#but poking fun at my presentation is not okay! even if you! don’t! get! it
romancepartner · 5 months
following up on my shit show weekend, i got what i guess is a pre-apology and agreed to grab coffee with my friend’s boyfriend. nominate me for sainthood i have a feeling i’m going to be asked to deliver a trans 101 lecture to this man.
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lesbojournals · 4 months
Poly!Marauders x Slytherin!Reader
part one here three here four here five
Your head pounded harder than it ever has before. You groaned at the light from your squinted eyes and covered your face with your hands.
“Feeling alright, princess?” You heard a voice ask, and your eyes snapped open at the realization that light doesn’t shine in the Slytherin dungeons and the voice of Sirius Black doesn’t come from your safe dormitory either.
You sat up and glared at him, realizing you were, in fact, in James Potter’s bed (given the Quidditch jersey hanging off of the side embroidered with POTTER). 
“I…we…I didn’t…” You stuttered out, looking at a particularly cheeky Sirius Black.
He nodded solemnly. “You most certainly did.” 
You gasped, bringing your hands to cover your mouth. “In front of-”
Before SIrius could continue, Remus interrupted you. “Enough, Siri. Don’t torture the babe.”
The babe. You felt your cheeks heat at the nickname. Sirius, on the other hand, took note of this and his smile grew bigger.
“Something wrong, dolly?”
Dolly. Great, again with the nicknames. You opened your mouth to answer, words stuck in your throat at the sight of a shirtless James exiting the bathroom from a shower.
“Are you feeling alright, love?” James asked, in genuine concern.
You groaned and fell back into the bed, only to realize you were still in James’ bed, leading you to scramble to get out of it. 
Sirius cackled while Remus gave him a light shove.
James approached you. “You feeling okay? I got a potion for hangovers for you–well actually Rem got two of them for both of us. If you’re feeling anything like I did last night you must be feeling absolutely dreadful.”
You glared at his kind words and huffed. “I don’t need anything, unlike you lions I can handle my liquor.”
With that you stood, feeling a wave of nausea overcome you. You clutched your stomach and James gripped your wrist to run you to the bathroom, where you threw up violently. 
He rubbed your back gentle with one hand, holding your hair up and away from the bile with another.
“So much for handling your liquor.” Sirius quipped from the bathroom doorway, earning another shove from Remus, this time a bit harder.
Remus scolded him. “Don’t be rude to her.”
When you finished James gave you a pat on the back and guided you to stand, helping you over to the sink to get some mouthwash.
Sirius scrunched his nose and opened his mouth to make a comment. Remus then promptly dragged Sirius away, to, what you could only guess, scold him again. 
But why did Remus even care?
James raised an eyebrow at the situation and decided to leave you, unknowingly leaving the bathroom door open a crack.
“You can’t expect her to like you back if all you’re going to do is relentlessly tease, Sirius!” You heard Remus whisper shout.
You could hear James slap his own forehead. “Why are we talking about this now?”
Sirius chimed in. “It’s not my fault the opportunity to poke fun keeps presenting itself! That’s how I express my love!”
You stared at yourself in the mirror in shock. Love?! The Sirius Black, was in love with you? But he had two boyfriends, in a very committed relationship. That could only mean…
The cogs were turning in your head and the realization hit you like a semi-truck. They all liked you.
“I’m leaving!” You loudly announced from the bathroom, making sure your entrance into the room would be known. 
The boys stared at you as you exited the bathroom, Sirius with an eyebrow raised. “And you’re taking mine and Rem’s clothes with you?”
You looked down.
Oh my GOD.
Don’t blush, don’t blush, don’t blush. You told yourself. Come up with something. You definitely knew you had changed into the clothes of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin last night. Sure. 
“Well I don’t suppose I’m supposed to change into the liquor-soaked clothes of mine from last night now am I?” You sarcastically remarked, earning an ‘o’ face from James. 
Oh no. Was that too mean?
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Whatever, pretend you don’t like us. Doesn’t matter to me. Your clothes are in a baggie by the door. I expect my shirt back by next week!”
You stuck your tongue out at him and grabbed the clothes, turning to James and Remus. “Thank you both for letting me stay here. It won’t be happening again.”
You closed the door behind you, immediately sprinting out of the common room to the dungeons as fast as you could. 
God, why can’t you apparate in Hogwarts?
When you entered your common room you promptly ignored the teases of the other Slytherins awake in the morning. The words of Barty Crouch Jr. stuck with you as you raced to your dorm.
“Enjoy the night with your new boyfriends?”
It wasn’t even mean. Or harsh. It was just–wow, your boyfriends? Could you imagine? You shut the thought down as fast as you could and ignored Narcissa’s questioning glance from her bed as you screamed into your pillow.
This feeling would go away, right?
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meowsforyujin · 7 months
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Obsessed- Hyunjin x fem reader
roommates/friends to lovers
Warnings!!( fingering, drinking, riding, unprotected sex(don’t do it), pet names, hyunjins cocky and obsessive )
To say that Hyunjin was obsessed with you was an understatement.
He knew everything about you, even things you didn’t know about yourself. You two had been roommates for two years now, easily hitting it off when Hyunjin moved in. Hyunjin was nothing but a stranger at first, only moving into your small apartment from a craigslist ad. But it really didn’t take long for you two to become best friends. You literally did everything together.
But this was never enough for Hyunjin, he knew from the beginning living with you would be difficult. The moment he saw you he’d been more intrigued then he’d ever been by a woman in his life. Hyunjin wasn’t described as a gentleman, to say the least. He wasn’t a bad person, just a bit of an immature pervert. So he could never for the life of him figure out why he was so suddenly drawn to you in a way he’d never experienced the first day he saw you.
It’s not that you aren’t attractive, you definitely are. It’s that the first day he saw you, you were in the most seemingly “unattractive” outfit ever. Obviously he thought it was attractive, and that's what he found weird. The first day he saw you, you looked like you had just rolled out of bed after a 3 month hibernation. You were walking like a literal zombie, slumping around barely giving him a tour. You were wearing a big t-shirt that did your figure no justice, with the word “nope.” printed in the middle, which might have been the most stupid T-shirt he’d ever seen. When he asked you what your shirt meant you only shrugged, saying it was a dollar at the thrift store. Your Pj pants had been way too long, he’d almost missed your mis-matched spongebob socks. Your hair in the messiest bun he’d ever seen, baby hairs framing your face so well. You were wearing clear framed glasses that were way too big, you had to keep pushing them up on your nose. You wore one single ring on your thumb, in the shape of a skull. It was an odd choice, but he was so heavily intrigued by it.
Hyunjin had never met anyone as unbothered as you either. He always tried to make you jealous, but you never seemed to care. He’d talk about bringing girls home and warn that she would probably be super loud, and you’d simply shrug, “Okay have fun, just don't give her my food.” you’d say.
He’s also never seen you with a guy over, ever. You did have your cousin Changbin over quite often, but that's your cousin. Hyunjin always wondered if you’d ever even touched a man. Surely you had, but he never asked because he really, really didn’t like to think about it. He would always struggle to hide his jealousy when any guy showed you any interest. You’d always reject them though, much to Hyunjin’s relief. Anytime a girl came up to him, he’d search you for any sort of jealous reaction, and never succeeded. In fact, you’d tease him about it later without any problem.
But Hyunjin was cocky. He was sure you liked him. Did he have any proof or reason to think so? Technically no, but he was Hwang Hyunjin and that was reason enough for him.
“Hey Y/nnnnn” Hyunjin pokes at your sides, trying to get your attention.
“Whaaaat.” You sigh, rolling your eyes, turning from your computer to face him.
“Guess what”
“Chicken Butt.”
“No, seriously guess.”
“I’m busy hwang, cut to the chase.”
“Luna and I are going out again tonight, I think things are gonna get serious soon.”
“That’s great Hyunjin, can’t wait to meet her.” He searches your face for any sign of discomfort or annoyance, and only finds sincerity.
“You want to meet her?” He blinks, expecting you to get mad or something. (cocky right?)
“Why wouldn't I? Since when has the great ‘Hwang Hyunjin’ been serious about anyone?”
Since you.
“I don’t know, I’ll ask her if we can make plans for you guys to meet soon.” He hopes you don’t hear the disappointment in his voice.
“Great, well I’m gonna invite some of the guys over tonight for a horror movie and beer pong, you and Luna are welcome to join after your date, unless you guys go back to her house instead.” You wink at him and it causes a red hue to tint his face. You figure it’s caused by the comment about fucking his ‘girlfriend’, but it’s of course it isn’t.
-time skip, three hours later.-
You had seriously been having one of the best times of your life tonight, but you couldn’t help but be disappointed that Hyunjin wasn’t there.
“What’s up? Why so glum?” Jisung asks, nudging your arm with his elbow.
“Nothing.” you flash him a weak smile.
“Lemme guess, you miss Hyunjin? Where is he anyway?” Jisung asks, looking around.
“He’s out with Luna.”
“Who’s that?”
You blink at him, not knowing if he was being sarcastic or not, “The girl Hyunjin has been going out with?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell.”, you’re shocked that Hyunjins childhood best friend has never heard of his new ‘girlfriend’.
“He’s literally gone on dates her three days in a row, like literally yesterday they went to the movies.”
“No, I was with Hyunjin yesterday, unless you know that and are trying to insult me.” He grins.
“Wait What? Why would he lie then?”
“No clue, but you should know better. He’d never date anyone having you around.” You looked at him confused, causing him to sigh and roll his eyes. “Nevermind.”
“Nooo tell me.” You whined, tugging at his arms.
“How do you not see it?”
“Han Jisung can you please tell me what the fuck you’re talking about.” Your patience was wearing thin, but you still needed to know.
“How do you not notice the way Hyunjin looks at you? He always stares at you like he wants to fucking EAT you it’s gross. But then, he won't shut. up. about you. Everytime we’re together it’s ‘Y/n this, Y/n tha,’ it's sickening. Like, you both should just get married already for Christ’s sake.”
You stare at him for a bit, not knowing what to say.
“You think Hyunjin likes me?” Your voice breathier than you intend.
“Oh my god yes. Why do you think he has a pile of your clothes in his closet? Or he excuses himself everytime he sees you in his clothes to jerk off? Or when he sits next to you while you're working just to WATCH you. I’ve literally never seen him so obsessed with someone. He literally brings a tissue sprayed with your perfume when he goes out. It’s concerning honestly.”
Everything starts to dawn on you then and there, was Hyunjin trying to make you jealous with the whole Luna thing? Is THAT why he always tried to tell you gross details you didn’t want to know?
Well shit, you thought. Obviously you had to come up with some sort of plan for when he came home.
-time skip, hour and a half later-
You somehow came up with a good enough excuse to send everyone home, and now Hyunjin was expected to walk through the door any minute. You’re currently laying on his bed, in literally nothing but his T-shirt and underwear, your nipples very visible. You’re reading (not really) a book, with your legs up, resting the book on your lap. You are very aware of the almost clear view of your pink laced underwear.
You heard Hyunjin walk in, assuming you're asleep since everyone’s gone and the apartment was dead quiet. Your heart beats faster as you hear his footsteps getting nearer, until he stops in his tracks after seeing you.
“Y-Y/n?” He couldn’t help the nervousness in his voice.
“Hyunjinnn!” You smile, putting your book down and getting up to hug him. “Why were you out so late?”
“O-Oh me and Luna, went to her house after.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Of course you did, you know, I don’t like her very much.”
“Why?” Hyunjin was genuinely confused by your sudden confession.
“I don’t know, it just bothers me how much time you spend with her. I bet she’s not even that pretty, definitely not as pretty as me.” Hyunjin tries to bite back a smile, but you catch him anyway.
Without warning you pulled him close, and whispered in his ear, “Bet that’s what you wanted to hear, right?” His breath hitches, not used to having you so close, especially like this.
He almost whines when you pull away, walking back towards his bed. “Sorry I borrowed one of your shirts, figured you wouldn’t mind given the fact that you take my clothes all the time.” You point to the pile of clothes you had pulled out from his closet that belong to you.
You almost laugh at Hyunjin’s shocked expression. “I can explain!” He stammered nervously, trying to find an explanation. “First you lie to me, then you steal my clothes, honestly what am I going to do with you?” You stare at him, placing your hands on your hips.
“What lie? I lied to you?”
You let out a dark chuckle, causing Hyunjin’s dick to twitch in his pants. He was so focused on the way you looked in his shirt, that he didn’t notice how painfully obvious his bulge was.
“I didn’t know Jisung was with you and Luna yesterday, and neither did he actually. In fact, he claims he’s never even heard of a Luna.” Hyunjin can’t do anything but gulp. He really didn’t know your plan here.
“Sit on the bed Hyun.” You say simply. And like a lost puppy, he mindlessly listened to you.
He’s taken aback when you straddle his lap, but couldn’t help his arms snaking around your waist. “You see Hyun, I like you very much but I didn’t think you felt the same. Especially because I don’t see myself as the type you’d like. But Jisung told me quite a few of your dirty secrets.” Your voice was laced with dominance as you brushed your fingers through his hair. “I like you alot.” He practically blurts out, like he’d die if he didn’t say it. “Hmm yeah? How much?”, you purr, dragging your thumb over his bottom lip.
“I Like you so much it hurts, no, I love you so much it hurts. To see you every day and not be able to just hold you and tell you how much I love you? Or to not just pin you to the counter and blow your back out when you wear those stupid thrift store t-shirts that are longer than your tiny shorts? To not be able to see your face when you sing those stupid songs in the shower?” You shut him up with a kiss, because you swear if he keeps going you’ll give up your dominance.
You were surprised at first, the way he kisses you. It was so gentle, so intimate, it almost makes you want to stop this all and just cuddle him for the rest of the night.
But then the kiss becomes needy and desperate. You bite his bottom lip slightly, and waste no time slipping your tongue in his mouth. You can’t lie, you’ve fantasized about his lips alone for so long. So plump, so beautiful.
Hyunjin groans when you softly grind on him, pushing your hips closer to him. He pulls away from your lips and quickly attaches them to your neck, pulling a beautiful lacy whimper from you. His teeth grazing and nipping at the sensitive skin.
You reach down to tug his shirt off, which he quickly complied. You take it upon yourself to take off your (hyunjin’s) shirt as well.
“Fuck me.” He groans, staring at your chest. You chuckle at him before bringing his right hand up to cup your breast. That was enough of a green light for him to take your left nipple into his mouth, pinching the other one.
You let out a surprised yelp at the sensation, starting to grind down on Hyunjin again, but this time much harder. He groans into your chest, egging you on further.
You bring your hand down to touch yourself lightly over your underwear, mouth falling open. “Let me help.” Hyunjin grunted, his hand moving from your breast to your underwear. He somehow manages to get your underwear off rather quickly, and begins to run his fingers up and down your folds.
“So wet, bet you’re nice and warm already.” He breaths, slicking his fingers in your arousal. Hyunjin slips a finger into you rather easily, groaning at how your insides felt. You moan rather loudly, not expecting his singular finger to feel so nice inside of you. He added another finger, pumping them both in and out.
“Fuck.” You breathed, grinding down on his fingers. He suddenly curls them, pressing up on a spot that makes you squim.
“Yes Hyune, like that baby.” You moan satisfied with the feeling.
Hyunjin is having way to much fun finger fucking you, he nearly whines when you pull off of them.
“Gonna cum on your cock hyun, can you take that?”
Usually Hyunjin wouldn’t ever have a girl talk to him that way. He wasn’t a fan of being submissive. But it’s not any girl this time. It’s you.
He desperately nods. You hum in satisfaction, pulling out his dick in awe. You grind on his member softly, spreading yourself all over it. Hyunjin whines, and you give him a pitiful look before positioning yourself over his dick.
The moment you sink down on him, he’s far gone, enveloped in your delicious heat. He looks so beautiful, eyes drooping, mouth hung open with a hint of drool slipping from the sides.
“Stay with me pretty boy, or I won’t let you cum.”
You had him at pretty boy, and he was snapped back into reality, licking and nipping at your nipples once again. Your back arched at the sensation, not really wanting to go slow anymore.
You began bouncing up and down on him, fingers tangled tightly in his hair. You both were moaning messes, thrusting up sloppily into each other, trying to meet each other’s pace.
You clench down as you felt him twitch, slightly relieved that you were both close.
“Are you close, baby?” You coo at him, never slowing your pace. Hyunjin nods timidly. “Me too baby, please cum with me.” Your voice whimpering slightly at the end.
You swear you had the best orgasm of your life, riding out your high along with him.
You both laid next to each other, panting heavily.
“So,” you spoke, breaking the silence, “..can I have my clothes back?”
“No, you only get to wear mine from now on.”
A/n: guys I’m sorry I’m so bad at ending stuff but I rlly like this one actually :) it might be my favorite but there’s still so much room for improvement
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noosayog · 1 year
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[how a loser dates] ft. kuroo
warnings/content: fem! reader x kuroo, office setting, timeskip characters obvi, fluff and kuroo being a loser
wc: 1.2k
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"Morning, princess," your coworker, Kuroo, calls out teasingly from his desk in reference to the dress you're wearing today that replaces your usual slacks. 
"Morning, rooster head."
He chuckles a bit and returns his attention to his computer. 
Throughout the morning, Kuroo looks up every now and then, just staring at you but saying nothing. It's only later in the afternoon when you're settled down from the rush of the morning that Kuroo asks. "What's the occasion?"
"What?" you ask distractedly.
"The occasion," he repeats. His voice comes from right over your head and you look up to see his desk empty. Instead, he's standing behind you, leaning an elbow against the wall of your cubicle.
"What?" you parrot.
His eyes drift deliberately down your silhouette, then back up to meet your gaze, punctuating his silent question with a raise of his brow.
"Oh," you laugh. "The dress? I have a date tonight."
Kuroo's other brow raises. "A date?"
“With who?” 
You swivel your chair to face him with your whole body. “You wouldn’t know them. They’re not from work.” 
He hums in acknowledgment then walks away with a pensive expression. 
It’s almost the end of the work day when you hear your boss’s reprimanding voice. You look up from your computer to see your boss angrily saying something to Kuroo about losing the data for an important client call tomorrow. 
After your boss stomps away, you hear Kuroo sigh. His eyes meet yours. 
“You okay?” you ask. “What happened?” 
“I was supposed to store the presentation for tomorrow’s client call but for some reason, I can’t find it anywhere on my drive.” 
“Did you check your trash?” 
You stare back at him, lips pursed.
“Well…” he says awkwardly. “I better get to it if I’m going to redo the presentation by tomorrow.” 
You swallow guiltily, throat itching to offer help. No, you can't. You have plans tonight. 
