude to her, but the best past was the fact his face showed anger when Jet started pointing a finger at Amy. clip ends around 14:05
Sonic cries out to Amy out of worry since she was being chased by a robot clip ends at 27:16
When he looks back at Amy he smiles, he didn’t look at Tails he looked at Amy. clip ends at 7:00
Sonic Unleashed:
I’d like to note it was around this time Sonic stopped studdering around Amy and Amy wasn’t as upfront about dating at this point.
This one is probably one of the biggest Sonamy hints in canon because Sonic gets upset when Amy doesn’t recognize her and he even reaches out for her. HE REACHES OUT MAN!!
He picks up Amy and looks down when she looks back at him and runs, he didn’t know if he could tell her it was him because she didn’t recognize him the first time.
You can agree to go out with her (My theory is this is the date mentioned in the back knights)
Sonic Generations:
After Amy easily swats knuckles against a tree Classic Sonic looks in amazement and looks up to Modern!, Modern Sonic is all embarrassed.
Sonic Lost World
This is where there was a slight difference to Amy’s Personality where she’s calmer now and Sonic is a little more comfortable with her.
Amy’s last message, she left it on a cliff hanger before her message disconnected. Sonic really panicked at that point.
Other possible timelines or unknown timelines:
Sonic 06′ (The unspoken Sonic game that technically never happened)
Even though there’s that whole Elise thing going on he’s really thankful to Amy.He rarely uses the soft voice that he uses. clip ends at 12:35
Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood (Does this timeline even exist?)
So this one was hard to find honestly because the videos that were available didn’t show every answer Sonic could’ve said, but whenever Sonic talked with Amy he had at least 1 negative comment, 2 nice or on topic comments, and 1 flirt comment. If you play your route correctly Sonic professes his love for Amy. You either are really nice to her, a jerk, or a smart ass. Sonic didn’t have these many options with the other girls. So I guess this one can sorta count as Canon buuuut this timeline doesn’t exist in the same timeline as Modern! since they do end up in space, for like a really long time.
Sonic and the black knight ( I would consider this one in the regular timeline but I don’t know)
At the beginning he got dragged in when he was supposed to be on a date with Amy. He eats his Chili dog but he protected what was Supposed to be Amy’s chilidog even looking relived when he saved it. 
Then we have when Sonic meets Lady of the Lake(Who looks exactly like Amy) Sonic puts his arm around her while complimenting her.
And lastly the scene that confirmed Sonic and Amy had a date:
Sonic Boom:Shattered Crystal
When Amy looses a fight Sonic gets worried and when he looses connection he threatens to give Lyric “the big beat down”. Clips ends at 1:21
After beating up Shadow he angrily asks where’s Amy, then when Lyric sends a hologram message Sonic imminently insults him. clip ends at 11:26
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
Sonic and Amy enjoy a relaxing view, he almost taps on Amy’s shoulder to say something but he hesitates. If he was going to say something like “Can we go now” he wouldn’t have hesitated, that or he cared because Amy said “For once nothing is chasing us.” clip ends at 26:22
And then there’s the Mario and Sonic Olympic games, there’s been some dialog with Toads that asks what Amy was to Sonic. I don’t think he answered that one.
So yeah these are all the speculated hints of Sonic’s true feelings. I’ll try to add more to the list whenever a new game comes out. I didn’t include some of the app games, I think some of them had dialogue in them but I’m not sure. I hope this helps!
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mfmagazine · 6 years
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Elaine Hendrix
Article by Lauren Weigle
Photo by James Acomb
Not many people are both smart and good-looking.  It’s usually one of the two, but if you throw in talented, funny, and sincere as well, then you’re probably talking about Elaine Hendrix. She’s sort of a cross between the sweet girl next door and the slutty bitch at the head of the lunch table…Or maybe she’s a cross between the brilliant hard-ass know-it-all and the goofy class clown…Or maybe that’s just some of her alter egos waiting to make their next appearance on screen.  From comedic to dramatic roles, this firecracker can do it all.  Let’s see what this saucy chick has to say for herself…
In movies like The Parent Trap, Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, and Superstar, you always play the gorgeous villainess.   What attracts you to these roles?
Being bad is fun. I rarely allow myself to act that bitchy in real life, so it's the chance to let my alter ego fly. It's funny to watch people react to me as if I might actually be the same in "real life." There are times I've gotten some good prankster mileage out of it.
Ha. I bet. So, why do you think you pull these characteristics off so well?
I'm not afraid to be mean and enjoy it. Comedy is largely about not being afraid to look and act as ugly and ridiculous as possible. I enjoy seeing how many varieties and levels of "evil" I can create. My eyebrows certainly help.  
Oh do they? (I smile.) Okay, rewinding to the beginning of your career, tell me about all of your background in dance.
I've danced my whole life - still do. I discovered dance as a serious art form when my mother and I moved to Atlanta, GA, and I attended a performing arts school. I was classically trained in modern and jazz. It's the foundation of my professionalism and discipline, not to mention a [bleep] load of fun.
So, I have to have you tell me about this one… I know you were a hip-hop dancer in an MC Hammer video.  Was it for Can’t Touch This?
Ha! I wish. I don't even remember the name of the song. I do remember having mixed feelings about it because it was kind of a slow song (boring!) but it was MC Hammer (exciting!) We filmed in a historic hotel in LA. That part was cool too. I was the honorary "white girl with black girl moves" in numerous early rap videos. Ahh, youth.
Well, what do you like to do when you aren’t stunning people with your looks, talent, and “Hammer time” moves?
I'm stunning them with my smarts, charm, and "Benatar" vocals.
Yuh oh.  (I joke.)So, aside from your “Benatar” vocals, you have a serious passion for animals as well. Tell me about some of your rescue escapades.  
Working on behalf of animals is my greatest passion. I would give anything to not have a reason to do the work, but there's a deep, urgent need for it. I'm entirely committed to it… so much so that I am a founding member of the organization Animal Rescue Corps. (Shameless plug: www.animalrescuecorps.org )  
Give me some more shameless plugs.  Let’s talk about projects you have in the works, pre-production, post-production, etc.
How about we keep talking about animals instead?! They are FAR more interesting. (Shameless plug #2: www.elainehendrix.com )
Ha ha.  Sorry, your ridiculously long resume of roles and acting gigs makes it impossible, especially accomplishing so much in the last couple years.  
Thank you. The curse of the actor (aka the wounded child) - it takes effort for me to stop and appreciate all my diligent work, because there's an ever present drive for "more" and "the next." I think that's why pretty much anyone and everyone gets into this business..."enough" is never really "enough," and the insatiable quest for it to be becomes addictive. So, basically what I'm trying to say is, "Hi. I'm Elaine. I'm work-a-holic."    
Running down the list, what truly stands out to you as a memorable moment… or moments?
Wow. Way too many to choose from. They run the gamut of icons I've met and had the honor of working with, to getting compliments from other actors I admire greatly, to being hit on or propositioned by married men (AND women), to experiences I would rather eat glass than relive....on and on and on. It's never a dull moment in LaLaLand.
Married men AND women, huh?  Wait, I’m getting off-track.  So, tell me about some of your work as a producer?
As an actor you are regularly at the mercy of other people's decisions, which are too often subjectively personal or completely random. Getting involved behind-the-scenes gives me a chance to help create my own opportunities. It's a lot of work though, and a less significant part of my life. My greatest credit will be helping to "produce" Animal Rescue Corps.
What made you decide to get behind-the-scenes and take on production roles in the first place?
It's another something I've basically done my whole life. Leadership. Organizing. Creating. Team work. Putting pieces of the puzzle together. I put on shows when I was a little girl, and then I made some of my first pay checks producing live events when I was in high school. Now I produce independent movies and I'm developing other projects. I've always produced in one form or another.      
All right.  Let’s focus a little on your acting again.  You’ve been involved with your fair share of comedies.  Aside from the obvious reasons, why are comedies such a pleasure to be a part of?
I LOVE to play. I love to be child-like (which is totally adorable and not to be confused with child-ish, which is totally annoying) and play with other people willing to be child-like too.  I also LOVE being physical. A strong female role with good physical comedy...nothing like it. They're just unfortunately rare.      
Do you feel more comfortable acting in a comedic role rather than the more dramatic?
They are equal to me. The difference lies more in the types of characters rather than the genre. I'm in my zone when I'm playing women who are "top dog" at what they do whether it's actual or delusional.  
Okay, if you were to create your own sitcom or show, what would be the premise, the plot?
Funny you ask. I have been creating shows and have already started pitching one of them with a phenomenal Executive Producer attached. Keep your fingers AND toes crossed that you see them on TV or the web...and then we can do a follow up interview about this moment. (She smiles.)
Sounds like a plan.  So, what do you feel makes a funny show truly a success?
Sincerity. The more actively sincere a character is with their point of view and what they are desperately trying to get out of their own little world - the funnier it is. Same thing with the situations they're in.
Do you ever feel like your real life is somewhat of a sitcom?
If only. No, it's my blessing that my life is more like a Greek Tragedy, where I play all the characters, including the  chorus...the ENTIRE chorus...constantly commenting on what is going on with me, particularly inside my own head.
But, are all your problems solved in 30 minutes?
Only the sexual ones...and then I have 25 minutes to rest before the next problem hits.
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One Piece Movies!
Important: This is basically a reblog of the reviews I did of these movies awhile ago. I decided to blog them again, as it could be harder to find them now that I changed my blog name. Hope that clears things up!
I’ve been marathoning through the older One Piece movies, sort of in preparation for finally getting Film Gold subbed! I’ll be giving my opinions on each one, so maybe others who haven’t seen them might get interested! I will update it as I go along!
One Piece: The Movie (2000) - 6/10 A decent movie! The old art style definitely gives that older anime charm. The villain, El Drago, was passable, and honestly had a very enjoyable final fight with Luffy! What brings it down is the fact that, it’s set weirdly between Syrup Village and Baratie. Also Zoro’s fight was pretty lackluster. But I’d still recommend it for that final fight alone!
One Piece: Clockwork Island Adventure (2001) - 7/10 Also decent. Again, old art style makes it an interesting watch. The setting itself was also interesting.The side-characters were actually pretty good too! Bear King isn’t all that great, however. Same with his henchmen. Hell, one of them, who was a Logia user, doesn’t even fight at all! Also hard to tell if Usopp putting his mouth over someone’s asshole to block their paralyzing farts is ‘too much’ or not. But, Zoro, Sanji, and even Usopp have decent fights regardless! I’d still recommend it.
One Piece: Chopper’s Kingdom of Strange Animals (2002) - 6/10 Choppers movie debut! Obviously, it’ll focus a lot on him. He’s alright, though the side-characters don’t offer much. While the movie showcases a lot of very strange animals, not much is really done with them, unlike something like Strong World. Butler serves as a good comedic villain, until the end, where he actually becomes a pretty cool threat! And this movie can boast that it actually pits the opposite henchmen than what you’d expect for Sanji and Zoro, and it’s really good! Unfortunately, while Chopper does do some work against the ‘final boss,’ the KO still goes to Luffy, which is disappointing. Still, a good watch in the end regardless.
One Piece: Dead End (2003) - 8/10 In my opinion, the first very good One Piece movie! A nice plot, and definitely the best villain so far! Gasparde is not only intimidating, but serves to give an amazing final fight in the end! The side-characters have an interesting story going on too, though one of them can come off as a little Ace-y, beyond just their design. I’d say the only things that hold it back are, that the ending could’ve been MUCH more impactful than it was, and that the other Straw Hats don’t get to do a whole lot. Still, definitely a must-see!
One Piece: The Curse of the Sacred Sword (2004) - 3/10 The first, not only bad, but HORRIBLE One Piece movie. I needed to have friends to talk to to get through it. The animation is pretty lackluster, the side-characters are passable at best, the villain is dumb, the plot and movie in general is EDGY AS FUCK, and worst of all, the complete destruction of Zoro’s character. Not only does he betray the Straw Hats, but he does so when he should KNOW that his ‘childhood friend’ is being mind controlled. The henchmen get absolutely demolished with no effort aside from the only likable one, and Luffy ends up doing most of the fight that should be completely done by Zoro. Definitely skip this, unless you plan to suffer through it with a friend.
One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island (2005) - 8/10 A well-needed breath of fresh air after the last movie. Not only is the animation greatly improved, but the plot serves both the light-hearted nature of One Piece, as well as the very dark side of it as well. Omatsuri serves as a very interesting villain once you learn his motives, and you’ll probably end up feeling for him and his crew by the end! The side-characters actually serve a very important role in the end as well! However, what brings this movie down is the awkward bickering between the crew that doesn’t even really go anywhere in the end. The worst DEFINITELY being with Nami. Not only that, but after the crew is separated, they do nothing during the climax. And there’s an argument to be made if this movie gets TOO dark for One Piece as well. That’ll definitely effect how you enjoy this movie. But still, overall highly recommended!
One Piece: The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle (2006) - 6/10 A very simple movie. There’s no big theme or anything. It’s just a lighthearted adventure, which is nice after the last movie. Ratchet makes for a good comedic villain, who’s goals are so dumb that not even the Straw Hats take him seriously. Plus, it’s nice to see someone fight with something other than brute strength as well. Same goes for his henchmen, even if they are beaten pretty easily. However, there are a few things that give it the average score. The animation isn’t particularly special. Luffy can range from really funny to pretty annoying throughout. And, this movie really should’ve come out later, as all the inventions would’ve been perfect for Franky to react to. Also the ending with Luffy accidentally using Gear Second was just… Weird to me. Still, not a bad movie to see at least once.
One Piece: Episode of Alabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates (2007) - 6/10 The first of the ‘Episode of’ movies. And while it certainly isn’t bad, I can’t really recommend watching this as a way to experience Alabasta over the Manga or Anime. The animation isn’t that much higher than the anime, and it does feel rushed at points. Vital information is missed, like EVERYTHING with Ace, and Bon Clay’s sacrifice at the end. The fights aren’t all that fleshed out, though Zoro’s and the final fight with Crocodile are both really good. The most awkward moment is when Luffy and Vivi have their argument about people dying out of pretty much nowhere. But, the best part, I feel, is getting to see Crocodile in his original, full-on evil mode. It was great to see again. Other than that, if you want a quick recap of the events, the movie isn’t terrible, but definitely not recommended to watch as the first experience to the Alabasta Arc.
One Piece: Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura (2008) - 5/10 I was originally going to give this a lower score. I was teetering on 3 and 4 throughout the first portion of it, due to it, for NO reason, adding in both Robin and Franky into the story. I can understand that they wanted to make the special feel contained, without Vivi being there, but it really doesn’t work well. Same goes for the inclusion of Wapol’s brother, Mushroo, who was pretty much only added to have someone who could potentially put up a fight against Gear Second. But, what saves this movie is, one; The animation. The same animation as seen in Baron Omatsuri. and boy does it allow for some AMAZING action. And secondly, Chopper’s flashback. I’ll admit I didn’t cry seeing Chopper’s backstory in the anime, but in this movie, it got me. It really got me. With it being completely canon, there was no distraction from the sheer quality of the animation and story. In no way should someone watch this as a recap of Drum Island, but if someone wants to enjoy some good animation while reliving Chopper’s story, then I can safely recommend it.
One Piece Film: Strong World (2009) - 9/10 Oh boy. The first movie that was overseen boy Oda, and boy does it show. The animation, setting, and plot are all great. Shiki serves as both good for comedy, and threat. He is dripping with Oda charm, and I’ll say it, The Jamaican accent in the dub sells his character completely. His henchmen are silly, and give at least reasons for Zoro and Sanji to do something really cool. The rest of the crew gets to have moments as well, which is great. The animals are not only weird, but get to have plenty of entertaining scenes. The final fight with Shiki is unforgettable. And, of course, the scene with the Straw Hats crashing the party has become one of the most iconic in the entire franchise. I’d say the only thing really holding this movie back from being perfect is that, Nami being kidnapped is preeetty overused. Other than that, this is definitely the kind of movie you not only see, but plan to rewatch again from time to time.
