#but she did anyway and gave me a hug and i luv her :')
chaosandmarigolds · 3 days
me, laying in bed after my 12hr shift:
my gf: remember that ask you got
me: ..
me: aside from wondering how you accessed my Tumblr I’ve gotten a lot of asks which one. gf: the sad one. me: 99% of them are sad
gf: The REALLY sad one
ANYWAY here we go and bc I am horrible with titles imma go after a song-
Tourner Dans Le Vide
It was a stupid question, one someone would find on a ‘get to know about me’ section of a questionnaire, a small talkish question. But it stung like he didn’t expect it to, so as he stood in the gala, glass in hand, he cleared his throat, “Sorry, one more time mate?”
“Your spouse.” The poor person motioned to the finger that comfortably sat on his ring finger, the gold glimmering in the sunset light, “Are they here?”
You should’ve been here. You had the outfit planned for months. You knew you wanted to get your hair done the day before, insisting that you ought to look nice to represent your family name.
“No, got caught up at home unfortunately.”
“Ah, kids?”
“Two.” Not a lie, you had two young girls you had both adopted, just now he was just the only person within the household, adding more weight to their shoulders.
with a huff he gets into the car and then takes off the face mask, scrunching his nose as he adjusted to the cold air, and he starts the car. After a moment he pulls out his phone, expecting a notification from your name above Macey’s, the eldest, yet he was surprised to see none.
so with a hum he makes sure the phone is conntected to the car and begins to call you, shifting the car to drive, it rings….and rings until he is met with-
“hey! It’s me, sorry I’m not at the phone right now, leave me a message and I’ll get back to ya!”
the short automated message follows and he begins to drive home on the darkened roads, until it was his turn to speak, “Luv, it’s Simon, baby I know I was out really late yesterday but I brought the girls some pizza, Macey had her rugby game this mornin- she did amazin. Taylor got an A on her spelling test, so I got her ice cream after school today. What else..mm, the girls send you love. I love you. Call me when you can.”
“Papa,” Taylor chirps from her car seat, happily looking out the window, “Papa, when is mama coming home?”
He furrows his eyebrows to the questions and then shrugs, “I’m not sure, princess, I hope soon.”
“did you and mama have fight? Is tha’ why she go way?”
“No no, princess, mama and I didn’t fight- she’s okay, she’s just,” the words died in his throat, because maybe he knew them to be a lie but he would never admit such, “busy. You know how mama works real long hours.”
“How’s ya dad?” Johnny stood in the doorway of the ordinary home, peering in from where he stood as Macey stood in front of him- the young girl still in her gear.
to that she shrugs, allowing the man she had learned to be her uncle enter, “fine I guess.”
upon entering the home Johnny noticed your coat still hanging on the rack, even though it was the middle of summer so it mismatched from the girls pink pool towels, he noticed how your mug sat beside the coffee maker, hot water steaming inside- indicating it was just filled. He noticed how your spot on the dining table still had your notebook, pen still tucked where you had left off writing.
he then saw Simon walking down the stairs, and he gave him a grin, “Haven’t been answerin my calls, mate,” with a quick side hug he nudged the man, “Got worried bout ya.”
Simon shrugs it off with a brief laugh, “Got caught up here, with her off at work- got a lil busy.” his heart dropped, and Johnny clears his throat, “Mm? At work she is?”
“Yeah, more like fuckin deployed, never see her.”
it had been close to nine months since a car accident had taken your life, suddenly and harsh, and Simon chose to completely leave his position within the force to stay with the girls. Something Johnny could respect, losing a spouse was a horrid thing but until that moment he had assumed his friend had been taking it in stride. He fell quiet and followed Simon as he said he needed to grab something from the laundry room, so he followed.
His eye caught sight of the master bedroom, lit up by the summer sun (Simon had never been a fan of natural light, unless he was outside) one side of the room messy, clothes tossed about and looking like a proper grieving man’s room, and the other just how would have left it, a glass of water sitting atop a floral coaster, bed still made with the pillows creased just how you do them. The small bottle of perfume still tossed atop of it- as you put it on that morning and threw it on the bed as you ran out the door.
oh…this was not good. This was not good at all.
(um…yeah!! Based off an amazing ask! Comments mean the world to me, toodles!!)
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Let's get TATTOOS!
Miles happily went up to his boyfriend: Hobie! Hobie!
Hobie smiles: Yes, luv? -he stopped talking to Gwen and Pav having all his attention to cute bf-
Miles' face gleam with joy: I was thinking... since we been together for three years... I was wondering if we taken the next step of our relationship!
Gwen's and Pat's eyes widen, both thinking it's something sexual or marriage: What!
Hobie smiles holding Miles' hand: What is it, sunflower? -he turns pink seeing his partner looking so bright and his face glowing like the sun-
Miles happily smiles: Let's get TATTOOS!
Gwen faced palmed while Pav tilted his head: Is that what couples do in his world? -he looks at Gwen-
Gwen: Ugh, I dunno... I thought we were getting something juicy! -she was disappointed. The two are so private with their sex life if they even had one-
Miles pouts hearing Gwen: That's not funny!
Hobie chuckles having to hold his boyfriend's hands: Luv, we got tattoos of each other.
Miles cutely pouts: I know, but I want us to get a tattoo together. It doesn't have to match... just something that sort of match each other. -His large eyes gleamed at him- Don't you love me enough for another one!
Hobie felt his heart get stroked by a knife then he turns even more pink: I do! I DO, SUNFLOWER! -he kisses his boyfriend on the lips- We'll go get matching tattoos, but... how did your mum took it when you asked her?
Miles giggles: Ohh... I didn't tell her! -he took his boyfriend's hand- come on, let's go. Your friend's shop is still open! -opening a portal to go to Hobie's world to get their tattoos. Leaving Gwen and Pav behind-
Hobie's eyes widen: Wait, luv. You didn't tell your mum? She's gonna kill me! -being in shock by Miles' sneaky side-
Miles: No she won't! Besides, she didn't find out about my first tattoo until Billie's birthday!
Hobie: Luv, as much as i love this rebelliousness... don't you think you should ask? I don't want them to blame me-
Miles turns to his boyfriend: Hobie! I will tell them I'm the one that thought of it!
Hobie: Your dad don't already like me
Miles: So? No dads like their kid's partner.
Hobie: Right... -he got in front of Miles- But I really think you should ask Mrs. Morales...
Miles: Hobie, everything will be fine. Why are you so worried about her? Is it cause she's my mom- look I dealt with her all the time, she's my mom! -he passed Hobie to go inside the tattoo shop- Hey Dread! Me and Hobie want tattoos
Hobie's tattoo artist peak his head up: alright, what ya lovebirds want? Names? Broken hearts!
Hobie: Nuh, none of that. Those are curses.
Miles nodded: Yeah! I was thinking a Moonflower for Hobie! -Hobie felt his cheeks warm-
Hobie: Awe, luv. I'll get a sunflower then.
Miles: But you already have-
Hobie: There's never enough sunflowers tattoos, luv.
Miles hugs his boyfriend being super happy: Awe, bae!
The tattoo artist: Ok, are you guys ready? I'm free right now. I can whip up a quick sketch.
Hobie: Yeah, mate. We're ready!
Miles bounced: Yes!
-A couple of hours later the tattoo artist work on both of their tattoos. They gotten a decent size. Miles got the the Moonflower on his right upper back. Hobie's got the sunflower on hie upper left back that way when they hold hands their tattoos are along side by side.-
Dread: You know the rules, wait a few hours before taking off the layer, add some clear lotion to moisturize, and wash gently. Avoid sunlight, the basics.
Hobie: Geez, no deep detail?
Dread: Mate, this is like your tenth tattoo and that one... -Miles happily look at the mirror at his new tattoo- you're gonna take care of. Why do i even bother? Anyway, this is on the house for saving my place with those crazy nazis, mate!
Hobie: No problem, mate -he gave his friend a handshake-
Miles walks out being so happy: Now, i have to avoid people touching my back!
Hobie: And your parents!
Miles: That's right! -he smiles happily hugging his boyfriend's arm- ehh it'll be fine! -Hobie only rolled his eyes-
Later in Earth 1610
Rio shouted out loud: OTRO? OTRO TATUAJE! -she's fuming when Miles came home showing off his new tattoo just to rip off the band-aid-
Jeff holding Billie in his arms being in shock: NOW, I KNOW DAMN WELL YOU DIDN'T GO AGAINST OUR WISHES, MILES! -he glares at Hobie and pointed at him- YOU! You persuade him!
Billie nodded mimicking her dad: Ya! Yaya! Bah! -she wag her fingers with agreement. Yeah, let's get mad at Hobie-
Miles: Mamí! Dad! It's not like that! -he happily holds Hobie's hand- we took our relationship to the next level!
Rio rub the bridge on her nose: Aye, next level? NEXT LEVEL? Miles, what couple gets tattoos and relationship! Your 18! You barely got the first one! Dios ayúdame! Este niño quiere matarme! -Hobie stood being awkward by Miles' parents while his boyfriend being happy-
Jeff: No-no, I think this was Hobie's plot! Miles was never like this before! Now, my boy got tattoos like a street thug!
Billie wag her fingers: Yaya bla bababa!
Miles: Dad, I swear! Hobie wasn't the one. I did! I made him!
Rio put her hands on her hips: Jeff, he's right. Hobie wouldn't do that! He respect me too much! Oye, right Hobie? -she snaps her fingers at the tall young man-
Hobie: Yes, Mrs. Morales.
Miles happily smiles: Hobie would never force me to do anything!
Jeff: And that's the problem! Come on, man! Be a guy I could hate! -he cursed himself seeing how Hobie is always being a good man to his son- Geez, and where's your backbone? Aren't you supposed to be the man in the relationship?
Hobie: I don't believe in gender roles in relationships!
-Billie arched her eyebrows looking at her dad who did the same thing.-
Miles giggles: It's okay, guys! This tattoo is on my back!
Rio place both her hands in prayer form: Aye dios mio! Miles, I'm too upset with you. But not you, Hobie. I know you can't handle his stubbornness.
Miles: Isn't that great!
Rio: Miles, you are grounded!
Miles: Mamí, I'm 18-
Rio cut him off: NOT IN THIS HOUSE YOUR NOT! GROUND YOUNG MAN! 18? 18, vives bajo mi techo!
Jeff: Um... it's my roof, too- -his wife glares at him- It's yours, honey! Of course, you run this house!
-Miles pouts but hug his boyfriend's arm already expecting this. better now than later!-
Rio: Yeah, I do! -she turns to Hobie- Hobie, I'm sorry but Miles will be grounded for three weeks. Would it be okay you don't visit him?
Hobie: Yes, ma'am! -he didn't want to upset his partner's mom.- Is it find I can call him?
Rio: Yeah, but on certain hours! I swear, Miles gotten too spoiled!
Jeff snorts with him and Billie eyeing at Hobie: Gee, I wonder why!
Hobie: I love him, too much! -Miles happily snuggle against him-
Rio awed: And that's why you're a good man! -she pinches his cheeks-
Jeff and Billie rolled their eyes: Oh brother...
Miles: Please, can he stay over for dinner!
Rio sighs: Okay, but it's because he's already here!
Billie scowls: No!
Jeff: I agreed with Billie! -still upset Hobie didn't stop Miles from getting those tattoos-
Miles hugs Hobie's arm: Come on, bae. Let's go set up the table! -ignoring his dad's words-
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itzynabi · 2 years
summary: in which eve comes home late
set: early may 2022
warnings: mention of food and i think that's it
word count: 0.6k
an: i'm back! writers block has been kicking my ass lately, the ideas are there but the ability to write? gone. anyways, please enjoy this cute little scenario! feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
eve’s masterlist
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Eve put in the code for the door, sighing when it opened and she let herself in. It was three in the morning, and she had just finished a dance practice for young luv.
She switched on the light and put her dance bag on the kitchen counter, knowing she’d use it again in a few hours, when she saw a sticky note on the edge of the counter.
your dinner/midnight snack/breakfast is in the fridge. you can warm it up when you get home. lia :)
Eve smiled as she read the letter. She went to the fridge and saw a bowl of jajangmyeon sitting in the middle of one of the shelves. She took it and walked to the microwave, putting it in for two minutes and quietly getting her chopsticks out the utensils drawer.
Once the jajangmyeon was done warming up, Eve started eating it. She replied to some texts from her friends and family as she ate. When she finished, she took her dish to the sink and washed it, dried it and put it in the cupboard when she was done, then went to switch off the light as she left the room.
Before going to her room, she went to Yeji and Lia’s, to check if they were asleep. Lia was fast asleep, so Eve gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. Yeji, however, was still, barely, awake, watching a drama, her lamp on providing light. She looked up when Eve knocked on the door and opened it.
“You’re back,” Yeji said, getting up from bed and going to hug her member. Eve reciprocated the hug and walked Yeji back to her bed.
“You don’t have to stay up and wait for me, you know,” she stated, forcing Yeji down by her shoulders so she’d go into the covers.
Yeji shrugged. “If I were the one who had a schedule until this time, you’d stay up for me.”
Eve took Yeji's phone and switched it off, placing it on her bedside table. She made sure Yeji was comfortable in bed before switching off the lamp and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Thank you, Jiji. Sleep well,” she whispered against Yeji's head.
“Goodnight, Nana.”
Eve crossed the distance to the still open door, trying her best to be quiet when she closed it and cursing its tendency to creak every time it’s being closed. She walked to her room, letting out a breath of relief when she opened it and feeling her body sag with exhaustion.
She changed out of her dance practice clothes into her pyjamas in the dark, something she does when she gets home late so she doesn't get comfortable in bed then remember she forgot to turn off her light. As she neared her bed, she noticed that somebody was in it. Upon closer inspection, squinting her eyes and the power of deduction, she noticed it was Yuna.
It wasn’t uncommon for Yuna to sleep with Eve. When they were rookies, Yuna would sleep with Eve whenever the former was feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Eve would wrap her arms around the younger girl and they’d go to sleep like that. It had been a while since they last did, though. Since they separated dorms, it became something they rarely did.
Eve brushed her hand along Yuna’s face, smiling at the sleeping girl. She got in the bed behind the girl, placing her arm around Yuna’s waist. Yuna then stirred and turned around to place her head against Eve’s chest, doing a little dance as she got comfortable.
“What are you doing here?” Eve asked, patting Yuna’s hair.
“I missed my unnie. And I’ve been a bit anxious lately,” Yuna mumbled sleepily against Eve’s shirt.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Yuna shook her head. “Not now. When the sun is up.”
“Okay.” Eve kept stroking Yuna's hair until the girl fell asleep again. She then closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh, feeling her body slip off into sleep.
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tagging: @mystic-luv // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea
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©️ kim nabi
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ivywhowrites · 2 years
Hi I saw your She-Ra requests post and was wondering if you could do a Catra x female reader where the reader has had a rough week and Catra realises that the reader has not been herself and a bit distance therefore, leading her to confront and comfort the reader about it.
If you can't that's ok.
Have a great day/night luv🫂✨
(You to!!)
~you should've told me~
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You have been having a rough week,causing you to be distant from everyone.you sat down on the bed and sighed "hey [your name]" you looked up at the voice,it was catra.you frowned and walked out,catra huffed and pounced on you "what the heck catra!" You yelled annoyed,catra got off of you and helped you off "can we talk?" Catra said slightly aggravated,You nodded and when you to got to your room and sat down,catra sat beside you,she hissed "what's been up with you!?" She spoke. Your eyes widened and you bite your lip "what do you mean?" You asked,catra held your hand "I mean.. what's been up,you've been so distant and not yourself." Ypu looked down and sighed "its nothing." Catra held your hand tighter "its not nothing.. you know you can tell me stuff.i know somethings wrong." You gave in and looked her in the eyes and she tilted her head "I've had a rough week.." catra put her hand on your shoulder "you should've told me.." she said softly,you teared up "im.. sorry I didn't tell you.." she smiled at you "its alright.. but tell me next time,okay?" She hugged you quickly,making your eyes widen in shock,catra laughed "what?" You blushed "you.. you.. hugged me?" Catra smiled at you "what?did you not like it?" You shock your head "I loved it.." you smiled "but anyway.. cutie. Tell me next time I could've helped you relax.." you nodded,you'd definitely tell her next time.
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jjk-anime-horray · 3 years
Mr. Steal your Girl
Suguru Getou x Reader
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Summary: After Getou catches Gojo cheating on you, he finally becomes fed up with his bestfriend's bullshit. So, he does the mature thing, he goes and tell you what happened, and makes you his in the process.
Note: I had this thought in my mind forever, so I naturally write it down to preserve it. Please take this offering as my first unholy sacrifice to the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom. Please enjoy!
Warnings: This is NSFW! This is Smut! Please don't read it if you are uncomfortable with those things. Cheating (from Gojo), Sex, fluff, Reader is Female and or has Female anatomy , and Angst (Cross posted on my ao3).
When Suguru Getou, your boyfriend's best friend, and your good friend came knocking on your door after 8:00, you honestly didn't know what to expect. Was he injured? Your line of work was notorious for that. So, when you peered through your key hole to see his slender eyed face distraught, your first instinct is to open the door.
"Suguru what happened?" You say in a lower and mellow tone of your normal voice as to display concern. "Are you hurt?"
"No no, you got the wrong idea!" His black maned body lifted in his hand in a slight waving motion as a common action to calm someone down. "However, I have something to tell you. Can I come in?"
"Of course you're my friend, and I'm always here for you! Next time can you give me a little warning will ya?"
"Yeah, of course (Y/N)." He said while moving his body through your apartment's entrance, and swiftly plopping himself on your couch next to your body, already sitting there.
"Oh!" You say remembering something. "Do you want anything to drink or eat? I've got some left over pizza in the fridge if you want it! Hold on let me just go get it."
You quickly push your hands onto the cloth underneath you to lift your weight off of the couch, only to have your arm be weighted down gently by the man next to you.
"You don't need to get me anything (Y/N). Plus, I don't have an appetite right now anyway. Can you sit back down I really need to tell you this?"
He looked you dead in the eyes. Onyx eyes swirled with not their usual playfulness, but uncertainty and concern instead. Triggering you to sit back down on the fabric below you with the same feelings.
"What's wrong Suguru?"
"Well you see....." Words fell dry in his mouth. How was he supposed to tell you this without making you cry? He never wants to make you unhappy. He especially doesn't want you to cry because his friend is skank, and a piece of shit.
