#but ofc he’ll be celebrating in style
ringdabel · 8 months
How I think the DK crew would use Twitter/X!! (PARTE 1)
The DK crew is the strawhats! These are just some random hcs I have while staying up pass my bedtime!
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The type of guy to post the most random things known to man kind, whenever he thinks of something or do something, he’ll post just for funsies
Might forgot he had a Twitter/X account until someone talked abt it or remind him of it
His username would be something with food, being the future pirate king and his name! Like maybe @THEKINGOFTHEPIRATES
His pfp is a badly taken photo of himself or his bounty and the header is either food or his crew
Thinks KYS means Keep Yourself Safe (DO NOT LET HIM POST ANYTHING)
He follows every single person on his crew along with his friends and siblings!
His Twitter/X feat is full of food, anything related to pirates and bugs
Occasionally posts photos of himself with the crew, Sanji’s food, BUGS!!! All of them are blurry, badly taken and potentially meme material 😭
Did an ASMR video of him abt to chew on Nami’s precious shoes (he is dead)
Sometimes posts photos of his beautifully drawn pictures of crayons on papers (he did his best, I’m so proud of him)
Captions on his posts are like this :
Typos a lot, he relies on autocorrect ☠️
In an argument he would definitely use “L + RATIO + STUPID + YOUR RONG”
Says yes to emojis! He would use 🤣😂😁😆😭😡😜☹️😭😱 to express his emotions
But I also think he would use Emoticons too. especially “XD”, he’s kind of the both kind of guy
Always comments on his crews posts! Often to Sanji, “SANJI IM HUNGRYYYY!!!!”
Whenever he types something on his phone or received a comment or text, he’d always read it out loud.
Retweets whatever he thinks is cool (he doesn’t even know what retweeting IS but he thinks it’s pretty cool so he did it anyway)
Follows back anyone that follows him (a habit)
Most likely to get scammed by a bot 😭
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Barely uses it tbh, he doesn’t feel the need to post or use it (Too busy napping and training)
If he does posts then it’s usually smth relating to swords (or he’s lost again and trying to get some help-)
Kinda like Luffy sometimes, he’ll post something random about what he’s thinking or what he’s doing for no reason
Often comments and roasts Sanji’s posts. whatever the French cook posts, he will find a way to argue with him ☠️
Follows his captain and the crew and his goth fam
His feat is full of swords, men training, men sweating, maybe booze and even goth related fashion (after 2 years, the goth fam infected his fashion style)
Has some troubles understanding some gen Z slangs and memes
Sniper king🪃 @GodUssop
Omg you slay queen, go girl, you slayed frfr!!!
💬 🔁 💟
Roronoa Zoro @User737828dhhwsuw272
What the hell are you talking about
💬 🔁 💟
NEVER uses emojis or emoticons, he thinks it’s unnecessary (he’s too cool for that it seems)
Doesn’t rlly know how to use the app like at all, someone help this moss head
Like I mentioned up there, he didn’t even change his user or anything, maybe he’ll change it in the future but meh not now
His pfp is probably just a photo of himself that is taken by anyone in the crew (probably Ussop) or the default one
Doesn’t usually retweet, like or anything, he’s kinda just there to see and scroll or just comment something (He would like Chopper’s posts tho, brother behavior and Luffy as well ofc).
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Uses it pretty often but not as much as instagram
Posts selfies of herself, her with the girls, desserts that Sanji made for her, her in outfits, make up stuff, just alot of photos of herself (Ussop is usually the one taking photos for her!)
Her feat is MONEY, pretty clothes, pretty girls, heels, make up stuff, skin care tips, motivational quotes
Follows the crew , Vivi 💙,some celebrities and fashion designers
Often likes posts from Vivi and Robin
She definitely has a LOT of followers full of mostly men (you already know the reason)
Never rlly follows back unless she knows the person irl (unlike a certain monkey man) and blocks quite a lot of users
Scammed? Nah, SHES the scammer
Loves gossiping with Ussop and Robin about some recent Twitter/X drama
Every posts of hers are full of hashtags and most of them have ✨ in it :
“Shopping w/ The Girls! 🛍💄💖✨ Ft. @NicoRobin @NefertariVivi #girlsnight”
And then add a bunch of hashtags that relates to girls shopping and besties (I’m too lazy to type all of them out 💔)
Shares some of her opinions online
If she ever gets into an argument or a debate, she would win with how strong and girl bossy she is 🔥🔥🔥
Her user would be smth like “CatburglarNami”
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uses it only for “Stuff”
Occasionally posts pics of his cooked meals!!! Would also add the recipes and tutorial below
The first to follow Nami and like, retweet and comment on all of her posts (the same thing goes to Robin as well 🙏)
His feat is full of photos of women, Nami and Robin’s selfies or photos, cooking, food, beautiful scenery, (secretly) photos of men, daily reminders, romantic quotes
Oh and some guys as well
Has urges to block a certain idiot moss headed swordsman
Would use the romantic text font when writing captions (and to women as well)
Retweets and quotes all the posts of women with hearts, praises, cringy stuff like that (Zoro usually roasts him in the replies)
Has to deal with Luffy’s constant “SANJIII FOOODDDD” on every single posts
Blocks the germa family (Except for Reiju), men
Would definitely get a virus by a bot that’s sent him “Stuff” (baited and caught right away, caught lacking, SIMPING)
Sometimes posts something abt his daily lives and photos of beautiful sceneries
His user is probably “Mrprince”.
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pumpkinsy0 · 10 months
Headconnons about....
Buck Merrill (im aware that there isn't much info about him) but I like him, he seems like a cool character.
I wanna know what you think of him. How would you describe him and his life (meaning him working in the bar, him being friends with Darry, Dally and Tim)
How did Buck and Darry meet
How did Buck and Dally meet
How did Buck and Tim meet
Who did Buck meet first and where (for the three of them? In different places ofc)
How would he celebrate his birthday if he every has/celebrates it, you know just simple little things and how he got there in Tulsa.
Now I would like to headconnon that, Buck used to be a greaser with Darry and them but he retired and got the bar thingy (its fine if you don't like it) ohhh you should add how good a fighter he was (when he was a greaser) I feel like he really was a good fighter but he's a old man (He's not really old he's 25 y/o) he retired😭
In the beginning I said "Im aware there's not information on Buck" but I would love to see what you come up with, also he's my 3rd favorite character. (SORRY FOR WRITING SO MUCH😭 I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU COME UP WITH ABOUT BUCK, AND HIM BEING MY FAVE..😭 I WANNA KNOW WHO YOU PUT FOR THE, "WHO DID BUCK MEET FIRST" [THANK-YOU😭🙏🏻])
•personally, i like buck, he seems alright from what little we know about him
•i imagine him to b as put together as darry, but like a bit more grim, but slightly funny w messed up humor if that makes sense, he works at a bar ik hes seen some shit
•if i remember right i hc’d him as being black and trinidadian so he does have a bit of an accent, he moved to the us like 5 ish years ago, somewhere around there
•generally pretty chill guy if ur not annoying 24/7, hes that bartender who knows a lot about ppl bc ppl yap when theyre drunk
•his life obviously has hardships here n there but nothing like, too traumatic???? his life was just “pretty pathetic” as he would describe it so he got his shit together and got where he is now
•buck and darry met through tim before a rumble, tim was going to a rumble and darry was just seeing tim off cause he had to get back home(which was also before buck got the bar)
•tim and buck met bc buck used to b in the tiber street tigers (yes that is an actual gang in the book, yes i forgot exactly how they called themselves but it was somethin like that), tim and the street tigers used to have the alliance but that broke off and buck left not so soon after, and buck got a job working at the bar he would soon own and it was close to where tim lived
•buck doesnt belong to a gang now but its not uncommon to see him w tim for a bit
•dally and buck met when dally just moved to tulsa, before buck got the bar he was this worker another guy who owned the bar and buck and him became friends (not friends friends but not strangers either), eventually when the guy gave buck ownership of the bar, buck offered him a place bc buck knew what it was like to just bounce place to place not having a steady home and believe it or not doesnt want dally dying of like hypothermia
•he says its bc he doesnt want dally to hit that stage of hypothermia where u just feel rlly hot so u take ur clothes off n ur just naked n die cause “cops r gonna fall over just seeing ur ugly body bro just stay here”, so yea friendship🫶🏽🫶🏽
•he knows dally doesnt rlly live at the bar its kinda just a place for him to go if he has nowhere else, one stable thing in his life kinda
•as for his friendship for darry, its not a deep one, they respect each others hustle but dont understand each others life style but it’s whatever, if darry needs to vent w a lil prying and one singular drink from buck, he’ll say somethings
•w tim, not the closest of friemds as i said but the closest thing to a friendship between buck and dally and darry
•so in order of who he met it first to last goes dally, tim, then darry
•buck doesnt rlly celebrate his bday???? he does drink a bit more and indulge in junk food more but thats just about it, nothing special, he doesnt hate his bday its just, nobodys there to celebrate it w him so y would he put in the effort
•at best he drinks w tim maybe dally n goes “happy bday to me”
•hes that guy that nobody rlly knows his bday but everytime u see him hes just older, wether physically or like actually just older
•to b less depressing however, one bday he did get a dog and so buck does have a dog thats just runnin around in the bar, its like the mascot and everyone loves em, that dog is pretty much his best friend
•i do like that idea of him retiring from gang stuff n just getting a bar to “retire” so im stealing that now thx 😋😋 /j
•as for his days in the tiber street tigers, idk it wasnt much, he wasnt close to anyone in that gang, he was respected tho, he was a pretty good fighter, he was in that gang from when he was 18-20
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erina-leah · 2 years
Mardi Gras just passed, and my Louisiana ass couldn’t help but make Straw Hat headcanons for the holiday. Please enjoy <3
How the Straw Hats Celebrate Mardi Gras!
First of all, they ofc have their own Krewe. Krewe de Sunny! And their float in the parade is modeled after their loyal ship.
Luffy LOVES the food, dude don’t let this guy get ahold of your crawfish bc he will eat it all. When it comes to the parade, he loves sitting at the front of the float (much like he does his ship) and throwing beads. He will be the one to throw too much and have none left at the end of the parade route, and he will cry about it. But it’s okay! Because he loves seeing the smile on ppl’s face when they manage to catch one that he threw. 10/10 loves this holiday. Also a menace at chase the chicken
Zoro will get fucking plastered. Perhaps will be drink enough to dance around. Won’t do much throwing at the parade, instead he likes to chill on the float with a drink in hand, and if he’s drunk enough he’ll dance around. Will challenge random ppl to drinking contests and they will ALL get lit as fuck because Cajuns can hold their damn liquor. 8/10 hella good beer.
Nami managed to convince the crew to throw a Mardi Gras ball, and she was ofc crowned Queen of the Krewe. She loves being decked out in beads and dressing to the nines. The whole week is a party! She’s absolutely having a blast and loves sitting atop the float in her fancy costume. 10/10 she’s the Queen af
Usopp loves the dancing!!! He can absolutely get down to Zydeco music and would dance until his feet fall off. While on the float, he loves throwing to people and spewing his tall tales of his adventures to anyone who would listen. And yeah, he’s gonna get shitfaced too. The parade is his favorite part, it’s so bright and fun! 10/10 will chase a chicken
Sanji is obviously in change of food for the ball and the whole week leading up to Fat Tuesday. I know this white boy can cook a MEAN gumbo. He loves seeing the ladies in all of their fancy costumes, so the parade is definitely one of his favorite parts. (He heard the rumor that this was a holiday where women would flash ppl and was very disappointed when he realized that it was a great exaggeration. Sorry Buddy, you gotta go to New Orleans for that.) He takes the week to learn how to cook home style Cajun and really enjoys it, especially when Nami and Robin pull up in their Ball fits. 9/10 AWOOGA
Chopper is absolutely that little kid who sits on his dad- I mean Zoro’s shoulders throughout the parade. He loves sitting high up and seeing the parade from above; the other floats, the people lining the streets, the colors and lights, it’s like nothing he’s ever seen. He’s literally in awe of everything, and when he tried King Cake he ascended to heaven. 10/10 so much fun
Robin helped Franky decorate the float, so you know it’s fabulous. She really enjoys the parade and has THE best throws. I’m talking the biggest beads as well as all the cool shit for the kids. Rubber footballs, bracelets, bubbles, plushies, all of it. She mostly throws to the kids and uses her fruit to ensure they catch it. God they’re so cute she can’t help herself. She also really enjoys the music. 10/10 a good time to let loose
Franky, as I mentioned, built the float by hand. It’s definitely the coolest one in the whole parade. It’s got like three decks and the Sunny on the front. It’s fucking sick. Loves the parade so much and can’t help but dance the whole time. I mean, look at this dude. Of course he’s gonna groove. Treats the parade like a big party (I mean, it is) and totally loves showing off his work on the float. 10/10 let’s boogie
Brook. Don’t even get me STARTED. He would LOVE Mardi Gras more than anything. Of course, our man is in charge of the music, and he can throw down some SICK NASTY Zydeco shit. It’s amazing. Also, the dude has an entire Krewe dedicated to him: Krewe de Soul King. He’s got his own float where he blasts music down the whole parade route. People fall ALL OVER this dude. And, of course, my man is King of the Krewe for both the Straw Hats and his own Krewe. He takes this shit to the next level, no one can stop him. 100/10 The King of Mardi Gras
Jinbe is definitely the chill dad. Yeah, maybe he’ll have a drink or two, but he’s here to see the kids have fun. He does enjoy the parade and the ball, he likes the bright colors and noisy fun everyone has. His favorite part is seeing the way the traditions are carried on from generations, but he prefers to kick back and watch as opposed to participating. He won’t really show it at first, but he’s really enjoying himself. 8/10 best dad
I loved doing this, it was really fun! If you wanna, plz drop some other characters so I can slap a Mardi Gras headcanon on them!!!
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racingliners · 10 months
Life In The Fast Lane Chapter 18 - 2023 Race 13: Italy
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: None apply
Pairings: Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s); OFCs & OMCs
Work Tags: Re-write of a previous work; not beta read; dual/multiple pov; mentions of IRL current and past F1 figures; Eventual romance; friends to lovers; found family/work family; actual family; occasional swearing; racing drivers and their various shenanigans; how to handle pressure (and how not to); with a sprinkling of the power of friendship; tags will be updated as work progresses
Chapter: 18/57 Word count: 4.5k Summary: Celebrations and mixed fortunes aplenty at the temple of speed.
I just wanted to do a little note to say that it's been almost a whole year since I posted this first chapter of this mega re-write project over on AO3, and I am so incredibly grateful for all the support on it thus far. I really cannot begin to say just how much it means to me, so thank you, and I hope you enjoy the latest chapter!
Thursday 31st August – Autodromo Nazionale di Monza
The whole paddock had been invited to McLaren’s 60th anniversary celebrations, which kicked off at precisely 5pm (Andrew’s insistence on perfect timing was impeccable as ever). Small champagne flutes had been arranged in neat rows on a white tablecloth at the entrance to the three story high motorhome, with more tables on the first floor dedicated to canapes and light bites of food.
The TV screens on the walls alternated between slideshows and video clips from all of McLaren’s most notable races (Sophie’s podium in Shanghai and victory in Hungary were prominent features), while every McLaren team member was dressed in vintage style uniforms. Short sleeved white button up shirts that had McLaren’s 60th anniversary logo on the front pocket, with papaya and sky blue stripes running down the left front. Sophie had once again gone to the effort of having her nails painted orange, as well as wearing her hair down for the day with a papaya fabric headband fixed in place.
“Between the two of you,” Nathan, who had found Sophie and Nico on the top floor about ten minutes ago and had stayed for a catch-up, gestured to both of them with a loose hand. “Hardly anyone is going to be talking about Ferrari all weekend. I’d avoid Gianluca at all costs, he’ll be pissed.”
“Oh, I’m sure the Tifosi will make up for it tomorrow!” Nico said with the same bright grin that hadn’t left his face all day. His promotion to Red Bull for 2024, for which he’d signed the contract on Tuesday, had finally been announced that morning. And Sophie, as well as being a happy participant in McLaren’s anniversary celebrations, was also set to match Lella Lombardi’s 13 race starts on Sunday (assuming mechanical reliability stayed on her side).
“Anyway, I have to go and do a quick interview, but save a spot for me on the quiz team!” Nathan called over his shoulder as he made his way toward one of the sets of stairs in search of his press officer.
As part of the evening’s festivities, the team was putting on a McLaren themed pub quiz. Andrew had barely signed off on the idea, but Martin had managed to talk him round claiming that there had to be something about the weekend for the team to enjoy. Since they were coming into it knowing that they might not be quick enough to score a single point come Sunday.
