#but obviously before tfa
miniisside · 2 years
-deep breath-
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
We are going with Bot Buddy Rumble today!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who has the personality of Rumble: Slice of Life
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain (terran) reader
… They had gone into healing stasis for 3 days!
And now they have 3 more siblings.
Welp, family is family.
Buddy welcomes them with open servos when they get the story.
Hashtag, Nightshade and Jawbreaker were excited to find out they had another sibling.
Hashtag picking up Buddy by the waist.
“So, your our other sibling?”--Hastag
Buddy squirms a bit in her grip.
“And you’re the new sibs?”--Buddy
Nightshade and Jawbreaker wave at Buddy.
Buddy crosses their arms looking at the three.
Then they smile at them.
“Guess there’s 3 more sibs I gotta look out for then. Hope you guys don’t give me as much trouble as these four.”--Buddy
“Hey!”—Robby, Mo, Thrash, and Twitch
Nightshade raises their servo.
“Umm, Buddy quick question.”--Nightshade
Hashtag puts Buddy down.
“Why were you in healing stasis in the first place?”--Nightshade
“… I’ll tell you when you’re older.”--Buddy
“Aren’t we around the same—”--Nightshade
To try and get more sibling bonding time they tried different games.
Board games and obstacle courses were good for a while before they started getting bored.
They needed a challenge.
“We can always play hide and seek.”--Buddy
“Buddy we can’t play that game.”--Robby
“Not if we set clear boundaries. If we do that, we can play better.”--Buddy
“I want to play!”--Hashtag
“Me too!”--Nightshade
“Me three!”--Jawbreaker
“Me four!”--Thrash
“Majority vote wins! Let’s do this!”--Buddy
Meanwhile with Bumblebee…
Bee looks around.
“…Somethings just happened and I don’t like it…”--Bumblebee
So, the games began.
The reluctant Maltos had to agree that playing the game was fun and could even be training if they tried hard enough.
And as always, Buddy is the last one to be found.
Robby and Mo suddenly remember why the game was banned.
It’s a farm wide search for Buddy.
Robby and Mo try to use their cybersleeves to find Buddy.
“Isn’t that cheating?”--Jawbreaker
“Not when it doesn’t work.”--Robby
“I still can’t get anything!”--Mo
“Its like they aren’t even on the farm anymore.”--Robby
“They couldn’t have gone far. Let’s spread out!”--Twitch
Hashtag was constantly being used as a pole for the others to search.
Nightshade is flying around with Twitch trying to find Buddy.
Jawbreaker is looking with Thrash and Mo in the fields.
Meanwhile with Buddy…
They wanted to get a bit creative with their hiding places and decided to hide in Dad 1 car.
Buddy was still within the boundaries of the property, so it was okay.
But of course, they chose the day he had to go into town.
So, they just stayed in the car hidden from view and just listened to tunes the entire time, even taking a nap.
Alex came back into the car singing a tune he had in his head.
Buddy slowly lifts their helm from the back seat.
Buddy winces a bit at the high shriek their Dad had made.
“Buddy?! Buddy, what are you doing here?”--Alex
“I was playing with the others and hid here.”--Buddy
Alex shakes his head and begins driving back to the house.
“Why didn’t you say anything when you noticed the car was moving? I would have stopped and gotten you back to the house.”--Alex
“I did but…”--Buddy
Buddy looks down a bit embarrassed.
“…I like hearing your music and you singing.”--Buddy
Alex chuckles a bit as they start pulling up to the house.
“Just next time let me know you’re here. Someone could have seen you.”--Alex
Buddy hops out of the car with Alex feeling a bit down.
“But if there’s a karaoke night, I think I know who I can count on.”--Alex
Buddy’s demeanor lifted at that.
“Like singing partners?”--Buddy
“I don’t see why not, but I will have to run the idea by with your mother.”
Buddy gives him a hug before immediately releasing him coughing a bit embarrassed.
“I’m just gonna go over there…”--Buddy
Buddy runs into the barn as Alex laughs to himself and goes into the house.
He manages to close the door when he hears the clash of metal, a loud ‘I FOUND THEM!’, and shouting about messing up someone’s back struts.
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antianakin · 24 days
You’ve talked a little about ships before but mainly in the context of how that is connected with the/a specific Jedi. And also a bit about ships you don’t like
But in Star Wars as a whole what’s your favourite ship, which one do you think is the best, and which one do you think is the most compelling?
(I know that the answer to all three could be the same but for me personally there’s often little overlap in these things so ymmv)
Also which ship do you think has the most potential?
I'll assume that canon and fanon are both options here.
"My Favorite" is the easiest to answer, so I'll start there. I've made an entire fic rec list for it and made no secret of the fact that I really like Codywan. Star Wars wasn't a fandom I really did any shipping in when I first was introduced to it as a kid. It wasn't until I decided to get back into Star Wars a little as an adult that I was even introduced to the IDEA of Codywan as a ship, but once I discovered it, it had me absolutely hooked. I will admit that I have a hard time with reading Codywan fics these days and interacting with other Codywan shippers because I often end up feeling like my interpretation of the characters is very different than the norm and what I want from the relationship - the thing that makes it compelling to me - isn't the same as most other people who enjoy the ship. But it was my first Star Wars ship and I still really enjoy the version of Codywan that exists in my head, so it will continue to claim the title of favorite.
For "Most Compelling" and "The Best" I'm actually going to exclusively define those as being IN CANON because anything in fanon can be compelling depending on how well someone writes it. I could obviously put Codywan down for both of these categories, but it would specifically be MY version of Codywan, the version that only really exists in my own head, and not necessarily the more popular version of them in the fandom.
I'm going to give "The Best" and "Most Compelling" to Jyn and Cassian from Rogue One. I will readily admit that, as someone who identifies as aroace, the fact that Jyn and Cassian never do or say anything explicitly romantic to each other is a major part of the reason I like them. I also personally believe it's the reason they're so compelling. Without being able to use any of the usual narrative shortcuts that romance tends to provide, Jyn and Cassian's dynamic relies on actually showing the two of them connecting with each other on a deeper level. I love how so much of their relationship with each other exists only in their eyes, in the way that they look at each other (whether the other person is looking back or not). I love the way their relationship comes through in-between the lines rather than stated out loud. I love the subtlety that exists for Jyn and Cassian in a way it doesn't for pretty much any other more "canon" ship.
I have also said before (though I'm not entirely certain I did it on this blog or not) that I really like angst, usually in the form of hurt/comfort but a good tragedy sometimes just hits the spot. Jyn and Cassian living in a "maybe," existing in a perpetual "what could have been," is so fucking sweet to me. That shit hurts JUST RIGHT. I love the idea that these two people meant everything to each other but only in the last few days before they died and they never even got to explore what exactly that could be. Their love is shown in how they impacted each other, the ways their relationship changed each other, because that's all they ever had time for. I fucking love that shit. The ambiguity of Jyn and Cassian's relationship is what makes it the most compelling to me and I think that the fact that they never get together forced the writers to show us they loved each other in far more interesting and nuanced ways than usually exist for couples that more explicitly get together on screen.