“Okay, good luck,” you say instead. 
He deflates. “Thanks.” 
Concentration broken, you return to your work. You shift uncomfortably when you hear him sigh. 
Five minutes later, another deep exhale. 
You can’t stop yourself when you finally ask, “do you want me to help?” 
Kuroo perks up, head poking out from the walls of the cubicle. “I mean I would love help, but you have plans and all tonight…” he trails off. 
“The reservation isn’t until 7, so I’ll help until then.” 
“Great, thanks!” he smiles. 
Kuroo is an efficient worker. It’s almost as if he had the entire thing memorized as he effortlessly lists off the slides that need to be redone, easily navigating to the resources that have the perfect data for each topic. 
“It’s like you don’t even need my help for this,” you joke. 
“No!” he interrupts loudly. 
You give him a weird look.
“Sorry” he mutters. “Can you summarize the data from these sites?” 
He passes you a sticky note with 2 websites on them. When you navigate to them, they’re long, tedious pages. You settle into your chair and get focused. If you’re going to leave here by 6:30, you better get working. 
When you finally pass the data to Kuroo, the two of you begin to compile the data you’ve respectively gathered into the proper slide deck format. When 6:30 rolls around, the to-do’s left still make up a massive mountain. 
“Um,” you say. 
Kuroo takes an exaggerated look at the watch on his wrist. “Oh, your date.” 
He looks at the progress on the presentation just stares at the screen.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, don’t worry about me. You’ve already helped so much. Go ahead and have fun on your date.” 
“Okay…” you say hesitantly, packing up your bag. Before you leave, you look back to see Kuroo, alone in the office, leaning heavily against the back of his chair with his arms draped over his eyes. You hear him sigh again before guiltily leaving him behind. 
You make it all the way to the lobby before you can’t stand it anymore. You text your date that you won’t be able to make it rush back up to the office. 
Kuroo looks surprised when you drop your things off at your desk and return to his side. 
“What happened? Don’t you need to leave?” 
“I can’t just leave you here by yourself with all this, you’ll never finish.” 
“Are you sure…” he trails off. 
“Shut up and get working.” 
“Yes, ma’’am,” he salutes. 
Late in the night, even after security has left the building, Kuroo gets up. 
“We need a break,” he says. “Want some coffee?” 
“Sure,” you say, equally exhausted. 
He gets up to head to the break room as you continue to fiddle around with the slide deck. As you look through his computer, your eyes slide to the little trash can on the screen and see that it’s not empty. Curiously, you click into it and the first thing you see is the very client presentation that the two of you have been slaving away at to reproduce. 
“Oh my god, Kuroo!” you say excitedly. You repeat his name, but he must not hear you, because there’s no response. 
Then, you notice the time of deletion. 3:52PM. You remember Kuroo getting chewed around 4PM. If he deleted it, there’s no way he would forget that quickly. And he said he had checked his trash. 
“Hey, what’s up?” Kuroo comes back, holding two steaming cups of coffee and tie thrown over a shoulder. “I heard you calling.” 
“Kuroo,” you say, pointing at the screen. 
When Kuroo sees what you’re pointing at, his smile freezes in place. 
“What’s this?” 
You press when he doesn’t respond. “Why did you purposely get yourself into trouble?” 
He stares at the screen, avoiding your eyes. 
“Okay!” he breathes. He mumbles something unintelligible. 
“... go on your date,” you hear. 
“What? Speak up,” you say irritatedly. 
“I didn’t want you to go on your date. Okay? I know it’s immature of me to resort to such tactics, but I’ve been dropping hints for awhile and I dunno, I guess I just got impatient.” 
You sigh.
“Well, I’m just glad that you aren’t going to be yelled at because there’s no way we were going to finish by tomorrow.” 
“You’re not mad?” 
“I am. Why couldn’t you have just asked me out on a date like a normal person?” 
“I’ve asked you to go on coffee runs with me?” 
You pinch at the bridge of your nose. “Being our boss’s errand boy does not count as a date, Kuroo.” 
He just chuckles, abashed. His cheeks are turning pink and you sigh, feeling almost affectionate at how your snarky, quick-witted coworker is reduced to the romantic maturity of a high-schooler in front of you. 
“Okay, well, since I didn’t get to eat tonight, you owe me dinner,” you say, throwing him a bone. 
He blinks. “Like a date?” he asks dumbly. 
You sigh exasperatedly for what feels like the millionth time that night. “Yes, Kuroo. A date.” you emphasize heavily on date, worried that he still won’t get the picture. 
“It’s late, so there’s probably only ramen shops around if that’s okay? But I promise to take you out to a nicer diner. Like a real date.” he promises solemnly. 
“You’re already assuming I’m going to want to go on a second date with you?” 
His signature grin returns in full force. “Oh, princess. You’re gonna want that second date. Trust me.” 
“Only ‘cuz I want to see how you tame your hair for a real date.” 
“Told ‘ya you’d want a second date.”
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kentofic · 6 months
The orange peel theory - gn!reader x Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Nanami Kento, & Gojo Satoru
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You learn about the orange peel theory online and decide to covertly try it out on your man.
pure fluff. slight suggestiveness for satoru. yuuji & megumi in their 20s in my mind’s eye. inspo pics n videos linked here n there. is this trend already ancient? yes. has this been done before? of course. but that has yet to stop me. enjoy!!
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🍊 Yuuji
“Hey baby,” you start, watching your boyfriend from across the kitchen table, “I kind of feel like an orange.”
Yuuji puts his chin in his hand as his eyebrows scrunch together with thought before saying, “Y’know, now that you mention it, I kind of feel like a tomato.”
You blink at him, processing, before bursting into laughter, doubling over with the force of it.
“What?? What’s so funny?” Yuuji demands, surprised and a little offended.
“I meant like, I want an orange, babe—like I feel like eating an orange,” you giggle, wiping tears of mirth from your eyes. Yuuji perks up at that.
“Oh, we’ve got oranges! Lemme get one for you,” he says brightly, leaping up to fetch one. He swipes one from the fruit bowl and presents it proudly to you, arm outstretched.
“What if I said I don’t feel like peeling it?” you grin, tilting your head at him.
Without missing a beat, Yuuji says, “Then I’ll peel it for you! I can cut it, juice it—I can even sauté it. Whatever you want, baby.” Yuuji tosses the fruit up in the air and catches it with ease before flashing you a bright smile.
“Aw, thank you, baby,” you laugh. You pull him in by the waist so you can press sweet kisses all over his cheeks.
Yuuji happily peels the orange for you as you watch him with a smile. He manages to get the peel off in one long, continuous piece, which he dangles for you proudly. He splits the orange in half and gives you the larger half. You eat the fruit together, getting sticky sweet juice all over your fingers.
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🍊 Megumi
“You know what I’m in the mood for?” you prompt, peering at Megumi from the other side of the couch. You try not to look like you’re up to something.
Megumi glances up from his phone to look at you. You have the vague sense that he’s clocked you, but if he has, his expression betrays nothing. “What?”
“An orange.” You blink at him expectantly.
“….Okay,” he says after a beat, “Then have an orange. You bought some yesterday, didn’t you?”
“I did,” you sigh dramatically, letting your eyes close as you sag against the cushions of the couch. “But I don’t feel like peeling one.”
You wait for Megumi’s response as you feign laziness, your eyes still shut. When nothing comes, you crack an eye open to find he’s not even looking at you, just scrolling through his phone again. You scoff loudly to let him know you’re very offended at being ignored.
“If you want something, you gotta use your words,” he says without looking up.
You stick your bottom lip out in a pout. “You’re no fun, ‘gumi.”
He glances over at you, one eyebrow raised, his expression otherwise unchanging.
“…Fine,” you relent, softening your pout to a beseeching look. “Will you peel an orange for me, please?”
He looks at you a second longer before exhaling and pushing himself off the couch. “Was that so hard?” he hums, the ghost of a smile on his lips.
You stick your tongue out at him, and he retaliates by ruffling your hair as he passes you on his way to the kitchen. He grabs an orange from the fridge before plopping back down next to you.
“Thanks, ‘gumi,” you grin, feeling pleased with yourself. You snuggle up against him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“So spoiled,” he mumbles as he starts peeling, his ears turning a faint shade of pink.
Megumi carefully pulls the peel away from the fruit, saving the bottom piece for the orange to rest on. He pulls out the fibrous middle and gently parts the segments before handing it to you to eat. He watches silently as you enjoy your snack, and he lets you poke the occasional piece between his lips as repayment for his services.
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🍊 Kento
“Honey, I’m hungry,” you hum, surreptitiously glancing over at your husband before looking back at your phone.
Kento looks up from his book and checks his watch with a flick of his wrist. “It’s only four, but I can start dinner now. I bought steak and potatoes yesterday. And I can toss together a quick salad too. How does that sound, sweetheart?” he offers, rising from his armchair and stretching his arms.
Damn, it sounds delicious. But you’re on a mission to get him to peel an orange, so you have to decline.
“I don’t know, I kind of want something lighter,” you hedge, trying not to give yourself away with your expression.
Kento raises an eyebrow at you as he leans against the armrest of his chair. He makes a soft, pensive sound as he thinks. “Then how about I go pick something up from the bakery down the street? I can get you a casse-croute or a pastry to tide you over until dinner.”
You bite your lip, trying not to smile. Kento’s so sweet, you can’t help but feel delight fizz up in you, even if you’re trying to steer him in a different direction.
“I dunno, I think I just want, like, a snack,” you say, your voice wavering with the giggles you’re fighting to contain.
Kento’s expression shifts, his eyes narrowing with suspicion, and you know you’ve been caught. You flatten your lips into a line as you try to hold back your grin. He crosses his arms over his chest as a wry smile pulls at his lips.
“If you already know what you want to eat, why don’t you go ahead and tell me, my love. No need for games,” he says, his expression caught between fond and stern.
“…Can you peel me an orange?” you ask sheepishly, giving him an apologetic grin.
He lets out a soft sigh as he pushes off from the armrest. He approaches where you’re curled up on the couch and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“Of course I can.”
Kento tests each orange in the fridge with a gentle squeeze to find the one that’s perfectly ripe. He cuts it into precise, even slices and brings it to you on a little plate. He returns to his book, but he watches you over the edge of the pages, a barely-there, satisfied smile on his lips as you enjoy the fruit.
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🍊 Satoru
“Y’know what I’m craving right now?” you prompt, your eyes flitting over to Satoru lazing on the couch. He perks up immediately, a stupid grin spreading across his face.
“My di—”
“An orange,” you interrupt him, your expression deadpan. He pouts for a moment, lolling his head back against the cushions, but he brightens again as an idea strikes him. He leans over to rustle through a plastic bag full of convenience store snacks, and he emerges with a bright package of fruity candy.
“Here, I have some orange gummies! Don’t confuse them with the mango ones though,” he says, tossing it to you. You catch the package on instinct, but you shake your head as you set it down on the coffee table.
“I want a real orange, Satoru. Y’know, the fruit. With nutrients. I bought a couple yesterday.”
“Ah, I ate those already.”
You blink at him, your eyebrow twitching. Sensing your displeasure, Satoru throws his hands up in a placating gesture.
“In my defense, you didn’t tell me they were yours.”
“…Since when do you eat anything other than sweets?” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“They were sweet,” he says wistfully. Your grimace deepens, and he laughs.
“Relax, baby. I’ll replace them. I’m ordering some right now,” he says, tapping away at his phone as he places the delivery order.
Twenty minutes later, Satoru hops up to answer the door and returns with a paper bag. He drops two enormous, beautiful oranges into your lap, each one wrapped in delicate foam netting. The stickers on the fruit are black and gold, which you imagine signals their luxury quality. You turn an orange over in your hand, amazed.
“This is the fanciest orange I’ve ever seen. How much did this cost?”
“I dunno, I didn’t check. I just got the best looking ones,” Satoru says idly, tearing into a package of cookies he ordered for himself and popping one in his mouth.
“Well, thank you.” You extend the orange in his direction. “Will you peel it for me, ‘toru?”
Satoru grins and swallows the food in his mouth. “Sure. Anything for you, baby.” He dusts the crumbs from his hands and grabs the orange from you. “Plus, I wouldn’t want you tiring out those pretty little hands peeling fruit. Not when they can be put to much better use,” he says with an exaggerated wink. He bursts into laughter when you shove him.
Satoru pulls back the peel in a bizarre shape with five strange appendages. You eventually realize he’s made it into the vague shape of a man. It’s cute for a second, until he shimmies the fruit out while leaving the fibrous white middle dangling between the legs of the orange peel man. He laughs heartily at his attempt at a dick joke. You groan and snatch your orange back from him, and he immediately whines that he wants some.
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a/n: i tricked you all with my smut and now present to you… fluff. i’m sorry i’ve misled you LOL. just needed to kick this outta my drafts. more smut is on the way <3 and as always, my ask is open for ideas/requests !!
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birdiescanfly · 1 month
Jake Deserves Nice Things
Okay, so this calls back to the backstory I was thinking for Jake in my last post, but I had some more thoughts and wanted to share.
Having grown up poor, Jake’s didn’t have a lot of time or money for luxuries so I’m thinking as an adult, he can’t get enough of nice things. Like, he’s a soft boy okay?  He loves big blankets (those really soft ones), he adores those fancy college sweatshirts that are so easy to swamp himself in, and anywhere there is like tiny stupid knickknacks to buy, he picks up and inspects every single one of them, because now he CAN, okay? So yeah, he wants those things, but he doesn’t NEED them.  Jake’s got big money issues.  He often sees something he wants or likes, and is soooo tempted to get it, but then puts down at the store and walks away. A little dejected and missing the spark of joy that he’d had while picking up everything he liked while in the store. It’s a painful cycle for Jake, but he can’t help it. It all derives from the fact that even though he has money now, he’s still living in the mindset of save and conserve because of the ‘just in case’ it doesn’t last. Like, “What if?” you know? Moreover, he just doesn’t think he deserves it.  Can’t imagine spending money on something he doesn’t NEED.  Like it’s a waste. He feels guilty for even wanting it in the first place. Why does he deserve such nice things?  Why is he so pathetic to even want it in the first place?
I think this even extends to buying a certain kind of granola bar he likes or taking long showers or even buying decorations for his house. It’s all unnecessary, and even if it would make him happy, he can’t bring himself to give that care to himself.  Even as he runs his hands over soft sheets and even softer throw blankets, even as he longingly studies café menus for fun drinks he’d like to try but can’t bring himself to buy over a 50 cent coffee, even as he freezes himself out of the shower in 45 seconds instead of savoring the experience, he just can’t bring himself to believe that he is worth the extra money it would all cost. Even if it’s only a little.   
I think it takes Bradley a little while to actually get it.  Jake, of course, doesn’t talk about it, probably doesn’t even acknowledge that he’s doing it to himself. And so at first, Bradley just thinks that Jake is really frugal and utilitarian. But there are signs that his boy is softer than he first expected. I’m thinking this is early in their first relationship (because we all know that they are exes in the present).  Bradley doesn’t quite figure it all out until when they get back together years later in their lives, but, Bradley does notice the harsh way Jake treats himself.  He doesn’t poke at it, he’s not opening about his own shit, why go poking around in Jake’s, but at one point during their stint together, (after they Uhaul lesbian it and move in together without talking about it), Bradley gets his first glimpse of how much Jake loves nice things.  So, Bradley originally did it as a joke, but maybe right before their first breakup (don’t know how it happens yet), Bradley gifts Jake with a stuffed Rooster plushie. Its one of the weighted ones that are super fluffy and soft, and he thinks its funny cause he happened to see it when shopping for a birthday card for Phoenix and couldn’t pass up the gag gift for his boyfriend.
jThe thing is, Jake loves it.  Like, he doesn’t show it at first, just rolls his eyes at Bradley’s smug smirk as he tells him “it’s so you don’t get too lonely when I’m deployed.” But in a turn of events that Bradley never expected, Jake’s eyes linger on the stuffed animal when he sits the object in front of the pillow on their bed. He catches the gentle way Jake sifts his fingers through the rooster’s soft fluff. And in the days that follow, its impossible to miss the way Jake’s hands linger when he carefully moves the Rooster from their bed in the evenings, or the way his eyes cut over to it longingly every so often. The real sticking point is when Bradley gets home late one night for some reason or another to find Jake curled up in their bed with the rooster plushie in his arms.  Jake is curled around the little stuffed animal, his cheek smooshed into the downy fluff, finger gripping tightly around its body as if it might disappear at any moment.  Even in his sleep, Jake cannot let rest his fear of loss. Bradley doesn’t say anything, doesn’t acknowledge his noticings to Jake in any way, but his hearts caves in on itself just a little at the tender way Jake handles such a simple thing as a stuffed toy. He has questions why an adult would cherish a little plushie so much despite acting the contrary, but the reason behind the act is a bit beyond Bradley’s current scope. Still, the knowledge that Jake likes soft and nice things despite his actions saying otherwise, is now cemented into Bradley’s mind.  Years later, this knowledge will come back to him, after time apart and bitterness and hurt the only thing keeping the other in his orbit, but still, the knowledge will come back. It will come back like a choking weight on his chest as he bunks with Jake for one reason or another, and sees a worn and torn stuffed rooster peeking out of Jake’s packing bag.
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itsmarsss · 8 months
The World-Famous Annual Heffley Puppet Show [Rodrick Heffley x Reader] (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
(~from the vault~)
Susan invites you to watch one of the Heffley's weird annual traditions, and you're expecting anything but this.
Word Count: 1,479
Dating Rodrick Heffley was… an experience. Not in a bad way at all, it was only that it could be… weird, for lack of a better word to describe it, at times. Like right now, for instance, when you were sitting in his living room while his parents told an extremely over-complicated story through… puppets.
You weren’t exactly sure how you'd gotten yourself into this situation. Okay, well, that was a lie, actually.
Susan had been incredibly persistent about you coming to the ‘World-Famous Annual Heffley Puppet Show’, as she made sure to announce extravagantly, adamant about you being present to witness the oh-so-great performance, and, despite Rodrick´s ridiculous attempts at making faces at you from behind her that quietly told you to not, in any occasion, agree to it, you just couldn’t get yourself to say no.
“Why would you say yes? You could have just said your grandma just died or something!” Rodrick questioned you, exhasperated.
“Dude! Don’t say that about my grandma!”
“Okay sorry. But you could’ve said absolutely anything! Anything!"
“I tried! She kept finding solutions! She even said she’d move the date up.”
“She said that?”
“Yeah. Why?"
“Shit. She’s never moved the date before. She really wants you to go.”
“Why is that?"
“No idea. I think she just really likes you."
“Why do you sound so shocked about that?”
“She’s never really liked any of the girls I went out with.”
