#but the scene’s in chapter 179
limaisstilldrawing · 2 years
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sooo... we all agree that bleach is just missing a ton of scenes, right?
so here is an attempt to remedy this, aka what went down right after byakuyas confession to rukia in chapter 179.
(just realized the immediate continuity error on PAGE ONE with rukias collar buuuut yall can just pretend you didn't right? right)
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louroth · 1 year
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Hello everyone :> 
It's been a month! it's incredible how much my life has changed- while I'm still adjusting I'm just...still walking on clouds. it feels unreal. the patreon took off and I can almost make a living wage on it which is frankly fucking insane, and the discord is so vibrant it scared me for a moment (not anymore- shooting the shit with the people there is the favorite part of my day, even if I sometimes just leave a trail of emotes lskjdhajksdhkjasd.) I couldn't have asked for a better community. YES I am crying about it. Thank you, so, so much. I am cradling your face in my hands. crying.
But as always, enough of my bleeding heart. Let's get to it!
The first two weeks after posting the update, I took a sort of quasi vacation and only wrote a handful of story-words each day, and spent some time fooling around in the discord + brushed off my smut archive to refine for Patreon. There are already 4 stories up, and a new one coming tomorrow- though I haven't decided yet whether it will be possessive/jealous L sfw short or one very nasty short where you come across a particularly insistent species of vines while trekking the forest. hehe. we'll see. >:3
But, even though I had to rest not to combust after work, I am very pleased to say that the next chapter is coming along great, with the skeleton finished for its entirety, and about 45% and some change already written (it's very hard to gauge because I jump around a lot when I write.) This is the final chapter before the forest, filled with action and the heart wrenching drama of offering tenderness to a certain someone, and deciding for your hunter when enough is truly enough. I have teared up writing certain scenes and I genuinely cannot wait for you to experience this next part yourselves. 
It is so funny reading things I wrote for this chapter six months ago, or longer, because I knew exactly what emotions I wanted to bake in and couldn't really nail it, but now it is coming together beautifully! Sure, it will still be wonky first draft writing, but the core is there and that is all that matters for now. I'm saying soon™ for the update for now, because I am allowing myself to adapt to writing full time- I didn't quit my job to become my own nightmare boss, and I truly want to enjoy this process. I think, in the long run, it will result in a better story. Patience is my mantra. All in due time- I cannot force quality creative work. But by everything wretched and sinful, I cannot wait to share this next part with you!!! I'm frothing at the mouth!!!
In other news, y'all. I need to get organized. I get heartburn thinking about all the different variations of files and notes and notebooks and scraps of paper and variables and branches of plot and just generally, the things to keep track of is getting to the point of a dragon hoard of scary 'oh no I forgot about that part'. I'm gritting my teeth through it until this chapter is out, but after it, I am going to spend some time to
 1) get my shit together in gorgeous, beautiful spreadsheets
2) get serious about finding beta- and proofreaders. (me @ u: 🥺)
But that's it, my friends! I scrapped an entire progress report because I started sounded corporate and listing points which was just... sad. I really hope I evolve into writing these in a more fun way, which would make them more fun for you to read too! But for now, I think this will do. I hope you have a beautiful day/night, and if you would like to see more in depth dev-logs of my writing life, or random sneak peeks, I post those weekly on patreon!
Or join our discord, which. It's just the nicest place, I can't even come up with words that do it justice. It's my favorite daily newspaper.
Until next time! x
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fullscoreshenanigans · 7 months
No other option for this poll since it's based on the options that won a top 2 spot in the previous rounds.
Grace Field Kids Edition Goldy Pond Edition Lambda 7214/Paradise Hideout Edition Free-For-All Edition Other Platonic Duo Polls Suggestions Post
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Copypasta'd propaganda from my other posts under the cut:
Grace Field Poll: I was glad to see how well Don & Emma and Gilda & Ray were doing on the Grace Field poll. ;w; Both feel the most criminal to me given how big of a role Don and Gilda play in the series, but ultimately I went with Gilda & Ray because I couldn't think of any moment for them that was equivalent to Don being the first of the larger group of kids to voice his support for Emma's plan:
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(Chapter 130)
Except for maybe this brief exchange they added to the anime:
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(S1 Episode 12)
Episode 10 also nixes the scene of Don and Gilda privately conversing in the woods in chapter 31 and instead has Ray apologizing to Don and Gilda directly rather than just Emma, which is made even more poignant when you consider how strongly he reacted to Emma and Norman giving them false hope about still being able to save Conny in chapter 11/episode 4.
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He's not even trying to feign the distance he self-imposed between them in his mind at this point. He's genuinely sorry for failing them for their own sakes, not as extra able bodies who could assist Emma and Norman outside the wall. And it's a genuinely distressing sight for the two of them, seeing him at his lowest point after everything he sacrificed for this plan.
To have her then knowingly hum and hold that look of fondness for him when she sees how shocked is, after years of believing a better outcome was impossible, and how worried he is, because try as he might to keep the other children at arm's length mentally there's a way Ray frets over and looks after them that is reminiscent of Gilda's own (they are united in being the Mom Friends™ of the escapees 🤝), is such a sweet, gentle kindness that they didn't have to include but I'm very glad they did.
Goldy Pond Poll: Emma & Oliver has always felt like one of the most pertinent dynamics to come out of Goldy Pond alongside Emma & Violet with the amount of focus each are given individually as effectively the leaders of the Grace Field escapees and Goldy Pond kids, respectively, and together. The latter is significantly less, unfortunately, but Oliver usually acts as Emma's point person when she needs to confer information/plans and Norman and Ray won't work for the situation because symbolically the scene calls for a representation of larger group cohesion with the kids she didn't grow up with.
Also, after losing so many older siblings at Grace Field and becoming the big sister/leader of them, it's nice to have her regain that kind of relationship with any of the Goldy Pond group; Oliver just happens to have more panels dedicated to it lol
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(Chapter 69)
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(Chapter 110 & 111)
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(Chapter 122; this moment is so minuscule, but again we have Oliver acting in a leader role and Emma using him as a point of reference to confirm that taking it easy in this new place is wise and safe for everyone. If even Oliver thinks it's okay to act like this—to say nothing of the way he tells her so gently and in so few words—then she can rest a little more soundly.)
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(Chapter 161)
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(Chapter 179; he's not the only one given focus here, but I like that he's the one this bit ends on to drive the point home to Norman and Ray about Emma.)
