#but since it was separated from the surprise song dresses I thought why not!
theerastour · 4 months
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the eras tour + new 1989 sets (x)
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So did N post the Brazil restaurant pics and talk about it in an interview (a bit randomly) because she knew a lot of people were taking pics of them, and she wanted to control the narrative? Play it down and hush rumours? I don't recall her posting any other dinner photos during the tour?
Given the precise timing, I suspect the new photos/video that were released today may have been taken by staff who were under a 90-day NDA (from Part 1 release). I know of other photos that were posted in real time of L and N at the hotel restaurant. For some reason, they were not restricted to post? Maybe just a casual diner or guest? It just occurred to me that the two photos of them (on different nights) taken from a distance may have been screenshots from a video, as the quality is so poor? That's an interesting thought.
Then there's the NY Premiere videos. Why were some released in real time while others were released precisely 90 days after the release of part 1? Why would NDAs apply to some people but not others? Unless the videos posted today were purely by influencers via their official accounts and the other videos posted in real time were from random guests and anonymously leaked?
I'm confused as to why NDAs would be in place? Is it just a safeguard in case anything scandalous happened that would effect viewership numbers? And in the case of the Brazil hotel, just a general privacy thing? But why would it be limited to 90 days if that's the case? Unless they thought something would happen at the hotel that could effect viewership numbers?
Idk. I'm so confused about today. Particularly when you pair it with the week of posting from N. No surprises she posted something social awareness related today (all eyes on her) either because she anticipated today's events OR she had a look at her socials and saw that things had been posted and wanted to make the most of public interest. But still, why the lead up with her own cryptic and love-struck posts? And radio silence from L and all adjacents since he posted the Bridgerton bloopers?
Here are my key takeaways from today (and this week):
They spent a shit ton of time together in Brazil, and didn't get sick of each other. Even going to two separate restaurants in the hotel on one night. They had at least two outings together, without their teams in earshot, across two nights.
He enjoys grabbing her hand unnecessarily just as much as she enjoys grabbing his. Their level of physical affection is unsettling to me, even when certain adjacents are around.
Certain adjacents are just hanging around, whether they know they're being filmed or not. Where is the affection or physical comfort?
A few days before the Premiere, N posts a song about waiting for someone, asking them to give her 'a look again' to get things going. Then in the week leading up to the end of a 90-day period from Part 1 release (and possible NDA expiration), she proceeds to post about someone giving her a call after not hearing from them in a while, and admitting their love for one another (the caller expressing their feelings first). She then posts a song about getting it on with a person where there's no pretending, who knows her so well. Someone who makes her want to dress up and go dancing. Makes me think of that song she posted after S3 filming (I think) and possibly again during tour? - "we should kiss like real people do". What's this whole theme about pretending vs. reality? Being real/yourself vs. fake? What's this in relation to? I mean, I have a few theories...
I can feel it in my loins that the next few days are going to be enlightening, and could literally go in any direction. But did any of us predict this turn of events in what was suppose to be the 'dry period' before s4 filming begins??? This is honestly the best show I've ever watched.
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knightyoomyoui · 1 month
Dahyun x M/F Reader - "Die With A Smile"
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NOTE: This story is inspired from the recently released song a week ago featuring a collab between two of tgreatest artists ever, Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga titled "Die With A Smile", just like the name of this story. Everything also that you're about to read are loosely based from one of the horror films I've watched and I thought about it as another fitting music video for this song if it features a storyline. So yeah, try to listen along while you imagine the story inside your head.
WARNING: Contains violence, expect gore and blood. 
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(Ooh, ooh)
I, I just woke up from a dream Where you and I had to say goodbye And I don't know what it all means But since I survived, I realized
At the beginning of the song, a vivid image of hands separating from each other's grasp amidst the white foggy surrounding can be seen. The girl, revealed to be Dahyun, looks at you regretfully and heartbrokenly. She slowly lowers her hand just as her distance shrank.
You abruptly woke up from your bed, catching your breath. You rubbed your hair and face, groaning in reaction after having your precious sleep disrupted by that nightmare. The acoustic guitar from the intro is accompanied with soft "oohs" from Bruno Mars' sweet adlibs.
The next scene was you being alone in the dressing room, checking yourself out on the mirror with the exquisite tuxedo suit you got after what the tailor had made for the special occasion of your life. While straightening the fabric and the necktie wrapped around you, your face showed discomfort and fear after recalling those bothersome glimpses of the nightmare you had last night.
It was weird. Why did you have this a vision of seeing your woman, Dahyun, letting go and bidding goodbye to you? It's one of the worst things you wouldn't want to happen to you ever, especially since you and her are just about to embark into the next chapter of your love story together today.
You just shook your head to get rid of that ridiculous and unpleasant thought. It is better to remain focused on what's about to come today and only hope for the best, as you and her truly deserve it, just like every other wedding couple should. Calming yourself with a broad grin, you looked at the reflection of yourself in the mirror one more time before walking away.
Wherever you go, that's where I'll follow Nobody's promised tomorrow So I'ma love you every night like it's the last night Like it's the last night
On the pre-chorus, the scene shifts to the wedding currently being processed. The chapel was packed with lots of visitors. The priest was standing in front of the altar along with you, the bridesmaid, and your best man. Everyone present was looking at the door opening, revealing the bright lights from outside behind the figure of your lovely bride, Dahyun, in her breathtaking wedding dress and face covered in a white veil.
The next was you and her standing face-to-face in front of the altar. You kept on watching and listening to Dahyun give her oath for you, made from the words in heaven. Remembering what you just experienced a while ago before the wedding started may have gotten you curious about what it might mean, but you are certain that you'll do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening.
Adding another promise within your heart, mind, and soul, along with the oath you've taken before her, you swore that you'd be there by her side always.
The scene then cuts to the reception, where the visitors are now celebrating you and Dahyun being newlyweds. The married couple talked happily with your parents when suddenly the party was interrupted by a scream from one of the guests.
Your heads are directed to where it came from, and to your shock, one of your family's close-friend who is a veterinarian and an elderly guest of yours has his body now hanging dangerously on the terrace before he completely slips down, sending him down and crashing on the ground, which made everybody yell in surprise.
As the wife of the man who fell from the second floor came in a hurry to check on his condition, the man suddenly rose from the ground and pulled his wife closer. Everybody shouted in horror when the man started to bite his wife on the neck, which caused all of the guests to get back away from the strange couple. The beats of the drum at the end of the pre-chorus coincides with the shot of the man biting the bloody, torn skin and creepily staring at everyone who is looking back at him.
If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you If the party was over And our time on Earth was through I'd wanna hold you just for a while And die with a smile If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you
As the chorus began to play, everyone started running for their lives, which caused a stampede, which panickedly made you and Dahyun separate from each other. Both of you scream for each other's names in the middle of the chaos ensuing in the room. You ended up in the kitchen along with your cousin, Dahyun's sister, and the photographer for your wedding. Some of the guests who turned out to be looking infected with rabid behavior were located at the door.
The square glass in the middle of it got shattered, and Mr. and Mrs.'s hands started to sprawl out. You found a vent to hide in and intended to make everybody get in there before the door opened. After successfully entering the vent, you wondered why the photographer hadn't joined yet. Despite your panic, the photographer instead commanded the three of you to keep moving forward, as he confirmed that he couldn't fit inside the vent due to his size and that he'd be the one to block the infected off.
Appreciating his sacrifice, all three heads went on to escape. The three ended up outside and found a police car parked. Your cousin led the inspection, and it turns out there was a deceased policeman inside the driver's seat. While he did a closer look, the policeman suddenly sprung up and bit your cousin on the cheek, leaving you no choice but to cry in pity for your cousin and leave him there as Dahyun's sister forces you to continue escaping.
Through the final lines of the chorus, you and Dahyun's sister came to a halt when you heard Dahyun's voice speak over the speakers. The utmost joy and relief he felt after she ensured that she's currently fine was replaced quickly by surprise when Dahyun additionally announced that she's pregnant and she needs him right now as soon as possible. You proceeded to search for her afterwards.
(Ooh, ooh) Ooh, lost, lost in the words that we scream I don't even wanna do this anymore 'Cause you already know what you mean to me And our love's the only war worth fighting for
In the second verse, the scene then presents Dahyun on the other side of the story, being joined by the priest, her bridesmaid, and one of her closest friends. They hide in a surveillance room. As they discuss their plans, some of the infected guests arrive and see them through the glass panel on the wall.
They hurriedly left the room and were successful, unlike the priest, who had his coat caught by the hands of the infected. He hastily took it off from his body, but the force of the infected pulling the cloth made him slip while attempting to run, resulting in him facing the ground and looking at them frighteningly before he embraced getting eaten out by the infected.
Meanwhile, you arrived at the surveillance room 10 minutes later and discovered the mess that happened in here, and Dahyun is nowhere to be found. Viewing through the monitors, you and Dahyun's sister had a look at what seemed to be a festive and lively celebration transformed into a hellish, gruesome environment. You watched some of the lifeless guests get consumed by the now aggressive infected, and you have no idea how all of this became possible.
Realizing that this must be the dream he had now coming true in real life, you desperately wanted to come and save Dahyun immediately. Back at your wife's situation, Dahyun, her bridesmaid, and her friend stopped through their tracks when they unexpectedly met someone along the way.
Dahyun was distraught, recognizing her mother now being a completely transformed brain-eating cannibal. She stood there frozen, in disbelief at the horrid sight of her mother. It was about to charge at her, but the bridesmaid stepped up to snap Dahyun's senses back, killing the mother with a large branch of a tree.
Dahyun cried and begged for it to stop, but her friend came to comfort her. As the bridesmaid was about to be done, several infected people came towards her, and her distraction caused her to get bitten by them. They ran away, but the infected had their attention stolen when the speakers activated and played a familiar tune. Dahyun's expressed a tearful chuckle hearing their wedding song being played by you back in the room.
Wherever you go, that's where I'll follow Nobody's promised tomorrow So I'ma love you every night like it's the last night Like it's the last night
The second pre-chorus focuses on the scene where Dahyun and her friend locate a storage room in the middle of the woods, where they luckily find a chainsaw and a working TV. They switched it to a channel showing a news report about an ongoing contagious virus spreading through the main cities of South Korea.
Dahyun then learned that the virus was believed to originate from the combined effects of a hazardous chemical and strong signs of leptospirosis in a rat and rabies, which particularly were detected in a cat based on the statements of one of the survivors. Health authorities subsequently received a complaint about a certain veterinary clinic going wild, and the owner is currently being searched.
They found a huge metal lid beside the exterior of the room and opened it just as the infected spotted them on sight. They quickly opened it but had no other time to close it as they became closer. As they reached underground, Dahyun prepared herself by tearing off some of the cloth on the lower portion of her dress to help her move faster.
The drums from the instrumental hit hard and fast, matching the growing intensity as Dahyun and her friends stand on their places while they wait for the infected to descend one by one and launch at them.
If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you If the party was over And our time on Earth was through I'd wanna hold you just for a while And die with a smile If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you
The 2nd chorus plays right during Dahyun and her friend's killing spree through the infected, chainsaw slashing every limb, blood splashing everywhere, and an axe buried deep down through the bones.
Unfortunately, her friend got bitten on the shoulder while struggling to finish another one. As they managed to empty the sewer, Dahyun understood his request and was forced to kill him by slicing his head off with a chainsaw.
Meanwhile, you and her sister grabbed some armors and makeshift swords from of the displays inside the manor before sprinting as both explored across the hallways, avoiding the infected chasing you both along the way. Trying to fight them off with whatever foreign object could be seen, Dahyun's sister attempted to lure away some of the infected chasing behind but was overpowered as she got pulled and bitten.
Devastated, you complied with her subtle request to go after your wife. Dahyun saw a ladder through another lid, dropped her chainsaw due to its weight, and climbed it, but noticed that it was locked. She tries to bump it with all the strength she has, but is unsuccessful. Almost losing hope, you suddenly appeared in front of the lid, unknowingly ending up in the same area as her, much to her surprise.
Both of you said each other's names in delight but were cut short when an infected appeared below Dahyun. You quickly found a way to open the padlock just in time for Dahyun to exit and shut the lid to block the infected. 
Right next to you Next to you Right next to you Oh-oh
You and Dahyun exchanged stares and nodded in agreement. You took a few long breaths before removing your body weight to unblock the lid and gripping Dahyun's arm.
The instrumentals played loudly while you and Dahyun made a run for survival out of the estate against the horde of infected chasing your innards. Losing and decreasing some number of them with your defenses, you reached the garden together and continued your moment of rekindling with her, hugging Dahyun tightly.
A time like this will never allow anybody to have their sweetest moment to rest, not until this is all over. Dahyun got alerted at the approaching infected from your back that appeared on the corner of the bushes. She pushed you off and blocked herself with her arm as the infected lunged off for an attack.
She reaches off for your sword and slowly cuts her head off using it. She raises her arm and observed the bite wound she received and instantly demanded you to cut it off right away.
Despite your hesitation and concern, you grabbed your sword and smashed it through her laid arm, causing her to shriek and growl in immense pain.
If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you If the party was over And our time on Earth was through I'd wanna hold you just for a while And die with a smile If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you
At the final chorus, you and Dahyun have reached the front gate and noticed that all the metal bars are barricaded with plastic barriers. Both were fascinated to see that the authorities had quarantined the area.
As you stopped rotating after finding out where you had been led, what you discovered left you frozen in distress.
Dahyun glances at you with her crinkly lips, bleeding nose, pupils and eyes reddening, and teeth becoming grizzly. Based on the obvious signs of her infection, it means that your attempt to prevent the spreading of the virus across her brain has failed.
You lost any care anymore; she remains important to you just as much as the promise you made for her. Carrying Dahyun's weak and collapsing body in your arms, you walk ahead through the exit as personnel in hazmat suits watch the both of you make your way out.
The soldiers began aiming all their heavy guns at your emergence with your dying wife in your arms. Looking at her with pure affection and no disgust or terror, you shed a teardrop for her and kissed her on the lips.
It lasted for seconds until you felt a stinging pain in your mouth. Your eyes widen as Dahyun rips off your tongue. She stands in front of you, now posing in full infected form with amputated arm, yelling uncontrollably at the soldiers while you voicelessly suffer with your damaged mouth.
The soldiers immediately fire their bullets straight at both you and Dahyun. After they all emptied a half of their mags at your helpless carcasses, you and Dahyun crashed on the ground, front and back first, respectively.
Extending their arms one final time to crawl their fingers through the top of their hands and grab them with the last bit of strength left in their body. You and Dahyun held each other for a while until both finally died with a smile from their multiple wounds.
The song is already finished, and an extra clip features your eyes opening and rising from the bed again, cupping your chest and thumping fast. You stared at your hands, letting out a breath of relief, seeing the engagement ring on your finger.
Looking below to your left, Dahyun is still sleeping heavily beside you. You gratefully smiled at the sight of your fiancée being completely fine.
(Ooh, ooh) I'd wanna be next to you
Laying back down on the bed, you positioned yourself sideways to cuddle your soon to be wife in your arms whilst wrapping her delicate hands onto yours and kiss her crown.
You wished and prayed mentally for God's guidance that you can manage to keep her along with your future child safe and secured like this under your protection after the wedding tomorrow and so on.
Whatever scenario it may occur in the future, not even a virus that can cause an outbreak cannot oppose to the unbreakable love between them.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Yes, it's a sequel to another one-shot featuring Momo from Set 4 titled "The Fight Of Our Lives", it shares the same universe and occurring at the same time as the predecessor. I know you are sharing the same name as your character with Momo, but let's just pretend that you're playing a different one with a same name as you.
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wayfayrr · 3 months
Here is the menace with Falling Star. So gather 'round, sit back, relax and please stay in your seat. Kick your feet up and grab some popcorn. Oh, and of course, lest we not forget, enjoy the show.
Here we go with a person from afar. Is as old as the stars and travels from world to world this is Lumine!Reader.
They are really old but nobody can exactly say how old as they look like 16 to 17 and are 158 cm tall.
They normally go by the name "Traveller" as they hide their real name, but since the Chain already has a Traveller.
They took the name "Viatrix".
