#but she had to take care of lizzie and her missing husbands mom
aldoodles · 1 month
Here's a toughy if your into some angst esque moments. You capture facial expressions so well.
Grace, sitting at the table, waiting for her kids to come home at the end of Book 1.
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If I was her I wouldn’t’ve been able to function let alone keep going to work
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Life With Luca thoughts/reactions
WOW, I really enjoyed that way more than I expected to!
OK, so timeline wise the math isn't really mathing for me lmao. Like how do they both have 14 yr olds and Simon being in college already?? The show only ended in 2009/2010 which was 13/14 years ago?? What year is it in this universe??? They both had children the year they went off to college lmao??
But I'm happy to ignore logic since I actually enjoyed the newbies a lot.
I liked that Luca/Skylar weren't just a repeat Casey/Derek dynamic and weren't rivals who full on hated each other but just grew up differently and had some jealousy/hostility toward the other because of that, but actually were a lot sweeter together during more serious moments. I think their personalities perfectly reflected how they were raised - Luca is a bit of a rebel, but he's very much Casey's son, he's trained in First Aid! and has a granola bar in his pocket at all times, albeit stale AF, and takes care of his siblings even if he can be lazy about it sometimes. Skylar is more mature minded but she has the freedom of Derek's parenting so she's not nearly as high strung as Casey is, but she is more organized and put together to make up for Derek's lackadaisical way of living.
I LOVED SIMON!!! He was easily my favorite new character. I can't believe I went from forgetting he even existing to absolutely adoring him. He was so lovable and silly and he must have such a wild childhood being the Venturi-McDonald baby, I would love more backstory on him!
Molly/Kai were adorable and the perfect little chaotic kiddos to round out the ensemble :3
George/Nora - although I wasn't as invested in them, their relationship is so adorable and they're just as dorky and sweet as they were in the series.
The random jewelry heist B-plot was so random, but kinda funny. I'm down for some chaotic hijinx, and I love how it ended with that theif falling through the ceiling XD
The return of Lassiter and Sam were great. It would've been great to see any of the show regulars honestly but I'm glad we got some. I think the return of D-Rock really got me. When they started singing the song I had tears in my eyes. And Ralph as a surgeon was such a great way to explain his absense lmao.
I missed Edwin/Lizzie/Marti. I think that was my only real let down with the movie. They didn't need to be in the whole thing but even a video call would have been nice :/
Career-wise I'm glad they went with Derek as a rock star and Casey as a lawyer. Even though Derek was the hockey guy, seeing him roam around as a rock star with his daughter really just fits his vibe. And I'm so glad the movie course corrected VWD Casey because I was never a fan of her dropping out of college to dance in NY like ?? sure Casey loves to dance but she loves to use her big brain even more!!! Plus fighting for justice?? THAT'S SO CASEY DASEY!!! So it was taboo then, I feel like it's even more taboo now, but had you lived it you would get it! These two always had way too much tension and never quite fell into a sibling-like relationship. They were insanely obsessed with each other making everyone around them uncomfortable, so they were destined to be messed up soulmates <3 It may be an ick for some and that's valid, but for me they'll always be "the exception the the rule" ;) Also Ashley and Mike were always pushing the limit on them, they knew what they were doing! Ok, so now that that's out of the way, I knew that we weren't going to get canon Dasey out of this, but I'm so glad the writers delivered on giving us some great Dasey content regardless. The fact that both Skylar's mom and Casey's hockey husband were both entirely absent and no love interest was given was wise. We basically got to see Derek and Casey play house and be the married vibes that they are which is honestly what us hardcore LWD/Dasey fans want anyway. Mike & Ash didn't miss a beat! That was really Casey and Derek back on my screen and it made me really emotional <3 Maybe the movie didn't have a whole lot of just them, since their children were the focal point but the way it ended, it just made me want more and feel like we were being set up for ...possible canon Dasey? But even if not canon, I think that if the show does get picked up, we can get so much fun Dasey content from it to build from anyway (canon is overrated sometimes lbr) Plus I genuinely enjoy seeing Derek and Casey in parental roles so that would be awesome. And SIMON MORE SIMON PLEASE!!!! <3
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capitainelevi · 3 years
Drabble Challenge!! 5 and 19, can you combine them too???
Thank you for your ask!! ❤️❤️ Drabble challenge: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece.
“You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” and “And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”
Growing up Petra has to take an emergency trip back home, leaving Levi to care for the two daughters they have together. Just how wrong could things get?
Canon universe. Word count: 1784
Petra could feel the judgmental eyes of her driver on her as she picked up the “disgusting” habit of chewing her nails again, as her husband would put it. She could feel anxiousness pouring out of her, half expecting to find her house in ruin on her arrival. Had it not been for her emergency trip to see her father in Paradise, leaving Levi alone with their two daughters would have been the last choice Petra would have made. It wasn`t that she didn`t trust her husband, no, but she knew he could be… hard to deal with.
Neither of them made it out of the war unscathed, and while Petra managed to keep her sunny side alive, Levi`s gruffness and pessimism only deepened. But Petra could always glimpse behind the cold exterior, being able to sense just how much her husband adored his little girls, even as they were in the process of putting his hair up in pigtails.
But no matter how much her husband loved his family, he was still a grumpy old man, which often put him at odds with their daughter going through her teen years. No matter how much Petra tried to prepare Levi for the inevitable change, her husband was not ready to accept “his little girl” was not little anymore. His overprotectiveness often suffocated Eve, leading to Petra taking her daughter`s side in most of the arguments between daughter and father.
Left on the sidewalk with her bags by her side, Petra took a glimpse at her house, relieved to see it had not gone up in flames in the few days that she was away from it. She took a deep breath as she gathered her courage to make her way inside to evaluate the damage done. The house was quiet when she stepped inside. Too quiet for her liking. While her daughters took up after their father when it came to their appearance, their personality was all Petra. “Much to their luck”, as their former squad insisted on reminding Levi every time they got to visit.
When she spotted her husband reading by the fireplace, Petra did not hesitate to throw herself on his lap, ignoring the groan it elicited. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her.
“I`m not 30 anymore, Petra.”
Petra chose to answer by capturing his lips in a kiss which Levi deepened, the book long forgotten as it hit the floor. She could feel her husband's excitement through the fabric of his pants, and she broke the kiss, worried their time together might get interrupted. Petra laid her head on his chest to listen to his heart beat as Levi ran his hands up and down on her back.
“Did you miss me?”
Levi kissed her again before whispering against her lips- “I think you can feel how hard.”
Petra threw him a dirty look as she got off his lap, much to his displeasure. Despite having been together for 21 years, the flame of their passion never went out. And while her husband had been awkward with showing his love, the time spent by her side changed him.
“You dirty old man.”
Levi just smirked at her playful banter, determined to show his wife just how much he missed her smart mouth once the house went to sleep.
“How`s your father?”
Petra sighed as she threw herself on the couch, still worried about leaving her father on his own until she made the arrangements. She cursed at getting her stubbornness from him when the man refused to acknowledge his old age and the health problems that it brought. After days of yelling and tears, her father agreed to set his worries of being a bother aside and accept Petra`s proposal to be an active part of their lives.
“Stubborn as ever.” Petra rolled her eyes at the smile growing on her husband`s lips, shaking her head in denial at the implication that she is worse than him. “But he did agree to come live with us. I`m just worried about him being on his own for now.”
Levi took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb on her soft skin- “He`ll be fine, Pet. It will be good for him to be close to his granddaughters.”
“Speaking about them, how was your week?”
Levi cleared his throat, quite proud of his achievements while his wife was away. Despite his limited movement, he managed to keep the house up to his cleaning standards, and more than that, he thought he acted fair when it came to the little arguments he had with his daughters throughout the week.
“It all went smoothly.”
Petra was wary of her husband`s confidence, but she chose to leave it alone for the moment. She could see herself once her daughters got back from their classes.
“And I managed to keep all the brats and their shitty germs away from our house.”
Petra groaned as she covered her face with one of the cushion pillows. She often wondered how her husband could be so good with children while also acting like a jerk.
“Levi, our daughters need friends!”
“But Petra, those brats barely know how to use a soap.”
Levi was in the middle of explaining to Petra just how many germs the children brought in his house when their daughters burst through the door, excited to see their mother. Lizzie jumped in Petra`s arms while Eve wrapped her arms around her. Petra squeezed them harder, letting her emotions get ahold of her. She tried to be strong and not show Levi just how soft she was, but her first time away from her family had been hard on her too.
“How is grandpa?”
“He`s fine, sweeties. He will come to live with us in a few weeks.”
Lizzie jumped from Petra`s arms, excited at the prospect of gaining a new partner for playtime, one other than her father- “Another guest to my tea parties!”
Petra just laughed at her daughter`s priorities while Levi announced he had lunch prepared for them. She noticed the half-hearted kiss they gave their father before making their way to the kitchen, and if that was not proof enough of Levi not handling the situation as well as he had claimed, the room being as silent as the grave during their meal was. Levi had managed to turn the most cheerful children Petra had ever seen into… well, him. And in only a matter of days.
“So, did you get along with dad?”
Petra did not miss the grimace on Eve`s face as both girls decided to stay quiet at her question. She turned her eyes to Levi, who just shrugged and carried on with lunch. She turned her attention to Lizzie next- “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
Her daughter stayed quiet again, and Petra nodded at her to answer as she ran her hand through her hair locks.
“Daddy takes the fun out of tea parties.”
Petra groaned, not believing the extends his husband would go to for his love for tea. She threw him a dirty look while Levi ruffled Lizzie`s hair.
“Princess, tea time is not for fun.”
“Levi, she`s six! She just wants to serve tea to her dolls.”
Levi was hurt at his wife`s words, as he expected her to understand how important it was for their daughter to understand the art of tea making from a young age. He had even gifted Lizzie a tea set for Christmas for that reason alone.
“But, Petra, she`s not too young to learn how to make a proper tea!”
“Lev…”- Petra was interrupted by Eve- “Dad moved my curfew to 8 PM. And he came over to my friend`s house to scold me for being out at that hour. It wasn`t even dark outside! Mom, he embarrassed me.”
Petra did not even have time to react, as Levi turned to her- “She`s too young to date!”
She rolled her eyes, tired of having the same argument with her husband every time their daughter was out with her friends. Petra was sure everyone in their town knew how scary Levi was, despite being confined to using a cane or wheelchair for movement. Everyone knew who Captain Levi Ackerman had been in his youth. She was sure anyone would think twice about hurting the daughter of Humanity`s Strongest Soldier.
“Mom was in the military at my age, dad!”
Petra did not miss the hurt in Levi`s eyes at hearing those words, knowing he was still haunted by the faces of all the children he had helped lead to certain death. He had once admitted to Petra he wished she could have had a different life, one where a child did not have to embrace the idea of death just for the dream of not living in a cage anymore.
Levi did not raise his eyes from his plate as he talked- “That`s different.”
“The hell it is!”- Eve spit in his face, angry at his father`s stubbornness.
Levi tried to contain his anger as he put his fork down and rolled away from the table- “You can say goodbye to the party on the weekend, young lady.”
Eve got up from her seat as she announced to the table- “And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.’’
Petra hugged her daughters and assured them their father was not mad before she followed her husband to their bedroom. She could see the misery on his face, and she threw her arms around him. Her husband barely whispered- “Do you think I`m a shitty dad?”
Petra squeezed him harder, trying to show him the confidence she had in his parenting- “No, Levi. Of course not.” She kissed his cheek before running her thumb on it- “You`re an amazing dad.” She hated that Levi questioned himself, but she would have never blamed him for it, as she knew all about his childhood and the terrors he went through. Petra knew his biggest nightmare was turning into a parent similar to Kenny.
Petra kissed him again before whispering against his lips- “You just need to understand your daughter is grown up.”
Levi sighed before giving her a chaste kiss- “It`s hard, Petra.”
She kissed his nose, knowing it would get a smile out of him, no matter what, and she was not wrong. Levi wrapped his arms around her again as Petra whispered in his ear- “They love you so much.”
“I adore them.”
Levi felt his heart stop when Petra took his hand and rested it on her tummy as she whispered in his ear- “And you will adore this one as well.”
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Time for a vacation
This was prompted by an amazing anon! I really like Gavin and Eli as bros! Hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Characters: Elijah & Gavin | Background Ship: Reed900
‘Ah damn, when was the last time we were here?’, Elijah sighed as he exited the car he had parked manually after the automated driver had refused to go off-road. ‘I would guess before you decided to play god?’, Gavin answered, smiling as Elijah looked at him insecurely. ‘Hey, just a joke. But seriously, haven’t been here in a long time. But I still remember it. We used to play volley ball over there.’ ‘You were terrible.’ ‘Says the one who was even worse than that.’ That made Elijah chuckle and shut the door, while Gavin was already excitedly gathering his bag and tried to get a hold of the next one. By then, Nines and Chloe had also made it out of the car and it was the RK900 that shoved his human away from the boot. ‘I will take care of that, Gavin, go and look for a nice place, will you?’ Immediately, the human had let go and bolted.
‘Good to see he is still as easily excitable as he was when we were young’, Elijah chuckled and took his share before locking the car and walking over to the spot Gavin was already frantically waving from. ‘He is’, Nines nodded. ‘And he really meant it as a joke, he told me on multiple occasions I was the best thing to ever happen to him and you were the reason for my creation.’ He winked at Cyberlife’s reinserted CEO. ‘Use that information however you may wish.’ He left Elijah standing there and walked the rest of the way. The human smirked, then followed.
They sat down on the blanket in the sand and stared ahead over the Lake Huron, that, if you didn’t know it was a lake, seemed to stretch endlessly like the open sea. Nines and Chloe had decided that sitting around and talking about the olden times was something inherently human ergo boring and had taken to exploring the beach. What left Gavin and Elijah alone on their blanket. ‘I still remember Lizzy and Dad taking us up here’, Gavin spoke up as the silence stretched and only the waves could be heard. ‘Simpler times.’ ‘You think so?’, Eli asked. ‘I don’t know, 2020 was a bitch.’ ‘Yeah, alright. But except that… I mean, it was all still… working out, you know?’ ‘You mean mom?’ Gavin nodded. ‘I mean I didn’t really know my mom, stayed with dad and never really saw her, but from what I’ve heard…’ He swallowed. ‘I always looked up to Lizzy and thought that she would never be like that.’ ‘Yeah, I’d hoped my mom would be different, too’, Elijah agreed. ‘I know I wasn’t home a lot back then but… Well, some things reached even me at Colbridge.’
‘Phck, this was supposed to be fun, not us getting depressed over the past’, Gavin laughed and leaned back. ‘Come on. We both know what happened and that it was shitty and that we were far better off in Detroit far away from them. That’s like... canon now. Tell me what I don’t know! What are you working on at the moment?’ ‘Err…’ Kamski threw him a nervous side glance, Gavin immediately caught onto. ‘Hey, I know I won’t understand a thing. Just try to explain it. If I can’t figure it out, it’s my shitty brain’s fault.’ ‘I believe the best Detective of the DPD is cleverer than he likes to think’, Eli teased. ‘Whoo, someone stared at the employee of the month posters a bit too long’, Gavin waved it away. ‘Come on, humour me.’
‘Pff, I don’t even know Gavin. These days I’m not stuck in the lab all day. Honestly, I mostly am a representative and manage finances… There’s little room for creativity and I believe the politics of companies are one of the least interesting things for you.’ ‘I know Cyberlife’s trying hard to hide their racist views. Gotta be the new android-healthcare supplier that helps them build mods and get their own bodies and stuff.’ ‘Hey, it wasn’t racist as they really just were machines.’ ‘Oh, come on. Do household robots really need to look human? Can’t tell me deviancy wasn’t a shiny experiment gone too far.’ ‘We are actually looking into this’, Elijah remembered. ‘Where did it come from? It’s a really interesting questions, because we don’t really know and… What?’ Gavin had crossed his arms behind his head, smiled and closed his eyes. ‘Ah, nothing, just that’s my brother. Doesn’t matter if you are working numbers all the time and are immensely frustrated over… I don’t know copyright strikes or something. You still have that spark you had when you first soldered together your first circuits and almost burned yourself.’ ‘Oh come on, I didn’t-‘ ‘You didn’t, but who is to thank for that?’ ‘You’, Eli chuckled. ‘Alright, yes, I still sit alone at home in my lab when I’m back from work and I might have to tell the researchers to turn a blind eye on some lines because I might not be entirely innocent when it comes to deviancy, but-‘ Gavin had opened his mouth at that point, but Eli shushed him. ‘Hey, I certainly didn’t expect this, I wanted to prove a point, that’s all. But anyways, I wanted to ask about you. What are you doing lately?’
Gavin exhaled deeply, frowning. ‘Not much, really. I’m still living in my flat with my cats. Well, and Nines, who is amazing and awesome and sweat and-‘ ‘You have a boyfriend, yes, I’m aware, what else?’ ‘Hey, we’re engaged, okay? I’m serious. Might even marry that one.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Hey, my other boyfriends were assholes, it seems I inherited my taste in bad partners from dad, but that doesn’t apply to Nines, because he’s the driving force for once. Anyways, Nines is perfect, and I plan on spending the rest of my life with him, because I’ve been lonely and miserable for too long.’ He took a break to breathe and continued: ‘Yeah, cats, Nines, flat. What else? I’ve nearly finished repairing that old bike I’ve bought.’ Eli blinked. ‘That’s been sitting in that garage for how long now?’ ‘Too long, but it’ll be finished next summer, I swear! Also, might finally get back to narcotics now that the others have homicide back under control. I’ve seen enough murdered people and crying family members for a while.’ ‘And narcotics is better, because...?’ ‘Because there generally isn’t as much drama. I mean come on, who uses Red Ice? The super-rich people I don’t care for-‘ ‘Hey!’ ‘And the lowest people that have done far worse than drugs. Everyone in between uses the normal stuff. You don’t have to explain a grieving wife or husband why their partners aren’t coming back. Or what’s actually worse: you don’t have to talk to severely traumatised androids who will be punished for a crime that was self-defence. Like you know no court will let them go, not yet, not when everyone still thinks they are machines.’ ‘And there we are at the depressive part again…’
Gavin chuckled. ‘Yeah, I guess. But I’m really happy to get back into it and Nines will get his Detective badge soon too. Has to retake Academy classes now because programming isn’t enough anymore. Well, once he made it, we will be partners. Can’t wait for that.’ ‘What happened to “I don’t do partners”?’ ‘He became “I do partners”’, Gavin smirked. ‘If you know what I mean.’ ‘Argh, why do I even talk to you?’, Elijah asked equally disgusted and amused. ‘Hey, as long as you are happy…’
‘We do have to meet more often’, Gavin demanded once his laughter had calmed. ‘I miss you, even if you are the slimiest person alive. Was a good idea coming here for the weekend.’ ‘I have to agree’, Elijah nodded and focussed back on an enormous container ship in the distance. ‘I missed talking to you, too. Calling over the phone simply isn’t the same.’ ‘Yeah.’ Gavin sat up again and suddenly perked up as he looked at someone behind Elijah, causing the man to turn, too.
‘Oh, Chloe, I could kiss you, there’s nothing better than hot-dogs on the beach, I’m starving!’ That marked the end of their conversation, as the two androids had come back with food and drinks. But Elijah had gotten to know what he had wanted to hear. And there would be plenty of occasions for more now.
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oboevallis · 3 years
Would u write one about Christopher been fine and healthy a little bit of pregnancy, deliver and also after that like been a first mom alone please?
thank you so much for the prompt!!!! i hope you enjoy this, i hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!!!
“And he’s okay?” Amelia asked Addison.
“Perfectly fine.” Addison smiled brightly, she had been concerned about this appointment especially since she had waited so long for an ultrasound.
“Good.” Amelia let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding in. “And your sure? I didn’t wait too long and the drugs didn’t mess him up?”
“I promise, there seems to be no abnormalities on the ultrasound.” Addison assured, grabbing the neurosurgeons hand in a sign of comfort.
“Thank you Addie.”
“Yep, just keep taking care of yourself.” Amelia nodded in agreement, excited for the impending arrival of her son.
“Amelia? What are you doing?” Addison asked as she stepped into her room.
“Umm, I’m moving out.” Amelia nervously said, she didn’t want the latter finding out by her packing away her stuff in boxes.
“What? Why?” The OB asked as she walked over to a box observing the contents.
