#but that said this is one of the videos I've made I like the most
fryday · 2 days
Everything We Know About The Phagenda
I needed a place to organise all the info we've gotten from DNP about what the hell they're cooking, so this is the place. I might have missed things, so please always check the original post for the most up to date version of contents as I might change or add things over time. Any questions, just shoot me an ask or something. Thank you and happy conjecturing!
I tried to arrange the info roughly chronologically in each category.
It's probably more than one thing
Dan mentioned some things coming "somewhat after and a little bit soon after"
Phil said, "We've got a few things in our mouth at the moment"
Definition of "agenda" suggests multiple things
Money stuff
Phil made his cactus club subscription more affordable in preparation for what he and Dan are doing next
Phil took a question about what they're cooking in his latest Q&A video. He said that something may or may not "happen in the next month", but did not answer the section asking if we should be saving up for it.
Those who RSVP'ed will "be notified first as soon as the news drops" -> presumably related to a limited quantity of items up for grabs, which is why I've included it in this section, but that's just my guess
Concept / Nature of the Thing(s)
Someone on Twitter said, "So the phlonde has been in the works for months if that was the main reason he let his hair grow out" and Dan replied with, "what else is he plotting"
Dan and Phil included a blurred out image of a text message in their video, which Dan called "the draft for something that is top secret".
SuperSeizer (one of Dan and Phil's editors) is in on what's happening (the other person in this interaction is their other editor Kris, who may also be involved, depending on how you read this interaction)
In his birthday livestream, Dan talked about how they revived the gaming channel not knowing what the response would be, and were shocked by the enthusiasm from their audience. "Because it seems like there's a thing here. [...] And we need to be like, celebrate the things, acknowledge the things. So, I guess we can say in the most vague way that we can that Dan and Phil have been cooking."
Dan posted his story with the words, "the time is nigh - want to know what dan and phil have been secretly cooking? / reply to this story with: RSVP / and we will send you a dm as soon as the truth is revealed"
Another definition of "agenda" is "the underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group".
5 of the images in the TV screens have been identified as of right now: Phil's Video Blog, Hello Internet, Saying Goodbye Forever, Giving The People What They Want, and Something We Want to Tell You
Laylo, the website DNP are using for this announcement, is a platform that creators can use to release merch, tickets, or content.
The initial wave of people who RSVP'ed got their confirmation emails from [email protected] with the reply email being [email protected]. It was then changed; now the emails come from [email protected] with the reply email being [email protected].
Dan and Phil would have been aware that they were using the tour email at first, as they would have had to manually enter it themselves. (Thanks @dnpbeats for the investigative work!)
They included a 3-second teaser clip at the end of the Sims fashion makeover episode.
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copperbadge · 22 hours
Behold, a slightly longer video of the cheese conveyor belt!
This is at Culture & Co. in Nashville, which is incredibly and delightfully the second charcuterie conveyor belt restaurant I've eaten at in the last two years, the other being Pick & Cheese in London.
As with Pick & Cheese I do know myself, so I set out the rule ahead of time that I could only take three plates, and thus I chose with care. First course: "Bruleed Brie" with passion fruit caramel cultured butter. This is a brie-style cheese from Pennsylvania (where my yinzers at) which has had one open side dipped in sugar and then presumably melted with a culinary torch; it looks like jam, but as you can see in the second image, when you tap the brulee it cracks like toffee.
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Both the brulee brie and the butter were fantastic; the acid of the passion fruit cuts the sugar and the fattiness a little, but it also really emerges as its own flavor. I think this is the most imaginative way to upgrade brie I've seen in a minute. I kinda wanna try it at home.
Second plate was a Cumblerland "tomme-style" natural rind cheese from Tennessee (specifically Sequatchie Cove) with house made potato chive crackers and rosemary. The real highlight of this cheese is, honestly, the rind -- it has a flavor unique from the rest of the slice, which is much milder and reminded me of a young gouda, almost. The crackers don't look like much but however they make them they were really packed with this nice earthy salty flavor.
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For "dessert" I almost went with a vegan cashew-based "Gouda" with shiitake bacon, mainly for the bacon I'll be honest, and you can actually see that plate go by, it's the first one you see in the video up top. Instead I decided to go with...I'm not sure even what kind of cheese this is because it's called GOAT RODEO BAMBOOZLE. I mean, the menu said it was a semi-soft washed rind goat's milk cheese, so there's that.
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Normally I avoid goat cheese because I find it very dry texturally, but this was nice, it had that kind of gamey goaty taste but was much more buttery. It came with two pecan shortbread cookies (sandies) and a little cup of root beer caramel, which you can see dripping down a bite of the cheese in the second image. I don't know how you make root beer caramel (sasparilla in the milk?) but it had a nice peppery note to it. I wanted to down it like a shot but resisted.
Anyway, all three were fantastic, not a loser in the bunch, and the wait staff were super pleasant and knowledgeable, so it was a pretty great meal, especially for $30 (including tip).
I don't know who's setting these cheese conveyor belts up across the world but whoever you are, if you bring one to Chicago I will be grateful and I will eat there and bring visiting friends there. Some of my friends even drink wine, so we won't be cheap dates, I promise. We're so close to Wisconsin! Think what you could do with the curds, man, the curds!
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pin-k-ink · 17 hours
hobbies // narumi gen
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tw ⇢ sub!gen, dom!reader, strong sexual tension, teasing, praise kink, shibari/bondage, sensory deprivation(he’s blindfolded), edging, nipple play, unprotected sex, pussy job, sex toys, ruined orgasm, overstimulation, dirty talk, begging, squirting, handjob(just for a bit)
wc ⇢ 5.8k
a/n: i replaced hasegawa as the vice captain again 😭
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The door to Gen Narumi's private quarters flew open with a bang, his vice-captain entering in a whirlwind of urgency. "Tell me they've arrived!"
Barely looking up from his video game, the lazily slouched Gen smirked. "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite workaholic. To what do I owe this abrupt visit?" His eyes shamelessly roamed over your frame. "Though I can't say I mind the interruption when it looks this good."
You rolled your eyes, trying to fight off the heat threatening your cheeks from his shameless flirting. "Can it, Gen. You know exactly why I'm here." Spotting the pile of Yamazon packages, you wasted no time striding over and starting to sort through them.
"Looking for something in particular?" Gen's voice carried a teasing lilt as he finally paused his game, giving you his full attention. "You could just ask nicely instead of making such a ruckus."
"Since when have either of us been polite?" you shot back without looking up from your rapidly dividing the boxes into "his" and "yours" piles. Locating one marked with your shipping details, you quickly snatched it up possessively.
Gen rose from his lounging position with a languid stretch. "Fair point. We do skip most formalities," he purred, slowly making his way over to you. "I certainly have no complaints about our..." his eyes dragged hungrily over your body, "working relationship."
Clutching your package against your chest, you forced yourself to maintain an unflustered front. "Is that so? Well then, I'll take my 'payment' for services rendered and be on my way." You made a show of eyeing the larger pile meant for him.
"Not so fast." Suddenly Gen was directly in your personal space, eyes glinting mischievously. "Don't I even get a peek at what has you so impatient? A thank you gesture, perhaps?"
His closeness enveloped you in his spicy natural scent. You gulped, holding his heated gaze. "Didn't anyone ever teach you curiosity killed the cat, Captain?"
Gen quirked one silver eyebrow, clearly not deterred by your coy remark. "Lucky for me, I've got nine lives to spare then."
Before you could react, he snatched the package from your arms with one swift motion. Holding it tauntingly above his head, he grinned down at your surprised expression. "Come on now, no more secrets between us workmates."
You reached up futilely, glaring at his unfair height advantage. "Gen, don't you dare! That's secret for a reason."
"All the more reason for me to find out what it is," he chuckled, using his free hand to lightly fend off your grabbing attempts. His eyes danced with amusement at your increasing frustration.
Realizing you'd have to change tactics, you stopped and took a step back, pretending to give up with a long suffering sigh. Gen's brow furrowed slightly at your sudden resignation just as you whirled and launched yourself at him.
He let out a surprised grunt as your bodies collided, but didn't have a chance to react further. In one fluid motion, you hooked a leg around his calves and used your momentum to send you both crashing back onto the nearby sofa.
You landed squarely straddling Gen's hips, knees pinning him as his silver locks fanned out. The package lay forgotten on the floor as you leaned down, your faces now mere inches apart.
"Like I said..." you murmured, holding his startled gaze with a smoldering look. Slowly, you rolled your hips forward ever so slightly, drawing a sharp intake of breath from the captain beneath you. "No peeking allowed."
With a wicked grin, you deftly extricated yourself, scooping up your precious box before Gen regained his senses. Tossing a heated look over your shoulder, you blew him a mocking kiss. "Thanks for understanding, Captain."
Then you sashayed out, leaving a slack-jawed, flustered Narumi gaping after you. Point firmly made.
A few weeks later, the mysterious packages were still weighing heavily on Gen's mind. You'd managed to avoid giving him any more glimpses into their contents after that charged encounter.
He flopped onto the bed beside where you were lounging, scrolling intently on your phone with one hand. His eyes immediately zeroed in on the familiar shopping app pulled up.
"Don't tell me...more secret deliveries?" Gen grumbled, trying and failing to mask his piqued curiosity. He craned his neck nosily. "What's so important that you won't even share with your dear, dear captain?"
You deftly angled the phone away from his prying gaze with a light laugh. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
Undeterred, Gen inched even closer, near enough that you could smell his usual spicy scent. "Maybe I would," he murmured, certainly not helping to deter the warmth spreading through you.
Refusing to be flustered, you simply hummed noncommittally. "Well, tough luck I guess. A girl's gotta have some mysteries." You emphasized the point by tapping in another order on the app.
Gen made an aggrieved noise somewhere between a groan and a whine. He knew that tone - you were shutting down any further interrogation. Skulking back, he resorted to his best pout and puppy dog eyes in your peripherals.
"Oh, come on! After all we've been through together? No trust at all?" he lamented dramatically.
You had to actively smother your grin at his utterly shameless tactics. "Uh huh, and whose fault is that lack of trust, I wonder?" you countered without looking up.
The pout somehow managed to intensify even further. "Is that any way to treat your adorably curious captain?" Gen persisted in his most piteous tone. "I'll be a good boy, I swear! Just a tiny peek?"
At that, you couldn't hold back your laughter any longer. Sliding your gaze over to meet his pleading expression, you shook your head slowly. "My, my, the great Narumi Gen reduced to outright begging? For little old me?"
You made a show of zooming in on some items in the app, ensuring his attention remained firmly locked on your movements. "Well, since you asked so nicely..."
He instantly perked up, eyes shining victoriously until you finished with a wicked smile. "No way, Captain."
The dejected groan that followed was absolutely priceless.
A few days later, the telltale stack of Yamazon packages arrived at Gen's door. He was still sulking a bit from your stubborn refusal to let him in on your secret deliveries last time.
His brooding was interrupted by a text from you:
"Got pulled into an ops meeting, probably going to run long. Don't you dare touch my packages!"
Gen rolled his eyes at the warning, firing back a petulant reply.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be a good boy...this time."
As the hours ticked by with no sign of you returning, Gen's patience waned rapidly. His gaze kept flickering over to the boxes tucked in the corner, tantalizing him. Just a tiny peek wouldn't hurt, right?
One box in particular seemed to be calling to his curiosity more than the others. Before he could overthink it further, Gen snatched it up and began tearing through the packaging.
He froze when the contents were finally revealed - a neatly coiled bundle of thick, red rope. Gen turned it over in his hands, brow furrowing in confusion until realization slowly dawned.
"No...you can't be serious," he muttered under his breath, heat suddenly prickling across his skin.
Quickly upending the box further, more rope tumbled out, along with some kind of guide booklet titled "The Sensual Art of Shibari." Gen swallowed thickly, abruptly extremely aware of how warm his quarters felt.
"Well...didn't see that one coming," he murmured, unable to tear his widened gaze from the suggestive items sprawled out before him.
Shibari - the ancient Japanese bondage artform. He never would have pegged you for...no, not possible his mind was taking things there already, was it? Though the more Gen stared at the vermilion rope, the more heated images began clouding his thoughts unbidden.
The harsh buzz of his phone made him nearly jump out of his skin. Fumbling quickly, he saw a new message from you:
"Meeting running late. I'll swing by your place afterwards to grab my stuff, so don't move!"
