#when you tryin to hit on your straight friend
glowstick-cafe · 1 year
♡Across the Spiderverse: Relationship Hc's♡
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Hobie Brown x reader
Genre: Fluff(?)
Warning: Hobie is so cool and he knows it, black peepole(British rizz) being in love, as always reader is gender neutral.
Summary: You actully hated him at first, but the line between hate and love are often blurred.
A/n: You guys liked me being delulu with Pav so imma be delulu with Hobie. Also, leave a comment if you want. :]
You are a part of the spider society, Miguel just picked you up and said, "You're coming with me, kid." And you've just been on it ever since.
Your often aided Margo with her work(not like she minded), mostly because talking to spiders other than her, Miguel, Jessica, and Lyla were scary.
That's when you met Hobie, you truly had no idea what the hell he was saying for a full hour into him talking becauseof his accent, and he probably picked up on that from your constant confused nodding.
Hobie was fine with you not wanting to talk, which you appreciated; the boy was always happy to carry the conversation, and he assumed you wanted to be friends because you've been following him around and listening to him attentively.
Your friendship with Hobie was great, you've even stayed over at his house a few times to watch a movie you never made it through because you always fell asleep.
That was when Gwen came into the picture. You didn't hate her, she was actully really sweet and you had a lot of fun with her, but Hobies' attention began to be more on Gwen rather than you.
When Hobie began to notice how distant you were becoming he confronted you when you both were watching a movie at his house again, for old time sake.
"You've been ignorin' me lately, why?" He asked bluntly, Hobie was laying on your lap looking straight up at you.
"I'm not ignoring you, you have Gwen to talk to, anyway." You quickly realized how you sounded and cursed yourself, you looked down to meet Hobie's gaze only to see him with an amused expression. "A bit jealous, are ye?" He jokingly questioned, then sat up from you lap.
You could feel the heat emanating from your face, "No! Not like that- I just....fuck off!" You retorted, before you could embarrass yourself futher, Hobie placed a finger under your chin and gave you a peck on the lips. "It was never like that with Gwen, you idiot."
Safe to say that you stayed awake for that whole movie.
When you and Hobie started dating, he became more touchy, in the sense that he has to be touching you in some way.
He loves showing you off, it's like Peter B. showing off his kid, he takes offense if they don't wanna see you.
Hobie likes to rest is head on yours, it happens everywhere, standing in a line, washing dishes, it great for him, not so much for your neck though.
He also likes to likes to hug you from behind, but since your a bit jumpy about hugs the alternative is using your head as a pillow, or using your shoulder.
"Mate, wha chu' mean you don't wanna see my partner?"
He's so soft for you, even with he doesn't want to be.
He absolutely melts when you lightly tugg on his pinky finger or his jacket when you want his attention for something.
You love to kiss all of his piercings individually when you notice he's not having a great day.
You can't do cornrows for the life if you, but Hobie got you covered. He sits you down between his legs and does your hair as you watch whatever.
God forbid you touch your cornrows while he's doing them, he will hit your hand with that comb and it will hurt. "Why you tryin' to mess up my work, nah?"
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f0rlorn · 2 months
we are young → john allerdyce
john allerdyce (x-men) x female!reader
notes → john knows he can count on you, and he wants you to know that you can count on him too. ahh yes, the infamous pyro. they kept my boy in the void for far too long. time to bring back this wattpad banger written by me in 2021.
give me a second i... i need to get my story straight. my friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state
john had left to go grab his zippo from the car, just in case he needed it. bobby and marie had gone off somewhere doing god knows what. that left you alone, your drink the only thing keeping you company.
my lover, she's waiting for me. just across the bar. my seat's been taken by some sunglasses, asking 'bout a scar
john walked back into the building to find some guy chatting you up. he felt a pang of guilt as he heard the topic at hand. the man was asking about the burn that covered your wrist. you rubbed at it self consciously.
i know i gave it to you months ago, i know you're trying to forget. but between the drinks and subtle things, the holes in my apologies... you know i'm tryin' hard to take it back. so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home
john was never the best boyfriend. he knew that. everyone knew that. but he did try. he loved you more than anything. so no matter how many fucked up things he had done, he would be there for you, and you would be there for him.
"excuse me." john had walked up to the two of you. the man looked up at him, raising his eyebrows at the sight of the boy.
"you need something?" the man asked, glaring at john.
"you're in my seat." john responded flatly.
"and what are you gonna do about it?" he laughed, a smirk gracing his face.
"you don't want to find out." john was just about ready to snap, already fed up with the man. you put your hand on his back to calm him down.
"you should leave. before i make you." the man scoffed and backed away, probably off to find some other girl to flirt with.
"are you okay?" you asked john, a sincere look on your face. you laced your fingers with his, the gesture made him melt. you had always been so good to him. your soft and caring personality paired with his tough demeanor was beyond believable, many people back at the academy were amazed when you announced your relationship with john. they didn't understand how you could put up with the hothead all the time.
"i'm sorry..." he muttered. you frowned.
"john, how many times do i have to tell you that i forgive you? it was in the past, you can forget about it." you reassured him, cupping his cheek. he want quiet after that, not wanting to argue with you. you placed a kiss to his lips.
"i don't deserve you..." john smiled.
"yes, you do. you deserve the world and more, lover boy."
tonight, we are young. so let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun. now i know that i'm not all that you got. i guess that i... i just thought maybe we could find a way to fall apart. but our friends are back! so let's raise a tab! 'cause i found someone to carry me home
sooner or later, bobby and marie came back. the four of you left the bar area and found a booth to sit in. bobby and rogue had ordered practically half of the menu. you spent the rest of the time drinking and laughing, having a great time. it was nice to get a break from all the intense training you were doing. after your meal you parted ways, rogue had just moved into her new apartment and bobby would be spending the night there. john and you decided to just drive for a while, wanting to make the most of your alone time together.
the next thirty minutes were pure bliss, the two of you were singing along to the radio and making jokes. you were too drunk to think straight. it was fun until you sobered up, then the sleepiness hit you like a wave. you rested your head on john's shoulder. he glanced down at you as you dozed off. the moon illuminated your features, making your face glow. you looked ethereal. it was then that he knew everything would be alright, as long as you were by his side.
so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home tonight.
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photmath · 9 months
Goin' Home | Dominik Szoboszlai
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Pairing: Dominik Szoboszlai x OC
Summary: Left with no other options, a reluctant Nori drives home with Dominik and Dominik accepts being her date to a wedding.
Word Count: 11k (I got carried away)
Warnings: FLUFF, SLOW BURN, shy Domi, angst, kinda miscommunication trope, lots of dialogue, kissing, mentions of feeling less desired, brief vomit spell, cursing, brief alcohol mention, typos
Note: Nori is only mentioned as having longish hair and that's all, no other PHYSICAL characteristics of her. She/her pronouns.
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Nori has a dilemma. With her car deciding to break down on the street and her having to call Trent to come rescue her at a petrol station, she still has no clue how she is getting home. Winter break was just around the corner and they were all set to be back home within a week. Taking the train wasn’t a bad idea, except the most straight shot seemed to be the night train but no one trusts the night train. And don’t even get Nori started with the suggestion of flying. 
Now, Wanda, Nori’s best mate, is trying to convince her to let Dominik drive her home. 
“Just ask Dominik,” Wanda hisses. Nori grabs Wanda’s arm to stop her from opening their reserved study room. Dominik and Camila are already inside going over their last units for their biology exam. 
Nori purses her lips, shaking her head, “No, I think I’ll just wait until the train leaves.” 
Nori and Dominik were not exactly the closest of friends despite being a part of the same friend group. When they were first introduced to each other on Halloween, they hit it off. But then hours later, Dominik slammed a plate full of whip cream into Nori’s face and things haven’t been the same since. 
Wanda rolls her eyes, “You know that’s not a good idea, Nori.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Trent trots up to the two girls, a grin on his face as he opens his arms wide to hug them both, “How’s it going?”
“I’m trying to get Nori to see if Domi can take her home on Friday but she’s not budging,” Wanda sighs. Trent turns towards Nori, his nose bumping into her ear, not realizing how close he is to her. 
He chuckles, letting go of them, “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”
“Of course you’d say that,” Nori grumbles, adjusting the part of her jacket sleeve that Trent crumbled.
“You still haven’t forgiven him?”
“I have, it’s just…” she quiets, not daring to admit her problem with Dominik to Trent, one of Dominik’s best friends. 
Trent shrugs, “His family moved to your hometown this year, and he’s driving back so it wouldn’t be out of his way.” 
Wanda eyes narrow as she faces Nori, “Are you still upset? He’s apologized so much since then, and I mean, he’s shown that he’s a good guy.”
“We aren’t close guys,” Nori mutters, finding a different excuse. “And that’s an almost five hour drive.”
“Tryin’ to save you money,” Trent says, gripping Nori’s shoulder assuringly. “If you don’t want to ride with him, then okay, but I can ask him and I’m sure he’ll say yes. Or you can ask him. Either way, he’ll probably say yes.”
“Okay fine,” Nori relents, shrugging off Trent’s arm and opening the door to the study room herself. Dominik’s standing near the white board, clasping the dry-erase marker he has in his hand closed, eyes darting up at the three of them. His eyes linger on Nori’s, a barely-there smile teetering onto his lips.
“Oi,” Trent nods to Dominik, “can you take Nori home on Friday? She lives in your neighborhood.”
Dominik raises his eyebrows in surprise, “What? She does? You do?” Nori’s cheeks grow with heat as she takes a seat next to Camila, giving her a side hug.
“Yeah,” she says casually, looking up at him. “My car is in the shop, but I can just ride the night train—but they wanted me to ask.”
Trent and Wanda roll their eyes while Dominik taps the marker against his hand in a nervous fidget. He lets out a small cough, “Oh…uh, yeah I can give you a ride.”
“Great!” Wanda chimes with exaggeration, Nori ignores it as she pulls out her laptop. Dominik glances at Trent and he gives him a cheeky grin, making Dominik’s cheeks burn red but it’s not like Nori sees it. She hasn’t looked up at him since telling him about her car. And she most likely wasn’t going to look at him again for the rest of the session.
Trent waits until the girls leave—well more like gives them a head start to meet them at the ground level of the library because there is no way he was letting them walk in the dark to the car park—to talk to Dominik.
“You should tell her,” Trent says to Dominik.
Dominik blows a raspberry, “She won’t even look at me.”
“Would you after that Halloween party?”
Dominik shoves his laptop into his bag harshly, not even caring if it slips out of its protective sleeve. He tried to get Nori’s attention all session, tried to ask her questions about her studying and help her out, but she wasn’t having it. She never did. It was getting useless to keep trying when she clearly wasn’t interested. 
He sighs, “I already apologized, I didn’t know it was her in that costume. I would have never done that if I knew it was her.” He tugs at his hair, swiping through the dried gel. “Ambushing me by asking if I could take her home, seriously?”
“I did it that way you two could talk. It’s starting to become obvious that you two don’t like each other,” Trent retorts. “I rather not have to listen to another study session with you pathetically attempting to talk to her.”
“She doesn’t like me.”
“Just give her time.”
Dominik shakes his head as he opens the room’s door, holding it open for Trent. “No, she doesn’t like me and I want to stop embarrassing myself. Maybe she had a little crush on me, but it’s gone now. Or maybe she never did.” He rubs the sleepiness out of his eyes with the heel of his hand. He told Trent that Nori was cute, and Trent was reluctant at the beginning, but now he seemed to be serious about playing matchmaker.
“I mean, you hit her kinda hard,” Trent recounts. 
Dominik lets out a loud groan, “Stop bringing it up, I’m already mortified as is. Can we drop it? Because I’m done with whatever this is.”
“No, no, c’mon, Dom,” Trent says, latching onto his shoulder. “One more try.”
“It’s been a month!” Dominik shrieks. “And now this car ride is just going to be awkward—”
“No it won’t.”
Dominik shrugs Trent off of him while entering the lift. Dominik drives his fingers through his hair again, trying to shrug off the humiliation and unease coursing through his body. The night wasn’t done of course, they were going to have a movie night at the girl’s apartment and if it wasn’t for Trent, he knew he wouldn’t have been invited.
Dominik still couldn’t forget the tightness of his chest when he heard Nori crying in his bathroom. Or how hard it was to swallow because his throat had felt as if it was swelling. Trent hadn’t even glanced at him after he struck the paper plate filled with whip cream onto Nori’s face, he was immediately shoving him in order to get to her. The chorus of ooo’s that rang through the room made Dominik chuckle. And that’s all he had thought about it, that he smashed the plate perfectly onto their face. It wasn’t until he went up to his bedroom did he see that they were all crowded in his restroom trying to clean a bloody nose, and that it was Nori sobbing on his sink. Trent didn’t even let Dominik into his own restroom, shutting the door on him, but Dominik could hear the sobs through the door. 
Dominik had met her earlier that day, absolutely awestruck with the way she carried herself throughout the day of the pumpkin patch she organized for the local little kids. He had only known what Trent told him about her, and said that she would come to his “ugly costume” party that night, but he hadn’t seen her that night. At least he thought he didn’t. He didn’t realize she went all out and dressed up as an old, bald man from some reality TV show.
There was a competition that night, in which anyone could pie the ugliest costume. Dominik had gone first—and last—having already picked out Nori’s costume when she walked into the apartment as the one he would pie. He had commented about it being so ugly but also one of the best, and then when Nori least expected it, he pied her. 
Trent pulls Dominik out of his trance, “Are you still coming to movie night?” They exit the lift, spotting the girls waiting for them at the exit with coffees in their hands. 
Dominik glances down, “Yeah.”
Trent bumps into his shoulder, “She’ll forgive you, bro.”
He nods absentmindedly, watching Trent meet up with the girls while he lags behind. 
She shouldn’t, is all Dominik can think of in response. If it was something that still bothered her almost a month and a half later, maybe it was for the best to give her the distance she sought out for. Everyone knew it was Nori underneath the costume, except him, and to do something like that to someone like her, it was criminal. She was sunny, full of energy, and kind. Only cried during sports matches and sad movies. 
Jude’s tall frame jogs towards Dominik, a sloppy grin plastered on his dimpled cheeks, “Hey.”
“Did you finish your assignment?” Dominik asks. In Jude’s hand is his crumpled up writing assignment. 
“Yeah, just in time,” Jude swings his bag around to place the papers inside. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing.” Jude gives him a hard look and Dominik groans, “I’m taking Nori home on Friday.”
Jude gasps, his dark brown eyes widening, “What—really? And she’s okay with that?”
“I’m not sure. Feel like I was her only option.”
Jude chuckles and shakes his head, “One thing about her is that she’ll find a way, so maybe you were the second to last.”
Dominik rolls his eyes, “That’s exactly what I was.”
The two of them don’t catch up to the rest of the group as they walk. Jude lets out another laugh, “It’s funny because you’re usually so cocky and confident, but when I see you with her, it’s like you’re someone else. A kicked puppy that just got thrown out in the rain.”
Dominik glances at him, scoffing, “That’s not true. I just know I make her uncomfortable and I rather her not keep on feeling that way.”
“You don’t make her uncomfort—”
“Yes I do,” Dominik interrupts. “And you and Trent keep saying I don’t, but it’s the truth. You don’t have to make me feel better. I messed up, and I don’t know what would necessarily make her ‘trust’ me again because that was fucked up.”
Jude sighs, slinging his arm across Dominik’s shoulders, “If you made her uncomfortable, you wouldn’t still be here. We would have kicked you out of the group, swear on it. She knows you didn’t know, she’s just still a little hurt. She hadn’t known you for long and that kinda made an impression on her.”
Great, he wanted to mumble to himself. He eyed Nori from the back, her walking freely and at ease with Camila and Wanda. She didn’t care who heard her loud laugh in response to something Wanda said. He knew if he were to join her, she’d become much more reserved and not say a word. 
He shakes his head, exhausted from feeling like shit. He nearly trips over a rock as Jude jogs up to them. Jude’s words helped but didn’t do much to ease the ache in his shoulders.
Movie night goes without any hiccups, the girls cuddling up on one sofa while Trent and Jude are in the other. Dominik resorts to sitting on the floor, sandwiched between Trent and Jude’s knees but his mind is far from the movie. Nori can’t help but to glance at Dominik every couple of scenes, his eyes always staring blankly ahead at the coffee table and never the telly. 
Nori doesn’t know how much more she can stomach the idea of him just staring off into space. He doesn’t seem well and her first instinct is to ask him if he is okay. 
After the movie finishes, the two of them get left in the kitchen alone. Dominik washes the dishes while Nori dries them with a towel. Camila and Wanda went to Camila’s bedroom because she needed help with an outfit; Trent and Jude went outside to take the rubbish out. 
Nori can make out Dominik’s tensed shoulders, he hasn’t looked at her the entire night. Not that she was taking count, but, still it was never this tense. 
She sets down the dry plate, gathering another wet dish, blurting, “Are you okay with driving me home?”
His dubious eyes bore into hers immediately, making her look down at her hands. She sees the nod of his head in her peripheral vision. “Yeah, I am okay. Are you okay with it?”
She forces out a smile as she peeks up at him, his gaze already on her mouth. “Mm-hmm, I’m okay with it. I will probably have to pee in the third hour though.”
He lets out a small snort, heart quickening with each response, “We can stop.”
Silence falls between them as he rinses the last bowl of popcorn. She catches herself staring at his hands one too many times, mindlessly watching them as soap suds form around them. He lets out a small chuckle as he catches her, but she plays it off as just waiting for him to finish rinsing the bowl.
“So, why did your family move all the way over there?” she questions.
He shrugs, “Work. My dad works out in the docks, not really sure what he does though, fishing maybe?”
Nori laughs, “Who really knows anyway?”
Dominik cheeses and this time Nori blushes. She can’t remember the last time she’s ever felt this nervous talking to someone. She can’t tell if it’s just from him or the way his eyes seem to soften every time he looks at her. But that’s crazy right?
Dominik hands her the last dish and gives her a gentle smile when her hand accidentally lands on top of his wet hand.
“Sorry,” he nervously chuckles. The dimple hidden in his beard catches Nori’s attention, taking her another selfish second to peer at it as it deepens the more she looks at him. 
Dominik is suddenly grateful that he skipped shaving this morning or else Nori would’ve seen the ruby-red blush spilling onto his cheeks. But Nori’s suddenly blinking rapidly, grabbing the dish from him, drying it off, and then placing it into its spot in the cabinet. Whatever spell she seemed to be in was gone the second Trent and Jude returned from outside, and it had taken Dominik aback at just how quick she flipped.
By the time Dominik turned back to look back at where she was standing by the sink, the space was empty and the sound of her door softly closing seemed to resonate like cymbals crashing in his head. 
She was always so fast when the opportunity to avoid him arose. How stupid of him to think a small conversation in the kitchen would change anything; she was just being nice.  
Her palms are grimy with sweat as she waits for Dominik to make his way to the girls’ apartment. Her coat unzipped despite the freezing weather because of how anxious she became once he texted he was on the way. They hadn’t spoken much after movie night, only exchanging waves in class and in the study room. 
And her mother deciding to text her midway doesn’t help ease the shakiness of her hands:
Accidentally wrote down that you’d bring a date for your aunt’s wedding. I tried to change it but the reservations were strict so please try to find someone so they don’t ask about the empty seat beside you. K, I’ll see you when you get here, love you. 
Nori wants to scream, no she actually does scream without realizing Dominik had walked up behind her. 
“You okay?” His voice is fairly calm. 
Turning around to see him, his eyebrows are jutted up in concern. What she doesn’t expect to see is his ungelled hair and trimmed beard. He had been growing a bit of a scruff the past few days but usually he shaved it off completely, never trimmed. And his hair, it was always gelled, always. She didn’t even know his hair was curly when it wasn’t done.
“Uh—yeah, I’m good. My mom texted me.”
