#but sumi's? ohhh boy
smolstarthief · 2 years
So something hit me: Futaba and Haru's "wishes" were to have their dead relatives back from the dead albeit idealized versions of themselves while Sumi's was to CONTINUE BEING her dead relative but an idealized version of them. Holy shit guys... The parallels/foils!
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kankuroplease · 3 months
hi! was wondering how close are the children of the kpz uchiha founders (madara n co) with their mothers?
Ohhh okay let me try to do some quick summaries
Sumi’s kids
They were a tight family unit
They did get grossed out when Tajima kissed their mother tho
And fuss when they got “replaced”
But Sumi made sure to spend one on one time with each of her kids so they wouldn’t resent their siblings or her too much
They entertained her love of embroidery and would wear what she made them without being asked to (she was so happy when they did)
Madara would help her with his younger siblings without being asked to either
Katsura’s kids
They love their mom… but they also love giving her a hard time
I.e. the twins started picking her up when they got bigger than her to carry her off to a surpise or when she’s ready to fight someone else’s mother
Or Riki will just ask their father if she tells her no
They do love the sweets she makes and will behave for those or bring her fancy perfumes in exchange for their favorites
They will fight anyone who says anything negative about their mother
Yaya’s kids
They are very sweet kids just like their mother
They love their mother and would cuddle in bed together with when their father was gone
Her daughter is very similar to her (just more confident) and they’re more like best friends than simply mother and daughter
Her sons will help with chores as they know she has a bad shoulder and that’s the one thing they can definitely help with
Gin kid’s
They think their mother is pretty cool and respect her highly for her battle skills
They have some jewelry made of her bones
And often relay any information they get to her as she’s their confidant/trusted adviser
The boys gang up on their father when it comes to their mother and how lucky he should consider himself to have her
Her son with her eyes thinks they look awesome and doesn’t mind that they make him stand out from other Uchiha
Her and her son don’t always see eye to eye as she’s more emotional than he his and he doesn’t always feel like a hug will fix everything
Her and her daughter get along besides her fussing over getting her mother’s “problems” (I.e. she’s busty and clumbsy)
Other than that, they get along well and often mirror their mother’s expressions when surprised, happy, or disgusted
Her and her son have a bit more of a close bond as he’s capable of using her weather jutsu and entertains her tea parties more than her daughter (she still tries with her baby girl though)
Wakaba and Runa
They genuinely didn’t know who gave birth to them until their cousins pointed it out
Which didn’t matter to them, they love their moms and they never differentiated themselves (mom vs. nanny), so why should they? 
The love their mothers equally (although maybe Wakaba more as a fun aunt because she doesn’t discipline them and actively spoils them)
The group of them do all their household shopping and cooking together (Wakaba finally learned to cook thanks to Runa)
They’re the kids that will collect wild flowers to make both of them bouquets
Ringo’s kids
They love her, but they all think she’s a bit old fashioned (stay at home wife and embroidery, although Kuri likes embroidery too). They don’t know much about her time on the battlefields as she doesn’t talk about it
She knows them so well, that they know they can’t lie to her so they better be quiet
Her tightest bounded kids are Frederick, Mika, Elke, Arashi, and Leonie
Those are the kids that will take her advice over their father’s each and every time
Asahi trained with her the most out all her children
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
The Swap
TXT AU: 6th member
Sara x TXT
Sara meets Sumi for a gift exchange...and important conversations.
A/N: Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are closed, but your feedback is still greatly appreciated!
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“Hello?” A familiar voice rang through the intercom.
“Hello?” Sara leaned forward. “Eonnie? It’s Sara.”
“Soo-ji! Come on up!” The door buzzed open and Sara stepped through.
She hadn’t really known what to expect when Sumi had invited her over for coffee, but it definetely wasn’t what she saw when she walked through the door.
Whether or not she’d envisioned some sort of terrifying lair, probably with a fire pit and a cauldron, that wasn’t what she got. Sumi’s door was unlocked and open, and the inside was festive and cozy to the point of looking like a Hallmark movie.
“Eonnie?” Sara called, closing the door behind her and slipping out of her shoes. “Are you in here?”
“In the kitchen!”
Sara placed her coat on the coat hook and walked cautiously into the apartment. Her bag hung heavy from her hand, as if aware that it could potentially be responsible for the beginning or end of Sumi and her friendship.
“Are you cooking something?” Sara asked, when the older girl finally came into view.
