#but obtaining a kid found family style is fun :)
ind3cisive-cl0wn · 2 months
Ace attorney charecters can never just have kids they always gotta be spontaneously obtained
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roosterbox · 8 months
October Almost-Drabbles 10/7: Apple
Pairing: Cherik
Word Count: 535
Additional tags: “modern” setting, otherwise unspecified AU, no powers, canon disabled character, author is not Jewish but an attempt at keeping kosher was still made, tooth-rotting fluff (as per usual)
Side note: any info about kosher meats was obtained via Google. If it’s not right (or if the mentioned preparations aren’t okay), I apologize. Like I said before, I’m trying not to put TOO MUCH planning or forethought into these drabbles, lol. They were almost going to talk about eating squid and octopus before I thought to check.
Also I know the whole giving teachers apples thing hasn’t been in style in a very long time. I don’t even remember people doing it when I was a kid. It’s an alternate universe, man - just go with it!
Random fun fact: Honeycrisp apples were patented in 1988!
The first day of the school year, Charles’ desk was practically covered in apples. Some red, others green, some marbled with yellow. All were perfectly ripe, without bruise or blemish, and filled his classroom with a delicious, fruity aroma. Even the other teachers, who received a few apples of their own, were mildly jealous of the affection Charles’ students had for him.
A bit too much affection, in some cases. More than once he had to gently tell a student that, while he appreciated their regard, there were several reasons why their relationship had to remain purely professional. Such as their age, and the general inappropriateness of such a thing. And there was also his husband, who found the sheer amount of apples Charles brought home every year an endless source of amusement. Plenty for cider, for pies, for baking, or any other different permutations the two of them could conjure.
“Next year you should ask for some Honeycrisps,” Erik said that night as he stored the bags - and bags and bags - of produce.
“Got a few recipes in mind, have you?” Charles teased. With relative ease, he moved himself and his chair around their table, setting out plates and silverware.
His husband shrugged. “Not really. I just rather enjoy them. And there are so few chances these days to indulge.”
“Who would have thought you’d have the sweeter tooth between us?” There was a wine bottle on the counter. Charles took it down and brought it to the table. Excellent vintage, he thought. All that remained was the meal itself. With that in mind, he maneuvered himself out of the wheelchair and into one of the dining seats. Just in time for Erik, finally sans apples, to set the steaming dish right down in the center of the table. Charles thought it smelled absolutely divine, and said as much.
Erik blushed, though he would have denied doing so if asked. “Just an old family recipe tonight, Charles. Nothing special.”
“Anything you make for us is special, my love.”
Before going to his own seat, Erik leaned down to kiss Charles, his own way of silencing the compliments. Though he took pride in his work, Erik still couldn’t help how giddy he got from his husband’s praise.
Charles smiled as they parted. “Except,” he looked thoughtful, “for that albacore tartare from a few months ago.” His stomach growled angrily at the reminder. Sometimes, Erik’s culinary experiments were a bit too ambitious for his digestive system.
Erik grimaced. “I’m never living that down, am I?”
“Not any time soon.”
They both laughed at that. At the very least, the memory was a pleasant one, even if neither had been very happy at the time.
Sometime later, after their bellies were full of roasted meat, veggies, and wine, and they were curled up together on the sofa, Erik squeezed Charles closer, dropping a kiss to the hair of the lightly dozing man.
“I love you,” he said. Charles mumbled out a reply that might have been a returned sentiment. Might also have been gibberish. Either way, Erik was satisfied.
“Charles,” he murmured, somewhat deep in thought, “how do you feel about… baked haddock?”
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drawer-ghost · 4 months
tell me about ur papyton fankids. are they named after fonts? are they part ghost or part robot or both? what age do you typically imagine them at? who's more like Papyrus? who's more like Mettaton? how were they created/born? how do Papyrus and Mettaton feel about raising them, did they have any reservations before they were born? sorry for the barrage of questions, just wanted to give you some ideas in case you didn't know where to start :]
First of all: Anon I am giving you a big smooch on the forehead as a thank you cuz I needed to talk my ideas!
So, the children are three and all of them are adopted, so no ghost-robot-skeleton hybrid sadly (I wanted to do it but Mettaton doesn't strike me as someone that would want children at first, so all the kids are obtained through adventures and shenanigans and he decided to keep them)
They are from an AU I like to call "Monsterling AU" (basically my post pacifist+UT general headcanons but the characters have kids and there are new ocs)
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Explanation of the children under the cut cuz the post would be hell to scroll down:
(if you have some criticism about the design or ideas for them please feel free to tell me about it I wanna get better at writing and designing characters)
The first is a robot that I haven't named yet. Their story is that they were a virus that infected one of the mini Box Mettaton he uses during the fights but became sentient and with a mentality of a 10 years old. Not wanting to get rid of it nor knowing what to do they just adopt them. They are the first of the bunch and have Mettaton's personality but cope by having Papyrus's fashion style. I see them being teenager, like, mentally 14 years old when they and their family find Jaine Doo.
The second is Jaine Doo, a zombie of a young sick girl that centuries ago was buried in the dump of Waterfall when humans lived in the Underground too. During Asriel's fight he also stole her soul and when he broke the barrier he basically created a loophole reviving her as a memory-less zombie (there's a deeper reason behind why she has no memory but I need it to cook it more). I need to cook her story more but I wanna make it happen in some Big City For Rich people just for fun. Papyton found her while she was hiding in a garbage can and saved her. She is the "sane man" (I put it in brackets cuz she is also goofy, just not in the same way her family is) of the situation. She also stays "silent" most of the time for comedic reasons (think about Erma). She is technically older than Robot Dude but she has the Curse Of The Middle Child. I would say that she was the one most similar to Papyrus mostly for her perfectionism and desire to befriend everyone but it's a big stretch.
Ivy is kinda the newbie both in the story and in irl so her story isn't very cooked. She is a cursed puppet that took Life out of nowhere. Her backstory will mostly depend about how much tear-jerking or "what the frick-ery" I want it to be but at some point she was one of the puppets of a famous puppeteer friend that secretly hated Mettaton's guts for his popularity. So he gifted her knowing it was alive and very angry with humanity and monsterkind but thought the power of friendship and love she just gave up at killing them and just became one of their kids. She is like Damian from Batman Wayne Family Adventures: can kill you but wouldn't like to do that and develop social skills instead.
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gokitetravel · 5 months
7 Restaurants Where You Can Enjoy Dinner with Your Kids in Russia
Finding family-friendly eateries in Russia is a fun dining experience for parents and children. These restaurants offer a relaxed and cheerful ambiance ideal for family meals, from the delicious baked potatoes of Kroshka Kartoshka to the classic Russian fast-food businesses like Teremok, which serve up beautiful blini with varied fillings. Local favourites and global chains alike provide a comfortable and kid-friendly environment in their pizzerias, but Shokoladnitsa's dedication to sweets makes the experience even more delightful. If you're looking for interesting themes, Russia has a number of themed restaurants that offer a variety of cuisines as well as a fun atmosphere for kids. Furthermore, popular international fast-food chains like KFC and McDonald's are easily accessible, providing familiar options for younger eaters. Families in Russia are guaranteed a memorable and enjoyable eating experience with these family-friendly options, whether they choose to explore local cafes with play areas or enjoy a buffet-style feast.
Travellers who are interested to experience the extensive and culturally different landscapes of the Russian Federation must first obtain a Russia visa from Dubai. Getting around the procedure from the busy town of Dubai requires close attention to detail and attention to the standards for applying for a visa. Before starting this trip, applicants need to collect the required paperwork, which includes a completed visa application form, passport-sized pictures, and an invitation letter. It becomes essential to get advice from the Russian embassy or a recognised visa agency in Dubai in order to guarantee an easy and successful application procedure. Obtaining a Russia visa from Dubai allows visitors to see a world of beautiful historical sites, beautiful buildings, and varied landscapes, all of which invite to fully embrace Russia's own character.
Here are some general types of restaurants that might be family-friendly:
1. Family-Friendly Chains:
Look out well-known chains of family-friendly restaurants that frequently offer a varied menu that attracts to both adults and kids. Chains that provide a range of foods, such as Teremok and Kroshka Kartoshka, could serve as examples.
2. Casual meals Restaurants:
Pick places for casual meals that are spacious, have a comfortable atmosphere, and frequently accommodate families. To suit an extensive variety of palates, these restaurants frequently offer an extensive menu.
3. Pizza Places:
Children frequently enjoy going to pizza places. Many of them are kid-friendly and feature a relaxed atmosphere with pizza. Check out neighbourhood pizzerias or well-known pizza companies.
4. Cafés with Play Areas: 
There might be kid-friendly play areas in certain restaurants or cafés. This gives children a chance to play while parents have dinner. Check internet reviews or get in touch with the company's representatives to find out more about the services it offers.
5. Theme Restaurants:
A themed menu or kid-friendly entertainment may be found in some Russian restaurants. These establishments could offer a unique meal and be more entertaining for children.
6. Buffet-style Restaurants:
Children can select from a wide variety of dishes in buffet-style restaurants. They can choose what they want, and waiting for food tends to be avoided.
7. Parks with Dining Facilities:
There are cafes and restaurants with outdoor seating in certain parks and outdoor spaces. After spending time outside, this could be an excellent opportunity for families to have a dinner together.
Russia has a wide variety of family-friendly restaurants that can accommodate the differing preferences of both parents and kids. Families have a variety of options, ranging from the comfortable familiarity of worldwide fast-food chains like McDonald's and KFC to the unique flavours of traditional Russian fast-food at Teremok and delicious baked potatoes from Kroshka Kartoshka. For kids, the variety of themed restaurants and tiny pizzerias adds even more excitement, making dining in Russia a genuinely wonderful and unforgettable experience. These restaurants offer more than just food, whether you're looking for a treat in sweets at Shokoladnitsa or exploring buffet-style other options, they additionally encourage everlasting family memories while serving up delicious Russian cuisine.
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fullerbush · 2 years
5 Senior Widow Dating Sites to Try
Widowers Dating is a site that allows senior widows and widowers to connect with others in their area. In other words, artifacts found in the upper layers of a site will have been deposited more recently than those found in the lower layers. With the rising demand for science, technology, engineering and math skills, science-related toys provide the perfect opportunity for kids to have fun as they prepare for the future. Cate Blanchett. Tailored and perfect. What do you tell him? I am so addicted that I cannot stop myself from calling you even for a few hours and that’s why I am writing this letter to you to tell you that you are being missed badly. נערות ליווי בחיפה Left with few options, she asks her childhood crush to be her decoy fiance. Greta Garbo. Sometimes, you just want to be left alone. Asia. I want to rule as many people as possible. The emergence of rock and roll culture was huge in the 1980s, but tons of people were still falling in love. Nov. 1 might as well be called New Year's Day for the world's dead, the day that many people believed their spirits paid a visit to their loved ones.
This tradition dates back to the days when the Norse believed that witches looked for brooms to fly on on Christmas Eve. Only about 20% of the Japanese are Christians, so Christmas is not as widely celebrated as it may be in other nations. If it doesn't feel right at that stage, there are a few steps you can take to build yourself up for the conversation. But the truth is, you just need to follow a few simple rules: Be honest, be yourself, and be specific. They have strong yet flexible opinions. If I have to. I have to have style. They make us imagine what it's like to be queen for a day, to have luxury only seen in dreams. Older dates have been obtained by using special sample preparation techniques, large samples, and very long measurement times. Action Step: Think about what you’re looking for in a partner and write your description using the 70:30 rule. Artifacts which can be dated using these methods include ceramics, burned lithics, burned bricks and soil from hearths (TL), and unburned stone surfaces that were exposed to light and then buried (OSL). You’ll complete a personality test so that EliteSingles can make compatible match suggestions-usually 3-7 suggestions every day.
Ephesians 5:25-33 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. We love to see glimpses of our favorite princesses at events whether it's a charity event, party, or family outing. There should be a relationship with each other’s family and friends. I want to love you, adore you, take care of you and make you the happiest person there ever was for all of time. Financial contributions, however big or small, help us provide access to trusted science information at a time when the world needs it most. No red carpet PDA pics this time around (sad face). 10. "I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone." - J.R.R. As long as no one steals my blankets, I like sleeping with someone else. Millions of entertainment fans were tuning into the sitcoms of the decade like Cheers, Growing Pains, and Golden Girls.
There are plenty of one-liners in both the film and literary versions of the vampire story "Twilight" that are known to provoke eye rolls (even among fans). They are constantly making and meeting goals that will bring them closer to this reality. This unfortunately means that when it comes to dating, Libras will go out with anyone. It’s better to hash things out and start things off with a policy to talk about things when they arise. Talk to your partner, give compliments often, listen when he or she is upset and help with work if you can. A boyfriend jacket. Show off my sporty side when I can. Casual. Comfy can be chic. Cat-eye sunglasses. Beach chic. See the main article on Radiocarbon Dating for additional information. The main drawback to dendrochronology is its reliance on the existence of relatively long-lived vegetation with annual growth rings. Bryce sent Addison the most gorgeous roses for her 20th birthday, complete with a classic Bryce message.
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Dalmatian Themed Bedroom and Fun Facts
What do the founding fathers, the father of American democracy, Benjamin Franklin, and Pablo Picasso all have in common? They were all fortunate enough to acquire Dalmatians, the most popular and well-liked breed of dog in the world. Dalmatians have been used as circus performers, carriage dogs, and even in wars. Their speckled coat and clearly defined muscles make them easy to distinguish. Following the premiere of Walt Disney's 1961 film, "One Hundred and One Dalmatians," based on Diode Smith's 1956 children's story "The Great Dog Robbery," the breed had a surge in popularity.
While "Liver Spots" on a Dalmatian are the most common and recognizable type, other colors and patterns of spots have been seen on these gorgeous canines. They are born completely spotless white, but the first spots form after about a week, and more and more occur as they become older. Dalmatians typically have amber, brown, or blue eyes. They can have different colored eyes on each eye. It is possible, for instance, for one eye to be brown and the other to be blue.
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Dalmatians are high-energy pets that benefit greatly from vigorous physical and mental play. They may cause a lot of damage to your furniture, grass, and even your favorite pair of shoes if you don't offer them enough food. You can help them burn off some of their excess energy by taking them on a vigorous walk, hike, or jog. If you're looking for a dog to add some energy and fun to your family, this is the excellent breed to consider.
These days, it's not uncommon to find a kid's bedroom decked out in a Dalmatian theme. Because of the long history between this breed of dog and the fire service, a room decorated to look like a fire engine with Dalmatians in it would be awesome. The bed is the starting point for any decor. Choosing the bedding is the hardest part, the rest is easy. The bedding for this theme can be found in a wide variety of styles, colors, and patterns. Bedding with a fire truck or Dalmatian print is adorable, but you can save money by going with a solid color set.
Choose solid bedding in hues that bring to mind the fire department, such as red, black, white, yellow, and blue. Use a simple plain blue duvet cover and accent it with a few little ornamental pillows in red and yellow, for instance. Pillows can be made more interesting by having firefighter badges sewn onto them. You may also use shams or decorative pillows with a firefighter motif in place of the plain duvet covers. Use a duvet cover and sheets of contrasting coolers for a more interesting look. Mixing and matching contrasting colors is commonplace; for instance, a duvet cover in one cooler and sheets in another.
If you've already decided on bedding, you can move on to the next step. Hang murals or peel and stick DIY wall decals featuring fire trucks, hydrants, Dalmatians, and firefighters on the walls. Draw spots in black paint on a white dresser. Add shelves to the walls and then fill them with stuffed animals, such as Dalmatians, fire engines, and other assorted stuffed animals. There's even space for a clothing pole, so you can keep your kid's fireman uniform, helmet, and boots neatly out of the way. To conclude, a fire truck toy chest.
How to Obtain and Use Home Business Leads
One of the cheapest methods to become a business owner is to launch a venture from the comfort of your own home. It's common for people to enter the workforce via network marketing. Products ranging from nutritional supplements to cutting-edge technological and information services are all on offer from network marketing firms. However, home business leads are essential for the success of any network marketing organization.
Directly purchasing leads from mailing list providers is one method. You can find these businesses by doing an internet search or perusing the home business magazines found in most grocery stores (i.e. Home Business Connection). Good quality leads for home-based businesses typically cost between $75 and $100 per 1,000 contacts. In most cases, you can save money on these leads if you buy a larger quantity. Make sure you're only buying the names of potential customers when you do lead generation. Individuals who have invested funds into a work-from-home venture. Do not buy the names of "opportunity seekers," as they are typically not good leads.