He raises his eyebrows again, his mouth opening but then flattening into a smile, “Hah…I understand.” The chilled air makes him tug onto his brown coat tighter as he grabs Nori’s suitcase and holds out his hand for Nori’s backpack. “I got it, you can get it in.”
“Thank you,” she purses her lips into a tight line while giving him her bag. She hops into his very expensive black Range Rover that makes her feel a little out of place.
Dominik loads up her suitcase without much strain and then rounds to the driver seat. After adjusting the controls of the car, he starts the drive, glancing towards Nori every couple of seconds.
“If you want to change the air, go ahead, just click that,” he points to a button. Nori doesn’t even pay attention, distracted with the ring on his finger. Seriously, who was he right now? Has he always worn a ring? Rings?!
“Um, okay.”
He lets out a snort, “You don’t have to be so tense. I’m a safe driver.”
“Sorry, I don't think you’re a bad driver if you get that impression,” she murmurs, furrowing her eyebrows slightly but then gaining her voice, “I’ve never been in a car with you driving anyway. I have no idea.”
He nods his head, “I will be extra careful.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that,” she ends the awkward exchange with just that, slightly scooting away from him. 
Her mother’s text still rang through her head, knowing she had no one to bring along. Most of her close friends at home were going to be either out of town or with family and she didn’t want to rope them into her own family affairs.
She lets out a low scoff as her phone vibrates in her hand. Dominik chooses to ignore it instead of commenting. Meanwhile, another text from her mom:
Bring a boy this time? I’d love to see you with one of those boys from your school. 
She couldn’t hold in the dramatic eye roll and locking of her phone as she rested her head against the headrest. They hadn’t even been driving for two minutes and she was already stressed.
“Did you forget something?”
“Something is wrong?”
Dominik glances at her and then shakes his head briefly, opting out of asking her another question that would go unanswered. Shuffling through his cup holder, he grabs a wooden toothpick and sticks it in between his teeth, hastily turning up the music. 
This was useless, he reminded himself.
About an hour into the drive, Dominik can’t take the silence anymore. It was tense and way too awkward for two ‘friends.’ Every song seemed to be wrong that he kept skipping them, and it was starting to annoy Nori. She wasn't going to say anything but at that moment she wished she had her headphones.
Dominik cuts the music, “Can we talk?”
Nori looks at him, her face full of apprehension, “Yeah.”
“I know you said you forgive me for what happened on Halloween, and I really am sorry, but I don’t think you have actually…forgiven me.” He takes his chance to look at her and almost winces at her shocked expression. He licks his lips, “I’m sorry about that night. I didn’t—I didn’t think it was you—”
“Dominik,” she interrupts. “I know. I do forgive you.”
He rests his hand on the bottom of the wheel as he sinks further into his seat, “But you ignore me like…like you hate me or don’t ever want to see me again.”
Nori bites onto her tongue before she spits out anything rash. She lets out a shaky breath, “I’m sorry I acted that way around you. I have been hesitant to forgive you because that was kinda humiliating. Camila had to dig whip cream out of nose with a cotton swab and I bled all over Trent’s costume.”
He throws his head back with a muffled groan, “I’m sorry.”
A spurted laugh erupts out of Nori as she slaps her hand over her jaw. Dominik’s shocked face only makes her turn away, trying to stifle her laugh. 
“I’m sorry,” she quiets and then bursts into another fit of laughter. “It’s okay to laugh, it was disgusting but it hurt so much. My nose was in so much pain that we went to the doctor’s just to make sure it wasn’t broken.”
Dominik frowns again, not knowing that they took her to the doctor’s office. Even though this was probably the first time Dominik has made her laugh, he still felt guilty. But what really causes his heart to lurch is the brush of Nori’s hand on his arm while she attempts to stop her giggling. He has to grip the steering wheel tighter.
“Okay, okay,” she stops and turns towards him. Her hand is still touching the fabric of his sweater, making him swallow.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed you with your hair not done. Who are you trying to impress?” Nori nudges and Dominik stares at her in bewilderment. He can’t believe who was in the car with him right now. She wasn’t at all the Nori he had been around with, but she was the kind around Camila and Wanda. He only recognized it because he had seen her like this when he would be standing behind them in line waiting for class but they hadn’t noticed him yet. 
He suppresses a smile, proud to finally get on what seems to be her good side. A nervous feeling erupts through his stomach as he turns back to the road, “Um, no one. I’ve had it like this before, but you didn’t notice it.”
“I would have noticed.”
“Would you though?” he looks at her with a sly smirk, one that makes her cheeks grow warm immediately. He chuckles, “Didn’t think so.”
A wistful smile forms on his face after she removes her hand from him, her warmth leaving the spot feeling cold.
“So, we are good?” he questions.
Nori nods, “Yes, Domi, we’re good. You know, you should style your hair like that more often, I like it.”
He has to look out of his mirror to play off the smile that creeps onto his face, but Nori notices it. 
During the third hour, Dominik pulls over to a petrol station so that Nori could relieve herself while he fills his tank. But judging by the dingy white exterior of the building, he advises her to wait for him. 
“It’s fine, I can go by myself.”
“Just wait,” he calls out, shutting the door. Nori huffs while opening her door and hopping out, stretching out her limbs and walking towards where Dominik was. His dark brows furrow at her, his tongue peeking out between his lips, “You’re gonna freeze.”
“So I should go pee now then.”
“Or get back in the car.”
She groans, “I’m going to go pee.”
“Nori,” he warns, his voice laced with finality. His gaze is hard, jaw clenched, and maybe that look would’ve worked on someone else but Nori is too stubborn. The second Dominik turns his back to her, she’s off trotting into the store. Him too oblivious to notice.
Nori beelines to the restrooms while Dominik frantically hurries up, cursing at himself because the pump decided to take forever. Ultimately, he leaves it running and jogs inside. He figures she is still using the restroom because he couldn’t have been that long but then he hears a yelp. At some point while Nori was grabbing a coffee, a man with a bearded braid appeared behind her and grabbed ahold of her elbow. When she went to pull her arm back, his grip only tightened.
She doesn’t even have time to say something because he’s pried off of her and then shoved into the coffee machine seconds later.
“Holy—” she gasps at Dominik’s demeanor. She can only make out a glimpse of his hooded dark eyes because he steps in front of her. His hand scrambles for hers and clasps tightly with her fingers, not even slotting his hand correctly into hers. He wasn’t going to let her slip out of his grasp this time. 
But Nori can’t see the lunge the man made towards Dominik, only Dominik’s free arm suddenly swinging across his body. Then one of the workers yells at the two of them and they quickly scatter outside.
“Did you just punch him?” She yells as they go flying through the doors.
“I said wait for me!”
“He was like 50 years-old!”
“Does that matter?” he shrieks, his grip on Nori’s wrist is tight even though he can feel her tugging away. Nori can tell by his pinched eyebrows that he’s ticked off, and despite Nori trying to play it off, she flinched when he raised his voice. Dominik sighs, loosening his grip and rubbing her wrist with his thumb. “Did you use the restroom?”
She nods, “Yeah, and your lip, it’s bleeding.”
Dominik touches his bottom lip with his hand, feeling the warmth spread onto his fingertips. He curses and ushers the two of them back into his car. He quickly undoes the petrol pump and gets inside. Nori is uncrumpling a wad of napkins from her jacket, making him chuckle.
“Here,” her eyes widen as the blood seems to be oozing out. There was even some blood coating the bottom row of his teeth. She doesn’t give him the napkins, instead leans over the console and presses the napkins to his lips. 
Dominik’s cheeks flush at her being close, but also at the look she’s giving him. She’s worried but focused on the task. The corner of her bottom lip is tucked into her mouth as she concentrates on dabbing the cut. 
“He hit you?”
“Scratched me,” he draws out. His voice is hoarse and throaty, Nori looks up at him. His eyelids flutter as she makes eye contact; it isn’t very noticeable, but Nori wasn’t going to miss something like that. Especially not when his brown eyes seemed to be gleaming with the reflection of the light on his dashboard. 
His Adam’s apple bobs, “Did he hurt you?”
“No,” she assures. “I’m sorry for not listening to you. I should’ve waited.”
“It is okay.” He attempts to give her a smile but half of it is covered from the napkin. She draws the napkin away and for the most part the bleeding has stopped.
Nori notices his bright pink knuckles and bends down to give them a better look. They didn’t look too swollen but the skin was cracking with tiny red dots. 
“I’m fine,” he says, noticing the way her eyes squint.
“I have lotion.”
She shuffles around in her purse, “It’s moisturizer, won’t take the pain away but perhaps some of the crackiness.”
He lets her trace her fingers over his knuckles, his lips tugging into a smile at her gentle touch. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” she looks up at him. She hadn’t realized how close she was to him, their faces only inches apart. She drops her gaze to his lips—to his cut—and he shamelessly looks down at hers. He wants to lean in and kiss her, imagining himself slotting his hand on her neck. She isn’t sure what she is focusing on: his lips or his cut. 
Either way, he was handsome this close up that she chokes on her own spit as the realization dawns on her. The sound of a car honking behind them also sends her flying back into her seat.
By the time they arrive at her house, they go through Dominik’s entire playlist. It’s entirely in Hungarian but she doesn’t mind. They chat some more along the way about their plans for the break; Dominik most likely helping out his dad on the docks and Nori getting through this wedding.
Noticing her mom’s car parked in front of her house, she silently prays that her mom doesn’t come trodding out of the house to meet them. She has always done it before so Nori shouldn’t have expected anything different when her mom comes out waving with an identical smile as Nori’s.
“Sorry,” Nori whispers to Dominik as he hauls her luggage from the boot of his car. Before Nori can respond, she is pulled into a bone-crushing hug from her mother. 
“Nori-baby, I’ve missed ya’,” she cheeses. “OH! You brought a boy! Is this the boy?”
Dominik’s facial expression lights up with a smile as he introduces himself. Nori doesn’t even have time to clarify her relation to him before her mother gives him a hug. Dominik gives Nori a confused but cheery grin as he bends down to rest his head on her shoulder briefly.
“Call me Nat. Oh come on, it must be cold,” she beckons. “Come come, so I can show you the right shade of blue for the wedding. I already bought your dress but I’m sure he’ll need a matching tie.”
Her mother grabs Nori’s hand and Nori peeks back at Dominik while getting dragged inside. He laughs, a gust of wind blowing through his curls as his head falls back. Her luggage is tucked in his hand, backpack swung across his shoulders, jogging up to catch up to them. He wasn’t in a rush to get home anyway, after all, he realized his home was just two streets over.
Her house is taller than it is wide, much different than his, but it’s a traditional home with her neighbors at arm’s length apart. Brown furniture with holiday decorations cluttering the living spaces but it feels cozy. There’s a skinny staircase tucked into the corner that he assumed led to Nori’s bedroom. 
Nori pries her hand away from her mom as she says, “How about you go get the dress while I help Dom with my stuff?”
Her mother nods and Nori finds Dominik in the living room looking around. His eyes linger on a photo of her younger self, his head snapping in her direction when he hears her shoe scape against the floor. 
“Hey,” he smiles.
“Sorry about this. If you need to leave, go ahead.”
“Don’t apologize, it’s okay. She’s kinda like you,” he says and she smiles. “And I’m not in a rush or anything.”
Although Nori wishes he was. She nods, “Hmm, okay, well let’s just take this to my room.” She pats the suitcase and then stretches her arm out for her backpack. He hands it towards her and follows her upstairs, careful to not let the suitcase hit the picture frames that are plastered on the wall.
“Cute house,” he chuckles.
“Shut up.”
“It is cute. A lot of pictures of you.”
“Please stop looking.”
“You were cute,” he says but she knows he isn't finished. “I wonder what happened.”
She turns towards immediately, making him clutch onto the rail as he peers up at her, a shit-eating grin on his face. “I’m going to push you down the stairs if you say something again.”
“You wouldn’t,” he taunts. 
“Nori.” That stupid smirk sandwiched between his dimples only grows as each second of silence ticks by. She rolls her eyes, turning around and going to her bedroom. 
Dominik speaks again, “I know you said something about the wedding, but your mom—”
“She thinks you’re my date.”
“Your date?” He raises his eyebrows, leaning against her bookshelf. His tall frame next to the column of romance and erotica books make her cheeks warm. No boy had ever stepped into her room and she could only pray that he wouldn’t get curious and start looking at the book titles.
She sighs, “During the car ride, she told me to bring a date for the wedding and I got upset because she told me at the last minute, especially when everyone already has plans to be with their family. And then she texted again to bring a boy this time. I usually rope in Trent during these situations but I know he’s busy.”
Dominik nods, crossing his arms, “So she thinks it’s me?”
“Okay,” he shrugs. “When is the wedding?”
“Wait, you can’t be serious. I was just going to tell her the day of that I couldn’t find a date—”
“I can do it,” he repeats as if it were no big deal. “I have a gray suit at home, probably do need a blue tie though.”
“When is the wedding?” Nori’s jaw juts open when he walks towards her with a smirk. He stops when he’s only two steps away.
“Um, in three days.”
“Okay. I’ll be here then.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
He shrugs again, “It’s just a wedding, they are fun.”
They are fun.
That’s what Dominik said about the wedding but Nori wants to vomit. Her hair hadn’t come out the way she envisioned, and her makeup seemed to be wanting to torment her every step. It didn’t want to blend correctly, didn’t want to shine, didn’t want to give her a spark. It was all a mess. Her dress zipper now getting stuck was going to be her final straw. Really. It was. 
She lets out a shaky breath as the rapping of a knock comes from her bedroom door. She doesn’t have the energy to reply ‘one second,’ just wanting to bask in the silence.
But it doesn’t last long because Dominik’s heavy books come trodding in. Looking up at the mirror, Nori watches his confused eyes search the entirety of her bedroom, concern growing through his facial expression, before he finally lands on her figure through the gap of the restroom door. His relief is short-lived because he notices the way she’s hunched over the sink, knuckles taut as she grips the other edges of it.
“Don’t,” she warns as a wave of nausea hits her. His blue tie slides off one shoulder as he rushes to her side.
“We have to leave in ten minutes.”
“I need a minute.”
The entirety of her dress is unzipped from the back, making him gulp. The top of what seemed to be lacy underwear caught his attention that he—
“Sorry,” he looks up at her, his cheeks flushing red. “Sorry. Uh—do you need help?”
“I’m about to throw up.”
“Go away,” she groans. “This is going to be gross.”
“You’re sick?”
“Will you just listen to me?” she pleads and Dominik stops at the desperation of her voice.
He looks at her through the mirror, her eyes beady and only then did he realize how exasperated she looked. “What?”
“Get me a glass of water, please. Downstairs.”
He nods, tossing his tie onto her bed as he rushes out. He has no idea where the cups are stored and opens nearly all of the cabinets until he finds them. Grabbing some ice, and then pouring water into it before heading back upstairs.
The sink is running by the time he returns to her bedroom. He sets the glass down next to her and gawks at her hair pulled up with a clip.
“Did you…?” he asks, voice full of concern.
She nods, grabbing the glass and gulping it down immediately. “Thank you.” Fanning herself with her hand, she explains, “I’m stressed out. I don’t ever throw up because I’m stressed unless it’s really bad and this morning has just not been a good morning.”
“How can I help?”
Nori’s vision clears, finally being able to take in his look. His hair is gelled and combed, beard trimmed, and—is that a slit in his eyebrow? She furrows her eyebrows and turns away, feeling bile rise in her throat. 
“God, that is disgusting.”
“What?” He steps towards her but she holds out her hand. Her hand slips underneath his suit jacket and lands on his stomach. 
“That line in your eyebrow.”
“It’s not that bad,” he mumbles. She couldn’t be serious, he had worked on the eyebrow slit for half an hour.
He erupts into a laugh, “Did that—did that make you gag?”
She looks up at him again and on cue, gags. 
He laughs loudly, “I know I should be offended but I’m not.”
“Stop looking at me.”
“Well don’t look at me then if you’re going to keep gagging.”
“Why would you do that to your pretty face?”
He blushes, stuttering, “You think I’m pretty?”
“Everyone does.”
“Yeah, but…not pretty. Hot, maybe.”
“God, don’t get full of yourself.”
He lets out a giddy laugh, “You called me pretty. C’mere.” Dominik slips the hand on his abdomen to his waist and wraps his arms across her shoulders.
“I’m going to puke!”
“No, you aren’t,” he chuckles, his laugh vibrating in her ear.
Nori pulls her head away from Dominik’s chest so that her makeup doesn’t transfer onto him. She gets a glance of her still unzipped dress from the mirror and groans.
Once she pulls away, she turns around, “Can you help?”
Dominik’s easiness and cockiness immediately diminishes. He isn’t sure where he can pinch her dress that isn’t below her bum, but he was going to have to. He gulps as his fingers brush her zipper, trying to ignore the white thin material of her underwear. 
Nori isn’t in a better state, having held her breath since she turned around. The feeling of his fingers brushing the back of her thigh riddled her body with goosebumps and an unfamiliar feeling pooled in her stomach. 
And god did he take his time zipping up the dress. He goes painfully slow as he inches the zipper higher and higher. By the time he’s finished, Nori fans herself again and Dominik, without thinking, blows air onto the nape of her neck to cool her down. He watches as the goosebumps ghost her skin and smiles. His eyes meet hers and the way she looks in the dress makes him choke. 
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she spins around, trying to forget the feeling of his cool breath on her neck. It makes her feel tingly inside and after the hectic morning and vomit, she doesn’t need that feeling. “I’m going to brush my teeth and then we can leave. You, uh, you look good too, despite that.” She points up to his eyebrow with a teasing smile, he snorts. 
It was intrusive to cut his eyebrow again. He hadn’t done it in a couple of years but after seeing a couple of old photos back at home he decided to give it another shot this morning. After Nori’s reaction, he was never going to do it again.
“I’ll wait in your room,” he whispers. Nori quickly meets him after she’s done and takes the tie that he fiddles around with. He grumbles, “I don’t think I’m doing it right.”
“You aren’t,” she responds and a lazy smile falls onto his face as she stands in front of him. Her hair is down and styled in a way she had rarely done it. He had seen it once before at a banquet, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her that entire night.
Nori tugs him closer with his tie, making him tumble towards her, “Woah.” His comment goes ignored as she slots the tie into the knot she created, pushing it up towards his neck, he places his hand over hers to take over.
“I’m not sure how tight you want it.”
“Thank you,” he smiles. He looks down at her and a giddy but nervous laugh escapes out of him. He watches the way her eyebrow twitches with amusement. “Okay, are you ready?”
The two of them race out the house in order to make it to the venue on time. He opens his car door for her while she gives him instructions. The more she thought about it, she wasn’t sure what to introduce Dominik as. They still hadn’t discussed what the plan was except him already being labeled as her ‘date’ by her mother.
But she doesn’t have much time to ponder because they arrive with two minutes to spare before the doors of the church close. Dominik takes her hand and jogs while Nori tries her hardest not to break her ankles in the heels she wore. Dominik’s roaring laugh ring through her ears as he leads her down the corridor. 
They sit down in the back but Dominik won’t stop laughing despite slapping his hand over his mouth. Nori hit him on his arm to shush him, but it only made him lean closer to her as he stretched his arm around behind her. Nori’s hand settles more on his thigh than hers but she’s too nervous to move it, not like Dominik minds her touch anyway.  
After the exchange of the vows, they get up to take the walk to the reception and Dominik instinctively holds out his arm for Nori to wrap hers inside. Nori’s mother finds them midwalk, “Oh, look at the two of you, how cute! Come come, I need to introduce you to some family.”
Nori wants to protest that they should wait until they are inside but she is sent flying by her mother’s grip. Dominik’s tumbling right beside her, chuckling in her ear. 
As predicted, Nori’s mother introduces Dominik as Nori’s ‘boyfriend,’ and Nori would’ve corrected her but Dominik is so smitten to meet Nori’s family, taking their hands and greeting them with a bright smile. Nori wants to throw up. He is playing the role so well, slipping his fingers into hers and pulling her close after meeting her family.
