#but that doesn't mean the art should be automatically dismissed.
corvidcas · 8 months
probably an unpopular opinion especially among the chronically online however i really don't think a fuckin actor should get in the way of appreciating good fucking art and taking whatever message you want from it. he didnt even create it, it does not secretly harbor any of his fucked up views, hes literally just been hired to show up and say some shit.
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fernlessbastard · 5 months
Quackity's a workaholic.
He would spend nights working instead of sleeping, but eventually, when Las Nevadas was developed enough to mostly run itself, that it isn't just work. He could never truly sleep, never wanted to fall asleep, scared of his own mind when not focused on something, only sometimes pushing himself to rest through alcohol or pure exhaustion.
Wilbur on the other hand never had issues falling asleep. It came to him naturally, or maybe it was the constant exhaustion (especially after revival). He could never really sleep though. He would fall asleep, but not rest, half conscious most of the time, or experiencing terrible nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night.
Inspired by your recent art, Quackity would sometimes just stare at sleeping Wilbur. But, Wilbur would often stare at sleeping Quackity in the morning, admiring his lover when he's all soft and calm, and thinking of ways to surprise him with something nice when he wakes up. Maybe he should make him breakfast.
Ok so I love this cause I absolutely adore the "opposites attract" HCs with Q but it'd always be like "well they both definitely have sleep issues" but this is a way to have both and like that's a major slay
Three little hcs regarding their sleeping habits: 1. they both have a tendency to wake up when the other does, just automatically - they're just synchronised (most of the time at least one of them falls right back asleep tho); 2. Wilbur's weak sleep is significantly worse when Quackity's still working - like, he will finally come to bed and Wil's asleep but then Q sits down on the bed (quietly as fuck) and Wilbur's like "hey"; 3. they switch around their sleeping positions, but Wilbur absolutely loves being the small spoon - partly cause he's always cold, but mainly cause he wasn't held enough as a kid/hj
Aaaand in the spirit of the ask, a little headcanon that's tied up with this (plus more at the end):
Common one, but I'll elaborate - Quackity's warm, Wilbur's cold. So, of course Wilbur's cold after revival cause his body's kinda fucked up and all that. Quackity - for a normal human (or a normal animal hybrid I guess idk works with duck too) consistently has a pretty high body temperature. He prefers sleeping mostly undressed (maybe with shorts on but that's not a guarantee/lh), he usually has to unbutton his shirt a bit lower than standard (I mean he's also a whore but it's a 2 in 1 y'know), etc etc.
Now, with Schlatt that resulted in limited cuddling even in the honeymoon phase cause the other also had a higher body temperature, and they'd just end up sweaty and uncomfortable.
With Eret the relationship started with a generic, platonic, positive message ("you matter ♡ -Eret" which they gave out to people in general just as a nice gesture, but nothing romantic) and ended with Q alone at the altar, so it's probably safe to say that didn't really come up.
With Karl and Sapnap though his body temperature was both too much, and not enough - Sapnap, as a demon hybrid, was much warmer, so with him cuddling wasn't really the most comfortable long-term, and while Karl was slightly on the colder side, Quackity wasn't as warm as Sapnap, so Karl would mostly cling to the latter. They'd try to make it all "even", but the emotional and physical distance was still noticeable.
And then there's Wilbur.
In pogtopia they didn't really cuddle much, but whenever they touched shoulders or leaned against each other Quackity noticed that Wilbur would frequently lean in for just a second longer than normal. This came back 10x stronger after revival. With a lot of Wilbur's nerves and blood vessels fucked up, he's pretty cold most of the time. The first time they cuddle he absolutely sinks into the embrace, making a comment about how nicely warm the other is. Quackity doesn't expect it to hit him as hard as it does. He giggles, slightly flustered, and dismisses it as Wilbur just being colder. From then on it repeats, and soon enough Quackity returns the favour by unintentionally hitting Wilbur with something along the lines of "you're like, the perfect temperature". See, Wilbur's always been on the colder side. He'd hear comments about how cold his hands were - not to even mention post revival - and he never really thought much of it, until Quackity's comment just hit him like a ton of bricks, and he just felt so perfectly in place in Q's arms. They just form the perfect temperature equilibrium; not too warm, not too cold - just perfect.
Little bonus: Quackity starts occasionally taking a jacket or sth with him even though he doesn't need it but he knows Wilbur will probably get cold (and need a second jacket).
Another little bonus that connects this HC to a different one about Quackity having sensory issues. VERY tldr is that sometimes he just gets this intense physical discomfort in his limbs (AuADHD moment), and only way to lessen it is intense stretching, OOOORR using Wilbur as his personal ice bag. There'll be nights where Wilbur will try to move his foot cause "it's probably too cold and bothering Q" just for Quackity to "scold" him for moving it cause it was pressing perfectly into his calf and keeping him from losing his mind cause of sensory issues.
