#the art is so good and the anime is doing a great job staying faithful to it
rmorde · 8 months
Checked out Solo Leveling during Lobotomy Kaisen Week because... OMFG SAWANO IS THEIR COMPOSER?! I GOTTA SEE THIS!!!
Then I ended up binge-reading the entire manwha.
Tho in all honesty, maybe I should have stopped by 179... Maybe 178 for that nice bittersweet ending. Chapters 180 and up are kinda cute especially the ones about the Shadows, (ex) Iron, and Jinchul. However, second gen stories are not really my cup of tea. Plus, the romance here is not exactly the best (for very understandable reasons).
The cast is really charming. I like Jinwoo because while he was really OP with a whole lot of stuff going his way, he still received some major Ls. They were few but they hit hard: his inability to save some people (especially Gunhee) and protecting his sister. It's why I kinda regret reading past 178. It's a crowning moment of sacrifice that balances out Jinwoo just winning 99% of the time. It's bittersweet (tho leaning more on the sweet tbh). I also kinda like a story ending with an inconclusive and seemingly eternal fight.
Most of the cast are memorable even if they have only a few moments to shine. While I wish they were given more spotlight, I understand the rushing of the story and having them sidelined almost completely. Apparently the artist was having health issues (?).
It's greatest asset are the art and action tho. Solo Leveling is just pure eye candy from start to finish. I love it so much. I'm tempted to buy a hardcopy but I don't know if digital comics translate well to print because of different panel styles.
So overall: Recommend. Easy story - not too complicated to understand which makes it perfect for binge-reading. Charming characters - MC is OP but not very annoying about it (maybe a bit with Jeju Arc). Most importantly: Consistent Stunning Art.* I hope the animation continues to give it justice - the Cartenon Temple massacre and Jinwoo vs Snake were really good. Praying they'd add more original scenes just to maybe flesh out the characters and their relationships just a tad bit more.
*No wonder a lot of manwha artists took inspiration from Solo Leveling. I mean I don't read much of them aside Lookism plus I dropped True Beauty. The other manwha I read is kinda old (Ragnarok by Lee Myung-jin). However, a lot of thumbnails I saw were Solo-ish with their art style.
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superectojazzmage · 1 year
Okay, so review for Across The Spider-Verse
In short, it was exactly as amazing as hoped, arguably more so.
Absolutely brilliant writing, direction, animation, acting, everything. Takes everything the first movie did right and improves on it while pruning out its tiny few flaws. Continues to truly capture the spirit and feel of the comics and staying as faithful to them as possible while still doing it’s own thing. Demonstrates a remarkable understanding of the character of Spider-Man and his mythos. Genuine and earnest in all the right ways, never demeans or sneers at the source material but rather lavishes it with the love and respect it deserves. Just incredible work from everyone involved.
Some specific notes:
The acting is great. Oscar Isaac and Jason Schwartzman in particular are PERFECT and steal the show as Miguel O’Hara and the Spot. The returning actors like Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, and Hailee Steinfeld get to really show off their chops.
The humor and drama are balanced even better in this film than in the first one. The down moments hit harder, the jokes get even bigger laughs, and they never step on one another’s toes.
The action scenes are fantastic just like in the first film. Incredible and very creative fights all around.
Animators REALLY like to show off. The first film’s experimenting with different art styles gets taken up to eleven here. Lots of crazy visuals and elaborate changes in look and feel from world to world while still keeping the same broad “vibe”, and they even delve into some Roger Rabbit-esque territory. It’s really impressive. That said, just like the first film, there are some scenes that can get really literally flashy and strobing, so be aware of that if you’re especially sensitive to flashing lights. I don’t think there’s anything that’d cause issues, but just a head’s up.
The writing for the Spot was great; they closely follow his arc from the comics of starting out as a dorky, incompetent joke villain and then evolving into a terrifyingly ruthless and vindictive monster with absolutely broken powers and it’s really well done, like a bizarro inversion of an anime “hero trains to get stronger” storyline. He’s definitely one of the big highlights and was a great pick for villain.
Peter B. is everything Spider-Man should be and his relationship with Mary Jane and baby Mayday are another major highlight. Marvel editors on life support.
Miles and Gwen both get really great character arcs themselves. Poor Miles really gets put through the wringer.
Miguel is spectacularly well-done, just the right balance of sympathetic, charismatic hero and total grouchy asshole, just like he was in the comics.
Spider-Punk is a Giga-Chad.
Jessica Drew is a weird outlier in that she’s not very faithful to the comics version and the points where she IS accurate are based off one of her worst runs, in total contrast to everyone else. I feel like she was maybe meant to be a different character and got reworked into Jessica for some reason mid-production, or maybe that they had to completely alter her to use her. That being said, as a functionally new character, she’s pretty cool. Issa Rae does a good job and her design totally fucks.
The overall plot is partly a really brilliant meta commentary on Marvel’s treatment of Spider-Man Post-OMD with middle fingers fully extended at Spider-Editorial and I’m living for it. There’s also some clear commentary on the nature of adaptations and what Spider-Man as a character stands for, amongst many other things. Some very dense and heavy themes underpinning the narrative, but none of it is intrusive and you don’t need any prior knowledge aside from watching the first film.
You can REALLY tell that this and Beyond The Spider-Verse were one giant script split into two movies, because the ending is honestly pretty abrupt feeling, though it’s made pretty clear that this is just Part 1 and Part 2 will pick up from right there, so as long as you’re aware of that it’s okay. It’s a massive cliffhanger.
All in all, we walked out of the theater EXTREMELY impressed and very hyped for the next film. This was a wonderful movie that really captured the essence of not just Spider-Man but Marvel Comics as a whole. 10/10 would recommend.
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jessikahathaway · 5 years
Witch’s Brew
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I’M BAAACCCKKKK. Happy thanksgiving to my amazing followers who put up with me not posting new fics for forever and a half. Please take this kinda fluffy, banter filled smut as my apology for being gone. I do have other fics in the work so stick with me? I love you guys! If you don’t celebrate thanksgiving then I hope you had a wonderful day regardless :) Love ya, now, please enjoy ;)
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader
Genre: Fantasy!AU, Knight!Jungkook, Witch!Reader, Smut, Fluff (kinda)
Warnings: Fighting, Mentions of Blood (Kookies a strong boi), unprotected sex (don’t do as I write please), creampie, loss of virginity, Oral (f receiving), I may have forgotten some other things so if you find them let me know!
Words: 8,104
Jeon Jungkook took his job on the Royal Guard extremely serious. The day he swore his oath was the day he found his purpose. He protected the Royals with his dying breath, because they were benevolent rulers that deserved respect…
Orphaned as a child, his future certainly would’ve been a bleak one. Thrown into the streets and his life would have no meaning. However, the King took him in. Keeping him safe and raising him like one of his own.
As Jungkook came of age, the King decided it was time for him to make a choice. Continue to live in the palace, perhaps be an advisor of his son. Or, take on the role of the Captain of the Royal Guard. 
Jungkook jumped at the chance to give back to the man who had given him everything. Fed him, clothed him and loved him like any father would. Even though Jungkook was a beggar’s son. It didn’t matter because children don’t get to choose their parents. They choose who they want to be regardless of their beginnings.
And that is what Jungkook has been doing for three years, proudly. He has brought the Royal Guard out of their disorganized mess and made them carry pride in their hearts. Jungkook has lead them valiantly into battles, losing good men... But, to lose good men means to gain more knowledge. However, the heartbreak doesn’t ease at these statements. 
And today, was the day he had to travel alone. 
Jungkook wandered through the castle halls, heading towards the throne room. The King had requested an audience with him, and he was quick to obey. Jungkook smiled at the paintings of the family on the wall. The family he’d care for until the day he took his last breath. 
Walking into the beautiful throne room, the guardsmen let him pass, giving a bow in respect. Jungkook did a small head tilt in acknowledgment before going to his knee before his king. 
“Rise, my child,” he said, nothing but love in his voice. Jungkook did so, standing to attention. 
“What do I owe the pleasure your Majesty?” he asked, giving the king a soft smile. His gesture was returned, as the king stood to approach him. 
“My child, I have a task for you,” he said, walking next to Jungkook and placing his arm on his shoulder. “Walk with me,” he asked. Jungkook nodded and the two were off. 
“What is it you’d ask of me?” Jungkook questioned as the King wandered through the garden with practiced grace. 
“You have brought me great pride, Jungkook. Something that I feel for you, my children. You may not be of royal birth, but you hold as much of my heart as my true born son, your future King. Your hard work, has not gone unnoticed by me,” he said, placing his hand on Jungkook’s head in admiration. 
“Thank you, your Majest-”
“Please, it’s just us my child. Father will do fine,” he gently urged. Jungkook nodded before going to speak again. 
Just the word brought a bright smile to Jungkook’s face. “Father, I have done only what you’ve asked of me. I live to please you, and bring the kingdom peace,” Jungkook announced honestly. The King smiled with the utmost compassion in his eyes. 
“That you have my son, and more. Saving the Kingdom from every threat. Taking on a guard that hadn’t seen organization since before my grandfather. What I tasked you with wasn’t easy, and yet here you are today. Captain of the Royal Guard of the Kingdom. From the small, boney child I raised you from... Out has come a man, worthy of any request he could make of me. Yet, you ask for nothing, simply to stay with us here... Something I will forever oblige, and Seokjin will as well. You know how he adores you,” the King smiled, thinking of the boys as children. How Seokjin wipes Jungkook’s tears and became the brother he always needed. 
“I love him the same,” Jungkook agreed, feeling his heart swell to think of his brother. 
“So, I hate to ask anymore of you... I feel that doing so is taking your love and compassion for granted. Something I never wish to do,” the King breathed. 
“You could never ask too much of me, Father. I want to protect you, my brother and make mother in Heaven proud,” Jungkook declared. 
“You’ve already made her proud... I’m certain she’d kick me for asking any more of you. Yet, here I stand, emploring,” he whispered.
“What is it you’d ask of me?” Jungkook repeated. 
“There is a witch in our province,” the King began. Jungkook’s blood boiled thinking of such a wicked creature encroaching on his homeland. 
“Where is she?” Jungkook pressed. 
“Now now, my son, patience is a virtue you still need to learn,” the King tutted. Jungkook was silent and listened once more. “She has been practicing on the dead in the village. Desecrating their resting places with her black magic,” the King stated. 
Jungkook wanted to retch at the thought of his loved one’s remains being tampered with. The witch would certainly pay for what she’d done. 
“What would you have me do, my King,” Jungkook asked, turning formal. The King placed his hand on his shoulder. Jungkook kneeled automatically. 
“I ask, that you, Captain Jeon Jungkook... Get rid of the heinous criminal disturbing those who have passed. However, you don’t have to resort to violence. Either remove her from this province by means of banishment, and if she refuses, then a more forceful approach may be necessary,” the King declared.
“As you command it, your Majesty, so it shall be,” Jungkook said, his head lowering to the ground in a bow. “I’ll ready the men-”
“Ah- I’m afraid I have to ask you to go alone,” the King requested, looking pained at the thought of sending his child off to battle. 
“Because,” the King sighed, rubbing his face. Jungkook saw the worry creasing across his face, a look he hated to see on the man who raised him. “This witch is very cunning. She can turn the best of us against each other. She would be able to detect a large ground force with ease... However, if it was just you. She probably won’t pay much attention. Single people walking through the forest cause much less suspicion than a garrison of twenty or thirty men. I know in my heart that you can remove her,” the King assured. 
“Then, I’ll leave a nightfall. And, send word when I have completed the task,” Jungkook stated. “I won’t fail you, Father,” he smiled, heading off towards his quarters so he could pack. 
“You never have,” The King whispered to his retreating form, praise falling flat before it could reach him...
* * *
The forest was quiet at night, Jungkook realized. The night breeze blew through the trees, rustling the leaves but all was still moments later. All signs of life had retreated to their homes, falling into the comforts of sleep as the darkened hours held too many dangers. 
Jungkook didn’t want to admit that he was homesick... The sounds of his guardsmen in the barracks, laughing and making merry with each other. Seokjin wandering the halls, looking for a midnight snack. The King, up in his study, working hard on providing protection and care for his people. 
It was lonely, traveling with just his blade and bag strapped across his back. He had his horse, but she didn’t make for much company. However, he tried.
“What do you think this witch looks like, Yoonji? I’ve only seen witches that had traded in their beauty or souls for the uses in the black arts,” he rambled.
He got a snort in response. 
“Perhaps it isn’t a she at all! Maybe they’re like our court wizard, Namjoon! Although, I don’t think he’s ever dug anyone up and practiced on them... Not to my knowledge,” Jungkook stated, moderately curious. 
A whiney, with a shake of her head. All together, she seemed unimpressed by her riders nonsensical talk.
Suddenly, a growl ripped through the forest, causing Yoonji to buck and rear in fright. Jungkook gripped onto the reins in an attempts to remain on his steed. However, Yoonji was truly frightened by the sound to her very bones. Horses are animals of prey, it is only natural for her to react so harshly.
Jungkook’s senses went on high alert. An animal of that tenor must be large, nothing like a wolf or around that size. No, this was much larger and much more dangerous. 
“Easy! Easy, Yoonji,” Jungkook soothed, running his hand down her neck. Once she was calm, Jungkook began to assess his situation. 
Quickly dismounting, he brought out his sword. His eyes level and breathing calm, he surveyed the location. The trees rustling could’ve drifted his scent towards lurking predators. All of his nerves were on edge, everything about to snap in an instant.
The forest had become deathly quiet, as if the whole area was waiting for the oncoming battle. Jungkook had faith in his armor, but if he was overpowered, there wasn’t much the armor could do for him. Keeping his back to Yoonji, putting a barrier between her and whatever danger may befall made his mind at ease. 
A twig to the west cracked unforgivingly loud. Yoonji reared once more before taking off into the darkness. 
“No! Yoonji, come back girl!” Jungkook yelled, giving away his position. However, she was his only manner of transportation for the long trek ahead of him. And she just ran off into the wilderness... Jungkook knew he couldn’t go after her, and all the supplies of his she carried on her back...
The sound of leaves rustling alerted his senses. He placed his hand on his sword in a defensive manner. Turning on his heel Jungkook quickly brought forth his weapon, hands steadier than an archer on the hilt. 
“Whomever is out there, I must warn you I am armed,” he said in a stern tone. 
Jungkook was no stranger to danger, and he wasn’t frightened of what may lay ahead of him. His only fear was that of disappointing his father and the family he had left behind in the Kingdom. Just the thought of his family knowing he didn’t succeed was enough for him to continue on. Making them proud and keeping them safe was all Jungkook wanted. 
A deep snarl echoed throughout the empty wood. Jungkook’s skin rose in alert, his natural instinct to flee for his life was buried deep within him, screaming out from within the void of his mind to run. He decided to take a swing into the deep brush, simply to alert his enemy of his proximity. 
A shrill shriek came from the bushes he struck. A rabbit came forward, nearly jumping into Jungkook’s arms with how high it had jumped. Guilt washed over him as he watched the terrified creature run into the other area of the forest. Jungkook sighed and set his sword down, leaning against the tree and sliding down the harsh bark. 
Exhaustion had creeped into his bones without his realization. The day had finally caught up with him and he knew he needed rest. But, he knew he couldn’t rest long. No doubt there would be creatures ready to tear him limb from limb if he shut his eyes for merely a moment.
“A few moment, that’s all I need,” he mumbled before his eyes shut and he fell into darkness...
A loud clang disrupted Jungkook’s slumber.
At that moment he knew he’d slept longer than he’d anticipated. He cursed his lack of control as he stood up. 
From his arms weakened state he knew he’d been sleeping for at least an hour. Perhaps longer with the way his legs trembled from exhaustion that crept back in them.
Jungkook grit his teeth as he gripped his sword in his hand, looking at the tree line for signs of oncoming conflict.
“Show yourself! Cowards I heard you!”
There was silence, before a sharp pain erupted in Jungkook’s side. He cried out before moving quickly and removing the offending blade from his side. Two men sneered from behind him.
“Mmm, a Palace guard. No doubt you’ve got a lot of goodies on you huh?”
“Back, as you have graciously noticed I am a Royal Guard. But I am no mere kinsman. I am Jeon Jungkook, Head of His Majesty’s personal guards. You will die here today, fools. And you will die by my sword,” he growled.
Jungkook’s blood trickled down his side, but he ignored it. Now was not the time to be worrying about trivial wounds. His pride was on the line, and he’d rather die than lose that.
The first man lunges for him, rather clumsy as his sword point drops and Jungkook is quick to deflect him. “Child’s play,” he chuckled. The man to his left snarled in frustration before taking out two daggers. One already red with his blood. 
“Die! Bastard!” He cried, running for Jungkook with his blades gleaming, thirsty for more of his crimson veins.
Jungkook raised his blade and blocked one dagger, grabbing the man's wrist and taking the other from his grasp. Huffing, Jungkook threw his shoulder into his ribs, a sickening crack heard in his ear.
The older man howled, falling back on his haunches before completely falling to the ground. Jungkook moves fast, straddling his enemy and beginning to assault his face with punches.
Sharp sounds of impact reached his ears as he pummeled the man without remorse. “You insulted the crown, and therefore have insulted me. This will be the most grave and last mistake of your life!”
Jungkook reaches for his sword, raising it high before plunging the tempered steel into his attackers chest. He fought back for a few moments before going still underneath his weight.
But then, a burning pain came from Jungkook’s calf as he recognized the dagger planted in there hazardously. His eyes narrowed at the sight of a blade embedded in his skin.
“You turned your back on the enemy, fool,” he sneered. Jungkook swallowed thick before gripping the handle of the short weapon and pulling it from his leg. The Royal Guard hissed in pain, the worm The brute gurgled while looking at Jungkook with shock.
“And you sir, have given me your only weapon. Fool.”
He ripped the dagger from his throat and threw it on the ground watching as he crumbled and twitched; dying. Jungkook breathed harshly, landing on his knees with exhaustion.
His calf was bleeding terribly, and he had yet to assess his side. The blood loss would get dangerous if he didn’t hurry. Struggling to gather his bearings, Jungkook attempted to stand.
The weight of his strong body hit his wounded leg hard as he tried to stand. A cry of pain came from his throat. He’d been through pain before, suffered injuries on the fields of battle. But people were always there to help him, and now? Now he was alone, no one there to aid him.
Fear gripped his chest as he realized the severity of the situation. He could die out here, and no one would know what happened to him. The King and the Prince he worked so hard to protect would now be left alone. Jungkook wouldn’t allow that.
But what was he to do?
He saw his satchel sitting by the tree, blood dripping off of it delicately. Stumbling, Jungkook made his screaming form take him there. Pulling the leather open he grabbed his herbal kit and put some on his leg wound, before wrapping it tightly. 
Now that that one had been taken care of, for now, he could focus on his side.
Jungkook spent the better part of an hour working on his wounded flesh. But the blood loss was beginning to catch up with him. 
Breathing was labored and difficult, coughing rattling his lungs. This wasn’t going as he’d planned. Jungkook gripped his sword and fell back against a tree, head hitting the harsh bark with a thud.
The pain was secondary to the sheer exhaustion that was weighing his body down. Jungkook looked up at the tree line, wondering if his family was alright.
His father, whom he’d disappoint with his death. His brother, who wouldn’t forgive him for going alone. And his mother, who he’d meet in heaven and beg for her forgiveness for wasting his life in such a way.
His eyes felt heavy, and soon closed.
But not before a crunching sound was detected to his right. He tried desperately to open his tired orbs, but there was nothing left in him to do so. 
“Hey, can you hear me?” A soft woman’s voice asked. 
Jungkook felt himself fall onto the grass and a curse came from the woman.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here,” she said.
