#but then she gets a text from aymeric asking if she wanted to go out
coldshrugs · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
tagged by @ghostwise ty so much rinny!! i'll tag: @scionshtola @hythlodaes @lavampira @galadae @myreia @lilas and @thevikingwoman (no pressure!)
okay, i'm cutting out most of the dialogue tags or surrounding text UNLESS they are her own thoughts, describe important body language, or reference speaking to multiple people.
15 lines of Io Laithe Dialogue:
"Want me to stay with you?" The real ending to that question forms on her tongue and stays there: "baby." - whatever keeps you around
"Something else you have in common with him. I thought it might just be the pompous strutting." - longing's favorite season: stable scene
"If holding back the eighth calamity hinged on that alone, I believe you might let the world fall to ruin." - longing's favorite season: part 1
"Oh, right... I forgot those are once-in-a-lifetime events! Shit!" She makes a little show out of it, shaking her fist at nothing and melting into a fake sob against the bar, before meeting him with a straight (but not sober) stare. "Come on, let's go home." - neon moon
“You have a knack for finding wayward souls. Little lambs. It’s like you call to them, or they to you… Like you can’t help but care for them.” - mustering
“Nonsense. I enjoy hearing about them, and I like when you talk like this.” Her hand falls to his forearm, his warm skin growing warmer beneath her touch, and both of them look down to the point of contact. Shit. “Shit.” Oh. She said it out loud. - take another step off the edge
[about pretending to be asleep] “Is this better? Shall I snore?” - slow kiss prompt
“Kiss me,” she says against his mouth, and being able to make the request like this is almost as good as having it fulfilled. “Before I combust.” - tipsy kiss prompt
“By all means, intrude. Once the solitude is broken, it hardly matters by whom.” - see you in the morning
“Estinien,” she huffs, standing at her full height and gesturing around them with the stick. “Have you forgotten we are at sea, and will be for another month? I need to train, and unfortunately, the occasional gull makes for poor sport.” - close quarters
"Oh, you look very serious. But so am I." - scholarly fatigue
“Wonderful to see you, Ser Aymeric. But I’m afraid I’ve been instructed to tell you only that Estinien is getting on well. Offering details could come at a great personal cost–he knows where I live now.” - oblivious
Io’s smile is a tight line, “Right behind you, General.” She turns to Estinien and the smile softens. “But you should stay a moment and catch up. For such dear friends, you don’t spend nearly enough time together. I will live vicariously through your tardiness, and you might be spared the clumsy speech they’ll ask me to give.” - oblivious
Her hand curls around his neck, nails grazing his skin. "Here," she says, "now." - something to talk about
"Gossip runs rampant already." Io kisses his cheek, a final request. "So fuck it. Stay." - something to talk about
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potassium-pilot · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023, Prompt 6: Ring
"All right, if I was a bunch of important documents, where would I be?" Dia asked absolutely no one as she stood alone in Aymeric's home study.
"Beats me", answered Ardbert in her head, the only person who could conceivably answer this question. "Only way anyone can get you to stay in place is to beat the ever-loving shite out of you, anyroad."
"You're so helpful and remind me of so many wonderful things that happened to me that I simply can't contain myself", Dia barbed sarcastically. "Now then, documents. Important government documents", she blathered on as she began her search. "That's what girlfriends are for- fetching bloody papers. Never mind the nice lunch I made for us this week. I'm the Delivery Girl of Light, after all."
"It's like we're adventuring again", Ardbert dryly remarked. "He said it was in some sort of big envelope, yes?"
"Yup. And I think..." Dia pulled one out of a pile left on the edge of his desk, "...this is it. Even has the little classified sticker."
"How important. Now then, let's get the damn thing over to him."
"Gladl--" A sight passed by her eye as she moved her head away from the desk, making her do a double-take. "Now what's this?"
Upon closer inspection, she found that a small black box sat in a spot close to his office chair. Dia picked up the box and took a closer look. "Is this a ring box?" She asked.
"It looks like one to me. Question is, is there a ring in it?"
"I don't know if I should open it. I mean really, him asking me to find some documents is not permission to snoop about his private business."
"But what if you really wanted to open it?"
"Hm. I didn't consider that. Yeah, you're right. I should open it."
Dia lifted the top of the box and revealed a ring sitting in a pillowy interior. The ring was comprised of a mythrite band topped with a rather large diamond, glittering in the light of the nearby lamp. "That's...that's a nice ring."
"Shiny, anyway. What's he doing with this?"
"I'm not sure." She tried to find context, and noticed a House Borel insignia on the band. To the right of it, there was text engraved.
May the fire in your heart warm the winter in my soul.
"Thaaaaaat's something", Dia's voice quavered.
"Dia, is this a bloody--"
"Engagement ring." She put the ring box down quickly. "Ohhhh gods, it's an engagement ring. Oh no. Oh no no no no no. Argh!"
"Well, let's calm down for a moment", Ardbert attempted to keep the both of them relaxed. "It might not even be for you."
"Who the fuck else is he going to give this to?"
"Well, I'm just saying. It might not be for any giving purpose. It might not even fit you. You'd think he'd get your ring size before he'd try that."
Dia pulled the ring from the box and attempted to slip it onto her ring finger on her right hand.
"It fits like a godsdamn glove. Ahhhhhh!"
"Okay, okay, so it fits you perfectly. We don't have to panic. Plenty of people share ring sizes. Even if it is for you, what's the worst thing that could happen if you marry him?"
"I'm not marrying him. Not now. It's the fact that I'm going to reject him that's got me all upset."
"...Dia, you cannot reject that guy."
"Oh yes I can."
"What could possibly keep you?" Ardbert demanded in disbelief. "You already live with the man, I've accidentally popped into just horrid sights from when you two are alone, you barely leave Ishgard any more."
"I'm too young!"
"You've 27 summers under you."
"I may as well have just left the crib!"
"Good gods in every heaven."
"And...I wouldn't just be his wife. I'd be his viscountess. I'd be the Lady of House Borel, and that's not who I am, Ardbert. I'm an adventurer, not a noblewoman."
"I can guarantee you that he would never ask you to be a Lady of anything."
Dia groaned. "Every time I think about marriage, I just...I get nervous as all hells. I know it's not rational, but I just-just...I can't do it yet."
She brought her focus back down to the ring on her finger and stared into it for a moment. "Though...this is a nice ring. It'd be nice to wear this around the place. I could enchant it a bit so I could teleport back to the manor as needed, provided that I find a piece of aetheryte." She laughed lightly. "I'd be able to flaunt it a bit."
As soon as she started getting lost in the ring, she snapped out of it. "No. No, I'm not marrying Aymeric for vanity." She took off the ring and placed it back in its box before picking up the envelope. "I've got documents to deliver and lunch to eat with him."
"You know what kind of couple likes to set up routines?"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up."
Upon reaching the doors to the Seat of the Lord Commander, Dia knocked against the double doors.
"Who is it?" Aymeric called.
"I'm you from another dimension. Listen, I don't have much time, but you've gotta let me in!"
"Come in, Dia", he laughed. Once the doors were open, he stood up and grabbed a chair from the eastern wall. "Silly, silly girl."
"And yet, you still let me in every week. Who's really the silly one?"
Aymeric's lips pursed as he tried to keep back laughter. The chairs was placed in front of his desk and so was Dia.
"Once again, you are my hero. Thank you, Dia."
"Of course. Dia Sito Delivery Service offers 100% satisfaction guaranteed."
"Ah, what a coincidence. So do I." He smirked suggestively. Dia giggled.
"Euugghhh", Ardbert groaned.
Quiet, you.
"Ah, and you've brought lunch as well, thank the Fury."
"I did." Dia placed the basket on his desk. "I hope you're hungry. I've beef stroganoff with a pumpkin potage and Thavnairian chai for us. If you've room for dessert, I placed a peach tart in here as well."
The two of them took their seats, Dia levitating the food to the plates and passing shares accordingly. Once the chai was poured, they took their cups and gave a small, "Cheers!" before they drank.
As the tea made its way down the hatch, her nerves seemed to settle and worry seemed to slip away. Her focus became the present. Nothing demanded either of them in this moment, aside from their hunger. Dia could just sit and watch Aymeric enjoy her food while she held a warm cup in her hands close to her heart.
Is this...what it could be like? Would things just stay the same if we...
Of course, all Aymeric saw as he looked up was Dia looking to him with a fond smile on her visage.
"Has something caught your eye?" He asked.
"Is there something on my face?"
"Yeah, someone put all that gorgeous on your face. You should be more careful."
Aymeric blushed.
Oh, just tell him already!
"Actually, what I was thinking about...I saw that ring on your desk. It's beautiful."
"Ah yes. A marvel, is it not? Still in good condition after all these years. I'm certain the Pillars to Firmament Society will be utterly fascinated."
"...come again?"
Aymeric tilted his head. "I told you about this, did I not?"
"You...might have? Refresh my memory, if you would be so kind."
Aymeric placed down his fork. "A group of scholars have created an historical preservation community called the Pillars to Firmament Society and have begun documenting anything they can about this time. Seeing as I am Ishgard's first- and I pray not the last- Lord Speaker, they wished to gather what information they could about me. Alas, I'm not dead, much as I'm beginning to suspect these historians might wish me to be that they can begin pilfering through our personal belongings, so I offer them objects of some personal significance that they can record for future generations."
Ardbert cackled in her head.
If I could go in there and throttle you, I would!
"Forgive me. I completely forgot. So...would that have belonged to your mother, then?"
"Aye. They've been combing my house's history that they can find any crumb of information to present. I thought to present them a piece of my mother's history." Aymeric rubbed the back of his neck. "I do hope this society of theirs lasts. I was thinking of you when I heard of the formation of this group."
"Indeed. You're a scholar of Nym, both in the fact that you know their healing arts and that you study their history and culture deeply. I could only imagine how frustrated a scholar of Ishgard might be in the distant future if they were left with nothing of this time. I also thought about what you told me before the ecumenical council."
"The...oh, what I said about the statues."
"Yes, and your point did have merit. Through the creation of museums, we can preserve such things without erasing the horrid acts of our forefathers. I believe it to be a nice compromise, but until now, we had no one who would be qualified to act as a keeper of Ishgard's history. With the creation of an historical preservation society, we may one day be able to arrange such a museum."
Dia stared with great affection and pangs of guilt. "Well, that makes me feel bad for what I did with the ring."
"What...did you do?"
She focused her gaze to the ground beneath her. "I mayyyyyy have tried it on."
"Oh, is that all? Did it fit?"
She perked back up. "...yeah, it did. Perfectly."
"Then no harm was done. The ring was already examined. It only just returned is all"
The rest of their lunch hour passed far too quickly for either of them. Aymeric helped her clean up the mess and Dia left with a wave. He sat back down and took out an agenda, opening it to a page for the next day.
In the column for the beginning of his day tomorrow, he wrote the words, "Ask Pillars to Firmament about the size of the ring."
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shivasdarknight · 1 year
ask 3 of 3
16. What does your WoL do to relax? What sorts of distractions do they seek? Do they foster any bad habits as a result?
{original question collection post - curious about anything else?}
Another long one! So under the cut this goes:
Surkie has the most on-hand distractions and bad habits out of the group; she seeks these out the most, and winds up with a large variety of things to try and decompress with. When she was still just an adventurer, she was dragged off of the streets of Gridania by Fufucha because that woman could see the fact that this was going to be yet another adventurer caught up in the nonsense of war and whatnot and she had a very good feeling that Surkie would - in all likelihood - die in combat and wanted to give her an outlet to not so heavily rely on adventuring. And It Worked. Surkie got really heavily involved in botany and botanical research, and as a result she started documenting what stuff she could find on her adventures and that led into keeping an apartment full of plants every which way you look. Many of them are experiments to see if she could keep them indoors, and then it led to the greenhouse project with Aymeric - so yeah, she really enjoys keeping plants now. She also picked up Triple Triad when she was traveling and is an avid collector, she really likes playing mock matches by herself since none of the others really like it (Sera humors her, but he's not good) but it ends up being a competitive thing between her and Estinien. She's also a very voracious reader when it concerns anthropology textbooks, especially about Mhach and the original Coerthan cultures prior to Halonic mandates, and she has as much of a book collecting problem as she has a plant collecting problem. She does metalwork (blacksmithing and such), she knows how to tailor her own clothing and finds some relief in that as a distraction due to the repetitive motions, she doodles from time to time but these are all fairly decent things to be distraction. The bad habits that she picked up as distractions were her tendency to fall into flings to try and fill that void post-Ysayle's "death", and how early msq Surkie would frequently pick fights. It's something she grew out of as she got older, especially as the desire to fight like that just kind of...died?, but she used to put herself in situations where a fight could break out and help initiate it mostly to burn off energy and shit feelings. Cute side note though: that sewing habit - as taught to her by her captain so she could be self sufficient - has turned into her making clothing for her kids. She made a fair amount of stuff for the twins during her forced downtime which means they have a fair amount of clothes meant for infants (especially tailed infants); she has also tried her hands at stuff like blankets and small toys (she's trying wrt toys, it's v hard for her); and she's made Allie stuff which ends up as more a more involved activity between them. Part of it is that whole attitude from her captain coming in and helping Allie become self sufficient, but there's a part of it where it's the two of them working together on projects as a bonding activity - like Allie's new formal clothing, traveling clothes, etc.
Gwendoline and Surkie share habits in reading and gardening, but Gwen is often reading medical texts and her garden is less for experiments and more for reagents. So even her destressors are still feeding back into what she does as a white mage, an alchemist, and as a necromancer. She's married to her work and that's as good of a bad habit as any, as she's constantly getting bugged to find a hobby that doesn't have anything to do with the stuff that brings her stress. She argues that necromancy is that, but the others won't take it. She'll go "Oh, I sew" but even Surkie calls her out because 1) medical stitching doesn't count 2) STITCHING CORPSES TOGETHER DOES NOT COUNT. They'll let her have embroidery because she does have an interest in it, but they're still suspicious of it because it's just more things to give her hand cramps and not actually destress (they're suspicious because they care and she's a workaholic). I'll say this: even if it's kind of morbid, she actually collects bones and has a full collection of various things she can preserve because she thinks they're Neat. She views flower pressing in the same category, so you'll see her with her pressed flowers in glass cases next to. Skulls and vertebrae and phalanges and shed skins, and the like. She finds something relaxing about cleaning off bones she's found - like processing off flesh, boiling off stuff etc - just for the sake of keeping it around. She doesn't know if she wants to do anything with it, but it's nothing she uses for her necromancy. It just exists as a catalogue of things that once were, and she does enjoy adding to it.
Seraphin is into woodcarving and is the one who convinced Surkie to pick up some creative outlet (which turned into mechanical drawings (illustrating journals and whatnot) and blacksmithing). He makes stuff for friends and family and is actually responsible for a few of the hilts that he and his adoptive siblings use since a fair amount are made out of wood. He has both practical and for the hell of it skills with it, and he just likes sitting down with a knife and messing around with a small chunk. He doesn't think of it as anything grand, but he finds the carving to be cathartic since he can work slowly and meticulously. Tons of scars from it, but he doesn't particularly care - it's just funny that he has worse scars on his hands from carving mishaps than anything from combat. He genuinely enjoys sparring because he sees it as a good way to connect with allies, and he knows too well that it's a good way to vent out frustrations and often coerces allies into fighting him so they can get something off of their chest. He doesn't have many bad habits compared to the two above, but he's neglectful about his own stress and has to be sat down and reminded of the stuff he preaches.