And finally, my choice for "Most Potential" is FinnRey. I really liked Finn and Rey's dynamic in TFA, I liked the way they both learned to rely on each other when they'd never had anyone to rely on before, the way they were able to escape their respective prisons and take their first steps into a larger world together. I liked the theme of coming back for each other no matter what, of reaching out for each other so they couldn't be separated, and the idea of shared fate where they would become the hero of the story TOGETHER. Obviously we all know how that dynamic got sidelined and ignored after TFA, but both characters are still alive and definitely have more story to tell, so the potential remains. Whether that potential ever actually goes anywhere, even if it's just in things like novels and comics, is still super up in the air. But I think these two could have an incredible dynamic if anyone was willing to give them the time of day.
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bones4thecats · 16 days
Hi, I'm from the request for Blitzwing x fembot reader, that before the war his Sparkling was Arcee, could you do it? 💕
TFA! Blitzwing, S/O and Sparkling! Arcee
Characters: Blitzwing - Romantic (Transformers Animated) Requester: 💕Anon A/N: Sorry for denying your request last time, 💕Anon! I loved the idea so much, I just had the fandom closed that time. I'm glad you resent it, though! Hope you like the turnout! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Spoilers for the end of TFA ⚠️
Disclaimer: This is set in a non-canon story line. Don't judge me.
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╚═════ Blitzwing ══════════════════════════════╝
🛩️ You were overjoyed when the arrival of your sparkling, Arcee, happened. You and your sparkmate, Blitzwing, had wanted an offspring for so long that it was overwhelmingly emotional when it happened
🛩️ He was amazing with your sparkling at the beginning stages of her life, much to everyone else's surprise
🛩️ Icy-Blitzwing adored to handle your sparkling, despite the way his exterior looked. He normally would sit beside her berth and have tiny stare-offs with her, causing her to laugh and clap her servos together
🛩️ Hothead-Blitzwing was a lot more defensive of your offspring. Whenever someone would bring up the fact that Arcee was a lot smaller and thought that she would be annihilated early-on, he just grabbed their helm and threatened to crush them unless they apologized
🛩️ Random-Blitzwing is just a monster sometimes. Early on in Arcee's life, he began to teach her how to be sneaky. But not sneaky to save her metal-hide, no, no, no, he taught her that so she could scare anyone passing by her
🛩️ Blitzwing has a habit of being clingy to his family, unconsciously being around you guys at every moment he could be. From when the War began, to when the War ended and you guys all lived together on the Nemesis/in the Decepticon Lair on Earth
🛩️ As Arcee aged, she grew to act a lot more like a mixture of you and your sparkmate's Random side, much to everyone else's annoyance
🛩️ She would just be a menace to society with the mech's one side. Constantly getting the others (mainly Starscream) in trouble with Megatron out of pure boredom. It's because of this that Starscream hates your offspring with all of his spark
🛩️ Icy-Blitzwing was surprised when the Autobots began to fight back at full-strength. He was also extremely worried for his sparkmate and sparkling (still calls Arcee that, despite the fact she was practically an adult)
🛩️ Hothead-Blitzwing is beyond pissed when he sees the small-Autobot, Bumblebee, sprint past him and 'sting' Arcee, causing her to be paralyzed and fall to the ground after the shocks passed through her system. He then went nuts and began trying to smash the tiny 'Bot himself
🛩️ Random-Blitzwing was saddened when you three were thrown into separate cells. He wanted to be next to his sparkmate and sparkling after such a failure. What if they weren't in the same prison?! Oh, Primus, please allow him to keep an optic on his family
🛩️ You sat up and looked across at Blitzwing, seeing him look at you in return, a sad expression on his face-plate as he looked away abruptly, obviously angry with himself for allowing you and Arcee to be harmed
🛩️ Arcee was in the cell beside her Sire, her servos bound as she yelled out for the Elite Guard to let you all go at the moment, or else she'd melt them all while their processors still worked
🛩️ Blinking and curling up in a corner, you now thought about how the Autobots and Decepticons that you and the others had punished over the centuries... was this how they felt? Defeated and completely helpless?
🛩️ Your thoughts were cut short as Sentinel Prime told your sparkling to shut her intake before he did it for you, prompting Arcee to just laugh and tell him to try it
"Get him, sweetspark!"
🛩️ This was going to be a long fly home...
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
Hello! May I request some TFA Sentinel Prime x human reader headcanons? Some comfort ones would be nice, but general relationship headcanons would work well, too. Thank you for all of the work you do, I love your blog with my whole heart ❤️
TFA Sentinel Prime Relationship HCS
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Hi! Thank you for requesting! Here’s some general hcs for you (some nsfw at the end)
Honestly I could’ve done this better buuuuut I’ve been very busy the past few weeks, but I hope this is satisfactory <3 Thank you for your kind words as well!
Warnings: Relationship hcs, nsfw towards end (mention of kinks).
Word count: 1026
How you met/why he likes you:
- Sentinel met you through Optimus once he arrived on Earth with the Elite Guard.
- His fear of organics had him jumping every time you’d turn a corner and actively ignoring you whenever you were both in the same room. He didn’t make the most excellent first impression on you, but an impression nonetheless.
- You tried your damnest to talk with Sentinel, but you were met with aversed expressions and eye rolls.
- The first time he conversed with you was like leaping on a monumental stepping stone in the middle of a river rapid. Obviously, someone (most likely Optimus or Prowl) talked with Sentinel about how humans aren’t the gross, slime-puking creatures he’s convinced they are.
- Begrudgingly tries to better his understanding of you and your species through documentaries or taking walks in the city. Over time, he enjoys your presence and spends more time with you than initially intended.
- Sentinel realises he’s crushing on you when he notices his faceplates heating up every time he’s in the same room as you. His vents stop working correctly, and he is bereft of speech as his processor refuses to work.
- As ironic as it is for an extrovertive personality like Sentinel, he didn’t have the lug nuts to ask you out; you did. He may be all tough on the outside, but truthfully, he was so damn nervous around you.
- He decided to take you for a ride alone to build up the courage to ask you out, but you did it before he could open his intake.
- Over time, his nervousness fades a little once you’re both a few weeks deep in the relationship. Sentinel acts like he has to impress you 24/7. He’ll show off his combat skills for you and at least try to be nice to Optimus for you.
- “Hey, Optimus. Thanks for, uh, introducing me to Y/n. I, err, owe you one.”
What you’re like in the relationship:
- Sentinel is very firm yet gentle and will tell you things regardless of what you’re afraid to hear.
- He wants the best for you and wants to see you thrive.
- He can be blunt with you at times but not to be harsh or mean.
- In fact, Sentinels’ influence on you causes him to blush, usually when you’re dishing his crass commentary and sarcasm back to him.
- Sentinel isn’t a big fan of PDAs. The most you will get out of him whilst around other people is when you’re perched on his shoulder (secretly loves it).
