#but sonic loves it so much and im running in circles
musashi · 2 years
the absolute JOY of showing someone something where season 1 is Kinda Mediocre but it gets really good later, only to have them screaming and yelling because they love season 1 so much and knowing that if this is how they feel about the low point theyre gonna go INSANE later
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flowergirlmiwa · 5 months
Jet set radio the original one is my favorite video game ever. So I thought, why not give YOU 👊 some cool tips n tricks for the game!! In this one I'll talk about some general tips and run down the first level!! Im not a speedrun expert or true gamer champion im just a girl that thinks it's neat when the guy with the headpones goes 'nice! :)' and the dog busts a move
You can play as Gum the entire game as she's the second best character. The best character in the game is Yo-Yo. Then after you unlock her near the end, you can use Piranha, who I'd consider roughly on Gum's level. Thankfully with the exception of Yo-Yo you are optimally playing as a cute girl the whole game. The reason why Gum/Yo-Yo/Piranha (among some secret characters) are so good is because of their graffiti stat. You get a higher score with your tags, so you don't need to trick as much to get a Jet ranked high score.
You have to become good at general movement, dashing and momentum. Is this what it's like to enjoy a Sonic game? I wouldn't know. My only tip for this is to be aware you're wearing rollerskates and to not play it like a Tony Hawk game
Get good at doing Gum's difficult(quote-unquote) graffiti motions, which are really just 180 circles that eventually feel like second nature. The player's ability to tag quickly and get ahead of the pigs is pivotal.
Optimize pathing around your 15 can limitation (Gum/Yo-Yo/Piranha are all confined to 15 cans maximum)
For stages where you tag the backs of rival gangs (known in JSRF as 'Tagger's Tag') you can play as Tab, Garam or any other character that can hold more than 15 cans.
This stage is obviously really easy and softly nudges the player toward its infinite grind even during the tutorials. You can do that to easily get a high score in the level and it's definitely not one of the harder infinite grinds in the game. My tips for this infinite grind are I guess to really get a feel for how your speed fluctuates and moves as your character jumps and when. It's something you figure out as you keep playing, but eventually you learn exactly when to adjust your speed just so to keep the infinite going.
Tags #1. The first three tags I always go for are the busses in the middle of the stage, the ones being tagged by Love Shockers as the stage begins. These tags are annoying to get to when there are police around, and for the introductory stages you aren't expected to deal with constant police presence from the beginning of the level. You can bump into the Love Shockers to get cans to do the sprays. If you're like me you then go ahead and start grabbing Graffiti Souls, particularly the ones under the overhang which you need the cars to access (they go away once the police enter the level).
Tags #2. The next tags are next to the busses, the taxi cars you tag in the tutorial to the game. It's better to get these earlier since they're on the ground floor where the police are.
Tags #3. Next we head to the grind rail that Gum wanted you to grind on in the tutorial. The tags here are easy to nab while grinding and lead you toward the next grind rail, which heads to the overhang, which leads to the rooftops you're going to next. So, you can grind all the way from here to the last tags in the level and see no cop the entire run.
Tags #4. Like I said, the only tags left in the level are the big ones on the rooftops. You can jump over here by grinding from the overhang or several over bus-terminal-roof methods, or you can jump up some cars, which puts you in range of Zenigata/Onishima
The first batch of levels are really easy especially when you know what you're doing so yeah. That's the path, like I said the rest of the points are up to how fast you can execute and/or the tricks you do, most of which will invariably involve the series of grinds that make up the infinite grind (including the Gum grind, overhang and doing a wall jump off a taxi rooftop advertisement). Once you get a hang of the infinite grind you can get a Jet on this level in your sleep.
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Cryptid AU: I raise you Camila misadventures raising lil Luz. Luz learning to fly for the first time, circling the ceiling light while Camila runs around with pillows incase she falls. Lil Luz getting caught eatting Camilas sweaters more then once. Lil Luz talking to moths and Camila thinks it’s all imaginary, until Luz tells Camila about something she had no way of possibly knowing. Lil Luz being made to wear a beanie and large coat in public to hide her MothMan physical traits.
You tempt me to write. how could you *checks pfp* sonic the hedgehog and his edgy robot twin
Camila loves her weird little daughter so much but she was so unprepared for all this. Luz’s more cryptid-like achievements were pretty much all a bit behind since she had to learn to figure that out on her own. It wasn’t until Eda at like 10 she got more in-depth ways to learn how to just. be her. Her flying was short glides w frantic flaps around the house and she didn’t learn how to truly fly until she was 10. This isn’t to say Camila was a bad teacher, she did her absolute best, but Luz is literally a cryptid baby and Camila Isn’t.
The lights were a real problem. For like 6 years Camila had to keep all bright lights away from Luz or else she’d cling to it w feral brain. Yes baby Luz once tried to fly towards the sun it did not go well. She got better after 6 and would manage to be able to tear away from the Light but she did almost burn herself a LOT when she was younger.
Also Luz being literally a Big Moth at times eating up all her sweaters and communicating w the moths in the rafters and learning where Camila keeps the cookies was. a trip. Camila hoped the sweater eating & moth communication would fade out but alas, it did not and now Luz has a sweater in her room at all times on standby to chew up until its nothing but a rag.
She would also say how the air smell funky even when she has a cold and turns out its bc she can smell w her antennae as well as hear soundwaves w them. Which also means that if Camila ever came home late or left early, itty bitty baby Luz could hear and wakeup. Also meant that it was very hard to hide things from her.
And I’m just,,,,im cackling at the thought that before they realized Luz could just Retract her mothman bits and Camila had to go out but obviously couldn’t leave Luz alone or hire a babysitter so she just throws on a bunch of baggy clothes and hats and has a Death Grip on her at all times. There have been close calls but she’s managed to brush it off as a costume. When Luz was about 5 they learned she could hide it but it took till she was a bout 8 to perfect it and allowed in public without constant 24/7 supervision.
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tay6119 · 3 years
Haunted Mansion
Fingers crossed this recap actually gets to see the light of day lmao
Thankful to you guys for being patient with me with the past malfunctions :)
All I have to say before we begin is GEORGE!!! and honestly just the line up y'all i'm sobbing it's so good
- Future :oooo and like near future :oooooo
- I almost forgot abt the transition screen it is still very poggers
- ofc we open to Ranboo and Tubbo being cute
- So Connor is just Connor??? Again??
- Love the obvious tension between Rash and Karl as it should be
- Connor canonically has a lot of friends in prison
- Punz is a Chad "I do my fair share of sports" yes you sound like you know what you're talking abt
- Of course "francis" would say "greg" is pretty cool smhh
- Ash and Zach my beloveds
- Pork 'ems (porkums? porkims?) ... ah yes
- Techno really said "no <3"
- Dream's character being a bitch transcends time <3
- "I wish I knew how to sit down" PLEASE
- They're so unhinged I love them
- Is this gonna lead to murder again...
- FRANCIS IS SO UNHINGED PLEASE don't be mean to Gump :(
- G L A T T... guess he finally woke up
- "he smells of cigarettes..." "yea... and bad decisions"
- George 10/10 acting love to see it
- Schlatt canonically read the bible and now believes in capitalism
- his hat is cute :((
- what is going on we're back to duck duck goose? WHERE IS THIS GOING KARL
- no.. it's not circle time.. it's bean time
- tubbo and ranboo move so in sync and it's so cute I- juyhtgrfed
- "how the fuck do I stand up"
- Bitcoin is now canon, apparently
- Karl has no idea how stocks work and is just going with it and honestly what a mood-
- "I'm drinking in real life" "Can I have some" BBH UR NOT HELPING UR CASE WITH DRUNKBOYHALO
- Schlatt canonically is attracted to Greg
- "Why is he flirting with Greg that's just a terrible decision" WHY IS IT A TERRIBLE DECISION RANBOO WHY IS IT A TERRIBLE DECISION
- this thing is masssiiivvvvee, is it fr on the smp?? like how far out?? lmfao
- this place is rated 3.5 stars...
- "Hey, Mr. Schlatt" Sapnap ur so cute
- "one of you has to press my very special button" alright.. then...
- command block???
- "I hope it makes you go away" TECHNO PLEASE
- connor is gone?? crab rave??
- Yes Techno we can tell u tried ur best
- ofc francis would think Schlatt is awesome
- guess it's over now
- oooo a little thingy game challenge thing to light up some beacons :o
- "you handsome- you cute" Schlatt really be flirting with Francis and Greg all over the place
- a piece of dirt is equal to connor- Techno I-
- "my friends would never betray me" Techno u have way too much faith in these people
- "I miss Porkums" Tubbo is us
- Tubbo is RUNNING for them Haribos but could give two shits abt Connor ujyhtgrfe
- "should we kill francis" YEAH DO IT
- "eh it's fine we're all unstable sometimes" RANBOO PLEASE
- Schlatt was canonically picked last during dodgeball
- Gump "fell down the stairs"
- gump is immortal confirmed?
- not the lavender town theme oh god
- "mY iMmErSiOn"
- ooo this bridge thingy is cool :oo
- "I recon they're dating or something" TUBBO PLEASE
- BBH is a real king, he just runs with all the awful things they make canon abt him
- George really heard Dream say he thought his screams were funny so now he does random stupid screams <3
- "wHoS tUbBo"
- Karl is regretting letting the whole Dteam be here at once
- no wonder it's 3.5 stars this place is DEADLY
- "I think they have... anger issues"
- Schlatt is immortal..
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misterbitches · 3 years
i wish more than anything he could have had this. i love you man
i really fucking do
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my love for nirvana and immense respect for kurt isn't something i ever expected. after being a huge fan of jonghyun too as a musician, a person who had things to say, a human being. the people around him. i fucking hate that kurt is gone and i was like...2. i got into hole when i was like 25 really heavily and refused to listen to nirvana. didnt' care about these white boys. but there's a reason why people love this band and why they loved kurt. i get mad sometimes at his death—selfishness—and then i make jokes to deal and cope. we all do with everything. it's just that and this is from a cis person...but i know so many trans people or people on the gender spectrum who have read his journals see him as someone struggling with gender. and after years of thinking and becoming such a huge fan i think that was honestly the truth. i think at this point we're all pretty sure he was gender queer or struggling with identity.
his aversion for oppression, his stand with the marginalized, not accepting racism, homophobia, transphobia BECAUSE THAT IS THE HEART OF DIY (spurred by my black people cos ofc it is and we do everything) and i wish that he could have beeen better.
to me it seems like his pain with his crohns (or wahtever he had) lead to his intense struggle with drugs because that's pretty common when needing pain management. on top of that, his family's history of MI. on top of that, his life being hounded and not being prepared for it (this i think is the idea of white privilege at work and wasn't naive of him necessarily, but...it's just something he thought wouldnt happen to him. that's whiteness at work as who they were as a diy fucking anti pop anti capital punk band. sonic youth said 'we didnt sell out, we made them buy in') and his rship with courtney. he said without court he might be gay or bi.
i won't read his journals, it's too fucking much for me and i dont feel allowed or maybe i will when i can handle it, but i know reading about them and him and hearing the way he changed his songs and his abhorrence for bravado, for men that talk about women as disposable and sex objects, for not being able to enjoy a punk band, for the whiteness and maleness. krist novoselic was a 6'7 fucking bassist and dave grohl is a sizeable dude with hideous tattoos. back then, no one said a fucking bad thing about them. come as you are.
we know that suicide is a state we get into. when you go to a psych ward you see that it's actually calm and an ebb/flow. it is extremely fucking boring. the thing is we don't know if these feelings last forever. we can't go back and time and history cannot change. it was his decision, like jonghyun's, to end his life. but i know there could have been longer. if they got help. i try not to resent courtney especially not now with people being irresponsible and unearthing the FBI report on him. he killed himself but it was definitely emotionally sparred by her and she should have told people what happened weeks before his death.
but no one failed him per se. his suicide note is full of hope and it kills me to see. he should have been able to be whoever he wanted. been a son, been a daughter, been anything.
whenever i hear the changed lyrics or see him in a dress or hear distress i dont know. i wish we didnt lose him but i also know that no one wants to go back to that time. it wasn't necessarily great but it wasn't all bad. and i wish commodity didn't destroy legacy. i wish we werent's so obsessed with the death and gore instead of the liveliness and hilarity of this band and of kurt. and i wish we could talk about him more and the idea that maybe there's so much going on with it; i have many critiques for things they have done, things kurt has done as well.
i'm talking in circles but i genuinely just get bummed. every day he is still dead. but this dude man......i love him a lot. i'm so glad nirvana gave what they did to the world. getting to know kurt so long after the fact is fucking hard sometimes. it is frustrating. but focusing on the positives too or trying to understand another perspective has given me a lot of insight. and i always try and remember that it wasn't just one thing, that nirvana were a band, it wasn't just him, and he could have been better but it just didn't work out that way. it's not solely about his internal pain and the narrative of a tortured artist is suffocating.
he wanted to be a star, make this insane pop song, and when he got it he didnt realize it became everything he hated. he was already struggling and all this shit hit a point. i have mad respect for them still. dave grohl said billie eilish is the kurt of her gen (about 2 yrs ago) and that drives me up a wall for various reasons. antiblackness and class. fuck that. these dudes were poor as fuck trucking it through washington with other bands and the basis is blacness and black art they were trying to fight and make it and give a shit man. it didnt turn out the way they could handle but they were not PRIMIING themselvs for musical stardom. no artist who cares would do that. but if you get the recognition you want because who doesn't, it comes at a price too.
this is why i critique commodity and capital so intensely. i participate, and i will have to as an artist. i don't have a desire to be poor because i've lived a life that gave me space to see what i want to do. i have class privilege (and a lot of debt) and i am grateful. but it isnt like i dont want peopl eto know. it's just that i know that i can't give in and accept and demand nothing and then decide to hoard it to myself. taht money that goes in funnels out and is not for me to keep. there is no trickling down. dont paly yrself.
artists like kurt and in a sense like MF Doom (rapper who only came out to be seen when he wanted to) or DMX even it's like....man u came out fucking fighting to be heard you know. do your thing. make your shit. be amazing. esp black people. DMX had a fucking face for a camera. hopefully i'm gonna watch belly at my best friend's house on the 28th.
i wish everyone who deserves to stay can stay until their body releases them in the most pleasant way as possible. jessica walter's death made me sad, but she was older and i'm so happy she got to live. same with cicely tyson. at the same time, the young deaths over drugs, suicide, accidents....id on't really get it. why is kissinger alive but these people can't stay? how did this come a somber tale of death instead of just i fucking love kurt cobain lmao
he's def one of those ppl that im like u rock. him, robeson, seberg to an extent. hm who else. wong kar wai, jenkins, joe (thai filmmaker whose name i cant spell.) all those people who are running forward on their own and beating their chest. yea i like that. an award is just another award. what matters is possibility and action.
