#but ooooohhh boy its gonna be good
polar534 · 3 years
Hockey AU: Parenting Pt. 1
Well after a week of posting I finally finished the first part in the next arc that we'll see of Hockey AU. This one is big. I don't think I'll need to explain much further so instead enjoy. (Just a reminder that not all of the parts for this arc are done so it may be a week or two between updates or longer).
Amity was breathing heavily as she collided into the group pile with her teammates. Another game won. Cheers rang out through the stadium, almost deafening the thundering of her heartbeat in her chest.
Another cheer erupted from inside the pile. They had worked so hard for this. Emotions were high and Amity let the energy buzz through her. This was it! Just 2 more games and they could be in the finals. They could be champs!
Someone collided into her going top speed and soon the entire team had her swept up in a group hug. Lotke was behind her in an instant, hoisting their star player on their towering shoulders as the team skated around their victory lap. From the vantage, Amity had only eyes for one person. Talking with the coach in the players box, their eyes met across the rink and the roar of the crowd and her teammates quieted instantly.
Luz smiled back at her, a huge grin that threatened to split her face in two. Her eyes were sparkling with pride and love.
She slipped away from the small huddle of officials. Her eyes widening, Amity tugged on Lokte's jersey, pointing frantically at Luz and unable to speak over the roar of the stadium. Thankfully, they understood immediately. Gathering the team together, the Otter's skated towards the players box as one. Lokte let Amity slip off of their shoulder and the witch caught her girlfriend just as Luz hit the ice. Within the huddle of their teammates they were in a bubble. No noise, no judgement, just them. Luz flung her arms over Amity's shoulders and kissed her roughly on her cheek, eliciting a giggle out of the both of them. A call rang out for the teams to line up and shake hands and the world tunred into a blur of events and emotions, the high of their victory only wearing off in the locker rooms after.
"Don't forget everyone pizza after the game at Mangia's tonight! Oh, and don't forget to let your parents know about Celebration Night."
Amity looked up from taking her skates off. Lokte was waving at a couple of their teammates as they made their way out of the locker room, gear in hand.
"What's Celebration Night?" Luz asked the question that was at the forefront of Amity's mind.
Lokte's eyes widened as they turned towards the only other two people in the little locker alcove they had positioned in to change.
"Oh, it's a big event night for all the teams that made it to the Semi-Finals. There's one for each of the first games, kinda like a way to recognize the team members and their accomplishments. I just wanted to remind everyone so they don't forget to tell their parents or anyone else they want to stand up with them." Lokte explained as they bent down to take off their skates.
"Oh..." Luz said quietly.
The string of her skate ripped as Amity went to yank it undone. Her hands were shaking.
A pair of footsteps walked by her as she slowly unraveled the broken string. Amity looked up as they seemed to stop in front of her. Mae, the normally timid and shy goalie smiled down at her.
"Hey… Amity. I just wanted to thank you. You've done so much for this team. I think you've pretty much helped every single person be better. You and Luz of course."
Amity glanced back up to where Luz was and saw her straighten with pride. Smiling, Amity turned back to Mae.
"Oh… it's nothing, really. I'm just really glad to be a part of a team. You all mean a lot to the both of us." Amity admitted shyly, unable to meet the goalie's eyes. She picked up her stick and stood up, ready to start packing her bag.
Mae stepped back to allow her some space and her smile grew.
"I'm really looking forward to meeting your parents on Celebration Night. They really must be something to raise someone as incredible as you." Mae said kindly before turning to rush out of the locker room after her friends.
Amity's stick fell to the ground as she stood there frozen. The sound of it clattering echoed in the now nearly empty locker room. The words the goalie spoke bounced around in her head in a haunting echo.
'They really must be something.'
There was a beat of silence before Amity winced with the sharp sound of a fist banging against a locker.
"Luz? Is everything ok?!" She heard Lokte exclaim behind her.
Slowly, Amity leaned down and picked up the stick she had dropped. Her hands found the smooth grooves her gloves had worn into it and her fingers trailed the chipped parts where the puck had bounced off it at just the right angle. She kept herself steady with the familiarity of it, taking a deep breath before turning around to face her girlfriend and teammate.
Luz had her fist pressed firmly into a locker and Lokte was caught between them both, looking worriedly from one girl to the next. As soon as Amity turned around, Luz's fist dropped and her anger melted into worry.
"I uh… I don't think I'm going to be able to go to pizza with the team tonight Lokte… I'm sorry." Amity spoke after a pause, struggling to keep her voice steady.
"Luz?" She asked quietly, the walls she had been trying to keep up rapidly failing.
Luz immediately darted to the witch's side, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. The warmth was just enough to steady her.
"Right here." Luz said softly, her head leaning into Amity's. The witch closed her eyes and leaned right back into Luz, the girl being the one thing managing to keep her standing. To keep her together.
"Let's go home…"
"Are you sure your up for this?" Luz asked Amity gently as they hung back outside of the cabin.
Amity shot her a weak smile, one that only barely made it to her eyes.
"It's fine. Everyone is looking forward to it. Plus we can't just tell everyone to go home, it's a long walk out of the castle after all."
"Of course you did. Come on, or your mom's going to get worried."
"Not anymore it's not! I convinced Eda to add slides from some of the upper floors." Luz grinned mischievously. "Me and King have had the honor of being their test-runners."
Amity laughed, rolling her eyes she grabbed ahold of Luz's arm and hooked it through her own.
Walking through the doorway they had yet to fix up, Camila turned and relief showed in her eyes. In front of her was the patched portal door, held open by the one and only Edalyn Clawthorne, Co-Empress of the Isles.
"There you two slackers are, will you please help me convince Camila, again, that it's ok to have a little fun for once in her life?!" The wild witch groaned as she hung halfway between worlds.
Camila rolled her eyes.
"That's not what I said and you know it. Girls are you sure everything is alright? You were both awfully quiet after your game, if you need to me to stay-"
"Go." Amity said simply, cutting her off with a warm laugh. "We'll be fine. And we both know Eda won't be if she gets too many rounds deep with Perry and you aren't there to keep the peace."
Luz snickered as Eda's eyes widened. The older witch gasped in insult and the hand holding the door retracted to her chest. The portal closed as she stood there looking wounded. In a blinding flash of light and magic the door disappeared into nothingness.
Left in the dark, unlit, cabin the small family all looked at each other. Luz was the first to laugh, followed by her mother and her girlfriend. Reaching into her shirt she pulled out the key that she kept around her neck and clicked the eye-shaped button twice. In an instant the door was back. Standing solely on it's own, the yellow eye in the center glowing softly. Camila firmly grasped the handle and flung it open only to be greeted with a rush of kids flying through it.
"Friends!" Luz cheered as Willow and Gus tackled both her and Amity in a tight hug.
"We heard about the win tonight, congrats! That's incredible!" Willow beamed at Amity who merely nodded in return, a small smile showing on her face.
Gus pulled Luz aside and stepped away from their friends for a moment.
"We need to start planning signs and banners stat. We are cheer con 4 and this is no longer a drill. We are in the red zone Luz. The red zone." He uttered quietly to the human who grew immediately serious.
"Wow. I never thought we'd reach that stage. What do we do? What can we do?!" She whispered back, completely panicked as she realized they were not prepared in the slightest to bring their A game of support.
"I suggest perhaps taking one of those human spell casters on the wall of rink to aid in our presentation."
Luz straightened immediately, a mischievous and wonderful twinkle in her eye.
The flamethrowers sounded like an excellent idea. She went to say as much to Gus before she felt her hoodie being pulled back. She lost her balance and fell, right into Amity's waiting arms. The witch was looking down at her disapprovingly.
"Not so fast Chaos. We won't need any big banners or flags and we most certainly aren't going to steal any flamethrowers."
"We weren't going to steal them... just...borrow them." Gus grumbled unhappily as he crossed his arms and joined Luz in pouting.
Camila sighed, crossing her arms in front of the doorway.
"I heard the words stealing and flamethrower. Am I going to have stay here tonight to watch you kids?" Camila asked plainly, looking more and more tired by the second.
Before anyone could respond, a pale hand flew through the portal attached at the bone by a string of rope.
"Oh no, you're not getting out of parents night that easily Cam." Eda's voice chuckled as the line pulled tight and Camila was dragged through too suddenly to protest.
The door closed seconds after Luz's mother disappeared and all 4 kids were left in the silence and dark.
Luz clapped her hands together, jolting everyone to attention. A smile spread across her face.
"So... I'm thinking maybe a heist movie tonight. Anyone else?"
"What happened at the rink today Luz?"
Luz melted onto the counter as she deflated. There was a part of her body that still tensed in anger but as the night went on, all she found she could do was worry. By the time Willow dragged her into the kitchen to 'restock' Luz had been wound so tightly in concern that her body now physically ached.
Amity was an expert at hiding her emotions, but not from her friends. Not from her girlfriend. The tight grip Amity kept on the pillow she clutched in her arms. The way Luz could feel the witch's body winding up and tensing as each new thought entered her mind, even during times of lull in the movie. Amity was even quieter then normal, unable to find the heart to point out the obvious plot holes in the various cheesy movies they watched.
Luz knew her girlfriend was not normally one to remain silent when she could see right through the twist of the movie.
