#but she'll always be the most interesting character to me and i Will continue to commission people / bully my friends into creating content
foxx-queen · 1 year
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perhaps i am a dragon
the dragon milf by @ancientannoyance
293 notes · View notes
honestly-mad-person · 7 months
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。・:*˚:✧ pairing: Xavier x fem!reader
。・:*˚:✧ genre: smut (oral sex, vaginal sex, moans, orgasm, wet sounds, first sex)
。・:*˚:✧ word count: 7,7K (The biggest story, yeah)
。・:*˚:✧ a/n: When I was writing the story, I couldn't throw away the storyline of Chapter 8. How does he feel when he sees MC? Is he afraid of losing her again or will his unwavering love for her guide him through the stars so that your eyes can meet again?
In this story, I tried to describe the MC's inner feelings as if it were familiar to her. It's like it was there, but she can't remember. She'll never remember.
I want to answer MS's question about his experience on behalf of Xavier about his chastity:
"I imagined you many times, I imagined your body, and I studied a lot to fulfill the most intimate desires of your soul at the right time."
In a way, he was virginal. But next to you, he could not restrain his predatory nature.
This has nothing to do with the original character and is entirely my take on the situation.
Enjoy your reading! See ya next time!
The sun outside the window was already sinking below the horizon, filling the living room with a warm, golden color.
Looking at the cityscape, your gaze shifted to the blond haired boy sitting across from you at the table. There was a rustle and his fingers turned the page of the book. Silence reigned in the room again, broken only by barely audible breathing.
Looking at his face, as always serious, you were not thinking about your book, but about how attractive he is. His features seemed softer in the evening sunlight.
Xavier's eyes smoothly moved from one side of the page to the other, absorbing the text and occasionally they closed for a moment. Whenever this happened, his eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings.
Propping his head with his hand, he was constantly reading a book he had recently bought in a bookstore. You had one of his personal books from bookshelf.
The sight of him made the corners of your lips turn up. An outstanding young man. An experienced hunter. And part-time your boyfriend. However, there was something strange about him.
Somehow, you were watching a movie in the evening, cuddling. When your hand accidentally landed on his thigh, near his private area, he winced and looked down to tell you that your hand was not where it should be and asked him to remove it.
Confused, you looked at him. Up close, you could see how he shyly looked away, and the tips of his ears flashed a blush.
Suddenly, a thought flashed in your head. Did he have someone before you?
It would be awkward to ask him about it. Besides, he never told you everything directly. You should have asked him about what interested you in him, as Xavier immediately changed the subject.
Although you were officially a couple, there was nothing beyond kissing. Xavier never even kissed you deeply. Just sweet and innocent kisses on the lips.
Today, you wanted to know the truth. The truth that he tries so hard to hide from you.
In a moment you realize that his blue eyes are watching you. Coming back to reality, you blinked a few times.
— What? – asked Xavier, keeping his hand on the page he was just reading.
— What are you talking about? – you asked, not understanding the reason for this question.
— You… – he said quietly, drawing your gaze to his lips. – You’re looked at me...
— Indeed?
— Yes, – nodding his head, his lips barely parted. – Do I have something on my face?
— No, nothing like that, – you continued with a smile. – You just look even more beautiful in the evening light.
Hearing these words, Xavier looked away in embarrassment towards the window. He does it again. He tries not to look at you when you make him blush.
— Hey, Xav, – you called softly, tilting your head to the side.
— The sun is setting beautifully, – he said absently, without turning his head.
Looking at the horizon, you saw a really beautiful picture.
The sun was already half visible, and the sky surrounding it exploded with incredibly beautiful colors, iridescent from yellow-hot to purple. The clouds shone in the evening light, shimmering with a pearly sheen.
Suffocating at this beauty, you didn't immediately realize that you had fallen into another Xavier trap.
Mentally slapping yourself on the forehead, you turned your gaze back to him. Predictably, seizing the moment, he plunged back into his reading. It's tricky. Very clever.
— Xavier, – you said confidently, breaking the silence.
— Yes? – raising his head, he looked at you as if nothing had happened before.
— Tell me, do you have experience with women? – directly asking, you leaned towards him, placing your hands on the table. – And don't even think of running away from it.
— What do you mean by… – Xavier fell silent, looking into your eyes, fascinated by their beauty and brilliance.
— What I said, – was the answer immediately. – Have you kissed a woman for real?
Xavier was silent. His eyes slowly wandered over your face, sometimes going down, then going up. Soon, he spoke.
— Yes, with you – his look changed a little, but you couldn't understand what was wrong with him. – To be more precise, today at lunch and before going to the shopping center.
Stunned by this, you let out a heavy breath, forcing your eyebrows raised in surprise to fall back to their usual place.
— I'm not asking about myself, but in general, – clarifying, your gaze was fixed on him.
A shadow of embarrassment fell on his face and touching the tip of his nose with his fingers, he reluctantly answered.
— Not sure it happened to anyone but you…
— Not sure if it wasn't?
Under such pressure, Xavier looked away again. This time, not only his ears were red, but also his cheeks.
You got tired of this uncertainty, so you got up from the table, pushing your chair back.
A new noise caught Xavier's attention and he tensed up noticeably as he looked at you as you approached him. He mechanically pushed his chair back, sitting facing you.
— What?... – he didn't have enough time to finish his question, because the tips of your fingers touched his jaw, gently tracing the skin to his chin.
This small action made him lift his head and look into your eyes, which you could see the sunset in if you looked closely.
— Let's play a game, Xavier, – you said quietly, as if afraid that someone else might overhear your secret conversation. – The game is called "Don't look away."
— I don't like the name of this game anymore, – replied Xavier, feeling the warmth of your fingers and realizing that he won't be able to protect himself from you for long.
— Look into my eyes and don't look away, okay? – your fingers started moving again, releasing from his chin and barely touching his skin, moving down his neck, making him shudder briefly.
— What are you doing? – he said quietly, again visibly blushing.
His eyes continued to look into yours. A slight shiver went through your body at the realization of what exactly you wanted to do.
The tips of your fingers gently touched Xavier's neck and in the silence of the kitchen, in which there was still the smell of lemon cookies baked by you at the request of the owner of the apartment, you could clearly hear his uneven breathing.
Lowering your gaze, you looked at your fingers exploring every inch of his skin. Noticing that Xavier turned his head to the side, you sharply raised your eyes to his face.
— Xavier, I can look away and you can't, – you remarked, waiting for your eyes to meet again.
— I don't understand why you're doing this, – he asked quietly, clearing his throat.
You felt the vibration of each word with your fingers, shifting your gaze from his eyes to the fingers resting on his neck.
— I want to play with you, – you answered, continuing to move downwards, following your hands, which were kissing down from the neck to the chest.
You felt the soft fabric of his homemade sweater, which he didn't wear almost every day. Sometimes, you saw him wearing other clothes. You had some doubts if Xavier knew how to use a washing machine, but today you could smell the pleasant smell of air conditioner all day. It was hard not to keep from poking my nose into his chest and inhaling that magical smell of freshly washed clothes.
A heart beat under your fingers. It rattled a little faster than it should have, but you chalked it up to the closeness between you.
As your hands dropped below your chest, his hand grabbed your wrist. Looking up, you looked into his eyes.
Confused, he looked at you.
— Stop, – he said, still holding your hand.
— Xavier, – you said, bringing your face closer to his. – Don't move.
His eyes widened when you got close enough to barely touch his lips with yours. His weak breath touched your lips, fearing to somehow harm you.
Smirking the corner of your lips, you closed your eyes as you kissed him. Your wrist was squeezed tighter, but ignoring it, you touched the back of his neck with your other, free hand. A tremor was felt under your fingers. Your heart skipped a few beats and moaning softly against his lips, you pulled away from him, breaking the kiss.
Taking in Xavier's eyes, filled with confusion and curiosity, you smiled again.
— Do you want more? – you asked and received in response his silent nod of the head. – Then let go of my hand and sit tight, okay?
Your voice sounded gentle, as if you were asking your dog to obey your commands.
Fingers reluctantly parted, letting go of your wrist and placing his hands on his lap, Xavier continued to look into your eyes.
— Good boy, – you purred contentedly, connecting your lips again in a kiss.
Placing your hands around his neck, your fingers slowly trailed up her rear, causing another wave of shivers. Plunging them into your hair, you lightly squeezed it. From this, you felt a barely audible moan on your lips.
Your heart pounded in your chest again, causing the tips of your ears to light up.
This innocent, at first glance, reaction of Xavier caused you to have the dirtiest thoughts about him. The way you controlled him, the way he responded to your touch, all of it made the warmth of his stomach rise.
Unable to resist, your tongue defiantly ran between his lips, demanding that he let you inside.
Fidgeting, Xavier hesitated for a few seconds, but after your fingers tightened on his hair, he obediently let you pass.
A moan of pleasure echoed through the kitchen and you weren't sure which one of you had created it.
Your tongue explored new territory, teasing with his tongue. Xavier didn't respond to your actions, giving you the upper hand in this little game. It made you even more convinced that he was a virgin. Soon, you felt a weak and unsure response from him.
Surprised, you broke the kiss and pulled away from him, breathing heavily.
— Did I… do something wrong? – he asked innocently, looking into your eyes.
When Xavier returned your kiss, you felt the air in your chest suddenly run out and you felt a little dizzy.
Looking down at his hands, which were clenched into fists, you felt dizzy again. For unknown reasons, you wanted to touch them, so that they would gently caress your cheeks, neck, chest, stomach, and even in your mind you imagined these fingers buried deep inside you.
Your body responded to such thoughts with an appropriate reaction. Blushing, you looked up at Xavier and looking into his eyes, you felt your underwear getting wet.
— Oh, you're blushing, – he remarked in his voice, still looking at you.
— It's hot, that's all, – dismissing his words, you were about to remove your hands, until suddenly he grabbed your wrist again.
Looking at him with a dumb question, you watched as he pressed your palm to his cheek, staring at you.
— Please don't go, – he whispered softly, rubbing against your hand, holding it gently with his hand. – Did I do something wrong?
Your brain shut down. Xavier looked at you with the same "puppy" look. Mixed with your lewd thoughts about him and the way he was gently rubbing his cheek against your hand, it made you freeze in place, not giving you a chance to resist such critical damage.
There was a sharp sting in your chest and you, red as a tomato, pulled out your hand, pressing it to your chest.
— Xavier, you! – suffocating from his mercy and the shame of your thoughts, you continued to mumble something incoherent. – Bamn…
Xavier just tilted his head to the side, looking sadly at you, still holding his hand where your hand was for a few seconds.
After giving you some time to cool down, Xavier reached out a hand in your direction, not daring to touch you.
You looked at his fingers, then at his face. He wasn't looking at you anymore. His gaze, filled with sadness and pity, was fixed on his outstretched hand, which seemed to be trying to grasp something in the air.
Your heart throbbed again and, exhaling, you took his hand. He suddenly looked up, looking into your eyes.
— Just a little more, – you said and, approaching him, stood between his legs, wrapping your arms around his neck.
His head was at the level of your stomach. Still hesitant, he gently wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his cheek against yours.
With a smile on the corner of your lips, your fingers gently scratched his head, going through his hair, while your gaze was directed at the already faded sky.
— I'm sorry if I did something wrong, – Xavier suddenly muttered, pulling you away from the view.
— No, you didn't do anything wrong, – you immediately assured, blushing again at your own thoughts.
A few more kisses like that and you could really pounce on him as if you were hungry for a plate of hot and delicious food.
You were drawn to him like a magnet and it was difficult for you to resist this force. You understood this best when Xavier returned your kiss.
— Then why did you stop touching me? – he asked again in his innocent voice.
It made you shudder. Fingers froze.
— Well, it's hard to say... – trying to find words, you mumbled under your breath. – Well...
— I want more, – came to your ears as Xavier's hands fell on your thighs and gently, but firmly, sat you on his knee.
Squealing, you looked into his eyes and wanted to pour him a whole wagon and a small bucket of outrage about this, but when you met his gaze, you froze. He seemed normal, but something was still wrong.
You saw in his eyes a vague reflection of yourself in the evening rays. The longer you looked, the stronger the attraction to him became. His eyes, like a black hole, pulled you deeper and deeper.
You were pulled out of this trance by his hand, which touched your burning cheek.
— You're looking at me like that again… – Xavier said in a quiet and calm voice.
— H-how? – you asked, touching his palm with your fingers.
— As if there is something on my face, – shrugging his shoulders, he gently stroked his cheek with his thumb. – So… are you going to continue your game or not?
Biting your lip, you felt your face flush again.
— Why do you blush so often? – asked Xavier, looking into your face.
— It's not as important as the fact that… – you paused and exhaled, relaxing. - I don't want to play anymore...
Your words madeXavier freeze. Even his stroking stopped. He looked into your eyes silently.
— I don't want to play with you, I want to kiss you again, – clarifying, your palms touched his face and your lips quickly found what they needed so much. Its warmth.
The last line of defense was destroyed. What you had planned as a scouting mission to get information turned into the fact that you couldn't tear yourself away from his lips.
They seemed so familiar, so warm and welcome that it was really hard to stop even for a second.
Xavier pushed you away ever so slightly, but still gently, occasionally breaking the kiss to give the two of you a chance to take a few gulps of fresh air before your lips pressed together again.
Losing your head from the desire this boy was awakening in your body, you melted every time your tongues intertwined in a passionate dance. He absorbed you, absorbed like a black hole absorbs light, without letting it out.
The only thing you longed for, what you reached for at this moment, was Xavier. His lips, so hot from many kisses, his tongue, which was already confidently responding to you, his hands, which hugged you with a firm grip, pressing you to him.
Your knee touched his groin and moaning into his lips, you felt that you weren't the only one turned on. Breaking away from him with difficulty, you looked at his face, stained with blush. You were both breathing heavily as you looked at each other. Xavier didn't move, as if he was afraid that you would run away if he made even one move.
Your hand rested on his chest and slid down. Looking into your eyes, Xavier barely furrowed his brows, still breathing heavily.
— What are you... – he didn't have time to finish the sentence, as a moan that broke from his lips resounded in the room. – Damn…
His eyebrows came together at the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes, he leaned towards you, resting his head on your shoulder. Your other hand rested on his back, stroking his spine with the tips of your fingers. You heard a muffled moan again as your other hand traced his cock through the fabric of his house pants. What you felt confused you a little. You didn't expect that Xavier would turn out to be… a little bigger than you imagined.
You tried to imagine him in your mouth, you thought about whether he would at least enter.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by another moan and an arm wrapping around your waist, digging his fingers firmly into your side. Taking a deep breath, you felt dizzy and tinnitus again. Tomorrow you will definitely find bruises from his fingers on your body.
— Xavier, – you whispered into his ear, as if he were a child seeking refuge on his mother's chest. – Do you hear me, Xavier?
— Mgh… – he groaned, barely nodding his head.
— Relax, – your lips touched his ear, sending shivers down his body.
It even seemed to you that this tremor was heard below as well, as if his member also twitched at the signal of the body.
