#but tagging it anyways jic
amyisherenowitsokay · 2 years
would it be too greedy to ask for a snippet of mhny 2 since you posted a prev of 3...?
greed is a virtue anon
re:mhny2 banter (spoilers in the barest of ways) under the cut
cw // suggestive
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spamsandsuch · 11 days
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pusangkambing · 8 months
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atoriv-art · 5 months
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haven't you always been wise beyond your years
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plutoons · 1 month
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Some sphinx doodles!!
(Some close-ups under cut)
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transmasccofee · 7 months
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hey does anyone ever think about this. Like. Logistically. Because ok like we can see the blood right, like the not insignificant amount of blood. Like. like that’s not a small wound, that’s a whole ass gouge in his arm and potentially actually multiple gouges. So the thing is we know at least with his regular amount of power and him knowing the attack was coming, the catgun leaves a welt - probably the same severity as if a regular person were hit with a belt.
and so right my thing is, how did he get that whole ass gouge in his arm, severe enough that blood was running all down his arm and onto the floor. (I have enough experience with injuries to know that does generally require a decent wound, also it’s a manga so that kind of imagery is intended to indicate a significant injury so)
Bc. Like i don’t know if anyone else here has gotten hit with something like a belt or bitch-slapped, but getting from a welt to That level of injury would be straight up agony. Like. It would be agonizing. Unforgettable pain. I’ve had a little blood drawn this way, not nearly as much, and it was probably some of the worst pain a person could feel. Like. Imagine that bro. That’s awful. I love it.
(And that’s all just assuming Kusuo was able to keep the same amount of protection up against Kuusukes attacks, since we know he was depleting his energy, maybe his capability for shielding himself went down, and at a certain point a shot hit him and managed to tear through his arm, which is. Its own can of worms.)
This post isn’t really going anywhere the catgun fight just really fucks me up whenever I start thinking about it.
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mokuba · 1 year
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mickedy · 2 years
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expanding on my idea that the hypothetical "they stole sam's brain" episode would have "noir" max pretty helpless and vulnerable in contrast to noir sam who is brutish and high-handed. max makes a lot of big talk but without sam, he doesnt have much going for him
and THEN i was wondering how that character shift would affect the gameplay and i think with noir max the beginning of the episode would have more of a horror mystery vibe instead of a noir mystery... skun-ka'pe's men are trying to kill max to cover the whole thing up and max is pretty powerless against them without sam. the game would have more of that terror feel until you get him back.
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also i think sam and max should have a good horror spoof episode
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loremaster · 6 months
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here;s my real canonical take on weed stoners viviakou
literally the only reason yakou isn’t high out of his mind 24/7 is because he can’t afford it. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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infizero-draws · 8 months
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goldenteddie · 1 month
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lamby bamby lamb-bam
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spamsandsuch · 5 months
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beside me, beside you
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
If Jaehaerys was all about minimizing the power of Targaryen daughters but marrying them off to less-than-ideal suitors (love that idea), how do you think that applies to the match of Rhaenys and Corlys? Does it, even? Or does it need to, given expected Rhaenys's station at the time? He says she couldn't have picked a better man.
And, also, do you think this can be applied to Daemon's match with Rhea?
LETS DIG INNNN okay this got so longgggg but i was trying to be fair while also discussing like, so much sex crime-
So like the post said re: Alyssa & Baelon’s marriage, I think there's some interference from Alysanne here. Especially early on in their marriage, before she's made it clear that she can in fact live without his ass, I think we have several cases where he's ~indulging~ Alysanne's more romantic ideas about what ruling should look like and what being a targaryen should be about. Giving her wins that ultimately don’t cost him much (before she starts asking for things he doesn’t approve of).
I think by the time Rhaenys marries Corlys, Jaehaerys has already written her off as a potential heir, but if he denies her marriage to Corlys, that risks not only pissing off Corlys - who imo already has A Whole Thing about being Just As Valyrian As The Targaryens, so he will take offense - but also tips Alysanne off to the fact that he has no intention of letting the crown pass to Rhaenys or her sons. He knows this is a sore spot for her because she insisted that little Daenerys be considered crown princess and heir over Aemon, and Jaehaerys already brushed her off about that. So if he tries to marry Rhaenys off to like, a Tully who already has three heirs or some random Darry, Alysanne is going to argue that Rhaenys deserves a much loftier match given her status, and get really paranoid about why Rhaenys is getting a shitty match. I think he's trying to put off naming Baelon as his/Aemon’s heir for as long as possible because he knows it's going to be a fight, especially given that Alysanne is usually the one in charge of marriages, and this has precedent (that marriages are the Queen's domain - Visenya and Rhaenys made marriage matches as well).
But also. I think (and I can't believe I'm gonna do my man Ned dirty like this) that like Ned (bleh), Jaehaerys learns the "wrong lesson" from his sister. Rhaena married extremely beneath her and that caused major problems for her, so Jaehaerys is making sure that Rhaenys doesn't marry far beneath her as well. Because see, Rhaena spends much of her life miserable, without a direction in life, without even a castle to her name that she can hide out in. Everything that is hers is actually Jaehaerys' and it eats away at her until the day she dies. Beyond that, keeping Rhaena on as a guest is expensive because people want to see her, because she comes with her own household, and because she has a whole ass dragon that needs to be fed. So even if she wanted to live off the goodwill of others, that goodwill runs out quick due to logistics. She only gets Harrenhal because Maegor Towers is sickly and the last of his line, and even then, it's not really hers - it belongs to the crown.
