#this was the first ship I ever specifically filtered for
mixelation · 6 months
what was your first ship?
Sailor Neptune/Sailor Uranus 😊
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jpitha · 11 months
They’ll eat what?
A Telmurian is walking around the promenade on the station, talking to their family on their pad.
What was that? Your signal is pretty weak. Oh! Yes, they have humans here.
I know. Their planet has a really big moon, they won’t stop telling everyone they meet. Yes, they told me about it at least three times. I saw the photos, it’s pretty big I guess.
Yes, they’re strong. I remember the time that human from the helm picked up two Sefigans and carried them around on his arms. I didn’t tell her, but I was impressed. Why didn’t I tell her? I don’t know.
They also have odd thought processes. Remember that story about the one that learned that the water filters were the same as the outer compensator on the FlashWarp drive? They still teach us to check other parts for commonalities like that. The Sefigans are building a whole reference of parts that can be exchanged for other parts.
They walk around, oblivious to everyone else on the promenade. A Gren glares at them, and clacks their mouthparts irritatedly. They are speaking loudly. They walk on, oblivious to the disruption they are causing.
I didn’t call you to talk about any of that stuff.
I just learned about their ‘food.’
Did you know they don’t have a specific food? They don’t have one or two or even three items that they consider food, they have hundreds.
Maybe even thousands.
They stop and stare out a window and are silent for a few moments.
Not only that, but they combine them in so many different ways. Even wilder, they have modifiers to their food. Can you believe it? They have things that aren’t technically food that they add to food to make it ‘taste’ different. They’re called spices or seasonings.
I know! Have you ever heard of such a thing?
They have this thing called ‘taste.’ It’s a whole sense for them! It’s what enables them to try and test foods and discover ones they like and reject ones they don’t like.
I have a hard time with it, to be honest. Imagine, food you don’t like. It’s food right? By its very definition it’s something you consume to survive.
They clack their wing covers together, like a sigh. A Sefigan sitting at a cafe near them makes a gesture, like they’re trying to shoo them away.
Not for the humans I guess. They have whole careers, whole philosophies, maybe even whole religions about food and its preperation.
I read about the first time some humans came onboard a Coalition ship. They asked where the kitchen was and when we said “the what” it was like you unplugged them. They just stood there with their mouths full of their scary sharp teeth open in surprise.
I imagine we had a similar face the first time they showed us a kitchen. Imagine, a whole room, a whole part of the ship that was turned over to their pursuit of food.
That’s another thing! They can get bored of food. Whoever heard of such a thing. It’s food! You eat it, you feel full, you continue with your day. That’s like… like being bored of breathing.
Have I tried any of it? I mean, so much of it is straight up poisonous to us. No, you’re right, some of it isn’t.
All right fine. Yes. I tried one. There was this one, it was something they called a cookie. It was made of something like ten ingredients all in very precise measurements, then mixed together and shaped into balls and cooked at a high temperature. How did they ever come up with that?
The cookie? I don’t know, it was fine I guess. I didn’t get sick. I guess I can’t taste like they can it wasn’t much of anything, just food. I didn’t want to hurt their feelings so I said I liked it. They gave me four more! I didn’t know what to do with them. They’re still in my room.
Okay, yes, I love you too. Tell the rest of the crèche I said good evening.
They disconnect the call and look up. There’s a group of humans sitting down at a human style cafe eating. One of them looks up at them. Their large wet eyes seem impossibly deep. In the corner of them, wetness wells.
“You didn’t like the cookies?”
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modernimpressionism · 6 months
a higher power compelled me to write this
Swann Arlaud x Reader Fluff
(First meetings, art museums, slight awkwardness)
1285 Words
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Like the work of art she was, he first saw her at a museum.
More specifically, at the Musée d'Orsay. Standing in front of Olympia. He had wandered in on a walk home from a meeting with his manager, feeling a little stressed and pretty annoyed. He assumed a walk around an air-conditioned maze would calm his mind a bit, and this one was just the closest when he googled 'museum'. He recalls visiting it as a boy because being a child in Paris meant field trips to insane historical monuments and world-famous museums.
She stared at the painting as if trying to memorize every brush stroke, occasionally adjusting the tote bag on her shoulder or tucking her hair behind her ear, but not moving onto another piece. The relaxed nude figure seemed to entrance her like the woman was communicating something secret and sensual and womanly through 150 years of dried pigment.
This gave him plenty of time to memorize her as well, to notice the hair falling gently on her back. Her fingers, the nails neatly painted but the skin around them picked and chewed to bits. She wore a watch on her left wrist, a real watch that ticked silently with the seconds, he thought higher of her because of this but couldn't place why. Her clothes looked nice, but not excessive. He imagined her being picky with what she wore, and not caring about brands or fashion houses, which felt rare in Paris. The tote bag on her shoulder was obviously full, and he yearned to hold it for her, to take the weight off if only for a moment. She obviously carried it every day and thought little of the weight anymore, but he was willing to take it.
He paused his study for a moment to look around the gallery. He noticed the similarity between all of the paintings, and with how long she was staring at the one, he assumed she must be a fan.
He leaned over to check the name of the artist on a few of the paintings, Manet, Manet, Manet, ok. He pulls his phone out and quickly searches for him. If he's going to talk to this woman, he should at least pretend to have a reason to.
He was starting to regret not paying attention during those field trips.
He slipped his phone back into his back pocket and ran his fingers through his hair. It seemed like he was eternally trying to fix it, and if there was ever a time for it to behave, it was right now.
He took one confident step before she started moving and he lost all of his nerve. He snapped his head around before finding a random painting to pretend to stare at, hoping she didn't notice his extended and possibly creepy staring. He shoved his hands in his front pockets to try to look calmer than he was.
He heard the slight tap of her shoes against the stone floor but didn't dare to look where she was going. This is disastrous, he thought, deciding to leave as soon as she stopped moving. He was counting down the seconds when he felt a slight shade move on his left side and heard her movements more closely.
She stood right next to them, looking at the same painting.
His plan to abandon ship quickly dissipated, knowing this was the only opportunity he had to talk to her. If he ignored her now and followed her around the museum to talk to her later, he would look mental.
He scanned the painting in a panic, trying to understand 150 years of art history before opening his mouth. To him, it just looked like a couple of people standing on a balcony but he felt like it meant much more to her. He thought that if he waited any more, he would lose his nerve, so he opened his mouth and...
"J'aime le chien"
"Oh, I. I'm sorry but I'm still learning French, I'm not sure-"
"You're American!"
In his anxiety-ridden brain, he forgot to shut his mouth and his words bypassed any filter he possessed. It's over, this was a total failure, he thought as he felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
But instead he heard her giggle gently, before responding,
"I am! All of my life actually"
Oh god, and she's funny...
He smiled back at her with his signature goofy lopsided smile, too engrossed by her face, her mouth, her eyes to actually respond to anything.
"I like the dog too", she replies after a few silent seconds.
They both stared at the small animal painted in the bottom left corner, tucked into the petticoat of a figure. His eyes weren't visible beneath his fur, permanently hidden from the world. Looking at the animal and hearing her approval gave him the confidence to keep their conversation going a bit longer.
"So is he your favorite?"
