#but the way we talk about jack the ripper specifically is SO strange
cookinguptales · 2 years
so i love laszlo, i would say he’s constantly fighting with guillermo for the spot of my favorite character on the show, and i just wanted to say thank you for bringing up the jack the ripper thing, it irritates me so much for so many reasons. as you’ve said, it was irresponsible on a meta level to include that joke and imo disrespectful as well. it’s doubly insensible irt the text itself bc laszlo does not have the character traits required to be capable of that (he’s bawdy sure but he clearly finds sex to be a beautiful thing!! why would he use it to harm and terrorize vulnerable women!) AND it doesn’t make sense chronologically. laszlo and nadja immigrated to new york in the 1860s i believe, the ripper murders happened in the 1890s, long after laszlo had promised he would never return to england. how would he have been there! i’m sure laszlo, nadja, and nandor came and went from the house as they pleased but i’m certain an absence like that would have been noticed. it’s just. EUUGGH. i’ll be the first to say laszlo is flawed and he’s clearly still unlearning a lot of stuff from his massively fucked childhood but like? no? his whole thing is he left england bc the ppl he was hanging around were being bigoted and xenophobic/classist to his wife? why would he be committing crimes that were a direct example of a mentality rooted in english classism and misogyny that made the murderer consider them to be less than human. he has some form of moral code, as skewed as it is. i HATE this joke with every fiber of my being and i hate that the public consciousness around these murders is not that they were uniquely horrific and should not be appropriated to be used in this manner.
sorry for taking a while to answer this, anon, yesterday was pretty rough for me, from a chronic/mental health standpoint, so I decided not to inflict myself on those around me. lmao
but yeah, I fully agree with all of this. I feel like the ripper jokes feel really tonally off from the rest of the show and don't match the characterization or timeline that ended up emerging as the show found its footing. some of that is the way that jack the ripper has been culturally separated from his actual crimes (which... I do not think is a good thing) and some of that, idk, might have been growing pains with the show...? I really don't know.
I have a lot of complicated feelings about true crime and the way we societally talk about serial killers anyway, but yeah, I would agree that jack the ripper has a uniquely weird spot in our cultural lexicon as like... almost a charming, mysterious serial killer? when the actual crimes were absolutely abominable misogynistic attacks against one of the most vulnerable segments of society. I think there's a dehumanization of the victims there that... idk, really bothers me. he's not a fictional boogeyman, and it bothers me when people treat him like he is because that relegates his victims to a sort of equally fictional facelessness. I hate that.
all that is to say... yeah, I cannot reconcile the actual historical ripper with laszlo for basically the reasons you've outlined here, and that's why I have to kind of headcanon those jokes away. I don't tend to be easily squeamish about dark subjects, but those jokes legit bother me.
like idk man there's fictional murder and there's real murder and one's a lot funnier than the other!
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hannigramficrecs · 3 years
Season 1 AU
Like You Hung the Moonshine by lovetincture [words: 1,331]
Will's hiding out from an FBI party. Hannibal finds him. A little scene set early Season 1.
Separately to a Wood by emungere [words: 13,891]
I want the AU where Hannibal just proposes to Will that morning in the motel room and for some reason Will says 'yes'
Strange Affinity by crystalusagi [words: 2,922]
AU where Will and Hannibal have a one night stand before the start of the show--something really rough and sleazy where they don't even exchange names--so that then when Jack recruits Hannibal to look after Will and they meet for the "first" time it's like super awkward.
The Substitute by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 10,502]
When Hannibal tells Will he's sick, Will is skeptical. Before he knows it, he's laying in a hospital bed and being told he's going nowhere for two weeks. Will is distraught until Hannibal swoops in and offers to take over Will's courses at the FBI Academy.
Going My Way by fragile-teacup [words: 2,746]
Imagine, if you will, a sunny café terrace on a warm autumn morning, where Will Graham is grabbing breakfast ahead of a rather important meeting with his boss and some psychiatrist or other. He looks up and notices that someone is staring at him from a few tables away…
Marriage of Inconvenience by fragile-teacup [words: 3,563]
When Will Graham hears that Hannibal Lecter has been threatened with deportation, he's far more dismayed than he ever thought he would be. But a flippant suggestion from Brian Zeller gives him an idea...
Milk by fragile-teacup [words: 1,000]
Sorbet alternate ending.
Parfait by softmoth [words: 3,895]
“No,” Will smiles, almost laughs, and shakes his head. “No, he’s. He’s not human. He’s… perfect."' The smile falls from his face and Will’s heart is pounding in his throat. He feels like he might vomit. “Dr. Lecter, he’s perfect.”
Mise en Place by WrathoftheStag [words: 1,858]
What was the cooking staff thinking when that entire pre-dinner party scene went down between Hannibal and Will in Sorbet? Written from their POV. Pining and cooking.
Whisper Broken Words by lonelywalker [words: 3,951]
A sleepwalking Will is woken up outside Hannibal's house, but dream and reality still seem to be blurred. All he can be certain of now is that Hannibal's something more than a friend.
Five Times Will Graham Went Hungry, and One Time He Didn't by coloredink [words: 2,918]
"You have the manner of one who is accustomed to being hungry," Hannibal observed. Will gave an awkward half-shrug, one shoulder higher than the other. "We were poor. I was hungry a lot."
It’s A Good Car, Dammit by proser [words: 11,077]
Will never shares with anyone. His thoughts, his possessions, and his life are all his and his alone. Hannibal doesn’t take from anyone. He prepares his own food, cleans his own house, and uses his own supplies. So when Hannibal starts driving Will’s car everywhere, people are curious. Trust is so rare with these two, and it both makes perfect sense and is utter nonsense that it would reside between them.
Sharing A Bed by TigerPrawn [words: 4,150] 
Will, Hannibal, Jimmy and Zeller are sent to Butfuck Nowhere on a case and the small hotel has messed up the booking leaving them with only 2 rooms between the 4 of them. And specifically Omega Will having to share with Hannibal, the only Alpha on the trip.
Antlered and Horned by BloodunderMoonlight [words: 48,966]
A Season 1 AU. Will is a dark Will and Hannibal is a lovesick god.
They made it for me by zombieboyband [words: 8,844]
Will is manipulated into dirty talking at Hannibal about the Ripper.
Mignardises by gryvon [words: 6,839]
Their latest case reunites Will with an old ex. Hannibal does not approve of competition.
Love-blind by BloodunderMoonlight [words: 29,944]
Will met Hannibal two years ago during the investigation of the Wound Man case. They fell in love quickly and married to each other a year later. Now another year had passed, they still had not realized their partners were the serial killers they admired the most. 
Callipygian by ProxyOne [words: 2,260] 
Hannibal has a lot of sketches of Will, which he normally keeps safely away. One day though, Will shows up unexpectedly and Hannibal is caught unawares, and unprepared.