And then this piece by @nagaikei-ajin is my favorite of the two of them for the intensity and parallels.
i want to believe emma and oliver are carrying on yugo and lucas’ will and even got a pair of gloves for remembrance... 
Free-For-All Poll: I'm glad other people are also fucked up by this panel of Ayshe & Mujika:
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(Chapter 144)
The way she's staring at Mujika in rapt attention, left hand grabbing for hers while she holds her right in front of her chest to show how animated she is in the conversation, either because she's gesturing to herself or is at a loss for words in the the excitement of the moment or because the adrenaline from the skirmish with Hayato and Jin is wearing off and trying to will the words to spill forth.
It's been months since she's been able to hold a conversation with anyone in the language her father passed down to her because he believed it was something worth preserving of his culture from a millennia ago, so to be able to have that back with someone as kind and graciously loving as Mujika is something special.
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ficreadergirl · 3 months
Part-179 ↓ Dick: So he isn't dead! 😃 Barbara: Do you think she's all gone? 🙁 Kory: What? 😯 Bruce: I was gonna ask the same thing. 😕 Dick: Why? 🙁 Cass: They've a point. Do you think she's still there? 🙁 Kory: Who? 😦 Dick: Exactly! Who are you asking for? 🙁 Barbara: You know Dick. Y/n... 😔 Bruce: If she's this much possessed, can she really come back? She almost killed Roy. 🙁 Kory: Yes, but she didn't actually kill him. ☹️ Cass: Yes but-- 🙁 Bruce: Shush... 🤫 *Jason came to the scene* Jason: So where's she? 😃🤨 Dick: Jason we need to tell you something. 🙁 Jason: W-what? 🙁 Kory: Roy... 😔 Jason: Roy?? 😟 Dick & Kory: 😞 Jason: What happened to Roy?? 😠 Barbara: He's fine now. But he was possessed by Y/n we believe. 😕 Cass: And we don't know if she can come back after going this far. 😫🫢 Bruce: Cass!! 😯 Barbara: We will get her here fine Jason. Okay? 😠 Jason: How? 😟 Bruce: We will find a way son. I promise. Okay? 🙂 Jason: 🥺 Bruce: 🫂 ↓
Other chapters
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chellerbelles · 3 months
It's Rogue & Gambit fanworks week 2024! Hurrah!
As usual, I've decided to try and cram all the prompts into one story. I haven't quite finished it yet, but I'm up to the last chapters, so hopefully it'll be finished by the end of the week :) And hopefully I won't have to sneak back to do any plot hole fixes ;)
My new story is Bonds of the Multiverse, which you can read at Ao3 (link above), or FFnet. It's a sister story to The Soul Matter. They happen at the same time. It's not necessary for you to (re)read The Soul Matter first.
Prompts for today are Alternate First Meeting and Robin Hood AU.
So, here's the thing. I've written a Robin Hood story before and have no desire to write another one. However, the idea of writing a Leverage story with an X-Men team does have a great deal of interest to me. So, in my new story you can find Leverage Rogue (Grifter) and Leverage Gambit (Thief). In my mind, the other members of their team are: Storm (Mastermind), Laura Kinney (Hitter), and Pyro (Hacker). Hopefully one day I'll get to write this as a one-shot, but in the meantime, I get to dream :)
Alternate First Meeting below the cut. This scene is one of the later scene in my story. It takes place after Uncanny X-Men #179. Yeah, we're going all the way back to the 80s before Gambit's first appearance was even published!
18 year old Rogue sat on the rooftop in quiet contemplation of the last day. She’d been afraid of absorbing anyone with a physical mutation, like Angel, because she didn’t know what it would do to her. In a way, the fear had been enhanced after absorbing Carol. There was so much about her mutation that she just didn’t know.
And then Pyro had melted Colossus’ steel form, and she had been asked to absorb him so that Healer could heal him.
She did it. It wasn’t to prove anything to the X-Men, who still didn’t trust her. She did it to save the life of another. She did it because for once she could actually use her mutation to help someone instead of hurt them. She did it because it was the right thing to do.
It was still the most terrifying experience of her life to date. After being stuck as a metal statue for what felt like forever, borrowing Angel’s wings didn’t seem so bad.
Movement below caught her eye. A motorcycle drove through the open gates and headed towards the front door. She frown, not recognising it, and flew off the roof to go investigate.
She landed near the front door just as the rider was getting off his motorcycle. He looked to be about her age, with long brown hair, and red and black eyes. He was so gorgeous it took her breath away.
“Bonjour chere. M’names Remy,” he said. “I hear this is where I can find the X-Men?”
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Tsunami Creator's Chapter 179
TL;DR - Cale cautious of using Water AP because he noticed the tattoo changes. More info about the "absolute god." Cale's group secretly enters Hainan.
Cale is Finally Aware Finally, Cale found out about the tattoo changes! He even calls it "rechargeable." 😂 And this discovery made him self-aware too... That if he coughed blood or fainted, his group might do... some crazy things, like Raon seriously destroying Jungwon's statue. 🤣🤣🤣
HOWEVER. While Cale had now become cautious of overusing his Water AP, he still hasn't explained to his group that his blood coughing episodes was just the work of VoH and not something to be seriously worried about... 😑
But him being cautious made some funny moments:
Water AP: The seas are rough! I can calm it! Cale: No. Water AP: Tsk.
Cale: I'll use this cape together with the DA. DA: Yes. *excited* Water AP: What about me? Cale: No. Water AP: Tsk.
Absolute God Info This part made me laugh because one of the lines perfectly fit Cale. 😂 We learn that the Blood Cult worship the absolute god, but this god has yet to exist. Only a few people know that there was no such god, and the rest believe that such a god exists.
The reason they gave was that a god might be created if they worship and pray to a human. Worship was the best way for god creation. And the person they worship was not the Blood Demon. There was no mention of who they worship, but given the past info, it's probably the King's Successor?
Amusingly, this applies to Cale too. Clopeh pretty much worships him already, Durst is serious about founding Caleism in Xiaolen, and Cale's recent actions in the Central Plains are laying the foundation of Caleism there too... 🤣🤣🤣 Cale is ticking off all the requirements on the How To Be a God checklist. RIP Cale's Slacker Life Dream... 🪦
Hainan Island The group enters a cave in the island where the first jiangshi experiment failures were dumped. The numerous bones there reminded Cale of Mogoru's alchemy bell tower. There was also info about the priestess who resided in Heavenward, a 10-storey blue building on the island.