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familylightfox · 3 years
     If there was one thing that Harmony had never to expect to do, it was argue with her father as she had the last few nights. Their constant back and forth had started to wear on them both. So much so, that the preteen had left the room they had been staying in to spend the night sleeping under the stars.
     By morning, she’d come back inside to try one more time to talk her father into doing what was best for him. She made her way into the workshop and found him sitting on the same metal stool as he always did.
     She hadn’t been expecting him to be carefully taking the filtration mask from Augustus.
     “Daddy?” Just one word was enough for Volt to pause his movements and look over to her. The dark circles under his eyes showing the lack of sleep all the pain had been causing him. Yet, even still, he offered her a pained smile before turning back to take the mask.
     “I thought about what you said pumpkin… You’re right.” Cybernetic fingers held the device carefully as he stood from the chair. The first few unsteady steps came with caution to both Augustus and Harmony as they went to reach out. Volt smiled and made his way to the back of the workshop. Violet eyes lifted from the floor and took in the sight of the chamber ahead of him.
    Every nightmare he ever had involved the very machine in front of him. The horrors of being completely unaware of what was going on around him, frozen in time until he was released… If he was released. It still made his blood run cold as he stared at it. But he still took the last few steps towards it as Tails had just finished the last hookups they needed for it to be undisturbed for the unforeseen future. Off went his boots and only a few more steps put him on the center of the platform.
     Now he turned to face his daughter, giving her a smile. “You’ve grown so much Harmony… I’m proud of you.”
     “Daddy…” Despite herself, Harmony had stepped forward and went to reach out. All Volt could do was raise his hand to stop her,dropping the filtration mask to the ground in the process.
     Cybernetic fingers hesitated, looking to Augustus and Tails for the nod. The already metal limb had been tested enough that he could safely interact with everyone with it, but he hardly wanted to risk more if he could help it. Once he had the confirmation, those same metal fingers gently reached into his daughter’s bangs to brush them out of her tear filled eyes.
     “I need you to be strong, okay. Do what you do best and show Eggman hahah he made a mistake of messing with the Freedom Fighters… with us… okay?” He brushed her bangs one more time before taking the mask again when she bent down to grab it. Their eyes met in that moment, Volt’s own filling with tears despite his best effort.
     “I will daddy.” Harmony could feel her eyes starting to sting as she tried to keep her face from scrunching up. Watching as the filtration mask was secured onto his face by his cybernetic, then allowed the prosthetic limb to be removed by Augustus. At least this way there wouldn’t be a potential damage to it as he slept.
     As the chamber itself began to close, Volt smiled once more behind his mask. “Love you pumpkin Give ‘em hell.”
     The door shut, sealing with a hiss as a greenish fluid filled the tube. It started from Volt’s feet and the further it went, the more Volt’s eyes had begun to drift closed. It lifted him halfway before settling him in the spot where he seemed to float freely, yet nothing moved.
    Silence fell on the room, not a sound. Even from the machines keeping tabs on the hybrid inside. The only thing to break the silence was a hiccup. That one hiccup become a second and Harmony moved forward again. Her hands reaching up to touch the glass as her tears finally spilled down her cheeks. If not for Augustus catching her fingers and pulling her into a hug, she would have held to the chamber. Instead she buried her face into the canine’s magenta sweater, her wails echoing in the room and out into the hallway.
     “Let it out kleiner flaume. Don’t hold it in.” His fingers combed Harmony’s raised quills carefully. “Your papa is safe und ve vill not stop until ve find ze cure. I promise.”
     “I promise too Harmony. We’re going to do everything we can to fix this mess Eggman’s put us in. So do you think you can do me a favor and punch him for me when you guys find him.” Tails made an attempt to lighten the mood, frowning at the hiccup that was muffled around the heavy sweater but he still spotted the subtle nod. Although he really hadn’t been expecting the response that followed.
     “I’m gonna do more than punch ‘im if I get my hands on him… But he’s gonna wish he ain’t never messed with us.”
     “Zat’s ze spirit kleiner flaume… Now, let us get some food. I heard your Antoine vas making pancakes zis morning.” With a little coaxing, the two canines were able to coax Harmony out of the room. A handkerchief was offered and Harmony used it to wipe her face before they made their way into the kitchen area. The preteen avoided some of the concerned gazes and took a seat on one of the nearby stools. Thankfully she was willing to eat the plate set in front of her, pausing only long enough to look up at Sally.
     “I’m gonna call some of our friends and see if they’ll come wit me t’ check out some of the places we haven’t looked fer Eggman at, oki?”
     “Promise me you’ll call us in if you find him and not try to solo him.” Sally’s only stipulation got a nod from the preteen, the forced smile seemed so out of her place on her face as she tried to crack a joke.
     “I ain’t completely like Sonic… I know better than t’ punch Eggman’s nose in on my own.” The small tail wag didn’t help either. “But I ain’t holdin’ back no more.”
      “Just don’t blow anything up like your uncle…”
          “No promises.”
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idjitlili · 4 years
Heat of the moment
Thorin x reader
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As requested on quotev , by a lovely reader, they wanted more thorin so here you are.
Summary: you end up in middle earth , only to fall for the dwarven king.
N/o/p= number of pillows Chips= fries , we British here, plus in lotr Sam calls them chips so that's how it's gonna be. Fries are skinny chips. Word count:2673
It was a day in July , well night you had fell asleep in your bed in your room on your n/o/p ,nice and toasty. You had been dreaming about eating a nice bunch of chips , golden thick potatoes. They tasted like keanu reeves love in a potato. oh how you wish to real live that, but you were roughly awoke by something prickly poking you. "Five more minutes ,mummy /mommy/mama." You groaned as the thing stopped poking you, you felt rough ground stabbing your back as you rolled over.
You felt under you with your left hand to only to feel your mattress sheet not your mattress , and just your fluffy blanket you used in the summer instead of the duvet somethings. You slowly opened your eyes , as the bright light hit your eyes , causing you to groan again rubbing your eyes to make them focus. When you opened them again you were faced with a bunch of short men and an old man and an even shorter man. You look at them wide eye, as hatted dwarf held a stick that poked you they look at you in confusion some held weapons.
"Why are you in my room?!" You had almost shouted , grabbing a pillow holding it up in defence,you looked pretty bad,what you gonna do braid eachothers hair and have a pillow fight. Its only lucky that you had put your new pair of shoes in their box on the other side of your bed ,with socks so you could cherish them. Well be ready for the next day,to wear them inside.Little did you know would be travelling with these short men,due to the wizards say so. "uh,lass this is the forest." the short man with the stick and hat had spoken up causing you to gasp when noticed you were in a forest,and so was your bed,you could ony come up with answer to this mess...
"HElp! I've been kidnapped." you had shouted,remove your blanket pulling on your socks and shoes ,standing up,before you can run the majestic hair dwarf shouts. "circle her lads," and with that a barrier of short men surround you. You stood on your bedding ,luckily in clean shoes ,and your night clothes aka a strappy top,with your favourite tv show characters on it,and the shorts that come with,and yeah they are short. You were exposed by strange men ,and you didnt like that,your bust on show and yours ass if you bent over. Thats what she said.
You picked up your blanket ,placing the pillow down,wrapping it around you ,to cover youself. "what do you want from me?" you had spoke anooyed by the sitution,though the majestic man was quite the looker,if you were honest."your the only that fell out of the sky,what do you want?" A short ginger one had growled ,pissed off."what Gloin is trying to say is that we never touched you ,Dwalin was on watch when you fell ,we do not know how you didnt wake up from the impact." the shoretest man that reminded you very much of John waston from sherlock.
You didnt know what to think of the sitution ,then the man that was apparently a wizard spoke to you and the majestic man privately,saying that he was going to try get you home ,after you admitted you never had heard of Rohan ,or erebor or middle earth,concluding you werent from this world. So basically the wizard you know as now Gandalf is forcing this other dude who is a dwarf , a dwarf! Can you believe it? on this journey to reclaim his home ,he wasnt impressed but soon enough he agreed.
Gandalf had forced the company to stop at a small village :so he could buy you clothes,a tooth brush,cleaning supplies and womanly products,you had thanked him dearly. You now wore ,your small trainers with these legging pants and a tunic plus a coat but it was too hot for that right now,during the day anyways. Then you all were back on the road ,and you would have to share a pony with one of the dwarves,which ended up with you sharing with Thorin's youngest nephew.
It didnt take much for you to lift yourself up on the pony,well actually you just swung your leg up and boom you sat upon it as kili mounts behind you struggling a bit. "damn ,miss y/n those are some long legs." he had smirked from behind ,you felt like he was going to be doing a lot of flirting. "uh yeah ,puberty does that sometimes." you spoke gripping the rains of the pony lightly,as the company began to move.your coat in your new bag on the side of the pony hanging,leaving you in your tunic and pants,kili pushed at against you back,one arm around your waist.
"I would sure love to get lost in them." his grip tightened a little,as fili laughed at his brothers remark,your face screwed up."..uh...how long do dwarves live generally?" you questioned,to anyone in ear range. "around 200-250 years ,lassie." Bofur spoke up behind you ,you hummed in response. "and how old are you kili?" Thorin was listening in on the conversation as the whole company had went silent to hear it too. "77." he was confused at what you were gettingat ,he was a little scared even.
"right so the average human lives for 80 years ,right. So if you was to date or court me ,i'll be dead before you mature." bilbo laughed at you ,with some of the others. "what are you getting at?" he stated his face like pink with embarrassment. "if i was to get with any dwarf ,they would be older."you had smirked thinking of someone in mind,Thorin smiled to himself only Dwalin was able to see,he smirked at him,for Thorin to give him a look which almost told him to drop it. Which he didnt later he would tease him.
Thorin had grew to like you more than a member of his company,in the past couple of weeks ,as did you he was very attractive how could you not. Now you were in Rivendell,in which Elrond had supplied the company with food as he talked to andalf about you.It concluded he had no idea how this could happen and then later they would talk to lady galadriel about it. she didnt have a clue,except galadriel thought there was a reason you were brought to this world and you should carry on with the company.
After that you had been led to your room,which had a bloody bath,oh my you were so glad about. Once you had finish you had wrapped a single towel around your body,going to get dressed ,at this point it was late at night everyone would have been asleep by now.However before you could even dress,your bag was gone,with all your clothes ,and an elf had taken your dirty ones when you had gotten in the bath. You had no clue what to do,you would not go to sleep naked in the elves guest bed,not that they werent clean,youjust never know whos been in there or done what.
You decided the best thing to do was go wondering around until you found someone,just in a towel and your shoes,wet hair sticking to your skin ,making you shiver. Opening the beautiful carved pine door,quietly ,before shutting it behind you walking down the hall. It was more than cold out in the hall,your room had a fire lit by the same elf that took your clothes. In honesty you knew you have to go ask onee of the dwarves if they had a spare tunic or something;but that was an incredibly awkward and emabarrassing.If you went fili he would tell kili and then they would tease you,kili would tell everyone how those legs looked in just his tunic,you didnt want it to happen and you didnt want them laughing at you.
