#but their VAs sound like 40+
vilsoo · 1 year
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
It’s possible Majima’s VA saying he wasn’t given the script yet is just a way to not giveaway he’ll be in 8. One of the devs shared a drawing when announcing they’ll be revealing LAD8 info and it contained Saeko, Nanba, Majima, and Kiryu. Make of that what you will 🤷‍♂️
yall cant be dropping info on me like 'one of the devs shared a drawing' i didnt even know the devs drew 😭 would love to see that if someon can get a hold of it
BUT that makes things a lil more auspicious for majima fans i reckon :)
#snap chats#i mean we already knew nanba/saeko/ichi/kiryu are gonna be in the mix they were in the trailer#i COULD argue majima was there because even RGG at this point figure kiryu and majima are inseparable#but THAT point ALSO can be used to argue thats why majima will certainly come back in LaD8#the timeline where he doesnt is just an interesting one- like kiryu not have /any/ of his past allies in a new game ?#mysterious..... lmao no imagine i date was still there MY RIDE OR DIE KING#i dont express how much i love date..... evil of me....#every time i play the games and i see date my kokoro goes doki doki and i say date-chan and twirl my hair#no i dont we can execute me for that SORRY but my feelings are very similar to that#hes just my guy :) and i hope he's in LaD8 :(#he wont be i know this :(#i mean he was in every other game right.... <-- delusional#this is SO off topic SORRY#anyways uhhhhh i wont be affected if majima's in 8 or not but i hope he's in 8 because his va's a sweetheart#and i was so :( when he expressed anxiety bout not getting a script#whether that reaction was real or not if there's even a DROP of sincerity in it im gonna yell#he's too sweet not to let him come back- plus him and kuroda have been VAing together for 40+ years now i think#or theyve at least known each other that long. either way would be upsettin to see their careers in rgg not end at the same time yk#which sounds deranged i love their work but everything ends yk- would be awkward if only one of them continued while the other was out 💀#im rambling i wanted to go play yk2 modded OK BYE TY FOR THE ASK <3
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cxnscience · 2 years
How misunderstood is your muse? In-universe or IRL.
In-universe? Not very. Jiminy isn't very good at hiding anything. He wears his heart on his sleeve and if something bothers him you WILL know about it, so when it comes to his personality it's kind of all just laid out there. People's assumptions are usually correct after even just a couple of conversations with him. The only way he might be misunderstood is by measurement of his capabilities - he's gotten by on his own for a very long time and doesn't really care for people worrying about him. People who underestimate him are going to get an earful about it. People might assume he's unremarkable but the guy has been uniquely touched by fairy magic and can get away with more than anybody might assume. If he claims he can pull something off, nine times out of ten it's because he really can.
IRL THOUGH... DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED. When it comes to Jiminy I usually get the impression that a) people haven't seen the movie since they were kids and b) they haven't touched any of his supplementary material (and why would they, it's all television episodes from the 50s and obscure records and difficult-to-find comics). But there's this assumption (even among modern writers at Disney) that he is just The Sage Moral Advisor Guy which, honestly, couldn't be farther from the truth. During the development of the movie it was actually a point of contention for Walt that he thought he was too preachy - he made the writers shift gears and it's very purposefully shown in the final draft that he is completely useless when it comes to just using his words. He only gets anything accomplished when he takes action about it. He's terrible at his job and he earns the badge exclusively for his eventual loyalty, not his competence - Jiminy is friendly and intelligent, but NOT wise, he just happens to have more lived experience than his charges. People forget that this is the guy who tries to beat people up and hits on everything that moves and walks out on the job no less than three times during the movie. He's incredibly prideful and stubborn and temperamental and if you go off of the educational shorts he can be pretty mean about it. In recent years he's gotten so watered down in the eyes of the public and he's lost all of his spunk to become a lot more soft-spoken than he actually should be.
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papus-clown-enclosure · 4 months
Miku's being homophobic/transphobic to me, and on pride month no less.
I got 2 of the free 10 pull tickets that we started getting. Decided not to do one last pull on the wedding event. Or at least one for the rerun of the 2.5 colorfes?
(Tldr: i got a bunch of cards i already had. All 2 stars and one 3 star for each pull. I did get one new 2 star i dont have)
Like i already have an, i was aiming for miku when the event was actually going on. I refuse to let myswlf be swayed by pretty cards that i dont feel strongly for.
Got my eyes and focus on the diner one and the December colorfes. (Maybe one of the upcoming reruns idk havenf decided. For now only save, and of course pull with the free tickets)
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hangingslothcentral · 3 months
looking for a new audio drama?
If you like weird philosophical sci-fi and cyborgs, and hate AI and capitalism, check out Clockwork Bird!! it's the first show I ever made so it's a bit rough around the edges but it's an exploration about the rights of the dead, the limits of science, and the nature of personhood. it's all told through scattered 'found footage' recordings as listened to by Shelly Croft as she looks for her missing journalist girlfriend, Alice, who disappeared whilst she was investigating the welfare of Robin Jaeger, the posterchild for advanced synthetic limbs who may be more, and less, than he seems.
Clockwork Bird as 30 episodes, each 10-25 minutes long.
If you like spooky stories with a lot of heart, long series with lots of moving parts and character arcs, check out Spirit Box Radio! This show has a ton of original music and an accordian cast which grows as the show goes on, topping out at about 27 VAs. Sam Enfield is the happy-go-lucky host of Spirit Box Radio's Enlightenment Segment in the absence of its previous host, but something fishy is going on, and Sam's actually at the centre of a plot with apocalyptic stakes. SBR is a show about grief, storytelling, and what happens when a people pleaser has potentially unlimited magical powers. Find it @spiritboxradio.
Spirit Box Radio has 93 episodes, each 15-30 minutes long, with season finales that are up to 50 minutes long.