When Nico and Sophie made their way downstairs, Mark was still in deep conversation with Sophie’s mechanics. He seemed to have them all enthralled by tales of the old days, both on and off track judging by the loud laughter that would bubble out of the group every so often.
The quiz was the last event of the night after all the speeches and presentations, and Leena’s team of herself plus Chris, Paul, Amir and Leon wiped the floor with everyone else. Sophie’s team that included Nico, Nathan, Ben and Aaron came in second with Mark’s team of mechanics in joint third.
“For once, he finishes in second place,” James said in mock teasing in Ben’s direction, much to everyone else’s amusement.
“Ah, but if it had been a Red Bull quiz, I would have won.” Benedikt retorted with a wide grin as he got up from his chair. As the drivers began to disperse for the circuit car park, either heading back to their luxury mobile motorhomes or hotels, Ben intentionally hang back by Sophie’s side.
“I saw your helmet when I came in, you and Max did a beautiful job.”
“Thank you!” Sophie grinned, it had been a small weight off her shoulders knowing her helmet design for the weekend had turned out as well as she had hoped. “Max was great though, he’s doing my helmet for Singapore as well, and he even managed to work in a tribute to Lella at the last minute.”
“Oh really, I didn’t see it?”
At that Sophie insisted on showing Ben the two display helmets that had been painted in the same designs James and Sophie were running for the weekend. James’ was mostly the same as normal, bar the number 12 being painted on in a vintage style, with each of McLaren’s title winning years going around it in gold foil.
While Sophie’s helmet followed her usual pattern of stripes on a plain base, the colours had been switched for papaya and sky blue stripes on a white background, all of which were filled names and races. On the white background was the name of each McLaren team member, the first orange stripe listed every one of McLaren’s race wins, the middle blue stripe had the names of every single McLaren driver, and the second orange stripe featured all the races Sophie’s father had taken part in as a mechanic. And up at the top, encircling the number 16, was all thirteen races contested by Lella Lombardi.
“That’s really beautiful Sophie,” Ben said with a small, soft smile as he carefully set the helmet back down. “Has your Dad seen it?”
Sophie didn’t get to say that he had, as when Edward Morden and Charlotte Stewart got up from the table in the corner they’d been sat at with Martin and started making their way towards the door, Benedikt suddenly looked like he didn’t know where to put himself.
“Matt and Annika will be looking for me, I better go.” Ben said shyly, his eyes darting between Sophie and Edward. “See you tomorrow.” Out of nowhere, he put a gentle hand on Sophie’s shoulder and leaned down to kiss her cheek. Something that took them both by surprise as they gawked at each other for a couple of moments, before Benedikt very quickly darted away.
All Sophie could think about for a couple of minutes was that Ben’s aftershave somehow smelled like the mountain air he called home.
Sunday 3rd September
“Everybody eyes front!” David, McLaren’s team photographer, called out above the bubble of chatter emanating from the gathered team members. They were all stood in the warm sunshine in front of the motorhome, dressed in their neatly pressed uniforms with the management and drivers stood front and centre while the rest of the team were roughly arranged in rows behind.
Andrew had been in attendance for the whole weekend, and was less than impressed with the fact that his cars had qualified in ninth and tenth. But for a brief few seconds no one seemed to care about what little race pace they were going to have as the whole team fixed bright grins on their faces and smiled for however long they were told to. After all, 60th anniversaries weren’t very common in Formula 1, and everyone felt like they wanted to make the most of it regardless.
As expected the team had been under more media scrutiny than normal, with questions asked if whether McLaren would be able to fix their car problems before the regulation change in 2026, how was Sophie going to bounce back after her difficult race in Turkey, and would it be better for James to cut his losses and try to get a seat somewhere else? It had been a pleasant surprise when some journalists decided to ignore all of that, and ask questions about McLaren’s historical achievements instead.
Ferrari however were still the main attraction for the tens of thousands of Tifosi that had filled the circuit grounds. All of the grandstands were filled with red for as far as the eye could see, and the reception that Giovanni and Teo got on the drivers parade was almost deafening.
Sophie was stood with Nico and a still sheepish Benedikt, who had pulled Sophie aside after the driver’s briefing on Friday and apologised for kissing her on the cheek out of the blue. Admittedly, Sophie hadn’t felt uncomfortable by the encounter, just surprised at the display of apparent affection. But she accepted the apology none the less, and insisted that they were still on good terms. Still friends.
“And now, onto the birthday boy,” Lise from German TV was conducting the interviews on the drivers parade, as the flat-bed truck slowly trundled through the chicane at the end of Curva Grande. “How many seconds would you like to win by? 26 maybe since that’s how old you are today?”
Benedikt puffed out his cheeks and let out a bright laugh, but now that Sophie knew him better she could see the very small hint of shyness behind it.
“I think any win would be nice today,” He paused to adjust his cap and wave at the crowd that didn’t seem too interested in him, but it didn’t appear to phase Ben in the slightest. “I love coming to Monza every year. The track is amazing with how fast we get to go, so getting to race here on my birthday is quite a privilege. Hopefully we can keep up the pace we’ve had so far in practice and have a good day today.”
With his beaming smile and how tall he was standing, it wasn’t hard to tell that Benedikt had secured pole position by three tenths of a second yesterday.
The truck had now exited the second Lesmo, and was surrounded by tress on both sides on the way down to the Ascari chicane. The warm, bright sunshine dappled through the leaves onto the driver’s faces as they quietly chatted amongst themselves since there were no fans to wave at.
“Definitely nicer than what it was like last year.” Sophie said aloud to no one in particular.
“It’s like home.” Ben said quietly, but with a small smile as he looked up at the trees. Sophie had been referring to the weather, but she had to agree that the parkland in which the circuit was situated was incredibly beautiful.
“So that’s why you left Zürich for the countryside, not enough trees?” Sophie asked, slightly teasing. Ben let out a light laugh and went to reply right as Lise appeared at Sophie’s side with her microphone in hand. She asked about both McLaren’s big anniversary, and Sophie’s latest career milestone. All Sophie felt she could do was put on a warm smile and say as she had done so many times over the weekend of the honour it was to be a McLaren driver, and that while the team was expecting today to be difficult they were still going to work hard to deliver the best result they could.
“How are you such a natural at this stuff?” James asked under his breath once the drivers were off the parade truck and walking back to the paddock.
“Well, when you spend the majority of your career having to defend your right to simply be on the grid, not scoring points suddenly isn’t the worst prospect in the world.” Sophie said with a frown, sounding a lot heavier than she intended. “Sorry I didn’t-”
“It’s fine Soph,” James said, briefly flinging an arm round her shoulders and even flashing a small smile at her. “I’m sure that if you ever take something out on me and mean it, I’ll know about it.”
“I think having Andrew looming over my shoulder the whole weekend has put me on edge.” Sophie finally said under her breath once they had some distance between themselves and their fellow drivers.
“Yeah…” James paused to scratch at a spot on his jaw. “You and me both.”
“Go well today Sophie.” Nico said quickly, appearing at her side out of thin air.
“You too, allez!”
“Allez!” Nico beamed back, fist half raised in the air for good measure, and he squeezed Sophie in a warm side hug before jogging over to the Red Bull energy station with his press officer.
Katie and Richard had been lagging behind their drivers the whole walk over, giving them space to have a conversation just themselves, while Sophie and James found themselves in a semi-comfortable silence while the sun continued to beat down on the circuit.
“I’ll try and give you a tow at the start, like Leena suggested this morning.” James said as they walked back into the motorhome and made for the stairs.
“If I end up in front I’ll do the same for you.” Sophie said without too much thought. As Martin had very plainly put it in the morning briefing, good teamwork was going to be essential today if they wanted to score points. Neither James or Sophie had any kind of problem with that.
“Let’s just hope we don’t end up plum last.” James sighed through gritted teeth as he patted his teammate’s shoulder.
Mark didn’t realise that he had been chewing on his thumbnail until he caught a glimpse of himself on the screen showing the global feed, stood at the back of Sophie’s side of the garage in between Vanessa and Richard wearing a soft grey polo shirt with the McLaren speedmark logo embroidered in white on the left. He quietly scoffed at himself and tucked his thumb into a fist which he gently tapped against his chin instead, as his eyes were fixed on the screen that showed Sophie’s onboard camera as she made her way through the formation lap.
As a mechanic, Monza had never been one of Mark’s favourite tracks purely because of the high chance of carnage at the narrow first chicane – anything from a broken front wing endplate to having a wheel and suspension ripped off the car and the race being over before it got started.
The team’s mechanics took their seats in the garage, having made their rushed return to the pit lane as the cars started to line back up on the grid. All Mark really wanted was for Sophie – and by extension out of the love he still held for his old team – James to make it through the first lap unscathed.
Mark was clenching his fist so tightly that as the start lights began to illuminate, he could feel his skin pressing hard against his gold wedding band.
The start lights went out quickly, but that barely caught anyone off guard as the cars sped out of their grid slots in perfect formation. Carotti and Mitchell both got a tow off Schmitz who had already firmly planted his car on the racing line to have the optimal turn in point for the first corner. It was clever, as it meant the second Red Bull would either have to take to the grass or brake early to stay on the road.
But Mark didn’t care about any of that when the front runners started to brake. It was always the worst concertina effect of the season at Monza, and while Sophie and James made it through cleanly, one of the Haas cars and both Aston Martins came out worse for wear as one went right into the back of the other. Jones was out of the race immediately, while Nichols was able to continue despite dropping to the back of the field with a puncture and no front wing. Curva Grande offered a brief pause before the second chicane, quickly followed by the two Lesmos. James and Sophie were still running in their starting positions, with Sophie staying tucked in her teammate’s slipstream to try and pull a gap on the eleventh placed Alpine behind right before the safety car was brought out.
Mark, Vanessa and Richard all exhaled in relief at the exact same time.
“She’s fine.” Vanessa said, lightly patting Mark’s arm in reassurance. “Why does this never get any easier?” She added in quick succession, and just about managed to take a small sip from her drinks bottle.
“If I ever find out the secret to dealing with it, you’ll be the first to know.” Mark said with a slightly strained chuckle as he pressed his radio headset against his ears to hear the exchange between Sophie and Chris on the radio.
“Remember to keep heat in your tyres for the restart, and James will give you a tow to try and keep Vasquez behind.”
At the mention of Sophie’s teammate, Mark quickly glanced over to the other side of the garage to see if Natasha was alright. As with every race she had attended, she held station next to James’ trainer and like Mark had her eyes fixed on the screens above. He thought about going over for a reassuring word when Mark’s phone buzzed in his pocket, and as he suspected it was a text from Mary asking if Sophie was alright. It must have been so busy at the airport that she hadn’t been able to stop by one of the bars showing the race.
He quickly texted back saying that Sophie was still in tenth place, and that the safety car was nothing to do with her. Mark reluctantly put his phone back in his pocket once he’d hit send, if Mary was busy then she wouldn’t be able to send more than a quick reply.
It hadn’t been the easiest decision to only attend a handful of races together, but with how much money they had put into Sophie’s career they weren’t in a position to be able to take any unpaid time off. And it was better for Sophie to have at least one of her parents in the back of the garage than neither of them.
“Are you alright Mr Knightsbridge?” Richard asked. At some point Mark had started chewing his thumbnail again.
“I’m fine.” He stuffed his hands firmly in his pockets. “And I’ve told you to call me Mark.” He affectionately scolded the press officer, gently nudging him with his elbow and a small smile for good measure.
“Sorry, old habits.”
The race restarted on lap 10, and while Sophie and James had initially pulled away from the Alpine behind, they were both undercut at the first round of pit stops which dropped Sophie out of the points. James tried as hard as he could to stay in Vasquez’s DRS, but it was no use. The McLaren, despite its rather stunning all over papaya vintage livery, just didn’t have the straight line speed to keep up.
Meanwhile up front nothing could phase Schmitz, who after nearly losing the lead at the first corner had went on to build enough of a gap to Carotti behind to retain the lead after his first and only pit stop, while Mitchell was in a permanent scrap to stay in third place ahead of Martinez in the second Ferrari.
There was a loud hiss in the garage on lap 42 when Watkins and Martens banged wheels as they went side by side through the second chicane fighting over fifth, both cars were unscathed until there was a burst of carbon fibre shards at the braking point for the first Lesmo and both cars seemingly had punctures. The incident brought out the virtual safety car, and both McLarens were called in for a fresh set of mediums. It dropped them out of the points, but Mark assumed that Amir’s thought process was with the rest of the grid on old hard tyres it would be easier for Sophie and James to make up places.
It was such a good idea, that about four other cars as well as Watkins and Martens were also called in for fresh tyres.
When the chequered flag fell at the end of lap 53, Schmitz won the race by twelve seconds while James and Sophie came home in eleventh and twelfth, not even close to tenth place.
A wave of disappointment crashed across the garage as mechanics and engineers looked at leach other with a mixture of defeated and resigned expressions. It was a feeling Mark knew well as he pulled his phone back out of his pocket to text Mary and Will the race result while Vanessa and Richard went down to parc fermé to wait for Sophie.
When Sophie finally returned to the garage after being weighed, she looked as glum as everyone else felt. But she still clasped hands and bumped fists with her mechanics and engineers before she handed Vanessa her helmet and made a beeline for Mark.
“Well done sweetheart.” He pulled his daughter into his arms for a tight hug, and kissed the top of her head just in case she needed it. “You did all you could, I’m proud of you.”
“It didn’t feel like it. I really thought Jan was going to get me on that last lap. If James hadn’t given me DRS…” Sophie trailed off with a sigh as she stepped out of the hug and fixed her team cap on top of her head. “I need to get these post-race interviews out of the way.”
“I’ll head back to the motorhome then.” Mark had very briefly contemplated offering to help with the derig of the garage, but when he remembered he was wearing trainers instead of steel toe-capped boots he decided he was probably better off keeping Vanessa company while Sophie went from interviews to the post-race debrief.
The only plus side from the day that Mark could come up with was that at least McLaren were holding onto fifth in the constructors standings by a country mile over Aston Martin. But what good was fifth when the whole garage wanted to be first?
“Hey Sophie!”
Everyone looked over their shoulders to see James call out and even jog to catch up with his teammate. Mark didn’t get to hear the full conversation as Sophie and Richard veered off in the direction of the press pen while Mark and Vanessa walked back into the air conditioned McLaren motorhome.
It was like déjà vu in the media pen for Sophie, as for the second time in seven days she found herself going through the racing driver’s book of excuses trying to explain where her race went wrong. Her only saving grace was that this time it was more to do with the car, and not her.
The debrief wasn’t much better. Almost everyone was down about the fact they’d converted a double top ten on the starting grid into nothing. And the added pressure to at least score points on the team’s anniversary weekend only made the atmosphere in the engineering trucks worse.
The car just simply wasn’t fast enough. Good cornering speed was no use on a circuit that was predominantly fast straights. Leena and Martin tried their best to find parts of the weekend that had gone well, and by the time the briefing was over the air amongst the team felt only marginally lighter.
“We’ve got a week off before we head out to Singapore. So get some rest, have some quality time with your families, and we’ll go again.” Were Martin’s parting words before he dismissed everyone with the best smile he could muster. Chris, who had been sat on Sophie’s left, puffed out his cheeks and let out a long sigh.
“Thank god we don’t do triple headers anymore.” He said with a shake of the head. Adam let out a grunt of agreement from Sophie’s right. Truth be told, she was grateful for a week off from racing as much as everyone else. Even though she was going to be jumping right into heat training with Vanessa to be as ready as she could be for Singapore.
“See you guys on Tuesday.” Sophie said to her engineers and they exchanged pats on the shoulder goodbye. Everyone would be back at the factory next week for more meetings and debriefs to go through the data from the weekend with a fine tooth comb.
When she got up out of her chair after gathering her things, Sophie saw James holding the door open for the last few stragglers. The two teammates ended up being the last to leave.
A part of Sophie felt frustrated. This was the seventh race where James had finished ahead of her on the road. And granted she had finished just over a second behind him, and Sophie knew that if she had managed to get ahead of James, she wouldn’t have managed to finish higher than eleventh either. She was just annoyed that she couldn’t give the team something to cheer for.
“Are you going to be at that sponsor photoshoot tomorrow?” James asked, stopping completely when he’d reached the bottom of the stairs, right in front of the door that led out into the paddock. It was operated by a push button, which was why it hadn’t opened automatically at their presence.
“The one in London?” James gave a small hum in reply. “I think so, I know I have a photoshoot tomorrow. I can double check with Richard if you’d like.”
