#but they didn't decide to be raised that way. it was just Their Destiny.
tyrannuspitch · 1 year
i'm reading this historical novel with a third gender character and like. i don't know how to feel about it. because obviously gender is personal and contextual and they will be operating within their own society's rules. but i feel like the author is keeping things so just-within-the-rules that it almost becomes like... a weird reluctance to engage with actual queerness? only with alternative norms? almost like. inventing new ways to be cis and then doing cisnormativity with them lmao
#so the character was raised a boy but (their words) 'has a woman's body'#they seem to always choose male presentation/roles when they have the choice#but they didn't decide to be raised that way. it was just Their Destiny.#and it's not clear that maleness means much to them besides familiarity and social power#and uh. they're attracted to men and they always identify that as a female feeling#and like the direction we're going in seems to be romance 'reconciling' them with their femaleness ://#(this being a character who has been correctively raped as well.)#(and the men who are attracted to them are never ever treated as queer and only feel attraction once they 'know')#and it's just like. idk. it's a plausible situation but it also feels... unimaginative. limited. ?#like we're heading for a modern feminist 'women can do anything men can and STILL BE WOMEN! :)' thing#and like EVERY part of their identity is justified by being an outside force and not a choice#bleh#this character is inuit. they've also been interacting with norsemen.#one of the norsemen made one derogatory reference once to m/m sex and other than that it's been radio silence#the MC's male presentation has almost always been backed up by 'the gods wanted this' or 'it's just safer' or similar#there was some joy in breaking the rules in the middle of the book but it seems to have faded away#idk. it's interesting but it doesn't feel like the character is actually being treated as a) third gender or b) male#just as a Spirited Woman#the author's note and the blurb both use she/her exclusively. :/#oh AND bc there are norse characters we've also been talking about loki as genderweird and guess what#he/him exclusively except when in a female 'diguise'. :(
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sunderwight · 8 months
AU where there's no system (or a decidedly less restrictive one) and Shen Yuan transmigrates into an OC rogue cultivator before the start of the novel, and decides he's gonna steal the protagonist before Luo Binghe even gets to Cang Qiong.
The logic is sound -- he'll keep Luo Binghe from experiencing neglect and abuse at Shen Qingqiu's hands, raise him away from the pressure of the sects and the likelihood that anyone else might find out about his heritage and try to harm him over it, keep him fully away from the Immortal Alliance Conference, and then Luo Binghe's course will change trajectory because he'll have no reason to want revenge against the world and no access to Xin Mo. Shen Yuan will be able to spare Luo Binghe some suffering and possibly survive in a world less subject to the harrowing whims of a half-mad tyrannical overlord. Win-win!
However, the tricky bit is that he's not sure exactly how far ahead of the novel he is, and also Airplane didn't specify where Luo Binghe grew up. This means that Luo Binghe could be any age younger than twelve and in any number of places along or near to the Luo river.
Shen Yuan decides he's going to approach this by pretending he is looking for the long-lost son of his sister, traveling through the likeliest areas, asking after abandoned children who might fit the protagonist's description. It's a long shot, he knows, and he's mostly relying on the existence of Narrative Destiny. But eventually he is directed by several people towards a particular city, which is not as close to the river as he'd have expected Luo Binghe to grow up, but then again he only knows that was where baby Binghe was found, not where the washerwoman who took him in ultimately lived.
It becomes clear to him, though, that he's been sent to the wrong target. But also why he's been sent astray is apparent in nearly the same breath, because among the slave children living in this area is a little boy who could be his much younger clone.
Seriously, this kid looks just like him! Or, well, close enough. He looks a lot like Shen Yuan's actual nieces and nephews from his past life. It's uncanny.
Also, because of his search, the slave kids get wind of what he's looking for (his long-lost nephew) pretty quick. The boy with the obvious resemblance to him greets Shen Yuan's own assessment with wary cynicism, but he's just a little boy. So it's not difficult to notice the way he's also practically vibrating with hopefulness, half-hiding behind a protective older kid and looking at Shen Yuan with big dark eyes like he expects to be rescued or destroyed with whatever he has to say next.
Shen Yuan has a big problem now. He just knows that if he says something like "actually no this boy is too old to be my nephew" or whatever other excuse, no one will believe him, and also this poor kid is going to be permanently scarred by it. He's going to think Shen Yuan is lying just so that he can reject him. On top of that, he's not in a good situation here. None of these children are even remotely well cared-for.
Shen Yuan's rogue cultivator self isn't rich on the level of being like a wealthy sect leader or anything, but he's made some money since transmigrating by doing random cultivator jobs and quests along the way here. He uses it all to purchase two little slave boys (Do Not Separate), then takes another job and uses that coin to acquire a somewhat rundown manor which used to belong to the local gentry. The Qiu family (rings some bells but that's not exactly an uncommon name) kept it up for a while in case a branch family sprung up in need of a residence, but they've been in decline and the place is downright decrepit, so they had been looking to sell it instead. It's too big for a wandering bachelor like SY to ever need on his own account, but that's sort of the idea. He makes more money taking on cultivator work, at first taking his boys along with him for lack of any alternative. Nerve-wrackingly dangerous! Eventually he hires workers to start restoring the manor, particularly setting up a yard to be a school area, and then starts taking on any freelance jobs he can get in order to steadily buy out the contracts on all the other kids. He gets it nice enough to house and care for as many orphans as he can acquire.
Not because he's a big old softie though!
His story of looking for his nephew is a bust now, since he's apparently "found" the kid. So he's got to change tactics! If he can't find baby Binghe and the washerwoman, the next best approach is to create an opportunity for them to come to him. So once he's got his new household established, he starts offering free lessons to all the local kids. Not just the ones he's taken in, but also any who come by and want to learn some things. It's a tempting setup for anyone who wants their child to get education but can't afford a tutor, and Luo Binghe's mother had been entirely the sort of person who would have packed up and left her situation if there had been an opportunity for it.
On that note, SY also starts hiring single mothers to help look after his new gaggle of children and do the work he doesn't know how to do in these times, like keeping house, laundry, cooking, actually raising kids, etc.
His "little school" is not universally popular. A few groups try and ruin him, because the poverty in the region provides a basis of business for them. The ringleaders of the human traffickers in the area don't want their trade to dry up, even if it means selling all of their merchandise for this round, so when they find out that their underlings let Shen Yuan buy off all the kids they try and intimidate him into returning them (it doesn't go well for them). The Qiu family also isn't thrilled after it becomes clear what he's doing, and get him investigated by the local authorities (read: use their bribed officials and local goons to try and interfere.)
When that doesn't work either the sects get involved, because the Qiu go crying to Huan Hua Palace that Shen Yuan is sketchy and is trying to establish his own sect. So Shen Yuan talks his way around the matter, and frankly the Qiu are small fish even if they're the biggest ones in the local pond, so HHP doesn't care to pursue things much further. (Read: SY could mop the floor with the disciples they sent to investigate him, and it's not worth it to piss off someone this mysterious and powerful just to bully some impoverished children.)
Shen Yuan is appalled by all this bullshit though. Trust the world of PIDW to make it so hard just for a guy to teach some poor kids how to read and do math!
It makes him dig in his heels about it, because he is at heart a stubborn bastard. The fires that once fueled a thousand angry screeds on zhongdian literature site is now aimed at the local magistrate. One of the women he's hired on has some dirt on the Qiu family, which leads SY to dig up some more until he eventually has enough to turn the tables on them. Local officials won't investigate because they've all been bought, but that in and of itself is of some interest to their superiors closer to the palace, and so SY arranges an investigation of his own that goes way further than he thought? Turns out there are some ugly skeletons in the Qiu closets, and the imperial investigator comes down on them hard.
Well, he can't say they didn't have it coming? Though he does feel bad for the children in the family, especially the oldest son, who gets hauled off to jail along with his father. At least the girl is sent to live with relatives. Maybe he should have done more to shield the minors in the situation...?
His kids tell him not to worry about it, though, that apparently young master Qiu was known to run people down in the streets and beat his servants and do other cartoonishly awful things. SY's not sure how much of it is true and how much of it is his little flock of fluffy sheep trying to ease his conscience, though they do all seem to take a lot of vindictive delight in the whole affair. Especially Nephew, who clings to his sleeves and loudly declares that the investigator should have publicly flogged the discredited nobles so that everyone could go watch, and then begs him for sweets as if that wasn't a creepy thing to hear come out of an eight-year-old's mouth. SY just sighs and tells him he can have something good when he finishes his calligraphy practice.
Of course, it's not exactly easy running what is basically an orphanage-slash-school (and maybe a budding sect...?), especially when pretty much all of the kids have been traumatized and faced stuff like rampant dehumanization, food insecurity, abuse, and neglect. Hiring single mothers soon becomes not only a plan to try and lure in Luo Binghe's mom, but an absolute godsend of an idea because SY has no clue WHAT he would do on his own about the discipline issues or emotional breakdowns or acting out that some of the kids get up to once it registers that they're in a safe enough place to unpack their baggage.
Apart from Nephew, SY's favorite kid is the one who came with him, the oldest of the flock of former slave children. He's the big brother of the group, the one who tries his best to look after the others and to not make any trouble himself. But even poor Little Yue is still just a kid who has been through too much, and he also eventually starts having some meltdowns and struggles with processing everything that has happened to him as a vulnerable child in an unkind world.
SY really didn't mean to start a trauma center for mistreated children!
Though, that's still not necessarily a bad thing for Luo Binghe to one day come across, provided he ever actually shows up...
Eventually, Shen Yuan does figure out that he must be ahead even of Luo Binghe's birth, though he still doesn't put together that he's interfered in the scum villain's backstory. Probably something even more amusingly obscure, like the creation year of some random artifact Luo Binghe used in some wife plot or other, tips him off and he mentally throws his hands up in the air. He's got to wait DECADES? Maybe he ought to try and find Luo Binghe's biological parents and just follow them around at this point!
Not that he can, now, though, because he has to make sure no negative IQ villains (who will probably just be cannon fodder for a subplot one day) decide to send goons to literally burn down his orphanage. Also if he's gone for too long his kids get upset. Probably because no one else is as weak to their puppy dog eyes and pleas for treats and toys as he is.
At least it gives him time to shore up his position, and train Nephew and Little Yue more extensively in cultivation. Despite his initial assurances to HHP that he was but a humble orphan wrangler who was only incidentally a cultivator, Shen Yuan does also teach the other kids some basic cultivation exercises. There are a few reasons for that.
One is just the principle of the thing. No, these kids don't all have the potential to become great immortals or anything, but they can still learn some of it and it's good for their health if they do. The only trouble is if they try and push too hard or attempt things beyond their range, and that's a risk with everyone who cultivates. Or even just exercises!
Another reason is that it helps stave off the jealousy that some of the kids have towards those with more cultivation potential. Teaching a lot of the basics all around makes it into just another topic at school. Some kids might not be as good at it as others, but those kids might also be better at math, or memorization, or board games, and while cultivation can open more doors to people as adults, for the children this is generally enough to satisfy their sense of fairness. Or at least reduce outbursts and fights.
Finally, the impression that any of SY's kids might be a cultivator also makes wicked people more reluctant to try and abduct or interfere with them. Cultivators are revered and nearly mythological figures in the public consciousness. It isn't difficult to see why, if even a rogue cultivator NPC like SY* can mop the floor with most random muggers (*Shen Yuan is not a normal rogue cultivator). Not many people want to risk bringing SY's ire down on them, but of those who might chance it if he wasn't around to immediately react, even fewer want to risk that the kids themselves could kick their asses.
Not knowing that only two of the orphans probably could in fact mop the floor with them helps keep all the rest safer, and is more believable when all of them can conduct themselves enough like disciples to fool anyone who doesn't know what to really look for.
Developments that surprise Shen Yuan but wouldn't surprise anyone else who is paying attention:
People start leaving unwanted babies and younger children on his doorstep. Not all the time, but more than once has he had to frantically find wet nurses and worry that he's changed things enough that some fishermen might just randomly drop the protagonist outside his gate, and he wouldn't even know because Binghe would be a literal infant??
Nephew (SJ) and Little Yue (Yue Qi -- only Shen Yuan calls him "Little", especially when he gets taller than SY by the time he's sixteen) are prodigies who get really good at cultivation, really fast, and between that and Shen Yuan's OP skills they completely warp Shen Yuan's ideas for what normal cultivation potential looks like. This would probably cause more problems if he wasn't teaching all the kids how to cultivate anyway, but means his students actually do kinda run the usual range of skills for a small sect.
SJ and YQ swiftly reach the point where they need more advanced equipment than just SY's teaching can provide, if they're going to keep building their skills. Gaining access to certain tools, aids, and materials (like spiritual swords) is a real hurdle though, and usually is for rogue cultivators (one of the major disadvantages of no sect affiliation.) Shen Yuan is hesitant to use stuff from the plot, since it's For Binghe, but he eventually caves and starts going after some things that he doesn't think the future protagonist will miss much. He also ends up buying stuff from HHP, since they're willing to sell things like spiritual tools and weapons if the price is right, whereas most other sects like Cang Qiong reserve them for members only.
They get an invitation to the Immortal Alliance Conference. Not the one where the Abyss opens up, obviously, the one where (originally) Shen Jiu reunited with Yue Qi and killed Wu Yanzi. Shen Yuan debates on going but the boys really want to, and things have calmed down enough that no one's trying to burn down the school whenever he leaves these days, so eventually he figures it'll be interesting to see some of the Cang Qiong characters and should be safe enough if he keeps his disciples close.
They don't run into young Yue Qingyuan or Shen Qingqiu on the trip, but Wu Yanzi does show up and get killed, and SY only hears about it and assumes they just missed all that action. (WYZ just got caught by some senior cultivators who recognized him and killed him to avenge some disciples he murdered.) Nephew and Little Yue do meet young Liu Qingge, Shang Qinghua, Mu Qingfang, and Su Xiyan though! Which gives Shen Yuan the opportunity to tell them all (mostly Su Xiyan) that if they're ever in trouble near his school, they can come to him for help. Hint hint.
This open invitation ends up being accepted broadly by a lot of traveling cultivators after the conference, who from then on treat Shen Yuan's school like a free motel whenever they're passing through. Plenty aren't even people SY met, but it seems his statement was taken as a general one to fellow righteous cultivators all around! Luckily, this has some advantages. Shen Yuan has no qualms running off anyone who tries to take unfair advantage of him or especially his kids or staff, and no shame in conscripting anyone who is decent enough to help teach his students, even if it's nothing to do with cultivating, and somehow word gets around and people start bringing school supplies, medicine, food, or other useful things along with them as gifts to help repay the hospitality. Young Liu Qingge comes by a lot on his way to and from various quests, or even seems to just turn up randomly sometimes (he comes to challenge YQ and SJ to fights), and SY's just like "I guess this is happening now" and teaches him to recognize the early signs of qi deviation and advises strongly against meditating in caves.
At one point a young Shang Qinghua turns up in one of the spare rooms, very obviously hiding an ice demon. Shen Yuan again is just like "I guess this is happening now" and shelters them until Mobei Jun has recovered, and sends a message to Cang Qiong that one of their An Ding caravans was attacked and their disciple is recovering under his roof but isn't well enough to travel yet. Much less stressful situation for Airplane (who is desperately trying to figure out what he did to manifest SJ's benevolent uncle from somewhere???)
Su Xiyan seems like the only person they met at the Immortal Alliance Conference who doesn't turn up at their door in a state of emergency at some point.
A few years later, there is a big scandal involving her and the demon emperor. Su Xiyan disappears, Huan Hua Palace accuses Tianlang Jun of plotting against the righteous sects, and Shen Yuan is even invited to the meeting where they try and rally everyone to go kill Binghe's dad. Naturally, he declines to participate in the witch hunt, but the major sects agree to it. By luck (or narrative fortune) Shen Yuan comes across Zhuzhi Lang on his trip back home, and mentions the ambush and his distaste for it (not knowing who ZZL is). ZZL warns Tianlang Jun and the confrontation goes very differently, especially since there's no Yue Qingyuan wielding Xuan Su.
It doesn't go well for the sects involved. Huan Hua Palace gets decimated. The Old Palace Master gets killed. Shen Yuan is like uhhhh that's... whoops? Didn't Luo Binghe need that in the future?? Fuck.
But the sect isn't wiped out completely, they just take a massive beating. Some of their younger disciples end up leaving and turning up on Shen Yuan's doorstep, for some reason. The manor house is becoming too small to account for all of these foundlings! They have to expand. Though the expansions would be a stretch to term a "palace" they end up occupying a much larger chunk of territory, and even investing in farmland and some storehouses to help support the sect. That's still not really a sect, of course. Even if a lot of the business that would have normally gone to Huan Hua Palace starts coming to them instead. Once HHP is back on its feet the stream will probably dry out. Probably?
Zhuzhi Lang starts hanging around. He's actually looking for Su Xiyan or their baby, dead or alive and per Tianlang Jun's instructions, but he uses Shen Yuan's school as base camp for his kind of hopeless efforts to find any traces of them, while also looking for ways to try and repay Shen Yuan. All the kids are just like "oh great, another weird man has fallen in love with Shizun -- someone go run interference" about it.
Some years later, an older woman and her young son turn up. Shen Yuan's off on a quest at the time, so SJ receives them. As is standard procedure he gives the woman a job and places the boy in classes, after giving him the aptitude tests. The kid is cute and precocious, so SJ uses him to distract YQ while he himself sneaks out to go join LQG on a monster hunt (and claim the valuable parts of the beast's remains for himself), and neither SY nor ZZL notice anything until SY's going over the paperwork for stuff he missed while he was gone. Since he procrastinated, it takes him like a week to find out that Luo Binghe is finally under his roof. He's going over the admission form right when SJ arrives with The New Adorable Child to try and distract SY enough that SY will let him go on a solo hunt -- as far as being distracted goes, it is way more effective than even SJ anticipated.
Then he has to figure out how to let ZZL know, so that ZZL can let Tianlang Jun know, so that Luo Binghe will have more family than just his mom and more resources than just a shabby little not-sect! But even once he figures it out and sets up the dramatic reveal, TLJ is just like "great! so can he just stay with you? he's probably fine there" which... irritates SY.
SJ fully conscripts Luo Binghe as a minion in his many cons. He never lost his street kid conman tactics, although he now uses them less as a ruthless survival tool or weapon and more to just get things to go his own way. LBH has the face and disposition of a little angel, which SJ no longer can pull off as a full grown adult, so he fills a gap. LBH also knows full well what's going, especially since a lot of SJ's tactics involve throwing LBH at SY like a smoke bomb.
Luo Binghe inevitably still develops a big fat crush on SY, so this is fine by him. Especially when he gets older, he starts bringing SY tea and making him breakfast and running his errands until even SJ is like "wait a minute, this little brat's stealing my job!" and by then it's too late. Luo Binghe is SY's personal assistant, the disciple at conman puppydog eyes has surpassed the master! While SJ was busy being like "I'm going to trick this idiot into doing my chores" LBH was going "I'm going to trick this idiot into giving me his job".
SY takes too long to officially name his school so everyone calls it the Shen Sect, much to his embarrassment.
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Din Djarin didn't want to rule Mandalore, so he didn't. He didn't force himself into a "calling" or "destiny" he didn't want. Instead, he found a decent Mandalorian who wanted to reunite the people and reclaim Mandalore, found a way to make said Mandalorian the Mand'alor, and supported the people's efforts to unite and take back their homeworld.
Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Omega rebelled against the Empire by refusing to align themselves with the new system, and Crosshair eventually joined them. Echo felt the need to "do more" and wanted to commit full time to much larger-scale endeavors; but the others didn't want to do that, so they didn't. Instead, they supported Echo and Rex by giving them a standing offer to help when needed, and they helped with much smaller-scale efforts when and where they could.
I just love that these stories show that you can still be a good person, a hero, even if you decide your priority is to focus on raising/training your kid instead of ruling, even if you decide you're not going to join the Empire (a dangerous decision in and of itself) but you're not going to go out of your way to pick fights with them either, even if you decide you're going to retire and give your kid/sister a chance at a relatively peaceful childhood instead of staying in the bigger fight.
Many times, heroics occur on a more personal basis.
And we need the small-scale heroes as much as we need the larger-scale ones.
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rvp32 · 1 year
The Games We Play: A Tale of Lust
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TW: Litle BDSM, edging, overstimulation, spanking, Fingering
The morning didn't kick off on the best foot; your coffee maker chose today to call it quits, depriving you of that one blessed potion that tethers your sanity and prevents you from going all rogue. But hey, the day took a turn into interesting territory when you found yourself trapped in the corner store.
Picture this: a young woman wrapped up like a mystery package from head to toe, was in full-blown panic mode, tearing her surroundings apart in search of her elusive wallet. And what's the big deal, you might ask? She was in a race against the clock, not wanting to miss a date with destiny, also known as a crucial meeting.
No need for Shakespearean monologues here. You stroll over to the cashier, cool as a cucumber, and flash your card. The cashier does her beep-boop thing, wrapping up the transaction with a flourish. Meanwhile, your attention shifts to the enigmatic woman in distress. Your lips don't even need to flex those vocal cords to convey your message, "Miss, let me cover this tab."
With a nod that could put a ballerina to shame, you collect your goods and graciously extend the bag with her belongings. It's like an unspoken understanding, a scene right out of a modern fairy tale.
Exiting the store, you're just about to slide into your trusty vehicle when a voice, as sweet as honey and warm as a summer breeze, pierces the air, "Thank you!!" It's her, the masked damsel in this retail distress. In response, your lips curl up in a smile that’s more contagious than a chuckle.
A courteous nod on your part, a grateful chirp on hers, and you’re on your way, ready to chase down whatever adventure the day's got planned for you. Just as you’re about to speed off to your meeting.
The office had that early morning hush, a quiet anticipation hanging in the air as folks trickled in, not quite ready to dive into the grind just yet. You found your way to your designated corner room, plopped your stuff down, and decided to indulge in a quick social media scroll.
Just as you were lost in their world, a voice, as familiar as your heartbeat, cut through the calm. It was none other than Roh Jisun, not just a colleague, but one of your closest pals and your trusty secretary.
She raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "Who got you smiling like an idiot, don't tell me you finally got yourself a girlfriend."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Good morning to you too, Ji. You know me, I don't do the girlfriend thing. Just enjoying some highlights from the football games," you replied, setting your phone aside. "So what's on the agenda today?"
"Well, lucky for you, there isn't much on the schedule today," Jisun replied, wisely steering clear of your notoriously dry love life. "Just a meeting with an idol for a brand endorsement and some documents to review."