Teodore is really into puzzles, like really into them. Mostly things he can take with him - so like 3D puzzles or things where you try to separate two items to the best of your ability - and tons of like. Mental stuff. He sometimes will read off something he's working on and the whole group just kind of stares at him like he's crazy and it's a toss up of who guesses it right based on the logic of the puzzle (eg surkie doesn't fall for that math thing that leads you on and then asks the name of the conductor, he tried to get her with it and she just gave him the stink eye lmfAO). He'd do jigsaw puzzles more often if they weren't constantly on the road, but he would love a rubiks cube if it existed in lore. He does have some trouble because these things weren't made with hrothgar claws in mind, but it doesn't really bother him. Worst habit is that he often gets lost in these distractions and has chronic insomnia, but who in the group doesn't? ...Well, Seraphin, but of course it's Seraphin.
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windup-dragoon · 5 years
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So not exactly the AU you had mentioned @astralyehga​ as I had intended. But the end result I’m still happy with. Originally it was going to be Hien helps Kiri get a date with Aymeric, but in doing so and boosting her confidence, Hien realizes he has feelings for her. BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT HAPPENED. It kind of just wrote itself tbh. And at one point I was still going to go with that original idea, but then I thought I would have to write a second half and I thought the likelihood of me actually finishing it was pretty slim so. This is here instead. uwu THANK YOU FOR THE AU IDEA THOUGH I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I even watched a rom com just to get in the writing mood. lmao. I watched the ugly truth bc it used to be one of my favorites. 
【Modern Lovers】
Hien x Kirishimi 
Word Count: 2,291
“To what do I owe this pleasure tonight, friend? Hard day at work?” 
The gym was always vacant at this time of night. When the street lights illuminated the city and traffic was nonexistent. The clock read well past midnight, marching ever forward in tandem with her weights lifting and falling from the bench. 
Mismatched eyes peeked out from beneath thick lashes at the owner of the voice who now kept her company. Hien, the owner and her personal trainer, grinned down at her. Her hold of the equipment slipped, the weights clattering back into place just behind her head. Kirishimi grimaced but sat upright from the bench. 
“You could say that.” Her hand raked through snow white hair as a sigh heaved itself from her lips. 
Hien crossed his arms with a quirked brow. “Didn’t you say you were meeting up with your friends tonight? Or was that next Friday?” 
Kirishimi didn’t respond. Instead the woman pitched herself forward, head in her hands. 
“Ah. Still sore. Got it.” 
This wasn’t the first time Kirishimi had been left to her own devices on a Friday, or even Saturday night. She often worked late, finishing paperwork that everyone else left abandoned until the next business day. Most times her plans would reschedule, only to never be realized. All of her friends, no matter how dear they were, had lives of their own. Each had a significant other to keep them company and enjoy the evening with. So when her own plans fell through? They were there to pick up the pieces and make the night spectacular with or without Kirishimi’s presence. 
Tonight had just been another defeated Friday night to Kirishimi. 
Hien, her trainer now for more than a few years, had known the story all too well. In her disheartened state, she wound up here at his gym, practicing her kick boxing or lifting weights. It was almost routine these days. But, in some small comfort, there were worse places she could have drifted to besides his gym. 
He sat on the bench beside her and draped a white cloth over her head. “How ‘bout a nice hot shower and I’ll get some sake? I’ve got left overs from dinner, if you’re hungry.” 
The offered towel was promptly used to scrub her face. “Sure.” 
How many times had she ended up in this very room? A small studio apartment over the gym that always smelled of honey and apples. From the kitchen, to the living room, all the way to the back where sliding doors led into Hien’s bedroom, all of it could be seen from the moment one walked in. The host himself stationed himself at his makeshift mini bar beside the glass doors leading to a tiny, unused balcony. The lighting of his apartment was dim, as usual, nothing but strings of fairy lights that she had helped him string up from corner to corner some months ago. 
He prepared a small tray for Kirishimi while she showered, sake for them to share and black styrofoam to-go boxes he had ordered earlier that evening. Surely he would have loved to cook dinner himself for the woman, but you burn one pizza and you’re immediately branded a poor chef forever after. With fire alarms howling into the night and a pillar of smoke being waved out the balcony doors, she had sworn off his cooking from then on. 
It was one of his favorite memories. 
Not long after Hien settled himself onto the only piece of furniture in his living room, a couch no less, Kirishimi elbowed the door open and padded barefoot into the apartment. Furiously she scrubbed her white hair with a clean towel, water still dripping down the front of her borrowed t-shirt and soaking the collar. In her urgency to leave the vast loneliness of her own apartment she had forgotten her freshly washed t-shirt, having little choice but to bum one from Hien instead. 
“Sorry ‘bout this. I’ll get it dry cleaned if you want.” Kiri spoke in between ruffling her hair like wet feathers and combing her fingers through the locks. 
Hien dismissed her with a smile. “Nonsense! It’s only a t-shirt. I have a million others, if you must know.” He teased. It wasn’t the first time he had lent one to her and he somehow doubted it would be the last. “Come sit and eat. Knowing you, you haven’t had a bite all day.” 
“Not true.” Kirishimi protested, plopping down in the seat beside him. The couch sunk a bit beneath their weight, forcing their shoulders together. “I had a doughnut at work.” 
He whistled. “Wow. A whole doughnut. Well, I won’t deny the nutritional value of a doughnut. Sprinkles?” 
“Yes. Brightly colored. Pink, maybe?” 
“Ah. Then certainly you don’t need chicken alfredo-” Hien leaned forward, about to grab her box when she uttered a small squeak in defiance. 
“Hold it right there, criminal scum! You really think I’d turn down alfredo?” 
Grinning, Hien shrugged. “I knew that’d get you.” He slid the box across the coffee table, handing her a fork and a poured drink as well. “Now,” He leaned back against the couch with arms behind his head. “You wanna talk about today?” 
“Not really.” Kiri sunk to the floor between the couch and table. Hien was quick to steal her towel and wedge it between the back of her head and the cushions of his only usable furniture. If she needed to spend the night, at least her bed wouldn’t be soaking wet from her hair thanks to his effort. 
“Kiri,” He drew out her name, an almost commanding tone. “You can’t bottle it up forever. The last time you tried you drank my bar dry and nearly puked on a couple passing by.” 
Silver brows drew together while miscolored eyes burned. “I won’t miss this time.” 
“Kirishimi!” Hien exhaled. “I’m being serious. Humor me?” 
The young woman, blowing out a sigh that lifted her hair from her cheeks, knocked back one cup full of sake. “Fine,” Reluctance filled her voice. “If you insist. 
“Bein’ that it’s Friday, everyone wanted out of the office early. But instead of working together to get it all done, people just up and left after lunch. I had to stay behind, again, to make sure everything got filed correctly and all. That new secretary was nice enough to at least announce she was leaving...” Kiri paused in her story, staring vacantly at the mess of noodles lumped together in the container before her. 
“She mentioned a big party downtown and that I should invite my friends to go out. We’d all have drinks and just chill after a long week. I don’t really like the idea of parties but I did wanna see the gang. Been pullin’ such long nights at work, I haven’t seen any of ‘em for a while. So after lockin’ up the office, I texted everyone. Shuri, Illya, Laurelis. But-” 
“They’re busy?” Hien finished when Kirishimi failed to continue. 
“Yeah...” Kirishimi shook her head and finally dipped her fork into her food. The noodles slithered round and round the utensil but she had no intention of eating just yet. “It’s fine! I mean, they’ve all got their own stuff goin’ on. They wanna spend time with their guys and live their lives. I’ll catch up with ‘em another day, yea? Just sucks bein’ alone...ya’know?”
“Mhm.” All the time he had known Kirishimi, since the day she waltzed into his gym and signed herself up, he had never known her to be obsessed with the idea of a boyfriend. Yet here she was, trying to deny the fact that it bothered her. From time to time the guys of the gym would flirt with her, ask her on dates and say pretty things to her, but they were never right for Kirishimi. Some would later admit to being intimidated by such an athletic woman while others just assumed she had money to spare. 
While she fought with her dinner, Hien spared a glance at his phone. A chat message he had started earlier that week filled the screen. 
Illya:: Have you asked her yet? 
Laurelis:: Hello!!! It’s getting late! Tell us something!! 
Shuri:: You had better not have chickened out! 
He couldn’t deny the guilt welling in his gut. Instead of asking Kirishimi to meet him at the gym, he had begged her friends to help him in his endeavors to reach her. They were kind enough to oblige but seeing the slump in Kiri’s shoulders made him regret that decision. The girls weren’t to blame. Though he doubted Kirishimi could ever be truly mad at them. They were like family to her; sisters to the bitter end. 
“Have you considered finding yourself a boyfriend?” Hien forced the words out of his mouth before he could second guess himself. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees now, taking a sip of his own sake. 
Kiri’s fork stopped spinning for a heartbeat. Eventually she snorted and arched a brow at him. “Yeah. It’s real easy, isn’t it? Lemme just go ask some rando’s if they wanna date me.” She huffed before taking a bite. 
“Please, do not ask random guys to date you.” He pleaded with a light smile. 
“Sorry, but I’m afraid that’s my only option. Or die alone, I guess. My cursed bloodline ends with me.” Kiri teased, dramatically quoting a line from a movie the two had but recently watched. 
“C’mon! You’re just being pessimistic. Surely there’s other guys in your life?” Hien leaned a little closer, desperate to catch a glimpse of her features while she nibbled at her food. 
“The guys at work are scared of me. Especially when I wear heels.” 
“You do that on purpose.” 
“I like feeling superior! They treat me like dirt anyway. Bunch o’ assholes.” 
“Anyone else?” 
“...What about me?” 
“What about-” Kiri turned toward Hien, a questioning look dancing in her eyes. But her words fell short when she noticed him. His green eyes watching her, holding her gaze. 
The sound of soft rain pelting the window soon filled the silence of the apartment. It was a romantic ambiance. A window in the kitchen, left open, let in the sweet scent of an approaching storm and the musky aroma of falling rain. 
Her heart jumped into her throat as they shared in the quiet moment. All the discussions she ever had with the girls about this very topic came rushing to mind as she searched for words to say in response. Many times she had lamented to the others about her feelings for Hien, always under the impression that he had eyes only for the cute girls who frequented his gym. The girls in tight outfits who giggled and winked at Hien when he taught them how to use specific equipment. She had always wanted to be like them, so flirtatious when asking for his number so they could keep in touch. Several times before she had assumed he had even dated one or two of them, fleeting as they were. 
Illya, Shuri, Laurelis, and even their significant others had demanded that she at least talk to Hien about it. To open her heart to see what transpired. But fear had kept her back. If he turned her down or realized her feelings, would he ask her to leave the gym? Who then would she turn to when she was alone at night, wanting anyone's voice but her own to fill the silence. Who would she spend her off days with watching movies or keep him from burning his own building down? It was the fear of being alone that chained her. 
But now... 
“Hien... You are... definitely a guy in my life.” Kirishimi managed to mutter, her cheeks burning with heat. 
“Took you that long to notice?” Hien teased. 
“Shuddup!” She huffed before crawling up onto the couch beside him once more. “You know what I meant. I didn’t think you thought of me like that...” 
Hien turned so his back was toward the armrest, his body fully facing her. “It’d be an awful lie to say I didn’t think about you every day. Some nights I wait downstairs... Just to see if you stop by.” 
“You could have texted me! You could have... said something...” 
“I was afraid I’d lose you. I wanted to make sure you felt the same. Your friends gave me one hell of an earful when I spoke to them.” Hien frowned at the memory. Three women demanding he be honest. Although quiet and polite, the trio had honestly frightened him. But if it hadn’t been for them, he may have never found out. His question left unanswered. 
“Hien...” Kiri, chewing a moment on her bottom lip, closed her eyes and reached for his hand with both of hers. “Hien, ya’ idiot! Of course I like you! I get stupid butterflies in my stomach when I see you. Gods know I look like a blushin’ idiot when you parade around the gym without yer shirt on. Or the fact that you’ve been my personal trainer for over a year when I don’t even need one-” 
“At least I don’t charge you for that.” Hien interrupted, a blossoming grin plastering his face. “Kirishimi, I’m sorry I’m not a rando off the street like you envisioned, but will you go out with me?” 
Snowy hair bounced wickedly as Kirishimi replied with an eager nod of her head. “Hells yes!” In unison they moved toward one another, Hien’s arms looping around her waist and drawing her onto his lap while her hands brought his face to hers, lips crashing in a heartbeat against the other. 
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the-dragons-knight · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021
Prompt #4 - The Queen of Draic
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<Late Stormblood Patch 4.5 Spoilers>
Baleful - ‘menacing; threatening harm’
(Used some in game cutscene text for this one just cause it writes the scene so well and sets up my idea so perectly)
Silence swallowed the room with the weight of Emperor Varis’s words. The Garlean Empire was created from the beginning by Ascians, and in truth, Katsum could not say she was surprised with the chaos the Garleans had always created, the pain and suffering they had caused based on her childhood memories alone. She felt the hand holding hers under the table tighten slightly as Aymeric felt her body tense through her fingers. Hien had been gracious enough to let her dear husband sit beside her, and she was glad that he had for there were a few times that Varis had targeted Aymeric’s and Ishgard’s sorrows specifically and it had only been his quick catch of her hand that kept the seeker from launching herself over the table. She took a long breath and squeezed his hand gently in response.
“Your ‘prize’ is a lie. It would be foolish to even wonder if you would have the upper hand in such an agreement. We would all die before peace is even a thought.” She answered, a bit to her tone as she scowled at him. Again she felt Aymeric’s fingers squeeze her a bit, and she felt his heartbeat quicken with worry.
The Emperor stood then, and spoke with a strange kind of fervor, “I come not to conquer but to liberate—to free man from the prison of divergence. Imagine a world united, and one perfect race beneath a single standard! We would be masters of our own fate! We would be far too strong for the servants of Darkness and Light to dare trifle with!” He held out his hands and grinned smugly, insanely, “I bid you join me! Not as a subject of Garlemald, but of a new nation! And together we shall win true freedom for ourselves and generations yet unborn!”
Silence returned for a moment, just for a moment, and then Lyse jumped to her feet, slamming her hands down on the table, “You want to trigger another half-dozen calamities!? You can’t be serious!”
“Have you forgotten how many died!?” Raubahn hissed, “There will be no one left!”
As he and Nanamo stood to their feet, so did Merlwyb, “Did you truly imagine we would aid you in your bloodletting?”
“It is unthinkable!” Katsum wasn’t sure she’d ever heard Kan-E-Senna raise her voice, but as she stood next to the other leader that had been there that day at Carteneau, it only made sense why. Alisaie looked to Lord Hien and Aymeric, and she and Hien stood to their feet. Katsum stayed seated as Aymeric let go of her hand to stand too, watching her out of the corner of his eye as she stayed still and stared angrily at Varis.
“And what of the other worlds? The ones we “rejoin”?” Alisaie finally broke her silence to shout, “Every calamity means you obliterate a star and every soul that dwells upon it!”
Varis frowned and grimaced in annoyance, “We are all but tiny specks in an indifferent universe. We cannot hope to oppose them until we have been made whole once more.”
“Odd, the same could be said about the many small countries and cities you forced under your rule in your…‘liberation’,” Katsum said softly, a clear edge to her voice.
He did not answer her.
Instead, Nanamo spoke then instead to fill the silence, “Are these truly the words of Garlemald’s ruler?” She did not give him the time to answer as she narrowed her gaze and continued, “The flaws which you so abhor are what make us who we are. Every nation─even yours, Emperor Varis─is made whole through the combination of these imperfections, the strengths of one compensating for the weaknesses of another. While it is true that man succumbs all too often to anger and avarice, he may yet overcome his baser instincts through the forming of bonds with others, fostering community and cooperation. That the protector of an empire should not only reject these fundamental truths but seek to change them at so dear a cost to life is indefensible,” She leaned forward and very nearly whispered, “Such a man is not fit to govern.”
The power in such words could shut out even Katsum herself she believed, and so Varis of course had naught to say to retort. He drew back to stand straight as a deep frown crossed his face, his eyes narrowed with the slightest hint of Katsum thought might be defeat. Then his gaze met her, “And you, Warrior of Light? Would you refuse me as well?”