Their Constellation is called "Viatrix" which means Traveller in Latin.
They have a twin brother, Aether. They are actually inseparable but they got separated by a unknown god named the Sustainer of heavenly principles.
Their abilities also got sealed.
They are a fabulous swordfighter and with their twin they are an unbeatable duo as the cover each others blind spots. But they are stronger than their brother.
From the two of them they are the rational but friendly one.
They are always collected and serious and they will say if they don't like something. They are the calm one of the duo.
But they also the strategist and would be a great detective.
But they love to explore and climb around, even Wild would be surprised how fast they can climb mountains even when it rains, they use their elemental energy and gloves to have a better grip.
But they have to take more breaks then their dear twin brother.
They can dive and jump out of the water like a dolphin and even jump from the water onto land and immediately attack if they have to.
They wouldn't be the most affectionate person and if someone got their heart they would hug and kiss their partner occasionally but not all the time.
They also cook very often, mainly because of Paimon, their guide in Teyvat, as she is always hungry. But since then they began to love cooking.
Reader has chin-length except for two locks of shoulder-length hair framing their face. They also have two light-blue Inteyvat flowers pinned on the right side of their head and two pale blue feathers tucked at the left.
They wear a sleeveless, backless, box pleated white tunic like dress-shirt, which is on back longer than by the front. It's held up by crossed black straps. They wear a long two-tailed scarf, with each tail having a gold, flat diamond-shaped ornament attached to the tip of the tail.
Their legwear consists of angled thigh-high stockings and white ankle-high boots.
They can use different elements, Anemo(Wind, Geo(Earth), Electro, Dendro(Plants) and Hyrdo(Water) as they met the Chain.
Their Song is "Dream Aria" from IONIC.
Reader learned about Yandere Chain and their first escape attempt.
Reader's PoV:
I woke up as Paimon shook me awake and as I looked at her she was covered in blood and looked terrified! I took her in my arms and looked around but only Sky was sleeping beside me in his bedroll.
„When did he change his place? Wasn't he beside Wild over there?“ I thought to myself and looked to the space by the other side of the campfire and me, where Sky laid before.
I stood up with Paimon and walked with her to the river nearby to wash her. She was shivering in fear. I've never seen her like that. We fought multiple monsters and people on Teyvat, so why was she so scared? As I got her out and dried her gently with Anemo she literally stuck to me like glue.
„Paimon, what's wrong? You look like you seen a ghost.“ I looked at her and she has tears in her eyes but she pshed me.
„Don't so loud!! They may hear us!!“ Paimon whisper-shouted at me so I looked confused at her.
„Who Paimon? Who could hear us?“ I whispered back but Paimon just looked at the camp and I understood what she wanted to say.
„The group? What have they done Paimon?“ she pointed into a direction and I sneaked to the direction and saw Wolfie eating bones, human or hylian bones.
The others of the group looked at him and gathered the bloody clothes. They put them in a fabric bag but they were also very bloody if I see through the reflection right. Paimon hid her face in my shoulder and I held it there. Then Wolfie turned into Twilight?! I had my suspicions but never thought I was right. So I sneaked back to the camp.
„Are you crazy!? Why are you going back there!?“ she whisper shouted at me
„I need to get a sword they took mine for "maintenance" probably to make me defenseless!“ I said back and looked around the camp for a sword but the only one here was the Master Sword.
So I tiptoed to Sky and pulled the sword out of her sheath. As I got her I began to sprint into the opposite direction of the group.
„Wait, what about Sky? He is in danger if we leave him there with these lunatics!“ said Paimon worried but scared.
„No, he is one of them. Do you remember as everyone except for Wild went for "hunting"? They never came back with anything of the forest. No squirrels, no deer, no boar or even a bird, but they came back with a meat that was from a horse?“
„Is that why you said we shouldn't eat it!? You thought it was a person!?! Eeek!“
„Well not really, at first I thought they tried to poison us as we are not from Hyrule. I thought they saw us as a threat. But now I know they wanted us to help to get rid of the evidence.“ I explained everything but then Paimon jumped... Uh... floated higher in fear
„But they have Wolfie... Uhm Twilight... Uhhh... They have someone with a good nose! We will be discovered in the matter of days!! Or hours if they are back already.“
„That's why I look for mud. If we cover ourselves with it our scent will be overridden by the mud and he will not know where we are!“
„Good, Traveller. Paimon is scared...“
„I know Paimon. But don't worry, I protect you! I will get us back to Teyvat! I will find Aether! And never return to Hyrule!!“
„Who taught you to speak their language actually? Paimon is curious.“
„It was a knight in-training back then. Aether and I taught him some fast moves with the sword and he taught us his language. His name was "Link" like the boys back there.“
„Do you think they are related?“
„I think, it's more like they are his reincarnations. This eyes... I never forget how he looked at us and how they sparkled when we showed him something new. They have a part of him, I'm sure but thanks to their journeys and upbringings they developed differently than how he was.“ I sprinted more as I saw a mud pond and jumped in with Paimon.
I just bathed her but that doesn't matter right now. Our survival was more important than hygiene right now. I bathed us in mud before taking Paimon and ran into another direction but still away from the camp and the group. I just wished I had my abilities, if I had them I could fly away easily. But now I had to avoid all villages, towns, people, guards and especially the royals and the heroes. If one of them sees me, they will find us and I can't accept that! They scared Paimon to death!
„Spirit of the Sword, I know I'm not a hero of this world, I know I'm not even Hylian or from this world, but please, help me to flee from your crazy wielders!“ I thought to myself while the sword started to emit a blue glow and I saw multiple beacons in the in the horizon, but only I am able to see them as Paimon couldn't see them.
„Thank you, Sword Spirit. With that I can see the group in the distance and avoid them even better. I hope your ready, because I won't hold back when they try to catch and fight me!“ the sword blinked blue before going back to normal. Now I want to save her as well! She doesn't need a bunch of psychos as her wielders! I will take her with me to Teyvat, maybe she will like it and the gods over there are way nicer than Hylia.
This is how Reader's first attempt to flee and they were really good, especially with the beacon on the Hero's Spirit. But they will catch them eventually. Maybe in a dungeon or after entering a portal. But it would be funny if the Chain wouldn't be able to wield Fi anymore because Fi also fell in love with Reader. Just imagine a Yandere Sword Spirit. She may be asleep but her conscience is still awake. So the group would definitely delude themself into thinking that Reader woke up and got attacked. And as we all know Sky is a hibernating bear when he is asleep, took Fi to protect themself and Sky. But they will definitely notice that Paimon is more fidgety around them and that Reader and Paimon talk way more in teyvatian than usual. But they discarded it as soon as Reader mentiones that Paimon isn't feeling well, because of the shadow, which they believe as they can't understand that they plan to run away again but this time to Teyvat. Away from the group forever. But they get the meat for cooking for Paimon and themself and just said that the last meat they had with the group made Paimon sick and they don't want Paimon to feel sick all the time and as the group sees them as Paimon's parental figure so the boys try to fill the other spot, which is hard as hell as Paimon can't understand them and vice versa. Ughh... Why are Yanderes so crazy to handle?
OOOOHHH another genshin reader!!! lumine makes so much sense too - and also???? the way that she's been to hyrule BEFORE????? with aether albeit but she's visited before????????? AND MET A LINK BEFORE?????
Hell with the link described they met WARS before?????? it'd be an interesting take if that is the link - and he just hasn't joined the chain yet, reader could be why he ended up siding with them even
it's a shame the chain are so set on being controlling with them though - they really can be incredibly stupid at times, because sometimes there really are better ways to act. it's good for reader though they aren't like a frog being slowly boiled, they actually know to try to GTFO of the situation there
PLUS FI????? sweet baby yan sword spirit love them so, if they're a yan too though.... maybe there's a way to bond their sword to them... or something happens to their original blade so they can never use it again...
also poor paimon sfvdvgdfgvdszf never getting the chance to learn the language and is just lost there not understanding (i'd say teach em but they would probably let it slip they know the language)
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avalil18 · 7 months
Flowers and Lace
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Summary: you and Joe attend your friends wedding but little did you know what the night would turn into!
Warnings: fluff
It was a cool summer day in Cincinnati. Your childhood best friends Rose and Tommy are getting married and you couldn’t be more excited! Joe and you are going together since both of you are very good friends with the bride and groom. You have always had feelings for Joe but you never knew he felt the same way about you.
You were putting the last final touches of makeup on your face in the bathroom when you heard a familiar voice radiate through your apartment. “Y/n?”Joe asks. “In here!” You say. Joe walks in wearing a navy striped suit and white t-shirt underneath with black dress shoes. He looked so handsome. You turn around to face him and you give him a look. “What’s the face for?” Joe asks. “You look fancy!” You say in a joking why trying to make him laugh. Joe smirks and says “why thank you”. but then he pauses to look at you top to bottom and he was left speechless. You were wearing a floral dress with lace cut into it and a long v-neck showing some cleavage. You smile knowing very well he didn’t know what to say which made you blush. “You look gorgeous” Joe says with a smile. God that smile. “Thank you Joey!” you say.
Once done with your makeup you make sure your curled hair looks good and you leave your bathroom to find Joe sitting at the edge of your bed on his phone looking at some outfit ideas for this upcoming football season. You always love seeing Joe on the field and you are so proud of him for what he has accomplished. “I like those pants” you say in sarcasm. “Really!” Joe says.
“No.” You laugh and give him a smirk. “Haha so funny” joey says in sarcasm. “Alright let’s get going” you say trying to put your heels on. Once out the door you and Joe walk to his car and he opens the car door for you. “Thank you”you say. “Of course” Joey says closing the door to get to his side. Once in the car Joe turns on his playlist filled with his favorite songs. “You still love your Kid Cudi!” You saying knowing joe still listens to him every day since middle school. “Duh!” He says.
After an hour long car ride to the venue you two get out. You wait in the car knowing Joe likes to give you a hand out of the car and would be mad if got out yourself. “What a gentleman!” You say. “Why thank you!” Joey says. As you two walk into the beautiful venue filled with flowers and guests you link your hand with joes knowing he gets nervous with all these people around. You look up at him giving a, you ok? Look. He gives you a smile and a nod which reassures you but you still know he is a little nervous. You and Joe go your separate ways for bit greeting your old friends from your childhood. As you are talking to one of your old high school friends Anna you notice Joe is looking at you from the corner of your eye which grabs your attention and you tried to stay focused in your conversation so you turned your head quickly back to Anna. Anna quickly grasps on to what you were so distracted by and says “so you and Joe huh?” She says with a smirk. Oh! Haha no still just really good best friends!” You say. Oh! I thought you guys were a thing because of the way I see you guys look at each other. Anna says with a laugh. What do you mean the way we look at each other? You ask with a little laugh intrigued with what she is about to say. “You don’t notice y/n? You guys look at each other like you are in love!” She says. “Really? I don’t think so.” You say surprised at what Anna just said. “Oh you guys look like you are in love with the way you guys have kept looking at each other all night.” Anna says while drinking her champagne. “God I’ve never really noticed.”You say. “Go over to him I bet he has been wanting you because he’s been looking over here every second.” Anna says with a laugh. “Haha fine! I will catch you later!” You say. “Go get your man y/n!” She says and you give back a smirk. Once you reached Joe who was at a standing table talking to one of his best friends Zach with a drink in hand he quickly notices you and turns to Zach and shakes his hand and they both say catch you later. “Hey! Where’s Zach going?” You say confused to why he left. “Oh he just went to go catch up with some other friends and get another drink.” Joe says with a smile. There’s that smile again. “Oh ok!”You say placing your drink down on the table. “It feels so weird seeing everyone again.” You say with a laugh. “Tell me about it! Everyone looks so different but the same.”Joe laughs. “Yeah! And it’s so weird seeing our best friends get married! God where did the time go!” You laugh. “I know right!” Joe says. Joe then gives you a smirk and says “do you remember when everyone thought we were going to get married first? Crazy right?” Joe laughs awkwardly. You look up at him and say “haha! I do and everyone thinks we are a couple since we came together.” “Yeah! People have been coming up to me saying so you and y/n huh?” Joe says. “Really? That’s funny!” You say fidgeting with your ice in your drink keeping eyes on Joe then looking down. “Yeah I guess it is!” Joe says with a little laugh and then says something you never thought you would hear come out of his mouth. “Do you ever think of what it would have been like if we dated?”Joe asks. You look up at him surprised that he said that and you say “only when people ask me if we are a couple. But it honesty would have been weird.” You say kinda disappointed that you are even saying this because ever since you were 9 years old you thought Joe would have been your boyfriend or better yet your husband by now but you are both 25 and you know that he would never like you back after all these years you thought. “Yeah, I guess it would be kind of weird.”Joe says awkwardly with a little laugh. After a moment of silence and complete awkwardness you ask “do you want to dance?” Once you said it you knew it was the alcohol talking and Joe does not like dancing but to your surprise he say yes and took your hand. Once on the dance floor a slow song came on and it was one of your favorite songs ever. “The night we met” by Lord Huron. You smiled and wrapped your arms around joes neck.
Authors note: it’s maxed out so go to part 2! Sorry!
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Just to Keep You Satisfied
Summary: As you and Elvis sit down to go over you separation papers, you two reminisce and Elvis makes a final plea for you two to stay together.
Pairing: Austin!elvis x reader (wc: 1.5k)
Warnings: mentions of cheating, allusions to drug use
Requested: no
A/N: ok so I’m very excited for this to be out. I highly recommend listening to the song. It inspired for not only the idea. And of course the scene where Priscilla leaves/the airport scene from the movie. As for timeline: Elvis and reader met in 1960, got married in 1966, had Emerson in 1967, now they’re separating in 1973. Please reblog, like, and follow 🫶🏽
You don’t remember exactly when being in Graceland made you so anxious. It’s the house you lived in for years. You got proposed to in this house, you went into labor in this house, you’ve raised your son, Emerson, in this house. But you sit at the dining table, feeling uneasy in somewhere you thought would be your forever home.
Then again maybe that cold, somber feeling was inevitable. Graceland is also the place where you twiddled your thumbs while your husband traveled city to city doing God knows what with God knows who. It’s the place where you told Elvis you couldn’t be with him anymore. And now it’s the place where you are going to sign your separation papers.
You look down at the large Manila envelope in front of you, before looking across the table at Elvis. He’s sitting there, arms crossed with a scowl on his face. His eyes covered with big chrome glasses. The standoffish attitude was expected and understandable. But it does bug you a bit that he was the one that wanted this sit down to happen, and he’s pouting in silence.
“I read over it yesterday,” you decide to break the silence. “Everything looks good on my end.”
All you get in response is a hum in response. What the hell does that mean? ‘Hmmm I agree’ or ‘hmmm go to hell’? This is not going to be easy if it stays this tense.
“Emmy told me he’s excited for the holidays,” you decide to change the subject to the one thing that you know for sure will melt Elvis icy demeanor. “Maybe Vernon can dress up as Santa again. He’d loved that.”
Your eyes wander to pictures hanging in the living room. One of Elvis and you on your wedding day, another of you both at the hospital the day Emerson was born, and the third being one at Christmas with the whole gang near the Christmas tree.
He still doesn’t respond.
“I need a drink,” you get up from the table, and go into the living room to the bar cart.
One thing Elvis did right was keeping expensive booze in the house, even if he wasn’t the one drinking it. You pour yourself a glass of whiskey. Elvis surprises you by getting up from the table as well, and going to the bar cart. Elvis doesn’t drink; hell, you don’t really drink. What divorce does you guess.
He sits down next you on the couch with a grunt, glass of whiskey in hand and obnoxious glasses finally off. You take a good look at his face. He looks exhausted. He always looks exhausted these days. You know you can’t bring it up without a fight breaking out. It’s one of things that led to the demise of your relationship; you couldn’t sit around and watch your husband waste away. He’d throw back in your face if he didn’t work, how would he pay for ‘all the expensive shit that keeps you around’. It hurt, the thought of him thinking you stay for the money; even if he said while strung out on pills.
“Billy got a new girl,” he says it so casually like he hadn’t been basically ignoring you since you walked through the door.