One Piece 3D: Strawhat Chase (2011) - 7/10 While only just above thirty minutes long, I’d say that this little special is definitely worth a watch. The 3D is actually very good, and fits the One Piece style well! I’d say it’s even close, or on-par with the Burning Blood video game. The story is nothing special. Just the Straw Hat’s chasing after Luffy’s hat. That’s it! But, with that simplicity comes some GREAT flowing action. Luffy swinging around after his hat feels great to watch, and the final climax with all the Straw Hats fighting against 3 giants is just an absolute marvel. Again, very simple, but with it’s short running time, I really do recommend a view of it!
One Piece: Episode of Nami: Tears of a Navigator and the Bonds of Friend (2012) - 10/10 Yup. The first tin-outta-tin! Why? Because I honestly feel like this is the best way to experience the Arlong Park Arc. It is the exact opposite of Episode of Chopper. It represents the canon material extremely well, hitting every point it needs to with a natural flow. The animation is great to boot. The fit scenes at the end are great, especially, what I feel, one of the best beat-downs Sanji has ever given in motion. It’s accuracy and animation give it the perfect score. Not only would I fully recommend this to anyone who wants to recap on Arlong Park, but I will also say that this is possibly the best way to experience it, even for new comers into One Piece! You can show them this movie before anything else and there will be little confusion. Definitely a must-see!
One Piece Film: Z (2012) - 10/10 ANOTHER perfect score?! Well, this film deserves it. The second movie Oda has overseen, and once again it shows. Stellar animation once more, and funnily enough, the first One Piece movie that isn’t an ‘Episode of’ that features other canon characters aside from the Straw Hats! Zed is possibly one of the greatest villains in, quite honestly, all of One Piece. A man with some of the best motivations, and easily has a final fight that ranks among the best of the best in the series. And this movie actually made me cry! Before, I had only cried to Brook’s backstory, but at the very, VERY end of the movie,  right as the credits rolled, I broke. This movie is a gem in every way. This is a without a doubt a must-see for any One Piece fan!
One Piece: Episode of Luffy: Hand Island Adventure (2012) - 5/10 Despite the name, this definitely isn’t a movie dedicated to an arc retelling. Even though Luffy’s original backstory is very short compared to the rest, the movie couldn’t easily been about his backstory, and maybe one or two arcs of Romance Dawn. However, the non-canon story that takes up most of the film is just alright. The side characters were fine, though the villain, Bilic, isn’t exactly the greatest. He falls in the ‘annoying enemy’ category, like Wapol, but even worse. Honestly for how pathetic he was, his defeat wasn’t that satisfying. And unlike the Giant Mechanical Soldier, the weapons Bilic use aren’t even creative or fun. Honestly, Oh yeah. The movie has Coby in it. He doesn’t really do anything. He’s just there to try and make the movie more ‘special.’ Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend it, but it’s not the worst.
One Piece: Episode of Merry: The Tale of One More Friend (2013) - 7/10 Definitely a good movie, though still has some problems. The animation is still great, and it does stay completely accurate to the original plot. Unlike Alabasta, which I can feel can fit it’s entire story completely into a movie, this movie tackles stuff from Water Seven to the end of Enies Lobby, so obviously a LOT of stuff is skipped.  Like Episode of Alabasta, the fights too feel rushed, aside from the final one with Lucci. The stuff with the Drama between Luffy and Usopp, and the farewell to the Going Merry are all done perfectly. While I wouldn’t recommend this as a full recap of events, since SO MUCH is skipped, it’s still a good movie if you just want to relive some of One Piece’s most emotional moments.
One Piece: 3D2Y (2014) - 7/10 It’s nice to see some of what happened between the two-year timeskip. As usual with the more recent One Piece movies, the animation is great. World makes for an intimidating, and honestly interesting villain with his relationship with his brother. Seeing Hancock do some fighting as well is a rare treat! Buggy is great to watch too. However,this movie can be considered suffering from the ‘Power of Friendship’ syndrome. World was completely and utterly dominating Luffy during the first half of the movie, with Luffy standing no chance. And suddenly by the end, he’s able to keep up and overwhelm World. There has never been such a whiplash in power in the series. Despite that, the fights are still great to watch, and the story is good too. A solid recommendation.
One Piece: Episode of Sabo: Bond of Three Brothers - (2015) - 6/10 This movie is a bit all over the place. It’s partially about Sabo’s point of view while in Dressrosa, which is cool to see! But we don’t get to see THAT much with him. Another part is just recapping the first half of Dressrosa, until the end of the Colosseum, in general, which seems strange given that Dressrosa was still going on at this time. And it’s final part is recapping the flashback of the three brothers, which is honestly just sort of there. Aside from some nice animation, especially during Luffy’s fight with Don Chinjao and Sabo’s fight with Diamante, the movie doesn’t really offer much. You’d be better off just watching/reading the entire Brothers flashback, and the same goes for Dressrosa. Unless you want to see a bit more extra stuff with Sabo, or want a brief refresh on the Brothers and Dressrosa, you can safely skip this movie.
One Piece: Adventure of Nebulandia (2015) - 7/10 How you feel about the movie will really depend on whether or not you like Foxy. Honestly, I love him, so this movie was a great watch. It starts off with some fun shenanigans and then leads into Luffy and Foxy needing to work together against Komei, who is an alright villain. He has a decent fight with Luffy at the end. There’s not much else to really saw. The movie is just  fun! I recommend it to anyone who wants to see more Foxy!
One Piece: Heart of Gold (2016) - 5/10 This movie is basically just to try and hold people over until  Film Gold. Does it succeed? Kinda. It’s a decent adventure movie, with some fun ideas. Olga can range from passable to annoying. The villain, Mad Treasure, isn’t anything special. Also, the idea that a guy like HIM can just, completely control the entire Straw Hat crew that isn’t the Monster Trio is pretty insulting. But, it is nice seeing the crew work together to achieve what they need to. Other than that, the movie is pretty forgettable, and I really doubt you need to see it to appreciate Film Gold more. If you’re looking for a nice adventure, you’ll get it here, but otherwise you can skip it.
One Piece: Film Gold (2016) - 8/10 Definitely a great movie! The animation isn’t only great, but this is definitely the most eye-pleasing One Piece movie to date! Plus, I think the soundtrack is one of the best  too! The middle-half with the spy movie-like feel is very unique for One Piece! Tesoro is a very good villain, with an interesting story. His henchmen are decent, though only Zoro has a real fight in the end. The final fight with Tesoro is great too! Though in terms of negatives, they are still there. Zoro is absent for a good portion of the movie. Also, I’m afraid all the hype with Lucci and Sabo doesn’t really pay off. You see NOTHING of their fight, which is a huge shame. And while seeing Gear Fourth in such great animation is wonderful, Luffy only gets two attacks in with it, so again it leaves a lot to be desired on that front. Other than those things, I’d say it’s definitely worth a watch or two. Let’s hope for continually great movies in the future!
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fredusty51828-blog · 7 years
Tips on Making Good You Tube Videos
Most people are inclined to make their own rooster tractors. There isn't a particular manner in learn how to design the chicken tractor. This is as much as the individual constructing the coop. Individuals will be very modern and resourceful. I don't think I've ever seen 2 hen tractors that look the identical. Writer: Dean James Anybody who hasn''t taken care of hens beforehand, most likely hasn''t given a lot due thought and consideration to how best to look after all of them. Publisher: Dean James Ranging from model new hen keepers to tried-and-true ones, chicken coop building guides are a sensible selection for everybody enthusiastic about protecting their birds well and comfortable. Writer: Shannon Clark If you're trying to build a rooster home, there are some vital issues that it's essential to consider first before doing so. Many people just soar proper into the building process and find yourself neglecting sure elements which really cost them lots of money and time in the long term. Have you ever ever uploaded a personal video onto YouTube? If you haven't, I am right here to inform you that it is actually really easy and a whole lot of fun! In mid-November of 2009, just in time for the vacations, YouTube announced that they had been introducing high-definition (HD) video format on their site. This was thrilling information for many customers, because it meant that they might now add and watch personal videos in a very high-high quality format. It's true - the brand new HD help YouTube videos look fairly amazing! It is rather simple in the present day to take videos of individuals you love and locations you get pleasure from; years down the highway you will be able to look at them and relive the most thrilling instances of your life! You go to an event, or a get together, and also you get your digital camera out to take a fast video of the kids, mates, and household. But what occurs to those recordings while you get residence what do you do with them subsequent? You can leave them in your digicam or in your pc, but no one will get to see them this way. Subsequent to her on the precise is little Sandstorm, he was a bit miffed to overlook out on choice and was lower than happy with the 'We don't do fawns' line. Next is Patou Spirit, Sue's little favourite, mother Patou Fifi (a Wiracocha's Dream lady), father our boy Columbus, Herr Clumpmeister. Spirit is totally lovely. So we've had the 2 women, now to the two boys. Some of it's possible you'll remember Sherwood, aka Woody, from an earlier posting after we virtually lost him to a nasty chest infection when he was about per week outdated. Effectively good previous Woody is thriving (despite having unresolved 'issues' together with his mother) and is a really handsome chap with a cracking fleece. His mother is Patou Minstrel, a Jack of Spades lady and his father is Mr Clumpington (Columbus). Woody belongs to Angus, who is going to halter train him and lead him into the ring as a junior handler subsequent yr. Lastly, but on no account least is Patou Sultan, not Sultana, Sultan. He is another Jack of Spades boy and his mother is Patou Penny, a Witness woman. He is the enterprise (please ignore the badly hanging coat), I would truly say that he is the very best that we have ever produced. He's a cracker. Be careful people, he's coming to a present ring near you next yr. Be afraid, be very afraid, The Sultan, NOT Sultana, goes to trigger a scene. Oh crikey now I've done it. Sultana, I imply Sultan also belongs to junior Patouman and will even be halter trained by him. So there we've got the pleased but of the title. Sadly the 'fuming' bit of the title won't be defined, Sue won't let me tell you. Now the place's that tickle stick? Writer: Brad Brown In case you are elevating chickens at your home or yard, then you definately need not to inform that how helpful it's. In fact, a wholesome hen lays 5-6 eggs in a week. Nevertheless, you probably have half a dozen of chickens, they you do not have to buy eggs, relatively you could promote the additional eggs and get some extra bucks to your pockets. Publisher: Tony Anthony You may utilize different ideas when you build a yard rooster coop. Your coop will solely be limited by your imagination and what you can think of. Writer: Ben Campbell Elevating chickens is one of the crucial fulfilling and rewarding hobbies. Not only that it's enjoyable having chickens in your yard they can also give you lots of different advantages. If you wish to take care of a small flock, you have to be constructing a small rooster coop for them. Regional events generally supply a costume contest. Alpacas are properly-suited to 4-H projects to be taught animal husbandry. During winter holidays you might even see a few them stand in for their camel cousins in a If you cherished this write-up and you would like to get far more facts with regards to Eileen Fisher Brushed Alpaca Wool Jacket kindly go to our website. Nativity scene. The oldest identified data of those charming creatures was 1,000 years earlier than the great pyramids of Giza. In Peru within the 1940's, Don Julio Barreda purposefully started to breed alpacas toward better fiber and specific color. He utilized better nutrition by fencing his herd and rotating pastures. By paying cautious attention to genetics, he created distinct herds of both huacaya and suri alpacas, and culled out llama genes. At the moment he is recognized industry-large as the world's most interesting alpaca breeder. In spite of their wealthy history, alpacas weren't properly-recognized worldwide until not too long ago. The primary imports into the United States were in 1983, and now they have been imported into each main country.
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
1,001 Phrases That Would Turn Women On If Men Actually Said Them
Getting a girl horny isn’t complicated. Men just think that it is, because they don’t say the right things at the right time. They need to mix some sentimentality in with their sexuality.
God & Man
I’m going to go down on you, and I won’t even let you think about returning the favor.
I cleaned the kitchen today, so I’d have room to fuck you on the table.
Your ass looks just as amazing in those sweatpants as it does in your little black dress.
I love playing with your hair… And your pussy.
Do you want a back massage, a foot massage, or both?
I’d put on music, but I don’t want to drown out the sounds of your sexy little moans.
Don’t stop me once you come, because I’m planning on giving you multiple orgasms today.
I bought you a new vibrator so I can thrust and play with your clit at the same time.
Do you care if my tongue is between your legs when you wake up in the morning?
Your mind is just as sexy as your tight little body.
I can’t decide if your tits or your pussy is more delicious. Give me another taste.
I bought some handcuffs and a blindfold. Should I put them on you or me?
I baked you some dessert, so you can eat it while I eat you.
Do you want to have sex in bed or in the bath I just made you?
I had a hard-on all day, because I couldn’t stop thinking of that beautiful face.
Your laugh turns me on even more than your tits do.
I stuck your clothes in the washer, and now I’m going to fuck you on top of it.
I’ve never gotten so horny just by kissing someone.
Do you want me to wake you up with breakfast in bed or oral?
I tidied up the bedroom, but I don’t mind if you mess up the sheets with me.
I had to shut off my porn, because none of the girls in it were as attractive as you.
I’ll do anything you want me to do, as long as you keep looking at me like that.
Do you want me to use my British or Irish accent tonight?
The feeling I get when you kiss me is even better than an orgasm.
I never thought I’d have a woman this stunning sharing the bed with me.
You deserve to relax, so I’m going to do all the work tonight.
Put me out of my misery and open up those long legs for me.
I’m dying to have sex with you, but you better cuddle me after.
Try not to ruin your manicure when you dig those nails into my back.
Want to bet on how many times I can make you orgasm in one night?
I can’t believe I get to call your beautiful body mine.
Let me show you how much I love you with my hips and lips.
I’m never going to stop telling you how hot you are, so you better get used to it.
We’re having sex in the car tonight, but you can pick where we park.
Do you want me to wear my suit or leather jacket?
Get on your back. I’ll take care of the rest.
Are you ready for a Magic Mike style strip tease?
I turned on Netflix for you, but you might have trouble concentrating while my tongue is circling your clit.
Tell me what I should do to you, because you’re in charge tonight.
I’ll put on any music you want, and then throw you into any position you want.
I made us dessert, but I want to eat it off of you.
Press those soft lips against every inch of my body.
I’m going to remember this moment when I’m jacking off later.
Your ass looks even sexier than the first time I saw it.
I bought you a bottle of wine, but that’s not the only surprise I have in store for you.
Get ready to be treated like the sexy, sultry woman you are.
Let me dominate you, so you don’t have to do any thinking tonight.
How can a woman be so adorable and sexy at the same time?
I want to see how long we can foreplay for before we can’t take it anymore.
I’m so lucky that the best sex I’ve ever had happens to be with the love of my life.
I want to browse through a bookstore with you, and then fuck you against one of the shelves.
I was just sucking on some ice cubes, but now there’s something else I want to suck on.
I went grocery shopping, and I picked up some of that vodka that always gets you horny.
I cancelled plans with the boys, because I couldn’t stop thinking about doing nasty things to my girl.
Looking at you fully clothed gets me harder than when I’ve seen any other woman naked.
Let’s go sit out under the stars while you sit on my head.
I’m going to play the guitar for you, so you can see how well I use my fingers.
Let’s see if I can make you come before the dinner I made you is done.
I watered the plants for you. Now it’s your turn to get wet.
I took your dog for a walk, but now I’m going to use the leash on you.
It’s time for your massage. Don’t worry, it has a happy ending.
I’m in the mood for a long drive where we blast music, talk about the universe, and bang in the back seat.
I learned how to sew, so I can fix your skirt after I tear it off of you.
I want to go down on you in the rain, so we both end up drenched.