- The first time you found out Sentinel is deathly afraid of cats and felines alike was hilarious. Of course, Sentinel got defensive about it.
- You decided to tackle his fear of furry critters by adopting one, a Ragdoll. Sentinel nearly had a spark attack but eventually warmed up to it and has since become attached, often finding the cat asleep on his chassis while Sentinel plays with its fluffy tail.
- When you seek out Sentinel for comfort, he’ll gladly let you sit on his shoulder and let you spill your heart out for him. He’ll nod in understanding and throw in some advice (it may not be good advice, but advice is advice) and lighthearted comments/jokes to cheer you up. He hates seeing you sad and upset and will do everything he can to keep you happy, even if it takes sitting through your favourite movies/TV shows that he, unfortunately, finds to be ‘the Cybertronian equivalent of watching paint dry’ in his words.
- “Will it make you feel better if I watch [blank] with you? I promise I won’t complain every ten kliks this time.”
- All in all, Sentinel is still learning about you and humans in general. Let him poke you, touch your hair or observe your fingers.
NSFW (18+ Minors do not read past here)
- Behind closed doors, Sentinels’ firmness and seemingly dominant nature evolve into submissiveness, which takes you off guard and leads to a very, very kinky relationship.
- He’s not wholly submissive, as he occasionally enjoys taking charge and fucking your brains out, but he does prefer if you're in control of him. It’s a sweet relief from the pressures of the Elite Guard.
- Craves your touch almost every night. It doesn’t matter if it’s sexual or he’s snuggling into you; he needs to feel you against him.
- Speaking of cuddling, Sentinel loves to be the big spoon. It gives him free access to press kisses into the back of your neck and to grind against your ass whenever he wants a specific kind of attention.
- Desperately wants to please you in any way; he’s just waiting for you to ask.
- He loves wearing collars for you, or if he’s in a dominant mood, he’ll make you wear one. And if you’re both really into it, you wear collars simultaneously.
- As ironic as it is, Sentinel is into pet play, loving when you dress him up in adorable puppy ears and lingère. He’ll curl up on your shared bed and wait for you to return from work/uni. Sometimes, he’ll get so desperate and impatient that he might grind his spike against a pillow, leaving it a mess. He knows he’s not supposed to, but the thought of you walking in and catching him being disobedient causes his spike to repressurise at the idea of his punishment.
- Is also into bondage. Being unable to move while you stroke/suck at his spike or valve makes him painfully turned on; bonus points if you edge him while bounded up. He’ll wriggle and tug at the soft leather straps and try to grind his hips up into your mouth.
- Aftercare with Sentinel is tender and thoughtful, regardless of whether it’s light vanilla or kinky sex. It will always end in a mutual massage, wiping each other clean and an intimate embrace.
- Another ritual of aftercare for you both is talking. If Sentinel feels like you were too rough with him or vice versa, you both have a quiet conversation about it and re-establish boundaries and limits.
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cinnamonroll-anon · 9 months
Hi! If it's okay to ask/request, could you do TFA Decepticons and Autobots, of your choice with Human Reader? Can be romantic/platonic
Reader's a fan of fnaf-related, from games, books, lores, movie, etc…
A/n: Absolutely Anon, thank you for the request! Sorry for any grammatical errors or making the characters to OOC. Sorry for any misinterpretation of the prompt anon, these can be seen as platonic or romantic (sorry for not including the fnaf movie, i haven't seen it and it wouldn't do justice to write about it, but I'll definitely go back and write the headcanon after i watch it)
TFA Autobots/Decepticons x GN!Fnaf Fan Reader (Platonic/Romantic)
At first he would think it was based off of real events, in which you've had to remind him they're not. It's just a videogame
I think he'll find it odd how you could be so interested in something entirely fictional (he's not judging tho, man is a history nerd and he knows it) he may be just a bit concerned in the beginning
But it all shifted when you mentioned the books
That peaked his interest and you give some recommendations on the first ones to read. Obviously reminding him that what happens in the books doesn't happen in the games
I feel like he's a night owl and will definitely be reading them late at night. Sometimes you even join in and it becomes a fun little geeking out session, especially when he has so many questions and you're happy to answer
Ironically more into the horror aspect of fnaf (especially in some of the books because damn, messed up shit do be happening) and he's eating it all up fr (rip matpat mpreg that he read because, you little shit, you'd definitely tell him about it. Man was beyond flabbergasted and also learned about the theory side of fnaf) (definitely one was to make an impression 💀)
I think he's definitely more of a casual fan of fnaf
Probably the most open to learning about your interests, especially fnaf
He thought it would be something simple like the video games he's played while on earth, boy was he wrong
You've got him hooked on the lore, it confused him at first but you guided him through the most confusing bits, like not canon works like the books, security breach, the peak of the fandom etc.
You guy's definitely watched "An Undeniably Canon Five Nights at Freddy's Timeline" and he was definitely hollering while watching it with you and it helped him understand the lore just a bit better (bonus that y'all watched it like a movie night!)
In absolute awe of the Fnaf songs, each one is a banger
He'll definitely ramble about it with you if it's your hyperfixation and he's always happy to learn more about what makes you happy
More reluctant on it especially because it's in the horror genre and i don't think he takes it too well
He understands the idea and how it can be interesting but you might need to leave out agony and renment, might frighten him too much
Please don't show him the VHS tapes, that'll certainly scare the color off of him
He listens to the songs and thinks the community is very creative
Definatly likes the more cute and wholesome side of fnaf
Overall he's open to you but be mindful of his heart, he's a softie
I feel like he may be the hardest one to introduce to but it's not your fault, it's bumblebee's (He's bothered prowl with videogames and stuff before)
But i think he'd give you a chance, seeing that he cares alot about you and this means alot to you
I think he'd be more intrigued with the horror mechanics of the game, learning how a mix of jumbled sounds and scenes could scare someone
He'd be down to play it/ watch you play it/ watch gameplays
He definitely jumps ip from the jumpscares. In his defense he was caught off guard
Overall he'd be supportive, listening to you explain the convoluted story and all the details
He'd remember just about everything you tell him. It's how he shows he cares, actively listening and remembering things you like
He'd find it cute how you like fnaf so much, reminds him of how focused and happy nature makes him
He at first waves you off, saying that he's to busy or tired to care
But this guy's got a soft spot for you
So he might not take the deep dive into fnaf, but he definitely listens to you
He'll let you ramble while he's working on something. Sometimes you feel like you're being overbearing and stop talking, he notices of course, "I'm still listening, this William guy sure is a piece of work"
He remembers everything you tell him, so you find yourself over the moon when he remembers some reference you said like a month ago
Finds himself pleasantly surprised that it's more interesting than just a horror game, but i feel like he'll deny that (but watch him ask what else happened)
He probably is taking this more seriously than what he needs to, but you appreciate it
"So you're telling me that the sorrow he felt for losing his youngest son led him down a desperate path that ended up killing his own daughter on accident, but by then he was so broken he killed Henry's daughter, while also pushing away his eldest son, which would lead up into Micheal vengefully chasing down his father until Henry managed to trap everyone and put an end to Williams torment on all his victims and family?" He'd practically babble almost incoherently fast
Yeah that's practically it
He'd definitely like the more theoretical parts of Fnaf like how William had gotten away with it that long, why they didn't find the body's, etc.(he's practically a police officer as well, this is all up in his alley)
He's a quick learner and basically devours everything you show him, both invested and interested to learn why you love it so much
He found his answer and a hyperfixation!