“I love you Addie and I appreciate you so much for everything you’ve done but for my sobriety I need to do this on my own.” Amelia stated, as she rubbed her growing bump. “I’ve already got an apartment near the practice, it’s going to be okay.”
“When we’re you planning on telling me this?”
“I honestly was gonna wait until I moved in.”
“I don’t like this.” Addison crossed her arms across her chest.
“It’s going to be just fine. I need to do this on my own.” Amelia smiled reassuringly.
“Okay, you always have a home here though.”
“Thank you.”
Addison set down the last box onto the floor of the apartment floor. “That’s the last of it.”
“Yep.” Amelia smiled turning around to look at her sister, this was the first time she was truly living on her own. In college, internship and residency she always had roommates. Even when she lived in LA she roomed with her ex sister-in-law. She pulled the OB into a hug, and whispered thank you.
“Well I have surgery, don’t be picking up any of these boxes, I don’t want you overexerting yourself before your due date. Wait till someone comes to help you.”
“Stop worrying Addie.” Amelia chuckled before she shut the door behind the woman. She sat herself down on the couch, and looked around at the empty apartment filled with boxes. She laid herself down length ways and waited until Charlotte came to help her unpack.
“Derek?” Addison asked shocked when she saw her ex husband on the surgical floor. “What are you doing here?”
“Operating with Sam.”
“Oh, wow okay Sam didn’t mention it, I have to go scrub in.”
“Nice seeing you.” Derek called out and Addison smiled as she walked away. Once she got into her ORs scrub room, she tried to contain her nervousness. She knew Amelia didn’t tell her family about her pregnancy and she wasn’t ready to do so yet.
After a successful surgery she made her way into the attendings lounge to find Sam and Derek laughing. It brought her back to their med school days and their residency.
“How’s your surgery go?” Addison asked the two men in the room.
“It was good, I miss operating with this guy.” Sam said whilst smiling. Addison nodded as she awkwardly stood off to the side. “You okay Addison? You seem off.”
“Yep, I’m fine.” She quickly said grabbing her stuff and exiting the room.
“She probably just acting weird because I’m in town.” Derek assured his old friend
“Yeah, want to come over to my place for a drink?”
“Can I catch up with you later? I was gonna go visit my sister.” Derek asked.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah swing by tonight.”
Amelia sighed as she channel surfed, trying to find something that wouldn’t destroy her brain cells. Her and Charlotte had emptied most of the boxes, and the apartment was set up and livable for a baby. A knock on the door distracting her from the TV, she hoisted herself off of the couch and headed for the door, assuming Charlotte forgotten something here.
“Derek?” She asked in shock as she opened the door.
“Oh, y-your pregnant?” Her brother asked taken aback.
“Um, yeah.” She stepped aside allowing her brother into her apartment. “How’d you know I lived here?”
“Sam told me. Now why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?”
“I forgot?” She tried, unconvincingly. As she carefully sat down on the couch.
“Does mom know?” He asked sitting next to his sister. He had a million questions and wanted to be mad at his sister, but right now he was in a mix of shock and awe.
“Do you think mom knows?” She nervously chuckled, playing with the skin around her nail.
“That was a stupid question.” Derek chuckled, he looked around the apartment. “I guess it’s been awhile.”
“How’s Meredith and Zola?” Amelia asked desperately wanted to change topics.
“Good good, I’m sure Lizzies already blabbed it to the whole family. Meredith is pregnant.”
“Congratulations!” Amelia smiled. “And Lizzie actually hasn’t said anything, not like I talk to them though.”
“You should call mom, seriously.”
“And hear a lecture, no thanks Derek.”
“You won’t hear a lecture from her, she’ll be excited.”
“Oh I’m sure she’ll be thrilled her unmarried, alone, drug addict daughter is pregnant.” The youngest shepherd sarcastically said.
“Recovering addict.” Derek emphasized. “Is everything okay though?”
“Yeah, he’s good.” Amelia smiled brightly.
“It’s a boy.” Derek chuckled, taking his sisters hand in his. “Your gonna be a great mom.”
“I don’t know, I hope so. This baby deserves better than me.”
“Amelia, you’ve been through so much causing you to grow into an incredibly kind person. Parenthood is hard, really hard. You’ll get through it though, and your baby is going to be so loved. If you want me to, I can get you a job in Seattle, you can move in.”
“I need to do this on my own, for my sobriety, and for my baby.”
“Eww, your such a grown up now.” Derek laughed as he pulled his little sister into a hug.
“I can’t do this Addie.” Amelia cried as she allowed herself to fall back onto the hospital bed.
“Yes you can.” Addie encouraged, holding her hand as the neurosurgeon cried.
“Your almost there.” Jake reassured at the bottom of the bed.
“Ryan should be here.” She yelled through gritted teeth.
“I know.” Addison moved a strand of hair out of the younger woman’s face. “But in a matter of minutes your baby is going to be here, focus on the good.”
“I-I can’t do this I’m gonna screw this kid up.”
“Amy your not gonna screw this kid up.” She looked at the woman who was like her sister helplessly. She’d seen countless women give birth alone, but it was heartbreaking watching her sister have to experience it. She kicked off her shoes and situated herself behind Amelia, the neurosurgeon immediately leaning into her.
“I need you to push.” Jake told the woman, who nodded and tightened her grip on her sisters hands. Within the next ten minutes her cries were no longer her own, but her sons. She laughed in a mix of awe and relied as her son was placed on her chest, he was perfectly healthy.
“He’s beautiful.”
“Good job, Amy.” Addison smiled kissing the top of her sisters head, admiring the baby.
“He has Ryan’s eyes.” She noted looking at the baby, as he looked up at her.
“What’s his name?” Jake asked.
“Christopher.” Amelia smiled, happily. “Christopher Ryan Shepherd.”
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freddieslater · 3 years
✨ Kindly pressure me to actually write things ✨
Okay, I’m stealing this idea from @a-lil-bi-furious because it is Genius and I could really do with the motivation! So, I will list my current WIP’s and brief descriptions of them. For each title I get in my inbox, I will write you a snippet for that WIP, and you can feel free to send me as many titles as you like! (If I get two asks for the same title, I will just write another snippet so don’t worry about that!)
And because that neat little list seems weirdly motivating too, here are the promises I make:
• Each ask will be answered within the week
• I will write a good few paragraphs for all of them and do my best to make them Really good paragraphs!
I’m only gonna do the WIPs that I think I could actually be motivated to write. Here we go!
WIPs below the cut:
Find me in the forest, Frodo
A sequel to a fic I wrote called “a dance for the decades” about Lizzie, Josie, Hope, Kaleb, and MG sneaking out to a decade dance at Mystic Falls High, based pre-canon with major divergence. In this one, it focuses solely on the Lizzie/Landon storyline while also dealing with the aftermath of Connor’s attempt to kill Lizzie and the revelation that he knows she’s a witch, in which he’ll once again attempt to out her to the town.
Clash of the European Boyfriends
A dinner party is hosted at the Salvatore House in order to force Damon, Stefan, Enzo, and Klaus to have at least one civilised conversation, courtesy of Elijah and Lexi, with some extra cooperation and persuasion on Enzo’s part for Damon.
that’s a kindness you can’t afford
Another sequel, this one to “don’t be kind to it, it’ll come back” in which young Elena discovers Enzo being held in her dad’s basement and frees him, only he erases her memories. Now, years later, Enzo is keeping an eye on her from afar — until her parents’ care goes over Wickery Bridge, and he’s forced to confront his past through Elena and, to his displeased surprise, Damon.
Let the Games Begin
An AU where the Avengers are all entered into a social experiment called “The Circle” in which they are isolated for three weeks with only one form of communication to each other. Only, Stark Industries isn’t aware that its “experiment” is being used by S.H.I.E.L.D for other purposes.
So if you wanna piss off your parents
Sirius is being forced to go to a social event, hosted by his own family, where Purebloods gather to find prospective husbands and wives for their heirs. But he has a plan: His parents can’t marry him off if he shows up with a date on his arm. And they absolutely cannot marry him off if that date is a bloke (hopefully). It just so happens that James is his only viable option, resulting in a night of faking a relationship to Sirius’ entire family and a bunch of other Purebloods.
Uncle Wolf and Auntie Witch
Lizzie and Josie know about the merge. Liv can’t stay away anymore, and so she and Tyler leave the safety of their newfound contentment and go back to Mystic Falls so that she can help them. Only for them to arrive right in the middle of a Malivore monster invasion.
The Great Magic(less) Bake-Off
As a distraction for the students remaining at the Salvatore School for the holidays, Caroline and Alaric decide to host a series of friendly competitions. Hope is less than thrilled when she’s not only made to take part, but also paired up with Penelope, who is equally as dismayed about the entire situation.
Dear Past, I miss you
Pre-Legacies, when Hope’s room goes on fire and she loses nearly everything she owned, she loses control and hides in her temporary room (Caroline’s old one). In it, she finds a box of unopened letters that Freya had passed along in case Hope wanted them. All from her mom, addressed to her dad.
Were in the woods
Set just after 3A but Boyd and Erica are alive. Erica is wandering the woods during a full moon and comes across a coyote with bright blue eyes. She swears they’re some kind of werewolf, like her, and so she keeps coming back, trying to figure them out, and accidentally ends up solving a murder and a missing person’s case in the process.
First Wizarding War (to be changed)
Begins before the Order finds out that Voldemort is after Harry, before Lily and James are forced into hiding, before Harry is even born; one action completely changes the outcome. Petunia kills Vernon, in self-defence. It’s a burst of magic, she doesn’t know how or why, but it’s brief. With no one else to turn to, she turns to Lily. And with their bond quickly becoming restored in a few short weeks, when the prophecy is revealed, Petunia insists that they make her their secret keeper. In order to keep her safe, Dumbledore hides her and Dudley. They stay on the grounds of Hogwarts, undetected by the students, and from there, Voldemort’s plans are hang in the balance.
The Speedster & The Spider
All of the Avengers are alive, and they see a broadcast of an attack on Venice. Remembering where Peter’s field trip is, Pietro runs off to help — and thus breaking the Sokovia Accords. Again.
are we just a stepping stone?
It’s a late June night in 1978, and neither James nor Peter can sleep. James knows something is wrong. When he finally confronts Peter, the truth spills out about what Dumbledore has been planning. Now the Marauders need to find a way out without anyone getting hurt.
Always In the Closet
It’s the day of Lily’s wedding, and of course all four of the Marauders are there to support her and celebrate with her. Two of them just happen to be a bit distracted elsewhere.
And I’m not sorry for myself
A glimpse at life growing up in Ottery St. Catchpole for the Weasleys, Diggorys, and Lovegoods; from when they were kids, to starting Hogwarts, to the death of Luna’s mum, to the end of the line.
Why McGonagall banned Gryffindor Common Room parties
A series of parties held in the Gryffindor common room throughout the Marauders’ years at Hogwarts, ranging from explosions to snogging (and more).
Crash back into you
After Tracy’s face is in every newspaper across the UK for being seen with Sean Godfrey, Crash gets back in touch with her, and they restore their old friendship while Jess gets to bond with him, and it feels like another piece of their family has been found.
Wedding Disaster
Tracy can’t figure out how to fix Mike and Fiona’s wedding when it starts to turn to chaos, only for a few surprising guests to show up right when she needs them most. With Crash, Jackie, and Justine there to help, they manage to save the wedding — barely.
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peacedolantwins · 4 years
Pain and Embarrassment
Part of my Family series, takes place after Come Home Safe
It was an accident. It was supposed to be a one time thing and even that was a mistake. But he couldn’t stop.
Ethan found himself captivated by one of the girls in his office.
She was tall, beautiful, with light brown hair that she wore in curls down to her waist. Her green eyes drew him in every time he looked at her.
He had taken her out to dinner as an employee appreciation gift but she got flirty and more touchy as the night went on and before he knew it, he found himself slipping out of her bed feeling nothing but shame.
Shame he had done this. Shame he had cheated on you. Shame he had cheated on you while you were home with the kids.
He regretted it more than anything in his life.
The next day at work he filed the paperwork to move her to another department. He hoped having her out of range would get rid of the temptation.
But she kept coming back to visit. She would bring him lunch. She’d take him out for lunch, except it didn’t end there. More often than not the two of them would end up in the backseat of his car.
He had finally managed to completely put a stop to it, not being able to come home and see you looking so happy when you had no idea what he was doing.
That was until she made a final trip to his office.
“It’s sad really. You were willing to lose your family because you couldn’t keep it in your pants,” she took a seat across his desk and crossed her legs.
“I bet you want to keep that family don’t you? How do you think the misses would feel? You’re here screwing some girl while she’s home with the kids? How bad do you want to keep this a secret?”
“What do you want?” He swallowed deeply.
“I want a raise. And some vacation time, paid of course.” She said calmly as if she wasn’t threatening to ruin his family.
But he did that on his own didn’t he?
“I’ll take care of it.” He didn’t have a choice. He could make a higher paycheck work. He could work with time off.
But then she wanted more. She wanted a private office. A company credit card. A company car. He couldn’t do that. Not only would other employees notice but so would Grayson if he glanced at the finance reports.
When he told her he wouldn’t do that she pulled up the pictures she had. Pictures he didn’t even know she took of him lying in her bed. Him at dinners. Pictures she took of the two of them in his house. She threatened to sell them to magazines or the highest bidder.
She could only imagine the paycheck for exposing a high ranked business owner as a cheating husband.
But Ethan began to realize something.
She was going to do it anyway.
Eventually she would run out of things to ask for and she would put it out there for everyone to see.
So he had a plan. A plan he should have thought through a lot more.
Ethan set up an interview with a morning talk show for a few days later and when the time came, no one was prepared for what he had to say.
“Good morning, we’re here with Ethan Dolan, one of the owners and CEOs of one of the biggest companies in the country. You said on the phone that you wanted to clear some things up?” The host mentioned.
“That’s right. Recently there’s been something going on in my life that I’m not proud of. A woman who works with me has threatened to expose that part of my life if I don’t give into her demands and I’m not letting that happen. I would rather I say my side of what happened before any rumors have the chance to appear.” He took a breath.
“About a year ago, a dinner with a colleague turned into a mistake that I deeply regret. After that night I swore I was done but I found myself going back to her time and time again. Once I finally ended it she came to me with demands which I gave into. But the longer I did, the more she started to ask for and I couldn’t do that. She threatened to go to my wife, Y/n, with pictures I never knew she took. I would rather she heard it from me than some girl she doesn’t know.”
The host and the audience were silent.
“What did your wife have to say when you told her?” The host asked cautiously.
“...what?” Ethan was confused until he realized it, he hadn’t even told you yet.
“Are you saying you didn’t talk to her about this before you came here?” She pressed.
“No, I guess I didn’t,” He cringed at himself.
You watched the interview in shock. He told you he was doing an interview this morning but this wasn’t what you expected at all.
You were grateful you had the day off from work because you didn’t think you would be able to take the looks from your coworkers.
The kids.
You checked your phone and saw you had missed calls from both Alex and Riley, along with texts from them saying they saw what happened.
Kids could be cruel when they wanted to be and you didn’t want your children in that environment right now. Summer break was three days away and it’s not like the kids actually had assignments to do at this point anyways.
You: I’m on my way, text your brothers. I’m picking up Lizzy first.
When you got to the school to pull your ten year old daughter out, the front office staff looked at you with pity and didn’t ask too many questions when you signed her out which you were thankful for.
“Mama, how come we’re leaving?” Elise asked once you were back in the car.
“We’re gonna go visit grandma and grandpa for a while, my mom and dad,” you explained. It technically wasn’t a lie, that’s where you were going, just not the reason why.
You pulled up at the boys high school, grateful they were all finally at the same school and didn’t need to make another trip.
“Liz, stay in the car okay?” You got out and locked the doors.
You quickly went to the attendance office and were surprised to see your children already waiting for you. Usually you had to sign them out before they could leave class but you weren’t going to ask how they managed to get out.
“Mom-“ Alex started.
“Not right now please, we can talk about it later but not right now.” You never wanted to drive upset.
Riley got in the front seat while Alex climbed in the back with Noah and Liz.
“Here, book flights to California while I’m driving,” you handed him your phone.
They were old enough to know what was going on and didn’t ask as to why.
“Ma, it’s almost $4,000…” he trailed off.
“Book them.” You didn’t care about the price. You made enough on your own without Ethan and considering how much money he gave his side girl he could afford it.
Riley did as you said and told you the flight left in 3 hours.
Once you got back to the house you quickly grabbed the luggage from the spare room and handed a bag to each child.
“Pack what you need and anything else we can buy over there. I want to be out of here in 20 minutes.” They all nodded and took off to their rooms.
You decided to go help Elise pack, knowing she would have a hard time deciding what was important. You grabbed a few outfits for her, her favorite shoes, along with a few other things and crammed them into the suitcase, not caring everything would be wrinkled. That could be taken care of later.
You quickly shoved a few pairs of jeans and tops into your own suitcase and zipped it up.
Everyone met you downstairs by the door and after asking to make sure everyone had everything you were set to go.
The boys threw everything in the car while you got Lizzy calmed down a bit.
Once at the airport you did your best to blend in. You didn’t want anyone getting photos of you and your family during the worst time in their lives.
The flight was long and tiring and the majority of the time you found yourself holding back tears as you shut your eyes.
How could Ethan do this? Why would he do this? Were you not enough for him? Did your family really mean that little to him that he would throw it away for some girl? And why would he air your dirty laundry on national television for everyone to see before he even told you of it? He said it started a year ago and that was the same time that it happened… is that why he went to another woman?
Once off the plane and in the car with your mom and children, you pulled out your phone to see dozens of missed calls and texts from Ethan.
E: I can explain
E: y/n please
E: I’m so sorry
E: she meant nothing
E: I should have told you before
E: please pick up
E: where are you? Where are the kids?
E: baby please don’t do this
E: I’m so sorry please come home and we can talk
E: I’ll fix this I promise what do you want me to do?
E: you aren’t picking up and neither are the kids please just answer
E: just let me know you’re okay please
E: I called your mom and she told me to fuck off and stay away from you so I’m guessing you went back to California
E: I’ll give you some space
All of those were from hours ago and from the looks on your kids faces in the backseat you saw they had similar messages from their father. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
You could cry later once you were alone. Right now your children needed their mother. And once they were okay, you needed yours.
It had been hours since Ethan completely screwed up everything. He was waiting by the phone for a message from you or the kids but nothing. Until he heard it ring and he read the message.
Alex: leave us alone and stop bothering mom, you’ve done enough.
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dancerlittle006 · 4 years
School Days
First things first, I don’t own anything related to Disney or Newsies. Second of all, this is a continuation of my “The Many Adventures of Sammi & Race” series. You may want to read the others in the series but it’s not necessary!  As always, feedback is always appreciated and loved!!!
September 1907
For the last several weeks, Katherine and Jack had talked about how exciting Sammi starting school was going to be. They were trying to hype the girl up but she was nervous. It also didn’t help that they had just welcomed another baby, Elizabeth Marie Kelly into the family and Sammi was very protective of her younger sister. Kat had suggested they get Race and Spot involved but Jack wasn’t ready to engage his brother and brother-in-law just yet.   
“But momma.” She stomped her foot. “Why doesn’t Tommy or Lizzie hafta go?” 
Kat smiled at her daughter. “They’re too young, Sammi. Besides, you’re a big girl and you can tell them how wonderful school will be when it’s their time to go.” 
“But I don’t want to go!” Sammi stomped her foot, just as the phone rang. Katherine took a break from arguing with her daughter to answer it. 
“Hi Race. No you’re not interrupting anything.” She said into the receiver. 
Sammi tuned her mother’s voice out, opting to play with her doll. She heard her mother hang up the phone before looking over her shoulder. “What’s wrong, momma?” 
“Benny isn’t feeling well and Uncle Race was calling about him.” Kat looked at Sammi. “How about we go visit them?” 
She rushed to get her shoes on while Kat put shoes on Tommy and bundled Lizzie up and placed her in the pram. They made their way down the street, heading towards Race and Spot’s brownstone. They soon arrived, Sammi running up the stairs to knock on the door while Tommy lumbered behind his older sister slowly. Katherine smiled at him picking up Lizzie and walking up the stairs just as the front door opened. “Thank God you’re here.” 
