#but obviously acab
shiftythrifting · 3 months
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1. Goofin’ around
2. I BELIEVE dale earnhardt is dead
3. Cops looking inappropriate with children statues
4. A fucking awesome Doom 3 DLC advertisement that was $2.50
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tuttle-did-it · 6 months
First of all, Scotland, for passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act and trying to protect trans people, thank you. Thank you for treating us as humans, thank you for recognising our identities.
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fuck you JK Rowling. fuck your TERF rants that endanger our lives. fuck your Nazi attitudes.
fuck you Police Scotland for proving that you're fucks and will not take this law seriously, even when someone intentionally, repeatedly, maliciously and gleefully breaks this law in a very, very public forum.
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fuck you Police Scotland for not only refusing to take action when someone is breaking this law intentionally, repeatedly, maliciously and gleefully, but also proving that 1) this new law will NOT be taken seriously by you 2) this tells every TERF and Tory out there that the law is NOT valid, and that the law does NOT include queer people, specifically in this case Trans people; and 3) this tells every queer/Trans/enby/multi-sex/hermaphrodite person that we are NOT actually protected as this new law promises, and you can and will continue abusing us and destroying our lives. Fucking thanks. Cos it wasn't obvious enough that every day gets more and more dangerous for us trans/enby people, so thanks for just making it clear to the fucking world that even when someone mocks this law openly, you don't fucking care because we are not fucking people. Got it. So fuck you Police Scotland, specifically, for doing NOTHING when someone blatantly flouts this law. Fuck every one of you ACAB fuckers.
fuck everyone who still works with you, Rowling and still even speaks to you after knowing what you are.
fuck everyone who still buys anything related to the Harry Potter franchise knowing the money is going into the pocket of someone like this. Because she sends that money back out to fucking Anti-Trans orgs that hurt us.
fuck you HP fans who plan to watch her new tv show. You cannot be a fan of a massive transphobe trying to destroy us, and an ally at the same time. so fuck you.
fuck harry potter fans who wear HP merchandise stuff knowing what she has said and done, yes I don't care if you bought it before she said it, fuck you because you know exactly what she represents. Not apologising. Yeah, I'm totally judging you if you're wearing HP merch, even if especially if you're queer. I don't care how much HP meant to you as a child. I don't care about fucking nostalgia. I care about the Trans lives that are in danger every day because of monsters like this fucking woman.
fuck you Rishi Sunak for backing and legitimising this horrible woman and her bigotry.
fuck you British politics, fuck you Tories. Fuck you all for destroying this country and making every day more dangerous for Queer people.
fuck you CEO David Zaslav. fuck you Warner Bros. for being willing and happy to work with this fucking woman for her fucking franchise so she can continue to fucking make millions and fucking fund anti-trans orgs.
fuck every single one of who who protects, excuses and funds this fucking behaviour. And fuck every one of you who doesn't give a fuck at everything that is happening.
fuck these fucking fucks. fuck you TERFs and transphobes and fuck every single one of you fucking fucks.
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Thank you for trying, Scotland. Thank you.
But please explain to the fucking POLICE and the fucking evil POLITICIANS that this new law means we are legally recognised as protected under the Scottish Hate Crime Act, so they all need to stop fucking about and treat it seriously.
and the fucking PRIME FUCKING MINISTER fucking backing this fucking TERF. I'm not surprised, just angry.
This is on you. so, fuck you if you are supporting these fuckery fucking fucks.
As is EVERY SINGLE FUCKING INCIDENT a trans person has in this fucking country. Every time someone fucking deadnames us, every time someone intentionally misgenders us, every time someone threatens our safety, every time someone fucking assaults us? every single incident is on your fucking head, you fucking fucks.
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doomdoomofdoom · 2 months
not to get political on the blog for my thoughts of which many are political but
By far the funniest reasoning I've heard against voting for Kamala Harris is that she was/is a cop. She's not. Kamala Harris was a prosecutor.
These are not the same thing. These are so obviously not the same thing that it boggles the mind anyone would think so. Yes, cops and prosecutors work together. Yes, the US criminal justice system is incredibly flawed.
But one trains for 6 months and has the authority to use lethal force while not being required to know the law they're enforcing. The other has to spend 7 years to pursue higher education, 3 of which spent exclusively on law, and has a direct counterbalance when performing their job.
If you want to hate Kamala Harris for being a prosecutor, go do that. But don't pretend she's a cop to make it easier for you.
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Daily reminder that I love Detective Fisher
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cherryblossomshadow · 1 month
Where did you think Top Cop Harris come from
Hey, I'm not the most knowledgeable on this subject, but yes, I have heard that Kamala called herself Top Cop while she was District Attorney.