While Sophie and James had already featured in many a sponsor campaign since January, their photoshoots had mostly been on completely different days due to their schedules, and the fact they lived in different countries. So she wasn’t surprised at James asking to check if for once they were going to be in the same place outside of a circuit or the factory.
“It’s fine, I just wondered if you wanted to grab some food after?” James said as he scratched behind his ear. “It’s alright if you don’t, I won’t be offended.”
Sophie huffed out the smallest of laughs at the implication that hanging out with her teammate completely outside of work was such an awful prospect. Even though Sophie assumed it would be at some ultra-exclusive restaurant which wasn’t really her cup of tea, she did still genuinely like James. And her feelings towards him had thankfully felt less complicated than they had back in Budapest. Because even though they got on well, had the odd mutual interest (unsurprisingly, vintage cars), and that Sophie felt she could trust him completely – something in the back of her mind told her they could never be anything more than teammates.
“That would be really nice.” Sophie said in quick reply.
“Great,” With a bright smile James pressed the button to open the door, and stepped out into the paddock. Sophie fell in step with him almost immediately. “I’ll see where I can book a table, but feel free to bring Vanessa along if you want a wing woman.”
As they crossed over to the motorhome a faint drizzle started to fall from the sky, it took everyone by surprise as they looked up at the faint grey clouds. No rain had been forecast until the late evening.
“See you tomorrow then.” Once inside, James made a couple of long strides over towards the stairs while Sophie headed over toward the table Mark and Vanessa were sitting at. Sophie knew they probably wouldn’t see each other at the airport, with her flying commercial and James on a private jet.
“See you tomorrow!” Sophie called out, and watched her teammate disappear upstairs.
* * *
2023 Italian Grand Prix Classification
1st - Benedikt Schmitz (Red Bull) - 25pts 2nd - Giovanni Carotti (Ferrari) - 18pts 3rd - Alistair Mitchell (Red Bull) - 15pts 4th - Teo Martinez (Ferrari) - 12pts 5th - Daniel Jakobsson (Alpine) - 10pts 6th - Marc Pavard (Mercedes) - 8pts 7th - Erik Braun (Audi) - 6pts 8th - Nico Dumont (Alpha Tauri) - 4pts 9th - Nathan Watkins (Mercedes) - 2pts 10th - Cristóbal Vasquez (Alpine) - 1pt 11th - James Hewitt (McLaren) 12th - Sophie Knightsbridge (McLaren) 13th - Jan Martens (Audi) 14th - Aidan Glover (Williams) 15th - Evan McKinley (Williams) 16th - Antonio Lima (Alpha Tauri) 17th - Owen Nichols (Aston Martin) RET - Leon Bauer (Haas) RET - Tadashi Sato (Haas)RET - Aaron Jones (Aston Martin) Fastest Lap - Nathan Watkins - 1pt
2023 Championship Standings after Round Thirteen
Drivers Standings
1st - Benedikt Schmitz (SUI) - 226pts 2nd - Giovanni Carotti (ITA) - 189pts 3rd - Nathan Watkins (CAN) - 166pts 4th - Alistair Mitchell (GBR) - 144pts 5th - Cristóbal Vasquez (ESP) - 128pts (8th - Sophie Knightsbridge (GBR) - 61pts 10th - James Hewitt (GBR) - 45pts)
Constructors Standings
1st - Red Bull-Honda (AUT) - 370pts 2nd - Ferrari (ITA) - 285pts 3rd - Mercedes-AMG (GER) - 276pts 4th - Alpine-Renault (FRA) - 187pts 5th - McLaren-Mercedes (GBR) - 106pts
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detectivekambe · 4 years
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Looking at Daisuke’s wiki like holy heck bros, Daisuke’s Birthday is coming up
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu boys with a professional volleyball player! s/o 🏆
characters: kuroo, bokuto, kita, oikawa & sakusa 
tw// swearing
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thank you anon for this awesome request!
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Tetsurō Kuroo
he’d tell all his teammates about you and none of them would care
well, lev would care - he’d be so excited and asking for kuroo to get him your autograph but yaku would just be like ‘you don’t actually believe him, do you? 🙄’
so yeah, yaku would convince lev and yamamoto that you were just a figment of kuroo’s imagination
and he did the job well bc kuroo was definitely annoyed
he’d be waving his phone around, desperately trying to show lev and yamamoto the selfies he took with you but they’d just be like 😑
then he finally convinced you to come visit him at practise to put an end to his humiliation
so you appeared one day and kuroo was so hyped
but not as hyped as yamamoto
he has hot-ppl senses which tingled when you entered the room so he was the first to greet you while kuroo was sitting setting up the nets
he was literally all over you
‘woah 😍 your thigh are so toned’
‘uh thank you ???’
and kuroo was not here for it
yamamoto fkn shits himself and runs ✌🏃‍♂️💨
then kuroo picks you up bridal style and parades you around the gym, rubbing it in everyone’s face - especially yaku and lev
‘guys, do you see this? my totally REAL s/o! who’s been to NATIONALS!! uhuh. all mine, y’all.’
yaku is so ticked off and definitely goes to snitch him out to Nekomata
and lev is just so awed, ‘(y/n) is real???’
for a moment he thought he was dreaming too until kenma purposefully hit him with a ball
‘put me down, tetsurō.’ you groaned, folding your arms over your chest
he obeyed, gently setting you down on your feet before pecking your lips, ‘ok, well, i should probably get back to practise now - train hard so hopefully one day i can be as good as you.’ he joked, teasingly emphasising the ‘you’.
you playfully punched his arm before turning on your heels to head out, ‘you wish!’
although he’ll always joke about how amazing you are in comparison to him but he genuinely admires you 🤩
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Kōtarō Bokuto
he hypes you up to his team constantly
they’ve literally never even met you and they are being asked all these questions from bokuto lol
‘hey onaga, did you see (y/n) at their nationals game the other day?’
onage flinched upon being jump-scared by his captain, then choked out a little white lie, ‘uh yeahhh.’
bokuto’s face lit up, ‘great! they were so amazing during the third set, weren’t they? what was your favourite part?’
onaga froze, ‘uhh- oh, i think i hear anahori calling me to help him practise his sets! gotta go.’ then he proceeded to bolt off
bokuto shrugged it  off at first as he shouldn’t complain bc a teammate dropped a conversation to continue training with anahori - i mean, onaga came to volleyball club to practise so he wasn’t obligated to make conversation with bokuto
but while he was saying his goodbyes to everyone as they left the gym to go home, it hit him-
‘bye, komi! buh-bye, washio! and goooodbyeeee, konoha.’ bokuto let out a relived sigh as he had now finished saying his partings which meant he could lock the gym then go home, ‘wait-- ANAHORI DIDN’T EVEN COME TO PRACTISE TODAY! ONAGA!’
bokuto was deeply disheartened that his own teammate would lie to him - to get out of a conversation about you, no less
he just wanted them all to love you as much as he does
like..he’s your biggest fan!!!
~ even post-timeskip ~
he’d show up to all of your games wearing your jersey and some of the eagle-eyed press would try talk to him
they’d interview him about his own affair or about the MSBY Black Jackals but he genuinely has no interest in talking about that bc today is your day and he is here to support you
‘are you and your team hopeful to attend Olympics despite player Miya’s rumoured injury? and disclose whether these rumours are factual?’
sakusa decked atsumu after he joked about having covid-
the interview shoved and waved a microphone in bokuto’s face while he just stared at them blankly like ◉_◉
after a while bokuto stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth and chuckled, ‘don’t know! but the game is about to begin, shhh!-’ he hushed the interviewer, instinctively swatting the microphone away as he stood up in the stands to cheer for you, ‘WOOOO! GO, (Y/N)!’  
then he turned to the interviewer who stood frozen with a dumbfounded look on his face, ‘THAT’S MY LOVERRRR!’ he screamed into the microphone so loudly that all the press naturally backed off
and please do the same for him when the press approach you at his games 🙏
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Shinsuke Kita
ofc he dates a volleyball player player-
he is such an ushijima
he is ushijima if he wasn’t left-handed
he doesn’t really brag about you too often at practise but he feels so proud when you win a game then he comes to practise the next day and his teammates tell him to pass on a congratulations
also he always comes to your games
no matter how minor or how large
you’d think you could both bond a lot over volleyball and you did that in the beginning
but over time - especially when you started playing volleyball professionally - you found other things to bond over and saved volleyball for work
he probably runs a (y/n) stan page AEIVBARTBV
like he is literally a rice farmer- you are under the impression that he doesn’t even know what facebook is
and he’s good at selling the act too
‘did you see the picture of us i posted on my instagram?--’ you asked, taking another spoonful of your cereal
‘insta what?’ kita inquired without hesitation
then as soon as you exit the room, he’ll log onto his (y/n) twitter stan account
ok ok sorry i’ll stop now
anyway he ALWAYS tries to ensure that the first thing you eat after a big game is something that he cooks
and if you go out with your team to eat after a game to celebrate a victory, he’ll try at act sweet but he’s lowkey shady tbh
‘congratulations on your victory, (y/n). and to many more’ he lifted his glass and so did you
but just as you were about to take a sip, kita interjected, ‘but that is going to be difficult if you keep filling your body with junk rather than healthy, organi--’
‘ok.’ he took a sip of his drink in your honour
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Tōru Oikawa
again, when you and oikawa first started dating, volleyball was one of the only things y’all talked about
but now that you were both doing it professionally, it was basically banned in your home
well, the the game itself wasn’t banned but i mean, why would you do something all day then come back to talk about it more?
you both might adore volleyball but everything has it’s limits lol
anyway, oikawa is another one that is extra af when they come to your games
he probably makes a sign and paints his face in your team colours
and when you come out onto the court, he’ll blow you a kiss and if you don’t blow one back he’ll be so offended lmao
bc he always makes a big deal out blowing you a kiss or winking at you as soon as he steps out onto the court
it’s basically a thing he does for good luck at this point
also, if there are ever ppl trying to take pictures of y’all in public- oikawa is the first to make a big show for them
like he’s all up on you 
he’ll dip you then push his lips against you for a passionate kiss, in front of the ppl and they always go fkn crazy
he thinks he is like..Beyoncé famous...which he is not
please humble him 
but nicely 
but y’all only get attention around summertime when you are frequently playing big games 
like if oikawa leaves the house a week you competed in a big game- he’ll literally get swamped with ppl asking about you 
but contrarily, if you both leave the house in winter literally no one would even spare you a glance
on a RARE occasion, someone might sneakily snap a photo but that’s it
so you get the best of both worlds :))
also, if you’re an ace and he’s ever feeling down, if you ask him to set for you for a bit and you compliment one/all of his sets, he’ll literally feel so much better 
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Kiyoomi Sakusa 
sometimes you both come back from a rough day at work, slump on the couch and watch TV together
after showering, changing, dinner etc
he’s not nna come anywhere near you if he thinks there is a chance he might be stinky from practise 
he turned on the TV and it just so happened to be on an Live volleyball game in some language that neither of you understood
he’d snake his arms around your shoulders and pull you close to his chest, satisfied by your synced breathing 
he’d press a single kiss against your jaw before shifting his attention onto the channel
you’d lay there in his arms, both of you seeming content in each other’s presence while watching the game
in reality though, neither of you were actually absorbing anything that was happening on the court - you were just staring blankly at the TV
the TV simply served as background noise to your cuddling
tbh he was way more interested in hearing the sound of your heart beat peacefully against his chest 
after a while, if he gets bored, he might finally break the silence by inquiring about your day
but if he doesn’t, you’d probably end up falling asleep in his arms, forcing him to sleep on the couch bc he’s doesn’t want to risk moving and waking you up 🥺
anyway, he’s another one that likes to save volleyball for work then leave it by the door as soon as you step inside the house 
but he’s not as uptight about it as oikawa or kita
like he’ll happily put on a volleyball match for you guys to watch if he thinks the player’s techniques are impressive
also, if the weather is nice, if you ask him to come out and practise with you for a bit and he’ll say yes 🤠
but actually 🤔 now that is think about it, if you guys had a pool in your back garden sakusa would definitely make the most of it
you’ll humbly ask him spike for you on a nice sunny day and he’ll be like
‘volleyball? really? we bought this expensive ass house with a pool which we can only use 4 out the 365.25 days of the year and you want to play volleyball? don’t you do that like..every work day.’
what can i say? man likes getting his moneys worth 🤷‍♂️
‘so is that a no to volleyball?’ you’d ask
*cue sakusa picking you up bridal style and dropping you into the pool*
then you play pool volleyball 👍
as for your games, he turns up in casual wear 😔
disappointed but not surprised
you’ll jokingly be like ‘hey! why aren’t you wearing my team colours? how are people gonna know who you’re cheering for?’ which is fair bc you turn up to all his games with his MSBY black jackals jersey with one of those foam pointy fingers with his number on it
MANS WOULD POINT TO HIS FKN WEDDING RING LIKE ‘our team colours right here.’
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Hey!! Sooo, you asked for requests so I am here :] may I request Sal helping his s/o study? It's exam week and the most studying of done is a kahoot. I have 0 motivation :')
Also, I really like Ur pfp AND if you like, name Ur anons could I be tired anon? You'll probably see me in Ur inbox alot lol <3
ah thanks! ofc you can be tired anon! i love this request seeing as i’m currently procrastinating on some homework and studying rn. hope your exams go well! <3
(i didn’t know if you wanted hc’s or a oneshot, so i wrote hc’s because i had more ideas for them, but if you want a oneshot, lemme know and i’ll write you one!!) 
sal helping his s/o study - gn!reader
✧✿ he tries to help you in every way possible
✧✿ fr, literally anything he can do to help, he’s doing it before you even askkk
✧✿ asks about your learning style and tries his best to pander to that
✧✿ if flashcards work for you, you bet he’s making some for you
✧✿ visual learner? he’ll color code the heck out of your studying material and add little drawings to help you understand
✧✿ if your teacher/professor explained the material in a way that was confusing for you, he’ll go over the resources your teacher made for teaching and tries to explain them in a way that makes more sense
✧✿ i actually had a dream about him doing my missing assignments for me, so just imagine like
✧✿ if you couldn’t muster up the motivation to do an assignment he’d do it for you if you wanted <3
✧✿ if you need to pull an all-nighter, he’s up the entire time with you for moral support and such :)
✧✿ no like seriously, he doesn’t care if he’s gotta physically hold his eyes open, he wants to help as much as possible and he’d totally miss a night of sleep for you 
✧✿ encourages you to take breaks and not overwork yourself
✧✿ after all, its hard to focus and retain information if you’re exhausted
✧✿ i could see him setting alarms so you can study for 30 minutes and take a 5 minute break in between, its a pretty good study method 
✧✿ brings you coffee/energy drinks/tea (depending on which one you prefer!), but makes sure you don’t overdo it on the caffeine, he knows caffeine can be unhealthy!
✧✿ if you started thinking poorly of yourself, saying that you’re stupid because you aren’t understanding the material, or that you’re a failure, etc. pls he’d shut that down so quickly, refuses to hear you saying bad things about yourself :(
✧✿ reassures you that you’re not stupid for not understanding the assignments/tests, and that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning subjects, and that it’s nothing to feel bad about
✧✿ your grades and test scores don’t determine your intelligence or worth :)
✧✿ when (not if, i believe in u) you pass your exams and tell him, he’s so excited for you, takes u out wherever u want to celebrate :))
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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CH25- A Series Of Very Fortunate Events
Summary: It’s Fliss’ birthday and Frank pulls off the surprise of the century.
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 24
I dunno how you do what you do, I'm so in love with you, it just keeps getting better. I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side, for ever and ever. Every little thing that you do, Baby I'm amazed by you
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Fliss gave a start of surprise as two hands grabbed her waist and spun her round.  She laughed as a pair of bright blue eyes, sparkling with love and mischief, met hers, her hands sliding up their owner’s chest to his shoulders, as a warm palm pressed into her back, fingers splaying over the top of her thin camisole. “Happy birthday, Beautiful.” Frank grinned at her and she beamed back, her nails gently scratching at the nape of his neck, tangling in his short hair as he gently swayed them to the soft music which was playing through the speakers in the kitchen.
