#but the make way for ducklings mom did
Been spending my time lately thinking of a House MD au where, through a series of accidents and lies and a bet he didn't rly intend to win, House ends up as a registered foster parent (he's still addicted to Vicodin and his normal dickish workaholic self but for some reason he cleared the requirements and trust me he's as stunned and mildly concerned as everyone else is).
Through further Shenanigans™, he ends up accidentally getting handed fostership of not one, not two, but three hellish but brilliant kids:
1. This total smartass 16 year old named Robert Chase who yeah he's a bitchy teenaged boy and a former rich kid and Australian with enough mommy and daddy issues to reawaken Freud after his dad dipped and absconded all parental rights and his mom drank herself to death, but he's also got a nice car left over from his rich kid days and an eye for detail and weirdly enough his best friend/mortal enemy (some other teen named Eric Foreman) and his on again off again girlfriend (Allison Cameron, totally won't last if u ask House) both work at the hospital as a candy striper and after school in the cafeteria respectively so House can get all the inside gossip from Chase. Plus Chase has no problems breaking and entering into patient's homes which helps bc since he's not employed by the hospital Cuddy can't complain as far as House is concerned.
2. A 14 year old girl who only answers to Thirteen (House knows he could look her name up in her file but honestly it drives Chase nuts that she won't tell him her real name and that's good enough for him) and who's dad was declared unfit after the death of his wife to Huntington's devastated him. She's a total nightmare, snarky and quick witted and freakishly smart even tho she puts most of those smarts towards things like shaving Chase's entire head (eyebrows included) bc he's trying to grow a sucky teenage mustache, and trying to take House's wallet bc she keeps calling him Old Man and he informed her he's actually only 25 but the stress of fostering has aged him prematurely and she's like 95% sure that's a lie but she wants to check his license and make sure bc everyone lies. She loves tormenting Chase by telling him his best friend and/or his girlfriend is hot and asking if they're single.
And 3. This 6 year old boy named Lawrence Kutner who's weirdly cheerful considering his parents got killed in front of him. He's way too chatty and excellent at puzzles and the only morning person in the entire house and therefore frequently tries to make breakfast (he likes to be helpful and he hasn't burned the place down yet so House doesn't feel the need to stop him). Once he told House he was gonna build a Death Star in the living room and House said lol sure go ahead whatever, only to return home from work to discover Kutner called himself out from school and has a huge wooden frame made of broken furniture in the living room. House rly can't argue since he did say go ahead. Benefits of fostering a 6 year old are 1. The babes love it, 2. Free excuse to leave work early/come in late/not show up at all, and 3. Justification for buying juice boxes and Ritz crackers. The neighbor kid Taub is his go to babysitter bc his mom volunteered him forcibly and Taub is lowkey praying that babysitting Kutner could lead to an in at Princeton Plainsboro once he graduates high-school and finishes medical school (it won't, House doesn't believe in nepotism unless it benefits him).
The adventures of House and his Foster Ducklings mostly revolve around being a Found Family, but do involve frequent plots such as:
House fired his brand new fellows again (he tosses em every three or so months, he hasn't found The Right Team yet) and will sometimes bring his foster kids in, hand em doctors coats, and tell patients that they're just a bunch of medical savants here to consult yes even the 6 year old he's actually Harvard's youngest graduate ever.
House sends the kids to break into a patient's home. They refuse. House tells them the first one to find black mold or lead paint or a dead animal or whatever gets $20. They agree. Chase drops Thirteen and Kutner off at a bus stop across town and drives over himself so he can get an hour and a half head start (ultimate fuck them kids moment, however Thirteen did steal his wallet so guess who's paying for lunch and their taxi ride to the patient's house? Net loss.)
Cuddy demands House does his clinic hours. House sends his foster kids to do his clinic hours for him. Tfw you go to the free walk in clinic for a sore throat and a cough and your doctor is a 6 year old boy who keeps asking for help with spelling whilst filling out your chart.
Wilson babysits them one (1) time since House doesn't trust Chase not to throw a party or sell his foster siblings on eBay if left as the one in charge. He wakes up with a big strip of hair poorly bleached right down the middle. Chase crushed up stolen sleeping pills and mixed them into a juice box, which Kutner 'innocently' offered to Wilson. Thirteen was going to bleach and dye his whole head blue (for practice, she wants to dye her hair but she's certainly not gonna fuck up her own hair until she has the method down) but Wilson woke up pretty quickly due to years of House drugging him. Wilson has not offered to babysit again.
Anyways this is my House Foster Ducklings au which I'm thinking about actually writing. Thank u 🫡
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Empty Nester's (M)
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Tags - manga spoilers, new manga ending because it's mine, Fem Reader, Reader is called mama, mom, etc. Cunnilingus, squirting, idk
"With the children away for the weekend, what do you guys have planned?” Makio was swaddled with your baby, 11 months old and so big already, she could easily be mistaken for much older than she is. She was like her daddy, big, smart, and sweet. Harumi had been visiting the Uzui’s on the weekends for the past month giving you and Gyomei a break but also preparing them for the arrival of their own bundle of joy in the coming months. Of course, you had spent weekends as a family with them but then it was suggested that she stay by herself. You compromised with all three of the kids staying with the Uzui’s that way at least Muichiro and Genya knew their sister and could help.
“I don’t think we are doing anything special, a night in, maybe we will get a full night of sleep” Gyomei laughed from the doorway where he was talking with Tengen, the boys crowding him as he talked of their weekend plans. Makio squinted, rolling her eyes before turning back to you. “How is Hinatsuru? Has the tea been helping ease her stomach? It was heaven sent for me, Shinobu had trained Aoi so well” Makio nodded, bouncing slightly as Harumi stirred from where she rested.
“She is doing much better, eating a lot more which we are grateful for. She had us all worried. But she is well, excited to see Harumi, I think the maternal instincts are already kicked in because she hasn’t stopped talking about Harumi since she left last weekend” You nodded, understanding the feeling, throughout your pregnancy just seeing babies made you want to cry from happiness, some mothers would even come chat when they noticed your heavy stomach, letting you gush over their baby.
“Yeah, but Harumi is also the sweetest girl, so patient and she loves her brothers so she’s happy when they are around” Harumi’s head lifted at the mention of her brothers. “You should head home before she falls asleep, she sleeps like her father at night and Hinatsuru may not get to play with her” You urged the Uzui wife back towards the door, Tengen noticing the movement moved to let Makio pass.
“That’s our cue then, we will see you all in 3 days, have a good night, and try not to have too much fun!” Tengen winked before turning to follow his wife, your sons leaving with a wave and a few air kisses before following as well, a row of little ducklings.
As the door slid shut your husband turned to you.
“Come on, I have something for you” He was rocky, still settling into the prosthetic leg, it made him sway a lot when he walked but he no longer had to hold onto your shoulder, he could walk just by holding your hand which was an improvement. He was still hesitant about holding Harumi while standing but that would happen with time, just had to be patient.
“You’ve been so patient with us, every single one of us, from the boys to Harumi, and to me. Since the fall of the demons almost 2 years ago you’ve been so attentive and working nonstop, making sure everyone is comfortable and happy, you’ve kept everyone fed and bathed. You even changed our bandages and helped us bathe, which is no small feat. You did so much and I just wanted you to know how grateful I am, and how grateful the boys are to have you, to call you my wife, to call you a mother. I am so happy to be here with you, to have been given the chance to stay on this planet with you and live happily.” He paused his speech as you got to the backyard, lit with lanterns and decorated with flowers. There was a large blanket in the middle of the yard, filled with pillows to create what looked like the coziest bed ever. Sitting next to the bed was a tray lined with snacks and wine alongside 2 glasses.
“What is all this? When did you do all this?” You turned towards your husband of 5 years someone who you had watched grow into the beast of a man before you today, so gentle and loving and at the same time he held power you couldn’t even imagine carrying after knowing him for 8 years he still gave you butterflies.
“Had some help, you are quite oblivious when you are with Harumi so it was easy, she loves her mama just as much as I do. You are an amazing woman and I’m so honored and blessed to call you my wife.” Your eyes watered at the thought behind this surprise and his sweet words, you hadn’t put thought into the things you did, there was a house to run and a family to take care of after they literally saved the world, the least you could do is take care and help them, it was almost natural, you had been taking care of Gyomei’s injuries since you had first met in the wisteria house your family-owned, although it was closed now, once again it was just a home but more than welcome to those who were former corps members.
“I don’t know what to say” his hands moved to your back, gently guiding you towards the bed, the warmth from the overwhelming amount of candles provided such comfort that it didn’t take long for your muscles to relax as you sunk into the cushions and pillows.
“you don’t need to say anything, just relax, enjoy your night” There was a soft smile on Gyomeis face as he sat down, stretching his legs. “c’mere let me hold you” his words were quiet, like a whisper to draw you into his space, you didn’t hesitate before moving between his legs, letting your back rest against his chest while he wrapped you in his arms, letting his hands rest on your thighs. You both sat in silence, enjoying the clear night with the stars shining so bright you could probably see without the candles, but they provided extra comfort to your night. It was nice having a night with just the two of you, it was something that you hadn’t experienced in years. Between them fighting Muzan and having to relearn how to live normally, to giving birth to your daughter there was always a full house. Now they were able to leave, more than ready to get out of the house and spend time with their friends and family. It was something you weren’t quite ready for. Large hands were wiping away tears before you could realize you were crying.
“What ails you? What can I do?” Gyomei was soft as he addressed you, still holding your cheek as you relaxed back into him.
“They are all leaving, they can leave us now” you sniffled, turning around to face your husband, sitting on your knees. “Gyomei, the boys are gonna get married and leave” Deep down you knew it was ridiculous to think that they would suddenly leave, they were only 17 but you were dating Gyomei at 19 and he was 22, they could leave at any age. Gyomei smiled, his clouded eyes flickering about.
“Let’s slow down, no one is going anywhere. They are spending the weekend with the Uzui’s, and no one is getting married anytime soon unless we marry them off. Lay back, listen to that quiet, no kids, no screaming or fighting, no crying. Tranquility. S nice isn’t it?” You sat back, taking Gyomei’s advice and listening to the world around you. “What do you hear?” you listened close, relaxing into the embrace of your beloved and closing your eyes to truly listen.
“I hear the trees as they shake.”
“I hear The birds sing their young to sleep. It sounds like they are getting tired” You were focusing, you swear you were, but his hands were distracting, wandering from your hips. His touch started slow, just rubbing your sides like he did when you wanted to relax, but then they started to move inwards, resting on your stomach and moving up.
“What else do you hear” His voice was low like he was telling you something you were allowed to hear, trying to hide it from the world.
“um…” You couldn’t focus on the sounds, not when he cupped one of your breasts, applying pressure as he leaned into your neck, wet kisses trailing from your jaw to your collarbone.
“focus, what’s going on?” The tone of his voice was a warning, a baritone hum as he continued his ministrations, biting into the skin of your neck as you leaned to the side, giving him more access.
“Frogs” is all you got out, moaning as one hand undid the ties to your clothing and the other continued to fondle you.
“good girl, what else” He paused, leaning back to watch each inch of your kimono fall off your shoulders and reveal your skin.