Gen gulped hard, eyes flitting between the compromising delivery and your text. Oh, he was in trouble now...
Gen scrambled to haphazardly re-pack the Shibari rope and booklet, his mind racing as your text declared you'd be arriving any minute. He managed to shove the opened box behind a nearby chair just as a knock sounded at his door.
Taking a calming breath, Gen attempted to wipe any hints of panic or guilt from his expression before swinging the door open. You stood with one hand on your hip, eyebrow arched expectantly.
"There you are! I was starting to think you ditched me," he declared in an overly casual tone, leaning against the doorframe.
You brushed past him into the room. "You wish. Now where are..." Your words trailed off as you spotted the stack of packages, eyeing it critically.
"What, these? They just got here," Gen lied through his teeth, trying not to let his gaze linger too obviously on the chair concealing your exposed secret.
Grabbing the larger pile, he thrust them towards you with an easy grin. "Why don't you take the rest and get going? I've got...things to attend to."
The way your eyes instantly narrowed set off alarms in Gen's head. "Are you seriously trying to get rid of me?" you accused, not taking the boxes from his hands. "What's with you?"
"Me? Nothing! Just ready for some precious personal time." He winced internally at his overly blustery tone.
Rather than be deterred, your scrutinizing stare roamed around his private quarters searchingly. Gen's heart thudded as your gaze landed on the chair and seemed to linger there a beat too long.
In a panic, he practically flung himself across the room towards you, packages scattering as he clung to your shoulders dramatically. "You know what, on second thought, I could use the company!"
You seized his wrists, hot anger flashing in your eyes as you shrugged him off roughly. "Alright Narumi, what gives? You're acting serious-"
The rest of your words were drowned out by a loud clatter as your foot knocked into the chair, the opened Shibari box spilling out its contents onto the floor. Silence dropped like a boulder between you.
Gen watched in horrified fascination as your face cycled through a kaleidoscope of expressions - shock, embarrassment, rage. When you finally met his wide-eyed stare, you looked downright murderous.
"You... didn't.…..You absolute imbecile!"
Your furious voice made the great Narumi visibly flinch back as if struck. He was practically cowering on the floor, head bowed with shame as you towered over him, red-faced and fuming.
"After I explicitly told you NOT to open anything! What part of 'none of your business' didn't get through that dense skull of yours?" You punctuated each accusation by jabbing a finger into his chest, forcing him to shrink back further.
Gen opened and closed his mouth dumbly a few times, unable to find an excuse or defense worthy of halting your warpath. For once, the snarky, unflappable captain was utterly cowed into submission.
"I should have known better than to expect even an ounce of privacy or respect from you," you went on scathingly. "But THIS? This is a new low, even for a pervert like-"
Abruptly, you cut yourself off, Gen hazarding a confused glance upwards. Your expression had shifted from unbridled rage into something more...calculated. A slow, dangerous smile unfurled across your lips as you refocused on his wary form.
"Although..." you mused aloud, taking a taunting step that brought your skirted thighs distractingly close to his face. "I suppose I could find it in me to forgive this indiscretion."
Gen blinked owlishly, not daring to move from his prostrated position. "You...you can?"
Your smile morphed into a devilish smirk as you leaned down to murmur against the shell of his ear. "On one condition..."
A shudder ran through Gen's frame, feeling your breath ghost over his sensitive skin. He forced his eyes to remain locked on your own rather than drifting down your tempting form hovering before him.
"I'm almost afraid to ask..." he managed in a strained tone. "But I'll hear your terms, Vice-Captain."
There was a pregnant pause as you seemed to savor dragging out the anticipation. Then your lips curved upwards once more.
"Then get comfy down there, Captain. I've got plans for you..."
Gen's breath hitched audibly at your provocative words, eyes dilating as his gaze immediately snapped back to yours. There was a heavy pause where the charged tension seemed to spark between your bodies.
Then, in a voice lower and huskier than you'd ever heard it, he murmured "Yes...ma’am."
The way he surrendered to your command with such alacrity, shedding his typical bravado, was intoxicating. Gone was the disinterested slouch - he was poised at rapt attention, hanging on your every subtle move and inflection.
Feeling a newfound sense of power thrumming through your veins, you traced a solitary finger along the sharp line of his jaw. Gen visibly shivered, but remained steadfastly unmoving otherwise.
"Good boy," you purred in approval.
His pupils blew wide at the praise, a soft noise catching in his throat. In that moment, it was glaringly apparent that underneath the lazy, snarky persona he put forth, this formidable captain harbored a deep, repressed side that yearned for firm direction.
And you intended to thoroughly oblige him.
"Strip down to your boxers," you instructed coolly, taking a step back to better admire him. "Slowly."
Gen's gaze smoldered, but he hurried to obey without a hint of his usual backtalk. As more sculpted, tanned skin was gradually revealed, you felt a curl of desire unfurl low in your abdomen.
Finally just in his snug black boxer-briefs, Gen waited with bated breath for your next order. You drank in the delicious picture he made - muscles toned from years of intense training barely constrained, hair tousled, dark eyes burning with unspoken yearning.
Pivoting towards the scattered contents of your exposed package, you retrieved the coiled bundle of vermillion rope, letting it pool lazily between your palms. Gen tracked the movement hungrily.
"You know...the Shibari ropes were just the beginning," you remarked offhandedly, as if commenting on the weather.
His brows hiked quizzically, gaze flicking between your coy expression and the rope as you wound it idly around your wrists.
"I've had an...interest in certain practices, you could say. But never anyone to explore them with." You shrugged one shoulder casually, dangling the rope's end just out of Gen's reach. "Until now, that is."
The implication hung heavy in the heated air as he processed your words. You could see the gears turning behind those intense auburn eyes, his lips parting ever so slightly as realization bloomed.
It would have been so easy to press that advantage, to lean in and capture those tantalizing lips with yours. But where was the fun in that?
No...you wanted to take your sweet time unraveling this newfound side of the great Gen Narumi. To savor every tremor, every shuddering inhale, every molten look of naked longing as you steadily, meticulously stripped away the bravado until just a panting, flushed mess remained.
Curling the rope around your wrist with purposeful leisure, you leveled him with a look that made no attempt to mask your smoldering intent.
"We're just getting started, Captain."
With the vibrant red ropes now pooled at your feet, you beckoned Gen closer with one crooked finger. He crawled obediently forward until kneeling before you, awaiting your next command with rapt anticipation.
Looping one silk-spun length around his wrists, you cinched it snugly, tying them behind his back before trailing the cord down his torso, letting it whisper tantalizingly across his heated skin. Gen sucked in a sharp breath as you wound it behind him, binding his ankles together, forcing his thighs into a wide vee.
"Comfortable?" you murmured, giving an experimental tug that forced his bound limbs into an extremely exposed, compromising position.
Rather than reply, Gen simply held your heated gaze, a tremor running through his restrained form. You smirked at his silent acquiescence, admiring how his every subtle shift and flex caused the ropes to strain deliciously.
Unable to resist any longer, you leaned in until your lips just barely brushed the thundering pulse at the base of his throat. Gen's eyes fluttered shut as you traced open-mouthed kisses up the column of his neck at a maddeningly leisured pace.
"Good boy," you purred against the shell of his ear before sitting back, drinking in his desperation. "Now for the finishing touch..."
Plucking up a sleek black blindfold, you dangled it tauntingly. "I want you completely at my mercy, Captain."
There was the slightest hesitation, a brief stuttering of Gen's ragged breaths. Then, almost imperceptibly, he gave the smallest of nods.
The blindfold slipped into place, swathing Gen's world in velvety darkness as he was now entirely under your control. Unable to see, unable to move, utterly bound to your whims...and he had never looked more beautiful.
With Gen now securely bound and blindfolded per your exacting specifications, you took a moment to simply admire your handiwork. The way the intricate red rope patterns cut across his tanned, toned flesh, framing his chiseled features and parted lips - it was a breathtaking sight.
Unable to resist, you leaned in once more, pressing one final lingering kiss along the thrumming pulse of his exposed throat. Gen shuddered beneath your lips, a ragged exhalation escaping him at the simple intimate contact.
Pulling back, you drank in his desperate expression, throat mottled with purple bruises and hair disheveled. It was immensely gratifying to see the infamous Gen Narumi hanging on your every move, utterly at your mercy.
But you had bigger plans yet for testing the limits of the proud captain's stamina.
With a wicked curl of your lips, you rose and crossed the room to where your other packages lay partially scattered. Selecting one distinct package, you hooked a fingernail under the sealing tape and slowly, torturously dragged it free with a harsh rip.
The sudden sound made Gen's head cant quizically in your direction, though the blindfold kept your actions obscured from view. You held your breath as you fished out the parcel's contents - a premium silicone wand, tapered to a curved tip that fit snugly in your palm.
Turning it on produced a low, insistent buzz that you knew would soon have your captive trembling and begging for reprieve. With your free hand, you caressed the powerful amplitude controls, mouth watering at the delicious possibilities beginning to unfurl.
Satisfied that the wand was fully charged and ready to go, you turned back to Gen. He was still straining to determine your location, blindly craning his neck towards the sounds you'd been making.
A low chuckle escaped your lips as you returned to kneel directly behind him. His body was still coiled tight, anticipating some kind of retaliation from his tormenter. You slowly traced a lone finger down his spine, enjoying the way he shuddered at the unexpected touch.
"Now then..." You placed the wand just beside his hip, the buzzing hum loud enough that Gen immediately went rigid. "Let's see how long you last, Captain."
His breath came in a shuddering gasp as you dragged the tapered head across his inner thigh, dangerously close to his straining bulge. A choked noise escaped his throat, hips jerking slightly in an aborted thrust.
"Not much of a talker anymore, huh?" You smirked, trailing the vibrating wand in lazy circles over the thin fabric of his briefs, delighting in the way Gen's cock jumped to attention at the teasing stimulation.
He let out a strangled moan, hips stuttering, but you withdrew before he could find any relief. "I bet you want this right...here," you taunted, dragging the toy against the sensitive crease where his thigh met his pelvis, eliciting another needy whine.
"You...are such a tease," Gen gasped, trying to maintain a shred of composure. "How much longer are you going to-"
The rest of his sentence was lost in a choked cry as you abruptly pressed the vibrating head against his balls, grinding the pulsing tip against the most sensitive spot. Gen's entire body seized as he threw his head back, a string of curses flowing unrestrained.
"Fuck!" His voice was absolutely wrecked, a ragged edge to the expletive. A pearlescent drop of precum dampened the front of his briefs, his cock straining painfully against the fabric as it twitched erratically.
You moved your free hand to tug the waistband down, freeing his throbbing length. The swollen head was a dark shade of pink, leaking a steady stream of precum. You couldn't resist a low, approving murmur as you watched him buck wildly, trying to seek out the source of his torment.
"I think someone's enjoying himself," you mused aloud, tracing the wand along his aching shaft. The vibrations were so intense it made Gen's entire frame shudder, a pained, broken whimper escaping his throat. "You've already gotten yourself all wet. And we've only just begun."
He grit his teeth, straining against the ropes, the tendons of his neck and shoulders standing out starkly. You trailed the toy in teasing spirals, watching as his cock twitched and leaked, unable to resist the stimulation.
"Fu-uck. Don't stop, I'm gonna...I can't hold it-" Gen's voice was hoarse and strained, every muscle rigid. He was right on the edge, hovering mere seconds from release, when you suddenly switched off the wand.
The abrupt loss of sensation made Gen let out a guttural, animalistic noise, his hips canting upwards futilely. You pulled the toy away from his straining shaft, a single bead of sweat dripping down his forehead.
"Please...I'm so close. I need..." he groaned, the words seeming torn from somewhere deep and primal. "Fuck, I need to cum."
The shameless desperation was an incredibly sexy look on the proud Narumi. Your own arousal was becoming hard to ignore as you watched his chest heaving, cock pulsing and drooling precum.
"Begging looks good on you, Captain," you crooned, dragging the vibrating toy across his chest before circling a pebbled nipple. He arched into the contact with a shuddering moan, the sensitive bud stiffening beneath the vibrations.
You teased the other nipple with your free hand, reveling in the way his body trembled beneath your ministrations. The blindfold was damp with sweat, sticking to his forehead, stray locks of silver hair plastered to his skin.