I may have sprinkled the bed with rose petals, but you’re still the most beautiful thing in it.
Let’s have a picnic at the park, so we have a blanket to fuck on once we finish eating.
I’m going to eat you out in every room of this house. Today.
Don’t wear that uncomfortable bra today. I want to see those perky nipples through your shirt.
Let’s go for a walk on the beach, and find the best spot to make love in the sand.
I want to travel the world with you, so we can bang in every time zone.
I’d scream out your name, but you’re so fucking hot that I can’t even remember my own.
I want you to know I appreciate all the effort you put into your appearance.
The best part about you sucking my cock is the way those stunning eyes look up at me.
I bought us plane tickets to Paris. The catch is: We have to join the mile-high club.
I’d bring you to a museum, but I know we won’t see anything as breathtaking as you.
Do you want me to move my tongue up and down or in circles? Your choice.
I just finished mowing the lawn, so now the grass is soft enough for us to fuck on.
Your pussy alone is cuter than any painting I’ve ever seen.
Stop being such a tease, unless you want me to slide my cock in you right here and now.
You’re in charge of the TV remote tonight. But I’m in charge of your vibrator’s remote.
I’m taking you on a shopping spree, and then screwing you in the fitting room.
Let’s see how far we can go in the back of a movie theater.
I love the curtains you picked out, but let’s take them down and fuck against the window tonight.
I’m going to explode the second you wrap those beautiful lips around me.
I never knew how intense sex could be until I met you and your pretty little pussy.
Do you think I’m sneaky enough to slip into the woman’s restroom so we can fuck in the stall?
I rented us a hotel room, so we could make love out on the balcony.
The way you moan when I go down on you is hotter than having my own dick sucked.
My boss just left. Want to fuck me on my work desk?
I set up a video recorder, so we can relive this memory forever.
You don’t need to lose weight, so skip the gym and let me do all the exercising.
Your clit looks lonely. Let me fix that.
Put on an outfit you don’t mind being ripped off of you.
Those yoga pants make your ass look just as sexy as your thongs do.
Lay down. Let me show you how much I love you.
I’ve never felt skin this soft and smooth.
I’m going to kiss you until you’re begging for the foreplay to end.
We’re going to cuddle until it turns into sex.
Every time I hear your voice, I get hornier.
Do you want me to eat you out while you watch Supernatural or Sherlock?
I bought you lingerie. Was hoping you’d model it for me.
I wrote you a song, but the lyrics are a little raunchy.
Our sex is better than porn, and our love story is better than any fairytale.
I threw some logs on the fire, and now I’m going to throw you on the floor in front of it.
Get naked, so I can sketch your flawless body.
I’d tell you what I want to do to you, but it’s too naughty to say aloud.
Tell me your kinkiest fantasy, so we can act it out tonight.
I’m going to take you out for dinner, and play with your pussy under the table.
I bought you red roses, but that’s not the only way I’m going to show you I love you.
I downloaded your favorite rom-com, so we can recreate the love scene from it.
Let’s dance like no one’s watching and then fuck like everyone’s watching.
Just holding your hand makes me horny, because I know what those fingers can do.
I made you a playlist of songs we should fuck to.
I won you a stuffed animal, so I think I should get to stuff something into you.
You look just as sexy when you wake up as you do after hours in front of the mirror.
You look so good in that dress that I’m going to leave it on while I fuck you.
I’ll give you a manicure if you promise to use those hands on me later tonight.
I never want you to forget how sexy you are.
Your kisses are more intoxicating than whiskey.
Let’s sit outside and watch the sun go down while I go down on you.
Your pussy is even more delicious than your lips.
You’ve ruined me for sex with other women.
How do you look so innocent, but act so naughty?
Your sexy little moans are my favorite sounds.
I swear I won’t stop until you orgasm.
Bite down on my tie, so the neighbors don’t hear you moan.
Somehow, your brain is even hotter than your body.
You look even better in your work clothes than you look in your underwear.
Want to trade an orgasm for an orgasm?
Where do you want me to put my tongue first?
We’re in an elevator alone. Are you up for the challenge?
Check your phone. I sent you a text that I bet will get you wet.
I’m going to turn you on, just by using my voice.
Wear a skirt today, so I can fuck you without removing your clothes.
I had a wet dream last night, and you played the starring role.
Get on all fours. I’ll handle the rest.
I’ve been working out, so I could fuck you while I’m standing.
I’m going to start by kissing your hips, but you can pick where I finish.
I bought a uniform, so you could ride me while I wear it.
Take off from work tomorrow. You’ll be too sore to go in.
I’ll buy you a new puppy, as long as you let me bang you doggie style tonight.
That bra makes your tits look even more delicious than usual.
Get in the shower and get your hands against the wall.
I don’t know how you get my dick so hard just by looking at it.
Do you want me to suck on an ice cube before I suck on your clit?
You don’t need makeup. Your eyes are naturally gorgeous.
I feel bad for your exes, because I know how much they must miss this tight little body.
I’m going to do all the things your friends complain about their boyfriends never doing.
I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue. Want to see what else it can do?
Say my name. I love hearing it from the lips of an angel.
If you think there’s even one thing wrong with your body, you’re out of your mind.
When I’m inside of you, nothing else matters.
What celebrity do you want me to role play as tonight? Take your pick.
I took care of all of your chores. Now I’m going to take care of you.
Don’t make me come too fast. I want to enjoy this moment for as long as possible.
You’re too hot for Disney Channel, and too cute for porn.
No one has ever made me come as fast or as hard as you have.
I’m going to rub my cock against your clit until you come.
Nothing makes me happier than making you wet.
I would’ve made you coffee, but I figured oral would help you wake up faster.
Let’s skip the gym and work off our calories in bed instead.
Your boobs look even better out of your bra than they do in it.
I put some whipped cream on your ice cream, but left enough to spray onto your tits.
That belt looks cute on you. But it would be even cuter wrapped around your wrists.
I can’t wait until that gorgeous dress is draped across my bedroom floor.
Let’s find a drive-in movie, so we can make love while we watch.
Let’s go ice skating. If you fall on your ass, I’ll kiss it until it’s better.
Want to go horseback riding? You can ride me, afterward.
I bought us concert tickets, so we can kiss in front of your favorite band.
Would you rather make out or make love? I’m up for both.
Every little thing you do ends up turning me on.
Let’s go dancing, so you can grind that big ass against my cock.
We could go sightseeing, but I already know you’ll be the best sight I ever see.
If you meet my parents tonight, I’ll reward you with an orgasm.
Let’s play mini-golf. The loser has to give the winner oral.
How many places at the mall do you think we can find to fuck in?
I want to watch the sun rise with you, and then make love underneath it.
Forget about everything except coming as hard as you can.
What room should we have sex in first?
Tonight, you’re coming at least three times. No exceptions.
Let’s go to the amusement park. We’ll ride a roller coaster and then each other.
What song should I serenade you with tonight?
Let’s go down to the pond to feed the ducks. Then I’ll do a little eating myself.
You’re on your period, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun in the shower.
Let’s take a stroll through the park and find a secluded spot to fuck in.
I’m going to take you to a carnival, and if I don’t win you a prize, I’ll give you something even more special tonight.
I bought chocolate that we can either melt over strawberries or over your body.
Tonight, I’m going to thank you for all of the blowjobs you’ve ever given me.
We’re going on a cruise, so we can say we’ve fucked over the open ocean.
Your nerdiness is such a turn on.
How long do you think we can cuddle for before I get a boner?
I love feeling your pussy throb after you orgasm.
I know work has been stressful, so tonight is all about you.
We should take a dance class, so we’re prepared for our wedding day.
Tell me exactly what you need, because I’ll do anything for you.
There’s nothing sexier than hearing you talk about the things you’re passionate about.
I know it’s your period, so I bought you some chocolate and a new vibrator.
I want to get an apartment with you and make love on the floor.
I’m pretty sure my head belongs in between your legs.
I booked us a couple’s massage, but I’ll be the one to give you a happy ending when you’re done.
Show me how you touch yourself, so I can do it right.
I love you, and I’m not just saying that because you’re sleeping with me.
I bought you a new camera so we can film our own porno tonight.
Do you want me to be a cop, fireman, or repairman tonight?
I signed us up for a yoga class, just so I could see you in those tight pants.
I love the feel of your naked body pressed up against mine.
I installed a mirror on the ceiling, so you could watch yourself fuck me.
I bought flavored lube, so I’ll taste as delicious for you as you taste for me.
Where do you want me to come? It’s your decision, baby.
I’m going to suck on your tits until you can’t take it anymore.
I love touching you more than I love touching myself.
Want to play some games at the arcade? Or should we stay home and play with each other?
You always look the sexiest when you’re smiling.
I’d take you to a burlesque show, but your skin is the only skin I want to see.
Let’s make ice cream together and then make a baby together.
I don’t need to drink tonight. You’re intoxicating enough.
I’m tying your hands back, so you don’t have to do anything at all tonight.
We should play pool and then fuck on the table.
Do you mind if we attend a poetry reading so I can tell the world about you?
I’d buy us drinks, but I don’t want your beautiful face to get blurry.
Let’s have a movie marathon, and then make an R-rated movie of our own.
Want to go for a late night drive and fuck wherever we end up?
I rented a hotel room, so we can skinny dip in their pool.
Check the clock. It’s time for your clothes to come off.
I bought you an erotic novel so you’re always turned on before bed.
Tell me when you’re ready for round two and I’ll get to work.
If you bang me on the kitchen counter, I’ll clean up the mess.
Don’t spend too much time on your hair, because I’m going to be yanking on it soon.
Introducing myself to you was the best thing I’ve ever done.
Let’s play strip poker, so I can see every inch of that flawless body.
Would you be mad if I grabbed your ass in public?
Let’s go strawberry picking and then feed them to each other in bed.
Do you think we could have sex in the backyard without the neighbors seeing?
I’m taking you to an art gallery, so you can see something as beautiful as you are.
I want to make love to you underneath the stars tonight.
My cell phone is off. Now I want your pants off.
I’m going to do things to you I’ve never done to anyone else.
Let’s take an R-rated selfie.
I love running my rough hands over your soft skin.
I planned out a romantic day for you and a sexy night.
Every second spent with you makes me love you more.
You can either wrap your legs around my head or your mouth around my cock.
Do you want me to plant kisses on your neck or on your pussy?
I bought a new cologne you’re going to go crazy over.
Don’t fall asleep yet. We still have a long night ahead of us.
I bought us some costumes. Want to try them on?
I cut my beard just the way you like it.
If you go down on me once, I’ll go down on you twice.
Put on your favorite song and then fuck me to it.
Do you want me to be gentle or rough?
Everyone else is gone tonight, so you can be as loud as you want.
I’m going to nibble on your neck now.
Tell me what you want. I’m open to anything.
Keep moaning. It sounds like heaven.
I love feeling my cock inside of your pretty little pussy.
That shirt makes your tits look amazing.
I can’t stop thinking about how hot you looked last night.
I want to keep the lights on, so I can see every inch of you.
I want to run my tongue over your nipples, down your stomach, and onto your pussy.
The face you make when you come is so sexy.
My biggest fantasy was to fuck a girl like you.
You got me all worked up, just by walking into the room.
I’ve been daydreaming about your wet pussy all day.
I don’t want to fuck you. I want to make love to you.
Keep moving those hips. It’s sexy as fuck.
Your beautiful body deserves the most earthshattering orgasms.
I never realized how meaningful sex could be until we got together.
You’re mine tonight, and that isn’t ever going to change.
Help me put on the condom. I want to feel your hands over me.
My body wants you as badly as my heart does.
You have total and complete control over me.
I can’t believe how wet you are already.
I bought you handcuffs, so you can’t push my head away after I make you orgasm.
If I serenade you, will you strip for me?
I looked at your naughty pictures at work today, and I couldn’t get rid of my hard-on.
You’re too flexible for your own good.
Let’s fuck in the shower so it feels like we’re kissing in the rain.
Your lips feel like fire against mine.
Whisper in my ear again. I love that voice.
Dig your nails deeper into my skin.
I’m going to give you a lap dance you won’t ever forget.
It’s so sexy when you arch your back like that.
Give me your all, because I’m going to do the same.
I installed a stripper pole in the room. Do you want to try first or should I?
I’m going to tease your pussy with kisses.
I want to rub this ice cube across your entire body.
Bite down on my neck to keep from screaming.
I’m going to run my tongue across those luscious lips.
Want to play naked Twister?
I bought edible body paint for you, so we can lick it off of each other.
I don’t know if your hair or your skin is softer.
I’m going to start by sucking on your lips, and then move on to your lower lips.
Do you want me to give you tender kisses or passionate ones?
I’m never going to get over the delicious scent of your pussy.
Let’s build a pillow fort and than fuck underneath it.
I want to bang you in the kitchen, so I can cook for you after we’re finished.
How sexy would it be if I fucked you right now, in front of all these people?
I’m going to give you a full body massage that ends between your legs.
Are you ready for me to pull your hair and bite your neck?
Get on top of me. This time, I’m giving the orders.
I’m going to kiss your thighs until you’re begging for more.
Which famous movie kiss do you want to recreate tonight?
Don’t wear underwear. I want easy access to that tight pussy of yours.
All I’m wearing is an apron. Come take a peek.
I’m going to shove myself into you until the neighbors know my name.
I cleaned out the closet, so we could have a quickie inside of it.
Looking at someone so beautiful makes it hard to breathe.
I don’t think you’ve ever made me this hard before.
Your hot breath feels amazing against my skin.
Let’s hop in the pool and see how long we can kiss underwater.
The dishes are done. So is dinner. All I have left to do is you.
I can tell you’re stressed. Let me fix that.
You’re so much more than a sex object to me.
Do you want me to slide into you now or should I play hard to get?
I bet you can’t seduce me without removing your clothes.
Kiss me like that again and I’ll go absolutely nuts.
You’re as sexy as women come.
It’s cold in here. We better snuggle to keep warm.
I’m going to remove all of your clothes. With just my teeth.
Masturbate for me.
Get under the blanket with me. I have a surprise for you.
Let’s slow dance, so I can feel your body pressed against mine.
Are you feeling sore? I’ll rub the pain away.
I want that beautiful pussy pressed against my face.
If you suck on something of mine, I’ll suck on something of yours.
Let me see you from behind. It’s a great view.
I’m going to eat you out while you’re in the driver’s seat.
Let’s put on a peep show for the neighbors.
I picked up a copy of the Kamasutra. Which position do you want to try first?
Let’s take a road trip and fuck every hundred miles.
I want to try anal, but only if you want it as badly as I do.
You look tired. You should sit on my face and relax.
I bought lube, so you can feel as wet as you look.
I want to watch porn with you, and then make a porno of our own.
I’ve been flipping through Cosmo. I learned a few new moves for you.
Scratch me harder. I can handle it.
I’m going outside to wash the car. You should let me spray you, too.
You’re even more adorable when you let your hair down like that.
Let’s watch G-rated Disney movies while doing R-rated things.
What would you do if I fingered you in the middle of the movie theater?
Let’s walk through the woods and fuck like animals.
If you suck my dick, I’ll suck on your tits.
I feel selfish keeping you all to myself.
Do you want to fuck in a hot shower or a cold one?
Do you want me to put this vibrator against your clit or your nipples?
I’m going to give you the best oral sex of your life.
Should I use my tie on you as a blindfold or as handcuffs?
You look sexiest when you walk around in my boxers.
Stop moaning like that, or I’ll stick my cock in your mouth.
Do you want me to run my hands through your hair or pull it?
Everything on my bucket list involves fucking you.
I bought you silk sheets, so sex would be more comfortable for you.
I don’t want you. I need you.
You bring out my animalistic side.
A kiss from you means more than words can express.
Do you want me to fuck you from the front or from behind?
You’re my fetish.