You know Elvis, he rarely apologizes. His way of apologizing was giving you time and attention. He has a way of making you forget why were upset; the special attention Elvis gives can be addicting. He knows that, and it’s why an “I’m sorry” rarely leaves his lips. A simple sorry can make a world of difference. But he isn’t ignoring you, so as always you indulge him.
“What happened to Georgia,” you recollect on the red head Billy introduced to you. “I thought she was ‘the one’.”
Elvis snorts, and drowns the rest of his drink.
“You know how Billy is. ‘The One’ pops up every six to eight months,” he looks at you with a wiry grin. “He met this one at a strip club back in Vegas.”
Your brows shoot up to your hairline. He gets up again for another drink.
“Ok, well now you have to tell me how that happened,” you perk up a bit. Another thing you know about Elvis is that he’s a huge gossip, on top of not being able to keep a secret to have his life.
“It started on Jerry’s birthday….”
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You wipe the tears from your, not even caring about possibly smearing your mascara. You can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed this hard. It might be the fact that Elvis always made you laugh like you never have before…. Or it could be empty bottle of whiskey.
“I don’t believe you,” you say in between laughs, nudging his thigh with your foot. You think it was between drink two and three when you turned and put your legs over his thighs.
“He ran around naked. None of us thought he’d actually do it.”
His hand was rubbing one of your legs. It’s nice, laughing with him. Since you asked for a divorce, you were so worried that you ruined a relationship with the only man you’ve loved. Also worried about how this would affect Emerson. You think despite how rocky the process has been for the two of you, you’ve both made sure things stayed stable for Emerson.
“I was thinking for the holidays, maybe you and Emmy can stay here,” he says softly. Your stomach sinks, he’s giving you the puppy dog eyes.
“I think it might be best for just Emmy to stay if he wants to,” you look down at your hands, not wanting to see his expression. “Dr. Wilson said it’s important to set clear boundaries so he doesn’t get confused.”
Dr. Wilson was the family therapist you made Elvis see. He wasn’t super happy about it but eventually gave in. You needed someone to help facilitate this transition. Emerson is just getting used to the apartment you have in Memphis; just getting used to a new lifestyle. You have a feeling moving right back in for December would only complicate things.
“I miss having my family around,” he blurts out truthfully. “I miss you being around.”
You know he does. He says it, Vernon says it, all the guys say it. But sometimes wanting something isn’t enough. You miss him too, but he’s also the only thing you’ve known. You don’t know who you are as a person outside of being Elvis Presley’s girl and the mother of his child.
“Elvis, you know I want nothing more to be family but-“
“But what,” he brows furrow. “I’m doing the therapy, I let you move out, you’re going back to work. What more do I need to do?”
“Not screwing anything with legs might be nice,” you mutter and he scoffs.
You knew about the women. You remember how your heart skipped a beat when you surprised him on the road, and found a lipstick stain on one of his shirts. There was brief period when you ignored it. Convincing yourself that if it was a one time thing you could forgive him. As time went on and he got sloppier, it became less about the actual act and more about the boldness and disrespect of it. Do he really think you were that stupid?
The thing that gets you is if the roles were reversed, he would’ve reamed you out and made you suffer from moment he suspected something.
“I told you they didn’t mean anything.”
You roll your eyes. He seriously thinks that because it was just fun sex to him that it means you shouldn’t be hurt by it. That if he comes home to you, it negates the pain.
“We need to sign the papers,” you try to stand up. Elvis and you are not ready to be friends. You don’t know why you even thought you would be.
“You’re gonna come back,” he says with a certain tone, hand creeping up your thigh. “In a couple of years you’re gonna understand that it’s just you and me baby.”
Maybe he’s right. There’s a part of you that worries that Elvis has ruined you for other men. That this was the one great love affair you get allotted in life, and you’re gonna be searching for something you had right in front of you. But you need to do this. Give yourself a chance to relearn how to be happy without being in the daunting orbit of Elvis Presley. You reach over and grab the hand that was on your leg.
“You want to know what more you can do? Let me go, and let me come back on my own.”
He looks at you with watery eyes, and nods softly. You two sit in silence for a moment before both getting up hand in hand, going back to the dining table. Letting out a sigh you look at the papers, with a shaky you sign your name in the paper. You look over to Elvis as he stares at the papers. He tugs on lip his fingers before nodding his head, and quickly signing his part.
You look around again at the house. The house filled with so many memories, bad and good. You two are gonna be alright. You’ll make sure of it.
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swearingcactus · 6 months
5 songs, 3 outfits 🔥
Rules: post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
thank you for tagging me @mail-me-a-snail! lil v incoming choo choo~ (im gonna post 5 songs i haven't yelled about in the master playlist essay i made for him last time)
🔥5 songs🔥
Aztec Death Whistle - MISSIO
You destroyed me just to leave me And I felt like I was dead Stop fuckin' with my head Cast out by 16 when I was just lookin' for a home I felt fucked and abandoned and abandoned Gave up by 20 and thought God had saved my dark soul
2. Me and My Brain - Airways
And I'm sure I heard him say "You can't get in the backseat 'Cause you'll drive me insane You and your brain"
Tell my friends that it's okay know I'm with you everyday Nothing's ever gonna change even if we separate Tell my lover that I'm sorry for these days I couldn't save Know I love you from the morning to the night I drive away I wanna go 85, drive off a bridge and die
4. It's Called: Freefall - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Anyway, you say you're too busy saving everybody else to save yourself And you don't want no help, oh well That's the story to tell
5. Demons - Joji
You're taking my heart, now They're taking my heart, now And I don't know why [...] We don't gotta die so soon So I just behave for you, for you, for you
as for 🔥outfits🔥, little V doesn't wear a lot of bright colors, and prefers a jacket or a hoodie with him. he also usually doesn't wear anything fancy (since he's not used to dressing up nice) because he wants to keep a low profile, and slip in and out of windows and whatnot easily.
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(the cardigan fit is one he especially used a lot when he was in Atlanta when he crashed weddings pretending to be a guest!)
No pressure tagging @elvenbeard @v-eats-bugs @toastysol @killyourrdarlingss @z-lagorio @chessalein and anyone who'd like to join, feel free to feel tagged by me!
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funnyjb · 6 months
Flowers and lace
You were putting the last final touches of makeup on your face in the bathroom when you heard a familiar voice radiate through your apartment. “Y/n?”Joe asks. “In here!” You say. Joe walks in wearing a navy striped suit and white t-shirt underneath with black dress shoes. He looked so handsome. You turn around to face him and you give him a look. “What’s the face for?” Joe asks. “You look fancy!” You say in a joking why trying to make him laugh. Joe smirks and says “why thank you”. but then he pauses to look at you top to bottom and he was left speechless. You were wearing a floral dress with lace cut into it and a long v-neck showing some cleavage. You smile knowing very well he didn’t know what to say which made you blush. “You look gorgeous” Joe says with a smile. God that smile. “Thank you Joey!” you say.
Once done with your makeup you make sure your curled hair looks good and you leave your bathroom to find Joe sitting at the edge of your bed on his phone looking at some outfit ideas for this upcoming football season. You always love seeing Joe on the field and you are so proud of him for what he has accomplished. “I like those pants” you say in sarcasm. “Really!” Joe says.
“No.” You laugh and give him a smirk. “Haha so funny” joey says in sarcasm. “Alright let’s get going” you say trying to put your heels on. Once out the door you and Joe walk to his car and he opens the car door for you. “Thank you”you say. “Of course” Joey says closing the door to get to his side. Once in the car Joe turns on his playlist filled with his favorite songs. “You still love your Kid Cudi!” You saying knowing joe still listens to him every day since middle school. “Duh!” He says.
After an hour long car ride to the venue you two get out. You wait in the car knowing Joe likes to give you a hand out of the car and would be mad if got out yourself. “What a gentleman!” You say. “Why thank you!” Joey says. As you two walk into the beautiful venue filled with flowers and guests you link your hand with joes knowing he gets nervous with all these people around. You look up at him giving a, you ok? Look. He gives you a smile and a nod which reassures you but you still know he is a little nervous. You and Joe go your separate ways for bit greeting your old friends from your childhood. As you are talking to one of your old high school friends Anna you notice Joe is looking at you from the corner of your eye which grabs your attention and you tried to stay focused in your conversation so you turned your head quickly back to Anna. Anna quickly grasps on to what you were so distracted by and says “so you and Joe huh?” She says with a smirk. Oh! Haha no still just really good best friends!” You say. Oh! I thought you guys were a thing because of the way I see you guys look at each other. Anna says with a laugh. What do you mean the way we look at each other? You ask with a little laugh intrigued with what she is about to say. “You don’t notice y/n? You guys look at each other like you are in love!” She says. “Really? I don’t think so.” You say surprised at what Anna just said. “Oh you guys look like you are in love with the way you guys have kept looking at each other all night.” Anna says while drinking her champagne. “God I’ve never really noticed.”You say. “Go over to him I bet he has been wanting you because he’s been looking over here every second.” Anna says with a laugh. “Haha fine! I will catch you later!” You say. “Go get your man y/n!” She says and you give back a smirk. Once you reached Joe who was at a standing table talking to one of his best friends Zach with a drink in hand he quickly notices you and turns to Zach and shakes his hand and they both say catch you later. “Hey! Where’s Zach going?” You say confused to why he left. “Oh he just went to go catch up with some other friends and get another drink.” Joe says with a smile. There’s that smile again. “Oh ok!”You say placing your drink down on the table. “It feels so weird seeing everyone again.” You say with a laugh. “Tell me about it! Everyone looks so different but the same.”Joe laughs. “Yeah! And it’s so weird seeing our best friends get married! God where did the time go!” You laugh. “I know right!” Joe says. Joe then gives you a smirk and says “do you remember when everyone thought we were going to get married first? Crazy right?” Joe laughs awkwardly. You look up at him and say “haha! I do and everyone thinks we are a couple since we came together.” “Yeah! People have been coming up to me saying so you and y/n huh?” Joe says. “Really? That’s funny!” You say fidgeting with your ice in your drink keeping eyes on Joe then looking down. “Yeah I guess it is!” Joe says with a little laugh and then says something you never thought you would hear come out of his mouth. “Do you ever think of what it would have been like if we dated?”Joe asks. You look up at him surprised that he said that and you say “only when people ask me if we are a couple. But it honesty would have been weird.” You say kinda disappointed that you are even saying this because ever since you were 9 years old you thought Joe would have been your boyfriend or better yet your husband by now but you are both 25 and you know that he would never like you back after all these years you thought. “Yeah, I guess it would be kind of weird.”Joe says awkwardly with a little laugh. After a moment of silence and complete awkwardness you ask “do you want to dance?” Once you said it you knew it was the alcohol talking and Joe does not like dancing but to your surprise he say yes and took your hand. Once on the dance floor a slow song came on and it was one of your favorite songs ever. “The night we met” by Lord Huron. You smiled and wrapped your arms around joes neck.
Authors note: re-post
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euryalex · 1 year
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Amidst The Rising Storm
Tara (OC) x Wyll (Baldur's Gate 3) | 18+ Tags: smut, fluff, angst, mindflayers, canon typical violence, kinda dysfunctional relationship? Word count: 4252 words AO3
Wyll, now worthy of his title after being freed from Mizora, has begun traveling the world to help those he can. Years pass ever since the tadpole in his brain was dealt with, yet he can never stop thinking about her. The Lily of the Valley, whom he knows as Tara, is the first thing he thinks of when he goes to sleep and when he wakes up. Despite their separation years ago, fate seems to have other plans for them
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Wyll slowed his horse down to a trot as he neared the city gates just as the sun had begun to set. He'd been to the city of Hamlach before, so the road was familiar to him, but he had never stayed long enough. Especially not as the night grew closer, which was why he was looking for an inn to stay in.
Guards eyed him suspiciously as he hid behind his cloak to lower the risk of being recognized. In the distance, a sign lit by a nearby torch greeted him. The Almoner Inn.
Despite his late arrival, the inn was crowded with patrons and concubines. A single bard was playing his lute in front of a listening crowd. At first, Wyll didn't pay him much attention as he walked to the bar to pay for a room. Then, the familiar chords caught his attention.
"In a city of shadows, a tale unfolds. Of a mentor and apprentice, their story untold," the bard sang, "A nobleman revered, a master of grace, guiding a pupil with a dark, cold embrace."
Wyll was tempted to leave then and there. It had been years since he last heard that song. Even longer since he last saw the person it was about.
A young woman approached him, "Can I help you?"
"A room, please," he replied, pulling out two gold coins from his satchel and putting them on the bar.
"Oh, the Lily of the Valley, a bloom so fair. But beware the thorns that lurk, beware the snare. For in the depths of her heart, darkness grew, and she struck down her mentor, her conscience askew."
He tapped his feet against the wooden floorboards anxiously. Once upon a time, he watched her laugh and dance to the song - the song filled with lies about her, yet she didn't care.
"I know the truth," she had said then, "That is good enough for me."
"Room three on the upper floor is available," the woman said, handing him the iron key to the door. After muttering a simple 'thank you', Wyll quickly made his way to the staircase on the other side of the room as the song continued.
"Once captive, she suffered, her spirit confined, yet the bond that they shared was cruelly entwined," the song continued, "In her vengeance, she rose, casting shadows of dread, painting her hands in the red her master bled."
He left before he had to hear more of the song.
He could still hear the song's melody in his room, but the bard's singing was muted. He threw his bag underneath the bed and sat down on the mattress. It'd been ages since he last saw her, yet every night, his thoughts were plagued with the memory of her.
Sometimes he wondered if he haunted her like she did with him because as he lay there, all he could think of was Tara.
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Two years after they went their separate ways, Wyll ran into Gale at a tavern. He was surprised Tara wasn't with him, to which Wyll explained they split ways, though he didn't specify why.
Gale almost seemed saddened by the fact.
"And she slips from our fingers once more," he murmured. At Wyll's confusion, Gale turned to him, "Remember that night after we defeated the goblins?"
Wyll chuckled, "I don't think I could forget, even if I tried."
"She looked beautiful that night. Didn't she?" Gale sighed wistfully. Wyll gulped, but nodded.
Tara was taken while she was transported to prison for the murder she committed. When Wyll first saw her, she was still wearing the dress she was captured in - the one she killed in. A bloodstained, lilac dress that revealed a lot. A deep V-neck that showed a lot of cleavage mixed with a sheer skirt.
But that evening, while everyone was celebrating, she arrived at camp in a new ensemble. A long, black dress that only revealed her back. The skirt of her dress had a slit that showed off her legs, which she covered with thigh-high black leather boots. She captured everyone's attention.
"You have no idea how lucky you were," Gale continued, "Astarion looked like he was going to devour her then and there. At the time, I was angry at her rejection, but when I saw how she looked at you... I understood. It's sad to see you two separated after everything."
Wyll often thought of that moment when he reunited with Gale. While everyone separated, he and Tara stayed together, at least for a few months.
A timid knock on the door woke him from his slumber. Yawning, Wyll rubbed the sleep from his eyes and pulled his leather boots on before opening the door. A young Tiefling child gazed up at him. "Sir," the child greeted, reaching out a hand holding a letter, "His lordship wishes to see you."
Wyll took a deep breath, annoyed that he was recognized despite his precautions. He accepted the letter nonetheless and tossed the kid a coin. "Thank you," he muttered before the child scampered off.
To the Blade of Frontiers Your arrival has not gone unnoticed. I wish to speak with you about a delicate matter. My guards know to expect you. I look forward to meeting you. Lord Andriu of Hamlach
He'd only spent a little bit of time in the city, but the castle of Lord Andriu always stuck out like a sore thumb. The castle was large enough for hundreds of people - to keep the people safe if the city was ever to be besieged, Lord Andriu apparently claimed. Whether people actually believed that, Wyll wasn't sure.
The city was already awake in the morning, but the streets were less busy than Wyll expected.
The city was separated from the castle by a river that ran through. The only way into the castle was over a bridge.
As he approached the castle gates, a guard noticed him and opened the doors before Wyll reached him. Once he walked through, the guard closed the doors behind him.