“Thank you, Sailor.” She smiled as his lips gently pressed to hers, a chuckle flowing from his mouth as he swayed his hips to the gentle rhythm of Otis Redding’s ‘(Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay’. “You know, I had set my alarm a little bit earlier today ” He informed her, spinning them a little across the floor, “planned a little wakeup call plus breakfast in bed. So imagine my slight frustration when it went off and you were already gone.” “Sorry, but I woke up and,” she shrugged giving him an apologetic look, “you know once I’m awake I’m awake.” “I do.” Frank smirked, his hands on her hips gripped a bit tighter as he swayed his own along to the music. “Guess you’ll just have to wait for that particular present, Cowgirl.” She let out a laugh, the hand on his neck tightening a little in his hair as she pulled his head down to hers. “I love you.” “Love you too.” He whispered, his lips catching hers in a deep kiss, tongues sliding gently against one another before Frank pulled back, his forehead pressed to hers. “Can I at least make you breakfast?” “Sure but don’t you need to be getting ready for work?” “Nope.” He shook his head. “Booked the day off.” “Why?” “Well it’s a Friday and your birthday and I wanted to spend it with you.” He shrugged. “I know you’re working but thought I could finish the shelving and what not in the tack room and then we can get everything ready for the guys coming over.” Fliss beamed. “I’m so excited to show them the yard. I know it’s not fully finished but...” she sighed. “I’m really happy with how it’s turned out.” “And you should be.” Frank smiled, his hips swaying to the music. “You’ve put a lot of hard work in. I’m proud of you, Honey.” “We’ve put a lot of hard work in.” She smiled as he revolves them gently on the spot. “Couldn’t have done it without you and everyone else for that matter, Mum, Dad, Joanne, Steve...” “Well,” Frank grinned as he spun her out slightly, pulling her back into him, her back pressed to his chest, her giggle vibrating slightly into his body, “tonight we can fire up the grill as planned, thank everyone properly and have a few drinks to celebrate.” “Sounds good.” She sighed as his lips brushed her neck. “My last lesson finishes at two, I cut them early for the day.” “Perfect.” Frank gently nipped at her skin, his hands splaying over her belly, pulling her back into him. “And just think, this is your last birthday as a Gallagher. You’ll be Mrs. Adler next year.” “Two months.” She rolled her head to the side, allowing Frank to nuzzle into her even more. “I can’t wait.” “Me neither, Baby.” He whispered, his mouth now on her jawline. Eventually his lips found hers and he kissed her again, her head laying back against his shoulder as his right hand started trailing down further, and further, and his fingers had just worked their way into the waistband of her sleep shorts when a soft little whimper, followed by a louder garbled chatter chimed out from the baby monitor. Frank gave a groan, his head sagging forward and his hand moving back up to Fliss hip as she laughed a little, tilting her head to look at the screen where Alex was now pulling himself to a stand using the bars on his crib as leverage. “Cock block.” Frank grumbled as he shot the monitor a look and Fliss stepped out of his embrace, turning to face him. “I’ll go get him, you can start my birthday breakfast.” She smiled, standing on her tip toes to give him a gentle peck. As she padded out of the room, Frank watched her go, eyes firmly trained on her pert ass before he smirked to himself and turned to gather the ingredients for the waffles Fliss had shown him how to make. As he spooned out the flour into the bowl he heard Fliss greeting Alex good morning and their ten month old giving a garbled little response followed by a happy giggle, the one he always gave when he saw Fliss. “Momma’s boy.” Frank scoffed, picking up the baby monitor and pressing the intercom button alongside it. He heard Fliss laugh as she turned to the monitor, sticking her tongue out at the screen, knowing full well he could see and he chuckled, turning back to his task in hand. By the time she appeared after changing Alex’s diaper, Mary had surfaced, Fred hot on her heels, and the kitchen was full of the smell of waffles which sizzled away on the iron. Mary shot over to Fliss, wishing her a happy birthday before she placed Alex in his chair and Frank stepped over to give his son a kiss good morning. He smiled as Alex wound his small hands into his beard, giving a tug before he gently scruffed against the baby’s cheek causing him to shriek in delight. “Think I might try his cup again today.” Fliss pondered for a moment. “He didn’t want his milk after breakfast yesterday as he was full so Mum suggested offering it him alongside, he might be a bit more inclined to take it if he’s doing it himself, what do you think?” “Go for it.” Frank nodded, straightening up. “Don’t worry about it too much though, sweetheart. Mary dropped her morning bottle completely round the time she was his age. He’ll let us know if he’s hungry.” Satisfied with her choice, Fliss sliced up an apple and placed it down on Alex’s tray along with half a lightly toasted piece of bread and a sipping cup half full of formula. Alex immediately went for the apple, jamming it into his mouth making appreciative noises as Frank served their own breakfast of waffles, fruit and syrup up, handing a small piece of waffle to Alex. The baby paused, taking it with a cooing noise and proceeded to look from one hand to the other. “What’s it gonna be, pal?” Frank asked. “It’s a big decision. Apple or waffle?” “Bet you five bucks he goes for the waffle.” Mary grinned and Frank wrinkled his nose. “I dunno, he likes his apples.” “Yeah but waffles are much better.” Mary’s voice was muffled as she shoved a huge fork full into her own mouth and Fliss watched as Alex continued to ponder. In the end he raised both his hands to his mouth, attempting to shove the two items in at the same time. Fliss laughed and gently went to help him out, but no sooner had she done that, Alex had already realised it wasn’t going to work. His fingers still curled round precious apple slice, he dropped the hand holding it to his tray, using the other to shove the waffle piece straight into his mouth, chewing contentedly. “Told ya.” Mary smirked. The kitchen was full of laughter as they ate, and when they had finished and cleared the dishes, Frank and Mary disappeared upstairs coming back with a few gifts held in their arms. Fliss grinned as she took the one Mary handed her first. “That’s from me and Alex.” She nodded as Fliss kissed her cheek and tore off the sparkly blue wrapping paper, her smile growing even bigger as she saw the box which contained a radio mic along with ear pieces. “You said your old one was crap.” Mary grinned, ignoring the pointed look Frank shot at her for her use of the word. Fliss laughed. “Yeah it’s seen better days, everyone says I sound like a Dalek.” “A what?” Mary frowned. “Oh they’re an alien thing from a TV show called ‘Doctor Who’, they talk like broken robots.” Fliss waved her hand. “But this is great. Thank you!” “It’s fully charged and tested.” Mary grinned. “Dad had it on the other night in the garage fixing me a blow by blow description of how he was varnishing the boat. I stopped listening. “No wonder it’s taking you so long to finish.” Fliss smirked at him and Frank arched his brows. “The reason it’s taking me so long is because every spare moment I’ve had recently you’ve put me to work at the yard either building shelving units or painting.” He folded his arms. “You know, I could charge you a fortune.” “I pay you in other ways.” She winked and a Frank snorted as she reached for a smaller wrapped gift. She tore off the wrapper and Frank held his breath a little as she looked at the white leather box emblazoned with the logo of a company he knew she’d recognise. “Did you...” her eyes instantly misted over and Frank nodded as she opened the box with shaking hands. He watched as she studied the item inside before she picked it out to examine it in closer detail. It was a bracelet made out of the hair from Heidi’s tail, wound into a thick, chunky braid, the different shades of chestnut and dark brown perfectly woven together. The claw clasp was silver and there was a small silver horse shoe and heart shaped charms hanging from it, the latter engraved with the words ‘forever in my heart’. “Frank,” she stuttered and he gave her a smile. “You were talking about getting one, did I get the right style?” “Yeah.” She swallowed. “Oh, Sailor it’s perfect.” She leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips, giving a little sniff as she pulled back. “Can you...?” She handed it to him and then held out her left hand arm and Frank opened the clasp, fastening it around her wrist. She looked at it for a moment before she smiled and wiped her eyes. With a little cough, Fliss cleared her throat as she reached for the final box which was a little bigger and when she opened that one she gave an excited shriek. “You got me a Pivo? How? These are like out of stock constantly!” Her hands trailed the box and she grinned, looking at Frank. “Lucky try.” He shrugged as Fliss opened the box to look at the starter pack. Not for the first time she was overcome with just how much Frank actually listened to the throwaway comments she made. She’d talked about getting one of the smart tracking systems you linked up to your phone for a while, it would make filming her videos for sales and the online blogging and tutorials that she had recently launched on the website so much easier. “Thank you, you’ve spoilt me.” Fliss beamed at Mary and Frank, before she turned to Alex to give him a kiss, and Frank glanced at Mary giving her a wink, both of them fully aware that the gift that was arriving later that afternoon was going to blow her mind.
***** Frank spent most of the morning putting up the shelves as promised, hanging the doors and whatever else he needed to do, whilst Alex was happily entertaining himself in his little pack and play, the air-con in the new large room a godsend as it gave some well needed relief from the sweltering late July heat. Bill and Verity arrived at midday with lunch from their favourite sandwich deli. Fliss beamed when she opened her gift from her parents which was a tripod for her new Pivo plus a year’s subscription to a new editing software app for her MacBook and iPhone. Once they had eaten, Verity offered to take Alex back to the house for his nap, leaving Bill and Frank free to head down to check that the new perimeter fencing had been done properly whilst Fliss carried on with her day's schedule, this time her, Joanne and Mary setting up the Pivo to film a little VLog for their YouTube channel that was linked to the stables. Then at just before two, Frank got the call he’d been waiting for, his big surprise was half an hour away. “I’m a little nervous.” Frank admitted as he and Bill walked back to the yard. “I mean, if she doesn’t like the damned thing when it arrives, I can’t exactly return it.” “Trust me, she’ll love her.” Bill shook his head. “If nothing but because it’s connected to Heidi and it’s something for her to start work with from the ground up. It’s what she’s always loved to do, and she does it well. As this all proves.” Bill waved his hand in the air, gesturing around the land and the various horses as Frank nodded. “Guess we’ll find out soon enough.” He was on edge for the next fifteen or so minutes as he tried to concentrate on a little more painting, but then they heard the rumble of tyres as the truck pulling the transporter trailer wound slowly up the drive. Bill looked at Frank with a grin before he pulled out his phone, no doubt to message Verity, and Frank glanced over to see Fliss had straightened up from where she had been leaning over the laptop at her desk and frowned, her head tipping to one side as she glanced out of the window which overlooked the entrance. “Joanne?” She called and the girl appeared. “Did we book a new client in today that I forgot?” “Nope.” Joanne shook her head. “Who the hell is this then?” Fliss’ frown deepened as she turned and headed out of the room, Frank following with a very excited Mary. As they walked into the courtyard, Frank watched Fliss speaking to the driver as he opened the door and hopped out. He saw the shock register on her face and a small smile played on his own as she stood stock still, blinking at the man who handed her an envelope. With a frown she took it, turning to Frank who merely gave her a puzzled shrug, before she tore open the envelope and her eyes scanned the message inside which Frank had asked them to prepare. There was a delicious moment where Frank saw Fliss’ face washed blank with confusion, like her brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from her wide eyes. Every muscle of her body just froze before a grin crept onto her face, it soon stretched from one side to the other showing every single tooth. This time when she looked at Frank, he smiled back, and she shook her head her own smile not faltering. “You did this?” She managed to stutter out as Bill chuckled, walking to the back of the large transporter to help the man with the ramp. “Well, I had help but yeah, I’ll take the credit for it being my idea.” He wrinkled his nose as Fliss gave a shriek and launched herself at him. Laughing he caught her as her legs wrapped around his waist and she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” She whispered. “But how did you even know I’d been looking at her? I never-“ “Mary.” Frank said simply as her hands slid to cup his face. “You should know by now she never misses a thing.” “Hey, Titch, you gonna let go of Frankie boy for long enough to come meet her or what?” Bill called, and Mary nodded. “Yeah, hurry up Mom, I wanna see her!” Giving him another quick kiss, Fliss moved and Frank dropped her to the floor. She turned, sweeping Mary into a huge hug before she took her hand as they walked to the back of the trailer as the beautiful bay horse was led off. Amazement didn’t quite cover what Fliss was feeling at that point in time as she stood rooted to the spot, observing the animal who stood up tall and glanced round, snorting loudly at the strange surroundings. It was a cacophony of emotions all firing at once and the smile Fliss was displaying on the outside sure as hell couldn't have adequately reflected what she felt inside; like every neurone of her brain was trying to fire in both directions at once - the best kind of paralysis. Simply put, the animal was beautiful. Sleek dark bay with unblemished limbs, two white socks on the hind legs and a blaze very similar to Heidi’s down her dark face. Her mane and tail were shiny black, and whilst the animal had little muscle definition, Fliss new that was down to the fact she hadn’t ever been ridden before having been used as an attempted brood animal. It was clear she had been looked after and cared for as the mare had a sweet eye, it wasn’t looking at anyone suspiciously or worriedly, simply curiously as she spun quickly on the spot, giving a shout which was answered by Cap in the barn, Fliss knew his whinny off by heart. As Cleo turned her pretty head, she glanced straight at Fliss who took a deep breath as shiny, bright brown eyes gazed back at her. At that the horse gave a soft little nicker and there was an explosion in Fliss’ brain... the good sort... the buzz of electricity she had felt when she’d been to view Heidi for the first time. As dramatic as it may have been to admit this out loud, to her it was the calling card of adventure, of paths awaiting both their feet that they could enjoy together. Whatever was ahead could be a great challenge, and there would undoubtedly be tears and frustration, many hours of patience and hard work as there was to be expected with any horse you were backing and teaching from the start, but it was Fliss’ adventure to take. With a gentle breath she stepped forward slowly, towards her new animal and held her hand out, palm up, offering the horse a sniff. “Hey, Cleo.” Fliss spoke gently as her other hand ever so quietly moved to scratch the horse on the wither. “Hi, how you doing, girl?” Frank watched and let the happiness Fliss was exuding soak right into his bones. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to smile at Verity who juggled Alex in her arms as she stood by his side. “You do realise that if you weren’t already, you’ve effectively just become a horse widow before you even get married, right? Backing a horse is gonna take a lot of her time and become an obsession.” She grinned as Frank offered to take his son from her and she obliged. Frank gently turned him and held him to his chest, facing outwards so he could see what was going on.
“I don’t much care.” Frank chuckled as he watched Mary extend her hand out to pat Cleo as the animal rubbed her head against Fliss who reached up to wipe the tears of joy from her eyes. “Look how happy she is.” He took a deep breath, her happiness was infectious and Frank was simply savouring the feeling of sheer pleasure in his system at seeing his girl so full of joy because of something he’d managed to pull off. Simply put, he wanted to still be able to make her feel like that when they were old. Half an hour later the horse in question had been given a quick feed and a drink of water and left to settle in a spare stable. Fliss had then been given a blow by blow account of what Frank, Mary and Bill had dubbed ‘Operation Cleopatra-Comin’ At Ya’ and she thanked them all, once more getting emotional over how much thought and effort had gone into everything so far. Eventually, once Cleo had been turned out into a field with Monty for the evening, they all made their way back to the house, showered and changed ready for the BBQ they were hosting later, Bill and V taking up residence in the guest suite for the night. Frank was already in the kitchen, dressed in jeans and a blue and white checked button down, sleeves rolled up, when Fliss walked in wearing a pale blue sun dress which accentuated her waist and boobs, much to his delight, her Cowboy boots completing the look.
Their friends arrived and there were more gifts exchanged before drinks started to flow and they then made their way to the yard so Fliss could show their friends around. She laughed as she saw that Bill had jokingly put a ribbon over the gate for Fliss to cut, which she did to a few cheers and some sarcastic comments from her brother, one of which earned him a slap round the back of the head from Verity. Frank watched as she showed everyone around, Jake taking particular interest in the state of the art security system that was installed as he said it was similar to the one he was looking at for Lisa’s cake shop. The pride was simply flowing out of Fliss as she talked and explained everything, and Frank loved to see it. A few hours later, it was dark and their back yard was lit up by the various strings of lights and lamps dotted all around, which Frank fake-grumpily liked to point out made their garden look like a Fairy’s grotto. The air was full of chatter, light music and laughter as everyone milled around in the way they always do at parties. After more drinks and the food had been eaten, Fliss said she was going to head up to check on Cleo and Frank hastily offered to go with her, not least because he didn’t want her going alone, but because he wanted to snatch a moment alone for the pair of them. It was a beautiful, clear night. Peaceful and quiet bar the sounds of crickets. The horses, who were in the fields happily settled, all raised their heads as they passed, Cap trotting over to the fence line to greet them. Frank gave him a quick stroke on the nose before they moved down to the next paddock and Fliss ducked under the electric fencing and strode over to check Cleo. Satisfied that nothing was amiss she came back, a smile on her face and they set off back down the path, her hand linked in his. “Thank you.” She broke the comfortable silence a moment or so later.
“What for?” Frank glanced down at her and she let out a contented sigh.
“Everything today. And everything everyday.” She said, her voice laced with happiness. “All my gifts, it just shows how much you actually listen to me...”
“What you mean is I don’t ignore you deliberately as you accuse me of doing?” Frank shot back and Fliss snorted.
“If anything this proves it is deliberate when you do something I don’t like.” She looked at him and he chuckled before shook her head. “I still can’t believe you managed to get a horse here from England.”
