#but now we have to drive four hours south just to take her to an appointment that NOBODY knew she had prior
multeasers · 7 months
Man who is consistently in looney tunes ass situations : how am I in a looney tunes ass situation
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bunnyhugs77 · 9 months
Daddy Daycare
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Pairing: Technician! Jungkook x Teacher's Assistant! Reader
Word Count: 7k
Part: 1, 2, 3
Series Content: daycare au, suggestive themes, love at first sight? dilf jk, mentions of antidepressants, mint jk and blonde jk, jk cant sleep, sexual themes, he's so whipped, toxic ex, minor baby mama drama, gold diggers, mentions of death, complicated family history, cute kid cameos, reader can't drive, jk is good with his hands, mentions of abusive relationships, so much fluff.
Other Series Content: soft dom! jk, muscle kink, pussy puts his ass to sleep, unprotected sex (just don't), oral sex (f! and m! receiving), brief choking, minor breeding kink, hickeys, brief dom! reader, reader makes him wait, intimate cuddling, praise.
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"Ready for a new year, Y/n?"
Your nose was filled with the smell of fresh paint and scotch tape as you and your co-worker Vanessa who goes by Ms. Powell when the class is swarming with bright and bustling four-year-old's.
The loud sound of ripping tape rang through your ears as you pasted the pieces onto the back of the welcome sign. The sun was hardly out as the two of you arranged to arrive at your new classroom bright and early at 5 am to finish off the decorations for the classroom.
"I can't believe the summer is finished already." You say with a rejuvenated smile. "I can only imagine how fast the time flies when you're travelling Europe." She reminds you of your two-week-long travels across the south of Europe.
Standing to your feet for what feels like the first time ever after hours of crouching and kneeling to finish up the decorations. "I think that's the last of it," with a puff of air and a pair of hands on your hips you smile to yourself, satisfied with the lively environment the two of you managed to create.
"I think we're ready," Vanessa says, cracking open a fresh whiteboard marker to sign your names on the board in a warm welcome.
With a quick glance down to your watch. "-and just in time too,".
The sun had peaked over the horizon no more than thirty minutes ago which means that theatrical parents would be rolling in any minute now to send off their kids to what could possibly be their first day away from them.
You both took the last few minutes to run down the hall and get changed, making sure you both looked ready to take on 22 pre-schoolers. Although you weren't the head teacher, you still had just as much of a responsibility as Vanessa did and it wasn't always easy.
The scar on your upper arm which was victim to the shark-like teeth of an ambitious little boy last year can attest to that.
You smiled warmly to some parents who passed by you in the halls on your way back to the classroom. Some familiar faces, some new, although based on the direction they were walking, they weren't any kids in your class.
By the time you returned to yours, there were already two parents bidding their farewells with their energetic offspring who were already reaching for the crayons you'd left on each table.
You slowly made your way to the front with Vanessa as the two of you prepared to introduce yourselves to the large crowd of parents and students that situated themselves around the room.
The energy was high, you could practically feel some of the anxiety and excitement from the crowd.
"Hello everyone!" Vanessa starts, clasping her hands together, "On behalf of Sunshine Circles Daycare, we want to give you all a warm welcome to our class."
Vanessa introduces herself professionally before briefly gesturing to you, cueing your smile, "And this is Ms. Hill, she will be assisting both me and the students around the classroom. I wouldn't be able to do this without her." You nod along, preparing yourself to speak.
"Yes, so if ever Ms. Powell is unavailable, don't be afraid to share any questions or concerns with me that you have about the class or your child." Out of sight, somewhere in the crowd a pair shuffled through the large group of bodies and made their way to the front.
"We're looking forward to-" You paused, your eyes meeting the eyes of the man who just emerged from the crowd while holding the small hand of who you presumed was his son, he looked a little younger than the rest of the parents, and significantly buffer if you must add.
You could see peaks of his soft blue hair sticking out from underneath his black beanie that matched his black wife beater. He flashes you a coy smile, so innocent and handsome to the point he'd made you forget your train of thought and completely forget what you were in the middle of saying.
"I think what Ms. Hill was about to say was that we're looking forward to having a wonderful year full of learning and fun." Vanessa fills in your blanks and all you could utter was a small 'mhm!'.
With that said, the parents that'd been here since the very beginning had naturally begun to take their leave, not without a tight hug and reassuring kiss to their child's forehead of course.
"Sorry we're late," You turn around, and it's as if the air was sucked out of your lungs. The man was even more stunning up close, but that was something you vowed you would never acknowledge again. He's the guardian of one of your students, it would be unprofessional.
"That's no problem at all, life happens," you chirp, almost too happily. "Isn't that the truth, Ryan here couldn't seem to find his favourite shoes and refused to wear anything but." The man smiles, and wow, even his smile was attractive.
If you thought his smile was contagious you just couldn't stop yourself from beaming when you finally looked down to meet Ryan's big grin. "Look! It's lightning McQueen!" He shouts, stomping his feet at one hundred miles a minute, the base of his sneakers flashing red and white as he does so.
"Your shoes are awesome! I wish mine could do that." You return his big energy with a bit of a softer tone, oblivious to the way the man is watching you intently. All of a sudden Ryan was hopping up and down, tugging on his dad's arm, "Can I colour?!" He points to the table full of markers and blank papers.
"Well, you're going to have to ask Ms. Hill first, okay buddy?" The man looks at you with a damn near glow in his gaze, "Of course it's okay. Use as many colours as you'd like." Before you could even finish your sentence, Ryan was long gone, only the flashes of his sneakers were proof that he hadn't teleported.
"Have you been teaching here long?" He asks, prompting you to shake your head. "This is actually only my second year teaching here," subconsciously his plump bottom lip found itself victim between his teeth. "Ah," he sighs.
There was a brief pause in your conversation. As if it were planned, both of your gazes dropped down to analyze the other's left hand, looking for any signs of that metallic band wrapped around the ring finger.
Seems like you were both in the clear, for now.
Your conversation resumed as if the ring inspection never even happened and soon the both of you were finally making introductions. "The kids call me Ms. Hill, but you're more than welcome to call me Y/n." That lip ring was taunting you as it sat so comfortably in his plush pink lips that stretched into a soft smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n, I'm Jungkook."
"Goddamn it." You mutter. Giving the projector another hard hit in the back as it flickered and failed to turn on. It had been giving you a hard time all week.
You're at least grateful it let you have a successful first week of the year but now it was acting up more than ever. Kids would be coming any minute and Vanessa was stuck in traffic, so you would somehow need to find a way to fix this and supervise all before--
"Good morning Ms. Hill," Never mind you think, giving the projector one last frustrated tap. Disregarding it as if it never happened and focusing on Jungkook and Ryan who just walked in.
Ryan shouts a cheery good morning of his own before getting his hands on the toy car he's grown fond of over the last week. Unspokenly declaring it as his own.
"I couldn't help but notice.. and hear your frustrations with the projector from down the hall. Something wrong?" He takes two confident strides towards the equipment with you trailing along.
"Yeah, it's been breaking down all week. I was hoping to show the kids a video today, but it seems I may have to improvise." He didn't respond with anything more than his warm smile as he laid his hand down on the top of the projector giving it a once over.
His brows furrow ever so slightly before he lets out a little laugh.
"What's so funny?" your arms cross instinctively, eyes never leaving his lean frame as he practically struts over to the outlet and properly plugs in the cord, the graphics now displaying perfectly on the screen.
"In all of my years working in tech, that may have been one of the hardest cases to solve." He teases and you subconsciously let your tongue poke the inside of your cheek, failing to hide an embarrassed smile.
You waved to the parents who were dropping off more students, "If you ever have any more technical issues, I'd be happy to help." He reaches into his back pocket and places one of his business cards in your hand. "I will, thank you."
You shook off whatever the hell it was that was bubbling in your stomach, and reminded yourself things were strictly professional and he was only offering to be nice, nothing more.
The weeks were flying by without you realizing it until Thanksgiving was mere weeks around the corner. Which meant today was show and tell. Vanessa instructed everyone to sit on the carpet in a big circle.
Yesterday you reminded parents to help their child to find something they loved at home so they could bring it to show and tell.
"Thanksgiving is a special day of the year where we-" Vanessa was in the middle of explaining from where she sat crisscrossed on the carpet in the circle while you picked up the abandoned crayons and papers on the desk.
"Eat lots of food," cute giggles filled the room from Carly's outburst. "Yes, that's right. We eat lots of food on Thanksgiving and it's a day to be grateful for everything you have. Can anyone tell me what it means to be grateful for something?"
The class had never been so quiet, full of scrunched brows and blank stares. "It means to be happy with what you have. How many of you have toys at home?" Almost all hands shot up at once, you were afraid someone would lose an eye.
"Do you like your toys,? The room filled with lots of loud and affirmative responses, "To be grateful for something like your toys means showing them extra love and saying thank you to your parents who bought them."
By the time you'd finished cleaning up and joined the circle, they were about halfway through the circle for show and tell, everyone getting a chance to say what they brought and why they loved it along with passing it around the circle.
"Thank you for sharing Ms. Cuddlepuff with us Riley."
"Ryan, what did you bring?" He practically lights up when his turn finally comes around. He introduced his favourite blue race car, and described it as fast and shiny, even holding it while he spun the wheels for us.
"What an amazing car! Do you want to pass it around?" He shakes his head. You tried to be gentle understanding why he wouldn't want to share, "Don't you want your friends to be able to see your amazing car too?" He shakes his head, hugging his toy close to his chest and scooting further back, removing himself from the circle.
"Ryan-" Vanessa tries to reason but he starts to yell, "I don't want to share! It's mine!" He stomps his feet, the lights on his shoes flashing red, a similar shade to his furious expression.
You looked over to Vanessa, the both of you deciding you weren't going to fight him on it.
"Okay Jamie, what did you bring today?" He shakes his head as if he is mimicking Ryan's behaviour. "I don't want to share either."
Oh boy.
Finding a way to get the rest of the class to share their objects had taken all of your willpower and the rest of the day, right until parents were walking in, ready for pick up.
"Hey," You smile as you watched Jungkook walk in wearing his typical white collared shirt with the top button open giving you only the slightest peak of the silver chain beneath that sat atop his honey-kissed skin--
"Daddy!" Ryan squeaked, running off to grab his coat and shoes.
"How was he today?" You tried to hide your regret but he noticed it, no matter how fast it flashed across your features. "What is it?" His voice was soft, welcoming any feedback.
"He had a bit of a hard time sharing during the show and tell. He didn't want his classmates to touch his car, which I understand but we try to encourage the students to be kind and share." Your heart was pounding, you always hated these kinds of talks.
You felt that it was just criticism, but in reality, it was just one rainy in comparison to one hundred sunny ones. Jungkook exhaled heavily. "I don't know what is with him and this car, he won't even let me hold it."
As if on cue, Ryan comes running back to his father with his jacket on and car in hand. His dad ruffles his hair playfully while the boy wraps his arms around his father's legs.
"I'm sorry about what happened. We're working on it, I promise." Nothing but sincerity rolled off his tongue as he looked down at the child who clung to his jeans.
"Come on buddy, let's go. Say bye to Ms. Hill."
"Bye, Ms. Hill!" He waves back to you before walking out the door.
As the clock rolled closer the 4:30, all the kids had gone home and it was just you and Vanessa going through the schedules for tomorrow.
"So how long are you gonna keep flirting with Ryan's dad." maybe you'd put on too much lotion earlier, it was pure coincidence that your pencil had immediately fallen from your hand.
She laughs as if something were hilarious. "I am so not flirting with him." She rolls her eyes, "Oh please, I have never seen you spend nearly half as much time talking to the other parents as much as you talk to him. Not to mention the hearts in your eyes."
You let your head fall into your hands out of sheer embarrassment, "I don't know what to do!" You almost shriek into your sweaty palms.
"A word of advice, save yourself the trouble and don't get involved. I don't believe that he's married but that doesn't mean there are no strings attached either. Believe me, I've been there, things can get messy and it's just not something you want."
Vanessa was bout seven years older than you, somewhere around 32 so you always took her advice to heart. "But didn't you end up marrying them, and then have two children?" She goes silent. "Yeah, well life is unpredictable."
You groan, letting your body fall back onto the carpet.
"Attention passengers, This is your driver speaking. I regret to inform you that we are currently experiencing a mechanical issue, and the bus has broken down. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."
Your head rolled back and hit the wall behind you. This is fantastic. It was supposed to be a great day today. It's Friday today. Specifically the last day before your three-day long weekend before the long weekend with Thanksgiving falling on the Monday.
You checked the time, 7:45. You should be there in 10 minutes, and honestly, you considered getting off the bus and walking but there were about 4 inches of freshly fallen snow from last night covering the city and it was far too cold to embark on such a journey at this time of day.
You wouldn't be there until 9 at the earliest.
"Have a great day Ryno. Daddy loves you." Jungkook places a quick peck on Ryan's forehead watching him join his friends. He couldn't help himself from scanning the class for you, wondering where you were.
In the meantime he approached Vanessa, handing her a small gift box. "I know Ryan has such a big personality, so here's a little something to help you get through the day." He smiles, "Happy Thanksgiving."
She was shocked to be receiving a gift for Thanksgiving, she usually only expected them around the holidays. It was a $50 gift card to her favourite coffee shop, she has their signature cup of coffee on her desk every morning. "Thank you, Mr. Jeon, this is incredibly thoughtful, and Ryan is such a delight to teach."
"I also have something for Ms. Hill, but I haven't seen her. Is she away today?" Vanessa's brows scrunched, realizing that you would usually be there by now. Her phone begins to ring, "Oh- This is her calling now." Jungkook didn't know whether to stay and listen but he couldn't bring himself to walk away.
"Your bus broke down? Where?"
"East of Park Avenue? That's 30 minutes away." Jungkook's brain was doing summersaults around a mental map he was programming in his head trying to locate where you were based on the information he was hearing.
The conversation continued for a minute more until it ended with Vanessa reminding you to 'stay warm'. "God, that's terrible. It's freezing outside." Jungkook frets and Vanessa manages to contain her thoughts from expressing themselves on her face, suppressing the smirk and opting for a head nod instead.
No less than 5 minutes had passed when Jungkook found himself behind the wheel driving towards your location. The minutes passed like seconds when he spotted the bus sitting on the side of the road.
Parking right behind it, he stepped out of the car and walked along the sides of it trying to spot you, but you saw him first. At first, you couldn't believe it but once you saw that ring tucked into his bottom lip, all doubts were gone.
You grabbed your bag and stepped off the bus, meeting him there at the steps. Looking down at him as the snow gently fell on his beanie, neither of you spoke. Your eyes seemed to be doing all the talking.
"Er-hem." Someone cleared their throat behind you, letting you know that they also wanted to get off and you were blocking the way. Apologizing you stepped off and to the side.
"What are you doing here?"
"I heard about what had happened and I couldn't stand there and do nothing. It's freezing out here." You could hardly look at him, he was just too cute, his nose and cheeks were beginning to turn a little rosy from the cold breeze that swept the snow across the sky.
"You came all this way just to give me a ride?" There were puffs of condensation with every breath and he nodded slowly, a little afraid he was coming off as a creep. "Y-yeah, I hope that's alright with you."
"That's perfectly fine with me, let's go before I lose feeling in my fingers for good." he snickers as you practically run towards the car that he'd unlocked.
You were so relieved to be sitting in a warm car with heated seats.
It was no time before Jungkook pulled out and began the careful drive back to the daycare.
The silence was comfortable and it gave you time to focus on regaining feelings in your limbs.
"I never knew that you took the bus," Jungkook starts, turning your face away from the flurries that fall outside the window and landing on the side of his face as he feigns concentration on the road.
"It's my only option since I don't drive," Jungkook's jaw fell open. He tried to catch it in time but it was too late, "Yeah yeah I know. I'm 25 and I don't drive." He takes advantage of the red light to face you, "There's no shame in that. I didn't mean to come off as judgy I was just surprised."
"No, I know. I'm not mad, I'm actually used to it. " The silence resumes, "Is there a reason why you don't drive?" He immediately regretted asking, he felt like he was prying and didn't want to make you uncomfortable. You were already in his car for god's sake.
"You don't have to-"
"I was 19." 
Never mind, he thinks. You seemed more than ready to share.
"I was coming home from school, I had just finished my first exam of many, the roads were dark and I was tired. I thought I saw something run across the street but I told myself I was seeing things. Suddenly there was a thud. My car rocked over and over again, so finally, I stopped. I got out and I was terrified to see the trail of blood that ran behind my wheel. There was a black cat that got caught on my tires and kept getting dragged and rolled around for 20 yards."
Jungkook's hand had somehow found its way cupped over his mouth throughout your story, nothing could have prepared him for a story like that.
"I'm a monster. I know. I've never driven since that day. It's best for the world If I simply don't drive." Now resuming his driving, he took one hand off the wheel to place on your shoulder. "Don't talk like that. You're not a monster. It's not your fault. It's not like you did it on purpose. I'm sure the cat forgives you."
You shake your head, "It doesn't change what I did."
Somehow the conversation had taken a brighter turn to the long weekend. "What are your plans for the weekend?" You ask him as he turns into the parking lot of the daycare.
"Same as always, Ryan and I will probably watch movies, cook and do some crafts." Your heart warmed at the engaged weekend he had ahead of him. "That sounds so sweet. I'm sure you guys have loads of fun." He nods, "How about you?"
You laugh sadly, "My parents decided to ditch the cold weather this year and headed to Florida a few weeks ago, so I'll be thankful for wool socks and gossip girl." he laughs.
"You know, It'd be a shame to spend the holidays on your own. You're more than welcome to join our festivities." you looked out the window, not in disinterest but so that he couldn't see the way your cheeks tinted pink.
He parks, "No I wouldn't want to impose on-"
"I insist. You wouldn't be doing anything of the sort. it would be nice to have you." You smile. "Okay, I'll be there,"
The hours flew by faster than you could even realize. Practically startled to see a parent walking into the classroom ready to pick up their child, and just like that, the day was over.
There were no more than a handful of kids left, but no more than the usual 5 or 6 whose parents had signed them up for aftercare due to their schedules, including Ryan who you just watched offer his crayons to his classmate Lia.
Vanessa was quick to acknowledge his kindness and gave him a sticker, you would have loved to have been part of the moment but unfortunately, you were just pulled into the hall by another teacher being asked to supervise another class while she used the bathroom.
By the time you returned, you saw Jungkook and Ryan packing up the last of their things getting ready to go, but he seemed almost relieved to see you.
"I never got the chance to give this to you earlier this morning," He hands you a small bag. You were stunned at what was inside. "In the spirit of thanksgiving, I wanted to show you my gratitude." He smiles.
You pry the bag open delicately moving over the tissue paper to see a hardcover novel. You knew the cover anywhere. "I've been trying to get my hands on this book for months! It's been sold out everywhere how did you get it?"
A sly grin slowly works its way across his features but he doesn't say. "How did you even know I wanted this?" You were trying your best to resist the urge to hug him. "I'd only seen you with the previous book laying on your desk wide open a dozen times, and all the sticky notes you'd have sticking out. It was a lucky guess that you were a fan of the series."
Stunned to silence, you let your smile speak for itself. "I love it. Thank you so much." His hand raises to his chest as a sign of relief but it is actually him trying to calm his racing heart. He was afraid you wouldn't like it; but what was there not to like?
How couldn't you like it?
Why couldn't you find anything you liked? Nearly half your closet was on your bed, quickly falling to the floor over time as you searched high and low for something to wear. This would be the first time Jungkook would see you outside of your workloads so you wanted to look good, but not too good of course.
You didn't want to seem like you were trying too hard. Being effortlessly flawless was the look you were trying to go for but you fear you've passed that point as you started to break a sweat a few minutes ago.
Unsure of how much time has passed, feeling stuck in the endless fashion time warp continuum. The pit in your stomach suddenly grew three times larger once you'd realized you had no more than 30 minutes to get ready if you wanted to catch your bus.
Begrudgingly, you finally picked something to wear. A minimalistic brown crew neck with your black Lulu leggings and beige wool socks that would match perfectly with your Uggs. You wanted to look cute but still put together, so you decided to slick your hair up into a neat bun.
Scrambling to grab your bag and your house keys before you paced your way down the street to the bus stop.
Watching the apartment buildings slowly become more narrow and shorter as you saw more and more modern condos. Only 20 minutes had passed on your commute until it was time to begin your 7-minute walk to your destination.
With one last sneak peek into your bag to make sure the desserts you'd brought were still in order and weren't dishevelled at some point during your journey.
Looking back up to the door, ringing the bell and waiting no more than 10 seconds before an over-eager Ryan swung the door open, out of sight but not out of earshot, you could still hear Jungkook's sweet voice scolding his son.
"Ryan, what did I tell you about opening the door?" Finally, he comes into sight from around a bend inside revealing an entirely new Jungkook.
He looked, good. Better than good. He looked hot.
Wearing an army green Essentials hoodie paired with beige cargos and a silver chain that hung around his neck.
Oh, and his hair was blonde.
Surprised that your eyes hadn't fallen out of their sockets at the sight of his freshly bleached locks with his naturally dark roots. God, he was so fine.
"Hey! Come in, come in. " He steps to the side and Ryan is gently nudged over by his dad's leg to make room for you and your things as you step inside.
Your senses are immediately welcomed by the scent of mahogany, carefully chosen as it mingles with the comforting aromas of a Thanksgiving feast in the making.
"Hi, Ms. Hill!" Ryan shouts, loud enough for you to hear from 50 feet away. He was just the cutest, "Hi, Ryan!"
Jungkook smiled, "I'm glad you could make it," instinctively reaching out to take the bag from your hands so you could focus on taking off your shoes and jacket. "I brought this for you guys." You say, prompting Jungkook to peek into the bad, grinning at the sight of the mini chocolate cupcakes.