Suddenly Jungkook was surrounded by warmth as he felt his body being lifted from the ground and into the air above. But it wasn’t the sensation of being jostled by other people. No, it was like being hugged by a soft blanket after it’s been sitting in the sun for hours.
And it finally pulled him to sleep...
The scent of lavender, frankincense and pine filled Jungkook’s nose. His eyes felt heavy, unable to be opened with his groggy mind.
There was soft humming coming from his right, a woman’s. He tried to swallow, but his throat felt as though sand had replaced his flesh. This triggered him to cough, jostling his side and his eyes flew open.
You ran over, kneeling besides the bed as you ushered him to drink something. Jungkook didn’t hesitate as he downed whatever you had given him. 
“Hey there,” you smiled.
Jungkook looked at you and the very breath left his lungs. You were a vision... beautiful big eyes and a bright smile. Lovely hair that framed your face and plush lips that seemed to call for him. He swallowed hard, throat still a little scratchy.
“Hi,” He croaked. You gently sat on the bed, careful not to touch him.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, raising a brow. 
Jungkook thought for a moment. “Like I’ve been stampeded by a thousand horses. But I’m alive,” he stated.
“That you are, thanks to me,” you informed, a proud grin on your face. Jungkook could look at you all day, he decided quickly.
“May I ask the name of my savior?” He asked shyly.
“I am Y/N, the witch of this forest,” you declared.
Jungkook’s heart dropped into his stomach. H-He has to kill you? Surely you weren’t the witch who’d been raising bodies from their graves and performing heinous spells of them! But you’d saved him... if you truly wanted dead bodies, wouldn’t you let him die?
“You appear to be having inner turmoil Jeon Jungkook, Head of the Royal Guard in this Kingdom,” you offered.
“There is no turmoil in my heart, only the desire to return to my King with victory on my lips,” he declared.
“Or,” you said, leaning in closer, “you could have me on your lips. If you’d like.”
Jungkook flushed at your bold statement. “W-what kind of woman says such a thing?!”
“A woman who sponge bathed you and healed your wounds. I’ve seen your body, and I want it. I’ve lived for over three hundred years and I’ve never seen something so perfectly sculpted. I want to taste you, feel you under my palms, and feel you deep inside me,” you licked your lips and Jungkook felt his stomach clench.
“Y-You harlot! My body will belong to my wife and her alone!”
“I’ll marry you then,” you grinned.
Jungkook could hardly believe his ears. What kind of woman would offer herself up in such a crude manner? 
“I’d never marry a witch like yourself,” he growled.
“A witch that did manage to save your life, just so you’re aware,” you declared.
“Are you the one who is disturbing the dead in the neighboring villages? Are you the one desecrating the graves of people’s loved ones?” He asked dark.
“Perhaps, but that kind of answer comes with a price, what will you give me in exchange for the truth?”
“Depends on what you want,” Jungkook mentioned warily.
“Mmm, a kiss. Kiss me, and I will tell you honestly. You have my word,” you wagered. Jungkook sat with bated breath. 
What if you were lying? Then he’d given you what you wanted, and him none the wiser. But if it was just a kiss, what was the harm? He wasn’t giving his first kiss to her, thankfully that had already been given to a girl when he was younger... 
“I-I guess,” he agreed soft, waiting for you to approach. You did just that, leaning down. Jungkook closed his eyes and soon after he felt soft lips press against his. 
Your hands cradled his face and he gripped the sheets beneath this palms harshly. He’d only ever kissed one girl before, and they were children. They had no idea what they were doing. But you, you were very eager to take the lead of this embrace. Just as you were getting a little lost in the sensation, Jungkook pulled away. You frowned, licking your lips to catch the lingering taste of him before it was gone.
“T-there’s your kiss, now tell me the truth,” he demanded. You smiled at the obvious blush on his cheeks. However, you’d given the man your word. Time to pay up. 
“I did raise a few bodies, but at the request of the town's mayor. He asked me to raise a select list of corpses to investigate their deaths. They were murdered and the bodies were buried before they could be examined properly. He sensed that the murderer had done so to cover his tracks. So, I raised them in the night and he had the towns physician examine them once more. After that, they were able to find evidence of the killer and she was caught. Now, she rots behind bars,” you said dangerously low.
Jungkook couldn’t believe his ears. Were you being honest? Or was that just an elaborate story?
“You look as if you don’t believe me,” you pouted.
“Because how could I believe such a ridiculous story? The mayor himself asking a witch for help when all he had to do was dig up the bodies? Why employ your help?”
“To air on the side of caution. He didn’t want to killer being tipped off and skipping town because they knew he was investigating the corpses,” you answered again.
“Well... I, I guess that makes sense,” Jungkook murmured.
“I promise that I’m not a bad person, Jungkook. If I was, would I have saved your life in the woods? I knew who you were by the armor, if I wanted you dead, you would be right now,” you said, honestly.
Jungkook bit his lip and looked you over once more. “I suppose that could be true, however you could have done so to put me in a complicated situation. Do I kill you or do I let you go because you saved my life? Perhaps you saved my life to preserve your own!”
“A good idea, one that I didn’t think of. I’ll try that next time I want to kill someone,” you sighed, resting your head on your hand. 
Another stalemate.
You merely wanted a good romp in the sheets with the virgin knight before you. No doubt he’d be incredible. His strong calves made your mouth water while you were bathing him. Although his injuries did concern you more than your curiosity of his strength. 
“Rest here, I’ll keep my hands to myself,” you promised, showing your palms as you stood up slowly.
“How can I trust you witch?” He said, venom in his voice.
“Because, I don’t want to hurt you. It’s simple. The proof is in the potion, I didn’t have to save you. But I did. Now you claim I have ulterior motives. The only motive I have is for me to be in that bed with you, but don’t worry little virgin, I won’t do anything you don’t want,” you smirked. 
“H-How did you...”
“The way you kissed me, so shy and timid. That, and you’re hard right now.”
Jungkook turned as red as a tomato at your observation. He looked down and true to your words, he was sporting a major erection in his trousers. Swallowing hard he tried to look anywhere but you. How embarrassing! H-He was supposed to be better than this, how could the head of the Royal Guard fall to primal instincts such as these?
“It’s okay, it’s a normal reaction,” you said, crossing your legs, some of your flesh being revealed.
“Not for me!”
“Not into women?”
“No that’s not it!”
“Then I’m lost here, what’s so wrong with listening to your body and letting instinct take over? That’s what magic teaches us. To let go of this earthly plane and to accept the power within us to be who we truly are meant to be. That’s the most basic teachings of magic,” you explained. 
Jungkook felt his mouth turn dry. 
Is that what magic was? Just the release of your inner and truest self?
No! Magic was evil! A forbidden art that no one should be privy to. 
“Hush witch!” Jungkook glared. But he noticed his glare didn’t meet your eyes. Because yours were trained lower. “Quit staring!”
You chuckled and licked your lips. “I’d be okay with a quick romp in the sheets to get it out of your system,” you said. “Think of it as payment for me saving your life, yeah?” 
“What? Now you’re charging me from something that was out of the goodness of your heart moments ago!”
“Easy, I’m teasing you. Gosh, have you ever heard of that?” 
“I need to leave,” he said, trying to sit up. 
The breath left Jungkook as he felt pain suffuse up his body. You jumped up from where you were and urged him back down into the bed. 
“You can’t go anywhere in this condition,” you tutted, fluffing his pillow as he lay back down.
“My king expects a report soon. And if I don’t return with one then I will be a failure. I refuse to be a failure in the eyes of my king, I’d rather die,” he huffed.
“You will with that attitude. Sooner than we’d both like,” you scolded. 
“I won’t stay here, I refuse.”
“You can’t get out of that bed,” you reminded, turning towards your wall of potions. 
“W-What are you doing?” 
“Looking for a rapid healing potion. It will accelerate the healing process so you can leave sooner,” you mumbled, already pouting at the thought of this handsome and rather adorable man leaving your home. 
“A rapid healing potion?”
“Yes, you want to leave and I’m not going to hold you against your will. If you’re that dead set, then who am I to keep you?” 
Jungkook felt something in the pit of his stomach. You were upset with him. But why did he care at all? It wasn’t his fault that you were a sex crazed woman. However, Jungkook doubted that’s the only reason you were keeping him here. Perhaps living the life of a witch was a lonely one. No, it was definitely lonely...
Shaking his head, Jungkook tried to get these thoughts to leave him. 
“Here!” You smiled, presenting a small vial with dust on it. 
“That’s the healing potion? Or is it poison?” Jungkook narrowed his eyes at you. 
“Do I really need to keep reminding you that I don’t want you to die? I can drink this after stabbing myself with your saber if you really want me to. Not my preferred method, but I’ll do it to prove a point to you,” you said, leaning forward to grab his weapon.
“No! Don’t!”
You raised a brow at him before smirking and putting the vial out in front of him. “Then by all means, drink the potion and be on your way,” you said, smiling softly at the offer.
Jungkook hesitated before taking the bottle from your hands. 
Carefully he undid the cork and took a tentative sniff. You smiled softly while he inspected it. Slowly, Jungkook brought the cranberry bottle to his lips. You watched as his throat bobbed while he drank your concoction. After the potion was gone, Jungkook set the bottle down on the bedside table and wiped his mouth. 
“So, how do you feel?” you asked, raising a brow.
Jungkook shrugged before looking down at his leg and noticed the skin beginning to stitch itself back together. He gasped as he watched his wound weave and mould itself back into his normal, strong leg. You smirked as he stared on in wonderment at your work. You couldn’t help but feel a little smug, he had doubted you, but he wouldn’t do that any longer. 
“I feel a little hot, but other than that I’m fine,” he mumbled, begrudgingly accepting that you had in fact helped him.
“Hot? You shouldn’t feel hot, let me see,” you said, moving to touch his forehead. But Jungkook was fast, and caught your wrist before you were able to make contact with his skin. 
His gloved hand crushed down on your delicate bones and made you wince. 
“What do you mean I shouldn’t feel hot, witch?” he practically growled. 
“It’s an older potion! Sometimes when they sit for a while they get a little weird,” you defended, trying to pull your arm from his grasp.
“Have you poisoned me? You fooled me?” he gaped, feeling utterly ridiculous for trusting a witch in the first place. 
“I have done nothing but try to help you! God what do I have to do to prove to you, I want you alive, I want you safe!” 
“Sweet lies will get you nowhere!” 
“Please, I’m telling you the truth! I swear!” You cried out. 
Fear was beginning to replace your sarcastic tone. Jungkook was strong, freakishly so. You didn’t want to get hurt while just trying to aid this younger man. 
“You are going to pay for-ah-what in the...” Jungkook moaned out, holding his stomach with one hand. 
“Are you alright?” You asked, running forward to catch him as his body hurled towards the floor. 
“My body, I-I don’t know what’s going on,” he whimpered, head leaning on your shoulder in distress. 
“Let me look at you, hold on,” you said, pulling him away from your neck to examine his features. 
His doe-like eyes were blown wide, drinking in the sight of you before him. His cheeks flushed bright pink, heat laying within them comfortably. Lips, slightly swollen and wet, begging for a kiss. His breathing was lightly labored, coming in in little puffs against your cheeks. You knew immediately that something was wrong. The whole time the man had been nothing but a pain in your butt, but he was just trying to help his people by getting rid of the necromancer. But here you were, in the way of him yet again.
“That’s a little off,” you said, rubbing your neck awkwardly. 
“What?” Jungkook huffed, holding onto himself gently. 
“The potion has worked, you’re healed, but there seems to be some side effects with the potions itself. See, if potions sit for too long then they can get some qualities to them that they didn’t originally have. This one seems to have taken on as an aphrodisiac. You’re flushed, heart rate accelerated and your pupils are dilated. I’d say your rearing to go. But you’re healed, as I said, so you’re free to go whenever you please,” you said, gesturing to the door of your small hut. 
Jungkook made a sound of protest in the back of his throat. 
“You do this to me and expect me to leave?”
“Hasn’t that been what you wanted this whole time? Now I’m getting confused,” you complained, placing your hand on your head in mock frustration. 
“C-Could you help me? Would you do that for me?” He asked, a soft tone overtaking his frustrated one from before. 
“You know the only way to help you is to have sex with you, correct?”
“I-I... Um...”
He was too cute, it hurt your teeth with how sweet he was. But, originally Jungkook hadn’t wanted this. So, you didn’t want to take something so precious without proper consent. 
“Listen, I know you want me now. I can tell by the way you’re looking at me. But, I don’t want to take something that wasn’t going to be given to me originally. That’s not right, and I won’t do it. If you only want me now because your situation, then I’m sorry to tell you I won’t help you that way,” you declared.
God being the good guy sucked. 
You just wanted to devour him. Lips on skin, flesh on flesh. It would be so good you wouldn’t need anyone else for at least three hundred more years. 
“Then it has to be you who takes it, if that is your reasoning, then I know your heart is pure. E-Even if you practice magic and the dark arts, I-I know you’re not a bad person. You saved me. Thank you. I don’t think I properly thanked you for saving my life. I was too hung up on the idea that you would betray me, but now I need your help again. Can I have it? Your help?”
“I’m trying to be good here! Stop trying to tempt me you little sprite!” You warned, point an accusing finger in his direction. 
“Tempt you? What would give you the idea that I’m... tempting you?” He said, biting his lip slowly. 
“Don’t do that! Come on, that's not fair when you look at me like that!” You whimpered. 
“I’m not look at you in anyway, I’m just... looking at you,” he stated, eyes trailing down your body in a suggestive manner.
“Stop that!”
“Do you really want me to stop?”
You bit your lip with uncertainty. Of course you wanted him, you wanted this man badly. But could you do this with a clear conscious? Although, potions you made never changed the true intentions of other people. You’d never make a potion like that. So, was Jungkook truly in his right mind right now?
Only one way to find out...
“No, I really don’t want you to stop,” you moaned, collapsing to the floor in front of him. 
“Yeah? You want me?” He asked.
“So bad,” you whimpered. 
“Then come and get me,” he whispered. 
Quickly, you scrambled forward as he leaned down to connect your lips together. Jungkook was a timid kisser, probably because he had no idea what he was doing. But Gods if it didn’t get your blood pumping. Wrapping your arms around his neck, Jungkook pulled you into his lap. You ran your fingers up against his scalp, causing him to buck into you softly. 
“Fuck,” you whispered against his lips, which were now wet from your tongue. 
“You’re really beautiful,” he said softly, bringing a finger up to delicately touch your chin. 
“Thank you, I’m stunning with my clothes off,” you teased, pulling your robes down your shoulder. Jungkook’s eyes went wide at the sight, making you smirk. 
“I-I might need proof of that,” he stuttered out. 
“Truly? Then let me give it to you,” you said, pulling your arms out from the sleeves and letting the garment fall from your chest. Exposing yourself for the first time in years felt so liberating. You hadn’t put on your corset today. So your chest was bare before Jungkook, who was immediately entranced. 
Jungkook watched as your nipples turned hard, biting his lip and coming forward to press a sweet kiss on your collar bone. You sighed at the sensation, letting Jungkook feel your body. His hands warmed their way up your waist, gripping right below your breasts as he took one nipple in his mouth with hesitance. You smiled and gave a little moan as he suckled gently.
“Ah, Jungkook that feels so good,” you hissed out. Jungkook took your praise and continued on, licking and sucking at your breasts with reckless abandon. He seemed like a man possessed with your chest at the center of his focus. 
You rubbed your thighs together, feeling wetness gathering between your folds. Fuck you wanted him so bad. Jungkook was still thoroughly content with groping your chest, thumbs rubbing at the supple flesh with a tenderness so sweet it made your teeth hurt. 
“Jungkook, give me more,” you cried, wrapping your arms around his neck as he continued to kiss and lick your chest. 
“You’re so warm, it’s driving me mad,” he said, pushing you back down until your back was against your bed linen. Jungkook kissed down your stomach, licking and nipping lightly as he went. Your skin chilled into goosebumps as he did so, your body reacting to his touch like a moth to a flame. 
“Your lips are so soft, like rose petals,” you said, touching his bottom lip with your thumb watching as it puckered under your touch. 
“So is your skin, you taste like honey,” he murmured. 
“Want to taste something better?” You asked, raising a brow as you shuffled your undergarments off. Jungkook’s eyes got even wider, if that was possible. 
“I-I... fuck,” he breathed, eyes on your womanhood. 
You rubbed your fingers over your slit, gathering your wetness on your fingers. Pulling your hand away, you offered your digits to Jungkook. He looked at your hand for a moment before hesitantly opening his mouth and capturing your fingers in a delicate embrace. 
He moaned when your taste hit him, it was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. It was... sweet? He hadn’t expected it to be so. Although, Jungkook had discovered that you were full of surprises tonight. 
“It’s a spell, it’ll taste like whatever you want,” you whispered. 
“That’s a little odd,” he made a weird face in reaction after letting your fingers go from his petal like lips.
“Do you not like it?” You asked.
“No, no it’s not that,” he said quickly, pressing his lips to yours quickly. 
“Mmm, then pleasure me,” you demanded, running your fingers through his hair gently. 
Jungkook eagerly complied, connecting his mouth to your center with an urgency you didn’t know existed. His tongue lapped at you, bringing more of your essence into his mouth. He moaned at the sensation of your supple skin against his mouth. You writhed underneath his ministrations, feeling shocks of pleasure rushing through your veins.
“More, u-use your tongue more,” you encouraged, giving a little direction so he wasn’t lost. Jungkook followed your advice and turned from fat licks up your slit to direct pressure to your clit. 
“Mmm,” he groaned, humping into the mattress pathetically. 
“Just like that, right there,” you mewled, grinding against his face as he continued to please you with his mouth. Gripping at your thighs Jungkook suckled at your clit, loving the taste of you. “Fuck, baby,” you whined, hips moving against your will. You could feel yourself starting to reach that peak. Already, it was slightly embarrassing. Like you were the virgin here. But it felt so good, and it had been so long. The pleasure coursing through your veins was so intense that your head felt lighter. 
“God, you’re so wet,” Jungkook mumbled, licking as another droplet of your wetness came gushing from you. His pupils were blown wide, black overwhelming the original brown of his eyes. 
“All for you, Jungkook,” you praised. You felt him smile against your center, making his licks a little less precise. 
Tangling your fingers in his hair you brought him closer to your pussy. Jungkook licked and sucked at you, moaning and whining as he brought you even nearer to that blissed peak you were searching for. 
“Fuck, Jungkook, Jungkook fuck!” You cried out, gripping his hair to which it must’ve been painful. But he kept going. He wrapped his lips around your pearl, sucking harshly. You screamed, then the cord inside you snapped and you came on his tongue. 
“Mm, that was the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen,” Jungkook said, licking his lips and staring at you with desire behind his eyes. 
His cheeks were flushed, eyes blown wide, heart rate accelerated and breathing labored. He was so aroused you were frightened that if you held back for much longer he wouldn’t be able to control himself once he got inside of you. But that was alright, your wanted to watch him fall apart too. To lose himself to the sensations of sex and lust.
“You were so good. I’m so proud of you, made me feel amazing,” you whispered, bringing him to your lips. Kissing him gently, you coaxed him down onto his back. Jungkook did as you commanded without words, your lips never separating.
You opened his mouth with your tongue, slipping it inside his hot cavern and exploring the territory revealed. Fuck, he tasted like the sweetest poison, taking over your senses and demanding all of your attention. Your cunt throbbed with need, the need to have him inside of you right now. But, you wanted to be patient. Take your time with this man who was so gentle, yet strong. 
“Want you inside me,” you said, smiling brightly. 
“Okay,” he whispered, undoing the bindings of his shirt and letting it fall from his chest. You moved forward, pulling the fabric from around his body and tossing it to the floor. You looked him over, running your palms down his warm chest and slipping your hands underneath his waistband. 