L'appel Du Vide by sourweather [words: 5,413]
Will is hiding things from his coworkers. From himself. But Doctor Lecter knows.
Friends Don't Frame Friends: A Lesson for a Clueless Cannibal by LadyFelixTristis [words: 5,041] 
Ear? What ear? Will Graham doesn’t try to thwart Hannibal Lecter’s plans for him. He just does. By accident. And then on purpose.
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savannah-lim · 4 years
Hell’s Dell’s || Savannah & Marley
Timing: Current Parties: @savannah-lim and @detectivedreameater Location: Dell’s Tavern Content: Panic (Mara fear gas), Clowns (Vague description), Head Trauma
Savannah had needed to process so much during her time in White Crest that sometimes she forgot to sit back and take a deep and careful examination of it. She was almost used to the town to the point of desensitisation, which alone should have frightened her. What had begun as a simple missing persons investigation into Agent Sterling had turned into an exploration of an entirely new world, one she didn’t want to give up entirely too easily. If she was honest, maybe that’s why she hadn’t submitted a final report on Agent Sterling’s case yet, why she kept finding more cases to dive into. If anything had managed to shock her recently, it had been the Dullahan. Stryder had known all about it, explained it away as something all White Cresters should know about, and even managed to defend her excitement about seeing it in a way Savannah understood on a deep and personal level. If not for that explanation, Savannah wasn’t sure she’d have invited Stryder out for drinks at all. “What are you having?” she asked as they found a booth, taking off her jacket and folding it neatly beside her. 
Savannah Lim was a mystery to Marley. She had watched the destruction of the Dullahan, watched Marley fawn over him-- listened to her explain what was going on, and she’d still invited Marley out for a drink. And, more importantly, not reported her. Marley should have been more concerned about citizens when they were being attacked, but she just couldn’t help it-- the pull of their fear was too good to pass up. It was like she’d been hypnotized, realy. But here she was now, standing outside of Dell’s, heading in to get a drink with a normal human FBI agent who believed in the supernatural somehow. And she wanted to talk about creepy things. How could Marley pass that up? “Tequila lime,” she answered, removing her own jacket and hanging it on the back of the chair. “So...how’re you liking White Crest so far?”
"Tequila Lime?" Savannah repeated, considering that as an option before nodding. She usually didn't dive right into the spirits, but what the hell. It sounded good. "We'll get two of those. There's a Dutch beer that tastes like Tequila. It sounds awful, but it's actually really good. I wonder if they have it." It probably said a lot about her that most of her socialising involved alcohol. "Would you think I was crazy if I said I actually like it?" she answered, but then again, considering her last conversation with Marley, she figured her tolerance for someone enjoying the dark and bizarre was pretty high. "It's never boring. There's always something interesting to explore. The trade-off is that it's terrifying." She shrugged. "Did you always live here, or did you move here?" 
“I’m a simple girl with simple tastes,” Marley shrugged, even though nothing in that statement was true. “There is? Huh, that sounds like just my type of beer.” She wasn’t normally a big beer drinker-- it wasn’t worth it, seeing as it took too much beer to get her even a little buzzed-- but she’d make an exception for one that tasted like tequila. If it tasted good enough, she’d have to tell Anita about it. The thought twisted something in her stomach and she furrowed her brow, focusing back on Savannah. “What? Oh-- yeah. Nope, never a boring day here. Especially in our line of work,” she played idly with the napkin on the table in front of her, “And no, you’re not crazy. I like it here, too, because of that reason. Or, well-- I used to.” And maybe she still did, but lately the town had taken more from her than it had given, and it still left an empty feeling in her gut. “I moved here about five years ago. I used to be in New York. Worked for the NYPD for a little bit before I got transferred to Albany of all places. It was so boring there, so one day I just...moved.” She took the drink gratefully when the waiter returned with their refreshments and took a long sip. “What made you join the FBI? That’s a pretty dedicated career.”
"Whatever makes you happy," Savannah answered. She didn't think it particularly mattered what someone's preferred drink was unless they were sipping on the blood or orphans or something. In White Crest, that was probably someone’s dietary requirement. “I’ll ask at the bar if they have it after this round.” But as much as she enjoyed alcohol, this wasn’t what they’d come here to talk about. Savannah’s interest had been piqued by their encounter with the Dullahan, and in Savannah’s world, that simply meant she had to find out more. “I like puzzles,” she answered in response to Marley’s question. “I like solving things. I liked crime shows. The X-Files came out when I was in college. My parents always expected me to go into something traditional and professional and I didn’t want to be a doctor or an accountant. So, here we are.” She sipped her drink, looking across the booth at Marley. “What about you? Judging by what you said at the restaurant before, I think we have something similar in us that just makes us tick.”
Marley perked up a bit at Savannah’s answer. She loved puzzles as well. Any kind, actually. She loved jigsaw puzzles and puzzle boxes and mystery games and escape rooms. Except, lately, they’d begun to frustrate her. She couldn’t concentrate enough to figure them out, she no longer had the patience to deal with them. Still, the thought of having someone else to do them with piqued her interest. “Oh, god, me too. So much. I watched all those true crime shows as a kid and read about the shit all the time. All the other kids thought it was too gruesome or whatever, but I loved it.” Unlike she’d ever loved anything else. Was it just because of her species, or would she love these stories even without it? Knowing Savannah did, and knowing she was human, gave Marley that small hope that maybe it would still be true. “X-Files wasn’t just my mystery awakening, it’s also when I realized I liked both boys and girls. Oh, the things I’d do for Dana Scully,” she sighed wistfully, stirring the ice in her drink. “I think we do, too. I don’t often meet a lot of people who are into the macabre the way I am.”
Savannah couldn’t hold in her laugh, a dry but good-natured one. “Oh, the true crime shows. Don’t get me started. My mom thought I was a troubled child because of how often she caught me in the middle of some documentary about Jack The Ripper or The Zodiac Killer.” In hindsight, they were probably too mature for her at the age she’d started watching them, but even as a child, it was fascinating to her. “Oh, you’re bisexual too?” Savannah said. They had a great deal in common, it seemed, and Savannah found herself glad she’d reserved judgement. “I think Scully and Mulder were my ideal threesome,” she snickered. “Hell, maybe still are.” She lifted her drink giving Marley a small toast. “You ever meet Kavanagh when was still a Medical Examiner? She’s the closest I’ve come to finding someone who approaches these topics in a similar way in this town.” 