Katsum was quiet, looking down to the table and closing her eyes as everyone else’s attention turned to her. Long had she carried this secret, keeping it safe from the knowledge of their enemy, but now, after these many long years, she was ready to bear her fangs.
“Tell me, Lord Varis, do you remember an island kingdom that your armies laid siege to some years ago? It was a small island that floated on the stormy seas of Sirensong, just to the east of Ul’dah’s shores. Do you know it?”
He tsked, “I remember some report of it, of mass destruction and nothing to gain from it. A waste of resources.”
Katsum’s fingers tightened into a fist, “A waste of resources…” She hissed this under her breath where only she and Aymeric heard before she continued, “Really? I thought you knew all of our histories and the flaws we sew into our nations.”
He growled, “Get to your point, girl.”
Katsum moved to slowly stand to her feet, feeling the eyes of the others as she stood tall and narrowed her sapphire gaze threateningly, “You call me ‘Warrior of Light’, ‘Defender of Eorzea’, ‘Liberator of Doma and Ala Mhigo’, and ‘Knightess of Ishgard’. All of these titles and more I now carry, but there is another title I have borne for far longer than any other. Do you know what it is?”
It seemed it took him a moment before his eyes widened, “You can’t be…”
“I am the Queen of Draic.”
Suddenly, the Draic necklace around her neck began glowing brightly, the eye of Raihogg burning into the red jewel. To the amazement of all, a deep rumble echoed behind her as she felt the dragon summoning his form, his wings spread out in his ghostly shade behind the other alliance members and hovered his head over Katsum’s like a shield, his glowing blue and golden eyes burning into Varis. The red dragon hissed lowly, making the emperor take a step back and his guards take a single step forward, but neither Katsum nor her dragon made a move to attack. The miqo’te stood tall as the confidence she had never known flowed into her veins. Still, she reached out her hand to the Elezen man beside her, wrapping her shaking fingers in his as he took her hand to ground herself and to keep her from going too far. He gently squeezed her fingers and it gave her the assurance that she needed.
“That ‘momentary’ island was my home and its people, my family. You reduced it to rubble for nothing and killed my people without remorse. Even now, you have no thought of sympathy,” She spat these words before she retracted and spoke sickeningly sweet, “Yet that is the past, right? A chapter for the history books, written and forgotten. Yet now you ask me as us to join this cause of yours, this movement of death and chaos and insanity. The same cause you forced upon my people,” Katsum’s eyes darkened angrily then, slightly baring her feline fangs as she hissed with her Dravanian companion, “If you truly believed we would join you in such madness, then you are far more a fool than you are a TYRANT!!”
Not so long ago, she would have denied this title and its weight, but at this moment, after so many years, finally the queen had come to rule.
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efrmellifer · 3 years
An Evening to Remember
Seven: Speculate (Cytus belongs to Dae)
Etien met Betula's eyes in the mirror as Betula finished applying a layer of subdued red to her lips.
“And where is your gentleman caller taking you tonight?” she asked, hoping it sounded lighthearted.
“The opera,” Betula answered. “It’s Tales of the East tonight.”
“They made that into an opera?”
Betula nodded, just before she felt her mother’s hand settle on her head, and the comb slipping through her hair soon after. “Cytus was very particular to get us tickets for tonight’s performance. In but a sennight, they’ll be changing to performing a historical piece. It’s… about Ala Mhigo, I think? He said he wouldn’t be able to watch that one quietly.”
Etien stifled her laugh, but only just barely. Betula still caught a glimpse of it in the mirror, though.
“Maman,” she protested, though she was laughing, too.
Etien continued combing Betula's hair, then clipped in the pin Betula had waiting next to her hand, an elegant V with a silver sheen.
When Etien stepped back and put down the comb, Betula rose, looking herself over again. She was pleased with her outfit—an Eastern dress (a gift from Yugiri for her 18th birthday that fit her even better now) leggings with a short skirt to make up for the dress’s high-cut slit, and shoes that matched her half-gloves, both of the same soft blue leather.
She wasn’t sure she had a coat that suited going out like this.
That is, she had a dress coat for more formal occasions, but this was… different. “More important” would be rude to all the times she had attended events and gotten praise for herself and her parents because she was so well-groomed and -behaved, but it was certainly more personal.
If she couldn’t admit it to herself, whom could she admit it to?She wanted to look good for Cytus. Simple as that.
“Oh, one moment!” Etien chirped, rushing to the closet (Betula heard its door, and her father having to help her mother) and returning with a lush fur-lined cloak. “If you don’t mind wearing something borrowed from your mother for a night.”
Betula took it in her hands, feeling the pelt and the warmth of the gesture as much as the garment. “This should be fine. Thank you.”
Etien nodded, eyes crinkling in a smile. Aymeric stepped into the room to drape the cloak over Betula’s shoulders, resting his hands there afterward.
“You look lovely, Betula. My dear little lady, not so little anymore.” She smiled, and he kissed her forehead. “But the young master Galvus should be here soon, I think. Enough sentimentalism from us, you have a date.”
She shrugged off the cloak while she waited, tail twitching and shaking in much the same way Etien’s always did when she was nervous.
“Nerves getting to you?” Aymeric asked, sidling up to her.
“A little bit.”
“You are a young woman of impeccable comportment, and more to the point, Cytus already likes you. Quite a lot, based on what I have seen.”
She blushed, recalling the kiss that Aymeric was referring to. “I suppose you’re right,” she mumbled.
He chuckled. “And he is a lucky young man, to be taking you to the opera tonight. I hope it is an evening to remember.”
There was a knock at the door then, getting stronger with the second and then third raps against the wood. Aymeric opened the door.
“Good evening, Cytus.”
He waved. “Good evening, Ser Aymeric. Is Betula ready?”
She threw the cloak back on, stepping around the door. “Ready!”
He took her hand, squeezing it in greeting. “Hello, Tula.”
“Have a good time, you two,” Aymeric said, gently scooting Betula out the door, though he did not close it behind the pair as they left, walking along the stone path.
“What time do you think they’ll be back tonight?” he asked Etien.
She laughed as she came to his side, wrapping her arms around his middle and resting her head against him. “It does no good to speculate. He’ll bring her home when they’re ready to come back.”
They closed the door with a light sigh from each.
The trip to the opera house was a quiet one. The quiet wasn’t too awkward in its tension, but Betula was hoping that the residual nerves and desire to impress Cytus weren’t too palpable. Still, she jumped slightly when he spoke.
“You look nice.”
“Oh! Thank you. You do, too. That’s a good color on you,” she said, rubbing the fabric of his sleeve. “It bring out your eyes.”
“You think so?”
She nodded.
Cytus laughed, a thought occurring to him. “Sparta was telling me to pick flowers for you.”
“Did he tell you to get them from the garden?”
“Not this time. He was suggesting I pull up half a bed of annuals, which I doubt the gardeners would have appreciated.”
Betula’s lips formed a small o. “Certainly not.”
When they arrived, Cytus presented their proofs of admission, and then laid a hand on the small of Betula's back to guide her inside the opera house.
She was all too aware that without the fur between them (though it was a typical night in Ishgard, there was no chance of the fur not being between them), his hand would have been pressed to the cutout in her dress’s back. Damn this weather for that.
They took their seats, and Betula began to read the summary of the opera written in the program. Some of these events were familiar to her, stories she had heard before and was eager to seen relayed in song.
Cytus looked over. “Something interesting?”
Betula pointed at the text. “I was looking at this part of the third act, the story of the sleeping princess.”
He scanned near her finger and nodded. “I doubt it will be like the faerie story we would be familiar with.”
She agreed with a hum. “But I’m curious about it.”
A hush went over the crowd as the lights dimmed, the curtain rising. Betula folded her program and turned her attention to the stage, where the overture was beginning.
Near the end of the fourth act, Betula let her hand leave her lap, creeping across to the seat next to her, curling around Cytus’ hand. Luckily for her, her gloves absorbed the sweat from her palms before he had to feel it, and he just turned his hand up, his thumb sticking through between her ring and little fingers.
They let go to clap as the players took their bows, then left the theatre hand in hand, Betula clutching the fur cloak closer, as the temperature had fallen further.
“Are you cold?” she asked Cytus, now holding his hand as much to keep it warm as to express her affection.
“Garlemald is hardly a temperate place to live,” he replied. “This coat is lined. I’m comfortable.”
She nodded her understanding. “Then can we walk around a little bit?”
“Lead the way.”
They wandered through the mostly-empty Jeweled Crozier, warming their hands on the currently-vacant little heater Elaisse used to boil water and keep herself warm, then continued walking, taking the long way up to the Hoplon, and then down through The Architects and The Last Vigil.
Standing at the bottom of the steps down from there, Betula sighed. “Nearly home.”
“Is that not a relief? Are those shoes comfortable?”
“Is it a relief?” she echoed, “yes and no. I don’t want this to be over just yet. I’m having a good time.”
“We can enjoy the local art again another time,” Cytus replied. “I would hate to draw the ire of your parents bringing you home at dawn.”
“It’s nowhere near dawn,” she scoffed.
“Yes, but I could stay out here with you until it was.”
She giggled. “Thank you. I suppose I should go home.”
Cytus offered his elbow. “It isn’t far, but I still want to walk you there.”
Betula looped her arm through his with a smile, and they strode past the Athenaeum and the airship landing, quiet again, more comfortably than before.
They ascended the steps to the house together, and then she sighed. “This is where it ends.”
“For tonight. Until next time.”
“Aye.” She met his eyes and smiled. “Give your mum and da my love?”
“I will,” Cytus told her. “But first”-- he took her hand, and drew her closer again. “Can I kiss you?”
She nodded.
His lips were warm, even despite how cold it was outside, making the good-night kiss even more pleasant, so much so it took away the sting of it even being a good-night.
He pulled away and let her settle again, smiling when she gave him a wide grin.
“Goodnight. Until next time, Tula.”
“Goodnight, Cytus. This was lovely.”
He descended the steps, and set off for the airship landing, with a little wave over his shoulder before he would be hard to spot.
Betula waved back, then slipped inside the house when she couldn’t see him anymore.
She would have to think of something Cytus would enjoy for next time.
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sweetbitterpdf · 4 years
skam france s6e4 descriptions— vendredi 22:03 onward
 for anyone who may be skipping these final two clips because of the content & the trigger warnings that others have been posting! please take care of yourselves first and foremost. my intent is to fill people in, without them having to watch the content that may be harmful to them.
worth noting that i’m by no means a native french speaker, so if i’ve gotten anything wrong, let me know!
relevant content warnings are posted at the beginning of the two clips, and there is one point in the latter one where i’ve flagged the point where things start to get really bad.
read at your own discretion, and if you would like me to indicate anything else in the content warnings, just reply to this post/shoot me a message!
content warnings: drinking
lola meets maya to talk things out. she’s been drinking. the clip opens before maya arrives, with lola scrolling through the vd1pm insta account.
maya arrives, apologizing for keeping lola waiting. she’s brought some of her things, that she left at maya’s place (i believe?) 
edit with correction from anon: maya’s bringing lola’s clothes specifically, not just her things, generally— the clothes that lola threw up on, when she was drunk last week and called maya.
lola calls maya out for ghosting her all week. since she’s also brought lola’s forgotten things, she asks if this is a break-up. lola also says that she saw the photo from la mif’s last urbex session.
maya apologizes for having not invited her, she wanted to tell her, but—
lola interrupts her, and says that she doesn’t have to explain. she says there’s no obligations, they don’t know each other, they’re not even really friends
maya asks if lola’s been drinking. lola says yes, but not enough to forget that she basically told maya everything, and that maya’s only reaction was to ignore her.
maya apologizes again. she says she can explain everything, but lola interrupts her, saying that she doesn’t care. there’s no need/point in doing so.
lola says that she doesn’t need maya, nor her friends. she’s just fine all alone, and she’s used to it. it feels good to her, being alone.
maya tells lola that she’s drunk, and she doesn’t want to talk to a drunken lola.
lola tells her that she’ll have to wait a long time for that, then.
maya gets up to leave. lola says “already? you didn’t want us to fuck? i know that you really wanted to, I’m super hot.”
edit with correction from anon: in this moment, lola isn’t saying hot as in she’s attractive, but more so that she’s up to have sex with maya (would “horny” be a more appropriate translation?)
maya leaves. lola calls out “casse-toi” after her, meaning “fuck you” essentially.
lola finishes her drink, texting aymeric “what are you doing tonight?”
he responds “nothing for sure/nothing certain. pre-gaming alone at a hotel, why?”
the clip ends here.
content warnings: drinking, drug mention, doing drugs, mentions of abuse, ignorance of lack of consent, physical restraint, sexual assault, male anger, profanity/harassment, panic attacks
lola and aymeric are sat on the floor, both clearly high on (assumedly) cocaine, and drinking.
lola asks aymeric if he remembers the christmas party that they went to while on ketamine. she mentions the fact that the guys that were there couldn’t even tell.
aymeric says that they could tell, and that lola was just too high to notice.
lola essentially asks what’s going on, and what they’re doing here (along the lines of “what are we even doing?”). aymeric says something along the lines of “well we all die in the end, don’t we? may as well enjoy it”
lola agrees. they toast, by clinking their glasses together.
lola says that she lasted a long time, and that that merits congratulations (assumedly referring to her sobriety?)
aymeric says that he lasted two days.
he asks if that earns him a punishment.
lola goes in for what is assumedly a slap (as a punishment for aymeric), but he grabs her wrist before she can, and kisses the back of her hand.
he asks, “you call that a punishment?”
lola says that she didn’t want to hit his “little versaillian mouth” (meaning that aymeric is from versailles, i’m assuming)
edit with clarification + correction from anon: aymeric is indeed from versailles! it’s a city full of rich people, and “gueule” can also mean face, not just mouth— so she’s saying that she doesn’t want to mess up his little rich boy face.
she asks what his father would say, if she did.
aymeric says that his father has already screwed up his face plenty. one day, to apologize, his father bought him a car. he was 12 years old, when this happened. he calls his father a loser.
lola receives a text from maya that reads “i don’t want this to happen this way... call me later, ok?”
aymeric leans in, assumedly to see what the text is, as lola’s visibly a bit distressed by it. he comments on how soft her skin is.
he kisses her. lola tells him to stop.
[it gets ugly from here onward]
he tries again.
lola moves to leave.
aymeric stops her.
lola continuously tells him to stop, to let go.
he does not.
she escapes his grasp, but as she moves to get her things, he grabs her again, pushing her against the wall.
he asks her what’s wrong, what’s going on. he says “you don’t recall, from/in therapy, how you turn me on? now you’re not a child anymore, we can go there, no?” (referring to having sex)
lola says that she doesn’t want to, while trying to escape his grasp.
aymeric says “don’t want to? you came here, you hit my cocaine, and now you don’t want to [have sex]?”
lola slaps him.
aymeric says “now that’s a punishment.”
lola runs to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. she is clearly very distressed.
aymeric knocks on the door. he says it’s alright, he says that he thought she was joking. he says that they’ll just have a chill night.
aymeric gets angrier, yells her name, pounds on the door once, and tells her to come out.
aymeric is now pounding his head on the door. he does so several times, before calling her a dirty cunt (sale conne).
lola is crying, and scrolling through her phone as he continues to yell.
aymeric says “who did you take me for? dirty bitch.”
lola dials a number as aymeric pounds violently on the bathroom door, the sound booming through the bathroom. the viewer does not see who she is calling.
aymeric calls her name one final time, still pounding on the door.
the clip, and the episode, ends here.
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alexiaugustin · 4 years
pls give your honest opinions on eliola friendship / relationship 🤣
Okay so I think that most people already know that I'm not found of it at all so at the beginning I just wanna say that I do not hate it simply because I want to hate it and everything that happens on that show, but because I was thrilled and had high expectations when they first announced that they would have a brother- sister relationship this season. So everything I'm gonna say now isn't coming from a place of hate but complete and utter disappointment because that's what their storyline was. Also disclaimer; everything I'm gonna say isn't me hating the characters but me criticizing the writing and how the writing made both of them quite unsympathetic at times.