Gen's breaths were ragged and uneven, a keening whine catching in his throat. The ropes strained tightly, his entire body rigid and trembling. "Fuck, please, just- I need- fuck."
A grin unfurled across your lips. This was definitely a side of the infamous Captain Narumi that no one had ever seen before - unraveled, debauched, writhing in a desperate attempt to escape the onslaught of pleasure.
And you had every intention of thoroughly exploiting this newfound vulnerability.
"That's right," you cooed, grinding the vibrator in torturous circles against his nipples. "You've been such a good boy. I think it's time you get rewarded."
Before he could process the words, you dropped the wand back between his spread thighs, grinding the pulsing head against his balls, just below his twitching cock. Gen's hips canted violently, a strangled shout escaping his throat as his entire body convulsed, back arching in a mesmerizing curve.
You quickly moved your hand to tightly wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, managing to stop his imminent climax a hair's breadth before the point of no return. His entire body sagged, the air expelled from his lungs in a rush as the orgasm he'd been chasing abruptly slipped away.
Gen let out a broken whimper, the muscles of his forearms straining against the ropes holding him in place. You held his throbbing cock in a vice grip, watching his face twist as he panted, riding out the waves of frustrated, unsatisfying pleasure.
"That was a close one, huh?" you crooned, loosening your grip just enough to drag a slow, deliberate stroke up the shaft. Gen shuddered at the sensation, cock jumping eagerly. "We're not finished just yet."
Without waiting for a response, you resumed grinding the wand against his balls, watching with fascination as he writhed and cursed. A steady stream of precum leaked freely from the tip, dripping down his shaft in messy rivulets.
It didn't take long to bring him right back to the brink, his hips canting wildly as the pleasure mounted to an unbearable point. Once more you tightened your grip at the last possible moment, drawing a ragged, guttural shout from Gen.
You were beginning to doubt whether he could even last for the third round. His body was drenched with sweat, every muscle quivering, his hair and chest mottled with lovebites. The blindfold clung wetly to his flushed face, lips reddened and swollen from his teeth biting into them.
Gen was absolutely, breathtakingly wrecked. And you weren't even done yet.
"One more time, Captain. For me." You purred the words, letting the vibrator hover menacingly right below his cock, close enough that he could feel the pulsing hum radiating up his entire body.
His cock was an angry red, swollen and drooling precum freely, so painfully erect you could actually see the veins throbbing. You traced the head lightly with one finger, gathering up the slick fluid before bringing it to his lips.
"Open wide," you commanded, and Gen's mouth instantly dropped open. You slipped your digit inside, the velvety heat making you imagine how it would feel wrapped around your throbbing clit.
His tongue swirled and suckled the precum from your finger, and you couldn't help a low moan, heat unfurling deep in your core. Withdrawing, you traced his swollen, glistening lips. "Good boy."
The praise was like a shock of electricity through his body. He sucked in a harsh breath, hips canting forward, and the vibrator finally made contact just as Narumi’s cock jerked violently.
You barely managed to catch him, wrapping a fist around the shaft and squeezing tightly as the first rope of cum erupted from the swollen head. His entire body seized, head thrown back as his cum slowly leaked out in sad little dribbles, not nearly enough to satisfy the intense release he'd been denied multiple times.
"FUCK! I can't- I'm-" Gen was panting raggedly, every muscle in his body tensed to the point of trembling. "Oh god, please...let me- I need- oh fuck, please."
You released your death grip on his aching, oversensitive cock, watching it throb weakly against his abdomen. He shuddered at the loss of contact, hips twitching uselessly, a pitiful string of precum and thick clumps of cum dripping down his shaft.
His cock was still impossibly hard, the head swollen and dark. Every pulse sent a shudder through his body, hips twitching in aborted thrusts as if seeking the stimulation his cock was so desperately craving.
Gen's ragged panting filled the room, the air humid and heavy. You took a moment to admire his wrecked expression, the way his body had given itself over to your mercy. It was a powerfully heady feeling, being the one to have broken down the great Narumi into a writhing, babbling, desperate mess.
"Please what, Captain?" you murmured, trailing one solitary finger down the slick trail of cum leaking down his shaft. Gen hissed sharply at the contact, every nerve raw and hypersensitive.
He seemed too far gone for words, letting out a frustrated growl as he rolled his hips, his cock bobbing limply. The movement only made the thick white fluid dribble down his shaft faster, his cock a sloppy mess.
A sudden wicked thought made your lips curl into a smirk. Slowly, deliberately, you began stroking his oversensitive cock, just barely grazing your fingers in a whisper-soft touch. Gen moaned loudly, the sound somewhere between ecstasy and agony.
"I think someone's had enough," you crooned, continuing the tormentous motions. Gen's hips jerked, an obscene squelching noise following as your hand slid up and down his sticky, spent cock.
"So fucking dirty," you muttered under your breath, a jolt of heat going straight to your core. Gen made a strangled noise as you dragged your palm up the swollen shaft, smearing the cum and precum mixture across his abdomen.
His chest was mottled with deep purple bruises, nipples puffy and red, his hair a wild halo of silver around his flushed face. The ropes were cutting into his skin in the most delicious ways, every corded muscle defined beneath the red patterns.
He was a fucking vision. And you weren’t even close to being done with him yet.
With a final leisured stroke, you released your grip on Gen's overstimulated cock. It twitched pathetically, hanging swollen and spent between his thighs, covered in a sticky mess.
Leaning down, you placed a delicate kiss against his parted lips, reveling in the way his entire body seemed to react. Gen moaned into your mouth, letting his tongue lazily tangle with yours in a lewd imitation of a real kiss.
When you pulled back, his lips remained parted, a string of saliva connecting the two of you for a moment before it broke. "Fuck...more," Gen mumbled incoherently, chasing the contact.
Rather than reply, you shifted, slowly peeling off your sweat-dampened uniform. Gen made a desperate noise in the back of his throat as he heard the telltale sounds of fabric rustling, straining to catch any glimpse from underneath the blindfold.
You stood there a moment, admiring his restrained form, letting him hang in a delicious state of anticipation. Then, without warning, you turned around and sank onto his lap, letting out a soft sigh as his swollen cock nestled perfectly between your puffy folds.
"Shit," he gasped, feeling the hot wetness against his spent cock. Gen's hips bucked involuntarily, his entire body shuddering as his oversensitized length made contact with the silky, slick warmth. "Is that your- ah- fuck, I can't-"
He let out a broken cry as you began rocking slowly, coating his shaft in your fluids. The friction made Gen's eyes roll back in his head, the heady mixture of pain and pleasure sending his senses reeling.
"You feel so fucking good, Captain," you groaned, using the pudgy, flushed tip to rub your swollen clit. His cock was coated in a slick layer of precum and his own cum, the slippery friction making your pussy flutter.
"Don't- I can't...not again. Fuck," Gen gasped, trying to stave off the impending orgasm. Every inch of his skin felt like it was aflame, your dripping folds making obscene squelching noises as you ground against his spent cock.
He was completely helpless, unable to move or stop the pleasure from mounting. All he could do was let out a pained whine, the ropes cutting into his skin and the silken heat surrounding his oversensitive cock driving him to the brink.
"Shit shit shit," Gen chanted, hips bucking wildly as his balls began to tighten, the pressure mounting to an unbearable level. He was on the very cusp of a truly earth-shattering release, his mind completely blanking out in a fog of pure pleasure.
And then suddenly you were gone.
His cock throbbed weakly, twitching in the air, a small bead of cum clinging to the tip. Gen let out a frustrated growl, the tension coiled so tightly in his body that he felt like he was going to snap.
He was barely able to process what was happening before he suddenly felt a searing wet heat enveloping his aching length. Gen's hips canted wildly, a keening wail escaping his lips as he thrust helplessly into the soft, silky wetness.
You moaned loudly as you took his entire cock in one swift motion, burying him in your pulsing heat. His hips jerked wildly, the sensation almost too much for him to handle. "Fuck!" he shouted, head thrown back.
His body was rigid, the ropes digging into his skin, a steady stream of curses spilling from his lips. He came instantly, hot ropes of cum filling you up. "Shit, I'm sorry, I can't-" Gen choked out, his cock pulsing weakly.
Rather than withdraw, you slowly ground down on his twitching cock, the feeling of him filling you up almost bringing you to the edge yourself. "So fucking good," you moaned, relishing the way he seemed to lose all control, his hips canting erratically.
He was babbling incoherently, his cock pulsing weakly. You kept moving, the feeling of his swollen shaft brushing against your g-spot driving you closer and closer to the edge.
"Fuck, it's too much, please. I can't- fuck, I'm gonna- again," Gen pleaded, his cock swelling and twitching as a second orgasm built up. Your own was right behind his, the hot friction pushing you over the edge.
The sound you let out as you came was something between a sob and a scream, your pussy spasming around his pulsing cock as you squirted in hot spurts. Gen's voice cracked, a hoarse shout escaping his lips as he felt you clench around him.
"I'm- I'm fucking coming," he moaned, his entire body trembling violently as his cock jerked and pulsed weakly, spurting a thin stream of watery cum deep inside you. It was a truly pathetic effort, his balls utterly spent, but the orgasm was nonetheless mind-blowing.
Gen went limp, his head flopping weakly onto your chest. You stroked his hair softly, pressing a tender kiss to his sweat-dampened forehead. He shivered, letting out a ragged sigh.
"Holy shit," he mumbled, the words coming out slurred. You gently carded your fingers through his hair before you looped a finger underneath his tear-soaked blindfold.
Gen blinked blearily, pupils dilated and gaze hazy as he looked up at you, completely dazed. "That was..."
"I know," you replied, gently removing the rope bonds. As soon as the last loop fell away, his arms instinctively wrapped around your waist, holding you in a warm embrace as he buried his face back into your chest.
You continued stroking his hair, massaging his sore muscles as he slowly drifted back into himself. When he finally lifted his head, his face was still flushed, hair mussed and lips reddened.
"Well..." Gen drawled, giving you a crooked smile. "If that's the punishment for snooping, I might have to misbehave more often."
Rolling your eyes, you leaned down to press a tender kiss to his lips. He melted into the contact, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards as he cupped your face, the gesture surprisingly soft and sweet.
As you drew back, Gen's expression turned thoughtful, his gaze shifting to the side. "So...are there other kinks you haven't tried?"
You smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
He gave a lopsided grin, pulling you closer. "Oh, I have plenty of ideas," he murmured, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
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wonton4rang · 3 days
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Super shy ¡!
pairing: riwoo x reader.
warnings: +18, smut. pet names, edging, humping, usage of riwoo's real name, sanghyeok.
summary: where riwoo is the pretty nerd you've got stuck with to make a project but what you didn't know is that he might not be as innocent and shy as he seemed to be.
note: i've been devastated since that video of bnd dropped and i saw riwoo, i have a MASSIVE crush on him omg 😭 i'm so sorry to anyone and everyone that doesn't knows this look on him 😔 pd. (update: 06/17) if you see any typos, no, you didn't <3
you were never the type to be too talkative, you had your own space and didn't like to go out, your homework was up to date even if you didn't like to study and you had very few to none friends. you were surviving high school, to be honest.
but there was always someone that was worst than you, in this case, it was sanghyeok. he was the catalogued nerd of the class, his prescription glasses always on his nose bridge while his face got covered by some science book. he was even more quiet than you were, he had a single friend (donghyun) and you have never seen him at any place outside of school.
when you saw him for the first time, he was laughing with his best friend over god knows what, his smile being so gorgeous that you couldn't help but stare; the way his brown hair was done flawlessly and it dropped the perfect amount of hair to adorn his face. he looked so cute with those huge glasses and that soft hoodie, not the mention the lovely smell that he had when you walked pass him.
you immediately got a passenger crush on him.
it wasn't like you would die for him or anything but seeing him everyday made your own day a little better, he made your chest clench and your heart feel soft and joyful when he laughed, which didn't happen very often.
he was just so cute.
so when you got assigned that chemistry project and you both got together at his place to do it, you couldn't help the subtle blush that spread through your cheeks when you arrived at his door and knocked, him opening almost right away and giving you that smile that you liked so much.