“I-“ a moan interrupted you as both his hands went to work, pinching the nipple of one breast while massaging the other. His lips still danced along your skin, slowly compared to his rough hands. “The river” He hummed into your skin, encouragement to continue as he worked like he was tuning a violin, plucking the strings of your pleasure until he had it just right. “You” Your answer was met with his hands removing themselves from your body, his mouth detaching itself from your skin. You sat up, turning to look at your husband.
“Yeah? What do I sound like?” His disheveled hair and lack of prayer beads had him looking almost feral, his hooded gaze staring down at you as he crawled over you, moving you until your back hit the ground, looking up at him. Your answer never came as he engulfed you in a kiss, claiming your lips as his own. You couldn’t stop the moan that erupted as one of his hands found purchase on your hip, pulling the band of your panties until they snapped back at your skin. Your tongue grazed his lip, asking for more, and was met with a hasty reply. Your mouths danced so familiarly with one another, like every movement of the other's tongue was rehearsed, practiced an infinite number of times over, each clash of teeth and head tilt a piece of intricate choreography. Gyomei pulled back gasping, head tilting towards your ear.
“You know what I want?” He hummed pressing a kiss to your collar, lips wet with your shared saliva. You made a noise of acknowledgment, too high-strung by his constant touches everywhere but where you wanted. You're sure if you looked down you would see your panties soaked through, uncomfortably damp but you couldn’t care less. “I want to be the one to listen to the pretty noises you make when you cum on my tongue” Your breath hitched as he placed another kiss on the slope of your breast, moving his way down your body, with teasing touches and wet kisses. “Okay?” He continued his path down your body, nipping at your hip bone, tracing the soft skin of your stomach as he nosed at your panties.
“Yes sir”
“Good girl” His praise was accompanied by his tongue, licking at the wet patch that had stained your panties. He was never a patient man when it came to pleasure, you had grown used to it, he knew what he wanted and he wasn’t afraid to take it if you let him, and who were you to deny your husband of such pleasures? He pulled aside your panties, not bothering to slide them off your hips, just revealing the glistening beauty of your pussy. The groan he let out was pure sin like a predator warning its prey before it eats them. Which is what he planned on doing. Gyomei didn’t waste time, diving into the heat of your pussy. His tongue flicked at your throbbing clit, teasing and divine. He went from flicking to sucking, not wasting a breath between both, switching the rhythm to keep you on edge. You reached down, hoping to hold onto him as grounding, afraid you would float away in the thralls of pleasure.
“Mei, please don’t stop” You moaned a symphony for him, following the beat of his tongue. 2 fingers pushed their way into your heat, thick and practiced it was almost too natural for him to do it, like he was using the hand to tighten the ropes of your pleasure, cranking at them in hopes they would break. He hummed into you, enjoying his meal thoroughly, eyes closed like he was lost in his own heaven and that ad you clenching, teetering on the edge of orgasm thinking he was enjoying this as much as you. By the way you could make out the subtle shift of his hips against the ground, you had no doubts he was. His fingers curled upwards, thrusting in at a speed faster than his tongue. You fell, the pleasure quickly overwhelming your body jolted, trying to breathe through the pleasure. You saw stars, eyes rolling back for a few seconds as his ministrations continued, not wanting to slow and end his own pleasure. Another groan resonated through your core that had you yelping, an unfamiliar swirl in your stomach itching forward.
“C’mon baby” He moaned again, begging for your body, and his hand continued it work, mouth quickly attaching back to your overly sensitive bud. A second orgasm came crashing down on you, a litany of explants leaving your mouth as you released all pent-up energy, coating your husband's face in a stream of pleasure. He lapped eagerly at your sex, not wasting a drop of you, pulling his fingers out and licking them clean as well while you tried to come back to earth, breathing heavily and holding weakly to the and that still held your panties to the side. Gyomei sat on his heels, rubbing at your tighs while you tried to get ahold of yourself.
“You did so good mama’s, so good for me, huh?” His tone was encouraging. He was careful as he moved your legs together, giving him room to lay next to you, a space heater for your bare body, still recovering. You looked at him through lidded eyes, a sleepy smile gracing your lips.
“Gyomei,” You whispered, still breathless. He smiled, pulling you into his chest so you could snuggle in, using your kimono as a blanket to cover you and keep you warm.
“I’m here” He pressed a kiss to your head, damp, but you didn’t care.
“Thank you” He hummed, knowing that this was just the beginning of a long night.
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hi, How are you? I Hope you're doing fine
Could i get parent Animated Blitzwing with bot buddy made from an allspark shard who follows him around because he's the first things they saw? Their alt mode is a duck, so looks like a baby duck following it's mom.
They are very curious but also scared of everything, buddy helps Blitzwing by alerting of potential dangers but doesn't fight that much, normally opting for hiding or biting the autobots and then hiding.
Could i get a normal lazy day with those two?
I fully see the sparkling having the duckling fluff on them.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the sparkling with a duckling alt mode with Blitzwing: Slice of Life
SFW, Platonic, Hinted Familial, Cybertronain reader
Blitzwing doesn’t care about the jumpy sparkling.
Nope, not one bit.
He only allowed the sparkling to follow him seeing as Lugnut could accidentally crush them, Starscream would try to get them to become unloyal to Lord Megatron, and there was no telling what that technorganic spider would do to them.
He could have them stop following him at any time.
Anytime he wants it…
Starscream walking up to Blitzwing.
“Blitzwing I need the report from last week’s evening patrol.”--Starscream
Blitzwing hands him the data pad but pauses when he sees Starscream looking down.
“Starscream… the data pad?”--Blitzwing
Starscream smirks at him.
“You have a little… a little something on your pede Blitzwing.”--Starscream
Blitzwing looks down to see Buddy nuzzling his pede looking up at him with those big happy optics.
“Honestly Blitzwing it looks like you’ve gone sof—”--Starscream
Blitzwing freezes Starscream’s servos.
Starscream shrieks running off before the triple changer could freeze anymore parts.
Blitzwing looks back down at the duckling, who only sneezed and puffed up before going back to the nuzzling.
The sparkling loves following him around.
They are especially fond of using their fuzzy alt mode.
Icy says he’s indifferent about the small sparkling… but he doesn’t mind their company though. Better than having Starscream or Blackarachnia on his neck.
Hot head finds Buddy cute.
Too cute.
So cute that he wants to punch everything in sight, especially when they poof up.
Random loves having the sparkling perched on his shoulder or helm.
Blitzwing decides to take it upon himself to teach Buddy the ways of the Decepticons.
First attempt: Evasive maneuvers at high altitudes.
Blitzwing holding Buddy in the air.
“All right Buddy, you are going to copy everything I do, okay?”--Icy
Buddy happily quacks and nuzzles on one of his digits.
Icy is repressing the squeal Random is trying to make and the urge to punch from Hot head.
“Now observe.”--Icy
Blitzwing lets go of Buddy and transforms doing some light exercises.
“Did you see that—Where did you go?”
He looks down to see the sparkling falling while panicky quacking is heard.
The triple changer quickly dives down and catches the sparkling.
“…Note to self… sparkling wings don’t do well at high altitudes…”--Icy
Buddy cuddles up to Blitzwing’s chassis slowly calming down.
“Maybe that’s enough training for one day.”--Blitzwing
Blitzwing ends up taking the sparkling to the pond in a nearby park.
He just settles down near as he watches the sparkling play around with the other organic ducks and geese.
Blitzwing doesn’t trust some of the geese, especially the one that was trying to get Buddy to come with them to their nest.
After a while the sparkling comes back waddling up to his servo and just falls asleep on it.
He gently strokes the top of their helm while watching the sun set over the horizon.
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yanderelionwrites · 1 year
Only a Fantasy (Yandere!Hawks x Reader)
It was everything Hawks had wanted...the perfect life...
Content Warning: yandere, kidnapping, reader and Keigo have kids, reader is called mom
Word Count: 1k
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The early morning rays of the sun filtered through the curtains, alighting your face in an ethereal glow. Keigo couldn’t help but admire the beauty that laid right next to him in his bed, sound asleep and snoring softly. You looked so peaceful, he didn’t have the heart to wake you up, not yet anyway. Perhaps instead he’ll surprise you with a homemade meal. It’s been awhile since he’s served you breakfast in bed, hasn’t it? The two of you have been so busy with the kids after all.
Keigo pressed a soft kiss to your cheek and carefully removed himself from the covers so as not to disturb your slumber. Closing the bedroom door behind him, he quickly made his way over to the kitchen, pulling out all of the ingredients to make your favorite - blueberry pancakes. He hadn’t even gotten the pan out when a small and tired voice came from behind him.
“Daddy?” Turning around, Keigo found his young daughter, Yua, sleepily rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn. She was dressed in a onesie with little chicks printed over it, holding the Hawks plushie Keigo had gifted her for her birthday. Little red wings drooped from her back, though they began to fluff up in excitement when she saw what her dad was making. Keigo’s heart melted at the sight.
“Are you making pancakes?” Yua inquired, tiredness seeming to have disappeared from her voice.
Keigo picked her up and set her on one of the kitchen island’s bar stools, ruffling her hair and making her giggle. “Right you are, duckling. I’m making them for Mommy so she can have breakfast in bed. Do you wanna be a good girl and help me?”
Yua nodded enthusiastically, bouncing against the counter all the while. “I can help, I can help!” She exclaimed.
“Alright, but we have to be quiet. Mommy’s still sleeping.”
“I wanna help too!” A new voice came into the kitchen, belonging to Keigo’s first son, Neru. His vibrant wings flapped eagerly in the hopes of getting to assist his dad and sister in making you the best breakfast ever. 
Keigo smiled and patted the boy’s head. “Course you can help, Neru. Let’s get started then, before Mom wakes up.”
The three began to prepare your pancakes, and despite the huge mess that was made, they were successful in making it look and taste good. After Keigo quickly cleaned up the kitchen with a few of his feathers, he set the plate of pancakes onto a tray, pouring you a glass of orange juice as well. With Neru and Yua following closely behind him, they quietly entered your bedroom, where you were still sound asleep. Keigo would have gently woken you up with a feather, but Neru beat him to it.
“Mommy, wake up! We have a surprise for you!”
“Neru! That’s too loud!” Yua scolded, causing her brother to grin sheepishly and let out a small “Sorry!”
You groaned as you blearily opened your eyes, only seeing a blur of blonde and red before you. Keigo’s feather tickled your nose as you sat up in bed and a smile grew on your face as you saw what he held in his hands.
“Morning, Dove. Hope you’re hungry, cuz we made you a little something,” Your husband said, placing the tray of food on top of your lap.
You stared in awe at the delicious blueberry pancakes in front of you. The stack was topped with all your favorites - whipped cream, syrup, and even a couple slices of strawberries. You could hardly wait to dig in.
“Oh my goodness, you guys didn’t have to do all this! This looks amazing!” You said as you forked a strawberry into your mouth.
“It was Daddy’s idea!” Yua said, hopping up onto the bed to cuddle up next to you. “But me and Neru did our bestest to make it yummy!”
“Aw, thank you, sweetheart,” You hugged the young girl, pressing kisses to the top of her head. “You three did such a good job.”
Keigo watched in adoration as you ate your breakfast, letting Yua and Neru snuggle with you all the while. You giggled along with them as you fed the two some of your food, getting whipped cream on their faces in the process. The scene in front of him looked absolutely endearing, something out of a perfect family photo. You were the perfect mother, and a perfect wife. There’s no one Keigo could love more.
