#but that tight little bun is cute as hell
the-doomed-witch · 1 year
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: The cuteness aggression gets insufferable once you get some time with your wife after a long day of work.
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, bc wanda is just so cute also not proof read
Author’s Note: another one i wrote in like 30 minutes… welcome to skye-should-be-studying-but-they-keep-writing-short-fics episode two 🙏 (gif is mine)
— ✦ —
Both of you sit on the couch, snuggling together after a long hard day at work. You nuzzle up against her neck, finally having felt her tangible presence around you after weeks. Work has been so tiring for you as well as Wanda, that both of you had begun to live together vicariously through memories. Hell, all of her features look so interestingly novel to you.
But when you look at her closely right now, after so long, she never fails to pass as the most adorable person you know. Her eyes still focus on the sitcom playing on the television. Oh Wanda’s mesmerising green eyes…
Her nose scrunches up as she smiles. The curve of her smile, the laugh lines. She’s the most lovable being to you.
You cannot control the feeling, you want to just keep on looking at her. So you immediately straddle her waist and grab her face in your palms. “Baby, what are you doing?” She speaks between little laughs. Oh my God. Stop being so cute.
You kiss her lips, hands finding their way around her neck. Wanda giggles between more kisses, her laughter is churning your insides. You adjust your seat around her waist, but she gets it wrong. “Y/N, detka, I’m sorry I don’t…”
“Oh no, no, I didn’t mean that. I know you’re tired, so am I.”
You stare into her eyes, viridescence engulfing them. A smile is given to her, which she reciprocates. “Goodness, Wanda. You’re the most adorable person ever.” She laughs gratefully at your compliment.
“Am I now honey? You think I’m adorable, hm?”
“I can’t comprehend how to describe it. I’ve felt your warmth around me after so… so long. I think I fall in love with you every single time I look at you. You’re just so-”
You boop her nose with yours. “What’s going on baby? What’s all of the sudden-” She gets interrupted by another boop.
You boop her nose with a finger again, and it makes you chuckle. Wanda looks at you with a blank red face, the blood rushes into her cheeks. She’s never been treated like this before, so tender, so light.
“I. Want. To. Bite. Your. Red. Cheeks.” you say, punctuating each word with further booping. Her face burns - she feels noticed under your gaze, as if she’d been invisible all her life.
“Y/N, I’m so confused…”
“I don’t know either Wands. I just want to bite your cheeks, squish them, boop your nose, give you so many kisses. I don’t know!” You pull her face close to yours and place little pecks on her freckles, “Can I call you pookie?”
Wanda throws her head back, laughing. “Oh dear, I love how you’re being so affectionate around me. I missed you. I missed us.”
You reply to her, “I missed you more, pookie.”
Her forehead rests over yours, as she cups your face between her warm hands. “I love it when you call me that.”
“Okay. Pookie.” You kiss her again, and again, and over again. Your teeth grit against each other in a tight smile, your visual focus on her. Her auburn hair is tied up in a lazy bun, and she’s free from her regular makeup. Just natural, sitting beneath you.
You pull strands of hair away from her face, a gaze filled with nothing but adoration. When you’re done playing with her hair, you hold her hands and kiss each of them softly. Throughout your little efforts, Wanda stares at you, occasionally giggling.
“I cannot eat you. That’s sad for me. But…” you smooch the tip of her nose, “I can kiss you all over. Lots of kisses, all of them for you.”
She wraps her hands around your waist, “Oh dorogaya… What’s going on today?”
“I love you so much.” you speak before planting more loud hearty smacks on her face. She’s adorably captivating. Wanda tries to hold you in place, saying, “Stop, Y/N! It tickles!” But it only ever encourages you.
“Darling, please…” Her hands entwine with your hair, pulling your face a little away. Reluctantly, you pull yourself back to see her precious smile.
“You’re my pumpkin pie, sweetheart, my dearest darling, absolute ray of sunshine, honeybun, sugar plum, my most beloved, littlest pookie!”
“Oh my, my, thank you for showering me with so much love. I love you very much.”
“You look like a strawberry with your red cheeks. I love you berry much!”
“Stop- I can’t help smiling!”
“I’ve been gifted with the best wife ever. Like, ever. My heart is just exclamation marks when you’re around.”
You kiss each of her cheeks and hug her tightly, snuggling in her arms. She kisses your forehead, wrapping the two of you in a heavy blanket. Patting your head, she says, “Good night, Y/N.”
Lightly, you kiss her shoulder and rest your head on her again. “Night, pookie.”
“You’re not letting that name go, are you?”
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painted-bees · 11 months
August 12, 2008.
 Magritte had only ever heard good things about Vancouver's Granville Island and so, naturally, it was the first place she set out to find upon arriving in the city. The Greyhound station her bus pulled into had been only a short walk from the Skytrain that would carry her two minutes to Granville Station. And it was here that Magritte had the good sense to find a nice, unintrusive space to sit cross-legged and lay her old, faithful piano keyboard across her lap.
  The instrument, pulled out of its cozy bed from within her large duffel bag, was a well loved Yamaha PSS-270. Its dull, black, plastic body was covered in ancient, disintegrating stickers, and a generous amount of electrical tape served to hold its batteries in place.
  With an affectionate press of a button, she woke the machine up from its slumber, selected her choice presets and, with no specific setlist in mind, began to improvise a little tune. Something cute and fun, perhaps a little bit like Donkey Kong’s Stickerbrush Symphony in tempo and progression. Or just…”Stickerbrush Symphony”, wholesale, why the hell not? Improvisation melted seamlessly into the classic video game tunes that were fondly familiar to her.
The beloved instrument cradled in Magritte’s lap had been pulled apart and reassembled more times than she kept track of. But still, it held together and played its charming FM sounds dutifully. A tidy row of silver metal switches, lined up along the side of its body, were left carefully undisturbed as her fingers danced across the yellowed plastic keys. Magritte had learned very early in her busking career that the general public did not appreciate the unpredictable discordinance of a bent circuit as much as she did. And so that row of silver little switches connecting the data lines stood stoically in their ‘on’ position, not allowing for any delightful surprises, but also not deteriorating the synth-chip’s sound into glitchy noise on a bad turn. Perfectly vanilla, perfectly agreeable, endearingly nostalgic.
 She had placed an old ball cap upside down infront of her, tossing in a few quarters of her own as a way of inviting more from friendly pockets. Ideally, she’d play an hour or two and leave with enough change to buy a coffee. Not just a Tim’s coffee–no. She wanted a decadent foamy latte from a cute, artsy little cafe she could sit in. She couldn’t bear to walk through the streets of Granville Island without having the spare change to treat herself on an impulse. And so–she’d not leave the train station until the passing public funded her frivolous spending habits.
After all, it was her birthday. She deserved a little gift.
 Busking in a transit station was always a bit of a trade-off. It was a bustling place full of foot traffic but the people here were focused on reaching their destination; busy and preoccupied. In a place like this, Magritte had no expectation to captivate loiterers. Not many transit-goers could spare a minute or two to sit and listen while she hammered out her cheap little tunes on cheap little piano keys. And so, when a well worn pair of tan colored, loose-laced Timberlands entered her field of vision, stopping definitively to stand before her, Magritte turned her gaze upward to welcome the listener with a wide, sloppy smile.
 Without giving her brain time to register the face she was speaking to, Magritte opened her mouth to chime a cheery greeting. She was cut off faster than she could process his expression.
  “You’re in my spot.”
  The man’s voice was curt, and the cold annoyance in his tone was mirrored in the expression on his short, square face. Pale blue eyes looked down a sharp, slightly bent nose at her. His narrow lips were pressed narrower still in a stern line, framed by a full, sandy colored beard and moustache. Atop his head, long hair of the same light color was pulled back into a small, tight bun; more slick and tidy, but far less full than the sloppy bun that Magritte’s unruly mane of curly rust colored hair had been wrangled up into.
 Her dorky smirk dissolved with a few confused blinks into a slack jaw of nervous apology. “O-oh! I uh-s-sorry!” 
Her startled gaze snagged itself on the acoustic guitar slung over his shoulder, and the instrument’s exciting potential made her straighten her back with intent.
 She found her smile again. “What if–maybe we could jam? For a few minutes! And then I can scoot on outta here and leave you to it if you want. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the chance to–”
 “Do you have a permit?” His tone was unchanged by her eager proposition.
 “Huh?” It wasn’t that Magritte didn’t hear him, but she needed a moment to process what was being asked.
 “You can’t be here without a permit. Not the stations, not anywhere in Granville either.” The unaccommodating man took a few steps towards her duffel bag and used the top of his foot to lift and slide it away from where she had safely tucked it. “Get a move on.”
 Magritte protectively reached out to grab her bag as the man carelessly footed it out of ‘his’ space. And in doing so, she caused her keyboard to slide off her lap, forcing her to clumsily abort her duffel-grabbing effort in favor of clutching her instrument before it could somersault over the edge of her knees and land face-down onto hard ground.
 The man, it seemed, was done with words and had already begun moving into the small space that shoving her bag out of the way had created. She felt her face turn hot as she began to gather up her items. Any desire to engage the guy more than she already had was lost along with her nerve.
 As she relented to stowing her keyboard back into her duffel bag, an unfamiliar hand shoved a cold, unopened can of Coke in front of her face.
 “Here you go.” Another man’s voice. A softer one, this time. Magritte glanced up to meet eyes with the stranger who was offering her a free drink, only to gaze into a pair of red, plastic, star shaped dollar store sunglasses.
He gave the soda can a little shake, prompting her to take it into her hands. “Sorry I took long, I had to give someone directions to the aquarium.”
 “Is this…for me?” Holding the can in both hands, Magritte stared at the unopened beverage, unsure what to do with it.
 The new stranger leaned onto his back foot. “You said coke, right?”
 Before Magritte could stammer out a response, the new stranger turned his attention to the man with the guitar. “‘Ey, Kurtis. You mind, dude?”
 The unaccommodating man, ‘Kurtis’, had just started settling in, and looked towards the new stranger with an expression that appeared as perplexed as Magritte herself felt. He turned up both his palms in a slightly contentious gesture. “Didn’t know you were playin’ here again. I’ve had this spot for, like, a year. People don’t usually park here without asking me first.”
 “Okay, but you can’t just kick ‘em out like this, man.”
 “I didn’t know she was with you–”
“Doesn’t matter,” Magritte’s new best friend replied. “Sixty minutes. It’s not a long time to wait if you gotta wait.”
 Magritte, who had been watching Kurtis’ confidence slowly drain from his body with each passing second, turned to examine the cut of her spontaneous new accomplice. His hair was a shade or two darker than Kurtis’, and trimmed much, much shorter, with longer locks in front that fell in straight tufts over the tops of his ears and just past his thick, blocky eyebrows. His eyes remained obscured by the cheap plastic shades, and their childish novelty paired strangely with the well trimmed goatee that fanned out from under his lip to define the curve of his somewhat long but gentle chin. And he had with him a rectangular instrument case of…some variety. Not big enough for a guitar, not small enough for a flute. It didn’t give away the shape of the instrument inside, but the black oxford cloth and gold colored metallic detailings of its exterior gave it a classy, charming look she had not seen for an instrument case before. It was cute. Magritte wondered if such a style was available for portable keyboards.
 His hands, which wore white fingerless driving gloves, cracked open his can of sprite, and he took a casual sip while waiting for Kurtis to, “Get a move on.”
  Relenting, Kurtis shuffled away from the spot he had been deliberately crowding Magritte out of. With a snort and a nod of his head towards her, Kurtis said, “Can’t exactly play Paganini on a Portasound, Raf. What’s on your setlist?”
  Raf brandished a lopsided smirk and jutted his chin in the direction of Magritte’s upturned hat on the ground. “Put a toonie down and I’ll show you.”
  “Fuck off.” Kurtis’s scoff was accompanied by a laugh–one that sounded surprisingly genuine to Magritte's ear. “I came here to earn change, not spend it. But I’m curious to hear how the Ephrem Classical pairs with Toy Piano.”
 Raf let out a low groan that could have been mistaken for a growl. Moving into the corner that Kurtis had surrendered, he unslung his instrument off his shoulder with a shrug. “There’s plenty you can play on just forty-nine keys.”
 Being very confident about this fact, Magritte couldn’t help but provide her insight on the matter. With an enthusiastic lean-in, she interjected, “Yeah, like Kirby’s Dreamland!”
 Raf’s head flinched in her direction almost imperceptibly, and if she had caught the subtle downward twitch of his eyebrows that betrayed a pang of confusion, she might have felt a bite of embarrassment. But instead, she heard him agree. “Like…Kirby’s Dreamland, yeah.”
 He turned to look over his shoulder at her, his sunglasses mercifully hiding the bafflement in his eyes. Magritte beamed gleefully back up at him.
  “Well, have fun.” Kurtis levelled a stern yet somewhat pleading glance at Raf.” I’ll be back here in an hour. Don’t let anyone else move in if you leave early, please.”
 Raf simply shrugged and sipped loudly from his can of sprite in response.
  As Magritte watched Kurtis disappear into the foot traffic, she began to tentatively scoot back towards where she had previously sat. “I didn’t mind giving that guy his spot back, he was just kinda–”
 “A dick. Nah, I saw that. S’why I stepped in.” Raf had carefully set his instrument case down, and was in the process of zipping it open.
 Leaning slightly to get a peek at what he was playing, Magritte said, “Thanks for the pop, by the way! I can pay you back after. If uh–you’re actually gonna stick around and jam with me.”
 He pulled his instrument out of its protective cradle; a pale varnished wooden violin. “Don’t worry about it.”
Inside the carrying case, Magritte noticed two bows neatly stowed. The bowstrings on the bow Raf selected was a standard white color, but the strings on the one he left in the case were an eye-catching red.
“Truth be told,” tucking the chin rest of the violin beneath his chin, he played one string, and then two experimentally, “I don’t really play anymore.” His fingers closed around one of the tuning knobs at the head of the violin, but if he had tweaked it at all, it wasn't perceptible. “So it’s gonna be pretty rough. But uh…gotta commit to the bit, I guess.”
  Magritte took the moment to open her soda and enjoy a refreshing sip. “What kinda music do you normally play?” 
  “Classical,” he replied almost too quickly. “You?”
  Magritte hesitated for a second. She should have had an easy answer for this by now, but all she could manage was, “a bit of everything. Anything, really!”
  Raf ran his bow over the strings again to hear their tune before turning to look at her. “Yeah?” His eyebrows were raised, and his smirk favored one side of his face; an expression Magritte interpreted as incredulous. He fidgeted with a tiny, lone knob on the violin's body where the strings ended.
  “Y-yeah! I, um…” Settling her keyboard back into her lap, she turned it on. “You can just play whatever, and I can fill it in. I can improvise, I think.”
  Raf paused and stared down at Magritte’s little Portasound with a sigh much heavier than he intended. The thing was lacking, not just in keys, but in sound. It was a struggle to think of something he could play that she’d be able to accompany. The titles which did come to mind where…overplayed and would have to be simplified considerably to suit the keyboard's limitations. Weighing it in his mind, however, he decided that ‘simple’ may benefit not just the limited range of her instrument, but of her musical skill as well.
 He ran the bow over his strings to measure their tune one last time before tentatively, very slowly playing the first few crystalline notes of Für Elise. He felt a tension he didn’t know he was holding melt off his shoulders as he watched Magritte’s face light up. She curled over her little piano in a hurry to play his accompaniment. She knew this one.
  She picked a soft, more ambient sound from the keyboard’s voicebank, electing to quietly cushion the violin’s notes rather than chafe against them. It was…difficult. Her little yamaha and its quaint library of FM chip sounds did not get along nicely with ‘real instruments’ that were being played ‘straight’. It wanted to be weird and annoying, just like her. But the notes Raf played, while simple, were extremely clear in tone; neat and tidy. The bow did not once stutter on the rough strings, it glided with practised ease. And with a great deal of restraint.
  This guy…he was playing beneath his skill level. For her sake, presumably. Like a gentleman.
 As Raf brought Für Elise to a close with the last, steady draw of his bow, Magritte swapped her soft, ambient voicing out with an annoying music box sound, and began hammering out a choice section from the 3rd movement of Appassionata. Her fingers slammed the keys harder than was necessary, solely because she enjoyed the percussive sound it added to each obnoxious, feverish note. 
  Lowering his violin, Raf watched Magritte’s fingers flutter furiously across the mini keys with respectable precision. Holding both the bow and the neck of his violin in one hand, his free hand reached up to remove his sunglasses and he rubbed his eye with the heel of his palm. A humbled snort escaped through his nose. “Yeah, okay.”
  “Play any song.” Magritte slowed her fingers to a stop without completing the movement. “Even if I don’t know it, even if it goes beyond the range of my little piano, I can improvise something nice for it, I promise!”
  Fitting his sunglasses back on, Raf let out a tentative hum. “I’m not much of an improviser–”
  “You don’t have to improvise anything! Play whatever you want, however you wanna play it. I will improvise around whatever you give me!” Magritte’s voice had risen to an excited shout, and instinctively, she withdrew into herself just a little bit, as if making herself smaller would also make her voice smaller, too. “It’s my favorite thing to do. It’s a lot of fun.”
  His incredulous smirk returned, but this time his brow furrowed slightly, encouragingly, under his growing sense of intrigue.
  “It’s–” Magritte held up both hands haltingly, “it’s probably not gonna be like how you know it should be. Just…so you know. It might even be…bad? In some parts? But-! Mostly it’ll be neat! I promise!”
  “Neat…” Raf brought the violin up once again to rest under his chin. “Neat’s cool. Alright, let’s see, then.”
  As though he had been inspired by Magritte’s aggressive interpretation of Appassionata, he began with a series of fast, chirpy, clean notes of his own. A wholly different song, but Magritte recognized this one too. She had most often heard it as a phone ringtone, but she couldn’t recall who composed it nor what the song was titled. She provided a jaunty, equally bouncy accompaniment that she’d have described as ‘percussive’. The violin’s unwavering confidence was a delight for Magritte’s deft little fingers to dance around. He never fell out of tempo, and she was able to punctuate his notes with hers in perfect time. Maintaining synchrony for the entire length of the fast paced composition filled her with such satisfying joy, she had failed to properly appreciate an obvious fact about her musical accomplice until he brought the song to a close; he was a skilled musician.
  Staring up at him from her spot on the floor, Magritte’s wide eyes almost sparkled with delight. “You’re like…Concert hall good, aren’t you? Are you part of the local orchestra? Or at least like–aspiring to be?”