"He's one of my favorites, i just love the choice of subjects, how average they were."
He's entranced by her voice. By the way her lips move to make the words, by the way her eyes light up as she speaks about art. He realizes that he must look silly, staring at her speak with a dumb smile, but he can't bring himself to care.
"Have you ever seen where he painted? In Giverny?"
She tilts her head slightly at that question, slightly confused.
"Do you mean Monet? With the lilies? He painted in Giverny. This is Manet."
His mouth opens and closes like a fish, feeling like a deer in headlights, he can't possibly save this now.
So he just starts laughing. A genuine belly laugh, full of joy at his own stupidity. And then she starts laughing just as hard.
"Did you just google him a minute ago?", she asks, in between giggles.
"I did, it must have been uh... vérification orthographique.. spellcheck"
They look at each other earnestly, both admiring the other.
"I'm Y/N", she says, reaching out her hand.
He grabs it and is astounded by how comfortable he feels in hers
*One Year Later*
"Love I told you, I didn't want anything for our anniversary, just to do things together"
"Well this is a together present, sort of, it's for uh.. l'appartement"
He pulls a large, flat, wrapped present from the back of his closet, lifting it and placing it in front of Y/N, who's sat on their bed. He sits down next to her, leaning one hand on the bed behind her, subconsciously wanting to be close to her.
Her hands reach for the paper and start tearing, she makes a mental note of his gift-wrapping skills, assigning him that job in the future. Her were always horribly crumpled, but he was neat and untarnished, and she almost felt bad destroying it.
She quickly uncovered a gold frame with a glass pane, something familiar peeking out from inside.
"It's the Manet painting, The Balcony. A print of it, I mean. I thought it would be nice to hang out here since it's ours." he says, almost shyly... No matter how confident he was, he always felt the risk of gift-giving.
"Swann, I love it, It's perfect"
She places the framed print on the bed behind her, safely, before throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him with as much love as she could muster. It was such a quick transition that he was almost surprised, but he soon caught up and reached his arm around her and grabbed her waist, pulling her tighter. After a while, he placed a hand on her cheek to pull her away and leaned in to kiss her lips gently and with love.
"Joyeux anniversaire chérie, I would get you the real painting if I could.
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karenandhenwillson · 3 months
I think I figured out, at least for myself, why the 9-1-1 fandom and part of the Buddie-or-Bust side of it feels so much more toxic than ever before when I know for a fact, those demanding Buddie has to become canon and who are looking for any tiny clue to be able to say it will become canon have always been this toxic. (I mean, with the exception of some people who came into the show because with Buck being bi the show was suddenly not queerbaiting anymore--lol, it hurts even just writing this as if it were really true--and then became die-hard Buddie fans or at least pretend to be to garner enough followers and clicks to make money out of fandom. But I'm not talking about them here.)
Before Bucktommy, there was no real opposition for them in the fandom. Buck and Eddie both had other LI and those had their fans (I know for a fact there are still people now shipping Buck with Taylor or Buck with Marisol or Eddie with Shannon). But those were very few fans and they created their own little spaces in fandom places and were barely noticeable. So the Buddie-or-Bust fans were able to mostly ignore them. And there have of course also been some small fanon ships for Eddie and Buck with other people, but those are barely noticed either.
But Bucktommy? That got huge in practically an instant. Because so many people were excited for bi story line with an established character and one in Buck's circumstances (not even Buck himself). And the Bucktommy fans were loud about their support of this new canon ship. So Buddie-or-Bust fans suddenly felt threatened and became much louder in their hate for anything not Buddie. Because now, for some reason, the fans of the other ship seem to be a threat to them. And also, for the first time for any of the LI of Eddie or Buck, they made an honest effort to set up Tommy and the relationship with him as something long-term. Which the Buddie-or-Bust fans recognize just as much as the Bucktommy fans, and so they try even harder to find fault in every single thing.
And that did change something in the behavior of the die-hard Buddie fans. At times, I've been neck-deep in Ana bashing, in Shannon bashing, in Taylor bashing, in Chimney bashing, in Abby bashing, in Maddie bashing. Because I enjoy a good bashing at times. It can be very cathartic. But you know what I've never seen there? I've never seen any of those characters being called derogatory names. Or their fans being called derogatory names and, in most cases, their fans didn't retaliate to the bashing either. (Though, at least for Chimney fans they sometimes very viciously go against people even just mentioning they don't like him and it came up a couple of times that Chimney fans found derogatory names for those bashing Chimney because that group of fans also seems to be unable to avoid content bashing their fav and instead sought it out deliberately to complaint about it.)
I can't even count anymore how many derogatory names I've seen for Tommy or Bucktommy or Bucktommy fans. They seem to come up with a new name every other day. And they enjoy trumping each other in their creations and using those names to get around the boundaries others try to set for themselves by filtering out the already known names.
And I already see people coming at me with "Oh, but Bucktommy fans started it by calling us BoBs." and just: No. Once more, you get an F in reading comprehension. It's always been made very clear that BoBs stood for Buddie-or-Bust and I personally don't see anything derogatory here but also, it's always been made very clear it's a specific subset of Buddie fans who behave poorly to separate them from the Buddie fans who don't care about Bucktommy. Because those people using that term are very well aware that there are really just a couple of very loud bad apples in the Buddie side of fandom and the rest of the Buddie fans don't deserve to be lumped in with them. While, on the other hand, all Bucktommy fans are always called names as a whole.
And I think their biggest problem is not even necessarily the "threat" they perceive Bucktommy to be to their own ship, though that's clearly a big part still. Otherwise, they wouldn't come after authors and artists and other fans who once shipped and created for Buddie and are now creating for Bucktommy. And otherwise, they wouldn't tag so many Buddie fics as Bucktommy, too, in some kind of strange hope to convince Bucktommy fans to ship Buddie again. (Without noticing that all they are accomplishing is to make everyone annoyed at them. And yes, that includes those Buddie fans who don't care for Bucktommy at all because they need to curate the Buddie tag very carefully now, too.)
I think their biggest problem is this belief that their ship is only valid if it's canon.
Which is so strange. Fandom has always mostly been about ships that are very much not canon. And no one ever expected their ships to become canon in the past, as far as I know. (Except if it was promoted and then didn't happen. Looking at Sterek here.) Canon ships barely get any attention. I mean, look at all the 9-1-1 ships that are canon, including Tarlos, and how little content there is for any of them, and also how little engagement there is for this content compared to Buddie. That's always been a trend in fandom, that's not new with 9-1-1.
It's not only strange, I also think it's honestly sad for these fans. Because they have deliberately set themselves up to be disappointed and dig that hole of disappointment ever deeper. Even if Buddie should ever go canon, which I honestly don't think will happen, it won't be at all what they expect. And they'll either leave the fandom or turn on the ship they were so toxically addicted to before.
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thewickling · 1 year
I realized that the updated Tag Search function makes it way easier to attempt to parallel search relationships including a specific character.
This method works better for characters who are not glitter and shipped with every person and creature and object under the sun.
This tutorial is written for people not familiar with tag ids. If you know how tag ids work, you should read the last two paragraph of this tutorial first.
You can find the Tag Search by looking at the menu at the top of the AO3 page that’s off to the left side.