So let's begin with the first lola/eliott clip I ever really liked and that was their first meeting at the funeral. I just like how Eliott noticed that she was all alone and decided to talk to her because that's probably smth he wishes people would have done for him when he was lonely. I loved their bickering n how Eliott was the second person who made Lola genuinely smile that season and just like Maya he didn't let Lola's cold attitude throw him off. So being the naive clown I was I actually believed that they might do something good with them and that their storyline could live up to my expectations but oh hell no.
The opportunity of them getting closer n talking at the urbex party was right there and skam france just didn't use it. I actually thought that they would drop a clip after midnight as the first clip of ep3 where they would start making conversation because they were all hanging out with eachother anyway and then maybe start following eachother on instagram or smth. But no. Eliott and Lola meeting eachother at that urbex party wasn't there to develop their friendship and make them have a natural connection in the clips afterwards. Eliott being an urbex legend wasn't there to actually give his character more depth, it was just there so Eliott could lie to Lucas and Lola knowing about it so she could manipulate Eliott in ep8 but we're coming back to that plot later.
Well yeah wasted potential on that urbex party let's talk about the next party where they meet again: Daphné's birthday party. Again I know that it's a party and it's likely for people to just talk to everyone so I wouldn't say that Eliott and Lola talking there was coming out of nowhere. What did come out of nowhere tho, was their dialogue: "We're the same you and I" I'm sorry but first of all what teenager talks like that??? And second of all what exactly do you even know about eachother. Ah yeah right nothing because you never really talked to eachother before. I know that in interviews they have made up a whole background story as to why Eliott felt so cOnNeCtEd to her but none of this was ever brought up on screen so for me there's no explanation why he would say smth like that. Then the whole urbex lying to Lucas convo yada yada I pretend not to understand french and we're just gonna skip over that part of ep3 now. Next clip of the party Lola feels lonely and left out because Thierry acts like Daphné is his only daughter and for some reason Eliott looks @ Lola from across the room like that: [I'm to lazy to put a screenshot of the scene but y'all know the shot I'm talking about] and I remember the evening they dropped that clip and everyone was yelling and thinking that this look means that he's gonna fall in love with her. Yeah at best I would think that this looks like falling in love, at worst this look reminds me of Joe Goldberg. And I know that the scrip wasn't like: Eliott side eyes Lola like some penetrator from across the room but it really looked like that and it's the director's job to correct Maxence's acting because that really really wasn't it.
Next eliola clip is Lola going to Eliott's video shop. How she knew that he was working at that exact place at this exact time will forever stay a mystery. If only skam france would remember that they are a transmedia show and Eliott and Lola could have just texted after Daphné's birthday party??? But no she was just completely out of nowhere visiting him at his workplace and don't get me wrong the clip itself was good and them watching a movie together cute but I still wanna know where it suddenly came from. She didn't even seem to like him that much before so her going there when she wasn't feeling well just threw me off and I was like okayyyy whatever. It truly feels like they either deleted clips in between or forgot to upload some text messages.
Aymeric plot: I was kind of torn between liking the clip n disliking it because back when they dropped the clip I was just glad that Eliott got Lola out of there and I knew that he would bring her to his flat so she would feel safe but on the other hand I'm not a huge fan of this whole savior trope in general even tho I do get that it made sense for her to call him in that situation. But now that the season is over I don't even have to feel torn and can just say that I absolutely hate this whole storyline because they used sexual assault as a plot device so they wouldn't have to come up with some complex writing ideas to build up their friendship. So the next day skamfr acted like sexual assault isn't something traumatizing and never brought it up again it truly just existed so Eliott could play hero and Eliott and Lola could be friends. It was never brought up again not even in one single fucking conversation. How fun😑😑
I've said it before and I will say it again I will always hate that Lucas was allowed to have many friends and hang out with them whenever he wanted n be affectionate with them while Eliott's only friendship was actively written to cause problems in their relationship. I'm not even blaming Lucas' for his reactions this season because I'm sure that I would have reacted the same way if I were him but they could have just written the eliott/lola friendship in a decent way and left lucas out of it. It would have been really simple but instead they chose to make almost every Lola n Eliott interaction a problem between Lucas and Eliott and then they never even solved their relationship problems, not even off screen so that's truly a whole next level of skamfr being one hell of a stupid show.
Apart from that I really really liked the Saturday clips and they were the only clips I ever got sibling vibes from. Eliott being ready to run with Lola so she wouldn't have to face Daphné and Lola saying that she's gonna take responsibility and Eliott looking at her like a proud big brother> very cute also the way Eliott and Lola both got to speak for themselves about their mental health was one of my fave convos this season even tho- and call me a petty bitch for that- they even ruined that clip for me when Lola used everything Eliott told her in that clip against him later🙃🙃
The whole movie plot is ridiculous and I'm actually too tired to bring all of it up again so I'm just gonna say that Eliott asking a girl with zero acting experience and a crew with zero filming experience to shoot his uni project with him still has me laughing until today. No way in hell that this is something realistic to happen but #ohboy #nicetry for trying to sell that storyline. Eliott and Lola should have never kissed n they should have either changed the script to a friendship version of L&O for Lola and Eliott or let Maya take over Eliott's role when she showed up. This way it would have actually had a meaning for s6 and it would have made sense to end the season with a screening for that movie project. But what the hell was skamfr tryna tell us with that eliola kiss storyline?? The moral n the message where????
Ughhhh my favorite storyline: episode 8. Well I was gone over one weekend and this is the shit I came back home to. Let me tell you it really wasn't fun to watch these four clips in a row I literally had to pause the videos the entire time just to yell n question if I was hallucinating that shit. If their friendship wasn't written badly before then this was definitely the last straw for me. We all know what happened I'm not gonna explain it again let me just say that if I were Eliott I would have felt so damn betrayed and would have never just forgiven that shit in a week. Imagine trusting someone that much with your past and stories about your mental illness and relationship n even your relationship issues and all this person does is using everything you ever told them and even more (still wanna know how she knew abt the houseboat story) against you to manipulate you into drinking which then triggers you into a depressiv episode. Who wrote this and thought that we would still be rooting for this friendship?????
And well yeah that pretty much was it for the eliott/lola sIbLiNg storyline this season. Eliott didn't get to speak for himself about what happened and Lola only apologized for having called him and making him stay at the party but they never actually acknowledged what happened at that party and Eliott just took the blame n happy ending!!! They didn't even get one scene in the last clip together so that already shows us how the writers really didn't give a damn about their friendship this season and it solely existed to serve the mc and to get us to watch the new season n not because they actually cared and let's just say that one could really really notice that🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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starswornoaths · 4 years
9, 10, and 29 for the fic writer asks?
I’ma stick it under the cut bc I just get so rambly omg??? Thank you for the ask, I’m sorry for the wall of text jakfghdrkgdfjlh
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write? 
God, there’s been multiple.
I’ve got Serella and Aymeric’s post 5.3 reunion to write, which I have stubbornly clung to them getting two reunions because I’m being a self indulgent goob about it, and I’m just so stuck on how I want to transition between the two scenes.
furthermore, the sequel to their reunion. I’m still debating on whether I should just make it part of the reunion fic, or have it be it’s own immediate sequel to the next day. I think a lot of my uncertainty with the structuring is what’s really keeping me from finishing these two in particular.
I’m struggling with a lot of other drafts- starting the Heresy AU in particular, and adding more of the connective tissue for ARR/HW for Serella’s story, but I think because I’m stuck on the more “time sensitive” fics mentioned above, it’s more or less The Big Block that’s stopping everything else.
Also, just. Writing about Shadowbringers era Serella is really hard, generally speaking? She’s so obstinately a martyr, and while it’s draining to write her so desperate to be the one that takes all the hurt while simultaneously feeling isolated and generally neutral about her existence, there’s also a weird catharsis to it? Like I’m working out a Big Muscle Knot, and it’s great after I really work it out, but working it out feels awful and I can only handle so much of it at any one point? Does that make sense? I’m probably babbling, I apologize asjhdfksdlgdfjkg
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Oh, without a doubt, “A Promise Made, A Promise Kept”.
As the 1/3 part of that link’s title suggests, the biggest problem with that fic was stopping. It felt like I was cramming as many little self indulgent moments as I possibly could into that fic. It’s one of the few of my own works that I’ll go back to sometimes, just because I remember that feeling of how hype I was while writing it.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? 
Oh god, what a question aksjdhksldfgl
I really need to get better at leaving comments on fics I read. I forget to every time because most of my fic reading happens either before I fall asleep or on my commute to/from work. Rather than take the vain route of wanting to take agency from the authors and “write it myself,” let me instead boost fics I would love to see continued/stories progressed, that I keep forgetting to leave comments on ajdfghkdsg
“The Black Wolf” by @usagi-mitsu
seriously, Usagi’s got a special talent for taking characters I might otherwise be ambivalent to in canon, and writing them in sympathetic ways that feel more true to what the writers had wanted out of that character versus what we got. Her Garlean Drabbles series is incredible, I can’t recommend it enough!
literally anything @lumikatdraws writes, I always want to see more of.
not to completely brown nose, but you also had an Aymeric heat fic that was incredible and I’d love to see more of that universe bc I like the concept of Ishgardians having to just generally deal with Dragon Things Sometimes that they never thought might be dragon things, that fascinates and tickles me endlessly!
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makeela · 5 years
Top 12 Most Unfuckable Men In FFXIV (according to a lesbian)
(WARNING: This list contains spoilers up to 5.0)
12. Urianger Augurelt
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Urianger is the least unfuckable man in Final Fantasy XIV. Mostly because, well - look at him. That’s the look of a man who has either fucked a lot or never once in his life, and we all saw Moenbryda. If Urianger told me he wanted to “smasheth mine pussy” I would have no choice but to accept, if only because it’d be an experience. There is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck Urianger.
11. Aymeric de Borel
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Aymeric was originally in Urianger’s spot when I was thinking about this list, and the only reason he’s not is because he has definitely never fucked before in his life. So aggressively has he never fucked that when he was born, he had to come out via cesarean section, so that he might not have touched pussy even once. You would have to have a several year long committed relationship with him and it still wouldn’t happen until after his dumbass best friend gets possessed by a giant dragon and he’s trying real hard to stave off those Unholy Urges. It doesn’t work. This does not change the fact that, if I had to choose a man, I would be honored for Ser Aymeric de Borel to have a seat on my face.
10. Crystal Exarch
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Haurchefant wants what the Crystal Exarch has: he’s smart, he’s cute, and his body is partially composed of rocks. All he wants is to go on an adventure with you, and maybe hold your hand. I feel like fucking the Crystal Exarch isn’t even sexual at this point, your emotional connection is just so deep that it’s only right to make him cry over and over. You’re being a good friend. You should fuck the Crystal Exarch.
9. Cid nan Garlond
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I feel like Cid is the true neutral of this list. He’s funny, not objectively bad looking, loves to make shit for you and showers regularly. Unfortunately, he is not exceptionally memorable on a list of Male Characters I’d Be Interested In Maybe Fucking, If I Had To. I was almost done with this list before I even remembered that Cid is a major character, and not your best friend who you would never even consider fucking, just because that’s the kind of relationship you guys have. I would not fuck Cid, but not because there’s anything wrong with him; I just don’t want to fuck him. Sorry, Cid.
8. Gaius van Baelsar
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Gaius van Baelsar definitely smells bad. He’s tried to kill you more than once, and two of those times was with a big robot that had god powers. However, like, just look at him. Imagine if he washed his hair. We all know how tall Alphinaud is, right? Look at how small he is by comparison. This is, in truth, the only reason he is in this spot and not one lower - he’s basically just a Metal Gear Solid character, which I am not mad about at all. I kind of wish Gaius was my father figure, and if, at some point, I ended up fucking him, I don’t think it would be the end of the world. I don’t think you should go out of your way to fuck Gaius van Baelsar, but if it happens, it happens, right?
7. Estinien Wyrmblood
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I really wish I could justify ranking Estinien somewhere above Gaius. I really do. If I wasn’t trying to be at least semi-objective, he’d be right below Aymeric. He’s just so spiky. And Mean. And Sad. Unfortunately, I regret to inform you all and remind myself that there is no way that Estinien Wyrmblood does not, on a constant basis, smell like the inside of a Taco Bell, and I’m, like, at least 75% sure that he doesn’t know how to read. There also wouldn’t be much of a chase if you wanted to fuck Estinien, but unless he’s like, in love with you he’s also a very wham-bam-thank you ma’am kind of guy, and I’d be more into it if I got to braid his hair afterwards and gently reassure him that things were going to be okay. I wish I could recommend that you fuck Estinien, but I don’t think that’s the kind of physical comfort he needs right now.
6. Zenos yae Galvus
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After Estinien I wasn’t sure who to put next, just because starting around here you get to Men I Am Neither Disgusted By Nor Benevolent Toward the concept of fucking, and I didn’t even think I had any of those until my friend, no hesitation, said “Zenos.” She is right. Zenos is pretty, he’s huge, he kills a lot of people and enjoys the job. This is a charm point for me. He also has absolutely no character traits otherwise so all he has is that he’s Pretty and Likes Murder. Talk to me again when he has depression and maybe we can re-evaluate.
5. Thancred Waters
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Thancred and I have had a very tumultuous relationship. In ARR, he was alright. My opinion of him improved significantly in Heavensward, where he was just a long-haired eyepatched hobo who refused to revisit human civilization because he didn’t want to wear pants. In Shadowbringers, he just turned into a shitty dad, and I did not like that shit at all. They took his eyepatch and his ponytail and gave him Shitty Parenting Skills. If Thancred were my father figure, I would simply not speak to him. I could not be persuaded to fuck Thancred.
4. Magnai Oronir
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I don’t need to explain this one.
3. Nabriales
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I don’t think Nabriales is too much worse than, like, Lahabrea, in terms of fuckability - meaning that, if pressed, I would not choose to fuck either of them - but every time I get the Chrysalis in Trial Roulette half the party immediately drops. The Chrysalis isn’t even that hard, guys, just make sure someone limit breaks the tear. I love to MT the Chrysalis. As someone who consistently gets Thornmarch and Steps of Faith in Trials Roulette, I will kick the shit out of Nabriales any day. Just, not sexually. At all. Maybe a little bit if the off tank would turn off tank stance.
2. Hien Rijin
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Hien is pretty cute. Unfortunately, he is also an imperialist, even though the MSQ doesn’t want to talk about that at all because he’s your buddy. Every single time I got a quest like “talk to Hien!” I would get so mad. I don’t want to talk to Hien. Every time I talk to Hien he just wants me to help him infringe on another race’s cultural events for his benefit. It wouldn’t even be a problem for me if it wasn’t encouraged and entirely uncriticized by the narrative. I don’t want to see or be seen by Hien.
1. Haurchefant Greystone
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I didn’t play FFXIV for three years because I thought Haurchefant was a main character. Literally, for like, three years, many of my friends were like “Play FFXIV!” and I was like “no!” because I didn’t want to hear about Haurchefant more than I already had to. By the time I met him in MSQ, I was willing to give him a chance. I got it, at the beginning - he’s helpful, he’s complimentary. The problem is, that’s it. I think he sounds like Kif Kroker, and I think I would rather die than fuck him, which is saying a lot coming from me since I think most aliens are super sexy. After I knew Haurchefant for, like, two weeks, he invited me to come to his house and he was like “you have no idea how long I waited for this!” You waited two weeks, man. I understand that you live in an icy tundra and you’ve not felt the touch of another in years, because that’s the only way you could possibly be this horny by the time I stumble into your office, but Jesus Christ, dude. I wish I could be friends with Haurchefant, but I know this is simply not possible since he is so deeply horny that once the point was made the friendship could no longer recover. I am truly, deeply glad that I’ll never have to worry about having a Tinder date with Haurchefant go awry and he will never send me fifty texts asking for photos of my feet. Haurchefant is the most unfuckable man in Final Fantasy XIV. Sorry, Haurchefant. I wish things could be different.