Distribution of leads is typically done using ASCII CDs or peel-and-stick labels. Leads should be sorted in accordance with your sales process. You can use the labels or CD (print it out on labels) to send postcards or direct mail pieces to potential clients. You will need to buy names and phone numbers separately if you plan to do any cold calling.
When making follow-up calls, it's important to consider the lead's geographic location. If you are located on the East Coast, you should contact those in the Eastern Time Zone first, and those on the West Coast last. Realistically, you can still reach individuals on the west coast till midnight. Their time zone is three hours behind ours. To filter out unqualified leads, use a solid script. Inquire about their prior experience with home-based businesses and the qualities they need in a successful venture. The next step is to begin making pitches about your business possibility.
People will get in touch with you if you offer mailing lists. To motivate them to take action, you'll need a powerful direct mail letter. The callers should be followed up with as soon as possible. They should be able to leave their name, number, and the best time to reach them on your message machine. You may gauge a list's success by tracking how many items you sell from it. Use a database to keep track of people who have asked questions or expressed interest.
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angstsfordays · 3 years
Beautiful Pain (4)
Chapter Four- Now or Never
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced! Reader
Summary: Post-Blip, you started to feel lost when most of the Avengers team are gone. Coping with your loss, you still find hope in the connection with your remaining friends. However, it is not easy as everyone is trying to figure their lives after the Blip.
Having a long history with Bucky ever since you both saved each other from Hydra, you were still glad you had Bucky after all this time. However, as you try to give Bucky space to find himself after being pardoned for his past, you start to wonder if you should ever cross the line of friendship before it’s too late.
That thought might have to be put on hold though, when you, Sam and Bucky find yourselves having to deal with threats that continue to rise in a post-Blip world.
Chapter synopsis: Your supposed ally leads you to an unlawful nation where danger lurks at every corner. Bucky starts to see you in a different light.
Warnings: Sexual objectification. Very bad undercover work. Calling Sam daddy. Sexual innuendos.
Word count: 4.8k
Notes: I am very humbled that people have been enjoying the story and liking it so far! This means to me a lot as a novice writer! ☺️
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, felt like I got more to expand for the Madripoor episode. I love to know what y’all think of it so far! 😘
The tag list is still open! Let me know if you want to join with a message or comment in the chapters!
Previous: Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Next: Chapter Five
As Zemo made arrangements on his end, you did not know what to expect. You, Sam and Bucky were brought to the tarmac of a small private airport, your attention was brought to the private plane that Zemo was leading you towards.
Sam made a comment on Zemo’s wealth and the latter explained that he was practically royalty before the Avengers destroyed his country. Touché.
You took the seat right across from Zemo and you couldn’t help but put your guard up around the man. He could sense the tension all over your face and offered champagne to which you declined. You wanted to make sure you were fully sober around this guy.
As you looked on at the exchange he had with his steward, he almost looked decent for a moment. You wouldn’t have thought of this guy to be a manipulative and scheming man that caused that chain of events many years ago.
“You don’t know what it’s like to be locked in a cell.” Zemo started off after having a sip of his champagne. He then paused in his actions as he looked over all of you and corrected him.
“Oh that’s right, you all do. My apologies.” Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms as you leaned into the comfort of the plush aeroplane seat.
Sam tried to get Zemo to start talking but the baron brushed it off for a moment as he looked at a book in fascination. As Zemo brought up a familiar notebook, he asked who Nakajima was.
Your eyes perked up at the familiar name and you immediately turned to look at Bucky who instantly pounced on Zemo and grabbed him into a chokehold. Bucky warned him not to touch his notebook or he would actually kill Zemo, probably with his bare hands.
As Bucky settled down in his seat once more, you gave him a knowing look but he averted his eyes to avoid eye contact. The conversation then took a more light-hearted turn as Sam tried to describe how Steve noted down his suggestion of the Trouble Man soundtrack in the notebook that now was passed onto Bucky.
Sam asked if Bucky liked it too and the super-soldier replied that he liked 40’s music to which Sam look almost offended that Bucky didn’t share his taste in music. Bucky looked like he didn’t even want to bother but he clarified that he indeed liked it just to get Sam to back off.
Zemo decided to join in the conversation and put his two cents. Sam was surprised at how Zemo managed to eloquently describe the music style. Afterwhich, Sam went on to say how everyone loved Marvin Gaye while Bucky agreed that he did too.
Sam added that Steve adored the singer too. Hearing this, Zemo commented that Bucky must have looked up to Steve very much.
Yes, we all did. You wanted to add that in too.
Zemo, however, then took the liberty of giving his view on Steve. He talked about how dangerous it could be to idolize super soldiers like Steve and start to disregard their flaws, thus allowing him to not be held accountable for the repercussions that stem from his actions. Even if that meant the formation of movements, the fighting of wars, the loss of innocent lives.
Sam gave him a warning to better stop talking but Zemo continued on. When Zemo noticed how you started shaking your head in dissatisfaction, he gave a light chuckle before speaking directly to you.
“Miss Y/N. Contrary to my own personal views on enhanced individuals, I do find you fascinating, The files I read on you only make me more curious. Can I ask some questions?” You could feel the attention being put on you in the room and you grew slightly uncomfortable.
“What do you want?” Hoping to act nonchalant to mask your nervousness, you crossed your legs and leaned back into your seat.
“You have no family history. You grew up in an orphanage, am I right?” Nodding at the facts he laid out, Zemo carried on.
“You couldn’t have possibly been experimented on. You have gotten into any accidents?” You shook your head in response.
“Chemical exposure, radioactive bites, cosmic ray exposures….those are the possibilities that an ordinary person could obtain superhuman abilities according to the theories online.” Unimpressed, you continued to shake your head at him.
“Tell me. I’m curious.” You couldn’t entertain the likes of him but seeing how he was leaning in to wait for your answer, you gave an indifferent expression before speaking.
“It appeared out of nowhere. Someone committed arson in the local convenience shop where I was at the time. I was trapped with the elderly shopkeeper and I thought we were both going to die. A burning beam was falling onto us and I thought that was the end. I suddenly emitted a burst of energy that managed to put own the fire and incinerate the beam into ashes.” As you retold your story, memories of your fear from that time came back.
“The shopkeeper lost consciousness but I saw everything. I wasn’t sure if it was me but I ran away. I couldn’t’ return to the orphanage because I was afraid the police would find me. I lived on the streets for a week before my powers manifested again.” Your eyes fall to your fidgety hands, cracking your knuckles as it gave you some sort of relief.
“A kid was crossing the street without his mum knowing and a car was speeding on the road. I tried to reach out and pull him back in but the car was just inches away from us both. I caused a scene that couldn’t be ignored. S.H.I.E.L.D managed to find me and took me in.” Zemo’s eyes were tracking your every movement and expression in a way that Bucky didn’t like. As if you were something up for display and Bucky put his foot down.
He was getting protective of you and did not want Zemo to harbour any hidden intentions. Who knew what Zemo was thinking of?
Zemo spoke up before Bucky had the chance.
“Fascinating just fascinating. It’s like your powers had been dormant inside you all along. Are you even human?”
“Last time I checked, my blood is still red.” Your sarcastic response earned a laugh from Zemo and he stroked his chin as he continued to observe you quietly. Sensing he had more thoughts in his mind, you returned the questions back to him.
“You hate enhanced individuals so much, would you get rid of me if you had the chance?” Growing a smirk, Zemo wasn’t expecting you to ask him that and he was more than eager to give his reply.
“I am undecided, but you’re different. I can see you are more discreet than the others, just like Bucky over here.” Zemo made his final remark before he moved on to talking about the location that you were headed.
His words sunk in and you kept on thinking about how he hit the nail on the head.
Yes, you had to be more discreet. You could never proudly show off what you had, instead, you had to keep yourself hidden in order to protect yourself.
Recalling your S.H.I.E.L.D days, you remembered how you were told to keep your powers on a low profile by Director Fury himself.
Your lab results came back and it was discovered that you had a special gene in your DNA that could be identified. There weren’t any references or connections to existing research and findings so you were viewed almost as an abnormality.
It was then later discovered that your powers were connected to your life force and if you ever over-exerted yourself, you could possibly die. That almost happened back during the civil war between the Avengers. It was the first time you ever used your powers on a larger scale and you had even passed out at the end of the battle.
You remembered waking up in a hospital bed on the raft.
When you found refuge in Wakanda, you got to learn more about your powers with Shuri’s help. She believed as long as you trained your stamina and built up your strength, you could control your powers without ever worrying about being drained. That’s how you found yourself the privilege to receive special training with the Dora Milajae under King T’Challa’s request.
You definitely owed the Wakandans big time.
Seeing how you were uncharacteristically down, Bucky wanted to check in with you out of concern. However, he chose to restrain himself, thinking that you probably one to be left alone. He wished he could do more for you like you do for him.
Before you knew it, you landed in Madripoor. An island nation that was lawless and dangerous, yet home to the darkest of black markets and underground businesses. Zemo said that all of you could not go in as yourselves and had to basically go in undercover.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter when Sam changed and came out in a fancy printed suit. He was to act as a real life promiscuous and rich man who really could have been his doppelgänger when you saw a picture of the man.
However, you weren’t one to laugh when Zemo asked you to act as one of Conrad Mack aka Smiling Tiger’s fling for the night. When you first received your outfit, you threw it back in Zemo’s face.
You were not the most comfortable with sexy and revealing clothing personally so you couldn’t imagine yourself wearing it at all. Zemo tried to convince you that Smiling Tiger’s women were all of a certain type so you had to go through with it in order to fit in.
Letting out a groan, you snatched the little champagne dress with an open keyhole back. The front was designed to give a loose look that shyly reveals your cleavage. The dress held onto your shoulders with thin straps and it overall gave the impression of a silk slip dress.
When you put it on, you wiped your clammy hands on the silk material and grimaced at how it barely covered your ass. You were grateful that the shoes you received had thick block heels as you had forgotten how to even walk in high heels anymore.
Swiping on the red lipstick for the final touch, you took a deep breath to calm your nerves as you looked in the mirror. You got this.
Stepping out of the changing room, you were met with the full attention of all three men and you put a finger up to warn them of making any unneeded comments.
“Damn Y/N. I mean this in the nicest way possible but this is an entirely different look for you. In a good way, of course.” Sam tried to compliment you seeing that you weren’t fully into your outfit.
“Thanks, Sam.” You knew his intentions were always pure and good, so you didn’t mind it much. As he and Zemo went off to discuss something, you saw that Bucky was still looking at you intently. He must think you look weird, you thought.
In all the years that Bucky have known you, it was the first time he has seen you looking like this. You always had gone for casual and comfortable looks in your daily life. The only time he has seen something different was when you put on your tailored suits for formal events.
He had to do a double-take when he saw how the little dress number hugged your figure in the right places.
Bucky knew he shouldn’t continue looking but his eyes fleeting quick glances when you were looking elsewhere. He always felt that you were one of the most beautiful people he knew on the inside, the fact that you could look past what he did and accept him for he was. He never felt that he had to pretend to be fine when you’re around because you were there to accept him for better or worst.
Seeing you now stirred up a different feeling inside of him. Why did you suddenly seem so attractive this time? He did not want to be that guy who viewed women differently because of the way they dressed. In fact, he was never the kind to like someone because of the way they look but more of how they make him feel.
However, observing how bashful and shy you look in front of him, Bucky suddenly felt rather nervous himself. He saw you taking a step towards and he swore his breath hitched as his mind was registering this scene in slow-motion.
Your hands came up to put his dog tags inside his black shirt before going for the zipper of his jacket. Your eyes fleetingly met his for a moment before you started saying something.
Bucky wasn’t able to process it as he was entirely focused on how you were casually helping him as you normally did, but his mind can’t help but think of it as an intimate gesture.
You continued to buckle up the belts of Bucky’s harness and couldn’t help but to relish in the act of caring for him. This was probably the only time you could fulfil your feelings of wanting to be close to him without crossing the line.
“All done.” Once you have adjusted the straps on his shoulder to make sure they were comfortable, you glanced to see Bucky looking down at you in a daze.
“Hey Buck, you there?” Calling for his attention, Bucky snapped back to reality as he saw you staring at him with a curious doe-eyed look. Clearing his thought, Bucky scrambled to recall what you had said and just continued looking at you in question.
You went on to ask if the straps were comfortable to which he nodded curtly. You grinned in satisfaction for a short moment before it fell into a tight-lipped smile.
“Bucky, are you really ok to go into character? I know how hard you worked to get away from all of that.” Implying how he had to act like the Winter Soldier for this undercover mission, Bucky took a deep breath before answering you.
“I’ll be fine. It’s just for this mission.” You just silently nodded at his words before signalling that you two should get a move on.
All of you were heading to Low Town as Zemo named to find his informant, Selby. Zemo reminded everyone to stay in character regardless of the situation, if not the mission would be compromised and your lives could be at risk.
Zemo gave you a personal warning to avoid using your powers if possible. If your powers were revealed publicly, there was a high chance you were at a bigger risk than the rest because people would want to take you for their own.
It was not every day an enhanced individual with superpowers walks into Madripoor and you would definitely become a prize to be coveted.
You were first greeted by the hustle and bustle of the nightlife crowd. The neon signs lit up the incredibly dark streets followed by the loud booming music that could be heard from some of the places that you passed. Your eyes were focused on Zemo’s back as he led all of you to the location, refusing to make eye contact with anyone else.
Entering the crowded bar, you could hear Zemo speaking Russian to Bucky. You weren’t familiar with the language but you could make out one world, Soldat.
Sneaking your arms around Sam who was caught off, you gave me a pointed look that told him that the undercover work starts now. He gave you a brief nod before rolling out his shoulders and you pressed yourself closer to him, putting your acting face on.
All of you stood by the bar where the bartender greeted all of you.
“Hello, gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.” The bartender nodded to Sam. His eyes moved over to meet yours before greeting you, Miss. You gave your best smile in return.
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby.” Zemo told the bartender. You could see the shift in his eyes and saw someone from out of the corner of your eye moving away. Shifting your stance, the bartender didn’t acknowledge Zemo’s words and glanced back to you again.
“New face?” His comment was directed towards Sam but seeing how Sam was hesitating, you realised that he hadn’t had much experience with undercover work at all. He was a military man not a spy or agent after all.
“Hopefully, the last.” You giggled shyly and looked up to Sam with an affectionate gaze before giving the bartender a wink.
The bartender nodded curtly before asking Sam (Smiling Tiger) if he wanted his usual. Sam nodded silently in an efforts to prevent himself from doing anything out of character.
You caught Bucky looking at you as he leaned sideways on the counter. Your silent exchange was a way for you two to check in with each other and a brief smile mirrored on both of your faces before you turn to see the bartender taking out a snake from a big jar.
Trying to control your expression at the disgust coming up your throat, you subtly swallowed heavily at the sight of how the bartender slit the snake open. Sam who had his back turned for a brief moment was shocked to see what was presented on the counter in front of him.
Zemo tried to continue to put on the act and acted like it was nothing out of the ordinary. Your global knowledge and several visits to Asia made you realised why this was the Smiling Tiger’s favourite. Snakes infused into wine was touted to be an aphrodisiac to help a man increase, ahem, stamina.
Bucky felt almost bad for Sam and looked away briefly. You could see Sam gulping down nervously when the bartender added the finishing touch to the drink and you gently rubbed his arm for emotional support.
“I love these.” Sam managed to say through gritted his teeth and clinked his glass with Zemo. Your own bile almost resurfaced and you quickly turned your head to hide your nervous gulp.
Putting up a thumbs up awkwardly, you wanted to facepalm when the bartender looked back at Sam with a dubious expression.
You knew you needed to do something so everyone’s covers won’t be blown. Putting on a sly smirk, you let a hand move up Sam’s chest slowly and sensually before resting it where his heart was.
“Looks like you and I will be in for a long night.” Adding a slight giggle, you pretended to act shy after you spoke your words. Sam was trying his hardest to not look bewildered at your act while Bucky was trying to suppress a sudden wave of annoyance that washed over him.
He knew that this was an act but he still didn’t like it for some reason. He had to admit that he was not expecting you to get into character so well, seeing that this image you were presenting was the furthest cry from who you actually were.