"hey, come inside" he signalled when he moved from the frame, you entering the place almost instantly, checking around before you heard the door close and sanghyeok appeared in front of you "donghyun-ah it's not here today so it'll just be us, hope you don't mind...?"
"that's okay" you assured with a small smile, adoring the doubt on his voice when he talked to you. so pretty. "i didn't know you guys lived together"
"yeah, it's cheaper than living by yourself on campus, rent is for the elite at this point" you nodded while you followed his steps to the second floor, he was right. "but how are you doing? are you ready for today?"
"i hate chemistry, sanghyeok-ssi" was all you let out, not even noticing when you both got to his room until that familiar perfume filled your nostrils and made you look around "we're gonna do it here?"
"do you mind? i have most of my stuff here and he doesn't want any-"
"that's okay" sanghyeok just looked at you through his glasses, smirking a little bit before closing the door "so... um, where do we start?"
"why don't we start from the beginning?" he suddenly asked and it made you tilt your head in confusion "why don't you tell me since when do you like me?"
what the fuck.
you stayed silent for a second, frowning your eyebrows and holding your backpack laces tighter, taking a step back when he took one forward to you.
"why aren't you saying anything? i thought you loved to talk"
"sanghyeok, what is this?"
"you look really pretty in a skirt, y/n" was all he said back, finally taking a long step and closing the distance between your bodies, holding your waist with a firm grip and making you stumble back when he leaned forward to smell your neck "i also like your perfume, by the way"
"y-you... you know?" all the shame in the world belonged to you right now, your hands sweating against your backpack's strings and your legs trembling, not to mention the aggressive blush that flushed your cheeks. "i'm- i-"
"can i kiss you?" and that's when you knew that he was not interested in any project, that he didn't invite you over for that.
but it was so weird, so out of place, you even thought that you may be misreading the situation (if that was even possible), even when his hands gripped your waist firmly, his eyes staring into yours and his breath hitching when he got closer to your mouth.
there's no way this is sanghyeok, not the one you know, at least. this is not the shy boy that would look away if your eyes ever meet, the small and soft baby boy that used sweater paws. it just doesn't make sense to you.
where was his soft demeanor, his glittery eyes, his way of talking so calmed. it was all a lie? no, it wasn't, you just didn't know sanghyeok as a lover.
at least not until now.
"are you still thinking?" his voice brought you back, your hands loosening the grip on your backpack and going up to his chest, staring into his eyes.
"yes, you can kiss m-"
he didn't even wait for you to finish when his lips crashed against yours. he had been waiting for it long enough to waste another second. so he didn't.
his hands went up to remove your backpack and drop it to the ground, his lips devouring yours in such a way that it made your legs feel weak, your own hands now holding his shoulders.
when you felt his body press against yours, you softly moaned, applying pressure on his shoulders and smiling into the kiss when he took the chance to get his tongue into your mouth, playing with your sanity when his right knee pressed against your clothed pussy and he made some friction.
everything was so good that you didn't notice the way your back was flat in the wall behind you, your right leg being held up on sanghyeok's hip and his hands slowly rising up and down on what you skirt covered and what it didn't too.
"wait, sanghyeok-ssi" you managed to whisper against the kiss, pulling out to look at his face. his hair slightly misplaced and his glasses were fogged up with your breath. he looked so cute yet so hot. "what do you want to do?"
"i-" suddenly it seemed like his shy self came back, his throat not being able to form a correct sentence and his hands shaking against your skin. you laughed a little. "don't laugh at me"
"you look so cute"
"i don't want to be cute" his voice sounded mad but still cute so you just nodded and gave him a short kiss, petting his hair before looking into his eyes while expecting an answer; still feeling his hand holding your leg up when he pressed his pelvis against your clothed cunt, making you feel what he had been hiding "i want to have sex with you"
"that's really straightforward, don't you think?" but you were joking, you did not gave a single fuck if it was too straightforward or not, you would've gave in ten minutes ago if he asked you.
"you don't want to?" the way he asked you made your pussy throbb, he looked and sounded so offended that it was almost laughable but you just found it hot.
"i didn't say that but-"
"then why are we wasting time?" he interrupted, letting your leg go and quickly petting your hair, softly going down until his fingers grazed your cheek and then moved to your lips, playing with the bottom one for a bit before continuing saying "donghyun will not be out forever"
and so you understood what he meant right away, taking his face between your hands to kiss him again, this time you were the one walking and making him back up until the back of his knees hit the bed and he fell there. there was a fraction of second in the one you both looked at each other and it was so hot that you could only get in top of him and keep making out.
your hands held his face and your lips moved furiously against his, your hips starting to grind on his boner and him softly moaning into the kiss when he felt the friction, automatically buckling his hips up to meet your core.
it only got worse when you started to move faster and harder, wanting to feel as much as you could because his dick felt so good between your wet clothed folds that you just couldn't help it. your eyes were closed during the kiss but when his hands held your hips and started to make pressure there you had to break the kiss to moan pleasantly, your mind so cloudy and your breath speeding up while you looked him in the eyes.
he looked so cute, his eyes watery and his cheeks flushed, the hair slowly starting to stick to his forehead due to the sweat. your hands moved to his chest and you thought you'll go crazy when sanghyeok's hands went below your skirt and held your ass instead, harshly pressing on the skin and pressing his eyes closed when his hips got sloppy.
"i like this, it's really nice" you heard him say in an airy voice, feeling how his heart pace increased with every movement he made. "you feel so good"
but you couldn't really answer anything because you felt so ashamed right now, your own eyes watery and your legs shaking while the movement of your hips didn't stop.
it felt so good though, and you couldn't understand why, you were not a virgin, this was not the first time you humped with some dude but why did it made you feel so overwhelmed? the way your eyes couldn't stop seeing his face, the way his mouth moved, the way his moans sounded, it all should've gave you the idea.
you liked him.
the thought slipped out your head though when you felt your body switch positions, riwoo being in top of you now and holding your stare as he has never been able to do so before. his hands held the back of your thighs and soon he was pressing against your wet panties again but this time he actually did it very slowly, almost painful due to the necessity you were feeling.
"can i-" he started but his voice broke mid sentence as he kept moving against your pussy, he just couldn't stop, it's like he was possessed. "can i fuck you, please? just this time, if you don't like it we can-"
"please do" was all you let out, your hands holding his own hands to ensure that you were positive about this. "i would love to"
sanghyeok was a simple man, and a prepared one too, because the second you said yes he was already reaching for the drawer next to his bed and pulling out a condom that he struggled to open.
you took it and opened it for him, he took the chance to lower his pants instead and move your panties aside while his stare was fixed in your eyes, looking for any signs of discomfort in case he had to retract. he moved forward as he saw none and just licked his middle and anular finger before pushing them pass your wet folds, up and down your pussy before actually entering them in your warm hole.
he was amazed with the way your cunt sucked his fingers, so warm, so wet, so perfect. so when you handed over the condom already opened, he didn't waste time to put it on and instantly align his cock with your entrance.
"can i?" you nodded and he was pushing through right away, doing it slowly in case he had to stop, he just didn't want to hurt you. "all good?"
"you can go on, i'll let you know if anything"
and that gave him the green light he was looking for, slamming his hips against yours when he pushed all the way in, feeling your hips twitch but no hearing a word from you so he just did it again, thrusting so hard you could feel his dick brushing your cervix.
that warm feeling around his dick, the wetness, the sounds, and the way you squirmed under his touch made him even harder than he already was. one of his hands holding your waist and the other one going for your left boob and playing with it below your white dress shirt.
his lips soon found their place in your neck, starting to undo the buttons of your shirt so he could have more space to suck and kiss. and you didn't even protest to the hickies he was leaving there because, to be honest, you doubted he even knew those were going to appear later on.
plus, you were too busy thinking about his dick smashing your pussy to say anything. your walls welcoming him so well, you feeling the stretch and the way his thrusts got sloppy.
you could feel his breath accelerating against the skin of your neck, his moans sounding more high pitched and his body weight dropping onto yours, his glasses falling off his face when he finally left the crook of your neck to look at you in the eye.
"are you cumming?" you asked him, your hands holding his against your thighs and seeing him nod. you were not a person with a high libido but the way sanghyeok looked, so cute and innocent yet being able to fuck you so well while sweetly moaning got you going. "i am too"
"i'm really close, y/n, s-so close" he mumbled, barely seeing your face without his glasses. "it feels so good to be inside of you, oh god"
but the moment he kept saying those things with his sweet voice and dreamy eyes, you couldn't hold it back. you wanted to make him cum first but your plan shattered with his cute face and soft eyes while he fucked you good.
it was too much to handle, too much to process.
so you just let yourself go and finally buckled your hips up a little bit to meet his and cum with a soft mewl, your right hand going down to massage your throbbing clit while sanghyeok opened up his eyes after he felt your body shake beneath him.
he really didn't get it until he felt your pussy clench around his dick and saw your legs shaking on each side of his body as he kept fucking you fast enough to keep your orgasm alive for longer than you could take it.
which made you decide that it was time for him to cum, reaching to his shirt with your free hand and pulling him down to kiss his lips. you knew what it did to him. because two could play the game, right?
it didn't take him ten seconds to cum after you started kissing, inevitably letting a broken moan into his mouth when he finished with two harsh thrusts that made your body hitch in the bed.
he cried out during the kiss, cupping your face when he stopped moving his hips and making the kiss deeper, using his tongue right away and you laughing a little bit when you felt him looking for his glasses around your neck without breaking the kiss.
once he found them he left the kiss to put them on and finally pull out, being careful to not spill the condom inside of you and getting off his bed to trash it.
you were already sitting on the edge of his bed when he came back, panties back in place and skirt and shirt perfectly placed. even your hair looked fine, making sanghyeok question if you guys really had sex just a few moments ago.
"that was great, sanghyeok, i-" you mumbled when he sat down besides you on his own bed, making you nervous all of the sudden "i really enjoyed"
"i liked it too... do you think we can... you know... do this again?" but your face made him panic for a second, adding a simple: "if you don't mind, of course"
but that was precisely the problem, you did mind. you were surprised by the way a simple crush became something bigger without you even noticing.
"i don't think we should keep seeing each other like this" honesty was your way to go at this point "it's not you, i just feel like i could catch feelings and i kinda like you so-"
"wait, what?"
"i mean, you don't have to do anything, i was just giving you my reasons and-" you were the one who panicked this time with the tone he used to respond, your nervousness getting worse when he interrupted you again.
"i want to do something about it, though. i kinda like you too"
"you what!?"
"yeah, i liked you since the first day i saw you at school. i thought you were really pretty and then we got to share classes and i got to see you more everyday and see how you acted and... i really like you, actually" he said with a shy smile before adding "i am so sorry i didn't say it before i just thought that maybe you didn't see me that way"
"you are so smart yet so fucking dumb sometimes, you know that, right?"
and both of you just laughed, kissing a little bit more and cuddling in sanghyeok's bed to talk about yourselves, what you liked, what you didn't, your point of view about certain topics and so on.
now imagine the surprise in donghyun's face when he got home and went to sanghyeok's room just to find you both cuddling and pleasantly sleeping in each others arms.
"finally" was all he mumbled before going to his own room.
he was so tired of listening to sanghyeok talking about you that he could only feel happy yet scared. happy because now you guys were together but scared because if sanghyeok was a simp without even dating you... imagine now.
but, oh, well. shit happens, it is what it is.
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peachi-blossom · 2 days
My thoughts on Hazbin Hotel as a non HH fan
Originally, I was just here to watch people criticizing Hazbin Hotel. But when the recent controversies came in, I feel like I have to step into the fandom rabbit hole.
As a non Hazbin Hotel fan, I've watched the pilot, read the prequel comics, watched the ADDICT music video, and finally the show itself. (I've watched the show on March 15th.)
NOTE: I didn't watch the show on TV so I watched it on a pirated website instead and read the transcript because no way am I watching this in front of my parents, my siblings, or Grandma. This is my personal opinion on the show.
Pilot: So Hell is basically Earth except it's painted red and inhabited by demons. The background has too much red, but not as bad that it makes my eyes bleed. I don't like how the female characters have the same color scheme except Vaggie and Niffty (pilot only). For example, Charlie, Katie Killjoy, and Cherri Bomb. The only two funny parts of the pilot is when the top hat demon says "Wow! That was s***!" after Charlie sings Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow and when Angel pokes his head in as Vaggie is giving Alastor a warning. I didn't like the daddy joke. It just sounded bad. Also, why is there a joke about harlequin babies?