1. Nero tol Scaeva
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Nero fucking sucks. I would probably fuck Nero. You should not fuck Nero.
2. Emet-Selch
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I’m pretty sure that Emet-Selch wouldn’t even be DTF, at least not with the Warrior of Light. On the off chance that he was, though, I would definitely fuck Emet-Selch. I cannot see any good reasons why I shouldn’t fuck Emet-Selch. He is greasy, and old, and talks in riddles. This is extremely sexy to me. If these things are not extremely sexy to you, I don’t think you should fuck Emet-Selch.
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inviouswriting · 4 years
I Refuse to marry you! - Butler!AU
Aymeric x Kiya
Some triggers in mild eating disorder. 
Kiya blinked awake, she had gotten so use to the ceiling at House Fortemps she forgot where she was. She was back at her “home” she sighs as she thought she was finally free of this lifestyle. Being bartered with, for business, and all hinged on who she married. Her parents hope to bind contracts with Scaeva, what better way than marriage to ensure a permanent foot in their world.
Kiya had one maidservant who she trusted, Kivera. The maid had been there long before she was born, she always looked as if she never aged pass twenty. She never had the courage to ask her what her age. The question came up once, and she recalls Kivera pinning Lolorito to the wall with knives.
Kivera helped dress Kiya in silence, reading the air that she did not want to talk about her capture. Rather she didn’t feel like talking at all, so Kivera respected the silence and curled and braided her hair in a fashion she was told to do.
“Breakfast will be ready soon. I’ll bring it to you.” Kivera says and only gets a nod out of Kiya. The miqo leaves her ward be, not missing the way her eyes brimmed when she was alone. She had helped her escape, and seeing her returned to the house made her mad that her eyes turned a lovely shade of red.
She prepared a favorite of Kiya’s something she knows she’ll eat. As she cut food for it, she notes Ilberd coming into the kitchen.
“Are those plates ready? The masters are waiting.” Ilberd stands near Kivera, she simply ignores his voice. She was busy in her own world, and taking care of Kiya’s needs were higher than the masters. She had steadily seen the neglected meals, retrieved them since Kiya’s return. 
“The masters are your responsibility are they not? Why haven’t you made them their plates.” Kivera finally answers him.
“For a maid you have some real attitude. Be a delight to see that change after Kiya is married off and you go with her.” Ilberd doesn’t see the way Kivera grips her knife or the side eye his way. She let’s him continue to talk.
“And what does that have to do with me?” Kivera asks, venom already in her voice.
“You seem to be attached to her, it would only be fair that you go with the girl once she is married. She’ll of course need help with child-care. Lest the masters get a few out of her to seal their foot into Scaeva’s house.” Kivera feels the knife in her hand, a favorite she gotten from a tonberry, she knows its sharpness.
“So you know the whole plan for her? Married off, and to have children with someone she doesn’t love?”
“It doesn’t matter what she wants. This was decided for her when she was thirteen autumns. She would be married off to wealthy, then be a wife. That’s it. It’s a good thing we got her back before she gave herself to the first guy that took interest.” Ilberd speaks as if it was common knowledge, he doesn’t see the anger in Kivera’s face.
At that last bit, Kivera leaps and stabs the wall next to his head. She had taken four more knives and quickly stabs four points, two under his arms, one by his head, and one knife to hold close to his chest. She drove the knife next to his head deep into the wall behind him to where only the hilt poked out. 
Ilberd is shocked at her action, her normally green eyes a bright red. He wondered why and how they changed. He swallows hard as that knife is pointed towards his chest.
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“Do not ever speak of her as a whore. Do not speak of Kiya in my presence like this. Or so help me, they will never find your remains. I’ll make sure you are left as chum bait for the pirates to use out there. She should be able to choose her life, like the other heiresses.” As she speaks, she takes the other knives and drives them deeper into the wall emphasizing her rage at him.
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“If I ever hear you talk of her like that again. You will lose your manhood, and all the bits with it. More important. I will make sure that girl has escaped long before that happens. Now, you will wait like a good little boy for the kitchen to make the masters food. Get out of my sight!” Her voice was low in a growl, she pulled each knife out slowly and brandished the tonberry knife to his chest earning a mortified expression out of him. Ilberd scrambles out after getting one more threat with the knife, her slashing the air between them.
Kiya was sitting in the vineyard when Nero approached her. Kiya didn’t look up to greet him, just saw his boots. She rather be anywhere but trying to be courted by this man. The feeling was mutual, Nero actually had less desire in her. however he is a man of business, and she was the deal between houses. Enough support and publicity for his own house.
So there they are, reluctantly engaged for different reasons. He sees the anger in her eyes. He could end this whole charade, dismiss her, label her free. Yet he keeps her because her family has marketing trade through Lolorito. He does not. Lolorito said to marry into the wine house before he would even consider his wares and trades.
“Look, Kiya. I know you dislike me. If your house had other daughters we wouldn’t be here.” Kiya narrows her eyes at him, and Ilberd fresh from his encounter with Kivera stumbles onto them.  Kiya remains quiet, preferring not to talk to any of the house save for Kivera. Who actually listens to her pleas. 
Ilberd tries his luck, Kiya had not spoken since her arrival, and he noted her losing weight from lack of eating. Her silent defiance completely withdrawn from the men of the house. All she does is glare at both of them.
“It is best you forget the Fortemps house. Soon enough we’ll be announcing your engagement at the banquet at Ala Mhigo’s halls. You’ll be able to see them there before your marriage.” This earns her eyes narrowing to near slits she looks away from him. 
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The last thing she would want is Aymeric to see her being married to another person. At least a glimmer to see him. But she wonders if he just went back to his own life. They didn’t know each other enough. Yet she finds herself missing his face, and those she had grown to like in their simple ways of life than these elaborate schemes, parties, and she yearns for that life. 
“I won’t forget them, nor will there ever be a day I’ll accept this.” Kiya gets up and starts to walk back to the house. Not without giving Nero a glare and raising her hand to point angrily at him.
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“I refuse to marry you!” Kiya storms off, her tail twitching angrily as she walks back to her room. She sees the meal left for her by Kivera, and something else. A unique little teacup, a blue rimmed one. A note attached.
“Kiya, I found this within your belongings. I am guessing someone left you a secret present. Please eat something... If you want your prince back, you need to be well. Also there is a letter for you, I placed that in your nightstand eat before you read it.” Kiya smiles at the cup, and takes a bite of the food given to her. Cherishing the cup as it has a warmth to it more than the tea in it.
~~~~~~~~House Fortemps~~~~~~~~~
Aymeric sighs as he skims book after book, looking for something to use. He knows there is something, he had Matoya give him all the documents Kiya had signed before she entered into the world of the maidservices. Haurchefant was reading through books on the same subject. 
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“Any luck?” Haurchefant asks. He puts the book he had with the pile that had grown on the floor. Aymeric was seated while he stood. He sees Aymeric’s eyes scour through text, how he looked so calm. He had asked his friend Lucia who was the head of the law division about the situation.
“If she had signed something, it could hold, but remember she was a runaway. From a well prestigious house no less. We have a few days before that engagement party. We need to give her something when we see her.” Aymeric answers as Haurchefant sits on the edge of the desk. 
Haurchefant was about to say something when Aymeric’s eyes widen and a huge grin spreads across the normally stoic face.
“You find something?” He asks, and Aymeric nods while pointing to a passage in the book.
“I did. And it holds. Let’s go show Lord Edmont. To clarify, she signed Ishgardian maidservants right?”
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“Look at you bending earth and heaven for this girl. Yes she did.” Haurchefant passes Aymeric a bookmarker and ink to highlight the spot to not lose it.
“You would do the same for Laurelis.” Aymeric earns a grin from Haurchefant. 
“Says here, that women who enter into Ishgardian services forfeit their claims of their households so that they’re treated as equals among their peers. I signed the same thing a long time ago from House Borel. By this, she belongs in Ishgard, in her house she is assigned to until the house deems her either unfit, or she marrys out of it. No wonder they’re so hot for her to marry now.” Aymeric recounts this to Edmont, who beams at both men.
“You did your research well. Now, remember the engagement party is just an announcement. Not a wedding, this is our opportunity to expose this. But be prepared for backlash there.” Both nod, and go on about what they should do.
I heard you are not enjoying your home. To be expected when your real home is with us at House Fortemps. I write to you, because a curious letter came to me asking for help in giving you some uplifting thoughts. Myself and Haurchefant are reading book after book to find something to break your arrangement. I do ask that you stay strong for me. I do not know if you found my gift for you. Keep it safe, it is the one I use. I hope for the time being it brings you comfort. 
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dragons-bones · 5 years
5 Questions for Writers
Tagged by: @frostmantle (thank you!)
Tagging: @ishgard, @starsandauras, @twelveswood, @autumnslance, aaaaaaand YOU (because I cannot keep track of who’s done this or not XD)
1. Do you have a favorite character to write? Who and why?
2. Do you have a favorite trope to write? Or one you want to write?
3. Share your favorite description you’ve written?
4. Share your favorite dialogue you’ve written?
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?
Cut for length!
1. Do you have a favorite character to write? Who and why?
I am, of course, obviously quite fond of snarky, quick-witted characters, and my OCs banter a lot. Dialogue is one of my favorite things to write, so chatty characters in general I find easier to approach. It’s fun slinging sass back and forth! (This tends to be why I focus a lot of Synnove and Rereha most often--they’re the snark queens of the Squad and the most likely to turn the sarcasm filter off and just go off on someone. Which further reminds me I need to have Thancred and Rereha trading jabs, too, at some point...)
I’ve also really been enjoying writing Aymeric specifically, even if it is intimidating to do so at times. I obviously headcanon him as ridiculously smitten with Synnove (the feeling, of course, is mutual), and finding the right balance of “deeply in love with a Warrior of Light” without it coming off as overly saccharine or out of character is a great mental exercise. Also of course I enjoy indulging my personal fantasy of having a handsome man be a badass, deeply in love with his lady, and perfectly delighted to kick ass beside his lady!
2. Do you have a favorite trope to write? Or one you want to write?
Food porn. My mother’s Italian, I grew up being taught to enjoy food, I love sharing my enjoyment of food. Plus it’s usually accompanying some happier moments, or domestic ones, and is basically a cue to the readers that the story is meant to be light and fun.
I have no idea what the proper trope name would be (and going to TV Tropes to asking to start a rabbit hole dive I shouldn’t begin), but as we all know, I love Shenanigans. I typically write them in reaction to how serious the setting is; I deeply enjoy stretching how far I insert some humor and levity without it becoming crack. I think it provides some fresh air; I enjoy angst and hurt/comfort and dark themes, but frequently it’s not something I prefer to write for myself.
I also enjoy found family, battle couples, magic-as-science... Anything that gives me an excuse to write character interactions and/or worldbuild. The great fun of fanfiction, particularly in a setting like FFXIV, is that we’ve got a bare bones foundation, with some areas more developed than others, but otherwise there is a ton of room to grow my own ideas. I personally like to work within lore, but it is hugely enjoyable for me to figure out how to get certain concepts to work with the lore rather than against it. (See: my approach to arcanima.)
3. Share your favorite description you’ve written?
This obviously changes all the time, but there’s a couple I really love:
From Pearls of Wisdom:
It was one of the most basic principles of magic, not just arcanima: astral elements and umbral elements. It was such an accepted, unquestioned foundation that she had never even considered that the three elements most commonly used by arcanists for their carbuncles were not all the same primary polarity. Every element could manifest as either polarity, but Roksana Blackspark was correct, now that Synnove properly thought about it: wind, earth, and fire were much, much more likely to be found in a stable state. Even the Guild’s enormous aether batteries, all the way down in subbasement twelve, had been initially tricky to install until they found the right combination of overgrown elemental clusters, with most of the problems coming from the water, ice, and levin clusters.
Of course trying to infuse any sort of gem with those three elements specifically was going to fail, they were fucking overaspected to astral or umbral. The equations didn’t fucking work as they should because they were built to account for elements that naturally occurred in stable states, and so the infusions fizzled and the gemstones cracked and no carbuncles could manifest.
But if she did account for instability, or, in fact, deliberately found crystals with which to infuse gems that were of opposite polarities so that the final infusion was stable…
A new thought made itself known, and Synnove stuffed the rest of her cake in her mouth, set the plate and fork aside, bookmarked her spot in the journal, and opened up the note taking program, yanking the stylus from the side of the case. As she chewed, she began scribbling in frantic shorthand. Perhaps in addition to ensuring stable aetheric polarity, she could also try infusion over time as well? Even when artificially infusing emeralds, topazes, and rubies, the stones still cracked every one time out of eight. Certainly, working with water, levin, and ice aether would benefit from a slower infusion speed, as it would allow her to keep a better eye on maintaining polar equilibrium, and if that issue was what was affecting the failures for wind, earth, and fire, then that would be two problems solved.
…Perhaps three, Synnove sucking in a deep breath and her heart pounding as she wrote. A proper balance of aetheric polarization combined with a slow enough infusion potentially meant that she could, theoretically, infuse any precious stone she desired, not just ones with a specific hardness and durability. Of course, the equations would need to be further adjusted to take into account the specific chemical properties of the specific gems and how they would need to interact with different elemental aether, but that, while difficult and tedious, was still doable.
Writing characters smarter than oneself is really difficult and intimidating, but I think I did a really good job showing Synnove’s thought process, and based on some of the feedback I’ve gotten, I succeeded! So I’m really, really proud of this passage.
From Suffer, Promise, Witness (FFXIV Write 2019 #19):
The ground shook, suddenly, and Synnove whipped her head around to the direction from which it originated, staring in shock. In the distance, an enormous red…key, for lack of a better term, pulsing with blue aetherlight, had struck the ground. The dust cloud kicked up rose immediately into the air and began obscuring it, and even from here she could see that the force of the strike had knocked down allies and foes alike around it.
Then a roar of sound—a deep, resonant thunder of triumphant, all-consuming rage—engulfed Carteneau, drawing every eye skyward, to see Dalamud’s outer shell, glowing with more of that sickly blue aetherlight, cracking open.
And Dalamud exploded.
The shockwave hit her first, throwing her and every other living being on the Plains still alive and standing to the ground with a force that punched the air from her lungs. The sound came next, shaking her bones and cracking the stone around her in an awful crescendo of combusting, howling aether. Her ears rang—or maybe it was just the screams of terror from every damned soul on the Carteneau killing fields all blending together.
The sky was aflame, and then the first of the pieces of Dalamud impacted the ground. Molten earth flew into the air, and then again from another impact, and another, and another, until the heavens and the earth were indistinguishable from how they both burned. Synnove desperately tried to sit up, feet scrambling to find purchase on the broken ground, as Galette and Tyr converged on her, eyes wide with fear as they tugged and pushed on her to get her upright.
Honestly I love this whole piece, but trying to describe what’s basically a trailer from another perspective (while also trying to portray the passage of time in an accurate manner) was difficult. I’d been dying to write the Synnove at Carteneau piece for a long time, and I just let myself write without worry. I think it came out pretty well! (Everyone screaming at me after the fact certainly boosted my confidence. :D)
From Assessments (FFXIV Write 2017 #25)
He did not attempt to step softly, as it was always a poor idea to sneak up on any warrior, never mind a Warrior of Light, but apparently Synnove was deeply enough engrossed in her text to not register his approach. Tyr, however, looked over as soon as he noticed the loud clacking of boot heels on stone floor coming closer to his mistress. He perked his ears up and came to meet Aymeric, shoving his face into the elezen’s hands.