“Okay, James Dean. You’ve gone out with like one girl before me when you were like sixteen.”
“Hey I got laid! Occasionally.”
“It’s true!”
“Yeah right.”
“Fine. I got laid twice. Happy?"
You shrugged, grinning at him as you poked fun at him some more.
"Well now that you said yes to her I guess we’re gonna have to go.”
“It can’t be that bad!”
It could. It definitely, 100%, without a doubt, could. The ‘performance’ had been going on for about half an hour now, and it didn’t look like it was heading towards an end any time soon. You were all sitting in chairs, which were lined up in front of the couch, your seat between Rodrick's and Greg's, with Rowley by Greg’s left and Manny by Rodrick’s right.
Okay, yeah, maybe this time you should have listened to Rodrick.
You really, really tried, but you could not, as much as you desperately wanted to, figure out the plot of the story Mr. and Mrs. Heffley were trying to tell. It had something to do with dragons and fried chicken and at some point you could swear there was a clown. How any of that tied up together was beyond you, and, as you could see, Rodrick and Greg too.
The only ones who seemed to be having any fun at all were Manny, who was standing up and clapping like crazy throughout the entire thing, probably props to the very questionable voices his parents were making for the ridiculous amount of different characters that seemed to progressively look worse in appearance as they showed up, and Rowley, who also didn’t seem to understand any of it, but looked entertained nonetheless, occasionally even shooting Greg a few comments, to which Greg just smiled and mumbled something incoherent under his breath in response.
You leaned over to Rodrick, who was wide-eyed at this point, looking borderline terrified at the scene that unfolded in front of him. “You said it was bad, not that it was gonna give me nightmares!” You whispered.
He looked genuinely embarrassed, and for Rodrick Heffley to be embarrassed of something, oh that was something. “I tried to warn you!”
“What are you guys talking about?” Greg whispered too, making himself a part of the conversation.
“Shut up dickhead,” Rodrick let out under his breath, to which Greg replied by sticking his tongue out at him, earning a middle finger in response. Oh, brothely love.
“Do you guys really have to go through this every year?”
They both nodded. “It’s like it gets more terrifying every year,” Greg commented, and you took a quick glance back at the couch, where Mr. and Mrs. Heflley were crouched behind. Apparently a pig who was wearing a bow tie was hunting down a rabbit for sweets now.
“Do you guys think they’d notice if we left?” Greg asked and you pondered on it. Then you had an idea.
You turned to face your boyfriend. “Okay look. You gotta be fast alright? And you can't let your mom be upset at me."
“What?” Rodrick questioned you, finally managing to look away from the trance the puppet show had kept his eyes in.
“When I say I gotta go you say you’re coming with me.”
He nodded, though he hadn't really gotten the gist of where you were going with that.
“Wait can I come?”
“No,” Rodrick promptly replied.
“Come on give him a break," you nudged his arm, to which he rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh.
“Fine. But only ‘cause she asked.”
Greg smiled, looking at you. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Alright we gotta get out fast. Just grab Rowley with ya.”
Greg nodded in understandment.
“Hey Mrs. Heffley?” You spoke up.
The voices stopped. You were already grateful just for that moment of silence. Susan’s head appeared from behind the sofa. “Yes dear? Something wrong?”
“I'm really sorry, but um I really need to head home, I think.”
“Oh but we’re only halfway through-”
“I’ll take her home!” Rodrick exclaimed at lightspeed, yanking you by your wrist and sprinting towards the front door.
“We’ll come with!” Greg yelled too, doing the same with Rowley, leaving only Manny as an audience for the remainder of the story.
“Bye! Thnak you for inviting me!” You yelled over, already out by the front yard.
“Uh- bye sweetie!”
You got to Rodrick’s van, which was parked on the street, all panting and out of breath from running so fast.
“Okay, get in demon spawn.” Rodrick unlocked the back door and waiting for the boys to enter.
“Hey!” You exclaimed in feighened offense.
“Not you. You’re a… sexy little demon...ess,” he smirked, knowing he’d get a laugh out of you.
You could hear Greg and Rowley say ‘ew’ from the back as you got in the car.
“I agrre with them, ew. I think I prefer demon spawn.”
Rodrick got in himself, turning the engine on. “Okay any ideas?”
“Can we go to Chipotle?” Rowley asked.
“No we should go to Taco Bell!” Greg yelled, and they immediately started arguing about it, talking over each other so loud you couldn’t understand a single word they were saying.
“Hey! Dickheads! Shut up!” Rodrick yelled, and, surprisingly, they did. “Y/n chooses.”
“What? Why?” Greg asked, offended.
“She has girlfriend privileges!”
You laughed at Greg’s angry expression. “Well I think we should go to Subway.”
“We’re not going to Subway." Rodrick deadpanned.
“What? You said I had girlfriend privileges!”
“Not if you choose fucking Subway!”
“Fine. Domino’s?”
“That's a decent option!” He smiled, and started driving.
You got yourselves a large pizza, Greg and Rowley quick to leave the table and go chase after each other around the place.
“You have grease on your chin,” you informed Rodrick when you looked at him. He wiped it off, his mouth full of food. He tried to say something, but quit as soon as he started, the sound muffled.
“Dude swallow the pizza first, that’s gross!”
He did so before trying again. “I said thank you.”
“It was looking all greasy and gross!"
"Oh shut up," he smiled at your teasing. "I meant for saying yes to my mom. She was actually like super excited about it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows together, confused. “Wait I thought you wanted me to say no.”
“Well yeah. But she clearly liked that you did go or whatever. She likes you.”
“That good?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess. Maybe he won’t be so up our asses if she likes you.”
“Well you’re very welcome. Cause that was… something.”
He laughed. “You thought that was bad? You should see the Christmas one.”
There was no way. “They do a Christmas puppet show too?”
“Oh no it’s much worse. They actually act in it.”
“Yeah. And you’re officially invited by me.”
“Oh no don’t bring me into this again-”
“Too late! I-” he took a sip of his soda- “will be telling my mom you had a wonderful time today, and you were so, so bummed you had to go home early!”
“You’re a jerk!”
“What's that I hear? You’d be thrilled to attend the Yearly Heffley Christmas Play?"
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
You smiled. You supposed you signed up for weirdness the moment you said yes to dating Rodrick Heflley of all people.
“I do, actually!”
He smiled at you. No, you don't.
[. . .]
A/N: heyy rewrote some thingies but its mostly the same as when i first wrote it. so here ya go with some more rodrick content! :)
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mystwrites · 5 months
I'M BACK HELLO :D the lee tanizaki thing you wrote was so cute, i have to request another fic 🖤
this time hmm- could you maybe do lee geto and ler gojo with 💃 and 🥥: "oh come on, loosen up a little!" please?
again, no worries at all if this doesn't speak to you or you don't wanna write it for whatever reason, i hope you're having the loveliest day 🖤🖤
My 200 Followers Event will close in 7 days!
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“Oh sweet!! I love this song!!” Gojo cried, jumping out of his seat and starting to dance. “C’mon Suguru! I need a dance partner!”
“No thanks. I like watching you dance.” Geto replied, amazed at the moves Gojo had. “Damn dude! Since when could you move like that?”
“What do you mean? I always had these killer moves!” Gojo shot back, wiggling his arms.
Geto snickered as he watched his best friend do the most ridiculous dance moves. Maybe blasting music in the dorm at this hour was a bad idea but he didn’t care. As long as Gojo was being silly, he’d willingly suffer the whack to the head Yaga would give them.
“Suguru! C’mon!” Gojo urged, doing the moonwalk over to him. “Dancing is so much fun! I need a partner!”
Geto laughed, watching as Gojo tried to go up onto his toes and do the Michael Jackson classic pose. “Sorry man, I don’t have the same…slick moves as you.” he replied, laughing harder as Gojo fell over holding his feet. “And you know you’re no ballerina, Satoru.”
Gojo frowned and stood up, continuing to dance as he approached Geto. Now slightly nervous, Geto scooted back until he felt his back press up against the wall. That specific look Gojo got when he intended to stir up some trouble was present.
“Suguru.~” Gojo purred, yanking Geto up and spinning him.
“Hey! Dude, cut it out! I don’t wanna dance!” Geto squeaked, finding himself dipped and Gojo’s hand supporting his lower back. “Okay, you’re on thin ice, Satoru. Let me go!”
“Oh come on! Loosen up a little!” the white haired teen chuckled, pulling him back up only to poke his sides. “Plus, it’s just the two of us. Shoko and the others can’t tease us.~”
“S-still!” Geto argued, a wide grin on his face. “The music is too loud! Turn it down! We might get in trouble! I’m not even supposed to be in your dorm after the last incide-AAAHA! Oh my gohohosh, dude! Knohohock it off!!”
Knowing this would get a reaction from the dark haired teen, Gojo continued to poke his sides. A slight blush formed on Geto’s cheeks and when Gojo lobster pinched his sides, Geto jerked away. The funniest part was that he jerked away at the exact moment the beat dropped, Gojo dancing as he sauntered over to give him another jab to the tummy.
Gojo only followed his every move, poking, prodding and squeezing the ticklish spots he had memorized. He knew that Geto would break down and submit. It was just a matter of consistently poking Geto’s weak spots.
“There we go!” Gojo exclaimed, continuing to tickle his best friend and watch him dance around to avoid him. “But now actually move to the beat of the song, you silly goose! Let loose! Hey that rhymes!”
Geto jumped around the room, trying his best to avoid Gojo’s tickling fingers. “Ihihit was a shitty rhyme! HEY! No!!”
It became a little tango, Geto laughing and trying to stay away while Gojo tried to get as close as possible to him. After a few more minutes of forcing Geto to move to the beat of the song, Gojo decided that was enough and tackled him to the floor, the two a pile of flailing limbs.
“Hey! Dahahammit Satoru!!” Geto growled, raising his hand in an attempt to bonk his friend on the head playfully. “You’re reheheally getting on my last ne-AAAAHAHAHA!! QUIT IT YOU AHAHAHASS!! SHOKOOOOOO!! HEHEHELP!!!”
“Wow! Calling me names now, Suguru?~” Gojo teased, pressing his cheek against Geto’s. “I’m hurt! I thought you loved me more than you loved Shoko!”
“Oh hell no! That won’t happen! I’m gonna tickle you until you take it back and say that you love me!”
“YOU AHAHARE A PAIN IN THE AHAHASS, SATORUUUHUHUHU!!” Geto cried, finally submitting to the tickles.
Gojo snickered as he drilled his thumbs into the dips of Geto’s hips. Screw dancing, getting Geto to dance was a lost cause from the start. Maybe all Gojo wanted was to hear his best friend’s incredible laugh.
And maybe, just maybe, Geto enjoyed the silliness as well.
A/N: Thanks for another great request Rey! I hope you enjoyed some Gojo and Geto silliness😆
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etherealphosphor · 1 year
Shelved Emotions
⟡ Contains: Dottore x Gn!Reader, Sfw, Fluff, Dottore tries to hide/get rid of his feelings at first, Dottore’s segments like the reader
⟡ Dottore’s thoughts are in blue italics
⟡ Segment names/colors: Zeta, Delta, Theta, Epsilon
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Dottore was frustrated. Despite his best efforts, he could not escape the weakness of human emotion. He devoted himself to his research, blocking out all distractions. He refused to let his feelings hinder him; they were the last thing keeping him from perfect, unbiased results.
He targeted his feelings toward you in particular. Dottore was partly angry and partly ashamed that he could even fancy someone; the mere idea was childish to him. What use was it to think about you, his errand runner, when scientific research was far more important?
However, every time you looked at him with those bright eyes or smiled sweetly at him, he was rendered speechless. How was it possible to feel this way about anyone? And how in the world could that someone possibly be more important to him than his experiments?
Dottore slowly began to lose all interest in his work, as his thoughts were starting to get in the way.
This has gone too far, and now I can no longer focus properly on my research. I must find a way to rid myself of these emotions.
And so, with that, Dottore got up from his desk and went off to look for something—anything—to aid him in his search. He began to walk towards the library, a fairly large room with shelf after shelf of informational books. While Dottore did have his own smaller personal collection of research books, there would be nothing about romance in any of them.
But before he could walk through the doorway, he began to hear familiar voices. This stopped him in his tracks, and he peeked into the room, staying quiet so as not to be seen.
There, he saw you surrounded by four of his segments. It was obvious to Dottore that all of them were competing for your attention, and there was no way you hadn’t noticed as well.
"So, [Name], which one of us do you think is the best segment?" Delta said, smiling at you.
"Oh, well, I don’t know—"
You were quickly cut off by Theta, who began to make sarcastic remarks as usual. "It’s obviously me; I mean, I'm the perfect version. Who wouldn’t pick me?"
"Hm, personally, I think that [Name] likes me the most. After all, I’m closest to the original." Zeta said, tilting your chin up with one hand.
Epsilon grabbed Zeta’s hand away, scowling at him. "Maybe [Name] would prefer somebody a little less—I don’t know—cold?"
"Woah, calm down, Shorty. You don’t have to give him the death glare." Theta chuckled, patting Epsilon’s head.
"Hey! I’m not that short!"
Epsilon was the youngest of the four, which meant he was often teased for his height. He also happened to be the feistiest, making it even more entertaining for Theta to poke fun at him.
Delta had to physically restrain Epsilon so that he wouldn’t start attacking Theta. "Epsilon, please, he’s not worth getting worked up over."
Meanwhile, Zeta took the opportunity to start playing with your hair. "[Name], do you have a significant other?"
Dottore had had enough of this, and he quickly walked into the library.
"You four. What is going on here?" Dottore’s expression was dark, and he spoke in a very harsh tone.
Instantly, Epsilon stopped struggling, Delta’s grip loosened, Theta stopped laughing, and even Zeta’s ever-present smirk faded.
"Oh, uh.. boss, we can explain—" Epsilon stammered, but was cut off by Dottore.
"I want no explanations. You all must clean my office, and if it isn’t spotless by the time I get back, you will all face great consequences. Do you understand? And especially you, Zeta. We will be having a conversation later."
The four segments turned to each other, silently exchanging looks of shock.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go, now!"
Quickly, all the segments left the library, leaving Dottore alone with you.
"Are you okay, [Name]?" Dottore said, his tone much gentler than it was a minute ago.
"Yeah, I’m fine; can you please not punish them too harshly? I’m the one who greeted them first. Why did you even send them away at all? They didn’t have any work to do." You replied, looking at Dottore with eyes full of concern.
Dottore’s heart lurched with jealousy. Why couldn’t you worry about him like that? Why did it have to be his segments?
"I have my reasons. Please don’t be afraid; I won’t do anything bad to them. Mostly just scold them for bothering you, that’s all."
"They weren’t bothering me, not a bit. I actually quite enjoy their company; without them, my day off would be quite uneventful." You said, determined to clear the segments’ names.
"Ah, very well, then. I’ll go a little easier on them in that case." Dottore sighed. There was no way he could say no to those eyes of yours.
"Thank you; I’m glad." You smiled at him.
That small action was enough to make Dottore blush. "No problem. Anyway, what are you doing in the library? Looking for something to read?"
"Well, obviously," you chuckled, "but I can’t find anything good; it all seems a little boring to me."
"That would be because this is a research library. If fiction is what you are looking for, you won’t find it here."
"Oh, that’s a shame, then." You looked a little disappointed, your voice losing its usual bright tone. "I haven’t had anything to read for months."
No, no. I mustn’t say it. It isn’t necessary. I don’t have to. Aren't I trying to stop these pesky feelings from happening? Nothing is stopping me from bidding [Name] farewell right here. But.. they look so upset.
However, despite Dottore trying to stop himself, he ended up saying it anyway.
"Why don’t you come back to my personal chambers? I believe I have a shelf of various works of fiction in there. If you wish, you can have everything; I have no need for any of them."
Your eyes lit up. "Wait, really? You do? I’d love to go check it out and maybe borrow a few. Though, I would never take your books from you, even if you don’t see a need for them right now. You might want them in the future; you never know."
"I suppose you are correct. Well then, shall we?" Dottore extended his hand as a polite gesture. What he didn’t expect was for you to actually take it.
You wrapped your fingers around Dottore's, smiling at him. "Mhm, let’s go."
Dottore’s face went red, and his eyes widened a little. His hand tightened around yours, and he began to lead you towards his room. To get to it, one must go through his office first, and so Dottore opened the door and walked in.
There, the four segments were standing, awaiting Dottore’s return. When they saw your hand in his, all of them felt secretly disappointed, wishing it was them who got to hold your hand. Except for Epsilon—with him, it was no secret. He was glaring jealously at Dottore as you two walked by.
"Shorty, fix your face." Theta said, nudging him.
"Stop saying I’m short!"
"Epsilon, stop yelling, or you will be disciplined further. Do you want to clean the rest of the offices in the headquarters?" Dottore spoke coldly.
"No, I don’t. Sorry, boss."
With that, Dottore unlocked the door leading to his room and led you inside. His heart was still beating quicker than usual, but he was starting to get used to the feeling of having your hand in his. He decided to leave the door open, as the last thing he wanted was for you to feel uncomfortable.
"Well, this is my room. It’s nothing special, but it serves its purpose. Over there by the window should be the shelf I was speaking about." Dottore pointed to it and sat down on his bed.
You looked over the contents of the shelf until a series of teal books caught your eye. All of them were quite banged up and evidently pretty old.
"Woah, is this what I think it is? I can’t believe you have it." You said as you pulled the first one off the shelf.
"Hm? [Name], did you find something you like?"
"Oh my gosh, all eleven volumes? I didn’t even get that far." You smiled, your eyes sparkling with excitement.
In your hands, you held the first volume of The Fox in the Dandelion Sea. Dottore got up and walked behind you, staring down at the book.
"The Fox in the Dandelion Sea? Isn’t that a fairytale?" Dottore asked, wondering what interest you would have in a children’s book.
"Mhm, it’s my favorite. My parents used to read it to me before bed when I was a kid, but we never ended up finishing the whole series." You told him, smiling down at the book.
"Ah, I see. Well, feel free to take as many as you want; I know they aren’t particularly lengthy. You can come back at any time if you don’t want to take the entire series with you at once."
You grabbed five books off the shelf, holding them under one arm. "Thank you so much, Dottore."
"Anytime, seriously. It’s not as if I’m doing anything with them." Dottore said as he walked with you towards the door of his office.
"Aww, are you leaving already, [Name]? Not even going to say goodbye?" Zeta teased as Dottore opened the door for you.
"Ah, where are my manners? I’ll see you guys later." You said as you waved to the segments.
Then, smiling at Dottore, you lowered your voice a little. "I really appreciate you letting me borrow these books; it means a lot to me."