After they finish, Dominik leans down towards her ear, “Your family is nice.”
“And they all think we’re dating,” she sasses.
“What is wrong with that?” He pulls out her seat for her and scoots his seat closer to her. 
“Nothing,” she says. “Except when they ask about you again, I’ll have to tell them we broke up.”
He clutches his chest, “You are breaking up with me at a wedding?”
Nori breaks out into a laugh as Dominik feigns hurt. “You’re right, I probably shouldn’t say those words at a wedding.”
He chuckles, next time he would her boyfriend and it wouldn’t be just for a day. He slings his arm over her chair and smirks to himself. 
Two hours and a meal and a couple of drinks later, Nori and Dominik were on the dancefloor dancing as if her dress wasn’t centimeters away from having a mishap. Dominik tried to get her to slow down but she was having too much fun with her cousins and some of her aunts dancing. She wasn’t drunk or tipsy, but she had some alcohol in her that Dominik had thought otherwise. She was just excited to dance, that’s all.
“I have to pee,” she yells into his ear as he slides his hand against her waist. He nods and leads her towards the restroom, both of their shoes clacking against the floor. “Are you having a good time?”
The purple glowing lights against his diamond earring has her staring at him for longer than usual. A line of sweat lingers near his temple, his proximity almost overwhelms Nori but also gives her a sense of comfort.
“Yeah I am, they have pálinka.”
“What’s that?”
“Hungarian alcohol.”
“Oh,” she opens the door and holds it open for him. It was a single-use restroom. “You can drink more if you want, I don’t mind driving us back.”
He nods, “I should be sober by then.” It goes without saying when Nori pulls her hair up and turns around in front of him for him to unzip her dress. He does so and exits the restroom, waiting until he hears a small voice that she was done. He had only been out there for a couple of minutes but the air seemed to shift once he came back in. 
Nori’s dress is still unzipped and her back exposed as she leans over the sink. But her gaze. Her gaze is hard as she looks at him through the mirror, making him gulp as he locked the door. He treks slowly and stops barely a foot away from her. 
“You look so good in that black,” she comments. He brushes off the blush he feels because he can do flirting. He can flirt, right?
“I like the way you dance,” he replies.
“What do you like about it?”
“You dance so,” he glances down at her shoulder, “carefree. Not caring what other people think. It’s beautiful, the way you look so happy. I mean, your dress was almost falling but you fixed it and kept going.”
She laughs and he swears he feels his knees buckle. Her eyes gleam within the mirror and it makes him so unsteady that he masks it by zipping her dress. His nimble fingers delicately pinch the material and drag the zipper to the top. Nori leans back, bare shoulders pressing into his chest. His hands rest on her hips as he hesitantly looks up at the mirror. 
“I’ve never—” she stops abruptly, Dominik gives her waist a squeeze for encouragement. He rests his chin against her shoulder, Nori not even fazed with his prickly beard or trying to reel away. “I’ve never…been kissed before.”
He wasn’t sure what he expected to hear but it certainly wasn’t that. The confusion is etched on his face he pulls back and looks down at her, “What? But—” It wasn’t even her age, it was that she was so beautiful. That all he would overhear were guys trying to ask her out. Asking Trent, and even him once, if they could ask her out or knew if she was single. Dominik knew that Trent never shot down a guy’s pursuit either, letting them know to go ahead, heck, he would say the same thing.
She shakes her head, “It’s never bothered me because who would I even kiss? But today my cousins were all telling me how hot you were and that of course I’d bag someone who's ‘so hot’ because I’m ‘so pretty.’ And I kinda found it all so foolish because you and I aren’t dating, and they know I’ve never kissed someone so they think I’ve done it all now…I’m starting to feel a little guilty for lying.”
Dominik steps towards her again, his hands firm on her hips, standing up straight. He feels like he needs to exude some kind of confidence so that it transfers to her. 
Nori speaks before he can, “I know I’m pretty—that sounds really dumb, but I know that I’m—that I’m okay, but still.” Dominik watches the way her shoulders droop and he impatiently waits for her to finish talking. He didn’t like listening to her beat herself up about something. She continues, “I’ve never had a boyfriend. Never been on a date. Never even held hands! And I know it’s foolish, but my cousins would be the first to know and I’m almost certain they know I’m lying.”
“Okay, wait,” Dominik interrupts the second Nori pauses. “Just wait. You are beautiful, super—like—I can’t even think in English—beautiful. Any guy would be lucky just to even get a glance in their direction from you. Any guy. You know Trent and I, guys come up to us all the time to ask about you and we tell them to just go talk to you.” Dominik’s words were coming out so fast as he tried to stop Nori from feeling bad. “And your cousins, I’m sorry for making you lie to them. I can apologize to them, make it clear that we haven’t done anything.” 
Nori rests her head against Dominik collar bone again, her mind forming more thoughts than she can keep up with. Somehow, Dominik’s words disappointed her. It didn’t make her feel wanted. She had heard about guys coming up to Trent, some made it her way but they were never ‘great’ guys. And despite Dominik’s efforts, it only made her feel worse. 
‘Any guy,’ but not necessarily him.
Oh. Oh, she’s going to vomit. That’s what it was. It was Dominik who was making her feel so nervous, so dizzy, the reason her stomach fumbled, and the reason she seemed to want to clench her thighs when he touched her. 
Nori pushes his hands off of her, forcing herself to get off of him. She ignores Dominik’s confused face in the mirror, looking down at the faucet instead. She couldn’t think of Dominik that way, not when he made it clear that he didn’t see her that way.
“Nori?” His voice is soft, so low that she thinks she imagines it. “Are you okay?”
“Can you leave?”
Dominik feels heat creep behind his neck, “What?”
“Can you leave?”
He fumbles over her fragile voice, his heart skipping a beat. He wants to comfort her, wants to ask her what’s wrong—
“Dominik, please, can you leave?”
“Yeah,” he sputters out. “Yeah, I uh, I can.”
He stumbles out of the restroom, bumping into someone on his way out. It’s an old family friend of Nori’s, a guy around their age. 
“Dominik, right?” he asks, and Dominik’s mind is so clouded from Nori’s sudden change of emotion that he can barely muster a nod. “I’m Danny. Nori’s old friend.”
“Nice to meet you,” Dominik mumbles, clasping Danny’s outstretched hand.
Danny pulls Dominik’s hand, forcing Dominik right into Danny’s ear, “So, was it a good fuck?” Danny whispers.
Dominik pushes him off, “What?”
“C’mon, we all saw you go in there with Nori.”
“What the fuck—”
“We had bet y’all wouldn’t last until the night,” Danny nods to a group of guys and Dominik’s stomach churns. Danny holds out his hand for Dominik to clasp, and Dominik can barely think as he weakly takes Danny’s hand. “The way she had your hands on you, you just won me a twenty.”
Danny walks away and Dominik restrains himself from following him and the group. The boys clap Danny once he returns, raising their glasses at Dominik. 
He thinks about storming up towards them, grabbing them by the collar and telling them to leave Nori alone, and he turns in their direction, head hot as he sees them laugh, but the restroom door opens and Nori comes out, looking surprised to see Dominik still there. She gives him a curt smile and walks off.
That small exchange clears Dominik’s rage. 
He follows her down the corridor but the second she walks onto the dancefloor, he loses sight of her. Too many bodies to make out where she went, he heads to the bar.
Seriously, what the fuck was going on? 
“Drive safe,” Nori’s mother says to Dominik. Nori hasn’t mumbled a word since she entered his car. Her heels are in her hands as she peers out the window.
And he really has no idea what he’s doing. One second they were good, the next, Nori is turning away from him after avoiding him the rest of the night.
Nori, on the other hand, just wanted to rip this dress off. It felt too suffocating, poking her in all the wrong places, and too tight, like the lies she buried herself into. Her cousins believed her, but she would soon have to tell them the truth. She couldn’t stomach lying to them for more than a day. Besides her cousins, her aunts and uncles would come up to her during the dance and tell her how they were so happy Nori met someone and that he was making her happy. It was sickening.
As Dominik pulls up her driveway, he debates on following her inside, “Do you need help taking off your dress?”
Nori glances at him, her exhausted eyes make his throat hitch. She nods, grumbling, “What do you think?”
She hops out of his car and he huffs as he turns it off, following closely behind her, “You know, I don’t really know what to think right now. I’m so confused that I—I’m just really fucking lost right now, Nori.”
Nori doesn’t look at him as she keys her front door. She opens it wide enough for Dominik to follow behind her. His hair is ruffled and his blue tie and suit jacket long gone. Hairs peak out through his unbuttoned shirt, and Nori would’ve ogled if she wasn’t so damn exhausted and over with it for the night.
She walks upstairs silently, his heavy footsteps a step away from hers.
“I met Danny.”
Nori freezes, slowly turning towards Dominik, “What?”
“After I left the restroom, I bumped into him. He thinks we had sex.”
“And what did you say?” She crosses her arms. The two of them stand in the upstairs corridor, Dominik leaning against the staircase post.
“I didn’t get to say anything because he walked away so fast.”
Nori swallows, knowing that Danny would spread a rumor to anyone who heard and she certainly didn’t want her mom hearing that she—allegedly—hooked up with Dominik in the bathroom at her aunt’s wedding.
“Look, I’m sorry for what I said in the restroom,” Dominik rubs his hand on his face. “I don’t know if that made you upset, and if it did I’m sorry.”
Nori nods, realizing her silence was only confusing Dominik more and that wasn’t necessarily fair after all he had done for her in the past couple of days, “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize.”
“Was it something I said?” He walks towards her, sticking his hands through his hair.
She nods again, looking at his chest instead of his eyes. She coughs, “I don’t want just any guy.”
“Oh,” he pauses. “Okay, I’m sorry.”
She turns towards her bedroom and pulls her hair up with her hands, Dominik follows behind her. He peels down the zipper again for the final time of the night, a somber feeling in the air.
“You, um, you look really pretty in the blue,” he comments. “My favorite color on you by far.”
Nori feels her throat tighten, the urge to turn around and just spit it out at him forms but she doesn’t. He’s saying all the right stuff, but what, means it all as a friend?
“Dominik,” she blurts, surprising herself as she turns around. She couldn’t keep a secret for long anyway. His eyebrows raise, falling slightly when she doesn’t respond. He stands there, waiting for her to say something but she doesn’t.
Dominik would rather dig himself into a hole and never come up than to be in this awkward, uncomfortable bedroom. He takes a step back, fists shoving into his pockets, “Have a good night, Nori.”
Nori decides within that moment that she isn’t going to let the awkwardness linger for another day, but she also feels her heart shatter.
“Is that what it is?” Nori asks, catching Dominik off guard at how loud but shaky her voice is. “Everyone thinks I’m pretty but no one sees me as—” She stops suddenly.
Dominik’s eyebrows pinch together, “As what?”
“Desired.” Dominik’s eyes grow wide but Nori continues, “No one wants me. No one wants to have sex with me unless what, it’s a bet? Yeah I heard that conversation, Dominik, why did you leave that part out?”
He isn’t even sure what to respond to first, but he’s gasping for some kind of dignity, “I—”
“I mean you certainly didn’t deny it, and so what, were you ever going to tell me?”
“Wait, I didn’t bet on you,” he corrects.
“I know you didn’t, but you didn’t correct Danny. After I had just told you I had never been kissed, do you seriously think I’ve had sex before?”
Dominik freezes, “He caught me off guard, Nori. I was already so confused after leaving the restroom. You—after I said what I said, you got upset, and it made me confused. Then I run into him and it’s like I can’t even understand what he’s saying. I swear all I could think about was punching him and I couldn’t think of words.”
“Are you kidding? After what he did, Nori? Making a bet with his friends?” Dominik nearly flaps his arms. “I was going to do it. Was about to walk towards them too, but then you opened the door.”
Nori stares at him quietly, trying to connect the dots while Dominik sighs, almost too exhausted to plead his case too. It was nearing four in the morning, and Dominik would love to spend more time with Nori, but not like this. Not when they’re both seconds of being frustrated with each other.
And Nori would feel embarrassed after just telling him that she’s a virgin, that she feels less-desired, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t know why, but she doesn’t feel that way in front of him.
“Thank you,” she sighs. “For not going punching him and causing a scene, but also for your words.”
He winces, “Not like they seemed to help much.”
“Yeah, but, it was thoughtful.”
Dominik doesn’t feel right leaving her after the conversations they shared, it doesn’t seem like everything that needed to be said had been said.
He scratches his neck, almost groaning at the words that find his brain because he knows he can’t convey them in a better way, “I…you know how you said no one wants you?”
Nori flops on her bed and buries her head with her hands, “God, that sounds so pathetic”
“What?” Dominik comes up to her and drops to his knees slowly. He doesn’t care about how much her wooden floors seem to make his knees ache, just that she would listen to his words.
“It was so dumb—”
“No it wasn’t,” Dominik says, his voice firm. “It wasn’t. Look, we haven’t necessarily been on the best of terms, and when we do, it feels like we sometimes go back to square one, but I like you, Nori. Not in the friend way, in the ‘I want you to be mine one day’ way.”
Nori’s throat bobbles as she peeks at him through her hands. He lets out a nervous chuckle, gently prying her hands from her face and clasping their hands together.
“I’ve liked you since the day we met, which hasn’t been great since you’ve ignored me the past month after I almost broke your nose—” Nori laughs and Dominik’s chest squeezes at his confession but also her joy. “I’ve been trying to make it up since then. I just didn’t want to make you feel pressured, it’s why I hadn’t made a move. First, I didn’t want you to feel like you owe me something after I gave you a ride. You don’t, nothing at all. And then after telling me you haven’t been kissed before, I backed off because I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
Nori feels the tears well up in her eyes, blinking them away before they can spill. Dominik’s gentle eyes bounce between hers, his thumbs stroking her the mountains of her knuckles.
“Thank you,” she musters. If he was going to be honest, she needed to too. “I got upset in the restroom because I realized I liked you. It was right after you said that any guy would be lucky to be looked at by me, and I got upset because it wasn’t you.”
Dominik chuckles, “I’m the luckiest guy right now, looking right at you.”
Nori laughs, wiping the tear that fell, and then wrapping her arms over Dominik’s shoulders, burying her head into his neck. He hugs her back, his hands slipping through her unzipped dress and landing on bare skin.
“Thank you for giving me another chance,” he presses his lips to her temple gingerly, leaving a chaste kiss on her skin before squeezing her tighter. He kisses her exposed shoulder a few times.
Nori pulls away from the hug and Dominik raises one, questioning eyebrow at her. It’s the eyebrow with the slit and for whatever reason, Nori finds that as the cutest thing she’s ever seen in that moment. She chuckles, kissing his slitted eyebrow. His eyes narrow as smiles, cheeks bubbled up in Nori’s hands.
And she does it, she presses her lips against his and it’s fast. Very quick and nervous. Dominik’s laugh vibrates underneath her hands as he bats his eyes bashfully, “Nori…maybe a little longer wouldn’t hurt.”
She nods, initiating the next kiss as his hands relax at her waist. He wasn’t going to make the next move, only wait for her. Her lips are still hesitant when they meet his, and his lips part in a smile. She giggles, finding more confidence to press her lips harder against his and Dominik has to stand up in order to not fall back, but god he’s been waiting for months for this moment.
She pulls away, “How was that?”
“Better,” he cheeses, pecking her nose. He sits down beside her on her bed, “So, our first date, I was thinking about a night by the docks? At the restaurant that’s there?” Nori listens to his next words but she’s so infatuated with the way he speaks, the way he’s so emphatically enthused and passionate. “Oh! And we can hold hands as we walk down them.”
She chuckles, slipping her hands into his and pecks his cheek, “Okay. I’m excited for it, but can you please help me out of this dress now?”
Nori had no idea what she was doing or if she was walking in the right direction. Their first date wasn’t until a couple of days laters but Nori had to see Dominik. And the docks, they were so windy, the wind battering her hair as she walked alongside the pier. She had seen so many, so many different boats and god she really hoped these last few piers she’d find Dominik or else she’d feel really stupid.
She clutches onto her coat tighter, going up on her tippy toes to look at the men working on the boats and docks. They all had hats and blue jumpsuits, some with wet suits. And ugh, what if Dominik and his dad were in the water and wouldn’t be back until later? She should really just call Dominik instead of trying to surprise him.
There was only one dock in her hometown, but it was so long. She realized that quickly once she started the walk.
A whistle comes from behind her, she tries to ignore it but then another comes, short but loud whistles. She turns around, seeing a blue jumpsuited-figure standing meters away, so far that she can’t make out who they are very well. They give her an overly-enthused wave, hand flapping across their head.
But Nori can make out the wavy curls and Dominik’s bright smile. She chuckles, heading his way while he meets her midway.
“Hi,” he cheeses, pulling her into a hug, his arms are tight as they wrap around her waist.
“Hey,” she shies.
“Surprised to see you here,” he chuckles. “My dad said he thought he saw a girl walking the piers, I just said she was probably going to take pictures somewhere and I look up and it’s you.”
Nori takes in his outfit, black boots, a zipper kind of jumpsuit that he would slip into. The zipper is unzipped to his abdomen, displaying the black shirt he wears underneath. He looked so much different than what she was used to. No one had the pleasure of seeing him like this back in Liverpool, just her.
“Nori?” he questions, eyes glinting as he dips his head towards her.
“Sorry, this outfit.”
He shuts his eyes, “It’s a part of the job—”
“No, it’s cute!”
Dominik lets his hands linger on her waist, chuckling, “You’re a terrible liar.”
“It’s cute,” a hand of hers slips between them and pinches his dimpled cheek. Pressing herself up to her tippy toes, she kisses him briefly on his cheek, a goofy grin on her face that Dominik’s knees buckle for a second. She pulls back, digging into her purse, “I brought you something.”
Dominik’s eyebrows raise in surprise, “Me?”
She nods, “Yes.” She pulls out the tiny bottle of pálinka and hands it to him. “I know you didn’t get to drink it at the wedding, and I’m not saying to drink it now, but I saved one for you.”
He laughs, “Aww, Nori, this is sweet, but I told you you don’t owe me anything.”
She shakes her head, holding her hands up, “I’m not taking it back, and I know you said that but it’s just a little something. I don’t owe you anything, I know.”
Dominik grins, stuffing the bottle in his pocket. He would’ve spotted Nori in a room of crowded people, and that’s exactly what it felt when he saw her walking alongside the pier. Her here just for him. He really wanted to pull her for a proper kiss.
He peeks back at the docks his father was at, confirming that it was out of his view. As soon as he turns back to face Nori, he pulls her in for a hug and picks her up, spinning her. She lets out a yelp, clinging onto shoulders.
“Thank you for coming,” he exclaims, “I’m really happy to see you.”
Once he places her back on the ground, his hand slides behind her ear and pulls her in for a kiss. It’s sweet, chaste, and has Nori fumbling to catch up to his movements because his lips were engulfing hers.
She wouldn’t mind doing this again, not at all.
Note: If you made it this far I love you so much and you are so cool and deserve the best itw, especially after putting up with Domi's sloppy performance. Brave soldier. (:
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testingthewatersss · 9 months
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Are you my Captain? Trigger warnings for PTSD, mentions of war, arguing, etc. Protective Steve is lowkey an asshole. Bucky Barnes x F Reader Chapter 2 1470 words fluff, angst, tension, comfort. 18+ MDNI
You each tell your own friends. That was the deal you made with Bucky when you finally got together. A year later and he's finally figuring out why you'd been so sure that you'd gotten the better part of the deal with Tony.
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She wants him to not be hungry, but she doesn’t think her concern is going to be particularly helpful in achieving that goal- so, she just beams, and when they get into the car, asks him to pull through one of her favourite drive-throughs.