Your eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes! That means I can head home early today. Let me know when they arrive; I'll dive into some reference material so I don't sound like a complete idiot."
Jisun chuckled at your candidness and made her exit.
With files spread across your desk, you delved into the world of this idol selected by the marketing wizards. She was no ordinary star; she was the crème de la crème, one of the hottest idols of the current generation. Since your knowledge about idols was about as deep as a puddle, the files laid it all out for you - background info, detailed analysis, the works.
As you neared the end of the file, the section with photos, you were hit with a punch of awe. To say she was pretty was like calling a sunset 'nice.' She looked like an angel who had graced Earth, but there was an undeniable fragility about her. The images had you entranced, lost in admiration.
A polite knock at your door brought you back to reality. "Sir, the folks from Starship Entertainment are here to discuss the brand endorsement deal," Jisun reported in her professional tone. "Should I let them in?"
"Please, do," you nodded.
One by one, three individuals entered the room. And then, as if fate had a wicked sense of humor, she walked in. The same woman you'd crossed paths with at the convenience store, only now she was without her mask and hat.
"Oh, what a coincidence," you remarked, extending your hand. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss Wonyoung."
Her eyes sparkled with surprise and gratitude. "It truly is! I can't believe the chances. Again, thank you so much for helping me out." Her smile could light up a city.
"Please, have a seat."
The negotiations flowed seamlessly, and everything fell into place. The deal was set, and a date was locked in for the commercial shoot. "I'm looking forward to working with you. Thanks for your cooperation. Here's to this reaching the heights we're hoping for."
As they left, you settled back in your chair. But a mere moment later, there was a knock on your door, followed by Wonyoung's head peeping in.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Miss Wonyoung?" you inquired, curious about her return.
"I want to thank you for helping me out today, so please let me treat you to dinner," Wonyoung offered.
"Alright, just let me know when and where to pick you up," you replied, raising an eyebrow at the surprise on Wonyoung's face. "That was easier than I expected. Can I get your phone number? You know, to text you the details."
A sly smirk played on your lips as you motioned for her to come closer. She hesitated for a moment before approaching, maintaining eye contact without saying a word.
"You know, Miss Wonyoung, I need your phone to input my number, unless you've got a photographic memory," you teased, causing a blush to creep up on her cheeks. She fumbled for her phone in her handbag, and you deftly entered your number. Handing her phone back to her, you remarked, "It's a bad habit to stare at someone, Miss Wonyoung."
"I'm really sorry, I didn't realize I was staring. I'll text you the details. See you then," Wonyoung practically bolted out of your office.
Shortly after, Jisun walked in, her voice carrying a hint of sternness. "What was all that about? What did you say to make that angel run away?"
"Calm down, Ji. I just teased her a little. She wanted to thank me for helping her," you replied casually, not missing a beat as you continued to read the documents.
"You'll never change. Why does she want to thank you?" Jisun inquired, curious about the situation.
So you recounted the whole story about your chance encounter with Wonyoung. Jisun burst into laughter and commented, "Wow, it truly is an incredible coincidence."
You returned to your documents, but something else was occupying your thoughts, or rather, someone. Regardless of what the papers said, your mind kept drifting back to the interaction with Wonyoung. Her subtle nervous movements, the way she blushed at your teasing, and the pure excitement in her eyes when you agreed to her proposition—it all danced in your thoughts, like an enchanting melody that refused to fade.
After a few painstaking hours of wading through and approving a mountain of documents, you'd finally conquered the pile Jisun had left on your desk. Packing up your laptop, you decided it was high time to replace that dearly departed coffee machine. Strolling through the store, your gaze was momentarily captivated by a Pepsi ad featuring none other than Wonyoung's larger-than-life cut-out. You couldn't help but admire her beauty for a few seconds before shaking off the distraction and making your way to the appliances section.
With a new coffee machine in tow, you headed back home. It only took a couple of minutes to set up the shiny new addition to your kitchen. Eager to wash away the day's toil and dust, you headed for the shower. There, amidst the soothing cascade of water, your thoughts inevitably drifted back to Wonyoung and the unexpected events of the day.
The cold shower did wonders to invigorate both your mind and body. Afterward, you settled onto the couch and noticed a message from an unknown number. It was Wonyoung, inquiring if you would be free tomorrow evening. You quickly replied, confirming your availability.
Within moments, another message popped up, this time with a reservation at a well-established restaurant. You didn't argue with her choice and appreciated her initiative. With the dinner plans set, you wandered into the kitchen to prepare your meal for the day. Tonight, it was a simple yet delicious dish: rose pasta with grilled chicken thighs on the side.
Having savored your homemade dinner, you retreated to your cozy corner, book in hand. The words on the pages wove a soothing lullaby, and before you knew it, you had surrendered to the embrace of sleep, calling it a day.
The day seemed to fly by, yet the thought of Wonyoung lingered in your mind like an intoxicating poison. Numerous scenarios involving her had taken root in your thoughts, and it was fair to say that most of them were far from what people might expect. What you realized was that your attraction to Wonyoung wasn't of the romantic variety. It was something deeper, something about the way she seemed fragile and innocent that piqued your interest and stirred a side of you that rarely saw the light of day. 
 As the day drew to a close, it was finally time to pick up Wonyoung. Arriving at her house, you sent her a quick text to let her know you'd arrived. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Wonyoung in a stunning black off-the-shoulder dress.
"Good evening, Miss Wonyoung," you greeted with a warm smile, holding the car door open for her. "You look absolutely beautiful."
"Good evening," she replied with a soft smile. "You're quite dashing yourself, Mr. CEO." With a final exchange of smiles, you closed the door and headed to the driver's seat. 
"How was your day? I hope it wasn't too tiring," you asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you as you drove.
"It was relaxing, honestly," Wonyoung replied with a smile that lit up the car. "It was my first day off in a while, so I finally got some good rest."
"That sounds wonderful. I apologize for monopolizing your precious free time then. I hope I can keep you entertained," you quipped, trying to tease her a bit.
Wonyoung's blush deepened, but she met your gaze with sincerity. "No, not at all. You seem like a very interesting person, and I would love to spend time with you."
Her direct response caught you off guard, and you found yourself momentarily at a loss for words. "That's very kind of you," you finally managed to reply, a genuine smile gracing your lips. "I look forward to getting to know you better as well. Maybe we can be friends."
You noticed a subtle change in Wonyoung's demeanor, her smile fading ever so slightly after your last comment, but you decided not to dwell on it. "What do you like to do during your free time, Miss Wonyoung?" you inquired, attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction.
"Please call me Wonyoung, you don't need to be so formal with me," she replied with a warm smile. "I love to read, hike, and watch shows," she added, her gaze wandering around the interior of the car.
"Alright, Wonyoung," you said with a playful twinkle in your eye. "Reading, hiking, and shows, huh? Sounds like you've got a nice mix of hobbies. Any recent favorites?"
She leaned back in her seat, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Well, I just finished a gripping mystery novel that had me up all night. And as for hiking, there's this trail I love near my place. It's so serene and peaceful."
You nodded, genuinely intrigued. "A mystery lover, huh? Any recommendations? I might need some new reads."
Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Oh, definitely! I'll text you a list. And speaking of recommendations, any favorite shows or movies on your end?"
You chuckled, realizing you might be in for some teasing. "Well, lately I've been into documentaries a lot more than shows.."
She raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a sly smile. "I guess I was wrong about you being interesting."
You both shared a laugh, and the car seemed to hum with a newfound camaraderie. As the evening unfolded, you discovered more about each other's quirks, interests, and shared laughter. The chemistry between you was undeniable, with a hint of flirting and teasing that only added to the intrigue of your blossoming relationship.
The drive seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, even though it had been nearly half an hour. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and you found yourself thoroughly enjoying Wonyoung's company. Arriving at the restaurant, you helped her out of the car. However, as you made your way toward the entrance, she stumbled, and instinctively, you reached out to prevent her from falling.
In that brief, heart-stopping moment, your eyes locked, and the air between you thickened with an undeniable tension. It was as if an electric current passed between you, and before you knew it, she leaned in, and your lips met in a kiss that felt heavenly, charged with a depth of feeling that took you both by surprise.
Her lips tasted divine, and as you pulled her closer, your mind wandered to places that were vastly different from the sweetness of the moment. Desires and tastes that diverged from the mainstream public swirled in your thoughts, and it shook you to your core. You pushed her away, breaking the kiss abruptly.
Wonyoung's shock was evident in her doe-like eyes, now brimming with tears. "Wonyoung, we shouldn't do this," you stammered, your voice strained with difficulty. "I'm not the right person for you. You deserve someone better. I'm not the person you think I am."
Deep down, you yearned for more, to ravish those heavenly lips and her enchanting body. But you knew, for both your sakes, this path was fraught with complications you didn’t want to put her through because it would destroy her innocence.
"Wait, are you gay? I'm so sorry; I should have been more careful. Please forget this ha—" Wonyoung began, but you cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "No, I'm not gay," you replied. "It's just that I have certain... something else. Let's just get dinner, and I'll show you what I mean afterward," you said, hoping to evade the topic.
Walking towards the restaurant, with Wonyoung following closely, her curiosity got the better of her, and she pestered you with questions. "Tell me what it is. It can't be that bad, I'm pretty open-minded. Please tell me; I'm so curious!"
You shot her a stern glare that left her looking shocked, but she quickly pushed back. "That glare isn't going to shut me up. So tell me what it is, and I'll shut up."
Before you could respond, the waitress arrived to take your order. You ordered for both of you without giving Wonyoung a chance to continue her line of questioning. As she filled the water glasses, you placed one in front of Wonyoung and instructed, "Drink it." She did so without protest.
"If you aren't going to tell me, at least let me guess, and you just say yes or no," Wonyoung suggested, her curiosity undiminished.
Wonyoung's questions came one after another, each one prying into the mysterious aspect of your life. You responded with straightforward "yes" or "no" answers, hoping to keep the conversation from delving too deep.
"Are you a criminal?" she inquired.
"Does it have something to do with your sexuality?"
"Do you have any medical issues?" Her gaze traveled in an unexpected direction.
"What? No, I'm perfectly healthy!" you retorted, feeling a bit flustered.
"Is it something related to your preferences in bed?" she ventured.
This time, you simply nodded.
Her response was unexpected, a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Oh, spicy. Are you perhaps into BDSM and power dynamics?"
Although you didn't verbalize a confirmation, your expression said it all. You were taken aback by how quickly she pieced it together.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I got it so fast," she exclaimed. However, her lack of further comment left you in an awkward silence, uncertain about how she truly felt about your revelation. It seemed she either felt uncomfortable discussing it or maybe had her own reasons for not pursuing the topic further.
Before you could say anything more, the food arrived, and you decided not to probe any further, not wanting to spoil the mood any further.
As the meal continued, you couldn't help but notice that Wonyoung wasn't eating properly. Her playful approach to her food caught your attention. "Wonyoung, eat properly. Don't play with your food," you advised, trying to maintain some semblance of decorum in the restaurant.
Wonyoung responded with a mischievous smirk. "What if I don't want to?" she teased, her words carrying a hint of suggestion. "Are you going to punish me for being a bad girl, Daddy?"
Her remark left you momentarily flustered and choking on the food, a rush of thoughts and desires flooding your mind. You quickly regained your composure, though, and tried to steer the conversation back to safer territory. "Let's just enjoy our meal," you suggested, hoping to quell the tension that had unexpectedly arisen.
The rest of the dinner passed in silence, the earlier tension still lingering in the air. Wonyoung had insisted on paying the bill as a gesture of thanks, but you had already settled it before she could reach for her wallet.
"I was supposed to treat you as a thank you!" she protested.
You brushed off her protests with a gentle smile. "Consider it my way of saying thank you for entertaining me."
The two of you left the restaurant, and Wonyoung followed closely as you made your way back to the car. The silence continued, hanging heavily between you. Then, out of the blue, Wonyoung broke it with words you never expected to hear from her pretty lips.
"I want to experience how you control others. How you will fuck me and make me beg"
The shock of her words hit you like a jolt of electricity, causing you to slam on the brakes and bring the car to a sudden stop at the side of the empty road.
Locking eyes with Wonyoung, you delivered your words with a firm and almost grave tone. "No, you don't," you asserted. "The things I do aren't like what you watch in movies. And even if you were serious about this, I don't believe your fragile body could handle it. Pretty things can be easily broken if not taken care of. What I do doesn't show much care for you; it would push both your mind and body to the limit."
Your words were a serious cautionary note, aimed at changing her thoughts and preventing her from a path that held potential danger and discomfort.
Wonyoung's smirk persisted, and a playful tone danced in her voice. "'I'm not as fragile as you think I am. Moreover, I don't believe you have what it takes to break me, Daddy,'" she quipped, her words filled with a hint of teasing. "On a more serious note, I honestly think you're all talk. There's no way you can actually make someone beg."
Wonyoung's taunting and challenging tone persisted as you continued the drive. She seemed entirely unshaken by the gravity of the topic, and her curiosity was piqued.
"So, Mr. CEO," she continued, her voice laced with playful skepticism, "are you saying you can make someone beg for your control? You must have some secret weapon or technique, right?"
Your eyes remained fixed on the road, and you responded, your tone still cautious. "It's not about a secret weapon or technique, Wonyoung. It's about understanding boundaries, trust, and consent. It's not something to be taken lightly."
Wonyoung, however, seemed determined to push your buttons further. "Boundaries, trust, and consent? Those sound so boring and safe. Where's the excitement in that?"
You let out a sigh, recognizing that she was testing your resolve. "There's a difference between excitement and recklessness. What I do, or rather, what I've explored in the past, is not a game. It's a realm that requires responsibility and understanding, especially when it comes to the well-being of all parties involved."
Wonyoung leaned back in her seat, a challenging glint in her eye. "I still don't buy it, Mr. CEO. You'll have to prove it to me."
Wonyoung's taunting continued unabated, and it was clear that she was enjoying pushing your boundaries. She leaned closer, her tone dripping with mischief. "Come on, Mr. CEO, don't be so serious. Show me what you've got. Make me beg or are you going to be a coward and run away?"
Your grip on the steering wheel tightened as you felt the tension in the car reach a boiling point. You had tried to warn her, to convey the gravity of what she was asking, but she seemed intent on testing you.
Finally, unable to contain your frustration any longer, you slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a sudden halt by the side of the road. Without thinking, your hands found their way to Wonyoung's throat, fingers pressing firmly against her delicate skin. The shock in her eyes mirrored your own as you choked out the words, "You have no idea what you're asking for, Wonyoung." She releases a small moan.
The moment hung in the air, charged with a dangerous energy, and you realized that you had crossed a line you couldn't uncross. Wonyoung's playful taunts had ignited something within you, a darkness you had long kept in check. 
Your responsibilities, your reputation, and everything else faded into insignificance as you drove to your house, your mind consumed by a primal desire. Once you stepped inside, there was no turning back. You pulled Wonyoung with you, and in the dimly lit hallway, you pinned her forcefully against the wall.
Your hand gripped her throat, and the other held her wrists firmly above her head. The room seemed to close in around you both as you whispered into her ears, your voice laced with a warning and a final chance for her to bail out. "Is this what you wanted, Wonyoung? This is your last chance. After this, there's no turning back."
The intensity in your eyes burned as you awaited her response, the gravity of the moment weighing heavily on both of you.  
“Yes, This is what I wanted, for you to restrain me and have your way with me,” Wonyoung says, her eyes filled with determination, to experience what it feels like to let someone have complete control over what happens to your body.
You immediately kiss her, the kiss unlike last time was harsh, filled with lust. Both your tongues exploring each other's mouths. Sliding a knee in between her legs causes her to moan into the kiss. 
Wonyoung grinds on your thighs, enjoying the friction. You let go of her throat and hands, now exploring her body but ending up on her ass, squeezing it and feeling her stiffen up with the contact. 
Breaking away from the kiss you pull Wonyoung toward the room that you kept locked away from everyone. Wonyoung followed obediently. Once the door is open you push Wonyoung into the room and she falls onto the bed. 
“Take off your clothes,” It wasn’t a request but a command that Wonyoung obeyed. Watching her remove her dress was like watching a movie unfold, it slowly got better. Now she was in her bra and panties. 
“Kneel,” After Wonyoung's obedient response, you left the room momentarily to get changed. The air was heavy with anticipation, and every moment seemed to stretch. 
You returned to the room, your presence felt as you stood behind Wonyoung. Your fingers began to braid her long and silky hair, a soothing and intimate gesture that contrasted with the intensity of the situation.
As you worked on her hair, you explained the dynamics of what was to come. "This is how it's going to go," you began, your voice firm yet reassuring. "You do everything I tell you to. If you do well, then I will reward you, and if you don't, you get punished. It's simple, isn't it?"
Wonyoung nodded, her trust in you evident. But you had one more important thing to convey. "One more thing," you added, your voice softening with genuine concern. "If at any point you think you can't handle something, say the color red. Everything that we're doing will stop immediately, and I will make sure you are fine. Your safety and well-being are my top priority."
With these words, you set the boundaries and the rules, ensuring that this journey would be a consensual and mutually satisfying experience for both of you. 
With a gentle kiss on Wonyoung's neck, you left her in a state of heightened anticipation, a mix of confusion and excitement swirling within her. She could hear your movements but couldn't predict what would come next.
When you returned, it was with a blindfold in your hand. Placing it delicately over her eyes, you obscured her vision, taking away her ability to see. The loss of sight heightened her other senses, making her acutely aware of every sound, touch, and sensation. It also added an element of unpredictability, deepening the intrigue and excitement of what was to come in this shared exploration.
In the dimly lit room, a tremor of excitement ran through you. Here, within these four walls, everything was under your control. It was an opportunity to satisfy a desire that had remained hidden from the world, a longing that had been kept secret. The urge to witness vulnerability, to see tears, and to have someone willingly surrender themselves to your complete mercy had always been there, lurking beneath the surface.
With every breath, every whispered command, and every touch, you were stepping into the territory you had long kept locked away. 
With a firm but controlled grip on the newly braided hair, you pulled Wonyoung up and whispered into her ear, your voice dripping with stern intent. "I'm going to make you regret every single word you said during the car ride, Princess."
Wonyoung shivered in response, the weight of your words sinking in, a mixture of anticipation and fear coursing through her.  
Wonyoung yelped in surprise as you pushed her onto the bed, and her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. She had entered a realm of unknown sensations and desires, and the anticipation of what would happen next was palpable.
The sound of your footsteps drew her attention, and she turned her head in your direction. As you joined her on the silk, a hard slap landed on her cute butt.*Yelp* It was a sharp, stinging sensation that sent a jolt of electricity through her, awakening new sensations and desires that she had only begun to explore. 
Slowly unclasping her bra, you squeeze her ass and give it a couple of spanks. Wonyoung is now whimpering. “Spank yourself, Princess, it better be hard, I want to see your handprint on that cute ass of yours,” Leaving Wonyoung by herself, you grab a pair of leather handcuffs. 
Your tone shifted from stern to gentle as you cooed comforting words to Wonyoung. "That's enough," you murmured soothingly. "You did such a good job, princess, such a good girl."
With a reassuring touch, you grabbed both of her hands and cuffed them, ensuring they were secured firmly, making it clear that she wouldn't be able to escape from your grasp. 
You introduced a new element to the unfolding scene, a game that would both challenge and please. With a commanding tone, you explained the rules to Wonyoung. "Now let's play a game," you began, your voice unwavering. "For every slap, you will count and apologize for being a brat."
Wonyoung nodded in compliance, but you demanded more. "Use your words, princess. You are a human, after all, aren't you?"
With a submissive "Yes, sir," she complied.
The first slap landed firmly, and Wonyoung counted, "1, I'm sorry for being a brat." You repeated the action, the impact slightly harder, and she continued, "2, I'm sorry for being a brat." The third strike came down, causing her to gasp with a mix of pain and arousal. "Ah!! 3, I'm sorry for being a brat."
Satisfied that she had apologized sufficiently, you reached for a glass of ice on the bedside table. Taking an ice cube, you placed it on the sensitive area where she had been struck. The sudden coldness against her heated skin made her gasp and squirm, but you held her firmly in place, introducing a thrilling contrast of sensations to the experience.
With a practiced ease, you flipped Wonyoung's petite body around, exposing her erect nipples and toned midriff. The anticipation in the room was palpable as you continued to explore the depths of desire between you.
Grabbing another ice cube, you placed it delicately on her left nipple, the sudden coldness on the sensitive spot causing Wonyoung to instinctively bring her hands down from above her head. But you were swift, catching her hands and placing them back where they belonged.
Taking the ice cube into your mouth, you traced a tantalizing path around her left mound, ensuring no part of her was left without attention. You moved to her right nipple, repeating the same maddeningly slow and sensual exploration while simultaneously pinching and playing with the other one.
Wonyoung's voice filled the room, a chorus of pleasure and desire escaping her lips as her body squirmed uncontrollably. Her legs rubbed together in a desperate attempt to find some relief from the various sensations that were overwhelming her senses, aching for release and satisfaction.
You continued your teasing exploration, trailing the ice cube slowly toward Wonyoung's belly button, relishing in the way her back curved from the heightened sensitivity. The room was filled with an electrifying tension, desire mounting with every passing moment.
Finally, you removed the one piece of clothing that was drenched, a clear indication of how excited Wonyoung had become. The ice cube hovered just above the spot that begged for the most attention. A simple act of blowing air on her very wet core caused Wonyoung to moan in desperation.
"Please," she managed to say, her mind clouded to the point where forming a coherent sentence was a challenge.
But you weren't ready to make it easy for her. "Please what, Princess?" you teased, relishing in her vulnerability.
Her face flushed with embarrassment, and she brought her hands down to cover it as she stammered, "Please touch me there."
You continued to push her boundaries, enjoying the game of control and surrender that had enveloped you both, as you whispered, "You have to be more specific, Princess. I've been touching you the entire time."
Wonyoung's initial response was mumbled and unclear, but when you demanded she speak louder, she screamed, "I want you to touch my pussy, please. I need it!"
Granting her request, you gently played with the swollen nub, eliciting a sharp reaction as her toes curled with the newfound sensation. After some tender foreplay, you decided to take it further, inserting one finger into her. Wonyoung's moans grew louder, her arousal undeniable.
Using your free hand to continue playing with her sensitive nub, you slowly pumped your finger in and out, savoring every sound and reaction she made.