Suddenly, you wrapped your arms around Dottore, pulling him into an embrace.
Dottore’s face instantly went red. "I- Uh- [Name]? What are you doing?"
"Ah! I’m sorry. You’re my boss; that was weird. I apologize if I crossed a boundary." You let go, mortified, and you stared at your feet, a blush slowly creeping onto your face.
"Oh no, no. It’s okay; don’t worry. I was just a little surprised, that’s all; you didn’t make me uncomfortable." Dottore affectionately ruffled your hair, assuring you it was okay.
This made you blush even more, and you smiled at Dottore again before walking out. "Have a nice evening, Dottore. Don’t overwork yourself, okay? You have an awful habit of burning yourself out."
"You too, [Name]." Dottore smiled back, waving as you left.
Once he closed the door, Dottore’s expression instantly turned neutral again. His segments were all staring at him.
"Boss, what was that? You seriously didn’t make a move?" Theta said, sounding quite annoyed.
"What do you mean by that, Theta?"
"You seriously don’t know? How thick is your skull?"
"I might be rude, but at least I can take a hint."
"Do you really want extra chores? Because that is what you will get if you continue speaking to me like that."
"Hmmph. You really need to lighten up."
Dottore ignored Theta’s comment. "Theta, are you suggesting that there’s a possibility that [Name] could reciprocate my feelings?"
Delta joined the conversation. "Boss, to me, it’s very obvious that [Name] fancies you. Their face went a bright shade of red when they hugged you, and they also seem to care quite a bit about your health. Plus, I don’t think there’s any chance that the way they look at you is platonic."
Dottore’s eyes opened a little wider. "A-Are you sure? Is that really what you think?"
"There’s no doubt in my mind, boss."
Over the next few days, Dottore was constantly flustered by you simply doing your job. So much to the point where he couldn't even do his research; all he could think about was you.
Once, you brought Dottore some papers he needed to sign, and when handing them to him, your hands brushed for a moment. Even that small action gave Dottore butterflies, and he promptly looked away from you so you wouldn’t see him blushing.
That night, Dottore called Delta into his office.
"Delta, you’ve always been one of my most rational segments. Which is why I wanted to ask you if maybe you could help me with this problem." Dottore said, looking across his desk at Delta.
"I can always help out, boss. Is this concerning [Name]?"
Dottore nodded. "Yes, it’s about exactly what you think it is. I’ve come to find that I cannot get rid of my feelings, nor can I hide them. I have come to embrace them, and I accept that I am truly in love with [Name]. However, I still wish to find another way to stop these thoughts from interfering with my work."
"Well, I suppose you could confess to them? If [Name] admits to liking you as well—which they probably will—you might begin to feel less nervous as you get more comfortable with them. And if they tell you that they don’t feel the same, then at least you will have your peace of mind."
Dottore sighed. "I guess you’re right. However, I heavily doubt that I could muster up the courage to confess to them in person; I’d have no idea what to say."
"You could always send them a letter and a gift." Delta suggested.
"That’s a good idea, yeah. But what kind of thing would they like?" Dottore thought for a moment. "Oh! I know!"
Dottore quickly got up from his desk and walked into his room to grab the first five volumes of The Fox in the Dandelion Sea, which you had returned a couple days ago.
"Boss, what did you think of?" Delta asked as Dottore put the books down on his desk.
"I’m going to recreate these books from scratch. I’ll make the cover, write the words, and illustrate the pages. You can tell [Name] to take the whole week off, say that I’m working on something confidential and I need total concentration. It shouldn’t take me too long; I’ve done the process a couple times in the past. Especially because these are such small books, with only a couple pages each."
"Don’t overwork yourself, boss. I know how much [Name] worries about you. You have all the time in the world to get your gift ready." Delta said, watching Dottore gather papers and pens.
"They really worry for me that much?" Dottore looked up at Delta, his eyes widening a little.
"Oh, definitely. [Name] mentions it all the time."
"Well, that's very sweet of them." Dottore said, butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
Delta nodded. "It is. Now, boss, is there anything I can do to help you?"
"Ah, yes, there is; can you possibly find me a dandelion plant?" Dottore asked him.
"Sure, I can do that, no problem. I’ll check the stores in town." Delta replied, turning around and walking towards the door.
"Before you go, I have a question for you."
"Yes, what is it?" Delta looked back at him with his hand on the doorknob.
"Why are you helping me? I know you like [Name] as well; why do you bother? Shouldn’t you be trying to woo them like the other three?"
Delta smiled. "The other three know that they have no chance, boss. Sure, they might try to flirt with [Name], but they don’t actually expect [Name] to reciprocate. The situation is a little different with me, as I don’t try to flirt with them as much. We segments pick up on things you don’t, boss; I know that [Name] would be much happier in a relationship with you. Which is why I don’t even bother trying hard; I already know the outcome."
"What? You’re really that sure that [Name] likes me?" Dottore responded, eyes wide.
"I am indeed, boss." Delta said as he walked out.
Over the next few days, Dottore was constantly cooped up in his office, working on your gift. There was even a sign on the door warning anyone other than his segments not to come in. Dottore barely slept at all, and when he did, it was at his desk.
However, after many sleepless nights, he did eventually manage to finish your gift. There in front of him sat five beautifully made fairytale books, even prettier than the original. The illustrations inside the book were painted with watercolor and outlined in ink, giving them a lovely aesthetic. Dottore flipped through all of them once more, making sure everything was of the finest quality.
Then he began to write you a letter.
"Dear [Name],
I’m aware that you must have picked up on my strange behavior as of late, and I must apologize if it has concerned you. In truth, there is something I must come clean about. I have fallen deeply in love with you, [Name]. I cannot keep this confession to myself for any longer, or else I fear it may eat me from the inside out. If you do not reciprocate my feelings, I completely understand. I will have you immediately switched to run errands for a different harbinger, and your pay will not change. You do not even have to speak to me. If you do wish to have a conversation about this, though, I will be in my private chambers. The door is unlocked.
Sincerely, Il Dottore"
Once he had sealed the letter in an envelope, he set it down on top of the books. Then, reaching over to the pot on his desk, Dottore plucked a grey dandelion and set it down on top of the stack. Once he was done, he stood up and grabbed a length of brown string, wrapping the gift nicely so that nothing would slide off.
Just then, Delta came to check in on him, as he did every once in a while. "Boss, how is everything going?"
"Oh, hello, Delta. Things have been just fine. All I need to do now is put my gift in [Name]’s room so that they’ll find it later. Since it’s late in the morning, shouldn’t [Name] be in the library? Could you possibly distract them for me, just to make sure nothing goes wrong?"
"Of course, boss. That’ll be no problem." Delta responded, walking out of the office with Dottore trailing behind him.
Once they reached the library, Delta went off to chat with you, and Dottore continued walking. He stopped in front of the door to your room and tried the doorknob. It wasn’t locked. Quickly walking inside, Dottore set the stack of books down on your desk and got out. The last thing he wanted was to invade your space more than he had to.
I won’t get my hopes up, even if Delta and the others are telling me that [Name] has romantic feelings for me. I don’t want to be disappointed. Even if they don’t like me, I hope they treasure my gift.
Dottore was deep in thought as he walked past the library, but snapped out of it when he heard Delta’s voice.
"Boss, did your business go according to plan?"
Dottore stopped walking and looked at him, saying, "Delta, come now; we have things to attend to."
Delta got up from the chair he was sitting in. "Ah, yes, boss. I’ll see you later, [Name]."
Delta waved goodbye to you and began to head back to the office with Dottore. Dottore seemed lost in thought, staring at his feet.
"Are you nervous, boss?"
"Yes, Delta, I am very nervous. How could I not be? I could lose [Name] if things don’t go well." Dottore said, his voice shaking with worry.
"It’ll be okay; I wouldn’t assure you of something I wasn’t completely sure about. [Name] really does like you, boss." Delta comforted Dottore, sensing that he was on the edge of a panic attack.
"I really hope you’re right, Delta." Dottore replied as they reached his office.
"Boss, I have a question: what happens next? You haven’t told me your whole plan."
"In the letter, I told them that if they want to chat with me, I will be waiting here." Dottore explained as he opened the door to his room.
Meanwhile, you had gotten up from where you had been reading and made your way back to your room. Opening the door, you walked inside and found a small stack of books on your desk with a dandelion on top.
What is this?
You untied the string binding the books together and picked up the envelope addressed to you underneath the flower. Tearing it open, you took out the letter and began to read it.
As you scanned the text, your eyes widened. Not even bothering to look at the gift Dottore had prepared for you, you started to run to his office. His amazing craftsmanship could be admired later, but you needed to tell him how you felt immediately.
Catching your breath at the door, you opened it and walked inside. Delta was sitting at Dottore’s desk, but you didn’t even notice him.
You knocked on the door that led into Dottore’s room, saying, "Hey, Dottore? You’re in there, right?"
"I am; come in."
When you opened the door, you found Dottore sitting on the end of his bed, his back turned to you, and his head in his hands. Silently, you sat down next to him.
"Dottore, look at me, please." You spoke in a soft tone.
Dottore looked up, his beautiful red eyes filled with worry. It was obvious that he was assuming the worst. You smiled at him, wrapped your arms around his neck, and kissed him.
At first, Dottore was caught off guard, but soon he pulled you into his embrace, careful not to break the kiss. He poured all his love and affection into that kiss, eager to show you just how much you meant to him.
Although neither of you wanted to, eventually you had to pull away to catch your breath.
Putting your hand on Dottore’s cheek, you stared into his eyes. "I love you, Dottore. I always have. Everything about you drives me crazy. Your eyes, your hair, your voice—everything. To the point where I can’t even think straight."
"I love you too, [Name]. Words cannot describe how lucky I am to have you in my life."
Dottore leaned back in, passionately kissing you once more as he held you close to him.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Can Anybody See Me Part 4
Yeah...I’m sorry for the long wait on this one. I’m like a crow, I see a shiny, I go after said shiny. But I’m back to working on this one. Just a heads up tag limit is 50 and it’s been reached, so I haven’t replied to you about being on the list, that’s why. I’m sorry. I don’t know how people can do lists of 100 or more. I just can’t.
But because it took forever, this part is longer than usual. And you get Max AND Wayne.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
It was the last day before winter break and Steve still sat by himself. It wasn’t that Eddie hadn’t asked him to sit with him and his friends but Steve was resolute in keeping his distance from the Corroded Coffin boys. His reasoning was he was trying to protect them from the popular kids.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but respected his wishes. After all he had the rest of the year to wear him down.
But not today. Eddie immediately sat down when Steve did.
Steve looked around him in fear. “You can’t keep doing this, man. I don’t them to pick on you, too.” Billy had hip checked him into his locker just that morning.
Eddie grinned. “I’m immune.”
Steve’s jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. “No one is immune, Eds.”
Eddie leaned forward. “Their drug dealer is, especially if they want to keep buying weed.”
Steve blinked. “Oh shit. You’re the one Tommy would buy from.”
Eddie’s grin turned feral. “And if I wanted to make their lives miserable, I could get up on this table and declare you off limits and all the bullying would come to a complete standstill.”
Steve’s mouth worked but no words came. He settled for blushing and going back to digging at his food.
“But that’s not why I’m here, Harrington,” he continued, gleefully. “I was wondering what you were doing for Christmas.”
Steve’s brain went off line and it took a bit to come back on. “Um...I don’t know. My parents didn’t come home last year, just sent me a check to buy myself presents.”
Eddie winced. “Ouch.”
“If they weren’t expecting to see piles of loot around the house, I would have blown the whole thing on booze and weed.”
Eddie scoffed. “How much did they send you?”
Steve looked down at his tray, poking at his food. He licked his lips and coughed, “$375.”
Eddie’s eyebrows went up. “That’s a lot.”
Steve shrugged. “I don’t want fancy cars or piles of clothes I’m only going to wear once. Instruments I’ll never play. The latest movies and the biggest TV. I don’t want any of that.” He stabbed at his food again, this time with more force.
“You want them to care enough to come home,” Eddie reasoned. “When was the last time they were home?”
Steve scratched his cheek in thought. “Before Thanksgiving.”
“But not for Thanksgiving?” Eddie asked. The picture Steve was painting was starting to look pretty fucking grim.
“I think I ordered in,” he mumbled.
“Yeah, okay, dude,” Eddie growled. “If they don’t come home, you are coming over to my place.”
Steve put down his fork. “No, man. Please. I’ll be fine.”
Eddie jumped up on the table and slid across it. He planted both feet on the bench next to Steve and clasped his hands. “It’s not okay, dude. I know.”
Steve looked up at him in shock. “I didn’t‒I mean.” He looked down at his tray again. “That sucks.”
Eddie nudged him with his foot. “So you’ll come over if they don’t come home?”
Steve nodded. “I’ll give you my phone number, if you’ll give me yours.”
Eddie grinned. “And if you pretend that they came home, I will find out. I promise that.”
Steve laughed. “Whatever you say, man.”
“Munson!” the lunch lady screamed. “Get off the table!”
Eddie grinned. “And that’s my cue.” He jumped up.
“Exit stage left?” Steve asked.
Eddie laughed. “Drama’s already got it’s hooks into you, hasn’t it?”
Steve shrugged. “It’s been fun.”
“I’ll put my number in your locker later,” Eddie said.
“And I’ll get you mine after school,” Steve replied.
Eddie walked back to his table with his friends waiting for him.
“So what did he say?” Jeff asked.
Gareth huffed. “Let me guess, skiing in Aspen or even the Alps.”
Eddie shook his head. “His parents haven’t been home since before Thanksgiving.”
“But they’ll just send him a plane ticket to wherever they are, right?” Brian asked.
Again Eddie shook his head. “Last year they sent him a check to buy his own presents.”
The three other boys looked at each other in shock.
“What? Jeff squeaked.
“That’s what he said,” Eddie huffed. “I don’t think he’d lie. Not about that.”
“That is so messed up,” Gareth grumbled. “He loses his friends to fucking Bill Hargrove, his girlfriend to Byers, and now his parents aren’t coming home for Christmas? What the hell did this dude do in a past life to get fucked up so hard in this one?”
“I don’t know,” Brian said softly.
They all looked over at Steve who was pushing his food around his tray morosely.
“We’ve got do something for him,” Jeff said. “Eddie you know him the best.”
Eddie munched on a pretzel. “I guess. It’s not very well.”
“It’s better than nothing,” Brian pleaded.
Eddie dropped the pretzel he was holding. “Actually, I think I might have an idea on how to get more information on him without letting him know we’re doing it.”
The other three shared glances.
“Watcha got?” Gareth asked leaning forward.
“I’ve got a Max.”
They all looked confused as Eddie grinned.
Eddie had called Steve a couple of times over the weekend, but he was biding his time until his opportunity opened up.
It came that Sunday when Max slipped in front of her trailer while Eddie was cleaning off Wayne’s truck so that he could get to work.
“Whoa!” Eddie called out and jogged over to her. “Hey, you okay?”
She looked down at jeans and cursed when she saw a rip in the knee. “No. Those were my favorite jeans.”
Eddie winced. “I know how that goes.” He pointed to a rip in the knee of his own jeans.
“Yeah, but you make them look cool,” she grumbled. “I’m Max.”
Eddie grinned. “Well, Max, I’m Eddie.” He jutted his head over to the trailer behind him. “I live just over there.”
She rolled her eyes. “I know.”
“Which part?” he asked with a wink.
“All of it.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Fair enough.”
“Billy buys from you,” Max muttered.
Eddie grimaced. “Ah.”
She shrugged. “I get it, really. No judgment here.”
He stood up and held out his hand to her. She looked at it as if it would turn into a serpent, but sighed, taking it anyway. She slid a couple of times but he held her steady until she was firm on her feet.
“Want some hot chocolate?” he asked jutting his thumb behind him.
She looked at her trailer and then nodded. He opened the door and let her in. “I just need to finish the truck and I’ll be right in. And don’t worry about Uncle Wayne. He doesn’t bite.”
Uncle Wayne burst out laughing from inside the trailer. “Not hard anyway.”
Max smiled and went inside.
Eddie finished clearing off the truck of snow and went inside. He found Max at the counter with a mug in front of her. She had chosen the “Fuck Off Before I’ve Had My Coffee” mug. Eddie liked her already.
He picked the Garfield mug and went to cupboard, getting out the can of cocoa mix.
“How rich do you like it?” he asked, digging out a couple of spoons from the drawer.
She shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“I like mine super rich, like half the cup is mix rich,” he said.
Max grimaced. “Not that rich.”
Eddie laughed. “About half that, then. You can always add more if you want.”
He filled their mugs and went to the fridge. He pulled out milk and added some to his mug.
“That’s weird,” she said.
“Can’t afford to buy whip cream all the time,” he explained with a shrug. “So it adds a little creaminess to it.”
She scoffed. “Still weird.”
“Don’t knock until you try it.”
Just then the kettle went off and he filled their mugs with hot water.
“What grade are you in?” he asked after taking a sip.
She leaned over the counter. “How come yours is frothy and mine isn’t?”
Eddie grinned. “Should have had that milk, kid.”
Max thumped back into her seat. “I didn’t know it could do that.”
“Next cup,” he promised.
“You’re on,” she murmured.
“Still haven’t answered the question,” he said smiling over his mug.
“What are you the cops?” Max grumbled.
“I think it’s pretty obvious I’m not,” Eddie said with a chuckle.
She cocked her head to the side. “Yeah, I guess. Eighth.”
“You like it here?” he asked.
She scoffed. “No.”
Eddie laughed. “I hear that.”
Max frowned. “Weren’t you like, born here?”
“Oh hell, no,” Eddie said after drinking from his mug. “Moved out here when I nine or ten.”
Wayne came out of the bathroom, tucking his shirt into his pants. “You were nine. It was just before your birthday.”
Eddie grinned. “There you go. I can never remember if it was before or after.”
“I can’t say I’m surprised,” Wayne said with a chuckle. “You came to me with a concussion.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Best day ever, though.”
Wayne just shook his head. He grabbed his coat and gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek. “Be sure to lock up if you go anywhere.”
“Waaaayyynnne,” Eddie whined. “I’m nineteen! I’ve got this figured out.”
Wayne just raised an eyebrow before waving goodbye to them both.
Eddie looked over at Max who was glaring at him. “I thought you were in Steve’s class.”
Eddie grimaced. “Yeah...about that.”
She raised both her eyebrows.
“I didn’t graduate last year when I was supposed to,” he explained. “So they’re making me do a do-over.”
“You suck,” she said and went back to her cocoa.
“How do you know Steve?” Eddie asked leaning on the counter. “Like you said, he’s in my classes. You, however are an enigma.”