Click Search and click Tag (the third option from the top).
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Type in your character. If the character only ever appears in one fandom, you also include that. If the character you want to search as a very common name, you will probably have to include a fandom to avoid pulling in unrelated tags. Do not include more than one fandom otherwise the result will only pull up any tags that exist in all the fandoms you listed.
Select Relationship for type
Select Canonical
Hit Search Tags
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The results should pull up every relationship that includes that character for that specific fandom or if you did not restrict by fandom, every relationship that has character with an identical name to the character you’re searching for.
For the character I picked, “Arm”, there are 29 results.
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Open the Work Search page in a new tab or window. You can find a link in the same menu as Tag Search.
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Or you can also open it through button labeled Work Search beside the Tag Search heading.
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On the Work Search page, find the Any Field box. 
This next part will be time-consuming but you will need to format all the relationships you want to parallel search like this: "X/Y" OR "X & A"  OR   "B & Z".
The tags need to match how they were shown on the Tag Search page. Each relationship needs to be placed between straight quotes. Curly quotes will break this search. Between each relationship tag, there needs to be an OR in all caps, but not one at the start or end.
After you’ve formatted things like this you can paste it into the Any Field box. (You could have just composed your search in there but if you’re parallel searching many relationship tags, doing it in notepad or something may make it easier to see what you’ve already included.)
There are filter options on this page. If you want to sort by completed or such, this is the point you need to do it at this point. This kind of search does not allow you to filter after you have clicked search. Unlike filtering on a specific tag, there is no filtering sidebar. A few other caveats:
If you want to exclude tags, you will have to input them into the Any Field box alongside the relationship tags. Those excluded tags will need to be formatted like such: - "tag 1"  - "tag 2"
Basically they just need a minus sign in front of them. You do not need to include OR between them.
If you include more than one tag in the Character, Relationship, or Additional Tag boxes, the search will only bring up results that match all of your search parameters. So if you inputted “Fluff” and “High School” into the Additional Tag field, it would only bring up works that have both the “Fluff” and “High School” tag as well as any of the relationship tags in the Any Field.
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I just want search for every work that includes Arm so I have no other filtering added. It looks like something below.
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Once you’ve finished setting up your search, click the search button.
In the case of my search, I only set it up to pull up any of the 29 relationship tags I found  that included Arm. When I saved this screenshot, there were 412 results.
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A few important things to note. While AO3 doesn’t really restrict how many text characters you put into the Any Field box, most browsers have a limit. So if you want to parallel search a lot of relationship or any tags in fact, you may run into your browser breaking your search.
If you’re searching a high number of tags, it’s better to use tag ids instead because they’re shorter and so you’ll be able to include way more information with less text characters. The tutorial works similarly except the list will be formatted like such: filter_ids:123 OR filter_id:456
You will not need to put quotes around a tag id. To find a tag id, you can open a specific tag and look at its RSS Feed, or by using the following script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/29917-ao3-display-tag-id  
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mychlapci · 25 days
My liege, my liege! I come from far lands to deliver 1k of spike mods, emeto, prolapse, and a little pregnancy while we're at it. May others in the kingdom heed that warning and filter thy tags.
Cocky little Rodimus is so insistent he can take Megatron's massive spike, he's gotten to the point of following Meg around begging to be spiked just once to prove it. He taunts and teases the co-captain by opening his panels when he bends over, flashing his tight wet valve to Megatron to entice him into fucking him right there on the command deck. Megatron is just annoyed by all this flaunting, Rodimus doesn't even deserve to get his pussy destroyed, Megatron knows he won't be able to take it.
It gets to the point though where Megatron doesn't even care. He was looking out for Rodimus' best interest not fragging him through the berth, but he's been such a pest he's finally pushed Megatron over the line. He followed Megatron across the damn ship while going on and on about how he's the best lay Megatron will ever get, and Megatron is so over hearing it. Megatron grabs Rodimus by the throat and drags him into a supply closet, shoving him into a shelf of cleaning products and making Rodimus tumble onto the floor. He locks the closet and pops his spike out, glaring down at Rodimus as he demands he present his valve.
Now that Rodimus had a look at that monster, he's slightly worried Megatron had a point. Not that he was gonna say that though, he opened his valve as Megatron said to and kept the enthusiastic front up. Megatron's spike was as big as Rodimus' forearm, had thick little barbs lining the sides meant to prod and prick every pleasure node in another mechs's valve while also tearing it and smearing their energon to mark the mech as one of Megatron's frag toys, and a fat knot to keep the mech writhing on Megatron's horrible spike.
Rodimus was already thinking about how much foreplay would be needed to open his valve for that thing, but Megatron was over it. Rodimus had been bragging that he could take the whole spike better than any con could back in the day, he invited himself to this treatment. Megatron slammed his spike into the wet valve before him, making Rodimus scream out. It was so big, way too big. Rodimus' intake tank churned as Megatron pulled out, dragging those spikes down the walls of his valve. The tearing was mind numbingly painful, but the stroke against his most sensitive sensors made him want to overload already. When Megatron slammed his spike in him again and nailed his ceiling node, it pushed him over the edge embarrassingly fast.
Megatron couldn't even fit his whole spike into Rodimus' valve at first. The little mech was too tight and too shallow to take his spike, the flight frames it was modified specifically for even had a hard time with it for its size. It's what Rodimus had been pestering him for for so long though, he clearly wanted it. Megatron kept pounding into Rodimus' ceiling node, tearing up that plush valve while not even bottomed out.
The way he pounded on Rodimus' gestation seal triggered an automatic response, an emergency opening the frame had developed when mechs had begun carrying their own offspring in internal forges instead of harvesting from the allspark. The gestation chamber connected to his forge could manually open in case of birth complications where a sparkling was stuck. Megatron's barbs were made to trigger the response, opening Rodimus' gestation chamber to fit more spike in. Rodimus felt nauseous as his insides shifted for Megatron's spike. He felt too full, everything felt like too much. All he could do was whimper and cum around the spike until Megatron was done with him. That was until the knot went in though.
Megatron had been thrusting harder and faster into Rodimus' gestation chamber, filling the co-captain's womb with his spike and marking it for himself. His knot had started inflating when the seal opened up, he was nearly finished with the annoying bot under him. Once his knot finally slipped in, stretching Rodimus open even wider than before, Megatron flooded his gestation chamber with transfluid. It stung slightly on the open tears from Megatron's barbed spike, but none of it could empty from around the knot. Feeling so full and now so warm, it finally was too much for Rodimus. He was at least able to turn his helm to the side as he threw up his morning energon, but he still managed to get it onto himself. He didn't try to squirm off Megatron's spike, he knew it would only make him feel worse when that knot pulled against his wrecked valve opening. He would just lay in his mess with tears in his optics as the knot shrank back down.
When the knot was finally deflated, Megatron would slowly pull his spike out. All Rodimus could let out was a weak groan as the barbs were pulling the inside of his valve out with the spike. His prolapsed valve oozed out the mixture of transfluid and energon and made a puddle on the floor. The co-captain felt numb, pulling his thighs together reflexively in some desperate attempt to keep the energon from leaking down his legs. The act just made him whimper more pathetically as the sore inside of his valve brushed his plating. Megatron stared down at the former prime and threw a cleaning rag at him. "This is exactly what you've been making a fool of yourself for Rodimus, now you've had it. Clean yourself up and get back to work."
