#but the first fics I read were dbz/sailor moon
mixelation · 6 months
what was your first ship?
Sailor Neptune/Sailor Uranus 😊
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dearestgojo · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anon who asked all that stuff for the voice ask. Thx for answering XD. I just got to it because ya know life and stuff
Kuzco's new school, that brings me back.
I wanna say im surprised jjk isn't top 3 considering you're writing a jjk fic but tbh jjk is more like top 10-20 for me depending on the anime i remember and currently watch that adds to the list. But gojo's def a top fav anime characters for me
Wow one piece. Always heard how great it is but daaaaamnnn 1k chapter and probably 1k episodes already. It'll take me like as long it's been out to catch up 😅
Hello. No problem, hun, thank you for sending them in, they were fun to answer. Lol, I completely get it, I'm glad you got to listen to 'em.
Yeah, it was the first one that came to mind cause I recently rewatched a few episodes with the kids I watch, but there were other shows like Kim Possible, The Replacements, PBS Kids Shows like Author, Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman, and Word Girl. All very Nostalgic.
Most people in my irl are also surprised jjk isn't my favorite because despite growing up watching anime I didn't have many friends to talk about it with, they've also recently started watching anime and started with animes like jjk and demon slayer, mind you one person from here at one point looked at me weird when I tried to get them to watch Haikyuu my freshman year of high school but was watching Sailor Moon by our senior year. And I love jjk, I really do, I enjoy reading it and watching it, but it isn't in my top favorites for two reasons. 1) I don't see myself rewatching it over and over as I do with Kimi Ni Todoke or FMA, and 2) I didn't grow up watching it the same way I did with One Piece, Saint Seiya, dbz, etc. It's probably the same for me I never really gave it much thought to where it falls on my list. And yes Gojo has a really special place in my heart, I don't want to say he's at the top of my anime characters, but he takes a special space.
I haven't read the One Piece manga yet, because I very recently got into reading manga, but it's on my to-read list. I grew up watching a lot of it until it stopped airing where I live, which broke my heart, but I recently started rewatching it and the nostalgia is hitting hard. I remember sitting in front of the television watching it and how in awe I was with it. Just having flashbacks to my weekends as an elementary kid watching it, Naruto, and Pokemon playing back to back. ...I love binging things so I'm about halfway recaught up on the anime.
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ryosei-hime · 3 years
Writer Tag Game
I got tagged by @ernmark
I’m terrible at tagging people in these so if you see this and want to do it, go for it!
How many works do you have on AO3?
I’m gonna start by saying that I have a larger chunk of fics on FF.net because I wrote more back when I used that instead. I also had a very long hiatus from writing fics at all due to mental health and life stuff.
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Also I realized recently that a lot of my RvB fics didn’t end up on AO3 and I just left them here on tumblr which was the last time I was super active with fanfic back in 2014.
So, long way around to say, only 20 that are housed on AO3 specifically.
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Naptime is Best Time which was my most popular RvB fic. A little humorous Grimmons.
Stolitz Week Oneshots - Some of my most recent work since that event only ended recently. Very specifically I got a lot of those kudos after posting Confession which seems to be well-liked and makes me very happy.
Personal Space which is a HuskerDust chapter fic that deals with Husk’s insecurities regarding his demon form.
Sex and Therapy - An OCxRobo Fizz story in which an imp therapist buys a busted up second hand Fizzarolli Personal Companion with intents to help him professionally but uh. *points at the title* This one was very surprising to me because I don’t expect much if any attention to be given to my OC focused things. So that this one got enough to be on the top five makes me really happy.
Apologies - An Alix/Chat Noir fic that I did for a rare pair exchange. Another one that surprises me. : P Especially as I only watched the first season of Ladybug and often forget I even wrote it.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to and if the comment is longer, I definitely do. With shorter comments, it depends on my mood. I’m socially awkward and whether or not saying just thank you feels inane and unwanted as a response will vary with how I’m feeling. I definitely appreciate all comments! Even one word comments. : P But responding will vary based on my own mental processes and has nothing to do with the commenter or my appreciation for the comment. Some comments will make me particularly happy and I’ll read them over again but still not respond because I don’t have anything specific to say in response. It’s mostly a series of noises that can’t be conveyed in text.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Oh! That’s definitely Don’t Cry Usagi. A short fic speculating the long term effects of Naru's role as victim in Sailor Moon's crime-fighting life. I don’t do character death a lot but I had this idea and it wouldn’t leave me alone.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I think I end up with a lot of happy endings. Like there’s probably suffering along the way but in the end things work out more often than not. So, I don’t think that I can say any one fic has a happier ending than another, really.
Do you write crossovers? If so, What is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I was probably more prone to that when I was younger. I did have one that I never posted anywhere that involved Doctor Drakken from Kim Possible attempting to use a device to access a universe in which he had been successful in taking over the world (I think this was before a Stitch in Time came out) and learn how he did it. But of course the device malfunctions and sort of scatters universes. I used pretty much all the cartoons I was particularly interested in at the time.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I wouldn’t say hate. I’ve definitely received some weird responses though. And all on FF.net.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I only very, very recently starting doing so! Because you can only write a character that’s a sexbot for so long without it coming up. It was important that the second occurrence of full on sex in Sex and Therapy (I fade to blacked the first) actually be written because there was a lot of emotion and bonding involved in it that needed to be shown. Which is why I said fuck it and did the shorter one right before it as well. I had to accept I couldn’t tell that story without sex. It’s in the title! But now I’m more comfortable writing it, so I may be more prone to do so going forward.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I’m pretty sure I had a few snatched up by bots grabbing a bunch all at once. But not by a person that I am aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I attempted to do so once with a 9/Labyrinth crossover. I failed you @ernmark​. Forgive me. Actually, there was one other time where I was slightly more successful but it also never got posted anywhere or made it beyond a couple of rough drafts. It was a DBZ fic and I remember a much more talented writer was working with me and I was super grateful for their input and help because this was when I was like *maths* 13? I was super young. We were using yahoo chat to work on it together. And this much better/older writer treated me so nicely and wasn’t condescending at all. It was really nice of them. I will always remember you stranger from yahoo chat.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
That definitely depends on the fandom. Since these are the two fandoms I’m active in right now: Stolitz is my favorite Helluva Boss ship and HuskerDust is my favorite Hazbin Hotel ship.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Okay, there are two fics I started a million years ago that I think about rewriting and finishing constantly. I even started to rewrite one of them more recently before Helluva/Hazbin took over my brain. One was Foutley’s Phone Buddies which was an As Told By Ginger fic focused on aged up Carl/Blake. The other Was Crouching Tigger, Hidden Rabbit which was a Tigger/Rabbit fic. That’s right. I ship the fuck out of Tigger and Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh.
What are your writing strengths?
Characters and dialogue. I’m someone with very low self-esteem or it used to be very low. I guess it’s gotten better but it’s still hard to say outright nice things about myself. But I’ve never had a problem saying I’m good at characters. Confessions is kind of a point of pride for me right now with that because of how much attention it’s received for being in character.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot and structure. I write primarily by instinct. And my instinct is primarily character driven. What makes it easy for me to just churn out character interactions without thinking makes it difficult for me when I have to stop and slow down long enough to figure out what’s actually supposed to be happening in the story and in what order for the best pacing. The more my wheels have to actually turn, the harder it is for me.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’ll do it poorly with flagrant disregard for poor native speakers. I’m so sorry native speakers. I used bacha galupe for Angel in one recently. I didn’t even think about it. I just did it. And I’m pretty sure I learned that from the Golden Girls so how accurate it is or if it’s even spelled right is beyond me. But it’s out there now. I really only do this for words here and there though. If someone’s gonna do more than that, I’ll just write that they speak in the language.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Animorphs! I typed up Animorphs fic in like comic sans size fucking 30 or something and printed it out. I’ll never forget. That was in the late 1990s and my grandfather had just moved up from the printer that had the edges you had to tear off. So it was on this impressive pure white straight sheet of paper. So fancy and it had my giant ass fic on it. Only the best for my Andalite OC.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I’m still very fond of Naptime is Best Time after all these years. I think Sex and Therapy is gonna be special to me for being one of the longest chapter fics I’ve ever finished (I’ma finish it) because I’ve always been more of a oneshot person until recently. And Confessions will probably stay a favorite for a long time. So, yeah, I’ve just been happier with my recent stuff and being able to write fanfic again after so many years.
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anntidote · 4 years
:get to know me
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what is this?
❁ a bunch of questions if you wanted to get to know me. they’re random facts, tid bits, and stories behind how i got to love bts, writing, and what i do beside writing these fics.
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story behind your handle?
❁ you can call me: ann.
