#but seriously lmao is this venting?😂😂😂😂
0shewrites0 · 5 months
LITG S8 | vol X | ep 28
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First of all, Jin definitely HAS TO HAVE SOMETHING on his eyes because ain’t no way he thinks Sienna is pretty. Or, God forbid, hot. I mean 🥲 and she looks like a grandma in her flowery little nightgown yikes 🤣
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MY MC MADE OUT WITH KYLE AND IT WAS THE HOTTEST SHIT EVER! Ok so, first of all the little turning me on with words, bit of roleplay, the whispering - istg I had goosebumps all over my body. And then he pleasures the fuck out of my MC and says this:
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He’s too good at what he does. My MC is right, phew 😮‍💨
Cue 💋💍🥧
The way he wants to be the first to have his turn omgg that was the sweetest. I was hoping he didn’t want to kiss me but I was actually MELTING when he said this
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HELL YES I AM, get on them knees and propose to meee 🥹🥹🥹
(Ngl I got the ick when he snogged Sienna but ig his reason was valid. Sienna being smug about it was not it tho 💀)
JIN KISSING SIENNA ✨ROBOTICALLY✨ and Sienna exaggerating again by calling it ✨so hot✨
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Be so for real now, Si Si. That’s just straight up pathetic at this point gee 💀
Side note: I love how Kyle is calling us ‘hey, beautiful’ or ‘hey, gorgeous’. I think it’s so sweet 🥹
Look how happy he was when I accepted his proposal
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Omg I wanted to snog his face offff for this afagahshshd
Kyle and Jin pieing each other - well, that was to be expected so it’s whatever. But what really gave me the ick was when Oakley pied Kyle for no other reason than
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And then not Theo calling him out in front of everyone 😭🤣 like, I’m sorry but I always knew Oakley was too good to be true
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I just was a bit confused why Emel didn’t react to this. Like at all 🤣
Onto the next one
LIAM IS A FUCKING DIMWIT! My girl Bea doesn’t deserve to be treated like this, what the actual fuck! And what’s even more disturbing: you’re seriously trying to tell me that SIENNA is a close second when ranking hottest girls??!!! 🤮
Plus, he has the nerve to ‘cram’ the fucking pie in MY face because, and I quote, “I just think you’re pretty overhyped.”
I call bullshit! Thank God Jin was decent enough to defend me and call him by what he is - rubbish.
Anyway. Thanks for letting me vent. This one episode is already more eventful than last week’s whole volume lmao 😂
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libra-stellium · 8 months
Pluto in Aquarius - 12H Transit
Reflecting on Friendships
The last time pluto was in aquarius was March 23 - June 11 2023 and during that time was when a friend of 8/9 years ghosted me in early March and I tried to mend things during that 3 month period and the last time we had a conversation was June 10 2023 lol (we did tell each other happy birthday and thank you in Sept and Nov after that but no actual conversation)
Then this year pluto goes into aqua again on Jan 20 2024 and I tell a couple friends about how my TikTok FYP gets sooo many of her reposts about fake friends and hating people who aren’t confrontational and how nobody knows how to communicate lol so I liked one of them and they stopped! Then like 2 weeks later there’s a repost about getting confronted about reposts and how you can’t take anything online seriously 😂 but there’s been 0 reposts since so I think it worked 🤷🏾‍♀️
Then on Jan 29 I had a dream that I was in a groupchat with her and other people who I used to be friends with in college but my friendship with them didn’t make it past that so I guess they ended like 5 years ago? We would sometimes do group things but it quickly died down. They’re all still friends tho I think. Anyway so in this dream one girl sent a longgggggg ass message about all the things she hated about me 💀 (my dreams are always dramatic lmfao) and that girl who ghosted me was hearting the messages within seconds like she was right there when it was written!! Lmao message received!! I don’t think they actually hate me to this extent irl but I’m a Pisces rising so my dreams don’t lie 🤷🏾‍♀️
And this entire week I’ve been thinking about what I actually want out of friendships and that friendship wasn’t bad but it also wasn’t completely what I wanted in a friendship and I think I was holding on for longer than necessary bc nothing had happened between us so why end a friendship you know? And towards the end right before I was like “she ghosted me” I remember thinking why do I feel like I’m begging ? Lmao bc I would type a message and erase it like I felt she wouldn’t care about what I had to say. Which is weird bc I wasn’t saying anything out of the ordinary 😭 and I should’ve listened to that feeling more lol
I definitely want friendships with more care involved. I have a few friends I can have deep conversations with and who didn’t mind listening to me vent to them about what my narc mom was doing to me that week and I let them vent too. But like…while I was going through that no one asked me if I needed anything or if I needed help with anything it was just like yeah that sucks 😕 and that’s it. I was sick recently and one of my friends I told I was sick never responded to my message and then I go on IG two days later to see she’s on vacation with her bf and then she calls me when she gets back a week later and not once asked me if I was feeling better but immediately started talking about a situation with her bf 🙃 like okayyyyyy
So I think that’s def going to be a major Pluto in aqua theme for me. I just need to actually sit down and figure out what I want my friendships to look like.