  Raf’s gaze hung on her as both his jaw and posture slackened. “Uh…” 
  She didn’t give him enough time to respond, hitting him with another question. “What was the title of that song? I just know it as one of the Nokia ringtones.”
 “P–” Raf’s stunned silence cracked with a laugh that sprang forth from his chest and took him by surprise almost as much as Magritte’s line of questioning had. “Paganini. It’s–it’s Paganini, Caprice number…number 24.” The response was punctuated with warm chuckling. “Or, you know, that one phone ringtone, yeah.” He smirked at her for a moment longer, studying her for any sign that she was putting him on. “How do you…accompany me that well, on that little machine, and not even know the song?”
 Magritte waved her hands in front of her. “No, no, I knew the song! I’ve heard it before, I just didn’t know what it was called.”
 “Yeah, alright.” He snorted one last incredulous laugh and brought his violin back up for another song.
 Magritte stopped him before he could settle on his next pick. “Do you play professionally? I mean, it sounds like it but, like–”
  “No.” Before Magritte could inquire further, the first notes of their next song filled the space between them, drawn out of his violin with long, purposeful strokes of his bow.
  The next several songs, Raf played seamlessly one into the other–without pausing for conversation. That was just as well for Magritte. It had been ages since she was given the chance to play music with someone, and never had she played with someone who was so…solid? Consistent? The real deal. Usually, she had to avoid getting carried away when playing with another person. It was very easy for her to close her eyes and get taken to places that her musical partners could not follow along with. But with Raf, she was finding herself challenged to keep up with him. Most of the songs he had chosen, she had not heard before. And so she needed to keep an attentive ear out if she wanted to pick out repeated phrases, and predict melodic trajectories.
  Finally, they arrived at the end of an especially eclectic piece, and Raf did not immediately follow through into another composition. Instead he lowered his bow, and Magritte took her opening to converse again.
  “I really liked that one. It was super janky, in a fun way.”
  “Yeah,” Raf said. “I was always fond of it, too.”
  “I liked the plucky bits. Did you write it?”
 “Did I–” Raf palmed both his bow and violin in one hand, and massaged his eyes and browline with the other. “No, some guy named Ravel did. Tzigane, that one’s called.”
  Magritte chewed the inside of her cheek. “R-right.”
  He furrowed his eyebrows at her. “You knew that one, though.”
  “I didn’t.”
  “...You just let me solo the first four minutes based on vibes?”
  “I thought I missed the bus on it.”
  “The actual composition has no accompaniment until about half way through, so…bravo.”
  “Wait, really?” Magritte leaned forward eagerly. “Did I play the accompaniment correctly, too?”
  “Not even close.”
  “Drat.” She slumped.
  “Was good, though.” Raf picked up his sprite from where he had placed it, on the ground next to his case, and drained the last bit of its contents.
  Magritte perked up again. “Yeah!?”
  He held the lip of the empty can between his teeth as he began tucking his violin back into its carrying case. “Mmhm.”   
  Magritte watched him pack up for a moment longer than it should have taken her to realise, “Wait, you’re leaving already?”
  Raf zipped his instrument safely away before removing the empty soda can from his mouth. “Yeah, I gotta get going. But look,” He bent over to collect Magritte’s upturned ball cap off the ground. The few quarters she had started with now had a generous handful of friends with them; more quarters, some loonies, a few toonies and–
 Magritte accepted the hat when Raf handed it to her, and pulled a crisp twenty dollar bill out of it. “W-who left this!? I wasn’t even paying attention, I should have said thanks!”
  “A mystery.” He slung his violin case over his shoulder.
  Magritte urged him to wait, fluttering a hand at him. “Half of this is yours!”
  “Nah.” He favored her with a smile. “Genuinely, this was a treat in itself. It’s been a long time since I’ve played for fun like this. It…was fun.” That last part sounded as though it came as a surprise to him.
  Frowning, Magritte pleaded with him. “Okay, okay but–okay. Lemme treat you to a coffee then, at least? If you’re in no real hurry.”
  Raf paused to regard her with a measuring stare. He then sighed and shoved his hands into the pockets of his black denim hoodie jacket, waiting for Magritte to stow her keyboard away into her bag.
  Zipping the duffel closed, she hoisted it with effort over her shoulder and beamed up at her new friendly acquaintance. “If you know any cute, cozy coffee places with a real decadent latte, I’m open to suggestions!”
  “There are…a few.” 
  “I’m Magritte, by the way!” She extended her hand out to him.
  With slight hesitation, Raf shook it. “Rafael.”
  As the two of them began to make their way out of the station together, he dared to ask, “Are you here visiting, or..?”
  “Oh!” She bounced on the balls of her feet, “I just came in from Calgary like…two hours ago. Ideally, I’d like to stay until the spring, but that’s gonna depend on things.”
  “Yeah! I was in Edmonton before that, and in Winnipeg before that–but that was mostly a fever dream. I wasn’t there long. Montreal before that, though, was nice..!” She talked the entire walk, and he was content to quietly listen. part ii
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ghoul-slime · 5 months
Mushy May Day 1 - Cuteness Aggression (Aether/Dew)
Trying my hand at Mushy May this year! Not sure how many prompts I'll get through, but I decided I'd try to write Dewther for all of the prompts this time around. Thank you so much to @forlorn-crows and anyone else involved in making this happen!
Day 1: Cuteness Aggression (Aether/Dew)
He’s still a new summon, not even topside for two weeks now, but he’s finally getting used to the routine. Now, as Dew stands in front of the full-length mirror in the dressing room on the day of their very first ritual and fiddles with the sash cinched tight around his waist, he hears a low growl from over his shoulder. 
It’s Aether, another new summon, a burly quintessence ghoul with strong arms and a shaggy mohawk. He’s sitting on the couch behind Dew, already dressed in his own uniform. Tonight will be his first ritual too.
“Problem, big guy?” Dew quirks his eyebrow and shoots a look into the mirror back at the growling ghoul on the couch.
Aether, who up until now had been entirely warm and friendly towards him, answers with a grunt, brows furrowed in concentration as he sizes Dew up in the mirror.
Dew has never been one to back down, so he goes back to preening himself unbothered. If the new ghoul has suddenly decided he’s got a problem with him then well, he can let him know or not. Dew couldn’t care less.
But when Dew gathers his long platinum hair into his hands and reaches back to tie it up into a tight little bun on top of his head with an elastic band, the growling kicks up again, louder this time. He looks back, ready to shoot a glare at the new ghoul, mood souring at the fact that he seems to have fallen out of favor with his new packmate at record-breaking speed. 
But before he can open his mouth to say anything, Aether is hauling himself up off the couch and in another breath he’s pressing himself against Dew’s back, big strong hands coming up to rest heavy on Dew’s bony little hips.
Aether growls directly into Dew’s ear, setting the hairs on his arms on end. “Why’re you so small for?” Aether slurs, normally cheery voice coming out raspy and deep. Dew hears him swallow thickly.
“Fuckin’ cute. Wanna bite you. Right here,” he says, snuffing into the crook of Dew’s neck, grazing sharp fangs across Dew’s pulse.
Dew stares at Aether’s reflection in the mirror, he looks almost intoxicated. Red-faced and sweat beginning to bead at his hairline. He feels his fingers flex their grip on his waist.
“Thought you were pretty cute before but… this uniform?” Aether grunts into his ear again. Dew feels a blush spread across his cheeks.
“Makes you look so small. Tiny little waist….” Aether trails off, like he’s been talking to himself this whole time and not to Dew at all. Eyes fixed on their reflection in the mirror, the way Dew’s slender form is almost dwarfed by Aether’s muscular body. Strong, but soft in all the right places. Standing much more than a whole head taller than Dew. 
Dew takes it all in and lets out a soft little growl of his own.
“Wanna wrap my arms around you and squeeze.”
Dew glances up at the dressing room clock, counting down steadily until they’re due out on stage. There’s just four and a half minutes left. Too late to do anything about this now. 
Dew twists himself around in Aether’s grip, and the quintessence ghoul looks him in the eye for the first time since he started growling. He slides his hands up Aether’s chest until he’s wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him down.
Dew whispers into his ear. A promise for later.
Dew once again finds himself standing in front of a dressing room mirror, this time surrounded by new packmates. New instruments. Hell, even a whole new element.
He fiddles with the black elastic suspenders on his brand new uniform, still not exactly used to the things. He could never quite get them to lay right during the uniform fittings and he finds himself struggling still, growing more irritated by the minute.
He’s snapped out of his frustration by a low, rumbling growl from off to his side. His eyes snap up to the mirror and sure enough, it’s exactly who he thinks it is.
“Hey Aeth.” Dew turns to the quintessence ghoul standing behind him. The growling continues.
“Aeth?” Dew snaps his fingers, breaking Aether’s trance. His eyes dart up to Dew’s face, a blush already beginning to spread across his handsome features.
The growl cuts off abruptly.
“Huh?” Aether answers sheepishly, knowing he’s been caught.
“Aeth, you’re doing that thing again,” Dew laughs, waving his hands and beckoning the bigger ghoul over to his side in front of the mirror.
“Sorry, Dew,” Aether chuckles apologetically, hands immediately finding their way to Dew’s hips and squeezing just a little too tight. Dew can feel the sharp point of his claws just barely poking their way through the tight fabric of his uniform pants.
“It’s just that you look…,” he trails off, “Wow.” He reaches up, smooths out the kink in the suspenders that Dew had been wrestling with. “I like these a lot.”
“So cute…” Aether’s thought trails off again.
Dew laughs, breathy and red faced. He glances at the clock. Just three minutes to go. 
He pulls himself out of Aether’s grip and grabs his new coat off the hanger. When Aether goes for his own, Dew swats him on the ass.
Dozens of shows give way to hundreds, and Dew once again finds himself at the top of a new era. Everything is bigger and better. Their uniforms and masks are more detailed. All fine fabrics and supple leathers. Dew even managed to talk Papa into letting him use the Strat on stage.
And of course bigger venues meant bigger dressing rooms, full floor to ceiling mirrors taking up the length of an entire wall. Now they were even traveling with costume staff dedicated to helping them into their uniforms.
Dew takes in his own reflection, smoothing his hands over the velvet soft fabric of his vest, admiring the glint of the brass buckles, and feeling the light swoosh of the silky blue and black cape strapped across his slender chest and over one shoulder.
Aether strides up to his side. He’s already got his helmet on. “There’s my cute little ghoul princess,” he coos.
Dew snorts, chokes down a laugh. “Nah, that’s Rain’s job.”
Aether holds his gaze in the mirror. “Not to me it isn’t,” he answers with such sincerity in his voice Dew can’t help choking up a little. Not that he’d ever admit it. Not even to Aether.
Aether pushes up against him, leans down to bonk the top of Dew’s head with his helmet playfully. Dew watches him in the mirror. Aether has always looked good, but these new uniforms are doing wonders for him. The shiny leather boots make him look powerful and the epaulets of the jacket accentuate his broad shoulders. 
He’s never looked more handsome.
Dew’s reverie is broken as Aether leans down to growl into his ear. 
“Just thought you should know it's taking every ounce of control in me not to take my claws and shred that lovely new uniform of yours into ribbons and take you right here on the floor of the dressing room. Pretty little thing.”
Dew looks up at him and knows he’s telling the truth.
One minute to go.
Weeks and months and years go by. A lot of big changes happen. Aether steps down from the band. A new quintessence ghoul joins the pack. Dew takes it pretty well, all things considered. 
They tour. Dew’s heart aches. 
They come home. More time passes.
Now, Dew finds himself in the middle of the bustling abbey, just days away from the commencement of yet another tour. This time, there are more than a few new ghouls. And now a new Papa.
But Dew won’t be going out with them this time, a decision he’d made that he finds himself still wrestling with. Even so, he has his hands full. He’d been training his new protege for the better part of the year, showing him everything from mastering technique on the lead guitar to the best way to pack a bag for a long trip away from home. Even now he’d been roped into helping with last minute uniform adjustments for the new ghouls.
He kneels down, shakes a stray hair out of his eyes, golden strands fallen out of the messy bun on his head, and mumbles around the safety pins he’s holding in his mouth as he adjusts the bottom cuff of the new fire ghoul’s pants.
“These still need hemming,” he says sternly, mostly to himself. He pins them up and stands, folding his arms in front of his chest as he considers all the details of the new uniform and how they might affect the stage performance if they don’t get things just right. He furrows his brow in concentration.
“Alright, go tell the sisters you’re ready for them,” Dew instructs, and as he turns to watch the ghoul go, he’s surprised to find Aether standing there, leaning against the door frame. He’s watching them with a huge smile plastered across his handsome face. He gives the new ghoul a high five as he scoots out the door and down the hall.
As soon as they’re alone, Aether kicks the door closed behind him, stalks up to Dew and scoops him up by the waist. Hugs him so tight Dew feels like all the air is being squeezed out of him. Aether buries his face into the crook of Dew’s neck and kisses him there, quick little closed-mouth pecks giving way to something more insistent. Dew feels the sharp edge of a fang.
“Aeth, you’re biting me,” he informs the quintessence ghoul who has decided to latch onto sensitive skin.
“Can’t help myself,” Aether murmurs into the spot on his neck. “That serious look on your face. You looked so cute I just had to take a bite”
Dew glances back at the clock ticking away in the corner of the room. 
They have all the time in the world.
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taylormarieee · 6 months
- 🪰 (a simple fly on the wall 😗)
LMAOOO! This was too cute, I love you too! You are my slutty little fly on the wall pookie! Ofcc I have a idea of what your trying to go with and I got you babes. Can be found in my masterlist as "Daredevils and One night stands"
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You were an acrobat. You did cool tricks and were very flexible. You enjoyed working at the circus. It brought you peace and made your blood run hot in your veins.
Everybody called you a daredevil, sometimes even a clown with the stuff you did. You were a goofball and goofed around everyday. Playing with your life on that tightrope. But you didn't care.
Not one bit. It was exciting for you, not fearful. So when you had your next show tonight you decided to be extra dangerous. You decided you were going to walk on the tight rope with fire.
"Are you ready?" Your partner for the stunt asked. You gave him a big smile and nodded. "Hell yea I'm ready!" You say juggling both the unlit torches in your hand.
What you weren't expecting was that there was this fine ass boy in the stands that you could see from backstage. He had a scar on his eye, black curls, and the most beautiful smile you've ever seen.
His lips so full and pink, and god you wanted to suck on them all night. His jawline was immaculate and his facial features were just god like.
As if Zeus crafted him himself. You stared at him and soon he looked in your direction and made eye contact. You smiled and waved and he smirked and waved back.
'God what the hell were you doing'. You internally face palmed and rolled your eyes. You heard someone call your name. It was jake, your partner for the stunts.
"Ok so after the clowns go, we go up there and close out the show. You'll be balancing on my shoulders while I walk and you hold the fire. Your then going to flip the torches in the air, do a handstand on my shoulders and then I will catch the torches, got it?" He asks with a savage smirk on his face.
"I was born ready baby!" You laugh as you two do your signature handshake before preparing by getting dressed and getting your props ready.
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After the show your met with everyone backstage, each and everyone of you congratulating each other on a great job.
You tie your curls up into a bun and make your way to your dressing room. On the way there your stopped by the same cute boy that was in the audience.
'How'd he get down here?' You thought. "Hey, I'm Luke and I just wanted to say your performance was bat shit crazy, but I liked it." He says with a charming smile.
You get to see his features up close and damn was he fine. Sexist boy you've ever seen. His scar looks so much better up close and his plump lips are so pink.
His smile is amazing with pearly whites radiating and shining under the dim light.
"Hi, uhm thank you! I am a bit of a daredevil so you know... Would you like to come in?" you ask with a polite smile on your face.
He nods and you look down at his lips with a smile. 'God I wonder how his lips would feel on my pu-' You shake your thoughts away before they get too far and open the door to your trailer.
He lets you go in first and then he goes in and closes the door. 'Wow hot and a gentleman!' You thought.
"Welcome to my humble abode. Hope you like it." You say with a laugh. He chuckles with you and sets himself down on the couch.
"I usually don't allow people in here, especially strangers but for you I've made an exception." You say walking to the mini fridge to grab a soda.
He gets up and comes up behind you. You don't feel his presence at first until you stand up back still faced him and you hear his voice.
"Glad you did. Wouldn't have gotten to meet the girl I've been feigning for all night." He whispers as he wraps a hand around your waist.
Your eyes go wide as you spin around noticing he's pinned you against the counter. You gulp and put the two soda's you pulled out on the countertop.
"I-Is that right... h-how lucky am I." You say nervously as his eyes rake over your body like a scanning machine. His eyes are darker than before and he looks intrigued yet intimidating. Your a lot shorter than him so he towers over you extremely.
"Wanna make you scream for some odd reason. Like I'm addicted to you and I need you. So why don't you be a good girl and bend over so I can beat that pretty pussy up hm?" He says lowly. His voice demanding and seductive.
You obey and bend over against the cold countertop and let Luke rip off all articles of clothing that belong to you.
You whimper out at the feeling of his fingers sending small light smacks to your ass. He rubs his fingers along your pussy lips and gathers all your wetness before trailing his fingers up to your clit.
He rubs his fingers in a figure 8 motion sending waves of pleasure through your body.
"Oh f-fuck Luke! Right there, that feels s-so good, mhmm!" You whimper out as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Ya gonna cum baby? hmm? Just off my fingers? How pathetic." He degrades. You whine as your thighs shake. He's knuckles deep and your begging for a release.
He pulls his fingers out and licks them clean before you can even feel the sweet sensation of your release. "Ohh Luke c'mon! Pleasee!" You whine out hearing him chuckle behind you.
"Oh come on princess, you don't even know me. You want this badly huh?" He says chuckling at how desperate you are.
"Well it's not my fault," you starts as you turn to face him pointing your finger in his chest. "You came in my trailer, touching on me and getting me riled up saying how you wanted to pound my pussy. So live up to what you said and fuck me!" You say in aroused frustration.
The need to cum getting to your head and making you dizzy. He smirks and bends you over. He runs his lengthy, girthy cock through your soaked folds and you whimper.
“Gosh just put it in alre- ahhh!” You cry out as Luke thrusts his cock inside your tight walls.
His thrusts hard and fast as he rams his big fat cock in you.