The bartender looked slightly less suspicious of all of you before he went away. You could feel Sam heaving a sigh of relief beside you and you did the same alongside him.
Another man came up to Zemo, telling him of how he was unwelcomed in the area. Zemo putting up a cool façade, explained he had no business with someone named the power broker. Zemo restated his business here once more before the guy left.
Zemo explained that the power broker runs Madripoor and it was best you all stayed under his radar. Moments passed before another guy came up behind Zemo and Zemo turned to Bucky talking in Russian once more.
The instant the man placed his hands on Zemo, Bucky went into winter soldier mode. Everyone’s attention was directed to the scene happening. The whirling sound of Bucky’s vibranium was heard clearly as he was nearly crushing the man’s hands and went ahead to knock him over.
More and more people started to gather fool’s courage to take on Bucky. You saw how he easily took down everyone with barely any sweat.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form,” Zemo commented to you and Sam, and in all honesty, you wanted to choke him like what Bucky was doing to another guy on the bar’s counter.
Hearing the continuous clicking of guns from everyone in the bar, your senses were now alert at the possibility of having to break character and use your powers.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispered into your ear and grabbed onto your hand before you could even think of doing anything.
Zemo got Bucky to back down and the bartender told you all that Selby was ready for your visit. Sam checked in with Bucky to which he responded with a curt nod.
As you made your way along the back end of the bar, you could see the stacks of cash all over a table and the armed guards that filled up every corner of the room.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t come into my bar and make demands.” Selby turned out to look like what you would imagine her to be. She sat comfortably on her couch with a dominant presence and seemed like she was not someone easy to deal with.
Zemo tried to reassure her that he was making offers not demands to quell her mood. Selby asked how Zemo was able to escape from prison and Zemo replied smugly on how people like them always found a way.
As Zemo tried to shift focus onto the order of business, Selby wasn’t still into it. Making a comment about Sam’s taller than usual height, Sam not knowing what to respond just nodded in silence.
She even purred at him teasingly before her eyes landed on you.
“Who’s this pretty little thing you have here? Where are you from?” Selby’s eyes narrowed in as you sense everyone starting to look flustered by the unexpected question. You were just meant to play a background character but didn’t expect the sudden attention.
Biting your lips into a furtive grin, you snaked your hands around Sam’s biceps. “Daddy picked me up from the club that I was working at. He says I am his one and only now.”
The men all tried to stop their jaws from dropping to the floor at your sweetly coy act. Who were you?
“Hmm…” Selby hummed while she looked you up and down. “You can do better, sweetie,” Selby remarked smugly before giving a subtle gesture to herself.
Lips forming into an ‘o’, you feigned a surprised reaction at the flattery. You tried to send a flirtatious look back so that Selby would be in a better mood.
Your act was rewarded when Selby grinned wider and asked Zemo for his offer. In exchange for information on the super-soldier serum, Zemo was willing to trade Bucky in pretence. He added how he would give Selby the codes word to control Bucky, treating him like an object.
A wave of anger started rushing through you as the scene unfolded and you glanced to see how Selby became more intrigued.
“Hmm, I have plenty of strong men already working for me. What else can he offer?” Zemo was taken aback by Selby’s words, thinking that she would already be interested in Bucky.
As the men were grappling to come up with a good response, you went on your first instinct and spoke up.
“Well he is rather handsome, isn’t he?” Everyone’s focus turned onto you and you took a breath to continue as Selby gave you an expecting look.
“Not as handsome as my daddy here but-” Walking around Sam, you headed towards Bucky who was trying to look unbothered but dying of curiosity on what you were about to do.
“He seems like fun to play with.” You purred as you gazed at Bucky’s profile. You gestured for Bucky to face you and could see how he was still staying in character. Running your fingers down his five o'clock shadow, your eyes glinted as you batted your lashes flirtatiously before looking over your shoulder back at Shelby.
“You can’t help but imagine having a good time with him. Super soldier serum should have some perks, no?” Your hidden innuendo was loud and clear to everyone in the room. If this didn’t appeal to Selby, you didn’t know what will.
Sam was trying his hardest to maintain his expression as he couldn’t believe his ears. Never in a million years would he think the sweet and innocent Y/N he knew actually dared to speak like that.
Bucky did his best to tighten his jaw and continue his stoic facade to hide the shock from what you had just said.
Never did he thought you would take the situation to such a turn. Your improv was unexpected and he couldn’t believe the woman in front of him was actually you.
Your sudden bold and cheeky persona was doing something to him. Your innuendo about him started to make him feel hot in his ears. Bucky had to clench his fist tightly to get himself to hold it together as he felt his heart racing out of nowhere.
He didn’t know what was happening to him but he knew you were having some sort of effect on him.
“Of course, that’s my silly opinion.” Turning to face Selby with a mischievous smile to keep up your character, you noted her looking at you thoughtfully as she rubbed her chin.
“Not just pretty but you’re witty, aren’t you?” Selby noted as she grinned like a Cheshire cat. Satisfied with your input, Selby then revealed what she knew about the super-soldier serums.
Apparently, there was a doctor, Dr William Nagel who has been helping the power broker to create the serums here in Madripoor. When Zemo tried to probe further about Nagel’s location, Selby decided that Zemo was overstepping.
In the very next moment, you could hear a vibration of a phone and saw Sam reaching out to his jacket.
Great, all of your covers might be blown. Selby demands that Sam answered it on speaker. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. To carry on the act, Sam reluctantly proceeded to answer the phone.
A woman’s voice came up and in the next sentences spoken, you realised that she was his sister, Sarah. Oh boy, this wouldn’t end well. You closed your eyes in prayer as you hoped it can go over smoothly.
Taking a sharp intake of breath, you looked to see Bucky glancing down in shared unease. Sam was doing his best to make sure his cover won’t get blown. You thought all was going well but when you heard Sam’s name from Sarah, you knew you were all toast.
Selby immediately called for all of you to be killed and in that moment, all hell broke loose. Selby got shot in a blink of an eye and her guards were up in action. Bucky pushed you behind him protectively as he fought off Selby’s men.
Once all her guards are dealt with, Zemo called for weapons to drop and you took the back exit.
Making a swift escape, all of you tried to play it cool while taking long quick strides. The sound of the first gunshot made you jumped and sprang into a run. You saw Zemo took off in another direction but you didn’t have time for him.
You, Bucky and Sam decided to sprint ahead. “I can’t run in these heels.” Sam cried out and you retorted in annoyance.
“How do you think I feel? Mine’s twice as taller than yours!”
Bucky reached over to grab your hand and interlocked your fingers together. His super-speed was practically lifting you off the ground, dragging you like a rag dog.
"Hey! What the hell man? What about me?" Bucky ignored Sam's whining and focused on not letting your hand go.
Not knowing where you are headed, a sense of dread started pouring on you and you grew anxious by the second. People on motorbikes were starting to drive up behind you three.
You were wondering if it’s time to not give care and actually use your powers for real this time. All of a sudden, the two people on the bikes behind you have been shot by someone from above and you stopped in your tracks to locate that individual, fearing you were next.
Zemo reappeared from the shadows and claimed that you all might have a guardian angel.
“Drop it, Zemo.” The familiar voice brought relief as you matched it to the face that emerged into your sight.
Your smile at the thought of a friendly face faltered when she continued pointing a gun towards all of you. Sharon didn’t seem as pleased as you were. Turns out she had to fall off the grid and found herself in Madripoor after the turn of events many years ago.
"Y/N, is that you?" She took a double-take on you, probably not used to seeing you dress up like this.
"Hey." You awkwardly replied. The moment didn't last as Sharon trained her eyes on the men and continued to be hostile.
Your heart dropped as you hear her telling of how she was unable to be in contact with her family anymore. She had become a fugitive and still is. An immense amount of guilt washed all over you when she retorted about how she wasn’t backed by the Avengers.
You weren’t batch mates with Sharon back in S.H.I.E.L.D academy but you became friends when you crossed paths during work. You could not believe you haven’t reached out to her all this time.
Bucky pleaded with Sharon for her help and Sharon gave a thoughtful look at all of you. When she saw you with your uncomfortable expression, she gave a sighed and stated that she wasn’t done discussing the topic.
Offering refuge in her place at High Town, all of you accept it.
You sat beside her in the front and the two of you exchanged silent looks before she started the engine. What were the odds of seeing her again in Madripoor?
You hoped to be able to get a chance to talk to her later.
Tag list: @tanyaherondale @spookycereal-s @cataves @conflicted-noxsirius
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starmieknight · 3 years
Trust: Priceless
Summary: Jeongguk's new owner decides to take him out shopping and he comes closer to changing his opinion of her.
Contents: Hybrid!BTS, Jeongguk is a bit of a brat (he has his reasons), Mavis is out of her element, RabbitHybrid!Jeongguk(?)
Mavis poked her head into the living room and peered silently at Jeongguk.
 The hybrid continued watching the TV like he didn’t notice her presence, only the twitching of his long ear betraying him. Mavis still hesitated, her face an unreadable mask as she observed the situation.
 Jeongguk looked bored out of his mind, no doubt tired of only having television to watch after three days in her new home. As a kid, Mavis had gotten a thrill from being able to watch cable when she visited her aunt instead of just satellite TV, but she had been an easily entertained child and not as energetic as Jeongguk seemed.
 When she asked, her hotel manager, Dobbs, had told her that Jeongguk had yet to use any of the hotel facilities Mavis had told him he was free to at any time, no questions asked. Mavis personally wanted to use the indoor pool, but hadn’t found the time or energy to head down there. But even if he wasn’t interested in the pool, there were basketball and tennis courts, bike trails, a hedge maze and an entire arcade in the hotel for Jeongguk to use.
 As far as Mavis could tell, the only thing holding Jeongguk back from finding something to entertain himself was the fact that other than himself, there weren’t many hybrids to be found in the Mountainview Hotel. And even then, not many of the guests brought their hybrids along with them when they vacationed or took their business trips. If Mavis was being honest and allowed her professionalism to lapse some, the hybrids brought along by the higher class guests were rather… bratty. In the way that some spoiled children seemed.
 She was sure that they weren’t all bad, but the way your actions are perceived by family and friends often differs from the way you’re seen by strangers.
 Even Jeongguk probably seemed bratty to everyone else.
 Mavis had to admit, the way he was grouching reminded her of a preteen determined to not have fun on a family trip and trying to make everyone else as miserable as he was.
 But she couldn’t fault him for it. She’d be angry too if her whole life was flipped upside down and she was told she now had to live with a stranger and abide by their rules if they wanted to live. For Jeongguk, her ownership could be considered the equivalent of prison while she only felt like she had custody of a child that would need a lifetime of her care.
 But even so, life went on and he had to interact with her some time.
 And going grocery shopping and clothes shopping was the first way they were going to have to do it.
 “Jeongguk,” Mavis called finally, making the hybrid freeze as he waited for her to speak. His eyes remained on the TV even as his ears tilted towards her. “We need to go out. I want to stock up the kitchen and we’ll need to fluff up your wardrobe. I’m sure it’s got to be tiring recycling the same plain clothes every day.”
 “White T-shirts are my style.” Jeongguk said flatly. Mavis could only see a fraction of his face from that angle, but she could easily make out the scowl that marred his features.
 Internally she winced. Outwardly, she only raised an eyebrow.
 “Then I’ll buy you however many you like. But that doesn’t change the fact that the constant wearing and washing is going to wear them down to rags before long.” She walked in between him and the TV, forcing him to look at her. She offered a quirk of her lips in lieu of a smile. “Besides, we can try somewhere new to eat while we’re out. You can pick the place.”
 Jeongguk looked put out with her presence, but seemed interested in the idea of food. "Fine."
 Mavis smiled encouragingly and offered him a jacket, thankful that she had preferred to buy jackets from the men's section when she still lived in the city. They always seemed thicker, even if they didn't always match the rest of her outfits' styles, and Mavis loved to wear her clothes with sleeves a size or three bigger. They were comfortable and offered her a bigger sense of protection somehow.
 Besides, she thought the whole sweater paws concept was very cute.
 Jeongguk scowled but accepted the jacket. His hybrid side wasn't exactly built for cold weather, even if he was in denial even to himself about the truth of his species. He loathed to wear anything that carried Mavis' scent. The cabin was barely bearable,  only the fact that she had just moved in and spent little time there since putting him at ease. Jeongguk had secretly been going around the cabin and scenting what he could, keeping in mind the fact that Mavis informed him that there would be more hybrids coming at some point. He wanted all of them to know that he was the original, even if he didn't care for their owner.
 Jeongguk stayed silent for their short trip to the garage, making Mavis feel a bit nervous. She always hated having people walk behind her where she couldn't see them. It made her self conscious and messed with her sense of security. Typically, she would have slowed down her pace to match his, but thought it would be a bad idea to force Jeongguk to be too close to her. Plus, he didn't know where the garage was and she did.
 And again, going into the garage made Mavis' brain short circuit for a moment at the extravagance of it. Had her grandfather really needed so many vehicles?
 Jeongguk let out a long, low whistle at the sight. His expression finally changed from indifference to awe.
 He knew his new owner was loaded, but this was a rich chick for sure. 
 Mavis hid her smile at the look of awe on his face and considered her options.
 She wanted to take her own car. She was familiar with it and loved it, having bought it all on her own. It wasn't anything new or flashy, but there was pride in driving something you worked hard for. But she knew it wasn't going to be large enough to hold everything they were out to buy today.
 Mavis eyed the collection of SUVs, immediately disregarding the ones meant for show or mud riding and decided that the plain, white one with a hatchback was her best choice. Surely they could lay the seats down for more room.
 "Do you have a driver's license, Jeongguk?" she asked, noticing his fascination with a bright blue sports car she was too afraid to even think of driving.
 "I'm a hybrid."
 Mavis shrugged. "That doesn't mean you can't have a driver's license. Independent Hybrids are capable of obtaining them and Owned Hybrids are as well, though I'm sure there's quite a bit of paperwork to go through. We can get you one, if you like, and I'll add you to my insurance so you can drive any car in here that you like."
 Jeongguk stared at her like Mavis had been speaking a dead language instead of offering him more independence. He frowned, unsure of her motives. Did she want him to run off and disappear so she'd have a reason to give him up and not feel guilty over his death. "I'd rather not." 
 Mavis sighed, but allowed the matter to drop. Instead, she moved over to the peg board where all the keys were stored to get the keys to the SUV. If she liked the car well enough for grocery shopping, she might even add its key to her key chain.
 She was a bit surprised when Jeongguk tried to climb into the backseat instead of the passenger side and forgot herself for a moment when she reached into the backseat to stop him. They both looked at her outstretched hand incredulously.
“We’ll need the space for our groceries.” she said quietly, clearing her throat in an attempt to also clear out the awkwardness of the moment. She felt a bit guilty at the close call, having promised herself that any contact the two of them shared would be on Jeongguk’s terms. She never wanted to pressure him, even if it meant they never got more than a foot closer to each other.
 “You… want me to ride in the front seat? With you?” Jeongguk sounded unsure for once. He eyed her hand like a rabbit facing a snake, making Mavis realize that she’d never dropped it.
 She stepped back, avoiding his eyes. Instead, she looked for the button that would lay the backseat down. “Of course.”
 Jeongguk looked like he wanted to argue, but merely followed Mavis’ lead and pushed the button on his side, the two of them working together to transform the backseat into a better storage area.
 When they were done, he climbed into the passenger’s seat silently, buckling up and fixing his eyes on the window.
 The SUV was really too much for her to handle at first, especially the fact that her key… wasn’t really a key and more of a fob.
 It took her a moment to actually get the car started, not used to having to press a button instead of turning a key. Jeongguk even turned his head from the window to look at her judgmentally.
 “Doesn’t your chauffeur usually pick you up?” he asked, unable to help himself from asking. He wondered if she was trying to show off for him by taking him out herself. It wasn’t working.
 Mavis’ brow furrowed as she tried to figure out the car’s features, carefully trying to get the Bluetooth to work before she tried to drive. She wasn’t familiar with the good radio stations in the area yet and couldn’t stand driving in silence, let alone the awkward one that always came with Jeongguk’s presence. “I’m sure that Cooper would have one waiting if I asked, but I’ve never used a chauffeur before.”
 Jeongguk stared. “I thought rich people never drove anywhere themselves.”
 Mavis snorted and shrugged. “I dunno about that. I’m new to all this, myself. I didn’t really see my grandfather all that often after my great-grandparents passed - there was never a reason to - so my lifestyle was much more humble than all this.” she frowned. “It’s rather unsettling if I’m being honest.”