He looked over to you with sadness in his eyes, swirling in them with glassiness around the iris'. He thought about all of the times he looked to see you so happy with him, lips letting out gorgeous laughter, mouth curling into a beautiful smile, and your excitement burst at something with joy. But then his mind went to the blonde bouncing on Satoru's cock, moans leaving her mouth that were supposed to be coming out of yours for him. While she was pretty, she didn't nearly compare to you, and while she was sexy he couldn't even be slightly attracted at the thing bound to ruin your relationship. It angered him, enraged him, that his friend was stupid enough to hurt or give up something like you. However, his stupidity gave him a a direct chance to finally get what he wanted. I guess he could thank his dumb platinum blonde of a friend for that.
"Satoru is cheating on you."
"What?" You said, but you could hear him completely fine. It was out of disbelief.
"Look (Y/N), I'm really sorry. This probably isn't how you wanted to fine out. I just walked in on it, and I couldn't just not tell you when I was, you know.... there."
More and more consoling words spilt from his mouth in an effort to comfort you, but you cease to even register them as you started crying. Salty tears started to trickle from your eyes, and down your cheeks. You felt embarassed, jealous, and sad all at the same time. You knew of his past behavior, why did you expect anything to change?
"Wow, I'm an complete idiot."
"What (Y/N)?! Don't say shit like that! That's completely untrue. You're talented, funny, you-"
"Suguru, I knew of his past behaviors, I let my feelings ignore them, and I expected him to change. I'm a fool for that."
Why would you think he would change. Fuck, you gave your heart to the wrong person. You should have known! The trickle of droplets cascading down your face only started to grow even more. You didn't want to be crying in front of your friend. You didn't want to be crying at all! This was your fault for failing to see that people hardly change.
To Suguru it was heartbreaking to see you in a condition like this. If Gojou was anyone other than his best friend he would have beaten him to a pulp already.
"Hey, Suguru." You say, voice cracking as you tried to hold it together, and peaking your head up slightly from the position pressed into your knees.
"Yeah (Y/N)?"
"Could you give me a minute to cry this out, alone? I don't like you seeing me like this."
"Okay. I'll go into the other room, but I'm not leaving you completely alone when you're emotionally distressed."
"Thanks Guru'." You say as he left to go into the other room, away from your water works.
"Anything for you (Y/N)."
With him finally gone could finally let it all out, and truly just let yourself cry. Now, not having to worry about embarrassing yourself in front of your friend. Your eyes turned puffy the more you let out your pent up emotions. The same eyes turned redder the more you let out your anger because of the situation (through your tears). Red eyes turned your shirt wet, and completely soaked from the water streaming down your face. However, the more you let it out, the more you started to let it go. Yes it hurt, but no it wasn't something you couldn't recover from. Yes you were losing your friend, but no you weren't losing Suguru from this because he wouldn't be here right now if he was siding with Gojou. You hands drifted to your phone to text your best friend, Shoko, what happened.
Gojo cheated on me. Your fingers glided to press into the screen.
You waited fo couple of minutes, well only one, until a notification lit up your screen in response to your text.
You're kidding me
That son of a bitch, want me to murk him?
Do you need me to come over?
Multiple messages came bombarding in one go. You were glad to see that she was as pissed as you were. Making you halt your crying into snickering and laughter at your friend's eagerness.
No you don't need to come over
I know u r working, and Guru' is already here
He's the one who told be
Another light flashed onto your screen.
Okay, just tell me if you need anything
Luv you babes!
She never failed to make you smile, even if she was sneaking a smoke. In which that you hated.
Luv u too
"I heard laughter so I assumed if it was safe to come back in."
A certain man came around the corner with a glass of water and cloth his hands.
"Yeah you're right, Shoko is the best sometimes."
You felt a large weight lower half of the couch, coincidently lifting your eye level up to be more on par with a certain pair of slender ones.
"I brought you some water, crying drains a lot out of you, and I don't want you to get dehydrated."
"Thanks Guru, it means a lot."
You take the cup from his hand. Your fingers met with his fingers and the glass as you shifted the water from his to your hands. Then to lifting it to your lips you take a large gulp of it. Causing a little drop of water to dribble down your chin in the process of your refreshment.
As the water dripped down your chin you felt a thumb connect with your check, slowly making it's way down your skin to your lips and chin to imprison the that had escaped onto it's creases.
"Hey (Y/N) I have a damp cloth right here to help with the swelling of your eyes. Can you close them for a sec?"
With your eyes now closed you felt a cool presence over your eyes, but it did more than help the swelling in your eyes. It also calmed you down, but you knew it wasn't the cloth that was calming you down. It was the male pressing it gently into your face. And the one that gently removed it from your eyes when the right amount of time had passed.
Unveiling your eyes you look to Suguru who was currently placing the items he had gotten for you on to the table in front of the two of your.
"Guru' "
"Yeah (Y/N)?"
"Come here."
You said come here, but you didn't actually wait for him to move as you want to him first enveloping him in your grasp with a hug. Your head burying into his shoulders and chest.
"Thank you Suguru, for everything."
"No problem (Y/N), are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay, I just wish I could forget about him."
"I could make you forget about him."
"I said" Hot breath fanned across your ear, while you didn't know if it was the intimate position that the two of you were in, or it was the black haired man that was unbelievable gorgeous talking that sent shivers down your spine. "I could make you forget."
"Please (Y/N), let me make you forget." That last sentence was the last one needed to shift the mood completely. What was a light hearted one now turned heavy from the impending building lust that the two of you secretly shared for the longest time.
You felt hot lips trail down your neck, slow kisses dancing across the expanse of your skin down, only to quickly trail back up to your ear, and then your jaw. Wetness was placed right next to your lips, but not onto them.
Onyx eyes pierced into yours looking for a awnser. They swirled with want, desire, and love as they looked at your right in front of you. It was so intoxicating that you could help yourself from being completely lost in them.
"Suguru, please make me forget." You let out with a needy whine, wanting to get lost in his lips more than anything.
Then predatory orbs locking in on it's prey, and he pounced onto you locking you into a seering kiss as lips collided, and you were pinned under him.
His lips glued themselves to yours, hot, needy, and loving. They constantly alternated from hot, lustful, rushed kisses to slow, romantic, loving one that were offering you all he had to offer. You missed the feeling of them on you when he pulled away.
"You want to forget (Y/N)? I'll make you forget that that ungrateful bastard ever touched you, and that all you can think about it is my fat cock inside of you. You want that don't you?" Finishing his sentence he attached his slips to the sweat spot on you neck, causing you to silt your head, and grind your clothed sex onto the knee pinning you down to the couch.
"Great, but lets get you undressed first, I want to see all of you when I ruin you. Strip for me, I bet you can do that angel can't you?" To allow you to put on a show for him he sat back onto the couch, staring at you with a ferocious hunger that was about to be fulfilled.
Obediently you sat yourself up onto the couch, and hooked your arms onto the bottom of your shirt to reveal your barren body with glorious feature to him.
"Fuck princess, no bra? Dirty girl~" He latched himself onto your breasts. Caressing, pinching, pulling with his right hand on one breast, and his mouth, sucking, teasing, and squeezing the other playful mound of flesh. He slowed his ruthless pace to speed in up then slow it down, again, again, and again. Alternating which breast got which part of his body, and it was driving you insane. And you couldn't help Letting out little whispers, whines, and groans as he did.
"Guru, stop teasing me please."
"I'll stop teasing you when you when I stop finding you amazing, because fuck I could play with you like this forever."
"Guru, please touch my cunt, please!" You said, letting out a whine, and bucking to his erection trapped in his sweats as you did so.
"Using dirty words I see. Princesses shouldn't talk like that darling, but who am I to not give pleasure to someone who's so honest about her needs. I'll give you what you want baby, lift your hips for me."
With no reason to reject his off you do was he says, allowing him to slip off your pants, and little white panties in one go. Giving him a full view of your glistening sex dripping with arousal from teasing. Begging to be touched as it pulsated.
"Wet already darling?"
You gasped airily, as you felt him insert a much need finger into your dying cunt. Finally giving your pussy the attention it it needed with big thick milky fingers.
"Fuck baby you're so tight, I'm going to have to prepare you to make sure I don't hurt you because I would hate to see that."
Speeding up his finger he forced for of it into your pussy lips stretching you out in the process. Pumping strongly with fingers curling up towards your womb he hit all of the right spots inside your walls as he added another finger. Causing you to squirm and wiggle under his grasp pleasing his eyes with the amazing sight.
Feeling bad that you were being given all of the attention, you slowly reach to try to touch him, only to have your wrist snatched up with his other free hand.
"Bad baby, shouldn't you know know not to touch people without their permission? Naughty."
He brought the soft curve of your hand up to his mouth to give it a tender kiss. Only for seconds later to bring into down to your clit, and forcefully guiding you hand to out pressure on the little sensitive flesh button causing as he move your hand to circle it.
This building burning pressure turned to be too much to handle as you felt a familiar sensation burn in your lower stomach as your body prepared itself to cum. Fluttering around his fingers in the process.
"Do you need to cum?" Suguru said while gazing his eyes into yours, speeding up his finger even more than you could imagine. Rending you speechless as you gave him a rapid nod in response.
"You have to use your words baby."
"Please Suguru, please let me cum!"
"Do it baby."
The sensation bursted through your lower body as you finally got the release you deserved. Suguru encased your lips into a lustful action as you whined into his mouth pouring slick all over his fingers.
Greedily while looking right at you he swirled his knuckles into his mouth a lapped your juices with delight, and a grin on his face pleased with his work.
He looked at you with a grin on his face, and a naughty twinkle in his eye that made you know what he was going to say next while slightly pulling down his sweat and boxers to reveal a juicy cock. Long, thick, trimmed, clean. Who new your Ex boyfriend's best friend was packing more than he was? I made you wiggle with anticipation. "I think you're ready baby for my cock, do you want it?"
"Yes please, fuck me now, in this pussy right here, I want to feel you so badly!"
"Someone's eager." He said letting out a heart chuckle. "Good thing you are because so am I."
Before you could even say anything he slipped you onto your stomach and slammed into you awaiting cunt all in one go. Affectively making you let out of scream.
"Suguru!" You let out with a yelp if pleasure, and surprise from the new invading stretch.
"Sorry I couldn't wait, fuck your so tight, if I had known I would have done this sooner."
He sunk himself fully into your pussy, then stalled waiting for your to adjust to the stretch of his member. Since you two were bearbacking he could feel every pulse of your pussy as it tried to accommodate his length. And he fucking loved.
Not being to contain himself any longer he pulled himself half way out, then slammed himself back in to see all of your fuck about expressions again and to hear you whine. God, he was going to get used to this.
Gripping your ass he made himself a slow but deep pace into your womenhood once again. He continued this again, and again, and again. Until he found himself speeding up and he drilled harder into your sex, loving he way he name founded when it was being screamed from your lips.
You found yourself having to try to control your breathing as to it not being completely blown away by the main raining to you from behind. His onslaught on your cunt made you abosulety breathless. You felt your pussy contracting the more you thought about the man pleasuring you, how did you not see all of him before this.
But your thoughts were ripped away as you felt a large hand grab your jaw forcing you to look up into predatory onyx eyes. The eye contact as he was hitting it from behind, having his balls pound into your clit, and your G-Spot throughly abused made you pussy quiver in anticipation of your release.
"(Y/N) are close to summing." He said. while completely continuing to fuck you without the slightest pause.
"Yes, umm hmm!" You say nodding as you still looked into his eyes, knowing his loved the contact.
"Fuck....." He said smirking at your wrecked form beneath him "Great." Then he took his hand off of your next to harshly rub your clit, causing you too spill your release over water than you. realized. Making you see white fuzz through the orgasm as he fucked you though it.
Now it was your turn to listen to his moans as seconds later he finished his thick cum on your ass as he flopped in exhaustion shortly after that onto his arms to entrap you under him into the couch cashing your breath.
Panting, Suguru flipped you over to sit you on his lap, curling your legs around his waist, sitting you up to face his intense gaze once again.
"I'm going to go clean you up okay." But just as he's about to lift the two fo you up you stop him momentarily.
"Suguru, will stay with me please?
"I thought that was a given, of course I'm staying, I'm going to run bath."
Placing a kiss on your forehead he brought you to your bathroom, and cleaned the two of you up. Slowly cleaning everything that may have been dirtied, caressing everything on your body, he held you in such a way that it just felt right to be like it.
And sure enough he was holding you in his arms in your sheets the next morning with no intentions of letting you go. Or letting you hear the door ring as his sorry ass of a bestfriend came to offer you an apology.
This was my first smut! How did I do you guys?
Part Two
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xattexx · 2 years
From babysitter to lover
pairing: Taehyung x fem reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1795
a/n: this is classical sweet boring story but what do you expected? The plot twist shows exactly how many brain cells I have. Anyway I hope you will like it.
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Saying that becoming babysitter for Halsey’s baby was your biggest luck was understandable. She is such a sweet and kind person to you. How did you end up here? Well, to be honest you don’t know. One day you just became friends with Ashley and now you are here, having her baby in your arms, trying to calm the little crying human being. She is already busy with work, she is great mom, but little help is always appreciated. And truly, she was glad to have you.
One day you both were sitting outside, enjoying the nice spring evening. Talking about a lot of things but the one that catches your ears was when she mentioned that BTS is back in the USA, and she wanted to meet them again. She also mentioned that they want to have her as a special guest. Everybody knew they had great relationship and Boy With Luv was the one you liked to dance to with the little one. She talked about the show and that they need to practice a little. But the problem was who would take care of the child? No one was that day available. You were taking classes in college. So, you came up with plan.
“The schedule is: be before 2 PM be on stage. Thank God I am only a special guest, but I still need to practice. Are you really not free that time?” She only trusted you with Ender. You were not famous or anything which means the baby is safe with you from paparazzi or fans. That was what she liked about you. You appreciate your friendship so you were not walking around saying ‘I am Halsey’s friend..’ People like you are rare and she knew it.
“Hmm, I have classes until 2 PM since I have only 3 subjects that day but still, too late. Only if I can take Ender at 3PM. I cannot come sooner.” You bad that you could not help her.
She took the phone out and texted Yoongi If it would be problem to take her child to practice, meet boys, have some time with her baby and then you will come pick Ender up. Few minutes later her phone buzzes. The notification on the screen says: no problem. Boys were understanding. She turned her head to your and said
“Okay, on Thursday at 3 PM please come for the little devil. I will take Ender with me. Boys will be happy.”
You did as you promised. Literally you ran from the school, quicky take the car Ashley landed you to be at stadium faster. The only questions that were running through your mind were: How did you get there? Will the staff let you in? Wait you will meet BTS are you properly dressed? Aren’t you underdressed? You bet they will have the better clothes on. You? Basic college student. You parked your car. 2:40pm, nice. 20 minutes sooner. Good for you. You called Ashley, while you took your black coat from the passenger seat. Today was nice but little bit cooler.
“Ash, you forgot to give me pass. How will I get inside and where am I supposed to go?” You just laugh a little to lower your anxiety level.
“Oh, they know about you, just say your name to the staff and they will show you.”
You did as she told you. Staff asked you about your name and reason why you are there. You answered their questions and they gave you your own pass.
You asked yourself if you took the wrong turn somewhere. Suddenly, you ended up on the stage. It was huge. Too huge to be truth. It looks smaller in videos but reality hits different.
“Y/n!” Ashley called out when she noticed you while you looked around. You looked at her and she ran to hug you. Happy to see you. The boys gave her the energy she needed. 7 pairs of eyes landed on you. She started leading you towards the end of the stage where boys were around the little Ender. When the baby noticed you, the eyes filled with the joy, Ender giggled and made grabby hands towards you. But in not only baby doe eyes sparkled when they saw you. In Taehyungs eyes you looked like and angel. He was gawking at you. The closer you came the prettier you looked. The way that you politely greeted them. You even tried it in Korean which you practiced on your way there, the way you had sparkles in your eyes when the little one wanted to be held by you. The way you smiled at them. The way you just gave him the good vibes.
“Taehyung, close your mouth when you look at someone.” Quietly said Namjoon to his friend.
You took little Ender from Taehyungs arms in which he was right now. Tae’s mind was imagining things. He didn’t know how to stop it. To be honest, he didn’t want to. He imagines you taking your baby from him. You cast a spell on him. He was in his own world. It was no secret that Tae wanted kids but imagining random girl he just met as his partner? Crazy. Too crazy. He knew in the back of his mind.
The first one who decided to break the silence was Namjoon. “You must be the babysitter Halsey talked about. Nice to meet you. You probably know us already, but we don’t know you.”
“I am Y/N. Pleasure to meet you. I won’t be long. I am here to pick up my responsibility. You must be tight on time.” You laughed while you tickled Ender. Of course, he wasn’t your responsibility, but you like to tease Ashley.
“We actually have ‘10 more minutes’ so don’t worry about it. No need to rush.” This was little bit cringy but in Taehyungs mind this sentence sounded better. He just wanted you to be around little bit more. Get to know you better. Namjoon saw what he was trying to do so he helped him. “Sorry it is the vocabulary problems. He wanted to say that you don’t bother us. Feel free to stay here longer.” Thank God Taehyung had Namjoon.
“That is nice to hear but I’ll be going.” you said while you readjust the baby on your hip and looked at Halsey, “we will be around when you finish.”
“Why don’t you stay here for a while? You could tell us if it is good.” Taehyung was persuading you to stay. You wanted to but this was anything but strange to you. “Y/N won’t stay. I know her. She just came fr-“ you started talking over Halsey “I just finished my school and could use some walk. This is just not for me.”
It was truth. After being in classroom for that long, you hopped into car to drive to stadium. Some fresh air and to stretch your legs will not be bad. “Okay at least let me accompany you to the exit.” Tae smiled at you. It was a nice gesture from him that he took the baby bag while you put Ender into the stroller. Taehyung put an arm on your lower back and lead the way as if you didn’t just came here. He was looking at you with love in his eyes. You looked at him thankfully and smiled. His hand on your lower back felt nice. He was gentle. He hopes it does not give ‘leave finally’ vibes. He wanted to be gentleman.
While you were on your way from the stadium there was a shock expression on Halsey’s face. “Did Taehyung-hyung just did that?” Was the Jungkook’s first words that came out after you left. He was shocked. Everybody knew that when Tae comes to US, he is enjoying his wildness and freedom, he likes to flirt and be “the international playboy” instead of JK. Being his romantic soul in US was new to them.  “What about Tae, Y/N’s look in her eyes also said something.”
After Taehyung wasn’t coming back in in 10 minutes Jimin went to look for him only to find him and you making out behind the corner. Jimin just stopped. He looked at you both and cleared his throat. That was something he didn’t expected to see. You both were shocked. You did not thought that you will make out with a k-pop star after you just talked for less than 30 minutes. But maybe it was the way you both fall for each other, the way he looked into your eyes, or maybe you just secretly wanted that. Jimin just smirked and winked at you. Jimin turned on his heal and went back.