— Please, – he whispered hoarsely, not taking his eyes off you. – Don’t go…
Something about his words made you wince. Why did he ask you not to go? Why did he say that? Did you give him any reason to think that? Was it something else? Blinking, you couldn't clearly define the reason that could cause these words. Your lips touched his temple, giving him the softest kiss full of love.
— I won't go anywhere from you, – you answered, feeling how tightly he gripped your waist. – I will always be with you.
He flinched at your words. You stopped, still keeping your hand on his already wet pants from the pre-ejaculate.
His head slowly lifted from your shoulder. Meeting his eyes, you felt your heart freeze. You saw longing, fear and need in his eyes.
— What... – not being able to say anything else, you felt an extremely strong desire to comfort him.
Your lips met his again, when you were about to remove your hand from his erection, until suddenly, he stopped you from doing so, placing his hand on yours.
Breaking the kiss, he pressed his forehead against yours, touching the tips of his nose.
— Please… – he whispered, barely shaking his head.
You lost your mind not only at his physical proximity, but also at how defenseless he seemed.
— Xavier, – you whimpered softly, pressing your forehead against his.
No matter how much you wanted it, but gently pushing him away from you with your free hand, you looked into his eyes.
— Let me go, – you asked, looking at your waist. – I won't go anywhere, I promise.
Xavier put a lot of effort into letting you go. His brows came together again at the bridge of his nose as his fingers parted, giving you your freedom. His eyes were locked on you as you rose from his lap.
Xavier looked as if he was ready to rush after you at that very second if you suddenly disappeared from his life. You had rarely seen him so tense and it broke your heart.
Slowly kneeling down in front of him, you placed your hands on his hips.
— Everything is fine, you have nothing to worry about, – stroking him, you felt how his left leg twitched.
— You… – Xavier whispered, touching your shock with his fingers. – You don't need to do this...
— Shh, – drawing sharply, you rubbed against his arm, running your fingers up his thighs. 
Groaning, Xavier covered his eyes. His hand barely felt as your fingers caught on the elastic of your pants.
— Xavier, – you just said his name, when suddenly he lowered himself a little lower, for your convenience.
Smirking the corner of your lips, you pulled at the elastic, pulling Xavier's house pants down. Underneath them you saw dark blue boxers, in which his excited member was clearly visible with a wet stain on them.
Your lips touched his shaft through the fabric. Xavier groaned again, breathing heavily.
You understood that he wanted it. I wanted you to take it sooner. I wanted to be in you faster. Fill you with myself. Cling to your body and never let go. And it made you happy. Be glad that your desires were mutual.
Pulling off his underwear, his slender member was in front of your eyes, barely twitching with excitement. A transparent pearl of pre-ejaculatory substance was visible on the head. Having examined him completely, you saw a vein that swelled like a snake on him. Your insides groaned with desire and wasting no time, you took yours. The tip of the tongue passed over the vein.
Xavier's moans echoed throughout the kitchen as you held his base with your fingers and sucked his hot cock into your mouth.
— God, yes.. yes.. S-so hot.. – he moaned, throwing his head back every time his cock was fully inside, brushing the tip of your throat. - P-please, please, don't stop...
You didn't plan to stop. You wanted everything he could give you. Everything, to the last drop. You will suck everything out of him.
You felt how his cock, pulsating, rubbed against your tongue and stopped somewhere in your throat. Suppressing the tears that rolled into your eyes, you with even greater efforts did everything to bring Xavier maximum pleasure.
The wet sounds from each plunge of his cock into your mouth merged with Xavier's moans and echoed off the walls, dissolving into the air.
— Oh fuck… – Xavier whined, running his fingers through your hair. – D-don't stop... Please... please, I… I need to… please..
His whimpers and moans made you flow harder, harder as the head of his cock slid into your mouth. His fingers gripped your hair tighter, helping you move your head.
— Please… – Xavier kept whining, moving his hips to meet you.
You were no less crazy from his actions than he was from yours. Your swollen lips slid over his shaft, sucking more and more. You gave him what he wanted and you liked it.
— Fuck, p-princess, – Xavier threw his head back with a trembling voice. - I so want... to cum…
In the mix of the wet smacking of your lips against his cock, you opened your eyes wide, looking at him with a look of complete debauchery. Your mouth began to work even faster until your fingers, forming a ring, moved from below, from his base up, until they met your lips.
You swallowed his cock like your life depended on it. You desperately needed to get his cum. You needed her.
— P-princess! – Xavier whined, trembling under your lips like an autumn leaf in the wind. – Wait! Stop, please!
Ignoring his pleas, you looked up at him, the way his eyes rolled in pleasure and the way he tried to push you away from him.
Your hands rested on his hips as your lips pressed into a ring around his cock. The tip of your nose touched his groin every time you swallowed.
— Please, please, stop, I.. I'm coming soon, – Xavier begged you to stop, unable to watch the way you ate him down below.
In response, you tightened your fingers around his pants, pressing your entire tongue against his length, enveloping him in the warmth of your wet mouth.
Gritting his teeth, Xavier tried to keep himself from letting his cum down your throat. You both fought. He was fighting not to cum, but you demanded it from him.
Your mouth, your throat, your tongue, which so kindly received his cock, did not give him a chance. In the process of another absorption, his hips twitched and made a movement to meet your mouth.
Xavier let out a soft whimper and you felt the hot cum rush down your throat. After swallowing some of the liquid, tears welled up in your eyes. Too deep, too much. But you accepted him. Taking every drop he gave you, flooding your throat and mouth with his cum.
Feeling him twitch inside you, you slowly let him out of your mouth, squeezing the shaft and head with your lips one last time.
Looking up, you saw Xavier leaning back in his chair, breathing heavily. His fingers still gripped the edge of the table as his other hand covered his face.
You felt the remains of the sticky sperm on your tongue and swallowed it along with the saliva, licking your lips.
— Xavier? – quietly speaking his name, you stroked his thighs, but he did not answer you. – Did you fall asleep?
Giggling, you got up from your knees and were about to touch his hand with yours, until suddenly he grabbed your hand first.
With a quick movement of his free hand, Xavier dropped everything on the table to the floor. There was the sound of falling books and the clink of a broken plate of lemon cookies.
You didn't have time to look at the mess Xavier had made from putting you on the table like you were a rag doll. The table creaked piteously as the hi's hands rested on its surface. Immediately, he pressed his hips against you as if he had always been between your legs.
— Let me show you how I can work… – he whispered, his lips falling on your neck.
This time, your sonorous moans filled the room as his lips left small, burgundy kiss marks and teeth marks on you again and again. As if mad, he bit your skin, licked it with his tongue and then bit again. Arching your back from his every movement, you felt how he lit a real fire in the bottom of your stomach.
His hand crawled under your shirt and went up to find your breast.
You moaned even louder as fingers pinched your nipple, playing with it.
— Xavier! – with a voice hoarse from excitement, you bent over to meet him.
His hands pulled your shirt up and leaving your neck alone, his lips kissed your breasts, squeezing them with his fingers. Xavier moaned softly in unison with you as his lips covered one nipple then the other. The hot tip of his tongue caressed the tip, sucking it into his mouth.
Throwing your head back, you whimpered, not knowing where to put your hands. The feel of him squeezing your breasts, biting them, made your body squirm beneath him.
His lips left new marks on your skin as they trailed down.
— Why do you look at me so often with your eyes... – he rasped, running his entire tongue from that navel up to the stomach, looking at you with eyes full of desire.
Breathing heavily, you barely felt any movement from Xavier, giving you some time to rest. Your breasts, swollen and covered with traces of his kisses, rose up from the accelerated breathing and shook from a strong heartbeat.
Xavier waited patiently for an answer as he moved up to your face, looking at your red hot face, eyes closed, lashes fluttering and lips swollen from the kisses and what you had done to him a few minutes ago.
— You hear me? – Xavier rasped, leaning down to your lips, barely touching them.
— Ahhh.… – you moaned without opening your eyes and reached for a kiss, until suddenly he pulled away from you. – What?...
When your eyelashes fluttered again and you opened your eyes, you met his gaze with his extremely beautiful blue eyes.
— Why do you keep looking at me with that look of yours? – he repeated his question, running his hand over your cheek.
— What look? – your voice also sounded hoarse, but it didn't bother you much.
— A look like… – Xavier held back the growing desire in himself, which could be seen by the emotion his face was now expressing.
Furrowing his brows, he shook his head as if remembering your eyes at that moment. Licking his lips with the tip of his tongue, he looked at you with a faint smile at the corners of his lips.
— You look at me like I'm your dog, – he said, pressing himself against your crotch.
Your eyes widened as you felt his cock turn to hard again, rubbing against you.
Xavier was leaning against the table, barely breathing as he stared into your eyes as his hips moved on their own. Throwing your head back, you closed your eyes, moaning softly.
— Xavier, I didn't… – you started searching for words to excuse yourself, but feeling fingers on your cheek, you opened your eyes, looking up at him.
— If that's what you want, I'll be your dog, – he said, confidently maintaining eye contact. – I will.
Your heart froze for a second when the meaning of what was said came to your mind. Your body, excited by his touch, stretched like a string.
— I'll be your dog, – Xavier repeated in your ear, pressing his body against you.
The table creaked pitifully again as his hips began to slowly rub against you as his hot breath burned your ear.
— X-xavier… – you begged, shaking under his weight.
— Do you want me to bark for you? – he whispered with a hint of fun in his voice. - Woof, woof…
— Stop, please… Ah… – his hip movements became faster, making you whimper even more at the feeling of his cock rubbing against you through the fabric of your pants.
— Princess… – Xavier whispered, pulling away from you and looking into your eyes that clearly read an uncontrollable, raging desire, he moaned softly, narrowing his eyes. 
In your thoughts, you really compared Xavier to a puppy. You took care of him, fed him and stroked him when needed. Now, there was nothing in him that combined him with that Xavier - sweet, shy and funny.
From one look at him, you felt how every cell of your body burned, how your womb wanted him inside, how your lips wanted his lips, how your body wanted to be pressed by his body, you felt how you needed Xavier.
Xavier, who one moment is looking at you in confusion at your next stupidity, and the next he's caressing your breasts with his tongue.
Almost crying with excitement, you nodded your head.
- Good! Xavier, I beg you, please, – you begged, arching your back and feeling his arousal below.
— Then let me satisfy you in a way that only I can, – his voice sounded in your ear and after kissing the corner of your lips, he lowered himself down.
Biting the tip of your finger, you lifted your head as you watched as Xavier trailed a wet trail of kisses down your body.
He stirred your butterflies even more when his lips stopped below the waistband of your pants. Looking up at you, he unbuttoned first the button and then the zipper, pulling the tab down. His hands carefully pulled your pants off your thighs, leaving you in your panties.
Feeling the fabric slide down your ankles, you bucked your hips shyly. Seeing this, Xavier gave you a surprised look, but without saying anything, he leaned into your stomach. Lips gently touched the skin, causing goosebumps.
Hitting your head on the table, you felt the heat from his lips. His hands touched your thighs and after stroking the tender skin, his fingers tightened.
A moan escaped your lips as Xavier jerked you closer to him, to the edge of the table which creaked once again. His gentle stroking made you feel more comfortable and without realizing it, you relaxed.
— Good girl, – Xavier whispered, his nose touching the fabric of your panties before pulling them off you. – I'm going crazy from your smell...
— Stop it… – you whispered, ashamed of his words.
He just giggled at your response.
The cold air touched your skin as Xavier carefully removed your panties and dropped them on the floor. Kneeling in front of you, he let out a stifled moan, inspecting your lust-soaked pussy.
— I want… – he said, wrapping his arms around your hips and pressing his lips to yours.
As if you were electrocuted, you bent over, groaning. Feeling his tongue moving between your folds, touching your clit, you lost the ability to breathe.
His tongue moved slowly, mixing your juices with his saliva. When his tip hit your clit, he lingered on it, pressing lightly. Your body responded to Xavier's caresses with even stronger tremors. His arms draped your legs over his shoulders, gripping your trembling hips.
Licking every millimeter of your pussy, he reveled in your moans that erupted from the depths of your chest. He tormented you with his rhythm, making your back arch every time his tongue touched your clit. Moaning from the pleasure he was bringing you, his tongue circled around the pearl for his lips to gently suck your clit.
— God, Xavier, please… – breathless and feeling dizzy, you grabbed his hair, squeezing your hips. – So good... Ah, please... Faster...
Your whining mixed with the wet sounds and spread throughout the kitchen. His fingers tightened on her hips and he obediently sped up, moving his tongue. Your eyes sparkled with pleasure. Holding him to you with trembling hands, you felt that you were already on the verge.
— Xavier, nghh… Yes, so good! Don’t... ah.. Don’t stop... – you fell silent, arching from the sharp shock of the current throughout your body, which started from the bottom of your stomach and spread throughout your body.
Your entire consciousness has been compressed to a single point. To the point below, which your sweet dog licked mercilessly with his tongue. A wave of shivers slowly rolled over you. Your body shook, your thighs squeezing Xavier's head in orgasm, threatening to crush him. Hitting your head on the table again, you sobbed, feeling that Xavier didn't think to stop there.
Letting go of his hair, you tried to somehow crawl away from him, but his firm grip on your hips prevented you from doing so.
— Stop, – you begged quietly, shaking from his tongue, still absorbed in the orgasm.
Squirming on the table, tears of pleasure fell from your eyes and it wasn't until you sobbed that Xavier stopped. His tongue trailed over your entrance, oozing your pleasure. He collected every drop, leaving nothing behind. You could feel his tongue inside as he moved inside you and losing the ability to breathe, you clenched your teeth.
— Yummy, – Xavier said, pulling away from you.
Barely finding the strength to raise your head to look at him, you clenched your whole body. With his usual calm expression on his face, he licked his lips with the tip of his tongue, wiping his wet chin with his fingers before licking the remains of your orgasm off of them.
Throwing your head back, your gaze went to the ceiling. You felt exhausted. Your head was spinning with pleasure, your heart was pounding wildly, and your body still sometimes shuddered. There was a rustle and Xavier's face appeared in your field of vision.
You moaned as you felt his cock brush against your pubic bone, his lips falling to your neck again.
— Xav… – you begged hoarsely and quietly, slowly regaining control over your body.
— Yes? – he mumbled, hiding in the crook of your neck.
— I... I want you… – you said, wrapping your weak arms around his neck, pressing him to your chest. – Please…
You felt him tense under your hands. Moaning softly, he pressed against your body for a while longer, inhaling your scent. Pulling back, he slipped out of your arms and looked into your eyes.
— You… are you sure? – he asked, swallowing loudly.
You nodded and looked down, touching his neck with your fingers, smiling gently.
— I want to belong to you not only with my heart, but also with my body, – looking into his wide-open eyes again, you smiled even wider. – I want to give you everything I have: my thoughts, my love, my body, my desires, my pleasure, my life...
He shuddered at the last words. His look changed. It became darker. You looked again into the black hole that swallowed you.
— Say it… – he whispered, looking into your eyes. – Say it again... Please...
— I want to give you everything, – you repeated, holding back your laughter. – From my thoughts to my life. It's all just for you.