But Wonyoung's desire burned fiercely, and she begged for more. "More, please. I need more," she pleaded, her voice dripping with need. "Please put one more finger or eat me out, please!"
You couldn't resist teasing her a bit more. "Such a needy slut," you taunted, delivering a slap to her pussy that made her scream. "Only good girls get to make demands."
Desperate and on the edge, Wonyoung responded fervently, "I'm your good girl, Daddy. Please give me more. I need it so badly."
With a sense of control that heightened the intensity of the moment, you decided to edge Wonyoung, not once, but four times. Each time, you brought her right to the precipice of release and then denied her the ultimate satisfaction. It was an exquisite torture that pushed her desire to its limits.
The first time you edged her, her moans filled the room as you skillfully brought her to the brink, only to stop just when she thought she couldn't take it any longer. "Please," she begged, her voice filled with desperation. "Please, Daddy, let me come. I need it so much."
But you were relentless, and the second time you edged her was even more intense. Wonyoung's body quivered as she teetered on the edge of release, her pleas growing more urgent. "Please, please, I can't take it anymore. Please, let me come. I'll do anything."
The third time you edged her, her cries of frustration and longing filled the room. "Daddy, please," she whimpered, her body trembling with need. "I'll be a good girl, I promise. Just let me come."
But you denied her once again, pushing her to the limits of desire. The fourth time you edged her, Wonyoung was a writhing, desperate mess. "Please, Daddy," she sobbed, her voice cracking with need. "I need it so badly. Please, please, let me come. I'll do anything you want."
With your words of encouragement, you leaned down and moved closer to Wonyoung's ear, your breath hot against her skin. "Go ahead," you whispered sensually, "show me how much you needed it, show me what a slut you are!"
Nibbling on her ear, you continued your passionate ministrations, pushing her closer to the edge. Wonyoung finally let go, surrendering to the pleasure she had begged for and needed so desperately. Her back arched, her body trembled, and a stream of liquid gushed out, staining the perfect silk sheets beneath her. 
Without giving her much time to recover, you immediately take out your cock and position yourself in front of her freshly used pussy. As you slowly move in, wonyoung’s body reacts to your cock by screaming and tightening around it. She was very tight, almost like this was her first time. 
“Wait, slow down, please. I am so sensitive, Daddy, please! Wait!” Wonyoung pleads and you agree. Once she nods signaling that she is ready you continue till you bottom out. 
“Oh God, you are filling me up so well” Wonyoung manages to say in between moans.
“Princess, can I start moving now?” You ask because you can no longer hold back. Wonyoung makes eye contact with you through the mirror across from the bed and says “Yes, Daddy”
With her permission you begin pounding like there is no tomorrow, Wonyoung responds with nothing but moans and occasional screams when you hit her sweet spot. Her moans are like melodies you will never get tired of hearing. Playing with her clit as you pound her push her over the edge as she orgasms again, “Fuck! Daddy!” Wonyoung screams. 
Even though Wonyoung had reached her orgasm you continued to pound her tight pussy. “Please, please, too much, Daddy!” The overstimulation frying up nerves in her brain and sending her to a mental state she never knew she could possibly achieve. 
Wonyoung brings her hands to stop you from moving but you grab them, her eyes rolled back and back arched as you continue pounding. “DADDY NOOO!” 
“This is your punishment, baby, who said you could cum? This is your punishment!” You grunt as you put more force into the thrusts Every thrust sends waves of pleasure through Wonyoung’s body. 
“AGH, GOD!!” Wonyoung screams she starts to mumble things that you can no longer understand, you continue to chase after your orgasm. 
“Where do you want me to cum, Princess?” You ask as you reach closer to your peak. 
“I-inside, Daddy” Wonyoung manages to say in between her loud moans. 
“Fuck baby, Daddy is going to cum in your tight pussy,” You grunt,
“Yes, Daddy fill me up, I need to feel that warm cum in my pussy please!” finally Wonyoung manages to form a coherent sentence. With her explicit consent, you unload the biggest load of your life in Wonyoung’s pussy. 
“Fuck, Princess that felt so good, You were such a good girl, my lovely princess,” you say after you envelop her in a hug and place a kiss on her forehead. 
“Yes it was, I never knew pleasure could be so intense!” Wonyoung said as you pet her hair. Silence fell in the room but Wonyoung said “This is just the beginning right?”
Realizing how insatiable Wonyoung is and how good the sex is, you reply “ Yes, Princess. From today onwards you belong to me, you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy, I love the way you touched me. I need your touch, it's intoxicating and addicting” Wonyoung says as she nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck. 
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happilyhertale · 1 year
Destiny is all - Osferth x female!reader, Part 1
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Summary: You are Finan's sister. You live in a village in Scotland, near the border with Northumbria. You lead a quiet life until your brother decides to visit you with his boys and your life changes completely.
Pairing: Osferth x fem!reader
Author’s note: Hey you (:
Now I am finally sharing my little Osferth story with you. The events are a little different from the story in the series. (No, Osferth will not die either). I hope you will enjoy it! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 2.2 k
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Other stories of mine
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The sun, which has been high in the sky all day, is slowly tilting towards the earth. Four men ride silently side by side. Every now and then an exhausted grunt can be heard. As soon as the grunt is silenced, it is usually answered with another grunt. They have been riding like this for days now. Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric and Osferth are on their way from the northernmost point in Scotland back to Wessex.
The men are exhausted by the long distance they have already covered on horseback. The not very restful nights they have already spent in various forests do not diminish their exhaustion.
"Lord. We could spend the night in a village today," Finan says after another grunt.
Uhtred turns slightly in Finan's direction, "If we ride through the night, we should be in Northumbria by tomorrow"
"But Lord… We should stop and rest. I'm tired of the sight of my horse's head... his ears in particular," Osferth chimes in.
Sihtric turns to Uhtred as well, "I wouldn't say no either"
Osferth continues to nod in agreement.
Uhtred sighs, "Very well… The next village is headed for"
"We would have a place to sleep there for sure too," Finan says to Uhtred with a grin. Uhtred sees Finan's grin and becomes curious.
"Do you have a sweetheart up here?" asks Uhtred with raised eyebrows.
"Not exactly. My family lives there and we could sleep and eat there"
"What? I thought you were from Ireland," Osferth looks at him questioningly.
Finan nods, "We're originally from Ireland. But my parents moved over with me and my sister"
Uhtred just shakes his head with a smile.
The men rode on again in silence. Every now and then a grunt can be heard. But it was a done deal, they were on their way to Finan's family.
You stand in front of your little house. The evening sun shines on your face and you enjoy it. You close your eyes for a moment. Your little house is located on the edge of a village, near the forest. You enjoy the peace and quiet that the location offers you, and that you can let your gaze wander into the forest at any time as soon as the hustle and bustle of the village becomes too much for you. Slowly you open your eyes again and take a deep breath. You still want to water the flower bed before you retire for the evening. As you put the bucket down, you hear noises in the forest behind you. You turn around, but in the twilight you can't really see if anyone is there. Out of habit, you reach for the dagger tucked under the skirt of your dress.
"Who is there?" you ask in a firm voice.
But instead of an answer, you only hear the rustling of the bushes at the edge of the forest.
Suddenly a Dane steps out of the forest and you instinctively hold up your dagger. You are ready to defend yourself. Your breath catches in your throat, but the Dane just grins at you. "Finan! I didn't know that your parents can also produce something beautiful", the Dane says.
Finan? How does he know your brother...?
"Aye! Lord! Shut up!", Finan suddenly stands next to the Dane. Your lungs fill with air again as you see your brother smiling at you from a short distance away.
You don't hesitate for long. "Finan!" you shout and run towards him. You throw your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms tightly around you.
"Heey... my little one," he says softly and presses you closer to him.
You sob a little. He loosens the embrace and takes your face in his hands, "Ey... y/n.... If I had known ya missed me so much, I would have stopped by sooner," he smiles at you. You wipe tears from your face and have to laugh for a moment.
"What are ya doing here?" you finally ask your brother.
"We're just passing through and I thought we were due for a visit"
Only now do you become aware and remember the Dane. But when you look behind Finan, you see two other men standing there. But your gaze immediately falls on the blond monk. However, he immediately averts his gaze from you when he realises that he has been caught staring. Now you notice another Dane. Somehow you seem to like this mixture of the troupe. Finan turns around as well, "Sorry y/n. This is Uhtred, Sihtric and our baby Monk, Osferth"
You notice the monk giving Finan a warning look. The Danes, on the other hand, give you a friendly nod. Finan turns back to you, "Where are mother and father? Are they in the house? We are starving!" Finan is all euphoric.
You gently touch his forearm, "Finan...", you speak softly. He looks at you, but you only shake your head slightly.
"What...?" he whispers, sadness crossing his face.
"The fever took them last winter... First mother, then father..." you whisper.
He shakes his head slightly now too and you wrap your arms around him. After a short silence, you hear Finan murmur into your hair, "You're here all alone?"
You nod, "That must be enough for you now"
He just nods slowly and you can still see the sadness in his face.
You smile up at him, "Come, let's go into the house... I've put on some soup"
Together you go into the house. The men sit down at the table and you serve them the soup. There is not much talking at first, as they simply enjoy the warm meal. When they have finished, you prepare ale for everyone. Light conversation now fills the room. Osferth tries to comfort Finan, to say something nice about your parents. But Finan doesn't want to hear about it at the moment. After a while you take the dagger, which is again under your skirt and presses uncomfortably against your thigh, and put it on the table.
"Feisty... You always carry a dagger with you?", the Dane, Uhtred asks you. You look at him a little amused, "Men sometimes don't understand what 'no' means. So it can't hurt to have something with you to back up your opinion"
Uhtred grins and raises his cup "I'm afraid that's true"
You grin at him and join him in a toast.
When there is a knock at the door, you get up and go over. You open the door and your good mood is immediately dampened.
"Edward... what do ya want here?" you ask, a little annoyed. Alarmed by your tone, Finan looks at the door. From the door, there is no view of the table and so Edward does not notice that he is now being overheard by four guys.
"Y/n... I thought... maybe you'd like some company tonight...?"
He is visibly drunk and grinning at you.
"No, Edward. I told you the other day that it wasn't going to happen again"
Finan's expression darkens.
"Oh come on... Don't you miss it...?" he winks at you.
"What would she miss?"
You startle a little as Finan suddenly stands behind you. Edward looks startled too and just stammers around. Words like "nothing" and "just making sure everything is okay" leave his mouth.
"Good. And do not worry, everything is fine here," Finan lets Edward know as he closes the door.
You look at him indignantly, "Finan! I can handle it myself!"
He just walks back to the table and takes a big gulp of ale. You stand in the room a little speechless. You look at Finan and shoot daggers at him. But Finan continues to stand with his back to you and does not look at you.
Sihtric and Uhtred just grin and look at each other. But you notice Osferth looking at you again. He is probably shocked that a woman would seek the company of a man even though she is not married. You sigh softly and go back to the table. You sit down and shake your head slightly.
Finan looks at you again, "What...? You're my sister. I'll always look out for ya. And... the last time I was here, ya liked Edward, didn't ya?"
"I did," you emphasise, "Until I found him between another woman's thighs"
Osferth chokes on his ale and you look at him somewhat amused. He has to grin now, too, and he wipes the ale running down his chin with his hand. You have to chuckle a little, but somehow you like the sight.
But Finan turns your attention back to himself, "He did what? That bastard... Let me go to him..." Finan is about to get up, but you pull him down by his arm.
"No... There's no need for that. That's done and in the past. Really," you smile at him, but Finan doesn't really look convinced.
He just grumbles something to himself and drinks from his ale. You stroke his arm gently.
The later the hour gets, the louder the conversations become. You laugh a lot and talk to each other across the table. You enjoy having your brother and his friends with you. At some point, Uhtred has persuaded you to show him how you can defend yourself against men with your hands if you don't have your dagger with you. But it always ends up with Uhtred putting his arm around your neck from behind or you just giggle and somehow try to bring Uhtred down.
Eventually you sit down at the table again. You are still a little out of breath when Osferth, who is now sitting next to you, addresses you directly, "Lady... isn't it dangerous for a woman to live here alone?"
Uhtred interjects, "Well... if the possible attacker just stands still and doesn't fight back, then y/n has a chance to defend herself," Uhtred grins at you.
But you do not answer Uhtred, instead you kick him under the table.
Uhtred laughs as you turn back to Osferth, smiling.
You look at him curiously now, "Would it be safer for a woman somewhere else?"
He scratches the back of his neck, "Well... if you were at least in company... and there was no Edward lurking outside your door"
You have to chuckle a little and notice a smile forming around his lips too as it dawns on you. "Ooh yes! I'll come with ya"
Now Finan chokes on his ale and Uhtred grins again. As he calms down, he looks at you, "No way. You're safer here than being out with us"
"Finan!" you utter indignantly, but he just shakes his head.
When Sihtric speaks up, "Honestly, she's probably safer with the four of us. There's no one here to look after her"
Uhtred nods slowly in conviction.
"And if we go into battle?", Finan looks slightly overwhelmed.
"Then of course I won't be there. Then I'll cook you dinner in the meantime... Or keep the bed warm," you answer with a grin. As a sister, you know what drives Finan up the wall.
He gives you a warning look and continues to shake his head, "That's not funny... and that's out of the question"
He stands up and goes outside to pee.
Now you shake your head and stand up.
"Guys... It's late... I'm going to sleep now. This will not end well here otherwise"
Sihtric and Uhtred nod at you. Osferth smiles slightly at you, "Good night lady y/n" and you return his smile.
When Finan returns, he sees that you have gone to bed. He sighs and sits back down at the table with the boys. Uhtred's gaze is on Finan, "You know it would be the right decision. She's here all alone, and I'm sure Edward's not the only one knocking on her door"
Finan gives him a warning look.
"I'm just saying. Your parents aren't here anymore, she has no one here to look after her. And with us, she'd have four men by her side looking after her", Uhtred continues
Silence now reigns at the table as the boys continue to drink their ale. Until Finan just nods and gets up from the table again. "Okay... But if even one of ya tries to hit on my sister..." he adds warningly before disappearing into an adjacent room.
The next morning you come out of your chamber. Three men lie on furs on the floor. Light snoring fills the room. You leave the house and go into the garden behind it. Everything is still quiet, a few birds are chirping. You watch as the sun slowly rises and makes the shadows of the forest look less threatening.
Suddenly Finan is standing next to you. You are startled and flinch briefly.
"Holy Lord! Finan!", you lightly punch his arm. He says nothing, but smiles slightly. He also looks in the direction of the sunrise.
"Ya can come with us. Although I know it's dangerous for ya to accompany us... But I also have to admit that it's probably more dangerous for ya to stay here alone..."
You smile at him.
Slowly he looks in your direction, "Ya have to listen to me though"
You grin at him, "I never have Finan"
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mcflymemes · 5 months
DUNE (2021) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary. suggested by lalamoon
it's good you're up early.
why do we have to go through all this, when it's already been decided?
if you want it, make me give it to you.
you look tired. more dreams?
there is no call we do not answer.
you put on muscle!
i would like you to take me with you.
can i trust you with something?
so you dreamed about stuff we all know about.
i dreamt about you.
i saw you lying dead, fallen in battle.
dreams make good stories, but everything important happens while we're awake.
i wish we could bring them all with us.
you don't think we'll ever come back?
i understand your impatience.
great leaders are raised in the mud, not around tables.
don't throw my words back at me.
i told my father i didn't want this either.
a good man doesn't seek to lead. he's called to it, and he answers.
i found my own way to it. you might find yours.
we have to be ready for anything.
don't stand with your back to the door.
i guess i'm not in the mood today.
you fight when the necessity arises, no matter your mood.
i have you.
will it be that bad?
you don't really understand the grave nature of what's happening to us.
the last of our ships have left.
to break a virtuous man, give him a burden too heavy to bear. a lesser man would drop it, but a good man will carry it 'til it crushes him.
get dressed and come with me.
what's in the box?
i must not fear. fear is the mind killer.
an animal caught in a trap will gnaw off its own leg to escape.
i will face my fear.
tell me about these dreams.
do you dream things that happen just as your dreamed them?
i could have died.
how does it feel to walk on another world?
how are you, old friend?
they were pointing at us. what are they shouting?
let's get you out of the sun.
if you mean to harm me, i warn you. whatever you're hiding won't be enough.
treat them well. these are friends.
i have so much to tell you.
that is all i have to say to you.
wait 'til you see. it's beautiful out there.
you're out of your mind! we're not going out there!
i knew you couldn't stay the hell away.
legend is a pretty word for a lie.
i think you're afraid it might be true.
how can i make my way if my destiny was written before i was born?
you have to sleep.
why not just cut their throats?
don't you dare touch my mother!
it's not safe for you here.
you're not coming with us?
one move and you die.
i would not have let you hurt my friends.
you chose the hardest way up.
i will not have them.
this will be an honor for you to die holding it.
this world will kill you.
do you yield?
this is only the beginning.
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artofket · 1 year
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Miguel O'Hara is acting odd when you go to speak with him about the nature of the Web of Life and Destiny and having a future despite his past.
This is my first time publishing a fic here so I hope y'all like it :) leave me some critiques and comments!
GN reader, SFW, minor acts of aggression, so much angst
"Mr. O'Hara?"
You walked cautiously into his office as if on tightrope, ready to leave as quickly as possible if necessary.
"What is it?" 
The room was unusually dark, orange glow from the screens high up the only indicator of his existence. He muttered something to Lyla and she appeared in front of you, materializing from your watch. She whispered to you conspiratorially. 
"He's in a mood again, y/n."
"I heard that." He echoed.
"I'll leave you two to it." She winked and fizzled out of vision.
You stood for a moment, watching the arch of his back sway as he worked. Should you wait?
"You can come up here…" You complied and shot some web to the platform, landing quietly behind him. "I'm still in the middle of something but I need a break anyways." 
He shifted to face you. His eyes had darker than usual lines under them. 
You had visited him alone a few times before, and each time he treated you much friendlier than expected. Whenever you were in a group meeting, he was always brash and sometimes aggressive. Much unlike now. He was quiet and patient for you. Maybe it was like that for some of the others when they met him privately. You hadn't asked around. But you were still curious.
"I was wondering if you had time to talk for a bit?" 
"Sure." He folded his arms and leaned back.
"Well… I've been thinking about the multiple dimensions and canon."
"You wouldn't be the only one. What about it?"
"If we have to follow our stories out in our own worlds, what does that mean for here? I'm sure it wasn't planned out that we'd all meet."
He stayed silent.
"So do those same rules apply here?"
His eyes flicked back to you.
"What do you- of course they still apply."
"So it's just canon for all of us to be in your dimension?"
"Probably not originally. But the Great Web was spun that way."
"Just like it was spun to punish you?"
He looked at you incredulously. 
"You don't know what I did."
"I know enough that it isn't fair that you're trying to clean this all up by yourself."
"I'm not doing this alone."
"Then stop acting like it." You said it so quick you let out a gasp as if it got past against your will. Which it kind of had. You never spoke to him like that. You met his gaze with wide eyes.
"Okay then." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Tell me, y/n, what do you want me to act like? You want me to be ignorant to the possibilities of all our dimensions' destruction?"
"No, I…"
"Cause I've already seen worlds ripped apart, children… children screaming, people dying. I can't let it keep happening." His tone raised and hitched painfully.
You took in a breath.
"And what happens once you fix it? Are you just going to wait patiently for the next accident and not make a new life for yourself?"
"I already found a life for myself and it didn't work. I don't deserve another chance." He turned away from you and gripped the desk so hard you swore the metal creaked.
"And who decides that?" You took a step towards him.
His shoulders hunched, head dipped, quivering with frustration.
He moved so fast you had blinked and found claws hovering at your eye line. You looked at his face, not even scared enough to have flinched, and saw red staring back at you. Words hung from your parted lips. He had almost attacked you. So why had he stopped?
He huffed and swung his arm back at the desk. He slumped in defeat, keeping his claws stuck in the metal.
"You should leave." 
But you didn't. For the same reason he hadn't hurt you. Instead, you lowered a hand to his broad shoulder. 
"We still have choices to make. No matter what the web says." Your breath shook at the end. He didn't move. You stood in silence for a while. With no response, and having made your point, you decided to leave. Before your hand could pull away, he grabbed your wrist. 
"How? Why are you like this? Even after seeing the darkest sides of humanity… you still show kindness. What's wrong with you?" He looked up only enough for you to see his eyes were back to an orange hue. You met his gaze steadily.
"If I don't, who will?" You sadly chuckled. "Afterall, it's all part of being a spider-person, y'know? Staying strong, getting back up when no one else can…"
You couldn't know how much he wanted to say sorry. There's no way he'd be able to put into words how deep his regret had changed him. So he deflected.
"You called me Miguel this time, y/n." He reluctantly let go of your wrist.
"Oh. Oh! I uh… didn't overstep any formalities… I'm sor-"
"It's okay. You can call me Miguel." He stood and pulled his fingers from the desk and tried to brush the shredded metal off. That was unsuccessful, so he just tilted his hips to cover it from your sight. "I'll uh, have to tell Lyla to get someone to fix that…" He stared at you, feeling like a fool. 
"I wish I could help you with that." You rubbed your arm, pulling at the suit.
"You already have helped." He caught himself when you stared back. "I mean with the other stuff. You are helpful. I'm mumbling." He rubbed the back of his hair and let out a sigh. "I'm so so sorry…" 
"I know." 
Words hung in the air and the bizarre nature of your visit shook your inhibitions.
"So you uh, talk with everyone else in private this way?" You chuckled.
His eyes grew wide.
"What way?" Before you could say anything. "No of course I do, yeah…" 
"Did I say no? I don't think I said no…"
"You did."
"Well I don't let just anyone get away with the stuff you pulled, that's for sure." He smirked and instantly regretted it.
"I mean. Ugh. Just don't mention that to anyone. I'm not going soft."
"Oh of course not…"
You looked at the floor smiling in thought. He hadn't really given you the answers you wanted after all. 
"Why did you ask about what I'd do after all this is done?" That threw you off.
"Well uh someone's got to ask you… make sure you have someone to look forward to."
"Someone?" Your face flushed.
"Something! I meant something!" He raised an eyebrow. 
"Well I'm open to suggestions then, I suppose. Who… I mean, what, should I look forward to?" He teased.
"It could be someone you look forward to spending time with. Or just any kind of thing at all really." You backed up towards the edge of the platform. You were digging your grave with each word. "Uh, I should go now…" 
"I look forward to talking with you again then, y/n… hopefully with less of me making a fool of myself." You squeaked at his tone and facial expression. 