He just wished this was reality.
Keigo snapped out of his thoughts, sighing as he flipped a pancake over so it could cook on the other side. As nice as it was to dream, he could do it later. He needed to focus on serving you breakfast. He’s sure you must be starving right now.
After plating the plain pancakes onto a tray and pouring a glass of water, he made his way over to your bedroom, separate from his. You refused to sleep in his own bed, after all.
Opening the door, he was greeted to a most familiar sight. There you sat on the covers, glaring indignantly into his golden eyes. Your leg was chained to the bedpost, and a tracker bracelet remained locked around your wrist. It was just an extra precaution, after you had tried to escape from him only a few days ago. Utter hatred swam in those eyes of yours, but that hardly discouraged the winged hero.
Keigo really wished you didn’t look at him like that though. He loved you with all his heart, couldn’t you see that? He just wanted to take care of you, and dote on you like you deserved. If you could just behave, you would have everything your heart desired, and then some. But you refused to break and give in. Not yet, anyway. It may take some time, but Keigo’s patient and determined. He will make his dream a reality, no matter how long it takes.
A smirk quirked up on your captor’s face as he placed the tray down onto the bed. Staring down at you, he said:
“Morning, Dove. Hope you’re hungry, cuz I made you a little something.”
This is my first time writing for Hawks so let me know what ya'll think! Feel free to check out the other drabbles on my blog! Thanks for reading 💕🌸
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madschiavelique · 1 month
AAAA this idea has been on my mind for months now and i simply need to share it with y’all
it’s a raphael x reader fic idea that i had a bit ago, and as i am uncertain as to whether or not i will ever write it, i’m throwing this idea in the wild hoping a writer on the platform will have a better determination than me at writing multiple chapters fics ✨(if u do write it i’d love to be tagged to read it or to be credited pls !)
─ . 𝜗𝜚‧ pairing : raphael x reader
─ . 𝜗𝜚‧ content warnings : boss x employee, oblivious reader, female!reader (but if u want to picture it as gender neutral or differently it’s up to you i’m just throwing the idea out there!), tiny bit of explicit content
( not proofread, english is not my first language ☆)
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we have two possibilities for the start :
raphael made a contract a while ago with a mortal that he thought was pretty much impossible for them to fulfil, yet for some reason, they did manage to complete it, and now raphael had to oblige in whatever wish they had. let's picture it maybe as a person with few remaining options in life and that wants whatever remains of them to be inscribed in the family lineage as absolutely incredible. so imagine the surprise when raphael hears that the person wants their daughter to be the devil's assistant.
OR because i like having a wide choice of possibilities (and this idea came afterwards and i prefer it) :
Raphael lost a bet and has to deal with a human as their apprentice or archivist or scrib or whatever activity that necessitates to have them by his side most of the time.
imagine an oblivious reader, doesn't know much bout the hells except that you have to be wary of it, finding themselves in it directly with no friends, no directions, just in the house of Hope
imagine the scowl of raphael when he sees her arriving, the way his lower lips hems in anticipation of how he'll have to endure her presence during the upcoming weeks, months, maybe even years of apprenticeship if reader's lucky enough to hang in there
there's a bit of an urge to make her life difficult, but most of all to keep her away from him because he has no time to babysit a simple human in his home.
somehow seeing her in the face reminds him of his failure, of how a mere mortal fulfilled a contract he had so perfectly made (as he always does) and that brings him an absolute feeling of frustration
so maybe he assigns her to the archives, so that she can lose herself in books to, as he says "learn about the habits and customs of the hells", but it is mostly a pretext to occupy her so that she’s not following them around like a duckling following their mom
inevitably however (when we follow the track of the-bet-he-lost version) he has to prove to his other allies that he is fulfilling this forfeit, and thus bring reader to some diners or events with him
picture this whole thing kinda like miranda (raphael) and andrea's (reader) dynamic in the devil wears prada, just pushing her under a mountain of work that tires her the fuck out but then somehow reader becomes less insufferable and hardworking and adapts to her environment
who knows maybe she finally got used to his habits, knew what dishes, drinks, clothes he'd prefer. knew who he had positive ties with, who he loathed, who he had to keep an eye on, and who he could close his eyes around
which obviously brought reader to harleep
maybe reader has just never picked up on social cues (yes at this point i'm making reader autistic because yes.) and doesn't have a single fucking clue about flirting, so she just thinks harleep is being very very nice to her c: it'd be hilarious like
harleep: haven't you got a pretty garment today, but you might make the hells hotter if you removed a few layers of it
reader: how can one make a place hotter by removing clothes ? that's a silly suggestion
told you
harleep and reader do become friends though, maybe harleep even teaches her a bit about the malicious art of flirting while refraining himself to just fuck her - still teaching her in his own way of course
raphael doesn't spend his time wondering what his incubus spends his time doing, because if he did he would know pretty quickly whatever he does anyway. but now that he's starting to feel less bitter about reader and actually is able to be in the same room as her without his nose hitching up like he is smelling something that reeks, he does have an interest to know a bit about what her activities are in the house of hope
because consider it, he never shares diner with her, barely exchanges a few words per day with her, and tries to stay the furthest away from her possible by adding piles of documents, lists and whatever books reader needs to read for him so that all these centuries of knowledge can repress her to come to him
imagine if haarlep, just to mess with raphael, tells reader to use any flirting lessons he has given her so far on him - whether it be the brush of a hand or flaming hot words that'll make the devil's skin ran with goosebumps
and that when she does use it, actually unconsciously, reader and raph both surprised
what the hell is that thing that raphael is feeling ?
he knows who's behind this little joke, obviously, but still there's a sort of lingering truth in these words
maybe reader has noticed how she herself has just started anticipating whenever he comes back, whenever she shares a moment with him in any room of the house of hope, whenever he gives a confirming hum or the single word "good" when she does a proper job that she made look natural and intuitive when she’s been working her soul out to make it look perfect and effortless in advance
she expects him
imagine how one day, she does everything absolutely perfectly, even goes out of her way to impress him in the hopes of receiving even just a smile about it, but nothing. raphael hides the way he's impressed with her, because... why actually?
to keep his image of irascible boss that doesn't give a shit about his apprentice human? i mean he could've dropped this kind of act probably, but making an effort for a human that doesn't owe him anything ? that's another feat he's not sure how to handle yet
so reader goes to haarlep, who's become her confident, her kind of only friend in the house of hope, and shares her frustration
maybe she just takes them in her arms, starts crying a bit as they caresses her hair sofity hushing her down
"nothing i do is ever good enough, even perfect is not enough for him! why does he have to be this way..." and maybe just maybe
haarlep suggests a way to make her feel better and ends up sleeping with her
they comforts her a bit more, and tell her that if she ever needs to feel "better" again, she can just come to them. if not, they still are her friend
things go on, and raphael's personal frustration grows, because his mind keeps going to reader
what is it about her that makes him want to think about her? certainly not the way she always knows what to bring him if he needs even the slightest thing, or how she suggests point of views and ideas he had not though of from his perspective, or how she's so pretty when she's serious and reading silently, or how he even finds beauty in her writing, or how...
the list goes on, this man is silently obsessed with you, and he doesn't know how to shake away this feeling
imagine one night of pure frustration he calls in haarlep, and as they’re deeply in the middle of it, he feels as though he's not getting satisfaction. his thoughts are oriented towards you and only you, maybe the way you brushed the feather of your quill on your nose today while reading and writing notes on whatever book on cambions raphael had commanded you to read, or how your sigh of relief sounded when you had stretched after a long while of being sat at your desk, or how your tongue had lingered on your spoon tonight at diner after finishing your yogurt
that's when the cocky bastard (haarlep) smirks, asking "what's wrong? do you wish tonight for me not to be you, but to be..." before changing in your shape and seeing how raphael's eyes widen in surprise, "her ?"
he just gets up from bed, screaming at harleep “how could you touch her? i gave you no right to touch her” but harleep just answers something like "how could i not ? you certainly know of The Scorpion and the Frog don't you? It's in my nature."
of course raphael knows of it (lemme insert the explanation: A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that it would drown if it killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's my nature."), and knows that harleep would've probably tried to get your body sooner or later, but still he feels the sting in his heart
URGH i have lots of thoughts about this so if ur interested pls don’t hesitate to drop smth in my inbox !!
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
It's so strange that Fëanor's suspicion of how Fingolfin is trying to usurp him is usually dismissed as his paranoia and Melkor's baseless brainwashing when literally the first thing that happens after Finwë's death is that most of the Noldor decide to follow Fingolfin & name him as king, & Finarfin becomes the king of the Noldor in Valinor, & Fëanor is left with the smallest host among the brothers, to the point that Fëanor & Maedhros will later get outnumbered by Melkor and suffer defeats and Maedhros will have to abdicate in favor of Fingolfin to keep the Noldor united. (And at that point a lot of Fingolfin's followers had died on the ice. But they're still more than the Fëanorians.)
and even before Finwë's death, Fingolfin was ruling in his place in Tirion while Finwë & Fëanor were in exile. You might say that it's because of Fëanor's own actions, and yes, it was. But even though Fëanor's response was extreme, Fingofin was indeed there before Fëanor, talking behind his back to Finwë, & specifically telling Finwë that 'If thou dost not now repent of it, two sons at least thou hast to honour thy words.'
So it doesn't really seem like Fingolfin was just sharing his concern with Finwë & what happened after Fëanor's exile to Formenos & Finwë's death was just a self-fulfilling prophecy that Fëanor caused by his own action while Fingolfin had no interest in usurping him. And I don't think Fingolfon added Finwe before his name in pursuance of his claim to be King of the Noldor after his father's death was just in response to being abandoned on the ice by Fëanor, though I think it did play a great part in his decision to so openly claim Fëanor's place.
I think making Fingolfin less ambitious & without any political game of his own is actually a disservice to his character. He's a more complex character than he's usually given credit for. As I explained here, I think becoming a king was his way of inwardly seeking validation and filling the void that was left in him since childhood.
And we know that at least Maedhros was politically smart & more of a peacemaker. So maybe all of Fëanor's sons weren't always just following him like ducklings everywhere, without thinking of their own, or being completely brainwashed. Maybe something was going on against their father that they noticed, too. We know that "Long before, in the bliss of Valinor, before Melkor was unchained, or lies came between them, Fingon had been close in friendship with Maedhros". So Maedhros & Fingon broke up of their own accord. And they were very close. How can someone lie to you about your best friend, who you spend a lot of time with & leave little thing unsaid to each other, without any basis, and you believe it and even break up with them if you hadn't seen anything that even slightly ruffled your feathers & gave validation to the rumors?
We know that Nerdanel restrained Fëanor "when the fire of his heart burned too hot" but maybe it was less "your brother is not plotting against you" and more "pointing a sword at him in front of everyone in the parliament is not the way to go about it. Start your own political campaign".
And Indis naming Finarfin "Ingoldo" which means "THE Noldo" might have been in response to most of the Noldor not liking that their queen was a Vanya, and the fact that Finarfin was born blond, a very Vanya look, and Indis choosing to pronounce "th" as "s" despite already pronouncing it as "th" as a Vanya, while Fëanor insists that that was the correct pronunciation because Míriel insisted it is, might have again been Indis just trying to fit in among the Noldor, but Indis named Fingolfin "Arakano" which means "High Chieftain". And that trying to blend in with the Noldor obviously had a political side to it.