I feel like I already do for them what I’m looking for so I know I’m not asking for a lot! And I did think about my people pleaser tendencies and it wasn’t even about that like someone sharing an achievement and me going “we should go here to celebrate!” But me sharing an achievement and just getting the congrats text with confetti and if I want to celebrate I gotta say I want to go celebrate let’s go here like 😀 and even for my bday last year I was fresh off no contact with my mom obviously distressed and no one offered any options for my bday when it was less than a week before and I was saying I literally have no idea what to do I’m overwhelmed they just kept asking did you plan it yet? So I ended up just picking a random place for brunch lol but it felt like too much to be like “can someone plan my bday for me?” 💀 my take on it is very if they wanted to they would
It’s 4:44
I think it relates to my family too bc from the way their lives have turned out I have this fear of not having any friends bc they don’t have any friends in their 50s 60s and continuously tell me how lonely it is and to make sure that never happens to me and to make sure I keep all my friends lol no pressure! But tbh the reason they don’t have any friends is bc I don’t think they were friends with those people to begin with they were just in proximity and they did not actually care about each other.
I wonder what’s going to show up between Sept 1 - Nov 19 2024 when Pluto goes back into cap and reenters aqua for the next 20 years bc my bday happens in that gap and there’s always something surrounding my bday!!
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forcebookish · 1 year
ok so just some thoughts i need to get off my chest...but does anyone else find the "mew is secretly an evil manipulator" theories kind of cartoonish? 😭 like i just bust out laughing whenever i picture it bc i can't take it seriously. and call me boring but i would much prefer mew to be the "constant" of the friend group (bc let's face it in a show like this you need one) and it's gonna be earth shatteringly heartbreaking when he falls in love with top, has sex with him, and then realizes he just experienced the ultimate betrayal. idk that to me is way more interesting than "haha i was playing you all along." not saying he's not a flawed character (and i hope we see more of his flaws as the series goes on) but i really don't think it's in the way people think. but with that being said i will still be hoping for him to m*rder boston 🙏 (anyway thank you for allowing me to vent in here. i really appreciate all your theories/takes on the series so far!)
(thank u and ur welcome!!🥰 I'M GONNA WRITE A LOT AGAIN)
oh it's totally cartoonish! every time i see it i'm like, "...you guys know that they're, like, good writers, right?"😅😂
the whole point of mew as a character is his not being the stereotypical, wilting flower virgin but someone who is sexy and knows his worth. (and i'm not going to rehash everything else that tells us mew is definitely a virgin.) i agree, that is so much more interesting and smarter than 'actually, everyone's lying except boston, the character we've established is a pathological liar' lmao. the fact that BOSTON "confirms" their suspicion makes it even funnier that they're sticking to their guns.
i mean,
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"or maybe?" he's just making stuff up as he goes along. this isn't just an obvious lie, we see boston earlier tell ray to go after mew because they haven't been sleeping together, to make top jealous:
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and if they insist it's just to "secure" or "play" top for whatever reason, then what the heckadoodle-do is this about?
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side-note: notice how boston rarely speaks in absolutes when he's weaving his web? "maybe," "might," "probably," etc. he preys on everyone's preestablished doubts and insecurities, making his lies even more believable to them. little pokes and prods, like he's just helping them work through a problem - a problem he's creating. he can say, 'hey, i'm just saying it could be true.' fucking diabolical. he also has this smug, devious smile on his face - something that true deceivers who revel in the lie do. (and people have the audacity to say that top is smug? please.)