Oh yeah, Cale was planning to use the Cape of the Sun item he got as a reward from Xiaolen. We learn that it had the effect of raising one's dignity/majesty. So if Cale used it together with his DA, how scary would he become? Enough to be mistaken as a god? Ufufu 🥰
Ending Remarks Chapter was boring again except for the short funny parts and God Cale foreshadowing moments. We'll probably get battle scenes next chapter, or a reveal on which Orsena lady became the priestess. And with all the red flags Cale has planted, I'm really looking forward to the blood coughing moment~! 😍
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yenn-reads · 10 months
Monthly Series Appreciation - December
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It's the end of the year, we're getting closer to the holidays and I will have three stories for you today that I connect with December, Christmas and New Year's Eve.
All of them for different reasons, but all of them all worth reading…
I‘m a little early this month, but it’s for a reason. I want you all to get a look at that wonderful advent calendar in time 🥰
Let me tell you what I have for you this month:
Eyes That See
Sy x reader (💕🔥🌩, status: on-going)
Eyes That See is something very special to me. @just-chirpin not only manages to write one of the most wonderful Sy's I have ever seen. She also makes me feel seen. I can relate to so many things and feelings in this story. And having Sy by my side in this one is just so soothing. It's a really long story and it's not finished yet. But I can promise you that you won't be disappointed if you dive into it. The definition of comfort fic ❤️
And don’t forget to take a look at her masterlist, where you can find many asks with additional scenes or alternative scenarios 😍
179 Crescent Street
(College AU; Mike, Charles, Napoleon, Sherlock, August, Sy, Marshall and Geralt x multiple OFC's)(💕🔥🌩, status: on-going)
Everyone must have seen me talking about Crescent Street's inhabitants by now. I found them one year ago and fell in love with all of them. @raccoon-eyed-rebel gifted this universe of stupid dorks living together in one house to us, and I am so incredibly grateful for that. I read every one of these chapters multiple times and I know I will do it again. Maybe it's my favorite thing in the world 🥰
@raccoon-eyed-rebel also made my New Year's Eve feeling last way into the summer and that's a good thing. Those chapter's are so much fun! Get to know all those guys and, even more important, those wonderful women who are lucky enough to get one (or two) of the boys into their beds.
Sapphire Falls Chronicles
Caleb Syverson x OFC, Chris Evans x OFC (🌩💕, status: completed)
@sapphirefallschronicles was such a cute surprise last December. Every day until Christmas we got an update on the lives of Caleb, Chris, Abigail and Livia. And I loved getting new little bits of that wonderful fluffy story. @keanureevesisbae and @diegos-butt really put a smile on my face with this. I totally plan to re-read that lovely fic this December. Join me?
Hope you find something you enjoy here. Please let the creators of these stories know what you think about it. Reblog, comment, shower them with love. They deserve it!
Monthly Series Appreciation -Masterlist
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kurikoluvrr · 8 months
day 179 of promoting if it all ends tonight (link under the cut)
drew this based on a scene from chapter 19 :)
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i love them so much you don’t understand
here’s the link to my favorite kny fic of all time
+ no text version
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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I posted 1,062 times in 2022
That's 1,062 more posts than 2021!
811 posts created (76%)
251 posts reblogged (24%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,031 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#bones of a rabbit - 547 posts
#asks - 454 posts
#it was in reality not fine fic - 431 posts
#not fine fic - 406 posts
#bones of a rabbit fic - 391 posts
#fnaf fanfic - 342 posts
#anonymous asks - 215 posts
#fanfic rambles - 205 posts
#bones of a rabbit art - 186 posts
#gushing - 179 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the fact that i can’t just squeeze the daylights out of u guys whenever i experience a feeling is bullshit and i’d like to file a complaint
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Based off a comment on the most recent chapter of my fic sndgdjdhsj
2,029 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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See the full post
2,341 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
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Reader: exists
Sun and Moon: WE 👏 ARE 👏 IN 👏 LOVE 👏 WITH 👏 YOU 👏👏👏
2,557 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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tfw bae wears ur merch
this is entirely self indulgent so I’m apologize in advance but. After a rough nite I thought I could treat myself to a lil expansion on that one scene in my fic lol
2,931 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
6,905 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 179.brb x oc
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a/n: finally its going to happen, the THING IVE BEEN STALLING TO WRITE IS COMING NEXT CHAPTER!! IM N ERVOUS BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO ACTION SCENES BUT I'LL DO MY BEST!(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! they make my nights they really do<3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989
“How did we miss this?’ Mav asks as he fumbles with the notes Rooster handed over to him, ‘How did we miss it? It’s right there.”
Rooster,with his hands propped on his hips, looked like he just ran a marathon even though he never left this exact spot,”Because,” and he pulls another map, pointing to the area…it was covered with trees, “It’s full of trees but they are short enough for us to fly in and hit them before they notice us.”
Rooster's voice held a mix of exhaustion and excitement as he explained, "The trees provide natural cover and camouflage, making it difficult to spot the opening from a distance. Our initial surveillance might not have captured it due to the dense foliage."
Mav studied the map intently, his brows furrowed. "But how did we miss this during the reconnaissance flights? We should have spotted it from the air."
Rooster nodded, acknowledging the valid concern. "You're right. It's possible that the dense foliage and the angle of approach during our reconnaissance flights obscured the opening. It might have been hidden from our view until we studied the maps in detail." he throws his hands up with a tired laugh, “Hidden in plain sight! And look here. This is the flight path we can take through the trees. It's narrow, but our aircrafts can maneuver through it. We'll need to be precise and fly low to avoid detection. Once we're through, we'll have a better chance of reaching our objective without alerting the enemy."
Mav's eyes lit up with realization as he traced the flight path with his finger. "This could give us the element of surprise. The enemy won't see us coming until it's too late."
Rooster nodded, a determined smile crossing his face. "Exactly. By utilizing this, we can bypass the their heavily guarded areas and catch them off guard. It's a risky move, but it's our best chance to succeed."
Mav looked at Rooster, almost beaming with pride. "I'm glad we discovered this. It changes everything."
“It does.”
“How did you figure this out?”
Rooster sighs out a laugh, then scratches his temple, “Would you believe that Beatrice helped?’ his uncle recoils in surprise, then furrows his brows with a confused smile, “Yeah,um…I remember something we talked about and it brought some ideas back.” he couldn’t explain to his uncle that it was Beatrice’s disembodied voice that helped him achieve this,right? 
It’d be weird.
“...huh,well, it’s welcome nonetheless.” he quickly turned his focus to the map and grinned, “This is great news,Rooster. I meant it, great news.”