"I can't guarantee these will make it to tomorrow."
Once your boots were off and sat neatly near the door, Jungkook offered to take your jacket from you, entrusting Ryan with the duty of holding the bag with the desserts and sending him off to place them somewhere in the kitchen.
"Your hair." You finally say, giving your neck a minor strain as you look up to the man as he leads you further into the house. Everything was styled so neatly.
The colour palette consists of soft whites and beige with a splash of greens and turquoise. The fireplace was lit, emanating a gentle warmth throughout the open concept. It gave the living room a cozy feel along with the brown fleece throw blanket that was placed carefully over his sectional couch.
"Yeah, I got pretty sick of the blue, I thought it was time for a change." With a mind of their own, his hands run through his hair before he gives it a shake. "Do you like it?" He knew the answer, you're sure he did.
It's like a demi-god asking if they were attractive, the answer was obvious. "It would be a lie if I said I didn't." You leaned onto the kitchen island, your line of sight landing on the four-year-old who busied himself with the pile of crayons and paper on the carpet.
You hated how easily the two of you fell into natural conversation almost forgetting that it was Thanksgiving if it weren't for the sudden waft of a delicious meal in the making hitting your nose. "Something smells delicious." Your nose twitched cutely as you sniffed; your curious brown eyes watching Jungkook as he rounded the island closer to you to check on the food in the oven.
"Hmmm... It'll be about another hour or so, I hope that's alright?" You'd decided to finally plant yourself down somewhere, inwardly unable to decide where since there were so many options, the big comfy couch, the table or the barstool chair that you finally decided to go with.
"In the meantime, do you want anything to drink? I have water, champagne, white wine, red wine, apple cider, coffee, milk- oh! and Apple juice." you can't help but giggle into your hand as he lists off what seems to be a never-ending list of beverages.
"Apple juice is fine, thanks." Or at least you thought it was the safe choice until you heard a loud objection bubble out of Ryan's throat. His voice was absolutely enraged. "No! That's mine!" His little steps quicken over to your feet, reaching for the juice box from your hand.
"Ryan. What did I tell you about sharing?" He doesn't listen, his face becoming more and more frustrated the longer he goes without your (his) juice box in his hands. His small hands reach out for you.
One could blame it on your background of teaching when you had an idea. Reaching for the child-sized cup on the counter as you popped open the juice box.
"Is it okay if we share it? You can have some and I can have some." He still didn't seem entirely convinced but he calmed down a little watching you squeeze half of the box into his cup before handing it down to him.
Holding the cup securely with his two hands he looks down into the cup with an inquisitive look, as if questioning your motives behind your generosity. "What do you say to Ms. Hill for being so nice and sharing?" He looks up at you, with no emotion on his face for an uncomforting amount of time, scanning you.
"Thank you, Ms. Hill!" He beams with a big smile and scuttles back to his drawing station, but Jungkook can't risk the little adventurer ruining his carpet and orders him to drink it in the kitchen. At least that way any spills can be wiped away from the tile.
Jungkook couldn't get over how patient you were, but he supposed it to be expected. You worked with dozens of kids every day for a living. You must be a saint. He's sure he would've lost it.
Jungkook groans, letting his head fall onto his arms as he leans onto the counter with a long sigh, one that lifts a bit of exhaustion from within him. "Everything alright?"
He nods, "'Jus' never thought being a single father would be this difficult. Every day it's eat sleep work repeat, on top of being a dad to a child who just can't seem to share with others, and it makes me wonder if it's my fault."
Maybe it was the hazy scented candles getting to your brain, the toasty fireplace nearby giving you warm fuzzies or maybe the apple juice had a little kick to it but you took a leap of boldness to place your hand on his shoulder.
Watching his eyes trail from your short manicured nails to your big brown eyes that looked at him with the utmost sincerity. Like a pool chocolate kindness. "He's a great kid, Jungkook. Every child goes through a rebellious stage at some point, it's practically inevitable. I've seen this over a thousand times, it doesn't take away from how special he is, just look at him."
The two of you observe the preschooler as he hums the tune to an incomprehensible song with his tongue slightly poking out as he coloured his papers passionately. "Thank you, Y/n." Your head whips around at the warm contact of his hand on yours, it didn't feel alarming at all, it was nice if anything.
"Wow. I don't think I could eat another bite, that may just be the best meal I've ever had." You groan, a limp hand on your stomach as you lean back in your chair, sitting across from Ryan whose placemat was covered in various foods and sauces that he was told to stop playing with half through dinner.
Jungkook grins from ear to ear, "Thanks, it's nice to hear." You sigh, "No seriously, where did you learn to cook like that? And more importantly, when can you teach me?" His head falls back as he laughs right from his chest. You couldn't help but think how much you were enjoying yourself.
"Funny you should say that," Jungkook picks up the empty plates from the table, putting them in the sink before walking out of view briefly leaving you with Ryan who stared at you with a grin.
"Where did your dad go?" His smile grew even wider if possible before bringing his gravy-covered index finger to his lips making a 'shush' noise. No more than 5 seconds passed before Jungkook returned with a pumpkin about the size of your head.
"Who wants to make pumpkin pie?" You laugh, unable to take him seriously.
"No I can't Jungkook- NO!" You shout, afraid you'd collapse from the lack of oxygen that was reaching your lungs from so much laughter as Jungkook was currently holding your hand trying to get you to scoop out some of the pumpkin seeds.
"You can do it, Ms. Hill!" Ryan cheers you on as your fingers make contact with the guts against your will. They were slimy, and soft, and triggered your sensory issues in every way imaginable. You gagged while Ryan laughed until his face was red.
Scooping out the last of them and placing them into the bag that Jungkook would dump into the compost later.
The three of you popped the pumpkin pie into the oven together and transitioned into your next set of activities. Soon the three of you made your own custom turkeys out of construction paper and googly eyes.
Which led you to now. The three of you snuggled up under the big brown blanket that was once just decoration but now provided warmth along with the crackling fireplace.
Now halfway into the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie, you looked into your side where Ryan had nestled himself comfortably, soft snores leaving his mouth with each breath.
"He's just the cutest." You say, moving one of his hairs out of his face, watching him while Jungkook watched you. Nothing is more appealing to him than watching you care for Ryan. "When did you know you wanted to start working with kids?" Jungkook asks, prompting you to think endlessly but you couldn't come to a conclusion.
"I don't know honestly. Maybe it's because I grew up in a pretty big family. Even though my immediate family is just me and my parents I was always the unspoken babysitter at family events, watching over all my younger cousins all the time."
"Well if no one has told you, let me be the first to say you're amazing." You turn to him, it was long past sunset, leaving the living room with a darker ambiance than when you'd first arrived but the warm glow of the flames on the side of Jungkook's face paired with that look in his eyes tempting you.
He leaned in ever so slightly but you looked towards the boy that was stirring uncomfortably in his sleep as if you were bothering him. With his still closed he flipped around to lay his head on the couch cushions instead.
It was impossible to contain your soft giggles at his sass even when he was sleeping. "You want something to drink?" Jungkook offers, "Please." you chuckle, unravelling yourself from the tangle of blankets and following him to the kitchen.
He poured you both a glass of wine, resuming your previous conversation from where you stood in the corner of the kitchen against the counter near the oven that radiated a glorious smell of pumpkin spice and cinnamon.
The tension could be cut with a knife. The way the two of you were looking at each other, practically stripping the other down with your eyes. Before you knew it, Jungkook was leaning into you and this time you definitely could blame it on the wine.
Placing your glass down on the counter behind you without thought and pulling his face to yours before finally pressing your lips against his own. Putting your heart into it before he pulled away, looking minorly dishevelled and flustered, "I-I was just reaching for my phone," He points weakly, his joints feeling as though they could fail him any second.
Your head rotates in horror to see his phone was in fact behind you and buzzing-- "Oh my god--" You held your red face in utter embarrassment, turning to walk away from him in shame but Jungkook would never allow that. Instantly grabbing you by the arm and pulling you back into him.
Your hips pressed flush against each other as he initiated a deep kiss, the kind you see at the end of a romance movie, nothing but passion and pent-up feelings. Feelings that he's held for you since the day he saw you.
He backed you up into the counter, your hands scrambling to brace yourself on his firm chest and he groaned softly into your mouth causing your knees to go weak. The kiss lasted longer than you thought you could hold your breath for, never wanting it to end.
"Wow-" you puff out a breath of air after the best kiss of your life. "A great cook and an even better kisser-- What can't you do?" For the first time, Jungkook's cheeks tint a rosy shade of pink but there's no time to respond as he hears Ryan complain.
"Daddy, I'm tired." You see his little head pop up from behind the couch with a bedhead of hair as he rubs his eye. "Yeah? You wanna get ready for bed little man? Come on let's go." Jungkook urges, turning to you with apologetic eyes, "I'll be right back, keep an eye on the pie for me?" You smile and nod.
Watching him disappear down the hall almost in a trace. A trance that was interrupted by the ceaseless buzzing of his phone. Buzz after Buzz after Buzz.
You shouldn't.
But the buzzing wouldn't stop.
What if it was an emergency?
You peeked at the screen.
-Where are you?
-I can't stop thinking about our night together.
-Pick up, I want to talk to you.
-When will I see you again? :(
Your stomach twisted, and you were certain it wasn't because of the wine. The oven timer goes off. How comedic. You shake it off, using the oven mitts to place the pie on the stove but ultimately deciding you wouldn't be able to stay any longer.
You didn't want to be the other woman, or the 'main' woman for that matter. You wanted nothing to do with someone who was possibly seeing two people at once.
Quietly you grabbed your things and made your way towards the door. Slipping into your Uggs and slinging your side bag over your shoulder when Jungkook sees you about to leave.
"Wait, Y/n. Where are you going? What's wrong?" Nothing but concern and confusion was written all over his face.
"I had a really great time tonight, Jungkook, Thank you. But I should really get going." Already twisting the door open and stepping through it, letting the frosty air nip at your cheeks and sweep by Jungkook's feet.
"it's dark and it's freezing outside, let me give you a ride." You object, "It's fine, it's only a 15-minute bus. I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow."
Like a whirlwind, you spun his world around and by the time he blinked you were gone.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 6 months
Skin | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: mentions of assault/battery, canon violence, canon gore (take care of urselves bbies)
Word Count: 5826
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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You and Dean didn’t talk about Toledo. You were back to not talking about much of anything. Your fights had become much less frequent, and when you did fight, it was more playful than malicious. For that, you were grateful. You felt incredibly conflicted about the fact that he was beginning to grow on you. 
‘Like a wart,’ you thought. ‘Or a blister, maybe.’
Whatever he was, he was beginning to chip through your hard exterior. You also found out he hadn’t told Sam what you’d told him about your family which you were surprised by. 
The three of you spent more time on the road than you did anywhere else. When you used to drive cross-country by yourself, you felt yourself beginning to go crazy a few hours into the drive. As much as you loved your alone time, you also craved the company of others. Now that you had it, you weren’t sure how you were going to leave these guys once you found John. 
Dean turned in his seat to face Sam. “Alright, I figure we’d hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south, hit Bisbee by midnight.” 
He didn’t respond.
“Sam wears women’s underwear.”
“I’ve been listenin’, I’m just busy,” he finally answered. 
“Busy doin’ what?” you placed your head on his shoulder over the top of the seat.
“Reading e-mails.” 
Dean had gotten out of the car and began pumping gas. “E-mails from who?”
“From my friends at Stanford.” Sam still seemed disinterested in conversation.
“You’re kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?” Dean asked.
“Why not?” He still hadn’t turned his attention from his phone.
“Well, what exactly do you tell ‘em? You know, about where you’ve been, what you’ve been doin’?”
“I tell ‘em I’m on a road trip with my big brother. I tell ‘em I needed some time off after Jess.”
“And I couldn’t make my way into that lie?” you asked. 
“What do I tell ‘em, (Y/N/N)? That we picked up some chick in California and took her on the road with us?” he chuckled. “And I don’t lie to them. I just don’t tell ‘em… everything.”
“Yeah, that’s called lying,” you retorted. “I get it, though, the truth is much worse.”
“So, what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life?”
His older brother shrugged.
“You’re serious?” Sam wasn’t really asking.
“Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can’t get close to people, period,” Dean responded.
“How many friends do I have, Sam?” you asked him.
“Exactly,” you giggled.
“You two are kind of anti-social, you know that?” He returned to scrolling through his emails.
“Eh, whatever.” You flopped back on the bench seat.
“God….” Sam trailed off.
“What?” you and Dean asked.
“In this e-mail from this girl, Rebecca Warren, one of those friends of mine.”
“Is she hot?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Dean—” 
Sam ignored the two of you. “I went to school with her, and her brother, Zack. She says Zack’s been charged with murder. He’s been arrested for killing his girlfriend. Rebecca says he didn’t do it, but it sounds like the cops have a pretty good case.”
“Dude, what kind of people are you hangin’ out with?” his brother questioned.
“No, man, I know Zack. He’s no killer.”
“Well, maybe you know Zack as well as he knows you.”
“They’re in St. Louis. We’re goin’.”
“Look, sorry ‘bout your buddy, okay?” Dean chuckled humorlessly. “But this does not sound like our kind of problem.”
Sam wasn’t having it. “It is our problem. They’re my friends.”
“St. Louis is four hundred miles behind us, Sam.” Dean and Sam got into what you can only describe as a staring contest before Dean scoffed; seemingly admitting defeat. Next thing you knew, you were headed to St. Louis.
The massive door on the undoubtedly expensive house you’d arrived at opened to reveal a beautiful blonde girl. 
‘Damn all these pretty blonde bitches we keep running into,’ you thought.
“Oh my God, Sam!” she smiled, throwing her arms around her friend.
“Well, if it isn’t little Becky,” Sam jested.
“You know what you can do with that little Becky crap.”
“I got your e-mail.” His tone had become somber.
“I didn’t think that you would come here,” she answered earnestly.
Dean shoved in front of Sam. “Dean. Older brother.”
‘He’s making his fucking voice deeper again.’
She shook his hand. “Hi.”
“Hi,” she smiled back.
“We’re here to help. Whatever we can do.” You peeked out from behind Sam. “I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
“Nice to meet you!” You were only mildly annoyed by how wonderful her disposition was. “Come in.”
“Nice place,” Dean commented, taking in his grandiose surroundings.
“It’s my parents’. I was just crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I’m gonna stay until Zack’s free,” Becky explained.
“Where are your folks?” Sam asked.
“They live in Paris for half the year, so they’re on their way home now for the trial.”
‘Of course, they fucking do.’
“Do you guys want a beer or something?” she asked politely.
Dean obviously did, but his brother stopped him. “No, thanks. So, tell us what happened.”
“Well, um, Zack came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. And she was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn’t breathing.” Becky began to cry. 
‘She’s even pretty when she cries.’
“So, he called 911, and the police— they showed up, and they arrested him. But, the thing is, the only way that Zack could’ve killed Emily is if he was in two places at the same time. The police—they have a video. It’s from the security tape from across the street. And it shows Zack coming home at 10:30. Now, Emily was killed just after that, but I swear, he was here with me, having a few beers until at least after midnight,” she relayed.
“You know, maybe we could see the crime scene. Zack’s house.”
“We could,” Dean agreed, but you could tell he still wasn’t picking up where Sam was going with this.
“Why? I mean, what could you do?” the blonde asked.
“Well, me, not much. But Dean’s a cop.” Sam patted his brother’s shoulder.
“Detective, actually,” Dean laughed.
“Really? Where?”
“Bisbee, Arizona. But I’m off-duty now.”
“You guys, it’s so nice to offer, but I just— I don’t know,” she said.
“Bec, look, I know Zack didn’t do this. Now, we have to find a way to prove that he’s innocent,” Sam replied.
“Okay. I’m gonna go get the keys.”
“Oh, yeah, man, you’re a real straight shooter with your friends,” Dean mocked after Becky had walked down the hall.
“Look, Zack and Becky need our help,” Sam responded.
“I just don’t think this is our kind of problem.”
“Two places at once? We’ve looked into less.”
Dean said nothing, clearly defeated.
“You’re sure this is okay?” Rebecca asked Dean as the four of you walked into Zack's house.
Dean clearly was having fun with the whole “cop” thing. “Yeah. I am an officer of the law.”
You hated how smug he could be. Rebecca came inside with you and informed you that Emily had let her attacker in. 
She then informed you about a recent incident that struck you as odd. “Um, there was something, about a week before. Somebody broke in here and stole some clothes— Zack’s clothes. The police— they don’t think it’s anything. I mean, we’re not that far from downtown. Sometimes people get robbed.” In the midst of her story, you could hear a dog barking angrily across the street. Dean peered out of the window, and Becca came up behind him. “You know, that used to be the sweetest dog.”
“What happened?” you asked her.
“He just changed.”
Dean turned over his shoulder to her. “Do you remember when he changed?”
“I guess around the time of the murder,” she shrugged. 
You found Sam staring at a picture of himself, another college-aged boy you assumed was Zack, and Rebecca that was framed in the hallway. 
Dean came up behind you soon after. “So, the neighbor’s dog went psycho right around the time Zack’s girlfriend was killed.”
“Animals can have a sharp sense of the paranormal,” Sam said.
“Yeah, maybe Fido saw somethin’.”
“So, you think maybe this is our kind of problem?”
“Yeah, prob—” you started, only to be cut off by Dean.
“No. Probably not. But we should look at the security tape, you know, just to make sure.”
You shot him a look. “The evidence is staring you in the face, and you still can’t admit you’re wrong.”
He shot a look back at you that said, ‘Don’t try me.’
Before you could push each other’s buttons any further, Rebecca came over to you, and Dean turned his attention to her. “So, the tape. The security footage— you think maybe your lawyers could get their hands on it, ‘cause I just don’t have that kind of jurisdiction.”
How Becky was buying into Dean’s lie, you had no idea. He was really laying it on thick.
“I’ve already got it. I didn’t wanna say something in front of the cop,” she giggled. “I stole it off the lawyer’s desk. I just had to see it for myself.”
The three of you went back to Becky’s parents’ home to review the security footage. It was of Zack entering his house, but a strange glint on the film caught your eye.
“22:04,” Dean noted the time stamp, “that’s just after ten. You said time of death was about 10:30.”
“Our lawyers hired some kind of video expert. He says the tape’s authentic. It wasn’t tampered with,” Becky added.
“Hey, Bec, can we take those beers now?” Sam asked. 
“Oh, sure,” she replied politely, turning to go to the kitchen.
“Maybe some sandwiches, too?” He was putting on the puppy dog eyes just a bit to convince her. 
“What do you think this is, Hooters?” she snarked.
“I wish,” Dean mumbled. 
“Can you focus, please?” you asked him.
“What are you, my mother?” Your banter was no longer filled with malice, just a hint of aggravation. 
“No, but frankly, the thought of you trying to bang someone makes me want to throw up in my mouth. I’d prefer not to watch it happen,” you replied playfully. “But look.” You rewound the tape an started it over. You caught the glint again, paused it, and realized Zack’s eyes were silver. “There!”
“Well, maybe it’s just a camera flare,” Dean shrugged.
“Does that look like any camera flare you’ve ever seen?” you asked rhetorically. 
He just looked away, defeated. 
“You know, a lot of cultures believe that a photograph can catch a glimpse of the soul,” Sam chimed in. “Remember that dog that was freaking out? Maybe he saw this thing. Maybe this is some kind of dark double of Zack’s, something that looks like him but isn’t him.”
“Like a Doppelganger?” Your brow knitted together, mind trying to wrap around what you were dealing with.
“Yeah. It’d sure explain how he was in two places at once,” Sam said.
Despite the luxurious villa Sam’s friend called home, the three of you didn’t want to intrude on her privacy; opting for yet another shitty motel. Something about this case was bugging you, though, and you tossed and turned all night thinking about it. And then, it hit you.
You pulled on your jacket and boots and rushed over to the boys’ room. A sleepy Dean answered the door. You hated to admit it, but he and his fluffy, mussed up hair were adorable when he’d just woken up.
“Morning, sunshine,” you grinned.
He scratched his head. “(Y/N), what the fu—”
“We have to get to Zack’s house. I just thought of something. “
Sam appeared behind Dean, already dressed. “Whatcha got?”
Dean stepped back from the door, letting you into the room. 
“We saw ‘Zack’ go in, but never saw the killer leave,” you explained. “But of course, we didn’t. Why would the cops be looking for that when they nabbed Zack in his house with his dead girlfriend?” 
Sam was with you, nodding his head.
“Did you have to realize that before five in the morning?” Dean yawned, pulling a pair of pants on.
“Sorry,” you replied sheepishly. “Couldn’t sleep. But I figured that out, so that’s all that matters.”
Dean shook his head and yawned again. “Sam, you’re driving. I might crash my baby if I drive right now.”
“He must’ve gone out the back door,” Sam said. You and the brothers were walking toward Zack’s house. “So, there should be a trail to follow. A trail the police would never pursue.”
“I still don’t know what we’re doin’ here at 5:30 in the morning,” Dean grumbled.
“C’mon,” you groaned, dragging his arm to follow Sam around the back of Zack’s house. Sure enough, there was a dried, dark red substance smeared on a nearby telephone pole.
“Blood. Somebody came this way,” Sam noted.
“Yeah, but the trail ends,” Dean added from a few paces ahead. “I don’t see anything over here.”
Just as he finished speaking, an ambulance drove past the house with its sirens wailing. You and Sam looked at each other before hurrying back to Dean’s car. Dean followed the ambulance to its destination where a man was handcuffed and being shoved into the back of a police car.
“What happened?” Dean asked a bystander.