I don’t care about the big game. You’re more important to me.
Even the way that you snore is a total turn-on for me.
That new perfume makes me want to bend you over the bed.
I made you a bath. Want to take it together?
I want to stimulate you mentally and physically.
I just put the kids to bed. Now I just have to get you in bed.
Should I fuck you on the carpet or the hard wood floors?
Every time I close my eyes, I see your beautiful body.
You don’t have to say a word to turn me on.
How does it feel when I touch you like this?
Yank on my tie to pull me closer.
I took a photo of you while you were sleeping. I hope you don’t mind.
I missed you so much. I can’t count the number of times I masturbated to you.
You make me feel like I’m stuck in a fairytale.
You’re even more beautiful in person than in the picture in my mind.
I want to run my hands over your hips and dig my nails into the bone.
I want to taste every part of you.
You look just as sexy in your pajamas as you do in your lingerie.
Do you want me to bring you home flowers or chocolates?
I’ll sing to you, but only if you pick the song.
I want to fuck you in the sand in summer and in the snow in winter.
I made a scavenger hunt for you. Hint: It ends in our bedroom.
You should sleep naked tonight, so I can feel your soft skin against mine.
No one could ever love your body as much as I do.
Your cleavage makes your tits look fantastic.
Do you like hearing me moan or hearing me talk dirty better?
I want you to start kissing your favorite part of my body. Now.
Do you want me to eat you out before or after you get in the bath I made you?
Do you want me to role play as a man in the Navy, Air Force, or Marines?
Whenever you touch me, it makes me believe in magic.
Let’s make love on the roof top, so we can feel like people are watching.
Do you want to touch me as badly as I want to touch you?
Your ass is as tight as your pussy.
Tell me which toy you want and I’ll buy it for you.
Do you want to have sex before we fall asleep or as soon as we wake up?
We should have sex in the craziest place we can think of.
Whenever you cross my mind, I can’t stop touching myself.
Do you want the lights on or off?
You’re not only hot, but you’re adorable, too.
Take that bra off. It must be uncomfortable.
Do you want missionary or cowgirl tonight?
Let me heat up your dinner and then heat you up after.
Do you have any clue how sexy you look?
Do you want me to wear boxers or briefs for you?
Leave lipstick marks all across my chest.
Grab a bottle of water, because I plan on tiring you out.
Hop in the shower with me, so I can soap up your body.
I’m going to give you everything I have to give.
Get under the covers and watch Netflix with me.
I’ll walk the dog if I can use his collar on you later.
I made another tattoo appointment, since I know you find ink sexy.
I made you a bath. How are you going to return the favor?
What kind of sex do you think we’ll have on our honeymoon?
Let’s hop on my motorcycle and find the most secluded spot we can.
Get out of those clothes and under the covers.
Look into my eyes while I fuck you.
I made you breakfast in bed, and now I’ll be giving you oral in bed.
Let’s pretend we’re teenagers again and make out under the bleachers.
Should I put on my leather jacket or my leather pants?
I rented a limo, so we can feel sophisticated while we fuck.
Hop on the washing machine, so you’ll shake even more than usual.
Let’s do yoga together. Naked.
Should I use my hands or tongue to stimulate your clit tonight?
Turn around. I want to see that beautiful butt.
I bought us tickets to Disney, so we can have sex at the happiest place on Earth.
Let’s fuck on the front lawn, so everyone can see how sexy you are.
I’m going to make us orgasm at the same time tonight.
I cleaned out the backseat of the car, so we have room to have some fun.
Your body is perfect. Don’t ever change it.
I bought new pillows, so you have something soft to scream into.
Let’s have sex in the library to see how quiet we can be.
Do you want to watch me lift weights or lift you?
Do you think we could fuck while on my motorcycle?
Skip the gym. We’re going to make each other sweat today.
I want to fuck you in front of the mirror, so I can see two of you.
I want to kiss you in a crowd, so everyone knows that you’re mine.
My car has tinted windows. No one will be able to see us fucking when they walk by.
Wrap those soft hands around my cock.
If you go down on me, I’ll make it worth your while.
Get in the hot tub with me, so we can heat things up.
I never want to leave this bed, as long as you’re in it with me.
Instead of lifting weights on that bench, we should make love on it.
Let’s head to the park and have sex on the swing set.
Which parking lot would be the most fun to fuck in?
Do you think sex in a graveyard is creepy or romantic?
I picked up a new dress for you, so you won’t get mad when I rip your other one apart.
Let’s head down to the church and sin together.
The kitchen is clean now, but it won’t be once I’m done with you.
I hung your clothes up to dry, but it’s time for the ones you’re wearing to get wet.
Let’s go for a hike and make love underneath a waterfall.
Hop on the trampoline with me. I want to see those tits bounce.
I bought you a new towel, you won’t get sand all over you when we fuck on the beach.
I’m going to put Netflix on, and then try to turn you on.
If you head over to the bedroom, I’ll put my head between your legs.
I bought you a yoga mat, so I can watch you do downward facing dog.
Let’s go camping, so we can make love underneath the stars.
Go suit shopping with me, so we can fuck in the dressing room.
I put up a hammock. Want to see if we can fuck in it?
We should go bowling. Loser gives oral.
The laundry room is empty. Let’s see how many washers we can use as vibrators.
I want to treat you like a lady, but I also want to stuff my cock in your mouth.
Let’s move this into the bedroom, shall we?
Your brain makes you seem even more beautiful to me.
You carry yourself like a goddess.
This classroom’s empty. Come in so I can teach you a thing or two.
Let’s play gynecologist.
I love talking to you as much as I love touching you.
Have you ever been mistaken for a model?
Your smile can turn me on from across the room.
I won’t be able to pay attention to the show when such a beautiful woman is sitting next to me.
Your confidence is the sexiest thing about you.
Kisses from you are the best part of my everyday.
Let’s go bathing suit shopping, so you can model for me.
My cock twitches every time I see you smile.
You look just as sexy in my sweatshirt as you do naked.
I want to drown in your love. And your pussy.
Your passion makes the sex ten times hotter.
The only girl I ever want to screw is you.
You’re not chubby. You’re just plain beautiful.
You might not be society’s version of perfect, but you’re my version of perfect.
Being around someone as sexy as you makes me feel sexy, too.
I love how well you move those hips.
You’re just as good in the kitchen as you are in the bedroom.
Somehow, you sound even hotter than you look.
I planned out our entire day. It starts with us having sex.
I can’t believe I’m so comfortable with a woman so hot.
Sexy doesn’t even begin to describe you.
Tell me what time you want to eat, and what time you want me to eat you.
You have excellent taste. And you taste excellent.
I’ve been working out, so I can fuck you for as long as you’d like.
That dress looks incredible on you, but I still want it off you.
You’re such a good girl, but I want to do such bad things to you.
Your sense of humor is just as sexy as your fashion sense.
I never liked my name until I heard you screaming it.
I can’t decide if I prefer listening to you talk or listening to you moan.
I hope you didn’t spend too much money on that outfit, because I’m going to rip it right off.
Your long legs would look even nicer draped over my shoulders.
I never knew what happiness tasted like until my tongue was on your clit.
Your pussy smells just as delicious as it tastes.
Your wish is my command.
I’ll do whatever it takes to make your body tremble and your pussy drip.
I can’t decide if I should kiss your forehead or slam you up against a wall.
You deserve the best, and I’m going to give it to you.
I like your personality just as much as I like your wet pussy.
The gym won’t improve your body, because you’ve already reached perfection.
Make beautiful babies with me.
Your hair is as soft and smooth as your legs.
You’d be the best mother and the best Victoria secret model.
The only thing prettier than your outside is your inside.
Your hair smells as good as your pussy tastes.
I want to try to paint you, but I’d never do your beauty justice.
I’ve been across the world, but you’re still the most breathtaking sight I’ve ever seen.
Everything sounds sweeter when it comes from your lips.
Those new heels make your butt look amazing.
How do you manage to look more and more beautiful every morning?
I bought you a diamond necklace, but I’m going to give you a pearl one later.
My daydreams about you are better than any porno.
Hearing you talk about your day is even sexier than dirty talking is.
I bought you a bracelet, so your wrists can sparkle as much as your eyes do.
Your lips feel as amazing against my neck as they do against my cock.
Your heart is as warm as your body is.
Your eyebrows look as perfect as your tits do.
I’m going to nibble on your ear and then your neck.
Do you want my tongue in your mouth or against your clit?
Let’s get drunk on wine and talk about the universe.
I want to make a bonfire, so you can eat s’mores while I eat you.
We should ride bikes on the beach and then you can ride me back at home.
Do you want me to play guitar or drums for you tonight?
I made you a bath, but you better be willing to share the tub with me.
Let’s shower together, so I can rub soap all over your juicy body.
I’m going to make your nipples as hard as my dick.
Your legs are as long as your eyelashes.
I challenge you to a game of Monopoly. Winner consoles the loser with kisses.
Let’s watch a baseball game and then fuck in the middle of the field.
I’m taking you to an adult shop and letting you buy any toy you want.
Get on your back, so I can get on my knees.
Turn your head so I can see that ass and those eyes at the same time.
Turn off the TV and let me turn you on.
Whenever I hear your voice, I fall in love with you all over again.
Your ass looks just as good in my boxers as it does in your thongs.
I want to marry you, so I can fuck my best friend every single night.
Let’s take a walk and talk about what our future apartment will look like.
My life wouldn’t be the same without your pussy.
Let’s watch the sunset together, so I can see two breathtaking things at once.
I love that skirt on you. I hope the wind blows it up, so I get an even better view.
Should I tell you how badly I want you in Italian or French?
I signed us up for couple’s yoga, so we can both be more flexible in the bedroom.
Your pussy is my favorite place in the whole world.
I grabbed a coffee for you. And now I’m going to grab that ass.
I’m going to buy us ice cream, and then run my cold tongue over your clit.
Let’s name a star after us and then make love underneath it.
We should take a walk through the woods and find a tree I can fuck you against.
I never liked going down on girls until I tasted you.
Open your legs. I’m going to lick away all of your problems.
I’m going to hug you from behind and then bend you over a table.
Do you want my hands, my tongue, or my cock in between your thighs?
After I’m done playing with the puppy, I’m going to play with you.
I can’t decide if I want to rip off your shirt or your skirt first.
Put your hand in my hand and your lips on my neck.
I’m taking you ice skating. Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up once we get home.
Let me give you a manicure, so you don’t have to pay someone else to do it.
I bought you a blindfold, so every time I touch you, it’ll feel intense.
Let’s go camping, so we can make love in our sleeping bags.
Should I get my next tattoo on my back or my chest?
I’m going to make you scream so loudly the neighbors will call the cops.
Your boobs are just perky as your butt.
I’m never going to the strip club again, because your body’s the only one I want to see.
You look stunning today. I need a picture of you.
You look just as pretty without makeup as you do with your cat eyes and red lips.
Forget 50 Shades of Grey. We’re going to have sex that would make for a way better story.
I love how passionate you are. It makes the sex extra hot.
I want you on top of me, so I can put those juicy breasts in my mouth.
That dress makes your tits look delicious.
I’m going down on you, and then I’m getting on top of you.
Should I make you coffee or a mixed drink?
You don’t have to shave. I like you just the way you are.
I can’t believe I get to have you when every guy wants you.
Guess what I’m about to do to that wet pussy of yours?
If you want to invite another guy in bed with us, I won’t mind.
I had a wet dream about you, and I’m about to turn it into a reality.
I promise you I’ll never stop loving you the way you deserve to be loved.
I got a new job with a new desk that I’m planning on banging you on.
Do you want to watch me masturbate or can I watch you?
You fuck even better than you kiss.
Let’s go dancing, since I know how well you can move your hips.
I set up a picnic for us. All you have to choose is the wine.
Do you want to cuddle and then have sex or vice versa?
Let’s go apple picking, and then we’ll pick out some new lingerie for you.
I can’t love you any harder, but I’ll certainly fuck you harder.
I don’t even care if I orgasm, as long as you do.
Let’s play truth or dare, so I can make you take your clothes off.
Don’t wear a bra today. Your boobs are perky enough without it.
I’d ask you to role play, but you’re the only one I want to sleep with.
There aren’t enough words in the English language to describe how hot you are.
Walk in front of me, so I can watch my beautiful girlfriend’s beautiful ass.
I’m taking you on a cruise, so we can bang on a boat.
I sprinkled rose petals on the bed and placed candles all around the room. Just because I love you.
I had an erection all day, because I kept thinking about seeing you.
I could never get tired of your beauty.
Don’t drink too much. I want you to remember what I do to you tonight.
I’m paying for dinner, but you’re going to be my dessert when we get back home.
After the zoo, we should go back home and fuck like animals.
I’m taking you to the botanical gardens, so you can pick out what type of flowers you want for our future wedding.
Your soft skin makes my dick so hard.
You’re crazy if you think there’s a woman out there hotter than you.
Should we fuck while the sun rises or sets?
I’m taking you on a shopping spree. At Victoria’s Secret.
I love the way you look at me when you’re turned on.
I learned sign language, so I could tell you I loved you without saying a word.
I never knew it was possible to love a woman’s brain as much as her body.
I can tell you’re wet, just by the way you’re looking at me.
I’m going to fuck you like a princess who’s been locked away for years.
I’ll never get over the taste of your lips.
I’m going to start by whispering your name, but I’ll finish by screaming it.
I kicked my roommate out. Be as loud as you want.
All I want to do is make you orgasm. Don’t disappoint me.
If your knees aren’t shaking by the time I’m finished with you, I’ll just eat you out all over again.
You know we’re going to have sex if you keep giving me that smirk, right?
You’re either going to make my dick explode or my heart explode. I don’t know which.
I’m the guy you’ll be fucking for the rest of your life, so you better enjoy it.
Your hands can do what other girls’ mouths can’t.
I never thought I had a foot fetish until I saw you in those sandals.
I’m making you come. I don’t care if it takes five minutes or five hours.
My cock needs your pussy more than my lungs need air.
Close your mouth and open your legs.
It’s time for you to forget about everything in the world except my tongue.
I’ll unzip your dress if you unzip my jeans.
That lipstick looks gorgeous. Give me a taste.
I got a hot tub installed, just so I could see you walk around in that tiny bathing suit.
I want to have angry sex, but I could never be mad at you.
I’m going to fuck you so hard I’ll break the bed.
I was going to buy you Starbucks, but I think morning sex will help you wake up better than coffee ever could.
Want to have shower sex? You can choose the temperature.
I’d talk dirty, but I don’t want to disrespect a princess.
We’re proof that sex is best when love is involved.
I have one thing on my mind. You.
I’d ask you to 69, but I’d rather have tonight be all about you.
My life would suck without you sucking me off.
We should have sex under the Christmas tree, since you’re the best gift I’ve ever gotten.
Let’s try having sex in the snow. You’re hot enough to melt it.
I want to fuck you in my childhood bedroom, because you’re sexier than the posters on the wall.
We’ll never get to have goodbye sex, because I’m never going to let you go.
Let’s take a vacation somewhere we can drink everyday and fuck every night.
Forget your bathing suit. I want you in your birthday suit.
Run your hands through my hair and yank as hard as you can.
Let’s see how many stores we can make-out in before the police get called.
Tonight’s all about BDSM because I L-O-V-E you.
We could have a quickie, but I’d rather give you the time and attention you deserve.
I grew out my beard just the way you like it.
Do you want me to sing you to sleep or seduce you with my guitar?
I’m going to drive you across the country, so I can fuck you in every state.
I keep falling for you and my dick keeps rising for you.
Don’t let me fall asleep until we’re both satisfied.
I want you to kiss me up my jawline and nibble on my ear.
You’re a 10, based on your legs alone.
How does it feel being the girl I’ll be spending the rest of my life with?
You’re so far out of my league, it’s ridiculous.