“Maow!” the topaz carbuncle said, deep and echoing like a brass bell, only a little bone-rattling.
Aymeric laughed softly and obliging scratched behind his ears. Tyr thrummed happily, enjoying the attention for a few moments, before he disengaged and went back to Synnove. He braced himself on the rungs of the ladder and reached up with his paw to tap her foot, chirruping quietly.
“Hmm? Whazzit, honey?” Synnove said, voice distant and distracted. She did not look up as she turned the page.
Tyr sat back on his haunches and said, “Maow!”
Aymeric hadn’t the faintest idea of what Tyr had said, but Synnove most certainly did, as her head jerked up in surprise. (He winced sympathetically; when she had straightened, her spine had made an awful crack.) She frantically looked around until her gaze settled on Aymeric. She blinked rapidly, quite obviously not yet comprehending what she was seeing, until a smile finally bloomed across her features, her green eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, fancy meeting you here,” she said, her cheerfulness tempered by the slight slur of exhaustion in her voice.
There were dark circles under her eyes, her hair was obviously unkempt up close, and her fingers were ever-so-slightly shaking from the particular combination of too much caffeine and not enough sleep, but Synnove Greywolfe was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Aymeric grinned up at her, not bothering to disguise how besotted he was with no witnesses about to see, and said, “What brings one of the celebrated Warriors of Light to Ishgard a bell before midnight?” He took a few steps closer to the ladder and held out his arms.
Synnove winced as she closed and shelved the book she had been reading. “Thal’s balls, that late?” She slid to the edge of the ladder’s seat, pushed off with her right hand and foot, and unceremoniously dropped into his grasp.
He tightened his hold on her as he caught her, drawing her close, and he dropped a kiss on each of her eyelids, relishing the giggles the action elicited from her. Another kiss on her nose, one to the beauty mark at the side of her chin, and then he finally kissed her properly. Synnove, in turn, languidly draped her arms around his shoulders and ran her fingers through the hairs on the nape of his neck, practically purring as she did. He hummed appreciatively against her lips, and they both ended up laughing into the kiss.
(Next to them, Tyr sighed, and rolled his eyes.)
Aymeric reluctantly drew away and set her on her feet, keeping Synnove steady as she wobbled and her spine cracked yet again. His beloved immediately leaned back into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and slouching so her cheek could rest over his heart. He smiled and returned the hug, resting his chin on her head. He closed his eyes and swayed with her gently, enjoying the familiar and much-missed comfort of her presence.
An older bit, but I love these two goobers, and I love writing them being physically affectionate and just basking in each other. Fucking cuties.
4. Share your favorite dialogue you’ve written?
FUCK I HAVE TO CHOOSE. Okay, let’s start with Pearls of Wisdom again:
Rereha threw open the doors to Aymeric’s office, shite-eating grin firmly plastered on her face as she skipped inside, and sang out, “Congratulations! It’s twins!”
Two things happened.
First, as soon as the doors opened, but before Rereha even opened her mouth, Lucia, she of finely honed Frumentarium instincts and years of friendship with a lalafell infamous across the realm for her Theatrics and Shenanigans, reached out and yanked the multitude of reports on the desk in front of Aymeric out of the way.
Second, Aymeric, who had been taking a sip of tea at the exact moment Rereha entered the office, choked and spat out said tea across his desk—and where all of the paperwork had once been not even a second before—in the most glorious spit take Rereha had ever engendered. A tiny part of her was saddened at the waste of perfectly good tea, but, wow, that had been spectacular. She gave herself a mental pat on the back and came to a stop in the middle of the office, grin widening to manic levels.
Lucia pounded Aymeric on the back between his shoulder blades as he coughed and sputtered, stopping only when the Lord Commander wheezed out, wide-eyed, voice high-pitched and halfway to a full-blown panic, “WHAT?!”
From Needling (FFXIV Write 2019 #17):
Merlwyb drained her cup dry and poured herself a fresh serving (no whiskey this time, however). Grudgingly, she filled a second, and slid it over to Synnove, along with the bowl of maple sugar cubes and jar of cream. The arcanist doctored her tea as she preferred it—three lumps, generous dash of cream—and took a luxurious sip, humming in satisfaction.
“Why are you here?” the Admiral finally said, tea cup in hand and elbows braced on her desk. She wedged her feet a little firmer beneath Tyr.
“Mmmm, we had to bodily force Thubyrgeim to take a vacation,” said Synnove. She took another slow sip of tea. “Accounting realized she hadn’t taken a proper one in nigh on three years. So, we kicked her out of the Gate, with the caveat that she wasn’t to come back until next moon, and then we divvied up her usual responsibilities among the lot of us. I volunteered for the pleasure and delight of taking over our dear Guildmistress’s sennightly meetings with you.” Here the woman batted her eyelashes.
Merlwyb eyed her. “You have an ulterior motive,” she said, enunciating clearly for emphasis. “You always have an ulterior motive.”
“I enjoy the faces you make when you are confronted with the stark reality that every single one of your arcanists is capable of rewriting the laws of creation but are, simultaneously, godsdamned lunatics who should be taken out back and shot.”
“I should start with you.”
“Start with aetherochemistry; they just invented a new plague.” Synnove took the top folder from the pile and slid it across the desk to the Admiral.
“Of course they bloody did,” Merlwyb growled, opening the folder and skimming the abstract on the first page. Dear gods, did they really decide to mix malaria and consumption? Always so busy wondering if they could they never bothered to consider if they should. She plucked her reading glasses from their usual spot, sliding them on as she turned the page to the formal report, written in the aetherochemistry department chair’s tiny, cramped hand. Absently, she said, “And no, we are not testing it on the faculty of the University of Radz-at-Han.”
Synnove pouted. For the first time that afternoon, Merlwyb cracked a grin.
Merlwyb doesn’t get enough love, in my opinion, and of course I imagine she’s a salty bitch underneath the cool, commanding exterior. Couple that with Synnove probably letting loose the Full Sass (she would never behave such with Raubahn, Nanamo, or Kan-E, but she’s been an assessor for fifteen years, she knows exactly how far she can poke the Admiral and is well aware it’s tolerated only because she’s been an arcanist for so long) and the “out back and shot” line is my single favorite sentence from the whole of FFXIV Write 2019, and this is my favorite character exchange that’s I’ve done in a long time.
From Of Taunting and Tales (FFXIV Write 2019 #25)
Knock knock a-knock—knockknock! “Guess who~.”
A loud groan answered her. “Go away, you debauched scandalmonger!”
Rereha poked her head into one of the private rooms of the Rhalgr’s Reach infirmary, wicked grin firmly in place. “Now, now, Mr. Scaeva, is that any way to speak to the lady come to relieve your unending boredom?” she drawled.
The former tribunus laticlavius of the XIVth Imperial Legion raised his arm, hand up and middle finger extended, without lifting his head from his pillow.
Rereha cackled and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her. A disgusted sigh came from Nero’s direction, and he flopped his arm back down on the mattress with a characteristically overdramatic wave of his hand. She grabbed a chair sitting by the wall and dragged it behind her as she waltzed towards Nero’s bed, the wood shrieking angrily against the stone of the floor, and whistled a cheery little ditty deliberately out of tune. She could see his jaw clenched in annoyance as she set the chair up near the head of the bed and cackled again as she hopped up into it. She placed the book she had been carrying on her lap and folded her hands primly on top of it, beaming.
“How are we feeling today?” she chirped.
“Like I’ve been run over by a flock of rabid chocobos.” Nero stubbornly refused to open his eyes, instead folding his hands on his stomach in unknowing mirror of her. “And then sat upon by a buffalo.”
“That’s an improvement! Last time you said you felt like you’d been chewed and spat out by an enraged king behemoth!”
“Rereha,” he sighed, still not opening his eyes. “Why are you here? Garlond and Greywolfe are infinitely more stimulating conversationalists, for all their damned sanctimonious self-important morals and ethics.” He spat out the last word like it was a particularly loathsome curse.
“I’m hurt, Nero,” said Rereha, placing her hand on her heart. She pitched her voice to express layers of emotion: disappointment, regret, sadness. “Genuinely hurt. A friend of mine has been grievously wounded in the course of his attempts to safeguard not just Eorzea, but Hydaelyn as a whole from an interdimensional entity of vast and unfathomable power. I come in my spare time to bring some light and laughter to his dreary hospital room as he heals, and he insults me and wishes for the company of others.”
A long silence descended over them both. Finally, Nero arched one golden eyebrow and cracked an eye open to stare at her incredulously.
Rereha pursed her lips together and said pensively, “Laid it on a bit too thick, didn’t I?”
He raised his hand and held his forefinger and thumb a quarter of an ilm apart.
“Damn,” Rereha said, crossing her arms. “Ah, well.”
Rereha basically exists to let me write Sass and Irreverent Humor. Nero is full of Salt and Sass. Together they could flay someone with words alone. I also really enjoyed writing Nero being a sassmaster without using words. Wordless dialogue is fun!! :D
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?
One day I’m gonna get over my hesitation about writing (and sharing) smut and fucking write the first time Synnove and Aymeric had sex. I know exactly when and where and how.
...Also Synnove getting ravished in one of the Neo-Ishgardian dresses. That’s, like, second on the list. Ooohh, and the Vacation Fic; maybe I should write that one as scenes and worry about connecting them after the fact. I think because that one will require chapters and I’m more of a one-shot person is a reason I have yet to start it.
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yuki-blackblood · 5 years
What is lost can yet be found.
Taken from @coeurl-rp​ discord   Still on the RP-in-game theme from last night! Assuming our characters and the roleplay all existed in game- your character becomes the main questgiver/NPC for a whole string of side-quests! What are the sidequests called? What happens in them? How does the player interact with your character?
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Quest Name: Seeking Solace
Quest Starting Location: The Pillar’s (x10.2, Y 9.5)
Quest starting text: “Yuki looks rather nervous given the fact she’s a never been afraid of running headfirst into many things, maybe this is something she needs more backup on?”
Quest journal entries: Yuki looks shocked you’re asking after her, but quickly spills glad to finally have someone to speak to about her concerns. She tells you about how she wishes to find out the fate of her someone who’d she’d know years ago but hasn’t been brave enough to find out for herself. She tells you that the Church keeps records on all the children of the High Houses, and asks if you could inquire about the fate of an Arsene Dzmael.
The church official tells you while yes they keep most of the records, any children of the High Houses that become knights have their records moved to the Knight commander's office, in case he might ever need call upon that knight for any skills they might have. Thus you take your search to the Knights Most Heavenly. 
Upon arriving, you quickly speak with Lucia, as she would know the most outside Ser Aymeric. She admits the name sounds familiar but can't remember why. Thus it does seem like you will have to bother Ser Aymeric after all. Going into this office he's surprised to see you, and even more surprised at the request, but after hearing the name of the quest giver, he's quick to agree to help. He also admits the name is familiar, but can't place it. Still, he's more than happy to look into the records, but it will take some time he admits. Aymeric suggests you report back to Yuki for now and He'll call on you both when he knows more. ~~~~~~ Quest name: Aquiring Answers Quest Starting Location: Foundation (x13.2, y12.1) Quest starting text: “If you thought Yuki looked nervous before, that seems nothing in comparison to now.” Quest journal entries: Yuki admits that she has gotten word from Ser Aymeric as well, but is too scared to go alone, and wanted to wait for you to go with her. You ask her why she’s so nervous, who is this person to her? But she just clams up and quickly drags you behind her as she leaves the pub and takes you to Ser Aymeric’s office storming past the guard outside it. He looks a bit shocked at how abruptly you both arrive but is quick to compose himself. He warns that what he found wasn’t much but hopes it allows Yuki to get some peace and tries to apologize for something. Yuki quickly shakes her head and says that it was a different time, and he need not apologize. Aymeric did not seem to agree but did drop the topic for now. Clearing his throat he nodded, before reminding them it wasn’t much and then launched into what he could find. Arsene of house Dzmael was a figure of much controversy it seemed. Having run away after making it to a knighthood, he’d vanished overnight it seemed. Only to return 30 years later and with a bastard child from a dragon? He’d fled in the night with his child after a servant of House Dzmael had reported what the girl looked like to the Temple Knights. Only the dragon girl had managed to slip the knights and only Arsene had been caught. He went willingly enough now that the girl was gone. Taking a trial of Combat to prove his innocence, he managed to barely clear it as he seemed hesitant to use any potions he’d had on his person. The chirurgeon scolded him afterward but Arsene had just said the potions were far too precious. After proving his innocence he seemed to disappear off the into the Dravania and hasn’t been heard from since. Yuki was shaking and had tears running down her cheeks, you try to ask if she needs help, but she’s quick to leave teleporting to Halone knew where. Aymeric sighed and looks over at you, telling you that it might be best if he explained a little. Plus it would help give Yuki time to cool off before going after her. He seemed to deflate a little as he settled back into his chair. Aymeric goes on to explain that Arsene was Yuki’s teacher and Yuki was the ‘bastard child.’ Only she was adopted by her teacher not his by blood. You wish you could be shocked, but you’re not. Looking back to Aymeric you as if he might know where she’d have gone, he’s only able to give you the names of her friends, Devinnar, and Salem. He suggests you try them first. ~~~~~ Quest Name: Finding Friends Quest Location: The Goblet (x14.0, y9.4) Quest Starting Text: “You look at the house with the jungle of plants and wonder if this is the right place but spot a Mi’qote man tending the patches so It won’t hurt to ask him would it?” Quest Journal entry: Asking the Mi’qote if he knows a Salem or Devinnar he laughs and says he’s Devinnar and asks what you need. You mention what happened with Yuki and the whole deal with Arsene. This causes the blue-haired Mi’qote to sigh. He nodded and thanked you for telling him. And asked if he could trouble you to keep up the search for Arsene he’d go find Yuki, but it would help if they knew what had actually happened to the man. You agree and take your search to Idyllshire. Maybe the goblins would have heard of such a man? Arriving in Idyllshire you go around questioning people, no one seems to know of the man you speak of. Finally, one person mentions there’s been word of an Elezen who’d ventured into the Gubal library, but that was a few months ago, and no one has seen him since. They’re unsure of if this is the man you’re looking for, but figure it can’t hurt to check. As you go to the entrance of the Library you’re called out to, looking back you see Yuki, Devinnar and that must be Salem? Yuki was looking a little better even if she was slightly out of breath. She tells you that crying and wondering won’t get her the answers she needs, it hasn’t all of these years, so now she has decided to finally find her own answers. Yuki asks if you would accompany them as they explored to see if this was indeed where her teacher was hiding. (YOU HAVE UNLOCKED THE UL’DAH TERROR TRIO AS A LIMITED TRUST) ~~~~ Quest Name: It’s Gubal to see you again. Quest Location: The Gubal Library Quest Starting text: “Time to find answers, and more importantly, remember to close the door behind you this time.” Quest Journal entry: After braving the depths of the Library you come across an older Elezen man, he seemed fine, for the most part, just browsing the shelves idly. Unsure of if this is the man you seek, you turn back to ask Yuki if this is the man. Only she’s already running toward him, and while he seems surprised, he’s quick enough to catch her. You go to speak but are lead off by the two others, It’s only fair you suppose, this was something Yuki needed. You had your own questions already answered, but she must have more. The three of you leave knowing that some words are not meant to be shared. Much later Yuki and Arsene meet the rest of you in Idyllshire, Yuki thanking you for helping her and Arsene just glad someone was able to give her the courage to put both of their minds at ease. Seeing Yuki and the now completed family, leave fills you with a little joy. You know things might not always be able to work out so smoothly but it’s always so delightful when it does, isn’t it? (YOU HAVE UNLOCKED THE UL’DAH TERROR TRIO AS A FULL-TIME TRUST)
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saoirse-argentum · 5 years
(Ah, the calm before the storm. XD Aymeric is on the move and Estinien ain’t having it...too bad no one believes him ‘cause he’s a grump. I don’t know what tomorrow’s prompt will be, but you can expect for Aymeric to make it spicy. DUN DUN DUN)
HEAT LEVEL: SWEET. but also salty...from all them tears. 