“He tried to kill his wife,” she responded with a hand to her chest. “Tied her up and beat her.”
“Really?” you asked.
“I used to see him going to work in the morning. He’d wave, say hello. He seemed like such a nice guy.” She shook her head sorrowfully and watched as the police car drove away.
The three of you hung around the scene for a while until it had been completely cleared out. You regrouped while you snooped around.
“Remember when I said this wasn’t our kind of problem?” Dean asked as he approached you and Sam.
“Yeah,” his brother answered.
“Definitely our kind of problem.”
You gasped, feigning shock. “Mark it in the calendar, Dean Winchester admitted he was wrong!”
“Watch it, sweetheart,” he retorted.
“What’d you find out?” Sam asked.
“Well, I just talked to the patrolman who was first on the scene, heard this guy, Alex’s story. Apparently the dude was driving home from a business trip when his wife was attacked,” Dean explained.
“So, he was in two places at once, too.”
“Exactly. Then he sees himself in the house; police think he’s a nutjob.”
You paused for a moment, thinking. “You think it could be a shapeshifter?”
“Something that can make itself look like anyone? Sure,” Sam responded. “Every culture in the world has a shapeshifter lore. You know, legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men.”
“Right, skinwalkers, werewolves,” Dean added. “We’ve got two attacks within blocks of each other. I’m guessin’ we’ve got a shapeshifter prowlin’ the neighborhood.”
“Let me ask you this— in all this shapeshifter lore, can any of them fly?” the younger brother asked.
“Not that I know of.” You shook your head. “But someone ran out the back of his house and headed this way. And then… the trail just… ends. Just like at your friend’s house.” You gestured toward Sam.
“Well, there’s another way to go.” You followed Dean’s gaze down to a manhole.
“Ew, gross.” Your face scrunched up in disgust as Sam started to move the manhole cover. 
The three of you quickly climbed down so as to not be seen. 
“I bet this runs right by Zack’s house, too,” Sam said as the three of you made your way down the tunnel. “The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around.”
You were leading the group, and stopped suddenly when you noticed a pile of blood and skin on the ground. “Blegh, look!”
“Is this from his victims?” Sam looked equally as disgusted.
Dean pulled out his pocket knife and lifted a piece of the skin off the ground. “You know, I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape, maybe it sheds.”
“That is sick,” you affirmed.
He dropped the skin back to the ground and turned to you to wipe his knife off on your jacket.
“Ew, dude!” you shoved his arm. “What the fuck?”
He just laughed in response.
You and the boys headed back up to the car to load up with some weapons.
“Well, one thing I learned from Dad—” Dean began, riffling through the weapons cavity, “—is that no matter what kind of shapeshifter it is, there’s one sure way to kill it.”
“Silver bullet to the heart,” you chimed in.
He nodded and handed you a case of the bullets. 
Sam’s cell phone rang. “This is Sam… We’re near Zack’s, we’re just checkin’ some things out… What are you talkin’ about?”
He seemed caught off-guard. You thought he was talking to Rebecca, but had no idea why she’d be upset with you. You eyed Dean who shrugged.
“Why would you do that?... Bec— We’re tryin’ to help… Bec, I’m sorry, but—” And then he clapped his phone shut, looking disappointed.
Dean found it an appropriate moment to be a bit of a dick. “I hate to say it, but that’s exactly what I’m talkin’ about. You lie to your friends because if they knew the real you, they’d be freaked. It’s just—it’d be easier if—”
“If I was like you guys,” he replied quietly. 
“Sam, I’m not trying to be heartless, but Dean’s kinda right.” Both brothers seemed surprised you were agreeing with Dean for once. “We’re not like other people.” 
“But I’ll tell you one thing.” Dean’s lighthearted tone was back. “This whole gig— it ain’t without perks.” He held out a gun to Sam, whose face was still crestfallen.
You followed Sam and Dean back down the manhole, gun loaded with silver bullets. You carried the case of bullets Dean handed to you in your inner jacket pocket; just in case. After a few minutes of trudging through toxic sludge with baited breath, you noticed another pile of blood and skin on a pipe next to Sam’s head. “I think we’re close to its lair,” you told them.
“Why do you say that?” Sam asked. 
“Because there’s another puke-inducing pile next to your face,” you snickered. 
“Oh, God!” His face scrunched up in disgust.
There was another pile of clothing and rotting skin a few paces ahead of you. 
“Looks like it’s lived here for a while,” you heard Dean say from behind you.
You turned to face him as you spoke. “Who knows how many murders he’s gotten away— Fuck, Dean!” you cried, seeing the shapeshifter in the form of its last victim behind him. 
Dean wheeled around, only to be knocked to the ground by the smirking creature. You and Sam rushed to his side as the creature sped off. 
“Get the son of a bitch!” Dean commanded. 
The three of you sped down the tunnel and followed him out of the manhole. You couldn’t see where exactly he ended up, and you decided to split up. 
Under the cover of night, you headed down streets and alleyways with your gun hidden inside your jacket. You came to a stop at a dead end and wheeled around at the sound of footsteps behind you. The shapeshifter, still in the form of the businessman, knocked you out cold before you were even able to raise your gun at him. 
The next time you came to, you felt itchy bits of rope binding your hands, feet, and neck to a cold, metal post behind you. As your vision began to clear, you could see you were in some kind of a dark, dingy room. It seemed like a house, but you weren’t entirely convinced. You heard what sounded like the older brother’s voice coming from behind you.
“Dean?” you called.
“(Y/N), it’s not—” Sam shouted, but cut himself off with a groan.
“Hiya, sweetheart,” he smirked, leaning down to your eye level. He put a hand next to your head on the post. 
You turned your face away from him, straining against the rope. He even smelled like Dean. 
“You are one fucking trainwreck,” he said, searching your face. 
You eyed him curiously. He just laughed coldly in response. “The more I learn about you, the more fucked up you get.”
“What do you mean ‘learn��?” 
As if on cue, the shapeshifter held a hand to his temple, grunting in pain. After a moment had passed, he spoke again. “You made a big mistake telling him— I mean, me— about what you did to your family. If I wasn’t ready to get rid of you before, I sure as hell am now. I hope you’re tellin’ the truth about leaving the second we find Dad, ‘cause I don’t know how much longer I can put up with you. God, from your voice to your personality, you aggravate the livin’ crap outta me.” The shapeshifter leaned back down in front of your face, the two of you only inches away from one another.
“You’re a burden, (Y/N). You’re exhausting to be around. I constantly have to keep my guard up around you. I can’t trust you, not after what you told me in Toledo. How do I know you won’t turn on me and Sammy?”
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you kept them at bay. You instead reared back as much as you could and spat in his face. You had taken him by surprise, but his hand was around your throat in an instant. His lips were inches away from your ear and he squeezed your neck just tight enough to where you were beginning to see stars. “You fucking bitch. Y’know, take your voice and personality away, Dean would definitely wanna fuck you. He thought you were hot the first time he met you. Then he actually got to know you, and, eh, things changed. But I’m sure he’d have tons of fun with Sam’s little friend Becky.” A wicked grin spread across his face. “I think I’ll go pay her a visit.”
He released your throat and you sputtered and coughed when he did. He covered you up with a tarp moments later. You felt pathetic, but you let your tears flow freely now that he was gone, wiggling around to get the tarp off your head. 
“(Y/N), are you back there?” Dean called from somewhere you couldn’t see. 
You knew he hadn’t said those hurtful things to you, but it was still difficult to hear his voice. “Yeah, yeah. I’m here.” Your voice was still shaky from crying. “He went to Rebecca’s, lookin’ like you.”
“Well, he’s not stupid. He picked the handsome one,” Dean gibed at his brother.
You admired his ability to keep his snarky attitude and stupid jokes despite his circumstances. His confidence bewildered you at times.
You pulled at the ropes binding your hands, hissing when you felt the rope creating angry brush burns on your wrists. 
“Yeah, that’s the thing. He didn’t just look like you, he was you. Or he was becoming you,” you heard Sam tell Dean.
“What do you mean?” the older brother asked.
“Yeah, it was like he was downloading your thoughts and memories,” you told him.
“You mean, like the Vulcan mind meld?” 
You giggled. “Somethin’ like that.”
“Maybe that’s why he doesn’t just kill us,” Sam added.
“Yeah, he probably needs to keep us alive. Some kind of psychic connection— ah,” you yelped at the feeling of the rope aggravating your wrists again. The shifter had bound you unbelievably tightly.
“(Y/N), stop, I’m coming to help you,” Dean instructed. 
“I’m a big girl,” you replied sassily. “I can do it.”
Dean had made his way over to you. “Do you have to fight me on everything?” He untied your hands with ease and began working on your neck. 
“Yes, but thank you,” you told him. You still couldn’t look him in the eyes after what the shifter had told you. You were doing your best to keep your exterior steely. You couldn’t deny, though, that his tight-fitting gray t-shirt over rippling muscle and the way he’d helped you were starting to break down your walls a little. 
“Come on, we gotta go,” you heard Sam order from behind you. “He’s probably at Rebecca’s already.”
Dean pushed a window out of the building you were kept in and the three of you climbed out. 
Sam started down the street. “Come on. We gotta find a phone, call the police.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Dean stopped him. “You’re gonna put an APB out on me.”
His brother shrugged. “Sorry.”
“This way.” Dean led the three of you down the street. You ran shielded by the darkness until you reached a store window. There was a display wall of televisions in it, and the news was on. Conveniently, Dean was the breaking news.
“An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End—” the reporter stated, “—where a S.W.A.T team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white male, approximately twenty-four to thirty years of age, was discovered hiding in her home.”
Of course, Dean’s attitude was unwavering. “Man! That’s not even a good picture.”
You looked around nervously. 
“It’s good enough,” Sam said.
“Man!” Dean grumbled, following Sam down the street to an alleyway. 
“They said attempted murder,” you pointed out. “At least we know—”
“I didn’t kill her.”
You nodded.
“We’ll check with Rebecca in the morning, see if she’s all right,” Sam said, looking over his shoulder.
“Alright, but first I wanna find that handsome devil and kick the holy crap out of him.” 
‘He’s still as arrogant as ever.’
“We have no weapons, though. No silver bullets,” you countered. 
“Sweetheart, the guy’s walkin’ around with my face, okay, it’s a little personal, I wanna find him.” He turned to face you, but you couldn’t meet his eyes.
“I get it. We need guns, though.”
“The car?” Sam threw in. 
“I’m bettin’ he drove over to Rebecca’s.” Dean’s face began to heat up. You knew he was thinking about his precious Impala.
“The news said he fled on foot. I bet it’s still parked there.”
“The thought of him drivin’ my car—” he whined.
You shook your head. “Come on.”
“It’s killin’ me,” Dean whined again.
“Let it go,” you and Sam commanded over your shoulders.
The three of you rounded the corner along a tall hedge only to be greeted by the sight of the car.
“Oh, there she is! Finally, something went right tonight.” Dean’s joy was almost contagious.
His stupor was broken by a police car appearing down Rebecca’s street and blocking the end of the road. 
“Fuck.” You spun around the way you came, but another cop car appeared back down that street, too. 
“This way, this way,” Dean began leading you over to a fence and easily climbed atop it. 
“You guys go. I’ll hold ‘em off,” Sam told you.
“What are you talking about? They’ll catch you.” Dean turned into a seated position on top the fence.
“Look, they can’t hold me. Just go, keep out of sight. Meet me at Rebecca’s,” Sam quickly spoke. 
You and Dean hopped over multiple fences, fatiguing your limbs quickly. Several blocks from where you and the boys had run into the cops, the two of you stopped to catch your breath. You sat down on a street corner and tucked your knees into your chest.
Dean sat beside you. “What did he say to you?”
You turned to him. “Huh?”
“The shifter. What’d he say to you?”
You shook your head. “Nothing, it’s fine—”
“(Y/N), you haven’t looked at me once since we left that thing’s hideout. Tell me what he said.”
“Why can’t you drop it?” you spat, looking down at your boots.
“Because,” he protested. “I gave you a chance to explain in Toledo. At the very least, you owe me that.”
You sighed. “He said you think I’m annoying. And, um, a burden. He said you’re trying to find your dad so quick to get rid of me. And that you can’t trust me because of what I did to my family.”
Dean was silent for a moment. “Anything else?”
“He said everything about me aggravates you and that I exhaust you.”
He nodded. “Do you really believe that?” You could feel his gaze burning holes into the side of your face.
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly. “You haven’t exactly proven otherwise to me.” You looked up at him for the first time in hours.
He seemed surprised by that answer.
“Don’t look at me like that. Aside from Toledo and a few seconds on that plane, all we’ve ever done is fight,” you reminded him.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” A few moments of silence passed before he spoke again. “But I don’t think those things about you. Honest.”
“I feel like I’m pulling teeth here, Dean,” you remarked. “What do you think of me?”
“I mean, you can be annoying.”
You scoffed, but a smile tugged at your lips. 
“And you’re way too stubborn.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “And so are you.”
“And you’re too smart for your own good.”
“I wouldn’t say that…”
“Would you let me finish?” he deadpanned.
You took a deep breath. “Yeah, sorry.”
“You just… you intimidate me a little, honestly.” Now Dean was the one who couldn’t look at you.
You were shocked. “Really? Why?”
“Dammit, (Y/N), I’m not good at this,” he sighed. “I know you heard what I said to Haley about that being the most honest I’ve ever been with a woman.”
You giggled at the memory.
“This tops that by far,” he admitted.
You nodded. You’d have this conversation another time. You rose to your feet, and he followed suit. 
“Can we start over?” you asked him.
He eyed you curiously.
“As… acquaintances, I mean,” you explained. “We’re no closer to finding your dad than we were the day I met you, so I imagine I’ll be around for a little while longer. I’d rather us not fight the whole time. It’s getting exhausting, if I’m being honest.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I guess we can do that.”
“Okay, then.” You cleared your throat and stuck out your hand. “Hi. I’m (Y/N).”
Dean shook his head at your antics despite the smile pulling on his lips. “Dean.” This time, he actually shook your hand.
Later that morning, you and Dean had returned to the car for weapons. Thankfully, Dean still had some silver bullets left in the trunk. With guns in hand, the two of you headed back to the sewers. A few minutes into your walk, you came across a rancid pile of flesh, teeth, and fingernails.
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” Your face contorted in disgust. You looked up when you heard a rustling noise a little down the tunnel. You could see a dim glow from the place you’d heard the rustling. You tightened your grip on your gun and let Dean lead the way into the chamber. He nodded his head in the direction of the left side of a figure covered in a tarp at the back end of the chamber, indicating for you to go that way. You followed his instruction and crept up on the figure with him. He pulled the sheet away from the figure, only to reveal Rebecca.
“What happened?” you asked her. Her hands and feet were bound, her mouth was gagged, her hair was a mess, and her skin was littered with bruising and cuts. 
She was still shaking and crying as she spoke. “I was walking home, and everything just went white. Someone hit me over the head, and I wound up here just in time to see that thing turn into me. I don’t know, how is that even possible?”
“Okay, okay. It’s okay,” Dean told her. 
The two of you untied her and made sure she was able to walk before guiding her out of the sewers.
“We’ve gotta hurry,” Dean said. “Sam went to see you.”
When you got to Rebecca’s house, all you could hear was the grunting, furniture breaking, skin hitting skin, and bones cracking coming from the living room. And then, choking. You had no doubt it was Sam.
Dean seemed to pick up on that as well. He hurried into the den, shouting, “Hey!”
The shifter spotted Dean and got off of Sam. Dean shot twice, and with that, the shifter was dead. 
You rushed over to Sam and cradled his head in your lap. “Are you okay?” you asked him. 
He smiled painfully at you. “Peachy.”
You giggled at him. You looked up at Dean standing over… Dean… and watched as he ripped his necklace off the shifter.
You watched Rebecca say goodbye to Sam, and she waved at you and Dean who stood by the Impala. She turned to go back inside her house.
Sam approached the two of you.
“So, what about your friend, Zack?” Dean asked his brother.
“Cops are blamin’ this Dean Winchester guy for Emily’s murder,” Sam jested. “They found the murder weapon in the guy’s lair, Zack’s clothes stained with her blood. Now they’re thinking maybe the surveillance tape was tampered with. Yeah, Becca says Zack will be released soon.” 
You giggled. Dean just rolled his eyes. 
“Get in the car, (Y/N),” he chastised you. For the first time since you met him, you knew he wasn’t trying to tear you down. It was refreshing to have an amicable relationship with him.
As Dean tore down the road, he turned to his brother. “Sorry, man.”
“About what?”
“I really wish things could be different, you know?” the older brother said earnestly. “I wish you could just be… Joe College.”
“No, that’s okay. You know, the truth is, even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in,” Sam admitted.
“Well, that’s ‘cause you’re a freak,” Dean quipped.
You loved earnest moments between the two brothers. It made you feel normal; in a weird way.
“Yeah, thanks,” Sam said dryly.
“Well, I’m a freak, too. I’m right there with ya, all the way.”
“Yeah, I know you are.” Sam’s voice softened.
“You know, I gotta say. I’m sorry I’m gonna miss it.” 
You felt one of Dean’s stupid jokes coming on. “Oh, here we go.”
He eyed you in the rearview mirror. 
“Miss what?” Sam asked.
“How many chances am I gonna have to see my own funeral?” Dean smirked.
You shook your head. “And there it is.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Pride Petty Watch (The Untamed) 2/?
The crowd picked two blacklisted shows for me to watch during Pride, so even though the first series took me only three days to get through, the second one is taking some time since I went out this past week and touched some grass for Pride. However, I did watch an episode a day AND spotted something on sale while out and about.
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Fun Fact: These are 200 pages EACH, and they only cover what has been shown up until episode five. I teach English, not math, but doing some simple addition, dividing over A, carrying the Y, and solving for X, I have guessed that this series is going to be 20 books long! TWENTY! AT LEAST! Basically, it's going to be as long as this long-ass series.
*presses play on episode six*
These idiots are drunk, loud, and fighting. They are breaking rule #36, #265, and #1. Even I know that!
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When you realize you're in love with a virgin who is a light-weight and can't even drive after talking about intimacy while touching his headband. I take back everything I said about this show. It's gay. Like real gay. Gay gay.
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Fuddy Duddy is better than me because I would not have taken that beating, but that's probably why he is an elite Cloud Cunt or whatever, and also why he has now been blessed with Wei Wuxian trying to cuddle in this freezing water while talking about his "extremities" shivering. Note: In the comics, we see that Fuddy Duddy is BRANDED (like as in marked by burning the flesh) and has A SHIT TON OF SLASHES ON HIS BACK (like as in whipped . . . BY A FUCKING WHIP). Basically, this Cloud Cult is batshit crazy.
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These two are fighting literal demons. But also the demons are homosexuality.
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THEY TIED THEMSELVES TOGETHER WITH THE INTIMACY BAND! If it was red, it'd be game over for China!
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Y'all cute but your kid is still an asshole, and there is a queer plot brewing. GET OUT OF MY FACE!
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They were lesbian lovers, and I will not be entertaining any other reason for all of this because only a lesbian would tie her soul for eternity to a musical instrument just so she doesn't have to admit she was wrong to her wife, while her wife goes on to train the most elite squad of wizards just to one day help her wife because she already predicated her wife would fuck up. This is love.
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Correction since my boy asked AGAIN if he could harness evil power for good - One of them is fighting demons, the literal and homosexual kind, and one is embracing them both, openly, with no fucks given.
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And she knows! Not about the homosexual part, but about the "finding the stone hidden in the rock" part (but probably the homo part too)
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Wei Wuxian lied for you when you got out of the rock. He touched your headband. And now he has touched your soul. Stop fighting it. Embrace this. It's Pride Month.
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Wei Wuxian drinks, parties, talks shits, and backs it up. I'm getting flashbacks to Spring Break in South Padre. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. But the hands were always ready to hit their mark.
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My boy is Catholic. Fuddy Duddy took 300 hits earlier to uphold the integrity of his Cloud Cult or whatever, but my boy was told his punishment and is merely going through the motions since he doesn't regret laying hands on his future in-law. He said "tell me how many Hail Marias I need to say, so I can go play with the ants and get a tan." Same.
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First, your best friend brought the bird into the class and now you took the bunnies to remind Fuddy Duddy of "those four amazing hours you spent in the hot tub together after Winter Formal." Y'all are schemers, and this will cause problems later. I've taught too many freshmen. Y'all need to be separated before you plot the end of the world and animals have to be sacrificed. I see the signs.
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Who is going to kill this man? WHO?! Let it be a woman because he needs to be reminded he is insignificant and useless.
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Oh my God, they found each other! I knew my boy would go after his boy, but for his Bird Bestie to spot them too?! These two idiots are going to cause havoc and hijinks.
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Y'all are so Romeo and Juliet coded, it hurts my feelings. Girl, you're going to die and he is going to be sad about it. But can you kill that red asshole first? Please.
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Sir, now you and I both know some shit is about to go down because that florist's house was crispy fried burnt, that woman outside was creepy as hell, and these two are over there chatting about soul snatchers. GET OUT OF THERE, FD, AND TAKE THE ANIMAL BROS WITH YOU!
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FD might have the brains and the silencing charm, but my boy got the moves. He has that Spider Man magic string thing, he has the Shrek gingerbread men, and he keeps making spells out of thin air. Maury, who is his daddy? God?! THE DEVIL?!
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SHE CAN PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TOO! Hold up. HOLD UP! Fuddy Duddy's brother played it to calm everyone down. FD played his to subdue the zombies. And now she did too, but my boy's flute playing skills not only calmed the zombie, but controlled him. Did he learn it from her?!
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Girl, what are you doing at the devil's sacrament?