His lips pressed greedily into yours. The salty taste of your orgasm made your head spin again. You went crazy with the realization of how hard he worked to make you cum and the heat spread again in the lower part of your stomach.
Xavier's tongue immediately entered your mouth, taking complete control of the kiss, causing you to moan into his lips. You began to gasp, unable to fight his onslaught. Your hands touched his neck, shoulders and went down to his chest, reaching his cock.
You heard a moan as your fingers brushed against his shaft as your hips desperately tried to get into a position to drive him into your lap, but without Xavier's help you were having no luck.
After breaking the kiss, he barely touched your lips with his for some time, breathing heavily.
— Xavier, please.. move, – you whispered, almost whining against his lips.
Without answering, he moved his hips away from you, allowing you to direct him. Your heart pounded as the head of his cock thrust into your passage.
— Please, – you begged again as Xavier looked into your eyes, increasing the distance between your faces.
— I won't be able to stop, – he muttered, blushing.
— I don't want you to stop, – you shook your head sharply, taking his face in your hands. – You have to make me yours, remember?
A light flashed in his eyes and moving one hand to the edge of the table, above your head, he supported his cock with the other, penetrating you. Your womb met his hot and wet, making you both gasp at the sensation.
Leaning towards you, you touched your foreheads to each other and closed your eyes, enjoying the merger. Your hands were still holding his face as his cock slowly stretched you from the inside, filling you up.
— Xavier… – you whispered, feeling your walls squeeze his throbbing length inside you.
— Oh... fuck.. it's so tight inside you, – he whimpered and, letting go of his cock, let him enter the end on his own, putting his hand on your waist.
In those brief seconds, you felt as if the whole world had disappeared, leaving the two of you alone. Nothing but him inside you. When his head touched your cervix, you finally let out a moan of pleasure. At first, you were uncomfortable with his size, and knowing that, Xavier made a frantic effort not to thrust into you immediately. Even with a blinding desire for you, he still cares about your comfort.
— How do you feel? – he rasped, raising his head and looking into your eyes.
You took a short breath, nodding your head. Moving your arms around his neck, you pulled Xavier closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist. His nose nuzzled into the crook of her neck and his hips began to move slowly. Your soft moans blended together as Xavier pressed his body against you, bumping into your cervix.
Scratching his neck with your nails, you enjoyed every second of him being inside you. Your bodies were tightly connected inside. Your walls wrapped around his throbbing cock, making you hear his heavy breathing against your neck mixed with whimpers.
— It's so tight, – Xavier whispered, wrapping his arm around your waist. – I can't... think...
Your hips moved to meet his, urging him to speed up.
— Xav... faster... – closing your eyes, you restrained your moans to say these words and soon, you felt the friction become more intense.
— I won't stop, – he said, obediently complying with your request.
Your body arched beneath him every time his full cock disappeared into your womb. The sounds of bodies slapping against each other, the creaking of the table and your babble were music to your ears.
With each thrust, heat engulfed your body. It was becoming difficult to breathe, the head was spinning more and more, and the skin was slowly covered with a thin layer of sweat. Suddenly, Xavier was out of your arms and towering over you, he threw your legs over his shoulders, keeping your hips in the air.
You moaned loudly. when the cock was thrusting into you from a new angle. Grabbing the edge of the table with your hands, you looked into Xavier's eyes. In them you saw his darkest desires, his need for you. Each of his thrusts was accompanied by the creaking of the table. His gaze wandered lustily over your body, lingering on your bouncy breasts, which teased him with their appetizingness, decorated with crimson marks, went down to your waist, which also showed bruises from his hands, and finally, his gaze caught the small bulge at the bottom of your stomach , which appeared every time he penetrated you to the end.
— My princess, – he moaned, looking into your eyes again and squeezing your hips tighter. – I love you, I love you, I love you unconditionally.
Barely understanding what he was saying, you looked at him with a clouded look of pleasure, wanting to press into him again. Sobbing in pleasure, you reached out one of your hands to him, choking on scarlet moans.
— Please... I want... – whining, you once again pushed him on this table. – I need...
Releasing your hips without slowing his pace, he leaned into you, letting your hands grip his neck. Your lips met in a kiss again, exchanging saliva.
Your bodies were sticky with sweat, but that didn't stop Xavier from pounding into you faster and faster. You weren't worried about whether or not you'd be able to walk tomorrow, just like Xavier didn't doubt that he'd be carrying you in his arms all day. A wild desire took hold of your minds, causing your bodies to move in a frenzied rhythm of love.
Xavier drove his cock into you, wet with your juices, slapping his balls against your ass, met the obstacle in the form of the cervix and returned with a low growl to repeat the same actions. Slipping his hand between your heated bodies, he touched your clit. Almost crying with pleasure, you scratched his neck, shoulders and back, not knowing where to go. The air in your lungs was running out as fast as he was fucking your cunt. Your vision became blurry, everything was spinning and the only thing you felt was the near end.
Xavier's voice was whispering something in your ear, but it was hard to make out. Grabbing air with your mouth, you felt as if a little more, a few more thrusts and your body would collapse under his onslaught.
— Xavier, – you whined hoarsely under him, feeling extremely dizzy. – Nghh...
Your brain short-circuited and your body was covered by an explosion. Arching in the back, you squeezed your whole body. Clinging to Xavier with your limbs, you didn't give him a chance. Cursing in your ear, he tried to hold on, but your walls squeezed him too hard. He crashed into your thighs, plunging deep into you and finished with a loud moan, flooding you with hot cum. His hips gave a few thrusts as if he was trying to push as much of his family into you as possible.
Your body was shaking with orgasm, but your grip on Xavier slowly loosened. Soon, as your consciousness returned to reality, hot streams of tears flowed from your eyes.
Hearing your soft sobs, Xavier jerked up, still buried deep inside you. Confusion and excitement were reflected on his sweat-dampened face.
— Princess, – he asked in a husky voice and, clearing his throat, took your face in his hands. – Why are you crying? Are you hurt? What happened?
You looked up at him with a smile, feeling his fingers wipe the tears from your red cheeks. You couldn't answer now. Shaking your head negatively, you looked into his eyes. Panic and incomprehension grew in his gaze, which almost made you cry even harder.
Clenching his teeth, he pressed himself against your body, touching his lips to your shoulder.
— I'm here, – he whispered, feeling how you occasionally squeezed him in you. – I’ll always be with you.
— Xav...
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your feelings, and wrapped your weakened arms around his neck.
— Yes, princess? – he answered, pressing closer.
— So you weren't a virgin? – you whispered hoarsely, gently stroking his back.
He noticeably raised his head and looked into your eyes.
You thought I was... - his eyebrows went up in surprise. - Why?
— We just had sex for the first time... in our relationship.
— I've been saving this moment for a better time, because you deserve the best first time, – his voice was muffled and his breath burned your neck. – But you decided to rush this moment. 
He laughed and poked himself in your neck again. 
— Okay, but, – you stopped stroking him after a moment. – If you're not a virgin, and you said you had no one before me, then…
You felt Xavier relax against you. The table cracked under your weight and you groaned in indignation, but you couldn't stay angry with him for long. 
— Did you fall asleep? – you shook your head and hugged him tighter, deciding that five minutes wasn't that long. 
 When he wakes up, he will take you to bed and clean up the mess he had made. Just 5 minutes.
— I'll never let you go, – Xavier said in a sleepy voice. – It doesn't matter where you go, how far you will be, I will always find you.
— Pretender…
— No way…
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10underoot2 · 5 months
Character Study - The chilling warmth of Haein
Haein is a really misunderstood character. She has dark humour. She cares immensely but doesn't show it very openly. She hides her feelings cause she doesn't like to be vulnerable. She's very quick to say things that protect her emotions and she bites with her words just to protect herself. But all of this assertive feistiness comes at a cost. People tend to misunderstand and write Hong Haein off as mean, rude, cold and difficult to live/work with.
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Her personality and tendency to appear uncaring has a lot to do with the lack of warmth she received by her family especially her mother. When she meets Hyunwoo she's no different, she puts on no pretences. Over time she warms up to him and shows him her softer more vulnerable side - all of which I'm sure aided in him falling for her deeply. But then that damned chasm occurs, and Hyunwoo much like the rest of the world forgets Haein's soft heart and soul that live underneath the iron clad armour she wears. It hurts me when I think about the pain she experienced realising she's misunderstood even from the man who once showered her with unyielding love and warmth.
Some incidents of Hyunwoo misunderstanding her are so interesting:
- The scene where Haein requests/orders Hyunwoo to accompany her to the hospital.
I love that it was shot from both perspectives. In her mind she sounds extremely soft and worried. It was a request meant to be delivered that way. I'm sure Haein couldn't register what her tone was because her intention were so soft. Why would he reject my request, He's free I'm just asking him to accompany me? But Hyunwoo had just heard about the will. That paired up with the continuous blows he's received the past two years were too much for him to take a moment and understand that this is how she's always spoken.
-The rain scene after their Yongduri night stay (I hold the belief that Haein did indeed often wait up for him).
Haein says: 'I really wasn't waiting for you.' to which Hyunwoo replies 'I know better than anyone, you're not the kind of person who would wait up for me.' In the scene you can see Haein slightly taken aback and offended by that. Because she is the kind of person who waits up for him. Her offence seems so justified. Because why can't Hyunwoo of all people see the real her. When did he forget to understand her? It must be so hurtful for her to think Hyunwoo's forgotten how warm she was with him. I imagine she used to wait up for him before the miscarriage but here she's listening to her husband say she's not that kind of person. (That little scene where Haein sits on the sofa waiting but Hyunwoo chose not to ask her if she was okay is my evidence! There was a post on this as well a while ago!)
It's also evident in her desire to run a hand over his shoulder to remove the dampness there. Her screaming at him to hold the umbrella properly. But he's so oblivious and deaf to her love that it hurts to witness.
- The bar after their day at the Lavender field in Germany at their honeymoon
Haein smiles and says, she wasn't angry after he told her that he had noticed no one else and that his eyes were only on her. But Hyunwoo remembers her being angry for another two hours. This scene was such a small example of it. What if Haein's anger did immediately dissipate but Hyunwoo just interpreted it as her still being angry. I can't offer any evidence as we don't see this scene but their different accounts make me think what if she was just feeling down but he assumed it was a continuation of her anger.
There are so many other examples sprinkled throughout the show as well. I started off really disliking her character but I've grown to really appreciate it. Because once you see how warm Hong Haein is in love, you'll see just how fierce, loyal and undying her conviction and mind is. She'll show and tell you in the most beautiful ways just how much she cares without ever telling you she loves you. She's not cold, she's just misunderstood.
Unfortunately though, life isn't a drama. So when people like this do exist, they tend to be written off as cold, harsh, unlovable. Humans have the potential to be infinitely complex creatures which is why it's been so interesting to see Haein's multi faceated character these past 8 weeks.
Just an additional thought: I also love the difference between Haein and Hyunwoo's business ideologies. Haein is sharp, to the point, efficiency, money and loyalty oriented. While Hyunwoo is soft, caring, warm and people oriented.
We see Hyunwoo's ideology against his father in law. When the FIL wanted to stab his long serving employee it was unfathomable for Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo's ties with the past employees of Queens got him so much information and support. His logical request to the manager of maintenance to make it snow comes after a long, good relationship - it's pretty evident in that scene. I loved how the show displayed Hyunwoo's ability to make deep and good relationships and how it ended up helping them to get Queens back. It's a hugeee contrast to how things run in the Hong Family. It was very fresh to see him show from his actions 'You can be nice and still get the job done'.
But even Hae-in's contacts, though acquired differently, are just as instrumental. The employee she took a stand for, the juice guy and Secretary Na. None of them would call her warm or soft but they would sing her praises if you ever ask them. It's such an interesting parallel between their characters. It also goes to show Haein is a good person, she just tends to show it very selectively and rarely. I do think the 1 Trillion club made her think of only money and efficiency for a while, but I still do believe she had been doing good away from public eyes, changing people's lives - it's just that no one was there to witness or publicize them.
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thewertsearch · 4 months
Ask Comp 13/05
@garnetduodecim asked: I always assumed jack spent the first 4 hours in the troll session, before destroying prospit, destroying Aradiabots, there were A LOT of them.
Maybe one of the Aradiabots got in a lucky shot, and was able to tag him with a weaker, non-God Tier variant of her freeze ability. That'd certainly at least delay him.
@morganwick asked: So, you were talking about Aradia "injuring" Vriska (post/704357246751113217) and comparing Vriska to a fairy godmother character (post/722100305374986240)?
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@manorinthewoods asked: Serendipity Gospels is by Tamsyn Muir??? Really? Um, that's… hoo. That was one of the fanfics that I didn't end up liking. Might need to revisit that. Side note: 'Doc Scratch's School for Supernaturally Gifted Adolescents' feels more like something Locked Tomb-esque to me. So that's really… ah. ~LOSS (3/5/24)
I do wonder how similar the Gospels are to TLT's writing style.
Actually, can anyone confirm at what point the fic will be safe to read? I could just wait until I'm reading panels from after its publication date, but if I can check it out before, I will.
@abysswarlock asked: Ooh I’ve had this hypothesis for a while now but you just said something that made me lock in my guess that your classpect is Prince of Doom
The classpect wheel continues to turn!
I'm married to Doom for at least one of my 'sonas, but my Class is still up in the air, since we know even less about them than aspects.
@manorinthewoods asked: As a sort of Part 2 to that sylladex comment - how do you think the Sylladex works? Do you think that Homestuck will go into more detail about Sylladices, or do you think they'll fade into the background as different aspects of the magic system come to the fore? ~LOSS (24/4/24)
I think the latter is a lot more likely. Most aspects (lol) of Homestuck's magic system are there to serve the story first and foremost. As much as I'd love the comic to turn into a treatise on Sburb deeplore, it really doesn't feel like something Hussie would be interested in doing.
The story won't really suffer without, say, a detailed explanation of every facet of alchemy - I just really like speculating, because I'm all about shit like that.
@heliotropopause asked: What are your thoughts on Homestuck's translation convention(s)? As an example, take page 2251, line "Arrivederci, Megido.": Is she writing in something close enough to Earth English to scan as such to the reader, no translation necessary? Is Vriska saying a word in Troll Italian, which gets translated to Earth Italian? Is she expressing a sentiment in her usual language that's best translated as the word "arrivederci" as it's used in English? Has Doc Scratch secretly been translating all cross-species communication we've seen so far?
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Vriska's arrivederci seems diegetic to me. If we inherited English from Alternia, it makes sense that some of our other languages might come from there too.
tl;dr: Troll Italy is real 🇮🇹
Anonymous asked: im not one to dip my toes into The Vriscourse but this one piece of analysis i really liked is that vriska is jealous of tavros, that hes had a much easier life compared to her and that hes allowed to be more of a wimp while she has to be the toughest fuck alive or else shell die
It's only one piece of the Vriska-Tavros puzzle, but it's an important one. She'll refuse to acknowledge it to the end, though, because the idea of being jealous of Tavros is disgusting to her.
@obscureaeguran asked: Are there any current theories of yours that you want to be wrong about?