She shrugged. “He saved my life from a pack of rabid junkyard dogs.”
Eddie blinked. “Come again?”
Again she shrugged. “I’m not supposed to talk about it.”
Eddie raised his hands. “Okay then.”
She wrapped both hands around the cooling mug. “He talks about you a lot.”
Eddie frowned. “Yeah, what’s he say?” He wrapped his arms around his waist.
“That you’re too good for your own good,” she said.
“That was not what I was expecting, I was honest,” he murmured, shoving his hair into mouth.
Max reared her head back. “Why?”
“You’re new so you probably haven’t heard,” Eddie said through gritted teeth, “but they call me ‘The Freak’. I’ve tried to turn it into a positive, but it still stings.”
Again she shrugged. “I’ve heard Steve used to be an asshole. But I have yet to see it, so...”
Eddie set his mug down and hopped up on the counter. “He keeps trying to protect me, it’s a little disconcerting to be honest.”
Max laughed. “That’s Steve for you. It’s like an honest to god superhero.”
Eddie hunched his shoulders up around his ears. “I’m older than he is. I really don’t need his protection.”
She huffed out a breath. “You’re going to just have to deal with it.”
“I’m starting to get that,” he said. “But I’m going to wear him down and befriend the asshole if it takes until graduation.”
She shook her head. “Good luck. Usually it takes trauma for people to break to down his unusually high walls.”
“And you know all about those high walls, wouldn’t you?” Eddie said with a sly smile.
“It’s safer.” She paused for a moment. “But it would be good for Steve to have friends his own age that don’t include his ex and her new boyfriend.”
He winced. “Tell me about it. He spends time with them, but I can tell it hurts to do so.”
“I could help,” she murmured. “I could tell you what his interests and hobbies are.”
“You’re on.”
Eddie grinned. That worked better than planned.
Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag List: @the-redthread @howincrediblysapphicofyou @lovelyscot @dangdirtydemons @jaywhohasthegay @whimsicalwitchm @xjessicafaithx @cr0w-culture @kohlraedirectioner @jinxjinn @be-the-spark-bitch @chasinggeese @reportinglivefromsoda @bookbinderbitch @awkwardgravity1 @shucks-yuckyuck @stevesbipanic @phantypurple @huniibee @ashwinmeird @justforthedead89 @emly03 @evix-syne666 @renaissan-vvitch @deadlydodos @scarletzgo @messrs-weasley @kodaik97 @thedragonsaunt @butterflysandpeppermint @gregre369 @nelotegreitic @sundead @artiststarme @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @thing-a-ling @anaibis @garden-of-gay @matchingbatbites @spectrum-spectre @winterbuckwild @steve-the-hairrington @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @babyblender @cursedfoxteeth @novelnovella @throwbackthrowaway @strangersteddierthings @shrimply-a-menace
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katsu28 · 1 year
hi Kait!! might i be able to request "Black Dahlia - a lie" with Bradley bradshaw pleaseeee thank you!
ngl i think i got a little too carried away with this but man oh man did i have fun, pls enjoy!
black dahlia: a lie, bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader, rooster is a total simp, 2.3k
Rooster had a staring problem. Sometimes he spaced out in the middle of a training debrief without realizing he was looking straight at Phoenix the whole time, sometimes his furrowed brows made Maverick think he was angry at something when in reality he was just focused. Sometimes he creeped random people out because he just…didn’t know he was staring. 
But most times, the unsuspecting focus of his staring was you. There was just something about you that had his eyes searching for you in every room he entered, drew his eyes to you every time you entered. He just couldn’t help it. Everything about you, from the way you laughed, to the way that you said his name, to the way your eyes sparkled when you smiled at him. Even the way you elbowed him in the ribs when he made a terrible joke had him hooked on you. 
And you had no idea. 
“Rooster. Rooster, you didn't laugh at my—what are you even looking at?” Hangman sounded deflated, but once his eyes tracked Rooster’s line of sight to you he knew what was going on in that feathery nicknamed brain of his friend. He’d known it pretty much all along. It was an unspoken thing, but he knew. Everyone knew. Everyone except you, apparently. 
“Oh, I see it now. You don’t like my jokes as much as you like Y/N.”
Rooster tore his gaze from where you were chatting with Penny at the bar to see Hangman with his hands on his hips, looking entirely too smug. “Sorry, what?” His ears had picked up the blond man’s jest, but surely he’d heard it wrong. 
“There’s no shame in admitting it. You have a crush on her.” 
“I’m not ashamed, I’m just—” 
“So you do have a crush!” 
Rooster scowled, brows pinching in the middle as he gripped the neck of his beer a little tighter. “I’m a grown man, I don’t have a crush.” 
“So you’re in love.” 
“What? No, I’m not—we’re…friends, that’s it.” 
“You’re a terrible liar, Bradshaw.” Phoenix cut in, poking him in the gut with the end of her pool cue. “Cut the shit and let us know how you really feel.” 
There really wasn’t any way out of this other than to tell the truth, so he sighed. “Okay, so maybe—just maybe—I might possibly have some feelings for Y/N.” 
“Yeah, and those feelings are called love,” Hangman said smugly, an ever present smirk gracing his face once again. He wasn’t wrong. He was actually right on the money, but Rooster would be damned if he let that son of a bitch know he was right. 
“Screw you, Hangman. I’m not talking about this anymore.” 
He thought he must’ve sounded more serious than he’d intended, because Hangman actually shut up for once, zipping his lips with an imaginary key before miming throwing it over his shoulder. Phoenix just nodded, knowing well enough not to push her luck with the subject. 
Nothing about the conversation was mentioned the rest of the night, especially not when you’d made your way back over to the group of them and stayed for a while. Rooster almost forgot about it until a few days later. 
Flight training had let out for the day a little later than usual, nearing half past seven when the pilots were finally trailing into the parking lot to go home. 
“Up for a round at the Hard Deck, fellas?” Hangman offered. There were a few mumbled declines to the invitation scattered amongst the squad and he looked disappointed. Leave it to Hangman to still have energy for a beer after the grueling day they’d all just had. 
Rooster had half a mind to say no too. All he wanted to do was go home and sit on the couch and probably do nothing for the rest of the night, that’s how tired he was. He wandered towards where he’d parked the Bronco this morning, getting almost halfway there when he heard Hangman’s voice again. 
“Phoenix, c’mon, I know you’ll do me a solid this time. I’ll buy. I’ll even let you win at pool!” 
“No can do, Bagman, I’m in a time crunch—gotta get to Y/N’s house.” 
Upon hearing your name, Rooster froze, willing himself to walk away, but his curiosity won out very quickly. He turned around as casually as he could, hiking his duffel a little higher on his shoulder. “Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, she’s fine. She asked to borrow a necklace for her date tonight, so I gotta pop over there before she heads out.” Phoenix shrugged, patting her jacket pocket. Rooster couldn’t help the way his eyebrows flew up in surprise and she noticed, knowing smile already gracing her lips. “Everything okay with you, Bradshaw?” 
“Fine. It’s, uh—no, yeah everything’s good.” He mumbled, clearing his throat. Hangman coughed from behind him, sounding suspiciously like ‘bullshit’, but Rooster paid him no mind. He was more focused on the fact you were going on a date with someone else. Someone that wasn’t him. 
Then again, who the fuck did he think he was, having some kind of bullshit thoughts about who you went out with. He had no right, he knew that. But that didn’t stop him from feeling like he’d just been punched in the gut. 
“Hey, why don’t I drop it off for you?” He blurted, pressing his lips into a thin smile. Phoenix looked confused. He was confused at himself too, honestly. What the hell was he doing? “I just, I mean your place is the opposite way and I’m gonna pass her neighborhood anyways, so…I can do it.” Now she looked amused. 
“Since when did you get all helpful and shit?” 
“Pretty sure I’ve always been helpful.” 
“You sure there’s no other reason why you’re volunteering to see her? None at all? Maybe one starting with L and rhyming with shove?” Hangman chimed in, grinning wickedly. Phoenix nodded in agreement, her smile now mirroring his. 
“I’ll shove you, Hangman. Shut up.” Rooster said sharply. He turned his gaze back to Phoenix. “No. No other reason. I’ll drop it off on my way home and that’s it.” 
It was a bold faced lie and he knew his friends saw right through it, but he didn’t really care. 
“Okay. Suit yourself.” She shrugged, fishing the necklace out of her pocket and pouring it into his outstretched hand. “Would ya look at that, Bagman? Looks like I’m free to beat you at pool after all.” 
“I’m not buying you a beer anymore, that was a one time offer and it’s expired,” Hangman protested, much to Phoenix’s chagrin because she scoffed. 
“Like hell it has! You promised a free beer and a win, I expect you to deliver. But make an effort to play fair, don’t just throw the game ‘cause that wouldn’t be a good look for me.” 
Rooster could hear their bickering until he hopped into his car, but he peeled out of the parking lot in a blink, on the move to you. 
He didn’t have a wisp of a plan in his mind when he pulled to a stop in front of your place. His hands shook where they were clenched around the steering wheel and he was sweating a little bit, but he had no idea what he was going to say to you. He just knew he needed to say something. 
Five minutes and countless unhelpful self pep talks later, Rooster was finally ringing the doorbell, necklace in his pocket but still no clearer on what his end goal was. His mind went even more blank when you opened the door, because shit, you were breathtaking. 
You had on a pretty dress in his favorite color and you were adjusting the strap of your heel when you laid eyes on him standing on your doorstep. Putting aside the confusion on your face at the sight of him and not Phoenix, Rooster would rank this as one of his favorite moments ever. 
“Bradley?” You sounded concerned, nose crinkled to match. “What are you doing here?” 
“Uh…” He trailed off, probably sounding completely stupid as he blinked at you dumbfoundedly. You said his name again, a little louder this time, and he snapped out of it. 
He dug around in his pocket clumsily until his fingers closed around the delicate chain and pulled it out, letting it dangle from his hand as he held it out. “Nat asked me to swing this by on my way home from base.” He didn’t want to tell you it was actually him who insisted on being the one to save the day. That would sound too weird, maybe even borderline creepy. 
Your eyes lit up at the sight of your awaited necklace and you beamed, beckoning him into your front hallway. “You’re the sweetest, Bradley. Thank you so much, you really didn’t have to detour.” 
“S’no problem. What’s a few more minutes on the road to help a friend?” 
“Maybe a few more minutes.” You said sheepishly, looking a tad embarrassed. “D’you—would you mind helping me put it on? I’ve never been good at clasping them on my own.” 
“Oh! Uh, yeah. Sure.” He moved behind you, trying not to inhale too sharply when you moved your hair off your neck. God, all he wanted to do was whirl you around and kiss you. Instead, he decided to make some small talk to get his mind out of where it shouldn’t have been in the first place. “So…you’re going on a date. With who? Maybe I know ‘em.” 
“Probably not. He’s not Navy, I met him at the gym a few weeks ago. His name’s Vinny. He’s a boxer.” 
Vinny. Sounded like an asshole name. 
“Didn’t know boxers were your type.” He said casually, working deftly to latch the tiny hook. 
“Yeah?” You sounded amused. “And what exactly do you think my type is?” 
Me, he wanted to say. But he held his tongue, instead opting for a noise of nonchalance. 
“That’s a shame. Would’ve thought you of all people would know.” 
“You’ve always seemed to know me best.” You said simply. Rooster’s fingers fumbled the clasp in surprise. “When I’m down, you always know how to make me smile. When I’m upset, you seem to know exactly what’ll help. You know everything I like, everything I hate. You know me like the back of your hand. How is that?” 
“I…pay attention.” 
“So that means you know Hangman’s favorite song? Fanboy’s comfort movie? What about Phoenix and Bob’s secret handshake?” You weren’t facing him, so he had no idea if you were being serious or not, but he was stumped. 
His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, brain scrambling for any shred of an excuse for not knowing any of those answers. He paid attention, yes, but only to you. Rooster’s fingers brushed along your bare shoulder softly in lieu of a response, too tender of a moment for two friends to be sharing. 
“Don’t go.” He breathed. You froze, and Rooster swore it was the longest few seconds in his life. But then you turned around, wide eyes searching for his. Your lips parted like you were about to say something, but he shook his head, inhaling a shaky breath. “Don’t go on that date.” 
“Why?” Your voice was impossibly quiet, so much so that he wouldn’t have heard you say anything at all had you not been this close to each other. 
“Because when Phoenix mentioned it, I felt like I’d just done an inverted dive. And not in a good way, I’m talking about the ‘I’m about to puke’ feeling. Because I can’t stop thinking about you even though I should be thinking about anything else, because I don’t know what I’d do if we weren’t friends. Because I don’t wanna be just friends anymore.” Rooster admitted, trying to keep his voice as steady as possible. He was too far in now to quit and run away with his tail between his legs. This was happening, whether it was a good idea or not. “Because…I’m in love with you.” 
You just blinked at him slowly, processing his words the best you could. He could practically see the wheels turning in your head, and it did nothing to quell the ball of nerves turning over in the pit of his stomach. 
Forget what he was feeling earlier—this was definitely the longest few seconds of his life. It felt more like an eternity. 
He was about to apologize, to say sorry for dumping out his feelings for you right before you were about to go on a date with someone else, but you beat him to the punch with something much, much better. 
You grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and you kissed him. Hard. 
More surprised than anything, it took him a beat to register what was actually happening, but his hands slid around your waist to splay across your back when it finally sunk in. He backed you against the nearest wall, but took special care in slipping a hand behind your head so it didn’t bounce off it, all while never letting his mouth leave yours. Your hands found their way to his broad shoulders, roaming around the expanse of flexed muscle shifting under your palms. 
It wasn’t the perfect kiss. It was clumsy and messy and a little overexcited, but it was perfect to Rooster. He could only hope you were thinking the same. 
He finally (albeit reluctantly) pulled away a bit, just enough to give you some air. “What do you think? Are you—does this mean what I think it means?” 
You smiled, linking your hands behind his neck. “I think…I’ve come down with a nasty case of food poisoning and I need to cancel my date.” You said softly.
Rooster nodded solemnly. “And I think I should stay. Y’know, in case you need anything during this awful bout of said food poisoning.” 
“That’s a good idea.”
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loubouskz · 1 year
strange things happen
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han jisung x thick!fem!reader
description: tour just ended, and they were going back home. jisung should be happy and excited but can't help but be in his head. when he's told about the backrooms, he didn't really think he'd end up there, nor did he think he would meet a girl too. but then again, the strangest things happen to good people.
genre: strangers to lovers, the backrooms
warning: SMUT!, pov changes a few times, foggy in head space, anxiety fear, mentions of meditation, insomnia(in text but not mentioned), crying, panic attack, passing out, body insecurity, jisung being a sweetheart, somewhat fear of water, yelling, overthinking, kissing, making out, slight marking kink, oral(both receiving), the smallest bit of dirty talk, creampie
wc: 8.8k(somewhat proof-read)
a/n: idk why I wrote this!🤣 I just couldn't shake the thought of it, so I had to write it and now I absolutely love it. I tried my best to explain the levels they were in, basing it off the game: The Complex: Backrooms Found Footage. I think I did okay. tho choosing what skz member to write it for was hard but ended up choosing jisung. anyway, I hope you enjoy this! I would love to hear your guys feedback!❤️❤️
taglist: @hgema @jisunglyricist
“what? you two honestly don’t believe in that stuff, right?” minho asked, placing his drink down. jisung hadn’t been listening to the conversation and looked around the dinner table. he saw everyone laughing and enjoying dinner while he was off wandering around in his head. the hyung line(besides minho who was sitting next to jisung) were finished eating and up and doing their own thing. while the maknae line were still sat at the table. they had just finished tour and were having a celebratory dinner party with the whole staff and crew.
“you never know what could be real minho.” jeongin said, shrugging his shoulders. jisung scrunched his eyebrows. “what are we talking about?” he asked, looking around the table. “the backrooms.” felix answered, leaning into the table. “what’s that?” he asked, poking around at his food. jisung didn’t really feel hungry, just more tired than anything. all he wanted to do was go to the hotel and sleep. 