You felt like you could trust him,but you felt like if he saw you like this he would never like you back,and you had developed big feelings for him. Even though you barely spoke,he would check on you regularly not when the others where around,when bathing in the rivers he would stand watch, Apparently just incase you drown ,or the others especially his nephews tried peeking or you got attacked. Some how he would know when you got your period he take your watch ,lay hot stones in your bed ,he even made you tea.Dwalin would grin,knowing his bestfriend deeply cared for the human from another world. Damn Thorin and those thic-
you were so deep in thought you didnt notices a figure walk out thier door as you walked down the hall,causing you crash into them. You had lost grip of the towel ,only for the figure to pull you against them holding the back of the towel up,pulling around your sides. You gasped,scared the figure had seen your breasts,but their actions were so sonic speed they hadnt and you were pressed against their muscular chest. You had looked up to see Thorin ,your eyes had widened,you had taken the sides of the towel wrapping around yourself again ,as Thorin looked away. "I-im so sorry." you had spoken stuttering slightly,looking at the floor,before going to walk away,but Thorin had gripped your arm stopping you. "what are doing out here,y/n,in just a towel." he had asked sternly,he thought you were to no good,if you get me,and he was not impressed.
"uh..well.um I had a bath went to get dressed but my bag was gone,so it turns out they had told me that they were going to gift me stuff..but they  must have used it for my measurements,okay so I dont know.All i do know is I am search of something to wear,Its freezing." you spoke still not sure on your own words,it didnt seem right that the elves would take all your clothes. "stupid bloody elves,just leave you naked to freeze to death.I have some spare clothes if you need them." he hated the elves more that they had taken your belonging ,yet didnt he liked the way your hair fell once wet and the shine on your skin from the now cold water.
You had nodded eagerly ,he hadled you into his room,guiding you to sit down in the chair next to the fire,whilst he got you cllothes.He had came back with only only his dark blue tunic,handing it to you."I'm sorry ,my spare trousers are currents drying since kili decided to jumped on me covering me in mud like a dog." he spoke turning around allowing you to dress quickly infront of the fire,you let out a small giggle. "its fine,you have helped me so much,i would be laughed at if i had ran into anyone else. Doesnt matter what anyone else says you are very nice dude. thank you so much,goodnight." you had hugged him,he stood there a little taken back at your words hugging you back wishing you goodnight as you went back to your room.
He had watched you leave ,he like seeing you in his tunic,which only reached barely your mid thigh. He knew he wouldnt be sleeping soon,he was glad you bumped into him and not anyone else,he already thought you were beautiful from your personality but now you were bodacious.
In the morning your clothes still hadnt turned up,and an elf had knocked informing you for breakfast ,so you had no choice but to try sort your hair and go to breakfast in just a tunic and shoes.You looked like you were really at home and sorta a whore. Not that it was your fault at all. You had walked there crossing your arms looking down ,mulitple gasps were heard as you arrived.You had quickly sat down to the closest open sit which turns out was next to Thorin. "lass where are your clothes?"
"yeah you are practially naked."
"damn those legs bend over for me." kili had smirked saying the second,only to be kicked hard under the table by thorin ,who you sent a smile to him thanking him.
"treat her with some respect,shes not some bloody toy." Thorin had spat angrily at his nephew ,who looked down in embarrassment. "BAHAHAH YOU MUST  BE SO EMBARRASSED." You were tempted to say,pointing at him while laughinghysterically at him,sound like someone? yeah i would show you a picture but he stands to still I cant see him."im sorry ,miss y/n," he spoken sincerely towards you. "itsfine,dont worry about it." you had stated you were embarrassed by the sitution too.
After a few minutes Dwalin decided to break the silence,"lass where are your clothes,seriously?" he asked,he knew that wasnt your shirt.Damn the elves appart from elrond ,and Lindir looked at you in disgust. "uh well,I actually dont know,i got of the bath and then asked couldnt find my bag anywhere." you spoke looking at the fruits that sat infront of you,eating a piece of mellon. "oh miss y/n,i had an extra bag in mine and kili's room,i didnt know where it was from. I'll go get it,it must be yours." and with that fili rushed off to get it fpr you,soon returning passing it to as you place it on the floor. "thank you,fili.2 he had sent you a smile that reminded you deeply of seth rogen ,you couldnt help but picture him as seth rogen if you thought of him,you didnt know why.
And with that everyone was back to eating breakfast;oh what until someone questioned you again. "wait is that uncles tunic?" kili had questioned you ,causing a small blush to apear on your face,you nod going back to eating.Fili and Kili snickered,you looked up glaring at them wanting to know what was so funny. "did you happen to stay with him last night.?" and with that they burst out laughing again ,now with bofur.  "are you still tight about me not wanting you to get lost in my legs?hm" you had spoke annoyed ,causing bilbo to luagh,gandalf smirking at you.kili and fili stopped laughing,kili just blushed again. "nothing did happen,but I would mostly definitly enjoy having him in my legs." and with that you got up ,crouching down to grab your bag before heading to your to your room.
Only for Thorin to run after you,you were about to walk into your room,only to be smashed into the wall,lips pressed roughly against yours,you knew who it was from his beard ,and his strength. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist,as his hands cupped your bare bottom gently,before taking you into your room. In the end you did get a proper apology from kili and life was swell.
that was until,HEAT OF THE MOMENT 'rise and shine y/n' joking joking.
Turns out your purpose in middle earth was to save Thorin and his nephews,
idk what happened it went pretty shit.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
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7th installment of my CALM series! Catch up on the others below, each song is paired with another song so the ‘stories’ line up. And just like the others, the boy in question is up to the reader’s discretion :)
CALM Series Masterlist
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. *copyright is listed below*
• • • •
Cat and mouse. Predator versus prey. She and he lived for the chase, became intoxicated with the thrill of it all. It’s a whirlwind of emotions, a cataclysmic game of arousal and passion that is their relationship. Her cat eyes zeroed in on him while she was placed perfectly in his crosshairs. 
Opposites attract but there’s more involved with that attraction. An attraction of black and white, night and day, storms, and sunshine. They knew what to do to press each other’s buttons but then knew exactly how to diffuse the bomb that was precariously placed. 
They laughed at the dramatics of it, the simplicity of their forgiveness. Two sides of the same coin. Sometimes the blows would be too much, the window of opportunity to wave the white flag of surrender has been gone and all guns are blazing.
“Is it easier to stay?” he nearly shouts, fingers raking through his hair.
“Is it easier to go?” she shouts back. She always has to one up him. 
It’s a continuous cycle, fight and run away for a few days only to circle back right in the same place they started. Love in their eyes, apologies dripping from lips. It’s a new day, a fresh start. When their love is good, it’s great. 
He’ll bring her flowers to brighten her day and she’ll cook his favorite meal. This period is fleeting, but when they’re in the midst of it all it’s pure bliss. Loving touches, soft kisses, and plenty of time in between the sheets. 
Their power is exchanged equally. Two forces joining for a sonic boom that shakes the windows and their souls. It shakes their memories like a snow globe of how much they absolutely love each other, how through the good, the bad, and the dirty, their love is bound in chains. 
“You’re so damn beautiful,” he tells her, his voice like vapor. She feels the sentiment wash over her body while his lips scorch her skin. 
It’s always calmest before the storm.
It’s a night out with friends, she’s hopping from person to person, new drink in hand while he just wants to go. He has an early flight the next day and wants to get some sleep, maybe a few cuddles in with her before he’s gone for a week. 
He’s irritated she keeps walking away from him and she’s annoyed he keeps following her. Their coin is being shown the same face, and the odds aren’t in their favor tonight. When he finally manages to grab hold of her, her eyes are blazing. 
“Stop following me like a lost puppy!” she bites harshly. “Go if you want to, I’m staying.”
“No, come home with me since I’m leaving early,” he asks, “or have you forgotten?”
“How could I forget? You always leave me.”
That stops him, but he glances around at her friends trying to avoid the obvious scene that’s about to transpire. He pulls her closer, voice low enough just so she can hear him.
“Do we really wanna do this now? Right here with all your friends around?”
“There’s no other time to do it. Just go home, I’ll see you later,” she sighs in defeat. 
He watches her go in shock; this isn’t how it’s supposed to happen. They’ll fight and bicker but then they resolve it together. She’s never given up so easily and made walking away from him look any easier than right now. He figures they’ll work it out in the morning. 
He stayed up the whole night waiting for her, calling her, texting her. But she disappeared like a ghost, running away again instead of facing the bigger issue at hand. 
When he comes home after his week away, she crashes into him like a wave and he welcomes her willingly. He shuffles them away from the door and he falls onto the couch. Her body is wrapped tightly around his before she pulls away and touches his hair, his eyes, his cheeks, and his lips. As if she forgot what he looked like.
“Sometimes I love you so much that I hate you,” she confesses then connects her lips to his in a fiery kiss. It leaves him burning for more.
“Right now, it’s so hard to blame you,” he smirks while her fingers work on his shirt. 
“Why?” she pants swiping her tongue over his neck. He pulls her head back, fist in her hair, throat exposed perfectly. 
“Cause you’re so damn beautiful.”
He gives her a hard kiss, the storm brewing once more. Their love is only meant to fill a certain capacity, and once it reaches its peak that’s when the trouble starts all over again. The hardest part of it all is that they’re only built to fall.
But they fall together.
• • • •
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
Taglist: @galcalirwin @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash  @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass @gosh-im-short @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby @spicycal @mysticalhood @thesubtweeter @wastedheartcth @atlcalm @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @babylon-corgis @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @lanternlover2 @istaywithmyjonas @calteahood @sarcastically-defensive17 @allier59 @calumhoodaf @frontmanash @philthepegacorn @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings @addietagglikesbands @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke @mayve-hems @morguelth @haikucal @thatscooibaby @meghanrose05
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[WIP] Dolled up. (I think.) Half of first chapter.
TW: Violence (They are figthing.) Dealing with injuries. Wounds. Blood. No medical experience so, all of this could be very well absolutely wrong and very worthy of cringe. Mention of death. Body horror? I think? There is a very ugly looking monster. And I wrote how I imagined them to look, so... 
The blackened earth was smoking, the greyish thing going high to the darkened sky. Rubble was everywhere, disaster and chaos claiming what once seemed to be a very calm forest. Animals carcass lithered the burned ground, and Shadow worried for a while that maybe there wasn’t going to be anything growing in a very long time, and seeing how far the damage extended, it really was concerning.
Or, maybe not.
Strange things happening in Mobius was something Shadow was becoming used to. Things that should not happen were the normal here. People, Mobians and Humans for equal, had learned to stop questioning the around.
If it wasn’t something dangerous, then let it be.
He still hadn’t get the hang of it. But.
He gazed softly at the half burned bunnies and half dead squirrels (and that one bear.) praying softly in a low voice for them and the destroyed natural bunch of flowers and grass that were...well, everywhere. The smell of burning wood and fallen trees marked the path for him to walk, were the fight sounds have already subsided. Looking over himself, and deciding that he wasn’t that bad as if for not being able to continue, he quickly stood up, shaking softly as he ran to get rid of annoying dirt, fallen quills, hairs, rocks, and well, dried (And not so dried.) blood.
He just hoped he wasn’t going to find bugs crawling on him later on.
What remained of the big bio mechanical beast he and his companion had been battling was on the ground. All three of them had fallen at great heights, a stronger that he expected punch with long claws making him slip and fall before they stopped. It had hurt, a lot, more because they had been battling for quite the while, and he got the hit directly in already bruised areas. He had been dizzy, and unable to stand up or answer Sonic scream asking if he was okay.
There may be a few broken bones or strained, sprained muscles. A few burned patches, no doubt. Scratch’s, cuts, and bruises that were going to get swollen and hurt like a bitch.
He didn’t think there was internal bleeding? But maybe it was too soon to say?
Sticks broke under his skates, flowers and thick logs that have been throw around as spectators of the battle. The beast laid unmoving, debris all around. He could see a destroyed house not very far, an un-salvable fence and what could be a garden. He could hear some animals screaming near, and the desperate chirping of new baby birds whose parents had fled during the altercate.  
Feeling guilty, he made a mental note to try and search for them, see who could be saved and what needed to be put out of its misery.
— Shadow! — He heard Sonic screech, and quickly wiped around, trying to find from where the blue menace was screaming. He didn`t find him, but he, however, was found indeed.
Just that not by a very tired looking blue cute hedgehog, but by a miserable looking thing that tried to call itself a cyborg. The beast, no doubt an hybrid made in an experimental laboratory seemed to have lost itself in pain, and its feral stare cut sharply to unfocused hazy red eyes.
He dodged the attack with a pant, his body complaining at the every move. It seemed it had finally snapped, as it didn’t mind anymore the pain it felt. It barely growled at him when with a good punch, he managed to take off one of its various mechanical arms.
There was nothing under it, and the view evidently made Shadow feel very uneasy and uncomfortable, because at least there, there should be something. Uneasy enough to make him falter just a bit, and almost get his nose bitten. He got it licked, though.
Was he being mocked?
Was he a joke to Cyborg-thingy?
Falling down hard on his already hurting tail, he barely reacted in time to block its big maw with his skates, clawed hands digging on the soil beneath him as if to not get pushed around. He flexioned, bringing his knees to his chest in the most unexpected moment, making it lose balance for a second.