Could it be that all of these were just Indis trying to innocently make herself at home? And was she really a perfect mom to Fëanor who kept rejecting her affection?
I mean I don't think that she was downright an evil stepmother. I think she was nice to Fëanor, she really pitied him for being the only motherless child ever, and at such a young age, & did always try to win his favor, but that didn't stop her from seeking her own agenda for her sons.
Maybe we tend to make Indis more passive than she canonically was. Fëanor did notice his father showing Vanyarin behavior the more she was with Indis. & While I believe Finwë was a codependent and impressionable person, Indis might have also been actively influencing him. Or at least welcomed the changes in Finwë's behavior.
It might all be indeed innocent, but seeking to marry someone else's husband for the first time in history- because death doesn't do elves apart and Finwë & Míriel were still married when Finwë & Indis decided to marry- & by that condemning Míriel to stay dead forever because Indis has taken her place in her marriage while getting reincarnated is every elf's right doesn't sound to me like someone who is not willing to make moral compromises.
And It's very likely that after Finwë took Fëanor's side & went to exile with him when Fëanor raised his sword to Indis' son & Indis chose to stay in Tirion, things were broken between Indis & Finwë beyond repair. So Finwë choosing to stay in Mandos in Míriel's place forever didn't really surprise Indis. And even though it hurt very much, it didn't hurt as it once might have. After being proven that she would always be second to Míriel again & again, and for good the last time, it was clear to her that it would be Finwë's choice.
& Deep inside she thought that maybe she deserved it. And so did Finwë.
It hurt to be replaced.
And likewise, Fëanor vs Fingolfin incident might have also been the point of no return for Indis & Fëanor.
I headcanon that at Manwë's party to reconcile Fingolfin & Fëanor, it was the first time that Indis didn't smile at Fëanor, but looked coldly at him.
Finarfin has always seemed to me like someone who generally disliked this whole drama, and was not interested in ruling or politics and anything & was just there for Fingolfin's spiritual support. He probably spent most of his time with the Teleri, and like his brothers, he married young (it's not just a headcanon. He did marry young, according to NoME. I'll explain it in another post.) And mostly lived away from the drama. (when there's drama at home, all you gotta do is walk away-ay-ay)
But Fingolfin definitely had his ambition, and Indis might have had, too.
Another thing that Fëanor gets accused of Paranoia for, is that the Valar want his Silmarils.
...afer the Valar explicitly ask him for his Silmarils. And Tulkas claims that Fëanor doesn't even own them, & they're Yavanna's.
And later when one Silmaril is freed from Melkor, the only sailor that they allow inside Aman is Earendil who has the Silmaril. And then it's given to him to be used as almost the same way they wanted to use it when they asked Fëanor for them. This happens while Nerdanel, who would be Fëanor's heir & thus the rightful owner of that Silmaril is currently in Aman. And even if she doesn't want it, Findis, Finarfin & Finrod are there, too. Just because the Valar want everyone to enjoy the Silmarils' lights doesn't mean that they can forcefully take them away from their owners.
And later, the sons of Fëanor are again denied of their birthrights. Even if they couldn't touch them-which wasn't Eonwe's problem- Celebrimbor was still there.
So yeah, the Valar did want the Silmarils.
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bokettochild · 3 months
Hey! So I just really wanted to ramble about thoughts about the lu boys what have been in my head for a while and I would love to hear your thoughts!
If zelda or fable would ever have kids which she would. I feel like she would have like three kids two being girls and one being a boy and her youngest daughter I feel like would be attached to legend like his biggest supporter and gets supper sad when he leaves for adventures.
I think we established that legend is the younger out of the two siblings? If so I feel like legend would just follow fable around like a lost puppy just to annoy her and be like "Zel? Zelda? Sister? Queen of hyrule? Fable?" Ans just use all of her titles to annoy her. It got to a point we're impa had to hid all the swords from fable so she wouldn’t kill legend.
I feel like before we found out time was married to malon like with his ring? I fell like he would torture the boys endlessly like "have you figured it out yet? (Who's ever name they said) ah. No." And he would lead them kn to a wrong person.
Modern au thoughts.
I feel like legend would want to be on Broadway but he'll keep it to himself instead of telling malon or time his dreams only hyrule knows.
If legend did get on Broadway I know that warriors would the annoying brother and be like "at (what ever Broadway play) sporting (and would use the roll of the character legend was playing)" and post it on his Instagram.
Sry this is mostly legend!
Um... why are you apologized for primarily Legend content? Darling, that is what I LIVE for LOL
Yes. Fable would totally have kids who all adore Legend, and he is the best uncle ever. Utterly spoils them rotten, always tells them crazy (actually true) stories, but in an age appropriate fashion since he doesn't want to upset them. Irregardless of how many she has, the kids have all gone through a phase where they just follow him around endlessly and hang off of him like he's some sort of furniture. Fable of course makes sure they understand that sometimes Uncle Link has days where he's in pain and can't play as much,a nd they all turn into worried little ducklings on those days, but most of the time he's all game for whatever they've got going on. After everything he's been through, and losing the love of his own life, his nieces/nephews are his reason to keep going and smile every day. (If Fable knew having kids was all it took to see him happy again she would have done it sooner honestly)
And yes. Legend is younger, so he does do annoying things sometimes. They're both rather mature for their ages, but he IS a Link, so yes, he breaks into her room, takes her stuff, and tracks mud all over the castle. If they get too fed up with each other, they will spar and they're both scary good at it, but Zelda actually tolerates a lot of Legend's chaos, and he's pretty quick to know when he's stepping far enough to make her actually angry, which they like to avoid. her anger is scary and rabbits tend to be timid, no matter how good an act they put up.
Time totally messed with them all. He'd have told stories about gals all the time and name dropped so many people just to watch the boys scramble to determine if that was the fabled spouse or if it was someone else. That's how the bets started actually!
Legend is totally a theatre kid! Yes yes yes. And Warriors is totally that annoying friend/relative/sibling that makes a point to support him in the most annoying ways he can think of. Kind of a soccer mom about it, ngl
(If you like the idea of Legend acting though, I'd suggest you check out my Opera House AU, it's pretty good if I do say so myself, although it's mostly just brainstorming right now)
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rainee-da · 4 months
Heyyy I just found your blog and i think you're writing is great 💖 who is your top 5 character in Mashle: Magic and Muscle?
As for top 5 character, honestly it's hard to decide because i love them all equally and it's fantasizing of having reverse harem with all of my husbu one day //j
But if I really, REALLY have to put them into ranking, I think it would be something like this:
🍮 Epidem - don't ask me why i just did okay??? he's so goofy but so menacing at the same time hnngggh daddy and I don't understand why ppl think he's the ugly duckling among all the brothers because he's not???? LOOK AT THOSE JAWLINE LIKE AAAAAA- Anyway, he's my numero uno cutie patootie
🃏 Famin - I'm quite hesitant putting him in second place because honestly I like both Epi & Famin equally. I really like the type of character that is enigmatic, goofy but menacing. It's like the perfect cuisine 👌🏻 but I put him on second place because I just had a dream where he killed me and use my head as a soccer ball lol
🐉 Agito Tyrone - Same reasons as the other character; he's goofy, enigmatic, but menacing (I mean his religious tangent is creepy af but kinda hot hhhheheheheh-) I just wish he had more screentime in the manga... Please mangaka create after-story/spin-off series of Mashle I NEED MY BOIS
🍥 Carpaccio Luo-Yang - Again, same reason as the previous three; though he's not that goofie (and didn't wear suit) so that knock him down to the fourth place. I think his abilities are so damn cool and I would put him above Agito if he's a little bit more goofy. I really want to see him hang out more with the main gang (or had a childish banter with Margarette. I can totally see him do that lol).
🕶️ Wirth Madl - He's my first favorite from the anime though not in romantic way. I really want to hug him and tell him that he's okay just the way he are and I want to see him make up with his brother sO BAD (maybe they can go nuclear on their parents? just a thought...) I guess I see a little bit of myself in him and that breaks my heart a little.
As for the three honorable mentions (I know you didn't ask for them anon, I just want to include one lol) here it is!
🎼 Margarette Macaron - Please be my mom lol I want to have a girl's night out with them!
🍯 Kaldo Gehenna - imagine him opening his eyes, and it's amber-colored (I'll die fyi)
Anyway, thank you for your ask! It made my day 🌱 have a good one!
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hufflepuffronstan · 1 year
#8 - Alone, for @hinnymicrofic
Another lightning striked and Harry went and left their bedroom door ajar.
He came back and lied beside Ginny.
"Any second now. Do you think we should just go and bring them before they stumble their way in?" She mumbled, sleepily.
Harry let out a soft chuckle, "Lily might sleep through the storm. Don't want to go and wake her if she's sleeping. And I'm sure James and Al won't be thrilled if I went and asked them if they were sacred and wanted to come here."
Ginny made a sound of appreciation, "You got that right. The boys' egos won't be able to handle such humiliation as sleeping with their parents."
He turned on his side and hugged her, "Why are they growing up so fast? It feels like yesterday when James and Albus were following behind me like little ducklings to see you, holding a bundled up, baby Lily in your arms."
Ginny shifted closer to him, wrapping her arms around his, "I know. They were so small. I miss when they used to be so small."
Harry let out a sigh, when he heard a dash of footsteps. He looked up to see a small shadow dashing into the room.
Ginny shifted and opened the covers to let Lily in.
"I didn't want to be alone. Can I sleep with you today?"
Ginny brushed Lily's hair, "Of course, sweetheart."
"You can sleep here anytime you want, love. We're always here for you, darling." Harry added, looking at his daughter.
The storm seemed to strengthen and after another vicious a clap of thunder, another two pair of footsteps came and stalled at the door.
"Come inside, boys!"
Harry shifted, making room in the bed just in time for James and Al to crash onto the bed.
"Here, get inside the covers."
"Oof, AL is hitting me."
"I'm not. You're one kicking me."
After a bit of shuffling and grunting, they settled.
"You boys did not get scared by any chance, did you?"
Harry heard two scoffs.
"Of course, not." James and Al replied together.
"Liars." Lily whispered into Ginny's ears, but her voice came out loud enough for everyone to hear.
Ginny started giggling at her daughter's sly comment and Lily giggled watching her mom's reaction.
Harry lost control listening to their giggles and chortles and started laughing.
James and Al struggled to hold on to their act, but seeing their dad burst out laughing made them lose it and soon the entire bed was shaking with their laughter.
Harry caught Ginny's eyes and smiled, the same thought on their minds, 'Maybe we do have some more time before the kids are all grown up and don't need us anymore.'
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Video description: The Quora site is displayed and the narrator, who has a British accent and is speaking quickly and excitedly, opens by reading from it: "My MacBook Air weighs 2.3 pounds. If I download more files on it, will it make it heavier?
"This is Quora," he continues. "A place where once grand intellectual questions would be mused over. But if you recall, 2 years ago we sadly bid farewell to our friend, Yahoo Answers, a place where those sorts of questions didn't happen, and in that time it seems many Yahoo users have made Quora their new home.
"Do chimpanzees get pregnant? Does anyone live on the sun? How high do planes fly when landing? What percentage of people are going to die? Do lesbians get periods?"