Let’s go to a bar and count how many men check you out.
We’re going to have sex in every bathroom in this restaurant.
You can’t expect me to keep my hands to myself when you look like that.
Your vagina is a work of art.
I don’t need alcohol, because I’m already drunk on your body.
Hop in the back of my truck. That’s where we’re fucking tonight.
If I die tonight, I’ll die happy.
I came up with date ideas for every day of the week and sex ideas for every night of the week.
Do you want to have a Netflix marathon or a sex marathon?
Period sex can relieve cramps and headaches, so get those pants off.
You get better in bed every time we do it.
I bought us a new mattress, since we wore out the old one.
If you keep fucking me this good, I’ll marry you.
I put on my tightest jeans, so I could do a striptease for you.
I’m going to tease you until you beg me to come inside you.
Do you want me to make you come with my mouth, fingers, or dick?
I want your pussy lips pressed up against my lips.
Do whatever you want to me. I’m open to anything and everything.
No talking. No moving. Just moaning.
So what if it’s your period? Get in the shower with me and it’ll be just fine.
I’m going to treat you like a princess today and like a porn star tonight.
Do you want me to keep my suit on while you ride me?
I’m going to kiss all of that lipstick off of you.
Pick a movie you don’t mind fucking during.
You stimulate my mind as well as you stimulate my body.
I want you to run those pretty nails over my thighs.
Even if I kissed you every hour of every day, it still wouldn’t be enough.
My dick is addicted to you, but my heart is, too.
I love when you shake your booty like that.
You’re flexible enough to be a gymnast.
I want to make your days sweeter and your nights wetter.
You make me want to be a better lover.
Let’s walk around a museum, and then use body paint to make our own portraits.
You’re a great fuck, but you’re an even better friend.
My favorite time of day is when we’re having sex or snuggling.
Your feelings mean even more to me than your pussy does.
I want to fuck you under the moonlight.
You’re delicious, from your forehead down to your toes.
We make the best team between the sheets and on the streets.
Even without the sex, you’d still make my life better than it’s ever been.
I’m going to teach you something new in bed tonight.
I’m going to put you first in the bedroom and in life as a whole.
You deserve an intense orgasm, and I’m going to give it to you.
Never change a hair on this beautiful body.
When I’m inside you, I feel like I’m finally where I’m meant to be.
Your tits are almost more fun to play with than your pussy.
I hope you don’t mind that I’m undressing you in my mind.
You move your hips better than Beyonce.
You look like a bombshell in that ball gown.
How do you look that good this early in the morning?
You deserve a break, so get on your back.
We’re going on a road trip, so we can feel like the only two people left in the world.
I’m glad we met, because I could never orgasm this hard without you.
Keep your glasses on. I want you to see everything I’m about to do to you.
My life started the moment I pressed my lips against yours.
Your skin is as radiant as your smile.
Even when you’re old and grey, you’ll still be the most beautiful woman around.
I don’t want to ruin your lipstick, so I’ll be the one leaving kisses all over you.
I love you more than I love sex.
My bed is the most comfortable when you’re in it with me.
Let’s watch Disney movies and cuddle.
I can’t wait to fuck you in a wedding dress.
Use those sparkling teeth to bite down on my neck.
Give me a hickey, so everyone knows I’m yours.
You look like you need a long, hot bath and then a long, hot dick.
Take your clothes off. Leave the lights on.
Your perfume alone turns me on.
I want you in every way, everyday.
I’m going to bend you over the balcony, so you have as nice of a view as I do.
I picked up a copy of the Kama Sutra for us.
Ride me while I suck on your tits and play with your clit.
I can’t believe I found a girl who loves pizza, beer, and my body.
You’ve had a long day. Fall asleep on my chest.
I still can’t believe I get to start my mornings with you and end my days with you.
If you keep sending me those dirty sexts during work, I’m going to quit so I can stay home with you.
I could spend all day in this bed with you, even if we had to keep our clothes on.
Everything on my bucket list involves you.
You’re a sex goddess.
I understand your body even better than my own.
Do you want me to play with your pussy, your nipples, or your ass?
You look ridiculously hot when you think no one’s paying attention.
I washed the dishes for you, so you wouldn’t have anything to worry about while I go down on you.
Press your chest against mine, so our hearts are as close as they can be.
I’ll give you my all if you promise to do the same.
I want to make you feel things you’ve never felt before.
Do you think it’ll be harder to kiss underwater or have sex underwater?
Let’s go horseback riding, and then fuck in the barn.
Instead of having fun in our bed, let’s hop in my truck bed.
I got my tongue pierced. I heard it makes oral more intense.
I put down a blanket, so we can bang on the floor without hurting your back.
I’m getting a tattoo in a place only you’ll be able to see.
We’re having sex on the staircase, so I can penetrate you at the perfect angle.
Run your tongue along my muscles.
Your bitchy roommate’s gone. Let’s do it in her bed.
I’m going to try something that’ll leave you breathless.
Get undressed so I can paint you like one of Jack’s French girls.
How romantic would it be to make love by a waterfall?
I bought condoms. Your safety’s my first priority.
Bend over with your hands against the window.
I rented a limo, because you deserve a classy fuck.
I picked up some tampons and a vibrator, so your period’s easier on you.
Let’s have sex in the library and then read each other to sleep.
I want sex to be comfortable for you, so I bought more lube.
Get your ass on the washer, so you can feel your clit shake.
I’m going on a search for your G-spot tonight.
Would you be pissed if I felt you up in public? Or turned on?
Do you want me to throw you on the bed or against the wall?
Pull the car over. This is where I want you.
How loud do you think we can get in the movie theater before someone else will hear?
I’m going to get you off without laying a finger on you.
Meet me on the roof. I set up a mattress for us.
You just showered. Let me do all the work so you don’t have to take another one.
I’m covered in grease from working on the car. Want to help me wash off?
I bought you a ring, so the handprint on your ass isn’t the only way people know you’re taken.
If I can’t have you in my bed, I at least need you in my arms.
I’m going to tell you what to do. And you’re going to like it.
I want more than a one-night stand. I want you. Forever.
Our babies would be drop dead gorgeous.
I love watching you squirm right before you come.
I’m going to lick, suck, and nibble on your lips. Then I’ll do the same on your other lips.
I just washed the sheets, so you can feel clean while we’re getting dirty.
I put a mirror on the ceiling, so you can see how beautiful you look making love.
Even in pajamas, you’re a temptress.
If sex isn’t fun for the both of us, I’m not doing it right.
Do you want your nipples covered in whipped cream or chocolate this time?
Don’t be afraid to get rough with me. I like it that way.
The reason the sex is so good is because I love you so much.
Sex isn’t over when I come. It’s over when you come.
Hold me close and kiss me hard.
I’m going to make you forget all of your exes’ names.
I installed better lights in here, so I could get a good look at every piece of you.
I’m going to make you pancakes and then make you come.
Do you want your morning coffee or morning oral first?
If you’re not naked yet, you’re going to be soon.
Fantasize about the hottest guy you know. I won’t mind.
I’m going to rename your birthday “multiple orgasm day.”
Tell me where to kiss you, lick you, and suck on you. You’re the boss.
Your naked body is just as beautiful as your naked soul.
You’re not a sex object. But you could be a sex symbol.
When we’re done having sex, I’ll go pick up some Chipotle for you.
Come in here, so you can come on my face.
Mother Nature sure knew what she was doing when she made you.
Fuck me as hard as you’ve been kissing me.
I’m going to kiss every inch of your back while you dig your nails into mine.
I won’t stop until I hit your G-spot.
I want to have hot make-up sex, but I could never fight with you.
Your mind is even brighter than your eyes.
I don’t even need to touch your body. I’m happy just admiring it from afar.
Let’s play strip Scrabble.
Wear your favorite skirt today, so we can have a quickie in the park.
Forget kissing in the rain. Let’s try fucking in the rain.
I’ve been eating better, so I taste good for you down there.
Sit on my face or on my cock.
If you keep your heels on, I’ll keep my suit on.
That diamond necklace I bought you looks amazing in between your cleavage.
The safe word is, “I love you.”
I’ll put on my cop uniform if you let me handcuff you.
I want to listen to you talk about your day, and then listen to you scream all night.
I knitted you a blanket for us to fuck on.
I cooked dinner for you and the hot guy I invited over for a threesome.
I already made the bed, so let’s have sex on the couch instead.
I dropped the kids off at their grandparents’ place, so we’d have the house to ourselves.
I can’t decide if I should grab your hand or grab your ass.
You’re about to have the strongest orgasm of your life. That’s a promise.
Flip onto your stomach. It’s massage time.
We should talk a jog around the block, and then help each other clean off in the shower.
Your cooking is just as delicious as your pussy.
I finished your chores for the day. Now you have extra time to spend in bed.
Somehow, you look beautiful and sexy at the same time.
I baked you a chocolate cake, but I saved some of the icing to use on you.
I just soaped up the dishes. Now I’m going to soap up your body.
I just put gas in your car, so we can keep the radio on while we make love in the back seat.
I love playing with your hair while I slide myself into your wet pussy.
I organized your closet for you, so now there’s room in there for us to fuck.
Take a nap. I’ll wake you up with my tongue.
You don’t need blankets. My body will keep you warm.
I bought you roses. If you want, we can sprinkle the petals over our bed.
I’m turning my computer off, so my whole focus can be on turning you on.
Let’s cuddle, so I can feel that tight ass pressed up against me.
I tidied up the kitchen table, so I’d have another place to toss you.
I bought you new curtains, so the neighbors won’t see what I’m about to do to you.
I went grocery shopping today. The fridge is filled with whipped cream and chocolate.
I poured you a cup of water. You’ll need it when I’m done with you.
I’ll paint your toes for you if you let me suck on them later.
Put that erotic novel away. I’m going to put it to shame.
I booked us a honeymoon suite, so we could make love in style.
I cooked you breakfast. I hope it’s as tasty as you are.
Do you want me to rub your feet or your clit?
My credit card is all yours, as long as your body is all mine.
I made you a bath and a drink to go with it.
I just chewed your favorite gum, so my lips will taste as delicious as yours.
Let’s slow dance without music, and then fuck with it.
I’d take you for a long drive, but I’d rather pull you over to fuck you five minutes in.
You make my life so easy, but my dick so hard.
Want to try an experiment with mints, my tongue, and your vagina?
You should sleep in today. I’ll take care of everything.
Do you want me to sing the song I wrote you or read the poem I made you?
I ordered us pizza. Now you get to order me around.
Your snores are just as cute as your moans.
I can’t find one flaw on that stunning face.
You look like a goddess, even when you’ve just rolled out of bed.
Don’t you dare put clothes on. The world deserves to see that beautiful body.
Do you want me to give you a strip tease or a lap dance?
You can hold the remote, as long as I can hold your other hand.
You belong on a catwalk, along with all the other supermodels.
Turn around, so I can kiss the nape of your neck and the small of your back.
You’re even hotter than the girl of my dreams.
I bought you a new throw pillow, so you have something to squeeze when you orgasm.
Your heart is even bigger than your boobs.
I don’t know which set of lips I like kissing more.
I could fuck you forever, but I’ll settle for dating you forever.
I love your makeup, but I love the face beneath it even more.
I want my hand in your hand and my cock in you
Read more: http://ift.tt/2fOwaNu
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Relive Some of Our Favorite Gross Moments in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is many things. One of the most unique properties in the entire world of anime, it is constantly oscillating between hot-blooded action, clever strategic planning, over-the-top theatrics, and even slapstick comedy. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is confident in many things, one of which is its own ability to completely gross out its viewers. If you’re keeping up with the latest season, Golden Wind, you’ve already seen a truly bizarre prank played on Giorno courtesy of Abbacchio. Giorno handled it like a star, but it got me thinking: could this be the grossest moment in all of JoJo’s? Looking back five seasons in, it's had a lot of gross moments. Over the many decades he's worked on it, creator Hirohiko Araki's brilliant creative mind has produced a never-ending stream of diabolically golden situations, and David Production's adaptation has perfectly illustrated them at every turn. So, I decided to go back and try and find as many moments from the series that were just as gross, if not grosser.
A Head of the Curve
At this point in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, fans had already seen some pretty wild stuff. Cats ate puppies, mustachioed men punched frogs, and a severed head spit roses at immortal vampires. Despite this, I don’t think anyone was quite prepared to watch a severed head use its own blood vessels as lassos for some good ol’ fashioned body snatchin’. Just a talking head by itself? Sure, that’s fine. I’ve seen plenty of those over the years. Some blood coming out of it? No problemo. Arteries, though? Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine. Some parts of the body were simply never meant to be autonomously wielded. Being immortal sounds cool, but if that’s what it gets me, I think I’m good for now.
Something of a Similar Vein
Oh, now this one is perfect. See, not only do we get everything gross with the vein stuff from before, but not we ALSO get gross nail stuff thrown in as an added bonus. Esidisi of the villainous Pillar Men fancies himself a master of boiling blood, which is exactly what t sounds like. He ejects his own arteries from beneath his skin and pours his own raging hot blood onto his enemies to defeat them. To top it all off, he just has to go and lift up his fingernails like tiny keratin cellar doors so that the boiling hot blood vessels can get out. It’s a good thing I’m not a Joestar, because I would just lay down and start crying right there.
Esidisi Hitches a Ride
What, did you think Esidisi was done being just the grossest imaginable thing alive? You’re dead wrong, buster. This ungodly monstrosity survives death as nothing more than a brain and—you guessed it—mass of blood vessels. He hitches a ride on Joseph’s back and possesses the body of Suzi Q. before finally being defeated by Joseph and Caesar. This might very well be the grossest fight in all of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. If nothing else, it sure is a sight to behold.
Also, Joseph peeps on his mom in this episode. To be fair, he doesn’t know she’s his mom yet, but that’s still pretty gross, dude.
Cherry Boy
Stop that.
A Lesson in Infrastructure
Question: what do you do when you accidentally build a pig pen too high below your restaurant right below the restrooms? Apparently, what you do is give your customers a stick and tell them to go to town on it. Another thing you could apparently do is just forego paper and let it lick your butt instead. I’d also like to point out that in this same very scene, Polnareff finds the man who murdered his sister. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a great show.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure can be a pretty brutal show. All of its villains are built up to be some of the worst people imaginable so that their eventual deaths at the hands of our heroes become all the more satisfying. Death 13 eats it harder than anyone else in the entire series. Like, literally. Kakyoin literally forces an evil baby to eat his own poop. At one point in Diamond is Unbreakable Josuke turns a guy into a rock and he still got it better than Death 13. Never under any circumstances mess with Kakyoin and his naps.
A Man of Culture
I don’t know about you, but if I found out that my favorite manga artist lived down the road, went to go get his autograph, and subsequently found out that he liked to lick spiders, I would respectfully excuse myself and move the next day. Listen, I don’t think René Magritte needed to sit around all day eating pictures of pipes to paint some art. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion his art was better BECAUSE he didn’t do that, but hey, what do I know?
Cannibal Rat-Infested Japanese Farmhouse
This one’s another prime contender for grossest moment in all of JoJo’s. After tracking down a rat that became a Stand user, Josuke finds it in an abandoned farmhouse taking food from a fridge. Only, it’s not actually abandoned. Its owners are just a writhing mass of melted flesh the rat put into the fridge as a living food source. This nightmarish power is somehow used to comedic effect when Jotaro acts completely nonchalant over his own arm melting off.
Nailed It
I know that he murdered, like, a lot of people and all, but this is probably the worst thing Yoshikage Kira ever did. Just use a trash can, dude.
I Think That's His Tell
Last, but certainly not least, we have the canonical proof that aliens have extremely weak stomachs. Protip: next time you decide to cheat at a game of cee-lo by having your friend turn into dice and rig the game in your favor, make sure he has a tiny little bucket at the ready.
