#but thats excpected
queenalicevera · 9 months
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One more time.. 🎶 Happy Birthday... 🎶
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alicentsaegon · 2 years
Rhysand : Acts like a tyrant for 500 years, tortures and kills people, and is overall a vile person towards anyone other than the IC and Velaris citizens
Rhysand, Feyre and the entire IC when everyone rightfully so!! Hate their guts and distrusts them:
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defnotkanyewest · 7 months
Netflix been cooking with their live actions for a while now
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people be like ugh im sick of people making content/posts of (insert ship) i miss when the fandom didnt have as many ship posts and thus was better but what if i was sick of THESE posts where people talk down to wonderfully made content and silly posts just because they look down on romantic relationships as less superior than other things and literally just complain that people are having fun with something that they dont personally like hmmmm what then 🤔🤔 what if i was sick of people being like i miss when people talked about other characters and would discuss theories as if all of those types of posts and fan content just EVAPORATES and disappears the moment a ship becomes popular like if you want to see owl house theories literally all you have to do is look up owl house theories its not that hard lmao. if you want to see fanart of little my just look up little my its not that hard lmao. just because lumity and snufmin are popular and your probably gonna see a lot of content of them if u just search up ‘the owl house’ or ‘moomin’ doesnt mean you cant just. specifically look up what you want lol, like im sorry your petty the thing YOU like isnt the most popular thing in the fandom, literally all you have to do is look up the thing you want instead of being upset you didnt get what you. didnt search for. like what where you expecting you didnt search for it 😭 im sorry the first result when you searched ‘moomin’  happened to be a snufmin fanart and not a snorkmaiden fanart because statistically there is more snufmin art than snorkmaiden art literally all you needed to do to find what you want is. look up snorkmaiden 💀 BEGGING THESE PEOPLE TO JUST LOOK UP WHAT THEY WANT LMAO and do not even get me started on when people make comments like this, not on public forums or their own posts, BUT DIRECTLY IN THE COMMENTS OF POSTS OR CONTENT PEOPLE HAVE MADE OF WHATEVER SHIP THEIR COMPLANING ABOUT, TO THE PERSON WHO MADE IT
drives me insane tbh, its literally just bashing and looking down on people for having fun and making content for something they like just because its not personally THEIR favourite thing, sometimes DIRECTLY TO THE FACES OF PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE CONTENT, like IMAGINE seeing a cute fanart of (insert ship) and commenting on it ‘god it makes me so sad how much worse this fandom is now because content of (insert ship) is the only thing you see in the fandom anymore’ LIKE???? WHY R U TALKING DOWN TO THIS PERSON ABOUT WHAT THEY WANT TO DRAW LMAO, JUST LOOK UP WHATEVER IT IS YOU WANTED TO SEE IM BEGGING YOU 😭 theres a difference between saying something like ‘!!!! i love theories !!!! i hope people make more theories in this fandom theyre awesome !!!!! :)’ and ‘ugh honestly so annoyed of there being so much lumity content, i miss when the fandom was better because there was less lumity content being made’ also a lovely reminder that here on tumblr there is a ✨block function✨ for tags and blogs that will, miraculously, fliter out whatever content it was that you didnt want to see <3
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kajaono · 1 year
Killing off Ilsa was both damaging for Grace and Ilsa
I already saw two accusation flying around saying that 1. we are pitting Grace and Ilsa against each other and 2. that we are reducing Grace to a love interest.
So let me give some context. When I was sitting in MI7 i was hoping the whole time we would see Grace and Ilsa working together. Or we would see Ilsa working with the female killer, to cause chaos. In short, for the movie to pass the Bechdel test. It didn't happened. Which already left me disappointed. So many women and none of them has a single interaction with eachother. What a shame
But why do I care so much? Its an action movie after all. Why do I excpect female characters to be treated correctly in the MI movies? In short, when the MI movies started they were like a second Bond. Especially the women were Bond girls. Easy replacable. Don't get me started on the femme fatale trope of MI1 or the damsel in distress in MI2. And the Bond movies struggle so much to get away from this hurtful potrayal of female characters. The MI movie didn't. Quickly they developed cool, kick ass female agents who were equal to Ethan and NOT his love interests. BUT (and that is thing everything boils down to eventually) they were still replacable. Not the men, they weren't, because they are men. But the female actresses all got replaced with every new movie being released. UNTIL Ilsa. And that makes her so special. We finally finally had a woman who got her time to devlop a character, a back story, because she stayed longer then one movie. And from the beginning onwards she was a troubled character (and not in the tragic damsel in distress way Nyah was.) She was complex because she had time to be complex. This isn't about ilsa. This could also have been Jane Carter or Nyah or Zhen, because they all deserved it. But it took us five movies and 16 years to finally get a female character who was allowed to stay around.