❁ the meaning of ‘anntidote’ is a mix of my pseudonym and a play off of the word, ‘antidote’, which is defined as a medicine.
❁ as most of the work i write is mature and/or explicit, this blog acts as a ‘cure’ for these thoughts.
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how did you start writing ff?
❁ i started writing fan fiction in 2014. i was apart of a minecraft fandom, and wrote fan fiction for certain YouTubers in that friend group. then, i switched fandoms, in writing for an australian pop-punk band. afterwards, leading to where i am now- which is writing for: international kpop sensation sunshine rainbow traditional transfer usb hub shrimp, BTS. i grew up on anime due to my older brother. hq is no exception to this creative outlet, and i couldn’t be happier.
❁ just because i started writing in 2014 doesn’t mean i wasn’t an avid fan of other things. in no particular order: i liked o2l, had a swift phase, made rubber band bracelets, and loved musicals (still do).
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how did you start liking bts?
❁ the prior group i liked (no hate towards the group, as i still love their music) lacked fan involvement and fresh frequent content. it’d been over a year since they’d put out something new, and i needed something else to listen to. i knew my friends were really into k-pop, so i thought- fuck it- why not? i approached them and they gave me recommendations based off of my music taste (heavy hip-hop, pop, and alternative rock). i listened to the music without prejudice and found myself enjoying it. i remember listening to the cypher series, save me, and simply being amazed.
how did you start liking haikyuu!! ?
my best friends and others in my friend group kept nudging me to watch. it took awhile but i eventually gave in, especially since i liked knb a lot. i’m truly glad i gave it a chance, as i kind of fell for tsukki the minute i saw him— he took none of the freak duo’s bs. and it was history from there.
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how did you know your bias was rm?
❁ summer of 2017, lying on my couch and scrolling through YouTube, i spotted jimin’s ‘serendipity’ mv had just dropped. although i had been already listening to bts for a couple weeks before that, ly:her (DNA era) would be my first comeback. i fell in love with serendipity’s lyricism and looked into who wrote it. i fell in love with namjoon- right then and there. (note: this was when namjoon was still called ‘rap monster’ and everyday, i thank him for realizing that that name would not age well, and consequently changing it.)
❁ i always tell to new armys, “you don’t choose your bias. your bias chooses you.” although that sounds insanely cliche and stupid- i find it to be true. upon hearing namjoon’s voice for the first time, i did a double take. he knocked me out of my seat and didn’t need to apologize. there’s so much i could gush in adoration toward that man, but let’s move on.
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besides writing, what are your hobbies?
❁ i major in audio technology and am enrolled in a mixing and mastering course. i aspire to work in the music industry, and i write songs in my free time. as i’m training to be a mixing engineer/producer, writing songs leads me to writing other ideas- which is one of the reasons why i’m here! c: i’ve also been singing my entire life- which may or may not attribute to the fire. being an army has only reinforced my dreams and expectations ten fold.
❁ when i’m not burying myself in work, i’m either cooking, catching up on my shows, or sleeping. there’s no in between.
- cooking is therapeutic for me. (wrapping meat dumplings, frying chicken or potatoes, or emulsifying pasta sauce.)
- other than bts variety shows, i watch a lot of anime. i love sports (haikyuu & kuroko no basket, etc), classics (sailor moon, fairy tale, fruits basket, dbz, naruto, etc.), and others. i love romance, comedy, and competition.
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how do you get inspiration?
❁ by doing nothing. and i know this sounds stupid, but it’s the truth- whether you like it or not. namjoon also partakes in this stupidity (he’s said this in an interview). i could be avidly searching everywhere for what i need to write next, or i could kick back, relax, and let the thoughts come and go as they please. i simply try to enjoy the tasks i do on the daily, and notice the small things that lead me on to creative trains of thought. (ie: seeing a plane fly overhead, and thinking of seatbelts.) “i do nothing for twelve hours... but when i get to the studio, my mind clicks.”
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trademark facts about yourself
❁ i love salty chips. specifically, spicy ones. hot cheetos are glorified in this household. due to covid, i haven’t been able to have them- and i swear, i’m hitting withdrawals. (takis, sweet & spicy doritos, hot cheetos, kettle cooked potato chips, etc.)
❁ my favorite color is red. it used to be pink, because i wanted to spite people on the color’s duality. but this was the color of one of the boy’s i liked- so i changed it. even though i got over the boy, i still liked the color because of how empowered it made me feel.
❁ i’m introverted. very much so. it’s kind of crippling... my out of pocket posts may lead you to think otherwise, but no. trust me. i just seem extroverted at times because i get really passionate about what i do. (my MBTI is ISFP-T.)
❁ i don’t like coffee. perhaps i’m too young, but when i write, i love drinking hot chocolate- even in the summer.
❁ i’d fallen in love with music before i stanned bts. i’ve always participated in music and have been captivated by how singers tell stories without borders. bts empowers change and reinforces the voice of youth, that has been shunned so many times. i’m so happy to support their cause.
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message to those who read
❁ thank you for taking the time/having interest in what i post. it truly means a lot to me. i hope you have a beautiful day or night, wherever you’re from. i love you guys, and i love namjoon too- haha.
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talesfantastic · 4 years
Mun Things and Fandom Notes
about the mun. fill this out  &  tag a few people you’d like to get to know better !
tagged by the lovely @vetlanwrites tysm tagging some people I haven’t tagged before: @amalgammuses, @animus-inspire​, @kychchc​, @rotinthedark, @warofthebeasts & YOU!
name: my name is [ loud music interrupts ] nickname:  you can call me Kat or KF! preferred pronouns: she/her age range:  30+ favorite animal:  cats pets: cat and a dog tattoos/piercings: I had my ears pierced several times and they won’t stay pierced so I gave up on anything -shrug- star sign: virgo! I’m an August bby how long have you been in this fandom?: doing just the ones I currently have muses for, and not the ones I’ve only talked about -
Dragonball(Z) - I’ve been writing in DBZ since... oh geez, the late 90′s? I think the first fic I ever posted was DBZ and it was around that time. I didn’t start rping it until like, early 00′s though.
Final Fantasy - I actually dabbled in 9 a little bit around the time it came out in ‘00 (my friend had it!) but I wouldn’t say I really did much until I really got into 7, and that was around... geez, ‘05? I rped it a little with a friend around then but I didn’t really start writing it much until nearly ‘10. #latetotheparty Yet I do consider it my “home” fandom - I always come back to it.
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons - early ‘00s! My first HM/SoS game was Friends of Mineral Town on my trusty GBA and I love it so much to this day. SO excited for the remake!
Legend of Zelda - I really, really loved Ocarina of Time from the get-go when I got it on the N64 in ‘98 (I got it again for the GameCube and the 3DS and would totally buy it for the Switch, just sayin.) Majora’s Mask creeped me out a bit and was stressful but I liked it, too. And then of course later titles like Twilight Princess were just... -chef’s kiss- but I didn’t really dig into the fandom until ‘10-’11 when I started rping Link with a friend and briefly tried joining a forum rp group (shoutout to ZRPG!) with an OC
Marvel Cinematic Universe - I want to say around ‘12, when Avengers came out? Like, I’d seen Iron Man but I didn’t really dig into it until then.
Pokémon - late 90′s / early 00′s because I first started my Pkmn journey playing Gold and Crystal. While I didn’t write fanfic or rp it, I definitely had headcanons and a lot of feels.
Sailor Moon - early 90′s! I first watched the anime as it came out, though I’ve since forgotten most of that and only have the manga/crystal in my head to run interpretations off of. It was so pretty tho.
Stardew Valley - a newer fandom for me, I really only started getting “into” it about a year ago, but man... I love it, I really do
Star Wars - despite early access to the OT as a kidlet, I didn’t actually get “into” Star Wars until the Prequels in ‘99 (fite me) when I fell in love with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and promptly, voraciously, dove into fixit and timetravel fanfic. By the time KOTOR came out in ‘03 I was hooked.
Threads of Fate - I think I got into this one on the ground floor, so to speak. My friend had just gotten it and I borrowed it from her and my brother’s PS1 in ‘00 and that was it, I was in love.
why did you choose this specific character/s?:  under a cut bc I have like... nearly 30 muses now
I’m doing alphabetical order (by fandom / first name) bc it’s just easier to go down my list:
tl;dr I picked them all because I love them. Read on to find out why. Click their names to read their bios!
Dragonball Z
Vegeta - oh man, actually one of the first characters I ever rp’d or wrote in fic, and that’s saying something. I picked him because I love him. He’s an absolute ass, but he grows so much throughout Z. (I have yet to see Super, hoping to one day remedy that but we’ll see!) I guess I picked him up for nostalgia’s sake? I really love the character and think there’s a lot of growth yet to see buried under that pride and ego. If you can unearth it.