Prequel comics that are no longer canon: Basically the prequel comics focuses on Angel Dust and Alastor.
For Dirty Healings, it shows how Angel Dust first met Charlie and Vaggie. I knew that Vaggie's name was named after a uh, you know. Ugh… Why did Vivienne Medrano had to name her that? Also I hate Valentino.
As for A Day In The After Life, it just shows why Alastor is the most feared demon in Hell. Also he swears after seeing Vox.
ADDICT music video: I genuinely have no thoughts on this music video. I think this was just bait for the SA and CSA victims. Sorry for those who like the MV.
Episode 1: This is worse than the pilot. I did NOT like the beginning part. It's biblically inaccurate for multiple reasons, but I feel like a few people only talk about this one thing. Sin didn't exist until Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. Not only that, but it's also misogynistic too because it was just Eve who ate it. What makes it misogynistic is that it implies that all women would have to bear the sins of Eve ALONE. There's rampant swearing and sex jokes. Also, isn't Archangel Michael supposed to be the leader of the Army of God? Anyways I'm siding with the angels.
Episode 2: The red is so bright that it hurts my eyes. It doesn't help the fact that Alastor blends in the background. Oh yeah, when Vox tells Sir Pentious to kill himself, it made me feel sad because it reminded me of the Shay incident. The time when the stans drove Shay to kill themself because they were uncomfortable with the large age gap of HuskerDust.
Episode 3: Why? Why is there a BDSM sex dungeon?! I know that was Angel's idea, but still. Why?! I seriously have no words. When Zestial says "What troubles thou?" I was like "Huh?". It should be "What troubles thee?". I think his Old English has grammatical errors. The Egg Boiz, Carmilla, and Zestial are bearable because they never said a swear word. Off topic, but Velvette's swirl streaks on her hair makes me think of a swirl ice cream.
Episode 4: Before the show came out, I saw SlayQueenArt's post on Twitter (X) that says Vivienne Medrano hired Raphielle II, aka R2ninjaturtle, who has a rape fetish and isn't a SA victim. As someone who is formerly addicted to porn, this episode is insulting on so many levels. I didn't watch the whole Poison sequence because of that. And don't get me started on Loser Baby. I hate this song so much. It felt like it is blaming on SA and CSA victims for being SA'd. Like it is blaming me for being addicted to porn on and off when I was EIGHT. I know there are some victims who like episode 4 so I will leave them alone. I seriously hate how Charlie behaves like a toddler at the end. No grown adult should behave like a toddler like she did because being raped isn't a silly thing to cry over. Like, hello? She is the supposed to be the main character. Oh yeah, there was NO warning for the episode when the show premiered and it triggered the victims who watched it. SA and CSA victims are not losers. Former porn addicts are not losers. Nobody is a loser. I am NOT a loser.
Episode 5: Wow, Vivienne Medrano really turned Lucifer into King George from Veggietales. I guess this is what happens when King George gave in into his obsession with rubber ducks. I didn't like Hell's Greatest Dad because of the unnecessary rivalry between Lucifer and Alastor, but at least Mimzy ended the song. Oh boy, this is where I hate Alastor now. No really, he is Vivienne Medrano's first edgelord oc. He has gone full edgelord and is basically a Bill Cipher wannabe now. His full demon form is not even scary compared to Bill's final form. He no longer stands out from the main cast even if he rarely swears. Mimzy is basically the embodiment of the hooked nose stereotype. Wow, the embodiment of a Jew stereotype. How racist.
Episode 6: That was an absolute slap in the face at SA and CSA victims and me when Sir Pentious got SA'd! Seriously, Vivienne Medrano doesn't even care for the victims at this point! What's worse is that he is based off of her old ex-friend, DollCreep. Why did she whitewashed St. Peter?! I know there are white Jews, but he was born in ancient Israel so I wouldn't think he'll be looking like a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes. How come angels don't know how souls get to Heaven?! We got the Ten Commandments! We got Jesus Christ who took our place to die for our sins so we wouldn't have to bear these sins! Emily and Sera are bearable because you know. I hate how Niffty is being treated like a child when she's NOT. What's worse is that Niffty is supposed to be Japanese because of how people INFANTILIZED Asian people, especially women.
Episode 7: My issue with Out for Love is that when Carmilla tells Vaggie that she should fight for love and not for vengeance. Well, Vaggie always fight for love and never for vengeance. In Whatever it Takes, she literally says that she'll always protect Charlie. Where is the vengeance in that? That is poor character writing. Rosie is basically the blood libel stereotype where the Jews are cannibals. Again, that's just racist against Jews.
Episode 8: I thought the finale was pointless because there were no stakes and Sir Pentious' heroic sacrifice was comically anti-climatic. Like, why did Sir Pentious's so called friends cared about him when they didn't help him at ALL in episode 6?! I'm not a fan of the CherriSnake ship because Cherri only becomes interested in him because he has two "joysticks". Not to mention he kissed her without consent and she thinks it's hot after that. The problem with More Than Anything (Reprise) is that Vaggie reassures Charlie that she changed many lives, but she only changed one. I'm so glad Adam defeated Alastor first. There is absolutely no way Lucifer slept with Eve. Oof for Lute and Adam. You both fought well until the end.
The character design is awful. Every male character basically looks like The Once-ler from The Lorax 2012 movie except for Adam (I know Alastor doesn't have a top hat, but still gives off the vibes. Zestial is more Burtonesque.). Not to mention they are all skinny twigs except for Adam (I think). The female characters in Hell have the same color scheme except Vaggie (again). For example, Charlie, Katie Killjoy, Mimzy (though her dress is a little darker), Cherri Bomb, and Niffty (show only). They have too much pinks, reds, yellows, whites, and blacks. I love pink, but this is too much. What's worse is that they blend in the background and again it hurts my eyes. There is NO color variety and I feel like my eyes are burning.
That's my thoughts on the show.
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sageistri · 2 days
I like how jimin has his own lore going on with his songs starting from lie to recent smf2, and smf2 is the last track and the mv ends with jimin in white clothes, I feel like it will have some conncetion to MUSE too as the weverse post says " “FACE,” where he sought to explore his true identity, “MUSE” documents his journey in search of the source of his inspiration.
Not to forget his mentions of rain and snow in new ctt lyrics which are his favs and moon (his absolute fav) nail art in today's clip.
There's so many things happening, it's so nice to read everything, am not active on twt anymore, just made a burner account, I think i will just observe everything from sidelines and enjoy everything. As much as it is fun to be in fandom spaces which is more exciting, I would prefer this for now because the same exciting fandom space will be exhasting and tired sometimes spoiling the experience at times.
I've seen a lot of theories and it's beautiful how most of them seem to be saying the same thing just in different ways. Unlike some of the forced theories derived from some albums, everything with jimin's projects are actually interconnected and makes sense.
I thought of this ask I got
"And as far as concepts go, I feel like jimin was the only one who actually had a concept for his album. Most of the other concept photos were just an aesthetic they were trying for, more like a photo shoot that didn't have a specific message. Even though jm's album was the most personal in my opinion and it is hard to have a theme for something so personal, his album still had a concept with the hard and the soft and the vulnerability of being "naked" as well as the thorns added. Jitb did have a theme for the visuals, but I didn't feel it connected to the music"
And personally what stood out to me out of everything else was like I said how the start of the video felt eerily like It was face or like crazy 2.0 but then everything changed the second the lights came on. Probably a visible transition from face to muse, so obviously connected in some way.
And yes I find I enjoy releases when I watch from the sidelines too, just as much as I do when I actively engage.
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various-things · 7 months
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puck1919 · 2 months
So many wild and crazy things about this episode, but I do love that the new battleground for advancing the dome projections is "Full video from previous seasons".
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crossbackpoke-check · 10 months
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Why I Am Not Coming In To Work Today [abridged], Jess Zimmerman
part one | part two
#toronto maple leafs#HELLO EVERYBODY THIS HAS BEEN MONTHS!!! MONTHS IN THE MAKING BECAUSE i AM UNHINGED AND NEEDED THE PRECISE PICTURES THAT I KNEW I WOULD GET#like. seventy five percent of this has been done since the first time i posted this and while it has gotten better with time because#my narratives simply got more complex and there's so much of this that is For Me but don't worry i will explain but aLSO goddamn mitch coul#you have gotten married any later in the year. also willy you truly disappointed me by not getting an absurd haircut this year (now that#i've said this he's going to debut it on instagram like. tomorrow. but anyway that meant y'all got to enjoy my neuroses of#Loving Tyler Bertuzzi who is a goddamn leaf. the joys of having to wait to post this (was not a leaf at the time i started it) and anyway i#have at length i think had the breakdown about tyler in pigtails girl dad & how i got a bob & then tyler copied me which was rude. that's m#gender. ANYWAY starting from the top we got sheldon keefe documentation which was really just the personal decision that i wanted all the#coaching staff to be the markers in the poem/the bold & also at the TIME keefe hadn't re-signed &we thought it might be everybody out w/kyl#anyway the title of the scrap of an old lover's flannel is literally 'u think this is about sheldon & kyle NO it's about timothy liljegren'#bc. liljegren was on the marlies winning cup team & has had a contentious relationship w/keefe ever since & was healthy scratched in playof#& the narrative is sooooo. also at one point for the ryan o'reilly i was going to edit the stlb out of his grandma's shirt or cover it w/th#childhood dreams line but THEN i found the gio snapped stick one which was too perfect for 'crumbling copy' the ryan o'reilly To Me is so.#ur insane in ways u did not think for that one. like. how soft her hands were. his grandma you guys. he grew up a leafs fan. if he ever get#to lift the cup with her again i will lose my shit. the cup run a movie i remember nothing--OKAY the spezz one i knew i needed him stresse#but also i believe in the spezz/kyle narrative so. it comes up later don't worry ALSO SPEZZ FOLLOWING HIM TO PITT CAME AFTER I MADE THIS bu#the muzz tea one makes me a little sensy bc muzz was out with an injury for most of this season & it was a really scary spinal one & so yea#& then the simmer one just straight up makes me cry bc i love him so much & the work that he does for anti-racism in hockey means so much &#if you have that video open & watch it i promise you will cry i do every time it's so beautiful he had to be on comforted by beauty & sammy#boy is on the a man who doesn't know me because EYE remember the caps goalie tandems. baby lilya. the mo one is a little funny bc it is#solely due to wade's thread about mo rielly the coal miner homestead husband. that's why he moves to omaha also i think it suits him (quiet#OK NOW OLD MEN IN LOVE NARRATIVE this one's in contention for my fave bc it's spezz coping w/retirement fundamental meaningless of existenc#u heard abt tyler already that's for me the minchy picture was just too good i had found it earlier & i spent SO LONG looking for an empty#leafs rink picture for bathtub i have some cool construction photos but i wanted the melting ice ones (thought about tahoe lol) & the sprin#one i manip'd a lot bc i needed a spring picture bc playoffs clinch in spring & that one fit so coincidentally perfect bc it's 7 straight#seasons 7 guys so. :) & i KNEW i swore to god they did more milk advertising i knew i was gonna do this one from the minute i saw the poem#the milk patch & it took a hot minute BUT I FOUND THIS ONE this one's for funsies. AND THE PIC I WAITED SO FUCKING LONG FOR this is actuall#from kerf's wedding but i was like i know on god mitch is getting married this summer & that's about to be the drunkest shenanigans wedding#i'm waiting for the pics. & then i was BLESSED with this one which is beautiful & perfect & LOOK AT THEM. anyway the last one is bc
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hippo-pot · 28 days
overthinking a joke i didn't like -_- in the first like minute of The Guild where the therapist is like "have you met these people face to face" and Felicia Day is like "I can hear them! That's good enough for the blind!"
first, blindness is a huuuuge spectrum, including people who can see their friends AND people who can't hear their friends (roughly 40,000 people in the US are DeafBlind, which obviously is a spectrum as well)
also.... *just* hearing? is good enough? for the entire population of the blind? We don't think blind people like touching their friends? In fact almost certainly *more* on average than sighted people do? hi
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mothslimes · 2 months
sometimes i think girls who wear a full face of makeup every day and get lip fillers and other surgeries n shit. just forgot what an actual woman looks like. actually post cancelled I think so much of the world has forgotten what an actual woman looks like. genuinely can't imagine waking up every day looking in the mirror and feeling like i have to paint my face to be presentable. fucking terrifying man.