Being on earth for as long as he has, just collecting dust and not being able to go anywhere is pretty crushing... And boring
He'd listen to you ramble on the premise that he's so utterly bored that he'd listen to just about anything
He'd be on the edge of his seat waiting to hear what happens next, he'd be interested if you also showed him just about everything
He'd grow used to it and doesn't sincerely care what anyone else thinks, letting you ramble and just enjoy yourself
He'd be lying if he didn't say he enjoyed that time together
He'll let you sit on his shoulder and just go off
He's basically unfazed by it but enjoying it
Probably freaks him out ngl but he'd shake it off under the impression that he couldn't be afraid of such a silly human story
Oh boy wait until he hears about the spring lock failure
But as much as it would freak him out man is invested to know everything
He'd jump up and scream at the jump scares when watching the gameplay. Every. Time.
He'd be in a love-hate relationship with fnaf, loving the complexity but hating the horror aspects
Honestly you rambling about it helps ease him into it, you're calming and so happy when you talk about it
Black Arachnia
Might not be as interested in the beginning, halfheartedly listening until you mention Springtrap
He reminds her of herself, an abomination both organic and technology. Both painful experiences and the agony of never being what they once were
She ends up enjoying listening to you explain how agony and remnant works. It's reminds her of her experiments to return herself to normal
She'd listen to you as she works, using your voice as a way to ground herself as she works
Definitely shocked at the family drama, but she loves the tea
Overall happy to be able to have one more thing to talk to you about.
He's having a field day
"Such interesting methods of disposing the bodies- Yeah, what a cold hearted killer- Oh! Killer like the music!"
His three sides are all equally interested in it, job well done!
One is analyzing the crime aspects, one is taking the story at face value, and of course the other one is just as/ if not more ecstatic about it
He loves it and loves learning more about it and rambling with you
Will listen to a Fnaf playlist with you happily, especially because it reminds him of you
Idk but something tells me he'd laugh at the jumpscares, thinks the suspense is funny
He's surprised you fan remember so much about Fnaf. Like theres just so much
I feel like he'd boast about how much you know. "Look at the genius before you, they know more about this subject than anyone!"
He's super supportive
He'd drop just about anything he's doing to give you his full undivided attention
If you sometimes forget that you've already told him something and say it again you're doing him a solid. He doesn't have the best memory but hes enthusiastic!
He's proud of you and isn't afraid to show it, as you shouldn't be afraid to share of what you like with him
Man has been working on the clock for ages. I feel like when he'd listen to you introduce him to fnaf he was honestly so overworked and stressed that he just needed a distraction
And indeed it was a distraction
If you're the type to go into long rants for hours, sign him up
Definitely asking questions and just actively indulging with you
It's honestly adorable
If anyone asks what you're doing at his desk, he'll just shoo them off saying that you're a key part of his work
He's interested, hooked and loving it
Show him the music and that's a new guilty pleasure for him. He listens to them while he works quietly, never thought he'd enjoy it so much
Definitely eager to learn about everything; books, games, you name it, he wants to know
Loves spending more time with you, especially bonding over your interest!
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iwriteofdelrey · 3 months
Brother Figure! Optimus Helps Teen! Reader Through a Break Up.
Optimus Prime
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not many warnings, it’s kinda angsty. May include mentions of depression and anxiety! afab! Reader. She/her pronouns.
fluffy and definitely comforting. sfw. kinda long sorry! It’s not edited either so it may seem a little janky. I may come back and edit it but for now…
enjoyyy! <3
* He’s had his a fair share of losing friends and people that he loved, hence Elita… years later, his crew and yourself come into his life. He had healed. You were like a little sister to Optimus. Someone to keep outta trouble. Though, lately, when you come to hang out at the base, you barely even hang out. He and the others notice at how much you were on your phone.
* You were almost attached to it. It wasn’t the good kind of attach either, but rather sighing and walking out of the building to have phone calls.
* The leader took it amongst himself to figure out what the problem was. Prowl advised him to be cautious. Knowing you were a human, let alone a human female, it was wise to take heed.
* he was going to talk to you the next day, but unfortunately, Sari said that you weren’t going to be visiting. What a pity.
* Optimus was really trying to figure out what was wrong with you. It was summer, you had no summer school, and you just hung out here when you were bored.
* Sari did mention you had a significant other, but you only hung out with them before, after, or even during school.
* Optimus thought about it really well, all night. He couldn’t recharge as much. He was worried about you. You were like his little sibling. It was hard seeing you non verbal and upset.
* A whole week had passed and the leader was still on the edge of his seat.
* you came back about a week later, smiling away as you did before. Optimus looked at your every move, every detail. He noticed your shaking breathes even though you had a smile on your face.
* It was a great time for Optimus to question you a little bit, because it was his turn for patrol, and you usually go with him. He just wanted to ask first hoping you’d agree, not knowing how much of an act you were putting on. If you were putting on an act all.
* “Y/N, would you like to go on patrol with me?” You agree with him and get in his little vehicle.
* It wasn’t until you guys were on the highway, he started to ask questions, not forgetting what prowl had told him.
* “Y/N, you know I care about you a lot, right? You can tell me anything,” Optimus starts, watching Y/N look out the window with furrowed eyebrows. “Yeah..”
* Y/N then looks at the front, looking at the cars pass.
* Optimus can obviously see the discomfort in your eyes and expression. “Y/N…” the human girl began to sigh, shaking a little in her seat.
* Water started to form in the human girl’s eyes. She took a deep breath. she couldn’t even see the car lights in front of her clearly. The car lights passing by looking shiny to her watery eyes.
* Optimus saw this and didn’t know what to say. “Y/N, are you okay?”
* “Optimus, they left me. I haven’t been the same since.”
* Well there you go. He should’ve put the dots together at first. When sari brought up a significant other when you were being distant, he should’ve took the hint, or even suspicion.
* “Sure, I made a mistake, but I didn’t expect this to happen.” Your lips trembled. It hurt. Everything hurt. Your hands had this uncomfortable sensation to them, your eyes hurt, red from crying. You couldn’t stop shaking. It’s like you were in this endless cycle of thinking of them.
* Optimus tried to find the words. “Y/N, things happen for a reason. I know this for a fact. Trust me it all happens for the better, or even for something or someone else to come in your life.” Optimus felt this way before. He made a mistake, causing someone in his life he cared about to leave, even change. It changed the way people viewed him. But he still lives his life. Happy he could move on from that. He wanted Y/N to understand that too.
* “It’s like they moved on and they just leave me on read even though they said we’d still be friends. It’s not fair. They don’t care.” Y/N couldn’t stop. They were angry.