 Jeongguk wanted to ask why she had little reason to see her family. Did someone need a reason to go see the people they were supposed to spend their lives surrounded by? But it wasn’t his business and he didn’t want to know about her personal life. Really.
 Even if the question as to why she was unaccustomed to this life was a burning one. She seemed like she had a handle on things and carried herself like a strong and smart business woman with a flourishing hotel and lavish life behind her. He didn’t wonder what she was like before, what she might have been if she didn’t suddenly drop into his life as his newest owner.
 Jeongguk turned back to the window and swallowed his questions.
 After getting her phone connected to the SUV’s Bluetooth (which took more brainpower than she was willing to admit), Mavis opened her Spotify and handed her phone over to Jeongguk.
 “You can play whatever you like.” she told him as she pressed the button on her keyring to open the garage door. “I may need to pull up the GPS to find the grocery store after we get into the city. Though, I think I can use the car’s map system instead of my phone…” Mavis frowned thoughtfully at the display before pulling out of the garage. She paused briefly to shut the door again before heading down the driveway and towards the exit to the hotel grounds.
 She couldn’t help but slow down to give the sprawling building a worried look as she passed, much like a new mother leaving her newborn with someone else for the first time.
 The hotel wasn’t on fire and would still be intact when she got back. They’d managed without her there before and they could do it again.
 … now if only she could convince herself of that.
 Mavis waved at the security guard as he let them out, and Jeongguk finally settled on a song as they left the gates.
 A low, bass beat began thrumming through the SUV and its passengers were silent, only the voice of the track’s vocalist filling the space between them.
 Fortunately for Mavis, the car system’s GPS pulled up easily enough and getting on the highway to the city was simple enough. If they were only going for grocery shopping, Mavis would have headed in the opposite direction for the little town that was a bit closer. She had passed through it the first time she’d made the trip up the mountain to the hotel and found it to be very similar to her own hometown, if a bit newer.
 But today she had lots of things in mind to get for the cabin - for both her and Jeongguk - and so they would be getting their groceries from a large chain grocery store instead.
 When the music came to a sudden stop, Mavis and Jeongguk both looked at the Bluetooth display in bewilderment. Jeongguk checked Mavis’ phone and frowned at the name. It seemed strangely familiar to him.
 “It’s Cooper calling.” he told Mavis flatly, trying to hand the phone over.
 She waved him off, not confident in driving and holding the phone at the same time, and accepted the call through the SUV’s Bluetooth.
 There was a beat of silence after the phone connected.
 “Hello? Ms. Attmore?” Cooper’s slightly staticky voice filled the cab. He sounded nervous.
 Mavis hid her amused grin even though Cooper couldn’t see her. It was still funny to her that she was intimidating now. Especially after leaving a job where the people in her care screamed and swatted at her all day long (she missed her toddler class dearly).
 The power was a little intoxicating.
 “Good morning, Cooper.” Mavis said, sliding into her Boss Lady voice. Even her driving smoothed out, her shoulders straightening and her confidence growing.
 Jeongguk did a double take, having grown used to a reserved and almost timid Mavis. This person in the car with him now was the same Ms. Attmore he had met the first day she arrived at the Mountain View.
 His ears perked up and his nostrils flared, becoming more attentive of her instinctively. He was curious about this side of her personality.
 “Good morning, Ma’am!” Cooper said more brightly. “I was just calling to check in with you. Has the cabin been to your liking? I know it’s been a few days and I was wondering when you’d like me to send the housekeeping service out?”
 Mavis tapped her fingers against the steering wheel thoughtfully. “I suppose today would be fine. I’m taking Jeongguk out to pick out some clothes and things for his room.” She glanced over at the Hybrid in question. “Would you like them to straighten your room up a bit, or would that be too uncomfortable?” Mavis lowered her voice a bit to keep it off the call.
 Jeongguk hesitated, not used to having so much agency over his own space.
 After spending so long in the underground fighting rings, having privacy and personal belongings of his own was a foreign concept. He knew to leave Mavis’ belongings alone, but had just expected her to do as she pleased with the things she had given to him.
 “I can clean my own room.” Jeongguk said slowly, watching for any adverse reaction.
 Mavis just nodded and raised her voice to address Cooper again. “Have them skip Jeongguk’s room for now. And can you ask them to skip the floral scented stuff? It gives me a headache…”
 “Would a citrus scent be more preferable, Ma’am?” Cooper asked anxiously.
 “That’s fine. But no coconut or pineapple or mango, please. They make me feel ill.”
 “I’ll tell the housekeeper to use an orange or lemon scent from now on, Ma’am.” Cooper promised. Mavis could almost see him in her mind’s eye, scribbling furiously in his planner to keep her preferences marked down for future reference.
 “Thank you.” Mavis allowed a small smile to cross her face before it was replaced with a thoughtful frown. “One more thing, Cooper - would you mind adding another smartphone to my plan?”
 “Of course, Ma’am!” Cooper said eagerly. “Do you have any preferences for color or brand?”
 Mavis shrugged. “It’s for Jeongguk. I’ll have to let you ask him.” She nodded at Jeongguk, wordlessly telling him to go ahead and give Cooper the word.
 The Hybrid froze, looking at Mavis like a frightened rabbit.
 She offered him a more sincere smile, trying to be as encouraging as she could. “It’s okay.” she whispered. “If you don’t know what you like best yet, you can get a phone like mine in whatever color you want.”
 “... the same phone as Ms. Attmore.” Jeongguk said hesitantly, voice just barely loud enough for the phone to pick it up. “In purple?”
 “You catch that, Cooper?” Mavis asked, wanting to make sure Jeongguk got exactly what he wanted.
 “Should that be a light purple or a dark?” the assistant clarified.
 “Either is fine.” Jeonggiuk said, a bit more confidently this time.
 “I’ll have it waiting for you when you return home!” Cooper said brightly, happy to finally have something to do for Mavis. “Is there anything else I can help with?”
 “I think that covers it for now, Cooper.” Mavis reassured him. “I may need your help arranging deliveries for our bigger items when we get to the store.”
 “I’ll be waiting for your call!”
 “Thank you,” Mavis reached over to end the call. “Have a good day.”
 Jeongguk continued to watch her, no longer trying to ignore her, even after the music resumed on their way to the city.
 She was tolerable for the moment, maybe even agreeable after a long period of time, but he would still keep an eye out for any signs that it was all an act.
 After all, a hybrid still couldn’t trust a human.
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wouldduskwood · 3 years
Descendants of Despair Part 28
I wandered through to the bedroom to find Jake staring at the computer screen in mild frustration. “Yeah, not feeling the phone thing when you’re just through here.” I mumbled. Jake turned and smiled at me, capturing me in his arms. “I agree, having you here is far more pleasing.” He murmured softly.
“Okay, here’s the situation, I’m wired as fuck right now. Biting my tongue doesn’t always come easily. Also, I can’t remember the last time I ate and we have yet to find clear escape routes. I think we need to remedy some of this stuff, before I go completely nuts.” I sighed, hating to show any form of weakness.
Jake nodded solemnly. “I get it, I’m finding it hard to concentrate on this and making stupid mistakes. We need to sort the food situation out pronto." “I can go into Duskwood and pick something up?” I suggested, only partly joking. “No deal, we go together or not at all.” Jake responded with finality. “Okay, but you stay in the car where cameras can’t pick you up and I get in and out. Deal?” Jake nodded again. “Okay, but we order online from some place near here but not Duskwood. You go in and pick up, that’s it. We can’t get much, I don’t have a lot of money.” Jake sighed, embarrassed. “Yeah, money isn’t much of an issue.” I shrugged. “We order what we need and I pay for it in cash.” Jake looked at me, cocking his head to the side in apparent skepticism.
I sighed, “ I don’t trust banks with that much information about me...oh surprised?” I grinned, seeing his eyes widen briefly. “Very little of my money is used through banks...only what I want people to find actually. I withdraw a fair bit of money whenever I can. I purposefully use machines close to casinos to give the illusion of a gambling problem, but in actuality I keep the money in various envelopes with different quantities. A few days before I had to take off, I had gathered it all into my backpack. I kind of suspected I'd need to leave sooner rather than later. I guess this is a habit I picked up on the street. Hidden cash in various portions. If someone robs you on the street, they usually stop when they find something. If you spread it out in various places, they won’t find it all. Anyway, I guess I feel comforted having cash. It will also be helpful now, right?” I prodded Jake.
“Wow, you really are perfect aren’t you?” he grinned. “I have been busy racking my brain with how I will raise enough money to keep you alive and here you are sitting on money that will save us.” I smiled. “I think it will be plenty to keep us going for however long we need. There is a little less than $200,000.” This must have taken Jake by surprise as he stepped backwards momentarily.
“That much?” he croaked.
“Yeah, I spent a bit after I left the last place I was staying, on clothes and shit, but there should be enough here for as long as we need.”
“Uh, not to sound ungrateful or anything, but is it all...legally obtained?” Jake questioned. “It’s just...they can trace the serial numbers…”
I smiled and paused before responding. Jake looked at me questioningly. “Okay, yeah it is all legal. See, I told you I became qualified in teaching and technology. Well...I kind of found a little bit of a loophole. See, many international families want their children to learn English through a qualified English as a first language teacher. So, I found that if you...taught in a more relaxed and fun style than what the children were used to in their home land...well they tended to enjoy it more. They learnt fast. They also told their parents how great it was. Many of these families respect teachers and the market is massive, so they pay well...they also get their friends involved. Well, once I had a few networks set up, I worked out I could get more money if I taught more than 1 kid at a time, so I organised online classes. Parents were happy, their kids were happy, they were learning English and I was receiving full tutoring rates for every single child I had...no matter how many I taught at a time…I was pulling in a fair bit of money, even with taxes taken out, until I stopped recently to focus on you and Hannah…The other benefit was, I could do it on the run. I had tried once, ya know, to have a normal life. Began a normal job teaching and quit soon after as my past caught up to me.”
Jake shook his head slowly. “You are even more incredible than I ever thought before. Maybe it is no wonder I fell in love with you. You are perfect.”
I smiled then prompted Jake once more “So, groceries and essentials?”
“Come here and help me order,” he murmured, as he sat on the floor and pulled me onto his knee. We spent several minutes playing the happy couple as we browsed stock and picked out the various things we needed to survive. It was momentarily peaceful, but soon my phone was buzzing, notifying me that I had not yet escaped from my obligations to Duskwood.
“Fuck off,” I groaned out loud.
Jake grinned. “They won’t give up, you know.”
“Can I say ‘Be right back, after I have done some fine shagging?’ I questioned innocently, partly serious. I didn’t think it deserved the belly laugh it got from Jake.
“No you cannot!”
“But it would be conversation stopping!” I pointed out
“Or rumour starting!” He countered. “Fine,” I sighed. I opened the Groupchat and once again ignored the messages to pen my own.
MC: I am going to get groceries. I need food and sleep. I promise I’ll talk to you later.
MC is offline.
“Take this, before I throw it.” I asked Jake then headed for the car, with Jake following close behind. “Once you go into the store, you take this back. I’ll field their comments. You focus on the task at hand, but I need to know I can track you if something does go wrong.”
I nodded weakly. It was taking some getting used to, having someone so concerned for my safety...and my own feelings of having someone I cared for more than myself.
“Jake. I love you.” I murmured quietly, partially trying not to be heard. Jake smiled, kissed my lips softly, then pulled on his mask and handed me my cap. “Time to cover up again, my Princess, and never forget, I love you more than life itself.”
Part 29
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brightmiraii · 3 years
NCT 24th member || Harumi
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FACE CLAIM: Remi (Cherry Bullet)
DANCE CLAIM: Lee Chaeyeon (ex IZ*ONE)
STAGE NAME: Harumi (하루미)
BIRTH NAME: Miya Harumi (宮晴美) 晴 (Haru) - bright 美 (Mi) - beauty
KOREAN NAME: Moon Myeong Hee (문명희)
CHINESE NAME: Gōng Qíngměi (宫晴美)/Wen Ming Xi (文明熙)
NICKNAMES: Haru, Brainnie, Xiao Měi, Bright Myeong, Rumi-hime (princess Rumi)
BIRTH DATE: November 25th, 2000
PLACE OF BIRTH: Madison, Wisconsin, USA
ETHNIC: Japanese
NATIONALITY: Japanese, American
EDUCATION: unknown elementary school in Madison, unknown elementary and middle school in New York, unknown middle school in Seoul, Seoul School of Performing Arts - practical dance (2016-2019)
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
HEIGHT: 163cm
WEIGHT: 45kg
POSITION: main vocal, lead dancer
UNIT: NCT DREAM, NCT 127 (Limitless - now), NCT U (Timeless), NCT U (Make A Wish)
TRAINING PERIOD: 2 years (2014-2016)
LANGUAGES: Japanese and English (native language), Chinese and Korean (proficiency obtained), German (learning)
FAMILY: Miya Hayao (father, deceased), Miya Yoshiko (mother, deceased), Moon Seungyeon (adoptive father), Moon Bom (adoptive mother), Jianyu (adoptive cousin)
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Harumi was born in Madison, Wisconsin. Daughter of a young Japanese couple that moved to USA to start a new life, Miya Hayao and Miya Yoshiko
Since her father was an Algebra teacher in an middle school near their house and her mother was a Japanese teacher in a local language school, Harumi grew up highly influenced by knowledge and curiosity
Unfortunately, at the age of 6, Harumi and her parents were involved in a car accident, resulting in their death at the spot. Luckily Harumi survived, despite heavily injured
She was transferred to an orphanage in New York, where she could afford a better treatment to her injuries and social assistance with her double nationality
Harumi was the eldest child in the orphanage and the least interviewed kid for possible adoptions, because of her age. Because of that, she matured quickier and learned how to mask disappointment
She decided to learn by herself Chinese and Korean - in an attempt to increase her chances of being adopted, even if through an international adoption
Four years later, when she was 10, Moon Seungyeon and Moon Bom adopted her and brought her to South Korea
Harumi got casted during a Sunday outing she had with her family. A scout heard her singing and playing guitar and decided to invite her for an audition
Seungyeon, Bom and Jianyu (her cousin) convinced her to try for it and, eventually, join SM as a trainee
A couple of months after she began a trainee, SM introduced her as one of the SMRookies, participating in shows such as "Mickey Mouse Club"
Debuted in August in NCT DREAM, charming the fans with her powerful and husky voice
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Harumi is perceived as a sweet extrovert, always polite and warm towards anyone who approaches her. Though her soft looks and voice could mistake her as a shy girl, she is a truly happy virus
Her energy changes according to her surroundings. Whenever she’s with more playful members, she’s joking around and making a mess. However, with the calmer members, she can blend with them very well
Since she was the eldest in the orphanage, Harumi usually takes care of everyone around her, including the older members. She makes sure all the members are comfortable, healthy and happy
Extremely independent, struggles on relying on other people - which gives constant headaches to the older members
Keeps all negative comments and feelings to herself, not wanting to burden anyone
Has a hard time saying “no” to people, that being one of her biggest weakness
Constantly looks for improvement and new knowledge, so she's either learning a new dance style, an instrument or improving her producing skills
Because of years of rejection, Harumi is extremely self-conscious about herself as an individual
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Harumi learned Korean and Chinese through grammar books she found in a library. Because she was really young, the girl often reached out to the employees to explain some topics (what was a verb, noun, for example)
An volunteer in the orphanage taught Harumi how to play guitar and, eventually, gifted her his old one
Every Saturday afternoon, the orphanage headmistress would take the kids to Central Park. Harumi started to sing and play guitar there just for fun, but people started to spare her a dollar or two
In her audition, Harumi sang "Growl", from EXO, an acoustic version that fit perfectly her huskier tone
Seungyeon and Bom gave Harumi her Korean name, but let her decide whether she would use it or keep her given name (Harumi actually cried when they let her keep "Miya Harumi")
She surprised all the trainees with her almost perfect Korean, especially after introducing herself with her Japanese name. They were even more shocked when they discovered she knew as well English and Chinese
Contrary to all the Dreamies, Harumi did not drop out of school, juggling her student and idol life. All the members were worried about her health, but when they discovered the reason why Harumi was so adamant to keep studying, they did everything they could to help her
In 2017, Harumi got Korean and Chinese proficiency through the official test, formalizing her fluency in both languages. Because of that, fans gave her the nickname Brainnie
Before joining NCT, Harumi focused her vocals on acoustic versions and ballads. She was often told that her tone didn't match girl groups
Because of the car accident, Harumi has a long scar from her sternum to her bellybutton. Only in Ridin' era she felt comfortable enough to wear crop tops that showed a bit of it
Following the trend of peculiar dislike of foods in NCT, Harumi doesn't like nuts. She's actually heavily allergic, needing to have an epinephrine shot with her whenever she goes out to eat
The part she loved the most during her trainee period was dance classes, Harumi had so much fun and created a soft spot for it
Harumi despises winter the most, snowy days are the worst for her, because remind her of the car accident
Loves all Disney movies, even the underrated ones
Harumi's a quick learner, but feels extremely burnt out and unsatisfied, dropping one or another activity every once in a while (she usually tries again, because she hates the fact she gave up on something)
Her official emoji is ✨, because of the meaning behind the kanji of her name (Haru). Her introduction during her debut days was “Hello, I’m sparkling Harumi!”