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why would mew go out of his way to vet top after he was already his boyfriend? and then dump him? (which could have easily backfired. top could have said no; mew knew that.) why would he care if top is his "type" and checks off his checklist? he wants to make sure that top is boyfriend material before he sleeps with him so he doesn't get his heart broken, which is NORMAL. even if he weren't a virgin that's a perfectly normal way to navigate a relationship with someone you don't know very well yet, especially after what boston said. all the "implications" and "foreshadowing" that i've seen the fandom bring up are literally just him... flirting lol
re: mew's flaws, mew's definitely got more going on than we've seen, especially since we know how perceptive and intuitive he is (and that, by his admission, he gets snoopy and obsessive when he's really into someone). of the boys, i think mew's the character we know the least about because most of what we see of him, he's reacting to other characters and he doesn't always say a lot. besides the "interview" shots and maybe one or two other fleeting, superficial moments, i can only think of one scene where he's actually left alone with his thoughts:
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and it's him feeling bad about making top sleep on the couch and deciding to get up to check on him/invite him to bed - not something a "manipulator" would do when no one is looking.
it is really ominous that production has hinted at nick and mew being "helpers." i could see mew going off the deep end and join in nick's, uh, colorful approach to relationships fjdlskjgjm but i just think he's going to snap or something, that won't have been his master plan all along lol (maybe they have to hide the body together) (haha jk... unless?)
yikes, i really did write a lot. thank you for enabling me, anon!💕
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
Doing a rewatch and I am currently on S2 and I just got to the Maya/Jack situation- And ugh! I don’t understand who thought that was a good idea. Maya and Jack give off sibling vibes. They’re such a terrible pairing- and it seemed to come out of nowhere. If they really needed a man to drive the wench between Maya and Andy - then it should have been Ryan- the first person Maya had ever shown a vulnerable side to when she told him about Mason. In the S2 finale- when he brags about how they are the new IT couple- I will silently chuckle knowing that Maya is going to dump his ass soon. I kind of wish he had some hard feelings about Maya (who doesn’t do relationships) falling in love with another woman and marrying her (what I’m sure he thought was going to happen between them) but instead he was pissed for like 5 minutes and it was never brought up again.
It was such a stupid decision. They had that sibling type banter from the start with them always trying to one up each other and getting on each other's nerves and then we were supposed to believe that it turned into them liking each other??? Like what kind of failed enemies to not lovers nonsense was that?? Even more stupid if they did it just to drive a wedge in between Maya and Andy when their friendship was such a staple in the show especially during the early seasons so why are you letting a white bread of a man like Jack get in the way of that for some temporary useless drama? I don't get it. I forgot he called them the IT couple lmao what a joke. The way he took them so seriously and Maya didn't was 😂
I kinda wish he was more bitter about Maya and Carina's relationship because it was everything he wanted...but also the way he just fell for Maya so fast and acted like they were so serious annoyed me because why? All they showed them doing was having sex, it's not like we ever saw any emotional attachment or vulnerable feelings being shared so for Jack to have that kind of attachment was weird to me anyway. Whatever, I'm just glad they're long over and Maya is way better off.
They could've been such a good friendship that were each other's hype man and just went to each other to vent about life and stuff kinda like they did in 6x17 but now after everything that's happened between them and the mess they've done with putting him in Marina's stuff I don't want any part of it.
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
Hi K<3
it’s the meal-eating tinder girl? i guess you could call me that? lmao it’s been a while!!
lots have happened since i sent that ask saying that meal making tinder guy had ended things
(he reached out after like three weeks saying how he still wanted to eat breakfast with my family, yet said «uhm…we haven’t spoken in like three weeks, what do you think??🤣» when i DARED to ask if he thought we should start talking again considering HE contacted ME🙂🙂)
((aaand i don’t think i’ve mentioned this before but we do go to the same school and this man could not look me in my eyes but would send me a snap about something entirely dumb like complaining about his yoghurt every time i walked past him))
anyway, that’s not what i’m here to complain about
i’m really sorry for venting to you but none of my friends get me on this😭
but i fucking miss getting my nipples sucked:( i have TEARED UP on several occasions just thinking about it!!! and idk what to do w myself!!!!!!
i’ve tried getting back on tinder but i just cant get over how attracted to him i was😩😩 objectively he’s not that hot and NONE of my friends agree with me on this (except one, who just refers to him as «butt», cause he has a glorious one)
but like he was just so BIG and BUFF and BURLY and his fucking neck tattoo made me WEAK IN THE KNEES and i sometimes just get these flashes of him whimpering in my ear when he came and i cannot fucking deal.
i need to get a grip, this is the same man who ate three whole boiled eggs with nothing else for breakfast. just the eggs. put them in a bowl and asked if i would like to sit outside with him. so i did. sat there on the lawn while he ate three whole boiled eggs right next to me. then drove me to work and the smell followed me all day. i can still feel it sometimes.