* Optimus sighs, trying to understand. It took him awhile to try and figure out what to say to the girl. “Sometimes it takes awhile for someone to get back to you. It’s not just you that’s grieving.” He said, trying to make the girl understand. “I’m sure they care just as much as you do,”
* Y/N grips on Optimus’ handles on the car door. She was almost hyperventilating, breathing over and over, angry. She was angry. She didn’t know why. She still loved them, but knowing what had gone down, she wasn’t so sure they didn’t. At least not as much as they did before. It was probably the platonic type of love. The friendship one.
* “Calm down, Y/N, it’ll be okay. I’ve been there. You’re going to get out of this instant feeling of guilt and anger. Trust me.”
* The girl began wiping her tears with her hoodie sleeves.
* Optimus was driving back to base.
* “What if I don’t want to forget them and what if I still love them.”
* “Well, you’re definitely not going to forget them. You’re going to move on too. And that’s normal for you to still love them. It’s not easy to let a person go. Grief is strange, Y/N. You’ll get through it though.”
* “Sari’s sleeping over, you want to join her at base? You can call your mother.”
* Y/N smiled a little.
* Optimus could see that the break up really took a toll on her. He was right. Grief was really strange. He just hopes she isn’t going to reminisce about it much longer. Sure, they were important, but she needs to live her life.
* a couple of hours later, Y/N is on the couch thinking about them again. She was just fine an hour ago, playing video games and laughing and smiling, not a worry in the world. She goes outside. the noise of a couple cars and beeps and the wind were the only ones filling the night.
* she sniffles. She’s in the space again. Breathing a little more harder, shaking from the anxiety and coldness of the air.
* Optimus goes outside to see the girl, in her pjs while her arms were crossed, shaking. “Y/N, what are you doing out here?”
* “Just thinking about it again.”
* “You gotta stop, Y/N. Don’t let some person ruin your whole week. I know it’s hard but you gotta distract yourself. Please. You wanna go for a drive?”
* Y/N sighed. She looks up at the bot.
* Optimus puts his seat warmers on.
* “Y/N, seriously,” he was about to speak more until he heard Y/N.
* Y/N, now barely awake, only responds in a mumble. “It’s just draining, Optimus, I’m sorry.”
* “I understand. I know you can push through it though.”
* y/ns eyes were barely open, she laid back into his seat.
* “Was it your first?”
* Y/N nodded. “Not my first grieving over someone I loved or cared about though.”
* “It’ll be alright, you’ll get through it. Sooner or later you’re gonna be telling me or bumblebee at how funny it is that you were crying and stuff because of this person. It happens though.”
* Y/N laughs a little. She appreciated the wise words from her autobot big brother. You were healing already and it showed. It may take time, but your big brother will always be there.
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deliriousbug · 10 months
TFA cons w gn cybertronian crush who likes music
But his reaction to them playing a song w questionable lyrics. In their vehicle mode, unaware that it can be faintly heard outside
Pick your songs: Unholy, white tee, treat me like a slut, and sexyback
Swindle (Unholy): He’s in the middle of making a deal while you stand by on guard in your vehicle mode. Both his and his contact’s helms turn towards you when music starts playing loud enough for them to hear it slightly. They both listen for a moment before Swindle waves a dismissive servo and feigns nonchalance, returning to business even though he can’t get you or your music out of his head now. 
Soundwave (Unholy): Is it really any secret that he loves music? And you? The two of you are on patrol, each jamming to your own music, but suddenly he realizes he can hear your music over his. He turns his down and cracks a window to listen closer. He blushes at the lyrics and wonders how someone like you could listen to something so . . . questionable.  
Megatron (Sexyback): He thought you were resting in base, which is strange because you are still in your vehicle mode, but he pays you no mind. That is, until music starts leaking out from you, just faint enough for the lyrics to be heard. He grins, obviously thinking the song was a perfect fit for himself, and he wonders if you think the same. He’ll tease you about it later. 
Lugnut (Sexyback): He hasn’t heard much human music, but he knows you quite enjoy it. So he doesn’t really mind when the two of you are taking a drive and your music is loud enough for him to pick it up. He does, however, get flustered by the song you’re currently blasting. He tries to focus on driving, but swerves every time he imagines you telling him to “come to the back.”
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rawmeknockout · 4 months
Um. Can I get some fluffy TFA Blitzwing/Bumblebee/Bot!Reader poly? Just some headcanons for how they show affection/cuddles/etc? Also, can bot!reader be like. Kinda Large? Not Blitzwing big, but like- maybe roughly Optimus size? Apologies if this is a bit much, I love your writing. Sorry if this breaks any rules as well, have a nice day/night okie byeeee
01 + Bumblebee has the size kink in the relationship, if it isn't obvious. He loves to be manhandled and tossed around but he also likes to show off his strengths (when he can). WILL attempt to pick you up, but most of the time it's you holding Bee in your arms.
02 + Blitzwing is more tender than you would expect. There was a full mech there before the war even started, obviously, so he's kind of just a normal guy under the pomp and bravado of being an important Decepticon soldier. There's nothing he values more than loyalty. Your opposing factions in the relationship is a big sore spot for him, even if Bumblebee tells him to chill out and stop borrowing tomorrow's problems. It doesn't stop Blitzwing from getting tense and frustrated about it, because Bee NEVER wants to deal with it. You end up mediating a lot of arguments because they both have big personalities (there are many voices vying for attention lol).
03 + Bee is extremely bossy and is always taking charge of you two, even if Blitzwing is a bit combative. Bee plans the dates most of the time and causes a lot of the early problems in the relationship. He's a young, inexperienced guy so he's not only insecure and jealous in the early days, but he runs into issues just trying to keep your relationship a secret. Even if Blitzwing nearly blows a gasket, you have to be the one to bring it around and treat Bee gently but with a firmness and stability.
04 + There's nothing Bee loves more than climbing all over the two of you. His own personal workout equipment. He'd parkour off Blitzwing if he could (Blitz tends to get a bit too frustrated with him for that to be possible).
05 + You're the kisser and cuddler in the relationship. It's not that Bee and Blitzwing don't love it, they obviously do, but they've got 'tough guy' personas to keep up. You, again, have to be the more mature one. Blitzwing comes around to letting out his softer side, Bumblebee, however, will always be buying into his own hype and feel to embarrassed to initiate softer affection.
06 + That said, Bee loves to make out. Kissing on one conjunx then turning and kissing on the other. That's that good shit, baby.
07 + Blitzwing only really gets quiet time when he's with the two of your, so he really would prefer no distractions. No video games and no work, he just want his two mecha in his arms. Bee tends to get squirmy, but Blitz is nothing if not persistent.
08 + He also expects his fair share of being doted on and kissed after the Decepticons (inevitably) lose another fight. He won't ever SAY it, but you better tell him how strong he was and how the loss was in no way his fault. Kind of a baby tbh.