Rooster nodded, grateful for his uncle's support. "I'm glad you think so, Mav. It's definitely a breakthrough for our mission. Like I said, it’s a risk, but it’s much better than what we had."
His uncle patted him on the back, a proud smile on his face. "You've done well, Rooster. Be proud of your work."
Rooster's fatigue started to fade away, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose. He looked at the map, feeling a surge of determination. "I am proud. I really am…I…” he inhales then shakes his head, “This won’t be a secret for long. We need to gather the team and finalize our plans. We'll need to coordinate the flight path, assign roles, and prepare for any contingencies. There's still a lot of work ahead of us, but this discovery has given us a solid foundation to build upon."
His uncle nodded in agreement. "You're right, Rooster. Time is of the essence. When will you tell the others?”
“In a few minutes.” he mutters, “Luckily we’ll be able to do it today.” he leans over the desk and leans on his arms, the wood supporting his weight as he sighs again, feeling like a huge weight left his shoulders. This was great news, like Mav said, “This will give them no time to recover.”
“Seems likely.”
Rooster chews his lower lip, “...what if we do more?”
Maverick’s brow goes up, “More? What do you mean?”
Rooster straightens up, holding his index finger straight. "I mean, what if we use this discovery as a starting point? We know the enemy base is well-hidden and heavily guarded, but now that we have a way to bypass some of their defenses, what if we use that advantage to plan a series of coordinated strikes on different key locations?"
Mav's eyes widen with interest and he crosses his arms "You mean hit them from multiple angles simultaneously? Catch them off guard at different points of their perimeter?"
Rooster nods eagerly. "Exactly! If we divide our forces and coordinate our attacks strategically, we can create chaos and confusion within their ranks. It will make it harder for them to respond effectively, giving us a better chance of success."
Mav leans back in his chair, considering the idea. "It's risky, Rooster. Coordinating multiple strikes requires precise timing and communication. We can't afford any mistakes, or it could jeopardize the entire operation."
"I know it's a risk, Mav," Rooster replies earnestly, "But I think it’ll work, we've already overcome one major obstacle. I believe we can do this. And if we succeed, it could deal a significant blow to the enemy's operations and give us a real chance to turn the tide.”
Mav studies his nephew for a moment, weighing the pros and cons, rubbing his chin in thought. He knows Rooster's determination and strategic thinking have brought them this far, but the risks are undeniable. After a moment of contemplation, he finally speaks, "Alright, Rooster. I trust your judgment. If you believe this plan can work, then let's go for it. But make sure every member of the team understands the importance of their role and the need for flawless execution."
Rooster's face lights up with gratitude. "Thank you, Mav. I'll gather the team and brief them on the expanded plan." and he laughs quietly, “They’ll never see us, you know that,right?’
“With how you are suggesting, I agree, they won’t know where we come from.”
Rooster scratched his jaw, “I’m going to write some stuff down then call the guys…so, see you in a few?” his uncle grinned, tapping him on the shoulder fondly before turning on his heel to leave the office and so, leaving Rooster to his thoughts. He stared at the maps a few more times, irises moving quickly. His chest was warm with confidence, deep inside he knew it’d work, it would definitely work!
But now he had to make sure they were unaware by that opening, the last thing he needed was them figuring out the trees were short enough for them to fly in. And so Rooster quickly grabbed a pen and his trusty notepad, his mind racing with ideas. He started jotting down key points, marking the flight path through the trees, and noting the specific targets for each coordinated strike. He wanted to ensure that everything was well-planned and organized to minimize the chances of any mishaps.
As he scribbled down the details, Rooster's thoughts drifted back to Beatrice. He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards her, even though she wasn’t physically present. Her voice in his head had provided the crucial insight that led to this breakthrough. He owed her a debt of gratitude, but he knew it was something he couldn't openly acknowledge or explain to anyone else.
God knows how much they already teased him.
He finished his notes within a few minutes, then stood up and walked out of the office. He was the leader, he repeated inside his brain, he had a responsibility to each and every one of them, he was going to make sure they all got back home safely, especially the new recruits.
“Sir!” Faraday’s voice snaps him out of his thoughts, the young pilot saluting him.
“Faraday,brief meeting in five minutes.” he says as he walks past the short young man, who immediately follows him with wide eyes, “We have a breakthrough.”
“Yes, but I want everyone in the debrief room.” he looks back at him with his brows low, “Which means no one can be late.” and he was sure Faraday knows who he was talking about, “Go on now.”
“Sir yes sir!” another sharp salute and the young recruit turned on his heel to get everyone else.
Rooster looked at each face, new and old, within the area as he stood in front of the spread map, “This is what we have,” he hovers his open hand at the newfound opening, “We can use it. We know they’ll be getting new supplies in a few days, and our goal is to disrupt their operations and weaken their defenses. We have an opportunity to strike at multiple key locations simultaneously, catching them off guard."
He paused for a moment, scanning the room to ensure everyone was paying attention. "But let me be clear, this plan comes with risks. We are coordinating multiple strikes. We need to trust each other.” he sends a shifty look to the new recruits, “ and work as a team to ensure the success of this operation."
The room fell silent, with only the sound of shifting feet and the occasional rustling of papers. Rooster's gaze settled on each individual, his friends didn’t seem like they were worried, the new recruits however…not so much. "We've trained for this, we've prepared for this. Now is the time to put our skills to the test and show what we're capable of. Each one of you has a vital role to play in this mission, and I believe in each and every one of you."
“Gonna make us tear up Rooster.” Coyote teases from the corner, “Come on, don’t be so formal.”
Rooster laughs softly but doesn’t lose his intonation, gesturing to the young recruits, “You guys have anything to add? You’ve been all quiet.”
It was Raptor who spoke up hesitantly. "Well, sir, I...I guess we’re  just a bit nervous. The stakes seem really high…”
“That’s true.”
“So, um…what if we…mess up?”
“You won’t.” and he wasn’t being rude or menacing, he said in such a way that showed how much he trusted them. “You wouldn’t be here otherwise. You all just need to work together in this and I mean it this time,” he narrowed his eyes as he explained, “There’s no lone wolves in my team, the mission will only go south if someone tries something stupid on their own.”
“It's normal to feel nervous. But you are here because you have the skills and the determination to be part of this mission," Rooster said, looking directly at Raptor and then shifting his gaze to include all the new recruits. “Believe that.”