Do you like vampires? Gay vampires? Gay vampires that suck (blood. and other, uh, things)? Not Quite Dead may be the show for you. Join Alfie, a former A&E nurse who's knee deep in horrors because of his boyfriend, Casper, who is a vampire. Cas is missing with no indication of when he will return, but without his blood, Alfie is going to die. As time runs out, Alfie records everything he can remember about the months leading up to this moment. This show is gory and horny. Season Two has a tiny blonde guy who sounds French but who is older than the concept of France. This love story bites, viciously, multiple times, for fun and profit. Find it at @notquitedeadpod.
Not Quite Dead has 40 episodes, each 20-40 minutes long. The final season will be out early 2025.
Are you into mysteries and characters who eat hot chip and lie? Do you enjoy listening to shows as they air? Are you a person who likes to have conspiracy-board-level theories about the media you engage with? My new show, Remnants, might be just up your alley. Remnants follows the Apprentice as he learns how to read the objects that come to the First and Last Place. He's watched over by Sir, but Sir isn't much help. Thier purpose is strange and confusing, and the more remnants the Apprentice reads, the more he wonders at what the meaning of it all is, and if there might be some connection he's been missing... Find it at @remnantspod.
Remnants will have 30 episodes of about 30 minutes each in Season One, which starts airing with a double episode drop of episodes 1 & 2 on 15 July 2024.
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peapodsinspace · 3 months
I was on netflix earlier and it showed me a preview of dungeon meshi for some reason and like
WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(this is the English dub ofc)
Like his voice is cool, I love the va they did a great job but like
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margarethx · 8 months
There is a strange man standing at Sam's door.
Pale, with long hair and beginnings of a thin beard; his eyes covered by a baseball cap, but glinting in the shadows in a way that suggests he's sober, or at least alert.
He stands in an ostensibly relaxed pose.
He still looks like he's one abrupt sound away from bolting.
He knocked on the door instead of ringing the bell, as if he knew Sam was home and close enough to hear the noise muffled slightly by the glove covering his hand.
There's no one around at this hour and the entrance to Sam's house is obscured from the street by a few bushes and trashcans pulled out for the garbage men to collect in the morning. If someone broke inside, no one would be able to tell if they weren't already looking directly into Sam's small garden. Which, likely, no one does.
Sam also doesn't have any friends who visit him at home and both sides of his close family live a few states away. He tries his best to keep in touch with them, but if he disappeared from the radar for a couple of days, maybe even weeks, no one would be alarmed. So... if the stranger at his door harms him, it'll take a long time for anyone to notice. Maybe a couple of people at the VA will have some questions after the weekend, but his schedule is not regular enough for anyone to think something's off when he's not there the next Monday.
With all that in mind, Sam pushes away from the peephole he's been peering through for the last minute to unlock the door.
The man outside looks a bit lost. In need of assistance. And Sam's spent way too many years risking his life to save others to back down now, just because he's what... scared? Sam's not scared. He fought with literal helicopters and won such duel multiple times. A strange man with no fashion sense visiting his home is nothing compared to that.
The guy's probably homeless, simply trying his luck in a safer neighbourhood. It's better if Sam's the one to open his door instead of some weirdo down the street, who'll chase him away with a gun.
Sam is, technically speaking, a weirdo with a gun tucked into the waistline of his sweatpants, though he's not planning on using it. And if he'll have to, he won't be excited about that. Which is a key difference in his eyes.
Sam's a couple of years removed from the initial fear and PTSD fuelled paranoia that haunted him after leaving the Air Force. He did the work. Went through therapy. Read the books. Pushed himself to go out there; to mingle with people without succumbing to the need to crawl under the nearest table at the first louder noise.
He's not removed enough, however, to answer the door completely unarmed. Which is how he ends up here. With a gun concealed on his back, opening his home for a random man, whose intentions might range from simply asking Sam for something like directions to the nearby cemetery, to making sure Sam's the one who ends up there within the next week.
The hinges screech a little as he pushes the door, which is by design. Because of the lingering paranoia of course, not because he forgot to buy a new can of WD-40 for a fifth month in a row.
The man at his porch looks up, as if alarmed by the noise. He seems surprised that Sam answered, but he smiles pleasantly right away. If Sam was listening to his aforementioned paranoia, he'd say that the smile was too quick, almost too pleasant, and too calculated to seem genuine. But he really tries to get better and not assume the worst these days.
"Hello? How can I help you?", he asks, trying to match the energy and sound just kind enough for the ghost of his mother to not appear with her disapproving face in his next dream.
The man hesitates a little, giving Sam a second to take a proper look at him.
What's most striking about him is the bulky built. Broad shoulders and strong legs, paired with a - probably - flat stomach. It's difficult to see with all the layers of clothing the guy's wearing, but overall, he seems like a naturally muscular person hidden under an ill-fitting jacket and too-baggy jeans.
There's some underlying stiffness to his pose - something that Sam's already noticed at first glance, but which is all the more evident now that he can see the full silhouette of the man
If Sam had more time to assess his guest, he's probably dwell on the fact that his face looks disturbingly familiar. Or on the fact that said face, along with the rest of the body, is very much Sam's type. But he does not have that time, so he cuts this line of thinking as quickly as it forms in his brain.
"I've...," answers the man, finally. "I know it'll sound weird, but I..." He pauses once more, looking down at his palms, as if he's a student trying to cheat by reading the answers of the inside of his hand. "A guy I met recently goes to the VA. The one you work at," the man clarifies unnecessarily. "And I've heard that you've helped a couple of his friends before, so I thought that... well."
He stops talking, losing steam by the end. Speaking seems to be taking a toll on him and he stops even looking at Sam by the end of his vague explanation.
It's enough, however, to calm Sam's nerves. He unclenches his jaw and all the other muscles his body readied for a fight that never came and the immediate relief almost startles an embarrassing moan out of him. He didn't even realize how tense he was. He hopes that the guy didn't notice too.
"It's okay, man. I get it," he replies with a smile.
And he does get it. He's been there. He knows how it feels to finally take a step in the new direction. To try staying neutral or cynical because of misplaced self-preservation instincts, but feeling the hope already filling your chest anyway.
The man lifts his head and shoots a shy smile Sam's way.