Final Fantasy
Angeal Hewley (FF7) - actually my first muse on Tumblr, back in... oh, 2013? The blog has been deleted, but he was the first muse I ever played seriously out of FF7. There’s parts of Angeal that really resonate with me, enough that - when I was a less experienced writer - I got tangled up in him a bit too much, made him a bit too personal, and I realized I had to take a step back from writing him. But I love Angeal, and after some time had passed, having written him in various fics, I’ve felt confident adding him... even if I haven’t done anything with him here yet.
Cait Sith (FF7) - I know a lot of people see Cait Sith as all sorts of negative things, but frankly I adore the little guy. And I guess I took him on partially because I couldn’t take Reeve on and not take Cait on, but partially because I see so much in him that could be interesting to explore and would really, really love to. (Any Reeve’s or AVALANCHE - or Turks! - come at me!)
Chaos (FF7) - I picked Chaos up on a whim, as far as Tumblr goes. I really enjoy rping him/Vincent off Tumblr and writing him in fics, and I suppose I just wanted to present a different side of him than I usually see. I’ve even had a thread that has a great deal of promise so I think it was worth it.
Genesis Rhapsodos (FF7) - my third FF7 blog, I think? It’s still up, though obviously not in use, just because I’d put so much work into it. I really adore Genesis, and love writing him. I love his sass and flare, but I love that he’s deeper than all the fire and flamboyance, if you’re willing to look past that. I’m lucky that I’ve had some lovely partners to explore him with, though I’d still kill for an Angeal to throw him at. XD Or a Sephiroth, for that matter.
Lazard Deusericus (FF7) - Lazard, my second FF7 blog and an unexpected love. I picked him up because I had recently started writing him in earnest with an off-Tumblr rp partner ( @thegeeksqueaks ) and was really enjoying him, and hadn’t seen him on Tumblr yet so thought I might get more partners that way. (It turned out there were a couple but they were inactive.) His first blog was accidentally deleted - over five years worth of character development and relationships - so after briefly working him up again solo I brought him over here. He’s not getting the same level of attention but it’s worth it not to be juggling blogs.
Reeve Tuesti (FF7) - pre-Remake, most of the Reeve rpers had gone inactive (shoutout to the fabulous @engineering-robotics and @animus-inspire for coming back!) and just... I love the character too much not to see him in the RPC. Of course, I love to write him period myself so I’d love more threads there but regardless he’s so much fun.
Tristan Pierce (FF7 OC) - Triiiiiiiiiis. Tristan was actually born as an NPC off of Lazard’s blog, who took a life on his own because he was just... so full of life. He actually had his own blog, too! I’ve barely done anything with him here, but I still keep him just because he gives me feels and he’s just neat. (He does still appear in the background of Lazard’s threads though.)
Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons
Iris (SoS) - I actually picked up Iris as a muse first for a fantastic HM/SoS/SDV/etc rp group I’m in a couple years ago, and liked playing her so much I thought I’d bring her here. Elegant lady novelist? Yes please.
Neil (ANB) - unlike Iris and Trent, I haven’t written Neil anywhere else, but he’s my love from A New Beginning and just... he seems like he’d be fun to write? I’d love to flesh him out.
Doctor/Trent (FoMT/MFoMT; DS/CUTE) - Trent, like Iris, is one I write for the rp group and I legit picked him up because of the opportunity for h/c I am not sorry. But seriously though, he’s grown on me so much and I love my awkward doctor.
Legend of Zelda
Midna (Twilight Princess) - TP is one of my absolute favorite Zelda games, and Midna a favorite character. There’s just so much to her you don’t get to see that I was really hoping to get to dig into, still hope one day to. We’ll see. Worth keeping on roster.
Revali (Breath of the Wild) - my newest addition! I keep saying in complete seriousness “Genesis with more feathers” but seriously, I may have a type? I love him so much and wanted to see more of him, and by god if I have to do it myself so be it. (I have been playing a ton of BOTW lately which probably has a lot to do with it. XD)
Sheik (Ocarina of Time) - I love them so much. OoT didn’t have a ton of character building, but the sheer implications of the character speaks volumes that I want to explore. I’m lucky enough to be getting the chance to, too.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Tony Stark - did I mention I have a type? I feel he makes a good argument for it. I originally picked Tony up because I just fell head over heels for the character in the first couple Iron Man movies + Avengers. I... am less in love with him in the later movies, not gonna lie, and am so far behind on lore that I’m considering dropping him. But yeah, originally picked him up just because he had so much potential. Thx Disney, great job there.
Pokémon (gameverse)
Lily Hart (HG/SS OC) - another OC of mine, this time for a fandom that... I only really know through the games, as opposed to manga/anime. I picked her up because I really liked the idea of doing events or little ask things with her, and still may try to initiate some more of those. We’ll see?
Sailor Moon (manga/Crystal)
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury - I actually picked Ami up because of a plot with @magicalxgirlsxrp where we were splitting up the Inners and the Shitennou for some mega threads. XD But yeah, I do like her. Even if she’s a challenge to write sometimes because she’s very much not like me, and very much smarter.
Kunzite - Kunzite I have always loved, always, and I’ve had him on here because I really wanted to explore him more. I love him even more after the teasing in Crystal of what might have been, be still my shippy heart.
Mamoru Chiba/Endymion/Tuxedo Mask - super fond of Mamoru, too; I didn’t care for him so much in the 90′s anime, but in the manga and Crystal I really became more fond. I do a few things differently, I think, but don’t we all? I picked him up for that very reason, in fact.
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus - Minako is really interesting to me because there’s so much more to her than her airheaded, bubbly persona that fits her like a glove... but is just as superficial. I mean, she’s sunny and happy but she’s also the OG Senshi, the leader of the Inners, a powerful, commanding fighter - she’s complex, and I really wanted to explore that + getting to have fun with her bubbliness.
Nephrite - another picked up from @magicalxgirlsxrp‘s enabling. But I do find him really interesting so it works out well. Haven’t done a lot with him, but we have plans. Plans I’m looking forward to.
Stardew Valley
M. Rasmodius - I knew I really wanted to do something with SDV, once I got to playing it, but I wasn’t sure who. I thought about Sebastian and Elliot, but already had interacted with a couple who were just fantastic. So instead, I did a good fallback of mine - because I never, ever get tired of playing mages. Ever. XD
Star Wars
HK-47 (KOTOR) - the attitude. I wanted to write HK entirely because of the scorching levels of sass from this droid.
Liana Raine (SWTOR f!JC) - the Jedi Consular storyline is one of my favorites out of all of SWTOR (tied with the Inquisitor, but I’m revamping her) and I really just wanted to keep playing with it even once I’d done the dedicated storyline.
Revan (KOTOR LS!F) - give me female Revan you cowards. -ahem- I have feels about Revan, okay? I love her so, so much - she even had her own blog, I love her that much. I would absolutely love to do something more with her but I will hold on to her if for no other reason than to make sure at least one black, female Revan exists in the world. (I want all the timetravel and crossover threads, hit me up.)
Tharan Cedrax (SWTOR) - another for attitude, really, and also definitely my type. XD He’s charming, he’s snarky, he’s sassy, he’s brilliant... I very much like Tharan and really felt he, like most of the companions, deserved more screentime. So, I’m here to give it to him.
Threads of Fate (Dewprism)
Duke - he’s so cool. I mean, he’s a dork, but his powers are amazing and he’s just a fun, incredibly upbeat character to play. And well, anything to spread my love of that teeny fandom.
Fancy Mel - Mel hits all the sweet spots for a mage character. She’s got flavor, she’s got amazing powers, and she had room to create a fantastic backstory with amazing crossover potential. Is she a bit OP? Yes. But she has no intention of using it for anything but her amusement/whimsy.
Rod the Bladestar - I love Rod. I love his oddly genteel manners, I love how he’s unwittingly sexist but quickly cleans up his act when put straight, I love how driven and passionate he is. Could do without such a typically-Square-outfit, but you can’t have everything. (In the right artists’ hands, he might even be pretty amazing, actually.)
Did you read all of that? Amazing. Any of them strike your interest? Hmu and maybe we could plot a thread! :eyes:
Also I sincerely apologize to mobile users who had to read all that because Tumblr can’t get it’s act together.
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ladykf-writes · 5 years
Fanfic Writer Appreciation (and a little self love)
Sooooo, as talked about I wanted to do a little promo. I may not always be my favorite writer, but I try to be one of my cheerleaders. And well, if you’re here you obviously have some interest in what I’m up to.