The second he needed to yank and make it fall forward hard, almost flying over his head.
Shadow felt like screaming, the agony on his body and that twist he did that pulled hard on already sensitive muscles was a lot to deal with, more with his old, still healing, wounds. He lifted his head from the ground, trying to look out for Sonic, wondering where the fuck was his ally. He found him battling with those annoying smoll winged beasts a good few meters apart from where he was, smile all but gone and seriously attacking those bitches.
He made a face, because Shadow barely could fight them without getting nightmares or feeling shivers running down his spine, not that, well, anyone knew. Those things creeped him out. Like. Really. Maybe it was how crazy their eyes looked? How...red? The scars and metal plates peppered over their bodies? The scary looking stiches on mismatched skin? The dark-feeling chaos energy they had?
His stomach lurched just thinking about them.
— Disgusting. — He muttered. They really made him nervous and tense.
"When something was so annoying, it was almost pleasant seeing them disappear or die." It just...He couldn’t get that feeling completely when battling them. Even so.
Mh, Wasn`t Sonic being a tad too much on them? He seemed almost...angry?
Maybe he should follow his example. He just needed...5 more seconds. You know. Catch his breath. Swallow back his liver. Pray it goes to where it belong.
The usual.
A loud creaking noise made him open his eyes abruptly, and he looked back at his own beast.
Did this dude didn’t know when to give up?
Or how to die?
He rolled out of the way, avoiding a tree being send flying his way. It crashed, hard, close the chaotic house.
Shadow could barely spare it a thought, though. Not when it sprinted towards Sonic, apparently deciding that Shadow was too much of a rough cookie and needed to try his luck somewhere else.
— Nope! — He muttered, standing up as well with a big effort. — Idiot! Wa-Watch out! — He screamed to his distracted rival. Or tried to. He could barely talk. He was becoming dizzy once again.
This was. Concerning. Had he got his head--? Forget it. Of course he did.
Skating the distance between them, he outran the beast, breathing hard, and started trying to attack it, or distract it. He stabbed, punched, pulled, heck, even gave a bite, but the thing ignored him, as if Shadow were nothing but a mere bug. Sonic had long noticed them, but the flying things didn’t left him a chance to go away. They clipped his skin, and avoided his spins. Didn’t reacted to his quills, and clawed at him, don’t letting him leave.
They were so many, it almost looked like a private tornado. Every time Sonic got one down, two more would pop out of nowhere and take its place. They were flying around him, circling, going high and then diving in attack. In made it hard to see Sonic.
Clinging hard to a bit of fur, Shadow managed to climb it. It started to pay him more attention, but didn’t change his direction, adamant in attacking Sonic. Unsteadily, he made his way and managed to make a deep cut on its neck. Digging his claws, he tried to break it. Make it quickly, and stop its pain.
Just end it. Give it peace.
The beast let out a big roar, and his shaking almost threw him at the ground before honestly scared green eyes. A few flying things started to attack him, making it harder to stay put. He really didn’t know if the blood he was seeing mating the beast fur was his, its, or from them.
Because he was kicking their asses as well, yes sir.
He squeezed harder, and the beast tripped and twisted with a yowl. Shadow had to jump before he got crushed beneath it, tackling Sonic on his way, as well, getting both of them out of the way of the beast by rolling on the ground…and well… rocks and branches.
One word.
No good. Really.
No good.
The winged ones flew all around them, in a very messy and menacing mayhem. A lot of them were surrounding The beast, clinging and... Were they taking off with it?
Their wings were beating them, flashes of green, brown, red, metal grey and blue all around. Even the sky above was darkened because of them. They clipped Sonic hands, arms, face, Shadows ears, back. Their screeching was disorienting, painful on sensitive hedgehog hearing.
This time it was Shadow who got pushed to the ground, his whines of agony washed out for all the noise, Sonic rolling them out of the way of a big, big, Winged One. He got a nasty cut (With a sting powerful enough to steal a high yelp of pain) on his side thanks to it, and a push forceful enough to throw him off Shadow and make them roll a bit. Two of them flew way to low, making both of them duck their heads and, in consequence, leaving them unable to see the next attack before too late.
Sharp claws pierced the skin on Shadow back, making him actually scream thanks to the excruciating pain and scaring the ever loving shit out of Sonic, who immediately reached out. Shadow clung to Sonic arms when his body was lifted from the ground. Sonic yelped as well, panic flowing through his body and mind as his upper part was lifted too and couldn’t find purchase with his shoes for 2 petrifying seconds. They weren’t taking Shadow from him.
They couldn’t.
Sonic refused. ___ Hi? Im sorry if this seems like too much, but im proud of how this is coming out, so ! Yes. I just dont know if I should publish only Tumblr. 
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Episode 6: End of an Era
Strap yourselves in guys, this one’s a long one, but a good one. 
In this session, we were joined by two friends who happen to be married to each other, L and A. L provided snarky comments on the session hijinks and A played sound effects and brought the DM’s speakers over when he wanted to play something specific. 
The DM explains how, after an 8-hour speeder ride across the planet, we’re put down in a field and the speeder disappears. We’re in the middle of open farmland, nothing but rolling green fields dotted with small rounded bumps. These look like old abandoned grain silos, but Grif and Rralwarr know that inside one of these silos is a turbolift down to the safehouse. 
Rralwarr: I wanna do something. Before we go in there, I want to check Taveau for anything Death Watch could be using to track us. 
DM: And you’re... going to do this how? 
Me: Are you going to warn Taveau before you do whatever you’re planning to do to him? 
Rralwarr: Yeah--like “hey Taveau I need to check you for trackers before we head in.” 
Taveau: h
DM: Yeah that was technical language, you only barely understand what he’s saying. 
Taveau: I got like... half of that. Grif? 
Grif: Hmm what? Oh I was trying to remember which of these silos leads to f̸͎̽l̸̤̾u̵͙͆f̸̗͆f̸̣̀y̵̰̎p̶̦͂ḽ̷͊à̶̳c̶͕̄ê̷ͅ... 
Grif: Yeah he wants to know if there’s any way Death Watch could be tracking you. 
Taveau: *instant paranoia* I?? Don’t?? Think so??? Uh, this armor never belonged to them, I don’t... 
Rralwarr asks if there could be something in the helmet. Taveau explains that it’s a remarkably low-tech helmet, only useful for deflecting plasma bolts from your face and holding caf, but lets Rralwarr examine it. It is, indeed, a very plain helmet with no attachments. Rralwarr is satisfied. We head down. 
Rralwarr and Taveau both have a bad feeling. It seems too easy. I’m kind of expecting Death Watch to already be down there, holding Grif’s family hostage. When the new Roll20 background loads up, showing a bunker, I nearly have a heart attack when I see several character tokens facing the entrance where we’ve just appeared. This changes to relief as I see that they’re Wookiees. 
DM: as the doors open, you see two Wookiees in the room before you. They roar an enthusiastic greeting, and one rushes forward and hugs Rralwarr. From behind them, you hear someone speaking basic. “Excuse me--Medrull, Talwarra?” and poking in between them comes a man who looks a lot like Grif, but older and greyer, in very luxurious robes. 
Baron Welkonna: Son. I’m so glad to see you safe. Rralwarr, thank you for keeping him safe. 
Then there’s sort of a moment of awkward semi-silence as everyone looks suspiciously at Taveau. Everyone except Medrull, of course, who immediately starts talking to Grif about how much taller he’s gotten, and asking whether he’s been eating well. Baron Welkonna pulls Rralwarr aside, but the other two Wookiees stay where they are, politely but firmly barring Grif and Taveau (mostly Taveau) from entering the room. 
Baron Welkonna: I was not anticipating a third person, Grif made no mention... is everything alright? Who is he? 
Rralwarr: Yes, it’s alright. Regarding Taveau--Taveau is his name--he’s helped us on our journey and as far I understand it he is running away from the ah
H: I Should Probably Think Before I Speak
DM: Yes. 
H: OK I’m starting over. 
DM: You can do that. 
Rralwarr: Taveau is our pilot, he is the one who got us to our destination, and... he is running away from slavers, as I understand it. He hasn’t told us much and I think there’s more to it, but he has helped us, and has fought alongside us in battle. 
Baron Welkonna: Ah, the poor man. You trust him? 
Rralwarr: Enough. 
Welkonna: Does Grif trust him? 
Rralwarr: Yes, I think so. 
Welkonna: Medrull, Talwarra, everything is clear. 
We’re allowed into the room and Baron Welkonna comes over to Taveau. 
Welkonna: I apologize for seeming a bit rude at first. These are trying times, but I have been assured that you are trustworthy. 
And he holds out his hand for a handshake. 
Now let me explain. Taveau feels like he’s entered another dimension, here. Not only is this man ridiculously wealthy (and Taveau is still semi-convinced he’s some kind of royalty), but he’s nice. Taveau isn’t sure how to react to either of those things but especially not the second one. 
Taveau, struggling to remember how normal human beings behave when they’re not fighting for their survival and having near-death experiences every two seconds: 
Taveau: Thank You Sir *shakes hand, casually has an out-of-body experience* 
Baron Welkonna: I understand you’re been a great help to my son. 
Taveau: h 
Grif: Ohmygoodness he has been amazing!! He’s such a great pilot and he got us off of Ryloth when we were trapped there and I don’t even know what would have happened if we hadn’t met him, we probably would have died! 
Taveau, having another out-of-body experience: I... would have died too, so... thanks for letting me tag along? 
Baron Welkonna walks Grif and Taveau around the complex, showing Taveau the facilities, while Rralwarr hangs out with the other Wookiee bodyguards and chats about his adventures. The furnishings are simple but comfortable. There’s the living area where we came down, which has a couch; other rooms branch off of this in two directions. The one straight ahead from the entrance is a sleeping area with bunk beds, which we’ll get back to later. The other door, on the left (with your back to the entrance), leads into a dining area with doors leading to storage area, master bedroom and bathroom (with real water showers rather than sonic ones!! Taveau takes note. Taveau is still finding Geonosian sand in his hair, months later, and he doesn’t like it.) And in the bathroom there’s a hidden panel that opens to a hidden saferoom with a gun rack. This room provides access to the area which has the power generator and an escape hatch leading up to a small hangar. 
From here we circle back around to the smaller bedroom. 
Welkonna: Grif, I’m sure you remember this, you used to love playing on these beds. 
Grif: Oh yeah! During the safety drills.... I remember those. 
Welkonna: Do you remember the time you hid under the covers and we couldn’t find you? Midkrarr was ready to tear her fur out with worry... you scared your mother, too. She was so happy when we finally found you. 
Grif: ...I remember. 
Welkonna: Anyway, 
He opens another hidden-panel-door into a vault holding an impressive amount of weaponry. 
Grif: Wow dad, I don’t remember all of this! 
Welkonna: Ah yes, I’ve made some additions to the place since you were last here. Actually: here, might want to take this. 
He takes down a suit of concealed body armor that will go under Grif’s clothes. 
Grif:  Wow, this, this is—I don’t even know where you’d get something like this! Thanks, dad!! 
DM: Taveau, Baron Welkonna notices you hanging back at the door, not sure if you should enter. He says “Ah, you look fairly well-armored already, but I have an attachment that might be helpful.” 
*L and A play the Zelda item gain noise from the couch. Party takes a moment to laugh at this* 
Welkonna gives Taveau a wrist attachment with a concealed vibroblade. Taveau is beyond pleased and puts it on his left wrist and starts playing with it. 
H: Please don’t tell me he’s just standing there flicking it in and out
Me: Heheheheh that is exactly what he’s doing. He looks very pleased with it. Finally he retracts it and looks up at Baron Welkonna and says “Thank you, sir.” 
M: Hey can I roll to see if Grif notices any guns he could use that would be better than what he’s got? 
DM: Sure. (he do that) You see a very nice blaster pistol, looks like republic army issue. 
Grif: Heyoo, dad, where’d you get that one? 
Welkonna: Oh, that was a gift from an army supplier I helped with some tricky negotiations. I have no real use for it, would you like it? I certainly can’t object to you having more protection, though I wish it weren’t necessary. 
Grif does indeed take the gun. It is a nice gun. 
DM: meanwhile, Rralwarr has been shooting the breeze with the other Wookiee bodyguards, and has have endured some good-natured teasing from Midkrarr, the oldest, who is Baron Welkonna’s personal bodyguard. Medrull and Talwarra are also glad to have you back. They’re excited about the new gear they have—shock sticks. Would you like one? 
H: You know this is incredibly obviously that room full of gear that you find right before The Boss Room 
DM: I am being nice to you :) 
H: Yes I take the shock stick. 
DM: Excellent. You can sling it on your back.
Rralwarr discusses where the rest of Grif’s family is with the bodyguards--his sister is with her husband’s family, the brother who went into industry was off-world at the time and they’re having trouble contacting him, but they think he’s OK because he was about halfway across the galaxy. We also learn that Grif was the middle child, his brother was older and his sister younger (though one would presume not much younger). 