She wasn’t sure what it was about Sumi that made her always want to keep a step back. Sure, Sumi was pretty, but not intimidatingly so like Zoey. Instead, Sumi was poised and put-together in a way that made Sara always feel like she’d somehow failed. Even right now, she was setting the timer on the over, which should’ve been a normal domestic task, but she was wearing silk pyjama pants and a white cropped sweater that Sara was pretty sure she’d seen on the cover of a magazine.
“Frozen pizza.” Sumi answered. “And hey! I’m so glad you could make it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” Sara said, tucking the bag behind the counter. “I was kind of surprised you invited me, to be honest.”
“Me too, honestly.” Sumi laughed. “But I get sick of hanging out with the boys, so I thought it might be nice for the two of us to do something.”
“Do something...like coffee?”
Sumi shrugged. “The two of us in public might draw attention. My face is kind of on every building, and your face is kinda...well...”
“It might draw some attention.” Sumi winked. “You look super cute, by the way.”
Sara looked down at her outfit. Black skinny jeans, a flannel, and that was pretty much it.
She rubbed her sleeve. “It’s cold out...so...”
Sumi gave her a small smile. “Sit down. I got you a Christmas present.”
“Really? I did-”
“I hope you like it.” Sumi didn’t seem to realize she’d cut the younger girl off, and Sara just sat silently on a stool at the counter. “It might not be your thing, but I thought that just around the house. I just thought the colour would really suit you.” She looked at Sara expectantly.
Sara blinked. “Eonnie, I haven’t opened it yet.”
“Oh right!” She ducked under the counter, standing with such enthusiasm that she knocked her head as she stood. “OW!”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” She stood, rubbing the back of her head. “I’m used to it. Here, open it.”
She slid a flat box across the counter. It was wrapped in tissue paper, obviously done at a store, with a very expensive looking gold ribbon. Sara carefully took it, undoing the ribbon and opening the box before Sumi bounced out of her shoes.
“A sweater?” She looked down at the red knit.
“Take it out!” Sumi exclaimed.
Sara picked the sweater up, lifting it out so she could full see it. It was a cropped sweater, with very wide, almost off-the-shoulder sleeves, with a ribbon design crossing the back.
“It’s very pretty.” She offered.
Sumi deflated. “You don’t like it.”
“No, I do!” Sara quickly protested. “I just...don’t usually wear cropped. Or anything that shows off this much skin.”
“I know.” Sumi nodded. “But you can always wear a tank top under it. It’s just the coziest, and I had a feeling that red would just suit you so well.”
“It’s really nice.” Sara promised, moving to fold it back up.
“Are you going to try it on?” Sumi asked. “If you really hate it on, I’ll just get you a new phone or something.”
“Eonnie, you don’t have to. I-” At Sumi’s insistent look she sighed. “I don’t have a tank top here.”
Sumi shrugged. “It’s just us girls. Just to see if it fits?”
Sara swallowed. She wasn’t wrong. And it would be rude not to, especially when she looked at the tag and realized how expensive it must of been.
“Is there somewhere I can change?” She asked quietly.
“Bathroom is down the hall on the left.”
Sara took the sweater and walked down the hall, ducking into the bathroom and locking the door behind her. She peeled off her flannel and yanked the sweater over her head before she could chicken out. 
She studied herself in the mirror. The sweater stopped right at the bottom of her ribcage, showing off most of her stomach. The top hung right on the edge of her shoulders, revealing her bra straps, and she was pretty confident that she’d tangled the ribbons in the back.
She bit her lip, considering her figure. She was slim, sure, but she didn’t have Sumi’s smooth, tapered waist, or the abs sported by dancers like Tori or Zoey. If she had to describe her waist, she’d probably use the word boring, because it lacked all of the hourglass curves that idols were supposed to have. But it didn’t look horrible.
She swallowed turning away. She just needed to show Sumi that she appreciated her gift, and then she could take it off.
“I think I messed up the ribbons.” She muttered, coming back into the kitchen. Her arms crossed awkwardly over her middle, trying to hide what the sweater wasn’t.”
“I don’t blame you. It was super complicated in the store. You-” Sumi turned around. “Wait, what?”
Sara’s eyes widened. “What’s wrong?”
“Why do you look so hot?” Sumi demanded, hurrying over and walking in a circle around the younger girl. “And yes, you really fucked up the ribbons. Let me help.”
Sara carefully dropped her arms as Sumi adjusted the ribbons. “It looks okay?”
“It looks great.” Sumi promised. “It’s probably a good thing you don’t like to show off in public. I think you might break the internet.”
“I don’t know about that.” 