Luz lifted her head and blinked. The light in the kitchen was bright and warm compared to the dark nest of blankets and pillows the kids had set up. Although dim, it helped Luz relax a little more. In the silence left behind by the question, Willow unwrapped the package for the next round of popcorn before she set the timer. The human knew Willow would wait all night if she had too.
"There's apparently this thing called Celebration Night. It's a way for the team and their family to celebrate their accomplishments before the finals." Luz sighed as she finally explained.
Willow's mouth thinned into a straight line.
It wasn't a question.
"I… I already was pretty tense and I know Amity was too. It came out of nowhere but how were we supposed to know, you know?! Lokte already kinda knows our weird little family situation as it is so they didn't think to mention it."
"They don't know is what you're saying." Willow explained curtly, her mouth twisting into a frown. "Why Amity is living with you."
"Which is fine. That's something only Amity can share and only when she wants to, IF she wants to. But that also means that nobody else on the team knows either."
Willow stared at her friend as Luz propped herself up onto her elbows, her hands clenching into tight fists.
They must really be something to raise someone like you.
Luz felt sick. Odalia and Alador Blight had never done anything for Amity. They weren't the reason she became so incredible. That was the furthest thing from the truth. They were despicable. Awful. Manipulative, selfish…
Luz slammed her fist onto the counter.
"It's just that… ugh!" Luz groaned as her fist hit the counter once again. "Why can't they just leave her alone?! Why do they have to exist, out there… still making her suffer?" The defeat in Luz's voice choked her anger into what was merely a whisper.
"Hey. Here I thought parental angst was supposed to be my thing." Amity's voice drifted softly through the room following Luz's outburst.
Immediately both girls turned to greet Amity, lounging in the door way. Her amber eyes were tired and there was a small smile showing on her face. Luz straightened.
"Amity-" Luz started before her girlfriend gently waved her hand to interrupt her.
"It's ok Luz. I think…"
Taking a deep breath, Amity bit her lip. Her breath rattled in her chest as she went to speak next, her eyes locking onto a specific spot on the ground in front of her.
"I think I want to reach out to them."
Pssssst. Like this? Actually gave it one of those read-a-roos? Maybe you have questions like, Polar, my friend, my amigo, my internet stranger, the fuck is a Hockey AU? Well dear reader I don't know either! But here is a Master Post of all things I've figured out so far.
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littlespaceporgs · 4 years
The Clone Wars Reacts - Part 5
Or Leah loses her shit at Jar Jar, thirsts for Aayla Secura for an episode and a half, and then swoons for Riyo Chuchi.
Welcome once more to the Reacts series! I’m a busy woman for now but I am setting up a schedule for this series which will be
Today we’re covering episodes 12, 13, 14 and BONUS! 15. This is because I got super bored during episode 14 and basically didnt write anything so, here you go! As per usual, major spoiler alert for season 1 of the clone wars! If you haven’t read the previous parts to this series, I suggest you do so that you can follow along! 
Part 1 - Episodes 1 and 2 Part 2 - Episodes 3, 4 and 5 Part 3 - Episodes 6, 7 and 8 Part 4 - Episodes 9, 10 and 11
Tags (if you want to join, my taglist can be found on my page!): @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @girlvader @simping-for-fives @littlevodika @hounding-around @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @onabouteverything @acciokenobi @catsnkooks @captainrexstan @roseofalderaan @fractiouskat
We’re well past the half-way point, so there is 2 parts left of season 1, and then onto season 2! So lets get into it!
Episode 12: The Gungan General
> heheheheheheheh jar jar I am KEEN
> I get hondo and jar jar in one episode
>> this’ll be funny
>>> actually no scratch that, this is gonna be hilarious
> oh and they woke up in a cell this will be fun
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> “if I keep my mouth shut you’ll devise a plan so get off the god forsaken planet?” “YES”
> this dude seems traitorous as fuck (im referring to one of the pirates, not dooku shockingly)
> I wish Ahsoka and Yoda were in this too, I want more disaster lineage
> ah he is indeed a traitor
> “stop messing around, we’re landing. Secure yourself” “MESA TRYING ITS STUCK”
> promptly followed by jar jar falling everywhere
> oh and now he’s in the cockpit
> oh shit that senator guy is definitely dead right?
> “do control tour protégées insolence” “anakin, control your insolence, the count is concentrating”
> “do we know where we’re going?” “Ssh anakin” “DO we know where we’re going?”
> is it safe? Of course it i- riiiiiight
>> I forgot this was the clone wars for a second, this is gold
> y’know, dooku’s quite amusing when he’s not trying to kill my favourite characters
> “are you now in command” “uh no, binks is the highest ranking” ooooohhhh boy
> ooooooohhhh and some mind tricks too, nice
> I hate to say this, but jar jar is actually smart
> holy shit
> beasties are nearby too, we’ll be fine. they run, we run
>> Dayum jar jar actually making good decisions?
> I present a real and accurate image of my reaction to this statement
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> Mesa be having an idea oooohhh booooyyy
> obi wan that is no way to speak to your grandmaster
> be patient master the count is elderly and doesn’t move like he used to
> I would kill you both now if I didn’t have to drag your bodies
>> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this is the only reaction I’ll accept
> then falling all over each other is the only thing I’ve ever needed to see
> “ this is not going well” no shit
> my question is why did obi wan not drop Dooku?? Does he actually still care about this man?
> you’re right, I don’t think youre going to be friends 🤦‍♀️😂
> sneaky lying snake
> bruh they don’t even know you’ve got the Jedi captive??????????
>> so how does that work you dumbass
> no shit, you will look like fools obi wan
> “there be some bombad clankers” 😂😂
>> “huh YOURE right, bombad clankers” I love the shock
> oh boy anakin, just keep your mouth shut genius
> man electrocution doesn’t look like fun
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> The next few lines of confused joy are me reacting to jar jar somehow single handedly taking out 3 tanks
> what the fuck
> JarJar I I’m what-
> fuckin JarJar was great
> serves you right you snake, now dooku gonna choke your ass
> oooohhhhh that’s how these two twits (hondo and obi-wan) became friends
> “and... he knows where you live” Oof the subtle threat is real
> hem I love obi wan very much and his sarcasm
 Episode 13: Jedi crash
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> I wish I was bly, not gonna lie
> I have a quick question - the 501st colour is blue right? Then why do they have a gold squad, doesn’t the extra colours just confuse things?
> I love seeing anakin and Ahsoka in action coolest thing to watch
> And anakin
>> I am also quite attracted to him
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>>> imagine dragging your hands through that hair as he- wait no I have minors in my followers not gonna finish that
> Uh oh
>> Oh anakin you twit
> Are all Jedi so reckless? Just the good ones - love this by the way
> Oooohh shit for a STAR
> I mean like? I know anakin doesn’t die, but this shit is concerning
> Perfected the art of destroying ships and getting master almost killed? Sounds familiar
> I hate it when they just call them “padawan “ it just feels very impersonal like bleh
> Like I love aayla but god the Jedi preach some bullshit
>> God forbid someone raises a child and gets attached to it
>>> Like for fucks sake
>>>> Can you tell this is something I’m passionate about?
> Anyway, moving on
> Oh hi anakin! You’re alive!
> That bird lookin thing is tryna eat my boy 😤
> Oop - well that dudes dead
> Aawwwwwww aayla looks so sad, this makes me sad too
> Can we just appreciate this?
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> Well these little critters are cute
> Ooooohhh I think I agree with this little dude
> You can skip the paragraph if you like, its just me going off about ‘peacekeeping’
> Alright gonna get mildly into it for a second, the clone wars really gets into it with episodes like this, displaying how the entire galaxy was starting to lose faith in the Jedi and their peacekeeping ways, in the movies we just got that people just started hating the Jedi because they became part of the war, but this really fleshes it out and shows just how slowly and gradually the loss of faith is. Because he’s right, the Jedi aren’t peacekeepers anymore, they bring as much destruction with them that the separatists do and have become symbols of war. They’re fighting for a good reason yes, but they can no longer claim that they are peacekeepers or that they played no role in this war.
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> AH MY TWO FAVOURITE WOMEN AND A PRETTY BACKGROUND AGAIN!! They really do be doing me a great service
Part 14: Defenders of Peace
> I’m really not into this episode, just saying it now
> Anakins just as bad as obi wan, like honestly just chill bro, fucking REST
> Okay but is it taking a life if it’s a droid?
> Ugh this dudes ugly as fuck
> What did you think was gonna happen?? Of course your village was going to be ransacked
> I could go on forever about the pointlessness of this war like it just makes me mad palpatine you slimy git-
> My reacts this episode are really boring huh, I’m not into it 😭
*fully I didn’t write anything for about 10 minutes here because it’s just a little boring*
> Yep sorry that’s it for this ep, I’m so bored 😂
>> Anyway, bonus episode because that one was short!
Part 15: Trespass
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> Hahahahahahahhahahaha it’s not tatooine, you got that right
> Oh god this dude already sounds like a dick (its the chancellor dude but not palpatine)
> Why’s he so defensive over it?
> Oh yikes, that does not look good
> Seppies don’t do that though - this is... odd
> Ah and the same thing has been done to the droids
> Off topic, but I think I’m going to make a clone wars drinking game that I can do while I do my reacts, so I’m going to make that this week, send me your ideas in the comments or dm me!