SO! Here’s a list of my currently-published WIPs and some info about them, in the order that I’ve updated them, most recent to oldest. 
Feel free to ask questions about any of them!
Dog Whistle (Ao3 || FFN) - started off as a prompt from @snackarey​ when I reblogged some Soulmate AUs. This one was a prompt for soulmates (Zack/Kunsel) who felt what each other felt - like pain. Needless to say, this went into a canon divergent AU where Kunsel felt some of what Zack was going through when Hojo got a hold of him after Nibelheim. And saved him, setting off an ever-increasing list of revolutionary consequences. It’s nearly 58K, and though I’m a little stuck I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Dewprism: Journey to the [Relic] (Ao3 || FFN) - this actually has a lot more written than I’ve posted, I just got a little frustrated because well... the fandom is teeny tiny and there’s no real feedback. But! It’s an interesting piece. It’s a semi-novelization where I’m taking the old PS1 Classic from Squaresoft, Threads of Fate/Dewprism and merging the two storylines. Basically... you can’t play the game anymore unless you got it from the PSN for your PSP or... PS2, I think? Or emulate it, of course, you can do that. And I wanted to bring the experience to more people, because it’s got such a great story.
It’s Not a Game (Ao3 || FFN) - this is my Avengers/FF7 crossover, and funny story, it was actually born out of a comment back on my old Genesis RP blog about how Genesis would totally be Tony Stark’s favorite character if he played Crisis Core. It’s turned into a full blown fixit I have a type and I actually have like, 90% of the next chapter done, it just doesn’t feel quite right so I haven’t posted it. And am, of course, stuck. There’s a case of choice paralysis here; the premise is that, in the MCU, FF7 is a series like it is in our world, and Tony is a fan. So he goes to make a simulation to do a self-insert... only he somehow transports himself (and Bruce) to a dimension where it’s real. A “Stark-insert” someone called it; and it does use a lot of “Self-Insert” tropes, actually. There’s just so many ways it could go that I’m stuck on choosing exactly how to progress here.
Party of Five (Ao3 || FFN) - the MMO AU! This was actually originally a prompt @up-sideand-down​ got, that I got permission to take off with. It’s a modern AU AGSZC where they meet online playing this MMO I made up that’s based off of FF7 and modeled after a mashup of like, me studying WoW and my experiences playing SWTOR. I’ve actually got some ideas of where it’s going, I just got too caught up in technicalities and need to reroute it back to the relationships going on.
Welcome to FF7 (series link, Ao3) - this is me hashing out basically what I think went down pre-games. Most of it is headcanon, I cannot stress that enough. It’s based off of the little we know, of course, but there’s just so much we don’t that it’s mostly headcanon. Tons of OCs. It’s a whole series, and they overlap - different sections that follow different departments, mostly. The base story is Welcome to ShinRa (Ao3 || FFN) and that follows the man who will become President Shinra from back when they first discover mako energy. I’ve also got Welcome to the Science Department (Ao3 || FFN) which starts off with college students Gast and Grimoire and how they get drawn into the beginnings of what becomes ShinRa Electric.
And last but not least, honorable mention to Times of Change (Ao3) - this was actually a piece inspired by @deadcatwithaflamethrower‘s Re-Entry series. I desperately need to reread that before I can hope to continue this, but... one day. One day.... I don’t suggest reading it right now, my headcanons have changed and it needs an overhaul. But you’ll see eventually.
And now... the WIPs you haven’t seen. (Under a cut)
By fandom, just to keep things straight, but in no particular order otherwise.
Compilation of FF7
The Snowball Effect (Ao3 || FFN) ... sequel? continuation? - as one of the gift exchange presents I’ve just done this past month, it is definitely standalone as is, but if I ever figure out where I want to take it, I’ll continue that one. It was just far too much fun.
The Price of Freedom - the sequel to To Be Human, which... I’m looking forward to, but I really burnt myself out on TBH so it’s going to be longer than anticipated before I approach this one. TBH definitely stands on its own, but there were some loose ends left to tie up, so we’ll see how that goes. And when it goes, when I’m ready to approach that again. TBH needs some editing, too... lots of work there.
The Unnamed Pokemon/FF7 crossover that I’ve talked about for... a couple years now (yikes) but now actually have a plot for. It’s very interesting to me, putting Pokemon on Gaia, and seeing how that changes everything. Because like, they’d have presumably used Mew’s DNA since there’s no Jenova (I can’t see them using Deoxys, which would be the closer parallel) and since there’s no Chaos, Grimoire is still alive. Which means no extra Drama between Lucrecia and Vincent - and really, there shouldn’t be the stress between Vincent and Hojo over her being sick because Mew would theoretically be much more compatible with humans than Jenova was.
What I’m saying is Seph has three parents and at least one set of grandparents and a much more stable Sephiroth (and Genesis and Angeal, thanks to Lucrecia teaming up with Gillian) leads to some very interesting changes. Like deciding they don’t want to fight the Wutai war anymore. >_>
Hold My Flower - a timetravel fic featuring our one and only flowergirl, who has had enough of people messing up her planet and refuses to just... let it die. She is, unquestionably, a force of nature. No fragile flower to be found here, this is the gal you see in the OG who threatened a mob boss and meant it. Heaven help anyone who gets in her way. She’s going to save the world. Possibly in a Turk Suit, don’t look at me.
The Long Game - Reeve goes back in time, and holy crap this one is a monster I am truly intimidated by so it’s gonna take a while for me to get going on that. XD But basically, similar premise to the above - the world isn’t healing and someone has to do something, so Reeve is nominated due to his position in ShinRa and potential to... he’d say “influence” but let’s call a spade a spade - manipulate people and events to a more favorable outcome.
A third BIT fic is one that I started writing with my friend @askshivanulegacy back in... damn, somewhere between 2011-2013, before we switched to writing SWTOR fic together. It’s one where Zack is sent back in time, and the differences in him post-Hojo change things even before he can start deliberately changing anything. But I got permission to take and remake that, so I intend to, one day. It was Good Stuff. And you can never have too much timetravel.
Dragon Ball Z
So, this is an oooooold fandom of mine - the first fanfics I ever wrote (under a different name, no I’m not telling XD it was ten years ago) were for DBZ, and definitely the first ones I ever read, back in the days of dial up. And I read a couple interesting takes on Chichi/Vegeta fic... and I was talking with @vorpalgirl about it and said I’d love to try my hand at something with that one day. I think they have the potential to be a really great pair (don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the canon pairings but those two have a lot of potential) so... yeah someday I might dip my toes back into Z. It’s on the wishlist, as well as reviving and cleaning up an old unfinished work of mine. Someday~
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Seven Years Lost - this one I’ve been debating a long time, and even did a little on! It’s basically how I rationalize what happens when Link pulls the Master Sword out and - well, spoilers but it’s a really old game so - when he comes out as a teenager and is immediately able to handle a nearly-adult body. It involves a dreamscape scenario where he communicates with his past incarnations and learns from them, and from sharing dreams with Zelda due to their bond.
Sailor Moon (manga/Crystal based)
Second Chances - I read a lot of SM fanfic back in the day, and my favorite ones were... more real? Like, there were more consequences to these 14 year old kids out there fighting for their lives and sometimes losing them. I’d like to tell a story through Minako/Venus’ eyes primarily, covering what that’s like, and then I also just really want a happy ending for the senshi/shittenou? So... yay canon divergence, lol. You guys know the deal by now. XD
Star Wars: Legends Era
United We Stand - SWTOR fanfic, baby! Basically, I’m just dying to see the eight classes cross over each other, and I will bend canon to do it. For anyone that’s played the original class story lines, there is some cross over but believe me when I say there were huge opportunities that were let drop by nature of the game. Just with the two Jedi stories alone... but that’s #spoilers for a not-as-old game so I’ll leave that be and only elaborate if asked.
(And do feel free to ask about any of these! I’d love to hash them out more.)
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
Fanfic ask: 1, 5, 11, 14 for Precipice and any other fic you feel like sharing for, 18, 27, 33, 34, 38, 41, 44, 49 (sorry for asking so many, I just really like these questions!)
Hoo boy! This’ll be fun :D
::cracks knuckles::
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
Ten or eleven, when I first figured out it was a Thing. (Somewhere, buried in my boxes of Old Papers, there is baby!shadowsong’s attempt at writing something involving Padme turning up at Yavin but with the serial numbers very badly filed off, before I learned it was possible to just...write fanfic, lol.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
Oh, Lord, why must you do this to me. XD
I mean, I like all of them for different reasons? Writing Precipice is almost like coming home, I’ve been living in that AU for so long; The Devoted was delightfully self-indulgent and a fun exercise in worldbuilding and I do plan to put more in that AU at some point, I swear; These Three Remain also had some super self-indulgent bits and some sweet cuddly fluffy bits and yep; Distaff is so much fun to work with Anakin’s characterization and her (in said fic) relationship with Padme; I have some WIPs that I’m super excited to get out...even going back to old fandoms, HoTM and Cartography!Verse and The Promises of Angels and Serenissima (ish; we were posting it as a series of vignettes rather than one long novel) and For Sorrow Sung and all my AtLA fic, and...