The only two posts on my blog that address this have imo pretty nuanced takes on this, which boil down to:
Kamala is not perfect, but we can't wait for a perfect candidate to magically appear
Therefore, you can absolutely criticize her for things she did, things she contributed to, things that happened on her watch
But you should criticize her for what really happened. People may not know that she wasn't a uniformed officer who physically arrested people. She got into law to protect women and children from abuse
Yes, she was upholding a corrupt and racist system. But criticize her for that. Not for lies
We can talk about the nuances of what she WAS, but we first have to correct the mistaken impression of what she WASNT
Additionally, I think it should be allowed to feel hope for a candidate that isn't as bad as you thought. It's allowed to correct some misinformation around you
I'm not looking at this election like she's some savior who will fix the world just bc she's not really a cop. I'm hoping that ppl won't write her off based on inaccurate information, only accurate information. Bc the only other alternative is That Guy
Again, I'm not an expert on this. But the takes that I elevate aren't only the ones that I like or agree with; they're the takes that I think make a good point or are worth chewing on.
Some greatest hits from this post:
Be careful what you read, always be critical of how facts are presented to you, and don't be afraid to admit when you're wrong.
There's no such thing as a good cop, but there do exist naive cops with good intentions who think they can change the system from within
The real nuance is that the position of "top cop" or whatever can't be left empty. When you're filling out the ballot and get to sheriffs and prosecutors, every candidate is an acab. There are no right choices simply by what the nature of the job is. But there are candidates who will attempt that incremental change, and ones who can make things much worse.
She gets my vote at least, she's definitely better than trump or biden, but I'm still hesitant to give my absolute full support.
And from this post:
It didn’t hit me until recently that people genuinely think Kamala Harris was a police officer because of all the people who call her a cop online.
We can discuss how related that is to police work and how tied she is to the carceral system etc etc (but for fairness would have to include her record of pushing for lowering incarceration rates through programs helping former prisoners + her office refusing to jail folks for low level weed offense). But she was never a police officer. 
I think it’s important to note she learned and grew over time, as well.
What drives me crazy about the prosecutor/district attorney = cop common line of leftist thinking is that. People always talk about when a progressive DA is appointed, and how important that is, because the DA literally can just decide not to prosecute certain offenses.
I’d also like to add that if you look at her record in a timeline she has gotten progressively more liberal!
#some ppl will call it pandering but uhhhh we literally want our politicians to listen to our concerns and change their policies based on it
We vote for the weakest adversary. The weakest adversary is always the politician who mostly agrees with you but got where they are by compromising with an unjust system. Elect that person and mush their face in the compromises they’ve made and we can undo the fucked up laws and practices !!!! Or you can let someone who can never be convinced because they hold opposite views on criminalization, incarceration, police brutality and immunity, etc. If you don’t understand or care that voting works this way, where’s your pipe bombs and guerilla fighter cells? Cause that or complacency with fascist takeover is all you’re eating 
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
#youre not gonna budge trump #but if youre not happy with kamala #nudge her left! #dont let perfect be the enemy of good #or progress #we're still on the wrong side of the line #but how are we going to get to the right side without taking a single step?
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palms-upturned · 2 years
JV: can you fucking believe this guy Jude? I swear I have the worst partner ever
Judit, whose partner was a horrible guy even by Harry’s standards with a “rapey” sense of humor who ended up getting beaten to death right in front of her, forever changing the trajectory of her life:
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[image description: a cropped manga panel of Reigen Arataka making an unimpressed expression, end description]
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mariemariemaria · 8 months
The new channel 4 documentary on the miners strike is fantastic. It covers different points of view, from the striking miners, to working miners, to the women in striking communities, to the police. It also shows how the Battle of Orgreave on 18th June 1984 was planned and initiated by the police, and how the media (BBC and ITV) covered this up and showed only the police's side, while positioning them as being the victims of miners' violence (which was very minimal to non existent in reality), who simply retaliated because the "restrained...traditional British policing way" (I have to laugh) didn't work.
I also didn't know until watching this that Gareth Peirce, who represented the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six, also defended mineworkers who were victims of police brutality at Orgreave. What a woman!