“yea? Hmm? Shut you up real quick! Like this dick in your walls baby?” He says with a smirk on his face.
you whine out moaning at the feeling. You claw at his bicep feeling the muscle flex under your fingertips.
“ahh gon gonna cum Lukey, I’m gonna cum so hard! Can I cum please?” You beg feeling your orgasm approaching faster than you thought.
He chuckles darkly behind you and before he can even answer your door flies open causing Luke to pause his abuse on your cunt as he looks at the door revealing your stunt partner standing there in awe.
Your eyes wide as you freeze as you’ve just been caught having sex in your trailer by your best friend…
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Taglist:@elaratckker @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @angelinajolie0213 @maryann2013 @kneehe-nehar7 @rhydianissuperior @urmomsbananabread @reader-bookling123 @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @csifandom @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @glorywielder101 @aanoia @madelainelupin16 @ahh-chickens @callsignwidow @murdrdocs @bright-molina
A/N: part two???? Hope yall enjoyed! mwah💋
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
The Rat
Media - The Maze Runner Series Character - Newt Couple - Newt X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - Dark + Sad Word Count - 3116
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I said goodnight the the boys and headed through the right arms camp, the sun slipping below the mountains, as I poked my head inside the tent. I couldn't hold back my smile, as I saw Y/n.
As I entered the room, I saw her lying on our bunk, all set for a good night's sleep. Her vibrantY/H/Chair was neatly tied up in a bun, and her face had a serene expression. She had changed into her nightwear and kicked off her trousers and boots, which were lying on the floor. She was wrapped up in a cosy blanket and had a soft pillow under her head. The room was dimly lit, and it felt peaceful and quiet.
Naaww she's so cute,
I kicked off my shoes, tossed my jacket and undid my trousers before climbing into the bed with her wrapping my arms around her waist and having a little bit of a fight to hug some blanket away from her.
"Hey! Honey!" I complained,
"I'm cold," She whines,
"I know, but if you let me in. I'll warm you up," I chuckled,
"Seems like a lie for more covers," she pouts,
"Humm you know all my plans, Y/n," I joked, "Come on, come here."
She turned to face me and nuzzled her cute little freckled nose into my chest so I held her as close as I could pressing a kiss to the rim of herY/H/Chair, "Hi honey,"
"Hi Newt,"
"You all ready for bed?"
"Mhm," she nodded,
"Okay, goodnight Y/n,"
"Goodnight Newt,"
We both shifted and got comfy for a while before we drifted away to sleep.
We both jolted a little as we woke up, the sounds of guns and shouting outside our tent, the sounds of bergs overhead. We both panicked and got dressed rushing out our went and finding everyone else.
"What the bloody hell is going on!" I yelled,
"Wicked!" Minho yelled,
I nodded and kept Y/n close to me as I grabbed a gun to defend myself, "Keep close okay?" I told her and she nodded holding me tightly,
We did our best but it wasn't long before we were captured, lined up like dogs ready to be taken or shot whichever they wanted to do to us, I held Y/n close holding her hand tight as we both trembled unsure of what our fate would be.
The berg landed and soon enough the door opened, revealing... THEM.
Janson and Ava stepped out into the dust and walked up and down our line to see who they had.
"Good, very good. Barely any losses," Janson smirked,
"How did you find us!" Thomas barked,
"We tracked you as far as the mountains until the magnetics screwed our system," Janson explained,
"and then we had some help..." Ava said as she stood in front of Y/n and I, "someone who always understood the greater good of our work,"
"What?" I froze up,
"what the hell are you talking about?" Y/n asked,
"Y/n.. you told them-" Teresa spoke up in shock,
"What no! I didn't! I would never work with THEM!" She complained,
"You- you rated us out... this whole time! we thought you were our friend!" Minho turned on her,
"I am! Minho you've known me for four years you know I wouldn't do this!" Y/n explained,
"A very good little rat kept us updated the whole way," Janson explained,
"NO! I didn't! I swear I didn't say anything to them!" she began to cry,
"Y/n! What the hell!" Frypan yelled,
"I didn't do it!" She whined, "You believe me don't you newt?" she held my hands her eyes pleading,
"Of course I do," I told her squeezing her hands,
"So you both ratted us out!" Thomas yelled,
"No!" She cried,
"Tommy, I swear to you I have not spoken a word to them," I told him,
"Then she ratted us out! on her own!" Minho yelled,
"I didn't I swear!" She cried,
"Don't go screaming accusations at her Minho," I warn,
"Why? you two got something to hide?" Fry asked,
"No! This is insane don't you trust me!"
"I trust you. It's her I don't trust," thomas explained,
"He has nothing to do with it." Janson explained, "Y/n was our only mole."
"Y/n..." I turned to her,
"I'm not I swear it!" she cried,
"You were their mole. All this time. we trusted you. and you were feeding them information to keep them on our tail." Teresa explained,
"It's true, she was our only mole. Said it would be best to get you all back home where you belong." Ava explained,
"newt! you know it's a lie! you're with me almost every day you know I don't talk to them!" She said,
"She spoke in secret usually early in the morning," Janson spoke up, "Updated us of your location. Made a deal. Your location, for a life where she could be safe. You and Newt wasn't it Y/n?"
"Y/n how could you!" Teresa began to cry into Thomas' chest, "She sold us out, just so she and Newt would be safe."
"Y/n... you-" I began,
"NO! I didn't I promise you knew I didn't! when would I, you're always with me,"
"Not always." I snapped moving away a moment, "Where have you been going... in the mornings?"
"Newt that has nothing to do with this..." she whispered,
"Then why not tell me? I love you, you know I do. but I wake up most days and you're not with me... so where are you going?"
"To talk to them!" Minho yelled,
"No! No! I- I've been..." She began,
"Talking to us. keeping us updated." Janson explained,
"No! I wasn't it's complicated-"
"I swear to you Newt I didn't say a word to them."
"It's her word against them, and they both say she did." Thomas explained, "And honestly I believe them 'cause how else would they know someone sold us out."
"It wasn't me I swear," She cried,
The emotions I felt were overwhelming. My heart ached with a deep pain that seemed to penetrate my very core. My soul was on fire, consumed by a mix of anger, disappointment, and betrayal. I struggled to come to terms with the fact that someone I trusted had done something so unforgivable.
She had betrayed us all. Despite her promises to keep us safe, she had sold out our friends in a moment of weakness. I couldn't understand how she could do something like this. We had all put our faith in her, and she had let us down in the worst way possible.
The worst part was that she was the girl I loved. The one I had trusted with my heart and soul. I wanted to believe that she was innocent, that there was some mistake, but deep down, I knew the truth. She had broken my trust, and it was going to take a long time to heal from this.
"I hope you are happy Y/n..." Teresa explained,
"I didn't you have to believe me!" she begged, "I... I keep leaving in the morning as I..."
"To let us all know," Ava nodded, "Our daughter has always appreciated the greater good."
"Daughter?" She gasped,
"Our daughter has always been close to us. Killed us to put you in the maze sweetie, but it had to be done. You knew it. we knew it. you've always been our good girl." Janson explained stroking her hair,
"No... No... I - I didn't know I was their daughter. I swear I didn't I am not a rat I promise!"
"And now we are going to take you all home," Ava explained,
"Over my dead body!" Minho yelled as he kicked Janson in the dick and the fighting began again,
"Get them on now!" Janson demanded as he forced Y/n towards the berg,
"Nooo! Please! I am not going with you!" She tried to argue, "Newt Please!" She cried,
I was in a state of confusion and disbelief as I watched everything unfold before my eyes. Y/n, my girlfriend, had been accused of betraying us to the wicked men who had attacked our camp. I didn't know how to help her, but I couldn't bear the thought of her betraying us. So, I stood with Thomas and the others as we faced off against the attackers. The fight was brutal, and unfortunately, we lost Minho, who was taken by wicked men. They also destroyed much of the camp and took Y/n with them.
Despite the accusations against Y/n, I still couldn't help but hear her screams and pleas echoing in my mind. I wanted to believe her when she said she didn't sell us out, but the question lingered in my mind - how else would they have found us? Why would they lie and say she did? It was then that I realized that it explained where she had been going every morning, but I still struggled to believe that my girlfriend would sell us all out, even if she had good intentions of giving us a safe life together. It was a difficult situation to come to terms with, and my mind was left in a state of turmoil, not sure what to believe.
I leaned against the table in the camp, as thomas threw things around the room in frustration, Teresa going to comfort him. Six months and yet another failed rescue attempt that only cost us more men. We lost Harriet to their clutches this time. We had lost so many in failed attempts, only thomas, Teresa, fry and I left now. With Jorge and Brenda of course too.
"Fuck!" He yelled, "How is this possible? they were right there waiting again! like they knew it was coming!"
"How the bloody hell do they always know..." I sighed, "I know you want Minho back but... it might be time to throw in the towel,"
"Newt's right we just keep losing the few we do have," Fry nodded,
"I know..." Thomas began,
"No we have to keep trying thomas, we have to," Teresa told him cuddling his arm,
There was silence for a moment,
"Yeah, it's like they already know..." Thomas began,
"How would they do that?" Fry spoke up,
"...Maybe... the rat never left," Teresa suggested,
"What..." I gasped,
"Newt." Thomas looked at me,
"They tracked us half away across the world, found us in the camp, and now they know our every attack before it happens!" He yelled at me, "Maybe a rat is feeding them,"
"me! You think I'm a mole! I'm your best friend!"
"Y/n was your girlfriend! and she sold us out! how do we know... all this time... you weren't on her side. made a deal with them, a better life for you and your girl, while the rest of us rot!"
"I would never!"
"Then how do they know!"
"I don't know!" I yelled back, "I'm going for a walk call me when you calm down." I told him,
before I took my coat and stormed out into the camp,
I climbed on top of the rocks and sat down, gazing over the camp and taking in the early morning light. It was the calm before the storm, and I wanted to enjoy it before everyone else woke up. However, my mind was racing with thoughts, and I couldn't shake them off.
I couldn't believe that he accused me of being a mole. After all that I had done for him, he still had doubts about my loyalty. I suppose I can't blame him, he thinks Y/n was and assumes we'd work together, which makes more sense than anything I can come up with. But I think The stress of the situation was getting to all of us, and it was starting to show. The tension was palpable, and I could feel it in the air.
Despite all the chaos, I couldn't help but think about Y/n. I missed her dearly - her hugs, her kisses, and her love. I still hear her screams in my mind, and I can't help but believe her. As time passes, my doubts grow stronger, and I need to see her again to ask her the truth. I know in my heart that she would never lie to me. But, the question remains, was she telling the truth?
It doesn't make sense to me that if Y/n was the mole, then how are they still finding out things now that she's gone? How do they know about our plans? It's all too confusing, and I can't help but feel like we're missing something crucial. The fate of our mission hangs in the balance, and we can't afford to make any mistakes.
As I was exploring my surroundings, I heard a strange fizzing noise that caught my attention. I was confused at first, but then I looked around and pushed on a nearby rock, which tumbled away to reveal something unexpected: an old black phone that was vibrating. I felt a sense of curiosity and decided to flip it open to see what was on it.
To my surprise, I saw a new message on the small, cracked screen that read: "Need New Info Call - What is the next move?" I couldn't resist the urge to find out more, so I started looking through the conversations and call logs on the phone.
As I scrolled through the contents, I couldn't believe my eyes. All of our information, including our plans and conversations, had been updated daily by someone who had been feeding it to Wicked. They were the mole, the rat, and had been working against us all along. They had been keeping track of everything, even updating it when plans changed. It was clear that they had been gathering information on us for a while.
I felt a mix of anger and betrayal as I processed this new discovery. This was a major setback for us, as we had been working hard to keep our plans a secret from Wicked. But now, it seemed that all of our efforts were in vain. We had to come up with a new plan, and fast, if we were going to stay one step ahead of the rat and protect ourselves from further harm.
But who's is this? I scrolled back further and further until I found it... the messages that confirmed it all.
Y/n... Y/n was never the rat.
But she was the scapegoat.
Teresa! was the rat!
Teresa has been planning with them since our escape... planning to get us all back, feeding them our whereabouts, and then when it came time for the pickup, she asked them to make it seem like Y/n was the rat so that thomas would still trust her enough to get the cure from his blood. She planned for us all to be taken that day!
And ever since has been feeding them our plans to pick us off one by one...
... Y/n didn't lie.
Y/n was innocent.
I turned on the woman I love.
I betrayed her.
I didn't believe her.
I left her to their mercy.
I began to cry thinking of the monster I had been to the woman I love when she had been innocent this whole time.
"Y/n.... I- I'm so sorry honey," I cried,
I headed down with the phone in hand as my evidence ready to confront thomas and tell him the truth. But I found him and Fry getting a car loaded,
"what's going on?"
"We are going to the last city. to get Minho and the others out before the boat leaves," Thomas explained, "I- I am sorry for snapping newt your right we need to stay together, there is no rat I'm just being crazy."
"No, thomas I -"
"Come on, we need you with us."
"Is... Teresa coming?"
"No, I told her to stay here in camp she wasn't happy but I thought it was best for her."
I nodded and was about to speak but Teresa came through so I did the phone as she kissed thomas.
I bit my tounge and simply went with them, making sure there was no way she could find out our plans, and I had her phone keeping it with me for the perfect moment.
I know the others didn't want to, but I wasn't leaving without Y/n, Thomas went for Minho so I broke away and went for Y/n, and I found her locked in a cell.
I forced open the door and saw her lying on the floor, herY/H/Chair messy and cut short, her skin bruised and bloody. She looked so broken they had tortured her, tormented her, all to keep her in these cells and keep her quiet. I felt so happy to see her but like crying for all I had done to her, maybe if I had stood up for her... poor thing wouldn't be here, she'd still be in my arms where she belongs, and I collapsed to my knees as I saw her stomach.
"Y/n... Honey. I'm so sorry..." I cried,
"Ne- Newt." she croaked,
"I know it wasn't you, I am so so sorry I didn't believe you, I'm sorry I let them take you, I'm so sorry I didn't stand up for you. Please can you ever forgive me?" I begged holding her sweet face,
"Of course I forgive you, it was all-"
"Teresa. I know. She framed you. I'm so sorry it took me so long to see it. What... what's this?" I let my hand slip to her stomach,
"I was leaving in the mornings... becuase of morning sickness... Newt... I"
"You're pregnant?"
"Mhm," she nodded,
"Ohh my god- I'm so so sorry honey, I'm so sorry for not believing you. I'm sorry you ended up here. but I am getting you out of her. You and our sweet little baby. I promise. I don't care about your daughter, you're the woman I love. And I will keep you safe and protect you I promise I love you so much."
"I love you too newt."
We shared a sweet kiss and I helped her to her feet even if she was in a lot of pain. We got to the bus under the building, loaded with every immune we could get out as well as everyone who had been taken.
"why is she here?" Thomas asked,
"I know you don't trust her. But I think you will. Once you read these." I handed over the phone still with them constantly asking for information, he looked it over and saw everything I had,
"Oh my god she- she - Y/n I- I'm so sorry I-"
"It's okay thomas. she's very convincing." she nodded,
"I am so sorry for what happened." He hugged her, "You are coming with us. I promise."
"Thank you, Tommy," I nodded, We got a seat and I kept Y/n in my arms kissing every one of her bruises and stroking her bump as we escaped. "I am so sorry for not trusting you honey,"
"It's okay, you came back for me. I forgive you Newt I promise. I still love you endlessly,"
"I love you too. You... and this little one,"
"Our little one."
"Yeah, our little one." I smiled,
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quickiesgirl · 2 years
could you do a smut where Peter and yn are caught mid action?
I haven't written for Peter in such a long time. I feel like I’ve abandoned my boy! 🥺
Caught - Peter Maximoff
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Warning: 18+, Smut, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Caught, Fatherly Charles Xavier, Slight Teasing, My Shitty Writing.
“Does that feel good,- baby? - mmh - Having me fuck this tight little cunt.” Peter murmured, listening to your cute little moans grow louder with every pleasuring thrust he made as your inner walls squeezed around his cock, coating him in your milky arousal. 
“Y-y-yes! Feels fucking amazing, P-peter!” You breathily moaned, pussy pulsating as you gazed up at your boyfriend. He was sweaty with strands of silver hair undid from his tousled bun, his lengthy tongue dragging across his upper lip, and those dark brown eyes ogling you from above, watching your adorable reactions. 
Loud music played in your bedroom and slightly leaked out into the empty institution, covering up all your sexual noises, including the sound of the door opening as Charles Xavier suddenly walked in unannounced. Peter was too infatuated with your body to notice in enough time. 
“Y/n, please, turn down the - Bloody Hell!” 
You gasped horrifically, face flushing with embarrassment as you crossed your arms over your naked chest. Peter scrambled for the sheets, speeding them up his waist to cover your naked bottom halves. 
“I-I’m so sorry!” He apologized, covering his eyes and exiting as fast as possible, leaving the two of you alone in humiliation. 
Charles stood in the hall, uncomfortably rubbing the temples of his head, trying to forget what he just witnessed, speaking low beneath his breath, “This is why we have locks on our doors...”
Your hands instantly covered your face, hiding your embarrassment. It was just your luck that this happened... Peter would never force you to continue, and he knew how uncomfortable you were so he gently held your hips and slowly pulled his erection out . 
He layed down beside you, watching you rolled over and bury your head in his inner neck, “I’m so fucking embarrassed right now… I can't believe we forgot to lock the door.” 
“I - I’m sure he didn't see much.” He said, attempting to make you feel better about the situation.
“He saw enough to know what we were doing… oh god!”
 You shoved your face into the pillow, laying against the mattress with a pit in your stomach and your mind racing a million miles a minute, faster than your speedster boyfriends.
“W-wait, h-he isn’t gonna like fuck with my head or anything out of spite for banging his daughter, right?” He asked seriously with wide concerned eyes that brought a small chuckle to escape your lips as you shook your head.
 “Don't worry, Charles doesn’t have his powers anymore. But, if he did, I think he’d attempt to haunt you.”
“Well, good thing he doesn't.” Peter sighed with relief before speeding across the room, collecting all your scattered clothes from the floor, and sat back beside you, sweetly folding them for you while watching you go back to groaning into your pillow.
That night Charles had a long, fatherly discussion with the two of you and a prepared speech on safe sex while passing over a box of condoms that he saved for this day. 