After the events at Aymeric’s manor, the others insisted upon answers. What had Estinien meant when he mentioned the “real reason” for his leaving, and why were he and Aymeric so at odds. Estinien started to explain, but Saoirse was quick to interrupt. She could see how Estinien’s version of the story might color Aymeric poorly, so she explained it in a more impartial manner.
Haurchefant was hardly surprised, but Alphinaud felt blindsided by all of it. Saoirse did her best to assure him that it would not affect the composition of the group, but he found it difficult to believe considering how quickly things had turned the night before. But Saoirse was adamant. With the truth out there, whatever tensions were lying beneath the surface, would soon be resolved.
 Saoirse laid with her head on Estinien’s lap, reading. He gently stroked her hair, trying to read his own text, but he struggled to concentrate. He shut the book and tossed it aside. “I tire of reading.”
“We just started only a moment ago!” Saoirse turned on her back to look up at him. “If that one bores you then pick another.”
“They all bore me.” He grabbed the book from her hand and tossed it next to his. “I am certain we can fashion far more stimulating stories on our own.” He played with tie on her shirt.
“Estinien, love.” She grasped his hand and sat up. “You need a hobby.”
“Oh? Like what, cooking, dancing, poetry perhaps?” He leaned toward her and with every new suggestion he pushed forward just a little more, until Saoirse was laying back on the settee and he was holding himself over her. “I find I am satisfied having a place on the battlefield and in your chambers. I need little else.”
Saoirse covered her face with her hands. “If that’s all you have to do, you’ll be bored of me in no time at all!”
Estinien removed her hands and pinned them just above her head. “I will never tire of you.” He pressed his lips to hers, and released one of her wrists so he could trace his fingertips along her neck and clavicle until he reached the tie of her blouse. He trailed the path his fingertips led with slow kisses.
Saoirse turned her head on instinct, exposing more of her neck, but placed her hand to his chest as if to stop him. “Estinien, not here.”
“Aye, Estinien, not here.” Haurchefant stood in the open doorway of the den. “Unless you mean for me to watch, then please, continue.”
Estinien groaned and slowly removed himself from Saoirse. “Your interruption had better be well founded.”
“Estinien!” Saoirse smacked his arm. “This is his home; it doesn’t matter what he wants.”
“Hmph.” Estinien leaned his head against his hand, his brow twitched in agitation. “Fine. Well, you heard the woman. Say what you will.”
“I fear even with your permission, you will still find yourself displeased, but alas I only care about Saoirse’s pleasure.” Haurchefant delighted in watching Estinien’s frustration, especially when he was around Saoirse and was forced to swallow his anger. “That being said, the Lord Commander has sent for you.”
“What for? Is everything alright?” Saoirse knew she’d have to see Aymeric again and address his confession, but she hadn’t considered it would be so soon.
Haurchefant shrugged. “The matter did not seem dire, but as I am unsure of his purpose, I shouldn’t presume the urgency.”
“I see. Then I should go.” Saoirse adjusted her blouse and stood. She looked back at Estinien before he moved to follow. “Stay. I don’t want this to turn into last night. I will be back before you know it.”
Estinien looked away. “Do as you wish.”
Saoirse pulled on a lock of his hair, so he was forced to face her. “Nothing is going to happen, I swear it. So, don’t pout.” She kissed his cheek. “Thank you for understanding.”
It took everything in Estinien not to argue. He trusted her. He trusted how she felt about him. But noble as Aymeric was, him he did not trust.
Saoirse sat anxiously playing with the fabric of her skirt as she waited for Aymeric to join her. She had no idea what she would say when she did see him. No matter how she went about it, she was going to hurt him…She was sure her heart stopped when she heard the door open.
Aymeric looked at her and smiled as he sat at his desk across from her. “Saoirse, thank you for coming.”
She nodded. “Aymeric, listen I—”
“It’s alright. You needn’t say anything. I know my place.” There was a sadness in his eyes, but he did his best to smile through it. “I realize that you love Estinien, but if I continued to lie to myself, I knew I would never let you go. So, please, do not trouble yourself over me.”
“I’m sorry.” Saoirse gripped the fabric of her skirt and looked at the floor. Her heart was heavy. “You’re a good man, Aymeric…and I care about you, but I just...” Saoirse wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. “I hate that I’ve hurt you.”
Aymeric stood from his seat and met Saoirse on the other side of the desk. He knelt before her and placed his hand on hers. “You needn’t cry for me. I am alright, Saoirse. Truly. I have known for a long time where I stand. I am sorry to have shouldered you with this burden.”
She shook her head. “I just want you to be happy…I know it isn’t fair to deny you and ask you to remain in my life, but you’re my friend and I treasure that.”
Aymeric rose and pulled Saoirse up with him. He wrapped his arms around her. “And I too treasure it, which is why we will get past this.” He pulled back and gently wiped her tears away with his thumb. “Now, no more sorrow.”
“Okay.” Saoirse nodded and swallowed the last of her tears. “As long as you’re alright...we’re alright.”
“I swear it to you.” He set his hand on her head and ruffled her hair. “So smile.” He waited for her to show him some semblance of joy before he continued. “Good, with that behind us, I have a favor I wish to ask of you.” Aymeric leaned back against the desk. “I was invited to attend a social gathering in Coerthas on behalf of Count Charlemend de Durendaire. He has requested your attendance as well. While I understand that Ishgard’s politics are in no way your responsibility, I believe this to be an opportune moment for acquiring a powerful ally. Count Durendaire and Count Fortemps have been at odds for some time, but perhaps with our influence we can bring him to our side.”
“Of course, Aymeric, whatever I can do to help.” She was happy to know he still felt comfortable asking her to assist him. She wanted to protect Ishgard just as much as he did, and if Count Durendaire wanted her there, then she’d go. No question.
“I am glad to hear it. My only apprehension is Estinien. I fear he may well oppose the idea. If it poses a problem for the two of you, I can surely attend on my own, so please you needn’t trouble yourself too much.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled. “Should you be able, I will attend to you tomorrow.”
Saoirse returned his smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here.”
He was counting on it.
Aymeric was right, Estinien did not take kindly to the idea.
“I am coming with you.”
Saoirse paused her packing and turned to face Estinien who sat on the edge of the bed. “You can’t just crash the party.”
“I don’t have to go to the gathering, but I can at least accompany you to Coerthas.” Estinien crossed his legs. “You can attend to your political palaver without me, but I wouldst rather you not travel alone with him. The timing feels all too convenient.”
“Estinien.” Saoirse took his hands in hers. “Do you trust me?”
“It is not your character I question.”
“I’m telling you, you have nothing to worry about. The matter has been settled. He knows how I feel, and it is done with. Count Durendaire requested I go, so I am going.” She squeezed his hand. “As much as I would love to have you by my side, I know you, Estinien and you are quick to temper. Last night’s events are proof of that.”
“You would rather I stand by and let another man take you?” Estinien slipped his hand from her. “Aymeric overstepped. I told you his intentions, but you refused to believe me, and see where it led? My anger is full justified. You were naïve to think his intentions were noble before, but a second time? I was with him, Saoirse. I know full well he intends to pursue you, and this, this is the means by which he starts.”
“I am not naïve to be trusting of a friend.” Saoirse crossed her arms over her chest. “I will admit that I did not consider Aymeric having feelings for me, but this…Estinien, you’re letting your jealousy cloud your judgement.”
“So, you would take his word over mine?”
“It’s not like that.”
Estinien stood. “That is precisely what it is. You believe whatever he tells you, but you look at me and dismiss my concerns as jealousy.” He walked past her, heading for the door, but Saoirse caught his hand.
“Estinien, please.”
“Release me.” He kept his back to her, his voice cold. When she didn’t let go, he yanked his arm away. “Go with him. If his word matters more than mine, then it is for the best. Let him have you.” He slammed the door shut behind him.
Saoirse sank to her knees and stared at the door. The damage was done.
Saoirse hadn’t meant to hurt Estinien, and he wouldn’t give her the chance to explain or apologize. He wasn’t just quick to temper, he was quick to cut ties. She looked everywhere for him, but when he didn’t want to be found there was nothing anyone could do. He would return in his own time, and by then, she could only hope he would be willing to listen to her.
She considered staying behind, but the meeting with Count Durendaire had to go well and she worried her absence would be a sign of disrespect. She did her best to hide her sadness over her fight with Estinien, but Aymeric was a perceptive man.
“Estinien will not see you off?” He questioned upon arriving to Fortemps Manor. “I was certain he would at least attempt to join us.”
“No…he has other matters to attend to.” She looked up at Aymeric with a forced smile. “Well, shall we get going?”
Aymeric caught her wrist as she turned to move onward. “Saoirse, are you alright?”
“Of course!” Saoirse twisted her wrist so she could reverse Aymeric’s hold and take his hand in hers. “Now let’s go!” She smiled back at him before running forward, dragging him behind her.
Whether she was willing to admit it or not, Aymeric could sense her sadness, and he found Estinien’s absence out of the ordinary. He couldn’t say for certain, but by the looks of it, he presumed that Estinien did not take kindly to Saoirse accompanying him. And though it pained him to see her hiding behind a forced smile, his chances at winning her heart were better for it. He’d see her smile again…and she’d forget all about Estinien in the process.
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dholwrites · 6 years
Okay Dad Headcannons for the usual boys! What are they like as a dad? Did they plan to become a father or was it an accident?
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Hopefully this fills everything out
To say that you were in  a rush was an understatement. Lucia has never seen you move as quickly as you did that moment, for well anything . No one was alarmed by your sudden appearance, you have become a common fixture in Ishgard. The both of you have been planning this for the past year. Smoothing out what wrinkles you can. Aymeric adored children, ‘the future of Ishgard’ he once called them. However, he never thought about having ones of his own. His mind had been set to organize the growing republic. But now, with everything going his way. it’s finally the time.
When you told him, you could see Aymeric gain back all the years lost worrying about the state of the city. He swept you in his arms in a blur of blue, setting you gently on top of his work table. Because, are you sure? Are you sure that you’re pregnant? He wants to hear you say it over and over again. The smile on his face looks almost permanent, he is practically glowing.
Leading up to the childbirth was all a blur. The servants and your adventuring friends were a good help on dealing with any symptoms. He doesn’t want you overexerting yourself in anyway. Asking your friends to help tame any strange cravings you would have. Aymeric would have gone as far as making sure that there is someone ready at home to get a midwife.
Once the child is born, Aymeric cherishes her like no other. By the time she is born, Aymeric would have wanted the Republic to become stable or finish up the final steps of it. He wants her to be able to run around and play on the streets of Ishgard without worry. While there is no guaranteed way to provide it, he wants to give her a normal childhood. When he has free time, he’ll leave his office to get her from her class and go on a walk. He’ll listen to all her troubles and joys, he knows the name of every one of her friends and their parents.
Aymeric gives her all the things she wants and more, to see the joy on her face that he didn’t have in his own. The combination of his black locks and your bright eyes paired with her pouting will bring him to his knees. So much that he would even share his stash of brych syrup with her. Showing her where he keeps it hidden to avoid you confiscating them. Yet whenever you return, it’s a race to hide it again. The foreign sweets you bring back is enough to bribe her into betraying him.
The thought of having his own family never occurred to him. He lost his family when he was young, the idea of starting his own was strange to him. Now with a kid on the way, life feels more like a dream. The pregnancy may be an accident, but that doesn’t mean he’s planning to run away. You need him now, more than ever. He would rather level Eorzea before he leaves your side.
He didn’t have a chance to hide under his helmet when you told him, and the dead silence that follows grows deafening. You watch his eyes widen, then squint as his brow furrow together, before finally setting back down to his leveled glare. Silence. The second time you tell him, Estinien gives you a stiff nod. “A moment”, he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead only to stalk out of your shared home. Estinien returned home late into the night. Slightly wet, but still warm. He rustles you from your sleep to press small kisses onto your shoulder while trying to slip into bed.
He struggles to come to terms with this new found responsibility. Estinien doesn’t know how to deal with you. Do you need water? Food? A bucket? He doesn’t know where the pregnancy ends and illness begins. Chirurgeon became a frequent sight coming in and out of your shared home. They finally had enough when Estinien called them 10 times within a day. Whenever a call comes from your home, it’s easier to simply send a midwife.
You gave birth to a girl named Shiva Valgr Wyrmblood (after a lost friend), and a boy named Sormr Wyrmblood with the blessing of both great dragons. The children have plenty of tough love in front of them once they can walk. Estinien will put them in danger to teach them how to defend themselves. How to escape danger, and how to survive until you could come find them. It doesn’t mean he loves them any less. He encourages them to play fight, teaching them lessons through games. Even if they often get too caught up in a game of scavenger hunt to really notice the lesson.
He started a new family tradition. Everyone would head out and camp out under the stars. In the morning, you would be hiking and walking around in the wilderness. Pointing out birds and plants they’ve never seen before. He won't admit that he likes his pride being stroked. Easily striking down any beast that may have gotten too close to his family. At night, everyone would huddle in a giant tent with a lot of prepacked food. Sandwiches and candy to keep them motivated. At the end of the day, nothing makes them happier than a warm fire and stories about your adventures.
Thancred doesn’t see himself as a father. He has an easier time dealing with scheming enemies than straight forward kids. He tells you, kids can see right through him. No amount of smiles and candy will convince them otherwise. Thancred doesn’t need to tell you that he spent a good part of his life making sure not to have kids. So now with the prospects of a child on the way, a good part of his mind tells him to get out. Run. Hide. Disappear. No. Thancred takes a step back. He’s not out in the field anymore. There’s no need to hide anymore. He could have a family. He should have a family. Why not with the very person he’s been with through thick and thin?
Y’shtola was the first to find out, before you even knew yourself. She thought it was a simple trick of the mind when you walked by. It wasn’t until you found yourself under her care over morning sickness that it became clear. Thancred had been reckless again. She had never seen him hit the ground so hard from the news. He rights himself before you wake up. Fumbling over his words, because “Come on, Y’shtola, this isn’t time for joking.” Her silence and stern look turns his blood cold. She could only watch as he freezes, and nearly pass out once more.
He knows what to do around a pregnant women. Sort of. He knows about the morning sickness and that your stomach grows bigger. What catches him by surprise is the mood swings and the cravings. Then the pains. Thancred is at your beck and call for every single matter. Back and foot rubs to chocolate and cheese cravings. He’ll get what he can, and maybe bribe your friends to bring your favorite food.
Thancred fell in love with your first daughter. Spending sleepless nights tending to every cry and demand for food and attention. It’s easy, he tells you one night, because she grips so tightly to his shirt and hair with her tiny fist. It’s easy to remember and promise that he’ll be there. Every step of their life. You end up having another daughter. Thancred adores the both of them as much as he does you.
He’s not the greatest father in the world. He’s good at thinking outside the box; giving them answers that they think answers the question. Thancred would encourage for them to think for themselves, it made them perceptive . It wasn't long before they could figure out who’s lying and who’s truthful. It didn’t help that they inherited his hair color and face, anyone who lives in Ul’dah would recognize who’s kids they are. As they get older and dating becomes a topic. Thancred is well equipped to ensure these ‘friends’ understand the gravity of laying hand on his daughters.
  G’raha Tia
The both of you have been talking about the idea of kids not far into your relationship. But the idea of having one never really crossed his mind, among everything else, he wants to be able to pass on his eye trait. He also wants to pass on the stories he knows. So that Allagan stories aren’t just known to scholars and researchers, but tied to family. A heritage that he’s proud off.