...yeah, I’m bad at picking favorites XD
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Not really? I’ve added extra notes and when I was a baby in the LOTR fandom I actually took a fic down because I got pounced on by a Canon Purist, but I...don’t usually change what I do have planned out in response to criticism? Sometimes I add in some filler/explanation, or comments inspire me to add thing, but...
I don’t plan things out in a whole lot of detail, but I do usually have a few Major Plot Points worked out, and I tend not to change them because criticism. I usually don’t go back and edit, either.
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories.
I think I actually talked about this in detail last time I did a similar meme to this...aha, here we go: https://shadowsong26fic.tumblr.com/post/186756818127/a-and-i-for-fic-ask
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Yep, a few. Mostly, I abandon WIPs because I drifted away or otherwise left the fandom (i.e., most of my SPN fic), or otherwise got stuck on a plot point (For Sorrow Sung, which I might rewrite, I got stuck on because I wasn’t sure how to write Roslin; Distaff has stalled because I have to do a Monster chapter next because I did some things out of order; etc., though I actually do intend to get back to Distaff at some point, and am considering rewriting For Sorrow Sung or getting back to some of my other BSG fic...). ...on that note, there are several Stalled WIPs that I don’t consider abandoned, I just get sidetracked by other things even if I intend to get back to them At Some Point (Auxiliaries, Masks, a few others.)
Also, a bunch of miscellaneous self-indulgent things that I never really intended to share outside a small circle of friends that I wander away from when my attention gets caught by a similar shiny self-indulgent thing I don’t really intend to share outside a small circle of friends...
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
Moooostly go with the flow. Then again, I don’t formally outline most things, but I generally have an Idea of the Main Plot Points I’m working towards? But those are usually Super Major Things (i.e., with Precipice, when I was going into it, I had most of Arc 1 planned out ahead of time; I knew when and how Lavinia was going to be introduced; I knew most of how Rex got brought in and at least when Ahsoka came in; I knew Ahsoka was going to be Leia’s primary teacher; I knew when and how Specter was going to die; I knew that the reunion (and the attempt to kidnap Lavinia) were going to happen (though actually I was originally planning for Saw to be behind said kidnapping before realizing that didn’t make sense); I knew when Infernalis was going to be introduced and then die; and then some Spoilery Stuff for the next several arcs :)
So, yeah. I usually have a general notion of where things are going (...most of the time; I mentioned Distaff above, and I’m waffling on how I want things to end for that one...) but a loooooot of white space and things are in flux along the way.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Honestly, probably the one I kept in my inbox to reread the most often was on The Promises of Angels--I got a very long comment about the things I’d done with both the focal character and other side characters and the way I’d handled the established lore (and places where canon had fallen short, re: ex-vessels and so on), and then saying they were going to rec it to other people. I’ve gotten other very nice comments since then, (Precipice gets a lot of comments, some of which are lovely, some of which are infuriating), but I think the reason that one sticks with me is because I worked on that fic for so long, and it was a 100k gen epic about a tertiary character who (at the time) had been dead for five seasons. So, a very niche-appeal fic, especially in a fandom that tends to be very shipping-focused, so the fact that it had that much appeal outside of my own brain meant a lot.
(Also, just...the fact that so many people have read and liked Precipice means a whole lot to me????? Was not expecting that for a long wandering genfic epic, lol. ...again, because the fandom I was most active in prior to that is very ship-focused; Star Wars tends to be more gen-friendly, at least that’s been my experience thus far.)
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
Maybe not the harshest overall I’ve ever gotten, but I mentioned earlier that I took down one LOTR fic because a Canon Purist complained about it to me--I mean, it might not have actually been that mean if I were to get it now that I have a thicker skin, but I was Little Shadowsong at that point and it hurt enough for me to take the fic down, and it does kind of linger in the back of my mind as my Worst Comment Experience.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
...to be honest, I don’t do a lot of collaborations overall, and most of the ones I do tend to be with people I’ve been friends with/RP’d with for a Long Time.
That being said, I’m possibly open to trying? Right now I have a lot on my plate, both fic and IRL wise, over the next couple months, but if anyone’s interested, hit me up and we’ll see if we can work together!
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
In Star Wars? Probably Bo-Katan. I really do wanna finish/start posting our faces like a mirror before the Mandalore Arc actually airs (not that I care about jossing so much, but it’d be nice to Officially lock my canon there so I can point to it if anyone does the whole ‘but canon says!’ thing at me, lol). Also, I love writing Beru, at least the way I write her in Precipice.
If we expand to other fandoms...Nick in SPN, at least before canon brought him back wrong; for BSG...well, most of the ‘minor’ characters I like are really secondary and/or Major in one arc or two--i.e., D’Anna, Gaeta, Ellen Tigh is a lot of fun; in AtLA, I personally mostly wrote major characters and OCs (though some of those were...people who had definitely Existed, but were not named or explored in canon--i.e., Lu Ten’s mother), but my primary RP/writing partner and I worked a lot with Haru and Song and Teo and the Dai Li, among others...but said partner mostly handled them.
44) What is the last line you wrote?
((With an additional line for context; also this is subject to change.))
“True,” Sabe said. “...are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“No,” Padme admitted, after a moment’s thought. “But I think if I wait much longer, I’ll...I’ll either start climbing the walls until I run out and do something righteous and half-planned and stupid, or I’ll...or I’ll never be able to figure how to start, and I’ll just...”
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
I cannot, sadly. But it would’ve been 15-20 years ago, and probably either Star Wars or Harry Potter. Maybe Dragonlance or DBZ or Sailor Moon.
Ask me a fanfic writer question!
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capncapnk · 6 years
For the fanfic asks, how about #1, #26 for the scientific method(since you just wrote it and there was so much stuff going on) #29 and #49?
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
Ahhhhh god. So, I started drawing when I was nine years old and that also coincided with an epic self-insert story of me being Goku’s daughter and Ash’s best friend and we’d go on adventures. It was some kind of self-insert, DBZ/Pokemon crossover lmao
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?
For the scientific method, it was probably the ending lmao. It was the last part I had to write, and on any project I my drag my ass the most on getting anything finished when it’s closer to being completed. 
Also realizing it was going to be so much longer than I anticipated when I hit 3k on it and didn’t hit ANYTHING of what I wanted, I had to figure out the tonal shifts and how to make this a cohesive piece that was a) a character’s kink exploration and b) also developing relationship. But that part was kinda easy and fun. Endings are not sajkfdsjk
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
My kirikami fic forever and ever. That ship is underrated as hell.
Also I think what love is (i think), but I get why? It’s super long, doesn’t really hit any of the classic tropes, and is kind of realistic in terms of their relationship ending the way it did so there’s no grand romance or smut by the end. It’s....very slice of life in some ways???  I know that’s not everyone’s cuppa.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
I have no idea but I am 100% sure it was DBZ or Sailor Moon
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elkian · 7 years
Right after I started middle school - this would be around 2003 - I joined the Art Club. It wasn’t a really big thing, just a handful of kids gathering in this loft area doing mostly beadwork until our parents picked us up. It got dissolved later in the year due to lack of interest.
I remember not being big into drawing up til that point, definitely more sculpture than anything. But one thing I really remember was an older kid telling us about a hilarious scene in a fic she had read. I had never heard of the source material, so she told me about it and where to find volumes. 
This is how I got into Inuyasha.
I’d always had an avid interest in fantasy, monsters, and monster-human romances, so Inuyasha was right up my alley. The fact that the volumes were mirrored made it hugely more accessible to my young 12-year-old brain. I’d also picked up an issue of Dragon Ball Z out of curiosity - I’d seen a few episodes but we didn’t get cable until after I graduated high school, and this was well before streaming and video sites like CrunchyRoll or Youtube got off the ground. I actually read that entire DBZ issue backwards before realizing how it was supposed to work, whoops.
I slowly realized that some things I was already into - Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh!, the brief glimpses of Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z that I’d had access to - fell under the category of Anime&Manga. I loved cartoons, but I was not nearly as passionate about any Western cartoon as I was about Anime.