“Ah-your hands are cold,” he whispered, leaning forward to kiss you. 
Kissing him back and gripping his cock you smirk when his body jerked forward. “Mmm, so responsive for me,” you giggled, pumping his length a few times, watching as his frame stuttered.
“Feels so good,” he whimpered, bucking into your hand with an eagerness that made you smile. 
“You know what will feel better?”
Jungkook’s breath fanned across your face as he tried to control himself. 
“This,” you said before coming forward and sinking down slowly onto him. You sighed at the slight burn and stretch he gave you. Fuck it was so good, he was so big inside of you. It made your head spin, the full sensation his cock gave you. 
Jungkook was a little worse for wear. 
“Fuck,” he whined out, gripping your hip and covering his eyes with his arm. You couldn’t keep the smile off your face. 
“Let me know when you’re ready, I won’t move until you say so,” you soothed, running your palms down his chest and placing little kisses on his face that you could reach. Interlocking your fingers with his, you pulled his arm away from his flushed face. 
His eyes were glassy, lips parted and swollen from kisses. 
“You’re so tight, it feels really good,” Jungkook heaved, trying to keep himself centered. 
“Mmm, you’re so big. Stretching me out, you might ruin me,” you teased, adjusting yourself in his lap. 
“You-You can move now,” he said, gripping onto your hand a little tighter than before. 
“Okay, hang on then.” You said, lifting your hips and slamming down on his lap once more. Jungkook groaned at the feeling of your heat leaving and returning with such ferocity. God, the slick sounds of the two of you joined together, echoing in the otherwise empty room. 
Jungkook’s instincts seemed to kick in because he was rolling his hips upwards each time you came down, doubling the pleasure for the two of you. 
“Fuck Jungkook,” you cried, a particularly hard thrust hitting that spot inside you making you see stars. Leaning down you captured his lips in a sloppy kiss, Jungkook’s mouth slightly open as he was breathing harsh. Licking down his chin and mouthing at his throat. He hissed in pleasure, fucking up into you again. 
“Lord you’re so hot and-and wet, you’re soaking my lap,” he whispered, grabbing at you for some kind of stability.
“It’s because you’re making me feel so good, such a big dick in my pussy, I can barely breathe. Fuck you’re stretching my little pussy out, Jungkook. Gonna ruin me so no one else can fuck me but you? What a selfish baby you are, but that’s alright. I’ll only be yours,” you whined as he rutted into you harshly.
“Keep talking like that,” he pleaded.
“Talk about your big cock baby? How big you are and how good you’re making me feel? Fuck, Jungkook. Right there, fuck me just like that,” you huffed, working your hips down as he met you. 
“I want to try something else,” he said, as you slowed your pace on his lap. 
“Yeah? I’d love to know,” you answered back, grinding your clit against his pubic bone. 
“Here, lie back,” he demanded softly. You did as he said, lying on your back and spreading your legs for him. Jungkook situated himself between your legs, eagerly finding your throbbing entrance and pushing in once more. The pair of you groaned at the sensation of the snug fit. Jungkook moved his hips forward, grinding against your clit. 
Slick sounds echoed in your ears as Jungkook began setting a brutal pace. His hips hit your thighs with vigor, and the wonderful stretch filled your stomach with butterflies. You gasped and moaned with each new flick of his body into yours. 
“Jungkook, Jungkook!” You cried out, gripping onto his biceps as he plowed forward into your tight cunt. You smiled at the fucked out look on his face, it was satisfying to know he was enjoying himself too.
“Fuck, I shouldn’t like this... I-I shouldn’t be doing this,” he whispered, sweat pouring down his face as he slowed his pace. 
“Mmm, but doesn’t it feel so right? Keep going, I’m so close. Please don’t stop now Jungkook, I want you to cum in me,” you pleaded.
“Ah, I-I’m burning up. I need to... I want to,” he whimpered.
“What do you want baby? Whatever you want, you can have it, I’ll give it to you, I promise,” you mumbled incoherently. 
“I want to cum inside you,” he growled, leaning down and licking your throat possessively. You moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to your sensitive body. Jungkook shuddered at your incessant clenching around him. He was so close, a tight coil raging in his stomach.
“Cum inside, I want to feel it dripping down my thighs when you finish. Fuck baby, I’m going to cum soon,” you cried, reaching between the two of you and rubbing your swollen clit with wanton desire.
“Fuck, I’m there,” he sobbed, cock grinding against your walls that couldn’t clench him any tighter he was certain. Until you came, sucking him back inside of you so hard he thought you’d feel pain. 
“Jungkook!” You cried out, falling onto the bed in a slump of limbs. 
Jungkook kept plowing into you, harsh smacks of his skin against yours echoing through the room. Jungkook leaned over you, his front touching your slick back. He continued to hump his dick inside you, causing you to whine from the overstimulation. But you didn’t dare tell him to stop.
“Fuck, fuck, so good,” he hiccuped, licking at your neck and shoulder as he finally felt himself let go. Jungkook cried out as he came inside you. The hot feeling of his cum coating your walls made your head spin with new found arousal.
Finally, he rested his head on your middle back, groping for your hand in the mess of sheets. You interlocked your fingers, kissing his hand to soothe him.
“Lie down, I’ll get you some water,” you urged, feeling his spent dick fall from your abused womanhood. Jungkook did as you asked, lying down in the bed next to you.
“Wait,” he whispered as you moved to get up. 
“Hmmm?” you asked, turning around. The next thing you knew a soft pair of lips were pressed against yours. Jungkook’s weak arms wrapped around you, pulling you back into bed with him. 
“I don’t think you’ve been punished enough, witch,” he growled, licking a thin stripe up your throat. A sharp whine came from you at the sudden dominance. 
“No? Then by all means, punish me.”
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pyrodarknessanny · 3 years
Whilst the topic of treating women with  respect is a hot button issue at the moment it got me thinking about my own experiences in life. and whilst I can say that I am one of the lucky ones who’s not been assaulted   things have happened around me that  had they gone differently  my story would be very different indeed. it also saddens me  that I know so many close friends and family who were not so lucky , many of them were children when they were first abused. and yes I do know  “not all men”   but   as the brothers , fathers , uncles , cousins ,friends and co-workers  the weight of this falls on you to call out  the  unacceptable behaviour of your peers. I’m going to list this instances in chronological order. and keep in mind that  I am a  goblin , short, weird , don’t care for looking nice and makeup and such  but still  ive been put on the spot numerus times in the past by  “nice guys”™ high school , senior years .   met some one I thought was decent online . we had an on again off again  video call thing going it spanned years  and started innocently enough  however in the latter years  when I was super depressed it turned quite toxic and manipulative   where he would refuse to   pay attention to me, controlling the calls , there was a time zone difference  so I was up till 4am most nights  hoping that this person would be around.    When we did get into calls  he had me doing  increasingly  dangerous things .   he’d even convinced me to  send him a  substantial amount of money of the last 12 months of our contact.          I’ve since cut them off  cold some years ago now but   they’ve certainly had an impact on me
 In between this on again off again online thing   when I was single I’ve and no less than 3   older male friends  try to hit me up because their  partners at the time were out of town. one even messaged me one night when I was high and tried very hard to convince me that it would be a good idea to drop round.       I don’t talk to any of them now but  each one I told to stay faithful to their partners and denied their offers.    
Also in high school - this happened at my  part time job. boss had a mate who would often sell him stuff for the store ,  bit of a flipper. one of the other senior staff thought it was FUNNY  to tell him that  I was fair game. so this guy who is well in his 40’s   would seek me out at work and harass me. usually when I was at the back of the shop bagging the bulk produce into smaller retail portions. mind you I’m  an 18 yr old autistic person .  had to find excuses to  avoid this person   make it look like im working  in the areas that had security cameras on them or   hope that there were customers so he couldn’t  talk to me.       I had spoken out about this  to the boss and  the owner of the business ( as it was one of his friends)   but they  all thought it was a harmless game. guy bailed me up at the back of the store one afternoon as im bagging  up animal feed.  Store was dead quiet  so not a lot of escape options   I had had enough of it by that point  and put him in his place.   Fortunately  for me he was a little old Asian man  had he of been some one of my dad’s stature  that scenario would have played out MUCH differently.  
Hey now speaking of family! growing up in an abusive household sure dose   wounders for building character huh? im on good talking terms with my family now but growing up  was interesting.
Our house hold was one of hard disciplines.  We didn’t just get smacked we got absolutely belted.
Or our things were broken… actually it was only ever MY things that got trashed out of discipline. my 4 brothers always got off Scott free. Whenever there was a fight or argument ? it was always me that was in trouble  regardless of the circumstance.
Good lessons to teach the kids eh’
My real dad  was off the sceen,  we were more or less raised by our step dad but   when he got an upper management job at his place of work , shit at home  got  bad.    The abuse turned from physical   to psychological .     nothing was ever good enough.   You were always trash  or a disgrace. and praise was only ever given to  the brothers.          So  yeah more good lessons  for  impressionable teens.   shitty ex #1 -  met them at a convention , seamed like a reasonable kind of guy we hit it off and it was great.    Very quickly realised something was off about them. tried very hard to control me .  would say one thing and then do something else entirely. caught them out on numerous lies and on more than one occasion said some very concerning things about minors.       Moments that stand out the most .   was staying at my place for a party , either a birthday or Halloween .   at my house with my family and close friends , had the gall to try and control my behaviour  because  he thought I was being too weird , he did this in front of my mother and best friend.     Another time , it was my birthday and he promised  to buy dinner out . started out as  we would go to this fancy casino restaurant .    ended at a Mc Donald’s with me catching the train home by my self  fuming.     I should have ended that one much sooner than I did but I didn’t want to come across as “mean” or unreasonable  so it let it drag out for another 6 months before I told him to fuck off.
 Dude then proceeded to cyber stalk me and  several friends there after. he was super bad at this and  finaly backed off when I threatened to call the cops. YEET!
 Shitty ex #2 -  technically we only dated for a few weeks decided that it didn’t work for either of us but stayed good friends .        had to tell them  frequently  about what things were and weren’t appropriate  for the friendship afterwards ,    eneded turning into one of the biggest narcicists ive ever seen.
 Miscellaneous things.   Im mentioned before about peer pressure and that its on the boys to call this shit out when they see it. I’ve had  to be the voice of reason for a number of male friends   when they were getting  a bit too obsessed over  girls who had zero interest in them.        One guy in particular  could not leave it alone  , this girl he was white knighting for    was a friend from school , she had a partner but he  swore black and blue that   he could “save her”  from making shitty decisions.     I think he eventually gave up on her when she ripped him off over some digital art that was a trace job and he lost  a good sum of money but   it was disturbing to hear just how obsessed he was with  her.
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smokeybrand · 4 years
This is the Good Life
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I read a ton of manga. I find the content coming out of Japan to be far more genuine and creative than the sh*tshow comic industry we have here in the states. I’m not saying there isn’t good content to be found in the massive annals of Marvel and DC, i am in particular love with whatever the f*ck is going on with the X-titles right now, but that is the exception, not the rule. Japan is different. Even the most blatant shill of a cash-in has a unique spin to it. When the moe boom happened and we were inundated with slice of life fodder for a decades, shows like Higurashi, Toradora, Haruhi, Lucky Star, and basically anything out of Kyoto animation, were absolute masterpieces. Each tells a distinct story, adapting that cutesy art style to their respective strengths, and it worked beautifully. The homogeneity of formulaic content here in the US, isn’t really a concern overseas and that is a wonderful thing. It makes for amazing storytelling and a creativity freedom, even when awash in trend or fad. I say all of this to preface the fact that Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life is chef kiss levels of shine, even if it is a manga staunchly entrenched in the grating isekai fad.
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Now, i say “grating” in the glib sense because i genuinely love the isekai genre. I have for decades, going back to Escaflowne, El Hazard, .Hack, and Rayearth. What i think most people are frustrated with, is the OP protagonist in these stories. You can only identify with some, overwhelming, power fantasy, so many times going into these tales. How do you frame that narrative? how do you keep it compelling? You don’t. Entries like Overlord and Tensei Shitara Suraimu Datta Ken do a great job avoiding that stagnation by building out the world around their ridiculously plot-armored mains but that doesn’t work all of the time. If you want a character driven narrative, you have to build great characters. You have to make your principal cast affable, flawed, and fun. I think that’s the strength in Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life. You almost immediately fall in love with the cast you’re going to sped all of your time with and that’s absolutely necessary because this story is as much about the world building as it is about the main cast, themselves.
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Slow Life follows Eizo Tanya, who is hit by a truck in the process of saving a cat, who turned out to be an inter-dimensional god or something. Since the Kitty deity f*cked up and was almost “killed’, causing Eizo’s death in turn, it offers to reincarnate him into a brand new world with a mad overpowered cheat skill. Eizo gives it a thought and chooses - blacksmithing! You see, Eizo was a salaryman, bitterly unhappy with his life in the old times. He wanted, more than anything, to be able to work with his hands in the new world so, instead of asking for he power to be a Hero or some vicious Demon Lord, he just wanted the ability to make dope sh*t in the woods. Kitty Deity is a little surprised but grants Eizo his wish and, boom! We have the foundation for a pretty delightful romp. Stuff happens, Eizo gets a tiger wife and a dwarf apprentice. His craftsmanship is the best in the world and his tale toward legendary status begins.
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The simplicity of this narrative is one that has a level of accessibility not found in most isekai. The simple desire of a man, overworked and looking to be fulfilled, to find value, in what he does with his life, really resonates with cats like me who have been in the workforce for decades. I left my job a year ago to pursue my dream of crating so i identify with Eizo’s passion to be more than just a cg in a machine. More than that, i love the way he is written. Eizo feels real, like a proper person lost in a world of fantasy and magic. The supporting cast is also amazing and decently developed. I immediately fell in love with tiger waifu, Samia. She is capable, tenacious, curious, and f*cking adorable. There isn’t a ton of groundwork about her past being laid but i have a feeling we’ll definitely get into that as the narrative develops and i can’t wait to see where that leads. Newcomer to the story is the dwarf apprentice, Riku Moritz. We haven’t had a great deal of time with her so far, but she comes across as a studious, knowledgeable, junior who yearns to be the best at her craft. She reminds me of Miles Morales from Into the Spider-Verse, to Eizo’s Peter B. Parker and i adore that type of dynamic. We are only a handful of chapters in, but this story seems like it has legs and i look forward to where it goes in the future. I’d say it’s a slow burn, but it really isn’t.
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I was hooked from chapter one and a lot of that, aside from the great writing and developing character work, stems from the artwork. My, goodness, is Slow Life gorgeous! There is a purposeful elegance to how these lines and strokes come together. The line work is clean and precise, granting each panel thjust the right amount of detail hile staying true to the artist's personal vision. It's actually very refreshing to see. The style is very distinct and carries it's own, unique hallmarks, similar to Toriyama or Oda, but slightly more relaistic than those. I am absolutely in love with it. Like, i follow a few trash rags because the art is dope and immediately hooked me. Isekai Meikyuu de Dorei Harem Wo, Gunbured X Sisters, or Kouya Ni Kemono Doukokusu immediately come to mind, all decent in their own right, but it’s very obvious the strength of these entries lies in the art. True to form, it took a while for me to get into their respective narratives and, in all honesty, they’ve gotten pretty good but those first few chapters were a bit rocky. The art kept me coming back and now, these three are some of my favorite titles to read. Slow Life did not have that issue. The art immediately took my breath away. It felt like cracking open Tsugumomo, BLEACH, Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life, Gleipnir, Meikyuu Black Company, or Isekai De Skill Wo Kaitai Shitara Cheat Na Yome Ga Zoushoku Shimashita: Gainen Kousa No Structure. That’s a lot of titles but i am a slut for great, unique, artwork and these entries hit my sweet spot immediately. I’m just lucky that the narrative accompanying them was enough to do the linework justice because it would have been a shame to abandon these titles over sheer ugliness. Slow life definitely dodged that bullet. It is, without hyperbole, some of the best looking manga I've seen in years.
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Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life is absolutely amazing. It’s an easy read filled with exceptional art, deft character work, and a world that is both compelling and growing steadily. Eizo is a great protagonist, easily to identify with and none of the edgelord OP, baggage most Isekai protags tend to have. Samia is a delightful love interests who carries a quiet strength and enjoyable naivety, which immediately endears and Riku is just plain hilarious. This laid back narrative of a smith who just wants to make dope sh*t, while being dope to his tiger wife and faithful apprentice is an distinct palate cleanser in a world of power fantasy saturated, isekai, trash. I love this book and feel like more people should have eyes on it so, you know, got put your eyes on it. You won’t be disappointed. Also, all the other titles i specifically mentioned. They’re worth a gander, too, especially Isekai De Skill Wo Kaitai Shitara Cheat Na Yome Ga Zoushoku Shimashita: Gainen Kousa No Structure and Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life. Them sh*ts is just plain lovable and have two more of these objectively bias essays forthcoming. But that’s for later, for now, go read all of Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life, right now! Is totally worth! Plus, Samia is f*cking adorable, man. Seriously, tiger waifu is best girl!
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singledarkshade · 4 years
Accidental Hostages
Part Six (Part One, Part Two,  Part Three,  Part Four and Part Five) Amanda Waller, Director of Argus, stood and walked round to the man standing across from her.
“I admit,” she said as she faced him, “I expected you to come back after Miranda died.”
Rip shrugged, “I had responsibilities.”
“And yet here you are,” Waller smiled.
He frowned at her, “By necessity only,” as she continued to smile at him, Rip’s annoyance turned to anger as realisation set in, “You set me up.”
Innocence covered her face, “I have no idea what you mean.”
“I wondered,” Rip said as he paced, “How Nora and Gideon knew about the information at that office. It’s not something Nora’s father would have told her about. That they were there at the same time I was, convenient except I had no idea who they were until just before Gideon tased me.”
“Unlike you to be caught off-guard,” Waller noted amused.
Rip frowned, “I only see shows about talking animals these days, I’d not seen the news in weeks. And then,” he picked up his train of thought again, “The information that clears them was not hard to find. It should have taken me days, not a few hours.”
“You always were the best, Rip,” Waller noted, “Perhaps you underestimated yourself.”
Shaking his head annoyed, Rip replied, “This is the best chance Argus have had to get not only Thawne but Darhk.”
Waller nodded, “I needed the one person who knew both cases better than anyone else does or could ever know within the time frame we have.”
“You could have just asked me,” Rip noted.
“And you would have said no,” Waller reminded him, “You have ‘the child’ to care for these days.”
Anger filled Rip and he clamped down in it as best he could as he forced out, “His name is Jonas and he is the son of Miranda, who you always claimed to be your friend.”
Waller stared at him in silence.
“Except you refuse to acknowledge him because you feel she abandoned you for me,” Rip continued to push back.
Waller folded her arms, “She was one of the best agents Argus ever trained. But you wanted out and got her pregnant so she would leave with you.”
Rip shook his head, “So you put two innocent women in the line of fire to make me come back here? It wasn’t what either of us were taught.”
“And you know everything about that,” Waller snapped.
“Well,” Rip shrugged as he reminded her, “I was raised by the woman who trained all of us, so I know much more than you do.”
Letting out an annoyed sigh, Waller returned to her desk, “Nora Darhk isn’t exactly an innocent, is she? Considering her father and his business…”
“Except she has never accepted any money since she left home and started her own business with Miss Ryder,” Rip reminded her, “We can’t hold sins of the father against the child.”
Waller chuckled darkly, “And that is something you know all about, ‘Oliver Twist’.”
“If you want to do that analogy,” Rip leaned against the wall, she’d never said this to his face before, but he’d heard it every so often, “Druce wasn’t my father, and you should use the ‘Artful Dodger’, that’s a lot more accurate.”