Jimin came back to stage. Smiling from ear to ear. “Taehyung will be a little late.”
You on the other hand stopped immediately. Embarrassed by what just happened. You let your body be controlled by feelings not by logical mind. What were you thinking? Taehyung saw you panicking. He grabbed you face in his large hands and kissed you again.
“Do you regret it? Because I don’t”. You were blushing. What this moment between you two needs to be perfect? Baby that stared to crying because it doesn’t get the enough of attention.
“I guess I have to go to take a walk, put Ender to sleep.”
“Okay, maybe we can hang out later? I would love to see you again.”
“Mr. Kim you are such a flirt. I don’t want to be one of your hook-ups.” You joked.
“Trust me, I want to take you out only for a nice dinner. I like you. Forget about the kissing. I really liked it because the second I saw you and you took Ender, you took my breath away.” Tae was telling the truth. Hoping you could see that in his eyes, he hoped you would spend some time with him later.”
“Well we cannot go out for a dinner because we are from the different… social… you know… but maybe I can make a dinner for us.”
“Are you inviting me over?” Wiggle of his eyebrows and shown his biggest boxy smile. He was funny and charming.
“Not that way but I don’t want to be in news and threats are not something I am ready to deal with.” It pains him that you are right but it makes him happy that you want to spend time with him as Taehyung. Not spend time with the famous V and be all over the news.
“Deal. Can you give me your number so we can have a chat later?” One last kiss was placed on your forehead before you gave him your number and take little one out.
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a/n: I wrote it shorter than I expected. But it is short because I don't see much of short stories. I am not going to lie to you, I don't like what I wrote but maybe someone will.
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ikeromantic · 2 years
Hi there! May I request for Theo X Mc but Mc is already pregnant with Arthur's baby and Arthur knows about that but Theo doesn't know that the baby's dad is Arthur.
This one took a while because I wasn't sure what perspective I wanted to use and which way to take this juicy plot . . . I hope it satisfies, anon! Approx. 2000 words of Theo, Arthur, and MC drama!
Arthur leaned across the desk, his fingers extended in a come-hither gesture. His lips turned up in a slight, expectant smile that fell the moment his hand was slapped away.
The woman opposite him looked less than amused. “Absolutely not. I don’t care what you think you know -”
“What I do know, luv. I can do basic math. So can Theo, if he gives it a moment’s thought.”
She took a breath. “Yeah, well he won’t unless someone decides to drop hints. And you won’t.” Her eyes narrowed. “You won’t or I’m going back through that door before you can so much as blink.”
Arthur settled back in his seat. His heart felt like lead but he smiled anyway. “If you feel so strongly about it, then fine. I won’t so much as whisper a hint. But don’t expect me to deny it if Theo comes sniffing about. I won’t lie to my friend.”
“Oh? No? But you’ll bang his drunk girlfriend?”
Those words were a knife twisted in the wound of her loss. “It wasn’t like that luv. Please don’t say it that way. We were both drunk and . . . I know you felt something. That you still feel it.”
Her gaze softened and her lips quirked into a sad little smile. “I did. And yeah . . . I guess I still do. You’re not a bad guy, Arthur. Even if you’re trying to be. In another life-”
He cut her off again. “Don’t give me lines from bad novels, luv. It’s fine. I’d fall in love with Theo too if I were you. He’s great.” And that was the problem in a nutshell. Theodorus was perfect for her. He could see the chemistry between them, the emotion. Arthur was just the best friend. “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride,” he chuckled.
“Hey! Hondje! Didn’t you ask me to take the afternoon off to go shopping?” Theo poked his head in the door. “Then you disappear on me? Come on! Mein liefje needs to be spoiled.”
She turned and smiled at him. “Me or the baby, hm?”
Theo laughed. “Always begging for treats, eh?” He gestured her over and pulled her into a hug. “It’s both, you silly little fool.” Theo kissed her once and then again.
“Yeah, yeah, get on you two! You’re giving me cavities.” Arthur waved them out, laughing as if he shared their joy. Which he should have. He told himself so every day. Every time he saw her and felt just the smallest pang of jealousy. Just the slightest touch of possessiveness.
She was Theo’s girl. And he was happy for them. For all three of them. He would get to be naughty Uncle Arthur. Spoiling his little niece or nephew. Giving them the noisy toys. Taking them out for ice cream on school days. So what if he wasn’t the one to cuddle them when they had nightmares or kiss their skinned knees. So what if he wasn’t the one their mother turned to with her too-bright smile and her beautiful eyes.
He jumped.
Theo poked his head in. “Want to come with? We can pick up a drink before we head home.”
“What’s that? I don’t think so, old boy. I’ve got a ton of work to be about.” Arthur gestured toward his typewriter.
The art dealer raised an eyebrow. He knew full well his friend was between projects but he didn’t say so. He just gave Arthur a look.
If he went, it would hurt. If he stayed, it would hurt. There was no path out that left him unscarred. After a moment, Arthur stood. “Alright. It can wait. Besides, I know if I don’t come along neither of you will pick a single fun thing for the wee bairn.”
Paris was bustling with activity as the weather began to warm. It seemed everyone felt the stirrings of spring in their bones. The shops were full of ladies commissioning summer gowns and the streets were full of children running and playing. Gentlemen stood in clusters near cafes or sat on benches at the park, smoking their pipes. There were vendors selling snacks and flowers, and stalls set up with cheap jewelry and perfume.
Arthur and Theo walked together, with the girl between them. A literal and figurative position, he thought, that would be funny if it wasn’t so painful. His hand kept twitching toward hers as if drawn to touch her, and so he’d taken to lacing his fingers behind his back.
Theo carried several bags by now, with blankets and toys and clothes. The child already had a nursery room in the mansion, which le Comte was renovating just for the baby. It would be full of precious items in no time at all.
The three of them stopped in at a furniture shop. This was the reason for their trip. Securing a bed for the baby. Leonardo had offered to make one, and le Comte had offered to buy, but Theo and his girl wanted to pick one out themselves.
“After this, it’s straight to the tavern, old boy. If I see one more tin soldier or porcelain dolly I’m going to lose my mind,” Arthur stage-whispered to Theo behind her back.
She smacked his arm. “Oh hush you! It’s not like you weren’t the one insisting ‘the wee bairn’ ought to have a dress in every color for the doll. And! You bought the whole tin soldier set even though we already have one.”
Arthur chuckled. “Ah my bird, you’ve got one in little red jackets. These were blue. And you can’t expect our - your little one to get by with just one or two dresses for dolly.”
Theo didn’t seem to notice the slip. He grinned. “Between you and the other ‘uncles’ this kid is going to need another room just for toys.”
“Don’t tell le Comte that. He’ll do it. Build a whole wing even.” Arthur shook his head.
The shopkeeper came out then to greet them and they spent several minutes looking at examples of his work. Arthur wandered around the floor on his own, trying to stay well out of the conversation. He didn’t have a say in any of these things, he reminded himself.
“Arthur, what do you think of this?” Theo beckoned him over.
“Hm?” It was a carved plank with whales and dolphins and sea birds. “Reminds me of that trip I took as a young man when I went abroad on a ship for work.” He smiled. It was one of his favorite memories.
“I like it.”
“Do you Hondje? Was I asking you just now?” Theo nudged her with his elbow.
She pouted. “Don’t I get an opinion?”
“Sure, but I didn’t get to you yet.” Theo put his arm around her shoulder and squeezed gently. “I was thinking something like this would be good. Any kid would like it. And I bet Vincent would paint it too. Make it colorful and bright.”
Arthur nodded. He could see it in his mind’s eye. The painted cradle and his memories of the sea. “It’ll be perfect,” he said, his voice a little hoarse. He cleared his throat. “Here, give me those bags old boy. I’ll hold onto them while you two make your choice.”
With the bags in hand, he went to stand out front of the shop. He took deep breaths, trying to calm himself. His emotions were as tangled as a Holmes’ mystery, he thought. But where Sherlock could always see his way to the solution, Arthur was left floundering.
Perhaps, he thought wryly, dear Holmes needed to discover the one thing he wanted and couldn’t have. The bastard wouldn’t logic his way to that solution so easily. Inflicting his own torment on the character was an appealing thought, but then, he couldn’t honestly imagine Holmes loving anyone but himself.
Theo and his lovely bird came out a few moments later. Hip to hip, the press of Theo’s arm on her dress stretching the cloth over her rounded belly.
“You ready to get that drink?” The art dealer grinned. “I need a whiskey after that haggling. You’d think he was building cradles out of pure gold.”
“I hope you offered to pay him what those carvings are worth.” Arthur glanced toward the shop front. “Can’t be easy to put so much detail into wood.”
“Of course we did.” The smile she gave him was bright and cheery. “I didn’t let Theo argue him down much. Now let’s go! My feet hurt and if I don’t get an apple juice, I might just die.”
“Apple juice,” chuckled Arthur. “Oh how the mighty have fallen. I remember when you’d try to match Theo and me, whiskey for whiskey.”
“Yeah and I remember holding Hondje’s hair back the next morning when she emptied her guts too. I think I’ll keep her drinking apple juice from now on.” Theo laughed.
The bird frowned, her little, perfect lips an upside down bow.
Even though she was pretending more hurt than she felt, Arthur wanted to kiss her until she was smiling again. Well, if he was honest, it wasn’t just because of the frown. He lifted a hand toward her, but caught himself mid-gesture. Instead of brushing his fingers along her jaw, he adjusted her collar. “Got a little skewed there, luv. Did you and Theo steal a moment behind the shelves?” He waggled his brows.
“Only you would think of doing that,” Theo laughed.
She started laughing too, then her eyes went wide. “Oh! Oh Arthur! Theo! The baby!”
Theodorus startled, his eyes going round. “What? What happened?”
“It moved! It’s moving!” She grabbed their hands in hers and pressed them to her belly.
Arthur told himself to pull away. This was a special moment for the two lovers. But he couldn’t. His palm caressed her through the soft fabric, her warmth seeping into him from just that much contact. And then, he felt what she had. The motion of the child. His child.
He looked up from her belly, meeting her gaze. They shared this secret, this terrible, beautiful accident. The unexpected gift from the one night when they’d run back from the tavern in the rain, taking shelter in an empty cottage. Where, drunk and soaked through, shivering, they’d kissed and touched each other as lovers do.
Shame made Arthur look away. His heart was a battlefield, warring love. But his averted eyes met Theodorus’ and the two men held each other’s regard for a full breath. Something in those sky blue eyes shifted. An acknowledgement? A question?
Then Theo looked down. “I can’t believe it. That’s our child. Kicking like a little devil.”
And that ‘our’ made Arthur feel included. As if when his friend said it, he meant the three of them. Whether that was true or no, it was a balm to soothe a broken soul. Arthur leaned in, and pressed the lightest kiss to her cheek before he stepped away.
“I think that’s the baby asking for juice too. We’re tired of shopping.”
“Then we’d best get moving.” Theo took her hand in his and gestured for Arthur to come along. “Are you buying the first round?”
Arthur let his smallest finger brush her other hand, and was surprised when her little finger hooked around his. “I don’t think so, old boy. The father-to-be does the honors.”
The art dealer pretended to scowl. “This is one expensive baby, if it’s gonna cost me every first round until it’s born.”
“And after,” Arthur laughed. “But why should we be traditional, eh? I’ll buy the first round today. Apple juice for all.” That slight touch was electric. Absurd as it was, her finger curled around his made him feel as if everything would be alright.
There was still so much unresolved between them, the three of them. Confessions that must be made before the truth outed itself. There would be tears to shed. Anger to vent. But they were all best of friends. In that, there was love. And love conquers all.
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moodymelanist · 3 years
One Thousand Followers Celebration
okay I’m honestly kind of shook that we’re even here but thank you to everyone who’s a part of our little corner of the fandom. I love you all so so much and I’m so happy to be here ❤️ most people requested something cute and fluffy so here’s Cassian being drunk and and Nesta comes to get him. I hope you all enjoy!! 💘💘💘
feel free to read it on AO3 here too!
word count: 2975
Nesta was halfway through her latest read when her phone started buzzing incessantly. It was just getting to the good part, where the main couple started to realize maybe there was something more between them than burning hatred, and she didn’t want to put it down. Frankly, it reminded her of her own love story, but she’d never admit that to anyone out loud.
She was forced to look away when her phone was vibrating so constantly with texts she thought someone was calling her. Sighing, she reached for her phone, unlocking it only to see her husband had sent her almost twenty messages.
Cassian, 11:52 PM
I love yiu sooooo muche
Youe so pretty
I weish u were here
everyons laufghint at me but i miss u
are u ignoringme for a book agwain
did i tell u i luv u td
wait its ok I ddid
i want a kiss when i see u ok
The remaining messages were a jumble of Spanish and English words mixed together, and while she had a working knowledge of Spanish, she didn’t know it well enough to even attempt to decipher what he was trying to tell her. Still, she couldn’t help but smile as she read through them all, affection blooming in her chest for her favorite person in the world.
Cassian, Rhys, and Azriel had gone out to their favorite bar for guys night, and Cassian was clearly drunk off his ass. It was really hard to keep a straight face with him normally, but when he was drunk, she thought it was one of the most adorable things she’d ever seen.
Nesta, 12:01 AM
I love you too, you big goofball
I’ll give you a kiss and a hug when I see you how’s that
Her phone was ringing within seconds, a picture of Cassian filling her screen before she answered.
“Hello?” she said, marking her page with a bookmark before closing it.
“Nesta!” Cassian exclaimed. She had to pull her phone from her ear for a moment, but she smiled again anyways.
“Hi, Cassian,” she replied, trying not to laugh. He was just so cute. “Are you having a good time?”
“Leave me alone, I’m talking to my wife,” he said, his voice sounding slightly further away. He must have been talking to Rhys or Azriel, but the way referred to her made her want to melt. They’d been together for years and married for just over one, but it still sent a thrill through her to hear him claim her out loud.
“Nes?” he said, his voice back to normal volume.
“I’m here,” she said, getting off the bed to begin looking for her shoes. He normally called her and started getting ridiculously affectionate when it was getting close for him to come home, so it was only a matter of time before he asked her to come get him.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Looking for my shoes,” she replied, spotting her boots on the floor. Leaning her phone against her ear, she bent down and put them on over her leggings before walking back to her dresser.
“Are you coming to find me?” he asked. She couldn’t help but smile at how excited he sounded by the prospect.
“Yes, baby.” Nesta hit speaker and put the phone down on their dresser as she took off the oversized shirt that she’d borrowed from him, slid a sports bra on, and put on a plain tee shirt over it.
“Oh thank God,” he said, and then dropped his voice to a loud whisper. “You’re much more fun than the dumbasses I’m with.”
She’d opened her mouth to reply, but then Cassian began talking to someone else nearby. “Tarquin! Fancy seeing you here! Are you still mad about your windows? Nes, I gotta go. Love you.”
It was a cool September evening, so Nesta grabbed a denim jacket before throwing her hair up into a bun and leaving their apartment. Once she got to her car, it was a short fifteen minutes to get to The Sidra. Thankfully there was ample street parking around the corner, and the bouncer let her in with a quick flash of her ID.
Nesta walked inside, spotting her husband and his friends immediately. They took up a ridiculous amount of space in one of the booths, and she couldn’t resist smiling as Cassian visibly brightened by her appearance.
“Nesta!” he shouted, grinning widely as she got closer. So much for subtlety, she supposed. She offered repeated apologies as she walked over to where he was sitting, but thankfully most of the people there seemed to think his behavior was too cute to be a serious nuisance.
Once she was next to the side of the booth he was sitting on, he pulled her in for a hug, wrapping his muscular arms around her waist and laying his head on her chest.
“Cassian,” she said at a normal volume, endlessly amused as he snuggled into her. She leaned down to press a kiss to the top of his head before turning to greet Rhys and Azriel, both of whom looked seconds away from breaking out laughing.
“Don’t you dare,” she told them, tightening her arms around Cassian as she gave his friends a look. They both hold their hands up in surrender, Azriel raising his beer at her before turning back to Rhys.
“I missed you,” Cassian said against her chest, his voice muffled. “So much.”
“Every minute without you was excruciating,” Nesta said, playing along. He looked up at her with a pout.
“Stop teasing me,” he told her. He was frowning slightly now. “I did miss you a lot, you know.”
“I’m sorry. You’re just so cute like this, it’s hard not to tease you a little bit.”
“Not as cute as you.” Cassian smiled up at her, pleased with himself. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes good-naturedly and let him tug her into his lap.
“Sorry to crash your guys’ night,” she said to Rhys and Azriel now that she was facing them.
“He’s not as much fun when he gets like this anyway,” Azriel replied, chuckling. “In his old age, he’s turned into a sappy drunk.”
“Hey! We’re the same age!” Cassian protested from behind her, tightening his grip around her waist. Azriel and Cassian had both turned thirty earlier this year, while Rhys’ birthday wasn’t until November. Nesta had turned twenty-eight back in April.
“Good thing I like sappy drunks,” she said, twisting around to face him. He gave his friends a smug look as she pressed a kiss to his warm cheek, his stubble scratching her face in a way she loved.
“You two are the worst,” Rhys groaned.
“Like you and my sister are any better,” Nesta shot back as she turned around. Feyre and Rhys had been together since their college days and had tied the knot once they’d both graduated.
“Speaking of her, I’d love to get back home to her,” he replied. He pulled out his phone and began texting, and Nesta guessed he was asking if she was still awake.
“I guess that’s it then, huh?” Azriel asked, raising an eyebrow at Nesta.
“I’m sure Gwyn is dying to see you too,” she teased, smiling softly at him. She and Emerie had colluded with Cassian and Rhys to set the pair up on a blind date last year, and everyone had been thrilled when they’d agreed to keep seeing each other.
“She has a performance tomorrow, so she’s probably already asleep,” Azriel answered, raising a hand to catch the closest server’s attention.
“I told you my wife was hot as fuck,” Cassian said suddenly, shifting to point wildly at Nesta as their server – a young woman named Nuala – came by to bring them the check.
“I’m thrilled,” she replied dryly, raising an eyebrow as she looked at Nesta. “He hasn’t shut up about you for the last half an hour, you know. Thank God he wasn’t making you up.”
“Thanks,” Nesta said, her lips twitching from trying to hold in her laughter. Rhys put down his card to pay for all of them, waving off Cassian and Azriel’s attempts to give him money for their share of the check. Within a few minutes, the four of them were getting out of their booth and beginning the walk to the exit.
Cassian immediately went for Nesta’s hand, intertwining their fingers before bringing their hands to his mouth so he could kiss the back of hers.
“That is so unhygienic,” she said, exasperated. “I haven’t washed my hands since I left our place.”
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” he said, grinning at her. He kissed the back of her hand one more time before lowering their hands to swing them between the two of them as they kept walking.