I consumed pretty much every manga in the school library. I ordered Inuyasha - and later Full Metal Alchemist - DVDs off of Netflix. At some point, I was introduced to Naruto, and ended up subscribing to Shonen Jump every month for most, if not all, of high school.
From what felt like day 1, the first time I read Inuyasha in that middle school, I drew obsessively. I filled notebooks not with notes, but with thousands of drawings of heavily-Inuyasha-based characters. If I looked around the house right now, I could probably find 20 of those, and it still would not be all of them.
Thanks to Shonen Jump, I became a huge fan of Yu Yu Hakusho - probably not least in part due to it being one of the only series they showed that didn’t skip 20 chapters suddenly at random (aka the reason I gave up on Naruto). Yu Yu Hakusho was probably the first anime series I watched in full, and I know for sure that I watched every episode twice because the DVDs I got had different subtitles for the English and Japanese dubs. It was an experience.
Years later, I looked back on Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 and realized... that they’re not actually that great. Takahashi’s stories are repetitive and become weak for it, quirky character traits sometimes break suspension of disbelief when they conflict with the plot, etc. Nostalgia covered a lot of those issues on previous rereads, but its problems are now staring me in the face.
Do I regret reading Inuyasha? No.
Could it be better? Definitely. 
Do I have a problem with people who are into it, who love it, who enjoy even knowing its flaws? No way! 
My feelings towards those old series are similar to my feelings towards my old art - embarrassing in places, but I literally wouldn't be who, or where, I am without them.
In 2016, I received my Associates degree in 2D Animation. And that is, in no small part, thanks to Inuyasha.
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How did you get started in fanfic? What age and what fandom? Were you an AIM person, an MSN messenger person, an ICQ person, or something else?
I probably started reading fanfic in maybe 1998, when I was 9-10, on random Sailor Moon fan sites. I probably started writing it in my head and on notebook paper a little after that. I remember writing write DBZ stuff and stuff for Final Fantasy IX. I first got really BIG into it all with Harry Potter (of course) when I was like 12-13. Fanfiction.net, then FictionAlley and Livejournal.  Harry Potter honestly is what made me into the ship anything and everything person I am today. Most of my HP fic from the early 2000s is still up on ff.net and a great example of how your writing can be TOTAL SHIT when you first get started, and you just need to keep writing because you will get better. My early fanfiction is HILARIOUS.
I was definitely an AIM person (why did it ever go out of style???), but I know for a fact at one point I had AIM, MSN and Yahoo Messenger. I don’t know why I needed all three, but I had all three. 
For a period of time in middle school, I also wrote Lizzie McGuire fanfiction. I feel like I need to come clean about that. 
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scifrey · 7 years
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Improbable Press put out a call asking fan fiction authors how they went from Free to Fee. Here’s my response. Happy reading!
The Story of How I Started Selling Stories
My parents, teachers, and acting/singing coaches will all tell you that I've always been a story teller. For the first twenty four years of my life, I was determined to do so through musical theatre, though I had always secretly harbored the desire to write a hit stage play. My early writing consisted of plays for my friends and I to put on, interspersed with prose that I supposed would one day become a novel, but which wasn't my passion.
I was a big reader, but where this habit came from, I'm not certain. While my mother always had a book on the go - whatever crumbling paperback law thriller or murder mystery she'd been handed by the woman down the street when she was done it, which was then passed on to the next neighbor - my father and brothers preferred sports (either on TV or outside in the yard) over reading. I stumbled into fantasy and science fiction because Wil Wheaton was hot, and his show was on every Friday night, and from there I consumed every Star Trek tie-in novel my tiny rural library carried, then started following the authors of the novels into their other worlds and series.
So you won't be surprised to learn that this was how I found fan fiction for the first time. My "I love this, gee, I wonder what else there is?" muscle was well developed by junior high, and before the internet had come to The Middle Of Nowhere Rural Ontario, I had already gotten quite adept at search keywords and codexes to track down more books to consume.  Imagine my shock and joy when, in the middle of my Phantom of the Opera phase (come on, fess up, you had one too), the internet in my school library told me about not only Fredrick Forsyth and Susan Kay's stunning re-tellings, but of something called fan fiction.
I wasted a lot of the librarian's ink and paper printing out these books and secreting them into binders and pretending to do school work at my desk or backstage between scenes. A lot. And yes, I still have most of them.
And as we all well know, the jump between reading and writing is a short when one is submerged so fully in communities of creators. Everyone else's "What If" rubs off on you, and it's just a matter of time before you find yourself playing with the idea of coaxing a few plot bunnies over to spend some time with you. Not everyone loves to write, but gosh darn it, if you want to give it a try, then you couldn't ask for a better, more supportive community. It doesn't matter how new you are to it, everyone reads, everyone comments, everyone makes suggestions. People beta read. People edit. People co-write. People cheer, and support, and recommend, and enthuse. Yeah, there are the occasional jerks, flammers, and wank-mongers, but on the whole? There's literally no better place to learn how to be a writer than in fandom, I firmly believe this.
So, of course, born storyteller that I am, I had to give it a try.
I started writing fan fiction in 1991 for a small, relatively obscure Canadian/Luxembourg co-pro children’s show called Dracula: the Series.  I used to get up and watch it on Saturday mornings, in my PJs, before heading off to whichever rehearsal or read through or practice I had that year.
1995 brought the English dub of Sailor Moon to my life, (and put me on the path to voice acting), and along with a high-school friend, I wrote, printed out, illustrated, and bound my first “book” – a self-insert story that was just over eleven pages long, which introduced new Scouts based on us.  From there, I didn’t really stop.
1996 led me to Forever Knight and Dragon Ball Z, and from there to my friend’s basement where they’d just installed the internet. We chatted with strangers on ICQ, joined Yahoo!Groups and Bravenet Chat Boards. (Incidentally, a friend from my DBZ chat group turned out to be a huge DtS fan, too. We wrote a big crossover together which is probably only accessible on the Wayback Machine now. We stayed friends, helped each other through this writing thing, and now she’s Ruthanne Reid, author of the popular Among the Mythos series.)  In 2000 I got a fanfiction.net account and never looked back.
In 2001, while in my first year of university for Dramatic Arts, I made my first Real Live fandom friends. We wrote epic-length self-insert fics in Harry Potter and Fushigi Yuugi, cosplayed at conventions (sometimes using the on-campus wardrobe department’s terrifyingly ancient serger), and made fan art and comics in our sketchbooks around studying for our finals and writing essays on critical theory or classical Latin.  I was explaining the plot of the next big fic I was going to write to one of them, an older girl who had been my T.A. but loved Interview with the Vampire just as dearly as I, when she said, “You know, this sounds really interesting. Why don’t you strip all the fandom stuff out of the story and just write it as a novel?”
You can do that? was my first thought.
No! I don’t want to! Writing is my fun hobby. What will happen if I try to be a writer and get rejected by everyone and I end up hating it? was my second.
But the seed was planted.  Slowly at first, and then at increasingly obsessive pace, I began writing my first novel around an undergrad thesis,  fourth-year  essays,  several other big fanfics that popped me into the cusp of BNF status but never quite over the tine, and then a move to Japan to teach English. From 2002-2007 I wrote about 300 000 words on the novel that I would eventually shut away in my desk drawer and ignore until I published on Wattpad under my pseudonym on a lark. It was messy. It was long. It was self-indulgent and blatantly inspired by Master of Mosquiton, Interview with the Vampire, Forever Knight, and anything written by Tanya Huff, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Charlaine Harris. This was fine for fanfic, but in terms of being comfortable with presenting it to agents and publishing houses, I felt that it wasn’t original enough.
By this time I was teaching overseas, and in my spare time (and boy, was there a lot of spare time while sitting in a Japanese teacher’s office for 40 hours per week when one only actually teaches for 11 of them) I started applying to MA programs (where I eventually wrote my thesis on Mary Sue Fan Fiction). I also spent it researching “How to Get Published”, mostly by Googling it and/or buy/reading the few books on the topic in English I could find at the local book store or order from the just-then-gaining-international traction online bookstore Amazon.
What that research mostly told me was “Write and sell a bunch of short fiction first, so you have proof that a) you can do the work and b) you can finish what you promise you’ll finish and c) you have proof that other people think you’re worth spending money on.”
Short fiction. Huh. Of course we’d studied short stories in school, and I’d even taken a short story writing class in university, though nothing I’d written for the class was indicative of the kinds of stories I preferred to tell. But I felt pretty confident about this whole writing short stories thing… after all, I’d been doing weekly challenges for years. Drabbles. Flashfic. Stories and chapters that were limited to the word count cap that LiveJournal put on its posts. I’d written novellas without knowing that’s what they were called; I’d written whole novels about other people’s characters. All I needed was an idea. Short fiction I could do.