Confident as I am in my Vriska death theory, I don't actually want to be right.
I really like Vriska's character, and I want to see her grow past the worldview that's preventing her from finding peace. I just don't think that's likely, given her current trajectory.
Anonymous asked: 'In what universe are 13-year-olds the people most qualified to make universes?' well per the beta version of homestuck (when hussie wanted to make the whole thing in flash before deciding against it) they were all going to be 10 instead, i think this is the much better option!
How young can we go, anyway?
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AU where the Homestuck Babies aren't sent to Earth at all, and just start playing immediately.
@manorinthewoods asked: Have you played Deltarune? ~LOSS (9/4/24)
I have! I was actually replaying it on day one of the liveblog - hence the several references I made to it at the time. That feels forever ago, now.
@bladekindeyewear asked: Jade changed pretty drastically as a person after her dreamself died, if you think about it— demanding Feferi stop using her quirk in chat, standing up to the trolls for the first time, getting angry, to such an extent that Karkat was so surprised that it turned his opinion of her around completely in a single conversation. Even forcing a password system to keep talks linear instead of using cloud visions to do everything out of order. This doesn’t just feel to me like dream Jade being a “different individual”, it also feels like a metaphorical confrontation between her NEW self and her OLD self…
I think it's both.
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Jade's been through a lot in the last couple of hours, and she really isn't the same girl who died on Prospit.
Being an oracle of Skaia's visions led to disaster. They showed her that John's Dream Self would awaken, leading her to believe she was finally going to meet him, but neglected to mention that she'd die the moment he opened his eyes - or that Prospit would die alongside her.
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As a result, the new Jade seems to have made a decision to completely reject all prophetic information. She'll supply the minimum possible intel to her past self, and no more.
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It's clear her Dream Self's death was a catalyst for a pretty dramatic shift in her worldview. She's angry - at the trolls, at herself, and at the world that betrayed her trust. She's tired of being jerked around, and her tumultuous emotions are making her rather testy. Basically, she's sick of all the bullshit, and she won't take it from anyone anymore.
Jadesprite has experienced the same catalyst, and has also come to mistrust the clouds, but for different reasons.
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Jade rejects prophecies, in part, because she doesn't want to be deceived - but Jadesprite rejects them out of sheer hopelessness. She just doesn't care anymore.
They both have the same trauma, but they're dealing with it in very different ways - and at this point, I really do consider them to be different people.
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And then on a metaphorical level, Jadesprite represents the 'silly', absent-minded childhood self that got Jade into this mess.
I think this taunt from Karkat hit very, very close to home for her, and I'm sure she associates the traits he described with her idyllic days on Prospit. It's part of why Dream Jade is such a perfect target for her fury.
@spyril4132 asked: i beg to differ on the entry item similarities only applying to prospit. iirc, rose shatters a bottle, and dave hatches an egg; both involve breaking open some sort of "shell", and neither are associated with a larger object, which could be seen as similar types of items. (while jade does break a piñata, she does so by shooting it, not by splitting it apart)
It's true that Rose and Dave's object's have some physical similarities, but John and Jade are both summoning the same tree, which feels like a much stronger connection.
Rose and Dave's entry cards also summoned auxiliary items, but they were different - a cabinet and bird, respectively. From where I'm sitting, the link between the two Prospit items does seem unique.
@skelekingfeddy asked: what herptiles would sally and sahlee have as their consorts? i feel like a monitor lizard would fit for one of them…maybe losas has like, turtle or tortoise consorts, what with their long-livedness and the wise sagely vibe and all.
I was thinking pretty much the same thing for Sahlee. Let's say they're Galápagos tortoises, because the Sage gives me Oogway vibes.
For Sally's Consorts, I'm going to get really funky and say they're a type of pterosaur.
@sparten4ever92 asked: The HS version of Megalovania is slept on way too much, the Vriska guitar adds so much to it that the UT version just doesn't have. @sanctferum asked: Finally, MeGaLoVania by Toby Fox (feat. Joren "Tensei" deBruin on guitar)! Would you say that Tavros had an…unpleasant chronological progression? (btw I do love the bit of Spider's Claw that plays during the Vriska segment, which is (obviously) unique to this Megalovania) also, the audiovisual style of homestuck flashes is just really cool imo @mimescantscream asked: You have no idea how long we've waited for the Megalovania
This version of Megalovania was a great choice for Aradia's finest hour - or at least, her finest hour so far.
It's moments like this which are why I decided to stop listening to the albums in advance. If I hadn't first heard Aradia's Megalovania in this flash, it wouldn't have hit the way it did.
@elkian asked: MEGALOVANIA TIME BAYBEEEE! Also, let's go back to that theory you had about Aradia getting more alive, because you NAILED it. @iris-in-the-dark-world asked: i am so excited to see aradia again and finally as herself :33<
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She's fucking BACK, baby!
Seeing Aradia smiling for real after all this time is genuinely heartwarming - and with her time-stop attack, she's almost unkillable. It'd take some absolute nonsense to take Aradia out of the picture again, and I think she'll be sticking around for a long time. Hopefully forever.
@grippingtraverse asked: notice any similarities during megalovania between aradia vs. jack & sans vs. player? 0u0
The best I can come up with is that Aradia and Frisk are both time travelers whose signature color is red.
Or maybe Jack is the Frisk analogue, since he's the one wiping out all life in the session, and Aradia is the last foe he faces.
@captorations asked: please consider, with this new information about aradia, what it could mean for her literary descendant dulcie septimus. please also keep considering this as you continue and see more of aradia. i am very normal about both of these characters
Ooh, they do have similar vibes, don't they? They're both doomed, they're strongly associated with death, and they both have a cheerful side that comes out when you don't expect it to.
@duorogue asked: "You have to give Nepeta some credit. The literal first thing she did after this traumatic murder was log into Trollian and report on Jack’s activities." To be fair to her, when I have a bad nightmare the first thing I do is log onto discord
nepeta hopping on mic at 2am to complain about the hat man (the hat man is doc scratch)
@absinthe-and-alabaster asked: when the writ keeper was introduced as fifth exile you mentioned that it was a little fucked up how the king was the only prospitian that was preserved - i just wanted to remind you that no, he wasn't ! on page 1974 we see all the other prospitians that were exiled with the white queen on her ship (including ms paint!) WQ just left them to go wander the desert
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I'd actually forgotten about that. So much happened during the Act 4 ending that it completely slipped my mind. I even missed Ms. Paint!
Anonymous asked: Hey, as you noticed, the Dave Coin Split is a plot hole. We've never seen the timeline split because of someone's choice before. Compare to John flying to the seventh gate, there weren't two timelines based on his choice, the timeline only changed because Dave came back from the original timeline and changed it. And of course, like you said in the tags, Terezi shouldn't have been able to communicate with Doomed Dave, including to tell him the result of the FL1P. Have you noticed any other plot holes or things that don't seem to make sense?
While I see what you're saying, it might not necessarily be a plot hole! Certainly the Dave Coin Timeline was created in a different manner to Davesprite's - but that might just mean there are multiple ways to split a timeline, or that there are certain requirements that must be fulfilled for a decision to spawn one.
Because of things like that, it's hard to tell whether something's actually a plot hole, or if it'll eventually make sense in light of later reveals.
This is particularly true for aspects of the plot involving time travel, like the one you just described. Like, remember before I learned about Doomed Timelines, when I thought Davesprite broke Homestuck's predestination rules?
Anonymous asked: You said "God Tiering is just another way to inhabit your Dream Self," so do you think the things that Dream Selves can do (such as Jade growing extra arms) can be done by God Tiers?
I never really thought about that!
I think it's definitely possible. God Tier bodies can fly the same way that Dream Selves can, so other powers might transfer, too. Maybe the only reason Vriska, Aradia and John aren't shapeshifters is because Jade hasn't taught them to how to dream up extra limbs.
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She might be one of the only Dream Selves who've learned how to shapeshift this fluidly. Logging thousands of hours on Prospit has its perks!
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there, So i was crying for about 10 minutes i think and decided to watch youtube to heal my heart until i saw something that just make me had a thought that is now spiraling out of control! Can i request a Trailblazer (Caelus and Stelle) x s/o like Traveler from Genshin Impact.
Yup, Im talking HSR MC X GENSHIN IMPACT MC alright 😀👍
So context on the Traveler s/o:
Them and their twin sibling are Emanators chosen by the Aeon Akivili and were given abilities to travel the galaxy without needing to ride the Astral Express. Throughout the galaxy, they were known as the Celestial Twins, as even after Akivili’s death, them and their sibling still continue to trailblaze until one day something happenend that cause them and their sibling to be forcibly seperated and have their abilities sealed. (Possibly caused by the Anti matter legion 👀)
So now stuck in a world by themselves, the traveler spent decades to get out of the world their stuck in. Which was hard as their abilities are now sealed. But one day, the Astral Express crew had just arrived in the world the traveler was stuck in and met with the traveler. The crew instantly knew that the traveler is one of the Celestial Twins and allowed them to join the Astral Express crew.
I wasnt lying that this idea had gone out of control and im honestly excited to see what your going to make with this request as i really really love your work. Hope you have good day!
- Flower Anon 🌸
A/N: Hello again, Flower Anon! I love your idea and tried piecing something together for you and hope you'll like it! Thank you for the request and support!<33
((Also I was listening to "Powder", "Leeches" and "Light Shower" by Melanie Martinez whilst writing this btw... I'm obsessed with them and the new album-))
Content: Fluff, some angst, mutual pinning, traveler reader, potentially ooc characters?, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Stelle immideatly felt drawn to you, when she heard of your fate and that you were joining the Astral Express too. She took it upon herself to be your guide and take you in the most, even if she was new herself. She was always quite confident in her choices and for some reason, she just felt like you were connected to her in a way.
So, it was no surprise, when she quickly fell in love with you as well. How could she not? She showed it through her determination to help you find your twin. And in turn, you helped her with figuring out who she was. It became a mutual thing, the emotions strong enough to make everyone notice the mutual attraction. It was just a matter of time, until you two confessed to eachother, really.
Stelle is very protective over you and gives it her all on the battlefield every time. Her confidence and strength makes her determined to keep you safe, even if you don't need it. She's even willing to get hurt, if it's for you. You can be absolutely assured, that she'll find your twin for you, even if it's the last thing she does.
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He emphasises with your situation and makes sure you feel as comfortable as possible on the Astral Express. He comforts you, when you're upset about your twin and reassures you, that he will help you find them again. He doesn't know, what it was, but he immideatly feels connected to you and just accepts it. He hopes, that it will get him closer to understanding who he is as well.
He's a little shy and nervous around you, once he realises that he had feelings for you. He's hesitant on acting on his feelings and only does so, once you show interest as well. He is bad at hiding his feelings however, as he does alot for you in and out of the Express. Whatever you ask of him, he'll obediently do.
He becomes quite aggressive, when it comes to your safety. It doesn't matter, if you can keep yourself safe or not, he'll do that for you too anyways. He's strong and knows it, but he becomes even more determined, when it comes to protecting you. Together, you two will surely find your twin in no time.
A/N: Alright, so I hope this was coherent and okay for you! I'm sorry, if I got it wrong too, but I did my best! Thank you again for the idea and your support, Flower Anon! I appreciate you alot!<33
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cooliogirl101 · 11 months
Okay I realize absolutely no one asked for this but here are some of the changes I would make to Fourth Wing:
*Spoilers below and warning, this is gonna be a very long post with more or less coherent rambling*
To start with, Violet's mother's motivations for suddenly demanding Violet become a Rider 6 months prior to Conscription never made sense to me and that's something I'd definitely want to flesh out more. She fell in love with and married a Scribe, and was apparently fine with Violet training to become a Scribe up until then-- so what the hell changed, made her suddenly decide to throw her youngest daughter into a death college where she'll start off at a major disadvantage? I think it makes more sense if her decision coincided with the death of Violet's father or something. The pain of losing him, of wanting to avoid all reminders of him, led her to demand Violet become a Rider rather than a Scribe. It's also stated in the book that in the last few months of his life, Violet's father became more withdrawn and was likely looking into venin/wyvern-- she could've forbidden Violet from becoming a Scribe in order to get her away from all that and the possibility of discovering the truth (although granted, sending her away to the same College the Rebellion Kids-- who are very much aware of the truth-- are forced to attend may not be the best way of going about it).
For that matter, I'd stop giving Violet so many opportunities to leave. I know it's supposed to show off her determination or whatever, but it makes her motivations and characterization super inconsistent if she's constantly going on about how her dream in life is to become a scribe and she turns down literally every opportunity for her to go and do that. It's also a more compelling story for me if she literally had no choice but to become a Rider but managed to succeed anyway-- and it mirrors the rebellion kids' story as well.
The hair. There's no logical reason for Violet to have natural balayage, the fuck. It's stated in the book that even if she was to cut her hair, it would just turn silver again at the ends after it reaches a certain length, which...?? And there's zero explanation for this. Like, if you're gonna give the MC special hair, at least provide a good story behind it. For example: after Brennan's death 6 years ago, Violet shut down completely. She couldn't stand being around her mother's rage and her father's devastating grief and Mira's absence, so she just picked a direction and...kept going. It took them 3 days to find her and by that time, she was half-frozen and on the verge of death. Borrowing a trope from Chinese dramas, by the time they found her, her hair had turned completely white from stress. Her brown hair grew back in as she recovered but she keeps the white as a reminder to herself to never let herself get to that point again-- to never let herself shut down the same way again.
(To emphasize-- if she cuts it, it doesn't magically turn white again after growing out, that was just a one-time thing. She's not magically gifted with special hair "just because", that's stupid).
Violet's potential as a Scribe. The book continuously emphasizes how smart Violet is supposed to be, how she would've made the Perfect Scribe, and other than her tendency to conveniently regurgitate facts the author wants us to know about the world, we...don't really see much evidence of that. If anything, the book makes the argument that oh actually, deep down inside Violet had always been more suited to be a Rider rather than a Scribe, yadda yadda yadda. Which is just boring to me-- the most interesting thing about her character is the fact that she was never supposed to be a Rider, was never suited for it, and having her turn out to actually have "the soul of a Rider" all along or some bullshit takes away from that. I would much rather have her start off the book with a scribe's skill and mindset and gradually add the traits of a Rider as well for a merging of the two, rather than have her 'outgrow' being a Scribe.
Continuing on that theme, Violet is clearly a very emotion-driven character, which doesn't quite make sense to me given that she was trained to be the Quintessential Scribe. Scribes, after all, are taught to be logical, rational, to always control/hide their emotions: to fundamentally be a "blank slate", without biases or preconceptions, solely dedicated to the preservation of knowledge (emotions only get in the way of that). If anything, it'd make more sense to me if Violet was a little too good at hiding and compartmentalizing her emotions (especially after the deaths of her father and brother), to the point that she was nearly impossible to read and came across as a bit eerie to her peers. This is not to say that she wouldn't feel as strongly or have that same capacity for kindness-- just that she'd become very good at using intellectualization as a defense mechanism ("I'm not helping them because I care, it's because I'm already at a disadvantage and need all the allies I get. It's only logical." "It's only natural to feel a bit anxious watching them fight...they're giving me lessons and it'd be inconvenient if they died. I'd have to find another person to fill their place, which would be...well, it'd be better if they lived. I'm going to make sure they live.")