09 + It's not exactly one of his hobbies, but he does love the idea of a romantic dance. Of course, that would make you the obvious dance partner. Bee doesn't want to do any fancy shmancy waltz or anything, but seeing you two dance without him does make him a little jealous so he'll want to weasel his way in. He doesn't get jealous in a "don't forget me" way, more in a "oh you guys think you're so romantic together well watch THIS". Proceeding to bust out the best moves he's learned on Earth. It's both endearing and makes Blitzwing lose his marbles.
10 + Personality swapping is far less common when it's just the three of you. Blitzwing's personalities tend to swap out more as a reaction to the environment and external factors, but when it can be just him and his partners there's less of a reason for his personalities to swap out. That doesn't mean it absolutely won't happen, but for the most part, as long as each personality gets enough canoodling time, he tends to not hop around from personality to personality.
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buckydeservesthebest · 2 months
OK quirky Bucky theory time. You ready? We never see Bucky clean-shaven after TFA. He always has a stubble, a bit of scruff around the chin or sports a proper beard as in Wakanda.
At first I wondered if our boy was just lazy or didn't have much of a self-grooming routine (obviously nothing in HYDRA days) but now I don't think its that at all.
I think that instead, on the rare occasions he does shave, his facial hair grows back absurdly quickly because of the healing factor of his serum. Like probably within a day or two.
So, whenever he tries to shave his body is like **damage is being done! I must heal this!!!** and goes into overdrive to grow hair back.
This must have been frustrating when he first escaped HYDRA, before he realized it was better to just let the stubble do its own thing.
Hi dear Anon! Thank you very much for sharing your interesting theory!
This is a curiosity I often think about... Apparently Bucky's hair and beard length has been a bit unconscious over time...
I mean, Bucky was under HYDRA's control for 70 years, but his hair length only reached his neck, this is indicative that Bucky spent most of that time in cryostasis, which slowed down his metabolism and probably made his hair grow slower.
But I wonder what happened to his beard then? Why didn't it grow as long as his hair? Did HYDRA shave him? I really doubt that was the case, why would they do that? They have no reason to...
Now, we know that after CA:TWS Bucky was free for 2 years, but his hair and beard don't seem to have grown any longer. Is it just a plot hole? It's funny, but if you notice Bucky's hair is a bit longer at the beginning of CW, in the Bucharest fight, than in the Berlin prison escape. And this is for no other reason than because the Berlin prison scene was filmed before the Bucharest scene, and as the filming of the movie went on, Sebastian's hair grew. So, at the end of the day, the variation in Bucky's hair length in CW is a Marvel inconsistency...
Well, after this, Bucky was in rehab in Wakanda for 2 more years, and now his hair and beard seemed to grow consistently in this time.
It's also true that the rate of hair growth varies from person to person, for example Steve never had any trace of a beard apart from Infinity War, did he shave all the time? It's possible, or just that his hair grows slower than Bucky's...
But speaking especially of why there isn't a moment in TFATWS where Bucky is totally shaved, I think that just as in IW and Endgame Bucky hadn't cut his hair, this is a reflection of how he feels deep down...
His hair is intimately connected to the time of the Winter Soldier, and by that time (in IW and Endgame) Bucky still felt unsettled, he didn't feel recovered...
And as we saw in TFATWS, Bucky still feared that a part of the WS was still there, which breaks my heart because this isn't it... But the point is that maybe our boy never ended up readopting the look he had in the 40's because he no longer feels like the man he was back then.
It's not just like Steve said "the man he was froze 70 years ago and someone else came out in his place", the dissociation Bucky feels towards his past self is based on trauma and self-loathing, which makes this subject heartbreaking..
That's why I prefer your theory, it's not emotionally painful at least...
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Probably been done before but TFA au where they figure out Longarm/Shockwave is the spy but assume instead either
1.) shockwave killed their good friend Longarm and they can’t pinpoint when (much sad I suppose)
2.) Shockwave has obviously kidnapped and is holding Longarm somewhere so they have to keep the revelation secret in attempt to secure Longarm safely before attacking shockwave head on
Not much more thought on it. Idea just occurred and wanted to get it out. Maybe throw in a sparkling somewhere there lol love those aus
The second one fascinates me because it's again a possible situation where Shockwave's gotta play both the parts of Decepticon Shockwave™️ and Longarm Prime, and he might be able to figure his way out
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primus-why · 9 months
More on that Dropout Band AU
I can't find it right now but I once pitched an AU idea where TFA Optimus and his gang dropout/are kicked out of the Autobots and end up scraping their remaining credits together to form a traveling band to stay afloat, which ends up becoming really popular with Decepticons.
Well I just imagined a random little tidbit for that today: what if our starving artists literally ate their old Autobot insignias?
Hear me out! This comes from the idea that before they become a successful band they're low on essentials, like fuel. And perhaps they're too far from a planet to make a pit stop anytime soon... so, what's left to scrounge together for a quick snack or meal to get you through to the next space port? Why, literal scrap around the ship, that's what!
Imagine all they have left are some nickel shavings and a dream, as well as some scrap and their own insignias. Perhaps they had dropped out/defected suddenly, so they didn't get a chance to return the badge. Perhaps they were made to keep them, as a way for Ultra Magnus and the Autobot high command to keep an optic on them by tracking their location...
Extra funny if it's the latter, as after they crush and chew the insignias they obviously no longer work, so the Autobots who were tracking them assume they've all died some horrible deaths while stranded out in space lmao.
Anyways the insignias hold very little nutritional value but they'd be enough to fill their tanks with something until their next stop. Kinda like how folks strapped for a meal in famine will boil and eat uncured leather. Also it would be hilarious because it only adds to their street cred with the Decepticons... I'd imagine Bumblebee would be the one to spill the beans. He'd spin the tale so as to make it sound more like they were "sticking it to the man" and less like they were just starving lmao. Meanwhile the 'Cons are like "damn that's badass... they literally ate the symbol of the oppressors wow"
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weirdosleep · 10 months
Sweet Honey
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Been thinking of TFA Bee being gangbanged by a few other mechs. So have a little one-shot of that happening.
Warnings: NSFW, gangbang, oral, double penetration, creampie, gagging, light bondage
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A moan followed by a bit of gagging cut through the crisp night air. Bumblebee did his best to deep throat the spike in his intake, gagging somewhat around it when he wasn't moaning or whining in pleasure from the consistent feeling of his valve being filled over and over again by the two spikes that were pounding at it. His own spike was being fisted by one of the mechs that were pistoning in his valve.
Bumblebee couldn't move his servos to be able to touch any of them in return, having them in stasis cuffs behind his back that were modified so they wouldn't make his joints lock up and have him go into recharge. Only to be able to restrain him. A servo behind his helm stopped him from seeing which of the mechs had given a firm rub to one of his horns, having caused Bumblebee to moan out loud as best he could before the spike in his intake was trusted forward.
Having gagged a bit more before pulling back somewhat and continuing to suck the mech in front of him off. Only to be gently pulled away from that spike and to another spike to suck off. The mech that was fragging Bumblebee from the back was fragging him as if, if he didn't, then he would not have the opportunity again. While the one fragging him from the front was doing his best to keep up with the other mech's pace.