I think Jaehaerys looked at how unhappy she was and what a huge pain in the ass it was, and figures he needs to give Rhaenys a consolation prize in a way he doesn’t need to give to the younger daughters, bc they never had a chance to inherit. Rhaenys has assumed the crown will pass if not to her then to her son, as has Alysanne, and I think its likely Aemon and Jocelyn also assumed that the crown would pass to Rhaenys' eventual son. Jaehaerys can’t just deny her all the trappings of being crown princess/mother to a king and expect her to take it lying down. And to be clear, I do think there’s some emotional aspect to this - I think he did feel guilty over stealing Rhaena’s crown and throne even if he felt he was doing it ~for the good of the realm bc Aegon had died. When Rhaena makes her “you are rhaenys i am visenya i have always known this” comment, she nails the dynamic, but I think Rhaena being the ~rejected bride~ does hurt Jaehaerys - she deserved, in his eyes, to grow old with their brother and have the power of a queen consort. BUT. At the same time, he’s a raging violent misogynist who believes Alysanne is the only exception to her gender, that it is simply right and natural that a woman only derives power from her husband. It’s why Baelon gets to claim Balerion when he’s young, but Alyssa is barred until her wedding. A dragon is a responsibility, a realm is a burden, and in his eyes Alyssa Velaryon, Rhaena, and Visenya all failed to live up to the challenge. So yes, he wants something good for Rhaenys - he wants her to have a happier life than Rhaena did, and he’s willing to gamble just like he did with the Baelon/Alyssa marriage, and indulge Rhaenys and Alysanne in giving her a dragon and a husband who could back her claim because she needs something to keep her calm when he inevitably usurps her, in contrast to the way Rhaena had absolutely nothing to distract her from her misery. And his gamble pays off is the thing - he neutralizes her dragon and her husband bc Corlys is off fighting still when the announcement is made, and Rhaenys is heavily pregnant and probably not really riding Meleys. He figured - bc of his love for Alyssa, Alysanne, and Rhaenys, however goddamn deranged and ultimately meaningless that love is - that he could move the pieces enough to get the outcome he thought was best and he was right!
For Daemon's part, I do think this is part of why Alysanne ships him off to the Vale yes. Notable to me that every marriage match does have a seat of their own, even if it's not an important one, unlike second son Androw Farman - Daella would have gotten the Eyrie, Viserra would have gotten White Harbor, and while none of Saera's matches were lofty they were all heirs with nice enough seats. But Daemon would run into a similar problem where it would be too expensive to keep him around if he marries some random noble lady living with her dad, but if he marries too high up that’s just as bad, so giving him an heiress and then kicking him the fuck out is a good way to deal with him.
BUT. I actually do have a conspiracy theory here that something happened at KL that caused a huge stir within the family and Alysanne dealt with it by shipping Daemon off. What happened? Well...obviously I think Viserys and Daemon got caught fucking lmao, I call myself a Visaemon truther for a reason. I do also think there's a chance that Alysanne suspected Daemon was fucking around with Gael as well - they're only a year apart, they grew up in King’s Landing together, Gael & Alysanne have been back at court a few years, Targaryens love to do that stuff, etc. I’m not saying he IS the father, the timeline is close enough that they could have fucked around but not close enough to have gotten her pregnant - he marries Rhea in 97 and Gael disappears from court in 99. But my other conspiracy about Jaehaerys being the father does kinda fit this too - that Alysanne noticed something was up but suspected the wrong man. I don't think Alysanne would ever want to even entertain the thought that Jaehaerys was raping one of her daughters, even if she realized what he had done to Alysanne herself was rape. Much easier to blame it on/suspect eternal Problem Child Daemon, especially if he's also being groomed by fucking Viserys; he's already an oversexed lecher who seduced gentle, married Viserys away from sweet Aemma, what else isn't he capable of? (and the double tap there of like, hypersexualization of bisexuality + Alysanne’s complete refusal to deal with how unhappy she is with Jaehaerys equals, to me, her constantly punishing her children and grandchildren because she can’t punish Jaehaerys, and proving this point to herself that she couldn’t have been manipulated into marrying him because look, her daughters are marrying the same way as well. And if she suspects even subconsciously that Jaehaerys is raping Gael? And punishes Daemon for ~seducing~ her poor sweet innocent Gael and stealing away Viserys from his sweet innocent wife Aemma? yeah that tracks with how she treats Saera and Viserra).
um tldr i think jaehaerys simply gambled that he could still control the situation when it came to defanging rhaenys, but also knew he couldn’t just give her nothing, if not for sentiment sake, then at least for logistics sake and to avoid a small rebellion, so when rhaenys & alysanne float the match, he can’t say no to it, so he just controls it. and i do think alysanne sent daemon off to the vale in part to defang him as well, yes, in addition to my not insane i’m right conspiracies about exactly what was cookin in king’s landing circa 97-99 ac (it was a lot of sex crimes, that’s what was cookin).
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mimicmew · 11 months
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Oh so they were gay lovers ok cool
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astragatwo · 1 year
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missyouran ❤
(Static images UTC)
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shurara-gundan · 7 months
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anniversary countdown day 1 - keroro platoon member "Strength" doesn't mean what you once thought it to.
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