> Back to ep - pfffffffttt obi wans little taps and then anakin really goes WHACK
> Anyway I’m going to do this in the next couple days and then every Friday night I’ll watch a few eps and drink away
> Alright back to the episode once more
> Abominable snowman????
>> Definitely
> This is gonna go well isn’t it?
> “Well? Say something”
>> “Just shut up” *visible eye roll*
> What the fuck is their mouth
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> Okay really obi wan, I think it’s pretty clear they don’t speak basic
> Awwwwwwww that shits cute, fucking bear huugggg I want to be hugged like that
> I’m not fussed if it’s anakin, obi wan or kit fisto but please someone love me
>> Preferably kit fisto
> Anyway this dudes a dick (again, its the chancellor dude)
> They obviously have intelligence, and this dude has issues
>> I’m thinking he’s trying to compensate for something 👀
> Oof you really gonna tell a Jedi what to do?
> HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA the other people’s were there already
> Ugh he reminds me of my very racist grandparents oh boy
> You’ve been told like 4 times that it is not your jurisdiction anymore and you still can’t take it?
> She’s so tiny and adorable and her voice is just 🥰🥰🥰🥰
>> Oh no
>>> I’m simping for another character
> Surely this guy dies
> What a dick, he shall not be missed
> She’s just, so pretty??? And smart????
> he’s seriously not dead yet?
Welp that’s it for today folks, it was lovely, see y’all at some point this week where I say the drinking game rules and then next drunken Friday (even though these are gonna be released on saturdays but I write them on fridays?)
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I cannot even begin to express just how much
Mirio loves Valentines day.
He's like so siked to spoil everyone in his life that he loves.
Especially you.
I've said it so many times but Mirio isnt a morning person, never was and never will be.
But for you? His dad? His friends?
This boy be up at the crack of dawn.
He's got a pep in his step and is making heart shaped hashbrowns, bagels, and other breakfast food, again, all heart shaped!!
He's not the best cook, so although edible, things do end up kinda,,,,, crispy.
He'll gently wake you up first, mumbling good mornings as he kisses you and hands you a rose!!!
Lots of cuddling
He has a whole day planned and you best believe this man put cuddling on the schedule.
So many kisses!!!hugs!!And soft sappy compliments!!!
"You look so breathtaking this morning sunshine!!"
"Y'know I'm not really a fan of mornings cutie, but if they mean getting to see you so soft and adorably sleepy? I might just have to change my stance on morningtimes!!"
Mirio invited his dad and friends over so y'all could have a valentines day brunch!!!
So much wholesome conversation and laughter it's very nice, Mirio and his dad going back and forth with their equally dry/corny jokes 😂
After that y'all sit down and watch a couple movies together, and its cozy as heck
I cant say enough that Mirio views this day as a wonderful excuse to spoil and show appreciation to all those he loves in his life!!!!
Heck yea for focusing on familial and platonic love right along side romantic on Valentine's day too yehaw
After a couple movies y'all give hugs, take home boxes, and happy farewells to your friends and fam and wish them safe travels as they head home.
And now it's time
For romance-
The second the door is closed Mirio is right near vibrating from excitement and anticipation of what hes got planned
Oh my would you look at that! Its kisses: part 2!
Excitedly kisses you and tells you to get all gussied up
Proceeds to run to the bedroom, and you swear you hear a tiny, Mario-eske "wa-hoo!" As he shuts the door 😂😂😂😂
What a freakin nerd amiright?
For a guy in a rush to get ready, he sure does take his sweet time swooning over you 🤭
Clutches his heart like you've stabbed him
"My goodness angel!! Didnt realize you had a secret 2nd quirk of makin people speechless with your beautiful self!"
Gonna be honest if you choose to wear makeup, hes gonna me like, the tiniest bit pouty.
"Mirio really if you're careful it's okay to kiss m-"
"OOOOOHHH NO BABY- I saw how hard you worked on your look! And you look stunning!! Well...moresothanusual....but still!! Nu uh no face kisses till the end of the night"
Makeup or not that hecker lasts like 10 minutes before near making out with you in the car good grief 😒
Drives you out to this really pretty field of flowers where he set up some lights so yall could slow dance and yknow.
Be cute as heck
He made!!! A picnic dinner!!!
Well okay!! Acutally Tamaki made the food!! but like!!!He helped!!!
I'm not saying he shyly kinda wants to pull a Lady and the Tramp.
But he does, and he's like so flushed and shy about it because he knows its cheesy but DaNgIt he wants to do it.
If you choose to do it with him he'll be so happy smoochin you.......and also steal the pasta from your mouth which on one hand- gross.....but also.....kinda hot just saying okay now look away from me and back to the headcanons.
Dances with you for hoursssssss, ranging from slow and loving to upbeat and silly, it's a good time all round.
Y'all end the night cuddling in bed watching something together, comfortable and warmed by the earnest and wonderful love y'all have for eachother.
"Happy Valentines Day sunshine"
"Happy Valentines Day my hero"
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aratanaruu · 6 years
KH3 spoilers for up ‘till the point where you complete all Disney worlds part 2 I guess??
this is mostly gonna me me screaming about the wayfinder trio
- DARKQUA holy shit darkqua was something else that scene was fucking terrifying
- okay but first lets backtrack and look at how Aqua turned to darkness: she was trying to fight Ansem SoD without a fucking keyblade or any weapon at all?!
“Where’s your keyblade?”
“Don’t need it!”
- And Darkqua’s reveal was so good, I love how she was calling Mickey out and talking about all her emotions throughout her time in the RoD, the loneliness, the despair, the pain...
aqua: all that’s left in my heart is misery and despair.... and now, i can share it! me: omg aqua’s being emo on main riku: you don’t need to do that.... i have enough of my own! me: omg now riku’s the one being emo on main
- THEY WERE PLAYING THE FUCKING FINAL BOSS THEME OF 0.2 HOLY SHIT the entire fight with Darkqua was so fucking intense I was on the edge of my seat my nails were digging into my cheeks holy fuck
- also riku and sora??? hello??? riku and sora???? kh3 invented gay rights??? they took their fucking shared blade from DDD and killed Demon Tide???? KH3 invented gay rights???????
- And when Aqua was saved oh my god of course she and Sora re-enact the opening to 2.8 with her reaching out to Sora and Aqua was back in the Realm of Light but she was in denial skghskhgs she was so shocked she couldn’t believe it oh my god she started crying give her a hug give her a hug OH MY GOD THEY ACTUALLY GAVE HER A HUG BLESS
- Oh my god Aqua went over to Ven and cradled his head omfg why didn’t she kiss his head Aqua pls oh my god Aqua’s finally trying to wake Ven up
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S4E20
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post (even though about 20% of this post is screaming and inarticulate flailing)
*imitates the Epic Voice Trailer guy doing the Gotham commercials*
Oh my gosh...
[RIP Jerome Valeska Second Time’s the Charm] Hahahaha!
“To Jerome!”  *tries to toast but can’t do it with a cell phone*
*The Jester rolls up on her motorcyle*  It you... OK.
Oh that costume is awesome...
She has bells!  On her coat!  Oh my gosh!
“Dig me [Jerome] up!  Dig me up!”  *nervously laughs*  Whaaaaaa.....
They keep reusing that same panning shot from the angel statue on...
“I [Jim] don’t need that crap thrown in my face right now.  [Harvey] Get outta here!”  Hooooooooo....
When is Lee going to cut this crap out?
“I’m [Lee] not betraying my friend [Ed].”  Are you serious?
“If the law has lost its meaning, it's because people like you [Lee] are turning your back on it.“  Hooooo....
“I don't want to send you to Blackgate!  That's the last thing I want to do.  Don't you know I wish I could let you walk out that door, turn my head?”  “What's holding you back?“  The laaww....
Guys, c’mon, I want them [Jim and Lee] to be happy.  Not necessarily together but happy.
That’s the same freaking font as the one on the Wayne Enterprises “gift” that Jeremiah got
[PLAY ME]  Oh my God
Oh my God!  That font though [on the screen]!
“I want you to throw me a wake at the GCPD.“  Nooooo...
Air horn!
Noooo-oh my God!
Oh no-oh my God!
*Jerome’s cult brings the casket*  THEY DID IT- WHA-
“I [Ed] would sooner debate you all on teleology versus deontology than leave her [Lee] with that overgrown Boy Scout [Jim].“  Whooohoohoohoo....
Oh my God...
“Team, we have everything?  Bicycle pump?  Can opener?“  Are they preparing a jail break or fixing the TARDIS console?
Pickle jar?!?
Oh I like that shot of Ed putting on the hat
Oh God... ooooohhhhh God.
“But right now, Jeremiah's maze may actually be the safest place for them.“  *nods*
OK, a 2 by 10 (whatever that is) plank is not going to barricade the door!
Did they say open the armory?  Oh my God.
“This wake is just intended to distract us while his followers hit the real target.“  What’s the real target?
*claps hands*  I like this plaaannn....
*sing songs*  [Electricity whirring down]
*The generator turns on*  Oooohhhh.... ooooohhh... wow!
Oh my gosh, there’s a solution poster of the maze on the wall in Jeremiah’s office.
That [generator] is HUGE!
“You’ve kept this project a secret, yes?”  “No one outside of Wayne Enterprises knows it exists”  *hisses*  This just seems really dubious...
“It's the ones who are closest to you that you have to keep your eye on.“  OK what does that mean?  What does it meannn...