Her and the children rushed in behind him, shutting the door before they made their way through the house. Kat could hear Benny crying in his room. “Can I put Lizzie down in the bassinet?” 
Race nodded, ducking down the hallway to Benny’s room. Katherine laid the baby down before looking at Tommy, Sammi, and Ellie. “How about you three play while da and I look after Benny?” 
The kids nodded, loving the impromptu playdate. Katherine made sure they were all set before ducking down the hallway to the little boy’s room. He wasn’t crying as hard as when she first arrived, but was cuddled against Race’s shoulder. “How’s it going?” 
“He’s calmed for now.” Race sighed. “He was fine this morning but now, he’s just miserable, and wants to be held all the time.” 
Holding out her hands for the boy, she smiled as he reached for her. “What’s going on Benny Boo?” 
He whined, burying his head in her shoulder. “He feels warm to me. Have you tried giving him a bath?” 
“No .. . was I supposed to?” Race asked. Despite being a parent for over a year, he was still learning so much about the children. 
Kat chuckled, swaying side to side. “You’re not supposed to do any one particular thing but it may help bring the fever down, if he has one. It might help him feel better. Make the water lukewarm - not too hot.” 
Race nodded. He went to start a bath while Kat undressed the still whining baby. She sushed him and cooed at him before picking him back up, walking to the bathroom. Handing him over to his da, Race gently took off his diaper before putting him in the tub, heart tugging as Benny whined. 
“How did yous get so good at being a mom?” Race asked, as Benny relaxed in the tub. “How do you know what to do?” 
Kat leaned against the doorway, watching Race and Benny. “Well, I’m on my third child. I called my mother so many times during that first year with Sammi. She joked that she might as well move in which Jack quickly put his foot down about. But you learn and you figure things out.” 
Race nodded, taking a sponge and dragging water across Benny’s body, the boy giggling slightly. “Look at how much you’ve learned in the year since you adopted Ellie and Benny. Think of the things that you couldn’t do a year ago but now can do with your eyes closed.” 
Race chuckled, thinking about the first few weeks and months with the 3 year old and the baby. Bottle making, sleepless nights, times all four of them were crying. “You’re right. And Is sure we’ll continue to learn.” 
“You will.” Kat smiled, holding out a towel for Race to put Benny in. “Now I need your help.” 
Race transferred the wet baby to Kat’s awaiting arms before cleaning up the mess. “Anything, name your wish.” 
“I need you to talk with Sammi about school.” Kat sighed, laying the baby on the floor and putting a fresh diaper on him before picking him up once more before he could fuss. “She is adamant she doesn’t want to go.” 
Race smiled, walking towards Benny’s room, Kat trailing behind him. “Of course, absolutely. I thought she was excited to go.” 
“She was excited but since Lizzie was born, she doesn’t want to leave her sister behind. She keeps making up excuses.” Kat sighed. “Jack keeps telling me that she’ll get excited as it gets closer but we’re a week out and she doesn’t even want to talk about it.” 
He nodded, giving his sister a side hug. “I’ll talk to her in a little bit. Let’s get this little man taken care of. If you’ll give him a bottle, Is talk with Sammi.” 
She nodded, dressing him in a sleeper as Race went and made a bottle before returning, handing it over to Kat with a grin. He watched them for a minute before walking into the living room. Tommy, Sammi and Ellie all played with the trucks, blocks, and dolls scattered around them. “Sammi, can Is talk to you for a minute?”
She glanced at her uncle before walking over to where he sat on the couch. She climbed up and leaned against him. “Hi Uncle Race. Is Benny okay?” 
“He will be. Your mom is feeding him a bottle right now.” Race pulled Sammi onto his lap. “Are you ready for school?” 
Sammi laid her head on his shoulder, shaking her head. “Is not going to school. Is staying with mom, Tom, and Lizzie.” 
“But yous have to go to school. Yous don’t want mom and dad to go to jail, do you?” Race’s eyes went wide as the little girl giggled. 
Sammi giggled at how silly her uncle was. “Theys not gonna go to jail.” 
“Theys might if you don’t go to school.” Race chuckled. “Yous gonna have so much fun and Miss Hill is going to be a wonderful teacher and yous gonna learn so much. Yous might be smarter than your momma one day.” 
Sammi’s eyes went wide at her uncle’s statement. “Is not smarter than momma.” 
“Not now yous aren’t but one day yous might be.” He nodded, leaning close to his niece. “Besides, for someone who didn’t go to school, you can tell me all about it and maybe Is can learn with you.” 
She nodded, giving him a grin. “Okays, Is go to school.” 
Katherine came out of the hallway hearing her daughter’s proclamation with a grin. “You’re going to school, Samantha Anne?” 
“Yes momma! Uncle Race told me Is havta.” Sammi grinned at her mother as Katherine sat beside her. 
Kat shot Race an appreciative grin before looking at her daughter. “I’m so happy to hear that. You’re going to have a great time in school.” 
“Can I go play now?” Sammi asked, looking between her mother and uncle. 
Rave nodded, watching the little girl jump off the couch to go play with her cousin and brother.  Kat looked at Race with a grin. “Thank you for whatever you said to her. I love you and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.” 
“Is told her that she’d be smarter than yous one day.” Race shrugged. “It seemed to work - she warmed up to the idea of school pretty quickly after that.” 
She clapped quietly. “Well I appreciate it regardless of what you said. And I hope she is smarter than me one day.” 
The front door opened and shut with a quiet bang as Spot walked in with a grin. “Kat! This is a surprise.” 
“When your husband calls up frantically due to your son being sick, a visit is a must.” Kat gave her friend a grin. “Benny’s sleeping and has a slight fever.” 
Spot gave Race a look before kissing him. “Calling up Kat when our son is sick?” 
“It was in a moment of panic and I didn’t know what to do. He was crying and Ellie was tugging at me.” He kissed Spot once more, dropping his voice to a whisper. “I really had her come over so Ellie would have someone to play with.” 
Katherine scoffed, shaking her head at the two of them. “You two are ridiculous.” 
“But you love us regardless of that.” Spot grinned, looking over at the three kids playing. 
Race raised an eyebrow. “I actually solved a problem of hers.” He said blowing on his nails, polishing them against his shirt. “Sammi has been in a state of denial about attending school and Uncle Race to the rescue and now she’s all excited.” 
Spot shook his head at his husband. “Of course all it took is one conversation with Uncle Race and suddenly it’s okay.” Giving Kat a look, “Haven’t you learned that trick yet?” 
“Yea, yea she loves you two more than she loves me and Jack.” Kat rolled her eyes at her daughter’s love of her uncles, actually all of her children’s love of their uncles. 
A Week Later
Flanked by her parents and Uncle Race, Sammi skipped on her way to school. She was giggling as Jack skipping alongside her. Kat and Race were walking arm in arm, shaking their heads at the two’s antics. 
Stopping in front of the school, Jack picked up Sammi, both of them looking at the big building in front of them. “Yous doing okay, Sammi?” 
“Uh huh.” She put her hand to her lip, eyes big at the building. “Its big, daddy.” 
“It is but you’re going to have a great day and learn lots.” Jack whispered as Kat and Race caught up to them. “Yous ready to go in?” 
She shrugged, looking over her shoulder at Race. “Yous come too?” 
“You think Is walked all this way and not comin’ in with you, Sammi?” Race grinned. “Yous crazy, silly girl. Let’s go.” 
They walked into the building, following other parents for the first day. They quickly found Miss Hill’s classroom before Jack put Sammi down. She clutched his hand as they walked into the classroom. The classroom was loud with kids playing and parents talking to one another. Race dropped to his knee and looked at Sammi. “This room looks like it’s so much fun. You’re going to have a great day here.” 
Kat and Jack both looked around the room, picking out Sammi’s teacher who was talking to another parent. “Shall we look for your desk, Sammi?” 
She held her hand out for Kat and Jack to take before walking deeper into the classroom. They looked at the clusters of desks before Jack pointed towards a cluster in the back corner. “I think I see a Samantha Kelly desk over there.” 
They made their way over to the desk, Sammi lighting up when she recognized her name taped to the desk. “Look momma!” 
“I see baby. It says Samantha.” Kat crouched down, grinning at Sammi. 
Jack joined his wife crouching down, dropping his voice to a whisper. “It looks like the BEST desk in the room to me.” 
Sammi giggled, just as Miss Hill came over to greet Sammi. “Hi Samantha, I’m so excited to have you in my class this year. Who did you bring with you today?” 
“Hi Miss Hill.” Sammi smiled brightly. “This is my momma, daddy, and Uncle Race.” 
Miss Hill looked at the three adults with a smile. “It’s very nice to meet you. We’ll be beginning class in a few minutes. Sammi, say your goodbyes and sit down at your desk when you’re ready.” 
Miss Hill left them alone as Sammi looked at the ground. “Do yous have to go?” 
“Afraid so, darlin’.” Kat smiled. “But you’re going to have so much fun and we’ll meet you outside after school, okay?” 
Sammi nodded, shuffling over to give Kat a hug before looking at her dad. “I love yous daddy.” 
“I love you too Samantha Anne.” Jack kissed her forehead. “Yous gonna do great things, darlin’. Have a great day of school and I’ll see you later.” 
She nodded, walking over to Uncle Race. “Yous be here after school?” 
“Yes, I will Sammi. I love you girlie. Have a great day at school and Is can’t wait to hear alls about it.” Race kissed her forehead, standing up and waving goodbye before he followed Kat and Jack out of the classroom. 
The three stood by the doorway as Sammi took her seat. She peaked up when another girl sat beside her, the two girls quickly talking to one another. Kat looked at the two men beside her with a grin. “Your girl will be just fine. It looks like she’s made a friend already. Let’s go before she sees us.” 
“But what if she . . .” Jack and Race both started, before Kat took their hands and led them from the doorway. 
Shaking her head, Kat grinned. “She will be fine. She’s a Kelly and with as much confidence and sass as that girl has, she’ll be just fine.” 
Walking out of the school, Kat sighed listening to Jack and Race come up with excuses on why they should hang around the school, “just in case” Sammi needed them. “Mark my words, Higgins and Kelly, she will be just fine and she’ll be even more excited about going back tomorrow.” 
The three had parted ways earlier that morning, Kat and Jack headed to The World while Race headed to the hotel to work his shift. They had gathered in front of the school, chatting quietly while they waited for the bell to ring.  It rang before children streamed out of every available door. “Do you see her yet?” 
Kat looked at Jack before shaking her head. Race grinned, pointing her out. “There she is.” 
Sammi raced over to where they sat, flying into Jack’s arms with a grin. “How was your day?” 
“IT WAS AMAZING!” She yelled, jumping up and down with a grin. “Is learned my ABCs!” 
Kat and Race fussed over Sammi with a grin while Jack hugged her close. “I’m so glad you had a great day, Sammi.” 
“Shall we go celebrate?” Kat asked, giving the three of them a big smile. “I think I hear the newly done schoolgirl loves ice cream?” 
Sammi’s eyes widened as she nodded her head. “Is LOVE ice cream.” 
“Shall we go get some?” Jack asked, picking her up in his arms before lacing his fingers with Kat. “Yous in Uncle Race?” 
Race grinned, nodding. “Of course, I am. Let’s go!” 
The four of them set off down the street, heading towards Jacobi’s for celebratory ice cream for Sammi’s first day of school. 
What did you think? Feedback and comments are always welcomed! 
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spn-safeandsound · 4 years
11. Too Many Coincidences
Safe and Sound
Dean Winchester x Original Character
Episode: 1x16; Shadow
Word Count: 8,933
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence + gore, minor character death, angst
Author’s Note: Introducing the Petersen clan! Tell me what you think of this chapter! Enjoy, reblog, and like!
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Julia could feel their eyes on her every now and then. First it would be Dean; his green eyes would look into the rearview mirror and study her pouring over her bible, head bowed. He would look away and then, not even three minutes later, Sam would turn to check on her, his puppy dog eyes peaking over the back of the seat. She would ignore them and continue on reading, her eyes stinging harshly.
She got the call the night before, just after they rescued Sam from the creepy family that hunted humans for sport. It was Taylor, Beth's husband, that called her, telling her that she needed to come home now. They were supposed to be on their way to Chicago for Beth and Levi's birthday in a day's time; now they were going for a different reason.
Levi was dead. The police had found him in his condo in Chicago after he didn't show up to work for two days. She didn't know how her brother died because at that point, she was a mess. Sam had pulled her into his arms while Dean took the phone, getting the details from Taylor. They were on their way to Chicago as soon as they packed up their things.
Julia had been inconsolable for the first half of the eight-hour drive from Hibbing, Minnesota to Chicago. Dean had stayed with her in the backseat, holding her tightly while Sam drove them. Then Julia fell asleep; when she woke up only an hour later, she was alone in the backseat. She cried silently as she pulled her bible out of her backpack and started reading, trying to find strength from whatever passage she turned to.
Now they were just getting out of the early morning traffic on their way to Winnetka, the village that the Petersen-Alexander family lived in which was only sixteen miles away from Chicago. Beth, Taylor, and Lizzie still lived in the house that the siblings grew up in while keeping rooms for Luke, Abby, Levi, and Julia.
"Jules," Dean spoke up gently as he pulled up to the gates that kept strangers and any enemies off the Petersen property. "We're here."
Julia barely looked up, just enough to give Dean a view of her bloodshot eyes. She looked back down, hearing Dean sigh and roll down his window to speak into the speaker in front of the gate.
"Name?" a gruff voice spoke.
"Dean Winchester," Dean stated. "I'm here with Julia and my brother, Sam."
Dean cleared his throat and recited the codeword that Taylor gave him the night before. "Peanut butter cup."
As the gate buzzed and slowly opened, Julia wondered if Lizzie picked the codeword. It had been food before, but Lizzie's favorite candy was a Reese's Peanut Butter cup. She probably insisted that it would be the week's passcode. Her niece was a special one, that was for sure.
The head security guard, a man named Mike that had been with them since Julia was a baby, greeted them at the front of the house. He hardly acknowledged Sam and Dean as Julia got out of the car, immediately pulling her into a tight hug.
Julia felt the tell-tale sting in her eyes as she buried her head in Mike's shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, Jules," Mike said hoarsely; he was just as upset as the siblings, considering they considered Mike and his wife, Judy, their family. "Levi was a good man. One of the best."
Dean felt his heart ache for Julia when he saw his shoulders heave, a sign that she had started crying again. He felt so bad for her on top of his own sadness; he and Levi had been good friends since childhood. Everyone was feeling his loss right now.
Julia pulled back from Mike and wiped her eyes, giving him a tired smile while Sam and Dean started getting their stuff out of the trunk. "How's Judy?"
"She's okay," Mike told her, grabbing her bags from Sam and Dean. "We've missed you around here."
"I've missed you guys too," she assured him. Turning to face the house, she sighed heavily. "Is Abby home yet?"
Mike nodded. "Yep. Maggie got here an hour ago."
"And no Dad?"
"Not yet," he frowned; Dean and Sam copied his expression. "Sorry, Jules."
Julia didn't answer verbally; she reached for his hand and squeezed it before climbing up the steps to the front door. She typed the four-digit code in to unlock the door and opened it when the locks unlocked loudly.
"Auntie Jules!" a squeal erupted from the foyer before Julia was almost knocked over by a small force.
"Lizzie!" Julia plastered a smile on her face for her niece, who probably didn't understand what was going on. All she knew was that Aunt Julia and Aunt Abby had come home earlier than they were meant to. She picked Lizzie up and poked the dimple in her right cheek. "Look at you! You're almost as tall as me!"
Although Lizzie was tall for her five years of age, she wasn't almost as tall as Julia. She was the cutest little girl that Julia had seen, though. She got her dad's face full of freckles and height but everything else was Bethany. The wavy brown hair that all Petersen women inherited, the brown eyes, and the pretty smile.
Lizzie giggled. "Yep!" she exclaimed as her eyes left her aunt and found Dean behind her. "Uncle Dean!"
"Hey, kiddo," he greeted her with a grin, reaching forward to tug on one of her braided pigtails. "Lizzie, you remember Sammy?"
"Hi, Uncle Sammy!" even though Sam and Lizzie had only met three or four times, she was always fond of the tall man. "Your hair is silly!"
Dean chuckled in amusement while Sam smiled. "Hey, Lizzie."
Julia shook her head and hid her laugh. Clearing her throat, she gained her niece's attention once again. "Hey, Lizzie, where's your mom?"
"Upstairs in her room," the bright smile fell from Lizzie's face. "With Aunt Abby."
Julia set Lizzie back down. "I'm gonna go check on her, okay? Why don't you bring Dean and Sam to your dad?"
"Okay!" Lizzie chirped, grabbing Dean's outstretched hand. "Nana Maggie is here, too."
Forcing a smile, Julia waited until Lizzie led Sam and Dean out of the foyer. Mike had already gone to put all of their bags in her room and the guest rooms, so all she had to do was go to Beth and Taylor's room.
She knew as soon as she saw her sisters she would break down again. Levi was a quiet man but he had always watched over them. He was protective and the best big brother Julia could have asked for. The three sisters would feel his loss forever.
Julia wandered around the staircase to the hallway at the back of the foyer. The master bedroom, as well as two guest rooms, and her dad's room were on the main level. The closer she got to the master bedroom, the more she could hear gentle sniffling. She gently knocked on the door before opening.
Beth and Abby were laying together on the king-sized bed, their eyes red and faces puffy. They looked up when Julia entered the room and, when she broke into sobs and ran to the bed, they started crying again.
Julia buried her head in Beth's shoulder, inhaling her rose and vanilla scent. She already felt better in her sisters' arms but she'd be perfect if Levi was still there, too.
It was a somber night in the Petersen-Alexander house with all three sisters not coming out of the master bedroom since Julia arrived. Sam and Dean had greeted Taylor and Maggie fondly, knowing both of them quite well, and the four of them made sure that Lizzie was entertained and the sisters were checked on every hour.
In the morning, the news had centered around Levi's death. As one of the most eligible bachelors in Chicago, it was a big deal to hear that Levi Petersen had passed away. Taylor had to turn the channel when Maggie burst into tears over her cup of coffee from the rumors that were going around about her nephew.
Julia was the first of the sisters to emerge. At eight, she was freshly showered and dressed in lounge shorts and a PSC t-shirt. She and Taylor greeted each other fondly and then she and Maggie had an emotional reunion.
Maggie was one of Julia's heroes. Her aunt was a spitting image of Naomi, with the wavy brown hair and dimple, but that wasn't the reason why Julia looked up to her. When Naomi first got sick when Julia was ten, Maggie took over as the CEO of Petersen Sports Co.. She was thirty-two years old and previously the head of sales, much like Levi was. She thrived in her new role and kept the company successful while making sure her sister was taken care of while Luke was out hunting every week. And when Naomi died, Maggie was the one to take care of Julia while grieving her sister and still taking care of the family business. Even if Maggie didn't fight or hunt, she was a badass in her own way. She stepped up when she needed to, was a faithful woman, and she loved her family fiercely. Julia hoped to be half of the woman Maggie was as she aged.
"Julia," Maggie sighed into her hair as they hugged tearfully. "I've been worried about you."
Julia pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears away, giving her a confused look. "Why?"
"Well, you're hunting," Maggie pointed out the obvious. "Without your sister, might I add."
"Sam and Dean are great, Aunt Maggie."
"I know they are," Maggie nodded, sending Sam and Dean a warm smile where they sat on one of the couches in the large living room. "I just worry about you kids."
"I know you do," Julia squeezed Maggie's hand. "but I'll be okay. I promise."
Maggie smiled and kissed the top of Julia's head before going to join Lizzie by the coffee table to color from a princess coloring book.
"So," Julia took a deep breathed and smiled at Sam, Dean, and Taylor. "Who wants blueberry pancakes for breakfast?"
"I do!" Lizzie exclaimed excitedly. "You always make them the best!"
"Hey, I heard that, you rugrat!" Beth entered the living room, giving her daughter a mischievous smile. Abby walked in right behind her, both of them showered and freshly dressed.
While Abby greeted Sam and Dean, Beth picked Lizzie up and kissed her cheek, making her giggle, "Sorry, Momma."
"How about I teach your mom how to make them like Nana Naomi taught me?" Julia asked Lizzie. "Extra blueberries?"
Lizzie nodded jerkily. "Extra blueberries."
Beth shook her head in amusement and set down Lizzie before walking over to Sam and Dean.