DM: Medrull pulls Rralwarr aside and softly grunts to him that Midkrarr was the personal bodyguard to Lady Welkonna as well and is taking her loss very personally. She’s been extra vigilant. She considers it a failure on her part.
RR: I understand. But we’ll be safe here—
Everyone: Of Course It Does
DM, to Rralwarr: Midkrarr rushes past you, nearly knocking you over in the process, barking at the other bodyguards to take up defensive positions. 
Rralwarr quickly gives the other bodyguards an idea of what they might be up against, then goes looking for his boy 
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Grif, reacting to the alarm: Oh! That sounds bad! 
Rralwarr: Ah he’s in here. 
DM: You encounter them rushing out of the vault room. Baron Welkonna races into the dining room area, where there’s a display screen on the wall, and you all follow him. About 5 miles out you see a small freighter, flying low to the ground and slowly. You think you may have about 5 minutes, they have to go over a lot of hills and it’s slowing them down. 
Welkonna:  I was afraid of this. It seems we’ve been followed. I expect it was someone in the police force who told them where we were. (sigh) alright. It’ll take them a while to get through... We’re far enough down to be safe from anything but orbital bombardment, I don’t think they brought a capital ship. I think we need to retreat to the safe room. 
Taveau: Then you’ll just be trapped in there! 
Welkonna: I’ve reported it to the police, a force should be here in about an hour. Surely we’ll last for that long. 
DM: ...The ship... is still approaching... what are you gonna do... 
[Party discusses various options. Leaving through the escape hatch won’t work, they only have a small speeder there, they’d be easily chased down and shot.]
DM: Guys... the ship... is getting really close... what are you gonna do... 
[Welkonna heads into the saferoom, still arguing with Grif]
Taveau: the bodyguards are going to be at the door, right? I’ll stay with them as long as possible. 
Rralwarr agrees. 
Grif looks at his friends, then his father. 
Grif: Dad, I think I gotta go with em. I can’t leave em alone--
Taveau: No, you don’t gotta. Go in the safe room. 
Welkonna: Son, please, I can’t lose you too. Stay with me. 
At around this point, the other two head to the front, and Taveau, Rralwarr, Midkrarr, Medrull and Talwarra all take cover in places around the living room right outside the turbolift area. They also recall the turbolift so that the invaders can’t use it, but let’s be honest, did anyone really think that would stop these guys? No. But we could say that we tried, at least.
DM, to Grif: At this point, you’re at the hidden door. Baron Welkonna is already inside, Grif is still outside in the bathroom. Baron Welkonna is coming back like he’s going to grab you and pull you inside, Grif; and you notice this at the same time that you notice that you’re standing right next to the emergency seal on the door. 
M: ooh. ... Hm. 
Grif: Alright dad, I’m going. 
And he steps out and presses the release. 
Welkonna, muffled, through the door, which is now sealed for the next thirty minutes: Aaah fierfek! 
Grif: I’ll try to stay safe dad! 
Grif goes and hides around the corner of the other bathroom, the one at the back of the first room, where the others are waiting. Nobody notices that he’s joined the party yet. 
The last we saw of the display showed the ship on the ground and six figures walking towards us. The Wookiees begin to roar--the DM describes it as a rhythmic sound that slowly builds in intensity as they psyche themselves up for battle. It works so well that it gives us all a +5 bonus to attack rolls on the first 3 turns. 
Above us somewhere, there’s a very loud explosion. It sounds like the freighter may have blasted the door open. Then there’s silence, maybe a few footsteps... then suddenly: 
Kote! Kandosii sa ka'rota, Vode An
DM: You hear, of all things, Vode An, but it seems to have changed, because this version is interspersed with bloodcurdling whoops and screams and lyrics that mention restoring the glory of the Mandalorian empire, taking the wives of the Aruetiise, and drinking blood from their skulls. Taveau, this gives you very unpleasant flashbacks. 
Me: Yes It Does
DM: Roll a 1d4. (2) It’s difficult, but you manage to steel yourself and keep composed. That was a PTSD roll, by the way. 
Me: Excellent (I appreciate the devotion to accurate characterization, and also the material for possibly later writing something. I’ll also throw in here that Vode An had come up a couple times in earlier sessions, as the DM and M discussed how great it was and played it for the rest of us. It’s from the game Republic Commando, which I bought during the Steam winter sale but haven’t tried playing yet. Considering how bad the book punched me in the feels, I’m almost afraid...) 
We hear the sound of jets firing in the elevator shaft, followed by 6 thuds. They’ve jetpacked down. Then, we hear one of them shouting at us through the door: “Aruetiise! We are not without mercy. We offer you peace! Return the foreigner, his pet, and our property to us and we will leave you alone. Otherwise, you must die.” 
DM: the Wookies respond immediately, cursing the parentage of the speaker. Taveau, with your shaky grasp of Shyriiwook, you think you hear one of them call the speaker a Hutt sex slave. You’re not sure you want to think about this too much, and question your decision to learn Shyriiwook. 
(Me, internally: are you telling me Taveau hasn’t heard worse in Mando’a) 
Speaker: You have ten seconds to respond! 
At this, Grif pops his head around the corner of the bathroom wall, and yells:  GO TO HELL YOU SONSUVBITCHES! 
At which Taveau whips around and goes GRIF WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! 
The answer is, Grif is using his Presence skill to give us an advantage. 
Ten seconds pass, and the Speaker calls “Ha! Foolish aruetiise, soon you will taste the blades of Death Watch!” 
Just in case there was any doubt left as to who we’re dealing with, yep, it’s definitely those guys. 
Taveau noted that Death Watch had mentioned three people specifically this time. They’re not just after him. He gives up the idea he’d had of turning himself in and taking whatever punishment they had planned for him. It wouldn’t be enough, would it? He’d been stupid to think there was a chance. But honestly, who would want to kill Grif? He was... Grif. Rralwarr was more likely to be seen as a threat, but he hadn’t personally gone out of his way to anger Death Watch, he’d just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. And he hadn’t been the one to kill the guy. 
Taveau, who was pressed against the wall to the side of the door, leans over to the door and shouts “what do you want with these outsiders?” 
There’s a bit of a, possibly surprised, pause, then the Speaker responds “We want to get to the one who shot one of our own.” 
Taveau: The kid? No he’s useless believe me. He was in another room. I don’t think he even had a gun. And the Wookiee was just trying to protect him, I guarantee he wouldn’t have shot if he’d known who he was dealing with. 
DM: There’s no response. 
Of course there isn’t. 
We hear explosives being packed around the door and we all duck and cover. The door blasts forward into the room, and in the smoke-wreathed gap appears the first of our enemies, a tall man with a rather large blaster carbine slung across his chest. He’s not using this. He is, in fact, brandishing a large beskar-bladed sword. This is the Blademaster. And so it begins. 
(I’ll spare you the frantic rolling and the “oh, he missed... he circles around to try again... that guy... also missed,” and try to make it a bit story-like). 
Another Death Watch grunt runs out behind the Blademaster, and the two team up against Medrull, who’s on the other side of the door from Taveau, whom they don’t seem to have noticed. He’s standing very, very still. 
In the chaos, Grif pops out again and takes a shot at the Blademaster. He hits, though the hit doesn’t do very much damage. This man is a tank. 
DM: Yeah, and he definitely sees you now. ...But not you, Taveau. 
Me: Can I make a sneak attack with my two vibroblades? 
DM: Yes... (not-a-very-great roll) Ah, well, you try to sneak up on him while his back is turned, but you bang your elbow against the filtration column, and he hears it and dodges your attacks. 
Talwarra nearly kills one of the troopers, but he’s still up and fighting, on a sliver of health. 
All 6 of the Death Watch are in the room now, including a Scout with a very nice & stabby knife and four grunts, fairly ordinary troopers whom the DM refers to by number in the combat initiative list. 
Trooper 3 shoots at Taveau. He hits Taveau. He hits Taveau for a lot of damage. All of it, in fact. He nat 20′d both of his attack rolls. Taveau is insta-downed (not killed) and falls to the floor, limp. 
(the drama of the moment is somewhat lessened by L shouting from the couch “and then one of the troopers starts crying and goes I didn’t want to go to war, I had a liberal arts degree and no one else would hire me!”) 
Rralwarr roars, intimidating the troopers, who all try to stay as far away from him as possible for the rest of the fight. 
The DM mentions, at this point, that these armored bastards have Wookiee pelts braided around their armor. This does not endear them to our allies. 
Grif takes a shot at the nearly-dead guy previously shot by Talwarra and manages to finish him. He’s a bit surprised, and a bit concerned to see what their response will be. 
The DM gets back to Taveau. “Roll a 1d3.” Ah yes, we are now in the world of death saving throws. 
And I’ve just rolled a 1. 
DM: Oh good, reroll that. (a 3) Oh! Okay. Good. That was good. You’re stable now. 
Me: But I can’t move? 
DM: No, you’re still unconscious. 
Talwarra, meanwhile, grapples with one of the troopers and manages to restrain him, Medrull is still boxed in by several of them while Rralwarr takes shots at them from around the couch, and while all this is happening, one of the troopers who isn’t currently busy with the others goes over to Taveau’s limp body, grabs him, and starts dragging him away. He disappears through the door and into the turbolift shaft before anyone does anything. 
DM: Medrull... Medrull is going to attempt something a little spicy. (rolls a 24) Ah, yes. She moves in, grabs the guy who was previously holding Taveau, pins his arms, puts him in a chokehold, spins around and uses him as a meatshield. Taveau just sort of slumps to the ground in the turbolift shaft. 
And that was where I remained for the rest of the fight. But the man who tried to abduct me went on to have a very bad time. 
Grif shoots the man fighting Talwarra, but he manages to break out of Talwarra’s grip. The Scout joins him in ganging up on Talwarra. 
DM: Talwarra, enraged-- 
DM: ...I am sure Talwarra is in a Wookiee rage, yes. Is this a thing? 
This is a thing. Wookiees have sort of a berserker mode, and considering they’re being attacked by maniacs wearing the pelts of their dead brethren, it’s pretty safe to assume that our friends are going to be doing that during this battle. Talwarra, buffed by his righteous anger, starts whaling on the nearest member of Death Watch. Meanwhile, another trooper tries to shoot at Medrull, and his shot glances off The Human Shield for 5 damage. To The Shield, not to Medrull. The Shield wriggles around in a desperate attempt to escape, but rolls low enough to bring a deadpan “Yeah, there is no escape” from the DM. 
The Blademaster also fails to land a hit on Medrull. 
M: You know, “The Blademaster” seems like an interesting name for this guy who’s never hit anything with his blade... 
DM: Medrull decides this trooper she’s holding has too many arms... (bad roll) but fails to pull any off. She’s still got him in a firm grip, though. 
It’s here that Grif yells to Rralwarr, “Get Taveau!” because I’m still lying just outside the room. Rralwarr is surprised to see Grif there, but ‘trusts his judgement.’ He doesn’t run for Taveau, though. There are kind of a lot of people duking it out between him and the door, including Medrull, who’s swinging around an entire flailing human. Instead, he takes a shot at the Blademaster, master of the blade which never lands. 
Grif, seeing that he and Talwarra, who’s closest to the back, are getting a lot of attention, yells “let’s fall back!” to Talwarra and ducks into the bathroom, which, might I mention, has no other exit. The trooper Grif had shot at a moment before rushes after him. And then he rolls a crit fail, crashes into the door, injures himself, slips on the slippery bathroom tile floor and falls on his face. He is now prone. Grif steps over him to get out of the room, and then shoots him while he’s still lying down. 
Talwarra grapples with the scout and The Human Shield, who is having a very bad day, continues soaking up damage from his own teammates. Then the Blademaster makes a surprise-dash attack on Rralwarr, which does 34 damage, leaving him nearly dead. Medrull, seeing this, goes into rage mode and decides to body-rush the Blademaster, using The Human Shield as a battering ram to smash him out of the way. She succeeds beautifully, inflicting damage upon both the Blademaster and The Shield, who is really not having a good day. 
The Blademaster, now nearly dead, moves away from us, and... before anyone can finish him off... pulls a syringe from his belt, jams it in his neck, and regains a large chunk of his HP. 
Me: I hate that guy. 
H: I hate that guy too. 
M: I don’t like sand. 
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Rralwarr medpacs himself, gets his health back, and then goes into rage mode. Medrull, still holding the least lucky man on this team, uses him as a melee weapon to bludgeon one of his teammates. Rralwarr takes out his new shock stick and slaps the Blademaster with it. The Blademaster goes down. 
Grif takes another shot at the trooper who slipped facefirst into the Welkonna bathroom, who has managed to stand up again but not to do anything else. He rolls a 24 for this. 
H and I simultaneously: OOOOOH, 
Me: You are more competent than Taveau, who has been trained to kill from birth! 
DM: You manage to hit a battery pack on the side of his helmet. It explodes. Half of his face is now gone. 