ANYWHO thank you for giving me some of your time. do feel free to ignore this
i hope you gave a lovely rest of your day, whatever time it is when you read this❤️
🤭😂 There is so much in this Ask and it made me laugh so hard in some parts omfg. Babe! I'm so happy to hear from you, my goodness.
First of alllllll, ugh I don't like this man! He wants to eat breakfast with your family and send you snaps but won't make eye contact with you and tries to make you feel dumb for wanting to make it work again?? EWW.
UGH, babe I'm so so so sorry. 😩 As a nipple sucking enthusiast I seriously feel for you.
He had a good ass, he had neck tattoos, he was BIG and BUFF and BURLY and whimpered in your ear when he came...but we keep those as fantasies and spank bank material because we deserve better in our real relationship.
not the eggs this is so fucking funny i just started laughing and kept laughing fuck
I'm sorry it took me a while to respond to this and I hope you're feeling happy and healthy! Lub you lots. 💕
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Tuesday, January 9th, 2024!
4:49pm Having a nice rainy day! Waiting for it to clear up before I drive to the Straz! Very excited! A good day :)
5:45pm I don't have anyone to talk to about this because nobody really knows it happened buT the last/ first time I went to the Straz I was pretty badly embarrassed by this one (I'm sure they're not all bad) old bitch usher who I would say rudely informed me that I couldn't bring cheese/charcuterie plate into the theatre seating area.... When I just turned around from buying it at the concession stand in their building?? Nobody at the counter informed me that I would have to wolf it down in the lobby with <10 minutes left before showtime. What the fuck? I was like seriously?? Why tf do y'all sell these if you can't eat it while you're watching the play??? Then I noticed other people who were definitely also in my situation wolfing down hot dogs and sandwiches standing*! in the freaking lobby in their best black and white suit and tie like a fat kid harking down an ice cream sandwich. It was clearly ridiculous and I felt so embarrassed at the time, which was supposed to be a very enjoyable time. I probably would have gotten over this gracefully except....... You know who was glaring at me like I was the most retarded person ever in existence and I was embarrassing him!! Which made me even more red/embarrassed/ flustered/ wanting to run away and hide in the bathroom from my anxiety ratcheting UP and UP as it got closer to showtime. Also to note, normal me would've actually gotten a real dinner before going out, except I had no time to because...... I had to spend 1.5 hrs in traffic picking his spoiled ass up from work during rush hour before the play!!! So we were already running later than I like to be. So just not how I like to do my experiences clearly. And yk he just acted like a spoiled brat constantly. Also I bought him his sandwich there which he promptly took two bites out of and threw away!! Jfc like we were in this together except now you're glaring at me probably wishing I would also throw my food away like bitch this is overpriced $15 each meals I was so pissed off like he just has NO BALLS PUSSY ASS SHIT and instead of laughing it off, eating quickly WITH ME, just fucking staring at me like I'm some pig that is so stupid for wanting to eat some food when I hadn't eaten anything all day and didn't really want to sit there for three hours on an empty stomach. He was such a LIL BITCH HOLY SHIT FUCK YOU. A real man would have NOT PULLED THAT SHIT and would've at the bare minimum agreed with me that it was strange and kinda fucked, but no he just thought I was retarded and like bitch did you know and not tell me?? No lmao you just like to act like you're fucking better than everyone you're around, CUNT. NEVER AGAIN. EVERYDAY I'M REMINDED OF WHAT I'M *NOT* MISSING OUT ON 😂 AND that's some shit where he would never admit any wrongdoing and therefore would ABSOLUTELY NEVER CHANGE. Think about that shit. NEVER AGAIN I STG. I really needed to vent this out and get these feelings off my chest.