Her mouth twisted in annoyance.
“You set it up so I would get pulled into this,” Rip noted, “I’m here and I’m going after Thawne, so what else do you want?”
Waller folded her arms across her chest, “To make sure you follow all protocols for this mission and don’t go on some kind of vigilante quest. You do have history of that.”
“I know the rules, I know the regulations. In fact I trained half of this department,” Rip stated, before he gave her a fake smile, “So, nice to see you Amanda. Go away and let us do our job.”
As he started out the office, Rip paused and turned back, “I was offered your job. Two days later Miranda told me she was pregnant, and that she didn’t want to raise our baby here. She wanted to leave, and I wanted to be with her,” starting out again he threw over his shoulder, “Good to see you again, Director.”
 Gideon was pacing nervously as Nora and Ray sat waiting for Rip to appear again. His insistence they stay in this room had scared them all, and now they were waiting for him to come back.
“Rip will be back soon,” Ray told them, “There probably isn’t anything to worry about.”
“Then why did he tell us not to move from this room?” Gideon demanded, “When we’ve been able to move freely since we got here.”
The door opened and Sara walked in.
“What’s going on?” Gideon demanded.
Sara paused in surprise at the forceful question, before she replied, “The Director is in the building, and Rip just doesn’t want to put you in her path.”
They looked at one another confused and Ray asked, “Why?
Wincing slightly Sara replied, “She and Rip don’t get along very well. I don’t know why, I only joined after Waller transferred to Argus HQ.”
“The way he spoke it was like he expected someone to come running through the place with a weapon,” Nora said softly.
Sara shrugged, “He’s protecting you. It’s what Rip does. He protects the people he cares about and keeping you out of the way of Director Waller is protecting you.”
“Why?” Gideon asked softly, “Surely she’s in charge of the agency, isn’t she the one who gave him access to everything to help us?”
Grimacing Sara replied, “You’d have to ask Rip.”
“Ask me what?”
They all turned as Rip walked into the room.
“Is everything alright?” Gideon demanded sharply.
Rip nodded, “Sorry about earlier. Director Waller and I have history that I didn’t know if it would remain in the office.”
Frowning slightly, Gideon asked, “So what now?”
“Hopefully, she hopped back on her broom and has left us alone to do what we need to,” Rip replied with a tight smile.
Everyone in the room shared a surprised look at his words but Rip didn’t give any of them a chance to ask.
“Sara,” he turned to the blonde, “Get a team together, we’re going out. I will join you in the briefing room in a few minutes.”
Nodding she left the room, a small smirk on her face.
Rip turned to the three people all staring at him, “Apologies for worrying you all but Director Waller and I have never seen eye to eye on many things. I didn’t want any of you getting in her path. Or the line of fire.”
Gideon walked over to him and punched his shoulder, “You scared us half to death.”
Catching Gideon’s hand, Rip whispered, “I’m sorry,” he looked over at Nora and Ray, “I am. Now, Gideon found us a lead which we’re going to follow.”
“How good is this lead?” Nora asked softly.
Rip smiled, “It’s a good one but I don’t want you to get your hopes up.”
Nora nodded.
“The reason I was given access to everything, Nora,” Rip said, “Is because I was, and still am, the authority on Thawne and your father. I know all their tricks, all their faithful henchmen and most of their bases. I am going to do everything in my power to find your father. I promise.”
 Rip motioned Sara forward as they headed towards the apartment Mark Mardon was currently hiding out in. Despite the payments he got from Thawne, Mardon lived in a dump that was covered in graffiti and smelled faintly of marijuana.
“This is a great place,” Sara murmured over the radio, “Do you think they have any vacancies?”
“Mardon’s place is bound to be free for a while after we visit,” Rip replied, “But I’d make sure it has a good view first.”
She glanced round and flashed him a grin before taking up position on one side of the door. Taking his place, across from her Rip nodded. Sara slid the small ‘smoke bomb’ under the door. She tugged the string and they listened to the small explosion before the smoke appeared beneath the door.
They could hear banging inside, sliding on their masks Rip kicked the door open and he let Sara take point. He’d been out for four years, so knew it was best to let Sara go take the lead in the mission.
He remembered when she’d joined, rebellious daughter of a cop, trained in martial arts but had no discipline. She pushed back at every opportunity, argued with him but had turned into one of the top agents.
Although Rip had been out of the agency, his mother still had connections and let him know just how good his final trainee had become.
 Sara marched Mark Mardon into the interrogation room, pushed him into the chair and smiled smugly at him.
“You know,” she said, “I always thought working for someone like Thawne would get you a better place to stay but that apartment, not the greatest place in the world.”
Mardon stared at her.
“Although the amount of drugs we found explains why you went for the cheap accommodation,” Sara continued.
“I want a lawyer,” Mardon stated.
Sara laughed, “We’re not that kind of organisation. You don’t get lawyers here, not until we’ve got the information we need, and we hand you over to the police.”
He stared at her, anger in his eyes before he looked away.
“Think about that while I go get myself some coffee,” Sara told him, before she left and joined Rip in the observation room.
“What do you think?” he asked.
“He’s not going to talk,” Sara said, “But you already know that.”
Rip nodded, “He’s been through the system enough times. Not to mention he’s still high as a kite. We need another angle.”
Sara smirked as she caught up with his thinking, “We need something to push him.”
“And he has worked for both of them in the past,” Rip nodded.
 Nora was confused when Rip appeared suddenly while she tried to read in the library.
“What happened?” she demanded.
“Where’s Ray and Gideon?” he asked, making her grimace annoyed he hadn’t answered her question.
Nora shrugged, “Ray was asked to help fix some things and Gideon went back to the job you gave her.”
“I need your help,” Rip told her.
“My help?” Nora laughed slightly, “What can I do?”
Rip winced and took her hand, “Mark Mardon. We have him in an interrogation room downstairs, but he won’t talk to us.”
“What can I do?” Nora asked again confused.
“You play Damian Darhk’s daughter,” Rip told her, “To the extent someone who knows your father would expect.”
Nora stared at him before she nodded, “If it helps find my father, okay.”
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van der linde gang as high school teachers
something you did not know you needed
was probably a super unenthusiastic phys-ed teacher until he got caught drawing during the lunch break
what do you mean i draw psh i don’t draw
cue the drawings of trees and flowers and the clouds or smth falling out of one of his folders 
doesn’t have a choice when he’s made into the new art teacher
does more work than the department head (mr charles châtenay, that is)
patient, probably gives his students extensions when they nicely ask
away due to sickness a lot
doesn’t understand why all the other teachers are always asking him for help, but helps anyway
is the type of teacher to let you microwave your lunch in the department office even if he doesn’t like you
always has a cup of coffee in his hand and has, on many occasions, taken sips of paint water when he wasn’t paying attention
english teacher
fight me on this
he keeps making up wild theories about who the third murderer in macbeth was just to fuck with his students
marks essays with an aggressive red pen and puts aggressive red smiley faces whenever someone gets a mark above an eighty
generally a good teacher but sasses his students a lot
head of the english department
doesn’t get along with principal pinkerton
keeps telling his students to have a bit of faith in his teaching
is absolute GARBAGE at lesson plans
100000000% a history teacher
everyone loves him
e v e r y o n e
he’s the one teacher who runs around the classroom pretending he’s in a battle just to explain a certain military strategy 
v ery animated 
a tough marker but great teacher 
stays after school for at least an hour just to help students if they need it 
they usually don’t bc he’s a gr8 teacher
has a huge thermos full of coffee?? water??? tea??? no one knows but its there
mrs. grimshaw
probably one of the office secretaries 
she does the look™ where she peers at u from under her glasses 
but then you say you’re not feeling well and want to sign out of the school she gives you one of those “””old people candies””” and tells you to zip up ur jacket
always has issues with dutch’s lack of organization
god damn it mister van der linde why don’t you hand your attendance sheet in on time
why is he even there
he teaches math
he doesn’t even know math
students always suspect that he’s slightly drunk bc his nose is always pink and he squints his eyes a lot
makes fun of his students but then feels bad about it
always makes excuses for not marking his students’ tests because he hAs lUmbAgO
probably biology or history or both bc he’s smart
he demands respect without actually doing it
he shows up to class while his students are talking?
they all instantly shut up and charles doesn’t get it
very lenient and kind and will let you talk to him about personal issues if you just ask
people are scared of him even though he’s incredibly kind
doesn’t take no shit and will kick you out of his class (calmly) if you disrespect him
spanish teacher (duh)
probably also works in the guidance department
really sassy but also like the most fashionable teacher 
all the girls have a teacher crush on him
roasts his students if they say or do something stupid
“mr escuella i forgot my pencil” “timmy you’re writing an exam ho w do you forget your p e n c i l” 
throws class parties at the end of the year in which he brings his guitar and teaches his students spanish songs
always tells wild ass stories 
he probably tries to dab to be cool
the other history teacher
much less animated
but tells some stories about his time in the navy
cheers for his students when they hit a high average
he keeps telling the lunch ladies how to do their job and they dont appreciate it (the students do bc while pearson’s cooking is bland the cafeteria food SUCKS)
a statistics teacher who’s really boring
no one likes him :(
students make up rumours about him all the time
“i heard he rubs chalk in his hair” “where did you hear that from timmy”
he’s that one teacher who always has chalk on their face and hands and no one wants to ask him for extra help because he gets frustrated and yells at his students by accident
a lot of facepalming
he’s THAT physics teacher
you know the one
with the boom  
was the reason why the fire alarm went off in the school like every time it wasn’t a drill
a student almost died in his classroom and he made everyone swear not to tell their parents
you can hear his voice from across the hall bc he’s so loud
he also curses a lot and instantly regrets it all
“shit—I MEAN DON’T SAY THAT KIDS THAT’S A NO-NO WORD” in front of like twenty seventeen-year-olds
got fired
everyone says he “retired”
“but mr matthews is olde—” “don’t worry about it timmy”
was a law or civics teacher
he doesn’t even know law and probably spews lies
has massive debates with his students when they try to call him out on his shit
always tells his students they’re gonna fail his class and calls their parents whenever they fail a test just to get a kick out of it
no one likes him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
idk who else anyone wants me to do so if y’all want me to add to this just hit me up
people have asked for a few more characters (i am overwhelmed with love and i thank u for it) so make sure you check out my page if u wanna read more!
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
This is the Good Life
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I read a ton of manga. I find the content coming out of Japan to be far more genuine and creative than the sh*tshow comic industry we have here in the states. I’m not saying there isn’t good content to be found in the massive annals of Marvel and DC, i am in particular love with whatever the f*ck is going on with the X-titles right now, but that is the exception, not the rule. Japan is different. Even the most blatant shill of a cash-in has a unique spin to it. When the moe boom happened and we were inundated with slice of life fodder for a decades, shows like Higurashi, Toradora, Haruhi, Lucky Star, and basically anything out of Kyoto animation, were absolute masterpieces. Each tells a distinct story, adapting that cutesy art style to their respective strengths, and it worked beautifully. The homogeneity of formulaic content here in the US, isn’t really a concern overseas and that is a wonderful thing. It makes for amazing storytelling and a creativity freedom, even when awash in trend or fad. I say all of this to preface the fact that Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life is chef kiss levels of shine, even if it is a manga staunchly entrenched in the grating isekai fad.
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Now, i say “grating” in the glib sense because i genuinely love the isekai genre. I have for decades, going back to Escaflowne, El Hazard, .Hack, and Rayearth. What i think most people are frustrated with, is the OP protagonist in these stories. You can only identify with some, overwhelming, power fantasy, so many times going into these tales. How do you frame that narrative? how do you keep it compelling? You don’t. Entries like Overlord and Tensei Shitara Suraimu Datta Ken do a great job avoiding that stagnation by building out the world around their ridiculously plot-armored mains but that doesn’t work all of the time. If you want a character driven narrative, you have to build great characters. You have to make your principal cast affable, flawed, and fun. I think that’s the strength in Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life. You almost immediately fall in love with the cast you’re going to sped all of your time with and that’s absolutely necessary because this story is as much about the world building as it is about the main cast, themselves.
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Slow Life follows Eizo Tanya, who is hit by a truck in the process of saving a cat, who turned out to be an inter-dimensional god or something. Since the Kitty deity f*cked up and was almost “killed’, causing Eizo’s death in turn, it offers to reincarnate him into a brand new world with a mad overpowered cheat skill. Eizo gives it a thought and chooses - blacksmithing! You see, Eizo was a salaryman, bitterly unhappy with his life in the old times. He wanted, more than anything, to be able to work with his hands in the new world so, instead of asking for he power to be a Hero or some vicious Demon Lord, he just wanted the ability to make dope sh*t in the woods. Kitty Deity is a little surprised but grants Eizo his wish and, boom! We have the foundation for a pretty delightful romp. Stuff happens, Eizo gets a tiger wife and a dwarf apprentice. His craftsmanship is the best in the world and his tale toward legendary status begins.
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The simplicity of this narrative is one that has a level of accessibility not found in most isekai. The simple desire of a man, overworked and looking to be fulfilled, to find value, in what he does with his life, really resonates with cats like me who have been in the workforce for decades. I left my job a year ago to pursue my dream of crating so i identify with Eizo’s passion to be more than just a cg in a machine. More than that, i love the way he is written. Eizo feels real, like a proper person lost in a world of fantasy and magic. The supporting cast is also amazing and decently developed. I immediately fell in love with tiger waifu, Samia. She is capable, tenacious, curious, and f*cking adorable. There isn’t a ton of groundwork about her past being laid but i have a feeling we’ll definitely get into that as the narrative develops and i can’t wait to see where that leads. Newcomer to the story is the dwarf apprentice, Riku Moritz. We haven’t had a great deal of time with her so far, but she comes across as a studious, knowledgeable, junior who yearns to be the best at her craft. She reminds me of Miles Morales from Into the Spider-Verse, to Eizo’s Peter B. Parker and i adore that type of dynamic. We are only a handful of chapters in, but this story seems like it has legs and i look forward to where it goes in the future. I’d say it’s a slow burn, but it really isn’t.
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I was hooked from chapter one and a lot of that, aside from the great writing and developing character work, stems from the artwork. My, goodness, is Slow Life gorgeous! There is a purposeful elegance to how these lines and strokes come together. The line work is clean and precise, granting each panel thjust the right amount of detail hile staying true to the artist's personal vision. It's actually very refreshing to see. The style is very distinct and carries it's own, unique hallmarks, similar to Toriyama or Oda, but slightly more relaistic than those. I am absolutely in love with it. Like, i follow a few trash rags because the art is dope and immediately hooked me. Isekai Meikyuu de Dorei Harem Wo, Gunbured X Sisters, or Kouya Ni Kemono Doukokusu immediately come to mind, all decent in their own right, but it’s very obvious the strength of these entries lies in the art. True to form, it took a while for me to get into their respective narratives and, in all honesty, they’ve gotten pretty good but those first few chapters were a bit rocky. The art kept me coming back and now, these three are some of my favorite titles to read. Slow Life did not have that issue. The art immediately took my breath away. It felt like cracking open Tsugumomo, BLEACH, Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life, Gleipnir, Meikyuu Black Company, or Isekai De Skill Wo Kaitai Shitara Cheat Na Yome Ga Zoushoku Shimashita: Gainen Kousa No Structure. That’s a lot of titles but i am a slut for great, unique, artwork and these entries hit my sweet spot immediately. I’m just lucky that the narrative accompanying them was enough to do the linework justice because it would have been a shame to abandon these titles over sheer ugliness. Slow life definitely dodged that bullet. It is, without hyperbole, some of the best looking manga I've seen in years.
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Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life is absolutely amazing. It’s an easy read filled with exceptional art, deft character work, and a world that is both compelling and growing steadily. Eizo is a great protagonist, easily to identify with and none of the edgelord OP, baggage most Isekai protags tend to have. Samia is a delightful love interests who carries a quiet strength and enjoyable naivety, which immediately endears and Riku is just plain hilarious. This laid back narrative of a smith who just wants to make dope sh*t, while being dope to his tiger wife and faithful apprentice is an distinct palate cleanser in a world of power fantasy saturated, isekai, trash. I love this book and feel like more people should have eyes on it so, you know, got put your eyes on it. You won’t be disappointed. Also, all the other titles i specifically mentioned. They’re worth a gander, too, especially Isekai De Skill Wo Kaitai Shitara Cheat Na Yome Ga Zoushoku Shimashita: Gainen Kousa No Structure and Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life. Them sh*ts is just plain lovable and have two more of these objectively bias essays forthcoming. But that’s for later, for now, go read all of Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life, right now! Is totally worth! Plus, Samia is f*cking adorable, man. Seriously, tiger waifu is best girl!
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naferty · 5 years
Avengers x IT au. i mean honestly stevetony fits so well as reddie. natasha is bev, sam is mike, thor as billy (bc loki as Georgie) bruce as Ben and Clint as Stanley. Haha. Yeah idk why I like to make myself cry either QvQ
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Oh, ooh, ohhhhhh, okay, on one hand - YES - on the other…. omg that would be so painful! 
Like, Steve as Richie. Closeted, trashiest mouth you’ll ever see, puts sailors to shame, dreams of one day having an exhibit filled with his art and when he’s grown, is only known as famous artists Captain America because he ended up on the news as the guy who hit a loud nazi sympathizer and ever since can’t escape the name so he goes along with it and his fame eventually earns him that exhibit, but his art isn’t the reason for his fans. It’s crappy art and he knows it, but he can’t find his muse. The crappy art is still enough to justify any exhibit under Rogers. All the fans only go to see Captain America. 
Tony as Eddie, not exactly a hypochondriac, but he absolutely hates it when others touch him or hand him things. He can never have his back turned on someone, always believing they’ll get him with something. He’s always wearing gloves. Has a fear of taking them off. Scarred hands to show for his anxieties and panic attacks and undiagnosed ptsd. He grows to be a famous engineer, ironically, and is both married and works for Sunset Bain and her company. Years under Howards’ care lead him to marry someone who treats him just like his father had. No love. Just pain. 
Thor as Bill. No stutter, just a heavy accent he can’t seem to shake off no matter how long he’s lived in america, and he has adhd. His impulsiveness and hyperactive mind often get him in trouble and push the patience of others. His mind is the reason he doesn’t tag along with his little brother Loki on that faithful day and ever since it’s all his mind ever focuses on. Needing to find his brother. When grown, he receives treatment. He manages his impulses better and can focus on tasks longer, but his thoughts continuously jump back and forth. It’s the reason why his scripts are always hard to follow sometimes. He jumps scenes, events happen in different orders, but his endings always turn out great. Part of the reason why his work gains traction. In movies, in tv shows, hell, he’s even published books. “The start and middle are hard to follow, but the endings never disappoint!” He’s also an alcoholic and divorced. He doesn’t know the reason for why he started drinking. Can’t remember it, but alcohol seems to be the only thing that numbs the pain for it.
Natasha as Beverly, living under her psycho aunt who acts sweet and caring but is not afraid to teach Nat how ladies properly behave in unorthodox ways. She tries to teach Nat how to manipulate, how to con, how to pleasure. She also locks Nat in a small, closet-sized room, a room she lovingly calls the ‘red room,’ when Nat misbehaves. Nat is dysfunctional because of all this. Can never settle down with anyone for long. Can never trust. She has four marriages under her belt, has stolen, lied and cheated her way to the top. Only knows to be a trophy wife for the rich and famous but is by no means helpless. Is often called a golddigger and in a way, yeah, she is, but to her it’s survival.
