#but that's not automatically the case?
musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Genuinely I absolutely, thoroughly hate the way people have gotten in regard to "You can write fic about dark subjects, but don't ever go into detail about those subjects" (if they even concede that people are "allowed" to write about anything unpleasant at all).
Because I just read an excellent one that was...very fucked-up! Actually!!! But it was also a nuanced and gripping examination of abuse--switching between the POV of the abuser (who lies to themselves about the reality of their actions, making their POV sections all the more uncomfortable for it), their victim (who lies to themselves in a different way, by refusing both to acknowledge their own victimhood or to consider the ways they later come to continue that cycle) and, eventually, an outside party (who is the only one aware of the true reality, and tries (and fails) to help, through the comparatively powerless ways that are available to them).
And this thing was not reserved in any way regarding its depiction of all of this. It didn't cut away cleanly after a vague uncomfortable comment for the reader to fill in every single blank for themselves. There were even times where the victim themselves was under the impression that they were genuinely enjoying what happened, because they convinced themselves that they had control over a situation they never had control over!!! And I know that...certain people. Would absolutely accuse this fic of "romanticizing abuse" because of these things. Which I think is an INCREDIBLY unfair assessment of it, especially since most of the time the discussion of "romanticizing [x]" is less a discussion and more, "I don't care what the author intended, this story simply shouldn't exist because this is incontrovertible proof they are a horrible person in reality, also they should die."
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yardsards · 1 month
some people on here make Hating All Social Rules such an obnoxiously large part of their personality that you could say "it is polite to avoid farting in a crowded elevator if you can help it" and they'd call you an oppressive puritan who hates the incontinent
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sysig · 8 months
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Rainbows (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Papyrus#Sans#This rainbow is all out of order - and so many negative glows ah :0#I didn't mean for them to trend negative! They were just easier to imagine the expressions - maybe I'll take a second pass on the positives#Or in green's case the negative :')#Again in order of when I drew them so kinda all over the place haha#I wanted to go in order! And then I got distracted pft - thus started with red ow :(#Honestly I was thinking of it just being a surprise-pain more than anything lol - like a splinter haha that wouldn't even pierce him!#D'you think that eyeglows could also act like automatic word-responses? Like how we say ''Ow'' when we're surprised but not hurt sometimes#Silly haha#The second is a lot less silly-intended tho more actual pain#It's also sad to think that Sans' red would pretty much have to be sympathy/emotional pain :(#The kind of survivors guilt of not being able to shoulder more but he's so fragile! It's not his fault!#I am quite happy with both of their expressions there tho especially their mouth shapes - and how the colours interact with their eyes#Lineless colours are some of my favourites :) You can tell it's my pencils and not my pen there 'cause it's feathery hehe#For example Edgar's scars are usually with my pen and they have an almost hard-line quality while my pencils are soft :) S'pretty#Switched colours! I unfortunately misremembered what their meanings were oops lol#Well I got them kinda half-right - I like blue as skeptical quite a lot :D I think it suits them both!#Sans as wary and logical and wanting to keep distance to assure his safety and what he can devote energy to - I like it!#And Papyrus using his brother's colour to be grown up in the way that Sans is hehe <3 It's sweet#I misremembered orange lol I assigned blue's alt meaning of ''curiousity'' - orange is meant to be bravery! Oops lol#I think I was thinking of Papyrus' childlike excitement and wanting to know and be involved! Haha#Greeeeens <3 Happy boys happy with each other! I love when they're happy ♥ Interlocked holding hands hehe#Pinks! Along a similar line! I like pink as platonic affection :D And as embarrassment lol but hgg the sweetness! The care and love!#Is my bias showing lol - especially with the bros sleeping on each other haha ♪ They're both happy to know the other is safe!#Couple'a stresses - I like Sans' more I'm not even gonna sugarcoat lol his expression turned out so good haha#And the inverse for the purples! I do like Sans' face but his body :P Papyrus tho - he turned out sad and perfect :')
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Bonus! "Longarm Prime"
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gay-otlc · 2 years
People on this webbed site have their brains explode when we try to talk about how trans men of any sexuality are oppressed, so I genuinely do not think your brains could handle it if I said the Scary Privileged Straight Men ™ are oppressed, but at some point we're gonna need to talk about how your "ewww straight man" jokes directed at trans men is genuinely just TERF rhetoric.
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cloverjester · 3 months
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neversetyoufree · 9 months
God it just hit me.
Names are power in VnC. We call the piece of the world formula that defines a vampire their "true name." Learning and altering a vampire's true name gives you near-absolute power over them. Vanitas hides his old name as part of his "Vanitas" persona—a defense mechanism to hide his vulnerable self.
And names are an axis of discrimination too. The main way we've been examining discrimination against the dhampirs is through the lens of vampires refusing to call them by their names. And Luna, the perennial outsider, seems not to have been given a real name. They certainly didn't have a name that they liked or identified with for most of their life.
So with all that context, even more than it might be in another series, Teacher's whole name shtick becomes such an insane power move. He changes his name constantly and will brutally punish anyone that gets it wrong. Nobody has the power that would come from knowing whatever his first/true name was. He has the physical and social power to punish and correct anyone that doesn't call him what he wants to be called. He is in complete control of how people address him, or at least close to complete control, which is such a big deal within this story.
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griem · 1 month
ijbol idk man releasing screenshots of very polarizing things said in a private discord server between friends in a public "callout" post is #the most #tumblrific thing ive ever seen LOL.