“Yeah and basically empties half our savings.” He snorted and she shrugged.
“She’s worth it. I’m impressed, Francis.”
"Well like I said, I had a little help, it was a family affair.”
“I know and I love that Mum and Dad and Steve all chipped in but still, it was your idea.” She smiled. “It’s so thoughtful.”
“Well, you spend enough time thinking about everyone else, making sure we’re all happy,” Frank shrugged, the pleasure lancing through his system at her happiness made him in turn feel contend. “I thought it was time you got something back.”
“You make me happy every day.” Fliss shrugged. “And I’m not saying that just to be sentimental either. It’s a fact. And you know what else is a fact?”
“That you’ve now imported as many horses into this county as I have.”
“Guess that makes me the Cowboy to your Cowgirl.” He nodded seriously as they stopped at the end of the path by the large open fronted barn just off the main yard area.
“Yeah? Is there a snake in your boots?”
“There’s one in my pants.” Frank grinned, and she laughed. 
“Is it dangerous?”
“No, but it spits.”
“Frank!” She scoffed, elbowing him in the side as he laughed, looping his arm round her shoulder,  pressing a kiss to her head as he pulled her back into him, his chest flush to her back. “Wanna fuck in the haybarn?” His voice was deep and soft in her ear as his lips dropped to the side of her neck, large hands curling softly over the curve of her hip, the cotton of her dress bunched in his fingers. Her entire body erupted into goose bumps and her belly was in knots, but still it was there, that overwhelming sense of comfort and familiarity that enabled her to laugh softly as she tilted her head to the side to look at him. “Only taken you what? Like three years to suggest that?” "So I'm a little slow.” Frank chuckled as she turned to face him, her hands sliding up his chest. “Well,” she smirked up at him, eyes flashing in the moonlight, “better turn up the speed because they’ll be wondering where we are.” “Fuck ‘em.” Frank shrugged, but still he wasted no time as he hurriedly backed Fliss into the haybarn, the two falling into a pile of it with a giggle. His large hands hiked up the sides of her dress, exposing her panty covered mound as his lips latched to hers in a deep and tantalizing dance. Thick fingers, soft and rough in their own way, played at the hemline of her panties just at the apex of her thighs, a thumb pressing into her clit just over the fabric. As his mouth moved from hers to her jawline, the scruff of his beard giving her that delectable burn she loved so much, a needy rumble vibrated from her throat and chest, Fliss enjoying every bit of pressure Frank offered. Then, a cool breeze touched her wet opening as she realized Frank had moved her panties to the side, an elicit sound escaping her lips as he slipped two fingers inside her. "You know today, I remember thinking that your laugh was the prettiest sound in the world.” Frank’s breath was hot on her ear as his teeth nipped at her neck. “I was wrong, it's your moans." Fliss choked a little on another groan as his fingers curled against her spot, over and over, in a beckoning motion, as if he was motioning her towards him. The heel of his palm pressed up against her clit and she pushed her hips down, rotating them a little as she sought out the friction of his strong but gentle touch. “That what you want?” Frank’s voice was husky, his mouth hovering over hers as she gave a wanton mewl, his hand keeping the same steady pace, forcing her to up his. “You wanna cum on my fingers, huh?” “Yeah, God, Frank...” a hoarse murmur  slipped from her lips as her eyes flickered shut, head tipping back in pleasure. “Jesus, that feels good!” “I got something that’ll feel even better.” He quipped in a low, rough tone that was almost a growl and a grin spread across Fliss’ lips as he slanted his mouth over hers, swallowing the noise of protest she made as he removed fingers from inside her, kneeling up, both his hands flying to his belt buckle. Fliss sat up, wriggling her panties down her legs and over her boots. With a cheeky flick of her eyebrow she tossed them straight at him. Possessing reflexes Fred would be proud of, Frank caught them in his left hand and held them to his face, his eyes locked on hers as he pressed his nose into them, inhaling deeply. “You’re a dirty, little shit, Adler.” She let out a naughty sounding chuckle as Frank stuffed her panties into his back pocket. “Yeah, and you’re filthy, goddamned minx, Gallagher.”  He quipped back, and a matter of seconds later he had his jeans and boxers down over his slim hips. Falling back over her, his mouth pressed back to hers again and he gave a hiss through his teeth as she reached down and grabbed him in her hand. Her fingers curled around his shaft and she gave him a few, quick strokes, before she guided him to where she wanted him. Slowly he pushed into her, the pair of them letting out a shuddered breath before his hips began to move quickly back and forth with fast, shallow thrusts and Frank reached down, large fingers curling over her thigh, hooking her leg up round his waist. His hand moved upwards, bunching the hem of her dress up, stopping as he grabbed at her hip, his other palm flat on the rough, coarse hay bale that they were propped up against. His lips crashed to hers in a desperate, needy kiss. His tongue traced the inside of her mouth as her hands tangled in his hair and she let out a little whimper, tipping her hips up to meet his as his thrusts grew deeper, more powerful, his pace still equally as fast as he drove her nearer and nearer to her high, a broken groan rumbling from his chest as he felt her walls tightening down around him. Fliss’ chest hitched, and her eyes closed momentarily, her mouth falling open as she croaked his name repeatedly, almost in time with his thrusts, a mantra as he watched her face which was contorted in pleasure. “Feels so good, don’t stop.” She mumbled, her hands tangling in his hair as her eyes opened. His forehead pressed to hers, a sheen of sweat covering both their red faces as his hips snapped back and forth, simple, fast ruts. Fliss could feel him, deep inside her, and soon that familiar heat and tingling began to burn between her legs and in the bottom of her belly. Her breathing quickened and then the waves of pleasure washed over her, her back arching as she gave a loud cry her nails digging into his scalp. Frank continued thrusting through her orgasm, and it didn’t take him long to catch up with her. “Fuck, Lissy...” his words cut off and a broken whimper slipped from his mouth as he came with a final deep thrust, his fingers tightening around her waist before he collapsed forward, burying his head against her neck. Fliss could feel herself pulsing around him, the aftershocks of her orgasm still coursing through her body, her walls contracting every so often as they lay still, his dick still twitching inside of her. Leaving a soft kiss to the spot under her neck, Frank pushed himself up and brushed his nose against hers, giving her a soft kiss as she gave a hum of satisfaction, the fingers of one hand gently stroking the nape of his neck, the other brushing up and down his bicep. “We should get back.” She whispered. “We’ve been gone half an hour.” Frank gave a groan but nodded and moved gently away, pulling out of her. He stood up, held his hand out and helped her to her feet, tugging her into him, large hands cupping her face. He kissed her again, deeply and she smiled as he pressed his forehead to hers. “Love you.” His lips pecked hers again, and she chuckled, giving him another kiss. “Love you too.” She beamed, stepping back to sort her hair out. Frank pulled his boxers and jeans up, brushing the remnants of forage and dust off his thighs and shirt before Fliss turned round and he did the same to her, plucking away a few strands of straw and hay that had become tangled in her auburn locks. “Am I presentable?” She asked and Frank nodded. “The evidence of our crime is eradicated.” He nodded, giving her a little smirk before he jerked his head towards the outside. “Erm, you’re forgetting something.” Fliss stopped him. “What?” “My knickers.” She held her hand out, palm opened and Frank gave a teasing frown. “Oh, do I have those?” He asked and she rolled her eyes, his hand falling to her hip. “Yes, so gimme.” Her fingers curled into her palm and back out in a demanding gesture and Frank shrugged. “You threw 'em away, so I think I’ll keep 'em.” “Frank, I can’t go back with nothing on underneath this!” She gestured to the floaty skirt of her knee length sundress and Frank shook his head. “Just don’t bend over and we’re good.” He looked at her with that maddening, cheeky smile, holding out his hand. “Such an asshole.” She scoffed, taking his hand and allowing him to lead her out of the barn. 
 As they walked, she squirmed a little, feeling his release beginning to trickle down her leg and Frank looked at her, a knowing smug expression on his face and she glared at him. “I’m going straight upstairs to clean up.” She grumbled and he laughed, letting go of her hand so he could loop and arm round her shoulders. “That would be rude considering we have guests.” He teased, pulling her close he pressed a kiss to her head as her own arm slipped round his waist, a smile on her face, the sounds of laughter and chatter from their guests drifting to their ears as they neared the farm house. They walked into the back yard through the gates and Fliss smiled at Mary who came running over. “Was she okay?” “Yup, settled in the field with Monty and eating away. He’s a good babysitter.” “That’s so cool!” “Where’s Alex?” Frank asked and Mary looked at him. “Poppa Bill has him.” She said, and Frank glanced around to see the man in question did indeed have their son in his arms, the baby grabbing at his short, grey hair letting out squeals as Bill pretended to bite his little neck. “Hey Mom, are we still going in the pool? Joel and Charlie are exited for night swimming!” “Yeah, in fact I’ll go in and get changed right away.” Fliss smiled, shooting a smug glance at Frank as she has been unwittingly handed a perfect excuse to go and clean up. “Cool!” Mary shot off, passing Bill as he walked over towards them. “Hey Dad!” Fliss smiled, “I’ll be right back, the kids want to go swimming so...” “Yeah okay.” He smiled, handing Alex over to his dad who pressed a kiss to his chubby cheeks. “Oh, Titch?” “Hmm?” She spun round to face him and Bill looked at her then to Frank and back again, his eyebrow raised. “Might wanna pull that hay out of your hair too before you come back down.” Fliss felt her cheeks heat up and her hands hastily moved to the back of her head, pulling a few long strands from her ponytail. She threw an accusatory glance at Frank who simply shrugged. “Guess I missed a bit.” He replied innocently, although he was anything but. He knew full well they were there, but there was that naughty, smug little shit inside of him that had wanted everyone to know they’d just been for a roll in the hay, quite literally. It appealed to his macho, alpha-male masculinity. “Dick.” Fliss scoffed, and as she headed inside his laughter accompanied by her dad’s exasperated chuckle hit her ears. 
**** Chapter 26
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stylesparker · 3 years
Congrats on 600, love! So happy for you! Can I request a 🧚🏼‍♀️ — she/her, bi, mcu or tasm are both good! I'm a 5'0, petite, sarcastic and self-deprecating science grad student who loves talking with people even though it's exhausting. I read a lot (like so, so much) and keep a garden (roses and veggies, and lots of flowers) and play competitive volleyball (also a coach). Uhh, idk what else to say! I'm very funny & dress like it's the 90s. congrats again! & thank you! —🌻 v.
hi! you literally sound like the best person to be around and I literally love your personality already. thank you for participating!
I ship you with MCU!Peter Parker!
You both seem like the type of people to walk into class with a huge coffee in your hand and dark circles under your eyes from no sleep, only to look at each other from across the room and laugh at yourselves since you both forgot that you don’t have class that day. So then he would walk over to you and introduce himself, very shyly of course, but you’d have fun with it and tease him a bit.
Even though you really didn’t want to run into anyone this morning and have to talk to people, he would get the conversation going as you walked around campus and make you totally enjoy hanging out with him. You’d get to talking about science and you would find his ranting so adorable, like honestly who wouldn’t. He’d also be the best listener too, and he’d laugh at all your jokes because he’ll smile at anything you say.
He’d comment on your unique style and you’d tease him about calling you cute, and of course Peter would totally blush like crazy because this pretty girl won’t stop making fun of him but he loves it. Once you’d get to know each other a bit more, he’d totally surprise you with your favorite flowers at your front door just to see your beautiful smile, and you’d hug him so much he’d just carry you back inside. I bet he’d even help you out with your garden, but he’d end up watering the plants too much that you’d force him to go get the both of you some drinks.
But, when you would start dating you’d go on little dates to the library or he’d bring you book shopping and you’d spend hours roaming around barnes and noble, and you would totally have him carry around all your books. but of course the sweet boy would not mind one bit and would enjoy every single second of it.
Oh and he would totally go to ALL of your games. Like sometimes you would question how he’d get there so fast after you’d let him know you were starting (and ofc he’d be running late) but somehow in two minutes the boy would be running in panting, looking around for you only to see you and wave like a maniac, running to sit in the bleachers and cheer on your team. After the game, he’d run up and hug you and praise how good you did or how good you were coaching. And since you’d want to hang out with him, he’d take you out to ice cream to celebrate. Or you would go to one of your places and just spend the night watching a movie together, but either way, you’d be a perfect match.
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nxmuzluv · 3 years
ariana birthday hcs !! —
it’s september 1st in south korea & japan rn,,,, so you know what that means
26th birthday hcs 👁👁
(this post is long as hell so brace urselves lmao)
on the morning of her birthday, ariana is woken up by either twitter and message notifications or her husband
her fans are blowing up her mentions with birthday wishes and her family & friends are doing the same, so bet that she has about a million notifs
since byakuya gets ready for work before ariana, he usually comes back to wake her up (even if she’s already up lol)
he hands her coffee (a caramel macchiato with a shit ton of cream and three sugars), tells her “good morning” and “happy birthday, love,” and kisses her on the forehead
they usually have a short lil conversation about whatever (what they’re going to do that day, ariana’s birthday, other random topics) before byakuya tells ariana to go to work lol
but before she does, she usually opens twitter and scrolls down her birthday hashtags (which are already trending with about 100,000 or so tweets lmao), and responds to her text messages
three hashtags i came up with are “#AutumnFairyAri,” “#26WishesForAriana,” and “#아름이하트27개” (#27HeartsForAhreum) 🥺
(the last one is because ariana is 27 in korea lol)
guaranteed that she’s smiling like an idiot at those tweets lol
if her fans are lucky, ariana might like their post. if they’re extra lucky, she might even respond-
(cue the combustion of her fanbase)
then she posts a lil morning selfie, thanks her fans for all the birthday wishes, complains about how she has to go to work on her birthday, and then she finally gets ready for work lol
as ariana does, her fanbase is literally in flames lmao they’re screaming at her new selfie (“LOOK AT HER HAIR OMG MNJSHFJFMNGJ” - one of ariana’s fans, most likely), flooding her comment section, and taking over the trending page
ari and byakuya usually leave together, and ariana gets dropped off first, so when she does, they usually say goodbye to each other & byakuya gives her another kiss on the head
ofc they say “i love you” to each other, and if anyone around them has sumn to say about it, then byakuya can just make their jobs disappear !! 😗✌🏽
once ariana gets to work, she’s immediately greeted by another round of birthday wishes and the occasional gift (because oh my GOD she gets so many from her staff)
the best gift comes from her manager of 22 years, yoo miyeon. that woman is literally like ariana’s second mother it’s so cute-
miyeon usually says something along the lines of “remember when you were shorter than me ???” (it is now the other way around lmao)
near the end of her day, ariana sits in her company’s conference room, goes live on vlive, and opens the shit ton of gifts, cards, letters, and bouquets that were sent to her by her fans (and god damn doesn’t she get a lot-)
(ariana loves the bouquets,,, she literally squeals every time she sees that she got another one :(( she’ll be making flower arrangements with all of them later on lol and she’ll probably go live again 👁👁)
her birthday lives are one of the things ariana loves the most. she gets to speak to her fans, speak to her staff all casually, and her fans get to see her again. it’s a win-win :))
(bet, byakuya is watching that live when he has the time and has sent a message to ariana. when she spots his message, knows it’s him, and gets incredibly happy is one of the best moments of the live)
she also speaks to her family (they’re all in korea and america while she’s in japan 😕) during the live !! near the end, ari blows out the candles of the cakes that were bought for her by her staff and her family, and she answers questions from her fans
(lol remember back in 2011 when ari’s fans thought she was gonna finish high school & come back to korea, but instead she met this tall blond mf, fell in love with him, moved in with him, and then ended up marrying him 10 years later so now she’s really not coming back ??? lmao good times 🤣🤣🤣)
it’s a v nice moment & if you miss it, that’s such a loss lol ariana rarely goes live since she’s always so busy
after well over 12 hours, ari’s work day is finally over. on those types of days, she gets home before byakuya at around 7 or 8pm
after work, both of them go to dinner !! :))
while byakuya is coming home, ariana just gets ready. there’s a dress from byakuya that was hung by his staff in ariana’s closet (it’s black and designer, ofc 🙄✋🏽), and all ari has to do is shower, do her hair and makeup, pick out her shoes, and pick out a bag from the literal hundreds that she has
say it with me, y’all !! bag hag
ariana goes live on instagram while she does that as some kind of “get ready with with me” thing. she gets to talk to her fans again (especially her stan twitter ones lol), ask how she should style her hair & do her makeup, and ask what accessories she should choose
she also plays music in the background (especially britney spears, christina aguilera, the pussycat dolls, rihanna, nelly furtado, gwen stefani, lee hyori, or hyuna because they make her feel hotter than she already is lmao) !!