if you look at what women are trending it's so weird how many of them look exactly the same. same hair style, same makeup style, same outfits. and it's not just celebrities, i sit in class and the girls are all carbon copies. even have the same style of taking notes. pretty much all appear to be thinking the same way, even. what the fuck. those 2010 cheesy illustrations of a bunch of identical looking blond Barbies were right maybe
#mik talks#and I guess it's not even on the girls themselves since they're fed fuckin garbage by the algorithm#tho I won't take too much pity on them.because many of them are giant bullies who love feeling superior to me#I'm just like. god I'm so glad I'm too autistic so I never even got the chance to try and fit in#so now I feel no pressure to do so#I said this exact thing before but I feel like the world kinda needs to stop throwing huge pity parties for conventionally attractive#white women who happen to feel pressure to keep up certain things about their appearance#yeah that must suck but you get to fit in you get to hide in the masses lol. wow that must be so hard to have to make#certain choices in order not to be bullied. some of us don't even have the choice#blablabla These women are excellent in upholding the patriarchy and white supremacy btw even if they themselves#have progressive views. anyway#No more politics I'm tired also I'm too stupid to make good conclusions about this#I'm really just complaining about the type.of.girls who bullied me#I'll forever and ever support nlogs#idc. you ARENT like other girls and that's a fucking challenge and you're allowed to feel proud of who you are#and going against societal norms#ur allowed to find joy in that#maybe just tone it down a little and focus more on what's good about you vs what's bad about them#but its not bad as a vent??? like??? you're allowed to be pissed abt it man#no one should expect a flawless deconstruction of misogyny in a 2 panel comic istg#sometimes u just wanna express something god it's so misogynistic when all these men on YouTube make videos ridiculing#'pickmes' and 'nlogs' hey maybe stay in your lane you never experienced growing up a girl ostracized by the female populus at school#it IS just like in mean girls#anyway I love women being feral and human and we need more of that instead of expecting women to keep a perfect face and perfect body#women SWEAT and PISS and thats okay :))) they're animals#this is the most 2014 ass post I've made sorry#also the least 'cisgender bisexual man' post I've made#the stealth transness leaving my body when its time to critique hierarchical structures within female spaces from the lense of a girl that#was left out of them
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alfheimr · 2 months
My Favorite Cheap Art Trick: Gradient Maps and Blending Modes
i get questions on occasion regarding my coloring process, so i thought i would do a bit of a write up on my "secret technique." i don't think it really is that much of a secret, but i hope it can be helpful to someone. to that end:
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this is one of my favorite tags ive ever gotten on my art. i think of it often. the pieces in question are all monochrome - sort of.
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the left version is the final version, the right version is technically the original. in the final version, to me, the blues are pretty stark, while the greens and magentas are less so. there is some color theory thing going on here that i dont have a good cerebral understanding of and i wont pretend otherwise. i think i watched a youtube video on it once but it went in one ear and out the other. i just pick whatever colors look nicest based on whatever vibe im going for.
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this one is more subtle, i think. can you tell the difference? there's nothing wrong with 100% greyscale art, but i like the depth that adding just a hint of color can bring.
i'll note that the examples i'll be using in this post all began as purely greyscale, but this is a process i use for just about every piece of art i make, including the full color ones. i'll use the recent mithrun art i made to demonstrate. additionally, i use clip studio paint, but the general concept should be transferable to other art programs.
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for fun let's just start with Making The Picture. i've been thinking of making this writeup for a while and had it in mind while drawing this piece. beyond that, i didn't really have much of a plan for this outside of "mithrun looks down and hair goes woosh." i also really like all of the vertical lines in the canary uniform so i wanted to include those too but like. gone a little hog wild. that is the extent of my "concept." i do not remember why i had the thought of integrating a shattered mirror type of theme. i think i wanted to distract a bit from the awkward pose and cover it up some LOL but anyway. this lack of planning or thought will come into play later.
note 1: the textured marker brush i specifically use is the "bordered light marker" from daub. it is one of my favorite brushes in the history of forever and the daub mega brush pack is one of the best purchases ive ever made. highly recommend!!!
note 2: "what do you mean by exclusion and difference?" they are layer blending modes and not important to the overall lesson of this post but for transparency i wanted to say how i got these "effects." anyway!
with the background figured out, this is the point at which i generally merge all of my layers, duplicate said merged layer, and Then i begin experimenting with gradient maps. what are gradient maps?
the basic gist is that gradient maps replace the colors of an image based on their value.
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so, with this particular gradient map, black will be replaced with that orangey red tone, white will be replaced with the seafoamy green tone, etc. this particular gradient map i'm using as an example is very bright and saturated, but the colors can be literally anything.
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these two sets are the ones i use most. they can be downloaded for free here and here if you have csp. there are many gradient map sets out there. and you can make your own!
you can apply a gradient map directly onto a specific layer in csp by going to edit>tonal correction>gradient map. to apply one indirectly, you can use a correction layer through layer>new correction layer>gradient map. honestly, correction layers are probably the better way to go, because you can adjust your gradient map whenever you want after creating the layer, whereas if you directly apply a gradient map to a layer thats like. it. it's done. if you want to make changes to the applied gradient map, you have to undo it and then reapply it. i don't use correction layers because i am old and stuck in my ways, but it's good to know what your options are.
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this is what a correction layer looks like. it sits on top and applies the gradient map to the layers underneath it, so you can also change the layers beneath however and whenever you want. you can adjust the gradient map by double clicking the layer. there are also correction layers for tone curves, brightness/contrast, etc. many such useful things in this program.
let's see how mithrun looks when we apply that first gradient map we looked at.
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gadzooks. apologies for eyestrain. we have turned mithrun into a neon hellscape, which might work for some pieces, but not this one. we can fix that by changing the layer blending mode, aka this laundry list of words:
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some of them are self explanatory, like darken and lighten, while some of them i genuinely don't understand how they are meant to work and couldn't explain them to you, even if i do use them. i'm sure someone out there has written out an explanation for each and every one of them, but i've learned primarily by clicking on them to see what they do.
for the topic of this post, the blending mode of interest is soft light. so let's take hotline miamithrun and change the layer blending mode to soft light.
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here it is at 100% opacity. this is the point at which i'd like to explain why i like using textured brushes so much - it makes it very easy to get subtle color variation when i use this Secret Technique. look at the striation in the upper right background! so tasty. however, to me, these colors are still a bit "much." so let's lower the opacity.
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i think thats a lot nicer to look at, personally, but i dont really like these colors together. how about we try some other ones?
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i like both of these a lot more. the palettes give the piece different vibes, at which point i have to ask myself: What Are The Vibes, Actually? well, to be honest i didn't really have a great answer because again, i didn't plan this out very much at all. however. i knew in my heart that there was too much color contrast going on and it was detracting from the two other contrasts in here: the light and dark values and the sharp and soft shapes. i wanted mithrun's head to be the main focal point. for a different illustration, colors like this might work great, but this is not that hypothetical illustration, so let's bring the opacity down again.
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yippee!! that's getting closer to what my heart wants. for fun, let's see what this looks like if we change the blending mode to color.
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i do like how these look but in the end they do not align with my heart. oh well. fun to experiment with though! good to keep in mind for a different piece, maybe! i often change blending modes just to see what happens, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. i very much cannot stress enough that much of my artistic process is clicking buttons i only sort of understand. for fun.
i ended up choosing the gradient map on the right because i liked that it was close to the actual canary uniform colors (sorta). it's at an even lower opacity though because there was Still too much color for my dear heart.
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the actual process for this looks like me setting my merged layer to soft light at around 20% opacity and then clicking every single gradient map in my collection and seeing which one Works. sometimes i will do this multiple times and have multiple soft light and/or color layers combined.
typically at this point i merge everything again and do minor contrast adjustments using tone curves, which is another tool i find very fun to play around with. then for this piece in particular i did some finishing touches and decided that the white border was distracting so i cropped it. and then it's done!!! yay!!!!!
this process is a very simple and "fast" way to add more depth and visual interest to a piece without being overbearing. well, it's fast if you aren't indecisive like me, or if you are better at planning.
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let's do another comparison. personally i feel that the hint of color on the left version makes mithrun look just a bit more unwell (this is a positive thing) and it makes the contrast on his arm a lot more pleasing to look at. someone who understands color theory better than i do might have more to say on the specifics, but that's honestly all i got.
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just dont look at my layers too hard. ok?
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lxclerc · 3 months
𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 ─ 𝐦𝐯𝟏
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summary: where max verstappen is the subject of a love song from a singer who never writes love songs pairing: max verstappen x american singer!reader faceclaim: no one specifically but based off olivia rodrigo
note: me? writing max verstappen? smau fluff? on main? everyone look away.
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liked by user33, user4, user16 and others
dailyynupdates yn was seen around monte carlo the past few days, taking pictures with fans and allegedly cozying up with three time world champion max verstappen
view all 104,210 comments...
user12 what is going on in the house of commons because this was the last thing i expected
user39 this is quite literally the most random pairing i've ever stumbled across
user91 how do they even know each other 😭 user63 right like...where did this even come from? how did it start? literally how did they meet? they could not be farthest apart in the sphere of famous people
user19 now who the hell is max verstappen and why is he with my wife?
user49 oh girl you have a lot to catch up on the max lore user71 max is a formula one driver user56 saying max is a formula 1 driver like he currently isn't dominating the sport to the point where people hates him saying he's making it boring since he keeps winning because he's just that fucking good that literally no other driver can keep up is kinda wild user10 oh so our girl's new man is good at his job user52 "good at his job might just be the biggest understatement of the century when it comes to max. man's a fucking beast at his job
user48 i dont have to see her with her ratty ex anymore omfg war is over
user93 dare i say...they're adorable
user82 yn being in an age appropriate, healthy relationship? i never thought the day would come
user74 we won for real 🥹🫶
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liked by user23, user31, user69 and others
dailyynupdates max and yn in a video posted by yn's friend 😭
view all 59,129 comments...
user93 oh my god look at them 😭
user81 they look so in love i want to cry
user65 "maximillian, do i look pretty like this?" "you always look pretty" i couldn't quite catch what he said at the end but 😭😭😭
user85 dutch here and i believe he said "laiverd" which means darling user75 this means so much to me user65 you just made my entire week
user45 seeing her in love after all the shit men is healing a part of me i didnt know was broken
user53 max fixing her hood then kissing her cheek what if you just stabbed me
user31 every time i see these, i get the urge to take a shot of bleach 😀
sincerelyyn ✓
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liked by conangrey, maxverstappen1, taylorswift and others
sincerelyyn can't have a conversation if it's not all about you
view all 402,452 comments...
yourfriend as the other person of those conversations, he's fine i guess 😒
sincerelyyn you know i love youuuuu
taylorswift love seeing you happy ❤️
sincerelyyn ❤️❤️ user73 mother is all of us user63 you know it's real when it's taylor swift approved
conangrey i hate happy couples i hope you both trip 🫶
sincerelyyn die 🫶
user92 their friendship is everything to me
user15 not girlie trying to soft launch like we all don't know who it is 😭
user43 THEYRE SO ‼️🥵🥰⚠️
user65 you're so right
user24 i'm so happy finally seeing our girl happy 😭
user84 "someday i'll be everything to somebody else" YES YOU ARE BABYGIRL 😭
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liked by sincerelyyn, charles_leclerc, landonorris and others
maxverstappen1 my american girl 🩷
view all 308,291 comments...
charles_leclerc i still can't believe this is happening
maxverstappen1 for someone who don't even follow me, you sure are early to my posts 😒 user91 max gagged him with that im afraid
landonorris please please max talk to her about getting me tickets 😭
user85 lando is just like us fr struggling to get guts tour tickets maxverstappen1 no ❤️ landonorris 😔 sincerelyyn @landonorris let me get you in contact with my team 🤍 maxverstappen1 baby noooo sincerelyyn be nice, max landonorris HELL YEAH THANKS YN user42 this is the crossover i never thought i needed
user66 max posting non racing content and being all soft in the comments for yn in what world am i in
user52 fr i feel like im in an alternate universe 😭
sincerelyyn love youuuu
maxverstappen1 love you more
sincelyyn i never knew love could be so golden till i met you <3
maxverstappen1 mijn hele hart is van jou, schat (you own my entire heart, darling) user42 they mean so very much to me 😭
danielricciardo god the two of you make me nauseous
maxverstappen1 hating because you ain't us danielricciardo im not liking that attitude, kid 😒 user71 daniel is so us
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liked by maxverstappen1, taylorswift, yourfriend and others
sincerelyyn so american will be out on all platforms at midnight. a letter to the man i love, the only way i know how ❤️
view all 592,649 comments...
maxverstappen1 i adore you with everything in my being ❤️
sincerelyyn ik hou van je (i love you)
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i hope you guys liked this as much as i loved writing it 🫶
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astonmartinii · 5 months
guess who? | yuki tsunoda social media au
pairing: fem yuki tsunoda x popstar!reader
wait, who is y/n's special guest?