(The "woman is the openly emotional one and the man is the openly logical one" is also one of the tropes that annoys me the most, so...goodbye to that).
You also cannot convince me this girl was well-socialized growing up, which would cause her to value her relationship with Dain that much more. If he was her only friend growing up, the only person she was close to outside her family, it provides a huge opportunity for character growth as she struggles to learn how to trust, open up to, and rely on other people. It bothered me a little how in the book, several characters (Ridoc, Sawyer) were just suddenly on Violet's side without any actual scenes between them showing how they became friends.
(Ridoc is the first person to make Violet Sorrengail laugh at Basgiath. It wasn't even anything special, just a sarcastic-- but uncannily accurate-- impression of Professor Devera, and he glanced at her just in time to see her hastily turn away, covering her face. Her shaking shoulders gave her away, however.
Hah, he thought, smug satisfaction curling in his chest. So you can laugh. I knew you had a sense of humor hidden away somewhere deep down.
Deep, deep down.
The next second, Violet had managed to compose herself, face as blank and unreadable as ever, save for perhaps the slightly narrowed gaze she aimed at his direction, as if willing him to forget her momentary lapse in Not Being a Robot. He just winked at her, grin widening for the briefest moment before turning back to Sawyer.
Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.)
Also why is this girl starting her training off making enemies left and right? First off, instead of futilely trying to avoid every rebellion kid out there, it'd be more practical for her to just try and distance herself from her mother as much as possible. That relationship is definitely doing her no favors. And with Xaden/the other rebellion kids-- she, of all people, knows what it's like to be judged for who her parents are. She knows they know what it's like too. It's an angle that she can use to at least try to keep a hundred targets off her back.
("You're Lilith Sorrengail's daughter," Xaden said, studying her through narrowed eyes. It was impossible to pinpoint the emotion in his voice-- but well, she could take a solid guess.
"Yes," Violet replied, just as evenly. "And you're Fen Riorson's son, if we're doing introductions based on our parents now." She gave him a polite nod. "Best of luck on the Parapet today, although from what I've heard about your skills, I don't imagine you'll need it."
When in doubt, there was never any harm in falling back on manners and flattery. That was what Dain had told her, and she tended to trust his advice when it came to dealing with people. He'd always been more likeable than her.
His jaw tightened.
"Your mother killed my father," he said, expression cracking open the slightest bit to reveal something raw and wounded underneath.
And your father killed my brother, she didn't say. It was something they both knew, after all, and she didn't see the point in reciting facts back and forth for no reason.
Violet resisted the urge to sigh. So much for manners and flattery-- it looked like she was going to have to address this now. Directness it was then.
"Yes," she admitted, voice going even more flat. "And I understand you have every reason to hate me for what my mother did. But if you're going to try and kill me, at least have it be for something that I did." She started walking forward-- either he was going to kill her, or he wasn't. Either way, there wasn't much she could do about it. "Everything in my life has been influenced by who my mother is. At the very least, do me the courtesy of allowing my death to occur independently of her."
A pause. She'd caught him off guard.
"So just to be clear, you're not asking me to spare you. Just for some agency in your own death," he said finally. Was that a trace of humor in his voice?
"What I'm asking is for you to stop seeing my mother when you look at me," Violet said, causing Xaden's face to go blank again. "But that's easier said than done. I'm sure you would know, wouldn't you?")
For that matter, I'm also putting Violet on the aro/ace spectrum here (probably demisexual). Not out of any plot-related reason. Just because it was incredibly annoying reading all those descriptions of how inhumanly beautiful Xaden was every 3 pages. 'Lust at first sight' is also one of my least favorite tropes, so. Goodbye to that. (Side note though, I think it would be really funny for Violet 'never-felt-sexual-attraction-to-any-significant-degree' Sorrengail to go find Xaden while their dragons are fucking, completely freaked out about what the fuck is happening, while Xaden (after registering that she genuinely has no idea that the emotion she's feeling is Dragon-Induced Horniness, she legit thinks their dragons might be dying) has a mini panic attack thinking 'fuck am I really going to have to give the dragon sex talk to the girl I'm Definitely Not Crushing On'
One of the things that frustrated me the most about the book was how convinced Violet was that Xaden was out to kill her, despite all of his actions showing he was very much not going to kill her. This from a girl whose defining trait is supposed to be her intelligence. Now I'm all for characters being very smart in one way and dumb in another. But the essence of intelligence is the ability to gather facts and put them together to form a logical conclusion. To have multiple occurrences of Xaden helping her out/saving her life/turning down the perfect opportunity to kill her, and still reaching the conclusion that he wants her dead is...not intelligent.
("What are you doing?" Dain hissed. "I told you to keep your head down and to do everything you could to avoid Riorson's notice!"
That was rather unfair of him, Violet thought to herself. She was keeping her head down, she was trying her best to avoid him, Xaden Riorson just seemed to be annoyingly adept at seeking her out. She couldn't understand why he kept doing so. Surely he wasn't still trying to make sure she wasn't going to spill his secrets?
She felt rather offended at that. Did Xaden really think that lowly of her intelligence? If she reported him, he'd find a way to kill her, simple as that, and she rather enjoyed living. Reporting him would be against her self-interest. At the very least, if he couldn't trust in her word, he should be able to trust in her self-preservation.
She ignored the tiny voice in her head saying that if she was to report him, Xaden Riorson and the other rebellion kids would be dead before they could so much as register the word 'betrayal', much less be in any state to exact vengeance against her.
"If it helps, I really don't think he's going to try and kill me," Violet said honestly. Not as long as she didn't give him a reason to.
"Oh? And why's that?" Dain asked sarcastically. She'd never seen him so discomfited. It was rather...sweet, actually.
"Because it wouldn't suit his interests," Violet stated. "He wouldn't gain anything from killing me, but he does stand to lose a whole lot. It's true that killing me wouldn't be against the Codex-- he wouldn't be formally punished-- but targeting me for nothing else but the crime of being General Sorrengail's daughter...well, it lets everyone know where his loyalties lie, doesn't it? It sends a clear signal to all the higher ups that he hasn't forgiven his father's execution, and he's already on thin enough ice as it is. It would be impractical for him to kill me, and Xaden Riorson may be a lot of things, but he's never struck me as stupid."
Dain stared at her for a while.
"What?" Violet blinked, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He was the one who'd told her that it was rude to stare too long, so why was he doing it now?
"Nothing," he chuckled, shaking his head. "You're just something special, Violet."
"'Special' isn't always a compliment," she said, narrowing her eyes slightly at him. He'd taught her that as well.
"It is when it comes to you," he said, smiling. "Now come on, you have class soon."
"I'll be there in a moment. I just need to head back to my room to grab something." The moment she turned the corner, she paused as she heard footsteps appear at her back.
"Xaden," she greeted, without turning around. "You were listening." It wasn't a question.
"You don't seem surprised," he commented, easily stepping in place next to her as if he'd always been there.
"I've come to the conclusion it's easier to just assume you're there anytime there are shadows present," Violet responded, voice a touch dry.
"It's flattering to know you think I'm so omnipresent," Xaden replied, a touch of smugness in his voice. "You gave a very convincing argument to Aetos about all the reasons why I shouldn't kill you. You had a lot of faith in my...practicality." He seemed amused, although his expression didn't change. "Has it ever occurred to you that not everyone is as rational about these things as you are?"
"Of course. That's why I figure it never hurts to provide a reminder that it costs you more to kill me than to keep me around." Violet glanced down at her planner. "I figure I'll schedule the next one in another two weeks or so."
"No need. You remind me every day." He grabbed her shoulder, forcing her to a halt. "Kairi Stevenson. You helped her before her match yesterday. Why?"
Violet looked down at his hand pointedly. He ignored her. "If you're asking how I learn about the match lineups beforehand, I'm not going to--"
"I don't care about that," Xaden interrupted. "You helped her, even though her father--"
"Even though her father participated in the rebellion, yes," Violet finished. "I've asked you-- all of you-- to judge me on my own merits, rather than my parentage. It would be rather hypocritical of me to not do the same for you."
His grip on her shoulder tightened.
"There's a difference between that and going out of your way to help us," he said, voice low.
"Is there? All I've done is treat her the same way I did the rest of my squad," Violet replied. "She's part of my squad, so I helped her. End of story."
It had been the first thing she'd done since arriving, work on establishing herself as an asset to her squad, rather than a liability. She'd known from the beginning that she would need to build allies in order to survive, given her physical limitations, and her squad, the only people bound by Codex to not kill her, seemed like a good place to start. It started with secret notes passed around in Battle Brief containing hastily scrawled answers. It continued with tutoring sessions and, after discovering Brennan's gift, hushed whispers regarding the next week's sparring lineup. Anything to establish herself as someone who was worth more alive than dead.
She'd spent her entire life under the disapproving eyes of her mother attempting to justify her existence, that she had a right to exist. This was no different.
Xaden's mouth curved up in a sardonic smile.
"So what, are you saying you helped her out of the goodness of your heart? How very...altruistic of you."
"Hardly," Violet said dismissively. Xaden blinked, sneer fading. "It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. She's been offering me help on improving my accuracy with my daggers, did you know? Like Sawyer helping me with weight training and Rhiannon with sparring. It's not like I don't get anything out of it."
"And Anderson?" Xaden questioned. "He's not even in our wing; yet I hear you helped bind his ankle after he twisted it last week. What benefit did you get out of helping him?" The corner of his lips twitched. "Or is he helping you with weight training too?"
"Well," Violet hesitated, unexpectedly flustered. Eli Anderson was a scrawny, hopelessly awkward boy who was quite possibly the clumsiest person she'd ever met. How he made it across the Parapet without tripping over the edge was beyond her. "It's always good to have allies outside of your own wing. It just means one less potential knife in the back some day."
Xaden hummed, studying her for a moment. "I'd worry about yourself first, Violet, before spending your time nursing other students back to health. Someone like Anderson won't make it in the long run anyway. It's better that someone take him out now before he gets someone else killed on the battlefield in the future."
Violet's eyes flashed, lips twisting into a scowl despite herself. Xaden's gaze sharpened and he leaned in, something almost hungry in his eyes. "Something the matter, Sorrengail?"
"I'm fine. I disagree with your argument, that's all," she said stiffly. "How do you know that Eli won't one day become an amazing dragon rider with the proper training? All this focus on 'weeding out the weak' and 'killing off the weaklings' with absolutely no emphasis on actually helping people become strong-- how does that make sense? We live in a world where the war is getting more dangerous by the day, where more people are dying by the day, and what are we doing here? Learning how to kill each other off," she scoffed. "What's the point in waging a war to keep our home safe, and then turning around and tearing ourselves apart inside it? The biggest threat here at Basgiath isn't the gryphons or Pomoriel-- it's each other. How sad is that?"
"All day, every day, encouraged to attack each other, to kill each other. I understand that killing is a necessity on the battlefield, but here?" she continued, tone scathing. "That's not training. That's not learning. That's just...that's just senseless cruelty and it serves no purpose. All you end up with then are people who won't think twice about stabbing a comrade in the back if it serves their own self-interest. It's meaningless, it's illogical, and it's...it's stupid."
Violet said the last word with a particular viciousness, as if it was the most scathing indictment she could imagine. Despite himself, Xaden found himself fighting a grin.
"It's better to get used to killing here, where you're in a relatively controlled environment, than it is on the battlefield," Xaden murmured. Violet shot him an unimpressed look and he had to press his lips together to keep the corners from twitching upwards.
"Are you volunteering yourself as a subject?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"As entertaining as it would be to see you try to murder me, I'll have to decline," Xaden replied, flicking her on the forehead just to see her scowl deepen. He coughed to hide a laugh as she reached up to swat his hand away. "Try not to die coddling some random stranger, Sorrengail. It would be a horribly anticlimatic end to your life."
"I'll try not to disappoint," Violet said, voice dry as the desert. She'd never coddled anyone in her life; at most it could be said she lent the occasional helping hand. And as she'd already established earlier, that was hardly altruistic in nature. The nature of things as they were was hardly conducive to her continued survival-- the current system was designed to swallow people like her whole. Obviously then, she needed to act differently from the established social order.
A favor given meant a favor received. Helping someone else now meant potentially being helped in the future.
That wasn't kindness. That was just common sense.
(Rhiannon, at some point in the future, after seeing Xaden and Violet interact:
"Oh my god," she said, mouth dropping open. "I thought he hated you because of your mother and that's why he wouldn't leave you alone, but...holy shit, he's just been pulling your pigtails this entire time, hasn't he?"
"I don't have pigtails," Violet frowned, even as Riorson shot her a warning glare. Rhiannon had to admit it was a fairly menacing one.
"Fine, tugging on your braid, whatever," Rhiannon waved her off, fighting a grin. Since discovering he was likely crushing on her best friend, the Wingleader suddenly seemed much less intimidating. "The point is, he li--"
"Matthias, I can and will give you double chore duty for attempting to spread untoward rumors about your Wingleader," Riorson growled.
He didn't say inaccurate, Rhiannon couldn't help but notice.
Violet tugged at Riorson's sleeve, brow furrowing slightly. Riorson's expression instantly softened a fraction and Rhiannon had to suppress a snort.
"What was that about?" Violet asked.
"Nothing you need to worry about," he replied. "Let's get back to practice, shall we?")
This post is getting wayyyy too long so I'll stop but one last point: not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed by Violet's signet power in the book. It seemed to signify that deep down, she was the quintessential rider all along-- it's not a power that honors her intelligence or scribe background at all. Not to mention the whole her wielding lightning seemed to be a pretty deliberate counterpoint to Xaden wielding shadows, like come on, you couldn't come up with a less obvious metaphor to state they represent light and shadow? If I were to give her a power, it'd be something like probability manipulation or hyperintuition-- both abilities that compliment and highlight her intelligence.
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dokidokitsuna · 4 days
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A Girl and her Faerie
Gonna expand on this universe character by character, I guess. ^^; But before I begin, I'd just like to thank everyone for all their interest in the project so far. I really didn't expect many people to look at that Chapter 1 Preview, let alone 'like' it...my takeaway is, magical girls are the universal language~
So anyway, this is actually old artwork, the first 'official illustration' I did for this concept back before I re-designed Anno's Dream Dress (more on that later). As much as I loved that giant butterfly-bow and the winged gloves, they just kept getting in the way when I started drafting the comic...which may explain why it took me so long to do those first two pages. ^^; Nevertheless, I kinda like the drawing itself, so I decided to use it here.