"Yeah, uh, of course!" He was teasing but also… was he flirting with you, or was he just so hot that it made everything he said with a smile sound flirty? You couldn't manage an answer, so you quickly turned and fled from that awkward interaction. He watched as you ran from the room.
"What was that about? Did you really need to ruin another desk?"
"Lyla, focus, does y/n have feelings for me?" 
She just laughed.
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justrainandcoffee · 1 month
The sun always rises again (Farrier x fem!oc) Part I
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Farrier Masterlist
Summary: Farrier is in Sussex visiting his grandmother who is sadly dying. In a local pub, he and his best friend, Collins, met Marguerite in not the best circumstances. What started as a nice gesture quickly became in an inevitable attraction. || Collins plays his best cards trying to persuade his best friend to do something about the girl that he clearly likes and, maybe, he succeeds.
Warnings: Misogyny, sexual harassment. Mentions of war. Fluff. || Collins is the MVP.
Words: 3k.
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Marguerite Sarah Lewis was born in 1910 in London but when she was four years old, her mother and older brother moved to Sussex. Although French, her mother met her husband there and for the woman it was a special place.
1914 meant the beginning of one of the greatest wars that Earth faced until that point of the history and Mr. Lewis answered the called. And that's why Elise Lewis, the wife, took her kids and went there. The sea, the view, allowed the woman to imagine that one day soon she was going to see him back.
But that day never came. Nor in 1914 nor the next four years. In 1918, Marguerite was eight years already and his brother twelve. Both of them old enough to understand that their father was never coming back. Yet, Mrs. Lewis stayed there waiting for a ship that didn't exist.
Theodore Lewis jr, her brother, moved again to London when he was old enough to do it but she remained there in Sussex where she was still studying.
Her mother died when she was 19, in 1929. Maggie always knew that the poor woman never accepted her husband's fate. And now that she was older understood a bit better what she was feeling. Probably if Mr. Lewis had survived the war, then his wife wouldn't have died at the age of 43. But that was something that the Lewis siblings will never know.
The only thing that Maggie knew now was that she was the owner of her own destiny and needed to live in that world called adulthood.
She found a job in a local library first, where she worked for two years until she started to work as waitress in a new pub. The salary was higher and the tips were all for her.
In 1932, when she was 22, her life changed completely when she met him.
The pub was crowded as always. Men going there to relax after work was something that happened every day. It was full of loud men, laughing, chatting and making jokes while they were drinking beer.
Among them, two friends were having a conversation too. Their blue uniforms indicated that they were soldiers probably out of duty for a while. One had blond hair and the other brown shorter than the first one.
"Hope your grandmother can get well soon, Farrier."
"I don't think so. Until this point we're expecting the inevitable, but at least I'm here to be with her. Thanks for coming with me, by the way."
The blond, Collins, smiled "That's what friends do, Will."
Farrier nodded raising his pint of beer. "How's Sally?"
"It didn't work. But there's plenty of women in this world."
"And if men keep creating unnecessary wars soon the planet will be just populated by women. And humanity will be doom."
"Humanity is already doomed. But, if that's the case, then better I hurry up to get one before my death. And you should do the same."
Farrier shook his head "I don't have time for that. I always promised myself to be a good husband and father, not like my old man. If I get a girl, then it has to be for life."
"Sometimes you took life too seriously, William. Go Farrier, fuck some girls and you'll be fine."
William Farrier just hummed.
Collins decided to changed the subject and both men started talking about the new pilots that both of them were training. Young but smart men, ready to fight if the country needed it. Although both of them really hoped that it would never be necessary.
Maggie was praying in silence for the end of her shift. Sadly, she was used to men being rude and sometimes puting their hands on her body, but this time one in particular was crossing the line and she was quite uncomfortable. His friends were more drunk than he was and the only thing they managed to do was to encourage him to be nastier.
"Hey, doll, bring your pretty ass here, sweetheart! My mates and me want more beer. And unbutton your dress a bit more, love! Those two precious tits of yours want to know me."
The four of them of laughed so hard that Farrier and Collins that until that moment weren't paying attention at all, looked at them and both exchanged glances then.
Maggie looked at her both co-workers and friends, who same as her knew the consequences of working in that kind of jobs. They were young women in 1930s there wasn't much they could do there. Maggie just breathe and walked to them carrying a new tray and left it on the table but she wasn't quick enough and the man grabbed her by the waist and sit them on his lap, against her will.
"I have to go," she said trying to get up "I have work to do."
"Pretty sure your friends can cover you, love."
"No, they can't."
"Come on, sweetheart. I saw you looking at me. Let's have fun."
"I said no."
"She said no," mocked him, smirking at his friends who laughed again. "The little bitch, said no."
"She said no."
This time it was a deeper voice and the man in question turned around to see both pilots behind him. His friends looked down and pretended to be drinking their beers. The man let her go.
"We're just having fun."
"Get your ass out of here. Now."
He thought for a moment about starting a fight with them. He and his friends were four and the strangers were just two, but something in them make him reconsider his options. The blond was taller than him and the other seemed to be stronger. Not to mention that they were trained men. The group just recoiled and without further words, they left the place.
"Are you okay?" Farrier asked to Maggie.
"Yes. Thanks, sir. And you too," she said looking at Collins as well. "Usually I know people here, but those were new."
"Probably they won't come back."
"I hope not. You're new too."
"Temporary living here," Farrier commented. "My grandmother is sick and I'm just saying goodbye."
"That's sad, I'm sorry."
"Thanks, miss…"
"Marguerite Lewis."
"William Farrier, miss Lewis," the man said kissing her hand.
At their side, Collins was smiling and was waiting for the perfect to start teasing his best friend.
The days that followed, Farrier visited the pub every night. Sometimes with his friend, sometimes alone.
There was something in Marguerite that Farrier found fascinating. She had a pretty smile and his brown eyes and dark red hair made her even prettier. He had the chance to speak to her and discovered a good young woman. Maggie loved to read same way she loved yo bake. Once, she offered him one of her cookies and Farrier could testify that they were indded delicious. And even without knowing everything about him, she sent flowers to his grandmother's funeral when she knew about the sad news. Something that Farrier took as signal that she was really a good person.
They even spent a morning in the beach, talking and walking by the seashore. Her reddish hair shone in the sun and William wondered if the hair was really as soft as it looked. Or if her lips were.
"I used to play here a lot when I was a kid," she said unaware of his thoughts, "despite everything, I had a good childhood."
"Despite everything?"
"My father died in the Great War. I don't really remember him, I just know him because of the photo my mother kept."
"I'm sorry, Marguerite. That sounds sad."
"It was for my mother and maybe my older, he remembers him a bit more. You can't really miss someone you don't remember, right?"
"I guess. But still is a sad situation. No kid should grow up without a father."
"And yet…" Maggie looked at him and smiled softly "but it doesn't matter. That was long ago."
Not long ago for Farrier's liking. He was also a kid back then, but he remembered his mother talking about the mutilated soldiers she saw in the hospital were she worked as nurse. And the sadness in her eyes when years later her son told her that he was now part of the air force. But she never opposed to his decision.
"Do you like the sea, Mr. Farrier? I guess watching it from the skies is quite an experience."
"I do like the sea, yes. And it is, it's big and infinite. Indescribable."
Maggie looked at him for a moment and saw him lost in the memories of an experience she was never going to feel.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" she asked. So he told her about the sky, the clouds, the cold air in his face. The feeling of parachute jumping.
His life, Maggie thought, it was extraordinary and there was no way that a man like him could find interesting the life of a town girl whose more fascinating experience of the week was to find a pound in the street. Or that beautiful ring that found one day walking through the beach. And yet, Farrier was ready to hear about her same way she was about him.
"You like her," Collins finally said at the end of their second week there, "I highly recommend you to do something because someone else can take advantage of your slowness."
"Like you?"
"I'd never do that to you. I know I'm more handsome but she's with you. I heard that there's a place where you can eat and dance nearby, invite her to go with you, William. I don't think she refuses the invitation considering how she looks at you."
Collins was right.
Maggie couldn't deny that she was captivated by the pilot from almost the beginning. He was handsome, attentive and a gentleman. William was the kind of man that her mother said she needed to find but that until the moment she knew him, she thought didn't exist.
Danny, one of her co-workers and friends, borrowed her one her dresses. Danielle's sister worked in a textile mill and she usually gave her sister clothes that the factory rejected despite their impeccable condition. The dark green dress that Maggie was wearing that night
So of course she said yes.
Danny, one of her co-workers and friends, borrowed Maggie one her dresses. Danielle's sister worked in a textile mill and she usually gave her sister clothes that the factory rejected despite their impeccable condition. The dark green dress that Maggie was wearing that night was one of those. Marguerite also allowed her friend to do her makeup.
"He's so handsome," Danny commented, smiling at her "and you're very lucky, Mags."
"Do you think I have a chance? I really like him."
"I think, you are the luckiest girl in whole Sussex."
Marguerite smiled. Never before a man paid attention to her the way Farrier did those days there. Sure she flirted innocently with some of young men in town, and kissed some of them years ago, but never did more than that. Never felt confident enough to do it because all those boys didn't seem to be looking for a serious relationship. But William wasn't a boy, he was a man and he acted like one.
Maggie looked at her in the mirror, when Danny finished her job, and smiled. The final result was better than she imagined.
Collins didn't tell Farrier who was the owner of the car that was parked in front of the house that belonged to William's grandmother, but somehow his friend managed to get one so he could go with Maggie to their date.
"Are you going to get in trouble for this?"
Collins snorted "please, have a bit of faith in me."
Farrier raised an eyebrow, suspiciously, but after looking at him several seconds let it go. "Okay then. Give me the car keys."
"Have fun, Romeo," Collins said throwing the keys at him.
Maggie didn't expect to have a good night like that one, although she dreamt about it. Feeling a happiness that didn't know it was possible to feel and her heart pounding by just looking at him. For a moment she felt stupid smiling at him almost all the time but she couldn't help it. Dinner was delicious and they spent the time to know each other a bit more. She even let him take her hands in his.
Maggie knew French because her mother used to talk in her native tongue in the house. Farrier asked her to taught him the language, if she wanted, because in his own words "you will never know when you're going to need it."
"But for that, you need to stay here, William, I can't teach you from the distance."
"Maybe I found a reason to stay," he answered. And for someone who, as his best friend claimed, took life too seriously felt as a personal achievement that flirty but also true line.
Dancing with William was lovely. Several other couples were doing the same with their partners while a singer sang and the orchestra accompanied her beautiful voice.
Maggie had her head resting on his shoulder and his hand was on her waist. Farrier could feel her perfume invading his nostrils. It was sweet with a delicate aroma of roses.
Your slowness.
Collins' words resounded in Farrier head. Fucking Collins. Who was he calling slow? His hand left her waist carresed her cheek. Both pair of eyes stared at each other before he leaned towards her a press his lips against hers.
Maggie put her hands on his chest and let him guide her. Despite his appearance, at least with her in that moment, Farrier it was gentle. When they pulled apart, he caressed her hair.
"I like you," Farrier confessed.
"I like you, too, Will."
And to confirm those words, they kissed again.
Farrier had only two weeks left before returning to work and he spent every moment with her. Even if she was working, William was there. He became part of the landscape of that pub and everyone there, even the owner, know who he was now. And when she wasn't working, they were in the beach or in her house.
The last night, she let him enter in her bed for the first time. He was her first time and Farrier, if that was possible, fall in love with her even more.
"I'll be back soon," he promised her while she was in his arms and she was holding her against his body.
"I'll be waiting for you."
William kissed her again and Maggie knew, no matter what would happen in the future, that he was the most correct decision she ever took in her whole life.
The months they spent separated, they communicate through letters and some calls when they had the chance to use a phone. Collins attributed his friend's new behaviour to him and in part, he was right.
Of course William returned to Sussex, this time alone, and he did with a ring in his pocket. The same night they saw eachother again, he asked her to be his wife and feeling a happiness that it was hard to describe, Maggie accepted his proposal.
Farrier sold her grandmother's house and the one his own old flat and moved to Sussex with her.
Marguerite Lewis became Marguerite Farrier just weeks later. The wedding in the church in that town was a celebration for the people living there, her brother that went from London to there and, of course, Collins.
His life those first years there were the happiest that Farrier could remember. His wife gave him two beautiful kids that he swore to protect with his life, same as her.
"One day I'm going to be a pilot like you, papa," his firstborn called Edward, said.
"Will you?"
"Yeah. Flying the skies in my own plane!" the boy exclaimed opening his arms and running around him simulating he was indeed flying. William caught his son and lifted him in the air and Edward started to laugh, still with his arms wide open like plane.
From the kitchen window where she was cooking, Maggie couldn't help but smile looking at them with pure love. Once, Farrier commented her that he always promised himself to be a good husband and father and it was clear now that he was fulfilling that promise.
While Ed stayed outside playing with his toys and their little girl, Clara, was sleeping on the couch, William went to where his wife was.
Marguerite smiled when she felt his strong arms around her and his lips on her neck.
"It smells delicious, Maggie."
"Thanks, honey. It will be ready in no time."
William placed a new kiss on her skin before opening the cupboard to search the plates and cutlery.
Life was good for the Farriers in that little corner of the world.
Sadly, it was already 1938.
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naomihatake · 11 months
In search of freedom (Ch. 4)
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4. One step forward
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Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5
⠀⠀⠀⠀She's been searching for freedom her entire life and everytime she thought it was laying right in front of her eyes, she was mistaken. She was running around the East Blue, seeking herself and her dreams, meeting people she never forgot. No matter how much she traveled, she could only catch a glimpse of peace before realizing everything would crumble at her feet.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Maybe it was destiny that brought her on that ship with three strangers — foolishly, that's what she tried to believe when the moon shined beautifully and hope settled in her chest, squeezed by the same ribcage where feelings were blooming.
Pairing: female!reader x OPLA Zoro Roronoa
Warnings for this chapter: fluff, some angst, alcohol
Word count: 3.8k
Theme song: fic spotify playlist (click on the link)
A/N: Tons of interactions between Zoro and reader. Not a long chapter, but I wanted to offer more insight about the reader's past and the relationship she has with her crewmates. I know they travel from Syrup village to Baratie in a day, but I wanted this exact scenario, so let's say it took a half a day longer ;) Not proofread yet.
The reader is referred to as "Witch" because I have no intentions of using "Y/N".
I'm open for comments and opinions! <3
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They spent the rest of the day buying supplies for the journey. With no previous discussions, they all came to the conclusion that Nami would handle the berries, with some opinions from the witch who was used to always saving up money. 
The witch has loads of information and experience about the map of the stars above, so she decided to save Nami from a sleepless night. She already took a nap after they set sail a few hours before dawn, falling asleep after she laid down on the sofa in the cabin. She completely forgot about her wound, too tired to mind the pain at that time, as if she's got hit in the head again. 
Now, she was purposely ignoring the ache. She analyzed the stars for long enough to figure out where they were heading. From Zoro's perspective, the way she counted the stars and figured out the cardinal points was witchy. Realistically, he knew that Nami must've had the same way of figuring out how to sail during the night and not only her, but other sailors as well. 
The witch sat on the deck, her back resting against the mast, her head tilted back to gaze up at the stars. The wound stung and it was uncomfortable, but she didn't want to bother herself with cleaning it up. Also, she had no clue where some bandages might be, and she didn't have the energy to go around and ask about it. 
Meanwhile, Zoro knocked two times at Nami's door, opening it after receiving a sign he could enter. The navigator was sitting on one of the hanging beds in the room with some notes and maps in her lap. 
"Do you know where's some first aid kit?" Zoro asked. 
"Hm?" she raised her head at him, frowning. "Did you trip after drinking too much booze and got hurt?" 
He rolled his eyes with a sigh. 
"I didn't even drink today. Just tell me where it is." 
"Should note it down in the calendar," she scoffed with a smile. "There should be one in the chest over there," she pointed at it by tilting her head. 
In the corner of the room, under a small desk, was the chest she mentioned. He opened it and found what he was searching for. 
"Oh," he heard Nami whispering. 
When he looked at her from where he was crouching, she had a shit-eating grin on her face. 
He was absolutely clueless. The most oblivious man Nami has ever seen and, for the record, they were all oblivious as fuck. 
"Nothing," she smiled innocently. 
What is she up to? Zoro wondered. 
With the first aid kit box in his hand, he got out of the room and walked back to the deck, where the same woman stargazed. His hand was still resting on the hilt of his sword while he stomped on the wooden planks. She hasn't moved one inch, except for the gentle smile that tugged at her lips. 
The only source of light was a gas lamp on a barrel close to her and she glowed. He stopped in his tracks to gaze at her the same way she looked up at the sky and he realized quickly that his lungs stopped  functioning. 
I'll need some booze after this. 
He let the kit fall in her lap and he was surprised by the lack of discomfort she showed at his sudden appearance. Each time someone came from behind, he saw her step away or react in some kind of way, be it a grimace on her face or a sharp inhale. 
"What's this for?" 
"Take a guess," he shook his head. 
She was impossible. Did she do it intentionally? 
"Shit, I completely forgot about the bandana," her eyes widened in surprise. 
She undid the knot of said material as fast as she could, inhaling through her teeth at the sharp pain. 
Only then he noticed an unopened bottle of something — he hoped it would sting his throat — sitting to her other side. He sat cross legged and leaned in over her legs to wrap his fingers around the bottle, tugging with his teeth at the cork. 
"That was mine," he heard a faint voice complaining. 
"It was."
He hid the smirk threatening to show on his face by placing the bottle at his lips, taking some long gulps. The alcohol stung so pleasantly against his tongue and he anticipated a sense of calm once he'd drink enough. 
A restrained hiss got his attention. The witch's lips were knitted together and she tried to clean her wound with a wet cotton ball — it was alcohol, he guessed. After swallowing hard, she continued to tap the skin lightly. Her other hand was digging into her thigh, distracting her with another kind of ache. She was obviously concentrating, the reason why she didn't spit out smart remarks at him. 
Zoro sighed heavily and let the bottle down with a low thud. 
"Will you need stitches?"
"No," she muttered. 
If she wouldn't have been hurt, her face would've looked almost cute. 
Since when did he start thinking that way about people? It must be the booze. 
She seemed relieved when she finished. The next step was to apply some ointment, which was less troubling. 
Then, came the impossible task: wrapping her wound with one hand. Since her other upper arm was hurt, she couldn't do it any other way. The wheels before her eyes worked well enough — certainly, there were a few ways she could do that. 
It couldn't be that hard, right? 
The swordsman by her side achieved inhuman abilities, because telepathy wasn't something that happened naturally. She needed help dressing the wound. 
The real issue was will she ask for help? 
He didn't know exactly why he wanted to hear her say something. Anything. The smallest word leaving her lips would sound like a yes in his head and he would act accordingly with the alcohol swimming through his veins. 
It wasn't in his nature to be so calculated. Nonetheless, exceptions always existed. 
He didn't need to be proud about helping her. No, it was far from that. He had another kind of pride and it settled in the scabbards still holding his swords at his hip. Zoro wanted to see how far she'd go until she realized that asking for help wasn't a sin. 
"Um," her lips parted. 
"Give me the bandages."
He opened his hand for her to place the white material in it. 
"I wanted to say that you owe me a bottle of booze," she blinked up at him confused. 
He didn't wait for her to give him the bandages, instead, he took them by himself and positioned himself a bit closer. Suddenly, the alcohol seeping in his bones helped more than he guessed the first time he saw the bottle. 
Was he holding back his usual strength at that moment? There were no coherent thoughts in his head while he wrapped the white material around her upper arm as gentle as he was capable of. Zoro avoided grazing his fingertips over her skin, but it was impossible any other way, so he found himself in a weird stance: his hand would hold her arm still from time to time while he rolled the bandages. 
A cruel mistake was to look into her eyes, which he unfortunately did. The witch was also looking at him. Probably, he should be more grateful about the way her intense gaze didn't falter when it met his own, even if it made his stomach tingle. 
He drank too much. Or too little. 
There was one way to find out and that would be taking another bottle to drown down his throat. 
He was never the one to look away first, be it an enemy or a friendly staring contest. However, he failed that time. 
There must've been some potion in that bottle. Otherwise, there was no explanation. 
"Thank you." 
It was the second time she thanked him in a day. The swordsman didn't see much in these things, but he was genuinely intrigued about the nature of his own gestures. As someone used to actions, questions sounded pointless in between his thoughts. Then, why did he suddenly ask instead of straight up finding out the answer? 
Why did he do these things without being asked to? 
"Sure," he let out softer than it was meant to be. 
He got up and headed to the galley to grab two more bottles of alcohol. 
There was a different feeling than the usual duty he felt about people. She didn't need his protection or help, she could perfectly do it all on her own. She skillfully tossed knives through the air and was awfully proud about her abilities, a confident smile on her face. 
Zoro never asked, but he guessed she was part of that world long before they appeared in her life. It wasn't possible to follow the rules of the sea unless you sailed before and she conquered the power of water itself. 
And the strength of his heart on top of that. 
"Zoro!" Luffy's enthusiastic voice beamed. "Let's learn the stars."
Wasn't that the reason why Nami and the witch were on that ship? They already knew a lot. 
"It's fun! I didn't know there were bears in the night sky!" 
"Of course there aren't bears in the sky!" Usopp commented. 
"They're just constellations, Luffy," the woman chuckled. 
Both of them came to her like curious owls with big eyes, begging her to show them some stars; now, all of them sat on the deck. Of course their supposed captain would learn about anything only to forget half of it the next minute, but the intention mattered, right? 
She didn't expect the swordsman to accept Luffy's invitation, but he did so, sitting in the same place he did a minute ago. Only the booze would determine whether or not he'd have enough patience to concentrate. 
"Why is it called Ursa Major? Is there another one?" Usopp turned his head. 
"Yes: Ursa Minor," she pointed her index finger at the sky above. "The Ursa Major  is there, right? They look the same, but the other one is smaller."
The sky was filled with stars and there were so many of them, it was almost impossible to spot a specific one. They sparkled beautifully, as if they smiled back at the pirates eager to learn their names. 
"Where, where?" Luffy looked up, confused. 
The witch moved her hand to the side and pointed at another constellation. 
"Search for the same figure, but in smaller form."
"Fount it!" Luffy and Usopp exclaimed in unison. 
She let out another soft chuckle and the swordsman paid more attention to that lovely sound than the stars she mentioned. 
"See the tip of the bear's tail? That is its brightest star and it's called the North Star. Whenever you point towards the spot on the horizon directly below it, it means you're pointing north." 