Megatron felt slightly bad being so rough on his friend, but he knew how Rodimus functioned. He wouldn't stop until he finally got a consequence for his actions, hopefully now Megatron would get some peace and quiet. He didn't see his co-captain for a week after the harsh fragging, but he wasn't overly worried. Rodimus would be fine after a medical exam and some rest, knowing Rodimus though he was probably going to skip that first step. Megatron stepped into his hab for the night thinking about it, tomorrow he'd check in with Rodimus, and if he was still whining he'd apologize. His eyes locked onto his berth and suddenly the plans had changed. Rodimus was laid in Megatron's berth trying to look sexy. Megatron just found it desperate.
Why was Rodimus waiting for him? Well, Rodimus explained, Megatron's valve destroying overly modded fat spike pretty much ruined him from anyone else's spike, so now it would be his job to please Rodimus all the time! Also he almost definitely got him pregnant overloading right in his gestation chamber like that, so he was definitely not getting Rodimus away from him anytime soon. He promises this time he won't puke at least, Megatron is willing to bet shanix that he couldn't keep that promise.
oh god… this is perfect. I fucking love painful barbed spikes. And we don't talk enough about Megatron breaking Rodimus' pussy with his huge fucking monster dick. He should bully his way all the way into Roddy's gestation tank, splitting open his sorry little cervix and pulling it out on his sharp barbs. Rodimus can only scream, overload, and puke all over himself. He just feels so fucking full. 
Now that his valve is completely broken, Megatron is the only one who can fuck Rodimus into a climax. He tried with other bots, but they usually get grossed out at his bulging prolapse, and those who do stick around to fuck him just can't satisfy him with their small spikes anymore. He needs Megatron's cunt-buster and he needs it now. mhmm of course, Megatron's pretty much used to the bots under him puking out their guts when he fills them with his spike, but he wants to make a game out of how long Rodimus can hold it in. It would be funny if he slammed in with one violent thrust and Roddy immediately vomited… Talk about making empty promises. Probably only gets worse when the morning sickness rolls around....
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graendoll · 4 months
I finally watched the finale of 911 season 7 and my thoughts are below the break.
I have a lot of feelings about what they did and some of them are pretty "oof". Anyway, I realize I swept into Buddie fandom like two months ago and fell deeply in love with Buck and Eddie but after everything that is happening in fandom and in the show, I may slip back out as quickly as I came in because I'm not sure I can deal with the ship wars between now and season 8.
So yeah, if you want to hear what I think about where everything ended up, keep reading. Also...still a Buddie shipper in case it needs to be said 😅
First, Eddie's story has me absolutely heartbroken even if I suspected a lot of it. Chris calling his grandparents, him leaving even if temporary. I knew it was coming and it still hit me really hard. I know Gavin was considering pulling back so I get it. And Chris will obviously still be a part of Eddie's narrative but ouch that hurt.
Next, the scene between Buck and Tommy was just icky to me. Daddy kink is one of those things I filter out of fic because it's a major fucking squick so the fact that Tim Minear put that on my screen against my will nearly had me throwing hands. Any positive I was trying to find in their date interaction was quickly vomited out all over my coffee table.
I'm not optimistic about Tommy leaving quickly in season 8 for any reason. The date was very much a get to know you situation and while I thought Tommy was being a bit harsh about Bobby, I can guarantee the BT's are probably drooling over the implications of that scene.
(This is one of the things seriously impacting my desire not to watch this show anymore.)
On to Hen and Mara - I am very glad we have a mostly resolved situation with Mara going in to season 8. Honestly this whole story line felt unnecessary and written for the sake of drama. The show is feeling very soapy and while I was giving it the benefit of the doubt because of how much the writers were trying to do in 10 episodes, they better knock that shit off. It's a far cry from the writing of episodes like Buck Begins. (The second reason I may not watch anymore.)
Also, every once in a while Athena does something that makes me absolutely despise her character and this episode was one of those situations. Her jumping to conclusions and threatening Amil was just, rushed, overly dramatic and felt unnecessary
If you needed to get her to Amils house for the cartel arrival, maybe have her go without homicidal tendencies?
Honestly the only storyline that got any room to breath in this episode was Eddie's.
Which brings me to my final thoughts, specific to Buddie and the future of that ship in canon.
First, that will is never going to come up again. It belongs to us now. The writers have elected to ignore it for three seasons and it's never going to come up again, unless Eddie actually dies.
Second, the continuation of BT and the loss of Christopher is like a fucking death knell for Buddie in canon imo. I hate it, but without Chris, they are no longer a little family. Whatever magic was happening with Buddie up to the shooting scene has not been recaptured, and I'm not sure it's ever going to be at this rate, especially I'd the writers don't fix their soapy garbage.
Am I old and cynical? Yes. Does that make me wrong? Maybe...but right now what we have is Buck happily engaged in a weird Daddy kink relationship, Chris, one of the main points of connection between Eddie and Buck, out of the picture, and Eddie probably finding God and repenting for his sins.
Okay I made that last part up but it's a real fear!
In either case, I feel like we were horribly ship bated all season, and it was done only to create buzz for the show on a new network with a new queer character.
I miss when fandom didn't have access to creators and didn't feel like a place you could win because the BTs are going to be A NIGHTMARE for the rest of the hiatus and frankly I don't want to deal with toxic ship wars while we all wait for season 8.
So yeah, happy season 7 finale? 🤣
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i might deserve your fate or worse
⚠️this blog’s url is normally isomorbism, using this url temporarily
hi, welcome to my blog! ^_^ you may want to read this post before following. edited when needed.
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links: neocities / cohost / bluesky / mastodon / pillowfort (rarely active on these i just made accounts on everything to see)
invite to discord server on request for mutuals or people i’ve interacted with
free palestine! 🇵🇸
ask to tag (dm or ask) if you want to filter anything!
interests / stuff I post
I like pure math and I'm studying it at university (bachelor). kind of my "main" special interest and has been since I was a kid.
I write stuff occasionally like poems and "fanfiction."
I sometimes make semi-coherent poasts about my miscellaneous opinions on social and political issues, philosophy, etc.
not a fandom blog but I post about things I read or watch sometimes. I like death note (number one fan of light yagami).
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general / rules
asks are welcome but I am very slow (as in it takes months sometimes) at answering them. I am not ignoring you I am just so bad at this.
for privacy I don't want to share some things like where I'm from and I would appreciate if you don’t ask this type of question.
you can ask nicely if you need something tagged. I try to keep this blog generally pg-13.
english is not my first language but I'm at c2 level. I generally use american rather than british terms where there is a distinction.
please tell me if you think something I said was mean, bigoted, or problematic so I can improve in the future!
sometimes I will talk or reblog something about the discourse du jour but this is not a discourse blog.
no dni; I may block you if: you harass me or my followers, if I think it's likely that you will, or for other reasons (although I rarely do and mostly accidentally). you can ask to be unblocked.
please make a post or some indication you are not a bot.
do not take any of my posts as a call to violence towards any individual or group of individuals.
do not put discriminatory rhetoric on basis of race, skin color, ethnicity, nationality, assigned sex at birth, gender, sexual orientation, or disability on my posts. I try my best to keep this blog safe for people of marginalized identities.
miscellaneous positions / opinions
you are not required to agree to interact or follow
I'm a socialist (communist-adjacent as in closer to a marxist than an anarchist on most issues, but I don't use a more specific label. I try to stay open to learning about different ideas) and a (mostly classical) utilitarian.
anti-imperialist as in I oppose imperialism by the US and western countries and by other countries like russia too.