While all of these moments do gross me out, I can’t even begin to imagine a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure without them. Each and every one of them was used to either uncomfortably terrifying or completely hilarious effect. Part of what makes JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure so special to me is its unparalleled ability to juggle so many different tones at once and still nail every beat perfectly.
Which of these moments is your favorite? Are there any others you think belong on this list? Let us know in the comments below! Now if you’ll excuse me, I think my tea is ready.
Danni Wilmoth is a Features and Social Videos writer for Crunchyroll and also co-hosts the video game podcast Indiecent. You can find more words from her on Twitter @NanamisEgg.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
1,001 Phrases That Would Turn Women On If Men Actually Said Them
Getting a girl horny isn’t complicated. Men just think that it is, because they don’t say the right things at the right time. They need to mix some sentimentality in with their sexuality.
God & Man
I’m going to go down on you, and I won’t even let you think about returning the favor.
I cleaned the kitchen today, so I’d have room to fuck you on the table.
Your ass looks just as amazing in those sweatpants as it does in your little black dress.
I love playing with your hair… And your pussy.
Do you want a back massage, a foot massage, or both?
I’d put on music, but I don’t want to drown out the sounds of your sexy little moans.
Don’t stop me once you come, because I’m planning on giving you multiple orgasms today.
I bought you a new vibrator so I can thrust and play with your clit at the same time.
Do you care if my tongue is between your legs when you wake up in the morning?
Your mind is just as sexy as your tight little body.
I can’t decide if your tits or your pussy is more delicious. Give me another taste.
I bought some handcuffs and a blindfold. Should I put them on you or me?
I baked you some dessert, so you can eat it while I eat you.
Do you want to have sex in bed or in the bath I just made you?
I had a hard-on all day, because I couldn’t stop thinking of that beautiful face.
Your laugh turns me on even more than your tits do.
I stuck your clothes in the washer, and now I’m going to fuck you on top of it.
I’ve never gotten so horny just by kissing someone.
Do you want me to wake you up with breakfast in bed or oral?
I tidied up the bedroom, but I don’t mind if you mess up the sheets with me.
I had to shut off my porn, because none of the girls in it were as attractive as you.
I’ll do anything you want me to do, as long as you keep looking at me like that.
Do you want me to use my British or Irish accent tonight?
The feeling I get when you kiss me is even better than an orgasm.
I never thought I’d have a woman this stunning sharing the bed with me.
You deserve to relax, so I’m going to do all the work tonight.
Put me out of my misery and open up those long legs for me.
I’m dying to have sex with you, but you better cuddle me after.
Try not to ruin your manicure when you dig those nails into my back.
Want to bet on how many times I can make you orgasm in one night?
I can’t believe I get to call your beautiful body mine.
Let me show you how much I love you with my hips and lips.
I’m never going to stop telling you how hot you are, so you better get used to it.
We’re having sex in the car tonight, but you can pick where we park.
Do you want me to wear my suit or leather jacket?
Get on your back. I’ll take care of the rest.
Are you ready for a Magic Mike style strip tease?
I turned on Netflix for you, but you might have trouble concentrating while my tongue is circling your clit.
Tell me what I should do to you, because you’re in charge tonight.
I’ll put on any music you want, and then throw you into any position you want.
I made us dessert, but I want to eat it off of you.
Press those soft lips against every inch of my body.
I’m going to remember this moment when I’m jacking off later.
Your ass looks even sexier than the first time I saw it.
I bought you a bottle of wine, but that’s not the only surprise I have in store for you.
Get ready to be treated like the sexy, sultry woman you are.
Let me dominate you, so you don’t have to do any thinking tonight.
How can a woman be so adorable and sexy at the same time?
I want to see how long we can foreplay for before we can’t take it anymore.
I’m so lucky that the best sex I’ve ever had happens to be with the love of my life.
I want to browse through a bookstore with you, and then fuck you against one of the shelves.
I was just sucking on some ice cubes, but now there’s something else I want to suck on.
I went grocery shopping, and I picked up some of that vodka that always gets you horny.
I cancelled plans with the boys, because I couldn’t stop thinking about doing nasty things to my girl.
Looking at you fully clothed gets me harder than when I’ve seen any other woman naked.
Let’s go sit out under the stars while you sit on my head.
I’m going to play the guitar for you, so you can see how well I use my fingers.
Let’s see if I can make you come before the dinner I made you is done.
I watered the plants for you. Now it’s your turn to get wet.
I took your dog for a walk, but now I’m going to use the leash on you.
It’s time for your massage. Don’t worry, it has a happy ending.
I’m in the mood for a long drive where we blast music, talk about the universe, and bang in the back seat.
I learned how to sew, so I can fix your skirt after I tear it off of you.
I want to go down on you in the rain, so we both end up drenched.
I may have sprinkled the bed with rose petals, but you’re still the most beautiful thing in it.
Let’s have a picnic at the park, so we have a blanket to fuck on once we finish eating.
I’m going to eat you out in every room of this house. Today.
Don’t wear that uncomfortable bra today. I want to see those perky nipples through your shirt.
Let’s go for a walk on the beach, and find the best spot to make love in the sand.
I want to travel the world with you, so we can bang in every time zone.
I’d scream out your name, but you’re so fucking hot that I can’t even remember my own.
I want you to know I appreciate all the effort you put into your appearance.
The best part about you sucking my cock is the way those stunning eyes look up at me.
I bought us plane tickets to Paris. The catch is: We have to join the mile-high club.
I’d bring you to a museum, but I know we won’t see anything as breathtaking as you.
Do you want me to move my tongue up and down or in circles? Your choice.
I just finished mowing the lawn, so now the grass is soft enough for us to fuck on.
Your pussy alone is cuter than any painting I’ve ever seen.
Stop being such a tease, unless you want me to slide my cock in you right here and now.
You’re in charge of the TV remote tonight. But I’m in charge of your vibrator’s remote.
I’m taking you on a shopping spree, and then screwing you in the fitting room.
Let’s see how far we can go in the back of a movie theater.
I love the curtains you picked out, but let’s take them down and fuck against the window tonight.
I’m going to explode the second you wrap those beautiful lips around me.
I never knew how intense sex could be until I met you and your pretty little pussy.
Do you think I’m sneaky enough to slip into the woman’s restroom so we can fuck in the stall?
I rented us a hotel room, so we could make love out on the balcony.
The way you moan when I go down on you is hotter than having my own dick sucked.
My boss just left. Want to fuck me on my work desk?
I set up a video recorder, so we can relive this memory forever.
You don’t need to lose weight, so skip the gym and let me do all the exercising.
Your clit looks lonely. Let me fix that.
Put on an outfit you don’t mind being ripped off of you.
Those yoga pants make your ass look just as sexy as your thongs do.
Lay down. Let me show you how much I love you.
I’ve never felt skin this soft and smooth.
I’m going to kiss you until you’re begging for the foreplay to end.
We’re going to cuddle until it turns into sex.
Every time I hear your voice, I get hornier.
Do you want me to eat you out while you watch Supernatural or Sherlock?
I bought you lingerie. Was hoping you’d model it for me.
I wrote you a song, but the lyrics are a little raunchy.
Our sex is better than porn, and our love story is better than any fairytale.
I threw some logs on the fire, and now I’m going to throw you on the floor in front of it.
Get naked, so I can sketch your flawless body.
I’d tell you what I want to do to you, but it’s too naughty to say aloud.
Tell me your kinkiest fantasy, so we can act it out tonight.
I’m going to take you out for dinner, and play with your pussy under the table.
I bought you red roses, but that’s not the only way I’m going to show you I love you.
I downloaded your favorite rom-com, so we can recreate the love scene from it.
Let’s dance like no one’s watching and then fuck like everyone’s watching.
Just holding your hand makes me horny, because I know what those fingers can do.
I made you a playlist of songs we should fuck to.
I won you a stuffed animal, so I think I should get to stuff something into you.
You look just as sexy when you wake up as you do after hours in front of the mirror.
You look so good in that dress that I’m going to leave it on while I fuck you.
I’ll give you a manicure if you promise to use those hands on me later tonight.
I never want you to forget how sexy you are.
Your kisses are more intoxicating than whiskey.
Let’s sit outside and watch the sun go down while I go down on you.
Your pussy is even more delicious than your lips.
You’ve ruined me for sex with other women.
How do you look so innocent, but act so naughty?
Your sexy little moans are my favorite sounds.
I swear I won’t stop until you orgasm.
Bite down on my tie, so the neighbors don’t hear you moan.
Somehow, your brain is even hotter than your body.
You look even better in your work clothes than you look in your underwear.
Want to trade an orgasm for an orgasm?
Where do you want me to put my tongue first?
We’re in an elevator alone. Are you up for the challenge?
Check your phone. I sent you a text that I bet will get you wet.
I’m going to turn you on, just by using my voice.
Wear a skirt today, so I can fuck you without removing your clothes.
I had a wet dream last night, and you played the starring role.
Get on all fours. I’ll handle the rest.
I’ve been working out, so I could fuck you while I’m standing.
I’m going to start by kissing your hips, but you can pick where I finish.
I bought a uniform, so you could ride me while I wear it.
Take off from work tomorrow. You’ll be too sore to go in.
I’ll buy you a new puppy, as long as you let me bang you doggie style tonight.
That bra makes your tits look even more delicious than usual.
Get in the shower and get your hands against the wall.
I don’t know how you get my dick so hard just by looking at it.
Do you want me to suck on an ice cube before I suck on your clit?
You don’t need makeup. Your eyes are naturally gorgeous.
I feel bad for your exes, because I know how much they must miss this tight little body.
I’m going to do all the things your friends complain about their boyfriends never doing.
I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue. Want to see what else it can do?
Say my name. I love hearing it from the lips of an angel.
If you think there’s even one thing wrong with your body, you’re out of your mind.
When I’m inside of you, nothing else matters.
What celebrity do you want me to role play as tonight? Take your pick.
I took care of all of your chores. Now I’m going to take care of you.
Don’t make me come too fast. I want to enjoy this moment for as long as possible.
You’re too hot for Disney Channel, and too cute for porn.
No one has ever made me come as fast or as hard as you have.
I’m going to rub my cock against your clit until you come.
Nothing makes me happier than making you wet.
I would’ve made you coffee, but I figured oral would help you wake up faster.
Let’s skip the gym and work off our calories in bed instead.
Your boobs look even better out of your bra than they do in it.
I put some whipped cream on your ice cream, but left enough to spray onto your tits.
That belt looks cute on you. But it would be even cuter wrapped around your wrists.
I can’t wait until that gorgeous dress is draped across my bedroom floor.
Let’s find a drive-in movie, so we can make love while we watch.
Let’s go ice skating. If you fall on your ass, I’ll kiss it until it’s better.
Want to go horseback riding? You can ride me, afterward.
I bought us concert tickets, so we can kiss in front of your favorite band.
Would you rather make out or make love? I’m up for both.
Every little thing you do ends up turning me on.
Let’s go dancing, so you can grind that big ass against my cock.
We could go sightseeing, but I already know you’ll be the best sight I ever see.
If you meet my parents tonight, I’ll reward you with an orgasm.
Let’s play mini-golf. The loser has to give the winner oral.
How many places at the mall do you think we can find to fuck in?
I want to watch the sun rise with you, and then make love underneath it.
Forget about everything except coming as hard as you can.
What room should we have sex in first?
Tonight, you’re coming at least three times. No exceptions.
Let’s go to the amusement park. We’ll ride a roller coaster and then each other.
What song should I serenade you with tonight?
Let’s go down to the pond to feed the ducks. Then I’ll do a little eating myself.
You’re on your period, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun in the shower.
Let’s take a stroll through the park and find a secluded spot to fuck in.
I’m going to take you to a carnival, and if I don’t win you a prize, I’ll give you something even more special tonight.
I bought chocolate that we can either melt over strawberries or over your body.
Tonight, I’m going to thank you for all of the blowjobs you’ve ever given me.
We’re going on a cruise, so we can say we’ve fucked over the open ocean.
Your nerdiness is such a turn on.
How long do you think we can cuddle for before I get a boner?
I love feeling your pussy throb after you orgasm.
I know work has been stressful, so tonight is all about you.
We should take a dance class, so we’re prepared for our wedding day.
Tell me exactly what you need, because I’ll do anything for you.
There’s nothing sexier than hearing you talk about the things you’re passionate about.
I know it’s your period, so I bought you some chocolate and a new vibrator.
I want to get an apartment with you and make love on the floor.
I’m pretty sure my head belongs in between your legs.
I booked us a couple’s massage, but I’ll be the one to give you a happy ending when you’re done.
Show me how you touch yourself, so I can do it right.
I love you, and I’m not just saying that because you’re sleeping with me.
I bought you a new camera so we can film our own porno tonight.
Do you want me to be a cop, fireman, or repairman tonight?
I signed us up for a yoga class, just so I could see you in those tight pants.
I love the feel of your naked body pressed up against mine.
I installed a mirror on the ceiling, so you could watch yourself fuck me.
I bought flavored lube, so I’ll taste as delicious for you as you taste for me.
Where do you want me to come? It’s your decision, baby.
I’m going to suck on your tits until you can’t take it anymore.
I love touching you more than I love touching myself.
Want to play some games at the arcade? Or should we stay home and play with each other?
You always look the sexiest when you’re smiling.
I’d take you to a burlesque show, but your skin is the only skin I want to see.
Let’s make ice cream together and then make a baby together.
I don’t need to drink tonight. You’re intoxicating enough.
I’m tying your hands back, so you don’t have to do anything at all tonight.
We should play pool and then fuck on the table.
Do you mind if we attend a poetry reading so I can tell the world about you?
I’d buy us drinks, but I don’t want your beautiful face to get blurry.
Let’s have a movie marathon, and then make an R-rated movie of our own.
Want to go for a late night drive and fuck wherever we end up?
I rented a hotel room, so we can skinny dip in their pool.
Check the clock. It’s time for your clothes to come off.
I bought you an erotic novel so you’re always turned on before bed.
Tell me when you’re ready for round two and I’ll get to work.
If you bang me on the kitchen counter, I’ll clean up the mess.
Don’t spend too much time on your hair, because I’m going to be yanking on it soon.
Introducing myself to you was the best thing I’ve ever done.
Let’s play strip poker, so I can see every inch of that flawless body.
Would you be mad if I grabbed your ass in public?
Let’s go strawberry picking and then feed them to each other in bed.
Do you think we could have sex in the backyard without the neighbors seeing?
I’m taking you to an art gallery, so you can see something as beautiful as you are.
I want to make love to you underneath the stars tonight.
My cell phone is off. Now I want your pants off.
I’m going to do things to you I’ve never done to anyone else.
Let’s take an R-rated selfie.
I love running my rough hands over your soft skin.
I planned out a romantic day for you and a sexy night.
Every second spent with you makes me love you more.
You can either wrap your legs around my head or your mouth around my cock.
Do you want me to plant kisses on your neck or on your pussy?
I bought a new cologne you’re going to go crazy over.
Don’t fall asleep yet. We still have a long night ahead of us.
I bought us some costumes. Want to try them on?
I cut my beard just the way you like it.
If you go down on me once, I’ll go down on you twice.
Put on your favorite song and then fuck me to it.
Do you want me to be gentle or rough?
Everyone else is gone tonight, so you can be as loud as you want.
I’m going to nibble on your neck now.
Tell me what you want. I’m open to anything.
Keep moaning. It sounds like heaven.
I love feeling my cock inside of your pretty little pussy.
That shirt makes your tits look amazing.
I can’t stop thinking about how hot you looked last night.
I want to keep the lights on, so I can see every inch of you.
I want to run my tongue over your nipples, down your stomach, and onto your pussy.
The face you make when you come is so sexy.
My biggest fantasy was to fuck a girl like you.
You got me all worked up, just by walking into the room.