Then Grace appeared. When I saw her, my hope was that she would be yet another cool kick ass female character who would stay around for longer (so far, i was true) and work together with Ilsa. Female soldiarity. As equals. Finally making the team more female, moving it away from the whole tierd trope "three men and one women" (which is so outdated and still gets used in shows like Paw Patrol. It is like we haven't moved a single bit in female representation. there can only be one woman)
And this is the problem. I am sure there are Ilsa stans who pit Ilsa against Grace, no question on that. But the bigger problem is that the movie did it first. MI6 had this wonderful scene where Ilsa says about Julia: "I like her".
I hoped for something like that between Ilsa and Grace but what did we got: "Only one can survive" So it was always one against another. There can only be one woman. But why? Why MCQ? Why can't there be two?
Because now Ilsa is dead. And she isn't THE woman anymore. She isn't the woman anymore who was not replaced by yet another female character. No, now she is just one of many. Claire, Nyah, Zhen, Jane, Lindsey, Ilsa, Grace.
Ilsa is now just a name on a list. And the horrible thing is: Grace as well. By killing off Ilsa you showed that BOTH Ilsa and Grace are replacable. And thats horrible.
Hayley (Grace) was/is supposed to be the next Ethan Hunt. But now her role of a hero will be always founded on a dead woman. Which btw is the reason that many casual fans already said: They love Grace but the moment Ilsa died, they started hating Grace/ or: The moment ilsa died they decided they wouldn't watch another MI movie EVEN THOUGH they love Grace and thinks its a pity for her
And thats what I think too, you could have had TWO amazing female heros. But instead MCQ killed one of them to bring up the other. This is NOT the female representation i want in my movies
Also if Hayley will take over the MI movies she needs good starting conditions. Look how much people hated that a woman of color took over the 007 title for one minute. Imagine what will happen when studios say: Ethan Hunt is done, here is Grace" People (Men) will be furious anyway. Already making them furious now by pitting her against Ilsa and building her legancy on Ilsa is the worst start her character could have and i wonder why MCQ didn't considered that. I mean MI TV show stans are still angry at the first MI movie and refuse to watch the movie movies completly for what happened in MI1.
2. So is saying "Grace is just a stand in for Ilsa" sexist? No. But the movie treats her like one and thats sexists. Grace is amazing! She is funny, she is lovable, she is deeply human and a really clever thief. But instead of using those talents to let the movie shine, MCQ decided that Ethan would turn to her minutes after Ilsa died, touch her, nearly kiss her etc. Which is like...? Same things he did with Ilsa one hour ago in the desert. Does that reduces Ilsa and Grace to a love intrerest? No, both are so much more. But it is established that Ethan has a thing for brown haired women. His wife was one, his girlfriend was one, Ilsa was one and then Grace walks on the screen, with the same fashion scene as Ilsa etc. But without the established backstory. Still kinda helpless und clueless. Yeah she can fight and save herself and is kickass. But the whole thing is that Grace is "Before joining an agent organisation" and Ilsa is "after leaving an agent organisation" was... really telling imo. Take that the way you like
That Ethan seemed to have an instant attraction to both Grace and Ilsa was only a part of the mirroring, part of a bigger picture, it doesn't reduce Ilsa or Grace to a love interest
Edit: I noticed this part sounds confusing. To summarize it. Ilsa is: established backstory + fighting skills + saves herself + love interested. Grace is: no established backstory + thief skills + kinda saves herself + love interest. Because she doesn't has a troubled past like Ilsa the focus was shifting so much stronger to the love interest part of her, that even though that she is so much more then that, eventually she just felt like another: Amazing super agent who can kick ass, but who is eventually only there to kiss the male main character to boost his ego and to help him learn a lesson and become more humble" What we already had so so many times. And is so boring. Ilsa was more then that because of her backstory. But then go a stand in with Grace. And so we end up at the „both are replaceable“ part again
Funny that MCQ hated the idea of Ilsa being a love interest so much that he rather had her dying then her kissing Ethan. While it was him who wrote multiple kissing scenes in the first place and it was him who immeditaly wrote "and ethan gets all touchy touchy on Grace" So MCQ, whats the truth?
TL:DR: Killing of Ilsa hurted both Grace and Ilsa and was a step backwards in female representation in action movies because Ilsa and Grace should have fought along side each other. The legacy of one woman shouldn't be build on the death of another
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feuling-force34 · 6 months
A shape of purple
Hi everyone, this Is a Broppy story, i really Hope you like it! Its short bit its my First story so please no hate! Enjoy!!