He saw his friends looking surprised and amused, throwing thumbs ups and silently whistling at him, which he promptly ignored because they had to make that funny,didn’t they? “Anyway…mistakes can happen, that's the reality of any mission. But we are a team, and we watch out for each other.”
"But sir," another recruit, Falcon, chimed in, "what if things don't go as planned? What if the enemy figures out our strategy and tries to counter it?"
Rooster smiled,albeit strained, appreciating Falcon's critical thinking. "That's a valid concern, Falcon. As with any mission, we have to be prepared for the unexpected. If something doesn't go as planned, we'll adjust, improvise, and overcome." he didn’t see it, because Maverick was behind him when he said it, but his uncle’s eyes shone with pride and he smiled.
Coyote, who had been silent until now, chimed in with a grin. "Yeah, we always have a backup plan for the backup plan."
“Agreed,” Phoenix adds, “And it’ll be okay, guys, you are all with us.” she smiles at the nervous recruits, “It’ll work.”
Rooster nodded at his friends in thanks, then cleared his throat, “Anyway, we’ll move in three days, until then I want everyone well rested and ready to move within my call. Dismissed.” there’s a scraping of chairs and boots hitting the floor while Rooster tidies everything up, looking back at the map with his jaw clenched and fists by his sides. Everyone left, now he was only left with Maverick.
His uncle stands next to him, looking at the map just like he was, “...that wasn’t bad.”
“I know, it was pretty good.”
“They all looked at you.” his uncle whisper, and somehow that sentence alone meant more than Rooster could imagine, “They never looked away from you, not even for a second.”
Rooster glanced at his uncle, eyes meeting briefly before he looked away. Honestly he knew they were looking but he couldn’t say they were all paying attention. 
"Thanks, Mav," Rooster replied, his voice quiet. "It means a lot coming from you."
Maverick placed a hand on Rooster's shoulder, offering a supportive squeeze. "Don’t go soft on me,kid." that makes both of them laugh, “I know you are good, you don’t need my opinion on anything.”
“It’s still welcome nonetheless.”
“Ah, you know,” Maverick shrugs, “I used to be a pain in the ass with such things.”
“Ah, yeah, used to.” his godfather only sent him an amused glare, “I’ll agree with that for now…I’ll clean everything up but I’m confident that everything will work.” he says softly, “I really am.”
And it was all thanks to Beatrice.
“I need,” Shells pulls out a slip of papers, “Two beers, one water and an orange juice,” she furrows her brows, ‘We still have that?’
Beatrice laughs, filling the two glasses immediately and handing it to her so she could put it on the tray, “The acid orange juice? Yeah, people love it for some reason.” she thanks Jessie when the girl hands over the water bottle, “It’s in the back though,I’m going to get it. Wait here.”
“It’s not like I have a recital to go to.” Shells teases, leaning over the counter on her elbows, “I’ll wait for you,don’t worry.”
Bea turns around to go to the fridge, skimming every shelf until she saw the bright, almost nuclear orange bottle on the lower left corner. She hums happily before plucking it between her index and middle finger, shutting the door with her hip and adjusting the shirt on her body. It was one of her old, oversized shirts that she only wore on the first months of the bar, it was funny how it was a strange throwback from when she started there.
As she goes back to Shells, she notices Penny is talking to one of those guys from before, the suits from the other bar. She sees that Shells and Jessie are staring as well, and doesn’t move when she sets the juice on the tray, “What are they doing here?”
“I don’t know.” Shells mutters, “But auntie is mad.” Penny would never cause a scene at her bar, hence why they were talking outside of it. Penny would also never raise her voice when it comes to that, but the look on her face could easily murder someone.
“Will she be okay?” Jessie asks as she looks over, earning gentle laughing from both women. She blinks in confusion, ‘What?’
“Jessie,” Beatrice begins softly, “Penny is going to be fine. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah, those suits should be worried though.” Shells smirks, gesturing to her own face, “My aunt has the ‘i’m the manager’ look on her face.”
“Oh that’s bad.”
“It’s hilarious.” Shells smirks, “Watch, she’s going to come back inside and we’ll all laugh about it.”
As they continued observing from behind the counter, Penny eventually ended her conversation with the suited individuals and made her way back inside the bar. The tension on her face had eased slightly, but only so she could walk in and call now attention.
Penny walked with purpose, her steps measured and confident. She reached the counter where Beatrice, Shells, and Jessie were waiting, and as predicted, a mischievous grin spread across Shells' face.
"Here she comes," Shells whispered, barely able to contain her amusement.
Penny approached the counter, her gaze meeting theirs. She leaned on the counter, folding her arms, and raised an eyebrow at the trio. There was a moment of silence as anticipation filled the air.
Then, unexpectedly, Penny burst into laughter. It started as a chuckle that quickly escalated into full-blown amusement. Beatrice, Shells, and Jessie couldn't help but join in, the tension dissipating into a shared moment of relief.
"Oh, you should have seen their faces," Penny said between bouts of laughter, wiping away tears of mirth. "I had them scrambling for excuses and apologies. They won't be causing any trouble around here anytime soon."
Shells leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, what did they want, Auntie?"
Penny's laughter subsided, and she sighed, her amusement fading into a more serious expression. "They were from the rival bar, trying to snoop around, gather information, you know. But I made it clear that we won't be intimidated. We've built something special here, and we won't let anyone disrupt that." she frowns, “But…”
“But?’ comes the three women’s voices joining in one question.
“They seemed annoyed by everything I said, which is funny,” her eyes travel back to the outside, where the men were marching back to their car, “...nothing, just,thinking about something silly. We don’t have time for that,” Penny grins, looking at Beatrice, “It’s your last night here, we need to make it a celebration since you’ll be gone for a few months.”
“Oh, Penny,” Beatrice immediately blushes, holding her hands, “You don’t have to, really. I don’t want some weird party because of my pregnancy, please.”
Penny smiled warmly at Beatrice, her eyes filled with genuine affection. "Bea, you're family to us. We want to celebrate this special time in your life. It's not just about the pregnancy; it's about you and the incredible person you are. We want to show our love and support."
Shells nodded enthusiastically, her mischievous grin returning. "Yeah, Bea, we've got to send you off in style! A memorable night before you embark on this exciting journey of motherhood." she pauses, “...again!”
Jessie joined in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yeah, you are amazing Bea! I’d never…be here if not for you!"
Beatrice looked at each of them, their faces radiating joy and genuine care. She couldn't help but feel touched by their words and the love they had for her.