Also they both have food sensitivities, but Q's are more broad, and sometimes they'll spend hours arguing(/lovingly) over what to get on pizza, or when they go to a new food place sometimes Wilbur will just look at Quackity who's staring at the idk olives he accidentally ordered in his food (cause he didn't know the dish contained them) and he will just silently slide over his plate so that his boyfriend can peacefully pick all of them out and give them to Wilbur. When Wilbur encounters food sensitivities - say, in a restaurant - Quackity will go full Karen mode and make sure his boyfriend gets only the food he wants.
Continuing the topic of mental health, sometimes Wilbur will struggle with hygiene during depressive episodes, to which Quackity will either motivate him with showering together(/nsx), a shared bath, if he's doing worse, or in the worst case scenario he'll help him clean himself up with a damp cloth (no judgement, no comments even, just love and support)
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catboymoments · 2 years
Sorry but what are you trying to say with your last post about russian artists?
I'm not russian, so you know, but maybe I didn't understand it well.
Are you saying "Man I sure seem to be unlucky, why do I only come across with bigoted russian artists?"
This is the best interpretation of the post and I'm willing to believe this is the correct one. You're saying that somehow a lot of russian artists you've encountered seem to be bigoted.
Because the first guttural meaning I got from your post was that you're kind of starting to think that there are lots and lots of bigoted russian artists and that good russian... People (since most artists on the internet are just normal people) are the exception.
I'm sure you understand what's wrong with this statement.
As I said I think you meant the first thing so it's ok but try to be a little more thoughtful when you write something like that.
"I'm starting to get wary of russian artists" really doesn't sound good. Because that really makes me think about what do you think of russian people. "Oh this artist is russian, they're sus, hope they're not bigoted!"
On one hand you did say that you had discovered more than one russian artist that appeared to be bigoted, pro war etc...
But also maybe there are other factors. In other apps it might be the algorithm.
Because if we're forming an opinion based only on what we see well all the russian artists I've followed are super nice and open minded. But that's not true either right?
The majority of bigoted and especially transphobic artists I've encountered come from the USA; all the "anti-feminism" takes I've ever seen come from America so since this is what I can see it must be that in America A LOT of people are like that. Maybe I should be more wary of Americans on just that basis?
Why would Russia or America be different from any other place in term of you being cautious around them? The propaganda? You know that I'm gonna say that's basically everywhere.
Sorry this is a long ask and as I said I believe you just... Didn't word the post properly but I'm telling you what it seems. It was kind of unexpected coming from this nice blog.
Good luck with everything
I'm sorry that i've hurt your feelings with my post, really I was mostly just talking about my frustrations that every Russian artist I come across has garbage takes some way or another- like to the point where I see their art, get excited, and then my heart dips when I see that they're from Russia. I know I shouldn't think that way and im human with prejudices and biases that I need to work on, but if I see a female russian artist that draws a lot of feminist centric stuff my brain automatically waves TERF red flags. On multiple occasions ive seen Russian artists and cosplayers dismiss concerns about racism and whitewashing with "there is no racism in my country," and many Polish/Ukranian mutuals of mine have spoken up about how almost every Russian online is pro-war. I know logically that there's good people in Russia. I do. but if you get bitten by every snake you come across, you arent gonna automatically assume the next one won't.
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tibbinswrites · 2 years
Hiiiii! For the fic writers questions:
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
Hiii! Thanks so much for asking!
This got a little away from me so answers under the cut.
37. Be warned on this one it's an MCD fic, so please mind the tags. It's called Hallowed Ground and it was based on some gorgeous art (which is linked in the A/N of the fic). It's a Supernatural, Destiel fic set post-season 13 where Michael was possessing Dean and Cas goes after him to try and save him. And it doesn't go well. Hallowed Ground - Chapter 1 - Tibbins - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]
It's been a long time since I wrote it but I think it's the most 'deep cut' fic I have (Aside from the Harry Potter fic where it's just about me wandering around Hogwarts). I remember being so proud of capturing what I felt at the time to be a very powerful and painful moment. I even made myself emotional while writing it. And a friend of mine quoted a particular line from it about grief that she said was very impactful. Which means a lot as she herself is a brilliant writer. 45. I'm sure over the years I've improved in countless ways. When I was 9 I won a writing competition at a local bookstore with a quaint story called 'The Beach'. It was a ridiculous and silly story with terrible spelling and grammar and I partially believe the judges only picked me over the 16-year-old competitors because they thought it would be cute and good press to give the winning prize to the youngest finalist. I've come a long way since then (and I'm in a contemplative mood so I apologise for the rambling). My first fanfic, looking back, was horrific mary-sue cringe where the main villain wasn't even present in the fic until the final chapter. Every fanfic since has been slightly better. In the basics of spelling, grammar and formatting, yes, but also learning how to craft a story. Most of my early works were relatively short. I found myself most comfortable writing dialogue and small character moments missing from or only implied by canon. Limited characters, plot only in the sense of where it fits in the canon story.