Said mech was the same one who was pumping Bumlebebee's spike without stopping. Twisting his servo in a fluid motion from time to time when going down and roughly rubbing the tip of his spike when moving it up. The newer sensation of the now constant rubbing and twisting of Bumblebee's horns by the mech he was now sucking off was making the pleasure a bit overwhelming for Bumblebee.
Charge built up more and more as Bumblebee whined and moaned from the sensations. Rocking his hips lightly back in time with the thrusts bobbing his helm. Doing his best to focus more on trying to bring at least one of the mechs to overload before he did. However, Bumblebee was already overloading before he knew it. His valve squeezed tightly down on the two spikes, making it harder for them to move, while his drawn breathy moan reverberated around the spike in his intake.
Bumblebee's spike let out ropes of transfluid that landed on himself and the mech who is fragging him from the front servo. He rode out his overload as the mechs fragging his valve increased their pace, gripping his hips tightly and slamming him down flush against them. Obviously getting closer to their own overloads. The first one out of the other mechs to overload was the one Bumblebee had previously been sucking off.
The mech's transfluid landed further up from where his own transfluid had landed. Bumblebee shivered lightly from the feeling of the transfluid landing on him, becoming a bit sensitive as the two fragging his valve kept going without letting up the pace. Only to gag as he was caught off guard by the sudden warmth and fill of transfluid shooting into his intake.
Bumblebee tried to swallow the transfuild, though some of it still slipped off to running down the corners of his lips around the spike before it pulled from his intake. Coughing up a bit of the transfluid in the processes while the two mech fragging him like rabbits basically finally stopped. Holding Bumblebee flushed against them as transfluid finally fills his valve, making Bumblebee let out a small moan at the feeling, enjoying it very much.
Letting every drop of their transflid fill the mini's valve before slowly pulling out and keeping Bumblebee held up. They moved him to be laying down on one of the mechs had been sucking off not too long ago, having been positioned to be facing the mech. Bumblebee let out a light gasp that was followed by a moan at feeling himself being filled one more by a spike before another joined it.
A new yet slower pace began to be picked, a spike from his right just coming into range for him to be able to suck. To which Bumblebee gladly took said spike into his intake, sucking the mech off without too much problems. Not gagging quite as much as he had before. Bumblebee knew that it would be a long night before he could finally fall into recharge and get a good rest, however, he didn't mind. As long as this kept on feeling good, Bumblebee wouldn't mind being subjected to a bit of sleepiness in the morning.
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mychlapci · 6 months
TFA anon posting this at midnight where they live but still doing it anyways. About the Preg!G1 Starscream thing.. yes. The sire is Skyfire. (And let’s be real here SkyStar is TFA anon’s number one ship their literal OTP throughout all iterations)
Starscream watches the Decepticons devolve into chaos and is amused but also surprised on how literally nobody had the idea that Skyfire was the sire of his sparklings.
When Starscream decided to carry, the first thing he did was look at his options in terms of a mate. Obviously Megatron was out. He didn’t like Soundwave. Shockwave as an absolute no. His trine.. was debatable but then he decided he definitely did not want his sparklings to end out like TC of all mechs so that limited his options to someone in the Autobots. He wouldn’t be caught dead getting knocked up by the leader of the Autobots, so really his only option was Skyfire which he found himself not minding (despite the fact he was a traitor.. he did tick all the boxes of what Starscream was into unfortunately)
So he sucked up his pride and went to go meet up with Skyfire.
Skyfire was surprised and a bit hopeful suspicious when Starscream asked him to mate with him and was hesitant at first, but then was convinced by Starscream and so he went with it. He knew it would be treason to do this, fucking Starscream of all mechs, but honestly, he was maybe a bit too enamored with him to care.
So Skyfire fucked Starscream. It was a very tight fit considering their size differences and really Skyfire could only make it almost halfway before he couldn’t fit anymore in but that doesn’t make it any less unpleasant for Starscream. In fact, when Skyfire breached him for the first time, Starscream would never admit that he cummed his brains out when the fat head of his spike slipped in.
Skyfire is slow and gentle, not wanting to hurt Starscream until he wraps his legs around him and begs him to fuck him until he couldn’t think and then the shuttle is using his size difference to his advantage as he uses the smaller bot as a fleshlight and pounds his pussy until he’s completely spent. Starscream really puts the ‘scream’ in his name to good use as he shouts and squeals and cries all over him from overstimulation, squirting almost painfully all over Skyfire’s spike for the umpteenth time. Skyfire’s servo is holding Starscream’s entire torso and is bouncing him up and down his spike like it was nothing and to be quite honest, Starscream gained a size kink after that.
When Skyfire empties his entire load into Starscream’s forge, they both instantly know he’s sparked. There’s no way he’s not.
Over the course of time, Starscream would periodically disappear from the Decepticon base to top up on transfluid from Skyfire, who is more than happy to help his new mate. Nearing the date of his emergence, his disappearances would become more and more frequent until eventually he just leaves and goes missing for nearly three months, leaving everyone wondering where the hell he went.
Meanwhile, Starscream is giving birth in a secluded cave Skyfire had found to a trine of sparklings. He nurses the sparklings for the time he was missing, and Skyfire drops by everyday to supply the seeker with energon and spend time with his sparklings. He is very happy to be a sire to three adorable sparklings.
When Starscream finally comes back after being gone for so damn long and shows off his babies, they realize that one of them looks almost exactly like that one Autobot shuttle who used to be around here a lot.. and then it clicks.
Yeah.. they have no idea why they didn’t see that coming.
I like to think that while Starscream stayed with Skyfire more and more he (unwillingly) grew feelings for him so now they’re just an official but not really official couple now?? It’s complicated.
Either way, they share custody of the sparklings, and the Autobots find out who is the sire, and Prowl has an aneurysm.
hrhhh Size Difference. Skyfire using Starscream like a fleshlight and Starscream fucking loves it. He cums his brains out around Skyfire’s spike until he can barely even register the big fat load of transfluid bloating out his forge… It’s too good. 
Something so sweet about Starscream disappearing to give birth somewhere in an unmapped cave, with only Skyfire around to bring him his energon, to comfort him through the contractions, to coax out the large babies… I think Starscream’s water broke unexpectedly, while Skyfire was gone on an energon run, so when he came back with the fuel, Starscream was cursing him out, his valve gaping open around their first sparkling as it emerged… The trine is born over the next couple of days, and Starscream starts to nurse them. I do like the idea that cybertronian sparklings need to spend a while with their creators and their creators only to imprint and bond properly… The ‘Cons assume that Starscream is currently in the middle of that. Which he is. 
Obviously they grow big feelings for each other. Starscream begrudgingly admits, only to himself though, that he likes Skyfire, and Skyfire just wishes he could have Starscream and their sparklings on his side constantly. The autobots are not happy about his cross-faction fooling around. He gave Starscream heirs. The enemy’s second in command. He gave him heirs. Not just that, this way Starscream has gained a tiny sliver of respect amongst the troops, proving himself a capable leader, at least to an extent. Next time he gives the order to blow someone up to smithereens, they might actually listen.
