#but that realdid hurt tho
valkurious69 · 7 years
My Sweet Sacrifice CH. 3
After getting all the deets frm the Moana aboot this guy Dysom an what she wants me to do w him, I decided it was time to take a well-dissolved brake. A gurl needs to unwhine and treat herself, ya no?
An what butter way 2 do so than by breaking a sweat?

 “ung!!” I giggled, fist hitting the punching bag hard. I was at the training strudio @the Valkyrie Academey. Oh ya, I go to school there, pretty standard 4 all valkreese my age. We lern how to use are poweres, fly, proceedre for taking ppl to vallehhr, etc:. Pretty boring sometimez, but I haf a few frionds that make it worthwell. I am so clos to graduanton, I can taste it. Taking on this missen from the Morigann will def make it happn sonner rather than l8tr, so I can’t afford to be out of top fiting shape. Luckily, I am in one helluva sexxy shap already.
Rn I was doin cardi to keep it that way.
“Wow, lookin gud Tamzin....” said my frond Stacey. She was ulso working out doin kickboxxin close 2 me. Her blonmde hair was pulld into a high ponytale, swingin as he kickd. She was more of a prep than I wos, but that don’t mean I h8 her. I mean, at first I deed, butt then I found out she licked Taylor Momsun as much as I did, and we were kool evar cents. (AN: if u don think teh pretty recklace is the BEAST BAND EVR than go KEEL YORSELF!!!!1111!!!) (TPR ROXXXX!!!)
“k thnx,” I repied, nonchaletly. I didn’t want her to no that I was realy sweatn. So not sexy. “u doin good yorself 2.”
“ugh I don feel liek it tho,” sje moned, pausing. “i keep fuckn up on my from. I wish i culd b as perfect as u at it.”
Couldnt argue w that. But I coudln say that obvs, or else I wuld look like a douch. Sometimes I wish Odin hadn’t blessed me with this curse of perefect beauty.
“Aw nah, don say that!” I assured insteed. “Here, let me show u how to improv.” I walked over to her, cumin from behind. I positned myself around her w my arms follwing hers, fixing her form as I explaned. My breaff ghosted her nick. ”U gotta be more fluids... let ur body take ovr...”
I leard a smol moan escape her.
I walked her sensuallie thru the motions and rubbed aganst her booty and thigs when we kicked, holdin her waist and arms steady. She trebeled but followed my instructshuns, punchn und kicking like I do. Afterwards, she was a hot mess, but a much more component 1. I smirked gloatfully.
“An that’s how u do eat.”
“Ohhhh w-wow! Thx tamzin!” she panted, flushed. It was real hot and all, but I din’t want 2 b a crepe. I mean she’s my FRIEN and all, it would b werd. “Hey, I wanna try it on my own now! Spar w me!” “K” I conceited, taeking my stance. WE started to flight, matching each udder’s blows, but I was still doin mych better if im being honest. Kick punc, punch kic, we ketp going round-4-round this way for a long ass time. Then, suddnly, I lept up to spin in mid-air and whip around real fast on her, extending my leg for a kick, when i heard a SNOP. 

I scremed loud and fell to the padded gym floor, holdin my knee.
Stacy was all like “OMF!!! sum1 get a doctor!!>” as I was passing out frm the shook. I was super happi she was concerned, but her shriek yelling was gettin om ny nevers. I mean i was in PANE for odin saks!!11!! She culd b a little moar genital. Footstep approched, some older valkyree teachers hearing her cry, and started to halp me up. But I was already fadin out of consceince, since the owie was too grate.
Next thing I new, I was woke up in a whole diff place.

 --------------------------------- (AN: srry not sorry I took so long updoting, but I haf a LYFE u no!!11!! I cant always b wasting my thyme onlin lik SUM PPL!!!! also I won’t update again til I get at lest 5 NOTES onm this chapp ok!!?? I don do this 4 my heatlh, which isn’t too good rn bc of that fall I just took lolllll lamo roflll ::;D)
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