Armitage Age: ??? Species: Faerie Likes: Money, Alcohol, Bribery Dislikes: The consequences of his actions
Faeries are a special type of magical creature that specializes in dealings with human beings-- these days, they're most famous for acting as 'handlers' for magical girls, helping them use their powers to protect their worlds...most of the time. Armitage sought out Anno not to help her fulfill her destiny, but primarily to line his pockets with the fruits of her labor-- the magical currency known as Heart Mints. With these, he (allegedly) pays for all her magical dresses and tools, and puts the remainder towards the astronomical debt she owes him, as outlined in the contract she signed at the beginning of their 'partnership'. Despite being a self-proclaimed "businessman", Armitage doesn't seem to have any other ventures-- he spends most of his time lounging around Anno's house, eating her food and driving her crazy. He's not entirely useless, however, and will take steps to 'protect his investment' if the situation calls for it.
Anno sees Armitage as a heartless ball of greed, who seems to take pleasure in feeding her transparent lies and whittling away at her self-esteem...unfortunately, if she wants to continue as a magical girl, she'll just have to put up with him. Later on, however, when she and her 'partner' are finally separated, she'll have to decide for herself what her job really means to her without his influence...and also whether she really wants him back...
Anno Age: 15 Species: Magical Girl Likes: PC gaming, Protecting the hearts of humanity Dislikes: Armitage's constant lies
In the greater community of magic creatures, Magical Girls are considered separate from normal human beings, due to their connection to a special power called the Heart of the Universe. This is the emotional center of all living beings in their universe, enshrined within their atomic makeup...unless they are told of this power and trained to use it, the average magical girl will live and die without ever knowing it exists. Anno is unfortunately somewhere in the middle-- because Armitage himself is uneducated on the subject, she was never taught about the Heart of the Universe, or the greater power she might hold. All she knows of magical-girlhood is switching between her two Concept Dresses-- the Dream Dress and Darkness Dress-- depending on her state of mind, and using their powers to destroy her foes. She takes her work very seriously...but also finds it genuinely fulfilling, even if it doesn't always show on her face. ^^; Her main job is to rescue Heart Concepts, the lost feelings and dreams of humanity, from creatures called Heart Weevils, while extracting Heart Mints from the shells they leave behind to pay off her debt. At the start of her story, she's also working hard to save up for a Love Dress, hoping to use its unrivaled power for a special side mission.
Armitage appreciates that Anno always seems to have her mind on her work (when she's not playing video games), despite rarely passing up an opportunity to mock her for not having a life outside of it. To him she's a walking contradiction-- at once a valuable employee and a fungible asset; a gullible mark and a dependable ally. It's unclear where his recognition of her usefulness ends and any concern for her as an actual friend begins...even he himself isn't sure, until much, much later...
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phoenixlionme · 8 days
Arcane S2 Theory: Caitlyn will be one to grant Zaun their freedom
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This is a theory just came to me recently, but I think it would make so much sense to happen. Caitlyn will be the one to free Zaun in S2 and I have my reasons:
One of the co-creators, Alex Yee, stated in an interview that besides Caitlyn being his fav LOL fighter, he also believes she is the bridge between the two cities. What if that was unknowingly an early bit of hinting at this theory? Now, I don't have the link for that interview but if anyone can find it, please share.
"But she becomes the opposite of herself in S2!" - I can hear some of the fans saying to debunk this theory but that's the point of this theory. Look, it's clear Caitlyn is going to go through a dark arc with the trauma Jinx inflicted on her before and after murdering her mother (I know it hasn't been shown but come one, we all know it's a safe prediction). So, she'll be making some mistakes and even end up causing more tension between the two cities. But SOMETHING will occur that will let her see that the path of vengeance isn't worth it and she'll snap out of it.
The above pic -I believe this pic comes from Caitlyn letting go of her aforementioned vengeance (not her hatred of Jinx but not allowing it to blind her). Another part of the trailer with her in the same outfit is when she was in an apparently high position point with a new rifle. I think after she tries to shoot whoever or whatever, she gets caught or has to leave her hiding place and get injured in the above picture. She's injured as she's holding her stomach and is looking up in fear/anger at someone (i believe Ambessa). And given that it's out in the open, Caitlyn is most likely on the bridge.
She and Vi have reconciled - Don't know what split them up or how they got back together but they are reconciled. How do I know? The black Enforcer outfit; they are wearing matching uniforms. Which only could've happened if they met and reconciled. And when Vi is wearing hers, her hair is now more red than black, symbolizing her reclaiming her identity. One person on twitter even theorized that the black Enforcer outfit that Vi is wearing in the trailer is the same one Caitlyn is wearing. Maybe after Caitlyn got hurt in this moment she was saved by Vi and Firelights and taken to a more secure area and gave Vi her armor to protect her.
Why Caitlyn and not Ekko, Vi, or Jinx? - Now while Vi and Ekko have shown to want Zaun's independence, they have given up due to cynicism and lack of hope with them both only being concerned with their immediate circles (this isn't me shaming them, I am just noting this trait). And for people who think it might be Jinx? A hard no. She may be gaining followers in S2 but I can guarantee that she's going to end up causing more deaths and problems in Zaun and wasn't truly interested in Zaun's freedom, only interested because she wanted to help Silco and now presumably because she's around people who admire her. But Caitlyn? Despite her naivety and sheltered upbringing, when she sees how Piltover has failed Zaun, she is adamant on helping them in anyway she can, avoiding violence as much as possible. And now that she's going through a dark arc, and then realizing how she forgot her original goal would be perfect character development and symbolism.
Speaking of symbolism, it would make sense for it to be Caitlyn to be the key to granting Zaun's freedom and restoring peace between the cities. She's a Piltover Enforcer who comes from THE most affluent family and is presumably going to be the most powerful person (politically) in S2. And initially continue the oppression of Zaun in quest for vengeance before snapping out of it. Zaun's freedom being freely given from someone who always intended to do so and even directly apologize for being complicit in said oppression would be the beginning of healing. Because despite Zaun's faults, it was Piltover that unfairly oppressed and hurt them, so if a Piltovan was the one to grant them their freedom with no strings, it may be the start of a (very long) healing process.
But how would Caitlyn cause the explosion? Using one or a nice amount of Jinx's explosion placed in a way to specifically target the weakest part of the bridge. But why would she have one of Jinx's bombs? I can guarantee that in her hate-filled vengeance quest, she could personally keep some of Jinx's explosions in a way to remind herself of who she's shooting at in the future. But things have changed and she realizes she must uses them to help destroy the bridge.
Why is she destroying the bridge? Noxxians are invading both Piltover and Zaun and Caitlyn realizes that more of them are going to successfully invade Zaun unless she does something. So, she uses the bombs from Jinx, places them in a way to destroy the bridge completely. But she uses herself as bait to catch the Noxxians off guard and uses her rifle to set the match. But before she does, thinking she's about to die (she won't obviously), she uses some sort of radio or gets help from the Firelights to communicate to the people of Zaun - And she declares they are free before setting the match on fire. Causing the explosion and setting the bridge to collapse, killing a majority of Noxxian soldiers.
How she would parallel so may characters by doing this: Jinx caused an explosion that killed Enforcers and attempted to frame the Firelights; Caitlyn causes an explosion to save the Zaunites with help from Firelights. Marcus only dreamt of performing suicide murder on Silco out of fear and cowardice but couldn't do it; Caitlyn performs a heroic sacrifice (she doesn't die) to successfully protect the Zaunites. Vander lead a fail coup against Piltover resulting in many of people dying; Caitlyn works with Zauns (the Firelights), saved the Zaunites, and destroyed the bridge.
And speaking of Vander, what does Caitlyn have in common with him in this pic? She's injured in the stomach area. Just like how Vander was stabbed in the gut by Silco in S1 Act 1 before performing his own heroic sacrifice to protect Vi. And remember, Vander and Caitlyn, despite surface level differences, have much in common.
This shot of Vi reaching out to someone below her with an anguished face:
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Now many fans believe this is Cait reaching out to Jinx; and honestly, I think could also be true, even with their extremely messed up relationship, you don't get rid of the love that easily. But I can also see this being Vi reaching out to Caitlyn after the presumed explosion. Could you imagine the angst - after reconciling with the woman she loves (possibly including a passionate and loving sex scene that is also Vi's first time) and reclaiming her identity, she is now forced to see the said woman she loves be caught in another explosion. Oh the traumatic parallels.
12. Oh crap, I just had a crazy thought (that is also another Vander and Caitlyn parallel) - Caitlyn also causes the explosion to save Vi from wherever she is AND stop more Noxxians from invading Zaun; I don't know how or if it'll even happen or it might be too much but again Caitlyn is very smart with excellent aim, so it could happen. Anyway, she (like Vander) would be performing a heroic sacrifice to protect Vi from whatever danger she's in. Is Vi in danger here? Maybe; she doesn't have one of her gauntlets and looks to held down (?). Look, it's more than likely Vi is doing this because of Jinx but I can also imagine it being Caitlyn.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Apparently there was a roundtable with a senior narrative head at bungie about destiny
where he stated "don't expect to be allies with the hive. or even Savathun"
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which to me seems like a weird choice to say right after deeps ending?
That's interesting. Honestly, valid comment to me. Here's the link to the article itself! The dev that made the comments is Robert Brookes. One extra quote that isn't in the tweet (goes in between the two in the tweet):
“It’s gonna be really hard to walk that back from anyone’s perspective. Even if that ever became a possibility, there’s a lot of ground to cover to make amends for that.”
We often forget about that, because obviously everyone deserves a second chance, especially in a situation where the Hive were literally manipulated into becoming what they did, but at the end of the day, their gruesome conquests that wiped out thousands of civilisations is not something that everyone can or has to forgive.
People are really eager to forgive Savathun, completely, which was always weird to me in a fandom that has gone ballistic over infinitely smaller crimes. And I get it, Savathun is an incredibly compelling character, fantastically written, absolute banger of VA work. She's such a crucial element in the whole setting of Destiny and is fascinating to read about her. 100% one of the best characters in the entire franchise, intriguing and complex beyond pretty much anyone else.
But the characters within the story itself can't view her in this way or it would be immersion breaking. To them, Savathun isn't a character that's well written, she's a monster who is responsible for some of the most horrific things across time and space. I can definitely see any alliance with her to be temporary, out of necessity and not exactly on good terms. I would love for us to eventually get together with the Hive and join forces against those that are responsible for their course in life, but I think it's definitely something that, within the universe in-character, is not something entirely realistic and would be difficult to justify.
Definitely an odd thing to say now though. Maybe it's telling us to temper our expectations next season? We need Savathun's knowledge, but I don't see us being besties with her in any capacity. I'm not sure what people expect from a season where we rez Savathun; there's probably a lot of people who expect a Caiatl situation.
Realistically, it might be an uneasy cooperation that will be very limited and possibly exploited by Savathun to get out at the end. Right now she's dead and she can't do anything and for as long as we keep her, we're safe. But now that we need her... We have no choice. We have to get her out and once she's out, she will not be bound by anything to obey us. It's a very risky move, one that we're looking at out of desperation, and the risks were nicely laid out by Saladin, Saint and Zavala in their conversation. That bit is definitely priming us to expect some heavy resistance to help from Savathun from various characters and this comment might be as well.
I can't wait for the next season's story though! Savathun talking to us again, in any capacity, is something I've been waiting for eagerly since the end of WQ. I don't doubt for a second that the conversations she'll have will be full of some heavy stuff and that she will not play nice with us and that she (and Immaru) will make most of the situation where we're desperate for her help. She will probably also genuinely want to get her revenge to the Witness, but not necessarily as our sidekick. I think that continuing with the animosity between her and us adds an extra layer of depth to the whole story with her and the Hive.
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coraniaid · 11 months
A couple of months ago, at the start of my S2 rewatch, I talked a little bit about how Willow was slowly becoming an increasingly more key member of the Scooby Gang, at the expense of Giles and Xander. Now that I've reached The Zeppo, it feels like a good time to return to that discussion.
Let's try to quantify things a little bit.
Obviously, speaking time data alone doesn't tell you everything about how important a character is, and Julian Freedland's audio time stamp data doesn't always perfectly reflect which character is really speaking (in particular, it has some trouble with body swap episodes like Witch and Who Are You? and -- most relevantly for us -- The Killer In Me). But those caveats aisde, I think looking at some hard numbers can still be illuminating here.
The chart below shows both Willow and Xander's average speaking time over the course of the show (based on a rolling average of the last dozen episodes, but always ignoring the largest and smallest values in that 12 episode run).
[I picked a 12 week rolling average partly just because it was decent length of time to smooth out random noise and partly because it means starting the time series at the end of Season 1; I removed outliers the way I did to avoid overstating the importance of episodes like The Zeppo and Doppelgangland. If you're interesed in what the chart would look like without either of these smoothing efforts, click on the readmore below.]
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Thus presented, I think the trend seems pretty clear. Up to the end of Season 2, Xander clearly has more average speaking time than Willow. Then, early in Season 3, that reverses: Willow starts to get a bit more speaking time and Xander gets quite a lot less. In fact Xander won't have as much average speaking time again until Season 7, whereas in both Season 4 and Season 6 Willow will have average speaking times much higher than Xander ever managed during Season 2.
And the data fits with how I'd summarize the state of things on a more subjective/qualitative level too. In Season 1 and up to perhaps the mid-point of Season 2, Xander really was treated as a more important character than Willow by the writers. He was presented as a possible love interest for the main character (however unserious that seems in hindsight), he was arguably the focus of several episodes (Teacher's Pet, The Pack, Inca Mummy Girl) where Willow was only the focus of one (I Robot You Jane). In fact, in the first sseason, Willow's main character trait -- otherthan being good with computers -- was that she was hopelessly pining over Xander. But as Season 2 progressed Willow became more assertive, moved beyond her crush on Xander and got a boyfriend and then, around the end of the season, she started to get more and more involved in magic, something that will come to define her character both this season and for the rest of the show. Willow grew and progressed as a character: the writers found more and more things for her to do. On the other hand, Xander .. didn't really get that sort of character growth. In a lot of ways, the Xander of mid-Season 3 really hasn't changed much from the Xander of The Harvest.
So in some ways The Zeppo is Xander's swan song. Even as it begins to suggest a new, more sympathetic version of the character -- one not defined so heavily by his unrequited feelings for Buffy or his (honestly not very compelling or plausible) relationship with Cordelia -- the show as a whole is quickly losing interest in him. Willow will continue to grow in status and narrative importance -- she'll come out as a lesbian next season, continue to grow in power as a witch and arguably even temporarily assume co-protagonist status in the show's sixth season. But Xander, as now reimagined, won't get to do that. He'll always be the Zeppo of the group.
On the other hand, perhaps I've got it backwards.
Perhaps the reason I remember the Xander Harris of the final two thirds of the show more fondly than I do the Xander Harris of the first third is simpler than I'd liked to admit. Maybe he's just easier to like because he isn't allowed to speak as much.
For completeness, this is what the chart above would look like if we didn't remove outliers:
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And this is what it would look like if we looked at speaking time in individual episodes rather than taking a rolling average (note, in particular, the big spikes for The Zeppo, Doppelgangland and The Replacement):
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Note also a common trend visible in all three versions of the chart: neither Willow nor Xander really get to say much at all in the second half of Season 7.
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
@prosopagn0sis - I always adored how Softie designed the layout of its blogs (be it its main or its RP blog), so it's definitely an ace when it comes to aesthetically pleasing blogs!