and ari sings to whatever’s playing and she gets haruka-
(am i allowed to put her here ??? i’ll just put here here lol 🤪)
-to say hi & help with her hair and makeup, so ariana’s lives are just a gold mine worth of content lmao
byakuya comes home just a lil while before ariana’s finished, and ofc, she forces asks him to say hi to her fans
lmao all that man does is silently wave with the world’s straightest face, and the chat is just yelling about how fine he is (“GO OFF RICH BOY” - one off ariana’s fans, probably). like HE’S NOT DOING ANYTHINGFGDHMBK
but as they should 😩☝🏽
ariana asks her fans if she should leave or stay on the live for a while longer, and ofc, they usually say that she should stay,,,, but that woman rarely listens tbh ASMNKHJFMNJK
she might stay for like,,, 5 minutes, but usually, she just leaves lmao
a lil while before she and byakuya leave, they talk to each other and to haruka for a while, and haruka probably most definitely takes polaroid pictures of ari and byakuya before they leave lol
(ariana def posts those on twitter later and all byakuya does is retweet them)
(but ofc he’ll tweet out a post wishing his wife a happy birthday,,, okay byakuya, look at you making progress !!)
the restaurant ariana and byakuya go to is of course very fancy and luxurious (it probably serves french cuisine too lmao). ari insists that they get a table on the rooftop, and since it’s her birthday (and since he loves her sm), byakuya complies :))
they talk the entire night, and if she can, ariana reaches over to hold byakuya’s hand most of the time :((
(taking a bit from rae’s hcs on how byakuya would celebrate his s/o’s birthday,,,,, like i’ve kinda been doing the whole time 🚶🏽‍♀️)
after dinner, the two of them will take a walk through tokyo. ariana would love it (well, not really, because she’s wearing literal heels lmao), especially since she and byakuya rarely get to do things like that. she’ll be taking pictures of things she finds interesting and would 100% ask byakuya to take pictures of her (and vice versa)
(she’s posting those on twitter too,,, ariana nation is getting fed well lol)
and then they can finally go back home and stay home, and ariana can finally open the rest of her gifts !!
they’re gifts from her family, her close friends, and of course, from byakuya and haruka !! ari’s literally smiling the whole time as she opens her presents (especially the ones from her family,,, hayley’s homemade birthday cards are always so cute 🥺), and haruka has that polaroid camera out again
(ariana: does anything)
(haru: you’re doing great sweetie !! 😀📸)
idk exactly what ariana would want for her birthday (tmw you don’t even know the preferences of your own character 🧍🏽‍♀️), but most likely, it’s either something homemade or a designer item lmao (mainly another purse-)
fun fact: her aunt josephine spoils the shit out of her lol like ariana could see a bunch of bags from chanel, louis vuitton, and yves saint laurent and automatically think “yeah, that’s my aunt lol”
ariana facetimes her family again, as well !! they get to speak to byakuya and haruka, they sing “happy birthday” to her in korean, they ask her if she liked their gifts, and it’s just a very cute family moment :))
it’s like,,, 11pm by the time ari finishes opening her presents, so she really has to go to bed
before that though, she spams her followers with the pictures that were taken, and posts one last “thank you” tweet before her birthday inevitably ends 😕
(well not really since it’s gonna be september 1st in other parts of the world lmao)
“everyone! thank u sooo much for all the birthday wishes u gave me today! it wouldn’t have been such a great one without y’all, my family, my best friends, my husband (@ByakuyaTogami), and my no. 1 fan, my sister-in-law lmao (@harukaonice). i love each and every single one of y’all with my entire heart, and i’m so glad u love me just as much 🥺 i saw as many of ur posts as i could, and i just wanna thank y’all for reaching over a million tweets! can’t believe y’all think that i’m that important lol (i mean, ofc i am 🙄✋🏻) anyways, once again, thank y’all smmmm! love y’all lots!! <3 ari <3” - ariana’s tweet 🥺 (that she posts in four different languages lol; english, korean, japanese, and french !!)
then ariana and byakuya finally go to sleep (it’s like 1am now jesus christ-), and ariana’s twitter notifications are still blowing tf up lmao
n e ways, that ends this behemoth of a post !! happy birthday to my baby, ariana park and even though she doesn’t exist (😕), i hope she enjoys it to the fullest !!
bonus !!
if she has a public appearance scheduled before or on her birthday, if fans are allowed to attend, they sing “happy birthday” to her whenever they see her !!
like, she could be entering a building and they would sing it, and then she could exit a few hours later & they’ll sing it again lol
ariana’s just like, “babes, you already sang this to me earlier !!”
when it comes to her “more important” birthdays (although her birthdays are always important)—such as her 18th, 20th, or 21st birthdays—ariana will throw quite a big party. like there would be a bunch of celebrities and popular society figures on the list,,, it would be a whole spectacle that the average person could only dream of getting into lmao (like me, ofc 🚶🏽‍♀️)
when ari was a child, her parents would throw a birthday party for her nearly every year lol,,, and while they were living in korea together, they would have dinner with nearly their entire family, too
(she always got two cakes, too,,, like it’s just kinda tradition for the park family at this point lol)
since ariana and jungkook (from bts) share the same birthday, either one of them message each other to wish each other a happy birthday !! ari also sends him a gift, while jungkook posts said gift on twitter and probably fanboys,,, i have a feeling that he would be a fan of her and her dramas,,, as well as the rest of bts
(they have each other’s numbers because ariana is a korean celebrity and they’ve attended events together on multiple occasions,,, ofc she and bts know each other lmao)
and i forgot to mention, but haruka would totally watch ariana’s birthday vlive if she didn’t have practice or something,,, probably sending as many messages as she can & aggressively hearting the live lmao,,, that girl really is ariana’s biggest fan SKJMNNFJMK
i also forgot to mention that JH entertainment (ariana’s agency) releases photos from a birthday photo shoot that they did with her !! they have different themes every year and they’re always so cute :((
they’re also taken prior to ariana’s actually birthday, especially since she’s always in japan now lol (but like,,, how do people not notice her going back and forth between korea & japan sometimes-)
(also, big verified accounts and celebrities on twitter & instagram wishing ariana a happy birthday >>>>>)
(celebrity tingz 🤪)
n e ways, now i’m done !! happy birthday, ari ilysm <3
(the character of haruka togami belongs to @raes-ramblings, btw !!)
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sunshineseung · 4 years
Ideal Dates // Stray Kids
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💌 Info: Stray Kids x gender neutral!reader fluff 💕 Includes: a lot ✏️ Word Count: ~enough
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Bang Chan
He loves taking you out to parks or in nature!
And he loves how you dress casually on these dates
Picnics are always super cute
Running around and playing sports w/ him omg
He loves spending the entire day with you outside
He just thinks you’re perfect no matter what
Hot day? You’re sweaty and messy? perfect.
Cold day? You’re covered head to toe in thermal wear? perfect.
Rainy day? You look like a drowned rat? Perfect.
So lovely, always complimenting you
“You shine brighter than any sun, baby!”
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Lee Know
Taking you out to upscale restaurants >>>
He loves getting dressed up in suits for you
His heart stops whenever you wear fancy outfits
Being able to pay for the food is his biggest flex
He just wants to show you off in public 
Bc you’re his prize
And the love of his life
Always takes you to fancy restaurants for anniversaries or celebrations
Teases you under the table sometimes 
Never goes to the same nice restaurant twice unless you ask to
“Don’t worry about a thing, sweetheart. It’s my treat.”
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Movie dates are his favorite
Especially horror movie dates
When you cuddle up and lean on his shoulder ^^
Gets super flustered when you lean on him
He’ll buy the popcorn and you sneak snacks in your purse
Loves talking about the movie afterwards with you
His hand is always on your thigh or arm around your shoulder
His face in the dim glow of the movie screen is so handsome 
Also he’s just always handsome bUT hear me out
Sometimes he whispers jokes to you ab the movie
“Did you like the movie? Yeah, me too!”
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At-home dates are his forte
He just loves to see you play with Kkami
And cuddling on the couch with him is always great
He randomly attacks you with kisses
But are you mad? Ofc not
Watching movies, eating snacks, making pillow forts… it’s all fair game
Even just sitting on your phones in silence is enjoyable with him
He also loves seeing you in casual clothes
And when you wear his clothes??? His heart melts!
Sweetest (and neediest) boy in the world
“Hey, please come over, I’m lonely :((( See you in 10? Thank youuu!!!”
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Drive thru babyyyyy
Loves long drives with you and eating fast food in the car
Has your order memorized so he doesn’t have to ask every time
Just driving for hours and taking about nothing is so nice to him
And night drives are always adorable
He loves your face being lit up by streetlights
And he just… loves you!
Sometimes he puts his hand on your thigh
Whenever you need a ride or just need to get out, he’s there for you
But sometimes you still pay for gas lol
“I know I should keep my eyes on the road, but you’re just so pretty, babe.”
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This nerd takes you to the arcade
But he pays for your tokens sometimes so it’s fine
You’re trying to get enough tickets to get a big prize
Felix is really good at skee ball idk i just have the feeling
You’re good at stacking games or coin pusher games
With your tickets combined, you can get a LOT of laffy taffy
And he loves winning stuff for you in crane games
You save all the stuffed animals he wins you
You beat his ass in air hockey
But he beats you in DDR so it’s even
“I won you another teddy bear! Yeah, it's cute, but you know what’s cuter? Youuu... and me but mostly youuu”
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Pottery and painting dates are superior
Loves putting his arms around you while you work on whatever
Super supportive of everything you make
When you accidentally get paint or clay on your face, he wipes it off with his lil sweater paws TT
The way his waist is synched in an apron ?? wow
Always makes the most lovely works of art
If you’re painting alone together, he’ll sing for you
Although neither of you are perfect artists, you save everything you make
Occasional paint splat fights
Literally the nicest boyfriend ever
“You’re doing so great! We should put this in our apartment!”
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Takes you to small concerts
Always for artists you both like
Mostly underground indie artists
He loves seeing you so excited, because he’s excited too!
Is willing to wait in line for over an hour with you
Always listened to music you suggest him so he knows where to take you for concerts
No matter how crowded the venue is, he makes sure you’re next to him at all times
Super conscious of the people around you to make sure you’re safe
Also super into the music and the vibe
Crowdsurfing was a mistake...
“That song was good! Are they in town soon? I’ll take you there!”
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do yall like posts in this style? i can write more if ya’ll like em :) i made this post for instagram (@dcrunchbabe hi) but i thought i’d also post it here!
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
So Henry, you want to start a YouTube channel? - Prologue
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Summary: Twenty five year old YouTuber Sandy Choi has no idea that one of her five million subscribers is the one and only Henry Cavill. When he asks her to help him out with starting his own YouTube channel, she falls more and more in love with her. But she should’ve known that dating one of the most desirable bachelors, does come with a prize. 
Henry Cavill x Sandy Choi (ofc)
A/N: What does one do when finding a new obsession with a celebrity? In my case, you write a fanfic series about it... and create an entire YouTuber including a channel introduction. Oops. If you want to be on the taglist for this one (I figure the people on my taglist for Keanu Reeves stories don’t want to be included on this one - if i figured wrong, let me know), please tell me and I’ll add you on it. 
Wordcount: 1.3k
Masterlist // Channel introduction // Chapter 1 
It has been about three months since Henry Cavill stumbled upon Sandy Choi’s YouTube channel and he is thanking the YouTube algorithms every single day for recommending it to him. He was surprised that he never heard about her before, since her channel is pretty big and well known, but maybe he is too old to keep up to date with YouTubers nowadays.
He binge watched her videos, watching clips from her from three years ago when she started her channel. Seeing her grow from a twenty two year old college student, to a successful YouTuber and young adult author, impresses Henry. He felt like he didn’t have his life together at that age at all and she seems so at ease. She has achieved great thing so far and watching her vlogs, helps him take his mind off his own life and the stress that sometimes comes with it.
He has a YouTube account, but only uses it to be subscribed to her channel and liking her videos. He doesn’t want to miss any of her updates on her channel. Henry is plopped on his couch, cuddling with Kal when he gets a notification.
Sandy Choi has uploaded a new video. Without thinking twice he opens the YouTube app on his iPad. He shouldn’t be this obsessed with a twenty five year old YouTuber, but it’s something about her aesthetic, about her calm way of talking and how she takes the viewers with her. It’s like being there with her and God, does he want to spend some time with her, even if she is just editing a new video, her book or is taking them with her during photoshoots.
The video loads and he gives it a thumbs up before the video has even started. Kal places his head on Henry’s lap, sighing deeply, as if the big fur ball knows that his owner will not give him any attention for the next fifteen minutes.
The slow song fills his living room, as he watches her introduction. They’re all snippets of today’s vlog, since he has never seen the footage before. Seeing her smiling in the camera, makes his heart flutter.
He feels like a teenager again, with the way he has this permanent grin plastered on his face, every time she posts things and he watches the entire video.
‘It’s the first of July,’ Sandy says, as she is sitting in front of her mirror, trying to fix her hair. Her make-up is all set and done. It’s very minimal, like usual, but with a brighter pink lipstick. ‘And that means in three days it’s the Fourth of July and I won’t be spending it in LA.’
Henry looks at his phone, to see that this was filmed two days ago. With the lighting speed she edits, he often wonders if she has some sort of magic powers.
‘It’s pretty weird actually,’ Sandy continues, ‘not to spend time with family on the Fourth. I moved here about seven months ago and ever since I stepped a foot in London, my parents have been sending me some serious threats about how I should fly back to LA on the Fourth of July. My birthday, Thanksgiving, they don’t care about that, weirdly enough.’
Henry lives in London, but he has yet to bump into her. He recognizes the places she visits and when he visits them, he never sees her, though he keeps his eyes out, praying for her to be there. God, he wishes he would just bump into her, though he has no idea what to say to her. Hi there, I’m Henry Cavill and I’m obsessed with your videos? He’ll probably scare her away.
He watches the entire vlog intently, as Sandy is taking the viewers with her for a stroll in the park, a nice cafe that he now wants to visit and eventually she goes to the dance studio.
She is a great dancer and he sometimes wonders why she’s not doing anything with it. The way she moves her slender body and knows how to control it, is absolutely mesmerizing. She posted a few dance covers on her channel, but she’s always alone. Never dancing with someone. He wonders if she comes up with these dances herself, whether or not she is free styling.
The video is almost over, yet he doesn’t want it to be over. She could make vlogs that are twenty four hours long, and he would watch it in one sitting. She’s crouched down in front of the camera, still in the dance studio, while she pulls out her hair tie, letting her long dark brown locks fall over her shoulders. ‘So,’ she says with a soft smile, ‘I’m sorry today was a pretty boring day. It’s just that I have been spending so much time editing my newest novel, that I just couldn’t read the last two chapters anymore, so I’ll be doing that tomorrow or later this week. I work ahead of schedule anyway, so I have some leverage. I just wanted to get a nice and quiet day in, so I’m going home now and maybe rewatch something on Netflix. I’m not in the mood for something new, since I have to focus on understanding the story, you know, so I think the Witcher will do for now. Haven’t had my fair share of Henry Cavill today.’
Henry can’t seem to focus on the last part of the vlog, where she wishes everyone a good day and the outro starts. She is going to rewatch the Witcher? Meaning, she has already watched it? She hasn’t had her fair share of him today?
What does that even mean?
And the way she said his name, he is going to die if he would rewatch that part.
Someone calls him and he picks up without looking. ‘Yeah?’ he says when he answers the phone, still living a bit on cloud nine.
‘For the love of God, man, you’re getting more and more impersonal every time I call,’ he hears his friend Jackson say from the other end of the line. ‘Where the fuck are you, man? We were supposed to meet each other like five minutes ago.’
Henry jumps up from his couch. ‘Crap, I forgot.’
‘I’ll be there in a second.’ He storms to the hallway, to find his running shoes, but he has to walk upstairs for them.
‘You’re always on time. What happened today?’
‘I was watching something.’
Jackson starts to laugh from the other side of the line. ‘Let me guess: a certain someone uploaded her newest vlog? Does her name start with an S and end with andy Choi?’
‘Very funny.’ Jackson was never supposed to find out about this guilty pleasure of his, but somehow Jackson did find out, like he always does. Sometimes Henry hates his friend, since he can read him way too well and pesters him afterwards.
‘Well, hope it was worth it,’ Jackson says. Henry can hear the smile in his voice and that means that he is going to mention this during their entire run.
Henry rushes outside after he slipped on his running shoes. ‘It was totally worth it,’ he says. Knowing he’ll tell Jackson anyways, he adds: ‘She said my name, you know.’
‘Shut up.’