I’ve been daydreaming about your wet pussy all day.
I don’t want to fuck you. I want to make love to you.
Keep moving those hips. It’s sexy as fuck.
Your beautiful body deserves the most earthshattering orgasms.
I never realized how meaningful sex could be until we got together.
You’re mine tonight, and that isn’t ever going to change.
Help me put on the condom. I want to feel your hands over me.
My body wants you as badly as my heart does.
You have total and complete control over me.
I can’t believe how wet you are already.
I bought you handcuffs, so you can’t push my head away after I make you orgasm.
If I serenade you, will you strip for me?
I looked at your naughty pictures at work today, and I couldn’t get rid of my hard-on.
You’re too flexible for your own good.
Let’s fuck in the shower so it feels like we’re kissing in the rain.
Your lips feel like fire against mine.
Whisper in my ear again. I love that voice.
Dig your nails deeper into my skin.
I’m going to give you a lap dance you won’t ever forget.
It’s so sexy when you arch your back like that.
Give me your all, because I’m going to do the same.
I installed a stripper pole in the room. Do you want to try first or should I?
I’m going to tease your pussy with kisses.
I want to rub this ice cube across your entire body.
Bite down on my neck to keep from screaming.
I’m going to run my tongue across those luscious lips.
Want to play naked Twister?
I bought edible body paint for you, so we can lick it off of each other.
I don’t know if your hair or your skin is softer.
I’m going to start by sucking on your lips, and then move on to your lower lips.
Do you want me to give you tender kisses or passionate ones?
I’m never going to get over the delicious scent of your pussy.
Let’s build a pillow fort and than fuck underneath it.
I want to bang you in the kitchen, so I can cook for you after we’re finished.
How sexy would it be if I fucked you right now, in front of all these people?
I’m going to give you a full body massage that ends between your legs.
Are you ready for me to pull your hair and bite your neck?
Get on top of me. This time, I’m giving the orders.
I’m going to kiss your thighs until you’re begging for more.
Which famous movie kiss do you want to recreate tonight?
Don’t wear underwear. I want easy access to that tight pussy of yours.
All I’m wearing is an apron. Come take a peek.
I’m going to shove myself into you until the neighbors know my name.
I cleaned out the closet, so we could have a quickie inside of it.
Looking at someone so beautiful makes it hard to breathe.
I don’t think you’ve ever made me this hard before.
Your hot breath feels amazing against my skin.
Let’s hop in the pool and see how long we can kiss underwater.
The dishes are done. So is dinner. All I have left to do is you.
I can tell you’re stressed. Let me fix that.
You’re so much more than a sex object to me.
Do you want me to slide into you now or should I play hard to get?
I bet you can’t seduce me without removing your clothes.
Kiss me like that again and I’ll go absolutely nuts.
You’re as sexy as women come.
It’s cold in here. We better snuggle to keep warm.
I’m going to remove all of your clothes. With just my teeth.
Masturbate for me.
Get under the blanket with me. I have a surprise for you.
Let’s slow dance, so I can feel your body pressed against mine.
Are you feeling sore? I’ll rub the pain away.
I want that beautiful pussy pressed against my face.
If you suck on something of mine, I’ll suck on something of yours.
Let me see you from behind. It’s a great view.
I’m going to eat you out while you’re in the driver’s seat.
Let’s put on a peep show for the neighbors.
I picked up a copy of the Kamasutra. Which position do you want to try first?
Let’s take a road trip and fuck every hundred miles.
I want to try anal, but only if you want it as badly as I do.
You look tired. You should sit on my face and relax.
I bought lube, so you can feel as wet as you look.
I want to watch porn with you, and then make a porno of our own.
I’ve been flipping through Cosmo. I learned a few new moves for you.
Scratch me harder. I can handle it.
I’m going outside to wash the car. You should let me spray you, too.
You’re even more adorable when you let your hair down like that.
Let’s watch G-rated Disney movies while doing R-rated things.
What would you do if I fingered you in the middle of the movie theater?
Let’s walk through the woods and fuck like animals.
If you suck my dick, I’ll suck on your tits.
I feel selfish keeping you all to myself.
Do you want to fuck in a hot shower or a cold one?
Do you want me to put this vibrator against your clit or your nipples?
I’m going to give you the best oral sex of your life.
Should I use my tie on you as a blindfold or as handcuffs?
You look sexiest when you walk around in my boxers.
Stop moaning like that, or I’ll stick my cock in your mouth.
Do you want me to run my hands through your hair or pull it?
Everything on my bucket list involves fucking you.
I bought you silk sheets, so sex would be more comfortable for you.
I don’t want you. I need you.
You bring out my animalistic side.
A kiss from you means more than words can express.
Do you want me to fuck you from the front or from behind?
You’re my fetish.
I don’t care about the big game. You’re more important to me.
Even the way that you snore is a total turn-on for me.
That new perfume makes me want to bend you over the bed.
I made you a bath. Want to take it together?
I want to stimulate you mentally and physically.
I just put the kids to bed. Now I just have to get you in bed.
Should I fuck you on the carpet or the hard wood floors?
Every time I close my eyes, I see your beautiful body.
You don’t have to say a word to turn me on.
How does it feel when I touch you like this?
Yank on my tie to pull me closer.
I took a photo of you while you were sleeping. I hope you don’t mind.
I missed you so much. I can’t count the number of times I masturbated to you.
You make me feel like I’m stuck in a fairytale.
You’re even more beautiful in person than in the picture in my mind.
I want to run my hands over your hips and dig my nails into the bone.
I want to taste every part of you.
You look just as sexy in your pajamas as you do in your lingerie.
Do you want me to bring you home flowers or chocolates?
I’ll sing to you, but only if you pick the song.
I want to fuck you in the sand in summer and in the snow in winter.
I made a scavenger hunt for you. Hint: It ends in our bedroom.
You should sleep naked tonight, so I can feel your soft skin against mine.
No one could ever love your body as much as I do.
Your cleavage makes your tits look fantastic.
Do you like hearing me moan or hearing me talk dirty better?
I want you to start kissing your favorite part of my body. Now.
Do you want me to eat you out before or after you get in the bath I made you?
Do you want me to role play as a man in the Navy, Air Force, or Marines?
Whenever you touch me, it makes me believe in magic.
Let’s make love on the roof top, so we can feel like people are watching.
Do you want to touch me as badly as I want to touch you?
Your ass is as tight as your pussy.
Tell me which toy you want and I’ll buy it for you.
Do you want to have sex before we fall asleep or as soon as we wake up?
We should have sex in the craziest place we can think of.
Whenever you cross my mind, I can’t stop touching myself.
Do you want the lights on or off?
You’re not only hot, but you’re adorable, too.
Take that bra off. It must be uncomfortable.
Do you want missionary or cowgirl tonight?
Let me heat up your dinner and then heat you up after.
Do you have any clue how sexy you look?
Do you want me to wear boxers or briefs for you?
Leave lipstick marks all across my chest.
Grab a bottle of water, because I plan on tiring you out.
Hop in the shower with me, so I can soap up your body.
I’m going to give you everything I have to give.
Get under the covers and watch Netflix with me.
I’ll walk the dog if I can use his collar on you later.
I made another tattoo appointment, since I know you find ink sexy.
I made you a bath. How are you going to return the favor?
What kind of sex do you think we’ll have on our honeymoon?
Let’s hop on my motorcycle and find the most secluded spot we can.
Get out of those clothes and under the covers.
Look into my eyes while I fuck you.
I made you breakfast in bed, and now I’ll be giving you oral in bed.
Let’s pretend we’re teenagers again and make out under the bleachers.
Should I put on my leather jacket or my leather pants?
I rented a limo, so we can feel sophisticated while we fuck.
Hop on the washing machine, so you’ll shake even more than usual.
Let’s do yoga together. Naked.
Should I use my hands or tongue to stimulate your clit tonight?
Turn around. I want to see that beautiful butt.
I bought us tickets to Disney, so we can have sex at the happiest place on Earth.
Let’s fuck on the front lawn, so everyone can see how sexy you are.
I’m going to make us orgasm at the same time tonight.
I cleaned out the backseat of the car, so we have room to have some fun.
Your body is perfect. Don’t ever change it.
I bought new pillows, so you have something soft to scream into.
Let’s have sex in the library to see how quiet we can be.
Do you want to watch me lift weights or lift you?
Do you think we could fuck while on my motorcycle?
Skip the gym. We’re going to make each other sweat today.
I want to fuck you in front of the mirror, so I can see two of you.
I want to kiss you in a crowd, so everyone knows that you’re mine.
My car has tinted windows. No one will be able to see us fucking when they walk by.
Wrap those soft hands around my cock.
If you go down on me, I’ll make it worth your while.
Get in the hot tub with me, so we can heat things up.
I never want to leave this bed, as long as you’re in it with me.
Instead of lifting weights on that bench, we should make love on it.
Let’s head to the park and have sex on the swing set.
Which parking lot would be the most fun to fuck in?
Do you think sex in a graveyard is creepy or romantic?
I picked up a new dress for you, so you won’t get mad when I rip your other one apart.
Let’s head down to the church and sin together.
The kitchen is clean now, but it won’t be once I’m done with you.
I hung your clothes up to dry, but it’s time for the ones you’re wearing to get wet.
Let’s go for a hike and make love underneath a waterfall.
Hop on the trampoline with me. I want to see those tits bounce.
I bought you a new towel, you won’t get sand all over you when we fuck on the beach.
I’m going to put Netflix on, and then try to turn you on.
If you head over to the bedroom, I’ll put my head between your legs.
I bought you a yoga mat, so I can watch you do downward facing dog.
Let’s go camping, so we can make love underneath the stars.
Go suit shopping with me, so we can fuck in the dressing room.
I put up a hammock. Want to see if we can fuck in it?
We should go bowling. Loser gives oral.
The laundry room is empty. Let’s see how many washers we can use as vibrators.
I want to treat you like a lady, but I also want to stuff my cock in your mouth.
Let’s move this into the bedroom, shall we?
Your brain makes you seem even more beautiful to me.
You carry yourself like a goddess.
This classroom’s empty. Come in so I can teach you a thing or two.
Let’s play gynecologist.
I love talking to you as much as I love touching you.
Have you ever been mistaken for a model?
Your smile can turn me on from across the room.
I won’t be able to pay attention to the show when such a beautiful woman is sitting next to me.
Your confidence is the sexiest thing about you.
Kisses from you are the best part of my everyday.
Let’s go bathing suit shopping, so you can model for me.
My cock twitches every time I see you smile.
You look just as sexy in my sweatshirt as you do naked.
I want to drown in your love. And your pussy.
Your passion makes the sex ten times hotter.
The only girl I ever want to screw is you.
You’re not chubby. You’re just plain beautiful.
You might not be society’s version of perfect, but you’re my version of perfect.
Being around someone as sexy as you makes me feel sexy, too.
I love how well you move those hips.
You’re just as good in the kitchen as you are in the bedroom.
Somehow, you sound even hotter than you look.
I planned out our entire day. It starts with us having sex.
I can’t believe I’m so comfortable with a woman so hot.
Sexy doesn’t even begin to describe you.
Tell me what time you want to eat, and what time you want me to eat you.
You have excellent taste. And you taste excellent.
I’ve been working out, so I can fuck you for as long as you’d like.
That dress looks incredible on you, but I still want it off you.
You’re such a good girl, but I want to do such bad things to you.
Your sense of humor is just as sexy as your fashion sense.
I never liked my name until I heard you screaming it.
I can’t decide if I prefer listening to you talk or listening to you moan.
I hope you didn’t spend too much money on that outfit, because I’m going to rip it right off.
Your long legs would look even nicer draped over my shoulders.
I never knew what happiness tasted like until my tongue was on your clit.
Your pussy smells just as delicious as it tastes.
Your wish is my command.
I’ll do whatever it takes to make your body tremble and your pussy drip.
I can’t decide if I should kiss your forehead or slam you up against a wall.
You deserve the best, and I’m going to give it to you.
I like your personality just as much as I like your wet pussy.
The gym won’t improve your body, because you’ve already reached perfection.
Make beautiful babies with me.
Your hair is as soft and smooth as your legs.
You’d be the best mother and the best Victoria secret model.
The only thing prettier than your outside is your inside.
Your hair smells as good as your pussy tastes.
I want to try to paint you, but I’d never do your beauty justice.
I’ve been across the world, but you’re still the most breathtaking sight I’ve ever seen.
Everything sounds sweeter when it comes from your lips.
Those new heels make your butt look amazing.
How do you manage to look more and more beautiful every morning?
I bought you a diamond necklace, but I’m going to give you a pearl one later.
My daydreams about you are better than any porno.
Hearing you talk about your day is even sexier than dirty talking is.
I bought you a bracelet, so your wrists can sparkle as much as your eyes do.
Your lips feel as amazing against my neck as they do against my cock.
Your heart is as warm as your body is.
Your eyebrows look as perfect as your tits do.
I’m going to nibble on your ear and then your neck.
Do you want my tongue in your mouth or against your clit?
Let’s get drunk on wine and talk about the universe.
I want to make a bonfire, so you can eat s’mores while I eat you.
We should ride bikes on the beach and then you can ride me back at home.
Do you want me to play guitar or drums for you tonight?
I made you a bath, but you better be willing to share the tub with me.
Let’s shower together, so I can rub soap all over your juicy body.
I’m going to make your nipples as hard as my dick.
Your legs are as long as your eyelashes.
I challenge you to a game of Monopoly. Winner consoles the loser with kisses.
Let’s watch a baseball game and then fuck in the middle of the field.
I’m taking you to an adult shop and letting you buy any toy you want.
Get on your back, so I can get on my knees.
Turn your head so I can see that ass and those eyes at the same time.
Turn off the TV and let me turn you on.
Whenever I hear your voice, I fall in love with you all over again.
Your ass looks just as good in my boxers as it does in your thongs.
I want to marry you, so I can fuck my best friend every single night.
Let’s take a walk and talk about what our future apartment will look like.
My life wouldn’t be the same without your pussy.
Let’s watch the sunset together, so I can see two breathtaking things at once.
I love that skirt on you. I hope the wind blows it up, so I get an even better view.
Should I tell you how badly I want you in Italian or French?
I signed us up for couple’s yoga, so we can both be more flexible in the bedroom.
Your pussy is my favorite place in the whole world.
I grabbed a coffee for you. And now I’m going to grab that ass.
I’m going to buy us ice cream, and then run my cold tongue over your clit.
Let’s name a star after us and then make love underneath it.
We should take a walk through the woods and find a tree I can fuck you against.
I never liked going down on girls until I tasted you.
Open your legs. I’m going to lick away all of your problems.
I’m going to hug you from behind and then bend you over a table.
Do you want my hands, my tongue, or my cock in between your thighs?
After I’m done playing with the puppy, I’m going to play with you.
I can’t decide if I want to rip off your shirt or your skirt first.
Put your hand in my hand and your lips on my neck.
I’m taking you ice skating. Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up once we get home.
Let me give you a manicure, so you don’t have to pay someone else to do it.
I bought you a blindfold, so every time I touch you, it’ll feel intense.
Let’s go camping, so we can make love in our sleeping bags.
Should I get my next tattoo on my back or my chest?
I’m going to make you scream so loudly the neighbors will call the cops.
Your boobs are just perky as your butt.
I’m never going to the strip club again, because your body’s the only one I want to see.
You look stunning today. I need a picture of you.
You look just as pretty without makeup as you do with your cat eyes and red lips.
Forget 50 Shades of Grey. We’re going to have sex that would make for a way better story.
I love how passionate you are. It makes the sex extra hot.
I want you on top of me, so I can put those juicy breasts in my mouth.
That dress makes your tits look delicious.
I’m going down on you, and then I’m getting on top of you.
Should I make you coffee or a mixed drink?
You don’t have to shave. I like you just the way you are.