The castle's main hall was decorated with various art pieces, paintings and sculptures alike. The only people in the gallery were a handful of guards and some maids sweeping the floor - and of course, Lord Andriu himself.
"Ah, you must be the famed Blade of Frontiers," Lord Andriu greeted as Wyll approached. He nodded, "You're right. What do you need me for, my Lord?"
"Straight to business, I like that." he gruffly snickered, "A little birdie told me you have experience with... mind flayers?"
Wyll tensed up. He hadn't seen a mind flayer since the tadpole was removed from his head. Still, he nodded, "You could say that."
"I heard reports from my guards," Lord Andriu continued, "That a rogue mind flayer has been holed up in a cave just outside the city. I'm sure you understand why I can't have that, right?"
"Of course, My Lord," he nodded.
The Lord smiled, "I knew you were a smart one. Still, I won't send you in alone. My court enchantress knows the cave I speak of and has also dealt with mind flayers in the past."
"Speaking of," he said, looking at his guard, "Where is she? Fetch her, will you?"
The guard nodded and left through a door on the side.
"As for payment," the Lord turned to Wyll again, tossing a coin purse at his feet, "Two hundred upfront. You'll get more once you've slain the damn thing."
Wyll weighed the purse in his hands - it definitely felt heavy enough.
The door opened again. First, the guard reentered the room. Behind him, a woman clad in black followed. She wore a plain black skirt with a black leather corset. Underneath, she wore a shoulder-less shirt with sleeves that ended in fingerless gloves.
But what caught Wyll's attention was her face. It seemed that she hadn't changed much in the past few years, but even then, he'd recognize the bird tattoos and violet eyes anywhere.
What surprised him the most, though, was how she seemed as equally stunned to see him.
"Tara, there you are," Lord Andriu greeted, ignoring their surprised faces, "Escort this man to the cave and help him defeat the mind flayer."
"Of course, My Lord," Tara replied, finally pulling her gaze away from Wyll. She approached Wyll but dodged his eyes. "Come with me," she said.
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She led him out of the city and into a forest. Despite the dense trees, she didn't seem too worried. There was a tense silence between them that Wyll desperately wanted to break, except he couldn't think of what to say.
"You've changed," Tara noted eventually, pointing out his beard and shorter hair.
Wyll nodded towards the fourth bird tattooed on her cheekbone, "So did you."
She looked away shyly at the mention of her tattoo. Wyll knew what those birds represented - he was the only one unless Tara told someone else.
The thought alone made him jealous, even though he knew it was unfair. But to him, that fourth bird silhouette was theirs. Their secret, their trauma, their loss.
"What brought you to Hamlach?" she asked, changing the subject. Instead of answering, he returned the question, "What brought you?"
"I asked first," she coyly smiled.
He grinned, "I've been travelling a lot. Helping those I can."
"Like the hero you are."
"What about you?"
Tara gulped nervously. "Moving from city to city," she admitted, "Until Lord Andriu offered me a permanent position, at least."
"I never expected to find you in this line of work," Wyll confessed, which earned him a giggle.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.
He shrugged, "I don't know. Thought you would've taken on stealing from the rich or something."
"Well... I am," Tara laughed, "He just doesn't know it."
Before Wyll could respond, Tara stopped beside a dirt path between the trees. "If we cut through here, we'll get to the cave," she explained.
"Alright," Wyll nodded, "I'll follow your lead."
His words caused a smirk to appear on her face, but she didn't say anything else.
The cave was hidden deep in the forest, with its only entrance near the ground.
"Guards say they managed to land a few blows," Tara explained, "It ran off and hid in this cave, apparently. Are you ready?"
Wyll smiled at her, "It'll be just like old times."
She laughed and looked down at the ground. Before she could take a step into the cave, though, Wyll stopped her. "Hold on," he said, "Let me make sure it's safe."
"Always the gentleman," she teased with a grin.
As he set a few steps into the cave, he heard Tara follow. Then, the cave lit up. He looked back and saw Tara with a flame in her hand. He muttered a quiet 'thanks' and walked deeper into the cave.
What felt like ages passed until they finally reached a clearing in the cave. A hole in the ground above lit up the space.
"Empty," Wyll murmured as Tara joined his side. "Or it wants us to think it is," she pointed out.
"Can you detect anything?" he asked, and she looked around, focusing on the room. Her arms were outstretched, orbs of light pulsating from her hands as she scanned the room. Then, she stopped.
She pointed to a crevice in the wall and said, "Over there."
Indeed, in a small hole in the wall laid a mind flayer, its eyes closed.
"It's pretending to be dead," Tara whispered, "But I sense its heartbeat."
Wyll took a step closer, his hand on the hilt of his rapier.
Then, one more step, and the mind flayer's eyes burst open. Its tentacles grabbed Wyll by the throat, lifting him up. Immediately, Tara came to his rescue, fire in her hands.
She held on tightly to one of the tentacles, burning it to a crisp. The mind flayer winced and pulled away, letting Wyll fall to the ground.
Tara looked at him. "Ready?"
He immediately understood her and nodded. Without another word, she cast a fire spell on his rapier, which he then used to charge at the mind flayer, stabbing it in the abdomen.
Its robe immediately caught fire, thanks to Tara's magic, and in the creature's panic, Wyll stabbed him again.
Tara ran up behind him and cast a lightning spell, stunning the creature even more. Wyll immediately unsheathed the sword he kept in his other scabbard and swung at the mind flayer, decapitating it.
Its head fell as the monster sank to his knees before dropping to the floor.
"Too easy for us," Wyll joked, and Tara laughed - he always loved her laugh. He then added: "We should do this again."
"We did always make a good team," she recalled with a sad smile, "We should head back."
She then walked away, not even waiting for him. Wyll, however, quickly caught up to her.
"I was serious," he mentioned, "You could join me if you wanted to."
"Wyll," she looked at him with pleading eyes, "I... Not now, please?"
The silence between them as they left the cave was tense. Still, Wyll hoped she'd join him.
It had been a long time since they fought together, but he knew they were still a great team - a force to be reckoned with. Surely she knew as well - at least, that's what Wyll thought.
The gates to the city were growing closer, and Wyll couldn't help but stop in his tracks. Noticing the sudden movement, Tara turned to him with a questioning look.
"Stay with me," Wyll said, hope in his eyes. She seemed taken aback by his words as pity washed over her face.
"Wyll..." she sighed, "You know I can't."
"Please," he pleaded anyway.
Tara looked away, "I... I can't. Sorry."
With those last words, she swiftly turned around and walked back towards the city at a quick pace, all while Wyll stood frozen to the spot.
It was only until she'd entirely disappeared behind the walls that he began to move back to the inn.
Unlike last night, the inn was quiet now, with only a few people drinking. Wyll slipped past all of them, back to his room. Exhausted, he dropped his belt and scabbard on the floor and sat on the bed to tug off his shoes.
Thunder roared in the distance, and Wyll was glad he made it back in time. He could continue his travels in the morning if the weather allowed it.
A lightning strike lit the sky, filled with dark clouds, and rain began to tap against the windows. Wyll found a sense of comfort in the sound, although it didn't mend his broken heart.
He pulled his bag from under his bed and pulled out a map of the area. The next city was a few miles away. He could reach it in a few days if he found another tavern or inn to stay in.
Hours passed when a knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. He half-expected another urchin, come to fetch him on orders from Lord Andriu. Instead, a raven-haired wizard greeted him.
"Tara," he breathed out.
Her black curls were covered by a cloak, which was soaked due to the rain outside. She gestured to the room, "May I?"
"Of course," he replied, stepping aside to let her in. As she entered the room, she lifted the hood from her head, her curls spilling out. She then turned to him.
"I... The stray who delivered the letter told me where you were staying," she said, "I... Wanted to see you."
"Here I am," Wyll said quietly, closing the door and stepping closer.
"I resigned," she revealed suddenly, "From my position as court enchantress."
"I just... Wanted to see you before I left the city," she whispered, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come-"
She moved to leave, but Wyll stopped her. "Wait," he interrupted before realizing how close they were. "I..." he gulped, getting lost in her purple eyes.
Her mouth opened to say something, yet no sound came out. Wyll swallowed the lump in his throat as he reached up to cup her cheek in his hand. As if on instinct, she leaned into his touch.
"Wyll..." she exhaled shakily.
Something about her lured him in, which was a feeling he'd grown used to by now.
His gaze dropped to her lips while he felt her hands begin to wander. Slowly, they climbed up his chest. Their breathing quickened, and time moved ever so slowly.
"Please..." she whispered.
That was enough.
As their lips finally met, it felt like everything had fallen into place, like this was where they were supposed to be. Her lips were as cold as ice, yet Wyll found he didn't care. The scent of rain covered her still, and he never thought he'd love a smell this much.
She deepened the kiss, a hand moving to the back of his neck to keep him close - although he was definitely not going to pull away anytime soon.
He moved to undo the clasp of her cloak, letting it fall to the floor and pool at her feet. Following his cue, she unbuttoned his doublet, her hands slipping underneath to caress his skin.
With their lips still locked together, he helped her untie her corset before throwing off his doublet on the floor.
As he moved to lift her shirt, she pulled him towards the bed. He followed her lead, nearly tripping over his own clothes in the process. Somewhere along the line, she had ditched her skirt and left it next to the bed, giving her the time to unbuckle the belt of Wyll's trousers. In the meantime, he lifted her shirt further, revealing a lack of breast band.
He briefly stopped their heated kiss to curse under his breath, but she quickly pulled him back. Slowly, she sat down on the bed, his legs between hers, as she lowered his pants and pulled down his braies. She pressed a kiss to his abdomen, then another one lower, and then another one.
Wyll's breathing hitched as her fingers wrapped around his cock. She looked up at him, her eyes full of lust. She squeezed lightly, her hand moving up and down his length.
He took her hand in his and leaned over her, pushing her down on the bed. Tara bit her lip as their eyes met once more. Wyll climbed on top of her as her head hit the pillow, his finger trailing down her body. Eventually, he reached her core, which was wet with desire.
As he began to kiss her neck, his fingers rubbed against her clit, causing her to moan.
"Hmm," she hummed, her legs growing restless from pleasure. He slipped his finger inside, and she gasped, one hand flying to his.
"Fuck, I missed you," he breathed against the skin of her neck.
"Ah- I missed you- too," she moaned, her back arched.
He pulled his fingers out, and Tara immediately pulled his hand to her face, taking his fingers in her mouth. The action alone made him moan.
"Please," she pleaded, "Please fuck me like you mean it."
He lined up his cock at her entrance and slowly pushed forward. She whined loudly as he entered her. As soon as he was entirely inside, he waited momentarily, their breaths uneven.
He pulled out almost entirely before quickly pushing back in with a firm thrust. She panted loudly as her nails dug into his shoulders. He almost would have winced if he wasn't so focused on how her legs kept him locked inside her. He leaned his forehead against hers and let out a shaky breath.
She bit her lip, but with another thrust, her mouth opened as she gasped. Her eyebrows were raised as if she was in pain, yet the only thing that escaped her mouth were pleas to fuck her harder. Wyll wasn't one to leave her disappointed - never was - and his thrusts grew slower but harder.
Tara's arms fell to the bed, her fingers grasping the sheets tightly as she arched her back. For a moment, Wyll stopped moving. Although it didn't last long, it was enough for Tara to whine. Before she could begin complaining, Wyll sat up and pulled her with him, his arms around her back and waist.
She cursed under her breath as Wyll used his arms to move her until she began to move on her own. She sank down his length until it filled her completely, and she relished in the moment.
For the first time in a long while, Wyll felt complete. This was where he was supposed to be. And he knew Tara felt the same way.
The hand that was on her back a moment prior moved to her breast while he pressed a kiss against the warm skin of her throat. She arched her neck and back, giving him easier access. He kneaded her breast before moving his hand to her neck to pull her closer. Their lips met in a heated kiss, which motivated her to move her hips against his.
Something grew within him, and he knew he was close. Judging by how Tara increased her movements, he guessed she was too. His hand that was on her neck sank down until his fingers pressed against her clit. She whimpered, clenching around him as he rubbed her heat.
"Fuck," she gasped, "Wyll- I'm- Fuck."
With one final squeeze, she came around him, and her movements slowed down, but that didn't stop Wyll. He gripped her waist again and lifted her before sinking her down on his cock.
She pulled him close, kissing him as she let him use her body. Soon, he came, deep within her.
He remained inside her, enjoying the blissful silence only filled with their breathing. Some time passed until he finally pulled out, and his body again yearned for her. Even after years apart, he never stopped loving her.
As he fell down on the bed next to her, he pulled her closer by the waist and to his surprise, she welcomed his embrace. Maybe he expected her to leave or to pull away, but he was glad she didn't.
Her eyelids fluttered open, and she looked at him with violet eyes. He saw nothing but pure adoration and couldn't help but smile.
Before he could speak, she interrupted.
"I've missed you," she confessed in a hushed whisper. Sadness filled her eyes, and Wyll shared her feelings. It'd been so long since they last saw each other, and the way they separated was far from good.
He moved his hand up her body, silently appreciating her curves, until he reached her face, where his thumb brushed over her tattoos. He felt her breathing hitch, but she quickly calmed down.
"I missed you too," he finally replied, "If I could just turn back time and..."
"Don't," she whispered, her eyes clenched shut, "Don't think about what could've been. Please."
"No," he protested, "I should've never let you leave. We should've healed together. If I wasn't such a coward back then-"
"You're not," Tara interrupted, caressing his cheek with her hand, "We could've never survived that. We were young and foolish."
Wyll shook his head. "We lost our child, Tara," he snapped as the memories flooded. Memories of Tara's tear-stained face as she doubled over in pain, her cries as Wyll carried her to the nearest healer, their shock as he delivered the bad news...
It was supposed to be their happy ending.
Tara blinked away the tears that began to form as she turned to lie on her back. She looked up at the ceiling, but Wyll could tell she was deep in thought.
He closed his eyes and shuffled closer, pressing a small kiss against her shoulder.
"We could've survived, together," he murmured against her skin.
She sniffled, and Wyll could practically hear the tears in her voice. "I know," she sobbed.
He watched her because he was confident she'd be gone when he woke. She'd kiss him one last time, get dressed, and slip out of the room without waking him up. That was just who she was - always running. Once upon a time, he would've chased her. Now, he's not so sure.
He watched her for hours, but as time went on, sleep took over. Wyll found that he didn't mind. Not really. He was grateful for the time he got and hoped it wouldn't be the last time he ran into her.
But he didn't have to hope or pray.
As the rising sun shining through the window lit up the room, Wyll's eyes fluttered open. Sometime during his sleep, he had turned to sleep on his back. He had expected to wake up in a cold bed, all alone.
Instead, Tara's head was on his chest, right above his heart. One arm wrapped around his waist to hug him close. Her raven curls were messier than ever as they splayed over his body. He'd never seen a more beautiful sight.
"You're awake." she hummed, and he smiled.
"You're still here."
"I am..." she smiled at him, "Figured maybe I'll stick around for a bit longer. If you'll have me, at least."
Wyll leaned in and kissed her forehead, "I'd love nothing more."
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mimisempai · 2 years
Unforgettable, that’s what we are
When he arrives at Hob's house, Dream is surprised to hear him singing along a song that is playing on the radio. Curious to know what his lover is thinking when he sings, Dreams probes his mind and is pleasantly surprised.
What if he made Hob's dream come true?
Flufftober Day 4 - Music
Song sung by Hob, Unforgettable -Nat King Cole
On AO3
Rating G - 1097 words
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When Dream appeared in the hallway at the entrance to Hob's apartment, he was surprised to hear music coming from the kitchen. Then he smiled when he heard Hob's surprisingly melodious voice singing over the singer's voice.
He halted for a moment to listen to it.
Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does things to me
Never before has someone been more unforgettable
Dream wondered what Hob was thinking about while singing this song and allowed himself a little insight into his mind. 
He gasped at the vision that his lover's ever so surprising mind was showing him.
He and Hob were on a beach illuminated only by a few lanterns placed here and there. In the middle, barefoot and dressed in white, they were embracing and dancing, swaying slowly to the rhythm of the same song Hob was singing right now in his kitchen. The landscape, the atmosphere were heavenly and Dream marveled at the beauty that Hob's mind could create.  