Bruce as Ben. Smart, the embodiment of nerdy, has baby fat and has an uncontrollable temper, often violent because of it. His relief is escaping to the forest and breaking what he can find. When calm, he’s always in the library. Reading science books, studying formulas, making ground-breaking discoveries, and occasionally learning about history. He’s more interested in science and studying the properties of near anything, but the selection in the library hardly has what he wants to learn. As an adult, he’s a very successful scientist. A nuclear physicist with more PhDs to count than in one hand. He has counseling for his anger problems. Has routines and exercises to help. Has done very well when it comes to his health. Has kept the nerdy look and even made it attractive, but for all his groundbreaking words and vogue inclusions he lives alone and miserable in his large home. 
Clint as Stan. A deaf kid with a large case of abandonment issues. Bullied and mocked for his hearing aids. Raised by his brother, Barney and his only friend being his dog, Lucky, for the longest time. He doesn’t have any social skills, is known for doing things not considered normal, and doesn’t speak much, but if he has to say something he will say something. Grown up, he becomes a famous archer, has won many gold medals under the field, is often used to model with motion-capture and is in a lot of popular video games and is also a well-recommended stunt performer. His gig is performing truly risky and dangerous stunts and bouncing back with only scratches. His face is covered in bandaids. One day, one self-inflicted stunt just proves far too deadly.
Sam as Mike, living in a farm with his grandfather and tending to the animals. He’s bullied, attacked and nearly killed because of the racism in the town. He’s constantly haunted about his past. About what happened to his parents. About what could happen to him with every new day the sun brings. He’s always thinking about the future. About what will come. When it will end. Even out of school he’s smart as a whip, an incredible carpenter and growing up with his head down has taught him how to survive and fight back as an adult. Living in a hell has only toughened his skin. He might stay behind and continue to live in their small town, but even the townspeople have to admit he’s good at his job and always call him first when fixing and remodeling their homes. He’s famous in his own right.
Let us all suffer. 
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fairyhobiee · 5 years
bts taehyung birth chart
okay i somehow got bts’ birth times, and i dont if its right, but their chart seems accurate, but then again i don’t know them personally so i dont know what they like.. anyways enjoy
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birth needs: [ daegu, south korea, dec. 30th, 1995, 5:56 am ]
the sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality, and outward-shining creative energy ! his sun sign is in capricon. he is honest, humble, stronged-willed, and ambitious. possible issues like distrust, and pessimestic mindset, could prevent him from doing certian things, like working with people, or could even lead to being aloof towards people who seem to care, but he cant tell cause of this mindset.
the ascendant is how you present yourself to others, and how you come off to most people ! his asc is in sagittrarius. he identify strongly with the image he presents to others. he makes an impression on others and he has "presence", and he knows it. he is self-conscious, although he may prefer to project a strong image. he attracts good things with a positive frame of mind and a charitable disposition. rarely entirely "down and out", he is usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. there is a self-destructive side to him that should be managed by confronting your fears. he might worry about a friend betraying him, although others might find this person full of charm ! he is quick to chuckle and can't resist any appeal to his sense of humor.
the moon represents the emotions, and the moon sign shows how a person expresses themselves when at home, at ease, and comfortable ! his moon his in aries, in which he can be irascible and easily angered or fired up. he often goes for the things before thinking, and think it over when it’s too late to. a lot of his feelings are not powerd by anger, it’s more fustration, and he doesn’t know how to express it. 
mercury represents communication, cartesian and logical spirit ! his mercury is in capricorn his mind compartmentalizes impressions, and he appreciates structure and order. The mind learns best when it can see practical uses for information. resourceful, reflective, deep thinker; a fine and vivacious mind. a rational person. can be pessimistic, skeptical, and sarcastic, possessing a very sharp sense of humor. notices everything.
venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing with others ! his venus is in aquarius. he tries to impress you with his open-minded, future-thinking spirit. he wants you to see him as unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. he is attractive when he is acting a little aloof. he wants you to acknowledge and appreciate that he don't follow the beaten track in matters of the heart. venus in aquarius people are attracted to unusual or unconventional relationships. he doesn’t want to follow all the rules, although he may make quite a few of their own. he wants you to love him for his intellect, and to admire his visions. he value lovers who are also good friends, and he avoid emotional displays or confrontations. he likes everything beautiful, the arts, balance, and harmony. he is amiable and sociable. he likes entertainment and has a loving nature. he will delight in shocking you with his unusual ways and his forward-looking thinking. dream along with him, and don't fence him in. he needs space and will happily return the favor, giving you lots of room to breathe and to be yourself !
mars represents the desire for action and physical energy ! his mars is in capricorn. so natives with this position have a subdued and controlled style of approaching life, and most don't come across as particularly enthusiastic; rather, theirs is a low-key but determined energy. mars in capricorn natives like to be on top of things. they are generally goal-oriented and focused people who are not afraid of hard work. most like taehyung are achievers by nature, and many possess well-defined ambitions--well-defined to themselves more than anything. capricorn is a sign that detests waste of any kind. it also fears disorderliness and "letting go". with mars in capricorn, there is generally a powerful need to stay in control. he has a good sense of organization. he knows how to make the necessary decisions rapidly, he is independent but will pour a lot of his energy into achieving social and professional success .
jupiter represents expansion and grace ! he attracts the most good fortune when he is open-handed and generous, tolerant, and practices what he preaches. can be inspirational, usually finding success in travel, education, teaching, sports, publishing, and foreign cultures. very philosophical, forward-looking, and enthusiastic. strong morals. He strongly values freedom of movement and expression. he is jovial, expansive, dynamic, kindly, altruistic. he has good judgment, is tolerant and loves food, good times, and pleasures. he has a good education and a prosperous life. he aims big and may often be disappointed with small advancements or successes, wishing that these were bigger or better. he may bring every conversation around to himself, which is a tendency that should be kept in check. he has highs and lows in his professional life.
saturn represents contraction and effort ! misanthropic, with a sullen humor. he likes to live in solitude, in contemplation, preferring to work alone. may be suspicious of the intention of others, religions, faith. may suspect that others' innocence or compassion is insincere. feet and ankles may need extra attention. his life can be difficult and cramped. he is hard-working, but success takes time. he may have problems with being open, without self-consciousness. he may accept solitude rather than look for solutions. family problems. his life can be difficult and cramped. he is hard-working, but success takes time. he may have problems with being open, without self-consciousness. he may accept solitude rather than look for solutions. family problems.
uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty ! he could have some problems accessing his intuition, since common sense often dominates. a great battler. he has so much power that one thinks nothing can defeat him. his mission in society and in the world can mean everything to him. may question traditions and can be very open to redefining the meaning of success and to changing up traditional approaches to career and status. he can be wildly creative with an odd but happy sense of humor and perspective. he is an idealist, easily disappointed by those using power plays to advance. he fights to improve his daily life, he is persevering. he must have a job that allows him many freedoms, something non-routine. he likes change, possesses a lot of energy and knows how to influence others in spite of his originality !
neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty ! he is discerning, wise, and sensible. he may prefer not to attach too much value to money, but if this is overdone, there can be quite a few problems in life concerning money and ownership. he might make money through artistic pursuits, but must avoid the potential pitfalls of putting too much faith in ideas that don't have enough grounding in reality. it's vital to seek out financial advice for significant ventures. is plans can sometimes lack realism and are therefore often unattainable. however, creative fields can be enormously successful. can maintain a mysterious but magical reputation !
pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination ! sexuality and love are idealized. he can pour much of his energy into succeeding professionally. he is an authority figure and a great organizer. strong sense of authority. he may have felt ashamed for being needy or dependent and now feels awkward or even angry with people who display these traits without apology. he can feel very uncomfortable asking for help and/or expressing his own nurturing nature as a result. accepting the very human need for care and concern in himself can be empowering. it can also help eliminate extremes of behavior in these areas where he expresses neediness to an extreme, after which feeling remorse, and then repeating the cycle.
kim taehyung is a semi-fustrated, person who bottles it up for the sake of other people, and love ones. he wants to try everything, very cautiously. he doesn’t want to be tied down, this goes for carees, realtionships, and more. he wants to make the most of his life, but he wants space while he is at it. he has a creative flow, which causes hhim to natrually flunt it, and everyone falls for it. he is more than a pretty face, he tends to come up with a lot ideas, thats out side of the box ! when he gets older he wants to live the typical peaceful life.. a place where a lot of plants, animals would suit him !
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junoalbright · 4 years
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[ JUNO ALBRIGHT. 23. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 6 MONTHS ] and are originally from [ KENOSHA, WISCONSIN ]. They are a [ BARTENDER AT CAROUSEL/SELLER ON ETSY ] and in their downtime love [ MAKING JEWELRY ] and [ BINGE WATCHING THE GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW ]. They look a lot like [ KRISTINE FROSETH ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS  ]. 
hi friends it’s me it’s dia and as usual i have nothing of substance to say except that juno is 600x more lowkey than matt or faith yeghsdujka but come hmu for plots if u want or give this a like 💜
full name: juno heather albright nickname(s): june bug (her parents) birthday: october 13, 1997 zodiac: libra hometown: kenosha, wisconsin sexuality: demisexual height: 5′5″ career: bartender at carousel & sells jewelry and art on etsy
juno grew up in kenosha, wisconsin. big midwestern energy. it was always a little too close to hicksville for her taste but she has a special place in her heart for that weird specific wisconsin vibe and u can definitely like….tell she’s not from LA sometimes fwykeurgahld catch her criticizing cheese ruthlessly and getting cravings for beef jerky that she claims isn’t satisfied by “california jerky”
she got her bfa at the university of wisconsin-madison really just bc she wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to do after high school and that’s….what people do gfydhs but by the time she graduated she’d already been making and selling jewelry on etsy for a couple years and knew that she didn’t really want a career, she just wanted to chill in warm weather and make a comfortable living selling her jewelry and other random art. so with a little bit of help from her parents financially (and using almost all of her savings) she moved to LA just a few months after graduation, where she found a job bartending at carousel to supplement the money she makes selling on etsy
her childhood was super ordinary. she’s the middle child of the family with an older sister and a younger brother, both of which still live in kenosha. her sister was a Difficult Teenager so their parents were dealing with that most of the time when they were kids, making juno’s very mild emo phase (inspired by her sister and included dyeing a single blue stripe in her hair and wearing extremely small gauges) literally the least of their parents worries. her little brother was also pretty mild and kind of nerdy, and he and juno would just sort of uncomfortably watch things go down with their parents and their older sister for years
her parents stayed together for much longer than they should have “for the kids”, which resulted in a ton of fighting and hardcore contributed to juno’s sister acting out a lot and fighting with their parents. they finally got divorced when juno was 15, which made pretty much her whole sophomore year of high school really difficult in a lot of ways but wound up being very good for everyone’s mental health in the end. her dad remarried and her parents are super civil with each other and they do holidays as a family and everything
her sister is married now with two kids and juno is obsessed with them
she’s an extremely lowkey individual, really just wants to hang out, go on hikes in the mountains, make her jewelry, hoard scented soap, and complain about how bad pizza is in california
definitely an introvert in that she needs to have her alone time to recharge and fully enjoys days spent indoors watching netflix, but she’s usually p much down to do anything and very much enjoys her job working at a bar
lives in a two bedroom apartment with a roommate (wc!!) and fills it with plants. is usually burning incense and other herbs just bc she likes the smell and aesthetic
loves camping, will spend entire days on the beach, always has horrible tan lines, makes her own perfumes by blending essential oils, unironically loves rainforest cafe, theoretically likes yoga but rarely does it, has a huge sea glass collection from back home that fills like 5 or 6 big vases, takes animal crossing too seriously, has cried at a lana del rey concert, smokes weed but will get anxious and have to stop if she gets too high, has been known to use scrunchies
usual outfits include sundresses, jeans, graphic tees, graphic socks, thrift sweaters, mid 2000s energy platform shoes, 90s stretch chokers
she has a german shepherd corgi mix named bowie that she is in love with and generally is obsessed with animals
absolutely under no circumstances will date someone unless she is head over heels in love bc she has no time for that
has a huge amount of common sense and is super rational about things but making decisions gives her anxiety even when she KNOWS what she should do so she can get crabby and snap at people if she’s struggling with a big life decision
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jewlwpet · 5 years
Princess Ozma in the anime The Wizard of Oz
First of all, some background. I am one of the very few people I know who does not regard Princess Ozma’s origin story, found in The Marvelous Land of Oz, as particularly good. Connected to that, I do not consider it to be positive trans representation, for reasons outlined here. I do love Princess Ozma, and I think it’s great that she’s become a trans lesbian icon, but I don’t think the messages about trans people in The Marvelous Land of Oz are positive, at all, although the later books have some lines that are great in that regard if you ignore the context. I also think that her character holds high potential for more respectful adaptations, and that’s something I’m always on the lookout for when I consume adaptations of The Marvelous Land of Oz.
Did the anime turn this into something I can at least sit comfortably with? Well, no, not really. I think it might have done a marginally better job than the 1904 novel, but it still has significant issues. There were some really good lines, but there were also really bad lines... This is actually another case where I think the English dub did a decidedly better job than the Japanese dialogue, but it’s still problematic.
I say the English dub did a better job because Tip/Ozma is explicitly given a choice, but it’s still one in which he’s being pressured, and there was one line in particular that I find troubling... but at least Tip/Ozma isn’t completely stripped of agency over their life...
Here are the different versions. I’m bolding the lines I think are most significant, in either a positive or a negative way.
Original passage:
"You are not a girl just now" said she, gently, "because Mombi transformed you into a boy. But you were born a girl, and also a Princess; so you must resume your proper form, that you may become Queen of the Emerald City." "Oh, let Jinjur be the Queen!" exclaimed Tip, ready to cry. "I want to stay a boy, and travel with the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, and the Woggle- Bug, and Jack -- yes! and my friend the Saw-Horse -- and the Gump! I don't want to be a girl!" "Never mind, old chap," said the Tin Woodman, soothingly; "it don't hurt to be a girl, I'm told; and we will all remain your faithful friends just the same. And, to be honest with you, I've always considered girls nicer than boys." "They're just as nice, anyway," added the Scarecrow, patting Tip affectionately upon the head. "And they are equally good students," proclaimed the Woggle-Bug. "I should like to become your tutor, when you are transformed into a girl again." "But -- see here!" said Jack Pumpkinhead, with a gasp: "if you become a girl, you can't be my dear father any more!" "No," answered Tip, laughing in spite of his anxiety. "and I shall not be sorry to escape the relationship." Then he added, hesitatingly, as he turned to Glinda: "I might try it for awhile,-just to see how it seems, you know. But if I don't like being a girl you must promise to change me into a boy again." "Really," said the Sorceress, "that is beyond my magic. I never deal in transformations, for they are not honest, and no respectable sorceress likes to make things appear to be what they are not. Only unscrupulous witches use the art, and therefore I must ask Mombi to effect your release from her charm, and restore you to your proper form. It will be the last opportunity she will have to practice magic."
Japanese dialogue:
Tip: How can I be a princess? I’m a boy! Mombi must be lying again.
Glinda: Mombi speaks the truth. Were she lying, the golden thread would know.
Tip: Even if it’s true, I hate it. I don’t want to be a girl! If I’m a boy, I can go on adventures with Scarecrow, Woodman, and everyone! I don’t want to be queen.
Jinjur: Yeah, that’s good. I’m still here, you know.
Glinda: Don’t be selfish. You will be the Queen of Emerald City, Tip.
Dorothy: It’s okay to be a girl. I’m a girl, and I go on adventures! You can too.
Tin Woodsman: Right. It doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or a girl. That won’t change the fact that we’ll always be your friend.
Scarecrow: What matters is that you’re a good person. A person who, since we’ve met, has shown courage, wisdom, and a kind heart.
Tin Woodsman: Right. The Scarecrow and I are pretty jealous of that. Man or woman, it doesn’t matter. You’re human.
Glinda: Tip... no, Princess Ozma. Your father was the greatest wizard of the Land of Oz. When he ruled, there were none who used evil magic. But once he passed away, this land changed, and was no longer a paradise. From now on, you will be Queen, and you will return Oz to how it once was.
Tip (hesitating): Okay...
(Everyone cheers)
I think this is marginally better than the original because at least the part about transformation magic being dishonest is left out, and the responses from Tip’s friends... would be great, if this were actually someone coming out as trans, and not someone being forced/coerced into transitioning (you really could just as easily call it a forced detransition. I still call Princess Ozma trans but I honestly think it’s a stretch given that she was assigned female at birth and was then forced to live as a girl, even if she ended up being happy with this and the later scenes where it’s discussed are great out of context...).
English dubbed dialogue:
Tip: But I don’t want to be a princess! I want to be a boy and go on having adventures with all of my friends! I don’t wanna have to be the queen someday! Couldn’t I just stay the way I am?
Jinjur: It’s okay with me, Tip; I’d gladly take your place!
Glinda: Try to get used to the idea. You’ll still have adventures, and Oz needs its rightful ruler on its throne.
Dorothy: It’s true, Tip; Scarecrow was a good king, but he wasn’t born to it; this throne really belongs to you.
Scarecrow: Mm-hm!
Tin Woodsman: And boy or girl, Tip, take it from me: what really counts is having a good heart, and that you’ve got!
Scarecrow: Yes, and a good brain, too! We’ve all seen that! Come to think of it, I’m a bit annoyed with my brain right now; I should have spotted your royal qualities a long time ago, Tip!
Tin Woodsman: You’ll get used to being a girl, Tip. After all, you were born one! You’ll get used to being a ruler, too. If I could do it, anyone can!
Glinda: I know this has been difficult for you. As far back as you can remember, you have been known as Tip, not Ozma. As a lowly witch’s apprentice, not heir to the throne of Oz. But royal blood runs in your veins, and I can see that you’d make a fine ruler, every bit as wise as your father before you. But the choice is yours: Do you wish to remain Tip, or shall I break Mombi’s spell and turn you back into Ozma, Princess of Oz?
[Tip gulps, but nods, wordlessly.]
I think that the English version is considerably better on the whole because Glinda isn’t forcing this onto Tip. The English dub does pass the “Is it better than Space Pirate Mito” test, which the novel and the Japanese version of the anime fail. However, the English version did add in the declaration that Tip would “get used to” being a girl because of being “born one,” which has unfortunate implications regarding trans people for sure. It is something that could be written out of simple ignorance with no particular intent to invalidate anyone’s experience, but effect matters too. Still, I think the overall effect is better than the other two versions discussed here, though I’d definitely hear out other points of view. But it’s... not great.
Final note. Tip is a rather rough-and-tumble kid, with masculine speech pattens and a very casual manner. Tip speaks very informally compared to Dorothy and, for instance, there’s a scene where they drink water out of a lake, and Dorothy uses her hands, while Tip sticks his head right in there. I hope this aspect of Tip isn’t erased, or worse, squashed out. As to that, though, I probably won’t be able to tell until much later in the series, so don’t expect a post about it anytime soon.