"Hey, guys," she pulled Dean into a hug, who returned it easily. The Petersen family were huggers and he was comfortable enough with them to return the affection. "How are you?"
"Hanging in there," Dean smiled sadly. "I'm so sorry, Beth."
Beth's dimple popped out as she frowned but gave him a grateful look. "Thanks, Dean," she turned to Sam, wrapping her arms around him. "Sam, you need a haircut."
Sam pressed his lips together while Dean laughed. "Lizzie said that too."
"Yeah," Sam rolled his eyes as Beth started laughing with his brother. "Laugh it up, guys. Real funny."
Dean and Beth continued to laugh until Julia called over for her sister. "Beth, come on!"
Beth sobered up and grinned at the men she considered her brothers. "I better go before she gets all bossy on me."
Dean looked over Beth's head to where Julia stood with Lizzie on her hip, both of them looking over the oldest sister expectantly. She looked good with a kid on her hip, he realized. It made him think of his dream, of Peter, Jonah, and Levi and their life together.
He didn't know that he had a certain glint to his stare as he watched Julia but Beth did. She quickly looked between the two, noticing that Julia was now staring back at him with a small smile and looked to Sam to see if he noticed too.
She raised her eyebrows at him in a silent question; do Julia and Dean have feelings for each other? Sam nodded back at her; they're both oblivious, but yes.
An amused smirk crossed Beth's face as she crossed the living room to her sister and daughter. "All right," she gave in. "Let's go make breakfast, girlies."
Maggie followed Julia, Beth, and Lizzie into the kitchen, leaving Dean, Sam, Abby, and Taylor. Abby waited until the sound of the mixer started before sitting next to Taylor on the couch and bringing up a difficult subject with all three men.
"Did Taylor give you the details about..." she hesitated for a long second, swallowing the lump in her throat. "about Levi?"
"I didn't," Taylor shook his head. "Not all of them, anyway. I figured you'd have a better perspective about the whole thing."
Abby nodded and Dean gave them a curious look. "What are you talking about?"
"Levi's death wasn't—" Taylor shook his head sadly. "It wasn't from natural causes. Someone—or something—murdered him."
"Something?" Sam raised his eyebrows at Taylor, stomach sinking in dread. "You mean you think something supernatural killed him."
"I do."
"I do, too," Abby added. "His condo was locked and the security system was on without any reported break-ins or tripped alarms."
"Have you seen the condo?" Dean asked; Taylor nodded. "Was there anything weird or any sign of a presence?"
"I took pictures of it," Taylor's face paled immensely as he remembered the crime scene. "It—it was bad. I had to identify the body and, well, Levi put up a fight."
Abby sniffed as tears filled her eyes; Sam and Dean gave her sympathetic looks while Taylor wrapped a supportive arm around her shoulders.
"Listen, I looked more into it," she pulled herself together. "There was another death a week or so ago and this morning. Same thing as Levi; locked apartment, no tripped alarms."
"This morning?" Sam asked in shock.
Abby nodded. "Guys, I think this is something," she inhaled deeply. "and I would do this myself but I-I just can't."
"We'll take care of it," Dean assured her quickly; he knew how important this way. This was Levi and he wasn't about to let his friend's little sister look into his murder. "We'll find what did this to Levi."
Abby wiped her eyes and sniffed noisily, taking the tissue Taylor offered her. Dean hadn't seen her cry since Naomi died; Abby was a tough one and didn't wear her heart on her sleeve like her sisters.
"Thank you," she managed to smile at them before standing up. "I'm gonna go see how they're doing in there."
As she left the room, Sam and Dean exchanged serious looks. They had to find out what exactly happened to Levi. They owed it to their friend and his grieving family.
After a delicious breakfast of blueberry pancakes, eggs, sausage—because Lizzie was weird and she didn't like bacon—and bacon, the arrangements for Levi's memorial began. While Maggie was on the phone with the funeral home where Naomi had her memorial—the family knew the home's director, who made sure their family was salted before being cremated—Taylor, Sam, and Dean retreated into the former's study, where they went over the photos of the crime scene in Levi's apartment while Julia, Abby, Beth, and Lizzie went through pictures of Levi to display at the memorial.
There were around twenty photo books to go through since the Petersen family were big on pictures. There were three whole photo albums just on Levi himself, from infancy to adulthood, while there were five books or so of the siblings all together and even more for special events and holidays.
It was heart breaking to go through the books, looking at Levi's smiling face but there was also something calming about it for Julia. Seeing Levi's bright smile in the pictures made her miss him so much but she knew he was happy up in Heaven with their mom. He had been a momma's boy through and through and he was destroyed when Naomi died. Julia would see her big brother again; she was sure of it.
"Look at this one," Beth smiled sadly down at the picture in her hands. She showed Abby and Julia, who were sitting side-by-side across the kitchen table. "Do you remember this?"
"Oh, my God, was that the Easter?" Abby reached for the photo and grinned widely when her question was answered. "It is. God, that was the funniest thing that ever happened to me."
"Yeah, funniest for you, most embarrassing for me," Julia grumbled as she took the picture from her sister; she couldn't help but smile at it anyway. "I tripped and fell at the Easter egg hunt, right in front of the boy I liked."
The picture was from when Julia was ten years old, Abby was thirteen, and Beth and Levi were seventeen. It was Easter and they were all dressed up in their best spring outfits. Right before the picture had been taken by Naomi, there was an Easter egg hunt that Julia participated in while her family watched on. She ended up tripping in the church parking lot in front of Simon Johnson, the boy she liked from her school. Her knees were still bloody and her face was tear-stained in the picture where she was smiling forcefully in front of Levi.
Beth and Abby snickered and Julia tried to glare at them but she couldn't keep it up. "All right, fine," she admitted. "It's kind of funny now."
"It was funny then!" Abby exclaimed before turning to Lizzie who sat next to her mother. "Auntie Jules is clumsy, isn't she?"
Lizzie nodded, her eyes eagerly soaking in the picture as Julia handed it back to Beth. "I like that picture."
"Me too," Beth smiled fondly. "It's going in the sibling pile."
Julia sighed; why must her sister torture her. "Fine."
She grabbed a photo album from the middle of the table and opened, smiling when she realized that it was Levi's teen years. It was full of awkward but sweet pictures. There were some of him with the youth group they all participated in; some from school events like prom and soccer games; there were a lot with Beth, especially when they graduated; and there was even one with Dean by his side, both of them looking at the camera with unamused looks. She saved that one, intending to give it to Dean later.
It was nice to see the pictures and remember times that she may not have on her own. She was seven years younger than Levi and Beth, which meant that some of her memories of them were different with a child's point of view. When she was younger and Levi went to prom with his date, she thought that he needed to hire a stylist. Now, as she looked at the picture, she knew that he dressed as best as he could, considering it was the nineties.
They went through the rest of the photo albums, pulling the pictures they wanted to frame for the memorial. They had to take a few breaks for the sisters to shed some tears. The worst part for them was when they had to decide which picture they needed to blow up for the large frame that would be in front of the church. It hurt them so much to know that the picture was the last representation of their brother.
Lizzie, bless her heart, was a Godsend. Taylor had explained what happened to her Uncle Levi the night before and she was sad but she was smart, too. She understood that her mom and aunts were grieving so she took it upon herself to cheer them up. To distract them, she'd the song that Beth sang to her while tucking her into bed every night.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." It made all of them smile.
Lizzie's favorite thing, though, was something she had in common with her Aunt Julia. She was a big fan of corny jokes and it was something so simple that had the sisters crying in laughter.
"What do you call a cow with no legs?" she'd say so innocently. "Ground beef!"
Normally, Beth and Abby would snicker politely but when Julia really got going—and she laughed hard at stupid jokes like that—they couldn't contain themselves. And then, Lizzie would join in, looking very happy that she made her mom and aunts laugh.
It was nice to laugh instead of cry. It felt right; Levi never could bear to see his little sisters cry.
Dean climbed out of the Impala outside of the apartment building of a woman named Meredith, the latest victim that fit the pattern of Levi's death. They had spent the morning and most of the afternoon pouring over the crime scene photos of Levi's condo and more details about Meredith's death. When they found the woman's address, the brothers decided to go check out the apartment for themselves.
"All right, Dean," Sam got out of the passenger seat, allowing Dean to lock up. "This is the place."
Dean nodded and tugged at the jumpsuit Sam insisted he wear so they could pass as workers for the company that provided the security in Meredith's apartment. "You know, I gotta say that Dad and me did just find without these stupid costumes. I feel like a high school drama dork."
Sam gave him his famous bitch face, making Dean chuckle.
"Hey, what was that play you were in?" he asked Sam. "What was it—Our Town," he nodded, grinning when he recalled how adorable Sam looked a the main tree. "Yeah, you were good. It was cute."
Sam sighed in annoyance. "Look, you wanna pull this off or not?"
"I'm just saying," Dean shrugged as they got closer to the building's entrance. "these outfits cost hard-earned money, okay?"
"Our," Dean answered Sam's skeptical tone with an obvious one. "You think credit card fraud is easy?"
"Just shut up," Sam scoffed, holding back his laugh as he opened the door for his brother.
They spoke to the landlady, Maria, about who they were and why there were there and she led them up to Meredith's apartment.
"Thanks for letting us look around," Sam thanked Maria as she let them into the apartment.
"Well, the police said they were done with the place, so," she trailed off, shrugging as she and Sam moved further into the apartment. Dean closed the door behind them, his eyes looking around the place curiously.
If he closed his eyes, he could still see the gruesome photos that Taylor took of Levi's apartment. It was messy, obviously from when Levi struck up a fight, and it was bloody. Meredith's apartment was bloody, too. The white carpet was absolutely destroyed from the blood that was soaked up in it.
"You guys said you were with the alarm company?" Maria asked them.
"That's right," Dean confirmed.
"Well, no offense, but your alarm's about as useful as boobs on a man."
Dean and Sam exchanged a taken aback look.
"Well, that's why we're here," Dean assured her. "To see what went wrong and stop it from happening again."
As Dean started to look around the living room, Sam asked Maria, "Now, ma'am, you found the body?"
"Right after it happened?"
"No, just this morning," Maria sighed sadly. "Meredith's work called—she hadn't shown up in a few days. I knocked on the door and that was when I noticed the smell."
Dean nodded and studied the windows, looking for any disturbances. "Any windows open? Any sign of a break-in?"
"No, the windows were locked, the front door bolted," Maria told him. "The chain was on the door and we had to cut it just to get in."
Dean turned back to her. "And the alarm was still on?"
Maria nodded. "Like I said, bang-up job your company's doing."
Dean hummed, his eyes searching the area of the room where it faded into the kitchen. "You see any overturned furniture, broken glass, signs of a struggle?"
"Everything was in perfect condition," Maria's eyes filled with tears. "Except—except Meredith."
"And what condition was Meredith in?" Sam wondered, remembering the police report on Levi.
"Meredith was all over, in pieces. The guy who killed her must have been some kind of whack-job," Maria shook her head in disgust. "But I tell you, if I didn't know any better, I'd have said it was a wild animal that did it."
Dean pressed his lips together and bowed his head; the report had said the same thing about Levi's body. Not about the wild animal, but that he was in pieces. When he read that part of the report, he had to take a minute to pull himself together. He couldn't imagine Levi—who was the closest to a best friend that Dean had—like that.
Sam, seeing the distant look in Dean's eyes, turned to Maria. "Ma'am, do you mind if we take some time to give this place a once-over."
"Oh, well, go right ahead," Maria agreed. "Knock yourself out."
As soon as Maria left the apartment and the door was shut firmly behind her, Dean pulled the EMF meter out of the tool box he brought. "So, a killer walked in and out of the apartment—No weapons, no prints, nothing."
The EMF meter whirled to life as Sam sighed. "Just like Levi's place," he stated. "So, you talked to the cops, right?"
Dean nodded. "Nothing we don't already know," he told his brother. "but the deputy I talked to told me something and it matched right up to Levi's case."
Sam raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Hmm?"
"Meredith's heart was missing."
"Just like Levi's?"
"Just like Levi's," Dean confirmed as he started waving the EMF meter around the room.
"So, what do you think we're dealing with?" Sam wondered he finished his own snooping and met back up with Dean in the middle of the room.
"Well, Maria said that it looked like an animal attacked Meredith," Dean reminded him. "Maybe it was a werewolf?"
"No," Sam shook his head. "No, the lunar cycle's not right. Plus, if it was a creature, it would've left some kind of trace."
Dean nodded in agreement, catching some of Meredith's blood out of the corner of his eye. He looked down at the blood splatter fully, eyebrows furrowing when he saw that the drops were in some kind of pattern.
"See if you can find any masking tape around," he said to Sam.
Sam went searching throughout the apartment and it didn't take long until he found some electrical tape in the junk drawer in the kitchen. Dean got to his knees and started taping the stains together, like a gruesome connect-the-dots challenge.
The tape made out a symbol that Dean had never seen before. There was a circle in the middle with two lines going off either side of it and curving up on one side and down on the other.
Sam studied the symbol with furrowed brows. "Have you ever seen that symbol before?"
Dean shook his head. "Never."
"Me either."
After talking to the bartender at the bar that Amanda worked at, Dean walked back to the table where Sam was waiting for him, pages deep into their dad's journal. He sat on the stool across from his brother and tapped the surface of the table, almost impatiently.
Sam looked up from the journal and Dean sighed, "I talked to the bartender."
"And did you get anything besides her number?"
Dean rolled his eyes at his brother. "No, and I didn't ask for it, either."
"Really?" Dean wanted to punch the bewildered look off of Sam's face. "Why?"
"Dude, one of our friends—who was pretty much family—just died," Dean avoided his brother's eyes; truth was, it didn't feel right drinking and flirting with attractive women while Julia was at her house mourning her older brother.
"Hmm," Sam hummed and Dean looked over at him with narrowed eyes; Sam quickly moved on, "so, what did you find out, then?"
"Meredith worked here; she waited tables," Dean told him something they both already knew. "Everybody here was her friend. Everybody said she was normal. She didn't do or say anything weird before she died, so..."
"Yep," Dean clicked his tongue. "So, did you find anything out about that symbol?"
"Nope, nothing," Sam shook his head. "It wasn't in Dad's journals or in any of the usual books. I just have to dig a little deeper, I guess."
"Okay..." Dean tapped his fingers on the table again as he tried to think of something that would help. "Well, what about the first victim? The one before Levi?"
"Right, yeah," Sam pulled a newspaper clipping out of his jacket pocket, handing it to Dean. "His name was Ben Swardstrom. Last month he was found mutilated in his town house. Same deal as Levi and Meredith—the door was locked, the alarm was on."
"Was there any connection between the three of them?" Dean asked as he skimmed the article.
"Not that I can tell," Sam sighed. "I mean, not yet, at least. Levi worked for PSC, Ben was a banker, and Meredith was a waitress. None of them met or knew anyone in common."
Dean handed the newspaper clipping back to Sam. "So, we have nothing."
When he didn't get an answer from his brother, he looked over at him. Sam was looking across the bar and, when Dean followed his gaze, he saw that there was a tall woman with short blonde hair seated at a table with a few other people.
"Sam?" he looked back to his brother. "Hello?"
Sam quickly stood up and left the table, heading across the bar to the blonde woman. Dean quickly followed him, watching, bewildered, as Sam hugged the woman fondly.
"Sam," the woman pulled away from the hug. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, I'm just in town visiting friends," Sam answered her with a half-lie.
The woman looked around Sam, her eyes sliding past Dean without a pause. "Where are they?"
Sam stiffened for a second before he spoke. "Well, they're not here right now. But, what about you, Meg? I thought you were going to California?"
Dean furrowed his eyebrows. Is that how Sam knew this chick? He met her while he was trying to hitchhike his way to California to find their dad?
"Oh, I did," Meg—that was what Sam called her—told him. "I came, I saw, I conquered. Oh, and I met what's-his-name, something Michael Murray at a bar."
"Who?" Sam looked confused.
Dean knew who she was talking about, though. Julia was a big fan of One Tree Hill and watched it every week when a new episode premiered. Chad Michael Murray played one of the main characters that Julia wasn't a fan of because he cheated on Brooke with Peyton and it was a whole thing. He didn't even know he knew exactly what she passionately rambled about until this moment; did this mean he was a fan of One Tree Hill?
"Oh, it doesn't matter," Meg grinned up at Sam. "Anyway, the whole scene got old, so I'm living here for a while."
Having enough of being left out of the conversation, Dean cleared his throat to get their attention. He was promptly ignored.
"You're from Chicago?" Sam asked her in surprise.
"No, Andover, Massachusetts," Meg told him. "God, Sam, what are the odds we'd run into each other?"
"Yeah, I know," Sam smiled. "I thought I'd never see you again."
"Well, I'm glad you were wrong."
From the looks Dean saw coming from Meg to Sam, it looked like those two had a connection. He grinned, amused like he always was when Sam met someone he was interested in, and cleared his throat again.
Meg immediately turned to glare at him. "Dude, cover your mouth."
Sam realized that Dean was there. "Yeah, um, I'm sorry, Meg," he apologized to the blonde. "This is, uh—this is my brother, Dean."
Meg gave him a surprised look. "This is Dean?"
Sam nodded while Dean smiled charmingly. "So, you've heard of me?"
"Oh, yeah, I've heard of you," Meg said; Dean was taken aback by the hostility in her voice. "It's nice, the way you treat your brother like luggage."
Dean furrowed his eyebrows; maybe her head her wrong. "Sorry?"
"Why don't you let him do what he wants to do?" Meg scolded him like she had any right to. "Stop dragging him over God's green earth."
"Meg, it's all right," Sam intervened; Dean gave him a surprised look. Is that what Sam really thought about him?
"Okay, this is awkward," Dean mumbled, wishing Julia was there to break the ice. "I'm gonna go get a drink now."
Dean only got through half a beer when Sam all but dragged him out of the bar. Dean immediately started questioning him, wondering exactly had happened earlier.
"Who the fuck was she?" he asked as they walked through the parking lot.
"I don't really now," Sam admitted. "I only met her once. Meeting up with her again? I don't know, man, it's weird."
Dean didn't pay much attention to Sam's concerns. "And what was she saying, huh? I treat you like luggage? What, were you bitching about me to some chick?"
"Look, I'm sorry, Dean," Sam sighed. "It was when we had that huge fight when I was in that bus stop in Indiana...but that's not important, just listen—"
"Well, is there any truth to what she's saying?" Dean interrupted him worriedly. "I mean, am I keeping you against your will, Sam?"
"No, of course not," Sam assured him. "Now, would you listen?"
"What?" Dean stopped walking once they crossed the street; Sam did the same and faced him.
"I think there's something strange going on here, Dean," Sam stated. "Like, our kind of strange. Maybe even a lead."
Dean blinked at him. "Why do you say that?"
"I met Meg weeks ago, literally on the side of the road and now I run into her in some random bar in Chicago?" Sam pointed out. "I mean, the same bar where a waitress was killed and the same time Levi was slaughtered by something supernatural? You don't think that's a little weird?"
Dean didn't know what to think. Maybe Sam was right. Maybe it couldn't be a coincidence but even if it was, they could still check Meg out to see if she did anything suspicious.
"Okay, so you follow her," Dean suggested. "I'm gonna go back to the house and look through their library. See if they have anything on that symbol."
"Okay," Sam nodded. "and check to see if there's really a Meg Masters from Andover, Massachusetts."
Dean agreed and the brothers split up.
Julia wandered through the house, looking for Dean. She had heard the Impala roll up to the house around ten but she hadn't seen him at all in the hours since. Granted, it was midnight and pretty much everyone else was asleep, or trying to fall asleep, but Dean was a night owl. He usually stayed up until the infomercials came on and even then, he'd sit and watch some of them that he thought were interesting—he was especially interested in the knives that claimed to cut through anything, which Julia thought was kind of adorable.
She entered the small library that was connected to the study and was surprised to see Dean at the large table in the middle of the room, flipping through some pages in one of her dad's old hunting journals.
"Hey," she greeted him as she walked over and sat in the seat next to him.
"Hey," he gave her a small and concerned smile. "How are you?"
"I'm managing," Julia tried to conjure a full smile but she didn't have it in her. "What are you doing?"
Dean hesitated for a couple of seconds and Julia could tell that he was seriously thinking about something.