Moreover, he was overwhelmed by the idea of being part of it.
In every way
And forever more
That's how you'll stay
That's why, darling, it's incredible
Dream left Hob's mind and while Hob continued to sing, he went to the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe to watch his lover without him being aware of it.
Hob had his back to him and was swaying to the music while washing the dishes. Dream looked at him fondly, delighted to see him in such a joyful mood and of course secretly happy about what the music was inspiring in his lover's mind. Delighted to be in some way the reason for his smile. 
But Dream wanted more. He didn't just want to witness this joy, he wanted to be a part of it entirely. He stepped forward unbeknownst to Hob, who continued to sing while drying his hands. 
That's why, darling
It's incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am
Unforgettable, too.
With a quick, smooth motion, Dream took Hob's wrist, spun him around and wrapped his arms around his neck. He smiled at the startled look on his lover's face, holding him close as he began to sway to the music.
Hob instinctively wrapped his arms around Dream's waist and, raising his head to look at him, he asked, puzzled, "Dream, what are you doing?"
Dream looked at him with a smile and said softly, "It seems to me that I am dancing with my beloved."
Suddenly Hob raised one of his hands and pinched his own cheek, "Ouch!"
Dream laughed softly, "I assure you, you are not dreaming."
Hob tied his arms around Dream's waist again and replied, "I had to check it out, it seems to be something straight out of my mind."
Dream murmured, "I know."
Hob, not fooled, gave him a knowing look before resting his head on his shoulder, "I forgive you this incursion into my head, since my dream is coming true."
Dream, his chin on Hob's head, tightened his arms around his shoulders and they continued a few moments to sway on the song.
Then Hob lifted his head from Dream's shoulder, brought his face to his, and sang softly against his lips, "Unforgettable, in every way, and forever more that's how you'll stay."
He closed the distance between them and kissed him tenderly. When he pulled back, it was Dream who chased his lips and now their lips were pressing against each other with soft caresses, separating to melt again immediately. They continued to kiss like this until they were forced to separate to catch their breath.
Dream, thinking of the lyrics that Hob had whispered before kissing him, asked, "Am I the unforgettable one?"
With a cheeky glint in his eye, Hob replied, "Well, since June 7th of the year of our Lord 1389, I have not been able to forget this mysterious and handsome stranger who challenged me to meet him again a hundred years later."
Dream retorted in the same tone, "Well, I couldn't forget that Hob Gadling either, who proclaimed loudly that death was stupid and that he wouldn't die. And who smiled at me in such a seductive way."
They looked at each other in silence before they both started laughing, then Hob snuggled up to Dream and closed his eyes as they continued to sway to the song that was unfortunately coming to its end.
Dream whispered into Hob's hair, "Open your eyes."
Hob obeyed and could do nothing but gasp. They were no longer in his kitchen, but on the beach of his imagination, dressed in white, and barefoot. He marveled at the warm sand beneath his feet. Hob looked around and saw that not a detail was missing. From the starry sky to the lanterns, from the palm trees lightly stirred by the warm breeze Hob could feel on his skin to the soft sounds of the sea just behind them. And that is when the music started and he could recognize the song he was singing in his kitchen just before.
Hob was amazed by this strange feeling of being in a waking dream. Then Dream wrapped his arms around him once again and they resumed the dance started in the kitchen. They danced slowly under the stars during the whole song and even when it ended, they didn't let go of each other. 
They continued to sway to the ghost of a melody that belonged only to them.
It was just perfect and neither of them wanted this moment to end. 
Hob whispered into Dream's neck, "I wish we could stay like this forever." 
Dream smiled and gave him a lingering kiss on the forehead before resting his chin on Hob's head as he replied, "We may not be able to stay here forever, but this place is ours alone and we can come back whenever we want. All you have to do is ask."
Hob snuggled closer to Dream and whispered, "You are extraordinary you know. Thank you for making my dream a reality."
He felt Dream smile against his hair as he replied, "That's what you've been doing for me all along and you didn't need any power for that."
Hob laughed softly against Dream's chest and stated, "I told you before, we are the perfect match."
Dream hummed in acknowledgement and they stayed like that for a long time, dancing in silence, enjoying the magic of the moment.
After all, they didn't need any other music than their hearts beating in unison.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Dreamling Flufftober here
Dreamling Masterlist here
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anomaly-hivemind · 1 year
Sweater Holders || Tanjiro x Inosuke
Chapter Five, Chapter Seven
Warnings: Aged-Up Characters, Alternate Universe Angst, Bottom!Inosuke, Breeding, College!Au, Cuddles, Douma, Fluff, Gae, Himbos, MDNI, Mental Comfort, Mutual Pining, Potential Gore, Top!Tanjiro, Virgin, Biting, Body Worship, Bottom, Eventual Smut, Friends to Lovers, if you know you know, Inotan, Teacher!Muzan, Slowburn, Smut, Tanjiro'S BigAssForehead, Top
Chapter Six
Recommended Songs: Golden Hour(instrumental)- JVKE
Overcooked main menu music
Overcooked level music
Inosuke pov
A few months have passed and my mom is now recovering from having a baby. I've been keeping in touch with Tanjiro a lot since he took care of me when I got sick from being reckless and I've thanked him a few times over because of it. I've been trying to come up with something to make it up,for him taking care of me. Even if he said it was fine and that I didn't need to do anything as a form of apology or a thank you. I just feel like I should anyway.
So here I was coming up and planning something for Tanjiro as a thank you for taking care of me, feeding me, and going as far as letting me rest in his bed until I got better.
Should I make him something; what if he doesn't like it? I could take him somewhere, but where would we go? Restaurants feel too romantic and we were just friends. The movies might work but there isn’t really anything good out at the moment, plus I wouldn’t be able to talk too much during a movie. We could go on a walk to the nearby park… nope it's still cold outside and I feel like he would pester me on not getting sick again. Maybe we eat takeout while playing video games might be fun or maybe watch some anime.
Yeah, that could work; hanging out with my friend eating takeout, and playing some of my favorite games or watching my favorite shows. He also wouldn’t take it as me saying thank you or any kind of apology. So it would work. I just have to text him and ask him if he wants to hang out and when.
So that's what I do…
Inosuke: Hey! Tangipahoa I got a new game. Do you want to come over and play it with me.
Tanjiro: Sure! When should I come over? ^u^
Inosuke: I Don't know just whenever.
Tanjiro: okay. I'll be over in about half an hour, see you soon.
Inosuke: ok.
I cut my phone off and stared at my room, which looked like a pigsty in the making now that I was looking at it. Which needs to be fixed in the short time I have before Tanjiro gets here. I really should have cleaned up before I texted him. Sighing I look down at the mess of clothes that are…well everywhere.
I sluggishly clean up my things, throwing away empty water bottles and separating dirty clothes, and putting it in my bin. Before I could put away all the clean stuff a knock appeared downstairs.
I mutter a curse and decide to drag all my clean stuff into my closet to deal with later or possibly never again. Heading downstairs and opening the door to see Tanjiro dress casually.
“Sup” was all I could think of saying.
“Hello” Tanjiro gave me a smile and wave, I stared at him blankly; he looks like a golden retriever I thought.
“Come on” I let him in, closing the door behind him. Leading him up to my now clean room, I take a seat on the floor in front of my Tv. I looked over to Tanjiro and he was standing in the middle of my room like he had never been in here before.
“Why are you standing around like that? Sit down!” I raised an eyebrow to him. I go back to setting up the game that I have,
It's not actually a new game but I manage to never play it but he doesn't need to know that. I shrug off the thought and cut the game on. It's hard to play a multiplayer game by yourself anyway.
“You ready to play” I toss him one of my spare controllers and get off the floor to sit on the bed beside him.
“What's this game about?” he looks over to me, I might have sat a little closer than intended but oh well.
“It's a timed cooking game” I looked back at him to see that he looked rather surprised. “What” I glared at him slightly.
“Sorry that just wasn’t what I thought we would be playing” he shrugged and laughed a bit.
“What did you expect us to be playing… a dating sim? something with zombies? A dating sim with ZOmbIes?!” I blurted out the first thing I could think of while tilting my head.
“Definitely something with zombies… wait did you say, do you play dating sims?!” He questioned me and I felt my ears get hot.
“N-NO!” I internally curse myself for stuttering and look away from him.
“I mean that's cool if you do.” I could feel his eyes on my back but I'm not looking at his probably stupid-looking face and his definitely stupid expression when he’s trying to be supporting or something along those lines. My face feels hot…
“Let's just play the game…” I turned the game on and The title screen popped up.
The “overcooked” game screen, the chibi characters idle in a food truck. Connecting the controllers to the game the rules pop up. The music played loudly throughout my room.
I stare at the screen a mass of undead bread things were what we would be cooking and serving. Tanjiro’s and my character separated into parts of the area.
“I guess I got those zombies.” he joked while guttering ingredients to make food. The minute-thirty timer counted down for what felt faster than its actual set time.
“Yeah, but could you consider sentient bread as zombies.” I throw the foods he made into the conveyor belt giving him more ingredients. The timer clicked down its final seconds before the alarm went off and our time for the level was up.
Game level after level it gets harder to get things done correctly in a short time. Things were getting set on fire.
“It's on Fire!” I yelled while I was trying to serve the things that were already done. Tanjiro drops a sorry apology while putting out the fire with a small laugh.
Time ran out and we lost the level. Shit. I pause the game and look over to Tanjiiro. Looking at my window, the sun was setting which means we had been playing for a few hours.
“You know I’m starting to feel glad that Kotoha-San doesn’t let you cook,” Tajiro said beside me, a playful smirk on his face.
“Yea w-well at least I don’t underseason my food!” I said my face flushed with color. What the hell is wrong with me today? Why did I stutter?
“I’m sorry if I underseasoned my food and were not allowed to add any seasonings to the food at the hospital!” Tanjiro cried out. I knew I was right though. In the past four months, Tanjiro has interned at a hospital specializing for the elderly; I had stopped by once or twice to eat lunch with the Maroon-haired boy and he could attest to the quality of the food, it was very underseasoned.
“If getting old means my food can’t have any spice or umami then I'm fine with dying young.”
Tanjiro simply laughed at the statement, feelings fluttering around nervously in my stomach. I stared at Tanjiro holding his stomach as laughter rippled through him; his earrings jangled softly and his boyish laugh filled the room. So… pretty. Wait- fuck… guys don’t usually think of eachother as pretty.
But isn’t that just toxic masculinity?
My mind raced and I quickly caught eyes with Tanjiro, he was giving me a slightly confused and amused stare. I cleared my throat and looked away to hide the embarrassment on my face.
Arhgg! What the hell was wrong with me today! I’m confused…but I place the thought in the back of my mind to think about later or probably never.
“Your face is pretty red, you okay Inosuke?”
“WhaT? I’m fine Tapioka!” My voice cracked a little.
“I guess the hot weather is getting you then huh?”
“Yeah I guess so…” I clear my throat.
“So what do you want to do now.?” He looked over at me.
“I don't know… wanna watch a movie. I also have netflix if you want to watch something on there.” I look down at the small shelf of movies I have.
“Oh what about this, I used to watch this with my little sisters all the time!” Tanjiro said, holding up a copy of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella.
We started to watch the movie and I spent the first half of it nodding my head to the beat of songs or just outright singing them. I was keeping it tame for most of the songs and other parts of the movie until one of my favorite songs started, the prince is giving a ball.
I looked over at Tanjiro and he seemed slightly surprised by my theatrics. I closed my eyes for a moment, singing with a dramatic tone and my hands extended as I half shouted the words.
Tanjio soon joined in on the singing once the duo was really starting to get closer to its peak. Somehow we had inched closer to each other, leaning on each other's shoulders as we sang the last parts of the song together. After the song ended we paused for a moment, still against each other as the movie continued to play. I quickly shuffle back a few steps back with a small but manly chuckle.
It was a bit awkward by the end of the movie, with an odd tension in the air as Tanjiro made his way home. I lead him down the stairs but I pause before opening the door.
“Hold on a second, tangerine!”
Tanjiro turned around, his eyes wide with expectancy, ready for whatever I was going to say.
“Um, I have a showcase coming up, so you should come… lemon head too I guess. I’m telling you two months in advance so you better be there.” I kind of mumbled the words a bit but he still understood what I was trying to say.
“Of course I’ll be there, Inosuke,” he said, giving me the same dopey smile he always does. There was that odd twinge in my stomach again but I quickly brushed it off as potential upset bowls.
“Hah- whatever just go, you have class in the morning right so you need to leave so you don’t miss the train,” I said, nearly pushing him out the door.
“Wow Inosuke I didn’t know you cared so much,” His eyes closed as he smiled.
“Pffp as if I just don’t want you stuck here.” I rolled my shoulders back as I spoke in a chill yet joking tone, well I at least hoped he knew I was joking.
“Yeah okay Inosuke goodbye.” he smiled and opened my front door.
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~Metal Family headcanons~
These are like my... general hcs)? which means I didn't include my main hc that Glam, Ches and Vicky are polyamorous, married and started dating after Glam met Vicky, and absolutely everything that implies for the kids and the relationships between each member of the fam. Maybe I'll make a separate post for that or maybe not! Who knows lkfwnlfqnf
Glam has constant nightmares and ocasional night terrors ever since he ran away home and is an active sleep walker. Ches helped him through the worse ones when they were younger, and learned how to deal with them, always preferring not to wake him up but being with him until the episode passed. Vicky has learned how to deal with them, though she normally asks Ches for advice with it cuz she comes out short sometimes.
He has PTSD. I bet it's diagnosed too, he takes medication and goes to therapy, it doesn't mean he still doesn't have his bad days anyway. He's trying to get better.
Glam has talked to Vicky about his past, his father and his family. This is a direct contradiction of Alina's confirmation that Glam doesn't talk about it with anyone but man FUCK THAT. We love good communication in this house, Vicky tries her best to help him, but there's only so much she can do to help.
Glam enjoys gardening, cooking and making models, he also likes doing his make up, painting his nails and dressing up in fancy, extravagant clothes even if he has nowhere important to go.
He likes taking care of everyone's hair, and constantly helps Vicky brush her hair cuz there's so much of it, Dee when he gets stressed over how tangled it can get, buys Ches hair products so he actually takes care of it, and chases Heavy so the kid actually washes, untangles and brushes his hair.
This one is kind of weird, but I refuse to think any adult in the family is unarmed at any time. Glam owns a taser and pepper spray. They're bright pink and sparkly.
This man cried his eyes out while watching Coco. He's hell to watch movies with cuz he talks and predicts what's gonna happen during the movie, judges them with scores at the end and all.
Also bisexual!
Vicky's the one who does everyone's laundry most of the time. She prefers it that way since she's the only one that knows how to wash their black clothes so the colors stay vibrant. (This is based on my gf shaming everyone but Vicky cuz their black clothes always look so muted and almost gray, but Vicky's whole outfit is always the same vibrant black colors, so we decided that neither Glam or the kids know how to wash dark clothes)
She has anger issues, if it isn't obvious. I think she also has PTSD, mainly survivor's guilt due to her surviving the accident her brother died in. She blames herself and cannot bear to talk about it, in some sort of deep denial. If she can't remember, it can't hurt as much, right?
She has scars on the right side of her back and her hip, from the road rash she got on her brother's accident, she never treated it due to grief and it scarred badly. Apart from that, the scar of the caesarean section from Heavy's birth. She doesn't really mind both of them, they happened, nothing to do about them.
She likes watching boxing competitions, brawling matches and motorcycle repairing on TV. Loves doing BBQ's and going to the pool. Also an enjoyer of teasing her kids, kissing and loving her husband at random times, spending time drinking and bonding with Ches and bragging about her family and punching anyone who thinks they're not that cool.
Not particularly a fan of make up, skirts and dresses or any traditionally femenine-perceived stuff. But has been making exceptions due to Glam and Ches being unashamed of being seen as femenine, and actually rocking the looks. The internalized misogyny is kind of slowly dissapearing.