“Arkham Asylum sent me [Jeremiah] Jerome’s personal effects.  And amongst them, I found his diary.”  What?
Haha oh my God!
I don’t want to even ask why there’s a glittery ice cream cone sticker on the cover
“Maybe you [Jeremiah] shouldn't spend so much time reading it.“   Yeah....
Oh my God...
Why don’t you actually close it?
*Bruce puts his hand down in the middle of the book*  There we go.
“Your brother is dead, Jeremiah.  It's time for you to come out of this bunker and join the world.“  *nods*
This just seems really dubious!
“Jerome Valeska’s acolytes are kicking off again”  *whispers*  Oh shit!
God, look how freaking paranoid Jeremiah is!  Man!
Is that how it’s gonna kick off?  What happened to his face?  Didn’t it turn white?
“He’s alive and he’s coming after me!”  He’s dead.  He’s dead.
*Glass shatters in the background*  Oh God, please...
*Alfred gets attacked offscreen*  Oh my Goddd!!
“Bruce, I [Jeremiah] need to tell you something.”  Oh, he’s gonna tell him about the gas!
I can’t freaking believe that this is the same actor.  Bravo, Cameron!
“What if I [Bruce] could show you he's [Jerome] dead and buried?“  Is that gonna help?
“Then I’ll [Jeremiah] try.”  There we go!
“You’re a good friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest and leans back in pain*
Ugh, man, they’re gonna set this up and then it’s just gonna go downhill from there
Oh God, who brought the chainsaw?
Oh my God...
Is that the Jongleur character?
AN:  Yes
“Hi, guys.”  *in best George Clooney Batman voice* Hi guys, I’m Jim!
Freaking Jim gritting his teeth... I love it
Oh my God...
Oh my God, what happened?!?!?  WHAT HAPPENED?!?
“He [Alfred] was on his way to your office. He'll wait for us there.“  Bruce....
“What was that?”  Oh my God, he’s so paranoid!
Oh my God, they actually dug it up...
*Jeremiah bolts*  Haaaaahahaha!  Oh my God!
Yeah, no, Jerome’s dead.  He’s so dead.  I’m sorry, man, but he dead.
Oh my God... they’re [Oswald and Butch] watching cartoons!
Wouldn’t make-up work for Butch?
“Not run apace”.... that’s a new term
“Did you [Oswald] just shush me [Butch]?!?!?”  Hahahahaha!
“Confusion is always an opportunity for the clear-headed.“  Oooohhh, that’s a good line.
You’re gonna interrogate him [Jongleur] with a cattle prod near reporters?!?  Are you serious?
*The Riddler arrives*  Oh crap!
“We need a costume shop.”  Oh my God, they’re gonna go in disguised as some of Jerome’s followers.  Oh my God.
Lee, get up!
I like that dude with the black lace umbrella in the background!
Guys, what are we doing?
Of course he [Jeremiah] hides in a freaking... mausoleum.
That shot of Bruce is awesome.
“You can trust me because I'm your friend!”  *whimpers*
“I want you to be my friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest*
“And then you came along and offered me everything I could dream of.”  “Because I believe in you, Jeremiah.“  Oh my God...
This is breaking my heart.  This is freaking breaking my heart!
“All we have to do is get out of here.“  *starts singing “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” by The Animals*
*Jeremiah fires off a warning shot near Bruce’s feet*  WHOA!
Where did he get the gun?
“You can fool everyone else but I [Jeremiah] know you made a switch.”  Oh my God...
*actually clutches hair in stress*  Oh my God...
“And you can't hide, not even behind that new face of yours.“  What?  Wait, what?  What?
“I know it’s you.”  What?
“I know it’s you, Jerome.”  Whaaaat?!?
Oh my God, Jeremiah, noooo....
“You killed my friend Bruce. Now it's time to put you back in your grave.“  Nooo....
*Jerome’s casket is revealed to be actually a beer cooler*  HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA...
*slaps chair in hilarity*  Oh my gosh...
*Lee accidentally knocks out Ed*  Oh my God!
Jiiiimmm..... this is such a bad idea, Jiiiimmmm....
OK, there’s the generator.  They left it on?  Why did they leave it on?  They just wanted to see how long it would run?
Whoa.... what’s going on?  What’s going on?
*Jerome’s corpse is found propped up next to his tombstone*  OHHH MY GOD!
Jerome’s hair looks different... whoa...
*The Jester points a gun at Jim*  Oh my God!
Is he [Jerome] just.. gaslighting the crap outta him [Jeremiah]?
*Jeremiah goes after Bruce with Jerome’s straight razor*  Oh my God!
*gasps when Jerome starts getting strangled by someone offscreen*
Oh my God...
AN:  Take a sip every time I’ve said this during this reaction.  Careful, there’s a lot of them.
“Hold still, brother.  Let's peel off that grotesque facade.”  Oh my God...
What kind of rule is that sharp that it can embed itself in a wall?
OK, what’s going on?  Seriously, what’s going on?  What’s going on, what’s going on, what’s going on...
*jaw drops to the floor*
Whaatt... whaaat...
*Jeremiah shoots one of the cult followers through the chin*  AAAAAHHHHH!!
What’s going on, what’s going on...
*absolutely screams when Jeremiah starts wiping off his makeup*
*absolutely screams again when Jeremiah does the same thing in the video that Jim is watching*
Oh my God, there’s ten minutes left!  WHAAAAAATT?!?
“Other than some mild cosmetic effects...”  Hahaha my God...
Oh my God...
I just wanna know where Jerome found the time to make a freaking journal of all his escapades
Wait, so did he [Jeremiah] set up the whole thing?
Ohhhh my God....
“I [Jeremiah] would hate to be within a mile of it [the generator] if it were to... overload.”  Oh my God...
“Jerome wanted to slather you [Bruce] in honey and have you eaten alive by corpse beetles.“   Eeewww...
Also, whoa there, Jerome.  Calm down.
Can’t believe I’m kink-shaming a dead clown.  What has this world come to?
“Are you gonna listen?  Or you gonna behave like children?”  Pfftttt.....
See, I [Jeremiah] don't want to kill you [Bruce], because I want to show you how much I've changed things. How much we've changed things.”  Oh my God... oh my God....
Bruce doesn’t know about the generators.  Ohhhh shit!
Oh my God, they’re not gonna kill off Jim!
“See those generators that we built with your [Bruce’s] money, they work even better as bombs.“  Oh my God...
*gasps when Jeremiah’s bunker blows up*
“Jim Gordon is dead.”  No Jim ain’t dead.  C’mon.
“In fact, I [Jeremiah] can honestly say... you [Bruce] are my very best friend.“  *through gritted teeth*  Oh my Goddd...
My hands are actually shaking...
“I [Oswald] don't expect you [Jongleur] to betray the memory of that old corpse.“  Hoooo...
Roll credits!
“Is your [Butch’s] plan to gain his sympathy by reciting your tale of woe?“  Pffffttt....
*Butch starts shoving chicken bones up Jongleur’s nose*  AAAAAAHHHHHH!
Hahaha Oswald in the background!
*pumps fist*  Whoo whoo!
So do they [Ed and Lee] actually like each other here?  What’s going on?
“I'm assuming you [Ed] brought one of those [clown costumes] for me [Lee]?”  “Oh.  Now, I would be into that, but they only had one.“  Hahahaha oh my Goddd...
*jams out to “Rockers” by U.K. Subs*
*Ed and Lee share a kiss*   Oooooohhhh....
“Don't just wrap me [Ed] around your finger, Lee.“  That is exactly what’s she’s doing.
“You know, it's funny, it kind of reminds me [Harvey] of my first apartment in Crown Point.”   “How long ago was that?”  “I still live there.”  Heehee...
*Ecco shoots the guards*  OOHHHHH
Wait, are they [Jeremiah and Ecco] holding each others’ arms?  Almost protectively?
I’m.. actually totally down to see where this relationship goes in this show.  I know it was mentioned that Ecco is “devoted” to Jeremiah so I’m not sure how far that goes. 
There’s definitely an implication of romance in this bit but I’m very interested in how this goes down.
Ohhhh my God...
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Maxx Danziger x Reader “Maxx Tries Something New”
Ok! Here we go. You can already tell by the title what this is based off of. At least I hope you do. If not, Go on youtube and type the name of this fic in to the search bar. Enjoy! (Feel free to change any of the names in my fics. I use them so I don’t have to constantly type Y/N)
(Lara’s POV)
     Maxx was currently setting up the camera for Set It Off’s newest youtube video. The fans never really got to properly see or hear from me so we figured we would throw me in this video. He finally sat on the edge of the bed and pats beside him. I scoot up and he begins to record.
     “What’s u-” Maxx began as he was cut off by me sneezing.
     “Oh. Bless you love” He says as he turn back to the camera as I laugh at his reaction.
     “What’s up you guys, So here’s the situation. I was a very, very picky eater growing up. And by that I mean I had like, Pizza, Hotdogs and that was it. I haven’t had like 99% of the food on planet earth. And by haven’t tried most food I mean like, I haven’t had strawberries, I haven’t had a kiwi, I’ve never had a pear before. Almost any vegetable on Earth.” Maxx says as he talks about how little food he eats.