I try to have a nuanced view of historical socialist experiments (i am from an ex-socialist country btw).
inclusionist as in I think it's fine if people have any good faith and harmless identities, even contradictory ones. this doesn't include "radqueer" identities. I don't participate in queer discourse.
vegan for the animals and the environment.
irreligious atheist, no longer consider myself strictly anti-theist but adjacent.
not a fan of standpoint epistemology nor do I feel the need to prove I have it worse than someone else. pick and choose which privileged groups you want to implicitly assume I am part of (unless I explicitly state a fact about myself). it’s the internet.
I strongly disagree with the concept of collective guilt or collective punishment.
nationalism is cringe.
I do not want to hear about shipping discourse.
reblog ≠ endorsement of everything the OP ever said. also note I will sometimes interact or follow people I don't agree with on everything or even most things. I will sometimes reblog posts that are interesting but I do not necessarily endorse.
some posts (this section is a work in progress)
why i am anti anti civ
on autism: (x) (x)
on democracy under socialism
socialism vs communism vs regulated capitalism
@this-is-trivial - aesthetics sideblog
@autistic-light-yagami - “roleplay sideblog”
@hashtag-applecore - 🍎
@colibri-coruscans - birds (the other mod is @/rlydsntmttr)
@goncharovpilled - goncharov posts archive
@modularfacade - architecture photography blog
@did-henry-kissinger-die-yet - what it says on the tin (the answer is yes)
@jan-iso - toki pona blog
@wouldkirakillthem - poll gimmick blog
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anonymous-polling · 6 months
Feel free to delete this if you think it will cause discourse but I'm so curious!
Do you ever ignore a DNI that applies to you?
- No, that's rude
-No, it filters out people I don't want anything to do with anyway
- Only unknowingly
- Yes if I feel it's ridiculous/unenforceable
- Yes if I fill the conditions but they won't know
- Yes even for things that are an obvious breach of a boundary - it's their responsibility to block
- Yes specifically to send hate/hate read etc
-See Results
Examples: first yes might be ignoring a DNI over media opinions, second might be ignoring over "ship discourse" position, and third might be say an NSFW blog interacting with a NSFW DNI blog
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Galadriel in the Rings of Power, part 4: A savvy politician or a silly brash youth?
This post is the continuation of my analysis of Galadriel as she is portrayed in the Amazon series The Rings of Power - and why I think it is so very bad. Part 1 focused on the the portrayal of her being a warrior, and the many problems it creates for her character and possibly even for LOTR, whereas part 2 argued that what is supposed to be war trauma is actually just an awful personality. Part 3 focuses on the ways ROP undermines Galadriel's story as a woman, wife, and mother.
Part 1 x Part 2 x Part 3
This post will discuss the various ways Galadriel's portrayal in ROP is wrong when comparing the mental qualities she expresses in canon and in the show, the depiction of her age, and whether she is well cast in the show.
I will post my arguments in a few different posts, because that should make the whole much more readable. I will use the tags #anti rop and #anti rings of power for the benefit of those who may want to filter my posts.
If you like Amazon Rings of Power, I have no issue with that; I only take issue with how a character I've loved for over a decade is portrayed in this show.
6. ROP!Galadriel does not have the mental capacity and abilities she should have.
In Tolkien's versions of Galadriel's story, she is consistently portrayed as an individual of high intellect and wisdom, matching even the loremasters of her people. She is insightful and astute, seeing into the hearts of people around her, and recognising evil even under a fair form. She is collected and resilient after great ordeals and suffering. She never is persuaded to follow or even like Fëanor, and when Sauron comes to Eregion as Annatar, she knows him immediately for what he is. She learns to check her ambition and when she's offered the rule of Lothlórien, she won't become a queen after King Amroth, but assumes more of a regent's role as the Lady of the Wood. Galadriel is also a strong and wise leader, respected by her subordinates and other Elven communities, which implies great diplomatic skill. As I have argued before, it is striking that she, a Noldo and blood-relation of Kinslayers, is revered among the Elves of MIddle-earth. It's hard to believe this would be possible if she did not build and maintain a connection with them throughout the First and Second Ages. When the Istari arrive in Middle-earth, she rightly recognises Gandalf as the greatest of them. She travels through Khazad-dûm with her daughter, and does so while her husband Celeborn refuses the journey due to his prejudices for Dwarves, thus showing her tolerance and ability to deal with the other peoples of Middle-earth. She makes allies among the peoples of Middle-earth, is the instigator of the White Council and even invokes love in the heart of Gimli the dwarf, who has every reason to be mistrustful of her. Specifically, it is her eloquence and respect for his culture that wins him over. She is one of the very few noble Noldorin Elves to survive the First Age and endure until the end of the Third. 
I don't find any of these qualities in ROP!Galadriel. The most glaring difference is how blind and gullible she is to Sauron/Halbrand's deceptions - a direct contradiction of how canonically Galadriel immediately saw through his disguise and was his enemy from the start. ROP!Galadriel doesn't seem particularly intelligent, what with jumping out of a ship and trying to swim across an ocean, and spending centuries fruitlessly hunting Sauron. And as I argued in the part 3, it doesn't seem like she ever had a very good plan of how to bring down Sauron, if she ever found him - unless her intention always was to self-destruct by Sauron.
She has no wisdom whatsoever, doesn't see her own faults and doesn't try to check herself. She is a princess of Noldor and in her youth witnessed all the tensions and rivalries at her grandfather's court, but still she has no skill in politics, diplomacy or negotiation. She lets herself be manipulated by Gil-galad, stepping on the ship that sails for Valinor and only jumps out at the point when there is no way she could possibly swim back to Middle-earth (only to be saved by idiot plot). She is antagonising against potential allies. She waltzes into the court of Númenor, yells platitudes at the regent, makes arrogant demands and gets herself thrown in jail - which she gets out of not by eloquence and persuasion, but by aggression and violence. The only reason Míriel seems to help her is because Míriel's own foreboding, not because Galadriel's diplomatic skill. She is a blunt weapon of no artistry or subtlety. She is rude even when her circumstances require tact and caution, and continues to act in a coarse way even though the Númenóreans' prejudices against Elves are already causing tensions and the smart thing to do would be to show discretion and courtesy. For her community, she is a problem to be dealt with, not a great asset and ally. She has no personal dignity and people around have no respect for her. And why would they? She is not nice even to her so called friends and mostly she is bothered to care about people around her when they can somehow serve her vengeance. Pride is maybe the only thing ROP!Galadriel has in common with her canon counterpart, but it's combined with an already awful personality and no redeeming qualities.