(A response to that question is read in a gruff tone:) "Oh, come on! Where the hell are you getting that question?"
"You are sleeping with your partner and suddenly realize that he/she is a ghost. What would you do? Are there werewolves in Texas? Why does the sausage have two ends? What happens to the time it takes to actually time travel into the past/future? Which hole does an actress push out a baby in a birth sense?"
(Another answer is read:) "She doesn't. She acts."
"I heard that in the Middle Ages, nobles used to wipe their butts with ducklings. Is that right?"
(Response, gruffly:) "No!"
"Is it true that pregnant women should not sleep during a lunar or solar eclipse as it may cause harm to the unborn?"
(Response:) "No. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard."
"Can I sue Germany for putting my grandfather in prison for 7 years in the second world war?"
(Response:) "No, no, no, no, no!"
"Can you think of a sentence that contains the words 'book' and 'crabs'?"
(Response:) "Well, yes, I can."
"Why does the 'bros' abbreviation for 'brothers' end in 's' instead of 'th'?"
(Response:) "Because that would spell 'broth'."
"Do rich people get embarrassed that their servants know what their stuff in the toilet looks like?"
(Response:) "This is a very weird question."
"What happens when we wash vessel and use it with water in which a lizard was dead? Is it poisonous? What can we do?"
(Response:) "Uhh..."
"Why does the United States promote homosexuality and not consider what happened in the petrified village of Pompeii?"
(Response:) "Wha…?"
"How can I have sex with Asia?"
(Response:) "Pretty sure you mean an Asian girl."
"Is Israel on the world map? Are the Irish really from Ireland? My son speaks Arabic. (in a panicked, shouting tone:) What do I do? Does India have airports?"
(Response:) "Putin came to India in 2014 swimming in the ocean. I have a photo to prove." (A flash of a picture of Putin swimming can be seen briefly at this point in the video.)
"Where do animals live? Why are things? What is my date of birth? Do you know a microscope? Real mathematicians (in all caps): I have 5 live cows and then I multiply them by 0. How then do you come and tell me that I end up with 0? Where did the 5 go? Which is larger: 0 or 2+7? Math math what is angle?
(Narrator comment: "I do believe this Quora user was intending to ask 'what are the names of the most powerful angels?' but…) What are the names of moist powerful angles? I'm an atheist who believes in God. What should I do? Why do atheists watch fiction movies? During airplane turbulence, how do atheists keep calm?"
(Narrator comment: "This question I could only find an old link for, even Quora went nowhere, not even, that is way too stupid:) How do atheists know what foods are 'sweet' versus 'sour' or 'bitter'?
"I am 11 and stand at 5 foot 2. Am I obese? Do celebrities fart? What's the meaning of a single white egg left at my door? (narrator's comment: that is weird.)
"My mom slapped her own bum in front of me what does that mean? Is this correct, 'similarvgbhujkljhgtyhujk'? Why is Zelda so 'thicc' in Breath of the Wild? Do demons always say 'I am a demon' when they are introduced? Is it possible to balance your entire body on your penis?"
(Response:) " Yes, but I'm scared of heights."
"I saw the cop the gay eating a raw bird in my backyard. What should I do?" (Narrator comment: "I became a bit obsessed with this question, it's so indecipherable and googled it for clues to find apparently there was much debate on the site about whether this was a weird autocorrect from 'cat'. Which word was supposed to be cat?")
"Can deaf people laugh out loud? Can deaf people do surfing? How do def people know what facial expressions look like and how they're used outside of American Sign Language (ASL)? If so, how do they learn about them if there's no way to see someone else make that face?" (Narrator comment: "I mean, I don't think there's any intelligent questions actually left on this site, is there? Who's asking 'Can music cause candle to light?' Obviously, no!")
"Do people still eat mashed potatoes? (Yes!) Can semen travel up your foot? (No,, it cannot.) Is the word 'stay asleep' alwasy spelled 'J'? (I don't even know what that means.) Do lobsters pee from their faces? (Uh, ugh, are you mad? Obviously no!)"
(Response:) "Yes, as others have pointed out, many crustaceans have two different types of excretory organs, both near the head. Usually only one is used, depending on the age of the animal. Lobsters and crabs, etc, use their urine smell like cats, to mark territory, warn rivals, etc." (Uh..oh.)"
The screen goes white and the scene transitions to footage of the narrator walking up to a door. He places an egg on the mat, then runs away.
End video description.
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Daughter of Rock N Roll 🎸| Pete Mitchell Imagine/TGM Imagine
Takes place after the events of TGM
Tumblr media
TGM Masterlist | Read ‘It’s A Long Way To The Top’ & ‘The Rockstar, Her Husband, & Their Dagger Ducklings’ first!
Characters & Pairings: Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x 80s Rockstar!reader (romantic), Bradley Bradshaw x reader (mother/son-type relationship), Dagger Squad (platonic) Hondo (platonic)
Content Warnings: Fluff, slight profanity, flirtatious banter | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 3.3k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: when the squad discovered their former Captain was married to one of the most recognizable voices of rock n roll music, one could imagine the many questions they had. There’s always something new to learn about Y/n L/n-Mitchell. Or, how most of the world would know her by, the Daughter of Rock ‘N’ Roll.
Note: Y’all I can not say enough how happy it makes me you guys love me famous!reader x dagger squad pairing works! The rockstar one was my first one and since then I’ve had so many requests to do more! I have I think four in my inbox with Rooster, Coyote & Fanboy so I’m so excited to get started on those. Again I just as you be patient with me if you sent in a request! I’m approaching my last quarter of school so finals are around the corner and I am focused on passing you know 😅 but once summer hits I should be posting more frequently! 🤍
“So you met Elvis?”
The question sounded the same as it always did when asked. Awe. Wonder. Amazement. All the words that were similar. Always was it met with a smile from Y/n, the memory surfacing in her mind as clear as though it had taken place yesterday.
“I did,” she thanks Pete as he hands her a beer, scooching on the couch to allow him space beside her. Scattered around the bonfire were the daggers either in chairs or couches, nursing their own drinks as the sun descended on the horizon. The dogs were with them too. Ice laid beside Y/n and Mav’s feet, Bella found a cozy spot within Javy’s lap, and Goose took claim to the spot beside Bradley.
“Long time ago. It was 1976–I was twelve years old and my parents had gotten all of us tickets to see him perform in Atlanta. It was a great show,” she smiled fondly at the memory, “then afterwards we left the venue and happened to run into him. I was starstruck as you can imagine. There he was dressed in his red outfit. Hair slicked back and dazzling smile. And I don’t remember asking him to sign my program but I guess I did. All I can remember is him asking what I wanted to be when I grew up—to which I said, “I wanna be a rockstar.’”
Chuckles echo around, the pilots all leaning in their seats with eyes full of fascination. Y/n brought a finger to her chin, deep in thought, “he laughed and handed me back the program saying, ‘Don’t lose that dream, little one.’ Like my mom I was devastated the next year when he died….but I always remembered those words. To never lose my dream.”
Fanboy gestured inside the house, “how’d you get his guitar?” He was referring to the one mounted on the wall of guitars with the icons signature. It was the only one on what the dagger squad liked to call the ‘Guitars of Fame’ to be either once owned by a renowned musician or signed by one. Y/n had one from Prince in her collection as well as a Stratocaster signed by all the members of Queen.
“Charity auction. Back in the late 90s I wanna say it was,” she looked to Pete to see if he could confirm if she was right. At his nod she added, “The reason I wanted it was because it was the one he used at the concert I went to. So when I look at it, it brings me back to that moment of meeting him and as a reminder I achieved that dream he told me never to let go of.”
Javy whistles, causing Bella to perk up in his lap. “That’s so cool.” Murmurs of agreement sound with him, Phoenix crossing her legs in her lap as she asks, “is there anyone you’ve met or worked with who’s been a mentor to you and the band?”
“Diana Ross and Dolly Parton,” the woman doesn’t hesitate. “Gosh I love those women. Not only were they some of our biggest inspirations but they pretty much took us under their wing when we first started out. Even though we were in a completely different genre than both of them, they were like our ‘moms’ in the industry.” She put quotes around the word mom. “You have to remember we were all 14-15 when we were discovered. Being that young made us very vulnerable. Producers would try to take advantage of us—by not giving us the proper cuts or working us like dogs. Artists who’d been in the game longer were envious of the recognition we were getting.”
“You must never forget who you are,” Dolly’s voice echoed, wiping away the lone tear that had fallen from a young Y/n’s eyes. “The media are always going to try to put out the worst image of you. And you must never give them that satisfaction of bringing you down. As long as you know who you are here—,’ she points to her heart, “then they can never take it away from you.”
Y/n paused to sip her beer before continuing, “Dolly and Diana, were and still to this day, the best supporters of our career and always made sure we knew they were there to help if we ever needed them. Whether it be confronting an executive for unfair treatment or if we were at parties or award shows and felt uncomfortable. Saints they are. Absolute saints.”
A few more minutes passed of Y/n praising the two legends of music before they ventured off into discussing moments of Y/n’s career. Rooster of course knew everything so he didn’t ask anything, but would offer insight from time to time. “C’mon Y/n/n,” he waved a hand dramatically, “y’all’s Super Bowl performance is considered one of the best halftime shows and you think it was lackluster? I beg to differ.”
“I have to agree on Rooster with this one, honey,” Pete leans back into the sofa, arm going round her back. The rockstar scoffs, playfully rolling her eyes.
“It was raining the whole time!”
Rooster nearly stands from his seat, “That’s what makes it so iconic! You guys did that shit while it was raining down on you.”
“Yeah and I was shitting my pants the whole time thinking one of us was going to get electrocuted,” Y/n had to laugh. “And when I saw the same thing happen to Prince at his Super Bowl I thought, ‘Oh God I’m getting deja vu.’”
Payback shakes his head with a laugh, “Man I remember watching that live. I wanted to be there so bad—be in that crowd. You guys were phenomenal—and like Roo said, it really was the best performance of all time.”
Y/n gives a shy smile when they all agree, “You know one thing, I was really grateful I chose a black outfit to perform in. I was not going to have a repeat of 1992 with the whole white tank top scandal. Like it was even a scandal,” she makes a face, thinking back to that God awful interview with Diane Sawyer. “My goodness it’s not like I planned for the rain that night. And my tits were covered—,” she laughs at the wide-eyed expressions of some of the guys, “it wasn’t like I was letting them out free. But anyways you know how the media is when shit like that happens.” Y/n turns slightly to look at Pete, “You didn’t care, did you?”
He immediately shakes his head. “No. And even if you wanted to go topless it was your choice. Not my place to stop you.” His answer makes her let out a sigh of content.
“You’re just so perfect you know,” she pats his cheek before kissing it. The others watch on fondly, though Rooster makes a playful gag sound.
“I’ll send you to timeout, Bradley.”
Eventually after some time the topic of Y/n’s name in the industry was brought up. The Daughter of Rock N Roll. All through her career people told Y/n how when she sang she sounded what an angel rebelling from God to be a rockstar would sound like. The epiphany of rock n roll, Y/n was dubbed it’s daughter by Rolling Stone magazine at the brink of the 90s after dominating the 80s.
“How’d you find out?” Bob’s eyes were wide with curiosity. They all were, leaning forward in their seats to hear better as the woman began to explain.