Hello! Idk if you take in request for Yuki Tsunoda? But I'll give this a try! Pairing: Yuki Tsunoda x Popstar!YN (face claim could be sabrina or whoever you want!) Summary: yuki is caught attending yn's concert and then some of yn's fans mentioned that maybe yuki is the special guest yn has been hinting at. So, everyone on social media + the drivers are going crazy to see if YN and Yuki know each other. And then some eagle eyed YN+Yuki fans point out how one of YN's songs are about Yuki - @notesmadefromthedark
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liked by y/nstan, user1 and 12,964 others
tagged: yourusername
y/ncentral: y/n at her show in london last night. she mentioned that she had a special guest in attendance and some familiar faces in the crowd included f1 drivers pierre gasly, charles leclerc, daniel ricciardo, max verstappen and yuki tsunoda !! do you think it might be one of them?
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user2: can one of the f1 girls give us a quick run down on these men?
user3: quick fire. pierre - slag but has a gf. charles - homie hopper but has a gf. daniel - goofy. max - serious on track but goofy off track. yuki - lilttle cinnamon roll (do not listen to his radios)
user2: thank you for your service - who should i root for to be with y/n?
user4: if she's dating max at least she'd be dating a serial winner?
user5: but i feel like her and daniel would such a fun couple like?
user6: but yuki is a king and i honest to god hope it is him
user7: can this be fake news? my wife is at home with our kids?
user8: the way i know this trip was yuki's idea
user9: ???
user8: yuki mentioned in a marketing video a while back that he loves her music
user10: + pierre said the best thing about no longer being teammates with yuki is that he doesn't have to listen to him blast y/n's music
user11: + in a q&a he was asked who he'd most like to meet at a race and he said y/n or jason statham?
user12: the more i hear the more i want it to be yuki
user13: i need it to be yuki so that all the y/n fans can be yuki fans and we can become unstoppable
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, danielricciardo and 1,341,788 others
tagged: mysteryman
yourusername: london you were beautiful :)
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user14: WHO WHO WHO are they from 😭😭😭
user15: daniel ��
user16: yuki 🙏
yukitsunoda0511: wonderful show y/n :)))))))))
yourusername: thank you lovely, great to see you again x
yukitsunoda0511: safe travels !
user17: he's such a dork i love him
user18: i just stalked his page it needs to be him your honour
danielricciardo: sick set y/n but i think being a superfan of you just comes with being an alpha tauri employee
yourusername: i didn't see you complaining buster
danielricciardo: obviously i have welcomed this period of enlightenment in my life
yukitsunoda0511: you said you enjoyed karaoke :(
danielricciardo: i did !! but i was under the impression that it would be more songs than just y/n ones
yukitsunoda0511: :(((((( i had fun :(
yourusername: i'm sure you have the voice of an angel
yukitsunoda0511: :) x
user20: i don't know what the hell is going on but if it's not yuki then i think he might get his heart broken
pierregasly: i think yuki saw god that night
yukitsunoda0511: and god is a woman :)
yourusername: 😊
user21: i've seen enough - Y/N PLEASE MARRY THIS MAN
liked by yukitsunoda0511
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liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 603,498 others
tagged: yourusername
yukitsunoda0511: best concert ever ! thank you y/n :)
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user22: for my sanity i need them to be together
maxverstappen1: thanks mate. it was actually a group trip to london, glad to see we made it to the post
charles_leclerc: we're nothing to him compared to y/n
yourusername: as he should
pierregasly: what about his beloved friends who slaved away to get the tickets?
yourusername: 🤷‍♀️
yourusername: also i sent you those tickets ???
pierregasly: shush they don't need to know that
yukitsunoda0511: thank YOU for the tickets y/n, sorry i had to bring along these stray cats
maxverstappen1: ugh i'm literally a pedigree bengal but whatever 🤷‍♀️
yourusername: their little arguments are quietly endearing
yukitsunoda0511: as long as you liked me the most they can endear you all they want
yourusername: of course you're my fave yuki :)
charles_leclerc: 🙄
user23: very much enjoying y/n getting involved in all of these tussles between the grid
user24: okay but the real question here is when are we getting the y/n x xnda collab?
danielricciardo: do OUR sushi dates mean nothing?
pierregasly: you're only just realising that we're nothing to him
yukitsunoda0511: you guys are so dramatic
liamlawson30: i was the first victim of yuki. you think you're special to him and then BAM
yukitsunoda0511: they weren't sushi dates. we went as pals. of course i wouldn't post that
pierregasly: so it was a DATE? 🤨
user25: we need investigator gasly on this immediately
yukitsunoda0511: as if the baguette man could do anything
pierregasly: SACRE BLEU ?!
yourusername: 😭 😭 😭
pierregasly: you have changed yuki-san and GASP! y/n i expected better of you
yourusername: why are you typing your stage directions ???
pierregasly: i am EMOTIONAL
user26: yukierre found dead in their la mansion
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liked by taylorswift, pierregasly and 1,320,566 others
tagged: mysteryman
yourusername: a soft launch suitable for my soft boy
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user28: you might want to soft launch but we don't want to
user29: the suspense might just kill me
pierregasly: inchresting, very INTERESTING
yourusername: you got something to say buddy
pierregasly: maybe now i know where the little man gets all his sass
yourusername: or maybe you are just slayphobic
pierregasly: as if ! have you seen this hair, that is a serve. my gf told me so
yourusername: i have also seen your hairline
kikagomes: oop.
pierregasly: blocked.
user30: the way this little scuffle just proved the soft launch invalid cause it has to be yuki - only he would know the hairline blow
user31: golly gosh this is all very dramatic
user32: the way we know yuki was feeding her all these insults.
user33: i know that hairline comment cut deep
yukitsunoda0511: that sunset is almost as pretty as you
yourusername: you're so sweet yuki!
user34: f1 girly here - is this how y/n flirts or is she just being nice
user35: it is in my professional opinion that she is down bad
user36: plus they've clearly been together a while if y/n is able to playfully argue with his friends like this
charles_leclerc: as the intellectual on the grid, what is your current read?
yourusername: before the coffee gets cold - recommended by the REAL intellectual on the grid
maxverstappen1: INTELLECTUAL MY ASS
danielricciardo: stop trying to look good in front of the pop star we're all freaks
yukitsunoda0511: speak for yourself daniel
user37: not to be the real freak here but before the coffee gets cold is a japanese book so more evidence of mystery man being yuki !!
user38: do NOT threaten me with a good time
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,034,742 others
tagged: yourusername
yukitsunoda0511: i've been quiet too long, look at my girlfriend !!!!!!!!!!
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user39: wake up babe new mum and dad just dropped.
danielricciardo: worst kept secret of all time
yourusername: we've been together for over a year, dan.
danielricciardo: WHAT
yukitsunoda0511: aren't you proud of me daniel? i'm sorry i didn't tell you but you've got a big mouth both figuratively and literally
danielricciardo: i am SHOCKED. why did you just gag me so bad?
yourusername: you saw the show. i have sass. he has sass. together we are unstoppable
pierregasly: run daniel you saw how they came for my hairline
user40: wait it was so obvious it was yuki based on the london nonsense outro: my baby be screaming down the microphone, with me you don't have to watch your tone, i just want to come and sit on your throne
user41: the microphone? as in the radios? the iconic yuki radios?
user42: "with me you don't have to watch your tone" EAT MY MASS HELMUT MARKO
user42: wait NOT LIKE THAT
maxverstappen1: for all of our sakes please do not analyse the throne line
yourusername: it's a throne fit for a queen ❤️
yukitsunoda0511: hehehehehehee
maxverstappen1: SHUT THE FUCK UP
user43: living for yuki and y/n terrorising the grid
pierregasly: also don't think i didn't see you said OVER A YEAR - are you kidding me right now ???????????
yukitsunoda0511: nope.
pierregasly: i am HURT
yukitsunoda0511: why? you have an even bigger mouth than daniel, y/n and i just wanted privacy
pierregasly: i would NEVER
yourusername: you once commented on a public instagram about liking doggy
pierregasly: well..... when you put it like that....
yourusername: i love you yuki, thanks for the best year ever and for the best forever with you
yukitsunoda0511: i love you too, i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my soulmate
yourusername: my muse ❤️
user44: i just got called single in like ten billion different languages :(
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liked by maxverstappen1, yukitsunoda0511 and 1,623,077 others
tagged: yukitsunoda0511
yourusername: f1 and all that jazz 👍
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user47: when two queens come together to maximise their joint slay
yukitsunoda0511: can you always be there when i get out of the car?
yourusername: i wish i could :(
yukitsunoda0511: not even if i say pretty please 🥺
yourusername: i don't think i can ever say no to you baby
user48: your favourite bite size couple
pierregasly: guys don't make fun of them they will try and bite your ankles
yourusername: you're literally 5'5
yukitsunoda0511: only real men can be short kings, you're a short peasant at most
pierregasly: actually y/n you're now banned from the paddock
yourusername: you're too busy watching out for your ankles when you should be watching your mirrors
pierregasly: are you threatening me?
yourusername: i have full faith in yuki, it's a promise
yukitsunoda0511: thanks babe x
user49: i love when a couple don't play about each other
user50: yuki has publicly been in love with y/n for years and landed his dream girl, he's standing on business
fernandoalo_oficial: yuki-san! you've done well, you and y/n are a wonderful couple
pierregasly: so they weren't mean to you?
yourusername: we respect our elders
yukitsunoda0511: and we love fernando!
fernandoalo_oficial: wait. i'm not old
yourusername: we meant wise!
yukitsunoda0511: no we didn't old man
user51: yuki was patient zero of the sassy man apocalypse
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 802,884 others
tagged: yourusername
yukitsunoda0511: couldn't be happier, oh p5 was pretty good as well
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user52: i love how he got alpha tauri's best points finish of the year so far but he's like no my hot gf is more important
user53: he is what all men should aspire to be
yourusername: couldn't be prouder, racer boy x
yukitsunoda0511: had to put on my best performance for my love
yourusername: i'd be proud no matter what baby
yukitsunoda0511: do i still get a reward?
yourusername: about to inspire a whole new nonsense outro
charles_leclerc: okaY THAT'S ENOUGH
user54: the way yuki was practically bouncing off the walls in the post race interviews
user55: his smile was impressively wide when he was asked about any extra motivation this weekend
landonorris: yuki-san when were you going to introduce me to y/n? i'm the only one who willingly did nonsense karaoke with you - i sang about your dick with you? does that mean nothing?
yukitsunoda0511: lando !!! we love you and your willingness to sing about my dick
yourusername: what he means is that i'm doing an acoustic session and would love to invite you. he got cornered by max after the race and has had far too many gin and tonics
landonorris: omg count me in, yuki i love you and i love your girlfriend
yukitsunoda0511: NOT MORE THAN ME
landonorris: no buddy, i'll let you have that one
yourusername: love you too baby @maxverstappen1 no more g&ts
maxverstappen1: whoops 😬
user56: drunk yuki you have my heart
user57: i will do anything for an invite to the acoustic session I DESERVE IT
danielricciardo: can you two stop being so cute, you're making me look bad
yourusername: no can do, i wanna treat my man the way he should
yukitsunoda0511: i was put on this earth to worship y/n 👍
yourusername: * and slaying in f1
yukitsunoda0511: and slaying in f1
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liked by danielricciardo, yukitsunoda0511 and 1,409,387 others
tagged: yukitsunoda0511
yourusername: the boy who made me a certified sap :)
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user61: so like can we start counting down to the new album yet
user62: ready for a full album with the energy of nonsense
yukitsunoda0511: not the jacket picture
yourusername: but it's so cute, you playing rugby does something to me
yukitsunoda0511: the guys said i was pretty good
yourusername: no no no just for my eyes your face is too handsome to get mashed up
yukitsunoda0511: why thank you, but no one will ever be as beautiful as you
user63: yes they are mother and father, but they also need to shut the fuck up i am too lonely to read this stuff without being institutionalised
user64: so real of you
alexalbon: faves. but also. i can't believe i'm so good at photography that i made yuki look TALL
yukitsunoda0511: it's not how tall you are but how you are tall
yourusername: exactly
alexalbon: what the fuck is that supposed to mean
yourusername: some people are tall and act like they're short whereas some people are short but have taller energy
alexalbon: is this just a riddle about how big yuki's dick is
yourusername: you said it not me. i wasn't lying when i said i sit on a throne
yukitsunoda0511: hehehehe
alexalbon: i started off being nice today. but you people have pushed me too far it's already bad enough that whenever lily blasts your album that i know it's about yuki
yourusername: sounds like a you problem
user65: y/n really out here like oh you think yuki is JUST a cutie pie ?
note: thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed and this is what you were looking for. yuki is so underrated and that rugby video did actually change my life. also if you didn't see, i'm starting a small business for my dumb f1 art - if you want to follow it's @badlydrawnf1cats on instagram xx
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Mr All American
Just cute moments between Logan and his not American girlfriend
Godamn I want him so bad - in something non fanfic that I've written one of my main characters is called Logan and, ugh, it's such a pretty name
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Y/N held her phone up towards Logan, giggling away as she filmed him. "Can you do your best British accent?" She asked him, phone shaking in her hands as she giggled.