Finally, when he spoke, his voice was careful. "I'm gonna tell you something and it's gonna be hard to take," he said cautiously; Julia stiffened nervously. "Abby and Taylor thought that something was off about Levi's death so Sam and I are looking into it."
Julia swallowed harshly as she took in the new information, her eyes stinging. She let herself shed a few tears before forcefully pulling herself together. If something that they hunted killed Levi, then she owed it to him to help find out what—or who—it was.
"What do you have so far?"
"I'm not saying that I want to go hunt the thing," Julia cut him off and grabbed his hand; he was the one to give her a comforting squeeze this time and it almost made her cry again. "I just—I want to help if I can. I need to help, Dean."
"Okay," Dean's green eyes stared sadly into her hazel ones. "Okay, there was another victim this morning so Sam and I went to check it out. The apartment was locked, the alarm wasn't tripped, and there was no sign of forced entry. We found something, though."
He took his phone and pulled up the picture he had taken of the symbol. Once he handed her the phone, Julia studied it for a minute or so before her eyes lit up in recognition.
"I know what that is," she declared, standing up to head to one of the large bookshelves.
Dean followed her with his eyes. "You do?"
Julia nodded, finding the book she was looking and pulling it from the shelf. "Yeah," she confirmed as she walked back over to him. "It took me a second to place it, but yeah, I know it," she flipped through the book. "My dad...he told me about this one time."
"Okay, so what is it?"
"It's Zoroastrian," Julia informed him. "It's old, like two thousand years before Jesus was born. It's a sigil for Daeva."
Dean furrowed his eyebrows. "What's a Daeva?"
Julia skimmed the information on the page she stopped at, the familiar symbol inked into the top. "It translates to 'demon of darkness'," she read. "The Zoroastrian demons are savage and animalistic."
Dean looked at one of the drawing of the demon. "Like a demonic pitbull?"
"Exactly," Julia nodded at him and then looked back to the book. "This says that the Daevas have to be summoned or conjured."
"So, someone's controlling it?" Dean asked.
"Yeah and they look terrifying," Julia's voice wavered as her eyes started to sting again. "If Levi...I mean, who would want to kill him? Why would someone do this to him?"
Dean couldn't stand to see Julia so upset and not comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, bringing her into his chest. Her body shook with sobs but Dean held on tight, determined to support her just like she always supported him. He rested his cheek on the top of her head, whispering comforting words.
It wasn't until Julia fell asleep in his arms that Dean let his own tears fall.
Levi's memorial was scheduled for the next day, his and Beth's birthday. Beth insisted that it was done that day so she could give him one last birthday party. The house was quiet in the morning as everyone gathered in the foyer, dressed in black, to pray before they left the church. Dean didn't pray—he didn't really at all—but for Levi, he did. He held onto Julia's and Sam's hands and prayed to whoever or whatever was out there, hoping that the Petersen family would find peace with the loss of Levi and that his friend was up in Heaven like he told Dean he would be going after he died during one of the conversations in high school about faith, Christianity, and God.
The church was crowded when they arrived and the family was swept up in condolences from PSC employees, family friends, school friends, and church members. They were all very kind but, like any church, there were a couple of people who just seemed like snobs to Dean.
The memorial itself was beautiful; a large picture of Levi was at the front of the church next to the podium where the pastor spoke and there were more pictures in white frames around the church that detailed Levi's life with friends and family. Dean sat in the front row with the Petersen family on one side of Julia—with Abby on the other side of her—holding her hand and letting her squeeze it as tightly as she wanted.
There were eulogies and kind words spoken about Levi. Beth's speech was by far the most moving and it had Julia quietly sobbing into Dean's shoulder, his own tears falling down his cheeks as he held onto her. The pastor's message was moving, too, and for a second, it made Dean appreciate the faith that Julia, Levi, and the rest of the Petersen family had.
When the service was over, completed with a rendition of Amazing Grace from the church's choir, they moved into the banquet hall part of the building to enjoy a meal in remembrance of Levi. It was a potluck; made up of foods brought in by church members and Levi's friends.
It was after Dean finished eating that Sam pulled him aside to tell him about his night of watching Meg. It didn't really shock him to find out that Sam was right about seeing Meg was too much of a coincidence. It was her that summoned the Daeva and it was her that killed Levi.
"That's not all," Sam said as Dean's blood boiled. "She was communicating with someone."
"Someone?" Dean raised his eyebrows. "With who, the Daeva?"
"No, you told me those things were savages," Sam shook his head. "No, this was someone different. "Someone who's giving her orders. Someone who's coming to that warehouse."
Dean closed his eyes in realization; he had looked up some more information on the other victims and he had completely forgotten to tell Sam what he found.
"Shit," he muttered under his breath. "I looked into the records of the other victims. We missed something."
"The first victim, the old man, he spent his whole life in Chicago but he wasn't born here," Dean informed his brother. "He was born in Lawrence, Kansas."
Sam's eyes widened in shock. "What?"
"Mmhm," Dean nodded. "and Meredith, it turns out she was adopted. And guess where she's from?"
"Lawrence, Kansas," Sam breathed. "Shit."
Dean hummed. "Yeah."
"I mean, it is where the demon killed Mom," Sam sighed. "That's where everything started. You think that Meg's tied up with the demon?"
"I think it's a definite possibility."
Sam frowned. "I don't understand. What's the significance of Lawrence? Why was Levi targeted? How do these Daeva things fit in?"
"Well, we're from Lawrence," Dean pointed out. "and Levi was practically family."
"And the Daeva?"
"Beats me," Dean shrugged. "but I say we trash that black altar, grab Meg, and have ourselves a friendly little interrogation."
"No, we can't," Sam shook his head immediately. "We shouldn't tip her off. We've gotta stake out that warehouse. We've gotta see who, or what, is showing up to meet her."
"Fine, we'll go tonight," Dean agreed. "In the meantime, we need to support Jules."
Sam nodded and clapped Dean's shoulder. "Yeah," he stated. "We do."
The hallway to the motel room Sam got for them seemed much longer after they were thrown around by Meg and her little Daeva friends. Sam trashed the black altar she was using to control the demonic pit bulls but not before they got a little slashes in; Sam's right cheek had three claw marks scratched into it and, compared to him, Dean was let off easily.
"Why didn't you just leave that stuff in the car?" Dean asked his brother about the duffle bag full of weapons he was carrying as he pulled the room key out of his jacket.
"I said it before, and I'll say it again," Sam said, adjusting the bag's strap on his shoulder. "Better safe than sorry."
Dean shrugged and unlocked the door; he walked into the room but stopped just beyond the threshold when he saw two tall but dark figures standing near the window.
"Hey!" Dean barked at them, reaching for his gun.
The two men turned around as Sam reached for the lights, allowing him and Dean to see them clearly. The brothers recognized them immediately; Dean felt hope swell in his chest.
"Luke?" his eyes flicked between the blonde man and the brunette man. "Dad?"
John smiled warmly at his sons, his dimples making an appearance. "Hey, boys."
Dean didn't care if he usually didn't do chick-flick moments. He hadn't seen his dad in almost nine months and he thought he was dead for half that time. He walked forward at the same time as John, both of them pulling each other into a warm but strong hug.
Dean inhaled the usual scent that his dad gave off, peppermint and leather, and committed it to his memory for the thousandth time. The hug ended then, as Sam and John greeted each other, and he walked over to Luke to shake his hand—Luke was definitely not as touchy-feely as his children were.
"Luke," he greeted Julia's father; Luke's grip was as firm as it usually was but there was a sadness in his blue eyes that wasn't always there. "I'm really sorry about Levi."
"Thanks, Dean," Luke nodded, his gruff voice wavering only a little. "How are my girls?"
"Managing," Dean told him. "but they need you."
Luke pressed his lips together but didn't say anything; he wasn't positive, but Dean took that to mean that Luke wasn't visiting his grieving daughters while he was in town. It was discouraging and he grew irritated enough to turn away from the older man.
Dean had never really loved Luke—despite the fact that he was his dad's best friend—but he never disliked him, either. Now, though, his respect for the man had plummeted. His son had died and he wasn't at the memorial and he wasn't going to show up for his daughters, either. If Dean knew Naomi—and he did, she was the closest thing he ever had to a mother—she'd be rolling over in her grave right now at her husband's behavior.
"Dad, it was a trap," Dean focused on what was happening at the moment instead of letting his anger at Luke get the better of him. "I didn't know, I'm sorry."
"It's all right," John nodded with a small smile. "We thought it might've been."
"Were you there?"
"We got there just in time to see the girl fall from the building," Luke told him and Sam. "She was the one who killed Levi, right?"
Sam and Dean nodded in unison. "Yes, sir."
Luke inhaled deeply, his eyes flicking to meet John's. "Good. That's—that's good."
Well, as least he seemed grateful that his son's murderer was dead, Dean thought to himself.
"Well, the trap doesn't surprise me," John kept the conversation going, though there was a hint of sadness in his eyes, as well. "It's tried to stop me before."
Sam looked at him in surprise. "The demon has?"
John nodded. "It knows we're close," he told his sons. "It knows I'm gonna kill it. Not just exorcise it or send it back to Hell—actually kill it."
Dean furrowed his eyebrows; from what Julia told him and what he already knew, he didn't think demons could actually be killed. "How?"
John and Luke shared smiles. "We're working on that."
"Let us come with you," Sam insisted immediately. "We'll help."
"No, Sam," John bowed his head as he denied is youngest son. "Not yet. Listen, try to understand, this demon is a scary son of a bitch. I don't want you caught in the crossfire. I don't want you hurt."
"Dad, you don't have to worry about us," Sam tried to talk sense into his father.
"Of course, I do. I'm your father," John shook his head and then paused, his eyes softening. "Listen, Sammy, last time we were together, we had one hell of a fight."
Sam's lips pursed as he started to tear up. "Yes, sir."
John sniffed. "It's good to see you again," he said thickly. "It's been a long time."
"Too long," Sam agreed; the two hugged, tightly holding onto each other as they fought their emotions.
To matter the circumstances, Dean was glad this was happening. It'd been four years since that nasty fight when Sam took off for Stanford; it had been one of the worst nights of his life; Sam was gone, John was an angry mess, and Dean's favorite person in the world had left him. Things were looking up now, though. Sam was by his side—until they found the demon, at least—Julia was hunting with them, and his dad was okay.
John and Sam finished their hug and John was looking at Dean tearfully when he was forcefully thrown back against the wall with some invisible force. Sam went down next, falling hard on his side when the Daeva attacked him, and then it was Luke who was on the floor.
"No!" Dean shouted before he was soaring through the air, too.
There was a lot of screaming from John and Luke as the Daeva seemed to focus on them but Dean couldn't focus on that them with all of his attention as he tried to get away from the Daeva knocking him around. Frankly, the grunts of pain Sam was letting out concerned him more but he couldn't shake the Daeva on his tail.
"Shut your eyes!" he heard Sam shout just after the Daeva swiped its claws down his forehead. "These things are shadow demons, so let's light 'em up!"
Dean covered his eyes as Sam lit a flare; flooding the room with bright light and smoke. The Daeva attacking him disappeared and so did the ones on John and Luke. He slowly got to his feet as he coughed heavily and tried to make his way to John.
"Over here!" John called back to him.
Dean followed his voice and found his dad where he was tossed in the kitchen. He ducked under John's shoulder and helped him up while Sam got Luke to his feet. The four of them piled out of the bright and smoky room and tried to get out of the motel as fast as they could.
"All right, come on," Sam said hurriedly as they approached the Impala; he let Luke lean against the car while he put the duffle bag full of weapons into the backseat. "We don't have much time. As soon as the flare's out, they'll be back."
"Wait, wait, wait," Dean stopped him, his mind racing. He took in a deep breath as he turned to face John and Luke. "You guys can't come with us."
"What?" Sam looked to him in shock. "What are you talking about?"
"You boys," John argued breathlessly. "You're beat to Hell."
"We'll be all right."
"Dean, we should stick together," Sam protested angrily. "We'll go after those demons—"
"Sam, listen to me!" Dean interrupted him. "We almost got Dad and Luke killed in there. Don't you understand? They're not gonna stop, they're gonna try again. They're gonna use us to get to them. I mean, Meg was right, Dad's vulnerable when he's with us. He's—he's stronger without us around."
Dean saw the look of realization and understanding on his dad's face.
Sam saw it, too. "Dad, no," he put his hands on John's shoulders. "After everything, after all the time we spent looking for you...Please, I gotta be a part of this fight."
"Sammy, this fight is just starting," John grabbed Sam's wrist. "and we are all gonna have a part to play. For now, you've got to trust me, son. Okay? You've gotta let me go."
Sam hesitated for a couple of seconds before he finally nodded and let go of John's shoulders. Luke, who was in much better shape than John was, went to his friend's side and helped him stand on his own.
"He'll be all right," Luke assured Sam and Dean. "I'll take care of him. You take care of my Jujube."
Dean pressed his lips together and nodded; he had hoped that Luke could stay around for Julia, Beth, and Abby but now he saw that it wouldn't be safe. Luke was just as wanted by the Daeva as John was and he couldn't bring it around his children, sister-in-law, and granddaughter. For now, it was best for him to leave.
John smiled at his sons. "Be careful, boys."
Dean and Sam watched as Luke and John limped away, back down the alleyway to John's truck. As the truck started and pulled away, Dean grabbed Sam's arm and urged him toward the Impala.
(Gif is not mine)
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Please Call Ahead (Batdad!Reader x Batman Headcanons)
Requested by @yesthetrashbin who has been such an awesome requester for a Batdad!Reader who hasn’t seen his parents in years, resulting in much shock when they visit and find out that the reader is married with kids.
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This is the Bat-Hound’s reaction to your parents. Make of it what you will. By the way, Damian insists on trying to rename him Titus, while you staunchly defend his name as Ace. He responds to both because it gets him more cuddles. He’s so smart...
You hadn’t seen them in years.
They didn’t live in Gotham anymore, and honestly, Alfred’s been all the parent you needed for a long time now. It’s not like your parents were ever all that attentive.
But, like a dutiful son, you left them an email with your address way back when you first parted
And you had almost completely forgotten about it.
So it’s quite a shock when the gate buzzes at Wayne Manor, and Alfred tells you that two people claiming to be your parents are there.
Tim, later, will gasp, “You have PARENTS?”
And, of course, your parents are the only people in the entire Northern Hemisphere not to know that you are married to Bruce Wayne.
“Oh. gosh, sweetie! This place is so swanky!” your mother congratulates you.
“Nice work, son.” Your father gives an appreciative whistle.
Alfred comes and takes your parents’ coats and suitcases (despite your subtle indication not to), and they are so thrilled to see that you have a real English butler.
Your mother insists on calling him Jeeves, for some reason.
Your father apologizes to Alfred and attempts to slip him a ten-dollar bill.
And within thirty seconds, your parents have already caught up on all the mortification of you they missed over the years.
And all you can think of is how you can’t let anyone meet your parents. Not the League, not the press, not the boys, and most certainly not Bruce.
But instead, all four of your sons come around the corner. It’s as if they have a sense for this kind of thing.
Damian narrows his eyes at the two strangers in the foyer. “Papa, who are these people?”
Your mother’s eyes widen when he says Papa. You sigh. Deeply.
“Damian, these are my parents. Mom, Dad, this is Damian, Tim, Jason, and Dick. My sons.”
Your father raises an eyebrow at Dick’s name. 
If he says anything, you might kill him.
But instead, he just elbows you. “Lots of kids, huh? Who’s the lucky guy?”
“I believe that would be me.” Bruce walks in, turning up the charm, and your humiliation is complete. “I assume. Whenever someone says ‘lucky guy’ around Y/N, I assume they’re talking about me.”
He shakes your father’s hand firmly, then kisses your mother on the back of her hand.
It’s almost embarrassing how easy they are.
You blush when you remember how fast your heart beat when Bruce first kissed your hand.
“How long are you in Gotham for? You’ll be staying in the Manor, of course.” Bruce grins at you, and you glare back.
And of course your parents are there for the week.
They’re so surprised that you married Bruce Wayne
Your mother insists on saying you “bagged” him, like he’s some sort of rodent you were trying to get out of your lawn.
And that your new family is so good-looking.
Your dad is so proud of you for all your charities. He admits that he didn’t know that you were the Y/N Wayne, but he still supported your charity work.
You wonder exactly how much different you look from when you were last with them, or if your dad just has really bad eyesight.
He’s a little clueless, but sincere.
Your mom is so happy that you live it what amounts to a castle. It’s harder to talk with her because she keeps trying to tell Alfred how to do his job. You definitely remember now why you haven’t attended any family reunions.
Dick eats up the attention your mother gives her “eldest grandbaby.” She tells him every embarrassing story she can think of, and he can barely believe it. 
Surprisingly, she bonds with Jason over their shared interest in romance novels. They get into a friendly shouting match over which Lizzy or Jane is the better Bennet sister.
Your father engages Tim by asking him how to work the Internet. Tim spends the week going over a comprehensive primer of the history of the Internet and modern usage. This goes mostly over your dad’s head
Your father also bonds with Damian, whom he calls “Tyke.” You have no idea how, but by the end of the week, they’re whittling using ancient swords???
Bruce plays his act well, and your parents are under the impression that you have a charming, although slightly air-headed, husband. 
You are unable to enter the Batcave due to your parents wanting to spend time with you. Bruce doesn’t allow you to use the Gala Rule (one kid with you at all times as a buffer), so you get revenge by inventing wildly outrageous excuses that your parents eat up.
Oh, why isn’t Dick here? He’s participating in an eating contest downtown. No, we can’t go see him - he’s too ashamed. Tim is - uh - trying out for Gotham’s ballet company. It’s a closed audition.  Oh, Damian’s at the archery range practicing - he’s not very good yet. Jason’s roommate gets very lonely, and he has to act as a teddy bear for him during the winter.
All in all, your parents are still inattentive and ditzy, but they care enough to come to your house. You and the rest of the family wave as they leave. There is an almost-collective sigh of relief. They aren’t bad people, just tough to deal with for extended periods of time. 
“I was afraid they’d never leave. No offense, but your mom has no idea what Pride and Prejudice is really about.” Jason sighs.
“The old man condescended to me about my whittling!” Damian rages. “TT, as if his useless lump of wood was any better than mine.”
“He doesn’t even have an email, Dad!”
“I don’t know, I kind of liked them.” Dick says happily.
Bruce pats his shoulder. “So did I.”
At least you got your parents to assure you that they would call ahead next time.
Spoiler alert: the next time they come, they don’t call ahead.
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smarti-at-smogwarts · 4 years
The Venturi Family
I wanted to make a post about my MC’s family, since their reactions to some parts of the gameplay have been noodling around in my brain. Only the immediate family though. 
Jacob Derek Venturi
FC Michael Seater 
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Jacob was the first born son of Abigail Rowle and George Venturi, and the older brother of Edwin and Marti Venturi. He was the one out of his siblings to spend the most time with his parents together and while their separation was hard for him to deal with at first he started noticing his mother was in a better mood and overall better to be around after the separation.  Jacob was four years old when his little brother Edwin was born and ten years old when Marti was born, as such his relationships with them were different. With Edwin they were more brothers than anything and often he teased him as much as played with him and bossed him around. Marti however due to him being younger and their parents separating when she was still in diapers he became much more a doting older brother. He did however care about and was protective of both his siblings. 
He had a good relationship with his parents though he was a bit closer to his father because of him keeping custody of him and his siblings. Abby visited and kept him for weekends so overall he was fairly affectionate and close to both of them. He knew he could get away with more with his father since out of the two, he was a bit more lax in parenting and could often take advantage of that though  since the separation was civil they tended to stick together when he was -inevitably- punished for something [ ‘’why can’t you not get along like most divorced parents..yeah i know grounded.’’]
Personality-wise Jacob was charismatic and outgoing, which gained him a lot of friends wherever he went. Having been an only child for four years and then still the eldest, and been born to fairly young parents  who could be said to be a bit soft on him, he grew up with the mentality that he could get get away with things if he just figured out how to get what he wanted. He was sneaky and a bit snarky and was known for pulling pranks and getting in trouble but it was mostly kid stuff..until his alleged involvement with [Redacted] after his disappearance came through. He was known in his time at school as an affable and charismatic kid,  if a bit known for getting Howlers and well acquainted with the detention process.