“Who’s that guy glaring at you?” Nesta asked, noticing a tall Black guy staring Cassian down from a booth near the door. He had silver curls that stood out brightly against his dark skin, but he couldn’t have been much older than any of them. It had to have been natural, since his eyebrows and lashes were the same color.
“Oh, that’s Tarquin,” he replied, waving at Tarquin with a sheepish grin from where they stood. Tarquin flipped him off before turning back to his companions, who both shared the same dark skin and silvery hair.
“Why is he glaring at you? Do I need to talk to him?” Nesta asked, frowning. She was the only one allowed to glare at her husband like that.
“No sweetheart, it’s fine,” Cassian replied, laughing as they walked by the table. “It’s our inside joke. He threw a party senior year of college and I might have gotten drunk and broken a few windows in his house.”
“You what? Cassian, that’s not an inside joke.”
“It’s fine, Nes. I paid him back for it, but his parents were pissed. I’m banned from his neighborhood, actually.”
“That is not fine.”
“I might be drunk, but I know when I’m right,” Cassian said, just before walking right into the door. Azriel had accidentally let it swing behind him and Cassian hadn’t grabbed it in time, and it got him right in the face.
Nesta burst out laughing before she clapped her free hand over her mouth. “Oh my God, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed. Are you okay?”
“The love of my life just laughed at my pain,” he whined, yanking open the door. Azriel and Rhys were absolutely losing it on the other side, making it hard for Nesta to keep her composure in solidarity with Cassian.
“Let me see it,” she said once they were outside. Cassian had pressed his hand to the side of his face, but Nesta got him to move it with her free one. His cheek was red from the impact, but she was sure it’d be fine with some ice once they got back to their place.
“It’s not so bad,” she reassured him. It was hard to keep a straight face with his friends – mostly Rhys – still howling in the background, but she got on her toes to give him a kiss on his face.
“It still hurts,” he said, pouting at her. “Can I get another kiss?”
“You big baby,” she said, but she leaned in and kissed his cheek again. “That’s all you’re getting. When we get home, I’m putting ice on that.”
“I love it when you boss me around,” he said dreamily, letting her tug him past his friends. “It does things to me.”
“Please take him home,” Rhys called from behind them. Nesta flipped him off before Cassian could, earning another wide grin from him as they walked towards her car.
“Thanks for the best thing I’ve ever seen!” Azriel added, both of their laughter fading the farther Nesta and Cassian walked.
“They’re so mean,” Cassian grumbled as she dug into her pocket for the keys.
“You want me to yell at them? Hurt their feelings a little?” she offered, unlocking the doors.
“No,” he said, pouting again. He got into the passenger seat as Nesta walked around to the driver’s side, and he immediately reached for her hand once she sat down.
“I’d do it if you wanted me to,” she told him, shooting him an amused look before starting the car.
“Maybe a real kiss would make me feel better,” he suggested, leaning towards her and puckering his lips.
Nesta leaned in and brushed her lips against his, but he wasn’t having it. He cupped the back of her head as he deepened their kiss, warming her up inside from the cool September air.
“Come on, let’s go home,” Nesta said, pulling away even though it was the last thing she wanted to do. He huffed and pouted but thankfully put his seatbelt on.
It was a quick ride back to their building, and thankfully Cassian managed not to walk into any more doors on their way upstairs. He wrapped his arm around her as they got off the elevator, which Nesta thought was as much for balance as it was to hold her close.
“Thank you for coming to get me,” he said once they were back in their apartment. He immediately walked into the bedroom and flopped on their bed, somehow managing not to knock anything over or hit Nesta’s book.
“You’re welcome,” Nesta said back, taking the time to take off her jacket and shoes before walking to the freezer to grab a bag of frozen peas. She wrapped it in a paper towel before coming to lay next to him, taking down her bun so that her hair was down around her.
“Can I tell you a secret?” he whispered, turning to look at her. His eyes lit up when he noticed her hair was down, and he reached over to play with it. She handed him the peas instead, making sure he pressed them to the side of his face.
“I thought I knew all your secrets,” she whispered back, smiling softly as she indulged him. She loved that she was the one who got to see him like this, that she was the first person he saw in the mornings and the last person he saw when he closed his eyes at night.
“You do,” he confirmed, pulling the peas away to smile at her. She gave him a disapproving look and he quickly put them back before continuing. “I love nights like these.”
“Why’s that?” she asked. She reached out to brush some of his loose waves away from his face so they didn’t get in the way of the peas.
“I never thought I would be as happy as I am right now,” Cassian said seriously. His other eye was blocked from the position of the peas, so Nesta just held the gaze of the one she could see as he moved his hand to cup her face.
Sometimes he would say things like this that made her feel like her heart was going to burst from how sweet he was. “Really?”
“Yeah.” He shifted closer to her, and Nesta inhaled deeply at the lingering scent of his cologne. “I remember when you wouldn’t even say my name out loud. Now you’re here with me and my peas.”
She laughed before answering. “It was the peas that really sold me, you know. I should have written them into my vows.”
“And you’re telling jokes? Tonight must be my lucky night.”
“Shut up before I take the peas from you, Cassian.”
“You love me too much to do that, Nes.”
“Stop using my love for you against me. It’s unfair and you know it.”
“Never,” he said, running his thumb across her cheek. “I love you too much not to use every advantage I can get.”
“I taught you too well,” she said, smiling softly at him. “Come on, let’s get ready for bed.”
She turned to kiss his palm, as unhygienic as it was, and then got up and started changing into pajamas. He groaned as he rolled off the bed, stretching as he stood up to reveal a strip of golden-brown skin at his abdomen before walking towards their bathroom.
Nesta joined him to brush her teeth in another one of his oversized shirts and no pants. He finished first, squeezing her hip as he walked by her and went back into their bedroom. She quickly brushed through her hair and pulled it into a loose braid for sleep before turning off the light.
Cassian was waiting for her under the covers, laughing as he examined the back of her book. “Is there smut in this one?”
She rolled her eyes before grabbing it from him. “You’re insufferable.”
“That’s a yes, then,” he said, grinning. She turned the lights off and put the book on her nightstand before she slid under the covers, snuggling up next to him anyway.
“I’ll let you know when I get to the juicy parts,” she grumbled eventually. He laughed under his breath, pulling her tighter against him as he maneuvered them so her back was to his chest as usual. His heart was beating its usual steady rhythm against her, a familiar baseline that let her know she was safe and everything was right in the world as long as she could curl up next to him every night.
“I love you,” she whispered, not sure if he was asleep yet. He could fall asleep anywhere, and ridiculously quickly at that; she wasn’t too proud to admit she was jealous.
“I love you, too,” he replied, tangling their legs together.
It didn’t take long for either of them to fall asleep after that.
tag list (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @live-the-fangirl-life​ | @nessiansimp | @bookologist | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @sayosdreams | @dealingdifferentdevils | @rowaelinismyotp | @arinbelle | @swankii-art-teacher | @angelicvoice19 | @teagoddess99 | @dontgetsalmonella | @champanheandluxxury | @chloepereyra | @bookstantrash | @houseofcalores | @lysakirova | @generalnesta | @gwynberdara | @sv0430 | @catplayinvioline | @julemmaes | @secretlovelybeauty | @flora-shadowshine | @imsointobooks | @sophilightwood | @lemonade-coolattas |
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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Chapter 10
Warnings: obsession, mention of flying, drinking (legal)
AN: So we're coming to the end. this is the last chapter on this story. Thanks for coming on this trip with me.
Song: Bite Me by Avril Lavigne
When the plane landed at Heathrow airport, I couldn't wait to get off the plane. Flying was the worst thing I ever did. But that didn't mean that I wasn't excited to see everything John had to show me. Our first stop was the hotel, where John and I properly celebrated our graduation. Chas was due to meet us in about a week up in Liverpool and the suspense was killing us. I had let John dress me like a typical punk and I was loving every second of it. He still wore his normal shirt and tie, something I was trying to convince him to ditch.
"Come on John! I want to see what you look like!" I whined as John dug through his suitcase. "Be a punk with me! We are going to a punk show aren't we?" I rolled over onto my stomach as John laughed. he shook his head and grabbed our tickets. “Where is this show anyway?” John dangled a set of car keys in my face.
“Newcastle.” I stared at him blankly. “Just trust me. This will be amazing.”
“Alright alright. How long will we be on the road?” John shrugged. I pulled out my phone and googled it as John led me out to the car. “5 hours?! 5 hours John?!” He laughed as he held open my door.
“why do you think we are leaving so early?” He smiled at me sweetly as I stood next to him. “Oh come on luv. It won’t be that bad. In the end it will be so worth it.” I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek.
“you’re so lucky I love you.” I plopped down in the passenger seat and settled in for the long drive. It didn’t last as long as I thought it would. John made sure to keep me entertained the entire ride. When we got to Newcastle, John quickly found the venue and John greeted the bouncer.
“Can you tell Alex louge John constantine is here to see him?” I raised an eyebrow but followed the two in front of me none the less. We descended into the basement of the club. There was a small group of people already gathered there. “Alex!” John let go of my hand and greeted the man in front of us. The two hugged and I got a look at Alex louge. He was taller than John with long dark hair and tattoos spanning his arms and back.
“constantine! How good of you to finally join us!” My eyes trailed over to see Chas standing in the corner, a small scowl on his face.
“Chas!” I ran over to him and hugged him tight. ”I thought you were going to meet us in London next week!” Chas gave me a smile before putting a finger to his lips.
“I was. But I decided to come here first meet up with Alex. He’s the lead singer of the punk band john got tickets for. But he’s doing some insanely dark magic. Magic that’s starting to affect him and his daughter.“ he told me in a hushed voice. I looked over at the man John was still talking to.
”so you’re the reason we came out here.” Chas nodded and gave me a sad look.
“I’m sorry. I heard John had gotten pretty good. I thought maybe he could save astra from this guy.” I nodded sympathetically. ”he’s summoning demons and letting them do what they want with her. I’m scared she’s going to get killed.” John was walking over with Alex.
”you must be (Y/N). Johns been telling me all about you. I could barely get a word In to tell him what were doing here after the show tonight.” I nodded and took the outstretched hand that was thrown my way.
“that I am. Chas has been filling me in About you. I can’t wait to hear your band.” Alex smirked at me and turned to John, clapping his hand down on johns shoulder. John jumped at the contact.
“you got a great person here john. Never heard of me but still tries to please.“ John gave me a look before turning back to the other two men standing around.
“gaz, Richie this is (y/n).” He introduced me. I shook their hands and joined their conversation for a bit while Chas talked to Alex. john Looked around after a couple minutes. “Where’s Anna Marie?” I raised an eyebrow.
”who?” John gave me a kiss on the temple and laughed.
“She’s an old friend. We used to run together and bunch of runaways and nerdowells. did a little magic here and there too. An exorcism.“ Gary explained. I raised an eyebrow at John who just shrugged with a small smirk. ”there she is.” we turned to see her enter the basement. She bypassed Alex and joined our little group.
“alright I’m here. Where’s the kid?” Richie motioned for her to follow him, leaving us to cover their quick exit.
“what’s the plan here? And what part do I have in this?” John gave me a slightly sad smile.
“you keep astra away from Alex. We take care of the demons he’s calling on and stop whatever it is that’s causing him to do this.” I nodded as Richie popped back in.
“(y/n), maybe you should meet astra before all this goes down.“ he whispered. I nodded and followed him We entered a room off to the side where Anna Marie was sitting with a young girl. “astra? This is (y/n). They’re going to be with you when it starts.“ the young girl nodded and I offered her my hand to shake.
”you’re with John constantine.“ she said matter of factly after shaking my hand. I nodded. “youre going to keep me safe?” Again I nodded. Sitting down next to Anna Marie, we chatted while we waited for the boys to finish up.
Alex appeared in the doorway and all I could do was grab hold of astra. It was like time had slowed down. The floor started to glow and flames flew up around the two of us. Anna Marie stumbled from the room and ran for John. Alex was speaking a different language and I tucked astras head under my chin, squeezing my eyes tight, waiting for whatever horror had started to end. I heard johns voice, calling out for something and succeeding. I saw a large form take shape behind us. It took less than a second for Johns smile to become a frown. john ran forward and grabbed the two us.
“you can’t have them!” He screamed. He held tight but it wasn’t enough. I felt claws sink into my shoulder and rip my clothes. Holding onto John the best I could, I gave him a kiss.
“I’ll take care of her John. She’ll be ok.” It was the best I could do. I wasn’t mad. I wasn’t happy either but John had done his best for a novice. “I love you.” I squeezed my eyes shut again as astra and I got ripped back. The darkness was everlasting.
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heeberry · 3 years
She’s Not With You
(Loona) Ha Sooyoung x Gender Neutral!Reader
Requested: yes!
Berry: hey! i luv ur blog<3 could you please do yves x reader where she gets super jealous/possessive bc reader has been spending more time w lip?
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A laugh suddenly escaped your lips, your eyes closed as you couldn’t control yourself at the very moment. Jungeun soon cracked a laugh with you, clapping her hands when the video the two of you watched together had ended.
You leaned onto her, wiping the tears from your eyes when you calmed down and spoke, “we should watch another one” making Jungeun quickly nod, jumping to the next video.
It was currently Saturday in the afternoon, you had visited Loona’s dorm like you always did since you were a well known visitor. As soon as Jungeun opened the door for you, you couldn’t help but to jump into her arms, engulfing her into a big hug after not seeing her for days. She had been busy with a packed schedule, so when today was her day off you were quick to see her.
Of course you were there for your girlfriend, Sooyoung. But you couldn’t find said girl anywhere. Before sitting with Jungeun you greeted everyone as you looked corner after corner and seeing no sign of your girlfriend, you took this as a assumption that she probably had to be called in for schedule, forgetting to text you about it.
Sending her a quick message, you jumped onto the couch with Jungeun, which led you to this very moment.
Jungeun suddenly laughed out loud, making you look at her with a smile that was about to burst into pure laughter with her. You didn’t how you ended up here, going into a deep hole of videos that were reccomanded for you on youtube. Being too engrossed with what you were watching, you hadn’t noticed someone step into the dorm with a frown.
It was none other than Ha Sooyoung. Coming back from a hectic schedule all she wanted was to rest with you, leaning by your side and falling asleep. Though, when she opened the door with the spare keys she had she frowned at the first thing she saw.
You leaned onto Jungeun, the two of you breaking into laugher every second like you’ve inhaled some laughing gas. Sooyoung couldn’t help but to feel her heart drop, her body filled with different emotions that she couldn’t describe. She knew that the two of you had a close bond, never bothered whenever you spent time with her. You are your own person, so why would she stop you from being with your friends?
It got to a point where Sooyoung felt a burn in her heart. Everytime you came over you immediately went to Jungeuns side, making her slowly turn jealous. The way you hung out with her made Sooyoung think that you’ve developed some sort of a crush on your best friend. Thoughts soon spinned in her head, making a frustrated sigh leave her lips before walking toward the two of you.
Sensing a presence next to you, you smiled “Sooyoung!” You happily cheered, engulfing her into a hug. Jungeun greeted the girl causally but her eyes were glued to the screen.
You pulled away after not feeling her arms wrap around you. “Are you okay?” You whispered, making Sooyoung only scoff in response. Raising an eyebrow at her actions you turned back to the screen, thinking about what had happened to your girlfriend. Maybe she had a hard day? You thought.
Jungeun soon wrapped her arm around you, trying to maintain her laughes as she squeezed you everytime she was about to. You didn’t mind, knowing how much the two of you had your stomach twist whenever you chuckled too much for your own liking.
As much as you didn’t mind there was someone who definitely did. Sooyoung was surprised, she was only right next to you how come you acted like she wasn’t? And the fact that you accepted Jungeun’s affection, leaning onto her slowly made her frustrated once again.
It hurt her more than it frustrated her. That’s why she didn’t talk as her body already seemed to do it for her. Sooyoung unwrapped Jungeun’s arm around you with force, making her turn with confusion. You slowly got off of her, concern written on your face. Sooyoung looked at you while also giving Jungeun the side eye.
Jungeun soon sighed at the older, knowing what was coming next, she quickly got up and left. Plus she didn’t wanna get involved with whatever argument that’s about surface but she knew her name was gonna get thrown in there anyway. Mind as well not witness the moment, she thought.
“Do you like her or something?” Sooyoung asked with a harsh tone, making you widen your eyes.
Never have you seen your girlfriend this mad over something, it almost looked like smoke was coming out of her ears. Surely it made you scared, freezing up at her question because of the harsh tone she said it by.
Instead of talking you shook your head in response, of course in denial. “Then how come you never hang out with me anymore y/n?” Sooyoung frowned, “I don’t mind that you spend time with lip but you’ve been doing it too much that you barely noticed your own girlfriend, who may I add, LIVES in this dorm too”
“You aren’t with her, your with me. But it doesn’t seem like it when the two of you cling onto each other like a newly married couple!”
Speechless, oh how your lips were sealed like glue. She was right and you didn’t notice until now. How oblivious could I be? You thought, now realizing how much time you’ve spent with Jungeun.
You spent so much time with your best friend that you felt like you neglected your girlfriend for the past few days.
You watched as Sooyoung rambled on and on, fustrated but you heard the sense of hurt in her voice. It made you frown, stopping her rambling by giving her nothing but a hug.
It wasn’t the best thing to do, since she was angry with you. But it sure did do something.
Inhaling her scent made you feel less overwhelmed by the words she kept hitting you with. Sooyoung shut her mouth when she suddenly felt warmth engulf her, immediately wrapped her arms around you.
It was silent, the sound of the two of you breathing was the only thing you heard. You saw her members peak their head out the door, hearing the commotion go as quiet as a library.
Jungeun mouthed if the two of you made up, making you slightly shake your head, you had to make it up to her.
You felt hot tears stain your sweater, making you let go of her in a instant. “Sooyoung” you whispered, “Listen I’m sorry”
Wiping the tears away from her cheek with your hands you gave her a warm smile. “I didn’t mean to hang out with lippie more, I thought you were always busy whenever I came over. Seeing how focused you were whenever you were using your phone and such, I thought you’d want some space since you had lots of schedules”
“I hadn’t realized you felt this way, and I’m sorry. I don’t like Jungeun at all by the way, I’m sorry it came out that way” you lowly mumbled, but it was audible for the girl to hear.
You grabbed her hand and led her to her room, where the two of you easily fell on the bed. Her arms wrapped around you, stained tears on her cheek and the imaginary smoke that came out her ears disappearing into thin air.