He rolled his eyes, but Logan was unable to hide his smile. "What do you want me to say?" He asked, looking down at her.
If it was possible for a person to have heart eyes, Logan would have. His heart would have been beating out of his chest like a cartoon character. "What do you want me to say?" He asked as he leaned against the wall.
"Fancy a cuppa."
"Fancy a cupper?" He said in his usual American accent.
Her giggles grew into full blown laughter.
Logan let out a huff and rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "Alright love," he began in an incredibly bad British accent. "D'you fancy a cuppa?" He asked, emphasising the A.
It was hard to see Logans face in the video, not with the way Y/N was laughing uncontrollably. Her tiktok was a goldmine of Logan videos, where most of the fans got their content.
It was rare for a video of Y/N to go viral. Her videos of Logan always blew up, and she was always seen liking the compilations fans made of them. But she never got herself in the videos, that wasn't her style.
But then she logged onto tiktok. Her phone was silent as Logan slept behind her, his arms wrapped around her and his face pressed into his neck.
They didn't spent the entire night cuddled up. As much as Logan wanted to, it was near impossible. He fell asleep holding her, but when Y/N woke up in the middle of the night Logan was almost always no longer holding her. But then she woke up and once again Logan was holding her.
She had a theory. She suspected that Logan would wake up at, like, 5am, just to wrap his arms around her and spend the next the next few hours asleep and holding her.
So, Y/N had her phone on silent as she watched Tiktok. There were a few Logan edits, too many clips of Lando Norris streaming and at least thirteen Charles Leclerc edits.
And then Y/N came across another video. It was from the live sky sports feed that played during the last grand prix, focusing in on the Williams garage before the race.
Logan was there, walking to his engineer. And Y/N was in front of him. He had his arms around her, swaying her from side to side as he spoke. It was subconscious, he didn't even realise he was doing it, but it was so cute.
At least the fans thought so. Careless Whisper by George Michael played in the background of the video as Logan put his chin on the top of her head.
Groaning, Logan slowly woke up. He kissed the back of her neck and sat up slightly, tired eyes looking at the screen over her shoulder. "What're you watching?" He asked as Y/N saved the video.
She showed him. In response, Logan kissed her shoulder and tightened his grip on her.
This is a couple who loved to tease each other. It could be about anything, but their main targets were spelling and pronunciation.
Well, it depended what grand prix they were at. If Logan was caught spelling 'colour' as 'color' during the Silverstone weekend, Y/N wasn't going to let it go.
But the same went for her at any of the US grand prix.
When she landed for Miami, the first thing she did was text Logan. 'God, I didn't realise I was so tired,' she texted him as she climbed into the taxi.
'Couldn't hear you, what was that?' Logan responded.
'You didn't realize you were so tired?'
There was no response for a good minute. He could see that she had seen the message, but she didn't reply.
And then...
'I hate you'
'I wanna marry you'
When they got dinner that night, Y/N wanted a burger, something stereotypically American, but with no tomato.
Logan sat opposite her in the restaurant, hand covering his mouth, hiding his laugh as she ordered. "Can I get a burger with..." She looked at Logan, the enthusiasm dropping from her voice. "With no tomayto."
Logan couldn't hold himself back. his sniggers turned into full blown laughs as she gently kicked him under the table. "You're adorable," he said as she glared at him.
Oscar had known Y/N just as long as Logan had. He loved her like an annoying little sister that he pretended he couldn't stand but actually couldn't live without her.
He, Lando and Logan stood together, talking before the first practice session. Y/N hadn't arrived yet, set to arrive on Saturday, and Oscar missed her.
Not as much as Logan missed her, though.
He hadn't stopped talking to her, managed to slide a mention of her into every conversation.
Lando hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Y/N yet. "How did you guys get together?" He asked him, and Oscar sighed. He audibly sighed and rolled his eyes.
They'd been friends for years, since Y/N's karting days. But she'd quit to focus on studying, focusing on getting into a good university and landing her dream job.
When Logan was in F3 and Y/N was completing her first year of university, he missed her. Oscar missed her too, but not as much as Logan. So, during the summer, after her first year of university, he invited her to Florida.
It was maybe the most incredible summer of her life. Not because anything in particular happened, but because she was spending time with Logan.
Y/N knew he liked her. She knew she liked him too. But Logan wasn't going to do anything about it.
Actually, he tried. He tried to do these ridiculously subtle things that she was never going to pick up on. So, she took matters into her own hands.
They were in the back of the truck she had rented out for the summer. They'd done maybe everything, from go karting to carnivals. They were underage so they couldn't really experience spring break at its best.
In the back of the truck they looked up at the stars. "This has been sick," she muttered as she laid against him. "Properly, properly sick." (Genuinely can't imagine an american person using sick to be cool, pls correct me if wrong)
"I can't believe you have to go home tomorrow," Logan replied as he wrapped his arms around her.
Y/N snuggled closer to him. It was warm, but she didn't care. Music played from her stereo, and Logan hummed along.
"I'm gonna miss you," he said as Y/N sat up and stretched her arms up.
She faced him, crossing her legs and getting comfortable in her new position. "Are you gonna miss me? Or are you gonna miss me?"
Logan didn't answer, and that told her all she needed to know. "Dude, just ask me out already," she said, emphasising the 'dude'.
Again, Logan didn't answer. His cheeks were red as he looked away from her face, looking back at the stars.
So, Y/N leaned forward and kissed him.
Once Logan finished his story, Oscar shook his head. "You forgot the most important bit," he said and continued the story. "So Rick Astley started playing on the stereo, so Y/N pulled him up from the bed of the truck and made him dance with her. It's disgustingly cute."
Logan was a grinning, blushing mess. Oscar was right, it was disgustingly cute.
Fuck, he couldn't wait for Y/N to get there.
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hitomisuzuya · 16 days
hellooo, how are you? <3
this is my first ever request, so i'm a bit hesitant with how to word it 😶
i've been thinking about reverse isekai wanderer x reader, where reader has to like, teach him how our modern world works and how to blend in!
i did think about how to make it nsfw, but i have absolutely no idea how it would lead to it 😭
maybe like, he learns how to film videos and takes advantage of it, idk 😶
anyways, no rush and absolutely no pressure to write it!
love your fics, have a nice day 🫶🏻
Wanderer (Scaramouche) x fem!reader. Reverse Isekai. Smut. Consensual recording. Worship. Biting/marking. Creampie. General head canons in beginning.
Hello, dear❤️ Your wording was just fine.
Being transported into your world was something of a shock to Wanderer, and he was very good at hiding it. But, he supposed being dropped in on someone who is already hopelessly in love with him, worshipping him entirely in every way made the transition easier.
You soon became one big distraction for him.
Wanderer enjoys a lot of things in the reality. Coffee makers, video games, cell phones, YOU, to name a few. And trashy, reality TV shows. The trashier the better, he ate that shit up. When he discovered what a DVR was, most of your storage went to recording reality TV shows.
It'd been easy for him to find an image to fit in. A lot of dark clothing.
However, cellphones, web cams, and in particular the recording feature was what he enjoyed quite frankly abusing. And this time, Wanderer was getting two angles.
One angle your laptop was recording every thing on it's web cam. Another angle Wanderer was recording on his cellphone.
You were on your back on your bed, naked, your legs spread as you looked up at him. One of his hands was holding his cell phone, the other was wrapped around his cock. His cell phone was recording the perfect view for him, his cock rubbing your pussy into a wet mess.
What made this twice as erotic for Wanderer is that two of your fingers were holding your rapidly drooling folds apart to give him a better view. The head of his leaking cock rubbing against your throbbing clit, his phone recording your soft moans loud and clear as you grinded up against his cock.
"You know, when I first saw you, I never would've guessed you were such a slut," He loves how his degradation made you moan louder, a new coat of wet soaking onto his cock.
"Oh, but see, here is the thing, Scara," You said shakily, reaching up with trembling fingers to caress his cheek. Wanderer angled the phone up. He was able to see the fast forming bruises and bite marks all over your body. You were utterly and possessively bit up.
As much as he would've loved to have recorded marking you on his phone, he needed both hands to hold you down while you squirmed and writhed, rubbing your pussy needily on his hard cock. Your webcam recorded everything perfectly though.
"I am one, for you," You continued. Your arm was above your head in a submissive manner, slowly grinding your clit on his cock.
Wanderer groaned, pushing the tip of his cock at your entrance. Your cunt immediately tightened around it. He always craved this type of worship. He turned his cheek into your hand, his cock pulsing and aching to be buried inside of you.
You skimmed your thumb across his cheek. "Promise me something?" You asked, rolling your hips up to push his cock inside of you more.
"Y-Yeah?" Wanderer moaned shakily. He would promise you whatever you want if it meant he got to record you falling apart for him.
You looked up at him, your image with all your possessive bruises on display, and said, "Cum inside of me." Your eyes were filled with desperation, and deeply welled adoration. It only made his cock harder.
"Fuck, I wouldn't have it any other way," Wanderer moaned, his finger swiftly hitting the stop button and tossing his phone aside. His beautiful fingers found tight purchase on your thighs, holding them apart.
He masked soft whimpers behind his moans as he pushed his cock inside of you, bottoming out with a harsh, needy snap of his hips. You cried out in pleasure as the head of his cock nudged into your sweet spot.
Wanderer couldn't wait to have your pretty lips wrapped around his cock while he watched this with you, sucking him off while he degraded you about what a slut you looked and sounded like.
Your breasts bounced from the harshness of Wanderer's thrusts, your hands fisting your sheets tightly as pleasure burst white hot behind your eyes. Your legs shook in his grasp, a shiver sending a extra jolt of pleasure through you as he caresses the insides of your thighs with his thumbs.
Wanderer mocked your moans to hide his whimpers, your cunt tight and warm on his cock, sucking him in with each thrust. "Good fucking girl, cry for me, worship me," He laughed shakily, amused by how fucked out you looked, moaning and twitching as he impaled you dumb on his cock. Drool pooling from one corner of your mouth, your eyes getting glassier the closer you got to cumming.
He got off on knowing your poor little brain was so far gone, you couldn't grasp how to form coherent words. He let go of one of your thighs to give your clit a light smack, ushering in your orgasm.
He groaned as you creamed on his cock, giving him ample lubrication to to fuck his cock deeper into you. You were limp and pliable in his grasp, your body shuddering in pleasure as his cock pulsed cum inside of you.
It was so satisfying for Wanderer knowing your webcam recorded the perfect view of his cum leaking from your cunt.
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