7. Depiction of Galadriel's age is nonsensical.
This argument has not just to do with Galadriel, but is linked with the show's larger problems with portraying Elves and the compression of time - although it is telling that it's the female character that gets this treatment, not one of the male Elves. However, this is another discussion altogether and I will cover it in the final part of my analysis.
According to Tolkien's lore, Elves reach maturity at the age of a hundred years. Galadriel at the end of the Second Age is already thousands of years old. At this point in canon, she has been married for an age and has a grown daughter. She is one of the oldest and most powerful elves of Middle-earth, and is senior to Gil-galad and Celebrimbor. 
Although ROP still maintains that Galadriel was born in Valinor during the years of the Trees and is thus exactly as old as in canon, you would not guess it from the way she presents herself. She is so brash and immature in her behaviour that Elendil, a mortal who can't even comprehend the ages she has lived, actually says she reminds him of his children (is this some convoluted way of saying that only parenthood will bring out one's full potential?). Meanwhile, Gil-galad and Celebrimbor, who are both her junior, are portrayed as older and more mature. In canon, Galadriel is wise already as a young elf and her wisdom grows only greater during her long life, but ROP!Galadriel has absolutely no wisdom and despite her great age, acts like a hot-headed teenager. It seems the show wants to portray her as "young Galadriel", never mind the fact that this character cannot in any way be considered young at the end of the Second Age. Heck, it would be a reach even if the show began at the start of SA.
8. Galadriel is not well cast
I will admit that this argument is partly a matter of taste, but there is also a more objective observation to be made: Galadriel is described as a very tall woman, as tall as most male Elves. She is also an athlete in her youth, and also physically strong. Combining this with her high intellect, her ability to read the hearts and minds of others, and heritage as a High Elf who saw the light of the Trees, Galadriel should be played by a tall, imposing and striking woman. 
The actress Amazon cast in the role does not have these qualities. She is diminutive and does not stand out in any scene as an ancient and powerful Elf. The weight of the role would be humongous for anyone after Cate Blanchett's widely beloved portrayal, and it is certainly not helpful that the show creators have made some very controversial choices about the character.
On a more subjective note, in my opinion the actress is not particularly good in the role. Most of the time, she has only two expressions, sullenness and angry sneer. Her delivery is not very good or convincing. But maybe this is not the actress' fault: the problems could stem from the script and direction, which are at times laughably bad. I don't know of the actress' previous work - I'm under the impression that she is a new face in the business and ROP is her first major role - so it may be also a question of experience.
Also we should cast tall women in more roles. 
The next and the final part will attempt to tie in my arguments and also point out some problems with the show that are not necessarily about Galadriel, but affect nonetheless the way she's portrayed in the show.
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crystallizsch · 8 months
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HI HI!! Welcome! My name is Ian 💖 (or I don't mind "crystal" from my user if you prefer it!)
NOT SPOILER-FREE please filter out #twst jp / #twst jp spoilers if you do not want to see those posts from me specifically!!
ASKS/DMS are always OPEN!! all I ask is to be patient with me and be respectful/mindful 🙏 otherwise I would always love to interact with people!
[ masterlists ] |✧| blog tag navigation |✧| ocs + their tags |✧| my art + writing |✧| the fridge™
(other info + more detailed intro below!)
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[ main blog: @scint1llat3 ] |✧| mainly just reblogs |✧| i also follow and interact from here!
[ credits ] |✧| twst intro template by ruggiegucci on twitter |✧| used game assets by alchemivich for dividers/deco |✧| yuu name dividers by 0honeybones0 <3
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🌺 - I am 18+ years old, however, this blog is SFW 💖 🌺 - Please keep in mind though, I can still choose to post things that might be mildly more mature. That will be very rare though, rest assured, but for anything that might be too sensitive/suggestive, I will tag accordingly! 🌺 - (And on that note, if anything else just rubs you the wrong way or makes you feel uncomfortable, it's okay to suddenly block/unfollow I will not take it personally. Please prioritize your health/safety/comfort!)
🌺 - This is entirely a TWST blog (with a clear fixation on Jamil Viper for the most part afhdsljf though I do still love the rest of the game!) 🌺 - I may have occasional fandom crossover when i feel like it! 🌺 - I just do art here and there + the very rare fics and oc ramblings. And also just yelling about TWST in general.
🌺 - I am mainly based on EN because that's what I play, but I also catch up with JP stuff. So my knowledge and preferences about TWST are very mix-and-match. 🌺 - This blog is not spoiler-free. And I tend to post things as soon as they come out whether they're in EN or JP. 🌺 - I will still tag JP content with #twst jp / #twst jp spoilers, so please filter those out if you do not want to see those posts! 🌺 - I also don't care about being spoiled in general unless I explicitly state so.
🌺 - This is an OC x canon blog too!! 🌺 - I don't mind others who ship their ocs/mcs/yuus with the same canon characters as me! I genuinely enjoy seeing them actually!! 🌺 - (But if sharing is not your thing, I completely understand that as well, so feel free to block accordingly 🫶) 🌺 - The previous points go for canon x canon characters as well! I'm just a multishipper at heart.
🌺 - Tagging me and spam is absolutely fine!! 🌺 - I read all reblogs and replies even if I don't respond to all of them! 🌺 - I also appreciate even you silent lurkers, likers, and rebloggers. You are all hella valid too 🫶 🌺 - Also also, I can be incredibly slow at responding (and sometimes I forget or just miss notifs), so please forgive me on that 🙏 (if it's important, I don't mind nudges if I haven't got to it in a while!)
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asks ~☆
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Here are some things about chatting with in general! Also, please don't be discouraged by this looking long. I swear I'm very lenient, I enjoy talking to y'all :,3
💌: Asks are always open! Feel free to send anything my way! (anon is always available if you prefer!) 💌: I welcome thoughts, questions, ideas, etc, and I'm always looking to chat or just gush about TWST! (I'm also okay with things that aren't TWST-related like just silly random asks :3) (<- sometimes I may randomly turn it TWST-related though if I can) 💌: (Requests/suggestions can be selective as my motivation has been varying lately ;;;) 💌: AND!!! If I haven't got to your ask yet, don't worry I'm not ignoring them! I'm usually taking time to give it the response it deserves (especially if I plan to draw for it!) so I apologize if sometimes it takes a long while. (You'll know if I decide not to answer!!) 💌: (And if I ever say I've answered all asks and you think I haven't gotten to yours, I might not have gotten the ask in the first place because tumblr may have ate it 😔 and if so, please feel free to resend!)
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
(warning: this is... long. i had to put post dividers on this to make it readable. i would have put a read more but i can't in an ask, sorry.)
i think the most puzzling thing of all about this drama is that like.... i've been doing this forever. i've been posting keefe/fintan stuff (not regularly, but still!) since at least feb 2022 on the dolentsnows account. hell, i KNOW i've even talked about tam/linh specifically before then, though i can't remember if it was public or not.
and there was no problem! people just blocked each other and filtered and it was fine!
i'm frankly just. SO confused as to why that post of all things is what set it off. like guys. what.