Apart from the guns she carries in each arm (I mean her biceps, have you looked at the size of those?? She strong) she has brass knuckles on her at all times. Glam gifts her new ones sometimes, she loves having multiple choices to punch people teeth in.
Loves horror, thrillers and action movies. Falls asleep during rom-coms and dramas. Ironically, loves gossip and talking shit about people. Enjoys hearing Ches talks about the gossip going on in the nursery home even if she doesn't know who the hell he's talking about.
Rest of the family under the cut!
Heavy is a trans boy! He doesn't know his sexuality yet though, he's still figuring himself out. When he's older, i think he definitely dated some men but had better luck with girls.
Heavy has had innocent crushes on some girls on his class before, but they never turn into anything more cuz he's not the best at expressing himself. He follows the bother-the-girl-to-death-until-she-hates-you gimmick, and unsurprisingly, it doesn't work.
I'm sorry to break this to u but Heavy totally had an among us phase, and uses so much reddit and twitch slang... You know he does.
Likes bullying and teasing his brother to death. You know that when Dee had his first romance, Heavy was ALL up in his business being a tease and a bad attempt at a wingman. He means well tho.
He's not squeamish at all. Also has great pain resistance. This kid has picked cockroaches with his bare hands and loves cats, of course the cats have scratched him. He's tough!
Grows up to be the charming himbo he was always destined to be.
I hc him as demisexual. Kind of inherited his dad's tastes for the takes no crap, intimidating but pretty kind of people.
Can't cook. He tries but he can only do basics like rice, cereal, chicken nuggets or eggs. Complicated meals always burn or don't taste like anything at all. It drives him crazy.
Dee was a quiet and very well behaved toddler before Heavy was born. He never threw tantrums or got whims. After Heavy was born though, and despite the fact he understood his brother was small and needed special care, he started craving attention often and cried and got mad at little things. Typical jealousy of the oldest sibling.
The first time Dee fell in love with someone, he didn't recognize it was love at first. He just thought his interest on the person was born out of curiosity and aesthetic attraction, but as soon as he realized he seeked validation and companionship, that he liked seeing them smile, that he wanted to protect them, that he yearned for more time alone with them and that he wanted more than what just a simple friendship implied, it was an instant 'oh hell no'. He wanted those feelings to get the hell away, but unfortunately, they were there to stay.
Canonically likes MLP, psychological and horror anime like Death note and Hellsing, so I'm deciding he also watched Death Parade, had a FNAF phase, is very into The Walten Files. This guy enjoys any kind of specially dark ARG's and knows a ton of lore of real crime, unsolved cases, ghost appearances and other stuff. Doesn't believe in the supernatural, but sure is entertained by it.
He's a mess at romance. Flirting? His attempts at compliments are hardly flattering. Giving gifts? The best he can manage is jewelry and you can kind of tell he asked his dad for help. Dates? He's so nervous he's silent for most of it, but begins getting comfortable and having fun if his partner really knows how to get him down from his negativity cloud.
He's very good with kids. He has the patience of a saint and he's laid-back, chill and fun but still is an authority figure who knows how to put limits. Sure, he's gonna let the kids light up a house on fire BUT hey, now they know everything about fire precautions, burns and how to treat them AND how to get away with arson. What an educational evening, am I right?
Due to certain info from the "Goodbye" official comic, I headcanon Ches as depressed. I don't want to elaborate a lot 'cuz of spoilers, but... God, everything related to his mom fucking hurts, man. How did he deal with all that?
Ches has been Dee and Heavy's babysitter so many times he cannot count them with all his fingers. He learned how to put those kids to sleep almost immediately (Sing Bon Jovi's "This ain't a love song" and any cheesy love song in a slow lullaby style and they're out), which movie were their favorite as kids (Heavy loved 'Monsters Inc.' and Dee never looked away during 'Meet the Robinsons'), how to console them after nightmares (Heavy needed reassurance, sweet words, and to be with someone until he fell asleep again. Dee just had to be tucked in, get his nightlight turned on and kissed in the forehead). He practically raised those kids along with Vicky and Glam.
More than once, Dee and Heavy have slipped and called Ches "Dad". Ches immediately gets his shit eating grin on and answers "Yes, son?" and does a couple of dad jokes just to mess and embarrass them. He's actually very flattered and surprised at how proud of himself he is for being a father figure to both kids.
Has a scar on the left side of his forehead due to a bottle his mom threw at him when he was younger, around the time he met Glam. He hates the scar with passion, it's a permanent reminder of the fact she never cared, that's why he always keeps it covered with his headband. Gets sad about it sometimes.
Ches likes to spend his time with a group of grannies of the nearby nursing home. He genuinely considers them his friends and gossips and hangs out with all of them on weekends. Bingo, billiards, walks in the park, soap opera marathons, you name it. I even designed them, gave them names and backstories... God, i just love the concept too much. I'll make some art about Ches and his granny gang FOR SURE, you're NOT ready for them.
Carries a pocket knife on him at all times. This man grew up on a bad neighborhood and absolutely knows how to defend himself, he can be intimidating when he wants to be and will pose a threat if needed. He's fucking terrifying when genuinely mad. Just cause he looks harmless doesn't mean he is, darling.
That would be all!
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babyboibucky · 4 years
White Noise
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky has a new neighbor and she's even grumpier than him.
Word Count: 2,490
Warnings: TW!!! Domestic violence (not from Bucky, he’s a sweetheart in this 🥺)
A/N: I’d say I’m on a roll for writing new shit lately but I’ve got two ongoing series and a part 2 of a oneshot that I haven’t even updated for quite a while lmfao
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Bucky blinked his eyes open and stared at the ceiling before forcing them close again. He focused on the hard floor beneath him and the soft blanket tangled in between his limbs. His television was left open but with the volume at the lowest level. Bucky always slept this way, so that the white noise would help him ground himself whenever he would wake up from his nightmares.
A few minutes later, Bucky finally felt himself begin to doze off. A couple hours of uninterrupted sleep were good enough for him, at least he'd get some peace before his past would come back to haunt him.
Just as when Bucky was about to fall into a deep slumber, loud music began to boom through his walls, stirring him awake. He grunted as he sat up on the floor, turning around and staring at the wall separating his apartment from his neighbor. He didn't even know he had one until now. The music was loud, too loud that it wasn't even white noise anymore. It was just...noise. And as much as Bucky hated how silence triggered his self-destructive thoughts, this kind of noise wasn't something that he needed.
Bucky let a few more minutes pass just to see whether his neighbor would turn it down but then a new song started playing right after the first.
Grabbing his shirt, jacket and some sweatpants, Bucky quickly dressed up and headed out the door. He stood in front of his neighbor's door and could actually understand the lyrics of the song playing. It wasn't his enhanced hearing, the music was just that loud. His neighbor didn't even hear him knocking until he decided to use his vibranium arm to do so. Bucky had to hold back a bit in order not to break down the door at how hard he knocked on the door.
Mid-way through his knocking, the door finally opened and out his neighbor stepped-- you. Bucky frowned when you didn't even bother turning off your music when you opened the door.
"How can I help you?" you asked, your expression matching Bucky's.
Bucky scoffed, "I don't know, maybe turn down your music? It's like fuckin' two in the morning. You're not the only tenant in this building." he snapped.
"I can't sleep without music. And no one else has been complaining, just you." you said and was about to close the door right into Bucky's face.
Bucky was appalled at your rudeness and slotted his foot into your doorway before you could even slam the door shut.
"I just complained and you're not really going to do anything?" he asked.
"No. If other tenants can sleep through my music then so can you. Stop bitching around and leave me be." you huffed out and kicked his foot before closing the door with a loud thud.
Bucky blinked, unable to believe that you just did that. You actually kicked his foot and ignored his complaint. He knew that he was a bit harsh when asking you to turn down your music, but it was two in the morning! Why would you even blast music at such an ungodly hour? Bucky rubbed his face with his hand and headed back to his apartment.
He'll deal with you tomorrow. It wasn't like he was going to sleep through the entire night anyway.
And deal with you, Bucky did but it always ended the same. Bucky was surprised at how aggressive you were whenever he paid you a visit to complain. The first night he kind of understood your behavior, he wasn't the nicest then. But every single encounter he had with you after that, you were just borderline mean.
Bucky just arrived from having lunch out when he saw you unloading your car with a few more boxes. Over the past few days, he had learned that you were indeed new and just moved in a week ago. He also learned that the rest of tenants on his floor either slept like a fucking rock or had impaired hearing for them not to care about your music.
You struggled to carry all three boxes when you stacked them above each other. Bucky chuckled in amusement as he watched you attempt to carry them all twice. Obviously, you didn't want to do multiple trips but with the strength (or lack thereof) you were displaying, it would be an impossible task. Being the gentleman he was, Bucky decided to set aside his feud with you to offer his help.
"Let me help." he said as he approached you.
Your eyes softened up at him for a brief moment and Bucky thought that maybe you'd be kinder to him this time. Boy was he wrong because you immediately shot his offer down and ignored his presence.
"Look, I'm trying to be nice here. Just let me help so you wouldn't have to do multiple trips." he explained.
"I don't need anyone's help. How hard is that to understand?" you snapped and carried one box, brushing past Bucky to enter the building.
Bucky rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed your arm to stop you. He's had enough of your attitude and if you weren't going to even try to be nice to him, then he'd stop being the gentleman that he was.
"Why do you have to be such a little bitch?" For the first time, Bucky raised his voice at you.
He just wanted to confront you, not scare you so when you gasped out loud and dropped the box in your arms, Bucky's heart fell. Your eyes widened at him in fear, your hand quickly wrapping around the arm that Bucky grabbed. He realized that he had used his vibranium arm to grab you and was quick to regret it.
"Please don't touch me like that again." your voice was soft, almost a whisper and Bucky didn't expect for you to react like that.
He was expecting for you to yell at him, maybe even land a slap on his face. But instead, you shrinked and for the first time in a long time, Bucky saw someone look at him with fear like that. It was as if he was back to square one, back to the old version of him that he's been fighting so hard to forget.
It's been two days since the incident and Bucky still hadn't seen you around. He’s been wanting to apologize to you and patch things up. Your music still blasted through his walls so at least he knew that he didn't scare you enough to move away. Bucky's nightmares got worse and somehow, the incident with you was what violently shook him awake.
Bucky stared at his ceiling once again, his television turned off because he knew that you'd be playing your music out loud in a few. He was actually starting to get used to it and as much as he hated it, he often found himself singing along to the songs you had been playing.
Two am and there was still silence. Bucky laid on the floor as he waited for your music. Three minutes have passed and yet it remained quiet. Maybe you weren't home? Although he did see you from his balcony as you headed back inside the building after bringing your trash out earlier. Perhaps something else was keeping you busy? Why was Bucky even thinking about what you were doing? If any, he should be jumping at the opportunity to get some shuteye.
Bucky sighed and turned on the television like how he used to, turning the volume down and then closing his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.
For a while, Bucky felt at peace for falling back to his routine before you moved in. Hushed whispers and soft cries caused Bucky to quickly sit up. He wasn't sure whether it was from the television or if his enhanced hearing was picking up something else. Bucky quickly turned off the television and sat in silence, closing his eyes to focus.
There was a loud thud coming from your apartment followed by a muffled sob. Bucky knew that something was wrong so he quickly dressed up and went to your apartment, knocking on the door continuously.
"Hey, it's me. Open up." Bucky called out and continued to knock when you didn't respond.
"Is everything okay in there?" he asked again, the silence from the other side of the door bothering him even more.
Bucky heard a few shuffles before he heard the door click. It slowly opened until you showed up, gaze downcast and hands trembling as you prevented the door from opening any further. Bucky couldn't even see through you at how you were blocking his view of your apartment.
"I'm fine. Just go." you softly said and attempted to close the door again.
Bucky frowned and held the edge of the door with his vibranium arm, stopping you from closing it and instead, pushing it open. You just allowed him to do that, something that confirmed Bucky's gut feeling that you were hiding something, or rather, someone.
"Man, just get the fuck out of here!" a guy exclaimed as he stood in the middle of your apartment.
Bucky was quick to notice the mess inside your apartment— clothes and chairs were strewn across the floor. His gaze went back to you and it was then that he saw the bruises on your arms and legs.
"Did he hurt you?" he asked worriedly.
You kept mum but saw the slow movement of your head, affirming his suspicions. The guy walked over to you and gripped your arm, violently pulling you behind him as he stood face to face with Bucky.
"It's none of your goddamn business." he threatened.
Bucky refused to look at the man and focused on you. He finally understood everything. Why you had been so aggressive towards him, why you reacted like that when he gripped your arm. You were afraid, not of him but because of what you were going through. This man had been abusing you and Bucky doesn't need to know for how long for him to understand your behavior.
"You just gonna fuckin' stand there or what?!" the guy asked, irritated at Bucky's presence.
"I think you should be the one to leave." Bucky said calmly, finally lifting his gaze to look at the man.
The man snickered, "Who the fuck are you to tell me that? You got the hots for my fuckin' girlfriend?" he asked.
"Leave her alone and never come back. I'll only ask you this once." Bucky warned, his jaw tightening as he stared at the man.
"Or else? You threatening me, man? You're gonna fucking regret it." the man chuckled before lifting his fist up to punch Bucky in the face.
Bucky rolled his eyes when he easily caught the man's fist in his vibranium arm, twisting it until the man looked at him in horror, screaming in pain. He let go of the man's fist and grabbed at the collar of his shirt, tugging him closer as he glared daggers at him.
"You are gonna fucking regret it if you come back here. If you ever lay a finger on her, so much as look at her...I'll find you. That's a promise." Bucky warned.
The guy was nearly in tears as he nodded in understanding, not trusting his voice. Bucky chuckled and dragged him out of your apartment, throwing him to the ground before pointing a gloved finger.
"You understand?" he asked again, snickering when the guy almost immediately scrambled away without even responding.
Bucky waited until the man was out of sight before quickly turning to you. You merely stood inside your apartment, body trembling as you hugged yourself.
"You okay?" Bucky asked gently, brows furrowing in worry as he slowly walked towards you.
He bent down to catch your gaze, "Can I...?" he asked, asking for your permission as he attempted to hold your shoulders.
You meekly nodded and heaved out a shaky sigh, composing yourself. Bucky held you carefully, rubbing your arms to soothe you after everything that has happened. You let him touch you like that because it was the first time in a long time that you received such gentleness. It almost moved you into tears, how Bucky held you with so much care.
"Come on, let's get you patched up." Bucky said and led you out of your apartment, not wanting you to stay there after being beaten up by your asshole of a boyfriend.
Bucky kept a hand on the small of your back, guiding you into his almost empty apartment. He almost felt embarrassed for having nothing but a couch, a chair and a television. You didn't seemed to mind though and immediately sat down upon reaching the couch.
Bucky fetched you a glass of water and sat down next to you, watching you drink it all in one go. Your hands weren't shaking that much anymore and the tension in your shoulders seemed to have subsided. You turned to Bucky and smiled at him for the first time.
"Thank you." you said. "And I owe you an apology. I know I was—“
"It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I understand." Bucky explained with a smile before it faltered, "I'm sorry for what you witnessed back there, I didn't mean to be violent like that but—“
It was your turn to cut him off, "Please don't be sorry. He deserved that." you bitterly chuckled.
Bucky found out that the guy was an ex-boyfriend and that he had been abusing you all throughout your relationship. You broke up with him a month ago that's why you moved into Bucky's apartment building. Apparently, you filed for a restraining order against him but the guy was obviously crazy to go against it, stalking you back to your apartment, hence the commotion.
"And the reason why I've been blasting music is because it keeps me from remembering the abuse he caused me. I can't think about anything else but that at night, when everything is quiet." you explained.
Bucky's heart ached because he understood, he truly understood your sentiments. His therapist taught him that peace isn't always a good thing. Sometimes, it is peace that causes chaos in the mind. Silence could be a dangerous thing, that's what you and Bucky have been experiencing.
"Would it help you if you talked to someone instead?" Bucky asked. "Because I'd love to have someone to talk to on nights I can't sleep." he said.
You offered a smile, "I'd keep you up every night then."
Bucky returned your smile, "Then it's a perfect set-up." he said, telling you that he too had trouble sleeping almost every night.