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anony-man · 4 months
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Heehee had lots of fun with this one!
Chubformers drabble #42!
Character: Bulkhead (TFA)
Word count: 607
“Toss it to me, Bulkhead!”
Another end of a successful day was spent in the best way possible—winding down as a team. Sari had stuck around for a while longer, and both Bulkhead and Bumblebee were grateful for it. Most of the team had gone down for the night, but the tiny scout was still full of energy, and though he himself was growing rather tired, Bulkhead hated to leave him on his lonesome.
His warm, cozy berth was calling for him, and Bulkhead planned to spend his last hour or so awake indulging in a bottle or two of engex before recharging. Before any of that could be done, however, he was sure to check that both Sari and Bumblebee were also comfortable for the night.
A brief game of catch seemed like a reasonable way to unwind, and while Sari scrambled across the room struggling to secure her ball, Bulkhead was content to sit and watch. It was hitting two birds with one stone, as the humans put it, and while he kept Sari entertained, Bulkhead could sit back and—
“Awww, no. It’s stuck…”
“What’s stuck?” Bulkhead asked, suddenly startled from his contentment by the pitiful sound of disappointment in Sari’s voice. “Hey, where’d that ball go?”
Bumblebee nervously stood by watching as Sari struggled to reach her tiny arm underneath Ratchet’s desk, but it seemed to be no use. From where Bulkhead sat, he could see that the ball had gotten itself wedged in deep beneath the beams of the furniture.
“Too far back?” He asked, pushing himself up out of his chair with a grunt. He lumbered over to the two as they struggled, his frown deepening as Sari grew more and more distraught.
“It’s pretty far,” Bumblebee nodded. “I don’t even think I could get it out of there.”
Bulkhead made a soft sound of disapproval and slowly got down onto his knees in front of the desk. Bumblebee was right: it was stuck, and it was stuck pretty well. The smaller ‘bot and Sari were obviously too small to retrieve it, which meant…
“I dunno if I could get it either,” he said, ducking low under the desk to avoid smacking his helm on the metal. “It’s a bit of a squeeze.”
He paused, glancing back at Bumblebee, who looked more desperate than anything, and Sari, who practically begged him with her eyes alone to try.
“Well,” Bulkhead said, crawling further under the desk, “I guess I’ll give it a go.”
Carefully, Bulkhead leaned in and stretched out a servo, his fingers straining to grasp at the small ball from where it sat tucked behind a mess of cords and metal sheets. The tips of his fingers brushed against the top, pushing it deeper into the mess, and before Bulkhead knew it, he was halfway under the desk and still barely any closer to retrieving the beloved item. It took a little wiggling and a lot of grunting, but finally—finally—Bulkhead’s servo latched onto the ball. This time, it didn’t slip free.
“Ha—hey, I got it!” Bulkhead chuckled. “Alright, let me just… ah, let me just…”
Pulling his arm free of the tangled cords was easy enough, but when Bulkhead tried to back out from underneath the desk, he hardly even budged. Before he began to panic, Bulkhead tried moving further in, then backing out—but no luck.
Slag it all, he was stuck.
“Er, Bee?” Bulkhead asked, his voice muffled by the cramped space. “You mind doing me a huge favor and calling Ratchet in here? I think we might have an even bigger problem on our hands.”
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Reylo and Oshamir: So similar, so different
Hello, fellow Reylos and Oshamirs! Man, it feels so nice to have an active ship tag on Tumblr again (it's been a while).
Anyway, so everyone seems to be saying that Reylo and Oshamir share many of the same qualities, for lack of a better term. I completely agree, and that's what's great about them. However, I would like to take the time to discuss my thoughts on how they're different, mainly with their emotions.
Rey: She seems to be a little naive, having been sheltered and stuck on the same planet for most of her life. She is also a loner, and has had little human contact. She seems very expressive, and upon meeting Kylo in his mask, she is absolutely terrified. When it comes to other things related to him, to me, I don't think she had been around a boy or seen one in an intimate situation; or perhaps she had and it was not a pleasant experience. Therefore, when she saw been with no shirt on, it embarrassed her. As for her views on Ben, she was incredibly hostile towards him during the first bonding. It isn't only until their third that she begins to let her guard down.
Osha: Osha, it appears, is a bit more worldly, having been trained as a jedi, and has gone on missions (probably) as a padawan with her master to all sorts of planets. She is more open among her peers and those around her. Now, as far as her emotions, she has them reigned in, because that is the way of a jedi. It really isn't until Qimir pushes her that she has an outburst of any kind. Speaking of, when Osha is confronted by The Stranger in his mask, she seems entranced after the primary fear passes. On the island, once she starts talking to him, she isn't as fiery as Rey was, and they fall into civil conversation almost immediately. Now for the important stuff...Osha was curious about her "captor", and followed him to see what he was doing. When she did, Osha didn't leave. Instead, she looked even more fascinated. So we all know that Jedi are supposed to be celibate, but what isn't certain is how Osha acted after leaving the order. But, in my opinion, she is completely acting like she has never seen a man's body before. In the least, she is probably wondering who this man is who is doing normal, simple human things.
The Men:
Ben: Okay, Ben's character is a study in the dichotomy of personalities. In TFA, and parts of TLJ, he has forgone all Jedi teachings of not being emotional. With Rey, he is more calm. When she denies him, he regresses and doesn't have control of his emotions until he faces some home truths, and is able to find inner peace. In terms of sensuality, Ben is like the model Jedi, and it doesn't even faze him when the bond opens the first time while he's in a state of undress.
Qimir: our main man is an interesting character, to say the least. He says he is a Sith, but doesn't exhibit the visible signs. Instead, he is, in most appearances, a normal man whose knowledge is vast. His emotions are pretty much in check. The only anger he truly exhibits is towards Sol, if you can even call it that; he's fighting someone who attacked him first. Next, we don't know enough about him to pin down whether or not he has a true moral code. It's evident that he was going to kill Mae for failing him, which is typical villain with a sidekick attitude. However, he showcases somewhat of a gentlemanly heart when he spots an unconscious Osha. He refrains from touching her wound, though he clearly wants to. Instead, he carefully places his robe over her and then places his hand softly on her covered arm. We know he cleans her wound later, but right then he probably thinks it wasn't the right time to give in. However, he grabs her arm later, twice. His love language is obviously touch 😄
Finally, the juicy part.....Unlike Ben, Qimir is very much in tune with his sensuality. Dude is shameless as he walks out of the water. He has a smolder, even. Yet he knows she is unlikely to cave. Thus, when she shoves him against the rock wall, he is genuinely taken aback a little, and his expression is delicious. Man, I can't wait until these two will no doubt spar. 😍😏🥵
All that said, I honestly can't believe this is a thing! I've been missing posting about Reylo, and had become nearly apathetic. So, I'm very thankful for Oshamir, and I hope to goodness we get more in both remaining episodes.
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