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Wen Qing has been holding off this fucking bird and these zombies all night, and these boys have been doing what at their slumber party? Braiding each other's hair? She better be the one to kill that red asshole. She deserves the body count. *wink, Jiang Cheng*
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The bird needed to go, but this is what I'm talking about with him and his bird bestie. Homie closed his eyes and felt his feelings because FD told him to, then pretended to be dead just so he could kill that bird. It's smart as well as scary because how much power does he really possess? A shit ton. That's how much. But also, why didn't they take the dead bird with them? Don't leave behind magical creatures to be brought back to life!
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Smart to have the others chase after a chicken, so the color-coded boys in love could get more details, but these two are a hetero version of the mains. She is not bad. She is trying to do good with what she has, which is a pile of shit, and he wants to do right by her but his principles are going to get in the way. I anticipate no happy endings for anyone. Not Romeo and Juliet or Romeo and Julio.
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Bird Bestie was smart to stay behind because it was obvious there would be dead bodies, but WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE TWO?! This show is color-coded within an inch of its life, and everyone is a pair because they both have the other's color in their robes, so the fact that the white one showed up first and claimed evil guy was his enemy makes me think they have history (exes), but the new black guy replaced him. Black dude, I'd watch my back because Evil Dude is coming for you.
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It also worries me that these two have a similar . . . something. Wei Wuxian, buddy, homie, ho-migo. You're getting darker. You were dark blue, but now, you're black. Why is no one else concerned that the call is about to come from within the house?
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So much shit is going down on this mountain! White No Name dude just said he knows and was trained by the OG lesbian, so we know she is still alive and well waiting for her wife, and my boy is sad since his mama was trained by her therefore he was trained by her, which makes her his grandma or something (I DON'T KNOW!). And now the illegitimate brother I want to be with FD's brother is in charge of watching the evil dude, but he is wearing white/blue and evil dude is wearing black/gold, and if they become an item, I'm gonna be pissed!
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Y'all, he is gonna fuck up. He is going to let the bad guy go isn't he? I don't understand why they couldn't kill the bad guy, but my illegitimate son has been disrespected in this house too many times in the past ten minutes to let this shit slide. He is going to make a deal with the devil. I feel it.
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"I'll sleep on your roof" - That was a declaration of love because y'all fought on a roof over liquor, and now he wants to just chill on your roof while drinking even though you are leaving. He is sprung and does not care who knows.
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WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?! THIS IS A FUCKING SHIT SHOW! The oldest kids are being called away which means Fuddy Duddy's cult is probably losing it and branding everyone. They are being attacked by the Evil Reds even though their evil dude admitted to killing that whole damn family! My illegitimate son DEFINITELY killed that guy and let the evil dude go. He did that. I know he did. And my boy's outfit looks so similar to that evil red swordsmen who is fighting on behalf of that weak ass red bitch because he can't fight himself, it's ridiculous (Someone needs to slash that evil red dude's face and his tires).
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Everyone is going to die, and there is no hope.
*eats some naan*
Okay, maybe there is some hope in the other FORTY EPISODES! FD's brother could take in the illegitimate son, and they could live happily ever after. Right? RIGHT?!
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supercriminalbean · 11 months
Fight Club. Part four.
Aaron Hotchner x Male!Reader.
Part: One. Two. Three.
Summary: The team finally gets a lead on location but has to much damage to you already happened? Are they going to find you alive, will you survive the curl thing called life.
Warning: Dark fic. Blood, fighting, death, killing, abuse, kidnapping, swearing, drugs, unsub violence, angst, murder, criminal minds unsub violenceness. This whole fic series is just dark and strange the ask it self is amazing and may help you know if this is something you can handle. (Any other warnings let me know xx)
Words: 6.4k
A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY. But hey here you go, part 5 will be posted in a few weeks and it will be the aboustel last part do enjoy this. Love y'all so much for the support and love.
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Three more days go by, everyday there is a new livestream. You look worse and worse each time, the light in your eyes drifting away, the hope dying away. You have been forced to fight one more time, and it
ended the same way. You gave the poor boy mercy in the final moments of the fight only for him to end his life. You did everything you could to get him to stop but nothing you did made him turn the knife onto you, so you laid on the ground once more holding the young boy in your arms as he bleeded out. On the days you wouldn’t fight he would come in and take his anger out on you, trying out some new knives he had, your body is nothing but a meat sack covered in bruises and scars. You grew tired, no longer fighting against him, the sas has long left you as you wait for the impending end. 
Aaron paces the room as his mind spiralling, it's been over four days since they took you, and concentrating is getting harder with each minute passing. The team got a new lead this morning, Garcia, Reid and Morgan are sitting in the other room going through the geographic profile once more, while the rest of them map out what the next moves of the unsub could be. So far deadends keep being hit but new hope has been lit inside the team, everyone seems to be pushing through the fear of losing you, everyone but Aaron. The door flies open, making everyone's head shoot up as Morgan and Garcia stand there looking shocked. 
“We got the location, we got him” Garcia gasps breathless as she sprints into the room carrying her laptop, quickly followed by Morgan and Reid.
“What, you're sure?” JJ eyes brighten up, leaping into action.
“Positive, three hours south from here there's an abandoned underground gymnasium that has a huge pool, there's only two entrances into it” Garcia speaks quickly, Reid lays down the map, pointing it out.
“Also its a 7 hour drive from where they found (Y/n) many years ago, he could have ran from there” Reid adds.
“Let's go then” Hotch orders, and in a split second the team is sprinting out of the room.
Your energy is gone, you don’t care about staying alert anymore, when you're alone all you do is sleep. Your mind's way of escaping as your body works on healing itself. Someone yanks your head back, waking you up, a quiet noise of pain slips through your lips. 
“Morning sunshine” He laughs as he walks in front of you, his sickening smile is one thing you will never get used to. 
“What now?” sighing softly, as you stare up at him, as he kneels down staring at you with interest. 
“It's time for another fight sweetboy” His chuckles grow louder when you don't react. He’s done it, he’s broken you, there is no strength of fight left inside of you any more.
“Fine, where is he?” You groan softly as he unties your hands, giving you time to stretch, rubbing your sore wrist. 
“He’s coming” He smirks at you before removing your chair, and climbing out of the pool, setting up the camera and lights before the door opens.
“Ah Victor, you’re here” He grins at you as your face falls.
“Yes sir” A dark cold voice response, before walking closer making himself visible. He’s grown, he’s bigger than you now, a lot stronger by the looks of it too. His eyes are dead and when he glances at you, there is no look of recognition as he meets your eyes. The boy you once knew is gone, and that's your fault.
“Are you ready, Jupiter?” Ma’am giggles, your eyes glance at her, not even nothing beside Ryan before.
“I’m not fighting him” You shake your head at them.
“Making it easy for me” He smirks darkly at you before jumping down into the pool, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Ryan you don’t have to do this” You try to reason with him, staying still.
“That's not my name” He hisses at you, his eyes narrowing. 
“It used to be, do you remember me?” You take a deep breath stepping forward.
“No, I don’t” He scoffs, he slams his eyes shut before reopening them with new rage.
“I bet you do, and you don’t want anything to do with those memories because I hurt you when I left you, Ryan” You speak calmly but firmly keeping eye contact with him.
“Bullcrap, I don’t fucking know you!” He snaps at you, his body lunging towards you, you dodge him. 
“Don’t hide from me” His smirk darkness as he watches your slow movements, focusing on your limp. 
“Why not, you're analysing me because I’m slow because I'm injured and that's the only way you can beat me” You smirk back at him, knowing his techniques, having discovered them together. 
“Oh I could beat your ass easily” He chuckles, advancing on you.
“Lies Ryan lies” You smile at him, watching as a small light appears in his eyes for two seconds. Two seconds of hope then suddenly, he’s got you. A few quick hits in your face and chest to disorientate you, blood drips from your mouth as he eases up for a moment and then you can hear his yells.
“I don’t know you, I don't know Ryan!” He screams as he goes back to using you as a punching bag. You manage to get your leg out, tripping him over as you gasp for air, climbing on top of him, doing your best to pin his arms down. 
“You do know Ryan, It's you, and I’m (Y/n), come on man we used to be best friends” You argue, watching as anger flares into his eyes.
“I don’t fucking know you” He snarls at you, and in one quick movement, he flips you both over, winding you. His hands wrap around your throat, pressing down hard as you struggle to breath, forgetting all your training. You try your hardest to find words to speak but nothing can get past your lips, soon everything starts growing darker. 
“Forgive you” You cough up, it's barely loud enough as you give up fighting. What is there to fight for anyway, no ones coming to save you anyway. Soon darkness overcomes you and you feel yourself floating.
It's cold, a cold feeling on your cheeks as fresh air fills your lungs. You gasp, your body shooting up, pushing the coldness away from you, blinking rapidly as your eyes adjust to the dark room. 
“(Y/n), (Y/n), It’s okay it’s just us, It’s JJ” A firm but calming voice calls to you, before something soft touches your shoulder. Your head spins around, your eyes landing on her, a weak smile crawls onto your face, before falling away.
“I..I'm dead aren’t I?” Yours words are barely audible as you stare at her, the new hope fading away. 
“No, you're alive, we got you” She smiles softly at you, rubbing your back gently.
“Y you came for me?” Your voice wobbles as tears start filling your eyes, a sob begging to escape.
“Of course we did kiddo” Another voice speaks beside you, moving your head slowly you spot Dave kneeling down beside you, wrapping his arm around you which you lean into.
“Th thank you” A sob leaves you as you reach a hand out to JJ, taking her hand in yours earning a soft sadden smile from her. 
“Always, we are family” She smiles at you before helping you up. You lean on them both for support, before your eyes scan the room, stopping on the body just a few feet from you.
“Ryan…” Your heart breaks as you stare at him, and the blood pooling underneath him.
“I’m sorry (Y/n)” Dave's soft voice pulls your attention to him and his guilt filled eyes. You can’t focus on that now, you just can’t, you give him a quick nod.
“Let's get the hell out of here” Gulping thickly as you let them lead you to the side of the pool, taking your time.
“Rossi, you got him?” A loud voice calls from the doorway before four agents make their way inside the room.
“Yeah Morgan we got him” Rossi calls back, beckoning him over. Morgan and Prentiss quickly make their way over, smiles of reliefs flooding their faces as their eyes set on you. 
“You are a site for sore eyes” Morgan chuckles softly, holding out a hand as you try to climb out, him and Prentiss grabbing your arm gently pulling you up. 
“Good to see you too, Morgan” Smiling weakly, leaning into him as Prentiss helps pull the other two up. His arm wraps around you as you use him for support, resting your head on his arm, earning a few back rubs from him. 
“Hey, your boss is calling for backup there's more kids than they thought” One of the swat agents speaks up, his hand on his comas. 
“Go, we’ll get him out of here” Rossi orders, nodding at Morgan and Prentiss. 
“I can get myself out, go help Hotch” You wince a little, pulling away from Morgan's support. 
“Not tonight (Y/n)” JJ smiles before wrapping her arm around you once more.
“We’ll see you on top” Prentiss smiles, squeezing your hand before following Morgan and the other agents out.
“You two should go help, I got this” You look down as you speak.
“No kiddo, we aren’t leaving you” Rossi smiles, before taking your arm, helping support you.
“We are never leaving you, ever” JJ chimes in, smiling sadly at you. You smile weakly at them before nodding.
“Then let's get the hell out of here” You declare, a small chuckle leaving you as you let them lead you out.
You never thought cold air would feel this good, you shiver uncontrollably as you sit on the back of the ambulance, watching your team and swat bring the boys up out of that hell. The normally empty field is filled with flashing lights from police cars and ambulances, your eyes scan the area as you wait for the two members of your team still yet to appear from down below. 
“We saved those boys, we saved them!” Her screeching voice causes your eyes to flash over, spotting her in the custody of Morgan. Your eyes meet his and they are filled with anger and hatred, he smiles forcefully at you. Followed behind them is the man you hate the most, he stays quite his eyes scanning the area, stopping once he sees you a gut twisting laugh escapes him as he stares daggers at you.
“You're a waste of talent boy, should have killed you when you were just a kid boy” He screams at you, making Rossi yanking him forwards, his eyes darkening on the man in front of him. You don’t take your eyes off them until you watch them get put in separate police cars and the doors slam closed and their screaming stops. You take a deep breath and the air tastes more clean, a smile pulls at your lips as your eyes meet Rossi, his are filled with sympathy as yours fill with hope. It's over, it's over for good. You turn back to watch the entrance, watching the last few agents walk out, Reid walks out carrying a young boy aged seven in his arms. Your heart breaks as you see the boy cling to Spencer, the tear stained face, but then your heart soars, leaping to your feet as Aaron finally appears. You don’t care about the pain radiating throughout your body as you push your body forward, not caring about the tears sliding down as you focus on him.
“Aaron” You scream out, and he stops spinning around to look at you, his face fills with relief as he walks towards you, faster than his body could take him.
“(Y/n)!” He exclaims, watching as you fall to your knees as you reach him, falling forward into his arms. He lowers you both to the ground gently, his arms wrapped around your body firmly as your body shakes with sobs.
“It's okay, I got you, you're safe now” He strokes your hair as he comforts you, holding you closely. He whispers words of comfort as you cry into his chest, he holds you for a long time allowing you to let it all out. 
You two sit there for a long time, even after all the tears have long dried. 
“Hey we need to get you checked out” Aaron whispers as he runs his hand over your back. 
“Stay with me?” Gulping thickly as you look up at him.
“Always” He smiles, kissing your forehead before taking your hand and pulling you up. “Always” He repeats as he leads you back to the ambulance where Emily and Rossi now wait. 
“You two going up to the hospital?” Emily smiles softly, she can’t help but feel relieved every single time she looks at you.
“Yeah” You nod, leaning into Aaron's arm wrapped around you finding comfort in his touch.
“Good, I texted Garcia she's on her way there now, she's worried about you” Rossi adds, smiling lovingly at you.
“What.. Penelopes here.. Why?” You look up at Aaron confused only to watch his face fall. 
“Because she cares for you, we all do it's why we are here” He smiles softly at you, before helping you into the ambulance, where the EMTs are waiting.
“Oh, right” You gulp a little, before sitting back down, your eyes staying on Aaron as he sits beside you.
Once you get to the hospital you don’t get time to have a break before you are wheeled straight into having x-rays and other tests. You are away from Aaron for hours, and it hurts they keep prodding you and questioning you, it's exhausting. Finally they take you to room, and you're alone, fear creeps into you as you wait for Aaron, your heart races faster every second you're alone. 
“”Oh my gosh, you're here” She squeals as she runs into the room, her eyes brightening up as she spots you, rushing towards your side being careful not to touch you.
“Penelope” You breathe out, fresh tears sprouting to your eyes as you see the queen of sunshine. “Gosh I missed you” You let out a small whimper as you reach for her hand, her eyes widen before quickly capturing your hand in hers.
“Oh my love, I’m right here” She smiles at you before sitting down, never letting your hand go.
“Where's Aar?” You whisper, feeling groggy from all the drugs.
“He’s talking to the doctor first, sweetie, but that brings us to something” She smiles cheekily at you. “WheN did you start calling him Aar?”
“Before he kissed me” You chuckle softly, closing your eyes as exhaustion starts taking over. You never saw Garcia's mouth fall open, her eyes almost falling out.
“Um Garcia everything okay?” Hotcha asks as he walks in worry filling him instantly.
“Uh yep everything is fine sir” She quickly collects herself, smiling softly as she stands up. “But I should let him rest, you staying here tonight Hotch?”
“I will” Hotch smiles as he notices you still gripping Penelope's hand tightly.
“He's warming up” Penelope comments, glancing down at your hand.
“That he is” He smiles more, moving to your side, sliding his hand over yours, so you can finally let Penelope go.
“So is that why you two kiss?” Penelope can’t hold it back anymore as she makes her way to the door. Hotch's head shot up, catching her knowing look, he can’t help but smile back. 
“Goodnight Penelope, keep that to yourself okay” 
“Got it boss” She giggles as she leaves. 
The next day goes by slowly, they keep taking you away for tests. Checking over your wounds and changing the bandages, it felt exhausting everyone kept asking you questions and dragging you away from Aaron. Why can’t they just let you rest, why can’t you just go home, all you want to do is go home and deal with the aftermath of this case. Finally the nurse wheels you back into your room, leaving you alone, you're not sure how long you have laid on your bed staring at the ceiling for. But the tears keep flooding your eyes as you realise the team now knows your deepest darkest secret, your job is in jeopardy and all you want is Aaron. Aaron to hold you, Aaron to tell you that everything will be okay, you know it's wrong to crave someone like this but you can’t help it. You aren’t ready to lose him, he won’t want you now that he knows how damaged you are, he won’t want you around his son now knowing what a cold blooded killer you used to be. You didn’t realise the machine beside you was beeping away until someone entered the room, making their way towards you urgently.
“(Y/n), you're okay” Aaron sits on the edge of your bed grabbing your hand, your eyes flash towards him. You're hyperventilating, gasping for air as you squeeze his hand, shaking your head as you try to speak.
“I can’t, can’t breath” You whimper softly, his eyes soften as he pulls you into his arms, rubbing your back gently.
“Listen to my heart beat darling, copy me okay” He speaks delicately, his voice as sweet as honey. “Deep breaths, in and hold for three seconds” He takes a deep breath, as you copy him. “And out” He blows out, smiling softly as you copy him. “Just like that darling, and again” He takes a deep breath, listening closely to you, falling silent as you work on your breathing. 
“Thank you” Breathing out slowly, as you glance up at him with a tear stained face.
“Don’t need to thank me” He smiles lightly at you, laying down on your bed, pulling you with him. To his surprise you don’t argue instead you cuddle up to him, entwinding your fingers with his. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He murmurs, his free hand running through your hair.
“Yes, but not today” Sighing softly as you close your eyes, your mind finally feeling empty.
“That's okay, later then get some rest” He smiles a little as he takes in just how peaceful you look.
“Stay with me?” Your words mumble together as sleep takes you.
“Always” Hotch smiles, kisses your head softly. 
The doctors finally discharge you and give you permission to fly, so now you and Aaron are on your way to the jet where you're meeting the rest of the team. You haven’t seen anyone since they reduced you, you know they are going to have questions and alot of them, but you don’t want to answer them, you just can’t. You’re staring out the window, lost in thought while Aaron drives, he can’t help but keep glancing at you, worrying about what's going on inside your mind.
“You want to talk about it?” Aaron asks, his eyes focusing on the road.
“The team is going to have questions” Sighing as you rest your head on the window, watching the world go by.
“They will, but you don’t have to answer them tonight” He replies, before adding. “They will wait as long as you need”
“What about Chief Strauss?” Looking over at him, as the anxiety of her questing and debriefing fills you. 
“We will have to face that tomorrow morning” Aaron does everything in his power to keep his eyes on the road and not look at you, he doesn’t want to see that broken look in your eyes, because he knows if he does you two won’t make it to the jet. 
“We?” Your voice is lower, he can barely hear you but he does.
“Yes we, Im not letting you face her alone, whatever happens we will deal with it together” He gives you a small confident filled smile.
“Thank you” You return that smile lightly, but it doesn’t meet your eyes, other things playing on our mind.
“What else is going on inside your mind tonight?” 
“I…It’s nothing” Shaking your head as you look back outside.
“Whatever it is, I can help”
“Even if it's stupid?”
“Yes even then” Aaron chuckles softly, earning a small laugh from you. 
“I don’t want to be alone tonight, normally I love it but the thought of going back to my apartment tonight, it's unsettling…” You struggle to find the words, ending up playing with your fingers as you speak. His hand reaches out capturing your hand with his, a smile slipping onto your lips as his fingers linking in with yours.
“You can stay with me tonight, whenever you like to” Aaron's voice is soft as he pulls up to the runway.
“Thank you Aar”
The flight goes by quickly, you and Aaron get there before the rest of the team so you drag him to the couch, settling in and accidentally falling asleep with your head resting against Aaron's chest before the rest of the team arrives. You somehow woke up halfway through the flight, the rest of the team also asleep, Aaron deep asleep with his arm wrapped firmly around you. You can’t help but smile, feeling safe in his embrace as you scan the jet, seeing the team all spread out sleeping and a guilty feeling starts to eat at you. How could you ever think they would leave you there, how could you think that hiding your past from them was a smart idea when things started turning south feels wrong now. But that's behind you now, and it may seem silly but you feel so much closer with them all, and knowing that you have to answer all their questions is something you no longer dread. Smiling to yourself as you snuggle back down, falling back asleep in Aarons arms, knowing at one point you’ll have to deal with the way your heart throbs with his touch. 
“(Y/n) wake up” His voice is soft as he rubs your arm, trying to get you to wake up. Grumbling softly as your eyes slowly open, groaning quietly as your eyes adjust to the lighting, the jet is so bright but soon your eyes fall on Aaron, smiling sleepily at him.
“Hi” Yawning softly as you sit up, stretching a little. 
“Sleep well there?” Derek smirks, sitting opposite you there. 
“Like a peach” Chuckling softly as you see the team sitting opposite you.
“Sorry, we are about to land” Aaron smiles apologetically as you stiff back another yawn.
“Its fine”
“Here, It's also time for your meds” JJ adds, passing you over a bottle of water and your pills.
“Oh right, thanks JJ” You smile politely before taking them, swallowing down the pills and the water. You can feel the team's eyes on you, and the guilty feeling re enters you, slowly you pull the bottle away meeting the eyes of your team.
“Look I know you guys have questions—” You start, suddenly feeling defensive.
“We just want to know if you're okay?” Emily speaks, her eyes filled with concern that when you realise they don’t care about what you did, their looks are ones full of worry and concern a new feeling fills your chest. A small smile filled with love and affection fills your face as you think over your answer. 