Bucky realized that he might have had a rough start with you, but he was glad for that. If it wasn't for your loud music blasting through his walls that one night, he wouldn't have found the perfect white noise to help him find solace at night— you.
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Guys My Age
Summary: Y/N is the newest addition to the BAU team and Spencer appears to have taken a special liking towards her. The only problem is, he thinks he’s too old for her. However, that’s all about to change when they share a hotel room.
(A/N: I’m such a sucker for the hotel room trope so I combined it with two of my other favourite ideas: Spencer being older than the reader and catching her doing yoga)
Type: fluff + a sexual innuendo or two
Warnings: dirty thoughts, insecurity about age, age gap, anxiety, yoga?
Word Count: 2.1K
Spencer Reid’s POV
I pulled the handle of my satchel over my shoulder as I sighed. It was a very long day in a small rural town somewhere deep in Alabama. Everyone else had gone back to their hotel room, besides Hotch and I. There was just something about this case I couldn’t get out of my mind. The feeling of being so close to the final piece of the puzzle, as if it were on the tip of my tongue but I couldn’t grip it. Yet I had to let it go for the night and get some rest. The much needed REM sleep could give me an entirely new perspective on this problem to me tomorrow. At least that’s what I hoped.
On the walk to the hotel room I was getting increasingly nervous, the more rooms I passed in the hallway. This small hotel did not have enough rooms to accommodate the whole team separately. They only had four rooms for the seven of us. JJ and Emily had immediately paired up, just like Rossi and Morgan. And Hotch being the team leader took the single room. Leaving me with our newest and youngest member, Y/N.
It’s not like I didn’t like her. That’s not what it was at all. Just, she made me a little bit nervous. She was so beautiful that sometimes I couldn’t get out any words around her. And that says a lot because I always have something to say. But as cheesy as it sounds, in some moments there is not a single fact that I can recall. 
But the elephant in the room demands to be heard. She is younger than I am. And that by a lot. By exactly ten years and three months. That appears to be a lot. I don’t really know why, but that bothers me. We are both adults, but because of social conventions at our age, I feel as though it is inappropriate. Yet if I were 60 and she were 50 or I was 80 and she was 70, no one would even blink at the gap. Yet because we are young it matters. I feel sad when I think about it because I like her a lot. And when we talk I don’t notice the age gap. In fact, I’d even go so far as to say that it wasn’t even there at all.
What surprised me as I was having these thoughts and neared the room was the fact that I actually considered asking her out. Since Maeve I have not been on a single date. And who said she would even be interested in anything beyond a casual friendship or even colleagueship with me? That’s not even considering the amount of courage it would require for me to tell her. But it’s not like that would be a fruitful endeavour.
And that was the last thought I had before I reached the door to room 179. A prime number. Prime numbers would be my lucky numbers if there were such a thing.
As I rummaged around my pockets and satchel for the key card I noticed the sound of music coming through the door.
“Gotta thank him he’s the reason
That I’ll find what I’m looking for.”
I heard a woman sing over the sound of an electric guitar. I still hadn’t found my key card.
“Guys my age don't know how to treat me
Don't know how to treat me.”
My movements stopped when my brain registered the lyrics. Guys my age…?
“Guys my age don't know how to touch me
Don't know how to love me good.”
My breath hitched and I gulped, key card in hand. Did she mean that? Could it be possible that she would be interested in someone ten years older than her? The feeling of hope was beginning to form in my brain, scenarios of what could be clouding my vision. But they were quickly pushed aside by a dark storm of self-doubt. Because most people don’t listen to lyrics as closely. The lyrics to a song don’t mean anything to them. Did they mean anything to her?
I realised I had been standing in front of the door for way too long and gathered all my confidence to go inside. But nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see. After closing the door behind me and tucking away the key card into my bag I turned around for the first time.
There she was. In the middle of the room in front of the two twin beds on a yoga mat. Her front leg was bent as she stretched her back. She was only dressed in skin tight pants and a matching bra that complimented the way her body was contorted. The soft light from the night lamp next to one of the beds made her skin glisten just noticeably as if it were glowing. I could feel my eyes widen as I my brain finally added up the pieces of what I was seeing.
“Oh, hi Spence!” she said gleefully turning her head towards mine, “I was feeling a little tense after sitting in that conference room all day. I hope you don’t mind.”
I didn’t even bother to attempt to talk, I could feel how dry my throat was and how my lips would not listen to any command I would’ve given it. So I just shook my head and pulled my eyes away from her as she moved her upper body towards the floor, holding herself up by her ellbows. I walked towards the beds in her general direction trying not to notice how gorgeous her ass looked now that her body was turned away from me. That I even had that thought surprised me and caused a blush to rise to my cheeks. I was thankful that she couldn’t see my face in that moment as I loosened up my tie. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, my attention drifted back to the song.
“Don't know how to love me good
So I'm never going back”
There was nothing in that moment that could keep me sane. My wildest dreams could have not come up with this scenario. It felt utterly unreal.
As the song ended I saw her change positions again from my peripheral vision.
“You’re awfully quiet today,” she said while turning the music down.
I noticed panic begin to fill my brain. She wanted to have a conversation.
“I um- it’s been kind of a long day,” I said and cleared my throat, while deciding whether or not it would be a good idea to turn around towards her.
“Have you been at the station the whole time? You must be exhausted,” she responded and continued when I didn’t answer, “I thought you could show me that show you’ve been gushing about.”
How was this real life? My brain began to lose control of my executive functions as my body turned around to face her. She was now sitting on the floor, legs stretched out in front of her, her hands wrapped around her feet as she looked up at me. The low-cut top she was wearing gave me a perfect sight into the curves of her-
I dared not continue that line of thought, already flustered enough as it is.
“Really? You’d be interested in watching that?” I said and blinked.
Her lips spread into a smile, twinkling her eyes, “Yeah, of course. The way you described it makes me really curious.”
“We could watch an episode or two before going to sleep, if you want.”
I just had to take this chance. Even if I could only begin to have a friendship with her, I wanted to be close to her because for some odd reason, I couldn’t bear to admire her from afar.
So not long after, I was setting up the odd hotel room tv to watch the show. It took me the entirety of her taking a shower so that I was only standing back up when she was walking out of the small bathroom in a white bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her head. She smiled up at me as she walked past me, her hand brushing my arm so casually that I questioned whether it actually happened. 
I hesitated again before sitting down on the bed. Was she going to get dressed in front of me? Because no matter how much my amygdala wanted me to see that, my frontal cortex wasn’t going to allow it. I forced myself to look through my satchel in an attempt to find a distraction as I waited for her next move. But luckily, she didn’t tempt my brain too much into overdrive.
I felt as if there was a higher power not willing to spare me for the night when she came out of the bathroom a second time, now something someone might call dressed. She was in a loose light coloured satin pyjama set that showed off her legs perfectly. And as if that were not enough to torture me for the night, she joined me on my twin bed with her bag of chips.
“I hope that’s okay with you, then we can share snacks,” she said so innocently that I almost believed it. But I could still hear the song ringing in my ears and I noticed her eyes take a short glance down at my lips as she said it. I was almost convinced that I wasn’t imagining things.
What really sealed the deal was that I noticed her scoot a tiny bit closer to me every once in a while. At first I could only feel the warmth she radiated, but after about 30 minutes I felt the bare skin of her arm against mine. My breath quickened, which I was sure she had noticed.
I knew the episode off by heart. Which was to my advantage because then my brain could run in a speed that I could barely follow. I tried my hardest to calm down a little bit, which was hard when I could feel the movement of her body as a whole-hearted laugh filled her throat.
“Y/N,” I whispered with all my courage. It was so low that I almost thought she wouldn’t hear it, but she turned her head towards me her eyes following a few seconds after.
Her eyes met mine and it was like I could feel my neurons firing electrical signals throughout my entire body. And just like that, in one swift movement she had grabbed my face by the back of my head and pulled me into her lips.
That was the first time that night that my muscles began to relax as I eased into the sensation of her soft lips moving against mine. It was as though I was beginning to lose myself in the kiss, all insecurities about her feelings towards me or my inexperience gone.
When she ultimately pulled away and rested her forehead against mine, we were both panting gently. My whole body felt warm with the feeling of her breath on my skin and her hands still in my hair. I didn’t dare open my eyes, still afraid that I would wake up from this idyllical dream.
We both didn’t know what to say as we pulled away further and looked at each other. I wanted to say something, to let her know how I felt, but once again, my brain did not follow my commands.
“Did you know when you kiss someone for the first time it causes your dopamine levels to increase for a short period of time? It also makes your heart rate and the oxygen supply to your brain to raise,” I heard my voice say in something between a whisper and my normal talking voice.
“For the first time, huh?” she grinned a little at me.
I reached for her hand and gently took it in mine. I moved her palm over my shirt to the centre of my chest. I could feel my heart race through her hands and I know she could feel it too. She looked up into my eyes again with a look on her face that told me all I needed to know.
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ysljoon · 3 years
Lunchbox Friends|Park Jimin x Reader
This fanfic is mature so please avoid if you are not 18+. This is also a yandere fic so there are sensitive topics.
Warnings: Drinking/mentions of alcohol, partying, oral sex (f receiving), assault (Jungkook gets punched by Jimin), choking, noncon sex, Jimin is a peeping tom, masturbation, creampie. threats, mentions of a knife
Jimin had been by your side since middle school and you guys have been stuck together by the hip since then and refuse to separate. You don’t ever plan on living your life without him as he has seen you at your highest highs and your lowest lows. He knows you inside and out and you wouldn’t want this any other way. It wasn’t until you guys went to college that you realized your friendship had overstepping boundaries. It wasn’t noticeable to you until your friends pointed it out to you and even then you were still in denial. Why would your best friend suddenly not look out for you? It just didn’t make sense to you and you wanted to push it out of your mind.
Tonight was Hoseok and Jungkook’s party and you felt the whole campus buzzing with excitement. You were never close with Hoseok, but you had a few run-ins with Jungkook since he was friends with Jimin and Jimin had introduced him to you. Jungkook seemed like a sweet person and you had your eye on him for a while so you thought tonight was the perfect night to make your move on him. Once your classes were done you took the shuttle to your shared apartment with Jimin to get your outfit ready for tonight. When you reached the apartment you saw Jimin on the couch just watching TV.
“Y/N! You’re back, come give me a hug I missed you!” You dropped your bag by the couch and collapsed in his lap. He attacked you with tight hugs and kisses on the top of your head. Your friendship is very close and touchy, but this is just what happens after years of friendship so boundaries were very few and far between. You snuggled in his lap and scrolled on your phone to kill time and he continued to watch some drama filled reality show that he constantly loved to watch.
As time passed you realized it was an hour before the party so you tried to get up from Jimin’s lap but he wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you down. “Y/N can’t we just stay here for the night you can have so much fun with just me! We don’t need to go to some dumb party to have fun on a Friday.” Jimin whined, but you pried yourself from his arms and made your way to the bathroom to shower. You stepped in the shower and played music to get you in a hype mood to be in the party mindset. You were singing your heart out and didn’t hear the bathroom door creak open to create a slight opening that allowed your body to be exposed to prying eyes. Those prying eyes belonged to Jimin and you were unsuspecting of the fact.
Jimin ogled your naked body in the shower through the steamy glass panes and it started to make his pants tighten. Jimin started to palm himself while admiring the curves of your ass and breasts. You were in the middle of shampooing your hair, your bottle of body wash fell off the shelf and you bent over to pick it up and that had Jimin groaning from pleasure. He unbuttoned his pants and slid his underwear down enough where he could fist his cock with ease. He filthily spit into his hand and rubbed his dick slowly to not build up to his orgasm too quickly. You started to sway your hips back and forth to the rhythm of the upbeat song in your playlist. This had you looking so sexy in Jimin’s eyes. He wasn’t only getting off on how good your soapy body looked in the shower, but also the thrill of knowing he’s jerking off to his best friend who doesn't know how much he wants to ruin her right on the spot. Jimin hurriedly came to his orgasm when he realized you were almost done with your shower and hurried to his room when he stroked out his high.
You finished getting ready and slipped on a tight dress. You slipped on your shoes and waited for Jimin on the couch. After 10 minutes of impatience you knocked on his door and he swung it open after the second knock. “It really surprises me how impatient you are, it’s a wonder how I’ve tolerated you for this long.” You just rolled your eyes in response and grabbed his hand to leave.
Once you enter the house party you notice both Hoseok and Jungkook talking in the kitchen. Just seeing Jungkook brought butterflies to your tummy. Before you made your way to the men you found the table filled with bottles of drinks and poured yourself about two shots worth of fireball and downed it in one big gulp. You needed liquid courage if you wanted to make any progress with Jungkook tonight. Jimin watched you with wide eyes at your sudden behavior and you just gave him a wide smile while you made your strides to the kitchen. Jimin stood in his spot dumbfounded on how easily you left him. It irked him and made him feel disposable. He tried to brush off the feeling but it loomed over him for the rest of the night. He followed the direction you traveled to and saw you talking to Jungkook. You were giggling to no end and your cheeks were so round from how much you were smiling. This whole night bothered Jimin as he expected to spend it with you and only true. He walked away from the scene and moped on the couch while watching the party go down. If he continued to watch you throw yourself at his friend he would end up doing something he would regret.
“Y/N I’m surprised we haven’t properly hung out, you’re so much fun outside of class!” You rolled your eyes at his comment and poured yourself another mixed drink. The drinks helped you and Jungkook start to get cozy with each other. Hoseok even left you two alone when he noticed the atmosphere start to change between you two. Somehow the two of you managed to get rid of any space between each other and were now in close enough proximity to be skin to skin. The two of you were drunk enough to be bold but also not drunk enough to forget what happens if your actions don’t work in your favor. You started to eye his lips and Jungkook noticed because he started to come closer to you and get rid of the already nonexistent space between you two. Slowly your lips started to mold together and your stomach felt like there were fireworks bursting inside you. The two of you pulled away and Jungkook kept his hand on the small of your back. “Y/N, I hope you take me up on this offer or I’ll feel like a total idiot, but do you want to go up to my room and continue?” You were quick to agree and fervently nodded. Jungkook gave you a grin and took your hand in his and you two were quick to go up the stairs to his room.
Jimin saw you two go up the stairs and now he was livid. His best friend ditched him to go get fucked by his friend. You were selfish and he was going to make you regret your decision of being such a whore in front of him. He downed his drink and rushed up the stairs to Jungkook’s room. He swung open the door to find you completely naked and Jungkook’s head between your thighs. Oh how he wishes it was him instead. You looked at JImin mortified and crawled under Jungkook’s bedsheet with haste. Jungkook came close to your side and held your shaking body. “J-Jimin you could’ve at least knocked or something!” You were borderline angry at this point as Jimin wasn’t taking any hint to leave. Jimin took it upon himself to invite himself further into the room and locked the door behind himself. Now Jungkook was starting to get agitated. “Bro you’re my friend and all, but I really think you should go right now. I wasn’t doing anything to your best friend that she doesn’t want.” Jimin was furious to hear Jungkook’s words and in a blind fit of rage he punched Jungkook out cold and watched his body drop to the floor with a loud thud. “Jimin! What on Earth are you doing?” Now you really were scared as you have never seen Jimin act out so violently.
“Y/N, you have no idea how much I want you and have fantasized about you. Now you’re going to see tonight how I’ll make you mine!” He grabbed you by your throat and threw you down on the bed. You started to strain yourself to get any chance to breathe, but any chance you got Jimin held onto your throat tighter. He had a sinister look on his face and you were scared for your life. When your vision started to go in and out from darkness Jimin released his grasp on you and you dry heaved for oxygen. He did that just to put you in a weakened state and he used it to his advantage. He crawled on the bed and loomed over your body and grabbed your legs to drag you closer to him. He tried to force his head between your thighs but you clamped them together but he managed to pry them open. He gave you a hard slap on the back of your thigh. “Princess you won’t like me if you disobey me and fight back so just please just let me love you.” Jimin tried to give you a soft look, but you can still see the darkness embedded into his eyes. You forced yourself to comply without making eye contact. The idea of your best friend was gone and you would do anything to have him back and not have this monster in front of you.