He obliges without a fight, and even orders himself a meal without her having to prompt.
They eat in the parking lot. Not rushing to get back to the tower now they’re already on their way.
And then, they arrive. They pull in to the underground garage and decide to head straight up to the suite they share.
They’re hand in hand and walking, and then—
Their hands part instantly as they observe how he’s stood, anxiously guarding their door, with Natasha off to his right, clearly trying to make him reconsider his position.
Bucky grumbles something under his breath, and Y/N squeezes his hand, knowing how much he hates any kind of confrontation with the man.
“Hey, Cap—” she greets a little too loudly, “—Nat” she adds, “Isn’t it a little late for a surprise visit?”
Her sudden arrival and pleasant demeanour has clearly taken the duo off guard.
“I didn’t want to miss you gettin’ back” Steve says, “and I figured you might not come up through the front—.”
“You figured right” Bucky inserts, voice significantly less cheery,
“I didn’t know you were with her, Buck, you’re back late—”
“—We got food” he snaps, cutting the blonde, off, “I didn’t think I still had to ask for permission to do things like that.”
The sharpness in his words hits Steve like a slap. His posture changes instantly, and Natasha steps forwards, trying to alleviate the tension.
Y/N even relents, whispering out a “play nice” that only Barnes can hear.
He looks at her for a second and then sighs.
“Tony asked him to come pull me out of the office” Y/N explains calmly, “You know he’s weird about me driving in the dark, and we decided to make a detour to a drive through on our way back. If we’d have known you were waiting to ambush me again we’d have brought you some fries.”
The red haired woman laughs, and tries to hide the “I told you this wouldn’t work” on her face as she looks back on Steve.
It doesn’t work well at all, and Y/N ends up beaming at her in response.
“I just wanted to ask you again—”
“You can ask as much as you like” she says, “My answer isn’t going to change.”
“And you weren’t expecting Barnes—” Nat chimes in, “Now he’s here maybe you can just ask him instead.”
Y/N scoffs as Bucky stares at him, patience waining.
Steve is clearly uncomfortable. He hadn’t anticipated being caught like this;
“I… uh—“
“You wanted to ask me if I’m working for SHEILD—” Bucky says, irritated, “—I’ve told you a hundred times that I’m not.”
“Its not just SHEILD” Steve clarifies, “I know you haven’t signed up officially, Buck, but if they wanted to draft you as an—”
“Just say what you mean, Steve” Y/N commands, “You mean me— You’re asking if I have asked him to do anything off the books.”
“Have you?”
“I’m not answering that” she says indignantly, “I’ve told you it would be classified, frankly I’m a little insulted that you won’t just drop it—”
“That’s not a no” he fires back, “I—”
“It’s none of your business” Bucky says, “I’m a grown man, and all this sneakin’ around, turnin’ up at head-office, cornerin’ Y/N/N and tryin’ to get her to tell you my business needs to stop. You’re actin’ crazy, Steve.”
That takes him off guard. His jaw is slack, until it ticks, locking as he folds his arms over his chest.
“I’m just worried about you, Buck”
“Why?” he counters, “I’m safe, now, or at least that’s what everyone keeps tellin’ me. Should’t I be able to decide to just go away for a couple of days without having to report everything I plan on doin’ before I’ve even left? Shouldn’t I be able to go out to dinner without needin’ to tell you, first? I mean christ, shouldn’t you trust me to make my own decisions without checking them with you first?”
His voice is hurt now, and it takes everything in Y/N for her not to reach out and hold his hand to comfort him.
Natasha is clearly uncomfortable too. This is exactly what she’d been trying to avoid.
The silence following his outburst hangs in the air for a moment, until Steve looks up;
“So you are going out of town?”
Y/N mutters out a curse at the same time as Bucky as Natasha finally snaps,
“That’s what you took from that?!” she demands, “You are so—”
And then Y/N knows they’re going to start arguing. Properly arguing.
“Would you like to come inside?” she asks, loudly enough for the bickering duo can hear the invitation, “It’s a little crowded out here.”
Bucky nods, shouldering his way past a gob-struck Steve, who’s still trying to piece together why he’s so upset.
Natasha will explain it to him. Y/N knows she will, even if it takes all night for her to break down that he’s become so focused on answering his one, inane question that he’s lost sight of why he wants to know in the first place.
“He loves you” is the first thing that Y/N says when the door shuts with a click behind them, “a whole lot”
“He’s a punk” is Bucky’s jovial response, though she thinks his tone is still laced with upset.
When she looks at him properly, she can see the true hurt on his face. It tugs at her heartstrings until one almost snaps in her chest;
“C’mere” she sighs, relenting and opening her arms for a hug, “Maybe we should just tell him— ‘bout the mission, ‘bout us— all of it…”
Bucky shakes his head, before he ducks it against her shoulder.
His hands are clutching her waist, as he draws in a breath.
“It’s the principle, Y/N/N” he tells her, “He doesn’t trust me to make my own choices, he keeps actin’ like I’m a child or somethin’ and I’m not lettin’ him get into the habit of pesterin’ us for information.”
Her eyes roll at his stubbornness.
They’re much more similar than either of them realise, she thinks.
“Well, we could at least tell him there is an us” she barters, “That might be enough for right now?”
“He’s not asking about us” Bucky sighs, and again, she thinks he sounds awfully, sad, “He’s only interested in if I’m fighting or planning on fighting, doll, if he’d asked me anything, anything at all ‘bout us, or how I felt ‘bout anything other than SHEILD, or the tower, or the price of groceries then maybe I’d want to him to know—”
“You do want him to know” she counters, “I know he’s annoyin’ you right now, but he’s your brother, and you—”
“Want him to care about more than just where am I, or where I plan on going.”
“He cares” Y/N promises, stroking his back now, “He’s just worried, baby… I think he’s so paranoid about losing you again that he can’t focus on anything else.”
He doesn’t reply. He just holds her tighter as he sighs into her shoulder, tension starting to ease now that he’s safely away from the conflict.
“We’ll see what mood he’s in when Natasha’s finished with him” she chuckles, “I think she was about done with his attitude before that little performance…"
That makes him smile, small and hidden at the idea of Romanoff saying everything he's been thinking for weeks, now.
It might've been satisfying to watch if the situation wasn’t so sad.
If the idea of raised voices didn’t make him want to cower in some far away corner.
“You’re tired” Y/N notes again, tone firmer now, “Let’s go to bed?”
He hums noncommittally, and makes no attempt to move away from the embrace.
She laughs then, soft and gentle before she presses her lips against his head.
“C’mon, Baby” she presses, “You can have all the fussin’ you want once we’re in bed.”
He wants more ‘fussing’ than she could ever feasibly give him, but that doesn’t stop her trying.
It doesn’t stop her from covering him in extra dry cleaned blankets, and helping him arrange himself neatly against her flank so that she can turn onto her side to watch him.
To watch his expression melt all the way from shy, to adoring, and then, to plain old exhausted as she strokes his temple, tracing gentle circles across the delicate skin as he fights to keep his eyes open.
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1 | x | 3
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lilyrealm · 1 year
i wrote a wren one shot before continuing mickeys crush one shot SORRYYYY i was possessed by horny. content under readmore, wren x f!reader, ~700 words. ao3 version
Mickey needed you to pass something to Wren. Simple enough; you had long become accustomed to being their middleman. But when you stepped into the little cottage in Remy's estate, you were surprised to find him by himself.
Wren looked up at your arrival and raised his eyebrows, looking relaxed. "What a surprise."
You made a show of looking around as you closed the door. "No cards?"
He shrugged, gazing out the window. It was already dark. "Remy's been asking for extra help to deal with that rival of his. He's wondering how a two-man job could be sabotaging him so often." Wren gave you a wry smile.
You returned it with a smile of your own as you approached him and slid Mickey's package across the table.
"Careful, what if someone walks in? This is top secret, it is."
"I'm sure we can think of a way to cover it up," you teased, leaning in close.
Wren tucked the black box into his pocket and raised a hand to your hair, twirling it around his finger. Mischief danced in his eyes.
"Eager, are you?"
You bit your lip and took a bold seat on his lap, tilting your head towards his. "Maybe." Your hands slid down his chest, reaching the hem of his shirt and slipping underneath. "I took my victory from you yesterday, but I didn't get what I wanted."
"Oh?" Wren let out a breathy chuckle, but his gaze was hooded. "I left the whole estate in shambles, darling. For you. What else could you want?"
You could feel his cock straining against the fabric of his pants and your own thin panties. You grinded down a little harder and his breathing stuttered, his hands gripping you firmly. You pressed your forehead against his, your lips inches away from touching.
"Your friends are nice, but you don't seem very comfortable naked in front of them."
"Well, we can't all have your confidence, Venus."
"How about now? We're all alone..." You leaned in close and your lips met.
Without any stakes, Wren immediately pushed you against the table, his hands making quick work of your clothes. Your hands felt up his chest as your flimsy panties gave way, exposing your pussy. He pulled off his pants and briefs in one smooth move and positioned his cock at your entrance, hard and slick in anticipation.
You pulled away from him to take a breath, and he squeezed your ass cheeks, eliciting a soft moan.
"We've got the cottage till sunrise, baby. I think I'll enjoy making you cum on my cock till I'm the only one you can think of." With that, he swiftly pushed you down, filling you up instantly.
You cried out as he backed you onto the table, hair splayed beneath you as he thrust deep into you. You arched your back and his hand snaked into your hair and pulled it back, baring your neck to him.
"Remy's always lamenting your loss from the farm," Wren whispered as he pressed kisses onto your neck. "Says he'd love to bend you over a table and fuck some devotion into you."
His grip on your hair was almost painful now, but it all went straight to your groin, heating you up.
"He doesn't know I see your pretty pussy every week," he said cockily, lifting your legs up for better access. "And if anything, you're devoted to me."
He sped up, fucking you at an almost manic pace now, balls slapping against your skin loudly. The heat within you was growing at an unbearable rate.
"How would you like that, pretty girl?" he murmured, pressing his mouth against the dip of your neck. "Come back home with me and let me fuck you on every surface."
You couldn't respond as your climax hit you, as you clenched around Wren's cock and let waves of ecstacy rolled over you. Wren came quickly after, pumping his sperm deep within you, and you pressed close to him so it would go as deep as possible.
"Tryin' to make me a dad?" he panted, nuzzling into you. "I'll do it for you."
You stayed like that for a while, until he got some of his energy back and started feeling you up again. As you looked into his eyes, you had a feeling you were in for a long, long night.
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light-end-dragon · 2 months
Chapter 6
Mika: Mnn~.....I’ve not been good at rememberin’ people’s face. Have I met ya anywhere before? If I did, I might’ve just straight up forgot.
Mika: Could ya tell me your name then? 
Makoto: Oh, right-sorry. I’m a bit late in introducing myself, huh? I’m Makoto Yuki. I’m in Class A, same as Anzu-chan!♪
Mika: Yuki-kun from Class A? Yuki….Yuki………Nnnn, where’ve I heard that name before? 
Mika: Can I ask what unit you’re in? 
Makoto: I’m a part of Trickstar, actually. Though I feel like I still have a long way to go as an idol compared to everyone else.
Makoto: Still, little by little, I’m sticking through with it to catch up with them….♪
Mika: That’s real cool of ya, keepin’ at it through the hardship….
Mika: Mmm~.....? Nnnrrg, Trickstar……..
Mika: NnnaaaaaaAAHH?!
Makoto: What-the-that scared me! Why-why are you yelling so loudly all of a sudden?
Mika: You said Trickstar….They was the ones who brought down fine!!
Mika: No wonder you’re familiar with ‘the producer’, you ought’a be!!
Mika: Are you really a good person? You was just tryin’ to trick me with your words! And you’re friends with Nazuna-nii….that means Yuki-kun is my enemy!
Mika: Don’t you dare talk t’ me…!
Makoto: I, uh-what?! I…think I might have said something that hurt his feelings…Anzu-chan, do you know what? 
Makoto: Somehow he considers Trickstar as Valkyrie’s enemy.
Makoto: Since Anzu-chan is helping us as a producer, I guess you would be one as well, huh?
Makoto: Kagehira-kun, you mentioned Nazuna-nii, though. Were you talking about Nito-senpai?
Nazuna: Jeez, that was minutes of my life I’ll never get back….
Makoto: Oh, Nito-senpai-welcome back! How did it go; did you get all the candy off?
Nazuna: Yup, all of it.~♪  It was like a hair’s breadth away from hitting my uniform, though. That would’ve sucked to get dry cleaned……
Mika: ………
Nazuna: Oh….Kagehira. How-how do you feel? I bought a bunch of things here, you should find something you think you can eat.
Nazuna: Are you hurting anywhere? Here, let me help…
Mika: Get away from me-don’ touch me!!!
Mika: Nazuna-nii, you’re a traitor!! Don’t ya dare come an’ trick me into thinkin’ ya care ‘bout me! I ain’t gonna forgive you, ever! 
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Mika: Nazuna-nii….nnn, stop it!! 
Mika: Stop-stop bein’ so cute when I’m tryin’ to hate ya! 
Mika: It’s useless believin’ anythin’ you say t’me. I won’t listen to none of it..!
Makoto: I-is it okay for us to be here? I don’t want to just stand around doing nothing, but I’m not sure if a mediator would be okay here…?
Nazuna: Anzu, Mako-chin, let’s go outside. The longer we stay, the more agitated he’ll get, and his body can’t handle that. 
Nazuna: He looks like he’s about to faint from how angrily he’s shouting; he has no stamina left to speak of..
Nazuna: I want to take off from school and stay here, but it seems like Kagehira will just keep rejecting him. I don’t expect Anzu to be any different either.
Nazuna: Oh, but maybe Mako-chin….If it’s you, he might not be so on guard?
Makoto: I-I’m sorry. I told him I was a member of Trickstar and he suddenly declared I was the enemy….
Makoto: So it’s probably a bad idea if I stay with him.
Makoto: Wouldn’t Anzu-chan be a better choice than me anyway?
Makoto: While she is a “producer”, she isn’t just our producer. 
Nazuna: Maybe. Then whenever Kagehira calms down, I can leave watching over him to her. Right now is not a good idea, though. Man, if only Itsuki were actually here right now…
Nazuna: At any rate, we’ll just keep making Kagehira’s symptoms worse if we stay.
Nazuna: Though I don’t like the idea of leaving him here without the teacher being around. Maybe I should go and check on him in secret after…? 
Mika: Y-you’re ignorin’ me-are ya tryin’ to trick me into sayin’ I’m lonely without you??
Mika: I got Oshi-san-I ain’t lonely, even if Nazuna-nii’s not here no more! 
Mika: Why…..Why’re you the one who helped me? Why didn’t ya leave me behind?? Just stop-don’t be so kind t’ me when I’m your enemy! 
Nazuna: Kagehira, that’s not how it works. It doesn’t have anything to do with being enemies or friends or whatever. It’s normal to see a person in distress and help them out. 
Nazuna: Besides, Mako-chin and and Yuuta-chin carried you here. All I did was go buy some things for you to eat. You should at least thank the rest of them. 
Nazuna: I know you think Mako-chin’s an enemy because he’s part of Trickstar…
Nazuna: But he helped you out a lot. It’d be really rude to not properly say thank you.
Nazuna: And the Kagehira I know is a kid who hates being that rude. Isn’t that right, Kagehira?
Mika: Nazuna-nii….
Mika: E-even if you’re the enemy, I’d feel bad for not sayin’ thanks. So…thank ya kindly, Yuki-kun.
Mika: But even then, please…don’t try an’ get all friendly with me.
Mika: You too, Anzu-chan. You’re so unbothered even when I’m yellin’ at ya….it’s crazy. It’s stupid how guilty I’m feelin’. 
Mika: ….If I sleep some more I think I’ll get some energy back. Y’all…y’all have your lessons. You should go back t’ class. No…I shouldn’t say that…I….
Mika: Nazuna-nii….I don’t wanna see your face no more.
Nazuna: ….tch. I get it. Sorry. I’ve overstayed my welcome.
Nazuna: Today, it was Mako-chin and Yuuta-chin who carried you here. But had I found you like that myself, I would never just leave you there.
Nazuna: Even without any history, we’re still fellow students at the same school. But if it’s even just that, and you still hate me….there’s nothing I can do.
Nazuna: …Okay, that’s all I wanted to say to you. Well then, Kagehira…take care. And please feel better soon.
0 notes
randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
Alchemical: Vol 1 Prompt List
Prompts for Dove Cameron’s album, Alchemical Vol 1, practice good reblog karma and sent a prompt or two to the person you reblog this from
Usually I keep it casual
Cause she walks like a saint, floats like an angel
Can't feel my face, I should've stayed home
I know what she's doin', she's a lethal woman
I came all this way just to feel this
Know that I'm coming to get ya, cause game recognizes game
I didn't ask for this but I'm not mad at it
So if I can't resist, I guess I'm powerless
I didn't ask for this, I’m not a masochist
I guess I'm into it, I like a lethal woman
Man on the screen they only see whatever you want them to see
We only know higher than high, lower than low, no in-between
Bubblewrap the heart in plastic
The question we're scared of asking
Can we just stand still?
Face in the crowd, merry-go-round, kiss me with your razor blade mouth
We could be what they dream about
How dare you dare me to love you when you can't love me too?
If you jump, I will too
Your smoke in my hair, hot and dirty like the L.A. air
But you don't know what you don't know
So you wanna talk about power? Let me show you power
I eat boys like you for breakfast
And they'll always be mine, it makes me feel alive
I never said it's right, but I'm gonna keep doing it
And honestly, I'm getting high off it
What's worse?  Being wanted but not loved or loved but not wanted
What's worse?  Hearing what you wanna hear or hearing what's honest
Our love's misaligned 'cause you're on my mind every night
I ignore the signs and I don't know why
Cause, baby, I saw the end when we began
You couldn't love the way I can
I tried to bargain with the stars
I tried to bargain with the stars for more than half your heart
You have more pieces of me than the desert has sand
I have less pieces of you than I can hold in my hand
What hurts is the one thing that you wanna do is the one thing that you shouldn't do
What hurts is knowing what's good for you just doesn't look good to you
I stretch out the time and now I know why
Let's talk about love, let's talk about this
Sex, money and drugs, flick, flick of the wrist
Got the Midas touch, fuck you think this is?
Where'd you come from, where'd you go?
If you're ready, let me know
Make you swallow all that pride
Snow on the floor, honey, I can't see straight
Who needs friends anyway?
It's a slippery slope, a heavy dose of heaven knows
She soprano, the way she hit that high-c note 
I am no home for you, I am shades of blue
You are beautiful, I am next to you
Learn to see the world through your eyes, I know it’s a scary place 'cause you told me so
Love of my life, would you lie?
Are you only tryin' to hurt me, babe, so you can be my savin' grace?
Just a boy with a man's face, playin' God's game
I try to fight to get you out my brain but like a bloodstain, you remain
I made myself a home for everyone but me
Been alchemical ever since fifteen
And if I'm honest, I just never saw all this comin'
I prepared with so much care
I was runnin', it was stunnin'
I am desperate from delusions, not much of a solution
Never knowin' what the truth is, oh, God
I can't believe we're finally alone
I can't believe I almost went home
What are the chances? Everyone's dancing, and he's not with you
The universe must have divined this
What am I gonna do?  Not grab your wrist?