Sumi paused in her lacing, before coming around to stand in front of Sara. She leaned against the counter, looking focused as she collected her thoughts.
“Can I ask you something?” She finally said.
“Sure.” Sara focused on the timer on the stove behind Sumi.
“Why don’t you like to wear crop tops?” Sumi asked. “I know you said you aren’t comfortable with it, which is totally okay. But...it’s just personal preference, right?”
Sara shrugged. “I just don’t think they really suit me.”
“Why not?” Sumi asked, sounding genuinely curious. “Because I’m in a committed relationship and I’m a little conflicted with how good you look right now.”
Sara snorted. “I just...I don’t really have like an...’idol’ figure, you know?”
Sumi looked a little offended. “What’s an ‘idol’ figure?”
Sara swallowed. “You know, like...that.” She gestured at Sumi.
Sumi looked down, then back up at Sara. “Girl, do not get me started on ridiculous beauty standards. You look gorgeous.”
“I don’t feel gorgeous.”
Sumi closed her eyes, sighing deeply before outstretching her hand. “Come here.”
Sara took her senior’s hand, following quietly as she was led over to the couch. Sumi sat her down, sitting next to her, without letting go of her hand.
“You’re allowed to have insecurities.” Sumi said. “We all do. But you can’t let it control your life.”
“Eonnie, no offence. But what would you know about insecurities? You’re the most famous Korean girl in the world.”
Sumi shrugged. “We’ve all got our stuff, Soo-ji. You think there wasn’t a time where I wouldn’t have killed to be as pretty as you? You think I still don’t think that way sometimes?”
“But...” Sara was very confused. “You’re really pretty.”
Sumi sighed. “Back when we debuted, not everyone thought so. And some people were fine with telling me to my face.”
“That’s horrible! Were they stupid?”
Sumi gave a small smile. “Maybe. Or maybe I was, for letting it get to me. But I was lucky, I had friends around me who always build me up. And you do too.”
Sara sighed. “I don’t know if the boys would really be up for this kind of talk.”
“They would be.” Sara promised. “Because it’s important to you and they love you.”
“I guess so.”
“And...” Sumi placed a hand on Sara’s shoulder. “You have me. I know I haven’t been the most welcoming, because if I’m honest, I think I felt kind of threatened by you. But I’m trying to put my insecurities behind me. And I would really, really like to be your friend. If you’ll let me, of course.”
Sara smiled. “I’d really like that.”
“Good.” Sumi took her hand away. “I promise I won’t always try to dress you up like a barbie doll. But I might have to sometimes.”
“It’s okay.” Sara laughed. “Sometimes I think it might be fun.”
“Perfect.” The timer went off on other over. “I know I invited you over for coffee, but what are your feelings about pizza?”
“I always feel good about pizza.” Sara nodded solemnly. “And, I got you a Christmas present too.”
“Wait, really?” Sumi’s face lit up. “Wait, wait, wait. I have to save the pizza before it burns.”
She jumped up from the couch and hurried into the kitchen. Sara followed a little more slowly, fisting her hands in the sleeves of her sweater.
“Save the pizza, Eonnie. It’s the only reason I’m sticking around.” She joked.
“Oh you just be quiet.” Sumi pulled the smoking pizza from the oven, turning the fan on above the stove to avoid setting off the smoke alarm for the third time that week. “I think I saved it.”
“Your present.” Sara lifted her gift bag onto the counter.
“Ohhh!” Sumi grabbed it excitedly, ripping the tissue paper out. “Oh my god, are you serious?”
Sara nodded. “I’m serious.”
Sumi pulled the present out of the bag: revealing a long, flannel shirt that would fall to the middle of her thighs. “This is amazing.”
“It’s my favourite brand.” Sara offered. “They’re really comfy.”
“I can wear it like a dress!” Sumi exclaimed excitedly. “Wait, let me go put it on, and then we can eat pizza.”
Sara walked around the counter. “I’ll cut the pizza. And make coffee?”
“Yes, please!” Sumi was already running towards her bedroom to change.
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linphd · 5 years
⛄️ CHRISTMAS DAY 2 ⛄️ dad!kirishima x mom!reader | presents
eijiro kirishima x reader
female reader
Eijiro and (Y/N)'s children open their presents on the Christmas Day.
no warning
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(S/N) = son's name
(D/N) = daughter's name
'''And the... lion... said... goodnight' !'' The little boy said, pointing to the words. Eijiro smiled, giggling. ''Great ! You're very good at reading, (S/N) !'' His son giggled back at him, proud of himself. ''You'll teach your sister, right ?'' The man asked, resting his cheek against his son's bed.