Ok so here's to going to Straz and having a blast!! Let's fucking GO!! ❤️ Love you girly ❤️
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dwtisgay · 2 years
saying it would be dumb to throw out sex toys that get mailed to you by strangers just proves what children you all are honestly. and yeah i am saying that line is extremely unbelievable. i know you're probably all scarred by reading adam levine's sexts but believe it or not most people in their 20s famous or not do not talk like they are straight out of your boomer moms bdsm romance novel. my question back to all of you anons is, if you are so convinced what YOU think is true, what are you doing still hanging around dream/dnf/dteam oriented blogs? are you sure you're not still a fan? sticking around just to yell at people who disagree with you? you can think you're right but you can't prove it any more than i can so why are you still here? is it just to keep being a karen cunt bringing up potentially triggering topics in people's ask boxes because you want to keep feeling important? again, go experience real life. most people (even celebrities!) do not talk about their chests full of sex toys lmao, god i cant believe i even have to explain this to people. tiktok has absolutely obliterated the brains of all of you
I'd say tone down the name calling but the passion you are demonstrating over this is funny 😂 please anon don't take anything anyone says here seriously or deeply you will not be able to communicate effectively or change anyone's minds via anonymous messaging on tumblr dot com
if this is cathartic to you have fun, and if anyone reading this anon's messages feels "targeted" enough to respond, don't, recognize this is just a person who had something build up and is venting
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stayqueer · 2 years
Going on vacation for the first time literally in my life 🥺
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fictionalreads · 2 years
This Is Us Season 6 Episode 13
Past Rebecca
Oh God Rebecca. Not the break from monotony haircut.
That was definitely a bad wow.
LMAO Jack was like “sorry but that shit was funny”
Jack trying to save face.
It does not look good Rebecca. Jack is just trying to make you feel better.
LOL Kid Randall said she looks like a pretty boy.
Jack I love you but I’ve always hated the mustache. Bring the beard back.
Awe Rebecca it’s really getting bad.
Oh Rebecca. It’s Kevin.
Wait who is that that just walked in. Oh wait is it Kevin?
That’s so sad. She keeps thinking he’s Jack. That’s gotta be tough on him.
Oh no! Rebecca you got this! Just start playing and it’ll come.
Oh thank God, she got it.
Randall, she has an illness. It’s gonna be bad. I’m sorry.
Just let her believe what she believes. Otherwise she’s gonna get mad like she just did. Keep the peace today.
Philip talks a lot.
Randall back off. It’s going to be bad.
Miguel you just threw me off with the quote.
Randall. Seriously. Take a break. You gotta let it go for a minute.
Miguel , he’s worried about you too.
No Miguel. You need an outlet. Someone to vent to. Not to ignore it. I mean yeah after you vent you can do something that isn’t focused on y’all being old, but vent first. Bottling it up won’t help.
Awe. Nice speech Randall.
Okay wrap it up Randall.
She said it was equal parts sexy and depressing.
Oh. Philip knows her so well. I’m still sad about Katoby, but I like Philip.
Philip is funny. “That’s good to hear, considering…”
Beth and Madison
LMAO Beth and Madison are a duo I never knew I needed.
They are dissecting the poem. Which I have a feeling is not what they think it is.
She don’t even know she just gave them a confirmation. That’s probably not a confirmation.
The way they flipped on Kevin after seeing him with Sophie.
They are watching and analyzing this man’s every move.
IT WAS THE WEDDING SINGER?! She’s too good of an actress to JUST be a wedding singer.
I better get a future scene this episode.
What the fuck 😂 why would the officiant read those?! He should’ve noticed and been like, um…. Guess I’ll wing it.
OH WAIT I KNOW THAT SINGER! I know her from Scandal. Why is she just a wedding singer? Something’s up.
Kevin. Not everybody is gonna get your references.
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rantingcrocodile · 3 years
Tbh after finding your blog I was finally able to conceptualize why I was never comfortable talking to radblr as a bisexual women. Gay people aren't oppressors but the miserable and insecure ones out there really ENJOY tearing us down and silencing us just to make themselves feel better. We're easy targets from their POV bc we dont have a strong community to fall back on.
It's also so fucking funny how they try to pretend that bisexuals never existed before the 20th century bc bisexuals "have the option to be in a straight relationship, therefore they are incapable of ever falling in love with the same sex". Like sis? 😂 sexuality can't be turned off, it would be deranged to try and push the idea that every same sex interaction throughout history was done by lesbians and gay men. The reality is that we're never gonna know for certain whether or not those people were gay or bi bc straight people never gave a fuck to differentiate between us until very recently.
And then some gay people have the absolute gall to tell us what is and what isn't biphobic. Like seriously, what the actual FUCK do these clowns get out trying to police us? Some of yall need to mind your own business lmao. They also use homophobic bi people as an excuse to degrade bisexuals and silence us. Radblr really is a cesspool of shitty women pretending to be feminists, but I'm glad I was able to find a bisexual radfem that doesn't cowtail to their bullshit. Wish you all the luck in the world bestie ❤.
I couldn't say that any better myself, seriously.
The one difference that they refuse to acknowledge is that while we're equally oppressed by straight people, they have spaces where they can vent about straight people and get applauded for it, while bisexuals are never allowed to talk about our oppression ever.