"Oh,okay," Beatrice relented, a small smile forming on her lips. "If you all insist, just…nothing too out of the ordinary, the last thing we need is people asking why I’m leaving again, you know?” she wipes the bar top out of nervousness,”And as long I can stay behind the counter-”
“You are.” Penny says, much like a mother does to her daughter, “You aren’t leaving there are you crazy???”
Beatrice chuckled at Penny's motherly tone, appreciating her concern. "Okay, okay, I won't leave the counter. I never planned to." She reached out and squeezed Penny's hand gently. "Thank you, Penny. Thank you all for being so wonderful and supportive. I couldn't ask for better friends."
Penny smiled, her eyes brimming with warmth. "You're welcome, Bea. We're here for you, always. Now, if I may have everyone’s attention!” the patrons all looked over and Bea squeaked out in surprise, “Tonight, is very special, as you all know Beatrice is going on maternity leave and tonight is her last night…and such,we are here to celebrate Bea…and well,” she turns over to the brunette, “How do you think we should do that?”
“Oh…um…” Beatrice knew everyone’s eyes were on her and she wrung her hand, she wasn’t mad about it per se since she knew these people, but it was still a bit…overwhelming? “Maybe…free…drinks?” the cheers that erupted the second she whispered that almost deafened her, but all she could do was laugh, “For the rest of my shift that is!”
The bar erupted in cheers and applause, the patrons thrilled by Beatrice's suggestion. Penny raised her hand, trying to quiet down the excited crowd. "Alright, alright, settle down, everyone! Free drinks for the rest of Bea's shift it is!" she announced and the crowd cheered once more, their excitement palpable. Penny turned to Beatrice, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Looks like you've just become the most popular bartender in town, Bea!"
Beatrice blushed but couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm of the crowd. She felt a mix of nerves and excitement, realizing that her last night before maternity leave was going to be quite memorable.
Penny leaned closer to Beatrice, her voice filled with playfulness. "You better get ready, Bea. It's going to be a busy night. But don't worry, we're here to help and support you. Just remember, no excessive dancing behind the bar!"
Beatrice laughed and nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for her friends and their unwavering support. "No excessive dancing, got it. Thank you, Penny, for everything."
Penny winked. "Anytime, honey
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genyazine · 10 months
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There are only 24 hours left to pre-order. We've all read chapter 179, so just like Genya, don't let this opportunity di... um... disappear...! 🥲 The shop closes on November 22 at 23:59 CST (UTC-6), so seize this chance while you still can.
Thanks for reblogs! @ @zinefeed @zine-scene @welovezines
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rmorde · 8 months
Checked out Solo Leveling during Lobotomy Kaisen Week because... OMFG SAWANO IS THEIR COMPOSER?! I GOTTA SEE THIS!!!
Then I ended up binge-reading the entire manwha.
Tho in all honesty, maybe I should have stopped by 179... Maybe 178 for that nice bittersweet ending. Chapters 180 and up are kinda cute especially the ones about the Shadows, (ex) Iron, and Jinchul. However, second gen stories are not really my cup of tea. Plus, the romance here is not exactly the best (for very understandable reasons).
The cast is really charming. I like Jinwoo because while he was really OP with a whole lot of stuff going his way, he still received some major Ls. They were few but they hit hard: his inability to save some people (especially Gunhee) and protecting his sister. It's why I kinda regret reading past 178. It's a crowning moment of sacrifice that balances out Jinwoo just winning 99% of the time. It's bittersweet (tho leaning more on the sweet tbh). I also kinda like a story ending with an inconclusive and seemingly eternal fight.
Most of the cast are memorable even if they have only a few moments to shine. While I wish they were given more spotlight, I understand the rushing of the story and having them sidelined almost completely. Apparently the artist was having health issues (?).
It's greatest asset are the art and action tho. Solo Leveling is just pure eye candy from start to finish. I love it so much. I'm tempted to buy a hardcopy but I don't know if digital comics translate well to print because of different panel styles.
So overall: Recommend. Easy story - not too complicated to understand which makes it perfect for binge-reading. Charming characters - MC is OP but not very annoying about it (maybe a bit with Jeju Arc). Most importantly: Consistent Stunning Art.* I hope the animation continues to give it justice - the Cartenon Temple massacre and Jinwoo vs Snake were really good. Praying they'd add more original scenes just to maybe flesh out the characters and their relationships just a tad bit more.
*No wonder a lot of manwha artists took inspiration from Solo Leveling. I mean I don't read much of them aside Lookism plus I dropped True Beauty. The other manwha I read is kinda old (Ragnarok by Lee Myung-jin). However, a lot of thumbnails I saw were Solo-ish with their art style.
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nagirambles · 2 years
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 179
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These hall remind of the Tower of Heaven. It's a similar, locked-in brick hallways structure.
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This scene resembles previous Lucy-gets-saved scenes, of course. The quotes ring of the Fairy Tail raiding Phantom Lord scene, including the chaos shots of enemies getting blown away.
And Lucy being the weakened one reminds me of her getting beaten by Gajeel and the moment Natsu saves her. So, it's nice that it's Gray and Erza this time, and Natsu is the one helplessly sitting around for his moment to shine.
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I like the idea that this theme of 'my friends will come save me, even if it seems impossible/too risky for them to show up' gets emphasized when the fight changes from 'us against the Royal Kingdom' to 'the Royal Kingdom against us and Extalia'.
It continues, vaguely, the arc parallels from before, this time in the direction of Phantom Lord. Because while everything up till now emphasized on characters, Gray emphasizes in this moment on "You have antagonized our guild specifically', because it's now about Fairy Tail as a family and how much it means to Lucy, Happy, and Carla in times of strife.
Also, look at Gray's scar on his side, which he got from Lyon in Galuna Island. (His brow scar is perfectly on display, too!) Scars come into play later on with Erza vs Erza, and I love that Mashima drew them in. He could have easily just left them out.
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danmeiarchive · 1 year
Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate by Little Baldy -- a brief review (no spoilers)
Novel length: 68 chapters + 1 extra
My Rating: ♥♥♥♥½ / 5
This was one of the first webnovels I read and it holds a special place in my heart. It's a quick and easy read and if you enjoy novels like The Disabled Tyrant's Pet Palm Fish I think you'll like this author's works too.
This novel also includes a sex called "ger" which is masculine but able to give birth it's not quite ABO but it has some similarities-- more on that and content warnings under the cut.
What kind of story is Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate?