* Oh my God! I can't believe that me and my Friends are going to the same college!*
Poppy Is really excited, she always wanted to go to High Might college! She was literally jumping from the enthusiasm. She Heard something, the phone was vibring. It was Creek *Creek, again* Poppy reached the phone and answer It
" Hi Creek how are you doing?"
" Really good Poppy, you sound really Happy, thats good! I can't wait to see you at school, princess" " Yeah, me too" Poppy sighed. " Are you okay?" " Oh, yeah I'm ok-" " Sorry princess but i have to go, bye!" " Bye...?" The call ended. Poppy was a little mad to Creek, he was always like this, he cared for her but he was always so rude sometimes.
" Better get ready" Poppy said It in enthusiastic way. She wanted to do everything that college would offer: joining club, meet new troll, do some sporta and most important of all... Prom! Poppy got to her car and drived to the school
" Oh my gosh! Its more beutiful than what i excpected!" Poppy saw her friends waving at her, She came closer " Hi! Do you want to go for a coffee with us?" DJ Suky was smiling, Poppy acetted the offer. All of them got to the school cafè
" This cappuccino its really awesome!" Smidge said " It sure Is!" Poppy was really Happy with her friends, she was enjoing the coffee with them. Then she saw a dark troll reading a book. She didn't focus to the book he was reading but she sure felt for that troll "Hey guys? Who Is that Little fella over there?" Poppy asked " I don't know, but i think i heard of him...His name Is like...Branch? I don't really know" Biggie was looking at the troll with a disgusted face.
" He's very... Dark, maybe i could talk to him and making him my new friend!" Poppy was Just in dreamland now." Okay" Everyone agreed except for One " Obliovsly not, Poppy... I like your enthusiasm, but don't you think that guy Might be, i don't know... Annoing? Boring?" Creek seemed like a bit scared " No, i don't think" Poppy didn't wait a minute that she was reaching that guy " Well, Hello there! My name Is Poppy, I'm new here and i wanted to make new friend, whats your name buddy?" The guy watched her and then " I'm Branch, nice to meet you" He seemed "normal" After all, " What are you Reading" Poppy asked " I'm reading a detective book, its really good. Why do you ask?" "Just curious" " Umm... Okay? Can i go now? I don't want to be late in the First lesson " " Oh, yeah, right! What class are you?" " 1 B" Branch seemed a Little nervous
" Oh, me too! What a concidence right?" Poppy was really Happy that ger new friend was in the same class as her's " I Guess"
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neotrances · 2 years
for me its the fact that masculinity is often a survival tactic too. like this world HATES feminity so bad. wants to punish and exterminate it whenever too much of it is around. far too many situations ive been in where i had to act hypermasculine to avoid being harassed or attacked. i want to be able to express feminity though. thats what feels freeing and natural. seeing ppl in the lgbt community get disgusted at feminity is almost triggering. it ruins the trust i have with others. i excpected those people to allow me to be natural and free but then they make a "joke" about wanting to hurt femmes or something. and it disturbs me to think that i would have to use this survival tactic around other lgbt people. horrid situation.
i agree fully and building off this a lot of the ppl im seeing behave this way and say things like this literally have internalized misogyny to deal with like if anywhere in ur brain equates feminity with being lesser u need to work on urself they literally get in these spaces and forget women r oppressed and things ascribed to womanhood are bashed, it’s so ugly we are supposed to support and defend one another
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localmvtt · 8 months
Ello Cryptids!
sorry for dissapearing
School has sucked the motivation out of me, thats why i havent posted about the qsmp au, BUT i have a big peice of lore in progress, so in the meantime excpect me to post a lot about scott pilgrim and Marble Hornets
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p3roxid3city · 1 year
Hey gang my DTIYS is OVER!!! 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️😵‍💫🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️i Will so so sooo soon announce the winners, way more people entered than i excpected so while Thats SUPER COOL it Also makes it incredibly hard to choose!
Just a general rwminder That i Will not choose the winner based of How well i know a person or anything like That, the winning pices have nothing to Do with who made them, likewise if you dont win it has nothing to Do with YOU
Anyways thanks to all who entered it has been super cool to see so many lloyds in so manu styles B-)
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moomi-na · 2 years
i honestly didnt excpected this manga would get an anime adaptation i didnt even think about it but im so happy.
honestly, I didn't expect this manga to get an anime adaptation, I didn't even think about it, but I'm so happy!!!!~~
this animation company is small, so i don't expect very very good animation, you know ) im fine with that.
and if you (yes u piece of shit ) gonna say "ugh it would be better if Reborn continued/reboot/etc" then you should close your nasty mouth and be GRATEFUL for THAT bc where were YOU when there was a vote on witch manga get an anime adaptation? what? you didnt know? ow THATS sad--- :3 go and say "Thank you Amano for your job i will support you"
here - https://twitter.com/amano_akira_
and here- https://twitter.com/kamonohashi_ron
n o w
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Wait how long would you ideally go between book releases because ive come to excpect to have to wait a year or two for the next book in a series. But your talking as if its possible to do it sooner.