“My favorites were the cold case files and the ones about the weird, little known serial killers,” Marley pointed out, “or the FBI’s top most wanted.” Even the other mara in her community had found her obsession with the macabre morbid. A lot of them found it rather disturbing, even, which she’d never understood-- they were creatures of fear, how could they really find anything that morbid? “Actually, I’m pan,” she pointed out, stirring her drink. “But yeah. Unfortunately,” she chuckled back, shaking her head. She knew she had more attraction to women than men, but she couldn’t deny the fact that she was attracted to some men. “See, I love me a good lay in bed, but I’ve never been one for threesomes. I prefer having the other person all to myself. Guess that’s a possessive thing or something.” Or it was the foster kid in her who grew up with no possessions of her own. She sat back a little, folding her arms. “You mean Kadaver? Yeah, I’ve met her,” she grumbled, “if by ‘approaching’ you mean completely denying, then sure, yeah-- she’s close.”
“Do you like Unsolved Mysteries?” Savannah asked, diving easily into the conversation. “Oh, Netflix has a new series coming out about The Yorkshire Ripper. It’s a British Case from the seventies.” She gave a small nod, correcting herself. “Oh, I’m sorry. I guess you could say I am as well. I’m just old. That label wasn’t as well-known when I was coming to terms with my sexuality. I just go with what I’m used to.” Apparently, they were already getting candid tonight. “I usually have a few more drinks in me before things get this personal,” she snickered. She’d meant the threesome comment more glib, less literal, but she let the conversation move along. It didn’t seem like Marley had any fondness for Regan, but Savannah supposed she wasn’t everyone’s taste. “I just mean that she’s very blunt, direct, discusses dark topics very matter-of-factly. Some people don’t like that.” Savannah must have been the strange one, because she found it refreshing. Regan was someone she didn’t have to try and be ‘normal’ with. “Was it just living here that made you believe in the less traditional explanations of the things that happen here, or something specific?”
“Oh yeah, definitely,” Marley nodded, enjoying the ease with which she could slide into this conversation. It was relaxing and didn’t require a lot of effort, something she was finding harder and harder to do the more her mind slipped from her. She took another long sip of her drink and felt a little wave of dizziness come over her, but she blinked it away. “No worries. I”m kinda iffy on labels but when people ask that’s usually what I say,” she shrugged, rubbing her eyes under her glasses. “I don’t think you’re that much older than me, are you?” She tapped her glass. “Oh, uh-- if this is too personal, we can talk about something else. I’m just sorta--” she waved her hand in the air-- “desensitised to this stuff.” The topic circled back to Kavanagh and Marley frowned, choosing not to respond, just nodding simply. But Savannah’s last question threw her for a small loop-- what did she do here? Did she tell her the truth, that Marley wasn’t human and had known about most of this stuff for most of her life? Or did she lie and keep her secret to herself? Was Savannah dangerous? Or could she trust her? Marley swallowed, reached up to rub her eyes again. “Well, it’s kind of complicated--” she started, but when she looked up, she sucked in a breath as her eyes locked with Savannah’s and her abilities transformed the booth around them into Savannah’s worst fears.
“How old are you? What, thirty-five? I’ve got ten years on you. That’s long enough for there to be at least a little cultural difference,” Savannah answered. “Oh. I’m not--it doesn’t bother me. I just wasn’t expecting it.” Her parents’ jaws would have hit the ground if they’d known she was talking about threesomes in a public space with an almost-stranger. She was looking forward to the answer to her question about how Marley had come to know about the supernatural, but it never came. It started with her mother appearing in the booth with them, ranting about how much of a failure she was. Savannah stared at her, looking back to Marley. “Can you--sorry, can you see her…?” she asked, as more faces appeared around the table; her father, her siblings, her ex, each proceeding to angrily and aggressively tell her of all her failings. “Stop it. Can you--can you just shut up?!” Savannah’s heart was beating faster. They were laughing at her, their features contorting unpleasantly and cartoonishly, exaggerated into impossible shapes, their skin tone being replaced by clown make-up, their laughter being replaced by maniacal cackling. “STOP!”
Marley felt her blood turn to ice as the fear from Savannah began to fill her up. It was intoxicating. She didn’t want to stop. The world around them fell away and all that they were left with were distorted faces and angry voices. Everything turned black and white. Savannah’s heart was racing, Marley could hear it. It echoed all around them. Her fear consuming them both. How long had it been since she’d properly fed like this? She didn’t want to stop. But then, a voice cut through her mind. It ricocheted all around her head and broke the glass in her mind. STOP! Marley fell backwards from the darkness and suddenly she saw Deirdre, writhing on the ground below her. And then it was Lydia, and then it was every other person she’d tortured like this. She blinked, but the visions wouldn’t go away. Savannah’s fears sat next to them in the booth. “I--” she stuttered, threw her sunglasses off and pressed her palms to her eyes. “I’m sorry! I’m trying, I’m sorry!” She didn’t want this. She didn’t want to hurt people like this anymore. 
Savannah didn't even know she was talking to Marley. She just yelled at the unknown entities around them who were flooding her system with panic and dread. Her whole body was somehow hot and cold at the same time. People around them were starting to stare, chatter amongst themselves. Plates shattered as a server dropped them to the ground in shock. "What are you doing?!" She demanded, breathing rapid and palms coated in sweat as she tried to swat the apparitions away. Marley was doing this. She didn’t know how, but she was too terrified to think clearly. Her heart hammered so rapidly that it hurt. “Get off me!”
Stop it, stop it, she needed to stop it. Marley pressed her palms hard enough into her eyes to feel pain, nails digging into the sides of her head. “Stop it, stop it, stop it!” she shouted at herself, shaking her head. They needed to get out of there. She needed to get out of there. People were staring, she could hear them whispering. She spun in her spot to try and look around and suddenly more people were screaming. Inhaling sharply, Marley stood from the booth and stumbled out. “I’m sorry!” she stuttered at Savannah, reaching out for her. But the other woman was shouting at her and looking at her with those eyes-- those terrified, painful eyes. Marley swallowed thickly and looked away. “I-- fuck. I’m sorry, I’ll leave, I’m--” she turned quickly and slammed into someone, one of the waiters that had come over to check on them. He looked down into her eyes and suddenly he was crumbling to the ground as well. Marley backed away into the table, knocking over her glass. She didn’t want this. She’d never wanted this. She turned-- and she ran.
Savannah had no idea what was happening. She hadn’t known Marley had been the one doing this until she’d answered her, but Savannah was too busy panicking to register what that meant. People were staring, watching the poor woman freak out over something they couldn’t see, or perhaps being confronted with their own deepest fears suddenly and without explanation. Marley just kept apologizing, over and over, and Savannah could barely comprehend the words. The visions vanished, almost as soon as they’d appeared, leaving Savannah clutching her chest. “M-Marley--?” she tried to ask, but the other woman was gone. “What… what the hell?” 