This story is a lighter read-- something to read when you need a break from the serious and angsty novels like ErHa, Silent Reading, etc. I really enjoyed this one my first go around because I'd never read anything quite like it. It's a transmigration novel with connections to both a xianxia / cultivation setting AND a peaceful farming setting (this is where the majority of the novel takes place).
Having read it a second time almost a year later I still enjoyed it but not as much as the first time. The first time I had no expectations and went in completely blind. The second time I vaguely remembered what things would happen and so for a good part of my re-read I was trying to remember or guess when a certain thing happened. It also made me realize that a lot of the plot really happens towards the end of the novel.
Most of the novel is farming and cute scenes with the MC and ML. I would say nearly all of the plot happens in or is related to the xianxia world so it takes a while to build up steam. (By plot I mean the truths the characters uncover while in the xianxia world and how it relates to and affects them. I have a hard time seeing the romance as "plot" personally.)
So what was it about this story that caught my eye? That would be the blending of genres. It is a fun little romp about peaceful farming and falling in love while at the same time the cultivators are looking for their missing sect leader. Without spoiling things I found the characters' backstories interesting and motivated me to keep reading to get the full picture.
Ultimately is this story going to inspire a lot of critical thinking? -- maybe not. But it's a delightfully silly interlude with a small bit of angst and suffering once you get to some flashbacks.
Who are the main characters?
Without going into details here's a little bit about our main squad:
Xia Yi - the main character. He's fairly young and childish at times, but occasionally gets anxious or depressed when he thinks about his previous life and potential future.
Gu WenZhu - the love interest. He's a hardworking serious farmer who is easily flustered as Xia Yi acts differently than the other 'gers' he's met. He has a big heart and a wildly protective spirit and we love to see it.
System 179 - the one scrambling around trying to control the chaos. Something I really liked about this novel is that the system here had its own personality. It would be childish and pout, would listen to the town gossips, and tease Xia Yi about one thing or another. This really made the system feel like its own character and unique from other transmigration novels I've read.
What is the plot of Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate?
Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate is a transmigration novel, however, when our main character Xia Yi transmigrated there was a bit of a hiccup. He was sent to a farming world with an additional sex designation (and mpreg) while the system assigned to him was set for a cultivation world. This leads to all sorts of shenanigans and before long people from the cultivation world crossover into the farming world. This leads to Xia Yi and his friends working together and figuring out the truth of what happened to connect the worlds in the first place.
(If you are worried about the mpreg just know that it is vaguely referenced and kinda handwaved in a 'it just works' way. The novel does not go into the how or physiology. It just happens.)
Click 'keep reading' to see trigger warnings.
content warnings: violence, dismemberment, torture, ritualistic killing, death, murder -- this is predominant in a character's backstory that only comes up a little bit when they get their memories back. mild homophobia -- see below for more info.
This novel does not use ABO terminology but there is an additional sex designation ('ger') which is masculine that has heats and can give birth. Along with that means there's some gender politic-ing when the MC acts like he normally would but is seen as being shameless for a 'ger'.
There is also some mild homophobia in the cultivation world and briefly from the MC -- the cultivation world does not have the 'ger' gender and everyone acts all surprised and shocked when they find out Xia Yi and Gu WenZhu are together-- but they don't try to interfere or stir up trouble for them. The homophobia never leads to violence or discrimination-- its more a shock factor.
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renxmaiden · 1 year
RenMei original small moments and scenes (Manga) and SK2021 Studio Bridge’s changes
While RenMei does not get a lot of explicit scenes and moments together, in the original source material (Manga) there are at least 3 major hints of foreshadowing of Renmei, as well as other small easter eggs such as at least one ship teasing moment, one small moment and implications that they have a small moment together where they interacted during the plants arc. However, due to studio bridge having to cut off so much from the original source material and having the episodes count number restricted to 52 episodes, we have small scenes that did not get animated as well as other scenes that were completely changed.
Original manga
Chapter 178
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Changes studio bridge have made
Episode 34
They did not show Jeanne’s shocked reaction to Marco’s comment on not wanting to bring Tao Ren back to life
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Original Manga
Chapter 179
They never animated these parts
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Chapter 180 was titled “First kiss”. However in episode 34, it was titled “To be king” instead.
They also did not animate Ren’s POV/ his desperate reactions on not wanting to be revived in episode 34 either.
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After Ren gets revived, Jeanne reacted to his revival with a slight smile. However this also did not get animated
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Marco gets annoyed at Ren for not showing any gratitude immediately towards Jeanne despite her reviving him and he comments on this. In Ren’s response, he wipes his mouth and spits on the ground, saying that it was a “Nuisance”
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Changes studio bridge have made: 
Episode 34
They did not animated Ren spitting on the ground after wiping his mouth. 
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Original Manga
Chapter 219
After the fight of Marco vs Luchist, Jeanne and the x-laws joins up with Yoh and his other groups he was affiliated with, with Luchist and opacho also being there as well. Marco and Luchist would try to clash and almost fight again but is stopped by Lyserg, who offers him Belgium chocolate to calm Marco down. Marco then quietly calms down after this and requests for a cup of coffee from Denbat, who also refuses his request and almost begins an argument with Marco. Jeanne then stops this by offering Marco coffee herself to fully calm down the tension between them, saying she would take full responsibility and that the x-laws shouldn’t be fighting among themselves but rather they must take a new step forward as the new reborn “X-Laws”. In response to this, the X-Laws agreed with Jeanne’s words and does their X stance, all yelling “X” together. 
Ren being completely annoyed with the commotion, slams his fists on the table and demands to have the attention shifted onto Yoh instead and have him explain what he has to say. However, Horo comments saying “Jeanne is cute isn’t she, Ren?” while Joco “slaps” Ren, yelling "This is no time for checking out girls!”.  After this, everything starts shifting into a chaotic direction as a full comedic moment until Anna steps in and sends out her shikigamis to stop the chaos from happening. 
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Changes studio bridge made
Episode 39
 They removed the comedic scene entirely from the chapter-- After Ren slammed his fists onto the table and demanding to have the attention shifted onto Yoh and have him explain what he has to say, the scene jumps right into what Yoh have to say afterwards. 
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Original Manga
Chapter 274
When Magna tried to “kill” Jeanne by crushing the Iron Maiden, it appeared that no one was inside it. Ren’s expression was shown to be soft, mentioning Jeanne revived Ren and HoroHoro and was left behind in the plant of valley.
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Changes studio bridge have made
Episode 48
They did not animated Ren’s soft expression when he was mentioning about Jeanne.