     “On the plus side, He is extremely easy to buy food for. You want in to the store and then walk out of the store. That’s what food shopping for Maxx is like.” I say as I laugh and he turns and laughs and nods along. He knew that statement was extremely true.
     “True, True. So as i’m speaking to you right now, the rest of the guys are at a grocery store getting a ton of food, weird food probably, for me to try for the very first time. We figure it’s a new year, it’s 2017, year of new experiences, and because of that, i’m gonna try some food.” He says and then turns off the camera then turn to me.
     “Why am I letting them do this?” He asks. I just shrug and laugh at him. He then just leaned back on the bed and turned the television back on. He slowly made his lazy ass up to the pillows and laid back.I just laid next to him and he pulled me close so I was cuddled in to his side. Throughout the course of the wait my phone would occasionally go off with Cody texting me about how crazy they look with just one of everything they got and how Zach dumped most of the stand of pistachio's in the basket even though they aren’t buying them.
     I then texted Cody to pick up some cookies for Maxx, after he eats the food they got him and he obviously thought it was a good idea knowing Maxx’s love for chocolate chip cookies. The last text I got before they left the store was that they bought something that was so foreign that they couldn’t find the code for it. Maxx and I where still cuddling and Pistol had made her way on to the bed at some point as well. That’s when I hear the front door open. Maxx was too lost in the show to even hear it so I just stayed. I then hear profuse chopping and yelling which is quite obviously Cody cutting things. Oh boy, here we go.
     So eventually the guys make there way upstairs and tell us that they got the food. As we get up to go Zach proceeds to mention how he wishes he cause Maxx jerking off and they walked in on him. To which I reply.
     “ZACH! GET YOUR OWN MAN!” And everyone just busts out laughing. When we get to the kitchen they ask Maxx what he thinks they got. “Ok. So I assume you guys got some sort of fruit. Some sort of vegetable. Something fucking disgusting and yeah I think all the others are going to be fucking disgusting.” He says as Cody replies with, “Your honestly not far off at all.” and Maxx just smiles and goes “good,great” as they all laugh.
     “Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to Maxx tries something new.” Cody says as I sit next to Maxx and he goes, “here we fucking go.” And we all just laugh.
      They all huddle and point to a plate and bring him a kiwi. “Ooooohhh, Your going to like this one babe.” I say and he just looks and goes, “So do I eat this slice or....” to which I must point to the slice of kiwi. He eats the kiwi and he just goes “Hmm, That’s pretty good. That’s not bad at all” He says and puts up the ok hand motion.
     They once again huddle around the counter and then bring another plate with a green pepper on it. Maxx’s immediate thought to it being “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!” and we all can’t help but laugh. “I honestly can’t tell if that’s a vegetable or meat” and then picks it up and goes “it’s a pepper for sure.” and then continues to examine it.
     “BABE! Jesus Christ it’s a food not a fucking painting just eat it!” I yell and then he just stares at me with a fake shocked face and a smile and then bites into it. And according to Maxx the pepper “Tastes like water”. I just put my hand over my face as the guys laugh at him. “What is this?” He asks. Cody had to once again establish that “It’s a green bell pepper.” With Maxx immediately following with “It’s ehh”. I couldn’t help it. I just grab his head and press it againt my chest and he just lays there as I pet his head and laugh silently at him. “You heard it the verdict is ehh” Zach says as they all join in on the ehh part.
     Once again they huddle and all I could hear was “ I don’t even know what the fuck it is” from Zach. I lean over to Maxx and say “I don’t think your going to like this one babe.” I say as he turn and smiles at me. “Thanks for the warning baby girl” He replies as he kisses my cheek and the guys put it on the table. They all do a quick awww and then Dan puts a weird ass fruit and yells ‘OW’ repeatedly. 
     “That shit looks more like a weapon than i food” I say as I pick up my arm and make it look like i’m throwing something. Zach laughs along with the guys and goes “Your going to have to eat it with a spoon.” Once again, Maxx’s first reaction to it, is to compare it to a plumbus from Rick and Morty. And then says “I have no fucking idea what this is” As he waves his hands around with the fruit.
     “If you had to name this, what would you name it?” Cody asks. “Spiky no no plant” Is all Maxx says before Cody tells us that it is called a ‘Horned Melon’.
     Maxx digs right in causing it to make a nasty sound and all the guys to yell and laugh about the noise it made. After he tries it he claims that it’s like eating tadpoles and picks up the fruit and squeezes it making it seem like it’s talking and says “Im going to give this one a zero.” and everyone to laugh along. (Im so sorry im rambling. It is 6:15am and I am watching the video as we go. Im going to skip ahead a bit.)
     Within the next maybe 15 minutes of laughing and funny comments, Maxx had tried, Tuna or as he calls it “Cat food”, A pear, Which he liked but nicknamed it “the boogieman” from nightmare before christmas or an apple that just woke up one say and said “Whatever”, and Sour Kraut or “Onions that gave up” which he almost died from.
     Then Cody starts talking about how they kinda put him through hell and they knew he wasn’t going to like everything so they got something to as they said “Soften the blow”. And Cody turns to me and nods. They has told me where they put them through a text message so I just nod and Maxx looks kind of confused but excited. and goes “Is it more sour kraut?!” and they all joke about how it was more sour kraut. I get up and go to the fridge and get the cookies from the top which I had to get on my tippy-toes to get. 
     “So your lovely girlfriend suggested that we get you...” He starts as I turn around and he yells “OOOOOOHHHH SHIIITTTTTT! I have had those before.” and then goes for some cookies. “Do I get to keep the lovely lady as well?” He asks as I sit down next to him again and he puts his arm around me then pulls me to his lap. The guys just laugh and nod informing that he can indeed keep his girlfriend. And he then screams “BEST PRIZE EVERRRRRR!!!!” and then stack 2 chocolate chip cookies to make a cookie sandwich. He takes a bite throws it on the table and yells “100! ALL DAY BABY!” and throws his hands in the air. Then they did the whole outro thing.
     After they finished they talked for a few minutes and then me and Maxx head to our room by a well timed yawn on my part. Maxx then grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder and begins to walk up the stairs as everybody yells a goodnight. Maxx throws me on the bed and then pushes my legs so that he can lay down. I just take off my pants leaving my in just a shirt and Maxx takes off his shirt and pants, as the man always has on skinny jeans and then gets under the covers and pulls me close. “Man, You really where the best prize today” He says as he wraps his arm around my waist and puts his head in to the crook of my neck and breathes in. 
     “Ehhh, I think the cookies where better.” I reply as I wrap my arms around him. (They are facing each other. Its kinda like a hug) “Yeah right. The difference between you and cookies are that they will eventually go bad. But you, you will always be perfect” He says as he then flips on to his back leaving me to lay on top of him.
     “You are so corny” I say as he just smirks and goes “Sorry, but i’ve never eaten corn. How corny can I be.” (I don’t know if he’s never had corn or nah) I just laugh and lay my head on his check. Little did we know, the guys where behind our door recording what we where saying and where going to edit that into the video.
     God. How could anybody not Love Maxx Danziger.
(Hope you guys liked it. I know I rambled and I’m so so sorry but I got distracted and before I knew it this was so long. But anyway I should probably get sleeping it’s almost 7am and I haven’t slept yet. Much Love Guys)
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Love O2O” with Me!
Episode 25
oh my god we have like what
five episodes levt???
we open again with the last seconds of the previouss how
as the ever lovely mark lee would say, lezgeddit
i dont like where this seems to be heading
if the fucking cousin shows up while weiwei is there im going to be
i do not like this
stop being a fucking creep kyle
take no for an answer
she said oh hell no bitch
stop being such a fucking creep jesus
oh snap he did not jsut insult my boys
get fucked kyle
get wreckdt
oh god no
ajdlfkjasd its almost as if theyre the same person
oh that cant be good
oh no the fish!
whos place
yoooo thats a sick fucking mop thing
she really said youd sleep in the offic ebut lets takl about it
he said oops i stay
he looks so snuggly im *smsiling with three hearts emoji*
coffeee!!!! only character i care about!
im so sick of this guy jfc
coffee is the cutest!
let him rot
you deserve better
ice & fire that place looks dope
i gotta lookit up
i wonder what he’s gonna do
theyre really misreading everything huh
hard to look badass on a fuckin vespa bud
afkasl i love his rice cooker so much
dude can you fucking chill???
the way nai is just looking at the screen
what do you think that means??
i am so sick of this man
yeah yeah yeah stop typing bud
kill the rat man
fakfjashd he just confessed to nai instead im so weak
how many times do you think that the coffee travel cup fell over when they were filming?
cute cute cute
what is glasses doing now
i knew he was meeting with zhenyi
what papers
that is
why not talk to nai first about what is going on???
just give them fake information
its not like he’d know what youre talking about
why does this mean so much to them?
rat man
why do they be shouting tthough
stop being rat men im sick of this shit kyle
the guy at his table at the end with the glasses???  im in love with him
god hes kind of a hmmmm how to say
rat bastard?
ooooohhh kodak be buying things
i do not care about the plot i just want to see the #squad and weinai
and we reache the end of this episode!
thank you for reading!!!
stay safe and stay healthy <333
0 notes
pirirps · 7 years
mythbusters starters: season 5
i guess the moral of this story is, don’t paint your airship with rocket fuel.
this ingredient is made of blur. and this ingredient has some blur in it too. this is very dangerous. don’t mix blur with blur.
that took almost ten times longer than the hindenburg took to burn. the entire hindenburg.
if you’re getting chased by a crocodile, you can easily escape them by running in a zigzag pattern, because they can not turn corners.
they’re fishnet stockings.
oh no, they’ve got feathers on them still!
is everybody okay?
oh noooo! the crocodiiiiiilleee!!!
this should solve the mystery once and for all.
you want three zeppelins in a day? we’ll give you three zeppelins in a day.
these things are always catchin’ on fire!
and that, kids, is the textbook definition of “irony”.
next up on discovery: the world’s deadliest piñata!
why are they hissing?
i’ve been watching a lot of professional wrestling on television, so i’ve learned a lot of wrestling moves, and i’m gonna test them out on this crocodile.
there’s only one thing left: plan c. and that’s c for “crazy”.
that’s crocodiles… but what about ALLIGATORS?
this thing is going to buuuuuurrrrnnn.
if you’re driving around with a truck full of birds, and the birds take flight, will your truck get lighter?
the birds will be too fat to fly!