“the backrooms are like an urban legend. its were you noclip out of our everyday world filled with people to a liminal space. there’s different areas or levels. the most famous one being this.” felix said, showing jisung a photo. an open room with yellow wallpaper and fluorescent lighting. “there’s been a lot of short films and documentaries to come out recently about it.” jeongin said. “but they’re fake.” seungmin cut in. “we don’t know that.” jeongin said, turning his head to seungmin. “basically you end up there, and you go through the levels to find a way out.” felix said. “that’s creepy.” jisung said as the two boys continued to show and tell him more about the backrooms.
the more felix and jeongin talked about the backrooms, the more fear set in jisung’s head. minho was starting to worry about him. “okay boys! i think that’s enough, let’s go enjoy this party before everyone gets too tired.” minho said, pushing his chair back to stand up. giving the two younger boys a stare, basically to say. shut the fuck up right now. everyone followed minho to the dance floor and processed to have a fun night. dancing the night away.
jisung could feel his body dancing to whatever song was playing. but he kept going back and forth in his head and being present while dancing. his brain had felt foggy for the last few days. even more now since the idea of the backrooms being real. he knows he shouldn’t believe it, but he can’t help it. the idea of being stuck and alone, going in endless loops, trying to find a way out…it scared him.
the party seemed to end quickly. though two hours had passed, it felt like six minutes. everyone cleaned up the areas that were messed up, and in a blink of an eye, jisung was in the van on the way back to the hotel. he doesn’t remember getting in the van and doesn’t even try to either. jisung took a deep breath and looked out the window. seeing the bright lights of the streetlamps and neon signs for the clubs, bushes and trees blurring at the speed. jisung just wanted to sleep. that’s all he needed. it had been a very long day, and he was ready for it to be over.
once in his shared hotel room. jisung took a long hot shower to relax his nerves. though he really didn’t do anything during the shower. he just stood under the water, forehead pressed against the cold wall till the water ran cold. jisung looked at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth for the night. he felt like he was seeing himself in third-person, and his body felt like a shell. he couldn’t understand why he was feeling like this. he’s been taking his medicine, never missing a day or night. jisung turned off the light and exited the bathroom. he removed his towel and put on a pair of boxers and his pajama pants on. not bothering to put on the matching shirt. 
he climbed into the bed and turned off his side lamp, ready for bed.  “you okay ji?” he heard minho voice ask. jisung turned his head and smiled at minho. “yeah, i’m fine man. just really tired and ready to sleep. can you turn off your light as well?” jisung said to him. minho gave a worried face but did what jisung asked with a nod. “if you need someone to talk and listen to you, you know you can talk to me. right, jisung?” minho asked out in the dark. jisung nodded his head, then remembered the lights were off. “i know. nothing’s wrong. i promise.” he said out loud before yawning. “night minho.” jisung said in a tired voice. “good night, jisung.” minho responded back.
why wasn’t sleep coming to him. jisung laid awake in the dark, staring at the ceiling. his arms under his head. his mind and body had felt tired. he wanted to sleep, so why wasn’t it coming to him. he didn’t want to toss around too much, scared that he would wake up minho. the one thing he didn’t want to do was worry him even more. so jisung stayed still and waited for sleep to take him. but it never did, he watched as the sun came up and heard the city become loud and full of life again. he heard minho starting to wake up. jisung turned over and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.
he heard minho get out of bed and walk over to him. shaking him to wake up. “wake up. we have to get to the airport.” minho said. jisung pretended to stir awake and sat up. “what time is it?” jisung asked. “6:43am. now come on and got to get dressed and packed.”
just like last night everything seemed to move fast but slow at the same time. jisung was dressed in his outfit for the day. a white loose fit tee, his black jacket, black baggy pants with his sneakers, dad cap, and face mask. when he blinked and looked up he at the international airport, everybody was ready to go home. he waved to the flashing cameras and stays that were there.
the group made their way through the airport, doing everything they needed to do to get to their gate in time. once they were there, got their tickets scanned and passports looked at. jisung was the last one. when he looked up to continue to board the plane, everyone was so far ahead of him. he doesn’t want to say he freaked out a little, feeling like he was getting left behind even though they were all on the same flight. but that is exactly what he felt. like his flight or fight response kicked in. he secured his carryon and jogged to catch up to the rest of his members, but the more steps he stook, the further they got. “hey chan wait up!” jisung called out to his leader, then he tripped and fell down. 
jisung closed his eyes and waited for the impact of the floor, but it didn’t come. he felt the wind starting to pick up. he opened his eyes and being to panic. this has to be a dream. jisung was free falling in the sky. he couldn’t do anything but scream and cry as the city buildings got closer and closer. he closed his eyes once again, waiting for death to hit him.
then he hit a carpeted floor, but not hard but definitely enough to make a thud sound…like he tripped and fell. jisung pushed himself up onto his knees and saw where he was. just like the picture felix had shown him.
open room, yellow walls, and fluorescent lights. he was in the backrooms.
no no no no this cannot be happening. “i’m dreaming. i must be dreaming.” jisung said as he did everything he could think of to wake himself up. he pinched his arm. hit his leg. slapped his cheek. hell, he even stood up and ran into one of the walls near him and fell down. “ow.” jisung said. falling onto his butt with his head hurting. jisung didn’t know what to do. he busted into tears as he ran. ran and ran. he felt like he was going in circles. everything looked the same! this can’t be real. he stopped and thought for a quick second where he should go. he yanked his face mask off. took a deep breath and continued to run. it doesn’t make any sense of how he could have ended up here. he wanted to be with his members. on the plane. going home. the tears blurring up his vision to the point where he couldn’t see. it felt like everything was closing in around him. he started to sleep black dots. everything went dark.
opening the journal in hand, going back to read what you wrote so you wouldn’t go insane and forget who you are. saying the following words aloud. what your name was. how old you were. your birthday. what year it was. the date it was when you got here. where you are from and currently living at. family, friends, and pets. what you were studying. etc. anything. you didn’t want to risk it even if it wasn’t going to happen. 
once you were done, you placed the journal in the pocket of the hoodie you were wearing. continuing down the nevering-end yellow halls. you don’t know how long you’ve been here, but it felt like years at this point. you don’t know how you end up here either, what this place was, or how to get out. the feeling of someone watching you never going away, even though you knew you were alone.
you turned the corner and physically jumped out of your skin. freezing at that moment. just ahead of you, was a person. a man lying on the ground. he looked to be passed out. you didn’t know whether to go up and shake him to see if he was okay or run. after debating with yourself, you decided to see if he was alive. you slowly walked over to him, taking quiet steps.
once you were right next to him, you squatted down. now seeing his face. you could see he was asian and around your age. his cheeks puffy and red with swollen eyes. you felt a sting to your heart. he must have just shown up here and most likely completely terrified. 
“hey are you okay?” i asked, shaking him on his shoulder. he groaned as he started to wake up. “come on, get up.” i said, shaking him a bit harder. his eyes fluttered open and saw me. i could tell panic set in. he quickly flipped over and scooted away from me. looked around and made a face before looking at me again. “i’m not going to hurt you.” i said. “how do i know that?” he said back. “because we are in the same boat and trying to get out.” i told him. he brought his knees up to his chest. “my name is y/n. what’s yours?” i said. “i’m jisung. han jisung.” he said. “well it’s nice to meet you, jisung.” i said with a smile. “do you know the way out?” he asked.
i stood back up. “no i don’t. sorry. if i did, i wouldn’t be here…where ever i am.” i sighed out, looking around at the yellow walls. “you’ve never heard of this place?” jisung said, looking up at me. “no. have you?” i questioned. he nodded his head slowly before standing up. “just last night, my friends were telling me about this place. it’s called the backrooms.” jisung said, “it’s where you clip out of our everyday world and you’re here.” jisung looked around the room with a scowl. he’s crazy. 
he brought eyes back to me and saw the look on my face. “you don’t believe me..” he said, taking off his cap and running his fingers through his hair. “no. that sounds too insane.” i told him. “there’s this place, a warehouse, a maintenance hall, pool area thing, house, and a lot more.” he said. “i’ve never seen any of those places you’ve mentioned besides this one.” i told him. jisung’s cheeks started to turn red. probably out of embarrassment. i breathed in, “how about we just stick together and find a way out.” i said. he nodded, “good idea.” so we began to walk the eerie room. 
“so…” jisung said, making me turn my head to him. “what do you do? i mean like in our world.” he asked. i smiled, “i’m studying at my dream university while doing part-time at a music shop on the side.” i expressed with happiness. “you?” i directed to him. “oh i’m a k-pop idol. i’m in a group called stray kids. have you heard of us?” he stated. “no sorry.” i said, shaking my head. jisung was telling me about himself and telling stories about his members. which i’ve learned that there is eight of them in total. “we recently just started getting really big these last two and half years. then covid came and we were stuck at home all of 2020.” jisung said. i stopped in my tracks. the fuck? 2020. have i been in here for that long? “my group and i just finished our tour called maniac.” jisung said, turning his head to look at me. when he didn’t see me, he turned around. 
“you okay?” he asked, walking back to me. “2020. it’s 2020?” i exclaimed. he shook his head, “no it’s april 5th 2023.” jisung hesitated to say. he furrowed his eyebrows, “what year did you think it was?” he questioned. “2019. i showed up here on june 9, 2019. i didn’t think i was in here for that long.” i cried out, feeling tears welt up in my eyes. jisung’s eyes widened. “hey hey, don’t cry y/n. we’re gonna get out of here. i promise.” he comforted, placing his arms onto my shoulders. a few tears fell to my cheeks. “none of that.” he said, quickly wiping them away with the knuckle of his pointer finger. “we’re going to get back home. alright?” he said. i nodded and sniffed, “okay.” i told him. jisung gave me a bright smile. “okay then, let’s get a move on.” he said, holding out his hand to take. i placed my hand in his and we continued on our way, trying to find the exit.
turning left and right, going straight. all of it seemed to be the same, the same damn yellow walls with every turn and move. the quiet noise of the fluorescent lights buzzing. 
“i feel like we are going in circles y/n.” jisung said out loud. “i don’t think we are?” i said, more in a question sense. we did another left turn and were met with a dark dead-end. there was a crawl space giving off light. “should we go through it?” jisung asked, squatting down in front of it. i looked at the size of it and looked at my body. 
i was on the thicker size. a tummy, thick thighs and hips, big boobs and butt. i became overly aware of my size. starting to feel small and insecure. “umm, i don’t think i can fit through that.” i quietly told jisung. he looked up at me, eyeing me up and down then back at the crawl space. “i think you’ll get through. plus you won’t know unless you try.” jisung said in a nice tone. “will you try?” he asked. my head came up with a million and one thoughts in one second on why i shouldn’t do it. “as long as you won’t look.” i said, avoiding eye contact. “i can do that.” jisung said while nodding his head.
jisung stood back up and took a few steps back. i walked closer to the crawl space and got on my hands and knees. i looked back at jisung and he had both of his hands covering his eyes and turned to the side. i turned back to the crawl space and started to make my way through. my upper half made it easy, it was a little snug at my hips- but i got through. i stood back up and called out to jisung. 
“i made it!” i said loud and proud. “great!” he said. soon enough, jisung crawled through and was standing next to me. we looked around and the yellow walls were starting to fade into gray metal like material. “i guess this is progress.” i declared, walking ahead. “yeah.” he said, following by my side. as we walked further into the gray walls, we heard a ding. “what was that?” jisung asked. we looked all around us till my eyes landed on an elevator to the right of us, tucked away in a cornered with the doors open.
“jisung there’s an elevator.” i said, making my way over to it. jisung quickly followed. it was a small elevator, but both of us fit with a comfortable distance between us. jisung looked down at the button panel. “well there’s only one direction to go.” he joked. i looked at the panel and sure enough, he was right. we could only go up. “let’s get out of here.” i said, nodding my head. jisung pressed the up button. the elevator doors quickly closed and we started heading up.
“i just thought of something.” jisung said, leaning his back against the wall. “what is it?” i mumbled. “if you’ve been in here since 2019, how are you still alive? there’s no food, no drinkable water. have you even slept?” jisung asked. i looked at him with wide eyes. “i. i honestly don’t know. it doesn’t feel like i’ve been in here that long. maybe a few days or weeks? and i’ve slept, but it was to take a break from walking. not because my energy was low and i needed sleep.” i replied, trying to understand it myself. “wow.” jisung said in pure awe. “i hope you’re not here for as long as i’ve been.” i added, just as the doors opened up. “i hope so too, but then again. i think we are going to get out of here. a lot sooner.” he said with a smile as he exited the elevator.
i followed behind him and to my surprise. we were in a completely different place. the walls were now white tiles, our shoes echoing throughout the hall. soon we came out to an open room with water. “this was the pool area i was talking about!” jisung exclaimed, giving me another one of those big smiles. i felt butterflies dance around in my stomach. god, does he have a killer smile. wait no, don’t think like that y/n. just because this is the person, especially male. does not mean you can form a crush on him.
jisung walked over to the railing and looked down to the right. i came up beside him and looked the same way. he turned his head to me. “do you believe me now.” he said, more in a statement. i could only nod my head. he pushed off the railing and walked behind me. “someone was here.” jisung said. i turned around and looked to see what he saw. there was a blanket on the floor. “so we’re not alone?” i asked. “either we’re not or that person already got out.” jisung said, “but if they are still here, let’s hope they’re as nice as you.” he added, turning around to face to water again.
“i think we are going to have to walk through the water.” jisung stated, going to the steps into the water. i slowly walked over to the steps and watched as he got in. “does it get deeper?” i asked. jisung brought his eyes to mine. “can’t swim?” he asked. “i can doggy paddle, but that’s about it.” i said. jisung rose his hand from his side. “don’t worry.” he said. i made my way down the steps and put my hand his. his hand was so soft and warm. i looked up at him. “i won’t let you go.” jisung promised.
the water covered the bottom half of our legs. deep enough to slush the water around but shallow enough to walk in. as we made our way through the water, there was an opening on the right but there was also another crawl space. jisung turned to me and i shook my head. “not that one.” i pleaded. “we don’t have to.” jisung responded, squeezing my hand. so we took the right hall, which was a little dark considering there was no light other than the sunlight at the end…if you could even call it that. whatever it was.
we slowly made our way to the end of the hall where there was a big circular column and a set of curvy steps out of the water. we quickly started up the stairs to get out of the water, jisung letting me go first. once i reached the top, there was another elevator. “if the rest of this easy to get out of, we’ll be home in no time.” i said, looking back at jisung. jisung looked back down at me and smiled. i glanced down at his lips and back up at his eyes, seeing he did the same thing. “yeah.” he whispered, a ding from the elevator made us jump.
jisung cleared his throat and guided out his hand to let me enter the elevator first. once we were both inside, i pushed the up button this time and watched as the doors closed once again. there was a bit of awkward silence. “tell me more about yourself, y/n. about things you want to do and achieve in life.” jisung said, looking down at his feet. i thought about it for a second and then told him a mini version of my life story and my goals and dreams.
jisung was laughing his butt off by the time the elevator doors opened, making me giggle. we looked out the doors and saw a mall, our laughter dropping at the slight of it. we stepped out and carefully eyed our surroundings. there was an empty fountain, newspaper and random magazines scattered around the floor, dark and quiet like every place has been.  just our shoes making the most noise. we made our way forward, jisung noticing a map hung on the wall.
“do you can this will help us?” jisung asked. “i don’t know.” i said, trying to read the map. “i can’t tell what it says.” i added, looking at jisung. “me neither.” he sighed out. we walked around, not really finding anything. just more dark, dimly lit halls and rooms and rarely stuff in them. besides a chair or two.
we entered the last hall, leading us to something different. “at least we can kinda tell where we are. better than the yellow room.” jisung said, making me smile, “yeah, you’re right about that.” i replied. then my eyes caught a glimpse at something ahead of us. “is that a red light?” i asked, picking up my pace a little. that’s new. we looked at the little hall where the red light was coming from, but it lead no where.
so we just continued walking forward. making turns left and right whenever we felt like it, unless it lead us to a dead-end. to help pass the time we came up with jokes and telling embarrassing stories. 
it was easy talking jisung, even if i had just met him. it felt like we had been friends for awhile. for once and surprisingly, i was happy i was stuck in here and that this happened to me. because i would have never been able to meet han jisung and get to know him for him. as terrible as it is. having someone with me, him with him, made me feel a lot better. 
“hey y/n!” jisung shouted, “come here, i think i found the way to the elevator!” i quickly turned around and followed jisung down a narrow hall with random turns. it opened up to a small cafeteria thing with the elevator on the left wall to the back. 
“we are making so much progress!” jisung said happily and ran over to the elevator. bouncing up and down like a little kid. i laughed as i made my way over to him and stood next to him. “how many levels are there?” i asked him as the elevator dinged. “i don’t know, but hopefully not too many.” he said as we stepped in the elevator for the third time. 
the doors opened up to a hotel with chairs thrown everywhere, lit up by the wall sconces. “well this level it a bit more creepy.” i stated out loud. we left the elevator and went to the right. “it says there’s a dining hall, maybe there’s food there.” jisung said. “are you actually hungry?” i questioned. “no, but it would be nice to eat something right now.” jisung said with a smile. soon enough, we came into the dining hall. 
“shit there’s nothing in here.” jisung whined. i walked over to the crawl space and looked in. “no where to go in there.” i said, turning back around. “dead-end?” jisung sighed. “dead-end.” i said back to him. he groaned as we pushed our way back the way we came to go down a different hall. we came across a small gap in the wall. jisung looked at me. “should we try it?” he asked. “sure why not. we have all the time in the world.” i answered with laugh. 
jisung fit like it was nothing. for me, it was a bit of a squeeze, but bearable. it was just another long hall, just very small and dim. eventually, it opened back up and the elevator was right in front of us and already open. “luck seems to be on our side, we’re going to get home in no time!” jisung said as we entered the elevator.
the doors closed and we only went up for a few seconds then stopped. there was a tap on the door. we both looked at each other. two more taps, jisung stood in front of me in case there was actual someone there. four more taps against the door before the finally opened up. chairs were blocking the exit the leave, the room completely red. we couldn’t get out.
“are we suppose to get out?” i asked, jisung slowly shock his head. he quickly pressed the button to go up so the doors could close again. slowly but sure the doors closed and we started going up again. jisung spun around to face me. “i feel like we are getting closer to go home.” he said with a smile. the doors opened back up and saw the yellow wallpaper. “why the hell are we back here?” i said, pushing past jisung. yellow walls, carpeted floors, fluorescent lights. I turned back to jisung to had a defeated look on his face. i felt my eyes starting to burn. “you’re a fucking liar. i knew i shouldn’t have trust you.” i felt my voice cracking in the sentence. jisung jumped at the sound of my hurt voice. “y/n.” he said, stepping towards me. i back up and shook my head. “no.” i said, before turning around. i walked over to a wall and sled down. crying and feeling hopeless. 
“there’s no way this is the same.” i heard jisung say. he heard him jogging around, i couldn’t even bring myself to look up to see where he was going. i’m such an idiot for thinking i could get out of this place. there’s no way out, just endless loops of different rooms all feeling the same way. hell it’s been five years since i got here. everyone probably thinks i’m dead by now. my family, my friends, my two roommates, everyone who knew me. thinks i’m dead. what’s the point of trying to get out of here when they think i’m dead and gone.
i felt a pair of hands grab my cheeks and push my face up. i saw jisung’s face with tears and a light smile. “it’s not the same y/n.” jisung said, he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. “come on, all we have to do is follow the beeping.” he said, dragging me along with him at a fast pace. we turned a couple a corners and i was first it wasn’t the same. just the color of the room. instead of there just being rooms entering rooms, there were also columns now and more space going up. i hardly had time to process what was happening, jisung just kept pulling me with him. stopping every now and then to listen. 
“what are you liste-” jisung shushed me. then i heard the beep he had been following. “it’s this way.” he said, making a left turn, then a right. the beeping continued to get louder and louder as we got closer. we turned around corner and was greeted into a big room with the elevator. the next part happened so quickly. jisung turned around, placed his hands on my cheeks again and gave my a hard kiss with passion. i yelped as i wasn’t expecting that to happen. i recovered fast and kissed him back, placing my hands on his chest which made jisung smile into the kiss. he pulled away, leaving his forehead on mine.
“we’re going home like i promised.” he said just above a whisper. i looked into his soft brown eyes. “i’m sorry i yelled at you.” i apologized. he shook his head, “no i understand, you want to get back home as much i as i do and when you saw the yellow walls again you felt lied to. i understand, i would have felt the same way.” he told me. jisung removed his hands from my cheeks and down my arms. grasping my left hand with his right. “let’s keep going.” he said, to which i nodded to.
we entered the elevator once again, pressing the up button. the door closed once more, the elevator moving up once again. jisung squeezed my hand, making me turn to him. he leaned in for another kiss which i gladly accepted. it started out as a sweet innocent kiss but became more heated. jisung pushed me against the wall, pressing his body to mine. making me moan into the kiss. with that small opening, jisung slid his tongue into my mouth. exploring every nook and cranny. he tasted like a muted minty flavor. i ran my hands up his body and to the back of his neck, playing with the hair poking out of the cap. jisung groaned into the kiss, rolling his hips into mine. i whined, pushing my hips to his. feeling his erection growing by the second.