Luffy's lips were opened in surprise while he looked at the sky. 
"So you're also a navigator!"
"Just because I'm better than Zoro at directions doesn't mean I'm a navigator," she joked lightly. 
"I think you're overdoing it," the swordsman huffed.
"That's why you were so late?!" 
Usopp was already cackling. 
"The mansion was in front of your eyes and you still decided to go the other way," she nudged at him. 
"I was just checking around," he muttered between gritted teeth. 
"You're so bad at lying, Zoro," Luffy teased him. 
Their captain and the sniper were laughing colorfully, until tears gathered on top of their lashes. The sound was accompanied by the same reaction coming from the witch, who was unaware of the palm she placed on Zoro's shoulder, while the other hand was holding onto her stomach. 
However, the swordsman was hyper aware about it. It warmed him up almost as pleasantly as the booze, but it was a foreign sensation settling into his stomach. Those gentle fingers that wielded knives and had been dirtied by blood touched him and he didn't have an ounce of will within to push her away. 
It's just a touch, what am I getting so worked up for? 
"We just need to find a musician and the crew is complete!" Luffy smiled brightly. 
The witch's hand dropped from Zoro's shoulder, gripping at one of the bottles he brought with him. 
"I can sing," she whispered as if it was meant to be only for herself. 
"I can dance!" Usopp grinned. "Guys, you have no idea how I was the star of countless parties! Captain, you have everyone you need right here." 
Before the Straw Hat could say anything, the witch opened her bottle. 
"With a guitar, Luffy, otherwise I won't start disturbing the fish in the sea," she let out a short sigh. 
"If we find a guitar at our next destination, do you promise to play the guitar?" 
The puppy eyes boring holes into her forehead couldn't be ignored so easily. Defeated, she nodded and took a long gulp from the bottle. 
And with that, Luffy got to his feet, his chin tilted down to look at his friends. 
"Good luck with the night watch."
"I'll come to watch over you, Luffy," Usopp solemnly touched his heart. "Who knows when an enemy will sneak in. I need to be prepared and protect my friends!"
"So tonight we find out about your snoring habits," the swordsman arched his eyebrow. 
"I don't snore!" he frowned while he walked side by side with Luffy. 
"Good night, you two," the witch smiled in their direction. 
Zoro continued drinking from the bottle in his hand, the first one he picked up already empty, sitting by his side. The witch had far less resistance than him and none of them got some well deserved sleep in the last two days. He acknowledged the proximity between him and the woman sitting at his right, but annoyance crawled up his throat — why he wanted to be near her was beyond him. 
"For how long have you been on a ship?" he wondered out loud.
"Is it obvious it's not my first time?" 
They turned towards each other at the same time, locking gazes the same way they did when he bandaged her wound. At least that time there was a plausible and logical reason — one he created on the spot. The second time it happened, he was just pulled towards her like a magnet. 
And maybe they were not exactly opposites nor each other's mirror, but they always found themselves in the presence of the other. 
"This can't be your first journey on the sea," he shrugged. "You're not scared at all."
"Did you just imply that I'm scared of water?" she cocked an eyebrow at him. 
"Then are you scared of land? You were damn anxious back in Syrup Village." 
The witch crossed her arms under her chest in a defensive manner. 
"It was my intuition." 
"You were losing your shit."
His teasing comment received a wide-eyed stare from her. 
"That's not true." 
Her lips were pulled in a thin line right after and she averted her eyes, looking back at the stars. She was searching for the right words to tell him lame stories she was fond of. 
"I'm used to sailing, yeah. Was part of a crew for almost two years and then left because I couldn't find my place there. It was my father's crew."
"So it runs in the family."
"Kind of," a sour smile creeped on her lips. "My mother hated pirates. How come she married one? He didn't become a pirate until years later." 
After another long glance towards a constellation she just noticed, she brought the bottle to her lips and gulped down until half of the bottle was gone. The memories flowing back always left a bad taste in her mouth, a sensation she wanted to fight against with some more alcohol. 
"And you are a pirate."
The conclusion was obvious. 
"I don't think I have to say it out loud, do I?" 
The sad smile on her lips didn't falter. The spoken admission that her mother hated her guts for choosing the same life as her father would've hurt more than the silence that spoke for itself. Memories sucked her into the past like a water vortex in the middle of the sea. 
"What do you mean by 'I'm leaving in the morning?" her mother had furrowed her eyebrows at her. 
The tension could've been cut through with the knife resting against the young girl's hip. She resembled her father too well: they walked the same, they had the same gaze and far too similar weapons. 
Before her mother's eyes wasn't standing a daughter anymore, but a pirate, monsters she hated from the bottom of her heart. Cruel, ruthless, merciless monsters with no hearts. People with egos bigger than their bounties and strength that could wipe away entire islands. 
Her daughter has become a demon. 
"You're talking after your monster of a father," her mother spat out after slapping the table with her palm. 
"We both know he was more humane than you."
"Where did you learn such words from, girl?!"
The witch was still standing in front of the door with a bag hung over her right shoulder. A merely sixteen years old with fire burning in her irises. 
"He's a criminal and a thief on top of it! A liar! A betrayer!" the woman's voice rose higher, threatening to break glass. 
"Maybe you didn't agree with his living style, but he's never done anything to us! The sea is a battlefield, it's kill or get—"
"I've heard that excuse coming from him countless times, I don't need you to quote that man!"
"If he is just 'a man' for you, just know that he was always more of a father for me than you were a mother."
A sharp sound bounced off the walls and the young witch's cheek stung after the woman's hand flew across her face. Her head turned to the side, but no whimper left her lips. 
"I dare you to say that again. As if you didn't live under my rooftop ever since he became a pirate — a monster." 
The young girl used to be bold even at that time. Her left cheek ached painfully, but it didn't stop the fire from burning. No, it was like pouring gasoline over it, thinking it would stop. 
She turned her head towards her mother and rolled her shoulders back, eyes boring holes into her forehead. 
"He was a better father than you were a mother." 
A stable voice and clear words filled with venom to the brim. She didn't falter, nails digging into her palms as she tried to contain her anger — her hatred. 
"Is that what you wanted to hear? You lack self awareness, mom. You seem to forget about the times when you'd tell me I'll become a failure just like him. You intentionally brush aside the speeches you gave me about how no matter what I wish for, I have to just suck it up and accept the fact that all I will ever be is an obedient girl. I'm not obedient and I'm not a girl — I'm a pirate. No one on the sea cares whether or not I'm a woman."
"These are fairy tales for children! You won't be able to survive for longer than a day. You will come back crawling at me and I'll remind you who was right!" 
"See? Exactly what I was saying. You're just proving my points and yet you cease to realize. Everytime you hit me, everytime you degrade me, every single time when you want to show me you have power over me — all of these are pointless."
A reckless teenager grasping for the first time at the notion of freedom after mourning her deceased father for five days. A flame learning how to burn. 
She made one step closer, the furrow between her eyebrows deepening. 
"Kill me. You've always craved seeing my father dead, didn't you? Why don't you kill me too? Wouldn't that make you happy? I bet it would, since you always acted like it."
Words could hurt and she learnt it from her mother, it seemed like. She's never heard someone use words like she wielded knives better than that woman and that time it backfired. 
Before she even realized it, the bottle her fingers gripped at was almost empty, making it easier for tears to gather in the corners of her eyes. She's been silent for so long and Zoro glanced at her from his peripheral. 
"And him?"
"Been dead for three years. I became a part of his crew right after. It didn't make any sense to continue living in my hometown any longer. They're like a shadow ship — they refused to give the title of Captain to someone else, even if technically the one in command now is the Vice Captain. Whenever they need to make a decision, they think of what their deceased Captain would've done."
The swordsman by her side crossed his arm over his chest and grinned. 
"That's one hell of a loyal crew."
They were my family, even if they would drink late in the night and have awful cooking skills. They would laugh and offer me advice, they taught me what a pirate's pride is about. 
"You still seem regretful."
The witch turned her head towards Zoro and he swore he'd never seen so many emotions flowing in those beautiful eyes of hers. They glowed with golden sparkles hence the gas lamp. There laid honesty and fierceness, a human who turned against its nature and decided to go further. 
"I never regretted leaving. I don't regret any of it. Maybe there were things I shouldn't have said or done. I could've been kinder, less revengeful. If I am to be honest, despite being aware of the consequences and effects of my actions, I don't regret it. It can't be undone and there's no place for apologies when I meant what I said." 
"The crew scolded you."
It wasn't a question, but a statement. Obviously, the crew was formed by men and a few women past twenty. They had more life experience than her. 
"A little bit. They were, indeed, more mature than me," her head turned towards the horizon again. 
Vague and cryptic answers, harder to decipher than Poneglyphs. However, Zoro wasn't an archeologist and he didn't ask for more than she was able to share, which made her shoulder relax. The witch didn't even notice when she tensed up. 
He stretched out his legs from their crossed position and leaned better against the barrel. It seemed like the pirate hunter didn't have any intention of leaving the deck. 
Their shoulders remained close and none of them moved closer or farther away. Both of them were content with burning a little more before admitting the truth even to themselves. 
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Tag list: @emelia07 @dimplewonie @tfamidoingwithmylife @murnsondock @the-skys-musical-echo @conspiracy-crows @hallow33nz @ramae17 @gaslysainz @bunntsu @katt58 @katiemrty @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @freyademartel @boofy1998 @ponyboys-sunsets @melsunshine @loveyluv7 @waddlingwanderer
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linkspooky · 5 months
Hot take of the morning: Should superheroes kill?
Every time I see a superhero kill a villain, I always see people respond with "Finally. A hero just kills a guy. No "If we kill them we're not better than them handwringing."
Which like okay, there settle down bro.
People always talk about this in moral absolutes though, like heroes shouldn't kill the bad guys because they always have to be better, or heroes should kill the bad guys because retaliating against violence against someone who's trying to kill you doesn't make you as bad as they are.
However, my answer to Should Superheroes kill is - it depends on the hero.
Batman's an entire character is written around how he wants to redeem Gotham and save the city, most of his villains aren't even sent to prison they're sent to Arkham a facility that's supposed to rehabilitee the mentally ill so they can rejoin society. Batman has decided it's his place to stop crime, not his place to decide whether or not people have the right to live or redeem themselves.
Batman is also at risk for being just like his villains, that's why he's foils with Harvey Dent, someone who tried to prosecute people under the law who then snapped and went full violent mobster vigilante. Batman actually is at risk for walking the same path as Harvey if he decides murder is an option.
What inspired this post was Rogue dropping Trask to his death from several stories up, which like you go girl. A lot of people on the internet cheered her on for not showing mercy.
However, in this case killing makes sense for Rogue's character. Rogue didn't start out as a hero, she was raised by Mystique and Destiny, she was a violent terrorist in support of mutant's rights as a member of the brotherhood of evil mutants. She eventually found redemption with the X-men and became a hero insstead.
It makes sense for Rogue's character to take a darker turn and start killing because she's been there before, and now her attempts to walk the high road only to watch people continue exterminating mutants has left her bitter and falling back to her old ways.
In one sense killing a man who made a machine that led to the massacre of mutants on Genosha isn't making you as bad as him, he's the violent instigator here. On the other hand, considering Rogue's past it's a sign of her mental regression though completely understandable because honestly who wouldn't get sick of trying to walk the high road when the result is remy's death and so many other mutants buried.
It's a part of a character arc.
If Peter Parker were to drop a man from several stories up intentionally, that would be a betrayal of his character. Peter never wants to kill his villains, he's interacted with the Punisher before and been disgusted with the guy, he thinks the Punisher is a bully that's barely any better than the people he hates. But it makes total sense for Rogue here.
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alicedash2 · 1 year
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Izou x Teenager!Reader - puberty and crushes
not reviewed
Since YN came to the ship, it's been a blast, but let me tell you from the beginning!
Izou arrived with YN on his lap, a small girl with a miserable appearance, who held tightly to Izou, hiding her face in the older's chest, he ran his fingers through the dry and broken hair of the small miserable girl, who managed to touch the heart from the gunslinger of the Whitebeard ship, the way Izou hugged him comfortingly made her stop shivering
The girl turned her head a little to see the men staring at her with curiosity, but soon YN turned her head again hiding, hearing the man's voice comforting her that everything would be fine, that YN was safe
Marco approaches, Izou hands her over, but the little girl refuses to leave and stay away from Izou, because he was the one who found her, who calmed her down in that state of shock and abandonment.
What happened is that YN had been abandoned in a humiliating way, left to die on a desert island, just for not fulfilling one of the family's standards and refusing to submit to that tradition where YN would already have a destiny sealed by the family, destined to become marry a rich pervert man and raise an unhappy family
It was night when YN was found, crying under a tree, alone and in the cold at night, when a man approached by hearing the cries, the same man saw the deplorable situation and decided to ask what had happened, which in which, the little child spoke to the cries and hiccups, Izou, seeing that the little one had already spent a week on the island, decides to take the little one to the ship
- it's going to be fine, you need to go with him now - Izou smiles at the girl, who shakes her head in protest and goes to the man again, behind his comforting hug
- you need to go with him, princess, I'll see you soon - Izou gently pushed her away, Marco took her to his office where he examined her and asked questions
After a few hours of sedatives and questions, YN snuggled into the dream world.
- she needs to rest, she hasn't eaten for 4 days - Marco said, leaving the girl's room
- I'll take care of her, I'll be responsible for her from now on - Izou spoke, he knew that the girl would take some time to get used to the ship and all those people, it would be an extreme change in the little girl's life
- are you sure? It's a child, taking care of a child is difficult -
- but we can't leave her in that situation, I'm the only one she knows, everything will be fine -
Hours pass, the girl wakes up, the moment she wakes up, she tries to remember what had happened, then, noticing the place where she was, she goes looking for the man who rescued her, who, in which, was in the kitchen talking to Thatch, she runs to him and hugs him tightly
- did you sleep well? -she asked, while the girl just felt comfortable in Izou's embraces, who nodded positively
And so, a wonderful friendship was born.
Izou treated YN like a princess, taught and educated her, not that the others didn't do something, YN always had something to learn from them, it was a fun life, even if they spent days in the ocean, rain or shine, when they docked in an island, it was just a party, Izou took YN shopping and spoiled her, liked to get into trouble with kids her age
Here, a list of things Izou said to YN
- that's not what I taught you!-
-don't get in trouble, you're a lady!-
- I warned you not to go there! I told you you'd get hurt -
- come with me, no need to be afraid -
One day, on a peaceful island, the Whitebeard crew was exploring an island, and on that island, Izou lost sight of YN, desperately looking for the child who was migrating to adolescence, with her 14 years old, desperately looking for her, asking the people saw a small teenage girl with flashy outfits (Izou had lent one of her clothes to YN)
Until, in one person, the person said that he saw a girl crying near a square that was nearby, Izou goes there, looking for the girl, when he finds her, he runs to her, thinking that something had happened
- what happened?! You can't disappear like that, come with me- Izou spoke
- I can't leave here... I hurt myself, I think, but I can't leave -
- like this?-
- It's... red- YN said with shame
- red? Blood? To where?!-
-hmmm I don't know what happened, it was sudden! If I leave here I will be ashamed! I soiled your clothes, sorry!-
- don't worry, where did you hurt yourself?-
- ...hmm - YN refused to answer
The girl gets up and turns her back to Izou, where she sees a small bloodstain on the bottom of her clothes.
-ah, tie this around your waist, let's go to the ship-
- what happened?-
- It's normal, stay calm!-
- it hurts, I can't walk -
Izou picked her up gently, and carried her to the ship, thinking about how he was going to tell her about this.
When they arrived, the girl was going to take a shower, after the bath, Izou took her to the infirmary, together with Marco, they prepared to welcome the small and new teenager who officially migrated to puberty
- look, you didn't get hurt, but this will happen every month, okay?-
- but what is this?-
- you're ovulating, it's something that happens every month when you don't reproduce, your body is throwing things out-
- oh, I understand-
- listen to me, you're going to feel new things, you're going to think new things, you're going to want new things, it's a new moment, you're in puberty, you're going to see your body change, it's going to be a little difficult time, but we're going to help you-
- what happened? YN, why are you crying?-
- she... just entered puberty, she's suffering because it's something new and painful, she's scared-
-here, I'm sure you want this- Whitebeard extended his hand with sweets and treats, making the girl smile and say thank you
- I'll take you to your room, your body needs to rest, Marco took her to the room, where the girl lay down and relax in her bed
- in these moments, it's good to drink plenty of water, it can help you -
- I understood!-
- good girl, you are slowly becoming an adult-
-yes, it is a process in which you are changing from being a child to becoming a young and beautiful adult-
- hmmm-
- well, I'm going, you can call me if you have any problems -
Marco was leaving the room, when he came across Izou, who looked a little upset
- your child is gone, is starting to become a teenager -
-she grew up so fast-
- now to take care of her will be more difficult -
- my little one is starting to become a young adult -
- soon she will get married and you won't even notice the notion of time -
Izou smiled, wiping a small tear in his eye, he knocked on the door and entered YN's room, who received him with smiles
- I didn't even realize how much you've grown, YN!-
- Marco said I'm becoming a young adult -
- you look beautiful, know this, you are just a flower that just bloomed on a warm spring day -
Izou stroked YN's hair, who smiled passionately at Izou
- who is she?- a red-haired boy saw a female form
- I don't remember seeing her in Whitebeard's crew- a boy with blue hair and a clown nose also saw the girl, they spied on her through a tree, the boy with blue hair, called Buggy, looked away and looks at his friend, who blushes and smiles as he catches sight of the small young woman
The boy, newly in love, walked timidly towards the girl, who quickly noticed the boy's presence.
- ehm... hi - the boy said shyly
- hey...-
- w-what's your name?-
- YN...you?-
- hm...-
- He knows?-
- hm, what?-
- I thought you were cute and beautiful!-
- thank you, I-I thought you were very charming!-
- thank you, do you want to... go with me, walk?-
-I would love!-
Shanks gently takes the girl's hand and they leave the island, talking shyly, sometimes praising and receiving more gentle touches, such as gently squeezing the other's hand, running a hand through his hair and touching the other's leg lightly, the peak was when Shanks kissed her gently on the cheek
- sorry, I had to do that...- the boy hid his face in his hat, incredulous of what he had just done
- It's okay... I like it-
- I'll take you to your ship, it's getting late -
- Sure, thanks, Shanks!-
- I can't believe it!- Izou saw all that hidden, he knew there was something going on, YN had suddenly disappeared, but she always came back, what did she find so interesting to leave and spend hours without returning?
After YN entered the ship, already at night, Izou stayed behind her.
- are you going out with a crew member from Roger?-
- Ah!- Izou! Don't scare me like that!-
- tell me -
- n-not exactly, he just asked me for a walk!-
- you're growing up too fast, YN! Watch out for him!- Izou said
- just because he is a crew member of Roger?-
- no, actually he's a boy! A boy going through puberty! It's dangerous!-
- I don't understand - YN made a confused face, they were just young people in love!
- you should be more careful with who you're going to start having a relationship with, young lady! -
- b-but - YN was cut off by Izou, Izou had an almost angry face, he was just worried about YN being used by a boy who would break the heart of the young girl he had just fallen in love with
- just be careful! Adolescence is the worst time to be in a relationship -
- You're being annoying, Izou!-
- I'm just doing you a favor to warn you, dear! I wish you well, do you like Shanks?-
-yes, he even lent me his hat!-
- ...I'm going to talk to dad, come with me!-
- but I only talked to Shanks -
- it doesn't matter! -
- humpf!- YN pouted and rolled her face
- it's no use pouting or snorting, it's still early for you-
- YN going out with someone? How mature! - Marco said with a sarcastic smile.
- no! I won't accept that, she's not mature, he kissed her on the cheek!-
-but it was just a kiss-
- no! You do not understand!-
- Marco, defend me! -
- Izou, she's in her teens, let her experience love!-
- never! Come on, YN, we have a long talk yet!- Izou holds YN's hand and takes it to Whitebeard, closing the door behind them
- how much drama...-
And Izou took her to Whitebeard, to report what had happened, Whitebeard didn't like Shanks very much, but seeing that his youngest daughter fell in love for the first time was something beautiful, but it awakened the protective instinct in Izou, at the In the end, Izou ended up listening to Whitebeard's words to let YN feel new emotions, be they good, having a relationship and the bad, rejection, it was a new phase and YN needed new experiences, but with care and guidance
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siderealscribblings · 12 days
0 Years, 0 Months, 1 Day
"A trial, huh? How exciting…I'll be looking forward to it." 
Furina didn't know how she came to be standing in the theater, staring at a woman who looked so familiar in the mirror; all she knew was that Fontaine needed an Archon and she needed to play the part. It was as important as breathing; an urge baked into her very heartbeat. But that heartbeat reminded her she had a heart that could be stopped. She might not age, but age killed only the lucky. 
"It will be one for the ages…but you must reach that day unharmed," The Person in the Mirror said, studying Furina's face carefully. For the first time, she seemed unsure. 
"Of course…I'll need to be careful," Furina said, chewing on her lip in the same way the woman in the mirror was. "Um…this might be a dumb question but what's going to happen if someone suddenly asks me to prove I am a god?" 
"Then you will respond as any god responds to challenges," The Person in the Mirror said, tucking her long hair over one ear as Furina unconsciously mirrored the gesture. "With pride." 
"Right…pride," Furina nodded. "...but gods are more than just pride, aren't they?" 
The woman laughed, and Furina found her lips curling in spite of her nervousness. "Some gods are all pride. Pride, and power." 
I suppose I'll have to pretend to have both, Furina thought. 
"You will have to pretend to have pride…power, you may be able to get from someone else," The Person in the Mirror said. "There is…one other person who may be devoted to your campaign. One person who might walk beside you until the promised end." 
Furina's heart swelled, the thought of not being totally alone raising her spirits. "I-I thought no one could know the truth. You said it was dangerous." 
"There is no way to avoid danger on this road," The Person in the Mirror said. "Each choice you make carries consequences…and lying will make you many enemies. But you must live, Furina…and there is one who has a vested interest in seeing you live long enough to reach your goal. One who has no reason to betray you to your enemies or break your confidence…that is not to say he is trustworthy, but-" 
"He?" Furina asked. "Where do I find this man?" 
"...I didn't say he was a man," The Person in the Mirror said. "On the western slopes of Mount Automnequi there is a cave with a pool of pure, clean water. Go there…and decide for yourself if this is someone who can aid you. You will provide the pride, and he may provide the power; together, you may convince the world you are who you say you are."