Due to how long he has been missing. ( he was sixteen when he went missing and would have been twenty one as of Marti’s first year.)  The case of his disappearance has more or less gone cold. 
George Antonio Venturi
FC:  John Ralston 
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gif by yours truly 
George works as an wizard attorney. He’s an alumni of Hufflepuff house and married one of his closest friends ( Abigail) straight out of Hogwarts. This was done partly so that Abigail could escape an incredibly toxic home. However, if you asked him he’d say at the time he did love her. 
It became apparent however as time passed ( and three children were born) their marriage seemed to become strained. They separated with George keeping custody of the kids. 
Due to his own strict upbringing, he has a very lax style of parenting, often trying to be their kids friend as well as parent: ( More so with Jacob than Ed and Marti since Jacob caught him younger) an approach he also takes with his step children.  While this can often catch him criticism there’s no question his children adore him. 
He was really close to his son Jacob and losing him was absolutely devastating to him. If it wasn’t for his other two kids he might as well not have been able to keep going. 
His dating and marriage to Nora was something he was hesitant about ( not in the least because there were children involved on both sides but also because of how badly losing his son had hit him)  but it  has helped him move forward after all the grief he experienced.
Abigail Leticia Rowle
FC :  Amy Adams
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Abigail comes from a highly extremist and toxic family. The Rowles affiliated with Voldemort during the first wizarding war and had very high expectations of the children of their house. For Abigail, Hogwarts was an escape; one that she knew wouldn’t last long as she would have to leave upon graduation. This is something that she knows influenced her decision to marry one of her best friend from Hogwarts who ( as a pureblood wizard) was also acceptable for her family and so wouldn’t bring retribution for them.
There’s no doubt she loved George but as time passed she realized she was’t happy. She had spent all her life in survival mode due to her parents and now that she was out she was starting to realize how much it influenced her decision. She loved her children, but she slowly realized she could not be a good parent to them in the state she was in. 
She separated from George ( after making sure her family could not contact her about  it) and more or less gave him full custody of their 3 kids with her doing visits to spend time with them. 
Her friendship with George survived this and they were still friends as exes and able to coparent ( though undoubtedly George did more as he had full custody, this was okay with both of them) However, Jacob’s disappearance put a strain in it neither one has been able to mend. Like George, Abby blames herself for how things with Jacob turned out and when things were at their worst they couldn’t help but project that blame to each other. She still visits Ed and Marti but her interactions with George are much more brief and cold. 
Edwin Alphonse Venturi 
FC : Chris Wood
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Jacob and Marti’s middle sibling and George and Abby’s middle child. Edwin was born when Jacob was 4-5 and is also 4-5 years older than Marti ( so is in his 5th year as of her first year and graduates after her second year) He’s a Ravenclaw and a foil to his extroverted outgoing little sister. Edwin is  much more likely to be found buried in books than around people. Due to Jacob’’s loss ( which happened in when he was 10-11)  and how much it affected him he is fiercely protective of his family. ( which Marti sometimes finds annoying though she is just as protective of him even if it shows less/differently ) 
He and Marti have a very “dork” “brat” relationship though they also have each other’s back unconditionally as they share the title of “Jacob’s sibling”
Unlike Marti tough, the wants to move on from Jacob and all the pain it caused him and as the game progresses is likely to react Badly to her thinking she can find him. Their beliefs about Jacob and reactions to his disappearance and rumors thereafter are already a strain between them as of year one. (Considering Plot happens from then on it’s safe to say it’ll only grow. )
10 facts about Edwin
Elizabeth  Blair -Lizzie- Mcdonald
FC: Jordan Todosey
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Lizzie is a Hufflepuff and also Marti and Edwin’s step sister and George’s step daughter. She is Nora’s youngest daughter and how Nora met George. She’s the only witch in her family and became best friends with Edwin shortly after their  families blended ( actually George and Nora met Because they were both school shopping and Nora looked understandably lost ) She also has a pretty good big sister/little sister relationship with Marti. She’s in Edwin’s year and like him will have graduated as of Marti’s second year. 
Lizzie’s the embodiment of Hufflepuff’s traits of kindness and tolerance ( and patience, enough to befriend Edwin at his angriest) .She’s supportive of her family and friends and tends to be the voice of reason for whichever sibling she’s with. Her two main loves are animals and quiditch. She plays as a beater for the Hufflepuff team. She also has enough pets ( both magical and not) George jokingly got her zoo sign to put on her bedroom door. ( Marti liking snakes is absolutely her influence) She’s likely to wind up working in Magizoology. 
Nora Jean Mcdonald.
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FC: Emily Deschanel 
The stepmother to Edwin and Marti Venturi and wife to George Venturi. Nora was introduced to the magical world when her youngest daughter turned 12 and received her Hogwarts letter. She started dating George when Edwin and Lizzie were 13 and Marti was 8. She adores her husband and his kids and from the get-go made a point to treat them as her own. 
Cassandra Imogen Mcdonald 
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FC: Cassidy Freeman 
Nora’s first daughter. Her mother married George Venturi when she was 17-18. Went to an all girls school while her sister went to Hogwarts. As such she doesn’t have much interaction with the magical world or her stepsiblings, though she was exposed to it before moving out of her parent’s house. She does keep in touch with them though even if she’s more distant. She lives with her girlfriend Emily Davis ( fc Madeleine Mantock)  in muggle Brittain. She cares a lot about her mom and little sister, and is happy they have people to help them through everything that comes from navigating the magical world. 
Ozzie the Owl
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Ozzy belonged to Jacob and was named after a musician he liked.  After Jacob’s disappearance he was almost given away by a grief stricken George but was saved by Edwin. He resides with Edwin in Ravenclaw tower and is for all intents and purposes his owl. 
Mickey the Snake
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Mickey is a grass snake ( a smooth snake specifically) that was found hurt by Marti on one of her visits to her mother. After he was nursed back to health Marti decided to keep him. He lives in Marti’s room. Marti’s very attached to him. 
Ignoring Lizzie’s pets because as said before that would take a whole nother post.
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full-of-light · 4 years
Klaroline in Legacies so far.
This is for all my comrades who refuse to watch Legacies (for good reasons) and want to know about the Caroline and Klaus mentions in Legacies. This post naturally contains TVD, TO and Legacies spoilers so read at your own risk! Inspired by @bossyblondebabe​‘s post asking about Klaus and Caroline in Legacies.
• It’s mentioned that she is in Europe taking care of Salvatore School-related business, but it is later revealed she's actually looking for a way to stop the twins from having to merge.
• As for direct interactions with other characters, her kids sometimes stay with her in Europe for a while (off-screen) and in one of the latest episodes her daughter Josie calls her for advice because she wants to make the right decision (but you can't hear Caroline's voice during the phone call).
It's later revealed that Caroline said that people deserve to know the truth and make their own choices.
• Caroline is just mentioned as a good mom and her advice in general is also mentioned. For example: “You know how Mom always says that things work out in the end the way they're supposed to? She's right”. Other characters just mention how Caroline, although she’s not their biological mom, did a great job raising Lizzie and Josie.
• It’s said that Lizzie takes more after Caroline and Josie takes more after Josette. (In my opinion they are both very different from Caroline, but Lizzie is a bit more similar to Caroline than Josie).
• Alaric has also been on the phone with her multiple times. They mostly just talk about how Caroline is busy following leads on stopping the merge.
• Other than that she has a pretty good relationship with her daughters and her daughters really want her to come home.
• Caroline didn't want to tell the twins about the merge until her and Alaric exhausted all options to stop it from happening, but eventually did tell her kids that the weird device they had was an Ascendant and that Josie and Lizzie made it with Aunt Bonnie when they were five, but she didn't tell them if it had anything to do with the merge.
• Caroline searched for and picked the new headmaster of the Salvatore School (Alaric's replacement) herself but it turns out she didn’t do a great job which I refuse to believe because... she’s Caroline Forbes?!
So basically she's just busy off-screen 24/7.
• He is mostly mentioned as "the big bad wolf" or “Klaus Mikaelson: The Great Evil” (literally printed in a book at the Salvatore School lmao) by anyone other than Hope. It’s mentioned that he was one of the earth’s Original Vampires and that he wasn’t very popular around Mystic Falls.
• Hope usually just mentions him as her dad and randomly makes remarks about him like:
“Turns out even immortal beings can find a way to die eventually.” “The people I care about have a tendency to die on me.” “I try not to get close to people anymore.” “I've spent years torturing myself, asking myself why my father sacrificed himself for me, to get to this point where, I mean, I totally understand it.”
It is implied that she has abandonment issues because of his death.
• In one episode The Necromancer talks to Hope about her dad. He says that Hope wants to know how her dad is or WHERE he is. She denies this but The Necromancer doesn’t believe her. He says she wants to know if he's at peace or if he's suffering, regretting his sacrifice because he did die to save Hope's life after all. Hope keeps saying he’s wrong and won’t admit that she wants to know. She says she’s at peace with her dad and that he did die because of her, but that it was his choice and that she’s come to terms with it. She says The Necromancer is wrong about her and that she doesn’t need to know anything blah blah blah.
Later in the episode however she finally admits she wants to know about her dad. She says her family said that he must have died with love in his heart and that he should’ve found peace but she doesn’t know if that’s actually true. She says she really needs to know that he’s not alone because she can’t live with herself if Klaus is alone because no one should ever have to be.
The Necromancer screws her over later in the episode but before he leaves he does mention her father again. He says that Klaus watches over Hope every day and that he did die with love in his heart and doesn’t regret his choice, but he won’t find peace until Hope does. Later in the episode, Hope writes a letter to her dad:
“I was told today that you would never find peace until I found it in myself. I hope that was a lie told to punish me. God knows I deserved that. But if it's true, I'm gonna do better. Today I saw a glimpse of what true loneliness feels like. Of what lies in store for me if I don't find my own peace. So I'm gonna get to work on that. I'm glad to know you're with me, but I look forward to the day when you're not. I love you. - Hope. ”
• He can be seen in family photos in Hope's room (Hayley has been removed from photos but she has been mentioned as Hope’s mom). Hope is mentioned to have lost half of her stuff in a fire a few years ago including the only painting she made with her dad. It’s later revealed that Josie was the person who accidentally set Hope’s whole room on fire instead of just one particular thing she was aiming for, which meant Hope lost an important keepsake because of Josie.
• Freya was also in one episode for like two scenes but Klaus wasn’t really mentioned and she basically had no dialogue with Hope except for calling each others names and hugging. Freya did mention to Josie that her kid was called Nik (presumably after Niklaus, because who else?).
So basically he’s just Hope’s dad who was evil (but not in everyone’s eyes), and Hope misses him 24/7.
There are two #KlarolineConfirmed episodes, both in season one.
This episode is the most confusing when it comes to the Klaroline mentions because they don’t make sense. In this episode Lizzie ends up in alternate realities by wishing Hope doesn’t exist/was never born (don’t remember) in which it’s mentioned that Klaus gave money to Caroline for the Salvatore School in their own world, but that this didn’t happen in the reality they were currently in which is why the school looks awful.
However the reasoning Lizzie gives (“Hope's dad wrote my mom a big check to fund the school when it opened, so no Hope, no funding, no fun.”) makes no sense, because Klaus didn’t give Caroline the money just because Hope went there and he met Caroline and was in love with her before Hope existed. I’m also pretty sure Klaus gave her the money before they convinced the Mikaelsons to enroll Hope in their school and by then the school already looked nice. On top of that Caroline is a vampire and the Salvatores were pretty rich too so I just don’t really understand this but i’M nOt A wRiTeR so whatever.
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In the same episode Lizzie ends up in another alternate reality/universe where Klaus can be seen on a poster as a wanted man. Later you can see sketches of Caroline and Klaus next to each other in a newspaper article where they are mentioned as husband and wife and enemies of the state. Alaric tells Lizzie Klaus turned off his humanity years ago and started a war and ended up exposing the supernatural world and now they’re being hunted. You can watch those scenes in this video (from 1:24):
Although it's a nod to the Klaroline fans, not a lot about it makes sense. Why does one line say “Klaus Michelson and Caroline Forbes” and the next “Klaus Mikaelson and his wife Caroline Mikaelson?” Why did Klaus turn off his humanity? Is that even possible after being a vampire for so many years? Why would Caroline go along with it? Why would the smart and powerful Niklaus Mikaelson be that stupid and expose the supernatural world even with his humanity off and not have common sense like no-humanity Caroline? It makes zero sense.
I’ve seen theories about them “losing it” because of them losing family members and friends and not having children but to me that still doesn’t make sense. They’ve lost family members before and Klaus has lost so many acquaintances over the centuries... I could maybe see them being sad in the next century when Caroline has lost all her friends and realises she’ll make new friends and experience this over and over again for the rest of her life but that doesn’t explain why they would both be like that and expose the entire supernatural community. Klaus has lived for centuries, he could’ve easily exposed the supernatural world by now but never went that far even when he killed his own parents, lost his home, when his siblings were murdered, when he desperately wanted to create an entire hybrid army, when he tried to reclaim New Orleans... I just don’t see how this could actually happen.
In TVD S04E04 Klaus and Rebekah tell the story of the hunter Alexander and Klaus said that they (The Originals) were traveling and feeding on people and turning people into vampires as they went. “With bloodshed came exposure”. So Elijah makes a remark that Klaus and Kol haven’t been discreet. Klaus replies to this statement by making a quick joke about welcoming such infamy, but immediately mentions that he isn’t the one Elijah should worry about, but Rebekah. This implies that even though he feeds and turns people and makes jokes about it, he has no intention of exposing himself completely to the general public. He even gets really pissed when Rebekah exposes all of them and they all get daggered by the hunters so this is not something Klaus would ever do.
But yeah... so... What am I supposed to gather from this? That Klaus and Caroline are soulmates in every possible universe? That even when things are totally different and literally nothing else make sense, they still do? I guess I’ll take it.
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We could’ve had it aaaaaaaalllllll.  ♫
In this episode Lizzie gives Hope the blue TVD S03E14 Mikaelson Ball Klaroline dress to wear to the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. Then this scene happened:
Apparently Josie knew the dress was a gift from Klaus to their mom that he picked out himself, but Lizzie didn’t know it was from Klaus specifically but just that it was a gift from a guy who used to crush on their mom. Also: yes, Caroline Elizabeth Forbes kept The Dress™ all these years.
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Other random stuff you might want to know:
• In the season 1 finale Hope says she thought she was a cosmic mistake that was never meant to be born, but she now thinks that the only reason she and the stupid hybrid baby plot exists because nature needed to find a loophole to be able to destroy Malivore: a tribrid (because Malivore was created by the blood of a werewolf, a witch and a vampire).
• Some characters from The Originals like Jackson, Davina, Cami, Keelin and Kol can be seen in a few photos in New Orleans in the Freya cameo episode.
• Family members can be seen in family photos in Hope’s room.
• Damon and Elena apparently have kids and one of them is called Stefanie (the audacity lol) but that’s in an alternate universe??? Or in the real one too??? Idk.
• Kai Parker will also return in 2020 but I’m not sure if I’m happy about that. He’ll probably make his episode(s) worth the torture that is Legacies but Julie will probably just kill him again (and probably in a lame way).
• Jeremy and Matt have shown their faces once or twice for a completely useless guest star appearance.
• Matt was the sheriff who was mentioned to be running for mayor, later it was revealed he actually became the mayor of Mystic Falls.
• Something I noticed is that although the twins call Bonnie “Aunt Bonnie”, they call Elena and Damon just Elena and Damon Salvatore. In a recent episode Lizzie was driving the blue Camaro and she told Sebastian her ��dad’s friend” (Damon) gave it to her and Josie for their sixteenth birthday.
• There is this new character called Sebastian who is shipped with Lizzie and they are blatantly copying Klaroline scenes and roughly “the concept” (old vampire with European accent, blonde girl, sex in the open, the car ride camera shots, even the dialogue had a copy-paste “I fancy you” in there). Although I expected to like the Lizzie/Sebastian relationship when it was teased because I like the stereotypical bad guy and good girl dynamic it turns out to be not nice at all imo. People are calling it the new Klaroline and although their scenes and lines are a ripoff (which is not something to be proud of, I’d rather see fresh material) their dynamic is completely different. It reminds me more of Damon/Caroline to be honest. “Old handsome but cocky vampire stranger comes into town and flirts with me and I’m way too into it.” There is almost no feeling of push and pull although they like to portray it like it’s there by having them bicker for 1 minute. They met a few episodes ago and she’s already obsessed with him, then hates him, then sleeps with him and he’s just way too annoying for me. Not my taste. He comes off as a completely arrogant prick and I don’t know what Lizzie sees in him tbh. He also doesn’t come off as genuine to me, I feel like there’s 0 feelings and just purely lust and plotting? It seems like the writers thought that giving Caroline’s blonde daughter a love interest (with a cleaner slate) with similar dialogue and scenes to Klaroline  would make fans happy but the characters are not that similar to Klaus and Caroline. The dynamic is just completely different. Also Sebastian grabbed her by the throat in and it wasn’t really hot or slightly funny like I’m sorry but Klaroline did it way better.
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I also want to make it clear that you can ship whoever you want to ship and I’m not trying to drag S!zzie. I expected to like them together but the more scenes I watched the less I liked them and I’m a bit disappointed. I don’t puke everytime they have a scene together but I’m not into it either. So once again: I don’t hate S!zzie or S!zzie shippers but I’m just not that into it and I think the parallels are kind of shitty and not a good thing for both fandoms. Have a great day and have fun shipping your ship and please don’t attack me bye.
• Relationship dynamics are really weird in this show. Alaric seems to be more of a father to Hope than to Lizzie and Josie and he keeps dragging Hope’s dad.
• This show has a new Elena and if you thought it was Hope (because Julie Plec likes to call her the better Elena) then you’re wrong. It’s actually Landon Kirby. He’s bland and he’s just kind of there, having a love triangle. Although it’s true that Hope also has the I’m-Special-And-Everyone-Is-Magically-In-Love-With-Me-For-No-Reason-Syndrome. I get that Danielle is pretty, I have eyes, but we don’t all fall in love with every pretty person that walks by and she’s portrayed as “the loner” so it doesn’t make sense to me but hey.     
• The show is pretty bad, 90% of the episodes have the same plot and there’s a ton of cringy dialogue. There’s only one or two compelling characters and only a few decent actors. Some characters have even less of a storyline than Matt Donovan or April Young from TVD. The monster of the week thing destroys the well-constructed mythology the parent shows have built over the years and it’s really repetitive and predictable.
• The storyline doesn’t seem to be moving towards something like in TVD or TO. Every episode is the same stuff over and over again. I could excuse this if this meant that there was more of a focus on developing characters and relationships but that doesn’t happen either.
• The complete shitstorm of ships in this show is absolutely ridiculous. Before I watched the show I heard about Hos!e, Pos!e, H@ndon, H@fael and whatnot. Especially the first two are mentioned a lot. Then I watched the show and I just don’t get the hype for even a single ship, but I get why there are so many ships. Nothing is a crackship in this show except for the two twins and it’s because the writers push everyone to be with everyone and don’t have a clear direction in mind for the romantic storylines of their characters. If someone is dating someone they also need to have “cute” scenes with someone else, and another one has to have a crush on them, and it needs to be mentioned that that character also had a crush on someone 5 years ago, and then the writers bring in another character or two to have a crush on the same character for no reason... and they have been dragging this out since episode 1! Whereas in TVD characters would usually move on (like Caroline and Elena would move on from their romantic storylines with Matt for example. Caroline gets with Damon, that goes wrong and she moves on to Matt, but then Tyler comes into the picture. Caroline gets with Tyler, eventually Klaroline comes along but by then M@ttoline (?) and D@roline (?) were already ditched a few miles back...). With Legacies you have these vague mentions and possibilities for romantic storylines but none are even really explored on their own or even in a love triangle (if the writers really have to do it that way) by having the characters going through stuff together. Instead they choose to keep every romantic option in the picture as mentions or relationships that don’t go much deeper than “I love you””I love you too” (nobody knows why but ok) which means some characters have like 7 ships that all have a decent fanbase and it’s wild.
• The awkward fact that Danielle Rose Russell (Hope) has more chemistry with Nick Fink (Ryan Clarke) than Aria Shahghasemi (Landon Kirby) makes me question things. 