"I hoped you would," he says. "My friend said a couple of his old buddies from the army been to your groups and it helped. So I... I wanted to check for myself.
Sam's smile becomes much more genuine.
"Glad to hear that," he replies honestly. It's always good to know that his efforts actually affect the people who struggle the same way that he did. He's curious which vets his guest is referring to, but he stops himself from asking. It's not relevant right now. "And you'd like to join one of my groups too?"
The answering nod is a little unsure, but Sam can work with that.
"I'll give you some pamphlets and the schedule for my next three meetings," he offers, trying to remember where he put the pile of fliers from the VA which littered his coffee table for a few months at one point.
Before he has the time to fully move from the doorstep he's stopped by a strong and sudden grip on his wrist. Very strong. Almost crushing.
The alarm bells in his head blare, his vision narrowing, while his other hand makes a move to his back where a gun is still hidden in his sweatpants.
But then the pressure is gone from Sam's arm and the man is looking right at him, confused, then mortified. Whether he's scared of his own reaction or the gun he must sense in the vicinity, Sam cannot tell.
"I'm so, so sorry! I don't know why I did that, just... Let me..."
He stops. Sam blinks at him.
There're good ten seconds of uncomfortable silence before any of them speaks again.
"It's fine," Sam says, carefully. He wets his lips and the man's eyes track the movement. "Like I said... I get it." He tries to laugh, but it comes out a little strangled. "I don't like sudden movements too."
The guy at the door almost shrinks, his shoulders going up, as if he's trying to cover his face even more. But he seems relieved. Like it's easy to just have someone who understands, when the explanation seems too embarrassing to voice.
Sam takes a deep breath, hoping to push through the awkward moment and put the man at ease.
"Like I said, I'll go to take a pamphlet and write down my schedule for you," he says, taking a slow step inside. "I'll be back in a minute." Without waiting for a response he nods as if to silently ask the guy to stay where he is. Then looks for a pen and the fliers almost on autopilot, hoping that his porch won't be empty when he's back.
Or maybe hoping it already is.
When he steps through the door again, the man is still there. Just as shifty as before. As Sam hands him the papers, he opens his mouth, starting another apology, but Sam shushes him right away.
"It's alright. Don't worry about it." He adds a smile for reassurance. "My schedule is right here. If you can't come this month, you can always go in anyway. Ask around and find my office. We'll figure something out."
With a silent "thanks" the man starts to slowly back away from his doorstep. It seems as if he wants to stay, though. To ask for something more, but doesn't know what to say or maybe how to say it. Finally, with a small wave, he exits Sam's lawn. And then he's gone.
It takes Sam another five minutes of contemplative staring at the street to remember that his home address is not public information and neither of his former vets should know where he lives. None of them would know where to look for him outside of the VA.
Before he has the time to have a panic attack about that he finally registers the pain in his arm. He frowns and pulls up his sleeve where a set of dark, angry looking bruises form a shape of a closed palm on his skin.
He locks the door as calmly as possible, using an extra lock he hasn't taken out of the drawer since last year. He pulls the curtains over the windows, grabs his phone, and spends the rest of the day sitting on the floor with a gun between his legs, within reach.
--- ----- --- ----- --- ----- --- ----- ---
Well... I don't even know what this story is xD I just sat down and wrote the first thing that came to my mind. Now I somehow ended up with a plot outline for at least 4-5 chapters. Maybe I'll even write them one day <3
Hope you enjoyed witnessing the birth of my WiP number 2309745.
[PART 2 on tumblr is here]
[Ao3 LINK is here]
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chaotic-major · 8 months
As someone who has just finished the Penacony quest, I would like to lay out my thoughts:
(Spoilers under the cut)
Aventurine is just the right amount of sassy and bitch to be likeable to me, and his continuous presence throughout the quest made me very happy. He’s easily one of the characters I am most excited to see more of story wise.
Jumping off of that, Sparkle was *chef’s kiss*. She was way better than I expected (not that I expected anything bad), and I love how she is everything I think makes a Masked Fool. She’s conniving, sharp witted, and smiley; making her interactions with other characters always feel very high stakes. The way I gasped when she said this to Aventurine, like I had to pause for a sec it caught me so off guard.
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Here’s a list of people I trusted before/when the quest started (excluding the nameless):
Acheron, Black Swan, Misha, Firefly, Robin
People I trust after the quest:
Aventurine, Black Swan, Misha (Aventurine and Black Swan are on thin ice)
I think this questline is going to give me trust issues.
Also, the way Sunday absolutely deserves a villain arc after this. Like, HIS SISTER IS DEAD. AND HE JUST HAS TO KEEP PRETENDING SHE ISN’T??? DAMN.
Props to his VA for expressing such near boiling rage. He sounded so angry, yet controlled.
Something I also noticed and loved was the fact that this quest kinda played out like a movie. In the way that there were multiple scenes that took place without Caelus/Stelle being there. The scene with Aventurine and Dr. Ratio flirting discussing their plan. The scene with Sparkle and Aventurine. The scene with Sunday and Sparkle in the post quest. Last time they kinda did this was the Luofu main quest and even then, not really. There was always one of the nameless there (to my memory). Anyways, my point being that I really enjoy this version of storytelling for this game and I hope it continues.
Aventurine is also shaping up to be a very interesting guy. Just as people dislike Sparkle for being a Fool, they seem to dislike Aventurine and even seem to put him down bc of his species/race(?)
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This is the only example I have, but I believe Sparkle also calls him out for his species/race in their conversation. I’m lead to wonder why being a Sigonian is such a negative thing. I think it has to do with his eyes, considering thats the only other thing I remember Sparkle mentioning when she brings up his species/race; is how pretty his eyes are.
Anyways,I’ve rambled enough. Curse you HoYo for that enthralling cliffhanger that we have to wait 40 DAYS for. Wish me luck for my Sparkle pulls in 20 days.
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ceoandslutler · 4 months
have you heard kuro dubbed in any language other than english? or in any other asian language other than korean or chinese? well i found a persian one and it's so fucking bad that it's hilarious.