“It’s okay, I didn’t mean to snap at you earlier either.” She deeply sighed, “it’s just, I miss being able to hang with you and seeing you and Jungeun-”
You shushed her by placing a finger on her lips, shaking your head. “It’s all in the past, I’m with you now and always will be”
Sooyoung smiled at you, your heart just about to jump out your chest. She giggled at the light tint of blush that covered your cheeks, pulling you closer to kiss you.
You were glad, resolving the problem quickly and being able to calm her down. You didn’t blame her, realizing your actions and putting yourself into her shoes. Of course you’d feel neglected if Sooyoung hung out with her best friend more than you.
The two of you pulled away moments later, you rested your head on her chest. “I love you” you suddenly said, “I love you so much.”
“And I’ll never make you feel like your being neglected again, never ever again”
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serowotonin · 3 years
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LiPS𝐓1CK St4𝐈NS ! (💋)
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❝ having lipstick and giving him a kiss and he doesn't realize he has it on his face until his teammates are all like 0-0 ❞ — @/luna-in-luv
++ fem!reader x oikawa, kuroo
| wc. 1.3k 
| note. djslsdf it took so long to edit this post T-T,,,,, when ur indecisive af and can’t decide on a post format :D anyways just wanna say reblogs are greatly appreciated and i hope u guys like this<3
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( ➷ ); ― OiK4WA
another day of school, another day of.. well, another day of boredom
you had to admit though, school had become a lot more fun since you and oikawa got together;)
altho you were in different classes, you’d still pass each other in hallways and see each other during breaks
and ofc every interaction, no matter how small, definitely made your day brighter
the smaller interactions consisted mainly of random head pats as he walks pass by, or a smirk and a wink whenever you two make eye contact 
when there weren’t as many people around,,, maybe a hug or a kiss if either of you felt like it
and very rarely.. 
a makeout session in an empty classroom or staircase
its rare but it does happen
and it was happening… right now
school ended about half an hour ago and everyone either left or went to do their club activities 
which was what oikawa should probably be doing too,, but today he just “felt like going in a little later”
and so there you two were, in the dark corner of an abandoned classroom grasping at the other as if you haven’t seen them in years
idk how to describe a steamy makeout sesh okkk
anyways,, after about 6 ignored calls from iwaizumi tho.. you two figured it was probably time for him to go to practice
you two straightened yourselves out; cleared the ruffles from your uniforms, tidied your hair, etc.
oikawa texted iwa that he was on his way while you touched up your makeup
“you gonna walk me to practice?”
“of course,” you smiled. “altho i have my own club activities today too so i can’t stay and watch :( ”
“dont worry babe,,, just walking me there is enough” he replied with a grin
then he slung an arm over your shoulder and the two of you walked out of the classroom as if nothing happened
as you neared the entrance of the gym, you slowed to a stop and tugged at oikawa’s shirt
he turned and you leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek
“good luck with practice” you said before giving him a small wave and walking off
did you see the dark mark your lipstick left on his cheek?
were you going to say anything about it?
well,,,, you already turned to walk away and oikawa was already entering the gym
so no.
anyways,, as oikawa entered the gym, the first thing he saw was his beloved iwa-chan
looking not very happy
oikawa waved sheepishly as he turned his head to the side to look at where everyone else was
this for some reason made iwaizumi look even more not happy
makki and mattsun then walked over and snickered upon seeing oikawa
“ah was y/n here? why didn’t you invite her to watch hmm?~” makki teased
“she’s got club activities too you know..”
they probably realize oikawa doesnt know bout the kiss mark
the three of them were just staring at oikawa like (¬_¬;)
and oikawa's just standing there like (◕‿◕)?
“can we go practice now..?” 
iwa: ( ̄︿ ̄) “wipe that stupid mark off your cheek”
huh? mark? he was pretty sure he wiped off any evidence from ahem what was happening earlier…
at this point some of the younger members started staring at them
and oikawa spotted them out of the corner of his eye and could practically feel the awkwardness in their gazes
he put a hand on the cheek everyone was staring at and removed it to see the same color that painted your lips
a slow smile spread on his lips at the realization of what you did
he laughed to himself
‘she’s gonna be the death of me..’
and with that he wiped off the remnants of your lipstick and hurried over to start practice
later tho, he asks you to kiss him again wearing that lipstick
and you do
and he snaps a selfie,,, which is now his phone wallpaper ;3
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( ❣︎ ); ― KUR0O
today, you’re boyfriend, the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou, had a volleyball match
and ofc being the amazing, supportive gf you were, you were present in the stands, cheering him on
you didn’t get to meet or even talk to him before the match started, save for a few quick texts 
so when he came on to the court for warm up and spotted you in the crowd,,,
he gave a cheeky wink and wave
you could practically feel the confidence roll off him in waves but you knew, deep down, he was the tiniest bit nervous too
afterall, the opponents weren’t a weak team by any standard
they were strong and known for their relentless attacks
which were put to display almost immediately after the game started
nekoma held on though, and managed to put in a few attacks of their own to level the game
you could see the hard work behind each of the members’ skills, having witnessed a lot of it yourself
it was most clear in kuroo tho
and as he jumped to block another spike, you were on the edge of your seat
the boys just needed one more point… which came when kuroo shut down the last spike
you and the rest of the people in the stands around you erupted into cheers
and as they were leaving the court, you ran to steal kuroo away for a more personal cheer
the two of you walked the halls of the stadium talking abt the game
you were gushing about this block and that and he was smiling at your gushing cuz damn was his y/n cute 
N E WAYSSS,,, he received a text from kenma saying that they were all waiting for him at the bus
“i should go.. don’t wanna keep them waiting long”
“yeah.. you should”
before he could move tho, you tiptoed and placed a big fat kiss on his cheek
you swear you saw a blush on those cheeks as you backed down
he grinned and gave you a kiss of his own on your forehead before saying bye and running off
as he did, you realized you forgot to mention the lip-shaped mark on his cheek 
oops… its too late now ┐(︶▽︶)┌
anyway,, kuroo arrives all smiles to where the team are waiting 
and make no mistake they all CLEARLY see evidence of ur “little” kiss from back there
they just kinda,,,, don’t say anything at first?
kenma rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever on his phone
yaku glared at it out of spite or some similar emotion
the others just choose to ignore mainly cuz they assume kuroo already knows and chose to keep it there
to them its just kuroo being a cheesy mf who was rubbing the non-single life in their faces or smth
ofc he has no idea tho
which just makes it all the more better when lev says
“y/n has nice lipstick”
and kuroo’s just like wtf ?? whatcha goin on bout my gf’s lipstick hUH
and he says that.. or something similar at least
and lev just points to his cheek like
“duhh i can see it right there”
he grabs his phone, opens the front facing camera, and is met with the outline of your lips on his cheek
and thats when he obviously started blushing
but then he just kind of smirked once he realized you knew about the mark
not like that but practically exactly what he was trying to say anyway
tbh kuroo’s a little reluctant to rub it off cuz idk,, he likes it ?? 
but he does anyway cuz they were still in public and there were teachers who were gonna come soon and all the other reasons
once hes comfortably seated in the bus tho, with a clean cheek, he sends u several texts
‘ saw that gift you left on my cheek… ’
‘ wouldn’t mind if u gave me more tmr afterschool ;) ’
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| taglist. @lilikags @luna-in-luv ... send an ask if u wanna be added !!~
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
No Takesies Backsies
➳ Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Fem!Reader ft. Sashi Kuroo
➳ Part of  Daddy Universe
➳ Synopsis:
“She’s always smiley,“ you said, pouring yourself another drink.
“Not when she’s with her mom.“ he grimly said, downing the rest of his drink.
“I want to be her mother.“ you softly said, not looking at Kuroo.
He choked on his drink, slamming the glass on the desk.
“W-what?“ he said, cheeks burning.
➳ Warning: Slight language, Divorce, Single Parent AU
➳ Word Count: 1.6K
OMG I am totally not trying to procrastinate. Shiptember. And I did not totally listen to Payphone while writing this. Asks are CLOSED. TAGLIST IS OPEN!. Anyway ENJOY. <3 @lizbotw​ I did it hehe!!!<3 Luv u wifey!
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He ran a hand through his black hair, groaning as he looked at the mess his daughter had made. Oatmeal was sprayed across the table, the spoon missing. She gave a sheepish smile, looking at her father with doe-like eyes.
“Babygirl, what did you do.“ He was exasperated. Not only did his ex-wife, refuse to take Sashi, but she had told him she wouldn’t be able to take her for the next week. He ran a hand down his face. And now this... 
It wasn’t that that he was incapable. It was more the fact, she had found spending time with her new boyfriend more important than her daughter. He muttered curses under his breath.
“I’m sorry, daddy.“ Sashi mumbled, hopping over her seat, running to her dad. She hugged his legs. He chuckled, tiredly. 
“Its okay, baby.“ He leaned down, and swung her up, “But, you need to be careful, okay?“ He bopped her nose, making her smile. 
“Yup,“ she replied, popping the ‘p‘. “I promise!“
“Good, because once we get to my office...“ he trailed off at the scrunched up face his daughter was making.
“I know, daddy. I’ll be good for Y/N.“ she said.
“Ms.L/N,“ he corrected her, dropping her too the floor.
She pouted. “But, you call her that!”
“That’s because we’re adults.“
“I wanna be an adult.“ she crossed her hands, huffing. He ruffled her head, as he leaned over to grab a paper towel from the kitchen counter. He was glad that she believed him. At least, then, he didn’t have to explain the relationship he had with you. Not that he could explain it. He didn’t know.
His marriage with his ex-wife was faulty from the start. She was too controlling, wanting to be in power. And he was to giving, as she took and took and took. He hated it. He had thought, believed, that she was the one. The one he would grow old with. The one he would have a family with.
Well that happened, he chuckled humorlessly as he looked at Sashi. He would never —never in his goddamn life regret having her. She was the world to him. But, sometimes he couldn’t feel anything but the sadness and the emptiness, even with Sashi beside him. And sometimes, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to share his world, his Sashi, with someone he could love.
And he had tried, multiple times, to reconnect with dating. But, to no avail. The idea of a daughter was either to burdening or unappealing to most. He sighed, as he glanced at her.
“Let’s go, buddy.“ he mumbled, motioning for Sashi to follow him. She joyfully, grabbed his hand and walked along side him.
If only...
                                                ゚+*:;;:*  *:;;:*+゚
“Do I sound amused,“ you deadpanned, holding the phone between your ear and shoulder, “Does it sound like, Mr.Morti, that I am trying to make a joke.”
You clenched your hands, crumpling up the piece of paper.
“Does it, Mr.Morti, sound like I am in the mood for you,“ you exhaled sharply, cutting yourself off. Even if you were mad, livid, exasperated, tired and fed up you had to calm yourself before things took another turn,
“Ms.L/N, I had forwarded an email —“
“No, really?“ you interrupted, “I was totally not aware of the stupid email, with more than one grammar mistakes. No, Mr.Morti, I wasn’t aware of the goddamn email you sent me at one in morning, saying you would like to reschedule the meeting. And there, totally wasn’t a singular line at the end of your mess of an email, saying, and I quote,“ you fumbled at your desk, hand-picking the printed out copy of the email.
“If this is okay with you, if not we can try to make it work today.“
The line went silent, your heavy breath the only sound.
You threw down the stack of paper, almost screaming into the phone line.
“Stupid and deaf.“ you snapped, “Why they hire a mess like you in such a respectable company.“
You heard the door open, the slight squeak, breaking you from concentration. You scowled, as Mr.Morti fumbled over his words, looking for an excuse.
Glancing to door however, your scowl evaporated. 
You blushed slightly, as Kuroo Tetsurou hurriedly walked into your room, waving a small hello.
Hello, you mouthed back, turning your attention to the phone.
“Like I said, maybe if you use your brain cells—“
“Ms.L/N. Y/N, please—“
“Don’t Y/N me. Your lack of intelligence, or the basics of comment sense, amuses me. And that along with your incompetence is the real joke here, Mr. Morti. So I suggest you,“ you took in a deep breath, “before you get slathered with more insults, to find a way to make the meeting happen. Today.“ You didn’t let him respond. as you aggressively hung up.
“That was...“ Kuroo started, stopping almost instantly at your glare.
“No continue, Mr.Kuroo.“ you said crossing your hands over your chest, “I would love and enjoy your opinion on the conversation.“
“Conversation,“ he cackled, tilting his head back, “That was assault!“
You rolled your eyes, your mouth twitching. This always happened. You tried to stay mad and angry, but something about Kuroo just made you smile.
“What can I do for your Tetsu.“ you smiled walking over to him.
“Hello,“ you stopped, looking down, at the owner of the small voice. Your heart melting as you saw his daughter clutching at Kuroo’s dress pants.
“Hello,“ you looked at Kuroo, “Is this Sashi.“ He nodded, grinning as he pushed her forward.
“Go say hello.“
“Hello,“ she tentatively said, “Ms.L/N.“ You laughed. You were sure Kuroo had had his her say that.
“Don’t worry, dear. Just call me Y/N.“
“Really? Am I an adult now!” she looked up at Kuroo, happily, “That’s what you said, daddy.”
“Ah...“ he trailed off, looking at you helplessly. You chuckled.
“Are you ready for your first day of work, Miss.“ you jokingly saluted Sashi who grinned, saluting back.
“Yes, Ma’am!“ 
“Good. Our first task is to get some coffee for you tired father.“ 
His smile flickered as you looked at him. He had tried, angling himself in a way, where the dark circles under his eyes wouldn’t show. But, even without seeing the dark circles, you could tell from the lack of expression in his eyes, that he was burned out.
Your heart throbbed. You knew why. That idiot of a woman, whom Kuroo had married, was the reason. You gritted your teeth. He didn’t need to tell you what happened, you could just guess.
You plastered a smile on your face, lifting Sashi up.
“Let’s go to our first mission!“ you ordered, “And you,“ pointing at Kuroo, “take it easy today. I got everything covered.“
You gave him a stern smile, but your eyes were filled with adoration and sympathy.
He felt his heart beat quicken at your glowing eyes, as Sashi babbled about missions.
Oh, if only you knew.
                                            ゚+*:;;:*  *:;;:*+゚
“Hectic day?“ you asked, as he leaned his head into the desk. His hair spilled over his eyes as he looked up at you.
“Today, sucked me out.“ he admitted, “We got mostly everything done. And thanks to you we got that meeting over with.” 
You smiled at that. You did have a way with words.
“Some wine, good sir,“ you asked, holding to wine glasses and a bottle. A juice bottle.
“Where’s— “
“Kenma came over to pick Sashi an hour ago.“ 
You placed the wineglass in front of him, flicking your wrist as you opened the cranberry juice, pouring it neatly into the glass.
“Cheers?“ he asked, lifting the glass as you finished pouring the juice into your own glass.
“Cheers.“ you clinked glasses, downing the drink in one.
“How did it go with Mika.“ you almost gagged as you spoke his ex-wive’s name.
“Stlll no response.“ he sighed, turning his drink, taking little sips. “I didn’t expect one.“
There was a pregnant silence.
You coughed, “Sashi is a gem.” you offered, “She has your personality.” 
He laughed.
���She smiled so much today,“ he murmured, half to himself, “Thank you.“
“She’s always smiley,“ you said, pouring yourself another drink.
“Not when she’s with her mom.“ he grimly said, downing the rest of his drink.
“I want to be her mother.“ you softly said, not looking at Kuroo.
He choked on his drink, slamming the glass on the desk.
“W-what?“ he said, cheeks burning.
“I want to be her mother.“ you said, a little louder than before.
“You—you know that would—“ You slammed your own drink on the table, reaching towards him and grabbing his tie. Pulling harshly, you slammed your lips on his own.
You could taste the leftover cranberry juice on his tongue.
“Mmm,“ he groaned into the kiss. You felt your cheeks burn, heat throbbing in your body.
“I know what it means,“ you whispered on his lips, “I love you. And I know, with Mika, you might not be interested, but I—“
He grabbed the back of your neck and placed his lips back on yours.
“Really?“ he asked, voice gravelly.
“Really.“ you firmly said.
“No takesies backsies.“
You rolled your eyes at his childish antics, pecking his cheek.
Oh, if only he knew.
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iidascalves · 4 years
hii~ 😛🤟 I’m back again requesting sum because your writing be mad good. uHh can I request a Bakugou x Reader where y/n is on a zoom call unmuted/on camera, and all of a sudden Bakugou comes in her room, being all soft and asking for cuddles/hugs. And everybody’s just shocked because they didn’t know they were a thing- and Bakugou’s just like “wtf you’re in a zoom? and why r all these extras staring”. Something like that- if that makes sense. thanks luv 🥵👊🥩
Hello! Thank youu you’re so sweet🥺. Thanks for requesting again!
I’ve been stupidly busy with school and shit so sorry I haven’t been writing! I’ll make some more time for it at some point though. I promise! Alsoooo, I’m going to finish and post my first smut fic probably this weekend. Asksbskdh I’m nervous haha. Anyway, I hope you guys are doing well! Also I never know if it’s Bakugou or Bakugo???
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Zoom Call (Bakugou x reader)
White pages of your math packet thumped on your desk after retrieving it from your bag. You saw yourself in the reflection of the black screen. You were still in Momo’s waiting room. Being the academic she was, she saw that you and a few others were struggling with the current unit and she organized a study group. Soon enough, the screen changed to a grid layout. Ochako, Momo, Denki, Mina, and Kirishima appeared.
“Good morning! I hope everyone is doing well. Let’s start on page one of the packet. I’ll let you do the first three on your own. Then we can go over them as a group.” Momo addressed you all in a very professional manor. If she wasn’t on track to be a hero, you’d think she wanted to become a teacher.
After completing the first page, you checked the time. 11:30. Bakugou was supposed to be coming over soon so you guys could hang out and make lunch together. Unfortunately, you forgot to tell him of the zoom call when you made plans last night. No bother though, he can just hang out until you’re done.
“Okay. What did everyone get for number one?” Momo asked.
You and Kirishima both got B, Mina and Ochako got A, and Denki got an answer that was not listed. “Great job, Kirishima and (Y/n)! The answer is B. Let’s do it as a group again to check our mistakes.”
Since you got that question right, you sat back in your chair and began to get distracted by the room that surrounded you. Your phone vibrated and a text from Bakugou appeared on screen.
Here >:)
God he used that face so much. What a dork. Looking out your window, you could see him walking up your pathway. You left the door unlocked earlier so he can just make himself at home while you’re still busy.
Over the in depth explanation Momo was providing you heard your door open and shut. Then his voice called out to you.
“(Y/n).” He locked your door behind him. “Baby, I’m here.” The only problem was that you couldn’t exactly shout out that you were upstairs. Even if you muted your microphone, Momo would notice right away. She was adamant that everyone kept their camera and mics on at all times. You didn’t want to cause a disturbance so you figured you’d just let him find you.