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I’m still watching because I’m waiting for some TVD characters to appear and I like to hear old characters being mentioned but tbh I wouldn’t recommend it when there are so many other great shows out there. Just watch the Klaroline mentions online. I mean there are some decent scenes in there but 90% of the show makes me question my sanity. In the latest episode the writers decided Santa was real and they made him fight a monster by punching him in the face and at one point Santa is flying through the air and hitting a christmas tree while a rock version of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” is playing in the background and I wish I was joking. And that was the last episode before the hiatus. And they just left me there like that. After seeing that. In the TVD universe. I just imagine Klaus’s ghost hanging around and seeing that and I can’t hold my laughter. Or JoMo watching that stuff at home like....
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And people still wonder why he doesn’t want to come back hahaha.
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just-a-spark · 4 years
The Before, and The After Part 4
A Knives Out Story
Story Masterlist
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content (18+ to be safe)
Summery: A wealthy classmate of Meg’s becomes close to the family, a little too close to the playboy grandson of Harlan Thrombey. The events leading up to, and following, Harlan Thrombey’s death.
“Lizzie!” Joni’s voice called as the redhead entered the Thrombey Estate.
“Hi Joni.” Elizabeth cooed as she wrapped the woman in a light hug, “I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“Me too, Lizzie. It just doesn’t seem real. I can’t believe he’s gone... how are you doing with everything?”
Elizabeth nodded slightly, sucking in a sharp breath through her open mouth. “I’m... okay. I just wish we had the chance to patch things up before he- I wish I could have one last conversation with him.”
“Honey, don’t we all.” Joni grumbled, finally sparing Phillip a glance, “Good to see you. Is your father coming tonight?”
“Not tonight,” Phillip answered, “He isn’t able to make the trip out two days in a row, but he sends his love. He’s looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.”
“We are all looking forward to tomorrow-“ Joni started, referring to the will reading, but Meg appeared and quickly wrapped Elizabeth in a hug.
“Lizzie, thank you so much for coming! It’s been such a fucking shit show today.” Meg sighed and tugged her friend away. She looked over her shoulder at Phillip, as if she forgot he was there, “I’m stealing her for a moment.”
“Take all the time you need!” Phillip called as he followed Richard to the kitchen to get a drink.
Meg led Elizabeth into the library and she felt her heart sink. She missed lounging around in Harlan’s comfortable chairs as he edited her writing and gave her advice. She missed his laugh when Elizabeth would say something crass and she’d blush tomato red, remembering herself a moment too late. She missed Harlan’s subtle clues, the way he’d always say “Miss Reynolds, I won’t be giving you anymore help until you do something about that mess of yours. Go upstairs and I’ll meet you back here in two hours.”
Two hours was generous, and nobody, not even Meg, suspected anything odd about the ritual. Sometimes Harlan would send her away several times in a visit, yet nobody ever questions why she had no work to show for her efforts.
Elizabeth pulled herself back to reality. Harlan was gone. That book on the shelf, the one he’d created for her to gush words onto pages in her messy cursive writing, sat on the second shelf from the floor. It taunted Elizabeth, reminding her she’d made a selfish mistake. As Harlan told her, she sold out for the money.
Away from everyone else, Meg pulled out her vape pen, “This is a fucking mess. This Blanc guy is interrogating everyone. Pretty sure his car’s still outside.” She mumbled, then offered the pen to Elizabeth, but she refused. Meg scoffed, “What? Are you too good for this kinda shit now? Your husband wouldn’t approve of it?”
“No... it’s not that...” Elizabeth trailed off, not wanting to talk about her husband.
“I just always imagined you with someone... else. Don’t get me wrong, Phil’s fine. He’s nice, I guess. Just not... your type.” Meg said nicely, and Elizabeth could tell she was holding back her feelings, something the rest of her family wouldn’t have talked around.
Joni would have come out with it: Phil was short, plump around the gut, and not terribly handsome with his thinning hair and mustache. He was almost forty, a good twelve years Elizabeth’s senior. He came from a good, influential family. He was poised to take over his father’s booming law firm and he’d had bad luck in love. A sweet, sweet man who deserved the world found a failing author who needed a safety net.
Elizabeth’s parents were so proud.
Meg waited for Elizabeth to answer, but the redhead stared at the bookshelf, unable to pull her eyes away from that white bound book on the second to bottom shelf, “I’m pregnant.”
“What?” Meg snapped her head back toward Elizabeth, almost dropping her vape, “You’re pregnant? You’ve been married less than two months-”
“I know... I know.” Elizabeth threw her hands up to cover her face, “It was a honeymoon baby. It wasn’t planned. Trust me.”
“Shit Lizzie... you’re in it for the long haul aren’t you?” Meg laughed, but pulled Elizabeth’s arms down, “Do you not want it?”
“Of course I want it, it’s a baby, not a purse. I can’t just get rid of it.” Elizabeth grabbed her stomach protectively, looking down almost fondly, “I just wasn’t prepared for it to happen so soon.”
“Lizzie? Is that you?” Linda’s voice called from the foyer and Elizabeth shushed Meg loudly as Linda Drysdale came swooping into the library. “Lizzie.” She cooed with venomous sweetness, “Thank you guys so much for coming. It means so much to us.”
“I’m so sorry for your loss. Is there anything we can do?” Elizabeth asked as she grabbed Linda’s hands, feeling her cheeks heat up as she silently prayed Meg would keep her mouth shut.
“No sweetheart, we’re just fine. It’s just nice to see you. I’m sure Dad would have appreciated you being here.” Linda said, but Elizabeth knew she was lying through her teeth. She smiled, but it was full of malice, “I’m sorry things were strained in the end. I never understood what happened between you two. Dad was so upset after Easter dinner.”
Elizabeth nodded, calculating her response slowly, “Your father and I envisioned different things... for me. For my life.” She corrected, lifting her left hand to scratch the back of her neck beneath her hair, “He tutored me, he guided me, but unfortunately I couldn’t live up to the greatness he expected from me.”
“Well,” Linda muttered with a shrug of her shoulders, “Some people find their own success. Some need others to help them get by. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“No. I guess not.” Elizabeth straightened a little and grinned confidently, “We all have to make choices to do what’s best for ourselves.”
                                       Two Years Ago- New Years Eve
Harlan raised his champagne glass in front of his knife collection in the library, “To family, to friends, and to a glorious new year!”
Applause erupted around the room as his guests cheered, drinking their own champagne after his lead. Lizzie beamed at the author from his left and he looked to his watch, then motioned for her to approach but her parents rushed to his side first.
“Oh Mr. Thrombey, this party is phenomenal! Thank you so much for the invitation!” Elizabeth’s mom slurred as she tipped a little of her wine out of her glass.
Harlan smiled knowingly, nodding his head a little before addressing the woman, “I’m glad you are enjoying yourself. If you don’t mind, I’d like to speak with your daughter for a moment alone... I have some ideas I need to run past her for my next book.”
“You hear that honey, Harlan Thrombey need to speak to our daughter about his new book! Can you believe it?” Her mother drawled and her father just smiled and put his arm around his wife.
“We’ll catch up with you later, sweetheart.” He told Elizabeth and led his wife away to chat with some other guests. Elizabeth was vaguely aware of her father calling to someone named Alan as she turned back to Harlan.
“What can I help you with? Do you want to get out of here? Head to your study to work?”
“No.” Harlan answered, looking at his watch again, “It’s eleven-thirty. If you were to sneak away now, I don’t think the other guests would notice if you weren’t back by midnight.”
Elizabeth grinned, pressing her red painted lips together as she raked her fingers through her scalp to her updo. “Where would I go at midnight, then?”
Harlan looked across the crowd to the entrance of his library, eyes locked onto someone behind Elizabeth, “We’re setting off fireworks on the west lawn away from the trees. If you went to the second floor bedroom, you should have a pretty good view from the balcony.”
Elizabeth swallowed down her feelings and nodded, “That does sound nice. Get away from all this for a little while.”
“I envy you for that.” Harlan gave a little wave to Marta as she approached, clearly uncomfortable in her knee length dress. “Go have a good time. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Elizabeth leaned forward and kissed Harlan on the cheek, then darted through the mass of party-goers toward the hallway that would lead her to the main house. She slowed down when she noticed a gorgeous man sitting in a chair near the entryway. He seemed to be writing something, occasionally looking up to make sure nobody was watching, but no one seemed to care what he did.
The attendees seemed to think Ransom Drysdale was invisible, but he was the only man his Eliza saw-
“Darling! Have you met Phillip Stevens? His father is the attorney for the Thrombey Estate.” Elizabeth’s mother explained as she grabbed her daughter’s arm and pulled her into the circle. Elizabeth smiled weakly and jutted out her hand to shake Phillip’s, looking over her shoulder in a panic to find Ransom gone from his spot.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. You’re parents have told me a lot about you, as have the Thrombeys.” Phillip explained, noticing her absent expression. “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” She croaked, seeing her white bound book placed on the second from the bottom shelf. “I’m fine. Just had a bit too much to drink.”
“Oh Honey-”
Phillip gently grabbed her hand and Elizabeth’s head darted up to him, noting that he was much older than her, but looked at her with kind, hopeful eyes. “We could go out and get some air?”
“Uh, maybe, I-” Lizzie stammered, but her father gave a firm nod, staring at her darkly. She swallowed and lowered her head submissively, “Some air would be nice.”
Phillip offered her his arm and lead her toward the foyer. As they moved toward the back door of the house, Lizzie looked up toward the staircase and met Ransom’s eyes, mouthing I’m so sorry as she was led outside for some air.
Ransom swallowed hard, watching as the lawyer’s son swept his girl away from under his nose. He considered finding another woman to pound into the new year, but he’d waited so patiently. He’d endured Thanksgiving and Christmas without her, and he didn’t want his plans to go to waste.
But seeing her led away by Phillip Stevens, a man who’s worth and wealth outshone his own, made Ransom realized she was never his to lose. So he stomped up the staircase to the west bedroom alone.
Lizzie stared up at the snowflakes that fell from the Massachusetts sky. Phillip spoke so sweetly to her, but the fresh air didn’t help her at all. She shivered, not dressed for the snow in her strapless gown.
“Oh.. I’m so sorry. Here.” Phillip pulled off his own jacket and draped it around her shoulders, and she smiled up at him thankfully. He was... nice. Just a little taller than her, enough to look up, but not nearly as tall as- others. He was portly and a mustache was beginning to grow. He looked at Elizabeth with true interest, and perhaps a hint of nervousness, “Is that better?”
“Yes. Thank you.” She muttered, already seeing where this was going. “My stomach just isn’t very happy right now. I may need to use the restroom.”
“I’ll walk you there, I almost know my way around.” Phillip teased and Elizabeth just smiled weakly, summoning what little care she could. “Let’s go.”
“I’m fine. Really... You go back to the party. I’ll be there soon. I might be gone for a while, I don’t want you to miss the fireworks.” Elizabeth assured the older man and he nodded, seeming to catch her drift.
Phillip took her hand and kissed it, and she felt her stomach twist in knots, “I’ll see you in a while, then. I’d love to talk to you more.”
“Yes. Later.” Elizabeth promised bleakly, hoping he couldn’t see how dismissive she was being. If he told her parents she’d been rude, she’d find herself berated in the morning when the alcohol wore off and the headaches began.
She scrambled through the doors and darted up the staircase, forgetting she was supposedly drunk and sick. She didn’t care much about what people thought of her, she was late.
Meanwhile, Ransom leaned against the balcony in the west bedroom. His breath turned to smoke as he huffed into the cold night air, but he continued to watch as Harlan’s team set up for the fireworks display.
Ransom didn’t give a shit about the fireworks. He cared about money, booze, sex, and not much else. Seeing as he wouldn’t be getting laid this New Years, he considered popping open the thousand dollar bottle of bubbly he’d placed in ice in the bathroom sink before the party started.
He couldn’t shake the image of his girl with the lawyer’s son. He was wealthy and powerful, heir to his father’s law firm while harboring a glistening reputation of his own in the courts. He was older than Ransom, and a thousand times more significant.
Ransom knew Lizzie didn’t intent on being a trophy wife, but she was struggling after leaving college. The money was running out, and her parents were running out of patience. The idea of their daughter marrying for money and stature wasn’t just accepted by the Reynolds, it was encouraged.
The young Drysdale knew he didn’t fit the bill. Wealth he had, but he didn’t have a job, a plan, and no reputation except for Trust Fund Playboy. Elizabeth wrote that she jokingly suggested him, only to be shot down her father who wanted his daughter to find a more “reputable” husband.
Not that Ransom had any intentions of settling down, especially with Elizabeth.
But her absence was disappointing since he’d actually put in effort for their rendezvous for once. He pushed himself away from the balcony with a loud sigh and left the door open, allowing the room to grow cold as his demeanor. Ransom grabbed the bottle from the sink and unwrapped the Veuve Clicquot ruthlessly, discarding the foil on the floor. He slunk back toward the balcony, standing just inside the door as he grabbed a decorative knife from the bedside table and used it to send the cork flying into the yard and bubbles foaming onto his hand.
Ransom put the bottle to his lips, the alcohol like water in the desert for him as he allowed himself to fall onto the bed. He set the bottle against the pillow beside him and used his Armani shirt to wipe the remnants from his face. He considered going back to the party. There must be some pretty women there looking for a New Years kiss. Or he could stay here, alone, where nobody would yell at him or taunt him or ignore him. Ransom could save himself the trouble and do what everyone wanted him to do anyway: leave.
He picked up the bottle again and took a long swig, looking at the single rose he’d set on the dresser near the drawer. Suddenly the door swung open and Lizzie panted as she shoved it closed behind her, catching her breath before turning to Ransom.
Her worry melted away into a knowing smirk as he pulled the bottle from his mouth, “You didn’t wait for me?”
“Didn’t think you were comin.” He answered gruffly, taking another swig and turning away. “How’s Phillip?”
“He’s nice.” She said bluntly, taking a step closer. Neither made a sound, so her heels were deafening in the room. Finally, she sat on the bed beside Ransom and took the bottle from him, but she didn’t take a drink yet. “He’s not you.”
“He’s husband material.”
“But I love you.”
“I hate when you say that.” Ransom spat, reaching for the bottle, but she raised it to her lips and took three long swallows. He watched her neck as the liquid ran down, imagining instead she was swallowing him, so his anger settled, “We’re fuck buddies, nothing more.”
Lizzie grinned and gave him the bottle back, using her hand to run along his side as he faced her, “I kinda think we’re more than just fuck buddies. I think of us more as an open relationship.” She bartered and he huffed into the alcohol, “Hey. We don’t do labels, but I do love you. I’m allowed to love someone I know I can’t marry, can’t I?”
“I suppose.” He replied, leaning back and placing the bottle on the bed stand beside the knife, “I suppose if we aren’t labeling it, and I can do whatever I want, and fuck whoever I want and love whoever I want- I guess I love you too, Eliza.”
She shook her head a little, slowly lowering herself onto him as she dug her fingers into his hair. He heard loud counting down from the floor below, indicating it was almost midnight. Ransom reached up and ran his thumb along her cheek, studying her fancy hair and painted lips and imagining all the time it would take for her to look presentable enough to go downstairs.
“Ten... Nine... Eight...”
Eliza nuzzled her nose against his, and Ransom breathed her in, as if she was the only thing giving him air. She whispered, “All we have is tonight, Hugh.”
“Two...One... Happy New Year!”
Ransom pulled her down to him and kissed her sweetly, and for a brief moment, he considered wedding the redhead, if only to keep her in his bed forever.
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.31 (Gordo’s Bar Mitzvah)
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Here we have Gordo with his never-before-seen therapist parents
- Walking along the school hallway are Lizzie and Gordo who are talking about a movie they’ve just seen (Planet of the Apes I’m guessing?). Miranda interrupts them and informs Lizzie that Ethan is getting a dirtbike for his birthday.
- And of course, Gordo still doesn’t care. Will he ever stop complaining about his friends talking about Ethan in the way they do or at least stop pretending to be so oblivious towards understanding their attraction towards him? I get it; They tend to act a little over the top but sometimes it’s okay for them to have their fan-girl moments.  
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They do love a man in a uniform, huh? 
- Larry then shows up and asks what all the fuss is about to which Miranda excitingly replies to him saying that Ethan is all grown up. It is revealed that Larry has already started to shave. Hence why he has little bits of would tape all over his face to cover his cuts from the razor blade I suppose. Yikes!
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To me, he looks like he has zits that he had covered up
- So, it looks like both Ethan and Larry are starting to go through the stages of maturity or puberty, which Lizzie notices as well. And she even compares them to Gordo and concludes that they are maturing faster than him, which is true but she doesn’t need to say it because that kinda low-key offended Gordo.
If You Didn’t Know, Gordo is Jewish
- At the school courtyard during lunch soon after, Gordo starts acting weirder than usual as he calls Lizzie, Elizabeth and Miranda as Miss Sanchez. He definitely feels like he is falling behind the other boys in his grade and is trying to overcompensate.
- He is also facing the added pressure from his parents on deciding when his Bar Mitzvah ceremony should be since he is Jewish. If I’m not wrong, isn’t this the first time that Gordo has revealed to us that he is Jewish? And clearly, his friends probably haven’t asked him much questions about his religion because they are finding out about all of this at the same time as we are.
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Lizzie wants that money honey 
- Gordo goes on to explain what goes on during the ceremony, which sounds really exciting, especially the getting money part for Lizzie and Miranda lol. He also notes that his parents are leaving it up to Gordo on when he wants to have his Bar Mitzvah because for them, growing up, they didn’t have much of a choice. How progressive of his parents!
-  But Gordo feels like he missed his chance since he already turned 13. Plus, they just don’t see the value of being considered an adult at that age just because it’s technically not an adult age. 
When Does a Boy Become a Man?
- The next day, Gordo tells his friends that he had actually interviewed a few men about their journey in becoming full-fledged men, which actually includes both Lizzie and Miranda’s dads. How did he manage to do all of that in one night? Impressive.
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Hold up! Weren’t these two guys in the episode, Rated Arghh? Like wasn’t the guy on the right choking on a sourball and Lizzie had to perform the Heimlich maneuver on him? And also, why are they always seen together? Hmm....
- Edit: Their names are actually David Rosen and Jeremy Bargiel both on-screen and in real-life. They were actually writers on the show. How neat! And I also discovered that the writers on Lizzie Mcguire considered them to be a couple on-screen but they weren’t given the opportunity by Disney to make their relationship explicit.
- The interview features all of these men explaining the moments in their lives where they felt like they have become men and it’s usually with their own dads. For instance, for Sam, it was when he first started to learn how to drive and for Eduardo, Miranda’s dad, it was when he first met his wife, Daniella. 
- Their stories have inspired Gordo to do the same things as them in hopes of  becoming a man himself. And we get a compilation of him doing just that from driving a car to attempting to get a tattoo. I thought you must be at least 18 to be allowed to get a tattoo? I need to stop seeing things from our own reality lol.
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Whose car is that anyways?
- Unsurprisingly, things don’t go as planned and Gordo is feeling disappointed. He really wants to know the exact moment where he crosses over into manhood. I mean, as an adult myself, you really don’t know when exactly the moment is. For me, it was when I started paying taxes lol and that was at the age of 22. So yea...
- I appreciate Lizzie and Miranda for trying to relate to Gordo and sympathize with him. In some way, boys and girls share similar experiences when it comes to puberty but I guess it’s much easier for Gordo to have an actual guy friend to talk to about all of this stuff. I mean, I’ve been saying this all along; Gordo needs a guy friend his age!
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Another emotionally-charged moment between Lizzie and her dad
- At home, Lizzie tells her dad about the issues Gordo’s facing and Sam reminisces to her about his time as a kid and honestly, it was beautiful to hear what it was like for him. It warms my heart because the things he did as a kid that he remembers after all these years were so innocent. He also touches on the responsibilities of being an adult and a dad and how it’s rewarding being able to go to bed at night knowing that he has provided for his family.
We Finally Meet Gordo’s Parents! 
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This is not a drill everyone! Here are Gordo’s therapist parents in the flesh!
- Gordo is discussing with his parents about the Bar Mitzvah he was supposed to have almost a year ago and he expresses how he doesn’t feel like they should have let him decide on when his ceremony should be since it’s already too late. 
- His parents, whose names are Howard and Roberta Gordon tell him that it isn’t too late and they think he is ready because they can see that their son has put a lot of effort into researching about the ceremony. Oh and it’s so cute that they watch every single film he has made to date. Gordo now feels like he’s ready. Finally lol.