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bugheadfamily · 5 years
Tumblr media
🎶 They're creepy and they're kooky 
Mysterious and spooky 
They're all together ooky 
The Bughead family 
 Their fic is for the season 
When people come to read 'em 
They really are a scream 
The Bughead family 🎶
Happy Halloween, Buggies! We gladly feast on these mysterious and spooky fics. Below you’ll find a mix of supernatural, horror, dark, and seasonal type fics with Halloween specific ones (marked with a 🎃). Curl up in your favorite costume, pull out the treats, and get your Halloween fic fix here below the cut!
🎃 10.31.17 by @jugandbettsdetectiveagency | T
On that night, when the veil is at its thinnest, he finds his way home.
🎃 A Kiss That Thrills by @lilibetts | E
On Halloween, college students Betty and Jughead go through a Haunted House and finally act on their respective crushes.
And the Ash Shall Rise by @likemereckless | M
Riverdale is actually Purgatory (why else would so many crazy things happen in one town!) Jughead Jones, Shadowman of purgatory level one has been tasked with finding an Awakened soul, one who the Premier Shadowman says jeopardizes the future of their world. When Jughead discovers Betty Cooper’s soul down by the River Styx he finds all is not as it seems and a final battle between Heaven and Hell is on the verge of breakout. *It’s Purgatory so ALL characters are dead. *You will find out how they died. *Get ready for a ride!
🎃 Be More Chill by @literatiruinedme | M
Betty and Jughead run into each other in the bathroom at the annual Blossom Halloween party.
body talks by @justcourbeau | NR
Instead of late morning light being his wake up call, Jughead was woken by the horrendous chirp of an alarm clock going off, and, really, that should have been the first sign that something was wrong.
Cooper’s Monsters by @cooperandjonesinc | M
In the darkened halls of an abandoned mental hospital Dr. Hal Cooper has been making monsters.Betty, oblivious to her father’s machinations, comes across a horrifying creature. Together can they stop the doctor and free the others?
Curl of Ash by @darknessaroundus | T
Jughead attempts to save a strangers life in Queens one night. Nothing is what it appears to be.
Darkside by @exmachina187, @itsmarscosta | E
Jughead has had centuries to reflect on his life, but none of it had meaning until she came along.
Dear Angel series by @tory-b | M/E
🎃 Dirty Devil by @thesecretfandom | E
Betty and Jughead are celebrating Halloween, but their costumes seem to be interfering with their fun.
Dust & Desire by @darknessaroundus | T
They have a rhythm to their days, the result of having very little company but each other for years now. When Betty wakes from the nap, they eat mac and cheese before they go hunting. A Vampire Slayer AU.
erase & rewind by @sopaloma | M
When a powerful storm hits Riverdale, five students are hit by lightning as they leave school. The result of that storm will change their lives forever, in ways they never could have imagined. A Misfits AU.
Ever Since We Met by @lilibetts | M
It's almost All Hallow's Eve and witch!Betty has a broomstick breakdown. She lands near werewolf!Jughead's bar and he helps her out...by giving her another broom to ride.
🎃 go home people (the party’s not over) by @grilledcheesusyouredelic | T
“It was your dad’s idea,” Betty chirped. “He told my mom that if people were going to stare at us she may as well make it worth her while.” Jughead bit back a sigh. “And she said ‘like what, throw a party’? And he said ‘sure, Alice, the perfect holiday is coming up’.”
🎃 Howling by @lovedinapastlife | T
Jughead’s working a shift at the Blossom haunted house when he spots a familiar blonde ponytail and decides to try and give her a scare. He ends up smashed in the face, real blood added to his costume. Horrified, Betty tries to make it up to him. She’s nervous to finish the house by herself, so Jughead offers to let her work on a few scenes and scares with him until Archie comes back from his break. There’s nothing quite like method acting with a childhood crush and best friend when hearts are pounding and limbs are entangled in a ravenous display. Something’s building inside of them, a low, penetrating howl.
🎃 I Don’t Have a Lot of Friends by @typing123 | M
Joker Jughead and Harley Betty meet at a Halloween Party. It’s definitely a treat.
Interview with the Coopers by @typing123 | E
What a perfect little family they make
🎃 It’s A Great Pumpkin, Jughead Jones by @alisoncollis | NR
Jughead and Betty go to a pumpkin patch.
i will hang on the hook of your splendour by @jughead-jones/@stark | G
“We have to go up to Woodland House tomorrow,” Betty said, hopping out of the back of the van the night before, dressed in something that she called summer sleepwear and Jughead deemed to be sweet torture. “There has to be a clue there about these abductions.”Mystery Inc AU
Jug the Ripper by @lovedinapastlife @theheavycrown | NR
Murder kink isn’t on the menu—not really. But he’ll do anything for his beloved.
🎃 Let the Right One In by @yavannie | T
When Jellybean talks Jughead into going to a Halloween-themed birthday party in Greendale, she does such a good job on his make-up that not even his best friend can tell it’s him.
🎃 love is kinda crazy (with a spooky little girl like you) by @whaticameherefor | G
Jughead always thought that falling in love would feel like a punch to the gut. It didn’t, of course. It was more like a punch to the face. Right in the nose, to be exact.
🎃 Movie Night on Elm Street by @bettsc | NR
Jughead Jones finds himself at the Cooper household on Halloween night, and it’s not just the scary movies that are giving him goosebumps.
🎃 No Guts No Glory by @thesecretfandom | E
Jughead may have taken their pumpkin carving competition a bit too far, and now it’s Betty’s job to get the both of them cleaned up.
🎃 Nobody Knows You Now by @bettsc | M
They moved like this for what seemed like hours; neither one relenting to the other; both losing themselves in the intertwining of two souls.
🎃 october 2017 by @elizabethbettscooper | G
“Jug, you’re home!” she glanced up, grinning at him. He nudged off his shoes and started towards her.
“So it seems.” he said, smirking and dropped onto the floor beside her. “What’s up, Betts?”
“Do you have plans tomorrow? I want to go to the pumpkin patch.”
“The… pumpkin patch.” Jughead raised an eyebrow and put his arm across the sofa seat, leaning in to look at Betty’s planner.
Outbreak by @moon--mama | T
The breakdown only took 36 hours. 
🎃 Over the Wall by @typing123 | T
The Over the Garden Wall AU nobody asked for.
🎃 Pumpkin Spice (and all things nice) by @itsindiansummer13 | G
Jughead, Betty, and Halloween through the years.
Seek Forbidden Things by @maeve-of-winter | T
Kevin Keller has gone missing from Riverdale, and it’s up to Betty and the rest of the gang to bring him back.
🎃 Self control by @bettyscooperr | NR
Jughead just really hates Halloween
Spirits, Are You There? by @jugandbettsdetectiveagency | T
An abandoned asylum, plus a ouija board, plus Cheryl Blossom? The perfect potion.