Soon enough, footsteps were climbing your stairs. Followed by a soft knock was your name being called. “(Y/n)?” The door was pushed open. When he came through the door, he saw you sitting in front of your laptop, a finger pressed to your lips. You pointed to the computer. He barely glanced at your computer before approaching you. He bent down and placed his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your chest.
“Bakugou!” You quietly reprimanded.
“I’m tired from the internship. Come cuddle.” Only when he was worn out from a long week was he this clingy. He started to pull you and your office chair towards your bed.
“No, baby I’m on zoom.” Momo thankfully hadn’t stopped her explanation of the previous math problem yet. He finally noticed the math packet in front of you.
“What are you doing?” He thumbed through the packet. “This shit is so easy.”
“Bakugou? Is that you?” Kirishima’s voice emerged from the computer.
“What the fuck?” He paused. “No way. Is that Denki? You’re in a study group with Denki? Damn you’re more of an idiot than I thought.” He gave your forehead a soft flick.
“Baby, go hang out until I’m done.”
“Why? They can’t see me. I’ll just stay here.” He rested his head on your shoulder again.
Momo’s voice interrupted. “No, Bakugou. We can both see and hear you.”
“Fuck.” There was a pause that lasted much too long. “I’ll teach her this shit. We’re out of here.” He slapped your laptop closed and stood up.
“I told you I was on a zoom, Bakugo!” You swiveled to face him. “I need to learn this for the test next week.” He grabbed the handles of your office chair and bent down so you were inches for one another’s faces.
“I’ll teach it to you in a bit, baby.” He kissed your forehead. “Come take a break.” He rose and walked to your bed. He jumped on and turned onto his back with his arms stretched out, waiting for you to crawl in with him.
“You’re the worst.” You pretended to pout and made your way towards him, sitting next to him.
“I doubt you really think that.” He flashed a smile before sitting up and wrapping his arms around you once again. You were pulled into his chest with his arms securely around you.
You shifted into a more comfortable position with your head resting on his chest. He softly stroked your back.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, you decided to speak.
“How was the internship today?” You listened as he ranted about Endeavor and Deku. Despite the complaints and angry rants, his heart remained beating at a calm, steady pace.
After about an hour of quiet chatting and cuddling, you made lunch together and sat down to complete your packet.
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jilyss · 3 years
Sure, yeah, I can accompany you to that black tie event for your work tonight. Wait. Why are we on a red carpet? Are you famous?
thanks for the prompt!! i tried to keep it under 2k but that clearly did not happen lol 
read on ao3
James Potter to Lily Evans at 3:14 p.m.: hey can u call when u get a sec
Lily Evans to James Potter at 3:18 p.m.: sry i was with a pt, what’s up
James Potter to Lily Evans at 3:19 p.m.: i have a favor to ask
It was 3 p.m. on a Friday and Lily Evans was just barely sitting down to eat lunch. She’d sat down in the empty breakroom, kicked up her legs onto a nearby chair, and just barely bit into her sandwich when she had seen James’ text. She replied a few minutes later, too hungry to type anything coherent.
When he called a minute later, her mouth was full of food. She swallowed quickly and pressed the accept button. “Hello?”
“Hey Evans,” he said, and Lily smiled at the sound of his voice. It had been a few months since she’d talked to him. She wished they lived closer, but she had just finished her residency in Manchester and he played football for Arsenal in London, and they were both so busy they didn’t have the chance to get together often. But they were the kind of friends who were able to pick up exactly where they’d left off every time they caught up, and Lily had missed him.
“I saw your game against Southampton last week.” Lily popped a crisp in her mouth. “Nice goal.”
She could practically hear his smirk through the phone. “Watched me, did you?”
“Remember that guy I told you about? The one I was talking to?” James hummed in agreement. “We went out for a drink and the game was on. I try to catch most of your games, but my schedule is a little - .”
“- Crazy, I know,” James laughed. “Are you still with him?”
Lily shifted the phone to her other ear. “No, we kind of just stopped talking.” She didn’t want to tell him that the real reason she had stopped talking to him was that before he found out that Lily knew him, he’d spent several minutes badmouthing James. Once he was finished, Lily gave him a quick rundown of the various ways he was an asshole, and then promptly left. She wasn’t a big fan of him anyway, and that had kind of sealed the deal. 
“Well, good - I mean, so sorry about the bloke, Evans - but I have a problem.”
Lily waited for him to continue, and he didn’t make her wait long. “There’s this event for work. Sirius is out of town, and I would ask my mum, but she went to the last one and just isn’t up for another late night yet, so if you aren’t busy, and I mean, only if you want to -”
Lily interrupted, laughing. “What do you need, James?”
“There’s this black-tie event I have to go to. It’s not a big deal, and we wouldn’t have to do anything. Would you want to go with me?”
Her eyebrows raised and she was a little surprised. “When is it?”
“Two weeks. It’s a Saturday.”
Lily pulled her phone from her ear and tapped on her calendar icon. She had that Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off. She considered her options, but there was really only one. Of course, she wanted to see him because it had been months, and she was never one to say no. She would just need to go shopping sometime before then. “Ok, sure.”
“Really? Brilliant, thanks, Evans.”
They chatted for a few more minutes until Lily’s lunch break was over, and she had to rush off to her next appointment. She sent a quick text to Marlene asking for her help with dress shopping, packed up her lunch and left the breakroom. 
James Potter to Lily Evans: hey, mum got wind of you coming down to london and would luv to see u
Lily Evans to James Potter: EUPHEMIA
Lily Evans to James Potter: of course!!!
Lily Evans to James Potter: i could come down a few hours early
James Potter to Lily Evans: actually do u wanna stay the night? we prob won’t be done until late and it’s a long trip back
Lily didn’t hesitate. 
Lily Evans to James Potter: yeah! I love ur mum and it’s been way too long
James Potter to Lily Evans: sweet, ill see you in a few days x
  Lily closed the door to her apartment, locking the door behind her. She made her way down the stairs and out to her car, carefully hanging her dress on a hook in the back seat. She’d originally planned on just taking the train down, but it would be faster to drive, and she didn’t want to worry about keeping her dress wrinkle-free on the train. 
When she arrived at the Potter’s house (though it was more like a mansion) a few hours later, a wave of nostalgia hit her. Lily and James had become friends at uni, and their friend group often went to the nearby Potter’s house for a home-cooked dinner. Lily had especially become close with Euphemia, James’ mother, and used to go over even when James wasn’t there. 
She pulled into the large driveway and parked the car before grabbing her bag from the backseat. Before she could even get to the door, Euphemia swung the door open and pulled her into a tight hug. “Lily, dear, it’s been too long!” 
Lily dropped her bag and hugged her back, excited to be back. “I’ve missed you, Euphemia!” Over Euphemia’s shoulder, she saw James running down the stairs towards them. Lily swallowed hard as she saw him. He was somehow even taller than the last time she had seen him, and football had definitely been good to him. Normally, he lived in a flat closer to his training facility but had returned to his mum’s house for the night.
As James approached, Euphemia let go of her and James immediately grabbed her into a hug. “Alright, Evans?”
Lily grinned into his shoulder, feeling his arms wrapping all the way around her. She squeezed him extra tight once before pulling away, then put one arm over Euphemia’s shoulders. “I’m doing good!” She glanced over her shoulder at her car. “I’m not sure when we have to leave, but I left my dress in the car, should I…”
“I’ll grab it.” James stuck out his hand and Lily handed him the keys. He was out the door in a second, and Euphemia steered Lily into the kitchen. 
“Congratulations on finishing your residency, Lily! Or really I should say congratulations, Dr. Evans.” Euphemia winked at her. Lily blushed and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She still wasn’t used to the title, and even though she knew she had fully earned it, it still felt a little unreal.
“Thank you, I’m just glad to be done.” Lily took a seat at the counter, leaning her arms on the counter. Euphemia plopped a pastry in front of Lily, who took a bite without hesitating. She was an excellent cook who was always making something, and on the drive down, Lily had secretly hoped that today would be no different. “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. It’s blackberry filling, right?”
Euphemia nodded. “Now that you’ve finished your residency, are you planning to stay in Manchester?”
James walked in and tossed Lily her keys. Lily shrugged, casting her eyes quickly towards James. “I’m not sure. I love Manchester, but I’ve missed London more than I thought.” She took another bite of the pastry, chewing quickly. “I have a job now up there, but I’m not too attached yet.”
“Remus is planning on moving back here,” James cut in. “He just finished his masters, and has a job lined up here already.”
“I wish I got to see him before I left.” Lily glanced down at the counter. “I know I haven’t been able to visit a ton, but hopefully I can now.”
Euphemia patted her hand, eyes twinkling. “We know you were busy with your program, but you could make it up to us by moving back here.”
“Mum! Don’t guilt-trip her.”
Lily laughed and finished off her pastry. “I’d do anything to be closer to your baking, Euphemia.”
“I’ll make your favorite custard tarts every day, Lily.”
James snuck a blackberry pastry behind his mother’s back, holding a finger over lips to Lily. She grinned at him before turning back to Euphemia. “You know, the only reason I agreed to go with James is because I wanted to see you.”
Euphemia clutched her hands over her heart. “I always knew you were my favorite, Lily.”
Lily sent a wide smirk at James, whose mouth was so full of pastry he couldn’t retort back. Euphemia glanced at a clock. “James, what time did you say you were going to be leaving?”
James checked his phone. “The car is coming at six. We’ve got about an hour.”
Lily raised her eyebrows and moved to the sink to wash her sticky fingers. “I need to do my hair.”
“You know who else needs to do their hair?” 
“Mum, for the last time, my hair is fine.” James dodged his mother’s attempt to smooth out the tangles on his head. 
Euphemia turned to Lily, hands on her hips. “Don’t you think he needs a haircut?”
Lily pursed her lips at them, staring at James. “Actually, I think he looks good with that mess. Hides the rest of his face.”
James tried to flip her off just as his mother turned around, saying “Nevermind Lily, you aren’t my favorite”, and was rewarded with a swat from an oven mitt.
She grinned at him and headed back to pick up her bag by the front door. “Can I use your bathroom?”
Euphemia pushed James towards Lily, smiling and muttering something about James’ hair. He grabbed her bag from her and walked up the stairs. “Mum put you in the guest room next to mine. There’s a bathroom in there you can use.”
Once they’d arrived, Lily expected him to disappear into his room until she was ready. Instead, he sat on the carpet next to the bathroom, looking up at her. They started talking, Lily curling her hair as they talked. It was nice catching up with him, and Lily had a hard time concentrating on getting her hair right when she could watch James through the mirror. 
It was a quarter to six when she glanced at her watch and realized he was still wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. “This is a black-tie event, right?”
“Shit, yeah, I’ll be right back.” He jumped up and closed the door behind him. 
Lily put the finishing touches on her makeup - which was relatively simple because any makeup skills she used to have basically had disappeared in the past few years. James had brought up her dress bag, and she unzipped the bag and pulled it out. Luckily, it was still wrinkle-free, and in a few seconds, she had wiggled into it, zipped it up, and slipped on her shoes. 
Somehow, James had made it downstairs before her and was talking quietly with his mum in the kitchen. Lily walked in, heels clicking quietly, and they turned to look at her. 
She heard Euphemia’s quiet gasp and James’s soft ‘woah’. Blushing again, she did a little turn. She was wearing a silver floor-length dress paired with black heels. It was relatively simple, with small straps and a waist that hugged her hips and then dropped straight to the floor. Marlene’s eyes had practically bugged out her head when Lily had tried it on, and judging by the way James was looking at her right now, it was a good choice.
James hugged his mum and made his way to her, holding out his arm. “You don’t clean up too bad, Evans.”
Lily took his arm gratefully. “Oh, this old thing?”
Behind them, Euphemia was insisting on a picture, and Lily put her head on James’ shoulder, smiling for the picture. But Euphemia took a second to get her phone ready, and James tilted his head to whisper in her ear. “You look amazing, Evans.” 
Euphemia, finally ready, held up her camera and Lily didn’t get a chance to respond. She hoped he didn’t notice the goosebumps that had popped up on her arm when he had said that. She snapped the picture, and then, arm in arm, they made their way out the door. 
Lily had been expecting an uber, but instead, it was a small limo with a chauffeur. She gave James an odd look, who just opened her door for her and helped her in. Lily waved goodbye at Euphemia, and the driver took off. 
“So what is this event for, James? I don’t think you ever told me.”
James tugged at his tie. “Uh, just an awards ceremony.”
“An awards ceremony?”
“Are you getting an award?” The driver slowed to a stop, and Lily could see a long line of cars in front of them.
“Uh, no.”
“Are you just being humble?”
James tugged at his tie again. “No, I’m definitely not getting an award.”
Lily frowned as the driver inched forward again. She could hear some yelling in the distance, and she glanced out front again. “You’re one of the best on the team. Didn’t you say this was some team event?”
“Uh, no, I never said it was a team event.”
Lily glanced out front again and saw a team of photographers running towards the noise. Her heart rate started to pick up. “James.” 
He looked at her, half smiling and half nervous. “Hm?”
The car inched forward again and now Lily could see a red carpet going up a flight of stairs. She looked outside the window and realized exactly where they were in London. As she connected the dots in her head, her eyebrows raised.
She rounded on James. “What’s this event called?”
He had a bit of a smug look on his face as he answered. “The Brit awards.”
“The Brits? As in, famous award show with lots of famous people, the Brits?” Lily hissed. She smacked him on the shoulder with her purse. “Are you’re just telling me this now?”
He winced slightly. “Yes?”
Lily groaned and sat back in her seat. They were only a few cars away from the red carpet, and she could see the crowds of people all around. “You aren’t a musician.”
“No, but they usually invite a few athletes. David and Victoria Beckham are usually here.” He shrugged. “They invited me this year.”
Lily smacked his shoulder again. “I cannot believe you didn’t tell me this. You said it was no big deal.”
“Well, I’m not getting an award or anything, so it’s really not a big deal -” Lily shot him a look and he stopped talking. 
He ran a hand through his hair, tousling his brown locks. “Look, Evans, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I kind of thought you would just figure it out?”
Lily tried to stop herself from smiling, but it was just so James that she had to laugh. He had an ego the size of England, but at the same time, was somehow humble enough to think that getting invited to a giant award show was no big deal. But she didn’t have time to process this new information before their car was at the center of the red carpet, and a man in a suit came to open their door. 
“You alright?” 
Lily took a deep breath and nodded. James slid out first, then held out a hand for Lily as she climbed out of the car. She stood carefully, adjusting her skirt and then, with shaking hands, reached up to fix James’ tie. He grabbed one of her hands and squeezed it. “We can go back if you want. I really should have told you, sorry Evans.”
“I’m a doctor, James. I have no clue how to handle this.”
He squeezed her hand once more. “They’re going to love you. Just follow me, yeah?”
Lily returned his squeeze and turned to look at the flashing lights of the cameras and swarms of people. This was way different from what she had been expecting, but she definitely wasn’t going to leave now. She took another deep breath and turned back to him with a smile. “Do you think Lewis Capaldi is here?”
He grinned, ran a hand through his hair one more time, and led her up the red carpet. 
An assistant led them through the carpet, although James was so charming and charismatic that they didn’t need the help. They smiled for pictures, a few serious ones with James’ hand on her hip, and a few with his arm more casually over her shoulder and her head leaning on his arm. James had a few interviews, which mostly focused on what he was excited to see inside. A few reporters asked who she was, and James introduced her each time as “my friend from uni, Lily Evans.”
They even asked her a few questions, curious about this mysterious girl James Potter had with him. Lily blushed each time, but his steady presence next to her helped her remain calm and collected, but by the time they were inside, she felt even more out of her comfort zone. 
Their assistant led them to their table and then waved goodbye. Their table was so far empty, and since James wasn’t up for any awards, they were towards the back, which let them spy on the stream of celebrities, musicians, and assistants.
Lily was still shaky, and that only increased they watched Stormzy, surrounded by assistants and friends, take a seat at the very front. Normally, Lily wasn’t afraid of new situations, and usually, she thrived in them, but she just hadn’t been prepared for this. James noticed that she was still a little nervous, and as she took a sip of her drink, he put a hand on her bouncing leg. “You alright?”
His hand, warm against the fabric of her dress, only made her more nervous. She smiled at him and internally resolved to enjoy the experience. How often would she get to be in a place like this?
An older couple joined their table a few minutes later. The husband was the manager of James’ team, and James introduced Lily. A few minutes later, they were joined by more people, and Lily and James got pulled into two different conversations, but James’ hand never left her thigh.  
A four-course meal was served as the performances started, and everyone clapped after Mabel performed “Don’t Call Me Up”. There was a crowd by the stage for the cameras, but Lily noticed that not many people seated at the tables were standing up for the performances. James and Lily were seated on the side of their table, and after glancing around, she realized they wouldn’t block anyone’s view. 
When Lizzo took the stage, Lily jumped to her feet, grabbing James’ wrist. “Stand up!” 
He didn’t hear her at first, and she bent at the waist to speak into his ear. “Stand up!” He popped up next to her, putting one arm around her shoulders again, while she wrapped her arm around his waist. They danced like no one was watching, swaying back and forth together, although they certainly got a few odd looks. Lily was laughing at his singing (he knew every word of all of Lizzo’s songs), finding that she had a hard time focusing on the music when he was so tall and warm next to her. They sat down again a few minutes later, but James’s hand stayed in his pockets.
The award show eventually ended, and Lily and James stood outside, waiting for their chauffeur. But there was a long line, and after a few minutes, Lily looked up at James. “Want to get a little ways away and call an uber?”
He immediately nodded and followed her, one hand in his hair. They made their way out of the building, James occasionally getting stopped by someone he knew or when he got recognized. By the time they were out into the night air, it was nearly one am. 
“I’ll call the uber,” James said. He shrugged out of his suit jacket and swung onto Lily’s bare shoulders, and she smiled gratefully. A few taps later, he tucked it into his pocket and pointed down the street. “I said we’d meet them down there. There’s too much traffic back there for them to get through.”
They were quiet for a few minutes as they walked side by side. There were still quite a few people out, but for the most part, they were left alone. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what we were going to.” James kicked out at a loose rock on the sidewalk. “I guess I didn’t think about it.”
Lily pulled his suit jacket a little tighter around her and shrugged. “I had a lot of fun. A little nerve-wracking at first, but I’m definitely not mad you invited me. I just didn’t know you were so famous.”
He frowned. “I’m not famous.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Huh. Then how, exactly, did you get an invitation to the Brit Awards?”
He shot her a smirk. “My thick thighs.”
“James Potter, your mum was right, you need a haircut to humble you.”
A car pulled up next to them and James checked the license plate quickly before opening her door again. “So you agree, I have thick thighs.”