(also stay tuned to find out why the persian dub of kuroshitsuji being so bad has directly to do with anti-shipping sentiment and puritanism)
i would like to politely invite anyone who's ethnically from/lives in/speaks the language of a country with an ultraconservative government to contribute to this post if they know a dub of kuro (fandub or licenced by a company) in their language to contribute to this post (agree or disagree that policing media causes a drop in its quality and accessibility in other countries) but let's keep it civil. if you are not from a country like this but have something to say, feel free to add anything on, the conversation is open to all :)
so i just heard the homemade persian dub of kuro's first ep made by some young people who sound like they're in uni (probs 18-23 yr olds), tears have been flowing from my eyes for the past 20 mins
(link under the cut)
to save time, go watch the bits i linked below or just laugh at the whole thing (full link) but don't blame these kids for being awful at this or just skip to the end of the post. as i said, there is a reason this dub is so bad and no official dub exists and it has to do with... anti subculture?!?*
but first, the funny stuff
ciel's voice is awful but just listen to the goofy dub laugh seb's va did at the start I'M FUCKING SOBBING (00:15-00:35), and also not ciel's va MOANING after the op song (2:35) ??? i REPEAT the woman who VA'd ciel was fucking MOANING, the YAWN was the worst part, dub team shotacons???
also SHEEL FANTOMHAYO?? THE KID'S NAME WAS DUBBED AS SHEEL FANTOMHAYO. (refer to 6:30 in the video linked)
now this isn't because we lack a 's' in our language (my alias is literally a persian name meaning shadow aka ✦sayé✦), we've just transliterated it as shiyel, but SHEEL???
the other guy calls him fantomhayo too (8:25) and the fantomhayo condition strikes again with sebastian's va talking about the fantomhayo hospitality at 12:40 ish in the video.
this is particularly bizarre because we do have a V in persian, please guys, use it!
please note: i have nothing but good things to say about finny's va... the way the va says "sebaastiyaan!" (12:43) is so cute <3
at 13:00, we get this golden crumb "meyrin... oh meyrin" from this college aged dude doing sebastian (who is SO lost) then he proceeded to say in persian "i beg you, ON MY LIFE, just pour the fucking wine in the glass and walk away" save me from the bad dub, ono daisuke, save me...
the furnace scene is just gold (18:50 onward is comical, the scream at the end... priceless), these people deserve an award, im tempted to do subs on this whole video because the translation is so wrong yet absolutely too hilarious to leave untranslated. also, i like how you can hear other people talking in the background constantly, they didn't even bother finding a quiet room 😭😭
finally i translated some of the best comments under the vid (everyone fuckin hated it 😭)
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..tldr: irani/persian speaking netizens are brutal. but also, it shows that persian speakers are used to quality dubbing, otherwise this wouldn't be so offensive. if we were used to badly done dubs, the comments wouldn't look like this. many famous kdramas and jdramas and indian/turkish films have been dubbed. animated movies e.g. disney films and most commonly 70-80s anime have huge followings in iran and were dubbed extraordinarily well. in fact, in iran, many of our own films are dubbed especially if the original footage did not capture the audio well enough/the director was unhappy with the actor's delivery and it's usually hard to tell if this has happened because it's done very well. shockingly, dub is more popular than sub. so why does kuro not have an official dub? why is the fandub so bad???
*IMPORTANT: an anime like this is not allowed to be legally dubbed by studios in iran because iran is under an islamic theocracy (the islamic republic) and all media that promotes devil worshipping and blasphemy is banned, homosexuality is too (anyone can tell kuro has homoerotic undertones, the homophobic heads of media would never let this queer gothic romance through). oh and trans people are "allowed" on TV but only if they're not vulgar/explicit (not even then, half the time) & grelle would not make it into the anime AT ALL. even if we ignore all the devil worshipping and queerness, sex is banned too (as well as lewd appearances of women), so season 1/2 & boc would never make it. oh and alcohol, bom would never make it. oh and also, women's empowerment is banned too so boa would never make it. when will it end? will someday everything be banned? sure looks like it. but isn't this what anti shippers want? i mean kuro IS problematic media, it never condemns people for having sex or partaking in drinks, not even murder is condemned.
moving on, the subtitled version of the episodes are very well done for what they are but it's still not good, you won't understand what's going on properly. meanings are lost. a dub is much more accessible to those who can't read subs and generally a necessary option. people NEED dubs. don't get me wrong, the iranian fansub team are dedicated however subs are much easier for fans to do than dubbing. as you heard, kuro's persian fandub was frankly terrible. these kids didn't even know how to pronounce ciel's name and it's NOT because of the language barrier, my theory is that because the internet access is so limited, they had to figure out how to pronounce ciel's name purely from the japanese original or another lang dub and had no access to the eng dub. as you can see, they are not able to follow the mouth movements either (don't have editing software); i assume the internet restrictions targeted streaming platforms w the dub on it (because the government wants to CONTROL what media people consume) so they had to figure everything out from japanese or another language, (they probably used another fandub to translate since the ed seems to credit the eng vas while they can never be heard in the bg) which is not easy. unfortunately english is taught in schools around the world not japanese so the dubbers' translation was quite honestly terrible- after all, they had no official script to base their translation off. BUT if a professional dubbing studio (e.g. iran's glory entertainment) got their hands on kuro, it'd probably be dubbed very well. if mehrdad raissi, CEO of glory, was on for seb's role, it would be glorious (pun intended). if he did flynn rider well, he can do sebs well too. but that studio often has their shows played on state televisions and the last thing they want is to get blacklisted and arrested for dubbing the gay demon butler anime. please do not take this fandub as representing all persian-language dubs. and remember, kuro itself is banned for being problematic media in counties like iran... no sebaciel needed (although anyone can definitely see the gay undertones to the story from a cover alone).