@kuinaoflight - There's something about how Elle knows how to choose the best quotes or images to adorn her Kuina RP blog with, that makes it simply amazing! This, along with the calming color pallet she's chosen for the background and text, make her blog a delight to look at and explore!
@hinataxsunshine - I always found Adrian's blog to be one of the nicest/cutest blogs ever! It just has something about it that speaks innocence and serenity, which fits perfectly the vibe of his OC, Hinata.
💻 ― excellent writing
@niragixpsych - Although she doesn't think her writing is any good if you ask her, Psych's talent in writing surpasses most expectations with the amount of thought and care she puts into every interaction. It's a true delight and pleasure to write with her and her blog is one I'll always recommend with the utmost happiness!
@aggwaseon - I love their writing because it's very versatile and detailed. You can tell the Mun puts a lot of effort into their threads, and even if lately they haven't been very active, I can guarantee you that this Mun right here knows precisely what they are doing and they are doing it with passion, dedication and care!
@kuinaoflight - Her talent at both writing Kuina as a character and stories in general is amazing! I always loved reading her threads and the amazingly well crafted answers to the RP memes that make even the most common of prompts feel uniquely written and personalized to the person who sent them. Looking forward to continuing reading Elle's amazing work and see how she'll continue improving even further! <3
@hoodedchishiya - There's a reason why this blog is my all time favorite Chishiya and that's because Alex's writing is usually 1000000/10, both when it comes to writing our favorite snarky cookie addict blonde and storytelling in general. I swear man, if I hear you say one more time that your writing sucks, Imma make it one of my to do list priorities to remind you daily that your writing is beyond excellent!
@artsspi - I really enjoy writing with them because they put a lot of thought and effort into each of their OCs and the threads we write together. I'm always looking forward to reading your replies!
@officerconners - The Mun does an excellent job at portraying Drake and every interaction is fun and captivating to read! They know how to write anything, from silly stuff to the most serious of action packed moments full of suspense!
🌼 ― creative headcanons
@niragixpsych - I always love reading Psych's rendition of Niragi and the headcannons she comes up with, they are very unique and interesting, especially since they add an extra layer of depth and complexity to NIragi's character, while also showcasing his human side.
@triggerhappymilitant - Nyx's headcannons about Niragi are another one of my faves when it comes to headcannons about Niragi. They are always interesting to read and I feel like she always manages to showcase Niragi's utmost essence in her own rendition of the character and its background!
@hoodedchishiya - If you want a fresh and unique version of Chishiya, this is the blog to seek. Again, just like his talent for writing in general, this man's creativity when it comes to reimagining Chishiya in a very unique, yet true to the core essence of the character, is baffling! I told you, I could listen to you ramble all day about your ideas and hcs about Chishiya and I wouldn't grow bored!
🎙️ ― great to talk to
@daikichixkarube - Karube's Mun is one of the most adorable and fun to talk to people I've ever met! I love talking to her on a daily basis and she always knows how to lift my mood or make me laugh! So she will always be one of my favorite people to talk to and one of my bestest of friends!
@niragixpsych - She's very supportive and I can count on her to always be there for me! When I'm sad, Psych will lift my spirits up; when I am stuck with a dilemma, she'll do her best to give me some suggestions and help the best she can; and her friendly talks full of affection will always warm my heart! I love you, don't you ever forget that!
@kuinaoflight - Full of life, sunshine and with the golden heart of an angel, Elle is a delight to talk with! She knows how to make a conversation fun, how to cheer you up or fuel your creative juices with her ingenuity! I especially love our fun conversations on our favorite TV shows and the funny things we come up with sometimes, like back when we put together a compilation of cat gifs and memes relating to the AiB characters!
@hoodedchishiya - We've had our differences and ups and downs, but once we got to know each other better, he's really a great conversation partner! Even if we don't talk much (and maybe sometimes I probably end up annoying him), he never fails to make me laugh, smile or feel better if I am upset. So no matter what other's might say, you are actually a great friend to have and a great person to talk to!
@twentyfourhourtitts and @hinataxsunshine - I put those two together because they are like siblings to me and I love our little funny conversations (which I really miss sometimes when our group chat falls silent for days on end).
@lillyontheborder - She's a new addition to my friends group, but I can assure anyone that Lilly is a great friend and a great person to talk to! She knows to listen to you and she will do her best to help!
@risa-of-spades - Risa has always been a great listener and supportive pillar of our community and for that I feel like I owe her an endless amount of gratitude and appreciation! She's always there to show her love and support to each and every one of us and if someone needs a shoulder to lean on, they can always count on her for that, as she'll never shun anyone away!
@officerconners - This Mun is a ray of sunshine and delight to talk to! Plus, they know how to give good advice when you need it! A great friend and an amazing conversations partner!
📚 ― nice threads to read
@niragixpsych, @aggwaseon, @artsspi, @triggerhappymilitant, @hoodedchishiya, @kuinaoflight, @officerconners - Mostly for the reasons stated above + some have really funny threads too along with the more serious threads in nature.
🎀 ― all-around kind person
Everyone mentioned previously. uwu Love you all! 💗
🥇 ― well-developed oc
I feel like everyone in this community that writes OCs do an amazing job in writing their characters, so it would be impossible to tag every single one of them. But even so, know that the AiB RP community has some of the greatest well-crafted original characters you'll ever meet!
📌 ― a staple on the dash
Everyone I mentioned thus far are staples on my dash and I wouldn't have it any other way!
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
Again, everyone I mentioned above are a 10/10 in my book: great people with great hearts, amazing talents, outstanding writing skills and are infinity/10 friends! And I want you all to know that I love each and every one of you! Never forget that! <3
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k7l4d4 · 4 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 12
Hello all! Sorry for the late post, I had to get to work before I could drop it, and it took forever getting back home.
Honestly, looking back at this one, what makes me the most disappointed in this episode is that, aside from the cliched and forced conflict between Marinette and Kagami based on Kagami FOR SOME REASON believing Lila is a trustworthy friend despite, to my knowledge, never once interacting with her in the past and Lila actively going out of her way to try and emotionally hurt Kagami with a faked photo before... what makes this the most disappointing to me is that this episode could've established some interesting REAL drama between Marinette and Kagami.
Out of all of Marinette's friend-group, Kagami is the one she sees the least; not only is she as isolated socially as Adrien, she doesn't even go to the same SCHOOL as Marinette, so the two rarely ever get a chance to hang out, talk, or do any kind of things as friends. Having this episode show off how much of a gulf exists between them, with Kagami ending the episode by making it clear that, even if Marinette didn't mean it, she hurt Kagami by taking their friendship for granted, and having Marinette reflect on what it says about her as a friend. For all this show insists "Marinette must always learn a lesson," it never seems to want to take advantage of this by exploring Marinette's character flaws for real. It's disappointing.
Now, onto the review! As always, please forgive any profanity on my part.
Episode 12: Perfection 
Uughh... not even a minute in, and Chat and Ladybug are talking about their love lives in the middle of a battle. Now really is not the time, and the fact that the writers couldn't have saved this for before or AFTER the fight... yeah, I'm not impressed. 
Oh, it's a montage of them talking about their love lives... I just, didn't we literally get MULTIPLE CONSECUTIVE EPISODES going on about how "the Cat and Ladybug can't date!!" while at the same time insisting "Marinette and Adrien are made for each other!"? They aren't even pretending to keep themselves consistent. 
They... they really aren't even going to pretend to acknowledge the complete and utter clusterfuck that is the internal continuity of this series by this point, are they? Also, Marinette saying "Kagami did everything she could to get me and Adrien together" makes me laugh, and not in a good way. She hasn't really done ANYTHING beyond telling Marinette, more or less, to pull up her big girl pants and confess already. At minimum, she's more direct than the nonsense the rest of Marinette's friends and Marinette herself got up to. 
...The fact that Marinette seriously seems to think Kagami, OF ALL PEOPLE, would make fun of her for not having managed to get together with Adrien all the way makes me cringe. Even taking into account Marinette's bad habit of catastrophizing things in her head, this is such a severe misread of her character, I can't even begin to take it seriously. This isn't even Marinette blowing up something that MIGHT happen out of proportion, this is just baseless paranoia on her part. 
...Was them having Marinette use Chloe's "ridiculous, utterly ridiculous" catchphrase deliberate? If this is meant to be a sign of how Chloe has gotten into Marinette's head, it doesn't really work because it's both shoehorned in, and presented in a scene that's being played for laughs.
The more this show tries to play Marinette's emotional problems for humor, the more and more frustrated I get with it. Seeing a girl in her teens rolling around on the ground freaking out over whether she'll ever be able to talk to her crush is just weird, not funny. Any possible humor that could be found is overshadowed by just how utterly excessive it is. 
Funny how Zoe went (in Kwamis' Choice) from questioning the class's zany schemes to now being fully complicit in one. 
Oh, Chloe ended up interrupting the class's latest scheme to get Marinette to confess... what a shocker. Seriously, I just cannot take this presentation of Chloe seriously as a bully; she's either so passive she's basically hot air, or she just suddenly shows up out of nowhere. Oh, and she basically bodychecked Marinette in front of a teacher... yeah, teacher of the year, Caline, Teacher of the fucking year. Don't get me wrong, I LIKE Caline... but the writing having her be THIS oblivious is utterly infuriating. 
Now Lila dragged Chloe off like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Literally, hands waving and feet kicking included. THIS is the person they insist is such a massive threat that she's less redeemable than the Genocidal Felix and the Abusive Father Gabriel. Someone who can be handled by DRAGGING HER OFF BY HER SHOULDERS AND UNABLE TO EVEN STAND UP FOR HERSELF. 
Wow, they just had Chloe claim that Lila publicly embarrassing her in order to defuse a situation to plot out something worse "earned her a place as Chloe's best friend." I just... I do not GET what the writers are trying to say here. That Chloe doesn't value Sabrina as her best friend?? That she and Lila are equals?? Like, this doesn't even fit Chloe's established pattern of behavior; she's stubborn as a bull and as subtle as a brick, she wouldn't CARE about being "hush hush" about making Marinette miserable, so Lila being able to wrangle her... just does not make sense to me.
...Oh, and Marinette just did something stupidly clumsy off-screen that somehow sent stuff flying. SHE WAS SITTING DOWN ON A MAT ON A BARE FLOOR!!! They just... UUUGGGHHH!!! I can't even BEGIN to get into how nonsensical this is!! Her being clumsy IS NOT FUNNY!! It hasn't BEEN FUNNY in several seasons, and just making it more exaggerated does not make it better, it just makes it more cringe-inducing, and the fact that they are only included it to force Love Square Drama PISSES ME OFF. 
Wow, a wall of declined calls from Kagami... Marinette is basically ghosting Kagami, and to be honest, I'm not inclined to pity her. She's being an idiot right now, and even taking the forced drama and inability to confess into account, this is just pathetic. Although the fact that Kagami hasn't hunted Marinette down and demanded to know why she isn't answering her calls yet baffles me. This is the same girl who decided the best way to gain a spot on an elite fencing team was to show up during practice and demand to fight the best fencer they have, being ridiculously brash and bold is WHO SHE IS. 
Now she's yelling MOO at a picture of a cow to make something that sounds like "you." I just can't even pretend to take this seriously. This has gone on for so fucking long that I just cannot be bothered to give a shit about her struggling to spit out THREE FUCKING WORDS anymore. Miraculous Ninja handled her inability to spit it out SO MUCH BETTER, with drama, and tension, and emphasizing how much this affects Marinette's mental health. Canon is treating it like a bad joke. 
Apparently Adrien wrote a song for Marinette, and Kitty Section is intending to play it at their concert, I guess? Ughh... moving on, moving on... 
Kagami's been scribbling on a piece of paper several times already. Why do I feel like I'm gonna hate this? 
This song would be more touching if it weren't FIVE SEASONS INTO THE SHOW. 
Honestly, Adrien's voice actor really does not have much of a gift for singing. Like, he's not BAD, but it sounds more awkward than it should. 
It kinda cuts away some of the passion of the song, as does their attempt to make a joke out of Nino going off script mid-lyrics. Seriously, they are just doing Nino all the dirty this season aren't they? 
And the paper that Kagami is scribbling on returns!!
I just... this episode really cannot stop undermining its own seriousness, even for a second, can it? Alya was in the middle of an honestly surprisingly good pep talk (for once), and then the show ruined it by having Kagami show up and Marinette frantically try to signal that she was standing right behind her. This. Is Season. FUCKING. FIVE!! We are PAST this kind of bullshit, or we SHOULD be, what is so hard about making a fully serious, minimal/no humor episode!? This is, if anything, THE PERFECT TIME FOR IT!!! 
And now... we get to the part of this episode that both baffles me and fills me with utter HATE the most; Kagami has apparently been following a "friendship test" ... FROM LILA. I just... Have they ever even established HOW Lila and Kagami even know one another!? They are never shown to hang out, or talk, or do ANYTHING to one another, yet somehow Lila has Kagami's personal phone number, and Kagami trusts her enough to decide whether Marinette and her are friends, despite the fact that Lila knowingly and deliberately attempted to fuck with her head with a faked photo of her and Adrien. I DO NOT GET IT. There is NO FUCKING REASON FOR THIS BULLSHIT!!! Kagami doubting her and Marinette's friendship after Marinette has spent the past who knows how long ghosting her calls, THAT I could understand, but Lila is a big, fat, fucking BLACK MARK on this plot by how utterly pointless her conclusion is!! 
Why the HELL would Kagami EVER have any reason to believe Lila has her best interests at heart, ON ANY LEVEL!? And it's still never even explained how the two know one another, they just "do." To me, it downgrades this entire plot of Kagami coming to question her and Marinette's friendship. 
And now we get Kagami sulking over being "imperfect," which explains the episode title a bit, and I just... I just do not follow this at all. On the one hand, I honestly enjoy a reminder that Kagami is herself the victim of an emotionally abusive parent whose excessive expectations have lead to damage for Kagami's self esteem... but it just feels so forced here because she's treating the way Marinette is treating her as a personal failing, when for all she knows, she hasn't even DONE anything wrong. 
What kills this for me is that there is no backstory here. Lila just "exists" in this scene for the sake of inflating her status as a "master manipulator." She's even less of a plot device then she usually is, because the overarching conflict could have happened without her having to be involved on any level. 
And we get a creepy scene of Lila cutting Marinette's face out of photos, where did she even GET those photos?
It feels like this episode is seriously trying to push this idea that Kagami is "perfect at everything" as a reason why she's taking her apparent failure at being Marinette's friend so hard... but it doesn't land for me. Even discounting the parts of Kagami's life that Gabe and Tomoe would have no reasonable way of knowing about, Gabriel is WELL AWARE that the very first time he ever Akumatized her was over her loss against Adrien in fencing. Throwing "perfection" around willy-nilly doesn't MEAN anything, and it just comes off as forced for the sake of future "drama." 
...Okay, how the absolute FUCK did Lila somehow "know" about Marinette "using a secret language with her friends that Kagami doesn't understand"? That list alone is just nothing but bad vibes, but this is just idiotic. 