One of her favorite hobbies is re-recording songs. She would record all the instruments, getting all notes by hearing and - finally - get the vocals done
Likes affection, but hates aegyo
Her favorite color is yellow
Maintains Dream’s dorms up (she does do cook, she does the cleaning to the point the others scold her for doing all by herself)
Her lives are mostly songs recommendations, guitar sessions and whenever she’s at practice room, she does a few covers
She’s a huge fan of BoA, EXO, SHINee and MAMAMOO
In 2019, Harumi became an official MC at Music Core alongside SF9 Chani
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turtlemurmurs · 2 years
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I dunno if I’ll ever get around to coloring these honestly so I’m just gonna post them! A few months ago the first D&D party that I participated in was all killed rather abruptly, as the DM wanted the tie up loose ends before we switched to 5E (since we were playing in 2E). Kinda traumatizing if you ask me, but whatever Party Killer, you’re a meanie panini. (light-hearted) ;-;
Anyhoot these were a bunch of sketches I did that weekend of just some random memorable moments to commemorate our little family! Under the cut for explanations and things if you’re interested!
(from left to right, top to bottom)
1~ Damien, Xavior, and Darby doing their rogue thing, investigating the lair of an evil wizard dragon guy. Xavior’s just happy to be included in something so of course, photo op lmao. I love that this was literally a moment the DM described xD
2~ A funky drawing where I was playing around with my style and wanted to try to draw Damien’s wings! The sketch at the bottom isn’t related I just couldn’t crop it out and I’ll get to that one in a minute lol
3~ [Xavior being hit in the head with a pan flute, saying “Oh! My pan flute!”] That time we were sneaking into a place so some of us were invisible (except Xavior who couldn’t be invisible if he tried) and Xavior was looking for his pan flute for bard-y purposes. He had lent to Darby before so Darby, invisible, chucks the pan flute at him and it appears outta nowhere and bounces off Xavior’s face
4~ [Darby with his arms covered in blood, crying and saying “I’m sorry I killed your moose friend!”] When Darby started getting into alchemy is when he got... weird. So this is about five minutes after Larcato has cast a spell to befriend a moose he found drinking at a pond, and while Larcato is petting it and telling it how beautiful it is a deranged Darby sneaks behind the moose and slaughters it, desperate to obtain a moose heart for a potion. It was a rough time for everyone. Larcato wouldn’t speak to Darby, or anyone but Draco. Darby, covered in blood, felt extreme remorse and apologied profusely but to no avail. Damien awkwardly tried to comfort Darby who was now in tears in deep regret for his actions. Magic lost what was left of his faith in humanity. Fun times!
5~ [Larcato saying “I’ve got a spell for that!”] Larcato’s player was always saying “I’ve got a spell for that” and flipping through the book for fifteen minutes before they took their turn so it was too iconic not to draw
6~ [Darby holding a tiny Damien and saying “Oh no! Magic!!”] Darby ate some magical cake and grew twenty feet tall (just kidding, it was a potion he made) to help with a big battle. But unfortunately, his enormity and the calamity of the battle caused an avalanche, and Darby tried to quickly scoop up the party members still on the ground - he was able to hold tight to Damien but as the avalanche hit he dropped Magic into the oncoming cascade of snow.
7~ [Magic, buried up to his neck in snow, saying “Well. Fuck.”] Being swept up in the avalanche, Magic assumes this is the end for him. He’s depressed so he welcomes death, but death stands him up. Again.
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dappercritter · 3 years
Invader Zim: Taller Tales of Terror - The First Fic That Wasn’t
This was going to be my first fanfiction that I ever published, but things came up and I found other story ideas and fandoms to get into. However, because there’s nothing I hate more than leaving a story untold and forgotten.
 So like a writer jilted by a big name studio working on a big superhero movie that went terribly wrong after they left, I’m going to share it with you good folks to see if you still think there’s hope for it in some capacity. If so maybe I’ll choose to revive it in some capacity, or one of you kind folks can adopt it. Whatever you think of the once untold tale I’m about tell you, I hope you enjoy it.
The fic would have been either a mini-series/anthology or a movie-esque sequel—or two—to Enter the Florpus.
It would have followed the stranger further misadventures the kids would go on as teenagers, all of which have at least something to do with getting taller, literally or metaphorically.
 Although I'd do my best to recreate the series' darkly comic tone, there'd be more to the story than just that. I'd like to do a sort of character study with my fanfics and explore what they would do as they got older, how they would change if they could change, if they'd mature and try to connect with each other more, or if they really do just hate each other. It'd be like a coming-of-age story but done in the style of Invader Zim.
 But don’t be fooled, folks! It's not going to be one of those big dramatic fanfics with high stakes (nor any smut) thrown in. At it's core it's still just a fun, dumb, mildly disturbed "What if?" sort of fic. There would be a bit more emphasis on character and plot than normal, because I do love me a good character-driven plot, but still plenty of room for (what I hoped would feel like) the usual weird dumb creepy fun that original series excelled at.
 The story is set in basically the same continuity (or at least the closest thing to a continuity that can exist in Invader Zim) as the show and comics. The only difference is that the Battle of Meekrob actually happened—but not really.
 Long backstory short, there was a big showdown between the Irken Armada and the Meekrob-allied Resisty, but Zim and Dib missed it because a food fight got them stuck in detention. Zim tried to get Skoodge (who was rooming with him at the time because the scrapped Season 2 episodes were sorta canon here) to cover for him until her got there, while Dib tried to get Gaz to take Tak’s ship to provide support against the Irken. By the time they got out, however, the battle was over, Gaz blew the whole thing off to get a new game, Skoodge and some other Invader became the war hero Zim always aspired to be, and The Almighty Tallest decided to cancel Operation Impending Doom 2 because after the big exciting space battle they felt like they couldn’t top anything after that. Suffice to say, Zim took it pretty hard. Dib however would have seen this as something of a win since Zim still failed in a sense. Albeit it was a very anticlimactic win, even to him.
The actual story would have taken place about 5 years after the Battle of Meekrob, where Zim, Dib, and Gaz have made it to high school (or “hi-skool” as this is the Invader Zim universe, after all). Setting wise, things haven't changed much but the characters have made a few surprising or not-so-surprising developments. The most important of all, so important that it would be the focus of the entire story, in fact! would have been Zim developing a brand-new disguise utilizing an exoskeleton, based partially on the Almighty Tallest, in attempt to make him look like a normal teenager AND impress superiors. Naturally, things go horribly yet amusingly wrong for everyone involved.
 Now just where and what has everyone been up to/going through in those five years? Here’s a rundown:
-Zim spent those 5 years obsessing over his crushing failure, begging the Tallest to give him another chance, which they refused every time. Being stuck on a planet of smelly, stupid, and increasingly annoying creatures for so long without any real victories has left him bitter and frantic with more shmoopiness than usual. Even the little "VICTORY FOR ZIM!" moments he used to have got harder and harder to come by. By the time he reached high school, he was so messed up he didn’t realize his classmates had all had growth spurts until Dib easily overpowered him in one of their petty fights and points it out to the whole school. Thus, leading to the new exoskeleton and subsequent schemes to redeem himself in the eyes of the Tallest while looking normal in the eyes of his human classmates. Unfortunately, due to his desperation and general lack of understanding about the human body, the exoskeleton comes out looking like a lanky robotic nightmare with clawed fingers that jerks around like a big cybernetic marionette.
-Dib meanwhile has been doing slightly better. He and his paranormal research are still looked down upon, but he's persevered through the hope that someday he'll prove he's right. After (indirectly) stopping Zim from joining the Battle of Meekrob, Dib got a small confidence boost, thinking of it as a big step to exposing for Zim real now that he’s effectively trapped on Earth with him now. Although, following a rather blunt intervention from his family, he's started thinking about what he’ll do with himself once Zim is gone. He still hates his guts and he's still hellbent on beating him, but he's also started getting out more and trying to socialize more—however awkward his attempts may be. That he's also gotten taller and his head isn't quite as big compared to the rest of his body has been good for his self-esteem too. But make no mistake—when he's not going for runs, working shifts at his dad’s lab, or looking into a “totally normal” science major, he's toiling away on improving his array of anti-Zim strategies and defenses.
-Gaz is doing pretty good but she is totally done with Zim and Dib's junk. Although she's still her old apathetic self, she's doing everything in her power to broaden her horizons so she doesn't end up in the same, stupid rut that they ended up in. She would have gotten into indie art and game development; although her work is still fairly obscure, it's quickly gaining attention for it's macabre, edgy, punishing and geeky nature. (Imagine the works of Jhonen Vasquez, Toby Fox, Hidetaka Miyazaki, and Hideki Kamiya mashed together.) She also participates in e-sports tournaments on occasion, if only because crushing countless so-called “gamers” brings her amusement. Her psychic powers have also gotten stronger with her age, and she likes to experiment with them whenever she can—usually when somebody really annoys her. She's doing fine in the story until, after a run-in with a certain unkillable spoiled brat at an e-sports tournament, sends her over the edge and she trashes the place in a Carrie-esque episode. This gets her sent to anger management therapy, and now she's trying to find a way out to avoid sitting through an endless slog of "sappy" sessions.
-Gir would still be insane.
-Minimoose would still be the ultimate techno-lifeform Minimoose.
-Zim's Computer is still tired.
 -Prof. Membrane is still the greatest and most powerful scientist who ever lived but he’s also trying to make time for his family more and mentoring Dib to be the successor to his legacy he always thinks he was meant to be. That is if is experimental new immortality machine doesn’t work out. May or may not have to fend off Clembrane whenever he comes to visit.
-The Almighty Tallest are still living content, tyrannical lives. They didn't take canceling Operation Impending Doom 2 very hard because, as it turns out, they just got bored with it after a while. (Of course, Zim's repeated interference didn't help keep their spirits up either). However, they'd come up with the perfect plan to obtain absolute control of the universe AND get the feeling back: by making Operation Impending Doom 3 a thing and setting up a huge hype campaign for it. Thing go pretty well for them until Zim calls them and tells them about his new exosuit. They believe that Zim is trying to make himself look like a Tallest so he can lead a rebellion against them and get revenge for treating him like garbage. (He's not, obviously, but they're too dumb and paranoid to realize this.) So, they pretend that they're ok with it and let him carry on his merry way while they figure out how to dispose of him without making him look like a martyr figure of some sort, thus giving the other Irkens they mistreated any ideas.
-Tak would show up again in the second half and this is where it gets spoiler-y. She would come to Earth on the Tallest’s orders with a squad consisting of a reformatted Mimi, rogue SIR units, as well as Tenn and Skoodge who she had recruited to aid in her vendetta against Zim. She would subsequently reveal that after drifting through space in an escape pod, she crashed landed on Meekrob just as the battle was about to begin, and using the element of surprise, rescued Tenn from captivity and assisted Skoodge and the Tallest in devising a battle strategy so brilliant that it crushed the Resisty and Meekrob’s alliance and earned her the status of Irken Elite. She grew comfortable in her new position but could never get over her fear that Zim would eventually ruin it all again, so she waited and prepared for the day she would strike back. I don’t know how or if she would adopt an updated disguise (perhaps a hologram of her older humansona projected over her, Tenn, and Skoodge standing on top of her shoulders?) or hide in the shadows while Tenn, Skoodge, Mimi and the berserk SIR squad did her dirty work.
 -Skoodge would have gone from aspiring to be Zim’s friend to being his worst enemy after Tak turned him to her side by digging into his past with him, making him realize how little his supposed old friend cared about him. Despite this he still keeps an unusually cheerful disposition—even repeatedly apologizing to Zim whenever he attacks him—and acts as the heart of Tak’s squad. He thinks of them as his real friends, so he always goes out of his way to help them out or keep the energy up. Even though Tak looks down on him because of his size, she appreciates his gullibility and unquestioning loyalty. Tenn just thinks he’s nice, especially since he’s good at keeping the SIRs in check.
 -Tenn has recovered from the traumatic escapades she endured on Meekrob at the hands of the rogue SIR units and imprisonment under the enemy, returning to her usual competant Invader self—something Tak values quite a bit in an armada largely composed of egomaniacs and morons. Tenn values Tak’s companionship even more, viewing her as a conquering hero who not only won the most important battle of Irken history, but also, her heart. …Not she’ll ever act on her feelings. That would inconveniance the mission! (Although Skoodge has picked up on this and gladly supports her, thinking they’d make an adorable couple.) After investation revealed that Zim was supposed to receive the rogue SIR units instead of her while he trashed the Megadoomer that was rightfully assigned to her, she bought into Tak’s view that Zim’s very existence was a threat to all Irkenkind, gladly assisting her efforts to eradicate him.
 -Mimi and the rogue SIR units have been reprogrammed to be less insane and follow orders again thanks to Tak and Skoodge’s efforts. However, Tak also had a berserk mode installed specfically for eradicating targets with optimal, brutal efficiency. Mimi still tends to glitch though. In addition to Mimi retaining her cat holo-disguise, the berserker SIRs would gain new disguises resembling either feral cats or rabid teacup poodles. (I hadn’t decided yet.) Tenn still gets anxious around them.
 -Gretchen might show up again and would possibly get to reconnect with Dib, maybe even finally be honest with him about her feelings for him when she surprises him with her surprising new position at Membrane Labs: the janitor.
 -Keef will… er, uh… actually, don’t get your hopes up.
 Well, I think that’s everyone important. Okay back to the plot now!
 So, right up front, the biggest part of the plot as well as the biggest reason why I got uncomfortable with the whole thing was there wiould be some romance in here between a few couples and that it would have figured into the plot. The most significant of all: ZAGR (a.k.a. Zim and Gaz Relationship). But I wanted to make it feel organic and even sweet without sacrificing the feel of sardonic madness but also keeping it in the wholesome zone.
 I always felt like Zim and Gaz were a natural fit for each other (like quite a few other people, admittedly) because I always felt like their personalities were a good fit and they could have a lot in common. The story would follow them as they unexpectedly developed a romantic friendship, bonding over their resentment of the Earth and humanity, their absent family members, a love of technology of questionable intent, and subjugating those who anger them. It would all start with Gaz agreeing to help Zim improve his suit and his unassuming human act just to get back at Dib for annoying her. At first they’d be acting entirely out of spite and necessity, but as they spent more time together, they’d start to enjoy each other’s company more.
 Gaz would be the first develop feelings, since she voluntarily rejected the concept of love instead of being programmed to reject it like Zim, as she slowly realizes how much they have in common—much to her horror. Zim would take more time but when he begins to understand how he feels about and just what these DISGUST feelings are, he’d handle it just as poorly. (e.g. I pictured a scene where Zim has such a hard time admitting his feelings for Gaz that he ends up vomiting black goo like he’s possessed or something. For comedy of course.) But they’d both start to open up to each other in the end, if only because they’re the only two people in the universe they can stand. Gaz would try to help him overcome his anxiety and stop caring as much about what humans think of him, while he would be someone that she can actually relate to.
 Dib, however, would take sincerest offense to it. He’d be totally freaking out, nearly diving off the deep end to put his plans to defeat Zim into action and expose him before he could be exposed. He’d also make a point of demanding what Gaz could see in a monster like him, even reminding her of everything that Zim had done. Probably in an exchange like this:
 DIB: He stole our organs! He tried to crush the planet with Mars! He kidnapped me and threatened to turn me inside out! He tricked me into helping him teleport Earth into outer space so his rulers could destroy it! He turned me into bologna, Gaz! (*holding back tears*) BOLOGNE!