Let’s just say you were in hell for a long, excruciating hour. Peter found it very entertaining how embarrassed you were, and even teased you about it. You made sure to punish him later for that…
Peter Maximoff Smut Taglist: @sunflowerharrington @rottenstyx
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
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PAIRING Soloist Chanhee x Gf Reader
WARNING 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ‼️ spanking, face fucking, dom Chanhee, sub reader, brat tamer Chanhee, bomdage
MORE | Day 9 of the Groupie Love Series
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Chanhee had been sitting on the tour bus for hours now trying to come up with lyrics for the band's next album drop. They were currently on tour but after having seen his fans adoring faces in the crowd after every song he was eager to start making new tracks, the only issue was you just couldn’t seem to let him write in peace. There you sat in his lap, arms thrown around his neck while your head rested on his shoulder, you couldn’t help but press loving kisses on his neck. With him having been busy nearly the entire day you couldn’t help but miss him. Of course you were naturally touchy, but tonight Chanhee found your affection entirely distracting.
“Baby, come on, I only have a few more lines, can’t you just sit tight until i’m done bunny?’’ Chanhee gently pats your thigh as a warning to behave while he is trying to get his work done. Usually when it came to you being this clingy he would easily give in to your provoking. Anyone that knew Chanhee was well aware that if he were to be soft with anyone it was you. He paid no mind to any other women if it wasn’t you, hell if it wasn’t you or his friends he didn’t bother engaging in conversation with anyone else. Needless to say he spoiled you rotten.
“But you’ve been working all day Chanhee, can’t you just finish the song tomorrow, i miss you.’’ A whine spills past your lips and you begin to leave loving kisses on his neck.
“Baby.” This time his hand grips your waist, which meant he was giving you one last chance to behave before he got mad. You decided to ignore his warning, nuzzling your head into his neck and leaving soft kisses below his ear, the one place where you knew he couldn’t resist your kisses.
With an annoyed huff Chanhee finally places his music sheets down onto the couch beside himself before tapping your thigh and pointing to the back bedroom. It didn’t take for him to say any words for you to know what was about to happen next. Moments Later Chanhee came in with the sleeves of his leather Jacket rolled up his arms.
“You’re going to apologize for being such a brat tonight, making it hard for me to do my job Bun” as he makes his way over to you he pulls your body to the edge of the bed.
“I don't want to, I deserve to spend time with you today.” You were being quite bold tonight, usually you never opposed anything he would tell you but tonight, you felt like making things difficult. His hand tangled within your hair and he yanked your head back forcefully making you look up at him.
“What I'm getting from this is you don’t care how much I put you through tonight.” He was mad now and you could tell, you knew it would make you look pathetic but you found upset retreating immediately.
“I’m sorry.”
“Cute sweetheart, but you've already proven you don’t know how to behave. Turn around.” A soft whine spills from your lips as you turn away from him. You felt the anticipation for the awaited outcome twisting the pit of your stomach. As you lie down face down as he shoves your face down into the bed, the sheets that smelled so much like his cologne essentially blindfolded you. While one of his hands kept your arms tied behind your back the other was trailing up the exposed skin of your thighs, electricity jumping off every nerve that he touched.
“I don’t want to hear one sound out of you or ill start over.” There was a crack, and a wave of pain rushed over your backside; followed by a rush of pleasure. You cried out in delight, feeling your entire body arch at the touch. You regretted it inevitably knowing this only meant yet another one would be added to the count.
“Already messing up baby, you can do better than that.” His hand slapped against your ass again, your face pushed just a little more into the sheets as you forced yourself to hold back a moan. For a moment you thought he had been letting up, as you lifted your head to take a deep breath you regretted it immediately as you let out a gasp when you felt him pushing aside your panties. A whine escaped your lips as his fingers slipped inside you.
“Again sweetheart? I guess I'll really have to teach you to be quiet and behave tonight.” Chanhee sighed, swirling his fingers a bit to see if you would whine again.
“You need to learn to control yourself better.” You opened your mouth nearly letting out another moan of pleasure until you felt him spanking you again. This time, with the sensation of his fingers inside you, it had you absolutely melting under his touch.
Just when you thought the continued spanking and fingering would send you over that edge, he stopped. You didn’t dare turn around to look at him, trying to behave now so that he’d give you your release; but the feeling of leather binding your wrists together made you quiver again. You wanted nothing more than to touch him, to have him looking into your eyes while he fucked the brattiness out of you but you knew he was well aware that that’s what you wanted. This was the only time Chanhee went out of his way to refuse giving you what you wanted.
“Let's try this again baby, keep your pretty mouth shut this time or I'll force my cock so far down your pretty throat that you won’t be able to speak a word tomorrow.” Slap after slap stung your asscheeks, like he was playing with you. Waiting for you to break just so he could put you back in your place. Just as he suspected all it took was one more spank against your bare ass to get a yelp out of you.
“My sweet girl doesn’t take orders well, i’ll make sure you learn to behave after tonight the next time I’m working.”
Pulling your head up from the sheets he forced you to look at him as he shoves his entire cock down your throat without any sympathy. He disregards the way you gag and choke as he completely bottoms out into your throat, hitting the very back over and over again with every powerful thrust into your mouth. The only sounds spilling from your lips were the sounds of him pounding into your throats letting soft groans spill past his very own lips. All you wanted to do was touch him, you wanted so desperately to take over and help him get off but you knew better and with your hands tied behind your back there was nothing you could do.
Chanhee found that you always looked so pretty this way, tears running down your face, your already plump livings having gotten swollen from taking him down your throat. The sight of you tied up with tears running down your face was enough to make him shoot all his cum down your throat without hesitation. As he pulls out he gently brushes his thumb over your lips as you choke and coughed finally being able to breath through your mouth again.
“My sweet girl.” As he wipes the tears from your face he holds your face in his hands.
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They were Roommates! 3/?
Summary: We get some perspective. Jason's had a long day and all he needs is his princess to help him relax.
Pairs: Roommate!Reader x Jason Todd
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: SMUT, FEELINGS, POV SWITCH, chocking, cock warming, praise, pining, dark humor, fluff. reader gets a job, I have no excuses but this kind of hurt to write.
AN: This Chapter is from Jason's POV. I just feel like we needed some insight. Also just wanted to repost this because apparently it didn't upload properly yesterday. Hopefully this time it works.
Part 2
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What a long fuckin day, Jason thinks to himself as he trudges up the stairs to your shared apartment. He's been out all night and day chasing down leads for Batman and hasn't felt this bone tired since he crawled out of the pit.
His duffle bag like a sack of bricks on his shoulder and his feet doused in concrete. But his goal is ahead of him. He knows your home right now, you told him this morning when he called to ask about your upcoming Art Show that you had pieces to get ready and you’d be locked inside all day.
The idea of you waiting for him pushes him further, faster. Just a few more steps and he'll be home. Not that he thought of you as home.  No, that'd be too much. You're friends, just friends, who haven't been able to keep your hands to yourself for longer than 2 days for the last few weeks. So maybe you’re just very good friends.
He pushes through the door, only a little grateful that Bruce made him leave his guns at the manor for Alfred to clean. Apparently, he wasn’t doing it properly. Though he’s about 90% certain he’s never going to see his favourite firearms again.
He makes a beeline for your room upon noticing you left the door open. Are you waiting for him? You wouldn’t be, right? His ears perk up at the sound of your soft humming, making his heart pound and his hands sweat. Fuck, he just needs to get his hands on you.
“Hey Jay,” you say in that velvety tone, when you see him approaching down the hall. Pulling your headphones off and smiling your cute little face at him. He can hear Taylor Swift's newest song echoing from them, but he barely even registers it. He’s so focused on you.
Fuck, you’re a wonderful sight. Your tablet resting on your crossed legs, your stylus slotted delicately between those delicate fingers, hair up in messy bun, tiny fly away's framing your beautiful face, knee high socks that nearly give him a heart attack and his fucking red flannel. Fuck, if he had your skills he’d sit down and capture how perfect you are.
His eyes take all of this in as his heart tries his best to tell him something. But he can't stop moving. His body goes limp as he flop’s down onto you, resting his head on your silky thigh. All he wants is to sink his teeth into your flesh, mark you, cover your pretty skin in signs that you're his. 
Instead, his hands dig into the shirt that’s fanned out over your legs. His shirt, if only the woman in it were his too. He thinks, grateful he’s managing to keep these confusing thoughts inside, “Princess,” he mumbles into your leg. 
“Long day at the office?” Your hands start to brush through his hair, combing the knots out that had formed throughout his search. Your nails graze along his scalp, he shivers as goosebumps spread down his neck and onto his arms. He may not remember hell, but this sure feels like heaven.
“Mmm,” he kicks off his boots, the steel caps thumping when they hit the ground. His bones start to feel gooey as he presses his face deeper into your thigh. He doesn’t mean to kiss you, but he just can’t seem to help himself.
“Bruce have you digging holes in the garden again?” your voice like wind chimes on a still day. Fuck, he could listen to you talk forever about whatever you wanted.
“He does love his family bonding exercises,” his hands drift up, wrapping around your hips, hugging you tight and hiding his face, unable to look at you. He hates the lies, hates that he can't tell you. But Dicks right, it's too dangerous for a civilian. He couldn't forgive himself if anything happened to you and if he was the one who put you in danger….
“Want me to get you anything?” 
“Just this for now.” He snuggles up into your tummy.
You lean down, placing soft kisses into his hair. He’s thankful you can’t see his face, sure that it would give away just how right you feel..
“You rest Jay, I got you.” you lay back, your hand still in his hair as you begin humming the song you had been listening to before.
“Hmm.. thanks Princess.”
You only get to the chorus before Jason’s phone starts to ring, “back pocket,” he grumbles, rubbing his cheek into you, “can you get it for me?”
“Ah huh,” your hand reaches into his pocket, “it says mother dearest?” you sound so confused but he can’t help the laugh that escapes him, “Jay I thought-”
“Jesus, can't I rest? answer and tell him to fuck off please.” you let out a tiny sound that sounds like you agree and then the bloody hollering starts.
“Little Wing, I need-”
“Umm hello?” you interrupt.
“- oh you're not Jason. Hey girlie,”
“Jason, why is Dick in your phone as mother dearest?” you whisper, scrunching your brows up at him when he looks up at you.
His eyes start to grow heavy, rubbing his cheek into your tummy. Fuck, Jason does not want to talk to his brother right now. He inhales your perfume mixed with the lingering scent of his cologne. It makes his pants grow tighter and his brain feel foggy, “tell him I'm busy and to annoy someone else,”
“Jason can't come to the phone right now, he's dead.” you joke and he can hear the fucking panic starting to form in Dick’s head.
“He's what?!” He hears Dick shout through the phone. His brother starts to ramble and Jason can imagine the man pacing through his house, his arms flailing around him like he’s going to kill someone. Jason can't help the laugh that escapes him.
“Dick doesn't get the joke Princess. Put it on loudspeaker.” he whispers to you, turning his head so his brother will hear him, “I'm not dead, calm down.”
“Don't you tell me to calm down! She shouldn't make jokes like that, because- wait, am I a loud speaker?”
“Yes,” you both say at the same time.
“I just wanted to make sure you got home ok, and now I'm having a heart attack. Fuck you both very much.” He hangs up and you both burst into laughter.
“Your brother's a bit of a drama queen.” his head jostles on your giggling stomach, “Like did he think I’d be so casual if you were actually dead?”
"You don't know the half of it," Jason says, taking the phone from you and throwing it away.
"We just doing this all night or?" 
"What you have in mind?"
"Haven't had a girls night in ages and you look like you could use some pampering." You suggest as your fingers work their way back through his hair.
He must've fallen asleep. His first clue is that you're gone and he's wrapped up in your cotton blanket, the second is he can smell the snicker doodles in the kitchen. The rich cinnamon sugar scent, almost as sweet as you.
Ducking into his room he takes off his dirty clothes and throws on a pair of clean sweats before floating towards the kitchen like a cartoon. "Princess?" He calls when he can't see you.
"I'm over here," you call back. He spots you bending over the coffee table, arranging your pamper station for him. Fuck I love you. He thinks, in a friend way. Yeah. She's my friend. But the way his shirt rises up over your ass makes him want to do some very unfriendly things to you. "Can you grab the cookies from the oven?"
"Yep," he says, with a pop of his lips, spinning on his feet towards the kitchen. 
"Thanks ba- I mean thanks Jay," you turn trying to hide your embarrassment, but he can see it. You wanted to call him babe. Maybe this isn't as one sided as he thought?
"What are we doing first?" He tries to say casually, sitting down on the couch and taking in the vast array of items you've got set out.
"Facials," you smile, picking up the little bowl of cream, "want me to put it on you?"
"Yes please," he sits back, almost moaning at how soft your fingers feel on his face, "what's in this it smells yummy,"
"Honey, lavender, oats, all the good stuff," 
"It smells great and it feels so good," he presses his face into your hands. "Princess, i-"
"Finished, you look so cute!" You say excitedly, "ok, now you do me,"
"Do you?" He raises his brow at you.
"Jay," you playfully hit him, "I want a facial too." He can't help the face he makes and you slap him again, "come on, get ya mind out the gutter."
"I'm just teasing," he swipes a handful of the cream, rubbing it into your soft features. His fingers press into the crease into your brow, your cheeks. You grin up at him and his heart feels like it might burst. Holding your chin he presses a soft kiss into your lips, "tastes good too," he beams, when you open your eyes you peer back at him so sweetly his heart thumps even faster. "What now Princess?"
"We just need to wait ten minutes then we can wash it off," you say getting up and grabbing the cookies, from the table "we can eat these while we wait."
"Princess these are delicious," he moans as the spongey cookie melts in his mouth, "tastes almost as good as you."
"Jay." You level your deadpan stare at him.
"Princess." He stares back.
"Can I do your makeup after?" You perk up, sitting on your knees.
"Can we watch Heathers in bed?"
"How many of these am I aloud to eat?" He asks, stuffing another one in his mouth. Fuck if he only had to eat two things for the rest of his life. He knows exactly what he would pick.
"All of them? I can just make more if you want." 
"Just for me?" He's surprised, he's not sure why. In the year you've lived here he's always surprised by just how much the little things you do for him chip away at his walls.
"Who else?" Your words circle his heart, the tips of the letters just grazing the outside.
"Princess, can I wash this off? It's starting to itch,"  he says, the honey sticking to his fingers and the lavender that smells exactly like you wafting up his nose. He's having trouble keeping his thoughts pure and not just bending you over the couch and making you beg for him.
"Yeh, I'll get the movie ready and move the snacks," 
"Fuck, what the fuck am I doing?" He says to himself in the bathroom mirror, his face still smelling like you, "just ask her out to dinner," he washes the rest off, but the scent still lingers. "What would Bruce do? Deny his feelings for ten years and wait for her to make the move. I can't fuckin do that." He wipes his hand down his face in frustration. 
Shit, he feels like he's stuck between a crowbar and an explosion. But if he fucks up this time, you could be the one to get hurt and that's the last thing he wants.
"You're taking a while in there, are you alive?" You knock on the closed door, "you talking to Batman in the mirror again?"
"I do not do that," he says as he brushes past you and into your room where you've got the cookies resting on the edge of your bed.
"You kinda do," you call out.
Fuck me, she's going to kill me. Again. He thinks, holding his face in his hands as he reaches for another cookie and savors the taste.
"Alright, Jay," you say, swishing into the room, his shirt sitting just low enough to cover your panties. Your hands drift up his bare arms, stopping at his shoulders as you step toward him, your legs spreading over his and your ass lands on his thighs. "Ready for your makeover?"
"Is this how I get it?" His arms encircle you, "Can I get one every morning?" He squeezes your ass and you jump, making his cock throb underneath you. His fingers dig into your sides making you squirm and the cutest little sounds escape your mouth. Is this your version of torture? It’s definitely preferable to other methods he’s endured, he thinks, he could get used to this kind of treatment. 
"Jay, stop," you laugh, "you're tickling me, Jay, please," squirming even more on his lap, his cock growing harder and harder by the second, "Jason, babe, stop, let me do your makeup."  
His eyes meet with yours and he stops tickling you. Did you just? No. It must’ve been a slip of the tongue. 
"Make up time," you try to smile, your eyes looking everywhere but at him, what is that about? Is he reading too much into this? "Maybe a smokey eye? What colors would you like?" 
"Red and black, please Princess." You reach back for your eye shadow pallet and he tries to think of something else. Anything else, Dick farting on Tim, Damien getting eaten by his dog. But with that lavender still on his skin and you on his lap, all he can think about is kissing you again.
You press your fingers into his face, your dominant hand holding the brush like it was made there as you lean over him. Brushing the color onto his closed eyes, your cinnamon breath fans over his face warms his heart. Your tits pressing into his hard chest have a similar effect further south.
"Jay, stop squirming," you say as you continue to wiggle on top of him. "I'm going to poke your eye out," Like he can help it. Like he can help just how much to affect him.
"I'm trying, are you nearly done?"
"True art takes time,"
"I don't know how much I got left,"
"Why's that?"
"Princess if you don't hurry up I might break your pretty brush," his hands grip your hips, hoping to keep you still. Instead it gives him more leverage to rub up into you, grinding his very hard and seeping cock into your delicate panties. 
"I'm nearly done, just one more thing." He feels you reach back, his eyes still closed. Then the softness of your kiss overwhelms him and he can't hold it back any longer. 
He flips you underneath him. You let out an adorable squeal of excitement as his cock grinds on the wet patch in your panties. "Fuck" it feels like someone finally cracked a hole in the horny pond. he tries to stop but can't, “I need to be inside you,” 
"Like right now?" You say, grinding up into him and shoving your panties down your legs as fast as you can. "But I haven't finished your makeup" Fuck, you're always so ready for him. Maybe you can finish his make up? He thinks slyly, hmm this could be fun.
“Right now Princess,” his hand fumbles as his blood thrums. He dips his fingers into your heavenly pussy and you’re already clenching down on him, "fuckin hell. You're already so wet. I got an idea," he moves back, laughing when you let out a huff as his fingers leave you. He rests his back on the wall behind your bed, "come here,"
'Ok?" You ask, seemingly confused about what he's doing. But when you see him shake his pants off and throw them on the floor, your mouth falls open and you start staring at him again. Fuck, it makes him feel like a God. 
You fall onto your tummy crawling towards him, like sin personified, like you need him as much as he needs you. He glimpses those pretty tits through the large gap in the front of his shirt, "What are we doing?"