Unfortunately, everything that came to me was fanfic inspired. It frustrated me, because I didn’t want to write a serial-numbers-filed-off story. I wanted to write something original and epic and inspiring. Something just mine. I started and stopped a lot of stories in 2006-2007. I’d been doing NaNoWriMo for years by then, having been introduced to it in undergrad, and I was determined that this would be the year that I wrote something I could shop. Something just mine. Something unique.
While I adored fanfiction, I was convinced that I couldn't make a career on it.  What had once been a fun hobby soon because a source of torment. Why could I think of a hundred ways to write a meet-cute between my favorite ships, but come up utterly blank when it came to something new and original and just mine?
It took me a while to realize that my playwriting and short story teachers had been correct when they said that there are no original stories in the world, no way you can tell a tale that someone else hasn’t already tried. The "Man vs." list exists for a reason.
The unique part isn’t your story, it’s your voice. Your lived life, your experiences, your way of forming images and structuring sentences. Your choices about who the narrator character is, and what the POV will be, and how the characters handle the conflict. In that way, every piece of writing ever done is individual and unique, even the fanfic. Because nobody is going to portray that character’s quirk or speech pattern quite like you do, nobody is going to structure your plot or your imagery like you. Because there is only one of you. Only one of me. Even if we're all writing fanfiction, no one's story sounds like anyone else's,  or is told like anyone else's.
That is the reality of being a storyteller.
And strangely enough, the woman who opened my eyes to this was a psychic from a psychic fair I attended, who told me that Mark Twain was standing over her shoulder admonishing me to stop fretting and just get something on the page – but to never forget character. My strength, she said that he said, was in creating memorable, well written, well rounded characters. And that my book should focus on that above concerns of plot or pacing.
Well, okay. If Mark Twain says that’s what my strength is, then that’s what my strength is, right? Who am I to argue with the ghost of Mark Freaking Twain?
An accident with a bike and a car on a rice patty left me immobile for six weeks in 2006, and I decided that if I was finally going to write this original short story to sell – especially since I would need income, as the accident made it obvious that I would never be able to dance professionally, and probably would never be able to tread the boards in musicals – now was the perfect time. I was going to stop fighting my fannish training and write.
I cherry picked and combined my favorite aspects of Doctor Who, Stargate: Atlantis, Torchwood, The Farm Show/The Drawer Boy, and my own melancholy experiences with culture shock and liminal-living in a foreign culture, and wrote a novella titled (Back). It was a character study of a woman named Evvie who, through an accident of time travel, meets the future version of her infant daughter Gwen. And realizes she doesn’t like the woman her daughter will become. It was a story about accepting people for who they are, instead of who you wish they would be, and had a strong undercurrent of the turbulence I was going through in trying to figure out my own sexuality and that I wouldn't have the future in performance that I had been working toward since I was four.
Deciding that I would worry about where I would try to publish the story after it had been written, I sat down and wrote what ended up being (at least for me) a pretty standard-length fanfic: 18,762 words. It was only after I had finished the story that I looked up what category that put it in – Novella. Using paying  reputable markets, like Duotrope, the Writer’s Digest, MSFV, Absolute Write, SFWA, my local Writer’s Union, Writer Beware, I realized that I had shot myself in the foot.
It seems like nearly nobody publishes novellas anymore. SF/F and Literary Fiction seem to be the last two bastions of the novella, and the competition to get one published is fierce.  The markets that accepted SF/F novellas was vanishingly thin I had to do a lot of Googling and digging to figure out who I could submit to with an unagented/unsolicited SF/F novella. If I recall correctly, it was only about ten publications. I built an excel database and filled it with all the info I found.
I put together a query letter and sent it off using my database to guide me. Most of the rejections were kind, and said that the story was good, just too long/too short/ too sci-fi-y/not sci-fi-y enough. Only one market offered on it – for $10 USD. Beggers couldn’t be choosers, even if I had hoped to make a little more than ten bucks, and I accepted.
It was a paid professional publication, and that’s what mattered to me. I had the first entry on my bibliography, and something to point to in my query letters to prove that I was a worthy investment for a publisher/agent.
And energized by this, and now aware that length really does matter, even in online-only publications, I started writing other shorts to pad out my bibliography more.
I tried to tailor these ones to what my research told me the "mainstream industry" and "mainstream audiences" wanted, and those stories? Those were shot down one after the other. I was still writing fanfiction at the time, too, and those stories were doing well, getting lots of positive feedback, so why weren’t my stories?
In 2007 I returned to Canada and Academia, frustrated by my lack of sales, desperate to kick off my publishing career, and feeling a creative void left by having to depart theatre because of my new difficulties walking. I wrote my MA, and decided that if (Back) was the only original story that people liked, then I’d try to expand it into a novel.
Over the course of two years I did my coursework, and  read everything there was to read about how to get a book deal, started hanging out in writer’s/author’s groups in Toronto and met some great people who were willing to guide me, and expanded (Back) into the novel Triptych. I kept reminding myself what Mark Twain said – character was my strength, the ability to make the kind of people that other writers wanted to write stories about, a skill I’d honed while writing fanfic. Because that's what we do, isn't it? Sure, we write fix-its and AUs and fusions and finish cancelled shows, and fill in missing scenes, but what we're all really doing is playing with characters, isn't it? Characters draw us to fanfic, and characters keep us there. Characters is what we specialize in.
Fanfic had taught me to work with a beta reader, so I started asking my fic betas if they'd like a go at my original novel. Fellow fanfic writers, can I just say how valuable editors and beta readers in the community are? These are people who do something that I've paid a professional editor thousands of dollars to do for free out of sheer love. Treasure your beta readers, folks. Really.
“It reminds me a lot of fan fiction,” one reader said. “The intense attention to character and their inner life, and the way that the worldbuilding isn’t dumped but sprinkled in an instance at a time, like, you know, a really good AU. I love it.”
Dear Lord. I couldn’t have written a better recommendation or a more flattering description if I’d tried. Mark Twain was right, it seems. And fanfic was the training ground, for me – my apprenticeship in storytelling.
Of course... what Mr. Twain hadn't explained is that character-study novels just don't sell in SF/F. They say Harry Potter was rejected twelve times? HA. I shopped Triptych to both agents and small presses who didn't require you to have an agent to publish with them, and I got 64 rejections. Take that, J.K.
At first the rejection letters were forms and photocopied "no thanks" slips. But every time I got feedback from a publisher or agent, I took it to heart, adjusted the manuscript, edited, tweaked, tweaked, tweaked. Eventually, the rejections started to get more personal. "I loved this character, but I don't know how to sell this book." And "I really enjoyed the read, but it doesn't really fit the rest of our catalogue." And "What if you rewrote the novel to be about the action event that happens before the book even starts, instead of focusing solely on the emotional aftermath?"
In other words - "Stop writing fanfiction." There seemed to be a huge disconnect between what the readership wanted and what the publishing world thought they wanted.
Disheartened, frustrated, and wondering if I was going to have to give up on my dreams of being a professional creative, I attended Ad Astra, a convention in Toronto, in 2009. At a room party, complaining to my author friends that "nobody wanted my gay alien threesome book!" a woman I didn't know asked me about the novel. We chatted, and it turned out she was the acquisitions editor for Dragon Moon Press, and incidentally, also a fan of fan fiction.
I sent her Triptych. She rejected it. I asked why. She gave me a laundry list of reasons. I said, "If I can address these issues and rewrite it, would you be willing to look at it again?" She said yes. She was certain, however, that I wouldn't be able to fix it. I spent the summer rewriting - while making sure to stay true to my original tone of the novel, and writing a character-study fanfiction. I sent it in the fall. I do believe it was Christmas eve when I received the offer of publication.
From there, my little fic-inspired novel was nominated for two Lambda Literary Awards and a CBC Bookie, was named one of the best books of 2011 by the Advocate, and garnered a starred review and a place on the Best Books Of The Year at Publishers Weekly.
The award nominations led me to an agent, and further contracts, and even conversations with studio execs. It also made me the target of Requires Only That You Hate, and other cranky, horrible reviewers. But you know what? I've had worse on a forum, and on ff.n, and LJ. It sucked, and it hurt, but if there's one thing fandom has taught me, it's that not everyone is going to love what you do, and not everyone interprets things the same way you do. The only thing we can do is learn from the critique if it's valid and thoughtful, and ignore the screaming hate and bullying. Then you pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and go write something else.
 Because a screaming hater? Is not going to ruin my love of storytelling.
But for all that... the day someone made me fan art based on Triptych is one etched in my memory. It means far more to me than any of the emails I ever received inquiring about representation or film rights, or wanting meetings to discuss series.