“Honestly no I'm not, I got a lot of healing to do a lot of things to work through, but give me time and I’ll be okay” You lean into Aaron as you answer, smiling a little.
“If you ever need anything, we are right here okay” Morgan smiles kindly at you.
“Just give me time and patience” You smile back at him, enjoying the way Aaron rubs your back in comfort.
“We can do that,” Rossi nods, giving you a light smile.
“Are you going to be okay at home, I know you don’t have a bed and its not good for you to rest up only on a couch” Reid adds in, staring at you with concern.
“You don’t have a bed?” JJ eyes almost fall out, giving you her best mum look, causing you to feel sheepish.
“Um no but i’ll be fine”
“Bullshoot, you will stay with me. I have a spare room” Garcia speaks up staring at you firmly, daring you to argue with her.
“Um I appreciate that, but I don’t need to”
“You are not sleeping on a couch” Emily shakes her head. “Its either my place or pens so pick”
“Look I appreciate it but I already have a place to stay” You smile shyly at them.
“Wait you have other friends” Morgan gasps dramatically. “Who?”
“Me” Aaron laughs at the shocked faces of the team, everyone but Rossi and Garcia. 
“Huh, fine, can't argue with bossman then” Garcia smirks, looking away.
“That's settled then” Aaron smiles, before picking up his phone. “It's Strauss, she says we get the next few days off” Aaron smiles as his team cheers quietly. 
“Does that mean we did a great job, or are we in trouble?” Rossi jokes, turning to Aaron.
“Both” Aaron half jokes, glancing down at you, feeling you tenses up. 
You hadn’t seen the team since they all had dinner at Dave's house a few days after they got you back. It was a small celebration, you opened up them just a little bit, you all grew closer that night. Sadly the day you got back you were suspended pending an investigation, you talked with Strauss and she told you there wasn’t much she could do, because it was all out of her hands, but it didn’t matter to you because you had a plan. Today you finally found out what the decision is, and so after your meeting you head down to the BAU floor. Yes the team is out of town on a case, but luckily they are on their way home tonight and Dave is throwing another dinner tonight to celebrate the good news of yours. So you make your way to the one person you can’t wait to see anyway, because four weeks without seeing her beautiful smile is too long, you knock lightly on her door. 
“Come in” She calls out, her voice full of happiness.
“Good afternoon Penelope” You smile as you push her door open, she gasps while spinning around in her chair, smiling up at you with excitement. 
“It's youuu, you have come to see me” She exclaims, grinning up at you, climbing to her feet, holding out her hand for a small high five. It's your guys' small ways of saying hey, but instead you dismiss her hand, and pull her into a small hug.
“I missed you” Smiling softly as you feel her freeze only for her to quickly hug you back giving you a small squeeze. Penelope swears her face is going to fall off with how much she is smiling right now, she never imagined you would ever give her a hug and she can’t help but enjoy it. Closing her eyes as she soaks it in, holding herself back with the way she wants to squeeze you tightly. 
“You're hugging me” She giggles, dancing just a little before you pull away, a big smile across your own face.
“That was okay, right?” Your smile falters a little as you double check with her.
“You can hug me whenever you like my love” She grins more. “But um what brought that on?”
“Well I want to be less scared of physical touch so I thought what better way to start working on it to give in and give a hug to someone I’ve been dying to” You shrug your shoulder, trying to act like its no big deal as your body tingles with the feeling of someone's else touch.
“That's a big step, I'm proud of you” Penelope smiles more at you, her heart soaring at the look of the new you. She knows she only saw you two weeks ago but you have changed even the energy around you. You cut your hair, it's more short now, and you look like you glow, there's a shine behind your eyes. You’re clearly sleeping more and eating regularly, looking after yourself is finally starting to sink in for you and she couldn’t be more proud. 
“Thanks pen” Smiling back at her.
“So how did your meeting go?” she sits back down, as you grab her spare seat.
“It went really well, I can’t wait to tell everyone tonight at Dave's” You smile, enjoying her presents, soon you two just start catching up on everything that has been happening.
A soft knock on the door indicates that Aaron is here, smiling as you grab your phone making your way towards the door, opening it quickly glad to see both your boys there.
“Hi (Y/n)” Jack grins up at you, you can’t help but smile back as you bend down to give him a quick hug.
“Hey kiddo, oh I’ve missed you”
“You saw him the other day” Aaron teases as you pull away, smirking as you turn to him.
“What, is that your way of saying you didn’t miss me, Hotchner?” Smirking lightly as you tease him, enjoying the way he pulls you into a hug.
“Never” He chuckles softly, kissing your cheek lightly, sliding his hand into yours as he pulls away.
“Lets gooo, I wanna see Henry” Jack giggles as he leads you both down the hallway. You can’t help but laugh at him, he definitely does have his Dad's patience. 
“We coming Jack” Smiling over at Aaron as you follow the boy closely.
“So the meeting with Strauss, how did it go?” Aaron asks you, glancing at you, his concern with how quiet you have been this afternoon growing. You were meant to text him, but he never heard from you.
“It went great, I’m no longer under investigation and i’m all clear to return” You smile slides away as you reach the car, Jack gets in leaving you two outside to talk freely.
“Are you still doing what we talked about?” Aaron speaks softly, his hand rubbing your arm softly as you lean against the car.
“I think It’s time Aaron, it's just going to be hard” You can’t help but sigh heavily as you lean into his touch. 
“I know, but you need to do what's best for you and I will be right here beside you every step of the way” Aaron declares, smiling lovingly at you.
“I know, thank you and I mean it Aaron. You have been my rock the past few weeks” Smiling up at him.
“It's the least I can do, you need to know how much I care for you” Aaron smiles as he slides his hand gently on to your cheek, cupping your face gently as you lean in giving him a quick kiss.
“I appreciate it, now come on we need to go see our team” Smiling as you pull away from him, biting your lip as you climb into the car.
“You made it” JJ squeals softly as you walk in, you’re trailing behind Aaron and Jack. Jack is quick to run outside where Henry and half the team is. 
“I did” Smiling lighty you walk over to her, Emily and Reid. 
“How have you been?” Reid asks, smiling a little.
“I’m okay, so over resting all the damn time” Laughing softly, your heart melting with the comfort of being surrounded by your family. 
“I remember that feeling, but you have to look after yourself” Emily gives you a stern look before sipping on her drink.
“Im trying” You reason, biting back a groan.
“We know, but we also know you” JJ smiles, a motherly look in her eyes.
“How did your meeting go today anyway, when are you coming back?” Emily presses on to her burning question, the one thing everyone tonight has been dying to now.
“Can we just wait until everyone is around, I don’t feel like repeating myself a million times” Forcing out  a chuckle as you watch the hope and excitement fade out of your three friends eyes.
“That bad huh?” JJ sighs, turning to the others.
“No, no it's not bad” You smile, glancing behind you at the incoming footsteps.
“Here, you don't have a drink yet” Rossi speaks from behind you, turning around smiling up at the man.
“Thanks Rossi” Taking it from him taking a deep breath as your fingers brush over his, glancing up you spot the rest of the team making their way over.  
“So (Y/n), when are you getting your ass back” Derek grins up at you, Penelope and Aaron following him over. 
“That's a complicated question” Sipping on your drink as you go over your answer, grateful to have Aaron coming to stand beside you. You can do anything with him beside you.
“What does that mean?” Penelope's eyes widen, fear entering her at the thought of her family breaking up.
“Look if Erin is giving you a hard time I will talk to her” Rossi automatically defends you, everyone's mind racing.
“No, Strauss isn’t the bad guy here, in fact she has been extremely helpful” Taking a deep breath before you continue. “I’m no longer under investigation, in face I’m welcome to return but I don’t want to, It’s my turn to move on, and look I know I owe you all so much for coming to my rescue, but I can’t do this job anymore I want to do something different with my life now” Your words come out filled with regret and guilt, your eyes full of sorrow as you talk, meeting everyone in your team's eyes. You have never felt closer and further away from them as you do right now, today is the start of a new beginning. 
“You’re leaving us?” Garica's eyes tears up, her heart racing.
“Look, we understand why you want to leave, but is there anything we can say to make you stay?” Emily looks hopelessly at you, but a small proud smile pulls at her lips. 
“Nothing, but hey I’m still going to be working at the FBI just not with the BAU anymore” You sigh, the feeling of sadness squishing your heart.
“I hope you know this doesn’t get you out of team nights still” Derek smiles at you, he knows how hard this decision was for you to make. 
“Oh I know” Laughing softly.
“So what are you going to be doing instead?” Rossi smiles at you, a lovingly proud look in his eyes. 
“I'm going to be the new FBI forensic scientist, so you guys will still have to work with me occasionally” Smiling at them, joy refilling the room.
“Oh, you’re taking over for Mary?” Garcia's face fills with excitement of course, she’s the one who works closely with that team more than the others.
“I am, so you guys can’t get rid of me that easily” The room fills with laughter once more.
“So that means you’re still coming to team nights right?” Reid asks. “You can’t just leave us all”
“Of course I will, plus” Smiling up at Aaron, catching his eyes his own smile grows as he gets the hint, his arm automatically wrapping around your waist as you lean into him. “Plus as your unit chiefs boyfriend I’ll be around more often” Pulling your eyes away from Aaron you glance around at the rest of the team, everyone's faces seem to be a mix of happiness and shock.
“Oh finally” Rossi cheers, laughing at the shocked looks around him.
“Wait, wait what” Morgan's open mouth slowly turns into a grin. “Seriously, you two thats awesome”
“Oh I knew there was something going on, I told you Emily” JJ smirks at Emily, who shakes her head smiling.
“Congrats you two” Emily smiles.
“That's so great, I'm happy for you both,” Reid smiles.
“Um Penelope, you're awfully quiet” You smile over at her, meeting her mischief filled eyes.
“I have been dying for you two too finally admit, I mean after you told me you kissed him months ago I have been waiting” She squeals.
“Wait, I told you, what, when?” Your eyes widen as you rack your brain trying to think.
“At the hospital when you were all drowsy from the medication” Aaron smirks down at you.  
“And you didn’t tell me this, traitor” Smirking at him teasingly as you kiss his cheek, earning a bunch of awws and laughs fill the room as Aaron blushes deeply, which he returns with a stern glare at you. 
The night slowly moves on, all full of laughter and chatter as the team all catches up and demands all the gossip on you and Aaron's relationship. Which you don’t mind at all talking about, happily opening up with your team. The only family you will ever only need by your side.
Tagging thoes that seem interesed or asked: @xweirdo101x @alecmores @yn-addams @winter-world @xdark-acadamiax @rexspersonalhell @hunterispunk @sammy-4103 @222244445555 @spiritzofthedead @sweetnothingsvulnerability @hepbaestus @bunbunbl0gs @mrblue-kai
Happy to untag or tag people let me know.
182 notes · View notes
Animalistic Tendencies
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Male Reader X Iz*one MInju
Length: 2200+
Tags: Creampie, Breeding
A/N- Final fic of the year! This fic officially make 30 fics I wrote this year. Thank you for all the support! Sorry for any typos and such ahead of time.
Nature. Nature is really beautiful with all these different creatures out there in the world. Your love for all these things affected your decision on what you wanted to do in life.  
After your strenuous four years of university, you got the job of your dreams. A Zoologist may sound boring to some but for you? It was perfect. Your love for the job let another two years go by as you traveled all over the world to study various animals.
That brings you to today. An exhausting twelve-hour flight the day before brought you to a country you haven’t been to before, South Africa. Currently, you found yourself in the middle of a Safari. The stereotypical Jeep you saw on YouTube videos was your mode of transportation. 
As you sat in the back seat, your hand was full with a hefty recording device. With the window lowered, you used that as an opportunity to extend your arms for a closer shot. The sound of a camera shutter hit your ears as you continued to film. 
“Oppa. Are you getting it?” 
“Yeah. Keep taking pictures of the lions, Minju. I think it’s almost over.” 
What was it that you and Minju were documenting? Lion breeding processes. As the two mammals were occupied in their activities, you and Minju were making sure to get it all. 
Minju was assigned to do a new mating and breeding process study for lions and being a good friend you decided to go with her to help her document. Just as the male lion stopped its movements, you and Minju brought your devices back into the vehicle and brought the windows back up. 
“Yes! We got it! How lucky are we to get two lions mating on our first day here?” 
“Very lucky. I- Minju, Start the car and drive.” 
“They see us.” 
Turning her head, Minju was faced with the pair of lions staring at you intruders. Without hesitation, Minju started the Vehicle and slammed on the accelerator. As you looked back the two lions could be seen in the distance. The sound of their growl hit your ears even with the closed windows. 
After driving like a madwoman for the next thirty minutes, Minju finally pulled into Capetown. Seeing the familiar surroundings of buildings helped calm down the girl and her erratic driving. Pulling in front of your hotel, Minju put the car in park and relaxed her back on the car seat. 
“You ok?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine. That was a rush huh?”
“Yeah, it sure was. Let’s bring our stuff in and see what we got.” 
Agreeing with you, the young girl unlocked the doors and stepped out of the vehicle. Grabbing your equipment, you followed Minju inside the nice hotel and made your way up to your room. As the front door opened, Minju made her way over to your bed and placed her stuff down. 
Once inside, your hands grabbed the laptop next to the tv and turned it on. With the necessary cables already attached, you connected the camera to your laptop which was connected to the hotel tv. 
Selecting the most recent file on the laptop display, the sound of Minju’s voice can be heard from the tv speakers. Stepping back, you sat down on your bed and began to watch the film. 
“Hello. This is Kim Minju, a Zoologist for the Animal Research Department of the University of Seoul. My fellow Zoologist, Jang Doyoon is handling the video camera which will be recording our subjects. Now for my first leading research project, I decided to study something that I feel could use more information. The Lion breeding process. Now due to how protective Lions can be during this, people need to arrive near the beginning of the process or later on. We have been tracking two lions from early in the day, keeping our distance Despite being in this bulky Jeep. Any second now the- Oppa I think they are starting. Make sure to film!”
As the camera moved from Minju, the tv screen then displayed the Male Lion jumping on top of the female lion. The next two minutes felt a little uncomfortable as you and Minju watched the mammals have intercourse. With the final thrust, the Lion ended its mating process and stood back on its four legs. 
Jumping up, you then walked over and paused the video right there. 
“So. I think we learned that lions don’t last long.” 
With a giggle leaving Minju’s mouth, you began to laugh along with your friend at her comment. 
“So, Minju. I was wondering, why did you want to study the Lion breeding process?”
“Well I want to study the breeding process of a specific mammal but I was told there isn’t much on Lion’s process. With that in mind, I decided to first study the lion and now I can study the next mammal.” 
“Really? What’s the mammal you want to study next?.” 
Moving her stuff from the bed, Minju then faced you and smirked. That dangerous gaze began to fill your mind with a lustful sensation. Looking at her outfit, you noticed how all of it matched. The tan beret held her long brown hair that lay on her covered chest. The tan shirt that covered her upper body was accompanied by a striped tie that made the outfit look a bit more professional. Your favorite part of the wardrobe was her shorts. 
Moving your head down, you saw Minju’s legs begin to walk closer to you. Her meaty thighs jiggled with each step she took. A finger touched your chin and brought your glance back up to Minju’s face. 
“You see. I want to study the breeding process of home sapiens, otherwise known as Humans.” 
You didn't need to be a genius to pick up what Minju was saying. Without hesitation, your arms extended and pulled the young woman closer to you. Attaching your Lips to Minju’s, the two of you quickly battle for control. Pushing your tongue forward, Minju stopped fighting and allowed your tongue in her mouth. 
As your appendage intertwined with hers, your hands moved down to her waist and then her ass. The handfuls you grabbed of her ass made your cock begin to twitch from inside the confines of your pants. 
Removing your left hand from her ass cheek, your fingertips began to move along the soft skin of her fat thighs. Just as you did with her ass, your hand began to take a handful of her upper leg. Pulling back from the kiss, your mouth moved to her neck and began to pepper it with kisses. 
Using her hands, Minju then reached down to your belt and began to unbuckle it. Pulling back from your touch, the young woman then dropped to her knees. Pulling down your pants in one swoop, a gasp left your friend's mouth as she saw your exposed member. 
Reaching up once more, Minju’s delicate hand took hold of your length and began to give it small strokes. 
“So first notes. The human man seems to enjoy foreplay before engaging in intercourse. The male penis seems to vary in size compared to a lion. The current subject seems to have a very large phallus. Exact measurement will come later.” 
Speeding up her small strokes, the young girl brought her mouth closer to your length and began to blow a bit of air on the tip. The little teases from Minju made you feel impatient as each second went by. Your friend seemed to pick this up as the sudden sensation of lips wrapped around your tip.
With a few small sucks, Minju then lowered her mouth farther down your cock. As Minju began to bob her head, your right hand grabbed Minju’s hat and threw it off her head. Taking a handful of her hair, you helped guide Minju further down your rod. 
Looking down, Minju’s eyes met your own as she gave you a little smile. Minju at that time began to unbutton her shirt, giving you a small glance at her cleavage. With the final button removed, Minju brought her mouth off your rod and took off her shirt. 
The tan-colored bra that matched her shirt quickly came off with no effort from the girl. Minju’s breasts weren’t the biggest but at that moment they were the most perfect pair you had ever seen. With a small giggle, the woman made her way back to your length and licked it up and down. 
“Fuck Minju. That tongue of yours is amazing.” 
Going down to your balls, Minju began to give each of them a few suck that made your body jolt. With each suck and stroke your friend gave you, the more your body began to jump around from the stimulation. 
As Minju opened her mouth near your cock once more, the girl suddenly stopped and smirked at you. With your hand still on her hair, you began to push Minju’s head down but she stopped you. 
Letting go of her hair, Minju then stood up and reached down for her shorts. Unbuckling them, Minju then pulled down her shorts revealing her wet pussy. Minju’s snatch seemed to be leaking as her fluids ran down her thighs. 
“No cumming Oppa. I had a taste of you. Why don’t you have a taste of me?”
Laying down on the bed, Minju then spread her legs open. Her freshly shaven pussy made your mouth water with each second that passed by. Dropping to your knees, you pulled Minju closer to the edge of the bed and your face. Like a thirsty animal, Your tongue began to lick Minju’s lips like it was a source of water. Each lick filled your tongue with Minju’s juices that had a flavor incomparable to anything else. 
Each slurp of her fluids made you crave more. Finding her clit at the top of her folds, Your tongue began to lick it just as you did with her lips. Little jolts and moans came from Minju as you continued to stimulate her pink nub. Bringing your hand up, you pushed a finger into her pussy and began to move it in and out. 
“A-Ah. Oppa, more please.” 
Listening to Minju’s pleas, you introduced another finger into her pussy and sped up your movements. With your tongue and fingers attacking her senses, Minju began to close her legs around your head. The strangling feeling around your head was your confirmation that the girl was getting close to her peak. 
With that in mind, your movements came to a halt. A loud whine left Minju’s mouth as she opened her legs. 
Just as Minju did to you, you gave Minju a big smirk and stood up. Lining your length up with her folds, you pushed your way in aggressively. Your friend’s eyes shot open at the sensation of being filled. Taking hold of her legs, you began to move your hips back and forth. 
Each thrust into Minju resulted in a grunt from you. Your movements continued to speed up as Minju raised her upper body. 
“F-Fuck. Oppa I’m so close. Don’t stop a-again.”
Hearing those words, you let go of the hold on her legs and reached down for her clit. Rubbing the erect button in a circular motion, Minju began to scream as her peak was arriving. Matching your speed, Minju fucked herself on your length and wrapped her legs around your body until her own stopped moving. 
Minju’s walls began to tighten around your length as her yells filled the room. Despite Minju reaching her orgasm, your own thrusts continued with some resistance from her constricting walls. With that gut feeling arriving, you used all your remaining strength to move as fast as possible. 
Minju at that time came back to her senses as she wrapped her arms around your neck. 
“Remember Oppa. You need to breed me. Fill my womb up with the load.” 
Those words served as the catalyst for your peak. With two-final thrusts, your cock began to twitch from inside the young woman. Your cock at that time began to shoot out semen, filling Minju to the brim. Your legs at that time gave out as you dropped on top of Minju. 
Seeing her beautiful face in front of you, your lips went back to Minju, and began to kiss her once more. Your hand at that time began to grab her breast and play with her mounds. Pulling back from the kiss, you looked down at Minju and smiled. 
“That was quite the study.” 
“Well. Anything in the name of science, right?” 
“Did you really want to study the breeding process of humans?” 
“Oh yes. As a matter of fact, I’m ovulating. The next part of the study is how a man and a female act when expecting offspring.” 
Hearing those words made you smile. Grabbing Minju, you threw Minju on top of you and lined up your length with her folds once more. 
“Well then. Let’s make sure we put a baby in you.” 
With a smile, Minju hopped back on your erect length. 
Safe to say the breeding study went on for the rest of the night.
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honeypiehotchner · 1 year
Devil's Backbone (Unsub!Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- part nine
We'll be back to Wed/Fri next week I promise!! Btw I listened to "Decode" a lot while writing more of Hotch spiraling so......
Warnings: reader dealing w the aftermath of how Hotch treated her in the last chapter, more lies
Follow @honeypiehotchnerlibrary and turn on post notifications to be "tagged" when a new chapter goes up!
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Nine: How did we get here? -- "Decode" by Paramore
After you left, Hotch continued talking to himself for a few seconds before “ending” the phone call. He felt stupid faking a call, but he needed you to leave and not ask questions. He knew you had questions, and that was worrisome.
He hadn’t meant for all of that to happen. But he felt better now, reinvigorated, so that was worth it, he supposed. He needed the boost of energy. He had unsubs to find. You would understand.