One more down, but Talwarra goes down a moment later. Rralwarr slams into the guy who downed him, the Scout, with his shock stick and knocks him backwards into the hallway where Grif is standing, shouting “Take the shot!” to Grif. Grif takes the shot and crit fails it. He uses his inspiration to reroll, and still fails to hit anything, but at least he didn’t crit fail and hit Rralwarr. Unlike the other member of our party. (see ep. 1) 
Meanwhile, The Human Shield is still doing frantic and ultimately useless wiggles in Medrull’s arms, and Trooper 2 gets tired of trying to aim around him and just. Shoots his buddy. 
Me, OOC: That poor guy. Seems like the Taveau of this bunch. 
Medrull backs Trooper 2 up against the wall. He’s the last one standing, and Grif comes out and yells at him. 
Grif: Give it up, we have you outnumbered! Go back to your people and tell them we fight with honor! 
This last guy, panicked, yells “I submit!!” and drops his blaster. Medrull takes the opportunity to punch him. He’s now unconscious. 
The room is full of bodies. We’ve won. 
Rralwarr keeps beating on the limp Blademaster for a few moments before coming out of his blind rage enough to treat and stabilize Talwarra. Medrull goes and gets binder cuffs, restrains the two alive-but-unconscious men--Blademaster and the last trooper--and lashes them to two of the bunks in the next room. Then she sits down to take a rest. She’s on very low health. 
Grif: While this is happening I run to Taveau and drag him back into the room and lay him down. 
DM: You know you have a small medical facility here? *points it out on the map* 
Grif: Then never mind, I’m dragging him there. 
Rralwarr and Midkrarr follow with Talwarra. As we all pass the display, we see that another ship has entered their airspace. It’s not Alderaanian police. However, it doesn’t appear to be Death Watch backup, either, as it launches a missile into the other freighter, destroying it, before touching down in front of the bunker. 
After getting Talwarra and Taveau set up in the clinic, Grif rushes to the still-sealed panel to talk to his dad, while Rralwarr returns to guarding the door. 
Grif: Dad!! (he’s breathless, gasping a little, and he sounds high on adrenaline. He’s laughing a little, too. I’m reminded that M is an actor, and a damn good one.) We did it, we got 2 prisoners, the rest are dead and right now Rralwarr’s guarding the door! 
Welkonna: Thank the Force you’re OK. I should have kept you in here with me. 
Welkonna, who’s been watching the security cam feed: I know. I never wanted you to get into this kind of life, but it seems that choice is beyond me. Now come, let’s treat the Wookiees and your friend.
Baron Welkonna gets himself un-trapped and goes to tend to the wounded. 
DM: Grif, on the display, you see, approaching the door, a Mandalorian--
M, assuming it’s the black-armored mystery man we keep running into: SONUVA-- 
DM: --In sand-colored armor. 
M: ?? WHAT!
DM: And then he looks directly into the camera--which should be completely concealed--and says “Hello! Seems like you’ve done some impressive work here. Could I, maybe... talk to you? I have some information you might find rather valuable.” 
Grif heads back to the door to discuss their options with Rralwarr, who’s starting to crash. Rralwarr’s take is “Well if he shot the other guys, let’s see what he has to say.” He’s still incredibly wary. Grif convinces him to lower his bowcaster as they head up in the turbolift, but he keeps it ready. 
DM: The doors open, and you see the Mandalorian standing in front of you. He’s slightly below average height, wearing scuffed, kind of sand-gold armor. “...Colored kind of like my Camry, actually,” says the DM. “He’s wearing Camry-colored armor. You notice a familiar-looking silvery flute hanging from his belt.” 
M, remembering that the black-armored Mandalorian murdered someone with a sharpened flute in one of their earlier adventures: SONUVA--so it IS the same guy!! 
DM: This isn’t the same guy. He’s shorter. His voice is more easygoing, rather than the clipped, aristocratic tones of the black-armored Mandalorian. He’s standing with his palms out in a gesture of non-confrontationality.
H: Rralwarr stands by the door and lets Grif do the talking.
Camry-armored man: So you’re still alive, then. Kandosii! You must be special indeed, not everyone gets a death watch assassin squad sent after them. Those damn shabuire... Mm. My name’s Mij Galmar. 
DM: He takes off his helmet, there’s a slight hiss of decompression. You see the face of a man in his late 40s-early 50s, dirty blonde hair greying around the edges. He has a face that would have been handsome in his youth but has met with a few fists since then; he’s got a squashed, broken nose.
Rralwarr takes this as a decent sign of trust and lowers his guard.
Grif goes for a handshake. “Grif Welkonna! Nice to meet you, sir.”
Mij: Rather impressive what you did there, son. Or what I’m assuming you did. I don’t know what their current numbers are, but used to be a squad was 8 men. 
Grif and Rralwarr look at each other in sudden paranoia. 
They take Mij back down with them in the turbolift, and when the doors open Rralwarr leaves at a sprint, heading back towards the medbay. 
Mij: What’s his rush?
Grif: you said 8? 6 came after us.
Mij shrugs. “Maybe 2 stayed in the freighter. Or their numbers have gone down. Death Watch has only recently made a resurgence, they’re not up to full strength; 6 was probably all they had.” 
Grif: I hope you’re right. You’ll understand our concern, though. We’ve been having trouble with these guys.
Mij: Have you, now?
Grif, being Grif, decides to roll a Charisma, and nat 20s it.
Grif: Yeah, so, what do you know about these guys? I’d like to know what their deal is.
DM: Mij gives you an appraising look. “I guess you could call me a patriot, though Death Watch would say that they’re the patriots. They’re really nothing more than criminals. I like to think of the days when we had honor, but Death Watch remembers the times when our name struck fear at a mere mention. We thought they were dead at Galadran, but it seems they’re back, and they’ve used the civil war as an opportunity to make some powerful friends. 
Grif: That’s unfortunate. Sounds like a problem for you guys.
Mij: It’s a problem for those of us who know. We Mandos typically keep to ourselves.
Grif: I mean, I guess that makes sense if you’re gonna have the kind of problems you do. Besides, considering the kind of warriors you make, I’d expect that you want to keep your secrets close. 
Mij: Look at you, already thinking like a Mando. So how many of you were there? I’m guessing you and your friend didn’t fight off the Death Watch by yourselves.  
Grif: Yes, we had a couple bodyguards with us as well, and another friend.
Mij: I see. Have they fared well, did any of them die?
Grif: Well, I mean, we had a few problems, some of them are getting patched up for minor injuries. But everyone should be right as rain in a few minutes. (Deception roll: 32)
Mij: You know what, considering what I’ve seen today I believe you. But, if you ever need help, I am a doctor.
Grif: ...I mean, we would take some medpacs, if you have some to spare. 
Mij: Oh? Everyone’s OK, but you want medpacs? 
Grif: Yes but we used up a lot of medpacs, and now we’re a bit low. I mean, they came through our “impenetrable” door; that makes me a bit nervous.
Mij: I respect that. 
Meanwhile, Rralwarr finds Baron Welkonna, who grabs him and asks why the display feed shows his son sitting on the couch with a strange Mandalorian. Rralwarr is really starting to struggle against the fatigue now, coming down from berserker mode is worse than an adrenaline crash. 
Rralwarr: There’s... a sandpaper armor Mandalorian, out there... He shot the freighter, he took off his helmet as a gesture of trust, now he’s on our couch. 
Baron Welkonna: Will my son never learn! 
H: Rralwarr is actually a little bit loopy. 
DM: Yeah, I’ll bet. Medrull is going to lie down and take a rest in the bunk room, keeping an eye on the prisoners. And Baron Welkonna is going to go see what Grif’s up to. 
H: Rralwarr goes with him. 
Grif, seeing them come in: Heyyy! Who brought in the army? 
Rralwarr slumps against the wall, exhausted. Mij takes a look at him, then at Grif, and goes “right as rain, huh? Don’t worry about it kid, I respect the effort.” He stands and extends his hand to Baron Welkonna with a slight bow. 
Welkonna: Thank you for the service you did us in taking down that freighter. But if you’ll forgive me a bit of paranoia, considering what we’ve just come through, it is a bit suspicious that you showed up just now. 
Mij: Understandable, and I’ll be honest. I’ve been hunting these guys, I take my targets where I can find them. 
Welkonna: Ah. So you’re a bounty hunter. 
Mij: Sometimes. I prefer to think of myself as a doctor, really. 
Welkonna: I... see. (sigh) This, the whole series of events the past week has been surreal. First my wife and now the attack on what I thought was a safe house. 
Mij: Wait, your wife? 
He looks between Grif and Baron Welkonna, noting the similarity, and the way that everyone’s gotten rather quiet. He looks back at Grif. 
Mij: ...They killed his mom? 
H: Rralwarr is grumbling in the corner about it. 
Mij: Shab, these... They’re going after kids now. I can’t believe... How did you attract the ire of Death Watch? They’re brutal, but usually not random. 
Grif gives him the short version of our Hypori adventure, concluding with “We’re not sure why they’re this angry, but maybe when one of our friends wakes up he can talk to you.” 
(Me: Hey, good question, am I conscious now? 
DM: You’re semiconscious. You still can’t move.)
Mij: I see. Would you like me to treat him? 
(Me, OOC, wanting Taveau to LIVE: Grif? Grif. Swallow your pride, Grif. 
M: It’s not pride! I’m just not sure we can trust him--)
Rralwarr: Yes. 
Grif: ... Yes. Thank you. 
They glance in on the prisoners and Medrull first. Medrull has stripped the dead and prisoners of their Wookiee pelts, planning to give them a proper burial later. Mij looks at them and comments “Aah, that’s how you did it. They should’ve known better than to wear their blasted Wookiee pelts.” 
Then he checks on Taveau and Talwarra. Talwarra is still unconscious, but should live. 
DM: He feels for broken bones, checks your eyes for concussion, makes sure you don’t have any untreated injuries and injects a stimulus. You come back. 
Mij: Aah, welcome back to the land of the living. Just a word of advice: you may want to lay off the rum, brother. It’ll increase your life expectancy. 
Taveau: ?? Whhhh I just met you huuh how did dyou know ?? 
(M: He’s a doctor, I think he can tell when your blood is 50% rum. 
DM: Yeah, Mij has seen alcoholics before.) 
Rralwarr leans right down to the cot and gives Taveau a massive bear hug. Let me repeat. Whom does this massive furry tank teammate give a hug to? Yes, Taveau, who was near-lethally shot half an hour before, and is still covered in bandages. 
Taveau: AAAGH! Um, hey. 
Grif: Careful! 
Taveau, who appreciated the gesture (though startling and painful), manages to give Rralwarr’s arm-fur a squeeze before he releases him. Grif, opting to not damage him more, ruffles his hair. 
Grif: It’s OK. This guy is a friend. 
Mij: Mij Galmar. You feel awake enough to explain what’s going on? Your friends told me I should talk to you. 
Taveau: Uh... 
Grif: Actually, hey, guys, if you wouldn’t mind giving me and Taveau a moment alone? We have some stuff to talk over. 
And the adults politely leave, except for the unconscious Wookiee on the bed next to Taveau, and Rralwarr, who slumps down on the floor against the supply cabinets. 
Grif: OK, here’s the thing. I think we can trust Mij, I think he can help us.
Taveau: He’s... when did he get here? How long has it been?? 
Grif: Not long, you’ve only been unconscious maybe half an hour. Less, I’d say. 
Taveau: Huh. Ok. 
Grif:  Mij wants to know why Death Watch is interested in you. But if you don’t want to tell him, I understand--
Taveau: Nah. If telling him will help us, I’ll do it. 
Taveau sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed in a sloppy attempt at standing up. Grif catches him and helps him get up without further injuring himself, and supports him as he walks to the door. 
Taveau: We won, though? 
Grif: Yeah! Oh, yeah, we won! *with immense pride* Actually, I killed two of them! 
Taveau: Yeah? Kandosii. 
Grif: Kk?? Kah, um, kendasi to you, too. 
DM: Hey, are you saying this out loud? 
Me, instantly on edge bc that’s a Things Are About to Happen DM Question: ??? yes?? 
DM: Can everyone hear you? 
Me: ...We’re right in the doorway at this point so yeah, everyone should be able to hear me. 
DM: ah :) 
Me: What? What Happens
DM: Mij hears you say this. He looks over at you quickly, then says, in Mando’a, “You speak Mando’a?” 
Taveau: lek
(DM: ??? 
Me: ....ye. * ’lek is a shortened form of elek which is yes so it’s like going ‘ye’ or ‘yeah’ but DM either couldn’t tell the difference between ‘lek’ and ‘I just muffled a burp’ or doesn’t know that*)
DM: Alright, Mij looks intensely at you for a moment, and sort of flares his nostrils as he takes a deep breath. 
Mij: Let me guess. You were just a kid, weren’t you? 
Taveau, struggling against all odds (and against his earlier resolve) to not have his backstory brought up again even though it’s happening anyway, and doing an extremely bad job of feigning innocence: ....scuse me?
Mij: Death Watch could never get enough people to join their crazy scheme, so to fill up the ranks they’d take the children of loyal members. 
Taveau, still trying to pretend he’s not an open book: How do you know this? 
Mij: If you mean how do I know that’s what happened--you know the language, and you look like you’ve seen some stuff. As to how I know about it, I’ve seen it, I grew up there. It almost happened to me. But I got out. 