if you want to ban people from shipping things or making fan works that are problematic... soon you'll have to get rid of problematic media in general. and already, antis sound like the media people in charge under a dictatorship. "violence is okay, murder is okay but s-sex?!? women in scandalous clothing!!! oh good heavens..!" this is the kind of mindset which leads people down the rabbit hole of "this is problematic!! let's ban it!!!" until there's nothing left, a slippery slope. imagine this was the english dub of kuro. imagine it was banned in western countries and a team of young'uns had to gang up and make their own dub using only the japanese raws. imagine problematic media like kuro wasn't picked up the west because it's "shota" and that's bad. we'd be stuck looking at the same sanitised stuff and if we wanted to watch kuro, our options would be trash dubs (no offense) like this one. pretty scary to think this could be the state of the english dub if puritanism was as bad here as it is in countries like iran. policing media and deciding what creators should or shouldn't create will take you to the side of theocratic dictatorships and you will fall into alt right puritan lunacy, fanpoll are about as woke as a dictatorship, remember that.
don't sound like this:
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NEVER sound like this.
it is clear that conditional freedom is no freedom at all. there should be zero criteria to the media we want to create, no religion or purity culture to it. just be media literate. let nobody control what you want to create or consume! (or you'll end up in a world where the media that is deemed "problematic" is maintained but only through underground circles, losing quality and accessibility day by day, until these channels are shut down too and only a sanitised husk of options for media consumption remain)
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vestaclinicpod · 5 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 5th May ✨
There’s something so so satisfying about HFTH being on ep 150, while TSV is on 40 and Travelling Light (TL, if you will) is on 20 . . . the brain is going brrrr.
Here’s what I listened to this week! Spoilers ahead!
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E9) oh what a beautiful episode 😭I’d like to bestow the highest accolade on Flo’s VA: hearing her voice and immediately casting her in an unwritten audio drama that will likely never be made. I have a theory about why Frank can’t just clear out the warehouse . . . but I really don’t want it to be true. 
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (150) You can also find me in Camp ‘Hate That Noise’!! Awful. I love this nautical storyline so much. It’s one thing to be told that Buck is now a renowned detective and another to see him in action. Sad that someone had to die but . . . I can’t wait to see the case unfold!! I’ve been trying to wrap my head around Shelby leaving the entire week. Yes, it makes perfect sense from a survival point of view but I don’t think I could have done it. 
🦀 @thesiltverses (40) what a good ep!! I’ve been so compromised by Carpenter this season. She sounds so very exhausted, even when she’s not being stalked by her god of death. I’m very concerned about ‘Verity’ who left the minute they arrived… did she recognise them?? Chuck Harm and Val are one of the most unexpected combinations of the year but I’m here for it. It is VERY interesting that Val is now suffering post-miracle. Is this a ‘gods need to feed’ situation or something else entirely. Working with God-killers worked so well for the government last time, so it’ll no doubt be over for her in no time . . .
🧳 Travelling Light @monstrousproductions (20) I can’t tell you how delightful it is that this show comes out on Friday and is exactly the length of my average cycle home!! It’s such a soothing way to start the weekend! There were so many banging lines in this ep, I love a spooky friend!
🏛 @the-mistholme-museum (CONCLUSIVE) You heard it on Mistholme first! People from Yorkshire (me) have the best voices. Like honey, chocolate and coffee all at once - so people say. I can’t believe this is the penultimate episode 😭
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (14) snake friends! How delightful!! I feel a little guilty at how entertaining Alice’s jealousy is. I feel so bad for her, but the office drama is too hard to resist. 
🍎 @notquitedeadpod (XXXVII) my heart!! 💔 I had to laugh at Neige’s disdain for Alfie’s more intimate recordings right before expounding on his own experiences . . . including with their shared boyfriend! It’s a little petty. I love it. And, god, can we talk about this last line? ‘And when you call, I will come back to you because you have begun to feel like home.’ HELLO? Christ.
🌞 Small Victories by @wgc-productions (2.1) How many cosmic interventions will it take for Marisol not to make cosmically bad choices? I don’t know! I’m keeping a close eye on Summer . . . 
🧋 @hinaypod (3-4) Honestly, kind of kudos to Laura because if I went through what she did I would simply never touch an antique again… I really love Donner and Murphy’s rapport and how they recognise and respect Mari’s skills! 
Hope everyone has a lovely week! 🥰
I'd also like to highlight that the creators of one of my fave shows, Moonbase Theta, Out (@monkeymanproductions) , are crowdfunding for their next one! Throw some 💸 at these lovely creatives!!
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maylovesfiction · 3 months
Random thoughts -that no one wants to know- while watching Impel down/Marine Ford for the first time.
ep 441 okay as a Naruto fan I currently can't get over the fact, that the VA for Dragon is the same who voiced Hiruzen Sarutobi. This VA does a great job, don't get me wrong. But hearing the voice of around 70 years old Hiruzen Sarutobi out of idk 40-ish (?) years old Dragon makes me feel weird Buggy calling out "Buggy" as a sound of surprise when he bumps into Mr 3s back had me watch the scene 5 times (or more) <3 that shot up at Buggys exposed abs is such a fanservice move... and I'm all here for it! (damn he lookin hella fine)
ep 442 Buggy and Mr 3 having their little adventure is just precious Look Crocodile, at this point I'm glad we meet you again, it's just your "ahh ahh ahh" laugh that makes me shiver (in a negative way) (his voice is hot though)
ep 443 so this is an interesting one. NOW I get where the fan theory that Croc was a female comes from, I feel enlightened it's to be expected that Crocodile doesn't look his best, because Impel Down and prison in general is a very gruesome place, but look at him being so thin and almost frail right after they bust him out of his cell... knowing how thing's are supposed to be is one thing, but seeing them is another :( seeing Crocodile so gleeful when he gets shot at is gold. You just know he loves this. He is superior, he can kill the guards with ease if he wants to, he just got his power (not only referring to the df powers) back, this is the adrenaline rush he needs! Mr 3 farting under the candle blanket and his little "Sorry" had me rolling.
ep 444 just Mr 3 and Buggy casually strolling around level 2 of Impel Down (and setting the other prisoners free) What is Blackbeard doing here?
ep 445 Impel Down is such a wild arc - I love it! the shot of Crocodile, Jinbei and Luffy each defeating one of the remaining jailer beasts is just EPIC everyone hyping Buggy up is a mood yea... the poison landing only on Buggys butt... yea... *smirks* fanservice and I like it
ep 446 I can respect Hannyabal for his perseverance Buggy taking credit for things he didn't do is such a classic, I love him for this wait are they..? are they really ALL taking a piss together!? I... don't know what to say...