They obsess with hating us, but we can't even convince our own community to even only care about the worst examples of biphobic oppression, never mind discuss biphobic oppression in general, so how can we liberate ourselves when even in spaces that are supposed to understand oppression, we're not allowed to speak?
The worst of it is that we always have to apologise for the homophobic bisexuals, but they never apologise for the biphobic monosexuals. And I say monosexuals, because straight biphobes are coddled by lesbians. Straight people! Literally the group that oppress them!
So not only do you have insecure lesbians attacking us to be both biphobic and misogynistic because they feel more "comfortable" abusing us instead of holding straight men accountable, you have self-hating bisexuals who suck up to them because they've been trained to see any issues surrounding bisexuality as "unimportant" where their only purpose is to exist as tokens to silence the rest of us and virtue-signal and support biphobia, and even worse than all of that is the straight women who then get so comfortable that they sidle up to lesbians, pretending to be their allies to vent all of their hatred for everyone who isn't straight towards bisexuals, making sure simply to not be outwardly homophobic because they know that homophobia is the thing that calls them out.
The biggest irony in this space is the obsession with sex. They're such fauxminists that they believe that internalised misogyny ends with the technical ability to not hate and be traumatised by PIV sex, which ends up making them believe that sexuality and acting on sexuality is a sign of moral purity, when it blatantly isn't.
The inability to understand that bisexuality is an actual sexuality ends up making them both idiots and hypocrites, coddling straight oppressors as an excuse to hate us. Their biphobia always ends up ironically swinging right back around to homophobia, like the idea that bisexuals can "choose" who to fall in love with (oh, so lesbians can just "choose" not to fall in love with another woman and avoid homophobia, then?) or that it's fine for bisexuals to deny and hide our sexuality (oh, so lesbians can just stay closeted and then not be oppressed at all, then?) or that the only real oppression by straight people is down to who you partner and have sex with (oh, so lesbians aren't ever oppressed for being individual lesbians, and only are oppressed when they get girlfriends?) etc that is nothing but victim-blaming and a denial of the most obvious reality.
But then we talk about this, and the answer is, "Bisexuals talk over everyone all the time and make everything about themselves!" when they show, every single day, that whenever a bisexual talks on their own blog about their own issues, not bothering anyone else, even that's too much for them to handle and they have to shut it down because they're so used to any discussion of sexuality-based oppression being about them, and they get right into their egotistical, me-me-me feelings that if they can't relate entirely to what a bisexual is saying, then it's somehow "oppressive," but at the same time, they constantly tell us that we can't relate to them and we still have to shut up.
Reading through Anything That Moves, published 30 years ago, shows the exact same issues that we're having right now, well before there was an excuse of saying, "Oh, the bisexuals are behind all the TRA homophobia!" (right until they see blatant biphobia from TRAs and then still can't help but ignore the biphobia to make it all about themselves.)
Nobody cares about us but ourselves. Our actual allies are very few and far between. I have plenty of monosexual followers who do absolutely nothing to support us. Barely a like, hardly ever a reblog, compared to the straights who will run to talk about how terrible homophobia is, but stay silent about biphobia to then support being biphobic for another sweet taste of enjoying their oppressor status right out in the open, where no one is calling them out for it.
What use are they?
Bisexuals are expected to prioritise lesbians, because if we ever have the audacity to simply focus on our own issues and raise our own group's consciousness, that's attacked and vilified as evil and homophobic. Imagine that: doing nothing homophobic at all, but speaking about ourselves and caring about our group first is an automatic sign of bigotry. Which other oppressed minority group is hated to that extent, who also isn't allowed to define our own oppression and is called "abusive" or "manipulative" for standing up and creating and enforcing our own boundaries?
This space is full of nothing but misogynistic hypocrites who have migrated from TRA spaces to use the label "feminist" like that makes them superior to others, who love being misogynistic to the "right" group of women, who fail the first understanding of misogyny to blame bisexual women for the evils that men do, who use lesbians and homosexuality as a shield to hide behind their bigotry, who fetishise lesbians to a creepy, disgusting extent, who fake understanding what oppression is to pretend to be smart and then obsessively talk over an oppressed group, who are more than happy to defend straight oppressors, who are more than happy to defend male oppressors, who are more than happy to absolve rape-promoting TIMs to abuse innocent women instead, who lie about what homophobic TIMs and TIFs want and deny straight-out fetishistic homophobia for no other purpose but to attack bisexual women, who deify Dworkin but make sure not to touch her bisexuality, who claim to hate how women's history is erased by men and then rush to erase bisexual women's history, who hate the silencing of women but who love silencing bisexual women, and I could go on.