Taveau, with a faint touch of both bitterness and respect in his voice: Good on you. 
Mij: How’d you get out? 
Taveau: Faked my death, but obviously I didn’t do a very good job. 
Mij: They saw you with these others on Hypori. 
Taveau: Yeah. 
Mij: That explains it, then. Death Watch doesn’t want to let go once they have something, and they’ll go to a lot of effort to show that they still own you. 
Taveau, remembering how they treated (attempted) deserters in his day, just nods. They don’t want to let someone be a bad example. 
Mij switches back to Basic, addressing everyone in the room. 
Mij:  *sigh* Alright. I’ll give it to you straight. Death Watch is coming back. They have no real concern with Alderaan, or the Republic, or really anywhere outside of Mandalore for now; but they’re desperate to re-establish themselves somewhere. That fight on Hypori made them angry, but they don’t have the manpower to attack the Republic, so they’ve decided to pick on you. You’re an easier target. And once they’ve decided that someone is their enemy, they don’t forget easily. I think, if the three of you that they’re after leave this planet, they won’t bother the rest of your family, but they’re going to keep hunting you. Now, I’m no big fan of the Republic, but we’ll fare no better under the Seps, and especially not with Death Watch in power, so I’ve made it my mission to hunt them. 
Grif: Mij? 
DM: He looks up at you. 
Grif: Could you guys use a courier? 
Mij: I was hoping you’d say something like that. I’m putting together a small operation... 
Mij: and I know... I know that Val would call me soft for this, and I’m probably sounding too much like Skirata, but I can’t stand it when they go after kids. I can’t promise you safety, I can’t promise you much protection, but I can promise you a way to fight back, and to learn to stand on your own feet and fight for yourself. You’ll have to leave this place, and you may never come back. It’s bas'lan shev'la, a strategic disappearance. But unless you want to go your own way, on the run from these guys for who knows how long... 
Baron Welkonna has a grave look on his face. There are tears glistening in his eyes. 
Welkonna: I never wanted this for you, son. I should never have let you leave, but this is the life you’ve started for yourself. I’ll protect you if I can, but I know that you resent having guards around you all the time. And you’ve shown that despite your impulsiveness you take care of yourself. You can stand on your own.
Gears have been turning in Taveau’s head while this is going on.  Mij doesn’t think Death Watch is interested in Grif’s family. Death Watch is only tangentially interested in Grif and Rralwarr, for their accidental association in a battle on Hypori. What Taveau is painfully aware of at the moment is that Death Watch wants him; terrifying enough if he were alone, but now his presence here is endangering this peaceful family. 
He steps forward before anyone else can speak. 
Taveau: For my part, I’ll go with you, at least as long as it takes to get out of this system. 
He turns back towards the Welkonnas and Rralwarr and hesitates. 
Taveau: I wasn’t here long, but... thank you... for accepting me into your home. 
Grif turns to Rralwarr to discuss his own options. 
Grif: right now, I want to go.It’s the best chance for keeping our family safe, and... I don't hate them anymore, but I will do what I can to fight them. If you go with me, then I’ll go, but only if you stay by my side.
H: ...I’m just trying to figure out how Rralwarr would react to this--is there some Wookiee gesture to express that Grif is family and anything else would be unthinkable? 
DM: I think a hug would suffice. 
Rralwarr sweeps Grif up into a hug of affirmation. Grif leaves the floor. Grif, upon being released, turns to Mij with a grin. 
Grif: alright, you’ve got me, and you’ve got my uncle Rralwarr here--
Grif:--and one of the best pilots in the galaxy.
Taveau steps forward and slaps his hand down solidly on Grif’s shoulder. He’s the closest he’s come yet to outright grinning. 
Taveau: Grif.  ...Don’t lie so much.
Grif: ?? what? No? I was... actually telling the truth...? 
(H, laughing: Charisma check on Taveau to make him believe!!)
The conversation turns to what we’re going to do with the prisoners, and Mij offers to ‘take them off our hands’. Grif asks Mij what he’d do with them. 
“Oh, strip them, interrogate them, and depending on the day, maybe see if we can’t propel them into the nearest sun.” 
Grif tells how he convinced the last man standing to surrender (a not very typically Death Watch thing to do) and Mij just sort of does an ‘I’m not surprised’ grunt. “There’s always a few hut’uune in the ranks.” 
(Fun etymology time, the Mandalorians have such an intense dislike for the Hutts that their word for ‘coward’, aka The Worst serious insult, is derived from their name.) 
Midkrarr asks if the bodyguards may see to the prisoners themselves, or at least get some things straightened out before giving them to Mij. Mij responds without waiting for a translation. 
Mij: Far be it from me to stand in the way of Wookiee justice! Try to leave the heads attached, but I don’t really care about the arms, they just get in the way. 
Rralwarr, still very lethargic, is taken aback that Mij understands Shyriiwook, but after a moment just replies:
Rralwarr: OK. They had pelts. We have... a special procedure... for ones who take pelts. 
Mij: Would you like to borrow my scalpel? Nice bit of Mandalorian iron. 
Rralwarr passes, but Midkrarr snatches it up with a pleased look and goes off towards the bunk room. Mij calls after her 
“Leave them able to talk... please?” 
Finally, Mij takes out his comlink and makes a call to someone. 
“Jang, we’ve got some new friends. Yeah, just two kids. And a Wookiee. Yes I knew you were going to say that. Where is Kal anyway? Nah, they had it taken care of by the time I got down here, they’re not completely helpless. Six, this time. *sigh* Yes, you can have their gloves.” 
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tigerlover16-uk · 6 years
In a way its really wierd to me how angry people get over Super. It's clearly just trying to be a simple comedy action series aimed at kids. Though I suppose there is the ageold ruining my childhood thing. But it doesn't really strike me as very provocative to inspire such strong negative feelings. Im just mostly looking at what it's trying to be. It doesnt strike me as tryhard either. The most powerful being is a audience selfinsert that just wants to have fun. Its so selfaware on many levels.
A lot of people obsess over Dragon Ball and want it to remain this (In their heads) perfect, untouched work of art I think. I’ve never agreed with that sentiment, but Dragon Ball IS one of the most iconic and influential anime and mangas of all time and has a special place in millions of peoples hearts. With that kind of pedigree, I get a lot of people having very high standards for any kind of a follow up.
There are legitimate grievances to be had with Super, and plenty of things that can theoretically go wrong with continuing Dragon Ball’s story (Just look at GT for proof of that).
So it’s perfectly reasonable to have concerns… but, unfortunately the Dragon Ball fandom has the same problem as the Star Wars fandom, Sonic fandom, and really a lot of other major fandoms out there: They let their nostalgia and obsession with the series get completely out of hand, and treat every mistake, big or small, as a sign that the end times have come and that the series is ruined forever.
Some of this does come from nitpicky aspects of the series that only certain obsessive fans actually care about and the majority of viewers are actually casually ignorant to (Like power scaling), some of it does come from places of genuine concern (Animation issues and messed up production early on, stuff like the Future Trunks saga ending, the show running in circles with certain characters rather than letting them progress further, etc), but a lot of it is, frankly, people just wanting an excuse to complain because “It’s not like Z!”.
As someone who grew up with the Star Wars Prequels and 3D era Sonic games, and prefers them to both franchises earlier outings (Mostly… 06 WAS a complete mess, nostalgia aside), I tend to have little sympathy for people whining about how a flawed sequel has completely ruined their favourite series and thus their childhood forever. 
And while I do sympathise with more reasonable fans who have fair reasons for disliking it, I think people in general are being incredibly myopic if they think that Super can actually damage Dragon Ball as a whole.
Like, you want to know why I keep comparing it to the Prequel Trilogy? Because for all the handwringing from petulant manbabies about how their precious (Dated and somewhat overrated, FTR) sacred movies had supposedly been ruined forever… the movies didn’t actually hurt Star Wars much in the long run, let’s be honest.
The Original Trilogy still exists. They’re the same movies they’ve always been, and if you don’t like the Prequels you’re free to ignore them and enjoy the original three movies for what they are, since they do function as a self contained story. There’s still plenty of tie in material from the old and new EU for people who want MORE Star Wars content not related to the Prequels too.
And on that note, we’ve had PLENTY of good Star Wars content since the Prequels came out too, with the tv series Star Wars: The Clone Wars frequently being hailed as one of the greatest works in the entire franchise, if not one of the best cartoons ever made, with some Prequel detractors even arguing it SALVAGED those movies. And let’s not forget how the first installment of the sequel trilogy became the first franchise film to gross over $2 Billion at the box office.
That’s not even getting into the fact that the Prequels also brought in a whole generation of new fans and lead to their love of the franchise, myself included.
For whatever problems the Prequels had (Real, imagined or grossly exaggerated), in the long run… Star Wars was fine. 
Even now with the Last Jedi, which many argue is a horrible movie that hurts the overall story of the Star Wars Saga (Funnily enough, I’m actually in that camp this time), I think similar logic applies. I, and other fans may not like it or a lot of stuff the Sequel Trilogy has done, and with stuff like Solo the Star Wars franchise may be going through a bit of a rough patch in terms of public interest at the moment… but honestly, I don’t think things are going to be bad forever.
People will eventually move on with their lives. People who don’t like the Sequel Trilogy can move on and enjoy the old movies while pretending they don’t exist, and enjoying whatever other spin offs they like, while fans who do like the Sequel Trilogy and modern star wars content can look forward to more stuff they enjoy. 
I can complain about certain directions the series has taken, but as someone who’s endured having people tell me that my childhood favourites ruined their lives (To which I have to say… please go outside and get some air, for Christ’s sake), I have no interest in wangsting about the state of things when I have a lot of better things I should be doing.
That’s not to say no one should complain of course, there are legitimate failings to the Sequel Trilogy and Last Jedi in particular and people have every right to complain (As long as they’re not the toxic fanbrats whining about the “SJW AGENDA!” And bulling the cast, those people can jump off a cliff along with the people who bullied Jake Lloyd and drove Ahmed Best to contemplate suicide). In fact, it’s a good thing for people to be critical since actually constructive criticism is necessary and good feedback for studios responsible for these pop culture franchises.
Going back to Dragon Ball, I personally enjoy Super. I think it’s done a lot of good things, though also had various missteps along the way. But despite those issues and while I hope future works take steps to fix and improve on things, I’m fairly happy with the current state of the franchise and eager for more.
I do think you have a point too, anon. Super itself isn’t honestly trying to be anything revolutionary or even on Z’s level. If you actually examine the show as a whole, it’s basically extended filler that mostly serves to expand the universe, create a big sandbox for future stories to possibly build on, and further develop several characters. The only time it really tried to do anything particularly ambitious was in the Future Trunks saga, where we had villains who questioned the state of humanity and there was an ideological battle going on between them and our heroes, mostly Future Trunks.
Other than that though? We got two movie retellings that were basically self-contained conflicts, a small-stakes tournament that mostly served to introduce a bunch of new recurring characters, and a multiversal tournament that, while it did do some interesting thematic stuff here and there… was mostly an excuse to introduce EVEN MORE new characters, give old ones a chance to shine and develop some more, and have a lot of cool looking fights.
Super isn’t really trying to be Z. It just wants to be a fun show for kids and which nostalgic fans can hopefully enjoy. If anything, I think it was mostly a test run to see whether continuing the franchise with more stories beyond the occasional movie was viable.
There’s certainly gripes to be had, but really Super’s status as a fill-in for a time gap in the Z anime to me just makes it feel a lot more low risk than an immediate sequel to the end of Z, since things do still end the same way they did regardless at the moment. It exists for fans to enjoy if they want to, but it can be easily ignored for fans who don’t and prefer the previous series.
And personally, I don’t think it’s really possible to truly “Ruin” Dragon Ball because the story already got an ending. The original manga, and the two anime adapting it, are a complete story on their own. One with a very open ending that leaves the door open for future stories, yes, but it’s a complete story nonetheless. Whatever directions future series may take, good or bad, it’ll never truly change the story as it originally was, because that manga and it’s anime will always exist for people to enjoy as it was intended.
I hate GT and I’ve complained about it plenty, but while I have very personal reasons for why it annoys me… at the end of the day, it’s irrelevant now. We got a different continuation that ignores it, it’s divorced enough from the original canon that I can just go about my days pretending it doesn’t exist, and I got my closure over it with that last re-watch sorting out my feelings on the series. 
So, really, flawed as it is there’s nothing to be REALLY mad about, is there? It exists, but it doesn’t do me any real harm, and it’s there for people who do enjoy it (For whatever weird reason, lol) to watch at their leisure. So in effect, it’s harmless… or at least it will be once we get another post-EoZ series to prove it didn’t completely close the door on those being made.
Dragon Ball’s kind of lucky in that way. It got to a point where it had a satisfying resolution where it can hopefully stand the test of time as a classic work of fiction, but people who want more still have the opportunity for that. 
And people who don’t think it should continue, or just don’t like those continuations, are free to not watch those works and enjoy the series the way they want to. Or, even if they don’t like Super, it’s still possible a better series or other products like movies can be made down the line that they can enjoy better.