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piper-aileen-lenox · 5 years
Get To Know the Muse:
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Favorite things.
season: Autumn.  pie: Coconut cream fruit: Strawberries ice cream flavor: Mint chocolate chip breakfast food: Coffee. She’s not a fan of breakfast food. alcoholic drink: Whatever will get her drunk. Cheap wine is most common. soda flavor: Dr. Pepper. scent:  Piper always smells like acrylic paint and strong black coffee. And cigarettes, depending how stressed out she is.  flowers: Sunflowers and any flower that people call a weed animal: Fox movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre tv show: The Twilight Zone book: Not much of a reader, but she did really like Lord of the Flies when she read it in school. And Slaughterhouse 5. fairy tale: A BIG fan of Alice in Wonderland. Also The Emperor’s New Clothes.  genre of music: 80′s-90′s punk and grunge genre of movies: Horror movies and thrillers genre of books:  Pulpy books
Pick one.
hot or cold juice or soda tv or movie movie or book late night talk shows or reality tv twitter or instagram trees or flowers philosophy or psychology ocean or lake water park or amusement park cats or dogs freshwater or sparkling water sugar or honey cookies or candy bath or shower morning or night running or walking piercings or tattoos frozen yogurt or ice cream vanilla or chocolate caramel or butterscotch art or music t-shirt or button down text or call ghosts or aliens
Have they ever.
ridden a motorcycle: A handful of times. A few of her boyfriends in high school had motorcycles, so she’s ridden on the back of a motorcycle stolen something: Yes, but never anything expensive. Usually food items or cheap drugstore makeup.  eaten an entire pizza by themselves: Yes, but it was a medium. So, I dunno if that counts. made a prank call: Absolutely. broken a bone: She has broken her arm at least once when she was a child. I think she’s probably had her arm broken again as a young adult, but idk. It’s not like she’s my own character 🙄 fallen asleep during a concert or movie: He’s fallen asleep during a dozen or so movies. He’s tired. walked out of a movie because it was so bad: No, but she has left a movie because a date was so bad. She just told a boyfriend she was going to the bathroom and then never come back. been on the phone with someone for longer than 2 hours: Yes, but only in her canon 80′s verse. dined & dashed: Yes. held a gun: Nope. ding dong ditched: Nope. Never had a friend group as a teenager who were the types. gone skinny dipping: ...yes. cried during a movie: Absolutely, but she will deny it. smuggled food into a movie: Yes. Have you seen those concessions prices? She’s not paying that. lied to get a job: Absolutely. Although, it’s more not telling the entire truth, rather than lying. Like, she won’t mention that she was fired unceremoniously from her last job. practiced lines in from of a mirror: Yes. She used to understudy for the female roles of Rocky Horror production she helped with in high school. She didn’t say lines b/c it was shadow box theatre, but she practiced how she looked saying them.  tried to see how many marshmallows they can stuff in their mouth at once: Yes. Roger is a terrible influence. been kicked out of somewhere: Yes. been on a blind date: Yes. ghosted someone: Yes. And she will do it without guilt. bragged about something they haven’t done: Not really? said i love you without meaning it: No? She’s actually v soft, even if she tries to fight it. She falls in love fairly easily, so she isn’t one to say I love you without meaning it. gotten in a fight: She’s so combative, so yes. Mostly verbal sparring, but she has hit someone and someone has hit her. fallen asleep on a bus: Yep. 
how do they take their tea or coffee: Straight black. Whatever is strong and cheap. what is their ideal date: Big fan of mid-afternoon dates. Like, going to get a light lunch from some nice cafe and then going to walk around the Met. And if things go well, she’d have them come back to her apartment to talk more and maybe watch a movie together. Something lowkey but would facilitate the ability to truly talk to someone. what are some of their guilty pleasures: Uh...big fan of Reese cups, but she doesn’t feel particularly guilty about it.  Romance in all forms is kind of a guilty pleasure because she will deny that she likes it because she prefers to seem callous towards love because she doesn’t want to come across as soft. She’s just seen relationships go so wrong, and still seeming like she still has faith in love and romance seems too optimistic. So, enjoying romantic movies or romantic gestures is something she feels guilty for.  longest they’ve stayed up for: Probably around thirty hours. But definitely less than forty-eight. greatest talent: Obviously, she’s a talented artist. Primarily in oil and acrylic paints as well as pencil/pen drawing. That is the one thing she actually does view as a strength of her’s. strange habits: Tears off the crusts of her sandwiches rather than cuts them off. Mumbles to herself. Will clip and save articles from magazines and newspapers, even in her modern verse. Still sleeps with a nightlight. Uses men’s deodorant.  can they do a handstand: Kind of. can they cook: Eh. Not great. She’s largely stuck with preparing packaged food, like ramen or rice. Or no-cook food like sandwiches. So...no. Not really.  do they have allergies: No. Just seasonal, nondescript allergies in the spring and autumn. do they believe in love in first sight: No.  have any special talents: Can curl her tongue. Able to play bass poorly. Actually a semi-decent dancer when you don’t leave her to her own devices. Surprisingly good memory. 
Tagged by: @dxspereaux​
Tagging: @splatteredfingers @pantslessoptimism @damnedcrybaby @perdidoelcielo @coalessscence @cardiomyapathy @vampanic @maternalmelancholy​
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heliantyr · 5 years
Time for questions! I’m going to put 1-9 here plain and simple, and then the rest will be under the break just so that you don’t have to scroll to oblivion if you don’t want to see this! Let’s go!
1: Name
     My name is Jude, or Coreta if you wanna use my pen name! A few of you might also know me as Virchude since that’s my main blog!
2: Age
    I won’t tell you plainly, but I am still in high school.
3: City that you live in
     I’m just gonna tell you which state! I live in the lower peninsula of Michigan!
4: What do most people not know about you?
     I’m almost certain that none of you know this, but I am the youngest of  my dad’s (kinda) six kids.
5:  What do most people know you for?
     If we’re talking just here, I hope to all get out it’s my headcanons, but in real life it’s the fact that I get offended rather easily...
6: Hobbies!
     I do a lot of pointless writing (meaning I never finish anything)... I also draw a lot of random junk, I rad a shit ton of fanfiction, I sing/write songs a lot... uuhh and do nothing.
7: What are your passions?
     I have a very large passion for helping those around me who have suffered like I have mentally and emotionally. I also really like debating (more like arguing) with people about politics!
8: When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?
     Just yesterday my mom, older sister, and I ended up accidentally sitting down in the living room and ranting about how shitty out lives are... so.......... yeah
9: have you collected anything? What is it?
     I have a small hat collection (that I hardly ever wear), and I’m beginning a plant collection! There is also a ever fluctuating collection of cups and bottles in my room T-T
10: List ten things off your bucket list (I may not remember half of these TvT)
*Take a trip back to Colorado with my friends
*Start a business
*Travel to at least 8 countries
*Go to Andorra
*Be known for some great feat
*Have one of my works (whether art or writing, etc) become famous or greatly known
*Meet one of my favorite actors/band members (doesn’t matter who)
*Learn to swim...............
*Make drastic strides towards saving the planet
*Meet more people from my dad’s side of the family
11: What was the last thing you learned?
     Seeing as I got out of world history an hour and a half ago, we learned about the Cold War and how the USSR fell apart because of silly putty
12: How many relationships have you been in?
     Counting the ones that didn’t mean shit, 4. Only counting the ones that actually meant something, 2.
13 + 14 I am not answering.
15: Favorite food
     Menudo. Fuckin love it
16: Favorite drink
     hm... either tea or ginger ale, but out of a shot glass TvT A TWO LETER OUT OF A SHOT GLASS
17: What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?
     I went to NYC over my birthday weekend this year with my school’s choir, and our tour leader on my bus got me a pastry in Little Italy! It meant so much because I didn’t even know her! 
18: Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
     I’m usually pessimistic unless my friends are also being pessimistic, cuz then I’m frigin sunshine and rainbows!
19: Do you sleep during class?
     Not very often, and only if what I’m doing isn’t actually important.
20: What is the most expensive thing you own?
     If not my actual bed, my laptop, which is $200.
21: What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?
     ..... I... Don’t know... uh I got a huge fukin thing of cocoa butter lotion at the dollar tree... and it’s kind of multi use?!?
22: How many time a day on average to you check your phone?
     .........don’t look at me like that.
23: Text or call?
     Text. I wanna call people, but what if they don’t pick up? Or it’s really awkward? or I can’t hear them? or vise versa? or-
24: Opinion on long distance?
     Sounds like torture. I honestly couldn’t do it.
25: What is your definition of success?
     Feeling satisfied or content with what you’ve done.
26: Favorite song?
     um. At the moment, Killer Queen by Queen.
27: Favorite artist?
     Music wise, Patrick Stump. Art wise, Van Gogh.
28: Celebrity crush/crushes?
     That’s a long list. But my main two recently have been Sebastian Stan and Tom Holland...
29: When was the last time you read for fun?
     Aside from fanfiction? Last Wednesday night I stayed up reading Shakespeare’s sonnets to myself...
30: Favorite flower?
31: What is the best gift you could receive right now?
     A confidence boost that lasted at least the rest of high school...
32: Any guilty pleasures?
     Day dreaming about random shit.... random weird shit about people I know...
33: What is one thing you’d like to change about yourself?
     Hm... I think I’d change my mental health. I just wanna be perfectly okay for once.
34: What do you search for in a friend?
     being able to understand me, relate to me, and be weird with me. Also mutual interests. And reasonable barriers.
35: How many times have I said “I love you” in the past month?
     You expect me you count???? A shit ton! Do you know how many times a day I have a family member leave the goddamn house????
36: Where dd you last go other than your room/home?
37: Why do good things happen to good people?
     Because that’s not how life works. Our society constantly has people suffering, no matter who they are or what they’ve done.
38: In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out, or being stabbed in the eye?
     Seeing as I’m just about used to the pain of being left out, I’d say being stabbed in the eye. I am such a wuss T-T
39: How many green shirts do you own?
     1. It’s a St. Patty’s day shirt.
40: Do you like anime?
     noooooooooooo.......... not at allllll.... TvT I’m tired!
41: What do you invest the most time in?
     Either videogames or fanfiction.
42: What is the name of the last book you read?
     The Hobbit (even though I haven’t finished yet)
43: What’s the difference between loving and liking someone?
     No clue... Still trying to figure that out.
44: Where are you most productive?
     My art classroom
45: List three things you enjoy doing with friends:
*Complaining about life
*being gay
*Pretend to kidnap one of them my dragging them around the floor during lunch
46: List three things you like to do alone:
*Listen to music
47: Do you think that world peace will ever exist?
     As long as there are living things on it? Never.
48: Do you have any allergies?
     Absolutely none! I knew this kid in the third grade who was allergic to nuts, milk, AND gluten!
49: When was the last time you cussed at someone?
     My friend and I got into an argument about who the best actors are during english....
50: What was the last promise you made?
     .......Is it bad that I don’t remember?
51: What was your last dream about?
     I had a hedgehog (which I really frikin want), and I was taking care of them, and hen this asshole in my grade was in my living room and I had to be nice to him.
52: If you won a trip to Hawaii and could take 5 people with you, who would they be? 
*My best friend Kiara
*My friend Raph
*My other friend Molly
*My other other friend Faith
*My dog
53: How many countries have you visited?
     1, if you count the fact that I live in one!
54: What is your favorite medium of art?
     Music. It moves me so easily.
55: When was the last time someone complimented you?
     My friend Laura jokingly complimented my hair during english (we were looking at old english compliments) and she winked at me TyT
56: If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself?
     uh... hol up, wha? 
57: Do you consider yourself mature?
     At times, yes.
58: How many days in your life do you think you’ve wasted on tumblr?
     so frigin many, but there’s more to come!!!!
59: What is your favorite quote?
     “I was so good at sports when I was in high school, that I started a band.”
                                      -Patrick Stump
60:  If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be?
*Be kind to all (see how that’s turned out???)
*Spend life learning. Try to find the lesson in your experiences.
*Mental growth is more important than anything
61: What is your greatest accomplishment?
     Being alive today.
62: Do you believe in the death penalty?
     No, not really.
63: What are your goals in life?
     To be a better person than my mother is, and to help others on a mental level.
64: What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?
     I honestly have no clue... maybe something weird?
65:  If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.
     I would have to go with.......... oo that’s hard................... the bnha universe      T-T I want powers!
66: What were you like in 2013? 
     I was an awkward, abusive, shitty little child.
67: Do you have a job?
     Nope! I’m planning on possibly finding a part-time one soon, though!
68: Tell us a story about your childhood best friend.
     His name was Parker, and he was a year older than me. He was my first friend other than my older sister, and I loved him so much. I don’t remember much, seeing as the last time I saw him I was five... It was early fall, just when the leaves start to fall. We had one of those trees in my front year that dropped the seed thingies that twirled around. Parker and I would always toss so many of those in the air until out hands got cold... I really miss him.
69: If you could change one thing in society, what would it be?
     I would get rid of corrupt governments and people in positions of power.
70: How many all-nighters have you pulled before?
     Never have I pulled one for school, but I find myself staying up til the crack of dawn the day before school starts, usually. Or on nights when I can’t but help contemplate everything to the point of not being able to sleep at all.
71: Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is it?
     Tumblr is one of my favorites, but Ao3 has my ass.
72: What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?
     Nothing. I tend to be very hard to bribe. But if I reaaallly needed the money, I wouldn’t be able to kill someone, I’ll tell you that.
73: Does money equal happiness?
     It can for some people, but not for all.
74: How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?
     I don’t know, a few? I’m never truly happy until my thoughts leave me alone. 
75: How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime?
     More than happy, I can tell you that.
76: What’s the funniest joke you have ever been told?
     My generation is going to save the planet.
77: When was the last time you looked at the news?
     We actually watched a news clip during history today!
78: If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say?
     Stop being a dick!
79: What is your favorite animal?
     A hedgehog!! 
80: If you could earn a million dollars for pretending to be dead for three years, would you do it?
     NO! I have people who would miss my sorry ass, then murder me for coming back!
81: What is one thing everyone is bad at?
     Having a lot of friends. A lot of the time (in my personal experience), the more friends you have, the less time you can spend with them, and the less close you are, until eventually you can’t keep dividing your time!
82: What time do you normally sleep? How many hours do you usually get? 
     uuuhh... yes, and not enough!
83: Does age necessarily equal maturity?
     No, but that does not excuse digusting things like p*****ilia.
84: What is your favorite clothing store? 
     ....The Hot Topical.
85: In the winter- beanies or gloves?
     why not both?!?!?!?
86: Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?
     Wings. I can’t swim, and I panic underwater.
87: If you had the power to erase someone from the world so that nobody remembered them but you, would you do it?
     That depends, does it fuck up history? Cuz in that case, no!
88: What do you fear the most?
     Being abandoned by everyone.
89: How many digits of pi can you recite?
90: If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, what year would it be?
     2015, so I could leave a better version of my for my friends that I leave at the end of the year,
91: Describe yourself in one word.
92: Describe your last victory.
     I had a conversation with that asshole from my dream without arguing with him.
93: What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?
     SO! This one time towards the end of the school day in the seventh grade. This one kid (let’s call him V) was sitting next to his friend (C). I look over as I go to shoulder my bag, and V is running his hand down C’s thigh. V catches me looking, and goes “WHAT?! he did it first!” like that made it better! (and it kinda did because that’s still one of my best stories!)
94: What is something you will never forget?
     Something traumatic
95: Would you rather forget all of the past, or remember everything in vivid detail?
     Vivid detail. Then maybe I could win arguments with my sister!
96: Have you ever broken a bone before?
     yeah... I fractured the growth plate in my foot in the sixth grade... by walking.....
97: Is it harder love someone, or hate someone?
     love is so hard....
98: Coffee or tea?
I drink both, but tea ftw!
99: What are some little things you do that have changed your life in a positive way?
     I have become more friendly with my dog, and he actually likes me now!
100: How many hours do spend on tumblr a day?
     quite a fukin few....
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mochidoodle · 6 years
Houseki - 宝石
Since there’s been some curiosity about it lately, I’ve decided to officially introduce Houseki! Houseki is my original series made with the help of my faithful editor-in-chief @ukitakejuushiro​​​.
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It all began with my first D&D character, a half-elf druid named Eizan Shen whose backstory I fleshed out over the past year. The story takes place in the elf nation of Liang (Chinese: 亮), meaning “light/brightness.” I incorporated my Asian heritage into a fantasy, magic-filled world brimming with all the classic (and favorite) fantasy story tropes. Sky-high towers and mages and dragons...a mix modern fashion with ancient Chinese wardrobes...and a set of unique customs built on Asian foundations. (ok now I sound like a chef on Chopped😅)
This explanation ended up hella long, so the rest is under the cut! I’m so happy people are curious about Houseki. It’s the culmination of my love for drawing, world-building, and storytelling (and anime ofc lol). Hope y’all enjoy my first original story!
The Kingdom of Liang
The prosperous Kingdom of Liang is a country landlocked on three sides, facing the sea on its west coast. It’s ruled by an oligarchy-monarchy mishmash I’ve yet to totally work out and three big political factions I won’t delve into too much now. The important thing to know is Eizan’s wife, Saya, connects him to the nobility because she’s the niece of the king. Her entire backstory is a wild ride involving a dispute for the throne, “dishonoring” her clan, and finding a family for herself. 
For the most part, the main plot revolves Eizan and his job. If you’ve read MTNN by Matsui Yuusei, you’ll figure out exactly who inspired Eizan...in fact he’s kinda like a (slight) Pokemon evolution of my favorite MTNN character (lol oops...)
Anyway, for that reason, I gave Eizan a similar-ish job. (I’ll keep Eizan spoilers to a minimum here because the campaign I’m playing right now has yet to reveal his deets... but if asked, I’d be happy to give’em!) We follow his adventures and meet his best friend, Taizi (a human) and his brother-in-law, Chai (an aspiring mage). 
Due to a horrific 100-year-long war (appropriately named the 100 Year War), Liang experiences the aftereffects of rampant xenophobia. Nowadays, border relations are peaceful and the xenophobia is minimal, but the bitter aftertaste of intermittent racism and elf elitism remains. 
We get a dose of this in Taizi’s backstory — Taizi and his human family were immigrant beggars rejected by the locals until Eizan’s father offered them a home and helped them get back on their feet. Ever since then, Eizan and Taizi have been the best of friends, like brothers. 
Meanwhile, Chai, the snooty son of one of the biggest royals around, learns what it means to be the “non-elite.” He meets Taizi, his sister marries Eizan (a commoner and a half-blood), and he becomes a working apprentice at the local woodshop. His is a tale of self discovery, treating people with fairness, finding his own goals, and opening his worldview when he crosses paths with characters from all walks of life.
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One of the most important customs in Liang is the symbolism of jade. Jade is the most sacred stone, symbolizing a lifelong promise between two (or more) people. It is a vow of friendship, family, love, and loyalty. Jade is not to be gifted lightly. Royals tend to have a family and/or individual ring made of jade.
Most, if not all couples, will exchange unique jade pieces when they marry. I call it “Trade a Jade” (˚▽˚) For example, Eizan gave Saya her hair clip and she gave him a set of earrings. Sky gave Yuri a beautiful hair ornament, and she gave him jade chevron ear cuffs. (Couples do trade other items, but these happened to be similar gifts.)
The theory of magic in Liang is based off the number eight, representing harmony and balance. Mages use “anchors” to connect themselves to the natural energy of the world. While magic theory/technique may vary geographically, Liangese magic always utilizes eight anchors. A gate between the first seven anchors and the universe is established using your soul anchor (the eighth pillar, one’s own mana). The first seven are elemental anchors (fire, earth, water, etc) which draw power from the natural world. The stronger the mage, the purer the magic, meaning one can draw a greater quantity of power with a better connection.
Gemstones — houseki (宝石) — are used to enhance the channels established by anchors. Certain jewels even have elemental affinities. Stones with high purity resonate strongly and channel the best magic. 
Fun fact: If you take away the hat-shaped radical in the first character of Houseki, you get the word for “jade”...! 
Connecting to different anchors produces different spells. For example, combining several elements provides complex magics like telepathy and foresight. Using only one type of anchor creates create pure magic, such as straight up fire or water spells. However, magic is not produced out of thin air — it requires a trade of the user’s mana for the world’s energy. A spell’s strength still depends on the caliber of mage, not just what anchors they use.
Magic tools are very common. They use magic batteries made of gems/metal ores or simply rely on the user’s mana. Inscriptions and magic circles establish anchors if none are enchanted into the gems. High quality magic tools are made of metals with high magic compatibility. The more common items made from regular steel, stone, and glass include thoughtography radios, magic-infused cameras, and quartz crystal TVs.