“We had just won our fifth Grammy,” she sets the picture, “the next day was the kickoff to the American leg of our world tour so we were barely paying attention to the press, tabloids, media, you know. I was running late that morning—can’t remember exactly why but when I got to the venue Ronnie was running at me with a magazine in her hand…”
“Oh my God, have you seen the news?!” Ronnie’s high pitched yell had the singer wince.
“Girlfriend, I woke up not even twenty minutes ago. What happened—who died?” Suddenly Y/n serious, fearful that someone they knew had passed. Being in the industry for over ten years made them face the loss of many friends they had accumulated along the way.
The face Ronnie makes sends relief, “no one died. But look—!” She pushes the magazine towards her friend’s face, Y/n scrambling to not drop her Walkman and coffee she was holding as she tried to grasp the object. “Look at what Rolling Stones have named you!”
Removing the sunglasses off her face lightening fast, no longer caring she spilled an entire cup of coffee she’d just purchased, Y/n let out a audible, “no fucking way,’ when her eyes read over the big letters on the cover of Rolling Stones Magazine.
“Y/n L/n is the Daughter of Rock ‘N’ Roll—like Micheal Jackson as the King of Pop and Aretha Franklin crowned the Queen of Soul, the powerhouse and voice behind Y/n & The Romantics from Atlanta, Georgia has become widely associated among critics and fans across the globe as the Daughter of Rock ‘N’ Roll right behind Elvis as its King.
“Did you ever think that would happen?” Payback’s question brought Y/n out of the memory.
“Never,” briefly she look into the house where the framed Rolling Stones magazine hung on the wall, “I was very shocked when I heard the news. Never did it occur to me I would have a title and I would say it’s the biggest honor I have as an artist in this industry. And nowadays you see titles being thrown around all the time, but back then it happened once in a blue moon. So when I heard the news I was like, ‘no fucking way,’.”
“See what I don’t understand is,” Jake cuts in with an odd expression. “How come they waited this long to induct you and the band into the Hall of Fame? To be honest y’all should’ve been in it ages ago.”
“Agreed,” Fanboy tips his beer.
Rooster raises his own, “amen to that.”
Y/n hesitates to answer, conflicted in her eyes that when she turns to look at her husband he could see she was unsure to answer. Pete gives her an encouraging nod causing her to exhale deeply.
“To, how do folks put it…spilling the tea?” Rooster snorted at the phrase, earning a scolding look from Y/n. “Don’t tease me. The whole thing with the Hall of Fame wanting this long is because they at one point—I think ten years ago—wanted to induct just me because of all the solo work I had done since we split up. But I wasn’t on board with that. If they were gonna induct me, they were gonna induct me as part of Y/n & The Romantics. All of us,” she emphasized. “We were a group for thirty years when we split. They have been my best friends since childhood—my ride or die. There was no way in hell I was going to accept an induction to the Hall of Fame without them.”
After a while of digressing that shocking news Javy decides to ask, “What was it like doing the USA for Africa? All those legends together—I still get chills everytime I watch the music video.”
Y/n lights up at the mention of ‘We Are The World’, “it was amazing. Nothing could really put into words what that day was like. When our manager approached us about it we were like, ‘Quincy Jones, Micheal Jackson and Lionel Ritchie want us on their song?’ We didn’t believe it. Then we got to the studio and oh my God,” she makes a gesture with her hands, “I was at a loss for words. Micheal was the first to greet us—it wasn’t the first time we’d met him but still, it was Micheal fucking Jackson. I met a lot of my close friends that day, Micheal included. Cyndi Laupher, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Tina Turner, Steve Perry, Kenny Loggins, Diana Ross.” Y/n lists off more of the artists featured on the track, each one making the daggers jaws drop even more. “They had paired me with Cyndi and I’ll never forget us hitting that note together. We both high fived afterward just absolutely in awe of the other.”
“Weren’t you also in the one they did in 2010 for Haiti?” Bob adjusts his glasses when the thought pops into his head.
The woman nods, “I was. Jaime Foxx had reached out to me personally about it and I immediately agreed. It was hard—especially with it only being a year since we lost Micheal and then of course the reason we were doing it. But it was just as amazing as it was twenty-five years earlier.”
“Do you still keep in touch with a lot of them?” Fanboy asks.
“Here and there,” she answers truthfully. “Whenever I run into them at events we briefly catch up. Of course nowadays with social media it’s more accessible to send a direct message if you don’t have their number. Most of the time I’m in contact with old friends and colleagues when we collaborate or plan to meet up at shows.”
“Who are the people you talk with the most?” Jake pitches in.
“Oh, Cyndi, Janet, Kenny, Lionel,” she lists off. “Bono from U2 and I have been friends for ages so I talk with him a lot. Lenny Kravitz is also someone I try to see often—as well as Chili and Tboz from TLC. We bonded with them since they are also from Atlanta. ”
Phoenix tilts her head, curiosity in her eyes, “Are you and the band collaborating with anyone for your next album?” Instantly Y/n perks up, a smile threatening to form and give herself away. Nat catches it and teases, “I swear to secrecy if you tell us.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about,” Y/n laughs when Rooster pouts, throwing his hands out as he whines, “C’mon. When have I ever leaked your songs or upcoming projects? I think I’ve done pretty good—my track record is going on thirty years, you know.”
Pete laughs with his wife as the daggers begin to tease their fellow aviator. “Better to be safe than sorry, Bradley.” This earns the Captain a light slap on the chest.
“Oh stop,” she playfully scolds. “I’m only teasing.” She returns her attention back to Nat. “I can’t say much because a lot is still in the works….but, I can confirm we’ll be doing a feature with Lenny Kravitz.” Gasps and ‘holy shit’ fill the patio, Javy and Danny on the brink of losing their minds.
“Lenny fucking Kravits!”
“Oh it’s gonna be a hit. Number one on Billboard I’m telling ya.”
By now it was getting cooler outside. The sky was dark with stars twinkling above. Instead of having someone go inside to grab drinks for everyone the group decided to migrate into the living room. Pete distinguishes the fire, Y/n hauls the dogs in with Nat and soon the couches and chairs are occupied.
Jake rubs his jaw, “what would you say is the best advice someone has given you? And who,” he adds, “if you’re open to saying.” Y/n takes a moment to think about her answer. To be honest, she’d received lots of great advice in the 40 plus years of being in the industry from an array of people. There of course was Dolly and Diana who always gave a second opinion whenever needed. There was Michael, who told her to always have fun no matter what life threw at her.
“A long time ago,” she humed, tilting her head back to stare at the ceiling while caressing the bottom of her chin. “I wanna say early 90s, I met Tony Bennett at an award show. Probably Grammy’s or Billboard, but he had approached me just before the show ended and we got to talking. I can’t remember exactly what was said in the conversation but I this always stuck with me,” pausing Y/n places her hand back in her lap. “He said, ‘Cherish the big moments—the milestones, the accomplishments, the things that will leave a legacy long after you’re gone..but also cherish the small moments. The ones you will look back on and remember fondly. As a time you were living your life as if the day was your last.’”
The words hit each of the officers. All taking it in as though Y/n was the one offering them the advice. Something about it resonated with each of them—thinking about their lives and careers. Where often they forgot to cherish little moments because they were overshadowed by big ones. An example for Natasha would be the one time her father gifted her flowers for when she made Lieutenant. Or when Javy’s brother surprised him for his college graduation. The big milestones were the reason the little things even happened.
Then you had all those times the squad would meet up at the beach for dogfight football. Or when a late night drive turns into carpool karaoke. Those small specks of time where you’re truly living in the present.
As Midnight approached the daggers took their leave. Most of them were staying on base or had nearby hotels so they waited a few hours after their last drink to leave. Though Bob was DD so he took most of them home.
Goodbyes were said with promises to meet up again soon. A few of the pilots were expected to report for an upcoming mission that week so they were all on high alert. Y/n of course was worried and gave a pep talk to each of them as they left.
When the house was finally cleared with only the couple and their dogs remaining, Y/n discarded the empty cans and water bottles before rinsing off the dishes. A yawn escaped her, leaning into Pete when he came up behind her, arms going to her waist.
“You know that can wait until morning,” he kissed her cheek, making her smile.
“I know, but I like waking up to see it’s already done. That way I can relax by sleeping in.”
Pete chuckled against her ear, “I leave you to it then. I’ll get the dogs settled and meet you in the room.” With a kiss to her lips, Pete removed himself and whistled for the hounds to follow him down the corridor. Their patter got lighter and lighter, silence filling the room once they were gone.
There wasn’t much to do in the kitchen or living room. Y/n hummed the tone of ‘Don’t You Forget About Me’ as she rinsed the plates and cups to put them in the dishwasher.
“I’ll be alone, dancing, you know it, baby,” she sang under her breath, nodding her head to the beat even though no music was playing. “Going to take you apart. I’ll put us back together at heart baby.”
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
After that was done Y/n took out the trash and placed it by the garage door to remind them in the morning. Next she wiped down the countertops and fixed the couch cushions. Finally the last thing to do was lock the doors and close the curtains.
Moving past the living room to head toward her bedroom, Y/n paused when she came to the wall displaying many photographs from her career milestones. “Don’t lose that dream, little one,” she could hear Elvis say to her as her eyes met the framed Rolling Stones cover in the center. The lighting of the image made it appear of just her silhouette, Y/n’s head tilted up with the echo of a smile on her lips. The microphone right beside her with Danny’s drums in the background.
“Y/n L/n is the Daughter of Rock ‘N’ Roll.”
Dated February 1992. Thirty years since the issue was released. And boy had it been a wild ride for the rockstar.
Brushing her finger over the image and then lightly tapping her knuckles against the glass, Y/n grinned as Elvis' words to 12-year-old self repeated in her head.
“Hope I made you proud, King.”