Just like with Star Wars and the Sonic games.
I may have issues with Super from time to time, but overall I think it did a lot more good than bad, and most of it’s faults could be improved on in future series. The worst thing it actually did was destroying the original future timeline, but even that’s fixable if they just have another story with Future Trunks coming back and have somebody go “Hey, maybe we can use the Super Dragon Balls to bring your timeline back”. 
I get having personal attachment to the series and it’s characters, I do too. And I get people getting emotional when they feel something they like is being disrespected in any way. If people think the show handled Goku’s character badly or did something to hurt the overall ongoing story, then they’re within their right to complain and be upset about that. TO A REASONABLE EXTENT.
I do also get the feeling a lot of people just can’t handle Dragon Ball having a flawed follow up, aswell. Given that Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are influential classics, it makes sense that a lot of people would be unhappy with anything that didn’t live up to that quality. But I think some people do get overly worked up about it.
Fact is, all franchises have both flawed installments, and a number of duds to show for them. Star Trek has bad movies and the bad series here or there (Enterprise). Doctor Who has had bad seasons. Marvel and DC have had plenty of bad comics and media adaptions. Mario and Sonic and Pokémon and lots of others have had bad games or adaptions. But that hasn’t ruined everything that was good about those series, or stopped them from putting out good new content.
Every piece of media has it’s flaws to be frank, and every franchise will inevitably stumble here or there. Dragon Ball has had plenty of duds before Super. The Broly movies, GT, Return of Cooler, Episode of Bardock, a bunch of bad video games most people don’t even bother to remember, FREAKING DRAGON BALL EVOLUTION. And plenty of stuff about the old series themselves has aged terribly (Especially in early Dragon Ball). But none of that has managed to kill the franchise.
We’ve had bad, mediocre and decent though heavily flawed Dragon Ball stories and products in the past, and we’ll have plenty more in the future. And while there’ll be stuff that is worth griping about, really at the end of the day it’s not the end of the world, and people who do get legitimately angry thinking it is need to relax now and again.
I get people thinking that things should have just stayed the way there were, thinking that Dragon Ball shouldn’t have been continued if that continuation wasn’t going to live up to it’s predecessors. And I’m never going to argue that people shouldn’t complain about things (I certainly do).
But realistically, Dragon Ball was going to have follow ups sooner or later. It’s the biggest franchise Toei and Shueisha have, and one of the most iconic series of all time. Whether I or anyone else thinks Dragon Ball needed a follow up or not, it was bound to happen because we live in a world where milking popular franchises is the name of the game. 
People can complain about it, people can and should have issues with flawed products. People can insist on Dragon Ball’s legacy needing to be preserved. But like I’ve said... the series as you loved it isn’t going anywhere. No one is obligated to support everything the franchise does. So I don’t think getting overly angry or worked up about Super or GT or whatever not being everything they wanted them to be is something to freak out over.
Fact is, for all the complaints... a lot of people still love Super and enjoyed it. A lot of people still love Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. Super has brought Toei nothing but monetary success, and interest in the franchise is at the highest it’s been since Z finished airing in the West over a decade ago and the franchise went truly dormant for the most part. If anything, I think Dragon Ball actually gets more respect these days than it did for most of the latter half of the last decade, where it became sort of an internet laughing stock in the West.
We’re still getting plenty of high profile and quality products, like FighterZ, which along with Super itself and the movies preceding it has helped draw in a lot of new fans and brought back a good chunk of lapsed ones. There’s a generation of children the world over that are going to have grown up on Super as their first Dragon Ball series, and it’ll be an important part of helping them get into the franchise and the previous series, much like Kai before it. 
And we’ve got a new movie coming out that’s generating a lot of hype and which looks to be giving the franchise a much needed and exceptionally positive visual overhaul, which it’s needed for a while now.
For all the ups and downs, and there have been plenty... Dragon Ball is doing fine. Regardless of what any individual person thinks of Super, Dragon Ball’s legacy isn’t in any danger. The franchise isn’t collapsing, and the overall story and all of it’s characters haven’t been completely ruined beyond repair.
Things could be better. But Z and Dragon Ball could have been better in a lot of places too. It’s okay to be unsatisfied about the current state of things and to voice complaints, as much as it’s okay to be loving the thrill of having Dragon Ball really make a comeback.
Things will be fine. With Super currently off the air, I think now’s the time for everyone to just take a chill and relax. The world didn’t end, and it’s not going to any time soon. (Well, unless Trump throws a hissy fit and launches nukes at everyone but, you know, hopefully that won’t happen).
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dunkalfredo · 7 years
1575 words of gay and also hair? ft. amy
yo yo yo what up im back and im here to bring u that sweet sweet infidget
disclaimer: in case the title implies otherwise lemme just say that amy is gay too shes just not the main focus of this story. trust me, shes v gay and i love her. shes a good gorl. bless her soul
other disclaimer: infinite’s not-infinite name is finn bc infinite is Not his real name i stg
other other disclaimer: this is old friends au/fixed canon. follows the canon @theashemarie and i are establishing over here in our lil gay corner
u kno the drill yall click Keep reading to read the things
It’s a simple difference, so small that Gadget doesn’t notice it at first.
Finn’s there, at the breakfast nook, reading the newspaper, and when Gadget walks in (always the last to wake up, today’s no exception) he makes it all the way to the fridge before his eye spots the change in shape, the abnormal smallness of the silhouette in his peripheral.
He turns, slowly, as though he’ll disturb the air if he moves too fast, and says, perplexed, “Did you cut your hair?”
(Gadget really looks at Finn for the first time, and his brain confirms what his eyes whispered to him mere moments ago; short, white locks tickle Finn’s neck, replacing the usual mane of white down his back.)
Finn looks up from his periodical, makes eye contact, and shrugs. “Needed a change. Do you like it?”
Gadget’s still several paces behind where he needs to be, not yet at ‘Do you like it?’ and still at it wasn’t short last night.
Finn’s not exactly a master hairdresser. Gadget eyes the thin locks, the jagged ends, the slight shake in Finn’s hands as he watches Gadget watch him; it all screams impulse, midnight and afraid, chop it off, feel better now but horrified in the morning, all too aware that it’s too late to take it back. Gadget sees it in his eyes, the need for reassurance, validation.
Gadget sighs, a small depression of his chest, and smiles. “Yeah, it’s nice.”
It’s not so much that Finn smiles, or speaks, but his carriage lifts ever so slightly, and the newspaper stops shaking.
(Gadget also sees, for the first time, the dark circles under Finn’s eyes, and his mind wanders.
Finn, three a.m., sheets tossed by nightmares and bed absent one, stumbling to the bathroom and staring himself in the mirror with wild, cold eyes. He doesn’t recognize the face in the mirror. He can’t feel his own hands. The world is little too dark, too foggy, obscured by nightfall and burnt lightbulbs, and the space feels liminal, unreal.
Finn runs the tap, listens to the whine of the faucet, lets it ring in his ears as he splashes his face with cold water, and the hair on his head hangs limp over his neck, pouring over his shoulders, a cascade of white. He forgot to put it up last night.
It’s this simple fact that occupies his mind, drags his hands into the drawers for a hair tie, but instead his fingers brush against something hard, sharp. Scissors.
Gadget’s mind stops there, not willing to breathe life into the image of Finn, breath heavy, eyes watering, hands trembling, sweeping hair into the garbage and carefully climbing back into bed limb by limb like he’ll break if he bends too far.)
It’s later, when the day is over, and they’re home, sprawled out over the couch and recharging after errands and separate schedules and distance that Finn finally says it aloud, despite its sitting heavy in the air since that morning and never leaving:
“I need help.”
Gadget, head in his lap and eyes on the television, doesn’t look up, doesn’t even bother raising his head to speak and instead mumbles his words into Finn’s knee. “Astute observation, Einstein. How did you ever come to that conclusion?”
Finn huffs. “I’m serious.”
“I know you are.” Now Gadget rolls over to look up, frowning when he sees the disconcerted expression drawing Finn’s brows together. “You haven’t cut your hair since third grade.”
Gadget sees the cogs turn in his head, and then finally Finn says, barely a whisper, “Third grade?”
Finn deflates, sinks back into the couch, and then sinks further with a sigh that flattens his lungs. “I really need help.”
At first, they dismiss therapy outright, because they don’t think a psychologist will hear “I killed thousands of people because I got kidnapped by a mad scientist and forcibly possessed by a rock” and not immediately send Finn to the psyche ward (or, alternatively, a prison cell, since Finn’s still technically a wanted criminal. Only technically). It’s only after another night of deliberation and (for Finn) staring, sleepless, at a wall that they decide that they need someone to talk to.
(When Gadget mentions this to Sonic while they’re out doing “cleanup” (getting rid of debris in X city or Y town because Knuckles is occupied), almost shouting to project his voice over the creak of the pipe they’re lifting from the sidewalk, he’s not expecting the immediate response Sonic shoots back.
“Talk to Amy,” says Sonic, casually, dusting off his hands and reaching for a chunk of… building? Sidewalk? Gadget can’t tell. Concrete something. They’re both going to have to lift that one. “She’s great with emotions and stuff.”
“But Amy hates Finn!” Gadget cries. “Why would she be his therapist?”
“Well, she likes you,” Sonic says. “Maybe that’ll help?”)
When Gadget relays this suggestion to Finn, he’s just as appalled. “Talk to who?”
“Amy,” Gadget says, hands worrying over each other and eyes somewhere to the right of Finn’s face.
Finn deadpans, “She hates me,” and Gadget thinks it’s like poetry, how his conversations seem to rhyme.
He sighs. “I’m aware.”
The moment they show up on Amy’s doorstep, and she opens the door, eyeing Finn like he’s a block of rotten cheese she just found in her fridge, Gadget’s one-hundred percent convinced that this isn’t going to work.
This feeling continues as she ushers them (Gadget) inside and offers them (Gadget) some tea, to which Gadget politely refuses and Finn stays silent. She brings out three cups of chamomile anyways (Finn’s was likely an afterthought, but Gadget considers it progress), and they’re seated in her living room, Finn’s hand in Gadget’s, Amy in the seat opposite, when she starts speaking in earnest. It’s not what Gadget expects at all.
A simple question, four words, and the most perplexed voice Gadget’s ever heard from Amy; “You cut your hair?”
It’s an unexpected question followed by an equally unexpected answer: “Midnight crisis,” Finn says, and it’s with a voice that’s not nearly as small as it was hours ago, when they were both leaving the apartment and Gadget asked if he had his wallet. That was the quiet “Yes” of a man half his size and age; this is his normal, low timbre, conversational, like Amy wasn’t glaring daggers at him mere seconds ago.
Amy’s posture shifts, and while the air’s still unnaturally cold, her face opens up just a little more. “That’s why you’re here.”
“Yeah,” Finn says, frank.
She hums, and Gadget’s nerves spike.
It’s an hour later, and Gadget’s walking back to the metro station with Finn to head home when he hears him say, “That wasn’t too bad.”
Gadget reminds Finn, pointedly, “Half of our visit was awkward silence.”
“She only glared for a quarter of it.”
Later, Gadget thinks, watching Finn fiddle and hum and haw under Amy’s stripping, burning, disarming, demanding gaze for the third time in a month, that there’s something missing. He sees Finn’s thumbs, his fingers, restless, twitching and turning in his lap, and Gadget’s struck, hard, with this feeling, a wave washing over him that this isn’t right. Gadget knows what’s missing, he’s sure of it, but it’s just out of reach, a breath too far from his grabbing, clutching hands.
Then, as they walk home from Amy’s that day, he sees it, in the corner of his eye; Finn, right hand in the motion of grabbing for his shoulder, where for years a white lock would spill over and he could grab, run it between his fingers, fiddle and twist.
A memory surfaces: The two of them, younger, late high school, Gadget slipping out of the house at one in the morning because if he stays inside, where the death and cold and emptiness his father left behind aches the hardest, he might punch the walls in two, every single one, and then break and bend and snap over the rubble right after, a broken body to match the broken home it came from. He leaves, he sneaks over, desert night lukewarm and clammy against the back of his neck, and he arrives at the gaping maw of his best friend’s front door, where the hinges creak and the door opens as soon as Gadget’s foot meets the doormat.
It’s a comforting memory; Finn, shoulders tired and slumped but eyes and arms warm, curling around Gadget, letting him step into his space and his embrace, there, in the doorway, and both taking a moment to pause and breathe. It’s this lull, this potential energy building between them before moving again, that does Gadget in. His chest breaks open and a single, harrowed sob, more a hiccup and an exhale than a cry, spills out, but its muffled by Finn’s chest, contained, away from the prying eyes of others and kept just for them. In this stillness, Gadgets cards his fingers through the hair on Finn’s back, focusing on the softness of the locks instead of ache of a late father, and the digits begin looping the tufts into loose braids.
Gadget thinks of this moment, sees this in his mind’s eye as he watches Finn try and register why there’s nothing there, why his fingers feel nothing, and Gadget wonders how much they really lost that night, weeks ago, besides sleep and besides hair.
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