“god, i want to fuck you so bad.” jisung said, once he pulled his lips away. my body feeling tingly, goosebumps forming on my skin. i shivered at his words. i went to respond but the elevator dinged and the doors opened back up. “if we can find a not so creepy area, i’ll let you fuck me.” i said to him, looking dead in the eyes. he groaned and gave me another sloppy kiss.
he interlaced our fingers and pulled me out of the elevator. we only made it a few steps before stopping, realizing how dark it was. we could hardly see each other. we continued walking but very slowly, not knowing what was ahead.
just a few more steps forward, a loud snap echoed in the room we were in accompanied with red lights shining the area. we were in the middle of a street with few houses following the side. at the end of the road was a tunnel with the elevator in the center of the tunnel. i looked around at the lights. the redness gave the feeling a not welcoming feeling, like more eyes were on us then the last time. we listened and watched out for any nobody that could be here, but there was no one. not even in the houses. we continued to the tunnel and made our way inside the elevator.
the doors opened to a clean white wall with oak wood floors. nothing on the floor, but a blanket up ahead in front of a window. jisung bent down to it and felt it as i looked out the window. “it’s completely cold, whoever was here hasn’t been here for awhile.” jisung explained. “i think we’re in an apartment complex.” i said. i remember that being one of the places jisung said we could turn up at. jisung stood up and looked at the window as well. just looking at it gave me an uneasy feeling. it was dark ‘outside’, only light coming from all the windows and maybe one of two lamps. jisung turned to me, “let’s keep going.” he said, nodding his way down the hall.
turn after turn we were just greeted by more dead-ends. coming back out of one of the last halls. before we could even make it fully, we stopped in our tracks. there right in front of us was a an opening. like the building had been cut in half. 
we got closer to it. “that would be a long fall.” jisung said as he looked down. i nodded my head. “yeah it would be.” i said. jisung looked at the other opening his could see. “do you think i could make that jump?” he questioned. my eyes widened. “please do not try to make that big ass gap han jisung.” i raised my voice at him. he turned to me, wide eyed. “yes ma’am.” he said giving me a smirk.
we headed back to where the original hall connected to the hall we were just in and the elevator door was right in front of us. like it just appeared out of no where. “well that’s new.” i said as we walked up to it. “yeah, let’s hope that doesn’t happen again.” jisung laughed out as we got in. “on the next stop do you think we can sit down and take a breather?” i asked him. “yeah sure. i don’t mind taking a break at all.” he answered back. 
the doors opened up again to flat land and a singular house. we seated out, taking in our surroundings. it was like we were on a small planet, you could see a slight curve where it circled down and around. the sky was painted in a dusk night with the sun already gone and the stars starting to pop up.
“you picked a good one, y/n.” jisung pointed out as we made our way to the house. the front door was open and a room directly the right of us. a chair and a blanket on the floor. we walked a little further into the house and right there in the corner to the left was the elevator. in front of it on the other wall was a door but it was closed. jisung grabbed the door handle and twisted the knob.
“it’s locked.” he said. “did you still want to rest or did you want to just go since the elevator is right here?” he added. as much as i wanted to go, i couldn’t stand the feeling in the pit of my stomach anymore. i wanted him. right here and now. i walked up to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. i leaned my face close to his, lips barely touching. “did you forget what i told you earlier?” i asked, never breaking eye contact. i could feel his hot breath on my lips. “no.” he said, stealing a look at my lips. 
i leaned in and crashed my lips onto his, him groaning in the process. jisung’s hands went for my hips before dragging them down and to my ass. giving it a hard squeeze. i moaned into the kiss, right before pulling away with jisung chasing after my lips. i giggled and grabbed his forearm, pulling him the first open room we saw. i pressed him against the nearest wall, connecting my lips to his neck. i pushed off his jacket as i left marks on his body. i bit his collarbone, getting my hand under his shirt and pushing it up. jisung quickly threw his cap off and slid his shirt off his body. i kissed down his chest and got on my knees. unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them. i pushed them down his thighs along with his underwear. 
his cock was already halfway hard. i spat on my hand and gripped him. jisung moaned, throwing his head back onto the wall. i ran my hand up and down, my mouth watering at the sight of him. i placed the tip of his cock on my tongue and licked up the bead of pre-cum coming out. jisung looked down at me and brought his hand on the top of my head. i opened my mouth and shoved him in. taking as much as i could. 
“oh fuck y/n.” jisung said as his body tensed up from the feeling of my warm mouth. i bobbed my head back and forth, loving how heavy he felt on my tongue. i moaned around his cock. i moved my hand to his balls and played with them. jisung thrusted his hips forward, making me gag.
“sorry.” he said, pulling his cock out of my mouth. he placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up. “you aright?” he asked with worried eyes. i nodded my head and smiled. “yeah i’m okay.” i said. “good.” he stated as he got on the floor then kicked off his shoes and pants. jisung grabbed his clothes and laid them behind me. he gently pressed me back to make me lay down.
jisung climbed over me and kissed me as he ran his hands up my body and under my shirt. i froze and grabbed his wrists, making him freeze. “you wanna leave it on?” he asked when he pulled away. “just my shirt, everything else can come off.” i shyly told jisung. “that’s fine.” jisung said with a smile. jisung sat up, running his hands down my body to my sweats. “just so you know, i think you look beautiful.” he said, admiring every curve and roll on my body. i blushed at his statement. he pulled down my sweats and off my legs, taking my shoes off too.
jisung groaned at sight of my underwear, seeing a dark patch on the material. he made eyed contact with me as he laid down. coming face to face with my cunt. jisung placed a kissed right on top of my clit then gave a bold lick, sending shock waves though my body. he hooked his finger around my underwear and pushed it to the side.
he immediately dived in and started eating me out. i threw my head back as i ached my back. my hand found his hair and tugged at it hard. the sounds of his groans vibrated my body. i whined as he pushed his tongue inside my wet hole. I clamped my thick thighs around his head.
“god, you taste so good.” jisung said, spitting on my mound. he ran his finger up my slit before pushing it in. “gotta stretch you out for my cock baby.” he said in a gravely voice, setting up a decent speed. “want you to cum all over my hand.” he said before diving back in. his tongue playing my clit again. “oh jisung!” i yelled out. my breathing picked up as his added a finger, making me clench around him. “curl your fingers up.” i whined out. jisung did exactly what i told him to do. finding my g-spot quickly. i ached my back and angled my hips even more as i felt my orgasm getting closer. making me curl my toes and my legs start to shake.
“harder.” i pleaded, needing more pressure to help me release. jisung pounded fingers hard into me with every pullback curling them up. his tongue danced around my clit as my legs started to shake. “oh fuck, i’m gonna cum!” i moaned loudly. he wrapped his lips around my clit and hummed, which sent me head first into my climax- nearly screaming jisung’s name from my lips. he slowly removed his fingers. patting my clit a few times, making me jolt.
“i love how you scream my name.” he said, sitting back onto his knees. “want more.” i said, spreading my legs out. “i want you inside me, please.” i whined. “fuck, i love that even more.” he said, scooting up so he could line his cock up with my opening. slowly pushing in as he rubbed my sensitive clit. i closed my eyes, running my hands above my shirt. gripping at my boobs. we both moaned as he bottomed out. jisung steaded himself before placing his arms under the back on my knees, holding my legs. he slowly pulled out halfway and slammed back in. 
“fuck.” i whispered. jisung’s eyes never left my body as he began to keep up the pace. watching every closely at my body and how it was jiggle and moving with each thrust. “shit, i’m not gonna last long.” he whined out, gripping my legs hard. i clenched around him at how whiny he sounded. just the sound of our skin hitting the walls of the room and loud moans from the both of us. jisung let go of my legs and laid on top of my body. his hot chest moving against my hoodie, making it come up a little. placing his hands neither side of my head. his hot breath fanning my face.
“you look so good under me. don’t wanna stop fucking this tight little cunt.” jisung said, punching a hard thrust. i wrapped my legs around his waist and arm around his back, burying my head into the crease of his neck. from this angle the pubic bone grazed my clit perfectly. i moaned feeling my second orgasm coming up fast. “gonna cum.” i whispered as i dug my nails into his back from the pleasure. jisung’s thrusts became sloppy and more rough. “me too, where should i cum?” he moaned. “inside. cum inside me, i wanna feel how much you fill me up.” i cried out, he shivered. he wrapped his right arm around the back of my shoulders, pulling my upper half even closer.
“cum with me baby.” he whined, sending a handful of hard thrusts with him pulling almost completely out, only leaving the tip in. slamming his cock deep inside one more time, shooting his hot seed around my walls. triggering my own climax, clenching around him harder than before. he rutted against me, my body feeling like pulp. i slowly released him from my grip, jisung helping me lay down my upper half. 
he sat up and grabbed his soften cock, easing it out of my sensitive hole. both hissing at the feeling. i closed my legs as jisung laid next to me so we could actual catch our breath. i looked over at jisung who was already looking at me. we broke out into smiles and laughter. he rolled over placing his arm loosely around my waist.
“when we get out of here, i wanna take you out of a date.” jisung said with a big bright smile. i felt my eyes widen and cheeks become red. “really?” i asked, making him nodded. “are you sure you want to be seen with a girl like me?” i questioned, glancing down at my bigger body. “i don’t care about that. just the type of person you are and from what i’ve learned so far. you seem like a great woman that i want to get to know more.” he said, making me blush even harder. i smiled at him then had a thought.
“what if when we get out of here we’re not together.” i said. jisung took a deep breath and placed his hand to my cheek. “then i’ll find you.” he said quietly before leaving a gentle kiss on my lips. jisung pulled away and laid back down. “come here.” he sai, opening his arms. i smiled and cuddled into him, laying my head on his chest. 
after a few minutes of cuddling, we got up and put back on our clothes. we were standing in front of the elevator. jisung turned his head to me. “ready?” he asked. ���ready as i’ll ever be.” i answered back. we hopped in and watched as the doors closed. “where do you think we’ll go next?” i asked him. “well from what i remember my members telling me. we could end up in a long straight hall and a warehouse. other then those two, i don’t know.” jisung said.
the doors opened up but we weren’t completely on the level we need to be on. jisung and i looked at each other with questioning looks on our faces. jisung looked out to see what the level was. then the elevator cart jolted down a bit. jisung stumbled back into me. i grabbed ahold of his sides as we both looked at the doors. then the cart started falling, making loud screeching noises and lights going off.
“jisung!” i shouted. fear filling my body, heart pounding in my chest. jisung grabbed ahold of my arms and tried his best to face me. “grab onto my forearms y/n!” he yelled over the loud sound. i did what he said and held on tightly. “we’re going be okay!” i heard jisung said. i didn’t know what to do but scream as tears ran down my face. i tried to take a step to jisung but my body didn’t move. that’s when i realized had i closed my eyes.
i snapped my eyes open and saw that we were no longer in the elevator. i screamed out jisung’s name as i panicked. jisung opened his eyes and saw what was happening. i felt my grip of my left hand loosening and sliding down jisung’s arm. “don’t let go!” jisung screamed. “i’m trying!” i cried out as the wind started blowing faster and faster. then the wind hit us from the side, making us spin. both my hands were now at his wrists. jisung digging his fingertips into my skin.
i kept slipping from his grasp, hands to hands. jisung was using all his strength to pull me towards him the wind kept picking up. i looked at him with teary eyes the best i could. “you’ll find me!” i called out. “i promise!” jisung yelled back with tears in his eyes as well. the wind hit us once more from the other direction, making us spin hard.
that time, i lost the grip on jisung. “jisung!” i screamed. “y/n!” he screamed back but he sounded so far away. i kept spinning as the wind took me where it wanted. once i’d stopped spinning i realized i was headed straight to the ground in an alley. nonono. i closed my eyes, not wanting to see the ground getting closer. i landed on a big pile of trash bags, tumbling down them onto the concrete. landing on my side. 
“ow.” i said, looking around me and it was dark. that’s when i heard it. a car. people. a town. i shot up and looked in front of me, just to see a car pass by. “holy shit. i’m back.” i whispered. i got up from the ground and made my way out of the alley. i looked both ways before deciding to go right. i went into the nearest store and asked where i was. i’m home.
i sat in the police station waiting for my family and roommates to arrive. jisung was right about it being 2023. everything. i wouldn’t have made it back here if it weren’t for him. thank you han jisung. i can’t wait to see what you've told me about you and your group.
“y/n!” i heard my best friend called out. i looked up to see them all entering the station. “oh my god!” i said under my breath as i got up and ran to them. i hugged everyone so hard with them asking a million and one questions but being grateful that i was back and safe. “let’s go home first. what i’m going to tell you is crazy.” i told them.
later that night, in my soft bed. in my bedroom. i looked up han jisung and stray kids. jisung described them perfectly. treated each other like brothers. i listened to their music as i fell asleep.
jisung hit the trash bags, landing straight on his back. he groaned in pain of the sun as he removed himself from the stink. he looked around a saw he was in an alley. walking to the end where the street was, he saw that he was back in korea. just outside of jyp entertainment. i’m back! he ran inside the building greeting everyone who had shocked looks on their faces. but he couldn’t care less. he wanted to see is members. he ran to the elevator then stopped, turning around and heading to the stairs. he pushed himself through so many flights of stairs. he opened the hall door and ran down to the practice room, hoping his brothers would be in there. passing all his peers, like members of twice and itzy. 
he nearly broke down the door when he opened it. making everyone inside jump and look. the boys had stopped what they were doing and quickly ran to jisung, hugging him tightly.
“are you okay!”
“you’ve been gone for a full week!”
“what happened to you!”
“did someone kidnap you!”
“we were so scared!”
“one second we were behind us, next you were gone!”
“where have you been!”
jisung just cried being home again. “you’re not going to believe me when i tell you.” he said. explaining the full story, leaving out the sex part. felix and jeongin’s eyes were about to pop out of their head. “jisung, don’t lie.” minho said, rolling his eyes. felix shook his head. “how would he know about the the falling out of the sky! we never told him that.” felix explained. “or elevator failing when you come back!” jeongin added. “if you really did show us the girl.” seungmin said. “i need my phone then.” jisung said. chan quickly got up and ran over to a table, grabbing jisung’s phone.
once in his hands, he unlocked his phone and went straight to instagram. he typed in her fist and last name and she was the second account to pop up. jisung tapped on her icon and went to her profile. he clicked the first photo and noticed that it was posted just a few minutes ago. i scrolled down and looked at the date of the last photo. june 1st, 2019 was her last post. 
jisung showed the boys the proof with the photos, old comments, the article from when she first went missing, where she lives in the world, and even read the caption on her newest photo.
‘i’m back home! i won’t explain to here because it will most likely be on the news. but i can’t help but so grateful to the person i met who helped get me out. thank you so much h.j. i hope that you’re back home and safe as well and hope that we’ll meet again soon.’
after that, the boys believe him. they spent hours talking, completely forgetting about practice. just wanted to be with jisung with the rest of the day. we went out and had dinner. everyone went back to 3racha+hyunjin’s apartment, played games, and watched a movie or two. before finally calling it a night.
jisung laid in bed, staring at his phone. instagram was open once again, but this time he was trying to figure out what to type to y/n. fuck it he siad in his head.
hey, it was easy to find you. we still on for our date?
a few minutes passed before he saw someone typing…
date, time, and where.
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moominsuki · 1 year
✎ᝰ GOJO SATORU ; — i hate how you make feel while simultaneously being so incredibly unfeeling
࿄ ! warnings - afab!reader, angst, lowkey reader is a meanie but she has reasons, okay! no other warnings :}
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love is fruitless with gojo satoru.
he’s attractive enough - shiny grey-blue eyes, tall, tan: the whole shebang and it’s no wonder that girls fall at his feet for a single chance to bed the man. and, in a twist of fate: when a lucky girl gets to have gojo in her room, she’s met with the night of her life before he slips into the night, inconsequential and cold to the world - as if he hadn’t ran his hands on her naked body.
that being said, once you get to know him, you come to realise it is virtually impossible to be around gojo without wanting to pull your hair out. you once told him that you couldn’t be around him without feeling the urge to pull out handfuls of your hair. he laughed at that; bandage crinkling across his eyes and rows of bright teeth blaring haughtily at you.
even at moments that would require some warmth and thought-provoking soul searching, he’d look at you with the same expression he always gives - one of faux joyousness and a chastising turn of his lips poking fun at you because you felt something that happened to be the antithesis to what he’s feeling… if gojo could actually feel anything at all - given how he presents himself. how could you ever enjoy the presence of someone like that?
“what do you think of gojo, y/n-san?” asks utahime across the chabudai and you snicker, the sourness noticeable even in the tone of your laughter - if you could even call it that - ‘laughing.’
“arrogant. egotistical. one track minded. sometimes i want to wring my hands around his neck to get him to be quiet but-” (utahime giggles slightly at your words and you beam a little - only a little).
“it’s not fair to speak about someone when they’re not here to defend themselves,” interjects a voice and you can practically hear the pout in his tone.
“who said i was being fair?” you hum, a sip of ginger and lemon tea running past your lips and it does little to satiate the rumble in your gut and the rise of acrid bile in your throat. damn you, acid reflux.
“well, if we’re being unfair to each other, i think utahime should ask me what i think about you,” says gojo pointedly and he sits cross legged at the low table - raising what seems to be a brow under his many layers of bandages.
“for your information, we were not playing a game-”
“no, you can go on and ask him, utahime. i’m a big girl. i can take it.” you narrow your eyes at the white haired man when you say that and it’s somewhat laughable that even though he’s sat down, at your level, gojo is ridiculously too statuesque to look right at you - prompting what you can feel is a fiery blush erupt on your cheeks when he leans down. you want to kill him so badly. just who does he think he is?
“um… o-ok, if that’s alright with you then… what do you think of y/n, gojo?”
a beat passes and you hold down a swallow, a gulp, at the silence that ruminates the staff room. gojo looks away, as if in deep thought and you roll your eyes at the over the top act.
the man leans down again, elbows on the chabudai, “i think y/n is afraid. constantly running from anything that invokes even the slightest bit of fear and feeling in her bones,” and utahime chokes in disbelief, shaking the palpable heavy tension in the room.
“i don’t think i’ve ever met a jujutsu sorcerer with traits as undesirable as those- i mean, have you, utahime? talk about a red herring.”
another beat passes and you haven’t said a word; if the furrowing of your eyebrows and embittered scowl on your lips was anything short of an answer, though, then gojo had definitely hit a nerve.
unfortunately for utahime, if gojo goes low, you simply go lower.