''Of course !'' The boy said, his smile showing his pointy teeth. ''Nice ! Goodnight, then ! And tomorrow, we'll see the presents Santa Claus put under the tree !'' That said, Eijiro's son gasped, immediately rolling in the sheets to fall asleep as soon as possible. The man looked in his daughter's room to see her perfectly asleep already, so he could go to his own bed.
It was the 25th of December ; the Kirishima family loved to spend the 24th with their relatives, and the 25th with their friends that were like family. And even if (S/N) and (D/N) had opened some presents the day before, they still had some presents to open that day. And that's why the little boy was very excited when he went downstairs -almost falling in the stairs in the process. ''Why so excited, little dude ?'' Eijiro asked his son. ''Our guests only arrive for midday.'' He said, a smile on his face.
        ''I know ! But I'm too excited for the presents !'' (S/N) replied, sitting on the couch next to his dad. ''You'll open them at midday. There will be Bakugou, Mina, Sero and Denki, remember ? Denki comes with Jiro and Sumi.'' Sumi was their daughter, and the Kirishima children really liked her. ''You know that mom is still sleeping, right ? You're really awake early.'' Eijiro said, giving a juice box to his son. ''I know !'' He replied.
''You didn't wake your sister up, did you ?'' The man asked. ''No I didn't ! She was still sleeping.'' The little boy said. A few hours later, when (Y/N) woke up, he went to take a shower as his parents started to cook lunch for when their friends would arrive.
When Bakugou knocked on the door, Kirishima had just finished a game of Mario Kart with his son. (Y/N) opened the door and greeted everyone -they all had brought some food. ''Wow Bakugou, you didn't have to bring the whole dinner.'' The woman said, seeing how much food he had brought. ''I'm the cook. I still wanted to eat something.'' He replied, not trusting (Y/N)'s cooking skills. The two Kirishima children jumped to everyone's neck to hug them, and then showed their new console game to Sumi.
As Denki was blabbering about his radio show he was now hosting with Present Mic, the others were talking about their days at U.A. ''What did you get for Christmas ?'' Mina asked. ''(Y/N) drew me a better design for my winter costume ! Even though I still need to be half naked for my quirk...'' Eijiro replied, pouting at the last part -he was cold ! ''And she got us the console ! Yeay !'' He continued. ''Wasn't the console for you though ?'' Sero asked (Y/N) -knowing she loved video games- who chuckled at his question. ''What did you get if the console wasn’t for yourself ?'' The brunette asked her, and everyone started to talk about their presents.
       After eating -and before the dessert- the kids were allowed to open the presents the former bakusquad had brought them. (Y/N) gasped at her tiny daughter opening a big present. ''Ohhh, (D/N) ! What did Mina receive at her house for you ?'' The little girl laughed when she was done unwrapping the present. ''Talking dog !'' The 3 years old said, a big smile on her face. It was a mechanical dog she loved -she always recognized the song whenever there was the add on TV. Eijiro took a picture of her, holding the robot in her hands.
Actually, Eijiro and (Y/N) had wanted a dog for quite some months now ; and as (Y/N) had dogs at her parents' house, she knew how to take care of one. And the children actually heard them talking about getting a dog, and they got obsessed with the idea. Did they have plan to offer them a real dog ? Yes. They were sure not going to abandon it anytime. (Y/N) couldn't live without dogs anyway.
They were just waiting for Shoto to bring it -as the woman had asked him to keep the dog for the 2 days before the 25th. ''Mom ! Dad ! Look what I've got !'' (S/N) shouted, showing them his new video games that were accompanying the new console he had gotten the day before. ''Oh my God so cool ! We are soooo going to play this afternoon !'' Eijiro shouted, noticing it was a video game he also enjoyed.
After opening the presents, it was time to eat the dessert. And that's when someone rang at the door. ''Oh ? Is it Santa Claus ?'' Jiro asked, making the three kids giggle. (Y/N) went to the door, to let Shoto in, but also to take the dog in her arms. It was quite friendly, and wasn't in a box or anything, luckily for him ! When they saw Shoto, the kids greeted him, happy that he was there to see their presents. And as they were showing off everything they had received, the Kirishima kids gasped when they saw their mom arriving in the living room with a puppy.