"Since you insist on doing my makeup,” he tuts, “you're going to sit on my cock while you finish it. Don't look at me like that. Come on now,"
"I'm definitely going to poke your eye out," you side eye him as you raise to your knees.
"You won't. I trust you," he says, taking your hips in his hands, sighing when your warm fingers wrap around his cock. 
"Good girl, now sit," he takes deep breaths as your tight little pussy envelops him, your creaminess sliding down the hard ridges of his cock, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. 
"Ok," you pant, squirming around him with your eyes closed, "I've just gotta-" you pick up your pallet, swiping some black over your finger and pressing it into his eyelid. 
“Please don't make that face,” he squints, knowing what you look like when you get focused, “I'm having a hard enough time,”
“This was your idea,” you sass, wiggling your ass and he feels like he might just let you poke his eyes out. 
He thrusts up, moaning when you bite down on your lip to try and keep your concentration. His hand moves, slipping over your hip to fall right at your clit. His thumb lazily swiping up and down making you spasm and pull your hand away.
“Jay,” you shudder, falling forward and into his chest, your hands holding his cheeks as you reach up to kiss him. Pride swells in his chest, knowing that he can have you like this whenever he wants. That you’re so open and trusting of him, ready to fall apart in his arms at any given moment.
“Makeup done?” He mumbles between kisses. His cock with a mind of its own as it starts to slowly thrust into you.
“It's,” you lean back, taking in your handy work, your delicate fingers brushing over his cheeks. You’re cheeks are flushed and your beautiful eyes take him in, “kinda smudey now, but it looks good.”
“Good,” he lifts his knees bringing you even closer to him, “now about this shirt,” his hands slip in between the buttons, ripping it in half. 
“Jay,” you gasp, and the shock on your face was worth it. Until you pout at him, “that was my favourite shirt,”
“I got heaps of flannels, you can have all of them Princess,” he peels the shirt from your arms, bowing his head so he can take your tit in his mouth, his strong tongue flicking over your nipple. Moving his other hand so his thumb can do the same to your clit, “still upset about the shirt?” He pant’s when you start to bounce on his cock.
“No, Jay I-” he knows what you're going to say, he can feel how tight you're getting around him. You just need a little push, his mouth sucks into your neck, tasting the last remnants of your face mask mixing with your sweat. You keep making those noises as bites into you, the fucking sweetest sounds on the earth, he wants to have his head clogged full of them.
“Cum,” his voice muffled as his teeth move to your nipple. You arch back, your hands grip tight to his legs, nails digging into his thick thighs,  Yes, mark me, he thinks, I'm yours Princess make me look like it, but his mouth says, “cum, cum on me, then you're going to do it again and again, cum Princess,”
His cock feels like it's in a vice as you shake and shiver over him, his name like a chant on your lips and your eyes tight with his. Your face is so beautiful as you fall apart on top of him, those tiny breathy moans echoing in his ears.
His hands slide around your waist, pulling you even closer, his lips connect with yours, “you did so well, wrap your legs around me," Your eyes lidded as you gaze back at him, "I got the next one,” he lifts you, sliding his legs underneath him to get more leverage. 
“Yes Jay,” your voice is so lust filled, he wants to record it for when he's had a bad day. He thrusts up, your fingers winding through his hair, turning his head towards you. 
He'll never get used to how stunning you are, your eyes groggy and your lips swollen from his kiss, "fuck your beautiful," he kisses you deeply one hand on the back of your neck, the other gripping into your ass. "Keep those pretty eyes open for me," 
He's losing himself, losing any remaining semblance of sanity inside of you as he moves faster, harder "fuck I want to cum. Your little pussy feels so good Princess"
Your hands are drifting, seeming to want to touch every part of him before settling on his biceps. Your teeth bite down into his shoulder as he finds your g spot and it feels like fireworks shooting down his neck. "Fuck me back Princess," he slaps your ass making your pussy pulse around him.
“Again,” your voice getting breathier by the second, starting to grind down into him as he fucks you. He can feel your clit grazing his stomach, your tits brushing against the sensitive y shaped scar at the center of his torso. He's alive, alive for this. So he could make you cum on him everyday for forever . He slaps your ass over and over, feeling your pussy clutch and clench around him.
“Want to fill you, Princess,” His cock throbs inside you, your moans surrounding him like a symphony, “want to see that pretty pussy drip with my cum,”
“Yes, cum. Cum, cum,” he moans in your ear, trying to hold back his own release, he wants to share it, to share everything. With you.
“JASON!” you scream, his name on your lips the richest sound in the world and as your pussy begins to convulse around him, he lets go. His cum filling you up, surrounding his cock and pumping into your pussy. He keeps going, fucking into you, letting you have as much of him as you need. He wants you spent, blissed out on his cock so that you never go searching for the feeling elsewhere.
His lips caress your neck as your shaking begins to slow, “did so well Princess, so perfect for me,” he praises you, lifting you up and laying you both on the bed.
Your head rest's on his chest as your little fingers trace the line of his scar. It feels strange, nice strange. Your fingers drift down the tail end of the why and he thinks maybe you're putting the butterflies inside him.
“You're fucking perfect,” your voice so fucking soft.
He smooths out the strands of your hair, not believing that you could ever truly think that of him. Not if you knew what he had done and all the lies he told you.
“How did my makeup hold up?” He asks, noticing the black smudges all over by your pretty face when you look up at him and wanting to change the subject, “I got it all over you,” he tries to wipe it clean.
“I think it looks better this way,” your soft hands brush his hair up, so gently. You're always so gentle with him. It makes his knees weak, “Hmm. You just need a jacket and a bit more black and you'll look just like how I imagine the Red Hood looks under that shiny helmet.”
“Oh really?” He knows you don't know, he's gone to very extreme lengths to ensure it. And asking you to dinner? What was he thinking, that's only going to make things more complicated. But he's not going to deny how it makes the pride swell in his chest, “Is that a look you like Princess?”
“Don't be jealous Jay. He's just mysterious and dark,” you shrug.
“I'm not jealous, beautiful, only a little intrigued.”
“Dressing up as him wouldn't hurt,” his smart girl, too smart. How is he going to keep this up? The closer, the deeper he falls the more likely you are to be in danger. He needs to tread very carefully. The last thing he wants is for you to get hurt.
Part 4
Taglist: (let me know if you want in bestie)
@princessbl0ss0m @letmebebatmanpls
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roosterforme · 2 years
Take Me to Neverland | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley celebrate Halloween with the Dagger crew before sneaking off together.  
Warnings: Fluff, smut, swearing, intercourse, light roleplaying
Length: 3100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? but it can be read on its own!
Check my masterlist.
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"You want me to go to the Halloween party with you? At the Hard Deck?" you asked your boyfriend.
"Mmhmm," Bradley replied, kissing you outside your apartment door. "And the after party at the barracks."
You grinned as his lips found your neck. His offer on the Craftsman house you both loved had been accepted, and pretty soon he'd be moving out of the barracks altogether. "But Halloween is on a work night," you complained half heartedly as he sucked a little mark on the side of your neck, making you moan.
"Please?" he asked in that raspy voice that made you go absolutely crazy.
You threaded your fingers through his hair. "Okay, fine. I'll go. Are you dressing up?"
"Of course. We'll do a couples' costume, Baby Girl," he said with a grin, happy he finally got his way. "Whatever you want."
"Great," you smirked. "I'll pick it out and get it for us."
Bradley should have questioned the smirk you gave him when you agreed to the costume idea, but he was always so enamored with you, he could barely think. 
"Well? You like it?" you asked him as he looked at both costumes laid out on your bed. 
"It's a lot of green," he said, picking up the very large pair of tights. "And I'm not sure how to get these on."
"Oh, I'll help you!" you said, bouncing around and grinning. So you helped him into his ensemble, and he didn't complain one bit, even though the tights were itchy and a little restricting. He looked down at the cutoff green gym shorts and the green tee shirt with a rope belt and just shook his head. 
"Don't forget the little hat," you told him, reaching up to put it on his head and adjusting it over his thick, wavy hair. "Jesus, Bradley. You look so fucking adorable!" you said, bursting out into laughter. "You're an enormous, muscular Peter Pan with a mustache!" you said, gasping for air as Bradley bit his lip and flexed his biceps against the fabric of the shirt. 
He nodded toward your Tinker Bell costume. "You gonna get changed now too?" He couldn't wait to see you in that ridiculously short glittery, green dress. It looked like it was barely going to cover your ass. Even the little white-blonde wig and wings looked like they would be cute on you. 
You were looking at him like you knew exactly what he was thinking. "Yeah, I'll get changed and put on some makeup. Why don't you wait in the living room where Maria can see your costume?"
So Bradley made his way to the living room where your roommate was dressed as Dionne from Clueless and eating a bowl of ice cream. When she saw him she choked on her food and had a coughing fit. 
"What? You don't like it?" he asked, sticking his arms out and turning in a circle.
"Oh my God, you must really love Y/N," she said when she finally regained her composure. "Just because of this, you're welcome to get some of my ice cream from the freezer."
So when you finally made your way out to the living room, Bradley was scraping the last bits of his ice cream out of a bowl and watching cartoons with Maria. He turned to look at you, and his eyes bugged out. "I don't think a pixie is supposed to look that hot," he rasped, admiring just how much of your legs were visible below the skin tight dress. You had on the wings, the wig with a bun, green high heels, and you were even carrying a glittery silver wand. 
"Nah, you look cute!" Maria said. But Maria was wrong. You looked sexy as hell, and Bradley was dying to know what you were wearing under that tiny green dress.
"You ready to go?" you asked, and soon Bradley was driving you and Maria to the Hard Deck. He knew he needed to behave himself, but he still let his palm drift over to your thigh in the darkness. Then he inched it up higher and higher, before you clamped your hand down on his, halting his progress. He just really wanted to know what you had on under that outfit. 
"I can't believe you got me wearing tights, in public. In front of the other aviators," Bradley playfully grumbled as you walked inside the bar in front of him. The place was absolutely packed, and Maria turned toward the bar with a wave.
"You shouldn't have given me full control of the reins, Roo. Lesson learned, I guess," you said over your shoulder with a wink. But Bradley could not stop looking at your ass. He almost ran right into the back of you when you stopped short near the dart board.
"Holy shit, Rooster!" Phoenix called. She was dressed as a black cat, and her eyes were wide as she looked at Peter Pan and started laughing. "Wow, that leaves very little to the imagination." Bradley watched as you went in for a high five, and Phoenix reciprocated.
"What? I think I look pretty good," Bradley replied, shrugging and then fist bumping Coyote, who was wearing the most basic Ghostface mask pushed onto the top of his head with a black cloak. 
"Oh, Darth Vader! Very nice!" you crooned as Payback made his way over from the bar, mask in hand. 
"Thanks, Y/N," he replied just as a second, much more realistic looking Darth Vader came storming over. 
"His costume isn't nice!" said the second Darth Vader in the real Vader's voice. "Don't encourage him!" 
"Fanboy? Is that you? In a voice changing mask?!" you asked him, and Bradley started cracking up at the deep voice. 
"Of course it's me!" Fanboy Vader shouted. "He only picked Darth Vader to piss me off!" he said, pointing at Payback with his black gloved hand. "You knew I had this costume handmade, dude! Yours looks like shit!" They continued to argue on their way to play pool.
Bradley wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you giggled when you saw Bob.  
"Oh, Peter Pan is my favorite Disney Movie! I love Tinker Bell," said Bob, who was actually dressed as a gigantic baby. 
"Thanks Bob," you replied with a bright smile. "Are you just a big baby then?" you asked, seemingly as politely as you could.
Bradley, Phoenix, and Coyote all said in unison, "Baby on board." 
"Ohhh," you said, lacing your fingers with Bradley's. He smiled down at you and leaned in to kiss your cheek. 
"Want a beer, Tink?" 
You grinned and nodded your head as Bob in a giant diaper engaged you in conversation. 
Bradley made his way to the bar where he saw Maverick was helping Penny bartend. They were dressed as Danny and Sandy from Grease, and Bradley assumed that, just like you and he, Penny and Mav were finally making their relationship public. 
"A beer for you and one for Tinker Bell?" Mav asked with a smile.
Bradley chuckled. "You know it, old man."
Mav passed him two bottles and said, "On the house."
"Don't let Penny hear you saying that! She'll fire your ass!"
"That's what I'm counting on, this is really hard," Maverick said with a grin and a shrug. 
Bradley was smiling on his way back to you, amidst all of the whistles and catcalls he was receiving about his tights, some from complete strangers. "Thank you, thank you," he muttered as he went.
"Damn, that is one seriously pussy whipped man in tights," drawled Hangman as Bradley handed your beer to you.
"I'm sorry, Bagman, but are you dressed as a Ken doll?" he asked. Hangman was wearing a light blue suit, complete with an ascot and loafers. 
"Of course. It's a classic look," Hangman confirmed, flashing his most charming smile.
"Where's your Barbie?" you asked him after taking a sip of your beer.
"Still accepting applications, Angel. You interested after all? Change your mind about Rooster?" he asked, sidling up to you.
Bradley rolled his eyes and drank his beer. "I don't think the Ken doll type is really her thing."
But he watched as you slipped your arm through Jake's and said, "Hmmm, let me think about it." Then you bonked him on the forehead with your wand, covering him in silver glitter and said, "Nah, I like Roosters in tights."
Phoenix laughed and shook her head. "Good luck getting that glitter to come off. Like ever."
After a few more rounds of drinks, someone had stolen your wand, everyone was covered in silver glitter, and you were making out with Bradley back by the piano. His hands were rubbing your ass, pressing your body against his. 
"This little dress is killing me," Bradley managed to say as you released his lips in favor of kissing his scarred neck. "I'm serious. I might cease to exist if you don't tell me what you're wearing under it."
You leaned back and looked up at him with the most innocent, wide eyes, and he just knew he was going to love what you had to say. "Nothing. I'm wearing nothing under this dress."
He tipped his head back and groaned, almost losing his hat in the process. "We should probably leave now, yeah? C'mon Tinker Bell, I'll take you back to my extra long twin bed, and you can take me to Neverland."
Your laughter filled his heart and made him smile. "You promised me an after party, Peter Pan. We can fly to Neverland after that."
Then Bradley spotted both glittery Darth Vaders making their way through the crowd. "After Party," Baby Bob shouted toward the two of you as he followed the Vaders. You took Bradley by the hand and made your way through the front door and out to the parking lot.
Bradley scooped you into his arms, careful to keep your dress from riding up, so you didn't have to cross the gravel in your heels after a few beers. "Are you okay to drive?" you asked. 
"Yeah, I stopped two rounds ago, Sweetheart. And Maria told me she didn't need a ride home yet, and she's going to get an Uber later." 
You threw your arms around Bradley's neck. "You are the sweetest," you whispered against his cheek, and he was definitely going to try to change your mind about going to the after party. 
"I'm only sweet for you," he replied. And it was the truth. He'd never felt like this before. Never wanted to be so sweet for anyone else. 
"You make me feel special," you whispered. Bradley knew you were a little tipsy, but you would have probably told him that even if you weren't. 
"You are special." He gently kissed your cheek as he buckled you into the Bronco. "Now, Tinker Bell is going to have to tell me if she wants it sweet later or a little rough. I'm not exactly sure what fairies like." 
You bit your lip before you burst into laughter. The sight of you with the now crooked wig and slightly smashed wings had him grinning as he walked around the back of the Bronco. 
God, he couldn't wait to get out of these tights. He was a little hard from carrying you, and it was ridiculously uncomfortable inside his green shorts. 
He pulled out into traffic and headed for the barracks as you adjusted the radio dial and leaned over the console to kiss him at a red light. "I love you, Roo," you whispered, and when the light turned green, the car behind the Bronco had to honk, because you both got a little carried away. 
Bradley chuckled and said, "You sure you don't want to skip this after party?" 
"Maybe let's just make a quick cameo?" you suggested, a little breathless as Bradley parked the Bronco once more. 
"Okay," he agreed, and it took you a bit to make it into the barracks lounge, because you started making out in the parking lot. 
There were two kegs and tons of people, and Bradley let go of your hand when you said you wanted to dance with Phoenix. He watched you and his best friend laugh and slow dance together to the house music while he grabbed some beers. 
Then when a young Lieutenant asked you to dance, Bradley reveled in hearing you say, "I'm here with my boyfriend," while you shook your head. 
After an hour or so, Coyote was wearing your pixie wings, Hangman was wiping silver glitter onto your arms, and Bob was wearing your wig. Bradley was pretty sure that everyone actually liked you better than they liked him, and he was fine with that. 
"Come with me, Tinker Bell," he called over the music, and this time you obliged. Your makeup was smudged and your hair was messy and glittery, as you walked backwards away from the party. Bradley would have followed you anywhere. He wrapped his arm around your waist letting his hand rest on your hip, guiding you toward his tiny room. 
"I've given it some thought, and fairies like it a little sweet and a little rough," you said, kind of loudly in the hallway as Bradley unlocked his door. He glanced around and smirked, unsure if anyone else had heard what you said. You were a little tipsy by this point.
He chuckled as you pulled him inside and locked the door behind you. His desk lamp was on and it cast a warm glow over you. 
"I like the way fairies think," he muttered, and then you were in his arms. You snaked your hand up his chest and neck and into his hair, tossing aside his hat. 
He let you take the lead, and you tossed his rope belt to the floor and removed his shirt. You placed sloppy kisses to his chest and your hands drifted to the front of his shorts. "Nobody should look this good in tights," you groaned. 
"An old lady at the Hard Deck asked me if I was a stripper."
You laughed loudly, head tipped back, and Bradley scooped you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and your dress rode up. Bradley grasped you by your bare thighs and ass, grunting as your wet core rubbed his abs. 
"Oh fuck, Baby Girl. Just get these tights off me and let me feel you."
You kissed his jaw and chin and told him to lay down on the bed. He settled onto his back on the perfectly made bed, and you straddled his legs. You clumsily removed his green shorts, tights, and his boxer briefs, and the entire time you did so, Bradley could see your perfect ass peeking out of the bottom of your dress. 
Before he could say anything, you had settled between his legs and pulled his cock into your mouth. He grunted as you sucked on him hard for a minute before releasing him with a soft pop. "You want me to give you a blowjob, Peter Pan? Or do you want me to ride you?"
Oh, Bradley loved the dirty talk. Your face looked too fucking sweet for the things that came out of your mouth. He pulled himself up a bit, grabbed your hips and hiked your dress up to your belly button. He propped himself on his left elbow and nodded. 