____’s pain threshold is way lower than a pigeon’s.
is that photoshop?
oka [voice cracks] ay.
the only evidence they have is this photo and accompanying reports.
his ocd kicks in– that’s “obsessive crash disorder”.
ooooohh, five bucks?
[smashing things with a sledgehammer] i am! so! sick! of! _________!
bueno! that’s spanish for “good”.
i’m gonna do my pole dance.
just had to mention the weather, didn’t you?
_______ makes it look so easy when he does it!
team unity is the first casualty.
seeing as ______ and ______ are rejecting each other’s reality and substituting their own, this argument is going nowhere.
i guess it didn’t happen exactly the way it was reported.
i wanna see some carnage.
okay, escape plan: same as last time.
i’m givin’ up.
i think it’s gonna be a web-shooter.
i’m ready. [covers crotch with hands] yeah, i’m ready.
see what happens when we pull this string.
with thoughts of unemployment crowding his mind, how could he fail?
is he saying “red rum”?!
no, my dog voice doesn’t work.
look into my eyes… deeper… you will fall into a deep, deep sleep!
exactly! except we won’t kill people.
can i be hypnotized to do something against my will?
i know he’s not that good an actor.
just because we can’t do it doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
i don’t like the idea of this.
this is trickery.
the only way that any of that would’ve made sense is if music started playing and he started taking his clothes off.
this is the burrito.
that’s high explosives, huh? it looks more like a taco.
you’re gonna shoot my hat off?
i’m gonna shoot your hat off.
oh, can we break out of jail? i’ve always wanted to do that!
when they made _____, they broke the mold.
so this is what you were expecting all along, and you were just gonna watch us bumble around with this?
just imagine what i could do with steel-toed boots.
i’m sick of being the guy that throws up on camera.
i’m afraid of commitment and i don’t think that’s gonna change.
you’ll know it works because i’ll come back with, like, purple eyes.
spin me, baby.
come on! i wanna see you blow chunks!
i just can’t stand those things. they freak me out.
that 100% sucks.
i didn’t want to listen to you going “dude, it’s totally okay. dude, it’s totally okay. dude, it’s totally o–”
the fake blood department would have its hands full.
i’m tired of being the ______ guinea pig.
you know when you haven’t eaten for a while, and you’re just throwing up bile? yeah. this is just bile.
never leave your position, _____!
boys will be boys.
well, actually, i heard this one about this guy, and he had a jet pack?
why does it smell like this? what did he keep in here?
all in the name of science, of course.
y’know, something tells me that this is, maybe, not the best of the options.
if you’re thinking that a refrigerator is going to contain a grenade, you’re dead wrong.
we’re what you’d call “experts”.
you can jump around, make cat noises, do karate chops, all kinds of adolescent behavior like we know you love to do.
what makes you think i have a ninja costume?
well, maybe we should start by finding a real ninja.
i’m hoping _____ won’t get hurt too bad. a little bit is good.
jimmy choo can rest easy.
decapitation hazard, everybody!
people say i’m not that quick.
[trying to sword fight with a measuring tape]
[clapping] yaaaaaaayy!
not many people know this, but ______ comes from an ancient line of nine generations of shoe-tiers.
come, silent walrus! let us storm the castle! i will don my safety gear!
the important thing is that i look damn good.
______ were not at all above trying to encourage the belief in their supernatural powers.
they wanted people to fear their magical powers.
do it like your life depends on it.
thanks for that motivation, ______.
don’t think of it as a competition… but it is.
a ninja must go to the bathroom before he swings his sword.
he hasn’t looked this incensed since star trek was cancelled.
this thing’s starting to look like a monster. pretty soon you’re not even gonna recognize it.
everybody knows being caught on the rebound doesn’t count.
he stopped it with his head.
hai! ikimashou! – that’s “let’s go” in japanese.
whoo! if i had any dignity, that would have been humiliating.
i’m stealthy as the night.
don’t i look like silent death, bringing justice in the night?
so i notice you have all your fingers.
wow, you have a lot of confidence in her. more than we do.
so you mean all those ninja movies were not true?
it’s water. it’s… got something else in it. but. it’s water.
there’s nothing _______ would rather do than play in a giant tub of goo.
ohh, that’s so funky! ooooohhh, duuuude, that feels so wrong!
come on in, the water’s great!
is that legal in baseball?
it’s ever so slightly totally illegal.
something’s gonna go somewhere it shouldn’t, we’re gonna have mayhem one way or another, but– what the heck, it’s all in the name of science, right?
it’s a brand new, high-speed, intricate rig with multiple moving parts. seriously, what are the chances that it’s going to work the first time?
[cupping hands over mouth to make walkie talkie noises] one small step for man… one giant leap for mankind.
aaaaand the bat is still there.
swing like you’re pissed off.
do you watch ANY sporting events?
yeah, i watch sports. i watch robot combat.
how ‘bout humid balls?
there’s actually a lot more to baseball than you might think.
great. because there’s nothing we’re better at than organized sports, right?
HEY batta batta batta, SWING batta batta batta, SWING!
is it a bird? is it a plane?
it’s fight club– superhero style.
no one can run at the speed of light, no one can spin webs, and no one turns green when they get angry and has super-strength.
if we’re gonna do this in true superhero fashion, i think you all need to put your underwear on the outside of your pants.
it’s a key component on the belt of… nocturnal echolocating flying mammal man.
in a never-ending fight against crime, superheroes often have to leap tall buildings.
we’re gonna have to do this one for real, man. we can’t fake it this time.
it’s a little bigger than batman’s.
i’m not in really great shape like batman is, but, you know, i’m gonna try.
that’ll feed my family for a month!
you all set, batman?
i’m all set, boy wonder!
i don’t remember batman having this much trouble.
ladies and gentlemen, there’s a new superhero on the block.
if you guys don’t mind, i’m just gonna lie here for a little while.
superheroes big and small are getting put to the test.
he’s that guy who could punch people so hard he left a scar in the shape of the skull on his ring.
if we can’t punch each other, who are we gonna punch?
as we know, ____ was raised by robots.
i need these two in adamantium, and these two in kryptonite.
his name is porkloinio. he’s an evil… pig… man.
our comic book criminal is down for the count.
you know, i can’t me _____man all the time. sometimes… i just have to be _____.
batman probably didn’t get it on his first try, either.
let’s go be batman.
what’s in the bag?
i like how she does the little hair flip.
holy awesomeness, _____!
this is gonna be the coolest batmobile ever!!!
holy air-cannon, _____!
this is actually the most dangerous thing i’ve built in a long line of dangerous things.
oh! newton’s laws! we forgot newton’s laws!
who says superheroes don’t bleed?
it’s not good for the image to be seen taking the elevator.
while it may look like an abandoned aircraft hangar, it is, in fact, a super-modern superhero training facility.
god, i hate these things. gimme a ladder any day of the week!
yeah, i still have to come up with a name for this thing. i’m thinking… “nocturnal echolocating flying mammal man’s cable shooter”.
this is all a little frightening.
this is definitely harder concrete than anything i’ve ever seen before.
curses! foiled again!
what is it with you and these robots?
i call the gun!
well, that’s gonna suck.
i can’t believe this is my job.
right, so here’s your motivation: you’ve just robbed a bank and you want to get away.
you know, this is my first surgery ever, aaaaaand– i feel like it went pretty well. i didn’t even go to med school, either.
i feel so sci-fi!
it’s probably gonna explode and she’s gonna lose her arm. i can’t wait to see that.
look, i think we’re already on enough government watch lists. let’s watch this one go.
that doesn’t seem very… logical.
now that’s an enterprising idea.
the ninja is making a comeback.
we killed the ninja!
yeah, but the law in the us and the uk is different.
where are we gonna get a car that can go 200 miles per hour?
this thing is beautiful. i think i’m gonna cry.
where’s the satellite radio? where’s the cup-holder? this is very primitive.
that’s on purpose. that’s what’s supposed to happen.
it’s really only demonstrable through telling a story.
the police are coming, so let’s wrap up and get out of here.
can i fire this one? can i? can i? can i? do you mind? do you mind? is it alright? 
you’re a freak!
now all we need is a 40-AA bra.
a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
i can’t look.
i just don’t know if these express me. i think i might want a different color.
is this as disturbing as i think it is?
it’s even more disturbing than you think it is.