I would have preferred the power, Furina thought. 
"I know," The Person in the Mirror chuckled ruefully. "But power carries its own dangers." 
"I thought you said this was a dangerous road regardless...power could at least make it a little less dangerous," Furina said, earning a laugh that sounded like it came from her own mouth. 
"Just remember that this duty falls to you, Furina," The Person in the Mirror said. "You will use others and their power to help, but their destiny is not bound to this task like yours is. At the end of the day, no matter who you choose to trust, this is your responsibility." 
Though it would take her years to realize, responsibility was the first birthday gift Furina ever received. 
Start Over...
The Games of Divinity (Accomplice Neuvillette AU)
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
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Aegon Targaryen II x f! reader
Summary: You hadn't married Aegon for love but you had thought time would at least endear you to each other. When years pass and he remains stuck in his drinking, whoring ways you decide to make him pay the best way you know how.
Word count: 2.6K
A/N: didn't know where i was going with this and ended up writing whiny sub Aegon: 18+ only, minors scram. never written smut before so if its cringe sorry. Spell check stopped working halfway through so probable errors.
Baby love, I think I've been a little too kind. Didn't notice you walking all over my peace of mind
As a highborn daughter of a lord you'd always known it was your destiny to marry well. To be sold like cattle to the highest bidder, you had long since accepted your lot in life.
So when you had been wed to the first son of the King you had done so without a hint of protest. Your parents hadn't been a love match but they had grown close enough and were on friendly terms. You had known this going in, just as you had heard the less than savoury rumours that surrounded the prince.
You had let it slide when he'd gotten outrageously drunk on your wedding night and the months after when he'd continued to drown in his cups and whores.
All the while you'd continued to play the role of the loyal, loving wife. Pulling his hair from his face, tucking him in when he'd passed out drunk, bending to his every whim in the hopes that maybe he’d finally see you.
It takes two years for you to completely give up, two years two long because after all Puttin' someone first only works when you're in their top five.
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Aegon’s 20th name day was a resplendent affair. The Queen had taken it upon herself to ensure her eldest son and heir received the finest of days, even if he didn't deserve it. Deserved or not the festivities had given you the perfect opportunity for subtle retribution.
You had taken it upon yourself to be fashionably late to the banquet, mirroring his own lady mother's entrance to princess Rhaenyra's wedding. The magnificent gown that complimented every inch of your figure a stunning example of your house colours. Not a single inch of Hightower green or Targaryen imagery to be seen.
Hungry eyes of lords and ladies alike followed your figure, drawn to the beauty that had been heavily accentuated by the glittering jewellery that adorned your wrists and neck. Diamonds and pearls that had mostly been gifted to you by your already outrageously drunk husband. The husband that had been too busy eye fucking the poor serving girl to notice your entrance.
It isn't until you take your designated seat beside your husband does Aegon notice your form. Eyes widening comically as you grasp the newly filled cup from his hands and bring it to your own painted red lips.
A wicked sense of satisfaction fills your chest its tendrils curling around your heart as you notice how absolutely entranced the drunkard has become with you. Aegon's lips are parted with desire as his eyes greedily drink in what he believes to be his present. Your raise the glass once more to hide the vindictive smirk that has slithered its way onto your face as you think
Best believe I'm still bejeweled. When I walk in the room. I can still make the whole place shimmer. Aegon had taken so much from you, but your body, your beauty was still yours.
You don't stay seated for long as jaunty music fills the hall in a tune you had always been particularly fond of. Fingers lightly trailing over Aegon's shoulders as you make your way to the dancefloor. Your husband had never been one to entertain your desire to do so, and now you were determined to make him watch as another man placed his hands on what he thought was his.
As you made your way into the dancing crowd your husband was forced to watch as you laughed in delight, spinning between the various lords that had all but tripped over themselves to be by your side.
Aemond had regaled you with tales of what it felt like to ride the legendary Vhagar and whilst you had never experienced the rush of dragon riding yourself you could only assume it felt something akin to your current delight. The burning fire of your blood as you witnessed Aegon's scowl turning into something darker. The power that thrummed through your veins as you forced your husband to watch as his nephews clutched at your waist. Not even his brother had been spared from your devious clutches, half-lidded eye and head following your retreating form as you moved to your next plaything.
Alas, that seemed to be the final straw for Aegon as he swiftly made his way to your side with a jaw clenched so hard you wondered how his teeth didn't crack. The grip with which he grabbed you was bruising though you refused to allow your discomfort to show, chin raised high as you looked into furious violet eyes.
"What, do you think you're doing, wife" he hissed into your ear all vitriol and gnashing teeth. Feigning confusion, you furrow your brows before running a delicate hand over his face.
"Whatever do you mean husband? I simply wished to dance, you've never shown any interest before and I didn't want to bother you and your serving girls." The illusion you had tried to maintain instantly shattered as your own venom leaked through.
It is Aegon's turn to be slightly taken aback then, you'd never so much as hinted your displeasure for his proclivities before. He'd never witnessed anything other than your kind doting and blind eyes to his lecherous ways. The sheer surprise in his countenance has you scoffing and pushing back an ugly bubble of laughter.
"Don't look so surprised husband" you hiss, "familiarity breeds contempt." Your rage fades into something more melancholy as you realise it is indeed the familiarity you had allowed yourself with him that has you so angry.
You had only ever brought up your fury once before in a drunken haze when you had begged him not to put you in the basement when you wanted the penthouse of his heart.
To your eternal luck, the song ended before either of you had the opportunity to speak again and you were pulled away by a brave or suicidal lord for the next.
Forcing back the tears and pushing a smile onto your face you eagerly took the lord's hand. You spent the rest of the night avoiding Aegon's presence, surrounded by lords and ladies more than willing to keep you company. Diamonds in my eyes I polish up real, I polish up real nice.
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Your sudden desire to entertain anyone other than your husband doesn't end with the celebrations. When Aegon confronts you once more, a week after you stop mothering him you simply say "baby boy, I think I've been too good of a girl." You run a thumb over his lips before turning to make your escape, I think it's time to teach some lessons.
By now the residents of King's Landing court were more than aware of your sudden cold treatment of the prince. None more so than the men and women that had found themselves on the recieving end of your attention. Light touches with your rind adorned hands and whispers into ears with lips lingering a little too closely to be proper. Helaena and Aemond were the most popular recipients of your affection, the starved pair eagerly basking in the glory of your love.
Aegon, who had attempted to appear nonchalant at your sudden interest in the lords and ladies of the courts had eventually become furious.
It came to a head when Aegon had stalked into your room, obviously drunk, to see you curled up in Helaena's lap as she read through the newly update encyclopedia of instects you had gifted her. The following acidic conversation had quickly devolved into a screaming match that had you ushering an overwhelmed Helaena to safety.
Every nasty thought you had been holding in finally erupted once the sweet girl was out of the crossfire and the doors to your chambers slammed shut.
"My brother wasn't enough for you, you're fucking my sister now?" he sneered, wine spilling over his hand and adding to the various stains adorning his once white shirt.
Tears of fury burn the corners of your eyes but you refuse to let them fall, to give the bastard in front of you the satisfaction. Scoffing you stalked towards him, remaining out of striking distance but more than ready to rain your own hell down on him.
"What would it matter if I did?" you hissed defiantly, the ugly part of you still determined to make him hurt.
"You're my wife! You belong to me" he shrieked back, and that was your final straw. Feet swiftly closing the small gap between the two of you as your open palm connected with the skin of his cheek. The force left your hand stinging but you couldn't drag your eyes off the reddening skin of his pale skin. Pained shock covered his face as he clutched at the affected area.
"You're my husband, you're supposed to belong to me!" you retaliated trying desperately to ignore the gathering tears in his eyes. "I made you my world! I gave you all my pieces until I didn't even recognise myself anymore!"
The sapphire tears that you had so desperately been trying to keep at bay streaming down your own face. All at once your rage diminished and you were drowning once more in the sadness that had become your whole sky.
Unfortunately, your vitriolic rage was the only thing keeping your shaking body upright and your knees were quick to hit the floor. Deep heaving sobs shook your entire frame as you struggled to regain the breath you were losing.
Vaguely you are aware of Aegon clutching onto your form but you are too exhausted to push him away, desperate for some kind of comfort. His lips leave a burning trail along the skin of your neck and down to your chest. His deft fingers slowly unlace your nightgown whilst yours tangle in his silver hair, tugging at the roots to direct his movements.
Your mind is screaming at you to stop him, to not let him just crawl back to use and discard you once more. Gaining back some clarity you tug harshly at Aegon's hair, forcing his mouth to dislodge itself from your inner thigh. What you hadn't accounted for was the pathetic whine that your action had drawn from his throat.
You watched greedily as your husband's pupils dilated even further, lips pouting as he struggled against your hand to return to his prize. Your grip remained firm however as you sat up, using your free hand and legs to flip the unsuspecting man onto his back, before enclosing your grip around his neck instead. Once more his throat let out a pathetic whine that set your veins alight, fire burning in your chest down to your fingertips as you forced his writhing form to stay still.
Slowly you ground your hips down against his, eyes never leaving his as you lowered your mouth to bite down just over his heart. Your reward was a shaky gasp that sounded delicously close to a sob that had your hips faltering in astonishment.
The desperate upwards bucking of hips below you snaps you back into action. Fingers flexing in a warning around his throat as you lifted yourself onto his lower abdomen in order to stop any movement.
"No." With a single word the tides had changed, the usually prideful man had been reduced to a puddle of shaking, begging tears. Throat dry and nerves alight with ecstasy you slowly rid your bodies of any remaining cloth before sinking back down into his lap. You keep your movements deliberately slow as your rock your hips back and forth, mouth leaving punishing bruises along the milky expanse of his skin.
All the while your eyes never leave his face, scrunched up in pleasure and mouth stringing together the prettiest mix of moans and babbled words.
"please" he whimpers, eyes rolling into the back of his head and almost causing the last thread of your self control to snap from its already frayed state.
"Please what?" you smirked wickedly in response, attempting to maintain the last vestiges of your percieved control. Unintelligible whimpers are your only response and in a vindictive move you stop once more. "Use your words Aegon" you chided, leaning up to nip at the skin just below his ear.
"Please. Please, please fuck me" he shakily babbled out, breathy words finally pushing you over the edge. Your hips snapped into a punishing pace, hand grasping his throat so tightly you knew the skin underneath would soon bllom into a deep purple.
"Is this what you want? The reason you throw yourself so desperately at all those whores? You want someone to treat you like one?" you growl into his ear, your own pants of pleasure ane exhertion mixing with those from the writhing form beneath you.
The gasped moans increasing in pitch and furiously shuddering thighs indicated that in a typically selfish Aegon move, your husband wouldn't last much longer. A wave of annoyance ran through you as a snarl erupted from your throat. Lightening the harsh grip on his throat you offered only a brief reprieve before your fingers snaked their way into silver locks once more. Tugging forcefully you pulled until his chest was flush against yours, sweat mixing together as the two of your fought to pull the other impossibly closer.
"Touch me" you demanded, forcefully pulling his mouth down to bite at your hammering pulse and shoving one of his hands between your legs. Where Aegon ends and you begin is a mystery, the both of you desperately clawing at each other as if trying to pull the other into their very being.
It is with large hands splayed and grasping at your back and whimpered chants of your name just reaching your conscience through the debauched moans and slapping skin that you reach your high. Thighs clamping down against muscled thighs and a final harsh tug of sweat soaked silver locks is all it takes for Aegon to follow.
Your lungs greedily gulp in air tainted by the stench of sex as you force your shaking body to cooperate. Pulling yourself back you allow a brief persual of the masterpiece you had created still splayed bonelessly on your mattress. Burning leg muscles eventually allow you to move, collecting your discarded nightdress as you make yourself as presentable as possible.
"where're you goin?" Aegon slurs from your bed, glazed eyes hazily attempting to take in your movements.
"To bed, and seeing as mine is occupied it appears I'll have to find my rest elsewhere tonight. Good night Aegon." You are too swift for him to protest but as you reach the door you throw one last look at your painting of purples and reds before calling, "clean yourself up, you look like a whore." With those final words you close the door behind you once more, holding your head high as your assigned guards for the night throw uncomfortable glances at your post pleasure form. The sweat adorning your skin glinting slightly in the low lighting the various torches provided.
What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine
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Whispers flitted through the cut throat court of King's Landing. Whispers of a bejweled temptress and the pathetic Targaryen that attempted to hang off her arm like a broken bangle. Whispers that turned to scandalised gasps that followed when she walked in the room, a different Targaryen draped proudly across her arm. Long silver hair matching the refinery littering her fingers, wrists and neck as she made the whole place shimmer.
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lottiembae · 8 months
𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍; shauna shipman x fem!reader
Summary: in which y/n and shauna make a plan to make jackie and lottie jealous.
Warnings: modern!era, fluff, angst. all characters are 18.
Note: English is not my first language.
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"So, you agree?" Y/N asked Shauna, a hint of hope in her tone.
Shauna moves nervously on her chair. She looks briefly to where Jackie is talking with Mari, wearing her usual kind smile. The brown eyed girl sighed, looking back at Y/N.
"If they don't like us? Then what?" Shauna whispered, fear approaching on her eyes.
Y/N put a hand on hers and brushed her thumb on her palm, reassuring her. "Then we need to move on." She said, trying to hide her own fear. "It's our last year here, Shau. We need to make a move."
"It is a big move." Shauna ironically whispered, gaining a protest from her friend. "Alright, I'm in. But how are we going to do it? We need a solid history, say the same dates, how it started..." The brunette shut up when Y/N shushed her gently.
"Don't worry about it. We can plan it this week and next one, we can officially be out." Y/N says convinced.
"Okay." Shauna agrees, not sure about it but decides to take the risk and stay with the doubt.
The next few days, Y/N and Shauna plan all in the library. Since Shauna is in the football team and Y/N does not, it makes it a little difficult because the brunette felt bad later to do it. She calls Y/N and tries to persuade her, in vain because her friend wanted to do it. After all, it is Shauna's fault for introducing Lottie at her. Since that happened, Y/N felt immediately attracted to the tall and charming brunette and if like destiny wanted to make it worse for her, they are in the same theatre club. Y/N knew Lottie was taking extracurricular activities for her notes to count.
Just like they agree, they put on the plan on Monday. Shauna and Y/N entered high school hand by hand, maybe it is not a big deal, friends do that after all. But there are times when you know it more than a friendship way. And it happens with Y/N and Shauna.
All eyes were on them to every step they got inside. Shauna bit her lower lip, nervous and avoiding their gazes, she focused her grip on her sweaty hand on Y/N's.
"What the fuck!?" A voice makes them stop on their tracks. Shauna swallowed, recognising who it is. The new couple turned to look at a shocked Jackie, her arms open and her eyes almost popping out from their orbits.
Shauna looks at Y/N, searching for some help. Y/N squeezes her hand and takes a breath, smiling kindly to the hazel eyed girl.
"Hi, Jackie! Why do you look so surprised?" Y/N asks casually, receiving a squeeze from Shauna in a signal for her to be careful with Jackie, she advised about not to fool with her.
Jackie opened her mouth and closed it a few times, her eyes narrowed. Her eyes fixed on their intertwined hands. A whistle breaks the moment, Nat and Van coming with teasing smirk plastered on their faces.
"I'm not gonna lie, I didn't see it coming." Van commented, approaching them throwing their arms around the couple.
Natalie looked carefully at her captain, holding a laugh. "You good?" Jackie blinked a few times and looked at her, changing her surprise expression for a mad one.
"Amazingly." She muttered, slapping with her shoulder on Nat's and going away from there. The dyed blonde snort, making a loud sarcastic comment.
"I think I miss something." Lottie murmured behind Natalie, just like Jackie her eyes fixed on their intertwined hands.
Before Y/N could say something, the bell indicates the start of the classes. Lottie excused herself and went to her first period. Natalie smirked at them and followed Lottie. Van kissed their cheeks and ran to their class.
"I think it went well." Y/N said.
Shauna looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
The next few days, the tension was palpable. Y/N and Shauna were inseparable to accord with their plan. Jackie at first gave them a weird look and went away, then she proceeded to do snark comments at Shauna. However Lottie is affected by their relationship, she didn't show it. She even protects them from Jackie, who can't believe her for not supporting her.
A day after they finished the training, Taissa, Nat, Van and Shauna were the last ones in the changing room. The brunette was taking a short shower before she went to Y/N's house, Taissa was looking at her while she brushed her hair, a skeptical expression plastered on her face.
"Are you and her in a relationship?" Taissa question. Van came quickly scolding at their girlfriend. "C'mon Van, it's weird that they start dating. We would come see it, and Shauna giving Jackie's heart eyes didn't help. So...?" Taissa inquired, crossing her arms.
Shauna flinched, her cheeks turning red. Not for feeling ashamed or almost she will be caught. It's for Taissa questioning and making assumptions that she didn't need to remark.
"I'm sorry, Shauna. Don't pay attention to her." Van tried to apologise for Taissa. Shauna appreciates it, but she knows Taissa doesn't.
From a distance Natalie saw how Shauna is restraining from snap at their friend. The brunette isn't a conflicted person, but there are times where if the person she cares about is being targeted, Shauna will defend them to whoever tried to do it in her presence.
"The only thing I see is them together, all the time holding hands. They are doing great, but then...," Taissa explains, making her point. "They never kissed in front of us!"
Van spoke loudly to shut up her but it was late, Shauna let her brush down and directed towards the brown eyed girl. "Are you saying this stupid thing only because we didn't kiss in front of you?" She licked her lips, letting out a dry laugh. "Let me tell you that we didn't prove to you all anything. If I kiss my girlfriend in front of you or not it's about our concern, not you Taissa! So the next time you have a better explanation, don't talk to me." Shauna grabs her backpack and storms out from there.
Natalie and Van looked at Taissa, seeing immediately the regret painted on her features. "You deserve that." Nat muttered, grabbing her backpack and going out.
Taissa looks at Van. "Are you mad too?" She asks in a weak voice.
"I tried to stop you. Of course you didn't hear and then it blew on your face, like always." Van said disappointed, copying her friend's steps and going from there.
Taissa cursed, she needed to apologise with Shauna. With luck maybe this time Jackie isn't mad at her for damaging the dynamic team.
Shauna turned off the car, stepping out and closing the door with a loud slam. She walks fast towards the front door, knocking a few times. She hides her mood when Y/N's mom opens the door, a warm smile on her lips.
"Welcome back, Shauna! Y/N is upstairs." Shauna thanked her. She quit her shoes and went to the bedroom, opening it a little with force startling the person inside.
"What happened?" Y/N asks when saw Shauna, her pronouns frown delate her. Shauna went to her bed, laying down. The other was there doing her homework. "Shauna! Take it easy." She reprimands her gently.
"Taissa doesn't believe our relationship." The brunette lowly said, losing the expression Y/N made. "And I have a discussion with her." She sighed, turning aside and watching you.
"What did you say?" Y/N asked, scared.
"She accused us of not kissing in front of them. I just pointed out that we didn't need to do it for them to believe us." Y/N gives her a sweet smile, caressing her palm.
"For a moment I thought you would screw it up." Shauna rolled her eyes, Y/N giggling for her behaviour. "But you surprised me, Shauna Shipman."
"It's one of my many charms." Shauna teases her.
When Jackie finds out about the fight, she controls her temper and in a kind voice makes Taissa to apologise with Shauna.
"Did she really do that?" Y/N asked astonish, used to Jackie's reaction with them.
Shauna nods, rolling her eyes in a knowing manner. "I know someone talked with her before. She was warned beforehand."
Y/N nods thinking about it. "Maybe. After all she is the captain of the team." She brings a hand to Shauna's shoulder, squeezing it affectionately. "Everything okay?"
The brown eyed girl looked around the pitch, and a sigh escaped from her lips. "Yes. I'm just tired." Shauna murmurs, hiding a yawn. She just finished the practice and is sitting on the bench with Y/N, telling her about what happened.
"We can go. You need to finish that project and I need to babysit my brother." Y/N said, standing up. A confused thought crossed her mind, making her turn to look at Shauna. "Wait, Jackie always went with you..."
"I think Lottie is taking my place now..." Shauna lowly said, standing up too and putting a hand on her jacket pocket.
Y/N hummed, seeing the tired expression on her face. "How lucky she is." Shauna rolled her eyes at the comment, but a small smile approached her mouth.
"Do you think that if I come with you, your parents would be mad at me?" Shauna shyly asked, looking at the path.
"I don't think so. Actually they love you. They think you are a very good influence." Y/N said, a hint of smugness in the last comment. Shauna looks at her with raised eyebrows. "It's true, Shipman. So if you want to come you are welcome." She said now with a sincere smile, approaching her car.
Shauna nods, biting her lower lip. "I follow you then." She said smiling. "Also you are cooking, right?"
Y/N rolled her eyes playful. "Yeah, wife." A tiny smile approached when Shauna beamed a little at her answer, something unusual on the reserved girl. When she stationed her car outside her house, she waited for Shauna, who looked a little distressed when she came out but understood it when saw her walking with her phone on her ear.
"Fine! I need to go," Shauna muttered, a thin line on her lips. "Yeah, I'm with her. It's my girlfriend if you don't remember. I know, but when you were with Jeff didn't matter, right? You know what? See you tomorrow." She hung up and let out a piss sound, cursing under her breath.
"Let's go inside." Y/N said, not asking who it was even if she has a vague idea. She misses when Shauna softens her gaze while a calm involves her senses, forgetting about the call.
The brunette follows her, going inside when Y/N puts aside to let her in. Shauna felt a little embarrassed and the feeling that she is trespassing their parents' truths. It dissipates a little when Hugh, Y/N's little brother runs towards her and not Y/N.
"Alright! I changed my mind, Shipman. Get out." She faked being offended by Hugh's preferences.
Shauna snort. "Hey, little man! I think I'm going to babysit you and your sister tonight." She played along, this time Y/N threw her a cushion making her let out a loud snort while she grabbed it easily with a hand. "You missed."
"Yeah, I will say the same thing when you are hungry." Y/N hummed back, walking to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. Shauna pouted, oblivious to it. She guides Hugh to where her sister went and grab the bottle she is tending at her, thanking. "Give me your backpack, it will let it in my room."