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istherewifiinhell · 1 month
following thru on 2 fold. tf VAs who can just. DO that and. cullen and welker being funny together
welker making an absurd amount of lion roars with trash can next to mic for 17 seconds, then looking up. the booth techs go "great yeah that was good" and he nods.
comments like. it wasnt a lion it was just some guy named frank. well sure one of the most prolific VAS of really multiple generations lol.
person filming asks "can you guys turn up the lights in here just a bit" cullen does the predator noise seemingly for no reason while they wait, and then does a bay movie OP line.
u can find like a full four minute thing of him explaining he got the predator role after doing king kong and he makes more of the noises and hes a good story teller but like. lol. idle animation.
i got more but im saving ur dash.
Cullen and Welker making animal noises. Culler barking and panting like a dog, Welker yips, gestures them saying "little dog, big dog" the audience awws. they then start making noises like fighting cats, which devolves into barking again. welker: we uhh do that for a while (<- i think thats what he says anyway)
buncha diff clips but STARTING 1:07, the seem to be having an animal noise off, going back an forth trying to do different/better sound effects unlike cullen makes a cow noise, and welker does a better one, and he laughs and says "I quit!" 2:21, welker singing we wish you a merry christmas as donald duck
he isnt even on of the main donald duck actors (IM NOT gonna do my due diligence on if he EVER did his creds to fucking long) he can just do that tho.
starting at EXACTLY 1:13 to 2:20 elsewise the con video exposure kills me im not responsible for that. both do very unserious impressions on the others character, which causes the other to fall back on the couch kicking their legs. welker stressing how deep cullens voice is, ending his impression with a high and flamboyant "roll out!" and saying if he does cullens voice he'll hurt himself. cullen does a deep voice (welker asks "am i that low!?") but quickly flubs on saying anything remotely menacing and just goes goofy. he goes "oh gee that was bad" and welker agrees they better stick with what they each do. 4:40 welker does sound wave, with out the vocoded its a very very deep and frying voice, and shows it the same voice as dr. claw (<-inspector gadget... anyone) and cullen does the predator noise and a malicious voice (i havent seen it lol)
all other moments out side those im like. WATCH OUT. the con atmosphere is lethal... why do they not have ppl write questions down i never understand. save these two old men
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lueduar01 · 3 months
With the TADC anime (original version) now in 1980, we would need a change in Japanese VAs. What were you thinking?
I also think the Autumn 2023 cour would see a remake of the anime converting all 9 OVAs (Gooseworx plans for there to be 9 episodes of TADC in our world, your TADC anime is made in a parallel universe) from the 20th century into a 12/13-episode season.
FOR THE REMAKE: Animation Studio: I think it'd be cool to have a blend of 2D and 3D animation within one series. Real world is 2D animation and digital world is 3D. I'm still contemplating which animation studio(s) to give it the rights to. OP: "Show" by Ado ED: (idk) Music composed by Yuki Hayashi Cast: Lots of changes because it'd be a 40-year difference between the original and the remake. I'd like to hear your take on the cast of both versions.
hmmnnn sounds good, but the one who decides the changes is me
thank you for the suggestions
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
DR VA Tierlist:
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I made a Daganronpa Tierlist based on their Voice Actors performance, (THIS IS NOT MY OFFICIAL RANKING FOR THE CHARACTERS AND NOT HATING TOWARDS THE VOICE ACTORS AT ALL!!!) this is probably quite biased, and I haven't finished V3 so I don't have too much to say about that game! :)
Here we go! (quick notes bc alot of characters)
Did not hear you talk once blud:
51: Twogami: did not hear him talk once. Probs same as Togami.
50. Mechamaru: Same as last but with Nekomaru.
49. Kiyondo: Augh bb they gave you nothing before killing you off...
48. Rantaro: Not many voice lines, but his voice is satisfying when they are delivered. Ult. Wasted Plot Potential.
Nothing too noticeable:
47. Peko: I love her, but tbh her voice was quite bleh. Suited her character well though.
46. Sonia: I love Sonia but she was kinda mid tbh.
45. Keebo: Nothing much other than "ROBOPHOBIC!" but that might change I'm not sure.
44. Chiaki: I love her, her voice suited her, but there were no powerful lines.
43. Akane: I love her sm, one of the best DR girls, but she didn't have much going tbh.
42. Hifumi: I like how his VA portrayed the otaku thing e.g "booblust" which was funny, but honestly nothing noticeable.
41. Sakura: I like her, she's okay, I just don't think she did too much yk?
40. Toko: When she stutters she sounds like that one mf from "It" and that kills me every time I hear it.
39. Makoto: I dislike Makoto anyway, but saying "SHIT!" once is not a worthy performance Bryce.
38. Kyoko: Eh, her VA is good, but didn't do it for me ig
Wait I just realised I forgot to put Mukuro in the last section oopsies. And Junko should be in decent performance, mb guys don't come at me.
37. Mukuro: LOOK THIS IS WHERE SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY? Cool concept, good lines from what we heard, meant to put her in "didn't hear blud talk once"
36. Byakuya: Cool VA, nice delivery of the lines, I just think it's overrated.
Didn't Cut it For Me:
35. Yasuhiro: He was in 6 trials... and what did he give me? "OH NOOOOOO" sorry, he didn't cut it for me.
34. Chihiro: I like him (her, them? UGHH CHIHIRO GENDER DISCOURSE SUCKS BRO) but it didn't GIVE yk?
Decent Performance:
33. Ryoma: Very talented VA, but that's his normal range (a bit lower) and not many POWERFUL lines were delivered (unlike Tanaka's.)