 GAZ: I thought you got over that.
 DIB: Well, physically I did, yes, but not mentally.
 Gir would be pretty on board with it though.
The other biggest plot of the series would have been Tak’s return and the reveal of her and the Tallest’s master plan to destroy Zim once and for all: kick off Operation Impending Doom 3 by placing Zim on trial, executing him, and completing Tak’s plan to turn the planet Earth into a snack bowl for the Tallest (which she still insists is a good plan, she just never got to complete it) big enough to feed them while they watch the conquest of the rest of the universe in style. Zim and the Membranes get through to her and her squad, and possibly the other Irkens, by turning them against the Tallest to stop the Irkens once and for all. Maybe.
Finally to wrap this little nightmare up, here’s a vague outline of the stories I had planned for this wannabe whopper:  
 -A Whole New Nightmare – Following an amusing prologue about how Zim and Dib ended up missing the battle of Meekrob, Zim finally realizes that his natural Irken height threatens to expose his façade to all the classmates who have reached proper adolescent human height. He creates his exosuit then proceeds to cause a scene when he calls the Tallest and goes to hi-skool. Meanwhile, Gaz bugs Dib about still wasting his time bullying Zim. Zim then challenges Dib to a contest of normalcy: a series of challenges that are just overhyped normal teenage things like loitering, hanging out with friends, and finally a dance-off. Whoever loses has to admit they’re a complete weirdo and admit they’re most embarrassing secret. Dib wins the first round, but after he blows off Gaz to hang out with the other kids, she and Zim strike up a nice conversation and he wins the second round. The final dance-off ends in a draw when Zim and Dib both end up looking like total dorks. The story ends with Dib and Zim standing up for themselves against their judgemental peers, but Zim ends up overtaking his big speech and convincing his classmates to completely forget about his bizarre new appearance.
-Gaz the Befriended - Zim and Gaz make a deal: Gaz helps him fine tune his suit while posing as his "NORMAL HUMAN!" friend, and in return he helps her figure out how to control her powers while posing as her friend so she won't have to go to anger management counselling. While they do drive each other nuts, they eventually learn they have a lot in common and start acting like real friends. Dib grows suspicious of their "friendship," sets out to uncover the truth.
 -They Follow - Dib goes on social media to share his findings on Zim with the world in an attempt to verify all his evidence via wisdom of the crowd. Zim finds out and retaliates by joining social media as well to make himself look like a hard luck case in an effort to gain sympathy from the (basically ignorant) public. As their war of words escalate and their follower bases grow, they end up starting a flame war that threatens to destroy society itself.
-Star Dib - Hoping to find some real help, Dib sends a message to outer space looking for reinforcements. He ends up with what remains of the Resisty, who dissolved after their crushing defeat on The Battle of Meekrob. Taking pity on them, he volunteers to become their new leader. Shenanigans ensue on a galactic level.
 -C for Conspiracy - Dib stumbles across a mysterious conspiracy involving Earth tech being backwards compatible with alien tech. He wants to take it on himself, but realizes that he might actually need Zim’s help. So he has to swallow his pride and ask him for help, and as if that weren’t enough he has to put up with his and Gir’s (who tagged along) antics.
 -Night of the Living Prom-goers - Prom night comes along and all the hormonally-imbalanced kids are ready to go, except for Zim, Dib, and Gaz. Until Gaz works up the nerve to ask Zim out, which he actually accepts. While Gaz prepares for her perfect tolerable evening, Dib desperately tries to convince her that Zim’s up to something while trying uncover his true motives, only for her to snap at him and challenge his views on Zim. Little do either of them know, Zim plans to use the prom as an experiment to harness Gaz’s power for his own ends. But at the same time, he ponders whether his friendship with Gaz is just a means to an end or something more. Either way it will be a night they will never forget. Or survive! Probably.
 -The Return of Tak’s Revenge Rises - Tak finally returns to take her revenge on Zim and the Membrane siblings. Striking them when they least expect with the aid of an upgraded MiMi, a squad of berserk SIR units, and two fellow invaders Zim had wronged in the past.
 -Doomed Together - Following Tak’s strike, the Almighty Tallest kick off Operation Impending Doom 3 with a mission of utmost importance: sending in the Irken Armada to ensure Zim is destroyed once for all so they can finally proceed with absolute universal domination. Now, Gaz, Dib, and some unlikely allies must come up with a plan to save their even more unlikely new friend and the rest of the universe from the most fearsome force in the universe! It’s basically the grand finale.
 And that is all there is, or was, to Taller Tales of Terror. I can’t guarantee I’ll ever revisit it, what with all the other stuff on my plate right now, but I’m glad to have finally shared the story of my first fanfic with y’all.
 So, tell me, my filthy monkey maggot mutual friends. After all that horrible rambling, what did you think?
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pxnk-velvet · 4 years
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The Dancing Warrior: Water, Chapter 8
(Sokka x OC Reader)
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“I don’t even know where to begin!” Aunt Wu exclaimed, cradling Navani’s hand in hers.
Navani just sat on her knees with wide eyes, speechless. Not out of shock, well, maybe a little, but mostly from the fact that she just simply didn’t know what to say.
Aunt Wu continued, “My, my dear. You have much significance in your life. You are going to do great things!”
Navani opened her mouth to speak, but shied away quickly after.
Aunt Wu smiled, “I can tell you have a lot on your mind. Tell me, dear.”
“Ok...” Navani sighed, “I just have so many questions and I don’t even know if I’ll get the answers and-“
“Take a deep breath and relax. Open your mind to receiving the information I am about to tell you.” Aunt Wu instructed, taking hold of Navani’s wrists.
Navani did as told, allowing her muscles to relax, “Ok.”
“Like I mentioned before, you are on to do great things in life. Now and later in your life. You were destined for this. As well as your abilities. I can tell that when you were born, you were chosen. The planets were aligned just right and the universe allowed for the unity of two elements within you. The connection between your parents with contradicting bending types is what allowed you to obtain control over water and fire. You are one of the few dual benders known to man. The last fire and water bender known had died over 15,000 years ago. So you, my dear, are the first in quite a long time and indeed, special.”
She was officially shocked now, “How did you know? I didn’t mention anything about my bending.”
Aunt Wu chuckled, “I can tell because of your palms. Each type of bending has different feelings or textures on a palm. And you, my dear, are a perfect mix of water and fire. That’s how I know your parents has a deep connection within themselves. Because you are equally powerful bender water or fire. Even though fire is your more dominant form, you hold a lot of potential with your water bending. Not only is your bending exceptionally developed, you fight and dancing skills are like no other. Often times when doing so, the lines between the two blur. This is why you are known as The Dancing Warrior across all of the land. Many people, myself included, have seen you perform.”
Navani’s mood deflated at the small detail, maybe she was just making this all up if she already knew of her. But....she knew about her dual bending when nobody but herself, her friends, and her mother knew. She decided on letting it slide, shaking the though from her mind.
“Now, my dear, let’s move onto your future.”
Navani perked up and there was no denying that she wasn’t just the slightest bit excited for this part.
“I see in your future that you will have great impact on future generations. Inventing and teaching a whole new style of combat that will last a life time.” Aunt Wu gushed, running her fingers ove Navani’s palm like she had done before.
“You will marry a strong young man. At the moment he still has yet to mature into manhood. However his time with you will teach him many things, like how to love without fear of lose. How to be mature, yet still have a fun glow to himself. And you are very lucky, my dear, because you’ve already met him!”
Navani gasped, “I have! What’s his name?”
Aunt Wu gave a hearty chuckle, “That you’ll have to figure out for yourself, dear. Let’s continue, shall we? How about we discuss your children.”
Navani’s eyebrows raised as she nodded, surprised at the sudden switch of subject.
“You and your future husband will want a lot of children.”
Navani recoiled, “Eh. I’m not the biggest fan of children. They’re so much work.”
Aunt Wu chuckled yet again, “That change come your marriage, dear....However, for some reason, I only see two in your future. To put it frankly, you’re going to have a hard time trying. You will try time and time again but in the end you’ll only have a son and a daughter. They will both be strong individuals. They will be the ones to continue your legacy and family, enlarging it greatly.”
“Really?” Navani wondered, “So that means I’m going to have a lot of grandchildren?”
“Exactly, my dear! 5 grandsons and 2 granddaughters to be specific. They are going to have a strong bond.”
Navani smiled at the thought, “At least they have each other. Could you maybe tell me more about this guy I’m going to marry?” She pushed with a guilty smile.
“Welp, now you got to see that fortune telling is just a big stupid hoax!” Sokka exclaimed as the group left Aunt Wu’s place, “Right, Navani?”
“Huh?” She was so caught up in her head that she hadn’t been paying attention, walking aimlessly by Sokka’s side.
“You’re just saying that because you’re gonna make yourself unhappy your whole life.” Katara threw back at him with a smirk.
“That woman is crazy.” Sokka yelled out, “My life will be calm and happy and joyful!”
He angrily kicked a rock, only to have it ricochet off of a sign and hit him in the head.
“Oh, Sokka!” Navani rushed over to help him off the ground.
“That doesn’t prove anything!”
“It doesn’t have to mean anything! Aunt Wu told me the future is always changing with every little decision you make.” Navani explained, grabbing Sokka by the arm and hauling him up, onto his feet.
“Well, I liked my predictions.” Katara said happily, “Certain things are gonna turn out very well.”
Aang smiled, “They sure are.”
Katara turned to him with an interested look on her face, “Why? What did she tell you?”
Navani giggled as Aang responded, “Some....stuff. You’ll find out.”
“Navani,” Katara called, “What did Aunt Wu say for you?”
“Oh, well...uh,” She shied away, kicking the ground with the toe of her shoe, “She told me why I can bend two elements. And that I’m going to marry a handsome, strong guy and we’re going to have a big family together with lots of grandkids.”
“Don’t you mean regular kids?” Sokka questioned from her side. Katara quick to hit her brother’s arm for asking such a personal question.
“Apparently, in the future it’s going to be a struggle for me to have children....” The girl explained, heat rising to her cheeks as she rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed.
At this point the group had continued walking through the small village.
Katara came quick to the rescue, “Well, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Everyone is different. But you are going to have kids right?”
Navani nodded, keeping her head down, “Yeah, she said I’d have a son and daughter. I guess I’m ok with it because I don’t really like kids. But Aunt Wu said that would change once I got married.”
“Well,” Sokka turned to her, “I’m sure whoever marries you will be one lucky guy.” Only loud enough for Navani to here.
She gave a quick thanks, the blush on her cheeks before now a blazing pink.
“What did she say about your bending?” Aang asked excitedly with a little skip in his walk.
Navani perked up at this, “She said I was the first fire and water bender in over 15,000 years! And that the reason I can bend two elements in the first place is because the universe chose me! Can you believe it?”
“Wow! I wish I was specially picked by the universe.” Aang said jokingly, raising his arms to the sky.
“Aang!” The three others exclaimed with their jaws on the floor.
Sokka shouted, “You’re the Avatar for spirits sake! What could be more special then that!”
After the small population of the village had gathered in the square for Aunt Wu’s prediction, which was a disaster to say the least, Navani had found herself strolling through the streets. Walking quietly as her thoughts rattled around in her head. She was thinking about everything but nothing at the same time. It was hard to focus on one thing when it had all been thrown in her face like that. She was trying her best to comprehend as much as possible. Eventually she gave up, deciding she needed to just push those thoughts aside and focus on something else. As of the moment, her stomach was speaking to her. Loudly.
Soon she found herself at a little fruit stand, looking at the colorful assortment. Deciding on some mango slices.
She picked up the little parcel, turning to the young man running the stand, “How much for the mango slices?”
The man, or boy for that matter, looked about her age and very handsome. He flashed her a warm smile and said, “It’s on the house. Some delicious mango for a beautiful lady.” He bowed lightly with a look in his eye.
She smiled brightly, cocking her head, “Why, thank you. Have a nice day.” She spoke over her shoulder as she turned to walk off. Her stomach grumbled wildly and she knew she couldn’t wait any longer, so she continued on.
She unraveled the parcel, turning the corner of a build. Only to come face first with a blue Water Tribe tunic. She fell flat on her butt, making sure her mango slices did not fall from her clutch.
“Jeez, Navani. What’s with you always running into me?” Sokka teased, taking hold of the girl and helping her into her feet.
She scoffed and nudged his shoulder playfully, falling into step with him as they walked side by side down the stree. “Me?! Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings next time,” She retorted, taking a bite of her snack.
He laughed, “Well I’m not the one stuffing mango in my face.” She scrunched her nose, finishing off her slice and offering one to him.
He took it from her, his fingers gliding against her ever so slightly, popping it into his mouth. She continued, “I’m hungry, alright? You can’t blame a girl for a bodily function.”
They both gave hearty laughed, as they continued on with their little stroll, sharing mango slices. After a short while, Navani had taken notice to how close they were walking together. So close that every so often their knuckles would brush against each other, causing an eruption of butterflies in her stomach. Eventually they slowed as they passed a beautiful fountain. She had been admiring the water and the way it glistened in the sun when she felt his gaze on her. She turn and looked up at him, meeting his eyes. With a heart melting smile, she took his hand in hers. Giggling at the bright blush on his cheeks.
He looked down at their hands then back up at her, “You have really soft hands.”
All anyone within earshot could hear was the two teenagers laughing, simply enjoying a nice time.
(Always open, just let me know if you want to be added! ❤️)
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wouldduskwood · 3 years
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 28
I was still staring at the computer screen in mild frustration when she appeared behind me. “Yeah, not feeling the phone thing when you’re just through here.” she mumbled. I turned and smiled at her in relief, capturing her in my arms. “I agree, having you here is far more pleasing.” I murmured softly.
“Okay, here’s the situation, I’m wired as fuck right now. Biting my tongue doesn’t always come easily. Also, I can’t remember the last time I ate and we have yet to find clear escape routes. I think we need to remedy some of this stuff, before I go completely nuts.” she sighed.
I nodded solemnly. “I get it, I’m finding it hard to concentrate on this and making stupid mistakes. We need to sort the food situation out pronto."
“I can go into Duskwood and pick something up?” she suggested. “No deal, we go together or not at all.” I responded with finality. Like there was any way I'd let her go there unattended. I'd do anything in my power to stop that. “Okay, but you stay in the car where cameras can’t pick you up and I get in and out. Deal?” I nodded again. “Okay, but we order online from some place near here but not Duskwood. You go in and pick up, that’s it. We can’t get much, I don’t have a lot of money.” I sighed. I wanted to be able to help her, provide anything I could for her. She had left home with pretty much nothing and I was embarrassed at my lack of resources for her.
“Yeah, money isn’t much of an issue.” she shrugged. “We order what we need and I pay for it in cash.” I looked at her, cocking my head to the side in confusion mixed with skepticism.
She sighed, “ I don’t trust banks with that much information about me...oh surprised?” she grinned, seeing my eyes widen briefly. “Very little of my money is used through banks...only what I want people to find actually. I withdraw a fair bit of money whenever I can. I purposefully use machines close to casinos to give the illusion of a gambling problem, but in actuality I keep the money in various envelopes with different quantities. A few days before I had to take off, I had gathered it all into my backpack. I kind of suspected I'd need to leave sooner rather than later. I guess this is a habit I picked up on the street. Hidden cash in various portions. If someone robs you on the street, they usually stop when they find something. If you spread it out in various places, they won’t find it all. Anyway, I guess I feel comforted having cash. It will also be helpful now, right?” she prodded me.
“Wow, you really are perfect aren’t you?” I grinned. “I have been busy racking my brain with how I will raise enough money to keep you alive and here you are sitting on money that will save us.” She smiled. “I think it will be plenty to keep us going for however long we need. There is a little less than $200,000.” I wasn't sure whether I had heard that correctly, so I stepped backwards in shock as I tried to process what she had said. Since she had started camping on the roof of the warehouse, I'd come up with endless schemes to find more money, but had so far failed miserably. She really could take care of herself.
“That much?” I croaked.
“Yeah, I spent a bit after I left the last place I was staying, on clothes and shit, but there should be enough here for as long as we need.”