Strange and Unusual by @lovedinapastlife | M
AU loosely based on the film Beetlejuice - where a ravenous ghoul and a shrewd teen make a strange and unusual alliance that goes far deeper than convenience.
strange days by @sopaloma | T 
His sister is missing, his dad is talking to Christmas lights and Betty Cooper needs his help. November 1983 is a strange time for Jughead Jones. A Stranger Things AU.
Taboo. by anonymous | NR
Death becomes her.
The Beast Within series by @cooperjones2020 | M/E
He likes to watch her sleep.
🎃 the business of being dead (and the curse of virginity) by @thetaoofbetty | M
🎃 The Cooper House by @satelliteinasupernova | T
“Let’s go to a haunted house, Jughead,” Jellybean had said. “It’ll be fun,” she said.
Except, now he was turned around somewhere in a dark hallway; alone. With no source of light nearby, he could barely make out his surroundings. Tentatively, he reached out to use the wall to guide him, taking one step at a time. The surface of the wall was uneven and with each step he felt another notch as his hand moved across one panel of wood to the next. The floor creaked softly under his feet. Here in the dark, it was unnervingly quiet. The only other sound he could hear was of the wind passing through the trees outside the house.
“Hey, JB?” he called out. “Where the hell did you go?”
🎃 The First Halloween Since by @typing123 | G
Single Mom Betty doesn’t think she can face Halloween this year. She just wants a quiet night in with her daughter. Jughead’s not so sure.
THE HOUSE IS NOT HAUNTED by @satelliteinasupernova | T
“For the hundredth time, the house is not haunted,” said Gladys Jones as she lifted another box from the U-haul to carry into the house. “Now, go help your brother carry your things to your bedroom.”
JB huffed, and marched over to Jughead, reaching for her box of vinyl records, “How else did we get this place so cheap? You know it’s because that girl disappeared here.”
Silently, Jughead agreed with her, but he was getting tired of the argument. He knew JB wasn’t bringing this up to stop them from moving into the new house, she just wanted their mom to admit that was the reason they could even afford it. Gladys Jones wasn’t one to own up to her own methods, much less admit weakness.
The Hunger by @mistressofmalplaquet | M
Betty is being slowly starved at the Farm, while Jughead is hungry for blood. Hunger and seductive Blood Lust leads the pair into a swirl of terror, torture, and an inescapable dark fate.
🎃 The Jack-O-Gram by @noorakardemmomesaetre | T
The Jack-O-Gram has become the perfect way for Riverdale High students to express their feelings for someone special before the Halloween Banshee Bash at the end of the week.
Betty can't help but hope she receives one from the only boy who's ever captured her heart, Jughead Jones.
the key to (harm)ony by @lovedinapastlife | E
Everything else falls away, even her mother, sister, and Geraldine, when he steps towards her, untethered and confident with the grace of a circulating fountain. Up close, his eyes are blue - brilliant and deep like Sweetwater River, just on the verge of a knowing wink. His long spider-leg lashes flutter as he exhales in a hum of satisfaction, and the longer she looks at him the more it feels like she’s in the tub, water rising up over her chin until she can’t breathe.
“Hello, Betty,” he says with a soft, secret smile, and her heart rattles.
Betty resents her drunken mother's attempt to replace the recently deceased Charles with a stranger, his enigmatic half-brother Jughead. It's almost like he's waiting for the right moment to please her, to slink into her latest mystery and submerge her in something foreign: Freedom.
🎃 The Mouse by @typing123 | G
A hungry Jughead is lured into the woods on Halloween by a hungry vampire.
🎃 The One That I Want by @dreamersshouldknowbetter | T
Betty and Jughead meet at a Halloween party where they accidentally form two halves of a couples costume
the strange death of Elizabeth Cooper by @wolfofansbach | T
Betty Cooper, after a long struggle with illness, has passed away. Except–she hasn’t, because against all rhyme and reason, she awakens on the coroner’s slab, hale and healthy. The illness is gone, and she couldn’t be in better condition, to the weeping relief of her friends and family, not least of all her longtime boyfriend, Jughead Jones. No real explanation is forthcoming, but what does it really matter, when Betty is alive? And he can discount the occasional oddity in her behavior. She’s been through a lot, after all. Except, as the days go by and the strange happenings pile on, Jughead begins to suspect that whatever it is that crawled out of the grave that day isn’t really Betty Cooper.
🎃 the unexpected perks of being a pumpkin by @thetaoofbetty | M
Jughead Jones has a damn good Halloween.
🎃 Things that Go Bump in the Night by @createandconstruct | T
Are sometimes things that also squeal…
Thrill Me, Chill Me, Fulfill Me by @ms-maj | T
The gang does Rocky Horror.
Time Honoured Tradition by @jugandbettsdetectiveagency​ | T
When Cheryl dares Betty to spend some time in the abandoned house across the street she gets a little more than she bargained for.
What Happened on Elm Street by @tory-b | M
When Jughead Jones moves to Riverdale with his family, he uncovers a few mysteries this simple small town has been trying to cover up–specifically the murder that occurred in his house during the late 1950s that was never properly solved. Unable to keep his curiosity away, he teams up with neighbor and fellow mystery lover Betty Cooper to uncover the truth.
🎃 what we pretend to be by @sylwrites | G
It’s his little sister’s first Halloween, but his parents don’t have money for a costume or the time to take her trick-or-treating. The answer to both of these problems comes in the form of his best friend’s neighbour.
🎃 What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie? by @gellsbellshead | T
Betty Cooper doesn’t do scary movies. However maybe she could be persuaded by some cuddling from her boyfriend Jughead. This is a continuation of the fic “Movie Night”
🎃 when things go bump and grind at night by @rainystripe | M
Betty dresses up and Jughead is her slave.
Wild Creatures by @lilibetts | E
Neither Betty Cooper or Jughead Jones were particularly hopeful about their soulmarks; the inky black First Words seemed custom built for their hole-hearted selves. But with a mysterious game ensnaring students on campus, and killing some, it was a question of whether they would learn to work together before them being at cross-purposes destroyed everything.
🎃 Wish Fulfillment by @lilibetts | T
On Halloween, the core four meet up to go Trick-or-Treating, only to find themselves turning into their costumes. Revelations are had for Jughead and Betty.
🎃 won’t you tell me what you’re thinking of? by @flwrpotts | G
Betty enlists Jughead, Reggie, and Archie to help her set up for the annual Riverdale middle school Halloween dance.
Still haven’t satisfied your itch for Halloween fics? Check out our fanfic tag on @riverdale-events! Our Halloween event, Tricks and Treats of Riverdale, is going on and you can find fics posted exclusively to Tumblr there!