I can’t believe I get to have you when every guy wants you.
Guess what I’m about to do to that wet pussy of yours?
If you want to invite another guy in bed with us, I won’t mind.
I had a wet dream about you, and I’m about to turn it into a reality.
I promise you I’ll never stop loving you the way you deserve to be loved.
I got a new job with a new desk that I’m planning on banging you on.
Do you want to watch me masturbate or can I watch you?
You fuck even better than you kiss.
Let’s go dancing, since I know how well you can move your hips.
I set up a picnic for us. All you have to choose is the wine.
Do you want to cuddle and then have sex or vice versa?
Let’s go apple picking, and then we’ll pick out some new lingerie for you.
I can’t love you any harder, but I’ll certainly fuck you harder.
I don’t even care if I orgasm, as long as you do.
Let’s play truth or dare, so I can make you take your clothes off.
Don’t wear a bra today. Your boobs are perky enough without it.
I’d ask you to role play, but you’re the only one I want to sleep with.
There aren’t enough words in the English language to describe how hot you are.
Walk in front of me, so I can watch my beautiful girlfriend’s beautiful ass.
I’m taking you on a cruise, so we can bang on a boat.
I sprinkled rose petals on the bed and placed candles all around the room. Just because I love you.
I had an erection all day, because I kept thinking about seeing you.
I could never get tired of your beauty.
Don’t drink too much. I want you to remember what I do to you tonight.
I’m paying for dinner, but you’re going to be my dessert when we get back home.
After the zoo, we should go back home and fuck like animals.
I’m taking you to the botanical gardens, so you can pick out what type of flowers you want for our future wedding.
Your soft skin makes my dick so hard.
You’re crazy if you think there’s a woman out there hotter than you.
Should we fuck while the sun rises or sets?
I’m taking you on a shopping spree. At Victoria’s Secret.
I love the way you look at me when you’re turned on.
I learned sign language, so I could tell you I loved you without saying a word.
I never knew it was possible to love a woman’s brain as much as her body.
I can tell you’re wet, just by the way you’re looking at me.
I’m going to fuck you like a princess who’s been locked away for years.
I’ll never get over the taste of your lips.
I’m going to start by whispering your name, but I’ll finish by screaming it.
I kicked my roommate out. Be as loud as you want.
All I want to do is make you orgasm. Don’t disappoint me.
If your knees aren’t shaking by the time I’m finished with you, I’ll just eat you out all over again.
You know we’re going to have sex if you keep giving me that smirk, right?
You’re either going to make my dick explode or my heart explode. I don’t know which.
I’m the guy you’ll be fucking for the rest of your life, so you better enjoy it.
Your hands can do what other girls’ mouths can’t.
I never thought I had a foot fetish until I saw you in those sandals.
I’m making you come. I don’t care if it takes five minutes or five hours.
My cock needs your pussy more than my lungs need air.
Close your mouth and open your legs.
It’s time for you to forget about everything in the world except my tongue.
I’ll unzip your dress if you unzip my jeans.
That lipstick looks gorgeous. Give me a taste.
I got a hot tub installed, just so I could see you walk around in that tiny bathing suit.
I want to have angry sex, but I could never be mad at you.
I’m going to fuck you so hard I’ll break the bed.
I was going to buy you Starbucks, but I think morning sex will help you wake up better than coffee ever could.
Want to have shower sex? You can choose the temperature.
I’d talk dirty, but I don’t want to disrespect a princess.
We’re proof that sex is best when love is involved.
I have one thing on my mind. You.
I’d ask you to 69, but I’d rather have tonight be all about you.
My life would suck without you sucking me off.
We should have sex under the Christmas tree, since you’re the best gift I’ve ever gotten.
Let’s try having sex in the snow. You’re hot enough to melt it.
I want to fuck you in my childhood bedroom, because you’re sexier than the posters on the wall.
We’ll never get to have goodbye sex, because I’m never going to let you go.
Let’s take a vacation somewhere we can drink everyday and fuck every night.
Forget your bathing suit. I want you in your birthday suit.
Run your hands through my hair and yank as hard as you can.
Let’s see how many stores we can make-out in before the police get called.
Tonight’s all about BDSM because I L-O-V-E you.
We could have a quickie, but I’d rather give you the time and attention you deserve.
I grew out my beard just the way you like it.
Do you want me to sing you to sleep or seduce you with my guitar?
I’m going to drive you across the country, so I can fuck you in every state.
I keep falling for you and my dick keeps rising for you.
Don’t let me fall asleep until we’re both satisfied.
I want you to kiss me up my jawline and nibble on my ear.
You’re a 10, based on your legs alone.
How does it feel being the girl I’ll be spending the rest of my life with?
You’re so far out of my league, it’s ridiculous.
Let’s go to a bar and count how many men check you out.
We’re going to have sex in every bathroom in this restaurant.
You can’t expect me to keep my hands to myself when you look like that.
Your vagina is a work of art.
I don’t need alcohol, because I’m already drunk on your body.
Hop in the back of my truck. That’s where we’re fucking tonight.
If I die tonight, I’ll die happy.
I came up with date ideas for every day of the week and sex ideas for every night of the week.
Do you want to have a Netflix marathon or a sex marathon?
Period sex can relieve cramps and headaches, so get those pants off.
You get better in bed every time we do it.
I bought us a new mattress, since we wore out the old one.
If you keep fucking me this good, I’ll marry you.
I put on my tightest jeans, so I could do a striptease for you.
I’m going to tease you until you beg me to come inside you.
Do you want me to make you come with my mouth, fingers, or dick?
I want your pussy lips pressed up against my lips.
Do whatever you want to me. I’m open to anything and everything.
No talking. No moving. Just moaning.
So what if it’s your period? Get in the shower with me and it’ll be just fine.
I’m going to treat you like a princess today and like a porn star tonight.
Do you want me to keep my suit on while you ride me?
I’m going to kiss all of that lipstick off of you.
Pick a movie you don’t mind fucking during.
You stimulate my mind as well as you stimulate my body.
I want you to run those pretty nails over my thighs.
Even if I kissed you every hour of every day, it still wouldn’t be enough.
My dick is addicted to you, but my heart is, too.
I love when you shake your booty like that.
You’re flexible enough to be a gymnast.
I want to make your days sweeter and your nights wetter.
You make me want to be a better lover.
Let’s walk around a museum, and then use body paint to make our own portraits.
You’re a great fuck, but you’re an even better friend.
My favorite time of day is when we’re having sex or snuggling.
Your feelings mean even more to me than your pussy does.
I want to fuck you under the moonlight.
You’re delicious, from your forehead down to your toes.
We make the best team between the sheets and on the streets.
Even without the sex, you’d still make my life better than it’s ever been.
I’m going to teach you something new in bed tonight.
I’m going to put you first in the bedroom and in life as a whole.
You deserve an intense orgasm, and I’m going to give it to you.
Never change a hair on this beautiful body.
When I’m inside you, I feel like I’m finally where I’m meant to be.
Your tits are almost more fun to play with than your pussy.
I hope you don’t mind that I’m undressing you in my mind.
You move your hips better than Beyonce.
You look like a bombshell in that ball gown.
How do you look that good this early in the morning?
You deserve a break, so get on your back.
We’re going on a road trip, so we can feel like the only two people left in the world.
I’m glad we met, because I could never orgasm this hard without you.
Keep your glasses on. I want you to see everything I’m about to do to you.
My life started the moment I pressed my lips against yours.
Your skin is as radiant as your smile.
Even when you’re old and grey, you’ll still be the most beautiful woman around.
I don’t want to ruin your lipstick, so I’ll be the one leaving kisses all over you.
I love you more than I love sex.
My bed is the most comfortable when you’re in it with me.
Let’s watch Disney movies and cuddle.
I can’t wait to fuck you in a wedding dress.
Use those sparkling teeth to bite down on my neck.
Give me a hickey, so everyone knows I’m yours.
You look like you need a long, hot bath and then a long, hot dick.
Take your clothes off. Leave the lights on.
Your perfume alone turns me on.
I want you in every way, everyday.
I’m going to bend you over the balcony, so you have as nice of a view as I do.
I picked up a copy of the Kama Sutra for us.
Ride me while I suck on your tits and play with your clit.
I can’t believe I found a girl who loves pizza, beer, and my body.
You’ve had a long day. Fall asleep on my chest.
I still can’t believe I get to start my mornings with you and end my days with you.
If you keep sending me those dirty sexts during work, I’m going to quit so I can stay home with you.
I could spend all day in this bed with you, even if we had to keep our clothes on.
Everything on my bucket list involves you.
You’re a sex goddess.
I understand your body even better than my own.
Do you want me to play with your pussy, your nipples, or your ass?
You look ridiculously hot when you think no one’s paying attention.
I washed the dishes for you, so you wouldn’t have anything to worry about while I go down on you.
Press your chest against mine, so our hearts are as close as they can be.
I’ll give you my all if you promise to do the same.
I want to make you feel things you’ve never felt before.
Do you think it’ll be harder to kiss underwater or have sex underwater?
Let’s go horseback riding, and then fuck in the barn.
Instead of having fun in our bed, let’s hop in my truck bed.
I got my tongue pierced. I heard it makes oral more intense.
I put down a blanket, so we can bang on the floor without hurting your back.
I’m getting a tattoo in a place only you’ll be able to see.
We’re having sex on the staircase, so I can penetrate you at the perfect angle.
Run your tongue along my muscles.
Your bitchy roommate’s gone. Let’s do it in her bed.
I’m going to try something that’ll leave you breathless.
Get undressed so I can paint you like one of Jack’s French girls.
How romantic would it be to make love by a waterfall?
I bought condoms. Your safety’s my first priority.
Bend over with your hands against the window.
I rented a limo, because you deserve a classy fuck.
I picked up some tampons and a vibrator, so your period’s easier on you.
Let’s have sex in the library and then read each other to sleep.
I want sex to be comfortable for you, so I bought more lube.
Get your ass on the washer, so you can feel your clit shake.
I’m going on a search for your G-spot tonight.
Would you be pissed if I felt you up in public? Or turned on?
Do you want me to throw you on the bed or against the wall?
Pull the car over. This is where I want you.
How loud do you think we can get in the movie theater before someone else will hear?
I’m going to get you off without laying a finger on you.
Meet me on the roof. I set up a mattress for us.
You just showered. Let me do all the work so you don’t have to take another one.
I’m covered in grease from working on the car. Want to help me wash off?
I bought you a ring, so the handprint on your ass isn’t the only way people know you’re taken.
If I can’t have you in my bed, I at least need you in my arms.
I’m going to tell you what to do. And you’re going to like it.
I want more than a one-night stand. I want you. Forever.
Our babies would be drop dead gorgeous.
I love watching you squirm right before you come.
I’m going to lick, suck, and nibble on your lips. Then I’ll do the same on your other lips.
I just washed the sheets, so you can feel clean while we’re getting dirty.
I put a mirror on the ceiling, so you can see how beautiful you look making love.
Even in pajamas, you’re a temptress.
If sex isn’t fun for the both of us, I’m not doing it right.
Do you want your nipples covered in whipped cream or chocolate this time?
Don’t be afraid to get rough with me. I like it that way.
The reason the sex is so good is because I love you so much.
Sex isn’t over when I come. It’s over when you come.
Hold me close and kiss me hard.
I’m going to make you forget all of your exes’ names.
I installed better lights in here, so I could get a good look at every piece of you.
I’m going to make you pancakes and then make you come.
Do you want your morning coffee or morning oral first?
If you’re not naked yet, you’re going to be soon.
Fantasize about the hottest guy you know. I won’t mind.
I’m going to rename your birthday “multiple orgasm day.”
Tell me where to kiss you, lick you, and suck on you. You’re the boss.
Your naked body is just as beautiful as your naked soul.
You’re not a sex object. But you could be a sex symbol.
When we’re done having sex, I’ll go pick up some Chipotle for you.
Come in here, so you can come on my face.
Mother Nature sure knew what she was doing when she made you.
Fuck me as hard as you’ve been kissing me.
I’m going to kiss every inch of your back while you dig your nails into mine.
I won’t stop until I hit your G-spot.
I want to have hot make-up sex, but I could never fight with you.
Your mind is even brighter than your eyes.
I don’t even need to touch your body. I’m happy just admiring it from afar.
Let’s play strip Scrabble.
Wear your favorite skirt today, so we can have a quickie in the park.
Forget kissing in the rain. Let’s try fucking in the rain.
I’ve been eating better, so I taste good for you down there.
Sit on my face or on my cock.
If you keep your heels on, I’ll keep my suit on.
That diamond necklace I bought you looks amazing in between your cleavage.
The safe word is, “I love you.”
I’ll put on my cop uniform if you let me handcuff you.
I want to listen to you talk about your day, and then listen to you scream all night.
I knitted you a blanket for us to fuck on.
I cooked dinner for you and the hot guy I invited over for a threesome.
I already made the bed, so let’s have sex on the couch instead.
I dropped the kids off at their grandparents’ place, so we’d have the house to ourselves.
I can’t decide if I should grab your hand or grab your ass.
You’re about to have the strongest orgasm of your life. That’s a promise.
Flip onto your stomach. It’s massage time.
We should talk a jog around the block, and then help each other clean off in the shower.
Your cooking is just as delicious as your pussy.
I finished your chores for the day. Now you have extra time to spend in bed.
Somehow, you look beautiful and sexy at the same time.
I baked you a chocolate cake, but I saved some of the icing to use on you.
I just soaped up the dishes. Now I’m going to soap up your body.
I just put gas in your car, so we can keep the radio on while we make love in the back seat.
I love playing with your hair while I slide myself into your wet pussy.
I organized your closet for you, so now there’s room in there for us to fuck.
Take a nap. I’ll wake you up with my tongue.
You don’t need blankets. My body will keep you warm.
I bought you roses. If you want, we can sprinkle the petals over our bed.
I’m turning my computer off, so my whole focus can be on turning you on.
Let’s cuddle, so I can feel that tight ass pressed up against me.
I tidied up the kitchen table, so I’d have another place to toss you.
I bought you new curtains, so the neighbors won’t see what I’m about to do to you.
I went grocery shopping today. The fridge is filled with whipped cream and chocolate.
I poured you a cup of water. You’ll need it when I’m done with you.
I’ll paint your toes for you if you let me suck on them later.
Put that erotic novel away. I’m going to put it to shame.
I booked us a honeymoon suite, so we could make love in style.
I cooked you breakfast. I hope it’s as tasty as you are.
Do you want me to rub your feet or your clit?
My credit card is all yours, as long as your body is all mine.
I made you a bath and a drink to go with it.
I just chewed your favorite gum, so my lips will taste as delicious as yours.
Let’s slow dance without music, and then fuck with it.
I’d take you for a long drive, but I’d rather pull you over to fuck you five minutes in.
You make my life so easy, but my dick so hard.
Want to try an experiment with mints, my tongue, and your vagina?
You should sleep in today. I’ll take care of everything.
Do you want me to sing the song I wrote you or read the poem I made you?
I ordered us pizza. Now you get to order me around.
Your snores are just as cute as your moans.
I can’t find one flaw on that stunning face.
You look like a goddess, even when you’ve just rolled out of bed.
Don’t you dare put clothes on. The world deserves to see that beautiful body.
Do you want me to give you a strip tease or a lap dance?
You can hold the remote, as long as I can hold your other hand.
You belong on a catwalk, along with all the other supermodels.
Turn around, so I can kiss the nape of your neck and the small of your back.
You’re even hotter than the girl of my dreams.
I bought you a new throw pillow, so you have something to squeeze when you orgasm.
Your heart is even bigger than your boobs.
I don’t know which set of lips I like kissing more.
I could fuck you forever, but I’ll settle for dating you forever.
I love your makeup, but I love the face beneath it even more.
I want my hand in your hand and my cock in you
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