There is so much misogyny towards "handmaidens," women who are simply brainwashed by patriarchy and female socialisation, women who really do think that they're doing the right thing even though they end up harming themselves and other women, attacked and abused and laughed at for something that we all know is down to how women are abused with misogyny from the moment that her parents know they're going to have a little girl, but the truth is that the only "handmaidens" I see are the bisexual women who have been exposed to the truth about biphobia, who have seen the statistics when it comes to biphobia, who have witnessed biphobia, who know and understand what oppression in general is and know what bisexuality is and then still decide, with all that knowledge, that they would rather join in with that biphobia, minimise biphobia and virtue-signal for biphobes that they're #NotLikeOtherBisexuals to selfishly try and protect themselves on that thinnest of ice while deliberately throwing the rest of us under the bus.
I have tried being gentle. I've tried being reasonable. I've tried sharing science. I've tried sharing personal experience. I've tried everything, and none of it works, so why should I or any other bisexual be trapped by tone-policing biphobes that will do everything to attempt to enforce our silence? No. Not happening. Not putting up with that anymore.
I have been so naive and wanted to convince myself that the majority of biphobia was down to little more than accidental ignorance. I still think that there are biphobes who are and promote biphobia because they're ignorant, and if they want to learn more or have reasonable, good faith conversations, then I will absolutely support them in that because that helps bisexuals in general. But no, most of it isn't accidental ignorance. Most of it is deliberate, malicious biphobia down to nothing more than very real, very deliberate and chosen hatred of us.
At this point, as far as I am concerned, allies are either allies supporting us as bisexuals openly, who stand with us to help us face the ire of biphobes, or they are useless to me and as bad as the biphobes that they are silent against. They don't have to fear and risk internalising that biphobic hatred, but that's too much for them? Fuck that. This is our lives we're talking about, and they're too scared to stand up to a biphobe? A straight person too scared to say anything against a straight biphobe online? A lesbian too scared to say anything against a lesbian biphobe online? When bisexuals are always standing against homophobic bisexuals?
Who needs that cowardice? Who needs that spinelessness? Because I certainly don't.
I pity the bisexuals with such internalised biphobia that they choose to be the actual "handmaidens," but the truth is that in this space, they're the only bisexuals with voices who are "listened to," and that's only because they're useful tools to attack the rest of us with. They can either grow some spine, join with us and learn to break that internalised biphobia, or they can shut their mouths entirely and let bisexuals with self-respect and boundaries do the talking.
That's where I am right now.
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day-trippin-dreamer · 3 years
ahaha i MISSED u tooo <33
wow i can imagine how your dad reacts even if i havent seen him yet. but yeah my dad gets annoyed (in a funny way) sometimes that my mom's crushing into another leading man again especially if all they did was to show off their killer smile lmaoo is that jealousy.
yesss he is!!! oh my god. im dying here cause like ugh it's just so cute talking about this. anyway, what's your dream partner.. or like from the ones on the movies/series you watch even if they are unattainable? mine would be those who are like silent, smart, hard to get (please make me stop i know this is weird, kind of like an izzy stradlin) so yeah that's why i was so into mr. darcy bc im probably as dumb as bridget 😌
dude aHAHAHGDAH pls!! there was this meme that said they never have met an infp without adhd/anxiety/mental illness.. and i was like wahhh?? it's fr a struggle!!!! why are mbti types intrinsic?? i feel like every person i'll meet will be "what is wrong with you?" 😭
thank you so much, tina!!!!!
i cant sense if you're being sarcastic or not... but just wanna let you know that you can vent if there's anything to vent out! im here :) but if you're not comfortable, i surely understand!
i see! how do you like ur coffee? black? half a creamer?