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tlbodine · 5 years
Hi, I'm writing a ghost story about a ghost working to not only solve their own murder but the murder/death(s) of their fellow ghosts who haunt the same hotel. The ghosts represent the theme of secrets and how they can come back to haunt you, in this case literally. How would I go about showing this rather than just telling the audience/readers?
Hey, sorry for the delayed response! I opened this up at work, planned to answer when I got a spare minute, and then the world kind of went to hell and I’ve been swept up in the chaotic adjustment, eep! 
That said, I hope you & yours are safe wherever you are, and...let’s talk about ghosts! 
So I presume you’ve read my Ghost Post but I’ll link it again here just in case: https://tlbodine.tumblr.com/post/168621456134/how-to-write-horror-ghost-stories
“The past coming back to haunt you” is really baked in to most ghost story tropes. I think for the most part, that’s what defines ghosts as opposed to other sorts of horror spooks. Ghosts can enact revenge, but ghosts can also lead people to uncover truths that had been hidden. 
In order to make that work, we often need someone with an outsider’s perspective -- a living human character -- to act as the recipient of the ghost’s messages. Because ghosts are usually tied to a specific location, they need a human person out there who can go do their investigative legwork for them. 
Here’s a common framework for the trope: 
Person moves to a new place or otherwise experiences a change in scenery, putting them in path of the ghost. 
They experience a number of creepy events, alerting them first to the existence of the ghost, and then drawing their attention to strange things about the house 
A series of clues lead them to discover that More Is Going On Than It Seems, and they are driven to unearth the mystery 
Quite often, unearthing this mystery means confronting a living person, such as the murderer or a person who is benefiting from the murder of the ghost(s) 
Now that justice is served, the ghost can be at peace and leaves the human alone 
Now, this basic formula can be tweaked in a lot of ways. In your scenario, you’ve got one setting but multiple ghosts. Some questions to ask yourself that might help to clarify the story and themes: 
What is it that connects these ghosts to one another? Do they share a killer? Why are they all in this specific hotel? Does that hotel have a dirty secret? Who stands to benefit from their death?
What would bring justice to these souls? Is there a person who can be punished, a secret that can be revealed, a ritual performed, etc. that would lay them to rest? 
Alternatively, is the ghost stepping in to help a living person instead? Does the ghost recognize patterns of behavior and decide to step in to prevent a murder from happening etc.? 
As long as you’re approaching the story thoughtfully and keeping your themes in mind, you shouldn’t have to do too much work to make the message shine through -- trust in your reader to figure it out. Your theme will emerge organically from the way the story plays out, the way the characters change, etc. 
Here are some reading/viewing recommendations that might help you with ideas and in studying how themes are handled: 
A Taste for Monsters by Matthew J. Kirby - A girl becomes the private nurse for Joseph Merrick (The Elephant Man), and the two are visited frequently by the ghosts of Jack the Ripper’s victims. Solving the murders, and preventing the next one, becomes crucial to both of them. 
The Girl in the Well by Rin Chupeco - Told from the POV of a Japanese yurei (vengeful spirit), the book is about the ghost-girl’s relationship with the boy who can see her, and their attempts to resolve a current murderous haunt as well as uncover some secrets to give peace to the ghost. 
The Shining by Stephen King - The book is better for this than the movie. A family spends an isolated winter as custodians of a haunted hotel. The hotel itself is a malevolent character, and it had a lot of evil influence over the main character -- but before he succumbs, there’s a lot of investigation into the history of the place and all the things that have happened in it. 
The Orphanage (El Orfanato) - One of my favorite ghost movies. A woman moves into the building that was once the orphanage where she was raised. When her son disappears soon after, she starts to see ghosts -- are they leading her to him, or trying to harm her? 
The Devil’s Backbone  - Another of my favorite ghost movies, and one of Guillermo del Toro’s finest. A ghost story set in a boarding school for children orphaned by a war. 
Haunted by R.L. Stine - One of my favorite of the Fear Street novels, this book is about a girl who is visited by a ghost who needs her to help him solve his murder. The twist? He’s not dead yet. 
There are obviously lots and lots more, but you get the idea. Hopefully this helps on your quest! Best of luck writing :)
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backpackbrigade · 5 years
Backpack Playlist 5/27/19
I no longer have a radio show so this is where I’m gonna be posting my thoughts and playlists! Have fun, who cares. Apple Music/Spotify links at the bottom. Enjoy. 
“Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)” - Kate Bush, Hounds of Love (1985, EMI)
A gay icon, not much to say beyond that. We love some extra as shit background vocals.
“Bags” - Clairo, Immunity (2019, Fader)
First single off Clairo’s new LP coming out at some point this year. Literally all I can think when I hear the guitar line in this song is Avril Lavigne, and I say that with the utmost respect and love. Big ups to VW alum Rostam for the production on this track and Danielle Haim for drums - does this mean Clairo is now part of the PC Music squad AND the VW-adjacent rap/indie rock squad??? Her career is definitely pretty strange so far, but I’m hype to see her blow up beyond the world of the Youtube algorithm chewing up and spitting out DIY music videos. This track is also kinda full circle for her - in her big Pitchfork feature last year, she talked about being starstruck after seeing one of the Haim sisters on a plane listening to SOPHIE, and now she’s got one of them on a track. We love growth.
“Kisses 2 My Phone” - Sega Bodega, self*care - EP (2018, NUXXE)
Lona (aka MANIIK aka BABY GAMELAN) shared this EP with me last year, and it’s been rattling around in my head ever since. Some glitchy trap beats and subtly depressing lyrics about sending kisses to your phone and losing love. Scottish experimental pop kid who gets in your ears and won’t leave.
“Even the Shadow” - Porches, Pool (2016, Domino)
A classic, both Pool and their newer album The House (2018, Domino) remind me of a very specific time in my life when I was spending 12 hours in the photo studio every other weeknight and played Porches on shuffle to get through it. Very sad stoner synthy alt-pop for gay kids with lots of insecurity but dreams of 2014 soft pale tumblr aesthetic escapism!!
“Hatin” - Rico Nasty & Kenny Beats, Anger Management (2019, Sugar Trap)
Remember when Rico was just a Soundcloud kid with a stellar remix of “The Race” under her belt?? When I first heard that track in the background of a friend from high school’s Instagram story, I literally dropped my phone trying to lyric search it to see who sang it. Big ups to Lafayette (a newly minted Howard University grad :,) ) for putting me on. Rico’s always been bffs with Kenny, so this collab record isn’t surprising, but I didn’t expect it to be this good!!! Very excited to see her blowing up on Tik Tok rn, maybe she’ll finally get what she’s owed. And she deserves more than just a 2 second cameo in the Old Town Road music video………
“Dig” - Lance Bangs, Lance Mountain - EP (2016, Citrus City)
Reminds me of screamy jangly indie rock from the summer after my first year when I lived in a commune and got a stick and poke from a friend who was three mojitos deep. Also, Citrus City is awesome and we love to support VA labels!!