Lily waited for him to climb in before she continued. “You have thick thighs but I’m not sure why that would help you get an invite.”
He shrugged nonchalantly, turning to face her in the backseat. “Raw sex appeal.”
Lily’s eyebrows raised even higher. “Raw sex appeal.”
“Mmhm. Raw sex appeal.” James put his hand over the back of her headrest, causing his shirt to pull tight against his torso. Lily had to pull her eyes from the outline of his muscles, and when she met James’ eyes again, it was clear he had noticed. 
“Well, that can’t be it. You don’t have a single drop of that.”
“That’s not what my mum tells me.”
“Your mum tells you that you have ‘pure sex appeal’?”
“Evans - “ James tried, but Lily had won their little battle of words, and there was nothing he could do. “Alright fine, it was not my sex appeal.”
“Glad we finally agree on that.” 
 Euphemia was in bed when they got home, and Lily and James crept upstairs to change. Lily changed into shorts and a sweatshirt, tossed her hair into a bun, and decided taking off her makeup was a later problem. James beat her downstairs again and was standing in front of the open refrigerator. 
Lily snagged another blackberry pastry, groaning as the sweet taste filled her mouth. James turned around with half of a sandwich in his hand. He walked into the pantry and grabbed some glasses and red wine before moving to sit next to her at the counter. Lily shifted to face him as he pointed to his legs. 
“I wore shorts just so you could see my thick thighs. And raw sex appeal.” Lily glanced down to see a pair of very muscular thighs hidden behind grey shorts. She swallowed hard and bit into her pastry. 
“If you say so.”
There was quiet padding behind them, and Euphemia walked in, wrapped in a bathrobe and hair in curlers. “Oh! I’m so sorry, did we wake you?”
She shook her head, squinting in the kitchen light. “I wanted to ask you how it went.”
Lily didn’t hesitate to throw James under the bus. “Your son told me this award ceremony was no big deal.”
“No!” Euphemia gasped. “You didn’t tell her it was the Brits?”
James shrunk slightly under his mother’s glare. “I may have forgotten to mention it.”
“And he told me he has raw sex appeal.”
“Is that so?” Euphemia turned to James, hands on her hips, but the laughter in her eyes made it clear that she was enjoying embarrassing him. James just shot his mother a winning smile, and Euphemia turned to Lily. “Did he treat you right?”
“Oh yes, a perfect gentleman.” But just as she said this, James' hand crept back onto her bare thigh, his thumb rubbing light circles under the table. Lily’s stomach flip-flopped.
Euphemia winked at them and pointed to the kitchen. “Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, dearie. James, stay out of the ice cream, I’m saving it for tomorrow.”
James kissed her on the cheek as she left, then grabbed the wine and glasses. “You want to go outside?”
Lily grinned and moved to grab some blankets from the living room. James was bent over the firepit on the back patio, and in a few seconds, had managed to start a warm fire. She handed him a blanket, scooting her chair close to his and wrapping herself up. He handed her a glass of wine then settled back into his chair. 
“Coming out here was always my favorite thing to do at your house,” Lily said. “It just… it just felt like one big family.”
James fanned his fingers out over the flame. “How long has it been since we were all together? Like three years?”
“Four,” Lily said quietly. “We haven’t all been together since graduation.”
“We’ve come a long way since then.”
“Yeah.” Lily shifted in her seat. Then she asked a question that had been weighing on her mind since he had called her. “Why did you call me?”
She expected him to give her a joking response, but to her surprise, he took a minute to think. “I missed you. It’s been a while.”
“No girlfriend? No pretty famous person who is sliding into your dms?” Her voice was teasing, but it was a genuine question. James had it all - fame, money, talent, looks - why did he ask her to go with him on the red carpet?
He laughed lightly and shook his head. “C’mon Evans, you know that’s not me.”
He was right - Lily couldn’t see him ever actually caring about his fame. It just wasn't him. Sure, he had an ego, but he’d matured so much since freshman year of uni, and Lily had been more than impressed with him on the red carpet. “You handled it so well today. Everyone loves you. ” 
“Everyone loves you, Evans. You had less than thirty seconds notice that you were going on a red carpet and you adjusted in what - ten seconds?”
Lily stayed quiet, taking a sip from her glass. “We’ve grown up a lot since uni, haven’t we?” He didn’t reply, just staring into the fire. Lily continued. “I don’t know if I could have done it tonight if it wasn’t you with me. You just made it easy.”
He shrugged. “I used to go to a lot of events with my mum and dad.”
Lily wanted to reach out and shake him and tell him that no, it was just James that was so charismatic and caring and charming. He didn’t seem to know the effect he had on people - had on her - that made them open up and happy -
And then all of a sudden, Lily realized just exactly what her feelings were. The reason she had a hard time taking her eyes off him or kept having to fight the urge to just hold his hand, and why she suddenly did not want to go back home.
Her eyes flicked at him, tracing the lines of his face and watching the light dance on his hair. James seemed to sense that she was watching him and glanced up at her. She just smiled softly and pulled her blanket tighter, heart pounding.
James downed the last of his drink and stood up, brushing off his pants. “I think I’m going to head to bed.”
Lily was a little surprised at his sudden decision, but felt a yawn coming on and stood up with him. James extinguished the fire, Lily grabbed the wine bottle, and they headed inside. They were mostly quiet, but just before Lily entered her room, she pulled him into a tight hug. “Thanks for tonight. I’m glad you invited me.”
James wrapped his arms around her and Lily could feel her heart rate increase again. He didn’t pull away, but she was worried that he could hear her pounding heart and didn’t linger. She waved goodbye to him, then went into her room. 
The blanket was still hanging on her shoulders, and she buried her nose in it, leaning against the door. She closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. Tonight had not been anything like she had expected, and she was incredibly grateful she had said yes. But there was a problem. She hadn’t anticipated her newfound feelings for James and had no idea how or when they had started. All she knew was that she was going to kick herself for months if she didn’t tell him how she felt. 
But the problem with that was she had no idea if even liked her. But thinking back on the night, Lily hoped the hints he seemed to be dropping really were hints and not just things close friends do. Like the way he had held her hand on the red carpet, the way he kept putting his hand on her thigh, or the way he had looked at her when she’d first come downstairs. 
Lily tilted her head back to rest on the door, gave herself a mental pep talk, threw open the door to her room, and marched across to James’ bedroom. She knocked quietly on the door, and he opened it a few seconds later. 
“What’s up?” he whispered. Lily took a tiny step forward and he stepped back to let her inside. She stood only a few inches away from him, the blanket still wrapped around her. 
“Why did you call me?” her voice was so quiet that she barely even heard it. “You never answered my question.”
Lily’s mouth twitched upwards. She took a small step forward. “I think you can call me Lily now, James.”
He opened his mouth and then clamped it shut. He seemed to be fighting himself internally, and Lily couldn’t handle it more. She closed the gap between them, standing on her tiptoes and pressing a rough kiss to his mouth. He didn’t respond, and Lily pulled away, feeling her stomach drop. She looked up at him, trying to gauge if she had just made a terrible mistake. 
She was just about to step back, ready to apologize, but his dark eyes flashed and his hands reached out to grip her face and pulled her back. The blanket slid to the ground as Lily wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him down to her, and the warmth of the blanket was lost. One of his hands moved to grip her hip, the other on the small of her back, pulling her against his chest. His warmth replaced the chill as Lily moved one hand to play with his hair. He groaned against her lips as she tugged on it, tilting his head back so that she could press needy kisses along his jawline.
He stepped to the side, pulling her with him towards the bed. The back of her knees hit the edge of the bed, and she immediately sat, grabbing onto the collar of his sweatshirt and pulling him down with her. The rough movement made their noses knock together, and Lily just laughed as James pulled away a little ruefully to rub it. Lily took advantage of the space between them to pull his shirt over his head, and as soon as it was tossed to the side, James dropped back to her, warm fingers trailing up her sides.
 “You think your mum heard us?” Lily was lying under the covers with her head resting on James’ arm, one hand tracing the lines of his stomach. 
“Way to ruin the mood, Evans. I love talking about my mum right after sex.” Lily laughed as he buried his face in a pillow. She reached out to play with a strand of his hair. James pulled his face out of the pillow to look at her. “You weren’t exactly quiet, were you?”
Lily blushed violently as he shifted to kiss her neck again. James had excellent stamina, what could she say? He seemed to know exactly what spots got to her, and it quite possibly had been the best bloody shag of her life.
Not that she would tell him that - she didn’t want his ego getting any bigger. Instead, she shifted onto her elbow, letting the sheet slide down to her waist. She smirked as his eyes slipped downwards and he swallowed hard, letting his hands wander freely. Pulling her hair out of her face, she bent down to pull him in a needy kiss, and that was all the prompting he needed to roll on top of her again. 
 After getting back so late and an active night, they slept in late. Lily woke up first, with James sprawled out on the bed next to her. She watched him for a minute in the soft morning light, then got dressed enough to quietly pad across the hall and back into her room. She showered quickly, scrubbing off last night’s makeup, then dressed in shorts and an oversized shirt. 
The kitchen was empty, but Euphemia had left a note on the counter about waffles in the fridge, and Lily didn’t hesitate to pull a few out. She had just put a few in the microwave when James shuffled in, wrapping his arms around her from the back and burying his head in her neck. He inhaled deeply, and his warm exhale gave Lily goosebumps. “You smell good,” he murmured, shifting some of her wet hair off her neck, giving him unrestricted access. Lily’s head tilted back to rest on his shoulder as his lips trailed up and down, humming softly. 
Lily would have taken him right there and then if Euphemia hadn’t walked in that exact second. She tried to put some distance between her and James, a little embarrassed that she’d caught them like that, but James kept his arms tight around her, laughing. 
“Morning mum,” he said brightly. “What are you up to?”
“Just out for a bit of gardening.” She waved her dirty hands and raised an eyebrow quizically at them. “Jamie dear, do you have something to tell me?”
James rested his chin on Lily’s shoulder and whispered something in her ear. She nodded, tipping her head to the side to see him, a smile breaking out on her face. He smiled too, his thumb rubbing slow circles on her stomach. He looked over at his mother, who was now washing her hands, and said “Mum, I want you to meet Lily Evans, my girlfriend.”
Euphemia gasped and spun on her heel to look at them. “Well, it’s about time!” She reached out and pulled Lily from James’ arms. “Oh! My hands are all wet.” She released Lily from the hug and jumped up and down. “I always hoped you two would get together!”
James grabbed Lily from behind again, pulling her close. Lily shot her an odd look. “You did?”
Euphemia winked at both of them and James groaned. “She loves you too bloody much.”
Lily patted his hands, which had slipped just under the hem of her shirt, consolingly. The microwave finally beeped and she pulled away to grab the plates. Euphemia disappeared back into the garden a few minutes later, and Lily joined James back at the counter. They dove into the food, both starving. 
James slid his hand on her thigh, and she put her hand over his, not wanting to be apart just yet. When they’d finished, he turned to her, one elbow leaning on the counter. “So, Evans, want to stay the night again?”
She pretended to think about it. “I’m sure Euphemia would enjoy my company.”
James pushed his plate away and stood up. Lily turned around to face him, and he stepped forward until Lily’s back hit the counter. He kissed the corners of her mouth, then moving back down to her neck. “No other reason?”
Lily was having a hard time concentrating. “I can’t miss out on the blackberry pastries.”
“Any other reasons?”James sucked slightly at the sweet spot he had discovered last night and Lily’s fingers dug into his shoulder. His free hand fingered the waistband of her shorts, and Lily couldn’t take it anymore. She kissed him, one hand fisting in the hair that she just couldn’t seem to get enough off. Still on the barstool, Lily wrapped her legs around him and he lifted her, kissing her all the while. 
“I can think of one more reason,” she managed to get out as he carried her up the stairs.
James threw open the door to his bedroom, tugging his shirt over his head. “Oh?”
Lily mirrored him, tossing her sweatshirt to the side. “Raw sex appeal.”
James’ eyebrows raised. “Oh yeah? Tell me more?”
Lily didn’t answer, instead just pulling him to the bed and laughing at the devilish look in his eyes. 
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sopxhiea · 3 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: Alfie comes over for dinner with the purpose of gaining the infamous uncle’s trust but he has other ideas in mind and they all concern the pretty niece. 
Warnings: Age gap.
The italic text is in a foreign language.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
"You taste like chocolate."
The jew.
That’s all that can be heard  for the next couple of days. 
What does he eat? What would he like to drink? Will he come on time? Who’s he bringing? What does he look like?
The weather is chilly, a thin layer of snow graces the trees around. The horses are in their place, warm and content after a day’s ride. There’s not much that can be heard on the outside of the mansion, just the sound of lively chatter from the inside as the maids hurry to get the cake ready.
The air in the balcony is cold, given it’s the dead of december. The weather has been nice enough for too long, you gather as you watch a set of birds fly around each other and they soon disappear behind the large tree trunks. The sun sets slowly on the horizon, the orange hue soon disappearing as you realise your hands are red.
He’s coming today.
There’s a group of middle aged men in the house, most of whom are business associates from the past. They’re too old to work now, retired and an empire left behind of the crumbs they used to work off of. They’re all dressed in a similar manner, a simple lines suit and a fitting hat made of similar fabric. Their shoes shine as they walk around the grand gallery.
The gallery decorated with your work.
It’s a dangerous game, the most thrilling one you’ve played so far. The ends of your silk dress dance with the cold wind and you hug your cardigan tighter, the inside noise is too much to bear so you find yourself in the balcony of your study. 
Six days.
The motions of it are a bit delayed but the so called London gangster is dancing on the red ropes you’ve provided him. He plays the game exceptionally well, leaving no trace behind and the flour on his shoe soles are always cleaned. His rings burn when they meet your skin but it hasn’t been that many times, you gather.
You hadn’t slept with him still.
Keeping him on his toes was the little bit of thrill you had needed. He didn’t tire, unlike the many lads you’d been out with before. He came back for more but he knew the borders you’d set for the time being. There was no questioning from his end, just the frantic nod of his head before he attacked your lips.
And then, your uncle had invited him over for dinner.
That meant trust, that Alfie was now a part of an important bond your uncle was keen on forming. He didn’t just have dinner with anyone, not in his own house. He had done it with another partner before and now, you got christmas gifts and jewels as gifts from him every now and then. It meant that Alfie was now trusted.
Although you had your doubts.
The maid called your name, her steel like voice cutting through the long corridors. You hadn’t seen a car pull up but it was only a portion of the front area that could be seen from the balcony you were standing on. You hugged the cardigan tighter before exiting the glass decorated space.
The dress you had on had a small cleavage, buttons all the way down to the bottom of the dress. The lilac color fit the golden decoration around, or so you thought as you made your way down the stairs in a cheery manner. You were only allowed to be respectful to the guests but a little fun would hurt no one.
Shooting smiles to the familiar faces of the maids, you eyed the chocolate cake on one of the trays and reached for the icing, it was the best part of it all. Before you could reach for it, though, Magda, the older woman slapped your hand away with a low smile.
“No! No tasting the icing this time.” she scolded in a motherly manner and you made a disappointed face which soon disappeared, you knew she’d give you the biggest slice when the time came for it.
You didn’t realise Alfie had arrived, standing on the large entry hall you were stood in.
Facing the handsome lad, you pulled your bottom lip inside. His eyes were glistening, beard illuminated with the last specks of sun seeping through the front doors. The breeze hadn’t made it inside but his coat would protect him from anything, you reckoned.
He was wearing a suit, a similar one to the one you’d seen him wear the first time he came around. Hair slicked back, the scruff on his face in a neater cut as he looked at you with his hat on his hands. There was no cane this time, he had been feeling better.
Your uncle was somewhere inside the mansion, you didn’t even know where but it didn’t matter. Not now, anyway. You offered him a gentle smile but he was busy, too busy to even greet you at first as his eyes took in the sight of you, hair messy and a few buttons from your top undone which gave him a generous look at the valley of your breasts.
Quickly gathering yourself and covering the undone buttons with the sweep of your hand, you fluttered your eyelashes and spoke.
“’Ello, luv.” he spoke with a low voice, the one that made shivers run up your spine but you didn’t show them to him.
A sweet nod was all he got from you before your uncle showed up, greeting the gangster and inviting him to the dinner table. It was going to be challenge, you gathered that much. 
Everyone slowly gathered around the table: Alfie, you, your uncle and a friend of his. They all seemed to know each other, you observed soon enough and you sat down in front of Alfie in the large dining room, his eyes throwing stolen glances at you as your uncle spoke about business and all that.
As much as he tried to keep you away from it, you already knew a good amount.
The appetiser was served shortly after and Alfie watched you behave like a good girl would. He knew from that one time you ate in his office, in a rush, that you didn’t like to observe any of the manners your uncle had taught you. It was easier to eat the way you felt comfortable but he found his eyes to be fixated on the way your hands worked effortlessly around the dishes.
He soon realised that he, one way or another, had to stop staring at you and join the conversation. You saw the way he gulped before cracking a joke about the Sabini to your uncle, everyone seemingly enjoying the joke. You kept your eyes on your table, afraid your uncle would catch onto something, although he was clueless. 
A gasp left your lips when the cake was served, a small one that didn’t even make it into your uncle’s side of the table as he conversed with the friend he brought. Alfie caught the small sound and smirked, a low sound of rumblings heard soon after.
“Fuckin’ heard that one before.” he spoke, talking about the countless times you’d made out in the span of a week and the sounds you’d made each time he’d shift his body under yours. 
You eyed your uncle first, clueless. Your eyes landed on Alfie’s smirk afterwards, a wink followed before he started eating the cake. The heat rose on your cheeks but you stopped yourself from making any noise, giggles stifled as he looked at your delicate features. 
You ate the cake in silence, a few stifled moans here and there and it was soon enough when Alfie commented.
“Why the fuck is yours the biggest slice ‘ere, pet?” he said, low enough that the last part was not so audible.
You chuckled, watching his eyes hungrily look at your lips as you licked the chocolate off of them with your tongue. His ears were going red, slowly but surely and you wondered if he’d excuse himself or just have you somewhere in this mansion.
“I get special treatment.” you spoke after his stares returned to your eyes from your lips.
“That, you fuckin’ do.” he spoke, nodding before eating the last part of the cake he had left. You still had a large portion of yours on the plate since it was impossibly big. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t eat the cake, it would just take you a bit longer to finish it. 
He eyed the cake first and then you, his gaze shifting every few seconds but it landed on you at last.
You smiled at him, the plan of enticing the man was clearly working. You cleared your throat and cleaned around your mouth before standing up and getting all the attention all of a sudden.
“Excuse me, I’ll be back shortly.” you offered your sweetest smile and two older men kept on talking after nodding at your small form. Alfie had been watching, planning on getting you alone somewhere.