‘I’m not,’ Henry says with a smile.
‘She honest to God said your name?’
‘Yeah and she is rewatching the Witcher.’ Henry can’t seem to get the permanent grin off his face. He hears her say it over and over in his head, visualizing it with the lovely smile on her face.
‘You need to fucking grow some balls, follow her on Instagram and slide into her DM’s. Everyone does that nowadays.’
‘I’m not going to do that.’
‘No, what you are going to do is bother me with questions like: “Why is she so pretty?” and “When am I going to run into her?”. Like I can answer those. It’s obvious that she is simply rewatching the Witcher because of the way you look. Everyone on earth is into you, why wouldn’t she?’
Henry clears his throat, before he says: ‘See you in three minutes.’
Taglist: @flhorah​
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kiddiesmores · 4 years
Ethreal ✨
How would the boys react to their s/o who likes to dress up in elf ears, puts on cute makeup, fangs and has a cottage core aesthetic???
I thought of this randomly, I plan on doing kuroo, kenma, and tsukishima as well!
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• your room is really earthy with a bunch of plants and he loves watching you chillin in plain white, with your ears and cute makeup talking to him about fuckin anything
• ya like tiktok?? good cause you’re popular on it 🤩
• loves to show off your tiktoks to his team!!
• lowkey thinks it kinda hot too
• “babyyy, what if your fangs stayed o n when you suck my dick 👀👀”
• you were a little caught of guard with that one
• loves spending money on your cottage core aesthetic
• bought you flowers and helped you garden
• bakes pies with you
• will cuddle in bed with you and touch your elf ears in awe
• “it fits you and idont know how”
• make sure you leave your ears in his bag when he has an away game
• you have multiple pairs so its fine with you
Bokuto arrived at the training camp, ready to do three things:
a) kick kuroos ass in the practice games
b) see his disciple himself, hinata shoyo and
But first, unpacking his bag that you packed for him 🥺 how kind 🥺🥺
As he took out his clothes and toiletries, he noticed a small bag. “Eh? What’s this???”
With further inspection he’d soon notice that it was your EARS. “OH NO. THEY MUST BE WORRIED SICK RIGHT NOW!!”
cut to you kicking your feet in your bed, wondering what you’re gonna bake tonight
He sat the bag down and yanked his phone out of his pocket, calling you immediately.
“Hi bo-“
“I’m not honey-“
To anyone else he’d sound crazy. But since it was just him in the room, he was fine.
A soft laugh left your body, “Noo, I put them there kou, so you would think of me~” you cooed.
A breath if relief left, “Whew! That’s good. Had me scared baby 🥺🥺, I will look at them every day when i wake up and before bed :DDD”
You stayed on the phone a little longer before the team came back to the room for bed.
“Night kou, i love you.”
“I love you too my mythical elf!!”
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• Thought it was adorable
• Seeing you all dresses up in a flowy dress, elf ears and flower crowns gave him so much serotonin
• You wanna do his makeup so bad
• But he refuses
• he loves you
• but no
• “Pls keiji!! I won’t show anyone :((“
• “I’m sorry my angel, but the answer is still no”
• but your pouting is so irresistible to him, play your cards right and he’ll worship your feet
not like he doesn’t already ehehe
• ofc he caves and lets you do it, duh
• loves rubbing his hands on your tummy when you wear your dresses
• “You look so angelic in my arms”
• also loves to bake with you too!
• mostly cookies eheheh
• loves your scent
• constantly buries his face in your neck when hes stressed or has a headache
• “You’re like a stress reliever..”
• loves to watch your tiktoks when he’s not with you
• like i said, he loves your dresses and style so be sure to leave clothes in his bag when he goes away
Training camp lasts two weeks this time. It wasn’t that akaashi wasn’t excited that made him feel down, it was the fact that you both won’t be able to celebrate your anniversary together :(
“Cheer up kaashi! You’ll see them in no time!” bokuto cheered. Akaashi sighed and went to his bag to unpack.
At the very top was your soft lilac dress you wore on your first date.
Baby breath flowers taped down to the fabric with a small note, filled with you spilling your love for him. He let out a tiny gasp and Bokuto turned to look at him.
He was crying.
“Kaashi! What’s wrong-“ he looked in akaashis hands and seeing what you left. A proud smile washed over bokutos face. “Call them!” he exclaimed.
Akaashi sat down on the floor, your dress in his lap.
“Hellooo~” you answered.
“I saw the dress and note.”
You squealed, “Ahh im so glad, it isn’t much but-“
“I love you.”
You let out a dreamy sigh.
“I love you too keiji.”
“I love you more, my beautiful elf, so much more.”
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I really really love that your one chapter fic became a two chapters fic and that maybe it could turn into a three chapters one. I also love you are taking prompts. So one, what about Benny and Beth being themselves while Benny prepares to face Borgov and he actually wins this time? Ofc just an idea...
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Copenhagen Revisited
Pairing: Beth Harmon/Benny Watts Rating: M Word Count: 3165
Summary: Two years after Beth beat Borgov, it's Benny's turn to face him. They make Cleo's West Berlin apartment their headquarters as Beth prepares Benny for the match.
Benny travels like Van Helsing—staring out the window of the plane with an expression of feverish determination. The fact that he’s compared Borgov to Dracula more than once may be what’s leading Beth to her own character association. Mostly, she’s just watching him and wishing he’d taken the aisle seat. He’s blocking the view.
“I can practically feel him breathing down my neck,” he complains, shifting in his seat and drawing his jacket closed protectively across his chest.
Beth rolls her eyes and sips their Coke through her straw.
“He’s never even beaten you that badly,” she remarks, passing the drink to Benny, who sucks absently at his own straw.
“But he could.”
She scoffs.
“How? You’re better than you were the last time you played him.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because,” she says firmly, “you’ve played me a couple hundred times since then. Borgov’s not as tough to beat as I am. I proved that in Moscow two years ago.”
“Oh, did you? I hadn’t heard.”
Narrowing her eyes at him for his snark, she takes the Coke back and sets it on her lowered tray.
“You weren’t this nervous in New York.”
“We weren’t flying towards him in New York.” Benny tugs his jacket again. “And I’m not nervous.”
“Right. Well,” Beth reminds him, “you’ll have time to acclimate. That’s why we’re going early. And it’s not like Borgov’s going to be nearby. I don’t think being a celebrated chess player is enough to balance out his nationality in the eyes of West Berlin. Not exactly warm feelings towards Russians.”
“Is this a good idea?”
She looks at him carefully. He doesn’t usually ask her questions unless they’re rhetorical, teasing, or both.
“Yes,” she says decisively. “It was a good idea for Cleo to offer her apartment and it’s a good idea to go early. When we fly to Copenhagen in three weeks, you’ll be ready to give Borgov the same treatment you gave Najdorf.”
“You know journalists still ask me about that game?” Benny says, finally swiveling his face away from the window to meet her eye. “I was eight. I don’t even remember it. All I ever say about it is something I remember saying before. It’s just me quoting me quoting me—” He makes a rolling gesturing with his hand. “—all the way back to something I can only assume is the truth.”
Beth makes a dismissive noise.
“They print what they want anyway.”
“It’s lousy.”
“What is?”
“Feeling like a pawn. Can never move backward,” he mumbles.
“I’ve never chaperoned you to a tournament before,” she observes. “I didn’t realize the anticipation would make you so dramatic.”
“I’m not—”
“You are. Maybe you’re not irreversibly out of touch with your eight-year-old self.”
He stares sulkily out the window.
“I get airsick,” he finally admits in a low voice.
“That’s what’s wrong?” Beth laughs. “No wonder you drive to all the domestic opens.” Taking pity, she passes him the Coke again. “Here, the carbonation will help.”
Benny drinks, then rests his head back against the seat with a sigh, closing his eyes.
“Vampire bastard,” he groans.
Beth holds the bottle for a minute, then places her cold hand against his forehead.
“It’s his slicked-back hair, isn’t it?” she guesses.
“Could be.”
Cleo isn’t at her Berlin apartment. She’s not in Berlin. She was planning to be, when she volunteered her place as Benny’s training ground, so Beth and Benny are doubly stupefied to hear that she left three days earlier for a job in Milan. Cleo’s neighbour tells them this—another model, Beth would guess, based on her arty haircut and the smudge of hazy blue eyeshadow around glazed eyes. She’s higher than they were when they flew over the Atlantic, but thankfully functional enough to press Cleo’s key into Benny’s hand. Her stoned, accented English stomps the ear like a heavy tread, then grinds the words like a cigarette beneath a boot heel. She also invites them to a party at her apartment later. They don’t make it; jetlag strikes and they collapse on Cleo’s bed, dragging the scrappy, colourful assortment of decorative shawls serving as blankets over themselves and falling asleep.
Unlike when Benny trained Beth in his underground apartment in New York, they can’t count on ’round the clock silence here. It’s a loud building, boisterous and bohemian, and the parties of Cleo’s neighbour seem to occur nightly. Beth confronts a startlingly hungover teenage girl tottering up the stairs one morning as she’s going down. She jumps. The girl is a reflection. The girl is a ghost. The girl is possibly swearing at Beth for staring, judging by the scowl accompanying the words that come grating from her dry throat.
Fortunately, nightly parties also mean that the place is quiet most of the day as people sleep off whatever they drank, smoked, injected, or otherwise ingested the previous evening. Quiet is good. Quiet is perfect. She and Benny take slugs of strong German coffee (Benny is especially pleased, though he only hums softly to show it) and play match after match until noon at the small table under Cleo’s kitchen window. With the window propped open, they listen to the rush of traffic below. Beth breathes deeply and watches Benny chew his lip as he contemplates his moves. Their focus is the endgame—Borgov’s specialty.
When she promises they won’t get up to anything like the neighbours next door, Beth’s able to coax Benny out some evenings. They take in the culture; she does it for the memory of Alma and suspects that Benny does it for her.
She scrunches her eyebrows together in confusion as they prepare to depart on a Friday and he’s not wearing his hat.
“You’re not forgetting your head,” she says carefully, “but it’s almost as serious.”
“I don’t want it getting in the way.”
Beth stares at him, waiting for clarification.
“Come on, kid. I’m taking you dancing.”
An hour later, in his arms, she says, “As your trainer, it should’ve been me forcing you to take a break.”
“Ah, it might not be your tournament, but you’re just as intense. You love to study.”
“Maybe I would’ve studied less if I knew that you knew how to dance.”
“Yeah, I’m sensational. Just don’t look at my feet.”
They laugh their way through it and, though she can’t actually hear them laughing over the volume of the band at the hole in the wall Benny dragged her into, she’ll recall the way his eyes squinted and his teeth showed and fill in the laughter after the fact. Their hands clasp and release and their fingers misalign in a haphazard grip and she laughs. She sways against him, clutching his half-unbuttoned black shirt, and feels his shudder. They hurry back to Cleo’s apartment and have sweaty, desperate sex against the wall just inside the door. Beth rakes her fingers through Benny’s uncovered hair, gasping. When they’re done, they receive a muffled cheer from the neighbouring apartment. She drops her forehead to his shoulder with a smile.
The time flies and, at Benny’s behest, their play becomes more disciplined. They only replicate Russian matches to reenforce the coldblooded style he’ll meet when he sits down across from Borgov. They begin to use a clock; up to this point, their exchanges were untimed, to allow for contemplation and debate following each move, if necessary. They even—finally—get fed up with the neighbours. Benny walks out of the apartment for fresh air and comes back with a bloody nose and reddened knuckles that are beginning to swell because, apparently, some hazy partygoer staggered into him in the hallway and they got into it for no good reason. Thank god he didn’t pull his knife. Beth’s witnessed enough nasty little fistfights behind Mrs. Deardorff’s back at the orphanage to assess that Benny’s nose isn’t broken, though the skin under his left eye very quickly begins to purple. Great. He’ll face Borgov looking like a pugilist. She prepares him a nice bundle of ice and accidentally drops it onto his hand to communicate her contempt for his stupidity. Reckless asshole.
“You could’ve at least told me you were really going out to pick a fight.”
“What would you have done?” Benny wonders, shifting the ice from his knuckles to his face with a wince. “Taken a couple swings yourself?”
Beth puffs up, straightening her spine.
“Of course.”
“Nah, honey, your nose is too pretty to chance it.”
She can’t decide: it’s either the endearment she doesn’t know what to do with or the implication that she’d be witless enough to stand there and take a jab to the center of her face that makes Beth rise and kick the leg of the chair Benny’s sitting right on the edge of. He looks mad enough when his backside hits the floor, but he sighs and glances up at her.
“You want a game?”
She smiles.
“I’ll play black.”
The night before they fly to Copenhagen, she sees it’ll take more than fresh air, yet another chess match, or a bop on the nose to calm him. He’s pacing, pointing, and lecturing—each habit sufficiently annoying on its own, but in conjunction? He’ll drive them both crazy if she lets him carry on.
“Come on, kid,” she says, and makes him sit on the edge of the bed instead of the chair.
Beth’s efficient at undoing buttons, even from behind, and has her back-buttoning blouse stripped off before Benny’s redirected his thoughts from the game they left set up on the board in the other room to what’s happening in front of him. When she starts unzipping her skirt, he catches her hands and takes over. She sits on his lap and rubs him through his jeans until he rolls her onto her back. Breathless and fumbling at his belt, Beth tells herself Cleo had to know they wouldn’t just be using her apartment to play chess. If there’s one language Cleo speaks more fluently than the others, it’s sex. Feeling absolved, Beth hooks her legs up around Benny’s hips.
“Well, well, well, look who’s still famous,” he mutters to her after jerking open the door of the venue to the sudden flutter of flashbulbs.
“I’m sorry,” Beth offers with a smirk. “I wore sunglasses and everything. I was trying to be inconspicuous.”
Benny grins back because that was never going to happen. She hasn’t exactly kept her head down for the last two years, steadily working her way through American Masters, felling them. It’s kind of a hobby. Still, she’s chosen an active chess career in the States over the spectacle of European tournaments, so for the international press, Beth’s appearance today is quite an occasion. But it doesn’t trouble Benny. He’s never struggled with monopolizing the spotlight.
“I’ll answer five questions before my first match,” he announces, arm around Beth’s waist. “Who’s first?”
“Mr. Watts, what’s it like to be back in Copenhagen?”
“Great. It’s been a while. The flight was quick with no turbulence, exactly how I like it.”
“Your eye—have you been in a fight?”
“Chess is a rough sport.”
“How are you feeling going into your first match?”
“Do you plan to meet Borgov in the final on Saturday?”
“Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
“What is your relationship with Miss Harmon?”
Benny glances sideways at her. Above her sunglasses, Beth raises an eyebrow. Some people might be thrown by the abrupt switch in subject matter, but the moment of hesitation as he parts his lips to answer is mischievous.
“Waiting for her to make an honest man outta me. That’s five, boys,” he points out, lifting a hand that does double duty as an acknowledgement and a brushing aside motion; it parts the small crowd and he guides Beth through.
“Well now they definitely won’t print anything about you.”
“Sure they will. My name right alongside yours: ‘Watts and Harmon.’ Maybe ‘Harmon and Watts’—sounds a little better. Anyway, they’ve got enough to suggest that we’ve been working together and that’s the edge that’ll get to Borgov.”
“If he picks up a paper between tomorrow and Saturday,” Beth clarifies.
“He will. Or somebody’ll do it for him. One of his KGB babysitters, probably. They seem like they’d be gossips. But Borgov’ll hear about it and the mention of your name will put the fear of god into him.”
“Oh, it will, will it?”
“No question.” He halts and looks at her seriously. “You mind if we find someplace quiet to sit down for a minute?”
She checks her watch, the cracked glass face long ago replaced.
“Yeah, you’ve got a few minutes, but wouldn’t you prefer to go in and, how did you put it? Breathe down the neck of your competitors?”
“Cute, but I’m a little worried I’d be sick down the neck of my competitors.” He squeezes his eyes shut momentarily. “Ugh, that plane ride.”
“But there wasn’t any turbulence!”
“Beth, please. Don’t even say the word.”
He plays two games that day, with enough turnaround time in between that they go for a walk and she takes a few non-press photographs of him in front of attractive backdrops. Behaving like real tourists seems to distract him. Benny even allows Beth to charm him into surrendering the end of his sandwich so she can use the bread to feed the little birds in a park they walk through.
The following day, the schedule tightens up. Lesser players are vanquished and Benny is presented with more people to beat, each one smug from their recent win until Benny shuffles things around on the board with exchanges so swiftly conceived and executed that it might be sleight of hand, one complex magic trick until—ta da!—he’s hemmed their king. He’s fucking brilliant, Beth thinks as she observes him, occasionally shaking her head in amazement. Her pulses races each time he sits down across from someone with a look on his face like, I hope you’ve made peace with your god. They screened too many movies of a biblical bent at Methuen. Prayer and faith certainly never lifted her high, but watching Benny does.