I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did, up all night, I won't quit
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman, plus all my clothes would fit
I don't need to tell you twice, all the ways he can't suffice
If I could give you some advice, I would leave with me tonight
Ladies first, baby, I insist
I never would have left you alone, here on your own
Never would have left you alone, for someone else to take you home
Plus you know my clothes would fit
The foundation's here, but the magic is gone
I let you in, then you let it all decay
The lights are burnt down, the flowers are dead
Somehow I'm still 'supposed to sleep in this bed
Gave you a key, but I couldn't make you stay
But I'm still glad you came to visit
Love is like a house of fragile things where hearts can be broken as easy as antiques
And now there's glass all shattered at my feet, what we built together, you left in smithereens
I'll paint all the walls, a fresh coat of blue but I'll never cover the memory of you
Watchin' me sleep, dancin' on your feet always, I'll replace the floors, whatever I do
The ghost of you will always live in these rooms
You get to leave, I don't have that luxury
0 notes
notmuchtoconceal · 2 years
henry genuine article kept going on these insane frothing rants about douchebag porn in my DMs despite his likes being full of athleticbrutality posts and it made no fucking sense to me ever because, uh -- bro, did you see the shit he used to write?
the shit he used to write was nasty, brutish and long. the shit he used to write was exquisitely realized erotic horror that delved into the rawest part of the primal pain. i thought i was dealing with a sophisticated adult who had a handle on his own shit, but nope.
that was me. that was my projection.
all the good smut i used to write came completely outta denial. that shit would rise straight up outta my unconscious and i would look at it and compute cultural critique. that the substance of my unconscious is not my own, it was inherited -- is a true statement. these impulses came from others, and any shame i ought feel about them must be shared with my progenitors. if they can't fuckin deal, fuck em. i'm not gonna be a coward to preserve their feelings.
it's true. i did have a shitload of unconquered egoism i'd never properly dealt with. so do most men. the constantly agonizing, aching contortion at narcissism, narcissism, narcissism, my poor friend, the lil idiot, the wise man and eternal child, inflicted upon me were entirely at his own expense. his narcissism may not have originated in him -- from the descriptions of his mother and father he gave, i'm certain it didn't originate in him -- yet nonetheless, it was in him when we spoke, and if he's not dead in a gutter somewhere, it's still in him now.
if he doesn't wanna take responsibility for his own narcissism, he's making excuses. if he wants to scream the shit he hates about himself at the only people who can tolerate his presence long enough to know him, he's guaranteed to end up alone, which is what he wanted. he was deeply unhappy because he never knew himself because he spent his whole life trying to make himself acceptable to people who hated him, and i loved him, but i wasn't good enough for him, because he had no barometer for what constituted a healthy relationship or even a healthy reality.
bro, he wanted me to be his dad, but he also had me sterotyped as an idiot millenial for some reason?
he didn't think any of his presuppositions through because he just kept adopting everyone's opinions to not get hit. of course he was a raging narcissist. you were apparently the only one who listened to him and didn't judge, except uh -- every time you defended yourself against his insane projections, he thought that was judging.
he needed everyone to be his mother. everyone needed to offer him unconditional love and encouragement and infinite patience or else they were the bad man. he had no idea how deeply traumatized he was. he didn't know the things you knew. he talked fucking forty miles a minute and you never had any time to make him pause and clarify basic things about his worldview, so ya just sorta rolled with it.
ya keep rollin, ya get flattened. i don't know what to tell you, bro. the whole time you listened to him and expected no reciprocity in return because you didn't want anyone's help, because your problems are your own, but um -- y'know, all that's doin is you encouraging yourself to erase yourself?
i know what you think you're doing is that if you don't ask for accommodation people can't hold anything over you, but what you're actually doing is telling yourself you don't matter, cause other people are gonna constantly hold things over you, and if there must be a mandatory social contract you can't click off, you're entitled to collect on your due and free-associate or not to your heart's content.
you should have let your good friend know you could have done better than him. it's what he wanted. it's what he knew. it would have made him want you more, cause you know -- how good can you be if you're willin to put up with his bullshit, huh?
he's unpopular for a reason, you know how stupid you must look tryin to be his friend?
mate, how dense can ya fuckin be?
0 notes
1986harrington · 2 years
hi! can i request steve with, “It’s pouring rain why are you here?” + “I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” from the prompt list? (maybe reader randomly shows up to steves drunk?) <3.
Hey anon! I'm so sorry I'm such an awful human being and this took so long, but here it is! It's over 3k so hopefully worth the wait ahssnndks
“What d’you mean you don’t know where she is?” Steve demanded, incredulous. 
It had been no more than twenty minutes since you’d called him, words slurred down the phone and practically incoherent over the sound of music blaring from a stereo in the background. He managed to determine that you were at yet another of Chelsea Carlton’s parties, which shouldn’t have been hard to guess since all you seemed to do these days was hang around with people you never used to be able to stand, and get drunk in the process. 
He wasn’t sure if you’d been asking him to come get you, the call cutting off before he could really make sense of why you were calling. But if there was even the smallest chance that you needed him there, he couldn’t risk not showing up.
It had been almost a month since you’d broken up, and it definitely hadn’t been a mutual thing. Steve had walked around in a perpetual daze for at least 48 hours, trying to make sense of everything you’d said.
“I love you so much, more than anything. But it’s not enough if you don’t feel the same.”
“You know everything there is to know about me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t tell you, but you’re holding something back from me, and I need to know what it is.”
“I can’t do this anymore if you’re not gonna be honest with me.”
“If you really loved me, you would tell me. If there’s someone else, please just put me out of my misery. Please.”
“I'm done. We're over, okay? I can’t do it anymore.”
Those words lived inside his head on a constant, tortuous loop. Three, four, five times a day since, he’s considered telling you the truth. 
About the Upside Down; about what really happened to Will Byers; how Barb and Chrissy really died; how he got those scars he could never explain to you; why he slept with the hallway light on and woke up in the night, sweating and panting and scrambling for his baseball bat he kept under the bed. 
But he couldn’t be that selfish. 
He couldn’t turn your whole world upside down, drag you into the danger that came with knowing about all that stuff, the fear that would plague you once you knew the truth.
He’d have done anything to keep you.
Anything, except the one thing you needed him too.
He wouldn’t ruin your life. 
So he didn’t deny it when you said he was keeping something from you. He didn’t object when you implied he didn’t love you enough, and fuck, he didn’t correct you when you asked him straight to his face if there was someone else. 
He just stood and watched you fall apart, let you sob and hit at this chest with frustration when he couldn’t even do you the courtesy of answering out loud. He hoped the look in his eyes would be enough; a silent, unspoken apology for everything he was putting you through. But you still left his house that night in tears, car tearing off down his driveway only to pull in a couple hundred yards down the street, head falling back against the headrest - eyes closed and streaming with tears as your hands beat at the steering wheel.
Steve smashed up his house that night - his fist through the bathroom mirror, the desk by his window flipped over and contents scattered across the floor, beside lamp smashed with a swing of his bat, until he was sitting amongst broken glass and splintered wood wondering how the hell he had fucked this all up so badly.
He’d been a little surprised that first weekend when he heard you were at a party. Sure, you’d always been up for a good time with your friends - but Chelsea Carlton and her minions? Those people weren’t your friends. 
Curiosity had gotten the better of him that night and he’d shown up at Chelsea’s house, loitering in the doorway trying to catch a glimpse of you. 
And he did. And you looked beautiful. And he felt his chest crack open at the sight of you. 
Then he watched on as half the basketball team circled you like sharks, all bright smiles and dark eyes that raked over you and Steve felt his keys dig into the palm of his hand as his grip around them tightened. 
You may have been drinking, but you still had your wits about you and he’d be lying if he said his heart didn’t swell a little with pride as he watched you shut them all down, a sweet but stern smile on your face as each of them cut their losses and moved along. 
By the next week, word had reached him that you were going on a date, and he was almost sick then and there over the counter at Family Video. Robin being Robin made an excuse for him to dip, and he made his way to the bathroom, hands on his knees and back against the door as he caught his breath.
The following Sunday, he was at work again when he overheard that the date hadn’t gone well at all. Two girls, who didn’t even know you, were giggling over the fact they saw you storming out of Drew Kellerman’s truck at the drive-in, door slammed behind you and tears in your eyes. 
His first instinct had been to reach for the phone, to call you and make sure you were okay. To ask if that asshole had hurt you or touched you or so much as looked at you in a way you didn’t like. But Robin had caught his wrist, told him she’d already checked and you were fine - just embarrassed by your own public outburst but totally okay. His shoulders sagged in relief, but he still set the receiver back down with a bang, cursing under his breath as he headed outside for some air.
What Robin didn't tell him was that you also told her the only thing wrong with her date with Drew Kellerman was that he wasn't Steve.
The next weekend, by some miracle, both Steve and Robin had the Saturday off and Nancy and Jonathon were both back visiting from college. 
They were heading out for a day on the lake when Steve realized they needed to stop for gas. He was so preoccupied trying to fish his wallet out of the glove box that he didn’t realize the car in front was yours. 
You had just set the pump back into place and turned around to head inside to pay when you spotted him, only a few feet away. Your chest felt tight, like suddenly there was no air and all you could smell was gas and all you could see was Steve and you were sure you were on the verge of passing out. He cleared his throat then, shifting awkwardly on his feet and you darted around him, legs moving on their own accord and taking you inside.
The cashier was serving painfully slowly, so you were still in line to pay by the time Steve joined the queue behind you. He kept a safe distance, but it was still too close. He could smell the faint strawberry scent of your shampoo that used to cling to his pillows and the coconut body lotion he used to help you smooth over your shoulders. Your breath hitched, and you swore you could feel the heat radiating from his chest onto your back. Your knees felt shaky, like any second now they’d just give out. You thought about what would happen then - how you had no doubt Steve would catch you, strong arms wrapped around your waist, mouth against your ear asking if you were okay, and suddenly you wanted to run out of the gas station and risk the repercussions of skipping out without paying.
That was the last time he’d seen or heard about you, until the phone call.
“What d’you mean you don’t know where she is?” Steve demanded, incredulous. 
His eyes scanned the crowd of bodies surrounding them in the kitchen of Chelsea’s mansion, the air cloudy with cigarette smoke making it hard to see and the music thumping from the stereo system one room over making it even harder to hear and he couldn't think straight.
“Like I said, one second she was here, the next? Poof!” Robin explained, a typically exaggerated hand gesture accompanying the ‘poof’.
“And you didn’t think to call me?!” Steve worried, one hand running anxiously through his hair, the front pieces falling into his eyes.
“I didn’t exactly know you two were on speaking terms now!” Robin yelled back, defensive and kind of offended at being so out of the loop.
“We’re-” Steve started, exasperated at not being able to finish the sentence because quite frankly, he didn’t know what you were to each other now. 
“We’re not.” He finally settled on. “But she called me. And if she called me, of all people, then something must be wrong.”
Robin sighed, a sympathetic but frustrated expression on her face. “Look, Steve, I get it. You’re in love with the girl, and you’re miserable without her, and she’s miserable without you - but you're both my friends, so until you get your heads out of your asses, do me a favor and leave me out of it?”
Steve knew it was unfair to put Robin in the middle like this, so he didn’t argue when she turned her attention back to an unusually tense game of flip cup that had drawn in quite the crowd, mumbling something about how you probably just caught a ride home with someone and she’d call you in the morning.
By the time Steve had searched every room, closet and outbuilding on the Carlton property and confirmed you were nowhere to be found, the weather had taken a turn. The already dark sky was thunderous, raining falling harsh against the sidewalk as he made his way back to his car. He hadn’t been driving more than five minutes when the first flash of lightning forked across the sky, cursing under his breath at the thought of you wandering around on your own drunk on a night like this.
He went to your house first and parked two houses up, like always, to avoid waking your dad. The single-story layout made it easy for him to look in through your window, your bed still made and room in darkness.
“Shit,” He muttered, wiping rain from his face and heading back to the car.
He spent the next hour driving around the streets of Hawkins, stopping off at any place he thought you might be until he decided to go home and try to call you again.
As his car rolled up the driveway, the headlights illuminated his front porch, and all the air left his lungs when he saw you sitting on the bottom step.
The rain was still falling, hard and fast, but you were already soaked and so was Steve. He yanked the keys from the ignition and climbed out the car, leaning his forearms on the top of the door and dropping his head down on to them.
He stood like that for a second, letting the relief settle in that you were okay - that all the worst-case scenarios of you being hurt or in trouble that had been running through his head for the last hour and a half hadn’t amounted to anything.
You stood up before he moved, taking a few tentative steps towards him, the car door he was still leaning on separating you both.
When he finally lifted his head to look at you, he could tell you'd been drinking, and he was instantly angry that you’d walked all the way across town so out of it and in this weather. Your dress was clinging to you, the once floaty skirt of it stuck to your mid-thighs, tendrils of hair plastered to your face and droplets of rain dripped from your lashes. He could tell you’d been crying, eyes rimmed red and make-up smeared around them from where you had rubbed at it.
You pulled at the collar of the jacket you were wearing, it having slipped off your shoulder with the weight of the rain, and when you pulled it tight across your front, Steve realized it was one of his that he thought he’d lost a few months back.
It swallowed your frame, but the look of comfort that swept over your face as you clung to it made his chest hurt and all he could think about was how you were still the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. 
“‘You alright?” He asked, pushing off of the door and stepping around it to close it.
You nodded, eyes fixed on his and fingers tugging anxiously at the sleeves of the jacket. 
“It’s pouring rain." He stated, as if it wasn't obvious. "What're you doing here?”
You swallow hard, taking another step forward.
“I found it in Chelsea’s guest room closet.” You finally speak up, gesturing to the jacket as if he didn’t know what you were talking about. “You must have left it behind the last time we were there-”
Your voice caught in your throat when you realized the other reason it could be there.
“I mean, unless…” You trail off, head swimming with the idea of Steve with Chelsea, or Steve with any girl that wasn’t you, and suddenly you feel that familiar sensation of being about to pass out wash over you again.
You begin to pull it off, and Steve knows you well enough to know exactly where your head is at, so he reaches forward and takes a gentle but firm hold of your wrists, stopping your hands in their tracks. 
“Look at me,” He says, and it's halfway between a command and a plea.
Your eyes lift slowly from where they’d fixed themselves on his hands around yours until you're staring up at him.
“I know I’ve made it hard for you to trust me,” His voice is barely above a whisper, and if you weren’t so focused on clinging to his every word after not hearing his voice for so long, you’d probably struggle to make it out over the sound of the rain. 
“But I need you to believe me when I tell you there’s no one else. Never has been.” He says with a shake of his head as if the very idea was ridiculous, because to him it was. “And I never should have let you think for even one second that it was ever a possibility.”
You release a painful, jagged breath you didn’t even know you’d been holding, and suddenly his grip on you is the only thing keeping you upright.
His eyes feel like they're burning into yours and you want desperately to look away because it's too intense with his fingers still pressing into your skin, but you know instantly he’s telling you the truth. 
You swallow and nod, and you're almost relieved when he finally drops your hands back down by your sides and you can think half-clearly again.
“You never answered the question,” Steve presses, filling the silence that’s swallowed you both whole.
“What question?” You ask, head still cloudy from the alcohol and just being near him again, although you’re mostly sober now from the long walk you took in the rain.
“What’re you doing here? At my house. Why’d you call me at all?”
He seems genuinely confused, as if there’s no possible reason why you’d still give him the time of day, and you know it’s because he doesn’t feel like he deserves it.
And then you take him by surprise, and you laugh.
It’s short at first, one huff of air from your chest that shakes your shoulders, and then another until your hands are running through your hair before falling down at your sides with a shrug.
“I love you.”
You say it as if it’s so obvious, so simple. And it is.
“Don’t say that.”
“I love you.” You repeat, walking towards him. “I was at Chelsea’s, and I was sad. Even sadder than usual, and so I drank more than usual. But that didn’t help. It just made me miss you more. And all these people were talking to me and crowding me and I couldn’t breathe because none of them were you, and that’s all I wanted. You're all I ever want. When I’m sad, or happy, or lonely, or scared… and I just had to get away from them all, y’know? So I went upstairs to the guest room, and I found your jacket and it smelled just like you and when I put it on it was like I forgot every bad thing that’s ever happened. All the reasons we don’t work just didn’t matter anymore and I needed to hear your voice. So I broke. And I did the one thing I swore I wouldn’t do and I called you. But it was so loud and I couldn’t hear you, and I needed to hear you, Steve. So bad. And I didn’t know if you were coming, so I came here-”
“Can you do me a favour?” He asked, cutting you off mid-ramble and you just nod, taken aback.
“Can you tell me all this when you’re sober tomorrow?”
“Steve, I walked 30 minutes in the rain. I’m sober.”
And just like that he’s on you, all around you, and you feel the horrible, suffocating weight that’s been holding you down for the last month just disappear.
His hands are cupping your face, thumbs grazing your jaw, fingers tangled in the wet knots of your hair and his mouth is warm and familiar against yours. You’re clinging to his wet t-shirt, pulling at it in an attempt to get him closer to you, but his chest is already flat against yours. He drops one hand from your face to tug at your waist and you gasp into his mouth, his tongue slipping in and pulling a moan from you that he can hear even over the rain that’s still falling around you both. 
His hand slams down on the roof of the car as your back collides with driver’s side door, arms tangling around his neck and fingers pulling at his hair. 
When you’re forced to tilt your face to side, away from his lips to catch your breath, he plants a trail of open-mouthed kisses the length of your throat until he’s met with the wet material of his jacket still hanging off of your shoulders.
“I can drive you home,” He mutters against the warm skin of your neck, face buried in the crook. 
“Or?” You ask, breathless as you use both hands to pull his face up to meet yours.
“Or you can stay here.” He offers, and your face lights up, bottom lip pulled between your teeth to try and contain the smile at the thought of spending the night in his bed again.
“With me. If you want. We don’t have to do anything.” He clarifies, hand pushing wet strands of hair out of your face before you lean up and kiss him again.
“I wanna stay. With you.” Your arms loosen from around his neck, hands sliding down his chest until you reach his wrists and pull him towards his front porch.
He lets you lead the way, only dropping your hand to fish his keys out of his back pocket and he laughs so contentedly when your arms wrap around him from behind, your cheek pressed between his shoulder blades as he fumbles with the wet keys in the lock.
You both stumble into the door as it opens, immediately pulling your wet clothing off and letting it drop to the floor. You're back on him instantly, pulling and kissing him towards the stairs to his room and it takes all his strength to take hold of your shoulders and push back lightly.
“Baby, baby, wait,” He breathes, chest heaving as he stares down at you. “There’s a reason this - we didn’t work. There’s so many things I want to tell you, but I can’t. And I don’t wanna go backwards and do anything that’s gonna hurt you or confuse you or-”
“Steve, please,” You cut him off with a shake of your head. “I know all of that but- Can we talk about it tomorrow? I just, I need to be with you. Please?”
“You’re sure?”
You nod, hands bringing his lips back down to yours again, and you feel him give in against your mouth before he pulls away from you, taking your hand guiding you in front of him and up the stairs.
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kingdaddydaichi · 3 years
can i request consensual hate sex between bakugou and f!reader
Oooooh yassssss! This idea got better and better the more I thought about it, Nonny. Love it! I hope you enjoy this naughty little slice of grudge fuck pie. 💖
Riding The Fine Line 💥 Katsuki Bakugou x f!reader 💥 NSFW
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT or I'll have my Big Scary BoomBoom Man blow your little ass up!
Word Count: 2k
"Oi! Who picked this shitty restaurant anyway?", Bakugou sneered as he walked towards the table.
You rolled your eyes and mumbled, "Oh look, Gorilla Man is here".
"Watch it, shitty girl. M'not in the mood for your shit tonight".
You'd made plans earlier in the week to meet Kiri and Mina for dinner. You knew Bakugou had been invited too, but after having suffered through it so many times over the past year or so of having some friends in common, you somehow managed to tolerate his presence. It helped that the drink you'd been sipping on made him somewhat less intolerable than usual.
It was like nails down a chalkboard every time Bakugou reared his big dumb head. His only redeeming quality was that he was quite easy on the eyes. Shame that such a hot guy is also such a huge asshole.
He's always given everyone a hard time, but unlike most people, you just wave a dismissive hand at him. And it makes him crazy. He doesn’t understand why he doesn’t get under your skin like he so easily does others. Oh, he annoys the piss out of you to be sure, but he doesn't hurt your feelings per se.