"That's better, been wanting to see this all night," he said, stroking your pussy with two fingers. He watched you pull your arms through the straps of your dress and shimmy the top down below your tits. 
He licked his lips and lost all concentration as you played with your nipples. He slipped both fingers inside you and you whined, leaning toward him and balancing your hands on his chest. He pulled one nipple between his lips and teased you with his tongue. You whined louder as you rode his fingers, but he really wanted you on his cock.
"Now ride me, Tink," he told you with a grin as he helped you position your knees on either side of his waist. He withdrew his fingers and slipped his length inside, and you took him all the way. Then you sat still and pulled his fingers to your mouth. You took your time, kitten licking and sucking yourself off of both digits, grinning down at him as you did so. Bradley could feel himself throbbing inside you, and he could feel your pussy squeezing him, but you didn't move until his fingers were clean. 
Then you rode him slowly, and he guided your ass with his right hand, still propped up on his other arm. He teased your tits with his tongue and buried his nose between them. You rocked up and down, from the tip of his dick until you were almost sitting down on your high heels. Bradley moved his hand to your thigh, pushing your legs further apart before teasing your clit. 
"Fairies are fucking hot," he groaned, rubbing his thumb agsint your swollen, sensitive bud and grinning up at you. You smiled and squeezed your tits together, and Bradley moaned. 
You picked up the pace, bouncing up and down on him, and he stretched out fully underneath you, enjoying the view. After a few more minutes of him working his thumb for you, you whispered, "Fuck, I'm about to come." 
He knew exactly how to get you off, so he switched to a softer touch that had you moaning and almost screaming as you came. "Oh shit, now I'm gonna come," he told you, grasping both of your hips and pumping up into you. 
You slumped down against him, chest to chest and licked his ear lobe as he grunted and shot his cum inside you. "Welcome to Neverland," you whispered, still moaning and a little out of breath. 
Bradley finished to the sound of your giggles and your lips and teeth on the side of his neck. "That was so hot," he said with a laugh of his own. "Please wear this dress for me again."
"I will," you promised as you curled up on him. "If you wear the tights."
The next day when Bradley was on the tarmac, he laughed every time the strong San Diego sun hit the other aviators. They all looked exhausted from the late night party, and silver glitter shimmered off of all of them. 
"I took two showers," Hangman complained, trying to wipe it out of his hair.
"I told you it would never come off," Phoenix told him. Then she turned to Bradley with a smirk. "I don't even want to imagine all the places Rooster has glitter on him."
He just chuckled and headed for his F/A-18. 
If you liked this, you can thank @mak-32. If you didn't like it, you can blame her.
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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˖  . ⁺ ˳ ⟡ 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐍𝐈𝐂! ━━ 「 Ichigo Kurosaki. 」
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male reader. ʚɞ edited from my old acc.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ "ARE YOU SURE he’s gonna like it?" The seventeen-year-old watched as his younger sister buttoned up the strawberry-decorated shirt. Yuzu rolled her eyes at her brother’s self-doubt, "Yes Ichigo, this shirt is going to make him swoon over you even more!" She patted his back with a bright grin on her face. Ichigo didn’t know why he was nervous, you and him have been dating for over a year now, and today marked the two year anniversary of your relationship. He dusted off his white jeans and looked in the mirror for any imperfections, the strawberry shirt and white pants were now free from wrinkles, and his hair was freshly cut. Thank God for little sisters.
He grabbed the bags from his bed and began to make his way downstairs, the vibration in his pocket making him stop in his tracks. He checked the device only to see your message, 'I’m at the spot now! Can’t wait 2 see u! (✿❛◡❛)'. He chuckled at the use of kamoji’s and numbers through your texting. "My son is all grown up now!" Tears streamed down Isshin’s face as Karin rolled her eyes and passed him a tissue. "Your mother would be so proud of you right now!" Isshin cried while Ichigo mentally cringed at the way snot bubbles started to blow out of his dad’s nose.
"I’m leaving, see you all later." He ignored his dad's pleas and cry and quickly stepped out the door with a disgusted look on his face. "Bleh." He dusted off the imaginary dirt off his shirt and started walking his way down the path.
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ YOU MENTALLY CHECKED every square in your head as you neatly laid out the bowls with the food sealed inside onto the red and white checkered blanket. The sun shined down on your beautiful bronze skin and the cool breeze blew through your tight shoulder-length curls that had two strawberry pins to hold them back. As you were setting up the sound of a soft voice made you look up. "( Y / n )?" Ichigo's cheeks started to heat up when he saw the strawberry pins in your hair.
"Ichi! You came, and brought food with you!" You stood up to walk over towards him to look inside the cute animal-like containers. "Aww, you brought fruit! And most of them are strawberries!"  Your eyes sparkled continuously as Ichigo felt his heart flutter slightly. "Um— yeah, I knew how much you loved strawberries so...." He turned his head to scratch his red-tinted cheek which turned into a brighter shade when you grabbed his hand to pull him towards the picnic blanket.
"Whoa, you cooked all of this?" His eyes trailed over the food that made his mouth water slightly. "Oh yeah! Did I cook too much?"  You muttered softly as Ichigo's eyes widened slightly from the sad tone of your voice.  "Wait for N—No! It's just that…you didn't have to do this." He reached his hand out to caress your cheek which was mostly covered with freckles. Feeling his warm hand kept you both at ease for a minute until a loud shriek destroyed the moment. "Eh? What the hell Kon?!" Ichigo glared at the thing that was trying to open the container with pork buns inside of it.
"I'm—trying to open this thing!" Kon struggled to open the object when his eyes landed on you and then started to twinkle. "Wow! Is this your boyfriend Ichigo? Are you sure you didn't force him to become your boyfriend?" You started to laugh when Ichigo grabs him by its head and held him up as if he was about to throw him, "Wait Wait! Let me have something to eat first!"  "Hell no!"  Whilst Ichigo was arguing with Kon you started to sneak him two pink Mochi balls.
"Here you go, Kon!" You gave him the sweet treats as his eyes started to sparkle, after struggling from Ichigo's grip he latched his little arms around your neck and kissed you all over your face whilst muttering 'Thanks You's' under his breath. "Alright, that's enough! Get out of here!" Ichigo grabbed Kon by his head and threw him out of the field with an imaginary vein appearing on his head. "Thank you Ichigo's boyfriend!" He waved at you as you laughed and waved back, " You're Welcome! Come back anytime! "
When Kon was out of sight Ichigo turned his head towards you and sweatdropped, "You have such a kind soul, ( N / n )." Ichigo trailed his hand to your face once more to feel your soft skin against his hand that made your cheek warm up. "Well…my mom always told me if you treat people with kindness then you will have a longer life." You titled your head to lean into his hand even more which caused his cheeks to redden and laugh at your cuteness.
"Y'know, I'm still wondering how much of a lucky person I am to have you in my life."  Ichigo leaned forward to connect his lips against yours in a soft and loving kiss. This kiss wasn't like the other kisses he has given you, this one seemed more gentle and caring than the others. "Woah…you never gave me those types of kisses!" You laughed and started to chatter whilst touching your lips that had a tingling feeling, like when Ichigo kissed you for the first time.
Ichigo's cheeks started to heat up again at your cuteness, how could he be so lucky?  "Ichigo? Are you still there?" You snapped your fingers in front of his face until he finally snapped out of it a minute later. "Yeah! Are you ready to eat?" He held and opened the container that had the strawberries inside. "Of course, my love." You pecked his cheek before crawling closer to him.
© gloryhrs, 041223. // notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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looksthatkilledd · 2 years
Henderson's Sister // Perv!Eddie Munson X Fem!cheerleader!Henderson!Reader
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A/N: tysm anon! ilysm, i took my own bit of a twist on this! i hope that's okay! Pairing: perv!Eddie Munson X Fem!Cheerleader!Henderson!Reader Warnings: Very smutty but no sexual contact between the reader and Eddie??? (Eddie just gets very turned on at the thought of you) swearing, Eddie being a perv, dirty thoughts, slight degradation, masturbation and Eddie just being a fucking perv honestly what do you expect? lmk if I forgot any! Words: 2k AU: N/A not proofread LMK IF U WANT A PART 2!!!1
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"c'mon man! you gotta come! it would be so boring without you!" Dustin begs his older friend "absolutely not. with steve? no." he spoke sternly
"dude! hot chicks will be there, I think Y/n will be there. i can convince her to go," he smirks
Eddie freezes as your name spills off Dustin's lips Y/n. the very hot cheerleader, Dustin's older sister. she wasn't like any of the other cheerleaders, not into boys or makeup, you were a rock and roller, and he's seen you rocking a couple iron maiden tees, and he found it so hot, what he found hotter was you in that little cheerleader outfit, he would often find himself staring at your skirt, hoping that some gust of wind would come and push that filthy little skirt up so he could see all the glory that laid underneath it, he wondered what kind of underwear you would wear, or if you would even wear anything underneath at all, his dick stirred around in his jeans, he forced the moan that very wanted to come out of his throat back down, so that Dustin wouldn't hear how much of a perv he is for his older sister "I mean that would be so bad, maybe.." Eddie speaks lowly "yes!" Dustin cheered "ill see you there." Dustin shuts his locker as the last bell of the day rings and everyone is happy to leave this hellhole for the long weekend, he couldn't help but see you walking towards the front doors, still clad in your cheer uniform, as if he couldn't get harder, he watched as you walked and swayed your hips absent-mindedly as you talk to Chrissy, smiling, he watched as you 2 part ways, he takes his plump bottom lip between his teeth, closing his locker god his mind is so filthy about his best fucking friend's older sister 'Y/n Henderson' the name itself made his head spin, he just imagines bending you over the console of his van, pulling up that pretty little cheer skirt and fucking your lights out.
he sighed waving through the crowd, trying to reach his van to rub one out, he felt like his dick was gonna burst out of his jeans at any second, the halls around him started to get a little too warm, and he could feel every part of his body getting flushed by just thinking of you.
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you were sitting in your room, now traded your cheer uniform in for a nice comfortable pair of plaid PJ pants and a cute little shirt, music was softly from your turntable, and a random van Halen record was playing, suddenly your brother burst in, not bothering knocking, you were unphased "y/n.. you gotta come to the cabin steve is renting out! eddie Munson will be there!" he shouts excitedly Still unphased you raise an eyebrow
"Eddie the freak, Munson? yeah, I'm good, i don't want to go play your little fantasy game." Dustin groans "Pleaseeeee, it's lakefront, very private and everyone is going, steve, nancy, robin, mike, everyone! and there are gonna be drinks and stuff. no dnd I promise!" your interest suddenly peaks when you hear 'lakefront' and 'drinks'
you bite your lip, thinking about it "whos driving us?" you question
"Harrington?" you pause, "I'm in dusty buns."
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Dustin was beyond annoyed, being pressed in a tight little car with you, robin and steve for 3 and a half fucking hours (that felt like a lifetime) while you guys cackled and sang 99.99% of the goddamn way, he was spent, as soon as the car was parked in front of the mini-cabin, Dustin fled from the car very quickly, practically running away from hell in his eyes, you laughed at your little brother, before grabbing the backpack full of your stuff and hauling it inside.
the cabin was nice, not too big, not too small, it had a nice front porch, with a little porch swing, the living room was big, it had a turn table on the tv stand, along with the box tv and some tapes, the kitchen was smaller than the living room, it was basically a kitchenette, a fridge, stove, microwave and sink, very simple. on the first floor, there were 3 rooms, all equipped with 2 twin-sized beds, and bedside tables, you assumed that's where the younger part of the group would sleep, you walk upstairs, finding 3 more bedrooms, one being the suite, with a king bed, and an attached bathroom, not to be selfish you skipped that room, leaving it to probably steve who rented the nice cottage, you went to the second room, it was quite simple, double bed, large vanity, you look across the hall to see the other room was set up the same as the room you were in so you decided to choose that room, setting your backpack down, humming you open it up. eddie finally arrived at the location, in his beat-up van, pulling the keys out of the ignition he flings the door open, got out and slammed it, before sliding the back door open and grabbing his bags, slinging them on his shoulders, locking his van he walked into the cozy cottage, already finding your little brother settled on the couch reading some comic. "so where is she?" Eddie whisper-shouted, Dustin points to the stairs "be respectful, she is my sister," he grumbled and Eddie nods, practically running upstairs, his bags long forgotten and abandoned, he practically fell to his knees upon seeing you slightly bent over, wearing the tiniest jean shorts and an iron maiden baseball shirt, he was awestruck, his dick almost immediately hardening, god you were so hot, your ass was so pretty to him, you were swaying your hips slightly, Eddie swallows his pride and lightly knocks on the door frame, you crane around to see the sudden intruder. your mouth pulls into a smile, completely oblivious to the fact the same man was getting aroused over your ass "Eddie the freak Munson, didn't know you would be here," you say crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow "mm didn't know you would be here either princess." he smiles as a hazy blush fluttered over your face at his little pet name
"yeah yeah, what do you want?" you dare to speak again, blinking your eyes slowly at him, your eyelashes fluttering Eddie honestly thought he creamed himself at the sight, you looked so fucking innocent and he wanted to corrupt you. but he knew you weren't innocent, maybe you were just as pervy as him, go you were gonna be the death of him. "nothingggg, jeez," he says, he sat on the bed next to your bag
"Seriously, what do you want Munson?" you, he wanted to say, he wanted you so bad, to pin you down and plow you till sundown, to absolutely destroy you, but he couldn't, you were his best friends older sister "well henderson, 'm really bored, is that really much of a crime?" he pokes at you you huff and roll your eyes in respond, his tongue pokes between his lips in a giggle "whatever." you grumble taking out a pile of clothes and turning away from eddie to put them into a drawer, Eddie glances down into your bag and spotting a cute pair of black lacy panties sitting on top, if his dick wasn't fully hard yet, it was definitely now, you drove him insane, now that he sees these panties, its almost thrown him over the edge, he needed you so bad. he uses your occuipid state to quickly swipe them and stuff them into his pocket, he was going to use those later, he knew for sure.
"I better be getting to unpacking to." eddie swallows and almost runs to the door, "mm see you later freak." you mumble out eddie smiles as his heart flutters at the attention you were giving him
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the sun was at its peak, everyone had finally arrived a couple hours earlier, you found yourself already dipping in the lake, you had found a very nice blow up raft, which you had found yourself settled on, you were wearing a cute little black bikini, the bottoms were tied on either side of your hips, the messy little bows you had tied were the only thing keeping the sinful bottoms up, the top was the same, another lazy bow was tied around your neck to keep your breasts from falling out, you hum as you slide your sunglasses down, lounging on the lake, hoping to get a bit of a tan.
eddie stalked outside "I'm going to beat you to the lake henderson!!" he shouts, running towards the dock, with your annoying brother running after him, both clad in swimming shorts, they were both about to jump in but you stop them "if you two dare to splash me, I will slit both of your throats in your sleep." you grumbled, not looking at them but already knowing what they were about to do before you spoke to them so sternly eddie couldn't help but blush "yes ma'am." he spoke quietly, way too flustered, you smile and return to sun bathing
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the sun was still beaming down hard on the party, that wasn't the only thing that was hard, Eddie has been rocking a painful hard on for the past few hours, he was surprised no one saw it through the thin mesh shorts he was wearing, he slid out of the lake, heading over where the older gang was sitting around the coolers, he glanced out at you, you were still floating on the raft, clutching a beer in your left hand and your right arm was dangled over your stomach.
eddie leaned down and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and letting the cheap, cold liquid stream down his throat, it tasted horrible yet so good, he stepped closer to the older group to jump in the conversation, nancy's arm was draped over robin, robin cuddling into nancy's chest steve was sitting on a cooler holding a bottle of beer, taking a couple of swigs from it, Eddie sat down on one of the coolers, glancing around, his eyes falling on your flawless body, he bites his lip, he turns his head away as he notices you moving.
"got something on your mind freak?" steve teases Eddie turns bright red "no not all." he says sipping his can of beer "yeah you do, tell us." robin pipes in Eddie sighs "Henderson's older sister, y/n, fuck she's so hot." Steve laughs in eddies face "I love ya bud but I'm sorry you don't have a chance with her, she's a cheerleader and you're, you." steve says to the metalhead in front of him "I know! but I just like really want to rail her but I also want to take her on a nice date and treat her right." eddies back were facing you, he was completely oblivious to you slowly approaching the group and him, overhearing his comments about you, with a beer clasped in your right hand and your shades over your eyes you laugh, Eddie whips around horrified, he just outed himself. he didn't even want to look you in the eyes, he just stared down at the ground, silently praying that this was some fucked nightmare, much to his demise you speak. "you want to rail me? well then lover boy, why don't you give it a try?"
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bahamutgames · 1 year
SAGE 2023 Postin' PART 2!!!
Hello! I'm back again! It's the weekend so I figured... why not? Why shouldn't I play more SAGE demos? So that's exactly what I did. Play lots of SAGE demos until 2 AM like a normal person. Here's what I played today that YOU should check out!!
Susan Taxpayer - by Punkitt
I've had my eye on this game for a bit now, and was totally blindsided when I randomly found out it was a part of SAGE 2023! I wasn't planning on playing demos today but when I saw this was there, I had to go for round 2. This game is lovely so far! Wonderful art, cute characters, and nice music that I swear to god is using a Rugrats soundfont sometimes? Regardless it's good. It's pretty neat because to me it sort of feels like a fusion between Wario Land and standard Mario fare (probably because it runs in SMBX2 which is neat.) This whole game is already looking great and I love all the office themed stuff and Susan is a little hot I won't lie. Looking forward to seeing this game more in the future!
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Bun 'N' Gun - by Sharb
An interesting one I'd never heard of before! This is a game all about a cowboy bunny collecting bats in big open areas! It's all about speed but you also have a grappling ability that lets you swing from walls Spider-Man style as well as a gun that stuns the bats you catch. The best I could probably compare it to is the Knuckles/Rouge stages in SA2 just with a lot more speed focus. It's pretty neat! My only issue is that it can be SUPER dizzying running around super fast while the camera shifts around so quickly, which makes it hard to play. But it looks fantastic and has very catchy music in the few stages I played (didn't beat this one cause it's a little intense lol). With some more work I think this one's gonna be really cool! I think they should also add a radar to let you know when you're close to bats. It has Bunny Customization so 10/10 though.