The unsub who ran would be hard to find, Hotch knew that. He was good at hiding, it was what took them so long to track him down in the first place, and they wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the kid.
But there were others Hotch could take care of in the meantime. One in particular was just a few hours south. He could use a road trip.
You didn’t tell anyone about your night with Aaron. You couldn’t. You were barely able to make sense of it in your own mind, let alone speak it out loud to someone else.
The way he handled you. It was different from before. His hands had changed.
You took the day off from work, telling Rossi you just needed to sleep. The last case exhausted you; that was all. He tried to press, but eventually let you go.
But you didn’t sleep. You slept after having sex with Aaron because you were past the point of exhaustion. You had no choice but to sleep, but now you weren’t tired enough. Your mind was still awake and running wild with questions.
You replayed the night over in your brain until it felt like it didn’t happen at all.
You laid on your couch, stared at the ceiling, and dozed. Remade the night in your head until it was a fantasy of what could’ve been if he had only let you in and let you love him in the first place.
Your phone rang and you wished it was Aaron, but knew it wasn’t. It was Penelope.
You rolled over, and let your voicemail answer.
Hotch made good time driving south to North Carolina. Between energy drinks and chewing Excedrin, he barely needed to sleep at all. The four-hour drive breezed past, and soon he was sitting outside the unsub’s neighborhood, waiting.
He thought too much about you. Turning the radio as loud as it went did nothing to fight off the images of you that flashed before his eyes.
The previous version of him, before Foyet, would have called you instead of repeatedly searching the radio for something interesting. He always ended back up on the news, wanting to hear what was going on locally. Sometimes he checked national news, and sometimes he checked specific forums that he knew to watch, just in case he appeared there.
His stomach growled, and he cussed at it. He knew he should’ve eaten something before parking, but he couldn’t get this unsub off his mind. He’d eat after he handled this unsub. That was a deal he made for himself. He’d be hungry after this, and he needed to drive back to Quantico tonight, too. He couldn’t stay.
It took a few hours until Hotch saw the unsub’s car returning to the neighborhood. Hotch waited a few minutes before jumping out of his car and following.
With his gun tucked in the waistband of his jeans on his back, he knew what he had to do. He didn’t have as much time as he wanted with this unsub, but that was fine. He walked right up to his house, bypassing the open garage to ring the doorbell out front. The unsub answered with a confused greeting.
The ruse worked all the same. The unsub let Hotch into his house willingly, asking “Gideon” how he had been. How nice it was of him to check in. How the unsub had his life turned around.
Hotch waited until the unsub bent to grab drinks from the fridge. He shot him twice in the back of the head and neck, and left him there. The unsub lived alone, but someone would find out eventually. It wasn’t Hotch’s business.
He closed the garage and shut the lights off before he left. No one was home, after all.
You went back to work after one day off. You needed to get off the couch and out of your apartment before you drove yourself insane with overthinking.
What the hell were you thinking? Going to Hotch’s place and going inside like that. Letting him do those things to you. No one could ever know about that. You knew that much. It had to remain a secret. You weren’t supposed to have any contact with him. You knew that, and you broke that rule. Foolishly. You knew better than that.
Penelope was the first to ask how you were doing. You swore she had special senses or something because she was waiting for you when you got off the elevator.
“Hey,” she called out, walking beside you, her heels clicking on the floor. “Rossi said you stayed home yesterday out of the blue. I tried calling you but it went to voicemail.”
“I know, I’m sorry Pen,” you tried to smile. “I was just really tired so I didn’t look at my phone or anything.”
“Okay,” she frowned. “Can I do anything? Tea? Do you want to get lunch together?”
“Sure,” you conceded, smiling genuinely then. “I’d love that. Let’s do lunch.”
“Awesome,” she grinned, her pink lipgloss sparkling with her smile. “I’m off to the cave. Come see me if you need anything, okay?”
You nodded. “I will, thanks Pen.”
Her concern worried you more than anything. You didn’t think you were that obvious with how bad you were doing. You thought you were hiding it well, but then again, there was never any hiding when working with profilers. Even Pen, who didn’t profile every day, still knew her friends extremely well and knew when something was wrong.
Everyone else knew, too. The second you walked through the glass doors, Emily was up and giving you a hug, asking if you felt any better. JJ followed and rubbed your back, asking if you wanted any coffee. Derek came over and gave a hug as well, and his stern look of worry. Reid waved from his desk and said it was glad to see you back.
“I was gone for one day,” you laughed, putting your purse down on your desk and plopping yourself down in your chair.
“It was kinda out of nowhere though,” Reid piped up. “Were you sick?”
“Sure,” you shrugged. “I was just exhausted, I think. I slept the whole day.”
“Were you avoiding something?”
“Reid,” Morgan warned. “Relax.”
Spencer grimaced. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” you shook your head. “Maybe I was, who knows? I’ll bring it up to my therapist,” you grinned, but none of them laughed. You cleared your throat. They stared back at you. “Why are you staring at me?”
“Nothing,” Emily said, shrugging, letting out a weak chuckle. “We all need therapists after the few months we’ve had.”
“You guys don’t have therapists?” Reid asked.
That got everyone to laugh.
“Oh, uh, by the way,” Morgan nudged your shoulder. “Rossi wanted to see you at some point today.”
“Okay…” He probably just wanted to check on you, but still, it unnerved you. “I’ll go get that over with now.”
You hauled yourself up and skipped up the stairs, bypassing Hotch’s office. You tried not to look at the door too long, but it startled you, seeing it empty. You kept walking, knocking on Rossi’s door and listening for him to invite you inside.
He opened the door for you, looking relieved to see that it was you. “Hey, come on in.”
You were welcomed inside and sat down on Rossi’s couch, and he took the seat next to you. You thought this meant that the conversation was a friendly check-in, but it verged away from friendly very quickly.
“Did you visit Aaron?”
You tried to keep your shock under control. “I did.”
“How was he?” Rossi asked.
“Good,” you lied. “I gave him some flowers. They seemed to cheer him up.”
“That’s good,” Rossi smiled softly. “How are you?”
“Fine,” you lied again, this time shrugging. “Moving on from it. Thanks for letting me have yesterday off. Resting really helped.”
Rossi waved his hand. “No need to thank me, but I’m glad it helped.” He paused, exhaling. “Strauss is worried about Aaron.”
“We all are,” you shrugged. “He’s been through a lot.”
“Yes, he has,” Rossi agreed. “But she’s…more concerned than we are, I’ll say. I was wondering if you wanted to shed some light on how he’s doing.”
“I mean, he…” You trailed off, fiddling with your hands. Should you say something? You didn’t care about betraying him. You did that when you first contacted Strauss. Betraying him wasn’t the issue.
It was admitting to yourself that something was wrong with him. Deeply. Enough to cause serious, genuine worry. Enough to intervene.
But what proof of that did you have? That he fucked you and kicked you out? You were not going to disclose that information, especially not to Rossi.
“He’s as good as you can expect him to be while grieving,” you finally said. “I think he’s fine.”
Rossi clearly did not believe you, but he let it go, and let you go back to your desk, which was completely fine with you.
You were saddled with paperwork that you didn’t do yesterday, and more because apparently new Use of Force reports are due. When are they not due?
Lunchtime rolled around slowly, and you sprung up from your desk like you were on a trampoline when Penelope came waltzing through the doors.
She laughed when she saw you were already standing. “Normally I have to pry you from your desk.”
“I’m starving,” you said. It was a half-lie. “Where are we eating?”
“Wherever you want,” she linked your arm in hers. “Anyone else want to join? JJ?”
JJ walked past briskly, shaking her head. “Can’t, sorry, sorting through some files.” She bounded the steps to the second level, pausing to lean over the railing. “I’ve misplaced a couple-- It’s not a big deal, they’re probably just buried under everything, but still. Thanks though.” She breezed into Rossi’s office and shut the door.
Pen blinked. “Okay.” She gave you a weird look and you returned it. “Any other takers?”
Reid was mid-bite of his usual PB&J, and Emily and Morgan were on the phone, shaking their heads.
You and Pen left the BAU alone, preparing for an ultimate girls lunch. Complete with food and gossip. Except, you weren’t in the mood for gossip because all Pen wanted to know about was Hotch. Before you even ordered food, Pen started with the questions.
“Okay, obviously something happened, because you never go off the grid like that.” She leaned forward on the table. “What happened yesterday?”
“Nothing happened,” you insisted. Because technically, it was the day before. Not that that even remotely mattered. “I was just tired.”
“Did you go see Hotch?”
Your eyes widened. “Penelope.”
“I knew it!” she cheered quietly. “I knew it! You two were too close when he was here, I knew you’d keep in touch.”
“We haven’t exactly kept in touch,” you replied. “He refuses to speak to me.” Technically the truth. He did refuse to speak to you. He might have fucked you, but there was no talking involved. Barely any.
“I went to his apartment with some flowers to apologize and wish him well but he… He refused to speak to me,” you shrugged. “I mean, he took the flowers, but we barely spoke, and I left.” You kept your eyes down on your drink, swirling your straw, hoping you came across as ashamed and not a liar.
“Oh, babe…” Penelope rested her hand on yours. “I am so sorry. You really liked him.”
“I did,” you exhaled through a small laugh, then shook your head. “But it’s fine. Other fish in the sea, and all that. Not to mention,” you lowered your voice, “he’s my boss, Pen. What was I thinking?”
“Uh, you were thinking how hot it is,” she replied, her voice just above a whisper, but she was grinning. “It’s fine to have fantasies! Don’t beat yourself up over it.” She squeezed your hand.
“Thanks, Pen,” you smiled, squeezing her hand back. “Now. What are we thinking for food? I really am starving.”
Hotch was just about to head out to find another unsub when his phone began ringing. He sighed heavily and spun around, hoping it wasn’t you, because the last thing he wanted to do was deal with you any more. It turned out to be Rossi.
“Hey Dave,” Aaron made sure to smile as he said it, hoping that translated in his tone. “What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing much,” Rossi sighed. “The usual. What are you up to?”
Aaron set his duffle bag down gently. Rossi never called for no reason. “Was just about to head on a short run,” Aaron said.
“Running a lot lately, huh?”
“Yeah,” Aaron chuckled, suddenly worried. Was Rossi onto him? How was he supposed to know? He felt ridiculous, being a profiler and unable to tell what Rossi was feeling. “It’s been good for uh…coping, you know. I don’t know,” he laughed. “I probably sound stupid.”
“Not at all,” Dave replied. “I won’t keep you. I just had one quick question.”
There it is. “Sure, what is it?”
“JJ is missing a few files, and I was just wondering if you might have them. The Holman case, the Goodman case, and a few others.”
“Holman?” Hotch asked. “Wasn’t he killed a few days ago?” Only a few days ago…what happened to the time?
“Yeah,” Dave sighed. “Anyway, take a look through your office after your run and give me a call, deal?”
“Deal,” Hotch said, smiling again. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“See ya,” Dave replied. “Don’t give yourself a stroke.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Hotch laughed. “Bye.”
Hotch sighed, setting his phone on the counter. This next unsub had to wait until the next day. Hotch had files to burn.
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octuscle · 11 months
Hey! I was also at that Nations Party and I got “Deep South American Redneck” and I’ve looked and looked and there is nothing in the stores! Can you help?
Sure, we have something suitable there too. A fancy cowboy hat. All right? Then I'll activate it for you. Start immediately, completion of the transformation in 24 hours.
You start to slide restlessly back and forth on your chair. Closed rooms make you nervous. Many people make you nervous. The big city full of damn Yankees makes you nervous. You mutter an "I'm sorry, I have to go," get up and leave the restaurant. Your colleagues and business partners look a bit irritated… You hand over your coat, step out into the drizzle and hail a cab. To the airport. On the way, you google the next flight connections. Thank God, there's a flight to Jackson, Mississippi, in two hours. Let's get out of here.
The lady at the check-in counter asks you for your luggage. You say that you have nothing with you except your backpack. You don't need anything except a jockstrap and a pair of socks for a week's vacation back home. She smiles. You smile back.
At the security check, you have to take off your boots. Sure, the steel toecaps. Annoying. But her problem that your socks are already a few days in the boots. Phew, it smells a bit like home in the south. You need a beer now. Can you chew tobacco in the terminal? No matter, you just do it. Only four more hours and you're almost home again.
Thank God your seatmate on the plane is also from Jackson. In fact, your mothers both went to school in Raymond. What a coincidence. You drink a beer to that. Unfortunately, we don't have whiskey on the plane. But time literally flies.
It's still a two-hour drive to Starkville. Slowly you get tired. But the anticipation of a few days of partying with good music and plenty of alcohol keeps you awake. But when you finally arrive in your trailer on the festival grounds, you immediately fall into a deep sleep.
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Yeehaw! Finally out uh thuh city, finally sun, air an paypul who spake uh normal language. Here's tuh uh beer. An then on tuh thuh stage!
Thuh hot pic uh yawl could bay found @southernmocwboy
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Solitary Man: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Summary: You're feeling more like yourself for the first time in forever. You're not going to let anything spoil your good mood.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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Nancy's abduction hit the news pretty quickly. You just hope the unsub doesn't see it and dump Nancy's body out of fear. Penelope has been all over the HSK database and connected four more victims to the unsub. That brings his count to ten. If your team can figure out why he's choosing his victims, you'll find him easily.
After bringing Courtney to the police station, your team works on putting every victim's name and picture on the bulletin board. He started killing months before you thought he started. His first victim was a woman named Erika Joy from Lexington, South Carolina. She disappeared from a truck stop. According to her rap sheet, she did everyone she could for a living--a lot lizard. The other victims were waitresses, gas station employees, and even a female trucker. The only one who was married is Nancy even though she is recently a widow.
Nancy has been given the most amount of time in the news than the other women. She doesn't fit the unsub's MO. He had to have a reason for taking someone so far from the spectrum of the other victims.
"He had to have walked right by that minivan. Why didn't he take Courtney?" Emily asks.
"Maybe she's too young."
"She's closer to the victims' ages than her mother. That parking lot was deserted. He could have taken Courtney and nobody would have seen a thing. Instead, he walks past her."
"That's not who he wants. He watched Nancy. He followed her because he wanted her."
"So much so that he left Courtney as a witness? What could be that important?"
"You have your thinking face on," Derek says to you. "What's your theory?"
"What if he took Nancy because she is a mother? When I saw Tanya's body on the side of the road, she was in the fetal position. She looked like she was sleeping. That's exactly how a parent would care for their child. The other victims weren't mothers, Nancy is. Maybe this unsub is looking for someone to be a mother for a child, maybe his own?"
"It's a good theory. Tell that to Hotch."
You're about to when you notice Hotch and Rossi walk into the room.
"I heard," Hotch says. "It's good to have you back."
You can't help but smile at the small accomplishment.
"Nancy's been missing over twelve hours," JJ informs the team. "If he jumped on the I-40 before we got the police blocks out, he could be three states over by now."
"We don't think he has time for that. He's courting these women. He needs them in Edgewood."
"There are over eight hundred truckers on this list," Hotch sighs and looks at the list Penelope sent over. "We have to get Garcia to run background on all of them."
"Listen, I've already given you a list of all the trucker stops that we've checked in town," the sheriff says.
"We're gonna need to check them again."
Derek and Rossi head out to a truck stop to ask about truckers to try and narrow down the list, and they manage to get the manifest of the truckers who visited the stop. They come up with seventy-six truckers who are independent with Penelope's help. If this man is killing women and driving cross country with them, he has to be independent.
"Alright, so let's go over this again," Derek says after he and Rossi return. "This offender is preferential to young women mid to late twenties. He takes his time watching them. He makes sure there are no witnesses. He kills them twelve to twenty-four hours after abduction."
"Only now that timeframe's getting shorter."
"Then he comes home to Edgewood where he's home and he feels safe. There's no rape involved. So, is it the companionship he's after?"
"I really think he's looking for someone who will mother a child," you say. "Whether or not that's his own, I don't know."
"How do you figure?" JJ asks.
"Based on the way he positions the bodies once he dumps them. If he's not looking for a mom, he's definitely looking for a wife. He starts out with easy targets, then he moves on to women who could actually fill the role--sweet, outgoing, and warm."
"No, I think you're on the right track of it being a mother," Hotch says. "If he's got a kid of his own, that would explain what keeps him coming back to Edgewood. It would explain why he walks past Courtney to get to Nancy. Just by watching he knows she's a mother. She's already qualified to pass any test." He dials Penelope on the desk phone. "Garcia, I want you to narrow down the own authority trucker list and tell me which ones have been through a divorce or a custody battle recently."
"The custody fight would be a stressor. Limit your searches to months prior to the first murder," Rossi asks.
"Got it. Thanks."
"He might be sick. Maybe that's why he's trying so hard to find a mom for his child. He doesn't want her alone," you say.
"Cross-reference for men who have medical problems."
When the news of another body comes through, Courtney is in tears thinking it's her mother. After Rossi checks and confirms it's not Nancy, Courtney breaks down in tears this time, in relief. You're in the conference room with Hotch, Derek, and Spencer but looking at Courtney with Emily. You want to cry alongside Courtney not because you have unspoken trauma but because you feel and recognize her pain. The realization that you're not using her fear to fuel your own makes you want to cry. Are you finally free from prison?
"Hey, baby girl, talk to me," Derek says when Penelope calls.
"Of your seventy-six independent truckers, I have twenty-eight who are currently involved in custody cases."
"How many of those cases are still open?"
"Eight. Not the most relationship-friendly job, trucking."
"Look for instances where the mother died. A guy like this wouldn't tear a child away from his own mother."
"Okay, Caroline Hatchett died in a house fire, leaving behind seven-year-old daughter Jody and husband Wade Hatchett. Wade lost his home, his wife, and custody of his daughter when the courts deemed him unfit. He's still contesting the case."
"Why was he deemed unfit?" you ask.
"Double whammy... His job kept him away for weeks at a time, and he didn't have any other family to help him watch his daughter. It looks like he bent over backward trying to make it work, but she missed a lot of school, and he was charged with neglect of a minor."
"Do you have an address?"
"There is none. He's had a PO box for over a year."
"What about the daughter?"
"Jody currently resides in foster care. I'm sending you the file now."
Wade didn't bother posing the most recent victim and it was more brutal than the other ones which means it's more personal. Her name is Lynn Clemons, the foster mother of Jody Hatchett. She's in the process of being adopted so he must have run out of time if he killed her foster parent.
If you're going to get Wade, you have to get to Jody before he does. Your team heads over there just as she gets home from school.
"Hey, Jody," you smile.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Y/N."
"Where's Mrs. Clemons?"
"I'll tell you inside, okay? Come on." You bring her inside where the rest of your team is waiting for her. "It's okay, we're here to help."
"What's going on?"
"We're helping the police, and we're trying to find your dad. Do you know where he is?"
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you walk to the window facing the front yard. You pull back the curtain and see a semi-truck parked across the street. Nancy is sitting behind the wheel with a terrified look on her face. You can see a gun poking out from the sleeper which is why she's so terrified.
"He's here," you say and look at Hotch. Emily makes an excuse that she's thirsty so Jody takes her to the kitchen to grab something to drink. "Hotch, I think it's a good idea to let Jody talk to him. She might be able to get him to release Nancy without hurting her. We can tap into the CB radio. They all use the same channel."
Hotch agrees and sets up the entire line of communication. You bring Jody to the couch so she can talk to her dad using the radio. You don't want her to see him just yet.
"Here you go, sweetheart." You hand her the handheld radio. Your dad's out there. Listen, we need you to get your dad to let that woman go. Do you understand?"
"Yeah." She puts the radio to her mouth. "Daddy? Daddy, are you there?"
His head pops out from behind the dark curtain and looks at the house.
"Hi, baby."
"You need to tell me the rest of the story."
"Well, the lonely king and the queen are at the castle."
He's talking about himself and Nancy. Maybe he was lonely this entire time.
"To pick up the princess?" she smiles.
"Well, the guards are in the way."
You and your team are the guards.
"Will you let the queen talk to them?"
"They won't listen."
"I want to see her. Will you let her go so she can hold me? You said that she's perfect, that she's the one. She wants to live in the big castle with me."
"I need to see you."
Hotch nods to you so you bring Jody to the window. Derek opens the curtains so he can see his daughter.
"Hi, Daddy!" she smiles and looks at Nancy.
"Hi, princess."
"She's so pretty, Daddy!" Wade knows there is no getting out of this and he isn't about to make a scene in front of his daughter. He says something to Nancy and she wretches the front door open. She runs out of the truck and toward the house. Derek meets her outside and brings her inside so she's away from Wade and his gun. "Now the king won't be lonely anymore."
"No, and they're gonna live happily ever after."
"Why aren't you coming, too, Daddy?"
"You did a great job, Jody," you whisper to her.
"Are you going to the better place?"
"What?" Your eyes widen.
"Yeah. We're both going to a better place, princess. Close your little eyes, sweet pea."
Derek runs out of the house toward the semi knowing what Wade is going to do to himself. You grab Jody and immediately turn her into you so she doesn't see her dad shooting himself. Derek doesn't make it and Wade is dead. Nancy is going to be okay and that's the most important thing even though it breaks your heart a bit to know that Jody won't have her father anymore.
Once you're back in Virginia, your parents agreed to come down and hang with you, JJ, Emily, and Penelope. JJ couldn't get a babysitter so she brought Henry with her. None of the girls are able to stay long but you wanted them to meet your parents, at least.
"Thanks for coming with me. I know you can't stay long but I wanted you to meet my parents. I hope you like them. Spencer doesn't. It's why he's not here. That and my dad seems to hate him."
"I'm sure they're wonderful," JJ smiles.
You turn to your parents who are outside the restaurant they reserved. The girls won't be joining you but you'd love to have dinner with your parents. Penelope and Emily stiffen up when they see your dad. You feel their hesitation from behind you which is weird because everyone loves your parents. Spencer would if your dad treated him right.