Additionally, healing is possible by accessing life element anchors (found in your soul anchor or in organic objects) to summon sheer life force energy. Liangese healing magic is very advanced to the point where one can conduct brain and open-heart surgeries. However, the usage of certain magics is forbidden without qualification. Medicinal magic is limited to certified clerics, and alchemy is strictly prohibited unless you’ve graduated from the capital’s School of Alchemy. 
Note: Much sketchy underworld business revolves around black magic, illegal alchemy, and magic weapons trade.
Basic spells are taught in grade schools, but not everyone has strong magic affinity, so mastery isn’t a requirement. Most children continue on to a regular university, vocational school, or magic academy if they don’t enter a direct apprenticeship following primary education. Easy spells are frequently used in daily life to simplify tasks. For example, one can check the quality of materials or speed up certain processes using analysis/trace magic. Cooking magic is an entire art on its own, and very difficult to master.
There are laws banning time-altering magic and revival of the dead, but very few ever violate them. This is because these spells never end well. You can land in an eternal time loop or accidentally create a soulless, man-eating zombie. And then you die.  While spells that save someone on the brink of death in exchange for one’s own life force do exist, you cannot bring back the dead. 
There is only one exception to this, and even that singular instance required hundreds of years of research and preparation, not to mention the cost.
Finally, certain noble clans specialize in different magics, often attaining mastery of multiple disciplines. I’ll save that for a different post, but for now, just know that the Cheng Lis are primarily fire, alchemy, and space/time mages. Eizan is good with earth or plant-based spells (aka he has a great green thumb!)
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commissioned art by Ling
Plot (???)
The plot of Houseki is still a work in progress. I have a general outline that I keep adding to as more ideas come. I’m writing out the fine details/arcs, which will include the dark underbelly of the royal world, black magic, a threat to the nation, the secret to life (?), and the truth behind the throne. Love me my cliches hehe~
Here are some character facts you might find interesting! ...okay, yes, my cast is like 90% one royal family and I have terrible naming sense (I legit named Taizi after my fave badminton player) but here ya go!
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Eizan Shen: A half-elf druid created for my first ever D&D campaign hosted by a friend! He’s a huge family man and an avid tea enthusiast. Very calm, levelheaded, and specializes in handling a knife...or many knives. (I don’t know where he keeps them...😨) Eizan gives off ultimate dad vibes and his most treasured thing in the world is his family.
Saya Shen: Eizan’s wife, a full elf born to one of the most powerful royal clans. She was supposed to be the first princess of Liang, but was disowned by her family when she rebelled from their ideals and married a commoner (and a half-blood, to boot). She’s an incredibly strong woman both mentally and physically, but also one of the warmest, most loving characters in the series. Oh, also her biceps are made of steel.
Chai Cheng Li: Saya’s little brother, a young mage prodigy who specializes in fire magic. He’s a tad snooty and arrogant, but at heart just a nerdy bookworm who loves magic. He grows up admiring his sister, feeling heartbroken when she “abandons” him and leaves the family, but later rediscovers himself and in his journey to become king. 
Taizi Ying: Eizan’s childhood friend. He and his family were immigrant beggars shunned by the locals until Eizan’s parents offered them a place to stay. After his parents died of illness, Taizi made it his life goal to repay the kindness that Eizan’s family showed him years ago. He becomes the greatest swordsman in the nation and earns great respect despite the human blood in his veins. 
Dae Ongaku: She is spunk in the form of a small elf girl, the one and only Dae. Head apprentice of the Shen Woodworking Company, her skills are nearly unrivaled. She’s known for her contagious smile, eccentric love of cheese, and her liveliness. It really isn’t a day without Dae Ongaku. (Character inspired and written by @ukitakejuushiro)
Sky Silvers: A cool and aloof elven ranger who befriends Eizan during our D&D campaign, later residing in the Shen household temporarily before he becomes a disciple of the greatest archer in Liangese history, Hanzhen Cheng Li. In the future timeline, Sky also ends up falling in love with Han’s daughter and marrying her. (Sky belongs to @ukitakejuushiro, and is her player in the campaign.)
Hanzhen Cheng Li: Youngest brother of the king and Saya’s uncle. Known far and wide as the One-Eyed Archer, Han is the strongest archer in all of Liangese history. He lost function of his left eye in the 100 Year War, hence his nickname. His wife passed away due to cancer, but thanks to my incredible plot armor (backed up by a decent magic theory), she will come back to life. They’re the cutest shit you’ll ever see, so I have absolutely no regrets. Best decision ever.
Yumiko Cheng Li: Han’s beloved wife, a cute little lady with a head of fluffy chestnut hair. She died approximately 75-85 years ago due to an incurable cancer, but I brought her back to life because Han was too lonely and I love her to bits. She is pure sunshine, the actual greatest good in this world.
Just look at this...how can you say no....
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Yuri Cheng Li: Daughter of Han and Yumiko. Like her parents before her, she is a skilled archer, and her personality is a perfect mix of the two. She has a passion for fashion, art, and teaching, but her emotionally tragic past hinders her confidence and her relationships. Fortunately, she meet someone who helps her becomes brave again, and fate aligns just right :’)
Hokuzhen Cheng Li: We should finally introduce the King of Liang himself, shouldn’t we? Cheerful and easygoing, Hoku is a kind and intelligent king. He’s very perceptive of the state of the nation, while also keeping up with “hip and cool” trends much to his daughter’s dismay. He can be somewhat clumsy, often tripping over his massive robes. A good man with one too many dad jokes...
Alishan Cheng Li: The Crown Princess of Liang, named after the literal Alishan mountain range of Taiwan. She’s Hoku’s daughter and Saya’s cousin. Ali is polite and well-mannered but not particularly adventurous or motivated. She knows for sure that she doesn’t want to inherit the throne. Oh, and she loves food (especially mantou) ♫
Wakamori Yakaze: A spirit mage from the western island country of Kouhaku. Yakaze is Sky’s first teacher and Han’s best friend. Though he doesn’t appear in Houseki’s main plot, he’s a main character in Han’s spinoff story, which will rejoin the final timeline of the main series. Yakaze’s tale is one of angst and hopelessness and his journey to someday becoming whole again. Personally, I believe his friendship with Han is unrivaled, far surpassing both love and life. Keep an eye out for him in YUMI TO YA —弓と矢  (Yakaze belongs to @ukitakejuushiro)
Yan Wu Seigi: A cunning mage who runs an underworld spy network. He is the head of the Seigi clan (and political faction), but his heinous actions in the 100 Year War dishonored his clan, and they were stripped of their status. His sly methods and ulterior motives drive the underlying plot behind Houseki.
Akagi Kanshikan: Yan Wu’s adopted son. Akagi lost his family to a house fire when he was young. He grows up a wild, obsessive, and unstable youth who craves social intimacy but doesn’t know how to achieve it. His love for violence and lifelong training as an assassin don’t help much either. He meets Eizan during their school years and plays a large role in one of the more devastating arcs. 
Jimo Kanshikan: Akagi’s younger sister, a small, emotionless, and cold assassin. Trained to be a killer since her formative years, she is fast and deadly...but somewhere deep inside, she wishes Yan Wu would show her fatherly approval and she seeks warmth from her sibling(s). 
Shanmu Seigi: Yan Wu’s only biological daughter, a wicked poison enchantress who adores mind games. She supports her father’s regime but also has an evil plan of her own. The shame of their clan drove her to mother to madness, and Shanmu’s hand in her mother’s demise explains why she has become so twisted. Shanmu is a recurring antagonist who cleverly slips beyond reach of the law.
Hayazhen Cheng Li: The eldest Cheng Li brother, Saya’s father, and formerly the Crown Prince of Liang. He was once a benevolent man to his loved ones, but after an unfortunate plot twist, he begins seeking vengeance in the form of cruelly grooming his heir. Hayazhen is a key national figure and maintains strong influence behind political tides. 
Asuka Cheng Li: Hayazhen’s wife, mother of Saya and Chai. She supports her husband’s endeavors regrets her inability to help Hayazhen make wiser choices. Instead, she blindly takes his side, thinking it was the only way to support him. 
Junzhen Cheng Li: A stingy, arrogant second Cheng Li brother. He’s just straight up mean and rude, no holds barred. But no one gives a damn about him either lol.
Setsuna Reifan: A renowned healer who spearheads the movement for workers’ rights and class equality. She becomes an important ally to the main cast. 
Ichirou Reifan: Setsuna’s son, a member of Eizan’s team. A really average joe. Pleasant to be around, but not very interesting.
Hyouka Tsaomei: A quiet, sweet girl who specializes in illusionary magic. She loves strawberries. Her name means strawberry. Will kill for strawberry shortcake. 
Qiuzhen Rin Koori: Magic forensic specialist who only likes three things in this world — coffee, candy, and sleep. It pains him to get out of his chair, and it’s near impossible to extract him from his magic lab. 
Old Nao: Headmaster of one of the military academies in the capital. A kind man, but also incredibly ancient.
Torisu Bia: One of the Ongaku Daily Sun’s best political journalists. Doesn’t sleep much, loves to write, and gets her nose into sticky situations every now and then. Uncovers a great conspiracy.
Osamu Raisan: A bard of the royal court who plays the shamisen. Something about him is particularly ethereal and all-knowing...
Maikku Shantian: Another bard of the royal court. He sings. Loudly. A very popular bard amongst the populace. 
Layla Zanabaq: A local florist in the capital’s most immigrant-populated town, where Eizan and Saya live. Has a huge crush on Maikku. (Inspired and created by @harunnn)
Shu’un & Ranshao: Two of Chai’s university friends. The first is a salty little mage who uses familiars, and the second is the token idiot who only knows how to use explosion magic.
Paiya Yoon: Dae’s childhood friend and rival. She moves into the capital when she finds a new job there, rekindling their competitive friendship. She’s named after a papaya. Yes, you heard me, a papaya. (Inspired by @kyahgamis​)
Rem: Sky’s eternally sleepy childhood friend. Even while holding a conversation, there is a 99% chance he is asleep. May or may not be a ninja, but you didn’t hear that from m—
Collie: An archery kouhai from Sky’s youth. She looks up to him a lot and she flaps her ears when she’s excited, as if she might try and fly away. Collie is often mistaken for a boy.
Ra: A very Extra™ healer who has 100% faith in his skills (as should you). He calls people by their full name all the time (a power move), doesn’t skimp on eyeliner, and has known Sky since his village days as well. (Rem, Collie, Ra by @ukitakejuushiro)
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Ezi Shen: The plucky, curious daughter of Eizan and Saya! She adores the color pink and loves bows of all kinds: bow ties, ribbon bows, bow tie pasta, you name it! Ezi is quite the fearless little adventurer and one should consider it an honor to be invited to her weekly tea parties.
Daizan Shen: Eizan’s father, a master woodworker who owns the shop where Dae works. He’s a strict but fair man who earned great respect amongst fellow craftsmen with his hard work and skills. He and his wife serve as the liaisons between local mixed-race business and the corporate elf society. 
Meihua Shen: Eizan’s mother and Daizan’s wife. Though she was born to elite elven family, Meihua pursued her dream of being a seamstress. She now owns a beautiful dress and tailor shop. Despite being a pacifist, Meihua’s incredible intelligence was needed at the end of the 100 Year War, and she temporarily served as the head military strategist.
Tian Cheng Li: The only daughter of the previous king and sister to all of the Cheng Li brothers. Tian is an absolute riot who turns proper princess stereotypes on their heads. She is the root source of Saya’s spunky nature, the rebellious and boisterous Cheng Li aunt. 
Hayano and Irino Cheng Li: The notorious family twins, Tian’s youngest sons. They are the most chaotic duo of memes elves you’ll ever meet. They always have their hair dyed one wacky color or another. Lately it’s been orange (Hayano) and lavender (Irino). 
Hokkaia Hibari: Saya’s maternal grandmother, a very loving and tender woman who taught her grandchildren how to read and write. When the family dynamic turned sour, the children sought comfort in Hokkaia. She taught them to hope and dream :’) 
The Ongaku Family: Dae’s family of two fishermen, a navy boy, and the editor-in-chief of the Ongaku Daily Sun. They’re frequently so busy with work (coastal fishing, deployment, running the newspaper, etc) that they’re often absent from the household. As a result, Dae practically lives with the Shens nowadays.
Rei, Jun, & Maeno Cheng Li: The rest of Saya’s cousins. Rei is the oldest, an elegant but stiff woman. Underneath her guise of propriety, she seems lonely, like she just wants to have fun and be friends. Meanwhile, Jin is her stuck-up asshole of a little brother, a true snob. Don’t give Jin time of day, ever — it’ll get to his head. Finally, Maeno is the benevelent older bro of Tian’s twins. He has a soft, round stature and a warm smile.
Sei Ling Zhou: The former queen, mother of all the Cheng Li siblings, and the most renowned healer in history. She’s known for her quirky attitude and snarky clapbacks, having once turned down the proposal of the last king himself. Sei Ling will discover a never-before-seen spell that could very well be considered the “secret” of life...
Akira and Kawano Cheng Li: Akira is Junzhen’s wife and mother to Rei and Jin. She married into the family forcefully, desiring access to their magic libraries. Akira is not a stranger to getting what she wants. Kawano is Tian’s husband, a calm and steady man to balance out her spontaneity. He comes from a family that owns a fruit import company.
Jade: As mentioned before, the jade stone is the most precious and worshiped gem. Recklessly gifting jade would tarnish one’s reputation and belittle Liangese culture. Of course, they are understanding of mistakes, especially when foreigners are just learning about their customs.
Festivals: Liang has four big seasonal festivals — the Lantern Festival on the summer solstice, the Lunar Dance Festival in mid-autumn, the White Tiger Festival on the week of the new year, and the Jade Horse Festival on the spring equinox. People gather to pray to shrines, dance and sing, eat good food, and visit their families. 
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Tournaments: Similarly, Liang also has four seasonal tournaments called “Medals.” Winners of the Medals, appropriately called Medalists, are recognized as the greatest master in their respective fields. (Minor competitions also occur, but these are the big ones):
There is the Swordsmanship Medal, which lasts five days and ends on the summer equinox (the day the Lantern Festival begins).
The Ceremonial Dance Medal in mid-autumn, which perfectly coincides with the Lunar Dance Festival. 
The Archery Medal on the winter solstice.
And finally the Horsemanship Medal during the spring equinox.
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(all statistics are approximate and not quite final yet!)
Mastery of Arts: In Liang, mastery in any field (magic, arts, athletics, medicine, etc) is a very respected achievement. Oftentimes, masters are the older folks, hence why elders are held in high regard. An important plot point involves Taizi achieving mastery of the sword and winning the Swordsmanship Medal, defying classism and racism, and becoming one of the youngest and most respected masters of his generation. 
Market Day: A day-long event akin to an Asian night market or western farmers’ market. Shop owners, farmers, and restaurateurs gather in the central marketplaces of large and small cities alike to sell their specialty items. It’s a day to celebrate food and advertise your best goods! 
Hisui: The capital. It has a circular layout and lies in the western central region of Liang. The Royal Palace sits at its center, hugged by a river that comes from the north. The Inner and Outer Capital are areas separated by the imaginary circle drawn by the river. This line divides the government and business sectors from the smaller residential districts.
Hayashi: Saya’s main hometown growing up. An industrial city slightly northeast of the capital.
Bing Harbor: Han’s city of residence in the northwestern province. It is Liang’s biggest port town, and thus the “gate” to the western world. Bing Harbor is known for its beautiful winter landscapes and seamless escape into vast forests.
Huamao: Eizan’s hometown, where he met Taizi. Known for its peaceful gorges, clear pools, and beautiful small cascades. 
Mountains: The mountain ranges surrounding Liang are classified into three different regions, each with their own specialty resources (i.e. mountain ore, lumber, etc). They are home to a few aboriginal clans. 
Huen: The southernmost Hisui district. It has the highest immigrant and non-elf population in the capital. This where Eizan currently lives. 
Haretsuki Lake: A large lake shaped like a crescent moon crashed into the sun. It lies in a valley to the southeast and has much historical relevance.
Here is a vague, incomplete map of Liang (still a really rough draft so far, and not quite the shape I want it to be...):
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As you can see, I have great naming sense (´∀`;) I either name on a whim or I throw in references to my family in some way or another... Anyway, I plan to change the shape and layout a bit. I’m not quite satisfied yet...
In conclusion... 
That...was a lot. If you made it this far, holy shit? Thank you?? Feel free to check out my Houseki tag and ask questions and just...please talk to me about my OCs omg I’m so excited ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
This is kinda my first big original “project.” I’ve always wanted to do something like this and I’m super excited to share it. Most of it’s on my personal docs or in chats with Danie, but I will share it all eventually! And I’ll update the (very unfinished) Houseki blog with all the formatting and plot, so stay tuned!
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37 notes · View notes
seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Yang Jeongin
Well,,, the end is finally here and i can’t thank everyone enough for showing this series so much love and support! I can’t believe it’s finally the end i’m close to tears everyone! I hope you enjoy this last installment <3
-Major: Art and Design
-Minor: Applied Music
-Sports: he was scouted by the track and field coach bc he saw jeongin run across campus extremely fast carrying a massive art folder bc he was late for class so jeongin went,,, and stayed though he’s not the fastest he gets doted on by all the seniors who coo over him bc wow look at this adorable kid
-Clubs: photography bc he loves taking photos but not enough to analyse them lmao, also goes to choir but he’s a very nervous boy bc the choirmaster is SCARY
-Jeongin being the youngest means he gets smothered with love and he’s like hYUNG PLS GET OFF ME but he secretly loves it bc it means they all buy him food so he doesn’t have to pay for it himself ;)
-Literally the only reason he puts up with the cuddles is so they treat him afterwards
-(Though when he is tired he lets Chan pull him in onto his lap and he just snuggles up to him bc he’s just a tired soft boy)
-(When he wakes up he tells Chan not to tell his flatmate Jisung bc otherwise Jisung would chase him for hugs all the time)
-Jeongin is literally the campus cutie and literally all the seniors help him carry his art folder and he’s like !!!! I can do it myself and they just reply by ruffling his hair and taking his art folder whilst trying to balance 5 textbooks and he’s worried but doesn’t know how to tell them it’s fine
-Let’s just take a moment to appreciate Jeongin who goes to his art classes wearing overalls and a striped shirt, with circle glasses and a big grin bc he’s finally painting mY HEART
-Jeongin’s preferred medium is paint but he is also partial to chalks bc he’s just a kid okay let him have this
-You can always spot him bc he’s always covered in paint splatters no matter how many times he’s tried to get the stains out it’s very adorable
-He really loves to paint especially in summer and he goes to the park and paints the scenery bc everyone is happy and so is he
-His room is just filled with stacks of paintings from his adventures at the park
-Jisung tries to get Jeongin to paint him and just sits pouting on his bed and jeongin REFUSES bc he can’t draw people let alone paint them and he STRESSES and Jisung is like oh NO DON’T STRESS
-Jisung, backhugging a confused Jeongin: stress is bad for the baby
-Jeongin: hyung, I’m not a baby
-Jisung: I’M the baby shhh let me hug you
-Jeongin: hYUNG
-Jeongin is secretly happy to live with Jisung bc the two of them are just big kids but Jisung is like his biggest supporter
-He’s struggling with a piece of artwork? Jisung treats it like the Mona Lisa and Jeongin is EMBARRASSED but has a lot more faith in his work and his teacher loves it
-Jeongin texts Jisung when he gets his grade and Jisung is like THAT’S MY BABY YOU DID THAT
-The only problem with Jeongin and Jisung living together,,,, is they are actual children and Woojin is almost constantly round to clean up after them bc it’s just a whirlwind of paint splatters and crumpled up paper
-Woojin couldn’t even find the plates until he was putting the groceries away and found them in the freezer????