- Towards the end of the episode, we are taken to Gordo’s highly-anticipated Bar Mitzvah ceremony! 
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Lizzie and Miranda always makes great fashion choices
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Miranda’s parents are also there as well. Love these two!
- We then see Gordo on-stage giving a speech about his transition in becoming  a man. To summarize, he says that the moment that marked his transition should be something that’s right for him. He also mentions about the different stories from the various men he interviewed and how he is able to realize who he is and the kind of person he isn’t. Lastly, he just sees his Bar Mitzvah as the mark of this transition instead of a tattoo, a dirtbike or any other sort of thing. 
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It’s amazing how Gordo invited all of the interviewees to his special day. Also, Larry and Ethan were invited too! So does this mean that he’s friends with them? Or did he just invite his entire class?
- He then reads a portion from the Torah, all in Hebrew. Despite myself not understanding a single thing, it sounded beautiful. 
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What a way to end an episode!
B-Plot: Sam Is In-Charge
- What’s an episode of Lizzie Mcguire without having to watch Matt’s crazy (or annoying) antics? This time, he was caught stealing oranges from a tree that belongs to their neighbor, Mrs Robinson...for the 4th time that week. 
- When Sam tells Mrs Robinson, “Boys Will Be Boys”, I rolled my eyes because that’s one of the weakest excuses for poor behaviour. I gotta be honest. Even Jo was looking at her husband in disbelief.
- Matt is much more precarious that the average 10/11 year old. He even sold her oranges to his classmates at school to make a profit. I mean, that’s pretty smart of him to do but it all gets crossed out because they weren’t his oranges in the first place. 
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Look at Sam trying to discipline Matt. You sure showed him...
- Jo, who I actually thought would severely punish Matt pulls the classic move that usually works on Matt, which is basically to not do anything. It’s just like in episode 1.2 (Picture Day), where she went along with Matt pretending to be sick to the point where he actually suffers in the end. This time, she is leaving her husband in-charge of the disciplining. This definitely isn’t going to end well. Poor Sam!
- Later on, we see Sam trying to be the disciplinary of the family and let’s just say he isn’t doing a good job. And it doesn’t help that Matt is being completely uncooperative and coming up with excuses for his actions. I wish Matt would try acting this way in an Asian or African household. He would be running for the hills lol. 
- Jo witnesses all of this and decides to stay quiet and let her husband handle it as planned. That’s pretty much what she does for every complaint that they’re getting from their neighbors as one after the other pays a visit to their house with Matt by their side to tell them what pesky little thing Matt had done to them this time. Let’s see how long that will last.
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This one takes the cake for me. But hey, at least Coco looks pretty cute with that look
- Sam seems to be a his wits end about all of this but he isn’t doing a good job coming up with Matt’s punishments. The most he can dish out is sending Matt to his room. But Jo isn’t the one to talk; her punishments are that much worse either. 
- As this plot progresses, we can see that Sam is surprisingly starting to go a little overboard with the punishments and doesn’t know what the right balance is because for something as small as oversleeping, he punishes Matt by making him clean the house, mow the lawn and wash his car. Wow, that is intense. Sam needs to use a little bit of common sense here. 
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We can see here that Matt misses getting punishments from his mom and that Jo misses giving him punishments. Umm, okay. Anyways, this whole plot ends with Jo going back to be the main disciplinary for the kids. 
Overall Thoughts
- And there we have it! The last episode review for Season 1! This season definitely ended on a high note. This is probably my favorite Gordo-centric episode thus far because I was able relate to Gordo’s personal struggles. And I’m sure a lot of other boys and even girls were able to relate to this as well.
- It’s wonderful to see Jewish culture being portrayed on a Disney Channel show just like how Andi Mack did it years later with the character, Cyrus Goodman and they did a great job introducing the different elements of a Bar Mitzvah and letting the audience know the purpose or importance of having the ceremony. I’ve never seen so much comradery between different people from different walks of life coming together to support someone, which is Gordo in this case. It’s really something special to watch.
- Another thing I love about this episode was how they are able to tie in the B-plot with the A-plot and I’m mostly referring to that sentimental scene between Sam and Lizzie. But I must say that Matt was pretty tolerable in this episode too and I found the way he expressed to Jo that he misses his mom’s punishments to be really sweet. 
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mercysingstheblues · 4 years
This Christmas || Samcedes
Who: Sam & Mercedes Evans, family and friends.  When: 3 Years Later Where: Samcedes’ Household What: A look into the future as Samcedes host a Christmas gathering for their friends and family. 
Mercedes: “Red or green?” Mercedes asked her daughter as she held up two different bows from her dresser. The preteen studied carefully as she pretended to be in deep thought. “Green,” she answered with a doubtful smile. “Red,” she came again looking more satisfied with her answer. “How about we do both?” Mercedes settled as she made her way to the bed where both her children sat. “She likes when o do pigtails anyway so might as well stick to what works.” She handed the red bow to Sammie who went to work helping her perfect her little sister’s hair. “Are you excited to see everyone?” She asked making small talk. “Yes! Grandpa said he something really special for me. I think it’s a car.” Mercedes side eyed her daughter with a shake of her head. “You are 12, I can guarantee you it isn’t a car.” She smiled at the pout of her child’s lips as she continued to twist Grace’s hair. “Fine, then I’ll settle for nothing less than Beyonce tickets. Floor seats.” “Negotiate a ticket for your mom and I’ll throw in dinner at your favorite restaurant.” Mercedes added. She was definitely her child. They made quick work and Mercedes asked Sammie if she would take her sister downstairs and she would join shortly. She did her makeup not really caring to look extra spiffy. She was tired and her feet were too swollen for her to worry about looking cute. After being satisfied with her attire she finally made her way down the stairs spotting Sam laughing it up with Quinn. She smiled at the sight in front her knowing Sam had to be doing one of his many impressions by the look on Quinn’s face. “Any chance he’s coming tonight?” A voice met her as she made it to the bottom. “God I hope so. I’m so ready for him to be out. Grace came early three weeks at that. Sammie was five days early but this one doesn’t want to seem to leave.” She hugged Finn who helped her down the last two steps. “Well I’ll be 50 dollars richer if he does. So maybe put in a good word for me?” She laughed at his reply. “I make no promises but I’ll see what I can do.”
Sam: He teased Quinn mercilessly, making her blush as he imitated Mike being caught in the act by the practice nurses just the previous week. “I swear Quinn, I’ve never seen him so embarrassed! You’re gonna be giving me and Cedes some serious competition..” Quinn giggled in spite of herself and shook her head. “ I don’t think so- you’re still the King and Queen of Freak! I can’t believe you guys are on your third kid!” A tiny mew, came from the tiny bundle she held carefully in her arms. “Seems like he’s waking up..Better go feed him..” she chuckled a little self consciously and he grinned, peering down at the newest addition to his best friend’s family. “Jeez he looks so much like Mike...Lizzie looks a little more like you, but Oliver has Mike all over him..” Fixing her with a serious look as his smile faded he asked her softly, “You happy?” Quinn nodded, smiling widely. “I’m so happy Sam...Thank you..” she reached out, laying her hand on his, “ You didn’t take advantage when I threw myself at you that time and I remember what you told me then- that Mike would find a way..and he did..” Sam shook his head slowly, “ No need to thank me, Quinn. Just glad to see you guys happy and finally free of Kitty. Even Missy seems a lot happier and Sammie said she’s one of her best friends now.” Leaning forward, he kissed her on the cheek, saying “You guys deserve this..” Looking up, he bit his lip, hiding a grin as he spied his wife aiming down the stairs. He knew she was feeling pretty uncomfortable- she kept saying she felt like a stuffed butterball, but to him she was breathtakingly gorgeous as ever. He smiled as Finn, helped her down the last few steps, no trace of the former jealousy he’d once felt. She was his, had always been, even when he’d been too dumb to see it, and boy did it feel good. “I’ll leave you to your feeding..if you want some privacy you can use one of the guest rooms upstairs..” he told the blonde before making his way over to his wife and catching her around the waist. “Hey Hudson,” he greeted Finn jovially, before kissing his wife lingeringly on the lips. “Hmmm...I’ve gone too long without a kiss from you, gorgeous..” He bent down and gave her belly a gentle kiss. “How’s my little grinch doing?” he teased her as he straightened, his hand stroking the tight mound of her stomach over the soft material of her dress. “Oh God..think I’m gonna be sick,” Finn complained, grinning at his friend’s antics. “Whatever bro, I saw the tears you were crying on your wedding day..Rachel has you so damned whipped, “ Sam bantered back good naturedly, bursting into laughter as Rachel herself came up, threading her hand through Finn’s arm, and watching how the big guy softened to a big pile of jello as he gazed at his tiny wife.
Mercedes: softened in her husband’s arms.  This was one of the big changes they had made in strengthening their marriage and she loved the fact that them touching without any awkwardness was so simple and easy now.  So much they had missed out on being shy and far from transparent with one another.  Now was like a 180.  They communicated more, always talked things through and never left anything off the table.   Long gone was any need for jealousy when it came to him and Quinn and seeing them converse and laugh just now only warmed heart cause she herself got to know Quinn on a personal level and they had now become the best of friends.  These past three years not only did she rejuvenate her marriage but her friendship with Sam as well.  He was her ride or die and she couldn’t have been happier.  “Baby, don’t tease him.  I think it’s cute.  Two of my favorite people found love with one another and I got a Goddaughter out of it.  They’re perfect.”  She smiled at the couple in front of them.   She then turned her attention to her husband fixing her mouth with slight grimace.  “He’s still chillaxing like my womb is a utopian wonderland.”  She looked down at her extended belly as if she could will her labor through penetrating glares.  “Plus, I’m wearing slippers cause none of my fancy shoes fit. Also this baby and I voted and we refuse to be in any Christmas photos.” She folder her arms as of her word was final knowing she would never get away with that one.  
Sam: He laughed at the disgruntled expression on her face, sliding a hand into her hair and kissing the pout away from her lips. "You so are going to be in every Christmas photo..you're sexy and gorgeous and you know it.." It was amazing how much he loved her, he'd thought he'd known how much back when they were first married, but he'd soon learned how fathomless everything he felt for her was. He felt the clap on his shoulder that indicated his father was standing behind them and wrapping his arms around his wife he turned to see his parents and in-laws standing in front of them. "Don't you ever get tired of kissin’ up on your wife?" his dad asked, shaking his head. "Nope," he retorted, pressing another kiss to her soft lips. "Not at all..And before you say it," he fixed his mother and his mother-in-law with a look, "we are not doomed..In fact I think you can safely say, we're exactly where we want to be.." Mr Jones threw back his head and laughed. "That told you, sweetheart," he said to his wife, grinning. "I always knew, though, you two were meant for each other. I'd never have let you marry her if I hadn't have known that." Mrs Jones smiled nodding "I think we can say that three children in, you are definitely sticking together. One might have been an accident..but three? That has to have been on purpose.”
Mercedes: “Three kids and 13 years,” Mercedes added.  Despite them not being all glorious years of marriage she was still for the time she had with Sam.  They stuck together through thick and thin and what probably would be the toughest test to their marriage and they survived.  “I’m still questioning how you gave away my hand in marriage to a seven year old dad.”  “It was easy, watching the two of you interact when y’all were younger.  It was obvious he was hooked.  He had that same look in his eyes I had when I met your mother.  The look that he had just found his match.” Mr. Jones admitted.  “What a lovely match y’all are.” Mr. Evans chimed in.  “Yes, thank you for making our son so happy.  Thanks for the beautiful grandkids.” His wife added. “I’m just glad we are finally getting a boy.  For a moment I thought I chose wrong when we got two girls back to back,” Mr. Jones joked receiving a nudge from his wife.  “Dad!” Mercedes fussed.  “Oh stop you know I love my baby girls from the moon and back.  I only kid.”  Mercedes shook her head with a warm smile as she rested her head on Sam’s shoulder surveying the scene in front of her.  She was surrounded by family and friends that she loved and adored and felt like at that moment she couldn’t be any happier.
Sam: He gently pulled her away from their parents, his arms around her guiding her to stand by the huge Christmas tree the dominated their entrance hall at the foot of the stairs, festively decorated in gold and red. “It’s great to see everyone happy and whole..I thought for a time Mike and Quinn would never get their shit straight..Kitty certainly made it difficult for them..but now that she’s marrying that Ben Israel geek, she could wait to give them full custody of Missy and go after his millions. Always said she was deadlier than a rattlesnake that one. I’m stoked to finally see that back of her.” He turned her slightly towards him, eyes twinkling devilishly, a smirk twisting his lips. “You wanna know how to induce labour?” He whispered conspiratorially, lips brushing her ear as he leaned in towards her, then dropping his head down to nuzzle her collarbone. “Wild, rampant, hot sex..so what do you say?  Everyone’s busy eating..talking..whatever..they’ll never miss us...Just you, me, upstairs in that big old bed..” he grinned enticingly, tugging her towards the stairs, threading his fingers through hers. “If it works, then amazeballs..but if not...try, try and try again..not to mention, it’s good practice for the next one..” Clearly, he reflected, much later on, in the early hours of Christmas Day, watching his wife hold their newborn baby boy, that old wives tale had worked a trick very nicely...He picked up her hand as she held the baby in the crook of her arms and kissed it gently, with all the love that he felt for her now and always. “Thank you, Cedes...not just for this...but for all of the Christmases that have gone before..”
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oboevallis · 4 years
could you do a part 2 to glass?
glass pt 2
TW: drugs
“Oh come on I had a single beer.” Amelia spit back at her brother.
“Amy, we care for you. And one beer turns into two then turns into drugs, and by how you’ve been acting that’s what’s going to happen.” Derek calmly stated.
“Like you two haven’t?!” Amelia pointed to her brother and her sister Lizzie.
“Well, were responsible. We’re not going to go out and get a drug addiction.”
“I didn’t even take drugs!” Amelia sighed dramatically and threw herself down against the hospital bed.
“Amelia, your hanging you with a much older guy. He’s kinda creepy, the drug addict kind of creepy. I don’t know what college kid dates a high school student.” Lizzie added, she had met him a couple of weeks ago and was embarrassed her sister was hanging out with him.
“Hey I’ll be out of high school soon.” The youngest shepherd quickly defended herself.
“Come on Lizzie, let’s just leave her alone.” Derek sighed, and directed her sister out of the room.
“Have you heard from mom?” Lizzie asked once her brother had closed the door.
“No, have you?”
“No, but I mean. She’ll forgive her right?”
“Yeah moms are supposed to forgive, she’s forgiven us for a lot.” Derek defended their mother.
“Yeah, but we weren’t as crazy as Amelia is.”
“Hey, what happened? I just got out of surgery.” Their sister Nancy greeted as she came down the hall. “Addie told me Amy was in the ER and you guys admitted her.”
“It’s nothing to bad. Her foot should heal up fine. I admitted her to try and come up with a plan. We gotta help her, or she’s gonna go off the rails.” Derek explained to his older sister.
“Okay, and where’s mom?” Nancy asked looking into the room.
“Probably already at the store working. Last night she told Amy she wasn’t helping her.” Liz explained.
“Did you drug test her?” Nancy asked.
“Yeah, she’s clean. Her blood alcohol level was high though.” While the three siblings were talking Amelia was changing into her regular clothes, ready to leave.
“Where do you think your going?” Nancy asked once Amelia stepped out of the hospital room.
“Home.” Amelia simply responded, walking away from the group.
“Hey, so the stores pretty busy. Im going to go help out mom, we could use the extra hands of you don’t mind.” Lizzie said popping her head into their room.
“I’m going to stay here.” Amelia answered in a monotone voice staring up at the bunk above her.
“Okay, well we’ll see you later.” Liz concluded shutting the door.
Once she heard the front door slam signaling her sister had left, she reached for her boyfriends jacket and dug through the pockets looking for the pills she swiped from the nurses pill cart. She was already coming down pretty fast and only had four left. She settled on only taking one for now. As she felt the pill dissolve she felt okay, better than okay. It was like pain didn’t exist, no sisters, no judgement, no school, no dead father. She just felt nothing. She didn’t know how long she was sitting there but she could vaguely hear the phone ringing so she jumped up to go downstairs and answer it.
“Hey chase!” She answered with uncharacteristic perkiness.
“Hey what’s happening?”
“Nothing much, want to come over? No ones gonna be home until later.”
“Yeah sure I’ll be there soon.”
“Hey, by chance do you have anything on you?” Amelia asked breaking away from their kiss. She went through the last of her stash by the time he had shown up.
“What like drugs?” He asked, kind of surprised to hear this coming from his girlfriend.
“Yeah.” She went in to kiss him again.
“Well not on me, but I have some back at my place.”
“Okay, well are we gonna go to your place then?”
“I mean yeah sure, I just didn’t think you were into that type of thing.” Amelia just shrugged in response.
Weeks had passed since her, habit, started. She had done a good job of hiding it thus far. Until her sister Kathleen came home to visit, she’d been out of state at college and missed her family so she decided to stop in for the weekend. Kathleen wasn’t particularly close to her sister, but she enjoyed spending time with her. The youngest shepherd was always fun to talk to because she had no filter.
“Amelia Frances Shepherd! What the hell are you doing.” Kathleen screamed as she walked into her sisters room. Amelia started blankly back at her not really realizing she was there, she had just crushed the pill of oxy, which her sister witnessed. “You are an absolute selfish bitch! All that mom and this family has done for you, and you go take drugs? Dad would be so pissed at you.”
“Don’t bring dad into this.” Amelia spat.
“If he was here he’d be so so so pissed at you.”
“Shut up!”
“I’m gonna go call mom.” Kathleen said turning on her heel to go to the landline in the kitchen.
“Don’t you dare.” Amelia jumped up to block the door. “You are not calling mom.” Kathleen started to speak but stopped herself, she glared at the youngest shepherd disgusted with her.
“Fine.” Kathleen pushed Amelia out of the door way and left the house to go to her car. Amelia knew better than to think she was off the hook, so she took her stash and distributed it, hiding in the most unlikely of places, but made sure to leave some out in the open to an extent so they’d think they found some.
“I’m looking for Doctor Shepherd.” Kathleen asked a nurse at the nurses station in the front of the hospital.
“Which one?” The nurse giggled.
“Who’s ever available.”
“Um, okay.”the nurse seemed slightly confused but went along with it. It wasn’t long until Addison appeared looking concerned she hadn’t known Kathleen was back in town.
“Hey everything alright?” Addison asked as she approached.
“Have you seen Amy recently?”
“No, is she missing?” Addison asked startled.
“No she’s not missing but like does she seem normal to you?”
“I mean she hasn’t been attending Sunday dinners, and when I’ve seen her she’s seemed kind of pale and shaky and then she just leaves to go to the creek. Why? What’s going on?”
“She’s doing drugs.” Kathleen whispered judgmentally.
“What?” Addison asked in disbelief.
“I saw her crushing up a pill.”
“Oh god. Okay I’m gonna go get Derek. We’ve got to do something.” Kathleen just nodded and sat down in the waiting area. While Addison was gone looking for her husband. As Nancy was walking out of her shift she noticed Kathleen.
“What’s wrong?” Nancy asked concerned, she was closer with Kathleen and they told one another everything so to not know she was at the hospital.
“Amy’s doing drugs.”
“Did she OD?”
“No,no but she will one of these days. Figures she’ll go out and get a drug addiction.”
“Hmm.” Nancy hummed in agreement.
“Why the hell did you leave her alone?” Derek asked as he stormed in.
“Well Derek there’s not much I could’ve done. There’s not much we can do. She’s gotta hit rock bottom until she realizes she needs help.”
“You’ve been in college for two seconds, don’t act like a shrink. Well get her into rehab.”
“Kathleen’s right Derek.” Nancy defended.
“How about an intervention?” Addison suggested.
“That could work.” Nancy hopefully agreed.
“Does mom know?” Derek asked.
“Not yet.” Kathleen confirmed. “She’s under so much stress right now. What if we tried to handle this before she finds out.”
“Yeah, I agree with Kathleen.” Nanny said.
“Okay. Addison and Is shifts are almost done. We’ll meet you two back at the house. And just pray to god she’ll listen.”
thank for the request, i really appreciate it. im also working on that other request you had so hopefully that’ll be up soon. sorry in advance i didn’t not proofread
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