#opinion 😱 in tags
#our life#gb patch#gb patch games#our life beginnings & always#i also think it should be acknowledged that the white queer 'experience' and the black queer 'experience' are totally different#bc there are multiple occasions where GBLady has recieved an ask where shes accused of Something bc of a super specific issue#this whole situation is just the biggest case of GetOverYourself ive ever seen icl#i think rose is entitled to their opinion as a black trans person + a person who previously identified as a trans man#i think its easy to attack rose as an inflammatory person who 'purposely incites discourse' bc they dont use that super-pacifying#everyone is welcome on my blog tone that if not used is immediately interpreted by white people as hostility and rudeness#i don't agree with a lot of their takes that ive seen on their blog that were allegedly posted BEFORE they became a sensitivity reader#but irdgaf#bc its their personal blog and theyre entitled to their opinion and i don't believe u get to feel insulted or slighted#or deem them as unprofessional and inflammatory just bc they didnt speak to u on their personal blog as Nicely as u wanted them to#i just think this all leads back to a growing sense of entitlement in the gb patch fan community#esp among the our life fans#just bc this is a deeply customizable game doesn't mean that the dev can customize Every Single Thing to ur liking#it also doesn't mean that ignorance on the devs part or the staffs part in most capacities is purposefully discriminatory in nature#like no offence but wdym 'ur hands are shaking and u need to get offline' bc of all of This... please grow up and go outside#also This is controversial but a lot of yall use the fact that GBLady is a white cis woman who happens to b writing stories#with a very diverse and nuanced cast to railroad ur ideals on how the characters should b written#and if they don't meet Your personal experience as a member of that marginalized community then They are automatically written incorrectly#again just a very entitled community IJBOL#idgaf if u disagree come and kill me over it 🤷🏾‍♀️#but also im very curious abt what people think !! 👁#i also dk how to phrase this but the white gb patch community also Reeks of this strange entitlement and i hate to say it but . . .#Sensitivity ??#they have this weird almost parasocial relationship with GBLady + this fantastical relationship with the characters themselves#LOL idk if anybody gets what i mean
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sidetongue · 6 months
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this beautiful idiot went to live with someone else and honestly, both of our QOL are much better HAHA
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Been a couple of years, but I still think fondly of Grace Monroe from Infinity Train for achieving that very rare redemption arc narrative of "the people you hurt are allowed to sever all ties, and you can still become a better, happier person."
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disco-troy · 1 year
My pet peeve is when ppl like to rate the bat family based on like how great detectives they are. like that doesn't really make any sense?!?! Being a detective is a set of skills which have varied importance depending on the case and so many other factors. You've got all the different types of data analysis, forensics, identifying patterns, using various technologies, people skills, inductive thinking deductive thinking, general knowledge......
In one case talking to someone might me more useful than knowing all the information in the world about the crime scene. In a certain case, knowing some vague fact from the circus or smth might be the last piece of a puzzle, and it might just be random if that's something someone knows off the top of their head or has to search for it.
Like we're not living in an RPG where if someone has 15 detective skills and someone has 10 than the 15 detective skills one will solve all the cases before the 10. IMO that ruins stories by removing the situational nature of detective skills and characters unique voice as they navigate different situations.
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inluvwcaitvi · 17 days
okay but watch s2 be better than the leaks ever were and then everyone who talked shit abt them is suddenly quiet or takes back their words 😶
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seriousbrat · 5 months
i hate the 'homophobic snape' thing a lot in general, i mean it's worth noting basically his only friend through most of the books is also the only gay character lol.
but the truth about snape is he doesn't give a shit about stuff like that. I don't think he would have rly known about it if (big if) any of the marauders were gay-- like being 100% realistic I don't think as a teenager in the 70s he'd be above using homophobia as an insult if it was someone he hated. but also if it was someone he was friends with (mulciber) he would be accepting/not care. similar to the werewolf thing, i don't doubt he was frequently extremely vicious and offensive to remus about it but if it had been someone he liked (so lily or mulciber) who was a werewolf he would have been pretty accepting of it imo. if it was a random student he wouldn't have cared.
that being said i often dislike homophobia plots in fic in general because they always seem so gratuitous and over the top. it's obviously using snape as a mouthpiece for the most extreme vile (and out of character) views so that the marauders are justified in bullying him. like i don't think he was woke and politically correct (clearly) but be fr he doesn't care that much. and it's not that i don't think people should explore homophobia in their own writing, obviously, explore away, this is just why i personally dislike the way it's handled a lot of the time. it just so often feels contrived and insensitive to me, kind of misery porn-ish if that makes any sense. like to what extent is it necessary i guess
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nellasbookplanet · 2 months
Okay but the parallel to this post - the betrayers loved their siblings so much it drove them apart by wanting to choose their family over mortals, even if it meant abandoning Exandria to be destroyed by the primordials - is that, in the end, the primes also choose family over mortals. They will fight their siblings to protect their creation, but they will not kill them. When offered a weapon capable of destroying the betrayers, they refuse it. The calamity had been going on for a century already, countless mortals dead, and the primes won’t take the final step of killing their family even if it means war for a century more. The betrayers are enemies to mortals and primes both, but to mortals they are only enemies - to the primes, they are equally family. Thus there is an insurmountable rift. This truly is a war of gods, with the mortals nothing but collateral. No wonder the primes created the divine gate - they realized that, no matter their love for their creation, they can never truly keep it safe from divine threat, because they refuse to fully elliminate the threat no matter the price.
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dovalore · 10 months
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fenrichaita · 3 months
thinking about how most mental health diagnoses have questioning or resisting these labels which were forced upon you built in as a symptom, so there is no 'sane' way to disagree with the mental health professional.
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