[tosses bra on your face]
you need some help, big guy?
you didn’t take off your shirt, did you?
what are you, nuts?
it’s kinda dark in here. maybe we should light a fire.
it’s a bad idea to cross the streams.
he’s going through a rebellious phase and wanted to upset his mom.
ugh, it’s like you’re a mind-reader or something!
you pushed me out of the way, what the hell was that?!
i was giving you more of a challenge!
i like to live my life halfway like an action hero and halfway like a cartoon character.
[racecar noises]
i remember it like it was only yesterday…
i figure if you wanna get out of a ticket, short skirts and crying is still the way to go.
________ only works if the officer is human.
once the bumper goes back on, it’ll be fine, no one will know. … until they crash.
one car. almost two miles of runway. no speed limit. it’s just another day in ________ paradise.
i’m gonna have a fire suit on, a helmet, the whole nine yards. just in case i crash. and burn. and stuff like that.
ah, _____. ever the optimist.
based solely on my own intuition and on now practical experience whatsoever, i estimate that we can get this car up to 100 miles per hour.
let’s see ______ bat his baby blues now!
we’ve caught you red-handed!
i dunno, old man, maybe you just don’t have what it takes.
nitroglycerin? that’s explosive!
i mean, we break everything we touch.
when you say “we”, you mean “you”.
it’s going to be… potentially… the most lethal thing i’ve ever built.
this thing, if it works, will definitely kill you.
it’s like frankenstein’s laboratory.
well, y’know, normally the paddles don’t have serrated edges, but this is a homemade defibrillator.
think we could go get first place in the science fair?
this doesn’t look dangerous enough. you think we should go get some buckets of water to stand in? or turn on the sprinkler system?
just put your safety glasses on.
she made it!
yeah, i’m sure my mom will watch this later and she’ll be like, “augh! not again!”
it’s open season on speedsters.
you know what? i’ll save you some time. it’s probably illegal.
i’ll eat my hat if this is legal in even one state.
it’s enough to make your hair stand on end!
want an umbrella?
that seems reeeeeeeeeally reeeeeally really dangerous.
lots of water? large amounts of electricity? i don’t see a danger in that at all.
i… didn’t think it was gonna hurt me. i thought i had that one under control.
can someone unwrap me?
turn off the camera and help me get out of this thing!
i love being wrong.
you did very good, sweetie.
well, i’m pretty sure no one is going to sell us nitroglycerin.
can i drive the car?
all that’s left now is to gently break _____’s heart.
i’ve got a little somethin’-somethin’.
nice work, speedy gonzalez.
we’ll be checking in often.
weren’t you a bugler in the civil war?
trust ____ to turn a trombone into an instrument of torture.
why don’t we let the narrator explain?
nag, nag, nag.
you’d think we would learn.
it’ll toast your waffles to almost 3000 degrees.
it’s in the danger zone.
excellent! danger!
[smashing things with hammers] ABANGADABANGADABANGADA–
did you see the death star when it went out? i want an explosion like that.
_____’s mug is looking smug.
i bet you’re wondering why i’m standing here holding a plunger.
it gets me all steamed up just thinking about it.
_____’s going to be playing cowboy.
okay, so, the ranch actually has a psychic horse.
god, this seems like a really stupid idea.
deedoo! deedoo! deedoo! fashion police!
do you feel any heat? in your pants, i mean.
our patient is sick.
jim morrison, eat your heart out!
there’s no way of doing this without looking creepy right now.
he’s a genius… a demented genius!
are we gonna have to amputate his legs?
badabing, badaboom.
welcome to the ______ clubhouse!
tight jeans look very foxy.
this kind of stress on a regular basis can’t be good.
it just goes to show, there’s danger everywhere.
did you know what was lurking in your basement?
do either of you want my jeans that were dragged through horse manure?
gee, that sounds like fun!
i’m gonna go talk to him, find out what he knows.
have i ever told you that i sing in _____’s band twice a month?
he was voted in germany the sexiest tv star alive, second only to david hasselhoff.
i was a small wookiee in star wars episode 3.
no you weren’t, because i would have seen you, because i was also a small wookie in star wars episode 3!
i haven’t been this excited since my last cage match!
we have a few friends in law enforcement.
you ever get the feeling people are watching us work?
zis… it may look like simple clockwork, but… i seenk of it as a map of ze most complex clockwork art, like ze planets. it is not a planetary gear, but i seenk of it as a planetary gear because each thing, like a planet, moves in its place and goes where it should. it is not only a map of ze planets, it is also a map of ze atom! in zis vay, the microcosm is the macrocosm! and phylogeny recapitulates ontology!
that is so creepy!
i feel a total kinship with the guys who made this thing.
it put a dent in a quarter inch of steel.
i’m very pleased. and terrified.
our criminal mastermind has the details.
oh, this sucks. this went from fun to not fun.
is your first name salvatori?
i got the third degree.
my happy-slash-erotic thoughts are puppies licking my face and scantily clad women.
i don’t like people asking me unexpected questions like that. i’ve seen montel. i know how they get people.
_____ and _____ are involved in a steamy affair.
it’s a ballsy plan.
what can i say? i’m not cut out for crime.
i didn’t bring me bikini. did you bring yours?
[driving right past the building] we are looking for… the _____…
that sucks. that sucks!
have you ever ridden on the bus long distance before?
i don’t wanna take this test. can i opt to not take this test?
i think he’s dead.
it’s shiny. it looked like a fun thing to take.
well, looks like we get to take that cross-country trip you’ve been talking about.
i might forgive you, but not for the next two days.
now drop and give me twenty.
c'mon, c'mon, we need to come up with something!
so in all of your eclectic careers, have you ever gone and gotten a pilot’s license?
this is all alien to me.
why’s it telling me not to think?
unfortunately, i died. and all of my passengers and my crew died with me.
hey, it’s like we’re stormchasers!
that’s a bird, dude.
so that’s what they look like inside…
[addressing the beeping computer] what? what? i don’t know what to do?
i– i– i– crashed. i crashed. i landed in some farmland about ten miles out of denver.
adios amigo!
we’re doing point blank! can’t you tell? i’m keanu reeeves!
i have a feeling this will probably be a new high in terrifying moments in my life. 
what are we, like, ten?
so get this–
ever since people invented planes, they’ve been wanting to throw themselves out of them.
we’re gonna go to some hot night clubs.
i just gotta remember to breathe, not shit my pants, not pass out, and not scream like a little girl.
______, i’m frightened!
what kind of special treat do you have for me today?
for your sake, i hope so! [maniacal laughter]
are you gonna stay in-character this entire time?
when it comes to magnets, i’m your guy.
it looks like a watch, but it’s not.
it’s really good that we get this chance to bond.
it’s a classic james bond maneuver.
in the words of dr. no: “we never fail, mr. bond.”
i’m sick of these monkey suits.
moneypenny never packed a piece like this!
it’s best not to anger ______ when he’s got a steel girder in his hands.
well, i’m just gonna go for this and hope for the best.
i’m gonna be rc-ing this boat. and then maybe i’ll let _____ sit in it and then let it go out of control.
allow me to demonstrate with secret agent yarn.
anyone else feeling like an evil genius?
today, propane tanks. tomorrow– world domination!
you’ve had your last martini, _______!
as many times as we do this, i don’t get used to how much fun it is.
i mean, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
let’s go get a couple of martinis.
have you lost your damn mind?
cowabunga! let’s rip it up!
i am ready to rip it and– shred some– some stuff. did i say that right?
is it really impossible to fly a lead balloon?
yup, the insurance doesn’t cover that.
robot! i knew it!
ready to hang ten?
how’s he gonna hang ten? he’s got no feet.
you look nervous.
yeah, spank that water!
is it just me, or is he trying to clone himself and make a little army?
the ingeniously named "step 2" is complete.
i still want more... balloon-ness.
if someone says it’s impossible, we just take it as a challenge!
the kids can’t help but destroy their creation.
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simplybennnnett · 5 years
Season 10 finale
I have State testing in 3 hours and I'm already super emotional because of it, so this should be fun
-You know what!? I was really excited because I heard that they used the cover of Carry on Wayward Son from FanFiction, in the intro AND NETFLIX TOOK IT OFF!!!
-Im going to look for it on youtube
-Found it
-*jamming while people's heads get chopped off*
-The drums at the end, are my favorite
-Alright I'm good let's do this thing
-sam is clearly stressed
-somebody hug sam
-that sweet boy needs some help
-and dean clearly needs rehab
-*sigh* dean is stressed too I guess
-(can you tell which brother I like more right now)
-ooooo she brought out the full name...
-I love Rowena
-shes awesome
-listen to cas sam. he's usually right
-ugh dean's got problems
-that's not how it works dean
-okay here's what have decided... hug sam, smack dean
-sam's face during this is cracking me up
-cas is so done with both of the winchesters
-remember what I said about the 3 brain cells and how Kevin has all of them, yeah well when he died he apparently gave them to cas because he's the only person with any sense around here
-dean did not just kill rudy.
-im just getting annoyed with him now
-aaaaannd dead bloody people are now haunting dean
-aaaaannd now he's destroying his motel room....
-aww sam
-oo cas is gonna... I don't know but whatever he does will be awesome
-cas looks like he was just told his whole life was a lie
-yikes dean why???