“Uh, not to sound ungrateful or anything, but is it all...legally obtained?” I questioned. “It’s just...they can trace the serial numbers…”
She smiled and paused before responding. I looked at her questioningly. “Okay, yeah it is all legal. See, I told you I became qualified in teaching and technology. Well...I kind of found a little bit of a loophole. See, many international families want their children to learn English through a qualified English as a first language teacher. So, I found that if you...taught in a more relaxed and fun style than what the children were used to in their home land...well they tended to enjoy it more. They learnt fast. They also told their parents how great it was. Many of these families respect teachers and the market is massive, so they pay well...they also get their friends involved. Well, once I had a few networks set up, I worked out I could get more money if I taught more than 1 kid at a time, so I organised online classes. Parents were happy, their kids were happy, they were learning English and I was receiving full tutoring rates for every single child I had...no matter how many I taught at a time…I was pulling in a fair bit of money, even with taxes taken out, until I stopped recently to focus on you and Hannah…The other benefit was, I could do it on the run. I had tried once, ya know, to have a normal life. Began a normal job teaching and quit soon after as my past caught up to me.”
I shook my head slowly. “You are even more incredible than I ever thought before. Maybe it is no wonder I fell in love with you. You are perfect.”
She smiled then prompted me once more “So, groceries and essentials?”
“Come here and help me order,” I murmured, as I sat on the floor and pulled her onto my knee. We spent several minutes playing the happy couple as we browsed stock and picked out the various things we needed to survive. It was momentarily peaceful, but soon her phone was buzzing once more. The pests from Duskwood had returned.
“Fuck off,” she groaned out loud.
I grinned weakly. “They won’t give up, you know.”
“Can I say ‘Be right back, after I have done some fine shagging?’ she questioned, her voice coming off as innocent. Her question took me by surprise and I began laughing hysterically.
“No you cannot!”
“But it would be conversation stopping!” she pointed out
“Or rumour starting!” I countered. “Fine,” she sighed and opened the Groupchat, once again ignoring the messages to pen her own.
MC: I am going to get groceries. I need food and sleep. I promise I’ll talk to you later.
MC is offline.
“Take this, before I throw it.” she asked me then headed for the car, with me following close behind. “Once you go into the store, you take this back. I’ll field their comments. You focus on the task at hand, but I need to know I can track you if something does go wrong.” I pleaded with her.
She nodded weakly.
“Jake. I love you.” she murmured quietly. I smiled, kissed her lips softly, then pulled on my mask and handed her the cap. “Time to cover up again, my Princess, and never forget, I love you more than life itself.”
Part 29
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darkxknight · 3 years
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Character Name: Bruce Wayne Alias: Batman Age: 45 Face Claim: Matt Bomer Species: Human Home Earth: Earth-49
▸ Born the only son and child of Dr Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne (nee Kane) in Crest Hill, Bristol Township, Gotham City, New Jersey. His parents were well respected within the community and gave Bruce a life of privilege as well as tried to instill a good moral code within him. His early childhood was quite idyllic until one night when his parents took him to the Monarch Theater where they saw The Mark of Zorro. After the film, a mugger named Joe Chill attempted to rob them at gunpoint, and panicked, shooting both Thomas and Martha dead.
▸ After the death of his parents, Bruce was raised by the family butler (and Bruce's godfather), Alfred Pennyworth. He was also checked in upon by one of Thomas' friends and co-workers, Dr Leslie Thompkins. He was allowed to remain in Wayne Manor under Alfred's care. He continued to attend school and excelled in his studies, but Bruce's primary focus was no longer that of a young boy. Tragedy had stolen what innocence he had.
▸ As time past, he became obsessed with learning the meaning behind his parents death. At the age of 18, Bruce used the relationship he had with a girl - who was the daughter of a mob boss - to locate Joe Chill. Bruce learned that there was no deeper meaning to his parents' deaths, Joe just simply needed money.
▸ Bruce took an avid interest in martial arts and sword fighting and after discovering what he had from Joe Chill, he decided to travel the world and expand his knowledge. At 21, he spent a great deal of time studying martial arts off masters like Shihan Matsuda in the Himalayas. He studied the ins and outs of technological gadgetry under the guidance of a brilliant inventor, Sergei Alexandrov. He also learned how to drive cars in life-or-death situations from Brazilian criminal, Don Miguel. Bruce also delved into criminology, chemistry, and even acting to hone his skills in becoming a one man army to bring justice back to his home city. He was gone for three years before he returned to Gotham.
▸ Upon his return to Gotham, Bruce wanted to keep it a private affair but his Uncle, Philip Kane, had other ideas. While Philip appeared happy his nephew had returned home, he was also dubious of the young Bruce and plotted against him behind his back. Bruce was able to obtain his inheritance, which was not only the Wayne family fortunes but also controlling power over the family's main corporation, Wayne Enterprises. Bruce had idealistic goals on how he wanted to run the company, which was a huge shake up to how the business had run since his parents death.
▸ Bruce Wayne became Batman. He took the fight to the Red Hood Gang and was immediately successful in defeating the criminals at the A.C.E Chemicals factory. During the fight, Bruce's Uncle, Philip Kane, was found out to be a secret member of the Red Hood Gang and was unfortunately killed in the battle. Red Hood One was also believed to be killed in the fight, falling into a vat of chemicals below where he and Batman had fought. 
▸ Despite leading a double life, Bruce kept up many public appearances so people were completely unaware of his nightly habits. One such outing was to The Haly Circus, where a fun night out turned into tragedy for the acrobat family known as the Flying Graysons. The only survivor of the family being the Grayson's son, Richard (or, as he preferred, Dick). Being able to sympathize with Dick's tragedy and knowing that the crime committed against the boy's family was no accident, Bruce came forward with an offer to become Dick's legal guardian.
▸ The relationship between Bruce and Dick didn't get off to the easiest of starts and one night Dick ran away to try and solve the case of his parents' murder on his own. Bruce went out as Batman and managed to pick the boy up and brought him back to the cave, where he then revealed himself as Batman. Bruce offered Dick the chance to become his partner and train with him but Dick had to play by his rules. Dick accepted and took on the mantle of Robin.
▸ Over the years, Batman and Robin were a formidable duo against the criminals of Gotham but one night Robin was shot by the Joker. Despite all they had been through, Bruce called an end to Dick's career. This put a huge strain on their relationship, which had grown more than that of partners but also father and son. Dick left - he would still return to Gotham as needed but there was a definite tension in the air.
▸ Sometime later, Batman catches a bold kid trying to steal the tires off the Batmobile. Jason Todd was a little punk but Bruce was impressed with his spirit, cleverness, and tenacity. After an attempt to place Jason into child protective services failed, Bruce stepped forward and took Jason in as his ward and later adopted son.
▸ Bruce trained Jason to be the second Robin and it is clear from the very beginning that Jason was a completely different style of Robin to Dick. Jason was a fighter and knew how to handle himself in a brawl but his finesse and detective skills needed work. When Jason was 15, he ran away after hearing that his birth mother was still alive. Bruce was too late in working out that it was a well laid trap for the young man and barely arrived in time to see the building Jason was held captive in explode. Devastated, Bruce took Jason's body back to Gotham and buried him in the Wayne family's plot - vowing to never take on another Robin.
▸ In the wake of Jason's death, Batman became more ruthless. Just teetering on the edge of the "no kill" rule he had established for himself. Several allies the Batman had worked with along the way (including the Justice League, which he had founded along with Superman, Wonder Woman and other heroes) noticed the change in Bruce but seemed to be clueless on how to curb the rage the Dark Knight felt.
▸ Tim Drake had been following Batman's career as long as he could remember and it was the 13 year old that picked up on the problem. Batman needed a Robin. After a failed attempt to get Dick to come back and be Robin, Tim offered himself for the role. Bruce refused - afraid that tragedy would strike again. Eventually though, Tim - with the assistance of Dick and Alfred - stole the Robin suit and managed to save Batman. This action spurred Bruce into considering Tim to be the third Robin.
▸ Out of all the Robins, Bruce trained Tim the hardest, sending him off to exotic places to develop his martial arts skills and partnering him with other Batman allies to push him further. Tim never backed down but he also had a level head and a maturity that was beyond his years that made him a valuable partner. Unlike the other Robins, Tim still had parents when he started in the vigilante life but as was the way with heroes, tragedy has its way of catching up. After Tim's father was killed by Captain Boomerang, Bruce made the offer to adopt him. Laws had changed that he couldn't just make Tim a ward like Dick and Jason had been, so adoption papers were filed and Tim became Bruce's legal son.
▸ Talia al Ghul, daughter of the demon and long time enemy of Batman's, Ra's al Ghul, dropped the 10 year old bombshell of a son in his lap. 10 years before, Batman and Talia had a lustful affair which ended abruptly and with Bruce having no knowledge that a child had been conceived. Damian was an assassin without remorse, a fact his mother took great pride in, and was originally unimpressed with Bruce and didn't understand the "no kill" policy his father had adopted in regards to his enemies.
▸ Things have returned to normal for Bruce and his family for the moment. As normal as they get when you're a family of vigilantes. As always, Bruce has several different cases on the run and as long as crime doesn't sleep, neither will justice.
Positive Traits: Focused, strong moral compass, protective, extremely sharp mind Negative Traits: Closed off, secretive, rarely shares true emotions or feelings
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
MotH S2 Finale
Matters of the heart Season 2 episode 15 Fanning the flames {OPENING CREDITS} {open to Isaiah and Benny being led into the hideout with their hands bound; behind them, Gaia is being pulled in with a muzzle around her snout; Isaiah looks tiredly around at the hideouts stone walls before coming to a large wooden door; once it’s opened a cult member kicks him from behind} Cult member 1: Get moving kid! {Isaiah glares at them but does as told and walks into the large tactical room; Larkspur turns around and faces them} Larkspur: What is this!? Vergus! Vergus: Forgive me mistress. we did obtain the supplies we set out to collect but we also found some other points of interest. {Larkspur walks up to them and bends over to meet Isaiah face to face} Larkspur:  I'm surprised you survived... and judging from your deteriorated state I'm guessing you still have the power, yes? {Isaiah spits at her} Larkspur: Insolent little-! {She smacks him to the side; Isaiah harshly hits the ground} Isaiah: AUGH! Benny: Isaiah!! Larkspur:  and who is this one? Vergus:  we don't know she appears to have been traveling with the child. but she's quite strong for a little girl.  she wasn't easy to capture. {Cult member 2 holds up his bitten hand} Cult member 2:  really not easy… Larkspur: whatever the cost it was worth it. good job you three. we finally have the upper hand. we tried to do this peacefully but you people of Corona love making things so very difficult.  you just had to ruin things, didn't you? Isaiah: you're the only one ruining things… Larkspur:  do you want another crack to the face?... I thought not.  I have spent the last few weeks trying to figure out how to best your kingdom once again.  and now I think I finally have an idea.  your father has always been a thorn in my side.  but now I have you. Isaiah: in case you haven't noticed…. I'm not exactly in the best state right now... how can I possibly be of any use? Larkspur:  see that's the best part you don't have to do anything.  you said so yourself you're too weak to do anything. meaning I can do whatever I want to you and you can't fight back for the life of you.  {Larkspur looks up at the Vergus} Larkspur:  so here's my plan. Vergus,  you stay here with a few members and keep an eye on the boy and the Vessel.  meanwhile I'm going to take a small group and go to Corona.  I think it's about high time I invited Varian to a little soiree!  but this isn't just going to be any little shindig.  for what he's done to us that Alchemist deserves to burn.  will let him see his precious Boy again and will even remove the power from him. Vergus: Mistress? Larkspur:   however once the main event is done how about we play a little party game. Benny: p-party game? Larkspur:  that's right sweetheart a fun little party game.  The Alchemist will have his son back free of any power. and we will have the moonstone shard.  However the ending to this game will turn in our favor.  once we have The Shard in our clutches why don't we play a little game of family Massacre? Isaiah: *gasp* Larkspur:  well I never said it'd be fun for you... take them to the cells. and make sure they’re locked good and tight. Vergus: Yes mistress. {They start dragging Isaiah to the cells; once there the throw Isaiah, Benny, and Gaia into different cells; Isaiah lands harshly in the cell next to Cassandra; Cassandra gasps and runs to the side of her cell} Cassandra: Isaiah!  how on Earth are you here!? {Isaiah lies still groaning slightly} Benny:  those bad guys captured us and took us here… Cassandra:  he doesn't look good... it's becoming too much for him. Benny: what is? Cassandra:  he doesn't have much left... look, little girl… Benny: Benny! Cassandra:  sorry... Benny... Isaiah is very sick and the fact that he's here means that the bad people that brought you here are planning something really bad. Benny:  can we stop them? {Cassandra looks down at Isaiah and back at benny} Cassandra:  I don't know.. I really don't. {Cut to Zapada resting in a chair in the parlor with baby Sterling in her arms and Rapunzel at her side} Rapunzel: Ohhhh! He’s so cute! Zapada: Yes he was born a bit sooner than I thought he'd be... but the village physician says that he's healthy so I suppose it's all right. Rapunzel:   you just have to remember to keep him warm especially with fall just getting here. early birds like this one are prone to getting sick. Yes, you are! Yes, you are! {Rapunzel boops Sterling’s nose; off to the side of the room Varian and Eugene watch them} Eugene:  I’ll hand it to you he's a cute little guy. Varian: I'm just happy that they're both okay.  speaking of that I know this is a tender moment but I think we should focus on what our plan is now that we have the hideouts location. Eugene:  you're right.  we need to make a plan. we shouldn't just be running headfirst into a battle. Varian:  yeah about that… Eugene: that's exactly what you were going to do isn't it? Varian:  originally yes... I'll admit I got a bit overzealous… Eugene:  look I know what they did to your family is terrible but we have to keep our heads if we run in there right now with absolutely no plan we’ll be walking right into their hands. Varian: That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to apologize if I've come off as... you know… {Eugene looks downtrodden and pulls him out into the hall} Varian: Eugene? Eugene: I should have said this before... I'm sorry too. Varian: for what? Eugene:  Rapunzel and I came up with a plan to meet the cult on the North Shore cliffs.  we came up with the plan to Ambush them.  I promised I'd always protect the kid.  I know that... no amount of apologies could ever replace what you and Zapada have lost but- {Varian pulls him into a hug} Varian: Eugene none of this was your fault. you were doing what you thought was right as king and captain of the Guard.  I am always going to miss my son. that is never going to change but I'm not going to let you sit here and blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault. I've been down that road. It’s not fun. {Eugene smiles at him before hearing the main door open; he looks up and his face contorts in horror; Varian whips around to see Larkspur entering} Larkspur: What a touching little moment that I just walked in on. sorry to spoil it. You two Go. {Two cult members shove past Varian and Eugene into the parlor: Zapada screams as she and Rapunzel have swords put against their throats} Varian: NO! {Eugene unsheathes his sword; Noremoth comes running down the stairs} Larkspur: Norie! Noremoth: Larkspur? Larkspur:  I'm so happy to see that you're okay! {She goes to hug him but he moves away from her} Larkspur: aww are we still sour about the Battle? Noremoth: you left me behind to die of course I'm still sour! I will never not be sour! Varian: What are you doing here and what do you want!? Larkspur:  so rude. I came all this way just to see you.  I have a little gift. {Noremoth narrows his eyes} Larkspur:  however you see this gift is quite tedious to carry around so if you wouldn't mind coming back to my place to receive it. it would be a huge help. Varian: We’ll never go anywhere with you!  for all we know we could be walking straight into a trap! Larkspur:  I thought you might say that. {Larkspur snaps her fingers and a cult member rips Sterling from Zapada’s arms} Zapada: NO! Rapunzel: PUT HIM DOWN! Varian: DON’T HURT HIM! Noremoth: Larkspur that is enough! Return the child to it’s mother immediately! Larkspur: Ah ah ah!  