Everyone laughed at their expression when (Y/N) gave the dog to her son -the little girl being still a bit young to carry a puppy. ''It's a girl and her name is Juna !'' The woman said, her husband recording the whole scene. As the puppy wiped his tail and licked (S/N)'s fingers, the little boy started to cry. ''What's wrong baby ?'' His mother asked. The little girl had some tears at the corner of her eyes, but they weren't rolling yet. ''We have a dog !'' The boy said, between sobs. He really was just like his father. ''Yeah, are you happy ?'' The man asked.
His kids nodded, hugging the puppy while being careful not to hurt it -their parents had often told them to be careful since Denki also had a dog and they knew it. After the two siblings were done kissing the puppy, they went to hug their parents. ''Are we still gonna play video games though ?'' Eijiro asked, making his son laugh. ''After we play with the puppy.'' He replied. They really liked their Christmas presents.
I didn’t like that one a lot but @mhastories told me it was good so I hope it really is 🥺
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maserati-yokota · 5 years
Jd’ Kawasaki Typhoon 8/22/99
WWWA Sekai Super Lightkyu Senshukenjiai: Momoe Nakanishi (AJW) vs. Sumie Sakai Weird to see a young Sumie Sakai AND a young Momoe! Jaguar Yokota is the ref! This match is entirely too long but it's novel to see these two as juniors--I say until I see Sakai take the highest high-angle plancha of all time. Christ on a bike, Momoe landed gut first on Sakai's face. So much could've just gone pear-shaped for Sakai's career/life. Sakai gives her 400 Germans and one Tiger Suplex as vengeance, but Momoe hits the quickest Dragon Suplex I've ever seen. Clipped trophy pose segment and we're off to match two.
AWF Sekai Joshi Senshukenjiai: Yuko Kosugi vs. Megumi Yabushita Flips a-plenty right at the bell, then for some reason they try to outdo the plancha in the opener and pretty much nail it. Willing to die for a crowd of 30 people; someone please unionize this industry ffs. Oh this is clipped! Odd, cuz it looks rad, apart from some minor goofs. Whomst among us, ya know? Kosugi dumps Yabashita on the gym floor and does a moonsault from on top of a radiator. Yes, even silver age joshi can be proper indie scum. Kosugi does the wildest transition into an armbar mine eyes have ever peeped. What monster clipped this? Why did I have to watch a month-long opener and watch this high-speed spine-musher get gutted? Jaguar's 3-counts are absurdly slow. Kosugi crushes Yabashita's clavicle with a top rope stomp, then does it again on the outside, this time to her shoulder. The crowd is confused and these two seem to have worn each other out, crushing bones and kneading joints into brioche. Kosugi counters an oddly-timed lucha armdrag into another elaborate armbar; then a Tiger Suplex, then another quick armbar, then the win. Yabushita wins the title!!! ??? !!!
Clips of undercard matches How dare they clip a Sakie Hasegawa match. No wonder this promotion tanked.
TWF & WWWA Sekai Joshi Ryo (two) Senshukenjiai: Lioness Asuka vs. Kyoko Inoue Ohhh boy. This is gonna hurt all of us. Lioness has a wee title belt and a 40ft long table. As usual, she is dressed like a character from Versus. Kyoko is dressed in a sari designed by the Ultimate Warrior. It's healthy to have an aesthetic, ok? Kyoko busts out a trio of power-moves right out the gate, but Lioness's second, Cooga, is determined to WCW this the fuck up. Kyoko forgets how to do a surfboard, and instead plops down into a dopey rest-hold. The crowd is understandably disappointed by this choice. They both seem tired. Would much rather have seen the entire 6-woman tag that got cut down to 45 seconds than all this prone sweating. It's clear by this point they're both past the high-angle suplex eras of their respective careers, so it seems like a tall order to make this feel competitive while still doing all their stock spots. Still, they do their best to make each other look great and tbh, no one deserved that treatment more than Kyoko. By this point, she'd finally gotten the push in AJW she deserved, and it was almost too late. Oh this is clipped! We jump right to a pile of chairs in the ring and a suplex doe-si-doe. Happy to see them work together, but with an undercard like this, these two can only seem slow, clunky, and tired. Not their fault, by any means. But how can anybody follow a battle for who can take the gnarliest plancha? Kyoko decides to take the high road and deliver as many Stan Hansen-ass lariats possible. Some really rough, confusing botches and general broken-down-ness is making this kind of a bummer. In very different ways, the mark and the fan in me are both concerned for these two. They both kick out of a billion finishers, seconds rush in with plunder, and the narrative itself is concussed. Some blue mist for good measure. Muta did more damage than he'll ever know. This is still going and I've stopped caring. They're climbing four flights of stairs and taking a chartered bus to the next spot. I’m out.
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