AHAHAH oh my god please the dni is killing me 😭😭
ooh wow you have a tattoo. what are they like? for me, i dont really have in mind at the moment. i just want emotional/mental stability come on like i know it's funny inside an infp's head but seriously!!! lmao
aw im sorry you havent had much sleep. but i hope you can get all the rest you want once you arrive home !! maybe a little food will help to brighten up your mood too :) and yeah you dont have to reply to this message immediately! just take care of yourself <3
ohh yess !! it's me!!! yay how'd you sense? i had a different typing style the first time i talked to u!
aldjxha yeah maybe our dads are a little jealous but come on!! it's Hugh Grant!! the king™ of rom-coms!!
yeah we're totally the two girls over the phone, twirling the cable lmao! 😩 ohh izzy 👀👀 he's a great choice!! id probably go for slash, again the quieter type, but a little on the silly side. also his brown eyes 😭
i can't blame Bridget honestly i would too get a little dumb around those two 😂😂 jk jk, we'll find a cool Mark Darcy!!
i love infp memes 😭😭😭 this is my favourite 😭😭 just what you're talking about 😭😭
Tumblr media
everything is wrong with us 💀😭😭
noo i wasn't being sarcastic, i just didn't have much to say and felt awkward 😭 sorry!! <3
oh i like my coffee in different ways, depending on the mood/occasion lol! my first (morning one) i usually take black and then if there are more it depends on what I'm craving lol. but no sugar ever please 😭
i have two, yes!! they're both words, so nothing big and they're both in places that you can't see them lol! but i think my next one is going to be in a more visible place 👀
mental/emotions stability 😭😭 yes, I'd like one of those too. I will give Santa a call about it alskaj
oh yes, thank you for reminding me, i'll definitely get a snack <33
i sensed your vibe!!! i mean, i wasn't entirely sure, but we've talked a lot and more than once so yeah 🥺 but you did have a different typing style before that's why i wasn't sure lol 😭 i love talking to you though!! <33
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merrrrrrrrry · 4 years
I was actually checking your blog to see if you answered a couple times a day and just thought you were to busy for a lengthy response..
I'm having trouble writing these lately bc I have such short attention span and in the time it takes to open the ask thing I've already forgotten your answer so if I miss anything its bc I forget.. I'm literally sitting here wondering what i was gonna say.. why cant I have the answer open at the same time.. sorry just a bit of unnecessary rant here 😂😂
I found differentiation very easy and fun. I literally love it and everything that comes with it. It's like.. magic but it MAKES SENSE. The amount of times during calculus 1 that I was like HOLY SHIT THIS IS GENIUS WHO THOUGHT OF THIS?? Had a bit of trouble with integration tho, not a lot but it was a struggle. I did love limits and what they represent and didnt really have any trouble with them. And you're so lucky that you didnt have to deal with statistics and probability too much. I still have nightmares with the statistic proofs I needed to do. I can confirm the people writing those were deffinetely on crack..
I'm the opposite of you. I never cry to movies or shows. Like no matter how said no matter how much it touches me I do not cry. I may not be able to think about anything else for the next week. Like the end of Imitation game? That shit broke me. My brain wasnt able to function after that but I did. Not. Cry. Guess I wasnt made for that. I cry a lot about mundane things tho. Like if someone raises their words at me just an octave the tears are already in my eyes. I cry so much my family doesnt even flinch at it anymore. But not while watching movies. Never that. It's strange.
Are you a fan of the stars? I think everyone is when you think about it. I just tried to look at the stars but I couldnt see them bc pollution :( and I got very sad. I used to live in a bigger city where there was a lot of pollution and I never saw the stars from there. So when I came back to my village I thought I would see them but nope, still polluted. I didnt plan for this to get so sad but Anyyway..
Did I tell you that my louis sweater arrived? I've been the happiest girl in the world 🥰🥰🥰. I look at it and I still cant believe its mine. Leave it to me to get emotional over a sweater lmao..
I'm glad your moms doing better 🥰🥰.
Love, -💫💫💫
I'm so sorry about that.
Oh god, short attention span is definitely something I'm also plagued by. You know one thing you can do is open multiple tabs on computer and if you're on the app, then open the answer on your browser while asking on the app- does that make sense?
I know right! Differentiation is fun, not gonna lie - I had trouble with definite integration but indefinite I was okay at. However there was certainly an element of rote memorisation involved in integration which I disliked.
You might not like to hear this - but I loved probability!🙈🙈
It's such a coincidence that you decided to speak about stars today because just an hour and a half back my brother was talking about this. We were talking about how cool that is and how we can't seen any stars because of pollution, it is sad.
And seriously don't worry or stress about always having to sound cheerful with me, I definitely am not myself and I don't want you to feel any pressure from my side - vent and be side. We can share it and make it lesser
I'd love to see a photo of your sweater later🥰 I understand feeling sentimental about stuff like that. My aunt gave me my first set of a traditional saree of my native state this year and I was so happy about it
Almost can't believe we're talking so much about studies akdbskka (I don't mind at all!). Who are some of your crushes?
Have a fantastic day 💕💕💕
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