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Cosmogelica - by CyanSorcery
Every time I think I've seen everything you could possibly do in a bullet hell, someone comes along and shows me new ideas I never thought of before! This genre really is just evergreen! Cosmogelica is a delightful Bullet Hell with WONDERFUL graphics, fantastic music, tight controls, and hot furry girls. But don't let that cool you off because the most interesting thing about this one is the gel gimmick. Different stages are covered in gels with different properties (the ones I saw were gels that ignite when shot, gels that stop bullets, gels that damage you upon touching, ect ect) and both you and the enemies have to play around these gels as you go. But you can also use the gels yourself if you have certain weapons! This is SUCH a neat idea that I think has TONS of potential, especially where using the gels as a weapon is concerned. Absolutely gonna have to keep up with this one!
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Croaking Around - by Scallybag
This is an interesting one. It opens with an ADORABLE cutscene and a really good story too that genuinely made me chuckle a bit lol. And I really think the gameplay has a lot of potential! But it also has a lot of odd quirks I'm not so sure about. First off, I LOVE that you use your tongue for grappling, and while I think the blue grapples work lovely. The main red (orange? I forgor) ones are super clunky and I think some sort of arrow that shows you the trajectory you'll travel after launching from them would help this game TONS! Also, it has a weird auto walljump feature that bugged me. BUT, it's a super cute game and I also think this one has a lot of potential. The creator makes some amazing Sonic art on twitter too I had to follow them immediately when I went to get their link lmao
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Pangolin Cassowary - by Ocotilloisland
I'll admit straight away, I almost had to give up on this one. I could not figure it out for a bit! But I'm SUPER glad I stuck with it cause I actually REALLY loved it once I figured it out. You play as a Cassowary who can kick their Pangolin Pal around like a ball and then fly to wherever they end up. There's no jumping, you HAVE to kick the Pangolin around and trick shot them up walls and such in order to platform through the level. Again, it takes a bit of getting used to but it actually RULES once you figure out how it all works. I'm SUPER interested to see more of this. Cute art style too and for some reason I found the chip crunching noises to be oh so satisfying.
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Yark! : A Kobold Adventure - by YarkDev
A GAME ABOUT A LIZARD GIRL??? YES PLEASE YES PLEASE YES PLEASE! This is a stealth game all about stealing stuff as a cute kobold! What more could you ask for? It took me a bit to figure out the controls, so if you try it I really suggest you go with keyboard + mouse and don't bother with a controller. But it's actually a super fun game. I sadly could not find the rod lol but sneaking about the castle, avoiding gaurds, and feeding the treasure chest random treasures was genuinely a blast! I think there's a TON of potential for this game, and I think if the controls can be smoothed out or allow for full custom mapping this game is gonna be sweet! Also, I'll admit, I'm absolutely head over heels for Rhiri SHE IS ADORABLE so 10/10
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Today's selection were other games from the SAGE 2023 trailer I forgot about until today, as well as additional random picks that caught my eye with cute characters! Also no fan games today but I played so much Sonic Battle Rush yesterday that it makes up for it I think. Like last time I encourage you to play some stuff if anything catches your eye! And also if you submitted anything to the event let me know cause I'd love to see your work!
Now I am drop dead tired and can smell smoke in my brain (kidding) so I think I'm off to bed! Bye-bye!
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hbxplain · 2 years
Part 1.1: Pride
3,300 words - Tu Tela, Tigh Barrows, Sienne Pelet, Aeryn Meak
Warnings: fantasy discrimination (not racism or homo/transphobia, though it's adjacent in ways to magic ableism)
i completely forgot to explain in-world lmao but this wip is mostly for my dnd group, where we all know that NASA actually stands for "Neuroanatomical Augmentation in Superelectronic Advancement," it's basically for cyborg shit but it also involves things like the study of eximium (to be explained) which highly effects cyborg shit. look i went overboard a little, i came up with this acronym to replace real-world nasa years ago sksksk
anyway, here's the next chapter of Tu's part!
When Tu first sees Tigh, she knows she was meant for Lust, because hot damn does he look pretty.
Then his coworker says “I’m Sienne!” in the most grating combination of a Canadian and southern accent Tu’s ever heard. “Where’re ya from, eh?”
That would be a hard question, if Tu wasn’t incredibly prepared for every single aspect of this assignment. “Moonviewe,” she says proudly.
Sienne frowns, little laugh lines crinkling the dark skin by her mouth. “Really? I used to live there! Didn’t know someone else had moved in after I left, I mean we get so few people…”
Of course Sienne would be one of the only ten people to live on Moonviewe. Fucking of course, she would. Tu watches as the wires sticking out of her two hair buns spark harmlessly. “I only lived there for a bit, but I consider it home,” Tu says politely, her voice sickly sweet.
“Huh,” Sienne says, shrugging carelessly. “That’s more than I ever cared for it!”
“So interesting,” Tu says. Her smile aches. “Anyway, I’m Tu. And you are..?” She leans forward, toward the man somewhat hiding behind Sienne.
“Tigh,” he says finally, stepping out from behind her. He smiles nervously. “Uh, Tigh Barrows. Nice to meet you.”
Tigh does not look like a scientist, let alone a successful one. He has fluffy, curly black hair that looks like it hasn’t been brushed in days, he’s wearing eyeliner that has been accidentally smeared and yet doesn’t quite cover the bags under his eyes, and his lab coat has an entire bottle of Redbull sticking out of the pocket.
He’s cute, though. Korean, dark eyes, genuine smile. Wearing a dark green hoodie and sinfully tight skinny jeans under his lab coat, black studs in his ears, bracelets around his wrists that jangle when he reaches out his hand for Tu to shake. He looks like he started on the goth aesthetic and then got bored halfway through. It kind of works, in a very… dorky kind of way.
“It is nice,” Tu says, somewhat dreamily, as she shakes his hand. Oh, here she goes again—she’s so prone to crushes, it’s insane. Well, but it’s nice, too, isn’t it? She’s not sure she’d give that particular trait away, even if she had the choice.
This time, though, it can’t go anywhere. This mortal will be in Hell by the end of the week; he’ll just be a pretty face passing by.
Works for Tu!
“Uh, so,” Tigh says, clearing his throat. Tu startles a little and drops his hand, but he just smiles. “How long have you been working here at NASA?”
“Oh, I’m a new hire,” Tu says brightly.
“A new-” Tigh’s smile turns strained. “Sorry, what?”
“What do you mean, a new hire!?” Sienne shrieks. “It took us years to get promoted to this department!”
“Seven years, precisely,” Tigh mumbles, his gaze fixed on the floor somewhere behind Tu. He doesn’t seem entirely there, his attention taken by the idea of Tu getting so far so fast. Oh, this assignment will be easy.
“Wow, such a long time!” Tu says. She uses her demon powers—which appear spectacularly similar to the broad magic a lucky few mortals possess—to make herself a simple blue chair to lounge on. “I didn’t even get an interview, weirdly.”
Tigh’s face looks tense, like he can’t decide whether to be awed, or angry, or hurt. Sienne makes the decision for him and scowls. “Oh. So you weren’t hired for your skills, you were hired for your magic,” she says dryly, unimpressed.
“Then again,” Tigh says weakly, trying to be optimistic, “it would be nice to have someone with magic around so our research could go more smoothly. I mean, if Tu’s willing, we could get blood samples and eximium scans from her instead of having to ask the supervisor for volunteers.” He looks up at Tu again, seeming to grow more excited as he speaks. “Wait, yeah, this could be great!”
Sienne grabs his shoulders, spinning him around to face her. “We worked up from interns, Tigh, and now she’s just barging in-”
“And she’s here now,” Tigh says pointedly, eyes flicking over to Tu for a second, “so there’s no point in making her feel bad for something she can’t help.”
Sienne is quiet for a moment. Then she huffs and shrugs. “Fine! Whatever you say, maverick.”
Tu freezes.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” she asks quietly.
“Maverick,” Sienne says, turning back to her with a broad smile. She doesn’t look teasing, or mean—just talking. “Blank slate, traddie, plastic, you get the gist. People without powers.”
“That’s a slur,” Tu says angrily, her blood boiling as she moves to her feet and takes a step closer to Sienne.
“Can it really be a slur when traditional people are the majority? You’re one of the five percent, sweetcheeks! Blank slate over here isn’t just the tradition or whatever, he’s the default!”
Tu’s arm shoots out to grab the lapels of Sienne’s lab coat and yank her closer. “Stop. Fucking. Calling him that.”
Tigh makes a startled noise and squeezes himself in between them, pulling Tu’s hands off Sienne’s coat and pushing Sienne away. “Hey, hey, it’s fine! Look, she’s traditional too—at least, she is now—and she’s kind of right—I mean, what does it matter?” He laughs anxiously, eyes flicking between the two girls. “I don’t mind, really, not from her.”
Tu narrows her eyes at Sienne, but then she crosses her arms and looks away. “You shouldn’t let her treat you like that,” she grumbles, but she doesn’t press.
(She remembers her mother, back from when she was alive. She remembers how her mother would praise her for continuing the family legacy of having magic, how her mother would force her into training sessions and interviews and PR fronts, how her mother would condemn all the crowds of ‘normal’ people with their lack of powers that made them so useless, how her mother would scream at her and put her into horribles situations and tell her how she’s not good enough and-)
(And, well, Hell is a relief compared to that.)
“Right,” Tigh says, grateful for the way out. “Well, compromise, right? Don’t say that kind of shit around Tu, Sienne. And Tu, don’t, uh… bodily attack your coworkers. Please.”
Tu figures this is not the kind of first impression she was intended to make. But, then again, maybe it’ll convince Tigh that he’s more deserving of the upcoming promotion than she is…? Either way, this certainly isn’t going to plan, and it makes Tu a little nervous. She nods her agreement to Tigh and tries to seamlessly move to one of the workstations, ending the conversation, and Tigh and Sienne let her. God, what a disaster.
Looking over the workstation, though, she finds she has absolutely no idea what to do. There are vials of variously-colored liquids, tiny machines she’s never even seen before, jars of powdered metal that might be the eximium that gives mortals magic. What is she supposed to do with any of us? She doesn’t even know how to pretend to be busy here.
So she decides to get to work on a second impression. She scans the room, feels a stab of gratefulness that Sienne and Tigh are now well separated, and then sidles up next to Tigh. “Hey,” she says quietly, almost a whisper. She’d rather Sienne not hear her. “I’m a little confused… but you seem to know what you’re doing. Could you help me out?”
“Sure,” Tigh says, seeming a bit confused himself but willing nonetheless. “What do you need help with?”
Tu laughs nervously. “Um… everything?”
“What do you mean? Like, is there a specific thing you’re confused about or-”
“All of it. Just, all of it. Maybe you could show me what to do…?”
Okay, fine. So maybe she’s flirting a little bit. But what’s the harm in that? Hell, this could help a lot. If she gets real close to him, praises him, compliments him, tells him he’s the best guy she’s ever known, that’ll definitely boost his pride! And so what if Tu gets something out of it as well? That’s just an unintended benefit.
“I mean… I guess?” Tigh moves over, allowing Tu to stand beside him. He sounds uncomfortable, but when Tu glances up at him out of the corner of her eye, he’s smiling with a light dusting of pink across his high cheekbones. Oh, she’s in.
He begins tinkering with a tiny machine part on the table, explaining as he goes. “This is part of one of my current projects,” he says. “It needed a better eximium sensor—wait, you know what eximium is, right?”
“‘Course I do,” she says, because who doesn’t? “But I like hearing your voice, so tell me anyway.”
Tigh’s blush gets heavier, and he fumbles the screwdriver in his hand for a second. “Uh- Right, sure, yeah! So, eximium is the metal that everyone has in their blood. It contributes to your immune system, but also—for a small bit of the population—it activates in such a way as to give you a very malleable sort of magic, or powers. Thing is, eximium is still a metal, which means that we can manipulate it with the right machines.”
“Which is what you’re doing,” she replies.
“What I’m trying to do,” he corrects her with a little smile. “It’s… not going so great. But, I mean, I’m making progress!”
“Tell me more about it?” she asks, leaning against the table.
He looks away, grinning. “You have to work at least a little bit,” he says teasingly.
“Well, if you insist,” Tu replies. She picks up a tiny screwdriver and starts poking at a motherboard.
“Wha- Stop, what are you doing?” Tigh asks through peels of laughter, and Tu pauses.
“I- I dunno? I’m copying you!”
“Why?” Tigh asks, seeming even more amused.
“I don’t know! I just… I wasn’t really given a goal here!”
Tigh shakes his head in a way that Tu might call fond, if they’d known each other for a little bit longer. “Okay,” he says, putting his work down to turn his full attention to her. “Tell me about your magic.”
“Oh.” She tries to reign in her surprise and reply normally. “Uh… It’s transmutation, mostly. My favored magic turns air into solid air, in basically any shape. I can use it to ‘fly,’ to shield myself, to-”
“Create things?”
“Yeah, why?”
Tigh pushes Tu’s motherboard and tiny screwdriver further onto the table, clearing a space in front of her. “How intricate can you get?”
“Very,” Tu brags with a little smirk. She waves her hand, and a perfect replica of the motherboard appears on the table, made of light blue solid air.
“Amazing,” Tigh whispers, breathing out in awe. “Holy shit, Tu. Okay, so- Maybe you can try to create something with your solid air, instead of with the parts we have lying around?”
“Huh,” Tu says. She’s used to being told to use her magic before anything else, but this feels… different? This feels like seeking out her talents to make things easier on her rather than forcing her to be the best she can be with magic. It still stings a little, but… she’s willing to hear him out. “What do I create, then? Anything?”
“They didn’t tell you what your job was, apparently,” Tigh says, almost in a grumble. “Which means you’re free to go buckwild. Who’s gonna stop you? The supervisors who didn’t even give you a lick of guidance?” He shrugs. “Might as well take advantage of it until they catch on. Just make something cool.”
“Something cool,” Tu echoes, considering. “Hmm… okay. I will.”
Tigh doesn’t ask her to go back to an empty workstation. He doesn’t try to shoo her away. They work side by side, and when Tigh has to move to a different area for parts or tools or data, she moves with him. He smiles down at his work every time.
Whenever Sienne bumps into them or joins them at a table, she is infuriatingly friendly. She jokes with Tu (Tu does not joke back), she smiles at Tu, hell, she even flirts with Tu a couple times! And she just won’t stop. Tigh doesn’t seem to think this is anything out of the ordinary, so maybe she’s like that with everyone? But that doesn’t make it any less annoying, considering Tu kind of hates her more every time she opens her mouth.
“Hey,” Tu says when the work day is almost over—it’s amazing how fast it flew by. She thought this part would be really boring, but it wasn’t. Not at all. “I moved here for the job… I don’t suppose you could show me around town? Maybe take me out for coffee?”
Tigh lights up, and Tu can’t help but grin. “Oh, hell yeah! We can go to CC Brews, my friends co-own the place,” Tigh says brightly.
“Sounds perf-”
“Sienne can come too!”
Tu’s eyes twitches.
“Ohhh,” she says, her smile feeling sharp. “Cool. That sounds so great.”
Tigh doesn’t notice a damn thing wrong, apparently, because he just nods with that big smile on his face as he packs up his things. “You wanna walk there now? It’s not too far from the NASA complex.”
“Sure,” Tu says, resigning herself to her fate. “Why not.”
Sienne leads most of the conversation herself for the entire walk to the coffee shop, which is at the very top of Crown Street, where it intersects with Eximiott Plaza. Tigh tries to include Tu whenever he can, but Sienne seems intent on making her as uncomfortable as possible. Tu wishes she was a Lust demon just so it would hurt even more when she rejected Sienne.
(Is she pretty? Yes. Fine, yes. Is she annoying? Oh god yes. Tu thinks there’s no recovering from that level of obnoxiousness.)
When they finally reach CC Brews, though, the look on Tigh’s face is almost worth it. He looks like he’s coming home.
(Not that Tu would know the feeling. How should she know what home is meant to feel like when she’s only ever been judged by her glory?)
“Tigh!” shouts a cheery man’s voice, and then a short, plump man with bright red hair and a face full of freckles bursts through the glass doors of the shop. He waves ecstatically at Tigh and then runs to meet him, throwing his arms around the scientist and squeezing him tightly.
Tigh laughs, hugging him back with a pleased look on his face. “Hey, Aeryn. Rough day?”
“No, but Nora’s busy and you haven’t visited in days,” the guy pouts. Damn, he’s cute too. Every day Tu gets closer to applying for Lust. …Not really. “I’m lonely.”
“Well, good news,” Tigh says, pulling away. “I’m here, and I bought friends!”
“Come on in then!” Aeryn says, gesturing for Tu and Sienne to follow him inside. He seats them at a table near the counter, and pats Sienne on the shoulder with one hand while he digs a notebook out of his pocket with the other. “Nice to see you again, Sienne. And you are…?”
“Tu,” Tu replies. She winks. “Very nice meeting you too.”
Aeryn giggles and takes their orders, but Tu notices that Tigh looks a bit… tense? Once Aeryn leaves, she focuses on Tigh and tries to send thoughts into his mind—a demon power she rarely needs to use, but she did say she’d do her best on this assignment. She’d better use her strongest techniques.
You’re so much better than Aeryn, Tu blasts into Tigh’s head, careful to make it sound like his own voice. Why is she flirting with him?
Tigh furrows his eyebrows. Sienne looks between him and Tu in confusion, but then Tigh shakes his head and looks up, giving Tu a slightly strained smile. “Uh, do you- would you want Aeryn’s number?”
“Oh,” Tu says, frowning. Well, that… didn’t go as planned. “No thanks. I’d rather hang out with you at the moment.”
It’s not the end of the world. She just wasn’t trying hard enough; she didn’t think it’d be a hard sell. Next time, she’ll put more weight into it!
“So!” she says loudly, ready to dive back into normal conversation. “Tell me more about this science shit, pretty boy.”
Tigh blushes. “I- There’s not much to tell,” he stammers. “I’m sure you remember the basics from wherever you went to college for eximium and augmentation stuff.”
“Oh, but we’re going way beyond the basics,” Sienne boasts, leaning back on her chair with her hands on her hips. “I’m working on nanotech for surgeries, and Tigh over here is doing finishing touches on a metal-clearer.”
“A what?” Tu asks, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s actually called a Magic Rake,” Tigh butts in uncertainly.
“And it’s brilliant!” Sienne trills.