The lesson I learned from publishing Triptych  - now sadly out of print, but we're looking for a new home for it - is that if I chase what the "mainstream" and the "industry" want, I'll never write anything that sells because my heart won't be in it. I have to keep writing like a fanficcer, even if I'm not writing fanfic, if I want to create something that resonates with people. And if it takes time for the publishers and acquiring editors to figure out what I'm doing, and how to sell it, then fine - I have an agent on my side now, and a small growing number of supporters, readers, and editors who love what I do.
Do I still write fanfic? Very, very rarely. I’ve had some pretty demanding contracts and deadlines in the last two years, so I’ve had to pare down my writing to only what’s needed to fulfill my obligations. Doesn’t mean I don’t have ideas for fics constantly.
Sometimes the urge is powerful enough that I do give into it – I wrote To A Stranger, based on Mad Lori’s Performance in a Leading Role Sherlock AU recently, when I should have been writing the second and third novels of The Accidental Turn Series. And even more recently, I cleaned up To A Stranger  into something resembling a real screenplay and started shopping it around to film festivals and producers because I love this story, I love what I did with it, and I’m proud of the work. If To A Stranger is only ever a fanfic, that’s fine with me. I poured my heart into it and am so proud of it. But I figure that if there’s one more project I could possibly get into the real world, then why not go for it?
The worst thing the festival heads and producers can say about the work is: “No, thank you.” And being an online writer has taught me not to take the “no, thank you”s personally. Applying the values of Don’t Like Don’t Read or Not My Kink to your publication/agent search makes it much easier to handle the rejections – not every story is for every person.
Maybe once every producer in North America has rejected it, I might think about working with someone to adapt the screenplay into an illustrated comic fanbook? Who knows?
That’s the joy of starting out as a writer in fandom – felixibility, adaptability, creative problem-solving and cross-platform storytelling comes as naturally as breathing to us fan writers. It’s what we do.
You may not think that this is a strength, but trust me, it is. I was never so shocked at an author’s meetup as when I suggested to someone that their “writer’s block” sounded to me like they were telling the story in the wrong format. “I think this is a comic, not a novel,” I’d said. “It sounds so visual. That's why the story is resisting you.” And they stared at me like I suddenly had an extra head and said, “But I’m a novelist.” I said, “No, you’re a writer. Try it.” They never did, as far as I know, and they never finished that book, either.
As fans, our strength isn't just in what we write, or how we come to our stories. It’s also about the physical practice of writing, too. We’re a group of people who have learned to carry notebooks, squeeze in a few hundred words between classes, or when the baby is napping, or during our lunch breaks, or on commute home. This is our hobby, we fit it in around our lives and jobs, and that has taught us the importance of just making time.
We are, on average, more dedicated and constant writers than some of the “novelists” that I’ve met: the folks who wait for inspiration to strike, who quit their day jobs in pursuit of some lofty ideal of having an office and drinking whiskey and walking the quay and waiting for madam muse to grace them, who throw themselves at MFAs and writing retreats, as if it's the attendance that makes them writers and not the work of it.
We fans are career writers. We don’t wait for inspiration to come to us, we chase it down with a butterfly net. We write when and where we can. More than that, we finish things. (Or we have the good sense to know when to abandon something that isn’t working.) We write to deadlines. Self-imposed ones, even.
We write 5k on a weekend for fun, and think NaNoWriMo’s 50k goal and 1667 words per day are a walk in the park. (When I know it terrifies some of the best-selling published authors I hang out with.) Or if we fans don’t write fast, then we know that slow and steady works too, and we’re willing to stick it out until our story is finished, even if it takes years of weekly updates to do so. We have patience, and perseverance, and passion.
This is what being a fanfiction writer has given me. Not only a career as a writer, but tools and a skill-set to write work that other people think is work awarding, adapting, and promoting. And the courage to stick to my guns when it comes to telling the kinds of stories that I want to tell.
This is what being a fanfiction writer gives us.
Aren’t we lucky, fellow fans? Hasn’t our training been spectacular?
J.M. (@scifrey) is a SF/F author, and professional smartypants on AMI Audio’s Live From Studio 5. She’s appeared in podcasts, documentaries, and on television to discuss all things geeky through the lens of academia. Her debut novel TRIPTYCH was nominated for two Lambda Literary Awards,  nominated for a 2011 CBC Bookie, was named one of The Advocate’s Best Overlooked Books of 2011, and garnered both a starred review and a place among the Best Books of 2011 from Publishers Weekly. Her sophomore novel, an epic-length feminist meta-fantasy THE UNTOLD TALE (Accidental Turn Series #1), debuted to acclaim in 2015 and was followed by THE FORGOTTEN TALE (Accidental Turn Series #2) this past December. FF.N | LJ |AO3| Books | Tumblr
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saiyuri-dahlia · 8 years
Tag 6 Meme
Tagged by: I wasn't tagged but I saw this on one of my mutual's posts and they said it was open to whoever wanted to do it so...meh, why not.
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: I guess, lavender. But I wear a lot more light blues than any other color. I've also gone from hating pink in my youth to it being my close second favorite.
Pets: Two dogs, both happen to be mostly black with a splash of white. I really miss having a cat though. Still more of a cat person. And a corgi person.
Last song I listened to: If the third ending theme to Sailor Moon Crystal counts, then that. If not, something classical.
Favorite TV shows: I'd have to say Steven Universe, only because it's the only show I actively watch and await new episodes for. I don't actually watch much tv and the last non-animated show I had to watch was House. I also really like Syfy's Face/Off and cooking shows. Of course, Yu Yu Hakusho is my automatic answer to my favorite anime.
Growing up, it was Sailor Moon, DBZ, Pokemon, Digimon, and Gundam Wing, all of which I still love and have fond memories for. I admit that as a kid I didn't always understand GW. Another show I loved but didn't understand until I was older was Daria. It also feels like Roseanne and the Golden Girls were constantly on in my house.
First fandom: Depends on the definition of fandom... Sailor Moon was the first anime I ever watched and it still has a special place in my heart. Pokemon was (and still is, to an extent) my first childhood obsession. But as it pertains to creating and reading fanfiction for and interacting with other fans, that would have to be Yu-Gi-Oh.  While I used to read a lot of Sailor Moon and Digimon fics back in the day, Yu-Gi-Oh was the latest thing that came over so there was plenty.
Hobbies: Writing, as both a hobby and a career choice. A lot of reading. Daily life has forced me get out of regular practice but I do bellydance, mostly Tribal style. Also gardening and collecting foxes.
Books I’m currently reading: Too many to count. I have a lot of books I've been wanting to read and reread. Right now, I'm mainly reading an anthology book collecting various horror and dark fantasy short stories. I like reading story collections to get exposed to several writing styles at once.
I'm also making my way through a slew of gay romance books. I wanted to get a better sense of writing romance for both my yaoi fanfiction and original works and when a dear friend of mine was clearing out her collection and asked if I wanted some of them, I said yes. I did not expect to have a trash bag full of gay romance novels brought to my house. So far, the quality varies as much as yaoi fanfiction.
Tagging: I don't actually feel comfortable with tagging people to do these kind of things because I feel like I would be bothering them but whoever wants to do this is free to do so.
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meteoratdusk-blog · 8 years
tagged by @a-taller-tale <3
RULES: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
♡ Relationship status: single.  the most single.  the most single-est of singles you have ever met.  Like, I barely have friends much less a significant anything.  Basically I’m a hermit.
☆ Pets: Mischief, our little classic tabby kitten that we found under our porch last August and ended up foster-to-adopting when no one claimed her.  We were hoping the name would be ironic, but you can probably guess that it isn’t.
☆ Last song I listened to: “Mars, the Bringer of War”, from Holst’s The Planets.  I left my classical playlist open after listening to Peer Gynt because of Eleven Little Roosters...
☆ Favorite TV show: Red vs Blue right now :D
☆ First Fandom: Oooh man.  Uh... I think probably Dragonball Z, actually.  I watched Sailor Moon when I was younger but that was before the internet was all that accessible and I don’t think I was ever remotely involved with the fandom.  I may have actually written some (absolutely dreadful, will never see the light of day or so help me) fic for DBZ, back in the day.
☆ Hobbies!: Writing is my primary hobby these days, I love reading fanfiction but I’ve lately been having trouble focusing enough even to read my favorites. I also love hiking and roadtripping, although it’s been a while since I’ve done either because of my job.  And I also watch far too many let’s plays, because watching other people play video games is much cheaper than actually being a gamer XD
Tagging: eeeeh... I don’t really like tagging people because the idea of imposing on someone makes me wilt, but if you want to do it, please consider yourself tagged!
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