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan , @caitsymichelle13 , @poppyalice2001 , @cutelittlepotatofry , @luckyladycreator2 , @americaarse , @elenavampire21 , @back-tooo-black , @wildellaa , @artemissunn , @pinkpantheris
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confessionvrai · 29 days
(not a game au) gordon is a trans woman because whats with all the repetition of her name in third person and saying shit about boys night and trying so hard to be the action movie hero. it is so forced and performative you just know shes deeply unhappy living as a man and just trying to force herself to like it through stilted assertions of masculinity. oh youre a nu metal fan with a relatively obscure shitty favorite game who wants to be a streamer? are you gonna tell me you bought striped thigh highs and a blahaj next? give me a break girl pop some estrogen already. im sick of her shit. always caressing peoples shoulders and caring for the science team like a mother duck with her ducklings. like some milfy kindergarten teacher corralling the kids at the end of recess. sorry to retroactively make the only female character in the cast "The Mom Friend" but she did it to herself the way she talks to everyone. anyway transfem gordon if youre out there please return my calls
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hughesmedicine · 2 years
just a bunch of swifties 7| t. zegras
trevor zegras x hughes reader
ending this series and I’ve loved it so much so let’s end it with a bang🫶🏻 also tried to make it cute but it’s not them without joking, thanks for the support on the series this whole time🧡🥹
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liked by elblue6, trevorzegras, jackhughes and others.
ynzegras: surprise🥹❤️ but I love you baby and I couldn’t imagine marrying anyone other than you. I will forever be thankful for Jack introducing us even if I broke the no falling for friends rule it was worth it for you🧡
tagged: trevorzegras
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jackhughes: oh my god.
| jamie.drysdale: i can’t tell if this is a good “oh my god” or a bad one🙅‍♀️
| ynzegras: it’s a good one, he’s running around the house screaming “im gonna be an uncle”
_alextorcotte: I need to know did trevor faint when you told him you’re pregnant?? Also congratulations bestie so happy for you and ig I’m happy for trevor!
| trevorzegras: why do you guys always circle back around to the fainting and thank you?
| ynzegras: he didn’t faint but he did run around the house screaming we’re having a baby and immediately told me we’re naming him/her taylor and thanks bestie, you better come around more!
| _alextorcotte: sounds about right but please don’t name it taylor and I’m on my way right now!
| jamie.drysdale: it’s too late for that but swiftie party?
| ynzegras: it’s not, I never agreed to it and yes swiftie party!
| trevorzegras: not listening, we’re naming it taylor.
| ynzegras: I’ll take this wedding ring off zegras.
| trevorzegras: we’re not naming it taylor and I’m joining this party.
lhughes_06 expect more visits from me now but congrats sis, so happy for you both!
| trevorzegras oh god no but thanks luke!
| lhughes_06 oh god yes** I think you put the wrong word💁‍♀️
| trevorzegras no I put the right word
| lhughes_06 @ynzegras get him in check pls
| ynzegras: on it, trevor you’re on the couch tonight and thanks moosey!
| trevorzegras lukes not allowed in the house anymore @/lhughes_06 bring a fucken tent when you come to visit.
elblue6: sweetie congrats (again!) I’m so happy for you both and I’m so glad to have an amazing son in law🥹❤️
| trevorzegras: I’m sobbing momma el I love you so much and best mom in law ever!!😭🧡
| ynzegras: thank you mom I love you!❤️
_quinnhughes: why am I finding out through an instagram post???
| eliaspettersson: no same wtf?
| ynzegras yikes shouldn’t have went out drinking
| _quinnhughes okay sorry that we wanted to have good time
| ynzegras a good time? You came home with Elias and immediately got into my bed hugged eachother and we all cried about our feelings which thank you for that, needed it
| eliaspettersson: so that’s why I woke up in trevors arms this morning 💀
anaheimducks omg congrats! Got a little duck coming soon🥹🧡
| ynzegras thank you and can’t wait till we get the little jersey for it!🧡
| trevorzegras she already ordered it
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liked by ynzegras, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale and others
trevorzegras: this will forever be my favorite day, I love you so much and I can’t wait till i can you my wife forever. Thank you for being the best lover to me and I wouldn’t change it for anything🧡 also can’t wait to hold our little ducking
tagged: ynzegras
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ynzegras: I can’t even type since I’m crying so much but I love you so much and I’m so excited for the years to come😭🧡
| _alextorcotte: looks like we’re here again but yes jamie and I can confirm she’s crying
| trevorzegras: this time I can confirm too!
| jackhughes comfort her man!
| jamie.drysdale and he’s supposed to be a good fiancé😐
| trevorzegras I am! Literally comforting her right now
dylanduke25 you made luke cry
| lhughes_06 you said you wouldn’t tell!!
| ynzegras: awe moosey come to my room group cry!
| lhughes_06 🏃‍♀️ coming!
anaheimducks little duckling😭🧡
| ynzegras it’s the cutest nickname ever!!😭
elblue6 best son in law!!🧡
| trevorzegras: oh I’m crying now
| _quinnhughes jack and I comforting him cause we’re crying too, jacks crying cause now him and trevor are related
canucks: congrats!!!
njdevils: little ducking will be getting a devils jersey from every player on the team!
| ynzegras jacks will be the favorite one!
| jackhughes I didn’t think I had any more tears left till I saw this comment
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toasttt11 · 6 months
my au’s facts and favorites
sebastian boldy
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pizza, specifically pepperoni
coffee or anything caffeinated
grilled chicken
is not a big fan of flowers but doesn’t mind roses
favorite color is a soft orange
fall is his favorite season because hockey season starts
If Sebastian didn’t play hockey he could of made a career with his art abilities.
Sebastian was planning to live alone when he went to the NHL but Jack begged that Luke and Sebastian both lived with him for at least their first season.
Sebastian has a bad habit of being bored and starting to draw on himself or his shoes, Luke loves when Sebastian will draw on him or Luke will give him his hockey stick to draw on.
Sebastian can try to deny it but it was obvious to the whole Umich team that he did care for all of them like brothers.
julianna hughes
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potstickers or any kind of dumplings
mint chip icecream
sugar cookies
daisies are her favorite flowers
her favorite color is anything pastel
summer is her favorite season
Julianna absolutely loves self care, she’s very consistent with her skin care and always makes the boys do spa days with her.
Julianna almost flies out at least once every other month to visit her twin for a few days.
If she could she would wear a sundress everyday.
Julianna growing up was only ever called annie by her family but when she started making her own name and friends it switched to Jules or Julia but her family still calls her Annie.
lucia hughes
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steak and vegetables is her absolute favorite
her moms cookies are her favorite sweet
any type of soft serve
her favorite flowers are tulips
favorite color is bright blue
warm weather is her favorite making summer her favorite season
When she started played hockey her mom would put her hair into a braid crown so you could see the back of her jersey, it’s a hairstyle lucia still does most days and always her hair styled that way for games.
She’s always just had simple suits for game days and usually in comfortable clothes most days but she does enjoy dressing up.
Lucia never lets her brothers forget that their baby sister is taller than both of them.
lucia has always hated her name thinking it sounds like a old lady name and has demanded since she was young to be just Luce.
Lucia has never been a big jewelry person but she has a few rings from people that are important to her that she wears most days.
Lucia would willingly sleep 23 hours of the day if she could.
cameron crosby
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absolutely loves her dad’s banana bread
loves goldfish
a big fan of watermelon
favorite color is purple
favorite season is summer
favorite flower is lavender
favorite animal has always been cats
she barely knows how to do anything for her hair then very simple things because Sidney has always done her hair for her.
her cat mack loves wearing a harness and just being on cameron’s shoulders or in her arms, he’s always traveling with her.
cameron can be quite awkward around new people something she picked up from her dad.
she’s the oldest by a lot out of all of her cousins so they all look up to her a lot and always following her around like like ducklings.
while she doesn’t mind physical touch with her family, she doesn’t like cuddling and would always squirm away from anyone that wasn’t Sidney, fraser becomes the second person ever that cameron tolerates cuddles for.
asher leonard
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pineapple is his favorite flavor for anything
coffee, specifically black iced coffee
favorite season is fall and winter
favorite color is black
favorite flower is irises
loves trail mix and cheese it’z
has always been very interested in astronomy and knows so much about it, always likes to find places to see the stars.
doesn’t mind shopping to much and likes to put some thought into his clothes, can make just a hoodie look classy.
he has a lot of little white scars on his face that you can’t see unless you are right in front of him.
has always been a really good fighter, and while he does usually get some type of injury on him, he always wins his fight.
asher’s little niece daphne is a big fan of her uncle and she is always squealing when she sees him.
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bittersweet-folder · 1 year
~□♡ Tipsy under the moonlight 🌕
~ Wen Junhui x fem! reader ~
~ little bit suggestive but overall fluff, friends to lovers, university au hence both Jun and reader are 18+
• Word count: 2394 words • Masterlist •
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Song rec: falling for you by boywithuke// crush by Tessa Violet // fall in love alone by Stacey Ryan// bad ideas by Tessa Violet // i wanna be yours by Arctic monkeys
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You were sitting on your bed quietly, going through the reading material your professor has recommended y'all in the class. Minghao came to your house, more like you dragged him to your house to help you out with any difficulties you might face with the reading material. He was sitting quietly beside your bed scrolling through his phone.
"You do realize that going to a damn housewarming party won't hurt you right? Just our friends would be there and no one else whom you don't know and you know how Soekmin prefers known people in his party so it would be more fun" Minghao's voice had a lingering sense of irritation after making you understand the umpteenth time that it was okay to take a break even if the semester exams were like two weeks after. But the problem was that your last semester paper didn't go well and part of you was way too anxious about what might happen next.
"Hao can't you go and meditate for a while? You sound very irritated and we have talked about this on our way back to my home. I ain't a baby, I'll see what I can do" You said shifting your gaze to face him.
"I ain't a baby my ass you need a break you nerd, you won't be any less of a nerd if you take a break" he mocked you.
"HEY! THAT'S VERY RUDE OF YOU TO SAY" you shouted and threw a pillow at him.
That's when your mom entered the room.
One, because you shouted and she hurried even more.
Two, because Jun came.
It was an awkward moment which turned you even more anxious because your mom was now glaring at you and Jun was staring at you trying to hold back his laughter.
" y/n, honey mind explaining to me what is going on" your mom had a fake smile plastered on her lips.
"Aunty it's alright and it's just some friendly banter nothing else" Minghao added "and we were talking about the fact that Seokmin has invited his friends to his housewarming party tomorrow. And few of y/n's friends would be there and our friends would be there too and most probably some of them would stay at his place at night as well". Minghao said.
"Ahh that's lovely you should go y/n/n"
"Mom not my nickname-"
"Anyways Jun told me you called him at your place so here he is"
"Hello!" Jun waved and flashed a smile towards you. And hell that smile made you feel so many things. But you didn't call him. What is he doing here?
"Hi" your voice was soft.
"Okay anyways I'm leaving" your mom announces as she leaves, with the door wide open, of course.
Jun comes up and plops himself beside you on the bed and looks at you.
"Well it was Hao who texted me to come to your place and save him from the horrors of teaching you because you dragged him to help you out with studies". Jun said nonchalantly staring straight into your eyes.
You blush in embarrassment. " Well yeah I did"
"And I think you should take a break as well, you know. I know you are stressed out but please don't be so hard on yourself" Jun sounded concerned.
You pondered for a minute while still staring at him. And most definitely cursing Minghao to invite someone who's literally your crush.
"Okay fine!" You stood up with your books in your hand to keep them back on the shelf. Jun followed you. You keep your books and turn back only to face him.
"Jun, what are you? A duckling?"
He giggled and leaned over. You felt your cheeks starting to burn up.
"Guys? Right in front of my tea? I'm still sitting here" Minghao said, petrified enough to witness his best friend leaning over a girl, probably to kiss her right in front of him. Jun turned around and you both looked at him.
"Dude you have no tea to start with you know-" you just said it out loud outta irritation because Jun was so close to you yet Hao third wheeled in. Jun started laughing.
"Wow okay I'll go and tell aunty to make some tea for me" And with that Minghao went outta your room. There was a moment of silence. Jun turned around and looked at you.
"So umm is it okay if I pick you up tomorrow from your house then we'll head to Seokmin's house together" Jun was calm yet there was a hint of nervousness in his voice.
You were taken back because this was the first time that the Wen Junhui, the one whom you have a crush on for months now, has asked you out? What should you call it though you don't know but you were both nervous and excited about it.
"Umm yeahh of course. There's no problem with that" you said with your gaze shifting down gradually.
He smiled. "Alright then I'm glad to hear that, I'll be here at 7 in the evening tomorrow"
"Okay!" you flashed a warm smile at him. And he'd be lying if that didn't melt his heart.