This might be the thing I've most worked on. A lot of my Supernatural fics are like this. That is my writing comfort zone. Getting into the D&D show Critical Role (and the game itself) however, made me want to try expanding to an ensemble cast and test myself with more long-form story, and gave me a fresh perspective on how to go about doing it. So I gave it a go with Supernatural in 'The Final Season: Home is Where One Starts From' and with Critical Role in 'Tangled Threads' and they are both the fics I've worked the hardest at, and the ones I am most proud of for the work I put in.
This is something I want to practise more, when I have the time and the ideas to spare. These feel closest to the kinds of things I love to read. And intriguing plot but focused on character and often the 'found-family' dynamic. It is this style I will likely adopt if I ever think of an idea for an original, non-fan fiction book.
But the more I improve and experiment with, the more I realise how valuable 'The Beach' was. And I miss the aspect of my childhood brain that wasn't restrained by what 'makes sense' or 'is realistic'. The ideas I so quickly and so automatically dismiss that they have been mostly filtered out.
Perhaps I should work on that next.
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nicole14yolo · 1 month
AI Report Generator: Boosting Efficiency or Sacrificing Creativity?
When exploring the topic of AI-assisted writing, it's clear that it involves a delicate balance between efficiency and creativity. There's no denying that the integration of AI technology has brought immense convenience and efficiency to our writing processes. However, this raises an important question: Are we sacrificing valuable creativity in our pursuit of efficiency?
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AI Answer Generator & AI Report Generator
The emergence of AI writing tools has undoubtedly opened up new possibilities for many writers. With powerful AI technology, these tools can quickly generate outlines, draft articles, and even create innovative content. For writers who face tight deadlines and need to produce a large volume of content, such tools are undeniably attractive.
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However, over-reliance on these tools may lead to a loss of deep thinking and unique insights in writing. When AI provides us with one idea after another and various ways to express them, we might gradually get used to this "guided" writing process, neglecting our own thinking and creativity. Consequently, our writing might become increasingly lacking in personality and distinctiveness.
But this doesn't mean we should entirely dismiss AI-assisted writing. The introduction of AI technology enhances efficiency, freeing people from the burden of basic tasks. AI can swiftly process large amounts of data and information through natural language processing and machine learning, automatically generating structured and standardized reports. This allows people to focus more on in-depth analysis and research. Additionally, AI can expand users' thinking by analyzing and mining data to uncover underlying patterns and trends, quickly supplementing users' knowledge and making them proficient in areas they previously struggled with. From this perspective, AI can be an important tool for enhancing work efficiency and quality.
In fact, if used correctly, AI tools can still bring significant value to our writing. For example, we can deeply modify and create based on AI-generated articles, achieving more efficient writing. Alternatively, we can use AI for brainstorming to spark our creative inspiration.
Overall, AI-assisted writing is a double-edged sword. It can boost our writing efficiency but might also compromise our creativity. The key lies in how we use it. We need to maintain independent thinking and unique insights in our writing while fully leveraging the convenience and efficiency brought by AI. Creators should innovate on the shoulders of AI, using it as a knowledge base and creative advisor, harnessing its cost-effectiveness and high efficiency to focus more on creative work. By doing so, we can enjoy the benefits of AI while preserving our writing creativity and individuality.
The AI Instant Art Platform You Need
Let's master our tools and use various AI applications to boost our efficiency, freeing up time to pursue our passions and creative endeavors. When it comes to image editing, Picit.AI might just be the perfect assistant you need. Here’s an introduction to its background removal feature:
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1. Automatic Background Removal:
Picit.AI automatically detects and removes backgrounds from images. It intelligently identifies the main subject and swiftly and accurately removes the background.
2. Manual Editing:
You have the freedom to choose between automatic background removal or manual editing. Users can adjust and modify the results, retaining or deleting specific areas of the image to achieve the desired level of accuracy.
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Beyond just removing backgrounds, Picit.AI allows users to change the background to a solid color or replace it with a custom image. This feature provides a quick and convenient way for users to create their preferred backgrounds.
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missazura · 3 years
You still live with your grandma yes? Maybe she thinks you should marry because she is afraid you will not be able to maintain yourself once she dies? So for her the logical thing is marriage.
A lot of older people do not look at art as a carrier at all, so they automatically think you will starve and will only believe you if you manage to get a job. Even then they might still be a pain to deal with
i WISH that was the case, from the sound of it she and her sister simply wants me to marry quickly just so they could witness it, brag about it to other relatives, rather than actually want me to be with someone who loves and could provide me financially. she doesn't have my best interests at heart. all she's been telling me is that i'm going to have to throw away everything i love for the sake of a man who will abuse me if i don't.
i'm not taking their words into account because both of them has shitty, cheating husbands to begin with, doesn't mean that i can't be pissed about it. i was saying hi and asked how they were doing, the ONE TIME i wanted to be friendly even though i was having a shitty day she grabbed my wrist and passive aggressively insulted me, telling me that i should get married as soon as possible. i told them off that i'm not interested in marrying (because i'm ace, and traditional marriages here expects the wife to do 100% whatever the husband wants, with or without consent; take THAT what you will) and they simply dismissed it, saying that i'll change my mind one day. i know i should've had walked away and disengaged but my anger got the best of me in the end.
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