32. Kazuichi (bc I alr did Mukuro): Ay I love Kazuichi, his performance was nice, just not the best yk?
31. Tsumugi: Haven't finished V3, I love Tsumugi but her performance is like her catchphrase. Just "Plainly-Plain" (might change later idk bro.)
30. Maki: I've grown to like her, (I'm up tp CHP.4 yippers!) but I'm WAITING for her to have her MOMENT where she's crying and screaming. I know she will. C'mon DR LET HER CRYYY-
29. Mahiru: She's decent, I like her, just not much giving yk?
28. Ibuki: Very talented VA, amazing and fun range, nice energy. Nothing jaw dropping, I enjoyed it.
27. Hajime: He drops some banger ass lines bro like goddam lil bro chillax buddy. I quite like it... I like when he realises it's Nanami and is in denial. Good job VA.
26. Mondo: AUGH HIS VOICE IS SO SATISFYING IMMA BE REAL- It's not the usual stuff his VA does but I enjoyed his performance.
25. Gonta: Ay better performance than his counter-part (same va) Hiro. He's pretty good so far, innocent too.
24. Aoi: I don't really remember trial 4 that well tbh... I didn't like it though. But I do kinda enjoy Aoi. She has nice pitch, and when she gets mad her VA puts alot into it, almost top of her tier gj.
23. Same VA as Aoi, I enjoy her performance. Her voice is fun and different, contrasting the rest of the cast with her accent. Bonus points for going from Aoi to Angie in 5 seconds.
22. Teruteru: Augh I love this stupid litte man for his stupid little voice. Even though he's a creep his lines are delivered VERY well, and even his accent is great. That's some talent that we NEED to talk about more often.
21. Sayaka: Babes talked three times in official-art moments and does NOT get enough credit. I enjoyed her scenes and wish that she was in a class trial.
20. Leon: Omg leosaya order?! /hj. Y'all sleeping on Grant George, like goddam. When he gets mad, he gets mad. Talk about Leon more, give this man some credit his performance was excellent!
19. Miu: Augh I don't know how to explain the itch Miu scratches whenever she speaks. Even her "VIRGIN WHORE" moment voice lines just AUGHHH. The VA was picked SO well here, it suits her perfectly and I'm tired of pretending Miu = Hifumi because they're both pervy characters. GODDAMIT MIU WAS USEFUL!
18. Hiyoko: I do not care what you say, she ATE. She fucking devoured that second trial bro, my respect went up when she did all'at. God bro I find Hiyoko mid, one of my least favourite characters, but god her VA is so talented.
17. Shuichi: I don't think I need to explain too much, but god SHUICHI!!! When Grant George is given the time to develop... augh. "Kaede... that's just so cruel..." YOU CAN HEAR THE PAIN. TALK ABOUT THIS MAN MORE!!!
16. Jill/Syo: I know she has tiktok sounds, but she did so well. She ate every single line up, she used all of her screentime so well! I genuinely love her performance, and I don't even like her!
15. Tenko: So talented... you guys please hear me out (I'M NOT BIASED AT ALL.) but when she gets official art and moments in trials that's when she flourishes. "QUICK! OPEN THE CURTAIN, ALREADY!" like so satisfying Idc what y'all say she ate it up.
14. Himiko: After Chapter 2 she just... utilised the rest of her screentime. SHE CRIED, SHE SCREAMED, SHE USED HER EMOTIONS LIKE TENKO SAID!!! I love Himiko, and she is super underrated.
13. KOREKIYO: <- THIS DUDE IS THE REASON I MADE THIS TIER LIST. GOD HE IS NOT TALKED ABOUT ENOUGH!!! I don't care about the incest plot, his FANTASTIC voice acting lets him off the hook.Not just when he snaps, but when he screams!
He can also speak like a girl he gets bonus points for that. Holy shit. I just love this so much. "No. I will not acknowledge it." like yes bbg u ate.
*Chefs kiss!*
11. (I KNOW I SKIPPED A NUMBER I JUST NEED IT TO BE CORRECT!!!) Nagito: He goes insane, there's no reason for me NOT to put this here. He does so well, he went from Mako-Hoe to NAGI-HOEEE!!! He ate, I fear.
9. Nekomaru: "THIS IS NEKOMARU NIDAI'S FINAL FIREWORK!" "AIR CONDITIONERS?!?!?!?" "SHIIIIIIIITTTTTT!!!" He put so much power and energy into every. single. line. EVEN HIS SINGLE-FILE VOICE LINES!!! He made it sound so natural like he talks like that every day, and props to the VA for such dedication. Respect for Neko-Nation.
8. Gundham: Augh he delivers every line so beautifully in his trial. "THIS IS FOR THE TANAKA EMPIRE!" the power behind his voice and his hero-complex make me so happy. Every time he lost it in his trial I got LITERAL CHILLS. A fantastic perfect performance oh my goddd.
7. Kaede: I don't care what y'all say she WAS SO GOOD. "I'm nothing but a cold-blooded killer!" and that scream at the end of argument anament was FIREEE! I love her sm, and her VA did so much better as Kaede then as Kyoko.
6. Celestia: I dislike Celestia, but oh my god she did so well. The quiet reserved character snaps is definetely a chapter 3 trope favourite. I hate Trail and Chapter 3 THH, but that just shows how well Celes performed, her VA went INSANE for this role, and I love that she ate it.
5. Kokichi: He deserves this spot, he does so well, every single trial, every single performance, every voice line, every interaction. It truly embodies the spirit of "chaos" yk? (Just finished trial 4 and he deserves to be 3rd on the list.)
4. Kaito: LUMINARY OF THE STARS! I don't need to say more do I? (I'm lazy pls send helppp)
3. Fuyuhiko: AUGH SO SATISFYING, ESPECIALLY IN THE SECOND TRIAL. He does an amazing job, has fantastic range and AUGHHHHH HIS VOICE IS SO SATISFYING.