"Y'know, for such a massive ego yours sure is delicate, you meat head".
"Oh yeah? Well, for such a massive ass yours s-"
"God, Bakugou, do you ever just shut up?", you snipped.
Kiri and Mina both jumped in, laughing nervously and smoothing things over to lower the tension. He growled at you. You flipped him a subtle bird before looking away and trying to ignore him.
Kiri's birthday was approaching and several of his friends decided to throw him a surprise birthday party. You, Denki, Mina, and ugh, as luck would have it, Bakugou, were are all put in charge of decorating his house while some other friends took him out for dinner. Midway through, Mina whined while sorting through various sacks, "Oh no! We forgot the disposable rainbow shot glasses!" Mina had a way of putting a cute touch on everything she had her hands in. Denki offered to go with Mina to procure the missing miniature party cups, leaving you and Bakugou alone to hang streamers in Kiri's living room. Probably not the wisest of decisions, but consider the source. 👀
It didn't take long after they were gone for Bakugou to start in on you with his bullshit. Only this time no one was around to referee. You groaned. This was going to be a free for all. You'd already both cut eyes at each other a couple of times.
"You're not doing it right, dumbass!"
"That's a matter of opinion and you can shove yours up your ass, dumbass".
He flipped you off saying, "You can shove this up your ass!", then turned back to his task.
You were so done. Without thinking, you reared back and hurled the roll of streamers as hard as you could, nailing him right in the back of the head. Damn, it felt good.
He whipped around, a vein popping out of his forehead, clenching his teeth. You were quite proud of your aim until he made little explosions in his free hand and said, "You're really pushing your luck with me, woman! If we weren't in Kiri's house right now I'd blast you right through that fucking wall!"
"Pfft, whatever! You wouldn't do shit. You're all bark and no bite, you fucking douche canoe!"
"You ever stop to think that maybe if you weren't such a bitch guys might actually want to talk to you?"
That did it. He'd finally found one of your hot buttons and you couldn't take his shit anymore. You marched right up to him and got right up in his face, height difference be damned.
"You know what, fuck you, Bakugou! I'm not normally like this! You're the only person who…drives me to this madness!", you spat with tears in your eyes.
A second later, his hands were on either side of your face, crashing his lips down onto yours. You were so shocked you froze before pulling away from him, staring at him in astonishment. He just stood there, huffing, glaring back at you, waiting.
You stepped forward and pushed him, his back hitting the wall, hard. But before he could protest, your lips were on his again. He grabbed you by your arms and spun you around, pinning you against the wall. You slipped your tongue past your open mouth, his meeting yours halfway as he pushed his knee between your legs. He pressed his thigh against your sex, shoving his growing cock against your thigh in the process.
Taking the bottom of his shirt into two fistfuls, you eagerly pushed it up to his chest, exposing his washboard abs and god-like pecs. He quickly pulled it over his head and threw it to the floor while your shaky hands got busy with his belt and zipper, urgently, like you couldn't get to him soon enough. But his will took over when he grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head so he could peel your shirt off. He dipped down to take a mouthful of your tit, cupping what he couldn't fit in his rough hand, swirling his tongue around your nipple, sucking, then releasing you from the inside of his mouth to flick the tip of his tongue over your pink nub. You grabbed two handfuls of his ash blond locks and arched your back off the wall as he gave your other breast the same treatment.
You impatiently tugged on his hair, hungry for the taste of his sweet lips again. Your tongues once again fought for dominance and you gasped when he picked you up in one swift movement. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you to Kiri's bedroom, swinging the door shut behind him before slamming your back against it.
"Put me down", you said forcefully.
He stopped sucking on your neck long enough to rasp, "And why the fuck should I?"
"Because I want to get into your fucking pants, asshole".
For once you two agreed on something and with your feet back on the floor, you got back to work on his pants before reaching in and wrapping your hand around his hot dick. Shit, you could barely get your fingers all the way around it, it was so thick. You stroked him a couple of times before pulling him out, exposing his manhood in all of its mouth-watering glory.
He ran his hand down his sculpted stomach, spreading his fingers to either side of his girth. "Like what you see?" You realized you were staring at his dick and the pre that dripped from it.
"Wouldn't you like to know?", you sassed.
He growled and spun you around, pushing your front against the wall and swiftly closing in behind you. Wisps of your (color) hair fluttered around his hot breath as he breathed down your neck. "You keep on tryin' to hide it, but you want me just as much as I want you, princess, and I'm gonna make an honest girl outta ya".
His battle-hardened hands found their way down your back, around your waist and all the way to your belly before he slid them down, his fingers reaching below your waistband. You willed him to push his hands further down, pressing your backside against his erection. He used one deft hand to unbutton your pants and work your zipper down, granting himself better access. When he mercifully slipped his middle finger between your folds, you couldn't choke back the moan that emerged from the back of your throat.
"Damn", he growled behind your ear, "for someone who can't stand me, your pussy sure is wet for me".
"Shut up", you gritted through your teeth.
The feeling of the rough pad of his finger teasing your swollen clit nearly sent you over the edge. But it was short-lived and you whined when he pulled his hand away to shove your pants down around your ankles, accompanied by your damp panties. Your hands slid down the wall as he yanked your ass back towards him. You hung your head and watched the head of his cock as Bakugou fucked your thighs, back and forth over your slit, coating his fat cock with your slick, readying himself.
When he began pushing into you, your legs shook from the sheer pressure as he slowly filled you up. When he bottomed out, he held himself still, at least considerate enough to give you time to adjust to his size. He waited until you started grinding against him before grabbing your hips, and slowly withdrawing.
"Now let's see if I can fuck all that hate for me out of you". Before you could retort, he slammed his cock back into you, your pitiful cry mixed with his loud groan echoing off the walls of Kiri's bedroom. He set his pace, steady and hard, the cold buckle of his open belt pressing into your skin with every crash of his hips.
"Yeah, who knows? Maybe if you'd get your dick wet every once in a while you wouldn't act like one", you quipped, voice faltering as he pounded into you.
He slowed his pace to bend over you, pushing your hair out of the way before biting down on the nape of your neck.
"Oww!! What the fuck?!"
He stood up straight again, laughing and said, "All bark and no bite, hah? You just hadn't pushed me far enough yet!" The sweet and salty mixture of his sweat and your need could be heard with every loud slap of his skin against yours.
"Fuck! Bakugou-", you whined in spite of yourself.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and gave it a firm tug. "When're ya gonna stop callin' me by m'last name and call me Katsuki instead?"
"When you stop acting like a raging asshole towards me", you managed as he fucked the breath out of you.
"Brave words for someone in such a compromising position. Now - say - my - fucking - name!". Each word came with its very own plunge of his cock into your mess of a cunt.
Your legs started to give out. "Katsuki!" You hadn't meant to obey him, but he'd kept his word and made you honest.
"That's better". You could hear the smirk in his voice after hearing his first name fall from your quivering lips.
You turned to face him when he pulled out, kissing him hard, his fingers going into your hair. You inched backwards onto the bed, Katsuki crawling in towards you with a primal look in his crimson eyes before nestling his thighs between yours and sheathing himself deep inside you again. Your head rolled back as you arched your back off the bed. Gods, the feeling of him filling you up was quickly becoming your new favorite sensation.
He nuzzled his face against your neck as he rutted into you, pulling your thigh up to his hip bone, raking his teeth against your skin. His breathing had become more labored and he started thrusting faster, your pleasure mounting with the increased friction of his pubic bone against your clit until rays of bliss shot out from every pore of your skin at the speed of light.
"K-ka-tsuki, I'm c-cumming hahh oh goddd!" The pulsating grip that you had on him finally sent him to his end as well, growling your name and cursing between clenched teeth, burying himself deep inside you as he unloaded rope after thick rope of his white hot cum into your snug, soft warmth.
"Seems Shitty Hair’s gonna get more than one surprise tonight", Katsuki said, catching his breath.
You laughed so hard that Katsuki hissed at the feeling of your walls squeezing his sensitive cock so soon after his orgasm.
"You still hate me?", he asked, brushing his lips against yours, supporting his weight with his elbows.
"Hmm...that depends", you said thoughtfully, tracing the cut of his back muscles with your fingertips.
"On what?"
"On whether or not you'd still fuck me if I don't hate you".
He smirked. "I'd still hit it even if you love me", he whispered, showing his softer side as he kissed you, smiling.
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maeve-writes · 3 years
W.A.P. - Cardi B feat Megan Thee Stallion
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x witch!Reader
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
Warnings: Filth. Smut. Oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, tons of dirty talk, unprotected sex (piv), magical interference, Bucky’s metal arm (yeah, that’s a warning).
Summary: Oops! You messed up and ‘accidentally’ created a sex pollen and Bucky just so happens to be the only one around to help you. How convenient.
a/n: I didn’t spend too much time editing this. Coming fresh out of break up, I needed a distraction. (Also, this was supposed to be Incubus!Bucky, but I might just do something else with that.) And the ending is kinda lame, sorry.
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You came into their lives as ‘one of the big three’ - technically a witch, not a wizard - and you were an ally, not a threat. They were wary of your magic at first, of course, because they had been around Loki and Wanda, they knew what destruction it could bring. You showed them the good you could do, how you could heal the wounded, the land, help restore droughts and famine. You gained their trust slowly but surely and they called on you when they needed a third and you happily joined in.
But then you became more than a teammate, you became a friend. You started to go out to meals, they came over for movies. You started a group chat once you upgraded Bucky’s phone and started to share memes. Things became comfortable between the three of you and you were happy, comfortable. You no longer had to hide what you were, you could practice your craft openly and fear being burned for it.
That’s what Bucky found you doing that Saturday afternoon with a six pack of craft beer in hand and balancing a pizza in the other. A large pink plume of smoke blew up from your cauldron and into your face from where you sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the black pewter. It threw you into a coughing fit which caused Bucky to rush forward, putting dinner aside on the coffee table nearby. “You alright, sweetheart?”
You blink up at him, confused, unaware for a moment of why he was there until the smell of pizza hits your nose and you realize you agreed to a movie night. “Yeah,” you laugh, hyper aware of his too close proximity and the heat radiating off of him, “I’m fine.”
“You tryin’ to blow up the neighborhood?” He gives you a good once over for any injuries before he turns attention to what you’re trying to mix up. Whatever it is burned up with that explosion and he settles his gaze back on you, amused at your half-dazed look.
“If I wanted to blow something up, I wouldn’t need a potion to do it,” you quip, wiping off the remnants of your failed experiment from your face. “And, for your information, it wasn’t supposed to do that.”
The corner of Bucky’s lips twitch and you narrow your eyes playfully. “Are you sure you’re a wizard?”
“Not a wizard,” you tut, shoving him away as you move to stand. You’re unsteady and he’s there to keep you from falling, closer now and you smell his aftershave, sandalwood and clove. You bite hard on your lips and let out a shaky breath. “Where’s Sam?”
Bucky shakes his hand and places both of his hands on his shoulders, holding you at arms length now to keep you upright. He dips his head to try and make eye contact with you as your gaze starts to gloss over, “Can’t make it. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, dad,” you spit mockingly, shrugging off his hands and audibly smacking your lips. Your mouth had suddenly gone dry and your head had gone light, “I am so thirsty.”
“I got that weird sour beer that you like,” he offers, pointing his dimpled chin towards the coffee table.
You lift up an arm to point at him but find it heavy and you stumble forward, straight to him and collapse against his chest. “You’re weird,” you lamely return as you grip at his too tight shirt and stare up at him. Your skin heats quickly and your pupils blow wide. “W- Weird,” you repeat. “You’ve got a lot of muscles, did you know that,” you quickly changed the subject as you pressed against his hard body.
Bucky clears his throat and grabs at your upper arms, “Everyone has muscles, doll. I think I need to get you to a hospital.”
You shake your head, more to disagree about the hospital rather than the muscles. “Don’t need a hospital, ‘m fine,” you insist. “‘nd everyone has muscles, but you... you’ve got the best muscles.” Your grip loosens on his shirt and starts to run down his chest and his stomach, trying to get underneath the fabric to feel.
He visibly shivers at your touch and when your fingertips brush at the skin near his stomach, he jumps back. “I think your little mess up has got you actin’ funny, sweetheart. Maybe you should lay down and rest, hmm?”
You nod and let him lead you to the couch. He gets you comfortable, a pillow underneath your head, all snuggled into the cushions and when he tries to move away, you pull at him, trying to get him to fall on top of you. “Lay with me,” you whine, it’s soft and needy, your face is desperate.
Bucky’s forehead pinches in thought. “There’s not enough room for the both of us,” he reasons, happy to find an excuse to not do this with you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, because he does. He’s thought about it, multiple times, in many places - in bed at night, in the shower, alone in a safe house during a mission. He’s worried that if starts, he won’t be able to stop.
“There’s plenty of room,” you huff, “right here.” Your hands start to run up and down your body drawing a gasp from you. You can feel his eyes on you, watching you as you cup and squeeze your own breasts, moaning from the sensation. “Bucky,“ you whine, raking your teeth over your bottom lip and pressing your thighs together because the ache is starting to build.
His breath is coming in short pants, his skin is flushed. There’s an ache in him, too, and his fingers and itchy to replace yours. “Sweetheart,” he warns, his tone is rough with want, “you don’t know what you’re asking.”
“Please,” you continue, ignoring his warning, “it hurts.”
He doesn’t like to hear that and he shifts his weight, one knee on the couch, one arm on the back of it, hovering over you to look down at you properly. You stare up at him, looking right into those dark blue pools of wanting, and whimper. “You made a sex pollen.”
“A-a what,” you blink slowly, trying to process his words through the fog.
“It’s like an aphrodisiac,” he says, “but turned up to a thousand. Hydra used them on some of their targets.”
“How do I fix it,” you ask, breathing labored.
He shakes his head, “Only way I know how is to fuck it out of your system.”
“Oh. Good.”
His lips are on yours before you can catch your next breath, igniting a new fire inside of you that burns deep in your core. Your nails claw their way up his arms and into his short brown hair as Bucky licks into the cup of your mouth to draw a bone rattling moan from you.
He shifts his weight above you and your legs willingly part for him to slot between them. Your hips meet and you can feel how hard he is. This man, this legend, someone you found unattainable is pressed against you and wants this just as much as you do. The idea makes your head spin and you feel like you’re floating, you know that isn’t the sex pollen.
“Fuck, kitten,” he moans when you part for air and he’s biting at your jaw, “you have no idea what you do to me.”
“I think I have some idea,” you giggle and roll your hips. It cuts your laughter short and the pair of you share a moan. “Bucky...”
He nods against your shoulder and reluctantly moves to sit back on his hunches. You whine at the loss of contact, but he’s taking off his shirt and teases you with a wink, “Patience, sweetheart. I’ll make you feel better, I promise.” And you know he will because Bucky is a man of his word. “Let’s get you outta these clothes, huh?”
You nod eagerly and arch off the couch as he helps slip off your shirt. The fabric brushes against your aching skin and a hiss slips through your teeth. “I know,” he coos, “I’m sorry.” The sincerity in his voice soothes you while hooks his forefingers into the waistband of your leggings to pull them off in one smooth tug.
You’re left in your soft pink cotton bra and panties, both soaked through with sweat and your slick. “Look at you,” Bucky sighs, palming himself through his jeans. He pinches his plump bottom lip with his teeth and reaches out with his metal arm to cup you over your panties. The cool of the vibranium feels wonderful against your overly hot skin and you press up against him. “Does that feel good?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, the ghost of his touch too much and not enough. “Bucky, please,” you try again. Maybe if you say it enough, he’ll do something.
He blinks away his daze and realizes that this is not for him, it’s for you. If he’s lucky, he can take you apart again later, achingly slow and intimate like he wants. “Sorry, kitten,” he says earnestly. “I’m gonna take care of you now.” His fingers dance down the seam of your cover core sending you into full body trembles. “You look so sweet and pretty in these cotton panties. Fuck, got 'em drenched, too.”
His fingers travel to the edge of your underwear and push the fabric aside. You watch his tongue dart out to hungrily lick his lips. “Whew,” Bucky huffs, watching your slick leak out you and threaten to drip down onto the couch, “pretty as a goddamn picture.”
Your muscles clench at that and you lift your hips towards him with a desperate whimper. It hurt so much, everything, your teeth, your nails, your hair - things that shouldn’t hurt - feels pin-pricklingly painful. “Okay, okay. Enough teasin’, I got it,” Bucky relents and adjusts his position between your legs.
He leans down to get nose to nose with you, staring into your lust-blown gaze with his own, “Hey there.” His fingers now drag through your damp folds and finally provide some relief.
What escapes from you is a mixture of a gasp and a whimper, desperate and greedy for more, and Bucky just eats it up with a satisfied smirk and a chuckle as his nose bumps against yours. The middle metal finger slips inside of you, cold and thick. You make that noise again and this time he swallows it, his mouth devours you and whatever sounds you make as he plunges the black and gold digit in and out of you, adding a second soon after.
“Shit, kitten,” he hisses into your open mouth, “how can you be this tight?” He twists his hands and curls his fingers, his palm hits your swollen clit for the first time and you immediately snap. Your body tenses, your thighs shake and you cry out against the side of his face.
You caught him off-guard, but he doesn’t mind, he relishes it. “Oh, sweetheart,” he praises, “that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” You preen at his praise, your body fighting the feeling of the tingle from the aftershocks of your orgasm and the pain and need for more. “But you’ve got more in you, I know it.”
It takes effort, but you reach up to touch him again, to cup his face and scratch at his scalp. “More,” you plead.
“I’ll give you whatever you want,” he says and means it. His thumb finds your swollen clit and slowly rubs it as he slips a third finger inside of you. You bring him to your mouth again, the kiss as wet and needy as your sex. The push and pull of his fingers from your body is louder than your moans and it makes your body impossibly hotter.
“Bucky, I need you,” you tell him, tears welling in your eyes.
He looks down at you and his heart breaks a little. “I know. I know! Give me one more and let me eat this pretty little pussy and I swear- I swear I will give you need.” Your teeth bite down on your lips and you let out a sob, but he angles his hand deep and then suddenly it vibrates.
Your body locks up and you feel it shatter like glass as you come once again with a high pitched whine. “Oh fuck,” you pant, removing your nails from his shoulders. “How did you-?”
“I’m full of surprises, sweetheart,” he grins. “And so are you.” Your head is still foggy and your body is thrumming with need, but you look down to see his wrist and jeans covered with your slick. “Can’t wait to see you do that again.”
He dives in for one more kiss, hungry and promising. Your tongue is insistent, demanding. He parts with a laugh and bites his way down your jaw and marks up your neck. “Still bossy and didn’t say a word,” he grins against your bruising skin. You pull his hair in return, but that only makes him roll his hips into your thigh.
He’s all teeth and tongue down across your collarbone and makes quick work to pop your breasts out of your bra. “God, I think ‘bout these tits everyday,” he groans, pushing them together and rubbing his face against them. The scruff of his beard sends sparks down your spine. “Think ‘bout fuck ‘em. Suckin’ on ‘em while I had you bouncin’ on my cock.”
His words are making you dizzy. You can’t comprehend that Bucky wanted you before now, it’s too much. “I- Bucky... Please, I will. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll be so, so good for you.”
He looks up at you and waits for your eye contact to see if you’re serious, that it’s not the pollen talking. “Yeah, you will be, kitten. Fuck yeah, I know you will be.” He doesn’t look away when he flicks the first nipple with his tongue, swirling around it before he takes it into his mouth and sucks on it hard. You groan, arching off of the couch and further into his mouth.
His teeth drag across your sensitive skin, pulling on your nub until it falls from his mouth. Your body shakes with need when he takes the other into his mouth, licking and lapping at the nipple as his hands roam further down your body and stops at your hips.
