#Just not yet
zoe-oneesama · 8 months
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They can't believe you wore THAT to the Fashion Show.
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hell0jon · 4 months
can’t wait (i can) for alice to find colin’s body suspended in the middle of a dark room in wires likes he’s just been crucified, in a way
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phantasm-echo · 10 months
for my Dead Men Walking (Swimming) AU
When Echo is rescued from the Techno Union by Clone Force 99, Captain Rex and General Skywalker, the first thing he notices is that Fives isnt with them. And just through that, he knows that if Fives isn't here to rescue him when Rex is, Fives is dead.
The realisation is devastating, but he forces his mind to bury the thought, since he still has to actually leave the facility.
He gets to know clone force 99 better, learns they call themself the bad batch and begins to enjoy their company when all he gets from most troopers in his old battalion is judging looks.
He quietly asks Rex what happened to Fives already knowing the answer will break him, and breaks down further when Rex will refuse to tell him anything beyond the fact he's marched on.
At the end of the capaign, when Hunter asks him to join clone force 99, he is fully ready to accept and join a group where maybe he wont stand out as much anymore...
Instead, he is interrupted by the immediate order to return to kamino for analysis and examination.
A chill runs along the ports in his spine as he hears the chancellor's voice through General Skywalker's comm, and knows that he will never make it off Kamino.
But what else is he meant to do, right? After all good soldiers follow orders, and if a small part of him thinks that dying on kamino will bring him closer to seeing Fives again, then that's for him to know.
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i want to be as cunty as elias bouchard but slightly less evil that jonah magnus.
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I just wrote a post about The Cormorant that would have to be so deeply redacted for spoilers that I just saved it to my drafts instead.
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cecropiacrown · 4 months
Finished the update early and couldn't wait to post it!
Heads up that I am very mean to poor Mu Qing here, but I promise things will get better. They just have to get bad first <3
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youregonnabeokay-kid · 7 months
fully convinced that Chimney’s nickname is just because he’s an ex smoker (hence the gum he’s constantly chewing) but it’s an on-going joke within the 118 to make up elaborate stories whenever somebody asks about it
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skyward-nerd · 10 months
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Donna Noble, yelling about how gorgeous the new TARDIS is, but I don’t have the energy to make all the GIFs I need right now
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Your bases made me realize you never officially joined the Babytwo club. I imagine Calliope doesn’t count.
No, Callie doesn’t technically count. Bella doesn’t either since she’s not a baby. Callie’s as close as we have atm
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
So, after seeing this:
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My little adhd brain went down a rabbit hole of possibilities.
Note: I do not condone this, as it’s a very dangerous situation for the mother and babies.
I mean…Great Danes can cross breed with chihuahuas. (This was the rabbit hole I found myself in) I know that we’re talking M2 vs Mew here, and the size difference isn’t exactly the same but it’s fictional and this is similar in concept and is actually feasible (though not ethical).
Mew and mewtwo should be genetically similar enough, though may come into some trouble with early birth-as in the case of “Savanah Cats”. They are a newer hybrid cat breed that is a mix between an African serval and Domestic House Cat. Kittens are born premature and require constant care, which is one of the reasons that the breed is VERY expensive (and ethically questionable).
In both cases, offspring tends to grow bigger than the small parent, but smaller than the larger parent.
The jellybean babies (if they were to be canon, and if they were to be biologically M2’s) would be probable by biological standards in my mind.
Well, as someone has brought up in the comments before...
Skitty and Wailord can breed.
This is a world where a 2 foot cat and a literal blimp-whale can have babies together with no harm to any involved. (And Skitty's not even the smallest possibility!)
So, I think I'm going to generally disregard the size difference as a threat. X3
I appreciate the information, though. :3
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psychologeek · 8 months
Lab Rat (pt. 1)
DAY 1: helpless
DAY 7: suffering in silence.
This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This isn't what she wanted. It's not – she prepared, but never really thought –
Her brother is passed out in the back seat, hardly patched up. They didn't have time to fix all when
When –
She doesn't think about it. She doesn't think about how he hasn't woke up yet.
She doesn't think about the storm raging out of the car.
She doesn't think about the hopelessness in the situation,how it was NEVER MEANT TO HAPPEN.
There's a scream in her head that won't let her think, a howling storm to match the outside. She can't tell if the low vision is related to the drops in or outside of the car.
(Does it even matter?)
The gas bulb lights up, and she misses the first exit as her mind struggles to understand what that means.
She only realizes that she's shaking as her hand fails to enter the gas fuel to the car tank. 
It's cold and she's still wearing a summer dress. It was a nice day before her parents –
Before the Fentons–
She doesn't think about the kid in the back of her car, or how he hasn't moved in the last hours. She doesn't think about the green-glowing IV in his arm.
She's not a medic, but she tried. She tried and tried and tried for years to keep him alive, to keep him happy and thriving.
(And she failed.)
(Like it? I have more mini-fics in this au. And full size fics on ao3 please vote in my update poll!)
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grey-sides · 2 years
When Billy passes, disappears since his body was never recovered, Steve helps Max pack up his stuff.
It's painful for both of them, even with no conversation, sorting through a life and packing it into boxes. Steve remembers doing it to his grandparents' house when his granddad died. But this is worse.
Max tends to slip more stuff into Steve's box than her own, sniffling and pretending like she's not. It's heartbreaking and it's how Steve finds his bottles of cologne when he gets home.
Once he's bucked up the courage to open the box and pick everything out, he finds them nestled together in a t-shirt.
They're common colognes. Cheap, easy to find. But the ones on the shelves haven't even held by Billy's hands.
Steve considers spreading it on his pillow, just a drop or two so he can remember. But that would be using them. So he leaves them be.
A bottle of Billy, an entire life shoved into a box. A missing boy.
And even with the bottles sealed tight, Steve swears he can smell him late at night.
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mochalottie · 8 months
“Stay right where you are,” one of them shouts, aiming the barrel of his gun at Spider’s head. “If you move, we have orders to fire.” 
“If you move, I have reason to fire too,” Spider says with some malice, and they tense in anticipation. Drawing themselves up tight and holding their breath, eyes flickering to the deadly weapon in his hands.
The tension turns the air between them heavy as Spider draws his own gun up to his shoulder. 
And blinks again, only to open his eyes to another bloody sight.
Nearly all of them flung to the ground, their blood working its way towards the diving pool and turning the water pink. Their arms and legs spread akimbo, their eyes wide and sightless, staring up at him through the plexiglass when he steps over their bodies. 
He doesn’t comprehend that this is his doing, because it would be too much for his mind. Not when it’s already so fragile. 
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citrn · 9 months
pearlnet drabble // 100 words :]
This is what it all comes down to: Pearl loves Garnet. But there are things that run deeper and ache rawer; things called devotion and reverence and she taught me how to use a sword and tried to set me free before I ever wanted it for myself.
Things like, I loved her more than I thought I could love.
Things like, I would do anything for her.
(I still do everything for her.)
Pearl loves Garnet, but she adored Rose. Adores her still, even in her death.
Had Garnet loved herself any less, she would have loved Pearl, too.
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Annd we’re back! With daddy/uncle Dean in full swing, plus a healthy dose of feels because I can never let this man be happy!
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eepybubble · 10 months
urge to shave my head gets stronger every day
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