I also now covid created problems within publishing delaying books, but thats probably fixed now.
Mmm for a series, I don't personally like to leave it more than four months between books, BUT I'm self-published and set my own schedule. I'm also a fast writer when I actually, you know. Write. LOL
Example: Dead and Breakfast releases on Tuesday, then I'd ideally like to have books two and three in September and November respectively, plus a Christmas Aristoverse book in early December (but I have like 55k words of that, so it's half done already.) Then late January for the fourth Fox Point book, which would be approx 3 months between books 3 and 4. That puts me back on a schedule of a book every 8-10 weeks which is sustainable for me.
It's very different in traditional publishing, and varies from genre to genre. Mysteries can be a year between books, but romance is such a large, fast-paced genre in terms of how tropes go in and out of fashion that a quicker pace is required. Romance readers are voracious. Even in trad pub it's more 6-8 months between books now, whereas a decade ago that was nigh on impossible unless you had multiple publishers.
Remember that self-published authors don't have the hoops that traditional publishers do - we aren't beholden to schedules from printers or bookstore placements, so we can produce content much quicker.
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hueningoo-archive · 2 years
Hi. I'm a girl. I'm 5ft(the doctor says I'm 4'11 but idc) I'm a June baby Gemini. And my mbti is entp-t. I love fashion and shoes. I love roller coasters and fast go-karts. I am a dance major in hs and love doing kpop random dances in my free time. I like to make cakes when I have the stuff for them. My love language for giving is gift giving for receiving its physical touch.I dont like being controlled or giving up any kind of power. I am very strong-willed and if I dont wanna do something I will not do it. I this thus is enough info. Sorry if it's too much.
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i match you with... yeonjun!
yeonjun loves fashion too!! if your looking at a certain piece of clothing for a bit too long- he already bought it and you can count on that. you guys def go on shopping dates often to get clothes if thats what u want! u also go on a lot of amusement park dates lol. he might suck at driving the fast go-karts and start bumping into everyone and everything but hes still having just as much fun as u are. he will love to dance with u!!! also he would loveee eating the cakes u made! he might even make them with u (hes probably just gonna make a mess but its okay...) cuddles and hugs and kisses are also a must with him so do excpect a lot of phsyical attention hehehhe
yeonjun lovesss ur strong-witted personality too! hes fr just like u
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duckduckngoose · 1 year
hhhaha we got 96 answers what the fuckkkk (positive) (holy shit) (didnt excpect to get that  much) (ty sm to everyone who took the survey and/or reblogged it!) (what the hell though) (thats so many people)
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malrightnao · 2 years
October is coming up, and you know what that means...
Here's a list of all the prompt!!
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Please feel free to draw however many prompts you want, be it fully rendered or as simple sketches! (Idealy one per day for the whole month). I'm really curious to see how everyone's interpretations might go, and i always liked Inktobers variant as concepts!
This is about a relatively obscure character so i don't excpect many people to join in, but i still think this is a fun idea lol.
Anyway, thank you for your time, feel free to share it with your friends, and happy Wintober!
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mondglocke · 6 months
Wanted to start a bigger Project and thought why not draw my DnD Party! It's still a WIP but... i wanna track my progress so i'm honored to introduce you to✨ the still nameless ✨(we're only in session 8, so obviously theres no name yet, stay tuned! )
Rouks: Halfelf / Druid🐺🪶
Calidore: Human / Warlock & Bard 🌊🎶 (thats me)
"Dave" (he has a long ass name): Dragonborn / Barbarian⚔️🤛🏻
Urruk the Peaceful: Orc / Cleric🙏🏻🌼
Theodor: Halfelf / Artificer ⚙️💡
.... And Galiira, The NPC we're helping right now, not sure if she is friend or foe... she stabbed one of us - BUT she was under the influence of some evil witches. and she had beer. so now we're friends (??) 😌🌼✨
anyway, excpect more of them, i love them very much.
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seishirospeaches · 1 year
Extra busy season, but this is starting to make me feel more shitty, the lack of sleep never disappeared.
Honestly college has got me nothing but this
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Expect smut, because thats my comfort.
Also, excpect something unexpected for me to drop and add in my masterlist *winks like shit*
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