I think you forget who has the upper hand here.  with one word my men here could dispose of the two women and the little baby. I don't think you have a choice but to listen to my demands. {Varian looks at Eugene} Eugene: what do you want? Larkspur:  just as I said I want to take Varian and his family back to my place so that they can see the little gift I prepared for them. however you and the queen will stay here. and if I suspect anybody of following us just the slightest little hint and I will destroy all of them.  do I make myself clear your majesty? Varian: Trust me he understands.  we’ll do as you say. Eugene: Varian! Varian:  Eugene we do not have a choice. we'll be fine. Noremoth:  I request that I come along as well. Larkspur:  oh does little Norie what to re-join our ranks? Noremoth: don't put words in my mouth.I'm coming along to make sure that you don't get ahead of yourself. Larkspur:  excuse me? Noremoth:  these people have done more for me in 2 weeks then you have done for me my entire time in your little cult. Larkspur:  and you honestly think you could defeat all of us? Noremoth:  I'd go down trying at least. Larkspur:  find then you can come along but we're doing things my way… {She snaps her fingers and cult member cuffs him} Varian: noremoth! Noremoth:  you are just not a nice lady! what did I ever see in you!? Larkspur: come on let's get moving. Varian:  wait! Zapada just had a baby... she can't walk very far. she needs to rest. if you want all of us to arrive there alive you'll give her one of the horses {Larkspur glares him down but smirks} Larkspur: Alright...Prepare a horse. Noremoth:  no tying her to the horse, Larkspur! Larkspur:...killjoy...finneee... {The cult member returns Sterling to Zapada and she holds him tightly crying; Varian rushes over and picks her up bridal style and follows the cult outside} Zapada: Varian? Varian:  we're going to be okay... I promise. {Cut back to the cells at the hideout; Isaiah coughs and wheezes before rolling over} Cassandra:  he's getting worse… Benny: what was your first hint?  the coughing, the fever,  or the relentless groaning? Cassandra:  all right this isn't a time for sass little girl. Benny:  sorry but we have to do something!  at this rate he's going to die. {Isaiah opens his eyes to see Cassandra reaching through the bars to stroke his hair; he gasps before coughing and backing away} Isaiah: Miss...Cass? Cassandra:  Hey kid... nice to see you again. Isaiah: How long have I been out? Cassandra:  a few hours maybe? it's hard to tell time in here. Isaiah:  what's happening to me? Cassandra: Zhan tiri’s power... it's becoming too much for you to handle. your body is giving out on you. Isaiah:  I have to find... a way out of here… {He tries to get up and move toward the cell door} Cassandra: there is no way you are going anywhere in that state. Isaiah: that's what you think...  Benny are you okay to move? Benny: mmhmm! Isaiah:  okay good... I'm going to try and find something to pick the lock and then- augh! {He coughs up more black liquid and it runs down his chin; his new claw-like nails scratch at the stone floor leaving marks} Cassandra:  don't push yourself, kid! { Isaiah glares up at her with a blackened mouth} Isaiah:  I don't take orders from you… {The door to the room opens and Vergus walks in} Vergus:  are we having fun? getting along okay? Cassandra:  if you’ve just come to patronize us get out… Vergus: cranky today, sweet vessel? Cassandra:  call me that again and see what happens! Vergus: oooh!  we are feisty today!  anyway I'm not here for either of you. I'm here for this one. {Turns and looks at benny} Isaiah: Benny! {Benny gets in a defense position} Vergus: HA!  isn't that cute? This tiny tot actually thinks she can fight me. that's just adorable. but I'm not here for that either I'm actually here to offer you a proposition. Benny:  what's a..propo- Cassandra: a proposition... he's making you an offer of some sort. Benny: What do you want? Vergus:  well most of our group are older people.  adults who have nothing left to lose.  that's why they join us. Society has treated them wrongly for many years.  We’re just evening the playing field. Cassandra: get to the point, Vergus! Vergus:  my point is you've had it quite rough. I can tell. those Rags you're wearing,  your small frame. you haven't had a good meal in ages have you. probably haven't slept in a nice bed and quite a while.  we have all of those here. and we'd protect you. Benny:  what are you saying? {Vergus unlocks the cell door and holds it open} Vergus:  join us. we can teach you all the tricks.  make sure you grow up right. you'll be the first of a new generation in a new Society.  you'll have a family. {Benny looks up at him and he smirks. She looks over at Isaiah and walks over to the open door} Isaiah: No...benny.. {Benny places a hand on the cell door bars; she contemplates for a minute before glancing up at Vergus with rage; she slams the door closed on his fingers with her inside the cell} Vergus: AAAAUUUUGGHHHH!!! Benny: I'd rather be with Isaiah then be big old ugly meanie like you! {Vergus clutches his broken and bruised fingers} Vergus: URRGHH! ROT IN HERE FOR ALL I CARE! {He storms out; Benny’s legs give out} Isaiah: Benny... are you okay? Benny:...I-I’m okay… Cassandra:  kid... you just did what I wish I could have done a million times over. I like your spunk. {cut to Varian walking with the group; Noremoth walks up next to him} Noremoth: When we get there try not to be yourself. Varian: what? Noremoth:  you like to be snarky... especially when you're in battle. Varian: what do you want me to do? roll over like a dog? Noremoth:... just this once? Varian: …I can't believe this. Noremoth:  if not for me do it for your family. Larkspur isn't like me. she doesn't have a code or anything when it comes to fighting. she kills without Mercy. you should already know that. Varian:  trust me... that I already know. {They reach the hide out entrance; a large stone door is carved into the side of the mountain; Larkspur knocks in a rhythm and it opens} Larkspur:  hurry up. let's not diddle daddle. Opps! sorry did that bring back some, I know the word “dad” was in that word. Varian: son of a- {Noremoth holds him back; Larkspur walks in giggling} Varian:  you carved your hideout into the mountain? Larkspur:  actually know these tunnels were already here. this used to be a mine.  we just added some personality.  some blood here, a skull over there... you know to really breathe life into the place. {A skeleton with his skull off to the side slumps in the corner of the hall; Zapada winces and holds onto Sterling} Larkspur: What? oh him? yes obtaining this place was a bit tedious.  the original owner of the mine was still here. Luckily Norie took care of that as you can see. {Noremoth bites his lip; Larkspur throws open the doors to the main commons room; all of the cult looks over in shock; Larkspur steps up on a small stone stage} Larkspur:  gather around everyone!  there's a lot of fun to be had today! {Varian helps zapada off the horse} Larkspur:  right.  you there you can take the horse back to the Stables.  and where is Vergus? Cult member:  he was seriously injured earlier we were forced to amputate some of his fingers. Larkspur:  oh for the love of... you leave them alone for 5 minutes.  you know what I'm talking about Varian, haha! {Varian growls} Larkspur:  anyway could somebody please go to the cells and take everyone out. I want you to bring them here. Cult member: Yes, mistress! {They run out the door} Varian:  are you going to tell us what we're here for now? Larkspur:   Patience Varian!  you can't just jump right into the main event! you have the moonstone Shard yes? {Varian glares at her} Larkspur:  I'll take that as a yes.  how's about we make a deal? Zapada: a deal? Larkspur:  yes... an exchange of sorts!  I have something you want and you have something I want! Varian: knowing you whatever you have is certainly not something I want. Larkspur:  oh I beg to differ!  you can come in now! don't leave us waiting! {The cult member walks in with Cassandra and Benny whilst  practically dragging Isaiah;  Varian’s eyes widen and his pupils dilate} Isaiah: D-dad? Varian: IF THIS IS YOUR IDEA OF A JOKE- Larkspur:  not at all!  aren't you happy to see him? I assure you he's real. Isaiah: DADDY! {Varian tears up and sobs; he goes to run to him but is held back by various cult members} Varian: LET ME GO! Noremoth: Larkspur what is your game here!? Larkspur: you see I sent some people to regain some supplies from the damage you did to us those weeks ago.  and what do they find instead but your precious little boy.  being the Good Samaritan I am I brought him back here and treated him as an honored guest.  he got the nicest cell! Zapada: Copilul meu! Larkspur: well, I did find your son but he seems to be in Dire Straits. seems like the magic is finally working its power. his body can only hold out for so long. if you give me the moonstone Shard I'll be more than happy to remove his affliction and let you go on your way. what do you say? I'm being more than generous. { Varian looks around at everyone and then at his son; with a sigh, he removes the vial with the shard} Larkspur:  very good Alchemist!  and just to make sure things stay even. Noremoth!  I want you to bring me the shard and someone else can bring me the child.  no wrong moves here. don't take advantage of my good nature. {noremoth walks over to Varian} Noremoth:  give me The Shard... Varian she's not kidding she will slit Isaiah's throat in front of you if she suspects anything.you have one shot to actually get your son back here don't blow it. Varian: how can I be sure that's really Isaiah? Larkspur:  excuse me? {Isaiah looks tiredly over at his father} Varian:  I want to believe that is my son. I really do.  I won't deny that this is a dream come true for me right now. but I saw him die. Larkspur:  no. you saw him fall off a cliff. my only guess is that the power triggered itself like a defense mechanism. afraid that its host was going to perish. that's the only reason your boy survived.  but since you're so insistent. {She snaps her fingers; a cult member makes a small cut on Isaiah’s arm} Isaiah: AHH! Varian: STOP! PLEASE! OKAY! Larkspur:  see? he's real! he bleeds! Varian:.. I... I'm sorry buddy. {Varian hands over the vial to Noremoth; Isaiah is dragged up on stage; Noremoth brings over the shard and takes it out of the vial} Noremoth: you have the Blasted shard. now... do what you promised. {Larkspur takes out the vial of potion and roughly grips Isaiah’s mouth, forcing it open} Isaiah: ah! {she pours the liquid into his mouth and shoves him to the ground; Isaiah swallows the iron tasting concoction; his eyes glow bright green and pink and crackles of magic appear around him} Benny: ‘Saiah!! {He claws at his chest coughing and hacking; Varian pulls Zapada and Sterling close; Larkspur sits looking at her nails; Isaiah coughs up a black substance onto the ground and gasps for air} Larkspur: There! all better?  his Affliction has been removed. {Isaiah shakily gets up} Varian: Isaiah? Isaiah: Dad? DADDY! {Isaiah jumps off the stage and runs into his family’s arms: sobbing all the while} Isaiah: Dad! I mi-missed you so much! Varian: My boy...you’re really here…my little boy. {he cups his sons face and wipes his tears away} Zapada: oh Copilul meu! I thought you gone! Isaiah: I’m here Zapada... {Noremoth and Cassandra smile warmly} Larkspur: aw What a touching family reunion!  now what do you say? Varian:... thank you… Larkspur:  oh trust me Varian... you're going to wish you hadn't thanked to me. {Noremoth notices her pull a sword from the stand behind her; Noremoth gasps and shoves her over} Noremoth: IT’S A TRAP! {larkspur gets up} Larkspur: KILL THE- AH! {Larkspur turned around to see Benny holding rocks as she has just thrown one at her} Larkspur: Little brat! Noremoth: VARIAN! {He tosses a sword at him; Varian catches it; Cassandra looks up at the chandelier in the room and then back at Benny} Cassandra: how many of those rocks do you have? Benny: umm... like maybe six? Cassandra: good enough! { she grabs Benny and throws her up to the chandelier} Benny: WHOA! Hehe! Lets do that again! Cassandra: start throwing the rocks at everyone! {Cassandra Goes to run into battle but her own power starts taking her over} Cassandra: augh! Varian: Cassandra! {Isaiah grabs more rocks and helps benny by chuck stones at the cult members; he hits one in the head and watches them drop} Isaiah: bullseye! {Cut to Noremoth fighting Larkspur} Larkspur: So should I take this as your official resignation from our little group? Noremoth:  what do you think!? {She blocks and parries him} Larkspur: you want to know what I think!?  I think your roast duck was always dry! Noremoth:.... oh now that's just hurtful! {Varian protects Zapada the best he can by fending off multiple attacks} Zapada: Varian! Let me do something! Varian: like what!? Zapada; ummmm {she looks around and gets an idea} Zapada:  grab my waist! {Varian blushes} Zapada:  oh stop it and just do it! {He does so} Varian: Okay I have your waist and now what!? Zapada: spin. Varian: what? Zapada: spin! { he spins and Zapada kicks her legs out kicking the ones surrounding them in the face} Zapada:  I learned that one from the princess. and all with a newborn in my arms. {Sterling giggles; Cut to Benny on the Chandelier; she hears cracking and looks up to see the chandelier getting ready to fall} Benny: oh that's not good! {she jumps just as it starts falling} Benny: AHHH- OOF! {Isaiah catches her} Benny: ‘SAIAH! Isaiah: you know I've heard of taking the quick way down but that was ridiculous. Noremoth: AUGHHH! {Everyone turns to look just as Cassandra has run Noremoth through with a sword; Noremoth coughs and sputters before falling to his knees} Varian: NOREMOTH! Larkspur: well... this is what happens when you betray the people closest to you.  and without further ado! {she forces the Moonstone Shard into Cassandra's chest; A bright light shines it envelops her;  Cassandra screams in response;   what was once just a shard starts reforming into a corrupt Stone; Sandra's eyes flickering color as she starts losing her own conscience} Larkspur: HAHAHA! YES! FINALLY! { some of the cult members back away and even run} Isaiah: Dad! what do we do!? { Varian looks on in horror at what he's witnessing;  he rushes over and swings Noremoth’s arm over his shoulder} Varian: RUN! { the walls of The Hideout start cracking and rocks begin falling from the ceiling as Zhan tiri’s power takes over Cassandra’s mind; her eyes turn a bright purple; Isaiah grabs Benny and runs out with his family just as the entrance to the mine collapses; they all look back at the Fallen rocks that are now blocking what was the entrance to the mine} Zapada: is everyone all right? Isaiah:Yeah... I think I am. Benny are you okay? Benny: i’m okay… Isaiah: What about Noremoth? {Varian takes out an alchemy sphere and releases it over Noremoths wound  cauterizing it} Noremoth: NNGH! Varian:  it's all I can do for right now... it'll stop the bleeding at least. he's going to have to see the doctor in Corona. {Isaiah hugs them both} Isaiah: I missed you guys so much! Varian: we missed you too... more than you'll ever. I'm so happy to see that you're alive. how did you survive? Isaiah:  I don't know! I don't remember much. I remember falling into the water but then one of my attacks started happening. then I remember waking up on a ship and then. they took me to the dark Kingdom! I got to see the dark Kingdom dad!  oh by the way some really furry Hunter guy and the captain that saved me says hi. {Varian laughs} Varian: hi! Ahaha! Isaiah: By the way I was wanting to ask but we were in the middle of a battle so I didn't think it was the best time but.. who is this? {Isaiah looks at Sterling and both Varian and Zapada smile} Zapada: Copilul meu... meet your little brother, Sterling. Isaiah: sterling!? I have a little brother and you used my name!? {Sterling giggles and smiles} Isaiah: hi!  hi little guy! I promise I'm going to be the best big brother I could ever be! { Varian looks over at Benny who's standing in the background} Varian: Isaiah? who is that? Isaiah: oh! Benny c’mere!  Dad this is Verbena or benny!  she helped me when I was in the dark Kingdom!  I wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for her! Benny: hi… Zapada: Where are your parents? surely they're worried sick! Isaiah: Benny is an orphan… {Zapada gasps and looks over at Varian; Varians face sofens} Varian: How old are you Benny? Benny: seven… Varian:  7 years old and surviving on your own? you shouldn't be forced to do that.  tell you what. we have an extra room in the house. it seems like she is grown quite fond of you and you seemed quite fond of him. if you want you could always join our- {Benny tackles him} Varian: oof! haha! I'll take that as a yes! Benny: I finally have a mama and Daddy again!  and I gets siblings!? YES! {The all hug each other; fade to the  entrance of old Corona;  Rapunzel walks up to  Lily, Akina, and Nathaniel Rapunzel: Anything yet? Akina: Nothing ye- OH WAIT! {Everyone gets up; off in the distance Varian and family ride in on horseback} Akina:  they're here! it looks like they returned safely! and- wait… Adira:  what is it small one? Akina: it can't be… all: WHAT!? Akina: it's Isaiah... he's with them. Eugene: what!? {he grabs the eyeglass from her and looks through it; Eugene chokes up and laughs} Eugene:  she's not kidding. he's alive! he's there with them! {Lily stands up} Lily: ISAIAHHH! {Isaiah singles his horse to gallop and the rest of the family follows with everybody else running up to the horses as well;  once they reach each other Isaiah jumps off of the horse and tackles Lily to the ground with is two other friends joining in} Lily: You’re alive! You’re really here! {She sobs into him} Isaiah: yeah I'm really here.   and I have something that I've been wanting to do since I left! Lily: wha-!? {Isaiah kisses her} Eugene: He-what..H-he's kissing my daughter. he's kissing my girl! hold up- wait- no. he is kissing Lily! Lance: Eugene let them have this. {Isaiah pulls away} Lily:  okay I can officially say I am a happy princess… {Isaiah hugs all of his friends;  awesome the distance at the entrance of the mine the rocks blocking it shift} {END CREDITS}
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