He tries to focus on the text in front of him, reading the horribly small fine print over and over. Yet his tail wouldn’t stop wagging nervously behind him. It’s a dead giveaway. The day is looming over his head like a giant guillotine. You had just taken so long to find out the results. G’raha wonders if it would be too much to barge in to find out the results. Shortly after you told him, everyone else knew too. Cid, Wedge, Biggs, Rammbroes, every single person in NOAH if they’re unlucky enough to be in his path. “I’m gonna be a dad! A dad!” would be heard for days.
Baby name books were quick to fill the house. It takes ages to find a book that you had put down the night before. Likely buried under a mountain of books that G’raha had bought earlier that day. He couldn’t help himself, he wants for them to have the perfect name. In your language or in ancient Allagan if he could. Between all the pickle juice and cheesy toast, the both of you would lay in bed together. G’raha kissing and whispering all the things he would do for them. He’s hoping for a girl.
G’raha got his wish and more. Both a son and daughter. People had feared that the daughter who had inherited his red eyes would leave the son neglected. But he loves both of them equally, Allagan eyes or not. The children would always ask for him to tell a story or to sing before they go to sleep. His voice as calm and soothing as the first time you heard it, and it will always fill the home with comfort and joy.
G’raha is a supportive dad, encouraging his kids to pursue the things they’re interested in. He’s pursued what he wanted in life, why shouldn’t they? Adventuring, engineering, cooking or something he’s never heard of before. No matter what, they would always get his encouragement. Sure he really wishes that they pick up his trade, but he won’t force the idea on them. There would always be a ton of questions to ask and things for him to learn even as time passes on. Being genuinely interested in whatever his children do, he hopes that If he learns as much as possible, he’ll understand the kind of trouble they have and can offer advice.
He spent all his time believing that it would be impossible for him to be a dad. Cid sees himself as older than everyone around him. Along with being dedicated to his job means he doesn’t have time to have thoughts about settling down. He’s only thought of children in fleeting moments and daydreams. Now, he gets to watch his kids grow up and make him proud. You’ve made his dreams come true.
It took more than a minute for him to finally grasp what you meant. Because how, when, what? He didn’t think that it would even be possible for him to at his age. The wide smile on his face is filled with undeniable joy.Cid pulls you close, pressing kiss after teary kiss onto your cheeks and lips. The others soon find out on their own. Jessie first, when she accidentally intruded on a private moment, the both of you whispering about all the kind of names you would want. Wedge and Biggs second, when they discovered Cid drawing up plans to build a cradle. With Nero, Cid told him personally and is constantly rubbing the happy news in the blonde’s face.
As you start to hit the end of your first trimester, Cid is forced into the kitchen. He could barely make coffee and toast without help. Now with you barely able to get out of bed without pain, he needs to learn how to take care of you. That begins with breakfast in bed, how hard can eggs and toast be? There’s no way it would be more difficult than building an airship. It turns out he was wrong. He was very wrong. Eggs and toast are apparently high impossible to make if you don’t know how to properly use or time anything in the kitchen. Cid ended up rushing out of the house to buy you something from a bakery.
You gave birth to a son. Cid spent his entire life around machinery and no one younger than he is, so it left him confused and worried whenever you hand him your son to take care of. He handles the baby like the most fragile glass or the rarest crystals on earth. He’s a patient father, nurturing the child’s imagination and explaining everything to them to help them understand. Even when people say he looks more like a grandfather than anything else...
Once they were a little older, Cid would start spending a few late nights in his office. He would bring his son's drawings and make models based on them. Minions of different wind up fighters who would put up mock battles. Or small life like baby creatures that would play hide and seek with him. He managed to even make and program ones of the entire family; you, him, and the child. Together, the three wind up with cheer and hug each other, sometimes bumping their heads together in a mock kiss.
Alphinaud had been given the talk about how important it is that he carries on the family name. To him, for a good while, starting a family of his own was more a duty than a wish. It felt so far away in the future that he never gave it much thought. His father didn’t mention a word of it when he left for Eorzea. Thus, he thought that it will simply something he will deal with when he got home. But standing beside you. Going through every ups and down to achieve his grandfather’s dream with you. Soon enough you invaded those ideas, starting a family with you became his own personal dream.
Alphinaud lets out an loud inhuman noise, sometime between a screech and a grasp. Followed quickly choking on a sob. It’s the weight of his duties finally bare down on him. Everything leading up that moment had just been a plan. A very detailed plan. All the doubts and worries that he had in the back of his mind launch itself forward. What if he mess up the kids? What if he says something stupid? Sevens, what if he puts them in danger? Every horrible problem possible would be running through his mind, turning him into a panicking mess. Despite being so much older now and having fully grown, he still stress and worry if he could be enough. A light touch shoulder from you would be enough to snap him out of his stupor. A reassuring kiss would ease the tension in his brow. His teary eyes would meet yours as he pulls you into his embrace. Alphinaud assures himself. With you beside him, just like all the times before, everything will turn out just fine.
He does everything by the book, and he has a lot of books. He got you a ton of blankets and even more pillows. He’ll try to have you eat better than pickles, ice cream, and fruits. But every suggestion he would offer would always be turned down from its strange smell or quickly thrown up. Alphinaud tries his best, but with everything he knows from the books he reads. It becomes more of a matter of trial and error.
Of course, the both of you got a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. Alphinaud wonders if it’s a twin curse. But it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t want them to grow up too fast. He became a textbook definition of a helicopter dad. He feels compelled to watch their every move, tending to every wound, and kissing away every tear. They’re perfect little angels in his eyes and will always will be until they die. Alphinaud will protect them from every single horrible comment or look thrown their way.
He likes to be around for every single milestone, to draw out the moment as they come. He tries to believe that they would never grow up. The realization never hit him so fast when your girl at the tender age of nine, lash out on Alphinaud using his own words and equally silver tongue. The look of shock was frozen to his face as she race off to hide. He turns to you with his mouth wide open while frantically motioning to her with his arms. Who destroyed his innocent angel? He did. He has taught her too well.
Like Alphinaud the idea of kids never really occurred to him, until he met you. Being a bastard son makes his life difficult. Even though his father still treats him like one of his own, the rest of society still sees him as a Greystone. It’s simply easier to fake that he no longer cares. That knighthood and serving his country will be enough. Why have a child suffer like him? To suffer a life where society deems him unworthy. When you ask for his opinion, slipping in that you would like to have a kid there was Nothing that could stop him from turning into the sun.  a chance to start a family with you? Yes, a thousand times yes. He’ll sweep you off your feet and tease you to see if you want to start right away. Anything you want and he will deliver. His private quarters is always ready for the both of you to start.
You gave him a sword and shield. An identical to his own, except small enough for someone like Tataru to wield. Someone her size. His head snapped towards your direction so fast that you feared that he would get whiplash. Wide, blue hopeful eyes stare at you. The words dying at the tip of his tongue before he could voice them. He got your message, loud and clear. The toys were quickly dropped to the floor for him to collapse on your lap. His slightly glazed eyes peek up at you as he rubs his face against your stomach. The entire camp knew within an hour of his realization.
There’s already a million presents for this child, ready to use by the time news got around. The both of you receiving tiny outfits, utensils, and books from your family and friends. There is more than a few chocobo onesies, that are“positively adorable!” according to Haurchefant. He's grown increasingly attached to a black one. Your friends would start pitching in advice on what to do with the nursery room. Offering color ideas and baby names. Count Edmont had even offered to commission a baby bassinet in your name. He was among the happiest to hear the news of your pregnancy.
You gave birth to a son in his family home. The best midwives and healers by your side, most under Count Edmont along with a few sent by Aymeric himself. Haurchefant is quick to gush over how adorable and tiny the child is. He couldn’t contain the giant smile on his face, stretched so wide he might split his lips. Tears start to run down his face as he cradles the newborn in his arms. While bouncing the child, already quietly singing a childhood lullaby to ease the baby’s cries. A lullaby he barely remembers the source, but it was sung from the heart. A piece of his childhood, he wants nothing more than to pass on. In memory of his mother.
It turns out that you did not have one child, you have two. Your energetic son and your equally loving husband. Haurchefant is your son’s best friend. Everyday after work, anyone within distance would be pulled into playing with them. Several rounds of snowball fights later, guards will start to drop excuses. The child doesn't hold anything against them. Haurchefant would usher them inside once their hands started going numb from cold. The rest of the day spent with mugs of hot chocolate and storytelling by the fireplace. What better story than the ones you star in.
He didn’t know what to expect when Yugiri called him outside. Her words were vague and cryptic on who needed him. What he didn’t expect is for the entire Doman Enclave to be gathered outside chatting excitedly among themselves. Everyone was there, including faces that he didn’t think he would see. He half wondered if Gotetsu was the person he was suppose to meet. A hush quickly falls as he steps up to them. Hien turns around to the sound of something unraveling.
“I’m pregnant? Who would be?” Hien turns away from the scroll hanging from the window to scan the crowd. Then he lock eyes with you. You standing at the edge of the group, smiling softly at him. That smile answered all his questions at once. Hien stood there stunned into a silence, his face doesn’t betray a single thought in his mind. Tension grew heavily on everyone as they wait with baited breath. A moment passes. Then another. Each one weighing down heavier on you than the last. His mask starts to crack. The shine in his eyes growing brighter as his face breaks out into his warm smile. Hien abandons all dignity and rushes right over to you. He picks you up, spinning you in the air as he lets out a loud cheer. Everyone cheers with him, circling around the both of you. When he finally sets you down, you were pulled into another hug. Gotetsu. Yugiri. Kozakura. Hakuro. The excited buzz lasts and spreads until every corner of the world knew about it.
You’ve known the second that you started dating him that he would want kids. Being the crown prince means he needs kids. His advisors told you so, Gotetsu once mentioned it, even Yuguricommented on the idea. Hien himself would love to have a lot of kids. After much discussion, Hien agreed to have 2 kids, a son and a daughter. Just enough. Simple even.
So you gave birth to a son, then another, and another, and another. Before you know it, you have 5 sons running about in the enclave, and likely another one on the way. Many of the inhabitants wonder if the both of you took it upon yourselves to repopulate the enclave. Some even questioned if he was trying to raise an army. Ultimately, you gave birth to your seventh child, the daughter that Hien has been waiting for.
Hien doesn’t know how to handle babies at first, how  delicately he should be holding them, what things he should be teaching. As the days slowly slip by, he became more comfortable with them. Though they don’t become any easier to manage. The kids like to sit on his shoulders and hang from his arms. He can’t bring himself to say no to their large innocent eyes. Hien had fallen in love with every single one of them.
The flock of children is somewhat of a menace to officials and advisors. Hien has more than a million things on his plate that needs to be seen to at the end of the day. They soon learned that  the sound of  tiny feet padding across the hardwood flooring would be enough to distract him. Their light voice, questioning when their father would be free, would draw all his restraints to abandon the meeting. Looks like it'll be a little longer before they figure out what to do with the trade offers.
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ladyborel · 4 years
A Feathered Platter
The letters arrived one after another, as expected, and Etien couldn’t stop herself from squealing. “Come home to me,” gods, how romantic. Speaking of the gods, she thanked them for Feo Ul. What a sensational little pixie, carrying blessed letters.
But her revelry was cut short when she was asked, “What’s that?”
She sighed. “Alphinaud, I’m about to do something very selfish.”
He didn’t say anything, just blinked at her. After a moment had passed, he gave a little shrug. “Enjoy yourself in Ishgard.”
Etien’s mouth fell open just a bit. “What makes you think that’s where I’m going?”
“You call going to see Aymeric selfish all the time. And you happen to be blushing.”
She lifted her fingers to her cheek, as if that would change their pink color. “Damn.”
“I do mean it. You shouldn’t keep him from the one he loves during the holiday.”
Etien sighed. “That was my logic, as well.”
“Then, you have my blessing, whatever good it does you.”
“I just… don’t want people to be angry with me, leaving all the time for my own—uh. Not pleasure. Satis—no. To make myself happy.”
“Now, normally I would not say this,” Alphinaud whispered, almost conspiratorially, “but for my part, I would rather a happy Warrior of Light committed to her task than one like to snap at us or ignore her pains until she collapses.”
Etien laughed a little. He wasn’t the first to have expressed the sentiment, at least.
“Now go,” he said, “and hope more time passes there than here.”
She waved as she trotted off to return to the Crystarium, and then the Source.
She lifted her face to the sky when she felt her feet touch the stones of Foundation, feeling the kiss of snowflakes on her skin. Home at last.
She fished out her whistle for Nyx and clambered onto him, stroking him lovingly. “Hello, friend. Let’s go for a little stroll.”
It wasn’t a long ride from Foundation to Saint Valeroyant’s Forum, but Etien spent it trying to keep herself from getting too excited, and trying to look like she hadn’t just come between worlds.
She heard people shouting as she came through, and laughed a little while Firmalbert went running into the Congregation.
She took a quick lap around the fountain, giving everyone time to make it back out… there he was.
She—well, Nyx—trotted up to the door just in time for Aymeric to come practically stumbling out of it,  looking up at her in ecstatic shock when he saw there was no trick being played on him.
There was something about Etien astride her favorite Chocobo, looking slightly disheveled and panting a little (he assumed from the adrenaline), just… there above him like she was delivered to him on a platter that had Aymeric breathing out a less-than-holy “Fffffury.”
The flush spreading over his cheeks and ears as well as his lip pulling back as if being bitten summoned a flirtatious giggle and grin from Etien. Her eyeteeth didn’t catch any light in the smile, though; all the glint was in her eyes.
“Hello, Lord Commander,” she cooed.
Almost unbidden, his hands lifted, reaching for her.
She stretched her arms out, too, leaning off Nyx so they could settle on Aymeric’s shoulders. She dismounted into his arms, the pair clutching each other close. All carnal desire had left them, replaced entirely by the need to cling as Etien’s eyes welled.
There was something poetic, even to a bystander, about how Etien hadn’t touched the ground in the whole affair. She’d gone from mounted to held at least one fulm, but probably two, off the ground, entirely secure in her lover’s arms.
Observing them it was clear they just… fit. Her chin on his shoulder, his arms around her ribs, they slotted together like the pieces of a repaired vase.
Aymeric slowly let her down to the ground, taking Nyx’s reins. “Come on.”
Etien cocked her head. “Chocobos aren’t allowed indoors?”
“Certainly not in the Congregation, but who will hold me to that in my house?”
“Oh!” Etien trailed after him, catching up quickly as they walked through the streets. “But… you have work to do. I almost didn’t come because you have work to do.”
“I’m a blessed man in that I can leave affairs in Lucia’s hands for the rest of the day and feel no trepidation. I will have work to do tomorrow, but tonight, and in truth, always, I belong to you.”
Etien made a flustered noise. “Well.”
Aymeric chuckled, succeeding yet again. He brought Nyx onto the property, but not inside the house, and took Etien’s hand so he could bring her inside.
They didn’t make it farther than the loveseat before he flopped down, pulling Etien onto him.
With gentle pressure from the tips of his fingers, Aymeric lifted Etien’s chin as if to inspect her. He didn’t make it very far in an inspection, though, instead stroking a thumb over the line of Etien’s lower lip.
The kiss that followed was only a natural progression, and served to remind him of the urge he’d ignored to instead hold her.
Well, now he could do both at once.
He pulled Etien closer, slipping a hand into her hair to brush his thumb against her ear.
She yelped and tensed, but it melted into a moan and wandering hands of her own within a breath.
“So I wasn’t mistaken when I read your expression out there,” she murmured.
“Hmm?” Aymeric asked.
“There was a distinct distress that passed through you… an uncomfortable need, perhaps?” She shifted her hips a subtle amount.
“Here I thought you were an angel,” he groaned.
“Am I not?”
“I’ve never known so seductive an angel.”
Etien laughed lowly. “Read the texts again. They exist.”
Aymeric couldn’t resist a little giggle. Utterly sinful. He loved it. “I know they exist.” He stroked her cheek. “I’m pinned under one.”
She hummed, ending the conversation by kissing him some more. They had… oh, she didn’t know how long to catch up on.
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