Tigh blushes, taking a quick moment to glare at Sienne. “I’m- Look, I’m still working out the kinks,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away. “But I’m getting closer! At least it does the job now, even if it’s not always that reliable.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’s amazing work,” Tu says, trying to urge him on. “Like Sienne said. Brilliant.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say that,” Tigh laughs.
Tu opens her mouth to tell him otherwise, but then Aeryn appears with their drinks. He burned her espresso on purpose, just like she requested, and she greedily gulps it down before he can even set down the second cup she asked for. Aeryn laughs good-naturedly, and Tu grins up at him.
“Tired?” he asks.
“Always,” Tu replies, and Tigh laughs in agreement—Aeryn scrounged up an entire Redbull from god knows where to bring to Tigh—and the conversation moves from there. Tu never has a chance to move it back to Tigh’s supposed aptitude for eximium science.
…She has a good time though. She has a really good time. She goes back to her temporary apartment afterward, and for a moment, she forgets to think about the assignment at all. She just thinks about how damn nice it is that Tigh must thinks she’s the world’s biggest disaster when it comes to NASA’s science, and yet he still seems to like her. She knew fuck-all about the job she’s supposed to be good at, she didn’t show off the magnitude of her magic, by all means she came off as completely useless-
And he likes her anyway.
Tu shakes the thought from her head. Wow, she met a person who wasn’t a dick. It’s not that new, not that shiny and special; she has friends in Pride who like her well enough, she has Izzy who couldn’t care less about her magic or her Tempting statistics. Still, Izzy has to stay in the Circle of Sloth most of time, so they don’t get to visit each other that often, and all of Tu’s friends in Pride are more of work friends than anyone else.
Tigh has friends who feel like a family, who he can tease and joke with and love without fear. And he accepted her into that group without thinking twice.
It doesn’t matter, Tu tells herself again. It’ll just make the job a bit more… enjoyable? Kind?
She’ll get through it. She’ll win, she’ll be the best damn demon Miss Lane has ever seen, she’ll solve this cold case in a couple of weeks, max!
She marks a date on her calendar, three weeks from now on the 24th of May. Bam. By then, she’ll be ready to return to Miss Lane with the good news.
taglist: @wildswrites, @ceph-the-writing-spook
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
The Saturday Switch
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Media the maze runner au
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating smut
Concept body swap
Smut nudity/ masturbation/ nipple play
I smiled widely hugging my pillow as tight as I could slightly muttering into the cotton "ummm y/n" I smiled giving my pillow some soft little kisses, but as I woke up more I noticed something out of the ordinary. It wasn't hard. That's odd. I am almost every morning In fact between my legs felt a little wet oh fuck please tell me I didn't. I sat up and stretched yawning a little before I opened my eyes.
And I screamed in shock before putting a hand over my mouth.
I knew this room this is y/n's room! I could see all of her bedroom much how I last saw it, her curtains drawn keeping out the sun, her little wardrobe shut up, all her little things where they usually lived. I could see myself in the mirror of her vanity I was… in her body. 
Sat in her little purple bedspread, wearing only her little loose-fitting drama club shirt without a bra or panties, her hair in a little bun tied up with a purple ribbon. I ran my hands all over this body feeling so soft and squishy. My god if I could get hard I'd be harder then ever before. I couldn't stop looking at this body running my hands all over it. For a moment I panicked how much time would I have in this body? I don't know but I'm not wasting it. I grasped my breasts in my hands giving them a fondle and squeeze uhhhh so much bigger then I imagined the moment I began fondling my nipples started getting hard so I gently rubbed on them to give them a little friction fuck how does she leave this body alone! I couldn't help myself I moved my hand under the covers for a moment confused how exactly this worked but after a few attempts at things I figured out the exact spot and style I needed to do to cause enough pleasure to make this body squirt with excitement my eyes rolling back into my head trying not to scream in pleasure it didn't take long she clearly hadn't done it in a while so much so when I hit the orgasum I pretty much reached another plane of existence unable to move my body for a minute or two … fuck. Girls… girls feel better. Somehow. But they do. When I regained some thought I sat up and it occurred to me if I'm in y/n's body she's likely in mine. Hu. Why isn't she beating the door down in anger? Ohh its half seven yeah my body is not going to be awake yet better not waste my time.
I leaped out of bed and threw the little shirt onto the bedsheets immediately looking at every inch of this body in the mirror uhhhh fuck. Why the hell does she keep this in those stuffy little pinafores! My god I've seen porn stars that didn't have bodies like this! … ummm wait I get to choose what she wears today. Ohhh yeah! I'm gonna make her look so hot! I dug through her wardrobe for a while digging out an adorable little outfit with boots, thigh high socks, a cute little skirt, and a top that was basically a bra doing her hair up in a little braid but… umm it looks too good. And I quickly jumped back into bed for another round. 
I laid Still snug in the bed after all that when the door burst open and I saw my body looking very very angry. 
"Hi" I smiled
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 years
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
As Montreal Hunter had hoped, Kit Montaine comes back on his own about a half-hour after running off. 
He stands in the open doorway, dusky cheeks tinged copper and knocks shyly on the side of the frame. 
Monty glances up from where he’s snapping the lid on a container of berries and gives him a reassuring smile
"Hey, Kit."
"I'm sorry," he whispers, addressing the floor at his feet. 
"I won't do it again."
Monty doesn't know if he means he won't pick all this berries again or won't kiss him again but his answer's the same, either way.
"Nothing to be sorry for. And guess what? I called Grace and she's thrilled to take the berries. I'm bringing them over now. You wanna come? See the farm?"
Kit nods, though Monty doubts he'd refuse even if it was the last thing in the world he wanted to do.
"Alright, help me pack these up, and we'll go."
Together, they stack the containers in reusable paper grocery bags and carry them out to Monty’s car. 
Twenty minutes later, they pull up at Chloe and Grace's cute old farmhouse, where they're greeted by Grace herself. 
She's hanging clothes on a line that stretches between the corner of the house and an old apple tree and wears little denim shorts and a yellow blouse with white polka dots, tied high around her waist. 
Her abundant black curls are bound up tight in a bun, probably to keep them off her neck in the warm sun.
"Hiya Montreal," she drawls, grinning and waving what looks like a pair of panties at him.
"You know nobody calls me that," Monty returns, pretending to scowl.
"Why not? Got a nice ring to it, I think." She pins the tiny piece of clothing on the line and comes over to greet us properly. 
"What about you, Kit? You got a longer name I should know about?
"No, ma'am," he answers, looking anywhere but at Grace and she frowns. 
"There's no 'ma'ams' here, thank you very much. You can call me Grace."
Kit flinches and whispers his reply to her white tennis shoes. 
"Yes, Grace.
Her brows pinches and she looks up at Monty who shrugs and reaches over to squeeze Kit's shoulder. 
 "Come on. Let's get these berries inside."
Grace takes a couple of bags, too and together they carry them all in to the big, farm-style kitchen. 
Grace and Chloe have remodeled a lot since they moved in and the kitchen has tiled floors, stone countertops, a big professional stove with two ovens and a deep stainless-steel sink. 
They unload the berries, stacking the plastic containers on the counters and Monty rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. 
It looks like an awful lot of work.
"Sorry to spring this on you, Gracie. You know the berries will stay good a while, refrigerated. You don't have to do all this in one day."
"I know. And I told you, it's perfect timing. Chlo' and I have something special planned for this week's dinner party, and now there'll be pie for everyone, and jam to take home. You and Kit are coming, right?"
Once a month, Grace and Chloe invite everyone over for dinner. It's something to look forward to and the next one is set for the end of this week.
"Wouldn't miss it," Monty says, winking. 
"'Specially if there's goddess-level pie on the menu."
Grace rolls her eyes and waves a hand and Monty notices a slim gold ring on her fourth finger. 
She sees him looking and smiles self-consciously.
"Chlo' and I might have a little announcement to make," she says. 
"We were saving it for the dinner but you might as well know now. Wedding's set for February."
"Gracie..." Monty goes and wraps her in a hug. 
"Congratulations, girl. Did you ask, or she?"
"She did," Grace answers, her voice muffled by Monty’s chest, which is as high as the top of her head. 
He releases her and she grins up at him. 
"Took my by surprise and everything. Julian's been giving me hell about it all week."
"What? Why?"
Grace laughs. 
"Long time ago, we promised each other we'd never get married, that marriage was just a stupid old relic of an outdated patriarchy and we'd stay free and wild and grow old and die together. Now look at us."
"Guess that girl's got you wrapped around her finger," Monty says.
Grace smirks. 
"She sure does. In all the right ways."
Monty coughs. Grace's favorite pastime seems to be making grown men blush.
"Well, congrats again. Kit an' I'll be at the party, for sure."
Grace smiles and turns to Kit, who's been watching and listening with wide, curious eyes and reaches out to tug on one of his tightly coiled springs of golden hair. 
"You better be. Don't wanna miss my signature blackberry barbecue sauce. I'll even commit blasphemy and put it on some tofu for you, Monty." 
She winks and Monty laughs.
"Well, don't go risking your soul on my account but I'm looking forward to it.  Pass my congratulations on to Chloe, you gals deserve all the happiness."
"Nah, not all of it." She grins and hits his arm playfully. 
"You deserve some, too."
Monty laughs again, a bit self-consciously and they say their goodbyes. 
As they drive home, Kit speaks up on his own for the first time.
"What is Grace?" he asks.
"What do you mean?"
"She isn't a Wolf."
"Oh, no, she isn't. She's a librarian."
"She's human, I mean."
A few minutes pass in silence and then he speaks again.
"Is everyone here like them, and your brothers?"
"Like what?"
Monty glances over at Kit and sees his cheeks tinged dark copper again.
"Mated. With someone who's... the same gender."
"Oh, that. Well, I guess maybe more than you'd expect. Grace is all about girls and so is Chloe, I think. Most of my siblings are open minded, I guess." Monty shrugs. "Like, if we met the right person and fell in love and knew they were our heart's mate, sex or gender wouldn't matter. Noah calls it 'pansexual' or 'pan-romantic' in his case. He and Dane are the only ones with same-sex mates, though."
“Are you like that?" Kit asks, his voice quiet but keen with curiosity
Monty shifts awkwardly and puts his window down for some air. 
For such a timid guy, he sure is forward with the questions. 
"Well... I've dated girls and guys before but I don't know if I've got a preference."
The truth is, his lack of experience is embarrassing. 
While it's not uncommon for Wolves to have only one or two relationships before choosing a Mate, it is unusual for a Wolf to get to his age without having done so. 
Fortunately, Kit seems satisfied with Monty’s answer and falls silent. 
They're almost home when he speaks again.
"You're lucky," Kit says. 
"When my pack found out I couldn't take a female mate, they hated me even more than they already did. Giving me to Ferrault was just the final punishment, since I wasn't good for anything else, I might as well be his toy."
"What do you mean you 'couldn't take a female mate?'" Monty asks. 
"Wouldn't you still bond, once mated, even if you weren't attracted at first?"
Kiit looks out the window.
"I'm not a full Wolf, remember?"
Monty isn’t sure why that would matter, in fact, it seems it would make it easier, rather than harder, to take an undesired partner.
"Well, you're here now and as you've seen, we're different that way. Here, love is love."
"Love," Kit echoes softly, as if he's trying out the sound of the word and says nothing more.
That night, Monty goes to sleep on the couch again but once more a crash and muffled shout rouse him in the early hours. 
In his room, Monty finds Kit in the same place he had once before, tucked in the corner between the dresser and the wall, wrapped in a blanket and shivering violently. 
Worried his fever has somehow returned, Monty reaches to feel his brow, before he can touch him, though, Kit reaches for me in return and falls into his arms in a shaking heap.
His voice is a breathless whisper and his whole body trembles.
"Kit? What's wrong?"
"I didn't, I didn't think it would happen this soon," he gasps, his dark eyes wide and wild, locked with mine. 
"Please, ah!"
Alarmed, Monty pulls Kit onto his lap as he arches and then goes half limp.
"Whoa, Kit. I don't understand. What's happening?"
"I'm so sorry," he whispers, clutching at the front of my shirt. 
"I'm sorry, Monty but I need to you claim me. Claim me, now. Please, claim me as yours, before I lose this life."
"Lose this...? Claim you? What the hell's that mean? Kit!"
Monty shakes him as his hold on him goes slack, his violent shivers subsiding as he slides towards unconsciousness. 
Kit feels so light and insubstantial in his arms, Monty fights the urge to crush him to me just to hold on.
Monty grasps the back of Kit’s neck to support his head and scrambles to think. 
"The hell, Kit? Help me out here. Like am I just 'sposed to say it, or what?"
Kit doesn't reply, his breath coming in quick little gasps and his eyes fixed on something Monty can't see, wide and unblinking.
"Fuck it," Monty swears, lifting Kit against his chest.  
"I claim you, Kit. I claim you, alright? I claim..."
Monty’s eyes go to Kit’s mouth and he remembers the feel of his lips on his, so soft and sweet, stained with blackberries, summer heat and shades of relief and instinct takes over. 
Monty lifts him, one arm beneath his shoulders and kisses him.
"I claim you," he say against Kit’s lips. 
"So let me keep you, please. Stay with me. I claim you and if you want me, you're all mine."
Monty kisses him again, feeling his hot, quick breath on his face, his heart racing with a mix of fear and confused hopes. 
Kit quiets, his eyes sliding closed as he goes still and for a moment Monty fears he’s done it wrong, that whatever he wanted me to do, he failed him. 
Just as he failed another who counted on him to keep him safe. 
Then Kit sighs, takes a deep breath and his lips curve in the slightest smile. 
When he opens his eyes, they're black as night and filled with a dark summer heat. 
Looping his arms around Monty’s neck, he pulls him down and kisses him with a soft, slow tenderness that fills the giant of a man with all the promises of wild freedom he'd never felt before.
"Monty," Kit breathes and smiles. 
"I'm all yours."
Then he sighs, tucks his head against Monty’s chest and falls asleep. 
Monty sit for a full five minutes without moving, Kit cradled in my arms. 
His brain still struggles to catch up with whatever the fuck just happened but he’s relieved that whatever the crisis was, at least it's over. 
It reminded him of Ian Foley's story of bonding with his incubus mate but Kit wasn't a demon. 
Sam Asato would've known if he was. 
Then again, Ambrose Thorne had said he wasn't telling us everything and that seems true enough. 
Sighing, Monty gathers Kit up and carries him back to bed, where he lays him down carefully and covers him with the quilt.
Monty: ‘And then I stand there, staring at him like a gigantic creep.’
Monty had intended to go back to the couch but somehow he can't tear myself away. 
Another five minutes pass like that and then he gives in and crawls beneath the covers at Kit’s side. 
He meant to keep a respectful space between them but Kit makes a soft, contented sound in his throat and rolls over, curling himself close against Monty’s side. 
He lies there for a long time, staring up at the ceiling, intensely aware of the strangely fragile, beautiful man beside him and reliving that kiss in his mind. 
Finally, between one thought and the next, Monty falls asleep. 
When he wakes, it's just before dawn, the light from the window a pale bluish gray,and the space at his side is empty. 
Alarmed, he sits up.
There's no sign of him. 
On the other hand, at the foot of his bed, a pretty little snow white fox lies curled up, fast asleep. 
And, oddly, it seems to have more than the usual number of tails.
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vespertin-y · 2 years
reviewing the v3′s kids anniversary outfits
i know i’m late to the party shhhh
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rantaro: lavender accents are an interesting choice for rantaro but the fedora tip....no.
kokichi: i know this is a controversial take in the kokichi fandom but i’m not overly fond of this one...it looks Fine but greasy casino owner is not a vibe i fuck w/.
kiibo: the fact that he has FORMAL ARMOR is hilarious - who do you think built that for him, miu or the professor??? also i must agree with my mutual quinn in that he definitely has the coat and scarf just so he can give them away. everyone knows that’s why but he thinks he’s being very subtle.
gonta: ABSOLUTELY BLESSED. ponytail gonta is a massive W and i think the suit looks genuinely really nice. his bowtie...!
shuichi: another controversial take but i love this one. is it hideous? yes! is it in character? also yes! he did NOT get it fitted and it’s too loose in the waist and too tight in the shoulders. he shuffles out onto the dance floor smelling like mothballs. everyone who sees him is immediately compelled to kiss him on the lips. sir i am captivated by your complete lack of drip.
korekiyo: this one is so good it’s my hc redesign for him. minus the fedora and ponytail of course but nobody’s perfect.
kaito: a really nice looking design and a win for all detective kaito talentswap fans 😌. similar to kiibo in that he wore that extra coat just to drape on someone.
kaede: very cute...a little tacky but in a fun prom way!! the bun looks nice and that chibi art of her sharing champagne with shuichi lives in my head rent free.
miu: PERFECTION. i absolutely ADORE mermaid dresses so this one was always gonna be a hit, but it’s just!! so good!!! the scrunchy...the big sunglasses...she is Living Her Best Life. hot partygirl energy is unmatched.
tsumugi: !!!!! ok i don’t know what those silk elbow-scarf things Are (i thought they were chinese bc i always see them on chinese gods but dr is japanese so maybe they’re just a general east asian thing?? idk) bu they are *gorgeous*. the elegance!! the flow!!! and what a nice springtime color scheme too. say what you will about tsumugi’s neverending torment of her ocs but good god does she have style.
tenko: similar to shuichi’s in that it’s hideous but we support that. they got so close to putting her in an actual suit!! maybe in another ten years kodaka will finally allow one of his female characters to wear pants. also never forget her giving himiko a rose in the chibi art that shit cute as hell.
kirumi: ohhh lovely. it seems like they played up her being a politician? it turned out great, i especially love the cape and boots. and she’s not wearing gloves!! that feels significant to me for some reason.
maki: very nice color scheme and the flower hairpiece is especially lovely. idk why but it feels like she’s matching with tsumugi. diversity win: the two most murderous women you know are on a date <3
himiko: so CUUUTE. the sheer tulle skirt over the lower skirt looks really nice, and i love the star pattern. can’t forget the waist bow also i love a good waist bow. the magicial girl aesthetic is great, but i do wish they’d made her hat bigger? it’s too big to be a clip-on but too small to be an actual hat and it just looks a bit silly to me.
angie: what kind of party city aladdin nonsense...THIS is what it takes for one of the girls to wear pants??? i’ll just wait another ten years thanks >:(
i’m doing the swimsuits next!! as soon as i can find a clear picture of them...
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