-(yes Woojin does food shopping for the boys bc otherwise they’d be living off takeout and instant ramyeon and woojin’s like ur not getting the right nutrients as he stockpiles their fridge and cupboards with rice and vegetables and pre-cooked dinners courtesy of Chan who was stress cooking the other day)
-Jeongin just shrugs and returns to his easel
-Oh,,, the boys don’t really understand his work but they love and support anyway
-Jeongin,,, what is that?
-It’s a building landscape?
-Umm… sure it looks amazing sweetie you’re doing so well
-Jeongin just loves abstract paintings that confused people and you bet he has a picture of him with some of picasso’s work framed on his desk
-His mantra: if Picasso can do it, so can i
-His professors love his work bc he’s the literal sunshine when he’s in class and he answers questions very cutely and they’re like,,,, we shouldn’t have favourites but damn it’s Jeongin
-The students can’t even argue bc,,, their favourite too, is Jeongin
-But he is a genuinely great artist and everyone admires his stuff
-He even got one of his first of ever pieces put on display and all the prospective students are like ?!??! this is done by a FIRST YEAR
-That’s privilege bc only final year students have their stuff displayed in the art department
-When Chan was picking Jeongin up from class and saw his artwork on the wall he took a photo of it on his phone and sends it too Woojin and they’re both,,, look at our son go we’re so proud of you :’)
-You can almost guarantee Chan took the boys out for a celebratory meal and they’re all like,,, we don’t know the occasion but free food?? Sign me up
-Jeongin just sits there and is very confused bc he too doesn’t know the reason but Chan orders him his favourite dish and he’s a very happy baby
-Chan does a toast to his youngest son Jeongin just DIES bc why is Chan embarrassing him like this and why is the whole restaurant cheering for me
-Cue Jeongin melting into his seat, hoping for the floor to just swallow him up there and then tbh
-He’s just a flustered boy when people compliment his work bc he works so damn hard and he doesn’t think what he produces is good enough
-And everyone is like Okay who are we fighting :)
-Jeongin’s like,,, no one??? I said it’s not good enough
-Everyone:…. Time to smother you in cuddles and compliments until you believe in yourself
-Jeongin: o h  n o
-He tries to run but,,, Seungmin’s arm is flung out and omg since when was Seungmin strong (he concludes it’s all the law book he carries around) and long story short; jeongin finds himself in a cuddle pile for a good hour and given so many compliments bc they just want him to feel better and more confident :’)
-ALSO,, at 3RACHA gigs he’s the most hyped there (besides Jisung but he never rests)
-He’s there with his little glow sticks and jumping up and down in his seat bc they’re his hyungs and he’s so proud of them
-Can we also take another moment to accept the fact that Jeongin goes to Chan and Changbin for singing advice bc he trusts them and they really help him improve esp his confidence
-He goes to choir practice and asks the scary choirmaster if he can audition for a solo part
-He agrees, a little sceptical bc he’s never heard Jeongin sing properly before, and boy is he SHOCKED bc he has a really good voice ???
-Everyone is outside the audition room and are genuinely surprised that their resident youngest is good at singing??
-Jeongin goes to Chan’s apartment after choir practice BEAMING and chan’s like,,, what happened???
-I got a solo part in the concert at Christmas
-Chan treating the boys no matter how small or big their achievements are? Of course he does,,, it’s a good job he gets money from producing money or else he would be BROKE
-Another thing about Jeongin
-He volunteers at the local vet to help look after the dogs
-Jeongin cuddling with puppies after they have had a flea shot or something??? A CONCEPT
-He loves all of the animals and all the clients love the soft boy and they’re like,,, oh you must be doing a vet course
-And he’s like oh no !! I just like to volunteer here bc they needed someone to help them!!
-A pure boy I’m crying
-He mainly works at the reception bc he’s not qualified to be in the practice rooms but that also means when it’s not very busy he can go over and pet the animals (if their owners let them which they always do bc how can you refuse Jeongin anything) and it’s just very soft
-One of his favourite clients is this woman who has a pregnant golden retriever who comes in for checkups weekly bc her dog isn’t the best condition health wise and Jeongin gets sad whenever he reads the file when he’s booking the appointment
-However,, the owner lets him hug her dog and Jeongin cuddling a golden retriever?? I’m sobbing
-Like imagine a smiley Jeongin with his arms wrapped around the dog’s neck and she’s really happy bc Jeongin is just the softest boy and she’s wagging her tail happily and everyone in the reception area is dying at how cute the image is
-One time Jeongin found himself cross legged on the floor with the dog’s head in his lap whilst he was cradling a puppy and his supervisor nearly scolded him but when he saw how serene the two animals were he softened bc he’d never seen them so calm in the vets
-Jeongin,,, why didn’t you choose to study veterinary you’re so suited to it?
-Easy, I failed biology and chemistry,,, I’m just not good academically
-After the woman’s dog gave birth to seven healthy pups she actually offered Jeongin a job to walk the puppies once they were old enough
-Jeongin lost his collective marbles bc being paid to walk dogs??? His favourite animals in the world?? He nearly cried but told the woman he would do it free
-She refused bc he’s too good with the dogs and she wanted to reward him bc he wasn’t being paid at the vets
-He nearly cried when she paid him for the first time and was like ma’am it’s not really worth this much!!!
-She just replies by ruffling his hair and telling him to go and have fun bc he’s just a kid
-Jeongin uses that money on new art equipment and Jisung is like,,, is chan giving you an allowance smh favouritism
-Jisung calm down I actually have a job
-You,,, have a job??? Omg how did a child get a job before me??
-Hyung,,, you earn money bc of 3RACHA ?? just bc you spend it all on Cheetos or something doesn’t mean I do
-You little sh- WAIT what even is your job?
-I walk dogs
-That’s so pure I can’t be mad
-That’s how you actually meet Jeongin, when he’s walking the dogs
-You’re just chilling in the park with your book bc it’s a really nice day and ur like,,, well it’s time to enjoy the sunshine before midterms roll around
-You’re lying down reading your book when something wet is nosing at your hand and ur like WTF IS GOING ON
-You pull your book away from your face and ur greeted with a puppy??
-I mean,, ur not complaining bc it’s a cute puppy and before you know it the puppy has jumped on you so ur just like,,, this is my best life I’m living right now
-You’re worried tho bc this puppy must belong to someone so you try and take a peek at the collar but it just bites your hand playfully and ur like,,, the betrayal
-After about 10 minutes of playing the puppy falls asleep on your lap and ur like f r i c k what do I do now
-You contemplate calling the vet bc you really don’t know what to do with a lost puppy?? And you know the vet is close by and normally take in lost pets
-You decided that it was the best course of action and are looking up the vet’s phone number when you see a figure with about 6 other dogs on a leash calling out a name
-You breathe a sigh of relief and slowly pick up the puppy and began walking up to supposed owner
-Jeongin,,, on the other hand is S T R E S S E D
-How could he lose a puppy so easily??? I mean when you’re walking 7 of them and they all have a lot of energy and pulling you in different directions,,,, it’s understandable
-However it’s been 15 minutes and he still can’t find the puppy so he PANICS and is frantically searching the park calling the pups’ name when a stranger walks up to him cradling the puppy
-Jeongin is RELIEVED bc omg the puppy is back and he tries to scoop the pup into his arms but you know,,, his hands are pull with six other leashes
-You laugh watching him try and struggle and he BLUSHES
-Ur like,,, oh he’s CUTE
-“It’s okay, I can help you if you want. This little rascal fell asleep anyway and the others look like a handful”
-“Y-you want to help me? B-but you don’t know me?” jeongin is very confused
-“Of course I want to help you! It must be very difficult to walk 7 over hyper puppies I’d love to help you”
-Jeongin just flashes you a big grin and oh no he has braces and a gummy smile and ur like F R I C K call the ambulance
-He hands you two of the leashes, warning you that it might be difficult to control them
-You just laugh again bc,,, how could it be THAT difficult to walk two puppies and hold a third
-Answer: very difficult and oh my life how does this mystery boy do it you think as the pups are nearly pulling your arm out of your socket
-Once the pups tire out a bit, you and Jeongin finally get the chance to talk
-You find out his name, his major and u can’t help but admire the fact he volunteers at the vets bc it’s so cute
-You’re also shocked that he’s not studying veterinary bc he seems so natural but once he enthused about Picasso ur like,,, ofc this boy is an art major
-You also introduce yourself and he’s in awe at the fact you study pharmaceutical science bc,,, wow that must be so hard you must be like a genius or something ??!?!?
-You just blush hard bc hello,,, a cute boy just called you a genius ?
-You protest saying that it’s not that much and it’s really boring hahah
-And he’s like no!!! it’s really cool like you’re literally going to be able to save people’s lives in the future that’s awesome
-You blush again and Jeongin’s like,,, oh I got over enthusiastic about it :( and suddenly the clouds have covered the sun and ur like why are you sad???
-He’s like,, I scared you off didn’t I?? I’m sorry if I got too into your subject :(
-Ur just in shock bc,,, no one has ever showed interest in your course before so you’re just in shock bc u don’t know how to react
-You just protest and say that it’s okay,,, no one ever really pays attention to my course they’re just like heh drugs but like,, ur being all nice about it it’s ,,,,, nice
-Suddenly the sun is back bc Jeongin smiles and asks you more about it
-As your describing how the heart reacts to different types of drugs, you and Jeongin had reached the lady’s house and you’re handing the dogs back to her n ur kinda sad bc,,, you probably won’t see Jeongin again
-BUT he walks you back to your dorm and is like,,, thank you so much for helping me even though you didn’t have to!!!
-Ur like no problem !! maybe we can do it again it was fun!!!
-Jeongin’s ears flush and he just nods, giving you his phone number so you can arrange another day to walk the dogs
-You and Jeongin meet at least once a week, sometimes more if the weather is nice and you’re not busy with lab stuff and the two of you walk the pups together
-It’s just really soft and sometimes you go and get ice cream together
-Why can’t I help you walk the dogs?
-Jisung hyung,,, you’re nearly as bad as the dogs
-I’m offended
-The two of you grow closer, bonded by the dogs, and you could say,, it’s puppy love (I shall see myself out)
-It’s just,,,, the two of you look so adorable walking the dogs together and occasionally eating ice cream it’s so cute?!?!
-One time Jeongin wiped ice cream from the corner of your lips and you couldn’t look him in the eye for DAYS bc you were so embarrassed but Jeongin just found it adorable but also H E C K why did he do that I must be a fool
-A lovesick fool Jeongin
-Yes,, he had developed a little crush on you and it was the sweetest bc he would pay for your ice cream or give you his jacket if it got a little cold
-One time you came by to walk the dogs and u were running on like 3 hours asleep bc of ur lab report and Jeongin was like !!! no I’m walking you home rn no BUTS
-U just accept it bc ur so tired but everyone who’s on campus is like ?!?! PUPPIES AT 12 O’CLOCK BUT ALSO JEONGIN IS WALKING THEM AND SOMEONE IS WITH HIM THAT ISN’T HIS FRIENDS THIS IS NOT AN ALARM
-Some people do actually stop and pet the puppers but Jeongin is like excuse me sorry we have an emergency and grabs your hand, pulling you through the small crowd
-(also,, Jeongin holding your hand and 5 puppies leashes whilst you have the other two?? A talented boy)
-He walks you right up to your apartment building, sad that he couldn’t come in and make sure you were resting instead of studying but he had 7 puppies and animals were banned
-You text him the next day after you slept for a good 18 hours and Jeongin just spams you with smiley faces and heart stickers n ur like,,, hello is the ambulance I’m in need of medical assistance
-Jeongin is blushing bc why the heck did he send so many heart stickers to you
-But when you reply with even more,,, Jeongin full on BEAMS and Jisung is like,,, dude u good
-Anyway since that incident you and Jeongin text more,, and you even meet up outside of walking the dogs
-Like,,, you told him that you were working late in the labs bc you were doing some more research for your synthesis of simple drugs module
-So this cutie rocked up with some snacks and a hot chocolates from the campus coffee shop,, albeit he got lost bc why are labs so confusing ??? why is science confusing ??? this is why he failed science at high school lmao
-You are very shocked to say the least bc,,, no one has EVER bought you a drink before let alone to the lab when ur working
-U blush and thank him bc,,, how could u not he’s so sweet
-The two of you just sit there drinking your hot chocolates as he tells you about his day in the art department and how someone ruined their work by dropping into someone else’s palette of oil paints n they cried
-You were laughing bc jeongin has such an enigmatic way of telling stories that you couldn’t NOT laugh at them
-Also,,, he looked damn cute in his denim overalls and sweater that you just wanted to kiss his cheeks
-Little did you know,,, that jeongin too thought you looked really cute in your lab coat and a pencil behind your ear bc you looked so professional ??? but also had a bit of cream on ur upper lip from the hot chocolate
-He just giggles and leans in to wipe it off
-The both of you just freeze bc,,, H E C K
-You just think,, screw it and swoop in to kiss his cheek and he nearly damn DROPS his hot chocolate bc that was so cute
-“Maybe,,, we should go on a proper date at the weekend?” you ask him shyly
-(He stays with you whilst you finish your lab stuff off and he’s in admiration as you’re concentrating and he thinks it’s really cute,,,, pls protect him)
-So,,, you two are literally the campus sweethearts ?
-Like,,, you’re both always just shyly walking across campus together and everyone is like wow look at our children go
-When Chan finds out that you’re dating he literally cries bc his youngest son is grown up and Jeongin is like,,, for the last time I’m not your son
-You just giggle into your sleeve as Chan pulls him in for a hug whilst Jeongin is like mOM GET OFF
-Speaking of skinship,,, the two of you are very to shy to initiate it at first and it takes like weeks before Jeongin works up the courage to hold your hand in public
-Not that you were much better bc u were nervous as heck bc what if he didn’t like it but little did you know he was trying to psych himself up for it
-When he finally did u were just a smiley blushy mess and he was no better
-Since that day tho, Jeongin LOVES holding your hand
-He literally never lets go of your hand at any point if I can help it,,, it just makes him so happy ?? The feel of your hand slipped into his makes him smile so much
-The feeling of your fingers tangled together, no matter how tight or loose, fills him with so much giddiness that one day ur like Jeongin why do you like holding my hand so much
-And he tries to explain but he cant quite articulate it properly, setting on “it feels nice and I feel so,, warm and happy” and you just giggle, tightening your grip on his hand
-Cuddles,,, at first were rare but the more comfortable you got you can bet that Jeongin initiates them a lot
-Jisung gets jealous when he sees the two of you huddled up on the sofa, your head on his shoulder and hands interlocked bc when will Jeongin cuddle me
-Jeongin just flips him off and continues to cuddle you
-Chan, somewhere on campus: did,,, my son just swear???
-Yeah he’s just a cuddle bug around you and he loves to be backhugged by you bc he can play with your hands and you get to smush ur face into his shoulder it’s very soft
-He especially loves it when you backhug him whilst he’s in the art studio when he’s sketching or painting something,,, just give him warning otherwise he WILL jump and nearly ruin his artwork as you learnt one day oops
-But he just feels so serene and relaxed as you rest your chin on his shoulder and your arms settle around his middle
-The two of you go on so many cute dates as well??
-Like,, there’s a dog café opening up near ur uni and jeongin is like,,, Y/N do you wanna go and pet some dogs and maybe hold hands and ur like,, jeongin we do that nearly everyday but sure where are we going
-He just drags you to the dog café and you spend literally the whole day there hugging dogs and drinking probably overpriced smoothies but who cares,,, the dogs are cute (but u think Jeongin is cuter but don’t tell him that or else he will tackle u and say that ALL dogs are cuter than him) and you get to spend all day with your boyfriend ???
-Jeongin also snaps many photos of you cuddling the dogs bc you look so happy and cute surrounded by so many dogs that he couldn’t resist
-He uploads his favourite ones to Instagram and all the boys are posting extremely cute comments bc our jeonginnie is all grown up and his partner is so cute :’( :’(
-You meet the boys in the park one day bc Jeongin is like,,, u have to save me bc otherwise they will attack me with cuddle
-You agree but are like,,, ur fine with me attacking you with cuddles
-He’s just,,, Y/N ur my significant other you are ALLOWED to cuddle me and,,, I like it when u cuddle me
-You just giggle and grab his hand as you walk to the park
-They’re an interesting bunch to say the least,,, Jisung threatens u in case u hurt his baby n ur like !!!!! but jeongin reassures you that Jisung can’t hurt anyone he’s too small to be frightening it’s seungmin you have to watch out for
-You’re shocked bc Seungmin looks so nice ?? and pure??? Until 10 minutes later Hyunjin throws a bottle at him and Seungmin full on launches his textbook at him and ur like nvm I see what you mean
-Chan and Woojin sit with you and Jeongin and they ask you about how the two of you met, and what you study and stuff
-You’re a bit overwhelmed but Jeongin helps you out and is holding your hand tightly so u feel safe and Chan’s like pure love but also,,, u don’t have to answer out questions if it’s too much we just want to get to know you better!!!
-And ur like,,, it’s fine I’m just a little nervous bc everyone is so,, loud??
-Woojin just apologises for them and says u kinda get used to it once you spend more time with them
-And you do, bc they always invite you out when they do stuff and suddenly the loud volume is normal and u don’t mind it anymore
-You and Jeongin do study together though,, with being in such different majors it’s kinda difficult
-Though you can always be found in an empty art studio as Jeongin is painting on a canvas and ur sat surrounded by diagrams of the heart and cardiovascular system and everyone’s like,,, this is odd but it’s cute we support 10/10
-Jeongin likes to help you study by testing you on different terms and you think it’s really cute when he mispronounces words and tries to blame it on his braces but u both know its bc he has absolutely no idea how to pronounce oxidoreductases but he tried his best okay
-He got a little pouty when you laughed at his pronunciation of haemoglobin so you had to kiss his nose and cheeks in order for him to forgive you and he was just a blushy mess when you pressed a further quick peck to his lips UWU
-Jeongin, despite not liking drawing portraits, loves to sketch you and in particular,, your back profile
-That way,, he didn’t have to worry about your face and could sketch the backdrop as well
-One day you were on a date in the park and you were sat reading your book whilst Jeongin had his sketchpad out
-He began to sketch you bc you looked so perfect and Jeongin couldn’t quite believe you were his that he wanted to immortalise it on paper and on ur 6 months he gave you the sketch and you cried bc it was perfect
-(You got it framed and it’s now hung up in your room and every time you see it you just smile bc it reminds you of all the good things in life)
-You and Jeongin were just the cutest couple that everyone dotes on a lot
-One time,, you both wore matching dungarees and sweaters and circle glasses and you walked onto campus giggling, holding hands and EVERYONE collectively awed and Chan even snapped a photo of you two bc you both looked so happy and in love that he had to wipe a stray tear from his eyes
-He sent it to Jeongin with loads of happy faces and Jeongin was like,,, hyung ur photo skills aren’t the best but somehow,,, it looks good I’m gonna thank Y/N for significantly improving this photo thanks hyung
-No problem son :)
-Jeongin frames it and keeps a copy in the back of your phone so you both have a copy of it and wow ur so adorable
-The campus sweethearts are just the cutest I’m crying
THE END IS HERE IM SO SAD i loved writing these aus so much i can’t believe it’s over!! this series is a big thank you to our first 100 followers and hopefully,, here’s to all our new followers who are here and support us we love you so much and we hope you’re happy and healthy 
(also,, happy 100 days with stray kids!!!)
Much love <3 <3 <3 <3
[edit: we just hit 200 followers?! im crying i love you all so much!!!]
[edit 2: this is completely irrelevant but also kind of relevant bc i just passed my second year of college and im extremely happy!!!]
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