“huh. maybe you think you’re right about me, gojo…” and he smirks, victorious in this little dance that you’re both caught up in - with utahime caught in the superfluous torrent of it all and you let a moment pass, you let gojo believe he’s won before you continue, “but it actually couldn’t be further from the truth. at least i’m deliberate about what i let others perceive about me. you want to know what i really think of gojo satoru? i think ‘how can someone as powerful and omnipotent as you be so unimaginative… so boring and so miserably orchestrated?’”
you look down at your hands, playing with the rings on your fingers and wanting to avoid the looks of the other two heads in the room, shaking in belligerent disgust and just second hand audacity.
“above all, though… gojo satoru is all too obvious yet not at the same time. it becomes neither cool or interesting when you pretend to be some suave and sexy man who strolls through life. no one knows gojo better than he knows himself and he knows that every night, when the capes and the glasses and the- the fucking bandages come off, all what stares back at him is what he attempts to hide and that’s when he really starts to feel. in the four walls of his empty room with empty eyes staring back.”
you finally look back up to see a pair of disbelieving eyes staring back at you and you can feel another boring into your soul. the bile sits at the back of your throat again and a pang knocks at the edge of your heart.
“i may be scared but you’re terrified and you go about your life like you’re not constantly thinking - worrying. if my problem is that i don’t let myself feel enough then, gojo, yours is that you pretend to feel and act superior to us normal people because you’re a fraud.”
you’re panting - breathless - by the end of it and your eyes widen, burning and brimming at the implication of what you’ve just said. your hands are clammy and the burning - the sourness starts to grow all over again. you can’t bear to look at gojo for even a second before stumbling from under the seat and storming out of the room.
consequently, that evening after the whole debacle, with gojo sporting a frown that didn’t curl up once even in the company of his students, does gojo let himself feel something. and it feels pretty damn good.
he just wishes that it hadn’t come from you of all people.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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Hello hello again! It's good to have you back for a little while! Unfortunately there is a lot of infighting in the critical sphere right now and it's not very fun to follow. And worse still Lily is as smug as ever. People are too invested in who ripped off what, who's disrespecting this or that, they should just be having fun at Lily's expense. That's what Saiscribbles has done, and you can tell how effective it is because Lily has tried every strategy in the book to prove how not mad she is.
You know what?
I think I would like to poke fun at the whole thing. I mean, it's sounds like she's gotten a bit ridiculous since I've been gone. (Ridiculous sounds like an understatement, thought.)
I've done serious and it's exhausting. You can only take her serious for so long before you realize she doesn't really even know or believe what she's saying.
As for the fighting, well... It's a shame, but let's try to focus on what's at the core of this blog: Gossiping about Lily.
...But I do have one thing I want to get off my chest, so I will mention it here and then move on. It is under the read bar just so those who don't care can ignore it.
I do have one thing to say about the drama, and that's about Ethel.
They are a liar liar pants on fire.
Seriously, I watched Evangeline Skovs video, which was one of the better coverages on the subject and there was no plagiarism. Not even of me, and I was a source!
Never mind that fact that Ethel legit lied about my blog in their rebuttal, claiming that Levi couldn't find anything on my blog about their video, or glade, so Evangeline was lying.
Their proof? Levi used the search bar, used the word minor and glade, and nothing came up except one post...
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Fun fact: I'm bad at tagging things, and my search bar is kind of useless because of that.
(Side note: why would I use glade's name? Why would I want to draw attention to someone who I assumed wanted to be left alone? I'm pretty sure that was made clear in the video.)
Anyway, if you used my archive you could easily find TONES of posts from me talking about the video in question with details.
Here's one that Ethel conveniently left out:
And you know what's hilarious about that? They reblogged this take to try and rebuke it on their tumblr. (That they have long since abandoned.)
I decided to ignore it, because obviously I'm not going to try and get in a fight with them, and Ethel was so mad by that they messaged me directly to try and threaten me with legal jargon.
So I blocked them.
But hey, since I'll probably never bother with this again, here are the messages. Enjoy old drama from like...2 years ago:
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Image text here:
[Okay, I've put this off for as long as possible, but please, read this case study as right now you are parroting harmful legal advice. Victim testimony not only constitutes evidence, but can be sufficient evidence to convict, a fact that was tested in Commonwealth v Gustavo Gonzalez Santos in Massachusetts.
I’ll highlight two relevant sections in case you don’t have the time to read the entire thing: “The defendant's sole argument on appeal is that the evidence was not sufficient to support his convictions. The defendant asserts that "there were no witnesses to the alleged assaults," "no physical evidence," "no medical or forensic evidence," and "no expert testimony." He argues that "there was absolutely no conclusive evidence presented at trial that suggested the [d]efendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."” And: “Here, the victim testified to facts that constituted each element of the charged offenses. Her testimony, which the jury found to be credible, was sufficient, standing alone, to support a finding beyond a reasonable doubt as to each of the convictions. See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Lawrence, 68 Mass. App. Ct. 103, 104 (2007)
("The victim's testimony was sufficient evidence of [indecent assault and battery on a child under age fourteen]"); Commonwealth v. Gonsalves, 23 Mass. App. Ct. 184, 185 (1986) ("The victim's account of what the defendant did to him in the apartment was sufficient to overcome the defendant's motion for a required finding of not guilty of rape"). The idea that long infected our legal system that the victim's testimony in sexual assault and rape cases is less credible than the testimony of victims in cases involving other types of crimes -- an idea that reflected nothing more than sexism and an unwillingness on the part of our courts to treat sexual crimes as the gravely serious matter that they are -- has been rejected both by statute and by common law.”
When you and others continue to parrot the myth that victim testimony does not constitute as valid evidence, you are harming victims of rape and abuse. This is straight up rape culture and, since I’m pushing back any video coverage on the matter until I’ve finished dealing with Lily because I don’t want to muddle things, I need you to stop promoting falsehoods. We have legal members on our team who have passed the bar, Patchie does not, Opal does not, and neither does You Can Eat Hearts. You are causing unnecessary harm to victims by breathing life into myths constructed by rape culture. To be clear, I am not asking for your denouncement of certain people, just for you to please, stop publishing bad legal takes.
This is also the case in Canada, if you're wondering - https://www.accused.ca/evidence.htm
Sorry, I just realized I didn't give you the US case study. Here it is - http://masscases.com/cases/app/100/100massappct1.html#:~:text=The%20jury%20found%20the%20defendant,We%20affirm. ]
Oct 30, 2022 9:16 AM
Whew, you have no idea how long I wanted to spill this tea.
Alright, I've said what I've wanted to say on this topic. I'm now going to focus on laughing at Lily and her horrible incest stories.
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nhasablogg · 10 months
Imagine being loved by me
Fandom: Red White and Royal Blue
Characters: Alex/Henry
Anonymous said: Since you’re obviously willing to write nsfw may I present you with the idea of Alex giving Henry a BJ while tickling the shit out of him 👀
Warnings: Oral sex, tickle kinks, probably quite tame though because it's me lmao. And for the biggest warning of them all: I have not proof read it. Also! I don't tag things as "nsfw" but as "not sfw" so that tumblr won't hide my blog again, just an fyi.
Words: 1.5k
“I want to see how long you can keep your legs around me while I tickle your thighs.” Alex said it into his lower belly, mumbling the words into his skin as if it wasn’t driving Henry crazy just to hear them.
Henry dropped his legs on either side of him. “Alex.”
“Hmm?” Alex peeked up at him, looking delicious with his hair sticking up and cheeks tinted pink, just coming down from his own high with a promise to give Henry an even better treatment. “Too much?”
“No, I just-”
“Or did you like the sound of that?”
Alex wagged his eyebrows and Henry laughed, grateful for the ease as he shoved at Alex’s face. “You’re so stupid.”
Alex laughed too, something bubbly and giddy, head dropping back down to kiss at Henry’s belly. “Or should I just tickle your hips while I blow you?”
“What? Don’t tell me you’re shy. I’ve got you naked beneath me, for crying out loud.” But Alex’s face softened when he looked up at him again. “You’re so pretty. I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”
Henry averted his eyes. “Well, you’ve already listed a few things.”
He covered his face with a groan and said over Alex’s laughter: “Just kill me. How is this somehow worse than telling you about it in the first place?”
“I’m just teasing, baby.” A hand on Henry’s jaw. “Hey. Look at me.”
“Is this just a ploy to get me to tickle you? Because I will either way, you don’t have to provoke me.” Alex emphasized his words by poking at Henry’s exposed ribs, making his arms shoot down. “There we go.”
“Sweetheart, I can’t-”
“Handle it? Oh, but that’s half the fun, isn’t it?” Alex ran his fingertip over Henry’s ribcage, slowly moving downward. “As much as I want to pin you and force you to take it, I also prefer seeing you try to fight off your instincts to stop me.”
Henry gripped the sheets. Three days. That was how much time had passed since Henry had admitted that he wanted Alex to tie him up and tickle him to pieces, although they’d not done that yet. Henry had changed his mind. Then changed his mind again. And then he’d been too embarrassed to let Alex even talk about it, feeling stupid and silly and annoying, despite how much Alex reassured him that he was okay. They’d not brought up bondage again, although Alex tickled him more now, leaving Henry giggly and huffy and timid.
He’d stilled his hand over Henry’s hipbone now, fingers pressing slightly into the skin, not ticklish exactly but Henry could feel each shift of the pressure, each tiny movement, and it nearly drove him crazy.
“I’m asking seriously now.” A flicker of uncertainty on Alex’s face. This was new to him too. “Do you want me to tickle your hips-” Slight increase in pressure against the bone. “-while I blow you? Or should I just blow you and tickle you after? Or neither?”
Henry exhaled. “Both. At the same time. Please.”
Alex’s smile was so bright that Henry briefly wondered if he’d accidentally mixed up their kinks. “Yay.”
He let out a laugh and leaned his head back, eyes slipping shut as he focused solely on the feeling of Alex’s fingers on his hip. “Yay indeed.” He could imagine the fingers curling over his skin. Could imagine how difficult it would be to keep himself from not shoving them off.
Alex was already leaning down to kiss along his lower stomach, which was slightly ticklish as it was, but the thought of being properly tickled in probably only a minute made Henry jump at the touch, his attempt at playing it cool failing entirely as Alex laughed into his skin.
“Sorry, baby.”
“It’s okay.”
“You’re already getting excited, huh?”
“Shut up.”
“I will in a second.” But Alex was loud even when orally occupied. Always moaning and humming and sighing, which nearly got them in trouble when they were a secret. He was kissing his way loudly down Henry’s torso, giving his inner thighs attention which left Henry shaking with both suppressed giggles and something entirely else. They were lucky to be alone. Lucky to have the space to be alone. Henry felt safe to sprawl out as Alex took him in his hand first to get him started, felt safe to moan because Alex knew exactly how to touch him. His free hand was still on Henry’s hip, squeezing slightly, maybe to steady himself, or maybe to keep him on edge. It didn’t matter. Henry was all nerve endings now. All bare skin and vulnerability and trust. All he felt was Alex on his body. Alex sliding down to swallow him. Alex moving slowly because he knew Henry would eventually dig his nails into his back to get him to hurry up and he enjoyed seeing him squirm. Alex used his elbows to keep himself up, both planted on either side of Henry, with his hands resting on Henry’s sides, maybe tickling or maybe simply twitching. It didn’t matter. Henry wasn’t being tickled yet and so he barely felt it, too busy feeling other things.
And then Alex moved his hands to his hip bones and didn’t move them away again, not even as Henry started writhing, overwhelmed from the combination of pleasure and ticklishness and unsure of how to handle it. His laughter was quick and panicked, and yet his hands kept gripping the sheets. Alex smiled around him, a sound akin to delight escaping him, but Henry could barely hear him over himself.
“F-fuck, Alex, fuck, I-”
His nerve endings were in shambles, and all he could do was keep arching his back, head thrown back, eyes wide open as if being able to see what he was doing was helping him at all. But it was a lovely sight, Alex looking up at him as if he didn’t want to miss a single moment. Hair sticking to his forehead. Cheeks tinted pink.
“You like that?” he asked when he moved to the tip, making Henry whine through his laughter.
“I can tell.” Contact briefly breaking when he grinned. “I like that you like it.”
Oh. Okay. Okay okay. Right. Okay.
Alex took him in again, moan turning into humming which Henry would eventually realize was him attempting to say the words ‘tickle tickle’ while having a mouthful of Henry and, well, he was glad he realized that toward the end and not in the beginning.
When Alex had said that he wanted to tickle his hips he must’ve been lying, because once his hands started straying it seemed as if they would never stay in one spot for longer than a couple of minutes. Maybe to keep Henry guessing, or maybe to give him momentary mercy. Either way, he wasn’t sure if it was mercy at all. He let go of the sheets when Alex scribbled his fingers over his belly, the first spot to have him scrambling to stop him, but Alex was able to evade him much too easily than seemed possible for someone who was partly occupied with something else.
“Nuh uh,” he said, coming up briefly to wag a playful finger at him. “No blocking my tickling.”
“It’s not that easy,” Henry said, grateful for the chance to breathe.
“Be a good boy and try for me, okay, baby?” Alex lowered himself down again. “I’m not finished yet, and, by the looks of it, neither are you.”
It was crazy that Henry could be blushing when in this position, when he had absolutely nothing to hide or that could be hidden at all.
Alex tickled his belly for as long as Henry let him, which was longer than they’d both probably thought but then again Henry nearly ripped the headboard off the bed in his plight. Heels were digging into the mattress, and he had the brief ridiculous fear that they would have to explain to someone in the morning how the hell they had broken a whole bed.
“Please!” The desperation in his voice surprised him and was probably the reason Alex switched spots without him having to say anything else, latching onto his sides instead which had him giggling, but not more than that. Exhausted by that point, he was able to feel Alex blowing him more than tickling him, although that would change once Alex remembered he had thighs which he spidered his fingers over, although he avoided the inner thighs lest he wanted to be crushed to death.
“I want to see how long you can keep your legs around me while I tickle your thighs.” Alex repeated his words from much earlier, when focus had started shifting to Henry in the first place, only this time Henry wrapped his legs around him rather than doing the opposite. He knew he would lose immediately but was willing to try.
(It lasted approximately ten seconds.)
Later, when Alex had dried them off and kissed Henry’s hair about a thousand times, he said, “I love tickling you because you never know how you’re going to react. It’s so- bodily. No thoughts seem to be involved.”
“Are you calling me stupid.”
“Well, it is called being tickled silly.”
And Henry, having been tickled out, could only agree.
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crownedtargaryen · 1 year
ahhh yay!!
i would like to request something for modern!bran if that’s okay🙏🏻
i was thinking maybe modern!bran with goth reader?
like just headcanons or an imagine, whatever you’d like
you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to :)
lipstick. modern!bran headcanons
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MASTERLIST pairing: modern!bran x goth!reader (a/n): I'm so sorry this is so short! Being goth has a lot of different types in that aesthetic, so I tried to generalize and keep it as unspecific as I could! (this Bran goes with this headcanon post I did of him) all notes are appreciated. tag list: @thethreeeyed-raven @howyouloveyourdragon @hopelesswritergall @fairysluna @clairacassidy @ad-astra-again @its-actually-minicika
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• Bran loves you so much
• he ADORES when you sit on his lap and you do his makeup
• though, he's SUUUCH a pain to put makeup on
• he's always laughing and moving, trying to lean in and kiss you
• you have to yell at him, giving him a small smack as he cackles
• "what? can I not have a kiss?" he'll feign innocence that'll make you roll your eyes
• black cat and golden retriever
• he loves letting you dress him up in gothic themed clothing, so proud of any and all outfits you give him
• posts pics of you. over dressed gothic partner with the underdressed basic gamer
• he loves to bring you on his streams, the chat LOVVVES you
• he'll do "partner picks my aesthetic" streams with you, just adoring how excited you get in contrast to your darker more standoffish look
• def looks a bit strange seeing you side by side, but he doesn't care. ur his pfp on EVERYTHING and loves the way you present yourself
• def been called a discord mod with his kitten which has plagued your day to day life where he will jokingly call you kitten
• "that's a lot of talk for my discord kitten," he'll tease, knowing how frustrated it makes you.
does NOT shut up about how he wants to do beastboy x raven
def will call you emo for your aesthetic, laughs so hard when you’re get a bit angry with him
“hey! don’t be mad, maybe i like emos.” he’ll coo, just making you huff then kiss him to shut him up
def will let your paint his nails shades of black and grey, wears that shit with pride
LOVES it when you put on dark lipstick and kiss all over his face. he’s done that smudged lipstick tiktok so many times 👀
even though you’re the more intimidating outer shell of the relationship, bro will fight god for you
someone says shit about your aesthetic, calls you emo or says something harsh, he’s ON IT.
only he’s allowed to poke fun at his partner. someone says shit?
lets just say he’s almost killed a few people
forces you to teach him how to use a wax seal
he’ll nag you for hours, and you finally teach him and he’s over the moon
then one day, he’ll show up with a parchment letter that he’s tea stained for you. you honestly don’t believe it at first
bran didn’t SEEM like the type to do this, but gods he DID IT HE WROTE YOU A GOTHIC PARCHMENT LETTER QUILL AND INK AND EVERYTHING??!!
He LIVES to make you smile with gifts like that
constantly bugging you about what new clothes or shoes you want, what jewelry you may like, what antique gothic trinkets you think are beautiful
then within days they’re in ur hands and you just are like “oh.”
HE LOOOVES taking you to museums of antique medieval gothic resorts
he loves to hear you talk about them, grinning at your excitement and passions and how beautiful you look when you talk so much you run out of breath and have to sharply inhale before continuing
after taking you to the museum he’ll take you on a romantic moonlit picnic with only candles he brought and distant street lights illuminating you both
and he’ll softly go
“i love you…” pause. “even though you’re kind of emo.” then break into a cackle and beg you not to get up and leave
• absolutely loves how your black makeup runs down your face when he tails the fuck out of you
• he loves the sight of your hair scattered across the bed as he pins you down, mascara running down your cheeks as you cry in pleasure
• he loves when you have dark lipstick on and kiss all over his body. gladly takes pictures of it and posts it on his private twitter
• usually after sex his face is covered in dark lipstick smudged over his swollen lips and flushed cheeks
• he loves ripping your dark thigh highs apart, immediately delving in your goods with the thin cloth RIPPED APART so easily.
• sometimes gets frustrated because of the layers to your outfits
• he's a switch, loves when you dom him and leave him a begging crying mess with lipstick marks on his thighs and hardened buds on his chest
will never ever stop joking about “you love dark things? let me make some dark ass marks on that pretty little neck.” while he growls and pulls you onto his lap with a cheeky grin
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