...I just... I am struggling not to fucking scream right now. Seeing Monarch use his skills at emotional manipulation to chip away at Kagami's willpower would be SUPER interesting... if it weren't totally ruined by the fact that the "power" he gave her is LITERALLY JUST SENSORY DEPRIVATION AND A WEIRD-ASS VERSION OF THE DRAGON MIRACULOUS' ELEMENTAL POWERS!! I would go on a rant on why and how Longg represents "perfection" or what weather has to do with "perfection" but I think I'd have an apoplexy if I did that. 
The repeated usage of "perfect" is really grating. It's just completely and utterly forced. Oh, and Kagami somehow has enough awareness in her Akuma form to think back on things, but somehow hasn't considered the possibility that just because she can't SEE or HEAR anyone, doesn't mean she isn't potentially HURTING PEOPLE. Oh, and how in the world does Monarch expect for an Akuma that can't even NOTICE the heroes to get their Miraculouses!? 
Okay... WHEN did Tomoe ever warn Kagami about ANYTHING!? Also, again, I repeat... how in the world is an Akuma that can't see, hear, or TOUCH anyone supposed to help Monarch achieve his goals?? The only really interesting thing about this Akuma is the fact that it actually does something semi-interesting with how it gives the Akuma the Miraculous powers... but the fact that Kagami CANNOT INTERACT WITH ANYONE OR ANYTHING makes it completely pointless. Like, how has no one noticed that she can't even hurt someone yet!?
Okay, so she CAN summon her weather powers, even as a giant cloud... but how in the world is she not noticing THE FACT THAT THERE IS A HELICOPTER BEING FLOWN AROUND HER NOW GIANT HEAD!? Like, they are solidly establishing that she is far more aware than Akumas typically are, even through her sensory deprivation, so how is she not even THINKING ABOUT ALL THIS!? 
Okay, so she DOES have a way to fight Ladybug and Chat Noir... barely. And there's still the little problem of being UNABLE TO SEE THEM, and the fact that she isn't solid. she can't exactly retrieve the Miraculouses if she can't touch them. 
Sigh... and we get more of S5 basically wasting the concept of Rejecting Akumatizations after the fact by having them show up more and more... honestly? I like how Randy Cunningham handled it better. With RC9GN, the shift to the Sorcerer stanking people directly based on their feelings rather than specific objects was interesting, because it meant that Randy couldn't just beat up his problems. But with MLB, it's kinda wasted a little because they can't keep it consistent how aware the Akumas even ARE. 
Like, the way they are currently having Kagami rejecting the Akuma (I REFUSE to call it a Megakuma) as this praiseworthy thing... it just rings so hollow at the moment. 
...They are trying to use the "I have always had this feeling I need to be perfect" crap as "foreshadowing" for her being a Senti, aren't they? 
Ugghhghghghghgh!!! I just... I just can't take this any more seriously. It feels so forced for the sake of emotional drama. 
Okay, HOW does Tomoe even know where Gabriel sent the Akuma?? Seriously, just HOW. It's not as if that's advertised knowledge, it happened in an incredibly secluded location, and TOMOE CANNOT SEE. 
I just "love" how they are trying to hint at this deep, mysterious connection between Tomoe and Gabriel. It TOTALLY doesn't come out of nowhere, not at all! And with that, I'm done with Perfection. [One] more episode and then "Derision." (Shudders)
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ruinakete · 5 months
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hello everybody! with my formal return to the dash sent to the masterlist, I thought it only necessary to make a post regarding my muses; interpretations, changes, mission board prompts, etcetera. we'll tackle only one of these as of right now since I'm already late on the mission board—
LONG STORY SHORT? recent events have made me unsure of myself and, unfortunately, I can tell that those insecurities are bleeding into my portrayals now. I apologize if my writing seems weaker than before because of this; it's something I simply have to work through to get fully comfortable again.
—simply know for the other listed points that, after threads are cut down for one muse, a cap of five per character will be set for all and a schedule will be implemented properly next week, as I've been slacking with reply times.
as always, I'm never the one to step first when it comes to thread statuses, so if you'd like a thread dropped, please let me know! no hard feelings! otherwise, I'll continue under the assumption that all interactions are a-go. concerning the mission board, feel free to claim a thread via DMs on Discord ( @ barelyelix ), since I do not check for Tumblr IMs and I sometimes overlook server pings. down below are the prompts I'm looking for, though my interest may exceed these:
ZEPHIA? @ here
none, as her character is the one I am now most unfamiliar with. not open for any new non-event threads until mid-May.
EREMIYA? @motheruin
FAITH +1: the specifics of this idea need to be fleshed out more but I am interested in exploring Eremiya's fear of fire and how it subconsciously ties into religious ideals and the life of magic. whether or not they save a maiden, her main intention is to selfishly steal the spell's makings for herself, despite it just being shown off for this occasion and nothing more. (GOLDEN DEER REQUIRED)
BOOMS: of course, Eremiya will do everything in her power to report the group; they're more than a disturbance, they're taunting. however, she'll begrudgingly require a partner who is like-minded as she, since the sudden bursts of fire in the air are hardly... tame, and productivity will not prosper if she remains uneasy with every passing image of a spiraling rocket. or you can be a BOOMS enthusiast stopping her before she snitches.
otherwise, she will only be open to pick up one new non-event thread come May.
EMMERYN? @emblemartyr
HEAVY ARMOR +1: has anyone ever sat a pirate down and asked them how they felt? no? alright then, Emmeryn's interested in serving as a more, pacifist diplomat between the Leicester Alliance and the pirates. no one acts so recklessly without a reason, right? has a grievance between the two parties caused the rift? besides, the fortified sea vessels will keep her, her partner, and the crew safe. hopefully. long enough to enjoy the ride, at least! (GOLDEN DEER REQUIRED)
FAITH +1: something something persecution... religious corruption.... something something fire and sacrifice.... insert sun metaphor..... curiosity equaling bravery and the opposite....... me and Emmeryn want the skill point, further plotting necessary (GOLDEN DEER REQUIRED)
PHOTO-ARTIFEX: a way to keep memories trapped within an image? perfect! Emmeryn's all too happy to volunteer herself for testing! she doesn't mind who wishes to help either since she mainly wants to see how well the machine works, and if she can satisfy the gaps in her memory by creating new, frozen-in-time moments she can never forget. also not against swaying volunteers who only want to help technical-wise and not have their pictures taken.
SWORD +1: half for the point and half because I am absolutely enamored by the return of the silly rat orchestra MSKMWNSDJ it's highly possible that Emmeryn was dragged into this, as her place in the town may have been too far from the monastery to notice students going missing; plus, she doesn't fit the criteria of victims, per se! of course, her first idea is speaking to the culprit, so your muse may have to be bait unless they mistake Emmeryn for a student. she won't let anything happen to you so no worries! worst case scenario, the culprit can't understand the common tongue and we have to play instruments to communicate.
always open for threads, as of now! necessary to bounce her voice testing off of someone else, whether mission board or otherwise.
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liyuee-qixing · 2 years
Love letter
{SUMMARY}: you're the tsaritsa heir, you wouldn't thought your position It'll bring you something else instead just power and dominance
Character: Arlecchino
I might turn this to an AO3 and Wattpad fanfic idk,THIS IS BY FAR THE FANFIC THAT TOOK ME LITTLE TIME
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She adored you,you are so much unlike the tsaritsa. You have such soft spot for elderly people and kids,you show respect to those that have so much lower rank than you,your appearance was very mesmerizing no matter how much she stares and look at you, she even wonder how such a hardworking, beautiful- Perfect person like you exist.
Meanwhile her in other hand was cruel,cold hearted and have crazy obsession over controlling people, it's like she has no sane bone in her body,her hand were blood sheeted meanwhile your was soft like a silk. But after all of those she couldn't help but to imagine you as her lover,she only keep these feeling inside her locked heart this whole time
That untill your brother,Luka and the harbinger found out about it,lucky her,they promised to keep it a secret,prince Luka often tease her about it though but beside teasing he's been helping arlecchino to get to know more about you. Your interest,your dislike,your type of person,your ideal date.. it crazy how she's really desperate for your attention,it a miracle that the tsaritsa herself commanded her to bodyguard you when you're out of town or doing something,in this way she could always look at the face she always adored, you're the only person where she doesn't have to worry about her attitude.. it come to the point she's ready to take her big puppy crush to other level,she comes to the tsaritsa office herself to ask for permission to propose you,she has a good reputation in her Majesty eyes and extremely loyal to her so of course she got her permission,even if she didn't,she'll wait. She'll wait no matter how long is it will take, nothing will ever outshine you.
With the help of friendship the harbinger and your brother,she finally write her confession letters,she admitted all of her feelings to the white sheeted paper. She had bought the most luxurious ring in all of snezhnaya along with a mansion. She also reserved a whole romantic restaurants for her confession to you
"arlecchino,im here,I'm sorry if I make you wait"you said with heavy breath as you pulled the chair Infront of her.
"Soo.. what do you want to talk about?"you continue,the longer you speak,the more anxious she got. What if you're not ready? What if you said no? What if- she took a deep breath before exhaling it. Preparing every words for her confession
"my lady y/n. I have a confession to make"she spoke,her voice laced with worry,her hand was fiddling with her other hands but it seem like she tried to hide it as she could
"I like you, I've been keeping these feelings since the day we met,the day you was introduced to me,I couldn't help but stares at your figure everytime you pass by,no matter how much I already saw you. I know we're both the opposite. I know that my hand were blood sheeted meanwhile your was clean and smooth as a silk,but with your permission please let us form a strong connection, fulfilling each other defiency. I asked for your mother permission to propose you already so.."
"will you marry me? Even if you're not ready,I'll wait no matter how long is it."she continue.
"yes. I accept you, nobody ever bought shines to my eyes so much as you do,the whole snezhnaya shall celebrate this"you confessed back at her,looking at her black deep eyes. You couldn't imagine how lucky you're
When she told the harbinger about how the confession went,they congratulations her. The fatui agent that work under her also swore to never see arlecchino smile as much as the day after the confession
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lifesupreme-if · 9 months
I was wondering, Wasn't there one male or NB LI at one point? or was it always all female and i'm just going insane ?? I think I remember reading your demo, but I usually don't do all single set gender RO casts so, if it was always all women, I find it interesting (in a good way💕) that you made me enjoy it enough to wanna follow and keep up with the game. Not a lot of writers/creators are capable of getting people to move outside their comfort enough to continue reading their work and or playing their games, but obviously something about Life Supreme pulled me in.
Also, if you are okay answering, was there a reason you made it an all women RO cast? Is that just what you're comfortable with? and if you ever decided to do other IFs, would that aspect always be the same?
I feel like I'm being too nosy, so if any of these questions put you off AT ALL, please don't feel the need to respond to them.
Lastly, Which of the ladies are you most excited about writing? and Is there a not too spoilery scene (that you can tell us about), that you're most looking forward to ??
Me personally after going over a few asks for each, I'm kinda excited to see interactions with Stephanie and or Dorothea. But I also, love when games have the ??? RO, I tend to automatically gravitate towards them once I even THINK I know who they are in game. 😊
hi there!!!!!!!!!!
this cast has always been only female romance options; it was me taking my roleplay characters and putting them into a game (aside from claude and cho, who were my old roleplay partner's characters) and i only roleplay as women :) i'm so happy that it pulled you in regardless!!!!!!!!! i'm so freakin happy that you're here, and that means the world to me
an all-female romantic cast is what i'm comfortable with, and as it turns out, looking at the lesbian flag and term high femme yearningly and going "god i wish that was me, maybe one day" in fact did just mean i was a lesbian (shoutout everyone on here who assumed i was before i did).
every other project i have or consider working on has female ROs, save for two nonbinary romance options :)
and you are not being nosy at ALL this is delightful!!!!!!!!!! i am an incredibly nosy creature myself, though, so maybe that's why i'm so excited about this?
i am excited about all of the ladies for different reasons, but the ways in which dylan is selfish and a bad person make me very excited to write her. i am most excited about the scene where she tells the merc they aren't able to have cyberware to work with her—i want her to piss people off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you'll get to interact with dorothea the soonest, as she'll be in the next update! and while [locked] will be a ways out, i have a feeling you'll be able to guess her identity as soon as she shows >:3c
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ash-and-books · 11 months
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Rating: 1/5
Book Blurb: Ninth House meets A Deadly Education in this gorgeous dark academia fantasy following a teen mage who must unravel the truth behind the secret society that may have been involved in her classmates’ deaths.
Emory might be a student at the prestigious Aldryn College for Lunar Magics, but her healing abilities have always been mediocre at best—until a treacherous night in the Dovermere sea caves leaves a group of her classmates dead and her as the only survivor. Now Emory is plagued by strange, impossible powers that no healer should possess.
Powers that would ruin her life if the wrong person were to discover them.
To gain control of these new abilities, Emory enlists the help of the school’s most reclusive student, Baz—a boy already well-versed in the deadly nature of darker magic, whose sister happened to be one of the drowned students and Emory’s best friend. Determined to find the truth behind the drownings and the cult-like secret society she’s convinced her classmates were involved in, Emory is faced with even more questions when the supposedly drowned students start washing ashore—alive—only for them each immediately to die horrible, magical deaths.
And Emory is not the only one seeking answers. When her new magic captures the society’s attention, she finds herself drawn into their world of privilege and power, all while wondering if the truth she’s searching for might lead her right back to Dovermere…to face the fate she was never meant to escape.
In a world where people are gifted with different types of magics that correlate with the tides/moon phase, a teen mage must unravel the secret behind the death of her former friend and the secret society that she was caught up in. Emory is a student at the prestigious Aldryn College for Lunar magics, yet her healing magic is mediocare at best. Yet what happened to her the previous summer haunts her, what happened when she stumbles in on her ex best friend and a group of the most talented students committing a ritual that results in everyone dying but Emory.... she can't remember what happened or why and she'll do anything to figure it out. The only problem is that her own magic has changed since that incident and now she is discovering she has forbidden magic and that the only person to help her is the school's most reclusive student and her former best friend's brother. As Emory seeks answers she'll find herself drawn into the secret society and a world of privelege and power. Unfortunately for me this book fell completely flat after the 30% mark. I tried and tried to make this book work but I was completely bored and it was such a trudge to make it to the end. This book was SLOW and so long for no reason whatsoever. It's the first book in the series and I am not interested in continuing it at all. Emory is so annoying and there is literally NO chemistry between any of the characters. The mystery itself was boring and I really wish it wasn't. This book was advertised as Ninth House meets A Deadly Education, two book series that I absolutely adore and yet this one completely missed the mark in all cases. The characters weren't interesting, the mystery felt lacking, the pacing was clunky and slow, and honestly this kind of felt like a mess. I pushed myself to finish this books in hopes that it would get better, yet it didn't. Maybe it's a case of "its me not you" but for a book that features a magical school, murder mystery, and some romance, it should have been perfect for me yet it just wasn't. If you enjoy super slow magical school mystery stories then give this a go, maybe it'll work for you.
*Thanks Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing, Margaret K. McElderry Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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