You had been torturing the man the whole time. Small moans only he could hear while eating the cake, the few buttons on your top hanging loose and the way you’d lick your lips afterwards. He cursed at himself before standing up, asking about the whereabouts of the bathroom to wash his hands.
He had no plans to visit the bathroom. 
You felt his hands before you could see him. 
The corridor you’d made your way into was a small one, right after the large entry and it led to your study. You needed a breath of fresh air without anyone disturbing, his eyes had made your rationality disappear in the blink of an eye and you hated him for it but this was to time to dwell on things like that, not when your uncle was close.
A small giggle left your lips when his hands grabbed your waist and made you turn around in a swift motion, right when you were in front of the door of your study. You met a pair of amused orbs as he looked down at your small form, chest heaving with anticipation.
“What excuse did you have for leaving uncle?” you spoke, lips almost touching his and you were whispering into his face. You saw his eyelashes flutter as he held you tight, your feet were no longer touching the floor.
“He ain’t even listenin’, luv, too busy fuckin’ discussin’ shit with the other bloke.” he spoke against your lips and before you could muster up an answer, his lips were on yours.
His plump lips melted into yours, fighting for dominance but you were the loser in this case, Alfie had always been the dominant one. You felt his hand grab you even tighter before he lifted you up and your legs wrapped around his middle, he turned the door’s handle in the process and entered your study.
A small moan left your lips and he hungrily swallowed the sound, your chest vibrating against his as your hands desperately tugged at his hair. This wouldn’t be the day you’d sleep with the gangster, but you figured you’d get close.
Alfie’s kisses were more desperate than usual, a sense of urgency was evident when his tongue clashed with yours and all you could do was to moan into his mouth. His hands rested on your waist and bum, caressing and squeezing as his small groans filled the air.
You broke the kiss, you had to. Breathing in slowly, you couldn’t help but marvel at how deep this man kissed. He was still staring at your lips as you tried to regain your breath, back against the wall of your study.
“Will you put me down?” you spoke, his eyes still on your lips as you tasted him on the flesh, your tongue glossing over it. 
He slowly let you down, your feet finally touching the floor and no longer wrapped up around his broad body. You didn’t look disheveled but something in your eyes had changed, anyone could see that. Hunger now resided in them but you wouldn’t give in so easily, you wanted him to wait.
Your eyes met his across the room while you lowered yourself on the sofa. His hair was messy, breath uneven and the sleeves of shirt rolled. He was a sight for sore eyes but you wouldn’t tell him that. A smile appeared on your lips as you spoke.
“They’ll come looking for us, you know.” you said, chest still rising unevenly after the relentless kiss he’d given you.
“We’ll just make somethin’ up then, aye?” he asked but it wasn’t much of a question. He knew you were used to making up excuses at the spot due to the nature of your uncle’s business and your night life.
You nodded and he approached you like a hunter would approach its prey. You felt your insides tingle but you couldn’t do anything, your uncle was three doors away and he would come looking for you if you didn’t return soon enough.
“No.” you said, knowing why he was approaching you the way he was but before you could push his broad shoulders away from you, he pulled you flush against him on the sofa until you were straddling him and he was planting kisses on your collarbones.
You let him do this thing for a while, his kisses slowly became sloppy as you kept on letting small moans go free. His lips found yours soon enough, he tasted all power and musk, and the chocolate care from earlier.
A giggle left your lips at the thought and he stopped kissing you, confused eyes locking into yours.
“What?” he asked, voice a little hushed even though you knew your uncle would be in the room soon, he didn’t like it when you would disappear.
“You taste like chocolate.” you spoke against his lips before pecking them. It was something you could get used to.
“That why you keep fuckin’ kissin’ me?” he spoke against your lips as you nodded slowly. You needed to get off of him and out of the room.
And so you did.
It took all your willpower but you lifted yourself off of him and smoothed your dress down as he watched you, hair disheveled and breath uneven and he thought this was the most beautiful he’d seen you look. You gulped before speaking, his blue orbs bored into yours.
“We need to go back.” you spoke, huffing and clearly annoyed.
“I don’t see a problem, luv, yeah if anythin’, I much-”
You cut him off, you would be the one who’d have to pay for this when he was gone and your uncle was shouting at you for keeping your company away from the guest, he wouldn’t know you were about to fuck the guest. “Alfie, he asked you to come to dinner because he trusts you, not so that you could fuck his only niece.”
He nodded once, got up and nodded again and tugged at his beard. You looked at him through annoyed eyes, eyes that would soon soften because he wasn’t a prick, unlike what many thought.
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and nodded once more. You shot him a grateful smile but it all came down crumbling when you heard your uncle’s footsteps behind the door to your study. He was mumbling and grumbling.
But you had the perfect lie.
“Suit yourself.” Alfie spoke, hearing him right outside the door.
“You owe me one.” you spoke through your teeth to Alfie before the door was open in a fast motion, your angry uncle outside the door.
Alfie shoots your uncle a knowing smirk and he doesn’t say anything for a while, just stands there and tries to put two and two together. You’d fixed your own appearance and then Alfie’s before he’d come barging in so he doesn’t see any lipstick stains around his beard or your heaving chest as you stand far away from the jewish gangster.
“Hello, uncle.” you speak, Alfie’s eyes glisten as you speak in a language he doesn’t quite understand. He thinks it fits you, the real you.
“What’re you doing here? And with hi-” your uncle starts speaking but you’re fast, years of living under his roof has taught you a trick or two.
“I was showing Mr. Solomons some of the pieces I was working on..” you speak in English this time and Alfie nods, looking at the unfinished canvases on the corner. Before your uncle can protest further, you start speaking again.
“He had seen some of the finished ones during the party when he first came around so I figured he’d have some comments.” you trail off and Alfie marvels at your ability to make such things up, it also stings him in a way he doesn’t quite understand.
“I see.” your uncle speaks at last, eyes landing on you and then Alfie. You shoot him a sweet smile, and he’s convinced.
Poor man, you think.
Your uncle isn’t stupid, you know that. He wouldn’t be where he was if he was as daft as he seemed right now. The man just trusts you, blindly and completely. You feel a sense of security knowing the fact but also something along the lines of pity knowing just how many times you’d told him you were visiting a friend and ended up piss drunk in a bar with a lad.
It’s a thin line you walk on most times but it’s fun with Alfie, you admit.
Your uncle hurriedly makes his way towards the tea room then, his other guest waiting with a smile. No one was upset much to your luck and you noted the way Alfie’s hand touched the small of your back whenever your uncle wasn’t really looking. He wanted trouble but you couldn’t give him that, not in where you were.
But you’d make him pay for it.
You behaved for the rest of the time the guests were near. You drank your tea quietly and ignored the way Alfie’s eyes searched for yours. You laughed at the other guest’s jokes even though they weren’t funny and fixed your dress whenever the fabric tried to cling onto your upper thighs.
Alfie watched all along.
Then the time came for you to bid farewell, which you did with a sweet smile and ignored the way Alfie’s lips twitched at the end. He wanted to kiss you goodbye like he had the last time he had seen you but your uncle was near and the risk was higher than you both were willing to take.
You closed the door after the farewell, not bothering to say anything to your uncle but there was a knock on the front door right after you’d closed it. Everyone else was gone now, your uncle to his office and the maids to the kitchen and the dining room to clean up. It was just you.
You opened it slowly and saw Alfie. A scoff left your lips and you pushed the door back to its place, trying to close it but he was quicker when he put the head of his shoe in between the door and the wall and you could no longer close it.
You could never be too safe. Not in this house.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Solomons?” you spoke in a low voice, you couldn’t risk being overheard by one of the maids and even if you were, you had to keep it in line.
“Let me fuckin’ have you for one, pet.” he spoke, tired of the game of waiting for the time you’d open your legs for him. He would wait regardless but you’d pushed his buttons and it was time for him to push yours.
“Damn it, Alfi-” you spoke but he was tired, he just wanted you to himself. He was amused, too, at the way you were trying to act composed when no one was near.
“I’m fuckin’ serious, pet, I’m beggin’, yeah.” he spoke, he was clearly amused at the whole exchange but you kept your smile to yourself. “You can’t just kiss the me, yeah, the way you fuckin’ did and expect me to not be all hot and bothered, right.”
You rolled your eyes at the man before speaking. “You were the one who kissed me.” your breath was soft as you spoke.
“Yeah and for the fuckin’ record, yeah, I’m the one kissing you now.”
You didn’t have time to protest when he leaned down and his lips met yours in a sweet kiss. It wasn’t rushed and needy like the one from earlier but like he was trying to tell you something. 
That he needed more but he was willing to wait as long as you would want him to. That he would come back for more, not because he only had you but because he desperately needed you and you only.
But he wouldn’t tell you that, not just yet.
You were a gangster’s niece, the one and only family he had. You did know luxury and comfort but you knew the opposite as well. He knew you were a beauty the first time he’d seen you but you were trouble as well. It wasn’t easy to jut sweep you off your feet and make you a good wife, you wouldn’t want that anyway.
He watched the way your cheeks flushed after the tender kiss and your eyes fluttered open, only to met his blue ones. Your gaze dropped to his lips, then his beard before eyeing him again, a smile on your lips he knew well.
“Goodnight, Mr. Solomons.” you sweetly whispered against his face. 
And he knew.
He knew you’d be coming around his place that very night, he didn’t know when but he knew you’d be dropping by. So he did the next best thing.
“Goodnight, you sweet minx.”
Just like that, he was off and you were on your way to your uncle’s office to tell him that your friend needed help with some emergency and that you’d be gone for the rest of the night to stay over at her place.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras​ @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum @jjklefttoe​
a/n: I’m sorry this came in so late but I truly do hope you enjoy it and let me know if you’d like to be tagged!! I have more chapters of different series coming and i’ll keep you posted!!
Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!
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bluehairedtracii · 4 years
Hooks and Coins|| Harry Hook x Reader Soulmate AU!
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Requested: by @lemonypink
Warnings: Harry being cute 
Pairings: Harry Hook x Swann-Turner! Reader
Author's note: Oh my gosh this took so long! I’m literally so sorry! My motivation for writing has been a little iffy lately. Buuutt I’ve also been binging Criminal Minds soo it kinda gave me a creative push to start writing again. (Spencer Reid fics comin in the future) Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this fic as I get back into writing again. 
P.S. Melody is Melody from the second little mermaid movie, and I know she's kinda not mentioned again in the fic but just know that this is y/n’s best friend and that’s who she is lmao.  I also thought the Coin would fit well in here because of the movies just sshhhh. Enjoy!!!!
"it's soon! I swear!" The night of your 16th birthday, the day your life would change.
The day you get your soulmate tattoo.
"Are you sure??" Melody whines. "I'm positive! Look, it's not even 12:00 on the dot yet- ONE MORE MINUTE!" You look back from the phone on your lap to your right wrist.
"It's twellveeee." Melody cooed.
"Please please please..." You muttered still hopeful.
Then it hit, well stung. "Ow, ow, I feel it!"
"Let me see!" Melody basically climbed on top of you and saw it before you could. She gasped "oh my gosh y/n..." "What? What is it?" You tried to pull back your wrist to see, but Melody kept it steady.
"Y/n, as your best friend, I have to warn you as to what you're about to see...."
"C'mon Mells, it can be that bad." You sighed and tried to pull away from her. 
"You have to PROMISE Me that you won't freak out?"
Annoyed, you sighed and smiled "I promise." "Okay.." she released your hand. You rubbed your wrist and looked at the small tattoo, "A Hook?" "Not just any hook... Penny told me about this." "This is the same hook as the famous Captain Hook himself! It must be his son!"
"Captain? So my soulmate is a Pirate? Like Dad and Mom?" Melody nods almost worried.
"It's late Harry, your sister is gonna kill us if we get caught and wake your dad." Gill rubbed his eyes as he walked towards the galley of the ship.
"I know, but this is where the best lighting is...in a few minutes, I'll get me soulmate...well uh, tattoo I mean." He whispered and unlocked the door, cursing at the squeaky floors.
Harry turned on the lamp nestled on his father's desk. The room lit up illuminating the maps that his father and oldest sister had drawn up while sailing the open seas. He dreamed of nothing more than doing that, sailing and hailing a crew of his own, but for now, he follows Uma’s orders. 
“One more minute Harry.” Gill whispered looking at the tickless clock on the desk.
“Aye, ow! fff-!” Harry cupped his hand and flipped it to see his wrist, he bit back the pain as he saw the black ink form on his wrist. He’d been confused and tried to make it out as it formed. “Bloody hell, this sure is detailed in’it?” Gill loomed over Harry's shoulder, wondering what it was himself, Gill was sure he wasn't ready for his soulmate yet if he had to endure this much pain. 
Harry closed his eyes and exhaled as the pain stopped.
He opened his eyes to see the grim Aztec Coin staring back at him.
“Holy shi-” “Gil do you know what this means?!” “She’s spooky?” “No GIl, you git, She’s a pirate! and she’s a Turner...” He says in awe as he smiles down at his wrist.
A few months later both of you seemed to forget. The events of your daily lives getting in the way. You’re training to go off on a sailing trip with your dad for a few months, and Harry is… currently Helping Uma get revenge on Mal by kidnapping Ben. 
But.. you were unaware of this. Obviously. 
Lonnie and you were fencing/sword fighting in the school’s courtyard (for fun) when you saw the boys rushing into the limo. You both caught up to them and questioned them immediately. 
“What’s going on here Jay?” Lonnie snickered full well knowing what’s happening because she overheard it earlier passing their room. “We.. uh..” “we’re going with you..” Lonnie cut the pair off. And this is how you went to the Isle of the Lost for the first time. 
They had told you the plan but left out the part about who they were going to have to deal with if the plan went south. You were nowhere near nervous. All those times you’d trained with Lonnie and your parents at the shop basically were all for this moment. Your pirate self was ready. 
Mal handed over the wand and you cringed a bit. “She’s gonna know it's fake…” you turned to Lonnie and whispered. “Shh I know, get ready..”  you prepped your sword and placed one hand on your lapel while the other was free to toss the swords. 
That’s when everything went south. You and Lonnie sprung into action and helped the others. The sounds of metal clashing mixed with the creaking of the ship and the salty sea air made you happy, it filled you with adrenaline. It felt like you were at home.
2 people fighting you at once, then three, then none, one by one you tossed them overboard.
You were caught in the crossfire between Carlos and some other goons so you ducked under them and sprung onto your feet right into someone else's back. 
You both turned to each other, swords ready, you saw him and you felt that burning in your body. The one that your friends always said happened when you met your soulmate… “Ow!” “Oi!!” Harry lurched back and held his hand. And so did you. 
“You…” he pointed at you “are you…?” you held up your hand and showed your tattoo. He gasped and smiled “I knew I’d see you one day..”  you said in awe. You heard Uma yell for Harry and his smile faltered into a smirk.
“Sorry lass, no ‘ard feelings right?” “Obviously.” You struck your sword first and your swords clashed with each other. “I knew you were good Turner, but not this good.” he laughed as you both turned a corner of the ship. “Thanks! Maybe I can teach you sometime Hook, You seem a bit rusty!” “Oi! My ‘eart Lass.. that one hurt!” 
You snickered and he had caught you by a wood post “awe, our first dance is over now?” your eyes sparkled. He smirked ”Aye if this were different, i’d very much like to get to know you lassy…”  he got closer almost closing the gap in between you two. And his lips brushed yours before you heard Mal and Lonnie yell that it’s time to go. You smiled “sorry Luv, it’s time for me to go!” you kiss his cheek and push him away into a hole that’s in the ship. “Oi! That’s not fair!”
You were the last one to leave and thought of an idea, you caught up with them and helped Mal to kick off the ramp back to the car. “Find me!” You blew a kiss to Harry and smiled, and so did he. on the inside, of course, he had to be “mad” for Uma’s sake. But right now he was anything but. He just met his Soulmate and she was everything he dreamed of.
Almost a year had passed when you had first met Harry. And you constantly think about him every day and so does he. 
He sat at the bow of the ship looking out to the ocean thinking about you. It’s all that he’s been thinking about actually. He’s waiting for the day you can be with each other and in each other's arms. You literally took his breath away, because you kicked him, but he was entranced by your skills and beauty. He dreams about learning with you, meeting your folks, owning a ship, and most importantly.. Sailing away with you to see the world. He was stuck here. 
Though he didn't know that you had convinced Ben (it took a lot of convincing) to let Harry over onto the isle for a while. Your boating trip with your dad had gone so well that you also convinced your dad to let you go alone this time. Your parents knew how a forbidden love felt more than anyone else. The love between the two of them, a humble blacksmith that was the son of a pirate and the daughter of a wealthy governor who found that boy so long ago. They were never supposed to be together in society's standards, but their love was the strongest bond. They granted their blessing to you, they knew you'd be safe. You’re a strong pirate and they want to see you the happiest you can be.
You smiled and looked out the window of the limo as it crossed the bridge. Mal and Evie both came with you so they could help you find him and tell him the news. You guys slip onto the docks while Mal and Evie keep guard on the limo and watch you just in case you need back up. “Ursulas…” you smile and cross through the swinging doors, you found him and you felt the burning feeling in your body again. So did he. “OI!” he dropped the basket of chips he was holding and growled at the mess he made. He was fuming until he locked eyes with you. “My princess has come back to me?” he smiled and walked towards you completely forgetting about the fries as he kicked them to the side. “Hey Hook.” you smiled and felt his hand on your face but he backed away. “Woah Turner you ain't gonna kick me ‘gain right?” “no.” you laughed and you both hugged each other. 
He took the two of you outside “what are ye doin here luv? I mean, you don’ ‘ave to make any excuses to see me, but you came all the way from the other side.” he laughed and pushed back a strand of stray hair behind your ear. You blushed and held one of his hands, but unknowingly played with one of the rings on said hand. He bit his lip smiling at your nervousness. “U-Uhm.” you were surprised by the nerves in your voice, you were never this nervous before. This boy is going to wreck you. “It took major convincing, but I finally convinced my family and Ben to let you come to Auradon with me for a three-month sailing trip…” you smiled and looked at him. His eyes lit up and he lifted you off the ground and spun you around. “Are ye serious?! Of course I'd go with you!”  “Great! We leave…” you check your watch on your left arm. “ In 30 minutes!” “Aye! I need to pack!”  you laughed.
 he backed you into the wall. You smirked, “oi, I've been trying to do this ever since the first time we met.” He closed the gap between you two and the feeling of his soft pillowy lips on yours brought you comfort and warmness. You kissed back and ran your fingers through his dark locks as he tightened his grip around your waist. You never wanted this to end. “25 minutes!” You heard the girls yell and you pulled away and laughed. “I've finally found my Turner..” “And I’ve finally found my Hook..”
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