-no he did not leave the impala to sam I'm gonna start crying
-what is he doing??
-death?? why??? no??
-dean no
-i hate how friendly dean and death are
-poor dean
-oh dean
-no dean
-hi?? Crowley?? I guess
-wait but oskar is like 300 years old
-ooooohhh that makes sense
-i hate this a lot
-wait what?
-one of them is about to go away forever and they are still arguing like brothers
-No. Dean you don't get to tell Sam to not be selfish... it doesn't work that way
-poor crowley
-exactly dean!!
-oh sam
-thank you Sam!
-dean shut up there are other ways
-he's going to him?? why??
-oh sam
-im crying
-aww no.
-dean telling sam to close his eyes ahh I'm gonna cry
-im so emotional
-death. do us a favor. shut up
-did. did dean just kill death??
-aww poor rowena
-oh no
-bud no
-oh come on dean
-um that's not good
-ummmmmm what!!?!!?!
I can't take this show anymore
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mellowely · 6 years
Thought #4
Woop woop another one of these..though..this isn’t so light I guess in a way? I just really this is just my own opinion and not really a thing on well..anything serious honestly? Anyway. I’m tired of people who complain excessively and say how they’re a horrible person who shouldn’t even be alive and shit. While yes. When you’re a friend and you feel absolutely worthless and hate yourself I will allow this...to an extent..I get people get sad, i get they get upset and feel horrible about something..BUT. If you repeatedly say this everytime after a span of 2 years...im gonna drop ya. I’m sorry. But after awhile it gets tiring trying to reassure you that you’re not worthless, that you’re not pathetic, and that you actually are cared about. And while maybe that puts me in the wrong? But by past toxic relationships i’ve been in they ALWAYS do that as a way to guilt trip me. To make me stay with them and not leave. So..if you’re a friend and you say this multiple times almost all day or every single time we speak...chances are i’m gonna drop ya. Not without a warning though..I will give a warning and if you actually like..are able to change my mind or something?? then i might reconcider my decision..but if. you. fucking. end. it with. “Im sorry i ruined this.” OOOOOHHH boy thats gonna piss me the fuck off. Now. lets go into the reason why sometime sits ok. If you’re hella depressed and let me know and say this!..then i will not get angry at you because hell. I’ve been there before and i know what its like. I will try to talk to you reassure you and get you through it the best to my ability. If you say this once or twice every few times i will help you. I won’t get angry. I do care about my friends and want to help them in anyway i can because quite frankly noone helped me. And why spread mroe negativity in the world when theres already so much? I hate negative people. Not in a “im pessimistic” kinda way..more in a “i’m gonna bully this person or say something rude becuase why not?” kinda way. And with that i guess thats really it..another long post. but well..meh. have a nice day and if you can, think positive! Or...atleast a little positive? I’m always here to help and theres others who i know can help you to if you end up getting to that sort of low. i mean. We all end up depressed one day. even if its you get depressed because you dropped a cookie.. i mean who knows? maybe that was your breaking point? or..you just....really liked that cookie and you can’t eat it anymore??..whatever it is i’m always here to help. OwO and good day to you all!
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sarohara · 4 years
You both like christmas.
Stranger: santa
You: hey boo, merry xmas!!
You: santa tell me
Stranger: are u santa
You: i wish i was
You: ahahaha
You: no, r u?
Stranger: dang i wish bro
You: yeah ikr!!
Stranger: if only
You: if only what?
Stranger: if only we were santa
You: oh yeah ahaha i'm sleepy
Stranger: im hungry
You: imma cook then
Stranger: awww for me
You: yeah!! ahahah
You: what do u wanna eat?
Stranger: ur so nice
Stranger: i want chicken
You: ahahah aw!
You: okay, imma cook this :)
Stranger: awwww thank you how old are u
You: Anytime!
You: ahahah
You: um, i'm 16
You: how 'bout u?
Stranger: ooo im 18
You: ahahha may i ask ur name?
Stranger: megan
Stranger: nu
You: heyy megan! i love ur name!
You: I'm Sarah btw
Stranger: awwww thxs sarah ur so nice
You: awwww YOU are so nice!
Stranger: question ?
You: r u gonna ask me something
You: or u wanna me to ask u something?
Stranger: wanna ask something
You: if i wanna ask u something?
You: lmao i'm so sleepý
You: it seems like i'm drunk
Stranger: can i ask something and seems like im high
You: Yeah go ahead
You: ahhahah we're both high then gal
Stranger: thoughts on harry styles ?
Stranger: yassss girl
You: The most prettiest boy in whole world, yea, i'm sure
Stranger: omg i love u
You: Sending you some virtual love
You: ahahhaha
You: love ya!
Stranger: lol ur funny
Stranger: where u from
You: I do my best ahahahhaha lmao
You: I'm brazilian
You: from Brazil (no way!) ahah
Stranger: ooooo im Florida
You: Oooh us!
You: old us ahah
Stranger: haha nice
You: So, how r things over there?
Stranger: good nu
You: well, if it is ab covid, it's kinda messy
Stranger: ya true that
You: but it's stable at the same time, anyway we're fine lol
Stranger: that good
You: It could be better, u know
You: Yea yea!
Stranger: i know
Stranger: yassssss
You: So, wyd now?
Stranger: smoking nu
You: smoking what? lmao
You: i'm just listening to music, as usual i would say
Stranger: cig
Stranger: nice im also listening music
Stranger: to
You: your lung: sos lmao
You: i'm just kidding!
You: ahahha
You: what song?
Stranger: haha daddy issues nu
You: I Hope by Gabby Barret
Stranger: nice
You: It's really good, give it a listen later
Stranger: i will do that
You: And i love daddy issues, btw! quite smooth ahah
You: okay :)
Stranger: hahaha listening to it now and true tho
Stranger: wow its good
You: Right??
Stranger: i like it
You: I'm happy u like it!
Stranger: thank u babe
You: yw boo!
Stranger: so ....
You: So, how's life?
Stranger: its fine i guess just hard nu
You: When someone say that it's because things r really sucked..so do u wanna talk ab it or naaah
You: I'm okay!
Stranger: haha im chilled but thxs hun
You: ooh okay! :)
You: and anytime!
Stranger: oooo now listening to summer walker girls need love
You: I'm not sure if i know this one but imma listen to it
You: i'm just terrible at names ahahha
Stranger: its good
You: Now i'm listening to 7 years
Stranger: nice
You: I'm listeing to girls need love
Stranger: and
You: listening*
You: well, i like the vibeee
You: Ooooohhh
You: I know this song!
Stranger: now listening to LOVE
Stranger: yesssss
You: by who?
Stranger: just LOVE
Stranger: LOVE.
You: Oh like, u mean, to really love?
Stranger: Kendrick lamar
You: ooooh okay
Stranger: yasss
You: Oooh that's smooth!!
Stranger: right
You: I like it
Stranger: now zayn fingers
You: his baby's so cute! ahah
Stranger: right
You: Listening now
Stranger: enjoy
You: That's freaking good
Stranger: it is right
You: Yeaah, so underrated
Stranger: it really is
You: The comments: "If anyone says it's not about harry i will punch them" ahahahhahahaha
Stranger: now ariana grande and the weekend off the tables
Stranger: hahaha ya i say
Stranger: saw
You: Ariana's amazing!! I love her!
Stranger: i love her too
You: Listening
Stranger: and
You: i'm enjoying the song...wait
Stranger: haha yassss
You: ahahha masterpiece! :)
Stranger: right
Stranger: now sza the weekend
You: okay
Stranger: enjoy
You: doing it
Stranger: let me know when u done
You: dude ahahahah i was thinking it wa a song named SZA by The Weeknd lol
You: it was*
Stranger: it is
You: Her voice's amazing, it reminds me a brazilian singer named Iza...
Stranger: right its amazing and thats cool
You: Wait u said it is?
Stranger: if u done zayn like i would
Stranger: oh never mind
You: ooh the video's just sick!!!
You: Omg that's really good
Stranger: right
Stranger: know right
You: yaaaasss
Stranger: want more songs
You: yeah, for sure!! but do u wanna keep in touch? i gotta go now, sadly. i wish i could stay here a lil bit more but i can't..
Stranger: sure
You: snap..insta..wpp? what do u have?
Stranger: snape is melis9655 insta is x_melis420_x
You: okay! :) imma add u on both! mine's scarvalhando(sc) and @sarahcvlm (ig)
Stranger: oh and my name is melissa ya not megan it was just a joke and im actually from south africa
You: Ooh it's okay! Melissa then :) and wow, i love south africa!! I've met some people from there, they're so nice!
Stranger: added ya sorry just wanted to have fun
You: I mean, lemme rephrase, you guys r so nice!**
You: Oh it's okay, don't be sorry!
You: ahahah
You: okay imma add u back
Stranger: hahaha awww thxs ur nice
You: ahaha sure!! and aw tysm :)
Stranger: np :
You: okay so..see ya there (sc or ig, or both) :)
Stranger: :)
You: skip gal! aha
Stranger: any
You: what?
Stranger: wat
You: I had to copy ur sc and ig, that's why i sent "skip gal" ahah
Stranger: oh haha
Stranger: my profile on insta is harry styles
You: oooooh oke
You: my profile on insta is just me ahahah
Stranger: haha ya
You: anyway!! it was so nice talking to u! send me some other songs any time!
You: okay?
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