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also, re: "it normalizes pedophilia/incest/abuse/whatever" my posts get like ten notes max, most of those being likes from my dear mutuals who dont necessarily love the stuff i do but still wanna show they support me anyway.
if you'd just think for a minute, i think it's pretty easy to see that no one's gonna be converted into a sex freak any time soon.
and the fact that people are calling me a pedophile for... *checks notes* writing about characters that are the same age as i am or older in relationships with adults is. something. especially considering that:
in all the ACTUAL content i've made, excluding ONE post about alvar being keefe's gay awakening, the characters have been over the legal age in france (my country), so even the "it's illegal" argument falls apart.
why do you immediately assume i'm imagining myself to be the adult here? you don't know what's going on in my life. you don't know my reasons for doing what i do. i started shipping those kinds of ships ever since i was a pretty young kid, and i don't have to explain myself to anyone. (note: i am not a victim of csa, just want to make that clear. i've got other shit going on. but also you guys don't actually care about survivors and it's obvious.)
and fun fact: incest is legal in france as well, as long as it's between two consenting adults. i have decided, right now, effective immediately, that linh and tam are both over 18 in those drawings. since it's legal it means there's no problem right?
all this to say, let's just drop the whole "legal = moral, illegal = immoral" train of thought right here.
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i do have one thing to apologize for, though: i didn't properly tag the first post. that has since been rectified and i've added community labels for good measure. i have and will apologize again for that mistake because it was entirely on me. i'm genuinely sorry to the people who saw that with no warning and i won't make that mistake again going forward.
but i also know that there are people who clicked on some of my posts even after i added the community labels and then complained (in my ask box, no less!) and to those i say: just read the tags, guys. they're still visible even with the community labels hiding the post.
sorry for the angry tone, but i am kind of miffed about all this. mostly that it turned into such a big deal when it really didn't have to be.
to conclude: stay strong out there guys, hopefully modern fandom will develop basic internet skills one day.
No worries about the length or tone, you're good.
I believe the reason that one post sparked issue is because, I don't know if you're aware, there's actually been a pretty significant surge in new fans in the past few months following info about Unraveled.
So while you have been here and posting your stuff for a while, for a good chunk of the currently active people, I think that was their first time seeing you. And also possibly one of their first times seeing art/ships like that up close, since keeper tends to be a first/earlier fandom.
Hence the stronger reaction. Though I don't think it's fair to blanket statement say they don't care about survivors. That's the sort of strawmanning/ad hominem talk that leads to shutting down/self-defense that doesn't get us anywhere. We can all rise above logicial fallacies <3
But anyway, the worst seems to have passed, unless we all feel like regressing for some reason :)
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hils79 · 7 months
Catching up on some of the things I've been tagged in. Some of these are very old. So sorry. I'm crap.
Fic author interview! I was tagged by the fantastic @lynne-monstr
No-pressure tagging: @pangzi @foxofninetales @merinnan @killerandhealerqueen @strandedchesspiece @thesilversun @silver-colour
How many works do you have on AO3?
266 as of now
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,467,370 words however some of those words are on collaborative fics. I don't know how to filter out the ones I wrote by myself but it's well over the 1,000,000 mark and that makes me happy
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unleashed  (MCU, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers) - 801 kudos
Visible to All But Me - (DMBJ, Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling) - 666 kudos (ehehe 😈)
The Truth About Cats, Dogs and Penguins - (Men's Hockey RPF. Evgeni Malkin/Sidney Crosby) - 621 kudos
In which Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are surprisingly capable parents - (MCU, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers) - 530 kudos
Not The Russian Way- (The Man From UNCLE movie, Ilya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo/Gaby Teller) - 516 kudos
I find it fascinating that a DMBJ fic is in my top 5. The other fics are all pretty old and in large and popular fandoms. I think it was just good timing in that I posted when a lot of people who have since moved on to other fandoms were into DMBJ off the back of Ultimate Note airing.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try! I think it's just polite to at least say thank you. Occasionally I do forget of miss one though.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do sad or angsty endings
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Yeah, pretty much all of them.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Very rarely. I think all my crossovers have been co-written with other people.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate exactly, but somone once accused me of plagiarism because I posted a fic with vaguely similar themes to one of theirs. Luckily for me this was back in the LJ days where there was a comm specifically for reviewing accusations of plagiarism where independent people would review both fics. Of course they ruled in my favour but it was really fucking upsetting at the time.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have, but I prefer not to.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Someone translated one of my MCU fics into Chinese which made me very happy.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, a bunch of times! It can be really fun if you get along well with the people you're writing with.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's like asking me what my favourite fandom is. My favourite ship is whatever ship I am into at the time.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
RIP my au for The Untamed where Lotus Pier was a hotel that famous musician Lan Wangji came to stay in while he was on tour.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue or soft domestic fluff
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description. A beta reader recently commented that in one of my fics I hadn't actually described what anyone looks like. I just want them to talk and kiss, okay?
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Not full dialogue, no, but now that I've started writing in Chinese fandoms I think there are some words that can be used. Generally only terms of address, though. Like someone calling someone 'laoban'
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I do still kind of want to write some Mysterious Lotus Casebook fic. At least one at any rate.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
Juxtaposition (DMBJ, Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling)
I don't generally write AUs, and I definitely have never written anything close to this long before. It took me a year to write it and I am very proud of it.
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aestariiwilderness · 6 months
Bad Batch Season 3, Episode I Don't Even Know And Honestly Will Not Be Keeping Track * SPOILERS * (solely because Mina Nunyabiz *REAL NAME REDACTED* has gone on so many diatribes about this inexcusable social faux pas on Tumblr known as failing to accurately and comprehensively tag your posts for pieces of media which some people haven't gotten to watching yet and this means that if they wish to be on Tumblr without getting unwanted foreknowledge they have to undergo some vast and imprecise tribulation known as filtering by tag)
I have come to two, nay, three, EIGHT whole conclusions: a. Tech hacked the Star Wars Internet. b. Tech was the Star Wars Internet. c. Pabu does not have Star Wars Internet. d. The Batch cannot function without their Internet. e. The Batch has lost its sole functioning strategic brain cell. Hemlock caught it when Tech fell. The muscle and the face are kind of just winging it now; the auxiliary brain cell said "haha see you later, losers, I need to be Rex's chauffeur"; and the attitude's first and only plan is, as always, just "KILL". f. These men are adorable and also utter morons. g. Crosshair has no experience with women. Ever. He doesn't even know how to talk to them. They're a different species to him even when they aren't literally a different species. His two methods of social interaction just recently expanded to three (murder, snark, and now mother hen) and still none of them have anything to do with proper behavior towards adult females. Let alone one who doesn't share his genes. You can tell by the way he wildly swung from default "PICK FIGHT/KILL" to "offer genteel non-sarcastic hand up to my ship without sarcasm after you almost got my Stockholm syndroming sister killed by a giant turtle because if I can't kill you I literally am at a loss for how to behave towards you". h. Tech was the only member of the squad who ever bothered to get a newspaper and check to see who they were actually fighting.