It’s not long before his mouth travels the same path along your torso, nipping and sucking on the skin to claim you as his. You encourage him, rolling up into his mouth, pressing his head against you with your fingers tangled into his hair.
He reaches the waistband of your panties and tugs at them with his teeth and a growl. Laughter bubbles from you and share a smile, innocent and intimate. It lasts for only a moment before he pulls the cotton off you and tosses them over his shoulder.
Looking like a kid on Christmas, Bucky settles between your thighs to become eye level with your sex. “Been thinkin’ ‘bout this, too,” he confesses. “Think ‘bout you a lot.” Your mouth opens to respond but whatever you have to say is cut short when he shoves his face greedily into your cunt.
He moans like he’s receiving all of the pleasure. His tongue works inside of you, lapping up your essence. He breathes heavily through his nose, not wanting to pull away from his task, from his meal. He tries to bring you closer to him, to devour you thoroughly.
You don’t want it to end but you don’t think you can take much more. “Bucky,” you warn, but he pays it no mind and continues his assault, moving to latch onto your clit and sucks.
Once again you tumble, your body shaking hard enough to have your teeth chatter.
He backs away when you start to push at his head, sit on his heels, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. It’s a lewd act and it makes you clench, and where he hits, he can see it. “Sweeter than a fuckin’ peach,” he says, licking his lips just to get more of your taste while he works to remove his jeans.
You watch him eagerly, eyes darkening when he drags down the zipper and shoves down his pants and boxers so he can free his dick. He sighs in relief, taking it in hand to stroke lightly, spreading the steady leakage along the thick, veiny length.
“You ready for it, sweetheart?” He crawls out of his pants and underwear, kicking them to the floor as your legs widen further. Your voice isn’t working, it’s now all raspy moans and whimpers. Bucky smiles down at you, running the head of his cock along your folds. “Look at you tryin’ pull me in,” he coos as your cunt desperately clenches at his tip. “Greedy lil’ pussy.”
Your hand grabs at his wrist, the closest part of him to you, and your nails dig in. “What is it, baby,” he grins, running the tip back up to your clit to rut against it. You open your mouth but all that comes out are squeaks and you can’t tell him what you want. He’s right there, so close, you just want him inside of you.
Nostrils flaring, your eyes glow purple. Bucky freezes, unsure if his teasing has done more harm than good. But the air crackles between you, the same purple glow shimmers into existence and swirls in the air, snaking slowly towards Bucky and his cock. It manifests in finger-like projections and wraps around his length, squeezing before it strokes him once, twice, pulling a moan from his kiss-swollen lips.
He relaxes then, allowing himself to enjoy the feeling of the power you wield and stares down into your new purple hues and fucks gently into the phantom hand. You continue to fist him and lead the tip to your center, the illusion morphing into a tight, snake-like coil which continues to move along his length even as he pushes into you.
It’s strange to be split open by Bucky’s cock, something that was already so thick and long, but to also feel your own magic pressing inside of you, your mind broke - Bucky’s may have as well. The both of you move on pure instinct, on the need for pleasure. His hips push and pull against your own, each a hard snap that rocks deep within you. You meet each one with desperation, the pure want of getting Bucky further into you, the coil of your magic twisting and twirling inside of you.
You don’t tell him when you’re about to come because he feels it, it’s more than just you clenching around him, the desperate sounds escaping from the both of you - it’s in your magic, it’s in the air around you. A new projection manifests, another phantom hand and it rubs against your clit. Bucky watches it, mesmerized by what you can do, what you’re doing to him - to yourself. Something ignites in him and he growls, two hands on your hip and he pounds into you and filthy praise pours from his lips like a cracking dam. “Fuck, sweetheart, that’s right, you touch your pretty little clit while I split your pussy in half,” he grunts between the snaps of his hips. “Make yourself come on my dick. My little witchy cockdrunk slut has to use her magic to get us both off, huh? Well, do it, kitten, make us come.” The twine of magic you have wrapped around Bucky tightens and he groans, but it doesn’t stop the relentless pounding. You have the phantom hand match the speed of his thrusts, flicking against your clit at a vibrating speed that you start to see white. It takes only seconds before you’re over the edge, your magic sparking in the space around you, wrapping the both of you in its energy as you call out his name in a broken tone.
He slams into you with a final thrust, his grip on your waist is bruising as he spills into you, filling you up to the point where it starts to drip out before he’s even finished. And when he’s spent, he nearly falls on top of you, just as breathless as you are, trying not to crush you with his weight. You curl an arm around him and pull him down to let him know he can, it’s okay.
You stay there in silence, still connected until your magic recedes, the pollen ebbs away. Bucky pulls out and you feel yourself leaking onto the couch. “Oh shit, sorry,” he mumbles, reaching around for his shirt to wipe it up and catch whatever else he can. “Don’t worry about it,” you reply, voice barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry about-” He stops you with a kiss, a slow one with a deeper meaning that you feel in your bones. “You’re not going to apologize for that. Please don’t,” he insists. With his trademark Bucky stare, those blue eyes tell you that he wanted it and he knew you did, too. “The pizza’s cold now.” “That’s why the Gods invented microwaves!” You move to stand and nearly fall from the effort. “I don’t think any God invited microwaves,” Bucky snorts, scooping you up easily and heads to your room towards the shower. He knows your every move before you make them. You were an easy read before, but now, after being intertwined with your magic, he knows. “But they did invent the guy who invented microwaves.”
“That’s the same thing,” you argue as he sets you down on the bathroom counter and starts up the shower. Bucky shakes his head while he fiddles with the nobs, “No, it isn’t. What you said implies a God directly invented the microwave. What I said implies they created a person who invented the microwave, therefore they would indirectly be responsible for said invention.” He holds his flesh hand under the spray of water and turns to you with a self-satisfied smirk.
You puff out your checks and stick out your tongue which earns you a chuckle. “I wonder which God would’ve done it,” you muse. “Probably Loki, the menace. Invents something useful, but gives off just enough radiation over time that could or could not lead to long term physical illness. Mischief.” “You give the man too much credit,” Bucky says as he scoops you up once more and takes you into the shower. “But you’re probably right. Now, let’s get you cleaned up.” -
a/n: Sorry for the lame ending. Uh, I hoped you enjoyed it anyway. Would you like more witch!Reader x Bucky? Yes/No?
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vinylrevolutions · 2 years
India.Arie - I am not my hair
See, I can kinda recall a lil' ways back
Small, tryin' to ball, always been black And my hair, I tried it all I even went flat Had a lumpy curly top and all that crap, now Just tryin' to be (1)________________ Nappy headed brothers never had no ladies And I hit the barber shop real quick Had 'em give me lil' twist and it drove 'em crazy (crazy) Then I couldn't get no job 'Cause corporate wouldn't hire no dreadlocks Then I thought about my dogs from the block Kinda understand why they chose to steal and rob Was it the hair that got me this far All these girls these cribs these cars? I hate to say it but it seem so (2) __________ 'Cause (3) ___________  didn't come till I cut it all off
Little girl with the press and curl Age eight, I got a Jheri curl Thirteen, and I got a relaxer I was a source of so much laughter At fifteen when it all broke off (4) ____________ and went all natural February, 2002 I went on and did what I had to do Because it was time to change my life To become the woman that I am inside
  Ninety-seven dreadlocks all gone I looked in the mirror for the first time and saw that Hey (hey) I am not my hair I am not this skin I am not your (5) ___________________, no (hey) I am not my hair I am not this skin I am the soul that lives within
Good hair means curls and waves (no) Bad hair means you look like a slave (no) At the turn of the century It's time for us to redefine who we be You can shave it off like a South African beauty Or get in on lock like Bob Marley You can rock it straight like Oprah Winfrey If it's not what's on your head, it's what's underneath, and say Hey (hey) I am not my hair I am not this skin I am not your expectations, no (hey) I am not my hair I am not this skin I am the soul that lives within
Who cares if you don't like that? With nothin' to lose, postin' with the wave cap And some cops wanna harass 'cause I got waves Ain't see nothin' like that in all my days Man, you gotta change all these feelings Steady (6) ____________ one another by their appearance
Yes, India, I feel ya, girl Now go ahead, talk to the rest of the world 'cause
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person? (Whoa, whoa, whoa) Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend? Oh (Whoa, whoa, whoa) Does the way I wear my hair
(7) ______________ my integrity? (Whoa, whoa, whoa) I am expressing my creativity (Whoa, whoa, whoa) Breast cancer and chemotherapy Took away her crownin' glory She promised God if she was to survive She would enjoy every day of her life, oh On national television Her diamond eyes are sparkling Bald-headed like a full moon shining Singing out to the whole wide world like, hey Hey (hey) I am not my hair I am not this skin I am not your expectations, no (hey) I am not my hair I am not this skin I am the soul that lives within Hey (hey) I am not my hair I am not this skin I am not your expectations, no (hey) I am not my hair I am not this skin I am the soul that lives
      Source: LyricFindSongwriters:
Aliaune Thiam / Andrew Ramsey / India Arie Simpson / Shannon SandersI Am Not My Hair lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Jolany, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc
 1. appreciated 
2.  flawed 
3. success
4. Eighteen 
5. expectations 
6. judging 
7. determine
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wkemeup · 2 years
hi um so I didn’t have a great day at work today, I’m 20 yrs old and generally a pretty quiet person if I don’t know u very well and I work with like adults who have children and are married so it’s awk bc idk what to even talk to them abt and then sometimes whenever they do start a convo w me they bring up how I’m quiet and it really doesn’t help at all it just makes me shrink even more into myself :( like there was one comment made a while ago that I should have a bell (so u could like hear me ig idk) or they would straight up say that they forgot I was there or today when a comment was made how I should work on it and sit down with this person and talk for 15 min each day (like it’s all in a joking connotation but like it still hits me ya know?) I had 2 more hrs of my shift and I was just tryin not to cry, just ugh :(
I’m sorry that happened to you 😔 I think people sometimes try to make conversation and it comes out awkward or uncomfortable, especially when it’s a subject that makes you feel insecure. It sounds like it’s not their intention and they’re teasing to try to help you feel more comfortable but that’s clearly not what’s happening. The important thing to take away here is that you are still whole and important and valued, even if you’re quiet or shy or uncomfortable in social situations.
If your goal is to try to overcome this, I’d encourage you to find other things in common with them. I actually also work with a lot of people older than me. My closest work friend is literally my moms age haha. But we both love football and we always complain about random work things to each other. So even if you’re in totally different stages of life, there’s always other small things you may have in common!
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A Duff McKagan smut One Shot
Prompt: You go to a concert with one of your friends and band mates, who's having a thing with no other than the band's guitarist Slash. After the show you get to meet Duff McKagen and somehow end up having your first time with him.
Warning: sex (duh)
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"They're good aren't they?", Y/F/N shouted over the loud music. "Amazing!" "Told ya!"
We were dancing along to the loud music and enjoying ourselves. It had taken her quite some time to convince me to come with her instead of heading for the Troubadour with our other two band mates. Apparently coming with my bassist had been the right choice though.
After a world tour, a successful album and quite a bit more money in my bank account than before we had left LA, I still felt more at home right here. In a rundown club on the strip with a still upcoming rock band on stage.
Y/F/N and I had fit in perfectly. Nobody would recognize just the two of us having a great time and getting drunk. Except maybe the group of aspiring musicians and rising rock bands of the strip. In this circle everyone knew everyone, knew in which bands they had played, who they were associated with, had partied together before and so on and so forth.
That was exactly the reason why we had ended up here. The lead guitarist used to play in a band called Road Crew and had surely attended one of the parties at our trailer before. Y/F/N knew him and she had told me he was in a new band that was very close on getting a record deal. "You gotta check them out! Heard they're fuckin good", had been the argument that had won me over in the end. Not so much her initial reason to come here. That being the fact that apparently the guy had been an awesome fuck and she wanted to get laid by him again.
Now being here, I didn't regret it. I was having fun! And I was back in my usual habitat and in a situation that was familiar. If after the concert she wanted to leave with her black haired curly-head she was free to do so. Either I'd bump into someone I knew or would simply head home and call it a night.
The singer seemed familiar as well and if I remembered correctly Nikki had left his ass outside at one of their parties.
"Yo, what's the lead singer's name again?", I asked Y/F/N. "Oh that's Axl. Hollywood Rose, remember?" "Oh yea, right!"
I got why those boys were apparently very close to making it. Shit, was Guns n' Rosesgood!
Y/F/N had successfully gotten us all the way through the crowd to the stage, where we danced and sang along some more until the band was finished.
A few moments after the last song had ended the club put on some generic rock music and blasted them through the speakers.
"You gonna head backstage or wait here?" This wasn't the type of club in which the band would go off stage and head backstage never to be seen again. They had a small room for all of them to change and would then most likely come out to party. I knew, because we had played here before.
"He saw me, so trust me, he's gonna come to me", she grinned, and I once again admired her confidence.
It didn't take too long before Slash really showed up. He greeted me as well and congratulated on our album, so I told him what a sick guitar player he is. I give credit where it's due.
But I also understood that it was probably best for me to piss off now. So that's what I did. I figured I'd get one last drink and keep my eyes open in case of seeing anybody I knew. And for real I spotted a few people I knew from college who quickly waved me over.
After telling them the generic shit everybody wanted to know coming back from tour, it actually turned into a lot of fun to party with them. No coke but sure as hell a lot of alcohol.
It was hours later when they decided to leave and I had actually planned to leave with them
when I spotted a barkeeper, I knew. He had also attended a bunch of our parties and was a cool guy. So I sat down at the bar and joked around with him some more as the club kept getting emptier.
The club surely was anything but empty at one point, neither was it packed. It wasn't so crowded anymore, and I had completely lost track of time when someone sat down on the barstool next to me.
I didn't pay much attention and simply took another sip from my vodka lemon until he said: "You know, your friend's already gone, right?"
I turned to face him and recognized him as one of Slash's band members, right after I had been speechless for a moment because of how handsome he was.
"Yea, I know", I nodded and added grinning: "So is your guitarist, right?" "Obviously", he answered laughing: "Should've seen him backstage after the concert, couldn't get to her fast enough!" I joined his laughter, finished my drink and looked around. "Your remaining band member's left with a groupie as well, huh?" "No, fuckin idea where they are", he smiled and waved over to Jimmy, the barkeeper: "Another one of these for the little Rockstar here and I take whatever she has."
"Thank you", I told him with a soft smile. He waved it off: "I'm Duff McKagan by the way." "Y/N Y/L/N", I replied. "I know, was at one of your trailer parties before ya guys became famous." "Oh were you?", I asked surprised. I would've bet I'd recognize such a pretty face. Blond, tall, bassist. I was in fuckin heaven.
"You then ones with the trailer with the IV in the living room, right?" "Yupp, that's us", I nodded with a smirk: "Then I'm sorry for not recognizing you..."
"Don't worry bout it", he smiled: "Doubt we got the chance to talk...not that I wouldn't have wanted to..."
"We should have! Then I probably would've listened to you guys sooner! And Oh. My. God. You're amazing!", I gushed excitedly. "Thanks! Hoping it'll get us where you are now." "You'd have to be a complete idiot not to fuckin sign you!"
"I fucking hope so", he sighed and took a big gulp from his vodka: "You the song writer, right?" He suddenly changed the topic.
"Yes, why?" "I dunno", he shrugged: "When I first saw your music video on TV I couldn't help but fuckin wonder what complete asshole hurt this beautiful girl..."
His words hit me like a fucking train, because they reminded me of my former best friend Nikki Sixx, whom I had been stupid enough to fall for, but soon my drunken brain focused on something else: He thought I was beautiful...
"An asshole that's no longer a problem", I laughed. "Well cheers to that", the blond guy smirked and clicked our glasses: "Lucky me."
I returned his smirk and soon felt his hand on my thigh.
"How come you didn't leave with a groupie?", I tease him and sip on my glass. "Not my thing..." "What an utter liar", I thought. "And also", he went on: "I saw you in the crowd dancing next to your friend and knew exactly who to go for."
The way he looked into my eyes send chills through my body and I quickly took another sip from my drink.
"You alright?", Jimmy asked from further away to make sure I was fine, and I quickly nodded.
"You're pretty confident, huh?", I asked Duff. "Why?" "Well, what if that one girl you decided to go for wasn't interested?", I teased him.
Was I interested? I mean...damn he was hot and watching him on stage had been hot! His touch on my thigh made me feel hot! But for fuck's sake I didn't knowhim!
"That would be pretty sad for both of us", he shrugged and winked at me before looking at his glass and away from me.
Was he right? God, I could already feel the heat inside of me rising and a quiet voice in the back of my head reminded me that I had seen him shirtless on stage and wondered what it would feel like to touch him.
But damn it, I was drunk!
He lit a cigarette and I gave my everything not to stare at his lips for longer.
"I liked you better when you were funny and not seductive", I shrugged as well with a smirk and made him laugh. "Ouch, thanks!", he replied smiling: "In that case you'd have loved to see me lookin like an idiot when I got to Slash and your friend hours ago just to realize your gone."
"Maybe you should've hurried more, you know, the way your friend Slash did", I teased him more and calmed my nerves.
"He's just a funny guy", I told myself: "Joke around with him some more and then get your ass back home."
"Well, in the end you waited here for me anyway." "Rockstars don't wait for anyone", I joked and took the cigarette from him to take a drag as well. I could tell he was staring at my lips this time but was ripped out of his thoughts when I handed it back.
He cleared his throat and said: "Always wanted to fuck a rockstar."
I almost choked on my drink. That was my sign. The cards were on the table. I should tell him that this certainly wouldn't be the night he'd get what he wants and leave! But I was curious... so damn curious...
I couldn't deny that I was attracted to him! Maybe I could at least make out with him...find out what his lips felt like...there was nothing wrong about that.
"That's what the girls always tell you?", I tried to mock him but was too nervous to sound convincing. "You're quite a joker, huh?" "At least tryin to..."
"It's cute", he admitted. "Good, because I never run out of stupid jokes..."
"Trust me, I'd know a way or two to shut you up", he grinned to himself and took a last drag before he stubbed the cigarette out.
God, his words went straight to my core and put pictures in my head I hated but at the same time desperately wanted to happen. I wanted to find out what he wanted to do!
"Ya know what I always wanted to find out?", I asked without thinking about it twice. "What is it, gorgeous?" "If it's true that bass players don't just have skilled fingers when it comes to playin instruments."
I cracked the joke before I had thought about it. Why? Because I always had to listen to idiots tell me that and because I somehow really wanted to find out.
His smirk grew winder than I had seen it all night and it made me knees weak. "I can definitely show ya that."
"How about you first make me shut up?"
I had barely finished my sentence before I felt his free hand in my neck and soon enough his lips on mine.
I felt like melting right then and there! His lips moving against mine felt so good! But what started as a rather innocent kiss quickly became more heated. I grabbed the hem of his leather jacket, not to pull him closer but because I needed to hold on to something, anything."
His lips were moving against mine before he gently captured my lower lip with his. It was hard not too moan on the spot! And even harder when I tasted his tongue.
I damned those stupid barstools! I wanted him closer, needed him closer.
When we finally separated again my entire body was totally antsy!
"Speechless?", he asked teasingly. God, he was so damn hot!
I tried to think of something witty and fun, but I couldn't summon a single proper thought.
"You know...to prove the other thing we should probably move this somewhere more private...", he whispered into my ear and hadn't goose pumps already covered my entire body they definitely would have after he seductively kissed my neck.
I should tell him no. I should move my fucking ass back home.
But when he leaned back again and all I could think about was how I buried my fingers in his blond hair, I just nodded...
He had his arm around my waist when he let me out of the club and down strip. It was still dark and it wasn't hard to tell that there were still a bunch of parties going on in other places as well. Like I said, I had long lost my sense for time.
"My place ain't far from here", he told me and I nodded. Excitement was bubbling inside of me and gosh, I couldn't wait to kiss him again!