#british history#working class history#miners strike#acab#im so interested in this period of history + chose this topic specifically as part of a british history module last year#so im really glad that this docuseries was made for the 40th anniversary and i hope it is never forgotten#and i often think about how miscarriages of justice against working class british people are exactly the same as#british miscarriages of justice against irish people. i was thinking this when watching#at one point an interviewee even says something like 'obviously i'd seen this happen in northern ireland but i never expected it to#happen in england!' and the way the police acted obviously made me think of what they did in the north of ireland#and the gareth peirce connection just confirmed it. but how many people saw those connections?#how many of the miners who were beaten by police saw the same things happen to irish people but didnt care? or thought they deserved it?#this isnt to blame them..they were fed lies that the irish were terrorists...but it suggests to me that this oppression is connected#also similar is how RE the post office scandal a lot of people were shocked that british justice had failed#a man in the drama even said that it was britain and he was british and that british justice wouldnt let them down#and you just think like...do you not know what british 'justice' did to innocent irish people? do you think they deserved it?#did you think you were immune because you were british? in ireland we know there is no such thing as british justice.#but british people never seem to learn this history lesson#what a better world it would be if working class british (and irish) people could recognise our similarities and joint sufferings as a#result of the british state. its quite frustrating to watch british people constantly put faith in their gov/justice system#learn from your own history!! they dont care about you!!
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antiqua-lugar · 1 year
there should be more garashir attorneys au like those bitches were born for fighting in court over the true meaning of justice and mercy and law at the slightest provocation
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keyboard-clicks · 1 year
A great thing about Disco Elysium is that every playthrough will be different. Everyone’s experience with it will be different. Your perception and interpretation of the game is going to be different from mine, and neither of us are wrong. Nobody’s interpretation of this game is inherently wrong because every character’s past is a vague story to be written, and each story will be one of infinite possibilities in the shifting cosmos of the game’s universe. And in the same way, the future of the characters and their world is malleable and will be shaped by the decisions each Harry makes. Decisions to help enter a community or remain a stoic outsider. To side with a corporation or a union. To work hard at recovery or give into old habits.
Every skill check, every dialogue option, every choice in Disco Elysium shapes the world that will come after the game. Nobody’s vision of what comes next is more “correct” than anybody else’s. Nobody’s Harry is more “in character” than anybody else’s; queer, communist, trying-to-be-sober Harry and repressed, fascist, drinks-himself-to-death-by-50 Harry are equally real, and so is every option between those two extremes and every single world that will be shaped by the person that he is in and after Martinaise.
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the absolute most insane and ironic and hilarious piece of set decoration on all of obx is this
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rafe cameron just killed a police officer and then drove away in a truck with a thin blue line/blue lives matter sticker on the back. like 😭😭😭😭 absolutely genius. also i'm assuming this is ward's truck bc rafe really only ever rips around on the dirt bike (but the vehicle situation in this show is fucking nuts, like the only consistency is the dirt bikes and that godawful twinkie but i digress), which adds a whole other layer of LMFAO WHAT on top of this all.
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ocdhuacheng · 3 months
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1) Why are you getting into anime power scaling discourse while driving.
2) why would you admit that.
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dogwithglasses · 5 months
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“In the middle of a long, hot summer, a fatal police shooting makes national news. Cities across the country erupt into violence as well-organized activist groups mix in with opportunists and provocateurs and begin to riot, loot, burn -- and kill! One rookie cop is caught in the middle and is forced to choose between protecting her daughter, and serving her community. Will she survive the chaos?”
Lol what a “cool” book to publish right now. Cool. Great
(I haven’t read this and I won’t. If I’m wrong in assuming that it’s pro cop and anti protestor I apologize but like. It really seems pretty on the nose lol)
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Reblog if you're a proud hater of Gavin Reed
Fuck this man
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rei-ismyname · 1 year
I was replaying Disco Elysium today and when the I was RP thinking deeply about the copotypes, I remembered that I got arrested a few months ago for an outstanding warrant.
I was pretty wobbly from painkillers but there was a traffic jam while they were driving me to the station, and these two youngish tattooed cops just kept hammering me with alternating harmless and leading questions. It soberized me BC I don't want these jerkoffs can-opening me, ofc - and I asked them what their copotypes were.
I didn't really expect them to engage with the question, but I was in a cage on wheels and needed a distraction from anxiety. The senior one said he was a Normal Cop, but the other asked me what I Copotypes thought they were.
I told Normal Cop he was an Art Cop, and deadpan said the junior was an apocalypse cop. They didn't ask me anything further - just spent the rest of the trip discussing the subject without me. Apocalypse Cop legit argued he'd be Cool Cop, and Normal Cop leaned into Art Cop a bit. Their mannerisms and vocab actually switched up a bit as they LARPed as their copotypes.
They're still bastards though.
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objectodragon · 1 year
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and here’s chase, my Daily Manly Pocket Knife! im not sure if he was really a police officer’s knife or not, but he’s in much better hands now. i got him at an antique store :)
he has a window breaker, seatbelt cutter, and the blade itself, which is pretty short and chunky haha
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neroniiii · 1 year
Okay so like. As a black person right. I genuinely have so many mixed thoughts regarding Kurumada's episode. The story doesn't really show enough of Kurumada as a person to justify the amount of negative stereotypes he's held to by other people without reinforcing those stereotypes onto him.
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