After their parents exclaimed happy greetings to Shauna, they went to enjoy their date night. Y/N keep an eye on Hugh while both girls do their respective projects. The brown eyed girl let her pen on top of the table and let out a satisfying sigh, she finishes it. Shauna stretches her arms out and looks at Hugh, who is entertained by an animated film. Then, her eyes wondered towards Y/N, on her concentrated face, and how she kept biting her bottom lip while writing. Shauna put aside her head, watching her carefully. She is sitting on the floor to let Y/N have the couch for herself while all her homework is scattered around.
Her dream state came to a stop when her belly made a loud sound, making her blush. "I'm guessing that is my cue to do the dinner." Y/N murmurs, chuckling lowly while letting her pencil and catch the embarrassment look Shauna is giving.
Shauna helped Y/N do the dinner, watching Hugh when the other is busy cooking or cutting a vegetable. After they finished, Shauna insisted on cleaning up the dirty dishes while Y/N took Hugh to the bathroom to brush his teeth and go to his bed. Then, when they did their job, they decided to put on a film while Y/N's parents came back, Shauna doesn't like the idea of letting them two alone, so she waited even if Y/N offered her to go.
At some point, Shauna felt her eyes were heavy and let her head fall on Y/N's shoulder. She wrapped more of the blanket they are using to her body. Y/N kept her laugh and watched Shauna silently, her eyes fully closed while her feet were on the table, soft snores were slipping from her mouth. Y/N grabs her phone and takes some photos of her, smiling to herself.
And when Y/N's parents came back, they glared at them sleeping on the couch with the TV off. The same thing Y/N did with Shauna, now her mother is taking a photo of them sleeping together, Y/N's head on top of Shauna.
Today is the first match of October and the first one since Y/N and Shauna got in a 'relationship'. Shauna's eyes travelled unconsciously towards the bleachers where Y/N is sitting, showing support towards the team and especially at her. Her brown eyes softened when they met hers, she raised a hand briefly to her and kept warming up, a silly smile on her lips.
"Keep focused on the match, do you? We need you." Natalie said behind her in a teasing manner.
Shauna snorted. "Like always." She retorted, kicking the ball to the goalkeeper, winking at her blonde friend when she scored and jogged to the other side.
When she spots her next drill, Lottie is there. She saw how the tall brunette stole a few glances towards the bleachers and then smiled at Shauna. "Hey, I hope you are in the mood. Someone needs it." She greeted her softly.
Shauna chuckles quietly, it's been a whole month since they announced their relationship and where the ambiance in the changing room changes too. She knew that Lottie had feelings for Y/N, she said to her a lot of times, but Y/N didn't believe her. Then, her fake girlfriend said the same thing about Jackie, neither Shauna believed her, that's why they are using their brilliant plan.
"How is she?" Shauna questioned softly, looking where their captain is.
Lottie let out a sigh. "She is getting better. She needs time." The brunette murmured, squeezing her arm. Shauna nods. It's getting on her nerves that Jackie acted like she was the victim when Shauna or Y/N didn't do anything. But she is grateful that Lottie is helping her, when well, Jackie is one of the stubborn people she knows. A few minutes later they returned to the changing room to put on their kits, their coach gave them a motivational speech, his eyes longing in Shauna, Taissa and Jackie, passing the word to the captain.
Jackie cleared her throat and gathered them together. "I don't care if some of us don't stand the other, right now it will change. We need to be a team now, someone you know what to do without doubt if your teammate would fail at you," her eyes linger on Shauna, licking her lips. "we are going to destroy them and scale to the finals!" She put her hand in the centre, a firm look on her eyes. Jackie knew it wasn't the best words, but mentally she felt a little exhausted. Lottie swallowed and put hers on top of Jackie palm, soon the rest followed her.
Maybe the words Jackie's used on them are working or not, but they are playing very well compared with other previous matches. Taissa scored the first goal in the 10th minute, it brings a new aura between them. Also the cheers coming from the bleachers gave them hope. They have a lot of opportunities, the ball resisting goes into the goal.
In the 42nd minute, Natalie stole the ball quickly from the rival and raised her head to see what she could do. She passed the ball at Taissa and then sprinted up, Taissa feint to midfielder approaching her and passed the ball to Lottie. The tall brunette covers it and gives a quick pass to Jackie, who feint a defender and thinking faster she has two options: kick the ball and with luck it goes through the goalkeeper's fingers and scores or passes the ball to Shauna, who is alone and can score it cleanly.
Jackie lets her proud aside, and passes the ball at Shauna before the defenders detect her. The brown eyed girl replied immediately and kicked the ball, holding her breath until the ball went into the net. The people on the bleachers stood up, cheering. Shauna breathes again when someone from behind jumps on her back, she lets out a chuckle, muffled by her teammates. Jackie hugged briefly at her, turning on heels quickly and going to her position. Shauna's eyes let Jackie's figure and wonder towards the bleachers, spotting Y/N cheering loudly, clapping and a big grin on her face, a smile that matches the sun.
Shit, the only thing Shauna is thinking right now is go there and smash her lips on hers. Resigned from to can't go there, she gifted her with a smile.
"You shined out there." Y/N giggled when Shauna walked towards her. She wraps her arms around her neck and kisses her cheek gently.
Shauna instinctively wraps her arms around her waist, both hands resting there. She felt how Y/N caressed her nape, it was an easy access since she has hair in a messy bun. "It's luck. We all played well." She murmurs, used to Y/N's affection.
Y/N separated a little to glare at her with a knowing look. "For one, you need to take the compliment."
"Lovebirds! This evening there is a party, I count with you two." Natalie came, not caring to overstep on their bubble and wrap both arms around them.
"I'm not sure, Nat. Maybe they want to celebrate it in an intimate way." Van smugly said behind them.
Shauna saw Y/N's flustered cheeks and how she hides her head on her neck, feeling the warmth from her cheek press there. "Shut up! We are going there, after all I give us the win." Even if she is blushing too, her comment made Nat and Van whistle.
"That's my girl!" The blonde complimented her and squeezed her shoulder, doing the same with Y/N and marched away with Van.
"I guess I have plans now..." Y/N hummed, coming out from her hiding place.
Shauna grabs her hand and walks towards her car. "I follow your advice, I hope you notice it." She loves the sound escaping from Y/N's mouth and how her eyes are half closed for it.
Y/N stayed in her house to prepare herself while she went to her house with the promise to go for her to go together to the party. Shauna opted to put on a dress, even if she wanted to go with jeans, but she wanted to impress you and don't know why. She let her hair down, applied light make up and grabbed her denim jacket. She texted her to let know she is on her way.
When Shauna parked outside she stayed in her car, waiting for Y/N. Meantime she scrolled for Instagram, she used not to use it, but sometimes she entered the app. The first photo approaching was one from Jackie. They all gathered celebrating after they won the match that afternoon, she swapped and the second photo was only her, a mirror photo. Typically of her. She presses the heart and moves her thumb up, a silly smile when saw Y/N's post. It's a photo from last year, Shauna let her team jacket at her, an arm around her waist while Y/N had theirs wrapped on her neck, her cheek press on hers and a big grin on her face while Shauna has a lipped smile on.
When she liked the post, she pressed the people who liked it. She isn't surprised when saw Lottie's name or the rest of her friends, however she is surprised when saw jackietayloryj approaches from the users.
"Sorry! I was reassuring my dad that I will come to the accord hour." Y/N interrupted her stupor. She got into the passenger seat and put on the seatbelt.
Shauna blocked her phone and gazed at her. She felt how dry her mouth felt, her eyes scanning the outfit she is wearing. "You look beautiful." She whispers, red creeping on both cheeks.
Y/N turned to look at her and saw how Shauna was gazing at her, her mouth lightly open. She let out a soft chuckle. "Thank you very much, Shauna. You look beautiful too, that dress favours your eyes." This comment, the yellowjackets' player blush more, advertising her eyes from her and thanking Y/N, she started the engine and put direction to the woods, an old tradition where the parties celebrate.
There were a lot of people when Shauna parked the car. Loud music is heard, people chatting animatedly and when Shauna walks near them, they start to chant her name, making her feel a little uncomfortable but nodding with her head for their support. Y/N giggles by her side, holding her arm.
"I'm going for a beer, you want water, right?" Y/N asked, letting out her hand from Shauna's arm and when she nodded, the girl went to the barrel.
"How are you feeling about being a total winner today?" Van walked behind her, throwing an arm around her shoulder. Shauna rolled her eyes when saw a smirk playing on her lips. "By the way, Y/N looks beautiful." She said mindlessly, but when saw how Shauna raised an eyebrow, the redhead cleared her throat and rectified. "I mean, she always looks beautiful. But I don't know, today she is extra beautiful and sexy." She blushes, her freckles stand up from her red cheeks.
"You are worsening it." Shauna smugly said, for once glad to see Van like this.
They walk where Taissa and Mari are, after what happened with her and the Turner girl, Shauna was a little resentful for it, but Y/N convinced her to forgive Taissa.
"Hey." Tai greets her with a relaxed smile. Van wraps around her hip and pecks her cheek.
Shauna nodded with a smile too. She engaged in a conversation with the three until her eyes spotted Y/N and Lottie talking. She frowned, the hands turning into fists on her pockets and tightening. She felt the necessity to go there and kiss Y/N until they couldn't breathe. The kind smile directed towards Lottie was making her pissed, it didn't help that the brunette copied her and put a hand on Y/N's forearm.
Mari apologised and went with Akilah, the silence made Taissa see what Shauna was so interested in. She holds a snort, instead she nudges Van gently, pointing with her head in the direction when the redhead looks at her questioning. Her blue eyes rolled and gave Taissa a warning look, for her luck Y/N started to walk towards them, leaving the Matthews girl talking with a random guy behind, but Van could see how Lottie followed Y/N's path.
"Hey, guys! Sorry it took me so long. I was chatting with Lot." Y/N said with an innocent smile, tending the water cup to Shauna, who grabbed it with a thin line on her lips and quietly thanked her, sipping from the red cup. "That first goal was amazing!" She said at Taissa.
Taissa's eyes lit up and thanked her, a soft shadow of pink on her cheeks. Van smirked when she noticed it, but remained quiet. For sure later she could tease her girlfriend. Meanwhile Taissa mentally scolded herself for doubting their relationship, even if she still believes it's fake she has no right to criticise it.
When Van and Taissa started their usual bickering, Y/N turned to Shauna who stayed quiet the whole time, a hand in her denim jacket and the other holding her red cup, her eyes travelling for the place.
She wraps both arms around her neck, holding now her beer with her two hands from behind Shauna's head and carefully tries not to hit her with it. "Something happened?" She questioned her in ear.
Shauna bit her lip and shook her head, noticing how her breath hit her cheek, how her deep perfumes' smell hit her nostrils, how the few freckles showed on her uncovered shoulder. And how her lips caressed said cheek to affectionately deposit a kiss.
Unwrapping her arms from her neck, Y/N grabs the hand she saved in her pocket and kindly guides her to a clear where there are no people. Then, taking a sip from her beer her back leaned on a tree, scanning Shauna's face. Her brain stopped the moment a soft breeze moves in slow motion her hair, her red lipstick on her plum lips illuminating from an angle emphasising the colour, just like her eyes.
Before Y/N could question her again, Shauna threw her empty cup to the ground and smashed her mouth on hers, her right hand finding a place on her hip while her left on her cheek. It's a little messy and brief, panic raising in Shauna inside when she realised what she did and the stunned face of Y/N saying it all.
"Shit! I'm sorry, Y/N... I-I just don't know w-why I did it..." Shauna stammered, covering her mouth with her hands. She turned to go and ran away to hide from this moment. But a hold on her wrist made her plans change.
Slowly Y/N turned Shauna to face her again, the hold on her hand loosening and before the brown eyed could say anything, she grabs the collars of the jacket and presses her lips on hers, closing her eyes. Shauna's reaction came late, however her hands found a firm grip on her waist.
They separated for air, the deep gaze Shauna gave Y/N, admiring her features was enough for her to lean again and kiss her back. She softly pushed her back to the tree, her tongue sneaking in easily since Y/N had her mouth half open from before. It is deeper, desperate and longing, for Shauna it was a dream come true, she craved for it for a few weeks. Before they separated again for the same reason, Shauna bit her bottom lip, bringing it with herself.
"I guess you just keep winning, Shipman." Y/N said in a low voice, giggling.
Shauna laughs quietly too, pecking her lips a few times. "It's definitely my lucky day."
After what happened that night, Shauna and Y/N couldn't stop kissing. They took every opportunity now to suck their faces, in public or not. At first it was shocking for their friends, not used to it even the involved ones were shocked too. And it did not help when Jackie spotted them kissing before Shauna's practice. The captain was giving them a hard time, mainly Lottie, who with a tired smile apologizes in Jackie's name.
They don't talk about what they are now, just enjoying this new and exciting experience.
Shauna separated from Y/N a little and opened her eyes, seeing how the girl chased her, she couldn't hold a chuckle. "Shauna!" Y/N whined softly.
"Sorry... You look adorable." Shauna murmurs, pecking her nose and positioning herself to a side on her bed, moving her own hair from her eyes.
Y/N rolls her eyes and copies her, helping to remove her hair out and later caressing her cheek while biting a smile. "I would probably look more adorable if I wore your flannel shirt." She teases her a little, moving her hand from her cheek to her collar, playing with it.
A new image about it entered Shauna's head, and she couldn't complain about it. Her hand flies to her waist and with her thumb caressed the exposed skin. She leaned again to capture her lips with hers, tasting her mouth for fifteenth time that day.
"You know," Y/N started to say when they broke the kiss, the brunette trailing kisses for her jawline, her fingers tangled on her hair. "You can stay here tonight... My parents are on another date night and Hugo is with my grandparents..." Y/N said casually, some whimpers escaped from her mouth.
Shauna raised her head and locked her brown eyes on her new favourite colour. "I can arrange it, just let me call my mom." She muttered, this time Y/N let out a soft laugh, making Shauna frown. "What?" She asked while searching her phone.
"You don't need to hear it twice." Y/N sang, seeing Shauna roll her eyes. She knew that the yellowjacket player doesn't have a good relationship with their parents, any excuse to not spend time in that house is enough for her.
"I'm not letting you here all alone. I'm pity you, that's all." Shauna said in a fake seriousness, breaking it immediately when Y/N burst laughing, accusing her it was a lie. "Shut up woman and do the dinner. I'm going to call my mother." The brunette shushed her with a chaste kiss on her lips and standing up she walks quickly outside to avoid the cushion Y/N throws her way with a protest.
But Y/N stayed on her bed scrolling on her phone the minutes Shauna spoke with her mother. The brunette enters inside again and lay down. Y/N let her phone down and look at her with an apprehensive look. "Do you prefer to stay here and wait a little longer for dinner?" She offers, intertwining her right hand on her left.
Shauna nods and rubs with her free hand on her face, removing her hair with a frustrated sigh. Y/N leaned her head on her shoulder and looked at her. "You don't have the fault, whatever it is." She reminds her gently, knowing very well what she has on her mind for previous times. She let out a sight and leaned on her elbows, brushing her nose on her cheek until her lips were lined on hers, trying to distract her with her kisses.
It works, she could feel how Shauna slowly started to relax, the hand intertwined with hers letting it go to wrap the arm around her waist and bring her nearer, her other hand fly to her hair. Y/N broke the kiss when the air to her lungs was necessary, a loving gaze installed on her eyes when she looked at Shauna Shipman with her pink cheeks, swollen lips and an intense gaze.
The hand Shauna had on her hair travelled softly towards her left cheek, caressing it with her thumb. Y/N positioned on top of her, biting her lip, not breaking her gaze on her. Shauna's thumb lined her red swollen lips to release the pressure on the lip. She didn't know why but after a moment, her thumb was introduced to her mouth, gaining a low moan from Y/N. Eagerly, Shauna reincorporated enough to replace her thumb for her tongue, kissing her vehemently with a mix of lust. She changes the roles and now she is on top of her, supporting her weight with a hand on the mattress, near Y/N's head. Meanwhile, Y/N's hands tangled on her brunette hair and her legs were wrapping on her waist.
"It will be my first time..." Y/N shyly said when Shauna started to let wet mouth kisses on her neck, closing her eyes. Of course it made the girl on top of her stop.
After a few seconds and when Y/N started to regret what she said, Shauna grabs her hands Y/N took off from her hair to put on her eyes to hide from her. "It will be mine too..." She confessed in a whisper, making Y/N open her eyes and seeing the sincere look directed towards her. "We don't have to do anything, you know?"
Y/N softened when she heard Shauna say that.
They both pictured it very differently. Y/N always thought that maybe Charlotte Matthews would be the person doing this, and Shauna dreamed about it with Jackie. But now Y/N only could think about Shauna, about her poems, about her little noise she let out when she is pissed or annoyed by someone, about how always she worries about her or her friends, about how her mysterious brown eyes hide how truly she is. And then, she realised she is in love with Shauna Shipman. Deep down, Y/N knows this would be a mistake.
While they gaze at each other, both of them with waves on their minds, trying to let the peace calm their senses, they thought that maybe, it is worth taking the risk.
It's Shauna who made the bold move in a shy, but gentle manner. She kissed her slowly, savouring every part of her mouth, letting her know what she was feeling. After all, Shauna is not good at expressing her emotions with words.
"I want to make love to you." Shauna whispered in her mouth, her dilated pupils meeting their own.
Y/N smiled, pecking her lips. "Me too." Whispered back, brushing her nose with hers.
The next day, Shauna woke up when the sun shined on her face. She let out a groan, hiding her head on the pillow. When she tried to move her arm, it was trapped at a heavy weight. Slowly, she opened one eye, adjusting to the natural light involving the room, then she opened the other, doing the same thing. Her eyes fell on the other person laying there, her naked back facing her. Memories from last night running to her mind and a silly smile finding a place in her mouth. Her arm is trapped under Y/N's body, she can't feel it and at the moment she doesn't care. She wrapped her other arm around her hip and pressed her chest on her back, hiding her head in the crook of her neck, pecking the skin there. When she was starting to drift off, Y/N stirred in her sleep and changed the position, now they are face to face.
It's Y/N's turn to wake up. She blinked a few times when opened her eyes for the first time that day and when she adjusted, an involuntary smile approached on her face. She scanned Shauna's features, the normal frown between her eyebrows was gone, replaced by a line. Her messy hair framing her sleeping face, Y/N moves her hand to her hair and with her index finger, she starts to play with a lock. Her eyes find the marks Y/N did last night on her neck, it's not too much, only two but notorious. She knew that herself had more and probably bigger, not only on her neck. A blush spread from her ears to her cheeks when without pretending her eyes fell on Shauna's chest, she removed eyes quickly.
"You love that I'm watching you, do you?" Y/N said in a hoarse voice, a hint of tease there. She saw Shauna's corner of her mouth up, clearly feeling her gaze on her body.
"Maybe, I don't want to interrupt your moment." Shauna said back, half laughing.
Before they could start with the bickering, Y/N was hungry, the proof was her stomach sounded, and knowing Shauna was too, she stood up and saw the green flannel laying on the floor, she grabbed it and put it on, covering her chest. Then, she went to grab some comfortable pants.
"What?" Y/N asked when saw Shauna gazing at her with hypnotic eyes, accompanied by a smile.
"I don't mind if you wear my clothes now." She teased, but secretly enjoyed the views.
Y/N showed her middle finger and indicated to her that she could grab clothes from her closet before disappearing to the kitchen.
The morning went well, Y/N's parents were working and they acted like a truly couple at breakfast. Shauna needed to come back to her house, for her dismay. So with a promise to Y/N to see her later in the theatre with the gang, the brunette stole a few kisses and marched away, too happy to not hide it when she entered on the dark living room.
The following weeks, Shauna and Y/N acted like they were a couple. Their affection intensified, like Shauna approaching with a little bouquet of red roses with a poem she wrote. Y/N cooking for her because she knows Shauna likes how she cooks and gives her to take some to her house if she can't stay with her. And many more little details that are making not only Jackie insane, Natalie is happy for her friends but also sick to see the love that two profess and it didn't help when Misty Quigley rant about the couple, looking at them with an envious gaze but at the same time with amazement, weird in Nat's opinion, then she thinks is Misty and there's not another explanation.
For Y/N, November came with a tenderness and brighter feeling, even if the weather tried to tell her the contrary. She is happy when Shauna holds her hand every time they meet in the halls or when they sit down with their friends and keep on their little bubble, murmuring no sense with enamoured smiles on their faces.
But the downfall is coming and Y/N isn't ready for that.
It was on Thursday, usually Shauna had training that day of the week and Y/N had theatre class. That day was raining a lot, like if the sky was crying about all of them for something they still didn't know. Y/N walked to her locker to grab her math book to study later on her home, she closed it and when she turned her distracted mind came to a hold when saw the wet figure walking slowly towards her. A grin took power of her features seeing Shauna with her usual flannel, this time purple and also a little wet from the rain. Her hair was down, not caring about how wet it is. Y/N told her a few times she needed to dry it and especially at this period of time.
Shauna approached her with a nervous look and slow steps, a hand holding the lashes of her backpack. She held her breath when Y/N leaned to peck her lips, Shauna thought she didn't deserve Y/N. She removes her hair from her face and puts some strand of hair behind her ear, giving Y/N a lipped smile. Then Y/N grabbed her free hand to guide them outside, but Shauna remained in the empty hall.
"What? You forget something?" Y/N asks confused, still her smile on.
Shauna opened her mouth and closed it. She scratched her neck facing the floor. "I need to talk to you..." She whispers, her eyes coming back to Y/N face. Shauna played with the hand intertwined with hers, balancing it softly.
"Okay...?" Y/N chuckles confused, trying to decipher Shauna's behaviour. Sometimes it is really difficult for her to know what happens in her mind.
The brunette swallows hard, but decides it's time. "It's about Jackie." She whispers again, seeing how Y/N nods and remaining quiet to let her explain herself. "I told her everything." She is so cowardly that couldn't see her reaction at her confession. The hold on her hand loosen. She felt worse when Y/N asked the reason in a thread voice, she even didn't seem mad at her. "Jackie told me she is in love with me... And told her everything, about the plan we made." Her brown eyes were raised to explain and when she finished, Y/N painted a dry smile.
"Of course you did..." Y/N muttered, she could start to feel how the anger was building inside her. She bit her lip so hard that she could taste the blood from the newly cut. "That's what you care about me?" She asks, betrayed.
Shauna shakes her head quickly, a scared look on her face. "No, of course not! But we have a deal, right? We will stop the moment they confess to us." She knew that words should never be left her mouth. She cursed herself. She opened her mouth to speak again but Y/N raised her hand in front of her to stop her.