Omega IS unsettling. Well noticed Venti
Hunter, continuing to be the king of asking the specific follow-up questions that the audience feels is relevant and the askee absolutely cannot answer without losing their mysterious vibes (see: season 1 finale -- "WHEN did you have your chip removed, exactly" "Does it matter?" "YES")
Hunter, continuing to be the king of not getting an answer to his very reasonable specific follow-up question
For special ops commandos in a war they were literally created to fight, these guys do not seem to have much of a concept of "stranger danger"
"ASKING FOR A FRIEND" omigosh Omega. I have never been so ashamed of you. The big fascist experiment-happy regime is after you. WHY CAN YOU STILL NOT LIE
Why is Omega just. In charge now
And still the most unbelievable thing about this episode was like half a minute in with Crosshair willingly helping a random Pabuan AND not mercing them when they dared to smile, thank him, and use his name
Qui-gon had a blood test! With a little litmus stick and everything! The crazy weed-addicted space monk had a scientific stick he jabbed baby Anakin with and HEY PRESTO M-COUNT SPREADSHEET. WHERE IS THAT HANDY BIT OF TECHNOLOGY HUH
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SHIPPING INFO:// Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog
(Including Remy in this for the sake of simplicity)
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I don't have many because I'm a multishipper. For like, fandom, non-rp content, you have R.omy and A.nidala. That's it. A better question is notp and that's r.ogueneto, I will not be writing it, I filter it to keep it off my dash. But there's all kinds of options for shipping with my muses because I don't have a 'i will only write this one ship' for any one character.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
A lot. It really just depends on how comfy I am with the mun and how much we've developed our muses' relationship. Sometimes the muns I've known for a while can just chuck new ideas at me and we just go head first without development but that's a case by case kind of deal. Brakes start pumping for pregnancy stuff mainly because I don't do fetish content for free, that's a paid service you will not find here- long time partners only. Cheating is a nope, just have no desire to write it. I don't mind other toxic situations, or messy open situationships, but flat out cheating just rubs me wrong. And nothing involving a.b.o. Just, no thank you.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I ship r.ogan, so clearly age gaps don't bother me lmao. It's more power dynamics, and it's all fake anyways, just depends on the situation. Most of the muses aren't going for anyone much younger than them anyways, it's more older where they might raise eyebrows.
Are you selective when shipping?
A little bit yes, a little bit no? So I do like my ships of all types, not just romantic, but the ones that tend to the more steamy I am most comfy with established with for a variety of reasons. That's not to say sometimes I can't plot for more specific ship types early on with the right person, it just very much depends. Like, Sara/Warren with @wingedwarren was literally started off by a smut meme out the gate. I have never claimed there aren't exceptions they are just Rare AF and Highly Conditional.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I tag consertatively. Meaning if someone's boss or mom were to peep over their shoulder and might be scandalized, I've probably already tagged it as 'nsfw ish' unless we're talking Prude of the Year levels. Usually once things underneath clothes are being given attention, whether or not said clothes have hit the floor. I don't use the rating toggle because it can shadowban your blog and/or make it impossible to cut the thread. But I do tag.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Oh dear. There's so many. If I missed someone I swear it wasn't on purpose. These are all the ships be it familial, friend, hate, romantic, we don't fucking know yet cuz we're still writing it out, you name it. There is no rhyme or reason to the order so do not read into any of that.
Rogue- @meretrixious, @ifyoucatchacriminal, @suffcring, @iomadachd, @revenantinflames, @thefastestaround, @bothsidesofaquestion, @fatummortem
Gabriel- @nacreousxhearts
Sara- @wingedwarren, @meretrixious, @shizumaikushima
Cisco- @brooklynislandgirl, @meretrixious, @morgansmornings
Farrar- @nacreousxhearts, @iomadachd
Nilza- @iomadachd, @suffcring, @meretrixious, @kylo-wrecked, @bothsidesofaquestion, @brooklynislandgirl, @astral-athame, @halliwellauto
Harry- @reallifejedi, @brooklynislandgirl
Kaylee- @nacreousxhearts, @meretrixous, @arthurthefaceless
Padmé- @mynameisanakin, @brooklynislandgirl
Remy- @brooklynislandgirl, @ifyoucatchacriminal, @nacreousxhearts, @abrushwithdeath, @fatummortem, @bothsidesofaquestion, @down-home-charm, @suffcring
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
At least with a small check-in. A fast way to get blocked is start reblogging my fc posts 'xyz's girlfriend' before we've ever started a thread (yes that's happened in the past).
How often do you like to ship?
Shrug, -waves vaguely at the replies that occasionally grace the dash-
Are you multiship?
I am the captain of an armada, and the ships do not ever cross paths unless there's a lot of chit chat between all muns. Which apart from Armin and some other xpeople has been...never. Namely because once I do a three mun polycule ship, someone blows it up. I've learned it's best not to lmao.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
More-or-less. I’m here for juicy writing of all types. {<-stolen}
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Uh...most of my ships are crossover or oc. Current implies I would ever leave X-Men, which...no. Obvs r.omy. I don't much engage with the a.rrowverse fandom anymore. D.resden files would probably be Susan/Harry. That's about it for canon stuff. If this question meant rp stuff, I don't feel like listing favorites there.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Send memes, signal flares, a chancla. Some amount of ooc chitchat is usually helpful (by that i mean about the muses, if there's one thing I don't like doing it's delving into the question "how are you" from someone i barely know cuz it's usually uh...well...it's my life)
tagged by: Taken from @kylo-wrecked and there was probably many others at the time but it's been a minute
tagging: be gay, do crime
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Ask Game.
My first impression - One more 10 years old for the collection, I swear if he's got shounen anime protag syndrome I'm gonna-
My impression now - I WILL KILL AND DIE FOR THIS BOY (not literally ofc).
Favorite thing about that character - His love and dedication for his pups above all else.
Least favorite thing - He needs to learn to say "no" sometimes. Y'know, rescuers need to filter what cases they're going to attend to, they have the right to decline going for something because NOT EVERYTHING DEMANDS A RESCUER'S TIME AND EFFORT AND RESOURCES TO BE SOLVED-
Favorite line/scene - *Drops the elevator with Humdinger and his cats in it*
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Favorite interaction that character has with another - Man, that's hard! I think one I really liked was when he talked to Chase in the first movie, to explain why he chose to adopt Chase back when he found him abandoned on the streets. He knew Chase was traumatized about the big city and he wanted to help. He figured that, showing Chase about why it was also a good memory and not only a terrible and scary one, it would probably help his pup to see things in a different light - and it did.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Katie. It's not even for the ship, it's just because they would be SO GOOD caring for the pups together but we rarely get to see that.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - Aki Light, from MegaMan Fully Charged. They look nearly alike, both have a robot dog. I don't remember Aki's personality though.
A headcanon about that character - Anyone ever thought about Ryder being actually an orphan, whose parents died in a ridiculous and totally preventable accident at work, which only occurred because of neglect from whoever was responsible for workers safety, and the kid was such a prodigy he just declined going for adoption and instead got his parents wealth and built himself a Search & Rescue empire surrounding himself with dogs he adopted specifically from terrible life conditions just because he wanted to make a difference for someone, anyone? Also to do all in his power to not let other people lose their loved ones to neglect-caused accidents like the one that cost him his parents, ever again? No? Just me? Ok.
A song that reminds of that character - "Immortals"
An unpopular opinion about that character - I... I don't think I have any. Unless just appreciating him might be unpopular enough already bc I've seen a fair share of people who don't like him and think he's an abusive owner.
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You don't see many people out there covering their boss in hugs and kisses.
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