“Livin’ On a Prayer” - Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet (1986, Vertigo)
Mostly putting this on here because it’s the ending soundtrack to a great little animated short film I watched recently called WORK (2009) by Michael Rianda. It’s a super 2009 short, but it’s fascinating because it feels like the aesthetic halfway point between Don Hertzfeldt’s Rejected (2000) and Bojack Horseman (2014-) style absurdity. It’s not the subtlest anti-capitalist cartoon out there, but it’s very cute and funny.
“20 Ghosts III” - Nine Inch Nails, Ghosts I-IV (2008, The Null Corporation)
Put this back to back with Bon Jovi because the weird guitar/vocal growls sound like the “Livin’ On a Prayer” digital doo-wops put through an insane pedal filter. Heard it for the first time when I was watching Laura Poitras’ documentary Citizenfour (2014) - she used it for the super haunting opening and closing scenes, and I can’t think of any better use for Trent Reznor’s sad garage dad phase guitar music.
“Guap” - Yaeji, Yaeji EP (2016, GODMODE)
No introduction necessary, hopefully. Gives me third year queer party vibes, and if you know what that means, congratulations. You’re part of an in-group now. Listen when you need subtle hype up music.
“Indica” - Dizzy Fae, Free Form Mixtape (2018, self-released)
When I showed a friend a picture of Dizzy Fae, their first response was that she’s probably from Amsterdam or Berlin or something and floats between secret clubs all week long before performing herself. She’s actually from Minnesota and is way younger than either of us assumed, so big ups to her for projecting the coolest vibes imaginable. Her vocal distortion is a little FKA Twigs, but she knows how to fuckin rap on the rest of the EP. Well worth a full listen.
“Flower Moon (feat. Steve Lacy)” - Vampire Weekend, Father of the Bride (2019, Columbia)
Best track on this new album, imo, but I can’t stop thinking about Vampire Weekend for a completely different reason. When this album came out, literally everyone was making fun of it for sounding like a Paul Simon redux. A lot of people praised it for the exact same reason lol. But Paul Simon’s relationship with cultural appropriation is a lot like Ezra Koenig’s, and not enough people have made that connection. Remember when Paul Simon broke the cultural boycott with Apartheid-era South Africa to make Graceland (1986)?? Everyone shit all over him for not only straight up taking South African music styles and centering himself in their vocal story, but doing it all in the midst of the largest cultural boycott in modern history. It’s a good album, I won’t pretend it’s not, but it’s deeply problematic and disappointed a lot of people who expected something better from a guy who knew what he was doing. Reminds me of 2008-2012 Vampire Weekend!! Anyway, listen to this track for Steve Lacy, if nothing else.
“Ur Phone” - boy pablo, Roy Pablo - EP (2017, self-released)
Another Youtube algorithm kid, boy pablo was in everyone’s feeds because this EP is the perfect summery shimmery gaze-y indie rock. His newer album is a little more uptempo than I personally like, but this track is *chef’s kiss*
“Can the Circle Be Unbroken” - The Carter Family, Can the Circle Be Unbroken: Country Music’s First Family (2000, Sony; original recording 1935)
Really not trying to wade into the country music discourse today, but this track is genuinely full of intense longing and sadness in a way that so clearly changed country/rock music and its relationship to the guitar.
“Before the World Was Big” - girlpool, Before the World Was Big (2015, Wichita)
Their new stuff fucking slaps, and seeing them come to terms with their gender identities is fucking beautiful!! But I always come back to these weird ass nursery rhymes. It’s literally just their harmonies and two guitars, and legend has it if you turn this up to full volume in your car and drive through your hometown, your unrequited high school crush will appear with their spouse and two kids just to rub it in.
“Vroom Vroom” - Charli XCX, Vroom Vroom - EP (2016, Vroom Vroom Recordings)
I mean. It’s Charli’s early work with SOPHIE, you’ve gotta just blast this shit and ruin someone’s life. The return to queer hyper pop over the past few years is the only thing sustaining my fucking mental health.
“Xternal Locus” - Chynna & Oklou, Single (2018, self-released)
Another track Lona played for me after I picked her up from work in DC. Lowkey enough to ***** to, highkey enough to **** to ;)
“Cinema” - Kero Kero Bonito, Totep - EP (2018, self-released)
KKB really did an about face with this record, but I still fucking love them. It’s still sunny and glittery pop, but with a chilled-out vibe. Their intense pop records are like the come up, and this is the chill smoke sesh the day after. Just vibey enough to let you chill out and kick back, but keeps you on your toes with some unexpected samples and glitchy moments.
“Jack the Ripper” - SadGirl, Breakfast for 2 - Single (2018, Suicide Squeeze)
We love surf rock, and that’s all I’m gonna say for this. You either vibe with it you’re bored as shit.
“watch you sleep.” - girl in red, Single (2019, self-released)
Music To Sleep To.
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13unknownmind · 6 years
The Arrowverse is back The Flash S5E3
Well this is a little late but this last week has been hell and I mean that is an almost literal sense but anyway let's get to it.
The Flash if you are not caught up on this season please by all means get on the CW app or download Showbox check them out and then come back and read the other posts I got in this one all under the ... #my thoughts on the arrowverse... and let me know what you think. Now without furthering the Adu let's talk about it.
So we have seem a lot go on in the short time The Flash has been back and I am so loving this season from the still poppin' pop culture references to the epic fight scenes and yes we all know I love the adorableness that is Nora West-Allen. I did actually take paper notes this time so I am "prepared" lol
Now we are just gonna start form what in my perspective is the most notable things going through the episode from beginning to end so let's go.
Aight first we are learning about cicada and his metahuman serial killer looking self. We have this lovely line that I feel in this situation I would have said. "So we're dealing with a meta human Jack the Ripper... Amazing." From my boy Cisco I love this line because not only is it so beyond accurate it just kind of brings things for me into perspective for what if to come.
Now I know you are tired of reading Nora is so adorable in how ever many different ways but I can't help it she is in my opinion by far the most adorable Character in the flash ever, I love this character so much cause she not only broke The law of speedsters everywhere but all she wants is to be with her dad and I just love her so much. I have to aawwww all the time while I am watching this show anymore.
Alright so let's get to the new wells... Harrison Sherloque Wells... It's french lol
This dude is not only a stuck-up think she knows it all kind of dude but he just assumes that he is right because he's been supposedly called to 37 other Earth's to fix the cicada situation granted they were all David Hirsch but to this point we know that this one is not... This is going to be great to see what comes from this dude joining the team which I am assuming is going to be for most of the rest of the season.