"I always knew that I would never compete with Jackie. I feel so dumb to let you in...," Y/N started to say in a betrayed voice, some tears escaping from her eyes. Shauna swallowed hard, hating herself for doing it to you. "I trust you, Shauna! I fucking fell for you and I thought it was mutual. I'm guessing now that it's not." Her voice was raised with every word, to Shauna it felt like a punch. A new word a new punch, and she knew she deserved it. "It took you three weeks to throw up my hope, my heart! Don't dare to look at me like that, you fucking hypocrite!" Y/N yelled more when Shauna tried to grab her hand. She stopped when Y/N moved aside, now her cheeks wet for her tears falling from her eyes. The words echo not only in the empty hall, in Shauna's head too.
"GO AWAY!!" Shauna jumped, some tears falling from her own eyes to see the person that actually loved her with her heart broken for her fault. She doubted, but walked away to let you have some space. She felt horrible, she was happy with her. Why did Jackie need to approach and confess when she truly was happy?
Y/N let her book fall to the floor, and leaned her back on the lockers. Her hands travelled to her face, sobs echoing. She hates herself for letting Shauna enter so deep in her heart. Her breath caught on her throat, a knot forming there.
"Y/N?" Someone called, Y/N turned to hide, now her face is looking at the lockers. She didn't know who it was, but wished the person left her alone. But the person had other plans and turned around, on her blurry vision she could see a tall figure looking at her with a worry expression. "You are having a panic attack. Follow my breath." Lottie grabs Y/N's face between her hands, making her look at her and copy her breathing. After a while, Lottie got Y/N to breathe normal again. Y/N hid on her chest, muttering incoherent things. Lottie wraps her arms around her waist and leans her head on top of hers, letting Y/N vent.
The tall brunette took Y/N outside, the rain pouring on them but Lottie took her to her car. They entered the back seat and just like the sky was pouring into the city, Y/N did the same thing with Lottie, wetting her yellow shirt. She didn't mind at all. "Shauna broke up with me..." Y/N says in a whisper.
"Why?" Lottie asked gently, playing with her hair. That simple question made Y/N squirm, a shadow of pink approaching on her cheeks.
Y/N sighed and thought that everything is fucked up, so why don't tell her the truth? "We made a plan to make Jackie and you jealous," she confessed, embarrassed. She saw how Lottie was surprised to hear it. "I always have a crush on you... And everyone knows about the crush Shauna has on Jackie. So we planned it, well I proposed it to her." She whispers, scratching her head nervously and avoiding Lottie's gaze. "We spent a lot of time together, in highschool and out of it. It changes in that party when Shauna scores and gives an assist." Y/N murmured, playing with her fingers on her lap. "We kissed that night. Since then, we can't stop making out. I fell in love with her Lottie..." She started to cry again. "We... I lost my virginity with her..." Lottie could hear her heartbeat in her ears, pounding. She wraps an arm around Y/N shoulders and hugs her. She has a lot of emotions right now, but Y/N needs her, and Lottie would do anything for that girl. "S-She told everything at Jackie the m-moment she confessed her feelings tow-wards her..." She stammered, wiping her cheeks while some sobs escaped from her mouth.
There's nothing Lottie could do or say something, she just holds her.
Six months.
That's the time Shauna spoke to Y/N for the last time. She saw how little by little recomposed herself, with Lottie's help and move on. At first Shauna tried to approach her, but Lottie didn't let her. She tried on several occasions, and with a sad expression walked away when Lottie with a warning look stopped her.
Shauna saw how slowly, with patience and little details Lottie healed Y/N's heart. It hurt her how a morning Shauna went out of her car and before she could step inside, from a distance appreciate Lottie holding Y/N's face between her hands and kiss her, a shy smile approached her features, breaking her heart in the process.
During a match, Shauna was playing like shit, she thought how the hell did the coach sub her off. It worsened when Lottie scored and after celebrating with her teammates, the tall brunette ran with a grin towards the bleachers to kiss Y/N, all people there cheered the public affection. It really pissed Shauna.
The funny part is that Shauna never wanted to break up and in fact, was Y/N without realising who broke it. Shauna informed her about what happened, but never with other intentions. Jackie understood after she explained the whole thing, even if her own heart was broken in the process, she can't deny the way Shauna talks about Y/N. Since then, her best friend approached again and tried her best to help her, also trying to talk with Y/N herself, and with the same result as Shauna, Lottie with the experience from the previous months, didn't let her in fear of Jackie insulting Y/N.
Today, after six months, Shauna felt exhausted. She abandoned the training, not supporting anymore the constant yelling from her coach and failing simple drills, it didn't help too the pity looks towards her. Something she is glad about is that they stayed out of what happened, she didn't care if they criticized her on her back, she wanted peace for once.
With a frustrated sigh she slammed the door, the cleat resound in the empty changing room. Shauna walked towards her bench, sitting there. Her hands covered her face, tears streaming down. She felt so tired, about everything. The worst part is that she can't explain properly, only a person lets her and is the main reason for what happened.
Shauna was so lost in her mind that she didn't realise someone was entering. The person walked towards her and wrapped around her shoulders, startling her. The brunette removes her hands from her face and sees the last person she thought would see. Y/N gives her a lipped sad smile, Shauna's doe eyes not believing what she is seeing.
"What are you doing here?" She whispered, fearing she spoke loudly Y/N would disappear.
"Lottie texted me." Y/N whispered back, caressing her arm. Shauna leaned her head on her shoulder, smelling the aroma she missed like a crazy those months without her. "Everything okay at home?" She asked softly.
"Like always." Shauna admitted in a muffling voice. "Can I tell you something?" She shyly asks.
"Of course." Y/N reply, playing now with Shauna's messy bun.
"It's about that moment... I think you thought the wrong thing because I didn't explain correctly...," Shauna started to say without moving her head from her neck and pausing to let Y/N stop it if she felt uncomfortable. But she didn't. "I told Jackie everything, the full story. And what happened between the fake part of our relationship. I told her that for once in my life I was feeling happy, someone who thinks for herself and is encouraged by someone who supports me... For once I fell in love and this time didn't hurt, because it was pure and sincere from the start..." More tears fell from her eyes. Y/N grabbed her chin gently with a fear and sad look, an idea in her mind. She is crying too and before wipes her own tears, she raises her thumbs to her cheeks and wipes Shauna's.
"Shauna..." Y/N whispered, her breathing caught in her throat.
"I don't want to break up with you. I just wanted to inform you, and I know I was nervo-..." Y/N shushed her the moment Shauna let slip from her mouth what she feared to hear out loud.
"Why didn't you tell me before?" Y/N asked sadly, a hint of pain in her voice.
"I tried! But Lottie didn't let me and I don't blame her. She wanted to protect you, I would do the same thing..." Shauna admitted, wiping now Y/N's tears.
They spend a few minutes in silence, Shauna staring at her and Y/N at the floor, thinking. "I'm sorry..." Y/N start to say, looking at her. Shauna opened her mouth to say that she didn't need to apologise, but she didn't let her. "I don't want to hurt you. That's never my intention and finding it now makes me feel sick... I can't change what happened. I'm in love with Lottie. But believe me please when I told you that you made me fall in love with you. That's months with you were magical. You make me feel unique and special and I truly hope you find someone who deserves you."
Shauna sobs, throwing herself in Y/N's arms.
They hugged each other for a long time. The rest of the team finished the training and found them like that. Lottie gave Y/N a worry but reassuring look, and Jackie a wink with a grateful smile.
"I will always love you, Y/N." Shauna whispered.
"I will always love you too, Shauna Shipman." Y/N copied her.
"Shit, it really is a drama lesbian." Van muttered lowly, but the looks from the others tell her that they listened. Y/N and Shauna's soft laugh interrupted the tension.
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happilyhertale · 1 year
Destiny is all - Osferth x female!reader, Part 7
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Summary: You are Finan's sister. You live in a village in Scotland, near the border with Northumbria. You lead a quiet life until your brother decides to visit you with his boys and your life changes completely.
Pairing: Osferth x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW
Author’s note: Hey you (:
Now I am finally sharing my little Osferth story with you. The events are a little different from the story in the series. (No, Osferth will not die either). I hope you will enjoy it! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Dear readers... we all knew this moment would come and now it is here.... This is the last part of this story. Thank you for all the great comments and conversations that have come out of it!!! Much love to you Word count: 2.5 k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Other stories of mine
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Finan seems paralysed at first. The noise around you seems numbing. But Finan doesn't seem to notice much of it. When he stirs again, however, he slams the mugs of ale onto the next table. More ale lands on the table than is left in the cups afterwards. He looks over at you and takes a big step towards you. Sihtric stands shocked next to Finan and does not dare to intervene.
But before Finan reaches Uhtred, Osferth is at your side. Your arms are still wrapped around Uhtred. Somehow you seem to be enjoying the kiss... and you feel good about showing Osferth that you can enjoy yourself without him. But suddenly Uhtred is pulled away from you. Your eyes grow wide as you see Osferth's hand on Uhtred's shoulder and he pulls him away from you almost violently.
"Y/n???" Osferth almost shouts and looks at you angrily.
You just return the look.
"Well, ya seemed busy... I thought ya wouldn't mind if I was busy elsewhere too!" you answer and cross your arms in front of your chest.
"Can someone explain to me what's going on?!" asks Finan angrily. But Uhtred puts a hand on Finan's arm and only shakes his head slightly as a sign that he should not interfere.
The noise around you has not abated, but the silence that now reigns between you is stifling. No one answers Finan. His gaze wanders back and forth between you. He looks first at you and then at Osferth.
But you and Osferth don't notice Finan at all. You are still standing in front of each other, still looking at each other angrily. Your gaze becomes slightly provocative.
Finan looks at Sihtric. But Sihtric raises his hands innocently, "I was with you getting new ale. I didn't do anything wrong this time," Sihtric says.
As Finan's gaze falls on Uhtred, he remembers that Uhtred kissed you. Finan grabs him by the collar and pulls him towards him, "Ya have kissed my sister?!"
Uhtred grins slightly, "That really was an accident and should have gone differently. Calm down," he says to Finan. He reaches for Finan's hand and loosens his grip. Finan just grunts, "And how am I to understand that? Y/n. Can you say something about it?", Finan now turns his attention to you.
Tired of all the last days, you don't feel like arguing here now. There is no point in getting into a discussion with Finan or arguing with Osferth now. Frustration courses through your veins as you make a determined turn and stride out of the inn.
As you make your way through the boisterous crowd of happy voices, laughter and excited chatter, you walk on unperturbed. As you make your way to your room, a presence catches your attention - Osferths walks after you, incessantly calling your name through the air. But each call only stirs the fires of anger within you, causing you to simply move on and ignore his calls.
"Osferth... Just go!" you shout warningly at him as you enter the room and stand in the doorway. You just slam the door in his face. Osferth is standing in front of the closed door. But he doesn't think of just leaving you alone now. He pulls open the door and enters the room.
"I certainly won't do that now!", he only replies and closes the door behind him, but a little more gently this time. You turn to him and look at him angrily.
"But I don't want to see ya now!" you shout at him. His eyes almost sparkle, "That's too bad, because I want to talk to you now!" he just replies.
You look at him with raised eyebrows. Again you cross your arms in front of your chest.
"Oh? So you want to talk? All right then, tell me Os... While I was in the camp, surrounded by all those Danes, trying to gather information... But at the same time, filled with this fear of not seeing ya again, ya were having fun here?" you say to him angrily.
Osferth hesitates briefly. But he quickly catches himself again.
"I wasn't having fun here! I was afraid for you!" he shouts.
"Scared while ya were lying between the ladies' thighs?!" you interrupt him.
Osferth's head turns red, "Never would I have started anything with those women while you were in potential danger!"
But you just snort and glare at him angrily.
"I mean it, y/n!" he says in a calmer but firm voice. You hear him breathing heavily as he takes a step towards you.
"But it looked very different just now at the inn!" you retort again.
"You were kissing Uhtred there! What am I supposed to make of that?!" he says, now angrier again.
"Because ya had two women on ya, idiot!" you feel the rage inside you reach its peak.
Amidst the charged atmosphere, you become aware of Osferth's proximity, standing very close to you. Both of you are breathing hard, your faces marked by unmistakable anger. There is an oppressive silence between you, broken only by the rhythm of your breaths. As his gaze moves from your eyes to your lips, a strange feeling of warmth mingles with the anger coursing through your veins. You have no desire to receive a kiss from Uhtred. But neither do you want to see other women enclose Osferth in their passionate embrace.
Suddenly you pull him down and kiss him. He gasps briefly as your lips touch. But immediately he wraps his arms around you and kisses you. Your kiss is wild. Very different from the kisses you have usually exchanged. Your tongues dance wildly around each other, fighting for dominance. His one hand moves to the back of your head while his other hand rests on your lower back. He holds you close to him. Osferth begins to push you backwards towards the bed, not even interrupting the kiss.
You let yourself fall as you stand beside the bed and Osferth immediately lies down on top of you. You can already feel how aroused he is and you whimper briefly when you notice how he presses his aroused length against your warm core. But Osferth swallows your whimper as his lips settle on yours again and kiss you wildly. You are both breathing heavily and you are aware of a growl forming in his chest. Your hands move to his torso and begin to pull at his shirt as you try to open it. Osferth doesn't hesitate for long. He breaks the kiss briefly and takes off his shirt. You see his lean torso as he kneels between your legs. Light muscles are visible under his soft skin. You bite your lip lightly. You start to open your dress. But before you can react, Osferth's hands are on your body. He begins to open your dress roughly.
You gasp briefly as he literally rips open your dress. He pulls it over your shoulders and kisses the soft skin of your neck and shoulder. Your breathing becomes heavier. You pull your dress down further and Osferth finally takes it off completely. You lie naked under him and pull him down to you again. Passionate kisses follow. Your tongues are still fighting for dominance. His hands slide over your body, sending a shiver down your spine. His fingers reach your thigh and begin to tease you. While still kissing you wildly, he leaves circular motions on your thigh. Slowly but decisively he lets them move higher. He grips your soft thigh a little as his hand reaches the inside of your thigh. Again you whimper and you feel him smile slightly as he kisses you.
You reach for his neck as his fingers reach their destination and slowly glide through your wetness. His fingers are immediately soaked with your arousal. You moan out, "Os..." You hear him chuckle softly.
Even before he slides two fingers inside you, you look up into his face and notice a slight smile forming on his lips again. You close your eyes and he lets his fingers slide into you again and again. Your warm walls immediately clench around his fingers and you hear him groan deeply. His thumb finds your pearl and begins to leave firm but gentle movements on it. You squeeze your eyes shut even more and moan.
His fingers thrust deeper into you. With each thrust, his thumb rubs further over your pearl. His fingers reach your sweet spot and each time he touches it, your hips jerk further towards his fingers. You hardly notice how he opens his trousers and lets them slide down. Without diverting his attention from you, he suddenly kneels naked between your legs.
He pulls his fingers out of you and you whimper slightly as you feel the sudden emptiness inside you. But this emptiness is quickly replaced by the feeling of him sliding his hard member through your folds. You hear him grunt again. As he slides his hot length through your wetness, a wet smacking sound fills the room. He lets his hard member be enveloped by your wetness before placing it in front of the entrance to your warm core. You look into his blue eyes. You are both breathing heavily.
A moment passes in which neither of you says anything nor moves. Then you kiss each other gently. His soft lips are on yours and he begins to thrust gently into you. You gasp as you feel him fill you more and more.You grab his shoulder again as he is up to the hilt inside you. You gasp as he fills you completely. "Os..." you moan again. He gives you some time to adjust to his size. He kisses you as he slowly moves inside you. But as time goes by, his thrusts become stronger. His moans of pleasure mingle with yours as his hips slam against yours.
His thrusts become firmer and more purposeful. You begin to moan louder. You grow louder with each thrust. He presses his lips firmly to yours and kisses you. You feel his heavy breathing. His hand reaches for your thigh. He spreads your legs further apart. His thrusts go even deeper than before. You moan out and again a smile plays around his lips. He leans down and begins to kiss your neck. He bites into your soft skin as he thrusts into you. A light groan sounds from him. You bite your lip as you feel his bites.
"Os...", you moan. But only a "mmmhm" sounds from him. The sweat on your skin mixes where your bodies touch.
You push his hand away from your thigh. At first he looks at you irritated, but you just kiss him. You put your legs around his waist. You press your heel against his bottom and press him further against you. His cock thrusts deeper into you and you cry out with passion.
His balls keep slapping against your bottom. You continue to moan. Each thrust hurts, but it feels so good.
Osferth still has a smile on his lips. One of his hands reaches up and tangles his fingers in your hair. His other hand slides to your hip to hold you firmly as he continues to thrust into you, but also so as not to crush you with his body.
"Os... I am so close... Os," you whimper.
"Come... Come on my cock.. Let go for me, my lady," he breathes in your ear.
You moan again as you hear his words. His thrusts become even harder. You are a moaning mess. Your thighs begin to tremble. They are still around his waist and he feels them twitching around him. He thrusts further into you. You feel the heat spreading through your abdomen and you whimper. And then he pushes you over the edge. You moan loudly. Your warm walls tighten around his hot length again and again. Osferth grunts, but his thrusts don't let up. His hand is still on your hip. He continues to hold you tight, thrusting into you. He closes his eyes and you hear him moan. "Oh Lord..." he suddenly moans and you notice how his thrusts are getting sloppier and sloppier. His thrusts soften until they subside.
You are both breathing heavily. Osferth lowers himself onto you and buries his face in the crook of your neck. You feel his warm breath and how he gasps. You are still panting, but you have to smile. You let your hand wander into his hair. Gently you stroke his head.
"Did ya really just say 'Oh Lord' when you climaxed?" you whisper to him.
You hear him chuckle slightly.
You chuckle as well.
"That reminds me, I should ask for forgiveness..." he says softly and gestures to get up.
"Noo... Ya stay here," you say and pull him towards you again.
A soft chuckle escapes his lips and he lies down beside you, pulling you tenderly into his embrace. You reach for the blanket, it envelops both your bodies. You snuggle closer to his side and your gaze meets his, fascinated by the loving bond between you. Amidst the intimacy, you become aware of the rhythmic, wild beat of his heart, a lively echo that effortlessly harmonises with your own. A gentle smile caresses your lips, and a tender kiss on the tip of your nose seals this moment of happiness.
But just as he is about to say something, the door opens. Finan suddenly rushes in. His gaze wanders around the room until he suddenly sees you lying on the bed. His eyes grow wide as he realises that you are lying in bed with Osferth and your clothes are lying next to the bed.
He seems speechless at first and you try to cover your body.
"Osferth!!", Finan shouts. Uhtred suddenly appears behind Finan. When he sees you lying on the bed and notices how you try to cover your body and Osferth's face turns red, a grin comes to his lips.
"I... I...", Osferth stammers out.
Your cheeks also turn red, but you have had enough.
"Finan! Get out!" you suddenly shout.
Finan looks at you, stunned.
"Y/n!...", he begins. But before he can finish his sentence, Uhtred grabs him gently but firmly by the shoulder and pulls him backwards out of the room. Finan tries to reach for Uhtred, but Uhtred simply pulls him along.
"You should put some clothes on," Uhtred says with a grin as he closes the door.
You are still breathing heavily. Your eyes and Osferth's meet. You see how Osferth's red cheeks match yours. You kiss him gently and feel him begin to smile.
"Maybe ya shouldn't just ask God for forgiveness..." you whisper to him.
His cheeks become even redder.
"That's not funny... He's going to kill me...", Osferth says softly, but you see a slight smile on his lips.
"I will prevent that," you whisper against his lips and kiss him again.
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angstintensifer · 3 months
Huntlynn headcanons.
Hunter was absolutely smitten with Ashlynn since day one and always tries his best to impress her. He will go out of his way to look good on dates and especially on outings like a dance or something important but his looks don’t matter to Ashlynn, she always adored him for who he is.
The enchanted forest is their safe place and they still go on dates there even after their relationship was public.
In the beginning Ashlynn tried to push Hunter away because of their destinies and her fear of what would happen if people found out a royal and a rebel developed romantic feelings for each other.
She went back to him later that day and changed her mind because she also believed their love was worth fighting for.
Hunter is known to make occasional surprise visits at the glass slipper during Ashlynn’s work hours when he’s bored or because he misses her, he also wants to check up on her and make sure she's not overworking herself.
When their relationship was a secret Hunter would passed messages to Ashlynn via bird to be romantic.
Hunter can always tell when something is bothering Ashlynn, if she's having a bad day he can sense it and will do everything in power to either comfort her or cheer her up.
Hunter was hard to read at first for Ashlynn, because he was so used to hiding himself in front of his family and friends but eventually Ashlynn could read him easier than anyone else could.
During their true hearts day breakup, they were both miserable for those hours apart. Ashlynn could barely stop crying but held most of it in to convince herself it was the right thing to do (it wasn’t)
Hunter was utterly devested and had a big breakdown the second he was alone with his feelings.
Ashlynn wanted to avoid the dance because she knew she would see him at it, but went because Briar convinced her. Hunter went because he felt at least seeing her around would make him feel better even if she didn't want to be with him anymore.
They were constantly glancing at other when their relationship was a secret, it was a bit obvious they were together. (Cedar also said this in her webepisode so)
Despite being raised to be tough huntsman, Hunter is very gentle with Ashlynn when it comes to physical affection. He adores, hugs and cuddles. He will find any excuse to hold her hands.
Hunter doesn’t find shoes interesting but he could listen to Ashlynn talk about them for hours, because he loves listening to her talk and watching her get so excited.
Hunter taught her some archery and they often go on archery dates together, it gets a bit competitive but they have a lot of fun.
In return, Ashlynn tried to teach Hunter to dance because she’s good at it and the first time ended badly with him tripping and getting slightly injured, but she patched him up herself.
They both dreaded the legacy day. Ashlynn attempted to break up with Hunter on legacy day to spare them any possible future pain but they both decided they would face the day together instead of giving up on what they have, even if it was secret.
Hunter doesn’t like to give up on things and while he understood every single one of Ashlynn’s doubts and concerns, he wanted her to know he would fight for her whether she choose to stay with him or not. He always have a choice if she wanted out.
Hunter was the first say “I love you.” He said it on legacy day before the ceremony. And Ashlynn was in shock to hear it and didn’t reciprocate the words until after the ceremony in regret that she signed the book after what Raven did.
But Hunter knew she felt the same way.
It’s implied in the books that Ashlynn gave or made Hunters leather bracelet, so I like to think she did.
Hunter is very good at doing Ashlynn’s hair and likes to braid it or just brush it for her.
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