Next day:
"Fuck fuckkkkk I'll be late" You were pacing around in your room keeping things back and searching for your eyeliner.
"Mom! MOM where's my eyeliner!?" You shouted in your room. She didn't respond, and came to your room instead handing you her eyeliner.
"Calm down, will you?" She patted your head.
"Okay sorry" You pouted. You put on your eyeliner.
"Okayyyy I'm done!"
You looked at yourself in the mirror satisfied with your simple get up. The clock ticked 7pm and just then you both heard the doorbell ring.
"What a timing your lover boy has huh"
your mom said, smirking at you. She knew about your crush you had.
"Mom seriously!? Not now!" you whined. You went down stairs. Slid on your shoes and then opened the door.
Jun was there standing in a black polo shirt and wide legged jeans with black and white pattern and….a small bouquet of roses? He looked at you. His ears turned red on how pretty you looked. "Why do you have to look so pretty every damn time? Guess you don't even know how hard it is for me to not take my eyes away from you" He thought.
"You look really pretty in this floral dress and umm i don't know if I'm being too much but i bought some flowers for you" Jun held the bouquet in front of you. There were five red roses with baby's breath surrounding them, wrapped up with a pretty newspaper and black bow.
"That's so sweet of you Jun" You smiled and took the flowers.
Your mom cleared her throat and made you both know about her presence.
"Okay so enjoy the party two of you"
"We will" You both said in unison and looked at each other and giggled. And you went out. With the bouquet in your hand of course. Jun and you took the bus and then walked a short distance and reached Seokmin's house. You both chit chatted about various things on your way. You rang the doorbell and to your surprise it was Joshua who opened it.
"Hello there! Lovebirds" Joshua said with his usual sunshine radiant smile.
"JOSHUAA! we aren't dating-" You said being flustered with the sudden lovebird comment
"yet. Anyways come in"
"Seems like you are dating though Shua, you know the crush you have on Seokmin~ we all can clearly see that~ '' Jun said with a smirk and wiggled his eyebrows.
Joshua was blushing now. "Okay chill jesus christ-"
You were giggling.
"Spill the tea! why are you laughing y/n! " An energetic and curious Soonyoung popped out of the blue.
"Okay I'll spill the tea, let's go inside!"
"Yayyyyyyy!" Soonyoung definitely sounded eager.
"Y/N! JUN! WELCOME TO MY NEW HOUSE~~" Seokmin chirped. He wrapped both you and Jun into a big hug. You both hugged back.
"Seokminie's hugs are always so warm" You giggled as you looked up to Seokmin. What you didn't know was Jun taking a short glance at you while you said that. He was clearly jealous especially at the nickname.
"Okay so let's go to the drawing room. Also, all the drinks and food are in the kitchen. Suit yourself with any of them you like."
"Okay if we are drinking then some people have to be sober enough look after the drunk maniacs"
"Exactly and especially Soonyoung, Kwannie and Hao"
"You too you know"
Seokmin was definitely embarrassed because he has had created drunk disasters before partnering up with Soonyoung.
"Dokyeomyaa!! come here for a second please" It was Joshua.
"Gotta go!" and with that he went.
"So you wanna grab some drinks first?" Jun asked.
"Yesss let's go"
"Someone's excited" he said and then smirked.
"I mean of course it's been a while"
You and Jun headed towards the kitchen. You met Soonyoung and Liya (your close friend) in the kitchen.
"Liyaaaa! Hello!!"
Liya jumped off the kitchen counter and hugged you.
"You look damn pretty y/n"
"You too honey"
"Wait a sec. roses?"
This was awkward because you took the roses with you just so your mom doesn't tease you later that you have Jun as your boyfriend when you don't.
"I gave it to her," Jun interrupted. You turned around. He was now seated on the dinner table's chair in a manspreading position. If that question didn't make your face flushed up, his answer did. Especially the way he sat. "Pretty nice thighs you have huh? makes me wanna sit on your lap but guess you don't even know how you make me feel about you" you thought to yourself. And to your horror, he did take notice of your flushed up face.
"Are you guys dating?" Liya asked bluntly while Soonyoung was munching on some chips intently watching whatever was happening in front of him.
"Uhhh- "
"No we aren't" you were interrupted by Jun.
"Ohhh" Soonyoung and Liya said in unison.
Your expression kinda dropped after hearing this. What was that bouquet for then? Why would he lean over like that? What about those notes slipped in those graphic novels which he borrowed from you?. Soonyoung and Liya left the kitchen after the music was turned on. Liya asked you if you wanna join but you turned that down. Your lips were pressed in a thin line. You looked at Jun and then went to the kitchen counter. The moon was up tonight, mesmerizing as always. You could see it from the glass window. The kitchen was dimly lit and the moonlight was visible from the window.
"Seokminie literally got hold of so many soju bottles for real. I just hope he doesn't get caught for this" You said to Jun with your back still facing him. You poured yourself some in a small paper cup. After five shots you felt someone was standing behind you.
"Don't drink too much or else I have to give you a piggyback ride to home" Jun let out a chuckle after saying this.
"Okay! Fine" You pouted.
"Can I hug you y/n?"
The question caught you off guard.
"Yeah you can.." you said softly.
He wrapped you up in a back hug with one hand around your neck and the other around your stomach with his chin resting on your shoulder. Blood rushed through your cheeks as you felt butterflies erupting on your stomach. Your shoulders tensed up.
"Are my hugs warm too?" Jun whispered beside your ear.
It suddenly clicks in on why he asked you this. You turned around and faced him, his hands now resting around your waist.
"Ain't no way you're jealous of Seokmin-"
"Yes I am and I am jealous of how he has a nickname given by you" Jun cut you off mid sentence. You looked away. Did the friend whom you have a liking on, just confessed that he's jealous over you complimenting one of your mutual friends? . Oh yes he did.
"Yeahh?" You looked at him and made an eye contact. Never in your life you thought Jun would be talking about all this outta the blue in your friend's housewarming party. But here you were pinned against the kitchen counter with hands around your waist looking at you with such softness in his eyes.
"I like you okay? Your smile makes my day. I love it when you recommend to me your favorite graphic novels. You're so cute when you get all confused while studying. Really love it when you listen to all my playlists and like them too. I don't know if you feel the same or if you're ready for a relationship. I'll respect any decision you take and.. I like you y/n I really mean it."
You hugged him burying your face on his chest. Jun's face was flushed because of that.
"Your hugs are warm, so is your presence. You're funny too. I really love your laughter" you smiled "really love those notes you slip through those novels, love your playlists and I like you too" You confessed and then you looked at him. It felt slightly dizzy, more like close to feeling tipsy this time your face eventually warming up.
Slowly Jun leaned in and got closer to your face.
"You're okay with kissing?" A hint of desire dripped from his words.
"Yes, I am"
With that you placed your lips on his. His lips were soft. They moved at a steady yet slow pace with your lips. There was a lingering taste of soju on his lips. He was pulling you closer,chest pressed against each other smiling into the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck while one of your hands caressed his hair. One of his hands was around your waist while the other on your back. He was melting into the kiss. After a while you pulled away breathless.
"Can't believe I have such a pretty girlfriend now," Jun grinned.
"Wasn't Joshua soo right about predicting us dating Junnie" . His ears perked up with the given nickname.
"I like the new nickname and yeah he certainly was" he chirped as you let out a chuckle.
a/n: ik it's long but well I can't help it. Lol.
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leadenn · 11 months
part four I think I don't fucking know I write I don't do math
Raph follows Shen around like a little duckling, all the boys do when she's home since she's gone most of the day, but Raph is basically her little shadow. She calls him that, she arrives home from work and locks the door behind her and she asks where her little shadow is. Then Raph, upon hearing her voice fucking barrels towards her at high speed and demands he be picked up. Mikey and Leo also demand hugs when she arrives home but Donnie would prefer a little pat on the head when she ccomes home.
She's very much a boy mom not in the weird gross way but as in she just loves her sons and gets dirty and gross playing with them bc they're four boys that live in the sewers eight months of the year. Also, post move into the sewers Shen doubles her budget for hygiene bc she can deal with being the crazy widow recluse lady with a cane but she REFUSES to also smell while being that lady.
The risk of being stinky is the only thing she doesn't like about her family life tho, like she adores her sons.
She spends time with Donnie by helping him learn (he often doesn't need help, but she knows he doesn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her that. Shen finds it very sweet) and reading to him. Tbh some of the books he asks her to get for him are beyond her understanding but anything to make her little genius happy. If he wants to listen to free lectures online about physics? She'll happily listen with him. She never wants him to lose interest in learning or feel embarrassed about his passion for science and learning. Despite their situation, she knows that her boy will do great things.
Leo and her read together, and it's things more within her area. History and literature. Sometimes Mikey joins them, but books are usually a Momma and Leo activity. He also is the most interested in their heritage. She's happy to answer any questions about history or folk tales from their culture, and the way his little eyes light up remind her of Yoshi back when they were kids and Shen would tell him and his disgrace of a "brother" stories from her books. She also notices he likes helping her and Yoshi care for his brothers but she never lets him think that it's his job. She does enjoy watching him play big brother though, it was adorable
Mikey has a giant imagination, and he loves to play pretend. He doesn't need to hear stories, because he prefers to tell them. He makes plays up, he makes little puppets out of things he finds around their home in the sewers, and he puts on shows. He likes books, but Shen thinks he'd be better at writing them than reading them. She's happy to encourage his creativity, and she'll always be his biggest fan. If he wants to write or make art as he grows, Shen will move heaven and earth to show how talented and bright her boy is. How? She doesn't know, but she'll do it.
Raph, her little shadow, is happy doing anything she does. He helps her with chores, he helps her cook, he asks her questions about people and what the surface was like, and despite how much he loved their home and family she could tell he wants more. So Shen and Yoshi did their best to give him everything. He loved ninjutsu, he loved playing with his brothers, he loved the books and movies Shen provided them, but he wanted more. As sweet as her little shadow is, he acted out because he wanted to have more than what was safe. It breaks Shen's heart, but there was nothing she could do to make the world a safe place for her boys. Most days, he's content to be Shen's little shadow and be a good student for Yoshi. Shen knew that this wouldn't go away with age.
Also I think Yoshi would assume Shen no longer loved him or felt attracted to him bc of how he looks and just stayed to help take care of their sons. That isn't the case and it takes several years for Yoshi to really accept that Shen loves him no matter what he looks like.
"Are you still 6'1 and muscular?" Shen asked him, and he stopped cutting the cucumbers for the smashed cucumber salad they were making. He had casually mentioned it being okay if Shen was uncomfortable around him. She had just let out a sigh of annoyance. Yoshi was confused, but nodded in reply. "Then don't worry." She said, leaning over and kissing his cheek.
"I love you." He said, because he felt as if he never said it enough. He didn't save their daughter. He didn't save Shen from getting injured to the point of disability. He was a giant rat. The only thing he's provided her in their marriage that he didn't eventually ruin was their sons. Yet she stayed with him, she loved him, she ran her hands through his fur, she kisses him many times a day, and she melted into his arms when he held her.
"I love you too, Yoshi." She said, leaning over to kiss him. She stopped, and glared at the cutting board. "And if you want me to continue loving you, you'll cut the cucumber slices correctly."
He smiles, and kisses her nose. She pokes his with her finger. He smiles wider.
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