Now like I said we got some poppin' and pop culture references as always and this was so great I had to "thank you very much for coming Cumberbatch" obviously a nerd will get this and for anyone who did thank you. Those of you whose heads it has flown over my boy Benedict Cumberbatch also known as in recent pop culture Doctor Strange was cast in the role of Sherlock Holmes in the show Sherlock I loved this and am so glad that it was a thing, thank you again Cisco Ramon.
Cisco my dude you got to stop drinking and you got to chill out Gypsy might come back I hope... For real I doubt it cuz she's got a lot to do she got a big job and all that good stuff but man you got to just let her go.
Now the next notable thing to me comes after they have sat down and talked about Harrisons payment I had to rewind for this one cause I wasn't sure what I heard honestly. "We are being approached by either ate all sensitive man or a frightened baby giraffe" either way dang I am not sure if this was supposed to be insulting but it was surely funny in my head. Thank you Wells for this oddly humorous moment.
Well we all know that Caitlin has her dad situation to figure out so Ralph being the good friend that he is said let's go so he and Caitlin went to visit her mom and I agree with Ralph she's hiding something but anyway that's a thing for later in the season. her mom got an attitude real quick and defensive about the situation deflecting it as a mourning wife or whatever... We all know she had something to do with it so let's just move on from there, Caitlin said aight let's go and Ralph so being the good friends that he is said no let's find out. After having committed what most would consider a felony and finding her dad's stuff came in and Ralph had a moments of adorable friendship after having essentially broken into Caitlin's moms files which I think was really great.
Little side thing Caitlin's birthday is her mom's passcode aawwww.
No there is the matter of the suicide note she supposedly found all lies and we can clearly see that by the end of the episode, which we will get back to in a moment.
Why does cicada want a Vibe specifically like I know he was an easy target because of Joe and that situation but why specifically vibe that confused me for a moment I'm still not fully getting it.
alright well we're moving on to just past the initial contact that cicada made with Joe and looking at the scenes with Nora for a moment this little girl she feels bad about the timeline about what she did but there's nothing she can do to change it so she's got to live with it and fix it... now this ladies and gentlemen young speedsters I hope you are listening. This is the reason we do not time travel or mess with the timeline.
No we're going to move on to the next thing with Nora here she took Barrys advice she stopped took just a moment thought about it and then went into action I am so proud of her.
Okay now let's just take a moment here. "THE DEATH OF VIBE" clickbait of the century. LoL
Okay so now the situation is handled Cisco's chill cicadas gone and Nora being the adorableness that she is the personification of "I did good" sounding so nervous and timid she's adorable I just want to hug her. And Barry being the good Dad "You did great." I loved this moment.
All right so moving on to the next notable thing that I saw cuz there are some things here and there that just stick out more than others you know. "I'm watching you Holmes" this was great cause I grew up around a lot of gang activity and stupidity so I have heard thing similar to this many times before I laughed out loud after this was said. Good job Cisco.
I know let's get serious for just a moment here what is going on with Nora and Iris' relationship I don't get it like a mother and a daughter I supposed to get along and want to be around each other and all that so why is Nora kind of standoffish around Iris? I am not fully understanding like I know they spend all their time together or whatever like Nora said but what is up?
All right Caitlin and her dad's old game becoming a code I love this cause they are bringing this around and giving us a full story and background with details even minut, and Caitlin of course cracking the code finding the "Caitlin come find me" message that's what's up I love that I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Last thing we see Harrison and Nora talkin in the lounge and we get a really strange moment they're talking about Nora coming back to change the timeline and Harrison ends up asking "was the decision your own?" With an odd look from Nora he quickly covers it up with "of course it was" and Nora continues on goes to get her purse and is moving in with Barry and Iris for the duration of her living in this time... there's a lot there and I am not sure if we can unpack it all right now so we're just going to say we will find out again in the next episode of The Flash.
Final thoughts
Are we going to see Harrison becoming part of the team like Harry?
Will we ever see Gypsy again?
Who is cicada really and why is he doing what he doing like I know we saw a daughter or at least what I'm assuming is a daughter but what?
Will we be unmasking him soon?
Caitlin's dad it looks like my theory was incorrect and he might not be cicada. Though it is still undetermined.
Does Ralph maybe have a thing for Caitlin?
What is Cisco going to do now that Vibe is dead?
Could Nora be working with cicada possibly? Cause I want to know what Harrison meant by "was it your decision?"
What is going on this season?
Last thing I really want to see more of that flash Museum.
Alright well thank you all for reading I am very glad that I can provide these little blurbs, if you enjoyed this and would like to check out more of my stuff like I said the tag is #my thoughts on the arrowverse so thank you like I said for reading please come back. Let me know what you thinkI look forward to hearing your thoughts and theories about the arrowverse as well. God bless you ✌️
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thecooscoos · 7 years
Spooky Ask Coos!
👻 Have you ever seen a ghost? No, I have not. As scary as it might be, I’d love to though.
💀 If you could choose how you’d die, would you? What would your ideal death be? I would, obviously I would choose a painless way to die. Naturally, in my sleep. Nothing dramatic.
👽 Do you Believe? Of course I do. There are millions of different kinds of creatures on Earth who survive in their own unique way, ways in which we can’t. For example, fish can breathe underwater, but we can’t. So, why couldn’t there be creatures somewhere in the galaxy who are adapted to living without oxygen, or very little?
👁 Are eyes the window to the soul…or something else? I mostly see them as a way to predict one’s true intentions and emotions. The eyes alone can tell a lot about a person.
🦇 Favorite creatures (real or myth) that go bump in the night? Werewolves! And Creepypastas.
🦉 Are you a Mothman fan? I never really read up on this specific cryptid. But sure, why not. c:
🕷 Spider killer or catch and release? Killer if its big, catch and release if its small.
🐾 Ever found any suspicious footprints? if yes, what do you think they where? if no, do you believe in Bigfoot? why or why not? Once I did, in the snow. I had no clue what they could possibly be. I believe in Bigfoot. I mean, we know gorillas are a thing, and they’re pretty similar.
🌑 Do you believe the full moon has supernatural powers? I think it can. The sun has an affect on living things, why can’t the moon?
🎱 Do you believe in fortune tellers? Have you ever trusted a magic 8 ball? I think humans have a lot of unused mental potential that some people have tapped into. I mean, someone has to have been such a big deal to have started it, right? Magic 8 Balls are just toys. Nothing more. Its randomized.
⚰️ Who’s a dead person you’d love to speak to? Bonus points if there’s a conspiracy about them that says they aren’t dead! i.e. Elvis, Tupac, etc. This is a bit strange, but I’d love to talk to Countess Bathory or the real Jack the Ripper. You know, just because they’re so fascinating.
🖤 Favorite cryptid? As a NJ native, of course I have to say the Jersey Devil.
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