Jimin lowered his head down to your core and gave you kitten licks on your clit. You felt so much sensitivity and you clamped your legs around his head. You felt Jimin let out a light chuckle and you tried to block the sound out of your mind. You tried to make the situation better for yourself by imagining that it was just Jungkook above you instead of Jimin taking advantage of you. Once Jimin had his fill of eating you out he lifted himself up and freed himself from his pants. Once he had his cock out he shoved himself into your tight, wet cunt with no mercy and you gripped onto the sheets with a vice grip. “Kitten, don't you love how my fat cock feels in your hole? Don’t I make you feel so good.” You had your eyes shut trying to acclimatize to his cock, but the pain was taking too long to subside. Without even getting a chance to answer, Jimin grabbed your jaw to make you look at him. “Y/N, I want an answer. Tell me how good I make you feel.” You felt so embarrassed, but you just needed to give him an answer to please him. “Y-yes you make me feel so good! “ Jimin loved how his cock looked sliding in and out of your pussy and how your tits bounced and that it brought him close to his orgasm. You felt his grip get tighter on your hips and you felt his thrusts get rougher and his groans get louder. You knew he reached his high when you felt his hips stutter and his cum start to leak out from your hole. Once he was out of you he got dressed like what just happened was not troubling. You stared at the ceiling and felt the tears drip down your cheeks. Just when you thought it was all over Jimin’s body was above you again and this time he had a pocket knife pressed to your throat. “If you ever try to get with Jungkook or anyone else I will kill you. You are mine and only mine you need to know that.”
Notes: I hope you guys are currently enjoying the start of my yandere series! I will eventually get to all the members. I am also working on making a masterlist so in the mean time if you would like to find my other works you can find them under the tag ‘bts fanfiction’ or ‘bts fanfic’ if you search my page! Again if you liked what you read please leave a like and a reblog it really helps! You can also give me a Kofi if you would like to help support my work!
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
Tolerate It
Summary: Reader struggles with feeling like Hotch is growing distant.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!Reader
Category: fluff/angst
Warnings: the reader has thoughts/feelings of inadequacy
Word Count: 3200+
Notes: This is my entry for @railmereid‘s 2k writing challenge! It was inspired by Taylor Swift’s song tolerate it! I think there’s only one direct quote (I’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life). 
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You met Aaron on accident. It could be said that a lot of people are met on accident, and that’s just how people meet other people. But with Aaron it felt different. It felt as though every little thing that went wrong that day lead you to the accident that would introduce Aaron Hotchner into your life.
After the shit show that was today, all you want to do is get home and sleep. Maybe also eat dinner, but honestly even food is on the backburner of your mind right now. 
Your drive home from work was the first uneventful thing to happen all day, a necessary moment of peace. You made it into your apartment without any trouble, swiftly moving to change into your fluffiest pajamas and sleep.
The second your head hit your pillow, the fire alarm sounded. The blaring alarm screeched in your ears as you groaned. You forced yourself out of bed to comply with the alarm. Without thinking, you put on your slippers, grabbed your keys, and walked out the front door. 
Once you made it to the street, you turned to see the building really was on fire. It looked contained to one patio, but it was big enough for you to give up your plans of sleep. Instead, you chose to turn on your heel and walk down the street to escape the crowd. 
You didn’t have a plan as to where you were going. You just wanted it to be quiet. Before long, you found yourself in a park. Looking around, you spotted an empty bench. Perfect. You can just sit, enjoy the quiet of the park for however long it takes to fix the fire issue. 
You start trekking toward the bench, now walking with a purpose, when you notice a man chasing his child. The child laughs loudly, joy so clear on his face. The man smiles at him, still running behind him. 
His smile is so infectious, it has its own magnetic force pulling you towards him.  Switching directions from the bench, you are now walking toward the grassy area they are playing in, not looking at your surroundings. You’re so captivated by the happiness on display in front of you, you don’t notice the change in terrain. 
You end up tripping on a rock, falling and tumbling down the slight decline to land in a heap at the feet of the very man whose smile distracted you.
To make matters worse, he was not stationary. No, that would have been to simple. He was, in fact, still chasing the child. So, rather than rolling to a stop and looking up at him, you rolled right into him, causing him to lose his balance and fall over you. 
The two of you were a tangled mess of limbs piled on top of each other. Slowly, carefully the two of you separated, gingerly moving arms and legs to avoid further injury. Helping each other rise from the ground, you were both speechless, equal parts amused and horrified at what just happened. 
“Are you okay?” 
You jumped at the sudden intrusion that brought you back to reality. Spinning around, you realized it was the child. 
It took you an embarrassing amount of time to form a response. “Oh, um... yes I’m okay. Thank you.” Turning back to the man, you finally realized what just happened. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
He chuckled, a small smirk appearing on his face before he replied, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Oh, good.” Your relief was short lived as you realized what you were wearing and how you were dressed. “Please tell me you didn’t see me roll all the way down the hill?” You cringed at the thought. 
“I could say it, but it wouldn’t be very honest.”  Again, a small laugh left his lips. 
“Do you think we could pretend?” You took a deep breath as he quirked his eyebrow. “Ya know, that I didn’t just make a complete fool of myself?”
“But that’s not true! Daddy said when something’s not true it’s a lie and lies are bad.” The boy chimed in again, earning a chuckle from both adults. You bent down to talk to him. 
“You are absolutely right, lying is bad.” You nodded along with him, matching his serious expression. 
He took in your expression, as if judging the sincerity of your statement. Slowly, a smile began to form as if he was glad you agreed with him. “Do you want to play tag with us?”
Looking from him to his father, you took the slight smile and nod of his head as an invitation to accept his offer. “I would love to.”
That series of accidents led you to where you are now, though. A year and a half later you are sitting in your shared home, watching Aaron Hotchner do paperwork for what feels like the millionth night in a row. More realistically, it is the ninth night in a row, but you’re feeling lonely and dramatic. Those nine nights have been spread out over the past month, interrupted by nights he spends away from home.
You yearn to be closer to him. All it would take is for you to cross the room, but it feels as though the distance from the couch you are lounging on to the desk he is working at is too far, like there is some impassible divide preventing you from interrupting him. 
So you just keep watching. It has been 36 minutes since you started your observing. If he sticks to his pattern, he’ll pause in nine minutes to stretch, giving him the opportunity to notice your eyes on him.  You’re hopeful that this time he’ll smile when he sees you. 
So you wait. You watch him read. You notice the way his head dips just a bit lower as he tries to focus tired eyes on the smudged handwriting of a fellow agent. You notice how his hand squeezes the pen tighter than before, turning the once smooth glide of ink across the page into rushed, jagged strokes of letters. You notice the barely there wince as he flips the page, the result of the familiar feeling of a paper cut he’s grown all too used to. You notice everything he does. Which is why you’re not surprised when he speaks. 
“You’re staring.” 
Glancing at your phone, you note the time. Nine minutes later. Right on schedule. The smile you hoped for is noticeably missing, replaced by a curious tilt of his head.
“I’m basking in your presence.” 
If he wanted to, he could figure out how lonely and dramatic you are feeling. But with the majority of his energy still directed towards the many reports on his desk, he only notices the surface level. Tired, slightly miffed, but enjoying that he is home.
There was once a time when he would have noticed it all though. A time when he noticed everything about you, sometimes before you had even noticed it about yourself. You’ve learned how to hide it though, to save him the energy that would be expended to profile you. 
“You should consider a new career path. Comedy could really be for you.”
His deadpan joke doesn’t surprise you, but him rising from his desk chair does. For a minute, you expect him to come to you. To attempt to cross the impassible divide you’ve built in your head. Instead, he turns into the kitchen. He pauses at the island, drinking from the glass he never brings to his desk to prevent anything from ruining his files. 
When he returns to his desk, squandering any lingering hope that he may have been done for the night, you rise. Unwilling to do what you had hoped of him, you turn away from his desk and move toward the stairs. Just before you lose sight of him, you turn back. 
“Don’t forget to sleep tonight.” 
Your tone is soft, emphasizing your concern to cover up the lingering loneliness. 
“I’ll be up soon.”
You respond with a slight nod of your head, another thing unnoticed by Aaron as his eyes never left the files. 
You flitter through the second level as you complete your routine to prepare yourself to sleep for the night. 
You can’t help but notice the cold sheets on the empty side of the bed as you wait for Aaron, knowing you’ll likely be asleep before he comes to bed. 
You’re surprised to wake up the next morning with Aaron still in bed next to you. You watch his chest rise and fall with the steady in and out of his breath. His face is fully relaxed, a sight you so rarely get to see. 
You’re not sure how long you watch him sleep, but you notice when his rhythmic breathing changes pattern indicating he’s waking up. His eyes flutter open slowly, allowing you to see the exact moment he notices you. 
“You’re staring again.” 
The smile you are still hoping for is again absent from his face, too used to the frown that has taken over his features near permanently for the past month.  
“I’m still basking in your presence.”
You notice the beginnings of a grin forming on his face. The twinkle in his eyes. The slight twitch of his lips. It’s nearly there when the moment is interrupted by the distinct, shrill ringtone indicating a call from the bureau. 
You watch as he sits up to answer the phone with his typical “Hotchner”. If you hadn’t spent the last year noticing everything you could about the man, you would doubt that he had been asleep less than three minutes ago. 
His brows furrow, his body leaning forward to sit a little straighter as he takes in the information from whoever is on the other end of the phone. His eyes trace the pattern of your comforter, up until he throws the blanket off of himself to rise to his feet. He’s changing into his suit before hanging up. Without even hearing his responses, you can tell where this is headed. 
After he hangs up, you speak before he has the chance. 
“I take it you won’t be here for dinner with my parents tonight? I’ll try to reschedule it.” 
The question should express your loneliness, but you do well to hide the full truth. It’s easy to sound understanding because you are. You do understand, which is why you never plan to tell him how you feel. 
The grim expression is enough for you to know you’re right, you don’t need the verbal confirmation. You nod your head, a smile on your face that doesn’t meet your eyes as he walks out of your bedroom. 
While Aaron was away, you did everything you could to keep yourself busy outside of your typical 9 to 5 workday. Aside from the typical reading, cleaning, and TV watching you normally do you; you successfully navigated another conversation with your parents about why it was necessary to reschedule dinner a second time and played action figures with Jack, always in agreement about how his daddy is a hero. 
Every night you found yourself staring at the door, hoping it would swing open and reveal him on the other side. Every night you grew less hopeful and more discouraged than the one previous. 
Five days after he left, Aaron returned to your shared home. Despite the late hour, you waited for him on the couch. Knowing he probably hadn’t eaten dinner, you kept some food warm for him. 
When the door swung open, you were in front of it in seconds. You pulled him into a hug, one he was too exhausted to reciprocate, and kissed his cheek. 
Moving farther into the house, he dropped his files on his desk swiftly turning to head upstairs. 
“I kept dinner warm for you.”
Your words stalled him at the bottom of the stairs. He turned around slowly, barely looking at you.
“I actually ate with the team tonight.”
His words hit you like a bus, but you turned to hide it. He didn’t eat with the team often, so you never blamed him when he stayed with them a bit longer than usual. 
“Oh, okay. I’ll just put it in a container for tomorrow then. Did you want to talk about the case?”
You’ve always been willing to help him carry the weight of his job, but you’ve been trying harder to get him to open up this past month. Typically he brushes you off, tells you he’s fine, and then buries himself in paperwork. 
He surprised you this time. Maybe he could tell you were upset, or maybe he was just too far in his head. Either way, rather than continuing on his path up the stairs, he moved to sit in the kitchen while you put the food away. 
You listened as he ranted about the local officers withholding information about the case. You listened as he complained about the poor weather. You listened to every word, slowly washing and drying the dishes until they were sparkling. You listened until you were practically asleep, leaning against the sink. You didn’t dare to interrupt in fear he would shut down again. Or maybe it was you shutting down, but that’s a thought for another time. 
When he finished talking, he rose from his chair, too worked up to sleep now, he sat down at his desk. 
You watched, noticing everything you could. 
Your weeks repeated much the same for the next few months. Your loneliness morphed into something new with each night you spent watching Aaron work. 
It’s one such night when everything changes. You were trying to watch him work, but your thoughts drifted away from his actions as you lost yourself in your memories. 
The first case Aaron went on after you moved in with him and Jack was the hardest for you. After a straight week of seeing him so often around the house, it felt like a slap in the face to come home and not have him there. Somehow you made it through, and you were clingier than usual when he came home. 
He noticed how it affected you. That was before you started hiding your feelings from him. He told you he thought about you in every spare moment. That he wanted to solve the case even more than usual just so he could come home to see you even just a few minutes sooner.
He calmed all of your fears, protecting you from your own intrusive thoughts about holding him back when he was working. 
You couldn’t help but think about every time he recognized how you were feeling and did what he could to help. How he would reassure you that he wanted to be with you, bringing you little key chains or stuffed animals from the cities he travelled to. How he would smile when he saw you. Where was that man now? 
You thought back to the first day you met Aaron. It was like he saved you from a terrible day, bringing a smile to your face after hours upon hours of crap. 
“Do you think we could pretend?” You laugh lightly to yourself at the memory of Jack telling you not to lie.  Not realizing you spoke the words out loud, you’re surprised to hear Aaron from across the room.
“Pretend what?” The confusion is clear in his voice and the furrow of his brows. 
“Hmm? Oh, um. I was just thinking about the first day we met.” Tears begin to brim your eyes as you think about how much everything has seemed to change. “And how you became my whole world and now I feel like I’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life.” The tears are now freely falling down your face. 
Aaron looks even more confused now. “What?” He’s frozen at his desk, pen in hand, reports on the surface in front of him. 
“I’m so sorry. I just feel like I’m taking up so much of your time and you have such important things to do! God, I’m so selfish. I’ve tried so hard to hide it though, so you can focus on people who actually need your help.” The panic in your voice grows as you speak, along with the tears falling from your eyes. 
“Y/N...” Suddenly, Aaron is on his feet, easily crossing the imaginary divide you’ve built in between the couch and his desk. He slows down, moving gently as he pulls you into him on the couch, moving your legs across his lap so he could pull you into his chest. “Sweetheart, you could never take up too much of my time.” He speaks slowly, so as not to start another round of sobbing. 
“What?” Your confusion is clearly communicated with the one word question, but you’re on a roll with your feelings so why stop now. “Are you saying it’s all in my head? Bu-, but, but you’ve been so busy every time you’ve been home! I’ve barely seen you, and I’ve tried so hard to not let it bother me because I know how important what you do is! I do, I understand it all so much. I could never be mad at you for working so hard. I just feel like you’re tolerating me being here when you have so many more important things to do.” 
Now breathless, your rant ends with more tears forming in your eyes. Aaron is quick to wipe them away as they fall. “You’re right. I have been busy.” His voice is full of concern and regret as he thinks about the past few months. “But please don’t ever doubt for a second that you are the most important thing in the world to me.” He pauses for a second before continuing. “Well, other than Jack.” This earns him a slight chuckle from you before you reply. 
“Jack is the most important to me too.” Your clear your throat, hesitant to voice your next question. “You’re not mad at me?”
Aaron looks so taken aback, you would laugh if you weren’t so nervous. “I could never be mad at you. Especially not for having completely valid feelings. I’m so sorry I haven’t been as present as I should’ve been. I love you so much, Y/N. More than I could ever put into words, and I will be doing a better job of showing you just how much you mean to me from now on.” There’s a slight edge to his voice, as though he’s annoyed with himself for you feeling this way. “Please, don’t ever hide your feelings from me. I never want to lose you.” His own voice is cracking, slight tears in his eyes at the idea of you not being in his life. 
“I promise.” You lean up to kiss him, trying to convey just how much you’ve missed him. 
“Let’s go to bed.” He lifts you up from the couch, carrying you toward the stairs. 
You shriek, clinging to him even more. “It’s only 9:15!” You laugh at his antics. “What about your reports?”
“I have more important things to do right now.” He smirks at you, quickly moving into the bedroom to show you just how much he cares about you. 
permanent tag list:
@mac99martin @goldeng1rl8 @measure-in-pain
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