The next day is the second to last and Benny plays once, in the morning, with adjournments and the deciding of third and fourth place of the tournament in the afternoon. Winning his game isn’t anything special to him; he was always looking ahead, intending to square off against Borgov. In Benny’s style, Beth considers, it’d be a gunslinger draw at high noon. In Borgov’s (via Benny’s perception of him), Van Helsing advancing on a crypt with a garland of garlic bulbs and a raised crucifix.
She sits patiently with him in their hotel room. Unlike the night before they departed from Germany, he isn’t stressed. He’s calm. Beth asks if he’d rather stretch his legs, go find some of his friends that played at this tournament (and lost) and talk to them, work the room in a way that simultaneously captivates her and makes her roll her eyes. No. He prefers to stay with her. They sprawl on the bed and play out a couple of his slickest games, then the last twenty moves of the ‘68 Moscow final: Borgov v. Harmon.
“Let’s go to sleep,” he says softly, when she’s dozing with her head on her arm. He’s been staring at the board in silence for a long time.
“Are you sure?” Beth yawns before continuing, “I could order up some coffee?”
Benny’s already gathering the pieces and folding the board.
“You can’t do any more for me than you’ve done, and I can’t learn any more tonight than I have.”
“You’re prepared,” she agrees. That might not be quite what he meant, but she figures even Benny Watts needs a little reassurance.
“For most things he could do.”
Beth pulls her pajamas out from under the pillow on her side of the bed.
“You know how he plays. It’s clean. You just have to keep your eyes open. Borgov isn’t the sort of player to pull something creative out of nowhere.”
“You say that, but once, I had an opponent threaten to kick me in the crotch.”
“Mm, well, that’s not Borgov. Like I said, no creativity.” She watches for a minute as Benny strips his shirt off and flings it onto the chair. “By the way, it wasn’t a threat, it was posed as a question—rhetorical, even philosophical—and only because that opponent felt she wasn’t being taken seriously.”
Benny smiles and walks around the end of the bed. He cradles the back of her head and gives her a slow kiss.
“Will you kick Borgov in the crotch for me if I lose?”
“Now you want me to fight your battles for you? Where was this attitude in Berlin?” She grabs Benny’s butt as he walks back to trade his jeans for pajamas. He turns to look at her inquiringly. “I won’t have to.”
He spends all the next morning proving her right, not succumbing to how Borgov’s pieces shoulder their way across the board. They knock Benny’s aside some, but he hangs in and they adjourn in the afternoon for an after-dinner resumption. Though the reprieve is nearly three hours, they don’t go back to their room. There’s no international call to wait for—every bit of encouragement from their friends was given before they left New York. Benny has a drink with dinner and when that doesn’t loosen him up enough, Beth gets a little fresh under the table as she’s adjusting the napkin in his lap, just until she’s sure he’s in a new mindset.
At seven o’clock, the jacket, the hat, and the man are back in position opposite Borgov. Benny makes the move he sealed earlier, then leans forward by his shoulders. In that gesture, Beth knows Benny’s got him. He confirms it sixteen moves later and Borgov concedes the match in a gracious bow of his head. Benny dawdled a little, not dropping the guillotine blade the way she did with her swift Ohio victory over him, but he’s a different player. An admirer of historic matches, a showman with quick fingers and no better place to be than in front of a chessboard. That’s what she’s always guessed his mentality to be. Where she loves to win, he loves to play.
He rises from the table to a roomful of applause. His eyes find hers and she whistles with her fingers in her mouth, the way he taught her one night in his apartment. The sound is shrill enough over the rest of the noise that the photographer beside her turns to glare and tell her to shut the hell up. He begins to apologize when he recognizes her, but Beth shakes her head impatiently and points past him.
“Don’t look at me,” she says. “Look at him.”
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intombedarc · 3 years
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@coulsonx​​ asked: 💘 you know whomst
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send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they first met and how
SHIELD. jessica was being pulled in about a particular situation that involved her and a few avengers getting into an altercation (relation to kilgrave’s influence on her and the ordered hit placed on daredevil and confusing him for scarlet witch). agent coulson was greeted with a very fed up and pissed off jessica that wanted nothing to do with SHIELD for having the audacity to ask her to join the agency in the aftermath of the incident. the information that was given to him did not seem like it was enough to fully grasp exactly the root of why she vehemently denied joining the avengers and SHIELD. although she didn’t apologize, she did feel apologetic for coming off strongly towards an agent that was simply doing his job.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved?
oh, their flirting phase never ended and it never will. jones and coulson refuse to believe that it ends when their feelings were finally said and admitted to one another. she usually starts it off with something small and subtle, coulson eats it up and goes bigger with his teasing. it’s really sweet and playful.
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
coulson was the one that caught deep feelings for jessica first. a little bit later down the line before not speaking to each other for several years, she caught feelings for him. it was the only time where she felt like she would never see him again so she bottled up her emotions in a jar and locked it away for ten years.
where their first date was and what it was like
the carnival along the piers in new york was a simple enough date. she disliked the loud crowd so they went just when the crowd was dying out, letting them enjoy some intimacy, she got to spend time with coulson in a better mindset as they never had a first date until they started talking to each other again. and for once, the date actually went well. she got to crack a few smiles and laugh genuinely with him. he took her home and gave her a small prize that he won for her. it was sentimental and very sweet.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
this one’s very equal. coulson gets creative when he wants to. sometimes, it just comes out as a what if question. he’ll shoot her a text to go to dinner or asking her to attend some gathering as undercover (a rare occasion as he does his best not to get her involved out of protection) jessica, on the other hand, doesn’t like to beat around the bush. she’ll just ask if he wants coffee with her or take a walk at night or go to some theater to watch a movie. jessica is very lowkey and simple.
who proposes first
oddly enough, the proposal was initially a joke between them. jessica was the one to ask coulson seriously after a long time of just toying around with the idea (even if the subject barely came up, it was still a joke to them both)
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
at first, it was a mutual agreement for their relationship to be private. they don’t like being distracted from their work and they both didn’t want to hear any backlash or comments about their intimacy. slowly but surely after civil war and after all the dust was settled, growing closer to each other was the only subject left for both of them to really work on. at that point, jessica did not care of coulson went around telling everyone that he was in a relationship with her. 
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
it happened on one of their midnight strolls, passing by central park (much farther from her apartment). although hand in hand, she didn’t have a ring on her like she wanted to. it felt like summer outside, slightly humid with a little breeze. they stayed out for a few hours just laying in the grass to look up at the stars, far apart from anyone who could pass by. she felt the need to take a moment and ask if he would marry her.
if they adopt any pets together
on the farm, they have plenty of feral cats, a few goats, chickens. a nice sized patch of land to have their pets run around.
who’s more dominant
jessica seems to have the dominance a good chunk of the time when she wants to claim it and coulson isn’t not afraid to let her have that role. however, it would easily switch over to coulson for his authoritative nature.
where their first kiss was and what it was like
just outside of her favorite bar, in the alleyway when she likes to grab a drink if she doesn’t want to be in the apartment. it was actually slow and sweet at first, they were both cautious enough to test the waters with each other until they just consumed each other.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
i don’t think they do it on purpose. she leans towards wearing dark colors anyway so there’s a chance that they’ll end up being matchy-matchy. like they both have a love for wearing band tees so it won’t be surprising if one of them is wearing the other’s shirt. (jessica wears oversized band tees so it fits coulson anyway.)
how into pda they are
they both love their privacy. coulson will sneak in a hand hold and it won’t bother her too much but she does get nervous and she’ll reel back into her shell. it took a minute for her to be completely comfortable with just holding his hand in public. it was nothing against him, she’s just very shy about who’s in her business but at the end of the day, they both believe it’s not anyone’s concern to butt in.
who holds the umbrella when it rains
coulson because he’s the tol one and jessica is too stubborn to carry an umbrella.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
anywhere that gives them intimacy, whether it’s in some restaurant that overlooks the city or at each other’s places. there’s no particular ‘date spot’ per say.
who’s more protective
jessica is more protective of coulson, regardless of his skillset. ofc she’s physically stronger but verbally cuts through anyone who wants to step to him, even if he can handle himself perfectly fine.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
literally -- it took them a week. and that’s the longest she’s waited to jump into bed with someone because she has a lot of respect for coulson.
if they argue about anything
about each other’s sleeping habits, jessica potentially relapsing, each other’s safety (that’s a big one), secrets that unveil themselves that hurts the other emotionally (i.e jessica finding out that coulson died and came back to life) they don’t have shouting matches but they do have heated arguments.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
coulson at first but it shifted over to jessica very quickly.
who steals whose clothes and how often
jess is the thief who takes his shirts, hoodies, dress shirts, etc. whatever she finds to be comfortable and reminds her of coulson? it’s hers. it mostly happens if she’s run out of clothes to wear which is some of the time. coulson hide ur pjs.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
coulson is the little spoon to her big spoon. there is nothing in the entire world that she loves more than to hug from behind and just bury her face in his neck and back. she feels at home and very safe around him.
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
playing uno is their top favorite because it means that they have to dare each other to do stupid things like prank call the avengers tower.
how long they stay mad at each other
they may need a little space for a day or two, depending on their schedules. they’ve never gone more than a week from not talking to each other. if coulson is overseas on a mission, it never hurts to make a phone call just to see if she’s okay and vice versa.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
jessica likes her coffee semi-sweet while he drinks his straight black.
if they ever have any children together
they raise danielle together and have a few pets when they leave downstate for upstate. it’s possible that they would have another child together just to really settle down but danielle is all that she and coulson are focusing on.
if they have any special pet names for each other
‘sweetheart‘ is a big sarcastic pet name. jess and coulson are comfortable being assholes to one another for the sake of being funny. there’s really no special nickname for them.
if they ever split up and / or get back together
they have broken up and gotten back together ten years later. it wasn’t very harsh the first time, they simply understood that they both needed to fix themselves before anything serious were to happen. on jessica’s end, it didn’t seem that way and she took it bitterly, feeling like she invested in a little more than she thought she did. they didn’t / couldn’t reach out to each other sooner due to certain circumstances.
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
together at the farm, it’s an organized clutter. not very messy but you’ll see items that are always used readily placed to be picked up again. there’s no specific style to their farm other than it’s a farmhouse so there’s a flare of country living but much more modern for the both of them.
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
hm. their first holiday felt like more pressure than what there needed to be, at least for jess. i think in celebration of holidays, it’s very subtle and fun in their own way. it’s the only time where jessica doesn’t really celebrate because she had no one to celebrate it with / didn’t care of it as much. ever since she had danielle, her perspective changed a lot. add coulson into that mix and she’s way more optimistic and considerate of the people that surround her.
what their names are in each other’s phones
for coulson it’s just ‘jessica’ and for her it’s ‘super agent’ because she’s cute like that.
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
make out in some alleyway, apparently LOL i think after they move to upstate, they take danielle to downstate at least a few times a year so she can get the best of both worlds.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
it depends on who’s more tired and who’s willing to wake up with the sun. jessica definitely sleeps in but she’s not always the first to fall asleep. sometimes she’ll wait for coulson to sleep first before she drifts off just in case he wanted to stay up and get his mind off.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
coulson is the little spoon most of the time. jessica likes to be big spoon because he’s very comfortable to hold.
who hogs the bathroom
neither of them, i don’t think?
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
they’re both spider killers. danielle is the one that takes them outside.
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chaewon-62 · 3 years
Can I request a ship with enhypen, The boyz and txt.
Appearance- I am 18 turning 19 this year. I was born November 5,2002. I’m 5’5 with glasses. I have a few freckles and a mole under my left eye. I have brown wavy hair that goes down my back. I have the typical brown colored eyes. I like to wear comfortable clothes but I like to style them too. I also really like the dark oversized clothes. I’m Mexican-American so I have a tan skin color. I also have a rbf which can make me look mean.
Personality- I’m a ISTJ-T Scorpio. In school I do a decent job with my grades and I have a group friend of 3. I’m kind of like the mom of the group, but every now and then I have my childish acts and stuff. I would also say I’m the loudest. I tend to be really loud when talking or laugh which gets me in trouble sometimes. I like to put people first and rather hurt myself then hurt others. I tend to spend time alone and I tend to distant myself if I’m feeling a strong emotion. I don’t like telling people my problems cause I feel like a bother, but people come to me for advice. I hate but love deep conversations. I love them because I can finally tell people what I’m really feeling and can learn a lot about the other person, but since I don’t really like talking about what I feel, I can also hate them. I have pretty bad anxiety and i tend to let my insecurities get in the way. i hate crowded places. I hate when people underestimate me and I always want to prove them wrong. I’m also really competitive. I also kind of believe in revenge. If they deserve it, they deserve it. Another thing about me is that I do tend to fall easily but once I fall for someone I fall hard. I have a passion for writing, reading, and makeup. Especially makeup. Since my insecurities were always a big problem for me, I found myself getting into makeup a lot. I have huge trust issues and if a person betrayals my trust once, it will take a long time until I trust them again. Also I’m not that affectionate, I mean every now and then I burst into affection but that’s rare. I don’t mind a clingy person, I’m just scared I can’t give them what they what back. I don’t cry when getting yelled at and I actually tend to keep a straight face. I do tend to get distracted easily. I laugh pretty easily but it takes a while to make me flustered, but I am kind of a shy person. I like being alone but I can’t stand the feeling of alone. Lastly, I am really sensitive, but I don’t show it. So when a person makes a mean remark and I laugh it off, it actually hurts me a lot. I will always remember what people say to me, especially if it hurt me in a way.
Likes: books, movies, kdrama, kpop, anime, soft rains, being alone, the atmosphere of rain and how it is after.
Hobbies: reading. Watching movies. A hobby I what to try is traveling. I really want to travel and I hate the fact that it won’t happen anytime soon.
Okay, that’s it. Sorry if it’s a lot
dw!! it's not a lot :) you remind me a lot of myself ngl 😳
anyways for enhypen i think jake would be a good fit for you! he's honestly pretty quiet and you said you can be loud sometimes so i think he would enjoy that !! if jake is around the right people, he can be very loud and express himself better. he also doesn't mind his s/o wearing makeup or not, but he loves watching you do it i just get that energy from him. he's always asking what concealer is for and if you could do his makeup one day he's the sweetest pls :(( honestly, he's a bit intimidating but we all know he's a softie <3 as a fellow mexican, i can also say that he'd love to celebrate your culture with you :) i know he'd be down for making some mexican cuisine with you even though he'd probably end up messing up lmao. he doesn't strike me as an affectionate person either. he rather give you kisses and cuddles when you two are alone. i know you said you struggle with anxiety, i feel like jake would completely understand that. whenever you're having a hard time with it, he's always there for you. he's the biggest softie for you and he doesn't let anything get in the way of your relationship. jake is also very patient with you and he seems like the type to not want to argue for no reason. he's also down to binge watch your fave k-drama series or movie whenever you're feeling down. jake also gives you your space ofc everyone needs it!! i just feel like he'd be so gentle and patient with you i love it !!
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for the boyz, i feel like it would be juyeon! he's energetic when he wants to be, and of course likes to have some relaxing time with you. i don't see him as a book reader, but he'll definitely read to you when you're trying to go to bed or just want to wind down after a long day. since you said you wear oversized clothing, i feel like he always shares his clothes with you. he gives his hoodie to you and teases about how cute you look in it lol. whenever you're not in a good mood, he'll be there to cheer you up and make you laugh. yeon is constantly telling you how good you look because he means it. tbh, he seems like the type to not take his eyes off of you like ever 🥺 he also buys you things all the time even if you tell him to stop he doesn't care lmao. he wants to make his lover happy :))
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lastly for txt i think you and soobin would do great together !! he's a pretty outgoing person and he carries a very relaxing aura around him. soobin wouldn't mind you cuddling up to him when you two are alone. he's not big on pda, but when you're alone he's constantly giving you cheek and forehead kisses. i also feel like he has a hard time communicating his feelings with people he loves, but he tries his best. he's definitely a member you can't miss because of his laughs and such. soobin loves joking with his s/o and he doesn't mind if you're loud or quiet :) he doesn't strike me as a picky person when it comes to who he likes. his heart wants what it wants !! he also seems a bit sensitive, so he understands what you feel like if you decide to talk to him about your feelings. binnies always there to comfort you and check in on you and i feel like that's his love language. he's also constantly sharing korean music with you and singing to you cause he knows you like music :) he's literally perfect pls 😭 hope you liked this one <3
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