"Dad! Mom! I'd like you to meet some of my friends. JJ, Emily, and Penelope, I'd like you to meet my parents Joey and Julie."
"Hi, it's nice to meet you," JJ says with a tight-lipped smile.
Your mom leans closer to JJ and sees her son looking up at her with curious eyes. She coos and leans in even closer, causing JJ to shuffle backward uncomfortably.
"Oh, is he your son?" your mom gasps.
"Yeah, his name is Henry. My boyfriend is at work and couldn't watch him."
You're not sure why but you're getting waves of uncomfortableness and uneasiness.
"May I hold him?" she asks.
"You know what, it's past his bedtime. I should get going. It was nice to meet you," JJ chuckles.
That was a fake chuckle and you frown at her.
"Yeah, you know what, I have to go. I promised Emily I'd help her with her dating profile."
That was a lie. What is going on? You're not going to put them on the spot by calling them out. You'll talk to them tomorrow about it.
"Oh, okay. It's nice to meet you, all," your dad smiles.
All three girls part from the group leaving you alone with your parents. Your dad slings an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close to him. He kisses the top of your head affectionately with a smile.
"I'm glad you're here with us."
If he's so glad, why do you feel anger coming off him in waves?
"The family is a haven in a heartless world." - Christopher Lasch
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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mjso-soupp · 3 months
Meet me in the South
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(Subaru Sakamaki/American!FemaleReader)
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: Reader begs Subaru to escape.
Notes: This might just be like the introduction to the story? There’s no major plot points and more of just a feel. Also shoutout to @fangsforiris for creating the beautiful moodboard above!!!
I’ve dreamed since I was four years old
That the house is slowly on fire
And I can’t get you to leave it
—Alice Notley, In the Pines
The weather back where I lived was blazing and relentless, the sun would cast an unbearable warmth and all I could do was sit inside, sighing while hoping my ride to the pool would be here soon enough. My hair was always frizzy from the humidity and skin burned a bright red, I had also developed white lines running along my back from the overused swimsuit I wore every trip to the pool.
My last memory of being there was of walking down the road to the convenience store with my friend. We grabbed a couple of cokes and sat on the park bench talking about what my life in Japan would be like. She claimed I was the one who had finally gotten out of the old, small town life. When I gave her my last goodbye, I felt the twinge in my heart knowing it would be a while before I could talk to her like this again. With the warmth clinging to us, to our bodies. At the airport the choking feeling just grew, my mama drove me, she was silent the whole way but when we arrived she eventually started talking.
”You’re sweating bullets, have you been wearing the lotion the doctor gave you?”
”Yes, but it doesn’t really work that well. I’ve been applying it more than often.”
“Maybe you aren’t applying it like you’re supposed to, it says on the package counter clockwise—make sure to rub counter clockwise!”
“Mama, it’s okay, I hear where I'm moving to, it's cold anyways.. “
My mom looked at me and gave me a sad smile, the wrinkles on her cheeks made my heart throb, I also wouldn’t be able to see those wrinkles till I came back.
”You’re nervous, aren’t you? It’s going to be okay,”
”Yeah, a little—I'm okay though, It’s gonna go away when I'm settled over there, I hope.”
She squeezed my shoulders and took a deep breath,
”Smell the air one last time, maybe it’ll calm you.”
I took a breath of the air around me, I could smell strong gas leaking from the taxis, freshly cut grass and the yeast smell from the bread factory I would drive past everyday to and from school.
“You’re safe here mama, I feel a bit better though.. I'll be back soon, just gotta finish my studies… When I'm back, I’ll take you to get some ice cream.”
I could see the tears in her eyes form, she pulled me into a tight embrace—It was short but it eased my nerves for the duration of the trip. My mom didn’t like to cry in front of me, but I guess it was one of those times it was acceptable to. I pulled away and gave her one last look,
“I have to go now, I have everything—don't worry, bye mama.” I kissed her on the cheek before reaching for the handle of my suitcase, “Ice cream, mama.” I smiled before walking away to my gate. That was the last time I talked to my mama.
When I arrived in Japan, people stared—a lot. I could feel their eyes judging me, they definitely knew I was an American. Who could blame them though? My appearance didn’t help my case either: My skin was red and tan as opposed to the glossy paleness over here. My hair was also crazy from sleeping on the plane, and I was in pajamas. I struggled to walk in the airport without getting bumped into for more than a couple of seconds, everyone was moving so fast I couldn’t keep up, back home everyone was more relaxed, but there really wasn’t anywhere to go. The drivers refused to take me to the address that apparently was in the middle of nowhere, I bet you they also thought I didn’t have any money. Eventually, an older man agreed to drive me the hour long way, I thanked him profusely and tipped him a generous amount after. I shouldn’t have thanked him, he probably worked for them. I didn’t realize the danger I was stepping into then. I believe that was the last time I was truly happy— I smiled, laughed, and imagined what my life here would be like the entire plane ride. Now, I want to go back to that very moment and tell myself to run—as far as she can and fast.
Introductions were far from conventional: Instead of my host greeting me, a young blonde girl named Yui—who’s eyes were so red I could feel my arms forming goosebumps, welcomed me with open arms. She had this anxious demeanor about her which should’ve alarmed me, and then there they were, all six of the brothers residing in the entry hall. The only one that really stood out to me was the pale, silver haired man in the back who’s face seemed to always be locked in that scowling, annoyed expression—again, with the blazing red eyes.
I attempted to focus on my studies but after the realization they were indeed vampires, it was hard.
Eventually winter break, the relief for everyone in the household had finally arrived—the brothers spent it like normal. Subaru and Ayato were fighting like always, Reiji was still annoyed with Shuu and the triplets wouldn’t give Yui up. No one really bothered me, unless it was to bleed me and I had gotten used to being alone in my room doing whatever I could to keep busy, I took comfort sitting on the alcove in my room, watching the endless amount of flakes fall from the sky. They fell so gracefully—like they were dancing, but I forgot what it felt to be like that. Laying next to the window also reminded me of the time when my friends would fling pebbles at the panes, waking me up earlier then needed on a summer day just to go run off to the community pool, and to get a couple of cokes for the walk back home—I would always forget to bring a towel so my sandals would squeak loudly when I strolled back home on the pavement, in that hot summer town, I dreamt of when I rested my head against the now still, freezing panes.
“You’re always sitting there, looking so helpless.”
It was Subaru, the brother everyone avoided because he was just too aggressive. For being so strong, he sure had soft features: His hair was like a white rose, the cleanest pick from the bouquet, he stood tall and composed, and his eyes were like early picked cherries, not ripe, but still so red and bright. He was hungry. I started to pick up on that glint in their eyes whenever they were hungry: Their eyes normally had that abnormal gloss that stole all reflection from light near, but when they were hungry—all signs of that were gone. Beautiful orbs were dulled and fogged with their lust for blood or just to satisfy their sadistic needs. The first time one of them tried to feed from me, it was him. He was angry I didn’t comply, leading to purple bruises forming around my wrists that ached for days.
“I like sitting here, it's comfortable.”
“Tch, you know what I’m here for, you should hurry up and get over here so I can get this over with,”
He glared at me from the door with his arms crossed waiting for me to come to him, I knew standing my ground wouldn’t help so I just obeyed him. I hesitated but eventually took step after step to meet him, I unbuttoned my shirt down just above my bra.
“It’s no fun when you don’t fight back…” He grabbed my hair in his fist whilst tilting my head to the side. “I’m too thirsty to complain though.” My heart beat would just race whenever he was with me, him. Just him, feeling his tongue travel on my neck would send shivers I hadn’t previously known of. Even to the sound of his fangs digging into my neck, I wasn’t used to being held so closely by someone—much less a man.
“You’re.. enjoying this? Of course you are, I should’ve expected this… Nn…” My knees were beginning to buckle under my weight, my entire body felt numb I couldn’t see straight—or think.
“Subaru—I think that’s enough..” I placed my hand on his shoulder,
“Damn it! Just let me fucking have this,” The grip on my hair became stronger, he was tugging on it with an even greater strength.
“It h-hurts Subaru!” I pushed against him once more causing him to grab both of my arms,
“I won’t let them get to you—from now on you’re mine.” The grip on my hair eventually loosened, my heart was racing and I looked into his eyes, they weren’t back to that abnormal gloss though: His eyes were still foggy but this time with rage— or sadness, I couldn’t tell.
“The fucks that look for? Tsk, I’ll make sure everybody in the house knows that you’re my property now, and you have no say.” Subaru always dragged that sad presence around him no matter where he roamed, sitting alone on the rooftop, when he stared at Yui smiling with Shuu. Right now I didn’t feel that sadness, instead I could feel him shaking from anger, the anger everyone in the house avoided but I had just gotten myself caught into. Causing me to get pinned down on the hardwood flooring of my room, getting bit over and over again that night.
Later, when I had gotten one of those rare moments to speak with Yui, she told me Ayato convinced everyone for a darts game. Shuu had won the prize—Her and all the brothers watched Shuu bite her to mark his territory, including Subaru. Yui told me she saw Subaru storm out the back door when Shuu sank his fangs into her neck. Yui had been claimed by the vampire who could care less about titles, or existing, she was claimed by a dead man—with no lust for life, instead a hatred for the world he was born into.
“He came into my room, I suppose after, and he just… bled me dry that night. It just feels.. Wrong, I feel something is changing.” I paused for a moment,
“He’s always been sweet on you Yui, I hope you notice that.”
Her eyes saddened and lowered her head down to the ground. Her blonde locks shielded her face, she began sniffling quietly. I just placed my hand on her shoulder, hoping that would soothe her. She didn’t ask to be in this situation, nor did I. Yet, she was always so poise, her will never faltered. Whilst I would lay on the bathroom floor sobbing— grieving the life I had, and lost. She was the spitting image of ideal for the brothers and I trailed behind her, collecting the bits and pieces each one of them had broken—hoping to grasp some of her femininity and hope.
“I don’t want any of this..” She spoke quietly, her voice cracking.
And the break ended. When we returned to school, Subaru made a case of being near me at every moment. A fellow male student had made the simple mistake of bumping shoulders with me in the hallway and apologized profusely when he saw Subaru lurking in the back. He also kept count of which brother had taken blood from me that week or day. Yui was officially Shuu’s so she was out of commission, that left me. A new bride was sent to the mansion—except this one wasn’t under protection like Yui. She was like me, patiently waiting to get murdered by one of these bloodthirsty vampires. Shaking in bed at night from every creek the flooring would make, hoping it wasn’t one of the brothers for their feeding, trembling, knowing they could snap your neck with ease—if they even cared enough to do so, they would’ve much rather watched us writhe in agony on the floor then spare us mercy. She fell under the hands of Laito. He filled her head with false promises anyone would have trouble turning from, I didn’t see her again after he had taken full possession of her. Lord knows what happened to that sweet girl, what a shame, she was so beautiful too. I just remember hearing a wailing cry from the balcony a month after, and a quick snap.
I assume Subaru also heard it, he came into my room demanding blood again—I knew why he was upset, he was wondering what would happen if that instead was Yui. He couldn’t run to her of course, asking if she was okay. So he ran to me, the second choice. I felt like I could read his mind when he mumbled those words under his breath,
“Idiot, could’ve been you…”
I had to accept the fact I would never be Yui. She was the one I needed to model after, but could never be. In reality, she was the missing part of the equation while I could be factored right out. If you asked me why Subaru gave me a chance, I couldn’t respond to you. But if you compared us like how I had compared Yui to myself, I would be Yui, and he would be me. Back in town I had a handful of friends, we would always spend time together in the back of someone’s pickup truck, or in the basement of church after sleeping through the sermon. I was out all day and alone at night, and I liked it that way. Meanwhile, Subaru was alone all day. He was the type to stand by, watching us laugh with our tongues blue from the slushies someone had bought for all of us, excluding him. He would scoff and question why we were laughing at a joke only we would understand. Subaru is someone the boys in my group would call a freak, and whisper to us why we should stay away.
That was the conflict between us: He knows how different we are. When he would blow up in my face about how stupid and delusional I was, I would just admire such passion and emotion. The type everyone suppressed—he wouldn’t, he was real in all ways. He picked up on it, I wouldn’t lower my gaze in fear, or disgust. Just keeping eye contact, analyzing all his little quirks and habits. Truly falling for him.
“You have to leave, it’s not safe here—eventually, they will kill you.” His face was sullied with worry, yet another sacrificial bride was sent and this time, she was Reiji’s.
“N-no, I’m not going to leave you here. I want to stay here with you!”
“You’re not listening! You will die. Here, take this.” He pushed the knife into my hands, I couldn’t react—except for just standing with my mouth agape.
“What is this for?”
“To kill me,”
“What?! Why would I do that! No—take this back, I won’t do that.” My heart was shattered, how could such a beautiful person want to end their life—or have someone just end it?
“Come with me, we can leave—I’ll show you a new life.” His face lost all emotion, he just stared at me—he wasn’t expecting that response.
“It’s not that easy.”
I jolted awake, it took me a couple of seconds to realize just where exactly I was—I fell asleep watching the snowfall from the sky from the alcove again, It was pitch black aside from the moon shining over the view of the white garden, and Subaru’s pale face peering through the window.
“About time you wake up, open the damn window! Before I break it down!”
I stared at him groggily for a second before fully snapping into reality,
“Oh my… Why are you outside my window?”
I crawled to the other side and unlatched the lock, this was the first time he did this—he liked making appearances. He slid the window open, allowing the night chill in,
“Hurry—get in, the cold air is getting in.”
I watched him crawl through the narrow opening and closed it immediately after,
“I have a door…”
I sat back down in my spot across from him, I huddled in the blanket in an attempt to warm myself from the cold.
“It’s easier through the window, besides it’s a full moon.”
Even after a year of living here, I couldn’t adjust to the chilling air and cold corners all around the mansion. I had begun wearing an extra layer of cotton to keep my fingers and feet from falling off.
“Weakling, it’s not even that cold outside, you’re just too dramatic.”
“You’re not human how would you understand?”
His face dropped, he wasn’t expecting that response from me.
“Are you on your fucking period or something? You’ve been acting all different this past week, and I’m sick of it!”
He pulled the blanket away from me, I shivered from the sudden cold air once again and groaned.
“If you were as cold as I am, you would understand.”
I moved closer to him and draped the blanket around the both of us, I felt the cold pane slick with condensation press against my back and dampen my sweater.
“Tch, you didn’t answer my damn question. What’s been up with you?”
I got quiet for a second, I wondered if he thought it through—or if he was up for it.
“Would you ever leave Subaru?”
he was bothered I avoided his question but I needed to get it out of me.
“Tch, not this bullshit again. I already told you, it’s not that easy.”
He went quiet for a moment,
“What a stupid question, why are you still even thinking of this? I don’t know… I don’t have much here to hold onto— But I have nowhere else to go.”
I listened to him mumble, he did that when he was conflicted. I laid my head against his shoulder and sighed, I closed my eyes thinking of my next question.
“But what if you did have somewhere else to go?”
I opened my eyes and looked up at him, he looked down at me confused.
“What do you think… That man would never let me leave.”
I grabbed both his hands and held them, turning to face him fully.
“But imagine if we left! Just took a plane…and never came back? It would work—we could go to America! I k-know where we could stay—“
“No, you’re fucking crazy, we’re not leaving. I mean why would you even wanna leave with me? You had your chance to escape that one night. You were just too much of an idiot to not listen to me.”
I frowned,
“Please, just think about it. None of your brothers would have to know..”
He scowled and turned his head away, he snapped his hands back from mine.
“Who the hell are you to tell me to do stuff?”
He grumbled, I wanted to beg him—on my knees to come with me but I knew he would just scoff and walk away. I figured another way of persuading him would work maybe, quickly getting up, I reached under my alcove and the hidden compartment under. I was scrounging for the box of stuff I had hidden for so long.
“Where is it…? Here.”
I returned to my spot and looked at him.
“What is that…? You're hiding stuff from me now? Give me that.”
He snatched the box from my lap and ripped the lid off. The look on his face changed when he realized what it was, I stared at him intently watching for a reaction.
“It’s photos… of my life back there.”
He reached for the photo of me and my friends swimming, I had my arms propped onto the deck with my sunglasses on, I was smiling with my face red. You could see the white lines from the pattern of another suit. My hair was stringy from the chlorine but that didn’t matter, I was happy. My friends were photobombing in the back of the photo. What a cheesy photo.
“Look at how tan I am, you can see the pattern of my bathing suit—those are my friends.”
“You’re just trying to convince me to. You’ll get tired of me quickly and just leave to fulfill your plan.”
I frowned, he didn't trust the idea—or me even.
“I’m just showing you what it was like, look at how clear the sky is.”
I gestured toward the blue sky, as opposed to the cloudy night sky with specks of ice falling slowly.
I smiled looking at the photo. It was one of those days you couldn’t forget, the heat—It was hot, so hot, and I was awakened in the early morning by those rocks being thrown on my window. I scrambled to get ready but I eventually caught up with them, of course leaving my towel behind.
“You’re crazy, we can’t just… leave.”
“Do you really want to live here for the rest of your life? With your brothers? You’ve never even traveled, Subaru..”
I squeezed his shoulder and stood up, “Atleast think about it.” I left the box on his lap, the next picture facing up was a motel, The Safari Inn.
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Changes Chapter 6
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The full moon shone brightly on the dimly lit road. It was early morning, and most people had ceased their driving for the day - either because they were home or because they found a motel to stop at. There was one car, a rusty coloured model, driving down the road. The windows were open, and if you tried, you could hear the notes of Bach and Brahms flowing through the air.
Normally, Max would have sped up, having used the loneliness the night brought to get to his destination quicker than legally possible. However, the problem was that he didn't quite know where his destination was. After his visit to the Widow, he immediately took his car to go and find Lucien's home. The problem was that Lucien had never told him where he lived, and he just had the description of "an old family crypt" to go on. So here he was, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, looking for a crypt that could be god knows where.
With a frustrated sigh, Max turned the music down, stopping on the side of the road. He took a map out o this glove compartment, folding it open and staring at the hundreds of lines depicted on it. He took a pen from his chest pocket, crossing out certain places. Lucien had said it was a two hour drive from his crypt to Santa Carla, so that eliminated a lot of cemeteries already. He sighed, crossing out some more options. Lucien had never shown any interest in cities like Los Angeles, so for him to go south and move closer to there was unlikely. So, for now, anything south of Santa Carla was ruled out. Max was about to fold his map away when his eye fell on a place. Oakley. If he recalled correctly - and he did - Lucien was from Oakley.
A grin appeared on his face as he restarted his car, racing down the roads to the town. It would make the search much easier - tomorrow evening, he'd start. It was already four in the morning, and he'd have to find a place to stay soon. At four thirty, he parked at a motel, quickly getting out and walking towards the home office. No one was there, so he rang the doorbell, hoping for the best. He had some time to spare, luckily.
"You had a long night, didn't you?" A middle-aged woman opened the door for him. She was dressed in a bathrobe and some slippers, curlers in her hair - but besides that, she seemed energised enough as if she'd been awake for onpy a few hours.
"Yeah, you can say that. Do you have a room for tonight?" Max smiled kindly, grabbing his wallet.
"Sure. Any special wishes? We got one with a single bed, double, king-sized-"
"A single is just fine."
Max knew that if the quality of the curtains was bad, he would have no choice but to sleep in the bathroom. Getting the mattress of a single in there was easier than struggling with a mattress the size of a double or bigger.
"Sure thing hon. Just for one night?"
"Yes. If everything goes as planned I'll be going back home tomorrow."
"You here for a job?"
"Something like that."
He paid for his room, taking the key, and quickly moved towards room number 17. With the time he spent inside talking, he was really cutting it close. As he opened the door, he saw what he had suspected. The room was old, and he was certain he'd find mould in the corners of the room. A wooden bed stood in the middle of the room, on top of a faded yellow carpet. Across from the bed was a desk with a chair, and above that, a mirror that could really use some cleaning. Max sighed. He hated motels for this exact reason. But it would do. It would only be for one night. He wanted to find answers, and if this was the cost, he could survive it for one night.
As he got ready for the night, he couldn't help but be amused. As a human, more than a few centuries ago, he had been germaphobic. At least, that's what it would be called nowadays. Back then, it was called weird. You'd think that after so much time, he'd gotten over it, but there were moments where it still bothered him. It had gotten better. Killing didn't bother him, nor did the mess the boys made. But certain areas and spaces made him feel icky. Especially spaces occupied by mainly humans were a problem. He sighed as he looked around, deciding that if he had to sleep somewhere else the next evening, he'd find some high-quality hotel or something. He shoved the desk in front of the door, blocking anyone from entering.
The next evening, he awoke early. He had slept horribly, sitting on the bathroom floor after deciding that the mattress was simply too gross to even consider touching. It basically came down to him hardly having slept, but he decided not to care too much about that. One night of not sleeping wouldn't do anyone much harm. As he packed his bag and put the furniture back in place, he couldn't help but make a mental note that he'd have to invest in a camper or something similar. At least the mess he'd find in there would be his own.
"Good luck with your trip!" The woman from the night before called to him as a goodbye after he left the keys at her desk. He had no intention to stay and talk, knowing that the question 'How did you enjoy your stay' would come up, and his answer wouldn't be satisfactory. In his haste to leave, he didn't notice the woman staring at him and slightly shaking her head.
"What a strange man..."
It was a little after ten when Max found his way to the cemetery. He parked his car outside the gate, turning both the motor and the light off. There were only three crypts in this cemetery, making his search easier than he had anticipated. The first one he came upon, laying in the middle of some rosebushes, was locked. He made his way past the graves, noticing how many stones laid bare before walking up to the second crypt. This one was unlocked. He pushed the stone door open, and was surprised at the sight before him.