All worries and negative thoughts had been long gone as we walked through the cold night. I kept looking at him from the side and tried to hide the excited smirk on my lips. But
damn, he was even taller than I had guessed and looked so handsome in the dim glow of the streetlights.
I didn't know what to say. Where words needed?
I realized how he eyed me as well and a smug smile appeared on his lips. Shit, I wanted him. I had never felt this need for someone before, but I had also never allowed myself to get this carried away.
I bit my lower lip and tried to clear my thoughts but that attempt was quickly thrown completely over board when he suddenly pressed my back against the closest wall and kissed me. The kiss almost took my breath away.
Here I was standing on the strip with my back against the wall of some club and making out with a complete stranger. And it felt so right.
"Duff", I whimpered against his lips in a needy tone. "We should probably keep going, huh?", he smirked a little out of breath himself. "Except you consider this somewhere more private", I said with a grin on my lips but felt how he led me on with his arm around my hips once again.
"Wouldn't mind", he shrugged and lit another cigarette: "But I wanna take my time with you."
I swallowed hard and accepted the cigarette he wanted to share with me.
The next five minutes of us walking passed mainly without much talking but then I found myself in his one-bedroom apartment.
Alone with him now I felt the nervousness set back in.
So this was how it's gonna be?
"You want somethin to drink or anything?", he asked from behind me and I shook my head. Soon I felt him against my back with his arms around my body and his lips on my neck and shoulder.
I suppressed the low moan that had wanted to escape my lips and simply leaned back against him.
He had soon gripped the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head. A shiver ran through me but his warm hands that travelled my body soothed me and quickly found the clasp of my bra and opened it.
He was still kissing my neck when he whispered: "Turn around to me." I obeyed immediately.
The sight of my bare breasts exposed before him made him fight to contain his arousal as he hardened in his boxers. He lowered his head and wrapped his lips around my nipple. He sucked gently and I failed to find something to hold onto.
It was weird to be almost naked in front of him while he was still fully dressed, at the same time it made me feel excited.
"Get on the bed, I got something to prove", the blond haired told me smirking and I nodded. I tried not to run to the bed and could barely believe how caught up in the moment I was. My entire mind was foggy!
I watched him take off his leather jacket before he walked over to me and moved my thighs apart so he could lay down between them.
I could feel him hard against my center through our clothes but before the nervousness consumed me he had his lips on mine again and consumed my senses instead.
His body was pressed against mine and he traced his fingers down my body. He stroked over my thighs and spread them even more before moving to my panties.
Through the fabric he pressed his hand against me and gently rubbed me. A soft moan left my lips and I stirred underneath him and spread my legs further. Duff smirked against my breats and took my nipple in his mouth again as he began to rub me through my panties. His fingers ran over my slit as heat began to pool and I whimpered.
"Duff", I moaned softly.
He pulled away from my titts and brought his lips to mine while his fingers rubbed at my clit.
My eyes were closed, and I was lost in the moment, but I managed to bring my hand to his head and tangled my fingers in his blond, long hair. My lips parted as another soft moan left them and Duff pushed his tongue inside my mouth, massaging my tongue with his own.
His fingers were moving in circles over my clit and I whimpered against his lips as my panties became more soaked with each move he made.
I moaned and writhed on the bed as his hand travelled beneath my panties. Both of us moaned as he ran his middle finger between my folds, feeling how wet I was.
I whined his name again and lifted my hips to meet his hand.
He pushed his erection against my thigh and instinctively I reached down and stroked him through his pants.
"God you’re so wet for me", he growled in in my ear.
I bit my lip and raised my hips when suddenly he pulled away from me.
He knelt on the bed and smirked at me before ripping my panties down my thighs and tossing them to the floor.
My heart felt like it was about to pump out of my fucking chest.
He moved between my legs and crashed his lips against mine.
His fingers made their way back to my core and he pushed his middle finger inside me with ease, making me gasp.
"You want me to fuck you?", he pulled his finger out teasingly slow.
I bit your lip and without thinking I nodded as he pushed his finger back in.
He added a second finger, stretching me slowly: "But not yet."
He pulled his fingers away and I whined at the emptiness. But before I could protest Duff spread my legs apart and laid between them.
He ran the flat of his tongue along my slit, making me gasp and clutch at the sheets.
His tongue ran over my clit in two slow strokes.
I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and let out a moan.
His tongue ran over my clit in slow circles and he reached his hands up to squeeze my breasts. When he sucked at my clit I let out another moan into my hand and Duff pulled away.
"Oh No, baby", he told me and moved my hand from my mouth: "I wanna hear you."
I bit my lip and watched as he went back to his slow licks and his eyes never left mine as he ran his tongue over me. I felt like I was burning.
I squeezed my eyes shut and reached down, wrapping my fingers in his blond hair and raised my hips to meet him. He pulled back, only slightly and ran his fingers over my slit. He let out a growl as he watched, pushing two fingers into your throbbing pussy.
"Duff", I gasped and already felt extremely full. "Don't panic", I told myself and threw all worries away when he began to pump his fingers in and out of me, slowly at first before he increased his speed.
"You like that, baby girl?"
I moaned in response and he stopped his movements. He sucked at my clit and the change in pleasure made me squirm.
I whined and lifted my hips to meet the strokes of his tongue.
He moaned against me and the vibrations sent pleasure soaring through my veins. He began pumping his fingers once more, curling them against my wall and rubbing against my gspot.
I writhed on the bed, clutching at the sheets because of the amount of pleasure.
"You gonna cum for me doll?", he growled against me.
I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip as my orgasm coursed through me. MY walls clenched around his skilled fingers and his tongue didn’t stop running over your clit, making my legs tremble.
When my orgasm started to slow down he got up and took his clothes off, throwing them anywhere. Before he sat back down between my thighs, I watched him put on a condom through barely open eyelids.
Without a warning and therefor without giving me the time to over think this he plunged his cock into me. I gasped at his size and raked my nails down his back.
The pain was sharp and unknown.
"God you feel so good baby."
He crashed his lips against mine, stifling my moan as he pulled out of me slowly.
"So tight." He pushed into me again. I was frowning and pushed my eyes closed as I was trying to adjust to him. Fuck, he felt so good at the same time this hurt so bad but in the best way possible.
I moaned and ran my hands over his back as he set a pace with deep and slow thrusts. He wanted me to feel every inch of him entering me and he lost himself in the little whimpers I made as he pushed into me. After a few more thrusts when the pain was starting to die down, he pulled out of me and knelt on the bed.
"Rollover", he ordered.
I bit my lip and obeyed, kneeling in front of him on all fours. Duff let out a breath as he looked at my ass.
I felt him run his cock over my center before he pushed into me once more.
"Duff...", I hissed.
His change of angle set a whole new sense of pleasure and he set a faster pace. It hurt but felt so good... His cock slammed into me and I collapsed against the mattress, falling onto my elbows, arching my back more in doing so.
He brought his hand down swiftly, slapping my ass and making me gasp.
Duff gripped my hips and I moaned between breaths as he picked up a fast and hard pace, slamming into me hard and fast. He leaned forward and pulled my hair into a ponytail, his thrusts never slowing down. With a gentle tug at my hair he pulled me back onto all fours and with his spare hand he reached under me.
His fingers found my clit and he rubbed clumsy circles. I bit my lip, trying to contain my moans and arched my back. He leant over me, his breath on my shoulder and hearing his staggered breathing sent me into overdrive. He released his grip in my hair only to wrap his hand around your throat gently and pull me back enough so he could turn my head around to kiss him. Just what I needed.
"You gonna cum for me?"
I attempted to nod, which proved difficult with his grip on my throat. He didn't wait for an answer though and rubbed his fingers over my clit faster.
"Cum for me, babygirl."
I lost all control, my eyes rolling back as the waves of pleasure rolled through me, sending shivers all over my skin. His pace was sloppy now and I knew he was almost ready as well. He slowly pulled away and turned on his back so I knelt down on wobbly legs. I removed the condom and licked along his throbbing cock and he let out a low moan. I took him as deep as I could and began to suck him off until he grasped his cock and pumped it a few times before coming in my mouth.
I swallowed his load and his deep moans send a few last chills through me.
Both of us collapsed against the sheets, a sheer layer of sweat covering my skin as I tried to catch my breath.
"Shit that was good", he exhaled and placed a lazy kiss on my shoulder. "Yes, it was", I thought and grinned to myself, trying to process what had happened.
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Secret Service: GLOBALISM - 3
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Kohaku, Niki
Proofreading: bakemonoremy (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: haranami
Kohaku: SOS, SOS… Now that I’ve deciphered the distress signals you were sendin’ out, I can’t turn a blind eye.
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Location: Osaka
Kohaku: (I bet that dumbass is the same. Even though he’s been sayin’ that he’s not gonna participate in SS, an’ he doesn’t give a hoot about it...)
(He’s clearly tryin’ t’get involved with all his might.)
(Last night, when I was chattin’ with him and Jun-han, Hiyori-han told me that Madara-han used a secret code durin’ one of his guerilla lives.)
(They couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but I asked my older sister who’s good at that sorta thing fer help, an’ she was able t’decipher it.)
(The results were worse than I could’ve imagined. Madara-han wove two different kinds of ciphers into his song, an’ it looks like Vice Prez-han was only able t’understand what it was sayin’ on the surface.)
(Madara-han made it so that I’d be the only one who could crack the message that was hidden underneath, though maybe even he wasn’t sure if I’d succeed or not.)
(It was pure luck that I was able t’decipher it, after all. I was so ticked off by his selfishness, I couldn’t even think straight.)
(But he snuck that code in hopin’ that I’d be able to notice it.)
(I dunno what you were thinkin’ in that moment, or what your aims are...)
(But I heard your message loud an’ clear, Madara-han.)
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Madara: “♪~♪~♪”
Kohaku: (Hmph. Look at you, merrymakin’ an’ livenin’ up the festival. It looks like you’re havin’ the time of your life.)
(This is probably what ya wanna do more than anythin’ else…)
(But you’ve gotta sell off even these precious, happy moments like a commodity.)
(You’ve got it rough, Madara-han.)
(That’s exactly why I can’t leave ya alone.)
(You’re my partner in Double Face. Even though you’re a real bastard — arrogant, stubborn, distant, an’ too goddamn noisy…)
(Once I rip off all those masks you’re wearin’, I know I’ll be able t’see the real you.)
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(SOS, SOS… Now that I’ve deciphered the distress signals you were sendin’ out, I can’t turn a blind eye.)
(Double Face is a unit of villains that kills other villains, a tool that others can use t’crush whatever evil they want.)
(But we, Crazy:B, sing fer people like you, who can’t do anythin’ but tremble an’ cry — fer the lonely people that no one else cares about.)
(That’s why I—)
Niki: Kohaku-chan.
If you don’t hurry up and eat, your takoyaki’s gonna get cold, and that’d be such a waste!
Kohaku: Oh, you’re right. People who waste food are itchin’ for divine punishment.
Niki: I think it’s fine, as long as you don’t throw the food away without even eating a bite of it~ But, as a chef, I want people to enjoy food when it's at its yummiest.
I always do my best to calculate how I can get my customers to savor it the most.
Kohaku: Ya don’t really inspire much faith as an idol, Niki-han, but the things ya say as a chef hit real hard...
It’s a bit too late for this, but are ya sure ya didn’t choose the wrong profession?
Niki: I’ve been telling you guys that this whooole time!
That being said, though… I only noticed this recently, but I can be both an idol and a chef. Juggling two careers makes me hungrier, and it takes up more time and effort.
But the more I work, the more money I get. And that means more yummy food!
Taking up something new doesn’t mean that you have to throw away everything else you’ve been holding onto.
Kohaku: That’s obvious, ain’t it? What’re you actin’ all high and mighty for?
Niki: Yup, it’s totally obvious! Which is why I can understand that, even though I’m a big dummy.
Kohaku-chan. You’ve been staring at that video of your partner in, uh, Double Face for a while now. What’s he doing? Is he at the Awa Odori Festival?
Kohaku: Beats me. I heard that Madara-han’s been doin’ a buncha different stuff in Shikoku, though.
Niki: Hm… I dunno the specifics, but he’s your friend now, isn’t he? So you just can’t help but worry about him, huh?
Kohaku: ...Well, I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t care.
Niki: Yup. You always treasure your bonds with people, Kohaku-chan.
Even though the creation of our unit was a total coincidence, you really do love us like we’re your family. That makes me pretty happy.
Until Rinne-kun came barging into my life, I was on my own most of the time. So I really longed to experience that kinda love that I was starved of.
But now, my life’s so rowdy I’m almost sick of it! Every day is such a blast, and I think I’ve been feeling fuller lately. Nahaha ♪
Kohaku: What’re ya tryin’ t’say?
Niki: If you’re hungry, you should just say so. And you should eat the things you want to. There’s nothing to be ashamed of at all.
Kohaku: ……
Niki: So if you’re worried about your partner, you should go and check on him. If you wanna ask something, just ask. If you wanna say something, just say it.
I’ll figure out a way to cover up for you. So don’t worry; go ahead and do whatever you’d like. It isn’t like us at all to hold ourselves back.
Would we really be Crazy:B if we followed the rules and obediently stayed put in our region?
It’s not like we’re salarymen who have to put on suits that don’t even look good on us, chipping away at work day after day.
There are people who can’t and don’t wanna live that way…
Which is why we, as Crazy:B, are gonna reassure ‘em that that’s totally okay!
Let’s stay true to ourselves and enjoy life — there’s no need to deny ourselves of anything. C’mon, you need to have fun and be happy!
Kohaku: ……
Niki: That’s exactly what I’m gonna do.
They can’t hold me back with these stupid rules! I’m gonna eat takoyaki…!
Kohaku: I was startin’ t’feel a lil’ moved, but it turns out you were talkin’ bout food the whole time!
Niki: Well, yeah! I can’t take it anymore! I can smell yummy things in every single corner of this cityyy!
They’re just gonna fine us a little if we go against our orders! So, basically, it’s like I’m paying a little extra for my food! That’s all! There’s no way that’d be enough to stop me from eating the things I want to~!
Kohaku: No, hold it right there! The management gets t’decide how much we get fined, and they aren’t exactly fond of us. So we might be forced t’retire straight away—
(But still… Even though it turns out he was jus’ waxin’ poetic about food, Niki-han’s right.)
(It ain’t like me t’hold myself back from doin’ the things I wanna. I’m not gonna live my life with dull, dead-lookin’ eyes.)
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nixll · 3 years
nice to meet ya
pairing : niall horan x reader
I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear
word count: 1.2k
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It was supposed to be just a night out with friends. You had things to do tomorrow and had already lost count of the amount of times you had said, “I’m not hooking up with anyone tonight.”
Your friends made sure to point out the way you hadn’t stopped starring at the man in the brown suit since the moment he walked in.
You could feel your cheeks heat up as you tore your eyes away from him, shrugging your friends off. “I’m going to go get more drinks.”
You hadn’t meant to move close enough to be in arm’s reach of the brunette, but the bar only had so much room after filling up with people in the last hour. You took a deep breath and stepped up right next to where he sat, catching the bartender’s attention and his along with it.
You couldn’t help yourself. After ordering the next round of drinks, your gaze falls to the man next to you, and you try to hide your surprise when you find him starring back.
“Hi,” he says gently, but loud enough to be heard over the ever-growing crowd. “I’m Niall.”
You look down at his outstretched hand, taking it in your own. His hand is soft and warm against your own. It gives you a pleasant feeling as you offer your name.
“Nice to meet ya,” he says with a smile, and you can’t help but return one of your own.
The next moment goes too quick -- Niall turns toward his friend and you’re gathering up the drinks for your table -- and suddenly you’re gone, trying to brush off the feeling of regret as you head back to your table. 
You completely miss the way Niall is searching for you once he realizes you’ve disappeared. 
The next few drinks are a blur, and you find yourself in the crowd on the dance floor. It’s colliding bodies and slurred lyrics as music plays overhead. The room is dizzying with the amount of people, and it takes you a moment to realize when you have completely crashed into someone. 
You make to apologize, your hands finding a place on the person’s chest and theirs finding your arms to steady you, but then you’re looking up into a pair of bright blue eyes and the apology dies in your throat.
“Hello, again,” Niall greets.
You smile, but stumble over a greeting. 
“Could I…” Niall nods towards the bar, “possibly get you a drink?”
You bite your lip, but nod and let Niall take your hand and pull you off the dance floor and over to an empty barstool. 
Conversation comes easy when talking to Niall, and you find yourself falling into it more and more. There’s flirty glances, both of you obvious in looking at one another, but you can’t help it. The brown suit and patterned shirt Niall has on suits him far too well.
The thought of what it would look like off doesn’t escape you.
When Niall’s attention is once again torn away because of a friend, you manage a glance at your phone and notice the missed messages you had received.
Bathroom now. Too much drink.
You look back to Niall still entrapped in a conversation. Only a moment you’ll be gone, you think, and quickly make for the restroom to help your definitely-way-too-drunk friends. 
That moment quickly turns into several minutes, and you almost forget that you had left Niall sitting at the bar. A part of you wants to run back out and at least get his number, but you can’t find it in you to leave your friend until you know they’re okay. 
When you finally exit the restroom, the bar has begun to empty out. You look back to where you had left Niall, but the brunette is nowhere to be found. You push your disappointment away and instead focus on helping your friends out of the bar and into their Uber. 
The cool night air is relieving to your flushed skin. You let yourself revel in the feeling before leading your friends to their car and sending them on their way with a goodbye and a promise to see them in the morning.
You’re rubbing at your head and reaching to take off your heels when you spot him.
He’s standing just feet away on the curb, chatting away with the guy who had distracted him earlier in the night. Your heart leaps at the sight of him, and you wait for his friend to walk off before you’re calling his name.
He turns to you with a bright smile. “Hey! I thought I had lost you in there.”
You scrunch your nose. “Sorry. Had an emergency with a friend in the restroom and wanted to wait until I could send them home safely.”
Niall gives an understanding nod and a silence falls between you. He scratches at the back of his head. “You have a ride home?”
You shake your head, holding up your discarded heels. “Walked. Only live a few blocks from here.”
“Same here.” A ruffle of his hair. “Would you possibly want to come home with me tonight?”
A wide grin makes its way onto your face at the straight forward question. “I never thought you would ask.”
You wake to the sun shining in on your face and you’re quick to cover your eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep. That’s when it hits you.
This isn’t your bed. And there’s a body pressed against your back.
You carefully lean over the edge of the bed, spotting two sets of clothes on the floor -- your own and the brown suit you had spent so much time gushing over last night before you were finally able to rip it away. 
You suddenly remember the events of the night before, and a flush makes its way to your cheeks. Niall still lays behind you, fast asleep, and with a glance at the clock on his bedside table, you realize you’re long past due to meet your friends for lunch. 
“Fuck,” you say softly, trying to gently remove Niall’s arm from around your bare waist. You manage to do so with only a soft grunt from the man, but it’s when you climb off the bed and collect your clothes from the night before when his eyes open and meet yours.
You try not to look caught in the act.��“Hi.”
Niall offers a sleepy smile. “Hi. Leavin’ so soon?”
“I was supposed to meet my friends a while ago.”
“So, you’re n’ just tryin’ to run out on me without giving me your number?”
You bite your lip at the sound of his morning voice. Looking around the bedside table, you spot a marker thrown haphazardly next to the lamp. You don’t find any paper, though, and a still half-asleep Niall gives you a curious look when you take a hold of his arm.
“What’re you doin’, love?”
“My number,” you mumble through the cap between your lips, quickly scribbling your digits across the inside of Niall’s forearm. “Wouldn’t want you to lose me again like last night.”
Niall looks at the numbers written across his arm, a tired grin spreading across his features. “I’ll call you.”
You throw the marker back on the table and scramble to grab your heels from beneath the bed before you’re making your way out. You throw a wink at Niall as you leave. “You do that.”
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