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Original manga
Chapter 277
 After the fight with Magna, on their way to the next plant, the group talks about Opacho having the ability to read minds and Hao and why he left Opacho with them. In response, Ren comments saying it’s “Hao” they were dealing with and they don’t know what he’s capable of and his schemes are unpredictable. Joco on the other hand, calls Ren out for his fight with Magna for having a new technique coming out of nowhere and demands an answer so he can have a better understanding. Ren then throws his sword past against Joco and break one of the patch’s surveillance cameras, saying he can’t explain while the patch were watching. Joco then responds by saying he was aware of the cameras but he could have told them in secret, just like he did with Jeanne. 
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Changes studio bridge have made
Episode 48
They changed Joco’s lines-- In the original manga, Joco mentioned Ren could have told them just like the time with Jeanne but however in the 2021 remake, the lines did not mention Jeanne and was instead changed to “I know that! You could just whisper it to me!”
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Original Manga
Chapter 291
After the fight with Nichrome, Ren gets healed up but gets insecure, wondering if he will end up overcoming all his hatred he keeps receiving and create an Oni one day. Yoh then reassures him that he has his friends by his side and states there was another way to kill a heart full of hatred which was “love”. Yoh mentions that Ren too, will be able to find someone special with whom he will form a family one day and make all of the hatred disappear. This causes Ren to blush and Horohoro, joined in by Joco and Ryu poking fun at him, teasingly going “Now it’s time for someone to say the name of the girl you like!”. Ren then proceeds to get angry and fights the others that were teasing him.
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Changes studio Bridge has made
Episode 50
After Yoh’s words of comfort got through Ren, making Ren blush at this, the scene immediately jumps right into the ground shaking, Hao’s heartbeat being heard and implying he will awaken as the new king soon. Afterwards the group immediately heads to the next plant.
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Original Manga
Final chapter, chapter 300
 6 years later after the Shaman Fight has ended, the 5 main warriors gathered together for their reunion, meeting at Funbari train station. After not seeing or having contact with one another for years, Ren shows up unexpectedly with his own baby son named Men, shocking the group in the process. Afterwards, the group heads to a family restaurant and Horo questions Ren who the mom was. Lyserg then offers Horo a hint by saying he should look at Men’s name, the color of his eyes and his hair. Taking on his hint of words, Horo then inspects Men carefully by doing all the above Lyserg has mentioned and when Horo stopped at Men’s name and pronounces it slowly, he then comes to a full realization on who the mother of Men was and before he could say anything else further, Ren changes the topic and asks when the “others” (Yoh and Anna) was coming. 
The final chapter did not explicitly show who the mother of Men was but there was a very big hint of implication that reveal who the mother of Men was and who Ren was married to. 
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Changes studio Bridge has made
Episode 52
They explicitly revealed right away on who the mother of Men was onscreen
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3 notes · View notes
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I posted 181 times in 2022
That's 76 more posts than 2021!
48 posts created (27%)
133 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 179 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#rosvolio - 45 posts
#still star crossed - 44 posts
#jonsa - 43 posts
#ssc - 42 posts
#edit - 37 posts
#rosaline x benvolio - 32 posts
#wip wednesday - 31 posts
#lol - 26 posts
#rosvolio fic - 25 posts
#nancy drew cw - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#unless this series is a rom-com where jon and sansa fall in love i don’t want it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Watching the Nancy Drew finale and I am already on the edge of my seat
It’s been five minutes send help
10 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
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15 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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Chapter Seven: Vindication
Rating: T
Relationships: Rosaline Capulet/Benvolio Montague, Helena/Princess Isabella, Livia Capulet/Count Paris, Rosaline Capulet/Prince Escalus (past)
Characters: Rosaline Capulet, Benvolio Montague, Prince Escalus, Livia Capulet, Count Paris, Princess Isabella, Helena, Stella
Summary: Rosaline figures out her feelings; the evidence points to a suspect.
Hello everyone!
Thanks for waiting so patiently for this chapter. I know the cliffhanger on the last one was a doozy ;)
I’m really excited for you all to read this chapter; the scene in the precinct is another one I came back in ye olde days of 2019 and it’s one of my favorites. I hope you all enjoy!
Thanks once again to unwrittenmusings on Tumblr for the original prompt and my beta Ry for all her wonderful work these last few months. You can find her on Tumblr and AO3.
Thanks for reading!
Chapter Six. Chapter Seven.
Read on AO3.
Chest heaving, Rosaline burst through the double doors to the hotel veranda. Her bare feet slapped against the coarse stone while she ran to the marble railing.
Breathing deep, she slammed her hands against the balustrade and screamed as loud as she dared���at that time of night, barely above a rough stage whisper. The sound burst from deep in her chest, carrying with it all the frustrations and anxiety of the last month. Her voice hoarse, her scream trickled off into nothingness as she gazed out at the glimmering stars that dotted the night sky.
“You look like you’ve got a story to tell.”
Startled at the sudden intrusion, she gasped and turned.
Bathed in the warm glow of the streetlamp and half shrouded in shadow, a middle-aged man lurked at one of the wrought-iron tables, drinking a glass of water. Rosaline recognized him as one of Helena’s guests.
“I didn’t know anyone was still out here,” Rosaline apologized. “I’m sorry if I disturbed your solitude. I’ll be going now.”
She turned to the door.
“No, stay,” the man responded. “You seem like you’ve got something on your mind, and sometimes talking about what’s bothering us can help.”
“Alright, I guess,” Rosaline grumbled, taking the offered chair and dropping her clutch on the table. “I’m Rosaline.”
“You’re one of Isabella’s bridesmaids, aren’t you?” He asked, tapping the table.
Rosaline nodded morosely.
“Name’s Orsino.”
Rosaline shook his outstretched hand.
“You and your boyfriend sure looked like you had a great time today, so what’s got you all in a tiff?”
“That’s just it,” Rosaline groaned, burying her head in her hands. “He’s not actually my boyfriend.”
“Really?” Orsino almost spat out his water. “You certainly had me fooled.”
“He’s my partner at work,” she explained, fiddling with the ribbon at her waist. “This is all going to sound so stupid.”
Orsino quirked an eyebrow.
See the full post
15 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Y’all I just watched Nancy Drew 3x11 and
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39 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I've been working on a PowerPoint for my friend's bachelorette party about GOT and oh boy has it opened a can of worms
So far I've got ten slides about cinematography and I've just started on a section I've titled "The Jonsa Agenda"
It is 34 slides long and I'm not even finished
Send help
48 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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