Lose papers were spread everywhere around on the floor, a broken chair and desk laid in the corner of the crypt - as if someone had thrown it there. In the middle of the room was Luciens coffin, broken to pieces. Max walked in, looking around. There were scratchmarks on the door, the walls, the wooden remnants of furniture. There had been a fight here. And someone was taken.
Max closed the crypt door, looking at the papers on the floor. He recognised the handwriting as Luciens, making hundreds of notes next to typed documents. He quickly collected them all, scanning them quickly to see if he could find mention of Julie's name.
Test subject 7B has shown no interest in participating in the experiments.
His eyes fell on that line, noticing Luciens handwriting next to it.
Another page that had a picture of a large metal pipe forced through a woman's torso. Even on the black and white photograph it looked gruesome.
Subject 7B has yet to complete the change fully. Injuries seem to stop bleeding sooner but take longer to fully heal. Bruises sustained in an earlier fight (date 23/2/1985) seem to only now (05/3/1985) start to heal and lighten in colour. Estimated recovery time for the impalement is three months.
As Max piled together more and more papers, he quickly realised they were a medical file. Pages upon pages describing the horrors done tot he poor girl. As he finally collected the last page, he realised he had about a hundred in his hands. No wonder Julie had nightmares. Just skipping through the pages and seeing what they described was enough to make him physically ill.
Max sighed as he stood up, walking towards the door. Lucien was nowhere to be found - and that too worried him. He wouldn't just leave his place abandoned like this. Max looked around one last time, noticing a scrap of paper laying in the floor under some pieces of wood.
Berkeley University
Max frowned as he looked at the card. Lucien didn't go to university, so why did he have this card? He looked at his watch, noticing it was nearing twelve already, and decided that the crypt would be his spot for the night. Until then, he'd go and investigate the only lead he had. What was Lucien doing at Berkeley University? It was a short drive, taking only twenty minutes, before Max saw the university building arise at the horizon. It seemed to have a botanical garden, with brightly lit glass domes and - as far as Max could see from this distance - loads of exotic flora. The building itself was old, but people were working hard to keep it modern. On the left side of the building was some scaffolding. Max grinned. Of course, he could have made his way in through an open window or door anyway, but this made it much easier.
As he parked the car, he couldn't help but wonder what Lucien had been doing here. The vampire had been known for being lazy, refusing to take any jobs, and claiming that the undead live was one for free time - not for work. So, why would he go to the university? He didn't seem like the type to take up classes or teach for that matter. Max made his way to the side of the building, flying up - not wanting to climb the metal stairs of the scaffolding and risk being found out - and entering through an open window. Once inside, he stopped and looked around. The walls were split in two, the upper half bare, painted a bright white colour. The bottom was lined with faded yellow tiles. The floor was made of granite, and it could definitely use an update. The number of cracks in the floor was, in his opinion, unnecessary.
He walked down the hallway, searching for an office with Luciens name on it. It was his best shot. As he searched both the third and second floor hallways, he realised quickly that it was unlikely he'd find it like this. Maybe Lucien used a different name - something Max realised he should have thought of earlier - and maybe he had a hidden office or had just come here for a meeting with someone. He sighed, walking down the stairs towards the entrance of the building. With any luck, there was a receptionist there - or at least someone from the university - who could tell him if they knew Lucien and his whereabouts.
"Sir? You can't be here." A young man, in his twenties and probably working the nightshift as a side job to finance his studies, looked at Max. Max smiled kindly. The kid would not be a problem. He was scrawny, sounded nervous, and looked as if he had never won a single argument in his life.
"I'm sorry for barging in," Max said, "but I was looking to surprise a friend of mine. He said he worked here. Maybe you know him? Lucien-"
"Yes? Eh - he does work here sometimes, but he never really stays long. I haven't seen him tonight."
"Do you know where his office is?" Max asked, a subtle force in his voice. The boy would not refuse him - and if he did, he could always hypnotise the student. It would be tricky since he hadn't done it in a while, but he was certain he still could.
The student nodded, walking away from Max. He walked down a long hallway, opening a door at the end of it. Behind the door was the entrance to the botanical garden - but also a winding staircase going down. Max quickly dismissed the boy, closing the door behind him. First, he'd take a look at the botanical garden. Within a couple of hours, the sun would rise, and he would have no time then to investigate.
Wild flowers grew everywhere, hiding the pathways around the fountain in the middle of the greenhouse. As he did a quick sweep, he didn't find any sign of Lucien - or anyone else for that matter. What he did find, however, worried him. The plants growing here were medicinal, for the main part. That in and of itself wasn't that weird - but the fact that the majority of these plants were potentially harmful to both humans and vampires? Yes, that worried him.
Next chapter >
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emerald-notes · 8 months
Noona! Please! Help! - Part 4
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Fandom: BTS Characters: Younger Brothers BTS and Elder Sister Narrator Genre: A Little Dramatic and A Little Comedic Word Count: 900+ Words Warning: Academic stress, despair etc. Note: It’s a siblings AU story of BTS with the narrator as their elder sister. I tried to write something different from what I usually write about. I had fun making this. Hope it makes you feel good too. Happy Reading Everyone :)
Summary: Her little brothers can’t attend to a single task without her help. Be it a dance competition or asking out a girl for a date, they always seem to be finding everything too hard to go through without her by their side. ‘Our lucky charm’; that’s what they like to call her. But what if she turns out to be a misfortune in different situations in one single day?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - More to come
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Goodbye, SNU...:
11:17 a.m. 1st September, 2015
Almost all the students seem to have gotten out of the exam hall already but there is no sign of Jimin. What can that mean?
"I don't think his exam went well, noona!" Yoongi quietly puts my thoughts into words.
I shake my head, "He must be talking to a friend. Jimin’s exam must go well. He prepared for it for months."
"Accidents happen, you know!" Yoongi shrugs.
Finally I see Jimin, slouching, coming out of that building all alone. My heart feels heavy. Jimin will not recover from this any time soon if something goes wrong.
Yoongi calls out, "Jiminah! Here!"
There is a moment of confusion in his face at first. Then it fades to recognition. He slowly walks towards us and gives a weak smile.
"Was it that bad?" I ask.
Jimin nods. His smile turns upside down. And the next thing we know is his eyes are wet. Jimin is crying.
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I am sitting at a cafe table waiting for my two brothers to come from the washroom, wondering what life lesson the older one is teaching the younger one in his hour of despair. It does not take long. Finally, they make their way towards me.
“Everything okay, now?” I ask.
“Tolerable!” Yoongi sighs. There is a hint of annoyance in his voice.
As soon as they sit down, Jimin begins ranting about all the silly mistakes he had made. His brain was a mess during the exam time so he couldn’t concentrate properly and he had marked the number of bills and coins in South Korea to be five and four respectively whereas the answer is quite the opposite.
“C’mon, Jiminah, everyone knows that” Yoongi grunts mockingly and I glare at him to stop teasing.
I turn to Jimin and, noticing the dark circles and the sharp jawline, ask him, “Have you been properly eating and sleeping, Jiminie?”
“What?” His look was wearied. That answers my question.
I say, “Listen! What you really need is a proper meal and some sleep.” I check the watch on my wrist and calculate the amount of time still remaining before I meet up with Namjoon. “Alright! Let’s go to granma’s place and I’ll cook both of you some hearty meals.”
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Driving all the way to granma’s place is tiring to some extent. It is all the more exhausting when you have a passenger talking non-stop about how terrible he’s feeling and how his life is all dark ahead of him as if not getting into SNU means that your life’s over. I understand that all the unnecessary amount of caffeine Jimin had consumed within the last few months had done little to no good to him. What surprises me more is the level of patience Yoongi has for Jimin. Because I am slowly losing my mind right now.
At last, here I am, trying to make some quick healthy lunch for me and my two little ones.
“You're home already?” The youngest enters the kitchen.
Alright. Three little ones now.
I hastily add more water and some spicy ingredients to the soup before turning to speak to Jungkook. “Yes! Just to prepare lunch. Go say hi to Yoongi and Jimin.”
“They're here?” He excitedly leaves without waiting for my answer.
The familiar sound of the boys’ laughter fills the living room. It is carried to my ears which in turns brings a smile to my lips. I prepare the dishes, pour the soup, take the kimchi out of the fridge and finally call Yoongi to help me carry them to the table.
I am surprised to not find Jimin in the dining room.
“Hyung fell asleep so I carried him to my room. He looked so tired. Didn't want to wake him up.” Jungkook informs.
“But the food will go cold when he wakes up.” I say.
Yoongi pulls the sleeve of my shirt and motions me to sit down, “it's alright. I'll just warm them up for him.”
I say, “You start eating. I’m gonna go check on him.”
Yoongi shrugs, “he’ll be alright, noona. We all do.”
I nod a little but my heart does not agree. Jimin is a perfectionist. I know how much it hurts him when he fails to meet his ambitions. And it pains me to even think how this is going to affect him. He is going to be so hard on himself from now on.
I step inside Jungkook’s almost-bare-except-for-a-bed bedroom and find Jimin snoring softly. He looks peaceful in his sleep. Almost angelic other than the fact that he has lost so much weight over the past few months so he looks kinda ill. His eyes have sunken into perfect brown circles and his jawlines look as if it can cut.
I slowly run my hand over his hair as my eyes start to prick. I wish he would stop worrying about being perfect. I wish he knew he was more than his mistakes. I wish he knew how much he is loved.
I quietly go back to eat. Luckily Yoongi and Jungkook are already immersed in a conversation about some comic books that I barely know about. After a few minutes of munching on my food in silence, my phone rings from the kitchen so I have to excuse myself. It is Namjoon.
“Noona! It's already 1:50. Are you sure you can make it in time?” I hear Namjoon's worried voice from the other side of the speaker.
“I'm leaving home right away. You wait for me a little longer. Can you do that?”
There is a moment of silence. Then Namjoon speaks, “of course, I'll wait. I ain't doing this without my lucky charm.”
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beardedmrbean · 5 days
The search for an escaped capybara which fled a zoo four days ago is continuing "around the clock".
Cinnamon fled her habitat at Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World in Telford on Friday and entered woodlands within the zoo grounds.
The last sighting of her was on Saturday, after she managed to get beyond the perimeter fence.
Zoo owner Will Dorrell said he believed Cinnamon had made it to the Humber Brook river, near the attraction's northern boundary, where "she's probably living her best life".
A mass search of the Humber Brook area will take place on Tuesday evening, with the help of a local thermal camera drone operator and keepers from the zoo.
Cinnamon escaped when keepers entered the capybara enclosure to mow the paddock, as she was hidden in long grass near the gate, Mr Dorrell said.
When the gate was opened, she slipped around the side of a tractor to leave the enclosure.
"Our two young capybara here are always trying to work out a different way of trying to cause us headaches," Mr Dorrell said.
"They’re extremely intelligent which a lot of people might not necessarily appreciate.
"She seemed to know what we were going to do and was waiting there ready for that gate to be opened."
While a capybara has never escaped from the zoo before, Mr Dorrell said one managed to dig under a fence to get into an ostrich enclosure a few years ago, but quickly realised she wanted to come back.
Mr Dorrell told the BBC that Cinnamon was not at imminent risk but staff wanted to know where she was so they could bring her back to the zoo and reunite her with her family.
"Right opposite us there's loads of marshland and riverways, that's why we strongly suspect that she's there," he said.
"In the wild they're fantastic swimmers and they'll live on river banks, then whenever they feel threatened they just run into the water and can stay in there for hours at a time."
"We're working round the clock at the moment trying to find her," he said.
Capybaras are native to South America and are the largest living rodents in the world.
Cinnamon was born at the zoo alongside brother Churro, and is now around one year old.
Mr Dorrell said the pair "stuck together" but that Churro was doing fine as their parents still live with them.
"But obviously it would be nice to reunite them," he said.
Cinnamon has not been spotted since Saturday, where she was seen on Humber Lane.
She was also spotted on Friday night via the zoo's trail cameras and almost went back to her enclosure, but was not close enough for keepers to do anything.
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The public have been urged to report sightings to the zoo, but not to approach her for fear of scaring her and driving her further way.
"She's very very tame, she wouldn't hurt anyone, she's just very likely to be timid," Mr Dorrell said.
"If it goes on [much] longer, she's not at imminent risk. She can very comfortably survive the weather, even though they prefer it a bit warmer, and locally there's loads of food and habitat."
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saintjosie · 2 years
storytime! @pirateprincessjess
so i met jess around march 2021 because she raided me on twitch. she said she found me on tiktok and i immediately went to go check her out and followed her back. i actually remember looking at my phone during my stream and thinking, “oh she’s really cute”, following her, and then moving on with the stream.
we chat back and forth for a few months and stream together a few times and then towards the end of 2021, i found out that she only lived a few hours away from me. so i’m like, “hey! you’re nearby, wanna get together and make some videos?”
that was our first time meeting each other in person and it was also the same weekend that we filmed the skirt go spinny video! we got along so well right off the bat but we both knew that we werent ready to date for different reasons.
6 months later, in feb of 2022, jess has her orchiectomy. i had moved twice within those two months, raleigh to dallas and then from dallas to nashville, and we are on a video call late at night while she was recovering from her surgery. jess is stoned out of her mind on pain meds and all of a sudden she is like:
“are we flirting right now?”
to which she responds “nice. you should come visit again. come any time. and i literally mean it, you can come visit ANY time”.
i’m now sweating profusely, “haha okay how about next week?”
i drive 8 hours from nashville to south carolina to help her get around the apartment while she’s recovering from her surgery and hang out with her. on the day before valentine’s day, the day before i am headed back home, we decide we are going to try dating and that we are gonna take it really slow.
for the next month we spend hours talking on facetime every day. at first a few hours a night, then five, then 10, then we are falling asleep and waking up together over facetime. then i finally get to go and visit her for a week and we finally get to have our first date. the week is too short. i weep when i have to leave. i weep on the drive home. there was nothing slow about how fast i fell for her.
a month away from jess then a week with jess. we do this for 8 more months. driving back and forth 8 hours has never been easier. we talk about moving in together but it’s too much too fast and we don’t want to be hasty uhaul lesbians. until finally my lease is up and we cave.
it’s been four months now since we’ve moved in together and it’s been absolutely incredible 🥰
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oldbutnotyetwise · 5 months
Saying Goodbye 
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    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about goodbyes.  Good goodbyes, bad goodbyes, unspoken goodbyes and final goodbyes.  I am sure there are other kinds of goodbyes but right now those are the one that come to my mind.
     People leave their home every morning to go to work and expect to return at the end of the workday, and almost all of them do.  However there are some who don’t.  A car accident, a workplace accident or some sort of health issue could all stand in the way of that safe return home.  Maybe they said goodbye to their loved ones, or maybe they left with no words, or even worse, angry words.  It is sad when people don’t get the chance to say goodbye, when suddenly someone is ripped out of their life never to be seen again.  The chance for a final goodbye stolen from them.  I know this has happened to me, and I suspect it has happened to you as well.  When someone is part of your life and then one day they are suddenly stolen away never to be seen again.  They are gone, you had unfinished business with them  that will never be finished.
     Some folks outlive their friends, end up in a nursing home alone, lost amid all those other old folks. Children or grandchildren busy with their own lives may visit occasionally but most of their days are filled with emptiness.  Most of their friends long gone now, and the one or two who remain have been abandoned by their minds and live in a world where strangers act like they are family and friends.  Some people dream of a long life but these people are tired of being alone with all these other old people. They don’t fit in anymore, they have seen and lived through things that the others haven’t.  They miss having a best friend, or really just any good friend. They sit there with their eyes closed, staff think they are sleeping but they are rummaging through the attics of their minds, searching for happy memories, or searching for their way back to a happy place. So they sit and wait until their time comes, awash in loneliness and despair.  It is like they are sitting on a bench at a bus stop. Waiting for that long overdue bus to come and take them where they need to go, wherever that may be.  They have come to the time to say goodbye, but they don’t have anyone to say goodbye to.  
     I know that these days with access to modern travel that as long as you have the money you can go back and visit family no matter where they are.  There was a time when family members would move across the world, where the young married couple would say goodbye to their parents before they got on a boat and crossed the ocean, never to see family again.  Chasing their dream of a better life in a far away place.  Imagine how the parents felt  saying goodbye to their child knowing that it was likely they would ever see them again.  What words would you say to your child, or your parents in those circumstances?
     Goodbyes are never easy, but I think some of the hardest goodbyes are the last goodbyes.  I remember caring for my Mom as she lay dying from cancer.  We knew the end was getting near and I had been sleeping in a LazyBoy chair I had dragged into her makeshift bedroom.  I needed to take a night off to study for an exam, I remember it was a Thursday night.  Some believe that a loved one often waits until they are alone to die, maybe that is what my Mom did dying in the company of a hired nurse rather than with her son sleeping at her bedside.   Although I don’t think we ever actually said the word goodbye, I think we lived our goodbye by sharing our love, stories and smiles over the last days and weeks of her life.  I suppose that was an unspoken goodbye.
     I remember getting up early one morning and driving four hours south to see my close friend Dave who was dying in a Cancer Hospital.  As soon as I saw him I knew it was the last time I would see him, and it broke my heart to seeing this proud man struggling like he was.  We said our Goodbyes, both knowing that this would be our final Goodbye, we hugged, said we loved each other and then I walked out of the room.  I stopped and stood in the doorway, my hand over my heart, tears streaming down my face and then I tipped my hat and walked out of his life.  Dave died a few weeks later, all this time later I can still picture my friend laying there in that hospital bed, both of us knowing that his story was nearing its end, and the last chapter wasn’t a pretty one.  
     So the goodbye I have been pondering a lot lately is the Final Goodbye, in this case my own.  I know it is coming, and to be quite honest I really didn’t expect to still be here now.  The fact that I am seeing spring flowers is a rather unexpected gift.  My best before date is long past. If I was a car I would have long ago been taken to the scrap yard.  I’m not sure how much longer that Robin and I can keep this wreck of a human body going.  I’m not sure how much longer I want to keep fighting.  I’m tired, Robin is tired and I’m not sure I can keep asking her to do everything that she has to do to keep me going.  Sooner or later the music has to stop, the dance has to end, the lights come on and the couple has to uncouple.  
     Friends have come from near and far to see Robin and I, and say their goodbyes.  Their love, affection and support is enough to make me think maybe I didn’t mess up this thing we call life too badly.  For the friends who came from a distance we just generally accept that this will be the last time we will see each other in person.  As the time for them to leave is approaching I feel sadness and apprehension at the final goodbye.  When you know it is your last in person goodbye you want to get it right, but what is right?  I know there will be tears on my side, my tough guy persona no longer exists.  I want to say the right words, speaking them clearly without mumbling, and say it all with shedding a tear, but it appears I am not capable of that.  Instead I say goodbye and hope that the person I am saying goodbye to knows how much I love them, despite my mumbling, despite the words not being said and despite the abundance of tears flowing down the sides of my face.
     For me personally there can be no harder goodbyes than saying goodbye to my daughter Elizabeth and wife Robin.  I am not convinced that the greatest authors or songwriters would be able to weave together a tapestry of words or music that could adequately do the job, because I just don’t think the words exist.  Even without the words I know that there is no doubt in Robin or Elizabeth’s mind about how much I love them.  
    And for those who couldn’t make it here, it’s okay….I know…. and I hope you know as well.  
“How lucky I am to
have something
that makes saying
goodbye so hard.”
A.A. Milne
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annakie · 10 months
My family was supposed to all be out of town by now, but Stuff happened and they're not leaving til next week.
Asked my mom on Sunday if we were going to do any kind of Thanksgiving and she was like "Oh I bought sliced turkey at the deli!" Me: lol no
Spent an hour or so googling for options and H.E.B. (Texas grocery chain) had a full Thanksgiving dinner for four (4 - 6 lb Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, gravy and real cranberry sauce), all pre-cooked, and for under $100. Just unbox, stick it in the oven for an hour, and voila, easy dinner.
So I ordered that. They bought some pie when they went to Walmart, mom's making bread from scratch because she loves using her Kitchenaid stand mixer for bread, I bought a little cheese tray for appetizers, and we've got the easiest Thanksgiving ever for four.
Went to pick it up and:
A) Forgot that everyone gets out of work early today thus getting on the road at 2pm was like usually getting on the road at 5pm, especially heading away from downtown.
B) Forgot how far this grocery store was. I used to work right by there and completely forgot how much I hated that commute. I took the tollways. Worth it.
C) HOLY CRAP the grocery store parking lot was like Mad Max. Trying to get in and this idiot cut me off badly before getting into the parking lot, then I guess they got scared when I followed them into the parking lot and were driving erratically trying to get away from me? Even though I was just, you know, being normal. Maybe they were just THAT dumb. Then they nearly hit a family on foot while making a shitty blind turn. Terrifying. I offered the family my dashcam footage, but since nobody was hurt and they were leaving, they just wanted to get out.
D) CANNOT IMAGINE what it was like in that store, the parking lot looked FULL full. Thank the retail gods for curbside pickup. Didn't have to get out of the car. Wasn't allowed to tip the girl who brought the groceries out. =\ Only downside is that I'd ordered an extra side of pre-made Parmesan Garlic carrots for more veggies. They substituted the carrots for more green beans. Nobody in my family likes green beans much already. :p
E) Driving home was almost as bad, but traffic was better going south.
F) Thought it would take me 45 minutes. Entire trip took an hour and a half. Glad to be home.
G) I hate putting groceries away. The box with dinner juuuuust barely fits in my fridge. I had to duct tape the door shut. No, I'm not kidding. :D IT'S FINE. It's for like, 18 hours!
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