2. Ishimaru: The amount of sheer power in every voice line astounds me every time he speaks. From "I assert that the one who was murdered was Miss Sayaka Maizono!" to "Why are you all trying to frame him?!" and everything in between, he deserves this spot on the list.
Kirumi: All we see of her is calm and reserved until she snaps. She KEEP FIGHTING until the very end. You can hear the pain in her voice, how she IS BREACHING HER LIMIT during her "I WILL NOT DIEEEE segment." also, YOU CAN HEAR HER SCREAMING IN HER EXECUTION, let me show you.
This exact moment is where you can hear her scream. JESUS CHRIST GIRL I CAN'T EVEN-
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grimgiblog · 1 year
Using this blog to collect animation references and post about our hyperfixations. Surprise surprise I really like Victor Saltzpyre as a written character, their voice actor does a phenomenal job, and the Witch Hunter Captain class is just really fun to play.
I will complain and say that the warhammer fanbase being filled with fascists who don't have the braincells to comprehend subtext and parody makes things a bit of a slog.
I will also complain that Saltzpyre is the fruitiest character alive, whose VA developed his voice from gay actor Kenneth Williams. 15:50 in this interview stream.
"And he was very you know, very camp, very gay. And in the days when you weren't allowed to be. When it was illegal. The weird thing it happened in America as well, was it was alright to be kind of camp and you know sound a bit fae and a bit kind of....you know. Gay. But you weren't allowed to be. So homosexuality was illegal. But being funny and camp was okay. And Kenneth Williams used to do this thing where he'd be; at one minute kind of completely London and then go into a whole posh sort of voice like that. And talk to any englishman and they go: yeah man you're just channeling Kenneth Williams."
I notice that in the fanbase where Victor's character, his gay way of being is sort of skewed and interpreted as him being just silly. Lot of meme shit has him as this straight pussy slayer gangster. How they kind of overide such mannerisms as just him being funny and camp. Not that he isn't funny or silly on his own right, but I reflect on how if this very same character was revealed as gay a lot of people who enjoy him probably wouldn't anymore. How the games themselves are littered with both homophobes and lgbt individuals. I think a lot about censorship.
And I think about straight interpretations of the character, which while there are some good bits of fanfic--quite a few of them derive on the nonconsensual. On unhealthy male and female dynamics. I also think of the lack of chemistry involved there. How with Sienna it's considered a "forbidden love" sort of deal, even though, it is in fact: a straight couple. It's not to say that the pairing can't be done well, and not to admonish those who do like it. (It's a dumb funny rat game and none of this matters in the grand scheme of things ship who you want I'm just an old grumpy cuss.) and it will probably be confirmed by the devs to be cannon anyways. But I always saw Victor and Kruber, two soldiers of the empire, one of polytheism and monotheism, sir and subordinate dynamics to be more interesting and barely written about. I want to make more stories and characters following their relationship. I want to write about gay 40 year old men, puritans who haven't experienced love, and big old male sluts who have shagged and been shagged more times than they can count. Of power and subservience and breaking the gender binaries. Of healing and of faggy banter.
There's a lot to explore and writing about them and drawing them has helped me figure out a lot about my own characters I want to write about. As well as what I enjoy and my own homosexuality as well. A lot to ruminate on. Just goes to show what a good game with great writers and actors can do lol.
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Tiny Toons: Spring Break initial thoughts
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So a little while back the Tiny Toons reboot officially launched and I tried giving it a shot and remembered being turned off by the voices being too deep. But was looking for shit to watch and this showed up so I decided to give it another shot. So let’s see if this manages to win me over, if it does maybe I’ll check out the series proper. Okay so right off the bat this feels… off. The animation feels kinda restrained, like they’re trying to imitate the style of the golden age shorts but are limited by the software or budget, maybe both. This has been a problem with most modern looney tunes reboots, the most successful project was still 2011’s “The Looney Tunes Show” because it updated the design and humor of the characters to fit a modern audience rather than just trying to re-do the old style. The humor that made kids laugh in the 40s won’t necessarily work today, which is why in 2011 they updated it to the far more dialogue focused humor that was more familiar to today’s audience. This was even expanding on the original shorts dialogue based humor. An ideal Tiny Toons reboot would redesign them in a way to play to the strengths of the software they’re using and update the humor more. Plucky voice still sounds too deep to me. So does Babs’ actually. Wait are they like supposed to be college students cause of the whole university thing? That’s.. weird, they don’t look or act like it, I always just assumed it was some sort of boarding school. Oh right Buster and Babs are siblings, rip to the “no relation” running gag. Plucky’s deep voice is still throwing me out of it. Is Hampton always southern? Wait I think he is, I thought he was doing it for one joke but is he actually southern. The voices are all throwing me off, like Plucky and Babs sound way too old, and Hampton’s southern is a bit too much. lol eat shit Plucky. Okay Plucky’s VA is actually doing pretty well, I think I just need to get used to the deep voice.
Hampton could be doing well but that accent just… eh.
Okay Hamptons doing better, what I’ve gathered is that the VAs are all good but they should not be voicing these specific characters.
I hate the trope that is being used for the Buster/Babs/Plucky subplot. This is mid, never seen something that is so mid. Like it’s so average, the writing feels like one of those kids shows you see when flipping through channels or in the doctors waiting room, or like one you catch airing in the hotel room in like the middle of it and don’t mind because you’re not really invested and it’s just something to keep you busy when you’re bored. Replacing Shirley with the pink bird thing as a main character was a mistake, especially considering how stereotypical pink bird thing is. Walking trope.
oh my god we’re halfway through do not introduce a body swap plotline.
So they are in college… that’s so weird.
This is the most mind numbing experience of my life. The brother bunny is the most interesting part. 11 minutes left, ugggggggggghhhhhhhh.
You know shits bad when I have heard absolutely no winning from conservatives about wokeness when two moms shows up. welp that’s over. Super mid, did not give me any incentive to watch the show. Never getting that hour of my life back.
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